#sorry for the lack of touko
ystrike1 · 1 year
Akutou Ikka no Mana Musume, Tensei Saki mo Otome Game no Gokudou Reijou deshita - by Amekawa Touko (8.5/10)
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The beloved granddaughter of a Japanese mafia boss gets reincarnated...as the daughter of a mafia boss in a steampunk otome world. Sounds redundant, but it is funny. Her crazy fiance is the wild card that makes this life very different from the first.
Francesca is really good at being the daughter of a mafia boss. Her father should hate her, because she's just a stepping stone character in a romance game, but he adores her. She is the pride of the family, and she is heir even though she doesn't have a special magical gift.
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Francesca has a dream. A normal life and friends. It is all she has ever wanted. Her father's praise doesn't make her happy. She doesn't like the fear she inspires. Being in the mafia means normal friendships are impossible, so Francesca decided to give up long ago.
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Leonardo, her fiance, thinks her lack of desire for power is interesting. Especially after she threatens him with actual violence. If he tries to interfere apparently she's actually going to shoot him dead. Her threat does the opposite of what it is supposed to do. Leonardo falls for her that day.
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He turns the gun on her and he says he will never break their engagement. It doesn't matter if Francesca doesn't have powers. He loves her, and she's good with a gun AND she's cold as ice in dangerous situations. She is the ideal wife.
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Her true colors turn him on. The previous incarnation of Francesca was a pawn willing to do anything to marry her high caliber fiance. Leonardo is the kind of yandere that enjoys it when women play hard to get...I think? I also think he just likes Francesca as a partner, because of her ability to be calm under pressure and such. Anyway, it's obvious that the previous Francesca did not suit his taste.
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Francesca seems to think life as a regular person is easy. This seems silly at first. Why the hell does a rich and privileged young girl want to live on the other side so bad???
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Her grandfather adored her in her first life, but his mafia family ruined her childhood. They were overprotective, and she had to go to school with guards. None of the young kids played with her. They couldn't. Super young kids can't play without their parents consent, and no sane parent would let their child near her.
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She died protecting her beloved, strict grandfather. She was the perfect mafia daughter. All she has ever wanted is another life. A different one, where she can have friends.
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Her reincarnated life is kind of cruel. Her mafia father dotes on her....violently. her servants get punished if they dare to scuff her shoes. Her new father does love her for real, but Francesca is over it. She wants affection without blood...but Leonardo is a yandere.
Too bad.
Maybe in your third life...
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Here's a hint about the level of sadism we're dealing with. Leonardo used to physically torture and taunt his unworthy and powerless fiance. He was ruthless. Soulless. He's a hard man to love, and he was really popular in the game...even though he was hard to get. By "get" I mean hard to romance without dying in the process.
Good luck.
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typekiku · 5 months
thoughts on TYPE MOON stuff
well these are my the type moon stuff i have read or watched or whatever so far. this is my opinion only so its inherently correct argue with the wall or touch grass as the youth say SO here it goes drum roll
boring as shit. no joke im sorry its just booty cheeks but of the not sexy kind. its beyond mid its so mid i cant even act like i enjoyed it. it has an interesting concept and world sure but everything else is doo doo butter.
only good part is nero being hot asf and ig whatever servant there is because i only used nero (lmao i aint playing it all over again) she was funny at times
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see shes hilarious at times... im sure CCC will change my mind... right? it has sakura what am i saying its PEAK
also fuck them for including arcueid in this crap
i honestly dont have much to say about this one it never really clicked with me nor did i ever feel anything about it... BESIDES TOUKO
clears throat
that aside yea i genuinely dont have any opinion on this series of movies good or bad besides movies 3 and 5 which were my favorites
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maybe i need to rewatch em one day and really try to get into it
my favorite spin off in the whole fate franchise. it has some of my absolute favorite characters and GIL like what else would one even want in life amirite
some of my favorites are:
Richard: the absolute goat and one of my fav servants ever
Enkidu: i want a spinoff of gil and enkidu... is that so hard to ask??
Flat: my son
Jack: my uhhh child ig
alcides: the closest we will get to archer herc but just pure cool regardless
hansa: cyborg priest. nothing gets cooler then that
and many more im already too ti- FILIA - red to mention
i've only read up to volume 7 so i gotta get to reading the rest soon
its just pure chaos and is fun while doing so despite being slow as shit
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ok this is the most complicated series here in a way since its so incredibly mixed.
there are some of the highest peaks in fate and then some of the lowest lows so lets see
Highest peaks:
lb5 (YES olympus and atlantis im tired of acting like olympus isnt peak NO heian kyo its mid)
the rest of the lostbelts are good but not that good
goetia is an incredible villain
lowest lows:
first five singularities
solomon im sorry the stuff with goetia was peak but the rest was average
serious lack of male summer servants like cmon i wanna see them abs
overall fgo is alright but some parts of it is straight up incredible HOWEVER all of it is seriously held back by being a gacha mobile game and has to work around that limitation
also it has barghest whom i absolutely adore
also fuck fgo for forgetting medea...
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now this is peak. the most gorgeous tm work by far i have to say its simply an incredible read all around. even tsukire did not look or work or sound as good as mahoyo did even tho it came out almost ten(?) years after
on the story front i loved it too with a special shoutout to soujuuro being one of my favorite characters in TM (i say this often not my fault type moon keeps releasing bangers)
however mahoyo has two issues for me:
the story is clearly incomplete: i dont mean its just nonsense or whatever but when nasu said its the first of a trilogy you can just feel that in the story with alot of things being left in the air. this wouldnt be an issue really if mahoyo 2 wasnt basically dead....
i didnt vibe with the slice of life scenes as much as i usually do in nasu works: this isnt a flaw in the story more so i just didnt like em idk how else to word that
mahoyo is a great read however and i highly highly recommend you read it or else
it also has touko enough said
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TSUKIHIME (original version)
Greatest of all time. Zenith of the medium. Hallmark of media. Gold standard of storytelling. Apogee of creativity. Vertex of invention. Crest of ingenuity. Acme of imagination. Pinnacle of innovation. Epic of epics. Legend among legends. Peak fiction
ok fr tho its actually incredible and you should read it right the fuck now
all of the characters are simply chefs kiss. while the visual novel is incredibly dated and the art is even worse you have to understand this is nasu and takeuchis first ever visual novel made on a barely existing budget.
boy do they make up for that.
the vn is split into two with a near side and far side.
while the near side is really good with arcueid and ciels route (ignore how ciel was actually really fucked over even in her own route its laughable and my girl deserved better) the far side is so much more better and really is where the soul of tsukihime and shiki the main character lies
i cba to review it properly besides saying PLEASE READ IT RN or ill cry and you dont wanna see that do you....
heres my ranking of the routes btw best to worse:
shoutout to satsuki you finally are gonna get the route you deserved
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um it has some cool lore and some really good short stories and... yea thats about it...
dont have much else to add...
play it with a guide because the structure of the game is abysmal
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what is there to be said about such a masterpiece? what else could be written about fsn that hasnt been written before? i am but an ant in the shadow of the giant that is FSN only seeking some crumbs to feed and live off of. idk what that means but it sounds cool.
FSN is simply tms best work all around. while i prefer tsuki over it and find the tsuki side of TM more interesting FSN overall is much stronger on most fronts but especially its main characters
Shirou emiya is simply the goat nothing else to be said tbh
heres my ranking of the routes:
issei route
heavens feel
we need more medea and kuzuki holy shit are they cute
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thank you type moon for making a good kagetsu tohya. its actually impressive just how much better this is then KT like seriously what the fuck did they take to drop this banger of a vn
KT had such shit comedy i didnt even giggle throughout it but THIS
THIS is a emotional rollercoaster of a whole different kind.
introducing the third (arc and medea are first and second) love of my life Bazett and angra we go through an incredible main story intermingled with hilarious and wholesome slice of life scenes that never overstay their welcome
this vn completely changed my opinion on some characters especially illya who went from someone i was kinda 50/50 on to adoring her overall
ALSO MEDEA SCENES YES I WON MOTHERFUCKERS I WO- huh? whats that? fgo basically replaced her with medea lily?
one hour of sobbing later
if you have read fsn and not FHA then i must ask you.. wtf is wrong with you psycho? you like missing out on good things? that wouldnt be me is all im saying
read it.
