#so far this team is no Ubers in getting me to care about them or the dynamic
n-fblog · 1 month
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Is anyone else a little bit surprised that Charles actually is blonde ? Or was it just me 💀 I was bracing myself for him to have green hair or smth
Regardless, he looks adorable
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smileyerim · 1 year
where we end is somewhere far, something hard to understand
part 1: i don't care what we are it just has to work
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You’re his. All encompassingly his. Even if he doesn’t know it, or worse, doesn’t want it, you’re his. All you can do is just hope he’s yours too.
title: Understand by Hippo Campus
pairing: idol!chan x hannah’s roommate!reader
genre: smut MDNI, angst, fluff (in that order)
length: 6k
warnings: sex between adults, oc has low self esteem, unresolved ending
net tags: @kflixnet @straykidsland
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
The exciting nerves are bubbling in your belly as you stare at the empty duffel bag lying limp on your bed.
Tonight is the night you’re going to see Chris again. He and the rest of his team arrived last night and although it’s silly, it feels as if you could sense his presence from the moment his plane touched down in LAX. He’s been texting you between schedules about how excited he is to see you and how embarrassed he is going to be when you see the crop tops he’s been given to wear on stage.
Plopping down on your bed, Hannah stares at the duffel bag.
“What’s that for?” You blush in response, head hanging low as you roll a pair of gray sweatshorts.
“I’m spending the night with Chris.” You say and Hannah bellows out a loud disgusted noise and you roll your eyes.
“It’s not like that.” She rolls her eyes at you this time.
“Of course it’s like that.” She says, giving you a look of disbelief.
“No, we’re just friends! He got 2 beds!”
She hums and gives you a knowing side eye, “That means nothing if you don’t use them.”
You squeal and move to push her off your bed and out of your room, the blush taking over your cheeks getting to be too much for your liking.
“Okay, okay!” She exclaims as she stands, hands up in defense.
“Fine I won’t tease you over the fact that you’re,” she pauses to give you a fake gag, “sleeping with my,” another fake gag, “brother-”
You cut her off with a yell of her name and she bursts out in laughter “stop it, seriously.” You whine and she lets up, her arms coming around your shoulders to hold you in an unexpected hug.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” She sways you side to side as you exhale your anger and let your arms around her waist to hug her back.
“I just,” she says into your hair and your heartbeat quickens.
“I love you both. A lot. So please be careful.” You lean back and laugh before attempting to shut her down again.
“Hannah, it’s not-” she cuts you off.
“No, Y/N, seriously listen to me.” Her arms tighten around your neck as she intertwines her fingers together. “He’s my big brother and I know him better than anyone. He likes you, he likes you a lot.”
You blush at that, staring down at the toes of your shoes touching and she continues.
“I don’t want to see either of you getting your hearts broken so, please, for me, just be careful.”
You nod, the blush on your face still just as hot as before as you look up and meet her eyes again.
There’s a lot that you were hoping you’d never know, and Chris’ feelings for you was one of them. Your ignorance can’t keep you hiding forever behind your insecurity. You need to learn to accept that maybe, just maybe, Hannah’s right.
“We’ll be careful.” You whisper while holding eye contact with her. The corners of her eyes turn up as she smiles and pulls you into another squeeze and you laugh the tears that threaten to fall away.
After a beat of laughing and holding each other, Hannah can’t help herself but to quip, “use a condom, don’t get pregnant.”
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ 
You’re standing in front of the mirror with sweaty palms observing your final outfit when Hannah calls you from the hallway to inform you that the Uber is here.
One shaky sigh and a final once over of your outfit consisting of simple green cargo pants and a black bra top with chunky silver chains around your neck. It’s a bold outfit, not something you usually find yourself donning but today is a special occasion and you want to impress.
A blush trails up your neck and settles on your cheek at the idea of seeing Chris later after the show and watching his reaction to you. If he thinks you’re beautiful in a sweatshirt and sweatpants, he’s definitely going to find you stunning now.
“Y/N! Come on!” You let out a sigh and one more once over before you grab your purse and walk out the door.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ 
The venue is packed out wall to wall with fans from your perspective from the second floor VIP box Chris set up for this show. There’s a faint scent of stale fog machine in the air and as each moment draws by you feel the urge get stronger and stronger to drink.
So you do, and are about to down your third free shot from the all inclusive bar before another one of your roommates comes up to interrupt you.
“Easy tiger, what’s got you so worked up?” She says, gently prying the plastic shot cup out from between your pinched fingers.
The truth is you don’t know exactly why you’ve grown a sudden affinity for alcohol. You would be lying to yourself if you tried to claim it had nothing to do with Chris, but you can’t quite pin what is making you so nervous.
You shrug at her, avoiding her eyes as you take a smug sip out of the beer bottle you were hiding behind your arm from her.
“Look, don’t be nervous tonight. Just try and have fun!” She says, placing a cautious hand on your shoulder. You don’t remember ever telling this roommate about your situation with Chris, so you aren’t sure how she knows about your need for nerves. Out of the 4 girls total in your apartment, you only really had bonded with Hannah.
“Can’t you see? I’m drinking to not be nervous and to have fun.”  You quip and she rolls her eyes at you.
“At least let me catch up.”
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ 
Your heart drops the moment he steps onto the stage, the roaring screams of the crowd plugging your ears at the same time that all of the breath is stolen from your lungs. Your vision zeroes in on him and a rush of adrenaline flows through your veins.
“Woah, he’s hot” one of your roommates from beside you giggles and you can’t help but agree.
“That’s my brother! Shut the fuck up.” Hannah exclaims from the other side of you and you laugh at the exchange.
“She’s right.” You tease, knocking shoulders with Hannah when she makes a shocked face in response.
You try your best to keep distracted through the show, drinking beer after beer until your limbs feel a little floaty and the smile on your lips is permanent. Chris is putting on an amazing performance, his natural and trained talent shining through with every song that goes by. You can’t help but move along to the deep bass in the dance songs and sway with the rhythm to the slower ones.
Once the show is over, your heart drops at the prospect of leaving the comfort of your viewing box and venturing out and meeting him. Hannah grabs you by your wrist, whispering a quiet “come on” in your ear before leading you down the hallway to a winding set of stairs going down into what you presume is the basement of the arena. You didn’t realize how drunk you were until this moment, the chains around your neck feeling too heavy and too foreign to be yours.
All of your plans and all of your suspected self control go out of the window the moment you spot him, it’s like all of the air has been sucked out of the atmosphere. He’s taken his makeup off, he’s changed into a much more casual outfit of jeans and an oversized white tee-shirt. He's wearing a baseball cap backwards, too. He’s no longer Bang Chan, the star on stage, but Chris. The same guy you’ve been pining after for months. The same guy you’re pining after even now.
He laughs at something the man beside him says when he spots Hannah as she runs through the crowd of bodies to him. He wraps her up in a hug quickly, an emotional look taking over his face as he holds her tight. He’s whispering something in her ear that you can’t seem to make out. An overwhelming feeling of fondness comes over you as you watch them together, it almost makes you feel like crying.
That is, until you actually start crying when his eyes meet yours over her shoulder. A smile larger than you’ve ever seen on him spreads over his face as he lets Hannah go and makes a straight bee-line over to you.
The tears in your eyes fall the moment he makes it over to you, picking you up by the waist to spin you around in a twirling hug. You grab the back of his neck and squeal in his ear, finally feeling at home for the first time in months.
He lets you down, but he doesn’t let you go when you finally lock eyes, “Hi, beautiful.” He breathes out dreamily, and it’s like no time has passed at all.
“Hi.” You whisper back to him, another tear slipping down your cheek.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ 
You can’t help but bask in the new feeling of shit just getting real when Hannah landed a kiss on your cheek before you stepped out of the passenger side of her car in front of the swanky hotel you will be calling home for the evening.
Your hands won’t stop shaking around the duffel bag you brought, stepping into the lobby and taking a seat. Chris had texted you earlier that his manager would come find you and let you into the room.
The silence in the empty hotel room engulfs you whole. It feels suffocating being left here alone with your thoughts, only the sound of the air conditioner humming in the background to distract you.
You’ve never liked the quiet all that much, always preferring to have at least one stimuli to distract you from your constantly whizzing thoughts. You always feared that you would wear yourself out by obsessing over them, so constant distraction became your best friend.
Now, however, you don’t have a choice but to sit with your thoughts. Immediately your mind is filled with him. His laugh, his smile, the way he performed on stage tonight, the way he looked at you when he noticed you backstage. Your heart flutters at the last thought and you allow your reverie to be filled with daydreams of you two together. Your first kiss, holding hands, telling him just how much you love him.
That last one hurt, even if it was just your own imagination, a tear pricking your waterline. You’ve spent hours upon hours imagining him with you and feeling the pain of being without him, but he’s never been closer than now and the idea of still not having him while he’s here is heartbreaking. So heartbreaking you aren’t sure what you would do if it came true.
Your tears aren’t left to fall for long as you’re shocked out of your daydream when you hear the telltale sound of a keycard being slid into the lock and the hotel door unlocking. Standing quickly you sniffle your runny nose away and blot under your eyes to clear up any runny mascara and wait.
Your eyes meet as he moves through the doorway and the same smile from before returns to his face. He ditches his suitcase in the entryway and hustles over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and nuzzling his nose into your neck. You wrap your arms around his neck and hold the back of his head, eyes closing in bliss. Chris heaves out a sigh he didn’t know he was holding and melts into your embrace, holding you tighter and tighter as if you might fly away.
You can feel his heartbeat and you’re sure he can feel yours, a smile lifting up the corners of your lips at the feeling of finally having arrived; the feeling of him being here and holding you. Your hand moves instinctively to scratch at the hair on his head and he responds with giggles and a slight squirm in your arms.
“That tickles.” He says into your neck and you respond in your own laugh.
“Sorry.” You whisper back, stopping your movements and dropping your hand to cup the back of his warm neck.
“No, don’t stop.” He says and the smile on your lips grows wider before you hum contentedly and resume your scratch.
He sighs out another big breath, slumping his shoulders to rest slightly against the top of yours, “I didn’t know how much I needed this until now.”
The tears threaten to fall again at that sentence, a pang of hurt strikes your heart behind your sternum as you process his words, choosing just to nod against him.
After what feels like hours he finally pulls back, pausing for a moment to make eye contact with you with a look in his eye you don’t know how to read. He steps back once more, hands still on your waist and skims his eyes up and down your body,
“Wow, look at you.” He says in disbelief and a blush creeps up on your cheek, feeling a bit too exposed by the potentially excessive exposed midriff provided by your mid rise bottoms and bra top.
“What?” You laugh out, trying to read him. Luckily he doesn’t make you read his mind, giving you a look of disbelief before looking back over your outfit and letting out a wolf whistle.
You laugh before his hand moves from your waist to grab the tips of your fingers, gently lifting your arm above your head to signal you to twirl for him. You smile, blush on your cheeks reddening as you do so, feeling his eyes examine you.
When you’re back facing forward he grabs both your hands with his and finally resumes your eye contact with a dreamy look in his eyes.
“You look amazing.” He says with a lilt in his voice that communicates to you he meant every word.
You look down in an attempt to calm your nerves down before responding, “thank you.”
“Did you do it for me?” He says and you let out a nervous chuckle before meeting his eyes that are staring at you with an intensity you weren’t expecting.
Slowly, you nod your head up and down, fluttering butterflies escaping their cage in your belly at the prideful smile he gains after your response.
“Lucky me.” He says pulling you into a hug once more.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ 
Unfortunately, your time with Chris gets cut short by the time 1AM rolls around. He has early morning schedules and then is off to the next country on their tour list later tomorrow night. So you decide to turn in a bit earlier than you had wanted for his sake.
An issue came to rise when you unzipped your duffle bag to grab your change of clothes for the evening, eventually coming to the unfortunate circumstance that through Hannah’s interruption when you were packing earlier you had forgotten a sleep shirt.
You squeeze your eyes shut, sweatshorts in hand as you contemplate your options. You could go without a shirt and just wear your casual crop top intended for tomorrow's outfit, but you don’t want to be an outfit repeater. You could just go without it, but that idea gets shot down the moment you remember your current relationship status with Chris.
The last, and frankly only option, is to ask Chris to borrow a shirt himself.
It shouldn’t be so hard, right?
You stand awkwardly in the doorway of the bathroom, leaning a shoulder against the doorway as Chris brushes his teeth. It’s insane to you how he manages to still be so attractive when spitting.
“Hey, princess.” He says after finally getting rid of the toothpaste suds in his mouth. You feel the need to take a step back at his pet name, so you do.
Looking down at your socked feet in embarrassment you say your next words.
“We- I-” you take a deep breath, “there’s a problem.”
His face drops and he steps into your space, grabbing you by both biceps, “what’s wrong?”
An embarrassing blush creeps up high on your cheekbones and you nibble on the inside of your cheek, “I don’t have a sleep shirt.”
He lets out a sigh of relief and an exasperated laugh, “That’s it? Man, you scared me.” He says with a squeeze on your arms before dropping his hands.
You giggle along, accepting that your flair for drama may have influenced his fear.
“Sorry.” You whisper, looking down at the floor again in even deeper embarrassment.
“I have a ton, hold on.” He says and you step aside to allow him to enter the main room.
“On second thought actually,” he looks at you with a flirty twinkle in his eye as he’s unzipping his suitcase.
“You could just go without one.” The butterflies in your belly burn to a crisp at the fire that just lit up inside of you, more embarrassed than ever.
“Oh, God, look at you!” He’s clearly amused at your growing humiliation, bellowing out a loud laugh and grabbing his stomach.
Oh, you think to yourself, he was joking.
You begin to laugh along with him accepting finally the ridiculousness of the scenario, nearly missing when he throws a shirt at you.
Keeping your head low as you giggle quietly to yourself, you make your way to the bathroom to get ready for the evening.
Once you emerge from the bathroom ready for bed dressed in Chris’ shirt, you find him sitting on the edge of his bed, back facing you.
He’s quiet, shoulders slumped in his muscle tee and staring at the wall. He seems peaceful but also pensive. It’s at this moment that it hits you how deeply you care for him. It’s not like you weren’t aware before, but seeing him so vulnerable and private is bringing up feelings you didn’t know you had. The man sitting with his back facing you is not Bang Chan, star and leader of Stray Kids, he’s not even Chris, the man you have a hopeless crush on.
He’s human, entirely human. He’s vulnerable, weak, and alone as all humans are. You’ve played up this image of him in your head for so long that you forgot who he was at his core. He has seemed so big to you, so unattainable and perfect that you forgot who he truly was. Just like you, a person at his core. 
You step towards him and sit down beside him on the bed, the warmth of his thigh invading yours. The moment your skin makes contact with his he slumps over to the side, lying a heavy head on your shoulder. Although no words are spoken, you know exactly what he’s communicating. You lift your hand closest to him and rest it on the back of his head, petting his hair down in response. He sinks deeper into you, his shoulders relaxing at the comforting contact. Your heart leaps out of your chest painfully and you bite your lower lip and squeeze your eyes shut as you feel the telltale warm sting in the corner of your eyes that you’re about to cry. Chris’ hand finds your thigh and his thumb moves back and forth slowly over your skin only expanding the emotions you’re feeling. 
You aren’t sure how long you sit there with him in meditative silence, but it’s not before long that you notice his frequent yawning. With a chuckle, you move your shoulder a bit to urge him to sit up. He whines as you stand to face him.
“Let’s get you to bed.” You say and he pouts a childish frown and shakes his head no which makes you laugh. 
“I haven’t gotten to tell you how good you look in my shirt yet!” He says, eyes widening while giving you a once over.
“Oh, well, you just did.” You quip, nudging him with your hip as you move to pull back the covers on his bed. 
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ 
You’ve been lying in bed for what feels like hours awake by the constant flittering thoughts of the man resting in bed 10 feet away from you. He’s here, he’s actually here and yet you’ve never felt further from him than now. The intimacy of the moment you two shared before bed has not left your mind since your head hit the stiff pillow below you. 
Fuck it, you decide as you slip out of bed and make the 2 step journey over to his. Chris feels the bed dip beside him and the chilly night air kisses his skin when you lift the covers. Slowly, you move to lie your head down on his chest, a palm on his bare peck and an ear to his collarbone.
“Y/N?” His arm out of instinct wraps around your middle and pulls you flush to his side.
You hush him before replying with a muffled, “Just let me be close to you.” 
He has no response, lying stiff while your hair tickles his nose.
Feeling his stiffness, you grow embarrassed. Maybe you read the goodnight hug the wrong way, maybe you’ve been reading the entire night the wrong way. So you cower, lifting your head off his chest to look up at him. “Do you want me to leave?”
He doesn’t respond right away, still in shock that you’re here, surprised by how much holding you in his arms feels right. You feel a bit silly now that you’ve actually followed your desires, but there’s something about being so close to him that feels so right you don’t have the bandwidth to be embarrassed. 
“I-” he says, his hands traveling up your back, palms flat against your skin pulling you closer. His eyes dart between your two, reading the desperation and love swirling around in your eyes. 
Before you know it, he’s kissing you. Rules and fears be damned, he needs you. He can’t go home with the regret of not doing something to show you how he feels for you.  
You respond as quickly as your brain will allow you to, immediate alarms going off that you may be dreaming setting your reaction time back a millisecond or two only to be awoken by the force of his lips against yours grows stronger in him kissing you harder, begging for you to reciprocate. Your eyes flutter shut as you move your lips against his, a move greatly appreciated by him as he responds to pull you in closer, kiss you harder than you thought possible. A groan slips out of his throat when your tongue penetrates his lips, swirling  delicately with his. Your kiss is exactly what Chris had always imagined it to be: gentle and passionate, a desperate oasis in a desert. 
His hands light fire as they trail down your body to find their home at your hips, squeezing and rocking you onto him in a straddle. Your ass makes its home on his thighs, saving the main course for later. For now all you want to do is taste his lips and revel in the feeling of finally arriving at the destination you’ve been dreaming of for months. You feel on top of the world with how he’s kissing you with so much yearning like he’s been waiting his whole life to be here under you. 
His mouth trails down your neck and your hand flies up to rake in his hair to encourage him to continue. He leaves multiple sloppy wet kisses in his wake and a couple love bites too. He spends an extra long time marking near your carotid artery, growing obsessed with the feeling of your wildly beating heartbeat against his lips. 
Once he reaches near the bottom of your throat, he chuckles before saying, “It’s so weird, you smell like me.” He says into the neckline of his shirt between kisses.
“I don’t smell like you, your shirt smells like you.” You quip back at him, scratching his scalp and lightly tugging when he finds your sweet spot.
He leans back, a disbelieving look on his face, “Duh.” he laughs.
You shrug, hands leaving his shoulders to find the bottom of your shirt to take it off swiftly and throw across the room.
If his eyes were wide before, they’re as big as saucers now as he stares in shock at your exposed chest.
“Better?” You flirt, hands moving back up to intertwine behind his head.
He leans in at that moment to press a tentative gentle kiss to your chest, “Much better.”
