janehaster · 6 months
The TVA is located inside a black hole or in its orbit
Ourobouros' comment on black holes and Loki being spaghettified if he wasn't rescued in time made me suspect that the TVA is located inside a black hole or in its vicinity.
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There's a book on black holes and the end of the universe in the credits. That's what got me thinking about the possibility. Also, spaghettification is a phenomenon specific to the nature of black holes.
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The effect of time and space dilation caused by a black hole would explain why no one ages at the TVA. It's related to Einstein's Theory of Relativity. One year in the orbit of a black hole corresponds to roughly 700 to a thousand years in normal space. This means that, if anything survives inside or near a black hole, that life form wouldn't age as fast as we do. 
Mobius would take 50,000 years to reach his 50s if he lived inside a black hole since he was born, for example
And if some technology created by Kang managed to isolate the effects of high gravity, then it would shield the agency and protect everyone from spaghettification, making it viable for the TVA to work from within or near the black hole, but making it impossible to escape its gravity and travel to other places.
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Hence why the TemPads open portals to other points in time and space, and no one at the TVA goes anywhere using space crafts. Maybe not even Kang was able to create a vehicle capable of escaping the titanic gravity of a black hole. Not without risking spaghettification, at least. Hence the use of portals that instantly materialize you where you need to be.
With that said, Kang studied the relation between time, space and gravity and mastered it to the point where he created a device that could gather “raw time” and spin it into manufactured strands of time, bringing order - an artificial order, mind you - to what we presume is a chaotic universe, doomed to branch into a Multiverse and its own total annihilation.
One question remains, though. Loki and Sylvie traveled to the Citadel at the End of Time, but the TVA was nowhere to be seen. Shouldn’t it be located somewhere in the vicinity and be visible from Kang’s castle, since it’s also not located anywhere within the Sacred Timeline, rather existing outside of it? And where is the Temporal Loom located, exactly? In the very center of a black hole or in orbit around it, along with the TVA?
So many questions 
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gay-lil-earthling · 7 months
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He just wants to keep his skin
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wannabeeverything · 11 months
ok so, hear me out what would happen if you threw a handful of spaghetti into a black hole? would it become like spaghetti² or something or would the spagethification even the spaghetti out, in turn neutralizing it
I need answers, science
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violation72089 · 6 months
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ran into Victor Timely like this and had to run through the sequence again
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daniel-targaryen · 5 months
what do YOU know about spaghettification/quantum physics???
I study/research quantum physics in my free time and hope to become a quantum physicist when I get the qualifications. I prefer to stay in the multiverse theory area but I read about it in general.
Spaghettification is when you are stretched perpendicular (usually to a black hole) due to a strong gravitational pull (or so I'm told lol).
I actually have several theories to do with quantum physics that I am very proud of :)
Failing maths though lmao
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soooo.... whats spaghettification?
When you get pulled into a black hole, you enter an extremely strong gravity field.
Specifically, the change in gravity is so strong that the part of your body closer to the black hole would be pulled more than the part of your body far away from the black hole. You'd stretch out a little bit.
Then that gravity difference would be even stronger. You'd stretch more.
Then more, and more, until you are a single line of atoms entering the black hole.
That's spaghettification.
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Theodore (to Harry): Spaghettification.
Harry: Spaghetti-what?
Theodore: It’s the vertical stretching and horizontal compression of objects when they fall into a black hole. Essentially, when a person enters a black hole, they go in feet first because the lower half of your body is heavier than the upper half. Of course with the severe gravitational forces it instantly strips the flesh from the bone and compresses it down to anatomical dust. Theoretically, the upper half of the body could survive this for a fraction of a tenth of a millisecond longer before it too is disintegrated into is anatomical state. The interesting fact about black holes is that they have memories, so they catalog every single object that falls into it. But not only that there’s academics that theorize that they are also back doors to alternate realities. Picture an hourglass as the black hole and us as the sand, the sand is compressed down to this tiny, tiny hole until it passes through and rematerializes on the other side. Just the object may not rematerialized in the right way because it is not a original version, but a copy created by the memory of the black hole itself. And because each copy has some imperfection—
Harry: Wait, wait, wait—Is that what actually happened? To us?! This spaghettifying—
Theodore: It’s called spaghettification. And, yes, that’s my theory for how we end up looking like a couple of teenagers.
