#slight body horror too ig
waokevale · 8 months
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Starvetober Day 6 and 7 – Season | Curse
With season I naturally chose my favorite (irl, in game it's alright ig)
The other one is Wormie about to become his Triumphant self (Or for those who know, a small ref to my fic)
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idksmtms · 5 months
The Prettiest Trophy (Capitol Elite!Aegon II Targaryen x Games Winner!reader (Hunger Games AU)
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Summary: You never thought you would make it out of the hunger games, but now you have another fight ahead of you. What do you do when one of the most powerful citizens of the capitol has chosen you to be his? 
Word count: 3.5k 
Trigger Warnings: 18+, she/her pronouns, AFAB reader, profanity, innuendo, Dub-con due to power imbalance, coercion too ig (???), some angst (reader talks about survivor’s guilt from the games),  p in v s*x, unprotected s*x, oral f receiving, degradation (constantly referring to lesser status of districts), objectification and ownership,  (please let me know if I missed any) 
Rating: 18+, MDNI
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon/Fire & Blood characters. I do not claim to own any of the House of The Dragon/Fire & Blood characters. I do not own any pictures used nor do I claim to do so. 
Always appreciate comments, likes, and reblogs :) 
AN: Aaaaa my first fic finally! Didn't mean to make it this long but I got a bit carried away! I hope you enjoy! (Side note: I was imagining his hair as the style in the black and white pic, just with Targaryen white, Side note 2: I def realise the references to the way Gollum talks about the ring, IT WAS ON PURPOSE)
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You never thought you would leave the arena. Every second could have been your last and you still didn’t quite believe you had made it out, that you were standing outside the President’s mansion at a lavish party, dressed in silks and jewels. No one told you how to live after the games were over. It had taken you three days just to be able to get out of bed and move around again after leaving the arena. Being at this party? It felt like a betrayal to all the people who had died so you could live. You sipped from the sickly sweet drink that almost seemed to glow in the night, and looked around the garden. 
Most people had finally left you alone thankfully, though you could still see eyes turning your way, whispers and conversations pointed toward your presence in the garden. At least no one was trying to force you into a picture like some capitol celebrity anymore. 
People in the most lavish costumes customary of the capitol milled about, talking, whispering, cackling like witches in their modified bodies with their modified voices. It was a horror show. The gardens had been decorated with delicate yellow fairy lights strung up in the trees and over poles around the tables. You assumed they wanted to give it a warm and welcoming look with the yellow lighting but it only cast grotesque shadows on the building that was not only the backdrop to this party, but to all your nightmares. There were tables set up with stark white tablecloths draped over them, an area cleared away for a dance floor, and more noise coming from the entrance to the mansion. Avoxes walked around carrying trays of food and drink between their hands, heads bent low, and shame began to rise inside you. What were you doing here? Why were you forced to be here?
There was someone behind you. You didn’t know when you had become so aware of any presence, probably somewhere between fending off humans and wildlife alike in the arena, and you could distinctly feel someone behind you. A slight shadow fell over your shoulders. A small touch rustled the train of your dress. Someone cleared their throat. You turned around, hands quivering, and looked at the man smirking broadly at you. Your first thought, shamefully: was he even real? 
His hair was so blond it was white, cut short and combed back so perfectly he could be no less than an aristocrat. He wore a suit of dark grey over a black shirt, one of the less eccentrically dressed people at the party. But his shoes were lavish. Black and shinier than anything you had ever seen, embroidered with gold thread, gold jewellery dangling from the laces and gems stamped into the fabric. Surely this man was of the richest of the rich, because even in the capitol people were wont to have shoes so lavish. You stared at his shoes for a good minute, whole body frozen, when he cleared his throat once more. You looked at his eyes. You couldn’t tell if they were more blue or grey, like ice had formed over a stormy ocean. 
“And who might you be?” He asked, mouth still smiling, before he brought his glass up to his lips and took a drink while waiting for your answer. 
“You don’t know who I am?” You asked, almost taking a step back. That couldn’t be true. Viewing was mandatory, your face had been plastered across every screen in Panem for weeks, it couldn’t be true that he didn’t know you. And yet… for a moment… it felt so good not to be recognised. You were just some other girl, lost in the crowd at a party, who hadn’t gone through what you had gone through. 
“Well, I may know of you, but I don’t know you know you,” his smile had softened and he stepped closer until his elbow lightly brushed yours and you were both looking out at the party.
“I suppose that’s true,” you answered quietly, still watching his face. His skin was almost as dangerously pale as his hair, and sallow, like he was never quite in the best of health. Though you couldn’t deny the truth, he was a handsome man regardless of his slightly ragged appearance. 
“Aegon Targaryen the second,” he held out his hand, running his eyes over your face like he hadn’t gathered enough of it the first time, “and you?” 
“Y/n L/n,” you breathed out, reaching out an unsteady hand to limply shake his own. He gently clasped your fingers and brought your hand to his mouth, pressing his lips to your knuckles before releasing your hand. It was such an odd sensation, his hot breath brushing over the back of your hand, his fingertips slightly rough - but not enough to suggest any sort of manual labour - clasping the skin of your palm. Your cheeks went hot, the tips of your ears tingling, and you continued staring at this enigma. 
“How has the capitol been treating you?” He asked, chugging the rest of his drink and depositing it on the tray of an Avox as they passed by like some well-practised dance. You didn’t want to reply. “Well, I suppose you haven’t had the time to truly enjoy it. At least, not the truly fun bits anyway,” he shrugged, tilting his head and looking at you like it was a particularly amusing thing he just said. 
You couldn’t understand this at all. Who was this man? What was this interaction? What did he want with you? Why was he acting so mundane, like this was normal?! None of this was normal. 
Noticing the look on your face, Aegon chuckled and reached forward to push some hair over your shoulder. It took everything within you to hold in your shiver. 
“Ah, you must be confused about who I am! I shouldn’t have assumed you would understand the name Targaryen. We may be famous in the capitol but who knows what goes on in the districts,” you swallowed hard and nodded, trying not to flinch at the dig. “Our family works in all sorts of sectors, for example, my uncle Daemon is responsible for manufacturing arms for the state, my younger brother Aemond works under the president in some position or other - god knows he never shuts up about it - and my father currently runs the peacekeeper program. Of course I’m expected to step up to that eventually but- I won’t bore you with the details.” 
You didn’t really consider that work. You had seen the way your parents toiled in the factory every day, had seen the way every member of your family slowly became a hunchback from their work. But you weren’t going to say anything to him. 
“What does your family do?” He asked, and again you almost moved out of surprise. His face seemed so sincere as he watched you, waiting for an answer. 
“I’m from District 8, so my parents work the looms,” you answered slowly. You almost sounded condescending, like you were talking to someone who couldn’t quite understand your words, but Aegon understood it was the shock of him speaking to you. After all, it had only been a week since you had left the arena, he understood how difficult it would be to gain your confidence. It didn’t mean he wouldn’t try. And Aegon was a firm believer that flattery could get you anywhere, especially a girl’s bed. So he decided to change course. 
“Do you see that man over there?” He pointed discreetly to a spot just to your right and you shuffled back so you could look over without being noticed. You sipped from your glass as you noticed the man, an older gentleman wearing a full fursuit topped with a lion’s mane going around his head. Even his face had been painted with fur and whiskers to resemble a lion with the body of a human. You nodded to Aegon, turning away from the man. Something about that picture made you uncomfortable in a way you had never been before. “Well, rumour has it that he wears that entire get up, face paint and all mind you, every time he fucks.” You gasped, staring at Aegon with eyes so wide they started to hurt. 
“You can’t be serious,” you whispered sharply. 
“I am the most serious, dearest. Why would I lie to you?” He smirked, leaning closer once more. He draped his arm over your shoulder and you stiffened for a moment before continuing to listen to his next story. 
You were slowly beginning to relax in Aegon’s company as he continued to chatter to you. He no longer asked questions or expected you to speak, just pointed out people in the crowd and made colourful commentary that had you hiding your face in his shoulder and giggling against the fabric of his suit. He gazed at you with sparkling eyes full of mirth and shared his ever-full glass of whatever drink they were serving at the time. You couldn’t help but be charmed. Maybe, just maybe, not everyone in the capitol was as bad as they seemed. 
“D’you wanna go somewhere quieter?” He finally asked after completely relieving another stranger of their dignity. You took a moment to catch your breath and looked at him, at the sudden darkening of his eyes and the way his tongue poked out to lick his lips. He watched you like a tiger readying to pounce. You nodded without a second thought. Though he had made the party bearable, anywhere would be better than here. He smiled and reached down, sliding his fingers over your inner wrist, then your palm, then grasping your hand in his own. “Come on.” 
Aegon led you into the house and up the stairs, nodding at random people (who sometimes you could barely recognise as people), skilfully dodging attempts at conversation. Up and up the lavish stairs you went before walking down a large hallway and stopping in front of a wall. Aegon pushed at the wall and it gave way, revealing a spiral staircase in the dark that led up into an abyss. 
“Um, are you sure you know where you’re going?” You asked, pausing at the entrance to the rather dingy looking chamber. 
“There are some perks to having been at the president’s mansion practically since I was born. One of those being secret access to the roof, now come on!” He dragged you into the dark and shut the door behind him, before ushering you up the first steps. 
The staircase really wasn’t all that tall. In fact, you could see the top and light bled down from the opening. Your heels clanked against each step and you almost toppled back into Aegon more than once. Then you were at the top. Then you could see the whole Capitol. Oh it was breathtaking! The whole city, laid out before you like a miniature scene to play with. There were lights glimmering in houses and cars on the roads and life! There were signs of life everywhere. Oh you couldn’t believe it. You almost believed you could see to the very edges of Panem. 
 “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Aegon asked, and you turned to meet his eyes. Both of you had moved right to the edge of the rooftop so you could look out over the party, and he moved to stand directly behind you. You could feel his chest press into your back. The fabric of his shirt rubbed against the skin of your back and he was a solid pressure behind you, like the comfort of a wall at your back when you slept. “Hm?” He asked again, bending his head down to run his nose up your neck. You shivered, the light graze was just ticklish enough to start a spark inside of you. 
 “Yes,” you breathed out, clenching your hands on the concrete to stop yourself from leaning back into him. You didn’t know him. You didn’t really know him. You didn’t know him at all. 
 “You know,” he began slowly, hands going to your shoulders and turning you around to face him. “When I first saw you on the television, the day of the reaping, I knew you would win.” Your breath caught in your throat. Your mouth was so dry. You wished you hadn’t discarded that sweet drink so quickly. “And look at you now,” he leaned in closer, cupping your face to force your eyes to meet his, “you’re the winner, the greatest person in Panem, to come out of the districts anyway.” He gently kissed your right cheek, warm lips on plush skin, and when he pulled away the breeze cooled the hint of saliva he had left behind. “You’re the greatest treasure one could possess, you know?” He kissed your other cheek, firmer this time, like he was trying to leave the imprint of his lips on your skin. “Everyone knows the winner of the Hunger Games, and to say you own them? To parade them on your arm for everyone to see, saying you own the very concept of survival?” He seemed to groan in pleasure, and then everything was moving. 
His lips were on yours, slightly wet and forceful. His tongue was delving into your mouth, tasting like sugar, too much sugar, and you wanted to pull back because it was so overwhelming and everything he had just said and and and… and it felt so good too. It was warm, and desperate, like no one had ever been for you before. 
A hand moved into your hair and grasped the strands at the back of your head tight, pulling slightly to tilt your head back so you had to look up at him. He was almost leaning over you so your spine bent over the edge of the roof, and the skin of your back scratched against the unpainted concrete. He huffed against your mouth then pulled back, his other hand coming up to trace your mouth with his thumb. You stared into his eyes but he wasn’t looking back at you, not really anyway. He was watching his prize, the reward that no one but him deserved. 
You whimpered, a small and pathetic sound that only seemed to make his skin hotter, and he let go of your hair to begin pulling the straps of your dress down your arms. It was a heavy thing, and it felt good to finally be rid of the weight, but you were keenly aware of the cold night and the party in full swing just underneath you. If someone in the garden decided to look up, they would surely see you bent over the edge. 
“Wait-” you began to protest, but Aegon was past listening, past caring. He just shoved the dress under your breasts and down your legs, before grabbing your face and bringing your mouth to his own again. His hands travelled over your neck, then caressed your shoulders. He gently pressed the red indents the straps of the dress had left and you sighed into his mouth, leaning onto his chest. Your nipples rubbed against the fabric of his shirt and you gasped into the kiss before moving your chest slightly. The warm little tingles travelled all the way through your torso and you clung to his arms. 
Aegon kissed sloppily over your cheeks, your neck, pausing to bite into it until you grunted with pain and pushed at his shoulder. He licked all the way down to your chest, his tongue warm and wet, then the slick trail of spit suddenly cold. Your legs felt unsteady, and you leaned back against the barrier as he began mouthing at your breasts, little circles of warmth formed everywhere he kissed, and then his mouth closed over your nipple and you clenched. It was so… weird. A wet suction formed over your nipple and it seemed to make the inside of your breast spark, your stomach jolt, and the space between your thighs tingle and turn to mush. 
“Come on precious,” he mumbled against your skin, “you can be louder,” and he bit the flesh. It really was a live wire attached to your skin, so easy to spark, so easy to create a fire that spread all throughout your body. 
Aegon was quicker with the other nipple, licking over it like a dog with a bowl of water, before making his way down to the apex of your thighs. He seemed to be in a hurry with the way he dove his face between your legs. A cry left your lips, loud and shriek-like, at the overwhelming activity. His nose slipped between your lips and pressed to your clit, his tongue out and flat and lapping against the sticky slick that covered the puffy folds that hid your hole. He was ravenous, pressing his face in in in until you stood on your tiptoes and half your weight was balanced against his face. The contours of his face pressed at your hole, his nose rubbed at your clit, and he moved his face back and forth so his tongue could poke inside of you then slip back into his mouth. He began speaking into you, rumbling words you couldn’t understand over the rushing in your head. 
“Come on, cum on my face,” he huffed, grabbing your thighs and licking at your clit until it was puffy and swollen. “I wan’ you to cum on my face, give me what I want.” He pressed his tongue inside you. In. Out. He licked your clit. In. Out. He sucked it into his mouth, and your legs shook so much that you would’ve fallen onto the floor if you weren’t practically laying on the barrier already. It was a release. That’s all it could be called. Every muscle clenched then released. Even your mind felt like it had slowly been clenching and now it had been unravelled and was slowly dripping out of your skull. 
“Fuck, that’s right,” Aegon mumbled as he pulled away, standing to full height and pulling your hips against his own. His hair had fallen forward into his eyes and his mouth and nose glistened in the low light, but he didn’t seem to care one bit. He had leaned over your body again, pressing his face into your neck. The slick on his chin stuck to your skin and squished whenever he moved. He humped into you a few times, grunting and groaning, before hurriedly reaching down and fumbling with his belt and zipper. You could hear the clanking of metal, the rustle of fabric, and then something warm pressing to your thigh. 
There was no waiting with Aegon. His body simply didn’t contain the patience for it, and really why would you wait when the prize you had so long coveted lay bare before you, just ripe for the taking? A shift here, a push there, and he caught at your entrance. He finally pulled away from your neck and looked into your eyes. He caressed your cheek, and you could tell all he saw was a trophy he had just won. 
Then Aegon pressed into you, and his veins rubbed at your slick insides, pressing against your walls and sliding against your own textured flesh and you were leaning back to moan into the night sky, chest heaving. He kissed your breasts and pushed into you again, his lower stomach pressing your clit. Again, he moved into you and the sparks flashed and you clenched around him, onto him, and he moaned against your ear, hot breath fanning the shell. 
“Fuck yes, you’re my precious little thing aren’t you? Huh? You’re my special little prize?” His hips slapped against yours and the sound echoed over the roof. His mouth biting into your neck sent sparks through you. Back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and oh god it was too much! You clenched onto him and screamed into his neck, open mouth pressed to the sweaty skin. You clenched and unclenched onto him as waves passed through you, melting your flesh and your bones. It was over too soon yet it lasted too long. He pushed once more, twice more, and you could feel him quiver against you, even as you tried to push him away from the pulsing flesh of your insides. You could feel the spurts inside you, hot and gushing. You felt it trickle out of you, slide down your thighs in warm rivulets and you shuddered. 
Aegon still lay on top of you, huffing heavily into your neck. You didn’t know what to do, so you stayed still, waiting for guidance, waiting for the other shoe to fall. He slowly pushed up on his arms so his face hovered above yours, and he smiled a dazed and delirious smile. Was it always there, or had it just appeared, that insanity in his eyes? 
“Oh my precious,” he sighed, cupping your cheek, “we have so much ahead.”
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asterias-record-shop · 10 months
Hello! I don’t know if this space has already been requested, but could I please request #18 with the Cowboy Space with Ethan Landry from Scream VI? For the overview is that Chad basically convinces Ethan to dress up like a shirtless cowboy like him to show off his muscles to impress the girl Ethan has been crushing/in love with.
The girl can be either friends with the Woodsboro group or just a random girl from one of Ethan’s classes. But the girl has also been crushing on Ethan.
Thank you so much for doing the bingo! I love your writing!
—𓆩[save a horse, ride a cowboy]𓆪—
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𓆩♡𓆪 CHARACTER - Ethan Landry x Fem! Crush! Reader
𓆩♡𓆪 TYPE - fluff, smut
𓆩♡𓆪 WORD COUNT - 3.8K
𓆩♡𓆪 SUMMARY - NON GHOSTFACE AU Ethan had been crushing on you since the first day of college. Now, three years in and finally getting the courage thanks to his best friend Chad, he dresses up for the Halloween party as something much more… suggestive. He truly didn’t expect you to show up in an exposed Halloween outfit dressed up as a classic horror character, ready to tease him all night long.
𓆩♡𓆪 STORY WARNINGS - again, NON GHOSTFACE AU!!! || porn with a plot || but the ghostface character still exists yk || aged up some more, again like 3 years into college || partying || body shots || drinking alcohol (legally, mostly) || mentions of drugs || intoxicated sex but fully consensual || slight gxg relations with reader ig? (tara) || party is set in like a bigger area if that makes sense? || tara and chad are already together || altered timeline slightly? || Ethan and Chad are actually best friends because again, not in like the movie’s universe? || the entire group are actually really good friends (Sam, Tara, Chad, Mindy, Anika – i didn't include Quinn) || everyone’s more lighthearted cuz no trauma || you have a high alcohol tolerance now || kind of public sex || moved to sex in another person’s bathroom || blowjob || self fingering || then moving to a random room || unprotected sex || riding || cumming inside || slight tit worship || mentions of smoking ||
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Ethan didn’t think he could go through with this. He stared at himself in the mirror, and though he didn’t dislike what he was seeing, he just didn’t know if he was comfortable.
“Heyo, E, what’s taking so long? We gotta see you!” Chad knocked on the door as Ethan fixed the ascot looking thing around his neck and the cowboy hat he accidentally spent way too much money on. "Ethan, come out here and show us!”
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Ethan groaned as he walked out, Chad whistling as he sat next to Tara with his arm around her shoulders. “Look at you! Looking great, Ethan! You’re a lot more muscular than I thought.”
He ignored Chad’s words as Anika giggled slightly, making him look at her. “What’s so funny?”
“You look like you’re about to go into a porno,” she laughed, making Mindy giggle. “A really, really weird porno, but a good one!”
Her words make Ethan groan, pointing at Chad. “He’s wearing the same thing! For fucks sake, I feel like I look so fucking stupid-”
Chad quickly shakes his head. “Come on man, you look great!”
Tara giggled slightly, everyone looking at her. “What’s so funny?” Ethan said again, crossing his arms which made his biceps bulge. 
“Texting Y/N,” she said, smiling. “She’s going as Ghostface. A slutty Ghostface, and I told her you’re going as a shirtless cowboy, so you kind of have to wear that now.”
Ethan groaned, face palming. “Promise I don’t look stupid?”
“You look amazing, dude!” Chad.
“You look fucking stupid.” Sam.
“Just don’t star in a porno!” Anika.
“Can we go already? We’re going to be late.” Mindy.
“Yeah, Y/N’s already there, she’s doing body shots. I wanna do body shots with her, it sounds fun!” Tara.
Only Tara’s words stuck with him, because just like her, he really wanted to do body shots with you. Normally, you were part of this mini gang that they had, but you had gone with your two best friends that you had known since high school, especially because it was a frat party.
It wasn’t long until everyone left, leaving the dorms with Ethan and Chad shirtless as they walked to the frat party. “She’s not gonna think I’m weird, right?”
“Nah, man! She’s gonna think you’re hot, coke on! Besides, slutty Ghostface? It pairs up great,” Chad said, shrugging as he held Tara close. “You’re gonna take body shots with Y/N, right?”
“I’m gonna try.”
“Oh definitely!”
Ethan and Tara both spoke at the same time, Tara clapping her hands. “Hell yeah! Ethan’s getting bold, whoop whoop! I go first though.”
He laughed, shaking his head. “I’m still deciding if I’m even gonna go.”
“You better go!” Tara said, nodding. “I have a bet y’all are going to fuck tonight! Don’t make me lose!”
When they got there, they immediately knew where you were since they could see you standing in front of the ping pong table playing beer pong. He smiled as you bit your lips, bouncing the small plastic ball and landing it perfectly on one of the cups, everyone yelling out as you jumped up with a cheer. “Whoo!”
“Y/N!” Tara yelled as she ran over, Chad slapping Ethan’s back.
“Go get her, man!”
Oh, but then he saw you.
You looked fucking perfect in the fishnet body suit that covered your entire body, a mere leather tube top and a leather mini skirt covering your more intimate parts. He could barely talk as you spoke with Tara, laughing and giggling before you grabbed a die.
“Here, I’ll finish this game, and then we can start body shots again!” You smiled, giggling as you jumped up and down slightly. “Oh, Chad, Ethan! Hey guys!”
