#solitaire is also a little cringe
chronic-cynic · 29 days
I know everyone wants a Solitaire movie (and so do I) but I honestly think they'd fuck it up beyond anyone's imagination.
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yellowocaballero · 2 months
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How many works do you have on AO3? 54. Hm. I don't remember writing 54 fics. That's weird. But I've been posting since 2017 so when you THINK about it 54 fics over 7 years isn't weird at all.
What’s your total AO3 word count? 2.4 million. What's your point.
What fandoms do you write for? A fuckton. I write both things I'm hyperfixated on and for random shit that comes in my head. I was into TMA for like two years so I have the most TMA fic (16), but most of my fandoms are 3-5 fics maximum. There's also a lot of random-ass fics for random-ass fandoms that just jumped in my head. Artemis Fowl, Beetlejuice, Animorphs...demons that overtook me for two weeks or so and never bothered me again.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? The Great Gender Heist (Artemis Fowl, no surprise there.), stay out of trouble (Detroit: Become Human, I reliably forget that one exists and I'm still mystefied as to why so many people read it), meek shall inherit (I'm constantly attempting to forget the Be More Chill phase ever happened), someone will remember us (Batman, fic's not great, am still very fond of that au) and dead or alive (DBH, mediocre). Why the hell are the two Detroit: Become Human fics so popular? I hate DBH so much. I was so angry while writing those.
Do you respond to comments? I am absolutely terrible about responding to comments. I am sorry. I do read and appreciate all of them. It's because I always need to give a dialectical so comments take ages to write. If you do want to hear my thoughts on something, my inbox is your best bet for a way too lengthy response.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Hope, Etc for certain. I try really hard to write bittersweet at worst endings, and even the sad endings in my fics have hope in them. Hope, Etc definitely ends in a better place than where it began. But it's still very sad. I was thinking about a lot of lost loved ones while writing it. Fishhooks and reel to reel also have downer endings but that is because they are LITERALLY Star Wars.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Uhhhh. The ending of Solitaire (and the MLM/WLW hostility series in general) is very sweet. It's meaningful because it demonstrates so much growth from everybody with very little cost. I almost said Go Straight At The Cul De Sac, because it showcases a happier world where horrible historical events were averted, but the ending will always be a little bittersweet because we understand how much Protag sacrificed to create that better world.
Do you get hate on fics? Sometimes people are kind of weird. The worst of it is usually just useless comments, though. I had somebody get pedantic about how briefly mentioning an SUV would be historically inaccurate, and how I should have mentioned a minivan instead - like, did you read that fic and think I was from the suburbs? Do I look like I know what a minivan is? Lol? If I've received any actual more severe stuff I have no idea, since I delete the comment and delete it from my memory. I've never gotten anything too bad. I've been called ablest like three times, which is objectively hilarious.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? If I could write smut I'd be making bank on Kindle Unlimited right now.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Probably the FE3H/BNHA one I'm writing right now that will never see the light of day. Just kidding. I don't actually think I've posted any real crossovers - I DO write them, I just kind of feel like they're cringe so I never post them. I write a lot of cringe shit that never sees the light of day.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not nearly popular enough for that.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Several people have mentioned wanting to do that, but nope.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Not technically. But I do want to give due honors to all of the friends who are SO instrumental in the building of the AUs, stories, characters, etc, that they've had a huge impact on the story itself. I try to recognize them by name in the fics themselves but my stories would look completely different if it wasn't for my friends. Definitely much worse.
What’s your all time favorite ship? I'll differentiate favorite ships and favorite fictional romances. For ships, it's much less about the ship and more about the role in the story. I tend not to pay a lot of attention to that while writing, but sometimes I get lost in my own sauce and I drive myself a bit nuts. I am very fond of Hanyookim, especially in my own ORV story. For romances? My top ten list of fictional romances is as follows: number one: naturally, Sasunaru -
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? If it's up on AO3, it's done (with one or two very small exceptions - The Ending of Han Sooyoung epilogue I'll get to you I PROMISE). There's plenty of unfinished docs on my drive that I'll never finish, but that's because I decided that they weren't worth finishing.
What are your writing strengths? Dialogue and characterization. That's always been the case. I'm also pretty funny.
What are your writing weaknesses? Plotting. Action. Having stories that are not entirely dialogue. Where things happen and it's more than just people walking around talking. You know. Real stories -
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Always valid. I remember reading one Hispanic author talking about how he doesn't like italicizing the Spanish in his stories because it's otherizing, and I agreed enough with him that I don't tend to italicize other languages either. Sometimes I do. I try to do it purposefully, and to convey something that can only be conveyed through the extra language. I'll also only do it if I can have a friend who speaks that language write it out for me, since gtranslate sucks and I want to ask the friend how such a thing would actually be said and colloquialize it. I like using ASL in fics, and I am just in general begging people to a) write it like any other language, and b) understand that it's different from other languages and can't be written exactly the same. If your Star Wars fanfiction has so much gratuitous Mando'a that I can't understand anything the clones or Mandos are saying I hate you.
First fandom you wrote for? Batman Beyond. Yes, I have a FFN account somewhere. Yes, I was eleven. Yes, it was Batman Beyond.
Favorite fic you’ve written? The best thing I've written is Twilight on Owl Creek Bridge. Favorite is New Wave. That sucker took two years to write (INSANELY long for me) and it is exactly the story I wanted to write. Stephanie's a character I've been writing since I was 15, and the feeling of writing Stephanie and NAILING her for the very first time was so satisfying.
Tagging @usaigi and uh any other writer mutuals you all know who you are.
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dumbpizzabread · 7 months
Recommend me some of ur favourite books, movies or shows
This is the best question I have ever received!
Let's start with books
My number one absolute favourite book ever is Solitaire by Alice Oseman, The main character is Tori Spring (Charlie Springs Sisters from Heartstopper) I adore Tori as a character SO much bc I can relate to her on so many levels. There is also a Michael Holden which is also AWESOME they are both so real and the storyline is so interesting but it's not a love story
And then there is also The Wicker King by K.Ancrum it's kinda dark but not a thriller. It's about two best friends August and Jack which are really codependent. Jacks mind is fucked and he is hallucinating a bunch of weird stuff and they both try to fix it on their own. It used to be my very favourite book until I read solitaire.
The wickerking fandom is pretty much none existent and there is a lot of "hate" about the book on the Internet from the few people that know and have read the book bc its badly written or the storyline is cringe and that the characters codependency is stulid but I think that is bullshit.
Movie wise it's Harry Potter loved them when I was little and still do don't get me wrong but nowadays I get more exited about the little marauders mentionings in the movies
Top 1 fav movie is 10 things I hate about you
I just love 90s/2000s romcoms and this is the best one. Kat Stratford is just an awesome character and Heath Ledger is also starring in it. I easily watch this movie a couple times a month
Now series
Gilmore girls just bc it is very comforting for me bc I used to watch it with my mom when I was little
BBC Sherlock it's just GREAT
And Stranger Things. I didn't want to watch it for YEARS bc it was so overhyped on the Internet and I didnt want to watch another super hyped series and it ending up being the most boring shit I've ever seen
But then they started to promote season 4 and I gave in and started it and now im obsessed:)
That was a long answer...
Hope that helped:)
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two-aliens-in-a-suit · 9 months
Hello this is my blog introduction because although I've been on Tumblr for a while it's a total mess in here ヾ(^-^)ノ
Also: Please be aware, my blog is a safe and supportive space- I don't believe in cringe culture. If you're here to make fun of my posts for any reason, please make a speedy exit now
Since this is a long post I'll put it below the cut <3
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Fandoms I am in / may post about:
★ Doctor Who!!!! (current obsession)
★ Good Omens
★ Vocaloid and Project Sekai, in particular Nightcord at 25:00
★ Riordanverse
★ Osemanverse (mostly Solitaire)
★ Voltron & The Owl House
★ Musicals (my faves are probably Be More Chill, Heathers and Hamilton!!)
★ Yamikawaii / Menhera / Gurokawaii art, fashion and other content
★ DDLC, Omori, NSO, Class of 09
★ Bungou Stray Dogs & Sk8 the infinity
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Other things I may post about include: queer content, various alternative fashion styles, mental health content, cats (^._.^)ノ, art, politics, Halloween and many other things!!
I also write fan fiction sometimes but I will not be sharing that with the real life people who follow me, so please drop a message if you wish to hear more...
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Some music artists I like:
☆ Taylor Swift
☆ Pierce the Veil
☆ Ethel Cain
☆ Mitski
☆ Phoebe Bridgers
(yes I am a sad little man if you couldn't already tell)
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Reblogs, comments or messages are always appreciated, particularly on my art posts!! Feel free to talk to me about any of the things on this list and thanks for reading :D
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created-creator · 9 months
i'm tired of being the bad guy for saying this: let people have fun.
the world is such a vast place and people are so creative and beautiful and different and connected in all these various, intricate ways, and somehow we're just supposed to... not have fun about that?
like sometimes, online, i see people get DISPROPORTIONATELY upset that other people enjoy something like caramel in their coffee. i mean, maybe this is my fault specifically for using reddit from time to time, but there's entire groups of people that will treat having seen a starbucks in your peripheral vision as a crime. and it like... doesn't have to be???
i don't fucking know? let people enjoy caramel in their coffee. and yeah, tube socks aren't en vogue right now, but i have tube socks with puppies on them, let me wear them and have a good time. and let people engage with media you don't think is worthy of analysis or engaging with passively or even your time of day. let people write silly little romantic poems that they'll never show another soul. let people play goofy cartoon solitaire on their phones. let people smile at nothing. let people write fanfiction - i don't even fully know what fanfiction IS, but i still think it's important that people get to write it and engage with it! let people collect marbles or stamps or stained glass or whatever.
but sometimes, when i say something as simple as "let people have fun", people are like "that's manipulation", "that's people-pleasing, which is also inherently manipulation", "you're holding people to too high a standard", "why do we have to have fun for YOUR sake?".
you don't. i don't think it's people-pleasing to want other people to be happy because i've had personal experience being miserable for an extended period of time, but i can't fight you on that. someone else getting caramel in their coffee or wearing tacky tube socks to the mall doesn't actually impact me in any way.
but i, as a person, am NOT interested in living in a world where having fun is "cringe", and being "cringe" is the greatest moral failing a person could commit.
just like... let people have fun, dammit, am i right?
0 notes
na0odles · 1 year
So, yeah, I introduce myself
Hello, i'm Nao!★ a 18y old guy with dye hair ahah.
