#so youll find me on the other side
snowinabottlearchived · 9 months
dear everyone ! its finally done - i am halfwhat finished with moving blogs . though there are still some tweaks in my carrd i have to do , i am confident enough to archive this place thats been amelias home for the past seven years ( what a wild idea ) . i will not follow people first , as i want to leave the choice to you , if you want to keep in touch with me , keep our plots or maybe even start new new ones . this is an all fresh start for me i desperately need to get back in the swing of writing and there will be no hard feelings towards those who decide not to continue our interactions . i am forever grateful for this experience , for every single one of you and those who want to continue what we had . my url remains the same , so it should be easy to find your way there ! ! i will have a queue running on this blog to make sure no one who is interested missed the moving thing , but other than that : THATS IT . see you on the other side ! ! take care and much love .
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tannieastrology · 3 months
Solar Return Observations #2🌻💛
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🌼💛Just an update so far, I have a 5th house stellium in my chart this year and life has felt so carefree. Life made me get rid of my old crush and made me focus on myself for a while(Pluto) until just friday I met someone new unexpectedly(Vertex). I havent felt this feeling in almost 3 years its really exhilarating feeling like this and I actually have a good feeling about it. It felt like I was meant to cross paths with him at this point in my life right now because im actually focused on my higher self. I feel that Vertex along with other major planets like the Sun, Mars, Mercury, Pluto, and POF made meeting him feel fated because for one ever since Ive met him ive consequently crossed paths with him multiple times in just the span of 3 days. Its not a deep connection however(5th house) but I hope to beat the odds and make something out of it. So overall, Ive had lots of fun, peace, and new interests in love.
🌼💛So I recently just discovered this, but you can go and find your monthly/daily transit chart and overlap it to your natal or solar return chart to see how your school, career, family, or love life will be. I was wondering why was it that I never got the opportunity to meet someone in matters of romance but i did multiple times in friendships and then I saw that in my transit charts I never had Venus in the 7th house until last month. Venus had always been in like the 11th, the 10th, or the 3rd and school and friends was what was constant in my life. Sometimes even having Venus in the 8th can mean a change in your love life. I even looked all the way through 2022 and 2023 and all 12 months there was not one placement of Venus/Mars/Moon in the 5th or 7th until my transit chart of Febuary 29. Venus conjuncted Mars in the 8th and what happened? I saw the new guy who was exactly my type and I found interest in him. My next transit will be March 30 with Venus, Saturn, and Neptune in the 7th, and Mars conjunct the descendant. Im hoping that things will go well and I can get the courage to talk to him but we'll seeee.
🌼💛Having Jupiter in the 1st just means your whole year will be filled with luck youll just have things fall right into your hands.
🌼💛Uranus in the 9th house is lowkey feeling lost on what path you should take regarding school or just feeling disconnected from school in general. I have this right now and ive been having trouble locking in on my school work and i dont know how i want to plan my schedule for next year. Im just going with the flow atp.
🌼💛Venus in the 4th house means your family will spoil you and make you feel loved.
🌼💛Ok so im not really liking the attention ive been getting from having Lilith exactly conjunct the Ascendant. It feels like every where i go theres been men staring at me creepily and theres this guy on the track team who keeps touching me and crossing my boundries and personal space and it makes me so uncomfortable. Its so grimy and I hate it.
🌼💛Look at the dominant planet and see what house it falls in. Last year i had a dominant planet of moon and it fell in the 12th house conjunct mars. All imma say is that last year was one of the worse but strengthening years for me mentally.
🌼💛Venus in the 9th house means you’ll probably get a chance to travel. I had it in the 4th degree and i went to California from Texas because of a wedding on my moms side.
🌼💛Ive noticed that Vertex in the 5th doesnt always necessarily mean youll meet someone, it just means that youll get a lot of opportunities to go out and have fun.
🌼💛Saturn in the 6th/10th means standing on business.
🌼💛Chiron in the 5th may be a year where you feel burnt out. Make sure to take a break.
🌼💛Moon in libra will beautify a relationship depending on whatever house its in. Ex- first house: your appearance, 3rd: your relationship with siblings, 5th house: with your romantic partners or your inner self. It could also mean you feel romantic this year and could even have more opportunities given to you to express those feelings.
🌼💛7th house Neptune means having dreamy fantasies about people you wanna date. Could have your head in the clouds or you can just have high hopes regarding this area. Could be spiritually calming regarding partnerships but you can be manipulated and gaslighted too if your not careful.
🌼💛Venus in the 10th means being called beautiful all the time during that year. So many strangers used to stop me in the hallways to tell me I was pretty that year.
🌼💛Chiron and Neptune in the 1st means not being able to see your beauty.
🌼💛Venus or Jupiter in the 2nd means splurging on skincare, makeup, and clothes.
🌼💛Having Chiron in the 4th is not fun lol. Could mean family problems, struggling to feel at home when youre at home, and having trouble having a safe space.
🌼💛Leo Ascendant years will make you feel popular.
🌼💛Venus in the 6th could make you follow health, beauty, and workout routines or it could oppositely make you feel lazy and not wanna do anything. It also means feeling comfortable at work or find a interest at work.
🌼💛In 2020 when covid hit I had Saturn in the 5th house and it makes so much sense looking back. We were forced to be isolated and I couldnt go out because of the lockdown. Dont get me wrong though I still had alot of fun with my family but I feel like my middle school experience wouldve been alot different if that hadnt happened.
🌼💛Having a Cancer Ascendant back in 2015 was when my older cousin got married and that was a big event for our family that girl spent almost a 100k on her wedding. She was the first to get married out of the kids in the family. Even having Cancer degrees in the chart will mean change or some significant event in your family life.
Thats all for today hope yall enjoyed:)
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tia-222 · 8 months
I want to enter the void within this week. I have been trying and affirming right before I go to sleep and I can feel my body falling asleep or kind of vibrate like it's going numb but I never get in. Any advice or methods I can try out that might help?
Hiii my love, also it's been awhile since I answered a void/ Loa ask. I missed yall tho. Yess, I do have a method that you might wanna try and I think everyone should too. I'll share the method below with the links and stuff ♡
( This is a void state method and can also be used as a shifting method, but only use it for shifting post-void state as the whole point of this IS to get you into void state >:) if you use this for shifting it will be an awake method, but you can turn it into an asleep method if you prefer after you enter void ) Credits to Eros !!
This method has worked for me everytime I've tried it and usually takes about 5 minutes to enter the void. i have had minishifts while using this btw and my most powerful and intense minishift was actually when i first made this method.
For this method you need to be relaxed, i usually do this when tired but it works best when you're not drowsy, i dont recommended being tired to the point you’re about to fall asleep but moreso in a state where you think youll be up for about an hour more before you go to bed :smile: i HIGHLY recommend it is night time.
✧ Get in a quiet and DARK environment and turn on some theta waves, i HIGHLY recommended theta and/ or epsilon waves or binural beats. Make sure it is dark and nothing is bothering you. I'm ngl to you guys the ones i find most helpful are these here, ive literally had the most shifts with these than with any other sub/waves I've ever used, and I've also had the most powerful experiences with them.
✧ Lay in starfish, ik ik but this is very important for this method on its own, you won't have to fall asleep for this at all so dw about that. i recommend lying on your side for like 20 minutes beforehand so you’re uncomfortable on your side and lying on your back feels nice and welcoming. you dont have to be directly in starfish but make sure you're on your back and your limbs aren't touching.
✧ Relax your whole body, go from your head to your toes, release your forehead muscles, unsquint your eyes make sure they're relaxed, release tension in your shoulders, then your left arm then you're right and make your way down your whole body. Relax it fully and make sure there is no tension in your body.
✧ Now imagine your seven main chakras, see them in your minds eye and focus on seeing balls of white energy where they are. then start feeling the energy within your body. start from the root and count upwards to your crown chakra 6 times, feel the energy there and see the light get brighter and stronger. feel your eyes move beneath your eyelids as you go upwards (do not force this movement or try to move your eyes forcefully, it should happen naturally as you imagine focusing on different spots of your body). take your time with this and please dont rush it, you are supposed to FEEL. Here is a picture if you dont know the main chakra points.
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✧ Now for the seventh time imagine the energy orbs connecting to one another, as you move up your body imagine the white light connecting from your root to your crown and creating a straight line of energy connecting your head to your toes, the second it all connects hold the image and focus on your third eye and the energy it holds, then release. the second you do this you should feel a sensation in your body and possibly see lights, you are in void state.
✧ From here affirm things such as “i am more than my physical body, i am not attached to a physical body, i am pure consciousness, i am in the void state” if you feel it necessary.