(in case you're wondering yes there is someone i deliberately didnt mention because my opinion on them is too complicated)
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im not a fan of remaking classics on the level of tsuki. with all its flaws i still find the original to be good enough to not need a remake...
this is how you do it folks. the story was elevated on nearly every level and if it was the complete story id say its the best ever in existence ever forever fr. its just that good.
there are three things i really want to point out:
while maybe goin overboard i really liked the buffs all the characters received and in general the whole worldbuilding is so much better now with idea bloods and principles and vampire hierarchies and arcueid inflation scenes (heh) its just epic
ciel got a so much better route that actually feels like a ciel route and not just arcueid route 2 electric bugaloo (and getting fucking cucked)
noel is peak
this is peak type moon and when red garden comes out it will be even BETTER especially with satsuki route because satsuki deserves it
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there are some other short stories i havent mentioned like garden of avalon, notes, MAGNITUNING (look it up you wont regret it) its all great and worth the time of reading
eventually i wanna play CCC and read some other stuff like maybe prillya DDD, fgo jp like lb7 traum and whatnot
i just wrote this for fun so dont really take anything i say seriously except for the teeny little part where im inherently correct.
uh if you are reading like or share or whatever tf it was idk
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wyvernblizzard · 7 months
ok i think ive got it
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i looove neo japan as a team concept theyre very very dear to me as i may have made clear already BUT the canon team is one id make some tweaks to so this is the neo japan that exists in my mind…. note that this is the “adhering to canon” version though - otherwise shinobu, maki, yuki + an would all also be here (touko, rika + reina would all be in inajapan)
honba and gokukawa to tighten up the defence - the chaos match highlights their defensive combination with it being portrayed as the “best in the universe” and their teamwork was the most consistent behind nagumo and suzuno’s after all. they interest me!!! a lot. i think they pair well for the infinite wall also as well as harvest in place of ishidaira and gouin
NISHIGAKI because his lack of involvement is so criminal to me - inazuma isnt the best at calling back to smaller plot threads cohesively, but the idea of nishigaki feeling like he has to catch up to ichinose and domon was thrown away too easily ESPECIALLY in the ffi arc where he is simply nowhere to be seen (except at the beginning in the game where he’s at the selection match watching). so he’s the kidokawa rep here instead of one of the triplets sorry kings no triangle z today 🫡 buuuut they might get tri pegasus instead!!!
sugimori for a SIMILAR REASON!!! while neo japan has lots of keeper coverage, there isnt another sole keeper asides from genda so i wanted to amend that and sugimori is so the choice im honestly very very surprised he wasnt involved considering arata is there and his whole connection to raimon - even being a dark emperor. it seems to me they always wanted to do something more with him but never ended up committing. ESPECIALLY AGAIN bc hes shown in the introduction to season three him specifically but never appears candidate or otherwise again 😭
finally ive always been bummed over the lack of wild rep and cheetah seemed the most obvious choice (it was between him and chicken, but ultimately i just like cheetah + his portrayal in the manga made me think this was a role suited for him more sorry chicken my friend). also u think hitomiko wouldnt be interested in a team of animal dudes with far above average abilities? nose got to the finals in the football frontier the year before the show takes place uve gotta respect them
lots of the choices of who to swap out were also motivated by, for me, what i thought were more interesting character dynamics - having a member of shin teikoku like gouin on the team next to genda intrigued me but it ultimately was sacrificed for dynamics involving other characters. like - honba still learns beast fang in his game moveset, and i felt that both did atsuishi’s role AND gouin’s role as well as him bringing something new + interesting with gokukawa. for example. also i do just like these guys more on top of that 😭
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mamamittens · 1 year
A Trembling Response (Pt. 6)
Finally an update for a bit of an older series, I've been looking forward to this chapter for a while, ngl
Warnings: Unseen creatures in the dark and a panic attack is featured heavily in this chapter.
Ft. Bandit(OC) all grown up!
Word Count: 3,361
Edit: Happened to look over it again and realized I accidentally copied part of chapter 5 as well as the prompt note for the chapter, I am so sorry for anyone that read it and was very confused. Word count will be updated to reflect actual length later.
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Crouched in the corner of the far doorway of the room, just behind whoever was guarding her on the other side. Eyes that shined in the dark but gave off no light. Before, when she’d only seen ‘misfortunes’, they’d looked flat. Like they were reflecting light weakly with no distinguishing direction. But the reality was far worse.
She couldn’t sleep well anymore. Even with Stefan laying practically on top of her, she could see them.
Those eyes were like cut outs in reality in the dark. Tiny pinholes for something much larger than their physical forms. Not blind or weak but merely stalking from the shadows. The sounds they could make seemed strangely distant. Echoing like it was from across a large, empty room. Making the impression that their true form was much further away even worse. Because the bigger they got, the louder they were.
This one, maybe even the same one from the laundry room, was now considerably taller than herself. It’s exact shape obscured by the shadows it clung to as it stared her down. The weak lantern kept alight by her own request and it scared her to consider that it wasn’t actually doing anything at all. That the thing too big to be a ‘misfortune’ was simply biding it’s time. Stefan had taken to pinning her against the wall, placing himself deliberately in the way as he watched. As a result, he didn’t want to play during the daytime, choosing to nap with Whitebeard in a move that people were starting to notice. Particularly that she was getting tired too, dark circles under her eyes intensifying with every passing night.
No one had asked yet, but soon they would.
And she didn’t know how she was going to explain that the sweet dog was trying to keep her safe. That she was terrified about something that she couldn’t even begin to understand, let alone explain. And that her biggest fear is that whatever it was, that couldn’t be seen or felt by anyone but her and a dog, was going to stop waiting one day.
Somehow, though, despite being watched unblinkingly from the dark, she managed to fall asleep.
It was gone when she woke up, dark smears melting under the now bright light in a trail that led across the room, through the bars, and feet away from where Stefan had been guarding her. Like it had simply walked right through. She felt like crying but the cheerful smile of Captain Hektor stopped her, happily picking her up to carry her to breakfast.
Touko handed her a plate with a slightly worried smile, noticing the obvious lack of sleep. She smiled back, happily accepting the plate of pancakes as Stefan slipped under the table and quickly took a nap.
She sat up, cutting up her pancakes with her fork after drowning them in syrup gleefully. The thick mass dripping as she took a bite.
Stefan whined under the table and for a moment her heart stuttered, a cold sweat breaking down her back.
Was there one under the table? If she looked down, would she see Stefan looking directly into to a pair of horrible white eyes?
Stefan licked her ankle and she sucked in a breath, giggling on the exhale nervously.
No. Of course not.
Stefan just wanted her bacon. Before anyone could stop her, she grabbed a thick slice and offered it under the table, Stefan politely pulling it from her fingertips with a small lick. Touko grinned knowingly and offered a slice of his own as Thatch looked with light disapproval. She pretended like she didn’t know full well that he added bits of bacon to Stefan bowl and gravy.
Touko leaned over.
“Commander Thatch is making cakes to set overnight for a party later. Some of the guys were assigned to clean up after it but were wondering if you’d like to take it instead? You get to eat the leftover batter.” Touko grinned at her excited look.
She’d never eaten the batter before that she could remember but the prospect of a forbidden treat was tempting.
Touko didn’t mention that this would be just after bedtime. Thankfully he stayed with her and Stefan to make sure they got back to bed afterwards, as well as helping carry heavy pans to the sink to wash.
“Commander Thatch doesn’t bake cakes often, don’t tell anyone but I think desserts scare him.” Touko winked, offering the batter bowl and a clean spoon. The batter had set a little but was no less delicious. All of them were delicious really, a startling amount of cakes were hiding somewhere in the kitchen fridges to cool.
The one they were working on ‘cleaning’ was a vanilla cake batter, the thick mixture tangy on her tongue as Stefan stood guard facing the door.
Touko looked between her and Stefan.
“Hey, kid… are you doing alright?” Touko asked, taking a thoroughly tasted batter bowl and rinsing it in the sink before dumping it in the ‘wash’ side.
She paused, spoon of batter still in her mouth. Slowly, she took it out and nodded.
“…yeah.” Touko narrowed his eyes in worry.
“Are you sure? You and Stefan have been really tired lately and I know you’re not staying up late cleaning or playing. I asked several of the ‘guards’ and they claim you don’t make a peep. What’s going on?” Touko kneeled down to be eye level with her. Dark brown eyes fixed gently on her.
How does she explain that neither Stefan nor herself could sleep because of the shadow monster staring her down from the darkness?
That there was now several looking at her from beyond the darkened doorway to the empty hall.
She shrugged, making useless gestures as she struggled to find the words to either lie convincingly or explain what was happening.
“Looks like I’m not the only one after a late night snack~” A soft, playful voice spoke, startling them both.
She looked to the doorway where a tall, fluffy racoon mink stood. They looked ruffled, light gray fur speckled with salt and pepper freckles, a mass of curly white hair tied back. Black and white stripped sweater hanging loose as their tail waved around behind them. She’d never seen them before but judging by Touko’s relaxed posture, they must be a crew member.
“Bandit! You scared the shi—hell out of us!” Touko scolded, the mink grinning with mischievous honey eyes. Their bushy tail twitched as they leaned against the doorframe. Several pairs of white eyes hovering behind them in the shadows. She noticed their fuzzy ears twitching madly, swiveling around like they could hear something.
“Does Thatch know that you’re having a kid wash dishes? A kid that’s supposed to be a guest?” Bandit asked in a low, smooth voice.
“I’m helping! Besides, they get to eat the batter, it’s not like she’s not getting anything out of it” Touko defended. Bandit perked up.
“Batter? Oh! I was here for bread, but if there’s batter, how could I resist!” Bandit skipped over, eagerly, tail swishing playfully across her face as they scooped up an untouched bowl. “Touko.” Bandit said, licking a whisk.
“Go get Thatch. I know he didn’t approve of the kiddo cleaning the kitchen.” Bandit ordered. Touko deflated a bit, giving her an apologetic look.
“It’s okay. I like cleaning things. Gives me something to do.” Bandit looked down at her before shooting Touko a look.
“Yeah? That why you’re so exhausted, kit?” Bandit asked slowly, eyes narrowing at Touko.
“No! That’s not why!” She defended quickly as Touko took off before Bandit could say anything more accusingly.
Bandit huffed, licking a spoonful of batter before setting it down.
They picked her up, settling her on their hip as they headed out to the hallway.
“Then what’s wrong, kit? I already know about the whole ship sinking thing, but that was a while ago. Is something else bothering you?” Bandit asked softly, tapping her nose with a clawed finger gently.
Bandit stopped just outside the kitchen door, the shadows pressing in all around them.
“… why are we leaving the kitchen? Doesn’t it still need to be cleaned?” She asked as a distraction.
“Well, I know Thatch pretty good by now. He’s probably going to hear from Touko what’s been going on and march right to the men he ordered to clean up and make them get out of bed himself.” Bandit declared. “You, however, need to clean up and go to bed. Marco’s been fretting to himself for days from what it sounds like.”
