#starwars wlw
sithlordsae · 7 months
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captain phasma...
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aurora-starwars · 9 months
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Pairing: Padawan!Ahsoka x Padawan!fem!reader
Summary: Reader meditates with a frustrated Ahsoka and helps her connect with the Force again
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: idk, fluff? Jedi? Clone wars, but not really?
A/n: Heyyyyy! <3333 I just want y’all to know I love Ahsoka. Here is a fic about my literal wife during the clone wars. Hope you enjoy!
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The vast halls were relatively quiet for this hour. [Name] walked down the long pillared corridors of the Jedi temple in need of peace.
Peace from the war around her, peace from the people, and most importantly, peace from her thoughts.
There were maybe two people in the hall with her, but they were quite a while away and she couldn’t really hear them. Her footsteps felt heavy as she seemed to all but shuffle as she moved. It was late afternoon, many would have left for the mess hall by now, [Name] could feel the effects of not heading straight to eat and it was causing her to drag her feet.
This was not very Jedi like of her, something she is all too aware of. She was used to holding herself a certain way but at this moment, she couldn’t be bothered to care. All she seemed to care about was her destination. The clicking of her heals in her boots felt loud in the echo of the vast halls, it made [Name] feel small.
Racing thoughts seemed to keep her head occupied, almost so much so that she almost missed the door she meant to enter. As she moved to stand in front of the door, it slid open with ease, revealing a crossed legged Ahsoka sitting on a soft seat in the middle of the dark room.
Taking a step in, [Name] was made aware of the dim lights rimming the room as the door closed behind her. They were bright enough that [Name] could still see Ahsoka’s face, but still dark enough to not be off putting.
Her face was tranquil, calm, and completely neutral; a clear sign of her deep meditation. Her shoulders were relaxed and for once she didn’t look like the weight of the galaxy was on her shoulders. Despite her mostly neutral appearance, [Name] clocked Ahsoka’s recognition of her arrival in the Force. It felt almost… relieved.
“I thought you might be in here,” [Name]’s voice rang out, taking a step closer.
A smile grew on Ahsoka’s face, her eyes still closed from her meditative state.
“You always did know me the best,” Ahsoka said smiling.
Ahsoka heard sounds of rustling as [Name] took a seat in the plush stool across from her. [Name] took a deep breath in as she crossed her legs in front of her. The breath came easily, like she had been holding her breath for a number of hours.
Closing her eyes, [Name] released herself into the force, finding the embrace the Force gave her refreshing. The Force seemed to rid her of her fears and suffering, the anxieties in her mind dissolved, leaving only peace as she reached deeper. [Name]’s strong emotions were no match to her connection to the force.
A couple of moments later, after [Name] had relinquished the power of the thoughts in her mind, she turned her attention to the other Force being in the room.
Ahsoka’s Force presence was like none other, taking all of [Name]’s attention all at once. Ahsoka had seemed to have always been in her life and thus, her presence was all too familiar. Since she arrived at the temple all those years ago, [Name] seemed inseparable with Ahsoka.
That familiarity of Ahsoka’s presence brought peace to [Name] that only the Force could rival. And it was days like this, sat comfortably in each other’s presence, that [Name] thought that Ahsoka felt the same way.
All at once, [Name] was met with the understanding of all of Ahsoka’s strong thoughts and emotions. Ahsoka had come into that room hoping to find peace, and while [Name] had quickly come to that peace, Ahsoka was having a harder time succumbing to the Force and letting go of her emotions.
Although in deep meditation, Ahsoka’s feelings were easy to read, and it was clear to [Name] that Ahsoka was also not trying to hide her feelings from her. Opening her eyes for a moment, [Name] looked at Ahsoka in her deep meditative state again. She was still as relaxed in the shoulders—an important part of a good meditation—but the neutrality in her face was replaced with a subtle furrow in her brow and a slight pout that [Name] could only smirk softly at.
Taking another deep breath, [Name] closed her eyes again, letting the Force guide her. Her attention was once again focused on Ahsoka’s frustrated Force presence. She tried to reach out with her mind, with the Force, to try and ease some of Ahsoka’s tension.
Ahsoka’s mind was racing and as hard as she tried to get it to quiet, the thoughts just kept getting louder. Trying to push the thoughts away seemed to have the opposite effect and her frustration over was not helping.
Despite the distance between the two seated padawans, [Name] felt as if she was surrounded by Ahsoka. [Name] took another deep breath before extending her own force presence to gently nudge Ahsoka.
Ahsoka in her deep meditation instantly felt the presence of [Name] and the reminder that she was still there. That she was not alone.
‘Let go’
A little voice in her head seemed to say. Ahsoka couldn’t tell if that was [Name]’s voice or just one of the Force, but either way she took the advice.
Taking a deep breath, Ahsoka dropped her shoulders in a great exhale. Her body seemed to still from the inside and she felt the full weight of the Force surrounding her, penetrating her and binding her together. Her mind was silenced and she was completely connected to the Force once again.
She felt like she was more than her body, that—even with her eyes closed—she could see everything that was in the room; feel it too. She was totally in tune, something that she had been needing for a matter of days now. She felt Peaceful.
After some much needed connection with the Force, Ahsoka found herself coming out of her meditation. Opening her eyes, she found [Name] smiling at her already in the dim lighting.
“Thank you,” Was all Ahsoka could manage as she was caught in [Name]’s eyes.
“Anything for you,” The affection in her tone was evident, but went unsaid as it usually does with the two. “Come on, we have to get to the mess hall.”
Ahsoka smiled fondly before nodding. If they stay there any longer, their master’s would come looking for them, and they didn’t need that. So they ran off to dinner, looking at on each other every now and again. Because although they can sense each other in the Force, sometimes just seeing the other there is just as comforting.