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sunnyyangie · 6 months
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keeho x f. reader
nsfw mdni!!!
description: keeho gets distracted by you before your date night
genre: fluff and smut
warnings: dom!keeho, sweet and a bit of mean keeho, thigh riding, pet names, choking.
dedicated to: sony 😽🫶🏼
“princess, are you almost ready?” keeho calls out from outside of the door.
“yeah, can you come in and help me real quick, please?” you reply, struggling with the zipper on your dress.
the door squeaks open and you notice keeho, all dressed up, who had stopped in his tracks, jaw dropped. you smile, “babe, some help would be nice.”
keeho blinks rapidly and swiftly walks over to your spot. “my baby, you look so gorgeous.” his hands find home on your waist as he kisses you. “my pretty baby.” he says in between kisses.
you break apart from him giggling, “and you’re very handsome yourself, kyo, baby. my zipper, please?” and turn away from him, facing the mirror and watching the way his eyes trail across your body. feeling his hands make its way to your zipper, leaving goosebumps from his touch.
“oh!” he exclaims once done, “almost forgot.” he reached into his pocket to pull out a small box, handing it to you.
you aw, smiling sweetly as you open it to reveal a dainty and gold necklace, with a small ‘k’ pendant. “baby, its so beautiful. i love it, and i love you.” you take it out and he grabs it from you, gently clasping it around your neck.
“and i love you more,” he places a kiss on your shoulder when finished, arms wrapping around to hug you and look at you through the mirror. “so beautiful, baby. how’d i get so lucky with you?” he rests his chin on top of your head after kissing it.
“pretty sure im the lucky one, keeho.” you turn around and bring your arms up to rest on his shoulders. sharing another kiss, it slowly becomes more and more heated with the way he slips his tongue in your mouth, his grip on your waist tightening. “babe, we have dinner soon.” you breathe out.
“it can wait.” he pulls you to the bed and sets you on his thigh.
“keeho,” you warn. the way youre already wet through your underwear making you worry youll ruin his pants before the date. “i dont know if-“
“im not asking.” cutting you off, the sudden change in heart makes you freeze. “be a good girl and ride my thigh.”
the way his siren eyes stare into your own make you clench around air, and immediately start moving against his thigh for some relief. your hands grip his shoulders to ground yourself; the way keehos fingers dig into your hips makes you sigh from the pleasure. “more, kyo.” you whine, pouting and making puppy eyes at him. “need more.”
he mimicks your pout and tilts his head at you, one hand coming up to squish your cheek. “my little girl wants more, huh? cant do it herself, hm.” his grip tightens as he rocks you against his thigh harder and faster.
you drop your forehead on his shoulder, one of your hands dropping to hold his waist, the other gripping the back of his neck. your moans get louder with the way he nibbles on your ear, then leaving a soft kiss, and how one hand travels up to your still clothed boob, massaging it through the fabric.
“you sound close, baby. is my nasty girl gonna come? make a mess all over me?” all you can do is nod and whine, and then his hand trails up to grab your throat, causing pressure on the sides, slightly pushing you off his shoulder. “look at me while you come then, cupcake.”
the eye contact and his voice pushes you over the edge as complete bliss takes over your body. your forehead falling on his shoulder as you try to regulate your breathing; keeho kissing the side of your head and neck, hands softly rubbing at your body to calm you down.
when you bring your hand down to his clothed buldge, you softly ask, “do you think we should cancel the dinner reservation?”
part two? 🤭
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complete-clownery · 5 months
Not me deciding that I wanna figure out how does Macaques dojo work, cuz I couldnt seem to find any ideas of it on the internet lol
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Okay so long long LONG rant:
Ik that in canon the whole place looks kinda-- moldy and shit and I get the lot of hc about how Macaque probably doesnt even live there since its in a very industrial outer neighborhood of Megaplois, and also it probably isnt really decorated or looks like someone is living in there at all, but I like to think that he has standards and they put like 272636373 nois cancelation seals on their bedroom so he can sleep camly when he actually can sleep (since in my hc Macaque suffers from insomnia (its a pretty common hc tho, but you get it)) and I think the outer circle of Megaplois is even tho industral and under constructuion on most parts, its probably more quiet than downtown
And I also like to imagine, Macaque even tho if not commited to a place will make it more homy. But looking at my reference pictures, in the dojo there were also a lot of posters and paintings (and in MKAGC Macaque did mention he might have a poster of wukong soooo~~)
For the layout I went after whatever felt right, since I had like 4 pictures to piece together a two-story house with a gallery(??) so its actually just me deciding what I want and where I wanna put it
(Here are the screenshots from lmk s1ep9 I used:)
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Okay Okay if you couldnt tell, for some reason im really hyped about this stuff so im going to lead you trough my thougtprocess, when imagining this whole thing, in order from ground level to gallery
1. Ground level:
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Ahh yes ground level: the problem child
(Im going to keep it somewhat brief here cuz I wrote a shit ton of explanations for it, but that somehow got deleted which I am super pissed about btw)
So I saw that a lot of hc with Macaques place are mostly that first floor is the dojo and the second floor is the living area, buuut~~ based on the screenshots of the series that doesnt make any sense. My reasoning? Simple really, its bc you can see the ceiling If you are standing in the dojo. This could lead to the conclusion that:
"Okay maybe then there is no second floor just a gallery in there somewhere and thats it".
Sure we can say that, but then you would ignore the fact that you cant see the front door of the building when Macaque slams Mk into a weaponstand.
"Okay then its on the other side of the room that we never got to see in the episode"
I mean maybe sure but to me from an animation point of view it just doesnt make sense, just why would they flipp the camera angle like that (I mean anyone can think whatever they want, everyones opinion is valid, its not like anyone would ever argue me on this one ((or read this whole brainrot trough in the first place lol)))
Haha anyways regardless of anything, let's go back to talking about the first floor, shall we?
Everything is pretty self explenatory: when you come in on the front door youll see a little shoe rack where you can but your shoes, and one stair to seperate the ante-room from the rest of the house
Then theres a long hall that leads to the enterence of the storageroom, the random room and the staircase that leads to the second floor
I couldnt decide on what to put in that big room-- I had no clue -- I was thinking maybe Macaque could let other people rent it for a few days of maybe theres a shop with an owner whos ranting the place from Macaque (I think thats an interasting concept, but I didnt explore any of them) oh well thats that tho
"""somewhat brief""""
Second floor:
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This was probably the easiest, since 90% of it is the dojo
But before that when you walk up to the second floor you can see a big boubel door that opens to the dojo, and a normal door that opens to the bathroom, which is strategicly placed there by yours truely. There is big brain logic behind it,, it might be inconvinient for Macaque to walk down the stairs from his bedroom trough the dojo to the bathroom (but also he can just shadow portal there--), but when ocasionally he mentors Mk, he might have to go to the bathroom while hes at Macaques place and I dont think Macaque would apritiate someone stomping trough his personal area, and thats why the bathroom is conviniently placed next to the dojo and not that far from the bathroom I know im a genius (**read everything in the bathroom part with a lot of sarcasm**)
Anyways, we couldnt even see all four of the dojos walls so that was also a 'gamble', but I went with a simple bouble door that I mentioned before and two weapon stands (yes those are weapon stands) and other than that you can see the rest of the room on the screenshots, theres also the staircase and that has some closet underneath it, but thats about it
The gallery (my personal favorit):
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Looking at my reference pictures i could see that the dojo took up a lot of space almost taking up the 1/2 of the building, which I think is reasonable and kinda cool, but that means small living area which I think is even cooler (I am a huge fan of small practical spaces, they feel so so cozy)
So Yeah the living space: mostly two rooms that I also illustrated on top of this post, (you probably saw it) with a balkony thingy before the enterence of the rooms, where you can look down and see the entirety of the dojo, good for observing.
When you go in the door (actually havent decided if I want to put a door there or curtains for style but meh who knows who cares), youll enter the small but spacious kitchen. I dont see the Six Eared Macaque as a homecook, more of a fake cooking guy (only making basic foods like eggs or toast, maybe ocasionally pancake), hints there is no built in stove or owen just a portable stove, a kettle and a toaster and a small fridge that has MKs drawing (that he drew for them at the end of season 3) magneted there :]
Other than that theres a sink and an old television, he got from the randomest place ever, maybe he fished it out of the trash idk, but he put it on top of the cabinets (rarely watches anything on it)
On the baseplan you can see that there was supposed to be a small table next to the sink with a chair, but it didn't make it to the final drawing cuz let's be honest: drawing interior in correct perspective without a reference picture is just not my strongest artskill I posess, so I got pissed and put a trashcan in there, Macaque can eat in his bed
Talking about bed, let's move on to the Six Eared Macaques room:
It is very small but pretty comfortable with a small bed but a shit ton of pillows for a good nights sleep, other than that there are a nightstand that has the Lantern on it (I know it sorta got lost/destroyed after defeating LBD but I wanted to put it there) and a drawer.
