#so now I just treat it like we did in elementary school where everyone gets a valentine
ipomoea-batatas · 4 months
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eclecticqueennerd · 10 months
Soldier Boy as a Girl Dad
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Ben was elated when he learned he was going to be a dad. He saw it as a chance to have something he never got when he was a kid. He was disappointed to learn that you were having a girl, but once you gave birth man oh man did his worldview change drastically.
Ben’s view was the woman to stays in the home and pumps out babies while the man goes to work and brings home the bacon. Ben was always a misogynistic ass, less so with you, but now he was just an ass. He did not want his daughter to grow up in a world where she was only treated as a Broodmare. No, he wanted her to rule the world.
Early on he taught his daughter how to fight and protect herself from bullies, which would occur due to her dad being a supe. You’d often tell Ben to stop, “Ben, we have to talk to the teachers and let them handle it.” “Oh, come on y/n, you know how they handle bullying there. No daughter of mine is going to be a damsel in distress.” It wasn’t until you got a call from the elementary school principal saying that your 6-year-old daughter punched her bully at school. You went to get your daughter from the principals’ office and as you left with your daughter and Ben in tow, you heard him say, “Show me where you punched him.” Out of the corner of your eye you’d see your daughter make a fist and place it on Ben’s chin. Ben let out a loud chuckle, “Atta girl.”
Pre-Teen years were awful. Your daughter became less of a daddy’s girl and more of a bratty teenager. Whenever Ben would try to connect with her, he was always met with attitude, eye rolls with constant saying of ‘that’s so lame’. You’d back Ben up by telling your daughter to snap out of it, but was met with hostility, “What are you going to do about it mom? You’re just a normie.” By this time her powers were developing, and strength was one of the first skills. It wasn’t until Ben had to save her from a supe terrorist, who fucked with the wrong dad, that her attitude towards the two of you changed.
Teen years your daughter became more mellow and hung out with the two of you more. Ben even taught her how to spar and use her powers appropriately. He’d teach her how to drive and how to do her math homework. “What do you mean they want you to do it that way, my way is easier.” “It’s called Common Core math dad. Everyone has to learn it.” Every time Ben helped her with math, he’d become frustrated and soft glowing would emit from his chest. You quickly found a tutor for your daughter, as we don’t need another explosion like Moscow happening again.
When it came to your daughter’s first date, Ben almost blew a gasket. “We should talk to her about safe sex.” “SAFE SEX?!” “Yes Ben. Teenagers have sex and we need to prepare her and make sure she understands that protection is important.” Suffice to say you handled that conversation. When the boy came over to pick your daughter up, he made the poor mistake of cracking a joke, “We’ll sir I’m surprised you’re not sitting there cleaning a gun with how your daughter talks about you.” “Son, I don’t need a gun to kill you.” Ben scared that poor boy off after the first date.
When your daughter left for college, Ben was trying his best to keep his shit together. Watching her car drive down the road you ask, “Was it everything you were hoping it would be?” Ben chuckles, pulls you close, and wipes a tear trailing down his cheek. He said, “Better than what I could have hoped for.”
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froggoon · 10 months
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˚✧₊⁎ My Brothers Fiancé ⁎⁺˳✧༚
Rin recounts how he fell in love with Sae's Fiancé.
★ pairing: Sae x reader x Rin
★ wc: 2.53k
Rin remembers the moment Sae brought you home. Sae was in middle school and Rin was in elementary. He recalls his mom greeting you at the door before calling him over.
“Rin! Sae’s home! And his friend is here. Come down to say hi.”
Rin didn't care Sae brought home a friend, he just wanted to hang out with his brother alone, and now this friend would be interrupting them. However, Rin's thoughts quickly changed when he saw how pretty Sae's new friend was. You were so cute that Rin got nervous, choosing to stand behind his mom instead of saying hi. You laughed at young Rin's antics before pulling out a sweet from your bag to offer him.
You bowed slightly "Here Rin! Thank you for having me here!"
Rin approached you cautiously snatching the loli out of your hand, muttering a quick " thank you " and running away.
It would be like this for the next few years. You coming over to hang out with Sae and coddling Rin. To you, he was like a little brother, so cute with a chubby baby face.
It wasn't until high school that both Itoshi siblings hit puberty and shot up in height leaving you at a mere 5'2. Head pats to Rin became hugs and that cute little boy who would beg for treats and call you big sis, became a young man who was stubborn and rude. Unlike the growing issues between the brothers, you and Sae grew close. You were the only one Sae got along with and eventually, he began to see you as more than a friend. You've been with him for the last four years, comforting him, making him laugh, and encouraging his dreams. Despite the brother's disdain for each other, you managed to be a friend to both. You showed up to their football games, cheered them on, hugged them when they won.
You and Sae eventually started dating and Rin would see more and more of you, but this time in the arm of the person he was jealous of the most. Since then, Rin started to distance himself from you, no longer responding to your good morning <3 texts, and no longer inviting you to his games. You could understand where he was coming from though, he and Sae didn't get along so you could see why he no longer wanted to associate with you, That doesn't mean it still didn't hurt your feelings though. You valued your friendship with Rin, he was there for you when your cat died when you failed your math test, and when you had trouble with Sae. Sometimes he knew you better than Sae did.
Nevertheless, Sae was a good boyfriend, he never forgot an anniversary and always surprised you with gifts and flowers. The social media posts of you two really got to Rin. You and your "perfect relationship" flaunted all over your page.
Eventually, Sae had to go to Spain for football, but before left he planned a special event for the two of you and invited his family after. Sae told your best friends to take you shopping and get your nails done with his credit card then took you to a high-end restaurant. He brought you to the outdoor garden of the restaurant and got down on one knee.
" (y/n) You have been the love of my life for the past 5 years, we were childhood sweethearts to lovers and I cannot imagine my life without you and I can't imagine going to Spain without knowing your mine. When I look at the future I only see you. You've encouraged my dream and I hope to support you in yours. I will think about you all the time when I am away. And when I come back, I would like to make you my wife."
Your eyes swelled with tears, Sae was a romantic but this was perfect. While sobbing your eyes out you held out your hand for Sae to slip the ring on whispering one word " Yes."
You two went back to the Itoshi house to celebrate your engagement. Everyone was congratulating you, everyone but Rin. He was sulking in the corner thinking about the what if's. What if he didn't push you away. What if the moments you were hanging out with him while Sae was busy he kissed you. What if he wasn't a coward to confess his feelings. Would you and him be engaged now instead of his loathsome brother?
You were devastated when Sae left for Spain. Although you continued to pursue your dream as an artist and Sae as the best midfielder in the world, you two still made time for each other. As for you and Rin, your relationship got better. Your job was near his school so you would often walk home together or get food. You two even started having Friday night movie nights. It started when you started complaining to Rin about how boring life was without friends and Sae was always too busy for you. You also told him that you wanted to see the new Barbie movie but had no one to go with. And this is how you roped Rin into dressing up with you to see it.
You two got your drinks and snacks and made your way to the theater. Sitting in your seats Rin spotted a rowdy group of guys a few seats down from you. Realizing who they were he quickly ducked his head towards you, hoping to not catch their attention. However, a certain multi-color-haired person immediately recognized him.
You look up above Rins head to see Bachira, Isagi, Chigiri, Nagi, and Reo. "Rin I think your friends are calling you." You said with a laugh. Rin didn't know his cheeks could turn any more pink when he turned around and saw his friends also all dressed up making their way toward him.
"No way you're here! ON A DATE TOO?"
You quickly shot that down saying you were Sae's fiancé and here to hang out with Rin. Ouch. Rin's mood immediately soured upon hearing that. You two had been spending so much time together and you still saw him as Sae's brother. The two of you and the Blue Lock squad all watched the movie together with Rin's mood slowly improving by listening to your beautiful laugh.
"Hey guys let's get something to eat, we haven't seen you in so long Rin! Hanging out with (y/n) too much." Reo just wanted some juicy gossip.
