chaostroberry1 · 3 hours
Part two of Qin Shi Huang getting wrecked, please.😊 I want to know whats next.
Part 2 of cheater QSH × (possessive-ish?) reader!
⚠️disclaimer as always, no hate to any of the characters, please don't come at me alvitr and Qin shi Huang fans, I am fond of them. I just want to write smth new :)⚠️
Part 1 is here
Qin shi Huang getting absolutely wrecked lmao
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It's been a little while since you went out of the waiting room, having to withstand the embarrassment of being seen by Goll and Brunhilde.
How Goll looked at you with concern when she saw your heartbroken state, along with Brunhilde.
"(name)..? Are you alright? What happened?!"
"leave her be, Goll... she needs space right now..we need to understand."
Sobs and sniffles filled the space full of your sadness. Whatever was left of your strength, all gone, torn into pieces while you continued your onslaught of tears.
You heard footsteps, almost like they were hysterical about going to a certain destination, before-
"my dear empress!"
A happy emperor bursts through the wall, ignoring the door that was literally beside him, walking through the huge hole he created. Man is a beast bro
He was quick to walk towards you, frantically yapping about who knows what.
"my most treasured empress! my sweet dear beloved! I was looking for you everywhere!"
He walked over to you, not even bothering to care about the fact that his whole arm to the shoulder was literally severed from his body.
How did he find you? Who cares! He has an upset wife sensor!
Before even touching you, he tilted his body to the side a little bit, almost as if he was studying your state with caution. He couldn't just risk having you erupt into a crying volcano of tears—which is why playing it safe was the best way to deal with the situation.
"darling?.. Dear?.. Honey?"
He smiled nervously at you, the sight of your heartbroken state was enough to hurt more than his arm being severed off. He couldn't bare witness to this, it hurt him too much.
You couldn't look him in the eye, which made him decide to crouch down a bit, just to meet your gaze. A soft warm feeling lingered in your chest when you felt his eyes on you.
"I...I'm so sorry for what I did. Beloved, I wasn't thinking right. Please...can you find it in your heart to forgive me...?"
He stared at your tear stained face, while you couldn't find strength to return the love he gave to you in that moment. Making him understand.
But who said it would stop him from having you? You were still his.
And with that, he gently took hold of your hand, putting your knuckles close to his face while it brushed against his lips.
Might as well use his charm. Right?
"dearest, I still care for you. Don't you dare disagree with me. You know I love you, we both know I do."
He gave your hand a little kiss, before sitting down with you and laying his head to rest on top of your shoulder.
"I'm not leaving until you forgive me"
"n..no ..."
"nope! Still not leaving."
Without realizing it, a trainwreck of emotions hit you hard. As you immediately stood up and sobbed, angrily yelling at the man who sat on the couch with an oblivious face.
"why did you do that to her? Kissing her? Having her be your new bride??? How dare you!!" You sobbed angrily, as he just stared up at you with a neutral face, before smiling.
"stop that, please...If you don't want to be with me, let's just-"
"hold it."
You stare back at him, while he slowly stood up, his figure towering over your smaller body. His gaze that was once staring up at you, was now staring down.
"beloved...don't defy me like this. You are still my wife. Please...we've been together for so long, don't let my foolish mistake get to you."
He used his arm to close the gap between you, bringing you into a hug. His hand gently resting on your head as you sobbed in his chest.
"I talked to the Valkyrie girl...and to my luck, she understood me well, and even offered to look out for me while I went around to look for you."
Giving a small smile, he continued.
"I swear...I'll think better next time. What I thought were feelings of love were actually just admiration. I could never feel that way towards someone who isn't you. Especially not a partner that I only knew for less than a day or two."
He then made you look up at him, his eyes flaring with confidence and hope..as well as one more thing that overpowered it all...
You finally crack, and pull him into a kiss, which he gladly returned, as you both took your time, not realizing the three Valkyries standing in the doorway.
Alvitr, Goll, and Brunhilde who just sighed, Goll who watched with her mouth wide, and alvitr who was crossing her arms and huffing, happy that everything was removed easily.
"are you guys done or what?" Alvitr asked, concerned about how you both even make up after arguments, and why they don't last that long, but she knew better than to ask right away.
