#sparklez family tree
fagtainsparklez · 2 years
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welcome to the extended sparklez family tree, aka for the love of god someone stop the mcyts from creating more family dynamics before this becomes a circle
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
Second, the context is that apollos-boyfriend has challenged "us" to reblog a specific post. If we reblog it 333 unique times The Chart will be posted to Twitter. And you are known for existing in a slightly different section of mcytblr.
oh i see.
...........well now that i've been told to i am Just Not Going To,
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And if ianite is tubbo's mom,was she the one who dropped tubbo off on the side of the road
-Historian anon, the one who's been trying to figure out a family tree this far
Scott: ...hmmm, that doesn't sound like her...not at all...but the Land of Mianite...there was a conflict, a bad one... maybe there was no choice? Or maybe he was taken by followers of Dianite? And then ditched when he became too unbearable? Or maybe he was never in a box, Sparklez gave him to Phil, and that's just the cover they went for? Hmmm It's... difficult to guess.
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thedialup · 2 years
good lord I think the sparklez family tree at this point connects nearly every single major minecraft youtuber
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completely random family headcanons that I have seen ranked from the least to the most unprompted:
- Purpled and Punz being brothers
- Impuls and Tango being brothers (or just their whole group like Zed, Skizz, Joker etc.)
- whatever family tree Iskall, Tubbo, Sparklez, Crumb and all the other people created in vault hunters
- every combination from evo being siblings
- Grian and Philza (and Tommy, and Wlibur) being related
- Schlatt, Puffy and Sparklez being related/siblings
- Jevin and Charlie Slimecicle being cousins (?)
- Zedaph, Doc and even Gem (!) being related (?)
- Xisuma being Purpled dad (??)
- Zedaph being son of Joel Smallishbeans and Lizzie (???) (inspired me to make this list)
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coolcattime · 2 years
Since season 3 hasnt happened i can write all the angst i want about sparklez never making it back to mianite s1's world. A long time passes and skipper dies leaving behind a child. It's not said rather it was his child or a child that he took in but ianite, who's quest was ultimately what got skipper killed raises the child.
Growing up the child is told stories about the great heroes of the past and their favorite stories was of the mysterious champion of ianite known only as the captain.
"My Lady?" The child asks looking up at the lavender haired goddess, who was resting against the massive trunk of the tree that leaves stretched so high they scratched the sky. "Yes, child" she asks eyes still closed but a warm smile playing across. The child cocks their head to the side and asks. "If the captain escaped thay world where did he go why hasnt he come back yet?" The child looks to the goddess while lightly kicking their foot against one of the trees massive roots. Ianite's smile fades and she opens her eyes and looks at the child. Who quickly looks away. "I have no doubt that if he could come back he would but..." she trails off and sighs closing her eyes once again. She tries to find the words but she can't seem to. "Why cant you just bring him back?" The child asks which causes the goddess to frown. "There are things that are even beyond the power of the gods, i cant bring him back to this land anymore than you could move the sun." Eyes still closed she looks to the sky. "I'm afraid that the captain can never come back"
I fully agree that Season 3 never coming is a godsend for everyone writing their own headcanon timelines.
Just genuinely from the start, I love the idea of basis of this just for the angst that comes from the fact of Ianite would be (arguably) responible for both Capsize's and Redbeard's deaths, and then end up raising the last member of their family. Like that would already be something that would plaguing Ianite's mind the whole time.
And then telling the child about Jordan, would hurt so much. She feels the need to tell the stories, to not forget about Jordan, but she can't even bring herself to say his name. I also assume this leads to some brief confusion when the stories about the child's family also feature a completely unrelated captain.
I think this is a really good angsty story, though I think it should lead to Ianite asking for help because she like at least needs breaks from raising a child sometimes, so she can process her grief in like healthy ways. I don't know who I'd want her to get help from, but that's mostly because with no one arriving from Season 2, there is like 5 people total in the Season 1 realm, and with everyone but Jordan arriving, I feel like that adds so much more angst.
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phantoids · 2 years
This vlog so far is Tommy going from family member to family member like???????
Older brother (wilbur) -> dad #????? (quackity) -> dad #??????? (captain sparklez) is just funny
His family tree is so big it's a forest.
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amandahontas · 3 years
I would love to be a fly on the wall in a discord call with the entire Dream SMP trying to figure out the family trees. Imagine.
Someone: Is Tommy your kid, Phil?
Phil and Tommy: No
Wilbur: Yes, wait. What?
Tommy: Canonically I barely know the guy.
Someone: Fundy, your parents are Wilbur and a fish, right?
Fundy: Yeah, but Eret will be my parent when he finally signs the adoption papers.
Eret: Hey, I'm working on it, alright?
Someone: Ok, Puffy. Your kids are Foolish, Dream, and Michelle, right?
