#he has like ten cards laid out
deadpuppetboi · 5 months
Since Toymaker knows every game in the known universe and beyond, does that mean he plays the most dumbest/dangerous/intense games ever known?
Does he play Cheese Rolling?
Does he play Russian Roulette?
Does he play Lotería?
Does he play all of these games with a straight face regarding how bizarre or insane they all are?
Where does he draw the line?
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erwinsvow · 1 month
shy reader sending rafe nudes for the first time🫢
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rafe was so nice to you. his new favorite hobby seemed to be spoiling you—it seemed there was an endless influx of shopping trips and things getting delivered to your house after being mentioned once. you don't know how he always got it right, the exact color you wanted or the perfect size. especially when you weren't even sure which style was the best or were having trouble picking between two. rafe would decide for you, usually picking right or just ending up buying both.
he was very good at this whole thing, and though you had trouble accepting his genoursity at first, you felt you were growing into it quite nicely.
the constant denial that you wanted something turned into a sweet, grateful smile when rafe offered to get it. worrying about how expensive something was long-forgotten, instead you gave rafe a kiss on the cheek instead of mentioning it.
and the best part was that he liked it, liked taking care of you, liked making sure you had the things you wanted. he'd even gotten a shiny silver credit card with his name on it, had insisted that you use it for things.
"what kinda man am i, huh? if my girl has to buy herself nice things. that's no way to treat your best girl, huh?"
mostly he just wanted to hear you call yourself his girl, but it was getting easier and easier to swipe it out and about.
you fell into the trap of the saleswoman at the lingerie store—you'd come once before to buy some nighties when you started sleeping over at tannyhill every single night. you'd handed her the silver card, thinking about what rafe had in store for you if you showed up wearing what you'd just bought, when she snapped you out of it
"is that all for today mrs. cameron?"
she'd transported you into a completely different spiral. so you had returned with a craving to hear yourself be called that again, buying anything and everything that caught your eye, but mostly things that you thought rafe would like.
on your way out, still elated from the sheer headrush of being called mrs. cameron, you don't even notice the missed call and texts from rafe, not until you get home and put on the first of many new outfits.
rafey: what the hell is la perla. the fuck did you buy for $500??
dolled up in your new outfit, you angle yourself to snap a couple of pictures with your phone, the first showing your tits spilling out of the pretty, floral bra and panty set. then you laid down, trying to capture your ass and the best arch you could manage without rafe there to push your back for you. trying on another thing you'd bought, this time a pretty white babydoll, you take a selfie showing just enough of the fabric.
sending the photos without any caption, you wait patiently for the response. but seconds turn into minutes, minutes into ten and twenty, while you wonder if you overstepped, if rafe was displeased at your purchases, at the waste of money.
rafe opens the door so hard it slams, and you flinch.
"get on the bed. now." like always, you comply. you guess he wasn't so mad after all.
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augustinewrites · 1 year
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your little flower stall is strategically set up a few feet from one of the trendiest restaurants in this area of tokyo. 
it’s a smart spot, one that men like reo can appreciate when he’s already ten minutes late for his date. he’d quite literally just left work, a last minute meeting having forced him to get ready in the back of his car in his haste to arrive somewhat on time. his shirt is untucked and his pants are wrinkled from being left in the trunk for so long.
he winces when he catches his reflection in a window, running a hand through his unkempt hair in a poor attempt to fix it. he definitely can’t show up empty handed when he’s late and looking like this. 
“good evening,” he greets, a little breathless as he approaches your stall. his eyes scan the bouquets available, looking for any safe picks and frowning when he realizes you’re out of roses. so he shrugs and picks up whatever’s closest. some kind of yellow flower.
“yellow carnations?” you murmur as he digs into his pocket for his wallet, prompting him to glance up at you. “an odd choice.”
“how do you mean?”
“it’s an unusual choice for a date, is all.” 
he raises his brows. “how do you know they’re for a date?”
“oh, come on,” you grin, leaning against the counter. “a handsome guy like you doesn’t have someone to buy flowers for?”
he knows it’s probably just a marketing pitch, but his ego swells nonetheless. “handsome, huh?” 
you simply shrug - tease - and place the carnations back into their bucket to grab a different bouquet. you cut a strip of white ribbon from its spool, winding it around the stems. “go with these instead. if your date knows anything about flowers, these will definitely get you laid.”
reo actually laughs at that, as he strongly doubts the wannabe influencer he’d been set up with knows much about the meanings of flowers, but he’ll take your word for it. he hands you his card, not-so-secretly hoping that you’d caught a glimpse of his name on its surface before you swiped it through your machine.
when you return it to him, he pulls a handful of bills out of his wallet and stuffs them into your tip jar.
“oh,” you start. “that’s too much–” 
he flashes you a smile that’s been called ‘swoon-worthy’ before, waving you off as he tucks his wallet back into his pocket. “don’t worry about it! you’re saving my life here.” 
“your sex life, you mean?” you quip, but your eyes sparkle at his praise as you hand him the bouquet. “well, thank you for your patronage, sir.” 
he quickly dips his head in thanks, a little reluctant as he heads towards the restaurant. 
monday mornings aren’t especially busy for you, as bleary eyed office workers don’t have much need for flowers. 
which is why you’re surprised when the man from last friday starts approaching your stall, holding a cup of what you assume must be coffee. he doesn’t quite look like you remember, from the impeccable cut of his suit to the way his hair is neatly pulled back. he’s even wearing aviators that you’re sure would look ridiculous on anyone else, but for some reason make him look like a movie star. 
he pulls them off with his free hand and hangs them off the pocket of his bag, waving at you like you’re old friends. he looks so earnest and excited that you can’t do much else than blush and raise your hand in response. 
“morning,” he greets once you’re close enough to hear. “this is for you. for last friday. i wasn’t sure what you’d like so i just got their special.” 
he holds out the cup, whose logo you now recognize from the overpriced cafe down the street. you take it, smiling. “i take it your date went well then?”
he tucks his hands into the pockets of his trousers, shrugging. “sure.” 
“did you come to buy her more flowers?”
“ah…i don’t think i’ll see her again.” 
you perk up at that. just a little. “oh?” 
“yeah,” he sighs, bouncing on the balls of his feet. “i, uh, kinda wanna see where things go with someone else.” 
oh, of course there’s someone else. a guy like him probably never has a shortage of options. (and who are you not to capitalise on that?) “maybe some flowers will help.” 
you think there’s something mischievous in his smile. “definitely. what do you recommend?”
reo is running out of places to put his flowers. 
they’re all over his office. they line the entirety of his windowsill and take over the free space on his desk. a small clump of white daisies in an old coffee mug. a single rose in his pen cup. his assistant has to crane her head around a vase of lilies to deliver her reports at the end of each day. 
what can he say? you’re one hell of a salesperson. if anyone had asked him what his favourite flower was before, he’d have no idea what to tell them. in truth, he’d never given much thought to something so impermanent as flowers.  
but you easily become a permanent part of his routine. each day he stops at your stall, utilising the information he’d gathered from the internet just moments before to impress you with an educated floral choice. 
you always smile when you hand him the bouquet, and he wonders how your product isn’t sold out at the end of each day, with a smile as enamouring as yours. 
when his office is overrun by floral accents, he starts bringing them home instead. his neighbours gush about what a great boyfriend he is each time they catch him returning with a new arrangement. they say that whoever he’s coming home to must be a ‘very special someone.’
they don’t know that it’s just nagi, who barely looks up from whatever game he’s playing but comments mildly that he didn’t think reo was a flower guy. 
“everyone’s a flower guy,” he’d quipped as he unwrapped the brand new vase he’d bought to accompany the bouquet of peonies and anemones you’d given him. 
and if nagi noticed he’d come home blushing the day you called him your most important customer, he didn’t say anything.
“hey,” he asks on a particularly slow sunday afternoon. you’re in the process of wrapping - by his request - a bundle of lilacs, which happen to be your favourite flower. “come to lunch with me. i can get us a table—” he points to the restaurant behind you. “—there.” 
you don’t answer right away, allowing yourself a moment to make sure you’ve heard him right. “what would your girlfriend think?”
he looks confused as you hold the lilacs out to him. “girlfriend?”
“yeah…isn’t she the one you’ve been buying all these flowers for?”
he blinks a few times before hanging his head with a chuckle. “no i— i don’t have a girlfriend.”
he doesn’t have a girlfriend. so that would mean…
“you’re asking me out,” you realize, averting your gaze to the counter with all the awkwardness of a kid receiving their first valentine. “i’d love to, but i can’t just close—”
“what would you make in a day?” he blurts. “ideally.” 
“well, ideally i’d be sold out—”
he flips his wallet open and hands you his card. “i’ll take everything then.”
“everything?” you echo. 
he shrugs, shooting you a wink. “what can i say? i’m a flower guy.”
“reo,” you laugh, pushing his card back towards him. “i’m not going to let you pay me to go out with you. just go grab some takeout and come back here. a pretty face like yours is bound to sell.” 
“you’re whoring me out for business?” 
“i’m just being entrepreneurial,” you counter. 
he crosses his arms over his chest, a handsome grin on his face. “alright, but i’ll need to be compensated for my efforts. maybe even with a kiss…”
you roll your eyes (albeit with a smile) as you point at the restaurant. “at least buy me lunch first.”
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according2thelore · 9 days
after chuck dies, dean starts having pain in his shoulder. just his left shoulder. it's constant, and it throbs. and it throbs. and it throbs.
sam tries to buy something at the grocery store, and all their cards get declined. he tries to set up new cards when he gets back to the bunker, but suddenly tricks that have been working for ten years don't work anymore.
dean's ears ring when the room's quiet enough to hear. sam's jaw starts hurting from how hard he grinds his teeth in his sleep.
when they go on hunts, there aren't any more non-chain motels. no more local "riverside inns" or "quick sleep-n-stays" or "parkway motels." it's all motel six, motel six, best western, econolodges, motel six. places they've been staying their entire lives barely exist anymore. the rare local places like "philly red carpet suite" they do find are few and far between, and one foot in the grave.
sam gets an upper respiratory infection that lasts weeks. he can't seem to shake it. when they go to a doctor, their fake insurance bounces. dean gets stabbed in the leg by a ghoul on a hunt, and the scar twinges until he dies.
sam has internet connectivity issues that he's never had before, and has to rewire the entire bunker to access his basic files.
baby needs four time the gas she used to, and sam and dean notice that every drive across america seems to take hours more than before. it takes them five hours to dig up their next grave, and they get caught more than once.
for the first time in forty-five years, dean winchester gets actually, properly drunk, and he's laid out all day, throwing up miserably into the toilet.
sam has to get a brace for his back, years bent over tables and computers making the low throb in his spine ever-present.
they break into a museum to pull an artifact, and the cops show up in a matter of minutes, tripped by some silent alarm that they don't know the location of.
it's harder to get victims to talk to them on hunts. for some reason, no one seems to believe them anymore when they say they're FBI or grief counsellors or park rangers or restaurant investors.
it's not a lot, but it's enough for them to notice. the world doesn't work for the winchesters anymore. it doesn't revolve around them.
there is no author to make it easy.
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juicyc0utur3 · 2 months
This might sound weird but like can you do Rodrick Heffley NSFW alphabet?
omg ofc
sorry this took so long i’ve had this in the drafts since last year 😭
warnings: smut, biting, cockwarming
nsfw under the cut
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a (aftercare)
he’s heavy on aftercare, always getting you water and giving you baths and giving lots of kisses
b (body parts)
i think his favorite body part of his is his hands, he has really hot hands and he loves what he can do with them wink wink
his favorite part of yours would be your neck and stomach, loves leaving hickies and kisses and bites etc etc
c (cum)
he’s very messy with his cum, and loves when you guys are close and he asks you where you want it and you say some body part and the image of that gets him closer
d (dirty secret?)
fem - has never tried it but is into the idea of you wearing a strap
male - thinks about subbing very often
e (experience? do they still have a card?)
i don’t see him as experienced but he has had sex
like he’s lost his v card but you’re the first person it actually feels good to do it with, mental wise
f (fav position?)
he loves loves LOVES it when you ride him cowgirl style, but is honestly good w anything as long as he’s getting laid
g (goofy, how serious or unserious are they?)
depends on the day but he’s normally a pretty good balance
like he’s serious but if something funny happens you guys both laugh about it together and it’s rlly sweet
h (hair, do the carpets match the drapes?)
carpet matches w little to no difference, maybe a bit darker down there
but he normally looks very neat when you guys do it, unless it was unexpected
i (intimacy, how do they act in the moment?)
he’s honestly very sweetie pie, just takes his time and looks at you like you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him(bc you are)
j (jack off)
a shit ton. i won’t elaborate, use your imagination
k (kinks)
cockwarming, bodyworshipping on a blue moon, can’t think of much else tho
this man is the embodiment of vanilla ice cream
l (location, where do you guys get it on the most)
in either of you guys’ beds, or the family bathroom of a close store every now and then
n (no, anything he wouldn’t be into at all?)
spanking, js doesn’t seem like the type
oh also somnophilia, if he fucked you so hard you fell asleep he would probably be terrified
o (into oral? giving or receiving?)
eats pussy/gives head like a champ but is probs more into recieving
loves seeing you look up at him with his dick in your mouth
p (pace, fast or slow?)
again it depends, but probs fast
q (quickies, are they into it?)
yes but it depends on where you guys are
w (wild card)
yk how in cockwarming, the dude w the penetrating cock is normally in control? not for this guy LMAO
you’re sitting on his lap with his cock between your legs and denying him permission to come, while he’s doing whatever else like video games, drumming etc
x (x-ray, what’s going on on under those clothes)
7 1/2 inches, circumcised, veers to the right a bit
his confidence is placed well
y (yearning, how often do they want it?)
this man is up for it absolutely anything
jacks off maybe a few times a week, has a slightly above average sex drive
z (how fast to they go to sleep?)
depends on when tbh
like if it’s at night he’s probably out in the span of like ten minutes, but during the day he may js want cuddles
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cowboydisaster · 1 year
Your Protector
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pairing: Arthur Morgan x fem!reader
word count: 2.9k
summary: Arthur comes to your rescue while you're being harassed.
a/n: This is technically a reupload from back in November but I added a lot more detail and its now about 1k longer so-- Also this fic was originally a request: "reader getting hit on in a shady alley and Arthur rescuing her"
warnings: gore, blood, violence (not more than game), harassment, basically a gross, greedy man who gets a bit handsy
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It’s been ten minutes since Arthur left you in the alley. Nervously, you run your sweaty palms down your jeans and slow your breaths. You couldn’t deny Arthur when he had asked you to scope out this job with him. He made all the plans, crafted a safe and efficient way to get the money with no one getting hurt. And although you trust him, your nerves are still on edge. The other outlaw had caught first wind of this score when helping a passerby on the road in Bayou Nwa. Arthur helped a man with a nasty snake bite, and was gifted a token of information as a payment. Apparently, the Saint Denis gunsmith is running a little underground gambling. Big poker games, with top players, betting more money just on one game than you’ve ever laid eyes on in your life. That tip came about a few weeks ago, and after some sniffing around, Arthur found the information to be true. Tonight, at 8pm, the cards were dealt for the tournament game. The big one. 
You pace, nervously glancing down at your silver pocket watch. The time reads just after midnight. These games take hours, if not days, but by now most of the money should be out, and the players should all be here with their riches. Before jogging up the metal staircase and sneaking through a cracked window, Arthur had planted you as a lookout in the alley adjoining the gunsmith. His plan is: sneak in, play the part, and rob the bastards blind. They’ll probably be too wasted on hooch to even notice him slipping away with their life savings. Your job is strictly to keep watch, which Arthur reassured you is a very important job, despite your reservations. You glance at your pocket watch again, seeing that Arthur has now been in there for thirteen minutes. Shoving the watch into your pocket to get rid of the distraction, you glance around the alley. It's dark, and eerie. The pass way is long and narrow, with rotting wooden crates lining the walls and rats that run and squeak, causing you to jump every now and again. Water drips down from the metal overhangs, driving you mad with their constant noise. 
Anxiety pools in your gut as the shadows made by the rats and the crates shift, and the walls seem to move in on you. It’s all an illusion of course, but your heart rate picks up as the shadows shift and taunt you. A few times you scare yourself, looking at the shadows for too long until they begin to morph. So, to preserve your sanity, you distract yourself, pulling your cattleman from its holster. You grab a bottle of gun oil and a little rag from your satchel, humming to yourself as you wipe down the barrel of the gun, making sure to get in between the little grooves. Arthur had bought you this gun, and had it engraved with ornate flowers. It’s one of your most dear possessions. You still feel incredibly uneasy, like you’re being watched, followed. But you tell yourself that your mind is just playing tricks on you. You focus on the gun, keeping enough awareness of your surroundings to know if the law is coming. With a satisfied smirk, you hold your gun under the flickering street light, admiring its clean, shiny state. Suddenly the gun is knocked away from your hand, and you gasp, having only a moment to watch it fall onto the cobblestone before whipping around in shock.
A beast of a man, easily over six feet tall with broad shoulders, towers over you, sneering down at you with yellow teeth and breath that reeks of liquor. He scares the hell out of you, and you back away quickly. In one large step backwards, with a loud gasp, your back hits the alley’s brick wall. The man steps forward, sandwiching you between himself and the wall. You feel so sick, so naive right now. When you had agreed to do this job, you’d expected to run into some nasty street kids and oversized rats at the worst, but oh were you wrong. Somehow the other type of vermin roaming Saint Denis had slipped your mind: the men like this one. The men who drink their fill and search the streets for a cheap woman to spend the night with, or any woman to spend the night with. He is the exact type of man you would expect to be at an illegal poker game, with greasy hair, beady eyes, and sharp features that remind you of a predator.  Your back is still pressed against the wall, and the man in front of you corners you by bringing a hand to either side of your head on the wall. You’re trapped. You glance down to your cattleman on the street, and damningly realize you can’t reach it. When the man opens his mouth to speak, the acrid, alcoholic smell of his breath makes you gag. 
“Say, what’s a pretty lil’ thing like you doin’ in these nasty parts of town all by yourself?” His breath is hot on your face, and the smell of his sweat chokes you. You think about screaming for help, but all that would do is tie a noose around Arthur’s neck. Yelling isn’t an option. One of his large hands comes up to your face and he gently caresses your cheek with the back of his index finger. You tear your face away from his touch, fuming. You look angry and tough, but under it all you’re terrified. 
“I'm not alone, got a friend in the gunsmith, he should be back any second.” you growl, staring the man right in his colorless eyes. Slowly, he turns his head in both directions, scanning the gunsmith doors and the stairwell that leads to the attic. When he turns his head back to you, there is a sickening grin on it. 
“Well, sweet thing, I don’t see anyone… do you?” The man chuckles deeply, threateningly, “It can be real dangerous around here if you ain’t got someone to keep an eye on you…” He snarls, a mock smile on his lips that causes your stomach to flip with disgust. The man leans down, only inches away from your face as you shove your body back against the brick wall, wishing it would swallow you whole. 
“The names’ Levi… care to tell me yours, pretty girl?” Levi sneers, eyeing your scowl.
Your eyes are glued to the gunsmith’s side door, silently begging Arthur to return. You know that you can’t fight this man off. He’s much bigger than you, and even in his drunken state, he’s stronger than you are. His hands grip your forearms, pushing you back against the brick wall and you yelp. 
“I don’t need you protectin’ me, now let me go!” You yell into his face, shoving against the brute as hard as you can. Levi only laughs, pushing closer to you. His weight, sandwiching you against the wall, knocks the air out of your lungs as you attempt to push him away. He only laughs, and the smell of his alcohol ridden breath once again makes you gag.
“Why don’t you come wit’ me? I’ll show ya a real good time. Do you think a lil’ thing like you can handle me, precious?”
Eyes squinted shut, you silently beg Arthur or anyone to help you. 
— — — —
Arthur scans the room once more before swiping the cash off of the table and sliding it into his leather saddle bag. Most of the gamblers have passed out, but the ones who are still conscious are far too drunk to notice Arthur slipping by, knocking out a couple of guards and stealing their wealth. It's dark in the room, most of the candles have burned out already, and Arthur isn’t seen as he crouches, expert fingers grappling and pickpocketing as he goes. There is a little makeshift bar towards the window he had crawled in through, and on top of it rests a thick clip of money. Arthur eyes it, stepping towards the window to snatch the clip. Just as he passes the window, a breeze rolls in, and carried on it is your voice. 
“Let me go!” You growl, and Arthur peeks out the window, face pale as his heart drops. He sees a big bastard, towering over you and holding you against the wall, yelling in your face. For a second Arthur sees nothing but red.
Arthur panics, filled with both rage and fear. The cash clips that he has not yet collected are discarded on the counter as Arthur runs down the interior staircase. It's quicker than crawling through the window and dealing with the ladders. Arthur’s mind is clouded with a primal instinct to protect you as he bolts down the steps, skipping multiple as he goes.
“Shit, shit- Shit!” Arthur growls, pushing up against the main door to the gunsmith. It doesn't budge, presumably locked for the night. And although Arthur would only have to reach down and unlock the fine wooden door, he wastes no time, kicking the wood with such force that it swings open, nearly knocked off the goddamn hinges. Arthur fumes, stepping through the broken door, and dropping the saddle bag onto the ground. You’re only right across the alley now.
His eyes meet yours, and you look so small compared to the bastard who is bothering you. Arthur doesn’t hesitate for a second, coming up behind Levi in a few long strides and grabbing him by the back of his collar. Even though Levi is large in comparison to you, he is not nearly as big as Arthur. 
Arthur drags Levi back by his collar with an indescribable rage, and slams him into the brick wall, opposite of you. A sound erupts from Arthur, that could only be compared to a growl as he wraps his hand around Levi’s throat. His other fist is raised and ready to beat the life out of the bastard. You breathe deeply, sinking against the floor to catch your breath and reel over what’s playing out before you., relief washing over you because Arthur’s here.
“What in the hell were you just sayin’ to her?!” Arthur’s voice is deep, filled to the core with rage, the kind that can’t be stopped or repressed. His eyes are dark, and despite the love and the comfort that they have provided you with, Arthur looks terrifying now. 
You can do nothing but catch your breath and watch the scene play out. You’re still in shock, mindlessly rubbing your hand over the spot on your arm that your perpetrator was gripping onto so tightly. You wince, realizing that there will definitely be bruises there later.
Levi cracks a sickening smile before responding to Arthur, 
“Ah, so you’re the one this whore is fuc-” Levi’s words are cut short as Arthur’s fist meets his face. There is so much force and anger behind the punch that you are surprised Levi is still conscious. A loud crack snaps through the air- you realize that it is Levi’s nose shattering as he screams out in pain. Arthur is fuming, his shoulders rising up and down quickly as he attempts to stop himself from killing this piece of shit. He puts his fist down, but keeps his hand on Levi’s throat. A bruise in the shape of Arthur’s knuckles is already starting to form on Levi’s face. His greasy hair is now falling down in front of his eyes as he spits blood onto the ground. You’re not sure if it’s because he’s drunk, stupid or both, but he attempts to get under Arthur’s skin one last time. 
“You don’t feel like sharin, do you mister?” Levi pauses, spitting some more blood to the ground and eyeing you up and down before continuing, “Can’t say I blame you partner… If I had a woman wit a body like that I’d never-” 
Once again Levi is shut up by Arthur’s fists. Except for this time Arthur doesn’t stop. Something snaps inside the outlaw, like he’s gone completely feral. Arthur shoves Levi to the ground, straddling him while landing punch after punch to his face. You sit against the wall in shock, wincing at the wet crunch and snap of bones breaking. Arthur’s chest is heaving as he beats Levi senselessly. You’re not sure how long it goes on, but it feels like forever. 
Eventually, Levi stops resisting the blows, and Arthur gets off the half dead man, still enraged. He stands, fuming. 
“You piece of shit, don’t you ever put your goddamn hands on her again- and if you ever talk to her, or any woman, like that again, I'll do alot worse than this, you hear?!” Arthur all but snarls. 
Levi doesn’t respond, and Arthur kicks him in the ribs for it.
“Do. You. Hear?” Arthur growls, low and deep. 
You’re honestly not sure if Levi is even alive, or capable of responding. His face is beaten in, red and smashed, he's not even recognizable. You breathe a little easier when you see the beaten man nod his head up and down. He’s an awful bastard, but you’re relieved that Arthur didn’t kill him.
“Good.” Arthur hisses with an icy tone that you’ve never heard before. 
Stepping over Levi, Arthur leans down into a crouch in front of you and his features soften. He gently pulls the hair away from your ears, checking your face before running his green eyes over your body, checking that you’re not hurt. His face is pinched up in concern, and the hands that check over you are bruised and stained with the blood of your perpetrator. After doing a quick check over, Arthur grabs your gun. His gentle hands meet your waist before he helps you to stand up. As soon as you’re on your feet, without another word, he grips your hand, picks up the money bag and pulls you deeper into the alley. After some turns and bends, Arthur stops in a secluded spot. 
Arthur deems you both far enough away to be involved with any trouble from the law, and he turns to face you. His hands come up to your cheeks, and with care he gently turns your face to both sides, checking you over more thoroughly. 
“How badly do you hurt?” Arthur asks, rolling up your sleeves to assess the forming purple splotches along your arm. 
When he sees them, his jaw sets into a hard, cold state as he breathes deeply to control his rage. Your eyes flutter up to his own, and you tread on thin ice, not wanting him to go back and kill the man. 
“Im okay Arthur, really, I-” You start, tears pooling in your eyes. Arthur watches them form and then wipes them away with his thumb. 
“Now don’t lie for my sake, he hurt you? More than this?” Arthur’s hand is gently holding your bruised arm, and the other cups your cheek. His eyes speak of an ache, of regret, you know he blames himself for leaving you in the alley, and you rush to reassure him.
“No, no he didn't hurt me, shook me up a little, but nothing bad.” You whisper, catching those soft green eyes again. Arthur looks down, and his body tightens as he avoids your eyes, terrified to ask the next question.
“Did he- did he do anythin..?” Arthur looks up, eyes locked on to yours to assess your answer, and you flinch, realizing what he’s asking. God, it could have been so much worse. 
“Arthur, no, I promise, I’m okay. Really.” 
He nods, seemingly accepting your truth with a breath of relief as his tongue darts out over his lips.
“Fuckin’ bastard, I should’ve done a lot worse to him.” Arthur curses, stepping away to pace lightly.
