#so cute and fluffy i'm gonna die
thegreatwicked · 1 month
Lover, Fighter
This is a little something special for someone I know who is a lovely person but is also going through a tough time. Self-care is important and so is reaching out, I know it's hard and I struggle to do it too sometimes. But I promise you, there are many people who care and worry about you. It's going to be all right. So, if it's just a bad day or you've been having a series of bad days, take time to love yourself and let others love you.
Where my Obi-Wan Ladies at? Guys, we need a name. Obi-Wans Harem? I'm taking suggestions. Have a good day everyone! It's what Obi-Wan would want.
Part of the 50 Shades of Obi-Wan Reader Insert Series
Lover, Fighter.
Everybody says there's, two kinds of hearts Where one loves and one goes to war Some make peace and others get even No solid ground to stand for
Surely, it's not easy or that simplified I'm dying while you walk away I wanna put my boots on and march to the front lines
I will be your lover, fighter, harder, higher, lover, fighter I wanna fight for lover, fighter under fire, lover, fighter I wanna fight for love, love, love Wanna fight for love, love, love
The day was at its end and no one was more relieved to see it than Master Kenobi. He was fatigued, and his back ached from the long day of Council Meetings, and each moment spent in those chairs was far from pleasant as they had clearly been designed with aesthetics in mind rather than comfort. A little over an hour was all it would take before one’s tailbone began to ache. But being that they were meant to be uniform and accommodate other species aside from humans, there was little that could be done in the matter aside from trying not to look too obvious as you shifted in your seat. 
He felt a bit overstimulated as well, he had long maintained that the life of politics wasn’t for him, but as his time on the council grew he found that politics trickled its way into Jedi affairs more and more these days, and if left a bitter taste in his mouth.
He wanted a soothing cup of tea, the heat of a shower, and the cool caress of sheets on his skin with you securely in his arms, of course. He smiled as he thought of the softness of your touch and the sweetness of your lips in every kiss, and each step that brought him closer to your shared quarters brought him closer to your embrace; home.
As he stepped off the turbo lift, a choppy sensation prickled at the back of his mind, a slight disturbance in the Force that set him on edge. It could have been anything, maybe he wasn’t the only one having a long and tiring day, but as he drew closer to his quarters the disturbance grew more intense, like an awful tinnitus, a tuning fork from hell. There were several turns he needed to take before he reached home but even before those definitive turns he knew— 
"Something is wrong," Obi-Wan muttered under his breath.
He began quickening his pace until he was just about jogging to reach your shared quarters, his robes flowing behind him as only the muted sound of his heavy footfalls betrayed his urgency to reach you. Though not panicked, he was keenly alert and concern coursed through him as his connection to you wavered in the Force. 
As soon as he stepped through the doors, tension gripped him like a vice, squeezing his temples until they began to throb with discomfort. The air was both thick and fragile as if one wrong move would shatter it into a million sharp pieces. It set him on edge, if it was doing this to him, what was it doing to you?
He scanned the main room, but you were nowhere in sight. There was not a single sign of life besides himself. As he made his way towards your shared bedroom, his heart raced with a sense of dread that grew stronger with each step and the hairs on his neck stood up.
Obi-Wan's eyes landed on you sitting on the edge of the bed, and a sense of relief washed over him. But it was short-lived as he realized that the awful disturbance was coming from you.
You sat facing the wall back hunched in a miserable repose, hair cascading over one shoulder like a frigid waterfall as distress radiated off you in powerful waves, sending daggers to his heart. Your shoulders shook with silent sobs that tried at every turn to force their way out of your body, you were locked in combat trying to maintain them, your head buried in your hands. Fingers twisted in your hair, clutching your scalp. 
You were so consumed by your emotions that you didn't even notice Obi-Wan's presence as he stood silently in the doorway, his eyes filled with concern. Who had done this to you? Who had hurt you? His Starlight?
"Darling, what's happened?" Obi-Wan asked softly, his voice laced with worry, but you didn’t respond.
He felt the swirling chaos around you intensify like it was trying to pull him in. Your breath hitched in your chest as you tried to swallow your cries and ragged breaths. To force them back down to that place where they could not escape. A thousand questions raced through his mind, but he knew he needed to remain calm for your sake. 
The sight of you in such pain was unbearable, and he longed to take your suffering away, to shield you from whatever darkness had taken hold. But first, he needed to understand what was happening.
He took a slow, cautious step toward you, his heart heavy with concern. "My love?" He called gently, trying to reach through the overwhelming tide of your sorrows.
There was no response, and so he reached out and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. You jumped at his touch, finally registering his presence. It was a terrible thing, the look in your eyes; red and puffy, glistened with unshed tears. Struggling to control the tide of tears. Startled by his sudden appearance, you leaped to your feet, hastily attempting to straighten your disheveled appearance. Arranging your hair to hide your face from him, you didn’t want him to see you like this, so vulnerable and small. The distress that was centered on you suddenly faded as though on turned off a tap of water, giving him a glimpse of just what you had been keeping from him. 
What was he even doing here? He was early, wasn’t he? You looked to the timepiece to find that, that was actually not the case, he was in fact, a bit late. You’d been so wrapped up in your misery that you’d failed to notice he was over an hour late in returning. You cursed yourself for being so careless.
"Is everything-" 
"Nothing's wrong," You insisted harshly, not meaning to snap at him, it just came out like that. "I'm just... tired, that's all."
You could feel his stare, not needing to turn around to see those beautiful blue eyes to know that he didn’t believe you. He wasn’t blind to your pain, he felt it in every half-smile, each reserved kiss. You hadn’t been yourself since returning from the front lines and he would have been a fool not to notice it, and you a bigger one if you thought you could hide it from him.
There was no hiding it now. He didn’t believe you for a moment, and you’d have a hell of a time convincing him otherwise now. Kriff! How were you going to fix this? He wasn’t expecting to come home to a simpering mess of a woman, he wanted his strong-willed, playful, passionate lover, but instead, he came home to a crying girl. 
For a few moments neither of you said anything. Part of you wanted so badly to turn around and embrace him; to fall into the arms of the man you loved but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it.
Stubbornness had long been your greatest foe and your most insidious one; that it prevented you from seeking comfort from the person you trusted the most. Your eyes burned as a war was waged within them stemming the tides of those tears screaming to be released. A small part of you wanted him to force the details of your pain so you had to confront them but you knew better. Obi-Wan Kenobi would never do such a thing.
But that didn’t mean he was going to do nothing, instead of the anger or frustration at your deception you expected, he took a different approach. 
"What have I done to lose your confidence in me?"
You looked at him, shocked by his question, and then quickly turned away, placing your hands on the desk for support, hanging your head in shame. The silence between you stretched on, a chasm that seemed to deepen with each passing second.
Your trembling hands, gripped the desk as if it were your only lifeline. He approached you slowly, each step a careful calculation, a deliberate choice to bridge the gap between you. 
“My dear, I know you’ve been melancholy lately, and while I would never presume to know the depth of your despair, I had hoped you might reach out to me when you were ready,”
He hesitated for a moment, feeling the weight of your anguish, before closing the distance and placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. You stiffened slightly at his touch but didn't pull away. 
"I know how difficult it can be to leave that battlefield behind," He murmured gently, his voice barely more than a whisper. "Physical wounds may heal, but not all wounds close quite the same."
Warmth flowed from his palm into your form, easing your rigid posture.
"I could never lose confidence in you, Obi-Wan," You admitted softly, your voice laden with sorrow. "But I didn't want to burden you with my darkness."
You could practically hear him shaking his head, he did that a lot when you let silly things like this happen.
"My darling girl," 
He gently pulled you back by the shoulder, turning you to face him, but you stubbornly kept your gaze on the ground; staring at your boots meeting his. He didn’t try to make you look up at him, though he wanted to see your eyes, he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest. 
"I would rather endure a hundred battles in the darkest of nights than to see you suffer in stubbornness. But I know asking for help isn't something you're naturally gifted at."
He was one to talk… 
But he was right, you nodded against his chest, a small sigh escaping your lips. Gently, he stroked your hair, feeling the warmth of his body melding with your own, you relaxed in his embrace. He pressed a tender kiss to the top of your head, he did that a lot too, it was one of the things that saw to it that your heart could hardly contain itself whenever he was near.
“If you don’t want my help just push, darling, but if you do, just stay here with me.” He whispered into your hair, the sound of his heartbeat steady and reassuring beneath your ear. "Let me carry it for you," 
After several minutes of silence, a quiet rain began to fall outside their window, the droplets tapping gently against the glass. 
You didn’t push him away. 
Your hands gripped onto his robes tightly and the trembling returned. Obi-Wan took a deep breath, inhaling the damp scent of the air, before he spoke again.
"Will you tell me what's wrong?" 
You remained still for a moment as if gathering your thoughts, and you did your best to steadily let out a breath that shook just like you did. 
"You're right," You whispered "I'm struggling.” 
His arms tightened around you. 
“The pain and the memories. My connection to the Force isn't what it was, and I'm afraid, I feel like I’m drowning." Your body shook more as you spoke, the turmoil within spilling out like waves crashing upon a rocky shore. You hated feeling like this and not knowing what the catalyst was that caused all of this. That there was no rational explanation for the way you were feeling. It felt so… foolish. 
“I can’t find my peace, I can’t silence the nightmares or the ghosts, it feels like they’re trying to drag me down and sometimes I can scarcely breathe.”
You felt it creeping back up on you as you spoke the words aloud like the darkness was trying to claw at you and pull you away from the safety of Obi-Wan’s arms. Your breathing grew increasingly erratic, an invisible weight on your chest, crushing you, tearing you apart and the crippling fear of drowning returned. 
His hand found its way into the tresses of your hair turning your head to rest against his chest, just above his heart. If there was anyone who knew of the ghosts that haunted you, it was Obi-Wan, having suffered their attacks before as well. He didn’t tell you that you were foolish to keep this from him, nor did he patronize you by speaking to you like a little Padawan; telling you to collect your thoughts and concentrate on the force. Sometimes feelings just needed to be felt and acknowledged no matter how irrational or frightening they were. 
Mentoring his Padawan to Knighthood and eventually to the rank of Master had taught him that.
"Shh," he soothed, his hand rubbing gentle circles on your back. "Focus on my breathing, and listen to my heartbeat. Breathe with me, my love."
Somehow, you weren’t sure how, the muted sound of his heartbeat came through the noise and clutter that was crowding your mind. Soft and quiet at first but then as the seconds ticked on, it grew louder and… warmer. He stroked your hair and held you closer to him. He could feel the tension building in your body, the energy coming off you in waves of distress, his cerulean serenity went to silent battle with the demons that persisted after you.
"You are not alone in this. I understand."
He slowed his own breaths, taking deep and measured inhales and exhales. The Force radiating from him, a gentle and calming presence that enveloped you like a warm, soothing blanket. Gradually, your breathing calmed and matched his, the storm within beginning to subside, the waters stilling, the skies clearing.
As you breathed in and out, you gradually loosened your death grip on his robes. Your grip, once tight with fear, now softened. And then, without hesitation, you wrapped your arms around him, clinging to the sanctuary he provided. The rain continued its gentle rhythm outside, washing away the last vestiges of distress from the room. 
"Can you hear it?" Obi-Wan asked softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
His heartbeat. 