You pulled Rin along ignoring his protests to go back home as you all headed for the dinner. Seeing his friends was fun, he forgot how much he actually missed Isagi and Bachira's antics as well as Reo's confidence, Nagi's laziness, and Chigiri's coolness. But mostly he was focused on the way you lit up the room with your boisterous laughter and a radiant glow that had all the males' attention on you. You had the ability to engage in conversation, make people laugh, and make people smile, something that Rin had envied but with you he admired. You looked gorgeous all dressed up in your pink baby doll dress, white stockings, and pink high-heeled boots.
Then the question came. " So how did you meet Rin and Sae? What was Rin like when he was younger."
"Oh, I met Sae through school. He was my classmate and would always annoy me to ask me what we were going in class. He was always so zoned out so he would constantly poke me with a pencil to ask. Eventually, we became friends and I met Rin, who was a cute little snotty kid." You snickered at the last bit glancing at Rin who was glaring at you right back. And then you said it. The part that would shatter Rin's heart.
"He's like a brother to me. I can wait to be in-laws when I marry Sae."
You and the guys continued talking about your relationship and your past with the Itoshi brothers while Rin wallowed in his own emotions.
Like a brother
Those words echoed through his mind. Was he not enough for you. What did Sae have that he didn't. You guys had hung out every day since Sae left, heck SAE LEFT. He LEFT YOU. But not Rin, Rin was here every day for you. He ate lunch with you, listened to your problems, comforted you when you were sad, and cooked for you when you were sick. He saw you as a beacon of his heart, a light in his dimmest days, but here you were saying you saw him as a brother? Sae had everything, a promising career, skill, fans, but most of all he had you.
But no not this time Sae would not get away with everything again.
After dinner, Rin walked you home ignoring how your hands would occasionally touch.
"Thank you for tonight Rin. It's been really fun. And thanks for always hanging out with me. You know sometimes, you remind me of Sae."
Rin was fuming at that last part, but he chose to ignore it, he had to play his cards right if he was going to win your heart.
"I'm like Sae right? But better, I think I'm honestly funnier and more handsome than Sae... but listen, do you think I could stay the night? It's pretty late and I'm a bit too tired to walk home and I have a game tomorrow afternoon."
"Oh of course you can Rin! Come come, it'll be fun like a post-movie sleepover!" You dragged him into your apartment and set down your bet running off to your room to change. You had both decided to blow up the air mattress and let Rin sleep in your room with you like you and Sae did when you were younger. Ring Ring
"Oh Sae's calling ! He must have checked into his hotel." You quickly picked up the phone to see Sae's handsome face. " Hi baby, did you just get back to your Hotel?"
"Yep I just showed and now Im resting, how was your night?"
"It was good! Me and Rin hung out to see Barbie and then we met up with his friends at the dinner and It was sooo fun who knew Rinnie had funny friends."
"You've been hanging out with Rin a lot haven't you?"
"Yeah Rin lives so close we hang out all the time and-"
"Wait who's that behind you?"
Unbeknownst to you Rin's hair and shoulder were peaking into the frame. Sae knows you and Rin hung out but he didn't know Rin was sleeping over. Sae was no fool, he knew about Rin's little crush on his darling fiancé. He couldn't miss the longing glances of the younger Itoshi and the slight blushes every time you complimented him.
Rin jumped onto the bed right behind you. You could feel his chest against your back, the heat of his breath right in your ear and his hand resting on your thigh.
"Hey Sae. Me and (y/n) are having a sleepover." You could feel your ears getting hotter with the closeness of Rin.
You loved Sae but you couldn't ignore how the teal-haired boy made your heart race sometimes. As Rin got older you began to notice him more than just "Sae's brother" he was getting taller more fit and overall handsome.
"Yeah I didn't want him to go home so late so he's sleeping over !"
"In...your bed?" "No silly, over on the air mattress."
Sae couldn't deny the anger he felt towards his brother for trying to get closer to you but also towards you for being so naive to his brother's advances. Unfortunately for Sae his next actions would drive you straight into Rin's arms.
"Well, I'm pretty tired now. Im going to go to sleep."
"What already? We haven't talked in two weeks I miss-"
"Stop annoying me and being so clingy, bye."
And with a click, Sae hung up the phone, without even saying I love you.
You stared at the phone in your hand, heart feeling heavy and eyes welling with tears. You dipped your head down to let your hair cover your face in an attempt to hide your crying from RIn. "He didn't even say I love you. He hasn't called me in weeks, he called me annoying and clingy. It feels like he doesn't even love me anymore."
Rin couldn't help but feel a little guilty at this, maybe he pushed you and Sae too far. He wanted you but not like this, he didn't want to make you cry.
Your silence turned to tears and tears turned to sobs. Rin grabbed you in his arms holding you tight in hopes to soothe you. He let you cry in his arms whispering soft nothings about how everything would be okay.
You pulled away from Rin's neck seeing the wet marks of your tears all over his shoulder. "I don't even think Sae wants to marry me anymore, he probably has someone else in Spain."
Rin's short answer shocked you out of your emotions. You stared up at him with betrayal before he continued.
"Good because he didn't deserve you. (y/n) you deserve the world. Sae should be kissing the ground you walk on. He should never make you cry and never make you feel hurt. (y/n) I'm so sorry about Sae. He's a jerk and he's been like that since we were kids. You are the most beautiful girl I've ever met with a smile that could warm even the coldest parts of the world. You are driven, passionate and someone I wouldn't hesitate to marry. If I was the one that put that ring on your finger we would be married the next day. I wouldn't care what the wedding is like as long as I'd know your mine forever."
Rin felt his heart pounding. He had basically outed himself to you and laid his feelings on the line.
You looked up at Rin with a newfound admiration and leaned up to him. "Do you mean that? Do you mean every word?" Your eyes glistened with what Rin could only see as hope and desperation. Desperation for a love you had been missing for a while.
Rin leaned down wrapping his arm further around your waist. Your lips met as you both melted into a sweet kiss. A kiss filled with a craving for love. After a few moments, you broke apart and stared deep into each other's eyes.
"How about you take this off and we can continue," Rin said motioning to your engagement ring. You looked down at the sparkling diamond.
This was the ring Sae proposed to you with, but he was in Spain now and here you were with this last reminder of him that kept you tied down. You took off the ring and placed it in your bedside drawer. Sliding yourself back into Rin's arms and closing your eyes.
Rin smiled looking down at your sleeping form. You were finally his .
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melloween-candie · 11 months
Hold still [C.G]
Bully Carl Gallagher x Bullied Reader
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You've known Carl for a very long time, and for a very long time, he has been picking on you. It started off small but gradually escalated to a much more painful issue. Your friends think he likes you. You think it's the other way around. But Carl, his thinking is different.
A/n - I realized that I have been using the same point of view throughout almost all of my writing, and I figured it was boring to constantly read like that, so I'm changing it up! Anyways the point of view I've been using is secondary. Figured if anyone cared- I am now going to try writing in first person.
Also, I figured I might as well finish this since it's been sitting in my drafts since day one. It's small and simple, I kinda wished I did more to it, but who knows- maybe I'll make a part two for it someday or just recreate it entirely.
Some parts in this fanfiction aren't canon. Meaning it wasn't from the show!!!
Warning: Self-harm, bulling
Word count: 1,443
Part 1, Part 2
Shameless Masterlist
Fandom Masterlists
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***Y/n's Pov***
I was cleaning up the bloody mess I made on my wrist. This was the third time this week that I did this to myself. I couldn't help it, though. I've been feeling depressed lately, at least more than usual.
It's not anything in particular. However, my mother would say otherwise. She thinks it's all cause of that "no good Carl." In her own words too. Though she wasn't wrong.
I've known Carl for years, and he hated me ever since we met. I don't know why he hates me; he just does.
I never did anything to him in particular, or at least I don't think so.
"Y/n! You better hurry; otherwise, you'll be late again!"
That was my mother. I should probably go...
Time skip!~
It was currently breakfast time here at my school. I normally hate breakfast time, along with lunch and free time too... My friends say I'm weird for that, but truth be told, I hate it because of him...
"Yo! Carl!" A random guy yelled. "What's happening?" He says as they get all friendly.
I bit my lips and held my books tighter. All-cause Carl Gallagher just entered the room.