Puffy: Well, Foolish and Michelle are, but I'm more of a mother-figure to Dream.
Dream: Sounds about right.
Someone: Alright. Tubbo, who is your dad?
Tubbo: I have no clue.
Schlatt and Phil: I thought I was your dad.
Tommy: Schlatt, Tubbo is not your son. I refuse.
Captain Sparklez appearing from nowhere: To be fair, I also thought I was your dad, Tubbo.
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jungledubs-archive · 3 years
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*sighs* time to add another one to the expansive Captain Jordan M. Sparklez family tree...
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here it is, by popular demand (like 2 people told me to do this, blame them) and because i am a man of my word:
The (in)Complete Terrible Horrible No Good Awful MCYT Cinematic Universe Family Tree
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- this is done mostly from memory (plus the occasional glance at the dsmp wiki, that shit's complicated) and so i might have missed some things
- i am aware this looks less like a family tree and more like a map of the subway. i did my best, deal with it
- "canon" covers anything that was mentioned/referenced by the creators ever, no matter how ridiculous
- as far as headcanons go, i tried to include the most popular ones/the ones that would make the most sense (like characters who are the same species being related). some are a bit of a stretch and also some of them contradict each other, but i had to make this work somehow cut me some slack. most of these aren't my headcanons, they're just ones i've seen floating around a bunch
- assume a general /rp for the entire thing, especially where romantic relationships are concerned. i don't ship real people and this is supposed to be a lighthearted bit of fun, don't take it too seriously
- there are a grand total of 63 characters on this thing, or 62 if you don't consider the dragon egg to be a character. 46 of them are actual mcyts (48 if you consider drista and mumza to be mcyts). the rest are either mobs/npcs or other characters played by the same people
- i drew this with crap glitter pens because that's what i had on hand. i tried to make it readable (would have digitized it but i don't have my tablet on me and it would be too much effort anyway), but in case i failed there's more detailed notes under the cut (as well as some explanations)
- if you want to make any additions go right ahead, feedback is also welcome but if you find a spelling mistake keep that shit to yourself
ok here's the stupid amount of notes:
(from left to right. sort of)
ethoslab - docm77: doc has said multiple times that etho is his dad. this is a joke but we're taking it as canon here
doc - awesamdude: creeper dudes
sam - foolishgamers - ponk: they have a sort of love triangle going on i think
foolish jr & finley: foolish's totem kids
foolish - captainpuffy - michelle: papa puffy adopted both of them
puffy - nihachu: canonically were dating at some point. no idea if they are still
puffy - dream: popular hc that puffy is dream's mom
dream - drista - dreamxd: dream and drista are siblings and xd is probably related to them somehow, i mean just look at the guy
dream - georgenotfound - dreamxd: idk which one of them george is into, maybe it's both
george - shubble/shrub: shroom people
shubble - katherine elizabeth: (empires) nature wives
dream - ranboo: i haven't seen anyone hc them as family for a bit, but it was a thing at one point and so i'm counting it
ranboo - tubbo - michael : they're married. michael is their adopted son
ranboo - ranbob: ranbob is ranboo's descendant in tales from the smp
tubbo - captainsparkles (is it sparkles or sparklez?): i used to see a lot of posts about captain being tubbo's dad, again idk if it's still a thing
dream - fundy: is their wedding canon to the dream smp? unclear. is it canon to this chart? absolutely
fundy - yogurt: fundy's adopted fox child
fundy - eret: failed (?) adoption attempt. i'm counting it
eret - herobrine: canonically related
herobrine - joehills: is joe related to herobrine? are they the same person? is herobrine hels joe? is it the other way around? i don't know, but something sure is going on here...
