#so i guess i just??? got teleported there???? for some reason????? it really caught me by surprise since like
hot new* Dragonstorm bug let's go
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ended the intro cutscene to find myself randomly teleported into Primordus's lava, taking no damage. so I ran away and immediately burst into flames and just... started taking continuous damage, the fire overlay stuck on my screen. Just Permanently On Fire.
and then the grand twist: attacking Jormag finally put me out so I guess the dragons really do neutralize each other! wild
* DISCLAIMER: I have no idea if this bug is actually new, this is just the first time I've ever experienced it so it's new to ME specifically
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whaddayadothatfor · 1 year
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Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x Fem!Reader
Summary: You’re an anomaly from another universe. You’re not dangerous though, so Miguel’s made the executive decision to keep you around until more dangerous criminals are caught and sent home first. Unless that’s not the only reason he’s decided to keep you around…
Content warnings: dub-con, voyeurism, masturbation, obsessive!Miguel
WC: ~1k
AN: Y’all this is so unedited but I wanted to write smut for this man so I did! If y’all like it I can post a second, smuttier part.
“Here.” You drop a small plastic bin of chocolate chip cookies in front of Miguel. As a peace offering. No, really.
Miguel raises his right eyebrow in question. He doesn’t even answer you anymore. The other Spider-people go about their day in the cafeteria, having seen this scene time and time again.
Every day for the past two weeks since you were suddenly teleported to Nueva York and promptly labeled an anomaly, you’ve been practically begging Miguel to send you home. He’s declined every time.
This is pretty much how the conversation goes each time:
“Miguel, I think I should—“
“No. We have to send the most dangerous anomalies back to their universe first—“
“I’m dangerous! I’m plenty dangerous.”
“The only thing you’ve maimed, tortured, and killed in the past month is a flippin’ houseplant. You’re staying.”
You see how frustrating this man is?
So you’ve decided that maybe bribery— sorry, a peace offering— will work better. Hence, the cookies.
“Maybe if you eat something sweet you’ll stop being so bitter and stubborn all the time,” you smile tightly. “Then you’ll find it in your heart— the one that shrunk three sizes— to let me go home.”
“I appreciate the offering— though you could use some more creativity in your approach— but just know that these won’t get you home.” He pries open the container and lifts one to his mouth before moaning in delight. “These are delicious. Thank you,” he said, sucking the melted chocolate off of his thumb. His overly enthusiastic groans were clearly a tactic to piss you off, and it worked.
You simmer in anger as he smirks while chewing his cookie. You try to snatch the bin back, but he moves it out of your way.
“Ah, ah, ah,” he says, pushing up from the small table he was sitting at and leaning down to whisper near your ear. “No take-backsies.”
He flustered you, and he knew it. He laughed as he walked away. You stuttered a retort in embarrassment, but he didn’t even have the decency to turn around.
“Ugh, I hate that guy,” you stomped in anger. You muttered several curses before you turned around to leave, only to see several wide-eyed Spideys staring at you in concern. This is why you wait until after you’re alone to throw a tantrum— it scares the locals. Whoops. “Uhh, carry on. My bad. Enjoy your lunch!”
You quickly walk away, feeling defeated. But it doesn’t matter, you’ve got nothing but time. You’ll catch him when he’s sleeping. He’s gotta be more amenable then.
“You know, just for the record, I think you going to his room this late at night is a terrible idea,” Lyla warned as she flitted between standing and reclining with her arms crossed behind her neck.
“Well I think him keeping me here is a terrible idea. I guess we’re all full of them.”
“Lyla I don’t care! I’ve got a family to get back to. Friends, a life. I don’t care how fine that man is, I’m going back home. Tonight, preferably.”
“Whatever, it’s your funeral.” She acquiesced before disappearing into the ether, just as you arrived at his door.
“Wait, Lyla! Open the door.” Without a response, the door opened. “Thanks, Lyla.”
You walked in to the large room to see Miguel sitting up in a chair near the center of the room.
“Miguel, you need to listen to me—“
The sight that met you was so shocking you had to take it in one part at a time.
First, You see Miguel’s side profile as he faces the wall to the left of you. He’s breathing heavy, chest heaving as his hand vigorously moves up and down his— oh. Maybe you came at the wrong time.
With the sudden awkwardness that’s overtaken you, you look somewhere else, anywhere else, only to find the source of what he’s staring at— a video, no, porn. The second piece of the puzzle, you take in the video’s content. First, you just see flashes of skin and hear soft grunts and moans emanating from the screen. But then you realize, the voices sound familiar, really familiar. Then it hits you.
It is you.
And him. The both of you together. And that realization connects all the pieces of the puzzle together. He’s keeping you here, on purpose.
Your eyes dart back to Miguel, who has now abandoned his video in favor of the live view he has right in front of him. He’s shirtless but he still has some grey sweats on, pushed down just enough that he can jerk off. His hands move desperately over his cock, aborted grunts and breathy moans coming out sporadically.
He turned his head to the side, his cheeks flushed and his eyes narrowed with desire. You were frozen, stuck in time. Miguel kept stroking his cock while staring into your eyes. He did this right up until his orgasm overtook him, throwing his head back and jerking his hips upward as he called out your name.
His cum spurted out in waves, once, twice, three times. It was thick and opaque and made a mess all over his lower stomach. He sighed and sank back into his chair.
“Did you enjoy the show?” His voice is low and heady as he calls out to you. It takes you a moment to respond, because admittedly you’re still staring at his— well, his everything, dick included. Still It was a very, very nice, thick, veiny d—“Am I interrupting?”
His teasing knocks you out of your reverie.
“I-I should go.” You said. You’re starting to realize that Lyla might have been right. Maybe you should’ve waited until the morning. You start backing up to leave but Miguel shakes his head and the door shuts behind him.
“No, no, no. See, that’s your problem. You’re always trying to leave,” he chastises.
He stalks towards you, like you’re prey. You move backwards until your back hits the door. He reaches over you, placing an arm over your head and his index finger under your chin, lifting it upwards. He bends down, close enough that you can see even minute details of his face.
He narrows his eyes as he bares his fangs.
“You’re not going anywhere.”
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Hey! I saw your sans x pregnant reader post and I really loved it!!
I'm not sure if your requests are open or not but if they are,
What would some of the different Sans (es ) Do with a pregnant reader?
(like just enough to show the baby bump to not be mistaken as just gaining weight but like actually sticking out?)
Clarifications are Preg!Reader fell down the hope pregnant, and let's say for one reason or another, they get into a fight and get some scratches, but then an attack comes and is about to peirece the stomach but the sans (es) stops it, cuz they can sense a second soul in them?
I was hoping maybe the classic 3? (UTsans, UF sans and US sans)
Also sorry if this is all over the place, I have PDD which makes it harder for me to explain my ideas.
((Also if you DO decide to do this, will you tag me? The system hasn't been notifying me when requests or basically any motifs unless I'm mention/tagged, thank you!)
Have a great day/night/afternoon/etc!
I figured you meant that the skellies weren't the dads, but if you meant something else, just tell me! Sorry ^^' and sorry for the very long wait.
I, uh, had some problems and way too many lol.
Anyway! Made them longer to make up for it.
Sans: Look, normally Sans wouldn't do something to help a human. The only reason he helped Frisk out so much was because Toriel asked him to, and they still haven't even gotten them out! Haven't killed anyone either, so Sans was a bit confused. But this was new. A new human fell down, and she was a girl. She was older and so powerful, and the other monsters attacked her, but guess what? She didn't fight back! Like... at all! It was confusing to him, to be honest. She was so strong compared to them, so why wasn't she fighting back? Sans started to follow sneakily, wanting to see what she would do. She got hurt and had some nasty scratches; however, she hadn't tried to hurt or kill any monsters yet, which is nice. But then he noticed something during one of the fights that he hadn't noticed before. A smaller soul, a much smaller one, and still weak. She was pregnant, and... crap! He saw an attack coming for her stomach and before he could stop himself, he teleported in, grabbed her, and disappeared before the other monster could see him. He looks over his shoulder, then down and makes a small oh sound when he sees her staring at him. "Uh... ey, got a stare problem, buddy?" Heh, okay, this was... this was something.
Red: Of course he noticed the girl falling after Rosa! That hadn't happened before, so it caught his attention! Of course his main attention was Rosa, but he couldn't help checking up on the fallen human girl every so often. He noticed during those times that she, just like Rosa, wasn't hurting anyone or fighting back against any of the monsters. Ugh, damn it, he was hoping at least one of them would be bad... eh, whatever. Sometimes he liked poking fun at her for getting hurt, saying that it would be so much easier if she tried to kill them, but she never did. During one of the times he was watching her, he noticed something. Another small souling in her stomach, and he didn't think that she had eaten another human. Crap... He could ignore it. He SHOULD ignore it! Yeah, he didn't. He sent out a bone attack to distract the other monster and ran by, grabbing her hand and dragging her away fast. "Come on, get your stupid legs movin'!" Man, if he got caught, he would be dusted so fast. Majesty wouldn't care that she had a baby... why did he care? Maybe he could ask the lady at the door for some help. Probably could trick his brother into helping him out too.
Blueberry: When he first met the human that fell down, he got so excited! He knew the first one, then another fell? And this time it was a grown one. How exciting! Two humans at almost the same time. Stretch didn't seem as excited, but he didn't care. He greeted the human and helped her out with any of her wounds, then told her that he was going to have to take her to Lady later on. They got separated a few times, and one of the times they met back up, he noticed that she was getting attacked by another monster! He thought about helping, but figured that that would be bad to do! They were training, weren't they? Or... he sighs, shaking his head at the idea. Then he noticed something. During the fight, he saw another souling in her stomach! His eyesockets widened, and he ran forward, holding up his hand, "Stop the fight!" He lowered his hand to make a bone, which knocked her out of the way since the attack was aiming straight for her stomach. "You know the rules. No attacking a souling or anyone carrying one. If Lady found out, you would be charged!" he scolded the other monster, who seemed shocked. As did the human, who sneaked away while he was ranting.
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yourdeepestfathoms · 1 year
Vanessa and (plush) Glitchtrap
(based on this post because i thought of more stuff for it and think it’s funny)
Have you ever been bitch slapped by a rabbit stuffed animal? Because Vanessa has
Despite lacking muscles, that little bitch can SWING
Glitchtrap walks around her apartment like he owns the damn place
Vanessa is still forced to call him “Mr. Afton” lmao
“What’s for dinner tonight?” “Soup.” “I don’t want soup.” “YOU CAN’T EAT”
Glitchtrap can, will, and has stabbed Vanessa in the foot whenever he doesn’t get his way
A coworker: omg, Vanessa, why are you limping??