He re-embarks on his journey of kisses down your body as one hand flirts its way up your stomach to grab your breast whole, your nipple immediately hardening at the contact from his icy hands. You flinch back and Chris smirks into the top of your right breast,
“Sorry, cold hands.” He says with a squeeze to your left breast.
“You’ll just have to do something else to warm them up then, huh.” You say between loud pants, anticipating Chris’ arrival at your nipple with too much excitement.
Chris’ mouth moves down quickly to your nipple to leave an open mouthed wet kiss before sucking your nipple into his mouth to flick the hardened tip with his tongue. Your jaw falls slack and a moan erupts from your throat. Chris uses the opportunity of your distraction to snake a free hand down to your ass, giving a tight squeeze. 
“Something like that?” He flirts, smirk on his lips as he moves his mouth's attention over to your other breast, leaving his hand on your ass, roaming back and forth in a pet, squeezing often to ground himself. He grows tired of playing it safe quickly, the arm that was on your ass moving to grip around your waist to hold you as he flips you over onto your back. He thinks you look the most beautiful like this, hair splayed all over his pillowcase, topless and with eyes filled with a ferocity he’s never seen from you before but is eager to investigate.
Your hands quickly find the bottom of his muscle tee, pulling the item off of his shoulders and over his head in record speed. He kisses you again as your hands explore the rigid expanse of his torso, trailing the tip of your fingers between the valleys of his abdominal muscles. His own hands have a mission of their own complete as the arm he’s not using to hold himself up tickles  down between the valley of your breasts, over your navel and finally to land on your inner right thigh, teasing the side of his pinky finger over your already aroused center. You moan his name when his pinky finger swipes up over the valley of your labia. 
“Pl-please.” you moan, pushing your chest up into his, teeth gnawing on your lower lip, hips rolling up in the process in an attempt to get friction from his hand. He just stares in awe at your beauty, unbelievably excited that he’s here experiencing this with you. He sits up on his heels now to slowly draw your shorts off your hips and down your legs. He moves torturously slow, wanting to savor as much of this moment as possible. Once your shorts are long gone and you are fully exposed to him lying on the bed, he loses all sense of self control, one hand flying up to stroke your thigh while the other moves directly to your center, using his 2 first fingers to spread your lips apart. With your lower lip between your teeth you watch him take care of you, admiring you for all that you are in front of him. 
In a move you weren’t expecting, his hands chase over to your calf, lifting your leg to be at eye level for him, placing a delicate kiss to the spot just above your inner knee. You can practically feel your heartbeat at your core by how desperate you are for him to just do something. His kisses are slow and delicate as he moves up your leg getting closer and closer to the ultimate prize. Each time he stops to lick and suck you whine, urging him on forward.
He finally places a delicate kiss to your cloaked clitoris, earning a loud moan of his name out of you. He sticks his tongue out to lick a wide strip up over your clitoris, pushing back the hood in the process to give the direct stimulation you need to make your mouth water. One of your hands is grounded in his hair, the other on your breast tweaking with your own nipple as he does his work.
“F-fuck.” you exclaim, hand on his hair tightening their grip as your legs tighten around Chris’ shoulders when he delivers a powerful suck to your clit, tongue moving forward in the act to flick at your exposed nub. 
“Again?” He teases, the vibration of his words against your center feeling deliciously satisfying.
He doesn’t wait for your answer, sucking your nub into his mouth one more time and pressing the tip of his pointed tongue into the nub in a nearly orgasm-causing explosion of ecstasy. 
When his tongue trails down to your leaking entrance, you pull on his hair to bring him back up to face level with you for a heated kiss.  His free hand is busy underneath your kiss as he slips a hand into his shorts and boxers to pump himself a few times to ensure he’s ready. He breaks the kiss only to sit up on his knees between yours and wiggle the basketball shorts down his hips. He stops for a moment right before his dick springs out to admire your expression, totally zeroed in on his crotch with wanting eyes.
When his shorts are finally down his legs you reach out to wrap a hand around the base of his cock, earning you your first moan of his for the evening and his head flying back to stare at the ceiling, your hands tightening in an experimental squeeze before pumping him up and down a couple strokes, thumb pressing harder into the sensitive spot right below the head each time you come up. Soon enough his hand is swatting you away and he’s leaning over you again, cock lightly touching your clit as he kisses you.
“I don’t have a condom,” he says into your lips, rocking his hips slightly forward to offer you stimulation on your clit from his hard head.
“I don’t care, I just want you.” You say against his mouth and he groans, quickly lining up the head of his cock to your entrance and pushing in slowly. You both disconnect your kiss to throw your heads back in earth shattering moans. His shoulders move in a shiver at the sudden stimulation, moving out to rock back into you gently again. Your hands find purchase on his shoulders as you moan into his mouth as he fucks you deep and slow, fully inside of you at each stroke. His cock hits a new angle when your walls tighten around him and you let out a loud yelp, eyes squeezing shut. He smirks at your reaction, shifting his knee to redirect his cock to hit that spot again, again, and again.
“Holy fuck, Chris.” you say into his neck, pulling him down to rest his upper body weight on his forearm near the side of your head. 
He responds with a sharp breath in your ear before picking up his pace to fuck you faster into the mattress. His free hand comes up between your bodies and grabs one of your breasts, squeezing the nipple between his first 2 fingers, drawing another moan out of you. 
“Fuck,” he says, digging his knees deepeer into the mattress for more leverage to fuck into your harder and faster. 
“That’s it Chris, holy shit.” you moan, hand flying up to his hair to grip at his short locks. 
He lets out a loud moan at your tug on his hair, hips stuttering for a moment at the new wave of pressure that came over him. That urges you to grip tighter and tug again, his hand tightening around your breast in response.
“I-Chris,” You moan after a particularly satisfying stroke  and he nods in understanding, picking up his stroke pace once more.
“Me too.” He says and you use your hand in his hair to pull him down to kiss you as you both reach your highs with spotty vision and unbelievably sincere moans. He continues to rock into you until his cock is too soft to continue to help you both ride out your highs to the full finale. 
Once he pulls out he falls on top of you, head on your chest with an oof. You two remain there for a moment catching your breaths slowing down your heavily beating hearts. Your hand that was previously pulling on Chris’s hair loosens its grip, stroking the back of his head with gentleness as you bask in the afterglow realization of what had just happened. 
He’s the first to open a conversation with a simple, “Wow.” followed by laughter on both ends.
“Yeah,” you sigh dreamily, “Wow.” you mimic him, beginning another fit of laughter to break out between you. 
“Were you- uh- were you planning for that to happen?” He says after resting his chin on your shoulder to look into your eyes.
With a soft smile on your face you answer honestly, “Nope.” you giggle and he matches your smile back to you. 
“Me neither,” he says, draping an arm across your exposed waist. 
“But,” he says as he turns his head to look once more at your naked body, “I’m not mad about it.” he says in a high pitched tone and you laugh again at his antics, truly feeling on cloud nine. He could say anything to you and you’d probably find it endearing enough to giggle at. That’s how happy you are right now.
His hand moves down to your thigh, squeezing a couple times and splitting your legs apart, causing the uncomfortable leak of semen to trickle out of you. 
Noticing the change in your facial expression, he moves his hand back up to your waist to move your face towards him to place a barely-there chaste kiss on your lips. It’s so gentle and sweet that you can’t help the smile on your face growing against his lips. He joins you soon after until you’re both just smiling against each other's lips. He leans back only to nuzzle his nose against yours, causing your nose to crinkle and a giggle to escape from you. He then places a final true kiss to your lips with a contended hum. 
“Why don’t you go wash up, yeah? Then we can talk about what that just meant.” Your eyes widen and you nod, slowly getting up out of bed and padding towards the bathroom with a permanent smile on your face.
Neither of you know much but what you do know is that you two are far from the finish line on your relationship. In fact you’re at the start of the race towards a goal that is very far away and neither of you understand quite yet, but you’re okay with it.
Where you two end is somewhere far away from where you are now, and you couldn’t be happier.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
a/n: the relationship in my life i wrote part 1 based off of has ended up causing me a lot of pain in the time between posting part 1 and 2 so writing this was very difficult. Due to that, I spent much less energy attempting to write something good, more just desiring to write something. I'm sorry it's not the same quality as part 1, I was half desiring to write my own imaginary happy ending, other half just wanting to abandon it and no longer be reminded it ever happened. Thank you for loving part 1 so much, I've never had a taglist this long. It means the world to me
taglist: @elizabeth11moreno @goldieharry @want2besomeoneelse @ynieeeeeee @dreamyenskz @nattisbored @hyunjinsbbokari @skzlzks @lin0ot @iamkuhreesbang @chrisbang-addict @icyllic @a-aaaaaaaaaaaa @idunnomanmynamewastaken @b4ngch4nsimp @hakunaamaatittiessss @writeingdocs @starch1ve @sherryblossom @moonmooncr
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glucosehighs · 2 years
MSBY, who are tired of watching Atsumu and Sakusa bicker non-stop on and off the court, decide to exploit their uber-competitiveness in an attempt to get them to bond.
They start simple.
"Atsumu-san!" Hinata calls. "How about a game of two-on-two! Bokuto-san and me versus you and Omi-san!"
"Why can't I be on a team with you or Bokuto?" Atsumu protests. "Omi-kun's stubborn ass is going to drag us both down."
Hinata shrugs. "I mean, it's no problem if you think you guys aren't going to play as well since you don't click-"
That does it. "No," Atsumu says immediately, a determined light coming into his eyes. "Come on, Omi-kun! These sets aren't gonna spike themselves."
The next time, Inunaki strolls over to Sakusa while they're on a water break, and goes, "Y'know, I found some old photos from the high school volleyball circuit the other day! I gotta say, you didn't change much, but Atsumu has sure bulked up since then!"
To the untrained eye, Sakusa is completely unfazed. But months of association means that Inunaki catches the almost invisible tick at the corner of Sakusa's eye. 
"Why should I care about Miya's physique?" Sakusa scowls.
"You don't have to!" Inunaki says. "But- damn, look at those thighs now. I bet no one can lift him."
Sakusa's mouth presses itself into a hard line. "Hold my bottle," he says to Inunaki, and then marches over to where Atsumu is in an animated conversation with Bokuto.
"Omi-kun, what the f-" Atsumu barely manages to get a few words out before Sakusa is wrapping an arm around his shoulders and another around his knees and swinging him into a bridal carry.
As Sakusa glares triumphantly at Inunaki, the gymnasium falls into an awed silence.
"Alright, fine," Inunaki says placatingly. "You've made your point, Sakusa."
Atsumu, still very much cradled in Sakusa's arms, stares up at him. "So forward of you, Omi-kun! At least take me to dinner first-"
Sakusa promptly drops him.
After seeing the lengths the two are willing to go to for the sake of pride, the team's requests only get bolder.
Bokuto challenges them to an arm wrestling competition against each other, one that goes on for the entirety of ten minutes until Sakusa finally wins by blowing lightly in Atsumu's face. "I bet Atsumu is a better cook than Sakusa" results in what becomes fondly remembered as the Great MSBY Cook Off and the entire building being evacuated when a fire alarm is inevitably set off, which is how the team learns that they are both equally disastrous in the kitchen. (Neither of them refer to recipes when they cook). Everyone severely underestimates Sakusa's alcohol tolerance until they're all gaping as he downs six Jagerbombs in a row.
Even Atsumu looks intimidated by that. "Should've gone to college," he mutters.
At an away game, Inunaki makes the most audacious bet yet. "Atsumu," he calls. "We bet you and Sakusa can't share a room tonight."
There's instant pin-drop silence, and someone gasps theatrically. 
Then Atsumu says. "You're on. But you're buying us dinner tomorrow if we do it."
"Deal," Inunaki says immediately.
Later, Bokuto remarks to Hinata, "I bet they're at each other's throats now."
"Yeah," Hinata nods vehemently. "Ten bucks says Omi-san is making him sleep in the bathtub."
They couldn't have been more wrong. As they speak, Atsumu and Sakusa have pushed the two single beds in their room together to form a giant bed, and have gotten under the covers together after their nightly skincare routine.
"Hey, Omi," Atsumu says. His back is pressed up against Sakusa's front, and Sakusa's chin is tucked on his shoulder as he slings an arm across his waist. "When are we gonna tell them that we're- y'know, dating?"
"How much have we gotten so far?" Sakusa asks.
Atsumu screws up his eyebrows in thought. "About seventy thousand yen in cash, three free dinners, so many free drinks..."
"Don't forget that we won that handheld massager from Barnes," Sakusa reminds him.
"Oh, yeah. And the spa trip from Bokuto," Atsumu says. "I still feel kind of bad about that, but also, not really."
"Have you gotten enough yet?" Sakusa asks, his breath tickling Atsumu's ear.
Atsumu hums, and threads their fingers together. "I heard about this amazing new brunch place in Shinmachi. Pity it's crazy expensive."
"Ah," Sakusa says. "I guess telling the team will just have to wait."
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chaotictarlos · 1 year
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Been awhile since I've dropped one for this one... I think my writing block for this one might be letting up. For my TK BreakUp Anon 💙
“I can’t believe you think this was okay. I can’t believe you would do this to me. I thought we were going to do this together, as a team.” TK snapped at him, eyes blurring with tears that he refused to let fall. “I thought you didn’t care where we lived as long as we were together!”
“No, stop it. You’re just like the rest of them, taking control and doing what you think is best for me without talking to me about it,” TK shook his head. “It’s something Alex would do and in the end, I wasn’t enough for him, I guess I’m not enough for you either.
Hurt flashed in Carlos’ eyes and he stepped forward, hand reaching out like he was going to touch TK.
TK shook his head, anger, hurt, and betrail bubbling hotly through his veins. He felt trapped and like he was suffocating from his emotions.
“This… This is inexcusable, Carlos,” TK said, voice quiet. He pressed his lips into a thin line and didn’t hesitate to bolt - ignoring Carlos’ shouts of his name as he made his way down the hall and out of the building.
The moment TK stepped out into the afternoon sun, he knew that walking away was a move he would regret for the rest of his life.
Even through the anger and hurt settling in his chest, he knew he would regret blowing up at Carlos and not trying to talk about what he had done rationally.
Then again, TK had barely done anything rationally in his life.
TK had been trying so hard the past year to stop running when faced with a complication or some kind of conflict. He had been working with his therapist on different ways to cope and how to have logical and rational conversations when he was bothered by something.
And he had told himself, promised himself that he would stop running out on Carlos when things got hard or he felt backed into a corner because Carlos didn’t deserve that kind of behavior. He had made a plan that he would follow, that would encourage them to talk about and work through whatever the conflict or difference was.
However, buying them a place without talking to TK about it, or seemingly not even considering how TK would feel about it beyond his initial reaction to the place had been a step too far, didn’t fit into any of his coping skills, and was too much for TK to handle.
TK sniffled, rubbing the tears out of his eyes before making his way down the street before Carlos could come down and try to talk to him.
He pulled his phone out of his pocket, fingers fumbling as he ordered an Uber to drive him away from the man that he loved and TK had thought loved him too so that he could clear his head and decide what to do next.
He was in the Uber, giving directions to his dad’s house because he had nowhere else he could think of to go when Carlos tried to call him. TK ignored it and a text came through seconds later.
[Carlos] TK, please answer me. Where are you? We need to talk about this. Running away doesn’t solve anything and I’m not even sure why you ran this time.
[Carlos] I know I upset you, that wasn’t what I meant to do. I thought this was a good thing for us.
[Carlos] TK. Please. You promised to talk to me about these things.
[Carlos] I can see that you read my message. TK, come on, we need to talk about this. Running away right now won’t solve anything.
TK clenched his eyes shut, trying to stop another wave of tears from streaming down his face.
The Uber stops at his dad’s house and TK gets out and heads in, going straight to the guest room that he had been sharing with Carlos. He dropped down onto it, laying on his back and staring up at the ceiling as his phone vibrated again.
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themultifandomgal · 9 months
Tyler Hoechlin- Our Love
Meeting The Family & Families Meet
2nd July 2011
Since we are on a break from filming Tyler and I decided that now is a good time to meet each other's family. Since we're still in Atlanta Tyler has been invited to my parents house for dinner. I drive us up the driveway, my mom opens the door before I even turn the car off, obviously she's been sat at the window waiting for us. I turn the car off as Tyler sighs
"Nervous?" I ask
"Yeah a little"
"Don't worry. My mom is pretty chill and my dad makes everyone his best friend. We best head in before mom starts knocking on the car doors" I chuckle opening it up and getting out of the care with Tyler following not far behind me
"Hi mom"
"Hi love"
"Mom this is Tyler, Tyler mom"
"Mrs YLN it's lovely to meet you" Tyler shakes moms hand after giving her some flowers
"Oh don't call me that, sounds way to formal. Call me YMN. Come on in dinner will be another 15 minutes. Your dads in the living room"
"Ok" I take Tyler's hand and walk him into the living room where my dad is watching baseball "dad, this is Tyler my boyfriend" dad slowly looks towards us not wanting to miss anything
"Well don't just stand there, sit. You like baseball?"
"Err yeah I used to play actual" Tyler nervously says sitting down
"What team?"
"I played at university, UC Irvine Anteaters. Haven't played for a while
"YN why don't you go get us all a beer"
“Sure dad” I lean down and kiss Tyler on the head before leaving for the kitchen.
Mom and I have to pry dad and Tyler away from the TV. They’re getting on like a house on fire which is amazing, not that I thought they wouldn’t. Tyler tells my parents about himself, we talk to them about Teen Wolf, Comic Con and anything else we think of. Dad and Tyler talk more about baseball.
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6th July 2011
It’s now my turn to meet Tyler’s parents and siblings. We had to get a flight from Atlanta to LA. I’m super nervous, not only about meeting Tyler’s parents, but the fact we will be staying over at their house it’s terrifying to me. We’re currently in the Uber on the way to his parents house. Tyler places his hand on my knee which I now realise is jiggling up and down with nerves
“Sorry” I breathe out
“You’ll be fine, promise”
“What if they don’t like me?”
“They will” Tyler then takes my hand in his, lacing our fingers together and gives it a squeeze.
When we arrive we walk up the drive. Tyler gives me one last squeeze before knocking on the door. Holding on to our shared bag. We only have to wait a moment before the door swings open and we are invited in
“YN this is my mom Lori, my dad Don, older brother Travis, older sister Carrie and then the youngest Tanner” I shake hands with everyone
“Hi it’s nice to meet you all”
“It’s nice to finally meet you as well” Lori says smiling
“Yeah. Tyler’s not shut up about you. Feel like I have already met you” Carrie chuckles
“Oh really?” I raised an eyebrow at Tyler who looks sheepish
“Let’s go and get a drink?” Tyler moves me further into the house to the kitchen “what would you like?”
“Just a soda will do”
“So YN do you have any siblings?” Lori asks
“No I’m an only child”
“Must be nice” Tanner shouts from the living room. Tyler rolls his eyes
“Alright thank you” Tyler shouts back handing me a drink
“How did your parents get on with Tyler”
“I think my dads in love” I joke “they definitely bonded over baseball”
“Your dads a fan?” Don asks
“Most definitely”
“What about you?”
