#so thats also pretty hype! :D
creaturefeaster · 1 year
Can you tell us more about Debbie??? Because she is my favorite character!!! :D
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DEBBIE!! Absolutely >:3
Debbie is my tiny energetic ball of sass, she's loud she's proud and she's so much more fearless than a lot of people give her credit for. People, in the universe I mean.
She's the youngest at 17 coming on 18, and the shortest, and she's often perceived as immature and overly unrealistic, but only because she's so straightforward and blunt about her thoughts and opinions. She does not wait to blurt out her own plan or her own suspicions, but rarely do a lot of people take her seriously. She often needs Vilmr as a back up for support to her word. So, like, she tends to be pretty fussy as a result of not being respected by the group at large.
In her own friend circle she is very used to being the leading voice of things-- her bestie Samantha is quiet, easygoing and very passive, her close second Vilmr is serious and a bit blunt himself, but he doesn't like to be put in the spotlight, and Michael is just too nice to do anything but go along with whatever Debbie decides the group is doing on any given day.
But back to the rest of the group, she is no longer that leaderly voice, so she ends up amplifies herself so much more. Jumps in the face of danger way more than she ought to, to prove that she's just as tough and serious as everyone else. Many think this is reckless, but Vilmr is a continuing source of support towards her fearlessness.
Her and Vilmr's dynamic is a mimic of Chickenstab and Rede. She's short and loud and seems to have endless energy, and she tugs around her blind green friend everywhere she goes. They're a package deal just like Cstab and Rede too. You will almost always find Vilmr by Debbie's side.
So when she is kept away from Vilmr, her true colors tend to bleed through a little more. She can get argumentative if she feels like she's not getting the respect she tries hard to earn, and without a second voice to help carry her opinions she tends to act overall more stubborn and disagreeable. She can get extremely hotheaded, in some cases.
BUT! When all is well, she tends to be the source of motivation for a lot of the team. Her neverending enthusiasm for just doing things really helps get people in the mood of... yknow. Actually doing things. Even if she jumps headfirst into danger to prove herself, it's that push to action (to save her scrawny ass) that often gets everyone moving.
Not to mention, she's also a source of some pretty decent wisdom. She tends to see things through a different lense than most, she likes to make big assumptions and step outside the basics. While she doesn't always get it right, be it from lack of experience or otherwise, when she does drop some heavy wisdom it's often something not even the brightest of minds have considered yet.
Again though, it's hard for people to take her word seriously because of how she presents herself. However, she will never stop being her despite how often she faces this disrespect. She is a source of inspiration (which she doesn't realise, but if she ever did she'd be so hype) because of how true she remains to herself. She WILL wear her dragon costume on this serious world-saving journey, she WILL make dragon jokes every step of the way, and thats HER and there's NOTHING you can do to stop it.
She would be ecstatic to know that she's somebody's favorite 0u0!
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
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Kinda ask but also not :
What would you do if you were isekaid to genshin (in your different AUs: genz language, language barrier, blunt reader...)
Or if you got isekaid with one of your friend or follower(pspspsps me)
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So I have other ppls asks that r older than this but this'll be pretty short/its kinda not a request/ask? so ill go ahead and post this one first :) 💙
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The ungodly amount of AUs I have now (my askers have?? I feel like yall made these tho):
FIRST OF ALL, IM ON MY FEET IN SECONDS- IF U RMEMBER ONE OF MY OLD ASKS WHERE I SAID "U will not be one of those isekai protagonists who dont know wtf is going on/wont accept what happen, esp when their lives depended on it"
any of these chaotic language AUs i am on my toes for goddamit
Im drawing pictures to communicate, im doin charades, any method i can if words dont work
It would just be too funny for me to be able to be quiet, im making ppl laugh im scaring ppl bc they think im an eldritch god
What a dream💖 *wistful sigh
Thats part of the reason i wrote about that AU bc i WOULD LOVE THAT ONE
We would quite possibly end the world
Im kinda but also kinda not joking
It would just be utter chaos
U my good fellow, seem to be hot on the uptake so i would assume we would make a gameplan pretty quick once we like too a second to
like, if it was just me i think Id just be excited for a few minutes
But if we both there??
Screaming, jumping up and down, i have taken ur hands and am spinning you LMAO
Hope no characters come by and see us bc we would be actin like Absolute Buffoons (even if u wouldnt normally be act like that in this situation i WOULD FORCE U TO JOIN AND GET HYPE)
Also 2 idiots r better than 1 idiot /lh
So if we put our heads together...
We might just get a braincell and make a sweet life for ourselves in Teyvat
(plus would help with homesickness + culture shock)
I think in any situation in Isekais, I would seem feral to all the other characters bc i would be doin shit like breaking Nahida out of her prison with fireworks lol
♡the beloveds (sorry if this doesnt count! i figured it was close enough to sagau i might as well tag yall)
@karmawonders / @0rah-s lol ur own ask im doin it anyway LMAO / @randomnatics
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suethesocks · 8 months
I have come to a realization that Aggregor's biggest flaw is that he like, does nothing
Aggregor peaked early in the arc because doing nothing was excusable when you were just hyping up the villain
but fr think about it. what does aggregor really do other than sneak around and capture the andromedas. he has 1 kinda cool fight in Fused, and then he goes on the run. leaving his ship as a decoy was pretty cool too, but then he doesnt really do anything
after he sucessfully absorbs the andromeda aliens, you think "oh finally hes gonna do something cool now, this is the payoff" but its a kinda typical meh UAF fightscene
Then they go to the alien temple and Aggregor: does nothing, he just swoops in last minute to get the piece of the map
when rewatching this i thought to myself "hang on, why is he doing this. why did he purposefully wait for them to set the traps off for him and then take advantage, surely the entire reason he went on this whole alien kidnapping quest was so that he can do this himself??
