#she’d also bake cookies and maybe a little cake
freak60000 · 1 year
idk if we can say apex mobile images confirm anything but i KNEW the legends had a holiday potluck. IIIIII knew it . infodump —vvv
#i know what type of shit they’d all bring too. FOR SURE !!#mirage i think obv brings some kind of pork (pork chop. or whatever .#but i also think he’d make a killer pasta salad#and ummm pathfinder duh. leviathan stew. What else. maybe she bakes smt sweet as well#lifeline i think would make tamales & bacalao w octane and they’d bring those#she’d also bake cookies and maybe a little cake#wattson and gibraltar prepare the turkey together (disaster but gibraltar keeps it together)#wattsy also bring latkas and applesauce#fuse was originally making the turkey but he fucked it up bad and set everything on fire so gibbs and watts took over#newcastle gets bangalore to make sticky toffee pudding with him (family recipe that she never liked)#caustic brings mash potatoes. not much but he’s caustic . so (they still taste good)#hound bringing a very well done and decorated rack of some creature meat (it’s definitely delicious though#wraith bakes a pie with wattson a few days before holidays probably#rampart also brings a pie or maybe mathri……….ouuugh mathri…..(wants some)#loba makes creme de papaya and a christmas cake with valkyrie and horizon also helps#seer makes stuffing and catalyst also makes stuffing and they are both really good so they don’t get mad about it#i feel like maggie could make a good nut roast.. if they even let her in the kitchen#vantage and her make a nut roast. why not#and vantage’s mom always prepared yuca around the holidays so she HAS to bring it. or else#pathfinder also decorates for the potluck btw. gibraltar and wattson help also#crypto ash and revenant don’t bring anything . crypto because he doesn’t like to cook and ash and revenant because they suck. ❤️#sorry i needed to share my truth#apex legends
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brittle-doughie · 3 months
I wish to request something a little strange- So you have experimented with the idea of Cookie Cannibalism so maybe I was hoping you could just build on the idea. No morbid curiosity tho
(This ask was super weird, so you can ignore it if you want)
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Bake It Till You Make It: Tasty Delights
It never hurts anyone to have a treat every now and then..also I updated the first part to my current format of posts
WARNINGS: Cookie Cannibalism
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Running the shop doesn’t always have to be around the holidays. The Sugar Gnomes were generous enough to have you run the shop all winter long! If that was what made you and the cookies in the kingdom happy!
It had surely made the cookies happy alright! All day, every day has cookies coming in the high tens into your shop! They can never seem to get enough of the cakes and sweets offered here, you being the manager also had a hand in the amount of visits too.
But that was only half of the whole thing. The other half was the cookies being thankful enough to gift you their own sweets.
You never questioned their generosity, accepting the gifts with a smile. What was odd would be the cookies acting a little suspicious in terms of behavior or style of clothing, something that was a bit out of character for them.
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Cookies like Crunchy Chip Cookie that are usually pretty tough are left trying to come up with an explanation for their insistence on you accepting their sweets, Crunchy especially since you recalled that sweets weren’t his thing. He practically pleaded for you to take it and eat it, he wanted to know if you liked his sweets. He wanted to know if you liked how it tasted…
And, in his head, if you liked how he tasted…
Crunchy Chip yelled out as he cracked off a piece of his arm, a brief moment of pain that had take deep breath.
But in his mind, it would be worth it. To see you savor the taste of what he made despite the end result. To see you savor how he’d taste like.
It would be worth it…
You thanked him as he left with his cake, sitting down at one of the tables as you started to eat his sweets. For someone who didn’t like them, Crunchy’s delights were pretty good! You continue taking a bite, and then another one, and then another…until it was all gone.
That really hit the spot as you sigh contently, leaning back in your chair…with the window behind you having a fixated Crunchy Chip watching intently before he hurried away.
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Mozzarella Cookie thought it would be pretty interesting of her to give you a mozzarella cheesecake. A very odd choice of ingredients, you even joked if she had placed a piece of her own mozzarella in it, something she giggled at.
What a silly thing to say!
She wasted no time in gently removing pieces of her mozzarella hair to smoothly texture her cheesecake.
She’d know that you’ll like it, she’d kick herself if you didn’t. After all…
…an intriguing cookie like you only deserves an intriguing dessert~
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The amount of cookies coming in for some of his healings have been noticeably higher during this time of the year for Pure Vanilla Cookie. They’d come him, almost impatiently ask that he give them some healings to make them feel better before they’d hurried off for the day.
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The changes in their outfits did not go unnoticed by the Ancient Cookie. Raspberry Cookie’s hair covering a portion of her face, Pastry Cookie wearing a sort of cloak to conceal her form, Clover Cookie missing tufts of hair…
They’d never want to answer any of his questions and just move along hastily…
He decided to come to you to see if you had any clue about this. He catches you just as you’re about to close up shop for today, a box that contained coral cake in your hands.
“Y/N Cookie! How are you, my friend?”
You greeted Pure Vanilla warmly as you two shared a hug. You asked him what brought him you.
“I was just worried about the number of cookies coming to see me to heal them. Do you know anything by any chance?”
Injured cookies? This was the first time you were hearing of this…
“It’s just that they never wish to tell me what was wrong with them. They’re always in a hurry to leave…”
This was pretty odd behavior…but you’d look into it whenever you can. You had to head back your place for today.
“Thank you, Y/N Cookie. I’ll help you in any way I can.”
You bid each other farewell as you head home, opening the box to take a bite of the cake, humming delightly as you savored the flavor.
As you reach home, you head to the fridge to put it away for later. You had to make room though, with a number of different sweets and foods already crowding your fridge, gifted by your Cookies.
The utensils and ingredients were set, with instructions to make a cobbler.
The cookie was all to ready to get started…if not for one more ingredient to really make this cobbler special..
She can already picture it now. Seeing cookies crowding the shop, wanting their order to be taken first. She was stepping past the crowd to meet you at the counter
She presented her cobbler to you, wishing for you to have a taste!