He smiled slightly, waving as he walked over. “Hey… Hey, you look so nice.”
You giggle, looking down at your outfit. “I tried! Do you think it pulled together well?”
“Uhm… so, so well,” Ethan smiled as you giggled. “You look amazing.”
“Oh, thank you!” You giggled, shaking your head. “So… wanna do some body shots?”
Ethan blushed as Tara nodded vigorously behind you, the words coming out of his mouth before he could stop them. “Let’s do some shots?”
It wasn’t until it was actually about to happen did Ethan regret wanting to do shots.
There was dice, terrifying dice that you both had to roll to see where you had to take the shot off the other person’s body. Tara had gotten your tits and you had gotten her stomach, so here you were, bending over the ping pong table as Tara lifted her hips and you tilt your head back and you grabbed the shot with your teeth and tilt your head back, easily swallowing the liquor with your hands pushing up.
Everyone cheered as you grabbed the shot glass, pointing at Ethan. “You’re turn, cowboy!”
“Fuck, you’re so hot.”
You laughed as you walked forward and grabbed his hand, dragging him to the ping pong table and putting both dice in his hand and giggling. “Roll for me?” He swallowed, nodding slightly as you hold his wrist, everyone letting out loud wolf whistles as you tilted your head up at him. “Want me to blow on them for you?”
“He wants you to blow on a lot more than that, Y/N!” Anika yelled out, laughing as you giggled.
“Roll ‘em.”
Ethan rolled the dice, unable to see what they landed on before Tara cheered. “Crotch and same as partner!”
You giggled, taking the shots that Tara had given to you. “You’re going to take your first shot of the night.”
He basically gulped as you gave him both shots, laying back against the ping pong table and fixing your skirt. You take the shot, carefully setting the shot on your skirt and lifting your hips with your legs spread. “What are you waiting for?”
Everyone started shouting out ‘Shots!’ as Ethan tried to avoid getting between your legs until you roll your eyes, pulling him between your legs to where the shot was. “Y-You’re sure this is okay?”
“Of course,” you twirl one of his curls around your finger, smiling. “Get to it.”
He’s careful as he looked down, slowly wrapping his lips around the shots before you thrust your hips up and he tilted his head back, swallowing it easily. You giggle as he threw his head back, giggling. “Ethan took the shot!”
Everyone cheered as you sat up, Ethan’s face right in front of yours before you grabbed his ascot like thing. “My turn.”
Ethan quickly switched with you, watching as you got between his legs and patted his thighs. “Can I unzip your pants?”
Everyone whistled again as Ethan nods nervously, watching you unzip his jeans and slide the shot over the bulge of his cock that was slowly getting bigger, even though he hoped you didn't see it. He watched as you hummed, watching as Tara stepped forward and gave Ethan the lime wedge. “Put it in your mouth.”
“Wh-What-?” He basically choked as she stuffed it in his mouth, the rind facing the back of his throat before she poured out some salt on his hip bone.
You giggle as you lean forward and down, your ass up as you licked his hip, taking all of the salt before moving to the shot on his dick, his hips bucking automatically into your mouth making you gag slightly before throwing your head back and swallowing the shot. It wasn’t until you leaned forward and pressed your lips to his, taking the lime from his mouth and biting into the flesh before taking it out of your mouth and kissing him firmly.
He can taste the pods of the sour lime and bitter tequila, grains of salt still on your tongue brushing against his as you sit in his lap. His hands go to your waist almost immediately, smiling against your lips as you giggle and laugh against his own.
Someone groaned as your hands “God dammit, get off the table!”
Ethan tried to pull back, eyes open as he was about to pull away and help you get off the table before you pulled him closer, not letting him pull back as you flipped your middle finger up in the direction of the voice. He could hear Chad yell something out as you hummed against his lips, your nose bumping against his as you tilted your head making Ethan laugh slightly, smiling as you pulled away, tugging on his bottom lip with your teeth.
“We should go back to my apartment.”
Ethan rushes to nod as you quickly stand up, dragging him off the table and down the hall.
“Fuck yeah! Ethan’s gonna get laid!” Chad.
Ethan blushed madly as you laughed, walking backwards to pull him into the entrance hall and press your back against the wall before flipping you both for Ethan to be pressed against the wall instead. “Are you a virgin?”
He swallowed, his mouth dry as he shook his head, then nodded. A quickie with some random girl where he didn’t cum didn’t count, right?
You laughed, shaking your head as you started to rub against his chiseled abdomen. “Well? What is it, yes or no? If you are, I can make this special and we can go back to my apartment quickly. If not, then you’ve had a quickie, right?”
Ethan nodded his head quickly, swallowing as you rubbed against his crotch area. “Y-Yeah, I have.”
“Do you mind if I suck your dick here?” You asked it as though you were asking to take a lollipop from a doctor’s office, your eyes shining with lust as your nails trail over the v that led down. “A quick blowjob, then we can fuck at my apartment.”
Ethan gasped as someone walked past, but of course, you didn't seem to care as you kissed against the bulge. “D-Don’t you think we should go somewhere more private?”
You paused, looking up at him confused. “What do you mean?”
“Y-You… Why don’t we go somewhere where no one can see how good you feel?” He tilted his head down at you, a giggle falling from your lips as you stood.
“Okay,” you dragged him farther down the hall into an actually clean bathroom that he didn’t expect to be as clean as it was before you kneeled down on the rug. “So, can I suck your dick now?”
He laughed, shaking his head slightly. “Y-You’re sure you want to do this?”
“That I want to suck your dick?” You rubbed your nose against the zipper, tilting your head slightly. “Is that okay?”
“Y-Yeah, you can… you can suck m-my dick-” Ethan let out a loud groan as you finished unzipping his pants and pulled out his perfect cock, his length practically dripping with precum and the veins on the underside already bulging. “Fuck, darling, you’re that greedy?”
You hummed as you nodded, wrapping your lips around his tip carefully before your other hand started to push down your exposed stomach and under your skirt. He watched your hand slowly swipe up and down your cunt, rolling your clit between your fingers and pumping his cock at the same time.
He stared at you, groaning as you pumped and gagged on his cock, pulling away to spit on his tip and pump the saliva up to his base. You hummed, staring up at him as you continued to pump his shaft, pulling his cock down your throat and gagging on it. He threw his head back, groaning as he tried to hold back the thrusts of his hips, but for fucks sake your mouth felt so good around his cock and your hand pumping the area that you couldn’t fit in your mouth with your fist as you groaned.
“F-Fuck, cowgirl,” he groaned loudly, head tilted back as you pulled away to giggle, humming as you move your head to the side and lick up the side of his pretty cock. “You suck my cock so perfectly, cowgirl,” he grinned as you pulled away, groaning loudly. He finally noticed your hand as you fingered yourself, hips rutting forward into your hand. “Doing so good.”
You giggled, groaning as you rode your hand and continued to spit on his cock, getting his shaft all wet as you wiped the spit from your chin with the back of your forearm. You hummed as you tilted your head up at him. “Want you to use my mouth,” you whisper, pulling his cock down your throat for a few seconds before gasping as you pull away. “Use my mouth like I’m a little whore, and make cum and spit run down my chin like those pornos, that way I have both of my hands to get off. Fingering myself as you use my throat.”
“I-I don’t want to hurt you,” he whispered as you both slowly turned around, Ethan watching as you leaned back against the cabinets and wiped your mouth with your other hand before pushing them both between your legs.
“You won’t hurt me,” you whisper, shaking your head as you groan loudly, your hands quickening against your cunt. “Fuck my mouth. Please, need you to use my mouth.”
Ethan groaned as you lifted your mouth up to lick carefully against his balls, Ethan taking his cock and softly pumping his length. “You sure?”
“Mhm,” you hum an agreement, sighing as you bumped your nose against his tip. “Want to feel it.”
Slowly, he pushed his cock into your mouth, groaning as you leaned forward, his eyes quickly flickering down to your hands in a place that he couldn’t see, rubbing vigorously as you bob your head up and down his shaft. Your eyes rolled back as you relax your jaw, doing the same to your throat as Ethan reached down and held the sides of your head.
Just like you said, he couldn’t stop himself, using your mouth and thrusting down your throat with a groan. “Come on, cowgirl, you’re doing so good… so so good, cowgirl, your throat is fucking perfect.”
You groaned, nodding around his cock as you continued to rut into your hands, your throat perfect and warm around his shaft as he shallowly thrusted down your throat. He let out a loud groan before someone opened the door, his hand quickly going to close it. “Got dammit, busy!”
You giggled as you wiped your throat, leaving the globs of cum and spit on your chin. “Love my throat that much, don’t you?”
“I love you that much,” he whispers, staring at his bright red cock and your hands quickening once again. “I love you so much.”
Your stomach was tight and twisting, the feeling of a hard orgasm settling in your stomach as you moved one of your hands to rub your clit between your thumb and middle finger. You groaned around his cock, bobbing your head even harder around his cock, his hips rutting faster and rougher. You gagged around his cock, the fingers inside of you thrusting faster as you felt drool and cum run down your chin. To be honest, you didn’t register him cumming the first time, and to be honest, neither did he besides the tightness of his stomach.
It was probably when the person almost walked in, because for fucks sake did that turn him on.
Oh, but his stomach was twisting just like yours, tightening as he groaned, the sight of your eyes crossing as they rolled back and mixed globs of cum and saliva ran down your chin.
You groaned loudly as he thrusted his hips forward, groaning loudly as he cradled the back of your head so it wouldn’t hit the counter as his hips started to stutter. If you could have smiled, you would have, even as he softly stroked your hair and you could taste the hot ropes of his salty cum.
You hummed in pleasure as your stomach finally clenched and you came, your hands pushing around his slightly soft cock, pumping him with your cum covered hands as you kissed his tip before swallowing. It makes him gasp as you stand, wiping your mouth and licking your fingers as he stares at the white dripping down your fishnets. “You wish this was your cum, don’t you cowboy?”
“I do,” he whispers, softly grabbing your chin and pulling you in for a firm kiss. “I do… I wish it was my cum dripping down your thighs right now.”
“It can be,” you whisper back, pulling him down for a firm kiss. “There’s a room down the hall no one knows about. We could go there, that way we don’t waste time going to my apartment.”
He smiled slightly, bumping his nose to yours. “How do you know about it then?”
You giggled, shaking your head. “I know because I was able to finish a blunt there without no one interrupting me.”
He shook his head with a laugh as you slowly pushed him back. “Well, lead the way.”
You turned around as you pulled him down the hall, urgently pulling him down for more kisses, desperately wanting his lips on your own. Your lips were still slightly salty as his tongue dragged along your lips, his hands holding your cheeks delicately before you reached up and took his black hat, putting it on your head with a giggle. “Save a horse,”
“Ride a cowboy.”
You both laughed as you kept the hat on, his hands pushing down between your thighs and undoing the zipper down the center all while your hand searched for the doorknob. He laughed as he held your skirt in hand and you finally open the door, his hands doing the same to your top with the zipper in the back and putting it in the same hand together as you quickly got the door open and he pushed you back.
Ethan smiled as he kicked the door closed, kicking off his boots and his jeans before laying back on the bed and watching you slowly crawl above him. “I want to ride you,” you whisper, already pumping his cock as he reaches down and finishes ripping a slit on the fishnet stockings. “Please?”
He groaned as you forced his cock up, the already hard length needing little to no help to stay up straight as you forced yourself up by your knees. “Why are you always asking, cowgirl? For fucks sake, just do what you want to me, I’ll never complain if it’s you.”
You giggle as you finally push his tip into you, throwing your head back with a loud groan. You truly didn’t expect his cock, especially his pretty tip, to be this fucking big. Slowly, you sink down onto his length, watching his face pinch up as he groans loudly and holds your hips tightly.
Ethan let out a loud groan as you started to roll your hips, your clit rubbing against his pelvis as you leaned onto his chest for support, leaning down before he shook his head. “W-Wait,” he panted, shaking his head. “Wanna see your tits.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, pausing the movements of your hips before leaning down and stealing a quick kiss as you held his face. “You are so a virgin.”
He laughed as his hands moved up your sides, groaning as his hands go from your sides to your poorly covered tits, thumbs swiping over your hard nipples that were poking through one of the holes of the fishnets, his thumb easily pushing inside of the holes before ripping the fabric. You gasped, the sight turning you on more than it should’ve before his hands grope and cup your tits.
The added stimulation made your stomach clench as you desperately alternated between bouncing on his cock to rolling your hips, desperate to hit that perfect spot inside of you. You were whining and letting out broken moans above him, every sporadic, unhinged and unexpected thrusts of his hips making you scream out and fly forward, a groan falling from his lips.
“Come on cowgirl,” he whispers, a grin on his face as his hand swipes over your nipple again. “You’re doing so good, cum on my cock.”
You nodded, mind blurred as you tilted your head back, pushing your hips forward before lifting yourself slightly to feel his cock slide in and out of you.
Ethan groaned loudly as your walls fluttered and clenched around his cock, your nails digging into his chest as your eyes rolled back and your thrusts got rougher, a scream of his name falling from your lips before your cunt clenched around his cock and you were about to fall forward before he caught you.
He let out a loud moan as he carefully laid you against his chest, rolling his hips into yours to cum and ride out his high inside of you, stroking your back as you pant above him. “You did so good, cowgirl.”
You hummed, nodding into his neck as you softly rubbed up and down his chest, the hat on your head bumping into his nose as he tried to kiss your head. “You don’t think we’re done yet, do you cowboy? You gotta see your cowgirl ride you backwards.”
Ethan groaned as you sat back up, fixing the hat on your head as he choked. “Now, what kind of cowboy would I be if I didn’t?”
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© asterias-record-shop
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Howdy! I was wondering what the twst guys would do if apocalypse mc came to twisted wonderland with a rifle and handgun? Like rook learning they can be used for hunting or lilias reaction to the weapons of war from their world
You don’t have to write this! I’ve just been brainrotting about this 😮‍💨
Anyway thanks for your time!💕💕
I really need to add a character limit to this.
I'm doing one from the first 5 dorms and if you want more characters I'll get to them once requested open again.
Yuu pronouns are he/him
Characters: Ace (technicallyduece too ig), ruggie, jade, kalim, and rook
Warnings: Dueces slight suicidal ideation, ruggies lowkey nihilism, you kill a monster in Jades part, slight body horror in Kalims part, not proof read
Ace was pissed. Why? Because he was fucking stupid.
He was stupid. Duece was stupid. And that weird kids with the weird mask and the fucking fire monster was fucking stupid.
Because someone thought it would be a great idea to run away from their clean up duty (Grim (ace quietly chose to ignore that he had tried to do the same thing first)) by hiding in a chandelier was a good idea, and someone else thought hurling him into said chandelier with questionable at best magic was an even better idea.
So now ace trappola was running for his life in a crystal mine, with only the same people who got him into this situation in the first place here with him.
These feelings only seemed to be amplified after duece decided that the crystals were worth more than his life! Also it didn't exactly help that he had seen the magicless guy almost get impaled with one of the oversized pickaxes that...that thing was swinging around.
"My....m.y..Give me back..my. STONES"
The adrenaline rushed through aces body like a wave, it's only purpose being to make sure he survives dammit! He doesn't even care if he gets expelled anymore. His brother has told him enough stories about NRC to write a novel. Ace had come here with a picture already painted in his head and this was not it.
He made a sharp turn left. They had walked down this tunnel on their way in right?
He saw a little light poke out just around the next turn.
Yeah, they had come through this way.
Ace heard a small yelp and the sound of dirt being scattered and a small thud of someone hitting the ground.
He didn't look back. He just kept running.
He kept running until he came across the small cottage that they'd gone into earlier. Duece stumbled in right after him. The masked boy and the fire cat-weasle thing on his shoulders.
The guy was covered in dirt. He's probably the one that fell.
Ace was bent over, panting like he had just ran for his life, probably because he did, but he's pretty sure he heard duece half gently set the kid, whose name he still didn't really know, down before he joined ace in his desperate attempt to catch his breath.
Ace closed his eyes. What the hell is happening right now? Why was he here? Why did he have to go tease that weird magicless freak this morning and pick a fight with their freaky cat?
You know what? Fuck this. If he gets expelled, so be it. There are plenty of other magic schools, including ones closer to home. He'll be just fine.
Duece however, didn't seem to get the memo.
"It was right there...we have to go back!", duece had so much determination in his voice...
Ace felt his eye twitch. "Like hell we do!"
Duece snapped his head towards him, and the mystery bro was still sitting on the floor, now cradling grim like he was an actual cat.
"Yeah, no. Sorry, but that crystal ain't worth it"
"So...so you're just gonna take the expulsion lying down? Just like that!? What are you, some kind of coward!?", duces voice got progressively more angry, which ace thought was bullshit.
He thought he was being perfectly reasonable with his choices, thank you very much.
"Uhhh. Yeah! Sorry not sorry, I choose life!"
I mean sure, his brother is gonna look at him all disappointed and shit, but hey, at least he'd be alive to see it.
Ace looked back at Mr. Mask-Man, who was still quietly petting grim, acting like they weren't even there.
It kind of pissed him off a little.
"Hey", he looked up, Ace count see their eyes, but somehow he knew they weren't making eye contact "do you have any better ideas? Or are you just gonna sit there the while time and not do anything?"
Was he being unfair? Probably. This guy (he should really ask for his name) wasn't even supposed the be in night Raven college, not to mention here? And he probably didn't want to be here any more than he did.
Did he care about that though? No. Not right now anyway.
Ace expected him to just put his head back down and go back to petting his freaky weasel. He expected them to just shrink up on themselves while ace went back to yelling at duece.
He did expect the guys head to perk up the smallest bit, he didn't expect the sudden feeling of very intense eye contact either.
And he definitely didn't expect him the nod and stand up so fast ace almost stumbled back.
But you know what the absolute last thing he expected from this guy? Going back to the mines.
Going back to the mines and waiting with duece for grim and the masked guy to come hauling ass back up the hill with the ...inky monster in tow. Because that's what's going to happen. Apparently.
...fuck. This guy was some type of maniac wasn't he?
Ace just glared at the ground. There wasn't anything he could do about it now, but he was still gonna be pissed if he died with a possible psychopath currently running towards him, and this blue gumball son of a bitch standing next to him.
"Bring me....my...stooones!"
He took a deep breath, possibly one of his lasts.
But I mean hey, might as well go out with a bang right?
The next few minutes all seemed to happen in slow motion, and somehow ace could already see the moment when the reality of all this would all hit him. At 3 am or something like that. Probably.
...yeah. 3 am.
"Ace watch out!", a panicked, exhausted voice called out to him. Probably duece.
His head snapped over to where his dormmate was. What's happening?
The answer seemed pretty damn obvious, when a large shadow seemed to swallow him whole, a product of the monsters looming stature.
Ace froze. Seeing his life start to flash before his eyes. Memory after memory replaying in his mind.
You never really know how little you've lived until you see it all right in front of you...
Aces eyes shot open (when had he closed them?) To see Mr. Mask standing just roughly six meters away from him, holding a...
...uh....what the hell was that?
The loud noises rang out one by one. One right after the other.
Ace booked it to the side, trying to catch his breath.
Only for it to get caught again once he looked up.
The creatures head, the glass ink jar, was leaking. It had six small holes in it, and cracks spiderwebbing out from said holes. As the cracks grew larger, the glass began to break off, and more and more ink began to pour out.
Aces eyes snapped to their third member, who responded immediately with another cauldron.
The head finally shattered. And the monster disappeared.
Slowly, aces gaze fell on the Ramshakle resident once again. Blinking slowly as he watched the guy put the...loud..thing away, before picking up grim once again.
Ace opened his mouth, and before he could even begin to realize what he was doing, he asked, "what was that?"
You called it a gun.
Listen. Ruggie wasn't new to violence. You can't live in the slums all your life and make it out completely sheltered, no matter how hard your parents try.
And sure. Ruggie wasn't exactly a saint himself, But at this point, was anyone? He certainly didn't think so.
Yeah. Almost getting killed by leona fucked him up a little. But really, it wasn't that new when he really thought about it.
And yeah, leona never really apologized to him for all that, but at times like that, in an environment like savanaclaw? He didn't need to. His actions, no matter how small they were, still spoke for themselves.
So yeah. Ruggie bucchi has a lot of experience with violence.
But if you were to ask ruggie if he's ever seen anything like this before? Yeah. He'd have to answer no.
Everything was going shit. They were following the plan, he did his part flawlessly might he add, and then Azul decided he didn't want to follow the script. So now he was surround by black ink, panicking students, and slightly less panicking... allies? Allies.
But yeah. This sucked.
And so began the fight for his life once again. Honestly, this shit was getting old.
Whipping his head in every which way to look or for flying debris and tentacles (and wasn't that a sentence), and keeping his ears open for shouted commands and warnings, his attention landed on you for half a second, before quickly turning away; In that half second he saw you pull something out from jacket pocket.
About five seconds later, he heard a loud bang.
And not like when the construction workers accidentally drop a metal beam on concrete or something. No, this was just a loud, earth shattering bang that demanded attention. And attention it got.
Several heads snapped to you, holding a...uhhh. You tilted your head to the side, either in confusion or trying to get an angle on Azul.
And then there was a scream, distorted and pained, with a faint sound of gushing and sloshing, a liquid being spilled. Ink being spilled out of the overblot phantoms head.
"Huh...the other one just died immediately..", he heard you mutter.
Ruggie shot a pointed look over to leona, who just looked at him in confusion. Ok. So he didn't miss anything during his housewardens little episode. He took a quick glance at the heartslabyul duo, who looked like they understood. Well, Ace understood. Duece wasn't close enough to hear and didn't have the hearing to pick up the slack.
Ok. So maybe yuu also decided to whip the thing out when riddle when crazy? He'll ask around later. Probably.
A tentacle slammed right next to him and started writhing around with another loud scream as the phantom lost more and more ink, and Ruggie remembered where they were.