I use he/they and i'm a genderfluid person. I love everyone (in romantic/sexual way), because YES, peoples are so attractive men. I love girls, i love boys, i love you whatever you are !!♡
Also, i'm...
enfp, 7w8 (sx/so) 721 (7w8 - 2w1 - 1w2), Sanguine/Choleric, Slu|A|i, FELV
(what a cool type you say ? yeaaah…i know buddy)
I didn't introduce how I am. I ask some friends one day and they present me like : an extravert boy with a lot of imagination. I take care of peoples, i LOVE peoples and i'm not afraid to show how much. And i approve, i know how to express my interior feelings with world, i know i can can just scream : I LOVE YOU!! I'M PROUD!!
also, im the king of cringe. i love this. it's so funny to make peoples embarrassed. humor is the best thing.
Oh!! I didn't say my 3 kins. I hope you play video games and read manga.
🥇Joe Tazuna (from You Turn To Die)
🥇 Michael Holden (from Solitaire)
🥉Zen (from mystic messenger)
i don't know how but, JOE?? SO ME?? I'm afraid because he's litteraly ME. THAT'S SO WEIRD. ALL OF HIS REACTIONS BRO.
Okay now my redflags, because…yes.
★ intj's are my beloved. all of my friends and ex-bf are intj WTF??? WHY? STOP (they afraid me fr…)
★ i have my own moral, i hate people against her. I can be a little impulsive.
★ im scorpio? peoples say it's a redflag
★ not really good at school…..
★ i forgive people to easily……..
★ im too MUCH in love.. (when i am)
★ absolutely extrem in my ideas. i make things in BIG way.
to finish, avatar the last Airbender is my fav show and real account my fav manga forever<3
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atlasdoe · 2 years
I finished heartstopper last night here are some of my thoughts
Olivia Coleman as Nicks mum is actually perfect casting whoever thought about it is my new favourite person she's literally perfect
I don't understand why Aled isn't in the show. There's room for him you just have him do everything Issac does and does give the opportunity to go into the radio silence plot line in a few years. I just love Aled and wish we got him
That being said I do adore Issac. I love how he's just unbothered and reading all the time. Also him reading Radio Silence is just *chefs kiss*
Like screw Rory Gilmore I need an Issac reading challenge
Also i noticed Solitaire and I was born for this on Charlie's bookcase in his room and that made me happy
I don't understand the point of Imogen. We already had the "Nick might have a crush on a girl" angst with Tara and they kept that in so I don't really see the point of her at all
I would've much rather had Nicks ruby friends rather then her
I love how we got to see more of the girls
Tara and Darcy kissing at the party was one of my favourite scenes with the lights and the little rainbow drawing thing that was around them IT LOOKED SO COOL
I wish we had Oliver
Tori was perfect tho
That scene with Tori and Charlie on the drum set killed me. Tori holding back tears 😭😭
Nick coming out to his mum😭
I don't like how Tao found out about Nick and Charlie. Elle telling him just wasn't it I wish Charlie would've told him
Other then that Tao fighting with the year elevens was my least favourite change from the graphic novel. Although his comebacks were amazing and him hitting Harry with his beanie did add a hundred years onto my like span
I was screaming crying throwing up those year eleven boys were exactly like the ones in my school
While watching this show it hit me thag I will never get to experience a fluffy queer secondary school relationship and i'm not okay
The "why are we like this line" wasn't as cringey as i thought it was going to be when nick said it in the arcade
But when Charlie said it ok the beach i cringed i'm sorry
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hopeless-ro-simptic · 4 years
Familiar Cerulean Eyes Pt. 6
Click here for other parts! Part 7 is up now!
Just gonna leave this here... 
Warnings! Seriously read this before continuing!: This part contains an attempted rape scene. Please just skip to the next part if you are uncomfortable reading that. 
Word Count: 3.3 k 
TAGLIST: @skzero-99​ @superblyspeedydragon​ @jparra4587​ @flyingowls​ @emrysaaryn​ @imuziawi​ @sheedaabee​ @peculiarinsomniac​ @littlelovebug98​ @plutoneu​ @giftofwonder​ @kitty-kat-ash​ @fukyouthink​ @anarchys-bnha-mess​ @threbony​ @orenjineki​ @toobsessedsstuff​ @bamf-barnes​ @x-a-delama-x​ @inanabsentia​ @reallyshey​ @godsblesstheboi​ @operatorsdime @drownedbytears​ @emilymikado​ @fluidfandoms​
The walkie-talkie they had provided to you only had one station. The station that spoke directly to Kurogiri. You had tried fiddling with the knobs to see if you could get literally anyone else on the line but after 30 minutes of messing with the stupid thing you gave up. At least it told you the date and time so you could keep track of how long it has been since you were left alone in this damned cell.
You hadn’t moved from your spot in the corner since everyone left, curled up with your snack bag and blanket, using the pillow to prop yourself up against the cold wall, choosing instead to sleep the time away. Your body however decided you could only sleep for so long. Apparently 14 hours was the mark. 14 hours of off and on sleeping and now all you could do was pace.
You never thought you would be bored when you were kidnapped, but if you had to go one more minute with nothing to do you were going to start trying to dig your way out of this cell with your fingernails. So you caved.
Picking up the walkie-talkie you pressed the call button and cautiously spoke out loud into the room.
The mist beta conjured himself into the room within seconds, well dressed as always. A calming aura surrounding him.
“Yes Y/N? What can I do for you?”
Your cheeks heated up as you thought about your request, suddenly feeling like a child. You didn’t want to come off as whiney, you definitely didn’t want the League to deem you as annoying and decide to kill you. But you were so bored. Bored enough to threaten your life with the company of villains.
“H-hi… um… I just wanted to know if there was like…I just wanted…”
“Company?” The knowing eyes of the mist in front of you was a little unsettling as he immediately guessed as to what you wanted.
“H-how did you know?”
“Omega’s are very social beings, it’s a wonder you lasted this long with nothing to do…and you have been pacing for the last 45 minutes” You glanced up at the camera a shiver going down your spine.
“You’ve been watching me?”
“Only for a brief bit, I was concerned when you didn’t reach out earlier for food. I am surprised it took your this long to reach out for anything at all. I was simply checking to make sure you were alive.”
You relaxed a bit at this. The beta didn’t seem in a hurry to get out of here, and even though he was a villain, you were more than happy for the company. So you sat back down in your nonexistent nest, pushing your hair behind your ears as you thought of how to keep a conversation going.
“So you have to babysit me.. I bet that’s annoying.” You cringed at your words. Why would you say that? What were you supposed to say to a villain to strike up a conversation?
“Not at all, Y/N. I have many jobs here at the league, making sure our guests are fed and comfortable is just another thing that I have been tasked with. If it makes one of our members happy then it makes me happy. Dabi seemed particularly concerned with your treatment while he was gone.”
“Oh…” You paused for a minute unsure of how to proceed. It sounded like Kurogiri did a lot for the league, you wondered why.
“Can I ask you something?”
“You may, though I may not be able to answer it.” He nodded at you to proceed and you fiddled with the blanket in front of you.
“Why are you a ..” You paused, unsure if this was a good way to start, only to be encouraged by the mist in front of you. “Why did you join the league? You don’t strike me as the same as the others.”
“Well Y/N, I have been with Shigaraki for some time now, long before this group was formed... I believe in his cause, and I want to help him achieve it. The hero society is not as pretty as it seems from the outside, I promise you that.”
“You don’t have to tell me,” You mumbled it softly, enough that if you weren’t in a completely silent room you don’t think you would have even heard yourself. But the beta in front of you didn’t miss your comment.
“The question is Y/N, what side of the fight are you going to choose to be on.”  
“I’m not in the fight.. I’m not a hero..” You looked at Kurogiri, confusion across your face.
“Everyone is in the fight… even if they don’t want to be.”
Kurogiri had brought you a deck of playing cards after that little chat, advising you of how to set up a solitaire game to keep yourself busy. You couldn’t help but feel grateful for the kindness he was showing you. Even though you were literally their prisoner right now, he did seem like he was trying to make you as comfortable as he could.
The next time that you called on Kurogiri was because you ran out of food several hours later. Part of you felt really bad, whispering softly into the walkie-talkie that showed a time of 4am. You didn’t want to wake the villain up, but your stomach was growling so loud you couldn’t sleep. You had just resigned yourself to the fact that you would have to wait until a more appropriate time when the black mist swirled in front of you, the man appearing with what looked like a freshly made bowl of meat and veggies with rice balls on the side. The smell had your mouth watering as he presented the bowl to you.
“I’m so sorry to wake you up this late Kurogiri, you didn’t have to cook…” You immediately dug into the food after thanking him, your stomach thanking you for waking him up anyways.
“No worries Y/N, I wasn’t asleep. We are quite used to being up late at night here, and I usually cook for the other members anyways when time permits.” You had to force yourself not to imagine the mist man in an apron, doting on the other league members like a mother would a young child. He was so different. You also ignored the way he mentioned the other members, like he was already considering you as one as well.
“Is Dabi back yet? Is he okay?” You didn’t even notice yourself asking the question as you continued to eat, just glad for company once again, after your chat last time, it was easier to slip into conversation with Kurogiri, but still a little awkward.
“He has not returned yet, but he has checked in and is fine. He should be returning tomorrow afternoon if all goes well with his mission.”
That’s good you thought, you were halfway through this. Just another day and a half and then you could at the very least have a semi-comfortable bed. You found yourself missing the cinnamon scent mixed with smoke and whiskey, like your omega couldn’t relax without it, finding a comfort in the warm and spicey smell that you shouldn’t have. Maybe you should have had him scent the blanket for you…
“May I ask just who you are to Dabi? I must say we are all quite confused on the two of you’s relationship seeing as you are not bonded.”
“Hmm? Oh…” You could feel your cheeks heat up, realizing you were daydreaming again. You had been thinking about those blue eyes a lot when you were by yourself, the handwriting on his note etched into your mind, it nagging you in the back of your mind like you were missing something about it. You were still upset at the alpha, but your omega was polluting your mind with thoughts that you rather ignore, images being burned into your brain at his words before he left.. he wasn’t wrong. You did want him. You just didn’t want to want him.
“It’s nothing…. He just kidnapped me is all...” That’s all you thought, just a villain kidnapping a random omega off the street. You snorted internally at how silly that sounded while your omega was yearning for him. Maybe you have Stockholm syndrome.
“Interesting…” Kurogiri looked like he was about to say something else, when the familiar click of a walkie-talkie sounded, a voice ringing out.
“Kurogiri, ready for pickup.”
“Ah, it seems Mr. Compress has finished his part. I will return later for your dishes Y/N. Please enjoy your meal.” And with that, the mist man disappeared again without a trace.
