#she's so unhinged i had no choice but to stan
holyfacehead · 2 months
who do you think is the biggest red flag in yellowjackets?
aLL OF THEM 💀 but i have to say shauna to be honest. like that woman is jus MESSED up to a completely different level. she often makes completely selfish and impulsive decisions that most of the time puts her family/the group in danger, especially in the adult timeline (pero i still luv her she's just a girl after all). i also read somewhere that her time in the wilderness may have emotionally stunted her and tbh that makes so much sense as to why she is the way she is
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littlerosette · 27 days
Any kaatang fic recs?
i’ve got quite a few!
tales of republic city by djns: this fic has probably been read by every kataang stan at this point, but it really is just that good. it’s technically not canon compliant since i believe it was written before much of lok had been aired (kya is the eldest instead of bumi, which i believe was the original plan) but it’s still so amazing. the writing is great and i love how realistic their marriage and family are. katara and aang love each other so so much in this fic, but they do occasionally get into fights about their kids, about his job, about misunderstandings, and it only makes their reconciliations feel all the much more rewarding. every kataang fic by this author, in general, is great and i’d also highly recommend the prequel tales of the southern air temple.
picking up the pieces by sr240: a spin-off of tales of republic city (with permission from the author!) about a subplot that happens in the original fic. in this story, katara and aang deal with the fallout of a miscarriage and katara’s depression after the fact, and it’s so so good. it’s very angsty but with a very rewarding ending, and i’m obsessed with how the author writes katara and aang’s love for each other. you really get the sense that she makes the sun rise and set for him and it makes me 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 im a big fan of chronic loverboy aang.
writing in water: the waterbender’s scroll by greeneyes117: basically a retelling of the entire show through katara’s pov + stuff from the comics + original bits the author cooked up. i love the concept of this fic since it makes katara’s role as the narrator of aang’s story very literal. the writing is great and the characterization is also very very good. aang and katara’s connection is so beautiful too. like when i was reading i kept thinking “this is True Love.” warning: it’s a loooong story (almost 700k words).
stranger by sycamore17: a no 100 year war/enemies to lovers au where katara and aang initially meet in the NWT. i loooove the way they’re written in this fic. the premise of a kataang etl is a hard sell since i feel like they’re destined to like each other immediately in every universe, but the author handles it so well. the writing is gorgeous and it was very fun for me to see katara interacting with the air nomads, which i love in any au. would highly highly highly recommend the story. i’ve probably read it four times by now😭.
without water by chocomd: a fic set in between “the crossroads of destiny” and “the awakening” where katara heals aang. i love the author’s take on this because katara is so desperate and unhinged in it. she feels like she’s a thread away from snapping and breaking down completely, which is how i think she would be during this time too (i hc this is where katara becomes aware of just how much she loves aang). once again, the writing is gorgeous.
the waterbender’s heart by chocomd: a look into katara’s pov from “the firebending masters” to the finale. i love the way the author tackles how her trauma from her mother’s death interferes for her feelings for aang, and she acts so appropriately Teenage Girl-ish that i simultaneously want to hug her and send her to her room to seriously consider her life choices. i especially love how the author handles her reaction to the ember island kiss (lord) because it feels exactly like how i would handle it if i were in katara’s position (even though it hurts me lol). i also just love any story where katara is obviously pining but in total denial of it it’s great.
okay i probably have more but ill leave it there for now. happy reading!!
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diacripticcomplex · 8 months
My absolute favorite DL characters in no particular order:
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Never understood the hate towards Yui. Again the anime is a promo for the game and it did not do her character justice at all. The prequel and sequels for some of the mangas did her character justice. She’s a very kind and compassionate person, she’s HUMAN and grew up in a church, she’s a soft girl who doesn’t like violence so y’all can only imagine what this girl has to go thru meeting a bunch of bloody thirsty horny vampire boys, who have severe parental issues and a bunch of other abusive behavioral problems, but she is very patient with each and every brother in all the routes and I love that about her, she’d be a really good therapist too lmao. She’s an Angel, must be protected at all times. I won’t tolerate any Yui hate on this blog.
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Poster boy for the entire franchise. A lot of people find him to be annoying, he is annoying and we love his Aries self for that. While Ayato is a menace to society he’s got a good side to him as well and for the most part knows right from wrong, more than some of the fandom gives him credit for. I also really like his character design, he kinda looks like a mean little bat. They give him a lot of cute and playful moments with Yui and I think that’s beautiful especially in a dark themed game series, they have serious moments but also a lot of light hearted moments and I think that’s important to lighten up the mood sometimes.
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First off, I absolutely love his character design, the messy long hair and he’s a giant too plus they gave him realistic human hair and eyes to show that he used to be human, maybe I’m thinking too deep on it idk. I absolutely love the identity crisis he had due to his amnesia and the connection with Shu, it brought that twin flame connection back, I love those best friend tropes a lot, his voice actor also is Mako from Free! So I have no choice but to Stan Yuma. Yuma also has a lot more self awareness then the rest of his adoptive brothers and thinks ahead due to his past experiences, he knows that he’s a vampire now but still has a garden for food and has sugar cubes with him at all times, he uses his past experiences and acknowledges that it happened then moves forward he doesn’t dwell on it too much.
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He’s a lil creepy, and socially awkward at times but he’s just so relatable sometimes. He’s very soft spoken and he a lil wild with his pain tolerance and some of the out of pocket shit that he says, but I think he’s such a sweetheart, protect him at all costs as well, even his brothers know to protect him at all costs.
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Shu will forever be my favorite DL boy, he doesn’t like doing anything but can do everything and do it perfectly too. He has severe ptsd, depression, and detachment issues. No you can’t fix him even Yui realizes this and just accepts him for who he is because that’s the only way it’ll work. He’s also hilarious without even trying to be, he says some mean shit at times but it’s so unhinged like damn Shu you don’t have the energy to eat, shower, wipe your ass but you got the energy to completely disrespect all your siblings with a few words. Also his beef with Reiji is somewhat familiar grounds especially if you have a sibling that is constantly irritating your soul. I always felt like I could relate to Shu the most due to him having a hard time getting close to people after losing his best friend, he can’t just get over it either, I don’t like when people would say “oh it happened a long time ago” yes it did but everyone heals at their own pace and it’s important to acknowledge that as well.
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zonaenthusiast · 4 months
Which kpop group do I think suit every mugiwara the best? And would they be a boy group or a girl group stan?
This is because yesterday I had a specific revelation and I started thinking about it in general, so here are my ideas:
Luffy as Seventeen
Luffy has been one of the ones I've had to think about the most but then it occurred to me that he would really like Seventeen. They have a very fresh and fun concept in general that really suits Luffy and they are one of the very few groups that, despite being together for almost ten years, have never lost members. And that's even stranger considering there are so many of them. They love each other as much as the mugiwara love each other and Luffy would adore them (get it?) for that.
