#somehow i’ve never done one of these for these four boys
yoon-kooks · 1 year
pastries & promises | jjk
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⛓️pairing: hotnerd!jungkook x popular!reader
⛓️genre: smut, fluff, college!au
⛓️summary: After hooking up with the hot nerdy boy in your coding class over the weekend, you’ll use any excuse to keep his hands on your body all week long.
⛓️word count: 3k
⛓️warnings: catdilf!jk, dom!jk, sub!reader, daddy/kitten undertones, praise kink, dirty talk, oc is a horny lil brat, mention of getting wasted at parties, one instance of slut-shaming, oc makes an ignorant comment about earl grey tea lol, no explicit smut in this drabble
⛓️p&p masterlist⛓️
a/n: this takes place a few days after p&p jjk & oc start talking to give us a glimpse of what their new dynamic is like in & out of class✨ btw despite what oc says about earl grey, i personally love it;;
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After a weekend of sex, coding, kitten shenanigans, and more sex, you wake up to a beautiful boy with equally beautiful tattoos nagging you to “get the fuck up” for the “hundredth time” because “class starts in twenty minutes” and “attendance is worth 25% of your grade.” It somehow slipped your mind that it’s already Monday. Can he really blame you after fucking you silly several hours ago?
You tug at the collar of his hoodie and pull him on top of you. Still very much naked beneath the sheets, you suggest, “Or we can just skip class and extend our weekend? I’m sure we can find something fun to do.”
“Nice try, but no.” Jungkook offers you a hand and pulls you into an upright sitting position. The sheets slide down your chest, and you catch the boy staring a little too long.
“And you expect me to walk into class without a bra?” It’s not your fault you rushed over to his place last night in nothing but a baby tee and leggings. Why bother throwing on a bra when you know it’s gonna be torn off your body the second you step into his room?
“I mean, I’m not against it.” His eyes are still locked onto your chest. At least he’s a guy who appreciates art when he sees it. When he’s finally done, he digs through his closet and throws one of his grey hoodies into your arms. “But this will keep you warmer.”
You sniff the hoodie. It’s clean but still has the very scent you’ve familiarized yourself with a lot this weekend—blossoms and bergamot. It smells delicious.
With a sigh, you hop out of the bed and collect your pieces of clothing from every corner of the room. Your thong somehow wound up slung over his computer screen, but better there than on the floor.
Once you’re dressed in your day-old clothes, you slip into the boy’s hoodie and drown in his scent. The warmth that engulfs you makes you want to adopt his comfy casual style. At least on school days. Maybe you wouldn’t dread going to class so much if you could just sit there and be all cozy like that.
You’d still prefer to stay home and fuck him, though.
“You know what, I’m not feeling very well all of a sudden,” you lie. “Maybe you should stay home too so we don’t spread any germs to our beloved classmates.”
“Maybe you should just go to class like a good girl, and maybe you’ll be rewarded afterward,” he throws back at you. The way you perk up is almost embarrassing. But you’ve definitely got a thing for being praised and rewarded for good behavior. Especially if the prize is something pleasurable. So yeah, you suppose you’ll endure class for a few hours so that you can have some more fun later on.
“Fine.” You wrap your pinky around his to solidify the deal. He gives you a look but doesn’t pull his finger away. “But just know that you’re a nerd for never skipping class.”
“And how do you know I never skip class?” He raises his brow with intrigue.
“We’ve been in at least three or four other comp sci classes together, and I’ve never seen you miss a day.”
“Oh, so you’ve been keeping tabs on me all this time?” He’s totally calling you out. But he isn’t wrong. As quiet as Jungkook is in class, it’s hard not to notice someone who’s so incredibly smart. Doesn’t hurt that you’ve always thought he was kinda cute too.
“I guess you could say that,” you admit. What you won’t admit, however, is the fact that you’d wanted to talk to him back then but didn’t know how to initiate a conversation. You might be considered popular, but you sure as hell don’t know how to talk to people unless they strike up the conversation first. And Jeon Jungkook clearly didn’t have any intentions of being the initiator.
Thank god for that partner project that started it all.
Just before the two of you can get out the door, a tiny mew stops you in your tracks. The kitten looks up at Jungkook and cries again.
“You have to stay home, little one,” he says, holding a hand up for her to sit and stay. Like the naughty demon child she is, she ignores everything he says and climbs up his leg and into his arms. You can hear her purring as soon as she rests her chin on her dad’s shoulder like an actual baby. It’s so tempting to take a million pictures of the glorious cat dad moment and set one as your phone wallpaper, but you’d definitely run out of storage. Good to know you have some form of restraint when it comes to your infatuation.
After ten heartwarming seconds, he sets the kitten down in her pink bed and gives her a new tiger toy that was special ordered from some fancy cat shop on the other side of the country. 
“Stay,” he tells her again before rising out of his squat. When she does as she’s told, he adds, “Good kitten.”
Oh, how you wish he was saying that to you right now.
“Your daddy really spoils you, you know that?” you giggle, waving bye to the kitty. A second later, you’re overcome by the urge to latch around Jungkook’s arm as you both head to his car. “When are you going to spoil me like that?”
He doesn’t give you a specific answer, but you’ll gladly accept the way he shrugs with the faintest hint of a smile. The two of you haven’t been talking all that long, and yet, he seems to be tolerating your antics well. At the very least, he must like you a tiny bit.
On the car ride over, you feel like you’re forgetting something. And then the boy’s stomach rumbles. Neither of you has eaten anything since the impromptu fast food run last night.
“Ooh, we should stop by the cute little bakery near campus before class,” you suggest, totally not trying to avoid class for the thousandth time today. “I heard they have really good muffins.”
“We’re gonna be late if we make any detours.” He catches a glimpse of your pout as he makes a right turn. “We can go after.”
Your pout quickly becomes a smile because he keeps sweetening the deal. You’re very much looking forward to the promised pastries and sex after class along with anything else he might throw in.
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When you get to class, the usual gal crowd is hanging around your desk. Except someone else is there sitting in your seat. It’s Big Tim. Great. You love confrontation first thing in the morning.
Before approaching the seat thief, you watch him throw a cocky ass smile at Jungkook who straight up ignores it as he takes his seat next door. You would’ve appreciated a little help, but there’s nothing from Big Tim you can’t handle. Besides, the two of you agreed to keep the whole hookup thing lowkey and out of the mouths of your gossiping classmates. Otherwise Jungkook would probably end up hearing a wacky rumor-fied version of it from his tattoo artist.
“Hi?” you say to the guy in your seat. You’ll play nice for now.
“Oh hi Y/N, we were just talking about you.” Big Tim gives you a much kinder smile than the one he threw at Jungkook—a byproduct of being popular, you suppose.
“About what?” You’re genuinely confused.
“There’s a party at my place this weekend, and I’m hoping you’ll be there.” This is the first time he’s personally invited you anywhere. Is it a coincidence that he’s doing it in front of an audience?
“Thanks for the invite, but I’m all partied out for a while,” you respond as honestly and gracefully as possible. You have no interest in hanging out with Big Tim, but parties aren’t completely off the table forever. It might be fun to bring Jungkook to one eventually, even though he claims he’s uninterested in getting wasted with people he couldn’t care less about. “Can I have my seat back now?”
Big Tim laughs it off like you weren’t being serious. “Aww, don’t be like that. It’s just gonna be a small thing with you, me, and a few others. It’ll be fun, I promise.”
You and him? You almost gag. That doesn’t sound like fun at all. And what’s up with him dismissing your gentle rejection? If he didn’t want to be rejected in front of everyone, he shouldn’t have hyped it up in the first place. Now it just feels like he’s pressuring you into going along with it because he knows you’re too soft to make him look bad in front of others. Unfortunately for him, that’s not going to happen.
“I’m seeing someone—a single father, actually—and I’ve been helping him with his kid. So I don’t have time for your party.” The single father part is a bit of a stretch, but you kind of like the sound of it. He’s your local hot cat dilf after all.
The girls’ jaws all drop at the same time. Big Tim’s smile also drops a bit, but he continues to shrug it off. “Helping a dad with his kid? Anything for a good dicking, I guess.”
Okay, buddy. 
You tried to stay courteous about the whole situation, and this is what you get in return. He can say whatever he wants to make himself feel better about himself, but it’s also sad to see not a single one of the other girls step in and call him out on his bullshit. You’re sick of it.
“Are you done? Can you leave now?” You look Big Tim straight in the eyes, although you’re hoping the girls take a hint to leave as well.
They don’t. Because they’re too invested in how Big Tim will respond as he opens his big mouth once more.
“She said leave,” Jungkook snaps out of nowhere. If you had to guess, he was trying to catch up on sleep after that long night with you, and now he’s cranky and mad that Big Tim can’t just shut up and take the L.
Big Tim and the girls collectively turn their heads toward the grumpy boy who cuts the conversation off with a death glare to each and every one of them. As expected, Jungkook is the only person who’d ever take your side on anything. And that’s why he’s the only one who matters to you these days.
At long last, the crowd disperses and everyone goes back to their seats. Just in time for class to begin.
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As soon as class ends, you stretch your arms out, slip past all the girls who want the deets on this mysterious dilf you’re seeing, and meet back up with said dilf outside the building.
“Bakery time?” You’re smiling awfully bright despite the shitshow that went down before class. But that’s the effect Jeon Jungkook seems to have on you. You’ll take a bad day every once in a while if he’s there to make it a little better.
“Don’t bakeries usually close early?” he asks in a calm voice as if that isn’t the most devastating thing someone has said to you all day. You hadn’t thought about that.
In a panic, you pull out your phone to check the time and google the bakery’s business hours. Before you can get your answer, the boy chuckles, “It’s open. I already checked. You’re just fun to fuck with.”
You’d fight him for messing with you like that, but you’re too distracted by that chuckle. It’s a rare occurrence that you’ll treasure forever. Who knew he had such a charming laugh? And how lucky are you to be the one to hear it?
“By the way, thanks for earlier,” you say as you hop into his car. “I was about to throw hands at Tim.”
“I thought his name was Jim.” The boy looks so confused. You love it. “But yeah, you should’ve thrown hands for all that shit he said.”
“He wasn’t wrong about the good dicking though,” you hum. You can’t even remember the last time sex was this good. 
“Definitely not wrong about that,” Jungkook agrees with a big fat smirk on his face.
When the two of you arrive at the bakery, you’re delighted to see that they haven’t sold out of the famous poppy seed muffins you’ve been eyeing on Yelp. You try to get Jungkook on board with the muffin agenda, but he opts for a buttery croissant—another solid pick. You’ll definitely be stealing a bite out of that flaky pastry of his.
“Which drink are you getting?” you ask, eyeing the drink menu like it’s a map of Disneyland. Everything looks so fucking good that you don’t know where to start.
“A London fog.” You have no idea what that is, but it sounds boring. “It’s earl grey,” he clarifies upon seeing the ignorance in your eyes.
“Isn’t that what old people drink?” you snicker. “You’re a nerd and a senior citizen?”
“Well what are you getting? A hot chocolate, right? Because that’s what babies drink,” he teases back. Now that you think about it, he calls you Baby an awful lot in bed. If the two of you were dating, you wonder if you could get him to call you that all the time. Hypothetically speaking, of course.
You do end up getting the hot chocolate while Jungkook gets his elderly drink. As the barista is ringing the order up at the register, a cute sign catches your attention at the other end of the counter because there’s a cat on it. You wander over to it and pick up one of the baggies with fresh baked cat treats in it. What a coincidence.
“Hey Jungkook, look. Let’s get this for Lucy, too.” Excited by your last-minute find, you scurry back to the register where the boy is already slipping his wallet back into his butt pocket. Fine, if he wants to pay for your breakfast, then you’re paying for the kitty treats.
After you pay and secure all your food, the two of you return to Jungkook’s place. The first thing you do is seek out the kitten who’s busy taking a nap on the boy’s bed instead of in her own.
She blinks at you with heavy eyelids and twitches her nose toward the bag in your hand.
“Good morning, little cutie,” you grin. “I brought you some special treats.”
Her big ears immediately shoot up as she starts pawing at the bag. She’s so fucking cute you could cry.
“You have to ask your daddy if it’s okay to eat one now.” You continue to use your baby voice before turning to the daddy in question standing behind you.
“Just one.” The stern dad voice comes out. “And make sure you break it in half. She’s small, you know.”
“Yes, daddy.” By now, the word slips so naturally off your tongue. You meant for it to be sarcastic this time, but you’re also very aware of what it does to him and his body.
He watches quietly as you break the treat into bits and hold it in your palm for the kitten to gobble up. She meows, optimistic for more special treats, but you stick to the plan and give her more pets and cuddles instead.
“Your daddy is so mean, huh. He doesn’t want you eating any more yummy treats,” you blabber into the kitten’s ear. She makes a whiny sound in agreement.
“Hey, what are you two conspiring about over there?” Jungkook frowns.
“Oh nothing.” You’re about to shoo him away but notice his lock screen flashing on in his hand. It looks like a pic of you and the kitten conspiring together. “Wait, what’s that on your phone?”
“Oh nothing,” he mocks you before changing the subject. “Drink your hot chocolate already. It’s getting cold.”
You take a sip of it as you devour the muffin. Your drink is basically cold chocolate milk at this point, but at least it still tastes amazing. The muffin slaps too.
“Taste,” you say as you offer up your half-eaten muffin to the boy. He takes a bite like a good boyfriend would—except he’s not actually your boyfriend.
“It’s good,” he shrugs as he goes back to the flaky pastry. “The croissant’s better though.”
“Let me taste.” You grab hold of the boy’s chin and taste the butter on his lips. He kisses back with long, tender motions that leave you wanting far more than just a casual makeout session. There’s no doubt in your mind that he tastes better than both the muffin and croissant combined. You pull back for just a second to say, “Hey, wasn’t I promised sex after class?”
“Do the homework first. It’s easy.” Of course Jeon Jungkook has his priorities straight, and of course you listen because you’re craving more of his praise. At least he’s a good influence on you. “And I never said sex specifically, by the way. Is that what you were thinking about in that dirty little head of yours?”
He’s 100% right. Your horny mind just believes whatever it wants to believe. Right now, it's telling you the boy wants it just as much as you do. He’s just better at hiding it.
“It was heavily implied though,” you huff as you take your laptop out and start on a boring coding exercise on his bed. “The sex better be really good!” And that’s a threat.
“When has it not been?” Jungkook shoots you an arrogant look. Good point. And apparently he’s already finished with the assignment because he shuts his computer off and turns his attention to your screen. He sits his ass right behind you, slips his hands up into the hoodie you’re wearing, and whispers into your ear, “Now hurry up and finish. I’m waiting.”
4K notes · View notes
skz317cb97 · 1 year
The Dressing Room
Jeongin x Female reader
Word count: 3.5k "drabbles"🤣
Synopsis: When Jeongin's hyungs won't go shopping he calls to see if you'll go with him.
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A/N: 18+ ONLY! Jeeze I can't believe I've written 7 of these already. Thank you for everyone's interest in this series I'm glad you're all enjoying it! If you like this one be sure to reblog, comment, like, jump in my asks whatever. Thanks again! Warnings and smut below the cut!
Warnings: 18+ ONLY MDNI! Cursing/strong language, Jeongin calls you noona mostly (only once during sex), semi public sex, hand job, premature ejaculation, oral (m receiving), unprotected piv sex, cream pie, slight MC dom/Jeongin sub dynamics, pet names (baby mostly, good boy, MC calls him baby bread but not during sex), I think that's it but if I missed something please let me know and I'll add it immediately! 7/9
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You and Seungmin got out of the shower, dried off, and got dressed. You were standing in front of the mirror brushing your hair when Seungmin came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you, holding you sweetly while you finished detangling your hair. When you were done you set down the brush and turned wrapping your arms around Seungmin too. He leaned in and kissed you softly. 
“I’ve got to go to the studio...” You nodded understanding and you both headed out of the bathroom. When you walked into the kitchen you found Felix already starting the second batch of cookie dough. He didn’t seem very surprised to see Seungmin. He looked at the two of you with a sheepish smile, he was just about to say something when Seungmin cut between you interupting. 
“See ya pervert.” Seungmin clapped his hand roughly on Felix’s back as he walked past to head out. Felix’s eyes got big and sparkly and a little squeak came from his throat as his face turned bright red. You sighed and rolled your eyes. 
“SEUNGMIN you just said...” 
“That I’d be nice to Yongbok tomorrow. It’s still today. See ya my little sweeties!” With that Seungmin headed out the door whistling. You sighed heavily again. You walked over to Felix and rubbed your hand across his back and he looked at you with a small, forced smile. 
“Let’s salt some cookies angel.” His smile became genuine and Felix finished the second batch of cookie dough while you started on the fresh batch of icing. The board game night the next day somehow managed to be even more chaos than usual. Chan had picked Clue and everyone started yelling, accusing each other of being the killer. Surprisingly Seungmin was being very nice to Yongbok. Unsurprisingly there was an ulterior motive. Once Felix’s guard was down Seungmin pulled a switcharoo and slid his salty cookies, that he’d also overheard you and Felix discussing the day before, onto Felix’s plate. When smiley Felix took a bite of his cookie his face contorted immediately. He opened his mouth and spit out the cookie, coughing while Seungmin rolled in laughter. You handed Felix your drink and patted his back while giving Seungmin a scolding look.  
“Kim Seungmin!”  
“Hey he tried to feed me salty cookies, he had it coming.” You shook your head. You just never knew what these men were going to do next. Before you left you made sure to get hugs from all the guys because you had to leave for a business trip the next day and you’d be gone for four whole weeks. 
The day you came home from your business trip you were exhausted. You drug your luggage inside leaving it by the door. You forced your legs to take you to the couch and then slumped down with a heavy breath. Just as your ass hit the couch your phone started going off. You grabbed it and you saw Jeongin’s face smiling at you. You swiped and accepted the call. 
“Hey Innie.” You could hear the joy in his voice when he realized you answered. 
“Noona! Are you back home now?!” You laughed still tired. 
“Yes I’m home Innie, literally just walked in and sat down.” 
“Okay I don’t want to bother you...” You shushed him. 
“You could never bother me baby bread. What’s up?” You could hear his breathy soft laugh. 
“Well I just wanted to see if once you’re rested up if you’d go to the mall shopping with me? All of the guys say I take too long and you always give me your opinion on things I try on.” Sweet Innie you thought to yourself. 
