#still this is very amusing to me an official journal or something going man that guy is boring
cadmusfly · 6 months
Was checking some details about @maggiec70 ‘s book The Emperor’s Friend: Marshal Jean Lannes and landed on the Amazon page
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Army History being rude
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samnyangie · 3 years
Personal reviews on RSL filmography
Rsl, iI thought it’d be a good idea to record my thought on each films rsl was in, it was something I always wanted to do...
Rsl in total, was starred in (excluding tv series etc) 27-ish films, to be honest, considering his years as an actor(approximately more than 30 years) he wasn’t starred in that many. We all know why lol
Just saying I’m not a film expert, therefore the list is very subjective.
The reviews with trigger warning (r*pe, g*re etc): Tape, Killer: Journal of Murder, A glimpse of hell. Tho in the writing I’ve censored them with * since I don’t feel comfortable saying them here
There isn’t particular spoilers except for dps, tape, and ground control
The favourites (literally my life time films)
Dead Poets Society
I assume many would agree, and as many would have, it was my first ever rsl film, like I was on the plane and it was one of the films they offered, and I was like, oh I think i heard of this, so I watched and instantly loved it. The message is very relevant to this day, the cinematography is very beautiful and somehow nostalgic. I was horrified with Neil’s death. Tbh now I’ve seen too many memes and all kind of things from the fandom (which I’m grateful for!) I thought the heartfelt I once had would deluded a bit, however when I watched it again last April with my family at the cinema and it still moved me very deeply.
The age of Innocence
Okay, unpopular opinion here, I love this so much. It’s my all time favourite rsl film. It even outruns dps tiny winy bit haha. Aside from how he had tiny winy screen time, appearing at the end but the fact that he played quite an important role and him being gorgeous in it just<33 I couldn’t help but smiling! It just the whole film was so much of my cup of tea? The melodrama and the hypocrisy hidden by elegance among the upper social classes in 19th century is just what I needed. The more I watch it, the more I understand the characters and their emotions, it’s one of those films you should keep visit to discover the things you weren’t aware of before. I watched it again this morning and i couldn’t stop thinking about it. However, I know some people find it boring and I understand why, my sister is one of them lol(except for a bit where rsl was in) but i think it’s more complex than what it appears to be at a first glance haha. In conclusion, it became one of my comfort film to watch time to time. 
The ones I like<33
Swing kids
At first viewing, I didn’t expected much because it had underwhelming reviews but when I actually saw it, I thought it was quite decent and more and more I watched it, I felt like it was underrated. Yes, I think some directing choices were bit old fashioned and cheesy especially the ending, I’m not saying it was a perfect masterpiece but it deserves more recognition than it has now. Also in spite that there’re some parts being too simplified, it touched on something other films about ww2 normally don’t. It was interesting to see the German perspective on it than Jewish or the allies perspective like many of them does, but of course the latter perspectives matter, it could be argued that they more valid than the former, which partly was where sk criticised for, however, the portrayal of the varied reactions of the German people (in this one particular the teenagers) has its value in their on way. Anyway along side with it, the music and the dance scenes were great, without exaggeration, though Swing kids isn’t my fav, peter’s solo dance scene is my favourite scene in any movies I’ve ever watched. I mean that scene had both visuals and meaning as it demonstrated Peter’s determination as well as resentment with a hitch of unsureness. Rsl acting in that scene was just phenomenal, it’s not about showing off the dancing skills but he portrayed every mixed emotions peter has from his expression and the moves, I just can’t talk about this enough especially this scene was the reason I started fallen for him. lol
Much ado about nothing
Much ado is something I never seen anything like so it was a refreshing exprience. I barely watched Shakespeare on screen kind of thing. Though I felt there were some bits too cheesy for me but they are also the charms in the same time, and the cinematography was pretty also Claudio aka rsl, it was like an official announcement of declaring my worship on this man. Especially it was after SWING KIDSSSS so I couldn’t help it now everyone knows how I fallen for him but no one can blame meeeeee Anyway, it’s a really good film to watch when you want be relaxed with cup of tea maybe hehe
In the gloaming
I heard about it before I watched it, that it’s a heart wrenching, tearful piece, though I didn’t managed to cry, it’s just.... painful and in a way heartfelt. I liked that story telling was calm and collected rather than forcing you to join the sob party, just showing the characters to carry on. And thanks to the great acting from the cast, the characters could be emphasised and understood, personally the older sister was the most relatable character for me, well, eldest complex lol. In short I liked it but it’s not something I would watch it often.
Last days of Disco
As a person who looks at aesthetic in films, I simply enjoyed this for that tbh. I don’t know, I just liked the feeling. But I don’t think it’d be everyone’s cup of tea. I love the day time clothes the girls wore in the film. Tbh I love the music too, I think I love all the films of rsl with music in it. Speaking about rsl, oh rsl, he’s.... His character might be bit unlikable but he was just.... This is why I can’t unlove his characters even the debatable ones<33
They were decent! (I would recommend it)
Married to it
This is the first and last ever attempt of rsl of romcomssss The film itself is cliche to be frank it’s like love actually but it’s about marriage life + it’s not christmas but I like heartfelt cliche stories like this, if anyone also loves this type of story, it’s really worth watching, it’s one of my comfort films, also, rsl is so pretty I mean he always is but to see him being a office man with a baby face made me go awww my baby grew up heheh I wish he did another romcom like this or more preferably, melodramatic romance, I’d have made a shrine of it and worship it every morning lol
The boys next door
I kind of smiled while watching it throughout, if you want something that is heartfelt and touch on some serious topic about social workers and the people with mental disorder, Rsl plays a character who has (I think it was) Schizophrenia and troubled relationship with his father(Deja vu I know) but general atmosphere tend to be quite humourous. I don’t get me wrong, though it’s light hearted, it doesn’t mean they treat the topic in the same way. There’s a scene where the protagonist imagining the one of the characters with the disorder talking eloquently and honourably at the court on the rights and the dignity of the people with mental disorders deserve to/should have and they’re just the same people as the people without mental disorders. It was a powerful scene.
My two loves
Rsl’s first ever screen debut film! Hehe it’s about a woman who is discovering her sexual identity and the conflicts within I personally thought it was fairly sensible depiction but I can’t say for sure whether it was accurate or else, since I don’t think it’s my place to say it:) But if you’re interested, it’s on YouTube, you can just search for it or go to this post I made. Fun fact: since it was his debut film, it credits him as he’s real name, Robert L. Leonard, I just find it amusing haha
It’s another type of film I don’t encounter that often, I enjoyed it, especially with Neil and Todd’s reunion lol. Rsl mentioned how he enjoyed it because it felt like doing a play, my first impression was that the structure is like a play, though the camera work made me quite dizzy haha. But the dialogues, the acting, I think it was quite spot on. Especially the human contradictions and hypocrisy side of it. The most people assume the baddie in the film is Jon the character rsl played and has a distaste for him. I mean how can anyone love a character who is accused of r*pe but to be honest, Vincent for me seemed just as problematic, both of them are hypocrites for sure in their own different ways but in the end we can’t be sure what’s really the truth or not. It’s about the vagueness, and phychology and the uncertainty from the audience on who to believe(well, myself included, most would trust on Amy’s claims since she’s the victim in the accusation, but by her denying the claims, making everything way unclear,) so I don’t know. I don’t really have an opinion haha tho I don’t believe nothing happened because Amy denied so, even Umma Thurman who played her, said that her interpretation was that Amy lied. I felt it’s endless rabbit hole this film. Sorry I couldn’t worded it better.
My best friend is a Vampire
It’s cringey and weird but there’re odd charm to it. Vampire rsl’s so cute as well.... and I think it’s the only film, he acted kind of flirty ? So for that itself I’d like to appreciate itttt And it’s so 80s/90s, like it has general odd nostalgia like all films from that age has. I saw a Korean blog about rsl films and this was mentioned, that- they said- it’s a bible of rsl’s adorableness and I think that sum up the film perfectly.
Mr&Mrs Bridge
Before this was in ‘I mean it was fine” category, but I watched it again and now I want to retract my statement lol Still isn’t my fav but I noticed how delicately depicted each characters are, Mr and Mrs Bridge in particular. This film is alternatively about the changes in the young generation regarding liberty, feminism, free expression especially on sex. It’s in the perspective of the bridges, the mother and father who is old fashioned and conservative (as it was normal in their previous generation) and the children who are the young generation, and the misunderstanding and conflicts between them. After all it all happened not only because of the difference but also the lack of communication, which rsl emphasised in his interviews. I found it interesting that they made it seems like the Bridges truly existed with the video footage and (with the ending) describing what happened to each family member in text with photos. When I watched it at first I was really confused if it was based on a real life. I think what they wanted to suggest was that the Bridges every typical American family at the time. It was something everyone was going through. I said previously I didn’t get why Rsl’s character (the youngest in the Bridges) treated his mother so coldly. Honestly I do get why, but I guess I felt so bad so the mother haha
I mean it was fine
The safe passage
It was okay but to be honest it didn’t stood out to me. It was okay. The story, the characters weren’t that interesting. I wish they extended it longer to go depth with their family relationship or something.
A painted house
I find it likeable, it has a chill, old folk story vibe, but same as previous one. it didn’t really stand out except for shirtless rsl, do close ups you cowards
Bluffing it
I was really fond of the premise of this film and I think it has great intention. It was specifically made to promote the awareness of illiteracy and how to get support. However, I don’t get the reason of Jack the protagonist’s illiteracy. Unless, it was common occurrence in America at the time, I feel like it’d have been more convincing if he was in poor family hood, so there was no time to learn at school due to working at young age...? I mean, just finding it hard to believe he passed the high school just like that, I mean the teachers or anyone should have noticed it, maybe I’m missing something here but it seemed unlikely to me.
Ground control
Again, I liked the message, as it depicted how frightening and difficult job the ground controller is, by one mistake could take away the lives of hundreds, especially as someone who goes on planes a lot... But it was quite cliche throughout, I just couldn’t get engaged to it. But I do admit at the end when the protagonist runs off to the landing zone see the pilot who he had just saved, they acknowledged each other and have eye contacts was truly wholesome. Rsl as cocky, bad boy was such a icing on the cake, I loved it so much. Chewing gum in every scene lol I hope he plays these sort of characters more often. I saw someone criticising him saying he has narrow spectrum of just playing nice boy roles like Neil but I really wanted to debunk the narrative and this could be one of the examples! 
Chelsea walls
I knew that this has split reviews but nonetheless I think worth to watch it, 1. Ethan and rsl re union, 2. Ethan is the directer of the film and rsl sing in it. But I have to say, it’s one of those hard to follow art indie film so I couldn’t finish it on one go. I feel like I have to devour it over and over again. Maybe later on I grow fond of it more lol But his character, I loved him so much. He’s just has everyone don’t touch me, I’m a cocky artist vibe, there’s a scene where his annoying friend annoying him and he looks up and says: ‘Fck off’. Absolute golddddd not to mention he sings and plays guitar so beautifully<333
Well... it’s not my cup of tea
The Manhattan project
I don’t think the film it self was that bad, it’s about high school boy who find out the existence of some nuclear energy research lab and stole the energy to make his own nuclear bomb. I just don’t get the thinking process of the protagonist. It really frustrated me. He seemed apathetic and unlikable I disliked him throughout and that’s why I didn’t really enjoyed it. I mean it has humour and ridiculous storyline might be humorous to some. But more importantly there was such little screen time for rsl!! LIKE WHY? WHY PEOPLE?? HE LOOKS LIKE A FRESH HUMAN MOCHI!!! It makes me soooo mad to think about it
Killer: Journal of Murder
Well, first of all, it had a lot of graphic things than I imagined, brutally murd*red bodies, execution, and r*pe scene, gosh I was strucken by it when I saw that, I had to skipped that scene. It’s based on a real event and a real criminal called Carl Panzram, so if you’re aware of it, it might be more intriguiging to see. But personally for me... meh, I don’t think directing was good as it failed to portray it enough for me to comprehend fully.
A Glimpse of Hell
This is also based on a true event of a tragic accident in the us battleship in Iowa in 1989. They shows tragedy lin a blunt, brutal way by showing horribly damaged bodies of the soldiers torn into pieces, all the horrid things directly so be warned about that. I was quite alarmed because i didn’t expect to see it haha there’s no much to say. The film quality was so so for me. I feel their approach wasn’t appropriate, they were clearly trying to make it dramatic which is fine but in a melodramatic emotional way. It didn’t work because first, there aren’t enough portrayal of the characters for me to get attached, secondly it added the unnecessary exaggeration it prevented me from being emotionally involved or even to think about it. In my opinion, I think it’d have been better if they made it more restrained, dry, focus on the accuracy. For example like 1987 or Zodiac, I mean both of them has dramatic elements since they’re not a documentary but they were not overdone, in a contrary added emphasis to their message/conclusion. I know it’s easier said than done but it was something I consistently felt during it.
Sir.... I’m sorry but-
Haha... it’s very peculiar... the directing is off and it just weird. I knew it was bad already but I watched it because rsl as a cop with gunssssssss just... so rare and just.... something else. There’s no way of me missing that seriously. Tbh him doing an action stunt isn’t what I imagine when it comes to him and there’s really any actions scenes anyway but it really was something. Like the character he played here really became my soft spot Hehehehe he was pretty and plus, tbh it’s kind of film I’d make fun of while watching so everything was (alomst) forgivable. There is a recent thing I think about, since this is about a cult, I kind of hope he��d at some day play a role like Eli Sunday from There will be blood: a manipulative, deceitful and maddened priest with twisted faith. Though Paul Dano did a grand job, the idea was in my head the whole time. Well, it’s a shame he wasn’t any of those here lol
From what I seen, the majority of people seem to unanimously hate this film, and after watching it I became one of those ppl. At least Standoff could be make fun of and rsl held gunssss but this...... I want to say so many things... I feel like they should have chose either fancy, fast paced, thrilling racing film or detailed depiction of emotions/relationships with the racers and people involved in it, I know both can be done, but I think that was outside of their ability, but since they tried to do that at once, it became a mess that doesn’t go either way. And the characters, any of them, including rsl’s are narrow or impossible to understand. I mean rsl did great himself, it was not about acting, the problem lies on the script and editing in my opinion. Also there were so many unnecessary characters made me question of their existence. Luckily rsl’s character isn’t one of them, however because of them, he had to squeeze in and unable to elaborate, which is a shame as he was an interesting character and someone rsl rarely plays; a arrogant and opportunist agent/brother of the protagonist, who would do anything for success... ha.... whyyyyy
This is it. If I watch other stuff I might add to it in the future. Overall, I know I’m biased but I do like His filmography, I do have appreciations in every one of them in different way to the good ones to bad. He may have disagree, but I love his acting on screen, well, I barely seen him on stage (crying)
Edit: as some of you could see, I’ve edited this over and over again haha elaborating on thing or the contrary. I can say with a glimpse of hell I practically managed to watch every rsl films out there lol except for the i inside and the short film he did called a dog race in Alaska. But with the former I’m not interested and already know the storyline, and the latter is just impossible to find, trust me I did my best;; 
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erricdraven · 3 years
lost and found
A fantasy au wherein alec is a guardian angel, magnus is a demon who makes deals, and maybe they’re not as different as they think.
written as a gift for @ladymatt for the malec secret santa 2020
As the flames at Magnus’ feet die out, he takes in his surroundings inquisitively. Beneath his boots are tentative chalk lines, thin and light in places, that connect into a pentagram drawn on a cracked cement floor. The room he is in is vast and all but empty, with high ceilings and exposed metal beams. A warehouse, most likely; the kind of place a human might deem a safe, neutral location for a demon summoning. As he turned to his left, a woman, young in years but with a heaviness weighing on her that belied her age, was staring at him from a few feet away with a tattered hardback journal clutched in one hand.
“You called me,” he stated, standing a few steps away from the barrier line. “I assume that because you did the summoning correctly and seem…prepared, that you know what it is that I do.”
She looked almost startled at being addressed, but the expression lasted only a moment before she held it back with a clenched jaw and narrowed eyes. “I know what I’m doing,” she asserted, though her voice wavered slightly.
After analyzing the detailing of the pentagram, Magnus touched the tip of his boot to a symbol that had been incorrectly drawn. “It’s an impressive work, but I would suggest you study a bit more next time. This right here…leaves an opening.”
Now the woman looked terrified, frozen in place with her arms encircling her middle protectively.
With a slightly sardonic chuckle, he shook his head. “If I was going to hurt you, I wouldn’t have pointed out your error.” He stepped closer to the edge line, closer to her. “After all, you wish to make a deal, yes? Which means you have something I would be happy to take. I don’t want to ruin that opportunity for myself just yet.”
read on ao3
For a moment, he just looked at her, observing. She had very short hair, so blonde it was practically white, and deep brown, almost black, eyes. Her pupils were almost swallowed up by the darkness of the iris. There was a small smattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose and dusting the tops of her cheeks, looking oddly childlike in the midst of her worn features. He was well-versed in reading humans after all these centuries, and he could see in her an authenticity that caught his attention. “What’s your name?”
“Alana. Alana Clarke. And I want to make a deal.”
“Well then,” Magnus began, steepling his fingers thoughtfully, “tell me, to what do I owe this summons?”
“I…have something I want to forget.” Her voice wavered slightly on the last word.
“Someone,” Magnus stated in realization. “A deal with me requires specificity, Ms. Clarke.”
It took a moment before she hesitantly elaborated further. “My husband. He was…cold. And unable to love, in the end. I never felt like I could leave him. One day, he snapped and I…I didn’t have a choice. I can’t let the memory of him control my life anymore. I can’t bear to let him change me the way I’m afraid he might.”
Rubbing his fingers together contemplatively, he replied, “That is a very serious choice to make. And one that cannot be undone. As luck would have it, it would be quite easy for me to give you what you’re asking for, but it has a steep price. And not just your soul. Are you certain this is what you want?”
Her silence was only too telling.
With a firm shake of his head, Magnus took a step back. “You must be sure. I am neither judge nor jury; I will only carry out what our deal entails. I urge you strongly to consider this. Memory cannot just be given and taken on a whim. Once I remove it, it will be permanent.”
Alana shook her head with a tired sigh. “I just… I can’t sleep, I can’t breathe, I can’t think… I don’t know how to go on without doing something. I—” Abruptly cutting herself off, she stood up a little straighter and schooled her expression into a carefully curated stoicism. “I have to take the responsibility, and I will.”
It had been a long while since someone with such conviction had come to Magnus like this. Often, those who summoned him didn’t understand the gravity of the situation they were making for themselves, but it was their mistake to make. This time, somehow, he couldn’t bear the thought of allowing her to follow them down that path of regret lurking in the future.
“For your benefit, I will not yet make the deal,” he began. “I require certainty, and I do not see that in you. I’m going to give you another opportunity to think very carefully about just what is worth the price of your soul before you sign it over to me.”
The next time Magnus found himself standing in the ash and last embers of unholy flame in the middle of the old warehouse, the person standing opposite him was not Alana Clarke.
Instead, it was a tall, dark haired man with a stern look on his face, standing stock-still with his hands behind his back. He was not entirely mortal, nor human, Magnus realized upon observing the presence of spiritual matter along the lines of his shoulders and down his spine. It also wasn’t lost on him that the man had a blade made of adamas tucked away inside the folds of his jacket. It was an ancient kind of weapon, not only priceless but rare.  
The pentagram Magnus was standing on was far more detailed than the one that Alana had used to summon him, rooted in much stronger magic. The kind of magic that could only be infused by a summoner of great power. “I’m impressed,” he mused, turning in place to observe the rest of the finer detail.
“You made a deal with Alana Clarke,” the man stated coolly, as if he hadn’t heard a thing. “For her soul. And you’re going to have to rescind.”
Magnus couldn’t help but be amused by the situation. “Demon-client confidentiality prevents me from discussing any of this with you, I’m afraid.” But his curiosity was piqued. Especially when he realized that the faint smell of angel blood had permeated the air around them.
Angel blood.
“Of course, I should have realized immediately.” He stepped up to the edge line of the pentagram to look closer. “Which one of Raziel’s guardians are you?”
A soft sigh of exasperation preceded one word: “Alexander.”
“‘Defender of man’, yes? Seems fitting.” If he didn’t know better, Magnus would have said that Alexander preened almost imperceptibly at his words. “And Alana is in your care. Interesting, given the fact that she sought me out.”
The shadows of tenderness that had lingered on Alexander’s face for mere seconds at the mention of her name disappeared altogether as his expression clouded over. “She never should have summoned you. Her grief has blinded her, so I have to be the one to protect her.”
“You almost believed that when you said it.” Magnus of all people knew what lying to oneself looked like. “The truth is, it kills you that you can’t save her from this grief. Your purpose is to protect her, but there are limits to what you can control, and now you have to face them.”
“You can’t undo the past,” Alexander countered, eyebrows drawn low over his eyes in consternation. “And that’s what she truly wants. Whatever you offer her, it won’t be enough.”
“You know what she went through. You know how greatly she mourns—both for what she lost and what was never hers to begin with. There’s no price too steep for peace that can heal that kind of devastation.”
The angel visibly gritted his teeth, the muscle in his jaw jumping as it flexed. “Rip up the deal and give her soul back.” The slow cadence he spoke with betrayed the anger that he was sealing away inside.
“It might interest you to know that no official contract exists yet. Ms. Clarke hasn’t made her choice, so if you have concerns, you should take them to your charge herself.”
The anger stoked by Magnus’ words became increasingly apparent in Alexander, and he rolled his neck to the side slightly as if trying to shake free of something. “I won’t ask again.” When Magnus offered no reply, he took a few steps back from the pentagram. “Well, you’re welcome to rot here until you change your mind, then.”
If he were a different person, if circumstances were trivial, he would enjoy an indulgent show of his own strength. As it were, Magnus only gloated a little as he stepped over the brusque chalk line meant to confine him. “I have no plans to do any such thing.”
Alexander was speechless, his mouth slightly agape as Magnus moved towards him. “That isn’t possible. No lesser demon can—”
Reaching out with a dark red tendril of magic, Magnus held him still. “Pleased to meet you, Alexander. My name is Magnus Bane, reigning Prince of Edom and son of one of the First Hierarchy—a Knight of Hell.” When their faces were mere inches apart, he offered the faintest of smiles. “Ms. Clarke has sought my protection now, so I suggest you don’t try to interfere again.”    
The air in the Hunter’s Moon was thick with the scent of stale alcohol and sweat-slicked bodies, and Magnus relished it. Perhaps it was the hedonistically human part of him, but there was something magnetic about the raw electricity of bodies pressed flush against one another beneath the hot lights.
His attention was diverted, however, when he noticed the man who had just walked in and was making his way to the bar. Alexander stood out in a crowd even when he was dressed down, wearing a grey Henley and jeans.
With a subtle gesture, Magnus caught the eye of a bartender gathering empty glasses abandoned on a nearby table. “The man who just walked in—make him a Vieux Carre.” A neatly folded hundred-dollar bill materialized between his thumb and middle finger, and he offered it to her.
The woman’s bracelets made a delicate jingling sound as she plucked it from his grasp. “He looks intense. Ex of yours?”
With a chuckle, he brushed his thumb tenderly against her chin for a fleeting moment. “Discretion, Maia.”
She rolled her eyes exaggeratedly. “Courtesy of?”
“An associate.”
Despite looking thoroughly unconvinced, Maia pocketed the money and Magnus raised his drink to her in gratitude.
“An olive branch?” Alexander guessed a few minutes later, setting his glass down on Magnus’ table.
“Actually, it’s a black cherry garnish.” Magnus plucks the fruit from his glass and takes a bite of the tender flesh. “I figured a drink would be a good icebreaker.”
Alexander dropped down into the chair opposite him. “You don’t look surprised to see me here.”
“You’ve been following me on and off all day, angel. What am I meant to be surprised about?”
His expression darkens, his eyebrows drawn tightly together in consternation. “We haven’t struck an accord yet.”
Shaking his head faintly, Magnus downed the last of his Negroni. “There is nothing to negotiate. You have no claim on the contract between me and my client.”
“She is going to do this if I do not put a stop to it.” Rather than the burn of anger or the cold of hatred, Alexander looked pained to be saying those words. “I want to make a deal.”
Whatever he had been expecting Alexander to say, that certainly wasn’t it. Magnus sat in stunned silence for a beat. “Just to be clear… You want to give me your eternal soul to release Alana Clarke from a contract that she implored me to honor?”
“Yes.” He couldn’t know what he was agreeing to, and yet there was a fierce determination on his face that almost made Magnus wish that it were possible. “Let’s do it.”
“It is not possible, Alexander,” Magnus said somberly. His tone had gone soft despite himself. The desperation in the guardian’s eyes made something in his chest begin to ache. “Even if you did have a soul as the mortals do.”
It almost looked as though the faintest hint of vulnerable desperation was beginning to shine through the cracks of his façade. Instead, with a grunt of frustration, Alexander pushed back from the table and crossed his arms. “She is under my protection, Magnus.”
“In a manner of speaking, she’s under mine too.”
“If you control Edom, why even spend your time making deals for souls? Isn’t that beneath you?” he retorted heatedly.
“It’s not about the souls. It never has been,” Magnus found himself saying. It had never been in his nature to be transparent, and frankly he had never had a reason to try. The way that Alexander wore his feelings so genuinely compelled him to reciprocate. “The lesser demons who skulk around crossroads and manipulate the avaricious and covetous do so by nature. I choose the worthy summoners, the ones who want nothing more or less than resolution, and offer them peace.”
Staring down into his glass, Alexander heaved a sigh of frustration. “Indulging their emotions is not the same as protecting them.”
“That depends on who you are protecting them from, hmm?”
Something in those words seemed to reach Alexander in a way that nothing else between them had. His shoulders hunched wearily, as though a great burden had been dropped and left foregone. “I don’t know,” he surrendered.
Thunder rattled the window panes of the penthouse as the storm outside grew stronger, and Magnus could feel the glass shivering beneath his fingers where they were pressed on either side of Alexander’s body. They were both mostly clothed, but where their bare skin touched, it felt like fire. Occasional flashes of lightning illuminated the otherwise darkened living room, so Magnus used the cacophony of harsh exhales and soft moans to guide his movements.
It had to be the most profane act, because it felt like salvation.
“Nnnnh,” Alexander moaned, reaching up for Magnus’ hands blindly and intertwining their fingers.
More or less restrained, Magnus put more power into the movement of his hips. It was an inexplicable desperation that had led them to this, and now it was boiling in his blood and driving him forward.
The pleasure crested, and for one perfect moment, everything felt simple—they were just two people who found relief in wanting one another. That was how they had ended up here, after all; a categorically innocuous moment had somehow set Magnus’ skin on fire with how greatly he yearned to touch him, and everything between them had unraveled before he could do anything but follow in its wake.
For weeks the tenacious guardian had been nothing but a thorn in his side, but then all at once, something changed and Magnus could no longer remember how to simply dislike him. Perhaps he put too much stock in his heart—or whatever the son of a Greater Demon was capable of containing—to ever stay free of falling prey to the way of the mortal world. All he knew now, though, was that he felt dread like an ache in his chest at the unavoidable truth that Alexander would leave.  