You step forward and put a hand on his warm chest to quell his rage. 
“No, no you shouldn’t have. He got the message Arthur.”
Arthur glances up at you for a few moments, his hands resting on his belt before he steps forward, and pulls you toward him by your shoulder.
“Just… C’mere sweetheart.” He whispers.
You step towards him, grateful for the way he envelopes you into his arms. He’s so big, so warm.  It’s a comfort that you didn’t realize you needed in the moment as Arthur kisses the top of your head. Everything is perfect, just in the moments that he holds you like this.
“Y’know, I worry about you sweetheart. Don’t want you gettin’ hurt or bein’ made uncomfortable by bastards like him.” Arthur mutters into your hair, still hugging you tightly.
You wrap your arms tighter around his torso, nuzzling into his chest. 
“Well that’s why I have you.” You counter, smiling into Arthur’s warmth. He chuckles, and you’re glad to hear it. 
“I'll always be your protector, darlin.” Arthur says before pressing a slow kiss to your temple.
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mandoalorian · 1 year
taste of heaven
Joel Miller x F!Reader [smut]
Summary: You and Joel leave the quarantine zone in search of some medicine, when you come across a variant of the Cordyceps, taking life in the form of a pretty red flower. Whilst exposure to this mutated fungus doesn’t prove fatal, it does have some lasting effects.
Warnings: explicit, no minors. Sex pollen fic, exhibitionism, f!masturbation, fingering, tit play, degradation, jealousy, lots of begging, yearning/pining, implied age gap, mention of drugs/reader being drugged, cursing
Authors note: Please reblog to spread this fic around and it’s not showing up in tags! My requests & commissions are officially OPEN again! If you have any questions drop me a private message.
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'Nature vs. nurture' has been a discussion which had dominated centuries of wonder, and even in the year 2023, when the world had been wiped clean from humanity and only the hardened walked the streets, it was something that still preyed on your mind. The theory could be applied in many aspects; but one that you couldn’t quite navigate no matter how hard you tried, was how you had lasted this long living in a war-torn world. You often reflected on how you had kept yourself so clean and away from infected and bad people. You figured that for the first few years you had just gotten lucky. Your state was notified of the Cordyceps Infection before it hit and so you were given the opportunity to escape your city early. They were already building Quarantine Zone’s and conscripting Fedra military in August.
Until Christmas 2003, you stuck by your family. They were with you, alive, for the first three months of the outbreak. By this point, the Cordyceps infection wasn’t exactly seen as a ‘permanent’ thing and the government had yet to give up on finding a cure. One by one you lost your parents, grandparents and siblings, but not before you found solitude in a Quarantine Zone northwest of Rhode Island.
Those fragments of peace and liberty lasted a whole three years before Fedra wiped the town clean, and you had no choice but to evacuate. You headed towards Massachusetts, stopping by different QZ's, meeting new folk along your way.
But nothing was permanent. Ten years ago you found a home in Boston Quarantine Zone.
It wasn't a nice place, full of selfish people doing what they needed to do to get by. Rats on every corner, literal and personified, and so you did your best to stay out of trouble.
You’d take on little jobs and run errands to earn ration cards, and you would follow Fedra's orders to a tee. If there was such thing as a 'golden girl' in this world... well, that would be you.
And then you met Joel.
Joel wasn't a good guy, and he made sure you knew that when you first laid eyes on him. He was ruthless; a killer, and the type of person you should’ve stayed away from. You’d survived this long by keeping away from guys like him and yet, you found yourself drawn to him. There was something about his rugged handsomeness and dedication to survival that appealed to you. When you first met him, you noted that he was a man of a few words. He rarely offered you even a glance and if he did give care to give you his time of day, it would be nothing less than to mumble a warning to you.
It took Joel a while to warm up to you. The man seemed more than satisfied with his partner, Tess, than to even want to give you even just a bit of the minimal attention that you craved. You were unsure of Tess. She was very beautiful, with shoulder-length wavy hair and bright green eyes. You wondered if she and Joel were anything serious, or if they were merely just friends, or perhaps something in between. The pair were inseparable and often participated in smuggling runs together, or were hired as bounty hunters.
It was a smokey grey morning when Joel entered the makeshift QZ pharmacy where Fedra had you working. His dark eyes appeared sunken in and tired, a deep frown crossed his lips.
“I need fentanyl, morphine, oxycodone... something to take away pain.”
He was avoidant of eye contact, looking uncomfortable to even have to ask you of this. 
Your jaw slackened slightly and you furrowed your eyebrows together at the man's request. “Are you- are you okay?”
Joel scoffed and rolled his tongue over his lower lip. “It’s not for me.” He snapped back, already becoming irritated that you were questioning his request. It had nothing to do with you. 
Unamused by his attitude, you decided on shutting him down immediately. “I don't. We don't sell opioids here.” you glanced away from the man, feeling your cheeks become hot under his stern gaze. Now he was making eye contact and he knew exactly how to intimidate you. If Joel was anything, he was determined and if Joel wanted something he made sure he’d get it, no matter the means or consequences. 
“Fedra don't permit anything as... strong as that to be traded in the QZ.”
Joel grunted and slammed his fists on the cashier desk. “Don't play coy with me, girl,” he sneered, hissing through his teeth. “can’t have been the first person to come in and ask for this. You have to know where I can get it from.”
You swallowed, looking around the empty pharmacy for answers. “I know someone,” you said timidly. “Well, know of someone.”
“Take me to them.” Joel demanded, without missing a beat. His desperation was becoming clear. 
Seeing your hesitation, Joel brought his fingers down to the pistol that he'd stuffed in the back of his jeans, having been used to being able to make a sufficient threat. But then, before making any rash judgement, he stopped himself and placed a hand on the desk in front of you. He couldn't hold you at gunpoint. You were sweet, kind, and soft. In the many years of knowing him, you had been nothing but nice to Joel. It would be wrong to scare you like that.
Adjusting his composure, Joel took a deep breath and let his body relax. He could ease up around you. You wouldn't even hurt a fly; let alone pull any stunts on someone like him.
“Please." he said quietly, his brown eyes now appearing to be more pleasing than harsh. He could read you like an open book and he knew exactly how to wrap himself around you. You huffed out a sigh and contemplated giving him the information that he so desired. 
“There's a guy I've heard Simone talk about. He's housed up on the outskirts of Boston, about a three-hour hike from here. He's her dealer. He'll have what you're looking for, but Joel…" you reluctantly placed your hand down on top of the desk, next to his. “It's in Fairmount. But I don't feel comfortable leaving the QZ. I could get in trouble. And if this is for you— or your own personal dealing, then—”
And for the first time in weeks, Joel's lips curled into a small smile. He moved his hand over yours and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“You'll be okay,” he promised, and from the longing look in his eyes, you believed him.
“Can I ask, who is the medicine for?” you interrogated shyly after a few moments of silence. Joel's rough hands were still atop yours.
Joel broke eye contact with you. If he wanted you to be fully on board, then he had to start being honest. “Tess.”
“Is she okay?” you became alarmed, moving your hand away from Joel and already beginning to grab your supplies for the journey.
“She got into a fight with Robert and his men, she's badly beaten up. She just needs something strong to help her fight through it. She'll be okay. She's tough.” Joel wanted to curse himself for offering you so much information, knowing that Tess would've been mortified if she'd learned that he was telling you all of this. But he really needed your help.
“We best get going then,” you said, grabbing your rucksack from behind the countertop.
For a brief second, Joel admired your dedication to helping Tess. It bewildered him a little, knowing that Tess didn't exactly care enough about you to help you the same. Tess often muttered snide words about your inability to shoot a gun or your law-abiding attitude. She hated the way you would sink under authority, but Joel understood it. He understood that everyone had their different ways of surviving, and as long as it was working, then he wasn't one to judge. But right now, that didn't matter. Joel was just thankful that you'd agreed to go with him.
Somewhere along the journey, you noticed a shrub peppered with four-petaled flours, painted red with golden pollen in the centre. You’d never seen anything like them before, and you had studied horticulture a few years back in Rhode Island QZ. You found yourself magnetised by their beauty, and with Joel a few yards back from you, you decided to take some time to analyse the plant. Picking one from the bush, you rubbed the soft petals between your fingers and let the grains of pollen sink into your skin. When Joel got nearer, you stuffed the flower in your jacket pocket and continued walking alongside him.
You were about an hour away from Fairmount when you started to get dizzy. You weren’t hallucinating but your perception of your surroundings had certainly changed. The road ahead seemed short and thick and upon the horizon was a glowing pink line. 
“Do you see that?” You asked Joel, squinting your eyes as you extended your hand to point to the horizon.
Joel tried following your moving index finger but shook his head. “You’re pointing at everything and nothing. C’mon let's keep going.”
It started out with a burning sensation, your loins ignited and blazed inside of you. You tried to regulate your breathing and found yourself slowly losing concentration on whatever Joel was saying. You wanted to pay attention, you really did. You loved his voice, it was like honey and velvet and there was something about that damned Texan accent of his… you didn’t notice it before, but you were certainly noticing it now. Your nipples felt tender as they hardened and poked out from underneath your shirt and you silently prayed that they weren’t visible through your denim jacket. The air around you was suddenly humid and thick and moist. Moist… you let out a small whimper and stopped dead in your tracks.
Joel stopped too. “Are you okay?” he asked, observing your sudden reaction to the forbidden flower.
“I just need a second to catch my breath.” You exhaled, closing your eyes and desperately trying to cling onto oxygen. Joel glanced back at the trail you’d both been walking along. There had hardly been an incline.
Joel gave you a few moments and when you finally opened your eyes, you offered him a queasy yet confident smile. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Mhm,” you mumbled. “Let’s keep going. Nearly there now. What were you saying about the—ah, fuck.” You stopped again, feeling a sudden wetness in your panties. Bolts of electricity were shooting up and down your body and within just a matter of seconds, you felt the primal need for something to fill you. 
You looked at Joel and then looked away.
Joel said your name softly, drawled it out slowly like he was trying not to spook you. You refused to make eye contact with him, looking down at your feet. 
“Don’t lie to me,” Joel said. He placed a hand on your arm and you flinched away from him. “What’s going on?”
You bit your lip, pressing your thighs together hoping for some kind of relief to the ache between your legs. You’re looked around your surroundings, finding a large rock just a few acres away. Ignoring Joel, you sat down and he followed you on your tail. 
This was embarrassing. This was so embarrassing. 
“I don’t know what’s going on,” you admitted, dabbing at the beads of sweat that laced your hairline. “I feel hot and heavy and it’s hard to breathe, I feel like my clothes are constraining me and I’m… I feel…”
Joel crooked his head to one side.
“Joel,” you whispered. “Fuck Joel, fuck…” you hissed through your teeth. “Joel, Joel…” you panted his name like it was a sacred prayer. Joel would’ve been lying if he said hearing you chant his name like that didn’t turn him on.
Extending your arms, you reached out towards the man. He obliged, coming closer and kneeling down in front of you. He placed both of his hands on your thighs to illustrate comfort and gazed into your eyes. 
“What is it?” he quizzed further. 
You nervously swallowed and reached into the pocket of your denim jacket before bringing out the now crumpled-up flower you’d picked earlier. The pale yellow pollen slipped between your fingers and you dropped the flower on the floor. Upon seeing it, Joel’s dark eyes widened and he leaned away from you. 
“No, no, no,” you begged him, opening your legs and pulling him back into you, this time holding him as close as could be. “Fuck Joel, I— I don’t know— I don’t know what’s happening,” you squeaked, tears filling your eyes.
“Oh, sweet girl,” he shushed, but there was no denying the slight air of worry sprawled across his face. “What have you done?”
“I think it’s the flower… I just picked it up earlier because I thought it was pretty and, figured I could make a hair clip out of it or—“
“I’ve heard stories about those flowers,” Joel shook his head. “They’re a mutated form of Cordyceps… a variant that’s been growing like ordinary fungus, in environments, masking themselves as plants. I’ve never seen them before but… that’s what I’ve heard they look like.”
“Holy shit,” you whispered. “Am I infected?”
“No! No, no girl. You’re fine. You’re gonna be fine. These plants… they’re known to have a primal effect on their host. They want their host to reproduce so they release endorphins and, I… don’t know the science behind it but,”
“Joel,” you whispered. “Joel…” your voice trailed off, bringing your hands up to his cheeks as you cradled his face. Your thumbs brushed over his stubble which adorned his jaw and you admired the little missing patch of hair there that you’d never noticed before. “I’m fucking horny.” you breathed into admittance.
If you weren’t so worked up right now, you would’ve barked out a laugh at how ridiculous those words sounded leaving your lips. Joel swallowed, his adam’s apple bopping up and down in his throat. You licked your lips and waited for him to say something— anything. But he stayed quiet, only the slightest movement in his hand as he brought it to the inside of your thigh.
You tossed your head back at the gesture and Joel felt his cock throb in his pants at the sight of you coming undone over him. He noted the vein in your neck and the way your perfect lips parted in an O shape as he trailed his other hand up your waist and along your torso to the hem of your jacket. 
“We don’t have to do anything, we don’t have to… I’ll be okay if you just give me some privacy and I can… I can… you know,” 
“You need me and you know it,” Joel said gruffly, peeling back your jacket and letting it pool into a discarded pile on the floor. You already felt an air of relief wash over you as you lost an item of clothing. You hummed and leaned in closer to him, pressing your breasts which were now tight against your shirt into his face. “Say it.”
“I need you Joel,” you obliged. “Fuck, I need you so bad.”
“Tell me what exactly you need, baby girl,” Joel requested, bringing his hand to your breasts and massaging them through the material of your shirt. He pinched his finger over your protruding nipples and circled around them. He imagined nibbling it and sucking on them, and his mouth began to water.
“I need you, need your cock to fill me up. I want to wrap myself around you, tight, oh God, please,” you begged, grinding on the rock beneath you. The friction between the rock and jeans have you something, but it wasn’t enough. Joel discarded his jacket and unbuttoned his flannel shirt, throwing them to one side on the floor. 
“You want me that bad huh?” Joel chuckled, reaching down to his belt and unbuckling it. With a clink, that was on the floor too. 
“Need,” you corrected him. “This— this is fucking— fuck— I should be embarrassed.”
“But you’re not, because behind that sweet, good girl persona, you’re just a dirty, unfulfilled whore.” Joel seethed. If you didn’t know any better, you might’ve thought that was an insult, but his degradation only spurred you on more and you let out a moan. 
“Your whore,” you told him with a smile. You stood up and pulled down your jeans so you were now sat on the rock wearing nothing but your t-shirt and panties. Your legs still open, you dropped your hand to your crotch and started to rub yourself through the material of your panties. 
“Ah-ah,” Joel chastised, taking your hand away from your aching pussy and interlocking his fingers with yours. “Look how wet you are. From now on, only I’m allowed to touch you, okay?”
“Mm, sounds like you want me just as much as I want you,” you teased him, even surprising yourself at that little comment which escaped your lips. 
“I do,” Joel answered, bringing your hand down to his own crotch, allowing you to feel his bulge that was straining through his jeans. As if that wasn’t proof enough.
“What about Tess?” you couldn’t help but ask. Even while you were in heat, you found yourself thinking about what Joel and Tess got up to. What exactly their ‘partnership’ amounted to.
Joel smirked and pressed a kiss into the crook of your neck. “You jealous?” he mumbled against your skin. The low octave of his voice sent vibrations through your body. He licked a stripe down to your collar bone.
“Nuh-uh,” you shook your head. 
Every touch of his left a stain of fire.
“I think you are,” Joel teased. “You get jealous thinking about me fucking Tess— bending her over and taking her from behind.” 
You groaned. “Fuck you,” you whined, running your fingers through his greying brown hair. 
“Wouldn’t you like that?” Joel chuckled. 
Then, something caught your attention. You were drugged— ‘under the influence’— if you wanted a nicer way to put it. You wanted Joel but you had that damn mutated flower to blame, and yet Joel… this was raw. This was all him. He had nothing to blame other than himself because the truth is, he’s wanted you from the moment he laid eyes on you. 
“I fuck Tess,” he announced and you felt your face sour at his declaration. “But I wish it was you every damn time.”
You huffed as you let him take off your t-shirt. His eyes widened when he saw you weren’t even wearing a bra.
“Somehow I doubt that,” you muttered with a roll of your eyes. 
“Let me prove it to you.” Joel replied, this time his words holding the utmost meaning.
Joel unzipped his jeans and pulled them down to his knees, alongside his boxer shorts, revealing his long, thick cock. It was perfect, the dark pink head already leaking with milky white trails of precum. 
“You’re huge.” you couldn’t help but gasp out, making Joel laugh. You immediately eased at the sound of his chuckle. It wasn’t teasing or fake, but it was genuine and authentic. Dare you say, cute. 
But the little butterflies that fluttered in the pit of your stomach were short-lived. Your loins ached even more just at the mere sight of him and you eagerly ditched your panties within seconds. Leaning back, you made yourself as comfortable as you could be atop of the rock and spread your legs for him. What a sight to behold, you were. 
Joel admired your glistening folds as he eye-fucked your entire naked body. You brought your hands to your tits and began to play with them as you let him observe you.
“Please Joel,” you begged. “Let me feel you.”
Joel hovered over you and pressed his cock between your folds, rubbing the tip up and down, separating you. Obscene and lewd wet noises filled the quiet atmosphere as Joel gathered your juices on his manhood. 
“Such a pretty pussy,” Joel sighed, before bringing a thumb to your clit. He began to draw circles over the bundle of nerves, causing your body to jolt with the overbearing rush of pleasure. You knew you wouldn’t last long and you could feel your orgasm begin to creep upon you. But you needed more.
“Fuck me Joel, I need you inside of me.”
“Like this?” Joel asked and with one smooth motion, Joel thrusted his cock inside of you, your wet walls squeezing around him. “Oh shit.” he croaked out, taking a moment to adjust himself to the ethereal feeling of you wrapped around him. 
“Yes, just like that,” you praised. “Move now, please.”
For the first time, Joel followed your instruction without any tormenting or teasing. He’d wanted this just as bad as you did. Joel rocked his hips into you, building up a rhythm that you just couldn’t resist. His movements began to set out a pace but in time he quickened himself, focusing on getting closer to his high as he felt your own body quiver and shake underneath him. You knew he was close when his thrusts became sloppy and he chanted your name under his breath. 
Joel delved his face into your neck and you screamed as your climax came crushing down. Joel felt it too— the effect of your orgasm and what it had done to your body. Without any warning, Joel shot ropes of his cum into your pussy before slowly pulling out of you. The warmth of his seed painting your walls was enough to help you come down from your high. 
Joel rolled off you and laid next to you, atop of the rock.
The sky was growing dark now and nightfall was approaching. 
“Thank you.” you whispered when you regained your breath. You let yourself have a few moments to try and come to terms with what had just happened. By far, the best experience of your life. 
Joel leaned over onto his side and looked at you, feeling completely enamoured with your beauty. You were still flushed and sweating but the effects of the flower had worn off now, and you were doing much better.
“Before, when I said I thought of you when I was with Tess… I wasn’t lying,” Joel admitted. “I don’t want you to think…”
You smiled, tangling your fingers into his hair and pushing his face down to meet yours. You offered him a soft, tranquil kiss and Joel moaned at the affection. Your lips were so soft, exactly how he’d imagined. If he could, he’d kiss them forever.
“Is she your girlfriend?” you asked after pulling away.
“It’s not like that at all,” Joel replied. “We just… we’re there when we need each other, y’know?”
You nodded your head silently.
“I don’t want this to be a one-time thing,” Joel announced, feeling a rush of nerves and anxiety race through his body. “I mean, not the Cordyceps flower. And not just the sex. But I want to see you again, after today. And I understand if you don’t feel the same way— I know, we’re so different and I ain’t a good guy. Maybe a girl like you would be better on your own, but damn it, I like you and—“
“I like you too,” you cut him off. “Maybe when we get back to Boston, you can take me out on a date?”
Joel grinned, a dimple appearing in his right cheek. There was those butterflies again.
“Alrighty then.” Joel beamed and you pressed another kiss to his lips. “It’s a date.”
taglist: @januarycolor @anapnovo-blog @pardebellesnuits @mi0o@supervengerslock@alitaar@bigpepperpicker@pedrostories@pedroprinces@
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stariikis · 3 months
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𝐫𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐡 | 𝐧.𝐫𝐤
royal flush ; (noun) a straight flush including ace, king, queen, jack, and ten all in the same suit, which is the hand of the highest possible value when wild cards are not in use. synopsis ; on your anniversary date with riki, he gets you thinking about how a deck of cards and a red string of fate bonded you forever.
pairing ; nishimura riki x reader genre ; fluff, romance, established r/s warnings ; mild cursing wc ; 1543
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“You think we were fated to be together?” 
As you let the words settle into the darkness, the weight of them simmer around you. It’s almost as if you’re speaking to, perhaps, a figment of your imagination, a ghost of a body you want to be present, but isn’t. But Riki’s fingers, slender and rough with calluses, (he’s recently picked up the peculiar hobby of monkey barring) slide through yours. Like a confirmation that he’s here. 
Like a promise. 
He likes to associate you both with the tied knot of the red strings of fate. Every gift you receive is tied to perfection with a red ribbon. He likes to decorate printed pictures of you and him with scarlet-licked ribbons, a string of yarn weaved through punched-out holes. You’ve never been much of an artistic person yourself, but Riki gladly takes care of the aesthetics himself. 
“You’re my royal flush. Of course we were fated to be together.” 
What on earth does he mean? 
The night sky envelopes you in a cool breeze. Riki’s canvas, like a mirror, reflects the stars dotting it on the black background. A female figure, meant to be you, is sketched neatly in the middle of the portrait. However, your boyfriend has seemed to temporarily forget about the painting he’s working on. 
He leans in closer, one hand supporting himself on the grassy field. The other squeezes yours in a tight reassurance. The grin he’s flaunting is one that makes you want to smile with him. But it’s hard to focus on him when your mind is running through everything it took for you to get here. 
“Hey, yn, come here!” 
Minji’s voice rings out loud and clear across the room the moment you walk in. In a circle with a few boys, along with Haerin, there’s a deck of cards laid out on the marble floor. 
You walk over hesitantly, blinking at the unshuffled pile. ‘I’m not very good at playing cards.” 
Your friend and roommate huffs in exasperation, grabbing your wrist and sitting you down in the empty spot beside her. Your new roommates stare at you expectantly, and it’s only then when you realise they’re waiting for an introduction. Hastily and half embarrassed, you nod your head and introduce yourself. 
The boy beside you, his hair bleached and long enough to be considered a mullet, smiles amiably and greets you. “Hi, I’m Riki.” 
The boy opposite flashes a smile somehow even brighter than Riki’s. “I’m Sunoo! Welcome to the dorm.” 
Shyly, you wave and proceed to receive your share of the cards Haerin has silently been dealing amidst the introductions. 
“I don’t know, guys…” you murmur lightly, trying to start conversation. “I don’t really play big 2 that often.” 
“But do you know how?” Minji tilts her head. Her playful expression is difficult to read. You look through your cards and nod in response. “Who knows, you might be the next prodigy, like Riki beside you. He wins every time! Why do we even play with him anymore?” 
Riki laughs boyishly, winking at you charmingly. “Nobody comes even close to beating me!” 
… It’s only your first day at university. You should not be finding boys cute yet. 
“Sure, sure. Maybe I’ll be the one to change that.” 
The game begins, and true to his word, Riki starts off strong. He’s either the luckiest man on earth or has the skills of a professional gambler, because everytime he places down a set, everybody lets out a gasp. As expected, nobody in the circle is able to beat his high value cards, and they skip their turns. 
You’re doing better than you expected though. Head to head with Riki, you both have six cards in your hands. Minji sends you a teasing glance, as if signaling for you to destroy him. The chances are pretty low. When Riki places down a full house, you have a feeling you’re pretty screwed. And since you’re his main competition, Riki quirks an eyebrow challengingly at you when he places down three 6s and two 8s. 
One card remaining in his hand, he looks your way and giggles. Giggles. It, like, kind of alters your brain chemistry a little. 
However, you’re lucky (and smart) enough to have saved your flush, and so you place down your ten, jack, queen, king and ace. As you do so, the whole room goes silent. Haerin is the first to break it, with the first sentence you’ve heard her say that day. 
“You had a royal flush?! Now Riki’s definitely going to lose.” 
“A royal flush?” You echo, unfamiliar to this term in the world of gambling. Riki’s smug expression has turned into an awe-struck one, and he’s ogling at the five cards you have just placed down. 
“Look,” Minji spreads your cards and points at the suit. “They’re all hearts, right? A flush, with all the same suit, is called a royal flush. It’s the best set of five you can place down in this game.” 
Sunoo gasps, all nine of his cards spread like a peacock’s tail in his two hands. He uses it to fan himself, shaking his head all the while. “Damn, I never expected anyone to beat Riki.” 
Of course, everyone passes, even a begrudging Riki. He hangs his head low, and you don’t know whether to rub salt in the wound or comfort him with a bullshitted, “oh, don’t worry! Haha! Beginner’s luck!” 
You toss your last card, a 7, onto the pile before excusing yourself. You don’t want to stay and risk being assaulted by a potentially extremely competitive 18-year-old. 
However, that isn’t the case. After a while, you meet him in the dorm’s shared kitchen, stumbling upon him making himself a cup of coffee. At first, you’re nervous and avoid his gaze, because who knows what he could do to your social status if he’s truly upset. You’re slightly traumatised from high school’s notorious group of popular girls. 
But instead of giving you a shit-eating glare like you thought he would, he taps your shoulder. It sends tingles through your body, and you almost physically reach up and smack yourself. 
“I challenge you to another game,” he beams at you almost innocently. “Tonight, my room.” 
As the days go by, these demanding three words leave Riki’s lips more and more often. Soon it is a tradition for you to knock on his door and be greeted with a deck of cards shoved in your face. You truly do somehow have a talent for playing cards, reigning above Riki – and you win him every single time. 
It’s his life goal to beat you someday. 
To this day, he still hasn’t been able to beat you. But when he confessed to you, his eyes glazed over with a nervousness you’ve never seen before, even during your heated matches. He shyly gifted you with a fresh new deck of cards, tied up with the red string of fate. 
He claims to love the colour red because it reminds him of you. 
“Look,” he whispered, in the middle of the dark and empty room. Minji, Haerin and Sunoo were all out late in class, and Riki had pulled you in with such a look of desperation and eagerness that you didn’t know how to respond. “It’s red, like the hearts on the royal flush you put down the first day we met. It’s red like the colour of your favourite flowers.” 