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A/n: Thank you so much for reading! I am trying to get requests out, don’t worry! <3333
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loyalshrimpfan · 7 months
Hey! Looking for a MxF or WLW roleplay! I only play female I don’t play male 🩷🩷
I’m very active and will respond all day but I understand that not everyone can do that so I just ask for someone who can communicate with me well! 🩷🩷
I do 1-2 paragraphs depending on the context and topic we’re doing
Greys Anatomy!(would love to do this)
Harry Potter
The boys
Oceans 8
Queen Bee(I’ll love you forever if you know this)
Game of thrones
Stranger things
I don’t double up!
All characters plus 18
Message me if interested 🩷🩷
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sappho-ism · 2 years
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How am I meant to stay on the light side when my oc, Maxine, from the Star Wars AU I made from my WIP makes the dark side look so fucking good?? (She’s an inquisitor and is also known as the Eleventh Sister)
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dreamyunicorngirl · 1 year
Okay does anyone ship Cara dune and Leia Organa cause I just had this revelation and I neededddd this to be a thing
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tremendouskoalachild · 8 months
Mralisola recruitment post
(no spoilers beyong the basic setup)
What is Mralisola?
Mralisola is the ship name for Zeen Mrala and Lula Talisola, major characters in the first phase of the Star Wars: The High Republic publishing initiative – specifically the works of one of its story architects, Daniel José Older. These include especially the comic line The High Republic Adventures (2021), some of its one-shot issues, and the young adult novel Midnight Horizon, as well as appearances in the manga The Edge of Balance and the middle grade novel Race to Crashpoint Tower. Phase Three of THR is starting this Fall, with the first issue of the comic's 2023 run releasing in December.
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Who are Zeen and Lula?
Two Force-sensitive teenage girls who have a huge impact on each other’s lives. Lula is one of a group of young Jedi who come to help Zeen’s community during a disaster. Zeen has been raised to shun and hide her Force-sensitivity but is forced (heh) to reveal it in a moment of crisis. Being outcast from the commune that raised her, she joins the Jedi kids and becomes their close friend and ally, though she doesn’t join the Order herself.
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Where does the shipping come in?
The girls are strongly paralleled from their very introduction and click immediately upon meeting. While the Padawan squad are all good friends, Zeen and Lula are especially close and are almost always seen together. Their growing feelings for each other are hinted at many times throughout the comic and acknowledged in their inner monologues.
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Will the ship become canon?
It will be the star wars queerbait if not. Seriously.
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But canon gays? In my Star Wars?
It’s more likely than you think! Look at this excellent guide to canon wlw by @chipthekeeper or the lineup of the ongoing @queer-starwars-bracket, which featured both of our girls. The High Republic is probably the most queer-friendly part of the franchise.
Yeah but. Lula is a Jedi. How does that work?
Non-spoilery answer is that there is definitely precedent for her situation in THR media and it will be interesting to see the characters grapple with it. The High Republic has many things to say about the Jedi Order and its view on relationships, and I believe Zeen and Lula are a major part of that theme, whichever way their story resolves.
Gimme some more reasons to get invested.
Girl friends to girlfriends. Complementary blue/pink color palette. The conflict of love and duty. Battle couple. Meditation couple (is that a thing? it should be). The theme of living as your true self in a loving found family. Pining. Helping your gf deal with the demons of her past. Teen sapphics, in Star Wars.
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Okay, you got me! What do I need to read?
Definitely The High Republic Adventures 2021 (13 comic issues). If you get really into the setting you will probably enjoy the whole High Republic series, which has plenty of reading orders but is perfectly safe in publication order, such as on wookieepedia here.
While there are many crossovers between storylines, Daniel José Older's characters are almost completely contained to his own works, so for a mralisola-only reading spree you can just go through the list of Phase I picking out his works. (The comic miniseries Trail of Shadows and the manga volumes are skippable in that case, though you'll miss a cameo in the second manga volume.)
Whatever books and comics you end up reading, don't skip the Midnight Horizon novel, and read Starlight Coda (contained in Free Comic Book Day 2023, and included in the Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures — The Complete Phase 1 trade paperback) at the very end.
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The Galaxy Guide to Loving girls presents: NSFW SPECIAL 10 places to have some Outdoor fun with your GF
Hello there ladies! Today we bring yet another naughasdty article for all of you who enjoyed the last ones. While being in a cozy bed cuddling with your girlfriend is all nice and amazing, there is a certain something when you are taking a risk on some odd places. To have her have her way with you on public is a common fantasy amongst many of us and as so i bring 10 places for you to have your fun without getting caught to easily
Kaas City Cantinas
Well ladies. Some of you might be a bit confused here. But let me assure you that Kaas City had gotten a lot better in the past few years. Most of the murders and explosions are on the high grounds and the temples so there’s barely any danger around regular people. As for the cantina, Kaas City is the most liberal place when it comes to having fun. Unless you are holding hands in public (which is totally lewd and even the mightiest sith get all embarrassed and blush if you hold her hand) most people don’t have a problem with some PDA today. So take your blackest robes (seriously you want to pass as a sith to avoid problems) get into the second floor of any cantina and make sure your girl can keep quiet. Or that you can!
Naboo Markets
Let’s make a 180 here. From the scary and cold Kaas let’s switch to the heavenly beaches of Naboo! The markets of Theed city are A-MA-ZING. You will find tons of happy people having the time of their lives as they shop from the thousands of little shops on the street. Which is basically the perfect opportunity to get on a sun dress and let your GF feel you up all the way. Crowds are really nice specially in the morning and is nothing most Naboo girls aren’t doing everyday already. So be confident and have a great time!
Fleet VIP
Listen. We know this might be out of the wallet of some of you. But it has to be said. The fancy VIP zones from both the republic and Imperial fleets are amazing. The lights are a bit dimmed. There’s chill mlive music. Lots of people just want to get on with their own business. And if you are there there is almost 0 chance someone is going to mess with you. So take a sit in a dark corner and have some droid get you food from the cantina.