“I would love to go shopping at the mall with you Jeongin. How about day after tomorrow?”  
“Oh thank you noona I can’t wait to see you!” You laughed softly, endeared by the youngest of your friends.  
“Me too baby bread.” True to your word, the day after next you picked up Jeongin in the morning and headed for the mall to go shopping, planning on making a day of it. You were walking around checking out a few of the different stores, trying on clothes, laughing. At one point Jeongin started lagging behind a bit. You turned to make sure he hadn’t gotten off too far from you and caught him oogling your ass in your mini skirt. He looked like he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar as his eyes immediately darted back up, his face turning an adorable shade of pink. You smirked but didn’t say anything. You didn’t want to embarrass him. When you turned to continue walking you noticed you were coming up on a lingerie store and a lightbulb popped on in your head. 
“Ooo! Come on Innie!” You rushed for the lingerie store and his eyes went wide. 
“I need to get a couple new bras and some panties.” He blushed even harder. 
“Oh... uh... I can wait out here while you do noona.” You shook your head lightly laughing as you walked over to Jeongin and grabbed his hands, pulling him towards the store. 
“Don’t be silly Innie, come on.” He allowed you to lead him still wide eyed into the store filled with slinky lacey undergarments. You browsed around and grabbed a couple of cute bras you saw and a few pairs of panties. When Jeongin saw your hands full he started to relax knowing he wouldn’t have to be in the intoxicating store much longer. Then he heard a happy little squeal come from you. He looked over and saw you looking at a sheer white teddy, a ruffle lining the hem of the skirt and little embroidered flowers all over it. 
“Innie isn’t this cute!” He almost choked and his eyes went even wider somehow, you worried they might pop from his head if they got any bigger. 
“Uh.... um... well... yea noona it’s very pretty.” He managed to choke out finally. 
“I think I’m gonna try it on!” All the blood from Jeongin’s head instantly rushed to his cock. 
“WHAT?!... Uh... I mean...” You smirked.  
“Should only take a second Innie. Is it okay?” He cleared his throat. 
“Oh yea sure absolutely! I’ll just wait right out here.” You smiled and pecked his cheek before dashing off into the dressing room leaving Jeongin standing there an absolute blushing fool. A couple of minutes passed and after hearing some huffing and puffing coming from the dressing room Jeongin heard a small psst. 
“Innie...” You whispered. He peeked around the corner and your head was poked out from your dressing room. Jeongin looked terrified. 
“What noona? I don’t think I’m supposed to be-” Before Jeongin could finish his sentence you walked out from your dressing room and stood there in the sheer teddy, no panties, your hard nipples clearly visible through the material. 
“What do you think Innie? Does this look okay on me?” His eyes were fixed on your pretty much nude figure, speechless. You waited a moment but got no reply still. 
“Innnnie?” You whined a little. 
“Does it look good?” You did a little spin showing the back and sticking your ass out a little. 
“I’m just not sure...” You declared as you watched him watch you through the dressing room mirror. He wiped drool from his mouth and suddenly snapped out of it. He started looking at the floor, the ceiling, anything that wasn’t you in sexy see through lingerie. 
“Y-yes noona it... it... uh... looks nice.” 
“Hmm nice isn’t exactly what I’m going for... is it sexy?” Jeongin bit his lip and nodded at his feet. 
“Mhm... um... yes... you... look...” His words trailed off as his eyes landed on you again drinking in every inch of your body you were showing him. 
“Sexy?” You finished his sentence for him and he nodded wordlessly. 
“GREAT!” Your exclamation made Jeongin jump and he looked around to make sure no one saw him by the dressing rooms.  
“Then I’ll buy this one too. Thank you Innie.” He shook his head and quickly left the dressing room area. You came back out in your street clothes with, bra, panties, and the white teddy in your hands and walked up to the check out. You purchased your items and left with black bag in hand to finish shopping, Jeongin having a couple more stores he was wanting to check out. He went into a men’s apparel store and you followed closely. Jeongin glanced through the racks shuffling through the clothes and glancing up at you from time to time doing the same thing. Finally, you looked up and caught him staring at you. 
“Find anything you like?” You asked and your words were seductive. He quickly looked down at the rack again, moving another hanger as if that was what he’d done the whole time and not gawk at you daydreaming about you in the teddy again, skirt pushed up, ass pushed out. He grabbed the first thing he saw and held it up. 
“Uh, these, I think I wanna try these on.” He said then swallowed hard. You thought he was the cutest, so shy unlike the others who had initiated things mostly. You were enjoying teasing him a little, making him blush and look down with that smile. 
“Okay Innie, looks like the dressing rooms are in the back of the store.” He started to walk back and you followed. When he realized he stopped. 
“Oh! Noona... uh you don’t have to come.” You shook your head 
“Nonsense Innie! Whose opinion will you get if I don’t come huh?” He nodded. 
“Oh... yea... I guess you’re right.” He continued on to the dressing rooms with you close behind. He went into one of the little rooms and put the pants, that were entirely too small, on. He managed to get them buttoned and zipped when you tapped at his door. 
“Come on out Innie, show me.” He looked in the mirror and the pants were so tight you could see the outline of his hard on. His other pants were loose making it easier to hide. There was no way he could let you see him like that. You quietly called to him again. 
“Jeongin?” He was gonna have to show you the damn pants. 
“Um yea... just a second...” He tried to adjust his cock so it wasn’t quite so obvious that he was sporting a bit more than a semi for you. He sighed running his hand through his fluffy black hair and opened the dressing room door enough to poke his head out. 
“Well let’s see.” He shook his head. 
“Uh, they don’t really fit, I don’t want to come out.” You smiled at him sweetly. 
“That’s okay Innie...” He let out a sigh of relief until you pulled the door open and started to walk in. 
“I’ll come in and look.” He backed up against the wall across from the door as you shut and locked it. 
“Y/N! I... I really don’t think you’re allo-” Before Jeongin could finish his sentence your eyes traveled down and landed on the prominent bulge showing through the pants that, he was correct in saying, didn’t fit. You took a step closer to him. 
“Y-yes?” He swallowed hard, he looked straight into your eyes and couldn’t look away. 
“I saw you looking at my ass and the way you looked at it when I tried on that teddy.” His jaw dropped and he started to stammer. You took another step towards him and he got quiet again. Doing everything to not scan down your body that was getting impossibly close to his. 
“Do you like the way my ass looks in this skirt Innie?” He was already busted, there was no sense in lying. He nodded. 
“MMhm...” You nodded along with him. 
“Yea baby? And you liked the teddy?” Jeongin bit his lip hard and nodded again. You closed the last bit of distance between you and palmed Jeongin over the tight pants and he jumped. 
“They’ll hear...” You shushed him softly. 
“Don’t worry baby. The check out is on the opposite end of the store and we were the only one’s in here. ” You gave him a gentle squeeze and the smallest whimper came from him. 
“Oh poor Innie... it’s so hard. Have you been hard since the lingerie store?” He had been, painfully. He let out a breath and nodded quickly. 
“Y-yes.” You cooed at him as you unbuttoned his pants and pulled the zipper down instantly giving you more room to reach inside and grab him over his briefs. He let out a strangled moan, trying to be quiet as you squeezed and rubbed his shaft up and down over the fabric. 
“What were you thinking about when you accidentally grabbed these pants hmm?” Jeongin shook his head, he didn’t want to say. 
“Aww it’s okay Innie, tell me sweetie, what’s got you throbbing in my hand like this?” You squeezed again and felt him twitching in your hand. He tried to pull himself together enough to form words. 
“Fuck... fucking you.” You hummed and then reached into Jeongin’s underwear. 
“Mhm. What else?” His jaw dropped when your thumb swiped the head of his cock smearing the abundance of precum for lubrication as your hand slowly slid up and down his shaft. 
“B-b-bending you over...f-fuck... fucking you from behind...” He managed to get the words out finally and you hummed again as you stroked him faster. 
“You wanna bend me over and fuck me Innie?” He nodded up and down quickly again. 
“You want to pull my skirt up, move my panties, and bend me over right here?” Jeongin’s answer was a moan he muffled with his hand and coming in your hand. You pulled your hand out and started licking his cum off. Jeongin’s head was resting against the wall tilted up, eyes closed as he caught his breath. 
“S-sorry...” You shook your head, leaned in, and kissed his lips. His pouted out kissing you in return. 
“Don’t be, that was sexy.” He looked at you like you were crazy. 
“I came too quick.” You smiled and hummed. 
“Mhm... made me so wet because that means you want to fuck me so bad you came in your pants. How’s your stamina?” You got on your knees and grabbed a hold of the pants, you were definitely going to have to buy now, and Jeongin’s underwear and pulled them down. He looked around as if someone may see the two of you then he looked down and saw you kneeling in front of him ready to take his cock in your mouth. You looked up and waited for the sign it was okay to continue, that he wanted you to suck him off in that dressing room. He nodded and you slipped the tip of his dick in your warm wet mouth, his head rolling back against the wall again as he let out a soft moan. His hands gently rested on your head, not forcing you down on him, you were setting the pace, they just rested in your hair as you swallowed his cock. 
“F-feels so good...” You hummed and then popped off his dick. He whined when he lost the feeling of your soft mouth around him. 
“Aww poor baby... do you want to bend me over and fuck me or not?”  
“I... I don’t have a condom... if I... when I cum I...” 
“Will have to do it in my mouth, unless you want to cream inside me? Is that what you want Innie? So I feel you dripping in my panties the rest of the day? They both sound so tempting to me.” You stood up turned your back to Jeongin, you bent over and put your hands against the wall before looking back at him wiggling your full round ass. 
“It’s not gonna fuck it’s self Innie, come on baby, fill me up.” His hands gently came to rest on your ass and softly ran over the curve of it squeezing before pushing your skirt up over your ass exposing your lacy thong that was soaked in your juices. Jeongin ran his finger through your slit to grab your panties and pull them over and you moaned. 
“So wet...” He whispered not really thinking anymore. 
“You know why I’m so wet Innie?” He shook his head. 
“Because I’ve been thinking about you fucking me since the lingerie shop too.” He looked surprised to hear you say that even though you had blatently stepped out of your dressing room practically naked in front of him. 
“R-really? H-how?” He gripped your hip with one hand and pushed the tip of his cock against your clenching hole with the other. You looked back at him again. 
“Deep baby, I want you to fuck me so deep Innie. Will you baby? Go on, stick it in.” Jeongin pushed the tip of his cock inside you and pulled your hips back at the same time making you take his whole dick. 
“GUh! Good boy...” You almost shouted out from the exquisite feeling of Jeongin filling you all at once. You felt his balls pressing firmly against your cunt. He rolled his hips and thrusted into you as he held your hips in place tightly. 
“Mmmm Innie yes yes, harder.” He started a quicker rhythm, fucking you harder. All you could hear was the sweet panting leaving Jeongin’s mouth and the sound of his hips and balls slapping against your juicy ass, covered in your arousal. Every thrust you pushed your hands against the wall for leverage so he could fuck you as deep as possible. You took one hand down and grabbed one of Jeongin’s pulling it around you and pushing his hand past your panties and into your wet folds. 
“Rub my clit baby fuck,”  
“I-is it good?” You shook your head as Jeongin fucked you harder and played with your cunt. 
“S-so good, you’re amazing, you’re fucking me so well Innie, such a good boy.” 
“Do I fuck you as good as my hyungs?” You braced yourself against the wall with two hands again as Jeongin rubbed your clit slow and firm, slowing down his thrusts, rolling his hips into you. 
“H-h-how...” You asked surprised. 
“I might be the youngest but I realize more than you all think.” Well paint you surprised.  
“Do I? Fuck you as good as my hyungs do?” He asked again. You reached back and pulled him down to kiss you. 
“You fuck me so well Innie, give it to me so deep, fuck.” He started thrusting faster again rubbing your juices all over clit with his whole hand hard. 
“Want you to cum for me noona.” His cock brushed your g spot as he played with your pussy and you could feel yourself cream all over Jeongin’s dick. 
“Coming, coming, I’m coming Innie.” You panted out as quietly as possible. He pushed you down gently running his hands up and down your back soothing you as you came down from you orgasm, slowly pumping in and out of you still. 
“C-can I really cum inside?” You smiled at him sweetly as he started thrusting into you deeply again. 
“Aww, Innie you want to fill me up baby?” You asked still blushing and panting. He bent over you, his face buried in your hair and neck thrusting deep and hard again. 
“P-please? W-wanna cum inside you so bad... p-please.” You nodded, your head pressed against his. You were bent over, Jeongin’s hands had pushed up your shirt and found their way to your breasts he squeezed them tightly as he pumped himself into you over and over. 
“Do it baby, fill me up Innie, give me all that cum.” A moan, maybe a little louder than it should have been was your only warning before Jeongin’s cock twitched and he came inside you. 
“That’s it Innie pump me full...” He was still lazily grinding his hips against your ass, as his thick cum painted your insides deep. 
“Oh-oh my god y/n fuck fuck.” He wrapped his arms around you holding you close and tight, his chest pressed into your back, balls deep inside you as he gave you his big load. You wiggled your ass against him and he laid against you pressed into the wall, both of you completely out of breath. 
“Not to burst your afterglow bubble but we should get out of here.” You laughed and Jeongin nodded chuckling. He slid his cock out of you and you fixed your panties and skirt, you could already feel his cum squeezing out of you. You looked in the mirror to make sure you didn’t look like you just let someone take you from the back in a dressing room and when you had determined you didn’t you snatched the tag off the pants that were entirely too small for Jeongin and pecked his lips. 
“I’ll pay for these, you get dressed, we’ll make a quick exit.”  
Please do not repost or translate any of my works. My blog and stories are NSFW and 18+ ONLY! Minors, ageless, and blank blogs will be blocked!
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atinylittlepain · 6 months
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Marcus Pike x f!reader
(there is no masterlist for this man, good luck to this man)
He's looking for something other than vanilla, and she is more than happy to provide such a service to him.
warnings | 18+ this is smut, pegging, rimming, sucking and fucking, sex work, lowkey sugardaddy!marcus, sweet shy marcus getting his world rocked, and then pancakes and a blackberry and a black american express card so ya know, the works.
a/n | this was written LAST MAY woof - i think originally it was supposed to be for the first round of the PMAMC (also woof) but she's here now :') special thanks to @wannab-urs for resurrecting this fucker. there is a part two... just sayin
The first thing she notices about him is that he’s nervous. He keeps loosening and tightening his tie, eyes glancing around in quick, anxious sweeps. He’s definitely never been here before, she would’ve remembered a face that handsome, strong jaw under a little scruff and big brown eyes that set a smile tugging at her lips when he finally meets her gaze. 
“Hey there, handsome, welcome in. First time?” His eyes drop down to the floor, a clipped laugh coming out as she steps closer to him.
“Am I that obvious?” He rolls his bottom lip between his teeth, eyes crinkled in a shy smile that sets warmth spreading in her chest, bringing a delicate palm to his shoulder.
“Just never seen you around before, that’s all. What brings you to Pandora’s tonight?”
“Well, I, uh– I wanted to– um–” He cuts his own rambling off, jaw slack as he watches a man in head to toe latex walk by, being led on a leash by one of her coworkers. 
“Hey, don’t worry about them. I wanna know what you want. Would you feel more comfortable talking some more in one of our private rooms?” Eyelashes fluttering, spine arched, she knows exactly how to reel them in, noting the dip and bob of his throat as he nods.
“I– yeah, um, yes please.” Manners, she likes that. She slips her hand down his arm, taking his hand before turning heel and tugging him down the dark hallway, taking them into one of the vacant playrooms. It’s one of the tamer rooms, a four poster bed in the middle, red silk sheets, and a dark chest of drawers off to the side full of all sorts of fun. She guides him to sit down on the end of the bed beside her, his hands immediately going to his thighs in a nervous squeeze. His eyes are still darting everywhere, but mostly to the tops of her breasts, pressed up in the strappy leather corset she has on, though he doesn’t let his gaze linger there long before jerking his eyes back up to her face. 
“You don’t have to be nervous, baby. I just want to hear a little about why you came in, and how you’d like to be taken care of tonight, alright?” He nods, clearing his throat a few times before replying.
“I just– you gotta know that I’ve never done anything like this before, really. But, I don’t know, I guess I wanted to try something different? My, well my ex-wife, I think she thought I was too, um, vanilla. So I guess I want to– not be– um, vanilla anymore. And, Jesus Christ, you probably think I’m crazy, huh?” Somehow, he manages to still be handsome and look like a kicked puppy at the same time, and she has to resist the urge to push his flop of hair back and press a kiss to the crease between his brows.
“Not crazy at all. So when you say not vanilla, what does that mean to you?” When he gives her no answer, eyes only widening as he seems to wrack his brain for what to say, she laughs lightly, bringing a palm to his thigh and giving him a reassuring squeeze.
“Why don’t we start with the basics? Do you see yourself being more of a dom or a sub?” 
“I– what does that mean, dom and sub?” Oh boy, more basic than the basics then.
“Dom is shorthand for dominant, that’s the person in control in the relationship, and they’re usually the one inflicting any pain, if you’re into that. And sub means submissive, that’s the person who follows the dom’s commands, who gets taken care of.” 
“Oh, right, that makes sense. I mean, I don’t think I’d be very good at being in control like that, so I guess, more submissive?” I’ll say. She offers him a nod and smile, still trying to coax some of his anxiety out of him.
“Sounds good, handsome. If it’s alright with you, I can be your partner for the night. Let’s get some paperwork for you and then we can get started, ok?” He only nods, something she’s going to have to work on with him.
“For this to work, I’m gonna need you to always use your words with me, alright? That way I know exactly what you do and don’t like.” She says it to him over her shoulder as she rifles through the chest of drawers, getting out a waiver and a pen for him. 
“Uh, yes, ok, I can– I can do that.” She sits back down beside him with a hum, passing him the paperwork, watching his brow furrow as he reads over it.
“That’s a list of kinks we do and don’t participate in. Are there any that you’re particularly interested in exploring tonight?” Another clear of his throat, keeping his eyes glued to the paper when he responds.
“Do men– do men really like that? I mean, I’ve heard of it, but, does it feel good?” She looks over his shoulder to where his finger is pointing, her lips crooking into a smile when she sees what’s caught his attention.
“Mmhmm, it can be very pleasurable, with an experienced partner, of course.”
“And you– are you, um, experienced?” Her smile broadens into a grin at his question, resting her hand on his shoulder.