The damage you did the overbloted octopus wasn't enough to downright defeat him, but it was enough to at least make the rest of the way a hell of a lot easier. So they're odds were looking much better than they were. Small mercies.
When everything eventually came to a head and the ink was beginning to melt off of Azul and he could finally breathe, he let his mind drift back to you.
Ok. What the hell. What was that? Why did it make that noise? What did it even do? How'd it shatter thick ass, magic glass? Did it launch blades at it or something? Also, why are you pretending like this whole thing was completely normal?
You weren't freaking out about this, you honestly seemed more focused on combing the gunk out of Azuls hair with your gloved fingers while the twins tried to asses his mental state, grim flopping on the ground off to your side. Now, this is probably your third, or maybe even fourth time you've been in this situation. But perfect, you treating it like it's just another Tuesday isn't exactly. Uh. Normal?
Not that you were normal, you had just began taking regular baths, which he was immensely grateful for. Seriously, he could only hold back leonas hair as he puked so many times before it got old. But even your (lack of) personality raised a few questions. Sometimes he wondered if you where really even there half the time.
After he caught his breath, he began to walk over to where you were, Ace and duece now scolding you and jade trying to check if you were hurt or not, and holy shit that is a big ass gash.
But he was already standing right behind you, so he honestly might as well ask.
"Hey. So uh. What did you do? What made the bangs?"
Your head snapped in his direction, pausing to just stare at him for a few unnerving seconds.
And then you pulled something out and called it a gun.
Jade didn't really question why you wanted to join his club, he was just glad someone did. Even if that someone was a fucking weirdo like yourself.
Listen, jade wasn't picky when it came to his clubmembers ok?
Plus, aside from a few conversations about a bird or plant species you liked, and many more questions about basic things that you had apparently never seen before, and him acting like he knew any better than you about it, things went smoothly.
He collected his mushrooms and occasionally stopped to do a fieldsketch and you rolled around in moss and somehow became an instant bird whisperer. It was a good system.
About as good as it could be while you were running from a big ass monster.
Ok. Listen. He knew that there were monsters on this particular mountain, and he knew that some of them were man eaters. But dammit he did the research before hand! He made sure the two of you avoided their natural habitats at all cost! But apparently, this particular one could smell human blood much better than the rest, and apparently, you thought it was a good idea to not tell him you had cut yourself on a rock and were now bleeding.
"There's a cave right there!", he saw you point to an opening in a rock wall that was most definitely the small least cave he'd ever seen "do you think we could hide in it for a minute"
"I don't know!", you didn't really have any other options, running forever until you reached the place where the mirror had dropped you both off was more than inconvenient, especially on a mountain that had more steep cliffs than average. So he quickly signaled to you and began running towards it, awkwardly running into the small hole and barely seeing you baseball slide your way into there with much more ease.
Desperately trying to catch his breath, he started to plan. You only had a few minutes at best before the monster caught up to you, so the best thing they could do with the time they had was treat your wound to the best of his ability, and hope that the smell of blood would gradually fade and the beast would be thrown off your trails.
He looked to you, hunched over and sill slightly panting as you loaded small, but long pointed metal cylinders into...something?
You had stopped wearing the mask, being one of the few people you trusted enough to see your face, which was sweet if he thought about, you were even getting better to look at! Looking a lot less like you had come back from the dead after the apocalypse and more like a recovering drug addict, but hey! Progress!
But he point is, he could see your face, and the look on your eyes, and...
Ah shit.
Perfect. Listen perfect, he knows you're batshit crazy, he is too, but please, you're going to get them killed. Even with your insane amount of luck, your half baked plans only work most of the time so for the love of the sea witch please just-
"I have an idea"
So that's how you both got here, kneeling just barely out of the cave opening, and him standing on the Rocky formation right above you outside the cave. Waiting for the monster, and possi ly for death. If he survives this the first things he'd doing when he gets back to his dorm room is write his will so that he can make sure his precious mushrooms aren't thrown away by his brother. Would riddle accept them?
He blinked, got his magic pen ready, and you cocked your gun. Staring at the place where the sound of heavy footsteps and snarls were coming from.
You both waited with baited breath as themonsters form came running up the steep hill and charged towards the two of you.
The sensation of water and earth magics filled the air as spell after spell was released, hitting the creature a good majority of the time. Meanwhile, you were shifting slightly, getting into a position that didn't look the most comfortable, but apparently it worked for you because you quickly gave him a small warning shout.
Jade covered his ears. You had warned him about the sound guns make, and how many people went deaf fro them due to lack of proper equipment and training, you sounded like you were repeating a quote that was all but drilled into you, a saying that everyone knows but never really says out loud. Did he belive you were exaggerating? Slightly.
That went away when he heard the loud boom though, even through his covered ears. Jade grew slightly concerned at the fact that you didnt seem to be too affected by all this.
You didn't seem too surprised at the loud noise. Just angling and adjusting the gun position until you could hit your target more accurately as it moved.
He heard ten shots go off. Out of those ten, at least seven actually hit. The monster, being as huge as it was, was about to ignore the first three. The rest, however, were clearly starting to take a toll on the thing.
He saw you pull the trigger a few more times, nothing more than assumed clicks coming out. Jade couldn't be too sure, as the pained roars of the monster completely drowned out the sound. Wordlessly, he got took his hands away from his ears and readied his magic. Letting it burst all around him and borage the monster as soon as your hand shot up into the air. The signal that you needed to reload and he had to momentarily take over.
The whole event took about fifteen minutes that felt like they were stretched into hours. Ending with him feeling a bit lightheaded, and you firing three extra shots into what he was pretty sure was a monstrous corpse. "Just in case".
Wanting to sit down and take a moment to collect himself was only just outweighed by the urge to make sure you were alright. So, jade jumped down from his little rock podium; he reached the ground just as you completely crawled out of the cave entrance.
Gently, he asked, "are you alright perfect?". A perfectly appropriate question to ask after...that.
To which you, in reply, completely flop down on the rough ground and let out a loud groan, both of you pretending that there wasn't a dead, three-metter tall monster right next to you.
An equally appropriate response.
"Four magazines jade! Four! I'm going to have to make soany bullets now!", jade only nodded, like how you do when he starts ranting about his beloved mushrooms.
Oh well, he'd understand soon enough. He has plenty of questions regarding you and you gun for the walk back to the mirror location.
Kalim felt like was caving in on him.
This was all happening so fast, way too fast. The one person that he thought he could trust whole heartedly, the boy he saw as nothing less than a brother, had done all this.
It was a lot to take in. Everything from his supposed verdict of keeping his dorm members in school, to yuu and grims vague comments, comments that he now recognizes for the warnings they were, to the guys from octavinnle, jamil overblotting, getting flung to the dessert, and now to be back here? Fighting for not only his, but his best friends (were they though?) Life?
Kalim just wanted to cry. The drop the the floor and cry. But he'd already done that and there was no time to do it again now. Not when he could see the ink and the snakes sucking out more and more of jamils life, when he could see jamils body begin the break down and contort in ways that shouldn't be possible. Not when his eyes grew more deranged with every second.
No, Kailm couldn't cry now. Not when Jamil was dying.
Magic attacks meeting the emotions of dread and rage that jamil had kept professionally buried only served made the air more tense. Yuu occasionally shouted directions from he sidelines, directions to use fire magic instead of water, or to dodge an incoming attack that very well could have killed him if it made contact.
And that just raises the question. Did jamil..? Was it his intention to kill him? Was that his goal the entire time?
....No. No, if Jamil wanted Kailm dead, then Kailm would be dead. He didn't want Kailm gone he just wanted him to go away. And for that reason, Kailm had the hope that he needed that he could fix this. And by the seven he'll cling to it for as long as he lives if that's what it takes.
"Perfect!", Jades sharp voice took Kailm right out of his thoughts.
"Yeah? Kailm move to the right!", he moved to the right, just in time for a borage of ink and thron covered vines to come crashing into the exact spot he was standing not even five seconds prior. The vines writhing around like they were alive, and he could see the sharp, jagged edges of its thorns cut into its self with the ease of cutting through soft butter. Not that he would know. "What do you need?"
"Do you have your gun?", Jade svoice was deathly calm, which was a bit jarring all things considered.
He didn't know what a "gun" was, but he guesses floyd knew, because he groaned louder than some of his youngest siblings when they had to get up early.
From out the corner of his eye, he saw you stop for a few seconds. Then you answered.
"Yeah", something in your voice that he couldn't quite read. "Yeah, but I only have like five shots"
Both jade and azul looked less than pleased with that, and Kailm still didn't know what was going on, so he just threw more fire at his friend.
"Well then. You better make them count", azuls matter of fact voice rang out.
He didn't see if you nodded or not. And for the next minute, he didn't hear you at all. There were no more instructions being shouted or anything like that. Just the continued onslaught of four peoples magic, all trying desperately to snap Jamil out of his current state. Who was being bent into more and more inhuman shapes as the seconds passed.
His jaw was opening a little too wide as he laughed, his fingers seemed to be getting longer and more claw like, and his voice was so now so distorted that he could barely even understand what he was saying.
But what freaked him out the most what the loud cracking and crunches of bones breaking. Jamils spine now seemed too long, bent in an unnatural way, accompanied by a crack everytime he moved. He only laughed.
Kalim didn't laugh. There was ink running down his body, all from where he had been contorted. And as time crawled on, his eyes grew more and more crazed, and his distorted laughs turned more like screams.
Kalim wasn't the best at magic, he had never been the best at magic, he knew that, even before now. So when he felt himself become light headed as his energy and magic supply ran low, he started to panic.
Oh no. Oh sevens, oh no. Please no. Not now. Anytime but now. He couldn't lose now. What would happen to jamil? How would he get Jamil home after this?
How was he supposed to tell Jamils family that their son and brother was dead?
A distorted scream ran out as floyd began to cheer, and his stomach dropped.
More screams. Blood curdling screams that froze Kalim where he stood. Watching jamils face begin the crack, ink pouring through the cracks on his face like blood as his eyes rolled back and his entire expression turned to one of pain. A perfect mirror to the shattering phantom that loomed behind him.
"I have one shot left and I am not wasting it! Aim for the cracks! Use fire! It'll weaken the glass!", your voice rang out, carrying a determination with it, but also the reality that they were in no way out of the woods yet.
"You mean the magic glass?", azul was skeptical
"Its magic fire", Kailm could hear the shrug in your voice.
Kalim is ashamed to admit it. But he wasn't much help after this. Jamils vpice had random breaks from the distortion. So he had a perfect audio of jamil screaming his vocal cords raw in his actual voice. Something that would haunt him until the day he died.
Ink was still pouring out from his wounds. Bones were still breaking. And it almost looked like Jamils body was melting off of him in a grotesque manner.
Kalim closed his eyes and prayed.
Eventual, the distortion completely went away, so the screams and the sobs seemed less monstrous and more tortured. Jamils attacks completely stopped as well.
And with one final bang, so did yours.
When Kalim opened his eyes again, I was only after jade prayed his hands off his ears, something he doesn't even remember doing.
Azul and yuu were standing over jamils blood covered body, and for a second, he feared the worst.
It was only after you kneeled to check if he was still alive, and he saw Jamil moving did he allow himself to breathe, and to finally cry.
Through blurred vision, he saw you put the gun away. He never asked what it was. He didn't need to know. You saved Jamils life with it, and that was good enough for him.
Rook enjoyed beanfeast. Honestly, he could say it was one of his favorite days of the year. What other time? What other opportunities would he get but this? To hunt his fellow classmates for sport like this? To see their determination wither away as they accepted their fates as his prey!
Now, normally rook would go solo on this. Others found it a bit hard to keep up with him until now. Until yuu.
Ah his dear little trickster and his admirable kill or be killed mentality that he had taken up as of late! My, when rook had looked into his eyes, he saw nothing less than the eyes of a killer! A tiger on the hunt!
Or perhaps, he mused, a lion. Because there, right underneath them, was leona kingscholar himself.
Yuu has proposed they move from above, to stay in the wooded area and maintain the high grounds. Yuu had made his way up a tree with the swiftness and elegance of a bird taking flight! Walking steadily along the branches like he was simply made for it.
Together, the two of you had taken out quite a few farmers. With rook silently stalking them and you communicating your predictions with hand signals that he could understand blind. Those predictions of what the farmers would do, or even who would be in the area were proven true to an uncanny extent.
Rook wanted to know how, but that conversation could be saved for a different day.
Rook could barely see you chest rising up and down as you breathed so slowly you might as well haven't have been. He himself was holding his breath as you both angled your bean blasters. The slightest noise could tip the beastman off, after all.
You had temporarily split off to different trees, him being about a dozen meters away from you, just to the left of Leona, while we're were to the right.
He saw you hand slowly raise up, carefully avoiding the rustling leaves as you gave another hand signal. Thos one being significantly more simple than the majority. Just three fingers raised to indicate three seconds. Three seconds and you both shoot. You closed you hand, starting the timer.
The two of you, perfectly in sync, found your final aims of the beastman.
You carefully placed your fingers on the trigger. Taking caution not to shoot too early. The last thing would want to do was ruin this seemingly special moment for the two of you.
The wind blew in you direction. Thre leaves began to rustle, and leonas head shot in your direction.
You both pulled your triggered in perfect harmony, and, like a beautiful dance coming to an end, the mighty lion had fallen. And you both ran across the tree branches, making your ways to eachother as soon as possible.
The happy, adrenaline filled giggle you let out when he finally found found you again was nothing less than precious. Not to mention it fit the moment. Oh how he wishes you would stop trying to compose yourself all the time! The world deserves to see your joy!
He let out a laugh of his own, being rewarded with a smile that you couldn't help. This imagine of you in perfect juxtaposition with how you looked upon first arrival to this world.
And, if he may, rook would like to say that your face was shaping up to be something he wouldn't mind staring at. Ah, recovery was a marvelous thing indeed! He couldn't wait to see your progress by the end if the year.
When the laughter subsided, you took you hand and laid a gentle kiss to the back of your fingers, as a small congregation and a job well done.
"Yes, very nice monsieur. That was very nice indeed", his soft voice suddenly taking on a more mischievous note to it, a not that you matched with those shinning eyes of yours. "Now, I belive we have more game to secure, yes? Let us be off, my dear trickster"
You smiled, the corners of your mouth moving into a smirk. Your eyes, however, he'll the glee of a giddy boy, finally getting to experience something he was robbed of long ago. Rook only hoped that much later in your life, when you think of how many shots you've ever fired, this day will be included.
So smile, dear trickster, that all he asks. That's all you deserve.
YALL I AM SO SORRY."I'm working on requests" fucks off your 5 more months omg what am I on. Eat your food, yall gotta be starving rn shit I am a terrible father.
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withered--s0uls · 2 months
OKAY, I think I'm done for now.
@electrozeistyking and I a little while ago talked about how GD!N would react to DAS!Cyn. They went on about in a reblog but basically he would be extremely happy bc DAS!Cyn is a separate entity to the Absolute Solver, therefore meaning she's not the one behind everything.
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So at first they probably both would be extremely happy. DAS!Cyn in her own AU upon meeting N first is absolutely terrified that he might hate her after everything the AS made her do. So the fact GD!N would react very positively to her presence would be a huge a relief to her.
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Now, the issue is that the "Dormant" in "Dormant" Absolute Solver is in quotations for a reason. It simply lost interest in her as a main host / had no need for her anymore. It still has admin rights over DAS!Cyn and she still has a Solver Form. Though she doesn't use it by choice bc of PTSD triggers (until possibly a specific point in Ep7 but I'm waiting for ep8 to decide).
So yeah I think that would make both GD!N and DAS!Cyn kinda anxious to put it lightly.
(More Art and stuff under cut because this crossover has been living RENT FREE IN MY HEAD)
Also fun fact
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@electrozeistyking has mentioned and shown Beanie finding comfort in the sound of her fathers core.
Well funny story.
DAS!Cyn always was comforted by her brothers core back at the manor, when they first reuite at the start of Ep6 and she sees DAS!Uzi summon her Solver wings and tail, her instinct is pressing closer to DAS!Ns chest for comfort. Her memories of the Solver features are very very blurry, but she is triggered by seeing them regardless.
I thought It was cute the girls have that in common, so I decided to draw them and GD!N sleeping with the girls having their heads close to his core :3
I didn't feel like fully making these so they're sketchy doodles :"
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The first two are based on Zeisty saying GD!N would probably pick DAS!Cyn up and spin her around. Also you probably noticed between this doodle, the first drawing & the Tiny!N & DAS crossover post, but DAS!Cyn displays flowers on her visor to emote happiness!
The 3rd and 4th are just random interactions between the kiddos lol. I feel like Beanie probably would be happy to have another Auntie, not to mention one closer to her age so they can do silly kid stuff together. DAS!Cyn... oh boy
She would feel a whole range of emotions; grief about missing so much of her brothers life (like he has a kid ffs), guilt and self blame after finding out what happened to Uzi (she blames herself for everything the AS caused, even tho she never agreed to it) which might end up in a "slight" breakdown, anger at the AS for causing GD!N that kind of pain and eventually once she processed all those emotions she probably would be excited to get to know Beanie. Like!! Imagine finding out you have a little Niece!!
She probably would struggle to easily keep up with Beanie bc she still has motor issues like in canonverse so she's a little slower, so it'd be mostly her trying not to fall over her own feet whilst being dragged around by an excited toddler who probably even with child lock is stronger than her lmao.
Also I drew DAS!Cyn in an alternate outfit bc I wanted to actually kinda show the oil reserve canister,,,
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Ok wanting to respond to the hashtags specifically bc :)) yay
Also ig this is some DAS lore fact drops lol
Yeah, DAS!Cyn kinda didn't take it well either when she first realized the AS technically can still take over if it really wanted to after she transferred bodies in an attempt to escape. Imagine getting your core nearly crushed in an attempt to flee from robo satan just to find out entity STILL can use you for their bidding. Like!!! Damn that's not fair the kid nearly fucking died trying to break free!!!
DAS!Cyn definitely would want to spare Beanie the horrors too. DAS!Cyn herself is mentally like 7-10/11 at best 6-9 at worst -- despite kids usually just saying whatever comes to mind, she repressed most AS related stuff for a reason, she definitely wouldn't share what she knows with her newfound niece
I feel things would be either super great and happy or super traumatizing depending on when in the timeline we throw DAS!Cyn at them. If she's there during ep 6-7? Oh boy. Oh no. DAS!Cyn & DAS!N have an exchange during Ep7 that would not go over so well if it was GD!N in DAS!Ns place, because it would be awfully similar to GD!Uzis death -- she doesn't die, because DAS!N can't get himself to shoot with her being so close to the AS, despite her literally shouting at him to do it and that she won't be angry, that'll be fine. -- yeah I don't think GD!N would handle that well 😭 Zeisty feel free to get the angst train rolling if you wanna add your two cents on how that'd go over -- any point before that? Probably fine. Post S1? I'd imagine also fine depending on what Ep8 throws at us (except like... look at ideas list for more info*)
I'll assume that'd be Beanie reacting to seeing DAS!Cyn having the Solver tail and possibly the glitching Solver symbol in her visor. Yeah she definitely would try to play it off and go try and hide somewhere until she can get it under control again. High stress or negative emotions causes her Solver to act up (unrelated to the AS, just her own Solver form without the entity controlling anything!!) So what I said above to her reaction to the news of GD!Uzi being dead? And possibly finding out the reason why? Yeah that might trigger her tail and wings to pop out and her to basically be reduced to a hyperventilating ball on the floor because of proceeding to blame herself for all of GD!Ns suffering due to thinking the AS actions & it being a danger are her fault
Other things I kinda wanted to doodle but didn't for now, might do at a later point;
Cyn still has a Solver Core, which is the same as a DD core (except smaller lol). So I was playing with the idea of Beanie noticing that her core sounds different from GD!Ns due to hers being severely damaged and actively leaking after the AS attempted to crush it during the body transfer. DAS!Cyn then trying to play it off
Some kind of acknowledgement of the Oil reserve canister on DAS!Cyns back, it was made by Tessa before the AS did the medurder and stuff. It's supposed to help keep the Solver in check by preventing overheating, hence why its directly connected to her chest where her core is
There was something else but it slipped my mind
Smth I'm not gonna say publicly for now until Zeisty posts something about it and/or eventually posts the chapters bc I don't want to spoil esp not bc it isn't my place to :" (if you're curious, Zeisty, lmk I can tell you in VC or DMs lol) but it partly would possibly be related to the 1st idea listed
* I have an idea for what happens to Cyns original body (the one the AS uses & that wears Tessa) post Ep8 IF Ep8 let's me do it that is. I think it could be fun to crossover that idea bc of GD!Ns ghost sight.... tho it definitely also would be fucking stressful and trauma inducing bc Solver stuff sooo yeah rip (again, if you want I could elaborate in vc or DMs on this bc I want to first wait and see what the season finale brings before I do anything "official" with this)
GD!N reacting to the information that DAS!Cyn canonly shot "Tessas" gun at the AS (well technically at its tentacles. Point being that kid fired a gun/knows how to use one) -- which again could be very interesting if we were to toss them into the same Ep7 bc that's when she does it
Possibly GD!N finding out ab the scars/cracks surrounding DAS!Cyns core bc,,, yeah
Anyways uuuhh heightbsheet bc I'm 99% sure I drew stuff inaccurate
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These were actually so fun to draw and think & talk about. I'll post the GD x IC crossover once I'm done with that (yes, yes there is more than what you already saw Zeisty. Not much more but more nonetheless)
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silverzoomies · 1 year
james patrick march x reader smut
warnings: smut, slow burn-ish, oral sex, one-sided pining, devotion, body worship, hand jobs, slight choking, pet names, oneshot
word count: 7640
a/n: my apologies if james seems at all ooc here. i try my goddamn hardest to keep characters as close to their source material as possible. but, when it comes to self indulgent smut, sometimes you gotta pull a few strings!!! oh, and i'd also like to apologize for the long length of this fic. and for how abruptly it ends hdsghkjdshkgsg it's a mess, sorry !!
bonus note ig: in 1920's slang, a "goof" is an idiot. james basically thinks of you as naive and dumb here. sorry!