“Roses,” he turns around and retrieves a bouquet of the prick-studded flowers from next to his nightstand. He sounds a little breathless when he returns to you, and the adoration in his eyes makes you want to break down into tears. “You love roses.” 
The boy that you’ve liked since the moment you met him. Why would you not accept such a thoughtful, clumsy confession that is his? 
“I like you so, so much!” 
A royal flush. So that’s what he means. 
“Happy anniversary,” Riki sighs, a little too dizzyingly happy when he leans in to kiss your cheek. “I got you yet another deck of cards because I didn’t know what you would want.” 
He whips out a box with intricate lines and swirls, and the design is a little too familiar for your liking. 
“Is this…” you reach out to touch it, your fingers connecting once more in the process. Riki nods enthusiastically, lips pursed proudly. “The deck of cards we played with at the very beginning.” 
Something’s special, though, when you turn the box around and look at the bottom, you see that he’s engraved both your names there, in his very own handwriting. Your heart swells with pure love for the boy sitting before you. He may be clueless on what to get you, but at the same time he’s the best ever at giving gifts.
“Let me finish up this painting,” he sighs, and scoots back to scan you. His hands imitate a picture frame and he winks to get a clearer picture of you in his mind. “Pretty.”
He turns back to the painting, skilled hands picking up his paintbrush again. “After this, we can go home. I challenge you to another game of cards. Tonight, my room. And this time, I’ll win.”
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thank you for reading !
more of my works >
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eds6ngel · 6 months
✮⋆。°✩⋆˙ a christmas miracle
a 'when i kissed the teacher' spinoff.
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summary: you and steve were in a weird situation. you weren't actively trying to get pregnant, but you weren't exactly being safe either. so, how will steve react when he opens his final christmas present?
warnings: dad!steve. mom!reader. fem!reader. afab!reader. 90s!au. mentions and allusions to sex. mentions of pregnancy. pet names. kissing. tons of crying. alena being too young to understand pregnancy (kinda cute tho). alena being a cutie pie as always. some worries over steve's reaction. but mostly fluff and comfort!! [1.9k].
author's note: hi everyone!! i am back!! my first semester of uni is finally over, so i can get back to fic writing a little more! i couldn't neglect my happy family like this, so i've tackled a pregnancy fic! i've never been pregnant, but i do wish to be in my life, so all of my research has been for my own benefit and utilised in this fic. if i'm inaccurate in any parts, please let me know for the benefit of the readers and myself!! ♡
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It was hard not announcing the news to Steve. Having to attend your first scan without him was heartbreaking, but the look upon the nurse’s face after you told her you were going to wrap up the ultrasound photo, along with a card saying “Merry Christmas Daddy” and a pair of small, cream, woolen socks, just confirmed your decision was the right one.
You and Steve were in a sort of weird situation. You had stopped using protection, but weren’t in a position were you were actively trying to get pregnant. You agreed that any time from now was an okay time for the two of you to have a child, but also weren’t bothered if the pregnancy tests came back negative.
But, a little Christmas miracle decided to form inside of you, the test showing two lines on December 11th, 1999.
Steve and Alena had gone grocery shopping for an hour, the perfect opportunity for you to wrap Steve’s gift.
Rolling out the wrapping paper, you placed a grey, fluffy blanket in the centre, before laying on top the Christmas card which read:
Hi Daddy.
I’m six weeks old today!
I can’t wait to meet you soon! I’m planning to enter the world on August 20th, 2000.
My mom is keeping me very safe right now as I grow, but I’ll still be listening out for you from inside my home.
See you in nine months.
Love, your future child <3
And as you were about to place the ultrasound photo next to the cream baby socks you previous put underneath the card, your eyes started welling with tears once more.
Was it the hormones? Maybe. But, something in you felt this was all natural. You were growing a human life inside of you, one that has half of your DNA and the other half the love of your life’s. That was something to bask in the intense emotion of.
With everything laid out neatly, you reached over for the sellotape, folding over the edges and carefully sticking them in place.
Wrapping the gift in a pretty cream bow, matching the socks inside, and adding a label reading “To my darling Stevie,” you added it to the pile of increasing gifts in the corner of yours and Steve’s bedroom.
Now, just a week to go until he gets his surprise.
You cradle your stomach, despite the size not increasing at all yet, and whisper to your unborn child “A week and he’ll know, my love. Your beautiful existence will be known.”
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“Mom! Dad! Wake up! Wake up!”
You are awoken by the sound of your bouncing ten-year-old, aggressively rocking your fiancé as he groans loudly, his eyes adjusting to the light peaking through the window.
“Mornin’ pumpkin,” he murmurs, you opening up one eye as Alena’s full set of brand-new adult teeth smile right at you.
“And what are you doing up so early, missy?” you ask, the clock on the bedside table next to Steve shining a bright 6:00 in the morning, illuminating the room in a red glow.
“Mom” she drags out, rolling her eyes playfully, “You know what day it is!”
You tap your chin lightly, playing along with the joke, “Hmm… I feel as if I may need a reminder.”
“It’s Christmas Mom! And I may or may not have seen all the presents you left underneath the tree…” her vocal pitch increases, looking away in a guilty look as Steve reaches up and pulls her down into his body, the girl screaming as he ruffles her hair.
“Did someone be naughty and peak underneath the tree?” he grits through his teeth, Alena shouting in a reply, “I didn’t mean to, I promise! I saw it on the way to your room!”
You begin to tickle her sides as Steve holds her in place against his chest, making the girl scream in delight loudly, “Is someone now on Santa’s naughty list?”
“Mom…” she pouts her lips, a grumpy expression adorning her face as you sigh sadly, “I know sweet cheeks, you don’t believe in him anymore.”
“I’m sorry…”
You hold out your arms as you wrap her in a warm hug, “Don’t be sorry, baby. I knew you would realise eventually. You’re getting too old!”
She gasps and looks into your eyes, crossing her arms over her chest, “I am not old! You and Dad are old.”
You start giggling in shock as Steve just opens his mouth wide, “You better watch yourself, pumpkin.”
“Yeah,” you hold up a finger in warning, before pointing it over to Steve, “Dad doesn’t like being reminded he’s in his mid-thirties.”
And now it is Steve’s turn to attack you, but instead with aggressive kisses, littering them up your neck and across your face lightly, Alena now old enough to understand the playful love between the two of you. “You’re almost thirty as well, you know.”
“Two more years to go, babe. I’m still in my prime development decade,” you smirk at him.
And it wasn’t just you who was developing.
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A loud gasp can be heard along with the shredding of paper as Alena holds up her latest gift, “You actually got me it?”
For such a small gadget, the Barbie Digital Camera cost you $70, the most expensive gift yet, but maybe not the one which will cause the biggest reaction.
“Of course I did! It’s the one thing you kept pointing at in the magazine!”
She giggles with a bright smile, “Thank you! Thank you!”
She launches herself at you, the motherly instinct in you clutching onto your stomach to protect your unborn child, hoping Steve didn’t notice the movement. The surprise would be known in the next half an hour.
“And after you’ve taken your photos, we can connect it to Dad’s computer and see it come to life! How cool is that?”
“Can I take it to school?” she asks, clutching the box in her hands.
“I assume you can! But, just ask Mrs. Critchley before you take it in, okay?”
“Okay!” she smiles, plopping herself back down on the carpet to open the rest of her gifts.
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Your hands began to sweat. Alena was all done opening her presents, patiently waiting for you and Steve to unwrap yours.
Steve let you attend to your gifts first. Everything from a brand-new necklace designed with a rose quartz, matching your engagement ring, to the latest Nokia phone, you were thankful for everything he had bought you, praising him with many gentle kisses and warm hugs.
Now, it was Steve’s turn. You specifically told him to leave one present until last, leading him to give you an eyebrow raise and a shrug before simply agreeing, used to your weirdness by now. You got him everything from a new cologne to a new pair of Nike shoes, the soles of his old pair wearing thin from how much he was working over the Christmas holidays.
But, after one final kiss, it was finally time.
“Can I open this now?” Steve jokes, the nerves deeply settling in your stomach. You don’t even know why you were worried, you had stopped using protection in mutual agreement, knowing kids could be a possibility from that result. There was just a voice in your head trying to convince you an awful reaction would occur.
“Uh, yeah… Yeah, you can.”
“Hey,” he puts an arm on your shoulder, “Why are you so nervous?”
You lightly chuckle, “You’ll find out once you open the gift.”
Even after all of these years, Steve still wasn’t the smartest. Verbal cues were not his strong suit, but my God could he read body language like a champ.
He gives you a confused look before unwrapping the cream-coloured bow, delicately tearing apart the paper as his eyes immediately notice the ultrasound scan.
He may be oblivious, but he isn’t that oblivious. He has one very similar in his bedside table drawer of his sweet ten-year-old daughter sat next to him.
The tears form at his eyes before he can even recognise them. Small sniffles enter the atmosphere as his hazel eyes make contact with you, “Are you serious?”
And the tears follow suit for you, nodding frantically as he leans across the floor to collect you in his arms, crying into your shoulder.
“How far along?” he mumbles into your shoulder, tears dripping onto the red fabric of your dress.
“Read the card and you’ll find out.”
Steve was too drawn into the ultrasound scan to even notice the card you had gotten him. Releasing from the hug, he keeps a gentle hand on the small of your back, picking up the card and carefully opening it, reading the words you had written, the tears increasing as he noticed it was from the perspective of his baby.
“Wha— How? When did you get this done?” he stutters out, still in complete shock of the entire moment.
“Pregnancy test has been in the bathroom trash can for two weeks. I was scared you were going to notice it for a while, but then I remembered it’s you, and you don’t notice anything,” you giggle, Steve not even bothered by the joking insult, too caught up in his own emotions, “And two Thursday’s ago, I didn’t go to work. Went to the hospital and got the scan, and just hung around Starcourt until the time I would normally come home.”
“Well, you fooled me,” he chuckles, leaning in for a kiss which you gladly accept, cupping his cheeks as you smile into it.
“I love you so much, beautiful girl. And I love the baby who is growing inside of you. You’re so strong. Your body is so strong. I just— I can’t wait. I can’t wait to meet them.”
His hand had migrated down to your stomach, gently cradling the unborn child inside of you.
Alena had finally looked up from her Etch-a-Sketch, noticing the tears falling down both yours and Steve’s cheeks, your hands holding tightly onto each side of his head as your foreheads were leant against each other, kneeling on the soft carpet of the living room.
“Mom? Dad? Why are you crying?”
Steve turns around to face his daughter, you looking softly into her eyes, “Because Mom is having a baby, sweetie.”
Steve passes her the ultrasound scan, her face scrunching up in confusion as she points at it, “Why is it just a black blob?”
Steve begins laughing as his head falls onto your shoulder, sweetly rubbing up and down the sides of your waist.
“Because when a baby is first made, it starts out as a black blob and then grows into the full size baby we all know and love,” you explain gently to her.
“Hmm…” she takes in, before asking her next question, “But how did it get there?”
Your eyes widen as Steve’s hands stop on your waist, refusing to lift his head and look at his daughter.
You smile through the awkwardness, remembering that her sex education lessons would start in a matter of months, “You’ll find out soon, baby.”
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thank you ever so much for reading!! do you guys want any more pregnancy related fics? i really want to do some research into post-partum for myself, so do you want me to skip straight to that, or tackle other things like morning sickness, gender reveal, baby shower, stuff like that? feel free to let me know!! ♡
taglist: @livsters @bakugouswh0r3 @nix-rose @ihatepeanutss @suitelif3 @clincallyonline17 @crowssixof @starkeylover @eris-rose-86 @frostandflamesfanfic @tlclick73 @steveshairspray @superlegend216
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withahappyrefrain · 1 year
Summary: The pain medication given to Bob after a training accident has some interesting, albeit endearing, side effects.
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As you weave your way through the people, desperate to make it to the front desk, the words kept playing over and over in your mind.
Training accident. Had to eject.
The strong possibility always hung over in your mind, taunting you whenever he went to work. That one day you would receive that dreaded phone call.
And while you didn't get that phone call today the fact you came close was unnerving.
Hurt pretty bad. Needed surgery.
Your throat felt thick, as though you were almost choking on air. It was a surprise you could audibly tell the nurse at the front desk your name.
"He's still in surgery, Mrs. Floyd. You can wait in the lobby and we'll alert you when he's done."
Nodding because of your fear that if you spoke, the tears would spill out, you sat down in the uncomfortable chair.
You tried to people watch, see if you could spot someone you knew, who Bob knew. Tell you what happened.
But did you really want those horrible details?
No. You wanted to know that your husband was okay. That he would recover. That he would be back in your arms, where he belonged.
You could call his mom and sister, let them know what was happening. It could be comforting to hear their voices.
But it would also remind you that your husband was hurt and you didn't know if he was okay.
So instead, your fingers fiddled with his wedding ring that hung on the silver chain around your neck. He always gave it to you when he had missions.
That way you had a piece of him if anything happened.
"Mrs. Floyd?" You looked up to see a nurse standing near you.
"Your husband is all done with his surgery, he's-"
"Is he okay? How did his surgery go? Can I go see him?" The nurse took a step back at your numerous questions.
"His surgery went well. He's currently hopped on a lot of medication to reduce the pain, so he may be out of it. Once the doctor is done, you can go see him."
The next ten minutes were somehow even worse. Knowing Bob was so close, but not able to see him was absolute torture.
You practically ran when the nurse said he was ready for visitors.
The sight of Bob, eyes closed as he laid in the hospital bed, bandages covering his arms, hooked up to an IV bag was heartbreaking. Despite his tall, broad frame, he looked so small in that bed.
Maybe you should sit by the bed and wait for him to wake up. What even are the standard protocols when your husband has to eject from his plane and gets injured in the process?
Your feet had a mind of their own, bringing you to the bed. Then your hands had their own idea, reaching up to card your fingers through his ruffled dark blonde locks.
His shifted towards your touch, those beautiful blue eyes still closed.
"Hey love," you whispered before pressing your lips to his forehead. Seeing the rise of his chest with each breath brought you comfort; he was here, he came back to you, just like he promised.
A confused, drowsy hum left his lips as his eyes slowly opened.
"Robby?" You should take a step break. Should give him space.
But how could you, when those eyes deeper than the ocean looked up at you?
"Robby!" You all but threw yourself at him, burying your head into his neck, the comforting scent of sage filling your nostrils, "I'm so glad you're safe, I was beside myself when they called."
"I-huh?" His voice was drowsy and full of confusion. Makes sense, considering when he was last conscious, he was in a fighter jet, thousands of feet up in the air.
"Doctors say if you keep up your current trajectory, you'll be able to go home tomorrow. Gives me time to get your favorite meal ready."
"Beef Goulash?" Bob mumbled, his eyebrows knitted in confusion.
"Of course! Your mom's recipe." You pressed your lips against one of his red cheeks before capturing his lips with yours. You couldn't help it. Your husband had survived, he was right there. How could you not kiss him?
"Am I in heaven?"
You couldn't help but laugh at Bob's question, shaking your head as you kissed him again.
"No Robby, you're at the Miramar Hospital."
Bob pulled away, confusion written all over his face, "But....you're an angel?"
You shook your head again, but without laughing this time, "Robby. You okay?"
"I.....I was in the air and Phoenix, she kept telling me to eject and I think I did? Then I woke up and you're....you're here and wow. You're stunning."
Your stomach fluttered at his compliment, "Of course I'm here," you grabbed the hand that wasn't hooked up to an IV bag, "What kind of wife would I be if I wasn't?"
Bob's nearly widened, "Wife? Did you say wife?"
Oh boy.
"Yes, I'm your wife. We got the rings and everything." You held up your hand, showing the gold wedding band, which matched the one Bob wore.
"We're married?" His eyes were as wide as saucers, hope and confusion dancing along those oceanic irises.
"We are. Have been for five years now."
"Five years?!" Bob put his hand over his heart, as if he were afraid of it jumping out of his chest, "Wow. I bet those five years have been wonderful."
"They have! And I will tell you all about them, after I get the nurse!"
You began moving to get up when a large hand grabbed yours.
"Wait!" You stopped to look at Bob, "Are you.....are you sure you're my wife? Not that I'm complaining it's just you're so beautiful and lovely and I....I'm....just Bob."
So the pain medication could make him temporarily forget you, but not his insecurities? Go figure.
"No, you are not just Bob. You are the smartest, sweetest, kindest, most amazing man I have ever met. You're a wonderful husband and father, and every day I'm thankful I get to wake up next to you."
A small albeit sweet lopsided smile appeared on Bob's face, before his eyes widened once again, "Wait....did you did you say father?"
You couldn't help but giggle, "Yes. You are the father to three cats, two dogs, a rabbit, and three amazing kids."
"I am? With you?" His body was practically buzzing with excitement. His eyes were shining so brightly as he looked at you in pure amazement.
"You are. In fact, we were working on our fourth kid before all this," You smiled slyly as your fingers reached over his forearms.
"We-oh. Oh. We were-we did-um, I'm just wow I'm just going to lie down, oh look there's a bed."
The nurses rushed in upon hearing the heart rate monitor increase.
One even asked, "What did you do?!"
"Told him he was married with children."
The next day, the nurses alerted you that after the pain medication had worn off, Bob did remember you as his wife.
According to them, he wouldn't stop talking about you.
"My wife! There she is!" You smiled at hearing Bob's cheerful voice, knowing he was there, safe and sound.
"Hey hot stuff, you ready to go home? Mack has been asking when you'll show the Wizard of Oz," you paused, "You know Mack? Our daughter?"
Bob chuckles while shaking his head, "Yes. I remember all my children, as well as my amazing wife."
"Good, though I was looking forward to you recreating our first date. Was hoping you would kiss me this time."
Bob pulled you into his lap, his hands cupping your face, "Guess I'll just have to kiss you for the rest of my life to make up for it."
His lips pressed against yours briefly before moving to your cheeks, then your forehead, then to your nose.
"I think I can deal with that," you giggled as he continued to pepper your face with light kisses.
"Me too darlin. Me too."
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nori-the-cat · 1 month
Wonbin's perfect type s/o and Sungchan perfect type s/o - how they imagine their ideal partner/perfect girlfriend for them... like, this person's physically, personality, mentality and etc
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It's important to remember that tarot readings are open to interpretation, and these cards provide possibilities, not absolutes. This reading is also based on my interpretation and intuition. This is also for entertainment purposes. Take it with a grain of salt.
Sungchan's Type:
Personality & Mentality:
Cards: queen of cups, eight of pentacles, queen of wands, and seven of wands.
He is drawn to someone who is caring, understanding, and emotionally mature. So, imagine someone who is well-behaved and spoken, feminine, emotionally in tune with herself, and put together.
He is most likely interested in someone with ambition and motivation, someone who matches his own goals for achievement. I say this because he's also ambitious and puts a lot of effort into everything he does. He needs someone who can match this energy of his.
He needs someone confident. Someone confident, ambitious, and has a good sense of who they are might be the type of person Sungchan is drawn to.
Although I do think he would prefer a submissive or obedient type, I think he's more attracted to honest and straightforward women, someone who can keep him on his toes and offer new ideas. Basically, someone he can share his thoughts and opinions with.
Visually & Physically:
Sungchan might like someone with an aura or embody the energy of Ive Jang Wonyoung, Aespa Karina, SNSD Yoona or Seohyun. These people don't imply or suggest they're his type, but a close representation of who he might be attracted to in the K-pop industry.
As I've mentioned above, Sungchan is most likely attracted to tall and slim-looking females. Someone tall, lean and fit. It is likely he looks at a female's body first and then their face. He's probably into legs and the upper body area. Maybe the bust area?
I think he's also into beautiful hands too. The kind of hands that are long and dainty.
Someone with medium to long hair. I think straight or wavy hair is something he would like to have in his partner. The kind of hair that is natural yet looks like a Pantene ad.
Sungchan seems to favour partners who are highly popular and considered celebrities. Ideally, his partner would complement his appearance and social status. Actresses might be more appealing to him than idols, but he could also be interested in idols who have transitioned into acting or those with significant influence, similar to the examples mentioned.
In terms of height, I'm seeing 165cm and above, but not taller than 175cm. He still wants to feel like he's protecting them.
In terms of style, he might like someone who dresses like BlackPink Jennie. Someone who looks put together yet laid back.
Wonbin's Type:
Cards: knight of cups, nine of wands, three of wands and ten of swords.
Personality & Mentality:
Wonbin would like someone who is loving and expresses their emotions openly. Someone who is warm and shows their feelings directly might catch Wonbin's eye.
Wonbin needs a partner who's like, they have their shit together and independent, you know? Someone who doesn't need a man to complete them, but totally supports his dreams and stuff. Basically, the ultimate hype-woman.
He likes smart girls. I think the book smart kind or at least someone who knows something he doesn't. Someone who can, like, out-strategy him or hold their own in a deep convo? He thinks they're hot. But then again, maybe he's more of a vibes kinda guy, you know? Prefers someone independent and keeps a little bit of mystery to them.
He needs someone whom he can trust. Trust here is important to him. But also someone a little adventurous yet familial and traditional. Something like an unexpected early morning drive to a nearby town for breakfast is his kind of jazz.
Visually & Physically:
I would say he's the type to not have a type but he does have a type. (What?) Well, you know how some guys go for different girls and the people around them wonder what is their type, but the type is the "vibe". That is Wonbin.
Physically, he might like short to medium hair. Someone who doesn't really do much to their hair. So someone who he thinks is naturally beautiful.
I can't think of any idols. But if I had to choose it would be Aespa Ninging or Winter, F(x) Krystal, Red Velvet Joy, Kep1er Xiaoting, IU or anyone who has the 'vibe' he's looking for. A little mystery with a touch of unexpected cutesy.
Soft-spoken ladies.
Height-wise, I think he's into short to medium height. Someone whose height is around 155 to 165. I'd say 170cm too. But that would sort of bruise his ego.
Something about the eyes, he likes them more. I think it's because he tends to look at people's eyes when they talk and he seems to gravitate towards the eyes.
He likes them stylish or at least knows how to dress well. They don't have to keep up with the trend. For him, identity seems to be a thing.
Probably someone who is into the arts, but not the painting kind. Someone who is musically artistic is the vibe that I'm getting here.
Additional note: I have no idea why. But I got an energy implying these two were probably hurt in the past. Maybe an unrequited love, they were lied to, or some kind of romantic disappointment? They both want different things in a partner yet still retain certain characteristics or values that they deem as important.
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akutasoda · 2 months
good evening. first of all, again, congratulations on 1k, thats a big milestone! (for me at least) and im here to request for the 1k event ^_^
i figured the event doesn't really have a theme, so id like to req a small oneshot of aventurine and reader with the 4th prompt of this post with heavy angst if you could do. thank you, and have a nice day!
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if only i could've told you sooner
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synopsis - you want him to know, especially if he doesn't have long left
includes - aventurine
warnings - gn!reader, heavy angst, no comfort, maybe unrequited feelings?, hints toward suicide + death, wc - 689 a/n: thank you!! if you're reading this you better check out ezel - writing is *chef's kiss*
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anyone with half a brain could realise it was practically a suicide mission - even if it wasn't intended to be, that was obviously the back up plan. it's like the saying 'if all else fails', if the plan didn't work out you knew damn well aventurine wouldn't mind placing his life on the line to achieve the goal he had his sights on. you both knew that, even if he didn't tell you.
'how long do you reckon then' you stared his slumped over form down as he shuffled a small deck he kept on his desk 'mm don't know but i wouldn't plan to stay long' he sighed before letting a small smirk crawl onto his lips as he made eye contact 'why? you worried you'll start to miss me?'. now it was your turn to sigh, and mask the genuine concern, 'as if. just means i get your paperwork if you're gone too long' he let out a small laugh 'ouch. i'd hoped atleast you'd miss me'
he left not long after to prepare for his stay in penacony, leaving you all alone in his office. you closed your eyes and sighed yet again, you knew damn well that any mission that had aventurine on it would result in him making an outlandish bet that would always affect him if he lost. it would be a good couple of amber eras before you even dared to admit, but you cared for him. his self destructive behaviour kept you on your toes because you truly wouldn't know what to do if he lost one day - he didn't deserve the fates he put on the table for the sake of the IPC's demand.
your eyes caught sight of the mission file laid carelessly on his desk and you picked it up to throw into his trash can on the way out. aventurine had picked up many skills, one of which was the ability to grasp a very accurate reading on people so he knew you cared. he knew you'd throw away that file if he left it and he knew you kept little trinkets he gave you or a note as a memento to what he dare say was a friendship. a friendship that oh so clearly had the potential for more.
it was true. you'd kept most things aventurine gave you: notes he'd send you on long missions, small gifts he'd bring back from across the galaxy, and even the card pack that won you your first game against aventurine. however those were just material items. no matter how much you could keep, if he truly lost a bet on his life you wouldn't be able to remember him the same. nothing could even begin to compare to seeing him in person, even if he drove you up the wall sometimes.
in honesty, most of your memories with aventurine are encapsulated inside your phone. it wouldn't be uncommon for you and aventurine to hang around each other especially at IPC event's and sometimes in a rare moment you can catch aventurine in a photo with you - and it's not aventurine one of the ten stonehearts, it's aventurine. your favourite is a more recent photo of you and aventurine at the most recent IPC event, you can convince yourself that his smile isn't a facade and he is truly happy in that moment.
aventurine has exactly ten minutes before he's set to depart to penacony. you haven't seen him for awhile because he's been too busy ensuring the transport of the cornerstone's was successful and all the other bag's he didn't need on him, and as you stare at the photos of you and him you realise something. at this point you don't care that he might not reciprocate your feelings, but you want him to be aware. you want him to know for sure that there is somebody in this unforgiving galaxy who loves him, especially if he may never return.
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akutasoda's 1k event
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yuuuta95 · 1 year
Super Rich Kids
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Pairing: Nakamoto Yuta x Reader (ft. Taeyong, Jaehyun, Ten, and Xiaojun)
Warnings: sexual content, mention of suicide (but not really)
Summary: Spending the summer at a country club sounds like torture. Spending the summer at a country club with Nakamoto Yuta, Lee Taeyong, Jeong Jaehyun, Lee Ten, and (a brief appearance from) Xiao Dejun is even worse.