“Don’t leave,” Magnus whispered breathlessly in Alexander’s ear. “You can stay the night. I want you to.”
In reply, Alexander nodded and pressed an almost reticent kiss to his lips. “I’ve already crossed the line, what’s another step?” Even pressed together in such an achingly intimate embrace, there was a hesitance in him. Perhaps he was telling himself this was a big mistake, and he would hate Magnus in the morning.
It wouldn’t be the first time, at least, so he would drink away the pain in the evening and be remade again in the morning.
Already in a sloppy state of undress, they both peeled off their remaining layers of clothing and let them fall in a heap on the bedroom floor before crawling beneath the sheets. Magnus had slept alone for so long that his heart twisted in his chest at the feeling of a warm body beside him.
Once Magnus had settled into the mattress and was lying still, Alexander slid his foot between Magnus’ calves and pressed their bodies closer. His hands were more diffident in their movements, slowly tracing a path down Magnus’ forearm and over the bone of his wrist before loosely intertwining their fingers.
He closed his eyes for a moment, just to savor this fragile piece of time, but when he opened them again, it was morning. The deep orange and red of the sunrise bathed the bedroom in a warm glow, and illuminated Alexander where he was perched on the edge of the bed. “Are you going somewhere?”
The muscles in Alexander’s upper back rippled beneath his alabaster skin as he tensed. “I didn’t want to wake you,” was all he said, but for just a moment, his eyes lingered on Magnus as if he were hoping for a rebuttal.
“We don’t have to keep doing this to each other, acting as though we’re so unalike.”
That made him look away, and he stood with his back to Magnus as he adjusted the cuff of his shirt sleeve absently. “Yes, we do. We have to be.”
“God himself created even the avenging angels in his image,” Magnus replied with the hint of a smirk on his lips.
With a wry, all but humorless laugh, Alexander shook his head. “That’s not the point, Magnus! What kind of guardian allows the ones he looks after to pawn their souls for resolutions?” He turned back to face him with hard resolve.
Magnus couldn’t help but be reminded of the volatile, at times impetuous, young man he was. He had been quick to anger, holding himself in contempt for all the things that were out of his control. “Alexander—this is her life. Do you truly prefer that she suffer through this mortal existence when that is all she gets?”
“I have failed spectacularly in the past to do the one thing I’m meant to do, and I won’t let that happen again.” Grabbing his jacket from the floor, he shrugged it on and stalked off.
“I’m ready,” Alana declared without preamble.
A smattering of Edom’s red dirt shook loose from the tread of Magnus’ boots as he strode over to her. “I told you that the next time you summoned me you would need to be certain. If this is your decision, then all that is left is your contract.”
“Okay,” she nodded. “Let’s do this.”
Magnus held up his hand and angled it above her chest. “All this requires is a mark left on your soul, like an earmark. It binds you to me.” With a languid flutter of his fingers, a deep blue energy emitted from them and seeped beneath her skin. The pulsing of her heartbeat was thrummed against his magic and he could feel it as if her heart itself were in the palm of his hand. With a final push, the energy ensnared her soul, wrapping around it like ivy on a vine and pressing in to leave behind an intricate lace of markings.
She shivered faintly and let out a short, sharp exhale. “It feels like ice.”
“It should not last long,” he assured her as he pulled his hand back. “Now, taking your memories will be painless; simply stand very still.”
As soon as he began to probe her memories, her eyes clouded over into a haze of milky white. In brief flashes, he could see through her eyes flashes of the past that she had hidden away. He could feel a tangled web of emotions, each vying for pride of place. He could hear a cacophony of her name echoing in millions of different tones and inflections. Each piece pulled at her, nearly tearing her apart from the tension about to snap. Extracting them was like sucking the poison from a wound, leaving a bitter residue behind. It had been left to fester for so long that in places the memories were like rot, but in time, they all came away. “You’re purely your own now,” Magnus whispered in Alana’s ear, and with that, he vanished from her side.
For a moment, he just stood in the alleyway behind the warehouse, breathing in the damp, cold air of the rain’s end. A few droplets dotted his face and neck, and he closed his eyes to savor it. In Edom, there was no such relief like a storm.
Suddenly, he felt a presence in the shadows, familiar and passive.
“Come to spy, angel?”
Emerging soundlessly, Alexander stood with his arms folded behind him like a soldier poised in wait.
Quirking an eyebrow, Magnus turned to face him directly. “Are you going to start a street brawl for what she willingly gave me?”
The guardian almost smiled at that, and it put Magnus more at ease. “What kind of idiot do you think I am? Actually, don’t answer that. I have a feeling I would not like the answer.” Shaking his head, Alexander continued. “I was here when Alana summoned you. But I… I decided you were right, Magnus.”
Despite himself, Alexander chuckled wryly. “I could be cast out for what I have done, but protecting the mortals entrusted to me is worth any price.”
Magnus looked at him skeptically. “Forgive me if I am hesitant to accept your truce, Alexander.”
“Who said anything about a truce?” Though his words were antagonistic, his tone was peaceable. “But I suppose I should thank you for what you taught me.”
Holding up a hand to stop him, Magnus shook his head. “Please, angel. We are not obliged to such extreme shows of good faith. Besides, Edom would freeze over, and then where would I be?”
Alexander awkwardly shifted closer. “Here’s hoping we remain acquaintances from afar.”
“As if,” Magnus waved off, pressing in closer until their chests were flush. “You like me too much.”
“I never said that,” Alexander managed breathlessly before leaning in to join their lips in a kiss that could grow a whole garden from Edom’s barren desert sand.
For all of its flaws, Magnus decided that he liked Brooklyn. Edom was his domain, but perhaps this could be his home.
Penthouse One had become more or less a safe haven, oddly enough. The balcony provided the perfect place for his morning meditations, the living room could host a great many guests, and the apothecary was quaint and studious. And perhaps he was indulging in feeling like a mortal at times, but what else was he to do when he was topside so frequently?
The soft click of the door opening made Magnus set down his martini and move towards the entryway curiously. In the hall, he saw a figure cloaked in a long black coat with a hood concealing their face. Boots stained with dirt and dried blood left a faint trail on the wood floor, and the bow over their shoulder was battered with scratches and dings.
“Alexander, you’re home early.”
Shaking his head free from the hood, Alexander revealed his bloodied face. “I gave myself the rest of the night off.”
With a disapproving tsk, Magnus guided his chin away from him to get a better look at the trails of crimson oozing down from his temple and cheekbone. “No rest for the wicked, hmm?”
Alexander rolled his eyes as he allowed Magnus to steer him to the couch. “I think I may have broken a rib,” grunted as he lowered himself onto a cushion.
“Take your jacket and shirt off so I can see.” Magnus gingerly sat beside him and helped to maneuver his arms from the sleeves. His knuckles faintly brushed Alexander’s upper back and his whole body tensed in reflex. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, carefully working around the cloth that covered two deep, distinct scars where Alexander’s wings had been ripped from his back some time ago. They looked much like his father’s. As soon as they worked together to peel Alexander’s t-shirt off, Magnus couldn’t help but lean over and brush his lips, faint as a whisper, against the point between his shoulder blades between the dark V-shaped scarring. “Now, let me take a look.”
“Here.” With some difficulty, Alexander rolled slightly to his left side, revealing a blossoming bruise against the side of his rib cage. After just a gentle probing of Magnus’ finger tips against the tender skin, he jerked away. “Fuck.”
“Was it worth the fight, Night Arrow?” Magnus asked with a faint smile, unearthing a package of alcohol swabs from the first aid kit they kept hidden beneath the couch for just such an occasion.
“Always. I have to do something, right?” The bitter edge in voice would likely always be there at the mention of his being cast down. The scars on his back were a reminder he would never need, because Magnus knew he could never forget.
Magnus himself would likely always be haunted by the events of the night Alexander fell from Heaven. The sight of him when he stumbled to Magnus’ door, drenched in sweat and pale as death as he bled through the scraps of fabric he had wrapped himself in still felt too unbearable to recall. Even as a mortal, he still found a way to dedicate himself to the protection of the innocent, and Magnus could never begrudge him that.
“There’s something else that might help,” he murmured, wincing as he scratched absently at the drying blood on his forehead.
Setting down the swabs, Magnus straightened up to look at him.
“A kiss.”
“A kiss,” Magnus echoed, a grin spreading across his lips. “What will you give me for it? Your everlasting soul?”
Alexander dropped his chin and his lips parted just enough to tenderly take Magnus’ finger into his mouth. His tongue was warm and soft, and Magnus felt that all too human feeling of butterflies in his stomach. Releasing him with a quiet pop, Alexander smiled. “That’s not mine to give anymore. It’s already yours.”
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theoriginalladya · 3 years
Intimacy Prompts #20: a hand written note for rydenko.
from this list
on AO3 here
Thank you so much for this one!  Sorry it took so long - I had an idea, but I got side tracked by other things! :)  Enjoy, my friend!  And thank you for asking about them!
Setting:  Andromeda Galaxy
It all begins as a joke.
Once his status as Pathfinder is officially recognized, the Initiative administrators cannot act fast enough to guarantee they have Kaidan Alenko on their side.  As the Nexus slowly opens, finally coming out of hibernation, the administrators agree they need to do something.  So, they give him an apartment.  
Scott has his father’s quarters back on the Hyperion, most of the others have their own quarters or stay on the Tempest, but all Kaidan has available to him is a cryo-pod, one that’s no longer useful now that he’s awake.  He doesn’t ask for anything, doesn’t even drop a hint.  Tann reminds him of others back in the Milky Way, even acts similarly, but he’s a crafty one, too.  In a move that is supposed to look as if the Initiative cares about their Pathfinders, they assign their lone Pathfinder an apartment.  Whether or not they actually do care about him and the role is beside the point.  
Kaidan, who detests being used as a political pawn but recognizes he can do nothing about it, hates it on sight.  
Okay, so maybe hate is too strong of a word. It isn’t the orchard back in the BC Interior, that’s for damned sure, and it’s a far cry from shared barracks during his Alliance years.  He has a room on the Tempest, so it he has some choice about where he can stay. But this… this tiny cubicle that they are calling an apartment?  Four walls, open spacing, barely any room to turn around without bumping into something? There is absolutely nothing homey about it.  Home, is something he’s still searching for.
That lasts about three weeks, until the day Scott drops by when Kaidan isn’t there and instead of messaging him to meet up elsewhere, leaves a handwritten note slipped beneath his door.  Kaidan almost misses it when he gets back after his meeting with Tann, Addison, and Kesh.  Just a small slip of paper – where had Scott found actual paper? – written in black ink.  A hint of white on an otherwise light-colored floor which is barely discernable.  Something about it catches the corner of his eye, though.  
K – Stopped by to see you.  Catch you later.  Scott
Kaidan reads it twice, just in case he’s having hallucinations thanks to the burgeoning migraine before setting it on the corner of his desk, thinking to send a reply via omni-tool.  But the meetings with Tann and the others are taking their toll, and even with SAM’s assistance, the pain is such he forgets until the next morning, at which point he decides to just head on over to the Hyperion instead. 
Of course, Scott isn’t there.
Scott – Was in the area and thought I’d save you a trip.  Better luck next time, right? Catch you on the Tempest.  K
The Tempest is scheduled out the next morning and, as typically happens aboard the ship with last minute things to do and distractions of all kinds, neither he nor Scott thinks to mention the messages to the other; almost an ‘out of sight, out of mind,’ sort of thing.  End of story.
Except, it isn’t.
The weeks pass, more notes appear at the apartment and on the Tempest or Hyperion.  Small ones. Silly ones.  Eventually, Scott starts leaving small sketches of different people on them – quick things, some cute, some ridiculous, but always they leave Kaidan smiling.  
A caricature of Tann speaking with Addison and Kesh mimicking him behind his back even as Tann’s head is blown up twice the size of the others.
A small cartoon of Suvi in the galley, laser focused as she points to different Heleus rocks and explains their different tastes to a very confused looking Drack while Lexi stands in the doorway scolding her.  
A stick figure sketch of Kallo and the several of the Tempest at various stages of the ship’s development.
Kaidan cannot hide his amusement at a more realistic looking sketch of Cora and Liam as they lean against one another in the back seat of the Nomad, fast asleep.  He remembers the incident clearly, from their last visit to Elaaden.  Even as he stares at the sketch, he swears he can hear their soft snores echoing in his ears as he tacks it to the wall over his desk next to the others.
Not to be outdone, Kaidan starts leaving quotes in his messages to Scott; from books, movies, and other inspirational sources he’s come across.  He’s been collecting them for years, long before he ever left for BAaT.  Most are saved on his omni-tool, but he has two small, leatherbound journals filled with the most meaningful ones he’s come across. They are about the only thing he was able to bring with him from home when he joined the Initiative.  
Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. (1)
The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty. (2)
We may encounter many defeats, but we must not be defeated. (3)
Fear profits a man nothing.(4)
With each successive note between them, Kaidan learns a little bit more about Scott.  But the whole situation changes drastically after their adventures on the archon’s ship.  On the way back to the Nexus and after Lexi has cleared him, Kaidan does something he hasn’t done in centuries, if ever…
 The buzzer to his Nexus apartment sounds, but Kaidan doesn’t bother to answer it.  It’s Scott, and the man has his own key.  The buzzer, he supposes, is Scott’s polite way to warn him that he’s arrived. The fact that Scott uses does it now of all times tells Kaidan something more; Scott is pissed.  
Well, I probably deserve it after what happened.  
He’s tempted to not answer, to see if Scott leaves a note, but decides not to risk it.  Opening the door, he steps to the side to allow the younger man in.  Scott remains silent, though his body language screams in a way that Kaidan easily recognizes.  Taut, tense, his lips tightened in a thin line, the way he won’t look directly at Kaidan… It’s one side of a conversation Kaidan’s been on many times, albeit hundreds of years before and in a different galaxy.
“Do you have any idea what you just did?” Scott demands, blue eyes sharp and snapping with anger.  “Any idea what could have happened back on the archon’s ship if SAM hadn’t been able to resuscitate you?  You-you could have died back there!”
Opting to let the younger man get it out in one fell swoop, Kaidan bides his time.  Well, except for one point of clarification.  “I did die.”
Scott growls in the back of his throat.  An honest to goodness growl.  Kaidan can’t help the small smirk that twists at his lips as a result.  When Scott steps forward, invading his personal space, Kaidan does something he usually doesn’t do; he goads him.  “What? It’s the truth, isn’t it?”
“Not helping the situation!”
Kaidan isn’t certain if he should be worried that SAM is, so far, remaining silent in his head.  “I needed to get us out of there,” he argues instead.  “How else was I going to –?”
“You?  Why did it have to be you?  Why is it always you?”  Scott tosses his hands in the air and turns away, frustration building until his biotic corona flickers around him.  Still grumbling to himself, he turns back, glaring at Kaidan.  “What the hell am I going to do if I lose you like that?”
Kaidan sucks in a breath, recognizing the pain. Sure, things between them have improved since their arrival in Andromeda – no place to go but up, right? – but this…? This is a reinforcement of what he’s hoped for ever since accepting Alec Ryder’s offer.  
Or am I reading too much into this?
On their private channel, SAM replies, “You are not, Kaidan.”
Scott still prowls around the room as Kaidan asks, “Can you come over here for a minute?”
“Why?  So you can die on me a third time?”
Petulance is not a good look for Scott, and Kaidan has to bite back a laugh; as much as he wants to set it free, it would do more harm than good just now.  “I want to show you something.”
Scott grumbles some more, even as Kaidan heads on over, but eventually he follows.  When he arrives, Kaidan hands him the letter.  “Read this.”
The blue-eyed glare returns, heavy with suspicion.  “What is it?”
“Just read.  Please.”
Scott waits another moment, two, then drops his gaze and starts reading.  For several minutes, Kaidan waits patiently, watching.  The letter isn’t long, but Scott is taking his time reading it, but Kaidan knows when Scott reaches the end because the younger man’s spine stiffens, his shoulders roll back, and his head snaps up as he darts a quick look up at Kaidan. “Today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the Earth.(5)”  
When Scott says nothing else, Kaidan prods, “So, what do you think?”
Scott is quiet for a minute.  It’s difficult to read his reaction because he keeps his back to Kaidan the entire time, slightly hunched in the shoulders, utterly quiet. “Do you mean it?” he asks, voice soft as if having trouble pushing it out.
“I always try to say what I mean, Scott.”
The younger man turns around, his face a surprisingly neutral mask.  Considering how difficult that has been for him in the past, Kaidan is impressed.  “So, you’re saying you consider yourself the luckiest man on Earth or, in this case I guess, the Nexus, because you survived?”
Ah, so that’s the problem.  Reaching over, Kaidan settles a hand on Scott’s cheek. Scott leans into it, then apparently thinks better of it or at the very least realizes what he’s doing and pulls back. But that’s okay.  Kaidan now has a far better sense of what he is working with. Running his thumb along the corner of Scott’s lips, he says quietly, “I am the luckiest man in Andromeda because you are here with me.”
Tension immediately flows out of Scott and he visibly sags a bit.  “And you really mean that?  Because look, I get that my Dad talked you into all of this without checking with me first, and –”
Kaidan slides his thumb over the top of Scott’s lips to silence him.  “I really mean that.  This has nothing to do with your dad, but everything to do with you….”  
 (1) The Godfather, part II
(2) Winston Churchill
(3) Maya Angelou
(4) 13th Warrior
(5) The Pride of the Yankees
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malecsecretsanta · 3 years
Merry Christmas, ladymatt
For @ladymatt, wishing you a lovely, safe, and happy holiday with this little malec one shot! x
Fantasy au wherein Alec is a guardian angel, Magnus is a demon who makes deals, and maybe they’re not as different as they think.
Read On AO3
Lost and Found
As the flames at Magnus’ feet die out, he takes in his surroundings inquisitively. Beneath his boots are tentative chalk lines, thin and light in places, that connect into a pentagram drawn on a cracked cement floor. The room he is in is vast and all but empty, with high ceilings and exposed metal beams. A warehouse, most likely; the kind of place a human might deem a safe, neutral location for a demon summoning. As he turned to his left, a woman, young in years but with a heaviness weighing on her that belied her age, was staring at him from a few feet away with a tattered hardback journal clutched in one hand.
“You called me,” he stated, standing a few steps away from the barrier line. “I assume that because you did the summoning correctly and seem…prepared, that you know what it is that I do.”
She looked almost startled at being addressed, but the expression lasted only a moment before she held it back with a clenched jaw and narrowed eyes. “I know what I’m doing,” she asserted, though her voice wavered slightly.
After analyzing the detailing of the pentagram, Magnus touched the tip of his boot to a symbol that had been incorrectly drawn. “It’s an impressive work, but I would suggest you study a bit more next time. This right here…leaves an opening.”
Now the woman looked terrified, frozen in place with her arms encircling her middle protectively.
With a slightly sardonic chuckle, he shook his head. “If I was going to hurt you, I wouldn’t have pointed out your error.” He stepped closer to the edge line, closer to her. “After all, you wish to make a deal, yes? Which means you have something I would be happy to take. I don’t want to ruin that opportunity for myself just yet.”
For a moment, he just looked at her, observing. She had very short hair, so blonde it was practically white, and deep brown, almost black, eyes. Her pupils were almost swallowed up by the darkness of the iris. There was a small smattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose and dusting the tops of her cheeks, looking oddly childlike in the midst of her worn features. He was well-versed in reading humans after all these centuries, and he could see in her an authenticity that caught his attention. “What’s your name?”
“Alana. Alana Clarke. And I want to make a deal.”
“Well then,” Magnus began, steepling his fingers thoughtfully, “tell me, to what do I owe this summons?”
“I…have something I want to forget.” Her voice wavered slightly on the last word.
“Someone,” Magnus stated in realization. “A deal with me requires specificity, Ms. Clarke.”
It took a moment before she hesitantly elaborated further. “My husband. He was…cold. And unable to love, in the end. I never felt like I could leave him. One day, he snapped and I…I didn’t have a choice. I can’t let the memory of him control my life anymore. I can’t bear to let him change me the way I’m afraid he might.”
Rubbing his fingers together contemplatively, he replied, “That is a very serious choice to make. And one that cannot be undone. As luck would have it, it would be quite easy for me to give you what you’re asking for, but it has a steep price. And not just your soul. Are you certain this is what you want?”
Her silence was only too telling.
With a firm shake of his head, Magnus took a step back. “You must be sure. I am neither judge nor jury; I will only carry out what our deal entails. I urge you strongly to consider this. Memory cannot just be given and taken on a whim. Once I remove it, it will be permanent.”
Alana shook her head with a tired sigh. “I just… I can’t sleep, I can’t breathe, I can’t think… I don’t know how to go on without doing something. I—” Abruptly cutting herself off, she stood up a little straighter and schooled her expression into a carefully curated stoicism. “I have to take the responsibility, and I will.”
It had been a long while since someone with such conviction had come to Magnus like this. Often, those who summoned him didn’t understand the gravity of the situation they were making for themselves, but it was their mistake to make. This time, somehow, he couldn’t bear the thought of allowing her to follow them down that path of regret lurking in the future.
“For your benefit, I will not yet make the deal,” he began. “I require certainty, and I do not see that in you. I’m going to give you another opportunity to think very carefully about just what is worth the price of your soul before you sign it over to me.”
The next time Magnus found himself standing in the ash and last embers of unholy flame in the middle of the old warehouse, the person standing opposite him was not Alana Clarke.
Instead, it was a tall, dark haired man with a stern look on his face, standing stock-still with his hands behind his back. He was not entirely mortal, nor human, Magnus realized upon observing the presence of spiritual matter along the lines of his shoulders and down his spine. It also wasn’t lost on him that the man had a blade made of adamas tucked away inside the folds of his jacket. It was an ancient kind of weapon, not only priceless but rare.  
The pentagram Magnus was standing on was far more detailed than the one that Alana had used to summon him, rooted in much stronger magic. The kind of magic that could only be infused by a summoner of great power. “I’m impressed,” he mused, turning in place to observe the rest of the finer detail.
“You made a deal with Alana Clarke,” the man stated coolly, as if he hadn’t heard a thing. “For her soul. And you’re going to have to rescind.”
Magnus couldn’t help but be amused by the situation. “Demon-client confidentiality prevents me from discussing any of this with you, I’m afraid.” But his curiosity was piqued. Especially when he realized that the faint smell of angel blood had permeated the air around them.
Angel blood.
“Of course, I should have realized immediately.” He stepped up to the edge line of the pentagram to look closer. “Which one of Raziel’s guardians are you?”
A soft sigh of exasperation preceded one word: “Alexander.”
“‘Defender of man’, yes? Seems fitting.” If he didn’t know better, Magnus would have said that Alexander preened almost imperceptibly at his words. “And Alana is in your care. Interesting, given the fact that she sought me out.”
The shadows of tenderness that had lingered on Alexander’s face for mere seconds at the mention of her name disappeared altogether as his expression clouded over. “She never should have summoned you. Her grief has blinded her, so I have to be the one to protect her.”
“You almost believed that when you said it.” Magnus of all people knew what lying to oneself looked like. “The truth is, it kills you that you can’t save her from this grief. Your purpose is to protect her, but there are limits to what you can control, and now you have to face them.”
“You can’t undo the past,” Alexander countered, eyebrows drawn low over his eyes in consternation. “And that’s what she truly wants. Whatever you offer her, it won’t be enough.”
“You know what she went through. You know how greatly she mourns—both for what she lost and what was never hers to begin with. There’s no price too steep for peace that can heal that kind of devastation.”
The angel visibly gritted his teeth, the muscle in his jaw jumping as it flexed. “Rip up the deal and give her soul back.” The slow cadence he spoke with betrayed the anger that he was sealing away inside.
“It might interest you to know that no official contract exists yet. Ms. Clarke hasn’t made her choice, so if you have concerns, you should take them to your charge herself.”
The anger stoked by Magnus’ words became increasingly apparent in Alexander, and he rolled his neck to the side slightly as if trying to shake free of something. “I won’t ask again.” When Magnus offered no reply, he took a few steps back from the pentagram. “Well, you’re welcome to rot here until you change your mind, then.”
If he were a different person, if circumstances were trivial, he would enjoy an indulgent show of his own strength. As it were, Magnus only gloated a little as he stepped over the brusque chalk line meant to confine him. “I have no plans to do any such thing.”
Alexander was speechless, his mouth slightly agape as Magnus moved towards him. “That isn’t possible. No lesser demon can—”
Reaching out with a dark red tendril of magic, Magnus held him still. “Pleased to meet you, Alexander. My name is Magnus Bane, reigning Prince of Edom and son of one of the First Hierarchy—a Knight of Hell.” When their faces were mere inches apart, he offered the faintest of smiles. “Ms. Clarke has sought my protection now, so I suggest you don’t try to interfere again.”    
The air in the Hunter’s Moon was thick with the scent of stale alcohol and sweat-slicked bodies, and Magnus relished it. Perhaps it was the hedonistically human part of him, but there was something magnetic about the raw electricity of bodies pressed flush against one another beneath the hot lights.
His attention was diverted, however, when he noticed the man who had just walked in and was making his way to the bar. Alexander stood out in a crowd even when he was dressed down, wearing a grey Henley and jeans.
With a subtle gesture, Magnus caught the eye of a bartender gathering empty glasses abandoned on a nearby table. “The man who just walked in—make him a Vieux Carre.” A neatly folded hundred-dollar bill materialized between his thumb and middle finger, and he offered it to her.
The woman’s bracelets made a delicate jingling sound as she plucked it from his grasp. “He looks intense. Ex of yours?”
With a chuckle, he brushed his thumb tenderly against her chin for a fleeting moment. “Discretion, Maia.”
She rolled her eyes exaggeratedly. “Courtesy of?”
“An associate.”
Despite looking thoroughly unconvinced, Maia pocketed the money and Magnus raised his drink to her in gratitude.
“An olive branch?” Alexander guessed a few minutes later, setting his glass down on Magnus’ table.
“Actually, it’s a black cherry garnish.” Magnus plucks the fruit from his glass and takes a bite of the tender flesh. “I figured a drink would be a good icebreaker.”
Alexander dropped down into the chair opposite him. “You don’t look surprised to see me here.”
“You’ve been following me on and off all day, angel. What am I meant to be surprised about?”
His expression darkens, his eyebrows drawn tightly together in consternation. “We haven’t struck an accord yet.”
Shaking his head faintly, Magnus downed the last of his Negroni. “There is nothing to negotiate. You have no claim on the contract between me and my client.”
“She is going to do this if I do not put a stop to it.” Rather than the burn of anger or the cold of hatred, Alexander looked pained to be saying those words. “I want to make a deal.”
Whatever he had been expecting Alexander to say, that certainly wasn’t it. Magnus sat in stunned silence for a beat. “Just to be clear… You want to give me your eternal soul to release Alana Clarke from a contract that she implored me to honor?”
“Yes.” He couldn’t know what he was agreeing to, and yet there was a fierce determination on his face that almost made Magnus wish that it were possible. “Let’s do it.”
“It is not possible, Alexander,” Magnus said somberly. His tone had gone soft despite himself. The desperation in the guardian’s eyes made something in his chest begin to ache. “Even if you did have a soul as the mortals do.”