Your hands were all on his chest, not wanting to make any gaps while you both stared at each other in some lovey dovey trance.
"mhm" you and him replied in sync, not even looking at them. Eyes lost in the other's gaze. "Let's celebrate after this, alright, my sweet?"
You nodded at his words, giving him one more kiss.
"I'd be happy to."
Em done, finally. Thank you for reading!
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chaostroberry1 · 1 day
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Now that I think about it...
NO BC IMAGINE "twin....where have you been?"
But they are pretty iconic ngl
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chaostroberry1 · 2 days
Qin Shi Huang absolutely wrecked
⚠️btw, no hate to any of these characters! I just wanted to make another story. Please don't come at me alvitr and ying Zheng fans, I really like them I swear 🥲⚠️
Part 2 here!
⚠️Cheater QSH × reader angst where he can't really understand what he's feeling. I haven't continued reading the manga so I don't know when he'll wake up after recovering, so the part where he does wake up is made up by me.⚠️
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Imagine being his wife, is empress, and his supporter. Yet, he still has the audacity to do this to you?
You watch on the edge of your seat, excited for your darling's entrance, hope and excitiment running down your veins.
But, there was no denying the sadness it brought you to think of what would happen to him if he were to lose the fight. But you decided to have hope, because he was your dear husband.
Any negative thoughts like that would be bringing dishonor to him.
Happiness bursted through you when you saw him make his big entrance, not even noticing the big funny looking smile you had on, just for him. When he walked, he looked towards you, before slightly raising his blindfold upwards, Giving you a wink.
Your face flushed in embarrassment, before you quickly redeemed yourself.
Nows not the time to be playing around, especially when his life and the sake of humanity, was on the line. So you give yourself a nervous smile, a small little prayer mumbled from your lips in hopes of guiding your darling through the fight.
You suddenly snap out of it when you hear a yell from below. Seeing that it came from a pretty looking girl, who looked gravely upset.
"who's she?" Your eyes trailed off to where she was looking, before seeing that her grumpy little comment was towards your husband.
You couldn't hear much due to all the talking and whispering amongst watchers, but you could make up a few words— Like how Zheng didn't practice völundr with her, and other stuff. Not that it really mattered right now.
You giggle to yourself. Of course, that was so like him; one of the many things that made you love him so much. Such a charming man he was, indeed.
Before you could happily ascend into cloud nine with all the lovey dovey memories, your thoughts were quickly disrupted when you saw your dear beloved husband, pick her up with little effort.
Your heart dropped, a little feeling of sadness clouding your emotions. Why was he picking her up like that? And Why's she blushing so much?
You shook your head a little, shaking off those negative feelings, knowing your darling would never do anything to betray your trust.
You were immediately proved wrong when he pulled her closer, as her face heated up even more. Before there was a flash of light, along with her loud whine of how it was "unfair" or something.
Something in you felt like it was going to crack. Him? Her? YOUR HUSBAND, and, HER?
When the transformation of völundr was set in place, Huang felt a strike of energy hit him like an arrow through the head.
Yes, the man had an upset wife sensor 🙂
He quickly looked over to where you were sitting. A hint of worry plastered on his face which you couldn't really make out because of his blindfold.
But both of you exchanged sweet smiles, before the fight soon started.
As Huang was announced the winner, you watched as he fell down after a brief exchange of conversation with the Valkyrie girl.
You were horribly worried for your husband, but you were also very happy that he was the winner.
Things could have ended worse. This was basically a miracle which you were very grateful for.
Somehow, in some way—you couldn't get rid of the weird feeling swelling up in your chest. Especially whenever you saw him and that Valkyrie together. You just couldn't understand, why did you feel so negative even though he ended up winning? You already got the miracle that you wanted, so what else could have possibly been missing?
Everytime you saw them speak to one another, you'd see so much adoration in your beloved's eyes.
No, actually, Both of them had that look. One that could only be described as love.
You knew it was selfish to think that way, especially when they were just trying to help each other survive..
But, when you saw how he held her so gently when she was about to fall, even when he was literally MISSING an arm...
that was it.
A little while passed, and you went to a different Valkyrie girl, who went by the name of Brunhilde, who led you to your husband.