She glanced away from Bandit’s shadowed face and saw that they eyes were leaning in close. Something shifting in the darkness around them as Stefan gave a soft woof. Bandit turned away and looked around in confusion, ears twitching still.
“…I don’t like the dark.” She admitted, drawing their attention away from where a cluster of eyes watched. Bandit’s features softening as they smiled.
“Oh, kit, it’s alright. We can put in a nightlight or something. I don’t really need to worry about the dark cause I have night vision but this big old boat must be spooky for little kits like you.” Bandit teased, a rattling hiss echoing closer than ever before, her heart pounding in her chest as Stefan growled back.
“I’m not scared of the dark… I’m scared of what’s in it.” She whispered, looking directly at a massive pair of white eyes, horrified as what seemed to be teeth forming in the dark.
Bandit sniffed, going to say something before their fur bristled. Tail and ears twitching in agitation.
“There’s nothing in… the dark…?” Bandit said slowly, looking around as they held her closer, her hands gripping the soft sweater.
She thought she was scared before when she could see them watching her in the dark. When only Stefan seemed to notice their presence. When they started forming teeth—oh seas what if those are just sharp eyes?—but now she started to hyperventilate.
Bandit, somehow, could sense them.
And they knew it. Hissing louder as some dark, foul wind blew over her, instantly making Bandit’s fur bristle as they growled back to the unseen threat.
“Where the fuck are they?!” Bandit hissed, teeth bared as they looked around.
She couldn’t restrain the soft, desperate sob, tears obscuring her vision.
“We’re surrounded.”
Massive dark claws cut through the weak light from the kitchen and only just barely brushed across Bandit’s nose where the light hit directly.
The reaction was instant.
A wild yowl cut through like gunshot, arm pinning her to their chest as Bandit ran. Bolting through the dark as the sound of wet claws digging into the wood followed behind them that was too big to be Stefan’s smaller paws.
Stefan was also following, yelping in fright as he scrambled to stay with them.
Bandit seemed to lean down, nearly running on all fours as they jumped off of walls to gain speed down softly lit halls. Narrowly dodging Touko and Thatch, the former looking sheepish under the attention of the annoyed commander.
“The fuck?! Bandit?!”
The sound of their shadowed pursuers still following as they left the two behind.
She sobbed, crying into Bandit’s shoulder in terror as they slammed into a door, scrambling to open it before closing it behind with a loud bang. Startling several voices in the room as Bandit yowled, curling around her in agitation.
“Bandit?!” She could barely hear Whitebeard over her own sobs, wailing and hiccupping uncontrollably. Her lungs aching and throat burning as she finally let it out, wholly unable to stop now that she started. Shaking and trembling in the mink’s arms as they tried to sooth the both of them.
She sobbed, wailing harder as they were lifted up, words warbling in nonsensical sounds as she tried to speak. Bandit chittering into her ear as he stroked her back.
Whitebeard held his children in worry, looking at the three nurses that were changing an IV just before Bandit slammed into the room making sounds none of them knew they could even make.
The small marine child clutching Bandit as they both struggled to calm down. The little girl obviously failing as she cried so hard it shook the two of them.
The nurses finished their task and shuffled out, allowing the three privacy as Whitebeard scooped up his frightened children. Stefan bolting into the room the instant the door opened to leap onto the bed.
While not the bravest of his children, Bandit wasn’t easily frightened.
Whatever had just occurred shook them badly. Bandit curling into his hand in a way Whitebeard hadn’t seen in years, claws shaking as they tried to sooth the little marine. She only sobbed harder, face red from the sheer difficulty she had breathing through her upset.
It made his chest ache in sympathy and worry.
If this was from a prank, there was going to be severe consequences.
He didn’t really step into small matters between his children, preferring to allow them room to manage themselves. But this was unacceptable.
“Bandit, my child, what happened?” Whitebeard asked, stroking down their back softly. Bandit let slip a small yip, wide eyes looking up at him.
“I-I don’t know! It touched me! Something touched me!” Bandit howled, fur bristling with their ears pinned down into the curly silver hair. “I couldn’t see it, couldn’t hear it, but I felt it! Sensed it—something was there, ‘Yaji! It was right there and it touched me!”
All the while, the brave little marine sobbed violently in Bandit’s arms.
The door opened again, a worried Thatch and Touko peeking in. The little marine peeking up and wailing louder, Bandit hissing as the two hurriedly slipped into the room.
“Oyaji, Bandit! What the hell was that?!” Thatch asked, running up to his younger siblings. Bandit heaved an agitated chitter but refused to speak, their tail moving in angry motions.
Whitebeard needed to get to the bottom of this… whatever this was. And whatever made his children so fearful they ran to his room for protection was going to regret it.
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A Lack Of Essence
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/5XYPxS3
by OceanPalace
Undoubtedly, it’s one of the best, no— maybe the best she’s ever had in her life. It’s a perfect technique, it’s a perfect balance, it’s… it’s…
…But it’s not the same.
Aoi tries to make donuts for like the ones she made in the past, but she feels like there's something missing.
Words: 3168, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa Series, Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Dangan Ronpa 3: The End of 希望ヶ峰学園 | The End of Kibougamine Gakuen | End of Hope's Peak High School
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Asahina Aoi, Ogami Sakura (mentioned), Naegi Makoto, Hinata Hajime (mentioned), Komaeda Nagito (mentioned) - Character, Fukawa Touko (mentioned), Naegi Komaru (mentioned)
Relationships: Asahina Aoi/Ogami Sakura, Hajime Hinata/Komaeda Nagito (Mentioned)
Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Hurt/Comfort, Anxiety Attacks, Depression, Pining, Feelings Realization, sorry homie i didn't mean to give her depression, its donut time, Not Beta Read, basically almost nothing i write is beta read i hope this is well known
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/5XYPxS3
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rosineila · 3 years
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quick nanarui doodle based off that one spunch boob quote ft. background tsukushi x mashiro
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chisatowo · 2 years
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Did some more color picked flags; top five sexuality hc edition
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luckystimmed · 6 years
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““  Can I have a stimboard for a bisexual and Pagan Toko/Syo who dated Komaru using purple, makeup, paints, calligraphy, machinery, and bath bombs? No slime please ““  // x // x // x // x // x // x // x // x // x //
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shuttershocky · 2 years
To that one anon who was asking me about why Nasu was worried about how Ufotable would adapt the quiet parts of Mahoyo, sorry. Tumblr broke trying to answer it and now the original ask was gone, but here was my answer to it:
I haven't seen HF3 so I may be missing something, but I think modern Ufotable just doesn't do stuff like this anymore.
Oh, they can still do the drama or expository scenes like the first half of the video just fine. Conversation that moves to slowly swelling emotional music is something they still do, but from what I remember from Zero, UBW, and the first two HF movies, these scenes are already the quiet moments. Whereas in the first Kara No Kyoukai film, this is only the leadup to a scene completely without dialogue or music, where the film trusts its audience to engage with it and understand what is happening, but left unsaid.
For those who haven't seen Kara No Kyoukai, here's a breakdown with context.
The clip starts with Ryougi Shiki back at her workplace, The Hollow Shrine. Her boyfriend Kokutou Mikiya had his soul stolen by a ghost haunting the abandoned Fujou building, and it just finished kicking Shiki's ass and tearing her prosthetic arm off when she tried to investigate the building. Fortunately, their boss Touko is a puppet maker and engineer, and she gets to work right away rebuilding Ryougi's arm.
While putting it together, Touko says that while she can make a puppet or a prosthetic as realistic as possible, there's nothing she can do to make it truly alive. Her puppets will forever be empty, existing as shells just as Shiki once did when she awoke from a traumatic incident that destroyed her sense of self, living as a doll until she began to put herself back together and desired to live.
That whole time, Mikiya was the pillar she leaned on while she worked through her trauma. They had been high school sweethearts before the accident. He visited her every week for two years during her coma, and when she woke up in grief, he stayed right by her so she wouldn't feel alone.
That's why Touko steers the conversation to being about how Mikiya ended up working for her. He saw one of Touko's puppet exhibits, tracked her down despite the literally magic protections she put to keep from being found, and begged her for a job. His favorite doll in her exhibition during the job interview was the one that happened to look like Shiki. Touko noted that he was the type of person to 'obsess over dolls', but this isn't meant to be understood in a creepy sense. Rather, he is the kind of person who pours his love into empty things, seeing life where there is none and hoping it truly will come alive someday. This makes him an appealing target for certain supernatural beings, such as the entity lurking in the Fujou building.
Shiki then walks over to look at his lifeless body, noting that between the two of them, he's now the empty one.
After Shiki's walk home, we finally arrive at the completely quiet scene. Despite the lack of any dialogue or music, the scene is anything but empty.
In the first scene of the movie, Mikiya comes to Shiki's apartment with strawberry ice cream. Shiki complains that she doesn't like ice cream, but Mikiya explains that it was so hot, he figured she would want to eat something cold even if she didn't eat the ice cream he bought last time. Shiki refuses to eat it still.
In this quiet scene however, Shiki changes her mind. it's not too hot—it was raining while she walked home—and yet she takes out the ice cream anyway and opens it, having to adjust to only having one arm while her prosthetic is still being repaired. She pauses to think about if she's really going to have some ice cream, then decides she will and begins to eat.
Within the silence punctuated only by the sounds of her breathing and chewing, Shiki's resolve hardens and her next move becomes clear. Whatever that thing in the Fujou building that beat her up is, she's coming back as soon as her arm is fixed, and she's killing the shit out of it.