Then theres Deep, again same thing. We see aggregor evade some plumbers and then never see him again until he comes in, again takes the map of infinity (apparently he snuck in, which like okay fair enough? was your plan just entirely reliant on the fact that they wouldnt ever check this tiny piece of the planet)
Then the ledgerdomain episode, we see aggregor go inside and then never ever again see him until he sucker punches adwaitya (while ben was fighting him) 1 (one) time and takes the alpha rune and fucks off
Perplexahedron is the only time aggregor directly faces off against our team in a serious legitamate fight since he absorbed the andromeda aliens and much like that first time, it was also really underwhelming. Also just a poor excuse for ben to drop the map for aggregor to swipe it off the ground
Tomorrow im gonna rewatch the forge of creation, though id argue aggregor as a character is beyond saving tbh hes terribly lost all hype he ever built up. He just did not spend time in the oven yk, no amount of whipped cream can save that
Thats without getting into him as a character either, hes so painfully bland but thats a long text post for another day
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autisticempathydaemon · 3 months
What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why? — OOOH definitely Dance with me by Topline Addicts, as for lyrics: You say "come and dance with me", but I'm a bit too shy so I just smile politely (its giving me so much Lasko vibes this part and I love it)
What is your Enneagram type? — 9w1 the peacemaker (k think thats what its called)
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why? — I never heard of them (if they are a person bcs I tried to look them up but no luck, unless if you mean subnautica–?) I'm sorry ;-; /lh
Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend. — Not really an imaginary friend, but I guess I could count my daydreams of myself as a fairy princess when I was a kid? So charming and pretty and powerful as hell, getting the hearts of those fictional character I loved at that time
What is your go-to way to fall asleep? — Always lying on the side, my back facing the wall. I try to sleep on my back but it's not working so far, other than these, I need complete darkness and quiet, bcs I get stiff when I hear a noise
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?) — If there was this name in my country, I would go for Jax or Jaxen, gender neutral and short and has a nice punch to it!
What is your favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why? — Lasko fucking Moore. This guy almost took down the channel, was number one before the purge, keeps breaking stuff even in his apartment, he is just like me fr /hj (Lasko kinnie here) and even lately, I love his development so much, like he will always be my number one (I love other characters too tho!)
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.) — It's I guess because of how much he is popular? I love Sam, but I sometimes forget how much favorite he is and it always surprised me /lh
Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to. — The Smoke Thieves by Sally Green, I love the dialogues between two characters, which one is kinda always flirty (not in Gavin way, he is like "youre so pretty and your pretty eyes omg") and so chill and happy with the other, who is awkward and doesn't know how to accept compliments and theyre so gay omg
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend? — I dont wanna answer this because that means I have to choose /j./lh (... Huxley... I will smooch his cheeks. As a friend.)
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? (For example, my boyfriend knows I’m ready to sleep when I start talking about space.) — It depends on the mood while I'm tired, but most of the time, it's my Redacted OCs currently, especially when I'm so tires I can't even type right LMAO
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo. — Some chocolate snack bar and milkshake in a bottle
Tell me about your favorite playlist at the moment. — I made it yesterday, but it's all kinds of happy sounding songs and OST without any lyrics and it feels so nice to bop into it
What’s your guilty pleasure media, and why? — Wattpad books,, i wanna get back into reading some, its been years
And whatever else you think tells me about who you are! — I'm libra sign, INFP, I like the nights and sunrises, have many redacted OCs (around 20 of them, i like to play with the kinds of powers and try to mix them and experiment) and I like to text RP! I also currently work on my gaslamp fantasy WIP book(?), I'm undiagnosed neurodivergent (possibly audhd), dyslexic and I also listen to Mr Laveau's Nexus AUDIO RP series (recommending if you like video games sfx and original art) and started listening to DND group The Adventure Zone!
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Okay, so you know who I’ve always thought should really be into fantasy and DnD? Asher, and since canon hasn’t yet confirmed he loves these things, you can be his introduction!
The combination of your personality types and your being a writer gives me the image of an emotional and emotionally intelligent person, which I think is a good match for Asher who is also pretty emotionally intelligent! I think your vibes would really match, and together you two could be, like, the heart of the Shaw Pack as the Beta and his mate. Also, Asher is some sort of flavor of neurodivergent, and I love making ND4ND pairs, ya know?
Your life together would be so FUN, I’m actually jealous. I think getting Asher into DnD and games would be such a treat, listening to TAZ together, helping him learn rules and the different systems, maybe putting together a campaign with Angel and Davey because Angel would be a fuckin bomb DM, I feel it in my heart. He’d also be such a lovely partner for a writer. I can very clearly imagine Asher laying his head on your lap, having you read what you’ve written that day aloud to him which functions as both a cute bonding activity but also a way for you to spot-check and edit how it reads.
What would you do if I stole you tonight? (Ahh ahh)/ Why waste time? (Ahh ahh)/ 'Cause the world goes on without us/ It doesn't matter what we do/ All silhouettes with no regrets/ When I'm melting into you/ 'Cause I belong in your arms
One, you said you like happy-sounding songs, and I think this is a great one. I love it’s kind of dreamy, high vibe, you know? Two, this came out around 2012, when Asher would have been a teenager, so I like how nostalgic and romantic this song would be for him.
For a writer who loves fantasy, OC’s, and roleplay games, Guy is a sure shoe-in for a runner-up! I think he and Asher have a lot of similarities, but I went with Asher because he struck me as a better match for an introvert. For a Lasko kinnie, I had to choose Aaron as another contender because they’re my favorite Redacted rarepair, and I’ve been meaning to write something for that shop for a while.
note: thank you for your entry, I hope you like it!
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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who-is-hex · 16 days
For the artist ask: 6, 13, 35
6. favorite thing to draw?
strangers in public. literally so fun trying to catch people in the middle of a cool pose
13. talk about a wip you like!
ohohohohho you think youre so smart huh. gonna get me to talk about the comic huh. well NO SPOILERS
just kidding :D i just finished a good shot of artemy's corpse face and i'm really happy about it. its also gonna be fun drawing daniil for 20 pages because thats pretty much gonna be chapter 3 lmfao. super hyped :)))
35. if you had one piece of advice to give your younger artist self, what would it be?
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scarecrow-brainrot · 9 months
now i need your opinions on how you would fix certain batman villains (such as scarecrow) 👀
Oooh thanks for asking!!
Ok ok lets see….
For Scarecrow, i think definitely hyping him up and getting excited about his interests and helping him dismiss mean comments in a healthy way would help him see there are people in the world who would want to befriend him! Also giving him some sort of scientific question to solve (possibly a behavioral study on crows?) to channel his scientific endeavors into something thats not unethical social experiments/fear toxin. I think that he’ll always have that “itch” to scare people, so let him create a haunted house/horror-themed amusement park! He would be so good at it! (Also i would genuinely love to visit it lol). And last but not least give him a big hug!! He’s so touch-starved!
Honestly i think you’re pretty right about Harvey; be nice to him and talk about philosophy! And possibly get him involved as a lawyer for a charity organization, and I would also love to see him represent the Rogues in court against Arkham Asylum (because it really needs to get shut down for all of the cruelty it causes…).