Carl Gallagher... He's umm... something? Most people would call him a bully, especially if they saw the way he treated me, but honestly, I just think he uses me as an excuse to not look weak. After all, back then, during elementary school, he had this reputation of which he'd beat up kids just for looking funny.
Honestly, I envied him about that. Not caring about what anyone else thinks and just doing what feels right to you. I want to live like that.
The bell rings, signaling everyone to head to class.
Oh great. I hate this part. Reason is because I'll have to walk past him and if you were listening, he's not so friendly with me...
"W/n! There you are!" Carl gave you a big smile. "I was looking for you!"
"Ah... it's Y/n..." You said, feeling somewhat uncomfortable. "Never changed the name." You laughed awkwardly, trying to break that uncomfortable feeling.
"Rrright. Anyways! Where's my homework?" Carl didn't sound so friendly no more.
"Right here." You handed him your notebook. "If you could, I'll need tha- and he's gone." You sighed in defeat as you walked towards your first-period class.
I know that was pathetic, and you probably dealt with worst, but that was him being nice. Believe it or not, I got lucky. He was in a good mood this morning soo...
You entered your class and sat down.
Anyways, Carl used to like me. Or at least that's what my friends would always say back when we were still in middle school.
Nowadays, they don't really care about my situation with him anymore. It's old news to them. Which I don't blame them even if they did care; they couldn't change anything about it.
"Y/n? Y/N!"
"Uh?!" You snapped out of your thoughts. "Oh, hey, bff/n. What's up?"
"What's up?! What's up with you? I've been snapping my finger's in front of you for the last minute. What were you thinking about?"
"Oh, it's nothing."
This is bff/n. S/H/T are amazing. In fact, S/H/T is the only one that still cares about well the Carl situation.
"Did Carl do something again?" S/H/T said?
"No. Not exactly..."
"Where's your notebook?" S/H/T asked.
"Keep it down!"
"Y/n! How can you be okay with this!"
"It's okay, really-!"
"He's tormenting you!" S/H/T interrupted. "Eventually, it'll turn into something way worst!"
"He's been 'tormenting' me for years, and it's never gotten too bad-"
"TOO BAD?!" S/H/T yelled. "He gave you your first panic attack! He embarrassed you countless of times..."
And there S/H/T goes. This is going to take a while.
You rested your head on the palm of your hand as the teacher walked through the door. Closing it, signaling that class is about to begin.
Time skip!~
"Look, Y/n. I'm just worried about you. Every year Carl does this to you, and only you; for some reason, doesn't that make you feel somewhat uncomfortable?"
"I mean... Eh?" You shrugged your shoulders. As your best friend groans in irritation.
"Look, Y/n. There's a 50% chance he likes you, and the other 50%, well, who knows but try to fight back or at least say something!"
"Ughh, bff/n. You know that will only make him mad," I said as I grabbed my math book for my next class. "And besides, as long as I don't irritate him, I'll be fine."
"Yeah, well, still..."
Time Skip~
Math class was as irritating as usual. Carl being Carl, kept throwing paper balls at me. Him and his group of friends kept snickering to themselves, making it a little hard to concentrate... Why did the teacher assign me to sit next to these people... ugh.
Anyways that's not the worst part. The worst part was when we got our homework papers back. Normally I would get really good grades in math, but today I got a B+. I rolled my eyes in aggravation. I have to bump this grade back up.
However, I thought it was only my grade that dropped... When I got into the hallway, Carl grabbed me unexpectedly.
"What the h*ll is this?!" He held his homework paper to my face as his other arm held onto my shoulder, pushing me against the lockers. The people just walked on past, pretending they didn't see anything.
"Uh- UH?! Don't act stupid!" He yelled tauntingly. "You're supposed to be the smartest person in our grade! So why do I have a B on this paper?!"
"Look I'm sorry but It was just hard for me to focus during that lesson-"
"Well- Well, maybe if you'd stop throwing paper balls at me, I could have focused better!"
Uh oh. That was the moment I knew I had screwed up... Carl's face turned bright red with anger as he dragged me towards the janitor's closet.
It was dark and dusty in there; it was like barely anyone ever cleans in there.
"Listen you! I told you before I gave you my homework- give me an A, or I'll kick your as*!"
I don't know what's gotten into me lately, but I said something I thought I never would-
"Why?! Why do you even care? I mean, you've never cared about anyone or anything before, so why do you care so much about your grade?!"
"Are you stupid or something? I don't, but football does. If I don't keep a good grade average, I'll get kicked off, and if I get kicked off, I'll kick you off this EARTH!" His hold on me grew tighter. I couldn't help but back up; because of this, he pushed forward.
"Ow!" I squealed. I could feel the blood starting to droop down my arm. I didn't realize this, but there were a lot of sharp objects in here... or at least it felt like it. With that, Carl grabbed the dangling on switch, turning on the lights.
He didn't notice at first, but eventually, he saw the blood. He looked at it and then looked back at me. He still had that irritated look on his face as he continued to hold onto his homework.
"Tch." He quickly grabbed my arm and pushed back the sleeves. I couldn't even react. "What the he*l?" His tone became quieter, but if his face could speak, it'd say something like, "Seriously? Cutting yourself? You're so weak."
Then without even saying anything, he started looking for something, not letting go of my wrist while doing so.
"Wha- What are you doing?" I said as he yanked my arm. He then clearly found what he was looking for, but the closet was a little too small, so I couldn't really see what he was starting at. He grabbed it, and I heard this taring sound. To my surprise, he was holding a piece of tissue, cleaning up my wound.
"You need to be more careful." He grumbled.
Huh?!?! I was so confused by this. He must have assumed that those cuts and scares were all accidental...? But what's weirder about this is why- why does he care?!
Maybe my friends were right... at least in a way. I blushed at the thought. Maybe he did like me, at least a little...
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I wanted to give the reader the feeling as if Y/n is actually talking to you, as if you are the voice in, well, your own head. Or if you want you can think of it as you talking to an invisible friend in your head. Which ever works for you.~
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i-love-frensh-fries · 5 months
✨I dreamed of being stuck in the dorm of the phontom troupe in a modern AU ✨ .
🕸️I had a weird dream that day and then it came back last night. And it's living rent free in my head.
Slight sspoilers about the new pt manga chaps.
It was the the phantom troupe in a modern AU and then there was a school that was kinda like a special academy and of course there was dorms ( like the houses from hogwarts but the hunter administration that treats your file is the one doing the sorting) and obviously my delulu chrollo juc thirsty bitch that I'm ends up t in the phantom troupe dorm aka ✨the spider house ✨that everyone is scared of. But first he is some contest about them :
It was the the phantom troupe in a modern AU and then there was a school that was kinda like a special academy and of course there was dorms ( like the houses from hogwarts but the hunter administration that treats your file is the one doing the sorting) and obviously my delulu chrollo juc thirsty bitch that I'm ends up t in the phantom troupe dorm aka ✨the spider house ✨that everyone is scared to be sorted to ( you need to have a murder recored to be sorted their but most student s don't know bout that.
But first here is some context about them bitches :
🕸️ The school was like the hunter association and in the Spider house the only people allowed are the once that killed someone before. So I guess I got their becose I killed somebody? I don't know I just lived with them.
🕸️But there is the thing with the members is that they technically didn't "kill" anybody, at least that's what the authorities assumes before going trough Juvi.
🕸️That day they just happened to be in the wrong place wrong time.
🕸️It happened when they were kids maybe in elementary, they all lived in the same orphanage from the poor side of the city so they always hangout in a certain place after school.
🕸️At that time that were a bigger friend Groupe. But one day, one in particular didn't show up at school but it's fine they didn't think about it much, they were like " it's fine we will see her at the playing spot after school, Sarasa may miss school but never play time anyways" .
🕸️Class finishes they go to their usual spot expecting to find their friend *Sarasa*, but all they find is a black teach bag waiting to be oppend.
🕸️The kids were skeptical about it, some were scared but chrollo, the "main twinck" of the groupe insisted about looking inside of the bag that was suspiciously weird and suspiciously well tied. He tired at first but couldn't do it then then finx shoot his shot but didn't succeed either.
🕸️The kids grew frustrated and all tried opening it leaving their tiny finger prints on that bag. But that until Uvogine te bigger one arrives and finally opens it.