The nightstand probably doesnt have a lot innit, just some nick-nacks and tissues and maybe snacks, or a book or something, the drawer stores some of his clothes, but since I like to think that Macaque is a fashion icon that wont be able to fit most of their clothes, so maybe he stores them in a pocket dimension of shadows, and only has some esentials there when he needs to get ready quickly.
And we could talk about the posters plastered around the room, but most of them are kinda self-explanatory, but there are the poster of his shadowplaly of the hero and the warrior, some drawing, a "Hang in there babygirl!" Poster with a cat on it hanging in there, a poster of the monkey king (heh), phantom of the opera poster and a-- well--- that ones for my bestie hope she'll notice it, its a spies are forever poster (really fun musical a of spies, go watch it its on youtube), and a drawing he brought( maybe)
And thats about the bedroom
And we are still not done, how are we feeling about that?? Huh?? (You dont have to answert, this shit took me about 2 hours to write :] )
LAST PLACE: the corner of the windows opposit the kitchen and the bedroom. Its just a chill little place with pillows and blankets, where someone can bundle up and enjoy some tea or read a book or brood, whatever the monkey prefers. The special thing about it, is that you cant access the place without knowing how to levitate, fly, jump high, or use portals, not that much of a game changer since more than half of the lmk cast could get up there, but still a bit of a barrier in my opinion
AAAAAND~~~ thats it omg
Hi hello if you read this trough could you please comment or reblog with this: "🐵" cuz I wanna know about the brave soilders who went trough this immense amount of clownery,,, holly mother---
If you read this all 👏👏👏 you are amazing thank you for appreciating my work this much, have an amazing day or night ✨🪲
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amaramizuki666 · 1 year
DC x Dp crossover
Soul speak part.2
John and jason sat in the justice league's main conference room. "What do you think is going to happen?" Hood asked looking at the blond. "No fucking clue I tried to dig up stuff on this guy but I didnt find out much, just that he's been king for the past 10 years" Constantine muttered while lighting a cigarette. "Well you sold your soul to the guy so I get why he wants to talk with you, but what does he want from me?!" Jason sighs.
Jason is agitated, he dosnt understand what this ghost king wants from him. "I dont know red hood mabey it's because you died and came back to life, dont lie I can tell, you have the stench of death on ya" Constantine says blowing smoke from his lips. "You are suposed to be dead, not sure how you came back or how ya died but you arnt supposed to be breathing right now." John continued "and this king phantom is upset that I'm still alive or something?" Jadon asked and Constantine just shrugged mummblinging a mabey.
The door to the room slid open. Constantine and red hood felt a cold chill go up their spines. They turned their heads to see a kid that looked like one of the bats brood walk in, he had coal black hair and ice blue eyes. He was tall about a few inches taller than both john and jason. But he was still young looking, around late teens to early twenties.
They just watched the young man walk in front on them pull a projector from who knows where and plug it in. He turned it on, and on the wall of the room seemed to be a Google slide show presentation labelled, ghost adoption/how to form and keep your baby ghost core healthy.
"Ok so let's get this started shall we" the boy says turning to the other men in the room. "Excuse me who are you" Constantine asks flatly a puff of smoke leaving his lips "john Constantine, I know it's been a month but I know I'm not that forgettable" he replied smiling flashing them with his too sharp teeth, his eyes flashing green.
"What how are you-" jhon was cut off "alive? Well I'm not, not really anyway" the boy says tilting his head lightly unblinking at the men. "Wait your the ghost king. Are you possessing that kid or something" hood glared at the demon/ghost/thing. "No I'm not overshadowing , this is my body, you see I'm only half dead, but that's a story for another time, I'm here for in right now" phantom says still starring unblinkingly.
"Why are you in this form and not your other form?" John asked the king. "because it's less of a mind fuck, now" phantom says and clicks the next button on the presentation "let's talk about how we are going to form your ghost cores shall we".
"What are you talking about?" Hood snaps, annoyed "why am I here? Do you want to finish me off or some shit? Collect my soul?!" Hood interrogates green sleeping into his vision. Phantom looks at him walks over to where hood is seated and places his hand on his shoulder. "You are here because you are a starved baby ghost with anger issues, well halfa that hasnt formed a core yet".
John looked at phantom "and why am I here?" "Because you have a core, but it's very unhealthy, and to talk about how I kinda ghost adopted you" phantom supplied. John and jason where so confused "now back to the slides" phantom says. They then spend 3 hours and a half talking about ghost cores, ghost adoption, and how to keep ghost cores healthy.
On the flip side danny is also considering fighting batman for custody for red hood. He'll have to talk to sam and tucker first though. Sam was pretty upset he adopted john without informing them first. Not that he originally knew he ghost adopted him. I mean what was danny suposed to do with Constantine's soul eat it?
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gatorbites-imagines · 6 months
Request or just saying
One piece is so good but all I was thinking is how Law can be a bit of a brat sometimes especially when he runs off and gets his ass in trouble (I'm sorry I was dying of laughter when his ass got beat by the flamingo guy, I can not spell his name for the life of me). So imagine a bigger sly reader punishing him 🤤
Like reader is happy Law survived and he punishes him, nsfw or not
This could be a good fluff or smut type thing, I don't mind!!
Love your writing
Trafalgar Law x bigger male reader
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The thing I love about one piece is that a request can say bigger reader, and I can make reader anywhere from a few inches taller than the other character, or make them 10 feet tall, and it would fit into the one piece universe.
Reader is 8 or 9 feet in this, cuz hehe, I love size difference.
You were the holder of a devilfruit, a zoan fruit more specifically, the tiger fruit. This granted you the power of any zoan fruit, and resulted in you having a striped pattern on your skin most days, as well as tiger ears and a tail flicking behind you, as that was most comfortable for you.
You had been a part of the heart pirates for a long time, and had been dating Law for a good chunk of that. You regularly used your tiger form to get him to sleep, transforming into a huge tiger and flopping down on top of him to keep him down.
He could easily use room to get away, but Law learns you’ll just follow him and keep it up. When you don’t turn into a tiger, youll still pick him up and keep him in your lap, making tiger noises in your chest as you rub your chin on the top of his head after knocking his hat off.
You end up having to pull him out of trouble a lot, at this point you are sure it’s the D in his name, as he attracts danger like a magnet. It leaves the hairs on your tail puffed up and frizzy, as you always feel the need to look out for him.
More than once you’ve had to swoop in, in tiger form, and chase off any enemy that’s too much, just to scoop Law up and carry him back to the Polar Tang as he pouts and grumbles like the brat he is.
People outside the crew can’t seem to believe you when you mutter about Law being a brat. Everyone on your crew knows it’s the truth, and he can get especially bratty with you at times when he wants to rile you up.
Law always gets this lazy but satisfied grin on his lips when he catches your tail wagging from side to side in annoyance, your teeth and claws sharper than normal as you try to suppress the urge to chase him down and punish him in one way or another.
Laws sacrificial ways have always left you feeling stressed, and after the fight with Doflamingo you want to rip all your fur out because you really felt like you were gonna lose your lover.
You thank Luffy and the strawhats for keeping him safe, even if you are also very bruised and bloodied from the fighting, before carrying Law back to the Polar Tang like you are used too, still transformed into the more Anthro looking form similar to the form Lucci takes, but a tiger instead.
The rest of the heart crew knows to give you space as you rumble deep in your chest, scolding Law as you stomp back towards the submarine, Law pouting as he lays in your arms with his arms crossed.
The wild thrashing of your tail and the twitching of your ears also tells your crew to find somewhere else to spend the night, or else they’re gonna be hearing their captains voice throughout the whole submarine.
Some of the strawhat crew seems to pick up whats up, whilst others don’t, so the ones in the know have a little laugh at Laws fate, but they leave you guys to it, since the celebrating will take a while anyways.
Law wont even look at you as you throw him into your bed, a bed big enough to feet all 9 feet of your height, his arms crossed as he stares at the wall like it’s the most important thing in the world.
You transform into your more human form, pacing back and forth at the bottom of the bed, growling and grumbling as you scold him, making sure to get your point across, till Law starts to feel bad for his behavior, at least somewhat.
His shoulders climb up to his ears and Law finally looks at you, his pout melted away into something a little softer and almost guilty. But it immediately melts away when you stop prowling and crawl up the bed towards him.
Instead, a glint appears in his eyes, that bratty satisfied grin like he has gotten just what he wanted from his behavior.
But, Law soon comes to regret that, as you take that expression as a challenge, and he soon finds himself thrown over your large bulky thighs, his pants pulled down to his knees as you spank him, making him count each strike.