Ok, he’s not a rogue, but Batman 100% needs help too ToT. Honestly i think his heart is in the right place, but i would definitely convince him to stop working with Gotham’s police and Arkham Asylum by showing he has more in common with the Rogues than he does to the oppressive systems he helps. Basically become an actual vigilante lol. Also encourage him to make more friends instead of being locked in his mansion with only Alfred day after day! I think its part of the reason he feels so separated from everyone. And when he does gather with others, it isnt just at socialite events (which he can still do if he wants), but also places where he can find people to relate to on a deeper level.
Thanks for the ask!! That was fun! :D
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dianymphii · 2 years
Twst Characters as Music Artists
Riddle: Little Tart
Idk piano music? Asian traumacore (like me!) so maybe he just does piano covers.
Ace picked his name and now he doesnt know how to change it.
It is technically perfect but a soulless perfomance. Sucks to suck kid
Trey: Muffin Man
He is too busy to make music but someone sampled him for an audio clip and named him That as credit. A double betrayal.
alternatively cooking by the book remix ft lil jon vibes but only posts it once, and in a weird stress frenzy.
no he will Not talk about it tyvm
Deuce: 2euce
garageband beat maker, he wanted to do a fun play on his name but ace just calls him Two-ce. deuce does not like this.
Ace: DJ Ace
he doesnt even dj
Cater: Di4mond
lofi beats to shit and piss to
posts guitar covers, really giving softboy, genuinely pretty good but like kind of hates his music.
he is the person who inspired two-ce
Leona: King’s Roar
leona could not be assed to use his creativity to make a name so he looked as his unique magic like. yeah ok.
idk why but i can feel in my soul he could produce some FIRE beats, maybe even like put in joke sound samples of other people but remixes them in a way that sounds fucking good. he only posts like once every 6 months to a year but everyone gets real excited like BITCH I THOUGHT U DIED!!! nah, he was nappin.
he also does not read or respond to comments. he has a vague awareness his music is popular but also does not care. if u bring it up tho he's gonna be real smug about it. fucking asshole.
Jack: Unleash Beats
i could sit here and say i think jack was inspired by leona to play on is UM for a name but honestly i just thought it was so funny i almost crapped my pants.
maybe he raps if he doesnt cringe himself out.
Ruggie: RUGGIE
this is a classic man, no need to get weird he is ruggie and he knows it. actually might have gone by ruggie b on soundcloud, all lowercase, but leona let him be on one of his tracks, promptly forgot the name he used and couldnt be assed to check. typed RUGGIE in caps cuz thats deadass who he is. the song he did with leona was so popular he had to rebrand to keep the hype.
good at freestyle, more rnb vibes
Jade: Nothing (nothing is also not his name)
ok so you know AZARI???? that person with the viral and rather slappin' tunes and has no channel name and no video titles??? its just blank? thats jade. i dont want to imagine what sounds this monster produces but im going to say some words and let you fill in the rest in some lovecraftian horror
contra bass
5 amps
floyd walking in on him
a car crash
quits after like 3 songs he just wanted to see what would happen, step 293 in his 109283 step plan.
Azul: Over The Sea
idk more piano. chill lounge beats to extort innocents to
floyd's outdoor fit is azul merch
azul did force him to wear it
this means azul's merch is an ajuma visor. pop off king!
Floyd: beneath the waves
u know yuno miles? composer of such hits like dookie on my shoe and lay an EGG? floyd makes That.
someone invites him on stage to freestyle as a joke and he pulls the best freestyle rap you have ever seen. it is so fire the room starts smoking. did we order a fog machine? no? well shit. someone asks him to do it again and he says 'nah'
Kalim: The Sultan. Son of Song
i know he can sing but my mind says vegetales
someone pitches the name to him and hes like haha sounds cool! not slavemastercore at all :D (dont come for me)
Jamil: Viper
another lad who cannot be assed, but viper sounds cool so he wins this round.
makes the most angry diss tracks while making eye contact with kalim. kalim cheers.
Vil: Vil Schoenheit
he is boring and professional and it is the name listed in the credits for his next musical production.
Epel: Big Apple
im sorry about ur name epel
very angry. why is everyone is so angry.
Rook: The Hunter
leans into the french thing. uncomfortable sexual lyrics. not uncomfortably sexual, but like. uncomfortable and also sexual. "I could smell you from across the room The smell of your sweet perfume Your body covered in white lace Compels me to take chase, la chasse" (lyrics by @twsty-mad)
Idia: Gl00my Samurai
steve aoki
will mix orchestral soundtracks into his edm for optimal gaming experience
yes i did rip his gaming handle. i think for all he is people avoidant he would like people to recognize his prowess as an artist of game And song
Ortho: Soundboard
is how idia makes music
Malleus: m.d.
leonacore in that he doesnt post often but when it hits it hits. dark melancholy rap vibes.
uses his initials like when he signed off that christmas card maybe even has a song about that and how he keeps waiting for a reply. add a return address next time
literally No information about him online, gives off mysterious anonymous vibes. who is he! does anyone know his alt accounts! no fool. he doesnt have any. he doesnt even have twitter. i think he is happier for this.
Sebek: Retainer to the Prince of Briar Valley
this man will not relax.
raps but really bad.
classified as screamo on decibel alone
Silver: silver lining
lofi music you can wake up to
"please god let it work this time"
it doesnt
Lilia: D.I.L.F.
Destroy Invalidate Lie and an F or SOMETHING that stands for dilf that isnt dilf just to stress his son out.
gaslight gatekeep girlboss but like idk edgy
makes death metal bagpipe music to surprise to (edited) Made w/ @twsty-mad
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kushami-hime · 1 year
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I posted 1,743 times in 2022
That's 226 more posts than 2021!
924 posts created (53%)
819 posts reblogged (47%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,039 of my posts in 2022
Only 40% of my posts had no tags
#kushami asks - 365 posts
#snzblr - 227 posts
#not snz - 213 posts
#snz kink - 207 posts
#snzfucker - 202 posts
#sneeze kink - 144 posts
#snz - 100 posts
#kushami wavs - 96 posts
#snz wav - 34 posts
#b/akugou - 30 posts
Longest Tag: 100 characters
#knowing that you all care so deeply for a stranger on the internet has restored my faith in humanity
My Top Posts in 2022:
CW: Sneezing, Stifles, Wet Sneezes, Half Stifles, BakuBrats stank attitude, embarrassment, 3 noseblows. 