You took a bite and you’d immediately be downing the whole dessert right there and then, excitement bubbling within herself at how much you liked it.
You’d tell her that you loved her cobbler with all of your being, you’d ask her…if she’d make more for you. She’d be all too eager to say yes! She will make more!
It would feel as if she had a connection with you more than the rest…
With these thoughts, the cookies giggled a little manically as she gets ready to crack off her lower arm…
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White Lily is sure of herself that you’ll enjoy her dessert!
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emmies-agere · 4 months
Hiii!!! :3 Can i request cg Monika plzzz? She's my fav
hello anon!! of course <3 caregiver monika is so real! i’m sorry this took me a few days to write, i’ve been super busy ^^" i hope you enjoy!! take care :)
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caregiver monika headcanons!
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•monika is a very caring and maybe sightly overprotective caregiver!! she’s so happy to be your caregiver. i think she really enjoys feeling like she can look after you and keep you safe from everything <3
•treats you really small,, she’s the kind of caregiver to say, “you’re far too small to be doing something like that by yourself!” she really likes helping you out when you’re small, even if it’s just as simple as fixing a loose strand of hair or something like cooking a meal for you.
•her favorite pet names for you are baby, sweetheart, honey and little one! i think she would find it super adorable if you called her mama or moni or anything like that <3
•very very involved with you! if you’re coloring on the floor, she’ll go over next to you and start coloring her own picture! or if you’re building a pillow fort, she will help gather pillows and blankets and figure out how to position the chairs!
•monika can be a slightly strict caregiver, but only for your health!! if you look sleepy, she’ll insist on a nap (she’ll snuggle you though!!). she always makes sure that you’re eating three sufficient meals and that you have had at least some water. she doesn’t want to seem like she’s nagging! but your health is important to her.
•plays the piano for you!! she’ll play lullabies to lull you to sleep or pretty songs that make you smile. sometimes, she’ll let you sit next to her/on her lap and play something of your own. even if you’re just pressing keys or making your own melodies, she loves seeing you partake in an activity she loves!
•monika would also softly sing you songs. she loves humming a bunch of tunes for you, especially ones like “you are my sunshine” or the opening song of your favorite cartoon!
•i think she would read you a lot of poetry. she would especially read you love poems, so you know just how much she loves you! sometimes she even reads you some of her own c:
•very comforting when you’re upset. she’d wrap you into the warmest hugs, gently hushing you and promising everything would be okay. says things likes, “tell mama what’s wrong, baby” or “i’ve got you, shhh”
•loves baking with you! she would make cookies any time you asked and try to find unique recipes for things you guys could bake <3 like making your own caramel apples, or decorating your own cake!
•i imagine she’s slightly overprotective. she’ll readily glare at anyone who gives you a weird stare and trust that whoever tries to bother you won’t try it again. she has her ways, hehe...
•monika is a very sweet caregiver. she may seem a little overbearing, but she promises she just wants to make your regression as secure and happy for you as she can. she loves you so very much!
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dearabby1990 · 5 days
Chapter 17: Just a little something…
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Hearing the loud sound of Van Halen coming up the street signals to you that Eddie is close. You grab the bag and scurry to the living room to peek out the window you invited him to dinner at yours tonight dining room table set just for two with candles and wine glasses you spared no expense for the man that made you feel like the most beautiful person on earth. You spent all day cooking and baking making a full roasted chicken dinner with all the fixings & a cake and your moms strawberry jam white chocolate cookies thanking the lord she taught you lots with the short time you did get to have with her. Brushing the wrinkles out of your dress and checking your hair one last time you take a deep breath as the doorbell rings. You open the door to find Eddie smiling looking like a million bucks no jeans this time dress slacks and a white dress shirt noticing he has no tie maybe it was a good gift idea or maybe he hates ties you start to get nervous stepping aside to let him in he hands you a bouquet of red and white roses “Here gorgeous these are for you & by the way you look absolutely breathtaking” with that he takes your hand making you do a full 360 so he can see all of you. He whistles “all this for me princess?” You both blush you take his hand & head to the kitchen to put the flowers in the water next to the ones he got you last time “wow those held up great love” you smile and look down “thanks my mom had a green thumb she always knew how to make them last what felt like forever but you wanna know the best part?” He nodded “after they died she’d save the pedals every time put them in a large hat box inside was this jar she called it her love jar every flower my father ever gave her over 25 years” Eddie notices how you light up talking about her. “She sounded like a beautiful person sweetheart no doubt where you get everything from” Eddie knows what it’s like to lose a parent he also knows what it’s like to have a shit father so he sympathizes with one look you don’t wanna ruin the night & chose to change subjects “I have a surprise for you” his ears peak up like an excited dog “surprise?” You nod “mhmm stay here I’ll be right back” you pad your way to retrieve the gift bag while also grabbing Eddie a beer “no the beer isn’t your surprise goofy here I saw these & they made me think of you & I just had to get them I hope you like them & it’s not stupid” you say nervously “nothing I get from you could ever be stupid” he rests his hand upon your cheek & you lean into the feeling he slowly starts to take the contents out of the bag pulling out the thin black box running his fingers over it he slowly opens it and stares for a moment before taking your hand “thank you princess I love it it’s awesome but what if it doesn’t go with what you’re going to wear?” You smile kissing his hands “but it does that’s what made it even more perfect I found it after I found my dress last week” his eyes light up with excitement “you got your dress already?!” You laugh “yes Eddie i just need a few small things & im all set” you both smile at each other “I wanna see!” You shake your head “uh uh no way it’s gonna be a surprise you’re lucky you need to know the color it’s the maroon on your tie” he huffs “fine you’re lucky you’re beautiful I really wanna see though” at that you hear Eddie’s tummy growl you giggle “I guess it’s time for dinner” you take him to the dining room he sees how much effort you put into this dinner his eyes soften “babe… you did… you did all this for me?…” you grab his chin to look at you “of course I did you deserve it & everything else beautiful in the world Eddie you’re such a wonderful soul & I want you to know how much I care (you wanna say love but are too afraid) about you I’m not so good with words so I have to find other ways to tell people how I feel” with that he pecks your cheek & you both sit at the table to enjoy an evening just the two of you.
