#someone teach me to shade for the love of god
ayacokeandpepsi · 12 hours
Hii! I loved sun kissed so much!! Would you consider making a pt2?? Btw i love all your works🤍
Sun kissed pt 2
Cw: fluff, reader is tan
After Riki when back to him hotel, all he could think of was your cherry sol de jainero perfume and your tan skin, dusted with sand and salt water and your pretty eyes as you smiled at him
There was something special about you, it was everything about you and nothing about you. He had never met someone like you before. He just wanted to feel those sun kissed lips on his own, your wet hair tickling his shoulders as he would hold you by your waist and pull you closer to him
The next day, Riki happily uncrumpled the little sticky note with your number written in it that you gave him. Even your handwriting was so pretty. He had to see you again, he loved your voice.
(Unknown number): hey this is the guy from yesterday from the beach
(You): oh hey!!
(Unknown): are you going to the beach again today?
(You): yeah I think so, see you there? :)
Riki’s hands were almost shaking with excitement. Was this a date? No no, he shouldn’t think too much into this. But he couldn’t help himself, you were too gorgeous to just be friends with.
He wore the same swim trunks but added a few more leather bracelets and brought his Prada sunglasses. He knew he looked sexy, he was a Prada ambassador after all. But would you think he was sexy? He only cared about your opinion now.
He sprayed some of his Orphyca Aquaflor perfume lightly on his neck and his bracelets. He checked his hair in the mirror before heading out to the beach, bringing a small bag of items: a Sony cam corder for taking pics, some sunscreen, glasses case, chap stick, and some headphones.
When Riki arrived to the same spot he was at the beach earlier, he spotted a girl in the distance at the shore, you were wearing a paisley blue halter bikini top and matching bikini bottoms that had little beads that went around your lower belly. Your hair was tied up in a sea shell claw clip with small sunglasses. Your ankle had a beaded anklet with hibiscus and shell beads.
You turned around and walked back to the shore, noticing Riki sitting in his little shaded area, taking pictures of the flowers around him. He was so cute, you thought. You smiled and jogged up to him.
He put down his camera for a second, smiling. ‘Hey,’ he says
‘Are you a photographer?’ You inquire, pointing to his camera
‘Haha, well sort of, I like to take pictures to post on social media, it’s a part of my..job,’ he says nervously
He didn’t think you knew who he was, if you did, you were good at hiding it. He didn’t want to brag about how he was an idol and embarrass himself, so he would let you ask him before he told you.
‘Oh okay, I also like to take pictures but I’m shit at it, maybe you could teach me?’ You ask, your lips curling into a smile as your pretty eyes meet his. God you were so charismatic, you could have any man you want, Riki thought.
‘I mean if you want, I’m not like amazing at it though,’ he says shyly
You scoot a little closer to him on the sand, your tan thighs jiggling a little, making it hard not to look at them. The last thing he wanted to come off as was a pervert.
‘Smile,’ he teases, pointing the camera at you, as you do a dramatic disgusted face, making the both of you laugh
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storylord23 · 6 months
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That series finale might’ve single-handedly kicked me out of my Hogwarts Legacy hyperfixation and back in to being feral for Rick. This is now my OTP.
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shotmrmiller · 4 months
soulmate au part 1
john price x f!reader
wc: 1.2k
unedited, forgive my mistakes.
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since you were born, your world has been grey. you never thought anything of it, until at school, they started teaching you colours. the only ones in the room that could see more than just different shades of grey, apart from the teacher, were identical twins.
you went home and asked your parents.
"we are born missing half of ourselves. we have a fated one, and when you meet them, your world will look the way it was meant to."
oh. but... "in class, there were twins that could see colour. what about them?"
they look surprised for a second until your dad softly explains. "in rare instances, the soulmate bond will be platonic. which makes sense in this case, because twins grow up with a connection regular people like us will never understand."
you nod and lower your gaze to look at your shoes. you wonder if the person meant for you is interested in junie b. jones books like you are.
in high school, you crush on this pretty girl— a cheerleader. her hair is long and beautiful, her face is small and round, and she's so kind. just your type.
but no colour stains your vision, so you burrow your emotions deep and mourn the loss of what could've been.
in college, one of your friends ask you if you've met your soulmate yet.
"no, not yet," you lament. what she says after freezes the blood in your veins.
"my mom knew someone whose soulmate was already dead before they had even been born," she comments while stabbing a grape tomato with her fork. "it was really tragic, because she'll never know what it's like to know a love that has no equal."
your heart is in your throat, and you find it hard to swallow the food in your mouth.
what if your soulmate is already dead? oh, god. you might just throw up. your friend doesn't seem to notice the change in your demeanor and continues to babble carelessly about how she knew someone that knew someone who's soulmate had turned out to be a murderer.
oh my fucking god.
you quickly run to the bathroom and throw up your lunch.
how cruel is the universe? to have no control over who is meant to be for you.
you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand and lean against the stall of the bathroom. you should've known that this soulmate business was too good to be true.
cupping your hands, you rinse the taste of bile out of your mouth before walking back to your friend who stayed in her seat.
"jesus, you look terrible, you alright?" she asks.
running your fingers through your hair, you huff. "i've certainly been better. just got a bit nauseous, nothing serious. maybe it's a stomach bug."
"oooh, you better not be pregnant! what of your dreams of working in the medical field?"
you giggle at her response. "that'd be impossible unless i'm the virgin mary."
she gapes comically then leans in and whispers, "you're lying! don't tell me you haven't dated anyone just because they weren't your soulmate."
you shrug, and keep your eyes fixed on your half-eaten plate of food. "i don't really wanna talk about it, if that's alright with you. besides, you've got bigger things to worry about, like the upcoming exam for mr. richardson."
slapping a hand to her forehead, she exclaims, "oh, shit! i totally forgot! shit!"
you watch her inhale the rest of her salad and toss her trash before waving goodbye and sprinting toward the library.
with a sigh, you look down at your food. grey. lifeless. shaking your head, you pick up your plate and toss it in the bin.
you decide to focus solely on your studies. you have dreams of being a doctor and pining after someone you haven't even met yet would only serve as a distraction.
your white coat grazes your calves as you walk toward your new patient. standing outside the room, you pick up the clipboard.
Price, John. 34, Active Military.
he's the head of the task force! god, you've only heard stories of them from the other medics on base who have met them, so to finally come face to face with the man, the myth, the legend? you wipe your clammy hands on the fabric of your scrubs and clear your throat.
be professional, be professional. he's just another patient, it's no big deal.
rapping your knuckles on the door, you wait a second before twisting the knob with a shaky hand. you nervously keep your eyes on the clipboard as you walk in.
"good morning, captain price."
"mornin', doc," he rumbles.
oh, his deep voice just might be the end of you.
"you don't sound all that happy to be here, captain," you tease while flipping through his medical history papers.
he lets out a low chuckle, and you squeeze your thighs together at the sound. delicious.
"nothin' personal, doc. just don't like bein' here, you understand."
lightly laughing at his joke, you finally steel your nerves and look up at him.
only to have your vision bleed in something you don't understand. is that colour? is this what colour looks like?
the clipboard drops, clattering to the floor. john— being the courteous gentleman that he is— quickly kneels to grab it and lifts his head as he hands it to you.
he freezes in place, the clipboard slipping from his hands as he stares at you.
you thickly swallow, and dumbly question, "do you...has your....colour? can you see colour?"
unblinking, john's eyes are fixated on you as he remains silent.
your eyes dart around to take in his features. his brightly-coloured eyes are framed by lines that hint at his age, his strong jaw adorned by a mutton-chop beard. his nose is specked with a beauty mark.
"what colour are your eyes, captain?" you softly ask.
he closes his mouth and takes in a sharp breath. "i've been told they're blue."
"blue," you smile. the eyes of your soulmate are blue.
but then, your delighted smile melts off your face, in horror.
there's a shiny band on his finger. he's married.
john price, your soulmate, is fucking married.
your vision distorts with the tears that threaten to spill and bite your bottom lip to stop it from trembling. it feels like there are shards of glass in your lungs, cutting you open with each quivering breath you take. your pain is red-hot, searing under your skin, flowing through your veins like molten lead.
john knows exactly what you're looking at.
"love—" he starts but you cut him off swiftly.
"don't. you don't owe me anything, captain. uhm, but uh... maybe it's best that we switch your doctors, yeah? conflict of interest, and all that."
you all but run away, away from that room, from him.
how terribly unlucky.
you head towards your office, which is down the hall, and slam the door closed. only then, do you cry, and mourn what should've been.
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astroph1les · 8 months
falling behind [h.c]
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summary: feeling like you’re never going to experience the normal dating experience, you turn to your friend, hazel, to teach you how to kiss. friends help each other out like that, right?
pairing: hazel callahan x fem!reader
contains: mature language and content, hickies (r!recieving), heavy making out, causal dominance from hazel, sort of player!hazel, cocky!hazel, josie & isabel being all over each other, hinting that hazel and birttany are bffs, inexperienced! reader, slight insecure! reader, reader is mentioned to have multiple sisters, hazel being so sweet and reassuring to reader.
word count: 2.6K
a/n: based on this request, by @toritea (i hope you enjoy it! xx) i actually had too much fun writing this. need me a hazel :/ also how am i at over 200 followers already?? you guys are insane. but i love you all for it. enjoy! <3
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You were really happy for Josie and Isabel. You really were. You knew Josie had had a massive crush on Isabel for years now and they finally got together. But, it was moments like this where they were making out, borderline about to fuck against your and Josie’s shared dorm room door, that made you want to rip your head right out of your head.
“Okay, guys,” you speak up, trying to reach for the handle that was underneath their hips.
There was a moan at some point and you decided that you were going to Brittany and Hazel’s dorm room since clearly yours and Josie’s was going to be occupied. You backed away and marched down to the almost identical door except Hazel and Brittany’s names were scribbled on the dry-erase board.
You knocked on the door with a sigh, the image of Josie and Isabel still fresh in your mind. The door opened to reveal Hazel with squinted eyes. She had on a gray hoodie with a pair of what you think of boxers or shorts that look similarly to boxers.
“Hey, did I wake you?” You glance at her attire.
“Uh, no, I just woke up from a nap,” Hazel furrowed her brows, “is everything okay?”
You sigh, shaking your head. “Josie and Isabel—“
“Oh, okay, yeah. Come in,” Hazel moved out of the way to let you into the dorm room.
You glanced around the room, smiling at the obvious difference between Brittany and Hazel’s beds. Brittany had one of those neon wall lights of a sun with baby pink and white sheets. Hazel had basic different shades of gray comforters and sheets along with a few throw pillows.
“I love them but my god, they never stop. I was just trying to stop by to change,” you sigh as you walk over to sit on Hazel’s bed.
Hazel smacked her lips together with a shrug, adjusting her hoodie on her head.
“Well, I mean, that’s what it's like to have a girlfriend. It’s the ‘honeymoon’ phase.” Hazel explained before adding, “kissing and fucking is fun, though.”
Your cheeks burn at her words. Being the only person you know to not have any sexual experience—let alone kiss—made you feel like you were falling behind. Sure, it was only freshman year of college, but it didn’t help the longing of wanting to get this sort of shit over with.
Hazel was the one that you envied the most. Or at least, the girls she was hooking up with. After high school, Hazel became a bit of a heartthrob. Brittany had told you about how she had passed by their room sometimes and would hear almost-porn-like moaning and panting. You would be lying too if you said that you’ve never heard these noises too come from their room.
In simple words, Hazel fucks and fucks good.
“Still, I don’t need to see it happen, Haze,” you emphasized.
“Maybe you need to go and get some then,” Hazel remarks with a cheeky grin, walking over to sit across from you on Brittanys bed.
“Um, no. I can’t do that,” you shake your head and hope that she doesn’t press or ask more questions.
Hazel furrows her brows as she watches the way your body language shifts as soon as the subject of sex comes up.
“Why not? You’re gorgeous. I’m sure someone wants to fuck you.” Hazel states as if you should’ve been aware of this.
It was definitely a bit of a confidence booster that Hazel found you attractive.
“Thanks, Haze but it’s not like people are lining up to be with me unlike some people,” your eyes stare into hers, raising your brows. “I wouldn’t even know what to do anyways.”
Hazel tilts her head and purses her lips together, unclear to what you meant. She meant it when she said you were gorgeous. Even now in your day to day outfits of tees and baby tanks with jean shorts. She’s always thought this way about you but had to push it deep down to keep your friendship intact.
“Wait, have you not…?” Hazel trailed off to see what the limit was of experience that you may or may not have had.
“I’m a virgin and have never even kissed anyone before except for, like, once in 4th grade over a dare,” you spat out, feeling the ever most embarrassed.
The question made you irritated. Why? You couldn’t tell the exact reason but it was definitely a combination of stress and lack of sexual activity.
“Hey, hey,” Hazel stood up and off Brittany's bed to sit next to you on her bed. “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, you know?”
“No, I know that. It’s just annoying sometimes to not have someone in that romantic way.” You tell her with a forced grin.
Hazel nods in agreement. Silence takes over you two until you get an idea. It was risky and could possibly change everything about your relationship with Hazel if she says yes.
“Haze? Can you,” you sigh and look at her slowly, “can you teach me how to kiss?”
You wince as you prepare for the immediate rejection from Hazel.
“You want me to teach you?” Hazel adjusts her position on her bed so that she has one leg curled on the mattress and the other hanging off.
“Well, yeah, if that’s okay. I know you’ve been with a lot more girls than I have so I assume you know what you’re doing,” you state simply, blushing at the memories of the muffled moaning you’ve heard through the door.
Hazel chuckled at your words, removing her hood from her bed head. You watch her carefully, all of a sudden aware of every move you both made. You took notice of her chains that rested at the bottom of her throat probably from being tossed in her sleep.
“Are you sure? Like, 100%?”
You nod, eyes flickering to her lips. Hazel had done the same and scooted back from you as she was 10 seconds away from kissing you feverishly, but she had to hold back. You had never kissed before, she reminded herself.
“Okay, well, the first thing is comfortability. Are you comfortable sitting like this?” Hazel motioned around you two.
You think about it for a moment before questioning: “Is there a better way to sit when kissing?”
“Some girls like to sit on my lap, some like me to be sort of hovering over them. Even like, laying down and we’re making out is always comfortable too,” Hazel explains, all of a sudden feeling very nervous talking about all of the things she’s done with these girls that weren’t you.
You contemplate for a moment, mentally trying to ignore how Hazel had said ‘some girls.’ It just reminded you that this can only be a ‘friends helping friends’ situation. Laying down might be comfortable but to you, that sounded like a more experienced position. The idea of Hazel hovering over you would cause you to go actually insane.
“Can I be on your lap? I-If that’s okay?” You ask, glancing down to look at Hazel’s lap.
“Yeah, yeah, just— yeah,” she began to adjust herself so that her upper back was up against the headboard with her legs spread out. “C’mere, honey.”
You’re a horny idiot, you scold yourself internally as you inch over to Hazel, your thighs straddling her upper thighs. Her hands rest respectfully on your lower thighs, just above your knees.
This position felt so intimate now that you were here. You could see every speck of blue in her eyes and the slight bags from lack of sleep. You could just stare at Hazel like this and be content.
“You okay?” Her voice is gentle.
“Yeah, just a little nervous,” you admit truthfully.
“I get it, it's okay. Nothing’s wrong with being a little nervous,” she reassures you and the way she was rubbing her thumbs across the bare skin makes your head fuzzy. “Just take a deep breath in and out a few times.”
You do as she asks of you, your previous rapid heartbeat coming to a decrease in speed. Hazel seems to take notice of your chest slowing down.
“There you go. Good. That’s good, honey.”
Hazel praised you, a rush flooding to your brain. You gave her a shy smile as you tried to focus on what the whole point of this was. Kissing.
That’s it. It’s just kissing.
“So, now what?” You hum, fiddling with the end of Hazel’s gray hoodie.
“Let’s do one so I can see how you kiss.” Hazel rose a hand to cup your cheek, watching your breath hitch ever so slightly.
“Don’t worry about kissing ‘bad’, okay? Go with the flow,” she reassures you once again.
You nod, muttering one final ‘okay’. Hazel leans her face towards yours, slightly brushing her lips against yours. From this soft touch alone, you could tell that you were going to fuck this up. Hazel closed the gap by tugging you by your cheek, locking your lips together.
You attempt to follow her slow rhythm as your hands grip onto the cotton of Hazel’s hoodie. This is going well, you think until Hazel pulls away. You instinctively try to chase her lips, but she chuckles softly at your attempt. Her hot breath brushes past your own slightly parted mouth.
“Getting eager, huh?” She teases, brushing her nose against yours.
“Shut up.” Your cheeks flush at her words.
That same flush spread to your chest and the depths of your stomach. All you wanted to do was jump her bones. Now, you understood why she had girls moaning so loud that there would be complaints from the neighboring peers.
“You did good, though. You really don’t have anything to worry about.” Hazel patted the side of your thigh like it was nothing.
“Really?” You furrow your brows, confused as to how you who had no experience could actually kiss well.
“Mhmm. I don’t think you have anything to worry about, honey. You’re a natural,” she glanced down at your lips with a smile.
“What about, like, making out? Like with tongue?” You were really pushing your luck now. There’s no way she was going to agree to doing more than just basic French kissing.
“Oh, yeah, that’s a little more complicated. There is such a thing as too much tongue. That’s how people get mono. It also just feels fucking gross.” Hazel explains with a grimace.
You copy her disgusted face as one of your sisters had gotten mono before and she couldn’t properly swallow anything for about a week. You remember her constant complaining, saying that she wouldn’t kiss anyone for the next year.
The following month she had gotten a boyfriend so clearly, she was a shit-faced liar.
“Yeah, that’s what I’ve heard,” you reply back with an awkward chuckle.
“That’s a worse-case scenario, though. It’s supposed to feel good like everything else that’s as intimate as this,” Hazel is quick to reassure you, her hands squeezing and rubbing at your thighs.
“Right. Got it. So, how is ‘good making out’ supposed to feel?” You held up your fingers to copy the quote motion. “I’ve heard you’re mind blowing at it so…”
“You really are boosting my ego here, honey,” Hazel shook her head slightly as if she was being bashful about her experience. Her cocky ass smile said otherwise.
“Like it wasn’t already up there,” you quipped back with a pointed look but your lips were curling into a giddy smile.
“Y’know we can’t make out when we talk, right?”
Hazel’s painfully attractive smirk forms on her lips.
Her hands grasp onto your waist, her thumbs digging into your lower ribs. The cold feeling of her silver rings caused you to gasp as her lips were against yours once again.