You listened intently, your ear pressed against the steady thrum of his chest. "Yes," You murmured, breathing in deeply. The scent of incense and the familiar linnens of the temple robes mingled with his own unique smell, a comforting presence that helped to calm you further.
"You're not going to drown, I won’t let you" He promised, his words firm and unwavering. "You're safe now, away from the battlefield." A few guarded tears seeped into his robes, but he didn't let go, only holding on tighter. "Your secrets are safe with me. All of you is safe with me."
Turmoil within you slowly abated, the Force around you becoming peaceful once more, mirroring the steadiness of Obi-Wan's presence.
He glanced towards the balcony at the rain drizzling down onto Coruscant, remembering your shared fondness for meditating in the rain. You followed his gaze and pulled back slightly, attempting a small smile, but it didn’t quite reach your eyes, but it was trying.
"I'm alright now," 
You insisted, hoping to reassure him. It was a lie, and not a very convincing one but at the moment, you weren’t sure who you were trying to convince more; him or yourself? Though it didn’t matter, one of you needed to think you were alright, even if it wasn’t true.
But that wasn’t good enough for Obi-Wan and he shook his head gently. 
"Not quite yet you’re not, but you are getting there." He took your hand in his, pressing a tender kiss to your palm and wrist before guiding you towards the balcony. 
The air had a chill that often accompanied the rain it felt good on your skin despite the initial shiver due to the sudden change of temperature. He wore that kind smile that made his eyes shimmer, and he looked from the rainy horizon and the darkening horizon to you. The corners of his eyes crinkled as his smile reached farther when he looked at you. 
He swiftly shed his heavy robes, tabard, and tunic then tugged off his boots until he stood tall and strong in only his trousers. Against this dreary backdrop, he appeared almost ethereal, his muscular frame glistening with mist and the soft light filtering through the gray clouds illuminating his features like a painting come to life. It was a striking sight, one that captured the essence of raw masculinity amidst the lush green landscape drenched in water.
It had sometimes seemed a silly thing that he would often insist on taking off his boots whenever he could to meditate, insisting that it grounded him and it was good to feel the dirt beneath one’s feet. There was no dirt on the balcony but the chilly concrete was as good a place to start.
With a graceful motion, he lowered himself onto the woven mat spread out on the ground, extending his hand towards you, a silent invitation for you to join him, and for a moment; you hesitated and you didn’t know why. He opened and closed his hand gesturing for you to take his and something inside you screaming for comfort took control of your limbs and your hand slipped into his, the warmth of his gaze and gentle smile reassured you. 
Your hand trembled slightly as it reached out and slipped into his calloused one. His rough fingers wrapped around yours, pulling you closer to sit across his lap. Your arms instinctively wrapped around his strong neck, hands tangling in the hair at his nape. 
He didn't assume the traditional posture of meditation, instead choosing to lean back against the sturdy wall with you. His muscular arms that wielded a lightsaber with precision and strength, encircled you protectively, their strength reminding you of a fierce swordsman ready to defend his loved ones.
“Come,” He instructed, his tone soothing. "We'll sit here for as long as it takes. Until the shaking stops and the darkness fades. I don't care if it takes all night. Council meetings be damned."
The love of a Jedi was perhaps one of the rarest and most powerful forces in the galaxy, shimmering with an otherworldly energy.
Obi-Wan's love for you was like a warm blanket, wrapping you in safety and comfort. It was also a powerful shield, deflecting the darkness and chaos that threatened to consume you.
Your eyes slipped closed as you allowed yourself to be enveloped by his embrace. The raindrops pattered softly against the floor of the balcony, drops splattering but not quite reaching you.
The cityscape lights of Coruscant twinkled in the night. You smiled weakly into his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against your cheek.
"What about Anakin?" 
"Anakin is a grown man," Obi-Wan reassured you, his voice strong and even. "Until you're well, he's Padme's responsibility and I trust she is woman enough to wrangle him even at his worst and most impetuous. There is no greater need of me anywhere else in the galaxy than right here with you." 
Your heart swooned at such words and the tenderness that emanated from them. What lucky star were you born under to have such a man? You stared at his handsome face for a few moments, seeing all your years together play out. From the moment you’d met him as a Padawan you’d known your destinies would be intertwined. You’d loved this man before you even knew what love was. Listening to the rain, you couldn't help but wonder aloud: 
"What would I do without you?"
"You'll never have to know," He promised, his voice filled with determination and love. Your heart swelled with gratitude and affection for him, prompting you to nestle closer in his lap, pressing a gentle kiss to his heart. 
"I love you, Obi-Wan."
"I love you too, silly girl," He replied tenderly. "Now hush, just sit here with me and let me care for you."
As if on cue, the rain began to drizzle down more heavily, the sound of it soothing and rhythmic. Obi-Wan's arms tightened around you protectively, and you felt his light pushing the darkness away. You were unsure if the warmth you were feeling came from his body heat or something deeper, but you knew it was there, keeping the cold at bay.
The clouds obscured the sky, preventing the stars from shining, but you knew they were still there, watching over you. This knowledge mirrored everything you felt from Obi-Wan's presence - not always visible, but ever-present and making the night less dark.
"Will we sit here all night?" You asked, curiosity laced with uncertainty in your voice.
"If that's what it takes," He replied without hesitation. 
"What if we get cold?" You questioned, seeking reassurance.
"Then I'll keep you warm," He promised, he reached for his discarded robes wrapping them around you like a cocoon of warmth and safety. "And if my robes aren't enough, I'll take you to bed and keep you warm in my arms there."
The certainty in his words brought the comfort you so desperately needed, and you knew in that moment that no matter how long the night was or how hard the rain fell, you would be safe and loved in his embrace.
As the raindrops melded with the distant city lights, painting shimmering streaks upon the Coruscant skyline, a stillness enveloped you. Nestled against Obi-Wan's chest, his steady heartbeat resonated within you, grounding you in this moment of serenity.
"Obi-Wan?" You whispered hesitantly, not wanting to break the fragile peace they shared.
"Yes, my love?" He replied softly, his breath warm on your hair.
"Thank you," 
"Always," He said, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. 
You didn't need to say anything more - words were insufficient when it came to expressing the bond you shared. At that moment, you knew, without a doubt, that you could weather any storm together.
Laughing softly, you shook your head. "I must seem like such a mess to you."
"Never," Obi-Wan assured you, a tender smile gracing his features. "You are the most beautiful, strongest person I know. If anyone is messy here, it's the galaxy for daring to challenge you."
You couldn't help but chuckle at his fierce loyalty, feeling your heart lighten at his words. "You really do have a way with words, don't you?"
"Only when it comes to you," He admitted, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "For you, I'd move mountains and cross galaxies."
“Move mountains?”
"Oh, yes.” He paused his lips brushing yours, “We are bound together, through the Force and through our hearts, till the galaxy lies in ruins and our histories are long faded to less than cosmic dusts, you will have me."
Damn tears welled in your eyes as you leaned into him, feeling the truth of his words echo through your being. You pulled him into a kiss, it was nothing that might set loose the fires of passion, not yet, that always came later. Obi-Wan was as selfless a lover as could be asked for, and you knew the look in his eyes, this would be one of those nights where he would guard you and carry you to the edge of gentle and exquisite bliss and in no hurry. He and he would do it again, and again and again until neither of you could keep your eyes open. 
Together, you sat wrapped in each other's embrace, letting the rain wash away your fears and doubts. And for the first time in a long while, the darkness that had threatened to consume you began to recede, replaced by the warmth and light that Obi-Wan brought into your life.
The Clone Wars were over, and though the battles never truly ceased, it was time to start living.
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@burnthecheshirewitch @pickleprickle @split-spectrum @heyhawtdawgs @bad4amficideas @hereticpriest
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maplefiasco · 2 years
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Have a reaction gif of the cutest moment in the cutest video, wherein Chris is physically pained with cuteness and I am physically pained by his cuteness.
Chris Evans Puppy Interview
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guinevereslancelot · 4 months
fighting my friend's sad beige baby aesthetic by introducing the bold color of navy blue to the baby clothing for my baby shower gift 😌💙
#i was looking at her registry and no joke the ONLY COLOR was navy blue#for like two solid color shirts#also all the clothes were solid color im pretty sure#all of them are beige white or grey its so so depressing#but there was a solid blue onesie someone else got#and a solid blue hat#i waited until all the clothes were gone and then got a cute set that had some navy blue with a bear on it and some navy and white checked#also there's anfew beige and white ones in the set so it shouldn't offend her vibe too much#its not overtly disrespectful#but at least there's a bit more color and some pettern now#also its bear themed to go with the little baby teddy bear and the corduroy books i got :)#its not super busy pattern wise since she clearly likes everything as boring as possible#it's still respectful of her vibe#but i managed to get some color and pattern and cute bears in there#anyway this poor baby#is going to have such a dreary colorless childhood#but i'm doing my part 🫡#we're gonna get some whimsy in there or die trying#oh i also got one of those adorable fluffy bear onesies it was like ten dollars!#it could be classified as beige but its more of a warm yellowy brown so its not too depressing lol#anyway i dont get the sad beige aesthetic at all#im not even 100% sure she did it on purpose idk she has absolutely no taste lol#everything she wears is also neutral colors and her home is generally decorated extremely boring and colorless also#possibly because neutrals go with everything? or maybe she just hates color idk#and also all patterns and shapes#and that's fine for an adult but kids need mental stimulation and like....fun lol#so im trying to introduce some as subtly and inoffensively as possible lol#bc her registry was so sad#even the sheets were gray and the diaper bag was black#but the blue i picked matches the hat and the other blue onesie perfectly so its an approved color and im just trying to include more of it
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goopeculiar · 6 months
just like this, fall baekhyun/chanyeol, PG-13, 10014 words. Baekhyun finds himself laying on the snow, tangled up in Christmas lights as his ridiculously hot neighbor stands over him.
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I started watching Star trek the original series some time ago and I can't stop thinking about him
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lucky134ever · 1 year
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That is one spoiled rotten little bun-bun!
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My lil fur grand babies are so damn cute, it should be illegal!!!
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Their eyes are open and they are growing so quickly, they're 18 days old now and they're starting to try and walk, but they're like Bambi 🥺🥰
I'm pretty sure 3 of them are girls and there's 1 boy, but I'm not exactly an expert on kitten private parts 🤣
In conclusion, I want to keep them all and raise a cat army to rule the world 🤣
Who said they could be thos damn cute?!
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irisintheafterglow · 11 days
Hey there!
Saw your requests were open (if it isnt,just ignore this)
But i just love your satoru x reader and co parenting megumi????and i would KILL to see like, something bad happening to reader (like a mission going wrong,she passing out or getting sick or all) and boys just panicking cause satoru loves reader,and megumi sees her as his mother???
Sorry,im a sucker for hurt/comfort trope
Lots of love!!! you're amazing!
aww this is so cute, thank you for the request anon <3 wrote it as sick fic instead of injury since i,,,, have written like 3 things with that trope recently so let's do a fluffy sick fic instead lol. hope you like it :))
cw/tags: established relationship (pet names babe, baby, sweetheart), gn!reader, some explicit language, mention of eating
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"the kid thinks you're gonna die," your boyfriend says as he enters your room, setting a grocery bag on your desk and digging around for the bottle of orange juice. "you're starting to worry me too, honestly."