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toyrylaartblog · 7 years
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Some fast mondokawa drawings I've done... ヽ(τωヽ)ノ hopefully when I get back home, I can make something that's not just my sketchbook scribbles...!
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browngurl99 · 3 years
What your favorite canon/implied gay anime ship says about your fanfiction taste
You either love a lot of angst or a lot of *cough *cough. There's no 'IN BETWEEN'.
Does not matter what you are reading, there's always PINNING. SO MUCH PINNING.
Kageyama/Hinata (Or any of the heavily implied ships in Haikyuu)
You usually read AUs because the canon universe is a little boring for you. OR You only read canon divergence fics because the CHEMISTRY
Any of the couples from Given
Angst with a happy ending, right ? Hah! Called it! (Ain't that the canon story ?)
There's a lack of content so, you read whatever that looks good to you.
You read almost everything you see. Especially when you are an anime-only. Cuz you are CRAVING for content. (MY EXACT SITUATION 😓)
ANGST! OH! SO MUCH ANGST! PAIN! (Also, you like reincarnation AUs)
*Cough *coughs louder *Coughing intensifes
You may love hurt/comfort fics or hate it but you cannot escape it ; You just.. read too many of them. Also, you LOVE fluff (You deserve it after all)
You like fluff and good things for side characters
You like hurt/comfort but you are also kinda thirsty
I hope this was accurate. Thanks for reading :)
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taizi · 3 years
Could I request some good bro Natori and Natsume stuff for prompts 1,2,3, or 5? Either separately or merged into one frankenfic?
1. “I apologise in advance for the inconvenience my murder is going to have on your life.” +2. “I hate you.” “Why? I’m lovely.” +5. “This is my life now. I have climbed this hill and now I will die upon it.” “Shut up. We’ve only been hiking for twenty minutes.”
When Shuuichi called the Fujiwara house to invite Natsume to the upcoming wrap party, he was braced for the type of dogged, exacting negotiations better suited a hostage situation. 
Instead, after a pleasant fifteen-minute conversation with Touko, he was painlessly gifted custody of his friend for the weekend. 
“Shigeru-san and I need to meet with one of his relatives about some of Takashi-kun’s missing belongings,” she says, a sliver of steel in her sunny voice that promises, in no uncertain terms, that these relatives will almost certainly have a fight on their hands. “I’d hate to have to bring Takashi-kun along, but I don’t like to leave him here alone, so this is quite the neat solution!”
Natsume is grim and resigned when they meet at the train station, an overnight bag slung over his shoulder, his ugly cat tucked into his arms. Shuuichi can’t help but beam at him, having come out of this arrangement fully on top. 
“Shopping!” he announces gleefully. “You’ll need something fancy for the party. And then we’ll get lunch-- my treat, of course. And if you don’t listen to me, Touko-san will be sad!” 
If looks could kill, Shuuichi would almost certainly have met his unfortunate end right then and there. 
Natsume has been uncomfortable all evening, in a fixed position at Shuuichi’s elbow and nursing the same flute of champagne that was foisted upon him at the door. 
He’s in dark-washed jeans and a smart blazer, his hair tucked out of his face with a few strategic hair clips. He toes the line between youthful and stylish well, and his quiet personality comes across as shy instead of standoffish. The cast and crew are all delighted to finally meet the kid Shuuichi talked so much about, and Natsume is doing his best to hold up under all the attention.
So it had taken a bit of blackmail and bribery to get him here-- was that so unusual? 
Networking is a necessary evil, and usually Shuuichi is stuck at these functions until the early hours of the morning. But it’s only a couple of hours before Natsume starts to flag. He’s edging into nonverbal territory, only mustering eye contact for a few seconds at a time, and Shuuichi doesn’t waste time in steering him away from the press of the party and into an out-of-the-way office. 
“Who’s office is this?” Natsume asks quietly. When Shuuichi presses lightly on his shoulders, he sinks into a leather armchair without fuss. 
“Doesn’t matter. I’m famous, I can do whatever I want,” Shuuichi says with a winning smile. 
Natsume is recovered enough by then to scowl at him, a knee-jerk reaction. 
“I hate you.”
“Why? I’m lovely.”
After that exchange, Shuuichi feels alright about leaving Natsume alone with Hiiragi while he sweeps off to make their excuses, and say his goodbyes, and steal some food for the road. 
And now they’re bundled in coats and scarves, making their way back to the hotel. Natsume looks much livelier now that they’re outside, working on the second half of an egg sandwich that Shuuichi smuggled out for him. 
“I can’t believe you do that for a living,” the boy murmurs after a moment. “It’s exhausting.”
“You get used to it,” Shuuichi says. “And I’m good at talking.”
Being charming and personable on cue is one of his greatest skills. No closed door, or VIP entrance, or members-only sign has ever kept him out. 
When they get back to the hotel, an ugly cat is waiting for them outside. Natsume smiles to see it, his pace quickening, and offers the yokai the last bite of his sandwich. 
Madara takes it with a scoff. “This is all you brought me? I want barbecue!” 
“What kind of party do you think we were at?” Shuuichi mutters. 
“Maybe tomorrow, sensei,” Natsume says agreeably, lifting the cat into his arms. 
“Hmph. In that case, I guess I’ll pass the message along.” Settling into a comfortable loaf in the crook of the boy’s arms, the cat squints at them with shining, dark eyes. “Someone came for their name while you were gone.”
Shuuichi stiffens in alarm. They’re hours away from Hitoyoshi, where Natsume’s reputation proceeds him at every turn. To have been tracked this far, despite the wards... 
Natsume only looks mildly surprised. “Are they still here?”
“No, they’re waiting for you in the woods,” Madara says. “Human settlements make them nervous.”
Nodding as if this is all perfectly reasonable, Natsume glances at Shuuichi. Shuuichi, waiting for his cue, says, “Absolutely not.”
“Natori,” his friend says, with the same tone of a tired mother attempting to wrangle an unreasonable toddler.
“In what universe would I allow you to wander off into the forest in the middle of the night?” He opts to ignore the rich orange dusk above and around them, and the fact that the streetlights haven’t kicked on yet. Natsume’s eyebrows are inching toward his hairline, so he decides to play his trump card. “Your parents said I’m in charge.”
Hiiragi sighs deeply. It’s only after Shuuichi says it that he realizes how juvenile it sounded, but by then it’s too late. He has to double down. 
“Let’s just go inside, and we’ll discuss it over a proper meal,” he says with a smile. He waves Natsume toward the door, but Natsume doesn’t budge.
Shuuichi realizes he used up all his authority earlier, in forcing Natsume to the department stores and restaurants and the wrap party. The boy has played along thus far but he’s clearly reached his quota for the evening. He doesn’t even entertain the idea of listening to Shuuichi this time. 
“I’ll be quick,” Natsume says plainly. He turns back the way they came without another word. 
Shuuichi struggles with it for a moment, but he really doesn’t have any choice but to follow. It doesn’t help that the ugly cat is laughing at him, or that Hiiragi is judging him silently with every step.  
Honestly, if Shuuichi were feeling marginally more generous, he would admit that there was some sort of cosmic justice at work here. He had forced Natsume out of his comfort zone all night, and now the tables have turned entirely. 
The trees tower around them as they pick their way up a faint foot trail, stretching up into a dark, endless canopy. The wind combs through branches and leaves in eerie, hushed whispers. They only have the shiki’s night-eyes and the flashlight on Shuuichi’s phone to see by. 
“This is my life now,” Shuuichi complains, out of breath. “I climbed this hill and now I’m going to die on it.”
“Shut up,” Natsume replies mildly. “We’ve only been hiking for twenty minutes.”
He certainly seems comfortable here, for all that he’s never been in these particular woods before. With his green eyes and silvery hair and thousand-yard stare, Natsume might as well be a mountain spirit himself sometimes. 
The thought cinches painfully in Shuuichi’s stomach, and he speeds up a bit until they’re walking alongside one another. 
“How do you know you can trust this spirit?” he asks.
“I don’t,” Natsume says, sounding surprised by the question. “How do you know you can trust any of those humans you work with?”
“Because they’re human.”
For a moment, they just stare at each other. Shuuichi can see his own incomprehension reflected in Natsume’s expression. There’s a sudden chasm open between them, a lack of understanding that goes both ways.
Natsume looks away first. He doesn’t quite hang his head, but he isn’t standing as tall as he was before. Shuuichi remembers, belatedly, just how many humans have hurt Natsume up to this point. He realizes that what he just said was very stupid. And on top of being grossly inconsiderate, he managed to alienate his friend at the same time.
This is what he gets for being so smug all day. 
He puts a hand on Natsume’s shoulder, throwing a line across the chasm and hoping it will hold. He squeezes, waiting until Natsume has mustered the courage for eye contact once more, and only when he has the boy’s full attention does he say gravely, “I have a lot to learn from you. I’m only sorry I won’t have the chance. And I apologize for the inconvenience my murder is going to have on your life.”
Natsume splutters, and then laughs, and those sad, clinging shadows peel away from him as easily as a broken spiderweb. “You’re not going to get murdered!” 
"Hm,” Shuuichi says, deeply unconvinced (and deeply relieved to hear his friend laughing).
“Honestly, if you’re this worried, why not just wait at the hotel?” Natsume asks. He’s animated again, picking his way ahead confidently. Shuuichi is happy to follow, leaving that painful, aborted conversation behind them for another day. 
“Because Touko told me to look after you this weekend,” Shuuichi says mulishly. He’s still clinging to the thin veneer of being in charge, for all the good it’s doing him. “How could I look her in the eye if I let you go charging off into danger?”