He was recovering from his injuries , so you figured you'd just come back later. Maybe you can just get some food and breathe up some fresh air.
Finally, when he did wake up, you find him staring down at the Valkyrie—who you heard from Brunhilde, was a girl who went by alvitr.
They stared into each other's eyes, her face flushed with a soft pink, a puffy angry face while his gaze lingered on her smaller figure.
You quickly hid, wanting to see where it would lead to.
"I have..feelings..."
"you...huh?- wh-What are you on about?!"
"I know it's wrong...but..seeing how much you were willing to go down with me through such events...I liked it very much"
"I'd like you to be...my..new bride. If that's alright with you."
He gave her a charming smile, as she was left with her brows knitted and cheeks flushed red from the embarrassment it brought her.
And with that, he gave her a small kiss, retreating his face, giving a little "Hao!" Afterwards
You drop the tray of food you carried with you, your eyes wide with fury and betrayal, as the two turned their heads towards the noise that came from a distance.
Huang's eyes widened, and alvitr looked at you and him back and forth, a feeling of panic and worry quickly taking over her senses.
"Zheng....?" You mumbled, as he stood there, speechless, quickly opening his mouth to respond while the Valkyrie near him stood frozen.
"my empress! I-i didn't think you'd come looking for me-"
"save it.."
Your face contorted into one of sadness, as you looked at the face of your dear beloved husband, which was full of dread and nervousness. The Valkyrie also had a similar look, but you couldn't think well enough to process everything.
You storm off as your husband shouted your name, trying to reason with your now angry state, but was quickly stopped by alvitr, who knew that it would put him in danger to walk around in a place swarmed by angry gods.
So now you were left crying, deciding to go to a waiting room to dry your tears, just hoping for the best.
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chaostroberry1 · 3 days
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Yay I made an oc
Bro everyone's OC's are so cute I want to make one too
His name is Mhyinaeh (I struggled to make it very unique so yeah) u pronounce it as "miyanai" with a breathy "ae" at the last part.
6'5 ft in height just bc.
Like he's a typa being, smth lower than a god idk what to call it. Which makes him weak in terms of power
He's a major dilf and literally sleeps with anyone who asks for him, as long as he gets paid so that he can feed his kids cus he loves them.
Hes broke af and is also a muscle daddy.
His powers are basically controlling rain at any time, or causing it through being too happy or too sad (ik zues probably has powers like that but idc anymore I'm desperate)
And he can also turn into a butterfly whenever he wants. He's really friendly and stuff so many use it to their advantage.
No matter how ugly his baby looks, he still adores them all very much. He's no picky man 😘
He's got a bunch of stronger deities/gods on their feet for him to sleep w em, so he does. And come back to his dirty little shack to feed his kids food that he bought with the money he earned
One of the people he slept with was so fond of him she gave him new clothes (the pink one above)
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chaostroberry1 · 6 days
(name), running to Poseidon : "please help me water bend!!! I beg of you!!!"
Poseidon : "foolish human. That's absurd of you to think that mortals can have powers."
(name) : "pleaaassee? I need to lie to everyone that I have cool powers!!!"
Poseidon : "No. I'd never do such. Especially for a human."
Literally 5 minutes later
(name), flapping their hands around in the air, making a scene close to the seashore : "look at me!!! I have superpowers!!!"
Zues, looking over to Poseidon : "so....what exactly got you to do this..?"
Poseidon (literally the one controlling the water to match Name's movements) : "Be quiet."
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Original by me
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chaostroberry1 · 6 days
*ahem* please may I be honoured with asking for a fluffy ares w/ interviewer? 👀
*must boost the ares content any way I know how*
Idk if this is an interviewer!reader or not, so you guys can be the interviewer ^^
Ares w interviewer!!!
He's always acting cool and mighty sometimes but when I tell you this mans entire body throughout Olympus and back— WAS FROZEN.
He was sweating his biceps off, I swear on zues. I'm not kidding.
He's pacing around the room, multiple beads of sweat dripping down his face, and his head was storming with thoughts.
"how will I act? What questions will I have to answer? What if I DONT know the answer??? What if the interviewer is mean? Will this be the end?? I don't want it to end! WHAT ARE HOMOSAPIENS AGAIN?- wait..oh. WHAT??"
