#sirius believes in ‘laugh or you’ll cry’
julesart04 · 5 months
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Tell me he wouldn't do this though 😂✨
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bettysupremacy · 11 months
maybe reader has some mean fake friends and james comforts her after something happens?
james saves his pretty girl from some mean girls!
“C’mon, baby, I know that’s cold.” James frowns as he tugs your top up. It’s wet, and embarrassing, but you don’t move.
Coke and vodka drip down your elbows, staining the pretty white fabric of your new top, and most notably, your pride. It’s a gross reminder that those girls aren’t your friends, they’ve never been your friends, and they’ll never want to be.
Tears well in your eyes, embarrassment mixed with shame. Girls could be so mean.
James takes a moment.
He’s seen you cry- believe him, but this felt worse. Worse than him walking in on panic induced tears. This was heavier, and more delicate by far.
“C’mon” he breathes again, his shoulders slumped. It’s impatient, but not unkind. James doesn’t have an unkind bone in his body, he just doesn’t know what do do.
You shake your head, eyes squeezing shut, letting the tears drip down your cheeks.
“My love.” He laments, taking you in his arms. “Please don’t cry.”
The embrace is a warm reminder that james is always there for you. Always has been. Who cares if some mean girls ruined your new favorite shirt?
You had other friends anyways, James thought, you didn’t need those girls. Mary, Marlene, Lily, and Dorcus, had never been unkind to you. He didn’t understand why you wanted the other girls to like you so deeply.
But he’s never been a girl, and he recognizes this morosely.
He pulls away, knocking the tears with his knuckles, and not bothering to wipe them on his shirt. “Arms up.”
You can hear Sirius and Remus kicking the girls out over the loud crowd of a rowdy party. Your lip wobbles, so early into the party and the funs been spoiled. “None of that.” James smooths the wrinkle in your chin with his thumb.
The silence following the splash of liquid had been deafening, and by far the most humiliating thing you’ve ever experienced.
You take a peak at your shirt. It’s brownish, and wet, and It’s worse than you remember it being 4 minutes ago. Is that possible? The heels of your palms come up to your eyes. “My top.” You grieve.
“I’ll get you a new one, don’t worry your head off.” He tugs on your shirt again, gentle, but it gets your attention nonetheless. “Arms up.” He whispers.
You lift them, letting James tug the shirt off and wipe down your wet arms before throwing it into the garbage pail next to the toilet. It sits on a mountain of tissue and Remus’s used contacts. You look at it hopelessly, wiping your palms of tears. “I don’t want a new one.”
He shrugs off his zip up, messily pulling it onto you and zipping it to your shoulders. Stepping back, he admires his work of an outfit change. “It won’t just be new, it’ll be better.”
He tries to smile for you.
“You didn’t like this one?” You ask, glossy eyes daring to peer at his own.
His smile drops. “Are you kidding?” He moves forward and his fingers press into your arms, messily moving up and down for the friction of warmth. “I loved that one.”
“Then how’ll my new one be better?”
He pretends to think. “You’ll be wearing it.” You scoff in disbelief and he laughs, loud and defensive, “I’m serious! I love anything you wear, especially my zip up.”
You look down at the black hoodie. “It’s a bit big, no?”
“But it looks good on you.” He shrugs.
“It doesn’t show anything.”
“You know that’s never mattered to me.” He smiles boyishly, fingers dropping to the crook of your elbows and squeezing a little tighter than before. It’s cheesy, but it works. He leans down, smile still plastered on his face as he goes for a kiss. It’s warm and sweet, but you can still feel his grin. He works his hands up to your neck and behind, avoiding the coke vodka mixture still coating your damp hair. “You know that.”
You push up his slipping glasses. “I know.”
His nose twitches, preening at the touch of your fingers. “D’you reckon they have a hair dryer?”
“Sirius definitely does.” You nod.
He giggles, dropping to his knees to open the sink cabinets. “Sirius is going to kill us.”
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thedragonqueensblog · 4 months
James Potter & Damon Salvatore///Is it another love?
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Anonymous request: I love your writing so much I was wondering where you can do a crossover of the vampire diaries and The Marauders the reader is a Marauder and she likes James but he likes Lily she overhears that James would never like her so she goes out to cry and but then she meets Damon Salvatore who comes out from a Time Machine weeks later he takes her to his world since he has fallen in love with her so he tells to leave everything and go with him
“Since Lily doesn't like you, why not go for Y/n? who is also attractive.” Sirius smiles
“Y/n’s beauty is something I agree on, but I only view her as a friend and it would never happen.” James tells him “Because I love Lily.”
Wiping off your tears, you walked away quietly to avoid hearing James rejecting you anymore.
“But Y/n and you make a cute couple.” Remus tells him
“But I only want Lily, can't you guys not understand that?” James crossed his arms angrily
"And why can't you not understand that Lily doesn't like you back.” Sirius fumed “you're missing on a really nice girl like Y/n. I hope you don't regret it when she finds somebody else better than you.”
When you got outside, you started to cry again as you kicked the ground. "Why did I believe that he would like me back? I'm so stupid!! Of course he likes Lily.”
While you cried furiously, you didn't notice a machine falling on the ground and a person coming out of it.
As you stood up, someone asked from behind you, “where am I?” and scared the living hell out of you.
As you attempted to calm yourself down after getting scared by this weird guy with weird questions, you asked “who are you?”
“I apologize for scaring you, I didn't intend to do so. My name is Damon Salvatore.” He smiled as he kissed your hand.
You couldn't help but blush at this cute weirdo guy “My name is Y/n Y/l/n, but why did you ask weird questions?”
He smiles, again “Your name is beautiful just like you. I can't believe it’s my lucky day. I just met the most beautiful girl in the world.”
You smiled at this guy who was not only weird but he’s charming and cute. “Haha thank you but you didn’t answer my question.”
“Beautiful it’s hard to explain, and you’ll laugh at me after I finish telling you.” He tells you
“Why is it hard? You can tell me I promise that I won’t laugh.” You tell him back smiling
He looks at you with a sad look “you will laugh at me and I don’t want to scare you away because you will once I tell you and I know we don’t know each other but I already like you.”
You giggle, "You already like me? How is that possible? If I'm a boring person and it's ok, you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to.”
He laughs, "you’re not a boring person. Your amazingness makes everything possible, and I'll reveal my secret to you at a later time.”
"Y/n there you are!!!,We were so worried about you." James glares at Damon, “Why are you conversing with this dumb ass stranger?”
Damon growls, "I don't think it's any of your business unless you're her boyfriend even if you are, you don't have a right to talk to her like that and I have a name boy.”
“He's not my boyfriend, he's just a friend.” You tell Damon with a smile
James looked at you shocked that you would say that "first Y/n don’t tell strangers about our lives and second of all, I don't need to know your name Mr.”
“James stop it and leave them alone. They were just talking and we rudely interrupted them.” Sirius tells him
James glares at his best friend then he looks over at you "while you were too busy talking to this idiot we were worried thinking that something bad happened to you since you didn't come to the Common room like you were supposed to.”
Damon fumed as he walked past you “Call me something else again and I'll have your ass on the ground.”
"Sirius and Remus take James away before something happens." you tell them as they nodded trying to take him away but James kept pushing them away “the fuck you’re not staying with him if we’re leave your coming with us.”
You give Damon a somber smile. “I have to go with them to avoid trouble because James shouts, but I'm hoping to see you tomorrow.”
He shakes his head, "He should get in trouble not you or your friends but I'm hoping to see you tomorrow as well princess and have a good night.”
You nodded with a smile “thank you and I hope you have a wonderful night as well.”
While walking with them, you rolled your eyes as James shouted at you and asked questions about Damon.”
"Stop rolling your eyes and answer me. Who the fuck is he?” He demands getting in your face
“I will slap you if you keep yelling and swearing at me, and you cannot demand to know his identity.” You told him before leaving
“Y/n,Get back here now!!. We're not done talking yet!!” James yelled out for you, but you flipped him off and kept walking.
James exclaims with frustration, “can you believe her?”
Remus shrugs his shoulders "Well you did go over the line.”
“I was just trying to protect her. I can't do that now?” James questions angrily “He could have done something to hurt her.”
“Yelling and swearing at her is not a way to protect her. It's pushing her away instead.” Sirius explains “and after what you did, I don’t think she’ll want you near or around her.”
“Given what you did, I agree with Sirius that she probably won't want to be near or around you.” Remus adds “Probably not even with us as well.”
With a smile, Lily says, “Y/n, I was looking for you.” The smile she had turned to a frown. "What's the matter?"
"Ask your boyfriend." Anger poured out of you as you walked past her.
Lily asks in a confused manner, "My boyfriend?"
James asks Lily with anger, "Have you seen Y/n?"
"She went in that direction,” Lily points out. "What happened?"
James sighs and thanked Lily before heading in the direction he was instructed to go.
She observes his departure and is irritated because no one is explaining the situation. “Could someone please give me an explanation?”
“James got mad because he saw Y/n and an unknown man talking.” Sirius explains “You know how he is overprotective of her.”
“Sirius, that also sounds like he got jealous.” She tells him with smile
“James doesn’t like her, he likes you”. Remus tells her
“But I don’t see him like that because I really like somebody else.” She confesses
“Is it Snape?” Sirius tease her with a smirk
“Maybe”. She blushes as she shrugs her shoulders “but I do hope that one day, Y/n and James end up together.”
“Y/n we didn’t finish talking.” James grabs your arm
James' hand is removed from your arm by you. “We have concluded.”
“I was just trying to protect you from him who could have hurt you, can't you see?” He fumed
You rolled your eyes, “You need to worry about Lily instead of me.”
“You are the focus, not Lily.” He huffed
“The conversation we had is irrelevant to me now, it's concluded.” You walked off.
Damon comes out of the machine with a smile as everyone asks him questions “I just saw and met the most beautiful woman in the world.”
"Brother, what are you talking about?" Stefan looks at him with confusion
With a grin on his face, Damon gazes upon his brother, “Y/n Y/L/N is the most stunning woman I have ever met."
Elena laughs, “Babe, I'm speculating that your brother came across a stunning woman when he went to another world.”
Stefan laughs too "I think you're right because right now he's being stupid and not listening.”
“what should we do?” Caroline asks
“I think let’s leave him alone for a second and he’ll probably tell us later.” Elena replied
Caroline rolled her eyes "why later? I want to know about the mystery woman that got the demon in love? Oops, I meant Damon.”
“I have a name and the mystery woman that got me in love is Y/n I already told you guys.”
Caroline crosses her arm in frustration "We all know that, but we want to know who she is.”
Damon smirks, “you’ll soon have the chance to meet her because I'm thinking of bringing her into this world.”
“That’s not saying much.” Caroline grumbles
After what happened last night, you been ignoring James who has been trying to talk to you since the morning
“Why are you so moody Prongs?” Sirius asks pretending to not know what got his best friend in a bitchy mood
“Because Y/n is not talking to me.” James grumbles as he rolls his eyes
“After what transpired last night, why should she?” Sirius defends you “You're my best friend, but she's also my best friend. What you did was wrong.”
“I'm apologetic for trying to safeguard her. Perhaps in the future, I'll keep my mouth shut.” James storms off
“James, come back.!!!That wasn't what I intended to say.” He ignores Sirius' call out.
James dropped to his knees on the grass as he let out tears "I'm so sorry Y/n for the things that I have done.”
“James,be patient with her right now. She's upset, but eventually she'll forgive you.” Lily tells him
“You think so?” he asks with hope on his face
“Of course!!!” She smiles
Outside, you were waiting for Damon who sent you a letter to meet him here “there you are my princess.”
You blushed "so I read your letter and it said that you have a surprise for me
He looked at you with hope but scared at the same time “promise me you won't get scared or try to run once I take you to my city and tell you what I am.”
You give him a confused stare, “I don’t promise anything but okay.”
Damon grabs your hand and leads you to a machine as you look around the machine “you made this cool time machine?”
He laughs as he closes the door and he sits next to you “I wish but actually it was Bonnie my friend, that made this.”
You looked at him with a smiled as you noticed that you and Damon came to a stop and the two of you got out
You were taken aback by the beauty of this city and looked around in shock. “Where are we?”
He smiles at you, "Mystic Fall."
You stare at him in shock. "Mystic Fall?, as they claim, is the location of the supernatural."
He nods and lowers his head. "Indeed, and I am among them."
“What kind of supernatural are you?”
“Vampire.” He says “ I understand if you’re scared, if you want I’ll take you home so you don’t go by yourself.”
You moved closer to him and grabbed his face with a smile. “I’m alright; I'm not terrified or anything.”
With a grin on his face, he grabbed your hands and kissed them. “Okay then, my Princess, let's go meet some individuals.”
"Have you seen Yn? I haven't seen her all day.” James says
“It's probable that she's with Lily or something. End your overprotectiveness. It's both adorable and annoying.” Sirius tells him
"Oh Y/n? She was with the same guy that we saw her with last night and they were having a conversation.”Peter butts in with a smirk
”You gotta be kidding me.”James growls. She didn't listen. She's going to hear from me when she gets back.”
Sirius glares at Peter who stopped smirking then he looks over at James, "Prongs you can't tell Y/n what to do, she's allowed to talk or to hang out with whoever she wants.”
“There's an aspect of that guy that makes me apprehensive about Y/n being around him.” James tells them “But I'll figure it out soon or later, but I will.”
After he laid you on his bed so that you could sleep more comfortably, Damon went back to ask his friends and brother how they felt about you. “So what do you think of Y/n?”
“She's incredible, with a great heart and personality, and she's the perfect match for you, my brother.” Stefan replies. 
“I agree with Stefan that you have never been so happy for a woman before. Since she makes you happy, we support your decision of you and her dating.”
Damon chuckles, "I was going to date her regardless of your approval, but thank you.”
“When do you plan on asking her to leave everything behind and join you in this world?” Caroline asked.
“When she wakes up.” Damon replies
The aroma of pancakes and toast greeted you as you woke up and went to the kitchen to see the Damon flipping the pancakes and he noticed you and gave you a smile
 “Good morning princess, please take a seat and I'll bring you a plate.” Damon tells you
You smile as you sit down. “Thank you and good morning to you too.”
Daman placed your plate next to you as he sat down. "I was wondering if we could talk later?"
You give a nod as you begin cutting your pancakes and eating it “it’s so delicious thank you.”
Damon returns to his seat after taking the plates to the dishwasher. “I'm hoping that what I'm about to ask you won't make you too uncomfortable because you might think it's too soon or that you don't want to do it.”
You smiled “Whatever it is, just tell me.”
Hope is in his eyes as he grabs your hands and he looks at you. “Leave everything behind and join me in my world.”
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allyeardepression · 4 months
@jegulus-microfic | feb 9 movie | word: 521
tw: depression
i’m not very good with trigger warnings and i’m sorry for that so if there’s anything that makes you uncomfortable feel free to point it out
He didn’t like it when it happened. The awful feeling of not being really alive. Normally his medication made him feel better - calmed down anxiety, improved his spirits and on better days made him believe he was worth everything what’s best. But sometimes there were days like this, when he felt like everything was falling apart and someone was judging his every step and he was unlovable and everyone will leave him and he’ll die alone and-
Regulus took a deep, calming breath. It didn’t stop the spiral he was getting himself into, but prevented the tears, that suddenly appeared in his eyes, from spilling. He tucked his legs into his arms, turning into a small, sad ball. Those days mostly looked like that - curled into fetal position under the bedsheets. Today he didn’t even have the energy to take his phone so he could keep his mind occupied. Trying not to cry he went back to sleep.
When he woke up, James was there, running his fingers through Regulus’ hair. As soon as he noticed the younger boy was looking at him, he smiled.
“Hi, Little Star” James said softly. Regulus twisted his lips into something he hoped looked like a smile. “McGonagall got worried when you didn’t show up to her class, so she gave me the day off. She called it ‘boyfriend-care-day’” he laughed lightly at that, but turned concerned almost immediately. “Bad day?” came softly. Regulus just nodded in answer, feeling that his pillow was damp. Was he crying in his sleep? Fantastic.
James moved a little, lying down next to Regulus. He pulled him gently to his chest, wrapping his arms around the black-haired boy's shoulders.
“You are enough, Reggie. And you are so loved by all of us. We’re all so proud of you, you have no idea. Look how far you’ve come - getting out of that house, making up with Sirius, getting help - you should be proud of yourself too” James was whispering to his ear, gently stroking his back. Regulus wrapped his arms around his waist, snuggling closer to him. Oh, how grateful he was for his boyfriend.