“Oh baby, I’m very experienced. Is that something you’d like to try out tonight?” He seems to consider it, his eyes darting from her lips back up to her gaze a few times before he finally nods.
“Fuck it, yeah, I wanna do that. But is it ok if that’s the only thing we do on this list? I don’t think I’m really into the whole– chains and whips thing.” She laughs at that, giving his shoulder a squeeze as she nods.
“Whatever you want. Just need you to sign that waiver which basically affirms that we’re all clean here at Pandora’s, and you are too. You’re familiar with our pricing, right? It’s three hundred for an hour, and five for two.” 
“Is it ok if I do two?”
“You’re the customer, honey. What you say goes.” With a decisive nod, he ticks the box next to two hours on the form, signing his name on the dotted line before handing her back the pen and paper.
“Nice to officially meet you, Marcus. You can call me Daisy, and I’ll be taking care of you tonight.” As she sets the paperwork down on the chest of drawers, he lets out a light laugh, drawing her attention over her shoulder.
“That’s not your real name, is it?” Stepping out of her heels, she pads back over to him, standing right between his legs, setting down the items she grabbed before guiding his hands onto her hips.
“It’s not, is there something else you’d like to call me for the night?” He takes a sharp inhale as she drags his hands from her hips, up and up until his palms are cupping her breasts through her corset.
“I, um– Daisy’s good, yeah.” Letting her hands fall away from his, his eyes search hers, obvious in looking for permission that she’s happy to give.
“You can touch me, Marcus, whatever makes you feel more comfortable.” 
“Can I take this off of you?” His fingers are toying with the laced-up front of her corset, which she lightly bats away.
“It’s a little tricky, let me.” She makes deft work of unlacing the garment, a known path for her fingers that usually bores her, though there’s a little kick of something else, him watching her and the fine flicker of her hands. Marcus lets out a laugh at the grin she offers him, fizzling in his throat when she lets the corset fall away to reveal herself to him, standing before him in only her barely-there shorts. The heat of his hands just hovers over the swell of her breasts, and she can’t help the sigh that thrums in her throat when he finally lets his palms press against her skin. It’s not often that a client affects her like this, and she has to clear her throat to refocus on the real task at hand.
“Why don’t we get you out of your clothes? Sit back for me.” She’s undone dozens of ties, worked her fingers through miles of shirt buttons, and doesn’t even have to look to get trousers unfastened now, but she can’t shake the prickle running up her spine at the way his eyes follow every movement, and she can’t hide the shudder that runs through her when he tentatively tucks her hair behind her ear as she works his pants down his hips. 
“Have you been doing this for long?” She shoots him a look from her spot between his legs, his pants discarded to leave him in just his briefs.
“Are you really trying to make small talk?” Oh, he’s blushing now. She likes that, crawling closer and dipping her head down to press a kiss to the center of his chest before dragging her lips up and up, catching at the bob in his throat before letting her mouth just hover over his, feeling the shaky pants of his breath.
“There’s no need for that, Marcus. I’m gonna take care of you now, and I need you to tell me what you like, and what you don’t, do you understand?” His voice comes out a little hoarse, and she can feel the thrum of it where her chest is brushing against his.
“Yes, I understand.” A grin is all she gives him, ducking down before his lips can meet hers as she lets her mouth drag a trail down his torso until she’s nipping at the waistband of his briefs. 
“Can I take these off?” When all he does is nod, she gives his hip a light pinch, something between a laugh and a grunt jumping from his chest at the sensation.
“Yeah, you can take them off, I– sorry.” She smoothes her palm over the spot she pinched, smiling up at him.
“That’s ok, baby. Just remember your words for me.” He can’t be real, that’s all she can figure when she gets him totally bare before her, his cock a perfect pink that matches the flush on his chest, thick enough to set her jaw aching in anticipation, and long, pre-come smearing in the tuft of hair over his pelvis. She can’t help but wonder why the fuck anyone would ever want to leave him when he’s this pretty to look at. 
“Can I touch you? Get you warmed up for me?” He’s propped up on his elbows to watch her kneeling between his legs, lips swollen from how much he’s been biting them, slightly parted in something like wonder.
“Yeah, yes, please.” 
“Hmm, I like a boy with some manners. Just relax, Marcus, and remember, I’m here to take care of you.” With that, she presses a kiss just below his belly button, smiling against the twitch of his muscles before dipping down and letting her lips ghost over the underside of his cock. It’s involuntary, the hum she lets out when she takes him fully into the heat of her mouth, relaxing her throat like she’s learned to do, a necessary move in order to take all of him. And he’s perfect beneath her, thighs flexing under her splayed palms, low moans rumbling in his chest as she alternates between swallowing him down and lapping at his leaking tip. She knows she’s done her job, that she’s loosened him up, when those moans start to get a little louder, a little more drawn out, and he slumps down off his elbows to run a hand through his hair, eyes scrunched shut. A kiss over one hip, then the other, keeping her palm steady on his heaving belly while she reaches for the lube, his eyes squinting open to see why she stopped. 
“You ever used lube before?” 
“No, never needed to, I guess.” 
“Well it’s gonna be your best friend tonight. I’m gonna warm a little up in my palms and then I’ll let you get used to the feel of it, ok?” He hums out an mmhmm, watching her hands rub in quick circles, his eyes following the subtle shake of her breasts with the movement. And when she gets her hands on him again, slicking her palm up his cock, a hiss slips through his lips.
“Sorry, is it still cold?” 
“No, fuck– just feels really good.” She grins at that, letting her wrist flick, hand in an easy glide as she slips her palm down to cup the weight of his balls, his groan cracking and shooting up an octave, hips jolting at the sensation. 
“Has no one touched you like this before, baby?” 
“I– Jesus, no– no one’s done that before.” 
“Well that’s just not right. Feels good, huh?” A little squeeze to punctuate her question sets another moan loose in his chest as he presses his head back into the sheets.
“Y-yes, feels really good.” She nudges his thighs open a bit more, letting her hand slip down lower, not pressing, but circling, gauging how he reacts as she keeps her other hand easily stroking his cock. 
“Remember, need you to tell me what feels good and what doesn’t. We can stop at any time. Do you like what I’m doing right now?” His eyes are still shut tight, one hand fisted in his hair, the other tangled in the sheets, pleasure pulling his whole body taut.
“Yeah, I like it. It’s, hah– it’s different, good, different good.” His words go a bit slurred when she presses her finger forward, opening him up as he lets out another breathy moan. 
He takes it well, whimpers and moans crackling in his throat as she starts a steady thrust, only pausing to work a little more lube over her hand. 
“Doing so good for me, Marcus. You wanna try taking a little more?” He sits up on his elbows, surprising her a bit with his firm reply.
“I want more, want you to use that on me, please.” He tilts his head over to the strap laying on the end of the bed, once again catching her off guard.
“You sure you’re ready for that?” He tilts his head at her, a crooked smile on his face.
“Didn’t you say something about the customer always being right?” She lets out a real laugh at that, shaking her head at him as he just grins, clearly pleased with himself. 
“I guess so. Alright, handsome, why don’t you get on your hands and knees for me? We’ll take it nice and slow.” He seems a bit taken aback by that request, his smile going a little slack as she gets off the bed to step into her harness, though he catches himself, clearing his throat and shifting around on the bed into the position she asked for.
She can’t help herself, getting back on the bed and kneeling behind him, laying a quick pat to his very cute ass that has him craning his neck over his shoulder to look at her.
“Sorry, just looks so good I had to give it a little tap. You ready for me?” He hums his assent as she slicks her fake cock in lube, bringing one palm over his low back in a reassuring circle as she scoots in closer. 
“Just relax, Marcus, this is about you feeling good. That’s it, open up for me.” She works her strap in slow, curling over him to press her lips in a murmuring of praise into his shoulder blades as he whimpers beneath her, his hands fisted tight in the sheets. 
“How’re you feeling, baby? Is it too much? We can go back to what we–”
“No, no. I just– just need a minute, fuck– didn’t think it’d feel this good.” She’s not being professional about this, she knows it too, but she doesn’t care. A professional would be checking the clock, making sure that he gets his before his time is up. A professional wouldn’t be laying kisses over his shoulders, whispering to him that he’s doing so good, that he can take it, that he’s so pretty like this. But nothing about the way she wants him right now feels professional, the way she wants to take care of him, to make him feel good, to keep him feeling good for as long as she can.
“Just say the word. I move when you want me to.” 
Slow and smooth, nothing but patience and permission in how she fucks him, her hips slotting with his again and again and again, simmering down into a close press, her chest draped over his back and her hand working his cock in time with her thrusts when he finally unravels beneath her. He slumps down onto his forearms, a slur of curses punching out of his lungs as she runs her palms up and down his shuddering back. But what he does next is so unexpected she finds herself at the mercy of his movements. The moment she pulls her hips away from his, he turns over underneath her, still catching his breath as his hands find her hips, insistent and harsh in the way he pulls her down onto the bed. He’s certainly a sight, cheeks flushed and hair perfectly mussed up in every direction, his eyes blown dark and wide as he hovers over her.
“Can I take care of you now? Is that allowed?” A professional would say no, that his time is up, get him a towel and a glass of water and process his credit card.
She doesn’t say no.
He fumbles a bit with the straps of the harness, letting out an impatient groan that makes her giggle, quick to bat his hands away and make easy work of shimmying the whole thing down her legs. And the smile he gives her as she does is downright sheepish.
“That’s, uh, a bit tricky.” She brushes his hair back out of his face, thumb settling against the dimple in his cheek, a move that’s entirely too sweet and she knows it.
“Just a little. I’m all yours now though.” He doesn’t waste any time, ducking his head down to press a sweet kiss over the top of her breast that turns salacious when he slides his tongue down over the tight peak of her nipple, her back arching up into the heat of his mouth as he lets his teeth graze over the sensitive skin. His hands are splayed around her hips, greedy and insistent in the way his fingers curl and press into her ass, lifting her hips up to slide her tiny shorts off her legs before he settles back between her thighs, his nose brushing against her twitching stomach, dark eyes flickered up to meet hers.
“Is this ok? Can I taste you? Make you feel good like that?” He steals a move from her book when all she does is nod, his hand that’s still curled around her hip laying a gentle pinch to the swell, his grin going boyish as she huffs out a laugh.
“Can I have your words, Daisy, please?” She tilts her head at his shy question, enjoying the flushed flare creeping up his cheeks.
“Hmm, you’re a fast learner, huh? Yeah, baby, I want your mouth, Want you to make me feel good.” 
It’s not that she had been expecting him to be bad at it. But she also hadn’t been expecting him to be so fucking good either. Head thrown back, thighs trembling around his scruff, moaning his name good. He’s not precious about it, licking a flat stripe through her cunt before letting his tongue catch on her clit in a harsh press, dipping back down to lap up the slick pooling at her entrance, a continuous circuit of pleasure that has every muscle in her body tensing up. He groans low in his chest when she rakes her fingers through his hair, tugging just a bit unkindly when his teeth graze her clit. One large palm snakes up to grasp at the swell of one of her breasts, his other hand pressed across her pelvis to keep her spasming hips still as he fucks her with his tongue, the strong hook of his nose dragging across her clit with each pass. And it hits her all at once, that snare of pleasure snapping hot and hard as she comes with a stilted moan of his name, her heel pressing between his shoulder blades, keeping him exactly where he is, and he continues to work her over as she comes undone on his mouth. 
She tugs at his hair again when it becomes too much, her hips jolting at the thrumming chuckle he lets out when he finally pulls away, resting his cheek against her hip while she tries to catch her breath. They lay like that for a hiccup of time, just staring at each other, a dazed smile on his glistening lips that she knows is mirrored in her own hazy grin. Eventually she lets out a long sigh, reaching out for him and thumbing away some of her arousal that’s smeared across his jaw. 
“Do you wanna, like, get a burger or something?”
“Is that– is that a part of my two hours?” “Oh baby, your two hours were up a while ago.”
He’s waiting for her right outside the club, and she mentally kicks herself for having worn sweats and a hoodie in for her shift earlier, though he doesn’t seem to mind, smiling big and broad when she steps outside to join him. 
“I know you said burgers, but there’s a diner around the corner that does the best pancakes in DC. Sound good to you?” She likes this version of him too, confident, certain, a bit old-fashioned with the way he holds his arm out for her to take like they didn’t just wreck each other a few moments ago, letting her hold onto him the whole walk over to the diner, opening the door for her, the whole chivalric production.
It’s so late at night, they’re virtually the only people in the place, tucking into a cracked vinyl booth and putting in their order, pancakes and scrambled eggs and bacon, the works. And they share every last bite, having both clearly worked up an appetite after their evening together.
Though he’s vague about it, she can suss out for herself that he’s some sort of higher-up government type, she knows them well, and in turn, she answers his questions about her, that her work at Pandora’s is good enough to be supporting her through college, Marcus seeming to perk up when she tells him she’d like to be an art teacher one day. He’s older than her, at least enough to have already been married and divorced, but she can’t find it in herself to care about that, too busy enjoying their easy conversation, the subtle game of footsie they have going on under the table, and the way he smiles at her, all of his attention on her. It’s so strange, so different, so starkly contrasted to the way her nights usually go, not that she minds the simple rotation of disinterested clients, but she hasn’t had someone look at her, really look at her the way Marcus is, in quite a while. 
“I have to admit, I wasn’t really expecting my night to end like this.” Plates long cleared, each of them nursing a mug of coffee as the first sweeps of dawn start to light up the streets outside, she smiles at his admission.
“Good surprise or bad surprise?” He grins at her question, leaning in on his elbows like he has the wildest secret to tell her.
“Really good surprise. I mean, I just think you’re– amazing. Fuck, is that weird of me to say?” She mirrors him, leaning in on her elbows, a smile threatening to quirk her lips.
“Hmm, no, it’s cute. For the record, I think you’re kinda amazing too.” Their faces are so close, and she realizes all at once that she hasn’t even kissed him yet.
“Only kinda, huh? Guess I didn’t do my job then.” She can almost feel the curve of his smile as she laughs at his simpering response, the sound getting swallowed when he closes the space between them, pressing his lips to hers. And he’s good at this too, his palm coming to cup her jaw, thumb stroking along her cheek as he deepens the kiss, licking into her mouth and nearly melting her on the spot. Though it’s over too soon for her liking when they get interrupted by someone clearing their throat in front of their table, pulling away to see the rather annoyed looking waitress setting their check down and shuffling away with a sour side-eye. She opens her mouth to protest when Marcus reaches for his wallet, but he waves his hand, black American Express glinting in the diner’s fluorescent lights.
“Don’t worry about it, baby, I’ve got it. It’s the least I can do after going over my two hours.” She can tell he means it as a joke, a flippant remark, but her stomach still sinks at even the suggestion of this still being a business transaction. It’s a sore spot for her, and though she’s more than comfortable with the work she does, her exes hadn’t been, nor had they been kind about it for that matter.
Busy signing the check, Marcus doesn’t notice the way her face falls, and she’s already out of the booth and halfway out the door of the diner when he finally calls out for her, further rubbing salt in the wound when the name he uses is Daisy. 
“Woah, woah, hey, what happened in there?” The hand he hooks around her bicep is gentle but insistent, and she can’t help the tears threatening to spill over when he turns her around to look at him in the faint morning light.
“Look, if that’s all this is to you, just business, that’s fine, but I have enough respect for myself to not–” He cuts her off, bringing his broad palm to cup her cheek again, his eyes wide and unwavering.
“Hey, that’s not what this is– I mean, at least not anymore. We did meet under some, ah, particular circumstances. But this isn’t business to me now, if that’s ok with you?” He thumbs away her stray tears, and she nearly goes dizzy with the relief she feels hearing those words from him. 
“I’m sorry, baby, it was a stupid thing to say, wasn’t even thinking.” Baby, it’s the second time he’s called her that. She’s never anyone’s baby, they’re always hers, but she likes it now, coming from him, finding herself smiling into his touch.
“I don’t want you to call me Daisy.” His eyes soften, smile tempering as he nods.
“Ok, what should I call you?” She tells him her real name, and with it, the last shred of her professionalism dissolves, and she doesn’t care one bit. He says her name like he’s rolling a hard candy around in his mouth, slow sugar in each syllable before he presses a kiss between her brows, lips trailing down to catch hers in a sweet smack. 
“Can I see you again? And, definitively not as, um, as business?” It makes her laugh, how quickly he shifts between confidence and constraint. She likes both. 
“I would really really like that, Marcus. Am I giving you my number or are you giving me yours?” His eyebrows shoot up his forehead, like he’s surprised she actually wants that, though he’s quick to catch himself, clearing his throat and smiling.
“Uh, both? Both is good, right?” They swap phones, and she can’t help thinking to herself that of course this man has a Blackberry, stifling a giggle as she types in her number. 
“Can I walk you to your car? It’s back at the club, right?” 
“Oh, I don’t have a car, actually. Just take the bus to get around.” He doesn’t seem to like that, lips pressing into a thin line as he looks at her.
“How about I get you home this morning? Would that be ok?” Under any other circumstances, she wouldn’t dream of getting into the car of a man she just met, but seeing as she’s already broken a dozen of her cardinal rules with him, she doesn’t think twice about getting into his sleek BMW that’s still parked outside the club. He keeps a palm splayed just above her knee, thumb idly swiping back and forth, a soothing lull as she gives him directions toward her apartment complex. She hates to admit it to herself, but she’s a bit reluctant to get out when he does pull up to her building, leaning over the console for a kiss that he willingly gives her. 
“So I’ll call you?” She lays a kiss to the small patch in his scruff, smiling against his skin when he lets out a huff.
“I’ll answer. Thank you, Marcus, for a really nice night, and morning.”
When she gets inside her apartment, she slumps back against the door, blowing out a long exhale and shaking her head.
“Fuck.” Her boss is going to kill her, but she doesn’t really care. 
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llondonfog · 6 months
No pls 😭 i hate the idea that raising Silver was a fun experiment out of curiosity to see if he could love a human or not, and that the answer still isnt clear. I hate the idea of Silver, the son of their enemy, being raised to be nothing but a soldier to serve Malleus in some poetic irony. I feel there’s love there but I’ve almost been transported into Silver’s mind where everything is melancholy and unclear. Does he matter as much as I believe he does 😭😭😭 or is it just a cruel tale of some foundling human always meant to be put somewhere else when the fairies are done with them
The thing is, is Silver capable of accepting the fact that Lilia's happiest moment is Malleus' hatching? Yeah, of course, who wouldn't. The man suffered for years, absolutely driven mad with guilt over Meleanor's death and the fear that he wouldn't be able to keep his promise and hatch the one thing that remained of her, the proof of her existence and love. He had to hatch Malleus, because Meleanor believed that he could, that he somehow carried enough love in those tired, aching, and emptied bones, a love that she saw in him when he couldn't even believe it of himself. If he couldn't, it would be one more insult to her name, a failure yet again, a last betrayal of her trust that he couldn't afford and wouldn't survive.