eret - karl jacobs - quackity: according to the dream smp wiki, eret used to be engaged to karl and quackity. i did not know this
karl - quackity - sapnap: fiances
sapnap - badboyhalo: bad is sapnap's dad
bad - skeppy: this is the only one with 'other' because i don't know what category to put 'their canon lives are directly connected to each other' in. the wiki said 'life source' but i don't have a colour for that
quackity - purpled: i know these two are bussiness partners at most but! technically and legally speaking, if purpled is a minor then quackity would sort of count as his legal guardian. no i'm not grasping at straws shut up, and also ignore the fact that the dsmp doesn't have the same laws we do
purpled - punz: mercenary bros
purpled - xisumavoid: clearly purpled bedwars and xisumavoid creator of bedwars are related. or at least enough people think so for me to put it on the chart
xisuma - evil x: are they brothers? is one of them a clone of the other? are they both clones? who cares, it's going on the chart
wilbur soot - sally - fundy: fish fucker #1, fish, and fox son
wilbur (technically ghostbur but i couldn't fit him on the chart) - friend: he also fucked a sheep apparently
the entire mess of the sbi family dynamic. is here. includes a fridge
wilbur - grian: button eyed chaos brothers. just look at them side by side and tell me they aren't related
grian - grumbot - mumbo jumbo: grian and mumbo created a robot son for the purpose of winning an election. they then left him in a box in season 7. they aren't good dads but they are dads, and that's all that matters here
grian - pearlescentmoon: something something sun and moon siblings
grian - dragon egg: he yoinked the dragon egg and now he's gotta raise a baby dragon, what more is there to say
geminitay - dragon egg: she also yoinked the dragon egg and wants to raise a baby dragon, but for much nobler purposes (at least i think so. i should really watch that episode)
dragon egg - ender dragon: the actual owner of the dragon egg, could all these people please stop taking it it's very rude
ender dragon - illumina: dragon hybrid illumina is a thing and i totally didn't just really want to have a speedrunner on here, i would never tamper with this very serious scientific document like that
gem - fwhip - mythicalsausage: wither rose alliance are also siblings. empiresblr said so
grian - jimmy solidarity mr gaming: jimmy has a cod head. grian's head is a cod head. i thus conclude they both have cod genes and are therefore related
jimmy - ldshadowlady: royal fish siblings
jimmy - ijevin - slimecicle: it is my personal headcanon that all minecraft slimes originate from one single massive megaslime, and are thus all related. also for the purposes of this bit of the chart, jimmy is now a slime hybrid instead of a fish one
jimmy - scott smajor: in 3rd life? flower husbands. in empires? fishfucker #2. yes jimmy is back to being a fish
lizzie - joel: they are married! also fishfucker #3 (last one, thank god)
joel - scott - wilbur: someone on my last post said to make the fishfuckers relatives. here you go, i hope you're happy
scott - xornoth: kind of brothers in another life maybe? good enough for me
xornoth - joey graceffa: it might be a one sided relationship but it is a relationship and so it goes on the chart
scott - zombiecleo: this one is probably the biggest stretch but it's their hypothetical 'widows alliance' from 3rd life. no it didn't happen, and even if it did i don't think it would belong on a family tree, but it's here anyway
cleo - bdoubleo100: if bdubs dying would make cleo a widow then that means bdubs and cleo were married in 3rd life, and that's just a fact you'll have to deal with now
i am tired, this took way too long, i don't think it was worth it, please reblog this so at least i don't feel like i completely wasted my time. if any ccs see this i am sorry, especially if i called you a fish fucker. good night
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fagtainsparklez · 1 year
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so who do you think is gonna find this first. if anyone. and how quickly will i have to go into hiding
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
second have you seen the sparklez family tree. use ur curse of Many Followers so we can get it on twitter please
i have indeed seen it on and off and it's a thing of beauty. that being said i don't really know what my many tumblr followers have to do with twitter clout...?
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anyways ive talked about it with friends in the discord but idk if ive every posted about the fucked up little family tree i hc here on tumblr ok so heres the gist right? philza and mumza are married, mumza may or may not be a fridge, its fine, wilbur is phils kid, adopted probably? never could decide, phil is friends with techno and thought he was an adult and later found out him and his kid have the same birthday and are the same age and had a crisis about it, so thats where the twin jokes come from, then wilbur adopted tommy as a brother figure but thats after he went off on his own so tommy and phil basically have no relation beyond ‘oh yeah thats wilburs cool dad, neat’, and then at some point tubbo shows up in a box because complications with fire and storms and his dad being called back to help the gods. his dad? captain jordan sparklez, obviously. who is also phils brother. making tubbo phils nephew. except heres the thing, phil and jordan havent seen eachother in ages because of phils hardcore stuff and jordans championing/dimension hopping so they both lowkey assume the other is dead bc theyre both immortal and dont know the other is also immortal, so phil doesnt know this is his nephew. then obviously we have fundy as wilburs kid with sally who is not an actual fish fuck you soot, shes a shapeshifter. then also in the family tree we have ranboo as tubbos platonic husband, we have michael as ranboo and tubbos kid, we also have yogurt as fundys kid.  honorary mention: eret and skydoesminecraft are both related via herobrine. i will not elaborate.
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Scott, I may have found something that I feel like needs to be mentioned, ianite had a daughter with captain sparklez and named her ianita! Ianite also has another daughter named Martha and a son named helgrind as well! With an alternate version of captainsparklez nonetheless! This family tree is going to be a nightmare, Scott
Scott: Wait wait wait...if Tubbo is Sparklez's kid... And Sparklez is Ianites...lover...is...Tubbo...?