In this situation, your much larger size is something Law curses, as your hand covers pretty much his entire ass as you lay into him, growling his wrongdoings at him, fangs flashing as striped fur licks up your arms and sideburns, your eyes flashing between human and those of a tiger.
Its only when he loses the ability to count and hes reduced to a blubbering moaning mess that you slow down, basking in the tears running down his face as he sobs and apologizes.
Its only after you find his cries and tears satisfactory that you pull his pants the rest of the way off and sit him up, pulling him into your lap. You have to lean down somewhat to kiss his forehead, but after such a spanking Law is so sweet and pliable.
He whimpers and shudders, face wet with tears and drool as he clings to your chest, hips lifted to not press his aching behind against your strong thighs. But the punishment has also left him aching somewhere else, his cock twitching and leaking as need burns up his spine.
You make sure to praise him and mumble how much you love him as you rub his back, comforting him through his tears until he’s calmed down enough for you to focus on something else, as the pain of the punishment lessens, and Laws lust grows.
When Law starts to whine and whimper for something else, you roll him onto his back, shucking off the rest of his clothes as you go.
Law gasps and shudders as his aching behind presses against the sheets, but his focus is quickly somewhere else as you start licking at his neck and torso, your tongue rough and sharp against his skin, your feline tongue leaving red strips across his skin from the sandpaper like texture.
Law tries to keep quiet, but with him already being so worked up from earlier, its easy to get him to wail and moan loud enough for it to fill the entire Polar Tang. Especially when your rough tongue brushes against the underside of his cock.
The first time you do that his back arches almost painfully, the noise the leaves him sounding almost tortured as he grips onto your hair, his throat burning from the intensity of his wail.
Law shudders and moans, what little shame that had been before bleeding out of his body as your large hands hold his hips down, your tongue carefully rolling against his sensitive length, never dragging or hurting too much. You rub it against him just enough for him to feel and for it to leave him shaking.
You rumble and purr as his blurry eyes fall shut, a tear running down his cheer as he lets out a soundless wail of pleasure, his entire body tensing and toes curling as white spurts leave his cock, splattering across the flat side of your tongue and across his torso.
As he goes limp you rub his hips and thighs, pulling your tongue away from his sensitive flesh to mutter praise and loving words to him as he pants and continues to moan softly.
Its only when you know he’s returned somewhat to himself that you crawl up the bed again. After laying down on your back, you pull him on top of you, letting him curl up in your arms for a bit. You’ll get up soon to get stuff to treat the bruises in a bit, but first you need to hold him as he shudders and grasps onto you, Law needing you to ground him.
You end up curling your tail around him, letting some fur appear on your torso so he can run his fingers across it in a grounding and comforting manner, a loving rumble leaving your throat and chest and leaving Law feeling tired but comfortable.
He may be bratty at times, but he’s your brat, and you’ll straighten him out when he needs it when you have too. It’s a process you both love more than you two will ever admit, and a process that annoys your crew at times, but that’s just what its like being part of the heart pirates at this point.
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kwaanie · 23 days
"the taste of a kiss"
bff!yang jungwon x fem!bff!reader
wc: 900, fluff & tiny tiny angst, just idiots inlove but theyre too much of an idiot to realize, not proofread
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your friendship with jungwon has crossed several lines over the years. i mean youve been friends since you both were in diapers — it was bound to happen, right?
many people have told you before that this wasnt normal ; friends dont pay so much attention to the other ones laugh, friends dont ditch their dates in favor of hanging out with one another, friends dont get jealous of the other hanging out with someone else
and friends especially dont ask to kiss their friends on the lips
"im sorry, what?"
the stunned face jungwon wore brought heat to your cheeks, making you not want to repeat the words youve suddenly uttered. ".. can you kiss me?"
you didnt think it was an unusual request! — after all you had a totally valid reason
"its just so i dont embarrass myself with my future significant other, thats all!" right, totally a valid and very true reason
it isnt like youre trying to find an excuse to kiss your best friend.. totally not
"mhm, yeah no." he concluded, going back to phone while successfully hiding the way his cheeks were turning cherry red
with a small huff, you sat by his side at the couch — practically melting into his side as you clung to his arm like a koala. "wonnie-ah, please? with a cherry on top?"
"you dont need to know how to kiss because you wont be with anyone anytime soon" he replied half-heartedly, trying to cover up the shakiness of his voice
jungwon has practiced the art of deceiving with how its become second nature for him to lie over his true intentions ; like he doesnt want to kiss you, be with you
"okay, rude! didnt need to call me out like that" the banter brought a small chuckle from jungwons lips — slightly easing the tension that has built since the beginning of this conversation
"just indulge me for today, will you? pretty please?" you gave your best puppy eyes. jungwon scoffed as he shook his head lightheartedly, "when have i never indulged you?"
you rolled your eyes with a small smile. "alright you got me! whats adding another favor to the list"
the room went quiet as you watched jungwon ponder over your request — youve never seen him this serious before. sweat was slowly building up at your nape, the hands clutching the sleeves of his sweatshirt suddenly becoming too clammy for your liking.
"i-if you really dont wa-"
"fine, ill do it."
honestly, you really werent expecting him to agree to this at all. "uhh- are you sure? won-ah i was just joking around! .. kind of! you dont have to-"
"but i want to" he replied without a thought. jungwon seemed to realize how eager he mustve sounded and his confidence disappeared in a snap — immediately reverting back to his previous nervous demeanor
too busy keeping his composure, jungwon failed to notice the way the four simple words affected you — your lips have parted from surprise and your heart suddenly skipped a beat
you were brought out of your daze when jungwon held his finger in front of you. "you owe me for this, by the way" the furrow of his brow pulled a small laugh from you as you nodded your head. he seemed satisfied with your response
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"so how do we go about thi- oh!" jungwons hands found purchase around your waist as he pulled you even closer to him than before, your hands landing on his shoulders — seeking for something to hold onto
from this view — you could see every little imperfections of his that you adored ; the subtle glow of his skin, and the tinted lips of his youve always daydreamed about — whether or not it was as plump and soft as it looked
today — youll finally find out
jungwon caught your wandering gaze unbeknownst to you. feeling encouraged, one of his hands cupped your cheek as he brought you impossibly closer — tilting your head up to meet his eyes
suddenly, everything felt like it was on slow notion. jungwons hand slowly slid to the back of you head as he leaned further into your space. you can feel his breath lightly grazing your skin — your noses barely an inch away
jungwons hooded eyes were drawn to the plush of your lips, his tongue poking out to wet his own. the simple act was all it took for you to move first to connect yourself together
the feeling of his lips on your own felt surreal. it felt like two puzzle pieces finally becoming one. it was slow, soft, and utterly perfect. like your lips were moulded for one another
it felt like hours before you pulled away. a giggle erupted from you when jungwon followed, already missing your touch — like a moth drawn to a flame. both of you were cherry red after the realization actually hit
youve just kissed your best friend. on the lips. for real
uncertainty filled the room at the question of what now? how will this affect your friendship?
you cleared your throat and uttered the words that broke jungwons heart. he thought maybe he had a chance now — you seemed to have both liked the kiss so maybe- just maybe he ...
"this is just practice? right won-ah? it wont change anything between us"
maybe he didnt have a chance afterall
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© kwaanie — reposting/editing/copying is strictly prohibited !
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lonelypep · 9 months
hi tumblr
ive been rewatching gravity falls and i thought it would be funny to recap certain events in the show with no context whatsoever
-dipper sings dancing queen by abba with a mutant bear he was about to kill.
-stan, a man in his 60-70s, lectures a child on how to formulate an evil plan. (the child is 4 years old, stans rival, and having a mental breakdown because stan's granchildren are in his armpits)
-dipper gets literally mauled by a wolf and decides its better than going to his sister's sleepover.
-larry king gets decapitated.
-kids break in to a convenience store where one of them gets high out of her mind on cheap illegal ice cream (normal tuesday for these kids)
-kids find out about the 8th and a half president: who made the first all-baby supreme court.
-grunkle stan wins the football bowl. he taught the footballers and their gloating friends a lesson. he wins a football winning trophy, and a beautiful woman aptly named beautiful woman. but he couldnt have done it, any of it, without his sidekick footbot.
-soos is canonically afraid of british dog men. hes so real for that honestly.
-youre laughing. people are sick of piles of owls constantly blocking their driveway and youre laughing.
-the only on screen character death, with the exception of bill, is that of big henry, who sacrificed himself by taking a golf ball to the other side of the mine. the protagonists never learn this.
-soos turns into clay and starts breaking the laws of the universe. so stan kills him with a radio.
-two kids travel back in time and crush toby's musical theatre dreams.