"i'm not gonna die, babe; i think it's just the flu," you groan, propping yourself on an elbow and attempting to sit up. you're unsuccessful, the throbbing in your head and the chills in your arms too overwhelming. you fall back against the pillow with a less-than-ceremonial thump. satoru crouches in front of you, eyebrows drawn and forehead wrinkled in concern. he pulls down his blindfold and you're met with the bright blue eyes you loved so much.
"yep. looks like you're dying soon," he declares with a curt nod and you scoff, a chuckle turning into an aggressive fit of coughing. satoru is lightning-quick, grabbing a new bottle of water and snapping off the cap before holding it up to your lips. "here, drink." you push his hands away, wordlessly insisting that you can drink on your own while still hacking relentlessly. "nuh-uh, just let me help you." with a frown, you let him tilt the bottle toward you and take a few careful sips. "you are frustratingly stubborn," he sighs.
"i have to be if i need to deal with you all the time," you joke hoarsely, sips of water becoming gulps.
"yeah, but you love me for it," he finishes and you agree with a shrug. "easy, there," he warns as you keep downing the water. "don't want you choking again."
"i'm fine, satoru."
"you've been working yourself too much, you know."
"hypocrite," you counter and he frowns, taking a seat on the edge of your bed. you were right, even though he didn't want to admit it. satoru was always the first one to say that someone was working too hard, just to take the burden for himself. it was a red flag, you said a few weeks ago over convenience store sushi; you also noted his 'concerningly inflated ego, lack of spatial awareness, and general disinterest in things that could be momentarily unpleasant.' you'd finished it, though, with a long-winded comment about how his red flags, in all their scarlet glory, made satoru himself. maybe it was just his melodrama, but he'd cut off his hand if it meant you were able to joke like that again.
"i'm serious. i think your body's shutting down because-"
"because i've been away too long, i know. i don't need a lecture right now, satoru." you swallow the last of the water and settle back onto your pillow, grumbling when you feel the side of your bed sink with your boyfriend's weight. "baby, you're gonna get sick, too."
"that means i get to take a day or two off," he points out, fitting his face into the divot between your shoulder and neck. despite your complaints, he throws off the comforter and replaces the blankets with his arms. "don't grrrr me, babe. you need to burn off your fever and i run warmer than any of these sheets."
"aren't i sweaty and stinky and yucky? how can you be touching me when i'm all gross?"
"you mean, how can i love on you right now when you're just being a human?"
"mhmm. you don't find it gross?"
"of course not, sweetheart," he reassures you with a kiss to your shoulder. "i'd be a real dickhead if i only loved you when you were feeling 100%."
"yeah, you're only half a dickhead for other reasons," you murmur into the pillowcase and he laughs, the sound reverberating against your back. before your eyes settle shut, you catch the door of your room opening and vaguely make out a messy head of black hair peeking around the corner. "megs?"
"oi, adults only," the other occupant of the bed threatens, pulling you closer and attempting to flip you to your other side to face him. you unbuckle satoru from around you, though, and manage to sit up. megumi pads carefully into the room, like you'd crumble into sand if his steps were too loud. "come in, i guess," your boyfriend says dramatically with a wave of his hand.
"satoru, i swear-"
"sorry, baby. shutting up." satoru flops back onto your bed and you reach out to megumi, who stares at your hand for a moment before rushing into your arms. "hey, megs. since you're here, you mind grabbing me a soda from the breakroom?"
"i thought you were shutting up, satoru," you remind him, voice poisonously sweet. he echoes your reminder in a mockingly high-pitched voice. "i'm gonna kick you out of my room if you don't stop, mister."
"you wouldn't dare," he gasps.
"oh, i would."
"yeah," he concedes. "you definitely would, but i love you for it." with satoru temporarily placated, you return your attention to the small child in your arms.
"you doing okay, megs?" he nods, eyes shut against your chest and holding you tight. "i'm not gonna die, buddy. i promise." you rub your hand up and down his back, combing your fingers through his hair when you're abruptly swung backward onto the bed. "jeez, satoru, what are you-"
"get the kid, it's nap time," he mumbles with finality, resecuring his body around yours and motioning for megumi to climb in. he does, and you drift off sandwiched between your boys, feeling a little lighter for the first time in days.
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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taurusgirly · 5 months
pour mon amour | charles leclerc
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Summary: when the internets favorite saucy singer wants to show the pure love she has for a special someone
Warnings: fluffy, cursing?, bad google translate French
charles leclerc x fem!singer!reader
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liked by oscarpiastri, charles_leclerc, and 2,489,301 others
Y/nL/n it’s times like these wish i had a mf time machineeee
thank you to all who came to my show! I had the most wonderful time and I hope you all did too <3 - stream nonsense!!! -
charles_leclerc je suis si fier de toi
Y/nL/n tu es le meilleur je t'aime <3
lewishamilton gorgeous ♡
user ughh mother fr
user can charles fight??? like fr
user we need new music!!!
landonorris ily but if I have to hear about charles lechair making your eyes roll one more time I'm gonna puke
Y/nL/n 😘
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, and 8,104,694 others
Y/nL/n pour mon amour
charles_leclerc je t'aime ♡
user omg omg omg
lilymhe they're not ready
Y/nL/n 🤫 user lily... what do you know user WE"RE NOT READYYYY
user NEW MUSIC???
user guys I think we're getting a ballad...
user shut up I will die if she pulls out a sappy love song
user pour mon amour 😭😭 for my love
landonorris if this is more music pls be more tame 🙏
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liked by charles_leclerc, lilymhe, and 8,101,562 others
Y/nL/n pour mon amour out now ♡ c'est pour l'amour de ma vie et la personne sur qui je peux toujours compter
this is for the love of my life and the person i can always count on
charles_leclerc merci beaucoup chérie tu es la meilleure fille que je connaisse, tu peux toujours compter sur moi et je t'aimerai pour toujours
thank you so much darling you are best girl i know, you can always count on me and i will love you forever
user shut the hell up this is so cute
lilymhe cried at least 12 times hearing this ep
landonorris okay what the hell.. who cut the onions in here
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shomixremix · 3 months
Hello! If it's okay, can I make a silly request? (I think they are open? I apologize if they aren't) may I request something fluffy with the immortal characters (which ever you write for) where their s/o is mortal but they've been together so long that their s/o is an old wrinkly person and the s/o gets mistaken for their grandparent? I just want some cute fluff, but everyone writes smut 😫
Eternal love ♡︎
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hi anon!! yep, reqs are open!! i'm so sorry for not being here for some time, exam week was hell but i'm back now lovelies!!
idk rlly which immortal characters you meant but i hope it's okay that i chose these two!! and also i know that this is like fluff and all but for some reason this is so sad to me!! like yeah the reader is old and they are immortal but the reader is GONNA DIE AND OH MY GOD THEY'LL BE ALONEEEEEE AND GRIEVEINGGGG i don't deal well with thinking about death so this was a little challenging to write. but fun!! and hehe don't worry anon even though i write smut more i'm always here for fluff!!
hope you lovelies enjoy <3
tags: zhongli, neuvillette, fluff, slight angst, female!senior!reader
-> being in love with an immortal being had its' many perks, and yet, it had it's flaws. you only began to realize those flaws existed once you celebrated your 50th anniversary with your husband.
reqs open ♡︎
-> zhongli
"there you go, love. would you like to rest now? it is way past your usual nap time... you're sure you'd like to stay here?"
your husband asked, handsome face washed in worry for you. his appearance, ever so youthful and mighty, completely contrasted with your wrinkles and gray hair. but morax didn't mind the slightest - he still thought you were beautiful.
even though you were now hunched over, thick glasses sitting snuggly on the bridge of your nose and spent most od your times either asleep or knitting, he had loved you just the same as all those years ago. he looked at you now, at seventy, in that same way he did when you were his sweet, twenty-year-old fiancé. you were still you, no matter how old, and you were still the most heavenly person he has ever met.
"i'm sure, dear," you reassure, nodding softly, "i would like another cup of tea, please"
he hurriedly called the waiter of the lovely liyue café you were sitting at to bring you a cup more.
"could we get one more cup of this tea for my date?"
the waiter, seemingly very polite and kind, nodded.
"certainly, sir. and i have to comment, i think it's very lovely you're taking your grandma out for brunch! i don't get many people who respect their elders"
zhongli's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. respect his elders? when he was the one a aproximately a millenia older than you?
your husband looked to you, then back, clearing his throat. his voice slightly offended, he spoke: "this is my wife. we're celebrating our anniversary"
the way the waiter's face fell made you softly giggle, giving him a look full of empathy. you knew you appeared much older than zhongli and that people weren't used to it, with you looking like some kind of sugar mommy he married for the inheritance. people had no idea he was actually the older one, and how would they even be able to tell with the way his face hasn't aged a day?
"oh, ma'am, i'm so sorry, i cincerely apologise-"
"it's alright, sweetheart, i can see why you'd think i'm his granny!" you laughingly reassure. the waiter quickly runs to get you your tea, and zhongli turns to you.
"pft, you're not even that old, love. seventy-three is nothing." he scoffs, kissing your saggy cheek, "and no matter how old you are, i don't appreciate you calling another man sweetheart"
-> neuvillette
"are you alright? would you like to sit down, mon amour?" he asks, moving his feet inch by inch as he walked alongside you. even though this pace was almost torterous for him, he'd never dare go any faster. he'd walk alongside you, always, no matter if it meant he had to move at a snail's pace.
"i'm quite alright, my dear. but, could we have a break, just for a moment?"
his ocean-blue eyes frantically searched for a spot to rest, scanning a nearby bench. he set you down on it, wrapping a careful arm around your shoulder and let you rest.
you were so adorable, even now, with saggy skin and an obsession with cardigans. his beautiful, incredible wife, so gorgeous and full of life even though you were in your seventies.
those eyes of yours looked at him with just as much love and just as much wanting as they did a whole lifetime ago. when you first got married, he always had that thought in the back of his mind of a youth potion, always thinking that ot would feel weird if you would change with age and he would not.
but he was wrong. chief justice neuviellette was so, so wrong.
it wasn't weird at all - it was beautiful. your face and body, even though old and wrinkly, perfectly showed everything you two went through; your big smile lines, from a lifetime of chuckling with him, eyes so full of care from the few young ones you raised, hands veiny and rough from a lifetime of caressing his scales.
"would you like to feed the birds, mon cherie? remember, we brought the bread crumbs?"
you nodd softly, softly laying your gray head on your husbands chest.
"oh, yes, the birds! i almost forgot!"
as he gives you a little baggy filled with some leftover baguette breadcrumbs from your breakfast that morning, a couple of melusines swarmed around the two of you.
"mr. neuvillette! mr. neuvillette! we have never seen your grandma before!! hello, mrs. neuvillette's grandma, very nice to meet you!"
your husband softly chuckled, intertwining your fingers. he pressed a loving kiss to your hand, returning his gaze to the scattered melousines: "this is my wife, and i can asure you, you've met her many times before"
"oh, really? we can't remember.." one of the melousines replied, scratching her head.
"that's alright, neither does she" he whispers playfully, earning him a soft smack from you, "hey, i can still hear you, you know!"
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carolmunson · 1 year
the nerve.