One morning at the local hero agency, the newest generation fresh to the scene is called to a meeting by their serious colleague, Tenya Iida. Everyone is in attendance, including Ground Zero and Deku. But as they get settled in, a strong smell in the cramped room begins to set off Deku’s nose...this won’t end well. 
FIRST wav since...the dragon!baku one? That was done a hot minute ago I feel like but whatever lol. I cant find the proper anon question atm and to be honest I dont remember if its the same person but when you see this, I hope it’s alright! All I remember was that someone asked for D/eku dealing with someones strong perfume either in a mission/meeting/college lecture so I went with a meeting setting. I put my own little spin on it with music from the OST and using background sounds and stuff to give it more...immersion? idk lmao.
Anyway! It’s bedtime for me but horni hours for you guys. Enjoy! <3
102 notes - Posted April 6, 2022
After waking up with a terrible fever, D/eku finds himself being taken care of by B/akugou, who’s usual rash behavior covers up his worrisome feelings over his lovers illness.
CW: Sneezing (dur) Baku being a tsundere mother hen, bratty sick Deku, Baku getting sneezed on (twice I think?), general caretaking, you know the drill. 
OK guys wtf HOW did this get so goddamn long!? This is my longest wav YET! And yet...I don’t think it lived up to the hype? Im just being hard on myself I guess, you all be the judge.
I really missed doing Deku and I got like, REALLY mess and REALLY stuffy during this wav and you can totally hear it nearer to the end/in the second half.
This was originally for THIS ask and Im sorry if it sucks (I know you said soft caretaker Baku but he’s pretty angry in the first half) but HEY its super long so there’s that? Lol. I also apologize for the quality, I had to knock it down during the export cause it was too big for Discord lol...
Anyway, um...enjoy I guess! It’s been a harsh week so Im gonna go eat something and watch anime I guess @-@ 
102 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
CW: SLOW BURN, B/akugou being tied up/restrained, slight BDSM vibes, feather use, a LOT of sneezing (like...a LOT) long, drawn out holdbacks/build ups, some NSFW sounds if you squint, mess/hints at a lot of mess, feather allergy, my OC Tsumeko being a real bitch to blasty boi, established Pro Hero AU, hands free stifles, forced stifles, B/akugou being loud and having an absolute potty mouth, growly noises (cause yknow angry B/akubrat), forced false starts (if thats a thing), B/akugou being winded/out of breath on a few occassions, cameo from T/odoroki and D/eku at the end, shirt being used as a tissue/noseblowing into shirt.
K/atsuki wakes up tied to a support beam in a structurally unsound building seemingly underground. When he realizes his captor is a well known thief he's been chasing for weeks, he's completely seeing red. Will he be able to tough it out against her strange test of endurance or crack under the pressure with a weakness he didn't even know he had?
Holy fuck guys...this shit is the length of a full on anime episode and idk whether to be proud of myself or ashamed like...idk what to think. All I know is that a LOT of anons wanted this wav and well...here it is lol. It took like 3 - 4 weeks of repeat sessions of JUST sneezing and also holdback training if you will. Most of them were seperate but 90% of the holdbacks in this are 100% real so enjoy my genuine battle against fresh vials of Chinknii xux;
I'm also sort of on the fence with this one, cause it's been a hot minute since I've done a B/akugou wav and I pretty much forgot how to sneeze like him, and I rerecorded certain sneezes but without much improvement so sorry about that u.u Hopefully they get better as I do a few more wavs with him coming up.
SO! Um...hopefully this does some numbers cause I have to be up early and I stayed up to finish this and um...yeah! Im gonna go pass out now-
102 notes - Posted October 22, 2022
CW: Nose blowing, wet sneezes, sniffling, buildups/hitching breaths, somewhat horny Bakubrat, very teasing and dominant/demanding! Listener is in a servant position so there’s that if you’re into domestic servitude lmao
After a long day away from the palace, B/akugou returns from an outing drenched in freezing rain, and sneezing almost uncontrollably. He claims he’s fine...typical B/akugou. But once Y/N pesters him enough, he admits that he may have caught himself an awful illness by the name of Dragon Fever. With human blood running through their veins, Y/N is immune to this disease, so it’s up to them to nurse the suddenly teasing and feverish king back to health...
AS YOU CAN SEE, this file was too big and too horni for tumblr so I had to use soundcloud instead. A lot of people have been waiting for this, so I really REALLY hope it came out OK. You guys know Im too hard on myself these days like, ugh. The self loathing is so real...
But, it’s here. And I’ll probably take some time to write scripts and maaaaybe write a short fic? I dunno yet, Im really tired, lol Enjoy!
Minors DNI. Non-Kink blogs DO NOT REBLOG! Love you guys!
103 notes - Posted February 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
A shy, nerdy type of guy you've been friends with for so long that you've decided to tell about your kink. He thinks nothing of it, even reassures you that it's natural and it's not weird at all! He even totally forgets it...even as he's struggling with his usual hayfever.
You can't help but squirm as he's humiliating himself by struggling to fish out his used tissues to wipe his streaming nose, holding back his sneezes with messy half stifles into his hands. He looks down at the shiny mess in his palms as he hides himself from you, flushed red in the face. That's when he remembers.
"W-wait...y-you...l-like this sort of thing...don't you?"
133 notes - Posted March 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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anewp0tat0 · 2 years
chapter 192
(part 2 of my review)
cutest thing I've seen in a while.
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Finny is the most precious and Snake is the most blorbo, I need to protect them both which is why I'm so scared.
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so then, Snake has officially been to an orphanage before his captivity, and then the circus. interesting new information, I'm pretty sure.
unfortunetly I now have 2 questions. 1. how does his past at the orphanage tie in with his current situation. and 2. was his time at the orphanage bad because he was bullied and discriminated, or because something major happened? :/
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Snake recognizing this building could probably be swept under the rug, atleast for my radar or suspicioun. Finny recognizing it too though? that's odd. they're definetly not in Germany(though to be fair I did forget what the actual location of this place is. I'll have to look for it if I'm so curious).
so why would both Finny and Snake recognize this building. maybe we're about to see a craaaazyyyyy flashback where finny and snake actually met before in the past😱 but I doubt it. so here are the only other explanations I could think of so far(everyone's free to share their thoughts too in case it wasn't obvious :D)
snake used to be part of a traveling "freak show", where he could have traveled to Germany and seen some place that Finny could have been associated with. this wouldn't make sense for his long term memory, but still.