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a-rainey-day · 2 years
⭐️ My hc for Layla El-Faouly 🌻
A/N: As promised! Some Layla HC enjoy! I avoid the use of Y/N at all times lmao
Warnings: None! All fluff!
Paring: Layla El-Faouly x GN!reader (they/them pronouns)
Order: General HC for Layla, then some more romancy ones
Starting with our general hc
Layla can kinda cook, but I think she��s really good at baking
I hc she has a major sweet tooth and that’s why she learned to bake
She’d never admit it but I think she loves like early 2000’s pop music
She, like Marc is a dog and cat person
Loves short haired cats with silly names/human names
I think she also loves big dogs but like big fluffy ones with lots of energy
She has some kind of first aid supplies with her at all times after Cairo
I think when she was a kid she loved lizards
She strikes me as the kind of person who really likes butterflies tbh
She has a whole skin care and curl care routine she does.
Doesn’t have a bonnet but has a satin pillow case
I feel like Layla doesn’t watch a whole lot of sports tho
But she loves to watch like those shitty over complicated soap operas when she’s sad
I think her favorite ice cream flavor is cookies and cream tbh maybe peanut butter cookie or birthday cake as well
She has played animal crossing at least once
I hc her to have sensory issues but like very specific things
I will die on this hill, I feel like she’s the type to have a ton of fluffy blankets and like one squishmallow
I feel like Layla is the type to have a bunch of self care stuff (someone in that relationship has to and it sure as hell isn’t Marc)
She had a poster of the constellations growing up
Queen of creative insults
Okay now time for some romance hc
With her love of baking I hc a lot of dates involve baking
Sharing food is one of her love languages, if you can cook expect her to be watching trying to figure out how you do it
Self care nights
If you aren’t taking care of yourself she will make you take a self care night with her
If you like to game she’ll wanna play with you
She’ll wanna try and do your hobbies with you
I feel like she has some issues after Marc but she wants to get help
She loves slow dancing in the kitchen
If you like to game she’ll wanna play animal crossing with you
Loves to call you thinks like “pretty”, “my darling”, “little bee”, and “flower”
Teaches you self defense if you don’t know it
She absolutely LOVES to cuddle
If you like makeup she lets you do her makeup
Loves to show you off, take you out to fancy restaurants
If she’s had a bad day will hug you and just mumble to you and just call you sweet things and tiredly say how happy she is to have you
She likes to buy you soaps and perfume but if you have sensitive skin or can’t handle fragrances she’ll buy you jewelry
Specifically a pair of earrings with Egyptian lotuses
She just adores you sm
She loves to wrap up in blankets with you and watch movies
I feel like she would love to give you breakfast in bed
She’ll make cereal and cut up fruit for you
Loves loves LOVES to give you flowers
Very attentive partner, writes down everything
Keeps track of what triggers you too
Always holds your hand in crowds too
Loves to paint your nails for you too
Loves it when you steal her clothes
Like absolutely MELTS
She loves to pick you up too
Big strong woman
Overall I think Layla is a v attentive partner and loves to spoil you and hold you. She’s v loving and caring
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fclicityy · 2 years
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"You know, I really thought my past was behind me..."
[ BRENDA SONG, CIS FEMALE, SHE/HER]. well hi [ FELICITY YAO ]! you’re [ THIRTY TWO ] now aren’t you? that’s what i heard, i also heard you’re a [ OWNER ] at [ LEMONS ]. people around here say that you’re [ ORGANIZED &  NURTURING ] but you can also be a little [ ANAL-RETENTIVE & FRAZZLED ]. maybe that’s why you can always hear [ BREADWINNER BY KACEY MUSGRAVES ] coming from your headphones. (KEE, 27, she/her, PST)
Felicity Mei Yao was born in Southridge, to two parents who were both born just outside of Southridge. So all in all, there weren't many reasons for her to ever leave this town.
The oldest of three, Fliss always knew she wanted to get out of this tiny town. She never vibed with small town living, and hated watching her parents feel so content with it. After graduating high school and taking a gap year, Fliss applied to culinary school at the ICE Institute in New York, with a focus in Pastry & Baking Arts. Naturally, her mother was flabbergasted -- why not apply to school somewhere in Texas? But Felicity wanted to get as far away as possible. And when she got in, that's exactly what she did.
Felicity spent her twenties becoming a New Yorker. She loved the fast pace, the culture, all the different kinds of people that came into the many restaurant jobs she had while going through school and after graduation. And when she got really good at her craft, she started a small blog. Nothing crazy, just a way to share her cake and cookie decorations. But it blew up. The blog turned into a Youtube channel, which turned into a huge Instagram following...She was on her way to becoming the next Rosanna Pansino, and was looking for a place to open up a cafe of her own.
But one fateful winter, Felicity visited home for the holidays. She doesn't disclose much of what happened on that trip, except that she returned to New York pregnant. After weeks of ruminating on what to do -- she didn't want the father t feel any obligation, and she'd always wanted a kid -- she decided she'd keep it. But living in New York was expensive enough. Raising a child there? She wasn't sure she made enough off of brand deals, and it certainly wasn't a consistent income.
And then, like a sign from God as her mother would say, a local restaurant in Southridge foreclosed. It was a small place, definitely something she could afford...Plus, it'd be close to her parents who definitely wanted to help out with the baby...And it was near the father, if he would want to be involved. And her own cafe? It was all she'd ever dreamed of. The choice to leave New York was hard...But at the same time, so easy.
Fliss moved back to Southridge at 28, and two months later, her baby girl Noa was born. The girl is 3 now, and Fliss considers both of her babies (her real baby and her cafe, Lemons) to be thriving.
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omnomwithrob · 2 years
Now we are joined in a cobweb of rainbows.