Bg or gg stan? Both.
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Zoro as The Boyz
For Zoro I have come up with several groups that could fit very well with him like Ateez or Stray Kids, but I have ended up opting for The Boyz because there is a very specific homoerotic component in their music that very few groups are able to replicate. The bisexual energy they give off reminds me too much of Zoro not to choose them.
Bg or gg stan? Both, but their concept has to be dark.
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Nami as (G)I-DLE
This is the revelation I had after listening to Gidle's new song, Nami would fucking love them. Just pure female representation and empowerment. Gidle's last three comebacks (Tomboy/Nxde/Queencard) are three different representations of how a woman can express her femininity and all are valid (Nami in particular is so Queencard coded and Robin would be more Nxde coded, I think).
Bg or gg stan? I think she would like some bgs but she would be mostly a gg stan.
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Usopp as EXO
NOW HEAR ME OUT because I know this one sounds weird, but I think Usopp would love Exo's storytelling. The clone lore? He would eat that shit up. Besides, I don't know why but I think Usopp wouldn't listen to just anything and Exo is one of the most talented groups there is, so...
I think Usopp would like groups that focus on storytelling or have very defined concepts, Vixx would be another option that I think fits him very well.
Bg or gg stan? Both.
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Sanji as Girl's Generation
This one was also very clear to me. Sanji would listen to ggs exclusively and I feel that only the most iconic gg would be the right choice for him. He would be so Yoona biased. And he is one of those who would know her choreographies to perfection.
Bg or gg stan? As I said, gg stan exclusively.
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Chopper as GFRIEND
My main pick for Chopper is Gfriend because the powerful innocence concept they are known for reminds me a lot of him. I think StayC or fromis_9 concepts also fit him very well.
Bg or gg stan? Both.
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Robin as Red Velvet
I don't know how to explain this but if you know about Red Velvet concepts you know I'm right. There's something so unique and peculiar about their music that matches every part of Robin's taste and personality. Red Velvet are the epitome of one of my favorite kpop concepts, which I call cute but murderous. Just watch their Russian Roulette mv and you will understand.
Robin would write a fucking essay on why everyone is wrong and Zimzalabim is actually the best kpop song ever.
Bg or gg stan? Both, as long as their music is the strangest succession of sounds you've ever heard in your life.
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Franky as Monsta X
Just himbos, I don't have anything else to say.
Bg or gg stan? I think he would tend to listen to bgs a little bit more, but both regardless.
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Brook as Dreamcatcher
Oh, I just know Brook would love Dreamcatcher. Women? Check. Rock style? Check. Horror concept? Check. They are perfect for him, it makes so much sense.
Bg or gg stan? Not as exclusively as Sanji because music is music, but gg stan.
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Jinbe as MAMAMOO
Jinbe would love every Mamamoo member's unhinged personality as much as he loves Luffy's. He would have so much fun with them and their concepts and their music, it's a strong feeling I have.
Bg or gg stan? Both.
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erenfox · 7 months
Episode 4.
It's the best piece of work Marvel has made after they made IW and Endgame.
spoiler alert 🚨
lemme start off with our favourite Miss Jolly Rancher Unhinged Clock and Victorian-Era HWR Fangirl. I KNEW Ravonna had somehow helped HWR in building the TVA, but him erasing her memories was straight up evil.
Then we come to the absolutely gruesome deaths of Dox and the others. HOLY SHIT MISS JOLLY RANCHER IS AWFUL like she was enjoying every second of Dox and her hunters literally getting crushed to their deaths. B-15 was traumatised, to say the least and you can see on Ravonna and Brad's faces a hint of disgust. But Miss Minutes grinning like that - outright disturbing.
I can't get over OB and Victor fanboying over each other's work - it was so funny yet wholesome.
Now let's talk about Loki and Sylvie. As a diehard Sylki stan you know I am, my fangirling heart was overjoyed seeing these two lovesick ducks working together willingly! I mean, yea, they did have that rather awkward talk in Pie Land (mind you that's it's official name henceforth) but after that they worked together as teammates! Now I must say, I completely agree with Sylvie on snapping on Mobius, because, well, yeah, the multiverse is a bigger priority than pie and I legit don't get why tf antis hate on Sylvie for doing so. Like you hated her for not giving a damn abt the TVA + the multiverse, but now when she stood up to do so y'all are hating on her again?? Like?? Make up ur mind, smh.
Anyways, back to Sylki. Sylvie got stuck in the elevator and the way she and Loki worriedly called out each other's names was so soft! And the "You ok?" trope CAME BACK OMG! THAT PHRASE IS LITERALLY THE BACKBONE OF SYLKI! When I tell you my fangirling heart screamed with joy omg-
The the whole paradox scene which brought Ep 1 back in a circle. I absolutely loved the way our Loki realised what he had to do and went real slow to prune his past self just so that Past Loki could get a glimpse of Sylvie; which would then lead him to be more determined than ever to go look for her. And I quite literally died on Sylvie being confused af as to wtf she just witnessed.
Then there's the telephone scene. OH MY GOD it was literally OB all this time when fans were out here speculating it was Kang or someone lmao. Both Loki and Sylvie yelling simultaneously to turn the security thing off gives out so much Couple Vibes, I absolutely loved it AAHHAHAH-
our friendly neighbourhood lovesick ducks teaming up to enchant Brad was just too good. Loki in his hot, creepy voice luring Brad into a dark area while Sylvie very swiftly just straight up grabbing his face from the back - pure horror. Absolutely loved it, 10/10. Tho I must say, to do execute elaborate scheme, these two must have done some detailed planning (=more Sylki moments we were robbed off).
Can we talk abt Victor's redemption? Man had been portrayed as evil since Quantumania, and has been manipulated by both Ravonna and Miss Jolly Rancher, but at the end of the day, he was a sweetheart. Man fanboys OB and basically became besties with him and Casey, worked together to create the solution to a mess he most certainly didn't want to be a part of, and then himself stepped up to fix the Loom once and for all to prove to everyone (and not let Sylvie's choice of sparing him go to waste) that tho he contained HWR's DNA, he wasn't HWR - he was a far better person HWR could have ever been. Seeing him getting spaghettified was tragically heart-wrenching, man deserved so much better :(
BUT HOLY SHIT DID THAT ONE HECK OF A GODDAMN CLIFFHANGER LEFT ME SPEECHLESS LIKE WTF WAS THAT?? U can't just kill off a character who had redeemed himself, and then make our main character and his homies watch literally EVERYTHING THEY WORKED SO HARD FOR GET ANNIHILATED TO THE GROUND-
But we know our God of Mischief isn't dead, and so are his homies eheheh.