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virgin!eddie x reader, semi-modern AU, it's the very early 2000s (early enough that the phantom menace would have already come out in 1999, but cellphones weren't really a thing yet.) i feel like we've been on a toxic!eddie train for a little so here's a little love drunk baby boy (in his late 20s) whose been about you for ages but the timing wasn't right. now you're together and it's time, but he's real nervous. this fic is mostly from eddie's point of view, so, hopefully you bitches like that. super fluffy, smutty, sweet. cute. tooth rotting even. warnings: smut, minors dni. couples first time, virgin!eddie, p in v, fingering (f receiving), oral (f receiving).
Eddie's hands are sweating when he pulls up to your house. A small little one bedroom he's been in so many times before -- cozy and soft, like you. You never have the overhead lights on, except for in the kitchen. Always opting for something warm and glowly, decorative. You told him a story once about how women used to put pink lightbulbs in their house so they'd look younger and he never forgot it, so now he tells people that story and says he learned it from you.
You hadn't been dating long, but he feels like he's been with you forever. You come so naturally to him -- years of friendship will do that to a person, he guesses. Spending those years watching you be with someone else, someone he didn't really know very well -- different town, someone you used to know in college with Nancy. When you showed up to Steve's after the break-up he was almost relieved but he felt awful about it. Feeling giddy while you cried into Nancy's shoulder and Robin rubbed your back. You thought you were gonna marry that guy -- how?! He didn't even like your favorite movie! He didn't even know how you liked your pancakes! Or how you lie about what your favorite song is depending on who you're with! (It's a tie between Nina Simone's 'New Day' and The Beatles' 'Blackbird' in case anyone was wondering.)
Getting here, coming to your house for dinner dates, taking you out, holding your hand, that was an easier task than what was to come. But it wasn't an easy road to get here for him either. He wasn't really great at the whole girls thing.
It's why he was was still blushy and nervous the night you came over to Steve's for a movie night. You all got snowed in. He knew you liked him and you knew he liked you but you weren't sure if you 'like' liked each other -- you'd never said. Neither of you had.
He stopped breathing when you'd sat next to him, sinking into the cushions of Steve's large L-shaped sectional with your knees brushing. Steve casting glances over at Eddie to implement at least one trick he taught him to get close to you. 'If she doesn't do it back then you know it's not happening, it's that easy.' It's that easy? He'd rather die than make a move and have you not be into it.
You were half way through The Empire Strikes Back when he noticed Steve knock Robin on the knee with his. Robin looked over at the two of you, knees and shoulders touching, hands to yourselves. Her lips curled into a mischevious smile when she realized what her partner in crime was asking from her.
"Hey," she whispered over to you, offering you a peach ring from the bag, "Want one?"
"Ooh, thank you," you whispered back. 'They're my favorite.' He thinks it as you say it to her, he knows they're your favorite, that's why he always picks them up at the gas station before he shows up to these things. The crinkling of the bag gets Nancy's attention and she casts a glance up at Steve from where she's settled in the crook of his arm. They share knowing looks, shaking her head while her attention goes back to the screen.
"You want one, Ed?" she asks, except this time her hand is much farther away, resting on the back of the couch so that he'll have to reach behind you to get one. Eddie looks at her, eyes begging, 'you're kidding'. Her eyes glint back in the glow of the TV, 'I'm not kidding.'
"Yeah, sure," he says shakily, reaching across the back of the couch. If you know what he's doing, you're not letting on and that's fine with him. He grabs the candy, popping it in his mouth and letting his arm rest behind you at first -- heart pounding while he moves it downward enough so that you can feel him drape himself around you. He can't look at you at all while he does it, terrified that you might be disgusted by him even attempting to be close to you.
He swallows when you turn to him, your knees pressing up to his thigh when you shift your hips towards him, feet tucking up onto the couch. Eddie turns slowly to see you looking up from his shoulder, eyes shining with a smile.
"Hey," he says.
"Hey," you say back in a whisper, inching your face a little closer to him, "Can you tell me what's happening?"
He lets out an airy chuckle through his nose, "I always forget you haven't seen these, sorry we started with the second one."
"So, right now," he starts, pointing at the screen, "Harrison Ford's character--"
"Anakin," you say, certain of your answer.
"No," Eddie laughs.
"Qui-gon Jinn," you offer, as a new answer. "Oh my fucking God," he laughs, running a hand over his face in disbelief. He looks at you, toothy grin and all, "You don't know who Harrison Ford's character is, but you know the name Qui-gon Jinn?"
"It's very memorable," you say softly, laughing at yourself. He loves that about you -- you're very confidently wrong sometimes.
"Jesus Christ," he mutters, "That's like, in the newer movies -- he's not even in the ones from the 80s."
"Oh -- is it Obi-wan?" you ask, "Or Luke?"
"You know you're the assistant editor for the Culture section, right?" he asks, his face inching closer to yours, "How do you not know about film culture?"
"More like nerd culture," you huff back, rolling your eyes. When you turn your attention back to the screen he feels you settle into the crook of his waist, scooching yourself closer to him. His hand falls to your shoulder, unsure if he should hold you the way Steve holds Nancy -- arm wrapped around with a hand resting on her hip. That might be better for another day when he was feeling more confident.
Your head finds a home on his shoulder and part of his chest, your hair smells like Herbal Essences and he only knows that because he started buying it recently. He holds his breath for a moment while you get comfortable against him. Eddie eases himself against you, hand around your bicep to pull you in closer.
"Harrison Ford is Han Solo," he says to the top of your head.
"No, he's Obi-wan," you mutter defiantly, brushing off his answer.
"Sure," he laughs, "You're right, he's Obi-wan."
He kissed you in the kitchen after everyone had gone to bed and you both stayed up talking over a six pack. You tasted like peach rings.
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Once he parks in the drive way he gives himself a mini peptalk all the way to your door. It's not like it was your first date, which he'll admit went really well, but this was the date. You both felt it. With every kiss getting more feverish, every makeout getting more and more hot and heavy, every wandering hand and mouth -- he was gonna have sex with you tonight.
Which would have been fine.
If he wasn't a virgin.
He'd gone over and over it again with Steve. Tips, help, tricks, reassurance -- but all of it made him feel even more inexperienced. It took him three years to graduate high school and he wasn't exactly the most popular guy there. No one caught his eye when he threw himself into work at the auto-shop, even less at the craft store full of old ladies, and even less at the comic book shop where all he was, was surrounded by other vigrins who were ten years younger than him.
He was always too nervous to talk to girls at The Hideout or other bars his band played at. They were almost always more into Jeff and Gareth anyway. Smooth talking, suave, more confident with age -- he felt like he was behind. Regressing, even. More focused on his hobbies, his friendships, more focused on you. How you'd talk about work and whether you wanted to move closer to the city. How you'd hang out at the bar with him after a gig and listen with bright eyes while he told you what was coming next for the band. How you'd ask about the next campaign for the store's D&D club. Even if you didn't get it, you at least tried. Anakin, Obi-wan, Qui-gon Jinn.
He knocks and rings the bell, he can hear the thump! of Brutus, your old gray cat, jumping from the couch down to the floor getting ready to greet him. You appear, flushed and smiley, some of your hair stuck to your cheeks with sweat.
"Hi, sorry, the kitchen's kind of hot -- didn't get a chance to y'know -- get my shit together," you say, while the door opens. He swears his heart is going to come out of his mouth out of these days with how it rises in his throat when he sees you.
"You look pretty," he says, shrugging off his jacket when he steps inside. You press a kiss to his cheek but it's not enough. With his coat still in his hand he catches you with the free one, stopping you before you head back to the kitchen, to kiss your lips.
"Hi, baby," he says quietly. You grin, eyes downcast to the floor.
"How was work today?" he asks, finally stepping away to hang up his coat in your closet by the door. Brutus follows him with scraggly 'meows' and 'rahhs', weaving through his boots to get his attention.
"Work was worky. Nancy's bummed she didn't get that promotion but she'll be alright," you scrunch your nose in sympathy for Nance, drying your hands off on your jeans.
"She's got bigger things going for her anyway," Ed says, bending down to scratch Brutus behind the ears. The cat nuzzles his hand with a pleased purr, following him who was following you back into the kitchen. He looks at the pots and pans boiling and simmering, the light on in the tiny oven. Your kitchen and little and hasn't been updated since the sixties but you told him you prefer it. 'S'part of my charm,' you'd say. He thought all of you was charming.
"This is a lot, baby -- you didn't have to do all this," he pleads. He hates when you over work yourself, and you do it all the time. 'I just wanna impress you,' he thinks your response as you say it because of course you do.
"Everything you do impresses me," he murmurs, coming up behind you while you massage arugula for a side salad, "But I would've been more impressed if you called a pizza joint and placed an order."
"I can't make a phone call," you laugh, "I think it would kill me. I think I'd have a heart attack."
"Which is why I'm saying it would've been more impressive if you ordered a pizza," he says into your hair, leaning his head on your shoulder, "What can I do to make this easier for you?"
"Will you just set the table for me?"
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Dinner was delicious. You made it for him, so of course it was. He likes this, snuggling on the couch, laying long ways, Eddie's head on your chest with your hands gliding through his waves. His eyes are fluttering closed and open again while the graze of your nails glides over his scalp. He totally gets why Brutus begs for scratches behind the ears -- this must be exactly what it feels like.
The hum of 'If I Only Had A Brain' leaks out of the TV speakers. This was culture you knew -- you'd seen The Wizard of Oz a hundred times over. He knows it's not your favorite movie, but it's up there, it's close. Your favorite movie is Grease and you don't lie about that to anyone. You got John Travolta's autograph once and framed it when you were little, he remembers you telling him that when you were drunk at karaoke. You sang 'Hopelessly Devoted'.
Then you made him come up and sing Summer Nights with you. He wished he would've kissed you then, but you had a few drinks and he thought maybe you were just feeling flirty. That you didn't like him like that. You wanted to kiss him when he hit the end high note, it still makes your heart race a little when you think about it.
"This is so you," you say, the sleepy hum of your voice vibrates against his ear. He furrows his brow and looks up at you.
"Excuse me? If I only had a brain?" he inquires, hand crawling up to press against your face in a fake smack, "That's mean."
You laugh, it's a sound he wants to be the one to cause for the long haul, "I don't mean you don't have a brain, I mean like -- look at him move. He's such a goofball -- you're like that, you're goofy."
He rolls his eyes, "Okay."
"In a good way!" you argue playfully.
"Oh look, it's you," he teases when the Wicked Witch appears on screen with her green hands and sneering glare.
"Did you know that she actually --"
"Couldn't use her hands to eat or drink whenever she had the makeup on because it was toxic?" he finishes, shifting his body so he was caging you in under him. He uses his free arm to nudge you onto your back, both of your faces hidden by his sheets of dark hair, "You told me."
"Oh," you blush, "Sorry. I always forget who I tell my little facts to."
"No, it's okay," he says softly, leaning down to kiss you, "It's very cute."
"You're very cute," you say back when his lips break away.
"Stop," he says with a giggle. Always so boyish when he doesn't mean to be.
He lets out a sharp exhale through his nose when you lean up to kiss him again. The kiss is chaste and sweet, your legs parting so he can comfortably slot himself between them. He's come to learn how much you like that type of friction and closeness. You like loosely wrapping your legs around him -- it's a thought he has often when he's home alone and thinking about you.