Word Count: 18.4k
Soundtrack: Super Rich Kids by Frank Ocean
A/N: This is my first post. A reworking of something I wrote a while ago. I hope you like it! Let me know your favourite parts! ^^
“Stop being so dramatic; I’ll be joining you in two weeks. My new step-bitch wants to take me shopping in Dubai so we can ‘bond’ but I know it’s just a massive excuse to convince my dad to give her his credit card so she can fulfil her gold-digging fantasies”, Sana’s voice echoed through the loudspeaker of my phone as I finished packing my bags. I walked over to my bed, falling back onto it and turning my head so that I was facing the phone I had laid on my pillow.
 “I’m sorry, Sana. If it makes you feel any better, while you’re splashing the cash in Dubai, I’ll be suffering a slow and painful death at the country club. God knows why my dad and Jessica insist on spending all summer there when there are so many other places to visit and so many other things to do that don’t involve making forced conversation with a bunch of rich, sexist men, their trophy wives and their spoiled children!” I sulked. I lifted my head as I heard Sana giggling on the other line.
 “Didn’t you just describe your own family, Y/N?” she laughed. As the realisation hit me, I couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle.
 “I’m not spoiled though”, I argued, though my smile never left my face.
“You are a little… Oh, shit, I have to go. The step-bitch is calling me. You’re so lucky your dad married someone who at least cares about you. My mommy treats me like a burden she has to bear in order to continue getting access to unlimited money. Okay, I really have to go now, she’s coming upstairs. I’ll see you in two weeks, yeah?” Sana didn’t give me a chance to reply before hanging up. Burying my head deeper into my pillow, I screamed. This was going to be another dull networking event disguised as a holiday. Same shit, different year.
“Y/N… sweetheart, we’re here”, I slowly opened my eyes and saw Jessica smiling down as she gave me another gentle nudge. “Your father and I are going to go check in; make sure you lock up the car when you get out”. With that, I felt car keys being pushed into my hand and the car door being closed. I lifted my head and looked out of the window just in time to see her shuffling away in her heels, struggling to keep up with my dad who clearly didn’t care that she was having trouble in her new shoes. He really didn’t deserve her. I reached into my bag and pulled out a mirror, trying to salvage my messy hair and clean up my smudged makeup. How had I managed to end up looking like such a mess within the space of a 3-hour car ride and nap? A few moments later I emerged from the car looking somewhat presentable. I locked up the car, not failing to notice that it was parked right in front of the club in a reserved parking space. It must have been one of the perks of being close friends with the club’s owner, Lee Soo-man.
 “Dude, isn’t that Y/N?” I heard a voice mumble. I recognised it immediately… Jaehyun. My head whipped back to find what I could only describe as my worst nightmare. Standing in front of me, smirks covering their features as they each gave me a once-over, were Jaehyun, Yuta, Ten and Taeyong. I could feel my heart racing as I tried not to feel too insecure under their gazes. As always, Yuta was the first to speak.
“You look like shit”, he scoffed before adjusting his bag pack and making his way towards the reception building. I rolled my eyes. Typical prick. I looked over at Jaehyun expectedly. He was Yuta’s right-hand man and usually the one to add onto any insult that had been thrown my way.
 “Hmmm, I’d still fuck you”, he simply winked before following on the heels of his best friend, shadowed by a bored looking Ten.
“In your dreams, Jeong”, I yelled after him. Frustrated and already planning how I was going to avoid those jerks for the whole summer, I turned to find Taeyong staring at me as a result of my sudden outburst. I shifted uncomfortably as I waited for him to say something. He simply smiled and nodded before following the others. As luck would have it, the boy I have been crushing on for the past year was the one who had just barely acknowledged my existence then walked away. Why couldn’t he have been the one to say he wanted to fuck me?
As soon as I got into my room, I collapsed onto the bed. Why was the universe punishing me? Not only could my best friend not be here for the first two weeks of this dumpster fire, I was going to have to deal with Yuta alone. I could handle Jaehyun; he was just a cocky playboy who used his admittedly gorgeous face to manipulate vulnerable, attention deprived trust fund girls into letting him fuck their brains out. I knew him too well to fall for his techniques. I could handle Ten; he was uninterested in everyone and everything, only looking up from his phone occasionally to drop a sarcastic comment or two. He didn’t care enough about me to bother me… I’m not going to lie, that actually made me crave his attention a little. Taeyong… I could barely handle him but anyone would only have to look at his face to see why. He was sculpted by the Gods yet was so unaware of his beauty. I didn’t understand how someone so sweet and friendly could be mixed up with someone like Yuta.
Oh yes, Yuta, the one boy I couldn’t handle.
He was the definition of a spoilt brat, using money to buy whatever and whoever he wanted. Urgh, I couldn’t understand what had possessed me to sleep with him repeatedly over the course of the five years I’d known him. He was rude, selfish, materialistic and arrogant, yet I’d managed to let myself get lost in him. I’d managed to let him whisper sweet nothings into my ear as he pulled my hips into his, thrusting desperately as I trembled beneath him. I’d even managed to repeatedly allow him into my mouth, my swollen lips wrapped around him as he tried to control his grunts out of fear that someone would discover us in the empty classroom. Despite our regular arguments and less-than-friendly manner of addressing one other, we had always found our way back together. I eventually broke it off when I realised that my crush on Taeyong would never become anything more than a crush if I was secretly fucking one of his best friends. Yuta didn’t take it so well. He accused me of being desperate for ‘pining after a guy who was worse than all the fuckboys he knew combined’. He tried to convince me that Taeyong wasn’t as he seemed and frankly, I found his attempt at sabotaging Taeyong to be pathetic. Since our ‘break up’ almost 6 months ago, I hadn’t seen or heard from Yuta, and had therefore mistakenly assumed I would never have to deal with him.
 “Y/N, we’re going out to dinner. Do you want to join us?” I looked towards my door and found Jessica smiling at me. Before I could respond, my dad’s voice came booming from the living room.
“She has to go. What will Lee Soo-man think if my whole family isn’t there? It’ll look like we don’t appreciate his hospitality. Y/N, wear something presentable, and be out here in 10 minutes”, he bellowed. I could see the apologetic look on Jessica’s face as she closed the door, leaving me to get ready.
The ballroom where dinner was being served was massive to say the least. But with its expensive art, frosted windows, golden walls and extravagant chandelier, it looked like it was trying too hard. As we were shown to our table, I couldn’t help but notice that there were seven plate settings, meaning we were expecting to entertain four other guests. I sighed as I adjusted my dress, becoming more self-conscious of how low cut it was. I turned around and scanned the room looking for… Yuta? Taeyong? I wasn’t sure. Either way, I found neither. Turning back in my chair, I almost let out a scream as the previously unoccupied seat in front of me now had a raven-haired boy whose attention was consumed by the device in his hand.
 “Hi Ten”, I tried to usurp his concentration. He simply looked up at me, gave a forced smile and returned to him device. “Okay then”, I mumbled under my breath. Ten’s father and mine were good friends so it was no surprise that they had chosen to combine our family dinners. Like I said, this was all a big networking event disguised as a family getaway.
 “Ten, please put that thing away”, his mother said, her voice so overly sweet that it was obvious that she was upset with him. Ten let out a dramatic sigh before slipping his phone into his pocket and staring at me, as if to say this is your fault.
“You have my attention. What do you want?” he simply stated.
 “Is being a total asshole a pre-requisite to being in Yuta’s squad?” I shot back.
“If it is then you seem to have a thing for assholes”. I furrowed my brows. “Don’t think I’ve missed your pathetic attempts to get me to talk to you. Or your whatever with Yuta. And, God, you look like a love struck puppy every time Tae walks past you. It’s only a matter of time before you start lusting after Jaehyun as well”, he mused, “Good thing Xiaojun is volunteering this summer otherwise I’d have to endure you eye-fucking him as well”.
 “Ten! That is enough!” his mother had clearly been eavesdropping on the conversation, not trusting her antisocial son to interact like a normal human being.
“It’s okay, ma’am”, I smiled sweetly at her before turning my attention back to Ten. “You’re more observant than you seem”, I simply laughed. Without his phone, he was looking for some entertainment and clearly riling me up was his idea of a good time.
 “You don’t have to be observant to notice the drool falling from your lips when Tae is anywhere within your line of vision”, he retorted, “As for Yuta, you two really weren’t as subtle as you thought… And me? Whenever you see us at school, you say hi to me first, even though we’re not friendly. It’s because you crave what you can’t have; it’s a subconscious thing. But who can blame you? Just look at me, who wouldn’t want a piece?” he winked. I rolled my eyes. For someone who was constantly looking down at his phone, he saw a lot more than other people did. I stated to wonder if he had discussed all of this with the others. As if he had read my mind, Ten simply smirked and said, “Don’t worry. These are all our little secrets”.
I had somehow managed to get through dinner, using all my energy to ignore Ten’s gaze. I was starting to want anything but his attention. He had this intense way of undressing people with his eyes. I’d felt naked as I took forks full of pasta to my mouth. This hadn’t been helped by the fact that my already low cut dress kept slipping down, resulting in Ten occasionally glancing at my chest.
 “Ten, why don’t you walk Y/N back to her family’s suite?” his mother suggested when she noticed how restless I was becoming, having finished my food half an hour ago. Ten, whose gaze had now shifted to a red head a few tables down, looked at me and raised his eyebrow as if to ask do you want me to? I gave a subtle nod and got up from my chair. I made my way to the exit, and could hear Ten’s footsteps not far behind.
A refreshing gust of wind hit my face as I stepped out of the ballroom. It was its own separate building meaning that I had to walk across the artificial field to get to the building where our suite was. Although I could have allowed the short two-minute walk to be a silent one, I found that familiar craving for Ten’s attention creeping back into me as I noticed that he was already looking down at his phone.
 “So who was the red head?” I questioned.
“Why? Are you jealous?” Ten grinned at me.
 “No… I was just curious. You kept staring at her. Could you be crushing on her perhaps?” I countered.
“Leave the psychoanalysing to me, Y/N”, he laughed, “No, I don’t like her. But she likes me. I can tell she’s been crushing on me for a while. She was looking for me from the moment she entered the ballroom, and when she finally found me, she couldn’t stop looking back again and again… and again. I was bored so I looked back”, he spoke as if he was reciting a well-known fact.
 “What are you?” I looked up at him in disbelief. He let out a laugh. A genuine laugh; and it was one of the most beautiful things I’d ever heard.
“I like psychology. I like analysing people. Humans are so fascinating. I read somewhere that humans are their true selves when they think no one is watching so…” he waved his phone, “I often pretend I’m not watching”. I couldn’t help but laugh at this new revelation that uninterested Ten was actually secretly analysing everyone.
 “Apart from all that bullshit from dinner, what can you tell me about who I am?” I asked. He stopped in his tracks, looking taken aback by the question. I stopped and turned to see what he was doing. He unlocked his phone and tapped the screen a couple of times before clearing his throat.
“I have here in my notes…”
 “In your notes?!” I cried.
“Shhhh. I have here in my notes, ‘obsession with Tae shows destructive personality, dated (or at least fucked) Yuta then broke his heart, desperation for Ten - that’s me – shows a desperation for male attention possibly brought on by paternal issues, pupils dilate when looking at Yuta suggesting attraction, actually pupils dilate when looking at Jaehyun, Taeyong, Xiaojun and Ten – me again – so possibly just super thirsty’. Again, I think that might be because of your paternal problems”. I stood there, shocked at the incredibly accurate yet also very invasive analysis.
 “I have some questions”, I muttered.
 “Why is my ‘obsession’ with Tae destructive? What makes you think I broke Yuta’s heart? And how the fuck do you notice my pupil’s dilating? You hardly ever look at me!”
“You did break Yuta’s heart. I can tell. He hasn’t been the same since you two stopped… whatever the fuck it was you were doing. He’s crankier and he just sleeps with a shit ton of random girls like he’s trying to forget something… or someone. How cliché. As for the eyes thing, I watch you closer than you realise. Don’t be embarrassed though, we’re all pretty fucking hot. You’re one of our many, many, many, many admirers”, he smirked as I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, “And Tae… You like him because you think he’s not like the others, right? That he’s charming and humble and shy? But honestly, Tae is as manipulative and cocky as they come. The only difference between Jae and Tae is that Jae is upfront”. My mind is suddenly reminded of Yuta’s own warnings about Taeyong. “Tae is like me; he likes psychology. But unlike me, he uses it to fuck with girls. Surely, you should be able to realise that it doesn’t add up that he is friends with people who are supposedly so unlike him… birds of a feather flock together. There are so many signs that he’s playing you and a dozen other girls but you’ve subconsciously erased all…”
 “Okay, geez, stop!” I finally shouted, “You can go back! I can find my own way back to my room!” Ten really was using me as a form of entertainment because he wasn’t on his phone. Before he could respond, I was already turning on my heels and making my way to the building ahead of me.
“Be careful of wolves in sheep’s clothing, Y/N”, chuckled Ten. I ignored him as I continued walking.
Be careful of wolves in sheep’s clothing, Y/N.
Be careful of wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Be careful of wolves.
Be careful.
These words had not left my brain in the last three days. I hadn’t spoken to Ten since that night although I did occasionally catch glimpses of him and Yuta walking around the club. To my relief, neither of them even bothered to acknowledge my existence. I was still incredibly upset at the fact that Ten had essentially told me I had severe daddy issues which made me crave male attention. No wonder I’d never seen him or heard of him dating anyone; despite being insanely attractive, he wasn’t exactly a charmer.
“Y/N?” I heard a knock at my bedroom door. Panic set in my chest as I shuffled off my bed and cautiously made my way to the door. That deep voice didn’t belong to Jessica or my father, the only two other people with access to the suite. As I reached the door, another knock resonated through my room. Okay, if it was a murderer, they wouldn’t have been knocking, right? I turned to door knob and swung the door open only to come face to face with…
 “Taeyong?! What are you doing here?” I made no effort to hide the surprise in my voice. He stood there in a plain white shirt and swimming shorts, a shy smile rested on his lips.
“Your dad told me you hadn’t left your room in a few days. I-I wasn’t asking about you; he was talking to my dad and I was just there and he saw me and he just asked me to invite you out or something...” Taeyong sped through his sentence so quickly I had to take a moment to process what he was saying. “Anyway, I don’t want you to be bored and alone, and some friends of mine have booked out the West Court Swimming Pool for a party that’s starting in about an hour so I was wondering if you wanted to come? I know it’s already like 9PM so I understand if you don’t want to come.” I froze in place, simply staring at the Greek God before me; this sculpted piece of art who had just asked me to hang out with him. As I smiled, about to accept his invitation, it dawned on me that his ‘friends’ were the boys I’d been trying to avoid.
 “Actually… I don’t think that’s such a good idea…” I started.
“Is it because of Ten and Yuta?” he surprised me by asking. I looked up from my feet and into his eyes, nodding. “Ten told me what he said to you. It was pretty shitty but that kid just lacks a lot of social skills so don’t take it personally”.
 “He told you that he told me you’re basically evil?” I found myself asking. Taeyong’s eyes widened and I immediately regretted what I had said.
“No, he told me that he told you that you crave attention or something like that… Wait, he said I was evil?” Taeyong held my gaze as I tried to think of an excuse. I couldn’t so I just nodded. “I mean; do you think I’m evil?” he asked. I shook my head and he seemed relieved. “Listen, you didn’t hear this from me but Ten likes you. He’s had a crush on you for about three years now so maybe he’s trying to weed out the competition because he’s – I don’t know – obsessed with you or something”. Overwhelmed by this new revelation, I stood speechless for a few seconds before deciding to use this opportunity in my favour.
 “The competition? That would imply that you like me too”, I questioned. Again, Taeyong’s eyes widened at my response and he immediately ran his hand through his hair.
“Wow, I really shouldn’t have come. Your dad was worried about you so I just thought… Now I look pathetic; it looks like Ten and Yuta really did mess up my chances”, he stated. At the mention of Yuta’s name, my entire body began to burn up with anger. I just knew that he had been involved in this. Ten and Yuta were trying to sabotage Taeyong, and by me avoiding their entire group, I was playing into whatever this was. But if according to Ten, Yuta still liked me, and according to Taeyong, Ten liked me, why were they working together to – no, I was looking too much into this. I liked Taeyong and he had just revealed that he liked me too so that’s what I would put my energy towards.
“No, you don’t look pathetic. Actually, I’d love to come to the party”, I beamed. Taeyong immediately smiled back.
“That’s great! I’ll wait for you in the living room if that’s okay”. I nodded, closed my door and ran to my unpacked suitcase to pick out some swimwear before I changed my mind.
“You look nervous”, Taeyong observed as we walked hand-in-hand to the West Court. I looked up at him and he gave me a small reassuring smile. As we approached the swimming area, I couldn’t help but notice how quiet it was. I also began to realise that the West Court building didn’t seem to have any lights on as we walked towards it.
 “It’s really quiet and dark”, I stated, hoping Taeyong could explain why there was no sign of life. As Taeyong opened his mouth to say something, I felt a sudden mass of water being poured over my head, completely soaking into the floral dress I had thrown on over my swimwear. Suddenly, I was being bombarded with what felt like water balloons. I felt Taeyong’s hand pull me so that I was standing behind him. My initial reaction was to laugh at this surprise attack but as my body started getting itchy and hot, I realised that something wasn’t right. As an influx of water balloons continued to come our way, I brought my hand to my nose and took a quick sniff; there was a faint smell that told me that this wasn’t just plain water. “WHAT THE FUCK?” I suddenly shouted. The water balloons continued at a steady pace until one hit my straight in the face, the liquid going right into my eyes. The intense burning caused me to collapse onto the pavement, my head in my hands.
 “STOP!” I heard Taeyong call out. Almost immediately, the attack ceased. The lights on the side of the pavement that had previously been off suddenly sparked on. With my eyes burning, I couldn’t make out the faces of the figures around me but I could see their panicked body movements as they tried to defuse the situation.
“Fuck! Was that supposed to happen?” I recognise the voice that belonged to Jaehyun. I felt Taeyong pull me closer.
 “What was in those balloons?” Taeyong asked as he used the back of his hands to wipe my now stinging eyes.
“It was water infused with-with some of-of those hot J-Japanese bath s-salts of Yuta’s. Shit! I don’t think they’re supposed to get in the eyes!” I heard Jaehyun panic.
“Well they did so now what?” Taeyong spat out. Another voice I couldn’t recognise spoke up.
“It says to seek medical attention on the package”, the voice said. My vision was now un-blurring and as I lifted my head to look up at the figures in front of me, Taeyong grabbed my head and used his thumbs to wipe over my eyes, getting rid of the excess liquid.
“I’ll take you to the medical centre”, he whispered as he helped me up. “You guys clean this mess up and go back to your suites”, he ordered the others. As Taeyong and I started making our way to the medical centre, I quickly looked back and saw four figures begin to clear up the mess they had created.
“I can’t believe you have to wear an eye patch for the next couple of days”, laughed Sana as I recounted the previous day’s events for her over the phone.
 “I know right. And my dad is making me go out to watch a polo match in a few minutes”, I sighed. I had just finished putting on the final touches to my makeup but the massive black eyepatch covering my left eye and the redness still in the right eye took most of the attention.
“I’m sorry. Just wear a really big hat and keep your head down”, Sana tried to comfort me.
 “This would have never happened if you were here!” I cried out.
“Actually, yes it would have. If Taeyong had come to your door and asked you to go to a party with him, would you have been like ‘no, Sana is here’?”
 “Okay, fine! You’re right. I still can’t believe how sweet he was yesterday. He stayed with me until midnight in the medical centre and then walked me back to my family’s suite. Why does he hang out with those Neanderthals?” I felt myself getting angry just at the mention of his friends.
“I can’t believe Yuta and Ten would stoop to that level. Jaehyun, I can understand because when he’s not fucking girls, he’s harassing them”, Sana spat out angrily.
 “Yeah, they must have been furious to find out that Tae and I were coming to the party together… If the party was even real. I bet they set it all up just for that attack”, I mused.
“But then they wouldn’t have known Tae was going to bring you… Unless he was in on it too”.
 “Why would Tae be in on something like that? He was attacked too”, I shrugged off the claim, “I have to go now. I’ll talk to you later”. After exchanging goodbyes with Sana, I went into my dad’s room and grabbed the biggest hat I could find in Jessica’s collection before making my way down to reception to join my family.
The polo match was as dull as I had expected. I sat at our family’s table alone as my father and Jessica had gone to mingle. The tall lemonade in front of me had quickly become too warm under the intense heat of the sun. I found myself sweating but resisted the temptation to take off my hat as it had done a great job at hiding my eyepatch.
 “Hello Y/N. Fancy seeing you here”. I felt the presence of two bodies sitting either side of me.
“Hello Yuta. Are you surprised because you were expecting me to be blind after your little stunt last night?” I shot back.
 “What the fuck are you talking about?” he chuckled. He leaned his head forward and upon catching a glimpse of my red eye and eye patch, his smile fell. “What happened to you?”
It took all my energy not to slap him. “Oh it turns out that Japanese bath salt stuff isn’t eye-friendly”, I sarcastically retorted. Ten had now leaned forward and was studying my face too.
 “You’re a weird chick, Y/N. What are you actually talking about?” Ten joined in.
“Why are you two even talking to me? You’ve been blanking me for days”, I changed the subject, tired of their fake innocent act.
 “This polo match is dead and we thought terrorising you would cheer us up but it looks like someone beat us to it”, Yuta’s hand had found its way to my face; he gently stroked the involuntary tears falling from under my eye patch. I grabbed his wrist and pulled away his hand in an attempt to stop the fluttering in my stomach as our skin made contact.
“You don’t get to act like you care when you didn’t even say a word last night”, I hissed.
 “You keep referring to ‘last night’ like I’m supposed to know what the fuck you’re talking about”, Yuta hissed back.
“Yeah, Y/N, you sound a bit confused. Are you sure you didn’t eat any of these bath salt things?” Ten continued analysing my face. “Your face is so swollen. You should go to the medical centre”, he added.
 “You two are such assholes. You see how bad the damage is in day light so now you want to relinquish responsibility”, I scoffed.
“I’m literally going to fucking drag you out of here by your eyepatch if you don’t start making sense”, Yuta exhaled in frustration. As I opened my mouth to shout at him, I spotted Taeyong quickly making his way to the table.
 “Y/N, come with me. Don’t let them bother you anymore”, Taeyong took my hand and pulled me away, leaving behind a very confused looking Ten, and a very furious looking Yuta.
“…so then Ten told me the party was a West Court and I should be there at around 9PM. I never knew they were going to ambush us like that. Yuta told me earlier this morning that it was payback – whatever that means”, Taeyong explained.
 “How did they know I was with you? It didn’t even seem like there was a party to begin with so what if you hadn’t run into my dad then ended up inviting me?” I tried to make sense of everything.
“I-I don’t know Y/N. I just know that I texted them while you were getting ready to explain why I was running late”, he sighed. We were sitting in the reception area of the club’s main building enjoying the feeling of air conditioning hitting our hot skin. There were so many things that still didn’t make any sense. Taeyong looked at me and gave me a sympathetic smile before saying, “This is all my fault… You still look beautiful though”. I had long since removed my hat and allowed my puffy face to be revealed to him.
 “No, I don’t. My face is swollen”, I echoed Ten’s words. Taeyong simply leaned forward, placing a chaste kiss on my lips.
“You’re actually kidding me, right?” Taeyong and I both quickly turned to face Yuta and Ten who were now standing just a few metres away from us. “Tae, we agreed that she was off limits”, Yuta growled.
 “She’s not a possession”, Taeyong shot up in his seat and took a step closer to Yuta.
“You manipulative… What is this I hear from Jaehyun about bath salts and water balloons?” Yuta stepped closer to Taeyong.
 “I don’t know. You tell me; they were your bath bombs. Stop trying to act innocent now that you see the damage you’ve done”, Taeyong didn’t back down and now the two boys were standing there with their faces only inches apart.
“Tell me, Y/N...” Ten suddenly spoke up, “… did you actually see me or Yuta wherever the hell you were attacked last night? You seem pretty sure that we were there”. I carefully thought back to the night before. The stinging in my eyes. The blurry vision. Only being able to make out dark figures. Only being able to recognise Jaehyun’s voice.
 “There were four people who orchestrated the attack, and I know that one of them was Jaehyun. I didn’t recognise the other’s voice. And that leaves two others”, I worked out. Yuta rolled his eyes.
 “Tae has more friends that just Ten and I. That could have been anyone”, he countered.
“Then where you last night?” Taeyong suddenly asked. Yuta turned his attention back to Taeyong.
 “I can’t say…” Yuta’s voice was low and menacing.
 “And what about you, Ten?” Taeyong smirked.
 “…I can’t say either”, Ten cleared his throat.
“How fucking convenient”, I muttered before getting up from my seat and grabbing Taeyong’s hand. Yuta’s eyes immediately landed on our entwined fingers and I could tell he was angry.
 “Dude, I said she was off limits”, he simply said to Taeyong before turning around and making his way to the reception door. Ten began to follow but turned around before reaching the door.
 “Did you ever think that maybe five guys orchestrated that attack and one of them was the one standing by your side”, Ten chuckled humourlessly before leaving. Taeyong squeezed my hand tighter and looked down at me smiling. It made no sense for him to have been a part of it and so for the second time that day, I dismissed claims that he had been involved.
“There you are!” Jessica shouted from across the field. I ran over to her and my father; they were sitting at our table, my boiling hot lemonade keeping them company.
 “Please put the hat back on, Y/N, your face is a bit of an eyesore right now”, my dad mumbled. I placed the hat back on my head. “Honestly, you go out one night and I get a call from medical at stupid o’clock telling me that some boy is bringing you back home”.
“She was attacked, darling”, Jessica gritted her teeth.
 “What was she doing out so late at night anyway?” my dad huffed.
“You’re the one who told Taeyong I hadn’t left my room in days…” I countered.
 “And why would I do that? What business do I have discussing you with this Taeyong boy?” he turned to me.
“Well, maybe he just overheard you when you were speaking to his father about me”, I stated.
“And what business would I have discussing you with his father?” my dad looked perplexed. Come to think of it, he had a right to be confused. The situation made little sense now that I thought about it.
 “Tae came over yesterday and…”
“Oh, my fault”, Jessica laughed nervously, “He told me you two had plans and that he wanted to come and get you because you weren’t answering your phone… so I gave him our suite key”.