March doesn’t dislike you. “Dislike” is much too strong a word.
No, he tolerates you. Dare he think it, he might even be somewhat…fond of you. The two of you were born nearly a hundred years apart. And so, as expected, you were the absolute antithesis of one another. March built himself from the ground up. He started with little to nothing. Carrying with him a background he so dreaded to recall. Childhood memories best left buried deep. Never to see the shining light of day again. March walked with a prestigious elegance. Something all but lost to the world in modern times, he thought. He was high-class. New money incarnate. Fancy, social affairs and aesthetic, art-deco decor were his most treasured hobbies. Amongst his other, more…contentious interests. And you. What were you?
Some little goof. You poor thing. Your story was quite the tragedy, really. Born almost one hundred years later to middle class stock. An entirely different world from the one in which March knew. Your arrival to the hotel Cortez was…unfortunate. You were the embodiment of innocence. Overly polite to a fault. Kind to the staff and the hotel’s mysterious residents. Never going out of your way to disturb a single soul. And you always made sure to apologize for the times you did.
And like all lives brought to the Cortez, yours ended there. A shame. A pity. Truly. What a waste. After you died, you drifted aimlessly for a while. Exploring every inch of the hotel you could. Bearing witness to the unspeakable horror that burned like scorching fire from inside. The hotel Cortez was nothing short of the infernal regions made earthly.
Even so, you weren’t the least bit fazed by this fact. Death changed you. It changed your moral perspective.
But you were missing something. A purpose. Every soul, lost adrift, needed purpose.
Liz knew all. 
She knew everything about everyone. Including you. You’d sit at the bar, talking to her for hours on end. About your life. Liz’s life. The lives of the Cortez’s other, ghostly residents. She’d tell you of the hotel and its history. And you learned all there was to know. But in sharing your deepest thoughts, desires, and fears, you’d been a little too open. And Liz learned enough that, had a curious party asked about you? She could easily act as an informant.
You were a poor sap. Harboring a deep rooted, psychological need to please.
In death, you told Liz, you wanted nothing more than, simply…a person. Someone to dedicate yourself to entirely. Someone to love, to adore, to spend all of eternity caring for. Such an innocent desire, from such an unsullied soul.
You heard of him only in passing. James Patrick March.
You knew of his murderous atrocities. And you’d heard whispers of his bloodied history in hushed tones. Liz told you of everything March built, and what he’d become in the process. 
March assumed you thought nothing of it. Nothing of him. Because at the Cortez, he was often that. Nothing more than a rumor. Only making himself present whenever necessary. Any other day? He remained a chilling, ghost story. And that’s all he’d been to you.
Until the two of you crossed paths, that is.
March was polite and courteous, as he always is. And the soulless, empty void of his dark eyes met yours. Pure, beautiful, and innocent. The two of you couldn’t have been more different from one another. You, his polar opposite. If he were the infernal reaches of hell itself, you were the luminous kingdom of heaven.
Whatever you felt for him, it must have been instantaneous.
Because suddenly, your sorrow dissipated. A lifetime of suffering and anguish faded away into thin air. And finally, you were free. Joyous. You, the little goof. Your demeanor somehow became all the more polite and inviting. Ironic, really. Considering…the source of your happiness was the very personification of evil itself.
You’d skip around the hotel with a spring in your step. Greeting everyone who passed you in the halls with a chipper, sunny disposition. Parading around in those loose-fitting clothes. Your skin decorated in ink reminiscent of your rather quirky interests. Appalling, if you were to ask him. 
You were vexatious. And yet…
March found he appreciated your company.
You really were too sweet. Sickeningly so. Like cavity-inducing candy. Truly good at heart. There wasn’t a hateful, nefarious bone in your body. But you were deeply loyal to a fault. It was a weakness that kept you chained. It held you down. Never allowing you to reach your true potential. March could see it. He saw right through you, straight into your delicate soul. He saw your aura. Unsullied purity.
March learned all he could about you from Liz.
And once he had, he felt the need to test your unbroken clarity.
He showed you everything. Every secret. Every piece of gory history which revealed his past, his life’s purpose, his true intentions. The never-ending, torturous suffering he brought upon the innocent lives of the world. He confessed to you his killings. Even going into the dark, gritty details. March stared you down with an empty, far off look in his shady eyes. An uncanny gaze. And he expressed to you all his crazed, degenerate passions.
He expected you to react accordingly. Like any soul so pure and unblemished as yours should.
But death…
Death truly did change you. The hotel Cortez? It corrupted your moral code.
Perhaps he was mistaken. Maybe you weren’t as innocent as you often seemed.
You treated his passions like any other hobby. And you engaged in conversation about them casually. Beaming the brightest, most curious, smile. Your eyes glimmered with genuine interest and fascination. And March found he was more than happy to share that part of himself with you. Delighted to discuss his exploits with a newfound friend. A trusted friend.
He did long for someone to talk to…
And it was then, he realized. He knew. He was woefully fucked.
Because you. Naive, little goof that you were…
You’d found your purpose.
The one person whom you’d give your undying devotion, for forever and into eternity.
No one, not a single soul in the hotel had expected it. When you sat at the bar, sipping on your sweet sodas instead of anything alcoholic (ever the carefree babe, you were). You spoke of having ‘found’ your purpose. And there were smiles all around. “ Ooh’s ” and “ Aah’s ” exchanged through hushed gossip. Who could this person be, they asked themselves.
Imagine the residents’ surprise once they put two and two together.
Of all people. Him? Really? Were you mad as a hatter?
From then on, you followed March everywhere. Attached at his side like a leech. And though he considered you a dear friend, you weren’t much more to him than a loyal dog. You offered your help whenever you saw fit. And, somewhat reluctantly, he allowed it.
To his surprise, March found you respected his personal space. You’d disappear when he found your company too overwhelming. Sometimes, you were gone for days. Or even weeks. Off to explore the hotel again. Or to drift aimlessly as you did in the days before you’d found him. Uncertain as to what you should do in your lonesome. Sometimes, you’d listen to music. Clamorous racket of the modern era.
And eventually, always, you returned.
Sometimes, March found he missed your presence when you were gone.
And despite the admiration you carried for him, you valued March’s love for his dearest wife. The Countess. Often, you’d go so far as to listen to him drone on and on about her. And he could. If March were allowed the opportunity, he’d speak of her for centuries. He’d reminisce about his most cherished memories of her. His Elizabeth. Mrs. March. When March had his monthly dinners with his dearest, you felt it necessary to assist. You were insistent upon it, actually. Helping alongside Ms. Evers, you did what you could to make those nights as grand and romantic as possible. And when he banished Ms. Evers, you didn’t hesitate to take over entirely. Every one of those special nights, you were there to help him prepare.
Once the dinners themselves started, you’d run off. Leaving the pair undisturbed. And he wouldn’t see you again until the next morning. 
One night, March sat across from the countess at the table. She glared at him with a half-lidded, miserable expression. But March missed this glare. Because he’d been busy watching you leave. He smiled, raising his glass to you. And you waved him off, wishing him luck, before closing the door.
At that very moment, he made a decision.
The next night came, and there he sat. Present at the dinner table again. Only, you were his cherished guest of the evening. Dinner lay before you both. Though, in death, you never ate. March watched with a grin as you sipped some champagne. You fluttered delicate lashes his way. Devotion leaking like tears from your eyes. A delighted smile played across your lips. One always present in his company, he found.
“Darling! I assume you’re wondering why it is I’ve called you here tonight, hm?” He posed the question rather excitedly.
Your pretty, doe eyes widened at that. You poor thing. Your cheeks burned in a flurry of rose red. Even in the dim, candle-lit light of the room. Even at a distance, across the table, March could see your blush clear as day. He smirked into his glass. 
Never, in all the years since the two of you met, had he ever addressed you as darling.
The effect this seemed to have on you was very much apparent. He could see the shift in your expression. The way you’d fallen breathless under his cold-blooded gaze. March couldn’t help but find your obvious desire for him…amusing.
“Uhm…y-...yes. Well…sorta? I figured this was just another…casual, hang-out night for us!” Your quiet, timid voice spoke aloud.
March lowered his glass, and he hummed.
“Casual? I suppose one could consider this casual, if they’d prefer.” March said, “All the same, I’ve called you here because…I have a proposition for you!”
“Wh-uh…what kinda proposition, sir?” 
“Let’s not dance around the matter any longer, dear. Simply put, I’m well aware.” He said.
Confusion overtook your delicate features, and your brows knitted together. March sat still in his seat with a knowing smirk. You tilted your head, bringing your own glass down to the table.
“I’m…confused. You’re aware of what, exactly?” 
“Why, that you’re in love with me, of course.” March stated.
Your eyes widened further. March caught the awkward movement of one of your hands. It trembled where it lay on the table. And when you spoke again, you did so shyly. Your voice was as soft as the pink in your cheeks.
“A-Am I?” You dared to ask. As though he hadn't known all these years.
March’s knowing grin spread wider. A dark, domineering color washed over his eyes. And he fixed you with an intimidating look. One that could so easily kill, had you been anyone else. Even in death, you felt your stomach twist in fluttery knots at the sight. You dropped your bashful gaze to the table, too nervous to look him in the eye. You were being avoidant, March knew. And your denial only heightened his desire to bait you.
“I’m not stupid, old friend. For how long?” He asked.
“Since…” You swallowed nervously, shrinking in on yourself, “...the moment I saw you.”
March’s expression remained unchanged. His cold gaze unblinking.
“All this time?”
Taking a brave chance at looking him in the eye, you glanced upward. And you were met with that empty, black gaze. Pools of ink, much like an abyss, stared intensely at you. You didn’t need to say anything further. His suspicions were confirmed then. March’s brows pressed together in thought.
“I…see.” He said, and he brought his hand to his chin, “Well, in all those years? You’ve proven yourself undoubtedly loyal to me. You see, so often, when Ms. Evers was around. Though, I did care for her. She had these…maddening tendencies. She’d express her apparent distaste for my darling wife. And she was incredibly passive. Selfishly so.”
As March spoke, his tone shifted. Infected with a venomous sting, and unbridled hatred. His other hand, resting on the table, clenched into a fist. 
“As you’re aware…Ms. Evers…she deceived me. In the name of love, was her excuse. Such a…disappointing betrayal.” March lingered on the statement for a moment longer. 
He snapped himself out of his spiteful rage. Blinking, March perked up. And his handsome grin returned.
“But, you! You’re quite the opposite of her, aren’t you? Wouldn’t you say? Never once have you said an unkind word. You’ve always been so polite to my dearest Mrs. March. And so generous to me! I can't recall you ever acting selfishly. And for that, I must tell you, I am profoundly grateful. It's so dreadfully difficult to find someone you can trust these days.”
“O-Of course!” You nodded, speaking in a gentle tone, “I guess…I just don’t really care if you-uh…if you never feel the same way I do. Being by your side, sir…getting to see you every day…”
Dreamily, you sighed. Like a dame in a daze of infatuation. The sweetest smile graced your blushing face.
“To see that smile of yours. And those eyes…” You sighed once more, “To hear your heavenly voice…that’s enough for me.”
You allowed a little…indulgence to slip through your confessions. Admiration and adoration for March permeated within your every word. Looking at you, he could practically see with his own eyes the unconditional love scorching with a passionate fury in your eyes. He might’ve even felt for himself your amorous desire. It exuded like pheromones from your admittedly fetching body.
He almost found it…endearing.
March blinked, clearing his throat. He tugged at his collar.
“Yes…I trust your devotion knows no earthly bounds, my dear.” He said, bringing his hands together before him, “Which is why, I’d like to present to you…that proposition! I’m nothing, if not a man of mercy. And if anyone is more than deserving of my mercy, it’s you, old friend.” March pointed to you with a ring-clad finger. And curiously, you tilted your head. “If you recall…before my dearest passed? She and I often had those dinners together. One night a month! They were…so very special to me. Truly a gift. The only thing that kept me balanced in this endless, monotonous purgatory of my own design. …Such a treat it was…to share at least…one night with my beloved.”
“It must’ve been nice, sir. Especially after she passed? To have her around more often? I know that meant everything to you.”
“It did.” March smiled fondly. And yet, as quick as it came, his adoring smile fell.
A broken-hearted melancholy plagued his ghostly features.
“Though…our time together has…diminished these days. She avoids me anymore. Hasn’t spoken a word to me in…weeks. Do you know that, at last night’s dinner? She didn’t say a goddamn thing! And again, she’s run off in search of…the pleasures of other men…”
March stared off, his dead-eyed gaze dropping to the table.
“It’s a….barren feeling. The most desolate ache I’ve ever endured…” He confessed.
Sympathetic, little goof. You looked at him then with an expression of sympathy, and opened your mouth to speak. March interrupted you before you could even begin. The very, last thing he wanted was your pity. At the flip of a dime, March perked up once more. He clapped his hands together loudly, suddenly appearing chipper. Beaming a wide, uncannily sweet grin.
“But nevermind all that, darling! What I’m proposing…is of a similar nature. For you, if you’d like! If it’d satisfy your deepest, perverted desires? Then, for one night a month…I, James Patrick March, owner of the hotel Cortez and America’s most infamous executioner…am all yours!”
Your eyes flew open wide. Like a precious, vulnerable creature under the gaze of a vicious predator. And your darling face…it burned an even brighter shade of red. March’s smile crooked up into a smirk. Addicting it was…this influence he seemed to have over you. Precious thing.
“Wait…wh-...what??” You waved your hands, “Oh, no, no, no! I couldn’t ever ask that of you, sir! Please, really! Don’t even worry about it! I’m not-...I don’t have to have you in that way to survive our purgatory together!”
The silence that overtook the room was deafening. In the background, the ticking of an old clock rang on. Along with the distant, alluring melody of a gramophone. John McCormack. Roses of Picardy. March stood up after some time. And slowly, steadily, he made his way to you at the other end of the dining table. He approached you wordlessly, eyes like obsidian focused entirely on your own. Analyzing and observing. Once close enough, he reached a large hand out. His palm fell to your shoulder, squeezing you in a firm grip. Leaning in, March spoke in a low, gravelly tone.
“Are you suggesting that you’re…ungrateful? You do realize this is…a gracious gesture…coming from a man of my status…” He didn’t break eye contact with you for even a second. March’s grip on your shoulder tightened, “...don’t you, little one?"
Despite the menacing nature of his actions, you let your eyes so shamelessly trail up and down his fancily-dressed form. And March saw all of it. Every movement of your eyes. The motion of your throat as you swallowed. The not-so-subtle way you leaned into his touch. How your thighs pressed together as if to relieve some…personal tension.
He raised a brow. Curious.
Your eyes sparkled innocently up at him. And again, you fluttered those delicate lashes. 
“I’m not ungrateful, sir! I’m so honored. I mean, obviously, I’m honored! But…” You scoffed, as if in disbelief, “But, me? I mean…come on… you ? With me??” With a soft huff of a laugh, you looked down at your lap, “But…I’m not…Mrs. March. I’m…nothin’ like her.”
March hummed a sound which suggested his pity for you.
“You’re right. You’re not…” He muttered in monotone, “You lack everything my dearest Elizabeth has. Her grace. Her ethereal elegance. She…is a creature of divinity.” March paused for a beat, “But you’ve no confidence nor class, I’m afraid. You’re more…a being of the mundane.” 
Again, a sinister loathing invaded his gaze. 
“But…unlike Ms. Evers…wretched, old bat…” He growled.
A wild grin spread across March’s lips, his teeth sinking into them. He brought his other hand to your chin, gently tilting it upward. Upon your face, he caught a broken-hearted frown.
“You, darling…” He hummed, “You have been blessed with certain…more pleasant qualities…”
His hand on your shoulder grazed a thumb across it. March let his eyes drop to your figure, as if to suggest something. And in that instant, you felt your lifeless heart skip a beat. As though your soul were springing to life again. Born anew.
“I…have?” You furrowed your brows, “So…what you’re sayin’ is…this is you settling? For someone lesser?”
March hummed again, considering your words. He pulled both hands from you.
“I prefer to think of it this way. In return for your undeniable devotion and loyalty throughout the tenure of our friendship. I’m giving you the opportunity to be with me. Consider it a reward, if you will. However you wish, my dear. One night a month, you can have me. Romantically. Physically. Intimately.” 
“Uh…okay…wow! That’s-...that’s…very kind of you, sir.” You stared up at March with those doting eyes. Biting your lip, you hesitated to ask, “So…wh-...when would we-uhm…when would we start?” A pause, and you nervously stammered over your words, “I-if I were to-uh…accept your…generous proposition?”
Immediate eagerness. Exactly the response he’d suspected from someone as smitten as yourself. March leered down at you smugly, his eyes falling half-lidded
Desperate, little thing, weren’t you?
“Tonight, if you’d prefer! Or…any night of your choosing. Whatever you want, darling. I insist. This courtesy is entirely yours.” He suggested.
A moment of contemplative quiet passed as you thought it over. And March watched you like a hawk, patiently waiting. Though, he already knew exactly what you were going to say. Even before you’d made a decision. The rosy color blooming darker in your cheeks ultimately gave you away.
“T-Tonight then? If you’ll…have me.” You stammered, “I’m honored, sir.”
March wanted to laugh. To boast that he could read you all too well. But calmly, he nodded.
“Very well!” 
He walked off then. March pulled at the fabric of his bowtie, tugging until it came completely undone. Following that motion, he shrugged his jacket off. Folding it neatly and setting it aside, he moved to unbutton the first, few buttons of his dress shirt. March disappeared into another room, out of sight. But you heard his familiar, smoky voice call out.
Hesitating, you stood from your seat at the table. And with tiny, careful steps, you followed the sound of March’s voice. In a vintage loveseat, you found him waiting. He sat with his chin in his hand, a cigarette burning between two fingers. His legs were spread open wide. And he patted his lap.
“Best not to waste anymore time, dear.”
“Wh-...What are we doin’?” You asked, looking down at your hands as you fiddled with them. 
Poor dear. You were standing in the room so timidly. Looking innocent, and so very delicate. Like a frightened, fluffy, little deer. Easy game, for a hunter like March.
“Isn’t this what you want?” He took a drag of his cigarette, his tone low and vibrating. March spread his legs open further, “Don’t be bashful, now, little one. I’ll only bite if you ask it of me.” 
You seemed hesitant. Fearful of making any sudden moves. But, with a facade of confidence March knew all too well you didn’t possess, you approached him. And you lowered yourself into his lap slowly, struggling to maintain eye contact. Eye contact was one of March’s many, gifted talents. And being such a shy dame, you could barely keep up. Once snug on his lap, you took time to admire March. Carefully, you trailed your hands down his chest. And you let your trembling fingers brush the fabrics of his perfectly tailored clothes. Clothes once deep-cleaned of blood-stains by the very maid he considered an abomination. 
Your hands moved upwards, first tracing over the bloody slit in his neck. Before cupping his cheeks for only a moment. You brushed a small thumb over one of his dimples. March smiled at you, hardly invested in what you were doing. Allowing you to have your fun. You touched March with careful, delicate movements. Handling him as if he were your most precious, priceless treasure. You looked at him as though you couldn’t fathom the reality before you. As though being with him like this was a foggy, distant dream. One you’d never ask to wake from.
Daringly, you leaned in. And you let your cool breath ghost over his lips.
“A-Are you sure about this, sir?” You asked, timid as ever.
March appeared unbothered and uncaring. Yet, admittedly, he felt somewhat curious of your next move. How far could a shy, innocent thing like you take this…intimate interaction? March assumed you’d clock out after a bit of heavy petting. With an equanimous smirk, he nodded.
“Positively certain.” He muttered, “And please, while we’re together like this, darling? Do call me James. You can forgo the formalities.” 
You blinked, amazed. Looking into his eyes with all the love and adulation in the ever-expanding cosmos. Marveling in his presence. Your nose brushed his, and you leaned even further in.
And you kissed him.
It was a clumsy, graceless kiss at first. But as you continued, you found your confidence. A heated flow enveloped your every movement. And for the first, few kisses, March didn’t reciprocate. He kept a hand at the armrest of the loveseat. His other occupied with that cigarette. He didn’t care to touch you yet. But as your kisses drew him in deeper, as you mewled little noises into his lips…March found himself giving in. One of his large hands found your hips, squeezing there first. Before moving to wrap his arm around your back. He pulled you in close. And you ran your hands up through his hair. Freeing those irresistible curls of his.
Finally, at long last, he kissed you back. And in that instant, you drank in the motions of a man far more cultivated and refined than you could ever hope to be. In a thousand lifetimes, you could never live up to his status. And yet, he kissed you anyway. If you could taste, his lips would’ve tasted of champagne and nicotine.
“Wow-” You breathlessly gasped into his lips.
A flash of fire burned in his lidded eyes, and he peered up at you. March let out a soft, vibrating chuckle. 
“Eager are we, darling?”
“Uh…” Poor, little goof. Still so lost in your lovestruck daze, “I just-”
The urge to kiss March again proved far too much for you to resist. You leaned in again, capturing his skilled lips in another flurry of deep kisses. And when you pulled back, you shook your head. For a moment, you simply stared at March. Taking in his ghostly features. Admiring his handsome face, his black eyes, the curls of his hair.
“Thank you, si-uhm…James. Thank you. I…never imagined…you’d ever let me touch you. Let alone k-uhm…kiss you like this…”
He chuckled again, humming a deep noise in his chest. The sound sent a spark of something gratifying straight to your core.
“I told you, didn’t I? I am, after all, a man of mercy…”
You brought a hand up to his cheek, stroking it gently with soft fingers. March noticed that, whenever you touched him, you did so as if he were a timeless lover. 