However the looks on everyone's face was tragic. Loki knew all was lost and had tears in his eyes. Sylvie looked like she had accepted defeat and her death. Mobius and OB were in denial, refusing to believe that Victor was dead. Casey and B-15 looked horrified, as they realised what was to come now upon them.
Tldr, this episode was an ABSOLUTE BANGER. IM READY TO CLAIM IT SUPERIOR THAN ENDGAME, come and fight me. Its a top cinematic piece, and the suspense to Ep 5 is eating me up.
Ig i should go and study for the 4 tests this week before ep 5 ;-;
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sadlynotthevoid · 7 months
I was listening to Charlotte's ending (because, being honest, that anime has the most beautiful music in the story of anime and sometimes I just need to hear it again— damn it why does it have to have such a story) and I thought 'I wish there was a lcf crossover with og cale of this'. Which, great idea, actually.
So I started to daydream about it (instead of writing anything as the procrastinator that I am) and my first thought was that it has to be a sort of happier life, since the anime ended like that (specially for the Otosaka siblings, overall the Otosaka siblings). So my brain said "hey, why don't put the main cast in the Northeast families? Nao now has to deal with Eric's dorkness". So I went with it and tried to figure out 'which northeast family gets what charlotte character?'
I wanted to put Yuu in the Henituse family because the ending destroyed me, damn it, I want him to be happy. And his little sister— wait didn't they had an older sibling too? (I can't believe I forgot about Shunsuke ;∆; I'm so sorry. You were my fav)
Then I realized—
Protective older siblings? Check. Selfsacrifical bastards ready to throw themselves for their family? Check. A strange relationship with time? Check. Elegant warm smile that reaches the eyes? Check. Absolutely badass hidden character? Check. Charming as fuck? Also fucking check.
They both even have the same 'I hold the key to salvation you need' and 'I wnt back in time so they won't be doomed' roles!
Nao, Joujirou, Yusa, Misa, and Kumagami (he's the guy who located people with powers in the map and he was Shunsuke's best friend. He matters to me, okay?) are all reborn in the northeast families. Nao is Eric's younger sister. Yusa and Misa are twins and Gilbert's pain in the ass. Koujirou, the poor bastard, is born in the Stan family and runs away at the first chance. Kumagami is Amiru's older sibling who owns a shop because Ubarr is a matriarchal family (fuck thanks) and he needs to pay his meals (he may or may not be going for his third life. And he may or may not be a certain someone).
And the Otosaka's? They're reincarnated as the Henituse siblings... who have no idea the others remember their past lives.
They do, however, know who the others were.
Lily is the first one to remember. It take her some time to put the pieces together and realize that her dreams are not just dreams. That said, she recognized Bassen immidiately. He's still as sweet with her as before and, although her oppa may not realize, he can be quite unhinged sometimes. (That's fine tho. Most of them are.)
She lasts more to recognize Cale. She and her orabeoni aren't so close, she doesn't know him that well. That's why it takes her some old blurred memories from when she barely could walk and a bad night to notice. Ayumi's Shunsuke and Lily's Cale are the same person. After that the soft spot her orabeoni has for them becomes so obvious to her that she has to ask herself if she was blind before. Scary? Trash? Pshh, orabeoni was the biggest softy in the world. Let alone people, he doesn't like harming bugs. He picks them up and puts them outside so the servants won't squash them. Why do people think he would hit anyone?
Bassen cringes at his past life choices. He can't believe he used to be so— so— irresponsible. How embarrasing.
He's kind of surprised and sad at how good student his brother was. Not because he didn't think he's smart enough, but because he didn't expect him to effort so much at it. And if he did before, why did he drop his studies this time? Knowing all what he does now, he has the feeling that it must be either something stupidly self-sacrifical or something really important he decided not to tell anyone.
Lily seems to him pretty much the same but with a liking for swords. Good. Luckily, this way she would be able to protect herself this time. And gosh, isn't he reliaved they don't have those powers this time? No more accidental collapsing buildings for her.
Cale is the last one to remember that life. He's also the only one to remember their future life and probably the only one who knows why they remembered. Just like he tends to do with most things, he doesn't tell anyone about it (except Kumagami) until it comes up in a conversation or it's needed. (Alberu is a little bit jealous about this. Why does that guy gets to know but not him? Aren't they close too? Does he not trust Alberu as much? Thankfully someone has the mind to tell him that that's just how they used to be. And also because Kumagami seems is, as far as they know, the only one of Shunsuke's circle of friends that came to this world with them.)
His siblings? Oh, he knew it instantly.
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trainerfangirlsmile · 22 days
I went to see the second to last show in the Anastasia The Musical run in Mexico and oh my god:
So first of all, this was the first Mexican production that I ever saw in an established theater as opposed to a tour production (that was the Cats Mexican Tour back in 2019) so I was a little excited about that fact and how it would feel.
I had heard one negative comment about it, mainly how the sets and costumes didn't make justice to the original production (this couldn't have been MORE WRONG they were absolutely breathtaking)
There was a young girl (couldn't be more than 9 y/o) that was asked if she had seen the original movie and her answer was no, which made me think that for a lot of young kids the show could've been their first approach to Anastasia and I think that's beautiful
Now onto the musical itself:
The 3rd call for starting was made by little Anya and her voice was so adorable! She also made the call for starting the 2nd act during intermission
Most of the songs were adapted from the Madrid version rather than from the Latin American Dub of the movie (where the songs were sung by a popular Mexican singer called Thalia) and while at first it slightly disappointed me, it didn't affect the value of the production at all, I found myself vibing to the music all the time
Gleb's actor had a higher-pitched voice than Ramin, which at first surprised me, but he also managed to make a much more awkward Gleb that you could, not root for per-say, but understand him and his motivations from the start? One of my friends knew nothing about the changes in the musical, but this is how they felt about it (also please take into consideration it had been some time since I had last seen a "grand duchess slime tutorial", I may have forgotten some stuff)
Vlad was a delight to see on stage, he was funny and charming, every time he came on stage you knew you would laugh, also he was shorter than Lily's actress, and it made funnier some jokes, we stan an unhinged couple
Dimitri amazed me. He was very tall and had a great singing voice, I was so nervous for the adaption of My Petersburg, but you can imagine my surprise when he made a great rendition of it, also ohmygoshhhh him in In a Crowd of Thousands? I kid you not, his yearning almost made me faint, seriously, he and Anya left almost no space for Jesus and I was over there in the second floor gasping for air when he said "your highness", the chemistry was off the charts
Lily was a riot the whole time she was on stage as well, funny, sarcastic, you named it she had it. Land of Yesterday was one of my favorite choreographies from the original production and it did not disappointed me!