Finny wasn't born in Germany and instead was brought up for a little while in the same place as snake. again, unlikely to remain in his long term memory(unless it's a repressed traumatic memory hhhhhh nah), plus I unfortunerly don't wanna see another Finny flashback. sorry Finny. but I don't know what else would be important.
the more realistic (but also most uninteresting so probably isn't the) answer, this building resembles one they saw together recently. in London perhaps. this could help solidify the possibility that it is collecting blood(aside from the fact that the other 2 servants have found that), since it would be part of a company or chain.
idk. i also forgot a big chunk of Finnys backstory so maybe it's already canon that he was born and raised in that institution🤷‍♂️ I'm not attached to possibility 2 anyway
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but aside from all this let me just show again how amazing they are. Finny and Snake is the combo I always needed and never had. I'm so hyped for these half brain cells.
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sorry but I'm confused here. I'm probably slow, but is that supposed to be Ciel's legs? as in, he's the advanced child that they "just fostered out"?
I have no clue how it could be o!ciel, and since they're not showing us his head to indicate an eyepatch, I guess that it could be r!ciel, if it's one of them anyway. this would indicate that r!ciel could have been rehabilitated here(given blood or treatment or protection or smth), and they just "released him"... gave him back to the undertaker. and now the test includes finding out Snake and Finny's blood type, and "the right attitude" being if they're compliment or oblivious.
idk, I can never tell if these are thoughts everyone has or no one has. all I know is that theorizing is not my strong suit, I'm just trying to make sense of this and haven't seen any other posts with this panel yet(I probably missed some right?).
that women just looks mean. Yana subverting expectations? most likely, Idc.
one more thing.
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yeaaaa. If this isnt Doll then thats very cruel of yana. the left bangs look shorter than before(no need to hide burn scars any more due to patched skin?...), but the clothes is the same. why would the clothes be the same? to scare us. with the fandom's reaction, she would be eaten alive if she tricked us so hard.
so let's say it's her. already, we know this place collects blood, is connected to the undertaker, yadaydada, that's no longer the focus of these mini arcs. hasn't been since Ada revealed the secret so easily, Yana knows we know patterns. the undertaker brought her here to do what? why isn't she with him, or with r!ciel, plotting how to get back at o!ciel for killing her? who else is with her here?
and more currently, what's about to happen?... If doll is able to recognize that the snake is Snake's, she could either confront him next chapter, which would cause the tension and conflict to rise REAL QUICK. or, she could just hide away for the next few chapters, for whatever reason, until she comes out at the timely dramatic moment. cause as soon as snake recognizes her, I don't think we'll get him back to the funtum fam. not soon....
have a good week!
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weenwrites · 7 months
hello!! is it okay if i ask for a romantic matchup from transformers prime? im a big fan of ur blog!! C:
so a bit about me, im a she/her and an INFP-t like literally everyone else on the internet but thats ok. im optimistic and sensitive and i always try my best to be kind, polite and friendly to everyone. im a bit moody and sometimes shy but nowadays i try to do whatever i want regardless of what people might think of me. im creative and curious and i like having fun!!! my friends often describe me as weird but in a good kind of way, as if im some strange whimsical creature 👽 im super artsy and express my weird style proudly, both in the way i dress and how i present myself. i know u said physical appearance doesn't matter but ive had a buzz cut for around half a year now and it kinda became a part of my personality lol
hobbieees. oh i have many :D overall i enjoy anything creative that requires using my hands, but i mostly spend my days drawing, playing instruments, sewing or studying. i also really like the outdoors and often explore new local and even far away places just for the fun of it. i constantly try and experiment with new things and activities. because it's just fun
i love nature, art, animals, bugs. oh im a huge bug lover. the weirder the bug the better. i like learning new things, i like space, horror movies, sweets, music, fruit, flowers, funky earrings. i like a lot of things. on the other hand there's not much things i dislike, except for the usual like.... idk bad people? violence? drama? but yeah everyone dislikes that. however specific things that i don't like include getting yelled at, being babied/underestimated and ppl who are way too pessimistic.... i don't dislike the people, just the view. it can be so exhausting to deal with🙁🙁
i express my love mostly through words and actions! i like making my friends feel good by complimenting them or giving them gifts like small trinkets and stuff😈 but sometimes i put a bit more thought into my gifts and craft small cards, drawings, bracelets or plushies for them
i like everyone but im not sure how to describe my type. aside from the usual criteria like being kind and caring towards me there's not much that i am looking for specifically. i don't need someone eccentric such as myself i just want someone who likes my weirdness and who looks at me like 😍😍 oh yeahhhh THAT'S my little gremlin
OK SORRY THIS IS SO LONG describing oneself for a matchup feels like opening up to a therapist. anyway thankyou so much for reading this all ily 🙏💞💞 here's a flower for u!!! 🌻
✎ A/N: Aa! Thank you!! I don't mind that it was long, if anything it helped me write some more stuff! Also your forgot to include your sexuality, but I hope you enjoy the match up! The rest is under the cut since it's pretty long ˆˆ
[ Please do not repost, plagiarize, or use my writing for AI! Translating my work with proper credit is acceptable, but please ask first! ]
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He's rather enthusiastic to have a partner he cares for so much, but if you've told him or if he's noticed that you'd prefer for him to turn down the hype a little, he'll definitely try to be a little more "chill" about it. He's rather inexperienced, but he's always eager to do his best in any situation, and when it comes to you he tries to bring his A-game and do his best to make you feel happy and loved.
He would absolutely love to learn about new things with you! Despite how he may seem, he's actually pretty knowledgable (when it comes to cybertronian artifacts and history, of course) and a fast learner. That isn't to mention that as a new-comer to Earth, he intends to learn as much as he can about the planet, not only because he thinks it'd be good to better understand the species he's trying to protect, but also out of genuine interest himself.
So if there are any interesting facts about the planet that you'd like to share with him, or books you'd be willing to lend him, you'll be his go-to source for everything there is to know about earth and humans. (A brief callback to one of my other things, this of course means that he'll be calling you whenever he has a question about something, but the more he does it, the more it seems like he isn't actually curious about what he's calling to ask you about, but rather he's instead doing it to hide the fact he really just wants to talk to you.)
And of course in exchange for everything you tell him about Earth, he's going to return the favor (as long as you ask him something he actually knows about)... But with your interest in space, he'd be able to tell you a lot of things about the stars and cosmos, all of which he learned about in the academy and from Alpha Trion while he was a guard at Iacon. Or he could tell you about cybertronian history, or cybertronian customs that he thinks you'd find interesting or funny.