“And this day?” James continued “It will be over soon. It’s just one day and then it’ll be better. Tomorrow you’ll wake and probably think ‘Ugh, that was so cringy of me’” Regulus giggled at that. “See, it’s getting better already.”
They laid in comfortable silence for some time, James continued to lightly rub his back while Regulus held him as if he would disappear. After some time, Regulus finally spoke.
“Can we watch something stupid? Like the movie you were talking about last week?”
“Okay, first of all” came James’ feigned indignation “‘Superbad’ is not stupid. Second of all, of course Love, we can do anything you want” he finished, his voice becoming gentle and caring again.
Regulus looked up at him, fully smiling now, thanks to his boyfriend’s antics. He shifted a bit so he could kiss him.
“Thank you for being you and for trying to help every time.” Reg said into James’ mouth, feeling them form into a grin.
“Anytime, Love.”
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demonbanisher · 2 years
Hey y’all! I know I’ve been a bit AWOL lately and I do have a much larger life/writing update that I want to share BUT for now, I want to share my first chapter in the @mixed-up-writer-fest. So excited to see what thefifthmarauder17 does with the next chapter! 
Here is the summary: Sirius stumbles on a small boy when out for a walk as an animagus. He soon learns that this boy's name is Teddy and he's been struggling since moving to a new town. When he believes he can communicate with Padfoot, Sirius is convinced to keep up the rouse and do whatever it takes to make the boy happy and if it means he gets to be closer to his father too, well that's just a bonus.
Puppy Magic
Chapter 1: Padfoot
Sometimes when he was feeling overwhelmed, Sirius liked to go out for a walk as Padfoot. It made things simpler somehow. It allowed him to clear his mind out and just refresh and enjoy the little things. He’d been doing it for years now and almost everyone in James and Lily’s neighbourhood were familiar with him. They come up and say hi and give him treats sometimes but mostly everyone was content to let him be, understanding that he wasn’t lost he just liked to roam.
Today was a good day. The last of summer was giving way to fall and the trees were slowly starting to turn into fireworks. The sharp crisp breeze smelled perfect and Sirius would have been happy to curl up in a pile of leaves and take a long nap, but his thoughts were interrupted by a rustling in the bushes.
Sirius stopped. Body tensing in case it was another larger animal but relaxing slightly when he heard the sound of sniffles. Sirius crept forward slowly, sticking his nose through the bush until he could see a small boy crying with his arms wrapped around his legs. Sirius squeezed the rest of his body through the bush and started to nose at the boy.
The boy rubbed his eyes and looked up at him. “Go away. You’ll get me caught.”
Sirius huffed and laid down next to him putting his head in the boy’s lap.
“Fine. You can stay but you have to be quiet.” The boy was quiet for a moment, tears subsiding as he started to pet Padfoot. “We’re hiding from bullies.”
Read on AO3 or below the cut!
Sirius looked up at him carefully. He seemed to be about Harry’s age and Sirius knew that there was a Muggle school just up the road that Harry was also attending until he went off to Hogwarts. That must be where this boy had come from. Someone must have chased him or scared him until he hid here.
There was rustling and raised voices from outside the bush and Sirius raised his head instinctively. The boy’s eyes widened in fear and he got up to run but got tangled in his backpack, tripping over the strap and tumbling out of the bush as his school supplies spilled everywhere.
“There’s the little creep,” a voice said. “You keep falling like that and you’ll end up as ugly as your dad.”
The boy’s lower lip started to tremble again. “Don’t say that.”
“What? That you’re a freak? My mum taught me not to lie. Guess you wouldn’t know about that since you don’t have one.”
The boy was crying again and the older boy and his friends were laughing at him. Sirius felt a growl build up in his throat and before he could think he was launching himself out of the bushes, barking, and snarling at the boys. They startled and when Sirius started to snap his jaws at them they scrambled away running down the sidewalk back in the direction of the school. Once they were gone, Sirius turned back to the smaller boy. Sitting down in front of him and leaning in to give him permission to wrap his arms around him. The boy launched himself at him and held on tight until his tears started to go away, just like Harry did.
When he pulled away, he rubbed at his eyes and the snot coming from his nose. “Thanks. I’m Teddy. Do you have a name?”
Sirius paused. He didn’t have collar, but then he spotted an alphabet workbook lying among the things that had spilled out of Teddy’s bag. He poked it with his nose.
Teddy looked at him curiously for a moment. “Do you want to show me?”
Sirius nodded.
“Okay,” Teddy opened up the book and started to flip through the pages until he got to the letter P and Sirius stopped him with a paw on the page. “Okay, P,” Teddy said smiling and started again, Sirius stopping him at A this time. This kept going until they had the whole thing spelt out. “Padfoot,” Teddy said slowing. “Hi Padfoot, are you a magic dog?”
Sirius smiled and licked the boys face.
“Or maybe I’m magic. Maybe my wish worked.”
Sirius tilted his head and looked at Teddy.
“I wished for friends or that I could talk to the ones I have. They’re mostly squirrels.” Teddy started to pick at the grass around him. “The big kids like to make fun of my dad cause he has stars on his face.”
Sirius thought for a moment before realizing Teddy probably meant scars. Harry still mixed up words like that sometimes.
“They say they wanna hurt me so I look like him,” Teddy said sadly. “But I already do. Nanna says I’m the spit image of Daddy, but I don’t know what the means. I think it means we have the same hair. Do you have a family?”
Sirius barked.
“Here,” Teddy said, digging through his bag for his lunch and pulling out two chocolate chip cookies. “We can share cause you made the bullies leave.”
Sirius saw the cookies had chocolate in them and poked at the carrots instead.
“You want those?”
Sirius barked.
“Okay. Then my dad won’t be mad I didn’t eat them.”
Teddy opened up the bag of carrots and kept talking as he slowly fed them to Sirius. Sirius wasn’t sure how long they’d been sitting there for with Teddy babbling along until they heard the sounds of yelling.
“Teddy!” A voice called, slowly getting louder as it approached. “Teddy!”
“That’s my Daddy,” Teddy said, jumping to his feet as Sirius saw a tall man with the same sandy curls as Teddy quickly approaching them.
“Oh thank god,” the man said as he caught sight of them and ran to meet them, bending down so he could look at his son. “Are you hurt?” He said as he ran his hands over the little boy.
“I’m fine Daddy. The doggy protected me.”
“Okay,” the man said as he pulled him into a crushing hug. “Don’t ever run away like that again Edward. Do you know how scared Mrs. McGonagall was when I got to school and she told me you’d taken off? They were going to call the police.”
Teddy looked down at the ground. His lip trembling again. “I’m sorry Daddy.”
“It’s okay Teds. I’m glad you're safe,” the man said as he ran a hand endearingly through Teddy’s curls. “I just don’t wanna lose you, okay?”
Something tugged in Sirius’s heart at the hurt that he heard in the other man’s voice and he made his way forward to try and snuggle into his side. He’d learned that he couldn’t always fix everything, but petting a dog always seemed to help cheer people up a bit.
“Hello there,” the man said, turning his attention to Sirius. “And who might you be?”
“This is Padfoot. He scared off the bullies.”
“Bullies?” The man said, his face pulling into a frown. “Were those kids after you again?”
Teddy nodded.
“What was it this time?”
“Nothing,” Teddy mumbled. “They’re just mean.”
Sirius didn’t miss the way that Teddy was lying and knew he was probably doing it to protect his dad. The boys were right, he did have scars, but they didn’t make him look ugly. It was simply a different kind of beautiful.
“Padfoot protected me,” Teddy said beaming.
“And how did we pick out the name Padfoot?” The man asked.
“I didn’t he spelleded it for me.”
“It’s just spelt, baby,” the man said smiling, clearly thinking his son was kidding.
“He’s a magic puppy.”
“Oh, well we can play with the magic puppy tomorrow, but we got to get going or you’ll be late for gymnastics. You pack your stuff and I’ll find my keys,” he said, as he started to pat down his pockets.
Sirius spotted where the keys had fallen out when he bent down and barked once before picking them up in his mouth gently and handing them to him.
“Oh, thank you Padfoot,” the man said, clearly confused.
Teddy was looking at them in awe. “You sent the magic doggy.”
“I what?”
“I could talk to Padfoot but it all makes sense cause you have superpowers too.”
“Baby, I - “ the man started looking exasperated before he stopped, changing his expression into a smile. “You’re right. I do know Padfoot and we talk to each other but it has to be a secret, okay?”
Teddy nodded. Eyes filled with wonder as he looked up at his dad.
The man cast a conspiratorial look around the street and then leaned in close to his son. “I sent him here on a secret mission to protect you from the bullies.”
Teddy’s jaw dropped. “I knew it.”
The man smiled. “Now, come on. Let’s pack up your things and we can check in with our doggy friend later, okay?” The man paused, looking at Sirius for a moment before leaning down to check for a collar. “Do you know your way home?” Sirius barked. “Okay, well maybe we’ll see you later then. Come on Teds,” he said as he helped him put the last few things into his bag. “Say bye to the doggy.”
“Bye doggy!”
Sirius gave him another slobbery kiss and listened to him giggle. The man bent down and scratched Sirius behind the ear. “I don’t know if you can actually understand us, but either way thanks for keeping him safe. We’re new here and well, Teddy doesn’t have many friends.” He stopped, seeming to realize he was talking to a dog and took Teddy’s hand in his own as he stood up.
Teddy gave him one more wave as they walked off and Sirius watched them go. His heart breaking for this little boy who was all alone and his dad who would clearly do whatever it took to protect him and keep him happy. An idea slowly started to brew in his brain. If thinking he could talk to animals would make Teddy happy, what could it hurt? Sirius would talk to James and Lily and see if they knew who they were and then he’d have to try somehow to get them in on the plan to have Padfoot try and brighten the little boy’s day. He knew they were Muggles, but how much could a little magic hurt anyways?
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treehousesinfrance · 1 year
Love Leaves Traces - Chapter 1
Sirius would more nights than not walk to his bathroom with the taste of blood in his mouth. Spitting the copper-coloured liquid and watching it run off into the drain on the shower floor, he would wonder, again, how it was that he was chosen to be the family punching bag. 
For as long as he could remember, his mother looked at him with pure hatred. He was filth, a disgrace. It was laughable that he was chosen to be a Gryffindor, when he would cower underneath her, waiting for a strike. Her magic was powerful and her words even more so. It was honestly a miracle that Sirius had made it to 11 virtually unscathed. Physically. Emotionally was another matter, but Mother had always said he had plenty enough scars.
He stepped out of the shower, his hair dripping down his neck making him shiver, wading his way toward the sink. He brushed his teeth and spat harshly into the bowl, noting there was no more blood, a small feat after his miserable afternoon. His hands grazed his side, where they met the marks. Silver and shining slashed across his chest to his collarbones, down his arms with a bright large crescent at his hip. That had been there the longest. As long as he could remember in fact. Mother said it was ugly, to keep it hidden or who knows what they might say. Though Sirius thought the marks were quietly beautiful, he would never go against that one piece of advice. Who knows what they might say. Marks like those don’t just show up overnight, but they did, every month like clockwork. That was the work of dark magic, that was, and Sirius was determined to stay under the radar for as long as possible. 
How has your Summer been? Other than holding a bloody leaf in your mouth all month. Honestly, I think Mother was getting suspicious of how little I was mouthing off at her. How we all managed to do it I have no idea. 
Yes. I have been saying it every sunrise and sunset. Those words are practically ingrained in my brain at this point. What do you think you’ll be? I'm scared I’ll be a pigeon or something pathetic like that. Promise you won’t laugh if I’m a bloody pigeon. I will cry and that is a threat. 
I’ve been reading (can you believe I'm that bored) and I’ve made the plans for the first storm back. As long as we do everything perfectly this could actually work. I still feel bad we haven’t told Rem yet but I think it’s for the best until we know this will work out.
Have you been practising quidditch? I’ve gone out almost every day with Reg which I think might have been a mistake because he’s actually getting pretty good, but nothing compared to you James, no, nothing.
I cannot wait to go back to school and see you all, even Minnie. 
I’ll meet you on the platform before the train. 
- Sirius
Sirius gently folded the letter as he tapped the window, an owl swooping to meet him. 
“Hey girl”. He ruffled the feathers on her head gently as she nuzzled into his hand. 
“Take this to James for me would you?”. She eyed the letter for a moment before grasping it, waiting expectantly at the sill. 
“Oh - hold on, one sec one sec”, Sirius frantically ruffled through his top drawer, “here we are you greedy girl”. He fed her the treat and she hooted happily before heading off. 
“Sirius, I thought you were a star quidditch player. This is just disappointing”. Regulus was laughing, holding the golden snitch triumphantly in his fist beaming up at his brother. 
“Hey! I taught you everything you know.” 
“No. You taught me everything you know and—“
Sirius had snatched the snitch right out of his hands and released it into the sky. 
“That is definitely against the rules!”
Sirius was chasing after it higher towards the clouds, Regulus at his tail. He was using Sirius as a wind break. He had taught him that trick. 
Sirius swerved suddenly, leaving an unsuspecting Regulus to bear the full brunt of the wind, his broom wobbling slightly until he gained control, looking up once more to see his big brother holding the snitch, laughing and panting. 
“You still cheated.”
Sirius lowered his broom smoothly and landed with a soft thud. Their feet were crunching softly on the cold grass as they walked back through the estate. 
“Always expect the unexpected. You have to always be on your toes in the air. What if there was a bludger? Or I don’t know a bird or something.”
“A bird…”
“You know what I mean. Focusing on the snitch is all well and good but you have to be aware of your surroundings. Predict when something’s coming. Make sure you don’t get hit. You have to look after yourself ok, Reg?”
Regulus watched their legs walking in time with one another. 
“Yeah. I understand.”
Sirius gave his brother a concerned look. 
“Go on, shower. You smell.”
Platform 9 ¾ always brought back good memories for Sirius. It’s where he met James, with bright eyes and a warm smile and open arms. Where he’d first hoped he could have a break from his home. When the train took him away and left his mother behind and he could take a breath without fear it would be taken from him.
Families saying their goodbyes surrounded him. Mothers nursing steaming cups of coffee and waving off their children. First years nervously boarding the train. There was an air of excitement and anticipation and Sirius soaked it in. 
“Sirius Black you beautiful bastard!”
Sirius was swung around and planted firmly in the arms of one James Potter. 
“Miss me did you?” Sirius's voice was muffled into his shoulder. 
“Not a bit”, but he didn’t let go. Sirius gave him one final squeeze before releasing him. His eyes were just as bright and his smile just as warm as the day he met him. 
“Come on! The others are on the train already.” James dragged Sirius by the wrist, giddy with excitement, onto the train and through the compartment door. 
“There you are”, Peter said, “I thought you weren’t going to make it”. He rose from his seat to punch Sirius softly on the shoulder before wrapping him in a hug. 
“Hiya Pete. Good Summer?”
“Don’t get him started.” Sirius looked over to Remus, who was also standing, with his lopsided smile directed at Sirius. 
He was taller. It took him by surprise. It was a nice surprise he supposed. Remus was taller and he looked nice. Not that Remus didn’t always look nice or anything but this was … nice. 
“Don’t I get a hug?”
“You’re taller.”
Remus looked at him confused for a moment and started fiddling with a loose thread from his sweater. 
“Course you get a hug. C’mere.”
His head slotted perfectly under his chin and he thought that maybe he might just melt if he stayed there. He took in a slow deep breath. He was going back to Hogwarts. And he smiled.
The train ride consisted of several intense games of exploding snap, an animated retelling of Peter’s entire Summer on holiday in Australia and decidedly too many chocolate frogs. Sirius peered out the window, gazing upon the Scottish countryside as they sped past while James was rambling in his ear about quidditch.
They all walked in line to the carriages, laughing, their boots crunching on the gravel road.
“Hey, boys! Share a carriage?” Mary Macdonald in all her glory came bounding over, Lily and Marlene trailing behind her.
“Oh sure”, James sort of choked out. Peter and Sirius shared a look and then Peter nodded his head towards Lily and shook with quiet laughter.
They scrambled on, almost sitting on top of each other and James looked like he might pass out in the close proximity to Lily. His crush on her isn’t a secret. Hasn’t been for a long time but the poor guy still hasn’t managed to learn how to talk to her without making an utter fool of himself. They chatted warmly about their holidays and the feast while Sirius was acutely aware of the way Remus’ leg would brush against his when there were bumps in the road. 
“Sirius?” Remus was poking him.
“You alright? You look kinda weird.” 