 “You gave a boy the key to our suite so he could visit my daughter while we weren’t there?” I heard my dad start to argue but my thoughts were elsewhere. Taeyong had not tried to call me, and up until he had come up to my room, we did not have plans…
Taeyong placed another chaste kiss on my lips as we walked hand-in-hand down the beach. It was getting late but the summer sun was refusing to set. The beach was only a 15-minute drive from the country club but I knew we had to leave soon in order to make it back in time for yet another networking dinner.
“Walking on the beach. Who would have thought Lee Taeyong was so cliché?” I giggled. Taeyong smirked at me.
 “What can I say? I’m full of surprises”, he whispered as we came to a sudden stop and he pulled me into an embrace. We stood there in silence for a few seconds before I pulled away from him.
“We should really be getting back now. My family is meeting up with the Jeongs before the dinner to pop open a bottle of champagne. Something about a business deal or whatever”, I mumbled, upset that I had to pull myself away from this perfect day. Ever since the stupid prank Jaehyun, Yuta and Ten had pulled five days ago, along with the mystery guy, Taeyong and I had spent every day together; we’d gone to restaurants outside of the club, we’d gone shopping, we’d walked on the beach and… we’d made out on more than one occasion. Taeyong wasn’t trying to rush me into anything deeper, and I truly appreciated that.
 “Okay, let’s go. I’m sorry you’ll have to spend time with Jaehyun though”, he laughed as he led me towards the stairs to the car park. “I know you still haven’t forgiven him and the others for what they did”.
“I’d be less upset if Yuta and Ten would actually admit that they were involved”, I huffed. Taeyong let out a sigh.
 “Like I said before, they’re both just trying to fuck with us. Ten is head over heels in love with you so he doesn’t want to see us together. And Yuta is still bitter over your break up, I guess”.
 “Did everyone know about Yuta and I because I thought we were a secret”, I laughed nervously.
 “Don’t worry. Ten and I are the only ones who really noticed. We’re more observant than other people”, he stated. I was immediately reminded of the night that Ten had told me that him and Taeyong were a lot alike but Taeyong used his ‘observations’ to manipulate girls. After learning that Taeyong had lied about having plans with me so that Jessica could let him into our suite, I’d been wary of him. However, having spent these last few days with him, I didn’t feel manipulated. He was sweet and considerate and hadn’t tried to get into my pants or anything so I was struggling to see how this benefited him in the slightest. Yuta and Ten had made no attempts to apologise or offer an explanation as to where they were during the night my eyes were almost burned out of my skull. Jaehyun had offered a very sincere apology but then instantly gone back to being his fuck-boy-self the next time I’d seen him. I wasn’t looking forward to seeing him at the pre-dinner celebration.
As luck would have it, I arrived at our family suite only to be met by my father, Jessica, Mr Jeong and Mrs Jeong toasting to whatever they were toasting to. Jessica immediately explained that they had decided to make it a ‘adults only’ thing and that I would have to go to the Jeongs’ suite to wait for them to finish their mini-celebration. Then they’d call us down to dinner. I’d essentially cut my date with Taeyong short to come back and be forced to hang out with the mess that was Jaehyun.
As I entered the Jeongs’ suite, I couldn’t help but notice that it was twice the size of ours. With its tall ceiling and grand furnishing, complete with a jacuzzi on the balcony, I could tell why my dad had been so eager to close his deal with Mr Jeong’s company. My father was nothing if not money and power hungry. It would explain why he spent most of my life trying to raise profit instead of his own daughter.
 “All of this could be yours if you married me one day”, I heard Jaehyun’s voice cut through my thoughts. I turned around to see him standing there with his hair dishevelled and half of his shirt buttons undone, a small smirk playing on his lips. It didn’t take a genius to notice that he had just finished fucking some girl in his room. And sure enough, as I was about to reply to his comment, a disgruntled blonde stumbled out of his room with her heels in her hands.
 “So, you just go around promising marriage to every girl you see, huh?” she spat out as she struggled to fix the strap of her red dress.
 “It’s the fastest way to get them into bed”, Jaehyun shot back, smiling.
“You’re lucky you’re rich and hot, but at the end of the day, does that money buy daddy’s attention?” she taunted.
 “See, all I heard was ‘you’re rich’, ‘you’re hot’ and ‘daddy’. I just fucked your brains out, okay… learn to share; Y/N is standing right there if you maybe want to…”
“You’re disgusting, Jeong Jaehyun. I can’t believe I actually liked you”, tears began forming in the girl’s eyes.
 “Gee, listen, I’m sorry Rochelle…”
“IT’S ROSÉ YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!” And with that, the blonde spun around and stomped towards the door. She struggled with it for a second before flinging it open and storming out.
“How rude. She didn’t even close the door”, Jaehyun mused, “Sorry you had to see that, darling”.
“You’re disgusting”, I mirrored Rosé’s words. Jaehyun brought his hand up to his chest in fake hurt.
 “I thought we were cool now”, he pouted. I rolled my eyes before falling back onto the large black sofa in the middle of the living room. I took my phone out of my pocket and began texting Taeyong. I heard Jaehyun’s footsteps coming towards me but I ignored them in an effort to remain calm and stop myself from attacking him. That Rosé girl clearly had very real feelings for him and he used that to his advantage then discarded her like a used tissue. “I said I was sorry about the balloons, okay?” he sighed as he took a seat next to me.
“No, not okay, Jaehyun. You, Ten and Yuta are such dicks”, I finally replied after realising that Taeyong would not be responding to my text for a while. Jaehyun looked at me, confused.
 “I get why I’m a dick. But what did those two idiots do to piss you off?”
“The same thing you did”, I shot back.
 “Babe, how many times have you been attacked by bath bomb infested water balloons this summer?” he laughed. I didn’t need to ask what he meant because I understood. Yuta and Ten hadn’t been there. “If you want, I can get Jisung, Jaemin and Jeno to write official apologies and we can get up at dinner tonight and read out our letters and cry and…” He continued with his sarcastic train of thought as I suddenly realised that I had spent the last five days angry at the wrong people. The three little Js, as everyone stupidly referred to them as, were boys from the lower year of our school who occasionally carried out Yuta, Jaehyun, Ten, Taeyong, and Xiaojun’s dirty work in order to impress them; I guess they hoped that by the time the older boys graduated, they’d become the new fuck-boy clique that got all the girls and was envied by all the guys. I felt disgusted that I lived in a world where young boys aspired to be like…
 “Jaehyun. Shut up. I’m over it”, I snapped. At that moment, I realised that I could use this opportunity to confirm what my heart already feared to be true. “I forgive you, the Js and Tae”, I said. I waited for Jaehyun’s face to twist in confusion and for him to ask me why I’d mentioned Taeyong but he simply smiled and nodded. I suddenly felt so stupid. I’d let Taeyong manipulate me for these last few days and turn me against Yuta and Ten… but to what end? What was he getting out of this?
An hour passed and I was thankful that Jaehyun’s fuck-boy façade had faded after about 10 minutes. As much as he liked to believe he was this heartless playboy, and as much as he liked to make others believe it too, he was actually a very decent guy. Some would go as far as to say that he was actually… cool; and not in the school popularity way, in a genuine and fun-to-be-around way. I still had to deal with the occasional pervy comment every now and again though. But he helped me forget about the mess that I would have to deal with later that night; I needed to confront Taeyong and apologise to Yuta and Ten.
“What are you thinking about?” Jaehyun whispered. My head was rested on his shoulder and his head was rested on my head as we watched TV.
 “I’m thinking… how are you this bearable when I normally want to punch you in the teeth?” I chuckled. Jaehyun laughed along.
 “Don’t go around telling girls I’m bearable! You’ll fuck up my street cred”, he simply replied before we settled back into a comfortable silence.
This time dinner was held outside. I’d quickly run to my suite, changed and redone my makeup when I got a call from Jessica telling us that they were heading to dinner. My father would not have appreciated me showing up in a swimsuit cover up. The dinner location was stunning; it was next to the lake and the trees were covered in dozens of fairy lights. White tables and chairs were carefully placed across the grass, and live classical music filled the space. I immediately started looking for either one of the boys I needed to talk to tonight and as luck would have it, I spotted Ten sitting on a chair by the lake looking down at his phone. I quickly grabbed my own chair and made my way towards him, startling him a little when I took a seat beside him.
 “Fucking hell”, he gasped.
 “Sorry, I thought you’d see me coming. Isn’t seeing stuff your super power or something?” I laughed. Ten shot me a dazzling smile before he looked back down at his phone.
 “Does this mean I’ve been forgiven for what I may or may not have done?”, he suddenly said. I knew he had realised that I’d worked out the truth and was trying to apologise. He wasn’t going to let this be easy, was he?
 “I don’t know what Tae wants from me but yeah, I’m sorry. I was… I am being played and I didn’t want to believe it because of my stupid crush”, I sighed, “You have to admit it looked so suspicious though! You and Yuta wouldn’t tell me where you were on that night and you’d both spent all week together throwing me dagger eyes”. Ten observed me for a moment.
 “You’re right. It was all a bit shady” he pondered.   
“So I’m guessing you’re not head over heels in love with me like Tae said?” I could feel my heart pounding as I waited for an answer but Ten simply burst out into laughter. I looked over at him and saw him struggling not to fall out of his chair as he continued cackling. Eventually, his laughter died down and he wiped the tears that had escaped from his eyes.
 “Sorry but that’s hilarious”, he stifled a giggle.
“Glad to know being attracted to me is that funny”, I made no effort to hide my hurt.
 “Shit, sorry. I’m guessing Tae failed to mention to you that I am 100% gay?” he smiled at me. My heart stopped. Suddenly, things started coming together. I’d never seen or heard of any of his relationships with girls but I assumed that he was just more private than his friends. I remembered him telling me that he was looking at that girl ‘just for fun’ the first time our families went to dinner but I’d assumed he meant that he wasn’t interested in her specifically. He did spend a lot of time with Yuta and they had failed to tell me where they were the night I was hurt. Was he… was he…?
“Are you dating Yuta?” I suddenly shouted out loud. Ten’s eyes widened and he turned to face me. We stared at each other for a few seconds before he started howling with laughter yet again. This time, he failed to restrain himself and ended up slipping out of his chair, unable to control his breathing.
 “Stop! You’re killing me”, he managed to choke out, “Yuta? Me and Yu… Oh my gosh, this is too good”. I sat in my chair, completely unimpressed by the entire situation. Why was he laughing at me?
 “If you’re not secretly dating him, then where were the two of you that night?” I snapped. Ten had managed to regain composure and had found his way back into his seat, still wiping away at his tears.
“I don’t know about Yuta because I wasn’t with him but I… Okay, promise not to tell Yuta but… I went to visit my ex. I made Yuta promise not to let me see him again but I caved that night and drove out to meet him in town. Tae must have found out through Jeno or something, that kid is a super spy, and he knew I wouldn’t say anything in front of Yuta when he asked so I’d look pretty guilty. God knows what he has on Yuta. Dude, I can’t believe you thought I was dating Yuta. You two had a thing; you know he’s straight”.
 “Sexuality is a spectrum”, I defended myself. Ten gave me a small shrug before looking out at the lake.
 “Wow, Tae really has us playing into his hands, doesn’t he?”
“Why are you friends with him?” I asked the question that had been plaguing my mind all this time.
 “Jae and Tae get on well because they both run on sex. I already told you that Tae and I are super similar so we just click. Tae and Yuta argue a lot because they both have ‘alpha male tendencies’ but they have this inseparable bond. Tae and Xiaojun have been friends for a very long time. They get on extremely well. I guess Tae is that one friend who is super annoying and starts shit all the time but the good outweighs the bad, you know. And to be honest, we usually don’t care about his schemes because they’re usually directed towards people we don’t really know or care about”, Ten mused. I sat there and thought about how strange this group’s dynamic was but apparently it worked. “What are you going to do now? Don’t think I haven’t noticed you running around with Tae”.
“I want to beat him at his own game”, I thought aloud.
“Good luck with that. Tae isn’t stupid. If you try and flip this around on him, he’ll see it from a mile away and manipulate the situation so that you end up worse off”, Ten warned me.
 “I can handle him. I just need to get inside of his head”.
“Okay, so if I ask you right now what Tae is trying to get from you, can you tell me? It’s obviously not sex because no offence but if he wanted you, he would have had you by now… many times”, Ten looked at me apologetically but he had a point.
“I don’t know what he wants”, I sighed, defeated. I thought back to the information I had garnered and tried to figure out what he wanted.
I told you she was off limits.
Tae and Yuta argue a lot because they both have ‘alpha male tendencies’.
And then it hit me. Tae wasn’t trying to get anything from me. He was using me to get something from Yuta.
“I can’t believe you’re not even coming anymore! I spent all my time here counting down till the day you get here and now you’re telling me that you’re just staying in Dubai?” I yelled at Sana’s sun kissed face through my FaceTime app. I shot up from the comfort of my blankets and waited for her excuse.
 “Y/N, I’m sorry! My dad surprised the step-bitch with a trip to Hawaii and so they’re going to be off doing God-knows-what for the rest of the summer. I can’t exactly show up to a family country club resort alone”, she pouted.
 “You can stay with my family!” I almost shouted. Sana let out a sigh as she readjusted the angle so that I was now looking at the sunset from her hotel window.
“This is my view right now! I just want to chill here for as long as I can. The country club sounds so dramatic right now. I heard from Rosé that you’ve been hanging out with Jaehyun for the past couple of days. She says she saw you in his hotel room once and she’s seen you guys walking around together, eating ice cream and all that. Y/N? Is there something you want to tell me?” Sana had now readjusted the camera onto herself and she smirked at my shocked expression.
“No, I am not dating Jaehyun… He’s just been helping me with a plan to get back at Tae. I asked Ten to help but he said he didn’t want to get involved, especially with the losing team. He’s so sure Taeyong is already one step ahead of me. He’s so disrespectful!” I huffed.
 “Hey, don’t say that about my future husband!” Sana scolded me. It had taken all my self-control not to tell Sana that Ten was actually gay. It wasn’t some big secret or anything, Ten hadn’t really hesitated to tell me, but it also wasn’t my job to go around announcing it to people who didn’t already know. I loved Sana but she was such a gossip; if I told her, she’d needlessly blow it out of proportion.
 “Whatever. At least Jaehyun has been a big help. We’ve come up with a plan. It’s simple but effective. He wasn’t hard to convince; he was bored so…”
 “He’s a billionaire with unlimited access to anything and any girl… He can’t get bored; it sounds like he just really likes spending time with you”, Sana wiggled her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes at her statement. “So, what is this masterplan?”
 “Taeyong is using me to get something from Yuta but I don’t really understand what he could possibly want. I haven’t seen Yuta since I accused him of the water balloon thing so I can’t even ask and I’m pretty sure he blocked my number because he’s not responding to any of my texts. Jaehyun hasn’t seen him either and apparently every time he calls, Yuta always says he’s busy. Taeyong hasn’t talked to him either so his plan must not be working because how do you get something from someone if they’re not there?” Sana nodded along eagerly at my ramblings, “The plan is to step up the game. Tae must be getting desperate for Yuta’s attention so I’m going to make him think I want to sleep with him then when he comes into my room, I’ll tell him I’m going to get something and that I’ll be back. Then when I leave, he’ll get naked and Jaehyun will be in the room already with a camera, he’ll take a picture, and we’ll basically own Tae because we’ll have his nudes. Then we’ll make him confess everything”. I smiled proudly at my scheme.
 “That is the single most ridiculous, convoluted, barely R-rated High School Musical bullshit plan I have ever heard in my entire existence”, Sana snorted, “No wonder Ten called you the losing team. That sounds like the plot of a Gossip Girl episode. It took you three days of talking to Jaehyun to come up with that?”
 “Shut up! It was my idea and Jaehyun is just going along with it”, I pouted.
“Damn, that boy must be in love with you if he’s going along with this rejected Teen Wolf storyline”, Sana’s laughs continued to fill my room.
 “You’re such a bitch”, I sulked, trying to hide my own smile. I had to admit, it wasn’t one of my finest plans. “I have to go now. I have an awesome plan to carry out”.
“Oh, you have second plan?” Sana cackled as I hung up on her. I laughed to myself as the room fell silent. Ten had told me that going against Taeyong was dangerous and that I would end up worse off so was this really the plan I wanted to go with?
“Sana is right. It is a shit plan”, Jaehyun simply said as we walked towards the pool.
 “So why were you going to help me carry it out?” I cried as I playfully hit his arm. He stumbled back in fake agony as I rolled my eyes and tried not to laugh at his childishness.
 “Because either way, it’s going to be fucking hilarious. I’m on both sides here, babe. Tae is my boy and you… you’re hot”, he smirked, snaking his hand around my waist. I quickly pushed him off and started walking faster.
“I can’t have someone who is on both teams. You might double cross me. I assume that in your twisted mind, Tae takes priority?”
“Bros before hoes”, Jaehyun shrugged. I had to admire his loyalty, I guess.
“Why are you even helping me then?” I finally decided to ask.
 “Like I said, you’re hot”
“There are girls around here who are fifty times hotter than me that you could be… entertaining”
 “You’re a different kind of hot”, Jaehyun simply smirked as he looked down at me. As I was about to ask what he meant, I heard Taeyong’s voice calling my name. Jaehyun and I both stopped and turned as we saw Taeyong running toward us.
“Hey baby”, Taeyong smiled as he finally reached us. He pulled me by the waist and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Jaehyun shifted uncomfortably as he watched the scene unfold in front of him. Taeyong must have noticed the shift in atmosphere too because he suddenly let go of me and looked between Jaehyun and I.
 “Was I interrupting something?” Taeyong asked almost mockingly. He looked at Jaehyun, then back at me again before slowly nodding his head, “My bad. I’ll catch you tonight at Mark’s party, right?” he looked over at me. I gave him a forced smile and nodded.
 “I’ll see you then”, I said, my voice barely a whisper.
“Hey, and I heard Yuta will be there!” Taeyong beamed. He turned his head to Jaehyun, “Me, you and Yuta seem to have a lot of catching up to do”. Jaehyun clenched his jaw and kept his eyes trained on Taeyong.
 “I don’t think so. Nothing much has really happened lately”, Jaehyun shot back.
“Well then let’s change that tonight”, Taeyong smirked. He turned back to me and pushed his lips onto my own. I almost stumbled back but Taeyong’s arm snaked around my waist once more as he pulled me closer. He slid his tongue into my mouth and I stupidly let him. After a few seconds, Taeyong finally pulled away with his signature smirk plastered on his face. He turned to Jaehyun and winked before turning around and walking back in the direction he had come from.
 “Are you sure you want revenge because from where I’m standing, you’re pretty happy being his play toy”, Jaehyun scoffed. I adjusted my dress, embarrassed.
 “I can’t let him know I’m onto him”, I tried to justify my actions. Jaehyun let out a chuckle.
“He knew something was up from the second he saw us together… You know what, you’re boring me now. I’m gonna go find one of those girls who is fifty times hotter than you to entertain me”. And with that, Jaehyun turned around and started walking back in the direction Taeyong had gone. I stood there, confused by what had just happened. As I was about to follow Jaehyun, I heard a clap from behind me. I turned to see a smiling Rosé walking slowly towards me, applauding.
 “I never thought I’d see the day Jaehyun got a taste of his own medicine”, she smiled.
“What do you mean?” I asked her.
 “You just made out with Taeyong in front of him. I could practically see the jealousy bubbling up from all the way down there”, she threw her head back in laughter, “I should be more upset at you for stealing the guy I like but after the way he has treated me, I’m happy the universe is punishing him… even if that means I have to permanently lose him to you”, her smile faded a little.
 “Oh no, it’s not like that. He was just helping with something”
“When was the last time you saw Jaehyun just ‘helping’ some girl with no ulterior motive?” Rosé rolled her eyes, “How do you do it? You managed to get Ten to actually fucking look at you for longer than he looks at that damn phone, you’ve got Taeyong making out with you and taking you on dates, you’ve got Jae crushing on you, and I even heard rumours that you and Yuta were a thing. Are you just working your way through the group? If so, let me just tell you, Xiaojun is a phenomenal fuck. I hooked up with him last year and to this day, he is still the best sex I’ve ever had. Don’t tell Jaehyun”, she laughed as she began walking away. I was left standing in the middle of the sidewalk again, alone and perplexed.
I sat on the sofa in our living room as I scrolled through Instagram. There were already a shit ton of stories from Mark’s party being posted. The party had only started about an hour ago but people had already blown up all of their social media, telling everyone what a good time they were having. After what Rosé had said to me, I’d realised that this was all getting too messy. This wasn’t just some summer drama; once we got back to our normal lives, I’d still have to deal with these boys on a somewhat regular basis. As I sat there in my tank top and pyjama bottoms, ignoring Taeyong’s texts, my phone vibrated yet again.
Unknown: Hey. It’s Yuta.
I immediately replied.
Y/N: Why the new number?
Unknown: I have more than one phone you know.
Y/N: What do you want? You blocked me on the other one?
Unknown: Yeah, sorry about that. Why aren’t you at Mark’s thing?
I looked at the message for a moment and contemplated what I could say. It then dawned on me that I was trapped in this stupid cycle of lies and manipulation. Why would Yuta contact me from a completely different number instead of just unblocking me on his other phone? Come to think of it, when we used to be whatever we were, I only ever saw him with one phone. I was tired of the games so I simply replied.
Y/N: Is this really Yuta?
The reply piqued my curiosity.
Unknown: Come to the party and find out ;)
By the time I arrived at Mark Lee’s suite, it was practically overflowing with people and some party goers had started drinking and hanging out in the corridors. It took me approximately ten minutes to actually get into the suite itself, and even then, it was so packed it took me an additional five minutes to get to the kitchen. As I reached the counter which was covered in drinks, my phone buzzed again.
Unknown: You actually came. You must still really be into me.
I rolled my eyes and replied.
Y/N: I still don’t know who I’m talking to. Taeyong, if this is you, I’m done with your games.
I pressed ‘send’ only to look up and immediately regret my decision. Taeyong’s frame made its way through the crowd. He spotted me, smiled and started making his way towards me. I looked back down at my vibrating phone.
Unknown: This isn’t Taeyong. I told you it’s Yuta.
I looked up again and saw Taeyong getting closer, no phone in his hand.
“I was scared you wouldn’t make it”, Taeyong shouted over the music as he finally reached me.
“Here I am!” I yelled back. He smiled at me and leaned in closer to my ear.
 “I just wanted to say that I think I’m done”. I looked up at him, confused.
“Done with the party? It only started an hour and a half ago”, I was getting tired of straining my voice.
 “No, babe, done with this”, he motioned between us, “You obviously aren’t as oblivious as I thought”. Wait, he was shutting this down? If anything, I was the one who should have been getting to dump him. Even though we weren’t dating, I wanted the satisfaction of breaking it off. I found myself sighing with relief anyway, glad it was all finally over. I was going to be on the next flight to Dubai tomorrow morning no matter what my father had to say. This place was suffocating me.
 “Whatever. Bye Tae”, I turned to leave but turned back to ask one final question, “What were you actually trying to achieve here?” Taeyong simply smiled and looked around the room. He leaned into my ear once again.
 “You’ll find out in a bit. I still need you for one more thing. Jaehyun asked me not to hurt you but I’m already doing him the favour of leaving you alone”, he simply said. I stood there, perplexed.
 “I refuse to be part of any more of this silliness”. And with that, I turned to leave. As I reached the entrance, I checked my phone for any texts from Yuta I may have missed.
Unknown: Come to the room with the white door. I need to talk to you, Y/N.
I still needed to apologize for not believing him about the water balloons. I also now wanted to make sure we were in a good place. I missed him more than I liked to admit. When we weren’t too busy fucking, we actually had a great time together… secretly of course. Sneaky movie dates, spending time at each other’s houses, and even going on long drives out of town just so we could talk; I missed our relationship which wasn’t really a relationship. I wouldn’t admit this to anyone but Yuta was my first love and I wished my stupid crush on Taeyong hadn’t made me ruin what we were… what we could have been.
Y/N: I’m on my way.
I turned around yet again and pushed my way through a dark corridor, towards the white door which was decorated with a sign that read ‘DO NOT ENTER’. Looking around for any other possible options, I realised that this had to be the door Yuta was talking about. I twisted the door knob and attempted to push it open but it must have been barricaded from the inside. I attempted again to open it. Again. Again. Once more. Suddenly, the door flung open.
 “Can’t you read, you fucking…?” Yuta stood before me shirtless and with his hair dishevelled. His eyes instantly widened as he saw me. It took less that a second for a gorgeous red headed girl to appear behind him in nothing but a bra and panties. She held onto his arm and looked over at me before attempting to hide her almost-naked body, embarrassed. “Y/N…”
 “Is this what you wanted to show me?” I could feel the tears threatening to fall from my eyes. In reality, I had no reason to be this upset. But after finally admitting to myself that I loved Yuta, it hurt to see him with someone else. Even though I knew he’d been sleeping around. I guess seeing it with my own eyes hurt more than I anticipated.  
 “What are you talking about?” Yuta looked down at me. By the looks of it, Yuta had been a little too preoccupied to have been the one texting me. I could think of nothing but to run away so I did. I pushed my way through crowds of people yet again and made it to the entrance. I turned to look back and see if Yuta had made an attempt to follow me but he hadn’t. Before I turned to leave, I did however notice the big smile on Taeyong’s face as he watched me.
I knew I was being ridiculous.
 It was 4AM in the morning and after crying in my room for what felt like forever, I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself and just pack my bags. I didn’t know where I was going but I just knew that I didn’t want to be here anymore. I didn’t want to go to Dubai and ruin Sana’s drama free break, and I didn’t want to go back home because that would just remind me that when the summer comes to an end, I have to go back to school and confront… him. At this point I didn’t even know who ‘him’ was. I didn’t want to confront Taeyong because I could already see his smug grin mocking me. I didn’t want to confront Jaehyun because he was mad at me for some strange reason. And I most definitely didn’t want to confront Yuta after seeing him with another girl. Again, I knew I was being ridiculous. I was mad at Yuta for sleeping with someone else when we weren’t dating? Yeah, that’s insane.
I threw the last dress into my suitcase and hastily zipped it up. I’d made the bed and emptied the wardrobe; I was ready to leave. I wanted to go before my dad or Jessica woke up so that I wouldn’t have to deal with that mess. I took one last look in the mirror; my makeup was smudged and my hair was… I don’t even know what my hair was doing, but I didn’t care. I grabbed my suitcase handle and made my way into the living room. I quickly realised that dragging my suitcase on a hardwood floor wasn’t exactly the stealthiest escape plan so I ended up lifting the heavy case and waddling to the door.