But aside from that, he'd strive to impress you in whatever way possible, but unfortunately that's a bit... Difficult for him, since the first things that come to mind include feats of strength and shows of his fighting capabilities, but due to your dislike of violence, he decides to opt for other means instead. He quite literally searches up "ways to impress your crush" online and tries out the ones he thinks you'd like the most, like showing off his smarts, or showing that he's really interested in whatever's on your mind.
He's also the type of S/O who'd definitely try out stuff that their partner's into, so he's willing to try out a whole bunch of your hobbies if it means the two of you get to hang out together. I'd like to imagine he's particularly fond of listening to you play music, and perhaps he even hums along when he grows more familiar with the tune.
He'd definitely try to help you come out of your shell and he actively encourages you to live life whatever way makes you happy and live life with no regrets. He's also pretty quick to recognize most of his mistakes and make up for them accordingly. He also always emphasizes that he promises to learn from them (and he does for your sake).
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He's actually pretty chill and easy-going as a partner. He doesn't usually do any showy romantic expressions of love (unless you like them), but that doesn't mean he takes the relationship lightly. He particularly enjoys just spending as much time with you as he can in your day-to-day lives. You don't have to do anything special like go on dates, he's just perfectly content hanging out with you and doing whatever you can together.
And contrary to how he looks as a "big brutish tough guy", he's actually very gentle and chill when it comes to you. He enjoys joking around and maybe the two of you even have a few inside jokes that you laugh about from time to time.
He's pretty fond of the great outdoors too! And though patrolling may still be tedious work, the scenery makes it all the more worthwhile. Not to mention that it isn't as boring whenever you offer to tag along for the ride. There are other times where the two of you go on foot, and he'll let you sit up on his shoulders to let you get a good view of the area. Or if there are any neat trees you'd want a closer look at, he'll make sure to lift you up there carefully and let you pick a leaf or a flower out of them.
Whenever the two of you patrol sparsely populated areas with lots of wildlife, he'll occasionally point out animals here and there, and he'll sorta make a game out it.
"Oh hey look! Dog! One point."
"That's not a dog..."
"What do you mean it's not—oh, wait, it's a horse, right? The horns make it a horse."
"Horns on a horse would make it a unicorn. That was a moose."
"That's what a moose looks like?"
"Yeah??? What did you think a moose looked like?????"
Of course he isn't any good at naming the animals he sees, but he thinks that it's neat that you get to tell him what those animals are, or what that plant is, or what that other neat thing is that he saw on the road.
And I feel like he isn't that squeamish or disgusted by bugs, and I think he'd find beetles or any kind of resilient or strong bug super cool despite their miniature stature.
Animals aside, Knockout once recommended that Breakdown should take you out to the theater, saying that it was a romantic thing that humans do. So you can expect drive-in theater movie nights to be a frequent thing from time to time. He'll let you sit in his cab and he parks somewhere with a good view of the screen. He claims that he doesn't find horror movies all that scary, and actually nitpicks at the actual details themselves, but from time to time you'll notice the subtle way his frame begin to shake and his tires twist during some particularly scary scenes... Tease him about it if you will, but not once will he ever admit to being afraid.
And also if you're ever interested in learning self-defense, he definitely would step up and offer to teach you how to punch people in the face. "You never know when it'll come in handy" is what he says to justify it.
He's not usually someone who gets hyped over gifts. That doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't like them, it's just that he's never received many gifts before, so he doesn't truly understand the hype around them. But once you come around and give him gifts, he gets around to understanding the appeal. He gets happy and a little excited whenever you bring him something, and he also tries to get you gifts to return the favor! But given his situation as a giant robot, he can't exactly do that for you, but what the two of you could do is check out old junkyards to see if there's anything neat to take.
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beevean · 2 years
When you talk about how you would like Surge, you always remain vague using terms like "pathetic" and "self hating", but from those i just get the picture of her getting her ass kicked, just ranting how much she sucks, and i don't think thats the full intention. I'm not asking for a full fanfiction, maybe just a more detailed idea to get a better picture (i know you wrote let go, but since you had to follow the plot of 50, it just comes off as canon Surge, but she's internally angsting). Again this isn't a "well if you think they're so bad why don't you show if you could do better" just getting a clearer picture of your toughts.
(hey I'm glad you remembered Let Go! :D)
I don't really understand what you mean? Are you asking how I would "fix" Surge?
Well... Let Go is pretty much what I would do with her: emphasize her identity crisis. We have seen Surge from her POV, we could have seen more of her thoughts. When Hallucination Starline starts to insult her, are we meant to read his lines as Surge's own self-loathing? Does she genuinely see herself as a "schoolyard bully"? What about her inner conflict that she knows that her desire to see Sonic dead is mostly fake? This would have been a good way to flesh her out.
I also feel a disconnect between how much she's hyped and her actual skills. I am more than fine with her being so much weaker than Sonic: she's completely unaccostumed to real fights and only trained in controlled environments, she's supposed to be pure raw power channeled in a sloppy way. But it doesn't feel like the story wants to acknowledge that? She isn't defeated in #50: rubble takes her out of the picture, and before that, the focus isn't on her strength, but on the supposed "clash of morality". Her rematch with Sonic is hopelessly onesided, with her having stolen Eggman's mech for a power boost and Sonic being injured - no wonder she seems so badass! And yet this time she's defeated in a humiliating way that doesn't rely on her (lack of) skills, but a gag that is impossible to take seriously.
Between this, and her over the top ""cool"" aesthetic, I genuinely struggle to understand if she's meant to be a parody or a "meta" commentary, or a real character.
So, I guess I'd decide on a harder direction for her? And I'd take her seriously, not as a parody. Her personality is fake, but she can have depth beyond that. And I'd emphasize how outmatched she is, and I wouldn't have her stealing Eggman's mech, which is a bad tendency of villains in IDW for some reason. When I call a character "pathetic", sometimes I mean it as a good thing: I like weak characters who are aware of their shortcomings and try to improve! I would be all for a pathetic, tragic Surge. But I feel that the narrative flips flops between her being "tragic" and her being just so cool and awesome, and that's where my annoyance comes from.