The Dowager Empress had this ring in her voice that kinda reminded me of older Mexican dubs? Which makes no sense considering her age but at the same time it does considering her character, such talent she has! She and Alix's actress also made it more obvious through their short interactions that they weren't in the best of terms which I thought it was a great Easter egg for historical fans
The ensemble was amazing! They were all so incredible to watch, during Quartet at the Ballet, the dancers got such a big applause that it warmed my heart, they were seriously so amazing!
A song I was surprised that shook me emotionally was Stay, I Pray You; I had always enjoyed the song and think it is beautifully written, especially because it reflects how one may feel leaving your country "by choice" (I may be projecting a bit into it) but seeing it live and in my native language just broke me, beautifully done by the cast
Mariana Davila as Anya was such a treat to see live! I wish I had been able to meet her at the stage door, because she was just breathtaking! Her voice was so beautiful and it left me speechless so many times during the 2 ½ hours of the show, I hope she gets so many more roles and that I can keep watching her! Again, her chemistry with Dimitri was amazing and she also looked beautiful in Anya's dresses.
I left this as my last point because I think it was my favorite part but, as I had said before, a lot of the songs were adapted from the Madrid cast which, if I remember correctly, had been adapted from the Spanish Dub of the movie.
A lot of movie fans had voiced their disappointment at not being able to hear songs like Once Upon a December with the original lyrics, and Mariana had said that they had tried to change them to the ones we were used to
Upon starting the show and realizing the new lyrics, I thought, "Well, maybe it was just for some specific shows or dates" and proceeded to enjoy the show
Journey To The Past was sang with the exact same lyrics as the Latin American Dub from 1997.
I am not joking when I tell you that the second that I heard "No me falles no..." I looked towards my friends and was already getting my eyes welled up with tears, it was such a flashback to being 5 years old coming home from blockbuster on an early December day and just, gosh, it was too much emotionally, I really cried throughout the whole song
Also, last year, I went on an exchange program, and some of the trips I was able to make were to Paris (since it was really close to were I was studying at the time) and just, seeing the images from Paris was also a reminder that I had been able to make many dreams come true in the last year, including watching this musical
It didn't help that the lights started from the seats towards the stage, it was so poetic, I still feel emotional thinking it and it has been like 23 hours since I experienced this.
Mexico is so talented, I hope we can continue to enjoy these experiences, and not only in the capital city, everyone in all the 32 states deserves to have a magical time
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lemonhemlock · 9 months
Honestly I think I hate Cersei because she thinks she is some mastermind while she isn’t. Tywin and how he keep holding power for so long is very interesting, btw I love Tywin and Kevan dynamics. Jaime is my fave i just love his storyline. As for Tyrion, there are 2 of them. The book one and the show one. Show one I hate. Book one I kinda enjoy because he constantly flirts with darkness. I don’t buy show Tyrion poor misunderstood meow meow. And I hate that they did the same with show Aemond. That’s why I prefer Aegon and Daemon. From the beginning you know where they stand, there are no attempts to make them sympathetic bullshit. Stop whitewashing characters in order to make characters more sympathising for audience. The reason why the Joker, Soprano Family and Roy family from Succession are so great is because they aren’t portrayed as some poor people being victims of their circumstances all their life. Aemond wanting to console Jace at Driftmark? What the fuck is that? Also giving him sexual trauma made me laugh. The show made it clear I and everyone else is meant to feel sorry for him but I just laughed at how pathetic they are. Like you have weak Viserys, pedo Daemon, rapist and drunkard Aegon and traumatised and with only one eye Aemond. So yeah, the winner of who should be the fan favourite is clear. Instead of showing the 4 of them as bad and letting people choose who their favourite is, they create 3 of them in unsympathetic light and make one of them #1 victim and the other 3 as monsters or weak men. Sorry but I hate the narrative where I am being shown down my throat who I am supposed to love and who to hate. Especially if 3 out of 4 characters are doing terrible things and only one behaves properly until starting the war. I really can’t wait for Aemond to burn Riverlands, most stans would leave his fanclub and began to see Aegon is not the worst guy out there. I just hope TGC won’t stop playing Aegon until the moment Aemond will show everyone what a legit psycho he really is.
idk what to tell you, anon, this is not exactly the blog for cersei haters. i've always found this prevailing tendency of enjoying jaime as a character but disliking cersei to be very strange, bc their POVs are so intertwined and they are as delusional & "awful" as the other so i don't really see the point here. it's a choice i would personally interrogate bc more often than not it has some v unsavory roots. cersei can be just as funny as jaime and he can be just as unhinged as her. also cersei's dumbness is greatly exaggerated, she does have some good ideas and a knack for getting out of tricky situations (some of them of her own making, yes, but she's hardly the idiot fandom likes to paint her as). fans sure love to think they would have made better decisions had they been in her situation.
she also suffers from getting a POV so late in the game, in comparison to her brothers, and is way more affected psychologically by the death of her son than jaime is + the prophecy hanging over her head. she's basically having the worst mental health crisis in AFFC and getting judged for not being Machiavelli's Prince
as for the rest of the message, as i've said in a previous post, i see this desire to not allow characters to be anything other than cardboard villains very reductive and not smth i'm personally interested in fiction. narrative bias and needless demonisation at the expense of others is one thing, but, generally-speaking, why is it somehow superior if they only receive dark traits instead of being humanized & muddled? why is it better writing if aemond is only shown as a psycho killing machine? are the literature gods going to get angry if he tries to be polite one time? the roy siblings weren't coddled by the narrative but they were also shown acting like human beings (clumsily) trying to connect with people
also no actor is going to turn down hbo money and the opportunity to appear in one of the most viewed shows of the year, so i don't see why tgc would stop playing aegon, unless he were fired. these people are professional actors, they may not like or agree with certain character choices but they don't have the luxury of turning down jobs bc of their character is not "true to the text". they still have bills to pay.