“Well thanks, Rem. And after I did my hair just for you.”, he said ruffling his hair as if to prove it. Remus looked away and shook his head slightly.
“Never mind”
Warm toffee-scented air surrounded them as they sat in their usual seats in the great hall, James next to Sirius, opposite Remus who sat next to Peter. 
“What if we charm their robes red before the quidditch match. That way they won't be able to tell anyone apart.”
James bonked Peter on the head. “Then we won't be able to tell anyone apart either. Also, we are winning that game fairly. I will have no cheating, you hear me?”
“Yes, captain.” Remus sat up straight and saluted.
“I’m not captain”, James grumbled, “and you're not even on the team”. He took his spoon and scooped up a bit of Remus’ ice cream before he could bat him away.
Sirius looked scared. “Hey man, never take food from Remus. Have you learned nothing?” He looked at Remus cautiously, but all was safe. He was shaking his head at his pudding and met Sirius’ gaze with a grin.
“One day James. One day when you least expect it…” Remus started dramatically.
“OK OK. I solemnly swear to never again touch Remus’ ice cream. Happy?”
Remus wrapped his tongue around his spoon and swallowed the last of his desert, his Adam’s apple bobbing and Sirius had to look away. 
The shoes at Hogwarts were significantly better than the showers at home. There was always an abundance of hot water and plenty of time to think. Sirius hummed and the familiar bathroom tiles bounced his voice around him. The air was cloudy with steam and the mirror squeaked as he wiped off the condensation with his towel. 
His marks sat flat across his skin, soft and shining, like unicorn blood, and unchanged. He always noticed one or two new marks after each full moon. In fact, it was how he discovered Remus was a werewolf. He wouldn’t have realised his disappearances coincided with the full moon if he had not already been intimately familiar with the lunar cycle.
In his youth, he had stolen books from his family library and read them in dimly lit corners in the dead of night. The moon, mythology, lycanthropy. Any magical creature that was impacted by the moon and yet he found nothing that could explain the marks on his skin. He’d wake up tired and confused and frustrated and would snap at his mother and she would make him regret it. Over time he learned to ignore them, cover them up and pretend they didn’t exist. His own mother could resent him for it and he always thought she knew more than she was letting on, but didn't dare ask. If there was an answer, he would find it on his own.
He cast a quick tempus and realised it was almost sundown.
“Amato Animo Animato Animagus”, he muttered quietly, slipping on his long pyjama pants, a t-shirt and one of Remus’ sweaters, which always had enough coverage so his marks were completely hidden.
He opened the door to the dormitory, releasing steam with him.
“Is that mine?” Remus had a look on his face Sirius couldn’t quite decipher. He stopped walking and tugged on the hair behind his ear.
“Oh. Um- yeah. Is that ok?”
Remus was still staring at him.
“It’s just that it's really warm and cosy and I always sleep so well when I wear it and it kinda smells like you which is nice. B-because I missed you and everything and honestly, I think it brings out my eyes. Don’t you think it brings out my eyes, Remus?”
Remus blinked slowly, “sure.”
“And because you’re a giant now, the sleeves are super long so I can fling them around like this.” Sirius started moving his arms like a ninja, the long sleeves flapping about. He was making a fool of himself, but Remus had stopped staring and was now doubled over laughing.
“You can borrow my jumpers any time you like Sirius. I didn’t know you were so obsessed with them”, he said as he caught his breath.
“Oh yes. Quite obsessed. Might keep this one actually”, he said looking directly at Remus.
“I said borrow, not steal!” He reached out to grab Sirius, but he quickly ducked onto his bed and closed the curtains.
“I’m sorry, Rem. I’m afraid I can’t hear you in here. Talk later then. Ta!”
He heard Remus sigh from the other side of the curtain and make his way into his own bed.
“Goodnight Sirius.”
He slipped under the covers and closed his eyes, happy and warm and home.
“Bonne nuit.”
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justalilmc · 2 years
can i have a marauders, mcu and got ship, please?!
so i’m a 23 year old straight female, i’m 5’2 with wavy brown hair and brown eyes.
i’m honest, sarcastic, competitive, stubborn, a perfectionist, a procrastinator and an intp.
laughing is my defense mechanism, and uh i’m your classic gifted burnout kid.
i love watching movies and tv shows and listening to songs that make me cry. i live in an imaginary world in my mind most of the time. i love understanding how things work, i used to teach archery to kids, i studied scenic design at university and enjoy painting.
oh and i’m a slytherin and my patronus is a fox.
thank you and have a great day!! ✨
Hey, sorry I took so long to respond. I’ve been super busy with work stuff, but here they are! Hope you enjoy :)
1.) Harry Potter
I ship you with Sirius Black!
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- I love me some Sirius x Slytherin
- I’m seeing an enemies to lovers situation here
- Probably starts of with a bit of a rivalry
- You’re both pretty talented and smart, but lack a bit in the drive department, so once you see the other coming after you’re status as top of the class it gives that motivation to be better than the other
- Def a lot of teasing and possibly some pranking
- You’re probably buddies with Regulus and he is all for messing with his brother
- The more Sirius gets to know you, he’ll discover just how alike the two of you really are
- Remus is gonna be the one to tell Sirius that he likes you, cause let’s be honest he isn’t gonna figure that out himself
- Don’t think you’re off the hook once you start dating tho
- He’s the type to make you chose between gender equality and chivalry, you can’t have both
- He’ll tease you until the day you die, but now he’ll start making sure he’s not taking it too far
- Literally everything will be a competition, everything *wink wink*
- power couple tbh
2.) MCU
I ship you with Tony Stark!
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- this mans needs someone like you fr
- Obviously his ego is the phattest you’ll ever see, so he needs someone honest like you to keep him humble
- Y’all would be such an intellectual match, you would be able to follow him on his crazy trains of thought and he would literally be unable to insult u like he does everyone else
- Plus he’s very stubborn in an argument, but so it seems are you, so get ready for some pouty Tony
- Once he’s done pouting tho he’ll know you’re right, he needs someone to remind him of the emotional side of things
- He believes his feelings make him weak, but you are able to show him that they make him stronger
- Y’all are rarely ever serious when you talk to each other, joking 24/7, but when you need to get real, you can get real
- I feel like he’d probably make you a suit if you asked
- He’d def be very protective of you tho, so don’t expect him to let you off easy
- The rest of the avengers would love you because you’re the only one that can get Tony to admit he’s wrong about smth, very rare, but you can do it
- Y’all would be like the cool aunt and uncle of the avengers family
3.) Game of Thrones
I ship you with Tyrion Lannister!
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- okay hear me out
- If Tyrion doesn’t also scream burnt out gifted kid idk who does
- This would simply be the most iconic duo
- Y’all would literally have so much fun messing with each other and cracking jokes because I feel like you’re both very witty
- While you would be able to match each other intellectually, you would also be able to balance each other out in the way that you are still very in touch with your emotions while Tyrion has been burned so many times he’s gone a bit cold
- If Tyrion had a Hogwarts house he would most definitely also be a Slytherin
- You would make a very cunning and twistedly charming team
- Plus, you’re not too tall, so you wouldn’t tower over him too much lol
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cyarskj1899 · 1 year
These quotes need to be studied in schools someday
2022 in Review: Quotes of the Year!
By Team TVLine / December 18 2022, 9:00 AM PST
Best TV Quotes 2022
Courtesy of Prime Video; HBO; HBO Max; Netflix; Peacock
Anthony Bridgerton confessed his true feelings for Kate Sharma. This Is Us‘ Rebecca Pearson got well-deserved kudos. Viktor Hargreeves introduced himself to his Umbrella Academy siblings. And The White Lotus‘ Tanya McQuoid realized something very important… just a little too late.
All year long, we’ve been collecting TV’s best sound bites in our Quotes of the Week compilations, which honor the dialogue that made us laugh and cry — sometimes simultaneously. But as 2022 draws to a close, we’re now looking back at the Quotes of the Year, highlighting 60 of the funniest, most poignant or most wonderfully meta moments from the past 12 months.
Best TV Shows of 2022 | Stranger Things, The Boys, Andor, More
0 seconds of 3 minutes, 52 seconds
In the list below, you’ll find Robin Scherbatsky sharing her romantic past with How I Met Your Father‘s Sophie, Ellen DeGeneres reflecting on how much has changed since her talk show began, Westworld‘s Dolores-Hale uttering a powerful one-word command, and Andor‘s precious droid B2EMO lamenting a major loss.
Of course, some shows — like ABC’s Abbott Elementary and Netflix’s Stranger Things — were just too quotable this year to select only one line, so they’re among the series making multiple appearances on our list. And it’s not just the scripted fare that made our cut: Unscripted programs like American Idol, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and Big Brother are in the mix, as well.
As with all of our year-end lists, we should issue a quick spoiler alert for several of this year’s plot twists, romantic confessions and heartbreaking sendoffs. But if you’re ready to dive in, peruse the list below, then drop a comment with the lines that would make your cut for Quotes of the Year.
Photo : HBO Max screenshot
“I killed you, didn’t I? I’m sorry. Had to be done.”
Helena Bonham Carter apologizes to Gary Oldman for what Bellatrix Lestrange did to Sirius Black in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Photo : ABC screenshot
“I want them to see what was taken from me.”
Mamie Till (Adrienne Warren), before the doors are opened for the public viewing of her son Emmett Till’s body
Photo : HBO Max screenshot
“You walked her home.”
Kirsten (Mackenzie Davis) assures Jeevan that his 20-year-old goal was met
Photo : Netflix screenshot
“I shot your d—k off. For that, I apologize. I went to the drug store to look for a card. No such card exists.”
Darlene (Lisa Emery) takes the first step at burying the hatchet with Frank Jr.
Photo : CBS screenshot
“I cannot believe Elias is back. Till death do us part — it’s right in the vows.”
Hetty (Rebecca Wisocky) laments the return of her dead husband
GHOSTS (Bonus Quote!)
Photo : CBS screenshot
“A travel agent booking other people’s holidays while going nowhere himself.”
“Hey, we went to Epcot, buddy! That’s the whole world all at once!”
Pete (Richie Moriarty) defends himself when the actor (Mathew Baynton) portraying him in a “Dumb Deaths” recreation says Pete was pathetic
Photo : HBO screenshot
“I may be a bastard, Mr. Thorburn, but you are a fool. And of the two, I think I know which I prefer.”
The women of The Gilded Age may be experts at throwing shade, but they’ve got nothing on literal robber baron George Russell (Morgan Spector)
Photo : Fox screenshot
“Hi, Mommy.”
Gigi (Remington Blaire Evans), upon hearing her late mom Nic’s donated heart beating in another patient
9-1-1: LONE STAR
Photo : Courtesy of Fox
“I always imagine the world of politics to be really smart people walking briskly down corridors, talking real fast and all sort of sounding alike.”
In other words, Owen (Rob Lowe) learned everything he knows about the political world from watching himself on The West Wing
Photo : HBO screenshot
“Look, I know you may be a backwoods simpleton, who scrubs her dresses on tree bark and stinks up the entire house with roadkill stew, but Godd—n if I wouldn’t miss the pitter-patter of your filthy-ass bare feet, or the way you chew shrimp tails with the ice like an animal — you’re family. And the thought of you running away on this bus right now is making my gooch pucker.”
Judy (Edi Patterson) pours her heart out to her aunt Tiffany to deter her from leaving town
Photo : PBS screenshot (2)
“Hey, this shows you how to draw an aardvark! I never knew their noses were so long. Weird!”
It took 25 seasons, but Buster (voiced by Daniel Brochu) finally addressed the fact that Arthur looks nothing like an actual aardvark
Photo : ABC screenshot
“… and your plan was to leave without saying goodbye?”
“Because if I say goodbye to you, Grey, I might not actually leave.”
Meredith (Ellen Pompeo) and Cormac (Richard Flood), giving us a taste of what might have been
GREY'S ANATOMY (Bonus Quote!)
Photo : ABC screenshot
“When Leo said that he was an owl, did you feel the need to call him silly and correct him?”
“No. You just loved him. You just let him explore. Let’s just love Leo, Teddy. Let’s listen when he tells us who he is.”
Regardless of Leo’s gender identity, Owen (Kevin McKidd) refuses to let himself and Teddy (Kim Raver) become the child’s bully
Photo : FX screenshot
“Little late for this, but I’m sorry for shooting you and all. I’m glad you… didn’t not make it.”
Stripper-turned-hitwoman Black Diamond (Christine Horn) awkwardly apologizes to Louie for trying to kill her last season
Photo : ABC screenshot
“Let’s run her bandit ass out of town.”
Dr. Audrey Lim (Christina Chang) vows to take Salen Morrison down, once and for all
Photo : Hulu screenshot (2)
“I once had a guy who said, ‘I love you’ on our first date.”
“Wow, you win! Dude sounds like a real piece of work.”
“You have no idea. But a good piece of work.”
Robin (Cobie Smulders) recalls her very first date with Ted
Photo : Netflix screenshot
“You are the bane of my existence… and the object of all my desires.”
Anthony (Jonathan Bailey) breathlessly tells Kate how he truly feels for her, despite being engaged to her sister Edwina
Photo : ABC screenshot
“I’ve been getting out of that Spider-Man costume. Did I miss anything? There’s, like, a different vibe in here.”
Co-host Amy Schumer masterfully eases the tension after Will Smith’s now-infamous slap of Chris Rock
Photo : AMC screenshot (2)
“[Hershel] doesn’t exactly trust me, you know.”
“But I’m starting to.”
Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) and Maggie (Lauren Cohan) reach a turning point as she asks her husband’s killer to babysit their son
Photo : ABC screenshot
“Gwendolyn, but he called her Winnie.”
Bruce (Spence Moore II) reveals the reimagining’s unexpected connection to the OG series — that his friend Brian, who died in the Vietnam War, is also Winnie Cooper’s brother — and breaks our hearts in the process
Photo : ABC screenshot
“Let me see these permission slips to the zoo, and they better be real, ’cause I can tell if you faked a Herbie Hancock.”
“Oh, it’s John Hancock.”
“Girl, I know. I just say whatever I want.”
Ava (Janelle James) doesn’t play by the rules
Photo : ABC screenshot
“We’ve watched Nightmare Before Christmas but only the Christmas parts, Practical Magic without the witchcraft and Hocus Pocus without Sarah Jessica Parker.”
Barbara (Sheryl Lee Ralph) describes her church’s Halloween movie screening tradition
Photo : BBC America screenshot
“I did it, Eve.”
“Don’t you mean ‘we did it’?”
“Yeah. But mostly me.”
Villanelle (Jodie Comer) lets Eve (Sandra Oh) know she’s taking the credit for taking down The Twelve
Photo : ABC screenshot
“Noah, I feel like maybe you should Wikipedia me.”
Katy Perry, famously an ex-girlfriend of John Mayer’s, balks at Noah Thompson’s suggestion that Perry picked a Mayer song for him to sing
Photo : Peacock screenshot
“#AlbumMode is a state of mind that started when our deal was announced and ends when I’m at the Met Gala in a catheter because my dress is too complicated.”
Wickie (Renée Elise Goldsberry) has a very clear vision of how the girls’ new album release will play out
Photo : ABC screenshot
“My name is Matt, Mom. This is me. I’m sad for you. I’m sad that you don’t want to get to know me or the man that I’ll become. I’m sad that you’re going to miss out on loving me when I feel the most me.”
“But honey, I love you… I’m trying to save you. Honey, you’re a child. You don’t know what’s good for you.”
“I know that when you call me Mary, it makes me want to die. Do you think me wanting to die is good for me, Mom?”
Whether his mom (Romy Rosemont) wants to hear it or not, transgender youth Matt (Hollidae Livingston) speaks his truth
Photo : CBS screenshot
“Wow. I might look too cool.”
Sheldon’s (Iain Armitage) first graphic tee is a total game-changer
Photo : Courtesy of NBC
“You’re as tough as they come, Rebecca Pearson. And you, my dear, have earned a rest.”
Dr. K (Gerald McRaney) gives Rebecca one last (sniff!) pep talk
Photo : Warner Bros. TV Distribution (2)
“When we started the show, I couldn’t say ‘gay.’ I was not allowed to say ‘gay.’ I say it at home a lot — you know, ‘What are we having for our gay breakfast?’ or ‘Pass the gay salt,’ or ‘Has anyone seen the gay remote?’ — but we couldn’t say ‘gay.’ I couldn’t say ‘we’ because that would imply that I was with someone. Sure couldn’t say ‘wife,’ and that’s because it wasn’t legal for gay people to get married. Now I say ‘wife’ all the time.”