Once Kurogiri had gone, and you had finished up your meal, you curled up onto the crappy mattress, pulling the blanket tight around yourself as you cuddled up against his pillow, breathing in the scent as you replayed every moment since you woke up in his room, thinking of those familiar cerulean eyes as you drifted back to sleep.
You were playing solitaire, like Kurogiri had shown you, several hours later when you decided to check the time again for what was probably the sixth time in the last hour. You glanced at the time on the walkie-talkie, trying to decide if you wanted to bother Kurogiri again for some more food, when you heard a creak. Looking up you noticed that the wall was opening up and in stepped Mr. Compress, a hot plate of food in his hands, only for him to close the wall behind him, locking it in place his scent enveloping the room immediately.
So there was a door.
“Hello Y/N, Kurogiri said you would probably be hungry around this time. He’s a little busy right now so he sent me instead.”
You shuffled in your place on the bed, you weren’t expecting this, to have to deal with another alpha by yourself. You didn’t trust the alpha in front of you but he wasn’t lunging at you to kill you, and Kurogiri and Dabi had been nice so far..and he brought food. He sat the plate down at the end of the bed, bowing to you lowly glancing up through his eyelashes a polite smile on his face. This one wasn’t as comforting as the mist mans but it wasn’t threatening either.
“I don’t believe I got to properly introduce myself last time we spoke. I’m Mr. Compress.”
“H-hi… thank you for the food.” You expected the alpha to leave it at that and disappear back the way he came, but instead he straightened up, twirling his cain in his hands as he watched you with interest.
“What an interesting quirk you have, might I say. We were all very shocked at the little show that you and pretty boy put on.” The smile on his face grew wider as you cautiously reached for the plate of food, taking a whiff of the air. He was pumping out his pheromones like an omega in heat, like he was trying to cover every other smell in this tiny room. It wasn’t a particularly unpleasant smell, you think it was a mix of amber and leather, but there was something about it that made your omega tense up. It was like he was peacocking and you could only guess at why.
“So you and Dabi? What’s going on there, that is of course, if you don’t mind the intrusion?”
Your omega chirped in the back of your brain, encouraging you to claim Dabi as your alpha, if only to get this other alpha to back down. You ignored it though, telling yourself that the alpha in front of you was being nothing but kind to you. He hadn’t done anything remotely threatening to you, like Kurogiri he was probably just trying to make you more comfortable and was looking for gossip, he seemed like the type.
“Hmm… see I don’t believe that, and neither does anyone else in the league. You see, we’ve never seen Dabi act so… interested in an Omega before. Can’t say I blame him, you do smell delicious.” You could feel his eyes slowly moving across your form, drinking you in much like Dabi had done a few times now, but this felt different. The alpha in front of you had a weird look on his face that made your chest tighten and not in a good way. You had seen a similar look before from alpha’s. 
“I don’t know what you mean. I barely know Dabi..” You shifted uncomfortably under the alpha’s gaze, your heartrate picking up as you glanced briefly at where the door had been. Your omega was taking over, the alarms in your brain ringing louder. Were you sure it was locked? He had to get out of here somehow, meaning you could get out too.
“Oh? Well in that case, why don’t I get you out of here? There’s no need for a pretty little omega like you to be cooped up in this cage, waiting on a disfigured manchild. Wouldn’t you like that? A chance to get out of here.”
You stayed silent as the alpha leaned down to you flicking your eyes back to his own, his gloved hand reaching up to stroke your cheek gently before he lightly grabbed your hand, lifting it to his lips in a gentle kiss.
“I-I’m good right here.. I’ll wait for Dabi..” The charming alpha stood up, straightening his glove as his lips a sigh leaving his mouth.
“Why would you want to stay here? In a cell, waiting for the walking cigarette? I can provide so much more for you, you just need to say the word and I could treat you like a queen.”
“I-I’m okay… Dabi will be back in a couple hours…actually if you could leave I really need to go to the bath-” you were standing up, the words barely leaving your mouth as you watched the façade in front of you crack. You weren’t prepared for the wind to be knocked out of you, his cane jabbing you in the stomach forcing you to drop to your knees holding your stomach gasping for breath as he looked down at you.
“Look, I tried to ask nicely but you’re apparently too dumb to get the hint little omega. You are coming with me, you are going to be mine, and you are going to like it.”
Compress gripped your wrists pulling you up to be standing, an annoyed look on his face as you struggled against him. You immediately raised your knee up in reaction, hitting him right in the crotch. You expected him to go down. To let you go. You only succeeded in making him more angry. He slammed you harshly against the wall with a sickening thud, your vision going blurry at the pain in the back of your head. You were pretty sure that you were bleeding. He pushed you stomach down onto the mattress, your face landing down onto the pillow thankfully, instead of the wall behind it. He dropped down on top of you, his weight holding you down from behind, immediately trapping your legs with his own to stop you from kicking at him again. He leaned down, running his nose up along your scent glands, his tongue following shortly after.
“Don’t fight it. If you’re good maybe I’ll even end your suffering and bond you like someone should have a long time ago.”
You couldn’t help but let out a soft whimper, your hands reaching up searching around wildly for the one thing that could save you, gripping the fur blanket.
Compress smirked at your response as he scented you heavily to the point where you were dripping in the smell of leather, softly cooing in your ear at an attempt to sooth your omega. “Don’t worry, you don’t have to smell like that burnt idiot anymore.” You could feel the tears welling in your eyes as you wriggled against him, you didn’t want this. You didn’t want the smell to go away. You deeply inhaled the pillow in front of you, trying to block out your senses, only for Compress to snatch the pillow away with a growl. His alpha canines leaning in close to your face as he wrapped his hand into your hair yanking hard on it.
“What did I just say my dear?”
“Darling, quit whining. What do you think Dabi was going to do to you? Wouldn’t you rather it be me instead of that walking patchwork? At least this way you can have pretty pups to entertain yourself with, I doubt that ashtray can even breed.” He was yanking down your sweatpants now, ripping the drawstring that held them tight around your waist. You could feel his eyes roaming along your body, could feel his erection twitch when he noticed the lack of layers to deal with.
You wanted to vomit. Reaching your hands further under the fur blanket you finally found what you were looking for. Dragging the walkie-talkie out from under the blanket you clicked the call button and sobbed into it.
“Help me! Da- Dabi! Help!” You were practically screaming into the microphone, hiccupping through your tears, but Mr. Compress snatched the walkie-talkie away from you throwing it against the wall and shattering it with the force.
“Naïve Omega, no one is coming for you. Stay still” The alpha’s voice rang out and you froze your omega immediately tucking tail at the demand. You couldn’t help it. You fought as hard as you could against your instincts forcing you to listen to the alpha, begged your body to move, to react, to fight back. You heard the zipper of his pants, felt it as he shoved them down past his knees, his legs rubbing against you as he moved, felt his erection hot against your skin as he lined it up to your entrance, not even bothering to prepare you for what was to come. All you could do was lay there and hiccup through your tears and snot and pray that this would be over quickly. You knew better than that though. You had heard the stories of what happens when an alpha goes into a rut. How they can and will go for hours on end until they finally run out of steam. How they usually tended to go a little more feral than normal, and sometimes ended up hurting omega’s especially if they didn’t want it.
You knew that you would rather die in this moment then have to live through the next few hours, but you wouldn’t have such luck. So instead you let your mind wander, focusing on the smallest hint of cinnamon coming from the pillow behind you across the room. Focusing on the singular word that was etched into your brain as clear as day, the handwriting nagging at you. Focusing on the blue eyes that haunted your dreams that were too close to the ones that had been trained on you when you woke up in his apartment just the other day covered in soot and the smell of smoke. You closed your eyes, bracing yourself, a single thought on your mind, of two boys with cerulean eyes.
You could vaguely hear the sound of an anguished scream in the back of your mind, but you ignored it and focused on the growing smell of cinnamon, whiskey and smoke. Lot’s of smoke. You felt warm, uncomfortably so, but you forced yourself to ignore it, focusing on the feeling of floating away.
Your eyes fluttered open looking up at a familiar red-head, cerulean eyes staring down at you with worry. He had you cradled in his arms, and didn’t look like he was going to let you go any time soon. He was saying something… maybe your name?
“Touya... I had the weirdest dream…”
“Y/N thank god, stay awake for me princess, it’s okay, you’re okay.”
“You died…. And I got kidnapped… and then… Touya it was a nightmare.” You felt your eyes fluttering shut again, your head really hurt. Everything was so bright.
“No, don’t go to sleep yet, princess come on wake up.”
“Touya... please don’t leave me.”
With that you were out, the world going black.
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viorvix · 2 years
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this guy has been in my head for years but ive always been reluctant to post him, mostly bc i was gonna do some plot twisty stuff w/ him, but now as im developing the story more im planning to introduce him in like. chapter 2. so whatever heres the fucking bastard lmao
Havoc is the youngest (and shortest lol) of the 3 hoodie sibs. he's kind of an edgy emo brat who's been a child soldier basically since birth. possibly the most fucked up but between the 3 probably the one who needs therapy the least lmao.
thinks hunter is a little cringe and nearly gets him killed at least once a month, but also has an unhealthy level of attachment to him and goes amok when they get separated. with niamh he doesn't really have much of a relationship bc they don't meet until he's in his 20s, but if they grew up together they'd get on each other's nerves like crazy lol
he Fucking Loves card games. a Traditional Gamer if you will. if he's bored and doesn't have a pack of cards on hand he'll just imagine he's playing solitaire or sth
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
Anthony seems like the kind of guy that stresses over ring catalogs and visits 20 different stores before picking an engagement ring. How did it go? Or did he pick a Bridgerton heirloom?
Also follow up because I’m an absolute sap for Kate and Gregory content how did their wedding ring shopping escapades go?
Okay, i’ve put this under the cut because I fear it’s going to be rather long!
Anthony Bridgerton decided he wanted to marry Kate Sheffield on a Saturday night, at his sister’s wedding. He looked at her smiling as she danced with his brother and though he’d known he was going to marry her since the first time he’d nervously stammered, having worked up the courage and being on the edge of asking her all week, that his sister was having a party and he’d very much like t if she could go with him, that was the moment he knew he was going to ask her. And like all things in his life, he had decided he was going to do it, so he was going to do it soon. 
On Monday he’d called his mother at lunch and whispered into the phone that he’d appreciate it if she cleared her schedule tomorrow, and no, he couldn’t tell her why, he would discuss it with her tomorrow. 