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dianaladrislovebot · 1 year
random gone headcanons that have popped into my unhinged little brain, part three (pride edition !)
happy pride month ! i think i’ve touched on my lgbtq+ hcs for the characters a couple of times (one was an edit that the official gone instagram liked 🫦 ) but i’ve never gone into excessive detail for my choices so i thought i’d finally do that here !!
sam: pan, he/him. will genuinely just fuck anything that breathes. first kiss was quinn and refuses to admit he actually liked it
caine: bi, sometimes ftm depending on my mood (ain’t no way he didn’t name himself regardless of the hc the dramatic mf), he/him
astrid: ace lesbian, she/her. she grew up religious so she had no idea what was goin on. sam helped her realise that even if she did like sex, it wouldn’t be w him 😭
diana: bi, she/her. i have no notes she just is
quinn: bi, gender fluid, he/they/she. hasn’t made a single sound decision in her life and refuses to start now. also wears fedoras and that is a very bisexual thing to do. had a crush on edilio at one point i feel it in my bones. also caine. also sanjit. just very bisexual. falls in love VERY easily
drake: pan, ftm, he/him. the misogyny is internalised due to both trauma and yk, the patriarchy and i will die on this hill (totally named himself after his grandfather). i also like hcing angry aggressive violent characters as pan bc pansexuals are stereotyped as the bubbly happy person and i don’t like that
lana: bi, she/they. she gives me mean bisexual vibes.
brianna: aroace, nonbinary, they/them. they said nope to EVERYTHING.
jack: trans ftm, het, he/they. i like the idea of a wimpy trans guy getting the power of super strength. it’s refreshing.
albert: ace, he/him. i feel like he cares more about reinventing capitalism than sex
dahra: demisexual, she/her. was torn between elwood and mary the ENTIRE series i’m sure of it
elwood: trans ftm, het, he/him. i can’t explain this he just like,,, is
mary: lesbian, she/her. nothing to say except my sweet little lesbian deserved better
howard: gay, he/him. in love w orc i can feel it
orc: bi, he/him. once again, howard. but also astrid.
anna: mtf trans, lesbian, she/her. i have no basis for this besides thinking it’d be funny if sam decided he needed to date someone and randomly chose the trans fucking lesbian like they’d probably talk about girls together 😭
sanjit is probably vehemently he/him cishet but has very strong bi wife energy. also ironically flirts w EVERYONE bc he is very secure in his sexuality we stan
i think that’s most of the main characters plus some extras i’ve thought about off handedly but i love hearing other peoples hcs so pls god tell me i want to hear them all
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I just want to recap this whole situation from my POV actually because I think it would be useful at this point. And I actually want to start in 2014 on instagram during the spam ig era. I was a homestuck cosplayer on spam insta when I was 13 and dealt with the 4 chan raids, if anyone remembers those. So that's my background, just so you know. I got called a retarded dyke by proto gamergaters during my formative years, and it effected the way I engage online.
Anyway, hard cut to when I watched OFMD in April. I deeply related to Ed as a character. Most of my fan engagement for the first month or so was on tiktok, but I got off of it and went back to my social media of choice, Tumblr. I saw a lot of fucking Takes TM that I hated from a certain contingent of the fandom and I was critical of them, and so I started posting my own reading. Here's where the situation starts
I start posting my own reading of the show and I tag the characters that are in the show, hoping to find people who agree with my reading so I could follow them. I got yelled at for """maintagging""" which is an issue I've only run into before once, and the people who got mad at me about the """maintagging""" I received some agressive anons which I promptly deleted. I posted my Ed is Izzy's abuser post (tagged Izzy critical), got more aggressive anons, which I deleted for the most part. Had to tell some people how to block the Izzy critical tag. Cemented myself firmly in the izzy critical camp. I continued to see Shit Takes, in fact since the Izzy is Ed's abuser meta I've only ever made my Izzy metas in response to Shit Takes. I got on Calico Jack twitter, which I don't go on twitter all that often, and there's a lot of overlap between Izzy twitter and CJ twitter unfortunately, so that made me less likely to use twitter at all. I was mostly on there for the porn, so it's cool. I didn't interact with discourse hardly at all so twitter didn't feed me anything related to this.
Now over this period of time the situation on tumblr was getting completely unhinged actually. You couldn't post anything at all in the Izzy tag without someone crawling out of the woodwork to tell you that you were terrible for it. People did slowly learn to block the Izzy critical tag, but jesus christ it was a slow learning process for yall. Every day I'd get on here and post silly little posts, and then one of mine or my mutuals posts would be a little bit too mean to Izzy, and by a little bit too mean it would be something objectively true. And then people would just descend on it and there would be another fucking drama. And it's impossible to predict what's gonna set you off.
Now one drama was completely unrelated to Izzy at all. Stede Anon as we've been calling them, L as they've been referred to in that document showed up in june, left a few nasty anons, and then fucked off because the people that they were bothering turned off anon. Then they came back in October to bother me I played with Stede Anon until I got tired. I wished them a Karkalicious 2009 and sent them on their way.
Another drama I want to recap, which I hesitate to call a drama because of the racist under ... well... overtones is the "documenting of the Izzy haters" a couple of people made a whole sideblog dedicated to documenting the worst of the "Izzy haters". Except they didn't start out with the twitter doxing, or L/Stede Anon. They started out with a mutual of mine who is a black woman and who talks about racism in fandom. She has never harassed anyone to my knowledge and has had quite a bit of nastiness directed at her. I had heard some whisperings of potential harassment being directed at Izzy stans, and I had remained firmly out of it. This blog was too much for me. If they were dedicated to documenting the nastiness they were receiving in fandom, and their third post was about someone who posts metas and minds their own business, then there must not be real problems, especially since I'm catching all this fucking flack for simply posting things that aren't even mean. It may just be that I grew up on the internet but I can be real fucking mean, and I haven't been.
One instance of this is the Izzy isn't canonically queer drama. A mutual of mine posted that Izzy isn't technically confirmed as queer, his queerness is all subtext, that might be an interesting thing to analyze. Things got heated on my dash for a while. Since may there's been a problem in the OFMD community where people get yelled at for posting Izzy critical. And after a long argument with a certain Izzy stan in regards to the post in question I posted this because I was genuinely curious. Basically the argument consisted of us talking past each other, where I said "No one is calling Izzy straight we're just trying to analyze another facet of his character" and they said "You're doing harm to x y z group of Izzy enjoyers by saying that he's straight, and you're doing harassment." On that post that I linked I got told by one person that that post was "Doing harm" and that "hurt people hurt people" which is frankly the most absurd application of that phrase I have seen to date. I got told by a different person that I shouldn't have posted that because "izzy stans are receiving a targeted harassment campaign, worse than anyone else in the fandom" This was the final straw for me. If they think that that post is doing harm, they cannot identify harm. I made a passive aggressive post about curating your experience, blocked anyone who got mad about it, and my tumblr experience has been a lot nicer since I did that, because people blocked me and I blocked them. Everybody's happy.