“We’re almost there, doll”, the taxi driver looked at me through the rear view mirror. I had anxiously been fidgeting with the watch on my wrist, and the loose string from my jeans… and the handle of my bag… and my hair. He had obviously sensed my negative energy and felt the need to reassure me that I was almost at the airport. Little did he know that his statement only made things worse. The closer I got to the airport, the quicker I’d have to make a decision about where exactly I was going. I grabbed my phone from my bag; I hadn’t looked at it since I left Mark’s party. I had 3 new messages. One was from my service provider telling me about the ‘exciting new offers’ they would give me if I introduced a friend. The other was from Jaehyun.
JJ: Hey. Sorry about what happened earlier. I let Tae get the best of me. I also got sucked up in this fight for your heart and somehow managed to convince myself I liked you too. You’re fucking cool and we’d be great friends but I don’t think my feelings are that deep… Anyway, I told Tae to leave you alone and not hurt you so you’re in the clear now ;) Erm, also I saw you talking to Rosé after I left… Is she still mad at me? :’(
I laughed at his message but still felt annoyed by his attitude towards me earlier so I simply texted back.
Y/N: She said Xiaojun is a phenomenal fuck.   
I felt petty but I knew he’d see the humour in it… eventually, and we could laugh about it… eventually. I really did want to be his friend. If there is one thing I’d learned this summer, it’s that Jeong Jaehyun was alright. I hoped he’d clean up his act and apologise to Rosé. I moved on to my final message. It was from Ten.
TenOutOfTen: Dude, what did you do to Yuta? He’s in my room practically crying?! I hope you burn in hell for indirectly making me wake up so early… bitch.
Again, I laughed at the text but my laughter soon faded when I re-read the first half of the message. Yuta was in Ten’s room, crying. And he must have mentioned me because Ten had asked me what I had done. I checked the timestamp on the message; it was sent 50 minutes ago. My curiosity had me wanting to tell the taxi driver to turn back immediately but just as I was considering this option, the taxi pulled up to the airport. It was large and bright yet startlingly quiet. I hopped out of the vehicle and paid my driver.
 “Keep the change”, I smiled as I adjusted my bag and began walking away.
“Keep the change? Oooh, splashing the cash, are we?” I heard a voice laugh. I turned back to the taxi rank and saw a figure sitting on his suitcase. I didn’t immediately recognise his voice but as he turned his head back to me and I saw his face, I rolled my eyes. Xiaojun.
 “What are you doing here? I heard you were volunteering or something like that”, I dragged my bag back towards him. He stood from his perched position and suddenly towered over me.
 “I finished my volunteer stuff. It was fun but Taeyong’s texts told me that the real fun was at the country club. I came to see the drama is real life but it looks like the female lead is leaving before curtain call?” Xiaojun smirked.
“You left your volunteer position to come watch some petty feud between Yuta and Tae? I thought you were the more decent of the fuckboys”, I let out an exaggerated pout.
 “Don’t flatter yourselves. The programme was a short one; I’m going to the club because my parents need me to complete their ‘happy family’ set up”, Xiaojun explained, “The petty feud between Yuta and Tae was just a nice little treat”.
“Well I hate to break it to you but it’s all over now”, I was about to turn around when Xiaojun chuckled.
“Over? According to Jaemin’s texts, you walked in on Yuta and Umji. Tae confronted Yuta about fucking his ex. And now Umji has broken up with Yuta because she doesn’t want to be part of their ‘sick little dick measuring contest’” Xiaojun turned around and looked down the road, “Why the fuck is my Uber taking so long? I can’t stand getting into taxis I didn’t order. It’s creepy as fuck; the dude could be some insane looney who bought his taxi sign on eBay and you just get in his fake taxi and…”
“Wait a minute…”, the cogs were turning in your head and you were finally starting to see the bigger picture. “Yuta was secretly dating Umji, Tae’s ex, so Tae started messing with me as a warning for Yuta to back off?”
 “Basically, yes. Jeno accidentally told Tae that he had seen Umji leaving Yuta’s house one morning when he’d gone over. Tae and Yuta are idiots who never talk shit through so instead of Tae asking Yuta to stop seeing Umji, Tae decided to pretend he didn’t know and try to get Yuta to admit it himself. Yuta played dumb so Tae got pissed and decided to give him a taste of his medicine by targeting the one girl he knows Yuta gives a shit about”, Xiaojun pointed to me.
 “Why was Yuta dating Umji anyway?” my jealously was getting the better of me, “When Yuta and I were… He told me he couldn’t stand her”.
“Ego. It’s all about ego when it comes to Dumb and Dumber. Even though you refer to us so lovingly as ‘fuckboys’, we do have our weaknesses. Tae’s is Umji and Yuta’s is you. We all know each other’s weaknesses and they instantly become off limits but after Tae and Yuta had yet another alpha male standoff, Yuta hooked up with Umji because he wanted to prove to himself that he was better than Tae. Umji was the first girl who ever really properly distracted from you so I guess he kept her around… I don’t know”, Xiaojun threw his glance down the road yet again but there was nothing in sight.
 “You know you can track your Uber on the app. It tells you how far it is?” I simply stated.
Xiaojun raised his eyebrows and looked back down at his phone. “This is my first time using this. I usually have the family’s driver take me everywhere but I didn’t want to wake him so early”, he tapped at his phone, “It’s close”. We stood there in an uncomfortable silence before I decided to turn around and leave; I finally had the whole story. “Why are you leaving?”
 “Why not? Your idiot friends have been using me as a prop in their game and I’m tired”, I sighed.
“It’s all over now though, right? Umji and Yuta are over. Him and Tae are pissed at each other but they’ll hug it out in a few days. Everything is chill”, at that moment, Xiaojun’s phone beeped and he looked down to read his text, “Maybe not…”
“What is it now? Did Umji reveal that she was pregnant? Did Jaehyun propose to Rosé? Did Yuta and Tae finally admit their feelings for each other and finally make it official? At this rate, nothing would surprise me”, I chuckled humourlessly. As I said this, Xiaojun’s Uber pulled up in front of us.
 “You might want to get in and come back with me, babe”.
“And why would I do that?” I laughed.
 “I just got a text from Ten and…” My own phone suddenly vibrated in my hands. I looked down and couldn’t understand what I was reading.
TenOutOfTen: Your idiot ex got drunk and fell off a roof. He’s at the General Hospital downtown!
Five years earlier
It was just my luck that the day my father had told me he couldn’t pick me up from school, it just so happened to start pouring down with rain. I usually had a driver who would come get me but my mother had asked my dad to do it for a month in an effort to ‘improve our relationship’. My father hadn’t been too fond of that idea but he did it anyway. He probably did it out of guilt; my mother was growing suspicious of his ‘innocent friendship’ with a new employee at his company, Jessica. I’d met her once and she seemed lovely. My mother was probably just being paranoid. Anyway, my father had promised to tell the driver to pick me up instead but he’d obviously forgotten as I ended up standing outside the school doors for 45 minutes.
 “Are you okay, darling?” a voice rang from the bottom of the stairwell. A woman with beautiful long black hair had stepped out of her car and was staring at me, a wet, crying teenager at the top of the stairs, freezing my butt off. “Where are your parents?” she asked.
 “I don’t t-thing anyone is c-coming”, I stuttered. She gave me a sympathetic smile and asked where I lived. I told her.
 “Oh, you’re Y/N, right? We live just three houses away from you; we moved in last month. I met your mother at brunch a few weeks back and she told me she had a daughter but you couldn’t make it because of tennis practice”, she beamed at me.
“Oh”, was all I could say. This had all been true. I’d skipped brunch a few weeks back in favour of playing tennis with this girl I’d met a few months ago called Sana. She was very sweet and I knew we’d become good friends.
 “I hope you don’t find this odd but… if you need a ride, I can take you home. I’m actually here to pick up my son Yuta; he should be finishing lacrosse try-outs in a few minutes. Maybe you know him, he’s your age so he could be in some of your classes!” I shook my head. I didn’t know him.
“But if it’s alright, I’d really like a ride back home, ma’am”, I sniffled. The woman smiled sympathetically and nodded, walking over to her car and opening one of the back doors. I strongly considered the fact that I might be getting kidnapped and that this Yuta kid didn’t actually exist but I was too cold and wet to care. Plus, maybe if I went missing, my dad would feel super guilty and actually care about me for a minute. I made my way down the stairs and into the woman’s car. She closed the door and walked over to the driver’s side, slipping herself into the seat. She drummed her fingers on the steering wheel as we sat there in silence for about 3 minutes. Suddenly, the passenger door swung open and someone took that seat. I couldn’t see their face properly but I could I could see their black, rain-soaked hair.
 “Yuta, this is Y/N. She lives a few houses down from ours”, his mother turned in her seat to point at me. Yuta slowly turned his head and shifted his body so that he could see me clearly. He was beautiful. How had I not noticed him before? My eyes scanned his face at least ten times, my gaze lingering on his pink lips, before either one of us finally spoke.
“Nice to meet you, Y/N”, he smiled, “I’m Yuta”.
Present day
Xiaojun held me close as I cried into his coat. The Uber ride felt never ending. Xiaojun hadn’t said anything since I’d started sobbing after I read the text. He’d simply just walked over to me a hugged me, held me for a minute, then ushered me into the car. I knew this wasn’t entirely my fault but I had definitely played my part. If anything happened to Yuta, I would never forgive myself. I finally pulled away from Xiaojun and looked down at my phone. There were no new messages. I don’t know what I was expecting; maybe I wanted to look down and find a text that read ‘just kidding’ followed by an eggplant emoji and a winking face. I could handle this being some sick twisted joke better than I could handle Yuta actually being critically hurt.
 “We’re here”, Xiaojun’s voice pulled me from my thoughts. I immediately opened the door and sped towards the hospital entrance. As I ran towards the building, I could make out two figures walking out; Taeyong and Jaehyun. They both looked distraught, Taeyong more so than Jaehyun. It was probably the guilt eating away at him. Jaehyun saw me and immediately called my name. I ran over to them and into Jaehyun’s arms.
 “What’s happening, Jaehyun?” I tried to control my sobs.
“It’s alright, babe, he’s in surgery right now so there’s no more information we can get until after it’s over”, he whispered. We both stood there in our embrace for a while before we pulled away. I looked over at Taeyong who stared back with red, apologetic eyes. He was hurting, maybe even more than me, but I was too upset to care. I wanted to hit him, to slap him across the face and tell him this was all his fault. I wanted to tell him that if anything happened to Yuta, he would have to live with it for the rest of his life. He would have to understand that he caused all of this because of his stupid ego. But as I looked at him and saw the broken boy staring back, I realised that he already knew.
 “I’m so sorry”, he simply said before turning away and walking towards an already waiting car.
 “I should probably go with him. If you want to, you can come with us. Nothing is going to happen for the next couple of hours”, Jaehyun sighed. I vigorously shook my head.
“No, no, I want to be here. I want to be right here. Nowhere else”, I protested. Jaehyun nodded as a small smile appear on his face.
 “Your guys have one fucked up love story, huh? I’d love to hear it one day”. And with that, he followed in Taeyong’s footsteps.
 “Jaehyun, can you please take my suitcase back to the club. It’s over there with Xiaojun”, I smiled weakly. Jaehyun gave me a small nod and made his way to Xiaojun who was struggling with both mine and his suitcases.
“Y/N! Thank God, you’re here!” I heard as soon as I walked into the hospital waiting room. It was Yuta’s mother.
“Mrs Nakamoto”, I called as I ran into her arms. We held each other tightly and I found myself sighing with relief. She was probably the only person who truly knew the extent of my relationship with Yuta, well, apart from the hooking up. She knew how much he truly meant to me, despite the aloof demeanour I treated him with over the years.
“He’ll be alright! Don’t worry; I’ve prayed and I’ve prayed. He’ll be alright”, Mrs Nakamoto comforted me as she pulled away from our hug. “The injuries aren’t as bad as I thought they’d be. He probably broke a few things but his head wasn’t hurt that much so there is no possibility of anything more than a concussion”. A sigh of relief escaped my lips once again. I finally took the time to look around the small white room. Apart from myself and Mrs Nakamoto, the only other person in the room was Ten who was sleeping on the dark blue sofa near the vending machine.
 “Why didn’t he go back to the country club with Tae and Jaehyun?” I asked.
“Jaehyun didn’t think it would be a good idea for Taeyong and Ten to be in the same car together. Ten is pretty furious at Taeyong. He said he was going to leave in a different car but then he fell asleep soon after. I wish I had a blanket for him”, explained Mrs Nakamoto. I look over at Ten one more time and smiled at his small figure, curled in a little ball as soft snores filled the room. “What happened, Y/N? Why did my baby try to kill himself?” I looked back at Mrs Nakamoto whose eyes were now filling with tears.
 “Oh no! He didn’t try to kill himself. He was just being drunk and dramatic. Don’t worry, Mrs Nakamoto, he’s not suicidal”, I offered her small smile.
 “I really hope you’re right… God, I’ve missed you. You never come by the house anymore”, Mrs Nakamoto sighed as she took a seat; I went and sat next to her.
“I know. I’m sorry”.
We sat in a comfortable silence for about ten minutes before the waiting room doors swung open and I turned to see the last person I wanted here tonight. Umji.
Three years earlier
“I’m not going to tell you”, I screamed through my laughter as Yuta tickled me. I tried to push him off of me in an attempt to escaped his grasp but he was too strong. I could feel myself edging towards the side of the bed so I decided to give in before we both fell onto the floor of Yuta’s bedroom. “Fine, fine, I’ll tell you!”.
Yuta immediately stopped his attack on my body, and he sat up at the foot of his bed. He looked over at me expectedly. “I don’t understand why you’re being so difficult. I know all the date-worthy guys at school. I could set you up with anyone”.
“I don’t have a crush though. I just think there are some cute guys”, I explained.
 “He’s such a player!”
“He’s cute! Okay, Taeyong”
 “Even worse!”
“What? Okay, fine. Xiaojun”
“Better but still not good enough for you”
 “Why do you hang out with them if they’re such bad guys?” I laughed.
“I’m a bad guy too”, Yuta shrugged, a smirk playing on his lips. I wished I could argue against this point but deep down I knew that he was right; I just chose to ignore his cocky rich boy side. “Choose someone outside of my friendship circle. And stop checking out my friends!”
“Hmmm, what about Ten?”
“I SAID SOMEONE OUTSIDE MY FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE, YOU IDIOT! Plus, that would never happen, trust me”
“Why not?”
“Just choose someone else!”
 “Mingyu”. I’d seen him playing lacrosse when I went to watch Yuta and I remember thinking he was one of the most gorgeous boys I’d ever seen.
“Oh. Yeah, he’s cool, I guess. I could get him to ask you out”, Yuta mused. I tried to hide my excitement.
“What about you? Who do you like?” I found myself suddenly curious.
“No one in particular. Who do you think I’d look good with?” Yuta crawled across the bed so that he was now sitting next to me, our heads both resting on the headboard.
 “You’d look good with… Sakura, or maybe Karina, what about Umji?” I analysed all the beautiful girls in our school.
“Hmm… what about Sana?” he asked, turning his head to look at me.
“You can’t like Sana! She’s my closest friend”
“Exactly! That’s how it feels when you say stuff about Xiaojun and Jaehyun and all those guys”, he pouted. I laughed and turned my head to face him. Our faces were close but we were used to invading each other’s personal space.
“Okay, fine. I’ll stay away from your clique of players and you stay away from Sana. I can set you up with Umji and you can set me up with Mingyu”, I smiled.
 “No, I can’t stand Umji. She’s so fake, and she lives on drama. She loves starting it, being part of it and talking about it; she pretends she doesn’t but really, she craves being the centre of attention. She’s more Tae’s type”, he laughed and I laughed along with him. “Why are we talking about this again?”
 “You said that this is the ages when teenagers start losing their virginity so we should start dating to get the process going”, I whispered against his lips. I hadn’t noticed that our faces had drifted even closer together. It was then I realised that if we didn’t stop, we’d kiss.
 “Well, I just realised that things would move a lot quicker if we just skipped all that dating shit and went straight for the sex”. And before I could ask him what he meant his lips were on mine. I had never kissed anyone before and I was sure he hadn’t either so we both moved slowly and cautiously. Yuta pulled me up onto his lap, our lips staying connected. We moved them in sync for some seconds when I felt Yuta’s tongue slip through the small gap of my slightly open lips. It felt strange at first; someone else’s tongue was in my mouth, but I quickly found my own tongue beginning to explore his mouth. I felt his hands slipping under my t-shirt and working their way up to my bra. As he was about to unhook my bra, his bedroom door flung open. I pushed myself off him and innocently looked towards the entrance.
 “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to interrupt!” Mrs Nakamoto looked between Yuta and I, flustered. Yuta awkwardly ran his fingers through his hair and jumped off the bed.
 “You didn’t interrupt anything”, Yuta mumbled.
 “No, I did. I’m sorry. I was just going to say I’m going out for a bit but now I’m not so sure”, Mrs Nakamoto chuckled. “I mean; I knew you guys liked each other but I didn’t know you were secretly doing whatever this is. Maybe I shouldn’t have let you guys have all those sleepovers…” she continued to tease us.
 “That was the first time, okay. We were just… testing something”, Yuta walked over to the door and attempted to close it.
 “Oh no, no! Just because I like the idea of you two being together, doesn’t mean I’m going to continue letting you hang out in this bedroom with the door closed. I’m too young to be a grandmother! No sex until you get married, guys!” Mrs Nakamoto exclaimed. Yuta groaned, and I simply buried my head into my hands and wished I could disappear.
Present day
“What are you doing here?” I jumped up from my seat and quickly walked over to Umji.
 “The same thing you are. I’m here for my boyfriend”, Umji rolled her eyes at me, “Just because we went through a bump in our relationship doesn’t mean I don’t love him and care for his well-being”.
 “You didn’t go through a ‘bump’, you broke up. And please don’t say you love him because you don’t and he doesn’t love you”, I spat out. Umji rolled her eyes again and took out her phone. She unlocked it and tapped at it until she seemed to find what she was looking for. She turned the phone to face me and I looked over the device; it was a picture of a big bouquet of flowers with a card that simply read ‘love Yuta’.
 “He had this sent to me on my birthday, along with a custom-made Tiffany necklace. What did he ever do for you? From what I heard, you were a quick fuck when he was bored”, Umji smirked. I could feel my blood boiling at her words but the picture she’d shown me calmed my nerves. I remembered Yuta telling me that flowers and a necklace are…
“Excuse me, sweetheart, but unfortunately the doctor said there can only be a maximum of three guests”, Mrs Nakamoto suddenly chimed in. I turned to face her but her eyes were settled on Umji.
 “Then why can’t Y/N leave? I’m his girlfriend”, Umji whined, “And who the hell are you to decide who stays and who goes?”
 “I’m his mother”, Mrs Nakamoto retorted, “And from what I hear, you’re no longer his girlfriend… Thank God”. Umji’s eyes suddenly widened as she realised who she had just addressed in such a rude manner.
 “I’m so sorry! I didn’t know you were his…”
“I think it’s time for you to go, Umji”, I smiled as a flustered Umji tried to formulate an excuse. “And don’t pretend you care about him. If anything you’re probably just here to live tweet the drama for the whole school”. Umji looked over at me ready to say something but then decided against it. Maybe she could tell that I’d been crying and distraught and in no mood for her shit. She simply nodded slightly and turned on her heels to leave. Before she closed the door, she turned to look at me one last time.
 “I know he doesn’t love me. And I know that you weren’t just an occasional fuck. Whenever I was with him and you walked by, I could feel all of his attention shifting to you. And you didn’t even have to try”, Umji confessed, a sad smile playing on her lips. She finally closed the door and left you standing in the waiting room.
“Occasional fuck? Hmm, it looks like my no-closed-bedroom-door rule didn’t help much” Mrs Nakamoto suddenly chuckled humourlessly from her seat. I knew that she was very religious and had truly not wanted me to sleep with Yuta outside of wedlock. I sighed as I walked over to her.
 “I’m so sorry Mrs Nakamoto. We just… we couldn’t help it”, I looked at her apologetically.
“Hormones are a powerful thing I guess”, she smiled at me. “So when did it happen the first time? Where?”
I groaned and buried my head in my hands like I had when she’d caught Yuta and I making out on his bed.
“Oh come on, I’m just curious”, she laughed.
 “This is so weird!” I joined her in her laughter. After a long pause I decided to get it over and done with. “It was about 3 months after you caught is making out in his room… My mother had just found out about my father’s affair with Jessica, she’d packed up her things and left without so much as a goodbye to me. I was distraught and angry. I just wanted to get away from everything so Yuta stole your car, sorry about that, and we drove for hours and hours and just talked. We went to a beach and I cried and cried and we talked some more. After that I felt much better and we decided to head back home. By that time, it was so dark and we were so tired that Yuta decided to take us to your beach house instead, again sorry about that. We watched my favourite film and ate my favourite snacks; I just felt so safe with him. One thing led to another and we ended up sleeping together that night”. I smiled at the memory. It was the first time I truly felt like I was in love with Yuta. I think I’d loved him before but that was the first time I really knew.
 “I can’t believe my car and beach house were involved in this”, Mrs Nakamoto joked. I giggled. I wanted to tell her more, it felt good to share.
 “After that night, we started… being intimate quite regularly. But as we grew older, Yuta became more and more influenced by his friends. I could no longer ignore the person he was becoming and it killed me. So, we drifted apart but we still…I don’t know, I guess we still loved each other. So it became more a hate-sex kind of thing even though there were times when he’d come over to my house and find me crying because of a fight I had with my dad. I’d expect him to just leave but he surprised me each time by taking me out for a drive and treating me like he did that day”, I took a deep sigh. It wasn’t until Mrs Nakamoto’s fingers were wiping away my tears that I even realised I was crying.
 “Your mother loved you more than anything in the world. I hope you know that”, Mrs Nakamoto cooed.
 “Then why did she leave without me?” I sobbed.
“Your dad didn’t give her much of a choice…”, Mrs Nakamoto admitted.
“What does that mean?”
 “It’s not my responsibility to tell you. Talk to your dad when you get back, okay. Actually, I’m going to call a car for Ten, you should go with him. I’d really like to be alone”.
“I’ll see you back at the club, okay?” Ten gave me a sleepy smile as the car dropped me off at the beach. I smiled back and nodded, getting out of the vehicle.
It was now 7:30AM and I still hadn’t slept. My mind was too chaotic right now. It took less than 2 minutes for me to find the perfect spot in the sand to sit and watch the waves. I thought about every trip to the beach with Yuta. I thought about every heated encounter we had, both sexual and verbal. I thought about how no matter how much we fought and teased each other; we’d always find our way back in each other’s arms. Most importantly, I thought about how we’d never vocally admitted we were in love.
 “He’s going to be fine, you know”. I looked up to see Taeyong standing next to me. I quickly got up from the ground and tried turning to walk away. Taeyong grabbed my arm. “Wait! Please!”
“What is it, Tae? You want to apologise? Because that’s not going to fix anything. Yes, he’ll be fine but the fact that it even had to escalate to this level is disgusting”, I spat out, pulling my arm out of his grasp.
 “You don’t think I know that?” Taeyong fired back. He frantically ran his fingers through his hair. “Yuta is one of my best friends. But he hurt me. I love Umji so much. Yes, she’s a bit of a bitch sometimes but I love that about her. She’s such a fucking drama queen but I could sit there all day and listen to her talking shit about people I don’t care about…”
“Why are you telling me this?” I suddenly spoke up.
“Because you know what it’s like to ignore all the bad because the good outweighs it. That’s what it was like with Yuta, right? He’s an arrogant dick and he thinks he’s better than most people but you looked over that because you loved him. I’m telling you this because I don’t want you to think I did this for the sake of being malicious. I did it for Umji. You were just an easy target because I knew you had feelings for me; I’m sorry”, Taeyong looked at me apologetically.
“You know… I actually broke things off with Yuta because I wanted to be with you”, I laughed at my own stupid confession. “Goodness knows what I saw in you”.
“I’m hot”, Taeyong flashed me his killer smile. A few weeks ago, I would have fallen to his feet at the sight but now I felt nothing. Okay, not nothing, he was still exceptionally attractive.
“Why do I always fall for such conceited idiots?” I joked.
“Knowing you’re attractive doesn’t make you conceited. That’s just a mind-set sold to us by the beauty industry to make us insecure so we buy their crap”, Taeyong stated almost robotically. And it suddenly reminded me of Ten and how he’d warned me that him and Taeyong were extremely alike. “I don’t understand why you gave up on a guy you love for a guy you were kind of crushing on though”.
 “I thought maybe if I moved on, I could forget him. I didn’t want to be in love with him forever. I wanted to be with someone who was always nice to everyone. Not just secretly nice to me. And I didn’t want to just be an occasional fuck”.
“We both know you weren’t an occasional fuck. Yuta talked about you so much without even realising it; ‘Guys, doesn’t Y/N look different today? I think maybe she did something different with her hair… she looks stupid’, ‘Hmm, this candle smells so good. Y/N has one like this… she���s so stupid’, ‘Why was Mingyu flirting with Y/N at lunch today? I thought he was dating someone else… Did you see her giggle? She’s so stupid’” Taeyong’s impression of Yuta coaxed the hardest laugh I’d had in a while. “The guys and I came to the conclusion that calling you stupid was his warped way of saying he loved you”.
 “He’s so stupid”, I mumbled, and it was Taeyong’s turn to let out a laugh.
“I really hope this shitty situation at least brings you two together… properly this time”. I smiled at Tae and found myself wishing this shitty situation would bring him together with Umji.
One year earlier
Yuta quickly put his lacrosse shorts back on while I pulled up my panties. There wasn’t much room to move in the janitor’s closet but we’d made it work.
 “I hope you realise that was the only time I’ll let you fuck me without a condom”, I scolded.
“I know, I said I’m sorry! You think I want a kid right now? I just ran out, okay, but I really needed you before this game”, Yuta rolled his eyes while he helped me fix my hair.
 “You should keep track of all the random girls you sleep with so you can manage your condom supply”, I huffed, “I don’t want kids right now either”.
“I only have sex with you, idiot, we just go through boxes really quickly”, Yuta retorted. I froze as I processed the new information; Yuta only slept with me? He must have felt my suddenly static state because he stopped and looked down at me. “Do you fuck other guys?” His voice was small.