During her last show, DeGeneres acknowledges how much has changed since 2003 — and calls attention to wife (and front-row audience member) Portia de Rossi
Photo : Netflix screenshot
“I don’t want to talk about it. I’ll punch you so hard in your face that your teeth’ll fall back out.”
“Whoa. Too far.”
Steve (Joe Keery) instantly regrets the way he tells Dustin (Gaten Matarazzo) to stop pointing out his lingering feelings for ex Nancy
Photo : Netflix screenshot
“You’ve grown.”
“You shrank.”
Reunited, Mike (Finn Wolfhard) and Hopper (David Harbour) compare the effects of adolescence vs. the Kamchatka diet
Photo : Netflix screenshot
“Who elected you, Vanya?”
“It’s, uh, Viktor.”
“Who’s Viktor?”
“I am. It’s who I’ve always been.”
Viktor Hargreeves (Elliot Page) introduces himself to his siblings for the first time
Photo : Disney+ screenshot
“I am not your failure, Obi-Wan. You didn’t kill Anakin Skywalker — I did.”
Darth Vader (Hayden Christensen), reinforcing what Ben Kenobi tells Luke Skywalker in A New Hope — that Vader did, indeed, kill his father
Photo : Prime Video screenshot
“How long have you been f—king it behind my back?”
“OK, it’s not an ‘it.’ It’s a ‘her.’ Get your pronouns right.”
Cassandra (Katy Breier) and The Deep (Chace Crawford) discuss his relationship with Ambrosius the octopus
Photo : BET screenshot
“Bitch, you’re f—king Black Panther and Eddie Murphy all rolled into one?!”
In case you couldn’t tell, Danni (Mignon) is pretty excited about Sabrina dating an African prince
Photo : Bravo screenshot
“2020 was bad for a lot of people, but I also think it was kind of like a spiritual awakening. This is going to sound crazy, but I made peace with my vagina.”
“Were you at war with your vagina?”
Not to discredit Sheree Zampino’s epiphany, but Dorit Kemsley poses a valid follow-up question
Photo : Paramount+ screenshot
During her hearing, Sister Andrea (Andrea Martin) subtly reminds Dr. Boggs that he knows firsthand how present demons can be in the world
Photo : Hulu screenshot (2)
“I enjoy spending time with you. You are a male, and yet you possess many prominent female traits. Which I find appealing.”
Topa (Imani Pullum) puts her crush on Gordon (Scott Grimes) into (awkward) words
Photo : AMC screenshot (inset: Everett Collection)
“Crazy? I’ll tell you what’s crazy: Fifty-year-old high school chemistry teacher comes into my office. The guy is so broke he can’t pay his own mortgage. One year later, he’s got a pile of cash as big as a Volkswagen. That’s crazy!”
Gee, to whom could Gene (Bob Odenkirk) be referring…?
Photo : Courtesy of HBO
Dolores-Hale (Tessa Thompson), the “bored” god, summons herself a place to sit
Photo : FX screenshot
“Trust me: Gay is in. Gay is hot. I want some gay. Gay it’s gonna be.”
Laszlo (Matt Berry) thinks faking a relationship with Nandor is a sure-fire way to get Colin into private school
Photo : HBO screenshot
“We let the [monkeypox] vaccine sit unused on a shelf in our reserves like an expired Chobani — or a $90 million movie on HBO Max. By the way, hi there, new business daddy! Seems like you’re doing a really great job. I do get the vague sense that you’re burning down my network for the insurance money, but I’m sure that that’ll all pass.”
Photo : ABC screenshot (2)
“Tino’s being a real baby back bitch.”
Ethan accidentally comes up with an alternate jingle for Chili’s while slamming his romantic rival
Photo : HBO Max screenshot
“I don’t trust clowns with secrets.”
“I am barely clown-themed anymore. I just think I look hot like this. I mean, check out how good these booty shorts make my ass look, right? [Off Bruce’s confused look] Never mind, you’re 8.”
Harley (voiced by Kaley Cuoco) tries to earn a young Bruce Wayne’s trust
Photo : The CW screenshot
“I think I might just take these as a reminder of my time in Roswell. … Fits like a glove!”
Seeing Allie (played by Shiri Appleby, aka the Liz of the original Roswell series) put on that alien headband was a full-circle moment we won’t soon forget
Photo : Kevin Winter/Getty Images
“When I was a little girl, all I wanted to see was me in the media: someone fat like me, Black like me, beautiful like me. If I could go back and tell little Lizzo something, I’d be like, ‘You’re going to see that person, but bitch, it’s going to have to be you.’”
Photo : Paramount+ screenshot
“Mother f—ker. Oh, I’m sorry, you didn’t hear that? Mother f—ker. F—k you and your moronic defund the police bulls—t. Why? Because you’re putting Trump back into the White House, you stupid f—kin’ tai-t lick. You never heard me swear before? Well, aren’t you in for a treat.”
After six seasons of watching his mouth on CBS’ The Good Wife, legendarily blunt political strategist Eli Gold (Alan Cumming) wastes no time taking his pent-up potty mouth for a spin in the Paramount+ spinoff
Photo : Paramount+ screenshot (2)
“So we are saying ‘Jeng-his’ now.”
“She does.”
“It’s the right way!”
Chuck (Mark Gagliardi) points out the Season 2 characters’ different pronunciations of Genghis Khan’s name
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Photo : Courtesy of CBS
“Monte may have more blood on his hands than me, but as someone who has sat on this eviction block six times on eviction night, I have bled out the most in this game. But I have bandaged myself together every single time and gotten up and continued to fight, because like so many other women in the world, that is what we have to do to get to the end… I have overcome so much in this game, and I have come to understand that I am not a shield, I am a sword. I am not a victim, I am a victor… Jury members, I am challenging you to make the hard decision and change the course of this game. Choose progress for the course of this game. I can be the winner of this season, and I promise you will not do it in vain if you choose me tonight.”
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Photo : NBC screenshot
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Photo : Disney+ screenshot
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Photo : Prime Video screenshot
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Photo : HBO screenshot
“He can keep his tongue.”
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Photo : Hulu screenshot
“Hi, June.”
“Hi, Serena.”
“You got a diaper?”
Serena (Yvonne Strahovski) and June (Elisabeth Moss) are in the same boat — er, train — at the end of the Season 5 finale
Photo : Syfy screenshot
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Photo : Disney+ screenshot
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Photo : Paramount+ screenshot
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Photo : HBO Max screenshot
“This is insane.”
“Compared to what? Two hours ago I was in [Conner’s] stomach trying to kill a ghost snake.”
“And two hours before that we were fighting zombies.”
“And I kissed Bernard.”
Tim (Jay Lycurgo) experienced a different kind of pre-fall finale action
Photo : Paramount Network screenshot
“How ya feeling?”
“Like I got hit by a truck. How about you?”
“Like I got hit by a Prius.”
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Photo : HBO screenshot
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messers-moony · 3 years
Divorce 2 | J.P
Paring: James Potter X Slytherin!Reader
Summary: Reader goes through divorce with her arranged husband but sees her Hogwarts crush almost two years later at her Potions shop in Diagon Alley
Prompt: Holding hands while driving
After that moment in the Potions store, James came around a lot more, much to Leo’s excitement. It became customary for James to restock items or help brew potions despite his lower levels. Leo was ecstatic to have him around. The mischievous and playful James Potter always kept Leo excited.
James spent lots of time with both of them. Making sure they were both taken care of and loved unconditionally. Frequently James would stop by to make dinner for them while Y/n worked late shifts or take Leo out of the shop to give him an adventure. A year had passed, and James had a crucial question for her. The shop was empty, and Leo was upstairs - ecstatic for his new Hogwarts adventure.
“Love?” James called as Y/n stepped down from the ladder, “Yes?”
“Can you- Can you come here a moment?” James ran a hand through his hair as she walked in front of him, “What's on your mind?” Y/n questioned softly.
James was hesitant, “Move in with me.”
“Move in with me, please?”
Y/n chuckled, flabbergasted, “James, that’s a big step.”
“I know, but I- I really want to be with you, all the time. I want to wake up to you every morning. I want to make you and Leo breakfast. I want to see you in a dreary state after a long day at work. I want to take care of you when you’re sick. I want to take Leo to Platform Nine and Three Quarters.” James swallowed, “I- I want to be the father Leo never got….” He murmured.
Y/n’s eyes turned soft at his muttered confession, “You- You mean it?” James nodded, “You want to be Leo’s father?” He nodded.
“I want to hug him before he leaves to Hogwarts all seven years. I want him to jump into my arms after his terms at Hogwarts. I want to watch him cause mischief and get those owls home. I want to write him letters to remind him that I’m here if he needs anything.” James’ eyes welled with tears, “I- I want to be there for everything.”
“I may not be his father biologically, but he is the closest thing I have to a son, and I’ll be damned if I don’t treat him like my own.”
Y/n wiped the stray tears away, “James, you need to understand that this is a big responsibility you’re taking on. You know there’s no one in this world I’d rather than you to be a true father to Leo, but I want to make sure this is truly what you want.”
“I’d want nothing more.” James swore, and Y/n smiled softly, “Then yes, we’ll move in with you.”
That night James, Y/n, and Leo were eating at the dinner table when James finally decided to speak up, “Leo?”
“How- How would you feel about leaving this place?” James asked carefully.
Leo’s face contorted to one of confusion, “Leave? Why?”
“Leo…” Y/n began with a smile, “James wants to know if you want to move in with him.”
“Both of us?” Leo queried, looking at his mom and gaining a nod, “James wants us to live with him!?”
James’ features softened at the boy's excitement, “Only if you want to.”
“Of course I want to!” Leo exclaimed with a bright smile.
Leo jumped up from his seat and hugged James tightly, “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”
James chuckled and ruffled the boy's hair, “You’re welcome.”
Lots of packing came with moving. It was a lot of cardboard boxes. James insisted they do it the muggle way, wanting Leo to experience new things after growing up being a pureblood. James saw how sheltered Sirius was and didn’t want Leo to be the same. It was also the reason they took a car to James’ house. Leo was fascinated when he entered the back seat.
It made Y/n and James laugh at how the boy was so quickly excited. Leo always had a lot of energy and not many ways to exert it, but with James around, that energy never went to waste. James and Leo would spend hours walking around Diagon Alley or flying on broomsticks together away from the muggles. Leo would enter the shop breathless and hair in disarray. James not too far behind. It warmed Y/n’s heart to see her son so happy.
While riding in the car, James gently took her hand in his. It was a small gesture, but it made her blush. Leo stared out the window of the vehicle the entire time while James played music from the radio. It took about an hour, but eventually, they got to Godric’s Hollow. James parked the car outside - upon hours later, he confessed it was Remus’ car - and began putting the boxes in the house. It was about midnight when all the boxes were on the bottom floor.
Leo busied himself with an old spell book James gave him while the other two unpacked. Y/n was opening a cardboard box when two arms wrapped around her waist. Y/n rested her hands on his and leaned back into his embrace. James left a kiss on her cheek, relishing at the moment. His girlfriend in his arms and her - their - child on the couch.
It took a month to get everything in place. James and Y/n had settled in their room together. Leo had found sanctuary in his bedroom that they painted a deep blue color. Leo was always obsessed with the stars and constellations. Perhaps a gift he collected from his biological father. Zenix always had a way with the stars Y/n didn’t quite comprehend. James was always willing to listen to Leo talk about them, though.
Only days until Leo was due to leave for his first year at Hogwarts and Y/n, was wishing for more time with him before she had to send him off. She was well aware that he’d be fine, but it was still her baby. More often than not, she was still selling Potions at her potions store. James stayed home with Leo and took him out on adventures. But the week before Leo was supposed to leave, Y/n took off of work.
The following week was filled with school shopping, getting ice cream, exploring the muggle world, riding broomsticks, and playing board games. It was possibly the best time Y/n had ever had since before getting married to Zenix. Although marrying Zenix was something she never wanted, she did get something amazing out of it - Leo.
He was her pride and joy, so when they - James and Y/n - stood on the platform, Y/n felt like sobbing, but she didn’t. Instead, James was the one crying. Leo held his mom extremely tight out of nervousness and anxiety. Leo reeled back to meet his mom’s bright e/c eyes.
“You’ll be fine, honey. You’ll make plenty of friends.” Y/n assured, and Leo’s eyes welled with tears, “I’ll miss you.” He whimpered.
“I’ll miss you too, my love.”
Leo hugged her again. Y/n chuckled and wrapped her arms around him again. James stood beside him, quietly crying. Here he was - James Potter - crying over his stepson leaving for Hogwarts. He wasn’t expecting it, but Leo wrapped his arms around him too. He was quietly sobbing into James’ shirt. Y/n stood back and watched with a bright smile.
They pulled apart, and Leo’s eyes looked like an ocean with the glossy texture, “You’ll be okay kiddo. Raise holy hell for me, okay?” James chuckled tearfully, kneeling to Leo’s height.
The boy nodded and wrapped his arms around James' shoulders, “I love you, dad.”
Y/n was barely able to withhold a gasp, and James was sobbing, “I love you too, kiddo.”
The raven-haired boy pulled away and took one last look at his parents. Leo jumped on the train and quickly pulled down the window as the train began to move, “I love you, mom! I love you, dad!”
“We love you too, sweetheart!” Y/n exclaimed, and James wrapped his arm around her waist.
The adult male was crying with a smile on his face facing his girlfriend, “He called me dad!”
Y/n laughed, “I can’t believe it! He called me dad!”
“I’ve dreamt about this moment for months!” James laughed, “Is it everything you dreamed of?”
“It’s so much better.” James replied, kissing her lips sweetly.
Not every story starts great. Maybe you’re loved one rejects you. Perhaps you start a commitment with someone you never loved or fell out of love with. Maybe not every story starts excellent. But who’s to say you can’t change the end? The beginning of your account is just that - the beginning. James and Y/n’s start was dreadful, but they were determined to change the ending.
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letterstotheflre · 3 years
my drug is my baby
summary: sirius is glad he was patient enough with you and takes part of what he has been craving most
warnings: daddy kink, a smidge of religious references, dacryphilia, overstimulation, fingering and oral sex (fem receiver), innocence/corruption kink
word count: 3.2k
a/n: i kinda hate this now but i think it’s because i read it too many times, idk || i think it's a universal experience to not being able to cum from your own fingers... right?? and we all know that sirius has a crying kink... also i think it’s so hot when they make you thank them for letting you cum, sue me!!
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Sirius Black liked to believe he was a patient man when he needed to be.
He was known for being reckless, always jumping into the next adventure without much thought, ready to follow James wherever he went. Most of the time he spoke without thinking, especially if he knew his comments would make his parents red with rage. Sometimes he didn’t even mean what he said, he just spewed whatever progressive or controversial opinion he had in hopes of making his mother’s heart stop beating.
He revelled in making rash decisions, somehow always ending up being benefited by them. He never gave much thought to anything: always doing his homework last minute yet somehow still getting top marks, taking some jokes too far, never taking into consideration other people’s safety unless they were close friends.
Some may call him selfish, but he liked not having to put too much thought into every single action. He spent most of his childhood walking on eggshells, afraid of saying the wrong thing and being punished or worse, Regulus taking the beating for him. But now that he finally escaped the Black family, he enjoyed the freedom that came with leaving Grimmauld Place.
He enjoyed breaking rules and creating chaos. It made him feel mighty, knowing he had the power to make all of those choices, still coming out on top, and see how they affected certain people. Most applauded him, revered him for being so spontaneous and adventurous; others couldn’t stand him, complaining about his mean jabs and sometimes harmful pranks.
Yet he knew how to wait for the things he deemed important or worthy. He knew that it was best to wait for Euphemia’s cherry pie to cool down before eating it, to wait for three days after the full moon to make a werewolf joke to Remus, to wait a few hours after James lost a Quidditch match to suggest a quick trip to The Three Broomsticks. And he knew it was best to wait for you.
Good things come to those who wait, that was his mantra. Of course, most of his restraint when it came to you was because he cared deeply about you and your comfort, but his conscience also drove him to keep his hands to himself. Every time his hands were about to go under your skirt, every time he heard your breathy moans when he kissed your neck, every time you looked at him with pouty lips begging for a kiss and his fingers craved to squeeze your neck, he took a step back. He felt so guilty for tainting something that in his mind was so pure, so he just held you close and peppered your face with kisses until you giggled.