You deepen the kiss, hands finding his hair, tongue snaking into his mouth. Somewhere deep in his belly comes a growl, hips pressing up against yours eagerly. The softest, 'mm!' squeaks out of you at the pressure and he can feel the gentle roll of your hips against him. His heart hammers in his chest -- oh fuck, we're gonna actually do it.
Eddie's eyes flick up to see Brutus on the lounge chair looking at him. He looks back at Brutus, green eyes shining into his brown ones -- it feels...judgemental.
"Could we maybe go somewhere that Brute can't see this? I feel like the spirit of your dad is inside him," Eddie asks, still keeping his eyes on the cat.
You let out an airy laugh through your nose, "Yeah, sure, c'mon."
Your room smells like you, so do your sheets, your pillows. He loved being engulfed like this, he didn't think he could be any more in love with a person.
You follow him in and watch him sit on the bed, eager faced and flushed. He gulps when you take your jeans off, followed by your sweatshirt and socks.
"I just wanted you to see -- surprise!" you cheer quietly, looking back at him. The set was burgundy, made of satin, shiny. Slightly frilled on the ends. Underwear cut high and perfectly laid over the curve of your ass. The cups of the bra in that old timey balconette cut. You bought it on purpose, you bought it for him.
"Oh fuck," he mutters to himself.
"I didn't know if you'd like black or red more so I sorta," you shrug, "Met them in the middle."
"I don't care what color it is," he breathes out, eyes glassy and blown, mouth completely dry. How could you talk so casually to him when you look like this? How could you act like this wasn't a really big fucking deal to have worn a set for him to see? With him in mind? Like, you thought about him while you bought this? His jeans feel tighter by the second. He leans back on his hands on your bed to take you in, "You look -- insane."
"In the good way," he quickly follows up.
"You like it?" you smile.
"I really like it," he nods, gulping again, begging his voice not to crack, "C'mere, let me look at you up close."
He watches you approach him and sits up slowly, hands coming out to caress you. He puts his hands up to cup your breasts, thumbs dragging over the fabric of the bra, drifting down to your hips where he leans forward to kiss the side of your tummy, another by your ribcage, a third on your sternum. He looks up at you afterwards, awaiting your lips when you lean down to kiss him.
"You're so pretty, baby," he mumbles against your lips, "You're beautiful."
He swallows when you get him on his back, biting his lip when you straddle him over his jeans. You take your hair down, he blinks hard to make sure he's not dreaming -- that you're really on top of him, really in lingerie, really looking like that.
"Shouldn't um -- shouldn't I be on top of you?" he asks.
"What do you mean?" you ask with a giggle, "You don't want me to be on top?"
"It's just, like," he sighs, letting his hands rest on the outsides of your thick thighs, "Aren't I supposed to be in charge?"
"You're not supposed to be anything, Ed," you reason, pawing up his chest until you were flat against him. You kiss him but he stays rigid, his mouth rubbery and unmoving.
"You okay?" you ask, his chest pangs.
"Uh, yeah," he says, shaking his head. He racks his brain for anything Steve might've told him, any porn he might've watched. Sure girls were on top but like, they didn't like that did they? Didn't they like being thrown around? Slammed? Fucked? What do you like? Shit, how was he supposed to figure this out? Especially with you grinding your hips like that, slow and teasing -- fuck.
You tug at his shirt and he uses the moment to pull it off, scooching you off him to take off his jeans. Regular, clean, tartan boxers. He wished he'd worn something sexier -- like boxer briefs or something -- something that didn't look so ridiculous with a hard on.
"So we're doing this, right?" he asks, climbing back on the bed and laying you down on the mattress.
"Only if you want to," you smile at him, reaching behind you to snap the bra off throwing it on the floor. All the light in the room was from a single three wick candle on your dresser on the back wall but even then he could see the curves of your chest. The shape of your body under him. Your head hits your pillow and he sighs, using one arm to steady him and the other to glide over you, from your cheek, down your neck, landing on the swell of your breast.
"You're so perfect," he says softly, eyes lingering where his hand was resting. He kneads it gently and smiles when it earns him a small gasp. Your legs part again and he uses his knees to part them further.
You look up at him, a little confused, but part your legs further anyway. He sits up, leaning back to take your arms and pin them against your chest, falling back into his previous position. He kisses roughly, you oblige but it doesn't feel like him.
He bites at your lower lip, hard enough that you let out a whine but he takes it as the go ahead. He lets his mouth wander, nipping down your neck in harsh love bites with nothing to follow up to soothe them. His hand snakes into your hair with a sharp tug.
"Ow," you whisper, but he doesn't hear it. Too busy trying to make sense of this in his head. Is he supposed to lick a stripe up your neck before or after he bites? Is it supposed to be closer to your jaw? Where did he even see this? This would be easier if he wasn't achingly hard.
“Hey, hey, stop — stop,” you say sternly. Eddie recoils immediately, sitting back on his heels and shrinking into himself with a deep blush you can’t see in the low light. His eyes sting with embarrassed tears, adams apple bobbing while he tries to swallow them down. His heart is beating so hard he think it might shoot directly out of his chest. And how awful would that be? First he ruins sex and then he just bleeds all over you?
“What’s going on?” you ask, pulling your blanket up from the end of your bed.
“I just — I’m doing what I thought you might like?” his voice his tight, like he’s holding back a cry, “Am I not doing it right?”
“Ed, I just want you to be yourself,” you sigh. You reach out to him but he slinks away before you can, "You're like, trying to be the DM version of you right now."
"Yeah but he's like, hot and confident," Ed shrugs, "I'm just...Eddie Munson, resident virgin."
"I wanna fuck Eddie Munson, resident virgin," you state plainly. His cock twitches, he thought he might even cum from hearing you say that.
"And you won't know what I like unless you ask me, don't just guess," you instruct softly. He let's you reach back out and touch him, pulling him down to lay next to you. His hand skates over your tummy and he wraps an arm around you to pull you close. The smell of your perfume and shampoo engulfs him instantly -- his brain had to be shutting down at this point.
"This is all about communicating," you assure, "Do you think you like it rough like that? Like how you were doing to me?"
"Um, I don't know," he lies, because he does like that. He thinks he likes doing it and he thinks he'd like it being done to him.
"I like it," you confessed, "Just not right now."
"Oh," he blushes, "You like when I'm rough? Just not all the time?"
"Exactly," you smile.
"So what do you like tonight?" he asks awkwardly, "Or what would you like tonight?"
"Soft," you say, pressing a kiss next to his lips, "And gentle."
You kiss him again, on the lips this time, "You."
With a newfound approach he leans in to kiss you, this he knows he’s good at because Steve overheard you tell Nancy that you ‘never got so wet from making out before’ and that it ‘made you feel like you were in high school again’. He gasps when you break away to kiss his jaw down to his neck, his hand traveling up to get entangled in your hair.
"I really like when you kiss me there," he pants out, eyes rolling when you reach a spot on his neck right above his collar bone, "Fuck."
"There?" you grin against his skin, letting your tongue run over it again before sucking on the spot eagerly.
"Fuck, yeah there," he whines, hips bucking against your thigh. You maneuver him again, crawling on top of him and he succumbs to letting you take the lead. Your hips do that deliciously evil grind over him again, and he can feel how dampened your panties are over his boxers. Each drag of your hips pulls his skin over the head of his cock, sending him hurtling closer to cumming than he anticipated. He reaches feverishly for your hips, holding you to a stop.
"Too much?" you ask. Fuck, why are you so cute?
"A little," he confesses, breaths getting heavy, hips twitching.
"Sorry, I just...I'm really horny," you whisper with a giggle, covering your face with your hand like a visor. He giggles back, shimmying down so your heat was directly over him.
"We can...you know," he says, reaching up to move your hand and place it on his chest, "We can do it."
"You sure?" you ask again.
"I'm sure," he assures, heart still thumping with nerves. He watches you lean over him, breasts directly in his face, knocking his nose, while you fish in your beside table for a condom.
"I brought some, they're in my --"
"Too late," you say, gold foil packet in hand, offering it to him while you sit back between his legs.
"You're too confident in me," he says at the sight of the Magnum XL wrapper.
"I promise I'm not," you laugh, "I've seen a lot of dicks."
You both pause.
"I mean...you...fuck, you know what I mean," you smack your hand to your forehead, "Let me shut the fuck up really quick."
He takes the condom from you and tugs down his boxers slowly, while you help him take them the rest of the way down. He sighs while he reaches down to pump himself a few times before slipping on the latex. He catches your eyes round out when you see it, your soft swallow of the saliva pooling in your mouth.
Maybe you weren't too confident in him.
It was a little tight, if he was being honest.
"I'm gonna be on top, okay?" you ask. He nods, looking at you while you slide off your underwear, nerves building in his throat. Adrenaline coursed through him like he just did a line, like he just played a show. Like you just kissed in Steve Harrington's kitchen. Like when you tasted like peach rings.
You kiss him while you get back over him, sliding over his length with your lips. Your thighs twitch when the rigidness of the underside of his cock runs over your clit.
"Ooh, fuck yes," you mutter to yourself, face crumpling with pleasure.
"That's good? You like that?" he asks, hands resting on your hips while you continue toying with yourself over him. You nod, knowing you're wet enough to take him without foreplay, which will be a different conversation for a different day.
He squirms when you take his cock by the base, guiding the tip to your entrance. "Oh, fuck, fuuuuck me," he gasps while you start sinking down on him, "Jesus fucking Christ. Shit."
He watches you sink all the way down to the base, bodies meeting again. He feels you press your weight on your hands on his chest, eyes rolling when you adjust your hips, walls tightening over him.
"Baby, I -- you're -- Jesus," he gasps, a soft groan follows suit. "Oh my god, oh my god," he hears you whine, eyes begging when he looks up at you.
"Are you okay?" he asks, nerves overriding his pleasure, "I'm sorry."
"No, no, I'm okay," you breathe out, "It's just you, fuck, you feel so good."
"I -- I feel good?" he asks, "I'm making you feel good?"
You nod over him, hips dragging up slowly and then back down, little soft gasps and moans coming out of your mouth when you lean your head back. He watches you in awe, light bursting behind his eyes and sparks going off in his belly while you pick up the pace.
"I'm -- oh my god -- I'm not doing -- shit -- I'm not doing anything," he admits, "How am I -- oh god, oh god --"
You slow down, resolving to grinding your hips slowly to answer him, "You don't have to do anything, you just...you fit like, perfectly in me."
He grabs a pillow and covers his face so you don't see him smiling like an idiot, "Are you saying I have a nice dick?"
You laugh and it sends vibrations down his shaft to his sac, his hips jump involuntarily. He feels you reach for the pillow and he grips it harder.
"C'mon, let me see you," he hears you say, relenting when that soft coaxing tone comes out of your mouth. You tuck the pillow off to the side, still sitting there with him inside of you. He puts his hands on your hips, sliding them down your thighs and then back up again.
He mumbles gently, "Can't believe you're here with me."
"I can," you smile, hips rising and falling again.
"Shit," he gasps, fingers pressing hard into the fat of your hips and back to your ass to steady you. He blanks out his mind, shaking out whatever Steve said, whatever porn he watched, whatever he read online. He lets you keep riding him until he sees stars and on instinct he wraps him arms over your hips to keep you in place and pull you to him.
"Want me to slow down?" you gasp out.
"No," he grins, planting his feet on the mattress. He bucks up into you, once, twice, three times until he gets a steady rythym. You feel like fucking heaven, and you sound like it too.