“Easily,” Natsume mutters. “Charmingly. And with a bouquet of roses, probably. You said it yourself, you’re good at talking.”
Now it’s Shuuichi’s turn to laugh. He thinks of his conversation with Touko earlier that week-- he thinks of how, even now, she and Shigeru are off getting into a fight with their family for their foster son’s sake, with Natsume none the wiser. 
“You’ve sorely underestimated how protective she is of you,” Shuuichi says ruefully. “That’s fine. I’m sure you’ll get to see it firsthand when I take you home, since I’ve made an absolute mess of this weekend so far.” 
Natsume tips his head curiously, but whatever he might have said is interrupted as they come around a bend that opens up to a glade.
There’s lantern light up ahead. The glow is unnatural, slightly off-color, and the lights sway even though there isn’t a steady wind. Hiiragi goes tense and alert at Shuuichi’s shoulder, and Shuuichi himself feels a cold thrill of anticipation, his fight-or-flight reflexes primed. But Natsume lets out a little huff of relief, and Madara says, “Finally!” as a rabbit spirit steps onto the path to greet them. 
It’s about as tall as Shuuichi’s waist and dressed in a neat yellow yukata. It greets them politely, and apologizes for making them go out of their way, and invites them into the glade. Madara jumps out of Natsume’s arms to lead the way, and Hiiragi follows distrustfully, but Natsume lingers for a moment. 
“What if Touko hadn’t said anything?” he asks, in the tone of someone testing a theory. 
For all of about three seconds, Shuuichi considers lying to preserve his dignity, but he gives it up for a lost cause. He sighs, and musses his hair up even more, and admits, “I’d still be here.”
Natsume might as well be a mountain spirit himself sometimes. But then there are times like these, when his face lights up like a summer sky, and he smiles as though he’s never been hurt, and Shuuichi has never met anyone more human than him.
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undercapuche · 7 years
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some girlfriends bc why not
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expiredfairydust · 3 years
best friends ~ bubblegum rock/kazuleon || ft. nb gay! kaz || pt. 2
//tw: self hatred, kinda internalised homophobia, uncensored F slur bcoz the author can reclaim it//
a loud gasp forced the two to pull away from their kiss quickly, both of them quickly moving to look in the direction of where the noise had come from.
kazuichi went red due to embarrassment, noticing the unmistakable blonde hair of miss sonia darting away.
she had poked her head around the door to souda’s room - they never locked it in case leon wanted to come and cuddle - meaning to ask the pinkette if they’d been given any homework as she had been in first aid for most of the day before, unaware of what was happening between the mechanic and their crush.
and now she was running off, trying to give the pair privacy. souda, panicking because their illusion of heterosexuality was likely being broken, ran after her, calling “miss s-sonia! wait!! i-i swear it’s not what it looks like i’m s-sorry miss sonia you’re the only one i love i swear!!” they were crying for real now at the realisation that they had just ruined the one thing that was theirs.
the blonde suddenly stopped in her tracks and turned back to kazuichi. her face had an odd expression that kazuichi couldn’t read.
she put a hand over the mechanic’s mouth. “you do not understand souda, i do not care about you and kuwata’s relationship! in fact, i am glad because now you can leave me and miss fukawa to our relationship in peace - i was and still am rather disgusted at your lack of knowledge on personal boundaries but now i do not have to worry about that because you have no reason to!” she spoke slightly forcefully without meaning to. when she was done, she took her hand away and started walking off again.
“miss sonia!! i-i-i-“ kazuichi couldn’t gather their words, thousands of thoughts racing through their head. “we’re not dating... it was.. it was only a kiss....” they would mumble, more tears streaming down their face with every word. “i-it was all my fault anyways... i-i.. i was.. i was the one who kissed him and it was so so stupid of me because he’s the only person i have left and now he probably hates me for- for-“
their voice cracked and they couldn’t go on speaking, their legs giving way underneath them. “for being such a disgusting fucking faggot!! and-and-and i don’t blame him because i hate myself too!!” they were practically shouting now. “but dammit i love him so fucking much! so much, it hurts! god it feels like my heart is being ripped apart and i can’t fix it and i don’t know what to do and i hate that! and even if i could ever tell him properly i just know he’d hate me because who could ever like such a pathetic little FAG”
they didn’t know why they were telling all of this to miss sonia, maybe it was because they didn’t want her to think leon’s standards were so low as to date them. maybe they just needed to let everything out, needed to rant. because the moment they opened their mouth the words seemed to vomit out.
and once they were done ranting they ran off to the loos so they could actually vomit, as they often did out of distress. they ran to the far away disabled loos, on the opposite end of campus - they were the only public gender neutral loos on campus - so they wouldn’t have to face leon again, who they assumed was still in their room.
key word: assumed.
because leon had actually heard every word, only a few paces behind kazuichi during their confession. he had ran to try and take the mechanic in his arms, to say that it was okay because he loved them that way back. he had ran, just as kazuichi ran off.
meanwhile the princess was just happily beaming to herself, knowing that leon heard every word. she had successfully wingwomanned for the creep and the punk! it was a double win, as leon tended to flirt with touko as well as kazuichi’s horrible attempts to look straight by chasing after miss sonia herself. she made her way to her girlfriend’s dorm to tell her all about what she did.
leon’s thoughts were racing, as he tried to figure out what was even happening. kaz was in love with him... kazzy loved him back... but they thought that kiss was all their fault? as if leon hadn’t chosen to kiss them too? and now they thought he hated them? why? why would he kiss them if he hated them? god kazuichi was a dumb bitch at the best of times...
leon couldn’t help but smile through his tears, which he hadn’t noticed either.
kazuichi really loved him back..!
but they thought leon felt the opposite...
well, leon would just have to change that, he decided as he started looking for his best friend. he knew the mechanic got physically unwell when they were unwell, so he’d just have to check all the loos until he found the right one!
except kazuichi was nonbinary and relatively androgynous, so the baseball star had no clue which loos they’d be in, and he couldn’t exactly barge into the women’s loos checking to find his friend.
so, that meant he’d have to find ibuki, who had joined his band, and ask nya to check the girls’ loos while he checked the men’s and disabled loos. nya was also non binary, but at least she passed as a girl enough to enter the women’s loos.
it wasn’t hard, seeing as the noise they made made all over on the other side of the campus-
(conveniently close to one of the only gender neutral loos on campus)
-was loud enough to be heard in another country. leon was regretting leaving his ear plugs in kaz’s dorm, as he plugged his ears with his fingers and ran towards the sound.
“IBUKI!!!!” he yelled once he was in the practice room mioda was in.
this was going to be tedious, leon thought, as he moved towards where everything was plugged in and unplugged the speakers.
ah, silence,,, at least it would’ve been if mioda wasn’t screeching at leon for what he did. “jesus christ calm down ibuki! i need you for something important” leon hissed, ibuki going completely quiet at the word “important” - void loved being helpful!
the bubbly musician sped off to search once leon explained what he needed. knowing nya, she’d probably check all the men’s loos too, void didn’t seem to get what made people so iffy about not sharing a bathroom with different genders.
but with that, leon got to looking too. and it wasn’t long before he heard the sound of sobbing in the disabled loos, accompanied by the sound of vomiting. well, there’s kaz...
he knocked on the door “kazzy?” he tentatively spoke. there was the click of the door being unlocked for leon to enter. he soon dropped to the floor, next to the pinkette, pulling them into his lap and holding them tightly. “shshshhh... i’m here kazzy...” the ginger would whisper sweetly into souda’s ear.
he held the younger student’s hair back as they puked again. “now how about you tell me what’s going on in that mind of yours?” he whispered, despite knowing already. he wanted kazuichi to say it again. to him, not to miss sonia.
but kaz didn’t want to talk. “it’s stupid” they said, snuggling against leon.
“if it’s stupid why don’t you say it?”
“coz you’ll hate me even more than you do for kissing you” their words were hard to understand through their tears.
“what makes you think i hate you? if i hated you, would i be here with you now? c’mon how about you wash your mouth out? all that puking must have left a horrible taste” leon spoke with a gentle tone, which was unlike him but comforting to the sobbing boy in his lap.
once almost all traces of puke had been ridden from the mechanic’s mouth, leon sat them on his lap again, holding them tightly. “how about you tell me what’s wrong now, eh kazzy?” he said sweetly, wiping his best friend’s tear stained cheeks with his sleeve.
“promise you won’t hate me?”
“pinky promise”
the pinkette drew a deep breath, getting ready to speak. then shook their head. “i-i can’t”
a realisation dawned upon leon then. this was his chance to reveal his own secret! “i’ll tell you something about me that i’ve been hiding if that would make you feel any better” a slow nod gave him the ok to speak.
“i’m intersex. when i was born the doctors told my mom and dad and they were.. well, i don’t know how they felt but i was forced into an opporation to make me “fully” male as a baby and all my life i’ve had to take medication to keep my hormones at a “normal male” level, which is odd coz i was never actually told that’s what it was for until recently” the ginger spoke, resting his head on kazuichi’s shoulder
“but, i want to stop taking my meds, i don’t want to be 100% a boy, and that decision kinda scares me in case people won’t accept it. in case you don’t accept it” he added after hesitating. “now do you wanna talk about your problem?” he wanted to change the subject.
kaz had gone quiet. then, after a few seconds they said. “it sounds silly now that you’ve told me how serious yours is... but- but-“ they paused to figure out the words they wanted to say. “i-i- i’m so sorry for kissing you! i had no right to do it and i-i- i didn’t even take the time to ask you if you wanted a kiss and- and- and- i’m so sorry i know you hate me for it and i don’t blame you because i totally deserve it” the words seemed to fall out quicker than kazuichi could think of them
“and i know you probably never want to see me again but if you could ever forgive me i’d really appreciate it because you’re the only friend i’ve got and i love you dude!” as those words came out, the pink haired mechanic started tearing up again. “i-i love you... i love you so much it hurts and i don’t know what i’d ever do without you but i totally understand if you hate me because how could you ever love someone who’s such a disgusting f-“
their words were cut off by leon kissing the shorter mechanic. it was a brief kiss, even shorter than their first, but the pure, raw emotion behind it was clear. love. reciprocated love.