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navysealt4t · 1 year
Sleeping is probably a good idea, headaches are the worst :( but I'm pretty good!! Been a bit swamped in assignments which is blegh
Also just noticed that your like involved with theatre! Thats so cool!!! What's that like (I'm assuming your on the cast side)
ohh i can understand the assignment pain </3 stares at my 2 failing grades lets ignore that ^_^ i hope u can get ur assignments done !!! school can be very lame sometimes
and YES !!! :D ohh man theatre is so so fun <3 this year was my first like ACTUAL SHOW !!! we did the wizard of oz musical and man it was so fun... the show was so exciting things rlly got amped up a month before the first public show because we were doing FULL run throughs of the entire show with the orchestra and man it was amazing :)
being on stage was like the best experience ive ever had. surprisingly i didnt have many nerves. it was just like practicing in the orchestra room expect there were about 300 or more ppl watching LMAO i honestly got some of the best memories from that show :) my school is partnering with a community theatre next year and they r doing hunchback of notre dame!! so im hyped for that :D
i wasnt any big role in wizard of oz i was just ensemble :) but!!! i was the coroner in muchkinland so i got the sing a solo center stage!!! it was rlly rlly cool i had so much fun man my SKIRT WAS AMAZING !!! i think theres an image of my outfit somewhere in my theatre tag.. i miss that outfit and doing my make up everyday <3 those like 3 weeks where we did full dress rehearsals at the theatre and than did all the shows were SO MUCH FUN!!!
hehe im kinda rambling sorry :) i am so so passionate about musical theatre man i can talking about it and my show and music for hoursss !!! i was. gonna say something but forgot lol <3
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mistiell · 2 years
hello !! can i get a matchup ? any arcane or stranger things guy is good =]
about ; im gay / oriented aroace , transmasculine , and use they/he pronouns . im kinda short ( about 5 ft 4 i think ? ) and i have brown hair with a coppery red streak in my bangs and its styled like a wolf cut , but a bit shorter . i have brown / hazel eyes and glasses that i normally wear a glasses chain with . i have lots of back acne and im a bit insecure about my looks .
im a very cuddly guy , and i will attempt to have at least one part of my body touching my partner at all time , unless my partner says they arent comfortable with that .
i like art and writing on occasion , and music is a large part of my life . i normally listen to indie music , but im always open to listen to new genres / artists . i also play trombone !
i like playing videogames ; RPGs are my favorite genre and legend of zelda is my favorite series ! ive always wanted to get into dnd but ive never had the time / motivation to start it unfortunately .
i think thats about it !! thank you so much =] your writing is always so good to see on my dash <33 sorry this got a little long lmao
A/N: AHHHH, Thank you so much! Glad my writing makes you happy! Dw about it being long, the longer it is the better :)
For Arcane, I match you with…
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- He’s also a very cuddly guy, so cuddle seshes are pretty much an everyday thing
- He towers over you so either you have to stand on your tip-toes to kiss him or he has to lean down
- Which is fine by him
- He thinks it’s cute :))
- He loves loves loves reading your writing
- and admiring your art work
- Might try to draw you something
- It’s so bad but you love it anyways bc he made it for you
- Whenever you feel insecure about your looks, he does his very best to make you feel better
- He’ll take you shopping and hype you up whenever you try something on
- He loves you so much and he’ll do whatever it takes to let you know that
For Stranger Things, I match you with…
Eddie Munson!
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- This guy loves literally everything about you
- He says the red streak in your hair is “metal as fuck”
- So confused when you tell him you’re insecure
- He’ll kiss you all over and whisper all the things he loves about your appearance just to prove to you how handsome you are
- It’s so soft-
- He would love to teach you how to play D&D
- So patient too
- Even if you need him to explain something more than once or keep forgetting things, he never gets frustrated
- He thinks your writing and art are so cool
- Suggests art dates where you guys just sit in his room and draw for a few hours
- Puts some music on in the background and gets distracted by whatever you’re drawing
- So so so cuddly omg
- Holding hands wherever you are
- Kissing your cheek, forehead, temple
- Sometimes you guys will just spend hours cuddling
- He’s just so sweet oh my god-
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loveletterzsss · 2 years
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so uuh... i’ve heard there’s some trafificsona stuff going on? mind if i join you all? .D this is my first post on here i think, and it is also the first time in half a year drawing on my grafic tablet and not on my phone, so bear with me basically, green life!senya drawing, because i got hyped:) maybe one day i will draw yellow! and red! senya... general info about my trafficsona: - they’ve never interracted with anyone apart from This One Watcher Guy (basically my other character, but its not about her) - they were trapped in their own single world for a really long time and got into the game through the same Watcher ive talked about above - basically they are a goat..? but there’s some shady stuff about their origins - they try to stay away from people since they dont really know what to expect from them, but generally they are pretty chill - hyper-responsible in a way; everything that was happening in their world was a direct consequences of their actions, and they feel the same about life smp as well - has decent survival skills, but never fought any other human being - literally no idea how redstone works. like, as soon as they see it, head empty - found “far” music disc in a spawner dungeon and got attached - lost their life by a trap, became paranoid ever since, but thats a story for another time
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jynxraven513 · 2 years
im very excited avout my new d&d campaign im running (session 0 is scheduled for this weekend)
and this is the only platform i dont have any of my players on
so everyone here is going to get the full force of my DM hype since i have no one else to gush to bc all of the people i could talk to are players in the campaign
for starters, i have first time players (4 to be exact), 2 people who have played before (one who played 1st edition and one whos played 5e a few times), and 1 person who is a veteran (my sister who has been gaming as long as i have)
so far, everyone has made pretty cool characters, with really in depth backstories (even the newbies which is great!) and theyre all super excited. when i told them today that yes im ready to run through session 0 this weekend everyone about shrieked with excitement so the hype is very real
right now, their party consists of:
>a wood elf cleric
>a halfling bard
>a dwarf barbarian
>a half-elf fighter (eldritch knight path, so magic)
>a tabaxi fighter
>a dragonborn (bronze dragon) fighter
>a kenku ranger
a very muscle heavy party, but thats not necessarily a bad thing since a lot of them picked different backgrounds and have different things in their backstories thay give them various excess skills
i have also given everyone a trinket, and they all immediately tied it into their backstories with so much enthusiasm i honestly was kind of impressed. so much hype
session 0 is mainly going to be firstly making sure they have all of their equipment, followed by doing a mini-flashback for each of them what happened just before they got to the starting location, and we'll work from there with a minor encounter just to get everyone on the same page of how combat works (esp considering a lot of them are new to the game/5e)
now to finish my notes for the start of the campaign, but the hype is real. they already hade so much excitement just making their characters and we havent even started yet. so this will be a very fun campaign