 “No! I’m just surprised because I thought for sure I was one of many. I hear girls talking about all the gifts you give them and so I assumed you were wooing them or something”.
“Okay, first of all, who says ‘wooing’? And second of all, I give girls flowers and sometimes jewellery; it’s no big deal when you have money. Flowers and necklaces are basic gifts; you don’t have to think about them and they’re not really that personal. At least not to me. If I really like a girl, I’d buy her something with significance to our relationship, you know”.
 “If you don’t sleep with these girls, why do you buy them flowers and all that?” I asked.
“My friends don’t know about us and I’d prefer they didn’t find out so I have to keep up appearances and make it look like I’m trying to get laid”, Yuta shrugged.
“You’re ashamed of me?” I gave him a fake pout. Yuta took a step forward and kissed me softly on the cheek.
 “Of course I am. I can’t have people knowing we’re a… thing. I’m awesome and you’re… stupid”, he chuckled. I didn’t take anything personally; we’d both agreed to keep our escapades quiet to avoid drama and complications. “I have to go now. The game starts in 5 minutes and I told Coach I was just going to the bathroom really quickly”.
 “Good luck, jerk”.
“Are you coming?”
 “No, my dad wants me to have a family dinner with him and Jessica”, I gagged, and Yuta looked at me with sad eyes.
“Oh… well, since you can’t come to my game, you owe me. We can go to the beach tomorrow, yeah?” he smiled. He made it sound like I was doing him a favour because I was missing his game but I could tell that he was doing me a favour because he could tell that I was upset at my father who was trying to replace my mother.
“Fine, I guess I owe you that much… Thanks”, I smiled. Yuta leaned down one more time, this time placing a chaste kiss on my lips.
Present day
I’d been back home for three weeks now and the first day back at school was tomorrow. Summer was officially over. After that day at the beach with Taeyong, we’d gone back to the country club where my father had shouted at me for trying to leave without telling him then proceeded to have a driver take me back home. He didn’t even let me check on Yuta before I left. All updates on Yuta’s condition had being given to me via his mother’s phone calls, and Ten, Jaehyun, Taeyong and Xiaojun’s texts. They told me he was fine and that he hadn’t even broken a single bone, although he still had some damage in his right ankle and had to walk around with crutches. I wanted to talk to him but every time I tried to ask his mother while we were on the phone, I’d chicken out.
 “I’ll see him tomorrow at school, Sana!” I groaned as she tried to persuade me to call him, “He still has my number blocked probably so it would be no use”.
 “You’re just making excuses! Call him on a different phone. You can’t ignore a guy who practically jumped off a roof because he was distraught about losing you”, Sana whined over the phone.
“I’m not ignoring him. I just want to give him space… And I’m pretty sure he just fell. What time are you getting here anyway?”
“I’m closer than you think”, Sana chirped. Suddenly the doorbell rang.
“Wow, impressive”, I laughed.
“What is?”
 “That you’re already at the door”, I said as I made my way to the entrance.
 As I pulled open the wooden door, Sana’s voice rang out from the device in my hand, “I’m not at your door…”
I froze in place as I looked at the person staring back at me, mirroring my motionless state. “Yuta…”
“H-hey Y/N”, he stammered, “I was wondering if…” Before he could even finish his sentence, I’d crossed the threshold of my house and thrown myself into him, hugging him tightly. He seemed caught off guard for a second before I felt his arms squeezing around me.
 “You’re okay! You’re okay!” I sobbed into his shirt. I’d been told multiple times that he was fine but seeing him here in front of me felt so unbelievably amazing.
“Yeah, I’m okay”, he laughed into my hair. We stood like that for minutes before we heard an awkward cough from behind us.
 “Sana! You’re here”, I blurted out. Yuta’s arms fell to his side and I took a step back, separating us. Sana looked between Yuta and I, a knowing smile on her face. She silently walked past Yuta and myself, entering my house and shutting the door. I stood outside my closed house and awkwardly looked up at Yuta; he let out a short laugh while quickly faded back into the silence.
The front door suddenly flew open and Sana quickly snapped a picture on her phone. “Say cheese”, she beamed before slamming the door again.
 “Umm, that was… weird. I… I just came here to… to let you know that… I’m not always that dramatic. You know, the whole roof thing. Yeah… I also wanted to apologise for…”
 “I love you”, the words sped out of my mouth before I could stop them. Yuta stared at me; his eyes wide. “I just… I wanted to say it loud just once”.
“You still love me after all this shit”, Yuta chuckled to himself, “Wow…”
 “Yeah, I guess I’m just stupid”, I giggled, embarrassed.
“You’re not stupid”, he smiled, “I love you too”. My heart stopped. I’d always imagined what it would feel like to hear him say those words but truly no fantasy lived up to the real thing.
“I guess we’re both stupid”, I whispered. Yuta closed the gap between us and rested his forehead on mine.
 “If Sana wasn’t here, I would have loved to take you out on a proper date”, he mused. Suddenly, the door flung open yet again and Sana, phone in hand, sped past us and down the driveway.
 “See you at school tomorrow!” she yelled as she disappeared into the distance.
“Your friend is so fucking weird”, Yuta laughed.
“Urgh, don’t even get me started on your friends”. We both chuckled, still holding each other. We had such a long way to go and so many broken things to fix but I loved him and he loved me and hopefully at the end of the road, that would be enough.
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satansapostle6 · 6 months
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Josh Futturman has always had a crush on his beautiful coworker, the sharp, sexy scientist he thought he could only dream of talking to.
Warnings: Mature themes/language. Sexual content.
Part Five
Part Six: Merry Happy
Friday couldn’t come soon enough. After telling Ray about his successful asking-out of Brynne Johansson, Josh couldn’t wait until the Kronish Ball that night where he would essentially get to show off to the entire office that Dr. Johansson was his date. That morning, he’d come into work with an entirely different attitude, genuinely smiling and honestly telling people ‘good’ when they asked how he was doing.
At exact ten, he’d stopped by Brynne’s office while she was still busy in the lab to drop off a little plant of beautiful purple, almost royal blue orchids on her desk, with a card attached that read ‘From Josh’. He felt like a baller.
On top of that, later that afternoon as he got home from work, he received a text that made him giddy like a teenager.
This is Brynne. Got your number from Ray. Pick me up at 5:30.
Beneath it was her home address. Josh loved how direct she was. He resisted the urge to start yelling and celebrating on the drive home from work. But a part of him felt as if, in that moment, he could’ve crashed the car and died happy. Josh quickly ran into his parents’ house, eager to remind his parents of his accomplishment.
“Hey, Mom! Hey Dad!” he called.
“Hi, Joshy!” his mom called from the dining room table.
“Ready for your big date tonight?” his dad added.
“That’s what I’m about to do right now!” Josh called, running up the stairs.
He had a little while before he was going to leave to pick up Brynne, and he intended to utilize every moment of it to prepare for their date. The first thing he did was rummage through his closet, looking for his good(and only) suit. He laid it out on his bed, examining it with his hands on his hips, satisfied with himself.
“Josh,” his mother called through the open door. “Want me to iron that for you?”
“Sure, Mom,” he nodded gratefully, “Thanks.”
“Of course,” Diane smiled, taking the suit off of his bed, “So, when do we get to meet the famous Dr. Johansson?” she asked giddily.
“Mom,” Josh sighed, “This is my first date with her.”
“Okay, okay, I won’t pry!” she exclaimed humorously. “But I really would love to meet her. Your father would, too. We’d love to have her over!”
“Yeah, I’m sure you would,” he agreed, shutting the door behind her as he prepared himself for a shower.
Josh took an extra long, steamy shower, as if he’d somehow come out extra clean. He got out and immediately dabbed on some of the cologne that Brynne had complimented before, knowing she liked it. He spent the next couple of hours on random things he thought might help, like brushing his teeth twice just to make sure his breath smelled good.
Once he felt he was ready, he carefully put on the suit that had been neatly laid out on his bed for him, putting extra care into tucking his shirt in and tying his tie. Josh came downstairs, fully dressed and ready to pick up his beautiful date, who he couldn’t wait to see.
“Oh, Joshy, you look so handsome!” Diane exclaimed as she helped cook dinner.
“Agreed. Looking sharp, Joshy,” Gabe said with a proud smile.
“Can I please take a picture?” Josh’s mother asked, running to grab her phone, “For the photo album?”
“Mom, I’m running late,” Josh sighed, checking his pockets to make sure he had everything, “I’ll see you guys later.”
“Alright, bye, Joshy, have fun!” she called happily.
“Be safe!” his father waved as he rushed out the door.
Josh had never been more nervous in his life. He’d cleaned out his car the day before just in case, going so far as to vacuum. He already knew his car was nowhere near as cool as Brynne’s, so he tried his best to still impress her with how pristine everything was.
He eventually arrived at the address she’d given him, a nice house in a nice neighborhood. It definitely looked like a doctor’s house. Josh parked his car out front, deciding to walk up to her door and knock like a gentleman. He felt like he was taking her to the prom. Josh rang the doorbell, waiting for just a moment before the door opened.
“Hachi machi,” he gasped.
He’d seen Brynne dressed up for work before, but this was something else entirely. She came out onto the porch in a stunning emerald green gown, perfectly complimented her features.
“I take it I look okay?” she asked humorously.
“More than okay,” Josh assured her, unable to close his mouth completely.
He knew the first thing he had to do was compliment her, but he felt overwhelmed by her beauty, as if she was too beautiful to even adequately compliment.
“You look… Amazing,” he breathed. “Absolutely beautiful.”
“Thank you, Josh,” she smiled. “You look very handsome.
He blushed at the compliment, still taking her in as he stood there in front of her. The dress was perfect on her, backless and form-fitting, showing off just how beautiful and elegant her body was. Her strawberry blonde hair fell in soft waves, looking perfect as usual.
“Thanks,” he breathed, looking back at the car. “Shall we?”
She smiled in surprise as he nervously offered her his arm, walking her to the car like a gentleman, exactly as he’d been taught. He opened the car door for her, watching her smile as she got in.
“Thank you,” she chuckled, appreciative of the gesture.
As she got into the passenger’s seat beside him, Josh had to come to a complete stop for a moment as he took in the faint difference in air in the car.
“Brynne… you smell amazing,” he breathed, sounding winded from trying to breathe in as much of her perfume as possible.
She chuckled, knowing there was a reason she had a designated ‘secret weapon’ perfume, “Thank you,” she responded warmly. “You, and Nina Ricci.”
“No, Brynne, I’m serious,” he insisted excitedly, “You smell… like freaking heaven.”
“Well,” she nearly whispered, leaning in toward him with a dangerous smile, “I think you’re the most handsome guy in the world.”
Josh cleared his throat loudly to mask the sound of a surprising and involuntary groan of appreciation.
“Th-Thank you,” he managed, a pleading look in his eyes.
“Hey,” she said softly, her hand cupped against the side of his face, “Are you okay?”
Josh quickly composed himself, feeling guilty for concerning her. “Yeah, yeah, I’m good,” he promised, feeling weak against her touch, “You’re just… really, really pretty. Like unbelievably pretty.”
“Oh, you’re so sweet,” she gushed, “You know. I’ve always thought you were adorable.”
“Adorable? Really?” Josh laughed, caught off guard by how much he liked the compliment.
“Yeah,” Brynne nodded, “You are.”
“I-I think I like the way you talk to me,” he said candidly. “You—You give nice compliments. It’s sweet.”
“You’re one of the few people I’ll be sweet to,” she shrugged.
“Good,” he smiled, starting the car. “You know, I feel special.”
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idolatrybarbie · 5 months
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main masterlist | pmamc masterlist
summary: For PMAMC '24. Blackjack has the best odds of winning in any casino game. All you have to do is beat the dealer. Still, the notion doesn’t comfort Maxwell Lord. He likes to be certain. He likes to win.
rating & word count: explicit - 18+ only, minors & blank blogs get blocked! | 4.9k
content tags: takes place in the 80s, fem!OC with no physical descriptions, gambling (pls don't), alcohol and references to it, descriptions of fake gore and blood, reader smokes, references to domestic violence and abuse, smut - pegging, anal fingering, come eating, praise.
tags & notes: @amanitacowboy | I had to watch several videos on how blackjack works for this. Still don't get it.
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The noise of the room bubbles up around him, the sound of slots and smell of money threatening to slosh over like a spilled drink. The colourful trill of fruit machines announcing another loser can’t penetrate Max’s focus like it was designed to. His eyes are glued to the velvet green table, watching the vested woman with a crooked smile deal out another round of cards.
Blackjack has the best odds of winning in any casino game. All you have to do is beat the dealer. Still, the notion doesn’t comfort Maxwell Lord. He likes to be certain. He likes to win.
The dealer lays out a new hand with deft fingers. A three and a queen; six and an ace; the Queen and Jack of Spades; another ace and another three. Cancel, cancel, two high cards, another cancel. He adjusts the count in his head. Minus two.
With the hand played, the woman at the end of the table with wire-framed glasses surrenders. Half of her bet returns to the pot, the other half scooped up by the dealer. The two other men at the table double down. Max bets only a few chips, swiping a hand through the front strands of his sandy brown hair.
The cards sit at minus two against the players, in favour of the dealer. As she doles out a new crop of cards, he keeps counting. A five; a ten; the Queen of Clubs; a four. The round ends at minus three.
He’s keeping track, visualizing the numbers bright and shiny at the forefront of his mind. Max counts the hits and stands as the new deck is laid out, the running count increasing to twelve over the next couple games. He bets five hundred dollars in the next game, immediately receiving an ace and the King of Spades. At this three-to-two table, he’s just won 750 dollars.
The dealer is asking if he wants to continue playing, carrying his winnings over into the next round. Max’s focus has left the table and the small mountain of chips he can call his own. His eyes are drawn to the stage at the back of the long casino hall, smoke polluting the air around the draped black curtains before they pull away.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” a proud voice booms over the sound system. “Please put your hands together for…the amazing Killian Loftus!”
A platform parts within the floor of the stage, a man slowly rising from beneath on a silver plate of metal. He sports a finely pressed suit, the tails swaying as he walks a few steps away from his spot, accepting the applause he’s given. As he’s smiling at the crowd gathered near the stage, a woman struts across the shiny floor to stand next to him.
Her tights are sheer black, covering the smooth landscape of her legs and thighs up to her crotch. From there, they disappear under a silky black bunny suit that cuts high at her hips, a fanciful bow tie collar around her neck. In place of rabbit ears sits a small top hat. She waves at the audience, waggling each finger. As this woman scans over the sectioned sea of people, Maxwell swears they make eye contact from across the room.
The dealer at the blackjack table asks him if he’d like to rejoin once more. He glances back only for a moment, shaking his head with a brisk no in her direction. Max haphazardly shuffles his chips into his clear plastic rack, making sure to count every one. When he’s organized himself, he leaves the cushioned leather seat at the gambling table to join the crowd close to the stage. A seat in the back suits him just fine, the parting of heads in front of him leaving a perfect view to the magician and his beautiful assistant.
The great Killian Loftus’ first bout of magic involves slight of hand tricks performed on a murky glass orb. He shuffles it in his palm as onlookers ooh and ahh. When he seemingly extracts another, smaller glass ball from the original one and regards the audience with a look of feigned surprise, Max can’t help himself as he rolls his eyes. Observing the stage, he can see that Loftus’ assistant feels a bit of the same. She sits perched on a black stool staring at her fingernails, forgotten in the act.
It’s another ten minutes of card tricks and optical illusions before Killian announces, “And now…for my greatest trick! I will make my dazzling Bunny here disappear.”
Bunny. Can’t be her real name, but Max likes the sound of it for now. He imagines, for a brief moment, gritting out that name as she bounces on his cock. The thought has him stiffening in his slacks already.
Bunny stands from her stool, walking behind the shadowy black curtain. When she reappears, she’s wheeling a long purple coffin onto the stage. On top of the box is a saw. Bunny hands it to Loftus, who holds it up for the audience to see. At first, Max can’t tell if it’s real or fake. When Killian drags his pointer finger along one of its rigid teeth, he winces, finger coming away bloody. Definitely real.
He sucks at his finger, the blood disappearing as Bunny gets into the gaudy casket. She looks at the people in the crowd once more, the stage lights highlighting a kilowatt smile. Laying back in the box, Bunny disappears as Loftus secures a sparkling lid over top of her. Max knows that by now, his assistant will have slipped through the fake bottom of the box, crouched at the bottom of the curtained cart that the coffin traveled in on.
Loftus asks, “Now, you’re in there for certain Bunny?”
The audience can only hear muffled speech from inside the box.
“How ‘bout you just knock for us, sweetheart?” the magician asks. The pure condescension in his tone makes Max’s blood boil in the slightest. Even if it’s an act, where does a guy like that get off on acting so…lordly.
It’s not his job to save her, Max knows this. He is simply here to watch. And watch he does.
A knock is heard from inside the box, confirming to the audience that Bunny is still with us. That’s when Killian takes the saw, setting it right in the middle of the coffin. He begins to cut into the wood, sweat beading at his retreating hairline between the exertion and the stage lights.
“Folks, you are about to watch me tear this sweet girl apart,” he says. Max doesn’t miss the innuendo, huffing under his breath. “And then! I will put her right back together.”
The saw moves further and further through the coffin, eventually reaching whereabouts Bunny’s body would lay. As Loftus continues to saw, a tearing sound accompanies the grating noise of splitting wood. Killian’s brow pinches in confusion, his hand slowing but not stopping. As he cuts deeper, red liquid trickles down the front side of the cedar box. That trickle grows to a stream, crimson pouring from the coffin as the rip of something softer grows louder.
Members of the crowd begin to stand, cries and shouts for Loftus to stop erupting from their seats.
“If you’ll all just give me a moment here…” he says with a grunt. Finally, he cuts through the last inch of the coffin. When he lays the saw down on the floor of the stage, it smeared in what can only be blood. It slides out of the box easily, pooling by the magician’s spiffy dress shoes. “Everyone calm down,” Killian says. “There’s nothing to worry about. See?”
As he asks the question, he pulls apart the two halves of the coffin. Inside, what looks to be the corpse of Bunny has been split into two parts. Her guts are spilled between the two halves like webbing, slopping onto the floor as Killian Loftus pulls her large intestine taut. A woman in the crowd screams, the rest of them tittering nervously. A man in the front row hurls onto the wine-stained carpet. Max’s own stomach roils at the sight. He covers his mouth and looks away.
That’s when he spots her. The assistant—Bunny, or whatever her real name is. Distinctly not sawed in half, waltzing away in her towering heels; she slips between poker tables, dodging players left and right. Wherever she’s going, she is in a hurry. Max can’t help himself, standing to follow. He gets one last look at the stage. Two security guards have a hold on each of Loftus’ arms, holding him still as a third whips out metal cuffs from his utility belt. For all they know, he’s just committed live murder.
The air outside the casino is cool against Maxwell’s skin. He catches his breath, taking in lungfuls at a time as he glances around the sidewalk bathed in neon lights. The hustle and bustle of foot traffic nudges him back closer to the doors, chips still safe against his ribs. The smell of tobacco invades his nose. Max looks to his left, and there she is. Still in her bunny suit, the mysterious woman pulls a cigarette from her lips to look at him. She flashes him her smile again, blindingly beautiful.
“Out here by yourself, handsome?” she asks, taking another drag.
“I was looking for you,” Max admits.
“Weren’t too amused by my little stunt, huh?”
“I thought it was brilliant.”
“Brilliant?” the woman asks, eyebrows raising with the word. She seems to take a moment to mull that over—mull him over, before she says, “Well thanks.”
“Of course,” Max returns.
Then she says, “You know, you’re pretty brilliant yourself. I saw you at the blackjack table.”
“I don’t know what you’re insinuating,” he smiles.
“Your lips twitch every time the there’s a cancel. A draw,” the magician’s assistant says. “It’s your tell.”
Maxwell didn’t think he had one. He’s surprised it’s taken this long for anyone to notice. If she has, that means she’s been watching him a lot longer than their shared look at the start of the show.
“And what’s yours?” he asks, taking a bold step closer. By now, the cigarette has burned down to the filter. Bunny lets it fall to the cement, crushing it under the toe box of her heel.
“What if I said I don’t have one?” she asks, voice low and sultry. She smells like cigarettes and spearmint.
“Everyone has a tell,” Maxwell says.
Her lips are so close to his now. He can see the microscopic specks of glitter in her gloss as she speaks, barely a whisper.
“I guess you’ll just have to find mine.”
Right when Max moves in for a kiss, she pulls away.
“But first,” Bunny says. “I need a favour.”
“Anything,” he says instantly. A dog on a leash.
She pulls a scrap of paper from her bra, taking a hold of Max’s hand and folding it into his palm. He relishes in its warmth, cock stirring once again as he thinks about what this paper has touched. He wants to hold her, caress every part of her beautiful body.
“You need to get into this room. It’s reserved for Loftus. Under the bed, there’s a briefcase. Bring it to me.”
“Where can I find you?” he asks.
She simply says, “You’ll find me, baby.”
The magician’s assistant walks away with a sway in her hips. Max is mesmerized by her ass in that outfit, watching ‘til she disappears around the corner. He almost goes after her, stopping himself. He schools his desperation into determination. Retrieve a briefcase? Max can surely manage that. He looks at the address scribbled down on the paper. Just south of here, a little ways up Las Vegas Boulevard.
First, he returns to the casino to cash out his chips. 750 dollars richer, he exits the building once again to join the people on the street. Walking down the long strip, he keeps an eye out for the place he’s looking for. The hotels and casinos tower over him and everyone else, overwhelming in their grand stature. Lights of all colours bathe different sections of his vision; everything highlighted, all of it begging for his attention and the opening of his wallet.
Max reaches the address on the piece of paper, staring up at the MGM Grand. Across the street from replica Lady Liberty, this has to be the largest building in mass size that he’s ever seen. The glass structure seems to glow, alternating black and wizard green stripes lining its entirety. He doesn’t take too long to gawk, ducking his head and moving toward the entrance. 
Through the abstract front doors, marble flooring slides beneath his feet. The lobby is dotted with hundreds of pot lights. In the middle of everything is a branded flower garden. From this distance, Max can’t tell if the plants are real or fake. All he can focus on is the life-sized golden lion statue sitting among them on a pedestal. A spotlight filters down on the creature from the divoted, sparkling ceiling.
It is purely overwhelming. All of it makes his eyes hurt. Maxwell simultaneously wants it all, and wishes everything would disappear.
The slip of paper has details for the penthouse on the thirtieth floor. Maxwell beelines for the elevator, getting on alone. The doors creep closed in front of him as he scans over the buttons panel. Twenty-nine glowing circles wait for him. Number thirty has a hole next to it, the light behind it dead. Running a thumb over it, he can tell that it’s fit for a key. The elevator doesn’t move, the doors opening again moments later. Max walks back into the lobby, eyes darting around as he forms a plan.
He’s a smart man. Quick-thinking; had to be growing up, having only mere moments to make decisions before his father burst into one of his unpredictable rages. His heart would pound, lungs floating without air in his chest as he got to work with his rational brain. The part of him that pointed out the best hiding spots under the bed or in his mom’s closet, or when was a good time to ditch the house for a few hours entirely.
That same part of his mind starts working again now, taking in his surroundings instead of fighting them, positing the best solution. Max takes a deep breath, reorganizing himself. He can do this. He starts walking to the lobby desk, leaning into a bit of Mick Jagger swagger. When he reaches the counter, he spreads his hands over the edge of it, the ring on his finger catching the light.
“Sweetheart,” Max begins, imitating Killian Loftus’ grating persona. “I’m so sorry to bother you, but I can’t seem to find my key.”
“I’m sorry, sir. Can I have your name and room number?” the woman behind the desk asks. Her hair is tightly crimped, blonde ends singed with heat damage. Max gives her a smirk, informing her of the booking under Loftus’ name for the uppermost suite.
“Alright sir,” she says, looking through pages in a guest book. “I’ll just need to see some identification and we will be right on our way.”
Shit. These goddamn hotels are moving towards hokey technology, getting rid of guestbooks and good old metal keys. Maxwell weathered the thin skin of his lip, pivoting his strategy. Reaching into his inner jacket pocket, he pulled out a few bills from his gambling winnings.
“How much to overlook that little requirement?” Max asks.
“Four hundred dollars,” the woman says immediately.
Max blinks at her, turning away for only a moment. All of this for one woman? One woman whom he barely knows, who’s really promised him nothing. But her beautiful face, that tantalizing smile… Fuck.
He turns back to the hotel attendant, skimming through the crisp cotton bills with his thumb to count out four hundred dollars. Max hands it to her over the counter. She discreetly tucks it into the breast pocket of her blazer, padded shoulders straightening up with pride. The attendant then hands Max a key, the metal ring dangling off her finger. He takes it from her, walking away as he unruffles his feathers.
Max returns to the elevator. The doors are about to close when a pale hand jams itself between them. They slip open again, a blonde couple glommed onto each other at the mouth joining him. Maxwell moves over in the compartment, giving them as much space as possible. The ride up feels impossibly long, the sounds of their lips pressing together making it entirely agonizing. They finally get off at the twenty-fifth floor, tumbling down the left side of the hallway to their room.
When he puts the key into the hole next to the thirtieth floor, the button lights up for him. Max presses it, loosening his tie a little as he ascends to the penthouse. The doors open with a slight ding! Setting foot into the luxury suite, he takes his time to look around. The latest and greatest model appliances deck out the kitchenette, the couch as plush as chinchilla fur. He takes his shoes and socks off, digging his toes into the soft shag carpet. Max could get used to this.
He remembers what he truly came here for like a jolt of electricity, scrambling to slide his Farragamo loafers back on, socks in hand. The briefcase. Right. Under the bed, she’d said.
Max quits milling about, looking for the bedroom among so many parlors and rooms. He finally finds it at the very back of the penthouse. He only has a moment to graze a palm over the fine linen sheets before he drops to his knees. Underneath the bed frame lies exactly what he’s looking for: the aforementioned briefcase.
Sliding it out from under the bed, Max stays kneeling on the carpet as he stares at it. He could open it, take a peek inside. Just to look, he tells himself. Anything could be in there. Money, diamonds, jewels…the thought gets him hard again. So does the promise of seeing her. He could give in to greed…or give in to her.
Really, it’s an easy choice to make.
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You wait for the mystery man alone at the casino’s bar. If he has any sense, he’ll find you here. Or, you figure, he could take off with the briefcase. He’s probably opened it by now, already seen its tempting contents. You’d say that you are pissed, but you can’t really blame him.
