#shut up shiloh
i wish i had someone to talk to
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shilohhastings · 2 months
Eyyy so I’m writing a lil Anastasia AU fic for RadioApple on ao3 and lookin to see if anyone might be interested in beta reading once I get it started? 👀
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nonsupe-a · 1 year
i want everyone to know i could read pages and pages of shiloh lore just u rambling about every little piece that makes him him i’ll eat it up every time inject it into my veins
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groversimp · 3 months
need “hits different”!😭😭😭
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Hits Different
part one (Nothing Has Ever Felt So Wrong)
part two (Hits Different)
part three (The Way I Loved You) || not out yet!
part four (Foolish One) || not out yet!
decided to be a good author and answer these requests for Hits Different because it’s been FOREVER 😿
warnings: ANGST, bruh reader needs to stop mourning, also we’re bringing in an oc dude, I love love love Shiloh 😽
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You hated Clarisse La Rue.
You hated her stupid her, her deep-brown eyes. You hated the scarred hands you once held in yours, the ones you used to cherish. You’d kiss her palms and tell her she’s not a monster. Not to you.
Yet, you were the one left burned. Scarred and blistering from the scalding touch of her soul.
Her and Silena sit on the benches only a few, short feet from you. Weaving bracelets together at their arts n’ crafts lesson, the initials of the other carved into the beads.
You mope with your siblings, firmly avoiding Silena’s pointed and snarky looks. She wasn’t a bad person, you knew that. She was just in love.
You were just in love.
It was sickening. You had tried and tried to wash yourself clean of her- to allow the flowing rain to make yourself new, but it only left you rugged and dripping, a walking storm cloud. The midnight rain you sat in did little to heal the gaping wound in your heart, beating like a war-cry of Clarisse’s.
“Hey, Y/N.” You hear a voice, smooth and soft like the cooling tide of the lake.
You’ve never really noticed Shiloh, the boy who had just approached you and taken the liberty to sit next to you. A son of the minor god, Dinlas.
Most would think he’d be rough and hateful, but he was honestly very sweet. Carrying himself with nothing but loyalty and understanding- though, the Greek-fire burned beneath his green eyes to not challenge him.
“Oh,” you say quietly. “Hey.” Your voice is just as soft, but quieter. You don’t take up any space, just uselessly flowing like a spring shower.
You two continued to talk, the fierce glare sent his way from Clarisse went unnoticed by him. And the butterflies you got from her two-second attention were too addicting to not give into. Spurring the conversation on and on, it almost felt natural.
He walked you back to your cabin, leaving you with a kiss on the cheek and a sinking feeling in your stomach. The cabin door quietly shut behind you- how dare you? He shouldn’t have been that close to begin with, now this?
You can almost feeling the punches Clarisse would throw at him, wincing at the idea of faux injuries.
Would she still do that for you, would she care?
You cared, you thought as you climb into your bed. Not bothering to clean up for campfire or looking up as your siblings file into the cabin.
The only thing that felt right was to sob into the stuffed bear Clarisse gave you for your 5-month anniversary. The weak punches your fist throws to the bed are pitiful; they’d make a puppy laugh. But, how can you bring yourself to be strong when you feel so deeply?
The bed dips and you don’t need to look up to know who it is- your sister, Astilbe, shushes you softly and places a hand on the small of your back. It reminds you of Clarisse, caring and possessive. You only cry more.
“Y/N,” she says- voice chipper as the morning birds, though the pity is evident. “Love is a lie, you’ll be alright.”
A sob wrecks through you again, almost like a quiet scream.
“She was good, Bee.” You tell her. “There was good in her.”
You pay no mind to her disagreements, only sitting up to place your face in the small of her neck and crying harder.
This wasn’t normal, this wasn’t right. You’ve aways been one to move on quickly, staining your exes with a maroon, star-painted sky. You leave with only the memories and their dignity.
That was who you are. Over-confident, ‘manic pixie dream girl’, draining Y/N.
But that’s why she loved you. Ever-burning, violent, dangerous Clarisse.
That’s why she chose you. Why you chose her.
You’d go insane if you kept thinking like this, but for her- you’d do it all.
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blossom-works · 9 months
The Apple of His Eye
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A peek into the life of the Kennedy household with a gentle cocker spaniel, a nurturing mother, a protective father, and their oh-so-adorable little human.
Original prompt
A/N: OC is the same OC from His Sunshine
Leon's eyelids start to flutter at a familiar sound. His tired mind slowly lulls itself back to sleep. A few seconds later, his ears pick up at the same sound. Leon tries to go back to sleep but a loud babble forces his brain to kick his body into high gear. The babbling gets louder and louder.
'Doesn't sound like she's crying.' Leon compromises. If she really needs him or her mother, she will start crying. Finding a rational excuse, Leon sinks himself further into the mattress. Just a few more seconds and Leon will be back in dreamland.
The baby monitor transmits a loud screech, compelling Leon to open his eyes and kick his legs over the edge of the bed. Hhm, that is weird. The other side of the bed is empty. Where are you? The squawking does not give Leon enough time to think.
"Okay. Okay. I'm on my way, bunny." Leon grumbles while shutting the monitor off. The distance from the master bedroom to the nursery is only a couple of feet away. In fact, both rooms are located at the opposite sides of the staircase. The master bedroom is at the left, down a mini-way. The nursery is the door directly to the right of the staircase. Per routine, Leon looks down at the door to see Shiloh tapping her paws against the wooden floor, awaiting her chance to say "good morning" to her little human.
Pushing the door open, Leon gives the medium-sized dog to enter the decorated room. When the DSO agent first encountered BOWs, he never thought that he would get married and have a kid. It was something pre-Raccoon City Leon thought about, but that wishful thinking quickly left the man after the events of '98. It was not until after your one-year wedding anniversary did Leon really started thinking about having kids. He discussed his desire with you which led to some serious baby-making.
Leon never had any experience with babies before Eri was born. He never changed a diaper and he never held a baby. Kids, Leon was comfortable around. They know how to use the bathroom on their own, and they mostly run around all day. The cherry on it all was that Leon would be raising his baby from day one. As soon as that baby popped out of you, Leon would be a father.
Your pregnancy with Eri was relatively easy. You did not experience morning sickness or many aversions to food or cravings. You did get emotional here and there, giving Leon some serious whiplash. Most of the time you were just tired. Leon forbade you from doing field work when you told him you were pregnant. He was even able to convince the president to give Leon domestic cases so he could be closer to you.
After Eri was born, Leon's view of the world permanently changed. As much as Leon hates his job, the moment he held Eri, Leon knew he would be a DSO agent until his late fifties. Maybe early sixties. Why? Leon needs to do everything he can to make sure his little girl can live in a world without the worry of bioterrorism. When you took Eri home, Leon used his connections to up his home's security system.
Changing diapers. Bathing. Changing clothes. Cleaning spit up. Diaper explosions. Late-night feedings and changings. You name it, Leon did it. It was definitely a learning process for him, but you were able to show Leon the ropes. Thank goodness that you had experience with babies. You spent your teenage years babysitting your little cousins, and your older brother and sister have kids of their own. Lord knows the chaos that would have erupted if the both of you were clueless about babies and raising them.
Leon loves fatherhood. His own childhood (at least the parts he remembers) was not a happy one. His parents got into some sketchy stuff with equally sketchy people. Their family was always on the run. Then, Leon was orphaned. Eri is Leon's chance to make up for his childhood. He would be the father he never had. You would be the mother Leon wished he had growing up. The two of you would give Eri the childhood Leon never had.
Shiloh claws at the crib, whining through the wooden bars.
"Calm down, girl. I'll get her in a sec."
The baby stops her crying when she sees her father. Cheeks are free from tears. Leon lightly pinches her chubby cheek. "You little faker." He coos. On most mornings, Eri would whine and fake cry to get her parents' attention. She would always greet them with a mischievous smile that said, "Ha ha, I tricked you. Now pick me up!"
"Morning, bunny." Leon picks his daughter up by her armpits and holds her against his chest. Morning cuddles with his baby girl are one of Leon's favorite ways to start his day. The others are cuddling with his wife and umm...cuddling with his wife. Eri nuzzles against Leon's t-shirt, further messing up her brown hair. Other than her eyes and hair, Eri looks just like you.
After their morning routine, Leon lays Eri down on the changing table. His daughter looks around at the wall beside her and her curious hands try to grab at the garland of stars. With his quick reflexes, Leon stops her.
"Nu-uh. Your mom would yell at me if you pulled that down."
You spent days planning Eri's nursery. A couple of those days were just trying to figure out the theme of it. Leon told you that he did not care, which ended up biting him in the ass. You wanted his opinion, but you forgot that the man is not well-versed in home decor. Eventually, you narrowed your options down to a night sky/starry night theme. Leon never heard about this website called "Etsy" until then. So. Much. Shit. You bought off that place.
You even had your baby shower themed the same to keep things simple. Since most of your family lives in Georgia or the Carolinas, you had the baby shower in Atlanta. The Redfields, Jill, and some of your FBI friends came down to celebrate too. In this entire room, Leon's favorite object is the framed footprints on the wall. You asked your nurse to print Eri's feet on cardstock so you could hang up. Every month since Eri's birth, you and Leon make it a goal to stamp Eri's feet. A cute memorabilia for the two of you.
Clean bum, check. Now Leon needs to feed his baby. Putting her down on the living room carpet, Leon rummages through the fridge. On the second shelf, he sees two plastic-wrapped plates. The bigger plate, his plate has a note on it. It says, "Good morning, handsome. I left for a quick trip to the grocery store. I made you and Eri some breakfast to keep your morning easy. All you need to do is cut up an apple for her. I already fed Shiloh, so don't worry about her. - Sunshine <3"
God, you are amazing. Leon heats up Eri's plate first. Like Leon, she tends to get hangry. After heating the small plate up, Leon sets it aside to let it cool and he takes an apple from the fridge and cuts it into bite-sized pieces (while also getting his "dad tax" in).
'Wait a minute...It's too quiet.'
Putting the pairing knife down, Leon wipes his hands with the kitchen towel and looks for his daughter.
"Eri? Where are you, apple?" Leon peeps from over the couch and his daughter is nowhere to be seen. He calls out to her again. Great. Another game of hide-n-seek. Eri's favorite game to play. If you leave the little girl alone for long enough, Eri will wander off and hide. He blames you for introducing the game to her. You would hide around the house with Eri, waiting for Leon to find you. It was cute until Eri decided to spontaneously play the game by herself when she learned how to crawl. You and Leon had a full-on panic attack when you could not find your daughter.
Both of you have dangerous jobs. Resulting in making dangerous enemies. When you and Leon moved out of your shared apartment to live in a house in the suburbs, the main concern was security. Files on DSO agents and their families are strictly confidential. Even the people who work at the Pentagon have to have a certain level of clearance to access that information. Even Eri's birth certificate is confidential. The only information that is not blocked out is her name, date of birth, and sex.
But, there is always that small chance that someone can find out about your family. When that does happen, Leon wants to be prepared for it. Your home is on a large piece of land in Arlington, Virginia. It is close enough to the city for help to arrive in a reasonable time frame, but far enough to enjoy some well-deserved privacy. With Hunnigan's help, Leon was able to equip his property with a high-tech security system. Cameras, motion detectors, audio recordings, and more. Leon even chalked up some hidden compartments around the house to hold firearms of different kinds.
After twenty minutes of looking, you found Eri asleep under the dining room table. The chairs blocked her from your view. That day, you and Leon did not take your eyes off of her. One of you was always with her to make sure she did not crawl herself into trouble.
"There you are, you bad girl." Leon bends down to drag Eri out of the walk-in pantry. Oh, and Shiloh often hides with Eri. The two of them are partners in crime. "Let's get you something to eat alright? And not give your old dad a heart attack."
By the time Leon finished doing the dishes, you came walking in from the garage door with two arms full of groceries.
"Hey, handsome." You greet while tossing the plastic bags onto the kitchen counter. Leon greets you back with a kiss before helping you put the groceries away. Seeing her mother, Eri squeals in delight. She leans over the tray and makes grabby hands at you.
"Awee! Did my baby miss me?" You pick Eri out of her highchair and smother her with your love. Leon could live in this moment forever. If he had one wish, this would be it. Just him, his daughter, his wife, and his dog at home. No spontaneous calls from work. No investigations. Secretly, Leon takes out his personal phone and snaps a photo of you cuddling with your daughter.
The afternoon comes and it is almost time for Eri's nap. She usually naps for about two hours before being put to bed around eight-thirty. Today has been an easy one, and Leon hopes it stays that way. When the two of you are home, Leon puts Eri to sleep while you make lunch for the two of you. Eri always has an early lunch before she naps and a snack after she wakes up. The two of you found that to be easy considering Eri's tendency to get cranky when hungry. Like father, like daughter.
Leon walks into the kitchen to see you watching something on your phone. A pan is on the stove, sizzling.
"Watcha' watchin'?"
"A video popped up on my YouTube feed. It's about three things this guy learned from raising daughters." You hand the phone to Leon since the lessons are being told from a father's perspective.
When you plate your respective meals, Leon is sitting on the back patio. You find this unusual because he always tells you where he is going (with the exception of some missions). Even if it is somewhere around or in the house. You slide the patio door open.
"Leon? What's wrong, babe?"
He shakes his head. "It's nothing." Leon opens his arms to invite you onto his lap. You wrap your arms around his neck and nuzzle into Leon's shoulder.
"Did you get another mission?" Your guess is a valid one. Leon almost always gets like this, quiet, when he gets a call from his higher-ups. Your husband hates to leave you and he hates it more when he has to leave his darling apple, but Leon shakes his head "no".
"Is something bothering you then?" Again, Leon shakes his head "No".
Alright, then you will wait for Leon to tell you what is bothering him. Until then, you pull Leon up and bring him to the kitchen. There is no way that you are going to forsake your hard work. His appetite has gone down a little, but Leon knows that if he does not eat, he will not get a chance to without paying the "Eri tax".
Later that night, after Eri is snoozing in her crib, Leon tells you what is bothering him. The last thing the man in the video said hit Leon straight in his heart. The last lesson for dads is to teach their daughters how to shoot. It is Leon's job as a father to be his family's main provider and protector, but there will come a time when Leon will not be there to protect and provide for his family.
As much as Leon tries to rid of the dangers of the world, darkness will always lurk. It will be his job as Eri's father to teach her how to defend herself. To protect herself from the monsters that try to stop her from reaching her full potential in the world. Cause'...someday daddy will not be there to do it for her. Sometime in the night when the baby monitor picks up on Eri's cries, Leon volunteers himself to care for her.
Half-asleep, you hear Leon talking to your daughter. Repeating the same promise he made when she was born. To protect her for as long as he can. Then you hear Leon say, "Did you just pee on my hand?"