-"dudebro" became a mainstay in my regular vocabulary for two years because of this show.
-grunkle stan teaches a bear how to drive. he almost gets arrested in this episode. not for teaching a bear how to drive but because of tax fraud.
-soos' stomach emits whale noises.
-mcgucket has apparently exploded an entire downtown city because his pal earnie didn't come to his retirement party. justified tbh
-stan starts booing some little kids because they told their grandpa they loved him
-let me just set the scene for a sec here: its 2016. its a beautiful summer day, where the hazy nostalgia of a music festival fills your eyes, your ears, and the uneasy excitement of love in the hot summer air makes every second better than the last. suddenly, a gigantic flaming head of a man saying "i eat kids" descends upon you from the sky. the graphic horror is something youll never forget. the grotesque image of people in terror at this gargantuan mass of flaming flesh. it burns into your eyes. is this it for you? you see a child, clueless to the situation, ask his mother his final words: is the giant flaming head going to eat us? she says yes. as it consumes you, you cry a single tear. im done being dramatic but this did happen
-beautiful men eat out of stan's trash (this apparently happens consistently)
-youre laughing. darn beautiful men are always eating out of his trash and youre laughing.
-stan strips on public television.
-gourney gets eaten by a halloween monster. he is only freed when soos eats the monnster.
-the gravity falls universe has a public television program where babies fight each other.
-grunkle stan tries to burn aforementioned four year old nemesis alive.
-ok not really but he tries to blind him at least which is still pretty bad.
-grunkle stan tries to steal an animatronic badger
-mabeland has a government entirely run by mabel. this makes mabel an autocratic fascist. sorry i dont make the rules.
-soos' mom turns into a chair.
-theres a character named toot toot mc bumblesnazzle, who plays a banjo. go ahead and guess his narrative importance. if you guess cult leader, correct!
-neil degrasse tyson plays a pig.
and last but certainly not least, stan has illegally shipped pugs across the us border.
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liyuee-qixing · 2 years
Dottore with a very sick s/o
Maybe a vent post...???😭😭😭
Im finally being productive again wow, still can't keep my promise on how often I would update though
Cw, disease of course.
Genres:Angst to comfort???
Dottore is my fav character to write dhsgeusgajahsj
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Il Dottore
He's a doctor. He know what tod o in these situations where your body temperature just drop and you become pale, honestly,if You're any other person he couldn't careless if he find the cure or not,but if he can't find the cure for your disease and it'll end up fatal, He'll curse himself. He'll blame himself for everything,he make sure you're on good health every single day.
he has a room in his headquarters that is made for you only since he never really back to home and it's really worry him. It's a simple room with bed,thick blanket,box of medicine and lot decorations you like. Despite being a crazy man scientist,that one room he dedicate to you look Like a sweet nursery room
When it's not so cold outside,he like to give his jacket to you and take you to a scroll around the zapolyrn place garden,picking up flowers,picnic date,after all,being stuck in one room for long period of time is boring everyone need something fun to do.
He tried to cover the dark fatui side and the dark part of his experiment too,he worries that if you saw it,your condition will just be getting worse and he'll be the cause of it. He worry that someday you will drift away,and that all is because of his careless attitude.
His love language is act of service, he'll do anything for you, he'll cook you the softest pancake he learned himself,he prepared a warm bath and shower you,he try his best to make a cure to end all of your struggles in this cruel world.
"good morning Love"your tired eyes met with Dottore's,The man you loved the most. What you didn't expect was for you both to be on his mansion,you Don't remember anything about walking here.
"good morning too,love. Since when did we get here?" You cooed sweetly,your body however feel so sore. It's felt like you're going to faint.
"you were half asleep when we're on our Way,tell me how do you felt"he answer, placing his hand on your forehead, checking any symptoms of fever,you gave him a sweet smile at first but then it turned to frown when the feeling of soreness and blur start to hover your mind
"I feel.. I feel. Like I want to pass out,my body is sore"you answer bitterly,now he's worried. He then start to notice visible sweats on the side of your forehead. You were clearly exhausted.
"would you like to sit in front of the fireplace?"he hand you his hand, leading you to Infront of the fireplace,step by step on the stairs you both made it,placing you down on the silk couch covering you with thick blanket and your favorite plushie.
On the table, served his signature breakfast,a pancake he learned by himself and a mug of hot chocolate along with your medicine. He spoon you slowly and slowly. Waiting for your next condition report.
"Dottore. Do you think I'll be fine?"a word that truly shocken him,why would you ask such a question? Do your condition get so bad these day? How are he not aware of this? What could be the issues and cause?
"you'll be fine,here with me"he whispered as he placed kiss to your forehead. His words were so affirmating and calming but deep down he feel lot different than just 'youll be fine'
He can't lose you,not when someone actually care about him,not when his cold heart has been melted by you. And also not when you're the only person he can reach to when he struggles,what are him without you?
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magnolianv1nce · 9 months
(hc) being with nick + charlie . . .
pairing(s) : poly!nick and charlie x male!reader
synopsis : headcanons while dating nick and charlie !
warning(s) : polyamorous relationship , mentions of hickeys , mentions of making out . comment any i missed please !
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✢ they both consider themselves ‘ the luckiest men on earth ’ for being able to date you .
✢ they love you to DEATH , and would want you to feel 100% comfortable anywhere you were .
✢ charlie would be the one who asked you out , but nick would be the one who first kissed you .
✢ the moment you three got together , nick and charlie would constantly take pictures of you .
✢ yes , they have a whole photo album dedicated just to you .
✢ you three would have matching lock screens or just a group photo of you three ( similar to those photobooth images . )
✢ youll easily be able to catch both of them staring at you in awe just because they realized they pulled YOU !
[y/n] — “ why are you both looking at me like that ? ” [nick + charlie with eyes of adoration] — “ like what ? ”
✢ before coming out to ANYONE about your relationship , they both would take sneaky kisses or affectionate love bites whenever they could .
✢ although they both can get away with minor PDA fairly easier and pass it off as ‘ best friends ’ and such , although the more handsy they get the more suspicious they look .
✢ out of everyone in the group , darcy would be the most likely to find out about you three , mainly through her gay intuition .
✢ once you three do eventually come out as a couple , everyone is extremely supportive ( darcy is constantly shouting that she knew it ) , even if other people outside the friend group dont understand it .
✢ even if ben hope and his homophobic strag patrol ends up coming up to you or talking about you , all three of you try your best to make sure it doesnt get to any of you .
✢ nick would constantly hold your hand or run his thumb against your arm while charlie would whisper little jokes about harry or ben .
✢ if it helps , they would lend you their sweaters or jackets to make it feel like they were with you everytime you wore their clothing .
✢ speaking of clothing , you three borrow clothes from each other so often that when you go shopping for new garments , youre basically subconsciously shopping for the other two .
✢ even if you dont play rugby , nick and charlie would still text you to come into the locker room just for kisses or affection .
✢ you almost get caught a worryingly amount of times on a daily basis while making out with them two ( although you and charlie both blame nick , but he makes it up to you by kissing you . )
✢ hugs . hugs hugs hugs . must i say more ?
✢ nick could very easily lift you + charlie up in a single hug ( then again charlie is quite easy to pick up regardless ) .
✢ nick would definitely hug you both whenever he gets the chance , whether that be in the hallways or in between his rugby scrims .
✢ he likes to use this as a way to lovingly mess with you and charlie , since he'll run at both of you for hugs and kisses after his rugby matches .
[y/n + charlie] — “ NICKKKKK , YOU'RE ALL SWEATY ! ” [nick] — “ then stop gripping onto me so tightly-! ”[ y/n + charlie] — “ nope . ”
✢ studying after school with these two are either 100% productive and you three actually get your work done . . .
✢ . . . or end up with your textbooks shoved to the side and you between nick and charlie in a very heavy makeout session .
✢ because charlie constantly takes all of nick’s sweaters , nick ends up willingly acting as your personal ATM .
✢ you need to buy supplies ? hes pulling out his wallet. you mention something you wanted ? next thing you know hes purchased it WITH overnight shipping . you say youre hungry ? hes already reciting his credit card numbers .
✢ charlie would make a playlist of songs that made him think of you !!
✢ he would also send you multiple songs or tiktoks that remind him of you , easily forwarding 71 videos from his fyp to you .
✢ he loves to teach both you and nick the drums , although youre more adamant about doing it than nick .
✢ youll usually sit on his lap or have him pressed against your back while his hands guide yours to play some rhythm on the drums .
✢ when you and nick come over to charlie's , tori often times drops tidbits of information on how charlie constantly talks about you .
✢ she often describes that he is , ‘ gooning about you two 24/7 ’ , much to charlie's denial .