You hum against her lips, your hands cupping both sides of her face. From what you’ve seen in movies and shows, usually there’d be a hand through someone’s hair. You test it out and run one hand up the back of Hazel’s head, her soft hairs brushing in between your fingers.
Hazel’s tongue swipes past your bottom lip and you try to welcome it into your mouth. It feels… weird at first but when Hazel tugs you in closer with her tight grip, it heightens the pleasure for you. You suck on her tongue for just a moment before letting her take the reins once again.
You feel her pull away and you think she’s going to say that you did something wrong. No, her lips begin to trail down to your jaw. She made sure to leave a hot kiss on your cheek and jaw before latching yourself onto your neck.
You pant softly, a soft whine leaving your lips. Hazel’s tongue peeked out to lick across a sensitive spot on your neck that you didn’t even know about. How the fuck did she figure that out? She rolled the skin in between her lips and sucked softly.
“Haze,” you breathe out as you tilt your neck back.
This pulled Hazel out of her hungry-lust driven state. She didn’t ask if she could do that. You didn’t ask for a hickey. Fuck.
Hazel paused her movements, detaching herself from your neck. The skin glistened slightly with spit, highlighting the deepening blush color that had raised to your skin.
“Oh, fuck. Shit, I’m sorry,” Hazel rushed out as she examined the forming hickey.
“What? What is it?” You furrow your brows in a panic as well.
“This is gonna be a dark hickey later. Fuck, honey,” her thumb rubbed over the raw skin.
You stay silent. You didn’t want to admit that being covered in her hickies was something that you’ve wanted for a while now. Just friends, you reminded yourself. Just friends.
“It’s okay. I liked how it felt.” You suck in a deep breath, trying to calm your rapid heart rate.
Hazel’s alluring blue eyes flicker from the spot on your neck to your flushed face. It took everything in her to hold back the urge to kiss over it as an apology for what she did.
“Still, it’s not what you had asked to do. I should’ve,” Hazel paused to remove her hands from your waist. You already missed the warmth dearly. “I should’ve asked first.”
“Haze, it’s really okay. I felt…” Horny. Just horny. Desperate. Horny for a third time.
“Good?” She answered for you as you still hadn’t said anything.
You hadn’t realized that you had paused in real life instead of just in your head.
“Yeah, yeah, good. I promise,” you tell her with a soft smile.
“Well, it sounded like it was good,” Hazel quipped with a cocky smirk on her face before smacking her clothed shoulder.
“God, I’m regretting this already,” you half-lie.
You regret asking Hazel to be the one to teach you but you don’t regret her kissing you and giving you a hickey.
Oh, god.
How were you going to explain the dark mark on your neck to everyone? You never curled your hair so it’s not like a burn could be an excuse.
You were about to ask Hazel how you were going to cover it up when the door opened. Brittany stood at the door sporting a cropped black tank with a gemmed red heart and a pair of low-rise blue jeans. Her brows raised at the sight of you and Hazel before she pursed her lips to hide her obvious smile that was creeping onto her lips.
“I’ll just come back later,” Brittany gave Hazel a look that you couldn’t quite pinpoint.
Okay so everyone but Brittany.
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taglist: @imjustapearl @beabeebrie @curiousshifter101 @seethesin @matchamilkislover <33
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urfavlarry · 2 months
now... can we get that jealous Aiden but with Tyler?
Thank you❤
Jealous!Tyler Hernández x gn!reader
warnings: swearing, bad grammar, kinda short
summary: you got to a basketball court with Tyler, his teammates coming along as well when one of them decides to be a bit too touchy
A/N: i know he plays baseball but I made him play basketball for this fic haha
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You sat in the shade on the bleachers, watching Tyler and his teammates practice for an upcoming match with another school. You believed in them since they played with that school before and to say they were kinda bad was an understatement. You take some photos of Tyler in secret, and smile down at your phone. “How is he always so effortlessly pretty?” You think to yourself and put your phone away and decide to draw. You weren’t half bad at drawing, mostly drawing backgrounds and clothing designs. You were in your own world, lost in your thought when you feel a presence next to you. You look up to see one of Tylers teammates who was watching you with a smile. You smile awkwardly and wave; “Hey..?” You say hesitantly and close your sketchbook. “Hey, you’re Y/N right?” You nod and pray for this awkward interaction to end. “Yep, that’s.. uh.. that’s me.” You say and fiddle with your fingers, eying Tyler who was on the other side of the court.
The guy inches closer to you, putting an arm around your waist and your whole body stiffens. Your mind goes blank and every muscle in your body is as stiff as a rock. “Why are you here all alone? Why not come and play with us?” He asks and smiles at you, this fake, eerie smile. “Oh, I don’t really know how to play.” You quickly answer and try to keep distance between you but this guy really didn’t know what personal space is. “I could teach you..” He grabs your wrists and puts his chin on your shoulder. “When you wanna shoot for the hoop you put one arm here.” He guides your arm down and puts the other higher than the other. “Then when you want to throw it you do..” He gets cut off by someone yelling his name and he lifts his chin up to look in that direction. He doesn’t let go of your wrists and you just look down, feeling humiliated. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing, huh?” You hear an oh so familiar voice that you love so much and thank the gods that sent this angel to your rescue aka Tyler. “Hey, I was just teaching them how to play man, what are you so mad about hm? You’re acting like they’re your partner.” Tyler looks at him with a pissed of expression, pushing him off of you.
“Hey the fuck?!” The guy yells as you quickly gather your things and get off the bleachers. The guy was quite aggressive and pushed Tyler back, earning another push from Tyler. That seemed to even worsen the situation and the guy punched Tyler right in the nose. “Oh hell no.” Tyler says and throws the guy down, punching him repeatedly. There was blood everywhere, Tyler finally stopping after he heard a satisfying crack from the guys nose.
Tyler rubs the blood off his nose and grabs your wrist and leaves the court. You walk with him, staying quiet the whole way to his house. He unlocks the door and walks upstairs into the bathroom. “Sit.” You tell him and he looks at you and softens his expression, still kinda annoyed. You grab the first aid kit and grab bandages and some rubbing alcohol. You clean his bruised knuckles and wrap them in some bandages and clean his bloody nose, handing him a tissue to stop the bleeding.
You sit on the counter where the sink is and just quietly stay there, letting him collect his thoughts. It was an awkward silence so you finally decide to say something; “Hey i’m—” “Are you—” You both say at the same time and you shut your mouth so he can tell what he wants to say. He rubs his neck and waves you over so you come over, standing between his legs as he looks up at you. “Hey, I’m sorry for lashing out, I didn’t mean to make a scene.” He says and frowns a bit. You smile and kiss his forehead, bringing him into an embrace. You breath in his scent and relax under his touch. “No, it’s fine really, i’m grateful that you protected me. Another second with him and I swear he would be dead.” You say and hear a low chuckle escape his lips as he plays with your hair. You stay like that for a bit until he picks you up and walks with you to his room. He closes the door behind him and lays you down on the bed, laying down on top of you. He mumbles sweet nothings into your ear, kissing your neck. You rub his back look up at the ceiling, lost in thought. Tyler notices that you were a bit too quiet and looks up; “Hey you okay amor?” You nod and simply smile, still not looking at him. “I’m fine, just thinking about how lucky I am to have you as a boyfriend.” He smiles and peppers your face with kisses, making you giggle. “And I’m lucky to have the best partner in the world.”
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justcallmesakira · 3 months
The reader looking so pretty at an event in the agency, co worker dazai can't help but stare at her :> make sum scenario :>
Sypnosis: Dazai just cant keep his eyes to himself when a colleuge of his is looking so darn pretty!
Dazai x fem! reader
Genre: suggestive, romance
Warnings: reader is sort of cheeky, suggestive as hell, implied alcoholism, author gave the reader on what attire shes wearing.
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The agency had decided to hold another party in celebration of a huge deal which would help the agency .
And of course you were invited, almost everyone was. You decided to look extra pretty today because why not, not because of others but for yourself.
You had picked out a extravagant ebony coated frock which covered all the way up to your legs and ended with glistening white layers of laces.
The party was at 8 o clock, you had time plus what would you do getting there so early?
Gently tapping on the tubes of lipsticks you picked out a vermillion shade and smoothly applied the waxy substance on your lips. The colour suited the rose tied around your neck really well.
Finally adding some final touches you rushed out the door and walked along to the agency.
There were colourful lights and food everywhere, Atsushi teaching Kyouka how to make decorations, doctor Yosano taking a bit too much of wine, ranpo staring at powdered donuts... To think of it you remember him taking 5 of them sneakily one night and you wonder why hes so obsessed with them.
But one thing you could notice was a certain someones eyes on you... Dazai.
You walked up to atsushi and kyouka, talking to them and teaching them some tips and tricks to fit in with the agency.
You could feel at all times though, a certain pair of eyes glancing at you from time to time from the corner of the room.
"Excuse me, i will just fix my hair and come back" you politely end the conversation before walking towards the door and going outside.
Despite your heels clacking against the floor, you could feel another set of shoes following them.
"Dazai-san, may i know why i feel your eyes on my at all times?" you ask putting a perfect spot from the distance between your figure and the mans figure.
He chuckled.
"Bella, i must say your quite the smart one arent ya'?" osamu replies back with much cheekiness in his tone as yiu turned to him, he had a black tuxedo, a polished and refined one, it hugged his body quite tightly too.
You just sighed at his remark, he was a ladies man you knew but you have never seen the glint and love in his eyes on a girl ever before, it amde your stomach turn slightly in a good way, of course.
His teasing grin drops and turns into a more soothing smile as he walks over to you which makes you back towards the wall unsure whether to trsut him or not.
He lowers his head a bit to reach your face taking in all of it's features.
"Are you trying to woo me, dazai-san? It seems like it"
"Haaah, maybe. The thing is bella you just look so.." you expect him to give you some compliment like every boy does when they see a girl sitting pretty and all but instead he gently took a strand of your hair, took it to his lips and uttered every single quality and flaw about you, it was as if hes born to have a poets tongue with you being the muse.
"I just want to admire you all day, my darling. Its not lust nor a small crush, it isnt even close to love but something beyond the world and beyond the universe to attend to, i dont know i could drown in your eyes right now but i would prefer staring at them for an eternity as if its a gorgeous piece of art hung on a museum"
he said softly, oh god did this man made your heart drop down your stomach and melt into your intestines.
With each word he spoke through his charming voice, you could feel his breathe and hands going closer towards your sweating body and at last, he asked for your permission to which you only looked at him with a slight embroidery of embarrassment on your cheeks.
Dazai tenderly kissed your forehead but though it lasted short you wondered whether he tried to go for your lips instead because of the shift in his body.
"Oi, dazai and [Name] if your done with your cheesy af encounter than come back to the party! Presidents calling you two!"
Atlast after moments of intimate interaction which wasnt even intimate because of the silent yearn for something neither the two of you could preach. Both of you decided to go back to the party.
Later in the relationship you realised that your first kiss with this loverman was not the type of kiss those possessive men would do which would take your breathe away but more of a desperate one as if to reach out for something which one already got.
In the end nor dazai or you could just confess normally without making each other look like two pieces of magnificent artwork looking at each other.
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A/N: i hate this more than dazai hates him self :(((((((( btw reader is wearing this dress
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Divider crds! : @cafekitsune
Tags! : @inojuuy @silverbladexyz @atlasnessie @tsuunara @elizais @saelique @chuuyasboner @atzuhi @riiwrites @ruanais @biscuits-spooky-corner @rusmii
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boldlyvoid · 2 years
The Whore of Babylon
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18+ | Eddie, Gareth, Jeff, Kevin x reader
Summary: Eddie's friends are Virgins, and His Girlfriend has a Virginity kink
Warnings: lowkey cuck Eddie, sexualization of the reader, teasing, Virgin kink, panty sniffing (mentions of past panty stealing), Eddie teaches the boys how to pleasure a woman, Oral sex (f receiving from all 4), hand jobs, Vaginal sex, condom use, bi Eddie, Bi Jeff, Questioning Gareth (he kisses Eddie in this), spit, multiple orgasms (6), praise and degradation, cum play, Master kink... i really hope i got it all but this one is really dirty
word count: 7.1k
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All her boys came over after a long-awaited game of hellfire. Being separated at different colleges and jobs made it hard to play once a week, it became more like once a month now. They used this time together to party, have a few beers, joints and way too much pizza.
Like clockwork, she moves the empty pizza boxes to the kitchen and wanders back into the main room of the trailer she shared with Eddie. She sits in his lap as the party starts to come to a close, whispering something in his ear as his hands trail up her bare legs and under her skirt. 
This was usually the boy's queue to get going. 
“Seriously?” Gareth complains for the group as they all groan, “we’re having fun, do we really have to leave just so you two can fuck all night instead?” 
“Awe, are the virgins jealous?” She teases Gareth, Jeff and Kev with a pout. 
“No…” he’s defensive but his cheeks and neck heat up a cute shade of pink which lets her know he’s lying. 
She looks at Eddie, carefully, talking to him with her eyes, “you really want to?” Eddie knows exactly what she means, and she nods. “okay… should you tell them or should I?” 
“Tell uth what?” Jeff asks, his adorable lisp making her smile. 
She loved all of them, they were all her best friends before they introduced her to Eddie. Being in the same grade, she grew up with these 3 boys, they were her best friends, she knew more about them than anyone else, they were her boys. 
It wasn’t her fault that she fell for Eddie, and none of them held it against her… It was just really hard for them to know that she was getting railed by the dungeon master most nights while they were all virgins, and slightly pining for her. She knew they were, she always did, but the feelings weren’t fully reciprocated. She loved them, she thought they were all handsome and sweet in their own ways, but Eddie was the love of her life. 
She thought they’d get girlfriends, or boyfriends even, at some point… but the older they got, the longer they waited and it was getting embarrassing at this point. They all talked about how hard it was being a virgin in their 20s while Eddie always made being a sex god look so easy. 
Time and time again, Eddie told them they just needed to break the seal. They just needed to let loose and sleep with someone, then it wouldn’t be as scary… then maybe they’d find something more. Since meeting Y/N, he was always insisting that making love was better than random hookups, making the boys jealous even further. 
“Well,” she looks at Eddie and then back to the boys, focusing mostly on Gareth as he had it the worst for her. “What if you let me take your virginities?” 
They’re silent. For the first time ever, none of the boys have any words. 
“I think I broke them,” she whispers to Eddie, making him laugh. 
“She’s not kidding,” Eddie adds, “she’s talked about this for the last 2 years… we just didn’t think it would ever come to this.” 
“I thought there would be no way we’d all hit 21 and I’d still be the only one of us having sex,” she tries to cover up the truth he just spilled. 
“and…” he wants her to tell them. “Go on, share with them how much of a dirty whore you can be.” 
She shifts in his lap, anxiously fighting the heat in her stomach as it grows and feeling just how hard he was under her. He was thinking about all his friends taking turns with his girl, how hot it would be to see them try to ruin her but all she wants is for him to show them how it’s done…
“I have this dream,” she starts softly, avoiding the boy's eye contact as they all gather around her, sitting on the floor in front of Eddies lazy boy, looking up at her in awe, it felt like storytime. Gareth on her right, Jeff on her left, and Kevin smack dab in the middle. He didn’t know it yet, but he had the best seat in the house.
“Go on,” Eddie encourages her even more. 
“I really like the thought of taking someone's virginity, and so seeing as Eddie was already deflowered when I got him i didn’t get to really experience it… but there’s something so satisfying about watching a man lose it all for you, being the first person he slips into… ruining him for everyone else—
“She’s good at that part,” he warns them. 
She shrugs, proud of herself. “I really love Eddie, you guys need to know that, this is just a kink for me and if you don’t want to ruin the friendship, I get it. But the offer stands, for any or all of you.” 
��Yes!” Gareth is the first to offer, sitting on his knees and moving in closer. “Please?” 
She giggles, “what about you two?” 
Jeff nods, unable to find any words to say and Kevin mumbles, “uh-ye—mhmm.” 
“Good,” she smirks and sits on Eddie, reverse cowgirl, back to his chest and legs spread. “Now, time for the ground rules, boys.” 
They all nod, moving in even closer to her, all sprouting cute little bulges in their jeans and silently fighting their way to be first in line to fuck her. 
She puts out her hand and Eddie fishes a box of condoms out from the side pocket of his chair, placing them in her palm. “First things first, you’re all wearing raincoats. I only plan on making you god-fathers in the future. Distant, future at that.” 
It makes them all laugh, which makes her feel a little more at ease. The last thing she wanted was to completely ruin their friendships. 
“Second, no kissing on the mouth,” she looks right at Kevin, more than once he’s gotten drunk and tried to kiss her, always ashamed after but she never held it against him. He was a flirty, cuddly drunk, hes also tried to kiss Jeff. 
“No affectionate pet names either, you are not allowed to get attached to me, this is a dirty one off and then I expect you to take what you’ve learned and apply it out there in the real world,” she explained carefully. “Got it?” 
“Yes, ma’am,” Gareth answers and the other two nod, following his lead as always. 
With her legs spread already, she leans back against eddies chest and lets him lift her skirt up, showing off his girl like he just popped the hood on a Ferrari. 
“Third rule,” Eddie speaks this time, voice deep and low, something only she’s really heard. His hand ghosts over her panties, “if she says stop, you stop. I doubt you three will last long enough to get crazy with her, but it has to be said.” 
“Obviously, man,” Jeff understands, reaching out to place his hand on her ankle and feel up her soft skin. 
“We’re going to treat her like treasure,” Kevin adds, staring right at the wet patch forming in her pink panties. “Long awaited, ever so rewarding, treasure.” 
Eddie groans in her ear, nibbling at the lobe gently. His free hand snakes up her chest and palms at her breast, while the other works tiny circles over her clothed clit,  “should I give them a run down on what you like?” 
She nods, melted into his touch, “teach ‘em how it’s done.” 
“Lift,” he instructs and she moves her feet to rest on the seat, beside his knees as she lifts her hips up, giving him the opportunity to push her panties to her knees before she sat down on his lap again. “Boys, would you mind?” 
They rush to help them come off the rest of the way and then fight for who gets to hold them, “hey,” Eddie calls their attention back to her. 
“Gareth,” she delegates, “you can have them."
He takes them from Kevin and holds them to his face, breathing in her scent while his other hand palmed over his jeans, he groaned, “sweet Jesus.” 
“He’s the only one who hasn’t stolen a pair yet,” she teases.
The other two look embarrassed immediately. “How?” 
“I know what I leave here,” she smirks. “So when I come back and my panties aren’t in his drawer anymore, but you were in his room last, then I know. But I don’t mind.” 