“if i thought you were disgusting, why would i choose to kiss you twice? because now you know it sure as hell weren’t just you who wanted that first kiss” leon said simply, wiping the shorter guy’s tears away. “but i don’t still want to be friends,” he said, suddenly going cold, making the pinkette’s face drop. “i want to be boyfriends!” he said, making kazuichi start laughing with relief.
just as they were about to share another kiss, in barged mioda, yelling about how nya had found the pink haired mechanic, then once void noticed the ginger sat next to them and started yelling about how unfair it was that she had been looking all over for kazuichi for leon when the ginger was probably with them the whole time.
the couple smiled and sheepishly promised to make it up to the ultimate musician. the end.
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enna-of-the-stars · 3 years
This is Home: Chapter 1
Fandom: Natsume Yuujinchou Word Count: 5.1k Rating: General Audiences Summary: Natsume Takashi has never really had a place where he could settle down and call home, but that was before the Fujiwaras came along and bundled him away to a little town called Yatsuhara.
A ficlet about Natsume first moving in with the Fujiwaras and learning to break the habits that he's built over the years from constantly terrible relatives. Also, the Natsume Protection Squad develops instantly the moment Natsume walks into class. It just happens. That's it, there's no going back, the class just adopts him and Nishimura will fight anyone and everyone that will hurt Natsume. Part II of the “Rainbows Only His Eyes Can See” series!
CHAPTER ONE: Welcome Home
When Natsume first arrived at the Fujiwara household with nothing but a box and the clothes on his back, he was shifty, a nervous bundle both cautious and wary. He held tightly to his single box, body seemingly wilted under the bright morning sun. Touko and Shigeru had walked into the house first; Shigeru padded upstairs to make sure the room they were going to give to Natsume was well and truly ready, just a final check in his words. Touko, on the other hand, had drifted to the kitchen, already preparing tea and snacks for the three of them to enjoy together. The door remained open, an invitation.
Natsume shifted from one foot to the other, hands tightening around the little corners of his cardboard box, not daring to take another step further. The open door loomed before him, taking him back to the past, far into the realms of a time Natsume wished desperately not to remember. Kanegawa-san and his wife were kind enough, haven taken him after all the other distant relatives in that are threw him away. They were kind in a way that many before them had never been, letting him go to school and giving him food on an almost consistent basis barring he hadn’t done anything wrong, again . But every now and then, when Natsume would point out another guest that had  arrived from the closed window and pulled curtains from above the kitchen sink, Kanegawa-san would stare at Natsume with the strangest look in his eyes. Over and over, Natsume would point out the new guest. Eventually, enough was enough. Natsume was to remain outside after school until the sun set, or else he wouldn’t be allowed to eat dinner. God, couldn’t he just be quiet and stop telling all those lies?
With the door large and gaping before him now, in front of the Fujiwara household, Natsume hugged his cardboard box closer to his body. The door was open, it never was before, not like this; it was never this inviting, this welcoming. Not with Kanegawa-san, never after that. Was this an invitation, a well and true meaning invitation into the house? Can I…? Natsume thought, before he shook his head roughly to rid himself of such an overly luxurious thought. How stupid could he be to possibly think that the door was left open for him, and wasn’t just some accident reminiscent of the Fujiwara’s slightly older age compared to the rest of the relatives. So instead, Natsume waited, patiently holding onto his single box that was worn and practically collapsing onto itself with use. He couldn’t afford to bother the Fujiwaras the very first day they brought him home after all; not after they’ve been so kind, so caring to actually desire, to actually choose him. He couldn’t possibly—
Startled, Natsume snapped out of his reverie and blinked owlishly at the image of Touko standing at the open doorway while wiping her hands on her apron. His posture stiffened immediately, grip tightening on his box as he drew himself to full attention, shoulders tense and eyebrows bunched in a mixture of worry and fear, and could it possibly be… hope?.
“Are you coming in?” Touko-san asked, voice full of nothing but kindness.
“E-eh?” Natsume replied, blinking in confusion. Were his ears playing tricks on him?
“Oh, Takashi-kun, quickly come in, come in! You’ll catch a cold standing out there all day!” Touko said. She then turned around and called up the staircase. “Shigeru-san, can you come down and help Takashi-kun with his things?”
Panic suddenly shoves itself into the forefront of Natsume’s thoughts and he quickly shook his head, vehemently, hair flying from side to side. I should cut it, the thought suddenly comes to Natsume.
“Oh, are you sure, dear?” Touko asks, placing a hand onto her cheek with, what Natsume would eventually learn, her characteristic expression of contemplation and worry as Shigeru peeked his head around the doorway. A deep breath and a sudden pause. Touko’s kindness shook everything Natsume had ever known and he almost spoke, but then years of having a tight rope around his neck snapped him back into reality. The rule. Natsume’s forgotten about the rule. And with that, Natsume ducked his head down, covering his eyes with his bangs. Quickly, he bowed to Touko and Shigeru, before scuttling and banging up the stairs and away from the Fujiwaras. They, on the other hand, gave each other a look. Touko wrung her hands on her apron, hesitant in whether or not she should go back to check on the tea or not. Shigeru walked over to her, gently laying a hand on her forearm, a knowing look in his eyes. Touko nodded in understanding, glancing meaningfully at the stairs before returning to pour the tea and finish preparing the biscuit she was making.
Shigeru made his way up the stairs, each step light. When he peers down the hallway, it is empty save for his charge anxiously looking around, unsure of where exactly to go. At the sound of Shigeru’s footsteps, however quiet, Natsume whipped around, eyes wide and hands tightly wrapped around his box. It looked like the edges were caving in. Shigeru smiled gently, the way he would any other time, enjoying the warm summer day with Touko. He gestured towards the door on his right and he slid it open. The quaint little room’s soft morning glow illuminated Shigeru and cast a light shadow onto the floor. Natsume opened his mouth in an attempt to express his gratitude when he forcibly slapped a hand to his own mouth and shut down whatever he was going to say. Shigeru, perplexed, almost had a chance to ask what was wrong, but it was too late. Natsume bowed deeply, but briefly, and rushed into the room, sliding the door as quickly and softly as physically possible. Surprised, but not deterred, Shigeru knocked on the door after a moment.
“Takashi, do you need any help unpacking?”
A beat. Then another. Shigeru was preparing to ask again when Natsume’s voice echoed from behind the paper thin door, hoarse and wavering and so, so unsure, as if he was scared to speak.
“No, thank you, I’m okay. I’m sorry for the bother.”
Shigeru frowned, confusion flickering through his mind. What could Takashi be apologizing for? Shigeru thought, before offering up another question.
“Takashi, would you join Touko-san and I for some tea after you’re done? It’s green tea.”
Once again, it took quite a bit before Natsume replied; it was hesitant and strangled, voice horse from… was that disuse, Shigeru wondered. This time it was another apology and another quick dodge to avoid interaction, citing for some reason, that he couldn’t possibly continue infringing on Shigeru-san and Touko-san’s time. Shigeru, worried and moderately disheartened at Natsume’s insistence on avoiding him and his wife despite the fact that he wanted to give Natsume as much space as he needed, wanders back downstairs to join Touko in the kitchen.
On the table there were two mugs already full of steaming green tea. A third, empty mug of a different design was settled next to the clay teapot, ready to be filled at a moment’s notice. The dark wooden table was awash in glittering golden droplets of sunlight as the almost mid morning sun broke through the cloud of curtains and into the soft glowing atmosphere of the Fujiwara kitchen. Touko sort of grimaced, a weak smile coming to her lips, as Shigeru came in with a distinct lack of Takashi. In return, Shigeru merely replied by taking Touko by the shoulders and gently guiding her to a chair whilst rubbing soothing motions along her arms. She sighs and takes a sip of the green tea from her mug. Pulling out the chair next to her, Shigeru grabbed the forlorn newspaper lying in the corner of the table and proceeded to open it, setting himself to reading the news for the day. The two settled down, their worry slowly dissipating, but never truly disappearing; both wanted to give Natsume space, but still, they couldn’t help but want to coddle him and overrun him with as much love as possible.
Lunch time comes around, and Touko goes all out, with every one of her most coveted dishes on display and raring to go. She’s bustling around the kitchen, excited and ready to impress so much love and compassion into her cooking that even Shigeru would get jealous. Shigeru, on the other hand, is a steady presence by her side, assisting her in setting the table and washing whatever needed washing as Touko bustled her way through the cutting board and various other pots and pans. They’re a flurry, a storm of hands and food and plates and everything in between that by the time they’re done, the kitchen is not only spotless, but encased in a heavenly aroma of a lovingly cooked banquet fit for a royal entourage.
Shigeru quietly heads upstairs to call for Takashi. Touko remains in the kitchen, shifting plates and dishes of food ever so slightly to the left, then to the right, then to a little bit in between. After all, everything has to be just perfect for their new addition to the family.
“Takashi? Would you like to join Touko-san and I for lunch?” Shigeru asks very softly, worried he might startle Natsume. He’s careful in his word choice, not wanting to force Takashi into joining. Yet again, no reply. Frowning, Shigeru continues, “If you don’t mind ,I’m going to come in, Takashi. Please say something if you’re against it, I won’t if you don’t want me to.”