Vanessa: *remembers how her evil stuffed rabbit roommate stuck a knife into her heel because she didn’t lift him onto the counter to see what she was doing (he can literally teleport, he just likes the satisfaction of having her obey)*
Vanessa: oh, i just sprained my ankle!
They sit on the couch and watch shows together
And then argue about what to put on
He’ll sit on her head and pilot her around like in Ratatouille, but instead of pulling on her hair, he just slaps the shit out of her until she does what he wants
Someone: why is your stuffed animal in the corner??
Vanessa: i’m angry at it
Vanessa is ordered to buy a really big bag so Glitchtrap can sit inside of it when she goes places
Catch Glitchtrap out here in one of these bad boys
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She’ll be at the grocery story, and these long yellow rabbit ears will just perk out of her bag because he’s interested in what she’s doing
“You need milk.” “Thanks.” “Yeah.”
He’ll ask her to show him different items so he can inspect them, and it looks so weird because it just seems like she’s holding shit to her bag for no reason
One time, Vanessa was mugged, and when the dude took her bag, Glitchtrap jumped out like a rabid squirrel
Long story short, Vanessa got her bag back
While at work pre-night guard job, she’ll put him in the corner of her desk and just talk to him sometimes because she gets bored punching numbers into a keyboard all day
“Idk, sometimes it all feels so futile, you know?” “Why do you think I went into the engineering business? It’s better than this.” “I guess so. But doesn’t engineering take some level of desk job experience? And, besides, it isn’t all just building robots for fun.” “You’ve got me there. You pulled the short stick.”
Whenever Glitchtrap sees a typo in whatever Vanessa is typing, he’ll smack her hands aside with his little paws and start revising it himself
“Are you trying to make us look stupid?? Here, let ME do it.”
Once she gets her night guard job, he’ll sometimes go with her to work and will actively walk around beside her, since it’s not like he’ll be caught
Whenever Vanessa hears an animatronic coming, she punts him away like a football
Freddy: who were you talking to?
Vanessa: what? oh, i had a phone call!
Gltichtrap, at the other side of the room: OW YOU WHORE
Glitchtrap would definitely try to fistfight Mini Music Man
Glitchtrap, to his old body down in the old pizzeria: look at me, Vanessa. this was me in my PRIME!
Vanessa: you in your prime looks a lot like a gross corpse,,
She got smacked real hard for that one
He usually oversees the work on the Burntrap body in this form
By this I mean that he literally sits on her shoulder and makes sure she doesn’t do Anything Wrong
Glitchtrap: i can’t see. put me up high.
Vanessa: *puts Glitchtrap on her shoulder*
Glitchtrap: much better!
This but it’s Vanessa and Glitchtrap
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i-restuff · 1 year
a personal Mario movie review from yours truly.
ok, so, I'm very natural over Mario franchise. I don't love it, but I don't hate it either. so this review is mainly from someone who is there only for the animation (also for Jack Black ofc). cool? cool. alright.
spoilers below
I'm going to be super upfront with the "good stuff", and sorta detailed with the "meh stuff". mostly because the good stuff is very self-explanatory while for the negative ones I feel like at least I should give a little bit of reason why I feel that way.
good stuff
I love the world-building, everything is very well-detailed and the environment is insanely rich
character designs? love it. they look absolutely alive and expressive
the casting. I think they're all really good???? I personally think Chris Pratt is alright too ig? I mean I kinda don't care, I was distracted with everything else in the movie. but he's fine.
Jack Black. nuff said.
I love Toad. I love Peach. DK. BROWSER??? everyone's very likable damn.
I'm obsessed with the 3d models ngl. there are times when I was focused more on the models than I was on the story. It's really distracting in a good way.
Storywise, I think it's decent but also fun!
love love love the dynamic between Mario and Luigi. Peak dynamic, really.
Such a nostalgia trip. I for one who doesn't know much about Mario had such a blast listening to all the soundtracks and looking at the itsy bitsy references and such.
obsessed with Lumalee. let em die :(
the credit animation is super colorful I wish I could eat it.
^ I was watching this with a friend who is obsessed with Mario. there are times when he went absolutely insane and explained some stuff that I didn't know. which I think it's cool! it's crazy how there are literally easter eggs and fan service everywhere, it doesn't feel forced too. I really could see why people love it so much.
meh stuff
ok, imma be honest. I'm just gonna complained about the plot holes here,, It didn't really effect the story, but it did confuse me a bunch of times. again, this is coming from someone who doesn't know much about Mario. I might miss some stuff.
the transition when Mario/Luigi got teleported from Brooklyn to the Mushroom Kingdom. like, why? what's so special about that specific pipe?
also before that. why's Brooklyn drowning all of a sudden lmaoo. that part kinda felt forced just so Mario and Luigi had a reason to go below the sewer. it sorta makes sense I guess? but the pacing is pretty dang weird.
how does Peach know her own kind? "you're a human!". she was a literal baby when she first got to the Mushroom Kingdom
I love love love Toad character. I just don't understand his presence? I mean sure, he's bringing the comedy, but you could find the "comedy" elsewhere too. so his character is a bit useless despite him being the protector. long story short, the movie would be fine with or without him < this is how much his character matters imo.
the pacing after Mario agreed to fight with DK and then suddenly he's on the stage. tbf this isn't really a big deal? but the transition kinda bugged me.
I don't know what exactly they wanted to do with Mario and Peach relationship. do they like each other romantically? it doesn't feel like it despite being teased a few times.
my dude Luigi has to sit in the cage for how long now? kinda suck. I wanna know more about him, I wanna see him more in action.
that being said. I wish they did more with Luigi, give him something to develop on. because seeing him fighting Browser doesn't feel as rewarding as how we see Mario. all he did most of the time was get caught and sit in a cage while Mario had to go through all those bullshit. but I get it though. storytelling wise, Luigi is supposedly Mario's goal. to get him back and all that. I get that.
I can't feel sad for Mario for some reason??? (this has nothing to do with Cris Pratt btw). his supposedly "emotional" scenes didn't impact me at all. in fact, I felt awkward. I honestly don't know why though.
the final fight scene is also awkward? I mean it's cool, don't get me wrong. I think it has to do with where they're fighting? I guess imma blame Brooklyn for this.
the 80's pop songs felt out of place, but maybe that's just me.
personal rating? 7.
but I genuinely get why people love this movie.
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modern-inheritance · 2 months
Modern Inheritance: Debrief, Pt. 1 (Intro)
(A/N: Politics! Verbal bullshitting! Thinly veiled threats! Overabundance of accessories and unnecessary magic use! POLITICS!
To quote Arya off screen, "I'd rather go through Gil'ead three more times than deal with any of this political hellscape, but *singsong* here I am! Putting on a STUPID dress uniform, about to be, for all intents and purposes, fucking INTERROGATED about being ambushed, losing my mate, teleporting a dragon egg, getting TORTURED while, haha, I was being asked a series of questions, also known as being interrogated, becAUSE THIS WON'T BE TRIGGERING AT ALL! :D GLEN WHY THE FUCK HAVEN'T WE RENOUNCED OUR FUCKING CULTURE YET?!"
Arya is required to attend an official debriefing on the ambush and her captivity by the council of elf lords and ladies. She prefers when she gets stabbed from the front.)
“I still think this could be done on paper.” 
Glenwing patted his commander’s shoulder and pulled her into his side for a quick hug, never once faltering in their pace as they meandered to the great hall. “You’ll do fine. You can handle questions.” He paused, a grim tilt to his half smirk. “Don’t handle these questions like you did the last ones you got. You’re supposed to answer these ones.”
The dark humor drew a similarly tight lipped grin from her. “I’m not worried about that.” 
Arya raised a hand to run it over her hair and shot her medic a sheepishly appreciative look when he caught her wrist. It had taken both of them an almost embarrassing amount of time to remember how to tie the Flat Crest braid required of elven women when in dress uniform. It was even longer for Glen to do it neatly enough for Rhunön to give the plait a passing inspection, the smith’s obsession with perfection not helping matters. 
They both hadn’t voiced what was on their minds during the entire, rather exasperating, process. The real reason why they had so much trouble tying what should have been a hairstyle they knew by heart after all these years. 
Fäolin had always been the one to do whatever hairstyle was asked of them for official events, even before he joined their squad. He’d laugh at their attempts whenever they returned to the forest, usher them into a chair and deftly weave bright silver or midnight black strands into the designs required in seconds. Arya and Glenwing had simply never had to learn.
Arya let out a rough sigh and tucked her thumbs under either side of the shiny belt clasped around her waist. She missed Wyrda’s familiar weight on her right hip. “This is just another political stunt. I can manage Islanzadí, we’re…I don’t know, figuring it out, I guess. But all of them?” The young elf gestured helplessly, a hint of sharp restlessness and budding frustration in the movement. “Who in the hells knows what they’re going to ask. There’s too many strings here, tangled in too many webs.” She made a face at the metaphors. “At least I’m falling into the stupid formal language again easy enough.”
“And just like that, you’re out of it.” Glen gave the combat liaison another squeeze around the shoulders, pointedly ignoring the open stare of a lone elf sitting in an alcove as they passed. “You can count Iläin to at least be fair. And Rendir’s still pretty fond of you, even if you haven’t really talked since you got back. They’re not all against you, and this is just another debriefing, not some official trial for blame.” 
Arya snorted softly. “Oh, we both know blame is going to be a factor. Valaria looked incensed when I said I wasn’t sure how Durza got through the preliminary wards on the outskirts without triggering an alarm. She’s got a lot to explain, but it’s not like I can question her.” 
Glen bobbed his head in reluctant agreement. “Yeah…Valaria might be an issue. She was pretty harsh on me when I had my own debriefing.” The medic tapped the tip of each mechanical finger against the end of his metal thumb, running through nerve check after nerve check as he realized a troubling fact. “Däthedr reigned her in, but…”
“But he and the Queen probably won’t do the same for me.” Arya shook her head. “Too much personal history. Any interference could be seen as them interfering with the investigation and trying to shield me.”
“It’s pretty clear there’s nothing to blame you for, even a Mani’s Cave salamander could see that.” The image of Lady Valaria of House Teorann standing at her podium as an eyeless, bioluminescent salamander, constantly pushing the useless spectacles she wore just for show up her slimy tube of a snout, made Arya crack a genuine smile. “Just be polite, don’t give them anything to jump on.”
“Or you could light a fire under their asses, see how they like it.” Both elves looked up, startled that there was already someone waiting outside the doors to the great hall. Brom shook out the match still burning from lighting his pipe and tucked it into a small leather pocket sewn into the inside of his armored coat. “Not literally. Why do I always feel like I have to add that on with you?”
“Because you taught me too well.” Arya flashed her former mentor a sharp toothed grin. “What are you doing here? Don’t you have a remedial study hall to get to, old man?”