But the thought of you being so untouched and how bashful you looked when he teased you or someone made a sexual comment made him want to ruin your innocence. Something inside him craved to see you tainted, to have you writhing under him as he rolled his hips against yours while you clutched his shoulders. He wanted to take that holiness you had and turn it into something so sinful that there was no way for you to ask for redemption.
And when you opened the door and took the first step, who was he to deny you?
He dragged everything out. Since the day when he taught you how to touch yourself, he wanted to make you wait for every sexual act that followed. He wanted to see how long it would take for you to beg him for some relief.
So today during a lecture when you looked at him with glazed over eyes and begged him to help you relieve the strange ache you felt in your stomach since you woke, he decided to be benevolent and give you some relief. He swiftly moved his hand under your skirt (thanking God that most of your closet consisted of that particular piece of clothing and dresses) and pushed aside your underwear before his fingers made way between your dripping folds. He didn’t enter you, just played with your clit until you had to bite the back of your hand to muffle your moans.
But when you whispered a small “thank you, daddy” and pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek, the only thing he wanted to do was take you back to his room and press you to the bed until your legs shook and tears ran down your cheeks. His eyes quickly scanned the classroom to make sure no one saw or heard anything, shoulders tense because of your words. All he could see were students with their own glassy eyes as they listened to whatever the professor was talking about. Fucking tease, Sirius thought.
And now, as he watched you on your knees and clutching his leg, lips pouty and cheek nuzzling his jean covered thigh, he was thankful for being patient enough.
“Please, Sirius, they’re back,” you said. He knew exactly what you were talking about, but played dumb as one hand petted your hair. “What’s back, baby?”
“The tingles,” you explained.
“And you need me to fix it, hm?” A small taunt was evident in his tone. “Your hands aren’t enough anymore, right bunny?”
Your cheeks warmed up at the implication, nevertheless, you shook your head. You still managed to make yourself cum, but the way Sirius could play with your clit like an experienced musician and how his big hands moved your hips along his jean covered leg would never compare to your dainty digits. The thought of his big fingers inside of you was enough to increase the tingles, and your hands pressed down on your stomach trying to soothe the pain.
“Please, Sirius, it hurts so bad,” you whimpered.
“Use your words, angel. Be good,” he said. You looked up at him with watery eyes, your mind already slipping and not letting you form too many coherent thoughts. “Please, daddy,” you sniffled.
He kept petting your head. “What do you want, angel?” He asked, looking almost bored with the situation as he listened to your pleads. “Anything,” you whined.
He shook his head, mocking disappointment. “You know you have to ask for what you want, puppy.” Even though he wasn’t angry, honestly a little amused at your desperation, his voice was stern, trying to engrave his rules in your fuzzy brain.
Your hands squeezed his leg, “I need you… down there.”
“You need to be clearer.''
You closed your eyes. You hated being so crass, but Sirius certainly had no qualms about it. “I need you… in my pussy,” you got out. But it wasn’t enough, not for Sirius who longed to ruin every aspect of your innocence. “What do you want, baby? D’ya want my fingers or my tongue?”
“Both,” you whined. Bingo, he thought with a dark smirk that would’ve sent shivers down your spine if you weren’t absolutely drenching and desperate for his touch. “Up you get, puppy,” he said, “lay on the bed f’me.”
You got on the bed right next to him, your head laying on one of your fluffy pillows. Your dress rode up a bit with your movements, but it didn’t really matter, and you pressed your legs together trying to relieve some of the tension while you waited for Sirius to do something. He simply watched you, taking in the image of you wriggling in place and toying with the rings he bought you for your birthday.
You felt a soft touch on your calves, and it gave you a fluttering feeling in your stomach. Sirius’s hands were moving slowly up your legs, nudging them apart without needing much force since you complied immediately. You were about to burst, ready to scream at him to just get on with it, but decided to keep quiet.
One of his hands made its way to the edge of your dress, swiftly going under it and his fingers slightly grazing your clothed pussy. Your hips bucked at the soft touch, but then just as quickly as it came it was gone. “No, come back!” you implored, reaching for Sirius’s wrist but being too slow.
Sirius arched one eyebrow, “What was that?”
“I’m sorry!” you cried out, “M’sorry, I just need you so bad. It hurts.” But Sirius remained where he was, arms now crossed over his chest as he looked at you. His eyes were full of disappointment and you wanted to cry, “What’s gotten into you today? You were so demanding in class before, so bratty, I don’t think you deserve it at all.” He was stretching the truth, you were by far the least bratty person he had ever been with, but he couldn’t help himself when he saw how much his words affected you.
A few tears fell at his words, “No, no, m’not bratty. I’m a good girl, daddy. I promise I’ll be so so good, your best girl! I won’t ask for anything more, m’sorry.'' You were saying anything you could to convince him that you were still his good girl, his angel.
Your lips were quivering and your chest was heaving with sobs you tried to keep inside; babbling apologies and trying to convince him that you would never act like this again, and he finally took pity on you. His hands gripped your ankles and opened your legs so he could lay comfortably between them. He could see a dark patch on your lavender underwear, and he huffed out a laugh with a slightly amused shake of his head. “I forgive you, bunny, but you’ll have to take everything that I give you. D’you think you can do that f’me?”
You nodded eagerly, choking a small ‘thank you’ as you tried to control your breath. He grabbed the ends of your dress and bunched it up over your waist, not bothering to take it off. He licked a strip over your underwear and the combination of his warm tongue with the friction of the cotton cloth was enough to make you mewl.
Sirius could not deny that he had been craving to taste you once more after he licked your fingers clean that day, and now only getting a smidge of your taste from what seeped through your underwear drove him insane. He needed to taste you completely, so he quickly pulled them off and pocketed them in the back of his jeans.
He used his fingers to spread your folds wide open, staring hungrily at all the slick that had gathered. “Oh puppy, look at the mess you’ve already made,” he crooned. “Y’re dripping, d’ya really need me this bad?”
“Yes, so so bad. Please, daddy.” He was so close, his warm breath hitting your wet folds and making you tremble in anticipation.
You watched, using your elbows to raise yourself a little, as he slowly started to take his rings off. “Hold ‘em for me, bunny, don’t want them to get dirty,” he said as he slid his chunky rings into your fingers. The metal dangled a little because of the size difference, so you closed your hands to keep them from falling.
Finally, his tongue made contact with your clit and you sighed in relief. It was followed by a moan when he started to suck on it, making sure to swirl his tongue all around before slurping. He looked like a starved man that finally came into contact with some sweet fruit, moving his head around your pussy to have you gushing on him. The ache in your tummy was slowly decreasing, now replaced with a nice fluttering feeling.
Your whines and moans echoed through his ears, resembling the most beautiful angel choir he had ever heard. He pulled away for a moment, “I’ve been waiting to taste you for days, puppy. S’better than I remembered.”
The more he pushed his tongue inside you, the more your legs shook. You involuntarily closed them, your pillowy thighs acting as earmuffs around Sirius’s head. He let them rest there for a few seconds before pushing them open once more, adding more fervour to his movements, eager to drink your sweet ambrosia.
Your closed fists went to his head, and you opened them a little to grip his hair, trying to ground yourself. “Gonna cum, daddy, can I?” You breathed out. Sirius just hummed, sending vibrations that were enough to make you let go. You tried to close your legs once more, but his shoulders prevented you from doing so. You felt like you were floating, your brain shutting off for a few seconds before returning to earth.
But Sirius didn’t stop moving his tongue, one of his fingers circling your hole before entering you slowly. Just one of his fingers felt like two of yours, even though you knew it wasn’t an accurate comparison. The stretch this time burned more than when you touched yourself, and you whined while shaking your head. “Too much, s’too much.”
Sirius paused for a moment so he could press your legs to your chest with one hand while the other kept moving in and out of you. The sudden switch in position made you gasp, but not as much as when Sirius thrust his fingers hard. “Are you dumb? I told you you had to take everything I gave you. D’you want to make me mad again?”
More tears fell when he curled his fingers, expertly finding that spongy spot inside you that pumped white heat through your veins. The way they twisted resembled a musician fiddling with a harp, your needy whines accompanying them like the main act. “No no, I can take it” you gasped, drowning in bliss as his fingers kept hitting the perfect spots.
You were already so close, Sirius giving you no respite as he quickly pushed his fingers. Your hand gripped his arm, fingertips digging the ink-covered skin. “C-close,” you whined, eyes rolling back and mouth open as you felt the tension ready to break.
“Going to make more of a mess, angel?” he grumbled, and you tried to nod as much as you could in your constricted position. Sirius chuckled, “Dirty little thing. Go on, I’ve got you.”
You whimpered brokenly as he pulled another orgasm from you. It felt like his fingertips were scrapping your insides to drag it out, and your feet dangled in the air as you swung them while trying to grab his wrist to stop him from moving.
Sirius couldn’t tear his eyes from you, with your pretty tears dripping down your cheeks and your chest heaving with small sobs from how good you felt. For him, all for him and only ever for him, because no one had ever touched you like he has and no one else ever would. “You look so pretty like this,” he cooed. “God I love your tears, baby, look how hard you make me.”
Your eyes moved down his body—when had he taken off his shirt? His tattoos splayed over his toned muscles made you clench around his fingers. You adored the small drawings that covered most of his body, they looked so beautiful on him and you just wanted to cry even more at how pretty your boyfriend was. When your eyes moved lower, following his previous instruction, you could see there was already a bulge in his pants that you knew was his cock, and your mouth watered at the thought of it just resting against his stomach like it did the first time you sucked him.
“I wanna feel you,” you cried while stretching your hands to touch him. He let you, your soft palms going over his chest and grabbing his shoulders so you could pull him down. “Kissie,” you breathed, letting his lips hover over yours for a second before kissing you hard and messily. His tongue played with yours and it only added more fuel to the fire inside you.
A moan broke you apart when his fingers resumed their pace, “P-please, no more” you babbled, the stimulation too much to bear.
“How are you gonna take my cock if you can’t take my fingers, hm?” He asked and you whined, his fingers burying themselves up to his knuckles and making your eyes roll back once more. Your mouth was dry from being constantly open, whimpers and moans constantly escaping from the open cavity. “Come on, one more, I know you have it in you. My good girl aren’t you?”
The squelching sounds were so dirty and they rang through your ears,  yet even through your fuzzy mind you could discern the important words, “Y-your good girl,” you managed to get out with a smile, glad to be praised by him.
His other hand pressed down on your legs even more, and now you could see the way the digits moved in and out of you, a slight sheen coating the skin every time they came out. “God, you were right, bunny, you are tight,” he grunted, “I don’t think I’ll ever fit, m’gonna break you.”
At that, your eyes widened. “No no, you’ll fit, daddy!” But he just chuckled at your desperation, “M’gonna break you in half, angel. Do you want that? Do you want me to split you open?”
A small chant of ’yes’ and ‘please’ echoed through the room. You could feel another wave coming, ready to wash over you as your toes curled in anticipation. It was like you were dangling on the edge, your hands holding on for dear life as you tried to hold on, and your moans grew louder and louder with every thrust Sirius gave.
Your clenching walls around his digits were warning enough for him, and he kept his eyes on your form as you struggled to keep it at bay, waiting for his permission. He watched as your ring clad fingers scrambled to the sheets, gripping them tightly as your head moved from side to side. “That’s it, bunny, let go f’me” and with one harsh thrust, you slackened the hold you had on your release and finally let go.
If you felt like you were still on your body you would’ve screamed. A white heat engulfed you as your vision grew hazy, your hips raising of their own accord and aiding Sirius in dragging your orgasm out. You looked so beautiful like this, a sweaty sheen on your skin and now tangled up hair sticking to your forehead. Sirius leant down, tongue cleaning the fallen tears before they dried, and you couldn’t help the moan that escaped you.
He grabbed your face, squishing your spit covered cheeks. “What do you say, angel?”
With a shuddering breath, you looked into his stormy eyes as he cleaned your release from his fingers with his tongue. “Thank you, daddy.”
You tried to lower your legs, but Sirius kept them in place. You stared at him, confused, yet he was staring at your puffy cunt, all shiny and stretched out for him. A smirk covered his lips as he finally looked at you, “I think y’re finally ready for m’cock, angel.”
TAGLIST: @ildm4ev @capsmischief @dracosafety @dracoxgeorge @roonilwazlibswhore @lovelylupinx @sarcasmismyon1ydefence @marxy-06 @remusjlupinisdead @mattefic @artisancowbells @zzzfour @emmaev @gxtitobxby @sam-hollandsgirl —if you want to be tagged tap here
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proserpina-magnus · 3 years
Can you do a fic where the reader and young sirius are dating but the reader feels like she's not good enough for him so she asked him to breakup with her but he doesn't?
Hi'!! Thank you so much for the request :))), I hope you enjoy!! xoxo
One Where You Try To Break Up With Him [ Sirius Black ]
Word Count: 1k
[ Warning: fem reader, crying, (slight) panic attack, swearing, kissing, insecurities, description of worry/panic, hurt to comfort, use of the word "baby" ]
"You...- what are you talking about?" Sirius asked in a worried voice, standing up from the Gryffindor couch as he looked at you with wide eyes. He was absolutely in terror, walking over to you as he grabs your elbow gently. He doesn't let go, he's afraid if he does then you'll somehow disappear and he'll be alone again.
"I'm just me. And you're you. It's complicated and I don't want to date you anymore," you lied, feeling a horrible emotion sink over you. You looked away, pulling your elbow from his grasp. Sirius gave you a wild look, completely lost and scared.
Sirius looks around the common room, watching as a first year leaves the room to escape the awkward breakup. You look around the room as well, confused about what's he's doing.
"Where are they?" Sirius asked, the terror leaving his body as he looks around for his friends. You give him a confused look, hearing him laugh painfully. You saw tears in his eyes. He wasn't supposed to cry, he was supposed to sigh happily and go find a better girlfriend.
Sirius shoots his head back to you, seeing your confused expression. He takes a step back, feeling a rise of panic hit him. He loses his breath, eyes blurring as he lets out a loud sob. "No! This isn't a funny prank, stop it," Sirius exclaims, his watery eyes leaking quick tears.
"Sirius?" You asked worried, watching as he falls to the ground. You hurry over to where he is, your hand on his shoulder as you watch the once confident man turn into a sobbing mess. His arms wrap around your waist, pulling you tightly.
"Why are you doing this to me? Did I do something? Did I hurt you?" Sirius asks through sobs, crumbling into your body. You hold him close, rocking him back with a gentle shush. You feel horrible, your hand coming to pet his hair.
"No... no Sirius I'm so sorry. You did nothing wrong, it's all me I promise," you try and soothe him, you move your hand to his back. Sirius pulls back with a sniffle, his limbs still curled around your body. He gives you an angry look, his eyes scanning you over.
"You cheated on me?" Sirius asked in a low whisper, not knowing if he was sad or furious. You give a bewildered look, shaking your head. "No! I would never!" You tell him, he gives you a mixed expression.
"Then why are you doing this? Why are you leaving me?" Sirius bawled, his hands coming to grip your shoulder. You could only let your mouth hang open, no words leaving past your lips.
"What did I do?" He cried, begging for an answer. He cries down towards his chest, head titled as he lets out loud agonizing wounded sounds. He looks up quickly through blurred eyes, his eyes look terrified and scared. You begin to sob yourself, feeling guilty for making him feel this way. You shake your head, letting out a sobbed; "you did nothing wrong,"
"Then why?" He begged, wiping his tears with his hand. He straightened up, trying to compose himself in front of you. You only let your eyes closed, pulling back to lean onto the coach for support. You both sat on the wooden floor, tears flooding your face. Sirius reached out, grasping your shoulders with a strong force.
"[ name ], why?" Sirius asked after he calmed down, tears staining his face. You let out a crying sigh, trying to pull yourself together as he had.
"You deserve so much better Sirius, it's better if we break up so you can be with someone else," You sob out, trying to slap his hands away from you. Sirius keeps holding onto your shoulders, fingernails digging into your clothed flesh. You wince, eyes closing from the slight pain.
"Oh! I'm sorry baby, didn't mean it, promise I didn't, I would never hurt you," Sirius expressed, his hands instantly leaving your shoulders in a hurried worry. Sirius feels a shot of grief wash over him, his words blabbering as he tells you how sorry he is.
"Sirius, calm down," you breathe, your hands on his arms as you steady him. Sirius looks at you with wide eyes, tears pushing their way past his waterline once again.