So anyway then Stede Anon returned with a vengeance. My working theory is that this person is in school and they're on winter break and have more time to be a huge bitch. They accused me of being an Izzy stan I said "nice try you fucking idiot" in a way that was sort of dry, and I said Izzy stans have paper thin skin, and I refuse to loose sleep over them getting mean anons, but you still shouldn't harass them. That response got screen shot and lied about. Because of course it did. I was an idiot for thinking it wouldn't. I stand by what I said but if I could go back I would have been nicer I guess just because it would have caused me less drama. Some Anons came into my inbox and said hey you're a fake ally and you don't care about harassment and I was confused where they were coming from but essentially I said. "Girl, it's an anon" and then someone directed me to uselessheretics blog. And so I go check out the anon harassment that's got yall so worked up. And do you know what I see there? It's fucking Stede Anon!
So for a couple weeks I've been getting these vague messages about harassment and when I finally get directed to the harassment I see an anon that I have been fighting with and have blocked because of how fucking annoying they were. This, Stede Anon of Stede Anon Gate fame, is the unique threat facing the Izzy stan community. So of course I had a fucking field day with it. All of our fandom problems originate with this one shithead and I am going to hold hands with T*zzy*zzy and sing Kumbaya as we all collectively banish Stede Anon to the shadow realm. Hit that block button babes
And then today someone posted the link to the google doc receipts. And I realize now that there's actually been some harassment unrelated to Stede anon happening on twitter, and Stede Anon has been a real terror on IG. So perhaps I jumped the gun on casting doubt, but I maintain that I would not have said anything if not for certain people behaving completely out of pocket and crying about harassment on posts that are not harassment.
And I do want to address that actually. The reason for this whole thing, is because certain people are dragging up the harassment to try to get us to stop criticizing them. The undertone to all of this is very clearly "we're being harassed so you have no right to criticize us or talk about our blorbo in a way we don't like," which doesn't feel related, does it. I've seen the arguments that "they're using your rhetoric" but the thing is you're pointing me to a couple deeply mentally unwell people who I have no control over and you're saying "you should feel bad about this because you made a meta post about your reading of fictional characters that I didn't like" and getting mad when I'm confused that has to do with anything
So basically i retract my assertion that you're not being harassed, but you can clearly see how I got here, and also you keep bringing this harassment up to me in situations that have nothing to do with the harassment. And if you had fewer shitty takes I would make fewer metas.
I also do maintain that L/Stede anon is the source of most of our problems and we should be using the block button prodigiously
Here's how:
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notproofread · 4 months
enjoy my unhinged thoughts while reading Morning Star by Pierce Brown for the first time <3
be aware that i'm a cassius and sevro stan.
pls be cool cassisus pls be cool pls be cool pls be cool
honestly sevro is such a delight he just says whatever and gives zero fucks i love him
seeing darrow defeated and then picking himself up again was honestly very good change of pace compared to the first two books
ragnar also slays i love a brutal but soft giant
not victra calling cassius darrow's boyfriend bye
i think sevro spiraling is so interesting bc its really just darrow in the first two books
and tbh i like third book darrow much more bc he seems less arrogant and more grounded somehow?
so sevro get your shit together so i can love you again
he got his shit together
so back to loving him <3
also victra? she slays, no filter badass queen
what is this shit
fuck i'm crying
well... at least they got the Valkyrie
and cassius is alive so thats good
'mangy little guardian angel' is the best sevro description to ever exist
add 'psychotic Goblin-sized fighter jet' to that
Romulus seems like such an interesting character and i gotta hand it to him: he is one of the more likeable golds
i feel like pierce brown is much better at writing 1-on-1 fight scenes than big space craft wars
or maybe thats just me being too dumb to understand such descriptions
bro victra is so cool holy shit i love i hope she lives forever and ever
rip roque, if only you had stayed as cool as you were in red rising
the chemistry between darrow and cassius? holy shit get married
actually now that i think about it; the relationships between darrow and all of his male friends? sevro, cassius, roque... bro he loves them fr fr
maybe its cuz i dont remember golden son that well but has there ever been such tension and trust and undying love between him and mustang? 💀
anyways i almost cried reading chapter 50 even tho it is one of those few timed no one dies
how am i supposed to defend you now you stupid dumbass
is sevro dead????? did he die for real???? what the fuck??? dont do this to me bro i am emotionally unstable
ok sorry cassius i take that back my bad
back to loving him i go
if this was all some elite plan i hope for you bitches that sevro is alive (will be alive?)
the choice to makw mustang sovereign is so good omg i love it
also darrow saying he makes a bridge to the lowColors and she to the highColors ans together they can make a new world?
stop the powercouple?? omg literally dying
naw bruh😭
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newtonsheffield · 2 years
Regarding what other person was saying about Simone's (lack of) projects (so far) and her attending fashion events instead, it reminded me of what Zendaya told Issa Rae in an interview, how after Disney channel, she wanted to be seen beyond that and she just went to a shit ton of events she had no reason to be in and looked fabulous while doing it. The journey for non-white actresses is particular, sometimes it seems to be a very reduced path for them in an industry like this, no matter the talent you have. It's even a bit sad, imo, that THE high profile project Simone's part of, The Little Mermaid, she got it even before Bridgerton.
About Jonny, it's truly amazing what a breakout main role can do for an actor like S2 of Bridgerton did for him. JB was already extraordinary in literally everything he did (working for PWB and Michaela Coel; his literal award-winning theater career, etc.), but his reach seemed to be very limited until Bridgerton, S2 especifically because he was his engaging self in S1 as well but the job offers didn't appeared like this time around. He's so talented, it's crazy that people in Hollywood had to see him being unhinged in S2 to get it together and pay attention to him.
I agree with everything you’ve said completely. But I think Wicked was in talks with Jonny even pre season 2 airing. These things take time, so there’s probably a lot of talks going on that we obviously don’t know about. If she can get cast in a Disney movie when the only things in her portfolio that’s instantly recognisable is Sex Education (I’m not minimising her other roles I’m just saying that’s what most people know her from. You will not find a more intrigued person by the plot of The Sister. I think about that show every day I am on this planet. That last clip of her haunting her niece will live in my memory forever. Her eyes were so dead.) she’s going to get recognition.
And I don’t want her to take just anything that comes along.
Look at Kristen Stewart as an example. She could have made a lot of movies after Twilight, Kim sure she was offered them, but she did a string of Indie films and she was Oscar Nominated this year! Spencer was Insane!
I want her to have choices for roles she actually wants and take her time to find something that suits. She knows her worth and she knows what she wants and she’s gonna get it.
We have no choice but to Stan.
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sitp-recs · 2 years
Just wondering if you fancy doing that ten characters you love thing that's going round, Liv? 😘
Tacky babes, this took me AGES but thank you so much for sending it my way!! It was really fun to put this together, some choices were so easy like Tony and Shikamaru but I had a hard time picking between Leslie x Ron (Parks & Rec) and Flint x Anne (Black Sails). Choices, choices! Anyway here’s my top ten, and I’d love to know yours if you feel like doing it (no pressure!)