“I enjoy watching it, I’d happily go to a game but my dads on another level”
I don’t know why I was so nervous meeting Tyler’s family. Don cooked us a meal in the evening which was so good! We drank, played a few card games before we all went to bed.
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27th July 2011
I wake up the the smell of food cooking. Slowly I get out of bed and head to the kitchen where Tyler is stood at the stove shirtless, because I’m wearing it
“Morning” I sleepily say
“Good morning. Happy birthday baby”
“Thank you” I smile sitting down at the island in my kitchen top
“I have the whole day planed” Tyler places a plate of food in front of me
“Ooo have you?”
“I have. First your going to eat your breakfast, we’re going to take a shower…”
“We’re?” I raise my eyebrows
“Yes we are. Then we’re going to have a romantic walk in the park before we head to dinner, then this evening we’re going for a few drinks with your parents and mine”
“Your parents are coming?” I ask gobsmacked
“They were the ones to ask. Plus they wanted to meet your parents”
“Holy shit this is like serious” I now realise. Mine and Tyler’s relationship is getting to the serious stage, panic sets in, are we moving to fast?
“Hey” I look at Tyler who takes my face in his hands “calm down. I know your overthinking right now”
When our parents meet they thankfully both get on really well. Everything just feels so real. Like obviously our relationship is real, but now it’s almost solidified. Everyone knows, except our fans, guess we will have to do that soon, but for now we are happy just being in our own little bubble and something about hiding this from the public is kinda exciting.
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kellanved-ammanas · 9 months
Sniper Ships & Pals: Medic - Something is Concealed
The uber-heart was one of Medic’s greatest inventions, right up there with the medi-gun and the fluid that ran it, capable of healing almost any injury. Why someone, especially someone who worked the job of a killer, wouldn’t want such a heart was impossible to for Medic to understand. Even Pyro had agreed to the surgery, only requesting that his face stay covered for it. So why Sniper was holding out was a mystery. An annoying mystery.
And so, on the day he’d intended to perform the heart transplant on himself, he was instead knocking on the door to Sniper’s camper van. It took him a minute or so to answer despite there being no room inside for him to have had to move far to reach the door.
He sighed at the sight of Medic standing before him. “This is about the heart thing again, ain’t it?”
“Yes. It is important that everyone on the team has one.” Medic had actually been ordered to make sure such was the case after how much of a success it had been with Heavy. He hadn’t needed the encouragement, neither had most of the rest of the team except for Sniper.
“Yeah, I know but… I just don’t want it, ‘kay? It’s not like you’re gonna want to be using the uber on me anyway.”
“What if I do want to though, huh? Or what if you’re the only one nearby when it’s charged, huh? And I do not see why you wouldn’t want the chance to become literally invincible even if it is only for a few seconds.” Granted understanding other people’s reasons for wanting or not wanting things was difficult but this was a whole other level. Even if Respawn brought them back to life when they died, dying still hurt as did getting shot. Why wouldn’t Sniper want the chance to be freed of that while have free reign on the battlefield? It was nonsensical. “There is something you’re not telling me.”
Sniper groaned as he shuffled back and forth on his feet. “Yeah, there is and it ain’t none of your business. Just tell the higher ups I got some kinda problem that makes it impossible for you to do the surgery on me or something.”
“Is it tomophobia?”
“I don’t even know what that is.”
“It’s a fear of surgery.”
“Oh, then… no. It’s not a phobia of anything. Just drop it, okay?”
How was Medic supposed to just drop it? “Even Pyro agreed to the surgery so why aren’t you?”
Sniper sighed. “Look mate, it’s complicated. Just try to be a good doctor for once and respect my privacy on this, all right?”
Respecting people’s privacy wasn’t something Medic cared to do when it came to performing medical experiments on them. He could force it here if he really wanted to. All it would take was a quick stab with a needle filled with a sedative and Sniper would wake up with a new heart that he could do nothing about. But Medic already had seven other people with the uber-hearts implanted in them, and intended to do himself soon, so there’d be plenty of experimental medicine going on already.
He could force it with Sniper just for the sake of it but making an unnecessary enemy of someone so deadly wasn’t wise. And well, Medic didn’t have many allies, they were exceedingly hard to come by and even harder to keep, so wasting one didn’t sit right. And so…
“Fine,” he said with sigh. “Have it your way.”
Medic turned and left. He had his own heart surgery to perform on himself. How he was going to manage that exactly, he was still figuring out but the medi-gun would help a lot for sure.
A couple months later in the infirmary
“This is why you were so against the uber-heart implant?” Medic almost couldn’t believe it was something so silly.
Sniper flinched a little. “Yeah.”
“Why would you think I would care?”
“I wasn’t sure and… I wasn’t ready to come out in general so…” he trailed off with a shrug. “So can you remove them or… what?”
“Oh, easy.” This wouldn’t be the first time Medic had performed top surgery on a member of the team. “Presumably you’re already getting your hormones from elsewhere. I could take over that too. And I can also give you a penis. Possibly even a fully functioning one, like you’ll be able to impregnate someone kind of thing. That’s something I’ve wanted to experiment with for a while now.”
“Uh… I’ll have to think about all that. For now just… getting rid of my boobs will do and I guess you can do the heart thingy too if you still want. Only reason I didn’t want it before was ‘cause of my chest.”
“Very well. Go lay down on the table and we’ll begin.”
“Uh… so we’re doing it right now?”
“I don’t see why we wouldn’t. We’re in the lab and I have nothing else I need to work on right now.”
“I guess that’s a fair point. Let’s do this then.”
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supersonicob · 11 months
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The day I went (July 17th) they brought the wall down and was doing some last min testing. I can't wait to experience this. I've been uber busy at work and by the time I'm done I'm to exhausted to get out and go. But I'm excited to see what this is like and if they executed it properly. 😮🧐🤔, so far the people who did get to experience it during its "soft opening" have been some mixed reviews. (All the nitpicking douchebags that expect a company to put in every little tiny microscopic thing into a ride as if the company is supposed to have made said ride specifically catered to him or her, are going to have something negative to say. And you know who these problematic nitpickers are when they start a line off with "I personally would have liked to have seen..." or "I personally think the team should have put this or that in it....." THATS how you can tell who ungrateful nitpickers are.) But for the people who are way more open minded and go into a new ride or show, not expecting anything in particular, and accept it for what it is and how it was done and simply say "yay" or "nay", these are the people who are more accepting and grateful that a company is doing all this bloody hard work putting something together for our meer entertainment and they don't have an "entitled" personality. To me people who nitpick every little thing have a narcissistic type of personality or something along the lines of being a spoiled brat. And I say that because, they are similar to the abusive types of personalities where if a humble person is doing something out of the kindness of their hearts for them, they will purposely focus on what was not done right and say its not good enough. Instead of looking at the fact the kind person didn't have to do them a favor out of the kindness of their heart in the 1st place. NARCS are always looking for a reason why you should solely purposely focus on him or her and please ONLY him or her, and NEVER know how to just say thank you when they are being given something and or when someone is being kind to them. They can't just accept something for what it is and move on with a smile. Its one thing to be a critic, and give an opinion but that would mean that said person needed to go into a ride or a show not expecting anything and having a total open mind, and a heart of a child. (As children are not harsh critics and they have this "wonderment" thing going for them, that makes them excited for anything. They don't go into anything with the demeanor of being a harsh critic. And when a person asks them "well did you like it?" Or "so what do you think?" The child will then give their answer. And its not so bloody harsh and critical and rude and doesn't have a demeanor as though the ride or show developers was supposed to have made it specifically for them. Children who are more humble and aren't spoiled brats doesn't have that entitled personality. So therefore their response will be a humble one and not so rude) but these adults now a days literally have this problem where technology has spoiled them rotten and they feel in their minds like theme park developers are supposed to cater specifically to them. Totally forgetting about the blatant fact that its tailored to kids, the target audience is for kids, and kids don't have the harsh critic thing going on. As long as a ride or show has music, is colorful, is jammed packed with action, and excitement KIDS DON'T CARE! They are there to have fun and if its fun then kids are happy! Thats it point blank period. (And I'm not referring to the spoiled brats who feel like everything around them is "so lame" and its hard to please this type of kid because nothing is ever good enough for them and he or she is just miserable in life and "EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD IS LAME"...these would be the kids that grow up into being the annoying adults that "NITPICK" and the annoying narcissist.)
So when I finally make time to go back and experience it my child within will be in the forefront and I will accept it for what they have put in front of us and say either "yay" or "nay" simple enough. Much like what I did for the Jimmy Fallon ride. Im not a fan of that for the simple fact its not based off a movie. The theme parks slogan is "come ride the movies" well mr Fallon IS NOT A MOVIE. SOOOOOOO how the hell did he get his own ride? He doesn't create movies either. Now back in the day we had that Mr Alfred Hitchcock experience. Why? BECAUSE HE WAS A FAMOUS MOVIE DIRECTOR, HE ACTUALLY MADE MOVIES THAT PEOPLE LIKED AND ENJOYED. THE MAN WAS POPULAR. SO IT ONLY MADE SENSE THEY CREATED SOMETHING FOR HIM. But this Jimmy Fallon guy is so far from mr Hitchcock. So for that reason alone I don't like it. It DOES NOT FIT THE THEME OF THE PARK AT ALL. (And not to mention there are some of us who don't even watch his show. Like myself 🤷🏾‍♀️ I could care less about talk shows) anyways I've rambled long enough, time for me to go to work. Who all has experienced this ride yet? And what do you think?
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amnesiacsleepy · 1 year
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I posted 964 times in 2022
That's 851 more posts than 2021!
60 posts created (6%)
904 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 345 of my posts in 2022
#writing - 7 posts
#to me - 4 posts
#fanfic - 4 posts
#lmao - 4 posts
#mha - 3 posts
#tf2 - 3 posts
#no - 3 posts
#like seriously - 3 posts
#???? - 3 posts
#tf2 soldier - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#but no. it doesnt change anything about him. im pretty sure that it hasnt been brought up since that episode/chapter and it bugs me so much
My Top Posts in 2022:
this is so much work
4 notes - Posted April 27, 2022
since tumblr took my goth rave color palette i have decided to make a new one and call it emo rave where everything is black. text. backgrounds. images. ads. its all a dark landscape but when you see the color of the sky post its not multiple colors its one single blinding white
7 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
ok but like. cuphead's songs in the Indie Cross FNF mkd were ACTUAL BOPS no i dont take arguments
7 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
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An attack on @popfizzles character, Powdered Doughnut! The roundness was a bit hard to properly achieve, but I got it in the end.
27 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
#SaveTF2 - Getting Valve to Acknowledge this, Once and for All
Alright. I'm a day late, but what does that matter? I'd rather do this a day late than never do it at all.
Team Fortress 2 (TF2) is a game that I'm still very early in the learning process of. I've only been playing for a few months, and don't have even 100 hours in the game yet. And if things go the way they are, I don't think I will. Official servers are, truthfully, in an awful state. Bots are crawling in every one, and the only way to avoid them is to requeue like there's no tomorrow. There are new players every day, and I don't want to think that their first thought about this incredible game is "Wow, I can't do literally anything." It, to be honest, is heartbreaking to see this incredible game that has lived so long to be done in by this.
TF2 means so much to so many- and I so badly want to see why. I want to be in the era where it was consistently getting more content added to it, when cheaters were kicked instantly after someone caught on.
The bots are far, far worse than a cheater could ever be. They spam things in the voice chat, they can hit through walls, they have perfect aim. And even worse, most of them are snipers, meaning that then can kill you from across the entire map if you aren't careful.
I want to love this game. I want to see what makes it so fun, why people play it even over a decade later. I want to join the incredible people that make the game look so appealing, and I want to see the appeal behind it. But, with all the current flaws... I can't.
Valve has, to their credit, tried to do something. However, none of it worked. In fact, the things they did have only made the problem worse. Things like making Free-to-plays (like myself) unable to use VC/text chat. I can't even call for medic in an official server.
And Uncle Dane shouldn't be shouldering all of the TF2 community on Uncletopia. Uncletopia is where I spend most of my time when I play TF2, which hasn't been for a while. However, I can barely even do anything there because everyone else is just too good for me to get better at movement and tracking.
I can't get better because I'm fighting against people that kill me too fast for me to learn anything. I can't say that I love TF2 yet. But I want to. I want to love TF2 so badly. I want to enjoy what other people enjoy about the game.
I want to frag as Scout. I want to use incredible power as Soldier. I want to reflect as Pyro. I want to mow down the enemy as Heavy. I want to get a nasty sticky trap as Demo. I want to single-handedly defend the final point as an Engineer. I want to make a game-changing Uber push as Medic. I want to get an incredible chainstab as Spy.
I want to see this game restored to when it was at its peak. I want to build gamesense. I want to learn how to count damage numbers. I want to learn the flank routes. I want to learn how to trimp as Demoknight. I want to experience this game's full quality.
And I really, really hope that I can.
This is my #SaveTF2 post. I hope Valve gets enough to finally do something.
36 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
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Hey y'all. I know seeing me beg is probably getting old, but I'd really appreciate if you give this thread a read for my situation. I'm not sure what more I can do anymore. After getting strung along by a very promising job offer for months only to be fired immediately on the second day because I was 5 minutes late on the first due to the bus + "didn't engage with the team" (Despite the fact we only met for an hour and I was asking questions??) I immediately tried to turn back to the job I had left to make room for this one (I was also unable to afford transportation to my former job anymore) since my managers were sad to see me go. There's a new location closer to me, but I keep getting no response when I ask about getting on the schedule. I have been applying nonstop to jobs for... Since I moved here, really. It took me 3 months to find the shit job I was at before that barely paid my bills. I have gotten no less than 100+ 'no's or crickets from places. I think I've sent out well over 500 applications this year so far. Remote, local, food service, retail, fucking anything. This past round I've actually been getting interviews, but so far all of them have been no afterward. I've been to about five thus far. And they are also costly to get to. The bus system where I live is extremely unreliable and has been very unsafe to me (I have been followed + maliciously approached multiple times) so I have had to rely on uber to be on time to places. I don't have a choice. I'm disabled, poor as fuck, and don't have a car. Each interview I go to to be told 'no' has cost between 15-20 bucks each round trip, just to be there for 15-30 min. This is unsustainable given my current fucking predicament of not having money, but I don't know how else I can do this. I'm not going to be followed home again. My emergency commission queue has a decent amount of folks in it, but it is never enough to cover anything even totaled. My wrists have been in agony for days. Today I broke down crying over a piece because doing art has become painful. But it's my only income right now. I don't qualify for unemployment, believe me, I've checked multiple times. I'm not unemployed for long enough, and I didn't make enough for it to be considered a 'devastating enough' loss I guess. I'm waiting on my application for EBT. I've tried looking for local rent assistance or grants and have found nothing that I qualify for. I'm 1k+ in debt with care credit because of my cat's pancreatitis, and about the same amount in debt to various friends who have been generous in loaning me some cash. But it's not enough in this hell state. I didn't make rent this month. If I do not start a job this week, I will likely not make rent next month either. I have been looking for places to possibly move to that are cheaper, but not only would moving be an extreme cost, but I moved to this horrible city because it was the ONLY place in Florida I could afford at the time with two roommates. The house is falling apart. We've got black mold in almost every room. Bugs get in constantly and there's literally no insulation, I'm not joking. It got up to 90 degrees inside over summer. I don't know what more I can do in my situation. Taking on more emergency commissions is not something I can do with how I've damaged my wrists and hands, and I am already so burned out I wouldn't be giving my best work. I also don't want to scam people unintentionally by not being able to complete the piece but also not being able to refund. I'm trying to sell my collectables, but I barely owned anything expensive to begin with, and I need my laptop and tablet to make the tiny amount I can off art and apply for jobs. I don't know where I am going with this to end, but I'm just. Out of options. I don't know what to do. If anyone has suggestions, please let me know. I'm trying so fucking hard. If you have anything to spare and want to, both my cashapp and venmo are Vulturereyy. I've also got a goal on ko-fi to try and cover the rest of what i owe for this months' rent and maybe meet the next one's, but its unlikely at this point. My average monthly costs usually come out to about $700 If you've made it this far... Thank you. I wish I had more hope for what the future holds for me. At time of writing, I have an interview in 6 hours, but I am too sick with dread to sleep. If you need any side work, know of any remote jobs, anything... Feel free to reach out.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Even Though We May Be Hopeless Hearts Just Passing Through, I Was Made For Loving You PT. 1
Batsis x Kyle Rayner
Word Count: 2.1K Warnings: Explicit Language
Author's Note: I realize the other story didn't follow the whole, dating the brother's best friend trope, so I decided to remedy it. And what do you get when you cross a hopeless romantic with someone who's new to love? Perfection. That's what. Enjoy! -Thorne
Saturday mornings, in Dick’s opinion, were meant for sleeping in and quite possibly going to IHOP when everyone finally crawled out of bed at ten. They were not meant for being shoved in the side by a little brother.
“Golden-boy,” a voice grouched from beneath the bedside. “Your phone’s been going off for an hour. Either put it on silent or answer the goddamn thing.”
Dick let out a tired ‘pfft’, rolling onto his stomach, face buried in the side of the bed as he looked down to the floor. “Annoyed much, Little-wing?”
“I am going to shove that phone so far up your—”
Reaching over, Dick put the phone to his ear. “Hello?”
Where are you?
“Still in bed,” he responded, sentence ending in a groan as he stretched. “Why?”
You were supposed to be on the flight back to Gotham two hours ago.
Dick’s eyes went wide, and he sat up, gaping at the bedside clock. “It’s today.”
It is today. I can’t believe you forgot it was today.
“Oh my God, it’s today and we missed our flight.” He stumbled out of the bed, barely registering the shout from Jason as his foot landed in his brother’s stomach. “Jason, get up! It’s today!’
“What’s today?” his little brother griped, rubbing his abdomen.
“(Y/N)’s coming back!”
Jason’s eyes went wide, and he scrambled to his feet, hurriedly finding his bag to change out of his nightclothes. “Christ, I can’t believe we forgot that (Y/N) was coming home today!” he looked at Dick. “This is your fault.”
“My fault?” Dick yelped. “How is this my fault!”
He scowled. “Big brother wanted everyone to be with a sibling for the night, so they’d be together and be punctual but you and I both know neither of us have any concept of time.” His scowl grew. “I knew I should’ve bunked with Cass. She’s on time no matter what happens.”
Dick threw Jason’s sweatshirt at him. “Dress now, bitch later.” He put the phone back to his ear. “We missed our flight, but we can drive there.”
Your car’s in the shop.
“Shit,” he hissed, spinning in a circle to help his brain circuit enough to think of something new. “Uh-uh-uh—”
“Kyle!” Jason shouted, pointing at him. “Kyle’s like thirty minutes away from Manhattan! We’ll go to him for a ride!”
Dick grinned. “We’ll find Kyle.”
You sure Kyle’s at home?
“Pfft, Kyle’s always home on the weekends. He’s lazy.”
Just get here. (Y/N)’s plane is going to land in less than four hours.
“We’ll be there,” he said. “Is Diana coming too?”
Of course. She is (Y/N)’s mother.
“Nice. Alright, see you in Gotham, Bruce.”