“You most certainly are…” Leaning forward, you pressed your lips to his forehead, “...so gracious.”
March hadn’t expected you to wiggle backwards. And where did you think you were going? Were you giving up already? Giving into your paranoid worries? You let yourself sink off his lap and onto your knees. Scooting your way across the carpet and in between his legs, you gazed up at March with those lovely, doe eyes.
“You know…I’d do anything for you, don’t you James?” You trailed your hands up to his trousers, your fingers fiddling with the buttons, “...is this alright?”
To say he was caught off guard by your boldness, would be one hell of an understatement. His innocent, pure-of-heart, little goof? Submitting to him on their knees so easily like this? How had he never suspected this of you? March’s empty eyes widened, watching you from above with a dark, predatory gaze.
“If it’s what you so desire, then…do continue. I’m not going to stop you. This is your night, little one. Don’t you remember?”
You stared at him for a moment longer, uncertain of yourself. Before finally working the buttons of his trousers open. Bringing a small hand through the slit in the fabric, you felt around. And your fingers brushed across-
An adorable gasp escaped your lips.
You…hadn’t expected him to be hard. If the surprised, embarrassed look on your face was anything to go by. Because surely, the James Patrick March himself couldn’t possibly be aroused over someone as mundane as you. Could he?
Sucking in a slow breath, you continued. Your fingers snuck their way through the softness of his undergarments. A bit of movement, and you pulled his thick cock free. At the sight of the twitching length, those sparkling eyes of yours lit up brightly. Beaming, as if mesmerized. You were practically drooling over his cock. And you’d barely touched it at all.
March’s breath hitched from above. He watched you attentively, focused on the movement of your small hand. It stroked and squeezed around the thickness of him. Somewhat skillfully, he’d have to admit. Almost as though you knew exactly what you were doing. How is it that here, touching him intimately, you weren’t the least bit clumsy?
You bravely tilted your head upward, meeting his darkening gaze.
“You said…I could do whatever I wanted?” You asked. Your tone had fallen considerably lower. It sounded seductive, even, “May I sing your praises, James?” 
March had never heard you speak in that tone before. He hadn't realized you were even capable.
Wordlessly, he nodded. You gave a few more firm strokes of his cock, leaning in to kiss the tip gently. And as the soft wetness of your lips brushed it, you hummed. Reveling in every second you had March like this. Even in such a filthy, perverted position. With the head of his leaking cock at your lips. Your eyes glimmered, acting as windows. And your complete devotion for him shined through like the light of the sun. Holding eye contact (when did you get so good at that?), you generously peppered his cock in mouthy, wet kisses.
“Just let me worship you, James…” You sighed, dragging your free hand down one of his thighs. Your nails drew lines into the fabric, “Let me appreciate you. That’s…really the only thing I could ever ask for.”
He kept watching you, occasionally taking long drags from his cigarette. March found himself in awe of your boldness and honesty. Though, if there was one thing he knew about you for certain. You were always honest with him. Turning your attention to his aching cock, you pushed the head past your lips. You lapped up the bead of precum leaking from the tip, mewling in pure delight. Suckling for a few beats too short, you pulled away by an inch.
“You…are the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen. Did you know that, James? Have I ever told you? I could stare at you all day. Every day. Forever, if you let me. You’ve got the most stunning, beautiful, brown eyes…”
You paused in the midst of your praises to push the tip of his cock past your lips again. Letting your tongue dance around it, you stroked the remaining length with your hand. And just when he thought you might give him more, you pulled away.
“You can’t imagine how thrilling it is to have those ferocious eyes looking down on me right now. Oh, and I absolutely adore your smile. How full your lips are. Kissing them was like a gift of temptation, straight from the depths of hell. And I am in no way deserving of such a thing…”
March was steadily beginning to lose his composure. That calm, unbothered demeanor of his teetered on the edge. Threatening to fall with every cutesy noise you made, and every flick of your tongue. With each confession of your deepest admirations, he felt himself breaking. March knew you loved him. He knew you found purpose in serving him. And yet, somehow, he hadn’t been aware of the extent at which your worship of him ran. He took another drag of his cigarette. March’s free hand found your hair, and his oversized palm settled there. He didn’t yet tug, but merely braced himself.
“No modern man dresses nearly as elegantly as you do. Those men at those high-class fashion shows? The ones they have here? They can’t even begin to compare. It’s almost intimidating…how refined and elegant you truly are.”
You halted your confessions, only to take the entire length of his twitching cock into your mouth. Moaning around it, you sucked hard. Letting your tongue drag along the underside, across pulsing veins. You pulled off all over again. And March’s grip in your hair tightened only slightly. You continued to stroke his cock, spreading the wetness your tongue left behind.
“You’re so intimidating. So good at striking fear into those around you. But, god…it only makes me more attracted to you. You’re intoxicating. I can’t get enough of you…”
Breaking eye contact, you focused on his cock. You stopped to admire the heavy weight of him on your tongue. And you had the nerve to giggle with the innocence of a dame in church. March remained speechless. He stared you down as you took his full length into your mouth again. Your praises fell short for a bit. Instead, you were fixated on pleasuring him with more enthusiasm. Your movements slowly grew rapid. But as you edged him further, you popped off. You nuzzled his soaked, aching cock with your cheek. And once more, you giggled. It was infuriating.
“I wish you could hear your voice. Fuck…your voice. Your accent. It’s to die for!” The smile you gave him radiated purity, and you bit your swollen lip between your teeth, “You’re to die for. Y’know? I’d die for you. Over and over again.”
Dragging your tongue up and down his cock, you peppered it in more, loving kisses. And you fluttered those pretty lashes.
“As many times as you wanted me to. If I could die by your hands, James, I would. If it’d make you happy? If cutting my throat and watching the life drain from my eyes would satisfy you…”
March’s grip in your hair tightened even further, clenching around your soft locks. 
Who knew his little goof could be such a shameless sycophant? Groveling over his deviant passions.
He was growing immensly impatient. You’d carried on this little charade of praises for far too long. When you lowered your mouth over his cock, March guided you. With the rough hold he had on your head, he forced you down. The action caught you by surprise. As the tip of his cock pressed into the back of your throat, you gagged, squeezing around the head. And a pleased grunt erupted off March’s tongue, cigarette smoke rising from his lips. Reaching over the arm of the loveseat, he put the cigarette out in an ashtray. And while doing so, March kept his half-lidded eyes, dark as burning coals, on you. His throbbing length filled your throat, and you took all of it. Every inch. You squeezed his thigh hard with a hand, letting your fingernails dig into the fabric of his trousers. As you clawed at his thigh for purchase, a wicked grin spread across his face. Salty tears stung your pretty eyes. They poured down your flushed cheeks completely out of your control. An embarrassing display. March’s breathing picked up in pace. He jerked you backwards, pulling you off his cock by your hair. Generously, he allowed you a moment to catch your breath. Not that you needed it, really. Being dead and all. Smirking down at you, he sank his teeth into his lip. And upon his pale cheeks, you caught the slightest hint of a pink hue.
You’d never once seen March blush on account of something you did.
“Y-You were…you were saying, darling?” March, usually so well spoken, stumbled over his words.
With a smile, you returned to your previous motions. Dragging your tongue lazily up and down his cock, you stroked him with a hand.
“U-Uhm…” That timid nature of yours returned. Perhaps on account of his manhandling? But you fought to shake it off, “Y’know somethin’ else I love about you, James? That look in your eye. I can’t even describe it. When you’re feelin’ bloodthirsty? When you’re thinkin’ about unleashin’ hell? You look divine like that.”
His gaze turned colder then. March’s fingers dug fingernails further into your skull. And the gesture was near painful. He didn’t seem to care, even when you hissed in response to the sting. Your puffy lips and mouth were drenched in drool. And your hair! His rough handling left it frazzled and wild. You looked an absolute mess of yourself. And in any other circumstance, March would’ve found it repulsive. At this moment, however…
“That…storm in your eyes. The passion that rages on once you’ve taken the life of another. There’s somethin’ so…irresistible about it. Makes me wish I could’ve dropped on my knees and worshiped you like this sooner.” You covered his cock in those mouthy, sloppy kisses, “I just want to submit myself to you, James. Let you have all of me.”
“Really now? Is that how you feel, little one? Truly? ” He spoke suddenly, catching you by surprise.
His fingers curled harshly into your hair, and he pulled you back in a rough, swift motion.
“Enough of this.” March said, “I realize, I said before, this was your night. And you should be the one calling the shots, with me at your leniency. However, since you seem to want my attention so desperately, darling. You’re going to listen to me now.”
You stared up at him with a wide-eyed, sinless gaze. And you didn't dare to say a single word. Good then.
“On the floor. And strip yourself bare for me, would you?” He commanded.
You let yourself fall backwards. And with the motion, March’s grip in your hair loosened. He let go, keeping his eyes on you, as you scooted back along the carpeted floor. The rough surface burned the skin of your elbows. But in death, it didn’t matter. Come tomorrow, you'd be left with not a single mark. Zero evidence of the night's events. Hastily, you shed your clothes. Your fingers trembled with every movement. March followed, standing slowly from his seat. He watched as you laid yourself naked and bare before him. And he pulled down his suspenders. His pants followed, leaving him in those soft undergarments. March hadn’t yet removed his dress shirt, and he didn’t bother to now.
He dropped to his knees on the floor, crawling over you with an animalistic gaze in his eyes. Immediately upon reaching you, he kissed you deeply. Drinking down every surprised noise you made in response. Your noises. Those mewls and squeals. He wanted to hear more. He had to hear more.
March wasn’t the fondest of missionary. But that devotion, that love, that worship bleeding profusely from your eyes. He didn’t want to miss a single moment of it. March found he needed to look at you. To watch you. His hands trailed down your body, touching you with precise grace. Each touch started with a delicate brush of his fingertips, steadily growing rougher. And there you were, pleasured by the hands of a murderer with almost a hundred years of practice behind him.
As he looked you over with those dark eyes, he could see you slipping so easily into madness. Submitting to him, an eternal ghost of pure malevolence.
And you were pushed even further over the brink once March buried two, long fingers in your cunt. All without a single warning. No preparation. He shoved his digits deep, watching you with a devious smirk. You breathlessly moaned, and your slick walls squeezed around his fingers. March knew every angle at which to twist and press his digits. Only to spur more of those lovely noises out of you.
His long, dexterous fingers pulled themselves from your cunt, and you longed for more. You ached for him, whining pitiful, little protests. And your desperate desire was soon satiated.
In one, rough motion, March forced his cock through your folds. He buried himself deep in a single thrust, growling a rough noise in response to your screams. Instinctively, you wrapped your legs around him. And you pulled March closer, inching him impossibly deeper.
He hadn’t been this…intimate with another person in…what felt like a millenia. Having his cock buried to the hilt in the tight plush of your cunt…it was enough to make him lose it. March had to take a moment to gather himself. Before he began harshly drilling you into the floor. And the rug underneath you burned painfully against your skin. Though, in this position, you couldn’t help but find the sensation extremely gratifying.
Your screams were all the encouragement he needed. And you begged him to fuck you harder. To vent all his pent up anger and fury using your fragile body as his aid. March gazed down at you, his eyes carrying a near sinister edge. The pace at which he fucked you grew vigorous and unrelenting. A jolt of pleasure shot through your core suddenly, as March pressed his deft fingers to your clit. Rubbing slick, generous circles against the sensitive bud, he soaked in the sight of you falling apart underneath him. Your precious moans were like music to his ears.  March cooed quiet praises in a rugged voice, encouraging you to give in. To succumb to the sweet allure of release. He knew you needed it desperately. All the pent up desire you'd carried for him for so long must have felt torturous. A man of mercy, he was. He couldn't allow you to suffer like that any longer. Not after all you'd done for him. After having been so loyal.
He felt your release, as it hit you like a rushing wave. Your walls constricted around his cock in a tight pull, and your entire body trembled. Those delightful screams of yours were more than likely heard across every floor of the hotel. But March's mind was much too hazy with pleasure to care. He wanted the world to hear you. For you to let them all know just who it was you'd submitted yourself to entirely. And as you came down from your high, sobbing soft cries. You met his eyes. Tears rained down your cheeks, and you shivered under his cold gaze. How vulnerable you looked... 
One of March’s large, veiny hands found your neck. He squeezed with so much strength that, had you been alive; he easily would’ve cut off your circulation. However, in death, the ache that came with asphyxiation felt like euphoria. Under the pressure of his fingers and hands, you were ascending to the stars. Or, rather…considering you were getting mercilessly fucked by a devilish being such as March? Perhaps a more accurate comparison would be: March was dragging you violently down to an all too pleasurable circle of hell itself.
His cock hit your cervix with a few more, harsh thrusts of his hips. And you were left to suffer the ache of overstimulation. As he squeezed your neck hard enough to leave bruises, and tight enough to kill any living person. March reached his peak. A thick warmth burst from his cock, overflowing you from deep inside. His release filled you up until it leaked from your folds. Purity and innocence sullied. You were his little goof now.
You probably expected March to pull out, now that you received exactly what you wanted. Surely, March would move away from you. Only to clean up, redress himself, and go about his business. Keeping his distance until the next month came. And…he thought he’d have done the same. March didn’t care for you on a deep level of any kind. A loyal dog. That’s all you were. A follower. Indeed. A naive, not-so-innocent, little goof. Who also, just so happened to be completely and utterly in love with him. 
And March was not at all enchanted by your obsessive devotion. Why would he be? There was only one woman for him. His dearest wife. His Elizabeth. Mrs. March. If anything, you were simply a means of distraction. Easy company in light of his most lonesome days. His old friend. You weren’t graceful. You weren’t classy. You were, at your core, his polar opposite. Of course. Yes. In the euphoric haze of post-orgasmic bliss, he'd almost forgotten. 
But even so…
March found he couldn’t pull himself from you. For a few moments longer, he kept his softening cock buried inside your slick walls. There he rested, on his knees, staring down at you from above. His gaze was much less blackened. Instead, replaced with a warm brown. Leaning forward, March buried his flushed face in your shoulder. He nibbled the gentle skin of your collarbone, breathing out his exhaustion.
He chuckled a hushed, but maniacal noise. The vibrations of which tickled your bruised skin. Not to worry, those bruises wouldn’t be there tomorrow. Some possessive part of him wished they would be, though. March raised his head up, looking down into your eyes with a soft, more than satisfied smirk. The curls of his hair fell even more loose upon his head. And once more, he leaned in, only to brush his nose against yours.
“You know…” He mumbled in a croaky whisper. You felt him slowly, gently thrust his hips forward, “...the night is still young, little one. And there’s so much more the two of us could do together…should you be interested...” 
His lips met yours in a kiss far too intimate for a casual session of coitus. And you kissed him nervously back, as though you weren’t allowed to indulge yourself. That familiar sense of naivety and purity claimed you all over again. And for whatever reason, it made March want to kiss you more. To envelop you entirely, all his own. His old friend. His little goof. Poor, not-so-innocent sap.
Maybe he was...a little fond of you.
Only a little.
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romantique-dreams · 2 years
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summary: two best friends, both falling, but one fell face first into a pit of dismay. the uncertainty of all things possible was too much to handle, and you couldn't do it anymore. things had to change.
word count: 6.3k
cw: although there isn't smut i still ask for 18+ and minors dni! drinking, swearing, making out (lawl), angst, fluff, mean!eddie (kinda) selfishness, depression (ig). if you find anymore please let me know!
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Your best friend was so beautiful. He carried himself so eloquently, and other worldly like. He could’ve told you he was from a different planet and you’d believe him. You were so tightly wrapped around his finger you were sure you were cutting off the blood circulation at that point. 
Trepidation engulfed your body every time you had planned to bring up the feelings you had for him, so you shut down. You built a wall ever so carefully, brick by boring brick. Layer by dreadful layer. You hated to do this to him, you hated to keep your feelings for him at bay. It was all too similar to the sirens who drew the sailors in, just to result in eating those poor desperate men’s hearts out. If you had said anything, it could go so horribly wrong. 
You began to separate, pull yourself away. You no longer met in the woods at your picnic table, you no longer went to The Hideout on Tuesdays to watch his delicate fingers and cheer him on, your horror movie nights on the weekends came to a halt. 
You were still sat at the Hellfire table, trying not to make it too obvious. You shoved your, somehow acceptable for human consumption, soggy fries around on your tray; along with your grease riddled pepperoni pizza from the cafeteria on your tray. You felt a slight nudge on your knee from next to you and you flitted your eyes up to meet your best friend’s, staring deeply into yours with concern. 
Eddie wasn’t stupid, you knew he wasn’t. He had a knack for observing those he cared about. He read you like a book, almost as easily as he had read Lord of the Rings to you in his bed on Friday nights when the nightmares occurred. He knew you almost better than you knew yourself. Every pet-peeve, every detail of your past, all of your strengths and weaknesses, everything. So needless to say it wasn’t hard for him to realize what you were doing. 
A small piece of paper was slid underneath the table and into your palm. You gently unfolded it to reveal some chicken scratch writing, ‘u okay there bud? :( -eds’. You let out a small half-hearted laugh and sent him a nod. He would be the one to sign his name, knowing well enough that you’d recognize the writing from anywhere. You scribbled something along the lines of ‘just can’t believe the lunch ladies are trying to poison us’ and slipped it back to him, the shit-eatting grin covering his face. The same damn smile that hooked you in the first place. There was always a glimmer that sparkled in his mischievous, amber eyes.
His posture softened, but you could see the look of concern that still lingered within his suffocating stare. You shoved one more god-awful fry into your mouth, sighed, and gathered your things.
 “I’m gonna head to the library for study hall. I need to get some work done,” you whispered to him and gave him a soft pat on the top of his head. Your fingers lingered in his curls before you exited the cafeteria, feet dragging beneath you. 
You had to end the friendship between the two of you once and for all. It was going to break him, but it’s what was best. You couldn’t continue on with the uncertainty of if the feelings shared were mutual. It was torture. You were going to do it tonight, after his eight o’clock show at The Hideout. Before things went too horribly south you had to at least see him in his happiest state, performing. It’s not like you wanted to leave him behind, but the ongoing abuse of it all was not for the faint of heart. 
˚ · • . ° .
Much to your dismay, study hall had ended and your day was coming to a close. Eddie found you at your locker, taken aback by the force you had put behind shoving your books into the confined space Hawkins ever so generously granted its students. 
“Hey there, tiger‒,” he gave a shove to your shoulder with a wink. “Comin’ to the extra metal show tonight? The boys miss you, been a while since we’ve seen you there. Our crowd has been reduced back down to five total drunks, instead of five drunks and a super cool half-rogue elf! Pitiful! Studying is way less cool anyways.”
Your heart sank. “Yeah yeah, I’m comin’, but this is why you’ve been held back. A little studying never hurt no one. Pretty sure even Ted Bundy himself studied.”
His hand clasped over his heart and he stumbled back, inhaling through his teeth with a hiss. “Ah, you wound me Azurebloom the Brave! Wait‒, “ he narrowed his eyes with an accusing point of his finger, clad with his pig ring. “Are you comparing me to Ted Bundy right now?” His mouth went agape and you let out a snort.
“Quit being dramatic and save the energy for your next campaign,” you quipped, although you wouldn’t be there to see it, as long as tonight went as planned.
“Another one straight through the heart!” He stumbled back with his eyes tightly shut.
“You’re too much, Edward,” You mumbled and shut your locker behind you. “I’ll meet you there around eight, I gotta go catch up on some of my homework.” With a small pat to his shoulder, you departed and made your way out to your car.
You slipped yourself into the driver's seat, letting out a sigh of regret and running your hands through your hair. Before you pulled out of the parking lot you inserted a tape into your cassette player; of course it being the one Eddie had made for you when he called you an ‘uncultured swine’ for not knowing who Black Sabbath was. 
I need someone to show me
The things in life that I can't find
I can't see the things that make
True happiness, I must be blind
Make a joke and I will sigh
And you will laugh and I will cry
Happiness I cannot feel
And love to me is so unrealYour consciousness was heavy, you blinked through the tears as you made your way home, harshly hitting your fists against the steering wheel of your Ford Pinto. Were you seriously crying to Black Sabbath right now? This was ridiculous. You were throwing away years of friendship over some stupid, irrational feelings that only you couldn’t put aside. Eddie was such a warm spirit, he could easily find someone to replace you. Right?
˚ · • . ° .
It had come time to begin to get ready to go to The Hideout, the time read ‘7:12’ on your bedside table alarm clock. You quickly put yourself together, just a hint of mascara on your eyelashes and a few spritz of perfume that Eddie had always complimented you on. Something about ‘you smell like cupcakes and shit, makes me wanna eat you’, to which you always just laughed off, your eyes being swallowed whole by the skin surrounding them out of pure joy. You mustered up a soft sigh and folded up your Hellfire shirt that was made for you. You had a few things of his and gifts that you accumulated over the years and placed them in a small plastic bag from the nearby grocery store.
 You were just friends, so why did this feel like such a dramatic break up? 
You placed the things in the passenger seat and placed a small pat on top of the bag, a resounding shuffle of the plastic filling your ears. You pressed play on your player and headed towards the bar, the end of a companionship nearing. 
And so as you hear these words
Telling you now of my state
I tell you to enjoy life
I wish I could but it's too late
˚ · • . ° .
Every time you went to one of Eddie’s shows it was tradition to meet you out back and have a few drinks before the show. He always said it was to loosen both of you up, to calm your nerves of being around so many people, and to give him a clear state of mind before ‘shredding on the guitar’; as he liked to call it.
“There she is! You made it!” 
“Yeeeeah‒,” you began, but before you could finish you were pulled into the world’s most suffocating hug from your best friend. 
He smelled of mint, some cheap cologne he found at the dollar store, cigarettes, and a hint of your favorite, Mary Jane herself. You closed your eyes, reciprocating the death hold he had engulfed you in and let his scent invade you. It was something you’d never forget. His attire wasn’t much different from what he would wear to school, still wearing his leather jacket and denim vest that was smothered in various band badges and pins. But tonight he had on ‒ was that eyeliner? You pulled back from him fully, squishing his face between your small palms. 