Alderaan Parties
Alderaan is one of the jewels of the core worlds. With easy access to keep the economy going, plenty of parties to keep the novels happy and some of the prettiest plazas and palaces of the galaxy, this planet is a safe haven for those who want to relax and enjoy some time off. Today is not that hard to get invited into a party in Alderaan. Just make sure that it is clear that you are bringing your girlfriend there and if you are or not open to more people joining in. As for the party itself, expect a lot of drinking, lots of people and very few lights. Just find a corner or a nice table where you can sit and have some fun.
With the current situation on Corellia, much of the planet is focused on rebuilding itself. Being in the Core worlds,  most of the infrastructure is already repaired, but most camera and surveillance isn’t. This means that any corner is good to go! Corellia is a nice and clean planet and even the dark alleyways are all clean. The streets are also wide and with tons of noise, so you get to moan as hard as you want. Trust me in this. I scream :3
Mandalore’s Plazas
Now. Hear me out. Most mandalorians are too busy fighting, celebrating a victory or training to be in the plaza. The rest of the civilians left on the planet are just like us. Horny girls that get to watch beefy women training and sweating from their windows. With that said, the plazas of the planet are huge. They have forested parks in them and are a nice distance away from the main streets, which means, you guessed it. You get to have some fun outdoors without much risk at getting caught. And even if you do, Mando chicks know very well that it is some real fun to be outdoors so they won’t interrupt you.
Republic fleet 12th floor
The Republic Spaceport is one of the most amazing places in the galaxy. There are floors for the heroes of the republic, small chambers for military and jedi organizations. But below the main deck, the fleet belongs to the civilians. Hundreds if not thousands of shops are here, and the lower you get the more dark corners you can find. The 12th floor of the fleet is reserved for more fancy shops so there are a bit less people going around. And most of them are inside the shops themselves leaving the hallways and every corner to be used by anyone. Just make sure to check twice inside corners and dressing rooms. This floor is really famous around those who enjoy outdoors action
Library at the jedi temple
Now we have one of our 3 special locations! Thanks to our sources, we had 3 places that nobody else knew they could be used for this kind of fun. According to some padawans and even jedi knights, the library at the jedi temple of Tython, is a perfect place for first dates and fun activities. Most holocrons are kept in an open room, and all the rest of the books and holotapes are in the upper floors. This makes sneaking there and finding a nice place to stay really easy. We even had video confirmation by a master! Sadly the video is a bit steamy so we won’t be posting it. Sorry!
Torture room at the sith academy
Not only jedis approached us for this article ladies. Sith girls also have needs. The sith academy on Korriban is an old place with tons of secret rooms and private locations. But the easiest way to get some privacy with your girl, is to get to one of the many torture room in the academy and make sure it is not booked. Many acolytes walk outside the torture rooms, but can’t get inside. So just make sure you are out of sight and you won’t have any problem. We are even told that these rooms are sound proof!
Coruscant Senate Tower
Finally we come to the biggest revelation. From the word of a dozen different senators who will remain anonymous, we discovered that the great Senate tower of coruscant is a maze perfect to get off in public. Most crowds are all inside giant senate rooms, and the people running around the place are too busy and in a hurry to notice a couple of girls having fun. And even if you are some important senator or her girlfriend, the senate chambers are dark enough that if you are quiet (or gagged) you can get away with quite a lot!
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The Galaxy Guide to loving girls presents How to get yourself a mando GF
Listen. Listen! We have all been there. We have all thought about how amazing they are. We have all drool over them. Their steel muscles. Their beefy bodies. Their amazing stamina! We all wonder how it would be to get under those mountains of muscles and let them destroy us. So i have gone with my best sources in order to provide you with the best tips to get yourself a mandalorian girlfriend! Now to be honest. These girls are not easy prey. So you might want to try these things more than once. But don't you worry. That's mostly because they are more often than not thinking about blowing stuff up.
Ok so this might be a bit too obvious for some people but it had to be mentioned. If you really want to snag yourself a mandalorian girlfriend you have to go out there, Roll your sleeves up, and beat their asses in a fight! Listen it's simple and obvious but most of the time if you want one of those girls to notice you, you have to go and take the Reek by the horns!
Now. Not all mandalorians are so hot heated to think that only being able to destroy a tank with their bare hands counts as being a strong girl. Some of them actually recognize that there are more than one type of battle field out there. That is why if you are into politics or protests, you might want to get one of these girls to come up with you on a date! And listen. If you do this is time to take off the loves girl. You want to go out there and make sure things shit gets done. Mandalorian girls will see you are a strong woman that fights even when out of the battle! That will get you enough of a hook to take her in a few more dates
Next tip! If politics aren't your cup of tea you might be lucky if you are into sports. There's a really high chance that whatever sport you practise will get a bit of attention from a mando girl. The idea is that you can either try to impress them with your skills, or get yourself a nice couple of puppy eyes and ask them for help with the big scary machines around the gym. Listening is not a fool proof plan but my sources claim that mando girls like to help others get beefy and stronger. If you get them to talk to you and even train you if you are lucky the cat is in the bag. There's also the option of actually beating them in a competitive sport. That is the BEST hook. They will probably ask your number just to try again later
Now. If you don't manage to hook them right away there are a few ideas that will surely make them interested in you. Ask them to a shooting range to either teach you how to shoot or challenge them to a duel of tager practise. For those of you that dont like weapons, we also recommend two more options. High speed swoor races in the city or to visit one of the Czerka Security Demolitions tests. They get you all secured inside a special room, and they use droids, explosives, flamethrowers and other types of weapons to try to breach different types of containers! Thanks to Czerka Security for sponsoring us! 
Now if you don't like any of these ideas we have something that has worked since the dawn of time. Food and drinks ladies! Mandalorians loved to celebrate after a tough and bloody battle. So if you catch your mandalorian target coming back from a battle, she will most likely be in high spirits! Invite her over to drink, eat and celebrate in your place. Make sure it's NOT fancy! They like beer, chips, loud music and shooting into the ceiling! So either go outside for a fresh BBQ or get them to leave their guns at the door. 