Love you boys. And be careful. I’ve already heard that Cass, Tim, and Steph got into a fender-bender with Damian and Duke.
Dick blinked. “They’re…they’re legitimately driving separate cars? How’d they hit each other?”
Don’t ask.
The line went dead, and Dick looked at his brother. “Ready?”
Jason nodded. “Already got an Uber to Kyle’s place.”
“We could always just Uber to Gotham?” he offered, and Jason recoiled with a shocked look.
“And pay a ridiculous amount of money instead of just paying Kyle’s gas? Fuck no, big brother.” He shoved his wallet and keys into his pockets. “C’mon!” he chirped, rather excitedly. “Our baby sister’s coming home!”
When he swung the door open to yell at whoever was pounding on it, he wasn’t expecting to see two of his best friends grinning like idiots. “Wha—”
He’d barely gotten a word out when Jason shoved a bag of fast food in his hands. “Get dressed. You’ve gotta drive us to Gotham City.”
Kyle blinked, glancing down at the bag before looking at Dick. “Why?”
“Our sister’s coming home, and we overslept and missed out flight outta here.”
“And you came to me…why?” he asked.
“Because you have the functioning car.” Jason retorted, antsy on his feet. “C’mon Kyle. We have to hurry! (Y/N)’s coming home!”
Figuring it was better to agree than to argue, Kyle relented, handing back the bag of food before he disappeared into his apartment, reappearing moments later, dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans, a graphic tee, and his usual slim casual jacket. He took the bag back and started digging around in it.
“Who’s (Y/N)?” he inquired, biting into a breakfast burrito as he locked his front door behind him.
“Our baby sister.” Jason said.
“I thought Cass was your baby sister?”
Dick nodded, getting out his own breakfast from the bag. “She is. But (Y/N)’s like…the OG baby sister.”
Kyle blinked, glancing over at him as he pushed the elevator button. “That makes no sense.”
“He means that (Y/N) was around before Cass was.”
“And she isn’t with you guys why?”
“She’s been on Themyscira for the last few years training with her grandmother and the other Amazons.” Jason answered as if it was the most normal thing in the world, stepping onto the elevator.
Kyle merely stared at the two brothers who were looking back at him; he felt like he’d been punched in the stomach. “Wait, your sister’s an Amazon?”
“Who’s her mom?” he asked, stepping between them.
“Wonder Woman.” Dick said.
Strike two. “Who’s her dad?”
“Batman.” Jason responded.
Believe it or not, Kyle went three for three punches to the gut. “Bruce and Diana had a kid together?”
“Yeah.” Dick murmured. “I think it’s also why B’s so insistent against inter-team-relations.” He nudged Jason behind Kyle. “First time he attempts dating a coworker he ends up with a baby.”
Jason snorted. “And all those lessons about, ‘Children, whatever you do, don’t date anyone on your team. It’ll only lead to babies and limited visitation’.” He laughed again, then he frowned. “I don’t think any of us have followed that lesson.”
Dick opened his mouth to make an excuse but all that came out was a pitiful, deflate of air followed by, “That’s actually a good point.”
The elevator dinged and they watched the doors open before walking out towards the parking garage. They climbed into Kyle’s car, Jason in the front because his legs were longer than Dick’s, and Dick was a contortionist anyways so if anyone deserved to have their knees in their chest, it was him.
Halfway through the drive Kyle asked, “You guys are paying for my gas, aren’t you?”
All he received was unsure responses and he merely sighed.
He figured he should’ve just dropped Jason and Dick off at the airport in Gotham and drove home, but he couldn’t help but want to see just what the daughter of Wonder Woman and Batman looked like. He imagined a little girl dressed in a Batman suit three sizes too big and wielding a sword and a lasso way too heavy for her. It made him smile, the way that the two brothers gushed about (Y/N). From their praise, she was their world. Kyle had to see her though, because nothing was going to satiate that curiosity of seeing the big Batman’s daughter.
He watched Dick and Jason crane their necks like birds as they looked around. And honestly, the family shouldn’t have been that hard to find considering that every time Kyle was around the entirety of the Batfamily, they were like psychos on steroids—he very much so understood why the entirety of Gotham’s villains became flighty when every member of the Batfamily was out patrolling.
Kyle wasn’t expecting a voice to crack over the airport, loud and bubbly. “Brothers!”
All three of them stopped, even him who wasn’t even a sibling, looking over towards the call and Kyle’s jaw dropped as a young woman sprinted over to Dick and Jason, slamming into them with the weight of a train. The three of them collapsed into a pile on the floor, but they were laughing so Kyle assumed the siblings were alright.
“Baby girl!”
“Oh, I am so glad to see you both!” she exclaimed. “I have waited so long to come home!” she was on her feet in moments, pulling them to theirs as if they weighed nothing. And Kyle knew Jason weighed a lot—he’d been crushed under his best friend before in fights.
Suddenly, she stopped and looked over at Kyle who immediately felt his heart lurch under her sharp gaze. “Who is this you have brought?”
Jason gestured to him. “(Y/N) this is Kyle. He’s a friend of Dick and mine. Kyle, this is our little sister, (Y/N).”
She huffed laugh. “I am not little, Jason. I am twenty-one.” Reaching out, she immediately pulled Kyle in for a hug, squeezing him tightly. “It is good to meet you, Kyle.”
“You too,” he murmured, feeling his cheeks warm as she pulled away and placed her hands on his shoulders.
“Any friend of my brothers is a friend of mine.” (Y/N) smiled. “Are you a superhero as well?”
He couldn’t help but toss a quick glance towards Jason who nodded. “Uh, yeah. I’m a Green Lantern.”
(Y/N)’s eyes widened in wonder, and she let go of his shoulders in favor of grabbing at his hands until she found his ring. She stared at it, murmuring quiet, ‘ooo’s and ah’s’. “That is simply amazing!” she chirped, looking at him, and then she silently gasped, raising his hand near his eyes. “Oh…your eyes are almost the same color as your ring.”
Her smile made Kyle’s heart beat a little faster as she expressed, “They are beautiful.”
They gazed at each other, too captivated in the moment to understand that the family had gathered around them by then. Someone’s hand curled around (Y/N)’s wrist and she looked over seeing Dick tugging her hand away.
“C’mon Princess, let’s go get your things on the belt.”
She smiled and followed, giving a small wave to Kyle, who returned hers shakily whilst grinning like a dope.
Someone elbowed him in the ribs, and he gasped, holding his side as Jason muttered, “Don’t ever stare at my sister like that again.”
Kyle blinked, glancing at him. “What’re you talking about?”
“You know exactly what I’m talking about, you goddamn skirt-chaser.”
“I didn’t do anything!” Kyle spluttered.
“You’re thinking about it.” Jason warned, pointing a finger in his face. “Make a move on (Y/N) and I’ll kill you with your own ring.” Kyle recoiled just as she and Dick were coming back, both holding a suitcase.
“Father!” she called, glancing at Bruce. “Dick and I have retrieved my luggage.”
He smiled at her. “Let’s go put it in the SUV then.” He paused, looking over the large group. He and Diana had ridden together, and since his children had fender-benders, they’d picked up Cass, Tim, Stephanie, Duke, and Damian; there wasn’t room for (Y/N) too.
“Father? Is something the matter?” (Y/N) was staring at him with concern.
“There’s not enough room in the SUV for you too. Maybe we—”
“There’s room in my car for (Y/N)!” Kyle blurted out, smiling nervously at Bruce. “I can follow behind you.”
Before anyone could screech ‘NO!’, mainly Dick and Jason, (Y/N) lit up like the morning sun. “Oh, that is a wonderful idea!” she grabbed onto Diana’s arm. “We should all stop for ice-cream though! Mother, what do you say?”
She smiled at her and leaned over, kissing her head. “I say that sounds like a fantastic idea, daughter.”
Kyle grinned and held out his arm for (Y/N), her giggling as she took it. “You know, I don’t live in Gotham, (Y/N), but I do know a good gelato store around the area.”
“What is gelato?” she asked, and he groaned.
“Oh, I can’t believe you don’t know what that is.” He started off, pilling her along, leaving everyone behind. “Don’t worry, I’ll show you.”
Jason’s face pinched and he looked over at Bruce. “Can I break the no-kill rule just once?”
Bruce blinked, crossing his arms over his chest as he watched his daughter laughing along with Kyle, both looking like newlyweds already. “Believe it or not, I’m strongly considering it.”
“Bruce.” Diana admonished. “Let (Y/N) and Kyle become friends. You know she doesn’t have many outside this family here.”
Dick growled. “Except Kyle doesn’t want to be friends with (Y/N), Diana. He wants to be her boyfriend.”
“They just met though?”
“Yeah, and Kyle’s a propose on week two type of man,” Jason griped. “Jesus Christ, this is going to be a disaster.”
“I don’t know about you guys, but (Y/N) and Kyle said gelato and you guys are just standing here.” Tim said. “Can we go now?”
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dreamersdreamloud · 3 years
Coming Home To You (Part 2)
AN: Kara is not Supergirl. She’s human and a reporter :) 
Many of you have requested a part two so here you go! This is part of a book that I’m working on so enjoy this sneak peek 
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“This was a mistake.” Lena paces around inside her penthouse. 
Kara stands awkwardly in the middle of Lena’s living room. She watches her lover in distress, her mind running into a million thoughts. What would Alex say when she finds out? What would Eliza think of her when she finds out? 
She betrayed her oldest sister. It looks bad but most importantly she feels terrible. Kara let her temptations get the best of her. She shouldn’t have gotten so close to Lena when (Y/N) was away. She shouldn’t have comforted her most of the time when they heard the news that (Y/N) went missing during a mission. 
They shouldn’t have assumed that the person they care and love for was dead without any hard evidence. 
“Did you know?! Did you know that she was alive this whole time?!” Lena yells at the blonde Danvers. 
Kara was taken by surprise that Lena is yelling at her. She never yells at her. She never experienced her anger toward her. 
“What? No! Of course not!” Kara quickly replies. 
“How could you not know?! You literally write about international news, war stories, political topics, Kara!” 
“I’m just a reporter, Lena! I’m not a damn government spy! When I heard about my sister going missing. . . I tried to find leads, Lena! I TRIED! Nothing came out. No trace. No witnesses. No clues of what happened to my sister and her team!” 
Lena shakes her head in silence. Her tears were starting to form again. The young CEO thinks about the decisions she has made that have come to this very moment. She shouldn’t have accepted the youngest Danvers’ help and comfort when (Y/N) wasn’t around. She was a fool for falling for Kara’s touch and caring words. 
She tragically replaced (Y/N)’s kisses with Kara’s. 
“I need to find her. . . I need to find (Y/N).” Lena frantically says. “I just need to explain to her that this was a mistake. None of this was serious.” 
Kara looks into the floor and shakes her head in disapproval. 
“Lena . . .” 
“I’m sure she’ll understand. She has always been reasonable, right? God where could she be. A local bar! I just need to look up the local bars. She can’t be far. I-” 
“LENA!” Kara interrupted. 
The raven haired stops rambling and looks at Kara with frustration. 
“WHAT KARA?! I need to find your sister! I need to fix my relationship with her!” 
“What about us?” Kara questions her actions, her reasoning. 
Lena huffs out a laugh, “Us? There’s no us, Kara! This was a mistake. I MADE A MISTAKE. I love your sister, Kara. You know that!” 
It pains Kara to hear those words coming out of Lena’s mouth. Kara fell in love with Lena. In all truth, she fell in love with her while you were dating Lena. She kept it to herself. The youngest Danvers didn’t want to ruin the relationship you have with Lena. She thought that you being “dead” was an opportunity for her to have a chance being with the young CEO. 
Lena sobs, her knees falling to the ground. The stress and frustrations are getting to her. Kara didn’t hesitate to be by her side, comforting her the best she could without making the situation worse. Lena cries against Kara’s shoulder. 
“It’s not ideal to go out and find my sister, Lena. We should probably wait until tomorrow. Let her cool off. I’ll find her first thing in the morning and make this right.” 
“Okay.” Lena mumbles. 
It’s been three whole days that you haven’t stepped out of your hotel room. You have cried endlessly. Scream multiple times. You even broke a couple of items in the room. You drank until you blackout and woke up repeating the same thing you did yesterday. 
You have decided that you need to put your hurt feelings aside. You need to reunite with your family and friends. You mentally think about how you’re going to pretend that you didn’t see Kara and Lena a few days ago. You will keep your distance. You will maintain your cover. 
Your captain has already arranged your new deployment. You will be leaving at the end of the month and have a new assignment to take over. Your plan is to just get away from here. 
You've been in the bathroom for a while. Looking at yourself in the mirror. It’s obvious that it looks like you have gotten no sleep. You can just pass it off and just say that your military position doesn't give you enough sleep
You fix the imperfections of your new set of uniform before heading out. You take a deep breath and hope that no one catches you acting differently. 
Location: Lena’s Office 
“I can’t find her, Lena.” Kara desperately says. 
Lena looks out to the window, standing straight as possible. She was keeping her distance from the youngest Danvers. She can’t trust herself being near the reporter. 
“HOPE can’t find her too. The face recognition hasn’t picked up her face anywhere. . .” 
Kara’s phone rings out loud. The reporter sighs because it’s her sister, Alex. She hasn’t talked to her since you confronted your youngest sister. Kara hopes that Alex hasn’t found out, she can’t bear to handle Alex’s lecture and disappointment. 
Kara answers the call and puts it on speaker for Lena to hear as well. 
Kara: “Hello?” 
Alex: “Kara! Where are you?!” She said cheerfully. 
Kara: “I’m following a lead for my article. Why what’s up?” 
Alex: “(Y/N) is back! She’s alive, Kara! She’s alive!” 
Kara fumbles her words, not knowing how to react or say. She didn’t want to ruin her sister’s excitement. 
Alex: “Get over here at the DEO. J’onn have already picked up Eliza. They’re on their way back here. Bring Lena!” 
The call ended without Kara saying another word. Alex was too happy and excited to see you again. She’s happy that she gets to see you “first.” 
*A few hours earlier*
You didn’t head straight to the DEO to surprise your sister, Alex. You made a quick stop despite the situation you were in. The Uber car pulls up to the two story house that you were looking for. There’s physical changes to the house last time you came here. The grass was looking more green and the roses were more full. By looking at the driveway, the two people you wanted to see are still home. 
You rang the doorbell once and you can tell that someone is on their way to answer the door. You mentally ready yourself before they open the door. 
A woman gasped as they answered the door and saw you standing firmly in the middle. 
“(Y/N)?” Eve can’t believe her eyes. 
“Eve, who’s at the door?” Lex calls out in the background. 
Eve was speechless that she couldn’t answer her husband. Lex was a tad worried that Eve wasn’t answering him right away. The man makes her way to the door and gives the same shocking reaction as his wife. 
“(Y/N)! You bastard! You’re alive!” He shouts with joy. 
You smiled at both of them. You step in to give Eve a hug and then give Lex the same affection. Immediately, Lex can tell that there’s something wrong. He just knows. The man has always been like a brother to you and he feels the same way too. 
The married couple lead you to the living room to have a more comfortable environment to catch up. They didn’t have to worry about being late to their work since they’re technically the bosses of their own department at L-Corp. Eve comes in with some tea and mini sandwiches for everyone. The three made small talk, giving them the truth about what really happened in the months you were missing. 
Lex and Eve felt sorry for you how much pain and recovery you have to go through alone after that accident happened. You assure them that it wasn’t a big deal and that you’re very happy to live another day. 
After the good catch up, Lex thought it was time to find out what was bothering you. 
“(Y/N). . Why exactly are you here? Aren’t you supposed to see your sisters first? Or perhaps Lena?” 
You looked to the side, took a deep breath and sighed loudly. Your mind goes back to Lena. 
“Did you know?” You vaguely ask your ex-girlfriend’s brother. 
“Know what?” Lex replies, Eve looks equally confused. This confirms that no one knows, especially your mother and Alex. 
“About Kara and Lena. . .” Lex thinks for a moment before he replies. 
“All I know is that they’re close. When you were away, Kara had been keeping Lena company.” 
You nodded. He’s telling the truth. Small anger was inside you but you’re mad at Lex. You start to get mad at yourself for not being around much. 
“I caught them. . . I found your sister with my sister. It was clear that the love bites and the flushed redden cheeks on Lena were from Kara. . .” 
Lex suddenly feels stupid for not seeing this. He thinks about how he didn’t see the little hints that his sister was having a lover, becoming a cheater. Eve looks at you with sad eyes, she gets up and wraps you in a hug. 
“(Y/N) I don’t know what to say . . . I just - I really didn’t know. If only I have seen it sooner I would have prevented Lena from making those-” 
“Lex no.” You interrupted him. “Your sister is her own person. She can decide what she wants to do. You couldn’t have prevented her feelings for someone else. I’m not mad at you Lex. You’re always like a brother to me. You have helped me so much and I will continue to do the same. Despite the situation. This is between Lena and I.” 
Lex sucks in his lips and nods, “Did the two of you officially break up or talk about it?” 
“No. I left right when I found out. My heart is really fragile at the moment but I promise you like I promised to Lillian years ago that I will not harm Lena in any way. I have never physically abused her and I will not let this dictate my actions.” 
“You’re a good person, (Y/N). I’m sorry that it had to come out like this. I was desperately waiting for the two of you to get married someday. Getting the chance to call you my sister-in-law.”
You sadly laugh. You almost forgot about the ring that was attached to your military dog tags. You reveal your necklace to Lex and Eve. Eve was the first to react fast. 
“(Y/N)! That ring looks so beautiful!” Eve focused on the diamond on the ring. It wasn’t too small nor too big. It was the perfect size. 
“Damnit Lena.” Lex says under his breath while his wife talks to (Y/N) about the ring. “You better realize that you threw out the best Danvers sister. This one was going to marry you.” 
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sun-flower-children · 3 years
BakuSquad’s Boy Part 1
A/N: Based on a fic that doesn’t exist anymore :( I’ll be adding my own head canons from what i remember of the og fic. This whole thing is in a headcanon format :)))
Kirishima was sitting down when he noticed their new transfer student walking into the cafeteria looking lost. Without thinking twice he quickly caught the attention of the male and motioned him to come over.
“Is it okay if I join you?” you asked, recognizing the spiky haired student as your classmate.
“Of course, let me introduce you to everybody!”
The redhead introduced all the guys sitting at the table. The talkative blonde with the lightning bolt in his hair was Kaminari . The smiling black haired boy with oddly shaped elbows was Sero and the angry-faced pale blonde with red eyes was Bakugo. While the rest smiled at you he merely sneered and ignored you.
“Don’t let him bother you too much, he's a grouch!” Kirishima said smiling.
The entire lunch period was spent talking to the Bakusquad and explaining how you transferred from the hero school in your home country and enrolled at UA. Laughing with them and bonding over memes and hero training.
It didn’t take long for you to become part of the friend group.
Y’all are a chaotic group of motherfuckers
The group chat is mess; Bakugo is trying to help people w homework, Zero is constantly sharing tick tocks and at 2 am Denki will spam it with memes ( which pisses Bakugo off bc it wakes him up when he forgets to mute his notifications)
Y’all will study together, which surprisingly, can be super productive sometimes.