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Tony Stark (MCU): perfect daddy material character arc
Leslie Knope (Parks & Rec): the ultimate role model! I’d love to have a friend like Leslie
David Rose (Schitt’s Creek): forever serving iconic looks, lines and gif reactions, ty for your service Dan Levy
Meredith Grey (Grey’s Anatomy): love her unhinged but compassionate energy, and this might be one of the most empowering speeches ever. I see a lot of myself in Meredith
James Flint (Black Sails): GAY PIRATE ICON LETS GO 🏴‍☠️
Aragorn (LotR): gentle warrior, elves lover, plus the Boromir scene!!!! this guy is the true mvp amirite @wolfpants
Lagertha (Vikings): “no regrets, and yet every regret” is such a powerful line! She’s hot af, ruthless and ambitious as all girls should be, we stan
Spike (Cowboy Bebop): the coolest guy I’ve ever seen on TV, #spacecowboy is an eternal mood. Also — “love the kind of woman that can kick my ass” damn right sir!!
Shikamaru (Naruto): my spirit animal, we share the exact same energy except for the fact he’s a badass war strategist and I’m just me
Ron Weasley (HP): we love and appreciate a hung ginger KING in this house!!! Glorious art by upthehill
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alldatwrite · 2 years
Okay so... so time ago I said that Marc Cherry had stereotypes for characters and that was why some characters from Why Women Kill were similar to those in Desperate Housewives, and I clearly remember saying that Beth Ann was similar to Bree/Susan, but after another rewatch of DH, I've realised that... actually... Beth Ann is Katherine.
Like, she is Katherine Mayfair if she was in the sixties.
And there are certain paralells to it, so I'm going to rant about them:
Them being unhinged: DH shows us something a bit more insane, whereas WWK is more calm in this regard, but both women have mental breakdowns and are regarded at some point as unhinged and even psychos. Katherine has her breakdown over Mike and all of that and tries to ruin his wedding (and his life), but Beth Ann has a similar moment both when she snaps at Sheila and when she makes the choice to kill Rob.
Them being psychos: I mean... they arem, kinda. They both seem to take a point of no return at the middle of their "story". It is easier to point on Beth Ann because, unlike Katherine, she has a closed season where is is the main character, and Katherine doesn't , but both of them have "Psycho" moments throughout their entire storyline.
Murder: Although it is obvious when it comes to Beth Ann, Katherine is also a murderer and yet, just like with Beth Ann, it is okay. In fact, their stories are quite similar in this regard; both of them kill their abusive husbands with a gun and in front of others. The only difference may be the modus operandi and the public, but it is still a pretty similar development and it also marks the end of an era for both characters. Oh, and they both get away with it, too!
Children: even though the development was differently paced, they both lose their children, and then they have another children, if you call it that. Beth Ann loses Emily and then she gets to be Elsie's "aunt", and Katherine loses Dylan and adopts... Dylan. They have to bury their children who died by accident and yet, they end up being mothers again and happy with their kids.
Cheating: although this is much more evident with Beth Ann's story, both women are married to cheater and, eventually, think of leaving them.
Blondes: yet again, the outcome is slighly different, but both women end up with blondes who also happen to be sweethearts and socially outcasts in some way. Of course, Katherine and Robin had a different pace and ending to their story than Beth Ann did with April, but the similarities are there: redhead older woman meets blonde young woman working an awful job, who had dreams, who does not have many friends and is seen negatively because of their personal life, and befriends them. The only difference is that Katherine and Robin actually have a romantic relationship, but Beth Ann and April end up sharing a family in some way, which is the best you could get in the sixties, so... yeah.
Specific traits: I'm sure there are more paralells, but here are some specific traits I think they share: both are redheads with green eyes (the first one is definitely intentional as Ginny has bruentte hair, but maybe the second one is unintentional); both follow the rules and then break them (the reason I thought Beth Ann was shaped after Bree was because of her being all prim and proper, but Katherine is just like that when she arrives at Wisteria Lane, so it makes even more sense); they hide secrets (said secrets are the death of their daughters), they end up leaving the neighborhood with a blonde woman with them...
So... yeah. I wouldn't be surprised if the said Beth Ann is Katherine's distant relative because of the resemblance. Anyway, stan the best characters off the Marc Cherry universe: the sapphic-coded, sassy, crazy redheads who are actually softies and their ray-of-sunshine blonde (girl)friends
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wendy again no problem (18 jan. 2022)
“I should make this a regular thing!” she said and failed and also died
ANYWAY, first blog-shaped post of the new year, hopefully I will be able to do this about once a week but I ain’t promising a particular day just yet
READING: I have not done as much reading lately as I would like :/  I am still chipping away at Star Wars: Ronin and enjoying it so far.  I also acquired MDZS vol. 1 and physical copies of Gideon and Harrow the Ninth (I read the latter two late last year), as well as the complete storyboards for Hayao Miyazaki’s Lupin III: The Castle of Cagliostro (1979).  Someday my will to sit down and read will return long enough for me to make some gosh dang progress.
EDIT: Ah, I almost forgot!  At work this week I read some of The Secret History of the Mongols, an epic 13th century Mongolian text on Genghis Khan.  You can read it in English for free here.  This reading choice was inspired by the listening section below.
WATCHING: @stardustalix and I are still slowly streaming The Untamed together; I believe we just finished Episode 15.  I think we both lost it a little at the Homoerotic Cave Scenes (TM) a few episodes ago.  Unfortunately I don’t think I have anything constructive to say about the show at this point, but I’m at least having fun!
I watched some more of Lupin III: Part 6 despite my better judgement previous lack of investment.  I watched the second Mamoru Oshii episode (ep. 10) just for funsies: it was weird, but nowhere near as weird as I’d expected it to be, and it was a surprisingly good Fujiko-centric ep.  After that, I skipped right past eps. 11-12 because I really could not give less of a shit about the Sherlock Holmes arc and reading the Wikipedia episode summaries was enough for me.  Episodes 13 and 14, however, were rather shockingly decent; it’s the first time ANYTHING this season has felt like Lupin to me, and they did so with a good helping of domestic LupGang (esp. JigLup) content to boot!  We got to learn another piece of Lupin’s backstory, and so far, it seems competently written and I actually don’t hate it!  We shall see how the rest of this arc plays out.  I quite liked Mercedes, Lupin’s one-off, pink-haired rival here, and I really liked seeing a darker side of Lupin at the end of episode 14 even if he ultimately pulled his punch, so to speak.  Now that’s something I’d love to see explored more, especially if they’re going to restrain themselves and do the gd character work instead of just pure, unexplored edge.  (Unrelated to whatever Lupin’s up to, man, this must be a rough season for Zenigata stans.  The man’s barely showed up at all and he’s always accompanied and restrained by other characters instead of getting to be his true, unhinged, Lupin-obsessed self.)