In the morning, your family of four go to a nearby park to take a walk. Eri is in her stroller, you pushing the stroller, and Leon is walking Shiloh. This writer has been focusing on the nurturing mother, protective father, and their adorable daughter, but what about the gentle doggo?
Shiloh has always loved people. Cocker spaniels are known to be wonderful family pets and very tolerant of small children. The first day you brought Eri home, Shiloh would not leave her alone. While you were pregnant, the dog would find every opportunity to nuzzle against your stomach. When Eri still slept in the room with you and Leon, Shiloh would sleep at the foot of the bed or next to the bassinet.
Their relationship would only grow as Eri gets bigger. You have a video of Shiloh giving one of her toys to a one-month-old Eri, wanting the baby to play a game of fetch with her. When Eri started eating solid foods, she would purposefully throw a small handful on the ground. Always nearby, Shiloh would lap up whatever Eri was eating. There was one time when you were out of the house, Leon was giving Eri a bath and then Shiloh hopped into the tub.
You used to be Shiloh's best friend, but you gladly gave that position to Eri. They make a cuter pair anyway.
With a household full of girls, Leon is always smothered with love. Before, you and Shiloh would always fight for his attention, and now he has three girls fighting for it. You like to mess with Eri when she gets cuddly with Leon. You would pick Eri up and put her a few feet away from Leon, before running back to him and taking her place. Purposefully, you dramatically nuzzle against Leon and kiss his cheek with a loud "Mwah!"
She only started crawling about a month ago, but Eri is a fast one. She would pop up at her father's feet and cry out to him, demanding that he pick her up. When he does pick her up and place Eri on his lap, she would try with all her might to push you off. If she could talk, Eri would say "My daddy!" Then Shiloh and Eri fight with each other to get Leon's attention. Safe to say that Leon loves the attention he gets from his girls.
Bath time is Eri's favorite. Right behind cuddling with mommy which is right behind cuddling with daddy, which is behind chasing the things that likes to play with her and lick her. Eri loves water. She loves slashing it everywhere. Leon introduced Eri to a water bath toy. It is a whale that lights up and spurts water out of its blow hole. Kind of a double-edged sword because Eri will not let either of you bathe her without that toy.
"That's enough, bunny." Leon begs as he scrunches up his face. Thanks to his baby girl, Leon's chest is all wet. He learned to rid of his shirt whenever he bathes Eri. It is easier to dry himself off without having to deal with a soaked shirt.
Eri dismisses her father's pleas and continues to punch the water. Her dark brown hair is clean and the water droplet on her nose enhances the button-like feature. Eri's eyes are a hazel brown, but if the light hits her irises just right, you can see a swirl of blue in them. You once joked that Eri's charming features would attract all the boys in her class, begging her to be their girlfriend. Leon did not find that funny. He protectively held Eri to his chest and said, "The sons of bitches better know how to shoot then."
Leon's last straw during bath time is when Eri shoves water over the edge of the tub, drowning the tile and soaking the edges of his gym shorts. Leon puts a diaper on Eri and takes the towel-clad baby to her room. Carefully, Leon tosses the clothed baby on your shared bed where you are typing away at your laptop.
"Watch the brat. I've gotta clean up her little mess."
You put your laptop on your bedside table and curl against your baby. You lift her shirt up and blow raspberries against her puggy stomach.
"Did you give your dad a hard time again?" Her little giggles say "yes".
You like to keep a few baby books in your room to keep Eri entertained. You sit up against the headboard and plop your daughter on your lap.
"Guess how much I love you."
Animated, you read the book in different voices and inflections. You use your hands to copy what the hares are doing in the book. At some point, Shiloh lays herself in the middle of the bed where your legs are. When you finish the book, you pull out another one.
"The giving tree."
Before you can read the first page, Leon takes it and climbs into his side of the bed. Minding the sleeping dog, he slides you over to him. Practically squishing Eri between you two.
"Once there was a tree and she loved a little boy..."
The Kennedy family has vital parts to it.
You are the sun that gave life and light to the apple seed, allowing it to sprout into a little tree. Shiloh is the birds and small animals that give the little apple tree companionship. And Leon. Leon is the protector. The one that wards off the pests that try to nip at the little apple tree. The one that fights off the wolves that try to eat the birds and small animals. The one that blows away the clouds that try to cover the sun's rays. Then there is the little apple tree itself. A precious gift of life that should be nurtured and protected.
"And the tree was happy."
Note: Eri may or may not have been inspired by the Eri in My Hero Academia...Why? Cause she's so darn diggity cute, that's why!
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themotherofhorses · 1 month
"Simon Riley is toxic," "Simon Riley is a cold and distant man that enjoys inflicting harm on others," and "Ghost is a red flag."
Yada yada yada. Anyways.
Simon Riley LOVES cats.
When she first read his personnel file, her eyes immediately took notice of one certain detail, jotted down on a little yellow sticky note, in red penmanship. Price’s handwriting, she believed.  “Enjoys tattoo art & animals.”  SilentDove smiled at that. Simon Riley, 6’4” and with a fearful reputation that always preceded him, possessed a soft spot for animals — cats, she soon learned. He never spoke about it aloud, but there were signs: the small glances toward a stray kitty sunbathing on the sidewalk; his blue eyes softening the moment they caught sight of the kittens at the local petshop, and all the cat videos he pretended were not clogging up his YouTube history.  Yeah, there were countless signs. 
“Saaayyyy….you ever wanna adopt a kitty-cat, Lieutenant?”  “That’s above ya’s pay grade, Reyes.” 
Three months later, Dove tried again.  "A little brown kitten, Ghost, with pink beans on its toes! Imagine that!" She was holed up in the Lieutenant's office, pestering him with pictures of cats she found on Pinterest. "Brown kittens are super duper rare, y'know that, right?" she asked, showing him a cute brown cat with amber-like eyes. "Look, even the nose is brown!" But all she got in response was a stupid grunt; he didn't even look up from the paperwork he was filing out. Stubborn bastard, Dove thought to herself with a sigh. She fell silent for a moment until Simon suddenly spoke up. "I'd like a Norwegian forest cat," is what he muttered, peeking up to look at Dove. His bright, baby-blue eyes met her dark ones, and the Native American could see a certain softness pooling inside them. A smile twitched on her lips as she sat up straighter.  "Yeah?" Simon hummed. "Damn things are beauties. Ever seen one?" He leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. "Wanna get me one once I retire from all this shit. Name him Shiloh, get him a bell and collar." "Shiloh," Dove breathed out, nodding. She liked the name; it sounded nice on her tongue. Shiloh…c’mere, Shiloh! "Didya know that Viking brides were given Norwegian forest kittens as a wedding present?" as her chin came to rest atop her palm.  His gaze dropped to follow the slight movement before flickering back to her face. "Is that so?" His voice dropped a little, suddenly taking on a huskier tone, instantly sending a small flutter of butterflies inside her tummy. Dove swallowed with another nod.  "Mmmm, in honor of Freyja, the goddess of love. According to the mythology, her cart was pulled by cats; Vikings loved cats, and it was a sorta…good luck for brides to have a kitten in her new household." Dove paused before adding, "—when I get married, I'm gonna ask for a kitten as well. No fancy pots, pans, or cutlery. A cat, one that I'm gonna name Ésevone." "Ésevone?" Simon repeated, cocking his head to the side.  "Buffalo in the Northern Cheyenne language."  "Ah. Ésevone," he rasped again, this time with a nod of his own. "Ésevone and Shiloh. Not bad."  A few seconds of (comfortable) silence fell over the two before— "—Y'know, Ghosty, you actually look like a TOTAL cat dad. Like you got the entire "cat dad" aesthetic down to a T." "Shut up, little bird." 
note: just a small snippet as i try to dive back into writing :D
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differenteagletragedy · 6 months
Swap AU idea - Baxter and MC the first Christmas he lives on the street vs their first Christmas together as a couple
Our Life Swap AU: The Christmas Special!
(If you are not up on the Our Life Swap AU, this is an AU where Baxter is the kid who moved across the street from you when you're 8. It's a very very fun place to be. All the stories I've written for this are tagged with "Our Life Swap AU" for ease!)
The very first Christmas that Baxter spent in Sunset Bird, he spent it with you -- though not entirely on purpose.
It was Christmas Eve, and you were doing your normal traditions with your family. Liz and Mommy were in the kitchen, pulling the cookies out of the oven and setting them out to cool, and you and Mom were in the living room by the tree, looking for the perfect presents for you and your sister to open early.
"Remember, just one for each of you tonight," Mom reminded you, and you nodded. But before you could make your choice, there was a knock at the door.
Your mom moved to answer it, and you followed behind, curious to see who would be coming over unannounced at a time like this. When you peeked around her, you saw your best friend.
"Hey Baxter!" you greeted cheerfully. "I thought you had a party?"
He was wearing a suit, looking much older than his eight years, and when you glanced at his house across the street, you saw several cars parked outside -- it looked like the fancy Christmas party his parents were throwing was in full swing.
"I'm sorry if I'm interrupting," he said, flashing a smile at you and your mom. "It's just that I was very bored."
Mom let out a big laugh and opened the door wider, gesturing for him to come inside. When he did, she shut the door behind him and said, "You know you're always welcome here, Baxter."
Your parents did not get along with Baxter's, you knew that. You weren't sure why, but after they'd moved to the neighborhood, they just weren't friendly with your moms like the other neighbors were. Sometimes they didn't want Baxter coming over, but he was equal parts smart, determined and annoying, so usually they would give in.
If it had been Shiloh, you knew they'd want to get permission from his mom for a visit like this on a special day, but your mom just brought him over the tree where you'd just been and gestured to it.
"The tradition is that the kids get to pick out one present to open on Christmas Eve," she explained. "That's what we were doing."
"I can leave if you want," he offered, "I wouldn't want to --"
"Kids get to pick out one present," she repeated. "You're a kid, pick out a present."
He looked at her for a minute, then peered at the gifts wrapped under the tree. Nestled among the ones addressed to you and Liz, there were some for Baxter, too. He looked back at her and then over to you, his mouth hanging open.
You grinned -- you knew your moms had gotten presents for your friend, you'd helped them pick some of them out. It was nice to see him so surprised.
Your mommy and sister came in then, bringing a plate of cookies. Mommy smiled warmly when she saw Baxter had come over, and she held up the plate to him.
Still in awe of the whole situation, he took one, though he didn't eat it.
You realized that your family's version of Christmas must be so different than Baxter's. While the two of you usually spent time together outside or at your house, you'd been over at his enough to know that his mother and father weren't the nicest people. You imagined the party going on over there now, thinking it must have been full of grown-ups and being pretty, as he'd said, boring.
Before you had a chance to think about it, you blurted out, "Can Baxter spend the night?!"
Immediately, your moms looked at each other. They had one of their silent conversations, the ones where they only used their eyes to talk. Eventually your mom said, "We'd need his parents' permission, kiddo, and I'm not sure they'd give it. Tomorrow is Christmas."
"Would you want us to ask, Baxter?" Mommy asked him softly.
Still looking like he couldn't believe that this was how some people celebrated a holiday, he nodded.
Soon your moms both made their way across the street, and as they left you heard them muttering to each other. They didn't seem too happy, but you had a feeling it wasn't because of Baxter.
"Why are you wearing that?" Liz asked him after they were gone, pointing at his suit.
"It's a formal party," he answered.
"Are there cookies?"
"No," he said, "there are mostly different kinds of hors d'oeuvres."
"Sounds like a dumb party," she scoffed, and he didn't disagree.
When your moms came back home, they looked a little angry, but they quickly put on smiles when they saw the three of you looking at them. Mom whispered something to Mommy, you thought you heard the word "pathetic," and she said something about a "poor excuse," but that's all you caught before they were standing in front of you.
"Settle in, Baxter, looks like we're having a holiday sleepover," Mommy told him.
That night, you and Baxter stayed up late, lying in the dark and whispering to each other. You told him what would happen tomorrow, what traditions your family did for Christmas day, and he told you that he hoped his parents would let him stay long enough to do everything with you.
Looking back, that was probably the night that he truly became part of your family. It didn't matter if your parents had to argue with his, if he had to sneak out of his bedroom and into yours, if your moms flew him home from Virginia while he was in college or after you started your very own family traditions, you never spent a Christmas apart after that one.
15 years later, Christmas with Baxter began in his apartment -- well, your apartment now, too -- warm and cozy in bed.
You woke up before him, and you took the opportunity to take in the sight of him. He was as graceless sleeping as he was graceful awake, hair going in different directions and drool pooled in the corners of his mouth.
But he was yours.
You had plans for the day -- you were going to your moms' house that afternoon, Liz was in town so the idea was to spend a good chunk of time there since you rarely got to see her. But right now, as Baxter clung to you in his sleep, you thought staying in bed all day might be the better idea.
Eventually his eyes fluttered open. The first thing his conscious mind did was pull you tighter to him, and you smiled.
"Merry Christmas," you said, moving your head to place a kiss on his forehead.
"Merry," he paused for a yawn, then finished, "Christmas."
You stayed silent for a bit, just enjoying each other's company. When he felt a little more awake, you felt him smile against your skin, and he said, "Would you like to know the greatest gift I've ever received?"
"Hmm," you thought. "Is it that skunk stuffed animal Liz got you when we were teenagers?"
"No, but that was very thoughtful on her part."
"That goofy shirt with the eyeballs on it I got that you loved?"
"Not quite, but yes, I was rather fond of it."
"Is it me?" you asked, batting your lashes.
He laughed, then said, "You're not a gift, you're my entire world."
You softened at that, and after giving him a kiss, you said, "You're mine too."
"The greatest gift I've ever received was the kindness you and your family showed me when I first moved to Sunset Bird," he revealed. "Without your friendship, your love, your mothers' nurturing and even Elizabeth's banter, I would have been so alone. I would have had only my parents and their endless parties with their vapid friends. I would have been miserable, lost, if it weren't for my dear, dear neighbors across the street from my childhood home."
You pulled back enough to look at his face. He was still smiling, serene and happy. It was beautiful.
Bringing up a hand to cup his cheek, you said, "You'll never be alone. You'll never be lost. I'll always find you."
He put his hand over yours and kissed your palm, saying, "You always have."