"I'm so sorry, I'll be a better boyfriend. I promise I'll be better," Sirius repeats, his shaky hands coming to hold your face. You try and say his name, but Sirius cuts you off with; "please don't leave me, please I'll be better,"
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it, please calm down okay? You're not losing me, I'm just being silly," You comfort him quickly, bringing yourself into his arms. You give him a tight hug, not daring to let go. Sirius lets out a sobbed breath, relief flowing over him. "Never fucking say that again, y'had me worried,"
"I'm so sorry Sirius," you rasp through the embrace, his head laying against yours. He pulls you in his lap, making you wrap your legs around his waist. "You think I want someone better?" Sirius chokes out with a laugh, pulling back slightly. His hands come to your face, holding it in place. His curls a mess against his face, worry still lingering on his features.
"I want nothing but you, every day I wake up and I can't believe how fucking lucky I got," Sirius cursed, his rough thumbs rubbing away your running mascara. You sniffle, leaning into his hand. "You're the best-fucking-thing that has happened to me," he insisted, pulling your head towards his.
The kiss tasted salty from the tears shared, it felt forced but for good reasons. Sirius pressed every emotion he felt through the kiss, his fingers caressing your delicate features. He couldn't pull himself away, his lips brushing into yours. It felt like he wanted to form together, but he sadly parted.
"Best-fucking-thing," Sirius repeated, his hand moving to the back of your head. He pushed you into his chest, you felt his chest push into yours with every heavy breath he took. You closed your eyes, realizing how silly it was to believe he hadn't wanted you.
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pinkteapotwriting · 3 years
Happy Birthday Remus!
Warning: Lol, this is literally just smut. Smutty smut smut. 
Female/male receiving, oral, edging, degradation, Fem!dom, Spitting, creampie, basically explicit sexual content. Minors DNI
Description : Remus wants something special for his birthday, something out of the norm.
Wolfstar x Fem!Reader
Word count : 1721
Here you were.
It was ridiculous really.
You always behaved, maybe needy, but never bratty. Yet Remus and Sirius always found a way to push you out of your comfort zone.
So here you were.
Straddling Sirius as his arms were bound by leather to the head board, only in his boxers. Normally it would be the other way around. Sirius was not submissive and quite the bratty bottom. Sirius smirked up at you, challenging you just knowing he could easily get his revenge. 
You see it was Remus’s birthday and you’ve always been very eager to please. You remember the day before asking what varying chocolate sweets Remus would want for his birthday. You knew he had a hard time accepting gifts, but you knew he’d appreciate some baking. So you wander into the living room to see Remus lying against Sirius as he read. Sirius was drawing lazy circles against Remus and you forgot why you weren’t settled there too, before you snapped out of it.
“Rem, darling?”
Rising up from his very comfortable seat, he walked towards you, gave you a quick peck before responding, “Yes love?”
“I know chocolate cake is your favorite, but is there anything else you want me to make? Just ask and I’ll do it. 
Remus smirked for a second, “anything?” he asked.
“Of course, silly.” You looked up at him questioningly. It’s his birthday, you weren’t likely to say no.
“I do want something for my birthday, but it’s not food.”
Sirius’s head popped up in surprise and as his eyes reached yours he found your reaction matched his own. Remus didn’t like people buying things for him. Before you could even ask what he wanted Remus was whispering something in your ear that made you shiver. Sirius arched his eyebrows at you in question and you just stared back, much too embarrassed to respond. Knowing how easy it was to get you flustered he turned to Remus for an answer. And that’s when Remus had the gull to laugh and say, 
“Oh, you’ll find out”
So here you were wearing a colour of lingerie that Remus adored on you, Straddling Sirius, not believing that Remus wanted you to dom him as he sat safely from a distance on a chair at the foot of the bed. It would be an easier task to make Remus the minister of magic than it would be to manage Sirius. You were a very gentle soul and that was one of the reasons the boys fell in love with you, but Remus had gained so much amusement at the prospect of you dominating the untameable, and it was his birthday, so you were forced to oblige. 
There was Sirius with that menacing grin, “Well, what are you waiting for?”
You turned back to Remus for some sort of moral support but he just stared back, palming his bulge clearly eager for you to get a move on. Then Sirius did something that would have gotten you punished ruthlessly (by him no less) and thrust upwards at your core and stated, “come on, I thought you were supposed to be paying attention to me?”
You glared down at him. The audacity to edge you for hours for not responding quick enough, or not begging enough for his liking and you turn your head for one second and he has the nerve to act like that. Your usual gentle tone was diminished and if the tone wasn’t warning enough your words definitely were. 
“I don’t remember giving you permission to move and let’s make one thing clear you fucking brat.” You didn’t see but you were sure Remus’s eyebrows were raised as Sirius returned your glare with ease “You are tied up for my pleasure right now, and through mine you’re tied up for Remus’s too. So if you can’t be a good boy I won’t hesitate to treat you with the same mercilessness that you treat me with. Are we understood?”
“Fine.” He grinned. 
“That’s a start at least. Open your mouth.” you commanded. 
When he didn’t do so you squeezed his jaw between your thumb and forefingers the same way he does, forcing his mouth open on your own. 
“I said to open your mouth, I knew you were useless, but I wasn’t expecting you to be so dumb.” 
It felt so good to use his words against him. Apparently slipping into a dom role would be easier than you thought. With your new surge of confidence you leaned forward and spat in his mouth. You clamped his jaw shut and plugged his nose quickly after.
“Swallow” you commanded.
And he did.
You started to grind down on him then earning a moan from Sirius.
“Aw you like that baby? Your cock is so hard right now, I bet it’s aching. Bet you want nothing more than to fuck me senseless. Too bad you’re such a brat. Do you wanna make it up to me?”
You continued grinding, but he said nothing. You slowed to a torturous pace, “I said do you wanna make it up to me”
“Yes” he said quietly.
“Speak up, Remus needs to hear you too love.”
“I said yes” and with that it was your turn to smirk.
You got up and removed your underwear and made your way to Sirius’s face to straddle that instead. Before you sank down you said, “I want you to make me cum with only your tongue before I even think about returning the favour.” Not bothering to wait for a response you sank down on him and surprisingly he was being obedient. As his tongue greedily lapped at your pussy you turned towards the chair at the end of the bed. Remus was jacking off, eyes hungrily watching. 
“See, now that you’re finally being a good boy Remus can feel good too. I can’t believe you would make him wait so long you selfish brat.”
Sirius knew it would be too dangerous to respond so he just continued tonging your clit.
You decided to give him a little treat since you were getting so close and leaned back to pull his throbbing length out of his boxers and stroke it. 
Remus was having the time of his life. He knew what potential you had. Especially seeing the slight defiance in your eyes when Sirius would make you call yourself a whore for them. You enjoyed making them feel good, but Sirius deserved a taste of his own medicine. He couldn’t wait to see what you would do next. 
As you ground down on Sirius’s face he finally brought you to your release. Sirius was close too, and as his hips rushed up to meet your strokes more and more desperately you released his dick. He groaned in frustration.
“Don’t be a baby, you do this to me all the time and besides if you think a plaything like you gets to cum before the birthday boy you are sorely mistaken.” She undid his bonds “Stand up.”
Sirius was very happy to be free but as soon as he was you were using the same bonds to restrain his hands behind his back. 
“On your knees, in front of Remus, now.”
Sirius eagerly obeyed, not wanted to risk the chance of not getting his release he needed so badly.
“Sirius I want you to beg for Remus’s cock.”
Sirius raised his eyes from Remus’s red, swollen member to Remus’s lustful gaze.
“Go on, what do you say? I'll give you a hint, you make me say it all the time.”
“Please.” Sirius quietly muttered. 
“Please what?” this time Remus spoke up.
“Please may I suck your cock?”
“Well, since you asked so nicely”
Soon enough Remus was fucking Sirius’s face as you were knelt beside him. Placing delicate, yet intense kisses across his shoulders and neck, while still whispering the odd dirty statement. Loving that Remus turned the tables for you and excited for when Sirius would turn them back. 
“Fuck, I’m coming.” Remus pulled out and watched intently as Sirius swallowed and as you cleaned up what Sirius missed.
“Please please I’ve been so good now can I please cum too?” Sirius asked looking at you.
“I don’t think so” Remus responded, “y/n has been much better than you so I think I’ll be making her cum again while you watch on the chair.” 
It was so much fun watching tears roll down Sirius’s cheeks as Remus fucked you from behind. 
Maybe it was your birthday instead you mused to yourself as Remus slammed his cock into you brutally, making sure you and Remus both would get to come for the second time that evening. Remus wrapped his arm around your neck and pressed your back to his chest, while his other one made his way to your clit mimicking the furious pace of his pounding. 
“Isn’t she so pretty? Pads, look at her all fucked out. This is what a good pet looks like. Fuck she’s so tight, bet you wish you could cum in her pussy like I’m bout to.”
You just whined at that, completely aware of the fact you could climax by Remus’s words alone. 
“You like that Pup? You like knowing you’re my good girl? Come on, be a good girl and make a mess on my cock.”
Your orgasm washed over you in a burst, Remus prolonged it by continuing to strive for his own high. Just before you were about to cry it was too much Remus was releasing his big load inside you. As you were both catching your breath you were interrupted by soft sniffles coming from the foot of the bed. 
“Don’t cry sweetheart” Remus cooed “You can have your turn now. y/n do you wanna help our Siri out”
You gathered your strength and clambered off the bed. On all fours you made your way to Sirius before nestling yourself between his legs on your knees. Finally Sirius sighed in relief as your lips wrapped around his cock. If tonight taught him anything, it taught him he was going to be praising you much more for what you put up with. 
“I love you y/n” 
He really meant it, and not only because he was cumming down your throat.
Hey y’all I hope you liked this. Please feel free to let me know if you’d like to see other stuff like this in the future!
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gallifrey1sburning · 2 years
for the trope mash-up ask: 24 & 38? Hope you're doing well xx
24. Soulmate AU
38. Grief fic
Thank you, kind anon, for prompting! I can’t bring myself to have something happen to one of the boys, so here’s something bittersweet but not too sad for you. (And by not too sad I mean I made myself cry but I am DELICATE and we all know it.) Also whoops this is less of an idea and more of a short fic? 🤷🏻 Sometimes I get a bit carried away!
Harry didn’t know that soulmates were a thing for wizards, because of course he didn’t. How on earth would he? It’s a ludicrous idea. But they are, as it turns out — it’s nothing as dramatic as marks on your skin or shared thoughts, and it can be difficult to find yours, so a lot of people don’t hold out for it. You can’t even tell until you kiss them for the first time, and who wants to kiss hundreds of people just hoping that one of them will be the one to set off the spark in your chest that lets you know?
Ron and Hermione had felt it, apparently; he finds out after someone mentions soulmates in passing and Harry brushes it off as wishful thinking, and Ron realizes that Harry doesn’t know they’re real. When he tries to explain, Harry still doesn’t really believe it — doesn’t every good first kiss make you tingle a bit?
“Not like this,” Ron tells him. “This is your magical cores connecting. Trust me, you’ll be able to tell the difference when it happens.”
If it happens, Harry thinks, but he doesn’t say it out loud. He’s not had much luck with dating, and he supposes that maybe this is why.
Harry’s parents were soulmates. Harry finds this out in an old letter in Sirius’s things, where James is absolutely dumbstruck that, after everything, he and Lily actually belong together. He goes on and on about how lucky he is; how he can’t believe that he gets to keep her. That she might actually keep him. He talks about their future, envisioning years of adventures, and even more years of content, domestic bliss. About how he wonders if they’ll have kids, and how he hopes they will. How he’d want two or three, because he’d always wanted a sibling growing up (although he assures Sirius that he counts him as a brother and always will).
Harry’s heart breaks with every word he reads, learning about the life that his parents wanted but never lived to see, the younger siblings he never got to have. He sits and rereads the letter and lets his tears fall; his roommate (and how odd is it that he ended up sharing a flat with Draco Malfoy, of all people?) isn’t home anyway.
Except that apparently he is, because suddenly he’s on the sofa next to Harry, asking him what’s wrong, and Harry for some reason tells him everything. And Draco sits and listens and scoots in close, putting an arm around Harry so that he can put his head on Draco’s shoulder and doesn’t have to look at him while he talks. And Draco strokes his hair and holds him and kisses the top of his head and tells him that his parents would be so proud to see the life that he’s built for himself, and that they may not have gotten everything that they wanted, but they’d gotten a few beautiful years together, and they’d gotten him, and maybe that was enough.
And Harry cries a bit more, but then sits up and wipes his eyes and thanks Draco. And then, on impulse, he leans in and kisses him — just a soft peck, almost nothing, really — and he feels his chest light up like he’s on fire. And he and Draco just stare at each other in shock, and then Harry starts laughing because Draco’s face looks RIDICULOUS, and because Ron was right: there was no mistaking it. But then he stops laughing because Draco is kissing him again and everything is alight.
And in the back of his mind, Harry thinks that while maybe his parents didn’t get all of the years together as soulmates that they’d wished for, their son will, and he’s going to make the most of it.
Trope mashup prompts
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hpimaginesandblurbs · 3 years
hey, sweetie! I came across your account and found your stories are utterly amazing! I can't get enough re-reading all over again; it's very very great! I was hoping if I could make a req? If only you don't mind!
Can you do the marauders (yes, prongs moony and padfoot) smut where they accidentally use degrading kink but the reader is hurt and she ended up crying because it makes her very insecure because she's nothing but just a fuck toy? I don't hate the idea of such kink but I'm not fond of being degraded even though it doesn't mean any harm. maybe they will praise her and cuddle until she's completely calm down. i really like fluff ending❤ thanks!
pairing(s): james potter x remus lupin x sirius black x reader (foursome) 
warning(s): 18+, foursome, double penetration, oral (male receiving), anal, degradation, praise, lots of cum, cute cuddles 
word count: 1.9k
a/n: oh my god. when i got this request i literally had to pause and reread it so many times because it sent me spiraling. too good. thank you for this because i know exactly what i’ll be daydreaming about for the next week! i’m the same way about degradation (i don’t want it unless i’m really in the mood) so i can totally relate. i just hope i did it justice. enjoy! 
“C’mon, puppy, sit right here like a good girl,” Sirius instructed, giving a pointed nod to his erect cock. He was lounging back on his bed, one hand propped behind his head, his raven hair wrapped up in a messy bun. He looked like a Greek God and he didn’t even have to try. 
You made your way up the bed, straddling his waist and hovering your core above him. You were already dripping wet with the anticipation of what these boys were about to do to you. You weren’t sure how it escalated to this point, but here you were. 
You were hovered above Sirius’ cock, Remus making his way up the bed behind you, and James was off to the side, stroking his cock and content with waiting until you were ready to take it. The night you four had planned was triple penetration to the ultimate proportions. 
You sunk down onto Sirius’ cock, feeling him stretch you and fill you so beautifully as he always did. All of their cocks were amazing, but Sirius’ was the perfect amount of thickness that you needed. 
“Fuck, you never stop being tight no matter how much we stretch you. Just the perfect little hole for us,” Sirius said roughly, his large hands coming to grip your hips and grind you down onto him, getting you settled on his cock. 
Remus was the next one with his hands on you, pushing you forward onto Sirius’ chest until you were completely exposed to him. He could see the spot where Sirius was entering your body, stretching you out completely, and he could see exactly where his own cock would be going - right into your tightest hole, already being stretched with a plug. 
He worked it out gently, all three of them listening to you whimper into Sirius’ neck as he pushed and pulled, teasing you, until he finally removed it. 
“That’s a good girl. Stay just like that and quiet to be our little toy,” James commented, reaching over to brush some hair out of your face. You keened at the attention, but his choice of words made you flush red with embarrassment. You knew logically you were more than just a hole or a toy for them, but hearing it made you question what their intentions were nonetheless. 
Next thing you knew, you could feel Remus’ cock at your entrance, slowly pushing in. It wasn’t as bad as you had expected, the boys had prepped you well, but the additional stretch and sting made you wince lightly despite your moan. 
Remus roughly grabbed your arms and pulled you back so your back hit his chest harshly as he bottomed out inside of you. You were now successfully taking both of their cocks which made your head spin with arousal, but his words sent you spiralling. 
“Oh don’t act like you’re in pain. That won’t work with us. We know you're just a filthy slut so you’ll take it like one,” Remus said, beginning to slowly roll his hips against your ass, forcing you to grind on Sirius’ cock in return. 
Regardless of how his words made you feel, you couldn’t stop the moan from falling out of your mouth, effectively proving him right. When you looked down at Sirius, you knew he could see the tears beginning to form in your eyes, but he disregarded it to begin thrusting up into you, your head falling back onto Remus’ shoulders. 