On Tuesday, Anthony pretended to be sick. Kate had looked at him sceptically when he’d laid in bed, feigning illness putting on a performance that he was quite sure would have Francesca cringing. She’d let it go in the end and gone to work in their car and he’d practically bounced out of bed as soon as he’d heard the front door click. Newton looking alarmed and more than a little accusatory. 
He’d arrived at his mother’s and she’d very crossly said 
‘What’s all this about Anthony?” 
“Oh, forgive me for interrupting your busy schedule I just thought you might like to help pick out an engagement ring for Kate.” Violet had stood, stunned and had asked him to repeat himself. 
“I’m going to ask Kate to marry me.” He said firmly, certainly. And the hug his mother engulfed him in was quite the tightest he’d ever experienced. 
Six hours later, and Violet’s enthusiasm was waning a little. They were currently in the 12th Jewellery store, and they’d seen so many beautiful rings, but Anthony had declared none of them to be right. It had to be perfect Kate deserved something elegant, but not showy, and while price was no object, he kew that Kate was far too practical a woman to walk around with a 12ct diamond on her hand. 
“Anthony, please. Please just pick something! I beg you, as your mother, pick a ring for your wife so I can go home for a slice of cake.” 
Anthony had tutted and ignored her. Eventually in the 25th shop, they’d found it and Violet would begrudgingly admit, the 19th century solitaire ring her son had picked out was truly stunning. 
Gregory decided he wanted to marry Lucy Abernathy on a Thursday night. They were sitting on the sofa in their living room, watching television, his head resting in her lap when her phone rang. Lucy had answered it with a very crisp
“Uncle Robert, to what do I owe the pleasure?” her voice betraying that it was anything but. Gregory smirked up at her as she started running her fingers through his hair. She made a scoffing noise
“Well that sounds lovely, but I’m afraid there’s a few things wrong with that plan.” a pause and then “I know that Arthur’s lovely, his boyfriend Freddie thinks so also. And for another thing, I’m not single.” A longer pause. Lucy frowned, her patience apparently lost. 
“You know his name is Gregory! We’ve been together for 2 years, we live together!” Gregory was biting his lip to keep from laughing, as Lucy scoffed one final time and said 
“Just as well I don’t really care what you think!” and Hung up the phone, sighing in discontent. Gregory had burst out laughing, and Lucy had joined in despite herself.
“I’m not sure, what you’re laughing at Gerald!” Lucy had said, echoing the name Robert still called Greg, despite meeting him several times “My uncle’s busy trying to prostitute me out to Arthur Haselby. He’ll probably kidnap me from my bed tonight.” Gregory had smiled and tugged her head down to his, kissing her softly as he said
“Don’t worry, I’d get you back.” And suddenly he’d just known that he was going to spend the rest of his life with Lucy Abernathy.
He’d arrived at Kate’s on Friday morning (having called in sick), glad she was still on maternity leave. He’d dutifully held his nephew for about 25 seconds before you said all in a rush
Kate had stood still for several seconds, processing before pulling him into a hug that would rival Violet Bridgerton. Gregory had chattered nervously the entire way there,  
“This has to be perfect, Kate. Perfect You know how meticulous Lucy is. What if it doesn’t go with everything?! Jesus, what if she doesn’t even say yes, her Uncle thinks my name is Gerald for Fuck’s sake” Kate had tutted at Gregory had said 
“Lucy is going to love it, no matter what. And of course she’s going to say yes, you idiot!” 
In the end Gregory had walked into the first store, and left with a ring 30 minutes later. He’d embarrassedly whispered to Kate that the Emerald would match Lucy’s eyes and Kate had fussed over Edmund in his pram for several seconds so he couldn’t see her cry. 
Lucy and Gregory adopted a cat 2 weeks later, a tiny grey kitten named Gerald.
PS: I’m so very sorry this turned out so long!!!! 
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darcyolsson · 3 years
i wanted to see your take on the osemanverse books being contemporary YA/taking place in the real world because ??you're active in the fandom and all around pretty cool beans?? i think it's really interesting that a lot of the characters share the same thoughts even though they aren't connected. like, angel hates it when people start with "you alright?" and tori doesn't like it either, or that many of the protagonists in alice's books say similar things about "possible love interests" (think angel&jimmy and frances&aled). i know it's because alice wrote the books and they probably add a little bit of themselves in the characters but it just reminds me of how in real life someone you don't even know might share the same niche opinion as you or how someone else feels the same way about a topic as you. alice's books remind me that we're never alone in the world and even though tori might feel alone in solitaire, she doesn't know that angel rahimi also hates it when people say "you alright?" instead of "hello." it feels so real and so grounded and the fact that alice's books are supposed to take place in the real world makes it feel so much more comforting
i'll be honest, i never even noticed those parallels! that's super interesting though- intentional or not, it shows that the books are ultimately connected as a body of work.
i thought about this for a while last night and i definitely feel like solitaire and radio silence, and iwbft and loveless, are the same. in a way. solitaire and RS feel like they're more about finding your place in the world, while iwbft and loveless are about reevaluating that: tori and frances are quite lost, while angel, jimmy and georgia DO have a solid sense of self that persists throughout the book, it just gets adjusted. frances pretty much entirely lets go of her identity as a straight-A student, while georgia does keep her hobbies, passions and her friends- she just find out more of herself along the way.
obviously, all of alice's books are connected thematically (you could make a very fun venn diagram out of that i think). loneliness is, ironically, definitely a big theme that connects all of them. i think it's that- most of them dealing with themes and pains and struggles that are so relevant for people from our age category- is what makes them feel so real. when i first read solitaire and RS as a wee 15 year old i was blown away by how realistic it all felt. i read almost exclusively contemporary YA at the time and yet none of the stories ever really connected like solitaire and RS did. writing style definitely also has to do with it. teenagers can act like teenagers, but they won't feel like teenagers until they text each other "cringe lol" in all lowercase lmao.
the overlapping themes are definitely, like you said, influenced by them being written by the same person 10 years apart, but also because they're the things you deal with between ages 15-20. it's virtually impossible to write a realistic book about teenagers without bringing in themes of loneliness, belonging, friendship etc, especially when it's about queer teens. it's a nice reminder that everyone deals with these things, no matter how isolating everything can feel.
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percontaion-points · 2 years
The Truth in Lies chapters 16 & 17
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Click to see the rest of the snark & image descriptions
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Chapter 16
It was a turquoise box with the Tiffany & Co insignia embedded in silver.
“Andy,” I gasped.
“It’s really not much, Mickie. I was in New York last week to see my sister, and I happened to pass by the store. I saw this and thought of you.”
“This is too much,” I whispered.
My mother was almost bouncing. “Jesus, child, let us see what you got.”
Chuckling, I lifted the lid of the box only to discover what I knew was inside, another jewelry box. This casing was the same color, but in a vinyl finish. The hinges squeaked as I opened the box revealing a platinum necklace with a round diamond solitaire.
Pardon my French, but JFC dude.
One thing I was sure of was the fact that Drew and I needed to have a serious chat.
Chapter 16 summary: McKenzie is beyond surprised to see her parents, especially because they still live in Texas. So it's not like they drove up from Miami or anything.
There's this really painfully awkward moment where her parents are greeting Drew. He impresses her father by saying that he's a Harvard graduate. He then gives McKenzie a birthday present, which is a diamond necklace from Tiffany. He helps her put it on.
After that, they look around the apartment a little bit before they sit down to talk a bit more. Drew asks where they'll be staying, and then offers to help them get a room at a nicer hotel in a nicer part of town. He then also invites the three of them to his house, where there's a nicer beach. When he mentions fishing, the father seems really happy over that.
McKenzie then leaves to change into her swimsuit before they go, but her mom follows after her. She kind of calls McKenzie out on her shit in regards to her relationship with Drew. A lot of “the heart wants what it wants”, rather than her boorish behavior in regards to moving in on a guy who's in a romantic relationship with her best friend.
Chapter 17
“There are things in my past that I’m not proud of. Things that if Mickie knew…” Drew’s deep sigh was harsh and ragged. “When I started dating Olivia, I was in a bad place. I’d lost someone that I loved very dearly, due to my own fault. After that, I swore I would never love again. And I stuck to that promise until recently,” Drew paused. I pushed my ear closer to the crack in the door, hanging on Drew’s every word. “Then things changed. Everything I thought I wanted didn’t make sense anymore. I met this gorgeous woman who’s smart and funny, and she challenges me. In truth, she’s better than anything I ever could’ve imagined. I wasn’t looking for love, but love found me.”
I stepped back from the door, my heart shattering into a million pieces.
And here's the misunderstanding to drive a wedge into their relationship...
At the front door of my apartment, I spent the final hours of my thirty-second
birthday bawling my eyes out over the man I could never have.
Chapter 17 summary: They go to Drew's house, where he introduces them to his mechanic right away. He and McKenzie's dad had been bonding over cars, and Drew agrees to show him something later.
They look around the house some, and Drew's cats show up. McKenzie picks one of them up and randomly sings “Soft Kitty” to the thing. It's every bit as cringe inducing as you would expect.
After that, they go to the kitchen, where Drew's cook made McKenzie's favorite cupcakes, carrot cake. She says that they can't have any until McKenzie has one, but McKenzie refuses to eat one just to mess with Drew. The entire thing reads like they're three, rather than in their 30's, and it's so fucking cringe.
Following that, most of it is glossed over. What they do doesn't matter. However, as they're wrapping up their evening, Lindsey sends her daughter to go find the men, who have gone to the garage. McKenzie stands just outside the door, where she listens as Drew confesses that he's in love with somebody. Which, give you three guesses who it is, and another three guesses who McKenzie thinks it is. /sarcasm
After that, McKenzie is insanely heartbroken, and only just wants to leave. Since Drew had driven them over to his house in his car, he has to first drop the parents off at their hotel, and then takes McKenzie home. Outside her door, he says he wants to talk about the almost kiss they shared that morning, before her parents showed up. But McKenzie denies having any sort of attraction towards him, and only just says that they were “caught up in the moment”. However, once she's inside, she bursts into tears.