I need to watch more of the new Lupin III: Part 1 dub, which thankfully seems to be getting better after the disastrous first episode (though to be fair that’s a rough episode all around).  I LOVED the episode 7 dub, especially the iconic ending scene with Lupin and Goemon, but the whole thing was honestly great.  Lang and Ruff in particular never disappoint.
Since I haven’t made one of these since last year, here are all the movies I’ve watched so far in 2022: The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (1947), Lupin III: Dragon of Doom (1994), Encanto (2021), Raya and the Last Dragon (2021), Nightmare Alley (1947), Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021), and about half of Vertigo (1958) before I got too sleepy and had to stop for the night.
LISTENING: This past week or so’s albums of choice (for my morning and evening commute) were:
The Gereg - The Hu (recommended tracks: “Yuve Yuve Yu”, “Wolf Totem”, “The Great Chinggis Khaan” - Xiran Jay Zhao mentioned Mongolian rock in one of their videos, blessedly reminding me of how much this band slaps)
Sketches of Spain - Miles Davis (recommended track: “Concierto de Aranjuez” - Lupin fans, if you like Jigen’s “Tornado” theme, this is the piece it took inspiration from)
Blue in Green - Miles Davis (secretly Jigen at it again, because the title track was mentioned in this fantastic fic which everyone should read)
Encanto - soundtrack (all the sung tracks are bangers but “We Don’t Talk About Bruno” has gone particularly viral for a reason)
I did take a history of jazz course in college which left me with latent semi-informed Jazz Enjoyer Tendencies, so while it was weeb reasons that brought me back to it this week, I was glad to be reminded that hey, I like this music, I should listen to it more often.
PLAYING: A rare category!!  This week I finally, finally started playing Disco Elysium after @sybilius, @jacopo-belbo, and @venhediss all enthusiastically recommended it to me over the last year or so.  Stat-wise, I went with 2 Intellect, 3 Psyche, 4 Physique, and 3 Motorics, with Visual Calculus as my Signature Skill.  Gameplay-wise, I haven’t even gone to look at the body in the courtyard yet because 1) I’m being thorough and 2) this game ate my laptop battery for some reason (will try turning down the graphics more next session), but I have at least talked to Kim (!!) and Garte the Cafeteria Manager.  So far the vibes and the soundtrack are impeccable.  I also discovered that I’ve been mentally mispronouncing Revachol for over a year (while I’d had the stress right, I’d assumed the ch was more of a k, like in cholera or alcohol, certainly not sh).
I’ve also been kicking relative ass in Duolingo Japanese, so, there’s that.  I made it all the way to the Amethyst League but I’m not sure if I’ll bother keeping up with the leaderboard as much at this level; we shall see.  Material-wise, I’ve mostly got the hiragana down and am beginning to learn the katakana, and I have learned a few conversational basics (poorly explained as Duolingo is wont to do, but a lengthy Discord call with my brother helped clear some things up and give me a preview of some grammatical stuff that might appear soon).
OTHER: It snowed here!!! :D  I also made very tasty ramen for everyone on Thursday or Friday night and then a big batch of beef stew on Saturday.
Goodnight mes amis, sleep well, I’ll most likely subject you to more of the usual nonsense in the morning.
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sqbr · 2 years
A lazy Dracula fancast
Inspired by discussions on tumblr and having read the first half of the book. Everyone is de-aged/resurrected from the dead as necessary, and the adaptation would naturally involve a lot of queer poly makeouts and noone I like too much would die.
Dracula: Romanian, can suddenly switch from affable to homoerotically terrifying.
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Sebastian Stan. Yes, he is the only Romanian actor I've heard of (sorry Romania I'm sure the others are great too) but also he would legitimately be great at it.
Renfield: English, quietly unhinged and more threatening than he appears. Kinda like the idea of him being short.
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My brain said TOM HOLLAND but Jamie Bell would probably be better. Someone like Michael Sheen with a different sort of harmless air could also work.
Johnathon Harker: English, polite, woobie with a core of hidden strength.
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Dev Patel, no contest.
Mina Murray: English, competent and non-nonsense but kind and affectionate.
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Hannah John-Kamen. Even though I've only seen her in Killjoys, playing a very different character, I feel like she could give off the right energy. And if the adaptation decided to go for more of a "Mina Murray, Badass Vampire Hunter" approach she could do that too :D
Lucy Westenra: English, bubbly and sweet with a sense of humour.
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Carey Mulligan.
Arthur Holmwood: English, earnest, sweet, and manly.
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Let's say...Daniel Radcliffe.
Jack Seward: English, kinda creepy awkward scientist.
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I thought Richard E Grant was well cast in the 2008 movie, even if he was hamming it up, so let's stick with that and just direct him to tone it down a little.
Quincy P Morris: American, self aware folksiness, good naturedly pansexual.
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Lil' Nas X if he was cool playing a bi dude, otherwise Owen Wilson. (This thought is what inspired the rest of the fancast)
Van Helsing: Dutch, a grandfatherly academic with a steel core.
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So the obvious choice here is Rutger Hauer but he's a bit too obvious. I, uh, don't recognise any other Dutch actors, so I'm tempted to suggest Stellan Skarsgård (SORRY, I KNOW NOT ALL EUROPEAN COUNTRIES ARE THE SAME) but based purely on her imdb image I'm going to suggest Nina Foch and just genderswap the role, which could be pretty fun, have a whole Jessica Fletcher vibe. BUT WAIT now I remember my cracky Hakuoki/Dracula crossover idea where Van Helsing is actually the fake name of the heroine of Hakuoki, Chizuru, who is Japanese but grew up reading Dutch medical journals and used that knowledge to research vampires, and in one ending goes to Europe to learn more. Looking at the various actors who've played Chizuru, I like the look of Sakiho Motonishi.
Dracula's Roommates: European, sexily evil, includes a twinky dude.
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I have no strong feelings but let's arbitrarily pick Eva Green, Mila Kunis, and... Timothee Chalemet? Turns out he's just an American with a French name but I can't think of anyone better, so... MAYBE HE WAS VISITING HIS FAMILY IN EUROPE AND GOT BIT, IDK. We don't know their backgrounds so they could technically be from anywhere but it felt to me like Dracula had only started expanding his reach as far as England pretty recently.
No descriptions since they are just headshots of the actors. And yes, I do need to watch more European media >.> Especially because then this might not all be skinny, able-bodied, largely white cis people. Ah well, I did say it was lazy!
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