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chimcess · 10 months
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→ Chapter Three: Harboring a Fugitive Pairing: Jimin x Reader Other tags: Werewolf!Jimin, Witch!Reader, Shifter!Reader, Shifter!Jimin, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha!Jimin Genre: Supernatural!AU, Werewolf!AU, Angst, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Smut, Word Count: 14.2k+ Synopsis: Within the four realms of Lustra lay the Bangtan forest home to the Foxglove pack of the south and known as the “land of magic.” It is also home to the Bridd, a powerful witch from a cursed bloodline who is one of the sacred guardians of the forest. Y/N is the newest Bridd, a young girl who was given her position too early. Now a woman, Y/N is revered amongst the wolves as the most powerful witch they have ever known, but hiding under the surface is a woman who has to battle between her duty and her heart. Warnings: Long haired Jimin, Strong language, blood, main character injured, main character beaten (not explicit), fighting, argument, near death experience, angst, fluff, backstory time, flashbacks, I’m putting PTSD on all of these because poor reader is suffering, I love Taehyung so much, I forgot how much I missed his playful attitude, brooding Jimin as always, crying, hurt/comfort, I hate Ahn, let me know if I missed anything A/N: This rewriting has been more fun than I thought it would be. I think the next chapter will have the most changes thus far, but I am still trying to keep everything as close as possible. Thanks for reading!
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I was awoken by rapid knocking at the front door. Cracking my eyes open, they burned in protest as I surveyed my surroundings. I had been changed and the blood was washed off of me, but I could not hear Yoongi anywhere in the house. Jimin must have left as well, but I could not remember when Yoongi arrived here. I was already too far gone to sleep. The knocking continued and I forced myself out of bed.
My body screamed in protest, and I limped to the living room. I heard Shiloh’s soft breathing inside of her nest and I frowned. She must have been exhausted from last night if the knocking did not wake her. Finally making it to the door, I opened it to one of the most pitiful sights I had seen in a long time.
My heart ached at the sight of Taehyung Kim. He looked worse for wear, his unruly hair tangled into matts that would take hours to brush out, and not a single piece of exposed skin was left tanned and untouched. He was purple and blue everywhere and I forced myself to stand up tall. I was so tired, but it would seem we both were. Ushering the boy inside, my heart broke when he started to sob.
 I knew Ahn would do something to the sweet boy that wedged his way into my heart the second he stepped foot into my cottage. My rage simmered just below the surface, but I kept my mouth shut. Taehyung was in pain, both physical and emotional, and I would have to focus on his needs right now. In between his anguish he told me about what had happened.
After we left, Ahn pulled Taehyung into an isolated room at the palace where the beating began. Apparently, the old man believed he could beat the man into the boy, and I had to stop myself from screaming. Soon, three others from the council joined in on the fight. Taehyung said that there had been others who objected to what was happening, but none of them were brave enough to stand up against it either. Sol was taken away from him and he could hear her screaming the entire time.
“I’ve got your face,” I mumbled, reaching back into another jar of salve. I had used two on his face and neck alone. “Take off your clothes. I need to make sure nothing is infected.”
Taehyung nodded, still crying. I did not mind. I felt pity for the alpha. I was not surprised to find his body in just as bad of shape as the rest of him. I took great care not to stare for too long. I was not uncomfortable with his nakedness, but I was still aware that he was a man. Grip harsh, I started with his stomach. I let out a large, frustrated breath through my nose.
“I can’t believe this,” I grunted. “Why would you allow them to do this to you?”
Taehyung hissed in pain as I pressed too hard on a tender spot. I mumbled an apology.
“I did not want to fight,” He replied. “I do not want to rule with violence. I don’t like fighting or shouting. It’s… uncivilized.”
I laughed humorlessly. “So, they get to do as they please with you then? You’d let them kill you?”
He did not know what to say.
“If you ever want to be taken seriously-” I opened up another jar of salve and began rubbing it into his chest, “-this will never happen again. You know your definition of civility does not line up with the older generation in the village.”
Taehyung bit his lip and furrowed his eyebrows. He seemed upset by what I had said. He was such a naive boy, and I felt my eyes watering with anger. If Ahn were here right now, I would kill him myself. How dare he allow anybody to do this to a child let alone orchestrating an entire attack? I would be sure he knows just how unhappy I am with him if I had my way.
While I agreed with him, I knew that the others would have a difficult time swallowing that pill. Taehyung needs to fight if he wants to be seen as an equal. It is the only way to garner respect unless he wants to be compared to the others for the rest of his life. Chief Ahn would never allow that. Again, my anger spiked. Kim Taehyung was twice the man that miserable waste of oxygen could ever be. I knew Sol would cherish his mind and all at once I had an epiphany. No one else was more suited to rule Foxglove than the diplomatic, sensitive, and kind Kim boy. 
“I understand you, truly,” I winced when he flinched away from my hands. “I’m sorry. What I mean is that you cannot allow them to push you around like trash. 
“Their ideas of what makes a man are archaic at best and I think your village knows this, but fear is a powerful thing. Sometimes we will take the evil we know over the potential of change being worse. Ahn knows this and exploits it in order to parade around with his chest puffed like the loser he is.”
He looked at me strangely then, but I could not decipher what the expression meant. While his face was filled with life and never sat still, the alpha had a set of impenetrable eyes. Eyes that followed my every movement but gave nothing away. Taehyung seemed to consider his words carefully. 
“I wanted to fight,” He whispered as though he was ashamed of himself. “I wanted to kill them all, but then they would win, right? I would be the man they wanted me to be, but the rest of the village would fear and resent me for it. The way they fear Ahn.”
His introspection was a surprise but not abnormally so. I had never heard him talk intellectually before, but it suited him nicely. His voice was deep but smooth like molasses that hummed a gentle tune with every word. He always sounded like he was singing, and it was such a juxtaposition from his boyish charm it was easy to forget he had turned 18 less than a month ago.
“Isn’t running away also letting them win?” I asked.
Taehyung sighed, “I had no choice. Ahn was attempting to rile up enough people in order to get someone, anyone, to challenge me for Sol. As far as I know no one was taking the bait, and it gave me enough time to sneak out. Jong-gyu helped get me out of the village while Eun-jin told our mother I was leaving.”
Somehow Taehyung always found a way to sneak his little family into every conversation, and his little siblings were the stars of his life. Jong-gyu was only eleven while Eun-jin had turned six in February. They were mischievous children and always got into trouble, but Taehyung loved them more than anything. Picturing the three of them making an escape plan so the oldest could get help shattered me to pieces.
I wiped my hands on my nightgown and stood. Taehyung was covered from head to toe in the salve, and already the marks were going away. It would take more than that to heal his bruised ribs. So, I went to the kitchen and looked around for a healing potion. I did not feel like making one at this hour and we both needed to get some rest.
“Why did you come here?” I asked, gently.
Taehyung sighed. “Because I knew you would help me.”
Again, my pity returned. While my blood boiled, my heart hurt for the alpha as well. I could imagine him hurt and abandoned, nowhere to turn to, and not being able to trust the local doctor. I found an old potion in the back of a cupboard. After quickly smelling it, I was sure it was still good to take.
“You can stay here as long as you need to,” I offered, handing him the potion. “Sol is my friend and I’m making it my job to keep you safe.”
Taehyung seemed at ease with this. Downing the potion, he curled up on the couch and closed his eyes. “Thank you, Bridd,”
I did not reply. Instead, I used my magic to bring him a few blankets and struck up the fireplace. He was weak and may not be able to regulate his body temperature as easily. It got cold in the living room at night. Seemingly satisfied with his place on my small, uncomfortable couch, Taehyung fell asleep within seconds. 
I had never seen anything like it in all my life. Stifling my laughs, I began blowing out the candles around my house, and put away all the used tubs of salve. I would need to make more soon. Exhausted and still recovering from the ceremony, I drug myself back to bed. Shiloh was waiting for me when I arrived.
“How many times do I have to tell you to take your bedrest seriously?” The barn owl nagged.
I groaned and rolled into my bed. It was warm and soft. Shiloh flapped to her nest, a few feathers falling on my sheets that I ignored. I had gotten used to the constant cleaning many years ago.
“It was Taehyung,” I argued.
“I don’t care if it was Fenrir at the door, you better stay your-”
“Shiloh,” I warned, “Swîgian âstillian.”
The bird grumbled to herself, but I was too far gone to pay attention.
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Someone was knocking on my front door. Groggy and still stiff, I groaned and rolled on my side. I could hear voices outside, none of them sounding happy, but I heard someone calling for Taehyung and my temper flared. Angry and sore, I used magic to lift myself out of bed and threw on my robe. I saw Taehyung curled up in a ball in front of the sofa. He did not notice me until I was standing in front of the door. 
Shiloh was shouting at me to get back in bed, to let the wolves handle their own business, but I ignored her. When they decide to take their politics to my doorstep, I have every right to give them a piece of my mind. Squaring my shoulders, I took a deep breath before forcing my arms forward.
My front door flew off its hinges and into whoever was standing behind it. Namjoon was unfazed by this and slapped the thick wood out of his way. I could see the shock in his eyes, but I was not finished with my assault. I began to sing, a whirlwind of objects floating around the room. Namjoon backed away but this only pissed me off more. Shiloh shouted as a large, hot, blue flame sprouted from the palm of my hand and flew at the wolf.
“Hwæt−hwugu ðrîstian êow?” I shouted, everything dropped once my singing stopped. “Who the hell do you think you are?”
Hoseok and Jimin stood on either side of their brother. I knew I would regret attacking them eventually, possibly the moment they left, but I would not let myself falter. No one was going to come here and intimidate me. The rational side of my brain told me to stop, breathe, and listen to what they had to say, but the other (louder) voice wanted to break them into pieces. Taehyung was broken and bleeding last night and yet none of these people helped them.
“Bridd-” Hoseok pled.
Ignoring him, I kept my gaze perfectly trained on Namjoon. He stared at the large, ashen spot at his feet as I stared at him. My face burned with anger, and I felt another surge of magic rush through my body. A dull ache began to form in my back, and I knew I was bleeding again. I had used too much magic, and my body was having a hard time healing. 
“Sê ðafian êower m¯ægð teohhian êower weorðfulnes?” I roared, eyes burning. “Sol chose him. The Gods chose him! Do you all somehow believe you to be superior to them now? Are you all that blinded by your precious Chief's biases that you would allow for this to happen?”
Namjoon swallowed thickly before finally looking at me, “Of course not. I-”
“You listen to me,” I sneered. “If you ever get the gull to come bang on my door again, I swear to you, I will not show you the same mercy.”
Namjoon stuttered over his words, unable to form a proper sentence. I could feel myself growing tired again and the red in my vision was dissipating. Shiloh was still shouting at me to come inside, to let Taehyung handle this himself, but I could not let him stand here alone. No one else was here to help them if the three men decided to attack and I would never forgive myself for leaving the boy defenseless. I stood tall but visibly more relaxed.
“We’re here to speak with Taehyung,” Hoseok pleaded. “I swear we have no intentions to fight with you or him. Namjoon needs to relay a message.”
I opened my mouth to speak, but a voice from behind me beat me to it. 
“I’m fine, Bridd,” Taehyung said. The alpha looked at the others but stayed safely behind me. “What’s the word?”
“Don’t be angry with me, cousin,” Namjoon started, stepping towards us. 
Instinctively, I got into a defensive position. Namjoon stopped walking and held his hands up in surrender while Hoseok flanked him. Jimin was still standing perfectly still, his eyes on me, and I wondered if he was thinking of a way to get at me if need be. If I was thinking rationally then I would understand why, but in my elevated state it only served to hurt my feelings. 
“I have challenged you,” Namjoon continued and all thoughts of Jimin left my mind.
“Quare?” Taehyung’s tone was incredulous, and I could hear the betrayal that coated his tongue. “What have I ever done to you?”
Namjoon seemed to soften but I felt my muscles clench as I readied myself to defend the boy in response. No one was going to hurt him. Sol was my good friend and I refused to let harm come to her mate. I would sooner drop dead before I allowed someone like Ahn to destroy the lives of a group of people because of his complexes. I knew Namjoon well enough to know that he would try to play both sides if it meant keeping the peace within the village. I did not respect that- not at all.
“So no one else would,” Namjoon willed Taehyung to believe him. “We are trying to buy time to come up with a plan, Taehyung. I swear, I have no intention of fighting with you.”
“Putasne me stultum esse?” Taehyung hissed and I could feel his body heating up. “Sol a me auferre conaris!”
Namjoon blanched. I was proud of the young wolf, and I had to admit that I agreed with him. Namjoon was so proud of the fact that Sol would be his mate that I had a difficult time believing the challenge was only for Taehyung’s benefit. Looking at the other two wolves it was clear to me that they also did not believe the eldest man.
“I do not want to hurt you, Taehyung,” Namjoon plead but I could see his growing agitation. He did not like the way he was being spoken to. “I mean what I say even if you are too dense to understand that.”
Taehyung growled, and I had to steady my racing heart. I would have to protect him inside. Namjoon would have the advantage of leaving, and I was vulnerable to the sun’s rays if he decided to extort that. Still, I positioned my hands defensively. Taehyung was done talking and both Hoseok and Namjoon waited for his next move.
Suddenly, Shiloh flew out of the house and screeched loudly. Everything happened quickly. First, Shiloh was barreling towards Namjoon and then a wolf was standing in his place. I knew it was an accident, and Taehyung was only trying to protect me, however, his massive frame surged me forward. I was in the sun before I could save myself, and soon my face slammed into my front steps and the sun beamed on my back. My ankle burned as the metal cut through.
My skin burned immediately, and I could not help the tortured screams that flew out of my mouth. Unfocused eyes trained on Shiloh and saw her turn towards me before a large, russet wolf shoved her out of the way with his nose. I felt many hands on me, and I was dragged back inside. My body trembled as I screamed. Every inch of my skin was on fire, and I closed my eyes only to see white. It felt like someone was tearing me apart. All around me I heard screaming and shouting.
“Quid irrumabo facimus?” Hoseok shouted.
“Nescio,” It sounded like Taehyung was crying.
My eyes rolled to the back of my head, and I could not think straight. The pain was numbing. Opening my eyes again, I saw my ceiling and raised one of my shaking hands. Black feathers had pierced through the skin, and I cried out once more.
“Recedite ab ea!” Someone screamed but I could not make out who.
“Licuitne futura est?” 
I knew something was happening a few feet away but all I could focus on was the fire in my body. I knew this would subside eventually on its own, I had not been in the sun long enough for the full transformation to take place, but I had something that could help. I just needed to gather the strength to get it. I opened my mouth to speak but could only scream.
“It burns,” I managed to grunt, convulsing.
I could feel hands on me, but I could not get my eyes to focus. Sleep would be impossible now and I knew my body was in the worst shape it had ever been. Between the ceremony, the small amount of magic I used, and the sun I would be out of service for an entire week at this rate. Possibly even more.
“Move,” I heard Shiloh’s voice through the rest of the nonsense going on around me.
Looking through my lashes, instead of an owl there was a beautiful woman before me. Her fiery hair glistened in the sun and looked like it was underwater. Her skin had a dim glow to it and shimmered brightly. She looked like diamonds, and I reached out to touch her. The spirit had tears in her eyes, the water shining brilliantly, before she caressed my hand.