If you try all of this, we can ASSURE you, you will at least get a few dates with your girl. After that it will be your duty to keep them hooked. Now these tips will not fail you. We guarantee it! So much so, that if you actually fail to get a mandalorian girl to be interested in you, we will actually go and put one on your arms! We have a special date prepared for whoever comes and show us that our tips failed to get them some sweet mando ass. Thanks to Czerka Security for sponsoring our date!
Fallow #Galaxy Guide to loving girls, #LESBIANGALAXY and #starwars wow to keep tabs on new articles!
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sithlordsae · 3 months
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imagine a captian phasma animated show... it would look like this
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aurora-starwars · 2 years
Actions Speak Louder than Words
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Ahsoka x reader
Summary: Ahsoka and reader talk on the roof of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Obi-wan padawan reader, Clone Wars Era, fluff and angst if you squint
Word Count: 1066
Warnings: None <3
a/n: listen to Summer Smoke by Cemeteries while reading <3 Also requests are open!
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“Funny seeing you up here.”
A familiar voice came from behind Ahsoka as she stared out at the busy city of Coruscant. It had not been an easy day for Ahsoka, but somehow peaceful moments atop the Jedi Temple made the days’ worth it, watching as the sun slowly descended, not quite tickling the edge of what of Coruscant one could see from the temple. Especially when a certain visitor joined her.
“You know I am always up for a roof top talk. And it has been awhile, since you have just gotten back.” [Name] stopped next to where Ahsoka sat, slowly sitting about a foot away from her best friend. Ahsoka stayed staring out at the view as [Name] carefully watched Ahsoka’s face, from her scrunched eyebrows and tense in her shoulders she could tell she frustrated. A sigh fell from [Name] as she leaned back on her hands and let her legs move from under her to hanging over the edge.
They stayed like that until the sun was half way consumed by the wide expanse that was Coruscant. Ahsoka had closed her eyes long ago, choosing to use this time to meditate, with a soft sigh she opened her eyes and slowly looked over at [Name] who was still watching the sunset. When [Name] saw Ahsoka’s movement out of the corner of her eye, she looked back at her to see Ahsoka looking at her in a manner she could not quite place. All she knew was she liked it.
Ahsoka found her brilliant blue eyes met with luscious [e/c] and a wide smile that quickly spread across [Name]’s face. She smiled back.
“Rough day?”
“One might say…” Ahsoka scuffed, that was one way of putting it.
“You wanna talk about it?” There was that caring nature again. Ahsoka was finding it harder and harder to keeping considering what she felt for her best friend platonic, and [Name]’s caring nature was not helping. Ahsoka only wanted to be a good Jedi and help people, one thing that is hard to do when one fundamental part of being a Jedi was having no attachments. Especially no romantic attachments. Though Ahsoka was finding that harder and harder to achieve.
Through another sigh Ahsoka starts.
“I just don’t think my master trusts me. Again today on mission, he doubted me. I am a good fighter and can protect myself! Why doesn’t he trust me to carry out the mission?” Ahsoka exclaimed in frustration before slowly breathing out and relaxing her shoulders.
“I just wish he would trust me.”
[Name] watched Ahsoka once more, watched as she looked down at her hands in her lap, how her fingers would brush over one another. She carefully and gently moved her hand to grasp Ahsoka’s and pull it back towards herself, encasing both her hands around Ahsoka’s. [Name] looked at her thumb brushing over Ahsoka’s for a moment before she look up into Ahsoka eyes, eyes that were already watching her closely.
“I think Master Skywalker trusts you, it’s just that you mean too much to him. He doesn’t want to lose you, you’re much too important. My master says that he feels too deeply, that at times his feelings can cloud his judgment. But with that passion comes determination and loyalty. He doesn’t want to lose you and, honestly, I don’t blame him.”
Ahsoka looked in [Name]’s eyes as if they were the window to her soul, a soul that she could only dream was mingled with her own. She sighed.
“I guess I understand that. I just wish he would understand that I can handle myself.”
[Name] softly nodded in acknowledgment reaching her hand to rest on Ahsoka’s shoulder.
“What did you do today, [Name]?” Ahsoka asked turning her body to face her best friend.
“The usual, woke up, ate, meditated with Obi-wan, sparred with a few of the other padawan’s before sitting in on one of Yoda’s meditations with the younglings, ate again, found out my best friend came back from a mission and didn’t come see me.” [Name] smirked at Ahsoka as she rolled her eyes with an amused grin.
“In fairness, you didn’t come see me.” Ahsoka pointed out.
“I didn’t even know you were back till an hour after you landed!”
Ahsoka laughed, holding both of [Name]’s hands now in her lap.
“Miss me, did you?” Ahsoka joked.
“Of course I did!” Ahsoka’s amused smiled dropped the moment she saw the earnest look on [Name]’s face.
“You did?” Ahsoka asked carefully.
“Of course! I love when you’re around. I mean, you know how boring and stale it can get around here. Yeah, training is fun but it is all so much better when you’re here.” [Name] finished with an adoring look in her eye as she stared into Ahsoka’s. Ahsoka smiled softly before looking at her hands, which were now brushing her thumbs over [Name]’s.
“I missed you too.” Ahsoka said quietly. So quietly that if [Name] wasn’t a foot away from her, she wouldn’t have heard. [Name] smiled softly, then turned to look at the sunset again, only to see that the sun was just inches away from disappearing. She gave a light squeeze to Ahsoka’s hands before starting to stand up.
“It’s getting late, we should head in now, I am sure that our masters are looking for us.”
[Name] reached her hand out for Ahsoka to take. After a sigh, she took [Name]’s hand and stood up. As they started to walk, Ahsoka stopped. [Name], noticing she was not next to her, turned to see Ahsoka looking at her, a sad look in her eyes. This sight was hard to bare and luckily for [Name] was also rare. She walked the expanse between them before stopping directly in front of Ahsoka. It was now that they could really see how close they were in height. Ahsoka looked into [Name]’s eyes for a moment before quickly closing the space and pulling [Name] in a tight hug. A hug that [Name] quickly reciprocated.