It honestly didn’t take very long for you guys to become inseparable. They have you back and you have theirs. Training and working out together is a plus because sometimes y’all are too busy to actually fully hangout.
Kirishima will compliment you in a “manly” way and will totally be your hype man. Will be ecstatic when you give back the same energy. One time Bakugo joined you guys for his morning workout and his jaw almost fell to the ground when he saw you take your shirt off.  He couldn’t help but stare like holy shit you were ripped. Training with Kiri really did pay off. Bakugo smirked to himself when he noticed his red haired friend was also checking you out when you didn’t notice. 
Going to the mall with Sero and Denki is a whole ass ride. Y’all will go to so many stores and either waste all your money or just fuck around. Hot Topic is definitely a favorite of theirs. They don’t care if it’s not your vibe because they will want to deck you out in the fitting rooms to see what you look like. Once they pushed the curtain before you were done changing your shirt and both pairs of eyes went straight to your body, making you blush.
After being friends for so long the Bakusquad could read each other's emotions and all recognized that they had crushes on you. They talked about it and concluded that this would by no means would get between their friendship but would amicably flirt with you.
They organized a sleepover not too long after. But it was basically them all fighting each other about who’s room they would be staying in. Ended up going to Bakugo’s room because it was the closest for most of them. When you got there you were so caught up with the movie that you didn't realize they were low-key fighting each other for a spot next to you/ touching you in general. It was when y’all were going to sleep when you realized you left your sheets and what not in your room. Bakugo without missing a beat said you could sleep with him which then prompted Denki to tell you that “Bakugo’s feet smell like shit you don't wanna sleep with him” for Kiri to go “ Hey that isn’t manly, you should sleep w me Y/N.”. While the three of them were battling it out you and Sero were just sitting crouched in the corner. “I mean Y/N I could always get sheets and stuff from my rooms ‘cause it's not that far from here.” only for Bakugo to throw a pillow straight in his face yelling “Shut it Soy-Sauce face!!” Yeah they felt really bad in the morning when you ended up sleeping on the floor with nothing covering you.
Sero will want to smoke with you. The first time he smoked with you, you ended up having a panic attack and he felt responsible for making you panic and so anxious. He tries to smoke by himself for the meanwhile until you convince him to let you try again. It goes much better this time. Y’all start vibing to his latin playlist and he tries to teach you but y’all just end up stumbling over each other and constantly laughing. When dancing becomes physically exhausted and watches tick tocks and videos on his phone. Which ends up with y’all crying over the video where the racoon tries to wash his cotton candy but it dissolves. At some point the tears become too much and you both reach for each other which ends up with y'all sobbing and cuddling each other. Y’all fell asleep like this :)
The whole squad smokes at one point or another. Kirishima does it whenever he’s just in the mood to hangout and he uber chills. Bakugo does it to relieve stress and just enjoy life a bit. Denki smokes the 2nd most in the group just whenever he needs to kill time or he wants to vibe.
There will be times when y'all will smoke together and just fuck shit up. Like, one night after exam y’all are smoking but shit starts getting wild. Like y'all are hopping off the walls and dancing around to random music. Denki will find a roach that's stuck on its back and trying to get back off its legs but y’all are dancing all around it thinking it's like break dancing. “ AYYYY FUCK IT UP” Bakugo would yell “GET INTO IT” Sero would then yell. One of y’all took a video and accidentally posted it on Snapchat so the next day Mina would ask like wth happened last night bc y’alls tik toks and snapchats were wack af. Sero would probably speak on behalf of the group and say “ We were just really hyper.
When they all become hyper aware of their feelings not only for you but like low-key for each other they all change a lil bit. Like:
Denki stops flirting with people outside of the Baku Squad. He’s more touchy with y’all. Holding onto arms, arms over shoulders, hands on waists, holding hands, sitting in y’alls laps (this is a big one)
Kirishima has more energy when he’s with you guys. Like he could be running lower on battery than normal but one of y'all just comes up to him and he lights up like a light bulb.
Bakugo stops ruining desks and promptly yelling at people. He’s toned down and becomes a bit more chilled out. Mostly when he's with you guys. He is still a grumpy gremlin when he is with people who aren’t the Baku Squad.
Sero actually hides it pretty well and no one notices and changes that are indicative of a crush. Probably a bit more confident in himself
Kirishima and Denki acting like they haven't seen each other in sages when it really has only been like five minutes.
And then proceed to aggressively walk toward each other, slap each others asses and plant a kiss on each other's cheeks before erupting into a huge fit of laughter. While people around them are just like ‘wtf is going on’
Touching becomes a thing.
Y’all will actively find each other when y'all want a hug or cuddles or smth. Forehead and cheek kisses are a thing. Bakugo takes much longer to warm up to everyone starting really with you and Kirishima. most comfortable holding y’alls hands loosely and rubbing your knuckles. Denki probably does this the most. He lives for physical affection, just give this poor boy his much needed cuddles and kithes.
Despite y’all high-key crushing for each other you all still are absolutely focused on your career paths as heros. Bakugo helping teach english and you trying to help ( if you know english well enough to teach )
“Ok idiots for the last time what word do we use to describe Sarah?”
“I mean she took these poor dudes apples and all of these are positive adjectives...i think.”
“Yeah Sarah’s kind of a bitch.”
“I mean Bakubro they aren’t wrong...”
You guys work so well during team vs fights bc of how well you all know each other.
It’s an absolute mess but y’all love eachother <3
I will be making a part 2 ( + 3 i think ) so hang around for more :)
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Spencer Reid x Reader
Warnings - criminal minds based mentions of violence (not really), drinking
Summary - When something slips out at the round table things between the Reader and Spencer get really awkward
(i got the idea from notjoselyn on tiktok)
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Y/n walks alongside Penelope as they move through the BAU bullpen. Talking about the girls' night plans the girls have been working on for the last couple of weeks. "That club would be so fun," Y/n says brightly, "but did everyone agree? I mean it's a little you know loud and crazy."
"I mean Emily is always down," Penelope says, "especially when I ask her... And JJ needs a minute away from her kids. Even if she won't admit it."
"Little angels my ass," Y/n chuckles as they reach the round table, "oh my I have the cutest dress to wear. It's a little- you know."
"Oh, I do know," Penelope says smirking lightly, "you're gonna look hot!"
"Mmm you just wait and see," Y/n chuckles.
"Wait and see what?" Spencer asks as he joins the two at the table. The girls chuckle lightly as Spencer looks between them. "What?"
"Well, boy wonder we are talking about our upcoming girls' night," Penelope tells him, "specifically about the dress miss Y/n here is going to wear." Y/n chuckles lightly. Spencer nods lightly. "What color is it?"
"Black," Y/n tells her, "a little black dress moment you know?"
"Yes!" Penelope says brightly, "oh I can't wait." Y/n chuckles lightly. "I have this really cute dress picked out- it's purple very sparkly. Very eye-catching."
"Hot," Y/n says playfully. Spencer looks slightly amused with the banter. "I just hope JJ can keep up. I mean with all the mom duties she's been slacking behind on girls' nights... I feel like we are gonna exhaust her."
"Redbull drinks exist for a reason," Penelope says.
"Right," Y/n says.
"What even happens on a girls' night?" Spencer asks.
"Chaos," Y/n tells him, "We all drink until we can't stand. Dance with strangers. Leave the FBI training at home and have fun."
"Sounds dangerous," Spencer says, "do you have a designated driver?"
"Uber," Penelope tells him.
"That's not safe," Spencer says, "do you guys not pay attention to the cases we get? How many of the girls we see started out at some random bar?"
"If you're so worried you be our dd," Y/n offers. He looks between the two girls carefully.
"Fine," He says, "I'll go."
"You can't go," Emily says as she and JJ join them at the round table, "it's girls' night."
"I won't ruin the fun I'll just keep you from dying," Spencer says, "1 in 5 violent victimizations involving perceived alcohol use by the offender."
"That's ruining the fun Spence," JJ says placing her hand on his shoulder, "we are big girls-"
"No no, he wants to be DD then let him," Y/n says, "we save uber money that way. Plus he can't be the one that gets to play wheres, Emily."
"Or Can we keep clothes on Penelope," JJ chuckles. Y/n nods lightly. Spencer raises a brow lightly. "Just remember you signed up for this." Rossi and Hotch join the others in the room. The conversation shifts from reckless drinking to the cases they are supposed to be consulting on. "I'd say, sadist."
"Profiler JJ always comes through," Y/n says smiling lightly. The blonde chuckles lightly. "I mean it profiles relatively simple... This all the cops have?"
"Yes," Hotch answers her, "I think what we have so far is all that we'll be able to give them based on the files they sent." They all nod lightly. Handing the files over to Penelope as they move to the next one. After six or seven more cases the attention starts to shift. Small conversations breaking out around the table. Y/n tries her best to focus but the words were all blurring together.
"So are the girls' night plans always this dangerous?" Spencer asks her. Clearly more curious than he's trying to let on.
"You worried about me?" Y/n teases lightly.
"Well yeah," Spencer says, "I'm worried about all of you... I mean it's really risky going out like that- not that I'm saying you guys can't take care of yourselves but- you know what we see. The statistics show how dangerous it is."
"I understand what you're saying but we watch out for each other," Y/n assures him, "and besides with you babysitting us we will have a knight in shining armor to save us if it goes too far."
"You don't think it'll look weird with me watching a group of girls?" Spencer asks.
"You're right," Y/n says, "we should ask Morgan if he wants to go."
"Go where?" Morgan says looking from his conversation with Hotch.
"To this new club," Y/n tells him, "tonight with the girls and Spencer."
"Spencer?" Morgan asks clearly shocked at the addition of the younger man.
"Don't be so surprised," Emily says, "he offered to make sure us ladies got home alright." Morgan nods lightly.
"Yeah and you can make him feel a little less left out," Y/n offers, "make it seem less like he's babysitting... Rossi, Hotch if you want to come as well we can make it a team thing."
"If it's a team thing then I want everyone to forget what happens when we leave this office," Penelope says, "whatever happens when we drink stays in the safety of the club."
"Jack has a sleepover," Hotch tells them, "maybe another time." They all look to Rossi. The older man chuckles.
"I think my clubbing days are past me," Rossi tells them, "plus its poker night."
"Lame," Emily teases lightly, "Morgan will you at least come?"
"Of course," Morgan says, "I don't wanna leave our boy genius all alone." Y/n looks back to Spencer and smiles lightly. Trying to get back to her work. The boy keeps his eyes on her. She looks up carefully. He smiles to deflect the fact he's been staring at her.
"That necklace looks really nice on you," Spencer tells her. She smirks lightly.
"Thanks," Y/n says, "but your hands would look nicer." The words leave her mouth before she can process what she said. She freezes at once as the table looks around in slight amusement and shock at what just happened. Y/n's eyes widen in horror. Rossi laughs lightly.
"At least let him take you out on a date first," Rossi jokes. Y/n looks up to Spencer who's still frozen. His mouth slightly open as if all words are suddenly lost to him. Morgan just laughs loudly at the situation. Y/n can feel her face go red. She moves covering her mouth lightly.
"Did she really?" Penelope starts.
"Oh she did," Emily says in pure amusement.
Y/n closes the file and moves to stand up.
"I'm gonna walk out the door," She says slowly, "and when I walk back in here we can pretend that it never happened."
"Please," Hotch says. She nods quickly. Walking out the door. She takes a lap around the BAU in an attempt to work through the crippling embarrassment this situation is going to bring her for the next forty years. She can already tell she's gonna see this in her nightmares.
Back at the table, Spencer is still frozen.
"She broke him," Emily chuckles as JJ waves her hand in front of Spencer's eyes. He blinks quickly. He looks over the others.
"Did that actually just happen?" Spencer asks them finally. They nod lightly. His face is bright red. Suddenly that big brain of his is nothing more than a peanut. When Y/n steps back into the room he's still in slight shock. She shuffles nervously back into her seat beside Spencer. Making a point to not make eye contact with anyone.
"I'm never going to live that down am I?" She whispers over to Penelope. The blond chuckles awkwardly.
"Oh no honey," Penelope says, "probably note."
"Oh goddammit," Y/n says softly. She moves the file lifting it to cover her face.
Meanwhile, in Spencer's big brain he's trying to process that the girl he's had a crush on for years said that his hands would look good around her neck. He tries to explain it in any way that makes sense but he's out of luck there. All he can think is what just happened?
Y/n's thankful when Hotch dismisses them back to their desks to work on their reports. She's suddenly very grateful for having the desk furthest away from Spencer. She can't even begin to think about what the hell she'd say to him to clear all this up. And Spencer and Emily laughing lightly don't help at all. She can just imagine all the things he's saying. Not to mention him avoiding her eyes at all cost.
Her face is still bright red when she shuffles into the elevator to head home later. However, life is forever cruel. Instead of giving her an empty elevator to escape to Hotch and Emily jump in beside her. She chuckles nervously.
"I'm not going to say anything," Hotch tells her, "just- try not to say anything like that while we're trying to work."
"Right," Y/n says softly.
"Where did that even come from?" Emily asks leaning forward to get a look at the girl. Y/n chuckles nervously.
"You're gonna have to get me drunk before I answer that," Y/n says carefully, "mostly because that's the only way you're gonna get me to talk about what is probably one of the top ten most embarrassing things that I've ever done." Emily chuckles lightly.
"Well, then the first round is on me."
When she meets back up with Emily the other girl is pretty much shoving a drink into her hand. Y/n takes it without a word. Knocking back the shot eagerly at the thought the others would be meeting them soon. More so that she's going to have to see Spencer... Considering she invited him.
"Oh, you do look hot!" Penelope exclaims as she and the others move to join the two girls. Penelope engulfs Y/n into a hug. Clearly excited to see her outside of the work setting. "Oh and look at you, Emily!" As Y/n's eyes settle on Spencer she starts to panic.
"I'm gonna go get our first round," Y/n says planning her escape route in her mind. Before the others can say anything she's rushing off to the bar. She orders the drinks quickly. Trying to focus on the bartender's movements.
"Hey," A soft voice says. She turns to look at Spencer. She turns back to the bar immediately. Spencer looks at her slightly confused. "You shouldn't walk off alone it's dangerous." The bartender sets the tray down. She takes it eagerly.
"You could see me from the table," Y/n says trying her best to not look at the boy. He follows her carefully as she hurries through the crowd back to the table. She sets the drinks down at once. "To the BAU!" The others grab the shots eagerly. She takes hers knocking it back quickly. Spencer looks over her carefully.
"Oh, I love this song!" Penelope says as she drags Y/n off to the dance floor. Emily follows. The second they get to the floor y/n tries not to focus on the awkwardness. Instead pushing her attention onto dancing with her friends.
"So?" Emily asks, "where did that come from?"
"Deep in my subconscious," Y/n answers, "you know I've always had a thing for Reid but- I can't believe I said that out loud!"
"I thought I was dreaming!" Emily chuckles as she moves her hips to the beat, "but Hotch's face- that was real."
"So was Spencer's heart attack!" Y/n adds, "did you see him? I thought he was going into shock!"
"I think he did," Emily says over the music. The two chuckle lightly. Emily looks over to the boy. Elbowing Y/n to look as well. They see him drinking out of a water bottle as he looks over the crowd carefully. Morgan talking to him about something that seemed serious. Spencer looks like he's turning red again.
"He looks good tonight," Y/n says to Emily, "the whole sweater and tie combo." Y/n bites her lip lightly. Emily chuckles.
"Maybe you can have his hands as a necklace then?" Emily teases. Y/n scoffs lightly. "Go talk to him- now."
"Because I said so," Emily says, "and you trust me with your life." Y/n sighs lightly. "Come on." She doesn't get a chance to argue. Emily yanks the girl along the dance floor before practically shoving her into the booth. Then Emily looks to Morgan. "Let's get another round." The two are gone before Y/n has a chance to process her thoughts. Spencer smiles lightly.
"Hey," He says softly.
"Hey," Y/n says, "how's the- weather?"
"Fine," Spencer says, "about earlier-"
"I know over the line," Y/n starts.
"You think about that often?" He asks. Y/n's eyes widen at his words. Layers of confidence and the slight smirk on his face make her wonder if she blackout and this was a dream.
"Uh- well I," She mumbles lightly. Spencer leans over to her ear.
"Cause we can make it happen," Spencer whispers. Y/n steps back at once. Spencer looks at her carefully. "Shit Morgan said the wouldn't sound creepy. I'm sorry- I just was trying to be flirty." Y/n looks at him carefully. As if she's deciding him if he's real or not.
"Wait so you don't think I'm a freak?" Y/n asks him carefully.
"No no- I was just kinda taken back," Spencer admits, "I mean I'm not exactly used to hearing that." Y/n chuckles lightly. "But you know- we could?"
"Hmm- I don't think they'd notice if we left," Y/n chuckles lightly. Spencer bites his lip lightly.
"Well if you don't think they'd notice," Spencer says. Y/n chuckles grabbing his home to pull him along the bar to get to his car.
They absolutely noticed.
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evermoreholland · 3 years
in harmony | tom holland
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-> singer!reader x tom holland
-> summary: after a nasty break up, you go to london with your two best friends in hope to find inspiration for your upcoming album and a london boy soon became your muse.
-> word count: 5.7k
-> a/n: wow. this is probably my favorite fic of mine. i hope you all enjoy it as much as i do. big thank you to @rainbowrobin for hyping this fic up and being its biggest fan. also thank you to @cali-holland for beta reading this for me! your support means the world to me and you inspire me every day to keep writing. love you to bits <3
Breaking up with someone you used to care about was never easy. In fact, grieving and eventually getting over that person was the hardest thing to do. You were a singer so relationships that went public usually ended up terribly wrong. The good part about it is that you can write a hit song about the experience.
Breaking up with your past boyfriend was probably the worst experience for you thus far. You thought that he was the one, every move you made was for him and you ended up depending on him constantly. And he broke your heart. He played you like a fiddle and played with the strings of your heart. He cheated on you with someone you were insecure about the duration of your relationship with him, which made everything feel worse.
You decided that you needed a change of scenery in hopes to clear your head. You had been spending time in your Los Angeles apartment moping around, trying to get over your ex-boyfriend. You also had a deadline for your new album and you haven’t even started. Your album was due towards the end of the summer, and it was now spring.
You sat down on your sofa with a pen and notebook in your hand. You were determined to write something. You didn’t want to write songs about your breakup, but that was all you were thinking about. You saw your phone on the coffee table light up and buzz. It was your manager and agent, Cassandra. You picked up the phone nervously, knowing that she was going to ask about your progress or lack thereof.
“Hello?” You answered.
“Hello, Y/N,” Cassandra greeted sweetly. “How’s the album coming along? We need to start recording soon.”
“Funny you ask.” You always tried to make fun out of an uncomfortable situation.
“I’m sorry, Cass! I have no idea what I should be writing about for this album.” It’s not like you didn’t want to write. You did, but you had no idea what to write about.
“Maybe you need a change of scenery, dear. You haven’t been out in months,” Cassandra suggested.