Hermes was just standing there with him, a little smile on his face as he awaited the interviewer, absolutely ignoring his brothers blabbering.
Hermes : "I'm sure it'll go well, brother ares. The interviewer is known to be really nice (⌒_⌒)"
Hermes : "I never said you were scared.."
The moment you walk in, your greeted with him sitting on the couch, his back incredibly straight. But his face? Drenched in sweat.
"hello, mister Ares. I'll be your interviewer...please feel free to relax around me..I don't bite.." you gave a little bow and sat down your things, getting out a pen and journal. Ready to interview him with absolute profession.
"er...y...yes...go..ahead..." The small response was a good enough giveaway of his discomfort. Well, not that you couldn't see his eyes that kept darting to his brother Hermes for support.
"thank you for taking your time for him, he's just a little nervous since it's his first interview..." he smiled, giving you a soft look while looking at Ares who started fuming out of embarrassment.
"I'm not nervous!!!" Hermes rolls his eyes and giving a soft smile, no other expression towards his brother's outburst.
"well then, I shall take my leave now. have fun~"
And with that, he shut the door, as ares gave him the biggest look of betrayal, thinking his brother would have stayed with him the whole time. But now, he was stuck with you.
You started off with a few easy question, like how his day was, what he liked to do. His hobbies, his favourite animals, which were all responded to with heavy hesitated replies.
He did eventually start softening up, which gave you hope. Going on further to more personal topics, which he started answering with clearer replies and detail.
In the end, you were happy with the outcome, and gave him a few pieces of candy.
"thank you for your time, Mister Ares...I hope to speak with you again soon."
You gave him a polite bow, which he also returned.
And with newfound courage, he spoke
"thank you v..very much..for your time."
When you looked back at the door, you saw his face flushed with embarrassed, but also with a shy look. Which put a little smile to your face.
And now, what is he doing? Munching on the candy, checking the calendar as zues and Hermes stood in the doorway.
"what's gotten into him all of a sudden?"
Zues looked at Hermes for answers, who chuckled in amusement.
"he's checking for the next time he'll get interviewed. He seems to have taken a liking to the interviewer."
"NO IM NOT!!" they both snicker to each other at an embarrassed Ares who was listening to them the whole time.
And let's just say, he will refuse to talk to any other interviewers unless it was you who he could talk to. Since he now had a shared bond after his first interview.
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chaostroberry1 · 6 days
They knew what they were doing when they were animating this
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Yes bro I was literally drooling everytime he was being shown like gyatt damn???? 😍😍😍
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chaostroberry1 · 7 days
Going to be honest with you I've seen tiktok edits of him but in the comments as soon as the
someone starts to hate on him they're dragged through the mud and roasted
There was even that one comment saying you never had a father and if you did he went to go get the milk
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Hearing that this is an actual thing makes it even better. Especially when haters are specifically dragged around bro like😭
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chaostroberry1 · 10 days
Leave my poor man ares alone he didn't do anything😭(more ares suffering from family trauma please💖)
BRO IM MORE THAN WILLING ♥️ IM SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG. no cus seriously though, He need to be left alone for🥲 it's literally 2am and I'm already brainstorming multiple ideas
•Nah cus jus imagine how he is with his "not to brag or anything, but I am the god of war."
Blah blah blah
-Then the moment that anything shows itself to be overwhelmingly powerful, the man is shitting bricks
•Plus apollo literally harassing him with his nude body out in the open, for MULTIPLE people to see. NO SHAME. WHILE TOUCHING HIM AND EMBARRASSING HIM IN PUBLIC💀
•Then there's zues's weird body bulging power up shit that SOME people are into (I think), as well as his weird sexual turn on's for getting thrilled and getting bloody.
• Then there's just a bunch of people proving him wrong and calling him a buncha names. Remember when hades called him a fool? How do you not cry from getting called out like that 🙂
• AND APOLLO AGAIN. WHO STILL EMBARRASSED HIM NO SHIT. when he dodged his punch which left ares falling into the water, INFRONT OF HIS DAD, BROTHER, AND HOT BEAUTIFUL WOMEN
• fuck u apollo 🗣️
• I can also tell that he's the typa guy who likes animals, and angrily calls people "monsters" for not giving an extra treat to a pet n stuff. My random headcanons is thathe has a big softie side.