So that weeping? He's so damn dizzy with relief and love and affection for this silly creature inside that's a symbol of the love of the most important people in his life, how could one react in any other way? How fragile and vulnerable, to know that the happiest moment in Lilia's life is to realize after hundreds of years, he was capable of that love all along.
And Silver sees this— he sees the lengths that Lilia went to in order to hatch Malleus, the horrible abuse he stoically suffered from the Senate, the massive disrespect for all that he had lost and sacrificed. Of course he'd accept that this is Lilia's pivotal moment, the bittersweet reward for centuries of despair.
But on the other hand, Silver; a boy who has lost equally, if not more. He's been cast out of his own time, four hundred years into the future, where everyone and anyone who might have known him or his family (save for Lilia) has been long since dead, the kingdom he might have ruled long crumbled to dust. Is it even a footnote in the history textbook he reads? Is there any mention of the Knight of Dawn, of Princess Leia? Anything at all besides the ring in his hand and Lilia's memories to prove that they existed, that they were real, that they loved and wanted him as much as Meleanor had loved Malleus?
All he has, all he's known, is Lilia. Lilia, who found him, who woke him from the spell as the one fated to truly love him. Lilia who thought of killing him upon learning who had sired him, Lilia who raised him to be a guard, to serve those his father once stood against. Lilia who wondered if he could ever love a human, a question that I agree hasn't fully been answered (or acknowledged by Lilia himself) if we are to associate the fact Silver still bears the effects of the sleeping curse with the belief that either Lilia hasn't called him his son and confessed his love, or if Silver still struggles with self-love himself (and we can get into a whole debate over his self-worth and his view as a sacrificial tool, that's an endless discussion).
Lilia . . . whose happiest moment has nothing to do with the boy who calls himself Lilia's one and only son.
And regardless of how I fully understand why Malleus' hatching is that moment, it's still so fucking sad to me.
Your whole life is centered around this one person whom you love more than anyone else— your short, human life— and in reality, you didn't even feature in that person's dream. We only saw Silver's past due to the blot, memories that were completely out of order and not in sync with Lilia's true dream at all.
And Silver will never harbor resentment over this, he will always place his family and loved ones first, but damn it, I can be a little miserable about it. All that trauma we went through with the last update, and now we learn that finding Silver and learning to love the son of his greatest enemy (the son of the person that killed Meleanor!) wasn't Lilia's happiest moment?
Was it just for the poetic irony? I really hope not. I really hope that TWST gives the conversation that Lilia and Silver need to have the due gravity it deserves, because Lilia needs, whether Silver realizes it or not, to look that boy in the eye and tell him that he loves him, he's always been his son, and no matter what their pasts may show, he's been Silver Vanrouge all along.
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waitingonher · 1 year
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percy jackson dating a child of apollo
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characters: percy jackson
content warning: like one curse word
word count: 941
author's note: i accidentally deleted the original ask. oops. i'm also just gonna pretend that it didn't take me like four weeks to write this... (i am so sorry anon 😅)
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you are—quite literally—the light of percy’s life! he’s never been more grateful for someone than you. even in his darkest moments, percy knows that he can always depend on you to show him the light. 
your guys’ personalities complement each other so well, it’s crazy. percy knows you like the back of his hand, and sometimes, it’s like he knows you better than you know yourself. 
his giving love languages are definitely physical touch and acts of service!! 
your boyfriend is ALWAYS touching you somehow. whether it be a hand on your lower back or his knee touching your knee, percy just likes to be close to you. it’s definitely a surefire way of telling everyone that you’re his! 
life as a demigod is certainly rough, so he’ll do everything in his power to make your day at least a teensy bit better. a few of things he’s done for you include maintenance for your instruments and/or bow & arrow, folding your laundry, and cleaning around your cabin, but the list could go on for miles!!
as you enter the dining pavilion for breakfast, you quickly spot percy who waves and beckons you over to his table.  “morning y/n,” he says, kissing your cheek as you sit next to him.  you smile, “hi percy! have you seen my bow? i can’t seem to find it and i have a class to teach later today.”  “oh yeah sorry babe, i have it,” he pauses to swallow his food, “i remember you were talking about needing to replace your bowstring, so i had will give it to me so i could fix it for you.”  almost knocking him off of the bench, you tackle percy into a tight hug, “aw thanks percy! you’re the best.”  he laughs at your sudden attack, “of course babe, happy to help.” 
as for his receiving love languages, percy loves physical touch and quality time. 
whether it be hanging out with you in the infirmary or trailing behind you as you teach an archery class, he values every minute spent with you. 
he’d even clean the entire amphitheater with you without making any complaints. i swear, this boy is so head over heels for you. 
percy loves, loves, LOVES when you include him in your favorite hobbies/activities. even if he isn’t very good at it, he’ll always try his best, because he knows that doing so makes you happy. and percy would do anything to see you happy. 
he doesn’t even mind when you chide him for messing up because the way you smile and laugh at him has him in a chokehold. 
percy remembers all of the little things!! it could be the tiniest detail ever, like which brand of paint brushes you prefer to use, and he’d store it away in his mental “y/n folder.” 
as you organize your bow into its rightful spot on the rack, you feel your boyfriend pull you into a back hug, planting chaste kisses on your cheek, “hi babe, done with your training?”  “yes percy, but i’m all sweaty!” you laugh, trying to escape his grip.  he simply chuckles, “i don’t care, i missed you today.”  you turn around to face him with an amused look, “we ate breakfast together?” percy merely shrugs in response before grabbing your hand, “anyways, come with me, i’ve got a surprise for you.”   “oh? what is it perce?” you question.  he chuckles, “you’ll see.”  minutes later, you and percy reach the entrance of his cabin. he swiftly goes inside and returns, holding the gift behind his back, “okay, give me your hands and close your eyes.” closing your eyes, you hold out your hands, “is it keys to a brand new car?” you gasp, “or is it a snake? because i’m actually gonna kill you if it is.” percy laughs before placing the object in your hands, “you can open your eyes now. it’s honestly not much, but you mentioned something about liking this brand before.”  at that, you open your eyes to see a new set of your favorite paints, “holy shit percy! are you serious? when’d you even have the time to get these?”  he grins, “last week. i was in the city for a tiny errand chiron gave me.”  “gods, you’re amazing, i love you,” you say, pulling percy into a kiss.  percy pulls away with a lopsided smile spreading across his face, “how many more paint sets will i have to buy you in order for you to kiss me like that again?”  “as of now, none,” you respond, leaning in for yet another kiss. 
for the longest time, you and percy have had this weird ongoing thing where you two will try to come up with the weirdest pet names for each other. 
percy will come up to you and greet you with a casual “hi pookie dookie pie, how’s it going?” 
or you’ll address him as “sweet cookie sugar face” because he was eating one of sally’s cookies. 
everyone is so confused because they don’t know that it’s been an ongoing joke between you guys. 
“good morning honey bunny boo bear! how’d you sleep?” you ask your boyfriend.  percy holds back a laugh, “morning, i slept very well. and how’d you sleep, snookums?”  out the corner of your eyes, you spot leo and piper looking at each other, eyes wide and their jaws on the floor.  “i’m gonna barf,” they say simultaneously, both slapping a hand over their mouths.  you and percy stifle your laughter before putting on a serious face, “you guys wouldn’t get it.” 
gods you two are the cutest thing ever!
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waywardsummoner46 · 3 months
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Sink Into the Darkness, My Light | Two | ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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"Join us, my Light."
Two centuries ago, the ruler of the Light disappeared, plunging the universe into chaos and disrupting the sacred, unspoken balance of the universe.
The eight rulers of the Darkness never stopped looking for her; their obsession never once waning since she vanished.
Recently, they've sensed something. Never around long enough to pinpoint but so euphoric that it sings within their veins. And since meeting you, well... slowly they begin to understand why.
"Sink into the darkness with us."
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「✦」 PAIRING - yandere ot8!ateez x (?)reader
「✦」 GENRE - ancient gods!au, fantasy!au, magical powers!au
「✦」 WARNINGS - mind control, gaslighting, dom/sub, subspace (of a sort), temporary amnesia, manipulation, YANDERE AND DARK THEMES
「✦」 WORD COUNT - 4,863
「✦」 A/N - You're all so lovely. Thank you for the reception part one received. We meet another of the members in this chapter, enjoy.
「✦」 TAGLIST - Let me know if you'd like to be added :)
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• one • two • three • four •
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It was roughly 17:49 when you had another phone call. This time, it was Jee-Won’s caller ID that greeted you, not Ji-Ah’s. A picture of her kissing your smiling cheek and you with your eyes scrunched up. Funny how the picture held so much happiness but its motives caused you nothing but dread at whatever crazed things she wanted to discuss with you now.
  You sighed long and deep; your food was ready and you’d just sat down to begin digging in. How utterly stupid of you to assume that you could simply eat your food in peace. 
 “Hey, Jee-Won,” you said, masking your mild frustration. Speaking to her before you were going out was slowly tearing down the mental preparation you’d been working on. Dealing with her now was seriously reinforcing the recurring thoughts of simply not going… but you’d promised Ji-Ah. You couldn’t back out now (despite how much you wanted to).
  You loved Jee-Won dearly, you and her had been friends since you were very young. You knew basically everything about each other and could trust each other with everything. The fact that your personalities differ so greatly only made that friendship even stronger as one could offer outlooks and perspectives the other couldn’t. Through your care for each other, it was obvious you always had each others’ back.
  Doesn’t mean she doesn’t grate your nerves sometimes though.
  Jee-Won let out an ungodly squeal on her end of the phone and you had to pull the phone away from your ear, wincing. 
  “Happy birthday, my beautiful best friend! How are you on this gorgeous day?” Contrary to your mild vexation, her bubbly energy never failed to make you smile. This was something you could mirror, being practically all smiles yourself.
  Picking up your chopsticks, you began to twist the cheap store-bought noodles absentmindedly. “I’m wonderful, thank you. I’ve had a very… interesting day so far, but it has been genuinely good. How are you doing?” 
  Interesting was one word for it - neither Yunho nor Yeosang had left your mind all day. Thinking about them was natural and your best efforts were no match to their lingering effect on you. 
  Some selfish part of you wanted to go back to ‘Life Rose On’ right now just to see Yeosang again. Yunho you had resigned yourself to the understanding that you’d probably never see each other again (a fact that saddened you much more than it should’ve). Perhaps you were being childish in your hope that they knew each other. 
  It made sense; stumbling into two new pretty boys in the same shop on the same day. Couldn’t be entirely coincidental that they were in such close proximity with one another. Alas, the unknown was killing you and your unexplainable longing for the two handsome strangers remained. 
  And it was unexplainable. 
  Meeting and interacting with those two today felt so intense, so real. Somehow, talking to them was easy and could be done with the familiarity of long-time friends. After the initial hiccups (stumbling over your feet and words), when Yunho spoke to you it felt like every one of your senses was being stroked so sensually and lovingly that it made you shiver. When Yeosang had tucked that breathtaking purple rose behind your ear, that same shiver and unrestrained emotions of rightness returned. 
  … it bothered you. 
  Never in all of your years of living had you let anyone have such an effect on you. Nor were you one to be swayed by good looks alone so easily. Admittedly, both men were incredibly kind and friendly which enabled you to talk to them for longer, in addition to their angelic appearances.
  The effect that they’d had on you troubled you for a reason you couldn’t quite understand and, simply put, you were uncomfortable with it, especially after one meeting. 
  In conclusion, it wasn’t them that made you uncomfortable but rather the effect they had on you that did. Or did it? Oh, you didn’t know. These feelings confused you and only gave you a headache. 
  Realistically, you’d never see Yunho again and you’d probably see Yeosang once or twice more considering he worked in the florist you regulared. There you go, done. No need to dwell on it anymore. Nope. Not. At. All.
  “Hello? Are you still there?” Jee-Won’s mildly concerned voice startled you and made you realise just how far you’d sunk into the ocean of your thoughts. 
  You massaged your temples. “Sorry, Jee-Won. I didn’t sleep well last night, is all. What were you saying?”
  You practically taste her fond exasperation on the other end of the phone. “Are you sure you want to come out tonight? You know Ji-Ah won’t take it personally.”
  That snapped you to attention. 
  “I know that but I genuinely want to go, I promise.” Hoping your tone of false conviction was believable enough, you glanced at your watch. 17:54. Two hours and six minutes before you had to be there.
  “Mhm. Yeah, absolutely. I believe you one hundred percent.” Apparently, you were not as convincing as you’d once believed. “I won’t force you not to come because I know that despite how much you don’t want to go, you’ll go for the sake of other people. But please, if you need to go home early, please, please do. I know you don’t like it when everyone starts to get pissed.”
  Well, she wasn’t wrong there. The easy way out was like a weighted security blanket around your shoulders. A sense of grounding that you hadn’t realised you needed. Of course, Jee-Won noticed. Jee-Won, for all of her flaws, was a good friend. One that you wouldn’t replace for the world. 
  “Curse you and your eternal wisdom,” you said and laughed. Then in a quieter voice added, “And I will.”
  A muffled snap could be heard from the other end. “I know what will help.” Oh dear. “Getting our hair done together!”
  You supposed that the night was never destined to start on schedule; who knew that it would begin during your ramen?
──•~❉ ᯽ ❉~•──
 “Uh, Jee-Won I hate to burst your bubble but I think we’re in the wrong place. This looks like someone’s house, not somewhere where we can get our hair done.”
  “We are very much in the right place, my beautiful sunchild.”
  Your face twisted in immediate distaste. Sunchild? 
  You repeated it silently to Ji-Ah behind Jee-Won’s back and she mirrored your baffled expression. That certainly was a new one.
  Both of you turned to look at the building that was allegedly where you’d be getting your hairstyles for tonight. You didn’t necessarily see why Jee-Won had put so much emphasis on your hair in general, let alone praise this place to buggery and ultimately drag you two there against your will. Heck, you’d have been happy curling your hair or simply braiding it so at least it differed from your typical style.
  This place was huge. When she had said hair stylist, you expected a dainty little corner shop surrounded by similar establishments relatively close to ‘Life Rose On’. Everything was around there. The mansion that you beheld in front of you was on a whole new level.
  Never in your life had you seen a building like this, forget anything else. It was a truly impressive piece of architecture; there seemed to be multiple layers to the mansion and different areas with varying spires and towers. 
  The three of you stood on the entrance balcony. Beams of a rich brown supported the canopied roof and each were delicately hugged by the richest, healthiest clematis you’d ever had the honour of seeing in your life. Jung-Hee’s abilities to nurture plants was impressive but the owner of this fantastical building had powers akin to the Gods. Each beam seemed complimentary to the gold-lined, rectangular windows that were on either side of the main oak door, and the patterns on them made that of an intricate hourglass - one half stained a deep black and the other a blinding white, slowly being tainted by the darkness. Or at least, that’s how you saw it. Perhaps ‘The Hidden War Within’ was turning you into more of a poet than you thought.
  Removing yourself from the balcony temporarily, you strained your neck to ogle at the rest of the building. The roof the balcony on the ground floor was seemingly the foundations of the first floor as you saw that a set of glossy black rocking chairs and a dazzling coffee table sat atop it. This time, blood red roses wrapped around the fence bordering that area and worked as a nice contrast to the lighter purple of the clematis. 
  Of what you’d processed of the building so far, it was a double-layered abode with a relatively square shape. Then you looked to the right and it was more reminiscent of a castle than anything else for a circular tower merged into the rest of the building and had a spire at the top of it. It reminded you of a fairytale you read as a child. 
  Beyond that, there were two further layers to the house. Each topped with the traditional Korean dancheong roof, the building truly was like something out of a novel. 
  Quite peculiarly, there seemed to be… trees? Growing from some of the open windows? The picture it painted was exquisite but you wondered with unrestrained curiosity how on Earth the owner managed to achieve such a thing. 
  You’d have to tell Jung-Hee all about this mystical house next time you saw her. The fact that the mansion itself was well out of the way of the main road and surrounded by an incandescent forest was just feeding your slowly spiralling feelings of awe.
  As Ji-Ah and Jee-Won bickered by the front door, you took your sweet time to observe every sheltered nook and every single captivating cranny of the house’s exterior… when you caught a glimpse of something in the tower window. Squinting your eyes, they promptly widened once more when you realised it was a someone and not a something.
  Just as quickly as they’d come, they had disappeared. You blinked rapidly, trying in vain to see if you could catch a glimpse of the dark figure in the window. 
  From what little you had seen, whoever it was was male and looked relatively tall. His face was wholly covered by the shadow the lighting gave him but you could’ve sworn you saw the slightest hint of a smile.
    A shiver ran down your spine and you shook your head to recompose yourself. The day was catching up to you - getting to your head. You needed to breathe and stay grounded rather than let your head wander, especially in a place as isolated as this.   
  You were just about to go towards Ji-Ah and Jee-Won when something wet hit your nose. At first, the shock made you freeze momentarily but reaching up to touch the droplet you found it was only rain. Then, a booming clap echoed through the forest and then the rain began to pour down with a vengeance. 
  Running for the balcony, you avoided trampling the delicate pathway the owner had laid out. Ji-Ah and Jee-Won looked as though they were struggling to hold back their laughs and you raised a soaking finger at them.
  “Oh, you must be freezing!” A kind voice said from behind the two of them. All three of you looked at the mystery voice immediately and the breath left your lungs for the third time that day. “Please, do come in,” he said and gestured for you all to follow him through the front door.
  The man must’ve been a God because the urge to drop to your knees and worship him with everything you had was suffocating. 
  His hair was the first thing you noticed about him; silky raven locks lay gracefully across his forehead and framed his face perfectly, like a dark angel. You hadn’t had ample time to examine (appreciate) his face before he turned around but you saw his outfit.
  Long, dark tailored trousers hugged his legs. Flaring off towards his feet, you saw that the man wore glossy black heeled boots that only added to his intimidating aura. There was something so divine about a man confident in his appearance and this man was an example, not an exception.