This hug said everything needed to be said. Longing looks, fleeting touches, the time they got together never seemed to last long enough, but they reveled in it all the same. The hug only lasted a beat, but by the end of it they separated hand in hand as they made their way back to their masters in the temple.
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monicasdanvers · 2 years
i have just finished reading the queen’s peril for the first time and i would just like to say i would do anything for sabé, yané, rabé, eirtaé and saché i love them all
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loyalshrimpfan · 7 months
Hey! Looking for a MxF or WLW roleplay! I only play female I don’t play male 🩷🩷
I’m very active and will respond all day but I understand that not everyone can do that so I just ask for someone who can communicate with me well! 🩷🩷
I do 1-2 paragraphs depending on the context and topic we’re doing
Greys Anatomy!(would love to do this)
Harry Potter
The boys
Oceans 8
Queen Bee(I’ll love you forever if you know this)
Game of thrones
Stranger things
I don’t double up!
All characters plus 18
Like or Message me if interested 🩷🩷
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xncasi · 3 years
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🏳️‍🌈 HAPPY PRIDE MONTH Y’ALL!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 :D
to celebrate i drew some ahsoka & kaeden, my fav star wars wlw <33
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isabelleashmore · 3 years
Invisible Moonlight: Padmé Amidala/Sabé for @star-wars-wlweek
Padmé winged easily through the steps, whisking Sab�� along with her, and for a moment, they were waltzing in their nightgowns through the ballroom of Theed Palace, Sabé’s touch electric at the small of her back. It was only on her planet that petticoats and ballgowns, stiff and unforgiving on the bodies of Imperials, turned beautiful, their hems flaring vibrantly over the floor with their soft, silken sighs.
It was only in Sabé’s arms, dancing through her memories of Naboo, that Padmé became weightless.
(Or, Padmé and Sabé have a romantic night to themselves following the rise of the Empire.)
Rating: Teen
Read here or on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33233989
Invisible Moonlight
“Were you surprised?”
Sabé whispered the question as if they were kids at a sleepover, scared to be caught out of bed after lights-out. They essentially were, Padmé reflected, only this time, it was being caught in bed that would get them in trouble. She tried and failed to banish that image from her mind: palace guards breaking down the door to her and Sabé’s hidden bedroom, finding them tangled up in the sheets and in each other. A humiliating arrest, after which they would be hauled to the throne room and tossed at the feet of a furious Emperor Vader. He’d throw his jealous little tantrum right then and there, which would subside only after he’d locked away his wife and executed her lover, all without ever addressing the women who frequented his room each night. The sparks of resistance that she and Sabé had so painstakingly kindled would be snuffed out; Luke and Leia—well, thank the gods that they were Anakin’s, too, because envisioning her children at risk, especially as a byproduct of her own actions, squeezed the air from Padmé’s lungs faster than if she’d been chucked off a skyscraper—
Sabé curled an arm around her waist, breaking her free from her ruminations. Padmé’s lips twitched into a fragile smile. Sabé’s every touch felt like a lullaby, like a murmured, “I’m here.” They had taken all the necessary precautions, she reminded herself: Dormé was covering for them and Anakin was spending the night with his own mistress. Not that Padmé thought of Sabé as her mistress. If anything, she liked to imagine that she was her girlfriend, and sometimes even indulged in fantasies of one day calling Sabé her wife.
Emboldened by the dream kneaded into that word—wife—Padmé giggled and touched her nose to Sabé’s. “Was I surprised by what?”
“Realizing that you were attracted to me. Were you surprised?” Sabé shimmied coyly out of Padmé’s grasp; her sultry, side-eyed gaze was enough to send tingles down Padmé’s arms. She found herself admiring Sabé’s lip gloss under the muted, golden light, the way it drew attention to the delicate purse of her lips, and thinking about how, whenever she was deep in thought, those lips would fall open just slightly, like a rosebud puckering into bloom…
It took Padmé much too long to focus on the question. She inhaled and blew out a slow stream of air, hoping Sabé hadn’t noticed. “Yes,” she hedged, “and no. I mean, there were some things about us that finally made sense. Like back when we were girls, and I got jealous when Harli Jafan started flirting with you—”
“You did?”
A blush stole into Padmé’s cheeks at Sabé’s unabashed delight. “Why else did you think I was upset about her trying to kiss you? I should have realized it earlier, but everyone around me just assumed I was only into men. Maybe I assumed it, too. Until…”—she met Sabé’s gaze from beneath her eyelashes—“until I couldn’t ignore it anymore.”
Sabé smiled and took Padmé’s hand in hers, absentmindedly tracing the lines of her palm. “If you don’t mind me asking, what made you so sure that people had those assumptions in the first place? No offense, but I can’t imagine Theed Palace being thrown into chaos over your sexuality. Yané and Saché were openly a couple, and I was out as bi before I signed on as your handmaiden.”
“It wasn’t that. I’m sure that if I made a point of coming out, everyone would have been supportive, but…” Padmé rested her head on Sabé’s shoulder, pondering how to translate her emotions into words. “My parents and sister were always asking me when I was going to bring home a boy. Maybe I started to believe that that was the ultimate goal, that liking anyone else made me somehow…less than. And then one day, Anakin happened to accompany me to my parents’ house. He was only there as my bodyguard—a Jedi one, at that!—but my whole family leapt to the assumption that he was my boyfriend. Sola and my mother were so happy—relieved, even—and…I don’t know. I told myself that none of it would matter if I could just fall for Anakin, but then I caught myself thinking, how would they have reacted if I’d brought home a girl instead?”
“I know your parents,” Sabé said. “I’m sure they would have been supportive.”