Eddies ring-covered hand has been cupped around her cunt the whole time, not letting them get a look at the goods while they acted like this. “You guys ready to learn or what?” 
They straighten back up, desperate for the show to begin. 
With two fingers he spreads her pussy lips apart, “this my friends, is a pussy of epic proportions. Juicy, delicious, she can take a beating and always comes back wanting more… for me, at least.” 
It was only slightly embarrassing, but the way the boys drooled over her made her feel better than ever. It was so fucking nice to be desired like this. She felt like a centrefold in playboy and it was actually really, really nice. 
Eddie kisses her cheek gently as she leaned back to rest her head on his shoulder. “Who did you want to go first?” He whispers. 
“Gareth,” she all but moans his name. 
“You heard her, scoot,” he instructs the boys out of the way so that Gareth can sit right in front of her. He crawls over on his knees, resting his hands on her knees and soothing them down her thighs.
“Gare-bear, can you show the class where the clit is, please?” Eddie asks, using his nickname as a way to remind him who was in charge. 
He looks puzzled, causing Eddie to suck his teeth, “how do you plan on pleasing a woman if you don’t know what that is?” 
“Save it,” Eddie pushes him back and stands up with Y/N in his arms. He slams her down on the chair and gets on his knees with the other boys. 
“Strip,” he instructs her and she misses no time ripping off her tank top, pushing her skirt to the floor and flinging her bra halfway across the room before she sat back down on the lazy boy and spread her legs for him. 
The boys all groan, it’s a symphony of pleasure that she’s been secretly dying to hear since they all hit puberty. 
Eddie spreads her pussy open once more and places his index finger right on her clit, “this right here, this is the clit. She’s sometimes hidden under the hood, kinda like foreskin, but she’s 10 times more sensitive than the head of your cock and she’ll never disappoint you if you pay attention to her.” 
Y/N can’t help but moans as he applies more pressure and mores his finger around in circles. He dips down to her whole, gathering up her wetness with the pads of his forefingers and rubbing it into her clit. It feels so good, being touched and being watched, she can’t help her back as it arches or the sounds that leave her whorish little mouth. 
“Holy shit,” Gareth can barely breathe. “That’s it?” 
“No,” Eddie smirks at him first and then moves in closer to Y/N. “It helps the most, but that’s not all you need.” His lips collide with her inner thigh as he kisses towards her centre. “It’s about attention to detail, you can’t just go from 0 to 4th gear and expect to win the race, you need to rev her up a bit, work the gears and then fuck her into overdrive.” 
“Please,” she begs, gripping the armrest of the chair like her life depended on it, feeling emptier than ever before. 
“See,” Eddie chuckles against her skin, kissing her underwear line, edging impossibly close to eating her out when he knew he was supposed to let Gareth go first. 
He can’t help himself, he takes one long lick, spreading his whole tongue along her cunt, he was addicted to her taste. He moans against her, tongue deep inside while the tip of his nose budged at her clit. She gripped his hair, moaning at how good it was but she pulled him away anyway, “baby, come on.” 
“Sorry,” he looked up at he with lust-blown eyes, face already covered in her. “I had to get the first lick, but at least you know what to do now, Gare.” 
Gareth couldn’t believe he was next, he let Eddie move out of the way and then got impossibly close to her. He wrapped his arms around her thighs and pulled her right to the edge, “ready?” 
She nods, not expecting him to go in just as hard as Eddie, but if she knew anything about Gareth, he was competitive. Especially as Eddie’s back-up singer. He was a quick learner, she’ll give him that, because the second his mouth is on her, he’s sucking on her clit like his life depends on it. 
She runs her fingers through his short, curly hair, it’s so soft and she’s not used to something this short to hold onto, but she likes it. She grinds her hips along with his movements, letting him know just how good he feels on her. “I’m— I’m so, fuck, close already…” 
Gareth peaks up at her, dragging his tongue over her in a serpentine motion, never breaking eye contact. She cups his face, holding him closer as his tongue flicks back and forth over her clit and then he stops, “can I finger you?” 
She nods, “fuck yeah, you can, Mr. Drummer.” 
He smirks and then slips his two middle fingers into his own mouth, he swirls his tongue around them in preparation. When they’re wet enough, he teases her hole with a smirk, shaking his head at how fucking insane this felt and overjoyed to finally be there. He’s gentile at first, watching his fingers go in and out of her slowly as he soaked it all in. It was really happening. 
“Curl them,” Eddie gives him a tip from the sideline, “feel that spongey texture? Thats her g-spot, so when you hit that and her clit at the same time, it’ll make her tremble.” 
He listens well, curing his fingers and returning his tongue to her clit. He pumps into her with quick, short thrusts, making an absolute mess as she finally came on his fingers with a shout. 
Eddie clapped, “‘atta boy!! See fellas, that’s how it’s done.”
Gareth pulls out with a grin, “that was so fucking cool,” he muses before shoving his fingers in his mouth and licking them clean.  
She runs her fingers through his sweaty hair again, smiling at him as she sits up, “oh, my god, dude. The ladies are going to love you.” 
“You think?” His eyes gleam with pride. 
“Absolutely,” she ruffles his hair and then pats his cheek, “but it’s Jeff's turn now…” 
“Really?” He perks up, looking at her with big eyes, “for…” 
“I don’t plan on sending you boys out into the world without a lesson,” she calls him over with a wink. “Come get a taste.” 
“Let me just,” he turns away, putting his fingers in his mouth and popping out his retainer. He places the slobbery thing on the coffee table and then makes his way over. “Can I take my shirt off?” 
She nods, “of course, you guys can do whatever, get comfortable.” 
He pulls his shirt off so quickly and moves in closer to her. He’s ripped, buffer than she remembered with the sexiest dusting of chest hair. He takes a softer approach, he kisses her thighs and caresses her skin with his cheek, possibly making up for his rough, calloused fingers. 
He was so gentile, even with his tongue. He listened to Eddie's words from before, paying attention to her clit while his pointer finger swirled around the cum gathering at her hole, using it as lube when he eventually pushed the digit inside of her. He curls it slightly, rubbing the interesting texture with curiosity, making her thighs twitch. 
“Christ,” she wants to toss her head back more, arch her back higher, but she’s trapped in the uncomfortable, brown suede recliner she’s been fucked in too many times already. 
“Hold on a sec? I just wanna lie down,” she explains as she pets Jeffs cheek, assuring him it’s not an issue with him. “I’m uncomfortable up here.” 
He nods and helps her to the carpet, not noticing Eddie had run out to his bedroom to get some pillows and blankets, “here, put them under her for leverage.” 
The boys listened well, they moved the table out of the way and laid down the blanket first and then got her all comfortable. They wouldn’t have it any other way, honestly. 
Jeff crawled back between her legs, and Kev sat awkwardly beside her, watching and feeling only a slight bit left out. As soon as Jeff began to continue, she reached over for Kevin to hold his and bring it to her boob, “you can play with them…” 
“Yeah?” He gets down lover, laying on his side so he can palm one boob and kiss the other. With a small boost in confidence, he takes her nipple in his mouth and moans around her. She knew he’d love that. 
His hair was sweaty from simply watching, but that didn’t stop her from petting his curls. She simply loved touching. She was always so touch starved, she’s cuddled with all of them more than once, she’s had sleepovers with them and hugged them randomly just for closeness… this was so, so much better. 
Gareth is watching it all with a hand on his cock, still shaking his head at how fucking insane this all is, but not wanting to change a single thing. All he wondered was if he was going to be the first to slip inside of her or not, he didn’t want to get too carried away in his thoughts, but his hand felt so good as he watched on. 
Eddie reached out and placed his hand on Gareth’s shoulder, making him jump slightly. “Man, I can’t believe you got her…” 
Eddie smirks, “I know, right?” 
She’s completely lost in the moment, not listening in the slightest as she cums a second time for Jeff and Kevin basically pushes him away so he can have his turn. But when Jeff kneels beside her, she reaches for his belt and starts to unbuckle it. They get him out of his pants and boxers and suddenly it’s only the two of them who are naked. 
She strokes his hard cock, he’s slimmer than Eddie but definitely longer. It was so impressive. Cut, tip glistening and balls full. Even Eddie’s jaw dropped when he saw it. “dude…” 
Gareth’s eyes are wide, Kev looks up at him, face covered in pussy juice already. “Holy shit, man?” 
“What?!” He gets self-conscious. 
“They’re jealous,” she smirks up at him. “I know Eddie is cause he isn’t cut…” 
“Oh,” Jeff thinks nothing of it. 
“But size doesn’t matter,” she reaffirms. “If you know what you’re doing anything can work.” 
“Anything?” Kev wonders, innocently. 
She nods, “wanna show me what you’ve got?” 
He sits up on his knees and starts to unbutton his jeans quickly, he was chubby and soft, hairy tummy leading down his happy trail to a decent sized, girthy, cock standing tall around his untamed pubic hair. 
“Babe, where are the condoms?” She asks Eddie, “Kev can go first, give him one.” 
“Fuck,” Gareth mumbles under his breath, looking disappointed. 
She peers past Kev to look at him, “you got to make me cum already, give him a chance. My clit is so sensitive right now, I need something more… but you come here,” she points to her other side, jerking Jeff off still on the other side again. 
Kevin gets gloved up and lines up with her, feeling up her thighs nervously, she looks up at him with kind eyes, “ready, Kev?”  
He nods, “I’m sorry in advance if I’m not good…” 
“Take your time, enjoy it, I will too,” she assures him with a smile that grows dark. “Come on, big boy, fuck me.” 
When he slips in slowly with a groan, “oh my god…” 
Eddie smirks, “one down.” 
“Fuck,” she whimpers as he bottoms out, the stretch was nice and feeling him against her, between her legs, was just as wonderful. 
Laying on her back, completely, she turns to Gareth with a smile, he was watching her boobs giggle as Kev began to thrust. “Take these off,” she taps on Gareth’s jean-clad thigh. 
He gets out of his jeans as quickly as possible, tossing his shirt away while he’s at it. 
She tries to watch, but paying attention was hard when Kev’s thrusts started to pick up, “Oh, I knew you’d be cute…” she compliments him as her back arches, she moans, gripping her breast again, “shit…” 
“What?” He blushes. 
Jeff laughs, stroking his own cock now as she put her attention on Gareth. “She thinks you’re tiny,” he attempts to tease him. 
“No,” she smacks Jeff’s thigh and moans again. “Shit, Kev, right there…” 
They all turn their attention to Kevin, not expecting him to do as well as he was. He was the Bass player after all, always the forgotten one. But he fucked her with a passion, he had rhythm and power and he knew what he was doing. “more… more, please?” 
Gareth reaches a hand out to rub her clit, helping Kev along as he focuses on keeping his cool. He bit his lip, eyes closed as he kept going, he wanted her to cum first and then he’d let himself go, like a true gentleman. “Oh, fuck,” she reaches out for Jeff’s hand and pulls him closer, shoving his face into her tits as a silent instruction to suck. 
He was good with his mouth, covering her breasts in hickies as she chased her next orgasm. She honestly had no clue what number she was on at this point, and she didn’t care as she felt Kevin stutter and still inside of her as he filled the condom with a grunt. His grip on her knees tightened, “fuuuck….” 
She giggled, proud of her buddy. The other two get antsy, they silently fight with each other with pointed looks back and forth, both wanting to be next. “Boys…” Eddie finally speaks up, “let Kevin pull out before you kill each other.” 
She laughs again, “Jeff, do you mind if Gareth goes next?”
He shakes his head, “I guess not…” 
“I’m just saving the best for last,” she runs her hand over his thigh gently with a wink. 
Kevin pulled out, laughing to himself at how fucking wild it was that he just fucked his best friend, no longer a virgin. She sits up between them, accepting a glass of water from Eddie and taking a few sips as the boys exchange places. Kev sits beside her again, only in his boxers now. He pulls her into a quick side hug and kisses her sweaty forehead. “Thank you.” 
She laughs, “you’re welcome, buddy.” 
Gareth rolled a condom on with haste, waiting not so patiently for her to finish her water and pick a new position, “this is fucking wild… like, am I dreaming?” 
Eddie laughs again, “it’s about fucking time this happened. She’s wanted to fuck you for so long.” 
“Shut up,” she glares at him. 
“Even before I knew about her virginity kink, she has a soft spot for you, Gare-Bear,” Eddie can’t help himself, it was fun for him to rub it in that he won her in the end. 
“You’re lying,” Gareth doesn’t believe it anyway. “You had years to fuck me before we even introduced you to him?” He points at Eddie. 
“I think you’re cute, okay? And I know you’ll make a girl very happy one day… that being said, you wanna fuck me or not?” She wasn’t interested in explaining her long-gone childhood crush right now. 
She handed the glass to Eddie, “be nice, please…” 
He snarled at her but then leaned in and pressed his lips to hers, breathing her in and kissing her with a passion, marking his territory for all the boys to remember. 
She pushes him back with a smile, “you’ll get your turn.” 
“And then forever?” 
She nods, “now let me get back to it.” 
“Okay,” he puts his free hand up in defence as he backed away, “have fun…” 
She sits in Gareth’s lap, hovering over his cock with her hands resting on his shoulders. “Figured you’d like this view better…” 
She gets to watch his face, up close and personal, as he slips inside of her for the first time. She gets to watch his pupils dilate, his breath hitch and his body quiver. “Oh my god…” 
She kisses his cheek and down his neck as she started to ride him. As she picked up the pace, Gareth struggled to keep his eyes open, swallowed up by the pleasure of her fucking herself on his cock. His hands rested on her hips and slowly migrated to her ass, he squeezed her cheeks firmly and then slapped her ass, hard, making her yelp. 
“I can’t believe you held out on me all these years,” he groans, tossing his head back to get his hair out of his eyes, “if I knew you were such a dirty whore deep down I would’ve offered to fuck you years ago…” 
“No, you wouldn’t have,” she teases, knowing if she pushed him hard enough he would snap, just like Eddie. “I was waiting to be corrupted, I think we both were…” 
He holds her still, not letting her move and so she whines, wanting more of him. “You’re right,” he stares at her lips, “you have corrupted me.” 
She smirks, “now show me what you’ve learned.” 
He sits up on his knees, holding her lover back with both hands so he stayed inside of her, “pillows, now,” he makes Jeff hand them both over, he stacks them for Gareth and then he rests her lower back on them. When he starts thrusting again, he smiles while watching her tits jiggle, “good god… oh, fuck, I’m never going to be the same.” 
“Good, huh?” Eddie whispers in his ear, making Gareth's eyes flutter, turned on more than ever before. “Nothing is quite as good as her tight little pussy and her perfect tits, look at how she’s laid out for you, buddy…”
Gareth groans, “fuck, I wish I could kiss her,” he lets his true feelings out. “Not doing anything with my mouth is fuckin weird… shit,” he’s having the time of his life fucking her into the blanket-covered carpet, “and I’m talking too much, right?”
Eddie smirks, “she said you can’t kiss her, but nothing about me…” he places a kiss on Gareth’s bare shoulder and along his neck as he moaned. “I always thought you’d be soft…” 
Jeff and Kevin look at each other in shock and awe, they knew Eddie was bi, and so is Jeff… but Gareth has never said a word about the subject. He was pining so hard for Y/N and competing toe-to-toe with Eddie for so long, he must’ve built up some attraction to him, too. 
The sight of her boyfriend making out with her best friend as said friend fucks her is a scene, unlike anything her wildest dreams could conjure up. She grips her breasts and grinds back against his cock, moaning with each thrust when Eddie’s hand comes down to rub her clit. 
Gareth swats his hand out of the way and bites his lip quickly, letting it go when Eddie yelped, “right now, she’s mine.” 
Eddie goes to fight back but Y/N’s guttural moan granted her all of his attention, “fuck, Gare… please, please?” 
He rubs her clit and fucks her faster, hunching over her he balances with one hand on the ground beside her hip, giving him the perfect leverage to suck on her tits at the same time. And she was in heaven. Her hands came up to scratch his back, digging in deep as Gareth pounded her into the carpet and made her scream. 
Her back arches even further as she cums, her nails dig so deep into him he yelps, but it feels so good mixed with how tight she got around his cock just then. “Fuck,” he groans, “take it, take it! Fuck, that’s it, oh man, cum on my cock like a—fuck, like a good little whore…” he’s shaking as he tries to hold off, fucking her through her orgasm before he even dares reach his own. 
He drops against her chest and ruts into her faster, he buries his face into her neck and covers her in kisses and praise, “oh, fuck, thank you. Thank you,” he kisses both her cheeks and her forehead. “I can’t fucking believe that just happened.” 
She cups his face and giggles as she looks up at him, all fucked out with rosy cheeks down to his chest and sweaty hair, “believe it or not, but you’re still inside of me.” 
“Oh, oh, sorry,” he sits up on his knees and goes to pull out slowly with a shutter. “Sweet christ almighty…” 
Eddie giggles as he watches, “she gets real creamy around 4 orgasms.” 
Jeff was practically on the verge of exploding he was so hard, that the head of his cock was dripping as he ignored it. 
She sits back up as soon as she’s calmed down enough to move again, “holy shit…” 
Gareth is a blushing mess, unable to even look at her but she pulls him into a hug and kisses his cheek. “You did wonderfully.” 
He kisses the top of her head, resting his cheek against her hair with a smile, “that was awesome.” 
She laughs and turns to the last virgin in the room, “it was… but, Jeffery, you’re up.” 
He anxiously nods, taking a condom from Eddie and rolling it over his own length. “H-how d’you—
“What would you like?” She cuts him off, crawling over to him with a sweet smile, “just, go easy on me?” 
He nods, feverishly, “yeah, yeah, um…” he takes a second to think, “missionary is good, I guess?” 
She laughs and pulls him in for a hug, resting her weight on his shoulder with her arms wrapped around his buff shoulders, “thank god… I’m so fucked out I don’t think I could ride you if you paid me.” 
“Do you want more water?” Jeff worries as he rubs her back, “or a snack? I think you still have those two-bite brownies left… you know the good ones from KFC? I saw them in the fridge earlier.” 
It makes her giggle, “I’m okay, very, very okay,” she pulls away from him with a smirk, “Eddie’s record with me in one night is 9 currently, this is nothing.” 
He awkwardly laughs, “nine? Seriously?” The other boys laugh, too, watching on as Jeff gets the most affection from her.
She nods, very proud, “wanna bring me to number 5 now?” 
He nods, “are you ready?” 
“Absolutely,” she gives him all the consent in the world with that and her beautiful smile. 
He lays her back gently, spreading her legs and getting between them, finally. He takes a moment to close his eyes and take a deep breath, hoping this memory lasted a very long time after it inevitably ended. 