• I feel like Hermes and apollo would baby him sometimes just to get on his nerves, all pouty and giving him baby talk, like-
"does wittle itty bitty tiny ares want a bottle of milk?"
And then
"awww, baby ares wants a nappy~ so cuuutteee~ you want a cookie? Oh yes you dooo~"
Sometimes zues plays in on it too, but kinda fucks up, like-
"coochie coochie coo- oh wait, am I doing that right?"
• and the mean comments and stares he gets from his uncles😭
• he just wants someone to pass the salt, and Poseidon is over there beside him, literally side eyeing him judgementally— like ok bro nvm
• then we have hades who randomly cuts him off to correct him without even looking at him, LIKE HELLO????
"I think the chicken comes before the egg-"
"technically, if that were to be the case, then how was the chicken even born?"
• there's Hermes, who would make him cookies probably, and give him the wrong type on purpose, just to have him ask for the actual type he wants, all embarrassed.
- bro he just wants the chocolate chip cookies, not the raisin ones 😧
• kinda imagine him getting bullied for his outfit, everyone got cook ass outfits and sometimes they make up jokes on how he probably uses axe body spray instead of actually taking a shower.
• I know that he would just go somewhere private, and cry like a baby bc of his family drama
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chaostroberry1 · 10 days
(name) : "tbh...I'm falling madly in love with almost everyone I see..."
Zues : "now now, don't be like that. When it comes to love— Take some advice from me. I turned out pretty okay. ^^"
Everyone present : "....."
Zues : "why's everyone so quiet?"
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chaostroberry1 · 10 days
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Big bro hadey (also, original by me, if you wanna repost or use, pls credit me)
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chaostroberry1 · 12 days
Imagine playing a cute game with this man
I jus know he'd sometimes watch you and see what the absolute hell you're doing on your phone, jus to make sure he didn't see any wierd faces or sneaky links. And he found you playing some weird ass cute game, and wondered what the hell you even do all day when he isn't around. You did eventually force him to play the game with you, getting bombarded with all the side comments. But hey, a kiss on the cheek is all that's needed for this man to immediately go learning abt that stupid god forsaken game.
Bro would Deffo be secretly into it when you pamper him and compliment all the littlest stuff he did in the game, as little as walking, and breathing. Made him feel like a pretty princess. Though his ego wouldn't make him admit that.
Maybe you might find him playing the game on rare occasions, here and there. Just to soothe his nerves. When you do catch him, he'll just give you some shit excuse of just wanting to learn more from your dumb game and understanding it better.
- Poseidon ror, Michael kaiser bllk, isagi yoichi bllk, light yagami dn, hades ror, taehun seong vh, jihoon lee lookism, gun park lookism, Johan seong lookism, Samuel seo lookism, Rin itoshi bllk, Sae itoshi bllk
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chaostroberry1 · 12 days
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Nom nom nom
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why he eating sum cup ramen then 🗣️🗣️‼️‼️
More art of beelzebub
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chaostroberry1 · 13 days
Headcanons If they were on tiktok/social media PART.1
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- posts family vlogs
- or atleast mini videos about his family
- maybe also posts vids about fun things that happened between him and eve.
- I see him as the type to have like 0 haters, anyone who hates on him will get dragged and bashed 💀
- one of the best out of everyone here
- his kids would also have their own accounts, or even a shared account. posting abt the pranks on each other they pulled, or celebrations, and over all just fine.
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- bro I know he'd be the type to post rant videos, tagging Poseidon and sometimes all his brothers cus he wanna bitch abt stuff.
- but yeah most of it would be towards poseidon
- bro his face whenever poseidon just replies to his videos with the most no-fucks-given comment is so funny
- he'd also be the type to reply to all offensive (or what he thinks is offensive but actually isn't) comments in the comments section
- believe me, bro would stare straight at the camera with so much hate, but in a funny way, before screaming
- last thing the video ends with is his scream that's cut out halfway.
- his content? Reaction videos.