When December 2020 rolled around, I was so excited to start planning for Rosie’s third birthday. We were going to celebrate it a few times (which you’ve probably come to expect by now for most members of my family), once with Rob’s mom here in Chicago and again over the holidays with my family. For our Chicago celebration, I decided to put in a big effort and make Molly Yeh’s rainbow birthday cake.
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This cake recipe was a no-brainer for Rosie. By that point in her life, she was far more interested in watching Elmo than cooking shows with her old lady, BUT she would always concede to watching the “Bernie’s First Birthday” episode of Girl Meets Farm, the one that features this cake. 
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We started a few days in advance, because that’s the only way I get things done anymore. Rosebud helped me make the batter and bake the cakes, which took a long time because a) toddler, and b) the set of cake pans I have only has one pan in each size, so each layer had to wait its turn while the 8′’ pan was being used. Then after she’d gone to bed, Rob and I got to work on the decorating. 
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Because I also do not have letter-shaped cookie cutters, this took a lot longer than I anticipated. Like, three hours. But thankfully I had my trusty graphic designer to come in with the assist and patiently cut little letters out of the marshmallow fondant I’d made in Rosie’s favorite colors at the time (”beet red, moss green, and dijon yellow”). He even employed Rosie’s tiny rolling pin that she uses for play doh. 
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Labor that it was, there are worse ways to spend an evening than toiling over fondant with your sweetheart. 
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But the big payoff came the next day, when we revealed the cake to Rosie.
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This cake was so delicious! Moist, creamy, and extra decadent with the three layers, my only regret was that because it was such a big cake, we didn’t stand a chance of eating it all before we left town a few days later. The friends who received our leftover cake did not share my regret. Rosie loved it too!
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Especially after the big reveal of the colorful layers! 
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Served aside a Pequod’s pizza and one of those irrationally good Caesar salad kits from Target, this cake was worth every minute of effort. Maybe next time I’ll actually equip myself with the proper tools, so it will take fewer minutes of effort. But this wasn’t the first time I’d gone to great lengths for a special birthday cake (eeeee, errrmm, hiiiii), and I’m sure it won’t be the last. Thank you to my dear Rob for staying up late with me to make sure this one was three year-old approved.
P.S. Make this for Pride!!!!!
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mini chef | m. schumacher
pairing: singledad!mick x singlemom!reader word count: 3.6k words request: yes/no by @needsabetteruser: "hey!! i love you're writing and i would absolutely love some mick, where one of them is a single parent if you're up for it! i didn't really have anything else in mind, you can do whatever with the story or combine it with another request :)" thank you!!! first of all i love that you all are aware that i like to combine reqs so i can develop the plots a bit more<3<3 & by @brynniebear: "dad mick. that's it. that's all i need in life." sis, me too. & by an anon: "“this hotel has a make your own pasta bar and you’re the chef making the pasta and i hate everything you’re recommending but i can’t say no to those beautiful eyes and now you want to watch me take a bite but I’m literally so allergic to dairy and gluten so i’m just gonna box it up and say it’s for my brother when in reality i’m going to go to my room and beg my parents not to kill me for doing this like eight days in a row” au omg i found this prompt and i think it would be so funny for a mick x reader !!!!!!!!" the way i loved this req so much. so, idk anything about cooking, so i changed it for something that i do know, which is baking. it's still pretty much the same plot. warnings: kids, mentions of child abandonment (?), language, aah idk what else. a/n: okay, so, idk how long this story will be, i was thinking maybe just one more part but we'll have to see.
my masterlist
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(not a single thought is going through his head) also! idk german so i used google translate. oma = grandma opa= grandpa
“hello, my name is (y/n) (y/l/n), i will be your chef for this next week. welcome to our class,” you smile at the curious faces in front of you. “i’m so glad you all decided to take time off your vacation to learn how to bake all these delicious treats.” you point to the desserts in front of you.
you hear the excited gasps and smile at the wide eyes staring at the things you’d baked earlier that day.
“so, first things first, does anyone here have any allergies? parents?” you ask, looking from one parent to the other. everyone shakes their heads, which makes you sigh in relief. “no? perfect! okay, i need all my mini chefs to come up here, please,” you say as you walk to the side, where there’s a metal table with kid-sized aprons.
the course you were giving was your pride and joy. a one-week parent-child class on the basics of baking. starting with baking simple sugar cookies, and ending the week with baking and decorating their own cake. you had a permanent spot with this particular resort company for a few months now, the success of the course was bigger and bigger each time, so you got to divide your time traveling from one spot in the world to the other.
you’d been surrounded by baking your entire life, spending hours in the kitchen with your mom, aunts, women who taught you all about the beauty of pouring your emotions into sweet treats, so you could, literally, eat your feelings. you always thought that cooking, baking, was such a vital part of life, and there was nothing better than spending it with your loved ones.
when you found out you were pregnant, your life turned upside down, for the best. you adored your little girl with your entire heart, and the moment you first heard her heartbeat during the ultrasound, you swore you’d do anything in your power to give her a happy life.
she was the inspiration for this class. your five-year-old traveled everywhere with you during the summer. she’d help you teach your course, cheering up the other kids who sometimes got a little frustrated when they couldn’t do something right the first time. she was just like you, loving, kind, patient.
“i’d like you all to meet my assistant, miss brianna,” you extend your arm, and your little girl rushes to you, she’s already wearing her chef hat and apron. “now, i will start naming all of our mini chefs and brianna will hand you your apron, okay?” you explain, grabbing the list you’d printed earlier that morning. since it was quite hectic having kids and parents cooking together, you only have 10 spots available.
you start naming all of them, clapping when the kids grab their apron and run to their mom or dad to show it proudly. it has their name embroidered on the left side, a nice touch that helped motivate the kids.
“it looks like we’re missing a mini chef… ryan?” you call again, but everyone already has their apron, and there is one empty table.
just then, you see through the glass windows as a child presses her face against it, eyes wide open. she runns inside, gasping when she sees everyone dressed like chefs.
“hi, sweetie, are you lost?” you ask, approaching her. the girl shakes her head, and you crouch in front of her. “what’s your name, darling?”