There’s no reply, so Shigeru slides the door open and on the floor, asleep with his head resting atop the cardboard box, Natsume was out like a light. He’s curled quietly around the box, head resting in his arms as he lays over the box. The soft sunlight drifting in from his window illuminates his hair a satin gold, flushed with color and saturation. The air is still and quiet, save for the soft breathing coming from Natsume, and the minimal dust that does linger in the room has turned into starlight; they’re glittering crystals of sun and gold and the room is awash with glittering crystal. It was beautiful.
Carefully, Shigeru kneels down next to Natsume, his hand hovering, hesitant on whether or not he should wake the sleeping boy who obviously needs the rest.
“Takashi?” Shigeru says.
Natsume doesn’t wake; not a single stir, nor sign of awareness. Shigeru gently places a hand on the boy’s shoulder, and still, no response. As quietly as he can, Shigeru stands up and silently opens the little closet with the futon. He lays it out, careful not to awaken Natsume. Once the futon is ready, Shigeru wraps an arm around Natsume’s shoulders and another under his knees and pulls him close, lifting the sleeping boy; he’s surprisingly light, too light , Shigeru thinks with a frown. With Natsume safe and soundly asleep in a futon, Shigeru fusses briefly with the blanket, unconsciously tucking Natsume in. He lays his hand on Natsume’s shoulder, just on top of the blanket and presses down lightly, patting down a few times in reassurance. It’s a reminder that Shigeru is there . He then leaves, closes the door, and lingers just outside the room before once again filing his way down the stairs back to the kitchen where Touko is waiting, anxiously wringing her hands on her apron.
She had just finished resetting everything, from the many various plates heaped high with delicious food, to the silverware and tea already steaming in the earthenware mugs. At the sound of Shigeru’s footsteps, Touko smiles and heads towards the rice maker to add the final finishing touch to the meal, which at this point had become a banquet suitable for any king.
“Touko-san, it looks like it’s going to be just us for lunch.” Shigeru said.
“Eh?” Touko replies just before picking up the third and final bowl to fill with rice.
“Takashi seems to have fallen asleep. Although the doctor said that he’s already recovered from his injuries, his body must still be tired, especially with everything that's changed. Let’s give him time to rest.”
“Oh, I see. Of course. It’s only right Takashi-kun would be tired.” And with that, Touko nods once and heads to the cabinet just next to the sink and starts pulling out tupperware. “Then the least I can do is pack some of this away in case Takashi-kun wakes up and gets hungry. After all, we have to put some meat on those bones of his, he’s much too thin for my liking.”
She fishes out one box for each dish, it’s almost the whole collection of tupperware at this point. Every clear box is piled high on the counter near and still, Touko pulls out more.
“Honestly, you wonder if they were even feeding him!” Touko huffs out, a worried frown on her face. Shigeru smile softens at his wife’s obvious love for this child. He comes to her side, a hand squeezing hers, before he grabs the remaining boxes that Touko can’t carry in her hands, and the two set them down on the dining table. In a somewhat silent, but comfortable few minutes, the food is all packed away and into the fridge for safe keeping. Just enough is left for Shigeru and Touko to enjoy a good heap for lunch.
There are oranges and reds filtering in the kitchen window, twinkling and drifting and swathing the room in the golden hour. The clouds are just perfect for sunset, built in a way so that each crystalline drop of water glistens and drips with color saturated in the way only nature could do. It’s a fiery sunset. The sky is aflame with the very same reds and oranges that fill the kitchen, except now as the night edges further and further into the realm of the awakened, blues and purples have started to wash in. Twilight drips  and the world is balanced on the edge of both day, night, and all the things in between. But soon the overflowing oceans of blues overtake the day and the sky darkens momentarily before the stars wake up and wave at the inhabitants of the night. Touko sets aside another portion of food for Natsume and dinner passes without a word between Shigeru and Touko. It’s silent and quiet and the room is just filled with a worried tension. They go to sleep, Shigeru lovingly kissed Touko’s hands when they grasp at her dress to calm her. He whispers reassuring words that let the two of them sleep in relative peace, tightly holding each other, unconsciously seeking the other’s warmth and presence.
Natsume lets out a breath of relief; Shigeru had just left the room still thinking Natsume was asleep. Roughly, Natsume grabs at the blanket that had been neatly tucked with the utmost care over his shoulders and feels his chest tighten and his eyes burn. He closes them in an effort to keep the tears from flowing. It doesn’t work; they’re spilling over, flowing like a waterfall that increases with each blink. The world is crystalline and bubbly, the water obscures everything leaving only opalescent glass panes that cover everything in sight. When was the last time he received such… such kindness? He doesn’t remember. His chest tightens again and his breaths stutter.
Kanegawa-san, Yamato-san, Satanoka-san, and all the other people that had been given him, none of them have ever been this kind before. None of them could even make the sad attempt to try. Every house was just another place waiting for Natsume to make a mistake. Every step he took, every action he made was observed with eagle eyed stares just waiting for him to mess up, an excuse to throw him away to the next unfortunate soul that would be forced to take him in. Yamato-san left him in what Natsume eventually called the void, a room of nothing but darkness and shadows and creatures lurking in corners far above and far below. Save for school, Natsume wasn’t allowed anywhere but the dark room shoved away into the corner of the house separate from the family. He wasn’t allowed to speak, because everything that came out of his mouth was a lie. That’s all he was, they told him. A liar. But he wasn’t lying, really. And yet that wasn’t the truth. Natsume was a liar.
Satanoka-san was nice enough, just the bare minimum to keep from raising any sort of suspicion, even if Natsume’s reputation already afforded her plenty of leeway to do what she wanted. Satanoka-san let him stay in a room of his own, once again away from the family. She let him go to school too and gave him some hand-me-downs to wear from her own son. But the lies that came out of Natsume’s mouth almost daily became too much, and soon Satanoka-san’s husband would quickly and efficiently silence Natsume. How dare he speak such lies in this household? So Natsume learned that his voice wasn’t welcome here. He remained silent after that. The creatures he saw, the yokai that appeared he did his best to ignore. He couldn’t cause any trouble again, he’d have to leave. He doesn’t want to leave. But this and that and everything in between only seemed to make everything worse. The yokai were relentless, curious and eager to mess with the strange child of man that could see them. Yokai chased him all around school and followed him back to the house, trying to get a reaction from the strange little human boy that spoke to air. Windows broke the moment Natsume walked by them, plates shattered the instant he saw them, things fell apart the moment he touched them. And every single time it was Natsume’s fault. He was a stupid boy, a clumsy boy. An attention seeker, no good, delinquent boy. No one wanted him. No one wanted to keep him. How could they? The rumors traveled faster than the adults could pass him around. It was getting harder and harder to find a place that would begrudgingly take him..
Another name, another place. Indifferent faces and indifferent people. Natsume can barely remember them, but he remembers the rules. They’re ingrained in his mind and wound a tight rope around his neck, coiling tight and ready to snap should he ever step out of line. Don’t speak, don’t speak don’t speak. Don’t act out, pay attention, obey, stop causing trouble. He always caused trouble. Why couldn’t he be normal just like the other kids?
Natsume panics, sitting up all of a sudden. No, no, no nonono - He’s caused trouble again. Shigeru-san and Touko-san are going to be mad, they’re going to be mad, he’s going to have to leave again, he can’t leave he doesn’t want to leave he can’t lose everything again not again please don’t—not again I’ve messed up, I have to—
A choked gasp escapes Natsume as he bends over the warm and soft blanket that has pooled around his waist. Tears are flowing, streaming, cutting into his cheeks and soaking his hands. But his sobs are silent. The waterfall forgets to cease and the world wavers and shimmers. It’s forgotten how to breathe.
Fear and anxiety coursed through his veins and the world is obscured in a confusing kaleidoscope of fuzzy images and shadows and tears that won’t stop. It’s dark out and he’s cold and he wants the world to go away, leave him alone, never breathe for him again. Natsume lays back down in the soft—wait. Natsume once again sits up, panic grappling at his chest and tightening its hold. Oh god I’m on their futon, I can’t be using this, I’m not allowed to use this! He hurriedly scrambles out from under the blanket, No please, I’ve messed up again! I can’t… I can’t mess up! Sloppy and messy and full of regret and shame, Natsume hurriedly folds the futon as best as he could, no one’s ever taught him how, and shoves it towards one side of the room, unsure of where it came from; he’s too afraid to open any of the cabinets. He couldn’t possibly pry anything open knowing full well the moment he tries something will break. Even if there weren’t any yokai, he could feel it. Natsume would break whatever he touched.
Instead, Natsume shuffles to a corner, careful from years of experience to not shift the floors, to not make a sound, always close to the edge and heavy furniture, where the floor is settled and won’t creak. He curls up, back against the wall and knees drawn to his chest. Natsume messed up again. He’s broken another rule again. The tears start again.
The world fades once more.
“Shigeru-san, I’m worried. Takashi-kun hasn’t eaten a thing since he came home with us! Would you go upstairs and please make sure he comes down to eat breakfast at least. I don’t want him to get sick!” Touko exclaims, having set down a washcloth onto the counter top much rougher than she intended to. At the impact, Touko comes to herself and settles down, worry seeping into her shoulders. “Oh, oh dear, I’m so sorry, Shigeru-san. I didn’t mean to raise my voice like that.”
Shigeru chuckles and is instantly by Touko’s side, arms squeezing her shoulders in an effort to help her relax. She does. He’s gentle when he leads her to the dining table and pulls out a chair for her to sit in. He presses a kiss to the top of her head.