  Embracing his torso was something akin to a black waistcoat except there were no sleeves nor were there any shoulder coverings; it came up to his chest and gave way to a bright white blouse whose sleeves hung from his muscular arms like decorations and a button up collar that gave the man an impression of elevated status. The cherry on top of the cake was the brief glimpse of an expensive silver necklace you noticed decorated his neck.
  You could basically hear the wealth and power screaming from his form as you followed dutifully behind him and through the mansion’s winding halls. Nothing around you was being processed, your attention wholly centered on the man you trailed behind.
  “You’ll catch flies if you don’t shut your mouth,” Ji-Ah’s smug voice said. Your attention was immediately directed at her, scandalised that she’d say something like that as loudly as she did.
  An inquisitive hum was heard from in front of you and your knees nearly buckled when seeing his face for the first time. 
  (Perfect, chiselled jawline. Perfect, sharp nose. Perfect, full lips. Perfect, piercing boba eyes and, undeniably, one of the most handsome faces you’ve ever seen.)
  One of his eyebrows were raised in question but lowered once he saw the two of you. “Ah, the architecture is rather impressive, isn’t it? This was built by my great, great grandfather during the nineteenth century.” 
  Letting out a subtle breath of relief at his misunderstanding, you subtly nudged Ji-Ah’s side with your elbow. She almost landed you in one of the most humiliating experiences of your life. You never would have forgiven her if he’d picked up on why your jaw was actually dropped.
  “Forgive me, I never did introduce myself,” he turned once more and bowed deeply. He straightened and made eye contact with you. 
  Perhaps you were delusional. Perhaps you were just seeing what you wanted to see. But the way he was looking at you made you feel like he was picking apart the very linings of your soul.
 “My name is Park Seonghwa, but you may call me Seonghwa.” 
──•~❉ ᯽ ❉~•──
  Eventually, Seonghwa led the three of you to what looked like a dining room.
  The walls altered between pink and white marble with streaks of gold complimenting the foundation colour. There were old sconces laid evenly across the walls of the gigantic room and they all lit up a long table, the key feature of the room. An impressive chandelier dangled from the ceiling and the scarce rays of light bounced off of it in a faint imitation of falling stars.
  What truly caught your attention was the painting on the opposite side of the room. It covered the entire wall; black and white paint entwining with each other to give the picture frame a misty effect and the same hourglass patterns from the windows lay in each corner of the frame. 
  Nine people were in the painting. Eight men and one woman. Each man wore an outfit straight from a fantasy novel, completely covered in black clothing. Some donned a cloak, others were clad in onyx medieval armour and one with a crown made entirely of black metal and dangerously glinting gemstones. Quite fascinatingly, the one with his hand on the girl’s shoulder wore a dark half skirt and black trousers that were connected to a torso of gold, floral patterns dusting a glossy tunic.
  In a certain light, it looked as though their eyes were following your slow movements around the space but you disregarded that thought as soon as it entered your head.
  The girl, on the other hand, well… the resemblance she bore to you was uncanny. She lay across the floor in front of the eight men and wore a white dress that could only be described as having the consistency of a cloud.
   “Hey, that’s kind of freaky,” Jee-Won said from behind you. She was also looking at the painting and was alternating her gaze from the painting girl and your face. 
  “Jee-Won, don’t be rude,” Ji-Ah scolded from her side. 
  “I am not being rude, I’m making an observation.”   “Could you try and be more polite about it next time then, please?” Ji-Ah returned, equally as sassy as Jee-Won had been. 
  You shook your head fondly at them. Since becoming a trio, it had been a constant battle between the two of which was right and which was wrong. Ji-Ah had a better understanding of social situations and standards whereas Jee-Won’s unfiltered opinions were something that both benefited her and were to her detriment - like right now. 
  Seonghwa entered your peripheral and placed a calming hand on each of your friends’ shoulders. “Now, now, there’s no need to argue, is there?” There was a power in his words that had the girls quieting down instantly. You were surprised at the look of sheer embarrassment that was on their faces; and you thought you were bad. 
  Seonghwa gave them each a pleased hum and crooked a pointy, gloved finger for you all to follow him. He sat down on a cream-coloured chaise longue, posture entirely straight, and patted the seat next to him as he made direct eye contact with you. 
  You gulped but did as he wished. Tension rendered your body immovable and prolonged eye contact was impossible. 
  Contrary to Yunho and Yeosang, Seonghwa had an effortless motherly energy to him and a deep part of you didn’t want to risk tarnishing that with any hesitance or inclination to disdain. Because you were very much not disdainful of Seonghwa, the exact opposite actually. 
  Watching as Ji-Ah and Jee-Won sat down on the two individual lounge chairs opposite you two, you remembered that you’d all come here to get your hair done. Nothing in this mansion seemed equipped to give you those services nor did you think that you’d have enough time between now - 18:40 - and when you had to be at the night club - 20:00. 
  Seonghwa might look like a miracle but you doubt he could perform them. 
  A clap and all three of you snapped to look at him. He held his entwined hands to his chest and smiled softly at you all. 
  “Firstly, I would like to welcome you to my home. I trust you’ll respect it as it will you during your time here.” The three of you nodded.
  “Excellent. Now, I understand each of you are here to have your beautiful hair styled to perfection for the birthday girl’s night out,” he gave you a wink and you felt your heart stutter in your chest. “Unfortunately, due to the late hour, my… colleagues will be taking two of you whilst I give my undivided attention to another.”   You all seemed to have a silent conversation with each other. His words and logic made sense but his implication that you would all be separated had you grimacing mildly. There wasn’t an issue, you were all grown women - you’d just thought that you could enjoy each others’ presence before the night out when you’d be swarmed by drunkards and junkies. Much fun. 
  The conspirational smile he gabe you all made you aware that he was privy to your mild displeasure. “My sincerest apologies, ladies. I simply wish to maximise time and efforts.”
  “It’s no trouble at all, thank you so much for even accepting us in on such short notice. You’re a lifesaver,” Jee-Won practically gushed. You raised your brow, short notice, huh? She’s acting as though she hasn’t had this planned for the better part of a week (you’d overheard her and Ji-Ah talking).
  Seonghwa raised a hand. “No need to thank us. We’re always happy to help, aren’t we, Yongbokie-dear?”
  A short man with pretty silver hair entered the room. He looked young, only mildly younger than you. “Of course, we are.” His deep voice contrasted his innocent features, much like Yeosang’s had but to a milder degree. He met Seonghwa’s eyes, “We’re ready now, Seonghwa-hyung.”
  “Have the three of you decided who will stay with me?” Seonghwa questioned, looking rather intensely at you. 
  You got so caught up in his eyes that you nearly missed Ji-Ah’s comment. “Jee-Won and I will leave you two to it. Thank you again, Seonghwa-ssi.” The look of unbridled horror on your face caused her to stifle a laugh and you prayed to whatever god was listening that Seonghwa didn’t pick up on it. 
  Seonghwa merely smiled in goodbye as they followed Yongbok out of the room… leaving you alone with a man who compromised your ability to talk.
  Being alone with Seonghwa was worse than being alone with Yunho or Yeosang. You didn’t know why but you genuinely felt as though words were beyond you right now. 
  As though approaching a frightened deer, he extended his hand slowly for you to take. Your eyes darted rapidly from his own and his hand, struggling to comprehend what he was asking of you, why you were reacting like this and just what was going to happen now. 
  “Shall we, darling?” Is it possible to melt into the floor? Because that’s how his voice made you feel. 
  With a new found determination, you took his hand and allowed him to bring you over to a window seat you hadn’t noticed on your way in. Lengthy, silk curtains obstructed it from the dining room’s view but once Seonghwa guided you through them, it was like being embraced by shadows. 
  Very little light penetrated the area for the curtains were dark enough to block the sconces from the dining room and where a window should have been there was only dark marble.
  Seonghwa gently sat you down on a chair in the centre of the area. You remained as silent as he while he rummaged through whatever was behind you. 
  Despite how many times you reflected on the whirlwind that was today, you still couldn’t completely comprehend any of the turns it had taken.
  An hour glass was placed on a previously unseen table in front of you and you jumped at the unexpected movement. Dark sand dominated the most of it and only a slither of white sand sat atop it. It seemed to be some form of bioilluminescant sand as it was glowing in the darkness. How, you did not know. You didn’t question it though, it was beautiful. 
  “Seonghwa-ssi? Excuse me if this is rude but I was wondering how you were going to style my hair in this lighting?” Your meek voice permeated the blanket of silence that had settled over you two. 
  His rummaging halted momentarily as he chuckled lowly. “Not rude at all, little one. A perfectly sound question.” You jumped slightly when you felt his hands in your hair, removing any accessories you had in and detangling the biggest knots. “I work better in the darkness, you see. I find home in its existence and security in its embrace.”
  Your gaze remained fixed on the hourglass in front of you as you absorbed his words. You couldn’t understand how anyone could prefer the darkness to the light. The darkness was stifling and clung to you like a parasite, always had done, always will do. The hourglass was a direct representation of that; it was practically crushing the white sand and reducing it to the thinnest grains possible all in order to rid its presence entirely.
  Seonghwa began to part your hair, separating the top of your hair from the bottom. “What do you think of the darkness, dear?” He asked, and you could sense the genuine curiosity behind his words.
  “I don’t dislike it. I just prefer the light,” your words gained a few ounces of strength with every sentence you spoke. It shouldn’t be as substantial as it was but having been rendered speechless so many times today, the ability to talk was relieving to have once more.
  “How fascinating,” he whispered. Both hands were focused on the top half of your hair now; you felt two pieces of hair tickle your cheeks in what you assumed was him using them to structure your face. He parted your hair down the middle once more except this time it felt as though he was going to braid them. Going off of that assumption, you followed his hand movements as best as you could without actually seeing them as he begun to manoeuvre the right side of your hair. 
  “If I may ask, why do you prefer it?”
  It was a good question. The answer was as natural as breathing. “It’s… safe. It’s hope, it gives everything life and through that gives them happiness.”
  His hands finished the plait he was working on and he rested them tactfully on each side of your head, gently stroking the soft locks as he thought of an answer. “Wouldn’t you agree that without the darkness, there is no light? Similar to without death, there would be no life?”
    You hummed, digesting his words. Secretly, you were rather entertained by this turn in conversation. It was very reminiscent of ‘The Hidden War Within’ with the discussion of dark and light and their codependency on each other to survive but also how they consistently defy the other’s existence. 
  You started off slowly, choosing your words. “Alright, well… take a flower, it is inevitable that they will fall to the darkness and death that swallows it. But there’s always a light that shines down on it and through that light there will be a new bud that will be protected and nurtured by the light until the darkness once again claims that life.” 
  The white sand seemed to glow brighter all of a sudden and you paused in your words. How ironic. 
  “Finish what you were saying, dear. I am enjoying this immensely.” The sand dimmed and you found your head tilting at its loss.
  “Right, um. I think through the existence of light, darkness must consequently exist too. They need each other to balance the other out, that’s simply the way of the world. Too much of one thing - like overpopulation or war - can have a detrimental effect on that balance and that’s why the world is in so much discord today. Because that balance hasn’t existed for a long time. So to answer your question,” you could feel how your gaze was glued to the hourglass.
  For reasons you couldn’t explain, it was magnetic and you were hopeless to resist its pull. The more you spoke, the more the sand looked fluid; it began to twist and weave through and around one another until it mirrored the universe, stars filling in its vastness and only reminding it of its mortality. It was morbidly beautiful. 
  “I believe that without the darkness there would be no light. And I believe that, somewhere, there is a place where light and darkness meet and the distinction between good and evil is no more because there is only existence where morals and nature don’t have a sway.” 
  You reached for the hourglass and turned it over, watching as the sand glided across itself. Nature’s river, caught in a glass prison. “That is how we will find true peace. When war is over, when selflessness works alongside selfishness, when the line between love and hate isn’t so thin after all and instead becomes one.”
  Seonghwa had finished styling your hair minutes ago. He simply stood behind you, hands gently caressing your locks of hair as he listened intently. Even after you finished, slightly breathless, he remained silent as though taking in every last one of your words to heart and committing them to his memory.
  The curtain was ripped open and light spilled in the dark space you’d settled into. Inquisitively, you turned to look at him and your mouth dropped when you saw there were tears in his eyes.  
  “Oh, my - are you alright?”
  He burst into sobs, and hid his head in his hands as collapsed onto the chaise longue from earlier. You stood frozen, completely baffled at the turn of events and even more reluctant to approach him since you were sure you had caused it.  
  “Seonghwa-ssi, I am so sorry. I really-”   “No,” he raised his hand, stopping your apologies before they became ceaseless. He seemed to be struggling to compose himself if his long, deep breaths were anything to go by. 
  You stood, fiddling with the hourglass absentmindedly as you waited tensely for him to make the next move. 
  Seonghwa took one final deep breath and stood on shaky legs. He began walking over to you with such intent you stumbled back slightly. Before you realised what was happening, he grabbed your face in his hands - his teary eyes meeting your wide ones.  “You… are perfect.”
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mkeyztrm · 2 months
- cigarettes after sex
“ and I’m kissing you, lying in my room. holding you until you fall asleep, and it’s just as good as I knew it would be. Stay with me, I don’t want you to leave. ”
Warnings(?): Toxic parents, 🍃 (barely)
nick sturniolo x m!reader(?)
I’ve never really written something like this before, so please keep that in mind 😭
Idk if this would be considered an m!reader thingy, but the character in first person is a male! I hope that makes sense 😞
All it took was the contact we made between our eyes, which ironically enough are also polar opposites.
Outside of my apartment complex stands a statue probably about a billion years old, it’s completely abandoned but it works as a perfect escape for when the world comes crashing down. I go there nearly every day, it’s really the only physical place I can go when shit gets rough at home. I can’t help but feel trapped in my own house whenever my parents have their little arguments, it’s like they forget they even have a kid. Today they started arguing because the dishes weren’t done, and somehow that just set off all of the missles in my mother’s heart, she snapped. So that’s why I’ve decided to go to the statue today, it’s my safe space when I don’t have one.
The area around me is swollen with plants, dark green vines wrapped around the chipped stone i sit on. As I’m walking down and pass the grassy corner I come to a sudden stop when I hear familiar footsteps around my spot. I slowly step forward and peek around to see a beautiful boy, around my age. His pretty brown hair is emphasized by the sunlight, and his heartstopping eyes are as well. I recognize him as the boy who lives down the hall, I’ve seen him a few times when I’ve had to leave the house. We’ve never spoke other than a simple “hey” or “hi”
“Hello? Hi sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you.”
I quickly apologized before turning around. As I take my first step forward I hear his soothing voice.
“No, no you’re okay. I’m just taking pictures of the area. Do you want to join me?”
“If that wouldn’t be an issue, then yeah. I just need to get out of the house for a minute, you know?”
He watches me as I sit down, then he sits down next to me while he lowers his camera to his side. I can tell he’s as awkward as me, he’s just better at hiding it than I am.
“My name’s Nick, Nick sturniolo. What’s yours?”
“Oh, uh. My name is Jakson. Spelt J-A-K. You can just call me Jak though if you’d prefer.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Jak.”
“Nice to meet you too, Nick”
with a smile across my face i look over to my right jacket pocket and pull out a lighter. I looked at him and gestured towards it, offering him a hit. He nods his head and says “Sure, why not. I’m not doing anything later anyway.” I hand him my lighter, then I hand him a joint that I pulled out of my pocket along with the lighter.
“But I could tell that something had changed how you looked at me then.”
Minutes turn into hours, hours turn into four more. Throughout our sesh we shared our reasoning for hanging out here so often. His surprised me, I didn’t expect him to be a triplet, let alone the oldest. He explained to me in full depth that he comes out here whenever his brothers get to be too obnoxious, or whenever he doesn’t want to participate in one of their stupid joke arguments. He told me that he loves them very much, he just needs some time for him self as well. I didn’t know somebody could understand me that well.
“And I’m taking pictures of you with flowers on the wall.”
As time goes by, my head ends up on his thighs. My head resting on him while we watch the stars together. He let out a soft giggle whenever I’d point out a constellation or a shooting star, and for some reason that made both myself and my heart happy. Being with him made my heart skip a beat everytime he spoke. I never knew it was possible to become so close to someone in only a day. I looked back up at him, and he looked down at me. He let out a smile, so I did too.
God, my heart was racing so fast. You guys just met, and you’re already each other’s only friend. Is it shameful to have these thoughts about some boy you’ve only seen in a hallway before this? Before I could continue thinking, he placed his hand on my head and gently stroked my head with that grin on his face. He kept eye contact with me, and put his other hand on my head as well.
I think I’ve finally fallen for somebody.
“Think I like you best when you’re just with me, and no one else.”
After a long while the sun starts to come up, but I’m still rested on his lap. He looked down at me, I looked back up at him.
nick holds my face tight and gently presses his soft lips against mine, leaving me no time to react. Not that I needed to react, he’s so heavenly. He grabs my hand and stands up so I stood up with him. I can tell he wants to say something, but his face shows his thoughts are jumbled.
“Could I get your number? I think we should come out here again and hangout. Next time I’ll bring a blanket and snacks if we’re out here for that long again.”
“Oh definitely. My number is (xxx)xxx-xxxx. Feel free to text me anytime you want, boy. I’ll always be available for you.”
we walked up to the apartment building together, he made sure I got home safe. Before i walked inside of my house I made sure to smile and wave. I waited until he had walked away to shut the door.
I made my way back to my bedroom and passed out asleep the moment I hit my mattresses. I love this boy.
HIII thanks for reading 🫶
I’m so sorry if this is bad, I really only write poems and I’m dyslexic as hell. I just wanted to write something for the first time and see how it went.
Please do not criticize this in the replies, I’m overly sensitive and will take it to heart 😭. /gen
@inlovewithmattstur lord how do you write so fast.
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I absolutely love that you write for the dark turtles! I rarely see anything for them and there’s so much potential for stories with them, other writers are missing out!
Anyway I’m rambling. I’m not a writer but have had this story idea for the dark turtles. Being clones of the turtles and a mix of their dna I’ve always personally headcanoned that the dark turtles possess deeper connections to their turtle counterparts. Ex: quirks, mannerisms, interests, skills, and even memories. With that in mind here’s the story base.