“Fuck she feels so good,” Sirius moaned. “Prongs, she’s ready for you,” he said, looking over to his messy haired friend. 
Once that was said, Remus released your arms and you had to flail to stay upright, clutching Sirius’s shoulder. You weren’t there for long before James grabbed a chuck of your hair from the root and pulled you down sideways, your mouth lining up with his cock. 
“Open,” was all he said, treating you indifferently. Something you were not used to and not a fan of. You did what he asked regardless though, hoping if you proved that you were good their attitudes would change. 
Once your mouth engulfed James, all three of them let out a moan in sync, getting off on the fact that all of them were inside of you at the same time. 
“Look at her,” Remus rumbled out, “just a filthy fucking whore taking all of us.” 
You whined around James’ cock in protest, but the vibration only made him moan and pull your head in further, your nose now flush up against his skin. A tear slipped down your face, both because of the urge to gag around James’ cock and because of their unexpected treatment of you. Sure they had degraded you before, but never this much, never all of them at once, and always mixed with praise. This was different and you didn’t like it. 
“Look at her,” James started with a breathless laugh, continuing to fuck your throat raw, “she’s even crying for it like the pathetic slut she is.” 
That’s what did it. That’s what had you pulling off of James with a sob, struggling for breath with tears pouring down your face. “Stop, please stop,” you begged quietly, praying that one of them believed you. 
Thinking back, you were all stupid to never have a safeword for these situations but nothing like this had ever come up before. They were always so good with reading you, knowing exactly what you needed. You weren’t sure what went wrong this time. 
Thankfully, James didn’t go to reach for you again and Sirius and Remus immediately stopped giving you the delicious friction they had been providing inside of you to turn towards your face. 
You collapsed against Sirius’ chest in a fit of sobs and he was quick to wrap his arms around you and pull you close. You could practically feel the panicked looks being passed between them, but they were all quick to jump into action. Remus was running his hand along your back, but he never pulled out, they knew how much you hated them pulling out before you were ready. You felt the bed dip and James sat down at Sirius’ side, a hand coming up to brush through your tangled hair. 
“What happened, love? What’s wrong?” Sirius asked softly, his lips brushing against your neck. 
“Too mean,” you whimpered out, not looking up at any of them. 
“We were being too mean to our sweet girl? You want us to be nice while you’re our good girl?” Remus asking, lips brushing your shoulder blade before he pressed a gentle kiss on your skin. 
“Please,” you said with a final shaky breath, looking up at the boys while your tears dried. 
“You sure you want to keep going?” James asked gently, his thumb coming up to brush the tears off of your face. 
“Please. Please, it felt so good,” you begging shamelessly, grinding down on Sirius and Remus’ cock for good measure, just to prove how much you wanted to keep going. 
“Fuck, okay okay,” Remus said, choking on a laugh when he felt how tight you were against him all over again. 
“Ride us just like that pretty girl. You’ve been so good for us all night. Letting us fuck you and strecth you like this. So good,” Sirius mused, really laying it on thick in his attempt to rectify his mistakes as he grabbed your hips harshly, overwhelmed with how tight you were. 
“You wanna use your mouth again, love? Or just your hand?” James asked, gently turning your face to his using a knuckle. 
You didn’t even reply, just bent over sideways once more and opened your mouth, tongue out. 
“You’re fucking perfect,” James said with a chuckle, gently working your mouth back onto his cock until he was lodged down your throat. 
They never stopped the rough treatment, but the words they were saying were affecting you so much differently now. Rather than making you question yourself and your place with them, they were making you feel so good and loved and safe. 
The way they were ravishing your body made you feel heavenly. The way Remus and and Sirius’ cocks were dragging in and out of you made your head spin and your core tighten, dangling on the edge just waiting to be tossed over. James’ cock down your throat gave you a fraction of power over at least one of them, knowing all of his pleasure was coming from your body. Truly, all of their pleasure was, but you were working hard for James. 
“Fuck you feel like a vice,” Remus groaned, his fingers digging into your hips as he rolled his hips against you in a steady pace. You could feel the way him and Sirius’ cocks were dragging past each other through the thin walls inside your body, making you tremble with the thought of being so full of them. They were practically splitting you open, but oh what a way to go. “Let go for us, Y/N. Fuck, I can feel how close you are.” 
It didn’t take long after that. One, two, three more pumps from each of them and you were spiralling over the edge and into your release. You pulled away from James to let out your loud cry of relief and he readily took over to work his own cock, aiming it directly at your open mouth. In the rush of your release, you could feel yourself being filled with cum in all your holes. Warm rope after rope of cum gushed into your core and your mouth, completely filling you up from all angles. 
Being that full of their cum made you tremble, but you finally worked your way down from the clouds and collapsed against Sirius’ chest once more. 
It took all of you a minute to even feel coherent, but finally Remus was pulling out of you slowly. You could feel a rush of cum leave your body and trail down your thighs and onto the bed. You weren’t even sure whose bed you were on anymore. You whimpered at the feeling, both the unsatisfactory feeling of misplaced cum and the feeling of being empty after so long. 
Sirius went to pull out next, but you shook your head aggressively, needing to feel close to one of them after all of that. “Please don’t,” you begged softly, unable to give him a reason at the moment. You were a mixture of overwhelmed and still in a comedown, you just needed to be close. 
“Alright, don’t worry. You can stay here as long as you’d like puppy,” Sirius told you, shifting so the both of you were laying on your sides, getting you comfortable on the bed beside him. James crawled into the bed behind you, and Remus moved to relax against the headboard, pulling your feet into his lap to lightly massage them, relaxing you further. 
“You did so good for us tonight, love,” James said, moving his body so his chest was against you back, boxing you in. “We didn’t mean to upset you at all. You’re always good for us. You know that, right?” 
“I know. It was just too much in the moment,” you tried your best to explain. 
“We’ll talk about it later, yeah? We should have a word for if that happens again,” Remus suggested, quick to bring up what you had already been thinking about. You gave a small nod into Sirius’ neck, which he relayed to the boys. 
“Get some rest, pup. We’ll be right here when you wake up,” Sirius told you, placing a kiss on your forehead before moving to pull a blanket over the both of you, never pulling out once just as you wanted. 
Because you always got what you wanted from your boys. 
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glasschampagne · 3 years
The Yule Ball
(James organizes 'date tryouts' to find his sister the perfect date)
Word Count: 3.8 k
Warnings: swearing, general stupidity and Remus Lupin's nice arse.
Author’s Note: Thank you for your support! Btw this is one of my favs
The Great Hall was always a mess at breakfast time, but since Professor Dumbledore had announced a Christmas Ball was going to be held at the school; students seemed more talkative than usual. Mary MacDonald was by far the most excited at the Gryffindor table, she had never attended any event of the sort and could not talk about anything else. Her friends indulged her conversation, but secretly they were just as eager as her, if not more.
And being friends with some of the most attractive and funny people on campus, Mary would not drop the subject of ball dates until she saw all her friends happily paired up.
“Come on guys, you have to bring dates!” she begged.
Marlene decided to use that instance to ask Dorcas Meadowes to be her date. Although it was quite a dull and friendly-sounding proposal, she accepted and softly muttered something along the lines of “took you long enough”. Marlene was the only person who was not aware of the hints Dorcas had been dropping her.
Lily hadn´t received any invitations yet. She was new to this type of uncertainty. In the past, she would have just gone with Severus Snape, but after he showed his true colors, they were no longer on speaking terms. He still glanced at her longingly- or as Marlene would say: ‘creepy as shit’-.
“What do you mean you have received no invitations?” asked Mary “Not even from Potter?”
“Not even from him” Lily said, “now that think about it, that’s weird”
“Not as weird as his morning hair, trust me” the girls looked up to see Y/N Potter sitting down with them, closely followed by her brother and his friends.
“Y/N hey!” Mary said “We were talking about the ball. I’m so excited, are you excited?”
She smiled warmly at Mary “Yes, I am. But not as excited as Peter”
The girls looked at Peter curiously. “I have a date” he said shyly, as if he feared they would laugh at him. But his worries were groundless, because he received plenty of congratulations.
“What about you Potter?” asked Marlene, teasingly “Is any special lady going with you?”
“Not yet” he said “I have my eye on someone, I’m just waiting for the right moment”. He didn’t look up, afraid to find Lily’s disgusted glare, or meeting a ‘in your dreams Potter’. But if he had looked up, he would have met her green eyes, silently pleading him to ask her.
Remus mentioned receiving few invitations from members of his study club. He hadn’t accepted any offer yet, afraid to hurt somebody’s feelings. Y/N and Sirius did not miss the chance to tease him about being ‘the Casanova of Gryffindor Tower’, ‘Ravenclaw’s husband’ or ‘the culprit of their Remusexuality’.
Mary proceeded to ask Sirius about who he was going to take. He just flashed her a smile and told her that he hated to disappoint her, but he would be remaining dateless. According to him, plenty of pretty ladies and dashing lads would need a shoulder to cry on when their dates ditched them.
“Great, that means we’ll be rid of you” Marlene said “I wouldn’t put it above you to flirt with my woman after a few shots”.
He smiled a her. “Oh no McKinnon, you’ll all dance with me love. Friends before sex”.
Marlene just muttered “disgusting”, and Y/N snorted. “I kinda second Sirius” she said, “I want to dance with all of you at least once, my date will have to suck it”.
James chocked on his pumpkin juice. He was just realizing his sister would have a date, and he was not very pleased about it. “You have a date?” he asked “And you didn’t tell me? I’m your brother!”
“I don’t have a date yet” she said “But I guess someone will eventually ask me”.
“Oh Merlin” James went pale “Men are going to ask you to go with them”.
“Yes, dear brother” She sighed, taking a sip from her cup “I believe that’s how getting a date usually works”.
“Usually” he repeated, a scary playful gleam in his eyes. He leaned and proceeded to whisper something into Sirius’ ear. He smiled and whispered the same thing to Remus and Peter. The former frowned, the latter exploded in giggles; nodding enthusiastically. James and Sirius stood on the table, shouting to get everyone’s attention. Professor McGonagall sighed from the teacher’s table, carefully taking out her detention slip.
“Dear alumni of Hogwarts” Sirius started, as if he was presenting some kind of award “It has come to our attention that some of you have already asked that special someone to accompany you to the Christmas Ball”
James positioned himself in front of Sirius to continue their speech “But we some news for all the gentlemen with enough balls to-“ He was cut short by Professor McGonagall’s exasperated voice “Language Potter!”. He gave her an apologetic smile, although clearly, he was not sorry at all. “Sorry Minnie” he said “We have some news for all the gentlemen who wish to invite my sister”.
Y/N could not believe her ears. “James sit the fuck down this instant” she pleaded “I’m going to end up dateless you prick”. She attempted to tackle him down, but Remus’ strong arms held her firmly in place. He promised to release her when they had finished their speech. The smile on his lips told her he was clearly having way too much fun with the situation.
“In order to be the lucky lad leading my sister into the ballroom you must be approved by every member of the Marauders- “
“Oi I want in” Marlene argued. He gave her a complicit smile and nodded.
“You must be approved by every Marauder, plus McKinnon”.  
“And McKinnon knows everything, so if you don’t plan on being perfectly proper, she will know” Sirius added.
“We will hang up a piece of parchment outside the Gryffindor common room for you to sign up to the ehm…tryouts?” James continued “Anyways, Lupin agreed to charm it to keep the participants anonymous, so you don’t have to worry about the embarrassment of others knowing who were not deemed fit to be Y/N’s companion”. He was ready to get off the table when he seemed to remember something important “Oh and if any bloke asks her without my permission…”
“We’ll break the git’s face” finalized Sirius.
“Language Black!”
“Sorry Minnie!”
They were almost seated when Sirius’ eyes shined with mischief. He stood on the bench, shouting at the teacher’s table “Minnie, would you be my date?”
“Absolutely not Mr. Black. Please be seated”
“I love you anyway Minnie!” he responded. Many people laughed along with the Marauders, even Professor McGonagall, who was trying really hard to hide her amusement.
When the laughter had died, Y/N proceeded to threaten to kill James and Sirius, and expanded on the details on how she would dispose of their bodies. She didn’t shut up until Peter reminded her how counterproductive was informing the victims about her plan.
After her classes, Y/N came back to the common room more composed, carrying a gorgeous bouquet of wild flowers James had asked her to collect while she was in Care for magical Creatures. She was still pissed at him, but sibling support came first. She found him staring at Lily longingly. Softly, she tapped him on the shoulder and handed him the flowers. “Go get her Romeo”.
“Romeo dies”.
“Merlin, I’m just encouraging you. Now get a grip and go ask her”
He walked up to Lily. He was doing an excellent job in hiding his nervousness, his walk was way too confident for anyone to suspect he was anything but sure he would get a positive answer.
He handed her the bouquet before he began his monologue. “I have struggled in vain, and I can bear it no longer. Please Lily-Flower allow me to tell you how much I admire…and love you. I am asking you to end my agony and be my date for the Yule Ball”.
She looked at him for a second, before letting out a laugh. “James, you know Mr. Darcy gets rejected right?”
After that James could no longer hide his nerves. He was a mumbling mess. “Yes, of course I knew that. But you said it was one of your favourite books, so I read it…and it was great by the way, though I don’t know what’s the deal with Mr. Collins that man is so weird…and I heard Y/n/n say you thought the first proposal was brilliant, and I couldn’t use the second proposal without a first proposal, so I figured- “
“James” she interrupted him and gracefully smelled the flowers. She gave him a smile that made his heart beat a little bit faster. “I liked it. Really. That’s why I’m accepting, I’ll be my pleasure to be your date James Potter”.
James let out a soft grin of genuine happiness, picked her up and spun her around; blurting out a chorus of “thank you” ‘s as she laughed.
Y/N watched them from afar, muttering a playful “ugh”.
“You don’t really think it’s disgusting” Sirius said, popping up next to her “You think it’s cute”.
“You are right” she answered “It’s adorable. I’m just sulking because I have nobody to be cute with”.
He wanted to let her know she had someone. Him. He wanted to give her flowers, hug her and peck kisses all over her face. He was dying to tell her about the overwhelming nature of his feelings. But he just couldn’t tell her. Her family had welcomed him into their home. Her parents had treated him like a son, he couldn’t repay them by telling their daughter his only ambition was to give her his name. So instead, he chose to change the subject and ignore the pain in his chest.
“So, no one’s dared to ask you without going through Jamesie first, eh?” he teased “Who knew Prongsie and I were so…intimidating”.
She laughed at his statement. “I just don’t think any lad fancies a dung bomb in their breakfast” she said “Anyways, even if someone had asked, I couldn’t have said yes. You boys already announced your little matchmaking game to the whole school.”
“Yeah, sorry about that, but we needed to make sure you don’t end up going with some idiot”.
“Oh, come on, there’s probably like two people on that list of yours, at least allow me choose the least ugly one”.
“Hey you are not settling! We are getting you the best date”.
“Well, I need to go the library, there’s a book on Transfiguration calling my name. Want to come?”
“I don’t know, Pince’s been bloody annoying lately. Plus, I don’t like Transfiguration books sweetheart.”
“Oh, I think you’ll like this one. Its about changing people’s hair color. Fancy seeing a redhead Malfoy?”
“Oh, you trickster. I’m in, let’s go”.
The Marauders and Marlene were in the common room, each of them holding a pen and a notepad. Everyone was seated, except for James, who was standing and giving instructions.
“Ok lads and lady, are we ready?” everyone nodded “We only have a few hours before Y/n/n returns from her detention. And thank you Peter for taking a picture of redhead Malfoy, I will forever treasure it”.
“Why did she do it” asked Marlene “Don’t get me wrong, it was hilarious, but why?”
“He called me ‘the Marauders’ basket case’” Peter said shyly “I feel kind of guilty about it”
“Don’t be Pete” Remus said warmly, smiling from his position close to the fire “She quite enjoyed it. She also wanted to punch him muggle-style. She’s pissed I stopped her”
Marlene snorted and exploded in laughter, trying to breathe as she continuedly repeated “Jesus fucking Christ”
After Marlene’s outburst, they began what James decided to call ‘the date tryouts’. But after the last boy left the dorm room, they still had not found anyone deemed worthy. There was not a lack of suitors, nevertheless they all seemed to have unforgivable faults.
“Boring” said Sirius.
“Ugly as fuck” commented Remus.
“Dumbest man I’ve ever met” Marlene would add.
Peter though they all were decent blokes, contrary to James’ belief that every single boy was a dirty pig.