“millie!” a male’s voice calls, and you look up, seeing a worried blonde walking to you.
“daddy, look! chefs!” the girl, who you now knew was named millie extended her hand toward the young man, pointing to you with the other one.
“yes, chefs, millie. but you can’t run off like that, okay? how many times have i told you?” her dad scolds her softly, patting the top of her head before bringing her close to his side.
“i know, but, daddy! chefs! i wanna be a chef, too!” the girl pouts, and you stand up, smiling at them.
“i’m so sorry, she doesn’t usually run off like this. well…” he stopped himself, shrugging, “maybe a little, she got that from me,” he smiles, still watching his daughter in adoration. you giggle, and that catches his attention, finally looking up at you, “wow,” he breathed.
“don’t worry,” you smile, seeing his eyes go a little wide.
“daddy, can i be a chef?” the girl asks, tugging on his shirt.
“we have to go find oma and opa, sweets,” her dad says. “plus, i’m sure this is…” he cuts himself off, looking around, “what exactly is this?” he asks, curiously.
“a one week course about baking. here,” you grab the extra recipe book, handing it to him. “class is about to start, you can join us if you want to, we do have an available spot,” you wink at millie, smiling at her father.
“oh, i- no, we-” he stumbles on his words, getting lost in the peculiar color of your eyes, he doesn’t think he’s ever seen a shade like it.
“or you can keep it and take it home with you, that way miss millie here can be a mini chef at home, you can bake with her,”
“but daddy doesn’t know how to bake! he burns everything!” millie exclaims loudly, making the rest of the parents chuckle lightly. you notice the blonde man’s cheeks turning red.
“emilia,” he mutters between his teeth as his daughter gives him a bright beam.
“well, that’s normal, i used to do that a lot, too when i first learned,” you explained, raising an eyebrow at the girl.
“i didn’t!” a new voice pops in, and you feel brianna’s tiny arms around your waist.
“brianna!” you place a hand on her head, “sorry,” you mutter, smiling apologetically.
“no worries,”
“are you a chef, too?” millie asks, eyes wide as she looks at brianna.
“mini chef! all kids are mini chefs,” she grins brightly. millie’s father smiles at brianna, then looks at his daughter.
“that sounds amazing, but millie, we have to go, and we’ve already wasted so much of your time, miss…”
“(y/n),” you tell him your name as he nods. “and it’s honestly not a problem. you guys are more than welcome to join us. or if you can’t right now, maybe brianna and i can catch you up later?” you raise an eyebrow, looking down at brianna, only to see her nodding her head excitedly.
“oh, no, i-”
“pleease, daddy? i want to be a chef, that way i can bake cakes for everyone on their birthdays. or i can make my own!” the blonde girl pouted, looking up at her father.
“don’t give me that look,” he chuckles, looking to you for help, but you just shrug your shoulder, smiling. “fine, when are you available?” he gives in, and he honestly doesn’t know which smile affects him more, yours or millie’s.
“how does five pm sound?” you suggest.
“yes! yes, daddy, can we?” millie places both of her palms together, begging.
“it’ll be fun, i promise,” you smile, and you see him breathing hard, before slowly nodding, a small smile on his face.
“okay,” he agrees, eyes never leaving yours.
“great, see you at five, millie, and…”
“mick,” he offers his hand, which you take and give it a light shake, ignoring the small tingles you’re feeling.
“mick. we’ll see you later, okay?” you look down at millie, who is smiling harder than ever before.
“okay! come on, daddy, i want to tell oma and opa!” millie grabs his hand and starts leading him away from the class, “bye, brianna! bye, chef!” she waves her hand at both you and your daughter, who waves back at her.
“bye millie!”
you watch them walk away, seeing as mick turns his head around twice, only to find you still looking at him. you smile as you see his cheeks turning red.
“okay, class, now, let’s get started, shall we?”
emilia schumacher is a daddy’s girl. mick loves his daughter to eternity, is always there for her when she needs him, and works hard to get whatever her little heart desires.
when emilia was first born, mick didn’t know she existed. she was dropped off at his apartment one night, loud knocking on his door waking him up and he hurried to his front door, only to be met by a baby carrier with millie inside. the six-month-old baby was sleeping soundly, and between her blanket there was a letter.
‘i can’t do this anymore. she’s yours. i’m sorry for not telling you, i tried to be her mother, i just can’t. good luck.’
that was it.
mick tried contacting the girl’s mother, but she never replied. so, he got in contact with some lawyers, changed her birth certificate to give her his name, and now she was finally his. they’d been through a lot together. the first weeks weren’t easy at all, for either of them.
millie was getting used to the new place, the new people, she didn’t have the comfort of her mother anymore. and mick, he was completely clueless as to how to take care of a baby. but luckily he had his parents.
mick and emilia took their time getting to know the other, but once the initial shock died for both of them, mick was living and breathing only for millie.
“oma! i’m going to be a chef!” millie announces once they find mick’s parents, waiting for them at the hotel restaurant. they’d traveled to this resort to celebrate millie’s fifth birthday.
“that’s great, honey, i can already see you with your own restaurant in a couple of years,” corinna wraps her granddaughter in a tight hug, having missed her even though they’d been apart for only a few hours.
“no! i’ll be a chef at five pm!” millie explains, going to give her grandfather a hug.
“i’m guessing there’s an explanation behind this,” mick’s father tells him as he sits down with the rest of the family.
“we were on our way here, but millie… ran off-”
“again?” michael, mick’s father, snickers. receiving a disapproving look from his wife. he clears his throat as he looks at millie. “emilia, again?” he tries to scold the girl, who only gives him a toothy smile in response. she’s got them all wrapped around her finger.
“so, she runs off and finds this cooking class-”
“with kids!” millie butts in, mick nods.
“yes, with kids and their parents. and it’s taught by this gorge- chef,” he clears his throat, but his little mishap doesn’t go unnoticed by his parents, who share a look as millie tries to read the menu. “so, millie wanted to learn as well, so she and her daughter-”
“brianna! she’s a mini chef. i want to be a mini chef,” she states, smiling, before returning her attention to the menu.