“Slêpte,” She whispered, fingers grazing my arm.
Instantly, I felt the relief I had been begging for wash over me. Sighing in relief, I closed my eyes and curled closely to Shiloh’s side. I felt her fingers running through my hair and the exhaustion hit me all at once. I could hear growls and snarls, but the frantic talking was much louder. Someone was crying but I was too tired to figure out who it was.
“I’m going to put you to bed,” She whispered. “Where you belong.”
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When I woke, I could smell food cooking. I was in my bed, my memory faded and hard to recall, but I knew Shiloh had been in her spirit form. It was what she wished to look like in her next life, and I secretly thought she would be extremely beautiful. Rubbing my eyes, I could not remember the alphas leaving and knew I needed to get up. My body screamed in protest as I sat up, but I pushed forward. No one was going to harm the boy- not while I still had air in my lungs, and I could only hope that he was alive and well in my living room.
Upon entering the kitchen, I had to grasp my door frame for support. The stove was lit, I could smell the applewood, and one of my large pots was on top of it. The rest of the room was clean. Far cleaner than I ever left it. Someone had mopped and swept by hand. I could smell the lemons they used on the wood mingling with the strong scent of onions.
“You should be in bed.”
I jumped up. Whipping my head around, Jimin was sitting in my recliner across the room. Taehyung was staring at me from in front of the fireplace. Neither Hoseok nor Namjoon were there. I could not feel or smell my familiar’s presence either, and I had a pang of fear shoot through me.
“Where’s Shiloh?” I demanded, stumbling forward and grabbing on my island. 
Taehyung stood up and came toward me quickly. 
“Please, don’t push yourself, Bridd,” He said softly.
The alpha led me to the small loveseat that was tucked away and helped me to sit down. Jimin stood and covered me with one of my spare blankets before taking the seat next to me. He must have gone digging around while I was asleep. Sparing a glance at my hands, all of the feathers were replaced by nasty scars that were already lighter than the surrounding skin, like they had been there for years, and I felt sad looking at them. I could only imagine the state the rest of my body was in. It seemed like Jimin sensed my mood and placed his hand over mine.
“She stepped out for a while,” His voice hoarse like he had been screaming.
I had been angry with him; I remember vividly I thought of him and Namjoon as one entity here to hurt Taehyung but being in front of him now it had all but vanished. There was no way Park Jimin would ever be fine with what had happened. Nor would Hoseok or Namjoon. Even thinking of him I found myself hurting for him. I could only imagine how he had felt after everything had happened. I did not think anyone could have prepared for that amount of shock. However, gazing at Taehyung, most of my sympathy stopped there. Namjoon was still acting like some know-it-all, high who was high and mighty for what he had done. If Taehyung did not believe his intentions were good, then neither would I.
“Is everyone alright?” I asked.
Jimin hummed, “Everyone but you. Namjoon and I got into a fight before he left but he’ll be fine.”
I scowled at Jimin. “I don’t like the idea of you fighting.”
He grinned, “Don’t worry, amica. I won.”
“Doesn’t change my feelings.” I grumbled and looked at Taehyung.
He seemed confused. While most of his face was perfectly schooled, his eyes told a different story. As they bounced back and forth between Jimin and I, I could see confusion turn into something… other. Almost, acceptance. Strange, I thought. I did not think about it too much. My affection for Jimin was likely apparent, and stronger, than that of the other alphas. The boy was probably trying to get used to it. Then he winked at me, and I looked away,
Was it possible that he had caught onto my feelings? Had I sized him up too quickly? I knew he was mischievous and carefree, but I also knew he was very aware of others. When he had spoken so passionately about being what a good ruler was, I had gotten that impression as well as his own naivety. However, my troubles were quickly dismissed as I looked into Jimin’s eyes. It was impossible to stress when he was around.
“If it is alright with you then I would like to stay here until Taehyung decides what to do,” My eyebrows shot up. 
“What for?” I replied.
“I’m sorry for pushing you,” Taehyung butted in. “I didn’t realize you were standing so close, and I was overwhelmed.”
I shook my head and assured him an apology was unnecessary, “I’m serious, Taehyung, it wasn’t your fault.”
“Yeah,” He scoffed, “You’re covered in scars because of my actions, and now my cousin is angry with all of us because of the fight. Hoseok said it was best if we stayed away from the village for a while. We can’t go back home.”
This was not surprising, at least, not to me. I did not plan on Taehyung leaving my cottage for a while, but Jimin’s own exile was either completely self-inflicted, or a way for Hoseok to calm Namjoon down before he made any other rash decisions. Like challenging Taehyung. Even if he claimed it was only to stop others from doing so, I could understand why his little cousin would be offended by his complete lack of faith in him. A challenge did not sound like a great way to get others on Taehyung’s side and would only make the boy’s stress raise. 
“I found the letter that your friend sent you in your coat pocket,” Jimin suddenly said.
Confused, I frowned. I knew he was trying to change the subject, but I had no clue what he was talking about. Racking my brain, I found myself at a loss before the lightbulb went off. 
“Wendy!” I exclaimed. 
Going to stand, Jimin gently grabbed my arm. He looked bashful and unsure of himself. I was just like the last time he had been here, only it felt different. He almost looked… afraid to tell me what he had read. My breath quickening, I pulled my arm out of his grasp.
“What did it say?” I asked, wearily. 
When I got no response, I lifted myself up and ignored the two men. I hobbled to my coat rack. However, strong arms wrapped around me before I made it a foot away from the sofa. 
“Taehyung,” I threatened. “Put me down. Now.”
“Sit. You’re hurt.” He pleaded and walked me back over to the living space.
Frustrated and anxious, I turned my head and bit the side of his arm. The wolf yelped before letting go of my waist. I stumbled, wobbled over, before landing on my ass. 
“This is ridiculous,” I complained, slowly lifting myself up. I ignored Taehyung’s outstretched hands. “You come to my home, go through my things, and then not allow me to read my own letter? She’s my friend! If it’s important I ought to know.”
Jimin sighed, frustrated. I refused to back down and continued to stand despite the slight sway I was fighting. Taehyung had given me some space, which I appreciated, but was close enough to catch me if I fell down again. The older alpha and I had a stare off.
Finally, after a few minutes of silence, Jimin spoke, “If you had more patience, I could have given it to you. It’s in my pocket.”
“If you had just said that instead of looking at me like an idiot-” I countered, limping back to the sofa, “-then I couldn’t have gotten up.”
The alpha glared at me but said nothing more. Snatching the paper from his hands, I made myself comfortable in my spot. Taehyung came closer, a weary look on his face. An apology was in order, but I fought with my own pride to give it. He picked me up without consent and so I bit him. End of discussion. Still, the need to tell him I was sorry was strong.
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I’m happy to hear you are feeling better. However, I’m sure by the time this reaches you the Luna’s ceremony would have taken place and you’ll be back in bed again. I’ve always marveled at how powerful you are and yet so fragile. My mother thinks it was the way the Gods meant for it to be. You’d be far too much if you had all of your abilities and the same willpower as any other witch. In other words, good luck and I hope you have a fast recovery.
My sister has decided to marry a man by the name of Bastian. I am very happy for her, and I know Nixie will make a good wife- even if their children will be raised as humans rather than witches. Apparently, Bastian’s family is against magic and Nixie is unbothered by it. She was always rather bad at it, so I can guess why she has no issue giving it up. The entire time I have been here I’ve been barred from playing around. Nixie is very strict when she wants to be. They are very in love, and I am happy for her.
This trip, however, had made me think of my own life more than I thought it would. Y/N, would you hate me if I told you I was considering staying here? My time in Northorn has opened my world to many possibilities. Then I think of you, Yoongi, and Seokjin and the thought repulses me. Oh, I love him. I love Seokjin. I want him to be with me and yet… my eyes still wander. Is that wrong? I know you understand me more than anyone else. Have you ever thought about telling him how you feel or is it too scary? Because I’m scared, Bridd. I’ve hurt him too much.
I should stay here, right? Spare both him and Yoongi the heart ache. God knows I’ve put too much of a strain on their relationship already. From what I hear, they’re already back to being friends since I’ve kept away. Yes, I think I will stay here.
Please help me. Do something for me. I’m confused and unsure of myself. Nixie says I’m overthinking everything, but I know you will be more honest. Sending you all of my heart- at least what is left of it.
Your dearest friend,
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Rereading the letter over again, I felt my heart sink. Shiloh must have decided to go and see her after finding out. I mentally thanked her and immediately went to fetch a pen and paper. Neither wolf tried to stop me.
It made sense now why Jimin would hesitate to talk with me about the letter. He had never, as far as I know, met Wendy. It must have been confusing to read through. I remembered her line about me understanding her and my stomach sank. That must have been a strange thing to read about, too. I cursed under my breath before I began to write.
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Wendy, darling, 
I am fine. There is a lot happening in Bangtan at the moment, most of which I hardly understand, and it has taken its toll on me. Between the ceremony and now I haven’t one moment of peace. I do hope you can help me relax once you return. I know you will. 
Forget about those two fools and remember why you have stayed here all this time: your mother, the sisterhood, your coven, and the forest. Who else can tame a magindara like you? No one. Who can purify the sea and sing with the shore like you? No one. Do not let petty, childish things stop you from enjoying your life. You will always have me, and I will forever be there. I’m happy for Nixie! Her engagement is splendid news and I wish I could be there with her. 
However, life has chosen a different path for me just as it has chosen one for you. I am frightened, Wendy. Every day I am scared of what it will bring, but I do not let that stop me from enjoying the sunshine. I love the flowers, the trees, and the winds that ripple through them. Aldara used to tell me, “Fear reminds us that we’re alive, and without it many would surely be dead.” So, don’t kill yourself off just yet, darling. Keep swimming and come home. Talk to Seokjin and he will understand. Yoongi has no ill will toward either one of you. Let go of your fantasies and stay rooted in the reality of your heart.
You have made many mistakes in this life, but who hasn’t? I do think that we can salvage our friendships if nothing else, and if you truly want to be with Jin, then I would say try to win him over. He has spent many years running behind you while your sights were set on someone who did not see you very clearly. I want our circle back together again, but I want all of you happy within that circle. So go for it. Even if I am afraid, you do not have to be. See you soon.
Missing you greatly,
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My body was beginning to loosen, and the pain was becoming bearable. Satisfied with my response, I waved it in the air to make it dry faster as I rummaged through my drawers for an envelope. I could only hope I could muster the strength to send it off. If Shiloh were here, she would have gone off herself or asked one of the boys, but I was on my own now. Alone and in desperate need to get this damn letter to Wendy. Shuffling to my ceremonial bag laying by the front door, I sifted through it until I found my meteor powder. 
I knew I was taking a risk with this sort of thing, but I had to be willing to risk it if it meant I could change Wendy’s mind. I was already hours behind. Without a second more to lose, I gathered up a piece of parchment and a pen to begin drawing. Remembering Wendy’s face was simple enough, years of drawing and perfecting using the powder making it almost easy to do, but I still felt uneasy. My heart would not rest until I received word back or the sea witch showed up at my door.
Praying that I got every soft feature right, I contemplated adding color but quickly dismissed the idea. It would not really make any difference and I was not sure if her hair was dark or light anymore. Wendy often went through fazes with that sort of thing. Laying the paper on the floor, I said her name for good measure, and threw the powder on top of it. Less than a second later, the paper was gone, and I sighed. 
“Hope she got it,” I mumbled to myself.
It was Taehyung who broke my trance.
“That was so cool!” He exclaimed.
I chuckled, “Not as cool as my own magic, but it’ll have to do. I can hardly feel anything in my body.”
Walking back to the couch, I curled up beside Jimin. He looked worried again and I realized I had messed up. Admitting that I was weak and tired would only make him drag me back to bed. Readily myself for another spat, I squared my shoulders and looked at him.
“She seemed upset,” He said instead. “I had not realized your friends were involved in that way.”
I hid my surprise well. It did make sense for Jimin to worry about others, I had just never imagined he would take my friend’s hardships so seriously. Looking away, I nodded.
“It’s been a thing since we were children. Don’t worry too much, she will come back, and they will be together. It’s their never-ending cycle.”
“Why aren’t they now?” It was Taehyung who asked.
“Because,” I sighed, “they don’t truly know what they want.”
Jimin fixed me a bowl of the cabbage stew he had made for us. It was rather plain but filling and lulled me into an unsettled sleep on the small couch. I could vaguely remember waking up shouting, but for the life of me I could not recall the dream that had frightened me so. It was Jimin who brought me to my bed after that and I did not wake up again. Not even when I shifted after sunset.
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Taehyung was a nice company to have around. He took good care of his things, cleaned up after himself, and was useful. I had stopped sending supplies to Foxglove, something that neither Taehyung or Jimin agreed with, but it did not change my mind. They did not deserve my help if this is what they were going to do with it. No one had come to collect anything either, so I assumed they were boycotting my services indefinitely, or no one felt comfortable enough to come here with the wolves present.
Wendy had written to me the following morning confirming she was coming back. She had even written to Jin. While I did not know what she had said I could take a few guesses. It was only a matter of time before Seokjin told me all about it. He was the worst at keeping secrets. 
Taking a deep breath, I opened my eyes and stared at my altar. My magic had come back a few days ago and I had been allowing it to rest. Today was the first time I had performed a ritual spell in days. Looking over my shoulder, I smiled gently at Jimin napping on my sofa.
While we had not spoken much since that night, he was doing his best to help Taehyung make a plan to win over the town. While I thought it was foolish to think he could do such a thing without a fight, I believed in them enough to support it. Jimin was a beloved figure of the community and having him on Taehyung’s side greatly increased his odds. I knew the pack was feeling both of their absences and I hoped Namjoon would show his face here again. We had much to discuss and I wanted to apologize for my loud outburst. No matter what anyone else had to say I placed much of that terrible encounter on my own shoulders.
“What’s a cah-dee-jo?” Taehyung asked, obnoxiously loud.
“A cadejo-” I corrected, rolling my eyes, “-are spirits that help worthy travelers find their way.”
Taehyung raised an eyebrow. “And if they’re not worthy?”
“They’ll eat them,” I replied easily.
The alpha had been interested in my books after finding something I had written about the magindara when I was a kid. He was going through them so quickly, I was having to go to the cellar to get new material for him. As naive as he was, Taehyung Kim was a bright young man with a vivid imagination. He always asked questions, never settled for one answer, and listened carefully. 
“Why?” He asked.
“Why not?”
He said nothing after that and went back to reading. I had started growing fonder of the man and hoped he was able to go back home. When he spoke of his siblings his eyes lit up and it broke my heart. His parents must be worried sick. 