“Oh, they would have, if they had known. But I brought home you and Dormé a few times and they never assumed either one of you was my girlfriend.”
“It’s probably because you’re so feminine,” Sabé said with a hint of bitterness. “No one ever expects feminine women to be into women.”
“No one ever expects women to be into women.”
Sabé’s only response to that was to grip Padmé’s hand a little tighter.
They sat together in silence until Padmé had collected her thoughts. “I think,” she confessed, “that I was most afraid of seeing the shock on their faces. It would have felt too much like letting them down, like turning my back on a dream they’d had for me since childhood. No, more than a dream: an expectation.” She worried her lip. “I don’t know when ‘assumption’ turned into ‘expectation’, but it did, and I couldn’t bring myself to ruin it—not for them, and especially not for myself. I still don’t know of anyone in House Naberrie who isn’t heterosexual, and there was enough tension between my relatives and me as it was, what with some lingering contention over my career choice and my not-entirely-pacifist politics—and then this—!” Padmé didn’t realize she was crying until the tears were flooding down her cheeks. She clapped a hand over her mouth, just in time to muffle the sob that escaped her. “Gods, I wish I had told them—now that Anakin won’t even let me talk to them—”
“Hey, hey, hey…” Sabé stroked Padmé’s hair with her free hand, pausing only to tuck a stray curl behind her ear. “You didn’t do anything wrong, okay? We all move at our own pace. I knew pretty young, but if I’d figured it out just a little bit later, I would have had the same insecurities as you. Probably more of them, since in my case they would have been justified.”
“Stop it, Sabé. You know how I feel about you talking yourself down.”
“I know, love.” Sabé raised Padmé’s chin to drop a quick kiss on the corner of her mouth. Somehow that still ignited every nerve in Padmé’s body. “For the record, my career path was also hard for my family to accept. Being chosen as your handmaiden was an honour, of course, but my parents were just so hung up on this fantasy of me following in the family tradition, playing hallikset in the back row of some orchestra for the rest of my life.”
Padmé sighed, wiping the last of her tears on the back of her hand. “I think that’s one of the main problems on Naboo. Everyone wants their child to go into the arts, but we still need people who can run the government or fill any of the other thousands of jobs that are necessary to our planet’s survival. My father did support my engagement in politics growing up, but even he still hoped that I would ultimately pursue a career in the arts. Thankfully, once I announced to my parents that I was running for Princess of Theed, they understood that politics were my calling and stopped trying to wrangle me into an artistic pursuit. But before that, they’d tried everything: poetry, original oratory, debate, the like. My mother had desperately wanted me to be a musician, like you, but I wasn’t a standout talent at any particular instrument. At least I took all those years of dance classes—”
“No way, that doesn’t count. Everyone takes dance classes.”
Padmé shoulder-checked Sabé in mock offense. “How dare you dismiss my prodigious dance skills. I’ll have you know, I was recommended to a couple of ballet conservatories thanks to my ‘natural poise and diligence’.”
“Oh, I can believe it. I was watching you dance tonight.” Sabé’s voice had taken on a genuine, if a bit seductive note. She grinned and dropped her lips to Padmé’s ear. “You want to know a secret?”
A thrill shot down Padmé’s spine. “Yes…”
“I was jealous tonight, love. Really jealous, having to watch you dance with him in front of everyone. His hands, just…digging into your waist, as if to lay claim to you or something…” Padmé was horrified to find that the passion in her girlfriend’s voice, so hot and sensual a second ago, had suddenly been zapped dry. “Gods!” Sabé cried, sharpening and spitting the word like it was dirty. “That man is insufferable, I—I hate him!”
Padmé remained silent, rubbing the silk of her nightgown between her fingers. She had thought for a moment that this was going in a different direction, but then somehow Anakin had ruined it without even being here and—no. She refused to let the thought of him spoil her mood. Instead, she took a deep breath and examined the small, windowless bedroom that she and Sabé shared. Already a warm pulse of pride was pushing out the anger in her chest. They may have lost the bulk of their past lives to Anakin, but they had still succeeded in making this one thing their own.
Padmé’s favourite shimmer-silk robe had taken up permanent residence on the back of the desk chair, and Sabé’s hallikset case lay nestled at the foot of their bed. On the walls, they had hung every holophoto they’d rescued from Anakin’s war on the past, regardless of whether said photos were personally relevant to them. Decade-old letters from Padmé’s sister and Sabé’s brothers, penned on real arbovellum paper, were piled lovingly on the vanity; next to them, a meticulous arrangement of eyeshadow palettes and perfume bottles. What really caught her eye, though, was Sabé’s music player, its bulky form squatting somewhat obtrusively in the corner. Sabé had held a strange affection for the battered old thing since Padmé had known her, despite—or perhaps because of—her brothers’ alleged attempts on its “life” over the years.
“Sabé,” she proposed lightly, “how about a dance?”
Sabé followed her gaze to the music player, and her eyes widened in surprise. “What, right here?”
“Why not? We’ve got music and two people who know how to waltz. What more could we need?”
“Hmm…fair point.” Sabé stood up from the bed, her hips swaying just slightly as she approached the music player. Padmé felt a fresh blush heat her cheeks. “I’ve still got this recording my brother gave me a few years ago, from the orchestra he was playing with at the time.”
“Perfect.” Padmé closed her eyes just before the first strains of music wove through the air. When she opened them again, Sabé stood before her like a vision: her hair haloed by a cross-section of candlelight, her hand extended to Padmé with the palm up. “May I have this dance, my lady?” she asked in a manner so formal, they could have been at an actual ball. Padmé giggled like a lovestruck teenager and took Sabé’s hand, pulling her eagerly to the centre of the room. Their nightgowns traced the movement with a cool flutter of silk. “You may,” Padmé whispered belatedly, unable to look anywhere but into Sabé’s eyes.