“Maybe you’re right.”
“Where would you want to go? You can stay there for the rest of the spring and the beginning of the summer.”
You thought about it for a moment. You definitely wanted to leave the country.  “How does London sound, Cass?”
“Sounds nice. I’ll book you, Natalie, and Sarah tickets for this weekend and I’ll rent the three of you an Airbnb for your stay,” Cassandra confirmed. Natalie was your personal assistant and your best friend. Sarah was your older sister who traveled with you everywhere and she helped you with many of your songs. She was good to bounce ideas off of. You had the perfect team.
“Perfect. Thank you.” You both said your goodbyes and hung up.
Tom got off the airplane and sighed in relief. He was finally home. After many months of filming on another continent, he was back in London. Tom was ready to finally sleep in his own bed and hang out with his brothers and friends once again.
Harry and Tom took an Uber back to Tom’s apartment. It was fairly late and all Tom wanted to do was sleep. In the Uber, Tom and Harry made light conversation.
“You want to go to the new pub by our flat this weekend? Haz and Tuwaine want to hang out,” Harry asked.
“Sure,” Tom mumbled. To be quite honest, Tom had absolutely no desire to go out at all this weekend, but he knew that his mates wanted to see him. He did want to see them too, so he agreed.
“Sounds good.”
You packed your suitcases for London at the last minute. In your defense, Cassandra only booked Thursday night’s tickets on Wednesday, so you didn’t have that much time in the first place. You were planning on using your time in London to relax and to create a healthy headspace to write your next album.
You called Natalie to ask her opinion on some of your outfit choices. “Nat, am I going for a  casual look this trip? Like sweatpants and t-shirts?”
“Absolutely not, Y/N. Are you insane?!”
“It was just a question, Natalie.” You defended yourself. “What should I pack then?”
“I don’t know, just look hot. You need to get out of the post-breakup sweatpants phase.”
“Fine,” you grumbled. You grabbed some cute spring sundresses from your closet and threw them into your suitcase. You packed some jeans and blouses as well.
You hung up with Natalie and took a look at your bag. “Should be good.”
The flight to London from Los Angeles was long and exhausting. You arrived at Heathrow airport in the early afternoon on Friday. You immediately went to the house to rest up from jetlag. Once you woke up a few hours later, Sarah was pressuring you and Natalie to get dressed. “We’re going to the pub! Get up, ladies!”
“What? Why?” Natalie groaned. You and Natalie were laying on your beds in your shared room. Sarah jumped onto your bed and tackled you.
“Sarah, we’re exhausted,” you said. You pushed your sister off of you and sat up. “We can just go tomorrow.”
“It’s the pub’s grand opening! It’s supposed to be fire!”
“Fine,” you mumbled. You got up and began unpacking your suitcase. “But I refuse to wear heels.”
Harrison made his way to his best mate’s flat to pick him up for the Cheer Beers grand opening on Friday night. Harrison used his spare key to get into Tom’s place. “Tom,” Harrison called out. He made his way to Tom’s bedroom to make sure he was ready for the night.
“In my room!” Tom exclaimed. Tom sounded upset and agitated. Harrison entered his room anyway because he wanted to hang out with his best friend. He opened the door and noticed Tom laying his bed under the covers.
“Are you alright, mate?” Harrison asked. Harrison noticed Tom in his pajamas while in bed. “Why aren’t you ready to go? Harry already went out with Tuwaine to wait in line.”
“I want to hang out with you all, but I’m just so jetlagged, mate.”
Harrison took his phone out of his back pocket to check the time and noticed an Instagram notification from you. He opened it out of curiosity and it was a direct message. It said that you would be at Cheer Beers tonight with your friends and asked if he was going. Harrison and you had met at an award show a few months back and you became friends. “You know what I just found out, Tom?”
“Y/N L/N is going to the grand opening tonight.”
“You’re lying just to get me out of bed!” Tom accused him. Tom didn’t want to admit it, but he fancied you. He has been following you on social media and listening to your music for a while now, so Harrison saying you were going to be at the pub caught his attention.
“I’m not.” Harrison showed Tom his phone with your direct message. “I had no idea she was in town, though.”
“No clue, either.”
“Now will you come?” Harrison asked. “I know you have a huge crush on her.”
Tom eyed him skeptically but then let out a sigh. “Fine, I’ll go.”
You waited in line outside of Cheer Beers with Sarah and Natalie. You were wearing a black sleeveless cocktail dress with black slip-on vans. You saw a few familiar faces approach you and you realized that it’s your friend Harrison and his mates. You recognized one of his friends to be Tom Holland.
“Hey, Haz!” You greeted. He pulled you into a hug and squeezed you tightly. You pulled away and said, “Following me, I see?”
“Very funny,” he replied. “We were coming to opening night anyway. We were planning this in honor of Tom’s return from filming.”
“Oh, that’s right,” you said and then turned to Tom. You put your hand out for him to shake. “I’m Y/N.”
He shook your hand and you felt his sweaty palm touch yours. You could assume that he was either unwell or nervous. “Tom. Nice to finally meet you.”
You introduced Natalie and Sarah to Harrison and he introduced the rest of his friends to the three of you.
“Would you like to share a table with us?” Harry, Tom’s younger brother, asked you.
“I’m sure that Y/N L/N would have much better opportunities than to sit with us, Harry,” Tom interjected.
“Actually, Tom, we would love to.” You all entered the pub and grabbed a table in the back room. Harrison sat between Sarah and Tuwaine. Harry sat by Natalie. You sat between Natalie and Tom, per Natalie’s whisper in your ear to go for it. You all got your first round of drinks.
“So what brings you to London?” Tom asked.
“Needed to clear my head,” you said and then ate the olives from your martini.
“So you flew halfway across the world?” Tom was amused and you could tell. He wasn’t trying to laugh at you particularly, he just thought it was funny that you chose London of all places.
“Shut up,” you teased. “We’re here for the summer. A vacation, or holiday, if you will.”
“Nice, nice.” You could feel the slight awkward tension between the two of you. You were basically strangers so it made sense. You decided to try and break it. “How was filming for the third Spider-Man film?”
Tom’s eyes lit up at your sudden interest in his work. “Can I tell you a funny story?”
Three hours passed by and you decided to call it a night. You talked with Tom the entire night. You enjoyed his company but you were also jetlagged. “Tom, I’m tired,” you said as you leaned on his shoulder.
“Me too.”
“Want to walk me home?” You asked.
“Would love to.” You both got up from the booth and Tom paid for your drinks, even though you protested. Harrison, Tuwaine, Harry, Sarah, and Natalie didn’t look like they were ready to leave any time soon so you said your goodbyes to them and left with Tom.
“How far are you away from here?” Tom asked you.
“About a ten minute walk.” You began walking in the cool London air.
“So, Harrison told me that you were writing for your new album. How’s that going?”
“Not well,” you said as you crossed your arms over your chest. “It’s been fucking difficult.”
“I’m sorry, love.” The pet named warmed your heart and body even more. Tom wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer to him. “I wish I can help you out somehow.”
“It’s alright. Getting out tonight helped me get into a good headspace,” you said.
“Glad to hear it.” You arrived at your Airbnb and Tom walked you to the front door. “I had a great time tonight, Y/N.”
You smiled, the first genuine smile that you’ve had in a while. “Me too, Tom.” You opened your door to enter.
“Wait.” Tom stopped you. “Let me get your number.”
Two weeks had passed since you arrived in London and you and Tom have been texting back and forth. He had even taken you on a tour of London. He took you to all of the hot spots. Occasionally, Tom, Harrison, and Harry would come over to your Airbnb to hang out with you, Sarah, and Natalie. You were developing friendships with everyone, but you felt a bit stronger about Tom. He was charming, kind, and really funny. You enjoyed his company and you finally got the chance to start writing for your upcoming album. You realized that you didn’t want to write about your breakup with your ex, but instead write about your crush on the brown-haired London boy.
“How is the album coming along?” Cassandra asked you on the phone.
“Pretty good. I have a killer single coming your way and many other songs too.”
“Remember, we need to start recording at the end of July.”
“You got it.”
“You sound happy,” she commented. She was right. You were happy and finally completely over your ex. “It’s a good look on you.”
“What are you writing about?”
“Oh, you know… London, pubs, boys,” you trailed off.
Harrison was busy planning his upcoming date with your sister, Sarah. They hit it off extremely well at the opening of Cheer Beers. They got each other’s numbers and planned to go on a date. To be honest, Harrison was stressed out. He scored a date with Sarah L/N, which ultimately shocked him. So, he decided to go to his best mate for some advice.
Tom was sitting in his living room and Harrison entered with two dress shirts in hand. One of them was a white button-down and the other one navy. “Which shirt should I wear on my date with Sarah?”
“Black slacks, right?” Tom asked.
“Yeah, and a black leather jacket.”
“Go with white,” Tom suggested.
“Thanks, mate. Another question,” Harrison proposed. It felt natural for Harrison to ask Tom about his lady troubles, even though Tom had been single for a while.
Tom nodded his head to urge Harrison to continue.
“What if I fuck this up?” He asked nervously. “I really like Sarah.”
Tom got up from the couch to come closer to Harrison and put his hand on his shoulder. “You’ll be fine, mate. Just be yourself. She’ll fancy you, I promise.”
“How are you so good at giving me advice but you can’t get a girlfriend?”
Tom mocked being bothered. “Rude,” he scoffed.
“What are you waiting for?”
“If I say the perfect girl, will you slap me?” Tom joked.
“Yes, yes I will,” Harrison laughed as he replied. “I think that you already found the perfect girl at Cheer Beers.”
“We’re still getting to know each other. Why must we move so fast?” Tom wondered. He wanted to take things slow. His life had always moved fast and he wanted something to move at his pace, for once. Too many relationships have moved too fast and he ended up hurt.
“Because she’s only here for so long and I have a feeling that she likes you,” Harrison reasoned. Tom was starting to feel the same way about you too.
“Fine. While you go on your date with Sarah tonight, I’ll see if Y/N wants to hang out.” He picked up his phone from the coffee table and texted you asking if you wanted to come over. You replied saying yes and he smiled. “We’re hanging out.”
“Great. Don’t forget to use protection,” Harrison said as he ran away to go get dressed for his date.
“Fuck off, you div!”
Tom went to the grocery store to pick up some snacks and beers before you came over to his flat. He tidied up the living room once he got home and made sure to fluff the pillow to make them look nicer. Even though you and Tom were only friends, he couldn’t help but make sure that everything looked perfect for you.
You arrived 30 minutes later. You wore sweatpants and a sweatshirt, along with your slides. Your hair was out of your face and Tom thought that you looked stunning. “Hey.”
“Hi,” Tom blushed. “Nice sweatshirt.” Your sweatshirt was light blue and it had butterflies on it. Tom realized that he loved that color on you.
He led you to the couch and he sat beside you. “So what did you do today?” You asked.
“I worked on a script that I’m writing and then I helped Harrison get ready for his date with your sister. What about you, love?” The pet name made your heart flutter. Tom was definitely charming.
“I worked on some songs for the album,” you answered proudly.
“Care to share?”
“Willing to share what the script’s about?” You asked back, already knowing the answer.
“I’m legally not allowed to share, so no. I’m sorry, darling.”
“Then my answer is the same.”
“Well played, pretty girl,” he flirted. “Wanna watch a movie?”
“Sure, what do you have in mind?”
“Avengers: Age of Ultron?”
“Yes, it’s one of my favorite Marvel movies!” You exclaimed. “I have a feeling that you knew that already.”
Tom smiled at you as he picked up the remote from the coffee table and turned on the television. “I may have, but only because Haz told me. Don’t worry, though. It’s one of my favorites too.”
Tom found the movie and before he hit play he got up from the couch. “May I offer you some popcorn before we start the movie? I have beer as well.”
“Yes to both, please.” Tom went to the kitchen to pop the popcorn and grab some beers. He came back around five minutes later with everything.
“Here you go,” he said as he handed you a bottle of beer. “I know it’s not a martini.”
“It’ll have to do,” you teased. You pat the seat beside you to urge Tom over. “Now, come sit.”
Tom pressed play and the Marvel introduction appeared on the screen. You moved closer to Tom and he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, just like he did that night at the pub. “Is this ok?” He asked.
“It’s perfect.”
Around an hour into the movie, the popcorn was finished along with your first bottle of beer. Tom’s hand was still resting on your shoulder but now your head was resting on his. “Y/N?” Tom called out.
“Yeah?” You asked as you moved your head away from him so you could look at him.
“Can I be honest with you about something?” You nodded so he would continue. “I really want to kiss you.”
“Can I be honest with you?” You asked while smiling.
“I really want you to kiss me,” you said as you leaned in. He pressed his lips against yours in a soft first kiss. You kissed back almost immediately. After a couple of seconds, you pulled away from him.
“Wow,” he said.
“Ditto,” you said and then pulled him back towards you. You kissed him again and you knew that from now on, you couldn’t get enough of him.
Tom and you didn’t finish the movie the other night. After your many makeout sessions with him, you decided to go home, and you promised him that the two of you would get together again soon. You went home with the biggest smile on your face. Since your kiss, you and Tom have not talked about the status of your relationship. As of right now, you were just friends who have kissed before. No biggie.
It was now the 28th of May and you were sitting on a park bench having coffee with Harrison. It would be Tom’s 25th birthday in four days and the two of you were attempting to plan the perfect party for him.
“You’ll get the decorations, Sam will cook a few dishes, and I’ll provide booze,” Harrison said, listing things off. “We’ll host it at my new flat and I already called everyone.”
“Sounds great, Haz. I just hope he has a great time.”
“I’m sure he will,” he said as he winked at you, indicating something.
“What is that supposed to mean?” You asked, referring to his wink.
“I know that something happened between the two of you last week. Tom hasn’t stopped smiling since the two of you started hanging out. I’m sure he’ll be happy to know that you planned a party for him.”
“We all are planning it,” you corrected him.
“Yeah, but it’s not like he fancies me,” Harrison laughed.
You rolled your eyes at the blonde-haired boy in front of you. “Whatever.” You got up from the park bench and began walking towards his car. “Come on, Harrison. We need to go to the market.”
It was the 1st of June; Tom’s birthday. You woke up early to make sure that everything was ready to go for the party tonight. Harrison and Tom’s brothers planned a golf trip with Tom while you set up Harrison’s flat. You brought Sarah and Natalie along with you to help.
“Move that banner a little more to the right,” you told Sarah. She moved it as you requested. The banner said, Happy 25th birthday, Tom! in light blue glitter. “Looks great. Thanks, sis.”
You blew up balloons, set up tables for the food and drinks, got streamers and ribbons, and finally assembled the cupcake tower with the cupcakes you and Natalie baked the night before.
“Red velvet. Nice choice,” Sarah said as she took a look at the cupcakes on display.
“They’re Tom’s favorite,” you pointed out.
“Seems like you know a lot about him.”
“Well, he is my friend.”
Natalie laughed at your response to your sister’s comment. “Is that all he is?” She asked.
“For now.” You pulled out your phone from your pocket to check the time. It was the early afternoon and the party would start in a few hours. “We better get going to get ready. Sam will bring the food and set it up within the hour.”
Before you got into the car, you texted Tom to wish him a happy birthday and he responded with a heart emoji. You smiled to yourself and then got into the car to drive to your Airbnb.
The three of you washed up and got dressed for Tom’s party. You decided on wearing a light blue sundress with daisies on it. You matched it with white wedges and you did your hair to your liking. Once you were all ready you drove to Harrison’s. When you got there, Harrison, Sam, Tuwaine, and a few other friends of Tom’s were already there.
“Harry is bringing Tom in around 15 minutes,” Harrison told you.
“Ok. Everything seems to be going pretty smoothly.”
“We make a pretty great team,” Harrison said in appreciation for all of the work to make Tom’s party happen.
“Tell that to Sarah over there,” you teased him. His date with your sister went well from what she told you, but because of Harrison’s nervousness, they haven’t talked much since. “She’s been dying to hang out with you.”
“Are you just saying that so you can have Tom all to yourself when he gets here?” He tried to joke.
“No,” you said seriously. “Go talk to her, Haz.” You pushed him lightly in her direction to encourage him to go talk to her.
“I see Harry’s car pulling up!” Sam said a few minutes later. “Everyone get ready.”
Harry used Harrison’s spare key to get into his flat and once both of them entered you all yelled, “Surprise!”
“Thanks, guys!” Tom said in shock. Tom made his rounds to greet everyone to say thank you. You waited patiently in the kitchen for the birthday boy. He finally approached you after a few minutes. “Hey, love.”
“Happy birthday,” you said as you pulled him in for a hug. “You look very handsome.”
He pulled away to look at you. “Thank you, but you’re absolutely stunning.”
You leaned in to kiss his cheek and then said, “Thanks, Tom.”
“I should be thanking you,” he said and then grabbed your hands to intertwine your fingers together.
“For what?”
“Harrison told me that you helped him plan all of this, so thank you.”
“It’s my pleasure,” you said genuinely. “You like it?”
“I love it. He looked over to the counter and saw the cupcakes. “Is that a cupcake tower?”
“A red velvet cupcake tower,” you confirmed. “I baked them.”
“You’re a goddess.” He kissed your lips for half a second and then grabbed a cupcake from one of the tiers. He unwrapped the cupcake and then took a bite. He hummed in delight.
“I’m taking that you like them,” you giggled at the man in front of you. He could seriously make anything look cute.
“They’re heaven,” he moaned. Tom dipped his finger in the frosting and swiped your nose with it. You looked at him in shock. “Aw, you look so adorable,” he said.
You laughed at his antics. “Glad you think so, babe.”
Tom’s lit up at the pet name. “Babe? Hmmm.”
“Yeah, babe.” You took some frosting from what was remaining of his cupcake and placed some on his nose to match you. “You look very cute with frosting on your nose, babe.”
Tom grabbed a napkin from the counter and cleaned the frosting off the both of you. “We’re both very cute.”
“Ok, lovebirds,” Sam called out for the two of you. “Let’s get this party started!”
“Before we go out there, I have something to ask you,” Tom said.
“And what may that be?”
“Will you go out on a date with me?” He asked nervously. You felt your heart skip a beat and you could’ve sworn that you felt Tom’s heart beating rapidly from how close you were standing to him.
“I would love to, Tom,” you said and then kissed him to confirm that you really wanted to.
The rest of the night went well and Tom enjoyed his time with his friends. You, Sarah, and Natalie crashed at Harrison’s place along with Tom and Harry. The party ended late and the five of you were too tired to drive home, so Harrison offered to let you all stay there.
You woke up early and made your way downstairs to heat the kettle for tea. As you were waiting, you heard footsteps, and soon enough a pair of arms wrapped around you. “Good morning, beautiful,” Tom said and then kissed your clothed shoulder.
“Morning.” You turned around so you could face him. “How did you sleep?”
“Not so well,” Tom said as he stretched out his arms. “Harrison’s a kicker.”
“Poor baby,” you teased, and then Tom pouted. “Quit pouting, Tommy. I know you’re faking it.”
“Fine,” Tom mumbled.
You turned to the stove and saw that the kettle was ready. “Want tea?”