Having spent most of my morning sitting, I decided to make lunch. I was expecting Shiloh to be back later today. Wendy said my familiar had gotten to her inn just before she sent off her letter, so I knew the owl was safe. Thinking about her I grew emotional. Exposing her spirit form was extremely dangerous, a risk I would never have asked her to take, and she had done it regardless. 
Going to my kitchen window, I whistled loudly and began pulling out a pot and pan. Tomato soup sounded lovely and I could always make a quick loaf of bread. A few minutes later, Delinah was at my window. Looking up from the onion I was dicing, I grinning at the deer.
“Morning, Dee,” I greeted.
She bowed her head. “Glad to see you moving around. You gave us all a fright.”
I hummed, scooping the onions and throwing them into the pot along with three whole heads of garlic, some fresh herbs, and oil. In the corner of my eye I saw Jimin beginning to stir on my sewing chair.
“I’m good as new,” I joked, using a spell to light my stove. “Would you mind fetching some tomatoes from Seokjin’s garden? I’d ask Shiloh but she’s out of the forest for the day.”
“Where’d she head off to?” Delinah asked, pulling the cloth tote I kept on the windowsill into her mouth.
“Northorn,” I replied.
“Northorn? What’s so important in that miserable place?”
I laughed, placing my knife down to help my friend get the tote around her neck. Delinah nuzzled my hands. Giving her a quick pat on the head, I promised her carrots when she got back.
“And to answer your question,” I walked back to the counter. “Wendy is attempting to run away so she’s bringing her back.”
She laughed, “Oh, that Wendy Byrd. You never know what you’re going to get with that one.”
“But we love her.”
Jimin was up and walking around right after Delinah left. Taehyung was still head-first in my magical beasts book. I took over my try of onions and garlic and let them begin roasting over the open flame of the stove. The tomatoes would not take long to char. I could hear the two men talking quietly but decided to play them no mind. It was hard to have privacy in this house as it was.
Delinah was back quickly and I sent her off with a bundle of carrots. After roasting the tomatoes, I used my pestle and mortar to blend everything together. Working in small batches, I took my time to be sure everything was smooth before throwing it into the pot I had taken out. 
“Bridd,” Taehyung called out. “Can I get your opinion on something?”
I nodded, “Ask away.”
“I want to write a letter to Namjoon but I’m not sure how he’d take that.”
I paused for a moment to think. While it might be a wise idea to test the waters with a note of some kind, I was also not foolish enough to think he would be able to deliver something to the village at this time. People were looking for him and to show his face might lead to more speculation. However, he had to do something before the elders made a decision as to what to do with him. 
Namjoon had officially challenged him and only revoking that, which would terminate the fight, would be his best option. I had full faith in Taehyung’s ability to defend himself if he truly wanted, but his personality would make it hard for him to commit to a brawl. Namjoon would win just from his determination alone, if it came down to that, but I had a difficult time believing it would. The only way for Namjoon to win would be killing Taehyung in exchange for Sol and he would never bring himself to do that.
“I don’t think that would help much,” I admitted. “You are aware of Ahn and his tricks. I don’t believe a letter would arrive to him if you wrote one or not.”
I heard his sigh of defeat and felt saddened. I empathize with the alpha’s situation. I knew he was preparing himself to fight his older cousin, possibly kill the man, and no one was pleased by this. In my younger years, Aldara enjoyed teaching me defensive magic but I could never strike her back. It was not until that night I truly saw what I could be capable of if left to my own devices. I shuddered at the thought. I would not wish that on anybody- especially Taehyung Kim. Mixing the soup, I spoke.
“I’m sorry it has to be this way.”
“Me too,” He replied.
The three of us ate our lunch in silence. Jimin had been more quiet than usual and I knew his brain was on overdrive. He had also been away from his family, his pack, and his home for three days without an end in sight. I knew how hard the silence could be and even then I had been quieter. Still, it must be hard on him. It was a wolf’s nature to be with his family. 
Taehyung did not ask anything after that. The rest of the day, he sat on the floor near the fireplace and read book after book while Jimin looked out of the windows and wrote down in a journal I had given to him when he asked. They never went outside. I managed to do a few chores, practiced some new spells, and wrote in my grimoire, but nothing else had struck an interest in me. The tension in the house was suffocating. It was not until Shiloh returned at sunset that the house stirred.
In a whirlwind, the barn owl flew through my bedroom window, her loud voice bouncing off the walls. Carelessly I threw my pen down onto my grimoire. Black ink smeared into the pages ruining all of my hard work, but I did not care. She was back and I could breathe a bit easier then. I knew Shiloh would have an answer. She always knew what to do.
“Between those wolves and you witches,” She complained, “I’ll never, ever catch a break.”
“Oh, Shiloh,” I cooed, opening my arms to her.
My familiar raced into my waiting embrace and let herself be babied. I pet her head and smoothed her feathers down gently. The owl leaned into my touches with joy. I could not remember the last time I had smiled so widely since she had gone.
“You’re so strong and mighty, little one. I missed you dearly.”
She laughed, “I’m so happy to see you up and walking around.”
“Where’s Wendy?” I asked, letting her go.
Shiloh flew into the kitchen and I followed behind her. She must be exhausted after the long journey. She pecked at the bread from lunch and made note of the wolves in the living room. Pleased that they were still here, Shiloh told me how much she liked Taehyung before giving up any other information. I chuckled at her antics.
“She’ll be back after her sister’s wedding.”
“Oh, wonderful!” I clapped my hands together in delight. 
“Another pain in my ass,” She mumbled.
And I laughed, and laughed, and laughed.
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It was always an adjustment when you first transform, I found. Even after all this time I was slightly disoriented after the whole ordeal. The first night Taehyung had been here, he had almost broken my bedroom door down trying to see if I was alright. If Jimin had not reassured him, I was sure he would have been traumatized by the scene. It was the fourth night now, and Taehyung slept peacefully through my screams. Shiloh had gone to bed extra early. Jimin was the only person still awake when I flew through the kitchen window.
He was still dressed in the same clothes he had been wearing for days. I hand washed everything twice but he insisted on keeping them. I had made clothes for Taehyung and was a bit upset at Jimin’s rejection. However, I never brought it up again. I simply washed them and used magic to get them dry. 
Tonight, however, he had taken off the long cape he usually wore. His socks and shoes were also somewhere else and I noticed his belt was also missing. He wore his hair down, the silver strands sitting at his waist, and I saw a simple headband keeping his bangs out of his eyes. He was sitting at the kitchen island staring at whatever he had been writing. I decided to go to him.
“Hello,” He offered, a smile that did not meet his eyes thrown my way.
He looked tired, more so than usual, and worn. Taehyung snored loudly on the floor and rolled over. Jimin did not bat an eyelash and continued looking at the papers. I hopped closer and twisted my head to look at them. The alpha did not try to stop me. It was difficult to make out everything as the ink was smudged and worn, but I recognized the handwriting from anywhere.
I realized it was the paper I had used when I had visited him a few weeks ago. I felt myself growing emotional. He had kept it… something so inconsequential and yet he had kept it. Apparently, he even walked around with it. My heart grew fonder with every encounter we shared, and I found I could not breathe properly.
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I’m feeling better.
Not if it’s something you like.
I love blueberries.
You did nothing wrong, Alpha. I promise.
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“It brings me comfort,” Jimin whispered. “Knowing that you’re out there.”
Turning to look at him, I found him crying. The moonlight illuminated his delicate face and the tears that ran down his cheeks. For the first time since I have known Jimin, I felt sure of myself. Drawing near, I gently flapped my wings and landed in his lap. Clicking, I rubbed my face on his stomach and allowed the warmth within me to shine. He kept it. 
Jimin grabbed me and held me tightly as he wept. What his sorrows were for, I was not sure, but I had to guess it was something to do with this situation. Whatever the case may be, I melted into his touch. He was always so open with me like this. I wished he would hold me tightly as a woman, too. I knew I was beginning to grow greedy but did not care anymore. He had kept that stupid piece of parchment and I was completely done attempting to care about customs or the opinions of others.
“I don’t know what to do,” He whimpered. “I understand them both, know that neither one of them are happy with the way they left things, but I can’t do anything about it. 
“I don’t want to leave Taehyung, but I don’t want to watch my friends kill each other over a miscommunication.”
And as mad as I was at Namjoon, as badly as I wanted to throw him against a wall and scream in his face for playing into the game the others were creating, I could not say I wanted him dead. We were friends after all. Even after our spat the other morning I could call him that freely. I knew something had to give sooner or later.
The alpha only allowed himself two minutes to cry. After that, he apologized to me profusely before gently setting me back down on the island. Wiping his face aggressively, he excused himself before leaving the cottage entirely. I wanted to go after him but thought he might need the space and time to think. Looking down at the paper at my feet, I felt something shift inside of me.
So what if a letter is offensive? They beat Taehyung to a bloody pulp, exiled him, and made his family think he needed to be challenged in order to keep the pack in order. If a simple letter would be the thing to set them off then I would happily be the bad guy. Knowing that I was more than likely making an awful choice, that the chances of someone else getting their hands on Namjoon’s letter were high, I still had to try. I would never see Jimin cry like that again. My mind made up, I gathered up some paper and an ink jar and began to write.
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“Y/N,” Auntie whispered, her fingers running through my hair.
The sun had just begun to rise, the sky was still purple, and I struggled to open my eyes. Stirring, I moaned and rubbed my face. My eyes continued drooping closed and I yawned loudly.
Aldara chuckled, “Wake up, sleepy head. I want to make breakfast together.”
Shaking my head, I flipped over the pancake. In the dining room, Taehyung, Jimin, and the witches were talking about the best fishing spots in Bangtan. Seokjin and Yoongi had decided to drop in this morning, and while I did not get a reason for the sudden visit, I assumed it had something to do with Wendy. Jin seemed surprised about the wolves and asked if we could speak privately after everyone had eaten. I heard Taehyung asking if vegan pancakes tasted good and I laughed.
I had started a vegetarian diet after Aldara died. It was nearly impossible to get meat when I was unable to leave my home. I cut out animal products completely four years ago after I got closer with the critters in the area. It felt wrong to eat someone I could have known. 
“They’re not that different from ‘normal’ ones,” I answered. “I just use oat flour, bananas, and flaxseeds mixed with water. Everything else is the same.”
I could not see the face the alpha made, but I knew it was similar to disgust. Taehyung emoted the same for several emotions. Confusion, disgust, and anger were all similar enough to take a guess. Yoongi laughed and it made me smile. The two of us were the most similar in terms of lifestyle choices, but he ate fish with Seokjin from time-to-time. 
“Why would you mix flax seeds and water together?” Taehyung asked, his bewilderment coating his tongue. 
Grabbing a plate, I flipped the fresh pancake onto my small stack before heading over to the table. Various jars of preserves and marmalades were out along with Yoongi’s homemade syrup he had sent to me. While I had always enjoyed honey on my pancakes and toast, after cutting out animal products, I started mixing and matching to find something I liked more. Peanut butter and banana slices have not been topped by anything else. However, I had used all of my bananas making breakfast and had to settle for syrup.
“It replaces the egg,” I explained. “You mix it with the banana and let it sit for a few minutes to thicken up. It’s something a boy called Enver taught me. He lives in Moland and doesn’t get access to the market very often.”
“How do you get things from the market?” Jimin asked.
“I go very often,” Seokjin replied. “I always get things for Yoongi and Y/N when I go. Yoongi does the same as well.”
I hummed and nodded. “I have great friends.”
After breakfast, Yoongi invited the boys to go on a walk with him in the forest. Taehyung had brought up his newfound interest in the beings that lived in Bangtan, and the witch had offered to show him a jackalope borough a few minutes away. Jimin offered to go so he could keep an eye on Taehyung. I knew they could handle themselves, but I caught Jimin’s eye before he left and knew he was giving Seokjin and I space to speak. After they left, I began picking up the dishes with Jin’s help.
We worked quietly for a time. I washed while he dried. I knew whatever he wanted to say was on the tip of his tongue, his constant opening and closing of his mouth making that known, but I stayed patient. Seokjin was hesitating, which was strange for him, but I knew he was trying to collect his thoughts. Wendy threw him off kilter often and all of us were friends, so it made talking openly challenging. Yoongi had the same problem but would only come alone if he needed to vent. Enver was always his first pick since he was far removed from the forest, but he was too young to understand what Jin was feeling.
After the dishes were done, I began to wipe down the table and put away the toppings. Seokjin lingered but did not help with this. Instead, he put away the dishes. It took a few more minutes before he spoke.
“Wendy wrote to me,” He said.
I hummed. I did not want to talk about her letter to me yet. I tried to respect privacy as much as possible and kept a lot to myself. We were all too close for comfort at times and overzealous. Wendy was the worst with this, and Seokjin was unable to keep his mouth shut for forever, and so I tried to be someone reliable. Yoongi was better than I was but that was because he never gave much thought to other people. Their problems were not his and therefore did not truly matter.
“She said she wants to be with me.”
“Well,” I sighed. “How do you feel about that?”
He ran a hand through his hair. “It’s… complicated.”
Lifting myself onto the kitchen island, I nodded. 
“I’m sure I can keep up.”
“For as long as I’ve known her, I’ve liked her to some capacity. She’s never really liked me in the same way, at least, not as much as I liked her.” He reasoned. And that was true. 
Wendy had always looked the other way, said one thing and did another, and never truly opened her heart to him properly. Sure, she admitted that she liked him but would run after Yoongi when given the chance. At first, I thought Seokjin was reading too much into things, but when I stopped to think about it, he was right to be upset. Wendy placed Yoongi on a pedestal and often ignored how much she hurt everyone else in the process. Even the kitchen witch himself, a man who found himself an unwilling participant in their love triangle. 
“I knew she meant it when she said she liked me,” He continued. “I knew that she had feelings and affections, but the second she saw him it was like we were twelve again. How can I know she’s serious this time? She’s been away, hasn’t seen anyone in months, and decides she is in love with me. What about when she sees Yoongi again? Will it still be true?”
I felt sorry for Seokjin. He’s never looked away from Wendy, much like Wendy was never able to fully look away from Yoongi. I knew his heart was genuine, but I was also aware of how sheltered he was. Bangtan was secluded and meeting others was difficult. I was not sure if his want for Wendy would be the same if he realized that the world was much broader than this forest. Still, I was not foolish enough to think that telling someone that there were more fish in the sea would be helpful.
“I don’t want to get hurt again,” He whispered.
“I know,” I replied. “I wouldn’t want that either.”
“How can I trust her words?”
I shook my head. “I… I’m not sure. I’ve always thought you two were just stubborn. I can see how much you both care, but I’m not okay with the toxicity. As much as I want the both of you to be happy, preferably together, I can’t stand the tension. 