🕸️The first thing they noticed was the metallic smell (in the dream I was kinda their but not their), when everyone hesitated so look, chrollo did. And god he regrets to this day, looking at the inside where his friend's remaining body was.
🕸️Too scared by what they fsaw they run to the orphanage and told the adult not know that they will be used to cover some higher up from the city and with enough money they will be accused of killing their friend and all end up in a specialised juvi ( cause they were minors) that will change their life's and ruin their childhood forever.
🕸️After 5 years in juvi They all come out, many of their friends died during that time many lost their minds. But they survived and are now 16 years old. They get accepted into the hunter association academy? I guess? And that's how they become the most feared students of the .
🕸️ And that where the self insert potential gets jucy. And that's where I get in the story. Apparently I killed my mom? ( we had an argument that night before I dreamed 😂). And that's how I ended up their. I was so freaking scared. But weardly some of them were nice.
🕸️Paku oda was mommy. Machi was kinda sceptical. Shizuku didn't mind same for korutopi, bonolenove and Franklin.
🕸️ Phinx was decent he is from Egypt 🇪🇬 and I'm from Algeria 🇩🇿 so African besties✨✨, we watch égyptien and algerian comedy some times and we speak arabic too. And the fact that some kings from my tribe back in time were faraones ( yeah 'cause I' m amazigh) so we get in preety heated argument about it some times, but over all he is fine. Same for nobunaga we bond over video games and samurai movies ( blue eye samurai)
🕸️But their tiny bestie just straight up hates me. He dispises me sooooo much. He tried to kill I think. Put poison in my coffee ☕ 😂.
🕸️ But the weirdest one out their is chrollo. I think he sees me more like a lab experiment. He follows me with his eyes in such a creepy way. He asks where I got who are my friends. Why am I getting along with hisoka 'cause hisoka was supposed to be the scariest he told me not to approach him cause he would kill me but then we ended up being the bestest of friends so I guess he was kinda jealous.
🕸️But anyways I ranted a lot. But this is what happened when I woke up I thought that I got into a coma cus wtf it's was a looooooooong one and it gilt so vivid a and real.
🕸️If anyone read thins and wants to make It a story or something please tag me the phontom troupe dorm is such a brain rot for me I don't know.
Anyways baaay
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Random childhood crushes I had
Bernard from The Santa Clause
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I think this one is pretty much self explanatory, we all had a crush on him.
Ian from What a Girl Wants
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Still a pretty standard and normal crush. That hair was so cool when I was like 7.
Dapne from Sccoby-Doo
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Who am I kidding, I still have a crush on Sarah Michelle Gellar, she's so pretty. Little me had confusing fellings about her in those short dresses.
Velma's friend from Scooby-Doo
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This man doesn't even have a name but I was so gone for him. The hair, the eyes, the goatee, the shirt... I still love him. Somebody give a name to my boy. (And I'm still mad that they didn't let him have a kiss with Velma. I know she was supposed to be gay, but if you didn't make her gay, and made her have a crush on Seth Green in the second movie, she at least could've had this beauty of a man...)
Both Robin and Maria from The Secret of Moonacre
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Such an underrated movie. I loved Maria, she was so sweet and pretty and my little heart could barely handle the scene where she wakes up with curly hair (I couldn't find a picture.) And let's be honest, everyone who watched this movie had a crush on Robin with his stupid little bowler hat and smudged eyeliner. (Oh so that's where my obsession with men in eyeliner came from...)
Simon from Nanny McPhee
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I still have a crush on Thomas Brodie-Sangster. He was my first ever celebrity crush. There used to be a giant poster of Nanny McPhee in the hallway of my elementary school and I used to go to that part of the school just to look at him. I had no other business in that part, I took trips to see him. I still would, tbh.
Audrey from Atlantis: The Lost Empire
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She's cool, she's badass, she's pretty, she's witty. I was whipped the moment she came on screen. I loved that she was a strong female character surrounded by men and she was treated as equal. Same goes for Helga (but she was evil so little me drew the line there) and Kida too (I don't know why but I preferred Audrey over her. Maybe because the scene where she's taken by the crystal freaked me out a kid.).
Vinny from Atlantis: The Lost Empire
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He's the funniest of them all. There's nothing else neccessary for me to develop a crush.
Cinderella from Cinderell II: Dreams Come True
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Let's be clear, Cinderella from the second movie. Not the original, not third with the time travelling AU. This Cinderella was sweet but independent, confident and determined. And she had a great wardrobe. I loved her so much.
Linda from Rio
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Specifically this scene. The part where she drives the motorcycle also did things to me at 13 but I was done for when she put on this costume.
Fly from Help! I'm a Fish
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Now, we're getting into weird territory. For those of you who haven't seen this movie, for most of the runtime he's a fish. And yet, I had such a big crush on him. He was a hot fish, okay?
Mr Tumnus from The Cronicles of Narnia
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I might out myself as a furry now, but I don't even find James McAvoy that attractive without the faun make up. MAybe I had a crush on him because of his personality. Let's just say it was that.
Nico from Rio
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I know, I know, he's a bird. But have you seen the part at the party when he says "Party in Ipanema, baby!"? That's hot, okay? I might or might not have written self insert fanfiction about him and myself (as bird of course)...
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neurotheascars · 4 months
I'm going to write about a complicated memory time I'm having as an endogenic non human alter, for science, and it's not nice, but I'm being vulnerable here so I can unpack this a little. Feel free to chime in if you have had a similar experience or know what causes this sort of thing.
So like, body has autism, I've accepted that that means I have autism, but like... My ASD symptoms as a child were very much me "being an alien" in my memory. And even to this day, logically, I know it's an autism thing but it still feels like an alien thing.
So when I was in 1st grade, I'm sure I was not the only one in the body at this point, but I remember doing this (very mean, I'll admit) thing in elementary school at least once day.
As other kids would pass by in a line or when we were waiting for something where we could see a lot of people or even when I would look at my year book, I would look at each person, one by one, and privately (thank goodness) think to myself about how ugly everyone is.
I hate your nose. I hate your eyes. I hate the way you smell. I hate the sound of your voice. Everyone around me I thought was ugly in so many different ways because I thought humans were ugly. I still kinda do, but to a much much much lesser extent. I was an outsider in a strange place with strange rules and I thought everyone looked unfamiliar and gross. I don't feel like this anymore but humans are still an acquired taste in my mind. I'm the only alter in the system like this.
I say this was probably an autistic thing because it had to do with facial features specifically and I've heard that we struggle to look at faces or recognize them, so I can only imagine this pushes the same brain buttons. I can't be asked/forced to draw human faces without melting down totally. I can draw the body perfectly well. So this isn't a skill issue either.
Now, this wasn't and isn't "everyone is ugly but me" this was very patently "the human form is awful. Who did this. Why me." It is the root of any un-aliving urge I've ever had. That I can't escape being human around so many humans with an existence completely dictated by humans.
I still to this day, will get so upset and angry when people talk about how figure drawing is mandatory for art students. Figure drawing triggers me.
You must draw the human form because so much art worships the human form. Which isn't.. bad. It's the mandatory part that is. I did it though, I chewed and swallowed that lesson reluctantly only to hack it back up and out later like a cat refusing to take a pill.
It did not help that my figure drawing prof was going through some mental health issues (her tutorial grad students were warning people that she wasn't acting herself)
This manifested as her saying a lot of fucked stuff she could have just kept to herself. Like telling me I needed Xanax because I couldn't bring myself to draw a face. Acting disturbed and confused by just the kind of artist I was. She treated me like a leper.
But the worst thing was by far this:
My human body is a little chunky, but my species is very slim biologically. That's just what we look like. We can be fat, but it's something we have to try really hard to do. I don't care that my human body is fat. I just eat what I can and try to stay alive. I'm not really thinking about weight discrepancy between my forms because I don't consider it an important detail past finding human clothes I enjoy wearing.
We have been drawing our species as a manner of spiritual reconciliation with the concept of self. We didn't fully actually decide the features of our species but instead based details on astral experiences and childhood dream disturbances.
This wasn't a secret to this prof and she basically said that we needed to overcome our body dysmorphia and stop slimming the life models down. Basically if you accidentally drew the model even a little skinnier by accident she would jump all over you.