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gayforbadboyhalo · 4 years
dream smp highschool au-
the family trees
Wilbur, Fundy, and Tommy are brothers (in that respective age order)
Technoblade and Niki are siblings (respective age order)
Eret, Dream, and Tubbo are siblings (respective age order)
also there:
George, Sapnap, Alyssa, Ponk, Quackity, Punz, Karl, Jack Manifold, Antfrost, Purpled, Skeppy, Jschlatt, Hbomb, Ph1lza, Captainsparklez, Shubble, and Karacorvus (maybe more later)
the clubs
Swim Team: Dream, Wilbur, Technoblade, Quackity, and Eret
Robotics Club: Fundy, George, Callahan, Badboyhalo, Tubbo, and Dream (unofficially)
Football: Captainsparklez, Sapnap, Philza, Jschlatt, Hbomb, Smajor, Ponk, Punz, Jack, Purpled, Badboyhalo, and Tommy
Tennis: Alyssa, Antfrost, Niki, Shubble, Skeppy, Karacorvus, Fundy, Tubbo, George, and Callahan
Band: Fundy, Tubbo, and Alyssa
GSA (Gay/Straight Alliance): Eret, Niki, Shubble, Tubbo, Smajor, Fundy, Tommy, Wilbur, George, Badboyhalo, Skeppy, Philza, and Antfrost
the au under the cut (i hope)
the au
Dream is co-captain of the swim team with Technoblade
Wilbur is also on the swim team and he hates that he wasn’t chosen to be a captain
nothing against Technoblade, they do have the best times and he loves Techno like a brother but he’s frustrated that the coach chose Dream over him
sometimes Wilbur will come home and just rant about Dream and Tommy and Fundy just have to listem to him and suffer
“Dream is good but him and Techno aren’t good leaders and that’s a vital part of being captain. look at the football team, Sparklez has it in the bag. he is charismatic and a good player. ugh why does the coach prioritize skill over actual people skills.”
Techno is still Wilbur’s best friend and he sometimes comes over to hang out and do school work and hears those rants. he fully agrees but he’s of the opinion it should be Dream and Wilbur not Wilbur and him.
Tommy just wants Wilbur to shut up so he just agrees to whatever
Fundy just kind of suffers through it all while he works on side coding projects
Fundy leads the robotics club but its more a computer science club than anything
sometimes people like Sapnap, Tommy, or Skeppy will hang around and play videogames while the club members talk and work
Fundy and George like to code wild things in Minecraft as a way of one upping each other
Callahan and Bad have an entire schoolwide Minecraft server that they manage with Skeppy. Fundy and George help out when they feel like it.
Dream stopped in once to suprise George and thats how Fundy first met Dream outside of his brother’s complaints
Dream walked in, leaned over George and Fundy’s shoulders and was like, “Georgie, you just missed a colon”
George yelled but then fixed it
Fundy quickly learned that Dream was really good with coding but he couldn’t officially join the club because his captain duties took up too mich time
Fundy unofficially welcomed him and told him he was welcome any time
When Dream left, George and Bad started making fun of Fundy for his bright red face
“Ooooooooo Fundy has a crush”
Fundy denied it but the damage was done, all of the people in the club and Skeppy knew
Fundy begged George not to tell Dream and George kind of just shrugged and was like, “he’s an oblivious idiot but he won’t hear it from me”
Dream started popping into the robotics club more and more and saying hi and just helping with coding
He gets roped into helping with the minecraft server and he is surprisingly good with coding and managing it
Meanwhile at home, Wilbur is full out complaints about Dream
“He’s leaving practice early, he seems to happy, he isn’t pushing us as hard, he’s a bad co-captain” anything Wilbur can complain about he will
Techno does whisper over to Tommy and Fundy one time that ‘i know where Dream is going and I’m totally okay with it but just let your brother rant"
Tommy, who has seem Dream in the robotic club room, gets really tired of Wilbur and just snaps “follow him if you’re having such a snit about it”
and Wilbur lights up. “Techno can i?”
“will you shut up about this for the next week?”
“then yes, you can do it” Techno tells Dream that he gave Wilbur permission to leave early and that he was going to follow him
and the next time Dream leaves practice early, Wilbur follows after a couple of minutes
all the way to robotics club where all of the members plus Tommy, Skeppy, and Sapnap are hanging out
Fundy looks from where him and Dream are talking and he sees Wilbur and he’s like, “whats up bro?”
Dream glares at Wilbur and Tommy is in the corner losing his mind with Tubbo
“just here for my brother. family time you know?”
“ah, i too am here for your brother.” Dream jabs a finger at Tommy in the corner, “not that one though”
Fundy is vibrant red. most of the club and entourage are laughing but Callahan and Bad aren’t fortunately
Wilbur growls and and walks over to Tommy to drag him out of the club room. “Fundy, we’re going”
Fundy is still bright red but he turns to Dream “you have my discord right? message me okay?” and he follows his brothers
Sapnap and George instantly crowd Dream and start cheering for him. Dream whips out his phone and sends
hey fundy, do you want to watch a movie together?
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Finally worked out my hc for sparklez’s family tree along with my proposal for a new duo name 
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