It almost looked as though the faintest hint of vulnerable desperation was beginning to shine through the cracks of his façade. Instead, with a grunt of frustration, Alexander pushed back from the table and crossed his arms. “She is under my protection, Magnus.”
“In a manner of speaking, she’s under mine too.”
“If you control Edom, why even spend your time making deals for souls? Isn’t that beneath you?” he retorted heatedly.
“It’s not about the souls. It never has been,” Magnus found himself saying. It had never been in his nature to be transparent, and frankly he had never had a reason to try. The way that Alexander wore his feelings so genuinely compelled him to reciprocate. “The lesser demons who skulk around crossroads and manipulate the avaricious and covetous do so by nature. I choose the worthy summoners, the ones who want nothing more or less than resolution, and offer them peace.”
Staring down into his glass, Alexander heaved a sigh of frustration. “Indulging their emotions is not the same as protecting them.”
“That depends on who you are protecting them from, hmm?”
Something in those words seemed to reach Alexander in a way that nothing else between them had. His shoulders hunched wearily, as though a great burden had been dropped and left foregone. “I don’t know,” he surrendered.
Thunder rattled the window panes of the penthouse as the storm outside grew stronger, and Magnus could feel the glass shivering beneath his fingers where they were pressed on either side of Alexander’s body. They were both mostly clothed, but where their bare skin touched, it felt like fire. Occasional flashes of lightning illuminated the otherwise darkened living room, so Magnus used the cacophony of harsh exhales and soft moans to guide his movements.
It had to be the most profane act, because it felt like salvation.
“Nnnnh,” Alexander moaned, reaching up for Magnus’ hands blindly and intertwining their fingers.
More or less restrained, Magnus put more power into the movement of his hips. It was an inexplicable desperation that had led them to this, and now it was boiling in his blood and driving him forward.
The pleasure crested, and for one perfect moment, everything felt simple—they were just two people who found relief in wanting one another. That was how they had ended up here, after all; a categorically innocuous moment had somehow set Magnus’ skin on fire with how greatly he yearned to touch him, and everything between them had unraveled before he could do anything but follow in its wake.
For weeks the tenacious guardian had been nothing but a thorn in his side, but then all at once, something changed and Magnus could no longer remember how to simply dislike him. Perhaps he put too much stock in his heart—or whatever the son of a Greater Demon was capable of containing—to ever stay free of falling prey to the way of the mortal world. All he knew now, though, was that he felt dread like an ache in his chest at the unavoidable truth that Alexander would leave.  
“Don’t leave,” Magnus whispered breathlessly in Alexander’s ear. “You can stay the night. I want you to.”
In reply, Alexander nodded and pressed an almost reticent kiss to his lips. “I’ve already crossed the line, what’s another step?” Even pressed together in such an achingly intimate embrace, there was a hesitance in him. Perhaps he was telling himself this was a big mistake, and he would hate Magnus in the morning.
It wouldn’t be the first time, at least, so he would drink away the pain in the evening and be remade again in the morning.
Already in a sloppy state of undress, they both peeled off their remaining layers of clothing and let them fall in a heap on the bedroom floor before crawling beneath the sheets. Magnus had slept alone for so long that his heart twisted in his chest at the feeling of a warm body beside him.
Once Magnus had settled into the mattress and was lying still, Alexander slid his foot between Magnus’ calves and pressed their bodies closer. His hands were more diffident in their movements, slowly tracing a path down Magnus’ forearm and over the bone of his wrist before loosely intertwining their fingers.
He closed his eyes for a moment, just to savor this fragile piece of time, but when he opened them again, it was morning. The deep orange and red of the sunrise bathed the bedroom in a warm glow, and illuminated Alexander where he was perched on the edge of the bed. “Are you going somewhere?”
The muscles in Alexander’s upper back rippled beneath his alabaster skin as he tensed. “I didn’t want to wake you,” was all he said, but for just a moment, his eyes lingered on Magnus as if he were hoping for a rebuttal.
“We don’t have to keep doing this to each other, acting as though we’re so unalike.”
That made him look away, and he stood with his back to Magnus as he adjusted the cuff of his shirt sleeve absently. “Yes, we do. We have to be.”
“God himself created even the avenging angels in his image,” Magnus replied with the hint of a smirk on his lips.
With a wry, all but humorless laugh, Alexander shook his head. “That’s not the point, Magnus! What kind of guardian allows the ones he looks after to pawn their souls for resolutions?” He turned back to face him with hard resolve.
Magnus couldn’t help but be reminded of the volatile, at times impetuous, young man he was. He had been quick to anger, holding himself in contempt for all the things that were out of his control. “Alexander—this is her life. Do you truly prefer that she suffer through this mortal existence when that is all she gets?”
“I have failed spectacularly in the past to do the one thing I’m meant to do, and I won’t let that happen again.” Grabbing his jacket from the floor, he shrugged it on and stalked off.
“I’m ready,” Alana declared without preamble.
A smattering of Edom’s red dirt shook loose from the tread of Magnus’ boots as he strode over to her. “I told you that the next time you summoned me you would need to be certain. If this is your decision, then all that is left is your contract.”
“Okay,” she nodded. “Let’s do this.”
Magnus held up his hand and angled it above her chest. “All this requires is a mark left on your soul, like an earmark. It binds you to me.” With a languid flutter of his fingers, a deep blue energy emitted from them and seeped beneath her skin. The pulsing of her heartbeat was thrummed against his magic and he could feel it as if her heart itself were in the palm of his hand. With a final push, the energy ensnared her soul, wrapping around it like ivy on a vine and pressing in to leave behind an intricate lace of markings.
She shivered faintly and let out a short, sharp exhale. “It feels like ice.”
“It should not last long,” he assured her as he pulled his hand back. “Now, taking your memories will be painless; simply stand very still.”
As soon as he began to probe her memories, her eyes clouded over into a haze of milky white. In brief flashes, he could see through her eyes flashes of the past that she had hidden away. He could feel a tangled web of emotions, each vying for pride of place. He could hear a cacophony of her name echoing in millions of different tones and inflections. Each piece pulled at her, nearly tearing her apart from the tension about to snap. Extracting them was like sucking the poison from a wound, leaving a bitter residue behind. It had been left to fester for so long that in places the memories were like rot, but in time, they all came away. “You’re purely your own now,” Magnus whispered in Alana’s ear, and with that, he vanished from her side.
For a moment, he just stood in the alleyway behind the warehouse, breathing in the damp, cold air of the rain’s end. A few droplets dotted his face and neck, and he closed his eyes to savor it. In Edom, there was no such relief like a storm.
Suddenly, he felt a presence in the shadows, familiar and passive.
“Come to spy, angel?”
Emerging soundlessly, Alexander stood with his arms folded behind him like a soldier poised in wait.
Quirking an eyebrow, Magnus turned to face him directly. “Are you going to start a street brawl for what she willingly gave me?”
The guardian almost smiled at that, and it put Magnus more at ease. “What kind of idiot do you think I am? Actually, don’t answer that. I have a feeling I would not like the answer.” Shaking his head, Alexander continued. “I was here when Alana summoned you. But I… I decided you were right, Magnus.”
Despite himself, Alexander chuckled wryly. “I could be cast out for what I have done, but protecting the mortals entrusted to me is worth any price.”
Magnus looked at him skeptically. “Forgive me if I am hesitant to accept your truce, Alexander.”
“Who said anything about a truce?” Though his words were antagonistic, his tone was peaceable. “But I suppose I should thank you for what you taught me.”
Holding up a hand to stop him, Magnus shook his head. “Please, angel. We are not obliged to such extreme shows of good faith. Besides, Edom would freeze over, and then where would I be?”
Alexander awkwardly shifted closer. “Here’s hoping we remain acquaintances from afar.”
“As if,” Magnus waved off, pressing in closer until their chests were flush. “You like me too much.”
“I never said that,” Alexander managed breathlessly before leaning in to join their lips in a kiss that could grow a whole garden from Edom’s barren desert sand.
For all of its flaws, Magnus decided that he liked Brooklyn. Edom was his domain, but perhaps this could be his home.
Penthouse One had become more or less a safe haven, oddly enough. The balcony provided the perfect place for his morning meditations, the living room could host a great many guests, and the apothecary was quaint and studious. And perhaps he was indulging in feeling like a mortal at times, but what else was he to do when he was topside so frequently?
The soft click of the door opening made Magnus set down his martini and move towards the entryway curiously. In the hall, he saw a figure cloaked in a long black coat with a hood concealing their face. Boots stained with dirt and dried blood left a faint trail on the wood floor, and the bow over their shoulder was battered with scratches and dings.
“Alexander, you’re home early.”
Shaking his head free from the hood, Alexander revealed his bloodied face. “I gave myself the rest of the night off.”
With a disapproving tsk, Magnus guided his chin away from him to get a better look at the trails of crimson oozing down from his temple and cheekbone. “No rest for the wicked, hmm?”
Alexander rolled his eyes as he allowed Magnus to steer him to the couch. “I think I may have broken a rib,” grunted as he lowered himself onto a cushion.
“Take your jacket and shirt off so I can see.” Magnus gingerly sat beside him and helped to maneuver his arms from the sleeves. His knuckles faintly brushed Alexander’s upper back and his whole body tensed in reflex. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, carefully working around the cloth that covered two deep, distinct scars where Alexander’s wings had been ripped from his back some time ago. They looked much like his father’s. As soon as they worked together to peel Alexander’s t-shirt off, Magnus couldn’t help but lean over and brush his lips, faint as a whisper, against the point between his shoulder blades between the dark V-shaped scarring. “Now, let me take a look.”
“Here.” With some difficulty, Alexander rolled slightly to his left side, revealing a blossoming bruise against the side of his rib cage. After just a gentle probing of Magnus’ finger tips against the tender skin, he jerked away. “Fuck.”
“Was it worth the fight, Night Arrow?” Magnus asked with a faint smile, unearthing a package of alcohol swabs from the first aid kit they kept hidden beneath the couch for just such an occasion.
“Always. I have to do something, right?” The bitter edge in voice would likely always be there at the mention of his being cast down. The scars on his back were a reminder he would never need, because Magnus knew he could never forget.
Magnus himself would likely always be haunted by the events of the night Alexander fell from Heaven. The sight of him when he stumbled to Magnus’ door, drenched in sweat and pale as death as he bled through the scraps of fabric he had wrapped himself in still felt too unbearable to recall. Even as a mortal, he still found a way to dedicate himself to the protection of the innocent, and Magnus could never begrudge him that.
“There’s something else that might help,” he murmured, wincing as he scratched absently at the drying blood on his forehead.
Setting down the swabs, Magnus straightened up to look at him.
“A kiss.”
“A kiss,” Magnus echoed, a grin spreading across his lips. “What will you give me for it? Your everlasting soul?”
Alexander dropped his chin and his lips parted just enough to tenderly take Magnus’ finger into his mouth. His tongue was warm and soft, and Magnus felt that all too human feeling of butterflies in his stomach. Releasing him with a quiet pop, Alexander smiled. “That’s not mine to give anymore. It’s already yours.”
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moprocrastinates · 4 years
the story is about to begin, and every day will be a new piece of the plot
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Chapter Rating: T
Disclaimer: Title comes from The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society by Mary Ann Shaffer/Annie Burrows. 
Summary: Her patience has already worn thin when her line of sight lands on the object left on the tray.
The journal is dark leather, marred by striking divots in the skin, but bound tightly together with a fraying string. Glancing around, Jude reaches for it without waiting for Cardan. Her curiosity, never quite satisfied, piques, and Jude turns to the first page.
Property of Cardan Greenbriar, it reads.
(Read on AO3!)
Early morning sunlight streams in through the slots the blinds don’t quite cover, and Jude Duarte groans quietly as she yanks the warm covers over her head.
Then the birds begin to chirp, and look— Jude’s all for birds, okay? (Even if they are a little terrifying at times.) She’d just prefer them if they didn’t feel the need to wake her up on a wonderful, sleepy Sunday before 10am.
Beneath the cover of her blankets, Jude scrunches her eyes shut a little more. The song the birds sing seems to grow louder and louder with every passing moment, and with a desperation only other night owls could understand, she jerks her pillow out from under her head to cover her ears, leaving bare skin touched by the cold air of her bedroom. Instinctively, she reaches out behind her, hands grabby and a little needy, mindlessly searching for her personal furnace— also known as her boyfriend Cardan. But her hands grasp thin air, and it’s then that Jude opens her eyes.
She sits up slowly, hair in a jumbled knot (it had been a messy bun originally, but Jude’s always been a rough sleeper) on top of her head and her covers strewn and tangled up in her bare feet. “Cardan?”
There is no answer, at least, not a vocal one, but as she opens her mouth to call out again, a loud crash comes from just outside the room, followed immediately by a loud curse that causes Jude to smile softly and bite her lip.
Jude Duarte knows Cardan Greenbriar perhaps better than anyone, and, because of this, she also knows that today of all days, she shouldn’t interrupt him. Not when he’s got a plan.
And for their anniversaries, he’s always got a plan. She’s tried fighting him on it, but it’s the one battle she will always cede to him willingly—how much he desperately wants to show his love for her.
She already knows. But because she loves him, she lets him have free reign over their anniversaries.
It’s her way of letting him know she loves him back.
So she shuffles out of bed, padding quietly into their bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. As she daintily smears toothpaste on bristles, she catches sight of herself in the mirror.
She doesn’t look young enough to be the type of woman who has spent five years being with the man she loves, but alas, here she is.
Here she is, and so in love.
Another loud crash brings her out of her reverie, and with her morning ritual done, Jude steps out of their room, and nearly laughs at the sight of her beautiful, curly-haired tree of a boyfriend standing nervously in front of the oven, looking at it like it might explode.
“I’m pretty sure it’s not going to attack you,” She says, grinning shyly at him when he whips around to look at her. “You’re the one out of the two of us who doesn’t burn food in there, so hopefully it still likes you.”
Cardan rolls his eyes in a way that Jude instinctively interprets as loving before he steps towards her, hands immediately finding purchase on her hips. He leans down, and she meets him halfway, lips touching in perhaps one of the gentlest morning kisses she’s ever had. (Most of the morning kisses she’s had in her lifetime have been with Cardan, so it’s not really like she has anything else to compare to.)
She wraps her arms around his neck, fully intending on making this kiss turn into something deeper when he recognizes her intent and laughs against her lips. “Happy anniversary, Jude.”
“Happy anniversary,” she says softly, and when she pulls back to look him in the eyes, she sees the same adoration in his that she knows is reflected in hers. “Five years, huh?”
Cardan chuckles, turning back to the stove and flipping the dials. “Yeah. Still quite can’t believe it.”
Jude snorts. “You’re telling me, Mr. I-Don’t-Do-Relationships Greenbriar.”
“You’re a menace.” Cardan swats at her with an eggy spatula that she barely dodges. She can’t help the squeak that falls from her lips and reflects the bright smile dawning on Cardan’s face. “Go back to bed,” He grumbles. “You’re ruining the whole concept of breakfast in it!”
“Breakfast in bed is wherever I claim the bed is,” She chirps back, reaching around his slender shoulders to snag a few chocolate chips from the bag. “I mean, technically, I could say your penis is the bed. What would you do then, huh?”
Although he isn’t looking at her, she can tell just from the sudden tension in his shoulders that she’s made him think.
“Go away, Jude.” His response is more of a snarl than it is a statement.
“You loooooovvveee me,” Jude sings when Cardan turns to face her, brown eyes amused and rough hands holding out her beloved BB-8 coffee mug.
“Apparently.” He says, snorting, but his gaze is warm.
Without missing a beat or breaking eye contact, she snags her mug from him and hops down to head back to the bedroom when he grabs her arm and pulls her back into his chest.
“You forgot your tray, darling,” Cardan murmurs lowly in her ear, and Jude really can’t help the shot of heat that courses through her veins at that very moment.
If she had witnesses, she’d blame it on the coffee.
But as always, Cardan has other plans.
He hands her a small tray with what appears to be blueberry muffins (her favorite), a small vase of peonies, and a leather book.
“Don’t read it without me, okay?” Cardan’s eyes are serious now, sharp and sudden, and Jude’s dreams of a morning romp are moderately dashed by the severity in his gaze. “Please?”
“Fine.” She huffs, and he ruffles her hair and presses a kiss to her temple before she traipses back to bed.
Jude waits for less than two minutes. What could he possibly be doing? Turning off the oven? (Anyone who truly knew her knows about her lack of patience.) “Anytime soon would be great, Cardan!”
She gets a muffled response, but by then, her patience has already worn thin when her line of sight lands on the object left on the tray.
The journal is dark leather, marred by striking divots in the skin, but bound tightly together with a fraying string. Glancing around, Jude reaches for it without waiting for Cardan.  Her curiosity, never quite satisfied, piques, and Jude turns to the first page.
Property of Cardan Greenbriar, it reads, and Jude snorts in amusement (what was with him and his affinity for writing letters) before turning another page.
Day One:
So you’ll probably call me an idiot (because that’s what you do), but I’ve never wanted to do this for any other person in my life. You’re special, and I’ve known that for years, but it wasn’t until tonight when we both stumbled through asking each other out that it made me realize that you’re unparalleled in every other relationship I’ve ever had in my entire life. Even with Nicasia.
You’re so special to me, Jude, and I was so sure you would never, EVER, want to be with me.
As of now, we’ve been going out for three hours, fifty minutes, and twenty-nine seconds. It’s been the best three hours, fifty minutes, and twenty-nine seconds of my life. I like this feeling, so I’m going to keep it going, okay?
Is that okay with you?
Jude gapes. Holy shit.
She flips to the next page.
Day Two:
So we went out on our first official date tonight, and we went to that really quaint coffee shop on Elfhame—The Court of Shadows, it was called. It was a nice evening out, so we sat outside. You wore this stunning purple dress that made your eyes shine, and you laughed at all my dumb jokes and it was like we were best friends again, only this time I knew I could kiss you if I wanted to.
The whole time, I really wanted to.
But when it got colder out as the evening went on, I figured it was time for hot coffee, so I went in to order. The line was long, but you couldn’t see that, so when I left the shop, you were coming in. I was so focused on making sure I didn’t spill that I didn’t see you, and you were so concerned that I was fighting with a barista or something that you didn’t see me, and when we crashed, I was so sure it was over.
I’m still not sure what I said— I thought it might’ve been my horror or my stream of apologetic consciousness that made you forgive me for staining your favorite dress— but instead, you just looked at me. Just looked at me, hard, and I swear once again that I thought it was over. I thought I’d ruined my chance with you.
I know I have the potential within me to love you forever, starting from today (not that I didn’t before, but you know)—because you looked up at me from the ground, fucking beamed and me, and said, “Cardan, the coffee’s cold.” Then you grabbed my hand and dragged me to Steak ‘n Shake, you in your beautiful albeit coffee-stained purple dress, and me with my pit-stained, ruffled shift and frazzled hair.
That burger was the best I’ve ever had, but I think it only tasted as good as it did because I had the best company around.
Oh, and you stole my milkshake. You owe me one, Duarte.
Jude can’t help it. Every word he has written makes her shake; her fingers tremble as they deftly flip the pages and trace the ink where he’d pressed so hard— his feelings literally engraving themselves into immortality. She reads the following entries, her heart swelling more and more with every line. Cardan has written every day for the past five years, detailing the highs and lows of their relationship. She cannot stop the laughter; she cannot stop the way her eyes fill with tears at his declarations of her beauty.
Some of her favorite memories are his, and Jude’s no stranger to Cardan’s writing style— she was there when he began and finished his first romance novel, was the one who read every single page and argued with him about the relationship between Hades and Persephone, and was the person peering over his shoulder as he sent out queries to agents. Jude was the person to pour him a glass of red wine when he finally found one, and the first one to congratulate him when the book was sold. But to read of the memories she plays in her head every time they fight or every time they make love, her best ones, her favorite ones, she really cannot believe her previous claims about being so deeply in love with Cardan Greenbriar.
She has never been more in love with him than in this moment with this gift.
Day 11:
We told our friends about us today. I wasn’t sure if you were ready, but as soon as we entered the Court of Shadows, you smacked a kiss to the corner of my lips and laced your fingers with mine, and Liliver whooped so loudly that I thought I wouldn’t hear again.
Then everybody passed the Roach money, and then they started taking bets on when I’d propose.
Believe me, that’s not going to happen yet. I want to get to know you, my sweet villain, and although I’ve known you since I was eleven, I want to know you as more than my best friend.
But instead of scolding our friends (why the hell do I even call them that? They’re incorrigible), you just laughed and made a joke about that episode of Friends where Ross and Rachel get married in Vegas and distracted everyone. You kept tracing your thumb along the lines of my palm underneath the table, and you looked at me and I thought, “I love you.”
Hopefully I’ll be able to say it to you soon enough. I’ll practice it here: I love you.
It feels pretty good.
Not all the entries are professions of love. A few detail their fights, funny moments, touching moments, and she loves every word. Her hazel eyes water, and she blinks, reaching up to wipe quickly across her eyes as to avoid getting water on the pages.
Day 42:
I love you.
Day 91:
Happy three-month anniversary. Please don’t eat all the chocolate-covered strawberries. Thanks.
I love you.
Day 133:
You came over from work today with sweat glistening through your clothing, around your hair, and on your face— the only thing you said to me was, “I love my job, Cardan.”
I’m so happy you’re happy. 
I love you.
Day 242:
You said it back.
 I love you.
Day 276:
Why are you so fucking good at Mario Kart? I’ve BEEN in the car when you drive. How you haven’t crashed is beyond me.
I love you.
Day 311:
Happy Valentine’s Day, darling.
You looked gorgeous tonight, your hair in curls falling down your back, eyes full of mischief, and in that lilac dress I spilled coffee on whilst on our first date.  
How the hell did I get you to fall in love with me? Some days I can’t believe it. But those days are getting fewer and farther in between.
I really do believe I’ll be with you the rest of my life. You don’t know that yet, of course, but maybe I’ll say it to you. Maybe one day I’ll believe it myself.
I love you.
Day 353:
Godsdamn, you’re blasting “Making Love Out of Nothing At All,” outside my window á la Say Anything because we had a fight. I thought you didn’t care when I said I was so glad we began our relationship and took your silence to mean this was over; you did care, but couldn’t put all you felt into words, and I needed to hear it to quell my own fears.
The song’s quite fitting, isn’t it—on both our ends?
It’s an apology. The words might not be yours, but I hear you. I forgive you. Always.
I’m sorry, too.
I love you.  
Day 398:
I’m going to tell you I have to go to Rome for four months for research on my next book. I don’t know how you’ll take it.
I love you.
Day 468:
Being away from you every day is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I miss your smile and the way it reveals itself, slowly and shyly, before becoming suddenly the brightest thing in my line of vision. I miss your hair (it’s befitting of a queen such as you) and how it smells like honey and those absolutely disgusting peanut butter and honey sandwiches you eat (seriously, HOW do you eat those?). I miss your eyes, and I swear I wake up in the middle of the night completely dazed by the colors of the forest. I miss your laugh, I miss how you say my name, I miss the way you look after sex and the way you murmur and kiss whispers of love on my skin when I push into you, I miss the way you koala-hug me when we’re cuddling, I miss your competitiveness and how you look after you get a Jeopardy question wrong and lose to me, I miss the sound of your voice when you sing “I Won’t Say I’m in Love,” in the shower, I miss you totally drinking me under the table and you dragging Severus Snape with every single curse word you can think of and I miss you telling me in person you love me. I miss telling you in person that I love you.
I guess I just miss you.
Please don’t be mad at me. 
I love you.
Day 500:
You’re the fucking best at phone sex.
I love you.
Day 588:
I’m coming home to you, and I don’t really want to be apart from you again.
I love you.
Day 619:
I don’t even know what we fought about at this point. It was probably dumb. I don’t know whose fault it is. All I know is that I’m sorry. I hope you decide to let me share the bed with you tonight.
And I love you.
Day 730:
I’m thinking about asking you to marry me. It’s our second anniversary… It seems fitting. You’re asleep right now, napping after work, and I’ve just ordered pizza—Hawaiian with extra cheese, just like you like. You’ll wake up as soon as the food gets here. Your stomach never betrays you.
I love you.
Day 846:
You ran into Locke at the grocery today, and I nearly broke up with you right then and there.
We’ve been fighting a lot lately. I don’t even know what about. Every time I speak, you snap, and every time I go to touch you, you recoil. I don’t remember the last time you replied to my, “I love you.”
I still don’t know what I did. I’m sorry.
I love you.
Day 847:
We were sitting on the sofa watching Planet Earth, and you turned to me suddenly, pressed a soft kiss to my cheek, and rested your head on my shoulder.
We’ll be okay.
I love you, and you love me.
Day 952:
My lease is up. Wanna live with me?
I love you.
Day 975:
I don’t know about you, but I’m loving life with you.
Even though you are literally the clumsiest person known to man and break every single dish we own, have a habit of stealing the books I’m currently reading, and never make our bed when I leave early and don’t get a chance to do it— you’re alright, my darling. I think I’ll keep you.
I love you.
Day 1000:
You’re cute when you drool in your sleep.
I love you.  
Day 1095:
So I’m sitting here next to you with the single greatest anniversary gift ever, and I don’t think I could be more content. You’re asleep, so thankfully you aren’t seeing me write this, but for future readings, I’m sorry about the spilled ink… Gus got ahold of the pen.
Note to self and to you: Don’t let kittens chew things.
Gus seems to agree.
I love you.
Day 1273:
So Vivi’s been bugging me for a while now, because apparently she’s going to win the bet if I propose within the next year. She wants to go ring shopping to ensure that she’ll win.
Joke’s on her— I already have the ring.
I love you.
Jude’s breath caught.
Day 1461:
You asked me today why I love you, and I told you that I couldn’t tell you why.
Jude, you started to get mad and tried to pull away just as I told you that I couldn’t tell you why because there are too many reasons. I told you that we’d be there all day if I listed every single reason why I love you. We might be there for days, weeks, months, years even. I cannot describe how much you mean to me. Just know that when I say I love you, it’s so much more than that.
I cannot fathom what it would be like if you were not in my life. Thankfully, you’re here, and I love you. Happy fourth anniversary.
I love you, I love you, I love you.
Day 1499:
Geez, I think this journal is getting a little long, don’t you?
I love you.
Day 1587:
I’ve thought about this for years now, and I think I’ve finally perfected my idea.
I love you.
Day 1617:
You’re going to be so mad that you didn’t see this coming. Seriously, Duarte. For the woman who is so terrifyingly good at figuring out those mystery TV shows, you really have no idea. Either that, or you’re just really good at hiding it.
I’m betting it’s the former, though.
I love you.
Day 1765:
Only a few more days… I think you’ll be happy to know that none of our friends will win the bet.
Oh, except me. Did I mention I entered it? Yeah, I bet on us WAY back when.
I love you.
Day 1825:
It’s going to be weird actually giving this to you tomorrow. After all, there’s five years’ worth of my thoughts in here, five years of my thoughts about you kept from you.