Darius creates a dark clone of reader in hope that he can use them to infiltrate the turtles group and generate mistrust after seeing his dark turtle clones fail with their head on battles (I guess readers dark clone would be more spy like? More shapeshifter like?). What Darius doesn’t anticipate is that the dna connection between the dark clones and the turtles also somehow share their interests/ mannerisms/ and memories. Since regular reader and turtle counterpart are in love, Darius now has two of his clones falling in love with no understanding why or what new emotions and foreign memories they’re both experiencing
I guess this could be angsty or fluffy depending on how you look at it. I personally like a blend of both but just have fun! This was just something I thought I’d send your way, hope it sparks some inspiration for more dark turtle fics! Love your writing!
In Light And Darkness (Angst/Fluff)
Dark Leonardo x reader
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A/N: I agree! There’s so much potential with these boys, especially when they never finished their story💚 I also agree with your headcanon. I think that they have the same characteristics as the original turtles, just with a darker twist, like how Dark Mikey isn’t just happy, but manic. But with that being said, I’ve decided to make it with Dark Leo, with focus on Dark Leo and the dark reader’s bond, and how Darius might be very oppressive to that. Hope you enjoy💙
Warnings: Punishments (withholding food, isolation, forced to sleep in cold rooms, fear of further punishment).
Darius was furious, his anger raining down on the four Kanabo clones in front of him. Once again they had failed him. Dark Leo’s plan to infiltrate Cody’s penthouse from the inside had failed, with Leonardo sensing his plans from the very start. It had ended in a surmise, sending the clones home empty handed, with no progress made. They were now even further back than square one, and Darius blamed them for it. Especially Leo.
Their punishment had been severe, with Darius withholding food from them. He did not care that Dark Leo had started sharing the small lumps of meat with his brothers, instead of fighting over it. If that was what they wanted to do, then that was their problem. But there was something Darius noticed about Dark Leo that caught his interest. Under Leo’s fingernails was something that looked like hair. And not just any hair, but your hair. The color and length matched. It had gotten there after Dark Leo accidentally pulled your hair during the squirmish, pulling you out of one of the other clone’s wild attacks, aimed at their own counterparts. But this action had caused his original counterpart to momentarily pull back on his peaceful and friendly demeanor towards the dark clone. But this hair gave Darius an idea. An idea he was sure would work out in his favor.
The clones were pushed out of the room while Darius contacted Sh’Okanabo, in order to show him the hair and tell him about his idea. Sh’Okanabo was intrigued, finding the idea interesting enough to give it a try. Especially with this dreaded planet, that refused to buckle under for his mighty rule. The Dread Lord had done many things throughout his dark life. He had taken over planets, leaving them in constant darkness. He had torn down civilizations, watching them crumble to the ground as their people turned into his own kind. But he had never made a Kanabo clone of a human. Sure, he had turned humans into Kanabos, but never had he created a lab made clone. And so, he agreed to Darius’ plan, bringing the hair to his lab.
It didn’t take long before Sh’Okanabo returned to Darius with a satisfied smile. It worked. He had created a human kanabo clone, with more of his own abilities than any of his turtle clones had gotten. He presented them with your dark clone, who for the most, looked like a normal human in shape. Your hair and hair color had not changed, but your skin was a dark Kanabo purple, and your eyes the same kind of yellow as the turtles. Your fingernails were long and claw-like and your teeth sharp. Yet somehow, it was still obvious who you were. You were a kanabo clone of (Y/N) (L/N).
The turtle clones watched in astonishment as you showed off your abilities to Darius. Like your creature, you had the ability to shapeshift. Turn your body to mud in order to move across the floor, before rebuilding your body on the other side of the room. Your strengths were heightened, making you much stronger than your counterpart. When Sh’Okanabo ordered the turtles to attack you, they were shocked to find that you could throw them about easily. Or most of them. One clone had not followed his creature's order, standing back with an unreadable expression. This had caused Darius' anger to rain down over the blue clone, telling him to do as his superiors had told him. But Leo refused. He would not attack you, and neither would he attack a clone of yours. Not with all the memories of his counterpart flowing through his head. All of his sweet memories with your counterpart.
This decision had caused Leo yet another punishment. No food, and he had to sleep in an isolated cold corner of the dark storage room. And Leo did just that, still refusing to do anything that could hurt you, even if you were capable of protecting yourself.
As Leo laid in the corner of the dark room, his arms wrapped around himself, he had not expected company. You came to him in the middle of the night, with a blanket that Darius had given you, and some of the extra food he had showered upon you, believing you to be his new big super weapon.
“Hey”, you whispered, placing a soft warm hand on his big arm. Your warm touch and your small greeting reminded him of memories that weren’t his own. How your fully human counterpart would do the same to the source of his DNA, comforting him whenever something had been bothering. And each and every time, Leonardo had felt a flutter in his heart, just like Dark Leo’s heart was doing at that exact moment. But while Leonardo would smile at your counterpart, and make his warm emotions clear for you, Leo frowned in confusion. A Kanabo was not meant to feel these kinds of emotions, and even with access to all of Leonardo’s feelings and memories up until the moment Sh’Okanabo extracted some of his DNA, Leo had never felt such a thing. Until now.
“What are you doing here?”, he asked, rubbing his tired eyes.
“Just checking up on you”, you said, scooting closer to him in order to hold up the big slab of meat for him. “I got something for you”.
The raising heart beat in Leo’s chest was new. I did not know what to think of it. His Kanabo nature fought against it, but the other half of him enjoyed it very much. Enjoyed the your presence next to him.
He took a hold of the slab, his yellow eyes fixed on the red meat, before he looked back to your face. For a moment he wondered if you always had been so stunning or if his eyes was playing tricks on him.
“You know that Darius will punish you for this if he finds out, right?”, he said.
“Then he’ll just have to punish me”, you said, before wrapping the blanket around him. Even though it didn’t cover him fully, Leo couldn’t deny how nice it was to feel at least a little bit of warmth. “Now, eat”, you said, turning to look at the big storage room. “I’ll look out for Darius”.
“You don’t want any?”, Leo asked.
“I’m already full”, you mumbled. “Darius has pretty much been showering me with food”.
Leo nodded. Of course Darius had done that. Trying his best to build up that intern competition between the brothers that Leo had been trying to tear down. And now they would have to try and compete with Darius’ new favorite.
You sat there and looked out, while Leo ate with eagerness. The meat almost melting at his tongue with the blanket warmed him. And everytime he looked at you, he couldn't help but feel something. Something he knew from Leonardo’s memories. Something that Leonardo often felt when he looked at the DNA source of you.
Once Leo had finished his meat you smiled at him, making his heart beat just a little bit faster.
“I should go now”, you said softly, slowly moving in order to stand up. “You need all the sleep you can get”.
But Leo didn’t want you to leave. It was nice to have you with him in the dark corner of the room. It brought him some sort of comfort. Comfort he had seen between your counterpart and Leonardo, both in his memories and in the penthouse. So when you leaned onto your knees, placing your hand on the floor, in order to use it to push you up from the floor, Leo panicked a bit. His big hand grabbing onto your write, before pulling down to him.
You yelped out in shock as you felt back against Leo’s plastron, but that shock was soon replaced by a smile as you felt Leo place the blanket over the two of you, his big arm wrapping around you, his face buried into the back of your shoulder.
“What happened to the fear of Darius’ punishment?”, you asked with a teasing smile, holding on to his blue arm.
“I don’t fear Darius!”, he grumbled against your shoulder. “I’m just… feeling cold”, he continued sheepishly, hiding further against you.
You turned over in his arms in order to face him, your small black claws tracing small circles on his cheek. “Do you want me to stay tonight?”
Leo sighed, his eyes staring off into the distance. “Darius will get mad”.
“I don’t care”, you whispered, resting your forehead against his plastron, your fingers moving to his chest, continuing their small circles. “Do you want me here?”
“Yes”, the Kanabo clone said, resting his beak against the top of your head, taking in your scent. You did not smell like your original counterpart. No, but to his Kanabo nose you smelled sweeter. It was almost intoxicating.
“Then I’ll stay”, you hummed, cuddling closer against him. “And Darius can’t do shit about it”.
And so you stayed with him throughout the night, comfortable in each other’s arms, as sleep took a hold of the two of you. And as Leo took in the warmth of your skin against him, he couldn't care less about what Darius would say or do in the morning. Not with you by his side.
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reasonablerodents · 4 months
Just in case it breaks your writing dry spell, there's been a terrible lack of NYE hotchreid fics, and I'm here to humbly request that you fix this with a short nye bau party/night out and everyone paired up for their nye kiss except hotch and spencer…
This is very true!!!! And somehow this DID break my writing dry spell bc I’m somehow actually happy with how this turned out???? (And okay….It’s not short)
Thank you!!!
Good Fortune (G)
Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, Fluff, New Year’s Kisses
They’re all partnered up these days. Penelope has Kevin, Emily and JJ have been together for God knows how long, Derek’s in the early days with a woman named Savannah, and Dave? Well, he may not be officially dating anyone, but he met a woman at the bar a few hours earlier, and the two seem to be getting on very well.
That just leaves him and Spencer.
If Aaron was a braver man, he would have asked Spencer out years ago. But his head is too full of regulations and boss/employee power dynamics and- okay, the main reason he hasn’t done anything after all this time is because he’s scared. Rejection always hurt, but being rejected by Spencer would surely feel far worse than if it was from anyone else. Besides, they already had a perfectly good- albeit platonic- relationship; there was no reason to ruin it by acting inappropriately.
Aaron sneaks a glance to the left, where Spencer is stood next to him and staring into the crowded bar, one hand idly gripping a half-finished drink. He seems to be people-watching, and Aaron can’t get over how beautiful he is like this; unknowingly poised like a painting, the dim light softly illuminating the curve of his lips and angular planes of his face. Spencer’s eyes are wide and glittering, drinking in the revelry instead of his cocktail.
“Not long until midnight, pretty boy,” Derek laughs as he and Savannah pass by on their way back to the bar, playfully tapping Spencer on the shoulder to get his attention. “You’ll have to be quick if you wanna sort out a New Year’s kiss!”
Spencer makes a move as if to splutter an indignant reply, but Derek’s already turning to Aaron with a trademark smile. “You too, man. Even you’ve got to let loose a little on New Years. I’d offer my services to you both, but I’m really hoping Savannah will give me the honour tonight.”
Savannah giggles, wrapping an arm around Derek’s waist. “Well, we’ll just have to see what happens come midnight- your chances might be better if you get me the drink you promised me, though.”
“Anything for you,” Derek replies, gently lifting her free hand and pressing a chaste kiss to it like a Victorian gentleman. “Forget a glass of wine, I’ll get you the whole bottle.”
“I’m holding you to that.”
With that, they depart. Aaron watches them a little wistfully as they squeeze their way through the crowd, always keeping a hand on one another. He’s nothing but happy for Derek’s budding romance, of course, but he can’t help but wish that he could have something like that as well.
“I’ve never had a New Year’s kiss.”
Spencer’s soft voice from his left makes him turn back around.
“No?” Aaron says, trying and failing not to think too deeply about Spencer’s lips.
“No. Relationships haven’t historically been my strong point, so there’s never been anyone around to offer me one. I suppose I could find a random person, but if someone’s going to be orally swapping bacteria with me, even for a few seconds, I’d prefer to know them a little first.”
Aaron takes a sip of his whisky. “I haven’t in a long time, so you’re not alone.”
“I know. I’ve spent the last four New Years with you,” Spencer replies matter-of-factly, before darting off on a tangent. “Did you know, kissing at midnight is actually an old Scottish tradition? Hogmanay was introduced when the Vikings invaded, and one part of the celebrations involves welcoming friends and strangers alike, which apparently involves kissing them.”
“No, I didn’t. I guess I’ve never thought about where it came from.”
“Another tradition is First-Footing, although it’s definitely not as commonly practiced around here. The first person to enter the house should be a dark-haired man to ensure good luck. He’s supposed to bring gifts with him, such as coins, coal, or whisky, it can vary slightly regionally, I think. You’d be a good first-footer, I reckon- I mean, you’ve already got the whisky.”
“And the hair, I guess.”
“Mmm. Tall, dark, and handsome.”
Aaron’s glad he hadn’t just taken another sip of his drink, because after hearing Spencer use those words to describe him, he certainly would have spat it out in shock. He can feel his cheeks growing warm, and is incredibly glad of how dark it is in the bar. Spencer's very observant though, so it’s almost certain he’s already noticed Aaron’s flustered reaction however much he tries to hide it.
Before he can work out how to reply to that, a deafening shout ripples across the room.
Spencer’s not just looking at Aaron in general any more, he’s looking into his eyes. His gaze flickers downwards as the countdown continues- oh God, is Spencer looking at his lips? Aaron finds himself setting his glass down as he unconsciously inches closer, barely daring to breathe.
Is this going to- surely not? But Spencer’s own lips are slightly parted now, his glass abandoned as well.
It’s only seconds, but each one feels like eons. The countdown fades slightly as Aaron’s heartbeat fills his ears.
Aaron takes a deep breath, and before he can even make a move, the clock strikes midnight and Spencer leans in and kisses him.
It feels exactly like the fireworks that are going off outside.
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chazzadotcom · 1 year
Just Harry drink alone in Hogsmeade and then Stranger!Male Reader join him, he ask for permission and Harry let him to. They just talked mostly random things and then Harry getting so drunk so reader accompany him home. They chat a little inside Harry place, and it becomes a little hot, so Harry make the first move and kiss reader. They kind of doing it with Harry being bottom. Then in the morning Harry find no one beside him
a/n: i think from the way you’ve described this you want it in harry’s pov so that’s what i’ve done!! hope you enjoy it :) i’m imagining harry aged up as he’s seen in a young doctors notebook!
title song: robbers - the 1975
first person harry pov
lowercase intended
not proofread
cw: talk of death, drinking, being drunk, harry is more drunk that y/n but no SA or non con stuff happens, everyone is completely consensual
pretty kind of dirty face
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i’d been at the three broomsticks for a while now, alone, as usual. after the war where we defeated voldemort, my life had become extremely lonely, harry and hermione had died, and everyone else close to me was either dead, or somewhere along the lines we just fell apart, i would probably blame it on them if the conversation was bought up, but realistically, it was probably me. It had taken a toll on me, the whole war, i felt like everyone was changed because of me, and it weighed down on my shoulders, pressing them down twenty four seven.
i sighed before going up to the bar to order another butterbeer, i’d lost count of how many i’d had by now, as many as took to numb the pain.
As i was walking back over to my table for one, i saw a man walk in, he was someone i’d never seen before, he seemed my sort of age yet i didn’t remember him from hogwarts, or seeing him during the war. He caught my eye and smiled, as he walked up to the bar i stopped paying attention to him, but my mind still lingered on what he looked like, he was attractive, very attractive, someone i would probably go for, before the war, before my sex life had shrivelled up like a prune.
i sighed into my butter beer before i heard the noise of a chair being pulled from opposite me, i looked up and saw the man staring at me with a smirk on his face i looked at him confused, who would want to sit with the boy who fell to pieces? “i’m y/n is it alright if i sit here?” he arched an eyebrow in my direction he was hovering his pint over the table, waiting for permission to sit down. “i’m harry, the seats all yours” he smiled and sat down before the bartender brought over two shots of firewhisky “i was hoping you’d say yes” he took one of the shot glasses before pushing the second one towards me, i had already reached my limit on how many butter beers i could handle, but one shot of firewhisky couldn’t hurt, could it?
turns out it couldn’t hurt, but it could get me completely wasted. but so was y/n i was having a great time with him, he was the best company i’d had in years, maybe even in forever, it seemed like i’d known him for years, but i hadn’t i’d only met him today. i had started slurring my words. y/n had noticed and wrapped an arm around my waist before leading me out of the pub and towards an unfamiliar area, which i was presuming was where his flat was located. somehow in my drunk brain, i thought that meant he wanted to be with me.
so i inevitably made the first move, he placed his hand on the small of my back as he guided me into the entrance way of his flat. i took this as my moment, i staggered round and pressed my lips to his, he seemed to get the idea as he pressed his back before taking my hand and dragging me into his bedroom.
He softly pushed me onto the bed, before climbing over the top of me, he slowly started to unbutton my shirt before unbuttoning his own, he then took all of our other clothes off.
He reached over to his nightstand and grabbed some lube and a condom, he placed the condom on the other pillow before opening the lube and squirting some onto his fingers, he rubbed them together to warm it up slightly, before spreading my legs.
He gripped my cock in his hand before slowly stroking it to relax me slightly, before he started pressing his finger inside me, i arched my back and moaned at the feeling inside my stomach, he found my prostate quickly and started stroking it and i started shaking and moaning, i could feel myself on the edge but i couldn’t speak and then before long i could feel my penis erupting and going all over his hand that hadn’t stopped stroking me.
somehow in all of that pleasure he was able to fit in two more fingers, and then swiftly took them out before opening a condom and lubing up his cock.
i closed my eyes, preparing for the burning that i was going to feel, and i felt the head of his cock slowly pressing in, he was being gentle, which was nice considering i hadn’t been with anyone in a while, it felt like he knew, or maybe he was just considerate.
he has bottomed out and slowly started thrusting, before i tried to move forward and backwards in time with him to try and get some more pressure and speed, he realised and held my hips down onto the bed, but started thrusting faster, one of his hands basically covered my entire stomach, so he used his other hand to start stroking my cock again.
This was so much stimulation, i couldn’t take it anymore and came with a scream, he felt my walls clenching round him and came with a groan into the condom before pulling out taking it off throwing it into the bin and rolling over onto the other side of the bed it was like clockwork, maybe he’d done this before.
but i couldn’t think about it too much, i felt my eyes slowly close and let myself drift off.
when i opened my eyes again, the curtains were open and there was no one next to me, i looked to my left and there was a note.
let yourself out
- y/n
i felt my heart drop, really that was it? but i guess it wasn’t meant to be.