He slips in slowly, going inch by inch and letting her adjust, but also fascinated with the view of her taking his length. He angles her hips up, stealing the pillows back and shoving them under her, “how are you still so fucking tight?” 
Eddie’s dark chuckle makes her head turn to him, she almost forgot he was there, so blissed out from being passed around their friends all night. “Isn’t she fucking fantastic.” 
He’s been slowly stripping himself from his clothes with each round, leaving him in just his checkered, red, boxers. He palmed himself gently every so often, hearing her cum so much and having nothing to do with it made his cock twitch, but nothing got him off quite like being alone with her. 
Jeff starts to pick up the pace, thrusting into her again and again as she laid there and took it with pride. Arms laid flat on the carpet, Jeff held her hips and manhandled her on and off his cock like she was nothing, it was quite the sight to see. All the boys were quite amazed. 
Eddie crawls over and reaches for her hand, holding it gently and caressing her with his thumb. She felt like the luckiest girl in the world, being treated like a queen by her 4 favourite boys while simultaneously quadrupling her body count. 
Jeff reaches out his hand, “spit,” he instructs Eddie and he does just that. Spitting in his hand so he can bring it to Y/N’s swollen clit for some added glide. His once gentle demeanour now gone, lust overtook him. He was getting carried away, “are you close?” 
She whined, “ye-yeah.” 
Eddie brushes some sweaty hairs off her face, watching her eyes roll back as yet another orgasm built in her stomach and exploded through her veins in glorious waves of euphoria. 
“Jeff, oh my god,” she reaches out for him, running her fingers over his abs each time he thrusts back in. “Please, please?” 
“Let go, princess,” Eddie encourages her. “Show him how much tighter you get when you cum.” 
“Show me,” his grip tightens and his rhythm changes. The desperation in his voice is what sends her over the edge more than anything. 
She gives him what he was searching for, she cums with a gasp as he stills inside of her, deeper than ever, she can feel him fill the condom. He grunts, “holy fucking shit.” 
She wants to moan but she’s lost her voice, cumming so hard her eyes water while her body spasms. “Holy…” he wipes his brow with a sigh, “fuck.” 
He pulls out and helps her into a sitting position, carrying on the tradition of kissing her forehead before passing her on to the next one.
Only this time, it was Thee One. 
“Eddie,” she reaches out for him, crawling away from Jeff and right into eddies lap. 
“Hi, my baby,” he pets her face gently, “how’re you feeling?” 
She takes a deep breath and smiled at him, her body felt like an overcooked spaghetti noodle so she clung to him like her life depended on it, “I’m really good now… how are my boys?” 
“Amazing,” Kevin answers, barely still awake as he watches from the couch, all cuddled up with a blanket. 
“Fan-fuckin’-tastic,” Gareth adds, rolling a joint, sitting in the corner in his boxers. 
“What they said,” Jeff, points, cleaning himself up and looking for his clothes in the mess they’ve all left behind. 
“Good,” she rests her chin against Eddie’s shoulder with a sigh. “You guys staying here tonight?” 
They all hum in agreement, “cool,” she gives them a weak thumbs up and wraps herself back around Eddie, “take me to bed, lover.” 
“Yes, princess,” he smacks her asscheek lightly, standing up with her and then picking her up bridal style. “Lock the door and turn out the lights, fellas.” 
He brings her back to his room and lays her down on his bed gently. Immediately he places his hands on her cheeks, “be honest, bedtime or my turn?” 
She giggles as she sits up a bit, holding his face in her hands, too. “It’s time to show them who I really belong to.” 
He growls as he leans in for a kiss, biting her bottom lip instead and holding it between his teeth until he pulls away, “do you really belong to me, though?” 
She doesn’t know where he’s going with this, but she’s excited nonetheless. She just nods, getting lost in the darkness of his eyes. 
“That little show in there proved otherwise… you reminded me of someone, actually. You’re no longer a princess, you’re a queen.”
“What kind of queen does the things I just did?” She wonders, still having no idea where he was going with this. 
“Semiramis, The Whore of Babylon… ” he shrugs, slightly embarrassed whenever he goes full nerd in the bedroom. “Although, she is Nimrod's wife, so I guess that makes me,” he points at himself with a look of confusion, simply trying to make her laugh some more. 
She knew this trick. The more she laughed, the more it proved she was truly ready, willing and up for another round, the last thing he wanted was for her to say yes and not truly mean it. 
“My Nimrod,” she caresses his cheek, pushing his hair back and behind his ear, “I told you it’s an affectionate nickname.” 
He smiles, shaking his head, “it’s a good thing I love you.” 
“If you didn’t, I have 3 other suitors,” she teases him. “And they’re waiting for one last show.” 
“Is that so,” he gets up, playful as ever, and makes his way towards the door. “I see how it is…” 
“Where are you going?” She calls after him, but he doesn’t answer. “Don’t make me fuck Gareth again!” 
“I’m coming!” He shouts but all she can hear is the sound of him rushing around, “Gareth, sit down!” “I am?” Followed by laughter. But he comes back, with pillows tucked under his arm, the condom box gripped between his teeth and her glass of water in the other hand. 
He hands her the water, tosses the pillows on the bed, takes a condom from the box and slams his door shut. “I’m ready when you are,” he says as he rolls on the condom. 
She takes one big gulp of water and sets the glass down on the night table. She sits back down on the mattress with a bounce, “ready.” 
“Up,” he gets her onto her knees and then spins his finger, making her turn around. He gets on the bed behind her, chest flush against her back, he wraps one hand around her chest to steady her and uses the other to slip inside. She sits down on his cock with a gasp, this was her favourite position with him. 
She could toss her head back against his shoulder, to the side, while he pressed kisses to her skin and whispered dirty things in her ear. He could feel up her breasts and rub her clit all while fucking her from behind. Dirty enough to make god frown, but good enough to contemplate going to hell for a lifetime of sex with him. 
“You looked so hot out there,” his words are hot against her ear, his bottom lip trails along the lobe. “What a charitable queen letting the lowly townsmen fuck you…” 
“Look at me now,” she breaths out, trying to stay composed but too fucked out to care at the same time. “I’m— fuck, I’m fucking the banished one now.” 
“And why am I banished?” He grips her hair tighter, pulling her head to the side and making her look at him. 
“Fuck,” she moans, grinding with his movements, she places her hand over his, trying to make him play with her clit more. “cause—oh sweet christ! Cause you fuck so good!” 
“Thats right,” he pushes her down against the mattress, ass up, he slaps and grabs at her cheeks while fucking into her with more force. “Let them know how good.” 
With each short, hard thrust, she gets louder and louder, shouting obscenities and nonsense, “louder baby, or you don’t get to cum.” 
She always listens, putting on the best show for the rest of them, wondering in the back of her mind if they’ve taken it upon themselves to get off to the noise, or if they were too drained from earlier. 
He uses her hair like a leash, gripping it around his fist and pulling her face from the mattress, “don’t be shy, we already know you’re a whore.” 
With each thrust, she moans, whimpers and cries out for more. “Ooh myy goOd,” she starts to tremble as the tip of his cock knocks against her cervix, sending shockwaves of pleasure through her. “Please?” 
“What was that?” He slaps her ass, “I couldn’t hear you?” 
“Please!! Make me cum!! I need you, please, master!” She pulls out all the tricks, pushes all his buttons and relishes in the reward of pleasure. 
He pulls out, flips her over and slams right back into her, watching her beautiful, bruise ridden tits bounce with the motions, “let go, princess,” he gives her the go-ahead, rubbing her clit for assurance, and she tightened around him as a result. 
“That’s it,” he gets more erratic near the end, “fuck, yeah, take it!” 
She screams while she cums and he fucks her right through it. Gripping the sheets, eyes screwed closed, she almost blacks out from how powerful the release was. 
Now tighter than ever, Eddie thrusts into her only a little bit longer before he’s a goner too. He drops down against her, kissing her neck gently while he ruts into her, moaning with each snap of his hips. She wraps her arms and legs around him, holding him so impossibly close to her body, that she never wanted to let him go now. 
She runs her fingers through his hair and kisses the top of his head, still riding out their highs together. “I love you so fucking much, baby,” he reminds her. 
“My love for you only got stronger today,” she assured him. “It was so hot having you show me off… I like when people know I’m yours.” 
He hums, kissing her neck again before propping himself up on his elbow. She brushes his hair behind his ear so he can see her better, smiling at each other with so, so much love and affection in their eyes. “Forever.”
Eddie Munson Taglist (ask to join)
@fightingdragonswithreid @mrs-dr-reid @kyomito @reidselle @venomsvl @nomajdetective @girl-with-an-orange-cat @stevesmunsons
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honestlywtf04 · 1 year
𝐇𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭
warning: vin being horny, a bit of sex talk, a little cheesy, very cute.
summary: he's a desperate and adorable man when you're pregnant, while his cat just wants to be near your belly 24/7.
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"hera, leave your mother alone," your boyfriend jokingly scolds his cat since she continues to rub her head on your belly. she ignores him and continues her actions. he goes to grab her but she hisses when she senses his hands get near her.
"damn okay chill," he pouts looking at me asking for help. i sigh and pick her up to put her on the floor. i go to lay down but i feel my feet get lifted off the floor and gently put on the bed. vinnie lays his head on my neck and rubs my belly. he sighs happily and places a few soft kisses on my neck.
"you're so cute," i tell him. he doesn't respond but continues to rub my stomach.
"i'm just showing my fiancée and my daughter some attention," he mumbles against my neck making me roll my eyes while smiling.
"i can't wait for you to give birth," he whispers which causes my body to go crazy with butterflies. "i know, i can't believe that you and i made this together." i feel him smile and start chuckling making me roll my eyes and playfully smack his head.
"you're so annoying," i laugh. he lifts his head and gives me a kiss. when he pulls away he says, "just go to sleep while i keep thinking about the memory of me fucking you."
my mouth falls open. he smirks and bites his lip, "no no no, we are not having sex. your child is growing inside me," he frowns and whines. "it's been six months y/n.. i miss you and the way you feel and the way you were so good at ridi-" he cuts himself off when i start chuckling.
"oh my god! you're so annoying," i laugh.
"we can have sex, it's safe," he tries to persuade me but i just shake my head. "i'm tired, and not horny. if you want then i'll give you something else tomorrow," i smirk when he smiles widely and lays his head on the pillow so he can fall asleep.
i look at him 'sleeping' with a cute little smile.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
"i can buy a pool so i can teach you how to swim, then me and mommy can play in the water with you." i feel someone's hand caressing my belly. "i can also get you a bouncy castle because i know little kids love those. oh! maybe a purple castle one so you can be a princess." i pretend to be asleep as i'm listening to what vinnie is saying.
"are you gonna be a girl version of me? or are you gonna be just like your mother? either way, you are gonna be the most beautiful little girl in the world. well you'll look even more beautiful if you look like me." i mentally roll my eyes and i just know that he was smirking when he said that.
"you better not grow up too fast- hera get off the bed," he whispers. i feel some very soft fur and some weight on my belly.
"oh my god, hera she's sleeping for fucks sake. don't wake her up," he quietly yells thinking i'm still asleep.
"i've actually been awake the whole time," i hear him gasp and i open my eyes, my heart warms when i see hera laying peacefully on my belly. "the entire time?! did you hear what i was saying?" he asks, looking at me with embarrassment written all over his face.
"yes i did, and we're not gonna buy a newborn a bouncy castle or a pool," his cheeks turn a light shade of pink since he's been caught. i look at the clock that's on the wall to check the time.
"it's 3:30 in the morning vinnie!" i whisper-yell.
"i'm sorry! but i really wanted to talk to her. i was awake, you were asleep so..." he shrugs and grabs hera to set her down on the ground. i watch her little legs move, walking towards her own little bed.
"cuddle me," i raise my arms as he hums before getting on the bed. he turns me around so my back is facing him. he rests his face on my neck as his hand goes to my stomach, lifting my shirt and rubbing the bare skin.
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wanderersbell · 1 year
first kiss
wanderer x gn!reader
genre: angst, fluff
warnings: scara's sad inner thoughts :(
word count: 2403
a/n: minecraft c418 music made me do it. i love writing from his pov so much he's so dfhfjsfj ⁩૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡ enjoy!
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the sins that weigh heavy upon his soul grow infinitesimally smaller in your presence, gently laid to rest under the shade of the tree where you sit side by side in comfortable silence. the pain, the uncertainty, the remorse that lingers still is carried away with the breeze that tousles your hair and sways the leaves above in a whispering dance. 
no amount of torment could ever hope to rid him of the unwavering sense of belonging that knowing you has granted him. the feeling of being seen, of being wanted, that shakes him to his very core every day over again when you greet him with that blinding smile of yours that seems to never dull. every lie he’s been fed, every decade of brutal torture he endured fades away amidst the soft laughs that you try to stifle whenever he has something bad to say about someone.
every minute spent watching you clean up his wounds with worry etched onto your face, every hour spent teaching you how to fight and hunt and start a fire the right way, has slowly chipped away at the carefully constructed mask he always wore until there was nothing left to shield him from the all-consuming weight of your undivided attention. 
“why do you always have to repay favors?” you ask from your spot next to him, gaze fixed on the pair of dusk birds comfortably perched on a tree stump adjacent to you. 
having gotten used to your sudden and straightforward questions to him long ago, the wanderer responds without missing a beat. he doesn’t have to hesitate or think about his answers, not with you. the words flow out of him freely, like his voice was always made to reach your ears alone. 
“because borrowing and returning are the foundations of all human relationships, and,” he pauses, fingers absentmindedly picking at the slightly frayed seams of his shorts. “i do not wish to owe anything to anyone.”
the wind seems to slow down to a stop in response to this, as if his answer, that held within it a lifetime of grief and sorrow, was heavy enough to will the atmosphere around him into stillness. almost half a millennium of knowing his worth based only on his utility and his usefulness to others remains deeply rooted in his soul, even after all this time. 
when he glances at you out of the corner of his eye, you’re still watching the birds, and they way your face is slightly scrunched up in thought sends a warmth racing up his fingertips all the way to his elbows. he can practically see the gears turning in your head as you mull over his words, knows you’re undoubtedly picking apart each one carefully and trying to make sense of it. he would just tell you if you asked, but you‘re always so insistent about trying to figure it out on your own. 
you’ve always been so stubborn like that. overflowing with an insatiable curiosity and a wild determination to see things from every perspective, like it’s your very purpose to understand everything you’re faced with no matter the complexity. it’s one of the many things he admires about you, he supposes. 
“but, you never let me repay the favors you do for me.” you point out after a few moments of silence. when your head turns and your eyes finally fall on him, he feels like he’s burning up under the steadfast honesty in your gaze. 
no mortal should be able to harbor so much conviction and wisdom, or reach such a level of self awareness that it could challenge even that of an ancient god; and yet, when he looks into your eyes, he swears he can see every planet, every galaxy, everything that once was and that will be swimming around in your clear e/c irises. the same ones that see all of him for everything he is and still regard him with such patience and kindness, that see right through the deception that has clouded his conscious for as long as he can remember without a hint of judgement. 
“so what? i don’t need you to.” 
though his answer is blunt and short, the meaning behind his words find their way to you like a hushed confession in the depths of your mind.
 as long as i continue to owe you, i have a reason to stick around.
there is no timeline nor alternate reality where you would ever demand he have a reason to remain by your side, and he has never doubted this on your behalf. this answer resonates from deep within his own broken and worn down spirit, where it was shattered into a million pieces long before you ever found him. although partially mended, it bears some fractures so deep that even all the time he has left may never be able to fully heal them. 
still, this doesn’t deter you. it never has. 
“in that case, i don’t need you to either. stop repaying my favors.” you say firmly, crossing your arms over your chest in a show of seriousness that does nothing to affect him. 
“not a chance.” he replies with finality laced into his tone, facing away from your piercing gaze to watch the way the leaves of the adhigama tree that tower above pull and tug with the return of the wind. like the tides of the unforgiving ocean, the branches part occasionally to let warm shafts of sunlight filter through just to sweep them away into the shade again. 
“why not?” you press on anyways. “you know, when i do things for you, it’s because i want to.”
this, too, is a truth he cannot deny. for some reason, despite the fact that he can never offer himself up or give anything of worth in return, you jump at any opportunity to show him an unwavering kindness that nobody has ever bothered to grace him with. having hot tea ready for him when he returns to you every night, making an extra portion of food even though he insists he doesn’t need to eat, combing the tangles out of his silky hair when he drifts off and can’t stop you from doting on him. everything you do for him, you do without a second thought, without an ultimatum. 
though he is cruel, his hands stained with blood, his emotions locked tightly away so that nobody can ever hurt him again, not a day goes by that you spend treating him as anything less than equal. 
“okay, and? your point?” he knows this isn’t the answer your looking for, and even though he can’t see you, he can perfectly imagine the way your eyes lightheartedly roll into the back of your head. it’s one of his favorite expressions of yours, he takes immense satisfaction in being able to fish it out of you, because the smile you give him afterwards always leaves him with a feeling of fulfillment. 
“my point is that when you care about someone, you want to do things for them without asking for anything in return.”
the wanderer bites down on the inside of his cheek at the prospect of you caring about someone like him, knowing he’s done so little to deserve it. he wants to argue and try to convince you that you shouldn’t, but more than that, he wants to be able to accept it from you and demand for more. 
but what then? the voice that lives inside of his hollow, aching chest wonders helplessly. when the day comes that you have nothing left to give, won’t you just leave?
surely you wouldn’t, right? 
humans aren’t as bad as he always believed them to be. what he always saw as an incessant swarm of buzzing insects turned out to be nothing but a harmless colony of ants, following each other through their meaningless lives in a line that will eventually lead into the inevitable embrace of death that awaits them at the end. so why, then, waste your time on him when it was only a handful of years ago that he wouldn’t have hesitated to hurdle you into the hands of death had you gotten in his way?
the thought has him clenching his teeth together in annoyance until they ache. not because of you, but because of how impossible it is for him to accept something as simple and as human as being cared for. is he not worthy of having it? were the final words of someone long gone to time not affirmation that he was as human as the people closest to him perceived him to be?
“i really don’t see where you’re going with th-“ he starts to say, but you quickly cut him off with your teasing tone. 
“soooo, does that not imply that you do it because you care about me?” 
he whips his head around with an attempt of a frown that does little to nothing to mask the surprise on his face, and the smug yet slightly nervous look on yours has his previous thoughts coming to a crashing halt. 