“I didn’t know you were such a makeup artist, Eds. I’m gonna need all of your tips and tricks!” You narrowed your eyes and gently ruffled his curls, receiving a groan of disgust from him. 
“Hey! Don’t mess up my luscious locks, I just actually started to put product in them! They’re perfectly coiled! Do you see this? Pretty proud of myself,” he said with a small shrug as he flailed around a piece of his hair in front of you, the small wisps of it tickling the bridge of your nose. 
In return you scrunch your nose up and swat at his hand to stop the assault of your face with his hair. “Alright, alright! Let’s go inside, beauty queen, yeah?” 
You both entered the bar together, his arm linked in yours as he paraded you around, introducing you to everyone ‒ as if you hadn’t been there countless times before. You pitied the boy who had been there for you through everything. It was safe to say he was going to hate you by the end of the night. You continued on your endless journey, making your rounds of saying hi to the rest of the Hellfire Club, and slamming down a few lemon drop shots. 
It was about fifteen minutes to eight o’clock and Eddie had already departed to begin to warm up with the rest of Corroded Coffin. You found your place and sat in the middle of a crowd at an empty table, picking at the tin pail of peanuts in front of you, and discarding the shells onto the ground. 
Eventually the lights around you dimmed, signifying they were about to go on stage. You saw Gareth, Jeff, and Bert all run out with smiles plastered on their giddy faces. It was a small bar, but you knew the attention drove them wild; they were so proud of their little band they had haphazardly thrown together. Last was Eddie to come out, the spotlight illuminating his pale complexion, bouncing off of his eyelashes, and soaking into his chocolate locks that cascaded down his shoulders. Goddamn, he was such a beautiful human being. 
Within no time they were starting their first set of songs, starting with Look What the Cat Dragged In by Poison, and ending in Children of the Grave by Black Sabbath. He truly was an amazing player. The way his fingers danced over the frets on the neck of the guitar, so delicately plucking along the strings. It was such a funny disparity of the harsh sound that was resonating from the amp, compared to the intricacy and tenderness of each hand placement. You bobbed your head to each song, singing along with some. You had gone to get another shot, just for good measure, and sat back down for the remainder of their second set. Everyone around you was dancing, grinding, spit swapping, laughing, screaming ‒ but you were silent. You couldn’t muster up enough within you to do any of those things. You couldn’t have fun when you knew you were about to shatter his fragile being. 
“Thank you so much everyone! We’re Corroded Coffin, we play every Tuesday at 8pm! Live at The Hideout!” He shouted through the microphone, panting in between each word. His hair was now matted down onto his forehead with sweat and his eyeliner was smudged underneath his lively eyes.  
You noticed he pointed to you and signaled towards the back of the small makeshift stage that was set up, beckoning for you to come to him. You begrudgingly obliged with a small huff and a roll of your eyes. 
“Well hello there my young Padawan, did you see how killer we were up there?”  He pranced towards you, his NJ Warlock slung behind him. 
“Yeah, of course I did!” You beamed at him with a remorse stricken look. 
He pulled you into a tight hug, once again being overwhelmed by his scent that was now mixed with sweat. You deeply inhaled, giving him an unnoticeable squeeze. Your heart was breaking into tiny, miniscule pieces. You had to get this done and over with. Cut to the chase. Stop beating around the bush. 
“Hey, uh, Eds? Can I talk to you? In uh‒,” you glanced down and kicked your shoe into the ground. “In private? ‘S kinda important.”
He narrowed his eyes at you and tilted his head, his breathing steadying now. “Y-yeah! Of course! Anything for you! Our number one fan!”
You grabbed his hand, interlocking his slender fingers with your clammy ones, and led him to the back of the bar. Letting the door shut behind the two with a slam and a small exhale before trying to gather your words. He had a lit cigarette already and gestured towards you with one and a lighter in his possession. He raised his eyebrows with a sharp inhale from his Marlboro Red. “‘Ya want one?” He asked, the cigarette bobbing in between his lips as the smoke trailed off of his lips. 
“Ah‒ no, no I’m good. Thanks though.”
“So‒, what did you want?” He took another drag from his cigarette, blowing the smoke in the opposite direction of you. He was always so courteous of you. 
“I just wanted to‒,” you started, but drifted off. This was going to be a lot harder than expected, even with the endless practicing and the drinks. “I’ve been doing some thinking. I just‒, things don’t feel right. I don’t feel right. This doesn’t feel right,” you hiccuped. Your emotions took the wheel at this point. It was nothing he was doing, it was your feelings for him that made your life a living hell. 
 “I know you may feel differently, but I feel like a hindrance to you. I get in the way of all of the things you like to do. I impose on Hellfire, I’m always at your place and you never see the guys anymore. It’s not fair to you. I’m sorry for doing this tonight, but I don’t think we should be friends anymore.” Hot tears ran down your cheeks and gathered underneath your chin. 
 What the fuck? Were you seriously crying? You weren’t going to cry in front of him, you weren’t going to let him see you like this. 
Eddie looked at you like you had just told him Metallica had broken up and they ran over his dog. He didn’t deserve this. He took one last drag off of the cigarette before he flicked it to the ground and put it out with his boots he had on. In times of vulnerability he grew mean, it was the only way to suppress the emotions he had. The wall he had put up was visible, and you could sense it. 
He stepped back with his lips in a firm line, and stuck his head out towards you. “What do you mean? Why didn’t you say any of this before? You seriously have the worst possible timing, ‘ya know that, right?”
You avoided his intense stare and flitted your eyes to the ground. You felt like your whole world was collapsing in on itself, and all you could do was watch. You had to say something, but you couldn’t. Your brain wasn’t able to form any coherent thoughts, not when he looked at you the way he did.
“I, well‒,”
“Well what, huh?” His arms were now crossed against his chest. “Are you going to just stand there and look at me dumbfounded? You called me out here. You wanted to talk to me.”
“Look, I’m sorry, Eds‒,”
“Don’t call me that.”
“O-okay. I’m sorry, Eddie. I just can’t be friends with you anymore. It’s not anything you did. You’re so amazing, so, so amazing. You’re the closest friend I’ve had in a while. I’m just going through some stuff, and I can’t do it anymore. I can’t just sit here.” 
Eddie felt a pang in his chest when the word ‘friend’ left your mouth. You guys were friends, nothing more, nothing less. So why did he feel like this? This wasn’t fair. You basically caught him with his pants down. No warning, no heads up, no fucking caution sign to say ‘Hey! I’m gonna rip your heart out after you just absolutely annihilated the guitar and had the best day ever!’.
“So you’ve just been sitting here, distancing yourself all of this time and didn’t bother to say why, or that you needed some space? What kind of selfish fucking shit is that? I’ve been worried sick every single day because of you. I didn’t know if I did or said something wrong, but no, all of a sudden it’s this ‘it’s not you it’s me’ bullshit? This is ridiculous.”
 He was outraged. Furious. Hurt. This was the biggest wake-up call he’s had in a while, and it shouldn’t be happening with his, who once was, best friend. Eddie pinched the bridge of his nose between his index finger and his thumb and groaned, slamming his other fist on the siding of The Hideout. 
“Just go. If you really want to end this, just go. The guys are looking for me. But if you leave, do not bother coming back when those nightmares get the best of you, ‘kay?”
And with that he was gone. All that was left was the emptiness where he was standing. It was as if you could still see his silhouette in the dark of the night. You crumpled down to your knees with a loud sob, hiccuping in between each breath you gasped for. You thought you were going to be the one doing the heart breaking tonight, you thought wrong. Your heart was ripped out of your chest, thrown on the ground, tainted by the dirt, and turned into a pulp in front of you. 
Eddie on the other hand was flabbergasted. He felt like he was losing it. Both of your worlds collided into each other, leaving a trail of mass destruction behind, the destruction being your friendship. He couldn’t bear to sit there and see the way you looked at him. He wasn’t a mean person, he never was, especially not to you; but this was the only way to defend himself. His whole body ached with remorse, just seeing you there in that state physically pained him. If this is what you wanted, he had to let it be. There could be no pushing, you had to figure this out for yourself, but he’d be there if you needed.
 You gave your best attempt at pulling yourself together, but you knew a part of you was gone. You had a big gaping hole right where your best friend once was. You found yourself a corner in the meantime and perched on the side of a guard rail near a ditch, just letting yourself go. You wouldn’t be able to drive home at the rate you were going. Snot ran down your nose and gathered at your cupid’s bow while your eyes began to swell from all of the tears that ran down your face. Saltiness was all you could taste with each shaky inhale, while your shirt was soaked with wet splotches around the neck. Your face was flushed, and mascara left tread marks underneath your eyes, you were a wreck.
Everything hurt. 
You were on the verge of being able to compose yourself enough to drive home, but a note that was tucked under your windshield wiper had caught your attention. With a wary exhale you pulled it from underneath and unfolded it, the same handwriting from earlier littering the napkin that was in your hands. He must’ve taken it from The Hideout. There were still peanut shells stuck to it, and some spots were damp. You weren’t sure if it were tears or a mere coke and rum that just happened to be blotted up. 
‘I’m not sure where I went wrong or what I did. I know you said it wasn’t me, but whatever you’re going through, I can help you. If you need me you know my number and you know where I live. It’ll be okay. ‘ This time the note wasn’t signed, it was obvious who it came from. You felt your posture soften and you shook your head. It was going to be okay, as long as you stayed away from him.
˚ · • . ° .
Months had passed and only a few shared glances in the hallway and an ‘Eddie says hi’ from Dustin was the only communication the two of you had. You left his belongings and gifts in the drama club room, completely forgetting to give them to him on that dreadful night. It was lonely. You didn’t even go into the cafeteria anymore. You settled for eating your lunch in your car, and completely skipping study hall altogether. You weren’t able to tell, but it was affecting him just as much. The bags under his eyes were more prominent than ever, there were no more tangents on the school lunch tables, his spark was gone. His hair was even more unkempt than usual, and Hellfire Club was constantly postponed to wallow in his sorrow. 
You didn’t call, that’s what hurt the most. You cut off all ties with Gareth, Mike, Dustin, Jeff, and Bert. Your seat was eventually removed from the roundtable, and any memorabilia of the two of you was shoved into a box and placed under his bed to get lost in the sea of dirty clothes that covered his floor. Wayne was starting to worry about him. He didn’t play his guitar much anymore, he rarely came out for food, and there were no more horror movie nights with you that took over the living room and banished Wayne to the porch. Wayne tried, he really did, but Eddie wouldn’t budge. His boy was hurting and he could tell, but all he could do was piece things together. He noticed you stopped coming around. All he could do was leave it be, he didn’t want to overwhelm his nephew. He knew when things like this happened all he could do was let himself figure it out, just like when his dad had been arrested and he found his mom unresponsive on the floor of their home back in Wisconsin. 
 Your days at the diner seemed to get dreadfully longer, the days seemed less brighter, and Hawkins seemed more suffocating. All you could do nowadays was sit and wait until you were released from Hawkins High. Life was passing you by. You had hoped the school year was going well for Eddie. You hoped that he was finally passing his classes and that he would be able to graduate. You thought of all of the possibilities he had coming up for him. He could get out of this shit ass town, he could start a life making music, or performing. He could very well have a music career, and you truly hoped so. You wanted every good thing to come his way, and bless him throughout his life. You wanted no trouble for that poor soul. He deserved so much better than what this town had to offer, he deserved so much more than being wrongfully named and ostracized in every room he was in. He was pure, angelic, too good for anyone here. His hard exterior was truly nothing compared to the warmth he held inside of him. 
You were nearing the end of another harrowing school day, only for the rest of your day to consist of going to work and going home. It was your new routine. School, work, and then home. You’d maybe throw some studying in there, if your teachers were lucky. Your parents were hardly home now, they had business trips and they visited distant relatives throughout the school year, meaning you had your house to yourself. It was so painfully empty that even your breaths began to echo off the walls. You were drowning in loneliness. Water slowly filled your lungs, and soon enough you wouldn’t have any fight left. You succumbed to the feeling of numbness. You tried your best to feel normal, to go out, to go to the shops around, but nothing was the same. You had lost your anchor and you were deliberately sinking. 
You felt so dramatic, but he was your person. He had been there for you through everything. He saw you at your worst, and knew every intricate detail about you. He cradled you when you couldn’t sleep as the horrific nightmares flooded your slumber. He held your heart in his hands, but you ultimately slapped it out of his hands and stomped on it. There was never any way he could feel the same as you did, you weren’t like him. You were reserved, cautious, and tedious. He was eccentric, inviting, and spontaneous. 
With a sigh you clamped your hands together and decided you were going to try to get out of the house instead of wasting your life away, cooped up in a house that was unbearably quiet. You needed some form of human interaction, whether that be people watching or not. You finalized your decision and convened enough energy to put yourself together. In sweatpants and a fitting tank top you shuffled out to the car, sighing as you looked in the rearview mirror. Your eyes were basically swollen shut, and your complexion was splotched with red marks from the irritation of going through a whole box of Kleenex tissues. You popped a cassette into the player, blindly rummaging through your glove box for one. Your car roared to life as Your Love by The Outfield rang through your car, and you began your way to Benny’s Diner. 
The car ride was less than uneventful, the clouds began to cover what sunshine had been left and it began to rain, with large raindrops splatting onto your windshield. How fitting. Your windshield wipers were working full-time as you drove the empty streets of Hawkins. Most people opted to stay inside when it rained. With it being a late Tuesday night, no one was out, which also meant Benny’s would be more than open for a booth in your corner. The corner where you and Eddie would talk for hours endlessly after smoking so much you were both too high to drive, but the munchies were too strong to deny. A strawberry milkshake and a double order of onion rings and fries would always do the trick. 
You made your way into the diner and wrapped your arms around yourself. “Just one, please,” you mumbled. 
The host sat you at your usual booth, the one shaped in a ‘c’ which was clearly meant for others to join you, but it was just you this time. A friendly waitress came up and took your order, luckily you had brought a book with you to pass the time. You pulled the old tattered version of It by Stephen King and buried your nose in it, pausing to take sips of your strawberry milkshake. You were so immersed into your book, you lost track of your food arriving and others entering the diner. You gently placed your bookmark into the last two pages you had read and took a bite of the onion ring. Man, you forgot how good these were. You savored the flavor of the crispy batter and washed it down with the water the waitress brought you at some point while you were reading. Your eyes closed and you slumped into your seat, popping another onion ring into your mouth. You perked your head up at the abrupt ring of the bell above the door, and it was as if the wind was knocked out of you. 
There he was, standing at the entrance of the sacred place you shared so many memories at. His hair was plastered to his forehead and small rain droplets kissed his face, trailing down to gather at his defined chin. He looked worse for wear. His eyes said more than he’d ever need to. You were ogling at him, it had been the first time you had seen him since the beginning of this semester. He hadn’t seemed to notice you yet, thank god. You buried your head back into your book and slid even further down into the booth until you were barely noticeable. Thankfully the back of your head was all that would be visible to him, but it was enough for him to recognize you. He’d know that contour of someone’s body anywhere. It seemed as though he was going to keep his distance. You heard the distant patter of his squeaky Reeboks stopping at the rail of the diner to sit on one of the swivel chairs. 
Your waitress came back over to ask how everything was and you just mumbled a soft ‘fine, thank you’ to her. You didn’t bother asking for a box for the leftovers, so you just left a wad of cash, hoping the remaining would make up for a good enough tip for her. You threw your book back into your bag, not bothering to grab the jacket you had bought and burst through the door of the diner. 
Eddie turned his head around, catching the flash of you rushing by him. Your scent lingered behind you, clouding his thoughts instantaneously. His heart rate went rapid, bounding underneath his skin, and reaching all the way to his fingertips. His whole body shook, does he go after you? 
Fuck it.
He whipped himself around on his chair and raced after you. The rain had picked up by now, obscuring the view of the parking lot. Small thunder was able to be heard in the distance and everything irradiated by the pink glow of the neon lights from the diner sign. 
“Wait! Please!” He screamed out, his clothes soaked.
You picked up your pace, fumbling with the keys in your hands. Your soul left your body, and your being went cold. All color drained from your face and you grunted as you struggled to get the key into the slot. Eddie had finally caught up to you now, both of your body's shaking from the cold, breathing irregularly. 
“Please‒,” he breathed out, putting a soft hand on your arm. “Just wait. I just want to talk to you.”
“Eddie, I can’t. I need to go, I have‒”
“No, you can talk to me. I’m so sorry for what I said, I didn’t mean it, you have to know that. I know you, I know when you’re lying. J-just give me a second please, I’m begging you, Y/N.” His voice was trembling as he pleaded. He was rapidly blinking the raindrops out of his eyes while his grip tightened around your arm. 
Your body was on fire where he was attached to you. It felt like eternities since you felt the sensation of his cold rings on your burning skin. Relentlessly, you stayed while every part of you was telling you to run. Run away, save him from the hurt he was going to endure all over again. The both of you stared at each other, concern and remorse consuming your gazes. The rain continued to fall and the thunder grew louder, the sky flashing white with the small lightning that cracked through the sky. 
You stayed silent waiting for him to speak, but it seemed as if he was at a loss for words. He released you from his hold and inhaled deeply. 
“Look‒, I-I’m just going to say it, okay? I’ve been fucking suffering these past few months, and I don’t know what I did, but I want to fix it? Please, please, let me fix it. Let me fix us. I can’t do this shit anymore, and I don’t know how long I can keep going like this,” he said in a hushed tone, his voice cracking slightly. 
“And before you say that bullshit of ‘it’s not you, it’s me’... I’m done accepting that. It’s not an excuse anymore and you can’t use it as one. I know this has a lot more to do than with you going through things,” he emphasized with air quotes. “I don’t know what it is, but it’s bullshit that you won’t tell me. I need you to tell me. So please, just fucking tell me. That’s all I ask.” 
It was like he was practically on his knees, exposed, heart out on his sleeve. Your heart ached at the sight of him. To think you put him through this was destroying you. You were both completely disregarding the rain, so completely immersed into each other. Your clothes were caked to your bodies, your hair was flattened, and puddles formed around your feet. 
“Okay, fine‒,” you took a deep breath in, preparing for the word vomit. “I love you, Eddie. I love you so fucking much it hurts. It hurts me, and it hurts knowing you don’t feel the same. That’s why I ended us, I couldn’t be around you without wanting you to be mine, but you never could be. That’s not us, it’s me. It was only ever me. It’ll always only be me.” You shut your eyes tightly and hugged yourself, leaning against the side of your car. The only reply being the rain tapping on your car. 
He laughed, his face pulling up into a slight smirk. “Are you serious, dude?” He animated his words with his hands frantically. “Have you not caught on? I’ve been here this whole time absolutely longing for you. You’re all I ever think about, even now. You’re all I’ve yearned for these past years. I’ve always wanted you to be my damsel in distress. I wanted to protect you from all of the bad things in the world.  All of my touches, me inviting you to all of my shows, including you in Hellfire Club… For fucks sake, your own customized shirt. Jesus christ, you’re so bl‒…”
He was cut off at the force of your lips meeting his, his hands instantly finding their place on your hips, squeezing ever so gently. He allowed himself to fully melt into you, your souls intertwining at that very moment in the parking lot of Benny’s. Was this happening? Was he dreaming?
“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to hear that from you. I had always thought since we were so, so different we would never work. It pained me so much to look at you and try to keep my hands to myself, to keep myself from giving you my all. I’m sorry for everything I put you through, if you don’t want to do this anymore, it’s okay. I understand. I understand if you hate me, you can yell at me, scream at me, I don’t care. I haven’t been doing good without you. I’ve been so lonely, the nightmares came back, it was like I was a shell of myself.”
You took a step back, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. Your head fell into your hands with a slap, earning a small hit against your forehead. 
“Hey, listen‒,” he held your hands between his large ones, giving them subtle squeezes as he continued. “ What you did wasn’t necessarily the most metal thing ever, but it’s okay. I’m here now. I’m right here in front of you, I’m on my knees begging for you to come back. I want to rekindle everything we left off with. All I want is you back, okay? We can be whatever you want to be, as long as we are back to where we were. No labels? That’s fine. Labels? Fine.”
Eddie trailed his hands up your arms, to your shoulders, and then rested them on both of your cheeks. He delicately swiped the pad of his thumb on your bottom lip with a content sigh. Your heart was swelling with admiration for Eddie. You looked up into his chestnut irises, eye flitting between the both of his, unable to focus on one. You took in his face and every small detail, gulping harshly while your hands wrapped around his lanky torso. 
Your mouths met once more, a bit of eagerness behind each reaction from both parties. Your hands found the back of his neck, lightly tracing circles on the nape of it. Goosebumps arose on his skin, shivers being sent to his core. You tasted so sweet with the mix of the spring air, and raindrops that continued to pelt the tops of your heads. His own hands traveled and explored every curve of your frame. The kiss deepened after the two of you came back for air, diving back in within seconds. His tongue slid past your bottom lip which was now swollen from the mingle of your mouths. Pulling back from you with shallow breaths he quirked an eyebrow up and pulled you back into his embrace.
“Do you want to go get some onion rings? It’s on me.” He muttered into your head, placing small intricate kisses. 
“Dry clothes first?” 
"Sounds like a plan."
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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this is my first ever one-shot and somehow still managed to be longer than the first part of my series i started. it was also only proofread by me so i apologize for any errors, i will be skimming through and fixing any as time goes on. i was going to try to write some smut, but then at that point it was going to be waaaaay too long for a one-shot and i still need energy left to begin part 2 of my series collateral damage. (i'm also too scared to bc i have never written any smut) let me know if you liked it! if you have any feedback or anything please tell me! likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated! -g <3
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chaostroberry1 · 16 days
Headcanons If they were on tiktok/social media PART.1
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- posts family vlogs
- or atleast mini videos about his family
- maybe also posts vids about fun things that happened between him and eve.