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prizmpaws · 1 year
🖍️, ❤️, ✖️!! (for the ask game!! your choice of which :D)
(answering all of these for patton [💙🐶], slime [🧪🎰], phantombur [🪶🧿], starlight glimmer [✨🔮], and terezi [⚖️🍒])
🖍️- what hobbies or activities make you think of your kin? 💙🐶: baking! also making bracelets, since we all had lil matching bracelets i made for us :D 🧪🎰: arcades. anything to do with them. i would work the casino on occasion but i mostly worked the arcade bc despite being like thousands of years old i was still a juvenile by slime standards and quackity preferred not to have minors working in the casino if he could help it. and either way my closest friends were fundy and purpled and they were also minors and that way we all got to hang out more :D we would get up to so much silly business while on the clock 🪶🧿: i would do a lot of like hands on, repetitive tasks like organizing things and crafting and enchanting and potion making and whatnot to keep me grounded (bc fun fact being a ghost makes it surprisingly easy to dissociate esp when thats something you already struggle with.) obviously i cant do a lot of those things now irl but like. sometimes little tasks like that remind me of this tl. esp if they fit that pretty romanticized dark academia aesthetic. like i got a wax seal kit for christmas and tried it out and. definitely very phantombur 🔮✨: i very much had a hyperfix/spin/what have you in magic as starlight and now sometimes when i watch clips/episodes of mlp that im not in where they're doing magic ill be like "why did they do it like that, they could have used this spell, and done that in this way, and-" i also instinctively like only ever call the mane six by like nicknames/petnames and im pretty sure its bc of this tl ⚖️🍒: deep diving into certain tags/communities on tumblr. all the trolls were very active on tumblr, that was how we met and talked and everything, and it just makes me nostalgic
❤️ - what's your favorite memory from this kin? 💙🐶: i mean our movie nights where we'd all cuddle on the couch were pretty nice. rlly any of our cute sappy domestic moments could take this spot. but one more distinct memory that jumps to mind is you comforting me after svsr and finishing making the cookies that i tried to stress bake and then getting to share them with u :D 🧪🎰: im torn between a few options that go from less to more sappy. first option is just the shenanigans we'd get up to in las nevadas. mostly me, purpled, and fundy, but sometimes foolish and very rarely even quackity would join in. we invented a card game using a gigantic combined deck of playing cards, uno cards, pokemon cards, etc and had a huge ever changing 3 ring binder with all the rules of the game written out in it. i wish i could remember all the rules but it was so much fun. option two: in hindsight it was definitely bc he got tired of me constantly asking him questions, but q told me that whenever i had a question i should remember it and save it for later and then once a week while we were doing chores and stuff id get to ask him all my questions. a lot of the time it was just silly stuff, but sometimes we'd get real deep. final option, just a tiny little snapshot, but one time q was making like some sort of apple dessert and he was cutting up little apple slices and purpled and fundy and i were all sitting on the opposite side of the counter begging for appy slices and scraps and he'd occasionally throw them to us and at one point fundy caught one in his mouth and we all got so hyped and quackity got all proud of him and called him like some sort of a sweet name in spanish that i do not remember and it was just a rlly nice moment. 🪶🧿: strawberry picking with tommy. i was barely even doing any of the work, i just sat and watched him and chatted with him for a while. it just really sticks out in my head. it was such a nice day out, and i just always loved to see him so happy and excited. i really saw myself in him, he was like the person i never got to be. i never would have told him any of that, and when he realized i wasn't helping we play argued for a while, as siblings do. but still. love that guy 🔮✨: traveling with trixie on her lil traveling magic caravan. sometimes we got on each others nerves bc it was very close quarters but it was also a lot of fun. sometimes for hours it'd just be the two of us with nothing but each other's company and time to kill. we'd have the most silly and pointless conversation, scream-sing, and have an insanely deep 2am thoughts sort of conversation all in the span of an hour. like a sleepover on steroids ⚖️🍒: i think probably just hanging out on the meteor. it was a long ass time but we had a lot of fun. it was rlly cool to finally see some of the beta kids in person! i dont have a whole lot of like solid memories from this tl so i couldnt pinpoint one moment but that whole experience was real fun.
✖️ - what details about this kin, if any, are really different from canon? 💙🐶: this one was generally fairly canon compliant aside from the fact that the sides were all in a polycule (aside from roman and remus dating each other ofc.) little bits of it that align more with fanon than explicit canon as well, but generally not too far off. 🧪🎰: i think not super contradictory to canon, just with a lot of details filled in? i honestly forget a lot of the exact details of canon bc like i watched it a while ago and i probably missed a few streams and things just get muddy between canon and kin memories. but i feel like the friendship between me, purp, and fundy was a lot less focused on if it was really featured at all. also my whole "post canon" storyline that i know happened but try not to think abt bc i know it has a bunch of noncanon characters and if i let myself remember them i will miss them and be sad. oh also i remember a fuckton of info abt like slime biology and culture and whatnot that doesnt go against canon (and in fact sometimes lines up shockingly well) but also wasnt explicitly shown. 🪶🧿: origins is already pretty freeform, but my tl had even less of like a "storyline" or any big plot events and was pretty much just us all hanging out. also the server resets i think were canon? bc i feel like i have memories of buildings/the world from both s1 and s3. i think i was like involved in the reset and then purposefully wiped my memory of it. which would explain why i cant remember jack shit abt it. no clue tho. once again mostly just a lot of added details that arent strictly contradictory to canon. 🔮✨: i was for sure dating trixie and twilight, queerplatonic with sunburst, and maybe queerplatonic with sunset? i was possibly also in some sort of non platonic relationship w the rest of the mane six. idk man those horses got around. also my backstory was a bit different. or like. if i had the same backstory in canon i did a real shit job explaining it. my whole thing with cutie marks was a bit deeper than just "oh no my friend got their cutie mark before me im so sad im gonna go invent communism D:" growing up my mom saw me starting to get an interest in magic and was all like "no dont waste your time with that, that stuffs all frivilous, how would you ever be successful and make a living like that, etc etc" sorta like how ppl are abt ppl who wanna go into art as a career sometimes. and like hearing that and spending all that time trying to get myself to like and be happy in something else and find a better, "normal" passion that my mom would approve of and then turning around and seeing sunburst getting to pursue it and getting his cutie mark for it fucking sucked. and like knowing that if i had been allowed and encouraged to explore my magic from that age i could have been even better at it. not to say i was justified i definitely still went too far but like. still ⚖️🍒: the trolls and the kids were. swapped? like we still had the same personalities and relationships and everything but basically the humans lived on alternia and the trolls lived on earth, with that same sort of societal structure and everything, and the kids played the original session that made earth. and it was neat idk im sure theres more i could name but ive run out of brain juices
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