I think you should try it out- if you want to. See what happens. Maybe seeing her sister getting married changed something for her, or the time away- I don’t know. I do know that if you’re coming to me then that means she said something that sat with you. I would think about that and your own feelings.”
“She said that she loves me,” He muttered after a long moment of silence. “She said that after you two spoke- thank you by the way, that she felt more confident to talk to me. It was the first time I felt her apology was genuine.”
We had a long stretch of silence, the two of us just looking at one another, before Seokjin looked down. With a deep sigh, he ruffled his hair before asking to borrow a paper and pen from me. He knew where everything was, so it was an easy yes. I was no surer of what was to come than before, but hoped whatever it may be that my friends would be happy.
He sent off his letter soon after. I had started sweeping and making a schedule for the day in my head. There was a lot that I needed to get done. My absence had caused a large supply chain blockage to the sea coven, and I needed to get on it right away. Shiloh was asleep, her schedule still recovering from her trip, but I would wake her up to make the delivery later. No one else lived close enough to justify the trip and with Wendy still gone I had no one to send it to magically. After some more thinking, I asked Seokjin if he could write Cordelia and ask if anyone would be willing to pick up the supplies. He agreed easily and got to work.
It was a rare moment of silence with the solar witch. I knew his mind was all over the place, and his anxieties were not helping the matter one bit. I feared the worst but knew he would speak to me about it when he was ready. I would give him his quiet.
“I rejected her,” He finally said, voice cracking.
“Oh, Jinnie,” I cooed, putting my broom down and gathering him in my arms. That was a hard thing for him to do. I was proud of him for doing what was best for him, even if I was hoping my friends could make it work for both of their sake. “Yfel am sorig.”
He sobbed, “I can’t do it again, B. I just can’t.”
And I understood. I would deal with Wendy later, her own emotions probably bubbling over. I was sure Seokjin had alluded to being friends, keeping in contact- something that would give her hope like she had done so many times before. I knew he meant it and wanted the four of us to be like we were. I was no fool to think it would actually happen. Too much had been done and said for anything to be the same as it was. 
Still, I hope with time we could grow together. I loved my friends dearly and hoped we could spend Yule together like we had when we were young. I was also not foolish enough to get my hopes up either. The never-ending cycle.
“I know. I know,” I whispered, rubbing his back.
Seokjin held me tightly and cried.
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Over the next three days, Jimin and Taehyung started to venture out of the house more often. I had not heard from Wendy or Seokjin, but Yoongi wrote daily to make sure that I was alright. He was worried I would get another unexpected visit from the wolves. I was not sure if that was the case, but I was prepared to speak to someone eventually. I had a feeling Hoseok was staying away in order to keep the peace. When Jimin and I spoke about him it seemed like he was trying to make Namjoon change his mind. So far that had not been very successful, and the oldest alpha was still bitter about the fight with Jimin. Taehyung was becoming more resolute to the possibility of a fight and had been sparring with Jimin in case it came down to a brawl.
Shiloh had woken up earlier and earlier over the course of the last few days. Not as early as I was used to, but I would take noon over eleven at night. Taehyung and Jimin were still getting used to my late mornings. After staying up well into the night I was not out of bed unless absolutely necessary. My magic was stronger than it had been, but I could feel my body was still adjusting. Ever since I was child my magic drained the life out of me and defensive magic more than anything else. The Namjoon incident had thrown me for a loop, and I was having a difficult time coming back fully.
Aldara used to worry about my fainting spells after our lessons. She said that it was unnatural for a witch to become so overwhelmed by their own magic, but after many years of self-reflection, I realized that my body was always using magic. Unlike other witches who could control their output, my gifts left me vulnerable and weakened. The constant possessions and lack of self-control were two of the biggest downfalls of my own power. However, a small outburst would no longer make me as depleted as it once had. The last time I fainted after using magic had been the night, I found the cottage on fire.
Flipping through my grimoire, I tried to find the potion I made that reduced anxiety. Wendy was returning tomorrow, and Cordelia asked if I could send some to Syrena. I had only made this particular recipe twice and was still too unfamiliar with it to make it from memory. It would be Wendy’s luck that I sent over a shifting potion rather than a mood stabilizer, but I had faith in Griselda’s recipe.
I was worried about her. While it was normal to go weeks without talking, I was afraid she may be upset with me over the situation with Jin. She had to be suspicious we had spoken and probably thought I told him what to do. That, or she had convinced herself that Yoongi had something to do with it. Wendy had a difficult time seeing things for what they were, and while I felt empathy for her, I would never choose between my friends. I loved and respected them both and wished I could get out of the middle of everything. It was her who told him about our conversation in the first place.
Unable to find it I grew frustrated. I hated being so unorganized. Everything was sprawled about and jotted down in sloppy, rushed writing. Half of it hardly made sense to me and I pitied my successor. Poor girl will have to learn how to read hieroglyphics before she could understand half of what was written. Giving up, I slammed the book shut and decided to write Enver. He was the only witch I knew that would have something like this on standby. Carefully rolling the paper, I began to chant a new spell I had learned after reading Pippa’s grimoire and blew. The paper turned to ash and was gone.
Pippa was by all accounts a whack job. She had the most unorthodox methods of any witch I had ever read or heard of. Even looking through her countless spell books made that abundantly clear. She drew many of her spells in a step-by-step fashion that was somehow more difficult to follow than normal. Every spell and potion had strange ingredients that you would never put together and yet worked. She was brilliant. Aldara always made fun of my adoration for the woman, called me the next “nutcase,” and teased me about my own muddled grimoire. Still, no one could deny how talented Pippa was. This spell in particular was one of my favorites I learned so far. It was simple, used hardly any energy at all, and was extremely effective. I was happy my days of meteor powder were gone- even if I invented that one.
The front door slammed open. Screaming, I felt my heart speed up and my vision flash black and white for a moment. Composing myself, I shot daggers at Taehyung as he strolled into the cottage. Jimin bowed, his apology clear, before following the younger alpha inside.
“It’s such a beautiful day!” Taehyung exclaimed, rolling onto the couch.
My eyes twitched.
“Try that again,” I demanded.
The man shot up. His confusion was clear. Jimin stood in the doorway, an amused look on his face. Walking inside, he stood near the door and crossed his arms over his chest. I forced my eyes away from his toned back and continued to scowl at Taehyung.
“Try what again?” Taehyung asked.
“Walking into my house like a civilized person,” I deadpanned. “I swear, you act like you’ve never learned manners a day in your life. First putting your dirty, disgusting, muddy boots on my counter and now this? Thin ice, Tae. Thin ice.”
Taehyung scratched the back of his head and did as I asked. This time he gently opened the door and shut it. Satisfied, I hummed before going back to looking at my spell book. I really needed to buy a new one just to fix how ugly it all looked. I wanted to slap the little girl who thought this system was going to work. Groaning, I stood up and decided to take my work to the cellar. 
“What are you looking for?” Taehyung asked, face glowing when he realized where I was going. 
The wolf enjoyed taking trips with me and looking over my shoulder. I knew he hardly understood anything since most of it was written in Latin, but I knew it meant a lot to him. His curiosity never seemed to lessen or change. Jimin had not asked to come but I had a feeling it was his way of not being “rude.” I wished he would.
“I need to find a spell for a friend,” I answered. “I have one, but I wrote it when I was twelve and did not care if I could read it again. Such a childish thing to do.”
Taehyung laughed and was by my side without another second passing. Both of the wolves enjoyed hearing about my childhood. Tae had said it made me more human, but Jimin always told him that everyone knew I was. I wondered about their own childhood days. Jimin had been brave and reserved when we first met, just as he is now, but there was a sweetness there that was no longer present. This innocence that he could never get back. I knew that he could say the same about me. Seeing him again after all of those years had been a shock to my system. It was almost like our time in the forest had been completely erased from his memory. I was happy to see the gentleness within him again. 
“May I join you?”
Pausing, I looked up at the alpha. Taehyung had already gone down the stairs and I could hear him shuffling through things. Jimin smiled at me, and I nodded. I was still riding high after the other night. We had not talked about it, but I knew something had changed since then. Jimin was more willing to be near me, his eyes ever so slightly softer, and his voice was like clouds. It felt like the wall of ice he had around himself had melted and I was able to feel his warmth once more. Jimin followed behind me closely.
After lighting the sconces on the walls, I found Taehyung curled in a corner of the room with a book in his hand. It was probably another one of Aldara’s monster books. She had seen so much in her long life. Before she took her place as the Bridd, Aldara had been a monster slayer. The first person in the world to defeat a Quietus, and was so good at it, she chased them out of Bangtan. All the ones that remain are in the northern part of Moland and tend to stay out of the forest. The book Taehyung held were the short stories Aldara had written about her adventures. She was far cooler than me at that age. 
“It’s bigger than I thought,” Jimin whispered. 
“It grows whenever we need a new bookcase,” I replied. 
Jimin did not ask for clarification. He did not ask as many questions as Taehyung did, which I also chalked up to the etiquette training he received when he became an alpha. Taehyung had barely started those before being exiled. I thought about Namjoon and my letter and sighed. I still had not heard back from him. Jimin said my name, breaking me out of my thoughts.
“Who was the first Bridd?”
Shaking my head, I smiled. “Her name was Rosette.”
“How did this family thing even start?” Taehyung wondered out loud. 
Taking a breath, I sat down at my small desk and gestured for the two men to sit. I recalled the first time I had heard this story. Back then, Aldara was less rigid and tense. Her hands were so much bigger than mine, and I remember her cooing at the dimples where my knuckles should be. I had been entranced by the blonde woman she had spoken so highly of. 
“Rosette was from the Foxglove Village. This was many years ago when the town was home to all the shifters in Lustra. She was the daughter of a merchant and grew up surrounded by people who adored her. Life in Bangtan was hard but calm. That’s when the tales of the Quietus started to spread down south.”
Quietus were air elementals that had been the first settlers of Lustra along with the dragons. Aldara had called them “lost souls” who were scorned after the Sarkans attacked their land over a thousand years ago. The attack on Bangtan was a result of the people who lived here not coming to their aid when the humans came to take their cities, but they ended up getting it back soon after. 
“After the Century War with Etelin, however, their people had been reduced to living in the swamps once the elves had allowed the Sarkans to inhabit what was once elemental territories. The few that came into the forest were stragglers hell bent on avenging their people or those who were so starved they had slowly lost their minds.”
Jimin’s face told me he knew of them. Taehyung was still lost in the fairytale. I sighed before continuing.
“These creatures were unheard of to the shifters; their people had only come to Lustra after their island had been destroyed by a natural disaster. Their treaties were still so new, so fresh, and their numbers so depleted, they had never gotten word of the siege. Rosette said that the first time her people heard of it was when their village was up in flames.
“They were convinced that the Reikans had something to do with the attack, and even if they were not directly involved, they were complacent. The Quietus queen, Nerezza, lost her youngest child during the Sarkan invasion. It was her grief of losing her child that drove her vengeful attack. Of course, they were wrong. The Reikans were skittish and afraid of fighting.”
“Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?” Taehyung interrupted. “Shifters are strong.”
“Yes,” I agreed. “Your ancestors were strong people who lived through losing their homeland and were able to find a home here. However,” I pursed my lips. “Your kind are from Korika and were born fighters, but the people from Reika were very different from those your people remember. Whoever landed on your land integrated into your cultures. The others were left to build this land in their image.
“Those that lived here were no match for the Quietus. Even their warriors lacked the stomach for a true fight. It was said that no one but one made it out alive. Of course, that was not true. Many escaped but only one became significant.”
“Rosette,” Jimin muttered.
“Yes, Rosette,” I nodded. “She was a beautiful girl. Her long, blonde hair and bright green eyes made her stand out in a crowd. She was a bird shifter who was in love with a fox in town. She was only 16 when the attack on the village began. She, her sister, and a lucky few were able to escape. 
“Rosette was the oldest and was familiar with military strategies from her time with the fox boy. She told them all to split up and find their way to safety. Rose found herself in this very clearing when she called out to the sky to help her. She asked the Gods for help. Suddenly, she was surrounded by warmth despite the blizzard going on around her. She knew it was them, she never knew how she did, but it was a feeling, and the wind around her asked what she wanted. 
“Rosette asked for her sister’s life to be spared and in exchange she would do whatever the Goddess wanted. They accepted this offer. In exchange for her sister, Rosette and her bloodline would be tasked with being a guardian of the forest. That was the day we lost our freedom. 
“She woke up the following morning in this cottage, her leg chained just as mine is now, and magic she had never had before. After being alone for over 100 years, she was sent Jordana. We never know when we’ll be sent our pupil but when it happens, we have 16 years left. It’s our duty to train them, raise them, and prepare them before our ascension to the spirit world.”
“Why can’t you shift as you please then?” Taehyung asked. Jimin smacked his arm, but I waved him off. 
No harm in asking.
“Our transformations are directly tied with the moon and sun. The Gods love to see us dancing, whirling, and twirling through the sky. We’re lucky we were able to keep that part of ourselves in the deal. Magic and shifting is simply unheard of outside of these woods.”
“Is it the same for genuine werewolves?” Taehyung asked. “The sun and moon thing?”
I laughed, “No, silly. Werewolves are cursed to be compelled by the full moon. They’re practically animals after their first transformation. No one comes back from that, and they usually die within the first three months. Nothing like what you and I are.”
Taehyung seemed placated by this. He often called himself a werewolf much to Jimin’s chagrin. I could understand why the older alpha would be offended. They were born what they are, and their bloodline is strong. A werewolf has to be made and their species is dying out in the Ozryn Mountains from starvation. The last werewolf outbreak was decades ago and was swiftly dealt with by the dwarves in Idris.
After the story was over, Taehyung went back to reading Aldara’s book and I got to look around for that stupid potion again. I had yet to hear back from Enver and assumed he was busy. He was awful at writing back.
Jimin walked around the cellar and traced all of the books. It was astounding just how many were in here. Aldara alone had written over forty grimoires in her lifetime, and she was known to only figure out defensive magic spells. Rosette had 120, Jordana had 205, and Griselda had the record for the most with 223. I could not imagine having so many ideas. I have only finished three so far and was working on my fourth. I came up with more spells in my youth than I did now. I had a lot more fun with my magic then, too. Feeling bad about myself, I decided to take a break.
“Your aunt was so cool,” Taehyung said.
“Yeah, she was the coolest,” I grinned, my voice growing quiet at the word “was.”
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It was getting late. The three of us had spent the day in the cellar. Jimin quietly skimmed through the books and was happy when I pointed him towards the diaries on the small shelf in the back. Taehyung had enough stories to last him a few more years. I flipped through Pippa’s spell books and made small talk with Taehyung. He always had something to say, and it was nice to have someone fill the silence around here.