It’s been almost an hour; a lot longer than you’d expect for a simple smash and grab. There wasn’t even the instruction to smash. No need for breaking added to this entering. No, the beautiful card counter with the light brown hair is long gone. Go figure.
“Bartender,” you signal him over, two fingers in the air. When the man shuffles to you with a towel over his shoulder, you say, “I’ll take another martini. Extra dirty this time.”
“You know, they say that dogs look like their owners,” you hear someone speak behind you. Turning slightly, you see the man from earlier—with the luscious locks and fleeting eyes, this time carrying a briefcase. The briefcase. He’s come back to you after all.
“So?” you ask. “Are you calling me a dog?”
“No, no, no,” he rushes out, immediately sitting down beside you. You like that. He’s quick to worry, easy to rile up. He seems to want you happy; to keep you pleased. “I was going to ask if the lady is like her drink.” He waits until the bartender sets the skinny glass in front of you. “Extra dirty.”
“Well, you’ve brought me what I asked for,” you say. “So that all depends on what you want…” You’re only now realizing that you don’t know this man’s name.
“Maxwell,” he offers you a hand. “Maxwell Lord.” You shake it carefully. His palms are a little sweaty. He sets the briefcase down on the bar with his other hand, eyes never leaving you.
“That’s a nice name. Maxwell Lord,” you say, testing it out on your tongue. He smiles as you say it.
“I assume your true name isn’t Bunny,” he says.
“You’ll be lucky enough to find out.” You take a sip of your drink, watching him watch you. “Y’know, I thought that you would stiff me.”
“You? Never,” Maxwell says. “I know it would haunt me for all of my days.”
“Why’s that?”
“You’re too beautiful.”
That’s it. You need to see this man naked as soon as possible.
“You’re sweet,” you coo. Downing the rest of your drink in one go, you plop a few bills down on the sticky bar to cover your tab. Taking the briefcase by the handle, you offer him your other hand. “Shall we?”
“Absolutely, yes,” Maxwell nods.
You drag him through the casino, this time to a separate lobby attaching two buildings. Of course there’s a casino, bar, and hotel. One stop shopping for the tax break-wealthy drunkard with too much cash to blow. “Trickle down” your ass.
Your room on the fifth floor isn’t nearly as fancy as Killian’s at the Grand, but it’s cozy with a nice bed. That’s all the two of you need. Max doesn’t even try to take control—another thing you like. He’s a puppet and you’ve gathered his strings, pushing him back so he falls to the springy mattress.
“Okay, honey,” you say, kicking your heels off. You climb into his lap on the bed, settling over a distinct bulge in his pants. “You’re going to tell me what you want. I’ll make sure you feel real good. Okay?”
“Mhm,” Max nods. Your lips slide along his neck, leaving lipstick marks in your wake. “I want you to fuck me,” he whispers.
You pause, drawing yourself back to look in his eyes. He’s dead serious, face lax as he gazes upon you like you’re holding up the world. “You want me to fuck you?” you repeat.
“Please.” The word comes out all breathy, almost a whine drawn from Maxwell’s throat. How can you refuse him?
“Alright, baby.”
You pinch his cheek teasingly, getting off of him in search of your luggage. In the meantime, you tell him to strip. Behind you, Max starts to unbutton his shirt, discarding his baby blue suit jacket. You listen to him get undressed as you pull your suitcase up from underneath the hotel bed.
Unzipping the bag, you dig past your satiny outfits to the hidden compartment beneath your underwear. Finding what you need, you place the toy, harness, and small bottle of lubricant on the bed’s comforter. You can hear Maxwell pause as he shimmies out of his pants. When you see him again, his eyes are transfixed on the spread you have laid out.
“What’s wrong, baby?” you ask.
He returns to shedding his pants, then his calf-high cotton socks.
When he says, “Nothing. Nothing at all,” you cock your head, blinking at him.
“You can tell me,” you say, getting closer. Your hands brush over his bare shoulders, feeling the warmth of his skin.
“Looks like a lot,” he says, eyeing the toy again.
“You can take it,” you say. “Everything is going to be just fine.”
He’s right; it is a lot. Eight solid inches of bendy silicone, all for him. You direct him onto the bed again, laying with his spine against the mattress. Max watches as you attach the thick toy to the leather harness with a metal O-ring. Then, you slip it on like a pair of panties, adjusting the buckles at your sides. Once you settle over him, you take his cock in your hand. Slow beginning strokes have Maxwell sighing against you as you kiss him.
“You were so good, Maxwell. Did a great  job,” you say, sitting up.
“Y-you think so?” he asks, voice uneven.
“I know so.”
Spit runs past your lips down to where you hold him. It slides over the swollen tip of his length, down between the skin of your fingers. You ease him into slightly faster strokes, watching the way his eyes flutter with every movement. You wish you’d packed a camera for this outing to capture it permanently.
When you pull your hand away, Maxwell groans. Laid flat on the bed, you get a hold on one of his thighs, lifting it to his chest.
“Hand me that bottle, baby.”
Fumbling with the linens for a moment, Max gets a grip on the lube and hands it to you. The cap opens easily, a quick snap that brings Maxwell’s focus to your still-wet hand. He watches as a dollop of the clear gel falls to the middle of your palm. You fold your hand, spreading lubricant across the pads of your middle and pointer fingers.
You lean down towards him, tongue flat as you lick across his lips. Max moves his arms around you, hugging your body close to capture you in a sweet kiss. Tongue moving against yours, you guide your hand to his bottom half.
“You ready, honey?” you ask him.
He nods, kissing you again. You meet his tight rim with light touches, feeling Maxwell contract at the contact. As you ease a finger in slowly, he breaks away from your lips. Nuzzling into the crook of your neck, he practically purrs against your skin. Pushing deeper, his breath catches.
“That’s it, Maxwell. Feels good, doesn’t it?” you ask.
“Yes, it’s—oh god.”
“My clever boy… So good at doing what I tell you to, huh?”
“I want you to be—be happy. Content. So beautiful, I can’t…” Max rambles on.
You shush him gently, stroking the side of his face with your free hand. “Don’t worry honey. I know.”
Adding a second finger earns you a deep moan from the man beneath you. He’s being pulled in all directions, pleasure tearing him apart. His broad shoulders relax further into the bed, golden skin glowing with natural light. He is a truly alluring man. That’s why he caught your eye in the first place: someone so radiant amid the dim atmosphere of a Vegas casino. 
Killian was a terrible business partner, cutting you only thirty percent of the money from any given con job you worked together. He was another seedy character in a town chock full of them. Eyeing Maxwell at that blackjack table, you saw an opportunity for something new. Someone new. Spiffy and sparkling, your very own Ken doll fresh from the packaging.
“You think you’re ready, gorgeous?” you ask, tone sweet as sugar.
“Always ready,” Maxwell answers.
His chest heaves with each pull of air into his lungs, anticipation keeping you both on edge. He watches you slather the dildo in a thick coating of lube, sliding it against Max’s balls. Then you notch the toy at the crux of his ass, head pressed against his hole. Inching slowly forward, you can’t choose between focusing on his pretty face or his ass swallowing the length of you.
“How does that feel?”
“Fantastic,” Maxwell sighs.
He takes half at first, speared open on the dildo as he measures his breathing. Max is flushed from his forehead to his cock, perspiration littering his body as precum drips from his swollen tip. You take him in hand again, stroking at soft skin in tandem with your thrusts. Small, stuttering gasps and groans fill the air as Maxwell holds you close, feeling almost every inch.
“You like my cock, honey?” you ask. “You’re so special. So, so special. A sweet boy that that takes my cock all nice…takes what I give him.”
You slow your movements to more languid pulses, barely leaving him as you rock forward.
“Fuck,” Max moans. “Please.”
“Oh, he likes that, huh?” You watch as Max’s hole swallows the rest of your lubed cock easily, hips flush with the backs of his thighs. “Greedy little boy. All eager to get fucked by me. I think you’d do anything for it.”
“Anything,” he agrees.
“Maybe next time, I’ll get you to beg.” Max moans again, holding your hips to press you deeper. “You want to kneel for me, honey? Get down on your knees all pretty for me?”
“Yes, yes, yes,” Maxwell whispers in a chant.
“Think my pretty boy could get off just like that? On his knees, rubbing against the edge of my heel?”
“Please,” he begs you.
Your lips quirk into a smile as you watch him writhe beneath you. One word turns to a string of pleading, though you aren’t quite sure that Maxwell knows what he’s asking for. You speed up your thrusts and your hand. His eyes slip closed as he focuses on every sensation you’re giving him, hedging closer to that high just out of reach.
Leaning down over him, you catch him in a messy kiss. “Come on, baby. You can do it. Come for me.”
Maxwell heeds your words, tensing before his whole body relaxes at once. He paints the insides of his thighs and your belly with a groan, twitching with each aftershock. Dragging a finger through the mess on your skin, you collect some of his spend and push it past his lips, feeding it to him. Max suckles at your finger, tasting himself. He smiles when you take your hand back, dragging at his bottom lip.
You pull out of him slowly, discarding the harness and strap to lay down with him. Maxwell turns to face you, nose pressed to your collarbone. Idly petting his hair has him kissing your skin. Basking in the moment, you let something like bliss wash over you.
“So what do you say?” you ask eventually. “Partners?”
“Partners,” Maxwell agrees.
And that’s that.
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fxckingghxst · 1 year
Mask Free
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Pairing: Task Force 141, Alex, & König x Female!Reader
CW: normal canon violence, depictions of death/killing (nothing too vulgar), some endings are fluffier than others.
WC: ~3.8k
Requested here!
A/N: I’m soooo great at making titles 🙄🙄 ANYWAYS I love writing badass characters so I hope this came off as that and not super cliche or exaggerated!! I also think it would be hard for her to not ever talk (considering she has to communicate a lot during missions) so I made it so that she only really talks over the radio and usually in short sentences. Also I didn’t want to do a group ending, so I did individual endings with the guys you picked. Hope this makes sense!
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It was raining out. Your clothes were soaked- adding what felt like ten pounds of water weight to you- and your mask was as well, making it hard to breathe through the fabric. Your scope on your sniper grew blurry through the array of raindrops that hit the lens. You groaned. The mission now becoming ten times harder than anticipated with these horrible weather conditions. You’ve trained to fight in all kinds of conditions, so this was nothing new, but it meant that the pan needed to be changed. 
“I’m getting a closer look.” You said into your radio as you shoulder your rifle, the barrel resting between your shoulder blades as you started to make the descent down the hill.
“Be careful, (y/n).” Price responded as you took refuge behind a thick tree at the base of the hill. You turned on your night vision goggles and surveyed the grounds around the buildings; looking for any patrols. A pair of men were about 300 yards away from your spot- the rain and night now aiding in your hiding as you let them walk by. You let out a huff as the fabric on your face practically suffocated you at this point, water dripping from your chin every second from how drenched your mask was. 
‘Fuck it.’ You thought to yourself before removing your goggles and sliding your mask off your head. Your hair was soaked and matted to your head, but being able to take a deep breath was rewarding and no longer bothersome to you. Pocketing your mask you bring out your silenced pistol and touch the throwing knives that were ready to throw on your vest; the feel of the cold metal reassuring as your fingertips grazed the sharp blade. 
You put the goggles back over your eyes and checked out the area one more time before moving out into the open. Four cabins and two storage sheds were all the shelters this group had to fall back on; in a very remote area in the middle of nowhere, but it was perfect for harboring weapons and morally ambiguous men. The information they had acquired was crucial and not supposed to be in the hands of a growing terrorist organization, so the mission was focused on obtaining the info and capturing those that took it. And according to your intel on the mission, two men were responsible for overseeing this group, and they were here. 
“Got eyes on you, (y/n).” You hear Ghost tell you on the radio, letting you know that he sees you and is watching your back. 
The light from the cabin was the only light reaching outside (besides the flashlights the patrols were holding and scanning over in the forest), so sneaking up to the house would be an easy task. The nearest cabin was a small one-story house and by a quick glance in the window, you could see only two men inside. They were playing a card game, drinking beers, and smoking cigarettes. Their guns were laid against the doorframe of the kitchen, but you would be stupid to think they were unarmed. A knife or a hidden handgun tucked away in a boot/waistband was almost always true. You waited a few more minutes to see if any other person would emerge from any of the closed doors, but they stayed closed and the two men opened another bottle each. 
“Two coming up on the house, (y/n).” Price alerts you as you start to hear two sets of footsteps approaching the front of the house. You stayed still for a moment before moving along the side of the building, heading towards the front door as well. Your hands wrap around the grip of the pistol, finger on the trigger as you listen to the men open the front door. They all greet each other and the two enter the threshold of the cabin, probably savoring the warmth the fireplace gave the room. 
You walked up behind them and lifted your gun, putting two bullets in the men who just walked in, their bodies still falling to the ground before the other two men realized what had happened. You aim at them and quickly squeeze the trigger twice again, a shot landing in each of their chests. You walk into the room and aim your gun at the nearest room to your left, twisting the knob and opening it fast to see an empty bedroom- covers tousled and personal items thrown messily into the open closet. You make your way down the hallway, seeing three doors- two on the right and one on the left. 
You open the one on the right first, seeing it is a coat closet- nothing but old winter coats and boxes covering the small area. The second door on the left was a bathroom- also empty upon opening the door and scanning the small room. You approach the last door and open it quickly. The bed creaks as someone moves on it and you don’t hesitate to shoot in front of you, hearing them hit flesh and then it’s quiet. You search the wall with one hand, finding a switch and flipping it on to see the sheets starting to turn red with the man’s blood. 
You holster your gun and walk back into the main room seeing the front door still wide open, so you go over and close it. You search the bodies for anything that may seem useful, starting with the ones closest to the door and then moving to the ones in the chairs. Turning up empty-handed you focus on the house itself, looking through drawers in the kitchen (seeing if maybe one of them was a false drawer), checking under rugs and beds, behind paintings and their supplies. But nothing of importance was here. 
“I’m empty.” You call into your radio, standing by the fire as you warm your fingers- even for just a quick second.
“Soap. Gaz. König. Any luck?” Price asks.
“Nothing here either, Captain.” Gaz responds.
“Small arsenal in the west shed, nothing else.” Konig chimes in next. 
“Besides porn magazines, nothing.” Soap replies and you crinkle your nose at the discovery. You’re glad you found nothing like that over here, not wanting to have to look through stuck-together pages in case any information was hidden in between the centerfolds. It’s happened once before.
“No one’s come out of the two-story the entire time we’ve been here, nor has anyone walked by any of the windows.” Alex adds his observations and you glance out the window at the building closer to the east side of the area. 
“He’s right. The men we’re looking for are more than likely in there. Soap and Gaz take the back door. König and (y/n) cover the front. Alex, Ghost, and I will start heading to your position and secure the house,” Price instructs as you start to head toward the front door, “Remember we need those two men alive.” 
“Copy that.” 
Back into the rain, your freshly warmed fingers turn back to icicles as the water soaks back into your clothes, chilling you to your bone. But you can’t let it affect you. You keep to the outer buildings that have already been cleared, moving to the farthest house from your position. There were no more patrolling soldiers out, you noticed; Soap, Gaz, and König must’ve taken them down as well. Then the only people left would be whoever is in this house- at least until the morning when backup would arrive in trucks to relocate everyone. 
You crouched down under the window by the front door and waited for the tall Austrian. You peek into the window, counting five men just in the living room. Three were sitting on the couch and lounge chairs, relaxing it seemed. Two others were standing at the bottom of the staircase, one of them lighting a cigarette while the other read from a book. You hear heavy footsteps approaching behind you and you turn just as König settles under the window across from you- on the other side of the door. 
“We have two in the kitchen.” You hear Gaz say over comms.
“Five in the living room,” You say, noticing König’s lingering eyes, “If you guys breach and gain their attention, we can catch them off-guard.” You tell Soap and Gaz.
“Aye” Soap agrees. You look over to König and give him a pointed look; raising your eyebrows. 
“Oh- sorry. I-I’m ready.” He reaches for his assault rifle and readjusts his position, ready to bust down the door. You both wait in silence, then a small explosion from the other side of the house catches your attention. You peer through the window and watch as the five men grab their weapons, all their attention now on the doorway to the kitchen. You turn to König and nod your head, giving him a signal to break down the door. He lifts his leg and kicks right next to the doorknob, splitting the wood as it breaks open. He takes one step in and crouches down on one knee, shooting down the nearest enemy. You come up behind him, able to see over König’s head, and shoot two of them that had turned around. One yelled as he went down, now alerting the others in the house to intruders. 
The last three had aimed their guns at you two and shot, but they were panicked and caught off guard, so they missed and hit the wall next to König. He moves inside, taking cover behind one of the couches and you cover him as he does so, shooting one in the leg. You move back outside, crouching next to the door as you holster your pistol and for your sniper rifle. You hear more guns going off, figuring some backup from upstairs has now joined the firefight. 
You eye around the corner, seeing König take the brunt of the attack. Soap and Gaz had come into the room too, taking cover behind the thick wooden dining table that they flipped over. You bring the barrel around the corner, looking through the scope at the men above. You take out three of them and move your scope to a third just as another bullet hits him, body falling to the floor. You change targets, and after a few minutes, the room is cleared of enemies; the only sound is the rain hitting the roof. 
Soap is first to approach the staircase as you shoulder your rifle, now opting for your throwing knives as you walk into the cabin. Gaz and König follow behind Soap, aiming towards the top of the staircase where a long hallway awaits them. You take up the rear, boots squelching on the hardwood floor. 
“Four doors up here.” Soap whispers, stopping at the first door on the left. Gaz and König stop at the next two, leaving the last door on the right for you. You grab a flash grenade from your vest clip and motion for everyone to do the same, finger ready to yank the clip. There’s a silent countdown, watching Soap’s mouth count till he hits one and everyone busts open the door to throw in the flash. Gunfire from those inside shooting at their respective doors cuts through the silence for a brief moment before the familiar high-pitched screech of the flash goes off. 
You open your door again and survey the room quickly. Four men, disoriented, all armed- two have automatic rifles and the other two have small handguns. You recognize two of them being your targets- now realizing you’ll have to somehow keep them alive and not get shot at. Easy.
You focus on the two that weren;t your targets, they held the rifles; ready to protect their leaders till death. You reach your arm back and throw the blade at the nearest one; hitting him directly in the head. The other one hears the body hit the floor and tries to blink away the brightness in his eyes; looking for your silhouette to shoot at. He presses the trigger, blindly shooting in your direction as you dive towards one of your targets; kicking out his feet so he falls to the ground. He loses his pistol and you push it out of his reach, swinging your arm to release another blade, hitting the grunt in the leg and dropping his rifle; finger squeezing the trigger as he went down to his knees. 
The other target blinks away his blindness as he looks around to spot you, starting to aim his pistol at you. You act quick, taking your throwing knife and throwing it at the hand holding his pistol. His gun goes off as your knife is lodged in the back of his hand, but the bullet hits the mirror behind you, shattering it. 
The man with the knife in his leg, recovered, pulling himself back to his feet and yanking the knife out to use. He yells, running at you full force, but you’re able to redirect him, using his weight against him to make him fall behind you. He tries to get right back up on his feet, but you’re on him before he can get on his knees, holding your knife to his neck as you slit it. He gurgles, hands coming up to try and stop the blood. It seeps through his fingers, fast, and he falls to the floor. 
“Clear!” Gaz and König announced.
“In here!” You alert them as you walk over to one of the men. You point your knee right into his back, hearing him hiss in pain as you hold him in place. König is in the room first and you gesture to the other man, lying on the floor with a knife in his hand, cradling it. He secures him, removing the knife and holding his wrists behind his back. Gaz and Soap walk in and look around the room.
“Jesus, (y/n). You could've called for help.” Soap says as he approaches you, zip ties extending out for you to grab.
“I didn’t need any.” 
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The mission was a success. The targets were captured- only injured a little- and the intel had been recovered. It was unknown if they had spread it already, but that’s why they were needed alive; to find out for sure. Price was overseeing the ‘questioning’ Ghost coming in and out over the course of a few days before they broke and told them what they knew. Their stories matched up, so they must’ve been telling the truth. 
A new assignment was tasked with the team upon the completion of the ‘questioning’. Traveling to another off-the-grid compound to track down the intel before it spreads to everyone of their troops. Another capture mission. 
You had your bags packed the day they assigned the team, ready to leave in the next hour when the helicopter would arrive. 
“Y’know. I think that was the only time I’ve seen you without your mask.” Gaz points out as he sits against the car beside you, tossing his own bag at his feet. You turn your head to look at him, shrugging your shoulders before answering.
“It happens.” 
“It should happen more often,” He teases as he bumps his shoulder with yours, “you have nothing to hide, (y/n).” He shoots you a small smile. You can’t find any words to respond with- brain going blank as he complimented you. That was a compliment, right? 
“You want me to keep it off?” You ask, wanting clarification. 
“You’re a pretty girl, (y/n). But, you do whatever you’re comfortable with.” He tells you as Price gathers everyone’s attention. He gives you another smile before grabbing his bag and moving closer to the group, the helicopter now in earshot. 
Nothing to hide… Pretty… You’d be thinking about his words for a while.
König approached your shaded spot next to the building; sitting down next to you on the floor. You said nothing, continuing to fiddle with your throwing knives, but he looked like he wanted to say something.
“I’m sorry for staring at you,” He starts, hands resting on his knees, “when we were out there. It wasn’t professional.” 
“No harm done.” You tell him truthfully. It wasn’t as if he ruined the mission by staring at you. He was just caught off guard- you could tell. 
“I know- it’s just- I don’t like when people look at me when I take off my mask, so, I wanted to apologize.” He keeps his head trained forward, looking at his hands or down at his shoes. You pocket your blade.
“Apology accepted, König. Don’t beat yourself up about it.” You reassure him and he nods his head.
“You’re a very beautiful woman, (y/n).” He glances at you before grabbing his bag and walking toward everyone else. You watch him walk away and you find yourself smiling under your mask. 
“You alright over here?” Price approaches you off to the side, a cigar hanging from his mouth. His last one for a while since you’ll be out on mission.
“Alright.” You confirm as you face him completely, wondering if he was going to tell you something important.
“If the others are annoying you about your mask thing, you have my permission to hurt them.” You can’t help but chuckle. Ever since you came back from the last assignment, everyone- but Soap and Gaz in particular- have been pestering you to see you without your mask again, saying, ‘You took it off for rain, just keep it off.’ 
“I’m grateful for the permission, Captain.” You tell him as you nod your head. Not like you needed his permission to defend yourself against these guys, but it was nice now to know you wouldn't be in too much trouble if you decided to mess with Soapor Gaz. It’s silent for a beat as you both hear the crew talk about the plan approaching, now realizing it’s time to go.
“I will say it was nice to see you again, (y/n). ” He gives you a quick smile before turning around, leaving you to think about the Captain's words and the heat crawling up your neck.
“Y’know you’re pretty reckless, (y/n).” Soap tells you as he approaches you, brows furrowed in seriousness. It wasn’t every day you saw Soap be serious, so you must’ve done something crazy- in his eyes. 
“How so?” You ask him, a bit confused about where this conversation was headed. 
“Last mission, you should’ve called us to help you out with the targets.” He reveals and you turn to face him fully, giving him your attention.
“I handled it.” 
“There were four of them and you took them on all at once. You could’ve gotten hurt.” His jaw clenches and you nod your head. You could understand why he was upset. It probably would’ve been easier to call for help. You were just too used to working alone.
“I’ve worked alone for 5 years, Soap.” You remind him, hoping he realized you weren’t trying to one-up the team or get yourself killed. 
“You’re part of this team now. You can rely on us.” He reminds you and you nod your head. Even though you were getting reamed a bi by Soapt, it felt nice to be worried for. To be treated like an equal and important part of this team. 
“I will,” You bite the insides of your cheeks, wondering if you should say it, “Thank you, Soap.”
“I was only mad because I was worried, but I can’t stay mad at you for long.” Soap smiles at you and you have to look away to keep yourself from blushing. 
It was quiet as you and Ghost took up the back of the group; walking in silence together to the landing pad. Everyone else was a good few steps ahead, but you didn’t feel like picking up your pace; neither did Ghost you guess.
“I hate wearing it in the rain, too.” He tells you, looking away from you after he spoke. You pause, trying to think about what he was talking about until it hits you.
“Yeah feels like getting waterboarded, slowly.” You comment, still a bit shocked he was to bring up what happened a few days ago. 
“It does.” He agrees and chuckles dryly. Helicopter propellors are heard above as three arrive, hovering slowly to the landing pad one at a time. 
“Have you ever taken it off in the field?” You ask him, a sudden curiosity as you know he is known for never taking his mask off.
“Used to, quite a bit,” He answered and you nodded your head, “Had used a shit ton of different fabrics. Cotton is the easiest to breathe through.” He tells you like it’s a secret and you smile behind your mask. 
“Noted, Lieutenant.” You thank him as he bumps his shoulder with yours, a small intentional moment of touch he initiates. 
“Good.” He finishes as all the helicopters land, everyine beginning to load up for the new mission.
“You ready?” Alex asks you as he knocks on your open door. You turn your head and look at him, his bag is already packed and draped over his shoulder. 
“Yeah.” You tell him as you zip up your bag, throwing it over your shoulder as well. You head to your door, but Alex doesn’t move.
“Give me your bag. I’ll carry it.” He says and you roll your eyes before glaring at him.
“I can hold my own bag.” You tell him, but he just smiles and holds out his hand.
“I know you can, but I wanna be nice. So, gimmie” He explains and you sigh before handing it over. His smile grows and he moves out of your doorway, throwing your bag over his other arm as you close the door behind you. You felt a bit odd having your arms empty, folding them over each other on your stomach as he began to speak. “I have a question for you.” 
“Shoot.” You both turn down another corridor, walking towards the exit. 
“Why’d you take your mask off during the mission?” He turned his head to look at you. 
“It was wet. I was pretty much breathing in water.” You tell him, adjusting the now-dry mask on your face. 
“I don’t know how you or Ghost do it. I hate shit around my face.” He says and you nod your head, agreeing. 
“Me too.” You admit and he furrows his eyebrows.
“Why wear the mask then?” 
“My identity must remain a secret.” You joke with him, hoping a he would want to change the subject. 
“Fair enough. But if you’re Spiderman or Batman and you don’t tell me, I’ll be pissed.”
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