I’m going to tell you not to read it until I bring you food (because food always makes you happy, and slightly more agreeable), but because I know you, I’ve accepted the fact that you’ve probably disregarded my request and are reading this right now.
I love you. Just wanted you to know that, you know, in case you couldn’t tell.
P.S.- I’m going to pull the blinds so “those damn birds,” don’t wake you up right away. I have some stuff to do. You know.
Day 1826:
I love you.
Will you marry me?
Tears stream down her face, and Jude hears a soft, “Oh,” come from the entryway to their bedroom.
There Cardan stands, holding a tray of food and looking somewhat sheepish. He sets down the tray on a nearby dresser and turns to look at her softly. His gray sweatpants hug his hips, his dark blue shirt rides up slightly, and his dark curls fall in front of his face, hiding his eyes.
But Jude knows Cardan.
She knows that although his face is composed, he’s shaking inside. She knows that every fiber in his being is screaming at him to run away, to protect himself. She knows he’s always been last in his own mind, that he always chooses to care for others before himself, and that he doesn’t think he deserves her or any of his friends and family. She knows that this journal he’s kept for her for five years is a story of his real emotions, how she really makes him feel, that some of these words are things he’ll never say aloud. She knows he’s terrified about being an uncle to the Roach and Liliver’s unborn child, she knows that he talks to Gus out loud and considers him one of his best friends, she knows that he actually thinks there’s a chance that she won’t accept his proposal.
She’s firmly okay with the rest, but what she won’t stand for is him believing in the last one.
“Um,” Cardan says as he approaches her and immediately her eyes are drawn to his fingers, which flex as he draws nearer. He wants to touch her.
“I guess this is the part where I get down on one knee.” Cardan’s smile is self-deprecating, and Jude doesn’t think she can take any more because her heart is going to burst out of her chest.
When he lowers himself down, she bursts into tears.
When she was little, and thinking about getting proposed to, she, haughty, had always thought she wouldn’t cry, wouldn’t be that overcome with emotion.
“Jude,” Cardan murmurs, reaching out and tenderly wiping the tears speeding down her cheeks. “For years I’ve loved you. Some of them were spent with you as my best friend, flinging dirt into my hair and making me push you on the swings. Others were spent in a classroom, quizzing me on my Greek mythology class and me helping you make up lesson plans for your third graders. But the best couple of years of my life have been with you next to me in every way possible, and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to replicate those years, those feelings, and those memories without you. So, Jude… will you… Jude, will you marry me?”
Cardan doesn’t even get a chance to get the ring out of his pocket before Jude hurls herself at him, knocking over the vase of peonies and attaching her mouth to his.
They fall on the soft carpet, Cardan grunting out as Jude lands on top of him, but his arms tighten around her as she proceeds to press wet kisses onto every square inch of his face, whispering, “Yes, yes, yes, I love you, I love you,” while she does so.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The last line on the last page of the journal is written in new curly handwriting:
Property of Cardan Greenbriar (and Jude Duarte).
143 notes · View notes
Journaling Attempt #1 – 8/19/2021
I had all these ideas of things I wanted to say but all I can think about right now is if I should change the format of the date to the more reasonable European way of going Day/Month/Year instead of the Month/Day/Year that I am used to. You know, to make a change. Maybe it will be THE change that I make that finally gets me on tract to being a normal person in the world and everything clicks in to place instead of this disjointed catch all, fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants, somehow I manage, way things have been going so far. I watched Bo Burnham’s “Inside” special about two weeks ago and have been listening to the songs again recently. Man did that hit hard. I think like a lot of people right now it really resonated. If you haven’t seen it yet, I wouldn’t say it is ‘funny’ but it’s not not funny too. It is this weird line of being openly raw about one’s mental health – which is both refreshing and scary, and also being painfully self-aware of being open and raw about one’s mental health. The latter of which I can relate to on a cellular level. It is also very inspiring. While I’m not locking myself in a room with a camera and making a special or writing catchy songs, I am writing this. Which is the first time I am really writing anything that wasn’t an assignment or something for work. So, who knows if I am any good at this? (The self-aware portion of my brain pops in as I write that to say “You don’t know if you are any good. This is true. But you think you are good, even though you have never done anything like this before, but you are doing to post this somewhere with the though that it will be seen and impress people who read it which in turn will have them heap praise on you and give your life meaning.” It also says “This gimmick of knowing that you know is a great way of distancing yourself from everything and making yourself feel above it all and comes across as smart, you “I’m 14 years old and so deep” jack ass. You’re 43. Grow up!” And lastly “You just don’t know when you stop?” Rule of 3’s!) Anyway, I’m not completely sure what I am going to do here or what I am looking to accomplish, beside procrastinate while at work because the idea of rifling through the messages on my desk, or in my phone, or in my email, gives me a full-on legit panic attach. And not in some modern “OMG, I’m having a panic attack looking at that line in Starbucks” kind of way. No. Like real tightness in my chest, breathing getting shallow, and sweating through my shirt kind of panic attach. Luckily, I’ve got my trusty pill case here and I’ve taken a piece of a Klonopin that I have at the ready and it seems to be helping some. At least with the panic part. Not with the getting work done part. That’s where the ADHD part of my brain can still run wild and fuck stuff for me. What’s tough about that diagnosis is that in talking with my therapist (one of two that I have. One LCSW and one Psychologist) is in telling her that I’ve always been distractible or in my own head she just simply said “So you have ADHD” which in some respects is freeing because there is a label and now a known way to attack the problem. However, in trying to figure out how to attack it and become more “neuro-typical” as the kids say, is rough as we try to find the right fit. I know that is part of the process. Nothing is going to be perfect right out of the gate. But man, is it fucking hard. I just want to find the right pill to take to make me ‘normal’ so I can live in the world and be a productive and useful member of it. Of course, I know that there is no magic bullet cure-all. It will take finding the right mix of meds and supplementing that with life-style changes. Exercising more and mediating more. Eating better. Change is flippin’ hard though. And to what end? Do I want to be normal? Whatever the hell that means? I’ve always prided myself on being a little bit different. I know, I know. That makes me sound insufferable, which is totally fair and true. What was fun and endearing at 13 doesn’t fly at 40 as the father of two. That said, I have found my way to be the slightly “off” one. The one parent who doesn’t mind putting himself out there for things or be the but of the jokes. People, especially kids, can tell who can take a joke and who can’t. So, I don’t have a problem being the parent whose kids friends circle can call by name in a jokey way or let the girls on the soccer team constantly beat me in races or games. But, does taking that magic pill that I’ve yet to find, is that going to change who I am, and will I lose this more “wackier”, and one might say “passionate”, side? Will become just a regular dull drone in the sea of corporate masses? How do you hold on to the part of yourself that you feel defines you while it also appears to be killing you? Do other people ever feel this way? Does my wife? My siblings? Do you? I’m sure someone reading this just now say “Yup! I totally get what you are saying” to which I respond, “I’m so sorry as this suck, huh?”
 Talking with people helps for sure. Seeing you are not alone. But sometimes that is a hard place to get to. How much do I want to share with my wife? I know she loves me and will continue to do so and only wants the best for me. But I don’t want to open this door and unload all my own bullshit on her and now she will be constantly worried about me. Like more than the regular amount of her worrying about me because she loves me. And god forbid I actually go into this kind of detail with my therapists. Because once I do that, that means I officially have all these problems and then I have to do deal with it. So, I continue to keep things surface level. “Yeah, I’ve been depressed lately” and “so this is what is going on with my parents at the moment and how I have to deal with it” and those kinds of things. Which is still helpful. But I’ve been talking to them for years now. Does this mean I need to find new therapists? I’m such a non-confrontational person I don’t even know how to begin thinking about ‘breaking up’ with them if that is the case. And how do I even find someone else? Like most things in my life, I just kind of lucked into these ones and been coasting ever since.
 Sorry, about 5 minutes just passed as I sat here frozen at my keyboard thinking about what I just wrote and what else I might want to say and get out of my system right now. Scene:
Brain: Um, dude? What happened? You started off alright and had some amusing bits in there but then when full on confessional. I thought you wanted to be funny and stuff.
 Me: I know, I know. I just kind word vomited and went stream of consi…stream of consusious…stream of thought and that’s what came out.
 Brain: That’s the joke you are going with? Everyone reading this knows you have spell check; you could have just done that and no one would know or cared.
 Me: Yeah, I could have, but A) it gets another joke inside this bigger bit we are doing here now and B) helps endear me a little more as a grown man who has trouble spelling.
 Brain: Okay, wow. First of all, I don’t know if it really endears you to the reader or not but calling attention to it doesn’t make sense or help at all. And secondly, you never explain the joke. That ruins the joke. You’ve scene enough documentaries on comedy to know that’s how it works.
 Me: But what about being ‘meta’. Commenting on the commenting.
 Brain: Yeah, I get what you are going for but at some point, it is just tacky and uncreative.
 Me: So, you are saying this is just going to come across as obnoxious and whiney and faux-intellectual?
 Brain: Absolutely. You really just need to put on your big boy pants and suck it up, buttercup.
 Me: Shit.
 Me: Want to go look at some porn? Brain: Obvious, exploitive, and immature but sure. Let’s get that dopamine hit. That always helps.
 Sponge Bob “Three Hours Later” title card
 Me: (with a heavy sigh) I hate myself.
 Brain: Me too. But I am feeling a little better so let’s get some actual work done. Me: If you say so.
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rokutouxei · 3 years
the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart
ikemen vampire: temptation through the dark theo van gogh / mc | T | [ ao3 link in bio ]
The challenge seemed pretty simple: to try to befriend the university bookshop’s most sour employee, Theo van Gogh. As a literature major with a boatload of book recommendations on her back, it ought to be a simple task indeed. But as she uncovers what lies between Theo’s pages, the more she finds it harder to become closer to him without having to put the feeling directly into words. What can she learn from Theo about what it means to stay—and how can she teach Theo about what it means to let go? | written for ikevamp big bang 2020!
[ masterpost for all chapters ]
My heart is an unmade bed; it might look messy, but I swear it’s a safe place to rest. - Moriah Pearson
It doesn’t take long for the Rooftop to become their place.
At first, it is a matter of weather. The tail end of autumn and the first breezes of winter mean that the Grove can get a little too cold in the late afternoons when they meet; and in truth, the Rooftop is barely any better, but at least there’s a stunning view below, and a vending machine for hot drinks at the first floor. If it gets too cold out, there’s the storage room on the same floor that’s decked out with windows—Isaac keeps all the astronomical equipment in here, mostly the telescopes, but also a few plastic chairs and tables.
Peak convenience.
This was totally not what she had planned from the beginning.
Definitely. Not at all.
It doesn’t take long for them to surrender and make the Rooftop their little hiding space. The hours spent in companionable silence in the Grove have just changed locations, but—somehow, up here, where there’s only the two of them, it’s a little more… intimate. They spend an hour or so with their usual book exchange and then—they stay to listen to each other.
For hours. Sometimes long enough for them to be out past dinner.
It just feels right.
It feels right the same way she feels content that the books he ends up lending her do reveal quite a lot about his character. It feels right the same way he feels like every extra day they spend together, even if they are discussing the most trivial of things, she burrows a little deeper into his defenses. She devours every single title he passes on, Hosseini, Pratchett, Heiligman, Stone, no matter how long the book is, no matter how complicated it seems—and he lets his heart rest in every collection she hands him, Plath, Lorde, Angelou, Thomas, Lawrence.
Every book an opened door.
Every word just the littlest millimeter closer.
Take, for example, the time they began talking about The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Shaffer and Barrows, which was lent by Theo, and the conversation went:
“Okay, but you have to agree that there’s nothing quite like a hand-written letter. It hits different. Regular messages and calls are great, of course, but the idea that time and energy was lent to writing down a letter? Peak romance.”
Theo nods. “The personality in the handwriting.”
“Oh, definitely!” she nods. “And eventually you’ll be able to tell their emotions based on how their handwriting is a little different—something like the psychology of handwriting?”
“To me personally, it’s the hand-made nature that makes letters appealing.”
“Yes! The craft of it! The fact that the ink and the paper, and that it’s both visual and literary—” she emphasizes this with the classic chef’s kiss; pinching her thumb and index finger and kissing them away.
They talk about the most trivial of things, they talk about the deepest of things. Conversations shift from gossip to philosophy, from the news to deep fantasy. The Rooftop becomes theirs, becomes the little space they inhabit on campus where they can shake the wings of their little bond together out wide.
Of course, they could very well invite their other friends into this little book club of theirs; Arthur is pretty well-read; it will be easy to drag Dazai out if Arthur is involved; Isaac could budge with some convincing; but—
They just know that with each other, it’s different.
Like that time Theo arrives first at the Rooftop, and she manages to sneak up on him without him noticing, as he was so deep in his thoughts; she had caught him writing on his journal in his elegant script, and she had nearly yelled into his ear because of how surprised she was.
“A fellow connoisseur!” she says, sitting immediately next to him on the bench table, bumping shoulders; Theo is pulling his fountain pen away from the page to avoid marking on it. “Here I was being teased for writing in cursive for being old fashioned, and you’re out here doing the same!”
“I’ve never teased you for writing in cursive,” Theo insists, flashbacking through every book log he’d made her sign in the bookshop.
She nods excitedly. “I know! I thought you were just being nice, but it’s so cool to see you do it too!” She beams. “There’s a required hand-written portion in the test by the OSR and they required to write in print, and I was so sad… what about all my loopy L’s…”
“I like it because it’s convenient, not pretty,” Theo says with a frown.
“That’s because you already have gorgeous handwriting,” she quips. “And of course, you write with a fountain pen. Just the right amount of bougie for a business major.”
“Excuse me?”
One book after another, one Saturday into the next. It doesn’t matter that she’s at the bookshop twice a week, that they see each other even outside of this space; when they’re up here, they are different people. They are more similar people. They go around the world sitting at the Rooftop exchanging stories. They switch Antoine de Saint-Exupéry for Emily Dickinson; Murakami Haruki for Richard Siken; Phillip Williams for Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
She talks about the astronomy club, admits how at the beginning her only reason for joining was because she wanted to get access to the rooftop, and now, how much more she’s gotten out of it. He talks about the business club and how the snobbier members had pushed him out of active membership. She talks about her childhood, the familiar streets of the city below, all she’s ever known. He talks about Vincent and the younger years, living out in the country, running around in rye fields dreaming of the future.
The two of them are friends.
Unlikely, maybe, and at first maybe at least a little bit unwilling, but—they are now. And who would have imagined that one little invitation from Vincent to do some modeling in his little apartment would lead to this? To whispers about Anna Karenina. To plans to going to the post office to check out their most beautiful postcards—to send them to each other, if only in the spirit of it. To hiding away from the rest of the busy university when the rest of the world is too loud.
To muse about the future that seems too far out, to feel like it is close enough to grasp.
And as one season seeps into the next and Theo walking her home to her dormitory’s doorstep with her book in his hands just becomes normal, the vaguest twinkle of a thought shimmers in both their minds for the briefest of moments.
They just don’t catch it yet.
It is late November when the official administrative instructions for Dragon’s Hoard’s closures for the holiday seasons come into Arthur’s and Theo’s inboxes.
The email also delightfully includes the details about their holiday pay.
Dragon’s Hoard is a small bookshop, sure, but it is still owned by one of the richer, old-money families of the city, so of course, the employees get a sizable 13th-month pay at the end of the year. But not only that—they’re also eligible for a bit of holiday pay. A lot of things come into the computation of it, as far as they’re concerned—the state of the economy, the year’s average revenue from the bookshop, just about how nice their boss is feeling this year—so it varies, but this year…
This year, Saint-Germain took it up a notch.
Maybe even two.
Arthur whistles as he reads the email, staring at the multiple digits itemizing what they’ll receive soon. “How does this man make money, why does it seem like he never runs out?”
Theo puts down the fresh stock of books onto the counter for sorting. He hasn’t been on his phone since his shift started, because he likes to wave a bit of moral superiority over Arthur out of pettiness. “Bonus kicked in?”
“Kicked hard,” Arthur says, flashing his phone screen to Theo. “Check that out.”
Theo catches the numbers and does the math quickly in his head. When one is saving up for something, every tiny bit counts. He had intended to put the entirety of his bonus onto the money he was putting aside, but with this amount…
“That’s a lot,” is all he can say. The bookshop has been operating as per usual throughout the year, and with the spreadsheets, there hadn’t been a huge leap of income either…
“I guess if your last name is Saint-Germain, you’re probably rich as balls,” Arthur comments, taking his phone back again to check the email one more time to make sure he didn’t dream that up. “But he probably gets something out of this too.”
“Charity work, maybe, against his taxes.”
And if Arthur had any sense of self-preservation, he would have stopped there. Would have kept his phone in his pocket and dropped the conversation altogether, returning to the hum of tasks left in the bookshop for today. But would Arthur really be Arthur if he didn’t live to put himself in harm’s way for the amusement of it?
So, he slides up against Theo and asks, “So where are you spending the money?”
Theo’s eyebrow twitches. “Vincent,” is his short reply. And that should already say it all, but—
“No Christmas gift for the missus? You know, there’s only so much dates can do, sometimes you got to give a little bling, before—”
Arthur wins mercy from Theo’s punch by promising him free lunch.
“Dazai, I’m not pursuing him,” she sighs. “That’s not the right verb.”
“Oh? Then what should it be? Are you ‘courting’ him?”
The two of them are sitting across each other at the café Vincent works in, each with a book in hand. Dazai doesn’t seem too interested in reading the Japanese translation of Pride and Prejudice.
He closes the small bound book, bookmark already in place. He has that knowing smile on his face that lets her know she’s already lost before the battle’s even begun. “Toshiko-san, you can’t keep telling me one thing and then showing the world another.”
When she first spotted Dazai across the café earlier today, at the start of her break in-between classes, she thought it might not be too bad to stay with him until her next lecture begins, for some wholesome, literary students bonding time. Besides, reading next to each other has always been their way of hanging out anyway—very stereotypical of them.
She should have figured out that she is transparent to her best friend and just being next to each other with unsaid things clouding her mind would eventually lead to conversations she doesn’t want to have yet.
It’s just her luck that it’s worth it to be in Dazai’s company.
She closes her own book shut. Gabriel Garcia Marquez can wait. “I’m telling you the truth. I don’t know why you guys keep insisting that there is something more in between us when there isn’t.”
“I haven’t seen you get so worked up about maintaining a book exchange.”
“Hey, we did that too!”
“Not for long,” Dazai notes, and he’s right. They did, at some point, the summer before, the one they spent together after neither of them decided to go home for the extended holiday. They tore through two books, sometimes more, a week, for a month, until—well, they decided to do something else.
She shakes her head. “They’re just books.”
“The books, the dare,” he counts with his slender fingers, “you have to take responsibility sometimes, you know? You don’t need to blame anyone else for your own actions.”
She huffs as she drops her book into her bag unceremoniously. “You are blowing things out of proportion.”
“Then there’s the Rooftop, and the Halloween date, and—”
“Oh would you look at the time,” she says, standing up suddenly from her chair, the tips of her ears red, her voice’s loudness near comical as other customers from every direction turn toward her—“I’m going to be late for class if I don’t go now, I’ll see you soon, Osamu!”
Dazai smiles and waves goodbye even if he knows her next class isn’t in an hour.
The weather is unforgiving outside, and the entire horizon white with snow, the breeze bordering unpleasant. The two of them have a back-and-forth of switching places today: maybe at the Little Owl, or the cafeteria at the university’s main library, maybe even at the van Gogh’s house, but—
They find themselves at the Rooftop anyway.
Today, they’ve swapped J. Neil Garcia with Ursula K. Le Guin, and after an interesting exchange about identity, self, and the importance of fantasy in imagining what else one can become, they’re sitting across each other on a table, nursing what’s left of their vending machine hot drinks.
The question pops out of her mouth so suddenly, even she has a look of surprise after she’s said it.
“Does Arthur ask you about this, too?”
Theo puts down his paper cup of coffee. “About what?”
“About this,” she says, making a gesture at the both of them. “You know, our little book exchange. Hanging out on Saturdays. Does he make a big deal out of it?”
“When he’s being a bastard,” Theo answers quickly. “Is he bothering you?”
“No! No.” She shakes her head, smiling at him reassuringly. “I was more curious if it bothers you.”
“Why would it bother me?”
The question is simple, but Theo watches as her face contorts in some sort of confusion. Sure, Arthur being his usual unfunny joker can get on his nerves, but the teasing doesn’t bother him in the way he knows she is asking about. Not when he knows what’s really going on.
Or he thinks he knows.
“Doesn’t he make this a bigger deal than it is?”
“He does.”
Unease mixed into her genuine curiosity: “That doesn’t bother you?”
Theo doesn’t like that expression on her. “Would you rather I more firmly correct him?”
The smile finally returns to her face as she playfully hits him on the arm. “No, I know what you mean by ‘firmly’. He’s like that but Arthur’s still my friend, you know.”
“You know he deserves it.”
“He does, but still.” The smile doesn’t go away and relief fills Theo’s veins. He’s not used to seeing her so upset. It only reminds him of the one time he messed up after the Halloween party. “I’m glad it doesn’t, though. I thought we’d have to… I don’t know, tone it down, or something.”
Theo knows one thing and that it is always more than with her—even when he doesn’t understand quite what it is. Instead, he says, “They’re free to misunderstand however they want.”
“Yeah,” she agrees. “Yeah, you’re right.”
For some moments, they are quiet. They’ve shared so many silences that they’ve learned when it’s the silence that’s fine in being empty, and the silences where something is being phrased, ordered, prepared, like the way an inhale does before an exhale. Theo knows this is the latter.
So he waits.
What he does hear after, though, is not anything he’s expecting.
“You know, Theo, I don’t think I’ve ever really heard about what you want to do with your life.”
He raises an eyebrow at her, bored. “It’s not anything interesting.”
“Try me?”
Theo doesn’t know what to tell her at all. Instead, he looks down at the town below, out the window, making out the shapes of houses through the blanket of white. He no longer knows where his dreams end and where his delusions begin. It’s not that he hadn’t toyed with the options—curating, working for a museum, art dealership—but nothing has really caught him. Not when he has something more urgent at hand.
After what seems like an infinite number of moments, he answers: “I want to see Vincent flourish as an artist.”
The lack of reaction causes him to turn back at her. “What? Not going to laugh?”
“What?” she blinks. “No, no, I’m not laughing. That’s actually pretty sweet of you.”
“Stop. I’ve had enough brother complex jokes from Arthur.”
“No, that’s not—oh my god, he’s right, holy shit.” She stifles a laugh onto her sleeve. He glares at her, but it only makes her laugh harder. “Haha, wait, no, relax. I was going to say something serious.”
He raises an eyebrow, daring her to continue. She clears her throat.
“That’s a dream about Vincent, though. And while I respect it—I want to hear about yours.”
“That is my dream,” Theo insists. “Everything that happens past that is a bonus.”
She shakes her head. “No, no, that’s definitely not it. There has to be something you want to do for yourself, right?”
Theo has half a heart to wish that he’s built enough of a persona in her head that a little version of him in her mind answers that’s none of your business for him. Because it’s not right, it’s not entirely right, so he can’t tell that to her, but he can’t tell her either.
He isn’t like her. She’s a rocketship pointed at the open Milky Way with directions and a path coded right into her system.
He doesn’t even have a trajectory.
Just lost in orbit, an astronaut detached from their mission, breathing on oxygen that’s running out.
He doesn’t get to say anything.
But because she is who she is in that laser-piercing way Theo can’t sometimes stand, she says, instead, softly, her voice so gentle it sounds like she is offering Theo a flower made out of snowflakes: “He’d want you to pursue your own little happiness too, you know?”
He closes his eyes in response to this—like blocking out one sense would make this all easier to push away. And when he answers, his voice sounds hoarse, like he’s been screaming. “I have no dream,” he says, simply. There’s a space at the end of it that lingers, one that could be filled with yet or anymore. It weighs a million tons.
And in return, she beams at him like the sun, reaching out to pull at his cheek that it makes his eyes fly open.
“Wet gow—"
“We’ll find you one, stupid,” she answers, ever so certainly. “Make that your current dream! To find one, you know?”
And no, Theo doesn’t know. Theo doesn’t really have feelings about this anymore, except that he wants to do his best for Vincent. Maybe one day there will be a dream. But not now. Maybe one day. He takes a sip out of the hot coffee from the paper cup, and it takes like the cheap vending machine drink it actually is, but—
He holds in his heart that maybe she’s right—and somehow, the thought makes the coffee just a little bit better.
A few days later, Theo hums under his breath as he flips the pancake he’s currently cooking in the kitchen. Because Saint-Germain respects that people buy holiday presents in advance, he and Arthur have finally gotten their holiday pay in. And this morning, the bank statement’s updated and the cheque has cleared: the amount is fully deposited in his account, and now there are no takebacks.
This is really, really happening.
He hears a yawn coming from down the hall and out comes Vincent, fresh from the studio. His hands are stained with paint in varying degrees of dry, and he’s bringing with him two clear glasses: one muddied with paint water, the other with the remnants of pulp from orange juice. Theo hopes there was no incident of switched glasses last night—that was not a fun experience last time.
Vincent places the glasses on the sink nearby and hovers around his younger brother. “Pancakes?” He smiles. “Something good happen to you?”
“Yeah, really good,” Theo says, unable to hide his excitement. He slides the cooked pancake on top of another on a waiting plate, and hands it to Vincent with a grin. “I can’t wait for you to hear about it, broer. Eggs?”
“Please, and over easy,” Vincent answers, taking the plate with him, off to set their little dining table. “Is this about you finally dating?”
Theo nearly crushes the egg in his hand. “What?”
“It’s not?” Vincent is sincerely shocked. “I was sure it was. You sounded so happy.”
“You know I don’t have time for that.” Theo huffs. Nearly puts too much salt. He prods at the egg with a little more force than required.
Coming back to the kitchen for utensils and a carton of juice, Vincent ruffles his brother’s hair gently. “You’re always working too hard, it’s not bad to entertain those kinds of things sometimes, you know?”
Theo flips the egg. The oil crackles loudly like his denial. “There’s nothing to entertain,” he insists, as Vincent slips back to the table. “You don’t have to worry about that, broer.”
“Okay.” Vincent sits at the table. He pretends to not see right through Theo. “So, what’s gotten you in such a good mood?”
“My holiday paycheck came in the other day, and the boss was extra generous with the bonus this year,” Theo begins, cracking another egg over the pan. Stirs it gently to make a nice, scrambled egg. He’s so used to domestic life with his brother, for a moment the idea of him going away flashes in his mind with a jolt of fear. He shakes it away as he taps some salt over the pan. “Went to the bank yesterday, and it reflected today.”
“Nothing’s better than a good holiday bonus, yeah?” Vincent says, smiling in support. “I got a good bit too. Might be enough to get a good new easel.”
“Great timing,” Theo says, a soft smile on his face. Turns off the fire, puts the egg on the plate, and nearly rushes in excitement to his brother on the table.  (Not without coming back for the maple syrup in the fridge, of course, because who eats pancakes without it?)
Vincent faces the table properly to begin to eat breakfast, but before he even gets to reach for his fork and knife, Theo has his hands in his.