- I see him as the type to have like 0 haters, anyone who hates on him will get dragged and bashed 💀
- one of the best out of everyone here
- his kids would also have their own accounts, or even a shared account. posting abt the pranks on each other they pulled, or celebrations, and over all just fine.
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- bro I know he'd be the type to post rant videos, tagging Poseidon and sometimes all his brothers cus he wanna bitch abt stuff.
- but yeah most of it would be towards poseidon
- bro his face whenever poseidon just replies to his videos with the most no-fucks-given comment is so funny
- he'd also be the type to reply to all offensive (or what he thinks is offensive but actually isn't) comments in the comments section
- believe me, bro would stare straight at the camera with so much hate, but in a funny way, before screaming
- last thing the video ends with is his scream that's cut out halfway.
- his content? Reaction videos.
- maybe also pranking videos, like
"pranking my baby brother"
- Poseidon is the baby brother he refers to btw🙂
- the pranks always fail and he just uses the excuse that it wasn't finished yet.
- not too bad ig
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- she probably posts those eerily addicting videos of herself on vacations or out shopping
- incredibly chill
- her pretty privilege has both genders on the ground for her to step on
- probably also reacts to comments too. Just imagine bro.
"please step on me", or, "mommy 🛐🛐"
- she doesn't really mind it, she likes the attention
- whenever there's a hater, she calls them out so politely but also destroying the person's ego with the most humble but ego breaking comment
- but she only rathers to post pictures of herself and all, instead of videos.
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- Bro has so many fans
- he'd post tease videos of his body to just rile people up and have them begging for more
- zesty af
- most men in his comments section would literally be like "don't let me get behind bro"
- yk what he responds with?
"come behind me"
- also posts about his shopping trips, and maybe parts of his body that has jewelry, like his legs for example.
- he'd Deffo make thirst traps I just know it.
- I also feel like he'd post sexy photos of himself, but act oblivious about it.
- like just imagine scrolling and then seeing some hot looking baddie of a guy in a mouthwatering outfit, with his bear ass out. And all he'd say is-
"does the color suit me?"
- always incredibly teasing when his fans ask him to oil up
⚠️Slight nsfw⚠️
-so yeah he oils up. ON only fans
- he would be famous online for his looks
- and if looks are what we speak of here, he would definitely have an only fans account
- he wouldn't go as far as being a 🌽 star though, he thinks it isn't very like him.
- but he will please his fans, and people pay lots just to get him to do more. But sometimes leaves them hanging with a strip tease or smth. Only the worthy are allowed to lay their eyes on his perfect body.
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- leave the poor man alone
- many people tag him in thirst traps (MOSTLY APOLLO'S THIRST TRAPS)
- he just stares wide eyed in the camera, mouth agape in horror when APOLLO'S literally thrusting into his phone
- pukes afterwards
- apollo makes things worse by tagging him in his own posts, just to mess with him
- I feel like he'd post vids of ranting about people that are mistreating animals
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- he only got into social media cus of his friends
- he's not always online, but he has a big fan base consisting of girls cus he's a hot emo boy
- posts vids of his life, like maybe rants, or photos of his food here and there
- he doesn't always show his face, but he never dissapoints when he does.
-maybe posts lip sync vids too, the songs would be basic teenage depressed shi ykyk
- he wouldn't get hate though, cus like I said, his face was too gorgeous and cute to get mad at.
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- posts vids of his snacks
- kinda like apollo when it comes to teasing and riling people up with his body. But he doesn't go as far as only fans, or thirst traps
- I think maybe he'd just lift his shirt a little, show his abs a few times, or his muscles. And then looking at the camera with a teasful look and calling the watcher out
"you staring at these things? Ya like that~?"
(I nearly cried writing that)
- it sounds cringe, but many people are into it. I mean, c'mon, it's Buddha.
- also likes to post vids of him trying out the food from different fast food places, and just making people drool at his food, and face.
- probs also likes to do collabs with zerofuko, like going to the arcade and all. Incredibly cute bonding.
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behoright · 1 year
smitten l f. andersen
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shorty, would you join me for one night?
summary: freddie wakes up next to a lovely stranger, and he really can't remember how you got there.
wordcount: 3.2k
song: pretty kitten - dua saleh
warnings: 18+ - minors dni! smut and sexual situations. tw: unprotected sex (oops), bruises and hickeys, mention of partying, alcohol and hangovers.
a/n: barely proofread. wrote it today - ig I was in a freddie mood. to anon who asked about him - hope you like this!
︎ ︎ ︎⠀¡   🎀 ׄ 𓄼⠀⠀.⠀⠀︎ ︎ ︎⠀¡   🎀 ׄ 𓄼⠀⠀.⠀⠀
“Oh, my fucking head.”
Freddie’s eyes blinked open early, thanks to the lovely tension that wrapped his head tightly. It was so painful that he felt like even blinking made his temples spasm in pain.
It took him a second for Freddie to place himself in space and time. The last thing he remembered was winning the game, the Canes’ first stadium series game, and going out with the team. They all went to a bar together, or, was it a club?
That’s when things started to become blurry for him. Considering Jarvy forced everyone to start drinking in the locker room, he wasn’t surprised. 
Freddie wasn’t a huge party guy, but he had fun when it was called for. 
Not usually like this, though, he thought. 
He couldn’t remember the last time he had gotten blackout drunk. 
The pounding in his head and slight recoiling in his stomach quickly reminded him why. He laid in bed, his eyes still adjusting to his room, waiting for any flashbacks of the night before.
Thankfully, he recognized his room, a tiny bead of sunshine seeping through the crack in his curtains. He must have been really wasted considering that, from what he could see, he left the bathroom light on and his clothes were all over the floor. 
Even if he wanted to, Freddie felt like he couldn’t move. He wanted to grab a pillow and bury his head in it until he fell asleep.
That is until he went to reach over for one next to him and ended up grabbing…you.
Freddie’s heart jumped as soon as he recognized a head of hair on the pillow next to him, his hand retrieving dramatically. 
This, he really had no recollection of. 
He attempted to puzzle everything together.
At closer inspection, the clothes on the ground were not only his. Your purse and heels thrown half haphazardly on the chaise that sat in the corner of his room.
“Oh, fuck.” he chuckled. He hadn’t had a night like this in a while. In longer than he liked to admit. 
He watched you, mesmerized, as you turned onto your back and slowly opened your eyes.
“Uh, hi. Good morning.”
“Hello.” you said, quietly, looking up at him.
Your sweet voice prompted something in the player’s head, something he couldn’t quite place his finger on. Suddenly, he had just a taste of memory from last night. Maybe… talking to you somewhere? 
He sighed, coming to terms with the harsh truth. He might never remember what happened.
“I, uh. I’m sorry.” he said, rubbing his face in his hands. “I, I don’t remember a single thing from last night.”
“Yeah, we were pretty drunk.” you uttered.
“Do you remember?”
“Bits and pieces.” you chuckled, watching his face light up slightly. “I remember enough.”
“Did we, um?” he asked, gesturing at the room. 
You could only nod, sitting up and covering your bare chest with his sheets. 
“Okay, that explains the, um, you know, the clothes and all.” he said, eyeing your body move under the blankets. 
Freddie quickly opened his nightstand drawer just to find, to his horror, his stash of condoms untouched. 
Well, it was too late now to do anything about it, he thought, looking back at you. 
Who was this? Who was this beautiful woman, and how did she end up in his bed?
“I hope I didn’t, um, do you anything, that you didn’t…”
You turned towards him more, finding that worried gaze, shaking your head before he even finished.
“Oh, thank god.” he sighed. “I-, I was afraid that, you know…”
“No, no. I definitely came here of my own volition.” you said, putting your hand on his arm as reassurance. “The parts I remember were, uh. They were fun.”
“Oh, okay, good.”. Freddie looked down, blush spread all over his face. 
From what he could piece together, despite the growing hammering in his head, was that you were both almost equally as drunk. 
The rest was still unclear.
But you didn’t seem repulsed, or disgusted, or afraid of him, and that was a good sign in Freddie’s books. Because after all, even if he couldn’t remember it, that meant he had managed to get you naked, and it had felt good enough to disregard any use of protection. 
Drunk Freddie had great taste but poor choices, he thought to himself, before letting out a big, belly laugh. 
“This is so fucked.” he exclaimed. 
“I know! I never, really, do this, so. I understand.” you sighed, laughing along with him.
“Oh, fuck it.” he said, extending an arm to you. “C’mere.”
He wrapped his forearm around your shoulders, letting your head fall with a sigh on his bare chest. He obviously knew you were naked, but it didn’t hit him until he felt your soft skin come in contact with his under the sheets. A tiny spark went off in his head, the memory of the feeling of your body slowly coming back to his senses. 
“I can see why I came home with you.” he said. 
“Yeah?” you asked, looking up at him. “I’m not a regret? You’re not kicking me out?”
“No, no. Stay.” he said. “But only because I don’t remember anything. I need someone to help me put together what the fuck actually happened.”
“Oh, I see! So I’m only allowed to stay here for memory purposes only.” you chuckled.
“Absolutely.” he said. He thought you couldn’t tell, but it was quite obvious Freddie’s eyes had locked on your lips as you two kept the banter going.
“Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I don’t think I remember much more than you. I don’t believe I’m going to be too useful in that department.”
“Perhaps I should kick you out, then. What am I going to do with you?”
“Right, right. Nothing. Maybe I should go.”
Freddie didn’t even let you finish the sentence before his grip tightened against your body, bringing your face closer to his. 
“You’re too warm right now. If I let you leave, I’ll get cold and stuff, so. I do need you to stay here. Cuddling purposes only.” he said, winking at you.
“I think I can be a good cuddler.” you said, placing your cheek on his shoulder.
“So far, so good.” he uttered, his gaze never leaving your face. “But maybe you could get a little bit closer.”
Your scooched closer, hooking your leg around his hip, bodies flushed and touching. As soon as your thigh met his hips, however, it was impossible not to feel his morning wood. 
“You’re hard.” you said, boldly, looking back up at him.
“Uh, yeah. Sorry.” he stammered. “Sometimes, you know, that’s awake earlier than I am. I’m really sorry.”. 
Freddie went to adjust your leg, attempting to move it away, before you stopped him. 
“No more cuddles?”
“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” he said.
“I don’t mind. It’s okay with me.”
“It, it might get worse with your leg, you know, moving on top of it like that.”
“My leg is on it, isn’t it?” you said, slowly applying a tiny amount of pressure. “Is it bothering you? I can move.”
“No, no, no, that’s okay.” he spewed out, perhaps a bit too hurriedly. “It feels kinda good, actually.”
“Oh, it does?” you asked, moving your leg up his length now, with more pressure now. 
“Hey!” he laughed, throwing his head back. “Come on, now. Yeah, yeah, that feels good.”
“I mean I’m just getting comfortable!” you chuckled. “I want to make sure I give the best cuddles, since this is why I’m here.”
He kept laughing, his chest moving as he threw his head back into the pillows, before finding your sparkling eyes looking up at him again. 
“Oh, you’re doing great. Yeah, those are…” Freddie’s voice lowered as he brought his face close to yours, the tip of your nose touching his. “...they’re great cuddles.” He whispered against your mouth before pressing his lips into yours. 
Feeling your tongue run down his bottom lip, Freddie parted his lips, letting you in his mouth and letting more memories play front center in his mind.
He could immediately remember first tasting you, the taste of you and the drinks mixed on his tongue as the cool winter breeze hit his face. 
You moved closer to him, your leg clenching on his hard cock, bringing him back to the present. 
Freddie pressed his hand against your cheek as he brought you somehow even closer as your kiss grew wetter and more heated. 
There was no fighting for dominance, your tongues lapping at each other, interlocking and twisting while your lips rubbed harshly the more turned on you both began to get. You were moving so smoothly, stroking his member steadily with your soft thigh, making Freddie ant more and more. It took one moan out of him for you to straddle him, his lips never leaving yours. 
“You’re wet.” he said, his eyebrows shooting up as soon as your pussy sat flush on his dick. 
“Yeah, I mean, sometimes that’s awake befo-”
“Shut up!” he exclaimed, jokingly pushing at your arm. 
Now that you were on top of him, Freddie could see the evidence from the night before, along with how beautiful your body was. 
Marks covering your velvet skin, from your neck all the way down to your lower belly. 
He ran his calloused fingers down your abdomen, staring agape at the dark bruises that adorned your skin. 
“It was all you.” you said so quietly, it was almost a whisper. 
“I-, I don’t usually do this.” he said, keeping his eyes on the clusters of marks as you rolled your hips hard onto him. 
“Well, it felt really good.” you moaned, your head lolling back as you began to rub your wet cunt up and down Freddie’s cock. 
He let out a quiet moan, his fingertips grazing upwards until they found your now exposed neck. He traced the burgundy lovebites gently as he watched your eyes roll to the back of your head. 
“Keep rolling your hips like that, fuck.” he moaned. “Like that, baby, yeah.”
As you picked up the pace, your juices wetting his pulsating cock, you looked back down at him. Freddie’s freckles on his chest were highlighted by the redness that now covered him, his breathing picking up exponentially faster. 
The mix of his cum from the night before mixed with your arousal made both of your sexes slick and slippery with desire, allowing your clit to glide smoothly on his member. You would both moan louder whenever your swollen nub would reach Freddie’s head, the palpitations of your lust sending shockwaves all throughout your bodies. 
And Freddie thought this was so fucking hot.
“Oh, fuck me.” he said, letting his fingers through his hair. “You’re making me throb like crazy.”
He could feel your thighs clenching from the desire, almost beginning to tremble, as you started to lose yourself on top of him. Your warm fingers were now placed firmly on his lower abdomen, right where Freddie was starting to feel the pleasure build up briskly. He loved that you weren't necessarily riding his faster, but instead letting your weight go more and more on top of him, letting that delicious pressure heighten the feeling. 
Freddie could feel your entrance slide on him, and it was starting to become unbearable. He sat up, wrapping your arms around your low back, finding your hazy eyes as you didn’t quit your movements. 
“You want it so bad, don’t you?” Freddie whispered into your lips. “You’re driving me crazy. baby.” 
You almost fell onto him, your glistening and plump lips bouncing against his over and over in a series of aggressive and sensual kisses. If there was a lack of dominance before, it had now turned into a messy and sloppy fight of a makeout session, constantly interrupted by little hasty pecks. The thought of letting you completely overtake his mouth made Freddie’s cock twitch against your swollen cunt. 
“I can’t take this anymore, baby.” he said, his biceps easily picking you up and throwing you, face down on his mattress. 
He swore he heard a little giggle as you hit the sheets, your ass slily sitting up and back for him. The quick movements made Freddie’s headache worsen, the room moving slightly; he didn’t know if it was his hangover or how turned on you had him, but he frankly only cared about one thing. 
“You’ve had your fun for now, you minx.” he said, positioning the head of his cock at your entrance.
Freddie’s fingers grabbed your ass harshly as he bottomed out inside of you, his bottom lip tucked tightly beneath his teeth. His body covered in goosebumps rapidly as he felt his pubic hair touch your ass. 
As he started thrusting he suddenly remembered filling you up in the same way the previous night. He remembered your hair tightly in his grip as he buckled his hips into yours over and over again, the sweetness of your moans sounding just how they did right now. 
He began moving, slowly, in and out, letting his precum coat every inch of your walls.  
“Oh, yes, baby. You’re so fucking perfect.” he groaned. 
Freddie was a big man overall, towering way higher than you, and that translated to all of his body. You could feel the places inside you that had been touched by his cock the night before, traces of his touch marking you still. No matter how wet and ready you were for him, it was still a compact fit, his cock tightly snug inside you. 
A big part of Freddie’s weight was resting on your ass and lower back, his strong forearms tensed as he pushed you down into the mattress and fucked himself deep into you.
It wasn’t enough. 
He wanted to be closer to you, deeper. 
And the more he pushed in, the louder it ripped moans out of you. 
He could be really rough, as you vaguely remembered, but it was clear that Freddie had a shy, more reserved side, even as he started to pick up the pace. He only let go of his unyielding grip on you to gently reach over and turn your head to the side so your cheek was pressed against the mattress.
“No muffled sounds, baby.” he groaned, positioning himself back onto you. “I want to hear you.”
Just like that, he started hitting you harder, his swollen and leaking head tapping at your cervix by now. 
“Oh, oh my god.” you moaned. The angle and pressure of his hands pushing your stomach down were creating a turmoil of pleasure in your hips. He was strong, but it was hard to keep from squirming back into him. 
Seeing you struggle to keep your movements down caused Freddie’s cock to grow harder within you, almost jolting against that spot that made you quiver in pleasure every time. 
He couldn’t believe this was unfolding right below his eyes. The mixture of pleasure, pain growing deeper in his head and straight frustration made his skin flush somehow deeper. The fact that he could only remember small moments from the night before was making him cramp with discouragement. He woke up next to a drop dead gorgeous girl, who was somehow already naked, funny, and sweet, and he couldn’t remember how he got her there. 
Something about it made him thrust more aggressively.
It was hard and hot, and he didn’t feel good, he felt dehydrated and overheated, but at the same time, he was totally overwhelmed by your aura and your body, desire tingling within him.
“Oh, god.” he moaned. “I don’t even know your fucking name, and I-”
“Keep going, baby. Please fill me deeper. I want more.” you moaned, his hips rhythmically slapping against your ass. 
It felt so dirty and primal to him, the fact that he could see and feel the spots he had been around the night before, even if he didn’t remember it. You were so close that his thighs were rubbing against yours, fully, both of your skins reddening at the stimulation. 
Freddie was conflicted between focusing on it all or choosing to fixate on his balls slapping against your wet clit, your thighs quivering against his, your moans or your walls clenching tightly against his cock. The back and forth between it all and the memories of last night playing over again in the back of his head made his eyes roll all the way to the back of his head, legs twitching so hard that he brought his chest to your back, moving his grip to your hips. Your sweat mixed together whenever you both heaved, now moving in unison as your bodies were fully in contact again. 
“Oh, fuck, I’m going to fill you up.” he moaned. “Oh, oh, this is, this not-”
There was a part of him that remained responsible; a part that knew that this was a very bad idea. But the pleasure had taken over, derailing whatever common sense he had left. He let his head fall in the crook of your neck, moving his face fully into your hair. The writhing of your body beneath him felt like ecstasy, the soft skin of your ass rubbing against his pubic bone. Every time he trusted deeper inside you, his chest would slide all the way up your back. He had you completely engulfed in his frame, his arms locking you tightly flush against his body.
“Oh, baby.” he moaned, right before a series of curses tumbled from his mouth as he felt your pussy flutter around him, slowly beginning to crumble in his arms.
Your orgasm hit so deep, his cock pounding into you, that you failed to control or hold back any moans, all of it pouring out of you at once. Feeling you tremble so hard in his arms, Freddie wasn’t far behind. 
He buried his face all the way in your hair, letting your smell overcome him as he shot thick ropes of cum inside you, his big thighs tensing against you. He couldn’t help but squeeze you tighter and tighter, craving to feel your quivering body against his as you kept coming around his twitching member. 
Heavy breathing filled the room as you both stayed immobile, his body growing heavy around yours. 
“Oh, my god.” you whispered.
Freddie couldn’t help but chuckle, his arms eventually releasing you as he sat up, letting his cock grow soft inside your warm, cum filled pussy.
“You’re so beautiful, by the way.” he said, running his fingers through your hair to find your flushed face looking for him already. “Oh, my god, indeed.” 
Your laughs turned into simultaneous whimpers he pulled his cock out of you before coming to sit next to you.
Freddie’s eyes traveled down your body as he trailed his fingers up and down your back, right until you had enough energy to sit up and find him with a kiss.
“Fuck.” he said, eyes staring deeply into yours. “This is going to be embarrassing but…. what’s your name?”
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k9daxryu · 1 year
— unexpected meeting . —
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— he grins in response, moving his hands to hold yours, "I missed you a lot, you know." you can feel how your face starts to heat up from how touchy and affectionate he's being with you. "I missed you too, tora." you truthfully admit before you can think about it. ⊹ ⋅ . or, you're in a rush to meet up with your friends, but a very unexpected meeting almost changes your plans.
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— kazutora hanemiya x reader . ⊹ ⋅ . ⋅ warning: none, really. — mostly fluff? ig there's a tad bit of angst, but not really. reader is gender neutral, but it's implied that reader is in toman and is one of the founding members. for plot points, reader has a nickname that only their close friends call them. kind of proof-read. ⊹ ⋅ . ⋅ word count: 1 309
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"oi, l/n-san! are you sure you don't want to join us?"
you send your classmates a polite smile, while quickly gathering your things.
"yeah, sorry. I already made plans and my friends are waiting for me. maybe another time?"
one of your classmates sends you a questioning look before she lets out a sigh and brushes you off. "sure, whatever you say, y/n. you owe me that onigiri you promised last time you ditched us."
chuckling at her dramatics, you wave them goodbye before rushing out of the classroom.
"bye-bye! see you tomorrow!"
both of your classmates give each other a look before the girl scoffs with no real bite to her words. "did they just completely ignore what I said?"