“Don’t worry, Touko-san, I’ll bring Takashi down.”
“Alright… I’ll finish breakfast!” Touko said, jumping up in a fit of excitement, her previous worry gone, and replaced by the intense maternal love she feels for Natsume. After all, someone’s got to feed the boy!
Shigeru smiled. Touko was bustling around the kitchen again, and what a sight she is. She’s a goddess of light, radiant in all her kindness and perfect love. Such a wonderful, wonderful woman, a wonderful partner. What did I do to deserve you? Shigeru questioned as he slips out of the kitchen and into the hallway leading to the front door and stairs. He pushes up his glasses, and allows himself a moment to blink away the emotional love he feels and calm down before he heads upstairs.
A soft knock on the door later, and Shigeru is greeted by a wary looking Natsume. His hair is roughly patted down and yet so obviously all tangled up. There’s dark circles under his eyes and gods… were they puffy? Had he been crying? Shigeru frowns unconsciously. Natsume suddenly looks down at Shigeru’s feet, hyper aware of the frown but not of the reason behind it. Another cursory glance and it’s obvious to Shigeru that Natsume had only just changed, the clothes he was wearing slightly askew. He notices threadbare patches and far too short sleeves. The edges of Natsume’s pants are frayed, probably from being stepped on over and over again.
“Takashi,” Shigeru said, voice holding steady at a neutral tone. Natsume flinches, and only seems to draw within himself even further. Shigeru’s voice softens at the sight. “Touko-san is worried about you, you haven’t eaten since the day before yesterday. How about you join us for breakfast? Touko-san’s made enough for threes.”
Natsume wraps his arms around himself and bites his lip. He looks everywhere except Shigeru’s eyes. Logic dictates that he should reply to Shigeru, but he’s not allowed to speak. Don’t speak, don’t speak, don’t speak. It’s been pounded into him almost as early as he can remember; and he doesn’t know how Shigeru and Touko wanted the rules. Normally, the adults would shuffle the rules around a bit, each unique to every household. But not speaking was always the first rule to come. Natsume shouldn’t speak. No.
He can’t speak.
“Takashi?” Shigeru asked.
No, I… I have to reply but what if Shigeru-san gets mad? It’s a rule! A rule! I can’t break the rules again… not again… Natsume’s thoughts are thundering and his heartbeat drowns out the noise. But it’s a chance, Shigeru has already been kinder than anything Natsume’s every had, so maybe, just maybe, he wouldn’t get mad, and he didn’t seem mad the day before, right?
Natsume opens his mouth, voice wavering like the world around him.
“No, thank you. I’m okay. I’m sorry about the bother, Shigeru-san.” Silence follows Natsume’s words. He can feel the world tilting, a buzz has started and is only growing louder and louder in his ears. He’s messed up. He’s messed up, Shigeru is going to be mad, he shouldn’t have spoken shouldn’t have answered—
“Takashi,” Shigeru admonishes, suddenly acutely aware of the shaking Natsume in front of him. The tense shoulders, the tight grip on himself, as if Natsume is trying to keep himself from falling apart, everything comes into sharp focus for Shigeru. He’s gentle, when he lays a slow but firm hand on Natsume’s shoulder. “Takashi, please don’t think that Touko-san and I find you a bother.”
Natsume breathes in sharply at the sentence.
“We chose you, Takashi.” Shigeru continues in an ever softer, kinder voice. “We chose to have and welcome you into our family, we’re your family now. And I know that perhaps you may not have had the best experience with adults like us in the past, but I promise you, Touko-san and I want you to be in our family. We want to cherish you. We want to love you.” It’s been a while since Shigeru has said something akin to this, words of reassurance and emotional weight. He’s worried that maybe, maybe it was a little too much. But it was the truth, and there was no doubt in his mind about it.
A pregnant pause. Neither of the two dare to move. The air is still, but the dust floats and flickers. Morning has dawned and the sun frames Natsume from the back, shining and illuminating him until his hair glows gold and the air shimmers around him. And like a flower opening for its first bloom in spring, Takashi lifts his gaze, soft molten gold watery and wavering, filled with deep recesses of shadow and blindingly bright lights that, for a brief second, Shigeru worries at how overtaken those lights have become. But now is not the time for that. Shigeru’s hopeful smile brings out a hesitant one from Takashi and he takes a step back and Takashi takes a step forward, the two meet in the middle of a golden amber hallway. Arm firmly wrapped around Takashi’s shoulders and squeezing reassuringly, Shigeru can’t help but smile even wider and so much fonder when Takashi unconsciously leans into the touch. The two enter the kitchen.
Touko’s face lights up at the sight of both father and son and suddenly she’s bustling and setting the table; but not before she comes over to Takashi and firmly places her hands around his cheeks and pecks a loving kiss to his forehead of golden locks and sundust. Takashi feels the red hot flush come to his cheeks and the warmth of a comforting hand on his back and suddenly the world comes into focus.
A chair is pulled for him. A bowl of warm steaming rice and chopsticks are set for him. Another bowl of freshly made miso soup is placed in a spot at the table for him. There’s a place for Takashi in this house, this home . And Takashi is frozen in his steps, just pushing the boundaries of the kitchen threshold; and as he’s lead to his seat, Takashi can’t help but let out a little watery huff. Can I… can I really? An answer from above seems to arrive because Touko finishes with the table and gently grasps Takashi’s arm and pulls him to his chair, pushing on his shoulders to get him to sit at his spot at the table.
“Now, Takashi-kun, make sure you eat up okay? There’s plenty of food and your much too thin.” Touko said. “Shigeru-san, do you mind opening the window? It’s a little warm in here.” Shigeru moves to open the window and he’s just about to throw it open, to let in a cool morning breeze when Touko interrupts.
“Actually, do you mind waiting a moment, Shigeru-san?” Touko asked. He pauses and nods at her. She returns her attention to Takashi. “Do you mind if we open the window, Takashi-kun? If you think it’ll be too cold then won’t.”
Takashi sort of stutters, mind reeling at such a question. Why in the world would Touko ever ask him such a question? This was her home, her kitchen; she could do anything she wanted. Why would she ever ask an outsider like him? But something in him burst out without much input from Takashi. Like a lock shattering open, the scissors come forth and rip the rope tying his neck into a million, thousand pieces and fragments and the words that have been bottled for so long flow out and onto his tongue, igniting the air around the family with earnest hopeful phrases.
“N-no, not at all!” And with that, it seemed as if everything slid into place with a satisfying click. Shigeru amicably throws open the window and the world wakes up.
Soft and just right, the wind washes in like a tidal wave, cooling the kitchen and flooding the house. A euphony of sound enters not far behind; birds are chittering and chattering away in the trees and the sound of leaves rustling and bustling filtered in from the sink window. The clouds part and everything is glittering gold. Touko sits down across from Takashi and Shigeru takes his seat by Takashi’s side, both bathed in the sunlight, beacons in the dark. They shine bright, rays of light reaching out like wings, cloaking Takashi in warmth, and then there’s a path shining in front of Takashi, as clear as day. The first path to break away from the dark comes like the edge of dawn.
He carefully reaches out for it and comes into contact with the ceramic bowl and wooden chopsticks. Gems of color are piled into his plate, piece after piece from both Shigeru and Touko. When he looks up, there’s only smiles and fond looks of love that—how long has it been since he’s seen had such a luxury—engulf him in a fiery glowing warmth burning bright in his chest. Takashi takes his first bite. It’s color, it’s fire, it’s lightning like nothing he’s ever had before. The broken padlock holds nothing back as Takashi blurts this out; Touko laughs and Shigeru chuckles, they insist.
“Eat more, eat more!”
And Takashi does.
click here for chapter two
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neroushalvaus · 3 years
Hey through your uquiz I discovered the fact that appearantly a Tom of Finland musical exists and I AM LOSING IT please tell me there's a recording somewhere
Hi Anon! I hope I’m not too late with this reply, I just noticed I’ve received some messages about the quiz. 
Tom of Finland musical does indeed exist (or well, it did exist) in Finland 2017. I’m sorry to say that there is no official recording, I’ve lamented it’s lack of existence for the last four years. The best I can offer you is the official photo gallery of the production provided by Turku City Theatre. 
For some context to go with the pictures, the musical follows the life of Touko Laaksonen from childhood (fun fact! one of the two boys playing young Touko was a singer/actor/youtuber Tuure Boelius, who was widely discussed in Finnish media because he was elected “The Gay of the Year” after coming out at age sixteen) to wartime, to creating the character of Kake and drawing dirty pictures and his art getting famous. Touko’s drawings and characters appear on stage as actors and he can interact with his creations that way.
 The plot also contains a bit fictionalized version of Touko’s personal life, of him meeting and falling in love with his partner Veli and Touko’s sister Kaija feeling pushed aside while her brother gets “everything” from boyfriends to artistic acclaim.
 Also there is a completely fictional side plot of a character named Markus Palin, who is a closeted homophobic gay man TM (it’s better than it sounds I promise), who sneaks out to buy magazines with Touko’s art in them, and whose son (gay as well) eventually finds solace in Touko’s art.
There’s only one released song, Glad to Be Gay. It's on Spotify too, if you like it! It’s kind of a disco-y song and was actually cut from the actual production. The music genre in the show varied from tango to country with some winks towards Finnish traditionals and it was great.
Sorry for not being able to give you anything more, but I hope the pictures and the talking gave you something. I really liked that musical and I’m sad not to be able to share it with you. Thank you for the ask! It was nice to talk about this musical, it meant/means a lot to me.
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