Brom grumbled into his beard, pipesmoke wafting up each time his lips parted. He had let the hairs grow again since they arrived, no longer quite as neat or well-kempt but passable as it grew out into a more formidable piece of facial hair. “As if I’d let you in there without an inspection. You’d probably go in with your boots untied and your shirt untucked if I wasn’t here.” He glanced at Glenwing. “Well, if Glen let you get away with it.” The medic gave him a grin of his own, knowing full well that was a lie. Brom cared far more than he ever wanted anyone to know, the sentimental old bastard. 
The old Rider gave his former ward a going over with his pipe clamped in his teeth. He tugged her sleeves straight and smoothed the lines of her shoulders, yanked the wrinkles out of the formal jacket by the hem. 
“Right. You pass.” His voice was gruff, but there was a certain warmth there. In a move only Glen or Brom could pull off, the man patted Arya’s cheek twice before he clasped her face in his hands. The gedwëy ignasia was rough and warm against her skin, tingling with everpresent magic despite his dragon’s passing. “You did everything you could and more, you hear me? Whatever those high and mighty idiots in there say, you’ve got nothing to be ashamed of and everything to be proud of. Understood?” 
Arya searched his face, the determination and buried worry etched into his skin above wild eyebrows and piercing blue eyes. The support she found meant multitudes, the support he had always shown, even when his rage and revenge was all he had in the world. She swore she’d never tell him, but despite the teasing they shared now, the arguments, the sometimes heavy handed tactics to try and prepare her for the world outside Du Weldenvarden…he had been more of a father to her than anyone. 
So of course there was only one response.
Brom felt the young elf just barely relax. She smiled at him, beaming, that little spitfire elfling again being reminded of her worth, of all the things she could do in the world. “Yes’sir. Understood.”
“Good girl.” The Rider released her and stepped back, giving her one last onceover. “Give them hell. I’m late for Oromis and Glaedr’s remedial lessons, or whatever you call them.” 
“Don’t pull a muscle, old man!” Arya called after his retreating back, getting an annoyed grunt in response. 
Glen checked the watch on his wrist as Arya’s smile faded. Two minutes. “You ready?”
The woman sucked in a breath and held it as she snapped to the familiar bearing of Attention, dropping into At Ease for a brief moment before letting the air out in a rush. “No. But it’s not like I can prepare for this bullshit.”
“I’ll be right here. Just yell and I’ll be in there in a heartbeat. Less, even.” Thirty seconds. Glen pulled his commander into one last quick hug before he smoothed out her uniform again. “Verrunsmal äthr.” 
Arya pushed her forehead against his and gave him a firm punch to the upper chest. “Verrunsmal äthr.” 
Then she turned, straightened with another steadying breath, and entered the great hall.
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tulkas100 · 26 days
Chapter 1
The children told the adults in the house that the reason I had appeared from nowhere, right in the middle of the living room, was because they had prayed to God for help, and He had answered in the form of me. I thanked the kids for their courage. Their parents and the other adults were very angry with them. Scared people get angry right quick.
“Mind if I sit down?” I asked a man standing near me. He was calm and he wasn’t scared of me. Most everyone else was yelling at me or at each other. Some of the adults, the parents of those kids I guessed, were focused solely on them. The kids were scared and angry too. Near to crying, at least the younger ones were. I caught the eye of a couple of those children who kept looking at me and smiled and lifted my right hand at him in an ‘it’s okay’ sort of gesture. They smiled back.
“Have a seat, please.” The man answered me.
I sat down and placed by stuffed duffel bag down next to me.
He stuck out his hand to me and I shook it. I was careful, really careful when I took his hand in my own. One of my demands had been inhuman strength. The kind of strength where I could defend myself from a vampire, let’s say. Well, I got some of what I asked for. Told Ahura Mazda straight up that I wouldn’t take this job without that. And some other abilities, too. The Daimons, they who really run the Afterlife, were scandalized. So were the human Great Masters, who think they run the Afterlife.
Ahura Mazda laughed aloud. He’s a cool guy, in his way. You’d think with his power and arrogance and righteousness he’d be a total asshole, but such was not the case.
“Richard Hamden.” He introduced himself.
“Enrique Caller.” I gave him mine. “Most everybody calls me ‘Cal.’
Richard looked at my duffel bag and asked me what was in it. I told him I had brought a bunch of things, devices for fighting the supernatural. All sorts of weapons, that sort of thing. Been told that most of their problems were with ghosts, but they’d also had encounters with vampires and werewolves and zombies. Was that right?
“Yeah. Police brass pretends there ain’t no monsters, so the rankers can’t do much of anything. The ghosts are mostly here, in the house.” Richard pointed up towards the second floor and I looked up that way. Nothing there. Sometimes ghosts liked to hover near ceilings. I looked around the living room. There they were. A couple of the adult ghosts stood against a window. They hadn’t joined in with the rest. They shuffled nervously and whispered to each other. One of them, a tall man, glared at me with cold hatred and even colder fear. The child ghosts hissed at me. Fucking weirdo brats. I raised my right hand in greeting to all of them. They froze at that gesture. A shock, to be mostly invisible most the time.
“Ghosts here, too.” I pointed at the gaggle of demented spirits across the living room. Those ghosts that didn’t curse at me just stared me down. Or tried to. Not impressed. People like me, who’ve spent a long time in the Afterlife, looked on these earthbound spirits with disdain. Self-pitying cowards, or malevolent weirdoes who loved tormenting the living, or dummies who didn’t even know they were dead.
I then asked Richard why he was so cool with me, a stranger, just magically teleporting right in the middle of their dinner. By this time a couple of the adults had started to chill out. Or had realized that I wasn’t going to start attacking them or howling at them or possessing them; the usual crap those retards had been pulling.
“After what I’ve seen, a scarred, hard-eyed man dressed like an assassin just popping into the middle of my living room feels like nothing at all to worry about.”
“You’re real? You ain’t no ghost?” One of them asked.
“Nah. I was dead. Still am, but a ghost?  Nah. Revenant, or so they told me. Touch me to prove it.” I offered.
He did so. After, he looked at his finger and then looked at me. Richard introduced us. Grabbed his hand and shook it. He looked nonplussed at me doing that. That guy’s name was Andy Kellen. His wife, Amanda Kellen, sat next to him. She looked punchy and stressed out. I invited her to come on over and poke me. She blinked her eyes and hesitated, but finally got up, came around to my chair and hit me a couple of times on my right shoulder.
“What’s a ‘revenant’? And what did you mean that you’re dead?” Amanda asked me.
“I’m a ghost given physical form – so, you know, I was dead. Now I’m alive. Sort of. Don’t worry about it.”
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Another thing I forgot to add onto my DMC Devil May Cry Review: despite how critical I was of the attempted reboot, I actually like the game as a concept, and I liked the gameplay. I just hate how the concepts for the characters and story were executed, which I will cover in this long list.
Here is my list of 10 DMC Devil May Cry’s concepts that I liked/loved (in no particular order), but the writing and execution weren’t good:
I loved the idea of Dante and Vergil working together the entire game until the usual Vergil being the villain comes up and splits them apart. BUT. I disliked how the writing had Vergil turn into a villain at the literal end of the story, and turning Vergil into a complete monster in his DLC. I know that Reboot Vergil is a different approach to OG Vergil as a villain and villains are supposed to be immoral, but the bad writing made me not care about him. Not to mention that in the majority of the story he barely fights alongside Dante, most of the time he’s just chilling in The Order letting Dante and Kat do all of the work. I get why, because if Mundus finds out about Vergil, he will target him too, but Dante and Kat have also risked getting caught by Mundus and Mundus was already after Dante and kidnapped Kat, and both Dante and Kat escaped nearly unscathed.
I loved the idea of a sadistic, unhinged, feral Vergil. But for me, it was ruined by the execution of the main story’s ending, and once again, spitting on the grave of Eva in the DLC, because the villains calling her a whore over and over again wasn’t enough for this universe I guess. And again, I love unhinged Vergil, just hate the execution like everything else on this list.
Kat as a whole. I’m not expecting her to be like Lady or Trish, obviously. She is already her own girl. I mean, she’s a Wiccan who made seals, vials, and used a teleportation seal recipe that consisted of shark oil, iron shavings, and dried up squirrel spunk. Hey, Wiccan and Witch recipes in general have gross ingredients, so me hearing that she had to use dry animal baby batter wasn’t surprising. In fact, I wanted to see her do more with the Wiccan seals and recipes. She could’ve escaped the corrupt police with all that, but nope, we need a damsel in distress character for some reason, so the extremely capable and street smart Kat is gonna be kidnapped. And even without the Wiccan stuff, she’s just an okay character.
Dante as a whole. In my opinion, Reboot Dante is the most over-hated character in video game history. I get it, he’s not wacky woo-hoo pizza man OG Dante. But that was the intention. The Nephilim universe’s atmosphere is different, and like say for example, the TMNT franchise, the atmospheres of every reboot you can think of are different. Same with the Ninja Turtles. I use this example because OG Dante feels like Michelangelo’s pizza lover and being goofy, mixed with a bit of Raphael’s attitude, mixed with the fact that Leonardo uses a sword. Reboot Dante is supposed to be a gritty, street thug that starts out with amnesia very briefly who slowly becomes a different person. Original Dante doesn’t get character development since he is already so rounded and static kind of like how say Sonic the Hedgehog is already well rounded. Reboot Dante went through a whole character arc and is a dynamic character. I avoided using the word edgy for Reboot Dante because both iterations of Dante are edgy, and if we really want an edgier Dante, we got DMC2 Dante where he was at his most serious. Kind of wish there was a taunt feature for Reboot Dante because he would be talking a lot more shit than Original Dante because Reboot Dante is supposed to be a punk. This was a nitpick, so we can just ignore all of this.
The Devil Trigger. I wanted to see a demon angel form, I’m talking the edgy and cool scaly demon features mixed with the feathery wings of an angel as well as the light and energy that emits from them. The feature is useful like the other entries, but I wish the reboot did more than just change the coloration of Dante’s coat and hair. Same with Vergil.
Sparda being confirmed to be alive. If the Reboot universe was given a second chance, I can see Sparda being an important part of a hypothetical sequel. And imagine the family angst and drama between Sparda and his sons. Imagine the angst Sparda feels when he finds out that not only is Eva dead, but is in Limbo for the rest of her life and Eva is in tears telling Sparda that Vergil killed Dante. Imagine it. It would make such an impactful story. But since that will never happen since Ninja Theory wants to be away from Devil May Cry and is working on their own games, and Capcom is focusing on the original concept of the DMC story, it will never happen. Which is sad, because it would’ve been cool to see Reboot Sparda in the flesh.