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nicomrade · 3 years
🌹 can you do roman and/or wallace again 🥺 i love your thoughts they're so good for only having seen 4 episodes of succession. and part of 5 sorry i fell asleep >_<
hehehe dw about fallin asleep honestly its made me more hyped to watch ep 5 :] thanksgiving moment!!
honestly i never really know where im going when i start about wallace or romie so its good to hear its not Bad.. didnt i talk about tormenting romie by making him work in fast food last time... oh u know what i feel like roman would like. if a vid w roman in it made its way onto youtube (maybe because hes on stage during one of kendalls epic fail speeches i feel like that could get semi-viral...) hed be in the comment section upvoting everything thats about him (because you KNOW roman is making faces while ken speaks and hes visibly cringing at times) and maybe he makes a new account just to comment "oh wow COO of roycorp roman roy the 3rd one from the left in the bg is looking especially handsome in this" and no one notices the comment cause whatever and it wont leave his mind that no one even bothered calling it clearly fake like truly no one cares about him so hed make another account just to answer and go "no way he looks totally dumb in this" and just straight up engage in digital self harm. i feel like hed do that. and hed be on his phone constantly checking for likes/replies and when hes asked about wtf hes doing staring at his phone so often he gets all pissy like NOTHING ure not my DAD who cares im looking at TITTIES ok tits and women and and ur moms nudes. (<- he thinks this is a great comeback)
u know my fave wallace panel ever...
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what if he plays solitaire a lot... like i get that hes saying hes busy because he doesnt wanna talk to scott rn but also what if he LIKES to zone out playing solitaire.... what if hes really good at it and maybe plays it while listening to other things.... im fully going adhd wallace rights rn but what if you know!!! what if!! what if he switches to spider solitaire once normal solitaire gets too boring! and then minesweeper! and he gets weirdly proud of his minesweeper fastest score but he cant talk about it to anyone cause its not.. something thats Impressive but he knows he grinded a while for it so its his own little achievement!! oooh what if he plays it w real cards.. i dont cause i find it really annoying to shuffle n arrange cards but what if wallace likes the feel of flipping real cards n such. i can see him doing that really cool shuffle that like poker players or somethind do u know. not the magic the gathering shuffle the 0.2 second one.. (<- could just google it) also since wallace goes out a lot i feel like its something that could come up not w strangers i dont think wallace is the type to carry a deck of cards to "casually" show off his shuffling skills and magic tricks and shit he doesnt come across as that brand of guy but w friends :] everyone always appreciates the guy who shuffles quick and good in my experience playing uno at parties. wallace could be that guy.
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Day 8: Hair Down
A little late, but hope you enjoy anyways :)
“Let operation Best Sleepover Ever commence!” Nino grinned.
“What do we do first?” Adrien asked. He had already changed into his pajamas, fuzzy Ladybug patterned pants with a plain white t-shirt. He’d decided against the matching top since his blanket and pillow were already Ladybug themed too.
“Tom and Sabine always make tons of food,” Nino said. “And Marinette mentioned something about decorating cookies, so that’ll probably be first. Then we can watch a movie – hey, maybe you, me, and Alya can finally convince Mari to watch a horror movie!”
“Not happening!” Marinette called from upstairs.
Nino shrugged but sent him a wink, “We’ll see about that. Oh, and Alya will probably want to play truth or dare at least once.”
“But first –” a large pile of blankets tumbled down the stairs and Marinette emerged at the bottom with a grin, “Time to build a fort!”
Adrien suddenly forgot how to breath and Nino's laughter was little more than ringing in his ears. All he could see was her.
Marinette's hair was free from it's usual pigtails, falling in a sheet around her face. She was just as breathtaking as the first time he'd seen her with her hair down, even as the static electricity of the blankets made it frizz out in all sorts of directions. A soft “Wow” escaped his lips.
Pink dusted Marinette’s cheeks as she mumbled a thanks.
They built a fort from the blankets and couch cushions, Alya joining at some point, but Adrien hardly noticed. Maybe it was good Marinette didn't wear her hair down often, he couldn't imagine focusing on anything else. She was cute all the time, but there was something special about her hair being down. Especially when she blushed or laughed. Her laugh was magical, lighting up the whole room. She had so many different laughs too. Her laugh was different with Chat Noir, completely unrestrained. With Alya there were often shrieks mixed in with laughs. Nino was somewhere in the middle of those two, and with Adrien she giggled.
Adrien had been lost in trying to think of a good pun to get her to laugh when he realized they'd moved to the kitchen. His gaze kept being drawn back to Marinette. Marinette with the same cat pun t-shirt he’d once gotten for Ladybug. Marinette with her hair down and icing on her nose. Marinette laughing as Alya smeared some on her cheek. Marinette who made works of art on her cookies. Marinette who, for everyone of Alya’s Ladybug cookies, had made a Chat Noir cookie insisting one couldn’t exist without the other. Marinette who was definitely going to be the death of him by the end of the night.
“Um, dude, you alright there?” Nino asked, pointing down to his try of cookies. A giant glob of pink icing was covering his hands and several cookies. Marinette had been laughing at joke Alya told.
“Oh, I’ll get a towel!” Marinette said, glancing over at them.
“Sorry,” Adrien cringed.
“Don’t worry about it,” Marinette said. “I’ve spilled entire sacks of flour before, this is nothing.”
Only when she came back with a wet rag did Adrien notice the design of icing on her face. The bit on her nose had been smudged into a triangle, three streaks for whiskers on either side of her face. That must’ve been what Alya had been doing when she smudged some on Marinette’s cheek.
As Adrien wiped off his hands Marinette began redistributing the icing more evenly over all the cookies. “Time for a game then?” Alya asked.
“As long as it’s not truth or dare,” Marinette warned.
“Aw, but Marinette, don’t you want Adrien to get the complete sleepover experience?”
“We could play Mahjong, we’ve got four people, it’s perfect!”
“But – okay, actually, that sounds fun, I’ve never played before,” Alya said, frowning. “But don’t think you’re getting off easy, Marinette, we can play truth or dare after!”
“We'll see about that. Mama taught me when I was little, it’s a lot like cards actually,” Marinette put the tray off to the side, wiping her fingers on a nearby towel. “I’ll go get the tiles.”
A few minutes later Marinette had begun explaining the rules and setting up the tiles, “We’ll leave the flower tiles out since it’s your first time. Nino’s played at least a few times before, but I’ll start as the East Wind. Nino you might want to sit in the South seat so you can be East after me.”
“This is so much fun, I’ve only ever played the solitaire version,” Adrien said, the game distracting him from being too absorbed by Marinette’s beauty, even if he ended up losing spectacularly.
“How?” Alya groaned as Marinette declaring mahjong with her two North wind tiles. She’d managed to win using entirely dragon and wind tiles, tripling her final score. She’d won each hand but the second, each with a different score modifier.
Marinette shrugged, “This was one of the only games I would play for a while, so I've gotten a lot of practice. At first I just thought the tiles were pretty and I liked the noise they made but I picked up some strategy along the way.”
“Wait, Mari, didn’t you make your own set of tiles for an art project one year?” Nino asked.
“Oh yeah, they’re still around here somewhere. I think Mama put them away for safe keeping though.”
“I vote we switch to truth or dare before Marinette finds someway to win that too,” Alya said, still shaking her head as they put the tiles away.
“Don’t give her any ideas!” Nino protested.
“I dare you to compliment Marinette,” Alya smirked.
“Aren’t dares supposed to be hard?” Adrien asked.
“Well, I’d say until she blushes, but that ship has sailed,” Alya nodded in her friend’s direction.
“Marinette, you’re the kindest, bravest, most creative person I know,” Adrien said. Except for maybe Ladybug. Maybe. “Also, you look beautiful with your hair down.”
“Eep!” Marinette squeaked, burying her face in a nearby pillow.
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honestandsincere · 5 years
when the party’s over
“Oh my god, Grayson! That’s so funny!” the painfully high-pitched squeal permeates the thin wall between their bedrooms. “Uh, yeah I guess it is, Lindsey.” she can hear him laugh almost uncomfortably. “You’re so funny!” “I’m glad you think so, have you-” Y/n can’t stick any more, throwing her measly pillow over her head and burying her face into the bedsheets. This has become the norm; listening to Grayson attempt to coax some form of conversation out of the girls he’d bring home from frat parties, cringing at their lack of response and praying to every mentally conceivable diety that they would just shut up.
Grayson Dolan knows these walls are thin. He’d stood in his room with the door closed and managed to have a lengthy discussion with y/n about that week’s weather predictions through the pathetic plasterwork on the day they’d moved in. He knows she can hear him. Part of her wants to think that maybe Grayson’s assuming that she’s a heavy sleeper, that she dozed off halfway through reading Anna Karenina because he knows how much she despises Tolstoy’s seemingly interminable passages about agriculture. But this is Grayson and y/n knows that she’s the last thing on his blatantly preoccupied mind. He’s got Lindsey all up in his business and that’s far more of a priority than y/n’s eight hours of rest. She understands this now.
It’s not even that late. She had been surprised when she’d heard the key turn in the lock and the reverberations of drunken stumbles that traveled into his room. Grayson usually stays out late on Saturdays. He revels in the sweaty closeness of fraternity dancefloors and is resident Keg King of Delta Beta Gamma and therefore has no reason to want to come home until the despondent early hours of the morning. Lindsey must have changed his mind. Y/n had tried to put a face to her voice, but it was indistinguishable. She couldn’t determine whether that made things better or worse. Y/n thinks that she has blonde hair, just because she sounds like she does, and maybe blue eyes. Lindsey’s probably really pretty because Grayson is also really pretty and pretty people have a tendency to attract pretty people. Y/n doesn’t understand why she’s making herself feel sick. This happens every week, you’d think maybe she’d consider investing in earplugs. But with each Saturday that rolls around y/n has to stamp on the embers of hope that maybe Grayson won’t bring home a girl this time. Their voices have become inaudible murmurs, but Lindsey’s squeaks are still definable. Y/n screws her eyes shut, willing sleep to overtake her queasy body before she starts crying. But not over Grayson. Y/n’s determined to never let Grayson Dolan be the source of her tears. They’re friends, have been seen Orientation Week and will continue to be provided that nothing catastrophic intervenes. He’d asked her to move into an apartment with Ethan, his brother, and Cassie one of their close friends during the second year. Y/n assumed that living with Grayson would be relatively easy, considering they’d been so close for the first year. But closeness sometimes transpires into an intense feeling of attachment, or maybe something that stretches beyond that. Y/n is certain she has no feelings that could be deemed romantic for Grayson. This is mostly because he is Grayson; the boy that projectile vomited onto her brand new converse at his first college party. He’d apologized profusely and y/n had forgiven him almost instantaneously having watched him be coerced into taking far too many shots that night. Grayson just wanted to fit in.
Grayson is no more than an annoyingly attractive, overly sentimental best friend. He loves a lot and is loved just as much, if not more. Y/n thinks this is a curse wrapped neatly in blessing-covered wrapping paper. He’s too lovable and people sometimes decide to monopolize on this. She wants to protect him from those that want to be near him for the sake of saying they’d been near him, from the girls that’ll string a web of perfect lies to end up in his bed. Y/n can see right through. She can also hear right through, being able to decipher every Saturday night or Sunday morning conversation he has. Y/n knows that Grayson wants more than sex, she can hear him beg for some kind of interesting debate or a conversation that surpasses the trivialities he’s given in reply. She forces herself to sleep before she hears any more, dreading to think what hearing him actually doing it would make her feel.