“i- you-“ he begins, frantically trying to get his brain back on track after being so suddenly derailed. it’s typically not easy for him to be this caught off guard, but the way you said it told him something he’s appalled to realize he never considered. 
sure, you’re just poking fun, but he can tell right away that your question is genuine and it feels like a pit is sinking slowly into his stomach at the idea that he might have failed so badly at showing any kind of gratitude after all this time, that you had to indirectly ask if he cared.
“of course i care about you, idiot.” he says in a voice much softer than he intended. it’s almost terrifying to hear such words come out of his mouth for the first time since his creation, but the way you’re suddenly trying not to break out in a huge smile chases it away in an instant, the hardness of his eyes softening into liquid hues of blue and purple. 
“could’ve fooled me.” you laugh quietly, but even though your expression is undeniably happy, the slight wobble of your voice betrays how relieved you are to hear these words from him.
you really didn’t know. 
it finally hits him then, how foolish he is to have had such a selfless and irreplaceable person in his life and to never clearly express his gratitude. he may not understand it, he may not be convinced he deserves it, he may never be able to fully reciprocate it, but at the very least, he can put the small amount of effort into making sure you know that it’s meaningful to him all the same. 
once upon a time, he fought tooth and nail to remove himself as far as possible from his humanity. he swore upon everything he had that he would never harbor affection for another living creature, or feel another worthless emotion ever again. but now, with this new life and new will, the wanderer knows you were always meant to be a part of his story. 
in this moment, under the protective canopy of leaves that project flickers of warm light onto your skin like a kaleidoscope of gold, an intense wave of self assuredness rushes through his veins like blood. 
“let me make it clearer then.”
he truly never will know what possessed him to do so, but the next second he surges forward and the featherlight press of his lips against yours that follows makes him realize that every hardship he faced in his lifetime was leading up to this very moment here with you. 
he can feel the way you inhale sharply through your nose in shock, but you’re just as quick to sigh out a shuddering breath and melt into the kiss, hands reaching up to tenderly cup his face. his own hands find their place on your elbows, as if he’s afraid you’ll let go, and his lips tremble slightly against yours with inexperience.
when you pull away just enough to look at him he swears the whole word falls silent, and for a moment the fluttering in his chest feels like a real beating heart, born from the soft press of your lips. your eyes are brimming with adoration for him and your hands so warm and gentle where they rest on his cheeks that they leave tingles in their wake. the overwhelming feeling of being held so lovingly has his grip on your arms tightening and his eyes welling up with tears, having never thought anyone would ever see him as anything but the monster he always knew himself to be. 
when you lean in for one more kiss, then another, and another, the tears fall from his eyes in a steady stream and wet your fingertips where they meet his skin. your thumbs wipe them away as they come, your forehead coming to rest against his lightly while a breathtaking grin has your eyes crinkling into crescents. he’s so close to you that he can see every fleck of color in your irises, every eyelash and every freckle on your skin, and he feels as though he’s drowning in the blinding light of all that is you. 
distantly he realizes he might be smiling too, but he’s not sure because all he can focus on in the moment is the feeling of unbreakable companionship that he hasn’t felt since his early days as a wandering puppet, in a history long lost to this world. this particular feeling runs even deeper than he remembers, it fills his entire being with wonder and contentment and desire. he knows not what this feeling is, but knows it must be the same one he sees reflected in your eyes as you gaze at him like he’s the only thing that matters right now, and knows he’s in no rush to identify it as long as he continues to experience it with you. 
after centuries of being alone, being lost, being unwanted, he never expected to find what he was looking for under this tree here with you. under the watchful sun and and familiar sky, he nears the end of a journey. enveloped in your loving gaze, he finally finds his purpose.
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sweetracha · 1 year
Choose a Flavor
There are two versions of this story based on the experience you want to have. Will you be a good girl or a brat?
Flavor Selected: Good Girl
Sugar Content: Spicy Sweet (SMUT!)
Allergy Warning: Hard Dom Chan, Titles (Master and Daddy), Pet Names (Bunny, Baby, Good Girl, Princess, etc.), Praise, Overstim, Sweet Mean Dom, Dumb is used, Illusions to aftercare.
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The room you stood in was silent. Not a single sound rang out. So quiet in fact, you could hear the thoughts blaring through your head. Your heart was drumming an unsteady beat in your ears and your breath danced along. Was this nervous or excited? Both you decided, it was both.
After a few failed relations and some more than disappointing hookups, you decided maybe love and lust wasn’t for you. Having to share your kinks and fantasies over and over again was tiring. No one seemed to understand what you wanted, no what you NEEDED out of a relationship. Giving up was the best option. That was until a friend ranted about her failure of a date.
“He was sweet when I met him! And super attractive don’t get me wrong! But something seemed off. We went back to his place and we were hanging out in his bed watching a movie. I thought maybe something would happen so I wanted to freshen up. I left for the restroom and when I came back I must have picked the wrong door because when I opened it…” Your friend trailed off. 
“What did you see?” You asked both out of curiosity and protectiveness. If this man did anything to hurt her you would make sure he would pay.
“Um well” her cheeks went bright red. “Remember that movie we jokingly watched back in college? The one about…you know…sex?”
“Yeah…50 shades of gray? It was a terrible representation of that lifestyle, but go on”
“Well… it was like that”
That's when it hit you. This man had a playroom. A full-on playroom dedicated to BDSM. you could finally have someone in your life to share details with. A friend that would actually understand you. You consoled your friend however, she needed you more right now. She admitted that she didn’t want to break his heart so you told her you'd do it on her behalf, all you needed was his number.
You set up a public meeting with the guy you now knew as Christopher. The two of you were to meet at a little cafe in the middle of town. While your friend described him to you, you weren’t exactly sure what he looked like. So when an incredibly handsome man walked up to your table, you were startled.
“y/n?” he asked and god was his voice intoxicating.
“Yeah–that's me! You must be Christopher” you replied with a much shakier voice than you would have liked. Chris took a seat across from you.
He was fidgeting the whole conversation, worried he actually hurt your friend. You explained to him since you were little girls she had always been scared of the taboo. This eased his tight expressions. However, the more you talked the more he picked up on. Your friend was not into the scene…but you never said anything about yourself.
“Sorry if this is out of the blue Y/N, but how do you know so much about this lifestyle? I mean you know much more than any book or movie would teach you” He said with a soft and caring tone but a cocky smirk on his lips. I
“I um- well I have looked into it” was a terrible lie, and he could tell.
“Honey, it's okay if you are an adorable little sub” He tested the waters, hoping to not scare you off. To be honest the thought of having a sub as gorgeous as you scared him a bit. When he saw the blush crawl up your skin and paint your face, he knew you had to be his. 
Here you are now standing in his playroom. It was perfect, everything you could have dreamed of and more. You had seen it once before when you were going over consent contracts. Chris wanted to make sure you felt comfortable in this space. He made love to you in the black silk bed that sat on the middle wall. He was so sweet, soft, and sensual in those moments. You wondered how he could ever be a dom.
Trying to drown out your busy mind you took in the sights. Christopher, or Bang Chan as you learned was his dom persona, had an eye for detail. The room was decorated with leather and silk, reminding you of the silk piece he had you wear tonight. Red lights colored the corners tastefully. Paddles and other impact gear were organized along the walls. Ropes were twisted neatly on the bedframe. A wand and some other toys were charging on the black wood nightstand. Finally, you took in the scent of the room. Sharp whiskey and leather filled your senses, a perfect match to Chan’s cologne. Being so lost in the art of it all, you didn’t hear the door close or footsteps behind you.
“Hello little bunny” Chris welcomed as he slide up behind you, gently wrapping a hand around your throat. “Are you ready to play little one?” you nodded in response.
“Words honey, don’t be a brat now” his grip tightened. 
“Yes Master” you meekly replied
“Good girl, here is how tonight is going to go. Every question I ask will be responded to verbally, Every order I give will be followed, and every word I say will be heard. Do this little bunny and Daddy will reward you greatly. If you fail to listen to me, however, you will be punished” His hand around your neck pulled you in close as he leaned into your ear and whispered “Hard”.
Tonight you were left with two choices. Be the good girl your dom wants you to be or have your fun and be a brat. Rewards or punishments were the ultimate questions. 
You picked to be a good girl tonight
Chan spun you around so you were facing him, it didn’t matter if he had a shorter stature. Right now he towered over you. Leather-gloved hands came up to fix your pretty white bunny ears on top of your head. Christopher cooed at how innocent you looked in the dark space. He was going to have fun with you. Those same rough leather hands tilted your chin up to stare into his intense eyes.
“What are your safe words bunny?” 
“Green for good, yellow for slow down, and red for stop” You had to admit he stole your breath away. He was terrifying yet comforting at the same time as he hummed in approval.
“What is my name doll?
“Daddy or Master” 
“Good bunny, such a good girl for daddy huh sweetie? Let's start now, how does that sound to you”
“Please Daddy” fuck, you were going to be the death of him.
Christopher laid you down on the black silk sheets. He leaned in to capture your lips in a soft kiss. His big lips pillowed onto yours. You were getting lost in the false comfort of it all until he bit your bottom lip harshly and pulled back. The moan that left you was forever engraved in his mind. After his stunt he went back to kissing you but with more passion and fire. His tongue delved into your mouth and easily took dominance. It wasn't long before kisses trailed down your jaw and onto your neck. He explored you until one spot, just under your ear, made you moan louder than any before. He latched on. With intent to mark what was his, Chris sucked and bit that section all while you sang out in pleasure. When he pulled back, he was satisfied with the deepening purple bruise left behind.
His next stop was your breasts. After removing the white silk babydoll gown, he took a second to admire your body.
“Fucking gorgeous bunny” as he would have put it
He kissed, twisted, and sucked each nipple while you whined and wiggled.
“Stay still baby, you were doing so good” The praise was like electricity to your skin. You needed him to see you as his good girl. So as best as you could you stayed still.
Finally, he made his way down to where you needed him most. Your panties were soaked from his previous exploration and from the look on his face, he approved. 
“So wet honey, all for me?” He knew the answer but wanted to see that embarrassed blush again from the cafe.
“Yes Daddy, wet for you,” you said so quietly you almost thought he didn’t hear.
“Good girl, that must be so uncomfortable bunny. Let Master help you with that okay? Dumb little bunnies like you need all the help you can get” He cooed before driving right in. He gave you no time to adjust to the new feeling. Pleasure overtook your body and you began to shake. Chan took this as an opportunity to slide in two fingers and scissor you open. 
“So sensitive little bunny, whatever am I going to do with you?”
“Fuck me please” you cried out so loud you were sure the neighborhood heard
“Cum first, then daddy will fuck you” 
With that he went back in, eating you like a man starved. His fingers picked up the pace, hitting the spot that made you melt over and over again. It was all becoming so much. A familiar knot formed in your stomach and before you could say anything it snapped. You came with a loud moan and shook uncontrollably. No man, woman, or person had ever made you feel like that. Christopher rode out your high with you. Once he knew you were okay he sat on the bed and pulled you into his lap, he just needed to hold you for a second.
“How did that feel little bunny?” he asked while petting down your crazed hair
“So good master” your speech incredibly slurred
“Color baby?”
“Green daddy, so fucking green” you panted, and with that, he tossed you on the bed.
He removed his painfully hard cock from his black dress pants. The tip was bright red and leaking. The size still scared you even if you had taken it before. But you trusted Chan, you knew he wouldn’t hurt you more than you wanted. He placed you in a mating press and slowly entered your soaking entrance. You couldn't help the long drawn-out moans that left you both. Once he was finally seated in you he waited. 
“Beg for it princess, beg for your master to fuck you”
“Please master please fuck me” You whined
“Oh come on now, you can do better than that. Yeah? Be a good little bunny and fucking beg” The glint in his eye and the smile on his face was terrifying in the best way possible.
“Please Daddy please fuck your little bunny! Only you can fuck me. God please just use me. I need it Master, you own my pleasure” Before you could go on he rammed into you.
He set a hard and steady pace. It was clear he knew the difference between fast sex and hard sex. Your eyes couldn’t help but roll back into your head. He knew by how you were clenching around him that you were close.
“Cum” is all he said and you exploded into ecstasy. Unlike before however, he didn't stop.
Instead, his gloved hand captured your wrists and pinned them above you. With his strength, there was no freeing yourself. His other hand reached behind you to grab something. You were about the question him until you heard a humming come to life. The black wand was placed onto your overly sensitive clit. You practically screamed.
“Cant! Sensitive” were the only two words you could create.
“What did I say, princess? What master gives you, you take. I know you can handle this because you are just my dumb little bunny who only wants pleasure from her master. So. Fucking. Take. It” Those last few words were punctuated with incredibly hard thrusts. 
Soon enough another orgasm rockets through you. This time however you clenched down so hard on Chris that he almost lost it right there. He no longer cared about your pleasure and needed to released. Like an animal, he pounded into you, wand long forgotten on the stained sheets until he snapped. He filled you to the brim with his cum and cursed as he pumped the rest of it into you. He pulled back and watched it leak from your fragile frame. You were the most amazing site to see. To him, you were the 8th wonder of the world.
“So good little bunny, so good” He whispered to you as he began to clean you off.
“Thank you Daddy” your voice croaked
“Shhhhh not now little one, I'm just Christopher right now bun” 
“Channie?” you slightly sat up with a sweet questioning expression on your face. He was going to marry you someday.
“Yes princess, Channie is here. Let's get you into a bath baby girl.”
Change Flavor?
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skz317cb97 · 1 year
Color Theory
Jeongin x Female reader
Word count: 7.2k
Synopsis: Your world is varying shades of grey until you meet your soulmate, Jeongin, who brightens up your life in more ways than one.
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A/N: 18+ ONLY! This, I swear to God, went from I have no idea for this story to 7.2k words and I have NO idea how. I hope you enjoy though! If you do please reblog, like, comment, shoot me an ask. I love hearing from you all it makes my day! As always warnings and smut below the cut!
Warnings: 18+ONLY MDNI! Cursing/strong language, character death, unprotected piv sex (please use condoms), cum shot, cum eating (a teensy bit). I think that's everything but if I missed something let me know and I'll add it asap!
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Your mom was teaching you your primary colors. You had learned your shapes and you were working on numbers and letters and now she was working on your colors, an important part of your mother’s world being an artist. Your mom didn’t get why you were having such a hard time getting them right when you had picked everything else up so easily. It was your dad that actually mentioned the possibility of you being color blind as he was passing through the living room where you and your mom were playing during a break from his writing.
She realized your dad might be right so she set up an optometrist appointment for you and had your eyes examined. When the doctor looked, he determined that you had monochromacy or in other words you were completely color blind. It was quite rare really, most people that were color blind had trouble seeing certain colors, but you saw none which was so rare it happened to one in thirty-thousand people worldwide. Being a girl made it even less likely as well since color blindness occurred more in men than women but you were the one in thirty thousand apparently. Your mom’s heart broke a little knowing you’d never get to know and love colors the way she did but she made sure that art was still a part of your life. 
You were thankful for that because art ended up being your outlet, your escape, your fantasy world to get lost inside. Any form you could create in you would, drawing, pottery, pastels, but you especially loved painting. You used an array of colors but only ever saw varying shades of gray so you used a lot of texture in your art as well. You became quite well known among the avid art collectors in your city for your unique style and the lack of your ability to see colors. Your paintings were variations of colors chosen by someone with no idea what color was, with the textures it was art that came off the canvas. Your name finally got passed around enough that one of the more selective galleries asked you to do an exhibition. You were working on some canvases for that when your mom walked into your studio. She set down a tupperware bowl and made her way over to you. She wiped at paint on your face shaking her head. 
“You wear as much as the canvas does sometimes.” You nodded knowingly. 
“I know sometimes I get lost in it and the next thing I know I have spackle caked in my hair.” If anyone understood it was your mom. She looked at what you were working on. 
“You’re using a lot of pinks and reds in this one.” You looked at it. 
“Have I? I stopped looking at the names on the tubes.” Your mother nodded, examining the amazing work you’d done only knowing black and white and the grays in between.  
“I think this one will be my favorite when it’s finished.” You smiled. She was so proud of you. Then she pointed at the food she brought, knowing if she didn’t, you wouldn’t stop and eat. She distracted you just long enough to get you to break away and feed yourself. About halfway through your food your mom got up, squeezed you and kissed the top of your head.  
“I’m going to get home sweetie. I have to make sure your dad eats too.” She shook her head at the likenesses you shared with your father.  
“Don’t stay up all night.” You nodded knowing damn well you probably would. You had paintings to get done. 
“Okay mom I won’t.” Your mother looked at you knowing it was complete bullshit but smiled and headed out. 
“I love you sweetie.” You waved as you headed back towards your canvas. 
“I love you too mom.” You put your headphones on and got lost in your canvas again. When your dad walked up behind you he scared the absolute shit out of you. You looked at the time and were surprised at how late it was, you pulled your headphones off. 
“Dad wha-” The look on his face told you something was horribly wrong. 
“It’s mom...” He said and you started to shake your head no as tears came to your eyes. 
“No.” He walked towards you trying to grab your hand and you backed away. 
“It started to rain, and the car slid...” You kept shaking your head back and forth. 
“She’s okay she’s just hurt. Right?” Tears streaked your dad’s face. 
“Right?!” Your dad shook his head no. 
“She... she didn’t make it sweetie.” You collapsed to your knees and your dad grabbed your shoulders making sure you didn’t hurt yourself falling. You looked up at the half eaten food on the table that she had brought you. If you weren’t so worried about the stupid exhibit, if you had just taken enough care to eat, if she didn’t think she had to bring you dinner, she’d still be alive. When you left your studio that day, you locked it and refused to step foot in it again.  
Your dad made all the arrangements and somehow you made it through your mother’s wake and funeral. You moved in with your dad after your mom died and took care of him. Made sure he ate, lifted his head from his computer from time to time so his eyes didn’t burn out of his head. You had wanted to get rid of your studio. Just sell it and let whoever bought it toss the paintings, but your dad wouldn’t let you. He told you to hold onto it, just because you didn’t feel like you could now, didn’t mean you never would. He hoped one day you’d go back to your painting. Two years went by and as fast as your name had been passed around it disappeared from people's lips just as quickly. You were glad. 
You were starting dinner and writing down a grocery list when the house phone rang. Your dad was elbow deep in his novel, he wouldn’t stop for a house fire, so you answered it. 
“Hello?” You heard a man clear his throat on the other end of the line. 
“Oh hi! Uh, My name is Yang Jeongin...”  
“We don’t want to buy any but thanks.” You hung up and started to head back over to the food on the stove. You just stirred the sauce when the phone rang again. You sighed and walked over to answer it again. More irritated this time, you were going to burn your dinner. 
“Hello?!” He cleared his throat again. 