Lilith. I love the idea of Lilith being in DMC, but that’s all I liked about Lilith, because everything else about her is a misogynistic caricature. And I don’t use the term misogynistic lightly. Lilith is just Mundus’s baby making machine, and his concubine. Sure, she has a boss fight, but afterwards, Mundus’s baby dies and so does Lilith. Now DMC as a whole doesn’t go with biblical accuracy, but when it comes to Lilith, she’s labeled as the first succubus and was banished from the Garden of Eden and turned into the first succubus because she didn’t obey Adam. When I personally think of Lilith, I think of an independent and dominant woman. DMC Devil May Cry Lilith is pretty much the opposite of who Lilith is in the Garden of Eden story. Again, I know DMC does not go with biblical accuracy, but even other depictions of Lilith don’t depict her like what the DMC reboot did. Diablo for instance has her be a main antagonist. If they didn’t go with the misogynistic route of making Lilith nothing but Mundus’s baby making machine and had her do a lot more to be a threat, like having her have a monstrous succubus form where she can slice Dante into pieces if he’s not careful enough, or even be the one to dethrone Mundus because Lilith ain’t the submissive “I’ll let you do whatever you want to me” type.
A can of soda being used to brainwash humanity. It may seem silly, but I love the dark humor and the concept of this. Think about it: a person is drinking a normal can of soda, which seems innocent, but in reality, in Reboot Vergil’s words, it’s lobotomy in a can. In my opinion, it’s a jab at how people mindlessly consume something that they don’t know was made to brainwash people. Like say for example, propaganda movies and cartoons. The news media in the game also acts as this, but the soda one felt the most like a wasted opportunity in my opinion, because if it really is that bad, then how come an antidote or cure wasn’t made to help those people? What about the left over supply of cans? What about the people who are still drinking it?
The corrupt police. There are plenty of pieces of fiction that cover corrupt authority figures. GTA has covered corrupt policeman before, metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Rising has covered corrupt politicians, Heavenly Sword has covered a power hungry prince. Those are the examples that popped up in my head when I thought of corrupt authority figures in gaming, and I think the police in DMC Devil May Cry could’ve been a lot better. Like actually have the corrupt cops beat up a member of the Order even though they are unarmed and handcuffed, have them swarm Lilith’s nightclub and violently shove innocent people or use the butt of their guns to smack them out of the way to find Dante, have prison guards be on the look out for Dante, etc.
Mundus discovering Vergil. Why not have him brainwash Vergil as a bit of a last laugh towards Dante? Not only would it be another nod to the original series, it would also bring out more of the angst out of Dante because then he’ll be witnessing Mundus, the same man who ripped his mother’s heart out also turn his brother into a puppet. Why not have Vergil enslave Mundus as a way of getting revenge for his father, reversing the roles of who became a slave in Devil May Cry with Mundus instead being the one enslaved in Vergil’s hands and Vergil being an even more dangerous villain?
All ten of these concepts are all interesting and it did draw me in as someone who is a new fan, but the execution and bad writing threw it all off, making me wish that they did better.
The DMC Reboot isn’t a DMC game I hate. That would be DMC2. And trust me, I have tried to play through it, and I felt like i could’ve been playing DMC1 and DMC3 instead, so I’m just gonna focus on DMC1 and DMC3 in the HD Collection.
In fact I will go as far as say that if I was trapped in a room for 12 hours and I can only play DMC2 or DMC Reboot, I will still pick DMC Reboot because at least the gameplay will be fun.
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viaphni · 3 months
Yapping about Corrupted Colors EP3
(I am going to headcanon refer to Chaotic with plural pronouns because that is just Better for the Multiple Personalities (????????????) thing man......)
I have to admit, I did NOT expect the main villain (?), Chaotic, to show up so soon. I thought there was going to be more time for other stuff, but i guess bro just got straight to it. Especially with the fact that the infection has already made it to the Redstone Kingdom (even if it did recees into stone upon Chaotic's leaving). It seems like this stuff is gonna spread a lot faster than they can handle? Maybe worse than the Darkness. idk its hard to get worse than dark diamond
I also didn't expect Chao to be the way they are,,, at all
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The shot of them walking forward in the trailer (and the lack of a Mouth) immediately gave me the impression of something ,,, really quiet? For some reason? Really quiet and dark and sinister, contrasting to the bright and messy colors. like for some reason i was really caught off guard when they started talking. I think it was probably the association with Origin they had in my head.
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(just gonna slip these back in here,,,,,,,,)
But Chaotic DID turn out to be. chaotic
They seem to be several conflicting people/personalities/motives in one body (i think Cosmo said he was canonically bipolar). They even refer to themselves as "everybody" and "nobody," like right here, during some kind of power surge—
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I am nobody and everybody. We are everyone.
"I am nobody" and "we are everyone" continue on with many of the conflicting things they said throughout the episode and fight
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These lines in particular are really interesting because they show that ONE side is doing the infecting and the OTHER is doing everything they can to stop it. It asked the other to "spare them" at one point too. And the harmful side doesn't care, doesn't worry, only seems to want to spread the infection and make everyone join the "party—"
—which i found strange too. The side that does most of the hurting seems to be very enthusiastic and happy about what they do, even opening up with asking Diamond, Lapis, and Redstone if he likes what they did with the place
The thing that REALLY gets me though is the last line Chaotic said before teleporting away (because they got driven back by the main trio, and I assume the pacifist(?) side won the mental fight)
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"We won't forgive him..."
Can we even tell which side is talking there? Who is "him?"
I feel like it could be either Diamond or Origin. Origin allowed a lot of stuff to happen (while blaming on Diamond), i mean i think he even mentioned a consequence of Dia's universal travel being something like..... i dont remember. really deadly for their universe
Maybe this is that. Maybe Origin's consequences are coming to him. Could Pacifist BE Origin? I DONT KNOW. MAYBE ITS DIAMOND. BUT ORIGIN could have let the Chromatics die off and thats why the colors are corrupted??? WHYYY ARE THE COLORS CORRUPTING.
Stuff with the Chromatics makes me really concerned for the Professor too, with him being the only Red Steve left (that we know of)
Uhhhhhhgggghh i have so so many thoughts
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thegoober010 · 4 months
My Hero x Mob Psycho 100
@princeasimdiya12 requested:
So for my request, can you write a oneshot featuring Mob taking Momo out on a date please? It's based on a crossover AU where Mob gets transported to the mha dimension and enrolls in Class 1-A to be a hero. In the fic, he gets the idea to use his powers to fly himself and Momo across the city to a romantic dinner on top of one of the buildings.
Interesting request hmmm.... HELL YEAH I CAN!!! Although I may not personally ship it since I don't really do crossover ships often this seems like an adorable idea and ask- and you shall receive >:)!!!
word count -> 2,081/2k!
not proofread because I don't wanna right now 😞
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"The first one to ever like me back..."
Shigeo Kageyama, also known as 'Mob', is also a psychic who was taken suddenly from his world and somehow ended up in a whole different reality! This reality being a reality filled with people who had powers, just like him, or well almost like him! Mob, unsure of where he was started to learn more about this reality and quickly adapted to where he was, but he has been trying to find ways to go back to his own reality. While he was learning more about this new reality he was in, he decided to enroll into a school so that he wouldn't be behind in his education, U.A. Problems did arise when he had to find a way to excuse why his parents weren't with him and such, but he made up a rather convincing lie saying he was an orphan and he built up on the story as he continued. It was just something he went with for now until he found a way back home. He thought U.A was a regular school if we're going to be a hundred percent honest, mostly because he didn't really do much research on it and just went with it, but oh dear, he did not expect this entrance exam to be so brutal, luckily he passed with flying colors thanks to his abilities, and not gonna lie, being a hero doesn't sound all too bad. It is a bit too much pressure for him though, he just wants to be a normal kid but... too late to go back now I guess!
A good few months later he made many friends in this class, mainly a young girl, Momo Yaoyorozu, who he may or may not have caught feelings for. She was always so kind to him, helping him with his studies and inviting him and her other classmates for study sessions at her mansion. Mob appreciated the kindness, and he couldn't help but start to develop feelings for her. They would talk very often and he was always willing to give advice to help with her quirk and how to use it better and she was always amazing at comforting him whenever it was obvious he was unsure if he should use his abilities or not during training and such. They would often help eachother with schoolwork as well, Mob was very appreciative of Momo, and he was very observant of her especially, noticing every little detail of her physical appearance as well as how she would act near him and around others, he just couldn't help but look into every little detail about her for some reason she was so captivating to him. Maybe staying in this reality isn't so bad.... In all honesty he does miss his mom and dad, his brother, Reigen and really everyone else in his reality, he does miss them, he never stops thinking about them. But, this reality isn't as bad as he thought it would be when he first got so suddenly teleported there, there were many accepting people here, especially... her. It was... nice, to have someone like that, someone kind and caring, someone who listens to you and someone you can listen to, someone who helps you with your problems and someone who gives that same respect back to you and to be in a place where there are people similar to you. He is of course still trying to get back to his reality but at the same time he doesn't mind staying longer as well, at least not anymore hah.
Mob walked through the halls trying his best not to bump into anyone in this crowded space. Students were all rushing over to the cafeteria for lunch meanwhile Mob was just trying to his best to make his way to the outside of the school. Why you may ask? Well- "Mob! I've been waiting for you." Momo grinned as she waved over at him, quickly motioning over at him to come over to her. Mob tiptoed through the crowd, "Sorry- woops, excuse me- um sorry just passing by-" Mob would mutter out softly to many people as he hastily made his way through the crowd over to the doorway which Momo was at. He waved back as he was finally out of the crowd. He made his way to her, rubbing the side of his neck. "Ah- yes I know, I'm- I'm sorry it was quite crowded, heh." Mob tried explaining, his sight shifting from Momo's face to the ground. Momo allowed a soft chuckle escape her lips before giving Mob a pat on the shoulder. "It's alright Mob, no need to worry about it, the halls get quite crowded during lunch hour since everyone's trying to make their way to eat and so on hehehe! I was just excited right now since... you asked me earlier to go outside with you, what's going on Mob?" Momo tilted her head.