“Please. A splash of milk and a spoonful of sugar, if you don’t mind.”
“Not at all,” you said as you poured him a cup. “So where are we going on our first date?”
“That’s a surprise, darling.”
A week after Tom’s birthday, Tom texted you asking if you were available to go on your first date. You had been working on the album the entire morning so you thought it’d be nice to go out with Tom. You replied yes and he told you to be ready within the hour. Tom knocked on your door around an hour later, with a bouquet in his hand. “These are for you, love,” he said with a smile as he handed them to you.
“Thank you, Tom,” you said and then sniffed the flowers. “Come in while I put these in some water.” Tom entered your Airbnb and you searched for a vase in one of the cabinets. Once you found one, you filled it up with water and put the flowers in. “We should be good to go now.”
Tom held your hand as he led you to the car. He opened the door for you and then got in and started the car. “You ready?”
“Where are we going?” You asked.
“You’ll see in around 15 minutes, angel.” Tom grabbed your hand that was resting in your lap and brought it up to his lips to kiss it. “I don’t think I told you this, but you look ethereal.”
“You’re quite the charmer, Holland.”
“I aim to please,” he joked. “But in all seriousness, you always look gorgeous.”
Tom was by far the kindest man you have ever met in your entire life. You have known him for barely two months but he made you feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. You had never felt this way about anyone before.
Tom drove down to a lake. “It’s one of my secret spots,” he told you.
He led you down to the grass near the water and he set up a picnic there for the two of you. “I made sandwiches, cut up some fruit, and some apple cider.”
“It looks good. Thank you, Tom.” He pulled everything out from the picnic basket and handed you one of the sandwiches.
“Anything for you.”
“So this is one of your secret spots, huh?” You asked.
“Mhm,” he mumbled as he took a bite from his sandwich.
“So you bring a lot of girls here?” You teased and you could’ve sworn that you saw Tom almost choke on his sandwich. “Is that why it's so special?”
“Very funny, love,” Tom said. “No, I actually come here alone.”
“I’m guessing because it’s quiet.”
“Yeah, I come here when I need to clear my head.”
You looked around the area and you immediately understood why Tom liked it so much. There was a beautiful, cool breeze and the birds chirping sounded like music to your ears. “It’s beautiful. Thank you for bringing me here.”
“I can drive you here to write songs if you’d like,” Tom offered.
“That would be lovely.”
You and Tom spent a couple of hours at the lake. You talked about anything and everything, and you finally felt yourself get closer to him. You felt him opening up to you too, which you felt good about.
“Would you like to go on a drive with me?” Tom asked once you both packed up the remainder of the picnic.
“Will there be music involved?”
“What would be a nice evening drive without music? C’mon, let’s go.” Tom led you to his car and you began your drive. The sun was setting and it was beautiful. “It’s wonderful outside, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, it is,” you said.
“I had a great time with you, Y/N.”
“Me too.”
*** Once Tom dropped you off, you began writing another song. His date left you inspired and you were starting to like him more and more. Each time you saw him your feelings for him grew. He inspired you to write your song, London Boy.
Tom wanted a second date. He felt so good leaving the first one and knew that he wanted to pursue a relationship with you. He knew that it would be hard but relationships won’t always be easy. He decided to call you the next to ask when he could see you again.
“Tom, we just went out,” you teased.
“I know, Y/N, but I like you. A lot.” You thought that it was cute how Tom was eager for a second date. You were excited too.
“I like you, too. I would love to see you again, too,” you said.
“Coffee? I don’t drink it but I know how much you like it,” Tom offered.
“How about tea? Know any good spots for a cup of tea and maybe breakfast?”
“I know just the place. See you soon, Y/N.”
Many amazing dates with Tom and a bunch of fun days in London later and you know that you’re ready to start recording your next album. People had their assumptions about you and Tom. Rumors had gone around but Tom and you didn’t address them.
London inspired so much of your album that you decided to record there. The rest of your team flew out and you began recording.
You called Tom asking him to come to the studio. “I’m recording one of my favorite songs today. I would love for you to come if you’re free.” You were recording London Boy today and you wanted Tom to hear it since he hadn’t before. It would also be a good way to officially tell Tom that you’re falling in love with him.
“I would love to come. Send me the address.”
“You got it. See you in 20.”
You sent Tom the address of the studio and he was there within 15 minutes. You greeted him at the front. “Hey, babe.”
He kissed you on the cheek and then asked, “Are you excited for today?”
“Very. I’m excited for you to hear the song,” you said as you led him into the studio. You introduced him to Cassandra and the rest of your team.
“Y/N, get your pretty ass in the booth,” Cassandra said. You walked into the recording booth and put on your headphones. “Let’s do this.”
“Tom, sit up in front,” you said and then he took a seat beside Cassandra. “This one is called London Boy.”
The upbeat music came on and you knew that you were skipping the intro for now so you went in with the first verse.
I love my hometown as much as Motown, I love SoCal And you know I love Springsteen, faded blue jeans, Tennessee whiskey But something happened, I heard him laughing I saw the dimples first and then I heard the accent They say home is where the heart is But that's not where mine lives
You heard Cassandra tell you to stop so they could play it back. You saw Tom smiling at you as you were singing and you took that as a good sign that he was enjoying it.
“Now for the chorus.”
You know I love a London boy I enjoy walking Camden Market in the afternoon He likes my American smile, like a child when our eyes meet Darling, I fancy you Took me back to Highgate, met all of his best mates So I guess all the rumors are true You know I love a London boy Boy, I fancy you (Ooh)
You ended up finishing the recording of the song in an hour. You left the booth for your break and you first greeted Tom. “What did you think of it?”
“I love you, too,” he said. You leaned up to him and kissed him with every fiber of your being.
“That’s good because many of these songs are about you.”
“And I can’t wait to hear them all,” he said and then smiled.
“I can’t believe how I’ve only been here for three months and I already feel this way,” you said honestly. You have never fallen so fast for anyone, but it feels right with Tom. Everything feels right with him.
“Well, believe it because it’s real,” Tom confirmed. “Be mine, Y/N?”
“I thought you’d never ask, lover.”
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tagging: @tomsbabymomma @canwekissforever-hazzy @pinklxmonade​ @tomsbrina​ @storybookholland​ 
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panicatthediaz · 3 years
40 (almost kiss) + 54 (secret relationship)? 🥰
Being in bed at 12:00 am will not stop me, I guess. Bonus Getting Together, I guess. Spent 3 or so hours at this. Ops.
Post S4. This is a disgusting amount of fluff. Unbeta'd (but self proof-read) as I wrote this from 12 am to 3:30 am.
On AO3
Years In The Making
Not that he believed it, but he was sure most people around him would say it was meant to be; something fated somewhere to happen somehow. Eddie didn't really believe that.
What he did believe was that they may have been too afraid (or maybe too repressed, in his case) to see what was going on, what had been growing for a long while. Years, maybe?
But getting shot (again) had given him a good shake, and he could say he'd been almost disappointed to see Ana by his bedside. No fault of her own, of course not, but...
He was pretty sure of what he wanted at that moment.
Breaking things off with her hadn't been that difficult, or painful, a couple of weeks after his return home. Ana's disappointment was clear, but she seemed to know as well as he did that they weren't going anywhere as a couple. With a promise to stay in touch, she walked out of his home one last time.
Now all he had to do was talk to Buck.
Buck had been cagey for the first few days when Eddie had asked him about Taylor. It took about a week and a couple of beers for him to blurt out, "She kissed me then ran out." He fidgeted for a couple of minutes. "Then she came back and we talked through it."
Eddie's heart sank, but he still put on a smile for the sake of his friend (if that was all that he would be for Buck, he'd make do). "And?"
"And we are at very different stages when it comes to romance." Buck shrugged, but the tiny frown was right there between his brows. "She became a good friend, but damn, we wouldn't have lasted as a couple."
Buck finished his beer and turned to Eddie, though not looking beyond the water bottle he was holding in his one good hand.
"She, uh... She isn't quite who I want." Buck cleared his throat, abruptly standing up and walking away from the dining table to place his empty bottle in the recyclable bin. "How is Ana, by the way?"
Eddie accepted the deflection well enough, watching as Buck stood by the doorway with his arms crossed, a stance that tried to project calm. Eddie doubted he was anywhere near it; he never enjoyed talking about failed relationships (including those that never took off).
"We broke up last week," he replied easily, standing up to refill his bottle in the kitchen. "Don't worry," he added, seeing the wide-eyed surprise (and dare he say, hope?) in Buck's expression. "It was pretty amicable and even. We both saw we weren't going to get anywhere and decided to split."
"Okay," Buck whispered, following him into the kitchen. "You okay?"
Eddie nodded, smiling. "Yeah, I'm fine." Though he had to ask... "Who is it?" Buck's confused, scrunched-up expression was pretty damn cute, making him look a little bit more like the Golden Retriever pup Hen and Chimney often compared him to. "You said Taylor isn't who you want, so who is it?"
"Eddie," he said on a groan, though he simply leaned against the counter instead of answering.
"See," Eddie spoke with a new bout of confidence (maybe just as ill-placed as the excitement he was starting to feel), standing against the sink across from Buck. "I'm kind of hoping for a specific answer here."
Buck didn't reply. Eddie had barely even noticed a shift in Buck's expression before he moved into his space, pressing a hard kiss against his lips, a huge contrast to how softly his hands cradled his head and how careful he was to not press against the sling and his injured shoulder.
Eddie wasn't sure if the bottle ended up on the sink or on the floor by their feet. What mattered was that he managed to get his hand on Buck's neck, drawing him even closer.
(Not that Buck let either of them press too close, and god, he loved him.
And he was distantly aware that he should be at least a little freaked out over the thought after one kiss - their first kiss - but, well... Years in the making and all that.)
One kiss became two, became many, and Eddie could see the same feelings reflected in Buck's blue eyes. Belonging, a finally and a home.
There was no need to go beyond kissing and cuddling, both of them content to sit even closer together, hands intertwined whenever they could.
It was... Soft in a way Eddie hadn't had in so long, intimate in ways he thought he wouldn't experience.
And they weren't subtle, weren't actively trying to keep anything a secret. Eddie was still off work, doing his PT as he should and Buck had been staying at his house (their home, he couldn't help but think every time) since Eddie got out of the hospital anyway.
But two months passed and the only two people aware of the change in their relationship were Christopher and Carla because they found them cuddled up on the couch, Eddie knocked out by painkillers and then too out of it to deny anything when his son questioned him about it.
(Christopher had simply nodded with a mumbled "Good" and left it at that. They still had no idea what that was about.)
The sling had come off a few days ago, though he still couldn't do that much, and it was driving Eddie up a wall. Buck was at the station, and he didn't want to think about the conniption he'd have if he drove there.
He knocked on Christopher's bedroom door, opening it slowly to see his son smiling at him from where he sat with his book.
"Hey, buddy." It was impossible not to smile back, feeling the all-encompassing warmth at the fact that he was still here, could see his son growing up for a while longer. "What do you say we pay a visit to the station?"
The frown he got for that was so much like Shannon's that he didn't know what to do with the pang in his chest. There was no guilt, not then, over the fact he missed her. He just did, she should be able to see how much their kid was growing, how much like her he could be sometimes. And maybe she was, if the afterlife turned out to be a thing after all.
"You are not supposed to drive."
And that tone was way too much like Buck's, just this morning, for Eddie to hold back his laughter.
"I was thinking we could take an Uber." He shrugged with his left shoulder. He might have been desperate to get out of the house, but he wasn't stupid; he didn't want pain and he didn't want to end up lectured by the entire team once he got there. "What do you say?"
Christopher considered it for a moment, then placed his bookmark and got up. "Let's go!"
"You better not have come in your car, Eddie!"
He rolled his eyes at the very much expected exclamation as Christopher giggled beside him.
"Don't worry, Buck," the kid said, walking ahead as Buck came downstairs. "I didn't let him drive."
"Thank God for you, kid," Buck said, kneeling on one knee to give Chris a hug. "Your dad is stubborn, he probably would have driven here if it weren't for you."
"Hey!" There was no real annoyance in his protest, but Eddie still said, "I get enough sass from my kid, don't you start, too."
Buck, in such a show of maturity, stuck out his tongue at him before turning to Christopher once again.
"Come on, buddy, let's go see the fun people."
Chris' laughter echoed in the station, and Eddie let the light atmosphere carry him upstairs to the loft where he was greeted by the rest of the team with hugs, and some friendly pats on (thankfully) his uninjured shoulder.
Chimney and Hen immediately walked with Christopher to the pinball machine, and Bobby had given him a plate of leftover breakfast to carry wherever he ended up sitting.
He chose the couch, where Buck had already made himself comfortable again and was currently watching the trio at the machine. They could hear Hen encouraging Chris to beat Chim's high score.
"Hey you," Buck greeted softly, an arm going around his shoulders as Eddie adjusted himself.
"Hey yourself." Buck glanced at the other side of the loft, then pressed a quick peck to his lips. Apparently, everyone was sufficiently distracted. "How are you?"
"So far so good." He took one of the biscuits from Eddie's plate, quickly popping it into his mouth as if Eddie hadn't sat here to share them. "I'd ask how your day is going, but it's obvious you're bored out of your mind."
Eddie groaned, letting his head fall back against Buck's arm. He was beyond bored, at this point, and no amount of movies or video games had helped. Buck's chuckle beside him was another pretty good incentive to get out of the house.
He turned his head to face him, his own expression undoubtedly soft as he took in the man that had been by his side for so long and for so many things already.
Buck's expression softened even more, somehow, his smile bright as the sun and even warmer. He leaned closer and-
And what sounded like a very undignified squeak interrupted their almost-kiss, causing Eddie to huff in mild annoyance and turn around.
Chimney stood by the dining table, gaping at them. Bobby was still in the kitchen and turned to look at them at the sound of Chimney's squeak.
"What's wrong, Chim?" Hen asked, frowning all the way from the pinball machine (where Christopher continued to play).
"They..." He gestured between the two of them. "Since when are you two together?!" He ignored Hen's own surprised exclamation. "They were about to kiss!"
"Yeah," Eddie confirmed, nonchalantly making himself comfortable in Buck's arms in the new position so he could look at the rest of their team. "And you had to ruin the mood."
Buck hid his face in his hair, and Eddie could hear the quiet snickering. They really thought the others would have caught up after two months of visiting Eddie at least once every few days.
"What about Ana?"
"We broke up two months ago, man."
"And Taylor?"
"Dude, we never started dating in the first place." The exasperation was clear in Buck's voice. "She's really just a friend."
Chimney nodded, satisfied for the time being. They had no doubt that there would be more questions later.
"When did this even happen?" Hen asked this time, walking over with Christopher.
"Two months ago," Chris answered before either of them could, smiling a little too innocently. "A week or something after Dad broke up with Miss Flores."
Eddie had no idea Christopher knew that level of details, but he had definitely been out of it when he told him. Maybe he said more than he remembered.
"Well," Bobby finally spoke up, walking over to their little family unit on the couch, now that Christopher was tucked on Eddie's other side. "I'm happy for you two." Eddie could feel whatever tension had been on Buck's body (not that there was much in the first place) drain out of him at Bobby's words. "And we can deal with HR and paperwork once you're back at the station," he added, directed at Eddie. Bobby's smile was genuinely warm, putting him even further at ease.
Years in the making. Maybe it was obvious to everyone else, but Eddie wouldn't change a thing about the road they took to get here. It had been hard and full of hurt, but what they had was solid and them and it was definitely worth it all.
Including the cheering, clapping, and whistles of everyone else when Buck pressed a kiss to his lips right there and then simply because he could.
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dubersbutt · 3 years
4 Times Leon Joined You and Connor
+ 1 Time He Stayed
Summary: How you, Leon and Connor became a thing
Tumblr media
Warnings: smut (oral (female receiving, male receiving, penetrative sex), mlm sex (blowjobs)), sexuality crises (sexuality procrastination)
1) The “Accidents”
Leon gets your text message a second too late. The notification with your name and “DON'T OPEN MY SNAP” hanging above the picture of your scantily clad torso, matching royal purple set, the deep colour complimenting your tan skin. Leon is torn between wanting to be respectful and wanting to keep the picture open until he can get himself off. But, he’s a good dude so he does not do the latter. Instead, he closes the snap and texts you back
Leon: Whoops. I didn’t get your message until after I opened it
You: Ugh. I’m sorry, your name is right under Connor’s and my finger slipped.
Leon: Aren’t you supposed to be at school.
You: Stats are boring. I was trying to bother my boyfriend.
Leon: Pay attention in class, (Y/N).
You: 🙄
You: You can keep the picture btw. I know I look good
You: No face, no case
Leon doesn’t keep it but, his finger hovers over the replay button for far too long.
Leon’s furnace craps out on him halfway into the season, and Alberta winters without heaters isn’t very enjoyable so he temporarily moves in with Connor, the day of the charity gala. Leon has a good time for the most part. Except -
He can’t get that fucking picture out of his head. And your dress hugs you in all the right places and he really hopes that neither you or Connor notice that how often he looks over at you. Connor has to rub elbows with the rich donor more than Leon does, so he keeps you company in between rounds. The two of you keep yourselves entertained by comping up with potential conversations for the other people in the room.
“Leon wait,” you say, clutching his arm and Leon feels his heart skip a beat, “That girl is his daughter, not his sugar baby.”
“No,” Leon was convinced, they were sitting way too close if that were true, “How do you know?”
You point to an older lady that’s approaching the table. She leans down to give the man a quick kiss and Leon’s about to propose a potential mistress until he realizes the girl looks like a younger version of the older woman.
“Shit,” he says and you look at him with wide eyes, “We’re going to hell.”
“We totally deserve it too.”
An hour later, Leon is excusing himself from a conversation with Klefbom and an older lady. She hardly notices, her attention has been focused on Oscar the whole time. Oscar tries to get him to stay but Leon thinks her not-so-subtle flirtation is hilarious.
He laughs when he gets the “I’m gonna fucking kill you” text from Oscar on the way to the bathroom.
Leon: I don’t like being the third wheel
Leon: Make sure she’s not married, klef. You’d be a terrible mistress
Oscar: I would be the best mistress in the history of mistresses.
When Leon opens the door to the bathroom he’s met with the sound of moans. He supposes he should have shut the door right then and there but he opens it all the way without realizing. He’s met with the sight of Connor fucking you on the sink. Your nails are digging into his back as Connor fucks you. He’s frozen for a moment, can’t remember how to move his limbs until you meet his eyes. He’s fairly certain you smile at him but he’s also convinced he imagined it. He replays your moans and tiny whimpers in his head.
He’s not even surprised when he wakes up the next morning and the girl next to him looks a little like you when he squints.
A week later he’s coming home from a run, the weather had warmed up enough for a short 15 minute jog before he had to pack for the California road trip. He lets himself in through Connor’s garage door, taking off his snowy boots in the mudroom. He takes his earbuds out, pocketing them when he hears -
“I - fuck, don’t tease me.”
Not again.
Now, Leon is kind of annoyed. He texted Connor that he was on his way home, had given him ample time to move to his bedroom. And Leon has to pass the living room to get to the guest room.