“Hi sorry, I’m not selling anything I’m trying to find an artist by the name of y/n?” You froze, speechless. 
“Hello?” Click. You hung up again and walked over to the dinner. The phone rang again and you let it but it kept going and going. You stormed over. 
“What do you want!” He was surprised at your outburst. 
“I... I... uh are you Ms. Y/n?" His voice had gotten small and you started to feel bad for blowing up on him for no real reason. You sighed taking a deep breath. 
“Yea. I’m y/n.” He suddenly got very excited on the phone.  
“Oh! Okay um I'm so sorry to bother you but I am a HUGE fan of your art work and I was wondering if you’d be willing to do a commissioned piece for me?” You pinched the bridge of your nose trying to fight off the headache that was creeping up behind your eyes. You sighed. 
“I don’t paint anymore.” He hummed. 
“Yea so goodb-”  
“Why not?” You were starting to get angry again. You had listened to him and answered him, what more did he want?  
“That’s really none of your business. Goodbye.” You hung up and finished dinner. You and your dad sat at the table together as you ate. 
“Oh who called earlier.” You shook your head taking another bite. 
“No one.” Your dad hummed looking at you. 
“What?” He shrugged. 
“No one called three times in a row.” You sighed frustrated by your dad’s persistence sometimes. 
“Okay! It was some guy asking me to paint him something. I’m not going to.” Your dad nodded.  
“Some guy? Did he say who he was?” You nodded and continued to try and focus on your meal and not the conversation you didn’t want to be having. 
“Yang... Yang Jeon or something like that. It doesn’t matter, I don’t paint anymore.” Your dad dropped his fork. 
“Yang Jeongin?” You shook your head. 
“Yea that was it.” Your dad sat there speechless. 
“What dad?” He finally snapped out of it. 
“You’ve never heard of Yang Jeongin?” You shrugged. 
“No?” To be fair when you painted you didn’t keep up with anything on tv or the news. Even now that you didn’t paint you still never really turned on the tv. 
“His family is the Yang in the LeeYang corperation. You know that name.” Well yea everyone knew that name, even if you lived under a rock. There wasn’t a single household that didn’t have something made by the LeeYang corp. 
“Jeongin is the grandson of the head of the company and his dad is on their board of directors. He was just named the city's most eligible bachelor; his family is old old money.” You shrugged, picking up your plate and walking it to the sink. 
“Okay so what. I still don’t paint.” Your dad picked up his plate and took it over to the sink too. 
“You could.” You started to fill the sink with water and soap. Your dad stopped you and made you look at him. 
“It won’t start to heal until you do sweetie.” You stuck your hands down in the water and shook your head as you tried to will away the tears welling in your eyes. 
“No dad.” He sighed, kissed the side of your head and went back to his computer to get back to writing while you cleaned up dinner dishes. That night you laid in bed restless, hoping the clicking of your dad’s computer keys would put you to sleep like they had so many times as a child but you couldn’t. At around two you hollered. 
“Bed dad! Brains need sleep to write novels!” You heard him sigh heavily and get up. You weren’t sure when you had turned into the parent. He stopped at your door. 
“Goodnight sweetie.” You nodded. 
“Goodnight dad.” Thankfully, eventually, you did manage to fall asleep and get a few hours of rest. The next day while you were doing the grocery shopping your cell phone started going off. You grabbed it thinking it was probably your dad wanting some sugary snack. He needed to start eating better and if he asked you for cupcakes you were going to get him apples and bananas. It turned out it wasn’t your dad. It was an unknown number but local so you answered it. 
“Ms. Y/n? It’s Jeongin. PLEASE don’t hang up!” You sighed and pushed your cart down the aisle. Holding your phone with your shoulder as you continued to grab things. 
“It’s really not a good time Mr. Yang.”  
“I’m sorry I really don’t mean to be a pest. Please call me Jeongin.” You stopped and held onto the phone. 
“What can I do for you Mr. Yang?” He let out a nervous laugh. 
“Uh well I was hoping that maybe you might reconsider doing the commission? Money is no object...” You hummed. 
“I’m aware of who you are and what you have Mr. Yang. I don’t really care. I’m also certain that I’ve told you three times now that I no longer paint.” You hung up on him again and went back to grocery shopping. Jeongin was frustrated. He was usually one to accept a no when that was the answer but he loved your work and he didn’t know why but he needed to get you to paint one for him.
He’d bought so many of your canvas’ from other collectors,for a good deal of money since you disappeared and were no longer painting. No one knew why just that you left the scene two years before, overnight. It had been difficult to dig up contact info on you and after going through all that Jeongin was hopeful that if he asked and said the right number that you’d paint for him. Apparently you didn’t give a shit about numbers which Jeongin found endearing as much as he did frustrating. 
A couple days later you were reading a book in the living room when the house phone started to ring. You closed your book, got up and answered it.  
“Hello?” Nothing silence. 
“Hellooo?” You heard a breath. 
“Fuck off perve-” 
“Wait wait! It's... I’m not... It’s Jeongin.” You rolled your eyes and sighed irritated that this man was calling you again. 
“What do you want Mr. Ya-” 
“To apologize...” You stopped surprised to hear his answer. 
“For what?” He was surprised to not hear a dial tone. 
“For being pushy and not taking no for an answer the first time. If I offended you, I’m deeply sorry.” You felt a little bad. He hadn’t offended you he was just picking at a scab he had no idea about. 
“It’s fine Jeongin...” He let out a sigh of relief. 
“Okay, thank you for taking my call. Have a good day Ms. y/n, goodbye...” You stopped him just before he hung up. 
“WAIT!” He hummed acknowledging he was still there. You were already kicking yourself. You couldn’t believe you were about to say what you were going to say. Why were you going to say what you were about to? 
“I’ll do the painting.” 
“What?!” Jeongin couldn’t believe his ears. 
“I’ll do the painting. Email me your specifications and-” He interrupted you. 
“ANYTHING! Literally just do anything you want and tell me a price!” 
“Okay okay Jeongin fine.” He wanted to ask a question but he didn’t want to push his luck either. He took a chance. 
“Uh would I maybe be able to come by your studio sometime? Once you’ve started?” You hadn’t been to your studio in two years. Your dad stopped by to pick up mail every so often but you had no idea what kind of condition it was in. 
“Maybe, let me get it started. Typically I don’t have spectators, especially not the customer.” He understood that and was thankful you were even considering it. 
“Yes okay that’s fantastic! Thank you! Thank you so much!”  
“Okay Jeongin, I’ll be in touch soon.” You both said goodbye and when you turned to go back to your book your dad was standing there. 
“Did I just hear you say you were going to do the painting?” You opened your mouth to complain about his eavesdropping but he quickly cut you off. 
“You know what! Forget I said anything! I didn’t hear a thing!” He ran towards the kitchen for a drink and back to his computer before you could start in and you shook your head going back to your book. It was pointless trying to read anymore. All you could think of was a canvas and how you’d move the paint across it. You slammed your book closed, grabbed your car keys and headed towards the studio.  
When you got there you stood at the door for a long time. The last time you’d been in there was the day your mom died. When you finally willed yourself to go in it was like stepping into a time capsule. All your paintings were exactly where you’d left them and the one you had been working on was still propped against your easel. You walked up to it and looked at it like your mother had, then picked it up and moved it against one of the walls. You grabbed a fresh canvas, put it on the easel and stared at it, looking for the picture inside it. You stared and stared but you couldn’t see it anymore. Something your mom had planted in you was what made you see it before but she was dead and so was the plant. A whole week you kept going back staring at the blank canvas finding nothing in it. 
Week two you were standing in front of the blank canvas, your headphones on trying to find some kind of inspiration. You about jumped out of your skin when someone tapped you on the shoulder. 
“Jesus fucking Christ!” You turned and there was a man in a button up shirt and suit jacket. He had fox like eyes that were narrow but some how still seemed kind. You both stood there stunned for a moment. You pulled your headphones down. 
“Uh... can I help you?” You wanted to be mad that he’d intruded but he was so beautiful you couldn’t bring yourself to be. You were just curious who this man was standing in front of you staring at you. He shook his head as if he were getting the thoughts in order. 
“OH! Uh, yea! I’m Jeongin, we spoke on the phone?” Oh. No wonder he was one of the most eligible bachelors in the city. He was a work of art himself. You still had no idea how he found your studio or what he was doing there. 
“Oh Mr. Yang yes, um...” He smiled his eyes scrunching up. 
“Please Jeongin is fine.” You nodded. 
“Yes of course, Jeongin. How did you find me?”  
“I hope it’s okay. I called you a few times and then your house, your father finally answered, he told me I could find you here.” Of course he did you thought to yourself. 
“I don’t mean to be impatient I’m just excited to see any progress that you’ve made, no matter how little!” You turned and looked at the blank canvas behind you as he started looking around the room at your artwork. 
“Which one is mine?” You pointed at the blank canvas and he looked surprised. 
“Oh... I see. Um... well... what’s wrong?” He didn’t mean for the question to come out like it had but as soon as he asked it your face scrunched up angry. 
“What do you mean what’s wrong?! It doesn’t just create itself! Why don’t you try to make art out of colors you can’t even see and see how quickly you get it done!” He put up his hands trying to calm you. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to offend you I just meant like... is it why you stopped painting?” You tossed down your headphones angry. 
“I’m pretty sure I said that was none of your business!” Jeongin was doing a terrible job at digging himself out of the hole he’d created. 
“You’re right I’m sorry it is, I didn’t mean to pry I just, if I can help...” You walked over to the door and opened it. 
“Right now you can help by leaving.” He bowed and walked towards the open door. He looked at you as he passed by. 
“I’m sorry I intruded. I won’t bother you again, I’ll wait for your call.” He rushed out and down the stairs towards the exit of the building. You slammed your door shut and walked back over to the canvas picking up your headphones and staring at it angrily. You glanced over at the painting you’d worked on the night of your mom’s accident and then did a double take. You saw the shades of red your mom had mentioned when she had looked at it. How? You rubbed your eyes expecting everything to go back to normal but when you opened them you saw shades of blue in other paintings lying around along with the red.
They were all so bright it almost hurt to look at them and then slowly you saw yellow start to seep into your vision. First a pale yellow then a yellow as bright and vibrant as the reds and blues you could see now too. It wasn’t just the paint though everywhere throughout your studio reds, blues, and yellows popped. You rummaged through your paint tubes grabbing the colors and started smattering them across the canvas adding spackle and sand, cotton and ripped paper. When you stepped back you were covered in the vibrant colors and you had Jeongin’s painting started.  
That night when you went home your dad was as happy as he could possibly be to see you walk in covered in paint. You didn’t mention the colors. What if you went to bed and woke up and they were gone? You decided if it didn’t go away you by the time you were done with the painting, you’d tell your dad. The next morning when you woke up you looked at your coveralls from the day before and there, smeared all over the front of it, was red, blue and yellow. You were ecstatic! You pulled on another pair of old bibs and ran to head to the studio. Your dad hollered on your way out the door. 
“Hey! Breakfast! Most important meal!” You waved as you grabbed your keys. 
“I’ll grab some on the way! See you for dinner dad!” He waved and smiled, grabbing his toast and coffee, heading back to his own work as the door slammed closed behind you. When you got to the studio you started staring at the canvas blankly again. When your cell phone rang it gave you an excuse to look at something else other than your half-finished painting. It was Jeongin. So much for not calling you. You felt kind of guilty for going off on him so badly the day before so you answered. 
“Hello?” He always cleared his throat before speaking to you, like he was struggling to form his words. 
“Hi y/n, it’s Jeongin... well yes... you know that. Uh... would you like to meet me for coffee tomorrow?” You were confused, did he have more questions? He probably wanted to fire you or... 
“Like... a date?” You asked and he started to stammer. This man was the most eligible bachelor?  
“Well... um... yes? If you want to! No pressure! I’ll still buy the painting either way!” You were a little flabbergasted. 
“Uhhh... I... yea... I guess so.” He let out a huge breath. 
“REALLY?!” You couldn’t help but laugh a little at his shock. 
“Yes Jeongin. I will meet you tomorrow for a coffee date.” He laughed and you could hear the smile in his voice. 
“Great okay! Uh... eleven? The shop around the corner from your studio?” 
“See you then.” You hung up and started staring at your canvas again frustrated. You made little to no progress the rest of the day and you went home discouraged after having such a burst of inspiration the day before. The next day you went to the studio early, trying and failing to make a little more progress. Before you left to head to the coffee shop you took a couple pictures of what you had done on your phone so you could show Jeongin. When you walked into the café Jeongin was already there waiting at a table. You walked over and he stood up smiling pulling a chair out for you. You bowed smiling. 
“Thank you.” He nodded, his cheeks a little pink. The two of you ordered coffee and broke the tension with a little small talk. The conversation naturally evolved into likes and dislikes and you asked a lot of questions about Jeongin trying to keep the topic of conversation off of you. Before you knew it an hour had gone by. 
“Oh, wow has it been that long?” Jeongin asked. 
“Yea, I should probably head back to the studio and try to get some more done.” Jeongin’s eyes lit up. 
“More?!” You had completely forgot to mention the painting. 
“Oh yea, well... after you left the other day I made some progress and got it started, here I’ve got some pic-” 
“Can I walk you to the studio and see?!” Jeongin’s eyes were scrunched up and his dimples were showing. You’d had a nice time; you didn’t see why not. 
“Okay, but only for a minute, I need to work more.” Jeongin stood up excited. He grabbed your coffee ticket and his and started for the register. 
“Oh you don’t-” He shook his head. 
“Oh no... there’s no way in hell you’re paying for your coffee.” You chewed at your lip and smiled, looking down nodding. He was usually kind of shy around you, soft spoken, so to hear him say something so assertive... well it’s shouldn’t have done the things to your body that it had. Jeongin paid and the two of you walked towards your studio. When you got there Jeongin walked up to the partially finished canvas and looked at it. Something about the way he looked at it from different angles and so closely reminded you of how your mom used to look at your paintings and your heart squeezed inside your chest. 
“It’s amazing the way you use colors like this while not being able to tell them apart. This is beautiful already. I don’t know why you would ever stop painting.” Your heart squeezed tighter in your chest and you looked over at the painting from the night of the crash. Jeongin kept looking at the textures and colors, the words that came out of his mouth next shocked not only you but him too. 
“Was it your mom’s accident that made you stop, don’t you think she’d want you to continue?” He’d seen articles about the accident when he looked you up. Your jaw dropped as tears instantly welled in your eyes. Jeongin stopped looking at the painting and looked at you as he realized immediately he’d overstepped. 
“What?” You heard him loud and clear you were just in disbelief. 
“I...” You had snapped here and there at him but this was an all-out explosion. 
“DON’T talk about my mother and DON’T assume to know me because you like my work Mr. Yang!” He shook his head. 
“It’s not that! I...” You cut him off. 
“Is the painting worth more to you knowing that my mom’s death was what made me quit!? That I couldn’t look at a paintbrush or canvas because all I saw was memories of my mother!? Do you need to know that to feel more connected to it!? My mother died because I was stubborn and she brought me food so I’d eat while I worked on my stupid paintings for a stupid exhibit that didn’t even matter! She crashed driving home after leaving here! I killed my mom! My selfish need to create at all costs killed my mom!” Jeongin shook his head as his eyes teared up.  
“y/n... no...” You looked at him your cheeks and neck damp with your tears. You started pushing at him screaming. 
“Get out! Get out! Just leave me the fuck alone! Leave me! ALONE!” You sank to the ground in front of your canvas just like you had the night your mother died. Tears were streaming down Jeongin’s face now too. He wanted to hold you. Tell you that you were wrong. That your mom dying was just an accident and it wasn’t your fault. 
“Get out...” You sobbed, your words a whisper. Jeongin didn’t say anything else he turned and walked towards the door. Just before he shut it he spoke, his voice low. 
“I’m sorry.” The door clicked closed and you laid on the floor crying until you fell asleep. You woke up to your cell phone ringing. You grabbed it and squinted looking at it. It was your dad. It was dark now, he was probably worried. You quickly answered. 
“Uh... hello?” Your dad could tell he’d woken you up. 
“Oh thank god! I was worried when you weren’t home for dinner.” You started apologizing for worrying your dad like that. 
“I’m so sorry dad, I fell asleep and I guess I slept longer than I...” You turned on the studio lights and when you looked around you saw greens, and purples, orange. You stopped talking. 
“y/n?” Your dad’s voice pulled you back to the conversation. 
“Uh slept longer than I meant to. I’m sorry dad I’ll sleep here tonight and be home first thing in the morning.” 
“Okay honey, text me when you leave and please be careful?” You hummed absent mindedly. 
“Hmm I will dad. Love you.” You hung up and immediately started going through your painting tubes again, you grabbed greens, purples, blues, reds, you mixed new colors and threw paint on the canvas like it would put itself where it needed to go. A lot was still black and white but now there were so many colors! When you finished the painting, you stood back taking it in. It was the most beautiful piece of art you’d ever made. It was vibrant, colors and textures rising off the canvas but it also had a feeling underneath, a sadness, the loss was still there even though you’d gained so much color. You started to cry again, at the pain, at the beauty. When you finally pulled yourself together you pulled out your phone and texted Jeongin. 
You: The painting is done. I’ll have it ready for pick up in two days. 
Jeongin: I... what? 
You: You still want it right? 
Jeongin: YES! I DO! 
You: Okay it’ll be ready Friday by five 
Jeongin: I’ll see you Friday five o'clock sharp 
You saw the chat bubbles appear and disappear over and over like he was writing and deleting something multiple times. 
Jeongin: y/n? 
You: Yes Jeongin, what... 
He tried to write sorry a thousand different ways but no matter what he typed out it wasn’t right. Sorry over text for what he’d done wasn’t right. 
Jeongin: Thank you 
You: You’re welcome  
Two days had come and gone and you could still see all the same colors. Inspiration was coming to you a bit more freely now that you’d completed Jeongin’s piece also. You still hadn’t told your dad that you were seeing colors, you still didn’t know what it meant or why it was happening so how were you supposed to explain it to him? You were working on something new when Jeongin knocked at your studio door. Right at five, just like he’d said. You opened the door and he stood there a moment just looking at you. He shook his head and snapped out of it. 
“Uh hi! I might be a little early.” You opened the door more letting him in. 
“No you’re fine, right on time. You walked over to the completed canvas leaned against the wall and Jeongin followed. When he looked at it his eyes welled up with tears instantly. 
“It’s beautiful.” You bowed. 
“Thank you.” You whispered. Jeongin turned facing you. 