“they offered to catch us up later today,” after many interruptions by his adorable daughter, mick finishes telling his story.
“well that’s great, i think you both could use a little help in the kitchen,” corinna winks at millie, who opens her mouth in a wide ‘o’ as she cackles.
“are you ready, darling?” mick asks, holding onto millie’s hand. they’re standing outside the room they met you and bri earlier today.
millie nods, an excited smile on her face as she grips mick’s hand. mick opens the glass door, taking a few steps in. in his other hand, he’s holding the recipe book he took with him earlier. he didn’t notice he had it until his father pointed it out. the room is empty, and millie takes the opportunity to go up to the table set in front of her. it’s filled with all kinds of desserts.
“woah,” millie whispers as she stares at them.
“do you like them?” they both turn around when they hear your voice.
“millie!” brianna squeals as she runs to her, hugging her.
“brianna!” the blonde girl yells in return, embracing her new friend.
“huh, i see you two are friends already,” you raise an eyebrow, smiling at the sight of the two girls holding on to each other. “hi,” you turn your attention to mick, who suddenly forgets how to breathe, as you smile at him. the girls chatting becomes noise in the background as he looks at you.
“h-hi,” he breathes, and he feels his cheeks getting hot. “ho-how are you?” he asks, clearing his throat. you place your bag on the counter, nodding.
“all good, thanks. now, who’s ready to become a mini chef?” you ask, turning to the girls, millie gasps as she starts jumping up and down.
“me! me, me, me!” she yells, raising her little hand up. you chuckle, taking out the white apron for her.
“okay, brianna?” you call for your daughter, who appears by your side in an instant. “will you do the honors?” you smile and brianna nods, grabbing millie’s apron.
“millie!” brianna says and she runs to you both, the (y/e/c)-eyed girl hands the blonde her new apron. she squeals in delight as she rushes to her father.
"daddy! i'm a chef! like ramsey!" millie had an obsession with gordon ramsey, and no matter how much mick explained that the show 'kitchen nightmares' was not for children, she always loved watching it anyway. she really admired the way the chef walked in to the kitchen and inspected everything without even putting on gloves or a mask.
"yeah, darling, like ramsey," mick nods, smiling as he ties the apron for her. "look," he taps her chest, where, instead of her embroidered name, she has a name tag with her name written in it in childlike handwriting.
"i wrote it! do you like it?" brianna asks, wide smile showing all of her teeth.
"yeah! thank you," emilia nods, and you feel your stomach doing somersaults as you watch both girls interacting so well with each other, they'd clicked instantly.
"so… who wants to get started?" you ask, laughing at the loud yelling coming from the kids. “ah, i see you’ve got your recipe book. great, now, chefs, let’s all go wash our hands first,” you point to the faucet and the girls run to it, giggling as the cold water hits their hands. “you too, mister,” you smile at mick, who chuckles lightly before obeying.
once everyone has their hands clean, you start explaining the process of making the mix for the cookies. it’s simple. sugar, butter, flour.
“are you allergic to anything, millie?” you ask the girl, you and brianna are working on your own batch whilst mick and emilia work on theirs.
“nope,” she shakes her head.
“great, mick?” the sound of your voice saying his name makes him shiver involuntarily, his eyes are stuck on yours for a second, he sees your lips moving, but all his brain can think of is the way his name slipped out so casually, so perfectly, like it belonged there. “mick?” there it is again.
“daddy!” millie’s voice snaps him out of his thoughts.
“what? yeah, no, sorry,” he murmurs, and the girls giggle silently, nudging each other.
“are you allergic to anything?” your voice is soft, as soft as your smile, and he can’t hear anything else other than his frantic heartbeat.
“why did you make chocolate cookies when you’re allergic to chocolate?” mick’s father asks him, holding the box mick handed him.
“i don’t know,” he shrugs, trying his hardest not to let his cheek turn pink.
“i thought you’d learned by now, one small bite will send you straight to the hospital… or the bathroom,” he can’t help but snicker at his son, who rolls his eyes and grunts like a teenager.
“i know,” he scrunches his nose, almost pouting.
“daddy! my cookies!” emilia walks into the room with corinna. “opa! did you eat my cookies?” she asks, climbing on michael’s lap.
“i ate one, liebling,” he nods, smiling as the girl grabs both of his cheeks, locking her eyes with his.
“did you like it?” she asks, her eyebrows furrowed in an adorable frown, lips pursed as she tried to look serious.
“i loved it,” he says, kissing the girl’s cheek multiple times, making her giggle, “i think you’re already better than the chef that taught you,”
“no! chef (y/n) is the best! and she’s so pretty!” she grins, remembering the way you explained everything to her, how you gently showed her how to do it, whispered encouraging words to her. “and brianna is so fun!”
“making new friends already?” corinna asks, and emilia nods enthusiastically.
the next day, mick and emilia are the first to arrive. the girl is bouncing in her seat as she waits for the rest of the kids and parents to get there.
“daddy?” millie asks, making mick turn his head toward her.
“yes, millie?”
“i don’t want to leave here,” she confesses.
“but we hate to, baby, you know we’re only here for your birthday, and we have to return home, to angie, to auntie gina, to your friends,”
“but i have friends here now,” she frowns, leaning her elbows on the counter, her chin resting on her fists.
“and we can set something up so you don’t lose touch with brianna,” he doesn’t need to guess who she’s talking about.
“can she come live with us?” her head perks up, mick chuckles, throwing an arm around her frame.
“no, baby. she has her own home, her own family. her dad must be waiting for them at home,” mick says, even though he didn’t see a ring on your finger, but he didn’t want to assume anything.
“she doesn’t have a dad. she told me,” millie says.
“look who’s here!” your voice makes them look up, an instant smile growing on their faces.
the girls run to each other, meeting halfway and hugging. your heart melts at the sight, and you’re certain it shows on your face. your eyes fly to mick, who looks just like you feel. you can’t help but feel a little sad, knowing how much bri will miss her new friend once she goes away.