“You’re such a brat,” he hears Connor say and the next thing that comes out of his mouth is a loud groan.
Leon has to start packing, they need to be at the airport in an hour. He tries to make his appearance quick and minimal but he meets Connor’s eyes. He mouths, sorry as he picks up the pace, but Connor doesn’t seem to mind. His face is flushed, and his chest is rising and falling quickly. Connor winks at him. Winks.
When he finally makes it to his room he slumps against the walk, leaving the door open a crack so he can hear Connor’s moans. He can’t help it anymore, he pulls the waistband of his pants down, gripping his dick. He has to bite down on his hand to keep his moans at bay. He cums in unison with Connor, using his moans to guide him to finish.
He stands there for a moment, hands sticky with cum listening to Connor praise you through the crack in the door.
Leon doesn’t make a habit of picking up men during the season. You can never know who's secretly a hockey fan wanting to sell Leon’s bisexuality to the tabloids. Hell, only like 4 people on the team knew. But Anaheim doesn’t have a huge hockey presence so he takes a chance. He gets out of team movie night under the guise of an upset stomach.
Instead, he Ubers to the nearest gay bar. The place is pretty packed when he gets there. He orders a drink and notices a floppy haired blond guy across from him. He’s a little too scrawny to pass as Connor, but Leon’s not asking for perfection. He asks the bartender to send over another of whatever he’s having before he makes his way over to him. Not-Connor’s name is Josh, and they hit off right away.
Soon, Leon’s pushing not-Connor up against the bathroom wall, grinding against him. Not-Connor gets down on his knees and sucks Leon off. It doesn’t take long until Leon’s shooting down his throat with a hand in his thick hair. He starts to get down so he can reciprocate, his jaw is gonna kill him tomorrow but he’s not an asshole, when not-Connor stops him.
“If you want, we can go to mine and you can fuck me,” he says, biting his lip.
Leon’s already forgotten his name, but he says yes anyway.
Not Connor is really fucking flexible, letting Leon hook his legs over his shoulders when he fucks him in missionary. They stop for a quick snack in the kitchen before Leon bends him over the counter and fucks him until tears form in the corner of his eyes.
Leon’s half an hour late for curfew, but no one says anything to him.
2) The Vacation
Don’t get him wrong, Leon is always honoured to be invited to All-Star weekend. However, if he had the choice of being interviewed for two days straight or sitting on a beach in california for a week, he probably wouldn’t put too much though into his decision.
But, he still had 4 days of vacation in Palm Springs with the team before he and Connor had to leave early. Connor had asked him if he wanted to split the cost of the penthouse suite, and because Leon’s room was on the other side of suite as yours and Connor’s room, he said yes.
They left for California as soon as their last game ended, leaving them too tired to party the first night, choosing to order room service instead. Leon gets a plate of honey garlic chicken wings, 12 of them to himself, spaghetti, and a slice of cheesecake because, fuck it, he’s on vacation.
When it arrives, he snatches the plate of wings before Connor could take one, he had a bad habit of saying he didn’t want stuff and then asking for a few bites. Normally, Leon doesn’t care but he’s been craving wings for weeks. Why did he choose the career with the strict diet regimen?
“You’re really not gonna share?” Connor asks, eyebrow raised.
“Nope,” he replies, popping the ‘p’ and sinking his teeth into his second one.
“You have 12!”
“No one was stopping you from ordering your own.”
Leon feels your eyes on him. He assumes it's because he’s foregone any and all manners. The sticky sauce on the wings coat his fingers, he can feel it in his beard but he does not care because they’re so good. He doesn’t care that he’s gone full barbarian-
“Leon do you want to have a threesome with us?” you ask and Leon chokes on a piece of chicken.
“What?” He nearly drops his wing, “Right now?”
Connor’s groans and runs a hand through his hair in exasperation, “This is not how we said we would ask him.”
“I’m sorry. I can’t explain it,” you giggle and gesture at how he’s hunched over his wings, “but this is doing it for me?”
“Really?” Leon asks incredulously and Connor looks at you in disbelief.
“I wish I could say it didn’t.”
Leon squints at you and Connor, “You’re serious about this?”
“Yeah,” You both respond.
“We’ve been discussing adding a third,” Connor asks, “We were going to ask when you weren’t beasting a plate of wings - I admire your ability to eat during a conversation, by the way - but someone can’t keep it in their pants.”
You shrug, taking a bite from your burger.
Leon contemplates it, eating his 8th wing in the meantime.
“Sure,” he says, starting his 9th, “But not tonight. I don’t feel sexy after I eat spaghetti.”
You laugh, “Leon, if you had to choose between only sex or only food which would it be?”
“Food,” he says with no hesitation, or regrets.
The next day Leon spends baking in the sun. Everybody had decided to spend the day in the attached private pool in the suit. He chirps Connor when his skin starts to burn about an hour into the day and pokes at his red shoulder when he joins Connor under the umbrella.
By the end of the day Leon is pleasantly tipsy, saying goodbye to the team as he lounges on the couch. When the door shuts, you settle yourself in his lap. Your skin is warm from the heat.
Your sheer white swimsuit coverup has been driving Leon insane for the past two hours the team has been in the suite. Although, seeing you in your bikini, watching the water glint off your tan skin as Connor splashed you with the water, was far worse.
“Hi,” you hum, leaning in, “You still down for this?”
“Of course.”
You kiss him, letting out a groan as you do so. Leon rests his hands on your thighs, and when you don’t rebuke him he slides them up, dragging your cover up with him. His fingers toy with the band of your suit bottoms. He pulls away from your mouth, instead kissing along your jaw, scraping his beard against your skin gently. Normally, he wouldn’t be so bold, but, when you first started dating Connor, he told Leon that he started to grow his beard out because you enjoyed the scratch on your skin. He pays attention to the places that draw tiny gasps or moans from you, noting them for later.
“I should have known that the two most impatient people in my life wouldn’t wait for me,” Connor says, holding your jaw to kiss you. Leon doesn’t miss the way your body goes limp against him when Connor’s fingers tighten ever so slightly.
“I wouldn’t have pegged you as a sub,” Leon hums, pulling your cover up all the way over your head. “She’s not,” Connor interjects, helping Leon with his task, “She’s a brat, but she’s pretty.”
“You’re mean,” you respond, “Should we move to the bedroom?”
Connor pulls you up, off his lap. Leon thinks that he’s just going to lead you, but Connor picks you up. You pull him closer with your legs, grunting as Connor settles you and starts walking to the master bedroom. Leon has to stop himself running after you.
Leon takes two minutes to get there, stopping for a quick glass of water. Two minutes is all it takes for Connor to fuck you from behing. Leon takes a minute, scanning his eyes over the two of you. Connor looks over and winks at him and Leon gets that same pang in his heart again. He stops, and you let out a whine in protest, pushing your hips back against him.
“Take her mouth,” Connor says, nodding towards the empty spot on the bed.
“For the record, I’m not thrilled that you’re bossing me around,” he says but obliges, pulling his swim shorts off on the way there.
He gives himself a few pumps before you reach over and take over, “You can put your hand in my hair,” you say, before you wrap your lips around the tip.
Connor’s hand slides along your spine, lightly dragging his nails as you start to bob your head, taking Leon deeper each time.
“Should we link arms in true Eiffel Towel fashion?”
Leon thought it was going to be a one-time thing, but the next morning he wakes up with your throat on his dick, and he can hear the shower running. By the time Connor’s back in the room, you’re cuming on Leon’s cock as he spills into the condom.
“You asshats,” Connor says, water dripping down abs, “I leave for five minutes.”
“You take the longest showers known to man, Con,” you tease, accepting his kiss.
That day the team planned on going to go sightseeing, but Leon makes the excuse of finding a girl at the hotel bar last night. Connor says that the two of you are going to take advantage of the empty penthouse. And you do. The next day, during the team hike, the three of you lag behind the rest, too exhausted to keep up.
Leon thinks that when they land in San Jose for the All Star game, that it’s the end, and he’s almost sad about it. But at the end, Connor and him get the same snap. You lifting up your McDavid jersey to reveal a lacey, navy blue bodysuit. The V dips tantalizingly low, Leon wants to lick the exposed skin and feel your body squirm against his as he teases you. He and Connor change faster than Leon thought was possible, and soon he’s upstairs in yours and Connors room. Connor fucks you first, not giving you quite enough to cum as he finishes, filling you. As Leon’s rolling on the condom, Connor’s whispering in his ear - don’t let her cum.
So Leon fucks you  slowly. Holding both of your hands in one of his palms, he takes his time. His thrusts are rhythmic, as he grinds into you, watching your face contort. He rubs your clit, feeling the way you clench around him. He pushes you to the edge and waits  before pulling out entirely. He rests his dick on your stomach, pulling off the condom as he cums on your stomach.
3) The Dinner
Connor gets sick from the WEM signing in February. (Whoever decided to have the Oiler’s star player do a fan signing with a thousand people in the middle of flu season needs to be fired but that’s besides the point.) Because of this, he can’t go to the Nuge’s team bonding dinner but he insists that you still come, the other girls would miss you.
So you go, and you press up against Leon every once in a while during drinks. At dinner, you sit next to him, keeping a hand on his thigh at all times. Your hand moves onto his inseam as you spoon risotto into your mouth. While Nuge and Bre are handing out deserts, you lead him down a hallway.
“Hold on...aha!” you push open a door, leading to a guest room. The bed is made, and there’s a picture of Nuge’s dog on the bedside table. You turn the picture down, “I don’t want Sophie to see what we’re about to do.”
“(Y/N), What about Connor?” he asks. Leon has spent the night with you and Connor multiple times since coming home, and he’s fucked you many times but Connor’s always been there.
“Connor doesn’t care,” you say, pushing him down on the bed, “He said it was fine. We can FaceTime him if you want.”
Leon doesn’t think you’re lying, but he does enjoy watching Connor bite his lip as he watches Leon fuck you from behind. He’s got a terrible angle, can’t really see much but just the sounds of you and Leon make him groan into the phone. You end the cal with a quick “I love you.”
“You coming over tonight?” you ask when you and Leon finished getting dressed.
Everyone’s tipsy enough that they hadn’t noticed the two of you were gone.
When Leon comes over that night it’s the first time he gets his hands in Connor. He’s just finished fucking you - he’d quickly become the one to call the shots when he was around - and Connor was watching him pound into uou with wide eyes, fists clenched at his side like he was told.
Leon had spent a number of nights with you and Connor by now, but he figured Connor wasn’t into men so he didn’t push it. But this time it was different, he didn’t know why, but it was.
Leon knee-walks over to him, planting his legs on either side of Connor’s thighs. He doesn’t kiss him, doesn’t know if that’s too much, but he slides his hand up the length of them.
Giving a handy for the first time is always a little bit awkward, Leon actually has to pay attention to what they do and do not like, but with Connor it’s easier. It’s still a little awkward, he accidentally squeezes Connor’s base a little too hard and he crumpled against him, but it’s significantly better.
(Later that week you’d have a conversation with Connor.
“You know I don’t mind if you wanna do stuff with Leo when you’re gone right?”
“If you want to. You don’t have to but you seemed like you really enjoyed Leo’s hands the other day. Not that I blame you for that.”)
4) The Roadie
Leon isn’t expecting anyone to knock on his hotel door. He’s surprised when it’s Connor there. He’s antsy, cracking his knuckles.
“Hey,” he says, furrowing his brows at Connor’s uneasy demeanour, “everything okay?”
“Everything’s great,” Connor replies, bouncing on the balls of his feet.
“Do you wanna come in?”
“Wh-oh yeah sure,” he stutters like he didn’t realize that he was still outside.
Leon lets him in, and Connor walks to the chair on the other side of the room, but doesn’t sit. Leon eyes him as he sits on the edge of the bed.
“So I talked to (Y/N),”  Connor starts.
“And…” Leon prompts.
“She said that if we wanted to mess around together on roadies then that’s fine with her,” he takes a deep breath “andivebeenthinkingaboutitandiwannatrymaybebutivenever-”
“Woah woah woah,” Leon stops him, “You’re going to have to repeat that way slower.”
“I was thinking that, if you’re down, then maybe I would be willing to try it?” he trails off at the end.
“Do you want to sleep with me?”
“Maybe,” Connor takes another deep breath, “I mean I’ve never done anything with a dude before, but I kinda liked it the other day. But like, only if you want to.”
“We can fool around on roadies,” picking up is so much work, Leon would love to have a steady side piece - even though he doesn't have a main piece, “Since when were you into dudes.”
Connor rubs a hand over his face, “Don’t start with me. I’ve been having an ongoing sexuality crisis for a while. I love women, (Y/N) especially, but we’re tabling this conversation for, like a year.”
“Just one thing,” he says, finally sitting down on the bed next to him, “I don’t want you to….fuck me just yet.”
Leon wants to laugh, Connor’s so straight that it hurts, “Gay sex isn’t like straight sex, there’s a process. And, I don’t want to brag, but if I were to fuck you, you wouldn’t be able to walk for a week and you’re kind of important to the team.”
“So...you’re a bottom,” Leon teases, poking him in the shoulder.
“I think so? Obviously I won’t really know until I try it but I see the appeal….what are you?”
Leon does laugh at that, “ I usually top but I don’t mind taking it every once in a while.”
Connor nods, which Leon finds adorable. The last time Leon dealt with any kind of virginity was when he was losing his own (both times), and he’s kind of excited.
Connor leans in, kissing Leon softly. Leon pushes against them, hand coming up to card through Connor’s hair. A few moments later, he pulls away.
“What’s the verdict?” Leon asks.
“Your beard feels weird.”
“Good weird or bad weird,” Leon didn’t have a 5 step beard oil routine for it to feel bad.
“Good weird.”
Leon hums in approval. Connor leans back in, and this time Leon pushes him down on the bed and Connor lets him. He lets Leon trail kisses down his neck, chest heaving off the bed once Leon gets that spot at his jawbone that drives him crazy.
“You good?” Leon asks as he lowers himself between Connor’s spread legs. Connor nods, “If you’re uncomfortable, tell me and we stop.”
He takes Connor’s dick out of his shorts, only mildly surprised when he realizes Connor’s not wearing any underwear. He licks his lips as he starts to jack him off. Connor lets out a breathy moan as Leon drops his hound to the base of his cock a with a gentle squeeze. Leon leans forward, sucking on the head gently as he watches Connor’s face turn red. Leon bobs his head down, taking more down his throat each time. Leon digs his fingers into Connor’s hips to keep them down.
“Easy, baby,” Leon murmurs, not realizing the nickname was on the tip of his tongue until it had slipped out, “It’s been a while, you’re gonna have to give me a second before you fuck my throat.”
“ ‘M sorry,” Connor says, panting.
“It’s okay, Con,” Leon responds, reaching for Connor’s  hand and placing it in his hair.
“Fuuck, Leo,” Connor grunts when Leon starts to suck on his head.
Leon finds a good rhythm, bobbing his head low and hollowing his lips as he comes up. Connor is groaning, Leon should probably tell him to keep his voice down given that they’re surrounded by the team but he doesn’t care.
Leon drops his dick, until the very tip of his cock, and sucks. Connor grunts, thrusting up into Leon’s hands before Leon starts to slide his hand up and down quickly, bringing Connor to the edge.
“Close,” he pants, “I-close, Leo, plea-”
Leon sinks his head down one more time before Connor hits the back of his throat. He sputters a little as Connor keeps spilling into his mouth. He feels a little bit dribble out, and when he finally pulls off, he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.
“How was that?” Leon asks, tucking Connor’s soft dick under the waistband of his shorts.
Connor has a hand thrown over his face, and his only answer is a groan. Leon can’t help but laugh.
“I’ll take that as a compliment, I know my head game is strong.”
(Connor tries to give Leon a blowjob, but he gets a little too ambitious and chokes a few bobs in. Connor sputters and coughs, and Leon can’t help but chuckle as Connor grips his thighs, trying to catch his breath. He wants to try again but Leon stops him.
“You’ve done a lot today, you can try again later if you want to.”
“No, no I can do it.”
Leon explains that he doesn’t want Connor to bite his dick and Connor relaxes, giving him a hanjob instead. His pressure is a little light, so Leon wraps his hand around Connor’s and guides him until Leon finishes all over his stomach.
(Connor hesitantly runs a finger through the mess, before slowly raising his finger to his lips. He scrunches his nose in disgust. “Drink some pineapple juice, ugh.” and Leon laughs)
Connor leaves shortly after, and Leon definitely doesn’t replay the moment over and over again in his head.)
+ 1) The One Time he Stayed
When Leon pulls up into Connor’s driveway, he’s expecting the usual: play with Lenny, threesome, play with Lenny, dinner, play with Lenny, maybe round two, decide if he wants to drive home at 3 am (the answer is most likely no).
However, when he shows up Connor isn’t even home, which is not normal. Lenard throws himself at Leon when he walks through the door, knocking him down on the floor.
“One of these days he’s gonna be successful in his assination attempts,” you joke from your place on the couch.
“There are worse ways to die,” he says as he gets back on his feet, this time ready for Lenny’s high energy. Eventually Lenny decides Leon is not worth his time, padding off to his bed by the fireplace, so Leon sits by you on the couch.
“Watchya reading?” he asks, poking you in the side.
“My textbook detailing the different types and phases of psychosis,” you say,  capping your highlighter.
“Hm,” Leon grunts, “Uplifting.”
“Very,” you place the book on the coffee table, “So Connor was telling me about your hook up on the roadie.”
Leon’s heart stops, “Connor said it was okay and you seduced me at Nuge’s so I assumed-”
“Leon, relax” you cut him off with a chuckle, “I’m not mad.”
Leon lets out the breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“And I did not seduce you at Nuge’s.”
“You led me down a hallway I’ve never been in just to have sex with me in their guest bedroom,” he raises an eyebrow, “that’s the definition of seducing.”
You mutter something that Leon can’t decipher under his breath which he knows means that he’s won this argument.
“Anyways,” you say, clearing your throat, ““Connor was gonna be here, but he had an appointment and now he’s stuck on the Henday but he’ll be here soon. We were talking and we were thinking, only if you wanted to, that maybe you could join us...as a couple.”
Leon isn’t sure he understands your proposal.
“Would you like to join me and Connor as a third?” you ask, “If you don’t want you can leave before Connor comes home and we’ll never bring it up again.”
Later that day, when Leon is falling asleep with Connor on one side of him using his chest as a pillow and you’re on his other side tucked against him, he’ll think about what a strange road it was to get here. Connor’s already asleep, listening to Leon’s heartbeat as his head rises and falls on with Leon’s breath.
“So was this always the plan?” Leon asks when he feels you tracing something on his skin.
“Hm?” you question.
“Was this all an elaborate ploy to get me to join you and Connor?” he clarifies, “Because if so, kudos because I never expected.”
“No,” Connor mumbles against Leon’s chest, turns out he wasn’t asleep, “We didn’t expect to ask you to join us more than once in California but you’re too damn cute.”
“I never thought we would because I didn’t think Davo was into dudes,” you say, “We get any closer to an answer on the sexuality thing, Con?”
“We’ll get there when we get there.”
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