Y/n doesn’t want Grayson, but thinking about him being with someone else is almost agonizing. She assumes it’s just a jealous fad because he’s her best friend and she wants to be his best friend too. Yet introspectively, y/n understands that Grayson is far more than a friend. He’s never really been a friend. He eclipsed the point at which friendship seems an appropriate term to label their relationship. They’d met at Orientation Week, stumbling into one another as they drifted from stall to stall that had been set up in the Student Union. Grayson wanted to speak to the lacrosse team and y/n had wanted to ask a question - which looking back seemed incredibly inconsequential - to the student finance team when they collided. A string of apologies and a few snide comments about the state of their timetables later, they’d become friends. Things stayed that way for a while until fraternity parties suddenly existed and the need to get blackout inebriated transcended every academic priority. Grayson had spotted y/n across the living room of some frat house Ethan knew the name of one night. He’d staggered over to her with his vision swimming and a gratifying numbness weighing down his limbs.
“Y/n!” he slurred, catching himself on one of the damp walls as he tripped over his own feet, “Didn’t expect to see you here.” “Hi, Grayson,” she laughed at his sudden ability to look perfectly composed, “You having fun?” “Nah, not really,” he lied, “Just been looking for you all night.” “Oh really?” y/n wasn’t stupid. “Yeah, so happy you’re here, y/n. Makin’ my dreams come true!” “Whatever you say.” “Not even joking! Not even a little! You’re the funniest person here, except for Ethan and I’m funny too sometimes! But you’re witty, y/n. I like witty people.” “That’s cool.” He threw a ridiculously muscular arm over her shoulders and pulled her into his chest, placing a kiss to the crown of her head, “You’re so precious, y/n.”
Y/n quickly became Grayson’s favorite person to accidentally run into at parties, he’d always get up onto his tiptoes and scan the room in search for her. She’d always wear the prettiest dresses or the cutest little tops with her favorite pair of jeans. He’d always wear dress pants stolen from Ethan or khakis and really soft t-shirts that she’d always have her face pressed into when he’d greet her. That was their thing, being around each other when they were drunk. Sometimes he was worse than she was, stumbling falteringly around the place with her arm wrapped around his waist to keep him from toppling over. Other times she’d be stood in front of him, his arms wrapped around her middle and her head lolling back onto his shoulder as they stood outside watching their friends of friends puff little rings of smoke into the night air.
“I think it’s always gonna be me and you, y’know?” he mumbled one night after they’d escaped the third playing of Rack City to join the stoners in the garden of some random senior’s house. “Yeah?” she’d hiccupped in reply. “Yep, always gravitate towards you and you towards me. I don’t ever see us not being...” then he stopped speaking. He knew what he was about to say but he didn’t want to say it. Y/n was far too intoxicated to understand the situation, “Besties?” “Yeah, that’s it. Besties.” Every night had ended the same. Grayson would lead her to her group of friends, whispering a joke or sarcastic comment into her ear. “Call me when you’re back safe, yeah?” he’d always ask. 
Until he didn’t.
Y/n isn’t too sure at what point Grayson changed. Drunken giggles have deteriorated into friendly acknowledgments when they run into each other in fraternity kitchens. She’s still his best friend, they laugh together at Ethan’s pathetic attempts at DIY. They go out for breakfast at the cafe at the end of their street every Friday morning. She proofreads his essays and he quizzes her with flashcards. It’s this unspoken yet mutually recognized affair that festers under the surface of every sentence they speak to one another. Ethan and Cassie have noticed it too. Y/n and Grayson are close but not close enough. From the outside, everything looks normal; they could be snuggled under a blanket on the couch watching a travel documentary one evening but as soon as y/n leaves Grayson visibly tenses. When he’s doing the dishes and y/n walks into the kitchen for a bottle of water, she lifts up her hands as if to hug him from behind, hesitates, and leaves. Y/n doesn't know it but things shifted about a month into their second year of college. It was a Tuesday, which is usually uneventful compared to most days of the week. Grayson was sprawled out on the couch playing solitaire when the front door had opened. Y/n had sauntered into the living room followed by a rather tall lanky looking boy with tousled brown hair and glasses that made him look like he could quote Nietzsche verbatim. "Gray, this is Nat." she declared excitedly, her red tea dress flowing about her thighs with the soft blows of the fan he'd set up, "He's helping me with that Lit module I was telling you about." Grayson looked up from his virtual card game and grimaced, lifting his hand into an understated wave, "Hey, man." "Hi," Nat had said with what Grayson liked to think was a disgustingly patronizing smirk, "This is a nice place you've got." "Thanks-" "Nat's a senior, Gray." y/n had interrupted breathlessly, turning to look at the older boy with a grin Grayson wished he had caused, "He's majoring in Literature and Philosophy. Joint honors!" "That's dope." Grayson nodded along, not being able to comprehend why y/n was so enthralled. "Thank you, y/n here is quite the enthusiast." Nat chuckled, wrapping his arm around y/n's shoulders and pulling her to his side. That was Grayson's thing. "I can't help it! We're gonna go work now, see you later!" she'd taken the senior by his arm and lead him out of the living room. "Enjoy solitaire!" Nat had called over his shoulder.
This was a feeling Grayson wasn't that accustomed to. This was a new burning sensation that pulsed through his veins. He felt his jaw clench and his thumbs ran over the white of his knuckles. This epiphany had struck Grayson in waves, the first being anger. He couldn't understand why his best friend was enraptured with Nietzsche 2.0 and didn't want to analyze him even further to try and it out. It was in this moment that Grayson understood that y/n wasn't really his, nor was he y/n's. Of course, they were best friends and would always have an affinity for one another. That was a given at this point, wherever she was is where he wanted to be. But, in being friends they were offered the option of mixing with other people, having other people.
The concept of being with a girl hadn't crossed Grayson's mind all year until y/n had waltzed in with Nat. Subconsciously he must have assumed that he and y/n would eventually see sense and become romantically exclusive because he's certain there's nobody else that will ever eclipse her. Grayson now made the conscious decision to let y/n breathe, because clearly, that's what she wanted to do. So Grayson Dolan distanced himself from his best friend, calculating his every gesture or word towards her or every thought about her, making them strictly platonic. He figured this was best for them, to avoid him being hurt by y/n making new connections and taking his anger out on their friendship. Because that's all this was; a friendship. Regardless of the way she looked at him when her eyes were glazed over with drunkenness or the way she'd laugh at one of his cheesy jokes he'd read off a pack of cookies or the way he constantly wanted to be around her, they were friends. Y/n didn't notice these changes at first. She was so absorbed in her schoolwork and papers that days merged into weeks and fitting in hours of sleep became a challenge. Grayson was still part of her life, as were Ethan and Cassie, so things felt blissfully normal. Until she got invited to a party at one of the fraternities the twins knew relatively well. Ethan and Grayson had arrived earlier than her and Cass, so she was expecting to find her lumbering, tipsy mess of a best friend when she got there. However, Grayson was nowhere to be found. He wasn't on the dancefloor begging whoever was in charge of the aux chord to just play one Kid Cudi song, even if it was Day 'n' Nite. She couldn't find him in the kitchen handing out water bottles to the freshmen boys that looked worse for wear. Y/n even searched upstairs, walking in on many an intimate encounter. "E! Where is he?" She'd yelled over the pounding EDM music when she'd spotted his twin. "He's gone home," Ethan had winced before he disclosed the last morsel of information, "He's taken a girl home." Y/n was in shock. Grayson didn't take girls home. He stayed until the party was over then stumbled into her bedroom with a glass of water at five in the morning, begging for a cuddle. Y/n had forgotten that Gray wanted other girls. It is impossible to disregard the fact other girls want Grayson. Their eyes follow him wherever he goes, watching his every effortless move with sheer awe. He’s gorgeous and funny and kind and she knows that’s what makes him so undeniably attractive to everyone around him. But never once did it occur to her that maybe Grayson wanted other people as much as they want him.
That was the first night y/n heard almost every word that was shared next door to her when she’d returned home after throwing up in the seedy bathroom of the fraternity. She’d put on her earphones and forced herself not to think about what was occurring on the other side of the plaster. Y/n hadn’t cried that night, she is still strangely proud of it. Little does she know that the last thing Grayson Dolan wants to do with the girls he brings home is to sleep with them. He wants to want to. He wants to stop comparing their every detail to y/n’s because she’s unattainable and too good to be his. Grayson feels sick every time a girl tried to initiate anything with him, apologizing profusely and explaining that it’s not her, it’s him. He feels like a dick. Yet every Saturday night without fail, the girl he brought home leaves quietly through the front door after he calls her a cab and tells her that she’ll find Mr. Right eventually.
“Lindsey,” he says after a while of awkward silence, “I’m not in the mood for anything tonight.” “I kinda guessed,” the brunette girl sat beside him on his bed laughs softly. “I’m so sorry-” “Jesus, Grayson don’t apologize!” He turns to look at her, his eyes filled with exhaustion, “Thank you for understanding it’s just I-” “I know.” “Sorry?” “You like someone else, it’s obvious. It’s ok, I get it.” Grayson doesn’t have the energy to argue, he’s tired of pretending. “I’ll call a cab.” Lindsey smiles, elbowing him gently in the ribs. “No, I’ll get you an Uber.” he reaches for his phone. “Thanks, Grayson.” “No worries.”
There’s an awkward silence as he fiddles with the brightness of his screen because it’s making his eyes sore. “She loves you too,” Lindsey says, “Everyone can see it.” “Huh?” “Don’t play dumb. The way she looks at you says it all.” “Things are a bit too complicated right now.”
“Only when you get in your own way.”
Ok! So this was a little random lovechild of mine that sort of spawned from songs that kinda make me a bit emo. It definitely feels like a part one of something to me. Hope you enjoyed it! Exam season is just around the corner and if any of you are from the UK, you’ll be aware of the insufferable pain that is A-Level induced. I’m going to try and balance writing and studying though, just because it’s so rewarding seeing all your support and getting lovely little messages from you all! So thank you so much! Lots of love - K x
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wellhellotragic · 5 years
Bubble Boy
Oh my gosh @resident-of-storybrooke. I know you’ve had a rough go lately, and I wanted to do something to cheer you up. Obviously I was trying to covertly find out your bday so I could gift you a surprise, and then you ended up pointing me right at it without realizing it.