"Oh fuck, Eddie," you whine out, it's high pitched and needy. He grunts in response, chasing his high while your tits bounce in his face.
"Oh my god, oh fuck that's -- that's so good," you gasp, the end coming out in a yelp. Your nails did into his shoulders and he hisses in response, the pain feels good -- he makes a mental note of that to go back to later.
His thrusts slow as he feels himself getting closer to the edge, taking it away from him as he eases up. He wants this to last forever -- he can't even believe he's lasted this long.
"You good?" you ask, taking his face in your hands. He smiles, it's stupid, pussy-drunk.
"M'good, I'm so good," he says softly, "I wanna be on top now."
"Oh, okay," you chuckle out, "Let me just--"
You raise up off him and he whimpers at the feeling of you leaving. The cold air hitting his cock, his chest -- he feels exposed. You lay back on the mattress, legs open and spread for him while your hand travels down to rub lazily at your clit.
"You can't be serious," he whispers, "That's so hot."
"Me touching myself?" you ask.
"Yeah, you -- shit, you're a like a high preistess or some-something," he says, eyes wide with wonder while your hips squirm. He feels stupid after saying it, mentally scolding himself. You're such a fucking loser, Munson.
"Can you um," he takes a deep breath while he steadies himself between your legs, lining himself up with your opening, "Can you keep doing that while I -- do this?"
"Yeah," you nod, a whimper coming out of you when he pushes in. His body knows what to do but finding a rythym is hard at first. The caveman in him wants to just go for it, jackhammer you until he cums. He starts like that, hard and fast thrusts, grunting and moaning like an animal, hips smacking against the backs of your thighs -- but he can hear Steve in his head.
'Start slow and work your way up, try different angles -- when you feel her like...I don't know -- gush? That's when you know you're hitting it right.' 'Gush?" 'Yeah, gush. You'll know what I mean when you finally do it.'
He takes your legs, pressing them up against your chest -- a position he's definitely seen in porn. But the normal kind. The real couples kind. The kind where they're definitely in love. He readjusts, sliding back into you slowly, he smirks to himself when your eyes roll back, arms falling back to your ears.
Then he feels it.
The gush.
"Ed that feels so good," you whine, tears pricking your eyes, "You're doing so good, baby."
Eddie gasps, cock twitching wildly at the praise. His face gets white hot, biting his lip, "Thank you, thank you, thank you."
You catch his reaction, letting yourself get louder for him.
"You're such a good boy, Ed," you coo between moans, "You're so good for me."
"So good," he rasps back, hips starting to snap erratically.
"Oh baby, shit, fuck, I'm gonna cum -- m'gonna fuck -- cum," Eddie grunts out, laying flush against you while he finishes out hard and fast. He groans into your ear while you feel him spasm over you and inside you, riding out his orgasm until he comes to a stop. He takes a shaky breath but he doesn't get up, his chest and shoulders continue to shake, he sniffles.
He's crying.
"Oh, no, Eddie -- baby are you okay? What's wrong?" you ask, running your hand over the back of his head. He lifts up slowly, looking at you and your concerned face, your kiss bitten lips.
It makes him want to cry more, "Oh angel, I'm sorry. I'm not sad I --"
"I just love you so much," he sniffles, laughing at the ridiculousness of this, face already wet with tears, "I love you and I've never like -- felt close to anyone like this before. M'sorry for crying. I know it's stupid --"
"It's not stupid," you smile, pulling him to your chest, "I love you, too."
He laughs again, "Do you think I'm some loser virgin for crying?"
He sighs at the feeling of your nails against his scalp again, his body still so sensitive with the aftershocks of his orgasm.
"No," you smile, "Especially not a loser virgin. Since, you know, you're not anymore."
"I guess you're right," he says into your neck.
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In the light of the three wick candle on your dresser, you both continued you lay there, naked and wrapped up in each other on your bed. You've switched around, your head on his chest and his hand stroking your hair.
"Do you uh," he starts, "Did you cum?"
You shake your head no, "I didn't, but that's okay."
"No, don't say that," he huffs, "Steve said that girls say 'it's okay' but that it's actually not."
"Psh, you really listen to everything that Steve says?" you argue.
"Well yeah, he's -- you know, he used to get girls before him and Nance were official," he says, "He wouldn't lie to me."
"Well I'm not lying to you either," you say, leaning on your side to look up at him, "It's okay."
He squints down at you, "I don't believe you."
With you on your side, he gets up on his knees again, hands finding your hips to lay them back on the bed.
"What're you doing?"
"I said, I don't believe you," he repeat, leaning down to kiss your stomach, your hip bone, the top of your pubic bone, "So I'm gonna make you cum."
"You're really confident," you say while he opens your legs to get between them.
"You think I can't?" he asks, a small frown falling onto his face.
"No, I'm sure you can," you urge, "I'm just saying, you sound really confident."
"It's sexy."
"Sexy?" he asks with a grin, kissing the inside of your knee, "I'll take it."
He looks down in the low light, your pussy still slick and glistening, still slightly puffy from earlier. No wonder guys ventured down here so often -- you looked delicious.
His fingers graze your inner thighs, making you shiver. His eyes meet yours, a devilish smirk dancing over his features, "Do you like that?"
"M'just excited," you blush, grabbing the pillow from earlier to cover your face. Eddie gets to work, laying down on his stomach, letting his lips slip and slide against your inner thighs before licking a thick flat stripe up through your lips. Your whine is loud enough to leak past the pillow, your hips grind slowly up against his mouth.
This was a skill he felt good about. He'd only done it once before a couple years ago during a really drunk hook up in the city, but he definitely didn't hear any complaints. And he figured, if he was a good kisser he had to be good at like...kissing pussy? That's how he thought about it at least.
His tongue traveled wherever he could let it go. Into your opening, against your lips, up and over the hood of your clit. He listened to your breathing, how your hips would react, the tensing in your thighs, trying to see where you liked it the best.
"Up a little higher," you instruct, pillow discarded, leaning on your forearms to look down at him. Your eyes meet and he melts, nodding while he moves up, waiting for your okay. He reaches up, the gods of cunnilingus speaking to him while he does, and pulls back the hood of your clit to lave his tongue over it.
"Ohmygod," you whisper out, head falling back on its hinge, "Don't stop."
"That's really hot," he croaks out to himself, looking at the expanse of your body above him, your exposed neck. He didn't mean to say it out loud. Fucking christ, he sounds like a teenager. He busies his mouth so he stops talking, sucking gently over you while your hips grind in time with his work.
"You can -- mm -- you can use your fingers, too," you tell him while your hand comes down to entwine in his hair. Eddie's eyes flutter closed, the gentle tug when you hit the right spots sends him reeling. His other hand comes up, tongue still flicking in alternating rhythms over your clit. He lets one finger slide in without resistence and then another -- Steve always said something about using two, but he doesn't remember, he just remembers 'curl upwards'. He pumps slow at first, your moans are getting to him, the sound hitting him right in his pelvis. The tightness of your walls around his fingers feels just as good as it was around his cock.
"Oh just like that, just like that, fuck," you gasp out. The praise sends him into a frenzy, hooking his fingers up to feel a different texture than before -- spongey, rigid.
But that's what it happens -- more than a gush. A flood, all over his fingers while your walls clench down hard on him. Hips rising off the mattress while you cum for him, whimpers and whines pouring out of your mouth.
"Easy, baby, easy," he giggles, free hand gripping your hip to ease it back down, "I got you."
You steady your breathing on the bed, feeling him detach from you, pressing soft kisses back up your tummy to your chest.
"You okay?" he asks gently.
"How," you breathe in, and out, "Did you get so good at that?"
He shrugs, "I dunno, just sort of winged it. Was I really that good?"
"You were really that good," you nod, "I came really hard."
"Fuck yeah," he nods to himself, still not realizing that he's thinking out loud, "Sick."
"Sorry," he says with an embarrassed shake of his head. You sit up, pecking him on the lips in a silent 'I love you,' and go to your dresser to throw on some pajamas. He reaches down off the bed to slide on his boxers, pulling his shirt over his head. You meet in the middle of the room and he can't help but hold you to him, feeling closer to you than he ever has. Magnetized, like you're meant to be touching at all times.
"I made brownies," you say, "They're already sliced up and in the microwave. Figured we wouldn't have time to get to dessert, so -- I prepped ahead of time."
"Is it lame to say I already had dessert?" he asks, a boyish grin showing off his teeth.
"Yes," you reply with a smile, "It is."
"Do you wanna watch Grease with me?" you ask while you walk to the door, warm light pooling into the room as you open it.
"Are you gonna say every line as it's being said like you always do?" he responds, following you out of the room, trying not to trip on Brutus who is scurrying past his feet to sleep on your bed.
"Of course I am," you say confidently, going to the kitchen to take out the plate of covered brownies in the microwave above the fridge. He takes them from you, placing them on the counter while he grabs two small plates from the cupboard above your head.
"Then I absolutely want to watch it with you," he smiles, a genuine full smile. Steve is gonna lose his fucking mind when he tells him.
Eddie Munson, resident virgin loverboy.
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k2ntoss · 5 months
bed time means more jason brain rot :]
- jason with childhood best friend!reader, i think he'd be so mother hen and just constantly fretting over them, like "have you eaten yet? drank water? are you cold? do you want my jacket?" every time
- just....him saying "princess" 🫠🥰
- mmm i had this thought the first time i went to a shooting range and it's stuck with me since: him teaching reader to shoot and putting his hands on their waist to adjust their stance (intentionally lingering a bit, maybe, who knows 👀)
- i get cat person vibes from him but i may also just be biased cuz i have cats lol
am i allowed to say i'm vibrating on a level that's elevating my soul to another realm????? this is what jason brain rot causes yeah
i'm gonna go clear, jason may appear though and rude at first but babyboy is so cute and fluffy, no matter if it's friend or lover, but you can be sure that he's gonna be worried about you all the time now, given how his childhood was he feels you are the most important person on his life so the caring for you goes double (or more) jay is always asking you if you ate during the day and if not he's gonna wait for you at your place to prepare your favorite meal ): he's gonna text you before you go out to remind you to go out dressed properly so you don't get sick BUT if you do get sick he's gonna spend all the week taking care of you.
this one i'll take for further imagine, kay??? but jason at first leans in without any other intention than guiding your stance, trying to hold you when the gun backfires so you don't feel the full blow of it but the way your body leans into his, how your skin feels so soft under his fingertips is starting to distract him and let's not talk about how your pulse rises because of the adrenaline which he feels under his fingers while holding your wrist to adjust your aim and when you shoot your body presses against his in all the right places. (I NEED TO EXPAND THIS, HELP)
jason is def a cat person, i know it by heart like... he feels they are his kind of animal, calm and not so noisy (when they're not hungry or when he isn't in the bathroom) plus he likes it when kitties are all cuddly and lay next to him while he reads or just rests. i'll die with jason cat person supremacy, yes.
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txtmetonight · 2 months
Garlicky Revenge ✆
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call summary ⋆ ★ Jungwon hates your new punishment
pairing *. * Vampire! Yang Jungwon x Fem! Reader
genre⋆ ★ Fluff
warnings *. crude language, it's just really fluffy lol, grammar mistakes
call duration⋆ ★ 824
a/n*. * I loved this one but please tell me why it took me forever to find a pic for the banner oml and he's so cute i'm gonna cry help me
taglist ⋆ ★ @kflixnet
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“(Y/n), you’re not serious, are you?”