“hi,” you approach mick, “how’d your cookies turn out?” you ask.
“oh, i… great! my- uh, my dad ate most of them,” you laughed.
“oh! you’re not a fan of chocolate?” you ask, and your eyebrows furrow in a way that makes his heart flutter, and he instantly feels bad for being the reason it’s there in the first place.
“no, i am! i am. looove chocolate,” he smiles, nodding his head as he speaks. you look at him with a soft smile on your lips, relief on your face.
“great, so,” you make a mental note to include chocolate in most of your recipes now that you know he likes it.
“hi, chef!” more hotel guests start arriving, and it’s now time to start class.
“hey, everyone!” you say hi to them as they arrive, walking to your work station, “today we’re going to learn how to make…” you start once everyone is in place. you look at brianna, who finishes for you.
“cupcakes!” she says and all the kids start cheering and clapping, which makes you laugh. your eyes fly to the father-daughter duo in the back, your heart thumping at the sight of a wide-eyed emilia and a grinning mick. a smile settles on your face, and you force yourself to turn around, to focus on something else so you don’t get too caught up staring at him.
class goes by rather fast, you divide your time between each group, explaining the instructions and helping them.
"how are we doing over here?" you ask, a hand on your hip as you smile at mick and emilia.
“we can’t choose a flavor,” millie pouts, tiny hands balled into fists as she rests her chin on them.
“huh, i thought you were going to do chocolate, you know… since you love it so much,”
“but daddy-” millie starts, frowning, and mick interrupts her.
“yes! great idea, thank you.” mick smiles, grabbing the container with cocoa powder and pouring it into the mix before you or millie could even mutter a word.
“i think that was a bit too much,” you chuckle, smiling as you see mick’s cheeks turning an adorable shade of pink.
“daddy!” emilia cries. you both turn your heads toward her, “you ruined it!” she pouts, small tears forming in the corners of her eyes. you rush to her side.
“it’s okay, millie! nothing in a kitchen is ever ruined, we just need to transform it into something else. look,” you explain, grabbing the now-empty cocoa container and placing it in front of her. “we can just take this out, it’s alright. do you want to help me?” you speak softly, grabbing a spoon and offering it to her. mick’s heart starts pounding hard, the way you’re carefully explaining everything to emilia, not losing your temper, not making her feel bad, but including her so she can learn.
she grabs the spoon and starts helping you scoop out the excess.
“and look, with this, we can start making the frosting, okay?” you say, and she nods, big blue eyes staring at you. “dad, can you help us read the recipe?” you look at mick, who blinks at you, trying to figure out if you really just called him that.
“dad!” millie calls out, “why do you always get like that when chef (y/n) talks to you?” emilia asks, annoyed.
“i noticed that, too! mommy does the same” brianna pops in out of nowhere, leaving the both of you as two stuttering messes.
“why don’t you three get started on the frosting while i go help someone else?” you say quickly, “use the cocoa powder instead of vanilla,” you instruct mick, touching his arm for a second before bolting out of there as you feel your cheeks burning up.
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seychellse · 3 years
First of all I cant believe I really wrote this and said, “yeah, I’m gonna post this” this is just one of many stupid things I should have left as a dumb 2am thought
There is some violence mentioned so I’m flagging it just in case ok ok
Thought: would you kill the love of your life for a lifetime supply of breadsticks? How about baguettes, freshly baked? Able to be ordered on demand, any time you felt a flight of fancy coming on. Chocolate traybakes? An unending supply of sweetmeats of your choice?
Eren for sure would, little hesitation on his part. But he’d gauge how good the lifetime supply is before merking you at least, and would demand samples, would make you try them too as a final olive branch before you die. I headcanon that he doesn’t like sweet stuff much and he’d be way more motivated by savoury offers, so cake is out for sure. It would probs be something shitty too - he would tempt you into acquiescing to his demand to die by plying you with challah and pita, but he’d switch up the SECOND you’re gone and opt for like soda bread or pumpernickel, something that would make you fully regret giving up your life lol
Surprisingly, Annie and Historia would too 🤔 The latter would maybe be more reluctant but for both of them, all they need is some convincing from the terrible influences in their lives - that’s always enough to spur them into making bad decisions lol. Annie would do it for carrot cake but would prefer red velvet or maybe the quintessential chocolate chip cookie (the crumbly, foil packet type, not the melt-in-your-mouth soft kind). She’d also murmur apologies over and over again as the light dims from your eyes and you exhale for the last time and she would ever so gently carry you to your grave, making sure nobody knew of her sin of greed and mariticide. She’d pick an easy way for you to go, so she can feel less guilt for her decision. Anyways, Historia is another one for preferring savoury over sweet, so she’d go for any kind of bread that would pair well with a good, soft cheese and, queen that she is, pulls the soft, warm baked dough from its crispy crust oh so gingerly. She’s delicate with it because she’d also be trying to push out the parallel image of her gazing down at you screaming out for help, for redemption or at least an end to your suffering while you, too, were torn apart.
Connie would do it but he’d regret it for sure - you can only fill the void with sweet Danish pastries and savoury bruschetta for so long I guess. Niccolo would help him make some ciabatta to help him get over it on Sasha’s request but she’d just sneak in and eventually he’d tell em to get lost with their lovey-dovey nonsense and break down, regretting his moment of greed for the life he had made forfeit. Connie it’s honestly OK; grilled cheese made with rustic-style slices of granary white bread and skinny Swiss cheese will take the pain away :’-( plus it’s free! Free forever! For his own sake and not to insult your memory and sacrifice he’d get over it eventually, but the taste of bloomer loaves will forever feel hollow to him.
Jean is 100% the opposite fr fr. He’s got you, boo! No way he’s giving you up for some fucking bread. It’s actually very sweet how heated he gets about it so you make sure nobody tries to bring it up again in case he actually blows a gasket. But you’ll clutch him at night, perplexed as to why he’s so rigid and stiff the closer you get. The reason? He’s tormented by the thought of hastily refusing the offer - like, sure, bread is whatever. Not good enough to end a life for sure. But: he deadass could have had an on-demand supply of madeleines... Viennese whirls... petit beurres... butter biscuits of the highest quality... the thought of what could have been will haunt him for the rest of his life.