Mob's face turned a slight shade of pink as she mentioned what he told her, he continued to look down and quickly shook his head, trying his best not to seem so nervous. Sweat dripped down his forehead as he rubbed his hands together trying to find out how to say what he wants to without sounding weird. He hummed in thought but all that he could muster up was a quick sigh. "Um- uh you'll see." Mob said with a small smile forming on his face. He motioned for Momo to follow him outside and over to the side of the building. Momo did so with a huge smile on her face, she wasn't sure of what could be going on but, it's not like she really cared, she was just glad that she could hang out with Mob really. "Hm alright." Momo hummed. Mob fidgeted with his hands as he sweated anxiously. Once they finally made it to the other side of the school building he turned his head over to Momo. "Hold on to me real quick, I'm not really strong but I'm going to carry you uh quickly for something- a surprise- oh uh is that- is that... alright?" Mob asked, he stumbled over his words, his nervousness becoming rather apparent to Momo as she tilted her head. She seemed confused, "A surprise?" She thought to herself. Momo nodded, "Of course it's alright! I trust you Mob." Momo said before she held onto his shoulder, Mob's face turned into a darker shade of pink before he held Momo in a piggyback position. He used his powers to levitate off the ground. As he quickly flew them onto the top of the building he tried his best not to drop Momo, taking extreme care where he placed his hands and making sure his grip was tight so that she wouldn't fall because that'd be an entire problem. "Careful... careful.." He thought to himself as he placed her back down gently once they were on top of the school building.
"U-um I made you a little uh dinner- picnic thing up here, It's not much but it's a um... thank you for uh helping me out throughout the year and uh..." Mob stumbled over his words, his heart beat faster and he felt his entire body heat up. Sweat dripped down his forehead, his palms getting all sweaty as well as he rubbed the side of his neck, turning his head to look at Momo, it seems like he wanted to say even more. Momo stared with a shocked look on her face at Mob and then at the small picnic in front of her. Her cheeks turned a slight hue of pink before she gave Mob an appreciative look. She quickly pulled him into a hug causing Mob to look up at her in shock. He hugged her back slightly, patting her back since he was a bit unsure of what else to do, it was a bit awkward for him. "You really didn't have to do this Mob! I love this so much it's amazing!" Momo grinned pulling away from the hug to look at Mob. His mouth was agape as he looked up at her grinning and appreciative face. His face turning redder by the second before giving her a soft smile. "Really? Thank you, I'm uh glad you like it." Mob replied as Momo gave him a pat on the head. "Like it? I love it!" Mob continued to look up at her, absolutely entranced. He loved it when people appreciated him and his efforts for even something as simple as this. He truly did. "Come on, the food won't eat itself." Momo chuckled bringing Mob to sit down with her to start eating. It wasn't much, just some sandwiches and juice boxes with a small candle in the middle, but it was enough for Momo
Mob let a soft smile form at her words. As he sat down next to her and grabbed the sandwich, he closed his mouth, looking at her as if lost in deep thought. His eyes slightly wider than usual as he stared at her. "Um Momo, I, ehm, kind of have something to tell you.." Mob started, his hands started to shake, he put the sandwich down with gentleness before he looked down at the floor. Momo looked at him as she took a bite out of the sandwich, tilting her head she gave him a concerned look. "Are you alright Mob? You're acting very unusual." Momo asked. Mob gulped before he looked over to the side opposite of where Momo was. "Yes, I-I'm fine but um... I just wanted to tell you that uh I kind of... I kind of like you, a lot.. and I know it's a bit weird but I just thought you should um- you should know and I understand if you're not ready for anything bu-"
"Oh! So that's what this was about!?" Momo interrupted, her eyes wide and her mouth wide open. "Oh my- sorry for interrupting I was just a bit surprised!" Momo added quickly, covering her mouth in embarrassment. Mob looked over at her confused. He was so anxious to tell her this, he'd been planning to do this for weeks now and had everything ready for today, he expected rejection almost instantly but all that he was met with was a shocked look and exclamation. His head immediately had turned to face her. Both of them were red in the face. "What do you mean?" Mob asked "Well I kind of already knew- well at least I suspected it but I didn't want to say anything because I was worried you didn't like me and that my intuition was wrong! But I guess I wasn't wrong to think we liked each other heh." Momo explained, she gave Mob a reassuring smile as she curled the side of her hair with her finger, trying to get herself to seem more calm and collected.
Mob seemed to be in a state of absolute bewilderment "Sorry- but uh you're telling me- uh, you- you like me as well? You uh like me back?" Mob questioned, he seemed a bit surprised confused and thrilled. Momo gave him a quick nod, she averted his gaze quickly as she was slightly embarrassed to admit it, but she was also somewhat glad to finally get her feelings out after months. "Heh, yeah... Did you really believe I wouldn't like you back?" Momo tilted her head raising a brow as her head rested on one of her hands, the other holding the sandwich she was eating. She finally looked at Mob who was a sweating, relieved and blushing mess. Mob scratched his neck as he thought of a response. "Well, kind of if I am being honest." Mob muttered before changing his seating position to being criss-cross.
Momo let out a soft chuckle as she took a bite out of the sandwich. "Oh I could never reject you." Momo said with a soft smile on her face. "Now come on, these sandwiches aren't eating themselves Mob! Eat up you deserve to have a good lunch after confessing your feelings, not everyone does that so well!" Mob nodded in acknowledgment to her words, a huge grin forming on his face as he took a bite out of his own sandwich. "I love you." Mob uttered as he ate. Momo turned her head over and stared for a bit before patting him on the back with on of her hands.
"I love you too."
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cophene · 1 year
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24 || ✦.⁺ feverish.
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pairing : vento aureo x gn reader summary : a college student tries getting the attention of some of the most admired and attractive people on campus, only to get caught up with stands and vigilante groups in the process. notes : modern au, multi-chapter fic, sfw, doesn't follow canon plot word count : 2.2k+
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═ ☆. Y/N YANKED NARANCIA BACK SO HARD they were surprised his arm didn’t pop out of its socket. He yelped in pain, staggering back from the toilet stall.
“The Stand is really big and hates water!” (y/n) gasped desperately. The words made no sense, but nonetheless, Narancia looked at them.
“You need to stop this,” he said, sounding a little panicked. “What is wrong with you? Why do you keep shouting things like that?”
(Y/n) couldn’t say anything. They just continued to grip his arm like a scared child.
“Okay. We’re just gonna take this one thing at a time. Is something wrong with your mouth? Your tongue?”
(Y/n) tried to nod, but their head shook in a no.
(Y/n) shook their head harder this time. They widened their eyes at Narancia, willing him to understand.
“Is … this a Stand attack?”
Again, (y/n)’s head shook.
“This doesn’t make sense. You’re shaking your head no, but your face—” Narancia cut himself off, an intense scowl on his face. “Okay, I’m just going to assume something is up with you. A Stand attack, no less. Fugo was in this washroom and now he’s gone. That also must have been a Stand. You grabbed my arm. I’m guessing you don’t want me close to the toilets?”
(Y/n) stayed silent. There wasn’t anything they could say without messing up Narancia’s reasoning.
Could it be possible that the Stand that had attacked Fugo was still around here? (Y/n) thought about Zucchero moving in the pipes of the yacht. They let out a strand of White Satin, watching its path intently. (Y/n) and Narancia aside, the Stand drifted aimlessly in the air, not attracted to anything in particular.
Narancia squinted at it. “What are you trying to show me?”
All of a sudden, White Satin pulled taut, seeming to point straight at the sinks. It clustered around the faucet, winding about uneasily.
The shark Stand. (Y/n) was sure that if they turned the faucet, it would appear. They moved towards it, poising a hand over the faucet. They could only hope that Narancia would start shooting the living daylights out of the shark Stand as soon as he saw it.
Narancia watched warily over (y/n)’s shoulder, Aerosmith hovering above his head.
(Y/n)’s body jerked forward of its volition, much to their shock. Their tongue darted forward, the fleshy humanoid twisting around the faucet and turning it on.Water rushed out and for a long moment, that was the only thing that came out. But then (y/n) leapt back. A grey fin dove out of the water, straight towards them.
Narancia wasted no time. A hail of bullets tore into the sink and faucet, shredding it and releasing a spray of water. The shark fin disappeared, flashing between the puddles of water around the sink. Aerosmith tried to shoot it, but the fin teleported too quickly for the bullets to reach.
“Bastard,” Narancia muttered, eyes bright. “That’s the Stand that got Fugo, isn’t it?” Aerosmith’s radar appeared around his head. Instantly, (y/n) knew he was tracking Fugo’s carbon dioxide as he got carried around by the Stand.
In a flash, Aerosmith was raining bullets down over the stalls. One of the toilets burst, sending a stream of water bursting from the pipes. With deadly ferocity, Aerosmith shot at the shark fin as it leapt from pools of water. The pools turned a murky pink as the bullets hit home, tearing into the fin.
Narancia was breathing hard. “Shit. I lost him.”
“Hey!” A harried-looking server ran into the restrooms, gaping at the destroyed restroom and gushing water. He screamed at (y/n) and Narancia, his phone pressed to his ear as he called the police. The restaurant patrons stared as they hurried outside, no doubt wondering if they’d just murdered someone inside the restrooms.
“If a Stand gets hurt, so does its user,” Narancia muttered to himself. He looked feverish, his eyes darting up and down the street before looking back at his radar. “Aerosmith tore into that son of a bitch’s Stand. He must be hurt pretty good.”
By now, (y/n) was sure the Stands attacking them belonged to Squalo and Tiziano. They must have known that they were coming to try and pry information out of them. (Y/n) was no expert, but these Stands seemed like the close-range variety. Squalo and Tiziano couldn’t have controlled them the way they did unless they had been able to see what was going on. That must mean they were nearby, right?
Where had that shark Stand taken Fugo? Try as they might, (y/n) couldn’t sense the Stand anymore, and Fugo’s circle on Aerosmith’s radar had also disappeared. Did that mean he wasn’t breathing anymore? He’d be able to protect himself, but (y/n) wasn’t sure to what extent without Purple Haze harming himself as well.
Narancia started running. Startled, (y/n) lurched after him.
“If you get hurt, you start breathing faster,” Narancia explained as they ran. “Doesn’t sound like shit, but using that, I can narrow it down. The Stand user’s probably all torn up. If we’re looking for someone who’s rapidly inhaling and exhaling—”
On Aerosmith’s radar, a number of the circles disappeared, leaving just a few that blinked quickly—people breathing hard as Narancia had said. (Y/n) had to marvel at how quickly Narancia was able to do that.
They rounded a corner, coming to a halt at a group of kids running around and chasing each other. (Y/n)’s heart sank when none of them appeared bloody. Narancia, however, wasn’t deterred.
“I know that bastard’s here somewhere.”
(Y/n) had never seen such singular intent on Narancia’s face before. He couldn’t have been more different from the goofy guy they hung out with. He looked like could rip someone apart with his bare hands just then.
Chills ran down (y/n)’s arms.
Narancia spun in a slow circle. Something at the base of (y/n)’s skull prickled. They whipped around at the same moment Narancia did. (Y/n) barely had time to register the figure with a dark hoodie thrown over itself before Aerosmith was soaring down, releasing a deluge of bullets.