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yellobb · 5 months
Y’all I just found out about the 1904 Olympics marathon and I am losing my mind over how batshit insane it was. Buckle up y’all because this is one hell of a story
For some historical context, the 1904 Olympics were held in St. Louis and it was the first Olympics hosted in the U.S. It was paired up with the 1904 World’s Fair, so there was a hell of a lot going on in the city at the time
First, let’s meet some of our contestants:
American Thomas Hicks and four other Americans were all experienced marathoners
American Fred Lorz, who was able to compete after placing in a “special five mile race” sponsored by the Amateur Athletic Association. He did all his training at night
Ten Greeks who had never run a marathon before
Two South African men from the Tsuana tribe who were in St. Louis as part of the World’s Fair. They were apparently the first black Africans to compete in the Olympics, which is super cool. Less cool was the fact that they weren’t wearing any shoes
Cuban Félix Carbajal, a 5ft (1.5m) tall man who had fundraised his journey to the Olympics. This man got to New Orleans, lost all his money on a dice game, then had to walk and hitchhike his way to St. Louis. Mind you, that is almost 700 miles. He shows up to the race, having not eaten in 40 hours, dressed like THIS:
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This man gets another bullet point because apparently his trousers were all the way down to his boots when he got there. Another Olympian took pity on him and cut them with scissors
Now for the race itself. It is in the 90s (32 degrees Celsius) and humid. For some god awful reason, they decided to start the race at 3pm, so it’s the hottest part of the day. The course is only 24.85 miles (40km) long instead of a standard 26.2, but that doesn’t mean this was an easier race. On the fucking contrary, it was hellish. I’ll let the Smithsonian article about this explain it because they do it much better than I ever could:
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Now, I’ve never ran a marathon before, but I looked it up and the current recommendation is that water stations are placed every two miles.
The race is a go and things are off to a nasty start. American William Garcia almost becomes the first fatality of an Olympic event because he inhaled so much dust that his stomach was hemorrhaging. He was found unconscious by the side of the road by a local couple and had to be hospitalized. Apparently he would have bled to death if he’d been left for an hour longer.
But the dust isn’t the only issue. Apparently, Len Taunyane, one of our South African participants, gets chased a mile off course by wild dogs. He still placed 9th.
Probably my favorite participant is our boy Félix. Félix was stopping to chat with spectators in the middle of an Olympic race. At one point he stopped a car because he saw that the riders were eating peaches and asked if he could have some. They refused, but he snatched two anyway and ate them while he ran. He later came across an orchard and stopped to eat some apples, but apparently the apples were rotten, so he got stomach cramps and took a nap. HE STILL GOT FOURTH PLACE. That’s how much of a shitshow this race was, and we’re not even done.
Fred Lorz starts getting cramps around the 9-mile mark and decides to hitch a ride with one of the cars that is guiding them. He’d been leading the charge for a while and was a crowd favorite to win.
The other leader of the pack and favorite to win, Thomas Hicks, started having to use a support crew at the 10-mile mark. He was begging them for water, but they refused. He somehow managed to keep trucking along, though.
Seven miles from the finish line, Hicks’ handlers started feeding him egg whites mixed with strychnine, which is literally rat poison. There were literally no rules against performance-enhancing drugs yet, so this was apparently above-board.
Lorz gets out of the car he was riding in after 11 miles and just,,,, kept running????? He finished the race and was declared the winner. He was about to be given a gold medal when “someone called an indignant halt to the proceedings with the charge that Lorz was an imposter.” Lorz claimed it was all a joke and that he wouldn’t have actually accepted the award, but was still banned from competing in future marathons. That is, of course, until this decision was overturned in time for him to run in and win the Boston Marathon the next year.
Now Hicks had seen Lorz pass by. He was not doing too hot at all, but finding out that Lorz had been disqualified and he was still in the lead helped his motivation. He was given another dose of egg whites and strychnine with some brandy to wash it down, which, sure. Why the fuck not at this point?
At this point, he began to hallucinate. He started to believe that he had 20 more miles left to go instead of just two. He kept begging for food and rest, but his handlers just gave him more brandy and two more egg whites because of course he was. By the time he made it to the finish line, he was literally being carried by his handlers while his feet shuffled, but that was apparently good enough and he was declared the winner.
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It took four doctors and a full hour for Hicks to recover enough to even leave the area after the race. He apparently lost eight fucking pounds during the course of the race. Hicks pretty much retired from racing after that (I wonder why) and became a professional clown, which really is just the cherry on top
Of the 32 people who competed in the race, only 14 finished. After everything, they literally almost removed the marathon as an Olympic event because it was deemed “indefensible on any ground but historic,” and honestly? After reading all that fuckery, I can’t even blame them.
Another note about Félix, because this man baffles me: apparently he was sponsored by the Greek government to compete in a 1906 marathon in Athens, but he never turned up. Newspapers in Cuba claimed he died, but he just??? Showed up a year later in Havana perfectly fine. Turns out he managed to get the date of the marathon wrong.
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pxnsneverland · 8 months
Beauty and The Boss | austin!elvis x oc (part 12) {THE END}
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plot summary: Laura Jean Walker is the daughter to Louisiana’s most powerful mafia boss, but to her, he’s just her jail warden. When she sneaks out to the Louisiana Hayride with her friend she sees Elvis Presley perform and instantly knows something is special about this boy. Especially when he saves her from being assaulted by a townie. She thinks she’s on cloud 9 until she gets kidnapped in the middle of the night by the Memphis Mafia led by Elvis himself. Will Laura Jean try to free herself or will something hold her back from finding her way home?
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11
pairings: austin!elvis x oc
word count: 1257
warnings/notes: Gun Violence
Chapter 12
Everyone became quiet after the gunshot. No one moved as though their feet were firmly planted on the ground. I looked into my father's lifeless eyes. They were as vacant as they had been when he had been alive. I was expecting to feel some shame or guilt. I felt nothing but relief because I was no longer bothered by an issue. My gaze slowly lifted to my father's guys, who were still stunned. Most of them had known me since I was a child, and I knew none of them could have predicted the conclusion of this visit. Even I couldn't have imagined it, but I'd done it, and there was no turning back now.
“If any of you boys have an issue with this turn of events, I’ve got plenty more bullets in this gun.” My voice never wavered, and I was shocked by my newfound assurance.
Nobody argued. Instead, they knelt before me, one by one, like a freshly crowned queen. And I guess that's what I was now, since the line of succession went with the most powerful and vicious. Who wouldn't think that someone who had murdered a previous boss and father wasn't the strongest? I lowered the gun with a sneer on my face. “Good.”
That's when Elvis rediscovered his voice. “You alright, darlin’?”
I returned his stare, which was filled with worry. I smiled at him, soothing him. “I’m fine. Somehow…it was always goin’ to end this way. If he had killed you, I would have eventually killed him anyway.” I believe I was fortunate in that I was faster with my draw. Because if he had shot Elvis, a part of me would have given him a lot slower death than a gunshot through the skull.
Elvis approached me and drew me into his arms. I hid my face in his shoulder, taking a deep breath and sobbing. My adrenaline was wearing off, and I felt like I had ran 10 miles. Elvis massaged my back and kissed the top of my head softly. He spoke quickly in my ear words of comfort and encouragement till I was able to stand on less unsteady legs. Even when I confronted my new mafia lackeys, he maintained his arm around me.
“Take Daddy’s body and bury it somewhere no one will ever find it. Not even me,” I ordered, “He doesn’t deserve to be buried on his land with Mama.” They moved fast, four of them effortlessly pulling Daddy off the floor. “Oh, and before you go do that…know this. The rivalry between the Presleys and the Walkers is over. We are one mafia family now and we work together.”
“And any of you who don’t like it can join Walker in his new unmarked grave,” he said. He returned his gaze to his subordinates. “That goes for y’all as well.”
Everyone agreed with a nod of their heads.
The next months were a flurry of joy. Elvis and I had a magnificent wedding on the grounds of Graceland, recognizing that having it at home was more meaningful than having it in Hollywood. Anne became my maid of honor after I persuaded her that Elvis wasn't the rotten offspring of Satan she imagined. Jerry was Elvis' best man, and Elvis insisted on having the Colonel escort me down the aisle. I was on the verge of tripping the old snowman with each stride, but I held my cool for Elvis. I knew he'd realize who the Colonel truly was one day, even if it wasn't today. It was a day filled with smiles, giggles, kisses, and photos that were plastered on every magazine cover the next day. I swear I could hear Elvis's fans all sobbing together the moment he said "I do."
Colonel maintained his word and landed Elvis an acting contract in Hollywood after the honeymoon in Hawaii. The Colonel practically urged Elvis to leave me at Graceland, claiming that the movie star life was too hazardous for me. Colonel caved when Elvis stayed firm and threatened to ruin his Hollywood career if I wasn't allowed to go. It was difficult to leave Graceland since it had become my home, but Elvis was my heart, and I would follow that wherever.
We'd been in Hollywood for about a month, staying in a home paid for by the studio. Elvis returned home late from filming most evenings. In the beginning, I would be with him in the studio during the day and at night. But I had a cold from being outdoors the first week, and Elvis required I go home around sunset if he was still shooting. I was almost happy at his demand for the sickness still hadn’t disappeared after a few weeks. Most days, I got a headache and felt sick. I had gone to the doctor that morning, and now I was looking in the bathroom mirror, wondering how I hadn't seen it sooner. I couldn't decide whether I should be delighted or afraid, and what would Elvis think? His film career had just begun; he didn't need this further burden, did he? He was already exhausted.
I was still lost in contemplation when I heard the bedroom door open. Elvis stepped in with his hair unkempt, his shirt undone, and traces of performance makeup on his face. “Laura Jean?”
“I’m here,” I said from the restroom. I took a big breath and tried to relax. I needed to tell him, and I needed to tell him immediately. I stepped inside the bedroom.
Elvis grinned the moment he spotted me. He approached me, placed his arms around my waist, and pressed me against his body. “How’s my mafia queen doin’?”
I chuckled lightly. “Making sure all the business Daddy had been neglecting because of his vendetta against you is settled. Seems he forgot about everything else when you bested him.”
“A mafia boss with a one track mind ain’t never gonna succeed in his game. It was only a matter of time before someone dethroned him.”
I chewed on my lower lip. “So, I went to the doctor today…”
Elvis' brow wrinkled, and the playful expression on his face faded. “What’s wrong? Is this about your stomach bein’ upset all the time?”
“A-A little…they figured out why.”
Elvis pressed his palms on my cheeks, compelling me to face him in the eyes. “Laura Jean…darlin’ tell me what’s wrong.”
Looking him in the eyes shattered me, and the tears I'd been holding back flowed down my cheeks. “I’m pregnant, Elvis.”
As Elvis maintained eye contact with me, I could see gears working in his mind. Waiting for his reply was like treading on pins for me. He brushed my tears away with his thumb before bending down and kissing me tenderly. He lingered for a few minutes on my lips before drawing back. When he did, I saw his eyes were glossy from the unshed tears. “I ain’t never thought I could be more happy than I already was. I was sure I didn’t deserve anymore happiness after all that had been given to me. Now, I feel like I’m gonna burst into sunshine or somethin’. I love you so much.” He put his palm on my stomach, which had not yet started to reveal what was going on inside of me. “Both of you.” 
Wrapping my arms around Elvis' neck, I finally allowed myself to feel thrilled about my pregnancy. “We love you too.” He clutched me hard, his face buried in my hair.
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silascody · 2 months
Characters: Silas Cody, various mentions / allusions to others. 
Timeline and setting: April 25th, 2023 + Lone Fir Cemetery in Portland, Oregon. 
Trigger warning: death, child death, grief, cancer, drugs, suicide ideation. 
“I think you’d have smoked Acapulco Gold, if you’d smoked,” Silas says as he tilts the matchbox he’s just retrieved from the pocket of the jacket he had to take off due to the heat to free one, striking it against the headstone he was sat beside to light up his joint. “Or maybe you’d have been a Bubba Kush kinda guy. Lemon haze?” 
He lets that question hang in the air as he takes a long, lung-deep toke as if he was waiting for his brother’s voice to speak back to him with answers. It wouldn’t, it never did, and somehow that hadn’t gotten easier with the passing of time like all those stupid pamphlets and well-meaning wishes had told him. 
According to his birth certificate, Portland was his home, the city that raised him but it had never quite felt that way. Not even twelve years in California with five of those spent locked in a cage had been enough to restore any rose-tinted memories for him of the first place that had ever left scars on his body. 
For the first four years of his life, eerie children’s characters painted on chipped hospital walls had been his most frequent friends, unblinking eyes that watched him silently as he tried to be a brave boy like his mother demanded while his body was poked and prodded and used as a last lifeline for the dying boy who was the only reason he existed in the first place. That had been Silas’ job, the only one that ever mattered, to save Jack. 
( Four years old was too innocent to truly comprehend the magnitude of death. ) 
“I wish we could have smoked together. Or just done anything together, really. Sometimes I wish that you lived and I died, I think you’d have done it better than me. Living. I only knew you for four years but you were the best guy I ever knew. If it had of gone that way, I don’t think mom would have forgotten to smile the way she did and maybe dad wouldn’t have drank so much. I think you guys would have been sad a while but you’d have moved on. We could never move on from you. We were never allowed to. It made me hate you. Man, I fucking hated you.” 
His head leans back against the black marble headstone that bore gold lettering with JACK CODY carved into it along with his birth and death date. The picture of the beaming boy that was displayed on it with his brunette hair still intact before treatment bore a striking resemblance to the weary man tapping ash into the patch of grass that separated his brother’s resting place from someone else’s loved ones. 
They had always looked the most alike, the oldest and youngest of the Cody boys, and Silas had adorned his body with various tattoos and images from his teen years in the hopes that maybe if they were less similar his mother would have been able to bear looking at him. 
“Not really though. It just made being here without you easier. I’ve always been better with being angry than being upset, you know?” 
Out of the corner of his eye, he can’t help but notice the vibrant arrangement of blue irises that had to have been freshly placed for how they had been fairing against the weather, his hand reaching out to brush his fingertips against their petals as he held his spliff in between his lips. 
“Mom’s still alive then,” He observes after he exhales, feeling equal parts relief and revulsion at knowing that. It makes him curious about if she had ever found herself sat in the same cemetery as he was, at the same grave, sharing the same regrets. It’s been years since he had seen her face but he could picture it so clearly due to how regularly he saw her in that state, cheeks tearstained after weeping for the boy who had been dead for longer than he had. Had she ever wept for the wayward one that still had a heartbeat on any of her visits? 
He would have settled for wondered if not, to be a fleeting thought in the mind of the woman who had given him life for no other reason than to prolong her firstborn’s was better than being nothing at all which is what he felt like most of the time. 
( Thirteen years old was too young to die. ) 
“I don’t why I thought she might visit me, when I was in prison. I wrote her a letter, tried to say I’m sorry for being such a fuck-up. Not just with the drugs and shit, with everything. She never wrote back, which should have been my first clue but, I don’t know. Every week when visiting hours would roll around, I thought maybe she might show and sit across from me and maybe hold my hand or something and we could try and mend some shit.” There’s a humourless laugh that leave’s his mouth then, that kind of naivety was something he hated in other people and he would never have confided this in anyone living, which made Jack the only person he could really talk to these days. 
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“You wouldn’t know but, let me tell how it goes after someone dies, people rally. They show up. They look out for you, but then they show up less ‘cause they moved on. Moved forward, even if you’re still stuck in it. That’s what prison is like too. Six months, a year, people show up to visit, they accept your calls, they write you. But then you hit two years, and three, four and you start to see that you’re just not important to people like that. It doesn’t fit with their life anymore, because they’re moving forward and you’re just stuck there. Living out the same fucking day, day in, day out. Sometimes I used to hope someone would start shit with me just for something to do,” He knows that Jack would have laughed at that, the same way he always did when Silas found himself in a wrestling match in the living room with Nathan, who was three years older than him and had always been built like a brick house even back then.
As much as he loathed Nate, he had taught him a valuable lesson early on – it was just as important to know how to take a punch than it was to be able to throw one. 
“Remember that girl I told you about last time I was here? The one I said I’ma marry one day, you don’t even wanna fucking know how that turned out.”
It’s harder for him to make light of that topic as he did every other one, even when speaking to deaf ears. Some part of him knew that if he felt less for Jordan, it would be easier to speak about her – but he’s never been good at doing less when she was in the equation. 
Ever since they had first crossed paths he’s always wanted more from her – to love him more, to need him more, to give him more. More, more, more while all he had to offer her was himself which had a track record of always being just a little less than. 
It had never occurred to him that he had been expecting too much, not until her visits started to be missed and his calls started to be screened. 
“She’s prolly better off without me around but, classic Silas, can’t have that. So I been keeping tabs on her fucking daily even though I've been out for two years. Day they let me out that cage I had this stupid fucking notion in my head that she’s gonna remember why she gave a fuck about me in the first place and she'd be there outside the gates waiting for me even though we hadn't spoke in four years. She wasn't, so I went on a two week coke bender with this chef chick that I met the day I was released and the rest of the last two years have been a fucking blur of trying to forget about her.” He clicks his tongue then, a shake of his head following as he crosses his ankles so he can stretch his legs out in front of him, keeping a stoney faced expression despite the sympathetic smile aimed his way by a dark-haired woman who was trudging her way towards a cluster of headstones just passed where he was sat. 
“No such luck, not that it matters. I think she hates me, and in some ways I get that ‘cause they tell me getting released is getting a second chance but I haven't done shit with mine.” 
( Thirty three years old was too old to change. ) 
Even with the debts that he had racked up just before he was sent away and while he was in there now cleared, he has no idea what the fuck he wants to do with his life. After seven years removed from what he considered his norm, it takes him by surprise that he’s starting to see cycle he was caught in. 
“Wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world, would it? You and me kicking it here forever. Seems like no matter what I do, it always comes back to me and you.” 
Silas, Jack. Jack, Silas. Oldest, youngest. Selfless, selfish. 
A boy taken too young and a man who’s lived longer than anyone anticipated. 
Finally, he’s getting himself up off the ground, patting off stray blades of grass that hand clung the fabric of his dark jeans before he reached down to pick his jacket up. 
“I’ll be honest with you man, I don’t think I’m going to be back here again. It just hurts too much to be in this city and to be here. I don’t how much more hurt I can handle, which probably makes me sound like a pussy but it’s just the truth. I want you to know that it doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten about you ‘cause I never could. You weren’t just my big brother, you were my best brother. I’m sorry I couldn’t save you.” 
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hannahssimblr · 4 months
Chapter Seven
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I adjust the cat ears on my head for the fourth time, despite only being there for ten minutes. They’re a bit slap-dash, the construction isn’t great, because I made them by following a YouTube tutorial on my laptop the night before the party with bleary eyes and a bit of a tension headache. Izzy let me borrow her glue gun so that I could attach triangles of white foam to black and curl the ears around an old plastic hair band I had that I had lying under my bed, but I’ve been finding myself pulling glue strings off it constantly.