“Great timing, because you’ll need the easel. At the current rate, I’m just going to need to work for two more full months… and we might be able to rent a decent space with the amount we’ve been saving up for an exhibit.” Theo has stars in his eyes. He hasn’t been this excited in years. His dream has always been to be the wind underneath his brother’s wings—letting him fly. That was all he ever wanted. He can think of himself some other time. This time, this is for Vincent. And here they are: so close to it.
Vincent smiles at Theo, beams, “That’s great! Congratulations!” but pulls his hands away anyway. Like he touched something hot. He clears his throat and turns to his plate. “Let’s eat.”
For a moment, Theo furrows his eyebrows at his brother’s reaction, but then lets it go.
It doesn’t occur to him until much later that he shouldn’t have.
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hystericalweenie · 4 years
Just Another Day at the Office Series - The Sexperiment
George MacKay x Reader Series
Part One: Ratatouille
Summary: Y/f/n Y/l/n is doing better than ever; she’s finally in a relationship with the man she’s been constantly thinking about, she has some great friends, and she’s thriving at her dream job. Except, there’s one problem: being in a relationship with one of your coworkers can get really steamy, and can cause a lot of sexual frustration. Her new pitch idea may solve exactly that problem, but will George be okay with it?
a/n: I have absolutely no personal experience in magazine/journalism career, so the information in this fic will be provided with the knowledge I have conducted from research. With that being said, please don’t be mad if this is not accurate!!! **“The Sexperiment” is inspired by an actual Cosmopolitan article (here’s the link!)
Warnings: This is a slow burn fic, their relationship won’t happen in one night, so if you’re not into that, check out some of the beautifully written imagines that you can most likely find under the george mackayxreader tag. I might eventually write some of my own too :P At least one person’s saying “fuck” and there’s NSFW content..aka smut. You have been warned.
I was officially in a relationship with George, and man, was it fucking amazing. I’d told Bree as soon as I got home–along with telling her that we’d finally done it–and she insisted that we share a bottle of champagne to celebrate. We ended up getting drunk off of the cheap bubbly alcohol and fell asleep, waking up hungover on a Sunday morning sprawled out on our living room sofa whilst our television asked us if we were still watching Queer Eye. 
The entire week was followed by George coming up to my desk and taking Dean and I out for lunch. I was grateful that out of everyone in the office, my favorite brunette editor happened to be his previous choice of friendship. Our afternoons were filled with club sandwiches and laughs, which made me look forward to going to work every morning. And our weekends began consisting of going on dates, which almost always ended up with us spending the night at one another’s flats. We’d spent moments of laughter, where I felt like I’d been getting to know him much more as I studied his musical laugh and memorized the happy crinkles by his eyes. 
However, we hadn’t had sex since the night he’d asked me to be his, the night we’d had sex together for the first time. I wasn’t particularly bothered by this, but it made me wonder if it was something he’d been avoiding. 
I sat on my sofa on a Sunday night after spending the day with George, my legs sprawled on the cushions as my back rested against armrest, laptop in my lap. I’d been procrastinating brainstorming ideas for my pitch, guiltily looking at lingerie while my subconscious pondered why George still hadn’t instigated having sex. The beautifully stitched thin, lace fabric sparked an idea in my head and I found myself clicking back onto my document, typing away immediately. 
“Y/n? You got anything for me?” Connie’s eyes glared into mine, intimidating emerald orbs making me want to shrink into the corner of the room and shield myself from her. 
You got this, I thought to myself. Gulping with a confident nod, I began talking. 
“I’ve been seeing women online complain about their sex lives declining in their relationships, especially after building families,” I started, using my hands to help gesture my way through my pitch. “Women are finding it difficult for themselves and their spouses to become aroused, especially when couples become so comfortable with each other. I, uhm,” I stuttered, “have been experiencing a sort of dry spell, if you will, in my own relationship, so I was thinking of conducting an experiment, where I test how I–and other women–can bring the arousal back in their relationships.” 
I couldn’t ignore Dean’s eyes on me, and I cursed myself that he had to be part of this meeting. 
“I was thinking my experiment could be whether lingerie could possibly effect women’s sex lives, and if it does, then lingerie could be a cure to suffering sex lives,” I finally finished, nervously bringing my lip between my teeth as I awaited my boss’ feedback. 
She nodded slowly, her eyebrows raised. 
“I’m surprised, to say the least, Y/n,” she began, making a lump in my throat appear. “But, I like it. A lot of women can relate to that, in fact, a lot of the women in this room can probably relate to it.” 
She looked around at all of the women in the room, all returning scared-shitless expressions. 
“I’ll be looking forward to reading it,” she concluded. There was a glint of satisfaction in her eyes, yet her face remained its serious composure. 
I released a breath I hadn't realized I’d been holding, and as soon as the meeting ended, Dean rushed to my side. 
“So, Georgie ain’t givin’ it to ya?” he chided with a smirk of amusement. 
I rolled my eyes, my cheeks reddening more than I’d liked them to. 
“I’ll fucking kill you if you tell him about this,” I warned him as we made our way to our desks.  
“You know he’s going to read it after you post it though, right?” he interrogated, taking a seat in his chair as he looked at me from the side of his computer.
Fuck. I hadn’t thought about that. 
“I’ll deal with that when the time comes,” I assured him, chewing on my lip nervously as I pondered George’s reaction. “Just don’t tell him, at least until it’s done and published. Please,” I pleaded.
He rolled his eyes, a slight amusing smile playing on his lips. 
“Fine,” he gave in. “But, you realize this makes me a bad friend, right?” 
“This makes you a good friend to me,” I winked at him. “Besides, this is for work.”
“Mhm,” he hummed sarcastically, slapping his headphones onto his head and bringing his attention onto the screen in front of him. 
I made a trip to Victoria’s Secret after work, buying a simple–yet overpriced–black satin and lacy babydoll. I didn’t want to go all out just yet, and I figured it’d be simple, yet sexy enough to get my point across. I sent a text to George as I arrived to my apartment, slipping the thin fabric onto my body.
8:09 pm, Me: Hey, are you home? 
8:11 pm, George: Yep, just got back from the rehabilitation center. What’s up?
I chewed my lip, wondering what I should say.
8:12 pm, Me: Is now a good time? I need something. 
8:13 pm, George: Yeah, are you okay?
8:14 pm, Me: Yes G I’m fine. Do you think I can come over? 
8:14 pm, Me: I have a surprise for you
8:15 pm, George: A good surprise? 
I smirked.
8:16 pm, Me: A very good surprise.
8:17 pm, George: I give in. Come over.
Just wearing the lingerie, I wrapped a big coat around my body, reaching longer than the thin fabric. I practically looked naked underneath the coat, but I buttoned it up regardless and grabbed my purse and keys. The cold air igniting my skin, leaving me covered in goosebumps as I headed to my car, I began slightly regretting my plan, blasting the heat as soon as the vehicle roared to life. I made my way to his flat eagerly, driving faster than normal in attempt to arrive as quickly as I could. Once I parked, I didn’t bother waiting for him to meet me outside; I scurried into his complex, thankfully remembering the number on his door as I anxiously knocked. 
Butterflies took over my stomach as I suddenly felt sick, awaiting the unknown from the other side of the wood. The door slowly opened, revealing a confused George. His waves were in perfect condition, a muted purple button up clinging to his torso, the sleeves rolled up. The scent of pasta sauce and cooked vegetables greeted me, almost making me forget what I’d gone there for.
“I made a ratatouille,” he informed me, gesturing to the kitchen.
I slowly unbuttoned my coat, revealing the satin and lace against my skin. His eyes immediately trailed down my body, his lips parting to form an ‘o’. Time turned into slow motion as he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me inside, shutting the door behind me. My back rested back against the door, his hand next to my head from shutting it so quickly. He took my coat and tossed it across the room, attacking my lips at once. His lips were rough against mine, as if he’d had built-up tension that had finally gotten the chance to release. 
I moved my leg to rest against his side, grabbing his collar and pulling him closer to me, his tent in his pants making contact with my core. My lips parted at the closeness of his bulge to my heat, giving his tongue access to explore my mouth. His other hand went to my leg, gently dragging his fingertips against my exposed thigh, trailing where I needed him most. His fingers reached the scrunched up fabric of the babydoll, removing his lips from mine to look down. 
“No panties?” he taunted, bringing his eyes back up to see my reaction. 
I looked at him innocently, shaking my head to answer his question, my lips parted in awe as I watched him. 
“Tsk,” he clicked his tongue, shaking his head as he looked back down at my exposed heat, shifting my leg to reveal more of myself to him. 
He slowly lowered himself, getting down on his knees in front of me. His hands went to my thighs, separating them and spreading them as far as they could go whilst I stood, before trailing up and pushing the fabric up to my stomach. My heat was entirely exposed, as he trailed soft kisses up my thighs, pressing a kiss to my mound and returning his eyes up to meet mine. 
“My dirty girl,” he muttered, shaking his head once again, a smirk of amusement playing on his lips. 
He looked back down at my heat, licking his lips, before flattening his tongue against me. I sighed, head hitting the door whilst my hips bucked. He grabbed my hands, moving them to hold the fabric of the satin lingerie for him, moving his hands to hold my hips down instead. His tongue began slow figure eights through my folds, making me squirm against his grip on my hips. With one hand keeping the fabric out of his way, my other hand went to grip his locks. He responded to my tugging fingers with a low moan, sending vibrations through me, causing my legs to shake. 
However, I didn’t want to cum without him. I wanted my first orgasm of tonight to be with him inside of me. My hand went lower to grab him by his collar, bringing him to meet my lips. I could taste myself on him, and I knew he secretly liked the thought of that, that I was tasting my own juices on his tongue. He moved my legs to his hips, gesturing for me to wrap my legs around him. I obliged, jumping up and attaching my lips quickly back to his as he carried me. I parted my lips, half-lidded lustful eyes meeting his own. 
“Why don’t we fuck on the couch?” I asked, my eyes moving to look at his living room sofa. 
He turned his head to look at it as well, a low raspy chuckle exiting his throat.
“I like the way you think, love.”
Our lips found each other’s again, as he changed his direction towards the sofa. He gently laid me down on the cushions, quickly unbuttoning his shirt whilst I sat up, my hands moving to his belt. His toned torso met my eyes once he peeled it off, his hands helping my own undo his pants. His feet assisted in kicking his jeans off, leaving him in his boxers, the large tent on his crotch taunting me. I reached to the bottom of the babydoll, peeling it off of me, tossing it across the room whilst I sat completely exposed. 
He looked down at underwear, his hands going to his hips confidently, glancing back at me. “You want to the honors, angel?”
I nodded, my fingers looping around the band of his underwear teasingly before pulling it down, his erection instantly slapping against his stomach. He kicked the fabric off, slowly spreading my legs.
“You ready angel?” he asked once more, his eyes meeting mine, searching for permission.
I nodded, gulping as I looked down at the angry head of his dick, already leaking with precum. He brought one hand to caress my cheek, thumb stroking my cheekbone whilst his other hand aligned himself at my entrance. Swirling his tip up and down my folds, coating himself in my juices, he began slowly pushing into me. He moved his hand to support himself against the couch, the other still caressing my face. Sliding the remainder of his length into me, he moved closer down to me, resting his forehead against my own before he slowly pulled himself almost entirely out of me, gently sliding back in again. My hands went to his bare back, nails running down his shoulder blades. 
He kept a slow, steady rhythm, our hips gently meeting each other’s, the only sounds being our unsteady breaths, his length slowly pummeling through my juices, and the quiet chorus of curses he muttered when reentering me. The pleasure began building, and every thrust began contributing to the building of knots in my stomach. My hips began bucking against him, encouraging him to pick up his pace. His thrusts became increasingly faster, and he moved both of his hands to rest against the back of the couch to support himself. He moved his forehead away from my own, moving away from me as his hips moved more quickly against my own. My eyes met his, his half-lidded blissful eyes staring back at me, a few stray locks stuck to his forehead, his locks now disheveled. 
I bit my lip before grabbing one of his wrists, bringing it to my throat. His jaw went slack at this action, gently grasping at my throat and driving into me harder.
“My dirty girl likes to be choked, huh?” he taunted, his accent making the words sound even sexier, his skin slapping against my own while he fucked me faster and faster.
He moved one of my legs over his shoulder, before drilling into me deeper than he’d ever been. I couldn’t help the loud moan I released, my eyes scrunching closed at the feeling of his cock hitting the spot that made my legs twitch. 
“Cum for me, angel,” he praised. 
“George!” I screamed, my legs shaking as I clenched around him, ecstasy taking over my body while he thrusted against me before stilling, spurting inside of me whilst I rode out my high. 
His body plopped against me on the couch, his chest heaving up and down. My legs were still shaking, the intensity of the orgasm still lingering. He looked down, resting a hand on my leg in attempt to calm it. He chuckled, looking at me.
“You alright, love?”
I nodded, my lips parted, my breathing pattern slowly returning back to normal. 
“That was fucking amazing,” I breathily exclaimed, earning another chuckle from him.
He wrapped an arm around me, pulling me into his side. My cheek rested on his bare chest, his heartbeat lulling me to relaxation. His arm soothingly rubbed up and down my arm, his own cheek resting against the top of my head.
“Well,” he began, his voice raspy, “before you came here, I made ratatouille.”
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queerbutstillhere · 4 years
12. We dated back in highschool then you moved away but now you're back in town.
(for @legitpumpkin an AU in which the Kent's and Wayne's live in the same neighborhood of whatever town you'd like to pick.)
"Hey, did you hear the news?"
Jon looked up, eyebrows knitted together, his tongue was poking out of his mouth from his hyper concentration.
"What?" He asked absently, looking away from his brother back to his laptop, returning to reading his article.
Kon said something about Tim and someone coming back.
"Cool," Jon responded in that same absent tone.
"Jon, you literally did not hear a word I just said did you?"
Jon just shook his head, quickly deleting and rewriting a section.
"Leave him alone, Kon, he has deadlines to meet," Chris inputted from where he was laying on the sofa beside Jon, at an awkward angle so his feet weren't on the younger man.
"Fine. Pardon me for trying to tell him that his former lover is back in town."
"What?" Jon asked, interest mildly peaked now.
"Damian's back home for the summer."
The rapid click-clacking of Jon's keys completely stopped, and he blinked at Kon.
"And Tim says he's thinking about moving back to the States completely."
"Oh-" Jon breathed out.
"You should go talk to him," Chris suggested, pushing at his knee.
"Yeah.... God it's been what, five, six years?"
"Six. Five, since you guys broke up."
Jon hummed, returning to clicking away at his computer.
"Are you still in love with him?" Chris asked, looking at his phone.
"I don't know? It's been five years, Chris, I haven't seen him except maybe in passing once or twice. We don't really talk except occasionally commenting on each other's social media posts."
They all looked up when Lois walked in.
"Damian. He's back home," Kon supplied.
"Oh! Yes. Bruce just invited us over for dinner, actually."
"He what?" All three boys exclaimed at once.
"Yup! At six, which means you three need to be showered and wearing nice clothes!"
"Oh yes, how dare we show up to our childhood best friends house in our jorts and tanktops."
"Kon, we all know Dick would absolutely destroy you for wearing jorts," Chris said with a snort. "I'll go take first shower since busy body over here is still working."
"Look! Once I get this article turned in, I'm officially on break, but this is a pretty big story so I need to make sure it's perfect before I send it to the editors," Jon defended himself to empty air, as Kon and Chris had both already left.
He sighed and returned to typing.
An hour later, everyone was clean and dressed and they all took the short walk down the block to the Wayne's house together. The Wayne residence was the largest, and loudest building in the neighborhood. There were always people coming and going, and always children around, despite the fact that none of Bruce's kids had their own families yet. They could hear yelling inside before they even got to the front door, and Jon smiled at the fond memories that hit him. Clark stepped up and knocked on the door, and within a minute, the door was yanked open by Dick Grayson.
"Hey guys!" He exclaimed with a bright grin, immediately hugging Clark, and then Lois, and then all three of the boys.
"Hello, Dick."
"Come on in! Dad and Alfie are just finishing dinner, I think the others got kicked into the living room at some point, they were being too noisy."
"Aren't they always?" Jon asked with a smile, his writers mind already crafting out how he would report on this evening.
"Hey, now, Jonno," Dick said with a laugh, having to reach up to ruffle Jon's hair. "Man I miss when you were only this tall."
He held a hand down by his waist, shaking his head at the 6"2" man and tsking.
"Anyway! Come on!"
"I'm gonna pop into the kitchen," Lois said, and disappeared. Clark hesitated before following.
The boys just followed Dick deeper into the house where yelling and barking was coming from the family room. They entered and discovered Cassandra and Jason wrestling on the floor. Tim and Damian sat on the furniture, and Ace running around barking in dismay.
"Guys!" Dick protested, crossing his arms.
Cass let go of Jason, who rolled to his feet, sticking his tongue out at her. She immediately blew a raspberry before flipping up.
"Kon!" Tim exclaimed, jumping out of his seat and running to hug his friend.
Jon however, had made eye contact with Damian. And hot. Damn. Jon met Damian when he was 10. He had seen Damian grow up, had personally witnessed the awkward teen years where Damian had been growing into his own body and face. Hell he had dated Damian through the tail end of it. He knew Damian was an attractive person - look at his parents, it was the only logical thing to happen - but he had some how gotten hotter???
Damian would be around twenty-six by now, he was tall, maybe not as tall as Jon, but he couldn't quite be certain from this distance. His face was angular and defined, not quite the sharp features of his father, but more delicate and feminine like Talia. Everything about him screamed neatness, from his trimmed eyebrows, and clean shaven face, to his carefully styled hair and clothing. His hair was a different style the Jon last remembered seeing, shaved short on the sides and longer in the back, styled in a quiff. He was wearing black jeans and a button down, and Jon could see a gold necklace hanging around his throat. His beautiful, full lips curled into a soft smile as he scanned over Jon, before lazily pushing up to his feet. Oh yeah, Jon was definitely still taller.
"Hello, Jonathan," he said with a sweet smile, walking over.
His legs were still long and lanky, and he still walked with an insane amount of grace, a habit he had picked up from when he used to do ballet.
"Hi," Jon breathed out, finding himself completely awestruck.
Damian walked right up to him, hugging him gently. Jon immediately hugged him back, noting that he smelled like vanilla and citrus, but not in a bad way.
"It's good to see you," Damian said softly. His accent had thickened significantly in the past few years, and damn that was hot too.
"Yeah, oh my God, it's been forever." Jon pulled back to look at Damian again, his hand lingering on his arm.
Damian smiled up at him, his green eyes flicking over Jon's face. "Five years, really. Not forever."
"Okay, no, but it is a long time. Where all have you been at?" Jon asked, letting Damian push him out of the room where their siblings were talking loudly.
"I've been all over. Finished my schooling in Switzerland, and then spent sometime traveling around Europe. Then I've been in the Middle East with mother for the past few years. I enjoyed the traveling, but I think I'm ready to be back home."
"Wow. You'll have to tell me all about it!" Jon said, eyes wide with amazement.
Damian chuckled, nodding. "I'm sure we'll have time. You're a journalist now, no?"
"Yeah! Just hit my one year mark with the company I work for right now," Jon said with a proud grin.
"That's good, do you enjoy it?"
"Oh yeah, it always keeps me on my toes. I very rarely get bored with it."
"Okay! Dinner is ready!"
Jon jolted with the suddenness of Bruce's yell. Damian chuckled, looking past Jon at Bruce who was waving them over.
Dinner was nice and loud and noisy and Jon was hit with this painful realization of "Holy Shit Maybe I Am Still In Love With Damian" and he desperately needed to tell his brothers this development, but he didn't know how to do it slyly. So he just sat there in gay turmoil for a whole hour of a dinner. Then, while the others were heading to the living room, Damian snagged his hand and pulled him to the front door, clipping a leash on Ace and then walking outside. Jon followed silently, curious what was going on.
"Do you remember when we used to just go on walks around the neighborhood?"
"I remember sneaking over to your house a couple times in the middle of the night just to go on those walks," Jon answered, watching Ace sniff a bush. "And I remember getting my ass whooped the week my mom found out."
"And yet you kept doing it all through highschool," Damian said with an amused glance towards him.
"What do you expect. I was young, dumb and in love."
Damian chuckled, glancing down the road before crossing it.
"So, fill me in on what you've been up too since I left for Switzerland."
"Oh. Nothing wild, finished college, got my major in journalism, and minor in psychology. Got my job the same month as graduation, moved out in August, and I've just kinda been focusing on work since."
Damian hummed. "You always have been a bit of a busybody."
Damian just grinned and gently nudged Jon.
"So, shall I just ask the awkward question?"
"What awkward question."
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
"Oh!" Jon felt his cheeks heat up and then he shrugged. "No, not right now. I dated a few guys in college, but not anyone for a while."
Damian hummed and nodded.
"Uh. What about you?"
"No. With all the traveling, and living in the Middle East..."
Jon nodded in understanding, pausing as Ace darted in front of him. Without thinking he took the leash from Damian and let Ace smell the along the other side of the sidewalk.
"So what are you going to be doing, now that you're back? Working for your dad?"
"No, probably not. I'm going to resume my modeling career, and I'll be working as a environmental ambassador, just little things like that."
"Oh, cool."
Damian hummed, putting his hands in his pockets. They crossed the street and started to head back home.
"So we're totally gonna start hanging out then, right?"
"Well of course, you're one of my best friends," Damian said with a smile.
"Even though I'm your ex?"
"Jon, dating you was some of the best years of my life."
"Oh," Jon said softly, feeling his face heat up.
Damian chuckled and shook his head, smiling at Jon fondly.
Oh yeah, Jon still had feelings for Damian.
Send me a prompt!
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beatricebidelaire · 4 years
🔥 Bertrand and Georgina
Despite their differing personalities and fields of study, Georgina had always quite respected Monty, her fellow VFD stem major. They were both one of last VFD members who had gone to college with VFD’s sponsor. A few years after, the schism had worsened enough that there were no longer official funds for these. In Georgina’s opinion, this change was why even VFD members only a couple of years younger than her and Monty had a much more limited world view, having only received VFD education.
In Georgina’s opinions, spying missions that required visiting different places or jobs in The City, whether in the field of journalism or acting, didn’t really make up for the limited world view that was the result of a VFD education. Because these jobs were still highly VFD connected, and many volunteers still had VFD in mind with every decision they made at the job. Every thought of theirs was a result of VFD influence, everything they learned they learned from VFD - especially their definitions of what’s right and what’s wrong and what’s the greater good. And with the schism going on, usually it’s “everything the other side did was bad, anything we did was for the greater good”. Arson, of course, was especially terrible, considering they did call themselves the volunteer fire department, after all.
Real world was more complicated than that narrowing world view of the newer VFD members. And after years of studying outside VFD, Georgina knew all too well that in each field, there were always ways to exploit certain techniques to one’s benefit. And sometimes the line between exploiting a technique for personal benefit and experimenting differently in the name of science could get blurry. And legality issues could be easily circumvented since the laws were often lax, as the lawmakers did not understand much about each individual field. People also had interesting side projects all the time. Georgina herself had ventured into the study of hypnotism on the side after studying optometry.
She and Monty would occasionally exchange updates on their respective research. Monty would share his latest experiments about his reptiles and Georgina about the hypnotism techniques she’s recently experimenting. Monty was a man who appreciated scientific methods applied under a controlled environment, and also a man who had a little taste of making some extra money outside of VFD with their research results. Georgina could have intellectual conversations with him without him ranting about morals and integrity and what’s best for VFD.
Unfortunately, the same could not be said about Monty’s little friends.
Including his roommate.
Monty himself liked Bertrand, but that really didn’t say much because Monty had a tendency to like everyone outside of his field. (Within his field was another matter, he didn’t exactly hate them, but it was complicated, with the rivalry going on. Georgina could sympathize.)
Bertrand was a typical younger VFD member with a very VFD-limited view, in Georgina’s opinion. And he had always been a good student, so Georgina supposed that made him worse. Upon a few times of meeting him, Georgina had decided that he was indeed as righteous and morally-inflexible and judgmental as they came.
However, he was also too polite to outright pick an angry fight over this, to directly accuse her of being evil like some of volunteers with quicker tempers had, so he resorted to mild frowns and trying to calmly talk her out of practicing the questionable technique of hypnotism when the subject was brought up.
“It’s wrong to control other people like that,” he argued. And it was such a naive argument that Georgina found almost laughable.
“And what forms of control do you deem acceptable, then?” She questioned drily.
He frowned. “None of them.” He said, like it was obvious.
“What about fear? Or money? And what about kidnapping children and then isolating them from the outside world and feeding them only selected information?” Georgina gave a pleasant laugh. “Surely you had to agree there isn’t anything wrong with the last one! It’s considered disloyal to not agree with that. I heard you were a good student.”
“That’s -” he began, and then stopped again, looking troubled. “I think it’s still wrong.” He finally said. “There are definitely methods for improvement when it comes to our recruitment.”
Georgina wouldn’t say she was impressed, because it took a lot to impress her, but she would admit to herself that perhaps he wasn’t one to parrot every VFD indoctrinated thought like she had previously assumed. “And have you told them so?” She asked, amused.
“I know some people have, so I’m sure the complaint has already been raised,” he said, and then hesitated. “There is a schism going on though, so I could understand why recruitment is especially important and - sometimes we need to employ methods that aren’t always …”
“Then what makes you decide hypnotizing as a form of control is worse?” She raised an eyebrow.
He looked frustrated for a moment, as if he couldn’t argue the point, before a calm mask fell over the frustration again, covering it. “We’re doing it for the organization. It’s - not without flaws but I could see why people argued it’s necessary. I’m not saying I approve entirely either, but it brings results.”
“I assure you,” Georgina said pleasantly. “My methods bring results, too.”
“For your personal gain,” he was quick to point out.
“Which makes me evil? In this world, everyone has to look out for themselves. Here’s a piece of advice - you shouldn’t rely on VFD to protect you. You’d be disappointed, someday.”
He frowned. “This isn’t just about looking out for oneself - you’re profiting off others.”
She rolled her eyes, “And our noble organization is, what? Saving the world?”
“Fighting the wrongs in the world,” he said.
“Poetic, you are,” she commented wryly. “So you’d think it’s okay if I use my skill set for them? If I, say, hypnotized someone to not start a fire that they were originally planning on starting?”
Bertrand was quiet for a moment. “The issue with hypnosis as a form of control is that, unlike other ways, people … are no longer their own selves and have no idea what they’re doing. While whether other methods are moral are also debatable, at least people are still aware of things and have more choices - even if most choices don’t look promising.”
“How miserable it is, don’t you think?” Georgina asked languidly. “To be knowingly aware of such, to be conscious of the limited choices one face, to be forced to choose to do something out of, let’s say fear. To not be able to escape while all too aware. Perhaps being hypnotized was a less miserable alternative.”
“It’s always better to know,” he said.
“Ah, a mind for knowledge. How admirable,” Georgina mused. “But I’m sure not everyone is like you. Some people just want to be ignorant, and who’s to say it’s right to force knowledge upon them?”