She could feel the night wrapping them up in moonlight they could not see, driving them closer, closer, closer until her breasts pressed up against Sabé’s, whose open lips hung just a tantalizing breath away. Lost in the glossy expanse of her girlfriend’s pupils, mesmerized by an orchestra’s melancholic cries, Padmé let the past flood the present, transforming the world around her. She was dissolving into another time, a place where thousand-pound chandeliers hovered overhead like they weighed nothing at all, where moonlight came streaming through arches and marble reflected the world at her feet. Padmé winged easily through the steps, whisking Sabé along with her, and for a moment, they were waltzing in their nightgowns through the ballroom of Theed Palace, Sabé’s touch electric at the small of her back. Padmé gasped into the cello’s sonorous vibrato, each pull of the bow a tug-of-war between desolation and desire. It was only on her planet that petticoats and ballgowns, stiff and unforgiving on the bodies of Imperials, turned beautiful, their hems flaring vibrantly over the floor with their soft, silken sighs.
It was only in Sabé’s arms, dancing through her memories of Naboo, that Padmé became weightless.
The bow paused on the string, still trembling, as if on the cusp of climax. Padmé’s eyes fluttered closed and Sabé kissed her, firmly on the mouth and then more passionately, parting Padmé’s lips beneath her own. Padmé clung tighter to the curves of Sabé’s waist, unable to suppress a shiver as the music exploded around them. Sabé’s lip gloss tasted of strawberries, of carefree summers in the open air of the Lake Country. Padmé tugged insistently on her girlfriend’s bottom lip, frenzied by the elusive sweetness of home, and felt Sabé deepen the kiss in response.
Coruscant was a cold planet, in every sense of the word. But Sabé always managed to make it just a little bit warmer. As soon as their lips had parted, Padmé lowered her head to Sabé’s ear. “One day,” she promised, “after all of this is over—the Empire, the Rebellion, everything—I’m going to take you to Varykino. We’ll put ourselves first for once and leave everything behind. No Amidala, no handmaidens…just us. Well…except for maybe one thing.” She laced her fingers through Sabé’s and gently stroked the side of her palm, hoping it would distract from her own quickening heartbeat. “I…I’ve decided that I’d like to raise Luke and Leia with you, Sabé. Assuming…that’s something you would want?”
Sabé’s rosebud lips dropped open in shock. Padmé panicked and nearly jumped in to amend her request—what she would actually say was beside the point—but then Sabé laughed—a full-bodied, dazzling laugh—and breathed, “Padmé…” Her fingers were feather-light on Padmé’s skin as she lifted her face to hers; Padmé was met with the glorious sight of Sabé’s eyes, glistening beneath a thin layer of tears. “I can’t think of anything else I’d want more than to raise children with you. I love you.”
Giddiness overtook Padmé then, a rush like free-falling back into love. The laugh that emerged from her was watery, nowhere near as melodious as Sabé’s, but she didn’t care. “I love you, too,” she replied, and because that still didn’t feel like enough, “I love you, I love you, I love—”
Sabé kissed her again, robbing her lips of the words so that only raw passion remained, and in that moment, in that small, windowless, beautiful room, Padmé’s cares slipped away beneath the invisible moonlight.
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dnvrsmedia · 3 years
can I pls request 22 + 23 from the holiday prompts for Rey ? also, hella late congrats on 200!! <3
Holiday Season
Rey Skywalker x Reader
summary: rey & the readers first holiday together
request : above
warnings: none! straight fluff!!
AN: i got to this one pretty late, but thank you so much!! i hope you like it! it’s currently 4am and i couldn’t sleep, so i though i might as well work on one of my MANY inboxes i gotta get to before the end of the month. hope you have a wonderful holiday & stay safe! <3
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Rey was a bit frazzled by the busyness of the holiday season. from an outside point of view, the holidays seemed like a stressless time where people could spend time with their families and enjoy their company. she always admired the overall premise of the holiday season, but always felt as if spending it alone would never do it justice.
that changed the moment when she met you. the overwhelming sense of family filled her senses. the feeling of forever just never seemed to want to go away, and she couldn’t have been more ecstatic. you are one of the only constants that she has in her hectic life. So, that’s how she ended up here. in your shared kitchen, struggling to make the best holiday meal you have ever tasted. She wasn’t a horrible cook, but she’s definitely second guessing every single step she takes.
the two of you decorated your living quarters as clichè as possible under the guise that Rey needs only the best. Rey being the meticulous and curious person she is, she studied everything about the holiday season in grave detail. You found it adorable although she was a bit embarrassed. she insisted on hanging mistletoe above every doorway. I mean you aren’t completing, but if she really just wanted to kiss you she could’ve just asked.
anyway, you open the door to see rey with her hair pulled up to a loose bun on the top of her head. a few unconforming stragglers sway to the front of her face from time to time. her tongue has found home poking out the side of her mouth as her brows furrowed in concentration. soft jazz filled the room, instantly making the mood comfortable and relaxing. you remove your shoes and move towards your lover.
slightly frightening her, you wrap your arms around her toned waist and giggle at her reaction.
“hi, baby! what’s all this?” you ask with a smug smirk on your face. she turns her head and kisses your cheek before turning back to whatever she has on the stove.
“i just wanted to do something special, s’all.” pink starts to kiss her cheeks and neck. you nuzzle your face into the crease of her neck, pressing a gentle kiss.
“come dance with me.” you snuggle a bit more as you try and pull rey away from the stove.
“what?” she turns around and raises her eyebrows. “darling, you know I can't dance and plus I can't let this burn!” she exclaims while you give her the best puppy dog eyes you could muster.
“it won’t burn if you keep in on low. what’ll 2 minutes max hurt? come on, dance with me.” you plead once more. you know you won she playfully rolls her eyes and gives you that award winning smile.
“fine.” she turns the stove on low and you pull her out to the middle of your living room.
you reach up to hook your arms around her neck as she pulls you in by the waist. you connect your ear to her chest and immediately sigh. you could live like this forever if need be.