“As serious as I can be, Jungwon!” You scoff, turning away to withhold a growing smile on your face, yet it slowly diminishes when your eyes water from the intense smell, strung upon your neck.
“You can’t refuse me like this, love! You… you don’t even like it either, I can see it on your face!” He points an accusatory finger at you, making you burst into loud chuckles before you shake your head.
“You told me that you would stop sneaking behind me like that when I was in the bathroom. I almost had a fucking heart attack because of you yesterday. This is what you get now.”
Jungwon cringes at the way garlic moves when you sway back and forth, waiting for him to take a step closer, a rather smug grin on your face when his lips quirk down into a nastier grin. “This isn’t fair!” He whines, sounding like a petulant toddler. “I’ve missed you so much and you won’t even let me hug you?! I think I might actually die.”
“You’re not going to die, Wonnie. Plus, you’ve lived without me for like… 400 years before. What’s another week?” You’re teasing; the stench was already giving you a well-deserved headache, so it wouldn’t be long before you took the odd neckwear off. But it was still amusing to see the way that he freezes completely, going paler than he was before.
“You–you’re kidding? A week?! I’m not waiting for that long!” He cries, and before you know it, a small black cat appears just where Jungwon stands, its eyes already pulled to mimic great sorrow.
It meows and wails pitifully, pawing the living room carpet, knowing well enough that cats were preferably your biggest weakness. A trump card played well by your boyfriend whenever times become desperate.
“Oh, you can’t do that to me!? That’s so not fair!”
The cat (Jungwon) rolls over in despair and raises a furry paw over its head to mimic death, letting out a shrill cry. Rounding the island countertop, you finally sigh and give in by taking off the garlic and wiping your neck and hands with a wet washcloth while you try to trap some of the anger you were feeling before.
But how could you even be furious at him, even when he transforms back into his normal self, sharp canines glinting while he happily smiles at you, his back on the ground? Your heart swells at the sight, and butterflies skim your stomach. “I fucking hate you, Yang Jungwon,” you grumble, yet you couldn’t help but scoot a little closer to him sheepishly.
Perhaps you did miss him more than you wanted to admit.
“Really? Well, that’s a shame because I really love you, pretty girl.” Jungwon pats next to him, and when you point at your neck, where the spice left its odor on your skin, he waves it off dismissively. “A really big shame,” you giggle when he slightly gags at your arm touching his cheek. Nevertheless, he pulls you closer and pretends to chomp on your hand, your cheeks turning red as he puts a soft kiss to where he bit you.
“I wasn’t lying when I said that I was going to die if you weren't in my life anymore.”
You shake your head and press a chaste kiss to his jaw. “Me too. I don’t think I can imagine my future without you.”
“Yeah, but would you drive a stake through your heart for me?” He jokes but then goes silent when you just stare at him, eyes swirling with so much love, his non-beating heart thrumming alive for a few moments, just under your gaze.
“I would willingly live with you for eternity.”
Jungwon’s eyes grow wide as he gets up from his position to look at you in awe. “No, you woul–”
“I would really. For you, Wonnie… I suppose I would do anything,” you say, and before he could say anything, you pull him into a kiss, soft and sweet. His fingers cascade the side of your face gently, and your hand encases itself in his hair, tugging it lightly when he wouldn’t let you take a breath.
“I love you. I really do,” he quietly says.
“I love you too.”
And the moment goes silent for a while, your lips just ghosting over him in a tender peace you wished would last forever. With him by your side.
But then the gentle second is lost when Jungwon opens his stupid mouth, earning a hit from you.
“You said you would do anything, yeah? First off, please don’t ever punish me with garlic ever again; I was seriously going to cry!”
“Really? Next time, I’m going to move houses and never ever invite you inside!”
Jungwon gasps and clutches his shirt dramatically. It makes you roll your eyes, but you rub your cheek over his chest in affection.
“You wouldn’t dare!”
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ppumeonae-bigvibe · 9 days
midnight melodies
↖ navigation: nct masterlist || main masterlist
pairing: bf! haechan x gn! reader
↬ tags: nicknames for haechan!! (e.g. haech, my dude, boyfie, loml, cutie pie, biggest baby), very wholesome i promise, this is what missing someone feels like to me, i have been listening to piwon's late night calls ttoo much thank you muacks (>w<)
summary: he called to tell you he misses you ; you replied because you love him so
word count: 673 words
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haechan: i miss you like crazy, are you up? haechan: let's chat :> i like talking to you and with you <3 haechan: i wanna hear your voice. pretty please???
he attempts to dial you, line going dead when you didn't pick up on the first ring. he glances at the bedside clock, the neon green numbers flashing a 11.28pm back at him. it wasn't that late yet.
you were probably awake...right?
a minute later, haechan's phone buzzed: an incoming call from you. his eyes widened in surprise as his hands loses all control, the phone jolting out of his grasp from the sudden vibration. reaching out to grab the fallen device, he hurriedly accepts the call.
"you're still awake??" he puts the phone on speaker next to his ear, waiting for your response. a second of static later and he hears your voice, soft and laced with sleep, "haech, you're crazy..."
"hey...i just missed you. a lot." a short string of laughter leaves his lips. he just saw you a few hours ago when you had him over yours for dinner, but he craved your presence again.
it was so interesting, the way he thinks of you so often like it was breathing to him.
another moment of silence, "...the lights in my room are off. it hurts my eyes to be texting. that's why i decided to call." you mumbled and haechan hears the sound of bedsheets rustling. your muffled yawn came through his speakers and he sheepishly laughs, "sorry, is this a bad time to call you?"
he hugs a nearby plushie you gifted him close to his chest, heart warming when you hummed, "my dude, you really texted me all that...saying you're gonna die without me or something..."
he tried and failed to hide his growing smile. he likes you too much.
"my dude?? hey treat me with some respect, i'm your boyfriend alright..." haechan doesn't have the heart to tease you too much, chuckling at your use of "my dude" romantically. you scoffed, "okay boyfie. what's keeping you up, hmm?"
the corners of his lips immediately turned upwards at the sound of his favorite nickname. he rolled over to his stomach, legs idly kicking behind him, "well...i just saw you a few hours ago but i miss you. that's literally all. can't a man miss their lover? i wanna talk to you too."
"you can...it's just...haech, i can't think...so sleepy..." you let loose another yawn and haechan rolls his eyes even though he knows you can't see him do that, "i know, i know, you sleepyhead. feels a bit weird since i wanted to hear your voice but now i'm doing all the talking and you're the one hearing mine. isn't it?" he paused.
"...h-huh..." you blearily replied, causing haechan to endearingly giggle at your tired self. "so cute...should i be kind and end the call?" he asked, certain that you were already almost reaching la-la-land. when you first had a sleepover at his place, he swoons at how you clung to his side making him all protective of you.
you made a huffing sound and he pictures you tucking the blanket higher up your body, comfortably hidden by that fluffy grey duffle he gifted you as a gag gift in summer. now that the weather is colder, haechan realizes that he's known you for quite a while.
he then recalls every single detail about you he memorized over time, the way your face contorts with humor at his antics to the moments where you allowed yourself to receive his odd ministrations of love and even when you reciprocated them with your own subtle actions.
he was in love with you as much as you were in love with him. a wave of emptiness and sentiment hit him and he whispers into the phone, "i love you."
he repeats it one more time: an affirmation, a promise, "i really love you."
haechan clapped a hand over his mouth when he discerns your snoring through the phone. in his fashion, he ended the call with a kiss (also knowing you probably didn't hear that), before curling up on his side.
he'll just have to see you again tomorrow.
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@ppumeonae-bigvibe's work ; likes and reblogs are appreciated !
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hotxcheeto · 1 year
one-shot for Ellie x gn reader, please and thank you <3
fluffy start in Jackson, but then Reader gets bitten during a patrol gone wrong. they cry in Ellie’s arms waiting to die and trying to reassure her it’s not her fault, leading to Ellie confessing her feelings for Reader, along with a dying kiss…
…except the next day Reader wakes up perfectly fine with the bite now healing. both realize Reader is immune too and Ellie proceeds to smother them with more emotional kisses 🥰
for some extra spice: Ellie knows she has a crush on reader and is trying to flirt but reader is “we’re just really close friends” type oblivious 💀
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Ellie Williams x G/N!Reader
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing, mentions and alludes to death, reader gets bit but lives, happy ending but still emotional, sadness throughout, fluff, angst, fluffy, talk of the stages of grief
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - twisted this a little since I'm not the biggest fan of immune reader but I thought this was sadly cute, I'm sorry for taking so dang long!!! ily!!
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It was unknown when your silly sleepovers turned into going to one's house and calling it home when talking to others. Changing after a long day, barely speaking to each other out of exhaustion, maybe eating on the couch before going to sleep in the same bed.
Dina joked it was like you were in a rocky marriage, a couple that didn't act romantic though lived with one another and still shared a mattress. It made you and her laugh at the time, wallowing in the smiles and the truthfulness of the comment.
But despite Dina making comments to both of you, going even further than just jokes, you still maintained a friendship. Just a friendship, that was all.
To you anyway.
"Ellie?" She snapped awake, eyes fluttering open to look at you leaning above her, arm still tightly around your waist. "I gotta go Ells." "No."
You huffed a breath of laughter, Ellie leaning into your touch when you ran your fingers along her cheek. Brushing away her hair from her mouth which was stuck by half dried drool.
"I'll be back before you know it." Ellie shook her head again, pulling you towards her, the corners of her lips pulling upwards as you giggled. "I promise."
"You always take longer when you're with Dina. Why couldn't you just let me be your partner?"
"Because I like talking to her and you need a damn break, you've worked for a month straight." You lifted your head, looking up at her tired green eyes that swirled with content.
"She's gonna be mad if I'm late, I gotta go. " You laughed, finally successfully pulling away from her and standing up. Stretching out so far that your shirt rode up on your belly, showing off the way your pants dipped right in the front.
"You wearin' that?" Her voice was rough like every other morning, followed by her trying to clear it only for her to still sound dead.
"No silly, I gotta change, turn around." You spoke, walking around the bed while very aware that she was watching you as you did.
"Oh c'mon, can't give me a good view before I have to get up?" You shook your head, motioning with your head for her to look away. "Alright, alright."
"Best friends only get so many privileges."
"That's bullshit, they should get all privileges."
"Maybe later."
Ellie snorted, rubbing her face while listening to your clothes ruffle and your light footsteps move around.
"Okay, I'll see you later?" You asked, slipping on your shoes, seeing her sit up and yawn, nodding. "Yeah, I'll get sandwiches for us." You smiled, pulling on your jacket. "Sounds good to me. Take the day, okay? Get some extra sleep or something."
"I know, I know, I will."
You grinned, kissing her cheek before turning around, opening up the front door but not before one last passing comment.
"I mean it Ellie!"
"Okay! Be careful out there."
And when you left all was well. Knowing you'd get to go back to her in a short amount of time. Excited for food and the silent invitation back to your favorite thing, sleep.
It created a small pep in your step as you met up with Dina, the girl asking what was with the smile but you only shrugged. Deciding then and there it would be a good day.
The sun shining, clouds seldom passing by, the birds singing. All you could do was laugh and talk as you and Dina made your way along.