Harry: Then we died? Or are we clones of ourselves?!
Theodore: Cosmic copies. Not clones. And probably, yes…
Harry: But that’s. I mean. How? What? That’s horrific! WTF 😳
Theodore: …it’s time magic. And it’s not like it hurt or that we remember it hurting. It all would’ve happened too fast for us to even—
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potted-dandelions · 1 year
Imagine a greatly simplified universe containing just one lonely spiral galaxy with a supermassive black hole at its center. The outer edge of the universe is constantly expanding outward while the black hole is constantly devouring the galaxy.
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All known physical laws apply here. Importantly, the laws of thermodynamics apply so no matter or energy can be created. The black hole at the center will eventually consume all matter while the universal edge will eventually grow to surround the black hole with an infinite expanse of empty space. Then, heat death.
The black hole will eventually evaporate all of its mass away as Hawking radiation and, having successfully cooled all matter down into pure energy, it will blink out of being and the inner terminus of the universe will pop like a soap bubble, its once-massive energy fully spent.
But long before the heat death of the universe, the galaxy will swirl around for billions of years with its inner bulk imploding as though being consumed from within while its outer fringes are simultaneously compressed from without, the very space itself expanding around it. We actually observe something like this effect in other galaxies throughout our own universe. Most galaxies appear to rotate much faster than their apparent mass would allow, so they would seem to have some hidden mass we call dark matter because its existence can only be inferred.
At the same time, some inferred force is also causing the space in between galaxies to expand without actually stretching it, as though new threads are being woven into the fabric of spacetime itself, causing the distance between distant galaxies to naturally increase over time. Cosmologists estimate that this dark energy accounts for the bulk of all mass/energy in the universe, exceeding even dark matter which itself greatly exceeds all observable matter and energy.
But perhaps dark matter is merely a fictious force, an emergent property of dark energy. For although dark energy appears to act only upon empty space whilst dark matter affects gravitationally-bound matter, maybe the only reason dark matter is dark is because it's not matter at all, it's simply the observable effect of dark energy compressing galaxies from outside.
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Ultimately, dark energy will expand the empty space between distant galaxies so rapidly that not even light will have enough time to span the gap, meaning distant galaxies will disappear from each other's perspectives and casual observers will see that their galaxy exists alone. So my original proposal isn't so far fetched. It is, in fact, the fate of our own galaxy—and all the other gravitationally-bound galaxies within the Local Group subsequent to their eventual merger with ours. Our distant ancestors may yet occupy a lonely galaxy in a dark void.
As the matter in our Local Group is gradually consumed by the supermassive black hole named Sagittarius A* (read eh-star), objects approaching the event horizon will undergo 'spaghettification' stretching. Even solid objects will be drawn down into threads of matter just one atom thick. Each thread will constitute a one-bit matter stream, yet each bit will preserve the information it carried with it from the farthest reaches of the galaxy. In a sense, the surface of the event horizon measures the state of incoming matter and records that data holographically.
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Information, as it happens, is equivalent to energy, comparable to the way matter and energy are mutually exchangeable, so it is therefore bound by the laws of thermodynamics. Information can only be sorted and garbled, never created nor destroyed, not even by a black hole.
Eventually, the holographic information about all the matter that has fallen into a black hole will evaporate away from the event horizon, bit by random bit, as Hawking radiation. Each bit will carry a small amount of the black hole's mass away with it, causing it to shrink. The cosmic microwave background radiation, although too dim and too red-shifted to be seen by human eyes, is still bright and warm enough for now to counteract the paltry Hawking radiation emitted by even very small black holes, so no black hole will be evaporating away anytime soon.
But picture the universe from a singularity's point of view. The holographic image recorded upon the surface of the event horizon is a stained-glass window as seen from the other side, and the scenes it depicts are perfect memories of everything that ever happened in the galaxy. Those images are greatly distorted by the gravitational forces and spaghettification to which all matter succumbed as it plunged into the universal abyss, but with corrective lenses, even gravitational astigmatism may be undone and the holograph's finest details can be revealed.
If a mind could dance upon the surface of the event horizon, watching matter streams go by like a channel-surfer looking for something to watch on T.V., such a mind might be able to perceive the former goings and doings of individual creatures long dead on distant worlds. From the singularity's perspective, this black hole dweller aims the corrective scope at the precise azimuth and elevation to view life from anybody's perspective while turning the focus wheel to scrub through their timeline. The focus wheel would in fact be a time-focus wheel.