He looked troubled, and then said. “Well, if the organization decides to employ the method, I won’t be fighting to stop those, even if I don’t think it’s the best of ways.” Of course you won’t, Georgina thought. Just like you didn’t argue with them about their other methods, despite your silent disapproval. “But using it only for personal profit is unquestionably wrong.”
“There’s nothing wrong with personal profits, one can’t live with their only goal as serving VFD. I trust you to be at least smart enough to know that.”
“Well, it’s not personal profit itself is wrong -”
“Right, you only question my method - the very same method that you agree you won’t argue with if employed for organization causes. So how is it so deplorable when the two are combined together?”
He looked lost for an argument, like he still firmly disagreed with her but didn’t know how to argue his position. Unlike some other volunteers who were quicker to decide to resort to angry, illogical accusations or outbursts, he was silently thinking things over in his head. While those volunteers amused Georgina briefly and then just mostly irritated her, Georgina decided that perhaps Bertrand had the potential to be convinced, after a few more arguments.
And sure, she did not need any volunteers’ approval, but it could be potentially useful if the one who used to be called “perfect apprentice” would take her side in debate like this.
She began making plans in her mind.
send two characters and 🔥 for an argument scene between them
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filthysweetie · 4 years
James Bond drabble
Prompt: “Dear Diary...” 
missed a day >.< this one is begging to be a longer story, but i had to cut it so i can finish packing...note that there’s a brief description of torture in this one.
Edit: This now has a sequel here if anyone wants to read it :) 
Dear Diary,
Let it be known this is done under duress. Apparently, not being a bloody field agent does not get you out of psych evaluations and ‘recommended’ methods to cope with ‘high stress levels’ and ‘worrying tendency to identify job performance as self-worth’. I bet they didn’t make Boothyard do this. You get kidnapped once and then everyone suddenly thinks you’re a delicate flower. 
Hell, Bond got kidnapped (I guess it’s just called captured when they’re agents…which actually is now making me quite offended that when I was taken it was called kidnapping) on 7 of his last 15 missions. I don’t see him writing a damn diary about it! (Although god, imagine that.) Besides, what’s the point of keeping a diary if it’s mandated and also!! Your psychiatrist will be reading it? Maybe I should start writing in code. 01000110 01110101 01100011 01101011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01000100 01110010 00101110 00100000 01011001 01100101 01101110 00101110 ——— “What is…that?”
Q turned, not the least bit surprised to see James standing there behind him. He had a mission coming up and was obviously ready for his kit. Q did a little ritual over the case, always so sad to see the fine pieces of machinery go when the chance of them returning was so dismal. Instead of focusing on the kit, though…Q followed his eyes to the little journal on his desk. It was covered in stickers (most of them shiny, some of them hello kitty gifted by a little one on the tube who got three on before he or her mother noticed) and attached in the pen holder was a pen with a fuzzy feather top. It was rainbow. 
Can’t blame the man for noticing it, it was a rather stark deviation from the normal color pallet and maturity level of Q’s desk.
“Oh, that old thing?” Q pat the top with a little more force than necessary, “my psych assigned diary. I figure if they choose to treat me like a child I may as well oblige.”
James took a moment before speaking, “And what, pray tell, made them think you need it?”
Q blinked, “Does that mean you’ve done it too?” That was a bit of a surprise. The double-o agents seems to thrive on their disregard of ‘normal’ coping, of medical, and of psych all together.
“Answer the question, Q.” James had the audacity to roll his eyes.
“Now I’m very curious,” Q can’t help it, “what do you write in it? About the girls you like? About more interesting ways to destroy my tech?”
“Mostly survivors guilt.” James says, nonchalant.
Well, that answers that, “Oh…” damn it, now he’s obliged to answer James’ question regardless of if this is an interrogation tactic or not. He gives a half shrug, “Dr. Yen assigned it after the kidnapping.”
“Excuse me?”
“I know, I thought it was all very much over the top as well.” Q fights a sigh, “Now your kit—”
James shakes his head, “No, wait, you were kidnapped?”
Q blinks, ignores the chill that goes down his spine; “I knew they didn’t release that on the official channels but I assumed you’d know none the less.” Q clears his throat, “Now, your kit.”
James quiets then, but there are a lot of questions behind his eyes. Who’s to say if Q focuses on his tech a bit more than he normally would. ——— Dear diary, 
I didn’t realize it had been kept quite so secret. I should have known, we are a spy organization. But I was {Q hesitates over the word, crossing out kidn and captu wishing suddenly that he was using his standard pencil instead of this purple inked mess of a pen} gone for 11 days. I guess I figured they would have told the double-os at least, maybe brought them in to help find me. Not that I needed anyone’s help, of course, I mean I got out of there myself, didn’t need anyone rescuing this damsel.
But the fact that {Ja is scribbled over fully; must remember that this will be read} there were agents I’m the primary handler of that didn’t notice at all. What excuse were they told when I wasn’t on the comms? Would they have just kept been given excuses until the forgot to keep asking?
My cats were fed, at least. Moneypenny thought I would come back, or at least held out enough hope to not sell my apartment and put my cats in a shelter after 11 bloody days. 
R had been searching non-stop—bless her, I think she needs this exercise more than me. Poor girl looked like she hadn’t slept since I’d left; keeping all the missions on track while searching for me. It was her and Riley and Sunil that found me on the security footage after I got out of that place and got me a pickup. It’s not like I was forgotten or anything. {Why do I feel forgotten? Q stares at the line in it’s stark purple ink for a long moment before crossing it out. He doesn’t want to talk about that with himself, let alone Dr. Yen.}
Regardless. R has finished debriefing me on all active missions that I’d missed some portion on, and overall everything is going well. Testing of the new laser pen fell behind during my absence but it’s to be expected. It will give me something to do tomorrow when most of my active agents are in transit. ——— “Q, Sir, we really need you in the pit.” Laila said, standing at the threshold of his office, seeming a bit more frazzled than normal. There are no alarms (auditory or silent) going off around her, so the attitude was a bit perplexing.
Q puts the soldering iron down on it’s stand and takes off the magnification glasses, replacing them with his own, already getting up and heading towards her, “What’s the matter?”
“Sir, one of the agents is being belligerent; requesting to speak only to you before moving forward with his mission.”
That’s a new one; “Alright then, transfer the secure line to my station please, Laila.”
It’s always nice, walking out to the floor, seeing his people working away. Standing at the center of it is like being cocooned within the greatest minds of London. It’s safe. 
“Q”Jame’s voice is instantly recognizable, “I’ve arrived in Paraguay and will be rendezvousing with the contact at 1430.”
Q waited. Nothing.
“That is all.”
Q blinked, glad that James couldn’t see the confusion that must certainly be coving his face, “You called me away from my prototypes to give me a standard mission update that you could have given to any one of my people?”
“Had to make sure you were still around, Q”
“Still—” it clicks, “Oh. Well. Yes, I am very much still around.
“Good.” Is that a smile in his voice or is Q projecting? “I’ll check in again after the rendezvous.”
Q’s throat clicks, dry; “I’ll be here.” ———— Dear Diary, 
When will this little experiment be over? It’s been a half month! I haven’t got much free time at all, and wasting it in this damn book isn’t helping anyone. Least of all me. ————— “I notice you haven’t actually written anything about the kidnapping?” Dr. Yen asks, looking through his entries with a clinical eye.
“I much prefer to call it capture.” Q says in leu of an answer. The sticker covered mess looks silly in her hands, but she seemed to have enjoyed his take on ‘making it his own’ even if he’d been doing the antithesis of that. Granted, some of his minions have added stickers to it too—so next to hello kitty is a ‘back it the fuck up’ sticker in fancy script with an old school desktop monitor showing the phrase, and a sparkly unicorn that Trevor insists is from his kids but Q has his doubts. If he leaves it on his desk unattended, when he comes back there are always new stickers. No one ever opens it, respecting some privacy that doesn’t really need respecting (it’s not like there’s anything of substance in there), but it’s a nice gesture none the less.
Dr. Yen smiles, “Of course,” Q wishes she were a bit more of a dick like Dr. Reynard had been—it was easier to dismiss someone when they were being an ass, “I notice you haven’t written about your capture—or escape for that matter—at all. There are some references to it, but no detail. Do you have any thoughts on why that is?”
Q takes a sip of tea. It is nice that these meetings are uninterrupted tea time—though he could do without the conversation. 
“There’s nothing important to say about it.” Q set the mug down, making sure to be gentle about it, “it’s all done, and I don’t exactly plan to get kidna—captured again.”
Dr. Yen gives an amused smile, “no one really plans to get captured at all.” Then, “Sometimes the act of writing down an experience”—she stopped using ‘traumatizing experience’ a while ago, Q did not have a traumatizing experience, thank you—“can solidify it in our reality. It may be difficult to do that at first, but once it is solidified, we can begin to process it in a healthy way.”
“It’s already written up in the after-action report.”
“Yes, but that was what happened, not how it felt to be going through those things.”
Q rolls his eyes, “do you want me to write a soliloquy on how sad and lonely it was and how I felt abandoned by MI6 and made peace with my death? Or maybe how it transformed me in ineffable ways and I have a new lease on life?”
It was so annoying to lay on that perfect level of sarcasm to have it disregarded so thoroughly, “If that’s how you feel, yes.” God she’s so earnest. 
“Well it wasn’t” Q snapped out. He picked up the mug again and took another sip. Setting it down extra soft, with barely a ‘clink’ on the glass table, “Excuse me, I must be more tired than I thought.”
“Not to worry,” Dr. Yen smiled, “your job is stressful any given day of the week, it’s certainly understandable. Please do give it a thought though as you go through this week. Sometimes putting things to paper allows our minds to ‘get it out of our system’ instead of having it linger in our subconscious.”
“Very well. I will give it some thought.” ———— Dear Diary, 
Lets give it the old college try, shall we?
I admire James Bond. He’s one of our best field agents, though his record for returning his tech is abysmal. He seems to come back from the brink of death more times than a cat and never seems to let it affect him. Always ready for the next mission.
I want to be like that. He’s been through so much, the loss of M, the burning of his home, the burning of so many false starts at a normal life, and he comes back and he may be battered but he’s still whole. Undoubtedly whole. I get kidnapped once and now I can’t even get a good nights sleep unless I’m folded awkwardly on the little couch in my office, and of course that sleep is poorer for other reasons. 
I know I’m capable, I know I can destroy countries and get myself out of most any situation that I find myself in, but I didn’t realize exactly how that situation would affect me. I haven’t lost confidence in my abilities, but maybe loss of confidence in my security? Is it just a waiting game to see when I’ll next be thrown into the back of a van, drugged, and then wake up in a windowless room, IV in my arm strapped to a chair with no fucking idea how much time has passed? When will I next find myself threatened and beaten? The soles of my feet slashed, so dehydrated that I can’t put my head up without feeling dizzy? 
Obviously I can survive it. I have. 
The thought of it happening again…it’s terrifying. And it can happen at any time. And I thought I admired James because he looked like a good lay. Maybe it’s because he seems unbreakable and I worry I’m already broken. ———— Q stared at the pages for a long time. Was he supposed to feel hollow?
He tore them out, crumpled them like a secret and then lit them on fire. This was a spy organization after all, no point in letting that level of weakness get out. ———— Dear Diary, 
Laila got a new corgi puppy. Despite being a cat person, I have to admit it’s quite cute.
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dovakhiindrabbles · 5 years
#5. "I can't sleep, can I sleep here?" With Farkas? I was thought it was a little weird that you just get Kodlak's room and everything, and its gotta be hard trying to sleep with all these new harbinger responsibilities and in a bed that belonged to your now-dead leader.
Getting back to my roots over here haha! I hadn’t actually really noticed that whole situation with Kodlak’s room, but I never really slept anywhere other than my house while playing. I can totally get what you mean though, and writing this prompt was tons of fun! 
Thank you so much for sending this in and I hope you enjoy and have a terrific day!
“I can’t sleep, can I sleep here?” 
“Oh, come on Harbinger!” Vilkas exclaimed, a mug of mead perhaps the only thing he could steadily hold in his drunken state. “Don’t tell me you’re a lightweight!”  
Everyone around you was celebrating, drunkenly chattering and roaring with delight amidst your rise in rank as Harbinger as declared by Kodlak’s spirit. After all the trials and tribulations – a break such as this was more than well earned.  
You wrinkled your nose and gave a toothy grin, setting your hands on your hips. “I’m not going to start my first official day as Harbinger with a hangover!”  
“Any true champion could power through it!”  
“Then you’ll have plenty of fun tomorrow morning,” You called back, taking your first few steps down the stairs to the quarters with an amused wave of your hand. “Goodnight!”  
The upstairs roared with disappointed protests at your leave but no one else was willing to deny another couple– or a dozen – more sips of mead. Their sorrows would be blurred in time, and from the bellowing chants you heard from above – it was working already.  
Yet despite your initial thoughts, the door did creak open after you, a thumping set of irregularly heavy steps only able to belong to one person.  
You turned your head to meet him and a laugh slipped from your lips. “I thought it was you.”  
His eyes widened before he took another step and the floorboards groaned beneath his size, realizing with a sneaky bit of red creeping up his cheeks.  
“Oh. I’ve always been loud,” He scoffed. “I’d never be a good hider.”  
“I don’t think hiding suits you anyway,” You simpered. “Why aren’t you up there with the others?”  
“Oh uh – just everything – it… it was a lot.” He bit the inside of his cheek. “With Kodlak, Ysgramor’s tomb and Kodlak’s ghost… I don’t think a drink will help. I just want to rest.”  
You paused, taking a wary step forward and setting a comforting hand upon his shoulder, squeezing fondly.  
“Are you okay…?” You offered him a gentle smile. “You can talk to me about it – if you want.”  
Out of everyone else in the Companions, you were closest with Farkas. The giant of a man constantly joined you on your adventures and despite the silence everyone else knew from him, he was almost chatty in your presence. He seemed… happier since you’d come around. It was nice to finally have someone understand him as more than an oaf – to finally have a real, true friend.  
But sometimes, it felt like there was something more than friendship. Not that either of you were ready to admit it, but it was there nonetheless – whether through bubbling butterflies in the pit of your stomachs or wide smiles at the mere mention of your names.
Farkas took in a sharp breath and his broad shoulders dropped with a weight he hadn’t even known was there, sighing.  
“I don’t have many memories with the Companions without Kodlak. Since I was a pup, he was here – he was Harbinger,” His brows became knit with worry, folding his lips. “It’s not that I don’t think you’ll be good – I know you’ll be great! But… now I’m going to have so many more memories without him a-and I… I’m not used to that. I don’t know how to feel about it.”  
“That just means you’ll have a whole lot of stories to tell him when you do meet again.”  
His eyes widened as he soaked in your words, another bout of worries rising to the surface. It was just too easy for him to ramble to you. “Do you think I ever could see him again? Being… what I am?”  
You tipped your head from side to side in consideration, smirking. “Sure, you’re supposed to go to Hircine’s hunting grounds – but I don’t think they’d be able to control someone like you anyways.”  
You nudged him reassuringly. “It’ll all be alright – no matter what happens.”  
He softened, but as he opened his mouth to speak again you beat him to it, already knowing.  
“Even if you give up your beast blood.”  
“You really think that?”  
You began to walk along the dusty hall and twisted your side to him. “I know that. Why, I’d even help you get a witch head!”  
He followed after, surprised again and again by your encouragement and kindness. It was a rare and treasured find in the tundra of Skyrim, after all – something far too precious to lose.  
“You don’t…” He swallowed hard. “You don’t have to do that.”  
“I want to.” You held your arms to your chest, as if trying to smother your pounding heartbeat. “You’ve always been there to help me – since the very beginning – it’s the very least I can do.”  
“I don’t want you to get hurt.” He admitted, his voice oddly gentle.  
Your heart nearly burst and a lump formed in your throat.  
Oh gods, did that mean what you thought it meant?  
You failed miserably at trying to hide the ridiculously wide smile spreading across your face, letting out a laugh that was a little too high and a little too giggly to shroud your nerves.  
“O-Oh come on, I’m tough! I can take care of myself!”  
He responded like it was more obvious than dirt in the ground. “I know that.”
He hesitated.  
“But you mean too much – you’re too important.”  
You slowed and your steps felt heavier, your expression falling. Your hopes had dwindled in an instant.  
“Is this because of me becoming Harbinger?” You scoffed in disbelief. “B-Because I don’t intend to be put to the sidelines! I can still do so much – isn’t that why I was chosen? Because I proved-”  
“to me. You’re too important to me.”  
Oh, that’s what he meant.  
One glance at Farkas revealed the amount of courage it took for the warrior to confess. He was red hot from his cheeks to his knuckles and he did everything he could to avoid meeting your gaze, making the eventual moment where your eyes did cross that much more embarrassing.  
You almost forgot to breathe.  
“Y-You ah – you’re important to me too!” You managed, shuffling your feet along the slow walk. “but that’s why I want to help. We take care of each other. Even if we’re in danger – as long as you’re there… I-I feel safe.”  
He nodded, grinning warmly. “Mmhm.”  
“So ah – let’s stay together, alright?”  
You don’t know why you took his hand, but you did, stopping dead in your tracks.  
His palm was enormous in comparison to your own, painted with scars and calluses atop skin as tough as timber.  
You never wanted to let go.  
And even if only for a moment, Farkas melted into the touch just as much – squeezing your palm.  
He tried to figure just what to say and seemed ready to give his answer when the stairs to the quarters began to moan again with the arrival of another person. 
You both jumped back and a sudden emptiness filled both your hands, your insides twisting with a bitter resentment to whoever had the audacity to disrupt the moment.  
Torvar stumbled down the steps with the grace of a troll, muttering incoherently to himself before he caught sight of you.  
He gave a smug, toothy smirk. “Oh, don’t mind me,” He staggered to his bedside, swiping another bottle of whiskey. “Just investing in my personal supply~.”  
He clicked his teeth and took another long, sloppy swing, calling out to you again on his way back up. “Carry on~.”  
You most certainly did not.  
Embarrassment rang heavy between the two of you, meek laughter being the only sound you could muster.  
“I uh-”  
Farkas cleared his throat sheepishly. “We’re here – at your room.”  
You hadn’t even realized. You looked to the grand, ornate doors and remembered that among all other sorts, Kodlak’s quarters had been passed down to you. It really was your room now.  
A pit grew in your stomach but you did your best to ignore it.  
“Oh! I… I guess so…”  
You both exchanged glances and desperation to say something – anything – rippled through you.  
You couldn’t just leave it like this! You were so close to something true and amazing; you couldn’t bear to let it go!
Yet it already slipped from your fingertips.  
“G-Goodnight then…!” Farkas sputtered. “I’ll sleep soon too – in my own room – not this one.”  
You snorted. Gods, he was wonderful.  
“Right… of course…” You thought about reaching out to touch him but decided against it. “Sleep well. I’ll… I’ll see you in the morning.”  
Regret swarmed the room like flies, both of you sneaking glances at each other as you parted ways until the walls forced you apart.  
And on the other side of the door, you lingered at the handle, like a stranger in a foreign land nothing in there quite felt like yours.  
Everything of Kodlak’s still remained from his mounted shields and swords upon the wall to the old leather journal settled on his bedside.  
The weight of his loss truly hung over you then, your breath becoming caught in your throat and vision misting with tears you furiously wiped at.  
The other part of you was wistful, warmed at all the reminders of him and who he was. You almost suspected he’d come strolling in at any moment.  
So, all of you wanted to leave. It wasn’t yours, after all.  
It felt more like an invasion as you rounded about the bed and sat down, trading your heavy armor for an oversized knit shirt and pants. All of your body stung with the idea that you didn’t belong here and despite your best efforts it gnawed at you like a skeever.  
Just a few days ago, there were Kodlak’s quarters – it even still held unfinished letters and his scent of fresh ale. How could you ever be expected to settle in so soon?
You tried to swallow down your concern and crawled beneath the heavy blankets, your mind racing even when you had so fervently hoped it would slow.  
Especially, with one particular thought.  
Did he know that it was his last night in this bed?  
If you were even the slightest bit close to falling asleep, you were wide awake now.  
You tossed and turned for hours, squeezing your eyes shut only for them to pop back open like it was some sort of cruel game. You tried deep breaths, you tried staying still as a statue – you even tried counting damn sheep!
However, all of it ended with no avail.  
At that point, you were truly and utterly exhausted, hoisting yourself out of bed and trudging out into the hallway outside. The quarters by now were littered with your once drunken companions, their presence made clear with snores so strong one would think the earth was shaking.  
You were dreadfully jealous.  
You’d give anything to sleep that deeply, but you hadn’t the faintest idea of where to go – or who to turn to.
Who would help with such a peculiar problem? Who would be so helpful? Who would be so kind? Who-
Oh gods, you knew.  
Your heart threatened to absolutely erupt at the very idea. This had to be some sort of fever dream. Would that even be okay?  
Yet as you glanced back to Kodlak’s empty room, your stomach sank as if it’d fallen off a cliff.  
You had to at least try.  
Surely, Farkas had spare blankets and pillow he could lend you! You’d both already shared a tent during your many adventures! This would be no different!  
But then, why was your heart fluttering?  
You didn’t even bother to answer. Instead, you walked warily to Farkas’s room, having tread louder with the threat of dragons than you did in that second.  
Farkas was buried beneath his sheets and his tangled mess of hair covered his face – his breathing oddly quiet, gentle even.  
You tapped his shoulder meekly. “Farkas?”  
He grumbled something you couldn’t understand and groaned, lifting his head confusedly. “What… what is it?”  
You bit your lip, inhaling quickly and uneasily. “I uh… I can’t sleep, can I sleep here?”  
Farkas’s usually tender gaze became glazed with confusion, then uncaring. He shrugged and yawned with lazy, slurred words. It was truly astounding how easy things became when one’s judgment was clouded.  
“Okay. Get in.”  
If there were light, he would’ve only seen red, because you were roughly the same shade of a strawberry.  
“Oh I-I didn’t mean like-”  
“No extra blankets and I like you,” He muttered. “I don’t care if you sleep here but I want to get back to it. Hurry.”  
Your voice went up an octave and was terribly blended with nervous laughter. “A-Alright…!”  
You tried to be as careful as possible, Farkas raising the blankets so that you could slip under with ease.  
The only problem was when he dropped his arm, he didn’t move it away from you. In fact, he pulled you close.  
You swore you might explode.  
“A-Ah Farkas!”  
He made an unintelligible sound and you puffed out your cheeks.  
He was warm, like a crackling fire you found yourself leaning into him, comforted by his presence. He had always had that effect on you and even now you felt your nerves whittle away at the familiar smell of cedarwood that’d clung to him since you’d met.  
“Um… thank you…”  
“Mmhm…” He paused, thinking. “I want to stay with you…” He uttered the confession softly, only for you.  
“What do you mean?”  
“You… you said ‘let’s stay together’… I want that.” His former hesitation now muddled. “I really want that.”  
You smiled like a fool, hiding your face against the pillows. “I-I do too! I was worried…”  
“Don’t be,” He huffed. “I care about you… more than anything.”  
Oh, you must’ve been dreaming, things like this only happened in one’s mind when they were fast asleep? Didn’t they?  
You prayed you weren’t.  
You chuckled. “Will you still mean that when you’re actually awake?”  
“I’m awake now, you woke me up.”  
“So… you’d tell me that again in the morning?”  
“If you let me sleep,” He mused. “I’ll tell you ten times.”  
You snorted and nudged him amusedly. “I’ll hold you to it.”  
There was a low rumble in his chest from his laughter before he whispered, husky and tired. “Rest.”  
You didn’t answer but sank further against him, his breaths tickling your skin and hand brushing along your back.  
This was far better than anything in Kodlak’s quarters.  
This was safe.  
This was home.  
Not the room or even Jorrvaskr but him. That giant ox of a man with a heart as strong and as big as the grandest oak who you desperately adored no matter how much you tried to deny it.  
However, perhaps now, you could take a different approach.  
You could try accepting it – maybe even embrace it.  
Because laying there beside him in a dusty old room that held an age long before you, you’d never felt happier.  
And from the tiny grin tugging at Farkas’s own lips alongside how your fingers secretly wound together beneath the blankets, you knew the feeling to be shared.  
You didn’t even want to fall asleep now, but it was for all the right, marvelous reasons – ones you wouldn’t change for the world. 
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xmagicxshopx · 5 years
☕ Deeply Poisoned ☕
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Genre: Greek Mythology, Fantasy, Romance, Angst Rating: M (Smut) Warnings: Jungkook being a manipulative man in love, smut Pairing: hades!jungkook x persephone!reader Notes: This is a Greek Mythology AU based on the story of Hades and Persephone. Not idol!jungkook. Single quote marks ‘ ‘ are for thoughts and double “ “ are for talking. Additional Notes: Please understand this is fiction and therefore the real BTS members would never act this way. Okay. Happy reading! Also, please don’t think that Hades “poisoned” Persephone at the very end. Poison doesn’t always have to mean killing. There’s no death in this one shot. I can promise you.
Tagging: @justbangtanandjams @lizardsocial
Summary: Kiss me on the lips, a secret just between the two of us. Deeply poisoned by the jail of you. I cannot worship anyone but you and I knew the grail was poisoned but I drank it anyway.
“Your tea, sir.”
“Thank you, Theseus. You are dismissed.”
Hades watched his most faithful servant exit with an elegant bow of respect and soon left him with no other company but his bride. Yes....his beautiful, gorgeous bride-to-be. His future wife. Oh how stunning she looked there laying across the chaise lounge; staring into the fire and watching the flames do their heated dance.
“Be careful, love, that frown may not come undone if it stays for too long. A smile suits you way better.”
Of course all he was met with was silence. The smile formed by his lips was a small one but full of amusement. You were going to make an excellent queen of the underworld. Should he ever need to step down, he had no doubt you would be the perfect successor. He could practically smell your rage as you laid there looking stone faced. Some would say you looked bored but Hades knew better.
“We have a wedding to plan, my love. Have some tea and let us discuss the arrangements.”
Again, silence. Not that he expected anything less. It was no secret that you had came down here against your will. Kidnapped as you had called it. One day you would see that this was meant to be. This was where you belonged; next to him on the throne as the queen of the underworld.
“Persephone, my love, sulking will get you nowhere. You could become a mute but you will still stand at the alter and become my wife.”
His voice left no room for argument but it still held a soft and loving tone. Only Hades could pull that off. It was called tough love and he was darn good at it. You were the love of his life and there wasn’t a doubt in his mind. He would do whatever was necessary to keep you by his side; whether you liked it or not.
“Please, have some tea.”
“I’m not thirsty.”
“At least she speaks.”
“You aren’t giving me a choice, Hades.”
“Because I’m already giving you the best choice.”
By this time, you had at least turned your head to glance over at the male across from you. He was lounging in one of the huge, well-cushioned armchairs with a grand winged back. The deep burgundy color of the fabric went amazingly well with the shiny black leather of the chaise lounge you were laying across.
You despised him. You loathed him. He had taken you away from everything you loved. Your family, your friends, your home. Everything. It had been almost a month now and things weren’t any better. You didn’t feel any less sad or empty.