"it's just habit because 90 percent of my art is tall gangly alien bodies"
"no, you just worship skinniness. You made your aliens skinny because you have an ED" no exaggerating, she said this.
Like excuse me? I didn't know how to report her but she needed to retire because she said this inappropriate shit constantly.
And her vibe influenced all my peers to think I was copping out by only drawing aliens (that I will remind you, are MY RACE, MY SPECIES, MY HOME PEOPLE. ) This isn't about weight. This isn't about "skill" I hate humans. I hate the human body. It is poorly designed and YOU worship it. It's not my fault I dislike it. I'm not a bad creature for disliking it.
Figure drawing doesn't help my art because I'm not fucking drawing humans like everyone else.
"but you can apply some of the anatomy to-"
SOME. I'm convinced that drawing specifically a living person having an improving effect on your drawing skills in general is myth brought on by the art worlds sick obsession with "old master" artists and copying their methods. It's drawing from life that improves you, not just specifically drawing naked people, unless you are an artist who wants to draw humans, which I am not.
All the "greats" drew naked people to practice their own subject, which was people, so now every art student has to, even if that's not their subject. "You MUST draw the naked person" is one part useful lesson, two parts art school hazing. If you wanna fight about this, just know I have already died many times on this hill only to rise again. You cannot change my mind in a way that matters.
I had to unlearn things from figure class. I had to re teach myself how to draw the extremely specific digitigrade legs my race has. I had to keep reminding myself to draw our spines longer.
Because there is real speculative anatomy in there. It's not just for looks. We have long torsos because we are marsupials and the baby needs enough pouch room. We are slim with long bouncy legs to outrun giant worms. These aren't just aesthetic choices. This isn't "skinny is prettier" I just have no biological need to store fat like I do as a human.
Figure drawing harmed me without helping me because of anthropocentric ideas about form. I learned more by studying furry artists and augmenting reference photos.
There were always ways figure drawing could have worked for me if the human form wasn't treated like the most important thing to draw. I maybe also would have been in a better headspace if this profs lectures weren't pointed spitefully at villainizing people who have no desire to draw the human body.
I don't have to deal with this any more but I feel like being malignantly nonhuman in human figure drawing class is an extremely niche and strange horror I needed to talk about.
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kakitysax · 2 years
Anyway that said I like John Seward. I’ve seen some analyses of his character and they got me thinking.
His asylum is actually really humane for the time, and he views Renfield more as an equal than he’s supposed to in their dynamic. I don’t think anyone else would have let him keep the flies, or the spiders, or the birds. And I don’t think it was normal at the time to view delusions as having logic, or to try to understand what’s happening in his patients’ heads instead of just assuming the worst and containing him.
Also, I relate to the guy. I think he’s autism-coded, at least to the extent that people like us were viewed at the time. His proposal scene was just. Intensely relatable. It’s absolutely shitty and inexcusable how the guy takes out his issues on his patients, but he’s working in a system where that shit is wayyy too easy, and I think it’s the rare person that WON’T abuse power when it’s given to them.
I was in a similar situation as him this past year. I worked at an elementary school: a system essentially designed to contain children under the guise of helping them. And there’s a lot of good people there doing their best to ACTUALLY help, but it’s a bad system, and even good people have bad days, and it’s really easy to get away with yelling at a kid. It’s almost expected; it’s almost the point.
I went there because I was fascinated by kids, but the longer I stayed the more I learned about myself. I viewed the kids as equals, because the level of power I had over them made me feel safe enough to interact with them normally. Meanwhile I was terrified of the teachers and staff who were “supposed” to be my peers. I did my best to listen to the kids and answer their “stupid” questions and talk them through their feelings even when the teachers were running out of patience, but on my personal bad days it was hard not to snap at a kid who was giving me a hard time.
I thought I went into childcare because kids fascinated me, but realized somewhere along the line that the reason I was really there is because I still feel like a child. Someone helpless, who needs to be kept in a controlled environment and given love and care and told what to do. And I treated them the way I hoped to be treated.
Jack Seward is fascinated by psychology. He views Renfield as an equal despite (and maybe as a result of) having power over him. But he’s reluctant to spend time with his supposed peers, and was clearly terrified all through his proposal to Lucy. He is trying to understand Renfield, but when he’s at his worst it’s too easy for him to take his feelings out on someone who, like a child, is a societally designated target for subhuman social treatment.
And I wonder if, in the same way that I feel like a child, Dr. Seward feels like he is a “lunatic?”
I know that’s a GROSSLY outdated term, but its connotation is important here. “Neurodivergence” is something that’s understood and becoming more widely accepted. Between Dracula and today we’ve made great strides in the field of mental health. We know what schizophrenia is now, along with mood disorders, personality disorders, dissociative disorders, adhd, autism, (and probably more that I’m forgetting,) and have found a deeper understanding and better treatment for them.
Dr. Seward would not view Renfield, or by proxy himself, as “neurodivergent,” but “lunatic.” Someone dangerous, to be contained and quarantined from normal society and studied. Someone to fear. And I think there’s an extent to which he is treating Renfield the way he would hope to be treated.
So yeah. I won’t say the guy did nothing wrong because he very clearly has. But everyone does shitty things, and I kind of relate to the guy. I totally forget like 90% of this book but I can’t wait to see where his character goes.
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ooops-i-arted · 1 year
I bet you’ve got a lot of thoughts about “The Foundling” and can’t wait to hear your meta-child development-analysis
Ah, Grogu on the beach. Relaxing and exploring like a real kid should be. Until it's time for FIGHT CLUB JR lol. But Din's desire for Grogu to be with the others is understandable - by now he's surely picked up that Schools Are For Children And That's Good. Grogu does need to be with his peers. But unfortunately there appears to be no Mandalorian preschool on Death World, so like in The Siege, Grogu is thrown in with the older kiddos. But he lifts his arms up anyway; Grogu always wants to please Dad, and probably feels even more desire to do so now that they're here among Dad's people.
Din saying "It's time you learn with the other foundlings. Playtime's over" isn't necessarily unusual in the real world, of course, and it's clearly well-meant. But since I have you all here, I'd like to remind you that children learn best through play! Grogu seems old enough to handle some structured lessons, but playing with his peers should be perfectly healthy and normal for him and should be encouraged. (It's a shame we never get to see Din and Paz set up a play date for their boys.)
So.... is Fight Club Jr. really appropriate for kids? I guess it depends on context. Overall, it really doesn't seem that different from elementary/preteen kids' karate or sports lessons in our world. Nothing is lethal, but discipline and hard work are expected and there is a chance to get bruises. In-universe, we know the Children of the Watch specifically have faced being hunted down and harmed, so it makes sense they train their kids to be able to protect themselves as soon as they're able. In itself, it seems reasonable. Where that gets tripped up is when Din throws Grogu in there.
Why is Din so eager for Grogu to join Fight Club Jr.? He knows Grogu trained with Luke and can jump, Din has seen Grogu defend himself (and almost always when already threatened) but fighting is another level. Is this what happened to him as a foundling (or what he remembers/perceives as happening) and he views this as normal? Did he have a ward who treated him this way? Din is oddly stiff and stern as he enters Grogu into a match and doesn't even ask Grogu if he's interested or ready, in sharp contrast to their other interactions. Normally he talks to Grogu like a fellow living being, including asking his consent for big decisions (such as when Grogu chooses to go with Luke). Referring to himself as Grogu's "ward" is just egregious the way it's casually dropped and skipped over. After all this, Din won't refer to himself as Grogu's father? And if it's still an internal thing he is coming to grips with, why isn't that dwelled on or explored more? Imo this seemed off compared to what we've previously seen in terms of Din being a father to Grogu. (But I guess it was all so Bo could tell Grogu Din was proud of him, when Din is perfectly capable of doing so himself and has expressed his pride in the past.) Din crouching down to quietly and calmly instruct Grogu how to use the launcher and tell him he'll be fine seems much more like how Din usually parents Grogu.