✢ ideal dates with these two dont have to be a lot , it could literally just be facetiming .
✢ with that being said , the arcade is a hotspot for your dates . you three are easily familiar faces with the arcade staff , earning the nickname ‘ triple threat ’ .
✢ the mall and the beach are your other favorite spots , since they contain a lot of your favorite memories with the two dorks .
✢ although you dont consider it a date , taking nellie for a walk with charlie and nick are another highly popular event you three do .
✢ although nick is certain you like nellie more than him ( he is , apparently , NOT jealous . )
✢ speaking of jealously , when these two get jealous . . . its a riot .
✢ it doesnt even have to be that big of a deal , it could be an underclassmen asking you to meet them for lunch and they would be throwing up a shit storm .
✢ nick gets WILDLY possessive of you , and will intimidate others off with his signature arm cross paired with a glare .
✢ charlie on the other hand will get extra handsy , holding your hand or clinging onto your arm . he'll even play with your hair occasionally if it gets the point across .
✢ even afterwards when you three are alone ( like say , nick's house or in the locker room ) , theyll still be all over you , kissing you and hugging your ribs to death .
[nick murmuring kisses into your neck] — “ your ours , got it ? ” [y/n] — “ all i told him was i would get the assignment do-, ” [charlie against your back] — “ no talking to other guys ! theyre gonna fall in love with youuu . . . ” [y/n] — “ fine . . . you guys are more than enough anyway . ”
✢ if that certain person who makes them jealous still hasnt gotten the hint . . . charlie and nick take more drastic measures .
✢ like say . . . leaving hickeys barely visible on your collarbone or shoulder area or posting you three on his instagram story .
✢ regardless , youre happy that you get to be theirs , and theyre happy they get to be yours .
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cryptidghostgirl · 3 months
heyhey! You said you had a request but couldn’t see it and in case it was mine here i am once again humbling asking you to feed my delusions. I am the same person who asked for the one with the fake dating trope and the one where reader spawns into the lobby :))
But i am here now going for a more angsty route! >:) Granted, this is more of an OC x Alastor but im describing it more generic for the populace BUT HERE GOES
right before “Cover me” reader kept silently glancing over at Alastor which was on the dance floor, subconsciously making him approach her. He goes of course they have a (Important for later) conversation like “I havent seen you around here. Are you new around town?” “Just moved in actually~” “Well, Id love to give you a tour someday, the names Alastor” and he kisses her hand “Ah a charmer, ill have to be careful around you” (OR A MORE ELEGANT CONVERSATION THEN THAT I SUCK AT DIALOGUE) then theres the knife and gun scene and the team up
And then they get together after about a year or two and I dont wanna say theyre legally married but eventually use wife and husband terms because its more fancy and gives them more respect in eyes of others but they have been together for around 5 years at this point.
but then the events of 1925 happen where readers twin brother dies because some bastards set fire to his house and Reader has an argument with Alastor before eventually going alone to avenge her brother (theyre like “theres too many, youll die” “so be it!”)
Reader kills them all (duh) but because it was January and extremely cold she eventually gets hypothermia and during the delusions it gives she stumbles and gets impaled on an abandoned rusty fence spike and dies :3
Alastor find her and gives her a proper burial and 8 years later in 1933 while visiting readers grave he gets shot canonically
But these 8 years gave reader enoigh time in hell to establish her own dominance and due to the life she lived and the death of hypothermia- she gets turned into a sort of blizzard demon. Around 180 cm with black limbs, white fluffy hair and fluffy ears and a white tail as a sinner form and for the demon form im thinking of the faceless Room Guardians by Anyaboz on Instagram (incredible artist btw) with ice powers like summoning weapons and ice spikes and ice touches and moving freely (like Kindred’s wolf in League) in her blizzard. Taking over half the pentagram like this-
Until 1933 when Alastor pops up in hell, does his demon business and eventually wants to check out these frozen parts and goes into a bar very similar to the one they met and sees reader at the table and then THEY HAVE THE EXACT SAME CONVERSATION THEY HAD WHEN THEY FIRST MET (maybe with the knife and gun scene too hehe) and theyre both like “i forgive you” or smth idk maybe they just have a silent agreement- either way.
After they met the blizzard stops and no one knows why or who did it :>, readers identity as the blizzard demon remaining a secret
BTW I LOVE YOU FOR MAKING MY DREAMS COME TRUE- if you want more i have a ton of ideas because brain rot- (also lil side note i kind of imagine reader as albino because it would fit my ocs lore a bit more- but keeping it basic would fit everyones ideas of their own reader so! do what you please you already made my day better by reading my ideas come to life :3))
yes!! i did see yours and it is currently in third place for requests i need to fill so ill probably get it done by this weekend, early next week at the latest. it’s just taking me a bit because i’m in midterms rn and also i want to make sure i get in all the details :) i think it might’ve been a request for alastor’s mom reader x lucifer?? i recall getting one about that but can’t seem to find it anywhere. long story short,, your request is in progress and i will post it as soon as i have the time to finish it up :)
UPDATE: This piece has officially been posted as of Friday February 23rd, 2024.
Frostbite (Alastor x Reader)
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simpsamaa · 1 year
LOSER! ISAGI! whos a football nerd (and a bit of a prude) and you like to tease him:( + blue lock doesn't exist in this au!
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» isagi gets so overwhelmed because youre all over him and will avoid all of your touches and affection, he'll say that he hates it when youre around him but when you suddenly leave hes missing your teasing touches and your voice
» when you guys finally start dating, (isagi confesses) he doesnt let you kiss him at all
» he's so nervous around you that he's scared that he might ruin your guys's first kiss :((
» you and bachira end up being childhood friends and are very touchy with each other! but everything is platonic and isagi knows bc bachira acts the same with with him!
» isagi'll notice you giving bachira a kiss on the cheek and then bachira'll give you one back and the whole ordeal goes back and forth
» yoichi cant help but get a little jealous, the feeling seeping deep into this stomach and staying there
» THEN when bachira leaves the dorm, youre left with isagi.
» Youre sitting next to him on your phone while hes laying down on his. Isagi'll cup your face with his hand, causing you to look down at him and then turn his head to the side, showing you his cheek.
» You just ignore him because you think he's teasing, he'll keep doing it until youre like "yoichi!? what!?" because you are a little dense.
» then isagi'll say "youve been wanting this for 3 months and now you dont?" :(
» youll realize what he wants, but you want him to verbally say it so youll keep acting dumb
» "huh? wdym?"
» "stop doing that!"
» "'m not doin anything yoichi:( idk what you're talking about"
» and once the teasing finally get to him, he'll loudly say and enunciate, "I Want You To Kiss Me!"
» "oh, if thats what you wanted why didnt you just say so" :)
» he'll rolled his eyes at you and when you try to kiss him the first time he playfully nudges your face away, holding your chin away from his face until he sees a pout form on your lips.
» then he'll let go and turn his head to the side, exposing his ears and cheeks, which are both flushed a light pink
» when you finally lean down and leave a kiss on his cheekbone, you feel him squirm under you.
» youll move to straddle him, his hands finding purchase on your hips as he faces towards you again.
» then youll lean down to press a wet kiss against his chin, his other cheek.
» youll brush back the hair on his forehead and then leave a kiss between his eyebrows, your eyes watching as his squeeze shut, the original light pink flush on him darkening.
» then when you press a kiss near the corner of his lip, he'll stop you when you lean forward to capture his lips with yours
» "not on the lips"
» he'll tell you when your face is hovered over his and his eyes keep darting down to your plush lips.
» youll give a playful smile and nod, and then lean down to kiss his chin again, listening to isagi inhale sharply and then exhale once you lean back up again.
» you leave one last kiss on his cheek before youre flopping down on him, your arm sliding under his back as you push your face into the junction of his neck.