  So, even better might be that I wanted to do the Florida Man prompt for you.
(For anyone who doesn’t know what Florida Man is, basically, Florida is just a crazy nutter-butter state and if you google that term plus your bday you’ll get the most incredibly random headline you’ve ever heard.)
Unfortunately, your bday yielded some REALLY horrible headlines. Sorry but I wasn’t going to have Killian murder a pregnant Snow. There was also one where a man got 58 stitches after a shark attack, but I was really trying for something a little more fluffy. After trudging through google results, I think we found a winner:
A Florida man was rescued after trying to ride a hamster ball to the Bahamas.
P.S. Happy birthday a little early!
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Emma Swan, the light of his life, doesn’t even know he exists. Well, that’s not totally accurate. He flirts with her every chance he gets. He may have even faked being sick a time or two to see her again, but in the grand scheme of things, he’s certain that once he leaves her unit, he’s out of sight and out of mind.
And it kills him.
She’s been there a year now, and despite the confidence he normally feels, she has this amazing ability to knock him off his game and he somehow inherently knows that if he were to ask her out, she’d flat out decline. Or she’d just laugh if off like it was a joke. He’s not sure which would be worse, and he has no plans to ever find out.
He’ll happily go to his grave pining after her instead of making a bloody fool of himself. To be honest, it’s kind of his fault. He never should have dated her coworkers. Yes, plural. And yes, to his credit that was before Emma joined that unit, but he’s sure she’s already heard the stories.
He’s not a bad guy. He’s really not. What he is though, is attractive, something he’s known his whole life. Getting women has never been difficult for him, Emma being the exception here, and he’s never worried about it before. And although he’s always been clear from the onset with his dates, that he’s not a relationship kind of guy, the women of his past haven’t always been able to accept that.
They don’t understand that his career is everything to him, and that if he does well here, he can finally prove his worth. Sure he’s always had the looks, but Liam’s always had the brains. Liam was top in his class while Killian struggled to keep up. He just wants to prove himself worthy of being here, that he isn’t here just because Liam pulled some strings, and sometimes that means sacrificing.
Of course, that was pre Emma and while he’s not ready to throw his career away or anything, a part of him feels like maybe he could have both. Not that he’ll ever get to find out. He’s heard through the grapevine that she’s only got a few more months here. Only three more months before she leaves and never looks back. Three months before he’s left to always wonder what if.
Ya, he’s always been a dramatic person.
It’s been a fairly boring week. It’s the off season in Florida. The sun is out but the water’s still too cold to play in. It’s not quite time for tourist and the locals know better than to go out at this time of year. Well most of them do. There were some high school kids last week that they rescued, although the kids weren’t in any real danger. Not from the water anyway. Their dad and his missing prized sailboat probably said otherwise though.
But for the most part, his time is spent checking the equipment over and over, watching tide flows, and checking in with the weather channel. It’s pretty monotonous, but every once in a while a weather related program will come on showing people being idiots. It’s silly but it helps pass the time until his shift is over. He thinks he may actually die of boredom today though. Liam left him a mountain of paperwork before leaving to collect lunch for everyone. Usually Liam sends one of the lower ranking guys, but like Killian, Liam must have been going stir crazy too.
Lunch passes by just as uneventfully. His burger and fries doing little to add to the excitement of his day. But then something peculiar happens. They hear on the radio that someone needs rescuing, but that’s not what catches his attention. The guy on the other side of that frequency must have lost his damn mind. He’s sure that he’s going to get all the way out there and find out that it’s just someone trying to play a joke on them. A costly joke, but most people don’t think about that the way he does.
Liam’s running out the door, yelling for some guys to ready the chopper. Killian rolls his eyes and goes back to his paperwork. That mountain isn’t going to clear itself. About twenty minutes into his first stack though, and he hears another call on the radio, except this time it’s his brother’s voice telling him that they need a boat.
“Come again?” He really wouldn’t put it past Liam to pull his chains.
Well, he would on any other day. Liam has always been practical to a point and would never waste taxpayer dollars, but Killian also knows that they are due for another round of training drills this month. And Liam was unusually bored earlier too.
“I said I need you to get out here with one of the delta rescue boats. Over.”
Killian cringes, knowing that the only boat available right now is a small almost inflatable raft looking thing. Liam is definitely taking the piss out of him.
“Oh, and little brother, you may want to bring one of the medics with you. Over and out.”
Liam’s gone before Killian can even correct that little brother quipt. He might take it out on the guys getting the boat ready. But his frustration isn’t totally because his brother refused to acknowledge him in a more mature way. No, it’s because he knows there are only three medics in today. None of which he wants to be cramped into a tiny boat with.
Inside the clinic building, he sees two of his possible companions right away. Luckily Nina is already busy giving someone a physical and Maggie seems to be avoiding making eye contact with him just as badly as he is with her. That leaves one person. He pokes his head around the corner looking to see if she’s in the room they use as an office, but it’s empty. There aren’t any other patients in the clinic that he can see which means she’s probably in the break room.
Sure enough, he finds her sitting on the couch playing solitaire on her phone. She looks so calm and he hates to disturb her, but the boat will be ready any minute now, and on the off chance that Liam isn’t in on the hoax, he doesn’t want to leave some poor soul stranded.
He clears his throat, causing her to jump.
“Sorry, love. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“I wasn’t scared.” He can practically see the defiance in her eyes, despite the way she nearly lept out of her skin.
“Of course not. But I do need you.” He blushes the minute the words are out of his mouth. “I mean, I need your help.”
She laughs. It’s small but lights up the world in his eyes.
“Please don’t tell me that you were out with Sanchez last night. There’s no way that thing isn’t infected.”
He tilts his head. They don’t really have time to get into whatever Sanchez got up to right now, but he’s definitely filing that away for later.
“No, I, uh- I was home alone last night.”
He’s not sure why he just told her that. She doesn’t need to know that his night was spent watching netflix while eating oreos in his underwear.
“Say it ain’t so. Killian Jones dateless on a Friday night?”
He can’t see his face right now but he knows that he’s as red as a tomato.
“I’m not- I-” How does this woman fluster him so easily? Usually he has time to think up things to banter with her about before seeing her. “I had to be up early this morning.”
She rolls her eyes are starts tapping away at the cards on her phone again.
“I meant it when I said I needed your help though. There’s a rescue in progress and I was told to bring a medic with me.”
Emma doesn’t miss a beat, jumping up grabbing her jacket and med kit. She’s out the door before he can even process what’s happening. When he catches up to her, she’s heading towards the helo pad and he has to stop her, telling her that they’re taking out a boat instead.
The boat sucks. That’s an awful thing to say and he knows it, but it’s true. Even with the still water the boat bounces all over the place, and on more than once occasion Emma ends up crashing into him. It’s hard to concentrate on anything other than the smell of her perfume, which is exactly why he didn’t want to bring her. Not that the other’s would have been better, but he wouldn’t be as affected by them.
At one point Emma radios in to Liam asking him what she should expect, but Liam tells her it’s better if she just sees it for herself. Killian isn’t sure what to make of it yet. Liam knows that he has a crush on her, and if Liam is using that to somehow embarrass him, his brother may be the one in need of medical attention.
Or maybe he’d be the one. Can you actually die of embarrassment? Is that a thing?
But when they get to the scene, they’re both taken aback. Liam’s chopper has been flying over head the entire time, but since they can’t be of much use, they head back, leaving Killian to deal with what has to be the oddest thing he’s ever seen in his life. And he lives in Florida, so that’s saying something.
There, not fifty feet in front of them, is a giant hamster ball floating across the water. It’s about six foot tall, but there is some sort of structure around it making it even larger. It looks almost like a hamster wheel. Red balls surround it, and he can just barely make out the form of a man crumpled up at the bottom of the ball.
He can tell that Emma is just as worried about the man as he is. It may not be hot out, but the man is in a giant inflatable magnifying glass, and there’s no telling how hot it is in that thing. There’s also no telling how long the guy has been out here. They’re about four miles from shore so it’s not as if he just jumped into the deep end.
He’s not even sure how he’s supposed to approach it. They call out to the man, and while he doesn’t make an attempt to move from his spot, he does wave them his middle finger. Cleary the man isn’t as distressed as he thought.
But the fact remains, they still need to get to the man somehow and check him over, and he also needs to figure out a way to get the homemade monstrosity dragged back in. They circle around and find that the far side of the ball is actually and open area.
On his order, the other the other crewman with them grabs ropes and together the two of them tie up to the wheel, coming in as close as they can. He’s a little weary knowing that the man inside of the bubble doesn’t want his help, but he can’t just leave the guy out there in the middle of the ocean.
Luck is on his side though. As he reaches over to poke his head in, he gets a large whiff of bourbon and realizes that the guy inside is nearly passed out drunk. Killian can only hope the guy is too out of it to fight him. Especially since he’s going to have to go into the bubble alone to grab the guy. While he’s sure Emma is fit as a fiddle, he’s not sure that she could handle lifting a 150 pound man into their rescue boat. Especially since there’s a two foot gap between them and the ball opening.
There’s only one way in. Head first. It’s not graceful by any means, and he falls on his head as soon as his waist is free. The man inside makes no movement but Killian can hear some mumbled curses. Hell, he’s probably making some curse words of his own. There’s an empty bottle of Jim Beam next to the guy, and a small puddle that he’s praying is spilled bourbon and not urine.
Maybe it’s time to rethink his job. Rescuing drunk men from their own wee wasn’t exactly what he signed up for when he joined the coast guard.
The man isn’t heavy, but he is complete dead weight, doing nothing to help Killian when lifting him up. The ball starts to sway under their combined weight moving towards the hole and Killian just hopes the whole thing doesn’t topple over. As soon as he’s got the guy’s arms out of the hole and he see’s Jacobs has a hold on him, he steps back trying to redistribute the weight.
He’s also choosing to pretend that he didn’t just accidentally step in the puddle. He’s going to secretly swap his boots out with Liam’s the first chance he gets.
With the man safely in the back of the boat and Emma attending to him, Killian and Jacobs work out the best way to tie the hamster ball to the boat to drag it back to shore.
The ride back is uneventful, and when they arrive the base, there’s an ambulance waiting for them. He and Jacobs get the guy onto the stretcher and he’s off, no longer their problem. But the bubble is. It takes five grown men to pull the thing up on the docks and lift it onto a flatbed truck. He has no idea where they’ll take it. Maybe to impound lot?
He’s been so busy with the stupid ball that he hasn’t even realized that Emma is gone. Not until he looks around and he doesn’t see her or her med kit. It’s probably better that way. Between making an ass of himself earlier and then stepping in bodily fluids, he hasn’t exactly crushed it with her today.