“This is useless” he finally said “No one is good enough for Y/N. What are we going to do?”
“Sirius could ask her” Marlene suggested “He has no date yet, and I’m sure he’ll spend the whole night with us anyway”
“Marly, all those single students wont console themselves” he responded.
“C’mon” she said “Y/N is your friend; you can give up being a whore for one night”.
Before Sirius and Marlene could start bickering, Remus’ voice cut off their argument.
“I could take her” he said “I haven’t answered any invitations yet, and I am sure Y/n/n won’t like going alone after the whole show you put up in the Great Hall”.
“Moony would you do that?” James asked hopefully “Really?”
“Of course, I would, given I fit your requirements”
“Oh, you do Moony. You are bloody perfect”
Remus blushed softly at the praise. It was always hard for him to accept compliments.
“Aww Moony you are so cute” commented Peter.
“Yeah, Y/N and you will look so adorable” Marlene added “I will have to lend her my highest heels though, you are definitely one of the tallest blokes on campus”.
“Moony you can’t take her” Sirius blurted out before he could stop himself.
“Why not? He’s perfect” James said.
Marlene started laughing. “Someone’s jealous” she teased.
“I’m not jealous” Sirius snapped “Why would I be?”
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe because you are in love” she joked, without knowing the truth her own words held. She continued to pick on him, singing very off tune “Sirius and Y/n/n sitting on a tree, he wants to kiss her on the lips; but he’s ugly as a…”
“Flobber…wormy?” suggested Peter
“Brilliant!” she said, resuming her chant.
“We need flowers” Remus said suddenly “Your sister likes flowers”
“Oh, I knew you were the right choice” James said, looking like a proud father, whose son just cured cancer “Our Moony is so thoughtful”
Remus smiled and whispered something about the bare minimum before looking back at James. “What´s her favourite flower? I could transfigure these daisies”
“Wisterias” Sirius answered absentmindedly “She likes the colour. And how beautiful they look when they together, she says it reminds her of us. She also thinks they smell nice, and make her fancy eating a whole pint of honey”. He didn’t notice he was smiling.
“How do you know that?” Marlene asked.
“She’s mentioned it a few times”.
“Wow Pads, your memory is astounding” James said, completely missing the glances Remus and Marlene were shooting Sirius.
Remus flicked his wand, transforming the dull daisies into a gorgeous bouquet of wisterias. They just needed Y/N to get back from her detention. They passed the time gossiping, especially about the fact that Severus Snape had been asked to the Christmas Ball twice.
“I still can’t believe he turned them both down!” Peter said
“Who turned down who?” They turned around to see Y/N venturing into the common room. She was shivering, and her nose had been reddened by the cold.
“Snivellus turned down two invitations to the ball” James explained
“Why?” she asked “He is always grumpy and he’s also boring as shit. Is he expecting an invitation from the Queen or something?”
“He’s expecting an invitation from the Queen of my Heart” James replied “But she’s going with me, and she even said she wants us to match” He signed and looked up at the ceiling, wearing the lovesick grin that appeared on his face every time he thought of Lily Evans.
“Speaking of the ball” Remus stood up and picked up the bouquet of wisterias “Y/N Potter, would you like to accompany me to the ball?”
“Oh Moony, of course I will!” she replied, hugging him by the waist.
She looked at him with a smile so bright, it made Sirius’ heart clench. He wanted her to hug him, to smile at him. And guilt was eating him up. What would Mr. and Mrs. Potter think? Would James hate him? He felt like a traitor.
“I guess we all have dates then” Peter beamed “We’ll look so cute in pictures!”
“Except for Sirius” Marlene reminded “His whore duty cannot be canceled”.
She was waiting for him to insult her back, but she never met his usual bitchy remark. Sirius was lost in his own thoughts.
Deep down, he was glad Remus was the one taking Y/n/n. He knew Remus would never flirt with her. But still, he wished to be the one holding her hand all night long; only he was too afraid. He was afraid of the Potter’s reaction. He couldn’t lose his newfound family. And he couldn’t lose her.
But he shouldn’t have worried so much, because the very next day a letter arrived for Sirius. It was from Fleamont Potter. It was filled with usual concerned parent questions (was he getting enough sleep? Was James overworking him at Quidditch practice?), but also, a comment about the feelings Sirius thought he had hidden so well. Mr. Potter informed him that he had picked up on the loving stares he directed his daughter, and he encouraged him to ask her to the ball. He even gave him some advice to romance his daughter, expressing his and his wife’s desire to get to legally call him their son. Sirius wished he had received the letter a day earlier; it would have been much easier to face his fears (and James) with Fleamont and Euphemia’s support.
He smiled as an idea popped in his head. He may not be taking the girl of his dreams to the ball, but he would sure spend the whole night with her.
 The date of the ball had arrived, there was chaos in every dorm, and the one Y/N shared with her friends was no exception. Mary was freaking out over her curls. Lily feared James would change his mind. Marlene was worrying her bold red suit would scare away Dorcas. Y/N was also losing her shit, but she was not showing it. Her appearance wasn’t a big deal to her, unlike her roommates; she didn’t fancy her date, and Remus had seen her throwing up in her pajamas. But she did fear her expressions would betray her when Sirius started flirting around. She had liked him for some time now, and thought she had been doing an excellent job hiding it. Nevertheless, Marlene had uncovered her secret a few days after Remus asked her to the ball. She told her she was completely certain Sirius’ undivided attention would be on her, but Y/N wasn’t so sure. She got a hold of her emotions and put on the huge white heels Marlene had lent her. They complimented her silvery light blue dress perfectly.
“Merlin, you look great!” Mary said, clapping her hands “Remus will have a heart attack”.
“He won’t be the only one” scoffed Marlene.
“What do you mean?”
Marlene seemed to panic for a second. “I meant James will freak out too. You know how he babies Y/n/n”.
The answer seemed to satisfy Mary, but Lily was not having it. She wasn’t the top of her class for nothing, and quickly joined the dots. Clearly Marlene was referring to Sirius.
“We should get going” she said, looking at Marlene in a way that let her know she wasn’t subtle.
“Yeah, the boys must be waiting” Y/N said “Let’s go future sister-in-law”.
Lily blushed and made a run to the door, the rest following her in laughter.
To say James was impressed when he saw Lily in her dress would be an understatement. The man almost fainted. It was a hilarious sight, but Sirius couldn’t get to make of him, because Y/N chose that moment to walk down the stairs. With one hand, she held up her flowy skirt; and with the other, she supported herself against the wall. Sirius wished he was a wall.
Remus met her at the bottom of the stairs, offering her his arm. She took it, giving him a gorgeous smile. He wanted that smile to be directed at him, and there was only one way to achieve it.
He knew Remus could not resist chamomile liquor. And he was well aware that for some reason, it could get him drunk faster than five whole bottles of firewhiskey. Therefore, he was not surprised to see Remus shaking his arse in the middle of the dancefloor after half a glass.
He spotted Y/N laughing along Remus’ fan club, most of its members drooling over the man. He gave Professor Flitwick a signal, and got to her before the slow waltz started to play. He held out his hand, and she took it. Gently, he placed his arms around her waist, holding her close. When Remus saw her safely in Sirius’ embrace, he flashed them a knowing smile and wiggled his eyebrows before making his way towards Professor Sprout and beg her for a dance.
Sirius felt Y/N’s arms around his neck, and quickly looked at her. She looked happy, and it made his heart beat a million times faster.
“You know” she said “I’m glad I’m dancing with you”
“I’m glad too” he said, caressing her waist with his thumb. “Actually, I’m more than glad. I’m ecstatic, I’ve been waiting all night to dance to dance with you”
“You should have been my date then” she replied, her tone letting him know she expected an explanation.
“I wanted to ask you. But I was afraid” he confessed “Your family took me in, and I just couldn’t bring myself to tell then ‘hey, I’m in love with your daughter’. I was afraid your parents would think I was a pig, and I was afraid James would think I betrayed him. But then your parents wrote me a letter letting me know they love the idea of us being in a relationship, and I guess that gave me the courage I needed to ask you to dance”.
“You love me?” she asked
“You said you loved me?” she smirked.
“No, I didn’t” Sirius looked away, trying to hide the soft blush on his cheeks.
“That’s a shame then” she said “Because I do love you”.
He looked at her, and before she could tease him about his flushed cheeks he leaned down and kissed her.
They broke apart when a pair of strong arms hugged them by surprise.
“You guys are so beautiful” Remus said, almost tearing up “So, so beautiful”.
Remus Lupin came down the stairs, swallowing some hangover potion. He looked at his friends, and noticed something different. Sirius’ arm was over Y/N’s shoulder, and she was leaning against his chest.
“About time you two” he said grinning. “Finally, you got the girl Pads”
“Yeah” Sirius laughed “Unlike you”
“What do you mean?”
“Moony, you flirted with Professor Sprout all night” James said, barely holding in his laughs.
“And you also shook your arse for your whole fan club” Peter snickered.
“Well,” Remus said, sitting down” At least my arse is really nice”.
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comfortwriting · 3 years
Just A House - F.W + S.B
Masterlist, Requesting Rules, Writing Prompt Masterlist, 
Fred Weasley (boyfriend) x Fem Reader x Sirius Black (Father)
About: The reader is finally reunited with her father, Sirius Black, after she was lead to believe that he was killed in Azkaban. During this heartfelt moment, Sirius finds out that she was placed in Slytherin House, he isn't thrilled - but her boyfriend, Fred Weasley, stands by her side.
Warnings: Swearing, mention of food and eating, death and gaunt physique.
Alone. Lost. Missed. Devastated. Confused. Guilty.
You felt like this on a daily basis, all of these feelings were about your father, Sirius Black, who had been absent since your birth after he betrayed the Potters, and murdered twelve muggles, including his friend, Peter.
Luckily, your father had been held accountable for his crimes and was sent to Azkaban for the rest of his life until he would meet dementors kiss.
You didn't know if he was alive or dead, and you didn't want to know.
No one talked about him and the only pictures you had of him brought you to tears as he stood beside his friends, smiling, knowing that he would betray them for Voldemort.
You didn't know how to feel at times - you hated yourself for missing him, for thinking about him, for imagining another life where you would get to have the father-daughter relationship you crave - looking in the mirror and seeing his eyes in yours was bittersweet; you had part of him with you, forever - but he's a murderer, a fraud, a rat.
Everything changed when the news broke out that your father escaped Azkaban: Hogwarts no longer felt safe, people stared at you for longer, giving you more dirty looks, more conspiracy theories about you being an undercover spy brewed up, and you were branded as a 'murderer in the making', even Harry couldn't bear to look at you.
The only person you had was your boyfriend, Fred Weasley, why he didn't hate you - you didn't know but you were thankful.
"It's getting bad again" you sighed, your head resting in your hands.
Fred frowned and rubbed your back, chewing on his food, swallowing it before speaking.
"It's not your fault, you aren't responsible for what he did," Fred reassured you, glaring back at students passing by.
Tears streamed down your face, you stared at your plate, in no mood to eat.
"Everyone either blames me, hates me, or suspects me, Harry can't even look at me, Ron can't stand you being around me!"
Fred shushed you, wiping your tears with his sleeve, "Listen to me, people are wrongly afraid of you - their fear is poison - I love you and who cares what my little brother thinks, he's too big for his boots."
"I care, Fred," you replied "I want to be accepted like everyone else is here, I can't even sit with my own house, they hate the fact I'm not celebrating his escape."
Your father broke free from prison, from certain death, yet you weren't cheering or jumping for joy - part of you wanted to be embraced in a warm hug, to finally have the father you always wanted - but the other part of you wished that he had lost his life because if he is as dangerous as everyone had been making out; more people would die, those you cared for, and your life could be on the line.
Laying wide awake in bed, you went through the photographs again, your father smiling, laughing and seen to be having a good time with his friends: harry's dad, James, Lily, Professor Lupin, and Peter who was always awkwardly out of place - his face often showing sheepish expressions.
Unable to stay awake and cry without waking the other girls up, you went into the common room, sitting down on the black leather sofa next to the fireplace that was as dull as the night sky without its stars.
You didn't know whether to light the fire and toss the photos in or to keep them in case you would forget his face - or needed comforting over what could've been.
Out of the corner of your eye, little embers sparked and flew from the fireplace, then before your eyes, the dim common room burst out into bright shades of amber, glowing your face and over the table.
Staring into the flames, your fathers face appeared in front of you, your heart began to pump so hard you could hear it in your ears.
"Y/N, is that really you?" he asked, sounding amazed.
Lie. He's a killer, Y/N, don't talk to him.
But he's your dad, don't you miss him? Don't you crave his attention?
"Y-Yes," you replied frantically "Dad-"
"We don't have much time, sweetheart, come to the Gryffindor Common Room."
It's a trap. Harry's dead, Ron probably is too, and Fred-
Departing from the fireplace, you hurried from the common room, taking your photographs with you.
Running as soundlessly as you could through the corridors and up the stairs, you remembered the password Fred shared with you, and you burst into the common room, coming face to face with your father.
There he stood, so skinny, dirty, his face gaunt and hair a mess, his chest covered in symbols and his prison attire in the state of rags.
How did he get here?
How has no one noticed?
Harry- he's standing right there... and Ron... and Fred is okay...
Why is Professor Lupin here-
"Y/N, I have waited since the day you were born for this moment," he said both quietly and softly, inching towards you.
He took hold of your hand, pressing it against his cheek before pulling you in for the tight embrace you had imagined for so long, you wrapped your arms around him, tears streaming down your face, feeling his weak body cradle yours.
"Dad, what how-"
"Peter, it was Peter Pettigrew all along," Fred spoke up, Harry was too afraid to admit the way he treated you was wrong.
You stared at your boyfriend and father, baffled.
"Wormtail framed your father, Y/N, he's responsible for all of this, not your dad." Professor Lupin sighed, walking towards you "The whole Wizarding World has been fed a lie."
You and your dad sat together, talking about everything and anything you could to get one another up to speed.
Your father tried to get in contact with you every chance he got but failed miserably, you showed him the photographs you had left of him, telling him just how much you missed him.
"So, what were you doing in the Slytherin common room?" Sirius asked, "You could get into trouble!"
You looked over to Fred, confused.
He doesn't know?
"I was sorted into Slytherin, dad." You replied, pulling the prefect badge out of your pyjama pocket, handing it to him.
Sirius studied the badge, shaking his head, handing it back to you - a disappointed look on his face.
"No, this can't be, how could you get sorted in with a bunch of sly, wicked, evil!-"
"It's not like that," Fred stepped in, sighing "Slytherin doesn't produce evil witches and wizards, she gets bothered enough being your daughter."
"But Voldemort!-"
"Peter wasn't a Slytherin was he?" Fred asked, folding his arms.
"It's just a bloody house, Sirius! You've just got her back haven't you?" Fred held your hand, circling his thumb into your skin.
Sirius nodded "Y-yes, you're right Fredrick, sorry."
You and your dad shared some laughs, smiles, tears, hugs, and many stories before it was time for him to go - your heart so full with healing cracks started to chip again, you couldn't lose him - you just got him back.
"You can't go, you can't" you frowned, gripping onto his hand.
"I have to sweetheart, no one will believe me, it isn't safe for me to be out in the open like this." He said softly, staring into your eyes - the same as his own.
"But I need you," Your voice cracked, tears forming in your eyes.
"And I'll be here for you, you'll get my letters, and next summer, you can come and live with me, if you want to."
Live with dad. Starting over. Catching up on everything we have missed.
"I can?" You asked, covering your mouth, your smile spreading from ear to ear.
"Of course you can,"
Since learning the truth and being given a chance to start over, the bullying didn't bother you anymore - you knew your truth and that's all that mattered.
You were finally able to eat your meals at your house table, often staring over to Fred, blowing kisses when the two of you weren't pulling pranks or skipping class to be together, for the first time in your life, everything felt perfect.
"I'm so happy," you sighed, cuddling up to Fred "I've got you, I've got my dad, Harry and Ron don't hate me, everything is... perfect."
"It always will be from now on, love," Fred replied, kissing your head.
But it wouldn't be perfect, because you had no idea that you were about to lose your father right in front of your eyes, and soon after the love of your life would be taken away from you when you would fight for a future worth living, something your father had done before you were born.
taglist: @horrorxweasley @inglourious-imagines @rreeaahh @themoonis-beautiful-tonight @supermassiveblackhope @pottahishotasf @potters-heart @livvysnaps @scorpireads @youralternantpersonality @onlyfreds
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