Sightseeing making you both take a bit longer than expected but neither of you cared. And Ellie wouldn't mind, she already knew it was bound to happen.
First it was post one then two then... three.
Three, Dina had said it a few times, but why?
"One, two, three."
"One... two... three..."
"In, out, one.. two.. three."
Again and again.
She whispered to you, holding a rag she'd brought on your arm, riding as fast as possible back to the gates. But you didn't hear her, you didn't hear anything. Tears dripping down your face.
You weren't even sure you were breathing, you weren't sure of anything. Numb, staring forward at the back of the horse's head that went up and down from trying its best to get back.
"Breathe Y/n." You hadn't been, shakily taking in air when her voice finally reached you. Looking up through blurry pupils to see Jackson in front of you, taunting you, reminding you of what you'd left behind.
What was waiting for you, standing still for your return. Time hadn't stopped for it.
Oh but you wish it had.
You slid off Dina's horse before she barely got a chance to stop him, hurrying to try and help you. But you were already stumbling to where Joel was, begging for familiarity and trying your hardest to get away from the outside.
"Is Ellie home?" He looked over to you, dropping what he was doing to meet you halfway. "The hell happened out there?" "I..."
His eyes danced their way to your arm, rag gone and all you could see was the teeth marks. Surrounded by yellow veiny lines that he knew were not veins, it was the infection beneath your flesh.
"Shit." He rubbed his mouth while the other picked up your arm, eyes wide in fear and disbelief. He then looked at Dina, standing back a bit further, sadness in her stare and streaks of wetness down her cheeks.
"C'mon, c'mon let's go see her, okay?"
And that's how you ended up back at her front door, opening it as it wasn't locked in her anticipation for you to return. Her back to you, sitting at her desk, she was drawing. Drawing a portrait of you, you didn't know that, but she did.
It was a gift to go with the flowers. The flowers Jesse was holding for her so you didn't see them.
The girl didn't hear you either until the door had shut. Turning around with a grin only for it to fall away and shatter on the cold wooden floorboards.
You wore Joel's jacket, cradling your covered forearm with your other hand, staring at the ground to avoid her gaze.
"Y/n/n? What's wrong?"
You didn't cry at first, until a broken sob cracked through the air like thunder, your entire body falling to the floor. Ellie not hesitating to rush over and kneel in front of you, grabbing your shoulders while trying to figure out what was wrong.
"I'm sorry– I'm sorry– I shou– should've just stayed here–" You cried so hard you were unaware if your words were actual words or if they were only sounds.
"What happened? Is it Dina?" You shook your head, still clutching your bite. "No– I'm sorry– I'm so sorry Ellie–"
She'd finally noticed you holding it, looking at your broken face that stayed facing the ground. Her motions didn't mean to come off so harsh, but she just couldn't help it.
She roughly grabbed your arm and ripped up the sleeve of the jacket, only making you cry harder when you saw it once again.
"Fuck–" She breathed. A chill ran down her spine, fear creeping throughout her entire being, she felt like she could vomit, faint and scream all at the same time but not a thing came out.
Gagging but choking it back along with her tears.
"How– What the fuck?" It was anger that came first, noticing the way the bite got worse in just the few seconds she'd been staring at it. "Dina didn't seem them Ellie– it was an–"
"If you say that you getting bit was a fucking accident I–" She shut herself up, clenching her jaw so hard you could've sworn her teeth were on the verge of breaking. "C'mere." She pulled you forward, hugging you, letting you bury yourself in her neck and cry.
"I should've been there– I should've–" She coddled you like a child, clutching you like you were going to disappear at that very moment. "I should've just went with you." "It's not your fault Ellie, you deserved time–" "Stop. Please."
Anger, denial, anger, denial, anger, denial.
"I love you." She whispered, "You can't fucking leave me."
A confession in the quiet, a regret she didn't have. Even if you didn't feel the same, you were going to be gone either way. What the fuck did it matter?
"I love you too but it's over Ellie." She wanted to cry, just hearing you say that, "Don't say that, please– don't–" She kept her face pressed on your head, wishing that she'd wake up, that it was just a nightmare that seemed awfully real.
"Don't leave me okay? I don't wanna be alone Ellie."
"I know, I won't. I'll be right here, okay?"
You sat like that for what felt like forever, Ellie leaning you both against her bed. Hearing your hard cries turn into soft spurs of air.
Muttering that you loved her more before you had cried yourself to sleep. Laying in her lap while she just stared at the unchanging bite. Running her thumb over it once you couldn't feel its pain anymore.
Occasionally she'd pull back the collar of your shirt to see if the infection had spread, but it hadn't, not visibly. And somewhere inside her, she'd hoped that meant something.
She hoped that all you both had gone through wasn't for nothing.
The cries turned into dead silence to which she closed her eyes, then when they opened again, morning came.
A rainy morning, nothing like the day before. A day you'd been so excited for that was now turned into nothing but a memory. A bad memory.
She slept for God knows how long in wait for the impending doom. She wanted to puke, staring at her wall of pictures you made her hang up. Most of them were you, smiling or posing with your other friends. Sketches of you all over the room that continued to remind her of the fact that you were most likely gone.
Laying in her lap was only a shell.
She didn't want to try and wake your body though, she couldn't, not until you did yourself. When you were one of them, she'd face you, but not when you still looked so much like yourself.
You sputtered and groaned as you finally did wake, shifting and rolling while going to sit up, turning to look at her.
She hadn't even taken out her knife, she couldn't.
"What happened?" You mumbled, rubbing your face. She swore it that her heart burst out of her chest. Ellie had never felt so fucking scared yet when you spoke it felt like it all washed away.
"How do you feel?" The hope crawled back up her throat making her choke on it, shaking as you shrugged. "Tired, my eyes hurt." "I know, look at me."
You did, Ellie pushing your head up to look at your eyes in the light.
Clear as they were the night before. Not a sight of infection.
"I don't think it's spreading," She dared to whisper, her grip on your jaw not faulting for a second. "Does that mean m'not gonna change?" "I don't know, just..." She pulled you to her chest once again, allowing you to listen to her petrified heartbeat thump against her ribcage.
"I don't feel any different." You said, "M'just tired.."
Ellie tried to remember what she'd felt like when she was bitten, she tried pulling all the painful memories forward. Squeezing her eyes shut, remembering how Riley turned in mere hours yet here you were after almost an entire day.
Tess's had grown exponentially in just two of those sixty minute intervals and yet yours stayed the same.
Sam died overnight.
She was still alive though.
Your arm wasn't getting worse, at least visually, and she'd seen it happen before. Comparing Tess's bite, Riley's, Sam's, hers, over and over.
Running the images through her mind again and again while staring at the back of her eyelids.
"Ellie..." Her eyes opened, seeing you leaning over her with her arm around your waist. "I would've turned by now... right?" "I–"
Her sentences fumbled and her vocal cords failed her, unsure of the answer.
You were gonna be okay, right?
"Okay.. that's good." You sat up straight, wiping your face with the backs of your hands. "So– so I'm gonna be okay right? You began to cry, unsure if it was relief or every other emotion that coursed through yourself.
"M'not gonna have to leave you?" Your voice cracked, Ellie shook her head, holding onto you. "No, not like this anyway." "What if–" "It won't, not if you're like me." "But what if I'm not?"
Ellie shook her head even harder, as if she was trying to shake the questions away herself. The letters disbanding and bouncing away.
"What if I'm not like you?"
"So far I'm the only person that's survived that, now so are you. You are, I know it." No she didn't, but watching you sigh a breath of slight relief made it feel okay for her to lie.
"Look at me.." You did just that, feeling her warm hands wipe away your tear tracks, pressing your forehead against her own.
"I meant it."
You kissed her without another thought, feeling yourself being pushed back from her reciprocation. Still afraid you'd poof into a thousand feathers and she'd open her eyes once more to nothing but empty arms.
"I know, I think I always have."
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killerpillar · 4 months
any book recs? looking for something to hold me over inbetween your updates! anything you’ve found yourself pulling inspo from for your fic or that you think a fellow levi fan would love?
hi!!! ofc, i've got plently of fic recs, i'm pretty sure i've read 80% of all levi fics on ao3 atp😭 I sadly have not had the time to read as many fics nowadays like I used to, but here are some of my all time favs!!
(also i apologise, my summary skills are terrible and so it's just me gushing over the fics for a whole paragraph🧎‍♀️)
Death's Door by SongsOfApollo
one of the first fics I read, and a fic that has literally never left my brain since then. It's amazing. It's very popular so I'm sure you've heard about it already if not read it, but if you haven't, it's a must read!! levi x doctor reader!
Dust, Diamonds by maokitty
the best way i can describe this fic is that it drove an iron stake through my heart multiple times, pulled it out, then delicately rearranged the pieces and stitched it back together with gentle fingers. take it how you will but after a certain chapter i stopped reading it bc it was too painful, and then came back two months later to finish it off AND I AM SO GLAD I DID.
A River Of Three Crossings by maokitty
this fic literally ruined my life it was so fucking good but its incomplete and hasn't been updated since 2020 i am SO SAD. but please read this, it's so good, so heart crushing and sweet and amazing I love it sm
reciprocal sin by captain-hawks (@captain-hawks)
SO UNDERRATED!??! must read, i cannot say anything else but READ THISSS. its a kinky smutty oneshot so make sure you read the content warnings, but its sooo good😭 amazing writing too!
silver soul by oi_levi
sadly this one is incomplete and hasn't been updated since 2021, but it's brilliantttt. if you're craving some good post-war levi fics, then this one's really good!!
also read In the Land of Gods and Monsters by them for a fun time😊
a sip of sunshine by taomyou (@taomyou)
speaking of post-war fics, this one is amazinggg. super cute and fluffy, angsty ending for part 1 (😭) but I know for sure their next part will be worth the wait. also they've got a complete modern au fic called The Romance Of Reimbursements which is so fucking beautiful, definitely read this!!! (also mchs, acoc... yeah just read all of them tbh)
silver underground. by tothestrongones (@amywritesthings)
this one's a recent read, but omfg i cannottt get enough of it. absolutely love this, it's levi x underground reader, amnesia trope done right. 10/10 must read!!!
we all bleed red by littlerequiem (@littlerequiem)
also a recent read, but omfg this fic is so good. it's vampire au, victorian era, slowburn brilliant writing, and healthy communication!?!? no way. checks all the boxes for me😫
Percolate by heichoe
modern coffee shop au, its so good omfg. it's such a cute fic, classic grumpy levi, friends w benefits, lots of smut and the DRAMA gosh. i was so invested, it was so good. (also ur gonna need an account on ao3 to read the fic!!)
this is a story of the sea by shinzouing
this one is levi x erwin x reader (i read it for the levi x reader bc erwin was gonna die anyways lmao) but i fell in loveeee with it!! wonderful writing, amazing story, 10/10 angst & slowburn, a definite must read! (also 20/10 smut, it was so fucking good)
(also literally every fic by wellitcouldbeworse3 on ao3 is amazinggg, check them out if you haven't already. which i'm sure you have, and that is the only reason i haven't listed out all of their fics here😭 The Feeling's Mutual is my fav modern au fic of all time no questions asked)
THIS IS A JUST A FEW!!! if you want more, then feel free to ask, i will gladly rec more <33 and ty for reading my fic btw!! LOVE U LOADS🤗
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