Thank god he had given you your own room. However, he claimed it was only because they had yet to become husband and wife. Once the wedding was over and the marriage was official, you would be moving into his room and sleeping with him in his bed. The mere thought disgusted you.
And yet, despite it all, despite the fact that he had kidnapped you and was keeping you trapped down here against your will......he had treated you with nothing but kindness. He had given you space which shocked you most of all. Space to come and go as you pleased. You could eat and drink whatever you liked and was free to roam the courtyard gardens. He claimed he had put in the gardens just for you.
You’d never forget the first time he took you to see them.....
“Okay, here we are.”
You felt him stop behind you so that he could carefully remove his hands from over your eyes so as not to mess with your makeup. It was odd having female servants who were actually demons doing your hair and makeup every morning. Blinking at the sudden brightness of the outside, you took in the sight before you.
Flowers, they were everywhere. Fountains carefully sculpted; water pouring out and all around them. A cobblestone path that branched out like a grand labyrinth. You had to admit, the sight was breathtaking. Naturally, given who your mother was, you loved flowers. You loved spending your time in the flower fields picking the wild blooms.
“I didn’t know flowers could exist in Hell.”
“They don’t. I um.....”
You looked over as he was now standing beside you and what shocked you the most was the sheepish smile on his face. He rubbed nervously at the back of his head; messing up his once perfectly coiffed hair. If you hadn’t already known who he was, you would have never guessed he was actually the king of the underworld.
“I had some servants sneak up to Earth and swipe some stuff. I’ve had them working on this ever since I saw you in my dreams.”
“You----You what?”
“Yes. You came to me in a dream, my beautiful Persephone. You were there and from that point on, I knew where fate was taking me. I needed you down here with me. Living with me as my wife and queen.”
He was a lot more composed now compared to a few second ago. No longer the sheepish, shy male and back to being the suave devil king. He turned his attention from you to back at the courtyard before continuing calmly,
“I had my people working countless hours on perfecting this courtyard. I knew how much you loved flowers; watching you countless times frolicking in the fields.”
“I don’t frolic.”
You heard his sudden snort of amusement and it would seem even he wasn’t expecting that sound because he quickly covered his mouth in slight embarrassment. Hades, the most evil man of all, had just snorted. Meanwhile, you stood there with your arms folded and a small but loud pout on your face.
“No offense, beautiful, but you definitely frolic.”
That was the first moment you thought Hades might actually have a heart. So you had attempted to plead with him. Begged him to let you go. That if he truly loved you the way he claimed he did, that he would let you go and return you to Earth. But you had no such luck. He just kept insisting that you would grow to love it here just as the flowers did.
Suddenly, he was standing up and your dark, hollow eyes followed him. With curiosity slowly filling said eyes, you watched him as he sauntered over to you only to plop down on the floor so that his face was mere inches from yours as your head was comfortably positioned on the lounge’s armrest. He grinned cheekily at you only for you to scoff which lead him to chuckle softly.
“You’re cute when you’re grumpy.”
“You’d look cute beheaded and dismembered.”
“Dang, babe. Keep talking dirty to me. I’m loving it.”
He full-on laughed when you lightly hit him over the head with your hand. Why you hadn’t truly decked him confused even yourself. Perhaps you figured there was no point? Or maybe it was something else. You didn’t quite understand it.
“So I was thinking black for the color.”
“It’s a wedding, Hades.”
“Yeah but it’s a wedding in the Underworld. We’re supposed to be all dark, spooky and evil down here. Black is like our official color.”
You rolled your eyes as he fabricated a small journal along with a quill and a bottle of ink. Apparently he was going to take notes of their planning. You had to admit, Hades may be an evil man, but he was an elegant and sophisticated one. His penmanship was astounding and you wished you could learn how to read and write. It was like he could sense your troubles as he stopped writing and turned to glance at you.
“You okay, my flower?”
“Ye-Yeah. I’m fine.”
“You’re a terrible liar, Persephone. But I trust you’ll tell me when you’re ready.”
You remained silent as he went back to what he was doing. His perfect scrawl started to fill the pages but you couldn’t understand a single word of it. It all looked like a bunch of symbols to you as you laid there; watching over his shoulder. Irritation gripped and ate away at you before you finally confessed with a tone of defeat,
“I don’t know how to read or write.”
The sounds of quill scratching against paper suddenly came to a halt and you could feel the heat creeping up your neck and trying to spread over your cheeks. The tips of your ears were burning by the time he had turned around a bit to glance over at you. Surprisingly enough, there was a warm smile of understanding on his face.
“Was that it? Oh, sweetheart. That’s nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of. Lots of folk don’t know how to read or write because they’ve never had a reason to.”
Hades may be the king of evil, but you were his weakness. The one thing that made him soft. Seeing you there laying across his lounge looking all bashful melted his heart. You were so adorable and precious and you were all his. No one was going to take you away from him. Not now, not ever. Smiling and shifting to where he had set the quill in the ink bottle and set the book aside, he rested his chin on the edge of the lounge and said softly,
“If you’ll have me, I would consider it not only a joy, but a great honor to be the one that teaches you how to read and write. If you’re interested in learning, of course.”
The silence that followed seemed to drag out while you laid there pondering your options. On one hand, you really did want to learn. However, it nearly made you sick to think that he would be the one to teach you. Then again....aside from all the horrible things he’s done and what he does for a living.....he really has been nothing but kind to you. And he seems like he’d make a pretty decent teacher.
“Just so you know, this changes nothing. You’re still the dirt bag who kidnapped me and is holding me captive down here against my will.”
You hated how his warm chuckles made your heart flutter. He wasn’t supposed to be doing this to you. He wasn’t supposed to have this effect on you. You were supposed to hate his guts; his very existence.
Furthermore, why did he have to look so handsome? Sitting there all decked in black with that very form fitting turtleneck that showcased his firm chest and broad shoulders. And those ripped skinny jeans that made his thighs look like freaking tree trunks. It was when you began to wonder what it would be like to sit on his lap that you brought your thoughts to a screeching halt. Perfect timing, too.
“Babe? You okay?”
“Yeah. So um-----Where do we start with this whole reading and writing stuff?”
With a soft bark of laughter, he picked the journal back up along with the quill and ink bottle. Patting the spot next to him, you silently obeyed and slid off the lounge to sit beside him. With both your backs against the edge of the lounge, it was then that he finally answered your question.
“I figured we could start with the reading. I’ll write and you read. But first we have to learn the alphabet.”
Seemed simple enough. You watched him as he started writing random symbols on an empty page of the journal. With you being on his right side and him being right handed, sometimes your shoulders would touch and every time it left your skin tingling beneath the fabric of your dress. But that wasn’t all.
As he wrote down what you presumed to be the basic alphabet, his foot would occasionally bump yours. At first you just thought it was an innocent accident or maybe his foot would move whenever he was concentrating. But after awhile, you discovered he was being playful and so you took your bare foot and shoved his sock covered foot back. He chuckled and you couldn’t stop yourself from asking,
“Is the all feared and powerful Hades seriously playing footsie right now?”
“Yes he is. What of it???”
“Oh my god. You’re such a man child.”
You playfully roll your eyes and he just laughed even more. It was amazing how this man was supposed to be the most feared above all and yet here he was acting like a big kid who liked picking on other kids on the playground. Then again, you supposed you’d rather have that than him torturing you. Things could definitely be worse for you right now.
“So let’s start with the first letter.”
And so there the two of you sat on the rug covered floor of the living room with your backs propped up against the edge of the chaise lounge. He would introduce each letter to you one at a time in the proper order. He explained the various sounds each letter could possibly make when used in a sentence. Never in a million years would you have guessed that the devil himself would be the one to teach you how to read.
“There’s actually a library in here, you know. Once you get the hang of it, we can read together. I bet you’ll love all the cheesy, mushy, gooey romance novels.”
“Oh yeah? Let me guess----You go for all the murder mystery novels?”
“Hey----Murder mysteries are the best. Don’t knock it till you try it.”
You playfully stuck your tongue out at him only for him to do the same. Anyone who was on the outside looking in would have thought the both of you to be big kids but it was still a comical and perhaps even heart-warming sight to see. Just two people sitting together spending time not wanting to rip each other’s throats out. It was kind of nice.
So the lessons continued. Once you felt pretty comfortable with the alphabet, he moved on to some pretty basic words. Mostly three letter words so as not to overwhelm you. He was a great teacher, you’d give him that much. He held all the perfect traits of a leader and you could understand now why he was the king.
“What’s this word?”
“Um......I know it starts with S.....”
“Ah......I think the last letter is......Hades!”
You were a blushing mess when you suddenly figured out what word he was trying to spell for you. Extremely flustered, you tried to shove him but of course he never budged. Thankfully you hadn’t knocked over the small bottle of ink in the process of your attempt to get him as far away from you as possible.
“You’re so gross. Sex? Really?”
“Hey. At least you’re learning how to read, right?”
“Typical male.”
“You can’t blame me. It’s obviously going to be on my mind with all this talk about our wedding. Because we both know what happens once the wedding is over.”
With your arms folded and still quite flustered, you glanced over only to see him wiggling his eyebrows in a greasy manner. That was something else you despised. His eyebrow game was strong. Really strong. Was it possible to be attracted to someone’s eyebrows??? Because as much as you didn’t want to admit it, you were fascinated with his.
“Again----You’re so gross.”
“Speaking of our wedding, we should probably get back to planning that, huh?”
The initial response was to recoil back to the lounge and resume your silent treatment. However, had he really given you a reason to do such a thing? No. Well yes and no. Could you really forgive him for taking you away from everything and everyone you know and love? Could you really just let that go? Could you picture yourself standing next to this evil man for the rest of your days?
And why the hell did the idea of having sex with him set your core on fire???
“What do you say, we have Theseus make us a fresh batch of tea along with those small shortbread cookies that you won’t admit you love and we can talk about our wedding. For real this time.”
“Do you always have to get that jab in there? How do you know whether or not I like Theseus’ shortbread cookies?”
“Because I have eyes and ears everywhere and he told me you loved them?”
“He ratted me out!?!?”
Hades let his head fall back and as he smiled through his laughter, you could see his crows feet trying to show and his bunny teeth were on full display despite staring at his side profile. What bothered you the most was how torn you were between decking him a new shiner or kissing that dumb smile off his face. With a huff of annoyance and your lips forming a pout, you mumbled in defeat,
“Whatever. Just get me those stupid cookies and your stupid tea.”
“That’s my girl. I knew you’d see things my way.”
“Why I outta!-----”
But before you could follow through with any kind of feeble threat, the male had snapped his fingers and within seconds, his favorite servant was back and at attention.
“Yes, sir?”
“Theseus, it would seem my beautiful flower and I got caught up in wedding planning and the tea has run cold. Could you please brew us a fresh batch. Oh----And could we get a plate of those shortbread cookies you make? Per my flower’s request.”
“Of course, sir.”
When the male servant had left, you couldn’t help but look over at your soon-to-be husband and it dawned on you......
“Why do you treat him so much better than the rest of your servants? You treat everyone else like crap but you treat him like a real person. Why is that?”
It surprised you how silent he was. Or perhaps he was just mulling over how to properly answer your question. Heck, maybe even Hades himself had asked that question a few times here and there. Setting the journal down in his lap, he put the quill back in the ink bottle and pushed everything to the side so that it wasn’t in the way. Turning so that he was now more turned towards you, he smiled softly; warmly even.
“Because he’s faithful. He does what I tell him to. His death......was an unfair one. So I took mercy on him. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Mafia. He was their butler. Got shot right between the eyes. Died instantly. He didn’t deserve such a fate but it was a fate he chose. He knew what he was getting into when he took that job. But still......”
“So that’s why he’s down here? Because he chose the mafia?”
“Pretty much.”
You found yourself staring at him. There he goes again. The big bad evil Hades whom was supposed to torture people for a living, and granted he did, but here he was looking like a young man who carried more weight on his shoulders than anyone could imagine. You watched him pick at random fibers in the rug you both were sitting on; the awkwardness practically radiating off of him.
This was a rare side of him, though. Or was it? Was this the same man who had took you to the courtyard gardens? The same man who sheepishly confessed he had his people grow a whole garden just for you. There was definitely more to the lord of the underworld aside from his bad reputation. Just when you were about to reach out for his hand, Theseus came through the doors and you nearly jumped out of your skin.
“Your tea and cookies, sir and madame.”
“Thanks, buddy. Take the rest of the evening off, okay?”
“As you wish, sir.”
Just as the servant was about to head for the doors, you piped up and said with a pointed finger,
“You! I’ll deal with you later, tattletale.”
However, all this got you was a soft chuckle from the male sitting next to you and a small smile of amusement from the servant. After giving you an elegant bow, he went for the double doors and just as he was about to close them behind him, he said in his smooth voice,
“Of course, madame.”
With the doors now closed and leaving just the two of you, Hades and his chuckles grew a bit in volume before he said in thick amusement,
“Babe, I think that threatening tone of yours needs some work.”
“Oh shut it. You know how I like my tea, right?”
“Absolutely. Get your pretty self comfortable again and I’ll fetch it for you.”
While you were plopping yourself back onto the black leather chaise lounge, you watched him carefully as he prepared the two cups of tea. How could a person look so fine when all they were doing was pouring liquid into cups and adding lumps of sweetener??? Soon enough, he was carefully walking over to you with a steaming cup perched on a matching saucer.
“Your tea, my love.”
“Thank you.”
His eyebrows, darn those eyebrows, shot up in surprise and that bunny smile was back as he asked in a clearly teasing tone; now pouring and doctoring up his own cup of tea,
“I get a thank you? To what do I owe this pleasant mood you’re suddenly in, hmm?”
“Oh shut up.”
“Well that didn’t last long.”
While you carefully blew on the steaming liquid to help try and cool it faster, you noticed out of the corner of your eye how the male had picked up his items off the floor and was now scooting his huge, winged back hair over to you so that you both could be comfortable while you worked.
It was a bit surreal now to think that you were finally accepting fate. Is that what you were doing here as you allowed him to start back up with the wedding plans? Would some people call it giving in? Did this acceptance make you a quitter? Did it even matter at this point???
“So I was thinking if you’re not entirely a fan of black, then you can pick one color to go with it. How does that sound?”
“Deal. Let me think......Hmm.......”
You sipped at your tea now that it was cooled down enough to where it wouldn’t burn your tongue. Taking notice of how this tea tasted a bit different from the blends you’ve had before, you tried to think of what color you could possibly want for this wedding. And then it hit you.
“This color.”
The male turned his attention away from the journal where the tip of the quill was poised and ready to write down whatever color you wished. You were pointing to the deep burgundy of the fabric that his chair was made out of. While he was curious, it made sense to you. Call yourself cheesy, but it made sense in your mind.
This room was where you finally accepted your fate. Where you accepted him and his world. In this very room where the furniture was black and burgundy. Those were going to be your wedding colors.
You still weren’t entirely happy about it, but what else could you really do? Escaping was obviously out of the question and it wasn’t like he had dragged you down here to torture you. In fact, as you had been thinking about over and over all evening, he has treated you with nothing but kindness and his own twisted form of love.
“Burgundy it is. Good choice, my flower.”
The planning continued as the both of you enjoyed the tea and cookies. Dang. You really were a sucker for those shortbread delights. Within 20 or so minutes, you both had agreed on colors, location, and vows. The ceremony would be held out back in the courtyard gardens and the both of you would write your own vows.
“You’re not gonna fill yours with all the ways you’d like to kill me, are you?”
After taking a moment to dramatically hum in thought while taking another sip of your tea, you acted like you were really thinking about it as you stared up towards the ceiling.
“I might throw in a couple here and there.”
“You’re so mean to me. I feel like this relationship is one-sided.”
“You don’t say?”
You tried your best to keep up the smooth and suave facade but it honestly didn’t last but only a couple seconds before you were softly snorting and laughing; his own noises of amusement mixing well with yours.
It was then that you took notice of......how warm you were. Not the fuzzy kind either. In fact, you were starting to break out in a light sweat. Balancing your saucer and cup with one hand, you used the other to lightly fan at your face. Looking over, you could see the male was starting to get a bit warm too; a slight sheen of sweat reflecting off the light from the flames of the fireplace. He had to be dying in that turtleneck.
Now that you were looking him up and down.....something wasn’t right here. Something was wrong. Your body was on fire and you itched to touch him; wanting nothing more than to rid him of those ridiculously tight clothes and feel him up. You wanted to know what lay beneath the fabric. Was he truly sculptured like the greek god he was? You looked up and locked eyes with him. He was starting to breathe a bit heavier just as you were; his eyes dark as coal.
“Hades.......what’s in this tea?”
“Does it matter?”
Silence presumed but only for a small second as the two of you played a battle to see who could undress who with their eyes the fastest. And within the following seconds, all hell broke loose.......no pun intended.
“Get over here, flower.”
Sounds of fine china clinking and clattering filled the silence as you both scrambled to put your cups of tea aside, shortbread crumbs went flying and soon enough you were straddling his waist as he sat there in the huge armchair. Lust filled his eyes as he stared into your own darkened orbs.
“Good girl. Now undress me. It’s bloody boiling in here.”
“You’re the one who chose to where a turtleneck in Hell.”
“Pipe it down, woman, and just do as I say.”
Pouting, you nonetheless did as you were told and watched him lift his arms so that you could work on getting the form fitting garment off of him. With the article of clothing now on the floor, you took a moment to feast your eyes on the man in front of you. Wow. Yeah. He was built. Definitely built.
“Don’t get distracted, baby. Keep going.”
Huffing in annoyance at his silly demands, you moved off of him so that you could take care of his belt buckle. Making quick work of it, you soon had him raising his hips so that you could tug down his jeans and boxers all at once. Okay now you were just drooling. It was like standing in a buffet line.
Where did you start? Muscle, there was so much muscle. It was all you could do not to sink your teeth into his bicep or his thigh. His collarbones didn’t look too bad either. Your eyes traveling further down, you appreciated his perfectly toned abs and that v-line. Dear god. With your eye on the prize, you took notice of his erection. He looked absolutely delicious. You could feel yourself salivating and tried to pull yourself together. Noticing his smug smirk, you grumbled,
“Now what?”
“Let me show you.”
Again with the whole magic show. Not before rolling your eyes, you soon watched him raise his hand and with a crisp snap of his fingers, you heard soft rustling sounds behind you. Turning around with knitted eyebrows and a facial expression of curiosity, you were met with a sight that had you raising an eyebrow.
“I think you’re the one who reads cheesy romance novels.”
“You’re such a mood killer, babe. I’m trying to be romantic here.”
In front of the firelit hearth was a sight right out of a romance novel. Pillows stacked upon pillows and cozy cotton sheets all spread out. To the side, there was a small dish of strawberries next to a dish of chocolate sauce. Just as you were about to make another snarky comment, you felt his arms wrap around you in a back hug. A shiver ran down your body when he started kissing at the shell of your ear and whispered,
“I’m trying to be romantic because tonight I’m going to make love to my beautiful bride-to-be. And while I’m showing her just how much I love her.......”
He paused so he could let both his hands fan out across your stomach before finishing in a sultry but loving tone,
“I’m gonna fill her with a baby. Our baby.”
And then it all made sense to you.
“I’m never drinking your baby-making tea again. Tell Theseus to throw that shit out.”
His lips had been busying themselves with planting soft, gentle butterfly kisses to the skin of your neck when you said that. So naturally when he snorted in amusement, it tickled and caused you to giggle and try and squirm away from him. With another kiss to your neck, he chuckled and spoke casually,
“Oh come on. You love my baby-making tea and you know it. Now get your pretty ass out of that dress and lay down for me. And spread those legs nice and wide. I wanna see all of my gorgeous flower.”
Fortunately for him, you were growing just as impatient if not more than he was. With your dress and undergarments off in a flash, you made sure your hips swayed as you walked over to the cozy space in front of the fireplace. Carefully laying down, you took a moment to swipe a strawberry and dipped it in chocolate.
God, Hades was in his own sinful version of Heaven right now. There laid his future wife, his queen, and hopefully after tonight, the mother of his children. Laying there in all her beautiful naked glory sucking purposefully on a chocolate covered strawberry.
“You’re evil, baby girl. Absolutely evil. That’s supposed to be my job.”
“Yeah, well, I’m trying to learn from the best. I figure since I’m going to be queen and all.”
He moved to where he was crouching down and crawling on top of you; his face now nuzzling your bosom. You took a sharp intake of air upon feeling his lips press more of those soft, tender kisses to your heated skin. Lapping at one of your now very perky buds, he made direct eye contact with you before saying against your skin,
“That’s right, baby. You’re going to be my queen who helps me rule this land with an iron fist. Show no mercy.”
And then everything happened so sudden. You let out a small cry of surprise when you watched him wrap his lips around your nipple; sucking slow but rough. Your back arched on it’s own and your head pressed harder into the pillows. It would appear your nipples were a weak spot of yours. Something Hades no doubt took mental note of.
Not wanting the other breast to feel neglected, he used his large, warm hand and started to massage your other mound. In between sucking, licking, and nibbling, he began to talk his praises of what he hoped your future body would look like.
“I can’t wait to see you swollen and full. These babies full of milk for our little monster. You’re going to be positively radiant. Glowing. A sparkling diamond in the deepest, darkest pits of Hell. And you’re all mine. You hear me, beautiful? You’re all mine.”
You had been laying there basking in the pleasure he was bestowing upon you with your body bowing and your hands in his hair trying to push his face further into your chest. You yelped softly in mild pain and surprise when you felt him gently bite down on your nipple and heard him say with a soft growl,
“Say it.”
“I’m all yours!”
“Good girl. Now----Do you need prepped or are you already soaked for me?”
“I’m dripping. Please. No more teasing. You can love me and be all romantic later. I just need you in me now. This heat is killing me.”
Chuckling, he planted a few more kisses to your breasts before reaching up for your face. First he kissed your chin, then along your jawline. Feather-like touches soon moved to your cheeks and the tip of your nose. Upon landing a kiss to your lips, he allowed his forehead to rest against yours before whispering against your lips,
“Oh my beautiful flower......I will never stop loving you. Never.”
That’s when you felt him align himself with your drenched entrance. You were pretty sure things were about to get messy but you couldn’t care less. What you were more focused on was how careful he was being with you. It was as if he were handling glass. Perhaps Hades only weakness.......really was you.
“Tell me if it starts to hurt, okay?”
The softness behind your own voice surprised you. Were you possibly growing soft for this guy? Yeah. Probably. Let’s be honest......he included chocolate sauce. The quickest way to a woman’s heart is chocolate. That’s a given fact of life right there. And so as he slowly started to guide himself past your folds, you wrapped your arms around him and started to plant soft kisses to his face. Chuckling in between his shaky breaths, he said with a smile,
“Aren’t I supposed to be the one comforting you? This is your first time, right? I don’t want to break you, darling.”
“I’m fine, Hades. Just relax. I promise I’ll tell you if it hurts.”
Nodding despite the clouds of uncertainty swirling in his onyx orbs, he continued to move. The both of you gasp when you felt the bulbous tip of his length slide in past your wet folds. You had to admit, he had some weight to him. He was hard as a rock and larger than you initially thought. But you had no doubt that once you got used to the stretch, his girth would feel like sinful bliss.
And yeah. It hurt. It more than hurt. You felt like you were being split in two down there. But with soft words of encouragement from both parties, he was finally able to fill you to the hilt. In fact, another synced gasp filled the space between you when you felt him bottoming out inside you. God it hurt. You tried to fight back the whimpers of pain; not wanting to look like a wimp.
But to your surprise, Hades never once poked fun at you for it. Never once called you a baby or even played a pussy pun. In fact, he was busying himself by peppering your face with more butterfly kisses. His warm hands soothingly rubbing your hips to try and help distract you from the pain. Whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
“You’re doing so good, baby girl. Taking me like a true champion. You were made for me, beautiful. Don’t worry. The pain will soon pass.”
And he was right. About half of that. The pain did eventually subside but it could have happened a lot sooner than it really did. Taking deep breaths to help calm your racing heart, you moved to where your nails were gently digging into the meat of his back and you wrapped your legs around his waist. Breathlessly, you spoke,
“Move. I’m okay. Please move.”
“Okay, my love. It’s okay. Just keep breathing and I promise you it’ll start to feel wonderful. Like nothing you’ve ever experienced before.”
Boy he wasn’t kidding. Sure it felt like hell at first, but soon it started to feel like you couldn’t get enough. Perhaps that’s what this whole thing was about. Finding out that Hell wasn’t such a bad place. That it didn’t have to be Hell at all. Perhaps, maybe, just maybe, there was a little bit of Heaven in Hell too.
“Does this feel good, baby? You feel amazing. So tight and warm around my cock. Taking me like a good girl. Ah---god so tight.”
“Faster! Harder! Please! I want more! I need more!”
You were like a feline in heat. His little sex kitten. Oh how he knew you were made for him in every way. The two of you fitting together like perfect puzzle pieces. Not wanting to deny his queen of her needs, he picked up his pace but he could tell you needed more. Something a little extra. And that was when his hand slithered between your sweaty bodies and found your sensitive bundle of nerves.
“Oh my god! Hades!”
“Yes, beautiful. Keep saying my name. Shout it. Scream it loud enough for the whole castle to hear. Let all of Hell know who’s making you feel this good.”
He could tell you were getting much closer. But he still hadn’t found that special spot he was looking for. If he could just get that perfect angle to where you were seeing stars, then he’d be happy. He knew instantly when he found it, too. You practically cried out in pleasure and your walls tried to squeeze the life out of him; causing him to grunt as he kept hitting that spot over and over.
“That’s it, my flower. Feels good, doesn’t it?”
“Yes! Feels so good! Don’t stop! Please!”
He hissed as he felt your nails dig deeper into his back; now basically clawing at the flesh. That was gonna leave a mark but he honestly couldn’t care less. He wanted you to mark him up. To mark your territory as you deemed fit and he would do the same with you. Leaning down, he started to do exactly that as he turned your neck into a star map.
You were close and so was he. He could tell from the way your walls were starting to spasm around him. Dear god you felt so good around him. If it wasn’t for wanting to wait on you, he’d have came a good few minutes ago. But he was waiting. Because this was about love but it was more than love. He wanted to create a family. Right here, right now.
“Come on, beautiful. Give me a baby. Boy, girl, twins, triplets. Doesn’t matter. I’ll be happy no matter what. Now cum. Cum for me, Persephone.”
Hearing your name and the way he talked about wanting a family with you, it was enough to send you over the edge. And just as Hades had planned and timed it, he breached your womb and made sure to spill every last drop of his load into you. He could only hope for the best. That you both enjoyed yourself and wanted the same things he wanted.
As you both laid there with him still deep inside you, because there was no way he was letting a single drop slip out, you took time to catch your breath. You had never felt anything like this before. He was right. This was definitely a first for you. Then again, you had always been the innocent flower that was supposed to wait till marriage. Finding your dream guy and getting married under the sunset and all that cheesy horse shit.
Guess you must have a thing for bad guys.
“So um.......you want another cup of tea?”
And I knew the grail was poisoned but I drank it anyway
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100storiesin2020 · 4 years
Chapter 6: The First Meeting
Come read on AO3!