Narancia, wait!
Someone threw themselves in front of the figure. People screamed and ran as the bullets made contact, the person crumpling to the ground.
“TIZIANO!” someone howled.
A slim, red-haired man cradled the crumpled body. The body had warm, dark skin, his fair hair spread around him as his blood pooled along the cobblestones.  
“Oh shit…” breathed Narancia. Aerosmith flew a loop in the air and disappeared over his shoulder.
If that was Tiziano, that meant the red-haired man was—
The shark fin raced along the pooled blood, leaping up, straight for Narancia’s throat. Too quick for them to process, White Satin wrapped itself around it, wrestling it to the ground and squeezing tight.
“W-where’s Fugo?” Narancia called to Squalo shakily.
“You killed him,” Squalo whispered. “You killed him.”
Tiziano moaned, and despite themself, (y/n) was relieved. Not dead. Just severely wounded.
“Where’s Fugo?” Narancia repeated.
Squalo gritted his teeth. He glared at the fountain a few feet away. There was a splash, and when (y/n) followed his gaze, a leg was slung over the side of the fountain, strawberry sneaker dangling. 
Narancia and (y/n) hurried towards Fugo, hauling him out of the fountain. His clothes were drenched and his face was ashen. (Y/n) brushed a hand under his nose. Fugo was unconscious, but alright. 
Narancia propped him up against the fountain, relief permeating his face.
(Y/n) turned back to the two males on the ground. They edged forward. Squalo had withdrawn the shark Stand, leaving White Satin curled on the ground. Tentatively, (y/n)’s Stand darted toward Tiziano. Squalo actually hissed at it, but (y/n) allowed it to wrap around Tiziano’s torso, staunching the blood. Squalo relaxed slightly.
“We have questions for you,” (y/n) said. It looked like Tiziano’s Stand had been withdrawn too. They could actually control their words now.
Squalo smoothed the hair back from Tiziano’s forehead. “Sale was right. You guys are goddamn menaces. Couldn’t leave us the hell alone.”
(Y/n) heard someone calling an ambulance behind them.
“You work for Signor D, don’t you?” Narancia came up beside (y/n). “You meet with him at that restaurant and hand over Stand users, right?”
“I don’t have to answer you,” Squalo snarled. He instantly leaned towards Tiziano when his partner coughed.
“Just … tell them,” he wheezed. “What does … it matter?”
“I’ll get you out of here,” Squalo whispered, kissing Tiziano’s knuckles. “You’re gonna be alright. We won’t get involved with shit like this anymore.” He took in a breath. To Narancia and (y/n), he said, “Signor D works for an organization, as I’m sure that asshole Sale told you. He’s collecting data—research, he likes to call it. He put up an ad, asking for people with “abilities”. He said he’d pay for our help. Squalo and I needed the money, so we hit him up. He was the one who explained what Stands even were to us. Afterwards, it seemed simple enough—just find other people like us and report to him. Tell the Signor about their whereabouts, habits, schedules. Occasionally, he’d ask for certain people, and that’s when we’d bring out Coco Jumbo—the turtle.”
They were actually getting answers for once. (Y/n) listened intently, trying to remember every word.
“He knew right away when Giovanna started interfering,” Squalo continued. “It meant less Stand users, less data for him. I don’t know what he needs it for, just that it’s important to him. He started cutting our pay. That’s why you had so many people coming after your ass. If we got rid of you, our pay would go up, simple as that.”
“You don’t know who he is?” (y/n) asked.
Squalo laughed hollowly. “Of course not. He’s nothing more than a bank deposit number.”
“That can’t be all you know,” Narancia interrupted. “You’re higher up—Sale said so. You have to know more.”
Squalo shook his head. “The Stand users? Sure, I can tell you more. But I don’t know shit about the Signor himself.”
Tiziano shifted, grunting in pain. Squalo squeezed his hand, telling him to relax.
Narancia frowned. “You don’t—can’t you tell us how we can find out who he is?”
Squalo hesitated. (Y/n) could see the fear flickering across his expression before it went blank again.
“You’ll find out soon enough,” he said. “There’s an annual fundraiser for Sapiena students coming up, isn’t there? The Signor wanted us to go, but I doubt he’ll be sending us now.” His gaze darkened. “His objective was Giovanna’s father.”
Giovanna’s father. Chief Prosecutor Brando?
“Why?” asked (y/n).
“I don’t know. The Signor never told us.” Squalo sighed. “You’ve really cut his work out for him. Squalo and I aren’t going back. Sale and Zucchero are locked up again. His other Stand users are busy elsewhere. It seems like … well, like the Signor himself will make an appearance at the fundraiser.”
(Y/n)’s heart flipped. The Signor himself? At the fundraiser?
Sirens blared nearby. The crowd that had assembled began to murmur uneasily, unsure what the conversation taking place was about.
“Are you sure about this?” Narancia’s tone was sharp.
“It’s what I would do,” replied Squalo.
The server from the French restaurant burst through the crowd, a uniformed officer right on his heels. He pointed furiously at (y/n) and Narancia, yelling. At the same time, the ambulance arrived, paramedics rushing out to assess the situation. Tiziano was loaded onto a stretcher, Squalo trailing behind him. The officer barked at (y/n) and Narancia to hold out their hands, slapping handcuffs over their wrists. They were shoved into a cruiser, where the officer said they would be questioned and charged for destruction of property.
(Y/n) and Narancia said nothing during this. They were too occupied trying to figure out what Squalo had said, trying to form the picture.
By all accounts, this was a success, wasn’t it? They were closer to discovering Signor D’s identity than ever before. They would finally figure out what his “research” was for. What his organization was.
So then, why did dread hang like a suffocating blanket over them?
Meanwhile, concerned members of the crowd huddled around Fugo, prodding the drenched student and asking if he was alright. He stirred, blinking blearily before jolting upright. There were shouts as he tried to understand what had happened. Where were his friends? Why was there blood everywhere?
Fugo eventually reined himself in. He watched the ambulance and police cruiser leave, the back of his mouth tasting bitter. He was cold and pissed off. If he’d known the restaurant visit would end like this, he wouldn’t have gone.
He reached for his phone. Wiped the water from the screen.
“Hello? Giorno?”
“Fugo, what happened? Is everything okay?”
A long breath through his nostrils.
“No. Everything is not okay. I—how fast do you think you can get two people out of a police station?”
“Police…?” It was silent for a few beats. “Damnit.”
“I don’t know how much I can do. I’ve already used all of my brownie points to get myself out of jail the other day, if you remember.” Fugo couldn’t understand how Giorno managed to sound wry at a time like this. “... Get to the police station. I’ll see what I can do about (y/n) and Narancia. You should all be able to get back to the dorms by this afternoon.” Giorno hung up abruptly before Fugo could add anything else.
Fugo sighed. He brushed his damp hair out of his eyes and dragged his drenched sneakers to do as Giorno instructed.
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straykidsnerd255 · 1 year
Hi, if it's not too much trouble, could I request a Head-canon that the s/o of Shura, Saga, Camus, Regulus, Albafica and Milo be a wizard from the Fairy Tail guild? That for some reason they are teleported to the SS universe, I’m curious to see how these saints would be like.
Here you are! Sorry this took me FOREVER to get out! 
Confused as hell. One minute he was training, the next he was face to face with a really pretty girl but dressed weirdly. 
When you stand up and offer him a hand to help him up, he can tell that you mean no harm to him or anyone but he is still confused. 
When you tell him about yourself and where you came from, he is now just curious to see how well you can hold your own in a fight. 
A few days have passed and he finally asks if you want to spar with him. 
You agree and you both start sparring with each other, however, it soon turns to a full fight.
The other saints appear to watch Shura and you sparring before they start to place bets on who will win. 
Before long, you manage to pin Shura to the ground. You had a bright smile on your face. “I win.” You said before moving your hand so you could help him stand up. 
He is just confused. Poor baby can’t figure out where the hell you came from. 
Saga is prepared to fight but when you stand up, he is pretty much frozen in his spot. He has never seen someone as gorgeous as you. 
Just like Shura, he will ask if you want to spar after a few days of getting to know you. 
You and Saga are evenly matched and that makes the saints that stop to watch you two impressed but also terrified.
Saga was starting to fall in love with you but he didn’t want to say anything if you were going to leave and go back to your world.
“You ok Saga? You have been staring at me for the past 5 minutes”
He is deceased at this point. He was just caught by you staring.
He was confused to say the least. 
Regulus was just doing his mandatory patrol when you suddenly appeared in front of him.
He instantly knew that you were not from here, one because of the fact you fell out of a portal, and two, you were wearing weird clothing.
When he asked you where you came from, you told him but he just seemed absolutely confused. 
He decided after a few minutes of silence, to have you visit with Athena to see if there was a way to send you back home.
Regulus isn’t the type of person to fall for someone so easily. He’s rather closed off most of the time. 
He will, however, ask you for help when it comes to training. He knows that you can help him get better as you have demonstrated your ability multiple times.
He’s shocked to say the least. He doesn’t say anything but the look in his eyes is enough to tell someone what he is feeling.
When you had suddenly appeared in front of him, his natural instinct was to reach out and catch you. 
He panicked thinking you had been ‘poisoned’ by him but when you were moving just fine he thought otherwise. 
He took you to Athena to see if she could help you. 
Learning that you are from somewhere completely different, he is rather amazed. 
“How did you get here then?”
“I was trying to protect my home and was, I guess, transported somewhere different.” 
“So let me get this straight. You are not from here. You got thrown into a portal. And now you are here.”
You nod your head in hopes that he would understand you. 
“You have to be kidding me. There is no way that you did that. Are you working for Hades or something?”
The look you gave him made the back of his neck tingle. He couldn’t move at all as you glared at him. 
“Hades can rot in the deepest pit of hell that not even he can go too for all I care.” You snarled. 
Athena soon arrived and you explained your situation to her. 
“Interesting. Until I am able to figure out how to get you home, would you consider helping us fight off our Hades?” She asked. You thought for a moment before agreeing.
Doesn’t even blink an eye but the worry that bubbles up in his chest makes him stop in his tracks. 
You just randomly appeared from a doorway opening in mid air. 
You are definitely not prepared for the cold that Camus can see but from the looks of it, it doesn’t seem to bother you. 
“Come with me.” He said grabbing your wrist and dragging you Athena.
Of course you fight with everything you have and nearly send the poor man through a wall with how hard you try to punch him.
When Athena appears, You go completely still. Not because you sense a bad aura, no. It's because you sense the aura of a God that you go absolutely still.
You explain your situation to Athena and she gladly agrees to help get you back home but she does ask you to help out her saints in the meantime, to which you agree.