Instead he does his check offs with the boat making sure it’s clean for the next go. There’s vomit in the back seat, because his day wasn’t already spectacular enough. After the boat is clean, he goes back to his desk working on the stack of papers, ignoring all of the jokes until the next shift comes in.
He’s tired and cranky as he heads out to his truck, ready for a shower and bed. But when he gets to the parking lot, he finds someone leaning against his bumper.
“Thanks to Bubble Boy I missed lunch and now I’m starving. How about you?”
He immediately forgets that all he wants to do is go to bed, telling her that he could eat. They pick out a restaurant before she heads to her own car to meet him there. It’s not really a restaurant as much as a dive bar that serves greasy food, but he’ll take it if it means spending more time with Emma.
They grab a booth and before he knows it, their table is filled with empty beer mugs and cleaned off plates. They talk, for the first time really.
He finds out the the guy now known as Bubble Boy is really named Will Scarlett. Apparently his girlfriend dumped him the week before so he decided to move to the Bahamas, but he couldn’t afford the flight ticket, so he built his own boat . He was going to ‘sail it’ somehow. Never mind the fact that he didn’t have any way of navigating or steering, or that he didn’t have any food or water with him.
He also finds out that she’s only in the coast guard to pay for med school. That’s she’s already applied and been accepted to the University of Miami so while she’s leaving the coast guard soon, she’s not actually leaving town.
Killian explains to her that he followed in Liam’s footsteps. That the water is in their blood, and that today aside, he can’t fathom ever doing anything else. That he always feels like people are looking down at him, like they don’t believe he deserves his position so he works twice as hard to prove himself.
It’s nice. The way they talk but don’t flirt. He feels like he’s really getting to know her. It’s weird, eating a meal with a woman with no expectations of sex later. No romantic interest. Well, he’s interested but she’s not and he’s not going to push whatever luck the universe has granted him.
When they part for the night, he thinks it’s a one time thing. They’d both had a really weird day and no one else would have understood exactly what they saw. But it’s not a one time thing. More often than not she drops by his desk to eat her lunch with him, or he’ll pop by the clinic to see if she wants to grab a drink after work. They don’t always have the same shifts and sometimes he misses her on her days off.
Well, he always misses her on those days.
Maybe it’s good practice though. He’s gotten used to her being around, and as of today, he’s only got two more days left with her. He’s not sure what he’ll do when she’s gone. When he has to go back to eating lunch with Liam or going home straight after work to an empty house. It’s going to be lonely.
Today, he goes to eat lunch with her though. The other medics are throwing her a goodbye party and there’s going to be cake. She promised him of that. And sure enough, there’s two in there. One is chocolate, which he knows for a fact she hates, and the other is vanilla. Her favorite. There are also presents. He has one for her too, but he’s saving it for her actual last day. There are speeches about how much everyone is going to miss her. About how the unit is losing one of the best people they’ve ever had.
He almost cries at the emotion of it all. Almost .
Emma does cry as she gives her own ‘I’ll miss you all’ speech.
He doesn’t see her before she leaves, and he can’t help but admit that it stings.
The next day he doesn’t see her at lunch either. He’s busy on a surprise training assignment from Liam. He actually barely makes it back in before his shift is over and he runs straight for the clinic to catch Emma before she leaves. He’s too late though.
The walk back to his own office is filled with his wallowing. He only stays long enough to grab his gym bag with Emma’s present still tucked inside. Liam invites him over to dinner with the family, but Killian just wants to be alone. There’s a bottle of rum calling his name.
He’s half expecting her to be waiting by his truck like she was that one night three months earlier, but she’s not. It hurts more than he wants to admit. He’ll likely never see her again. Miami is a big city. Too big to just bump into her.
He has two big drinks that night before he goes to bed before nine.
He’s dragging ass today. He’s not exactly hung over, but he feels off. Maybe he’s caught the bug that’s been going around. Around lunch time Killian admits defeat when Liam sends him home sick. His head is throbbing and everything hurts. He barely makes it home in one piece. He’s pretty sure he even ran a stop sign by accidently because his head is so foggy. He doesn’t even finish the tea he made before he falls asleep in the couch.
And when he answers the pounding on his door, he’s sure that he’s hallucinating. There’s no way Emma Swan is actually standing as his door with a container of soup and a bag full of cold medicine. But she is. And she refuses to leave when he tell her that he doesn’t want to get her sick as well.
So she stays and takes care of him. They eat the soup she brought and he takes the medicine she gave him. They sit on opposite ends of the couch and watch a Criminal Minds marathon on tv before he falls asleep. When he wakes up hours later his head is somehow in her lap and she’s running her hands through his hair.
He has to be hallucinating.
She leaves around ten that night, but she’s right back at seven in the morning with a box of pancake mix and orange juice. She stays again all day taking care of him, and by the time she leaves again he’s feeling much better.
She doesn’t come over the next morning, but that’s only because she has her first day of classes. He’s still got a tiny smidge of death lingering over him as Liam puts it, and his brother tells him to take one more day off. He spends it sanitizing every surface of his place and catching up on laundry.
He’s not expecting her to drop by after her classes, but she does. She brings pizza and beer, and they watch a random movie playing on TV. Or they sort of watch it. She talks through the entire thing telling him all about her first day. Not that he minds. He’d rather listen to her, especially when she’s just so damn happy.
He doesn’t see her the next day though, or even the one after that. He’s back at work and she’s either studying or going to bed early when he gets off. He’s not sure what he expected. She’s busy living her new life and her taking care of him was a one off. She felt bad for him.
Although part of him wonders how she even knew he was sick, or how she knew where he lived since they’d never shared addresses before.
It’s Friday night and he’s beat. Physically and emotionally. The hurricane missed Florida, but it was enough to bring some fairly bad weather to the area, and with it choppy waters.
And a disastrous rescue.
A family of four want out not realizing how bad the weather would be and their boat capsized. They were able to save the mom and kids, but they couldn’t find the dad. He searched. He really did, taking quite a beating in the process, but the dad was just gone.
It’s not easy making that call. Having to explain that to a family member.
He feels broken. Just so broken.
The weather hasn’t let up. It’s pouring rain and he doesn’t even bother to use his umbrella as he walks back to his condo. Instead, he lets the water penetrate his very soul. He’s barely holding it together, and when he gets to his door and finds Emma there holding a bottle of rum, he breaks, hugging her and holding on for dear life.
They go inside and she pours them each a glass. She doesn’t talk, just lets him sit in silence. It’s like she knows him better than he does. They’re on their second glass when he finally tells her what happened. She already knows though. He’s not sure how but he doesn’t care right now.
Not when she’s sitting next to him holding his hand. He falls asleep on her shoulder. He wakes a few hours later and she’s asleep next to him. His clothes are still wet and now hers probably are too. He can’t do anything about that though. What he can do is make her comfortable. So he goes to change into something dry and returns, picking her up and carrying her into his room, tucking her into his bed.
His couch is comfortable enough. He’s slept there plenty of times before, but he can’t sleep. Not when he can still hear that man’s wife screaming at him. Hours pass and he gives up the pretense of sleep. Instead, he makes enough coffee to fuel a small country. He makes too much. It’s enough that the smell of it wakes Emma.
She stumbles through the living room, looking very confused until she sees him. She doesn’t say anything, just walks out of his condo. He probably overstepped putting her in his bed. They’re friends, but there’s a line that he’s now crossed.
He’s sure she’s gone, but she comes back, dressed in pajamas, and he’s never been more confused.
“I actually live three doors down.”
No, now he’s the most confused he’s ever been.
She’s lived there the entire time and he never noticed. She also left him her phone number before she left. Or she thought she did. Turns out that she gave it to Sanchez to give to him and Sanchez left it on the wrong desk. When she called to find out why he hadn’t called her, and she heard he was sick, she ran to the store and then came to check on him. Apparently she’d seen him around and he’s just never seen her.
Sanchez also called her tonight, telling her that Killian might need a shoulder, so she didn’t hesitate to come over.
He doesn’t drink the coffee. Not when Emma grabs the mug from his hands and sets it back on the table, tugging him with her into his bedroom.
Nothing happens. They just sleep. The weight of her pressed into his side his enough to help him relax a little. He dreams about that night, wakes up shouting but Emma helps soothe him.
She saves him that night.
He has the next day off and wakes with the sun. Emma’s still asleep, likely exhausted because of him. He sets out to ready breakfast, swapping out the old coffee pot with a fresh one. The smell of it is enough to wake Emma again. He needs to shop. His food stash is getting low, but he had enough ingredients to make french toast. He’s still cooking it while Emma sets the table.
Like she belongs there.
They eat in relative silence. He’s still feeling raw and something feels off with Emma, but he doesn’t want to push it. He doesn’t want to push her, so he stays quiet.
He’s cleaning the dishes when she finally speaks.
“What am I to you?”
It’s enough to make him stop what he’s doing, turning of the water and setting down the plate he was just scrubbing.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, what am I to you?”
He thinks on it. She’s his friend. That much he knows. She’s also the woman that he’s had a crush on for over a year. And if he’s really being honest with himself, she’s the woman he’s in love with. But he can’t tell her that. He can’t lose her.
“I think you’re probably my best friend.”
“And is that all?”
He’s not sure what she’s getting at. He’s not sure if he wants to know. Everything is great right now and he doesn’t want to screw it up by scaring her away.
“I’m not quite sure what your after, Swan.”
She takes a breath and for just a second he thinks he sees her holding back tears.
“Killian. I- You flirt with every girl you meet. You’ve dated everyone in my unit, and half of the other units on base. So what is so fundamentally wrong with me that I’m the only female in all of Florida that you aren’t interested in.”
He’s stunned.
“I’m sorry?”
It’s a question but she must not take it as such because she heading for the door right away. He’s closer though and blocks her from leaving.
“That wasn’t a statement. It was me asking for clarification about what’s happening right now.”
“It doesn't matter. Just forget I said anything.”
He can’t forget though. Not if she means what he hopes she does.
“Emma,” he has to grab her chin and force her to look at him. “When did I ever say I wasn’t interested in you?”
“Actions speak louder than words, Killian.”
Well if that’s what she believes, then he’ll just have to show her.
So he does.
He kisses her like his life bloody depends on it, and it very well might. If she walks out that door thinking he isn’t head over heels for him, then his life is over.
It takes more talking for him to explain why he’s never asked her out. That she’s too good for him and he was scared.
It takes more kisses too. He wants to be sure she really feels it.
And if it takes a night of wining and dining then so be it.
That night they sleep in his bed again, but they don’t actually sleep. Not until the sun rises at least.
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