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meanwhile, you're already on your way toward the main entrance, doing your best to dodge students departing from other classes and heading to their own means. you almost trip or bump into someone only a couple of times today, quickly apologizing and continuing your journey. considering that one time you accidentally collided with that poor first-year girl, almost knocking her on the ground while rushing to some last-minute emergency meeting, you barely get a rush of relief that you won't run into any trouble today.
but before you can completely relax, just as you round the last corner, you can hear someone shout your name behind your back, and for a couple of reasons, it makes you freeze up in your place.
one reason being that it's not just your name you hear someone shout, but instead, it's a nickname that only your closest friends call you. you earned it from one of your childhood friends that once accidentally called you by it, and it stuck in your friend group since then. no one but them should even know it. 
and that brings you to the second reason, which is that it wasn't the voice of one of your friends. with how much time you always spend around them, you would've immediately recognized it if it was one of them.
you try to convince yourself that you're just overreacting, and you're just about to turn around and try to figure out what is going on. but just as you start turning your body around, someone basically throws themselves at you, and wraps you in a hug. 
you almost shriek in surprise and horror, quickly making a move to try and remove yourself from whoever trapped you. in the process, you catch a quick glance at the person's neck that your face was just shoved in, just as you manage to slightly back up from them, and it once again makes you stop right in your tracks.
a tiger tattoo. no way, you think, as this time it's the person themselves who moves to release you.
your eyes meet with painfully familiar yellow ones as you finally take a proper look at the guy's face. there's a slight pout on kazutora's face, and he looks almost offended at your reaction.
"aw, n/n, are you not happy to see me again?" he almost sulks, frowning at your shocked face. "don't tell me you actually didn't recognize your best friend? you didn't forget about me, right, n/n?"
you stand there like an idiot, gawking at him like you're trying to recognize if you're sleeping or not. he cocks his head to the side as he watches your expression morph from surprise to realization as a ring of his earring seems to snap you from your shock.
"kazutora? is this actually you?" you manage to choke out, a childish pout appearing on his face.
"it's tora." he corrects you quickly before smiling cheerfully. "of course it's me! did you really not recognize me?" he sounds almost amused, keeping his hands on your forearms as if he's afraid that you'll escape.
"tora..." you repeat, your voice softer. "sorry, I did recognize you. you just... surprised me."
he grins in response, moving his hands to hold yours, "I missed you a lot, you know." you can feel how your face starts to heat up from how touchy and affectionate he's being with you.
"I missed you too, tora." you truthfully admit before you can think about it. you did miss him throughout those years that your childhood friend spent in juvie after the tragedy that occurred at the bike shop. you still remember the impact of the shock and grief you experienced from two of your close friends being arrested and losing the closest thing you had to an older brother in just one night. you remember how much it crushed you and how hard it was to come to terms with it all. 
you tried as much as possible to not let yourself completely break back then, knowing how much more devastating it was for mikey and emma, so you decided to try to keep it together so you could do whatever was possible to be there for them during their grief. 
however, you never truly blamed not keisuke, not kazutora. you were always just a bit closer to them when you were children. you have grown up living next door from baji, and your mothers were good friends, so it was natural for you two to be very close as well. befriending kazutora was also pretty much easy. you were both a bit shy when you first met, but keisuke was having none of it, deciding to play a matchmaker and bring his two shy friends together. which, to his credit, did work.
you were brought back to reality from your string of thoughts when suddenly kazutora's face was far closer to yours, which made you jump back in surprise, which earned you an amused laugh from him.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. you spaced out, and I was trying to get your attention." kazutora quickly explained, giving you another bright smile. "say, n/n. where were you rushing so much earlier?"
your eyes widen as you remember that you were, in fact, in a rush. "oh, right! tora, I am very happy to see you, but I really have to go now."
he doesn't seem to be satisfied by your response, however. "but we just met again. didn't you say that you missed me? and you're already leaving me?" he looks at you with very convincing sad puppy eyes, and you almost cave in.
"tora... I'm sorry, I would really love to catch up with you, but I'm seriously in a rush, I'm already late." you can already imagine how much mikey is going to sulk and accuse you of neglecting your friends because of how late you were.
"can I at least walk you where you're so late to?" he tries to suggest, and you would've probably agreed if something in your head haven't told you that it was probably not a good idea. so, instead, you give him an apologetic smile and give his hands a reassuring squeeze.
"If you want, maybe we can meet up somewhere later?" you suggest instead, trying to cheer him up. It's not that you would mind spending time with kazutora now that he was back. "maybe I can ask kei if he-" you don't get a chance to finish your sentence since kazutora quickly cuts you off with a smile.
"alright! then let's meet up later today and go somewhere together! just you and me, alright? you didn't change your number?" you nod, returning his smile with your own.
"yeah, sure. and no, my number is still the same."
"good. I'll see you later then. It's a date, yeah? have fun at whatever you're up to!" he lets go of your hands and gives you a wave before turning around and walking off.
you remain standing there as his words catch up to your brain.
"wait... did he say date?"
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© please do not repost, or use without permission. however, reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated.
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Next door neighbors.
PAIRING: garroth Ro’Maeve x reader
TAGS: idk honestly I’m new to all this ig it’s happyish.
CW: body dysmorphia, kissing but nothing more. ( that’s all I can think of )
Guys this is my first time writing a fanfic so please be nice but give me advice in the comments! Love you all!
The bright morning sun shone through the trees, the birds chirped happily the air was filled with a sweet fragrance of flowers, and everything seemed peaceful. A peaceful scene to the eye. Y/n wakes up in her room, a slight glare of her rainbow glass window film through her black curtains. Y/n's room has always been so peaceful everywhere she goes she turns the room into a sanctuary that’s something garroth loved about her, where ever she was she brought peace. Y/n finally gets her lazy butt up and Begins to head stairs since it was only her mom and Aphmau who lived in their house it was normal for them to walk around in underwear and tee shirts so that’s exactly what she is wearing except this morning they had a guest over. It’s Zianna!! half way through the kitchen “Good morning girly” Zianna says in her cheerful voice with a wide smile, y/n stops realizing she has her shirt up to wipe her face with it revealing her stomach and underwear fully then puts it down really fast upon hearing her voice “ zianna! What are you doing here?” Y/n asks Sylvanna your mother smacks you for being rude “That is no way to talk to somebody “ she scolded you “Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t mean it that way “You were very quick to apologize in fear of offending someone “ it’s quite alright bow tie” she says giggling as she makes a joke about the design on your underwear “ so me and your mom were talking and tonight we are hosting a dinner party!!! It’s going to be so exciting, everyone is going to be formal and wear suits/dresses!!!” She says very thrilled “ oh wow that sounds exciting “ y/n says kinda plain and turns around to grab cereal and milk slightly ignoring the rest of the conversation. Y/n doesn’t love dresses Well, she loves them but wearing them is different often they make her feel too wide or too chunky cause she has curves that she doesn’t like but she tries not to think about that too much and just eats until she is snapped out of her head by zianna saying “ that’s great id love to take her shopping with me “ and your mom saying “ great y/n loves shopping and spending all my money so I’m glad you want her to spend yours “ they laugh together and y/n turns around confused what they were talking about “ huh?” Y/n asks “Baby you going shopping with Zianna today for a new dress cause you don’t have any “Sylvanna states then proceeds to play Candy Crush on her iPad
( she’s such an iPad kid parent)
“ I’ll be ready in an hour to pick you up to go shopping be readyyyyyyy” Zianna yells while walking out the door. You sign and run up the stairs getting ready as fast as you can. Hair, makeup, outfit.
Anyway, after all that was done, she had a few minutes to spare so she grabbed a cute white bag with Sanrio characters on it and a dark green water bottle for aesthetic purposes. Right as she finished filling her water bottle zianna texts her to come to the car so y/n heads and gets in the car in the passenger seat but as she bucked in she screamed in horror seeing garroth in the back seat she didn’t know he was coming or that he was there so he spooked her, he laughed and asked if she was alright and she then began laughing and they started a conversation “ I didn’t know you were coming “ y/n says “ oh yeah I just decided last minute I wanted to come “ garroth says
( he probably wanted to come to see her)
They keep talking all the way to the mall
( garroths hyper fixation recently has been sea animals so he just tells her a bunch of facts about them the whole way there )
Once they get to the mall they immediately head to the Dress shop and start looking after like 20 minutes y/n finds a few dresses they like and now you're going to try them on and have a little fashion show for Zianna and garroth which you are not excited about because it feels embarrassing and you don’t like how you look in dresses and don’t wanna look bad in front of garroth but she carry’s on. The first dress she puts on is this black square chest silk tight dress. She looks in the mirror for a few minutes just staring at her body thinking then she snaps out of it and walks out to show them the dress “Oh you look so beautiful darling” Zianna immediately says then looks at garroth and he says “ I think you look very nice “ he smiles sweetly after collecting her compliments she heads back in to try on more dresses after 5 dresses she didn’t enjoy it was finally time to try the last dress on which she saved because she wanted to save the best for last it’s her favorite cause there’s not much going on it it’s simple and plain. Putting it on she didn’t expect to like it but she didn’t expect to hate it she hoped it would be a medium choice but when she put it on she fell in love with it, the way it made her body look made her feel a little more confident. She walks out to show off the outfit but unlike all the other dresses she is smiling this time while zianna calls her gorgeous and praises her body she is looking into the full body mirror outside the dressing room admiring herself, while garroth admires her. Zianna walks away to put all the other dresses back leaving garroth and y/n alone. “ you look gorgeous not only because of your dress but because of your smile I'd love to see you look at yourself like this more, it’s refreshing for you to see yourself the way others do “ garroth says standing behind her looking at her face through the mirror y/n keeps the smile on her face but it turns into a cheesy blushy smile “ thank you garroth” she says quietly. zianna comes back to pay so y/n changes her clothes back and they wrap up at the store and begin heading home
( ofc on the whole way back they talked about sea animals again)
After they got home y/n went home to get ready for the party and so did zianna and garroth now a few hours later aphmau y/n and your mom walk over to the Ro’Meaves house
(I forgot to mention live right across from your house )
As you enter the house you're hit with the smell of lasagna your favorite food.
( if you have a problem with that write your own story )
Your mom walks straight to the kitchen leaving you and aphmau alone in the doorway but thankfully here comes garroth who looks so dapper in his suit and tie, he comes down the stairs so fast you think he’s going to slip
“ hello girls, “ he says hitting the bottom step a little rough it makes a boom “Hello garroth” aphmau and you say in union. He leads them to the living room so they can get comfortable while dinner is still cooking. They all sit in different places. Garroth sits In a chair that’s separated from the couch and y/n is sitting on the long couch while aphmau sits on the shorter couch “So how was shopping earlier?” Aphmau says after a minute of silence “Fun “ garroth says “Okay “ y/n says awkwardly then it gets silent again until Vylad comes running down the stairs to grab aphmau so they can play their dumb game that they have been obsessed over recently “Sooooo” “so” is the only conversation at the moment “ alright I’m bored of this, show me around the house I mean I’ve been here but only as a guest “ y/n finally says “ yeah!! Okay let’s do that” garroth says excitedly getting up “ umm so this is a lamp and these are our couches and um this is our tv hm walls “ he points to ever item he sees calls its name while walking her through the house then they get to the back yard and y/n sees the tree house her and garroth used to play in when they were kids “ wow you guys still have this thing?” She says shocked “Yep, “he says smiling like an idiot cutely. Y/n begins to climb the broken ladder to the treehouse “Wait I don’t think that’s safe what if it does hold you “ he says “ RUDE!” She yells back “ No No No I didn’t mean it like that I’m sure anything could hold you I know I could with ease, “ he said trying to make it better but ended up sounding a little creepy. She made it into the tree house and is just sitting up there “Garroth come up” she yells down to him “ I don’t think it will hold me “ he says with concern for his safety “Come up anyway “ she throws her hand out of the tree house to wave him up, he begins climbing up the ladder, trembling the whole time cause it sounds like it will break but he makes it up all the way and into the small tree house with her, it’s kinda a tight space but it’s okay “ isn’t this so nostalgic, me and you up Here again “ she says while giggling and garroth couldn’t help but just fawn over her I mean look at it from his eyes, there’s this gorgeous girl who has the same sense of humor as him, listens to him talk about the most random things without telling him to be quiet and stop talking
( yeah garroth is a certified yapper)
Not to mention she’s gentle with everything even inanimate objects, she cares so very much about everything, she is just his dream girl so watching her giggle while being so close to her made him just take action and lean forward to kiss her, after a second he pulls back cause she didn’t kiss him back “ I am so sorry y/n I-“ garroth tried to say but he was cut off by y/n kissing him back, they swap spit for a few seconds then pull back again to look at each other it was silent but there breathing, she had her had placed on his chest, they held eye contact “ I’ve had a huge crush on you for a while now “ garroth whispers “ oh really I didn’t notice “ y/n says with a laugh causing garroth to laugh also she smiles while looking at him and just leans in to kiss him again” KIDSSSSSAS DINNNER IS READYYYYYYYYYY” zianna calls from inside yet somehow it sounds right in your ear. She breaks the second kiss
“Let’s go inside now”
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glareandgrowl · 8 months
Everyone Saw it coming if they are on my blog but
Kiyotaka Ishimaru for the ask game plsssss !
Ask game Here
Sexuality Headcanon:
Now, see, starting off with a kinda hard one... Taka's an interesting bean in what I calculate his sexuality to be. Most people assume Gay since... ya know. And while I don't think that's necessarily a bad take, its the popular take. And I am one who tends to shy away from popular takes. (I am also one to vehemently project onto the characters I love). Hence, I HC Taka as Demiromantic! (and demisexual to an extent...)
Forms strong emotional bonds with people close to him? Check. Only ever seems to fall romantically for those he is extremely close with??? DOuble check babeyyy!
Gender Headcanon:
Aaaand now its simple. Taka's a male. Cut and dry. Rather fondly a guy, I must say. He strikes me as the kinda guy who would be so excited to share with you that he uses he/him pronouns! He probably did some soul searching when he first learned of transitioning and other gender orientations only to find he was rather comfortable and happy where he was. (you know he spent hours studying to learn all he could) and would be all for helping others explore their gender too!
I know a lot of people hc him and mondo both as trans, but personally I think hes just very proud of his manliness.
A ship I have with said character:
I couullddd go the easy route and say Ishimondo... But you all already know that. Instead I'm going to go with a more... scandalous... ship.
Its KiyoKiyo. Korekiyo and Kiyotaka. Its my guilty pleasure ship.
Now, granted, I imagine this as a Korekiyo who has shaken himself of his 'sister's' grasp and is "normal" (Ie LOTS of therapy), so its more like the shy introvert getting dragged along by the loud golden retriever boy but I digress. Its sweet to me. Tall lanky and smol but strong.
(And YES this originated from Danganronpa Redemption FIGHT ME---)
A BROTP I have with said character:
Once again I could go with an obvious, that being Chihiro or Hina, but you ALREADY know this and I GO AGAINST THE ORDINARY!!!
I think Sayaka and Taka would be great friends :3
Hardworking, burnout-having besties who have to be told numerous times to slow down and take a break by their chiller, sweet yet partially annoying boyfriends.
A NOTP I have with said character:
There are so many... who do I begin with... Genuinely who do I begin with. Alr I hardly see this one in the wild but Kokichi and Kiyotaka I despise. Either that's just because I hate kokichi but-- BESIDES THE POINT. Hiro and Taka is another one I don't particularly like.
I get where it comes from, the few times they interract in the canon could be seen as brotherly (I GUESS) from Hiro's standpoint but-- Idk it just kinda rubs me the wrong way. Hiro's character in general does that...
A Random Headcanon:
Taka enjoys, and is really good at boxing. (Or wrestling) Like how some stories I've read put him on the football (soccer for us americans) team (or rugby ig idk.) I have a (self-inflicted) HC that Taka has slight anger issues hes still recovering from as a child and ABSOLUTELY uses the environment of controlled violence as a way to work off pent up steam. Any sport could do that really, but the inherent homoeroticism of wrestling is just *mwah* too good to pass up.
I know people like to HC he's into some kind of martial arts lessons for the same kind of vibe, and the art of him and Peko, but I find the inante physicality of using yer fists and body as a much more... *Taka Centric* activity. Idk.
Its the same reason he really enjoys thrill rides like rollercoasters and horror movies (if he can stand to not postulate the entire plot the whole time, ruining climactic moments and making people shush him.)
General Opinions:
anyway feel free to ask me about more characters!!! This was fun :3
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"I didnt... I didn't mean too I didn't- How did we get infront of the open door-"
[CW:Bloody Hands, Missing eye(Slight gore), Multiple eyes on Face + Ig the mouths in some doodles Idk for sure(Slight body horror), Implied Sh]
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[tap/click for better quality]
"you believe me right? I didn't- I didn't mean to I swear. I- He's- No fuck- nonononononono-"
[spys face looks how it looks cause I didn't wanna Draw his mask and such]
So new lore.
Spy was a little bit careless or well wasn't pay attention when he pushed BLU sniper during an argument in the RED base and pushed him right infront of engineers open door. Engineer basically dragged BLU sniper into the room and killed him/ate him
[little more detail]
Blu sniper saw Blu spy going over to the Red base and thought that he was telling the Red team their plans and followed him over there. When he caught up to him he saw him standing infront of any open room looking panicked. Though he was confused he was angry as well and confronted spy by Angrily asking questions and overwhelming spy by getting too close and such. Spy only pushed him because he was way too close and wouldn't back off. He didnt mean to push him as hard as he did. Nor into Engineers room. He didn't even notice they were infront of his open door.
Now snipers gone and all Spy has of him is his Hat. Spys subconscious isn't gonna be any better after this.
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Now he has 2 things his subconscious uses against him. A sniper looking thing that Yells at spy about what hes done and to look at him and an engineer looking Thing that Tries to get spy.
I'm still deciding if this missing eye drawing is a actual thing(Like not a dream thing or what) spys panic and wish for the Things he was seeing to stop got to him. (It might stay only a dream thing idk just yet)
[will I ever draw engineer for this au? At some point.]
Spys never going to recover.
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pipinghawtcocoa · 3 months
"sanctuary" (rise!future au fic)
"And yet, Leo kept all the frayed leads and speculations. Every hint, every miniscule bit of information that was scrapped, he kept. Leo wrote them down on any paper he could find, gluing and threading the pieces together in a jargoned puzzle. He sorted them out the best he could, trying to create somewhat of a timeline of events, or a map of some sorts.
(Leo couldn’t read a map for his life, but he managed to make it work.)
Three months later, he’d come up with a half baked travel guide and a pipe dream.
He was going to find Junior’s father." -excerpt from chapter one
Set ten years from the initial Kraang invasion, Sanctuary follows Leo as he embarks on a cross-country journey West to find the father of an abandoned baby boy, aptly named Junior. With him follows Mayfly, a refugee (and close friend) with a shrouded past of her own.
As these two venture out to find what they seek, the world around them begins to crumble.
aka: the vile love child of a found family fic who got knocked up by a friends to lovers trope who thought the friends to lovers trope was the baby daddy but it turns out that slow burn was the true father all along-
now then, some things to know about my fic:
> i update chapters bimonthly (usually at the beginning and end of the month)
> my fic is 16+ (gore, body horror, slight s3xual content [will be reserved for future fics mostly])
> i enjoy putting motifs in my writing! each fic in the sanctuaryverse has its own. Sanctuary's motif is stars/space (my logic was that people have been using stars as a guide for centuries and they're on a journey...trying to find someone, so... :|)
> It is also part of a, wait for it...series!! yippee!! i have a prologue and a sequel for Sanctuary in my drafts that will likely be released near the end of this year/beginning of next year.
so...yea, i'm currently working on Sanctuary and have been since July of 2023. It has taken me three google docs and five+ months worth of planning to put this story together (my drive space is crying rn).
idk how to write summaries, but I think it might be a good read! or not you can keep scrolling ig-
but if you are interested, here's a cookie! :D 🍪 and this is where you can read the first chapter:
if you have any curiosities, you can always ask me abt them! the tags on ao3 might help explain the fic a bit better lol. i just didn't want to spoil too much!! :D
(i also enjoy making my ocs kiss so beware 👁️👁️)
thx for reading ily k byeeeeee <3
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muslim-flint · 2 years
maybe, if-
i finally find a way to
slip out of my body like you
slip out of your favorite shoes
maybe when i get to touch it
from the outside
and drag its full dead weight across the house to the bathtub
and submerge it in clear water under the all-forgiving, naked lightbulb
and scrub it until the skin gets tender and raw
and scratch up the new, soft and untouched flesh underneath
maybe then it will be clean
as God intended. as God intended.
rizlène, 15/02/22. ok2rb
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markmefistov · 2 years
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Commission info ミ★ ミ☆
11.7% of the sum is the fee that I pay to the new platform.
Bust  - 65 USD / extra character + 15 USD
Halfbody - 75 USD / extra character + 25 USD
Fullbody - 85 USD /  extra character + 35 USD 
Tarot Card (bust/halfbody) - 120 USD /  extra character + 30 USD
Reference Sheets type commissions COMING SOON! ミ★ ミ☆
I may charge extra 10-15$ for heavy detailed bg/ clothes/ jewelry etc.
Payment: only via Boosty  (Paypal, Card etc. payment avialible)
Contact email: [email protected]
Commissions from me are for personal use only!
If you like my work and want to support me, but can’t afford a commission, reblog would be very appreciated! ミ★ ミ☆
!!Details :
I will draw:
Fan art/ ships
Original characters
Slight gore or body horror
Nudity/ erotica
Some animals (I will let you know right away if your chosen animal is too complicated for me)
Won’t draw:
Extreme gore
I have the right to refuse drawing any subject matter I choose.
E-mail form:
Subject line: Commission + tumblr/ twt/ ig username.
Commission Type:  bust/ halfbody/ fullbody.
Number of characters:
Canvas size: if you look for a specific canvas size.
Character References: images/ screenshots/ photo references of your character(s) (and name of fandom if this is a fanart),moodboards, pose/expression/colour scheme and any other stuff you wanted me to draw.
Character Details: SHORT description of their personality, any information that will help me portray your character.
Once I accept your request I will make a sketch and send it to you for approval.
Upon approval - full payment is sent via donation option or one-time paiyment post on Boosty (the prices on one-time paid posts will be corrected according to the current dollar exchange rate!). 
After payment I’ll start work on your piece and complete it as soon as i can (week-  four weeks). Feel free to DM me to check for updates.
Once it’s done, you receive a final piece in a full-size file, and it’s going to be posted on my social platforms (in lower resolution) tagging you in it.
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