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as8bakwthesage · 1 year
Love is Stupid (Laughing Jack/Sing Sandy - Creepypasta One-Shot)
Jack hated Valentine’s Day.
He hated it with all of his soul and mind. Seeing all of the happy couples fawn over each other and all the ridiculous happiness tossed about. He hated how people would give their significant others looks of absolute awe and love, happy to be bound to another person for presumably the rest of their lives. About the only good thing about this holiday was the abundance of chocolates and candies in stores.
He heaved a sigh as he watched one such couple leave their home before teleporting away to his realm. He walked down the carnival of nightmares and despite how much comfort that usually brought him, it didn’t do much for him at the moment. And then it hit him - why did he linger? Why even watch them if he hated it so much?
Jack wasn’t a man, or a clown, of logic. He was as chaotic as they came and not someone to question his own reality. But for a moment, he considered the logic of the situation.  If he hated Valentine’s day so much and hated seeing couples happy, why was that? He searched his own feelings for a moment, which were bitter, irritated, and annoyed. 
But alongside that, there was also sadness, loneliness, and… a sense of need, of want, something that held him to watch couples, to see the way they looked at each other, the way they held each other. And then it hit him - longing. 
Longing? Want? Did he actually want these things? What kind of ridiculous sentiment was that?! He didn’t need anybody, he didn’t want anybody, and he certainly didn’t want some gal or guy making lovey-dovey heart eyes at hi-
“Hey Jack.” 
He nearly jumped as he was caught off guard by the voice of one familiar person. He turned around quickly to spot Sandy standing by a vendor. He relaxed as he remembered that Sandy could access this realm when she was asleep, which meant she was dreaming and technically so was he.
He grinned at the appearance of his friend and stood over her, towering over her unphased posture like a tree. She only looked up at him with an amused look in her eyes and a smirk.
“What have you been up to, San?” He teased, poking her nose carefully with his clawed finger. She swatted his hand away and shrugged.
“Same old, same old. Slendy’s been giving me quite the headache if you can believe it.” She said offhandedly, yet was being her very sarcastic self. Jack smiled at that. Ever since she had been taken in by Slenderman, she had been basically helping out around the house and was only allowed to leave with specific conditions. Sandy knew why, but it still irritated her at times.
“Sounds like a pile of nonsense to me. You should be outside with me, terrorising poor innocent couples as they go about their ridiculous holidays!” Jack daydreamed. Sandy sighed wistfully yet yearningly. 
“Ah, I wish, my beloved clown, I wish.” She exhaled dramatically for effect and Jack giggled. “Terrorising couples on Valentine’s Day sounds like a blast.”
“You don’t like the holiday too, I gather?” Jack guessed and Sandy looked up at him surprised.
“Not particularly, but I’m surprised you dislike it.” She replied. Now it was Jack’s turn to be surprised and it clearly said so on his face. “I thought you’d be down for all the chocolates and candies, plus you are a pretty romantic guy.”
Jack blinked at that. “I am?”
“I mean, sure,” Sandy said, suddenly looking rather flustered, “Not necessarily in the romance sense, but you are a very dramatic and charming guy. You really like holidays in general, like Christmas, so I’m just surprised you don’t like Valentine’s.”
“I suppose you have a point.” Jack conceded as he thought about her reasoning. As he looked back down at her, he suddenly found himself staring as he felt his heart beat a bit faster. What on earth was he feeling? Why couldn’t he stop staring at her?
“Why don’t you like the holiday?” He finally managed to ask, and Sandy paused as she thought about it before sighing.
“I don’t know. But to be honest, I think it’s because I’m jealous.” She said, and Jack got the impression that she was letting her guard down immensely to even admit that. She met his gaze and then the walls were back up as she grinned. “Meh, who needs love? I got everything I need.” 
“Right!” Jack agreed, but found that his heart was not in it. “Love is stupid! Neither of us need it.”
“You get it.” She nodded along, tone just as forced as Jack’s was. But neither of them seemed to either notice or didn’t want to notice. There was an awkward silence as the two just stared straight ahead, not looking at each other.
But as Jack’s eyes peeked down at her, he found that his previously weirdly anxious heartbeats were now turning more mushy and soft. He caught sight of her eyes and the thought hit him that he could become lost just staring into her emerald green eyes that glowed brightly when she was agitated or particularly emotional. He knew she coursed with power, with energy, with the will of her Father behind her, and she contained it incredibly well.
She was beautiful.
How long had he wanted to admit that? How long did he hold that thought but couldn’t quite find the words for it until now?  Fuck, why couldn’t he look away from her?! Just look away! Avert eyeballs! Say something! Do something! 
“Jack? Are you okay?”
Was he okay? She was right to ask that because of course he wasn’t! Why was he still staring at her? Why was his heart pounding? Why did she look absolutely delectable and not in the ‘I want to literally eat you’ way?! Her concerned yet intrigued expression made him feel all warm inside. The fact that she cared about him felt so nice to him.
Why did she look so so beautiful? 
“Jack, I-”
His lips met hers in a sloppy yet warm kiss as he scooped her up into his arms to hold her at eye level. He just moved so fast and neither of them had time to properly register what was happening. Sandy’s arms were in the air, eyes wide as Jack’s were closed. However, she slowly relaxed as they both just seemed to melt into each other. Sandy reciprocated as she wrapped her arms around his neck, one hand playing with his hair. Gods, she felt so small in his arms but she fit so right. She was good. She was lovely. She was perfect. 
When it finally hit him that he was kissing her, he quickly pulled away, hoping she wouldn’t slap him silly for that. But to his surprise, she didn’t look the least bit irritated or annoyed like when he usually did something she disliked, the list of which seemed to be slowly going down. In fact, she looked relieved yet also flustered. 
“Are you okay?” He asked, not sure how to proceed or what to do. He had never really done this before with anyone and kissing Sandy, the person who made him freeze up and made his entire body warm, felt so wonderful. But he also did not want to hurt her or do something she disliked. To his own surprise, he wanted her to enjoy this and silently he prayed that she did enjoy it. 
Instead of answering, she leaned forward and kissed him, this time softer and sweeter than his quick and passion-filled kiss. Jack let out an involuntary yet soft groan. When she pulled away, almost hesitantly, she had a satisfied smirk on her lips and her pupils were large. 
“I have been wanting to do that for a long time.” She answered softly with a sultry voice that Jack was not used to hearing but found that he really enjoyed it. 
“You know what?” Jack commented offhandedly before kissing her again, this time it was more of a peck than deep and amorous. He pulled away with a satisfied smile on his face. “Me too.”
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riddlerosehearts · 2 days
this time in my baldur's gate 3 playthrough, i finish wyll's personal quest and have a lot of thoughts about him! which mainly boil down to: larian did him very dirty, and i'm sad about it because i wanted to be able to love his story more. i try to be concious of the way that fandom as a whole is very biased against black characters, and as a lover of fairytales and disney movies i think the fact that wyll is just genuinely good and kind the whole time and is basically like if a disney prince became a warlock is cool! i think that's an awesome concept and larian could've done so much more with him, because i don't believe that characters need to be edgy and morally gray to be interesting and complex! but i feel like the writers themselves were biased against wyll because his story is so lacking in polish and so underwhelming adkjsfghf. i'll just have to choose to seek out fanworks that expand on the potential he had. anyway. rest of my thoughts are below the cut as usual.
the iron throne mission was very nervewracking lol but in a fun way!! it took me multiple tries to get my strategy figured out, and i ended up bringing several elemental summons to help do the fighting and misty step/dimension door scrolls to help everyone get around. thank god omeluum had a spell that could teleport gale out of there, because i was worried he wasn't going to make it and i'd have to try again when i was so close to finally saving all the prisoners. and i did save them all, though again it was a close call with some of them! i just wish i would've been also able to read the notes and such that i saw around.
got jumpscared by the waveservants coming to attack us for siding with redhammer, and then uhhh, redhammer died during the battle and now i feel bad :( i mean, i tried to keep him alive but he did not exactly make it easier by running directly toward the enemies and trying to fight them!
oh well. i'll have to try harder to keep him safe on another playthrough. i think it's a huge shame that you only get that sexy robe if you side with the waveservants though... i need to mod it into my game later. for science.
DAMN DOES ULDER REALLY HAVE TO BE SO MEAN TO WYLL... i mean, okay, i guess i can understand that he didn't have any idea what really happened between wyll and mizora, but i wish he could've had a bit more faith in his son instead of calling him a monster. ugh i just feel so bad for wyll, but i really am glad they finally got a chance to patch things up.
next, i went to the steel watch foundry and had gale take the lead in sneaking our way through the gates with magic... except we got caught by the steel watcher and wyll--who for some reason became the controlled character there even though i definitely had gale selected to cast fog cloud and knock?--lied to it and convinced it that it let us in. after that i got extremely annoyed by the combat lol. the fight on the main floor was really easy, but the one in the basement? i hope you didn't need to save all the gondians, because i tried so many times and ended up just giving up... in the end, only two of them (aside from zanner toobin) had the brain cells to stay up above instead of suicidally misty stepping into the face of every enemy, so those were the only two who survived. why does the AI keep being like this lmao??
there are a lot of hints about what the iron throne even is and how to get there scattered around the foundry, so i'm guessing the story does expect you to come here first! it's fun to explore this area and try to find all the lore tidbits they've scattered around. the steel watchers being controlled by tadpole-infected brains was a total surprise to me and so was being able to actually try and control them yourself. i tried to save the innocent people the watchers were attacking, but my poor low WIS tav just couldn't do it :( i also found... bernard's head?? for some reason, it says "extract", but when i click on that it doesn't do anything. that's really interesting, though--i wish we were able to learn more about lenore.
wulbren is literally such a jackass and does not deserve barcus. i want to yeet him into the ocean. i'm so proud of barcus for standing up for himself, taking over as lead of the ironhands, and telling wulbren to fuck off!!