“You look nice.” She assures me now, dressed as a pirate. “Very cute.”
I feel too cute for Halloween. Everyone else is dressed either scary or funny, while all I’ve done is paint whiskers on my face, the result being that I’m neither, I’m just lazy. The tight pleather skirt and corset that I never gave back to Marnie after I borrowed it two years ago makes me feel naked and self conscious, too uncovered, too done up, like a little girl play-acting like an adult. Nobody else is even wearing high heels, not even Claire, who’s in a witch costume from Dealz, and I feel ridiculous in mine. It’s only Shane’s house anyway, Shane’s friends, who I don’t know, and are certainly not bothered about the fact that I can balance in five inch heeled boots that come all the way up to my thighs and have me paranoid that my mother will somehow appear and ask me to change. 
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Shane is dressed as Darth Vader, helmet under his arm, because when he’s wearing it he’s not able to eat or drink anything. Someone already got a video of themselves trying to shove Doritos through the tiny mouth slits to no avail, and now there’s crumbs all over the floor that nobody will take responsibility for. Every time he walks into a room, be it the kitchen or the living room, somebody chants “Shane-oooooo” and then all the boys make these weird animalistic sounds with the grace and decorum of gorillas at the zoo. He just grins like he’s used to it. 
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“Eviiiiiieeee.” He musses up my hair as he saunters by, as if to subtly remind me that while I might have made an attempt to be sexy tonight, I’m still perpetually twelve in his eyes. He’s also been drinking, and Shane, on account of the rules of the football team, is not allowed to drink. We’ve all been warned that if his coach finds out he’ll be in trouble, hence why nobody is allowed to take a picture of him with a beer in his hand. I’ve seen the scene play out about three times already. The flash of a digital camera and then him, waving his hand around. “Nah, man, delete, delete.”
I think it’s been three years since I’ve seen him this way, and while he’s the merry kind of drunk, I can’t help but wonder if all of this has anything to do with the argument I accidentally overheard between him and Claire earlier this evening. I haven’t asked her about it, as she will deny it, but as I watch her from across the room, her body seems wound tight, tension emanating from her like an aura. Even as she’s laughing with the guy in a cow costume, I can tell her heart isn’t in it. I know her fake laugh from her real one, when she really wants to be somewhere and when she’d rather be at home snuggled in blankets and watching Say Yes to the Dress. 
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I wander into the kitchen and take a moderately warm beer out of a box. The fridge is full up with lunchboxes of chicken and rice meals and eight litres of milk, a carton for each of the four guys who lives here and refuses to split one with anybody else. I go into the living room but vacate soon after I come in, as some lad with a big square UCD head has cleared the room by trying to show everyone how he can rap the song from the end credits of Men in Black without looking up the words.
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Michelle and Simon are just arriving, and are unloading a shopping bag full of mixers onto the cluttered counter when I return. They wave me over when I wander in. “Are you drinking Galahad?” Simon says in a voice caught between outrage and disgust. I stare down at my hand. I suppose I am. 
“It’s all that was going for free.” I admit. “I didn’t bring any of my own drink.” I’m too cheap. And trying not to drink, clearly unsuccessfully.
“You like that shit?”
“Um.” I crack it open for an experimental sip. “Not really, no. It’s not the best.” 
“Oh, have some of ours then” Michelle says brightly. She lightly grabs my forearm and pulls me closer to them, out of the path of another man in another obstructing helmet who cannot see where he is going. I realise, as she’s rummaging in her giant handbag that there’s actually something quite disarming and pleasant about her. I never thought she seemed particularly friendly before, there’s something tough and no-nonsense about her, but now for the very first time she seems rather sweet. 
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She yanks out a bottle of El Jimador Tequila and my palms prickle at the sight of it. I didn’t really intend on diving right into spirits tonight, but something about the way that droplets of condensation are clinging to the outside of the cold glass bottle while the can of Galahad warms even further in my hand makes my mouth feel twice as dry. 
“You alright with tequila?” She asks, reaching around for a few plastic cups stacked on the counter. 
I shrug. “I’ve no issue with tequila.”
“Grand.” Michelle unscrews it and starts pouring glugs into a cup. “I know someone who vomits at just the smell of it, which is why I asked.”
“Great image to have while you’re serving it up to me.” I comment, and she laughs. “Sorry, yeah, I just can’t really think about tequila without thinking about that.” I help her by reaching for a nearby bottle of orange juice. It’s what Marnie and I would always mix it with when there was nothing more sophisticated to be found. As I pour it into the cup, Simon gets distracted by someone nearby and strikes up his own conversation, and I take advantage of my moment alone with Michelle. 
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“Hey, sorry if it’s awkward, but I was talking to Jude the other day…”
She nods, still looking at the cup. 
“…and he was wondering if he could have your new number. He said you’ve changed phones or something? He didn’t say why or anything, I just told him I’d get it for you.”
Her eyes flit to mine. “Oh yeah, no worries. You have your phone handy?”
“Uh, yep.” I wrestle it out of the tight waistband of my skirt, embarrassed by the imprint on my skin on the screen. She taps in her details, then I offer his number to her, and transfer the details from one phone to the other. The middle man, just here to facilitate whatever weirdness this is without any insight into why. 
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“He didn’t say anything to you about Jen, did he?” She asks, a tinge of vulnerability behind her words, and I blink. “Um, no, he didn’t. Not really.”
“Alright cool.”
“Should he have?”
“Ah, no, it’s nothing, like, I was just wondering. She hasn’t replied to my messages in a few days. I thought maybe he might have heard from her.”
“Isn’t she coming tonight?”
“I doubt it. She was invited, but she didn’t respond to the invitation, as far as I know.”
“Oh. Well, Jude didn’t mention that he heard from her, but I have a feeling he hasn’t. I didn’t think they were talking at all.”
“Yeah, well, they’re not not talking. She’s just a bit off the grid at the moment. He said something to Pamela once that pissed her off, but honestly, I can’t really keep up with everything that’s been said or not said…” She fiddles with the torn collar of her zombie school girl costume. “I just hoped that since she’s not replying to me she might have replied to him.”
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“Well you can ask him yourself now.” I say with a smile that I hope says please don’t involve me, which prompts her to smile back. A wide, even smile that calls to mind a photo I saw in the depths of her facebook profile before where she was wearing braces. I wonder if Jude’s dad was her orthodontist. They’ve made her look very pretty, but even with crooked teeth I think she’d still be. As if somebody like Jude Turner would have ever settled for anything less than the prettiest girl at his school. As if he’d ever have to. 
She looks down at her phone, staring at his number in her contacts. “Yeah I’ll text him tomorrow, or he’ll text me, I suppose. Whichever. It’s honestly a bit weird to see his number in my phone again, but…” her eyes flick to mine. “What’s the story with you two anyway? Jen said you liked each other, or you’re together or something?”
I bark out a laugh, surprised. “No, well, I fancied him once, and he didn’t like me back. That’s all, nothing really happened.” 
She frowns. “Oh right? Because I-”
“Well, okay, that’s a lie. We kissed once.” I blurt out. “Twice, actually, but it was like, I heard he kisses all of his female friends so it’s a bit classic, you know? I know it didn’t mean anything.” I bury my nose into my cup and take anxious sips from it. I probably shouldn’t have said that. She probably doesn’t need to know it, but her face softens into a smile. “Right. I know how he is. He can get a bit swept away.”
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“Right, because you were together… how long?” I say, even though I already know the answer. I’ll have to do this dance, regardless of how stupid and awkward it makes me feel so that I won’t have to admit that I scoured her Facebook page with the kind of intensiveness that could only be rivalled by a full time private investigator. 
“Eleven months. We broke up when he got into that Berlin school, he just didn’t want to do long distance with me, so,” She shrugs, pouring herself a drink. “It didn’t feel great but I got it. I get it. You either have the personality for it or you don’t. Maybe I could have done it, but he couldn’t.” She exhales a laugh. “He definitely couldn’t. He needs too much contact with people. I think he’s a bit ‘out of sight, out of mind’.”
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“Still, mustn’t have been easy.”
“No. I liked him a lot. It just felt really hard to understand why we broke up at the time, like there was nothing wrong with our relationship and it felt like he was just chucking it out and that pissed me off for ages.”
“I get it, like if he was your first-”
“Oh, no.” She interrupts. “We weren’t each other’s first anything. He was just my friend who became my boyfriend and then all we ended up doing was making things weird for Jen when we split up. The whole thing was a stupid idea, honestly. I was just young and I was…” She trails off in search of the right word. “Enticed by him.”
“He’s enticing.” I agree, and she nods.  “He is. He’s always had that specific american brand of charisma, we all used to make fun of his accent and stuff when we were younger, I mean, to the point that he tried to disguise it, but actually it was one of the things that made him interesting. You know?”
“I do.”
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“And if it means anything to you at this point, I mean, I don’t know how much you even care, Jen told me that he fancied you once.”
“Ages ago.” She waves her hand dismissively. “Like, years probably. I forced it out of her when we were hanging out, I dunno why, like, I suppose I was feeling self destructive or something, I asked her if she knew about any other girls and she’s so bad at keeping things in, I knew she’d eventually just tell me, and she said that he liked this girl he met on the beach.”
“Oh.” I say with deliberate neutrality, “Well, it was so long ago, I suppose it hardly matters now.”
“Bit late, yeah?” She says with a laugh. “But I think it’s nice to know those kinds of things. It’s good for the ego. I was mad jealous, by the way.”
“You were?”
“Yes of course! I looked up your Facebook page and everything.”
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“Oh God” I shield my face. “The state of my Facebook page back then. I bet that made you feel better about yourself.”
“No! I was raging, you were so pretty.” I roll my eyes but she insists. “There was this one picture I remember fuming over, where you were standing by the edge of a swimming pool, and I just thought ‘for God sake, her legs.’”
I stare down at my legs now, poking out of the bottom of this pleather skirt, and they look perfectly average to me. Paler than average, maybe, but that’s about the extent of their uniqueness. “My legs?”
“Yeah obviously. They’re perfect. I almost cried looking at you, like, knowing that he’d never want me again when he’d already wanted someone like you. Then we ran into you that time at that horrible cocktail bar and I had to pretend not to recognise you, I was so scared that you’d somehow figure out what I’d been doing.”
“God, Michelle, that’s so crazy. I did the same thing as you. When I found out who you were I stalked your Facebook for hours.”
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“You didn’t!”
“I swear to God.”
“What did you think?”
I tell her, and we laugh about how silly we were, and how much cleverer we are now, and all the things that used to fill our heads and ruin our days, and it’s the most strangely healing thing to know that I wasn’t the only crazy girl, and even she, the sharp, intimidating person I pictured, was unravelling on the inside just like me. 
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When I finish my drink she pours me another, and I find myself warming to her utterly. She’s funny, she’s honest, she’s charming, which only makes me feel worse about the horrible, envious thoughts I had about her years ago. Eventually Simon rejoins our conversation, so we pivot to other things, like art and film. The party swirls around us and the music gets louder, and eventually, by the time Macklemore’s Thrift Shop is on its fourth rotation and my cup has been filled and emptied twice more I excuse myself and head out to the front steps for some fresh air.
Beginning // Prev // Next
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fandomtransmandom · 5 months
Bill Hader's Favorite Movies of 2023🎥
I still haven’t seen “Poor Things” or “All of Us Strangers,” both of which I hear are great. That said:
“All the Beauty and the Bloodshed” — I think this came out in 2022, but I saw it this year and loved it. It turned me on to her photography, which is phenomenal.
“Anatomy of a Fall” — That couple fighting in the kitchen was so well written, directed, and acted I thought I was going to have a panic attack. And Milo Machado Graner’s performance is beautiful.
“Beau is Afraid” — This felt like the nightmare a nervous guy has before he visits his overbearing mother. One of the boldest American films I’ve seen in years. Kylie Rodgers drinking that paint! Jesus…
“The Boy and the Heron” — A legend! I like how he animates gusts of wind.
“El Conde” — Ed Lachman’s cinematography is gorgeous. And the visual effects are very well done.
“Evil Dead Rise” — I’m a sucker for “The Evil Dead” movies. I’ll never look at a cheese grater the same again.
“Fallen Leaves” — Simple and beautiful storytelling. Their first date is one of my favorite scenes of the year.
“Killers of the Flower Moon” — One of my heroes adapting one of my favorite contemporary authors, I went in with big expectations and was completely knocked out. Scorsese somehow continues to discover new moves in his storytelling. I’ve never seen a love story like this in his movies. And the banality of evil that De Niro portrays I haven’t seen either; it’s usually Biblical evil! It’s very inspiring. And it was nice seeing the light and the land of my home state faithfully captured on film.
“May December” — Unbelievable performances from everyone. Natalie Portman’s recreation of the letter! Stoned Charles Melton on the roof! And Julianne Moore continues to prove she might be the best living actor in the world. I’ve always been a huge Todd Haynes fan, and this is one of his best.
“Showing Up” — Kelly Reichart is a national treasure. Her films have the simplicity/complexity of a great short story. I love the sound in her movies. A campfire in one of her movies sounds different from campfires in most movies (although I don’t think there’s a campfire in this one).
“Talk to Me” — What a great idea for a horror movie! I said, “Oh no” out loud multiple times while watching it alone in my house.
“The Zone of Interest” — I can honestly say I’ve loved every movie Jonathan Glazer has made — all four of them! He’s so confident in his instincts. Like that opening title! The static camera. The sound design. The music! All the withholding. It adds up to an experience I’ve never had watching a movie. And all I do is lay around like a slob watching movies, so that’s really saying something.
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Thank you @martymcdie88mph for bringing this to my attention❤️
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rere9500-18 · 10 months
This fanfic (‘Brothers By Blood’), but I’ve thought about how to really make it canon. (Or at least in my head anyways.) With a few tweaks to the actual fanfiction.
Art by me. Fanfic by ‘@MultiFangirl7148’
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Family tree:
Wu has a wife in this. Her name is Carolin. The four main ninja (Zane, Cole, Kai, and Jay) are the sons of these two, with Zane being the oldest, Cole and Kai being twins (I headcanon Cole to be the older by 8 minutes), and Jay as the youngest of the four.
Ray, originally just a friend of Carolin’s in the fic, was changed to being her younger brother in my head, making him the uncle of the four main ninja, while also making his daughter, Nya, the cousin of the Ninja. (From their mother’s side.)
Garmadon is Wu’s brother, making Lloyd the cousin of the Ninja as well. (From their father’s side.) Which makes Garmadon the Ninjas’ uncle.
It is only those 6 children-wise (No Crystal or Owen) in my headcanon.
You’ll have to read the fic to the end (SPOILERS)
but when you do, Carolin uses a spell that actually, let’s say, “resets” Ninjago in order to save her children’s lives. Unfortunately, it cost her her own life, killing her. A life to save a life. (From now on, it’s just me adding on with my headcanons since the fic ends with Carolin sacrificing herself.)
Carolin, from then on, is only really remembered by Wu and a select few in this ‘reset-ed’ reality. (Somehow, Carolin was able to maneuver that to be.) (Unfortunately, the select few would become a lot of people to everyone as a spell can never really be that full-proof. Plus, she reset everything in Ninjago with the spell. Something had to give.)
From then on, Wu would set out to find his sons in the world Carolin reset to save their family.
The memories would only be restored by this family as they grew. Wu just needed to find them and figure out just how exactly to restore them.
He would find his eldest son turned into a robot, (mostly) by Dr Julien. Once an old friend to Wu and Carolin, he tried his best to do well by them and their family, but sometimes we all think differently when we think of ‘the best’ for others. He wanted to protect Zane from emotional hurt, so he took apart most of his humanity and sliced it in half. Something the soon-to-be-other Ninja would despise him for. He would always claim to have the best in mind for Zane though. And maybe he did. But the Ninja would soon realize they could never truly forgive him for that. (While he looks like a robot, there still is humanity left in Zane no one can take away. Although turned half-robot half-human, the soon-to-remember Ninja would love him.)
Wu would then find his second-eldest soon in the care of Lilly. Lilly, former elemental master of earth, originally a dear friend to Carolin in the fic, was changed to being her baby sister in my headcanon. She gave her powers to Cole, due to this thing I made up being an elemental master can give their power to a potential future elemental master when they’re (the former elemental master) is old enough and mentally ready to pass said powers on. Both Lilly and Ray have done this for Cole and Kai.
Both her and Ray are special cases actually. While her spell was completing itself, Carolin somehow managed to step into space and time and communicate with her baby siblings. She asked them to take care of her babies as she had to separate the twins in their care.
She gifted Cole to the youngest sister (making Lilly Cole and Kai’s aunt) and gifted Kai to the middle sibling (making Ray Kai and Cole’s uncle). They both promised to look after her boys, wanting to do right by their older sister.
Carolin left Kai with Ray, Maya, and Nya because she knew he was going to be a good brother to Nya. She’s seen it with her own eyes. As they grew older and inevitably learned the truth of their now two childhoods combined, they’d learned that they were never siblings, but cousins. Fortunately for all of them, the ninja would learn that Nya and Lloyd are still family and would ultimately call/treat them like siblings anyway. Because that’s exactly what they did when Carolin was here. (Once they remember, of course.)
And last, but not least, Jay would ultimately be left at a scrap yard, much to Carolin’s lasting disappointment. She had gifted Jay to a close friend of hers, the former Lightning elemental. But due to some reason (maybe she couldn’t handle the stress of it all?? Maybe something deeper was going on?), she left Jay and possibly Carolin and her family behind for someone else to get involved with: Ed and Edna Walker. While they were not asked to, they saw little Jay on their doorstep and immediately took him in, and for that, Carolin will always bless them from whatever space heaven there is.
I’m not too sure on Lloyd rn. I just know he’s found later too.
On the concept of ‘Found family’, I’d like to think in this universe, it’s Carolin and her dedication to protect her family, even at the point of RESETTING THE ENTIRETY OF NINJAGO that sort of paved the path for the soon-to-be-ninja, as they walked their own ways to find each other and their memories.
Once they get their memories back, Carolin will come up in conversations; memories of when they were all in a previous un-reseted Ninjago. The times where they would be doing the next craziest thing or simply telling Christmas stories in the comfort of their home. Memories they’re gonna have to carry alone in this new Ninjago… together.
(Well, they’re not alone. Ninjago has this trend where something that’s claimed to only be known by only a few actually is known/gets to be known by almost everybody, so Ima stick with that trend because it’s actually kinda funny 😂
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