Grogu looks right to Din when he fails the first round, his usual source of reassurance. Din understands what Grogu needs finally, and assures him he can use his powers - a necessity, because Grogu has hidden so long and doesn't usually know who he can be himself around. (Also, for all we know he heard stories about the Old Republic era, where Mandalorians and Jedi were at war.) And as soon as he wins Grogu looks straight to Din, wanting to know he did good. Din is still so important for Grogu's emotional well-being. Grogu uses Din as a barometer to explore this new place and people and figure out if he's behaving acceptably or not. It's another sign of a very secure attachment and a relationship of mutual trust.
I do notice that Grogu is out on the beach when everyone else went inside after the latest Foundlingnapping. More likely a set-up for his next scene with the Armorer, but I do like the idea that he's not afraid of no Child-Eating Monster. Or he's gotta keep an eye out and make sure it doesn't get Dad, because DAMN Dad is ALWAYS getting into trouble and I, Grogu, am the only thing between him and certain death.
Grogu probably needs like, some Real Actual Therapy for his childhood trauma but sitting in the quiet forge calmly isn't too bad as a coping mechanism. In my preschool we often practice taking deep breaths to calm down, identifying our feelings, talking through them so another person can understand and help you. It's probably not dissimilar to what Grogu did as a Jedi youngling. That may have been what lead him to connect and relive his memories, and we finally see how he escaped the Jedi Temple.
The whole flashback is more about telling the audience how he escaped than being a character study, so there isn't much to recap from a child development perspective there tbh. You can tell he's so scared. He is clutching his blanket for dear life. Was it a comfort item he had as a youngling? Did he have other toys he left behind? How many other children did he watch die? How many people he knew and loved? It's no wonder his memories "went dark." That much trauma would be rough on an adult, let alone a little one who was probably between baby and toddler in development. (Judging how we see him as toddler-like in season 1, 3-4 years old-like in season 2, and 4-5 years old-like in BoBF and season 3, I'm guessing he was about the equivalent of 1-2 at that point, and probably had regressed in behavior/abilities by the time he met Din due to his treatment.) We don't know what happened between escaping Coruscant and meeting Din, but since we see him locked up as a commodity by the Niktos and showing signs of being neglected/abused (minimal attention-seeking because he has learned it won't get him what he needs, minimal vocalizations, avoids drawing attention to himself as he has learned it's a negative thing) I'm guessing nothing good. He does look calmer after his flashback, though, so I like to think he's facing it and processing it and continuing his healing process.
He looks so happy and proud to get a new piece of armor though! I bet he couldn't wait to show Din and I wish we'd gotten a scene of that! He's gotta be really working those muscles to be carrying around all that armor. Also, I feel like Grogu wouldn't be above rubbing his new shiny beskar in Ragnar's face. I really want them to be friends and have playdates now....
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shaaaaaaar · 1 year
i’ve been thinking recently about how wacky my science teachers have been for specifically my upper classman years (11th and 12th grade, because americans like to give funny names to high schoolers).
i took abnormal classes so it’s to be expected i suppose, forensics and anatomy. but both of my teachers have been absolute trips.
in forensics we were taught by this nice old man called tom. he was the teacher for that year only because he was subbing in for someone and the school decided to let him teach the whole year. has a background as i believe an officer (but i could be wrong) and taught forensics in college. he was semi-retired when he taught us.
but what’s most important is everything else. he had a sense of humor that was basically just fucking with the class and dad jokes. you could tell he had several kids. tom had a complete and utter disregard for the rules and when we did have interactive and engaging lessons they were the experience ever
it was an in-person class but with heavy covid restrictions, to the point that we had a circle around the high school that we weren’t allowed to pass with the sole exception of if we needed to go to another building for lunch or for class. tom did not care. he took us outside of the circle several times for class and i can guarantee you he did not get permission from the school.
he also one time told us that if his class was first (as we used a block schedule) and we were late to school, we could sneak through the back entrance and he would not care.
at the end of the year he made a fake final exam just to mess with one kid; he told the entire class except for one personthat we were going to pretend to be doing a final that was never mentioned before. on the test the last question was “are you freaked out [kid’s name]”. the prank didn’t end up working out because the kid ended up being 30 minutes late to class and we all gave up but he was very proud of himself for the idea
we went around the parking lot treating it like a crime scene we were studying. we also did this in the elementary school playground. following the playground crime scene we made a slideshow of the evidence we found where we claimed tom was a murderer and we never dropped the joke.
we had an entire class period where we played with fake blood to make blood splatters.
he poured everyone a dixie cup of gatorade for a lab and right before we drank it deviated to teach us that we shouldnt drink from drinks already opened even when we know who is giving it to us which is an important lesson i still havent forgotten.
a kid mentioned hating escalators and he went on about how she has every right to be afraid and the lesson became about escalators being terrifying.
we planned to do a mock trial in the second half of the year which we never got to do and i’m still sad.
he drove a motorcycle to school on occasion and we found out after a class on crashes and how dangerous motorcycles can be and we were all deeply worried for him
he showed us pictures of his dog frequently and brought her in on the last day of class. after a class on a murder case he asked us to show oet pictures and acted like there was zero tonal whiplash in that transition
everyone loved tom. everyone speaks extremely fondly of tom even now.
but as a high school teacher he wasn’t the best. first quarter was fun, he would make engaging lessons that would often times be puzzles, take us out of the building to do more practical classes (again, without permission), talked about very interesting stuff and current events and how it tied into law. but then it eventually devolved into mostly lecturing without a slideshow in a way that made me unable to pay attention, so i’d just play tetris on my computer, talk to class, and at the end of the year literally play hollow knight in the back of the class.
it’s especially lame because when i could focus the class was genuinely extremely interesting, the material was cool with a cool teacher who was really passionate about this. and the hands-on stuff we did was amazing. it’s something i regret.
my anatomy class is the opposite in class structure, where the chaos comes entirely because of the material itself.
my teacher’s name is jamie, she teaches in the middle school but has a single anatomy and physiology class in the high school. she is a gymnast who got her degree in anatomy and you can TELL that she did, she is beyond passionate. you can also tell that she fought tooth and nail to be the one to teach this class.
it is awe-inspiring how easily we get off topic in this class and for how long we get off topic. jamie, again, is extremely passionate about this, and has talked several times about how excited she is that she can teach high schoolers and get to have more in-depth conversations about her passion.
we will end up wasting half of class talking about something that has nothing to do with the material we’re learning about because of a side comment. the class gets super into these conversations which doesn’t help.
what makes it better is that jamie has had a wild amount of injuries. she has had a tumor, lost her sense of smell, i think she fractured her skull, had her kid a month premature and went through a wild experience because of that, something will come up and she’ll mention some injury she got and it is terrifying. i think she finds me and my being in the course especially interesting because i’m planning on starting hrt and the process and effects is something she doesn’t know as much about.
anatomy is the most scuffed class i’ve ever taken too, it’s a weekly occurrence that something goes wrong. she’s a middle school teacher so she has to rush over from the middle school every day. this, along with high schooler dumbassery has led to several wild stories taking place, such as but not limited to
sending a class of 6th graders an email about a test on tissues that we were taking the next day, causing us to get the email at 3:30 in the morning and several 6th graders panickingly studying tissues
forgetting our tests in the middle school and having to print new tests out for the first 5 minutes of class
kids spilling barium on a white countertop and there being a student cleaning crew in the back of the classroom for 30 minutes (which was a sight to behold)
the teacher giving us a class activity to learn about anaerobic respiration where we did squats and squat jumps, underestimating the non-athletes in the class and leading to several kids having very sore legs for the next few days (which was really funny when we learned about DOMS and got asked if we ever experienced it)
her finding several middle schoolers running around the high school as she went to go teach our class. delaying the start of our class as she tried to deal with them
similar to tom, no matter what you think of the class everyone loves jamie and we all talk fondly of her as being “a great teacher in a class we get nothing done in”.
anyway, both of them have made me want to take an anatomy course and a forensics course of some kind in college, both of them for very different reasons but that boil down to my teachers making their respective class a wild collection of stories and memories that made me want to learn more.