Taehyung had gone up to take a nap over an hour ago leaving Jimin and I alone in the cellar. He was hunched over a book, eyebrows knitted in concentration, and tongue sticking out ever so slightly. I was sure he knew I kept stealing looks but chose not to comment on my ogling. It was rare to see him so closely and relaxed. Shiloh had let me know she was visiting Morla to give updates on Wendy. Mumbling under my breath, I watched as the pen and ink I had brought down earlier wrote in my spell book. I caved and let them do the work for me.
While reading over the other grimoires and books within the cellar, I had made myself a few notes of things I could experiment with. It was not as fun as Pippa’s nor as straightforward as Griselda’s, but I was happy to have thought of anything in the first place. Most of my experimenting went to the wolf pack and it was nice to have fun for myself. Aldara would be happy to see my creative muscles flexing again. 
“Bridd?” Jimin called, voice soft and smooth. 
I hummed and looked over. His hair looked dark gray in the candlelight and I eyed the messy flyaways floating around him. I wished I could brush them down. Jimin regarded me with the same stoic face I had come to love. I knew it was only a small facade put in place for the sake of his people. They needed a strong, dominant leader around them and no one else wanted to fill that role. I saw the ghost of a smile graze his lips and relaxed further into my chair. Those were only reserved for a chosen few. 
“Why don’t you have anything here?” He asked.
“Everything that I own is upstairs,” I replied. “It would be far too much effort to come here anytime I needed to write or look over my work.”
He chuckled, “So, you do have a diary?”
Blushing, I nodded. “All of us do. It’s the best way to keep records for our successors.”
I would not allow him to read mine. It had far too many thoughts that I never wanted to reenter my mind. There was a particular time where I wrote daily and thus created five separate books detailing my misery. I would be mortified if Jimin or anyone for that matter got their hands on those. They held my deepest fears, darkest desires, and above all- what happened to me. I was always the most open in my writing and never felt the need to keep anything hidden. No one had ever noticed them on display or bothered to care much for them at all.
“Yours must be very interesting.”
I shook my head, “Not really. Mostly the angsty ramblings of a teenager. Nothing more.”
I sounded convincing enough. I heard Jimin shuffling around but refused to look his way. Deciding that I was done for the night, I began closing and stacking the grimoires I had taken out. I will sort through them later. Glancing at the walls, I could not tell what time it was but knew it had to be close to sunset. I needed to get to my room soon.
Going to turn, strong arms found themselves resting on either side of my waist. Shocked, I turned my head to find Jimin standing directly behind me. He chest pressed against my shoulder as I turned to face him. He had never been so close to me before. 
I could count the small, individual freckles that dotted along his nose. His eyelashes were longer than I thought they were and flared out accentuating his eye shape. Everything about him was overwhelming and his scent hit me like a freight train. Hands gripping onto my desk, I struggled to speak.
“Jimin?” I managed to get out.
“Can I tell you something?” He whispered, getting closer.
Our chests touched and his hands moved behind my back. I felt his arms wrapping around me, but his hands stayed on the table. Nervously breaking our eye contact, I glanced behind me to see his hands sitting one on top of the other. I was shaking and had a hard time breathing. Jimin called my name, and I snapped back to his gaze.
“Can I?” His eyes were as black as coal.
A deep shiver went up my spine. Unable to form a coherent thought, I nodded. I swallowed thickly and reminded myself to breathe. Jimin smiled at me.
“I enjoy your company.”
Again, I could only manage a nod, my heart racing and mouth dry. Jimin’s face drew closer to mine. I took a sharp breath and held his eyes. I was searching for the meaning of this but found I could not read him anymore. This was a different man from the person that had been reading moments ago. 
“I like being close to you. Is that alright?”
“Yes,” I replied breathlessly.
“Do you want me to stop?” He whispered, his breath brushing my lips.
I knew I should have pushed him away and told him that this could never work. Our lives were too different. It was far too complicated. He had a mate out there waiting for him. He would forget about me soon enough. Even knowing all of that, I shook my head.
It was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. Jimin’s lips were soft and warm and lit my body on fire. The kiss was searing, and I felt the flames so deeply they licked at my bones. Hot shots of electricity licked my spine, and I grabbed a hold of his chest without another thought. Jimin’s arms encased me. Everything that I feared, wondered, and regretted did not matter anymore. None of it matters. He was here and he was mine.
Pulling away, I opened my eyes and saw him already gazing down at me. His eyes were so soft, gentle, and kind. Everything about him made me feel safe. He bent down and nuzzled his nose into my hairline. 
“Thank you,” He whispered. 
Dazed, I only nodded before seeking his lips out again. Jimin cupped my face and drew me impossibly closer. Any tenderness was gone the moment my tongue accidentally grazed his bottom lips. With a small growl, Jimin licked his way into my mouth and roughly grabbed a hold of my hips. Using his leg, he gently pried my legs apart and lifted me onto the desk. My hands had a vice grip on his shirt. 
Suddenly, I felt a cold shiver run through my body and yanked away. Jimin took a few steps back. I could see that he understood what was happening. After choking out a “go,” I stood up from the desk and screamed. Jimin was out of the cellar before the first feather broke through my scarred skin.
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Swîgian âstillian. - Be quiet.
Hwæt−hwugu ðrîstian êow? - How dare you?
Sê ðafian êower m¯ægð teohhian êower weorðfulnes? - Who do you people think you are?
Yfel am sorig. - I am so sorry.
Thither is êower hygd? - Where is your mind?
Belāda mē - Sorry.
Quare? - Why?
Putasne me stultum esse? - Do you think I'm stupid?
Sol a me auferre conaris! - You are trying to take Sol from me!
Quid irrumabo facimus? - What the fuck do we do?
Nescio. - I don’t know.
Recedite ab ea! - Get away from her!
Licuitne futura est? - Is she going to be alright?
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Taglist: @greezenini​ @adventures-in-bookland​ @kthstrawberryshortcake-main​ @zae007live @jimin-neverout @nikkiordonez12 @canarystwin​ @yamekomz @chimthicc​ @michiiedreamer​ @amorieus​ @mima795​
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© chimcess, 2023. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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ghostwritcr · 7 months
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as his teammates gave him a heads up that the figure skater had actually shown up at the party , river began looking for her . there was a smile on his face . . . until there wasn ' t anymore , as he found her . with his twin brother . and he loved him , but also knew how much of a prick he could be --- and judging by the look on kennedy ' s face , that was exactly what shiloh was doing . ' leave her alone , shiloh . ' river ordered as he grabbed the twin by his shoulder , making him back up and give her some space . should ' ve know from the way the other tumbled that he was drunk , but his sloppy unfiltered words confirmed it ' what the fuck , man ? i 'm working the ground for you , since you ' re such a pussy to do it yourself . . . you should be thanking me that she ' d think it was you who could fuck her so good . . . ' river ' s jaw clenched hard , holding back the urge to punch his brother right on the face . ' shut up and get out . you get in trouble again and i ' m kicking you out for good . ' even when storming , his tone is steady as he pushes the other on the door ' s direction . finally able to focus on her , he ' s clearly uneasy and shamed as he clears his throat ' i ' m really , really sorry about my brother . he ' s an asshole . . . ' / @slumpcd
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pluralthey · 1 year
can i ask for more about shiloh? She has such an unique design and her and Jessie's relationship seems interesting :0
shiloh is hard to describe from any one angle i feel like. when i made her character, i needed her to be someone who would immediately catch jessie's eye just walking past her, someone who would willingly enter a relationship with god without fear, and someone who had some kind of power in the relationship between them. she ended up as someone older, more experienced, and more confident than jessie, someone eccentric and unafraid to look the part, and someone who isn't necessarily trying to drown but isn't trying to paddle to shore either.
as a naked mole rat, she can't really feel pain. whatever fear reflex people learn from pain, she did not, although other naked mole rats might still have more self-preservation due to a natural predispositions. i see her as someone closer to having an unnatural level of analgesia even for a mole rat; she isn't incapable of feeling pain, but it will only be in areas where a lot of nerves would be clustered anyway, because adult naked mole rats' pain tolerance comes from a reduction in nerve population to conserve biological resources (they are born with a normal amount, and i think shiloh was born with an already reduced amount of receptors that became even sparser). that's not to say that shiloh doesn't feel fear, but it isn't in the back of her mind in the same way it might be for others. she doesn't look at a flame and think "i shouldn't get too close to that" without actual conscious effort to recall it.
shiloh seeks rather extreme sensations, partially due to a perceived sense of physical ennui, with the other component being a literal sense of ennui. the thing i see in common between her and jessie is a pervasive sense of boredom or dissatisfaction. extremes are more unique. they're less predictable... less boring. i've said it before but i think her relationship with jessie could easily still work out without the god powers due to jessie's erratic emotional states and stupidity - they make her entertaining to shiloh and force her to think in new ways if only to explain a concept she feels is common sense. this is Because shiloh is a person constantly seeking relief from boredom.
she is a super spiritual, but not religious (at least, until god announces herself...) person, and she could probably be described with nietzschean philosophies. she had a hard time believing free will existed prior to The Jessie Event and certainly stopped believing in it after that; it doesn't make sense in a world created by an all-powerful god. shiloh, however, channels this nihilistic take into a strong belief in fate. she may relinquish control in ways other people find absurd because she wants to see her fate. she wants life to have meaning very badly - otherwise, it's all noise... boring, boring noise. actually, i already wrote about this a while ago in my notes. here:
shiloh can frequently be passive because she deliberately refrains from constructing narratives. She wants a meaning told to her by life instead of finding it herself. This lack of an intrinsic narrative makes her particularly receptive to a wide variety of ideas and subtleties, but it also makes her unable or unwilling to definitively shut the book on the relationship with Jessie no matter how many red flags.
aside from that stuff... shiloh is a logic-driven person who seeks and finds patterns easily. novelty often feels meaningful to her because she can quickly categorize interactions, and novel interactions can't be categorized without fabricating a new category. you'll see her in the story notice more about jessie manipulating reality than jessie would prefer even when her memories are altered because she notices discrepancies in patterns that jessie just. does not. as a foil for jessie... shiloh is also kind of a pleasure maximizer, whereas jessie is a pleasure satisficer. if you've never heard of the maximization paradox, it's an interesting topic and very relevant to shiloh in particular: maximizer types will sacrifice more resources into a decision for additional options in order to (potentially) maximize the return on the decision -- however, this type of behavior reduces satisfaction. the more thought and effort you put into a decision, the less satisfying the decision tends to be. (jessie as a satisficer picks primarily from immediately available options based on the most satisfactory result and finds even childish, stupid solutions gratifying as an exercise of power, conversely.)
i've described shiloh as a "this is how it is" person, which can sound like someone who's kind of rolled over on their back and submitted. she's like this whether she's the one dominating or being dominated, though. she's not morally bankrupt like jessie, but she's not the most moral person, either -- especially in terms of choosing to intervene with suffering instead of remaining apathetic. like what happens to her, what happens to others is fate. it's more interesting to see what happens to them than trying to impose a desired meaning onto reality. notably this acceptance of both dominating and being dominated means that, while she prefers to submit and have the powers that be decide, she is willing to exercise her own power, and she enjoys doing so when she does. when i mention things like shiloh seeing taking GOD's virginity as a badge of pride or knowing she's going to be living in jessie's head rent-free forever, the knowledge that shiloh is someone who enjoys having power over others can make it make more sense. it isn't a side of her that gets much attention in the story because she simply can't exercise that much power over someone all-powerful. any act of outsmarting jessie is temporary as she learns. i think i find her to be a uniquely interesting character because while i have to have other characters who ultimately accept jessie's godhood, shiloh is a character who DOES NOT shy away from how fucked up it is. some of the other characters may just hope it turns out well or cope by assuming they're only dreaming, but shiloh is like "this is horrible and it's actually kind of fucking awesome"
i think i talked a lot about her psychology that makes her feelings for jessie sound detached and manipulative, she is just... smitten. in her own way. she is a detached person, but she still has human feelings and investment in an emotional life.
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get u a boy that will spend the day painting pumpkins with u
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asteria-argo · 2 months
I'm very excited for the next chapter of tatbp, mostly because there is a lot of my specialist girl ever Shiloh in it. And also a lot of Ted. and a lot of Ted reacting to Shiloh.
“Hey coach lasso!” Kian grins, nudging his buddy who Ted believed was named Logan enthusiastically “are you gonna watch up play?” “Heck yeah I am bud!” Ted laughs. He liked Kian, he was a real enthusiastic kid, practically tripping over himself with excitement at every moment “Gotta see what you’re all made of, I heard y’all are the reigning champs of the school district.” “That’s the girls team.” Another voice belonging to a little girl with blonde air and an unimpressed little scowl on her face who Ted did not need to be a genius to figure out was probably the infamous Shiloh calls out, drawing everyones attention over to her “the girls team are the reigning champs. The boys team have lost every game they’ve played this term.” “Shut up Shiloh.” Kian snaps, his face beet red “no one was talking to you.” “I was just telling him the truth.” Shiloh shrugs, flippant and uncaring of the fact she’d just embarrassed her teammate. “You haven’t won a game yet.” “Well now, winning isn’t everything.” Ted cuts in, looking over at Sam to see if he sees the resemblance too. Sam is a bit preoccupied setting up some cones with Dani though, preparing for the drills they were going to run the kids through while Jan Maas was running them through some warm ups “footballs about having fun, ain’t it?” Shiloh rolls her eyes at him, like he’s said something so incredibly moronic she can’t believe the words coming from his mouth. “I didn’t say anything about it not being fun, I was just saying that you were wrong.”
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saintgoths · 11 months
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WORD COUNT - 2,471.
RATING - 18+. [f+m intercourse and infidelity, speaks of war and genocide].
SUMMARY - while you and joel continue your secret love affair, ellie is aware that a troubling future awaits; as gabriel havens tells joel shocking information.
feedback would be appreciated!
previous chapter - chapter six.
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Joel had given up on keeping you silent, throughout the first rounds his hand had covered your mouth while he had indecently fucked his cock savagely into your cunt, your back had arched while his fingers dug into the skin of your fine shaped buttocks, his grip strong and his thrusts able and manly; while he listened to the pleasured wails of your lewd cries, Joel had smoothly pulled his head backwards, his eyes tight shut as he felt the nearing climax build up.
It was currently night time; and since the nightfall of the meeting, you had in his home previously, the two of you had been secretly meeting with each other, verily, it was you who had numerously snuck into his home to resume the devilish affair.
No matter how guilty you were, there was something about the way Joel was always so rough but pleasant with you, he had fucked you like no one else had and his kisses, touches and body had always pushed you to crave him whenever you were away from each other.