» you'll playfully bit him before pressing your lips against his neck, feeling him tense up under you,
» you let out a soft yawn, your breath fanning the sensitive skin of his neck which causes him to shiver
» 'love you yoichi"
» "mhm"
» "i really do"
» "i know"
» LOSER! ISAGI who's still a little shy around you (you make his heart pound)
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tht0nesimp · 1 year
Yandere Shalnark- Darling
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TW: Yandere themes, reader was obtained disgustingly, kidnapping, violence, kinda short, probably only like 1k words, drugging, manipulation, debt, kinda loan-sharks
(fic under cut)
"Bye" you got off of the phone with your landlord, "Shit" you sit on the curb outside of the apartment complex and hide your face in your hands. You sat and listened to the rain for what felt like the rest of your life
The rain was so loud, almost loud enough to block out a pair of quiet footsteps. It was far too late, the second you truly noticed the door hadnt opened was the same second the rag was placed over your face, The night sky blared in your eyes as it blurred and contorted the more you breathed in the sickeningly sweet chemical
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You didnt expect to wake up, and certainly not in a dark room which seemed to inhabit just you and likely whatever creepy crawlies were sitting in the corners of these god forsaken walls. You cursed everything, you prayed that your friends and family knew you loved them and every other thing that came to mind
When instead of death, you were met with two men standing infront of you "ill be taking her now, feitan, thank you" you assume the other man just nodded because you were picked up, the man carried you for quite some time before you were dropped, the blindfold stopped you from seeing but you could hear a key jingling before you were picked up once more by the man, who dropped you on a concrete floor "im going to untie you now,ok" you dont have time to answer before the rope around your limbs was sliced quicker than you ask who he was
By the time you stood up and took off the blindfold he was on the other side of the room, sitting on a storage box in the large warehouse "sorry, i cant take you back to my place right now" You quickly back away from him, the door not unlocking as you rattle the door knob "sorry, your gonna need a key for that" The blonde man held up a key before placing it back in his pocket in one liquid motion
"Who are you?" The man seems to have a look of fake betrayal as he gasps "you really dont remember!..You were at a bank we robbed" Your eyes widen as the man "Me and the troupe that is, im Shalnark" your lungs seem to completely give up on you, it would seem so since they were unable to take a breath
"Are you going to hyperventilate?" Shalnark pulls out a small device with wings on the side "Id love to get a video" he gives a sweet smile and points the camera at you while you struggle to breathe on the cold concrete floor
"Whats going on?" A small boy comes out of the dark "Nothing, Kalluto" The boy takes one small glance at your struggling form and flicks his fan at you, A slew of air coming into your lungs as he does, You watch him leave just as quickly as he had entered the strangely tense room
"Thank you?..." you said as he quietly returned to his position elsewhere "Youll get used to it, afterall, youve got a lifetime!" he smiles and seems to be surprised when you perk up "What do you mean?!" His face returns to a near constant smile as he just looks at you like a child throwing a tantrum over something silly "I kidnapped you, i own you now..Youll never leave me" he says it as if its the most childish thing possible
"How did you find me" Shalnark laughs and gives you a glare "I didnt, your debt found me" he gets off of the box and approaches your shaking form, giggling when you tremble as his arm snakes around your shoulder "Your trembling darling! Im gonna bring you out to my..friends" his hand rests on your neck, threatening to squeeze but not quite doing so "If you act up, there will be consequences" his face gets much darker and disturbing than before, but he goes back to just being friendly as his arm returns around your shoulder as he practically carries you into another room "Hello!" he shouts out to the multiple men and women siting around the building "This is Y/N" he says as he drops you on an old couch next to the most muscular man you had ever seen "Nice to meet you" He holds his hand out and gives you a grin that showed his sharp teeth "Dont scare her uvo!" Uvogin just smiles "Just being polite, you dont mind? Right doll?" He turns to look at you once more, shalnark also sends you a look but his is a piercing glare "Well..uhm.." you shrug and the two both seemed to be annoyed at the fakely nonchalant action
Shalnark approaches you and grabs your wrist in almost an unbelievably tight grip, Another man in a black cowl seemed to take notice and smile as shalnark inches ever closer to breaking your wrist, you manage to pull your wrist away and inch away from shalnark. "darling, we'll talk about that later" he whispers in your ear while bending down to your height as you hug your knees and look around the room once more, eventually just keeping your head down
The people in the room spoke, they were so caught up they didnt seem to notice when you slinked away to explore, finding an exit quite quickly as you walk out into the surronding pavement to go down the street. You pause when you read the sign...The nearest town was 20 miles away and you were pretty sure there was just about no one around
You came back to the building and entered once more, noticing commotion in another room. You enter and shalnark practically tackles you "You left, pick your next words very wisely" his smile still remained as he stood above your form "im sorry" the smile fades and he gets off of you "You will be" he practically drags you until your behind closed doors
He pins you down on the ground, kneeling so he was in a position with your arm at his mercy "If i break your arm..you wont be able to leave for a couple weeks.." he debates his choice "if i break a leg..i could keep you here forever" he bites his lip, seeming to think about his desicion
You scream when your arm is pulled, the bone popping and dislocating "I havent even broken it yet!" he laughs as tears stream down your face and onto the floor. He pulls harder and laughs once more when your scream gets louder "Its not that bad! Maybe ill do your leg too~" he coos in your ear as he pulls until he hears a clean snap
He gets up and stretches "That really got me worked up...maybe i can help feitan out!" he smiles and waves goodbye as he goes off to find feitan. Your left with a disgustingly intense pain in your arm, You get on the nearby bed which you assumed was his and clutched your arm
Hours pass, He returns and is suprised to see you still laying down crying "I guess i overestimated you...You are just a civilian after all" he sits down next to you and hands you a bottle of pain relief pills and a gatorade "I stole them from some store nearby" he says it as if its normal as he watches you take the pills "They might make you tired" he looks at you, watching you yawn "Feel free to go to bed, i have to be out tonight" theres a carelessness in his voice as he walks out
You give into sleep, curling up under the thin blankets as the pain dies down
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You wake up to shalnark leaning over you, "Your finally awake!" he smiles as the pain from your arm registers. He sits down on the bed next to you and pokes your arm "I went out and stole stuff to make this more...comfortable for you" you nod and look at the bag on the floor and a fuzzy blanket that sat next to it "I really shouldnt give them to you..but im choosing to be nice even after your little escape attempt yesterday" you give him a irritated look "it was not an escape attempt" he gives you a sarcastic glance "Sure it wasnt" he searches through the shopping bag on the floor for a moment
"i dont eat breakfast, but Fei said most people do" he puts a yogurt on the bed and smiles as you pick it up. Your about to eat it but look at him and he seems confused before you speak "did you remember to buy a spoon?" it registers "Nope!, another member might have one though" he walks out before you can ask which
Your forced to get out of bed, trying to not put any pressure on your already aching arm as you try to remember the name of the one who you met yesterday. You found him talking to who you assumed was Feitan with your yogurt in one hand as the other laid strangely against your side "Do either of you know where i can find a spoon" You yawn and stare at them as they point to the bar behind you
You approach the bar and see a couple plastic spoons, you picked one up and began eating as the two men watched you retreat back to the room you had came from and sit back down on the bed. You looked at the bag from this morning, but dont dare look inside as you lay your head down
Sleep envelopes you as you quietly shift, you placed the fluffy blanket over you along with the few thin ones that were on the bed. You would sleep until shalnark appeared again...
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celestewritesstuff · 1 year
You write for blue period?! Yes! Thank you your feeding me. Can I request Haruka Hashida finding his muse stalking her and eventually somehow leading to sex with her, if that's too specific a smut scenario with him is fine
Muse - Haruka Hashida
In which Haruka sees you walking past the studio he paints at, and can't take his eyes off of you. He 'hires' you to be his model, but he can't take his hands off of you.
CW smut! contains praise, possession, and body worship. afab reader and i believe female pronouns. no actual p in v but fingering an: so sorry this took so long sweetie :) life gets busy doesnt it? also im sorry hunnybun but the stalking was more-so dropped, it didnt fit his personality. :< im sure youll still love this work though :)
Haruka considered himself a pretty calm young man. He never carried a temper, never got frustrated, and certainly never got violent. His emotions were laid back and was, generally, very cheerful. Not much affected him. His art however, sometimes changed this, and today happened to be one of those days.
He was studying the human figure. The private studio he was in, over the summer until he started university, was fairly spacious. He was on the top floor so a skylight he was blessed with and the natural light did tend to lift his spirits. The windows along the side, reaching from floor to ceiling, gave him a beautiful view of the people going about their daily lives. More than once, a few would catch his eye, and he would try to incorporate them into his studies, but they never interested him enough that he really found himself following through with these goals. He couldn't get it right, and he almost lost hope, until he saw you exiting the corner store.
His eyes visibly widened when they laid upon you. His paintbrush, which was previously in his hand, dropped to the group with a shallow clatter. His lips parted in a gasp that anyone would blush at if they knew it came from him, but he paid no attention to anything else in that moment but you and your figure. You were blissfully unaware of the violet-haired man watching you walk down the street, minding your own business. It was only after you rounded the nearest block that he realized he must have you for his work.
His footsteps echoed down the stairwell as he ran as fast as he could. The doors to the building banged open, granting concerned glances from passerby. He looked almost like a madman. But he cared nothing for what he looked like in that moment. He only cared to know your body for his art, no matter the means.
His eyes locked with yours on the other side of the crosswalk, and you, being friendly, granted him a small smile. He smiled back, and took a moment to calm his appearance before the "walk" sign turned, and you crossed. As you came closer he began to speak to you.