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startersword · 1 year
So here are my thoughts. Number one, it's concerning how you people talk too comfortably to EVERYONE on this platform. Example: that post about text boxes on uquizzes where that person confessed to telling people to kill themselves in them...? You're weird for doing that and that's not as funny or quirky as you think it is. It just makes you look weird and kinda creepy. And it's weird that people find that funny...I think a lot of you become detached to some extent after being on here for so long, and that to me is very sad. You know the people that aren't your mutuals are indeed real people, right? You don't need to be an ~empath~ to interact normally with others. I'm starting to think we need to go back to elementary school with the whole "treat others how you want to be treated" rule.
Number two, it's also very scary how comfortable y'all are with just like. Lying. I don't know how to explain it. Like I've seen posts, screenshots, videos, etc., where people create these entire stories that are either like "wow! Crazy fun fact! Did you know xyz? I bet you did. I'm lying lol" or "Here's this really crazy story about me/someone I know/a celebrity/an influencer. I'm lying btw I don't know them/that didn't happen but I bet I got you didn't I". That's ALSO not as funny as you think it is and you need to stop enabling this behavior bc lying can become compulsive and that shit can end up being detrimental. Also, depending on what that person is lying about, you could be:
1: Spreading misinformation about people/situations/genuine problems
2: You could trigger someone's unreality, paranoia, etc.
3: You're being an asshole to people who have a hard time picking apart jokes from sarcasm/can't understand what's actually true or not. Also you're just being an asshole, period.
Anyway I'm gonna get off my soap box now. You guys are weird. Be nicer to people, get help, go outside.
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voskhozhdeniye · 10 months
My mother was so afraid of stranger danger that for middle school, she got a special exempt from the school board to send me to a different school in the county. This way, the school bus would drop me off at my now former elementary school, which is where my mother worked. I had to wait in the library until she got off. This separated me from the best friends, and in particular, my best Black friends I had made in elementary school. Looking back now, that distinction was probably intentional. My mother is mixed race. Her grandfather on her mother's side was an Asian immigrant, we believe from Mongolia. His wife was of Native American ancestry. Her father's side of the family is Black. My mother has very light skin. My mother hates Black people.
The first week of school in seventh grade, this is right before September 11th, and right after Aaliyah death.
The teacher goes around the classroom asking each of us questions to introduce ourselves to each other. We all already know each other, but she goes around the room anyway. She gets to me and asks, "What's my favorite TV show?" I confidently respond, "Pokemon!" As an adult, I know Digmon is better, but not at the time.
I then have an entire class of people, many of whom I have known since the beginning of my school career laugh at me for being 12 and still into Pokemon. This makes no fucking sense to me. In June, we were just discussing our favorites. A year or two before parents across the country were banning card trading. Kids were getting beat up for their cards. When did we stop, why wasn't I told?
What they didn't understand was the household I was being raised in. I had beatings over Pokemon, I learned which floorboards creaked so I could sneak out Saturday mornings to watch. Pokemon was how I kept in touch with the kids outside of the church who I wasn't supposed to be friends with. It was all we had in common.
I lost all my friends and was severely ostracized by pretty much everyone. I got bullies, molesters, and bastards. From then to the end of school, I was able to make two friends. One later in middle school, who after graduating high school, I learned was gay, which makes so much sense now, but at the time, we were both so closeted and dealing with the same social situation it never clicked. The friend in high school eventually moved to the west coast, and we "drifted" apart. When I last looked him up, he was married and working at Blizzard. He was a big Guild Wars fan. I bought tickets, and he drove us to my first real concert, Bat For Lashes, in 2009. I was 20. That's the only opportunity I've ever had to do something like that besides when I met up with a mutual on here back in 2019.
That's it, that's the list of friends since I was 12. So I would go to school and get treated like a leper, and then come home and suppress myself to avoid fundamental Christian bullshit.
I've been emotionally dead for 22 years. Last year was the 20th anniversary of the first time I tried to kill myself.
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crazysodomite · 8 months
sigh... i basically never attended a full week of school. at a certain point i only attended a few days a week and maybe showed up for 1 class in the middle of the day and went home. its a miracle i even made it to 9th grade before dropping out. i never did any homework unless i was forced to. i would fake being sick as much as possible just to not go to school. i was only in school for 9 years but changed over 10 schools. i was always bullied in every one of those schools with varying severity. i was even bullied by upperclassmen for reasons i still don't understand. when you get bullied by high schoolers as an elementary/middle schooler it does things to you. i always hated my fucking teachers and they hated me. all i ever wanted from them is to leave me alone. i was the quiet kid in the back of the class who would draw and not pay attention and it made my teachers really fucking mad. and it was always perplexing to me. i don't want to be there just as much as you don't want me to be there. you're a fucking grown adult getting mad at a middle schooler who gets bullied to the point of being scared to go into the hall to get into other classrooms. my teachers were evil to me. i became very jaded very early on in my life. i did well enough in a few classes just so i could pass into the next year. my teachers probably just wanted me to gtfo as soon as possible which i'm thankful for. i never got high enough grades in anything to get into university or anywhere really. it still has an effect in my life because i technically haven't gotten a full education yet. i did get into college for a few years (college here is not what it usually means in english. here college is where you go if you didn't complete school or where you go Before university. its basically school with specialization). i dropped out again because once again life got in the way and somehow i was still getting bullied by my now adult peers which was crazy. i can't catch a break. i never made any friends irl for this reason. i had a few brief friendships that were just bullied kids sticking together lol. i think my life is really well illustrated by one anecdote. a teacher really hated my guts for not paying attention. and one time i couldn't get home so i went back to school and that one teacher happened to be there and decided to try to get me home and they saw what my home situation was like. and then they left me the fuck alone and didn't bother me anymore. isn't it crazy how teachers treat you like a blight on their existence without even knowing what you go through as a CHILD? i never had any mentor figures or adults in my life who made me excited about anything in life so i grew up very apathetic and im still dealing with that to this day. there was never anything good in my life growing up and there still isn't anything. i was pretty much depressed as soon as i had a conscious mind. it's also really telling how people treat poor/unfortunate kids who fall into addiction or crime. theres no empathy for us just scorn. we are treated like scum and lesser than by everyone. after all you go through as a child you enter the world realizing how far behind you are after everyone else and you don't really know how to catch up! dropping out is stigmatized, not going to uni is stigmatized, going to college is stigmatized, being bullied is stigmatized, not having a subject you're especially good in is stigmatized, falling into drugs or alcohol or crime is stigmatized to the point you shouldn't dare speak of it. people don't even try to sugarcoat the fact they see people who fell behind as lesser but at least they're honest. oops
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pof203 · 1 year
A Summoner Birthday
Here's a link to the previous post:
Battle ahead.
Red Bodyguard
Blue Bodyguard
Green Bodyguard
Preselected characters:
Wakan Tanka
Selected character:
Story (Chapter 1 Part 3)
You feel a little groggy at first, but you get over it quickly... You open your eyes.
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Candyland, it's been a long time.
You spot your friends closeby.
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So this is the land of dreams! It's a foodie's paradise!
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You haven't seen anything yet, Ryota. They have stations were you can make your own sweets.
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Really? I should give that a try. What about you, Shiro? I heard you made wonderful sweets last Valentines.
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Let's save that for later. We should take a look around here.
Maria: Alright.
Shiro: (happy and whispering) Thank you.
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Hey, did anyone see where Mr. Boogeyman and the others went?
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You're right. Weren't they just with us?
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Look out! Here I come!
Everyone: Holy shoot!
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Ha ha ha ha ha! I am sorry. I couldn't resist.
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Y- You idiot! You scared me half to death! What kind of teacher are you?!
Boogeyman: (still laughing) An elementary school teacher.
Kenta: No doubt about that.
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Now that we're all here, shall we get started. (takes out his staff) Since we're all in a virtual world, the App is pretty much already open. So we can do the spell right here and now.
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I'm ready, Bigfoot.
Lupin: And me. And the rest of us.
Bigfoot: Then let's begin.
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Role of the Wanderer, Rule of Guidance, engrave mine name, Bigfoot of the Snowy Mountain Tribe, unto thee.
Begin my spell!
Like before, Bigfoot strikes his staff on the ground and Wakan Tanka Infinity is wrapped in a glowing green cocoon. After a short time, the cocoon vanishes... and Wakan Tanka emerges.