“That’s it princess,” Joel lustfully grunted, his hip thrusts eager and rough while the tumid sac of his swollen cock had pummelled against you, your sensations excessively peaked that you couldn’t form a single letter but shameful cries while your abundant drools had soaked against his pillow.
Your posture tight as you could feel the heat rush over your body while you had piled your cum around his cock, your body loose as the dark-haired man resumed to thrust his shaft into your pussy ere his thick ropes seeped inside of you, relieved, he gently bent down and kissed your shoulder just as he pulled himself out of you, while he had dragged himself off his bed, you had twisted your body so your back was pressed against his cot. Gently you had caught your breath ere you dramatically collapsed against the duvet, aware of the numerous of hickies Joel had imprinted against your skin.
Usually, you’d be uncaring if he had done so, but you hadn’t been in the ocean for a couple of weeks thus enhanced characteristics you normally had would slowly slow down. So, you had internally tasked yourself to go swimming this week. The moment you had forced yourself to put your clothes on you had immediately felt the way Joel’s eyes printed against your skin, aware of his gaze, you had turned around to look at him, your look had silently urged him to speak.
“Is there anything you’re doing tomorrow?” Joel questioned and with smoothness, you beckoned your head.
“Dinner with Ellie and Shiloh tomorrow,” you replied, your small chirp enough for Joel to raise his eyebrow.
You had sent the same strange look Joel had gifted you, finished with putting your clothes on you had leant against the door frame you had recently opened. “Ellie is in my life just as she is in yours,” you briefly explained and slightly, Joel had bounced his shoulders as he prepared himself to seem uncaring.
“Ellie sees your main lover while she is completely unaware that you have an affair with your old one,” and with the tone of his voice, you could tell he had felt comical.
“You’re not my ex-lover,” you shrugged just as you neared towards him again, you placed the palms of your hands against his shoulders and dumbfounded, Joel looked back at you.
“Then what am I to you? I don’t want to continue being a secret.”
Empathetic, you pulled your arms around his shoulders and you could feel him sigh as his body relaxed, pressed against yours. “There’ll be a time where the two of us are publicly with each other again.”
“With no Shiloh in the picture?” Joel brought up and unsure you had slowly beckoned your head.
“No Shiloh in the picture,” you ended and before the Texan could say anything else you had briskly pressed your soft lips against his to soften and quiet him up.
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You had mentally kicked yourself when you had realised you hadn’t gone to swim, thus it was too late now, you were with Ellie who had helped you finish with the last bits of food you were going to serve for today and you had been glad that the red-haired girl had been calm and kind about having Shiloh over, but you could tell the freckled girl didn’t necessarily like your boyfriend.
“Well, where is he?” Ellie questioned; she had half of her body against the island of your kitchen, her eyes concentrated on the dessert you finished piecing together. Aside from her inquiry, you had wished that Ellie would eat a reasonable amount of food, you had observed how she didn’t eat much currently, but Joel had informed you that Ellie’s eating habits had become worst.
“He’s on his way,” you shortly muttered and as a response, Ellie swiftly peeked at you, but you have realised that the expression Ellie had on her face appeared like she had wanted to say something. With your right eyebrow perked upwards, you had sat on the small chair beneath the island. “Is there anything wrong.”
Reticent, Ellie shook her head, perked both of her hands in a sign of defence. “No,” she popped and silent, you had resumed your quick task. “Are things between you and Joel better?”
Unfazed by her random question you had nodded your head just as you commenced to clean the table. “Yes.”
“Do you still like him?”
Hesitant, you curved your sight towards the shorter girl, “why are you asking me this?” You suspiciously questioned and minimally judgemental, Ellie bounced her shoulders while she pushed herself off the table she previously leaned against.
“It’s just that I see you leaving his house at night a lot.”
Embarrassed, you had held back a guilty cough. “You must be confusing me as someone else,” you dismissively shrugged. “I wonder who he is now seeing,” you gently whispered well aware that Ellie had seen how transparent you were.
“I’m not stupid,” she rudely muttered, “I know it’s you, and that you’ve been cheating on Shiloh with Joel.”
With your eyes narrowed, you straightened yourself up and neatly stood up on your feet. “This isn’t the best time to speak about it.”
“Well, when will it be a good time to talk about it with you?” Ellie frustratedly questioned, “You never want to talk to me about anything!”
As you pulled in a short breath, you dramatically placed your hands against your hips. “I---”
“Did I come in too late ladies?” Shiloh eagerly greeted, he smoothly walked down the corridor and entered the open kitchen you and Ellie had currently stood in. Before you neared yourself towards the handsome man, you quickly delivered Ellie a look that screamed of warn ere you pressed your lips against your romantic partner while Ellie had settled down on the chair, she was closest too.
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Dinner had gone well, minus the fact that Ellie had barely spoken to Shiloh, in your perception, everything had gone smoothly.
“Well, Ellie what are you interests?” Shiloh curiously questioned, he himself had peeked that Ellie had purposely barely spoken to him, and in your presence, he knew that sneakily forcing Ellie to speak would be the right choice.
Unmoved, Ellie had sat up on the chair she had currently sat on and began to lazily list her likes. Gently, stressed you began to pick on your food while Shiloh had easily scanned that Ellie had not taken a liking towards him.
“You don’t like me, don’t you?” Shiloh briefly chuckled and awkwardly, you had pressed your lips into a thin line as you had watched Ellie carelessly shrug her shoulders as her response. “You’re probably more used to Joel and [Y/N] having dinner with you and you might think I have bad intentions towards [Y/N], but I don’t.”
“That makes me feel better,” Ellie sarcastically replied and in anguish you had loudly sighed to gather their attention.
With a forced and sorrow gleam on your face you had quickly put down your cutlery. “The three of us should watch a movie, right?” You weakly suggested and in order to have the awkward dinner concluded, Ellie and Shiloh had given in to your idea and had helped you clean the table they had currently sat around; the task had been filled with silence and lack of grace, you had observed the way Ellie had barely looked Shiloh’s way and had peeked the insecure glances Shiloh had sent the auburn-haired girl.
The moment the three of you had completed the chore, you had found yourself sandwiched between Shiloh and Ellie, the younger girl had suggested to watch Jurassic Park and you had hoped that the tension of the movie would push the three of you to talk, yet, you had been proven wrong, barely any of them spoke and the only time they did would be when you would comically comment on a scenario, but after that, the atmosphere would return to the complete silence aside from the sound that came from the TV.
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Comforted by the way he had played and stroked his guitar strings, Joel had currently sat on his wooden chair, the sky dark and his area gently lit by his lamp and the soft wind accompanied by the smooth chords the older man had played, his left foot against his right thigh, the Miller man had gently nodded to his tunes, slightly aware of the figure that had neared himself towards him.
Gabriel Havens, the blond man had respectfully greeted the other man who had slowly paused his short performance, Joel had gently placed his instrument against the side of his chair and pulled himself off the wooden chair he had previously sat on, in response to Gabriel’s greet, Joel had kindly taken Gabriel’s hands to his and softly shook it. “Good to see you,” Joel kindly muttered before he pulled himself to the railings of his deck, shortly after Gabriel followed and stood next to the taller man.
“I hope you know it’ll go wrong,” Gabriel lowly muttered and caught surprised, Joel had wondered if the blond man had known about the affair he had shared with [Y\N].
“What do you mean?”
Humoured, Gabriel stiffly glanced towards him. “Falling in love with a Siren.”
His blood ridden cold, Joel had lightly firmed his grip around the wooden railing, his face full with brief shock but he nuzzled it with an expression of confusion. “What are you talking about?”
“It’s obvious,” Gabriel gently laughed, “the way she has a hold on people, her fishing skills, appearance, healing abilities…I know she got shot that day on the group patrol,” he then continued, with his hands clasped together, the older blond man stood up straight. “I once had a lover that was a Siren, I was really young, sixteen and reckless, her name was Mira.”
Surprised, Joel cocked his eyebrow, he had recognised that was the name of [Y/N]’s horse, perhaps Gabriel had named the horse after his lover. Well, it was painfully obvious he did. “There was some genocide caused by Humans against Sirens.”
“A pharmaceutical co-operation known as the Red-Circle, they had noticed that there was something about the blood of Sirens that could pause a virus for some time and as time went on and the virus that had taken over our world had progressed, they had noticed that their blood could slow down a bite and help an infected Human remain a Human longer than two days.”
“So, what they did was that they hunted Sirens more and thought that having many of their blood can make somewhat a cure.”
Surprised but somewhat intrigued by the intel Gabriel had informed him with, sympathetic for [Y/N]’s species, the Miller man had gently knitted down his eyebrows. “How do you know all of this?” As he had thought that his lover Mira, was likely caught through the midst of genocide.
“Mira had survived the first wave of the genocide, she was able to escape because she was protecting someone by sending them faraway,” Gabriel slowly explained, and surprised, Joel had raised both of his eyebrows.
“[Y/N]?” Joel curiously questioned and with a light hum, Gabriel moved his head.
“Mira was the mother of [Y/N], but [Y/N] doesn’t remember that Mira was her mother, Mira had [Y/N] taken away when she was barely five months old, and for her protection, Mira never visited [Y/N], because during that time, the Red Circle members were following their tracks.”
Startled by the rain pour of information, awkwardly, Joel had examined the older man before he had questioned him. “Are you the father of [Y/N]?”
Unsure, Gabriel softly shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t think Sirens can crossbreed with Humans and if she did have a child with another Siren man, I can’t blame her, Sirens were trying to repopulate, Humans were being ruthless with them.”
Gabriel had known Mira before the infection took place, he had known the Red Circle was tied with the operation who had created the current virus they had directly dealt with. The Red Circle co-operation were tasked to make the back-up medicine for the Virus but they had failed numerous of times. The more they used the Siren blood to heal infected individuals, [precisely lab-rats], the further the infected kins would not only stop turning into the ill beings they were known for being in the end, yet they will transform into a being much worse than they expected.
Due to how wrong the research and the experiments for the cure had gone, the co-operation had to put a stop to making a back-up cure and allow the world to continue struggling against the hellish and infernal sickness. “After everything, they attempted to reconcile with the left-over Sirens around that area, but it went wrong, another War happened, Sirens killed many Humans and Humans killed many Sirens, the conflict was known as the Secret battle of the Seas and the outcome had caused many of [Y/N]’s species to re-locate to a safer place.”
“That war was the conflict, Mira had died in,” Gabriel sadly muttered and empathetic, Joel had reticently listened to the light-haired individual.
As much as he had been focused on the lore Gabriel had acquainted him with, the Miller man couldn’t help himself but silently speculate to why [Y/N] had been here. Though, due to how he was buried in curiosity, the built man had stood up straight while he brought himself to question the man. “If it’s safer back there, then why is she here?” Joel thoughtfully questioned and just as confused and suspicious as Joel, Gabriel briskly bounced his shoulders.
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what do you think of this chapter?
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devildomwriter · 2 years
Obey Me As The Office #1
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Mammon: I’m going to jump
Leviathan: Do a flip!
Lucifer: We don’t recycle
Beelzebub: We don’t?
Beelzebub: Why have I been separating trash into whites and colors
Diavolo: I want you to think about it, long and hard
Mammon: That’s what she said
Diavolo: Don’t you dare
Simeon: Man, someone doesn’t like HR. What’d you do to him?
Barbatos: Nothing
Mammon: No. He tortured me. With his awfulness
Diavolo: Society teaches us that having feelings and crying is bad and wrong. Well, that’s baloney, because grief isn’t wrong
Diavolo: There’s such a thing as good grief, just ask Charlie Brown
Beelzebub: Hello baby. Here you want to play with this?
Asmodeus: You can’t give paper clips to a baby. He could swallow it.
Beelzebub: Oh, it’s okay. I’ve got tons of them
Belphegor: I would love to be a therapist. Just sit there saying “aha”…”aha”…”aha”…”aha”…”give me 200 dollars”
Lucifer: Dammit Satan
Lucifer: He put my stuff in jello again!
Mammon: If I don’t have some cake soon I might die
Barbatos: Why don’t you just have an apple?
Mammon: Why don’t you mind your business
Mammon: What do you think of role play? Thirteen has this school girl fantasy
Asmodeus: It’s a pretty common one
Mammon: I just…I feel uncomfortable wearing a dress
Everyone: …
Lucifer: I tried calling but I kept getting voice mail
Satan: Weird, yeah, I didn’t get both of your messages
Asmodeus: Tom cruise and Kate Holmes they had a baby and they named it Suri, and then Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie they had a baby too and they names it Shiloh and both babies are amazing!
Solomon: Great! What’s new with you?
Asmodeus: I just told you
Simeon: No, wait, um, hey, while you’re out could you pick up some paper towels and chocolate syrup? We have ice cream, so I thought we could—
Lucifer: Simeon, this isn’t a shopping trip. This is a manhunt-slash-rescue mission.
Simeon: Okay, I just—when you’re done, or any time it’s convenient, I just thought, since you’re out—
Lucifer: Simeon, I’m obviously gonna get the stuff for you so just shut up
Leviathan: …
Leviathan: I miss Mammon
Leviathan: Congratulations universe
Leviathan: You win!
Diavolo: Simeon yelled at me today.
Diavolo: That was one of the most frightening experiences of my life
Satan: *very drunk*
Mephistopheles: Okay let’s just get to the elevator
Satan: *imitating a helicopter*
Mephistopheles: What are you doing?
Satan: Vietnam sounds
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gynandromorph · 11 months
i'm so glad people like shiloh and jessie because i have a disease that makes me unable to shut the fuck up about them,
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localwebslingers · 1 year
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@itmeanspeace asked: "Shut up!" (Because I want to see what your brain cooks up)
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"-but this guy really just didn't want to give up on it. Which seemed like a bad idea but I mean, bad guys usually do that kind of thing. I think it's like the don't want to admit that the plan was bad and backfired, like a pride kinda thing? So then he's throwing explosives and monologing, and there's two holes in his wall which also seems like he just didn't care about, and I don't even know where he got them from. The chemicals, I mean. Supposedly he was just stealing a bunch of stuff from around town but apparently he robbed like, I don't know, one of the schools maybe? I didn't ask, but-"
Peter stopped when he was pushed back, "Hey! I didn't do any-" was...was he being kissed? Was Shiloh kissing him? His mask had been pushed up out of the way to finish his chips anyways, now forgotten about in favor of explaining what had happened the other day, and she was pulling away again. Shiloh just kissed him?
".....so, um, that was my first kiss..." he said, slowly, like he was still processing it. Movies and TV shows always made it sound like this was supposed to be romantic or something. This hadn't really felt like that. Actually it was kind of awkward and Peter really wasn't sure what to do now.
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