“y/n... I...” He was sorry. He wanted to say he was sorry but his words refused to come out once your eyes bore into his, big and glassy. He took a step towards you closing the space between you, his hand cupped your cheek and before you knew what was happening his soft lips were pressed against yours. Your eyes closed tightly as you kissed him back. He pulled away and you stood there, your fingers pressed to your lips, your eyes closed. When you finally opened them everything was in full color. Red and purple and every color in between. A tear slipped down your cheek and you suddenly realized it was Jeongin. The colors were appearing because of him. He swiped your tear away.  
“Please... don’t cry...” You shook your head wiping your face. 
“No Jeongin you don’t understand... I don’t know how or what is going on but... I can see colors!” His face scrunched in confusion. 
“I thought you’re color blind.” You shook your head smiling ear to ear. 
“I am! I was! I don’t know! Every time I’ve been near you more colors have slowly appeared and just now when you kissed me... I can see it all! I can see color!” You threw your arms around his neck and kissed him again. Jeongin wrapped his arms around you, tilted his head and deepened the kiss, taking your breath away.  
“Will you go to dinner with me tonight?” Jeongin asked with his forehead resting against yours and you nodded. 
“Yes, yes...” You kissed him again and then looked down at your paint splattered overalls. 
“Uh... let me run home to get cleaned up and changed?” Jeongin shook his head smiling so big his eyes almost disappeared entirely. 
“Text me your address when you’re almost ready and I’ll pick you up.” You were grinning like a fool, you kissed him again three pecks and started backing up towards the door. 
“Lock up for me please!” He nodded and you dashed out the door to go get ready as quickly as possible. When you ran into the house you almost ran your dad over. 
“Woah woah there speed racer where’s the fire?” You were an idiot. Only just then did you think to tell your dad, everything happened so fast. 
“Dad!” He smiled happy to see you so excited about something. 
“I can see colors!” He stood up straight and looked at you crazy. 
“What?” He asked like he knew you were pulling his leg. 
“Dad I swear to god, every time I've seen Jeongin, after I would start seeing certain colors, then he kissed me today and it’s not black and white anymore dad I can actually see colors!” You thought your dad’s reaction would be excitement, hugging you, maybe crying. His face scrunched up. 
“He kissed you?” What a dad thing to do, miss the whole point and zero in on that part. 
“Yes dad he kissed me.” You rolled your eyes. If at all possible your dad started dadding even more. 
“Well I haven’t even met this boy and he’s kissing you?” You shook your head laughing. 
“Dad! I told you I can see colors and you’re worried about a boy kissing me?” He shrugged, pouting a little. 
“I’m happy but I just would like to know this young man’s intentions.” You hugged your dad. 
“Well you’ll get to meet him tonight, he’s picking me up for dinner in a bit.” You started running up the stairs towards your room. 
“I have to get ready!” Your door slammed shut behind you and your dad finally let the smile creep onto his face that he’d been holding back. It sounded to him like you’d found your soulmate. It was instant like that for him and your mom too. One touch and they knew. Your dad still missed her every single day, he always would.  
Surprisingly you were able to get dressed quickly and you cleaned up nice. A nice black little dress, your hair pulled up and actually paint and spackle free, a little bit of eyeliner and mascara. You noticed a pretty red lipstick that popped out at you and chose that for a final touch. When you walked down your dad was sitting in the living room with Jeongin who looked as nervous as the first time he’d talked to you. 
“Dad?” He smiled innocently. 
“Yes pumpkin?” You pinched his arm. 
“Stop scaring him.” Your dad feigned pain and laughed. He leaned down and kissed your cheek. 
“Have fun sweetie.” You smiled and motioned to Jeongin for you to leave. He stood up quickly and walked over by you, his hand resting at the small of your back instinctively. 
“It was very nice meeting you sir. I promise I’ll keep her safe.” Your dad could feel it when he’d met Jeongin too, whatever pull there was between you was strong. Your dad knew Jeongin meant it from the bottom of his heart when he said he’d keep you safe. 
“I know you will.” Your dad smiled and headed up to his study to put his nose to his screen, he had a novel to finish. Jeongin was an absolute gentleman the whole night, opening your car door, helping you in and out, helping with your chair. You had gotten cold on the small walk you took and Jeongin put his jacket over your shoulders. You burrowed in and it smelled like his cologne and something that was just him, you couldn’t place it but it made you feel warm all over and your body erupted in goosebumps. Jeongin had been holding your hand and noticed. 
“You’re cold, let’s get back to the car.” You nodded and he led you back up the walkway towards his car. He opened the door again and helped you in before closing it behind you. He ran around and got in shutting his door then looking and smiling at you. You wrapped your arms around Jeongin’s shoulders and kissed him deeply. Your lips parted, tongue teasing. He held your face as you made out in the car for a while. When you pulled away you gripped at the collar of his shirt, panting and biting your lips. 
“This is where I’d invite you to spend the night but I live with my dad.” You huffed out a breathless laugh and Jeongin’s heart raced faster, spend the night?! 
“Uh... I live alone, you could come back to mine...” You smiled and kissed him again. 
“I’d love to.” You sat down in your seat and buckled your belt. Jeongin’s smile was so big his dimples looked like they never ended. He started the car and headed towards his apartment. If you could call the penthouse of a building his grandpa owns an apartment. When you were with Jeongin you never thought about the fact that he was a Yang and came from money. He was just Jeongin to you, shy, sweet. The apartment reminded you quickly. 
“Holy shit! You live here alone?!” He walked towards you and pulled you close. 
“Not forever hopefully.” He said cocking an eyebrow at you and you laughed. You started to laugh but then Jeongin’s lips were on your skin moving down your neck and your laughs turned into breathy pants. He claimed your lips again and you started to unbutton his shirt before running your hands up his firm chest and pushing it off his shoulders to the ground. You started to kiss across his shoulder, gently grazing your teeth against his skin and he shuddered. You pulled away and turned, your back facing Jeongin now. 
“Will you unzip me?” He walked up behind you, his face buried in your neck as his hands worked your zipper down. Your dress fell off you and when you turned around you were completely naked and Jeongin’s brain checked out. 
“Fuck you’re a work of art!” You wrapped your arms around his strong shoulders and kissed him. 
“Take me to bed Jeongin, please.” His lips couldn’t be bothered to leave yours as he led you to his bedroom. You worked at his belt pulling it open and off before tossing it and starting on his button and fly. When his pants were loose, they fell and he stepped out of them as he continued leading you towards his big soft bed. When the back of your legs touched the bed you crawled back on to it. Jeongin confidently dropped his boxers and rightfully so. He was not... lacking. He crawled on top of you hooking his arm under your knee and pulling it up, spreading your legs open for him. Before he pushed into you he looked into your eyes. He looked like he was watching the film of your future in them. 
“I think you’re my soulmate.” When he said it is when it clicked. Of course. You nodded, your eyes tearing up. When he sank into you, you moaned closing your eyes, a tear slipping down. Jeongin let go of your leg and wrapped it around his waist as he pulled out and pushed into you deep again. He leaned over kissing the skin your tear had rolled down. You opened your eyes and were in awe at the sight of him above you. His dark hair, narrow eyes, his strong chiseled frame held up over you so he didn’t crush you under him. You pulled him closer wrapping your arms and legs around him, wanting him to crush you. 
“Faster please...” You whispered and Jeongin’s body moved faster on top of yours. You could feel the pressure building already. You gripped his hair and kissed him as your bodies moved together his cock constantly moving against that place inside you that made your toes numb. 
“God yes! Right there!” He fucked you harder and you could feel your climax making the hundred-yard dash towards the finish line. 
“I... I... I’m g-gonna cum! FUCK! Don't stop!” Jeongin’s lips overtook your moans as he rolled his hips into you. You didn’t know how he kept doing it but every time you were with Jeongin he showed you new colors. The colors exploding behind your eyes as you came were moving and alive. Jeongin didn’t slow down. No, he sat up as your hands still gripped and clung to his shoulders and fucked you faster with the intention of reaching his own climax and prolonging yours. 
“Yesyesyesyes oh it feels so good Jeongin! Mmmm...” a few beads of sweat dripped down the hard lines of his torso as he felt his orgasm approaching. 
“Oh go-fuck! I’m gonna cum jagiya!” You moaned and nodded unable to form words anymore. Jeongin pulled out and came on your tummy and pussy. He stroked his cock as he coated you in his cum. He trembled as he worked every drop out onto you. He sat back on his legs, his head towards the ceiling, his eyes closed as he caught his breath and came down. You laid there a million bumble bees buzzing inside you. You ran two fingers through his cum and sucked on them. He looked down at you sweaty and laughing from the euphoria. Once Jeongin was able to function again he ran and got a washcloth to clean you up with. When you were all clean he crawled back into bed and pulled you close, your head resting on his chest, listening to his slow steady heartbeat. 
Later, after some digging, you found out you were in fact soulmates. Jeongin never knew why he was so driven to collect your art but it had felt like each piece he got was a piece of you, he felt closer to you with each one. Then he finally searched for you to ask you to paint something and well the rest played out. Jeongin took all the artwork he purchased and opened a gallery for you. You continued painting and even finished painting what you’d been working on the night of your mom’s accident. It was put up in the gallery as a memorial to her. Your dad finished his novel, you found the love of your life and your love for painting again. Your life was no longer a theory of color, it was a spectrum, a prism. It was all the colors your mother had dreamed for you and more. 
Please do not repost or translate any of my works. My blog and stories are NSFW and 18+ ONLY! Minors, ageless, and blank blogs will be blocked!
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xjulixred45x · 24 days
succumbing to the Brainrot of Hades (the more Gameplays I see, the more I love the game, both as a fan of Greek mythology and of video games in general) I am going to do a couple of jobs related to the game. Here it would be the first.
Zagreus(Hades) x Leuce! reader
quick context: Leuce was a nymph who was Hades' lover before Persephone, but since she was "mortal" (which doesn't make much sense? since she was the daughter of Oceanus and Thetis?) when Hades died, he immortalized her in the white poplar tree that there are in the Elysian fields.
Taking this as a reference, I imagine this Leuce! reader OBVIOUSLY she would not be a lover of Hades here, she would probably be a nymph native to the Eulisseum and who is especially related to healing (the poplar can be used to cure fever) and in general she tried to go unnoticed, due to the bad luck that usually have nymphs that are related to the celestial commotion.
She is like an Aurora in a way, she has a great connection with the Shades that live near her and follow her (similar to Melinoe) and together with her sisters and Cocito (one of the rivers of the Underworld) they dance and sing old stories .
It is around these times that Zagreus comes into his life. precisely because of his attempts to escape from the Underworld.
When one day Zag arrives at Eulyseo especially hurt and tired, he decides to "rest" (the poor guy gets tired) and when he regains consciousness he only knows that he is suddenly much better. without injuries, with energy, what the hell?
Leuce, although he knows that Zagreus is somewhat infamous in the Underworld, could not simply leave him dying. He swears he won't do it again, but as soon as it happens again (Zag probably had a bad time with Astherius) he does it again.
and after that Zagreus has no doubt, someone is helping him. and being him, he wants to know who he is.
Which wasn't that difficult, but it did take some patience. Zagreus arrived at the Elysium, not that hurt, but he pretended to be unconscious, after he felt he was better, he took a little look and saw Leuce from behind.
a nymph huh.
It's a shame that when Zagreus tried to get up to greet her, thanking her, he scared her and she ran away :,)
On another occasion he decided to take a look at where Leuce had gone and he could just find her singing, dancing or taking care of the poplar trees that were in Elysium.
In general, his interactions at first would be short due to Leuce's fear of the gods or retaliation for her actions, but with time and Zagrues assuring her that he rather wanted to thank her for the help, she relaxes and opens up little by little.
I imagine that Leuce is the only nymph of Elysium that is not scared the most when they see Zagreus 😅 her sisters run and scream when they see him but Leuce stays to greet him 🤣
Leuce's home is a safe place in Elysium, not only because she can heal Zag, but because in general he can forget a little about the outside problems there. hell, sometimes it even seems like he just lets himself get hurt so Leuce can take care of him.
When Leuce is not taking care of him/healing him like I said, she likes to dance and sing, maybe to inspire her a little (similar to what he does with Orpheus) he tells her some of his fights to date and myths about his relatives (Leuce would die laughing when hearing the myth that Dionysus and Zagreus are the same person).
Also even Leuce could offer to teach him how to play instruments! The nymphs were very good at all kinds of arts, so it wouldn't be very difficult. Besides, it would be nice to be the one teaching after all.
Zagreus and Leuce dancing gives me some sleeping beauty vibes. again.
If we talk about terms of relationship in which Leuce lives in the house of Hades, it gets even cuter.
Imagine Leuce and Dusa having a platonic relationship! o Dusa not only having a crush on Zag, but also on Leuce since she helps him clean and feed Cerberus
or Leuce dancing every time Orpheus starts playing and singing, also encouraging some of the nearby shades to do the same😭 it definitely livens up the house quite a bit before Persephone's arrival.
Leuce wearing House of Hades themed clothing!
I don't know which would be more difficult to win, Hades with Leuce or Zagreus with Leuce's sisters😅
At least Hades would accept Leuce because 1- now he has a better relationship with Zagreus and wants to see him happy and 2- he is not going to provoke Persephone's wrath. Who, by the way, is delighted with Leuce. It's like a small parallel of her and Hades if they could have met under other circumstances. so she is very supportive of her relationship with Zagreus and how happy they make each other.
Zagreus will have more problems related to Leuce's sisters because of the above, they are both scared of Zag and convinced that he is planning something horrible with their sister. It will take a lot, a LOT of time and help from Leuce for them to understand that this is not the case.
Even if Leuce tries to help and maintain a certain formal air in the house, Zagreus tries to make her feel as welcome as possible, probably with some help from Hypnos, Cerberus (best boi) even Thanatos. that she lose her shyness and feel that, after all, it is also HER home now.
Did you see that in the Underworld Persephone has a Garden? imagine if Zagreus gets Leuce one of her own🥺
Definitely Zagreus (and in general several other characters like Dusa for being a sweetheart) is not going to tolerate any type of discrimination towards Leuce due to her origin as a nymph (we know that there are gods who took mortals as spouses, but the only nymph who married a god that comes to mind now is Amphitrite) and he would gladly ask Cerberus to go "play" with whoever made any out of place comments :)
They might as well go to the surface together! Of course, neither of them really know how to interact with mortals or how certain things work up there, but I think Zagreus could use some help taking care of his mother's garden while he's there. Who better than a beautiful nymph?
Overall, a pretty endearing pair. and gives some visibility to a very forgotten nymph :,)
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Shares, reglogs and comments are very welcome!
Question related to my next work: Someone knows how ALBINISM was treated/seen in ancient greece?
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marycorcaroli · 9 months
yandere!zoro x inventor!reader.
req: hiii 🙈 maybe you can do yandere zoro x inventor! reader hcs. the reader is basically the inventor of the crew, she can make stink bombs, explosives, and overall, just great gadgets. the reader can't fight with swords or do hand to hand combat but uses her inventions to help her out, zoro kind of becomes protective of her. this is so long whew!!
mary♡: thanks for the request 🌷, i hope you enjoy it, i tried really hard💗 ! iapologize for my mistakes, english is not my first language 🤧
zoro loves you infinitely much, you are the perfect girl for him, but he is just a traumatized asshole who is afraid to make the first move and show his love, but there is one problem, zoro won't let someone hurt you verbally or physically, he would go crazy.
you were beautiful in everything, you could do everything he couldn't and teach him to be better. i think zoro could spend hours watching you do something useful to protect the team, your graceful hands going through what seems like such heavy and hard elements, but you still look beautiful. you can't even imagine how proud zoro was of you when you unveiled your new bomb or explosive that could defeat anything and everything. zoro would never say out loud how wonderful you are, his ego wouldn't let him, but if someone else did, i'm afraid that person would be dead in seconds.
zoro knew you couldn't defend yourself with your hands and was always afraid that you would be found by other pirates who wanted to avenge themselves and you wouldn't be able to beat them, it breaks zoro into tiny little pieces, he thinks about it every night or even every night he thinks about you and how he wants to have you all to himself.
zoro is very possessive, he won't let you go anywhere. you want to go with luffy to help him? nah, how about you stay here and just be quiet with zoro? simple, he's very scared for you and himself too. zoro can't see his future without you, he'll be a literal monster if he loses you, his brain will stop functioning properly and he won't be able to see anything but the blood of the people who took you from him.
it was his biggest mistake, to try to hurt you, to make you cry and leave you bruised in a horrible shade of purple. god, everyone knew zoro was crazy when he saw the pirate next to you, trying to hit you and take the key to the cabin where all your inventions were.
zoro ran towards you, imagining the most horrible ways to kill this fearless pirate who was trying to touch you. zoro was at your side in seconds and threw the man away from you to the farthest corner of the ship, odd that he didn't die from that.
"are you okay? did he hurt you? where did he touch you? " zoro said all this out of breath, he was short of breath from the anger he was feeling, his eyes were running all over your body and face, he was trying to make sure you were okay, but the bruise on your face said otherwise, zoro's eyes were even more aggressive than they had been in a couple seconds, he was literally on fire, his hands were tense and veins were showing on his forehead from how hard he was squeezing you and he didn't want to let go but he had to.
"zoro, it's okay, it doesn't hurt, don't worry about me, h-he wanted to steal all the things i've been doing for so long, but-he didn't have time, i-i wanted to fight back but nothing would come out, i'm sorry, please."
zoro didn't hear your voice, he was terrified of what he wanted to do to that pirate and then keep you all to himself.
zoro will start with something small, just beating him until he hears him begging for forgiveness, but he doesn't care anymore. he hurt you and made you feel fear, which means zoro will do the same thing to him, only a few thousand times worse, he will make the man feel the fear he never felt.
at the end when you ask zoro to stop, he will, but stop for a couple seconds to do something else.
"no one can touch y/n and survive after that, no one. " zoro said it with the coldest look, "you tried to take her from me, but it didn't work and it never will. my face is the last thing you'll see before you go burn in hell."
zoro's words left you shocked, he had never said those words before, you had no idea how he really felt about you, but now it all fell into place.
you are his treasure, his air, his life, you are his completely, not from that moment but from the moment you first met you have always been only his. today, zoro made it obvious to everyone here. you don't have to worry anymore, no one will dare to hurt you or just come near you, zoro won't let them. he will kill them all and spill all that blood for you, he will do anything to keep you with him. and if you think he is too aggressive and you don't want to be with him, he will make you.
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disaster-writes-stuff · 3 months
They can't tell that I love you.
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Men and minors DNI One of the girls (AU) Warnings: Teacher-student dynamics, age gap, dark theme.