"Hello, there. I'm Hashida Haruka, it's very nice to meet you," He began, his voice commanding your attention. Now that he was this close to you, he began to get nervous for arguably the first time in his life. Your beautiful eyes looked up at him and ur hair flowed gently in the breeze of the city. You had a gentle blue sundress on accented by a white cardigan and your purse over your shoulder. He couldn't stop staring at you and how those clothes were hiding your beauty. He wanted to see you.
"Hi! I'm (y/n)." You offered shyly, walking past him awkwardly. Yes, he was beautiful, but it was strange that he suddenly introduced himself to you. "Sorry, (y/n), I just... are you in school? I thought I've seen you before and wanted to introduce myself."
"Uh, no, I'm not, I'm attending next year."
"Might I ask what you're doing all alone, then?"
"I'm looking for a job right now, to keep myself occupied until then." You admitted. He was being nice after all, so you might as well be nice back.
"Oh! Actually, that's wonderful, because that's what I wanted to speak to you about." He paused. This was divine intervention, he was sure. You needed a job and he had one to give. He was sure you wouldn't mind the job, no matter the... provocativity of it. He gently put his arm around you and led you two to the front of his building, a ways off the sidewalk.
"Oh? Do you have one for me?" You asked. "It's a bit odd to offer a job to a random woman on the street, I must admit."
He turned you to face him. "Yes, I know, but it's so specific and I've been looking for someone to take it every day. You see I work up there-" He pointed to his studio in the sky, "And I watch for people like you every day. Truly beautiful people, whom I know have a beautiful figure under all of this." His hands, slowly, grabbed at the fabric around your hips, and you blushed at the proximity of him and his intentions.
"I promise it will be worth your time, and you'll be payed well. I just need you as my... muse. It will be very simple (y/n)." His breath was right on your lips as he leaned close in his intensity. He didn't want to lose a beautiful opportunity such as this.
Your head raced as your lips answered before your mind could reason.
The moments after were a blur. You were rushed upstairs, into his studio, given a robe and told to change, until you found yourself on a pedestal. Haruka was behind his canvas, and words that told you to remove the robe flowed through your ears. You paused. He got up from his canvas and strode toward you. It didn't matter the height of the pedestal, he was still taller than you.
"Come on, this needs to come off," He breathed. His proximity made the cold room feel hot, your skin burning in the wake of his gentle hands pulling the robe off of your shoulders. You let him. The fabric went down, exposing your bosom, then your waist, then your hips, and suddenly it was on the floor and his eyes widened once more.
"You're a goddess," He whispered, taking a small step back. Your arms clasped behind you for fear that he would be mad if you covered yourself. A deep red blush decorated your cheeks. You looked like an angel to him. So much more divine than all the other people he'd seen. Nobody could ever compare to you. It didn't matter the amount of body fat you had, it didn't matter because it framed you. It was you. He was in love, in lust, and didn't want to waste the moment. But despite what you thought he would do, quickly return to his canvas, he took another step forward till he was so close to your face.
"Art can wait. It would be a sin against you to not relish in the body you've been blessed with," And with that his lips met yours.
It was electric. His soft lips decorated yours with gentle love and you melted into him. His arms gently made their way to your shoulders again, one hand straying down to the small of your back. He pressed you closer into him. He groaned into the kiss and you involuntarily moaned in response.
"Please..." You broke the kiss, not sure what you're asking for. His eyes bore into yours as he began to take off his coat. As he peeled his layers off, he haphazardly reconnected your lips and your hands joined his in removing his top until hands were everywhere, bodies exposed to one another. Only his boxers remained and he was getting impatient to pleasure you.
His hands went to your legs and he pulled you onto him, carrying you to one of the clean countertops of his studio. The coldness stung your thighs as he set you down, but your focus was reassigned to his hand getting dangerously close to your cunt. And suddenly his fingers were on your intimate parts, drawing moans out of you and onto his lips. He worked your clit, doing wonders to you, before his fingers entered your hole. His unoccupied hand grabbed your breast and began to fondle it.
"Oh, sweet thing, I know," He whispered onto your lips after he curled his fingers. Your eyes were screwed shut as you were sent places you could never have taken yourself. His fingers reached so deep inside you anyone would consider it unholy. He didn't care, neither did you. Those digits made you a puddle and he relished in it. It was bliss, and he knew what he was doing. His eyes didn't leave your face. Such an angel as you deserved to be treated to the most glorious of pleasures, he thought, and he sped up his movements so you could feel yourself a climax you'd never had before.
You finally came crashing with a moan. Eyes popping open and rolling back, his other hand went to cage your side in as he leaned closer to you as your back arched. Waves rolled through your body as the bright lights above you shined down on you. Haruka watched your every move, captivated, and knew that he wanted to see you climax again and again and again, until you were spent.
As you started to come down slowly, pulsing around his fingers, your head realigned, and his eyes met yours and a gentle smile graced his lips.
"My beauty, you are magnificent,"
You turned more red, but didn't have time to dwell on his words before his fingers started to move again and you grasped his wrist.
"W-what are you doing?"
"Oh darling, can't you give me another? You deserve to feel good once more," he smirked.
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today i will be talking to you about one of my more recent decks that has very quickly become one of my favorites!!
it is...
now, this deck name might sound confusing. but its really quite simple. this is a mono white grouphug deck with the sole purpose of copying the etb of wedding ring to give one to the whole table and marry every player. the goal of the deck is to put everyone in the game into a polyamorous relationship!!
the rest of the deck is a mixture of typical group hug elements, such as shared card draw (secret rendezvous, howling mine, font of mythos) and general etb abuse (elesh norn mother of machines, panharmonicon) and when you combine these two aspects the deck helps out all players but can also effectively control the board by triple copying a meteor golem or loran of the third path!!
i havent had the chance to play this deck all that often but when i have played it it has some real killing power surprisingly. the main thing i realized playing this deck is that doubling or tripling your etbs gets out of hand fast. like obviously it does, but youll be surprised if you decide to play with it.
this deck is rather weighted on the artifact side. i couldnt find a large amount of legendary creatures that copy with gandalf so artifacts were the obvious choice. most of them draw cards on etb or add mana, while the rest copy etbs and are just general group hug cards. this deck could easily be changed to be much more competitive if you removed some of the group hug elements and added more interaction (most of my decks have an emphasis on fun and therefore the interaction might be lacking in some of them).
there are a few cards in this deck id like to talk about as overperformers. this deck does some silly things and these cards felt especially strong from my games with the deck-
eriette's charmed apple: this card when doubled with a panharmonicon type effect (aka your commander 👀) is disgusting. nobody expects the mono white deck to untap and steal their creatures for a turn, which results in turns where you steal the biggest creatures on board and swing for lethal on someone. i nearly killed my girlfriend this way out of nowhere in her life gain deck and it doesn't seem far fetched to do that most games. there is also some graveyard artifact recursion in this deck which allows you to loop this which, in the late game, really adds up.
master of ceremonies: this one is probably obvious to anyone who has played the card before, but this was my first time. if you stick this and no one kills it (which they aren't initially inclined to do) it just spits out so much value. you get three things every one of your upkeeps, whether that be three treasures (broken), three cards (broken) or three creature tokens (yay blockers!!) or some combination of the three. this adds up so fast and gives you a huge advantage for the small price of helping your opponents a bit.
tenuous truce: this card single handedly kept me in the gane by enchanting the player with the biggest board. its crazy what people will do when they get an extra card every turn. obviously gets worse the more people know about your deck cause one card a turn wont stop your average player from swinging at who they deem a threat, but still. its still really good and much better then it seems!!
as for how to play the the deck, its mostly stay alive till its you and one other player. you can do this by killing key targets with your etbs (this deck deals with artifacts and enchantments especially well) or getting people to believe you are not a threat cause you are feeding their card draw. this deck can very easily be ran over if you don't pull a board wipe for the creature decks or if you lose to something that you couldnt interact with cause you are mono white. thats just kinda the brakes. but this deck has more staying power then i ever gave it credit for when i built it.
in closing, this deck is probably around a 6 or so in power level and i wouldnt play this at a high power table but if you and your friends want to have fun then you should give it a try!! i got to marry most of the table in my first game with the deck and it was so satisfying, plus when everyone has a wedding ring the amount of card draw and life gain going around gets out of hand fast. especially if you have extra card draw effects out everyone can be drawing upwards of two cards every single turn lmao
(also dont tell anyone but this deck has another thing in it thats fun to do with your transfem friends, and that is jinxed choker. this is an artifact that is in the deck purely to joke about how whoever has control of it at any given time is collared up. you can marry and collar your friends with this deck and both will make your gay friends go nuts at the edh table lmao)
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