“you really didn’t need to go all out for me.” you raise your head to look into her eyes.
“i know, but that’s what the holidays are all for. i promised myself that once i got a family i’d never let them go. you, y/n, you’re my family.” she looked back down at you with an ever so loving smile.
“i love you, star girl.” you try not to tear up.
“i love you too, darling. now, look up!” you raised your eyebrow at her randomness. you cocked your head back to see a single mistletoe hanging on your ceiling.
“oh look at that, a mistletoe.” rey giggled and you joined.
“just come here you dork.” you playfully rolled your eyes and kissed the love of your life.
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The Galaxy Guide to loving girls presents: Fashion across the galaxy.
Ladies. We all know how to dress to impress. We all have that special dress, or that cute skirt that will make  your gf or every girl in the club fall over her heels for you. But as big as our closets are the galaxy is even bigger. And fashion changes in different ways depending on where you are. For those who haven't visit the outer rim, who have never go down the rabbit hole of parties on the core worlds or venture into Hutt Space, we bring you fashion trends and advices from every corner of the galaxy
Core Worlds
Naboo. Let me tell you something. If you are a cute girl really into pastel colors, silk robes and dresses that go all the way down to the floor, jewelry from every corner of the galaxy or just really, but REALLY sexy swimsuits, Naboo is your place. Home to the capital of Fashion, Theed, and has a little bit for everyone! The beaches and lakes are a great place to get some skin out, so take some sunscreen and a cute swimsuit and relax. The raves are also a wild space where you can have some fun with some of the cutest girls in the galaxy. You will be getting into a beautiful and wild rainbow of colors, where people laugh, drink and dance until they cant stand.  And finally tea parties in the city are the best place to try new things. The nobles from Naboo are really grounded and they try to give back at the people. Getting invited is a bit tricky as everyone wants to go but its a excellent place to go out in your fancy clothes. 
Alderaan. Fancy. That's what you need to think when dressing up for Alderaan. For years, the different houses of Alderaan had made the planet into a jewel for high society parties and ball dances! As so, the people in Alderaan love to dress to impress. Think tight dresses with the best cuts, amazing haircuts, and of course, the most impressive lingerie and tattoos you can think off! For Alderanians, everything should be fashionable. Your hair, your skin, your clothes and even your underwear. Of course you can also hit the more casual parties. Most of the population like the fashion from the nobles, but they also want to relax every now and then. So you can get yourself some old clothes, some easy makeup, flats, and just go and share a drink around a fire. Casual parties are often in the middle of the wood so you can get away from the noise of the cities
Corellia. Now listen up ladies. Corellia is the bomb. And i'm not saying that in some sick way because of all the imperial bombardments. Corellia is a place where you can go and fuck around. You want to go for wild colors? You want to wear all black in the middle of the park? You want to have a skirt shorter than your ass and strings as a bra? Corellia has a place for everyone! From the east plazas to the north raves, Corellia embraces diversity of extreme styles like no other place. 
Outer Rim
Tatooine. Now listen. Many people don't know this but there is an actual FASHION WORLD in Tatooine. Most smugglers across the galaxy end up in here after running away with some loot. So to cheat boredom, they began to go through their goods and loot to thrown parties. After a while this parties became a nice event that has become a tradition. The hottest things in Tatooine beside the sand, are ponchos and hats! You need to protect yourself from the sun ladies so sunglasses are also really cool! The colors are usually clear and with few jewels so you dont tempt the patrons. But if you fancy some new type of fashion, head over Tatooine for a party! Just remember your sunscreen.
Nar Shaddaa. The fashion on Nar Shaddaa has 2 sides. Neon and wild colors and High Sexy Fashion. If you have been in Nar Shaddaa, or at least its higher levels, you know that the world is a big Ad. Everyone wants you to go and spend money in either a casino or in a bar. As so, most streets are filled with Neon signs and wild colors to hook you up. Parties are the same. Nobody will be judging you here so go wild, get yourself as many colors as you want, some high heels or flats that make you feel cute and hit whatever party you want. Some bars have a color scheme so if you really want to kill it, try to plan ahead. Otherwise even wearing 6 or 7 colors is cool! Now there's also the highest parties. Here, people with power and influence throw their sexiest dresses and go to have some fun. Most parties of course are private but there are a good amount that will let you in as long as you look cute or sexy. These parties are usually wild as everyone invited will be looking to hook up. 
Rishi. Now girls! Rishi is the capital of pirates. If you thought Nar Shaddaa was a paradise for smugglers Rishi is heaven on steroids. But worry not! There are some good souls in Rishi that want to keep civilians safe so they can spend money around. And one of the best attractions on the planet is the Jungle Cat Walk! Here, pirates and smugglers lend all the clothes they have to the prettiest girls, so they can walk around the party and catch buyers. There's also pirate fashion battles, where a group of girls try to come up with a new outfit out of random stuff in a box in order to win. And of course, for all of you not in a pirate gang or smuggling goods, you can go and enjoy yourself in the after party! The fashion in Rishi is wild. You must look as cute and dangerous as you can! People even carry knives under their dresses just to look better! Greeen, gold and red are your best friends. And there are plenty of beaches for you to go and try for a wild swimsuit. Do try to avoid heavy jewelry as you don't want to tempt locals
Special Mentions
Dromund Kaas. Now I know that not everyone wants to go get themselves in the middle of some sith drama. But if you manage to stick to the drama free parts of Kaas City, you will actually have a good time. Now as the capital of all things sith and scary, Droming Kaas is also the capital of all things goth and metal. If you fancy wearing black as dark as your soul, metal spikes and chains, or just a dramatic dress out of a fantasy movie, you will be right at home. Of course, not everything is black in Kaas. Some people like to wear white and gold to look like characters from movies. Some even wear fake armor just to look cool. As i said. The capital of drama is a place where you can wear whatever as long as it is amazing. Cosplayers might find this is their own little paradise. Just stay away from wearing anything to similar to prominent sith’s
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