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(gasping a bit) Wow, it's so good to be this form again. I almost forgot what it's like.
Lupin: (very happy) Same here.
Shiro: It's so good we could be here today.
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And what a day it'll be since it'll be forever to us in this world. So, what do you guys wanna do first?
Boogeyman: I suggest fighting a dragon in the forest. Or maybe swimming with the merfolk.
Lupin: I think just a nice picnic in the valley should be fine.
???: Just a picnic? Now that's not very exciting.
You are all shocked by some mysterious intruders that suddenly appear.
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We're in a world of magic and wonder where aging practically doesn't exist. You have to do something way more spicy.
Maria: (upset) Hakumen?! What are you doing here?
Hakumen: Oh, just a little game for your little birthday party.
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I'm sorry, Itzamna, Quetzalcoatl. Though we are from El Dorado, my loyalty is first and foremost to Lady Hakumen. The same to you, Lady Maria. Men, onward!
Many guards started marching through the gingerbread village and began taking sweets and treats from the visitors saying that if they want them, they either have to pay up or swear loyalty to Hakumen.
Boogeyman: This doesn't look good. If this keeps up, there's no telling what will happen. We need to put a stop to this before things get out of hand.
Alp: You put so much work into this world, Boogeyman. We can't let the Tycoons ruin it. I'm in.
Bigfoot: I'll lend a hand, too.
Lupin: And me.
Wakan Tanka: (laughing) That's My Lupin. Always wanting to help... Alright, I'll fight, too. Not a bad way to show everyone that even in this form, I still got it.
Lupin: I'm so happy we can fight side-by-side again.
Wakan Tanka: Then let's do it!
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The battle begins.
To be continued...
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addictwoapen · 11 months
then vs. now
there are two versions of my father that exist.
“you can do anything you set your mind to” dad. And “not all men” dad. 
as a child I was told it doesn’t matter what other people think or feel, I can do what I want. I can be an athlete, I can be smart, I can do whatever I want and fuck everyone that says otherwise. And while the sentiment was there, two things could not be true, or it didn’t feel like it could be anyway.
When I was a kid, I loved sports. I still do. I love playing sports and learning mechanics, and I have since forever. I was the boy my father never had with two older brothers who never quite learned how to throw a ball correctly. I remember being told I had a good arm in first grade, and how I was faster than the other boys at recess. I remember, even though it’s blurry now, thinking I could not be both a tom boy or a girly girl. How I had to choose if I wanted to wear pink or be good at sports. Even at the age of six I was aware that boys thought girls sucked simply because of my double X’s. I was aware that “boys rule” meant more than a harmless us vs. them type of pride. 
So I chose. I decided girly girls were dumb and insipid. I chose to be athletic and school-smart. I was praised and held to high standards. No Cs or you’re grounded, no tennis lessons unless I went to the gym. Because all that could be demanded of me was excellence. As a kid, I thought this was just strictness of my parents beliefs about education and hard work. As an adult, I’ve come to realize it stems from mom and dad’s insecurities. We are at the mercy of grandparents even when they’ve been gone for years. 
I hated the color pink from second grade on, and I still do to this day. I hated being called Barbie since I was the stereotypical blonde-haired-blue-eyed white girl. I hated that all I was allowed to be was pink. It felt like no matter which side I looked at, I was stuck in a box. I couldn’t be angry because it wasn’t ladylike, I received much more punishment for swearing as a teenager than my older brother did. It wasn’t until I was 20 in a Jewel Osco during Covid that I told my father to grow up and get over it. I was an adult and I would make my own decisions about the way that I spoke and behaved. 
It wasn’t until I was a bit older that I realized that girls and women had the capacity for so much more, but suffered with self-actualization and introspection much earlier than our male friends. 
When explaining the waves of feminism to my dad on a bike ride in 2021, he said “I don’t know anything about this waves of feminism shit” and I replied “must be nice”. He didn’t get it. 
The first version of my dad loved his daughter fiercely. I was daddy’s little girl who was a little spoiled but wasn’t a brat. We played catch together. We played HORSE together in the driveway where he spray painted basketball court lines for me on the ground to practice my free-throws in sixth grade. We went to the tennis courts to practice my serves in seventh grade. We traveled to Texas in college to watch me play at Nationals. He said I could do anything I put my mind to.
It wasn’t until I was an adult that he said “well...”. 
And there it was. 
The stipulation that he knew that the world would treat me different and that while it may be unfair-I had to adjust, and it shouldn’t be the other way around. When I talk of creepy men in the gym I had just started attending, it was “yeah but I don’t do that,” when I talk of 60+ year old men hitting on me and asking me out to drinks when I was 19 it was “that’s not that weird,”. It’s invalidation at it’s finest, and understanding that he will truly never get it. 
I often think of a memory. I was in elementary school. My dad and I often used to go on hikes together on the weekend in the forest preserves of the suburbs of Chicago. I couldn’t pinpoint my age but I wasn’t fully self-aware yet, so it was pre-fifth grade. He would say “no matter what anyone tells you, you can do anything you want, and it doesn’t matter that you’re a girl”. This was in reference to a woman we passed who was hiking on her own, and even at a young age, I was aware of the danger she could be in on a 5am hike in the middle of a forest with no houses for miles. I remember thinking as a young girl “why would I risk getting hurt?”. It was a memory I would come back to often throughout childhood, as I reminder that I could do anything. But as I approached adulthood, I sometimes revel in my father’s naivety. 
There are always stipulations.
As an adult, my dad still thinks I can do what I want, but if I have to work harder to fight prejudice because I am a woman, than that is what I must do. I shouldn’t cry about the injustice I have and inevitably will again face. I should suck it up and power through it. Because as a middle-age white man with a steady job, he has never faced discrimination or prejudice for things he can’t change about himself.
The latter version of my father makes no excuses for his behavior. He says “if you don’t like it, I don’t care”. Despite his secretly hidden desire to be seen, to be heard. He says he doesn’t care what others think, but I think he cares too much sometimes. We are the same in that regard, and it is terrifying. His lack of empathy towards others of different experiences is astounding when he raised a daughter that has an excess of it. His anger is often misplaced and rooted in toxic masculinity and the idea of a traditional family despite a certain lack of religious or traditional upbringing. 
There are two versions of my father that exist.
Naïve and Jaded.
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twunny20fission · 1 year
ASD rambling
I'm stopping just shy of self-diagnosing with Autism Spectrum Disorder. There are a LOT of signs, but I'm not stepping over that line just yet. I don't really know what's over there in a "will it make my life better or worse" kind of way.
There were some kids I went to school with who, in retrospect, treated me very patiently. Others who blatantly pointed out my weirdness, then walked it back later. I always attributed this to "they were mean to me but an adult gave them a talking-to and made them apologize." But sometimes I wonder if it was slightly adjacent to that. Did like, everyone know about me except that one kid? And so he treated me poorly and the adult had to explain that I was different?
I was in elementary school starting at the end of the 1980s. In a small town (actually small, not what TV shows say is a small town. If you had any fast food restaurants, you're not a small town. We had two gas stations and one grocery store. That's where you got food if you didn't have any at home. There were...maybe three restaurants? Cafes? One of them was rarely open. You weren't going to walk in Mamma Mia Pizzeria and grab a quick slice to go. I digress.)
If my parents had seen enough of a cause, they could have taken me on a 6 hour round trip to a place that might've diagnosed me with something. They did that for my older brother, but he was destructive and angry in public (diagnosed with ADHD, and probably had more than that going on.) I was less destructive and less angry and kept it at home. So they got him medicated and crossed their fingers on me?
I always thought my brother was bad different. And that I was good different.
I tested very well for "brains." I too was "special" and a "standout." Layers of coded language, or just people lacking the expertise and vocabulary to talk about these things. I may never know, but I have to ask: who knew and when? And when were they supposed to tell me? I remember conversations with certain adults about how I was 'different' or whatever. Those ideas resonate differently now.
I feel blindsided by revelations I've made in my adult life. Did no one tell me? Did they tell me and I didn't get it? Did they tell me and I forgot somehow? Did they know something was going on, but they didn't have the language to express it (small towns in the 80s/90s)?
More later.
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