Only a godlike mind could conceivably correct such severe distortion, but for all we know, that mind sees the inside of the event horizon projected upon the outside of a globe like an interactive, rewindable recording of real-time satellite feeds in a Google Earth VR interface.
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And for all we know, our own minds are peering through such scopes, only the azimuth and elevation is fixed and the focus wheel is motorized so that we experience everything through but one human's perspective along a fixed and finite timeline. What a depressing fate indeed.
The part of me that believes in the free agency of the the soul rejects the implications, but my mind is open to the idea that we're watching events unfold in reverse, that the focus wheel is rolling backwards, and that the black hole is really a white hole spewing information. In that case, we are perceiving the outcomes of our decisions before we make them, guiding us to make the choices that we must in order for our perceived selves to survive from the moment of our death to the moment of our inevitable birth when we will finally avert our gaze.
Thus are we able to predict the past while remembering the future, but with the focus wheel turning backwards, our perception of causality is reversed, making us think we are predicting the future while remembering the past. This part of the plan will be rather controversial.
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The heat death of the universe is going to take a very, very long time to reach its conclusion, yet we only have until then to observe everything that has ever mattered throughout all of spacetime. When the soap bubble pops, we're out on our own with the information we collected.
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infinite-eternity · 7 months
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Likelihood of spaghettification increases 7000%
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camelliasinensis81 · 3 months
stretching isn’t enough anymore, I need someone to throw me into a black hole
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nucleargnocchi · 4 months
if i had a nickel for every time scientists names an astronomy term after pasta i'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice
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janehaster · 6 months
I think I get it now.
After killing He Who Remains, the Sacred Timeline would inevitably split into the Multiverse.
Because the Temporal Loom was never designed to sustain multiple timelines, its implosion was inevitable.
Even if the characters did everything in their power to adapt the Loom to withstand a Multiverse, time was still running against them since the time radiation would increase exponentially, making it impossible for them to send anyone through the external catwalk that leads to the Loom without them dying before reaching it.
For anyone to survive that walk and return alive, they would need to install the Throughput Multiplier right after HWR was killed, when the radiation was still low.
And now that the Loom imploded, the time radiation spaghettified reality into one single compressed timeline
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From the images in the Season 2 teaser trailer, it looks like all the Variants working at the TVA resumed their normal lives as if the TVA never existed (B-15 as a nurse or doctor working at a hospital, Mobius with his jet-ski, etc)...
Except we see images of Loki meeting another Loki from the TVA in the teaser, which means some characters - maybe all of them - might end up travelling back and forth between their original timeline and the doomed TVA in a never ending cycle, caused by the compression of all timelines into one, until they figure out how to avoid the implosion of the Temporal Loom and ensure its stability, thus travelling back and forth through time and working toward creating a stable Multiverse.
Why do I believe our characters will experience time travel?
Because we saw Loki do that before, in Season 2's first episode, except he couldn't control the process back then.
Before the implosion of the Temporal Loom, they had only a slim chance to save the Multiverse. It was a race against time. Depending on which choices they made, they would manage to save the TVA and avoid Time Compression. However, by now the viewers know the implosion was inevitable.
Now that time has been compressed, they are caught in a temporal loop and must work toward avoiding the end result by ensuring the Throughput Multiplier can be perfected and installed in the Temporal Loom before the TVA gets blown to smithereens.
Hence, Ourobouros. The temporal loop. Everything starts where it ends. Kang's death and the birth of the Multiverse. The Temporal Loom's inevitable implosion and the irreversible compression of time.
The clock is ticking. Whether Loki and his companions will escape the Ourobouros, that's what we shall see in episodes 5 and 6...and possibly a Season 3?
Who knows.
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mohosaber003 · 6 months
" It's not about where, when or why. It's about who. I can rewrite the story."- Loki who remains. fanart of Loki ! I'm just astonish to see what just happened !
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look how happy my search engine is that i have more than 99 tabs open :)
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also love that the first result is an amazon advertisement that tells me i can exchange spaghetti noodles without problem.
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hi sorry, i spaghettified your boyfriend. yeah, he’s just a string of atoms now. sorry
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warznymph · 10 months
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