1 P.M You open your eyes. You felt hot and you woke up sweaty. You reach out for your phone but it’s not there.
Panic sets inWhere is it
MY PHONE You get up in your bed and start looking around frantically Oh It’s on the table being charged. Your room is cleaned up. You know that you can be drunk enough to jump off a bridge but not drunk enough to clean. You try to recall last night's events 12..18 vodka shots216 $Goddamn that's too much how drunk was Then, a girl with red hair in a silver dress touched me. Natasha. No that wasn't real. Drinking water. Hitting head on the nightstandSleepingDrooling
Dreaming about Natasha You couldn't recall coming home, changing clothes, cleaning your house. You open the gallery to check for pictures but none. You open your camera to check your makeup. It's removed and you can smell your  moisturizer You certainly didn't do skincare You get up and go to the kitchen for water. The whole house is clean. The dishes are done. The clothes are folded. And there's a wig and huge sunglasses by the table next to the foyer door. Those aren't yours. You pick them up and smell them. Gucci. Flora. You were sure of it. You loved per fumes and you were a pro at recognizing them. The scent was familiar but you couldn't remember. You go to your dresser and there's a note.
“Hey, stranger! We met at the bar, remember?----. See you again soon. Take care! Love Lilah” Silver dress. It must be that girl who touched me. Nice of her. She carried me home. So she probably used the wigs and the glasses? Next to her note is a strip of anti-hangover pills with one tab empty. That explains not feeling the hangover.
You pick up a pair of shorts and a tank top to go take a bath. On the sink is a strand of red hair. It’s probably Lilah’s. I need to thank her. I have probably seen her at university. It’s Saturday and you have 3 assignments pending. After you take a bath you chug water and decide to take a walk to that cafe and get something to eat. Your frequent visits made you develop a taste for the food there. You also bonded with Wanda. She was sweet and kind and always managed to strike up a conversation. It's Saturday so you probably won't see Natasha there. You decide not to change out of your outfit and just apply some lip balm, put on Crocs, and leave your hair as it is. You run a hand through it to fix it in place. You grab your phone, lock the apartment, and leave. The world is a much better place to live when you sleep 8+ hours of sleep and are hydrated. The walk was beautiful. You noticed the sunshine but stuck to walking in the shade of the trees since you had no SPF on. You forget about everything, enter the cafe, and walk up to the counter. As you're ordering a big salad and iced tea you see some red hair in the corner of your eyes. And the sound of someone clearing their throat Oh thank god wanda is here I won't feel alone.Over the days you and Wanda came on a first-name basis since she didn't teach you. You turn around and your heart sinks. It’s Natasha You gasped and remembered your outfit. It had to be the worst one. A faded tank top and shorts. Plus the Crocs and socks. Also the messy hair You could've died right there. She smiles at you as if something is funny. Probably the gasp Oh god.Why do you hate me x2 The audible gasp and the way you stiffened upon seeing her. Your hair in its natural state looked adorable to her Your bare face which showed your blush very obviously and the glossy lip balm on your lips. Adorable. She could push you on the counter and take you-
No.Not yet. “Hey, how are you,” she said with the most shit-eating grin across her face. This is what she wanted. To see you in your natural habitat where you're not putting up a front for her. The way you didn't expect her and she was right there. That's what she wanted. Otherwise, she didn't like how you always acted like a pouty little bitch to get her attention. ‘What are you doing here on a Saturday” “I was getting lunch and came here on a walk” You awkwardly positioned your hands behind you on the counter. Natasha was very close to you with your back fully against the counter. “Well same” “Y/n? Is there some y/n here? Your order is ready” You immediately turn around and grab your order. Natasha inches even closer. Her pelvis is almost touching your ass. You smoothly slip out of the gap and give her an awkward smile. “Natasha? Your order is ready” says the man at the counter. “Oh, what a coincidence. Come sit with me” “Uh- sure” She grabs your hand and sits you down at the seat across from her. She places your iced tea gingerly in front of you she smiles at you and for some reason, the fight in you and the tough front is completely gone. “So. what have you been up to” she asks “Oh, nothing. Assignments. I spent my entire night working on it” Liar “Aw c'mon don't lie to me” “No, really I spent a lot of time on it “Oh, then it must be good. Which assignment were you doing exactly?” “UM-...the..Kafka one’ “Oh great. Mind if I have a listen?” “Listen? What” you were caught. “Oh, you know. The assignment was that you record a part of his work and narrate it in your style while explaining” Natasha was lying too, The assignment was to read some of Kafka's work and write observations. She just wanted to test you. For funzies. “Oh- that’s not. My phone was running out of storage so the audio file is on my laptop” “Smart. But have you not gone out at all?” “Nope. just studying and working” You stammer on your words and lie to appear squeaky clean to her. She found every single thing about you adorable “Oh! By the way, Natash- Ms. Romanoff I have a question” She chuckled at how you almost said her name. “Yes, what is it?” “Do you know any lilah? Does she have red hair? Or like any red-haired girl you've seen around the university?” “I know Lilah but I'm unsure if she has red hair. How do you know? Why do you ask?” That made Natasha’s heart jump. “At the library. I met this girl who was wearing a silver dress and had red hair. I passed out. Dehydration I think? She dropped me home and cleaned my room. Funny story right” “A girl at the library in a silver dress? clean your room? y/n, are you okay?” she laughs out. “Yeah-” “y/n it's ok you don't have to lie. I know you went out somewhere last night. I saw your Instagram story. Nice dress by the way.” You awkwardly look down in shame. “I don't eat students for going out, you know. I caught your lie when you said you ‘recorded’ your assignment. You could've just said you were drunk and a kind girl dropped you home and you want to know her and thank her” “Y-yeah that. I’m sorry” “It's okay Malysh. I'll try to hunt down a red-haired Lilah for you. But you shouldn't pay much attention honestly. Girls are very supportive and I'm glad you made it home safe.” You and Natasha chatted for an hour at least, the conversation felt natural. You eventually forget about your outfit. The weekend passed and surprisingly you did all your assignments.--------------------------
You wake up at 6:30 am. Go for a run because Natasha mentioned she goes for a run. And you in the spur of the moment said you do too. You come back from your run, take a bath, and have breakfast  You pick out some black flared leggings and a sweatshirt. You apply mascara, lip gloss, and SPF and leave for college. You enter the class and there is a girl in your seat. “Hey um this is my seat,” you say . She wore a cute outfit. “Oh sorry. I am Lottie.” “Hi Rhea this is my seat” “I don't see your name on it” Bitch “Listen. Ms. Romanoff told me specifically to sit here, please move” “Why? She's bangin’ you?” That made your blood boil. You were furious. So much for your day being ruined by this A grade cunt. Natasha enters the class and the minute she sees your face she knows something going on “Hey, what's going on?” Natasha enters in a panicked state upon seeing the mini brawl take place.
You turn to her with glossy eyes and a clear look of anger. “Miss Romanoff? I'm a new student and she says she needs the first seat. Will you please let me sit here it's my first day” she said trying to act all cute Sure, you were Natasha's favorite but as a professor, she couldn't let her favoritism toward you show now. “y/n, honey, why don't you sit on the next bench hm? What got you so worked up, what'd she say to you?” “Miss Romanoff I simply jokingly asked her why she is so adamant about sitting here, is it because you are banging her?” she said the last bit loudly, and all the other students in the classroom turned to look at the three of you “Well first of all Lottie,  I asked y/n not you. Secondly, that's a very inappropriate remark about your peer and professor. This is a warning. I don't like individuals like you to act up” she said as she placed a hand on your lower back while guiding you to your seat. This was her way of letting Lottie get the message.
Lottie’s mouth felt agape as she saw Natasha touch you. Then she saw the smirk on Natasha's face. Throughout the lecture. Natasha's eyes were fixated on you. She kept checking to make sure how you were doing. After the lecture, you immediately had to leave for another period. You pack your things, smile at Natasha, and leave. After the lecture, Rhea got up from her desk and went to Natasha. She made sure everyone left. “Hey Miss Romanoff?” “Yes Lottie what is it,” she said annoyed “I wanted to ask you something” She bends forward on the desk exposing her cleavage
‘Yes, Lottie. what.is.it?” “I was wondering if you are willing to offer me extra lessons? Y'know. Just us?”
“You have gotta be a real stupid person for wanting extra classes in literature. This isn't high school math. Lottie you chose this subject. Now deal with your consequences” “But Miss Romanoff you give extra lessons to y/n” Natasha's eyes shot up at her giving her a deathly stare. “I already told you, you're being inappropriate. I have all the rights to drop you as a student and transfer you to another class. My limit for each lecture is 45 students. You're the 47th one” “Then drop y/n too” “You and the student on the last bench are getting dropped. y/n and the others were the first to sign up and get allotted to my class” “Ah, I see she wants to bang you THAT bad” She leans closer to Lottie. And whispers in her ear “Yeah so? Are you jealous?” She pulls back and leaves the classroom. Lottie feels burnt to her core. Although Lottie had a girlfriend. She couldn't help but think her girlfriend's sister was hotter. Yelena was Lottie's girlfriend.
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mishwanders · 10 months
HEYYYY THEREE, first of all blog on fire like actually I LOVE IT! Second idk if u takin request or not, if u arent ingnore this and srry! If u are, can i request a hispanic reader with anyone in the chain cause uhhh i havent seen at ALL a hispanic reader I HOPE U HAVE A GOOD DAYY OR NIGHTT, U ARE AMAZING DONT U FORGET THAT ❤
Hi nonnie! Thank you! Also, I guess I’m taking requests again now? I haven’t like formally put anything out, but @skyward-shade been sending me some good ideas, and I couldn’t resist writing them 😂
As for this one - yes! I can! I will preface though that I am not Hispanic, but have grown up around Latin culture/family, so I can do my best with what I know!
Characters: The Chain x GN! Hispanic Reader
A/N+Warnings: N/A, safe for everyone. Written by Mishwanders - pls do not repost.
If you speak Spanish (or where I’m from, Spanglish), I feel like the number one person who would love to learn would be Time. He’s a Link, he’s curious about all things, but in my mind, he loves to learn different languages. I feel like he’s can learn more easily orally versus actually trying to read something on paper. So if you ever get the chance - teach him a few words or phrases - if anything heel keep absorbing it until he’s able to hold a full on conversation with you in your language!
If you don’t speak Spanish - that’s okay too! Learning anything about your culture and your family traditions no matter how varied they may be would make any of them happy because it makes them feel closer you.
Do you have a favorite food?! Wild wants to know - he wants to make it for you! He’ll try his best with the ingredients he has in Hyrule, but if he ever gets the chance to meet your family, he’s definitely finding his way for he kitchen to watch whoever is cooking work their magic and learn (he will most likely be leaving with a new pack of spices in his bag if your family is anything like my in-laws and love to share lol). Honestly he will probably always be dragged that direction or to the grill during family gatherings/parties because he loves to cook so much lol.
Speaking of parties - YOU CANNOT CONVINCE ME THAT TWILIGHT WOULD NOT BE THE BEST DANCE PARTNER (2nd would be Time, 3rd would be Warriors)! So much that I’m afraid the aunties might attempt to steal him away to keep the party going lol.
I also think Warriors and Sky would be the best ones to have apart of a quinceañera - respectful, could easily follow along with the traditions and would definitely ensure that nothing goes wrong for such a special day! Honestly I can see all of them becoming “the protection chain”, the security - they will be giving the princess Zelda treatment lol.
Did you grow up a bit more superstitious or with ghost stories? I can definitely see them following along if you tell them about it, even if its much different than what they’re used to (like the mal de ojo huevo treatment - someone please do that for Wild, he out of all of them needs that done). As for ghost stories, campfire will be the perfect place to tell them! But be warned, you might have a Link (or a few) in your bed roll - especially if you tell Wind about La Llorona and y’all are camping near a river. Poor guy will need some comfort (an maybe Hyrule too).
Grow up more religious/spiritual? I can definitely see them finding interest in it, no matter the deity/god/goddess/saint/revered figure you bring up - again, they want to know more about you and what you’ve grown up with, plus they have the goddesses, Hylia, Fierce Deity - they would all find it nice to learn about the ones you might have been associated with all of your life too! If you have a rosary or some other religious item you like to carry on your person that might get broken via fight with moblin or wear and tear - can definitely see Four making you a brand new one! He may even get Sky in on it to help him whittle some wooden pieces into it!
Did you grow up with traditional medicine/home remedies (even mixed with modern medicine)? Hyrule is your guy! If there’s something you need (especially if you get sick on the road) he’ll go get it/make it/find a Hylian equivalent of it! However, if you grew up with Vicks (aka Vapour according to my mil) for everything, I would be careful with him and that. I’m afraid the smell alone might knock him out the first time he opens a jar of that.
Have you told them about la chanlca? Time would be the biggest user of that - not against his brothers in arms - no, Ingo would be the victim of la chancla. Hey, that may even be the thing that keeps him away for good.
Music? Have a favorite song or play an instrument? Oooohhh buddy Legend and Time have an arsenal of those and would LOVE to hear you sing/play it! Also, since Time easily learns through listening, I can see him learning your favorite song to play/duet with you (maybe even sing you to sleep with it)!
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adrift-in-thyme · 5 months
Ok so how about a post-totk where it’s time for Link to rest the Master Sword and Zelda goes with him to say goodbye? I’ve been dying for something like this if you want to give it a shot!
Tysm for the prompt anon! I really enjoyed writing this! Zelda's perception of the sword and how it might have changed post-totk is very interesting to explore
This fic contains major spoilers to Tears of the Kingdom
The fog hangs heavy over the woods as usual. 
Zelda has the urge to attempt brushing it aside, as though it is a curtain that she can push from her line of sight. She has never much liked plunging forward with little knowledge of where her feet will land. The concept is so unlike science with its firm rigidity and ruled boundaries. Here is the unknown, the unbridled and fierce. Here, dark things lie. 
But she has her chosen knight with her, she thinks with a smile, looking over to where he strolls along beside her. His eyes are ever moving, searching for stalcreatures or wolves that could attack from the clouded space.
When he catches sight of her gaze upon him, however, he returns her smile. His fingers find hers, entwining between them. He squeezes her hand. 
“I’m glad you’re with me, Link,” she says, quietly. It feels like if she speaks too loudly, she will shatter something precious. 
Shattered…like the sword was. The Master Sword. 
Her gaze drifts to it where it sits upon his back. A sheath of royal purple, gilded with gold and a hilt to match. It is spotless as it always is. Link always does keep his nicer weapons clean.
…especially this one.
She had thought, at the start of their relationship so very long ago, that he had done so out of pride. But now she knows better. Now she understands what it is to care for a sword who places a burden so great upon such young shoulders. And yet, carries that burden itself as well.
It is a complex thing she knows, not a simple enemy as she had once viewed it. Link, she believes, sees it in a similar way.
He has never spoken of being bitter about being the goddess’ chosen one, though she had seen the toll it had taken on him. But the way he looks at the sword, the way he wields it, it is as though he abhors it, yet cannot bear to, loves it, yet is reluctant to take it in hand.
It is a friend and a foe. A companion and a protector. A cruel taskmaster and a logical trainer. 
Its spirit is a curious thing. Zelda has found, after eons of traveling the skies with only her as her companion, that she loves her.
Not in the way one would love a parent or a friend. Certainly not in the way one would love a mate. No, in the way one would love a god or goddess. Someone so beyond you, yet very much like you all the same.
It is a dear, special thing. A treasure. But…as with so many special things it has now come to an end.
For that is why they have ventured into the Lost Woods today – to return the sword to her rightful place. 
“She deserves to rest, after everything,” Zelda says thoughtfully. Link glances back at her. If he is surprised by her breaking of the silence, he doesn’t look so. “But…we have known one another for so long that it seems…it seems almost a regretful thing to leave her alone.”
He nods, understanding in his eyes. 
“It’s a relief as well, however,” she continues. “Perhaps, now that she can rest we can also. Perhaps…perhaps now we can…”
Link slows to a stop and turns to face her. Amidst the fog he almost looks like someone else. Another boy in another time, facing another princess beneath the drooping shade of the trees. 
“Now we can make the future we’ve always wanted,” he says, in that quiet voice of his. Such a precious thing it is for her ears to hear it. “We can go back to rebuilding Hyrule. We can go back to the life we were creating before all of this happened. You can teach in the school again and do your research. And I – ”
“ – can interrupt both.”
Link chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. “I want to build you a study. An actual study, not one at the bottom of a well.”
“My well one isn’t so bad.”
He grins. “It could be a lot better. I had a lot of time to think up ideas and I think I’ve got a good one.” 
Zelda shakes her head. “Only you would think up architecture while saving Hyrule.” She turns away, reluctantly, to face forward once more. “It can’t be much farther, can it?”
“Not at all.” He begins to walk again, leading her gently along through the mist. “We’re nearly there.”
The pedestal is just where they left it. The platform it rests in seems to glow in the ethereal light, beckoning them forth. Silent princesses pepper the ground around it, tilting gracefully so that their petals catch the sun. 
Zelda and Link stand side by side, gazing at the Master Sword’s resting place.
The Deku Tree’s voice echoes around them, wisened and old.
“You have done well to come here, my children. The sword, she yearns for slumber. It is time to allow her that privilege.” The bark of his face creases as he smiles. “And yourselves, as well.
“Now, Link, noble swordsman, lift the sword high and strike true. Return her to her pedestal.”
Slowly, Link reaches back and unsheathes the sword. He holds it up to the light, tilting it so that the cool metal glints. Bathed in sunlight, with weapon in hand, he looks every bit Hyrule’s hero. It is almost as if he and the sword are one.
She gazes at him, almost enraptured by the scene. But he doesn’t seem to notice her. His eyes are firmly on the sword.
For the briefest of moments, Zelda swears that she can see the corners of his mouth lift and his hold on the weapon tighten slightly, as though he is squeezing someone’s hand. Then, it is over. 
He lowers the weapon and steps forward. But he doesn’t plunge it into the pedestal immediately. Instead, he turns to Zelda.
“Come on, Zel,” he murmurs. “We’ll put her to rest together. It’s only right.”
Zelda looks from him to the sword and back again. Then, with a deep, decisive breath, she too steps forward.
The weapon hums when she positions her fingers next to Link’s. Zelda smiles. She knows that language well.
“Farewell, Fi,” she whispers. “Thank you…for everything.”
The two of them raise their hands and together the princess and her knight plunge the Master Sword back into its pedestal. 
Its glow dims and steadies as though time itself has slowed. The hum fades away. Fi closes her eyes once more. 
“Farewell,” she murmurs in the space before slumber takes her. “Farewell, brave ones.”
And her wielders turn away smiling.
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