OH YEAH I FINALLY REMEMBERED to look up a video of the glitched convo about gale's last name. being able to tell him you like gale dekarios better than gale of waterdeep, and the way he responds to that, is soooo rapunzel and eugene coded i'm 🥺🥺🥺 i want to see people make tangled AUs with gale and their tavs now.
i think elenion is reeeeeally skeptical of this whole "staking the future of baldur's gate on a legendary tale" thing and does not believe ansur actually exists, but i suppose he'll seen crazier shit by now so he'll just go with it!
the trials were fun to figure out, and i liked that wyll and gale both had comments on some of them!! wyll offers his help with the trial of justice and comments that he has little experience with lanceboard, and gale gets all excited when you walk up to the lanceboard trial ajksdghdfkjgss he's so cute. he also literally just tells you exactly what to do on that one. thank you gale i love you 💜💜
I GENUINELY WAS NOT WHAT HAPPENED WITH ANSUR THOUGH WHAT!!! i was expecting wyll to get to befriend a dragon and have him as a helper in the final battle but i've gotta admit that was an interesting twist and a fun battle. i'm unsurprised that the emperor is balduran, though, mostly because i've already seen people talk about it, but also they kind of... pretty much say it in the song of balduran?? or at least they heavily hint at it, by including the line "transformed, he fell their thrall". what i am surprised at is ansur x balduran toxic yaoi lmao whaaaat 😭 there's a letter on ansur's body that says "even if i'm not beside you, i will always have been your balduran"... can't believe i'm sad about them now.
augh, the choice of whether or not to encourage wyll to become the grand duke made me feel so torn tbh because like... first of all, i already knew about the blade of avernus ending, and that it's positioned as his good ending while becoming the duke is positioned as his bad ending akin to everyone else's ascensions, and i know karlach will die if wyll doesn't go to avernus with her. but my character doesn't know any of that! and i genuinely think joining his father to help rebuild the city rather than running around as a vigilante in the hells sounds like a good ending for wyll, as a way for him to do a lot of overall good for others and resolve his issues with his dad by working alongside him? i also think it's what elenion would tell him to do, if only the dialogue options for it weren't all like "think of the power you'll yield!" because they would not fucking say that unless they meant "the power you'll be able to yield to help the people of baldur's gate". man. idk. at least this time, unlike when it came to what to do with his pact, there's an option to trust wyll to make his own choice. so... i chose that. he chose on his own to become the blade of avernus. guess that's that, then.
i'm also just. really underwhelmed by wyll's personal quest in general though ugh 😭 listen i have had wyll in my party for the entire fucking game. his introduction was just so cool that i was instantly drawn to him and never let him leave my party and in my head i roleplayed him and elenion becoming best friends. i love him but his story is just really missing something... the conclusions to shadowheart and astarion's personal quests were so cathartic and made me really emotional but wyll's just Didn't. and i feel like they could've and should've done so much more with it, i mean, he's the son of the grand duke of baldur's gate!!! the game i am playing is called baldur's gate 3!!! i also think it's really weird that he's so torn up about ansur, but not about fucking balduran?? wyll, did you not notice that your hero is the evil mindflayer that lied to all of us and has been causing us trouble for the entire game?? hello?? it just felt like this entire final part of his quest was more about developing the emperor's character than about him. sigh.
i think the ansur stuff could've felt a bit more like it was about wyll if, like, he could ask to be the one to do the trials like how shadowheart can ask you to let her offer her blood at the gauntlet of shar and you get approval from letting her, because then the trials of ansur get to be about him proving his own worthiness as a hero and leader... and if maybe he was automatically selected for the conversation with ansur instead of letting your character do that, and if he had significantly more dialogue and reactivity to all of it.
anyway. going to end this post here, and then it's time to go fuck up gortash and head into the final battle and the epilogue!
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jodjuya · 4 days
Okay! On my new game of Chrono Trigger (still my first ever playthrough) and I've caught up to where I was previously up to.
Liveblog from here on...
I knew Marle would be the 'queen' they found. Here's hoping I'm not Mr I'm-My-Own-Grandpa...
I wonder if Marle is the actual queen that went missing (and time-travelled herself to her future for Reasons), or is just the missing queen's doppleganger (descendant???)
Ayy, nice. Free naps in the Knights' barracks. No more paying innkeepers for me.
"but since the cathedral was built, no monsters have been seen there [the western woods]" oh hey does it smell like foreshadowing in here or is that just me?
Kitchen Maid: "So, you and Her Majesty the Queen are... acquainted?"
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Head Chef doesn't know what Her Majesty's request for "eyes cream" means. Hmm. Does this confirm that Marle is doing an identity theft, or confirm that the Queen time-travelled to get herself acquainted with ice-cream? 🤔🤔🤔
Getting big 'schemer' vibes from this chancellor...
Hmm, seems Marle is a mere doppleganger and not the actual queen?
Yep, not the Queen.
Ah geez my girlfriend exploded. And I'd just found her again too...
Time to bounce before someone accuses me of assassinating the 'Queen'
...four generations in 400 years?? Man, the queens in this country simply do not fuck
Guess we'll head to the cathedral to look for clues?? 🤔
I fucking knew these nuns were evil!!
I knew the Chancellor was a schemer! His identity had been stolen by Yakra! The King is in danger!!!
I stole some bromide? But it's not in my inventory? And also what is bromide? Must be valuable if I had to kill three guys to stop them from stopping me from stealing it... 🤔
These folks seem way too happy to be monster-captives. Probably just more dopplegangers I bet...
Bam! Called it!
Can't see how to get past spike floor...
Oh! Skull on wall is button!
Time to backtrack to those other spikes I saw earlier then...
So somewhere there's a shrine to the demon, which has some hidden treasure...
Man, Yakra is ugly. Time to fuck this guy up!
Whew, close fight. Fucked him up good tho.
Bah, no treasure to loot, only the Real Chancellor.
Hooray, Marle spontaneously de-exploded!
Man, this current-day Chancellor is a prick too. What an asshole.
Hah, the madlad actually followed through on creating "eyes cream" for the Queen. Good thing we're not sticking around to try it! 😝
Nyeh! See! I rescued that little girl's kitty! Good-guy behaviour!
Oops, shouldn't have eaten that guy's lunch.
Damn, 4-3. Crono is getting executed. This sucks. Any Chancellor I see in future I'm just going to cut down on sight. Fuck Chancellors. All my homies hate Chancellors!
Probably *shouldn't* be killing royal guards during my escape attempt, but they're not allowing me to run from the fight :/
Rescued a guy from the guillotine, climbed around on the outside of the prison towers and found a silver sword. This breakout is going great!
Invulnerable Dragon Tank unless some maniac runs at its head to hit it with a sword. Heh, my ears are burning...
(But fr, what kind of two-bit operation doesn't take away people's swords when it throws them into prison??)
Urgh. Died twice in a row to this stupid Dragon Tank. My first deaths in the game. I'm gunna kill that fucking Chancellor once I get past his stupid Death Machine. 😡
Made much more difficult by not being able to use items in battle for some reason.
Got it on the third try thankfully.
More time-travel will surely solve my problems!
Oh boy, The Future really isn't doing so hot, hey? I guess these guys couldn't stop the millennium bug in time or something 😬
Marle, how do you know what refrigeration is??? The height of technology to you is a crossbow...
Lucca, why are you looking up temporal distortions on the super-computer instead of disabling its security systems so the people here aren't in more danger??
(...uh, and steampunk robots and teleportation booths and magic spells and a guy who got turned into A Frog)
Oh, wait, Marle knows what ice-cream is. I guess she does know what a fridge is after all...
Huh, a volcano monster blew up the world? Not what I was expecting...
I don't know what a jetbike is but it sounds like it's going to be fun
Exploring the sewers instead of looking for a jetbike...
Nothing on the other side but a death mountain that's too windy to climb, and a Mysterious Old Man who says "don't climb that death mountain that's too windy to climb". At least I found a cool sword on my way over. That centaurpede in the sewer really fucked Crono up tho. Body-slammed him down to 1hp twice. 😬
Ah, so that's a jetbike. And I've gotta death-race it against a robot motorcycle whose name is literally "Bro"? Geez, no pressure...
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simthorium · 1 year
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While the rest of his cousins of his age were at Académie Le Tour, Ruben opted to attend La Fiesta Tech way out in Strangetown. He wanted to be as far away from his family as possible, still feeling disjointed from them. He wanted to go somewhere where people didn’t automatically know his name, his family’s name, and his legacy heir destiny. Being so far was scary and lonely, but Ruben was used to being on his own.
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Living in the dorms his freshman year was rough. It seemed like everybody was vying for the attention of everyone else, and he was often annoyed at his dormmates for just existing. They were loud, boisterous, messy, and stinky. It was a lot for him to handle.
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“Hey, you watching the game?” a handsome guy asked, sitting next to Ruben one night. Ruben nodded, feeling awkward in the guy’s presence.  “Yeah,” he muttered. “Sweet!” the guy said. “I was gonna go to the stadium, but it’s always so packed. I mean, this dingy room is hardly any better, but hey I’ll take what I can get.” Ruben smiled and nodded without responding. He watched the game for a few minutes, then got up to head to bed. “Hey, where are you going?” the handsome guy asked. “Oh,” said Ruben. “Uh, to bed. I’m tired.” “Ok. Well, see you around.”
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Ruben was trying his hardest to get those confusing thoughts to leave his brain. He didn’t want to think about his dormmate that way, but he couldn’t get him out of his brain. Ruben tossed and turned all night, trying to figure out how to come to terms with what he’d known for so long, what he fought inside himself for what seemed like forever.
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The next morning while he was eating breakfast, the same handsome guy pulled a chair up beside him. Ruben tried his hardest to keep his eyes on his food and not make eye contact. “Sorry if I came on too strong yesterday,” he said, pulling out his homework. “I was just excited. I’m Waylon, by the way.” “Ruben.” “Ruben,” Waylor repeated. “That’s a cute name.” Ruben froze. This wasn’t happening...was it?
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“Thanks,” Ruben muttered. He stood up fast, wishing he could just teleport back to his bedroom. But Waylon stood too, grabbing his hand to stop him. “Ruben, come on,” Waylon said, half laughing. “I feel like I’ve been really obvious here, but am I missing something?” “What?” Ruben asked, his throat going dry. “I like you,” Waylon said, smiling. “And I think you like me, too.” “I gotta go,” Ruben said, rushing away.
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Waylon was nothing if not persistent. After class that afternoon, Ruben had been tossing a football around when Waylon approached, joining the game. “Hey man, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” Waylon said midway through the game. “I know I can come on too strong sometimes. I hope you’re not upset.”
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“I’m not,” Ruben said. “I’m just...I guess I’m confused.” He silently cursed himself for admitting that; he’d never said that to anyone, at least not in this context. Waylon nodded. “What are you confused about?” he asked. “Everything,” Ruben sighed. 
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Waylon caught the ball and walked closer to Ruben, taking his hand again. “I don’t think you’re confused, Ruben,” Waylon said softly. “I think you just want to take things slow.” Ruben felt the air leave his lungs as Waylon got closer to him. “Am I right?” “I...I think so,” Ruben said, hearing his voice quiver as he spoke. Waylon cupped Ruben’s cheek and smiled. “I’ll see you later,” he said, heading back into the dorm. Ruben exhaled a large breath, feeling very dizzy and lightheaded. He looked around, hoping no one saw him. The whole point of going to school in Strangetown was to escape his legacy and prying eyes everywhere, but for some reason he still couldn’t shake the feeling that he was under constant supervision.
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