- maybe also pranking videos, like
"pranking my baby brother"
- Poseidon is the baby brother he refers to btw🙂
- the pranks always fail and he just uses the excuse that it wasn't finished yet.
- not too bad ig
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- she probably posts those eerily addicting videos of herself on vacations or out shopping
- incredibly chill
- her pretty privilege has both genders on the ground for her to step on
- probably also reacts to comments too. Just imagine bro.
"please step on me", or, "mommy 🛐🛐"
- she doesn't really mind it, she likes the attention
- whenever there's a hater, she calls them out so politely but also destroying the person's ego with the most humble but ego breaking comment
- but she only rathers to post pictures of herself and all, instead of videos.
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- Bro has so many fans
- he'd post tease videos of his body to just rile people up and have them begging for more
- zesty af
- most men in his comments section would literally be like "don't let me get behind bro"
- yk what he responds with?
"come behind me"
- also posts about his shopping trips, and maybe parts of his body that has jewelry, like his legs for example.
- he'd Deffo make thirst traps I just know it.
- I also feel like he'd post sexy photos of himself, but act oblivious about it.
- like just imagine scrolling and then seeing some hot looking baddie of a guy in a mouthwatering outfit, with his bear ass out. And all he'd say is-
"does the color suit me?"
- always incredibly teasing when his fans ask him to oil up
⚠️Slight nsfw⚠️
-so yeah he oils up. ON only fans
- he would be famous online for his looks
- and if looks are what we speak of here, he would definitely have an only fans account
- he wouldn't go as far as being a 🌽 star though, he thinks it isn't very like him.
- but he will please his fans, and people pay lots just to get him to do more. But sometimes leaves them hanging with a strip tease or smth. Only the worthy are allowed to lay their eyes on his perfect body.
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- leave the poor man alone
- many people tag him in thirst traps (MOSTLY APOLLO'S THIRST TRAPS)
- he just stares wide eyed in the camera, mouth agape in horror when APOLLO'S literally thrusting into his phone
- pukes afterwards
- apollo makes things worse by tagging him in his own posts, just to mess with him
- I feel like he'd post vids of ranting about people that are mistreating animals
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- he only got into social media cus of his friends
- he's not always online, but he has a big fan base consisting of girls cus he's a hot emo boy
- posts vids of his life, like maybe rants, or photos of his food here and there
- he doesn't always show his face, but he never dissapoints when he does.
-maybe posts lip sync vids too, the songs would be basic teenage depressed shi ykyk
- he wouldn't get hate though, cus like I said, his face was too gorgeous and cute to get mad at.
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- posts vids of his snacks
- kinda like apollo when it comes to teasing and riling people up with his body. But he doesn't go as far as only fans, or thirst traps
- I think maybe he'd just lift his shirt a little, show his abs a few times, or his muscles. And then looking at the camera with a teasful look and calling the watcher out
"you staring at these things? Ya like that~?"
(I nearly cried writing that)
- it sounds cringe, but many people are into it. I mean, c'mon, it's Buddha.
- also likes to post vids of him trying out the food from different fast food places, and just making people drool at his food, and face.
- probs also likes to do collabs with zerofuko, like going to the arcade and all. Incredibly cute bonding.
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chaostroberry1 · 17 days
Bro I can imagine Leonidas, hades, Poseidon, thor, Beelzebub, and Odin as this typa dad and husband. 😍
(type to beat some sense into the kid till they respect their mama 🥹💝)
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chaostroberry1 · 17 days
Aphrodite : so...what makes you come to me...?
(Name), ugly crying : I need-*sniffle* a makeover- *hiccup* bad bitch come back- *sob*
Aphrodite : ...why is that...?
(name) : cus Hercules doesn't wanna be my boyfriennnndd!!! WHAAAA!!! *Wailing proceeds*
literally when (name) approached hercules
(name), on all fours : please be my boyfriend!!!
Hercules : ah- I'm sorry...but- wait..where are you going- *(name), running out wailing*
(Name) : HE REJECTED MEEEE!!! *Sobs violently*
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chaostroberry1 · 18 days
(name), with zoldyk abilities, : *literally rips someones heart out*
Hades : "so beautiful.."
Zues : "didn't they just steal someones heart?"
Hades : "stealing mine in the process too, yes-"
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