Blue anxiously followed Renee into the Foxhole stadium. Renee had come by the Raven boys' dorm at 4:30, offering to ride along to give directions and open up the building for them. She had sat in the backseat with Ronan and Adam, and had surprisingly hit it off with Ronan. Or perhaps it wasn't surprising, with that cross around her neck. Blue was still nervous, though. She was about to meet the whole team of Foxes. These were people that she would be playing with, expected to get along with, spending a lot of time with, perhaps even be friends with.
She hadn't had much practice with friendship yet.
Their footsteps echoed in the empty hallways. Renee was ahead of her, softly speaking with Ronan about local churches. "I know of at least one Catholic church in walking distance, and others in town," she was saying. Behind her Gansey and Adam were bickering about who would buy a toaster for their dorm. They probably didn't realize Ronan would just dream one up for them. Maybe she could talk him into making it orange.
They reached a door, which Renee opened, and the five of them filed in. Everyone else had already arrived. Blue checked her watch to make sure they weren't late, and saw that they were actually five minutes early.
This must be the team lounge, she thought. It wasn't a large room, and the three couches and two chairs made it positively cramped. On the left hand side, Andrew sat next to Neil, the third spot on the couch filled by a dark haired boy who could be no other than Kevin Day. Then there was a chair with Andrew's twin, Aaron. Nicky, Matt, and Dan were sitting on the middle couch. The chair next to them was occupied by a beautiful blond girl who Blue immediately disliked (who needs perfectly curled hair for a sports team meeting?). The third couch was empty.
Gansey immediately strode across the room for Kevin, extending his hand. "Hello! I'm Gansey. You're Kevin Day, right?"
Kevin stood and shook his hand, a perfect plastic smile in place. "That's me. Welcome to the team."
Gansey beamed. "Well thank you! You're a history major, right?"
Kevin kept the plastic composure despite seeming surprised. "Yes, I am."
"Then tell me, Kevin Day. What do you know about Welsh kings?"
Blue rolled her eyes as Kevin Day, Famous Exy Player Extraordinare, launched into a passionate speech about the Celtic countries and languages. Based on the startled looks from most of the other Foxes (Neil and Andrew were unfazed), this wasn't a common occurrence. She noticed Renee giving Matt and Dan a significant look before crossing the room to talk to Andrew. Blue stood there for a moment, unsure what to do with herself, but Ronan had no such inhibitions. He stalked over to the empty couch and sprawled across it like he owned the whole thing.
Adam and Blue smirked at each other before joining Ronan at the couch. Adam pushed Ronan's legs over the side, making room for him to sit. Blue didn't bother. She sat directly on his stomach. This forced a loud grunt out of Ronan before he shoved her off. "Fuck off, maggot." Blue laughed again as Ronan sat up straight, leaving her a proper place on the side of the couch.
As she sat, Nicky grinned at her. "Hi Blue!" he exclaimed. He turned to Adam and Ronan and waggled his eyebrows. "And welcome to the team, hotties!"
Adam, who had been sipping from a water bottle, began to splutter. Ronan thumped him on the back, making everything worse as Adam wheezed and turned red. He finally caught his breath. "Hello to you too..." he trailed off.
"I'm Nicky Hemmick! Sorry to startle you. But you two are both seriously hot."
"I'm going to tell Erik you're flirting again," Aaron warned.
Nicky waved him off. "He knows I love him. Anyway, I'm a backliner and the resident gay icon. Who are you guys?"
Adam and Ronan looked at each other for a quick moment, having one of those exchanges that Blue still didn't know how to read. Adam turned to Nicky first while Ronan glowered. "I'm Adam Parrish, offensive dealer."
"Ronan Lynch, goalie."
Nicky whistled. "You look like you eat babies for breakfast, man."
Blue snorted. "You should see him with his pet raven on his shoulder. It really completes the aesthetic."
This drew the attention of everyone besides Kevin and Gansey, who were still avidly discussing history. "A pet raven, huh?" asked Dan.
Ronan didn't respond. He gave Nicky one of his unsettling, menacing grins. "I don't generally eat babies for breakfast, but one of these days I may make an exception." He leaned forward, making an obvious threat.
Nicky looked terrified. "Oh, okay, cool cool, okay, nice to meet you, I think I'll let these guys introduce themselves." Nicky turned and tried to insert himself into the history conversation, which clearly went over his head. Blue laughed.
"If you find Nicky amusing, then maybe your sense of humor is better than your fashion sense," said the tall blond.
"Excuse me?" asked Blue. "Do you have a problem with my clothes, princess?"
"Well, yeah. You look like a rainbow vomited all over you, and not the way that Nicky usually does."
Blue spluttered. "Just because I don't buy into the patriarchy's dictation of how I should present myself -" she began heatedly, but she was cut off when Ronan stomped on her foot and Renee plopped in to Allison's lap.
"Blue, this is my girlfriend, Allison." Renee gave Allison a soft, but disappointed, look. "She is one of our roommates and I am hoping that you two will get along."
Blue glared at Allison, and if looks could kill they would both be dead. Renee cleared her throat. Allison sighed, seemingly quelled for now, and moved on to the next person on the bench. "So how about you, scary boy? Lynch, was it? You sure have a menacing grin."
Ronan gave her one of those grins. "Is that right?"
"Yeah. It's even creepier than Andrew's lack of emotion, which is saying something."
He scanned the other seats. "We're referring to the midget with the arm bands?" he drawled. Andrew looked back with apparent unfeeling, but Blue wasn't fooled. He'd been watching them this whole time so far, categorizing every move they made, probably weighing them to figure out how much of a threat they may be. She wondered if he thought Ronan was more dangerous than her, or less so.
Blue snorted. "You should know. Hasn't Gansey read you all his notes yet?"
"What notes?" Dan asked.
"Gansey really likes to make detailed notebooks," Adam said.
"He's a major nerd who likes to research anything important to him," Blue added. "You should see the journal. It's a work of art."
"Hey, Dick!" Ronan called, making Gansey wince a bit. "Where's the notebook?"
"Oh, I've got it right here," Gansey said, pulling it out of his backpack. He always carried a backpack these days. He handed the notebook to Ronan, who passed it to Blue, who passed it to Dan.
Dan opened it up and flipped gently through the pages. She turned so that Renee and Allison could see without moving, and Nicky and Matt peered over her shoulder. "You weren't kidding," she said. "This has our heights, our majors, our particular strengths on the court." Andrew stood up from his couch and came behind them as she continued to turn the pages. "Look, it's got newspaper clippings. He's highlighted some comments. Oh, this is the time Neil roasted that reporter."
"Interesting," Andrew drawled, startling everybody on the couch. "Your stalker binder wasn't nearly this pretty, Neil."
Neil laughed and came over to see. "It wasn't intended to be pretty."
Kevin and Gansey finally wandered over, and Dan handed the journal to Kevin. Kevin flipped to the section on himself, of course. Blue knew that it contained official stats, details of the chess piece tattoo, evidence for Kevin's implication that Riko Moriyama broke his hand, and Gansey's own observations of Kevin's playing style. "It says here," Kevin said, "that you think I'm too predictable with my shots."
"I did the math. You aim for the same place about 75% of the time. It's always-"
"The top right corner," Andrew finished, drawing looks from everyone in the room. Neil grinned. Andrew returned Kevin's searching gaze until the taller boy backed down.
"Well, if two of you say that, it must be accurate," Kevin muttered. He turned back to Gansey. "What other observations have you made?"
The team collectively groaned, but Kevin was fortunately silenced by the timely arrival of Wymack. "Nice to see you all again. Anybody dead yet?" He looked around the room and eyed Andrew a bit. "Have a seat, everyone." Everyone resumed their former seats. Blue shoved Gansey onto the couch and sat on his lap, turning sideways to put her feet up on Ronan's lap. He promptly pushed her feet onto the floor again. "Alright, let's keep it this way. Foxes, this is Adam Parrish, Ronan Lynch, Blue Sargent, and Richard Gansey the Third."
"Just Gansey, please."
"Just Gansey it is. Did y'all introduce yourselves?" The team gave a chorus of yes, coach. "You all know how the schedule works, and there are no surprises this year. We have practices at 8 am for the next few weeks before school starts. Any more questions? No? Good. You know the drill: physicals and paperwork tonight, practice tomorrow morning." He handed a stack of papers to Dan, who proceeded to pass them out. "Practice tomorrow is at the gym. Do not come here, go to the gym. If you miss practice because you came here, I will kick your ass into next week. That includes you, Freshmen."
The door opened and a very nice looking woman entered. "I see you all survived the summer." She smiled at Blue. "I'm Abby, the team nurse."
"She will be doing the physicals tonight," Wymack said. "You four freshmen are new, so you're up first." He addressed the whole room again. "Don't leave without seeing Abby tonight or you will not get to play this season. Does everyone understand?" He was answered with a chorus of yes, coach. "Good. Who is first?"
Blue got up, since she was on top of Gansey anyway. "I'll be first. Adam, don't let Lynch here pick any fights."
"Shut up, maggot," he replied as she slammed the door behind her and followed Abby down the hall.
Once the freshmen had done their physicals and left for Fox Tower, Nicky turned the conversation to the new people. "So," he began, leaning back on the couch, "Who wants to bet that Adam kid is gay?"
"No way," Allison said. "He was totally checking me out. My money is on straight."
"He could be bi," Renee offered.
"I'll take those odds," Nicky said. "Also, I want to bet that the girl and the history boy are dating."
"Bet pool is closed," Dan said. "Blue already confirmed they are."
"Pity," Allison said. "He's cute." Renee raised an eyebrow. "Hey, I was just looking."
Aaron groaned. "At least I'm not the only straight person on this team anymore."
"What am I, chopped liver?" Dan joked. Aaron rolled his eyes to the sound of laughter from around the room.
"Twenty bucks that Lynch is gay," Andrew said suddenly. Renee matched it, and then others took sides on the pot.
"Time for the big question," Matt said. "How long do we think it will take any of them to figure out Andrew and Neil?"
Bets flew in from around the room. "All year!" (Nicky) "3 months!" (Allison and Kevin) "Christmas!" (Dan) "Spring break!" (Matt and Aaron)
"Two weeks or less," Renee said, smiling sweetly.
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whirlybirbs · 5 years
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summary: the van der linde gang aims to beat the o’driscolls to the punch in kidnapping the bride-to-be of a railroad magnate named waylon robbins. for miss turner, this is quickly becoming the worst day of her life... cue a botched kidnapping and symbolism abound. arthur called it, really. word count: 3.4k pairing: high honor!arthur morgan x female!reader, turner as a placeholder last-name. listen to: “kicks” by barn courtney a/n: i told you my one goal was to make you all fall in love with with arthur, so uhhhhhhh buckle the fuck up folks
It sounds so damn simple when said aloud.
... All of Dutch van der Linde’s plans usually do.
Arthur Morgan, though, a man built on loyalty and fiercely so, would never openly admit he hates how easily the aging leader of the Van Der Linde gang can string him and the others along with the promise of success and cash. Swindling -- it’s like second nature to Dutch; he’s slippery and well-spoken and charming and cunning more than anything else in this world.
He’ll be a snake in the next life, Hosea used to say with wisdom and wit, Just you see.
There’s something respectable about it, though -- Arthur is aware he himself is far too easy to read to be some gallivanting gang leader destined to bring his people promises of fortune and health and all things good. He’s always been like that. His intentions show on his face. In moments like these, Arthur needs not to say a thing. Instead, his hesitation shines through in a scowl, his disposition morphed into something unimpressed and skeptical.
Hosea can’t help but hide a smile into his cup of coffee. The boy he’d nearly nursed is a man now -- through and through -- but still holds a youthful sort of ruggedness to him at times. Arthur is pouting. Plainly put.
“Kidnapping,” Arthur says again, sounding it out and not liking the taste it leaves in his mouth, “I dunno, Dutch...”
“Mr. Morgan,” it’s Karen who speaks then, looming over Arthur’s shoulder and pointing out the skepticism in question, “All I’ve been hearin’ is chatter about the O’Driscolls --”
Her voice is eager. Ever an excitable woman.
“And wouldn’t it be nice to beat Colm to the punch?” cracks Micah, as if he’s some kind of puppet for Dutch.
Kiss ass.
The rickety wooden table in the center of van der Linde’s camp has gathered nearly everyone -- save for Abigail and little Jack -- and Arthur is suddenly very aware of the eyes glued to him.
The outlaw crosses his arms, pushing a hand along his jaw. A low rumble works itself from his throat.
“So, what? We kidnap some girl for money,” Arthur drawls on, sounding out the plan, “Ransom her off, expectin’ th’ law, who, mind you is still diggin’ through the hills of West Elizabeth lookin’ for us, to ignore it? We’re still getting our footing here an’ --”
“And cash would help,” says Dutch, “I understand your hesitation, my friend, but --”
“But, Arthur has a point,” Hosea, ever the voice of reason, musters, “This is going to garner attention.”
“Who is this lady anyway?”
It’s Mary-Beth who steps up, now, hands clasped tightly around her journal. “She’s the daughter of a lawyer from Point Pleasant, a town out West. Turner is the family name -- rumors been spreadin’ like wildfire that she’s due to marry some railroad magnate named Waylon Robbins.”
“Right,” Arthur scoffs with a bitterness everyone knows well, “A friend a’ Leviticus Cornwall, no doubt.”
“Brother-in-law, actually.”
“Yer kiddin’.”
“Not at all,” Mary-Beth insists, “Meaning there’s a lot of money here, Mr. Morgan, and that is why the O’Driscolls want to make the first move.”
“How’d y’ hear about this again?” Arthur leans back in his chair, knuckles drumming on the table before he waves and bites in with a questioning tone, “Can we confirm any of it?”
“Sure can,” John says, “Charles and I scouted out the area the girls heard them talkin’ about -- the O’Driscolls have set up camp there, no doubt ready to choke the carriages off when they hit the pass.”
Arthur spares Charles a look. He trusts him more than Morstan. Charles nods. Clapping Arthur’s shoulder.
“This could be good, Arthur.”
“... Seems like y’all have all made yer minds up, then.”
“We just need our best man, Arthur.”
That’s a plea if he’s ever heard one. Dutch is leaned forward now, hands on the table and eyes set on his left-hand man. Hosea, to the right, is quiet, watching as the blonde outlaw exhales.
Then, he sips his coffee.
After a moment of silence and weighing the odds, Arthur Morgan shrugs.
“Kidnapping, then.”
A chorus of woops circles the table.
The ride is miserable.
That’s really the only way you can describe it -- I mean, there you are, sweating bullets across from your bitter mother and bitter father and your less-than-amused younger sister. Jenny, though, spares you a single look and, from your left, nudges your elbow and offers you her fan.
You gratefully accept it. You feel like you could throw up.
Fwip, fwip, fwip.
You’re weighed down by the intricate gown your mother had insisted upon for this morning’s failure of a breakfast -- your hair had been done up an intricate plaits, pinned with pearls and the promise of marriage. The corset around your waist is awfully tight, maybe too tight, and your find yourself wishing you could just rip the plooms of fabric around your shoulders off. The high neckline might paint you all sorts of sophistication, but right now, it just makes you want to scream.
What you’d give to be back home, back at your desk. A good book would take the edge off.
Cue another miserable pass of more silence.
The carriage rocks and you hold your breath, trying desperately to stop the whole world from spinning. You’re tied between tunnel vision and hurling when your mother catches your eye.
Fwip, fwip, fwip, a bit more furiously now.
“ -- You surely can’t be serious.”
“Of course I’m serious,” you bite back with a woozy look, “I won’t --”
You father doesn’t even look at you.
Miserable. Absolutely miserable.
And that’s when the yelling starts.
Overhead, a hawk cries.
The sand dances with mirages in the valley.
The carriage, a deep plum and with windows blocked by plush curtains, rocks along.
From his spot on the grassy overlook, Arthur drops his binoculars back into his sacel and pushes himself up into a squat. He taps Charles shoulder, beckoning to John. The both blink up at him, squinting into the sun.
Christ, it’s hot.
“Tha’s our lucky carriage,” he says, “Both of you, on me. We’re gunna run ‘em West of th’ gorge, Dutch an’ Micah an’ Hosea will choke ‘em off on th’ other side of th’ pass. Don’t wanna get the attention of the O’Driscolls now.”
The mid-day sun is beating on Arthur’s back when he beats into the stirrups and kicks his stead into a sprint -- the formation is lead by the blonde outlaw, quick to wind through the mountain pass. Bandanas and sleeves are pulled up, faces masked under the black material and brim of hats.
It’s something mighty terrible -- they are, all of them, outlaws and criminals and wanted men in this moment -- the sight of the them, holstered up and with fire in their eyes, might be enough to scare off even the most daring of lawmen. Arthur, in the heat of moments like these, is proud to be in thick with the thieves.
This feeling? It’s unstoppable.
And so, in a storm of dust and vicious jeers, the van der Linde gang descends upon the Turner family’s carriage.
“What in the fresh hell --”
A bullet tears through the middle of the carriage.
In one side, out the other. Straight between you and your father.
Symbolism is one hell of a thing, isn’t it?
You and your sister blink at it.
The furious fwip, fwip, fwip-ing of your fan stops and suddenly, the carriage kicks forward in a panicked sprint. You yelp, gripping Jenny tight as your mother flies into your lap with a screech. As if the jarring movements of the carriage hadn’t already been horrid, now it’s worse -- the yell of the driver rattles through the cabin.
“We’ve got a problem, Mr. Turner!”
You move, peeling aside the velvet curtains -- up along the ridge are three men on horses, pounding into the sand; the sight, if it wasn’t so real, could be considered awesome like something out of a story-book. Your jaw falls slack. Their faces are hidden beneath bandanas, guns gripped tight in one hand and reigns in the other.
Their whoops echo off the canyon walls.
“You’ve got to be kidding.”
This is, officially, the worst day of your life.
Suddenly, your view is blocked by the dark side of a horse pulling up along the carriage -- you’re offered a single, humorous tip of a hat by the man in question, striking blue eyes pulled into a wildly devilish look. He spurs his horse on, moving to press himself up onto his saddle. His boots, polished jet-black with golden spurs, glint in the light.
And he jumps.
Arthur lands atop the carriage with a heavy thud, ribs screaming in protest. He’s sweatin’ like a pig now, gloved hand moving to grasp at his hat as he gets his footing. He pushes on, leaning as he digs his fists into the driver’s shoulders of his dress shirt.
“Sorry, pal.”
The carriage rocks and you blanch as the driver -- a kind man by the name of Thomas -- flies by your window with a horrible scream. You fly forward as the carriage is stopped dead in the middle of the canyon pass.
The carriage skids, tipping violently back and forth as it settle in the dirt. The dust kicked up around the carriage begins to settle as you realize you’re stopped in a standstill. 
There’s another cry of a hawk above.
This is an awfully well curated robbery, you think. The high, rocky walls of the gorge are blocking the carriage in and the circling of the highwaymen atop their horses becomes ever present.
Along with the laughter.
The outlaws are laughing.
Inside, the carriage is silent.
Jenny grips your hand.
“John,” it’s your mother, clinging to your father with a whisper, “What do we do?”
“We reason with them --”
You spare a look at your father, then, and his usual coolness is back -- his aging face is set with an angry sort of determination that is swiftly cut down when the door to the carriage is yanked open.
If this wasn’t life or death, maybe you would have gotten more satisfaction out of it.
“Hiya, folks.”
The gun pressed to the temple of your father riles a scream out of your mother. You and Jenny keep quiet, lips sealed tight, and you watch as the men seem to double in numbers -- suddenly, there’s three hauling your family from the carriage. You watch as Jenny is passed into a rough grip, one man helps her down and another trains his hands on her waist.
Stepping into the sun, you blink rather incredulously, at the act.
Irritation, born out of the heat and torture of the morning boils over.
When you emerge, struck square in the face by the heat of the summer sun, the gang falls into silence for a breaking moment, all eyes landing on you as you stand in the doorway of the carriage.
You’re certainly something -- a high-class girl poised in a dress worth more than him, he reasons. Your hair, swept into an intricate style, screams Paris couture and Arthur realizes that all the rumors the girls had overheard about you must be true. You look like you sleep on a mattress full of money.
Arthur shares a look of approval with Dutch.
This might actually work, this whole kidnapping thing.
“And you must be th’ Miss Turner we’ve all heard so much about.”
It’s a low drawl.
Arthur, sweeps his hat from his head, dropping into a rather mocking bow as you recognize him as the one who’d kindly chucked Thomas off the canyon five hundred feet back.
He’s something scary -- all muscle and broad shoulders and guns strapped to his hips and thigh. His eyes are wild with something you can’t pin down. You’re nearly sure you see a smirk behind his black bandana; the creeping tan along his arms calls to man who spends his afternoons running from lawmen. His hair is like gold, messed from the afternoon ride and lawless activities.
You decide, in that moment, you don’t like him.
From the bottom step of the carriage, he offers a hand.
You swat it away on instinct.
The look on your face is one of fire and determination.
You snap. “I can manage fine, thank you.”
That riles sudden laughter out of the gang. The one with the blue eyes gives a deep laugh then, his hat pressed to his abdomen as he does. He swipes at sweat along his brow, dropping a hand to his belt as he eyes you critically.
“And an attitude t’ boot!”
Anger flares in your chest, face twisted into a horribly mean look. You help yourself down on shaking knees. Your heels hit the hot dirt and you stumble; the summer heat of West Elizabeth is like a punch in the gut. Jenny is quick to glue herself to your side, fisting your dresses sleeves in a tight grip. You glance to the back of the carriage, watching as two other men begin to off load trunks of belongings onto their horses. You spot yours, a small black one, throw among their stash.
“Awfully kind a’ you folks t’ stop fer us,” says another highwayman now, “Now, if you’d --”
“If you’re smart,” bites your father, “You’ll let us go. I have money, I can write a check --”
“That,” the one with the blue eyes says as he raises a finger, “We know --”
“Then let us go!” cries your mother, “We’ll give you all we have and go on our way --”
“Betsy --”
“Shut up, John --!”
Suddenly, another gunshot. Everyone jumps as the sound ricochets around the red canyon.
It kicks dust between you and the blue-eyed outlaw.
Symbolism. What a thing.
This was supposed to be simple.
This is not simple.
The gang scatters on instinct, running like ants under a boot at the sudden appearance of at least ten O’Driscolls on the canyon’s ledge -- beneath the iron sights of their rifles, the gang is exposed and so is their damn loot; Arthur calls out to Charles and John quickly, fingers drawn between his lips as he whistles for his horse.
“Grab th’ girl!” he cries, “Grab ‘er an’ get outta here!”
He didn’t specify which girl.
Arthur, really, didn’t think he’d need to.
But, when the boys pull Jenny from you and throw her on the back of Charles’ horse, you’re left pinned to the back side of the carriage as bullets swiss in and out of the wood. Arthur’s eyes are pulled wide as he realizes you’re the one they needed -- he skids to the dirt at your feet, hand wrapping tight around your wrist as he pulls you towards his horse.
“Time t’ go, lady!”
“Let go of me!”
“Will you stop --!”
You land a good punch on his arm, kicking as he drags you up with a huff and pins you in-front of him on the saddle -- his horse bucks with an angry whinny and bucks. You pale, motion sickness roaring back up like a tide as you become a bit more passive.
Arthur calls out to Dutch and the others over his shoulder:
“Get the goods out of here -- we gotta go!”
Your eyes widen as horses begin to pour into the canyon behind you. You shriek as a bullet whizzes by your head and you swear you could feel the air on it. Your hands fist the saddle, voice pulling a startled yell from your throat as the outlaw kicks his golden spurs into the belly of the beast underneath you and sends you both flying into a sprint. Your back hits his chest, hair flying wildly.
Arthur sputters, spitting hair out of his mouth. He pulls a face before calling out.
“C’mon, boy! Hiya!”
The pace is grueling, fueled by the hot iron on their heels. Bullets are whizzing by left and right, the clobber of hooves filling your ears. You can feel him, the blue-eyed man, hunching over you, trying his best to protect you from the firefight. He snaps the reigns with a flick of his wrist, pulling his bandana down so he can breathe. He turns, looking back to check his six, losing his hat in the process.
The first time you ever get a good look at Arthur Morgan, he’s cursing like a sailor, sweating like a pig and running for his life.
As far as first impressions go, this is just about right.
The sudden change in sound of his horses hooves catches your attention and you blink down, noticing the change in terrain -- it’s a hollow sound.
You’re on railroad tracks.
You realize, suddenly, the outlaw is trying to make a pass, to hike up and around the bridge the other gang is trying to choke him off at -- but, when he hits the trail, Arthur tugs fast the other way. He can see O’Driscolls are lining the ridge to the South, towards camp, and the split decision in direction sends you both and his horse careening across a narrow bridge.
You blink down.
KAPLUNKKAPLUNKKAPLUNKKAPLUNK. The sound of the hooves on the bridge is panic inducing.
Twenty feet down, the Dakota river rushes by.
A bullet kicks wood splinter up ahead of you.
“What the hell are you doing?!” you scream in a rush over the wind, fingers gripping the saddle, “You’re going to kill us both!”
“Will you shut up?!”
Don’t remind me.
Down the valley, there’s at least fifteen men on horses following you, their rides splashing through a shallow end of the river as they cross fifty feet up the hill -- to your right, it’s the same; you’d be thankful if they were lawmen, but you have an inkling of a feeling these O’Driscoll boys are out to get the same thing as the man behind you on the saddle.
The bridge, though? Well, it’s a clear shot -- no winding trails and hills -- and as Arthur begins to pull ahead, begins to think this just might work...
The blaring horn of a train hits his ears as it exits the tunnel up ahead.
Your eyes widen.
His horse comes to a painfully sharp stop and you fly forward; the horse gives a horrible cry as it realizes the impending danger just as you both do.
“There’s -- oh no, no, no--”
“Yeah, I see it, damn it--”
“Train, train!”
Arthur turns back then, yanking the reigns in a panic and trying to speed his horse up, but -- there’s no way. Not with that 1,500 ton, coal swallowing, iron giant barreling towards them. Not with you and him both on the back of it. Arthur curses, eyes moving to the edge of the bridge as they ride at a breaking pace.
The river below is deep there. The water is dark blue, glittering in the high afternoon sun.
His eyes are wild, blinking back at the train over his shoulder.
“... Son of a bitch,” he grumbles, coming to the realization that this is going to have to happen.
Suddenly, he pulls back on the reigns, They stop. He swings his legs over the edge of his horse.
“What are you doing?!” you shriek again, kicking his hands away, clawing at the reigns.
“Nice day fer a swim, don’t you think --”
“What -- get off --!”
The horn blares, louder this time, and the chug of wheels rattle the bridge. You both turn to look, eyes pulled into panic. Arthur’s grip on your waist is tight, hauling you over his shoulder as he slaps the back of his horse, sending it off in a blink. You screech, clawing at his back as the train gets closer and closer and the bridge is shaking and the horn rattles your chest and it’s getting closer and closer and closer --
And the last thing you see is the blue-eyed outlaw’s apologetic look as he hauls you and then himself off the bridge at Fool’s Pass.
-- CHOOOOoooooo!
It’s always simpler said aloud.
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