Mikasa would kill anyone who even asked her that. How dare they?? She, who lost her original family, her adoptive family, her found family, AND the people she tried to find comfort and community with afterwards??? And now you’re asking if she’d give up the one person she clung to in her moments of weakness, the person she wanted to spend the rest of her life with?????? Are you insane. No amount of crumbly loaves are worth your life. Pita’s a favourite of hers (she’ll insist with such passion that it’s not just bc Eren’s partial to them too), along with herby breads like garlic bread and focaccia, but even the promise of a lifetime’s amount of them will never sway her. She’d kill whoever had the nerve to ask before they could even finish the question tbh. #traumabonding #justgirlythingz
Armin is SUCH a sweetie - another for the ‘no’ pile. His tastes start off a little juvenile, but there’s nothing wrong with that. Everybody loves shortbread, after all - same with macaroons. But as he gets older, his tastes also shift from sweet to more savoury sweetmeats. It’s worth it to keep racking up a bill for the leagues of cheesy croissants and oatcakes he becomes partial to, if only because he gets to experience you waking him up every morning and feeding them to him with a smile and a fresh cup of espresso. Best boy 💯
The final babe that would never give you up for something as simple as a sweet, crumbly thing is Marco. Mmm, he’s a good man. Just like Jean, he would have recurring thoughts about his foodstuff of choice, which is 100% homemade garlic bread; the kind made with a proper butter instead of premade paste and nearly falls apart after being pulled from the oven because it’s so soft, golden brown and glazed with honey. The thought makes his mouth water and his mind drift, but it also reaffirms his belief that the ephemeral dose of dopamine it would give him wouldn’t be worth the lifetime of pain he’d have to slog through without you to mitigate it. BEST BOY HE’S THE BEST
Honestly, Reiner is obsessed with ginger, so he loves gingersnaps and gingerbread in equal measures. It’s not just a Christmas thing with him; he’d eat the spiced biscuits any day, any time. He’ll bring an entire tin into bed, dip them in tea, salivate over designing gingerbread houses just to absolutely devour them like it’s some kind of ritualistic practice. He’s a sugar fiend for sure, but what really gets him going is more out-there flavour combinations. So he’s sacrificing you, but it’s for the sake of bringing lesser-liked sweet treats into the limelight for maximum enjoyment for the masses. Don’t you want people to enjoy what he enjoys? Don’t you want him to be happy? If he did sacrifice you, it would only be during a fit of madness, but he wouldn’t even be able to enjoy his veritable feast of aniseed or Anzac biscuits afterwards, and he’d probably go down with you. Romantic
Bertholdt would. He just would I’m sorry. He’s so basic with his choices too like dang you set yourself up for real? For endless flatbreads? For dry-ass crackers? it’s absolutely shocking. How can he sit there & exchange you for a plain, dry tortilla with his soul intact? That’s why he’d try and be sneaky about it; you’d judge so hard if he murdered you and all he got in return was a lifetime issue of whole wheat. He would have slight texture issues so filled sweetmeats are a no-go, and things like seeded bread are his absolute nightmare. He enjoys sweet things! He would enjoy pan de leche and agege bread so much if he wasn’t so afraid of change. Bertie baby; please for your own good try and push the boat out a little - don’t let your lover die for no good reason
It’s a little difficult to pinpoint exactly what kind of treat Ymir would destroy you for. One thing that sticks out to her is macarons, the brightly-coloured treats are both tasteful and tasty and make her think good thoughts. She likes that - but can’t decide if that’s enough to justify the atrocity she would be committing against you. She’s not too bothered about her own death, but yours...? Hard to say. Despite all of that, whether or not she would actually go through with it in the end, you do know that she will bring the dilemma up endlessly just to taunt you about it. She probably wouldn’t... probably.
Sasha is a total write-off lol bless her this one’s too easy. This is not up for debate in any manner that would make sense. Sasha is bae and she knows you are also bae. This does not, however, change the fact that she would also kill you for a half-empty share box of stale profiteroles fished out of a back-alley trash can downtown that she had to fight off both hobos and dumpster-diving hippies for. So for a fresh stack? A chocolate-covered, berry-topped, sugar dusted, ice cream filled croquembouche? Whenever she feels the urge? Don’t. Even. Bother. Listen - you love her enough to know that food comes first in her life, always. In fact, not only would you would help her kill yourself for her to receive an eternal supply of choux pastry, you would be GRATEFUL for the opportunity. OKAY?!
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capesandshapes · 3 years
All You Had To Do Was Stay (Adrienette) (2/4)
Three years ago, Marinette revealed her identity to him. Three years ago, he promised to wait in a hotel room for her. Three years ago, she opened the door to find it empty.
Now she's expected to play nice with him, since she's the maid of honor and he's unfortunately the best man. But old habits die hard, and old feelings die harder.
"This is a wedding, not a death march, Marinette."
They had gone overboard.
Marinette had one job, and they had gone overboard.
Okay, she had five jobs—but at the moment it felt like only one, and at the moment, that job was completely and utterly failed.
Every single surface of the bakery was covered in cakes. Every godly combination of cake, every possible frosting, every style of decoration, every type of vanilla—And that wasn’t even the end of it.
No! Because what if, at the very last moment, Alya and Nino had needed cupcakes or a pie or a tarte. Were they sure they didn’t want cookies? They could include them in the gift bags! And savory cakes weren’t off the table either, Marinette’s father reassured them that he could stay up the whole night and bake enough for Paris if they needed.
Not to mention the eight boxes on the counter behind Marinette—She’d been looking thin! This past week Tom had been worried that she’d been depressed—Never mind the fact that she was—and his little girl needed her favorite treats… Which meant every sweet she had ever so much as smiled at, and so many dumplings that Marinette would have to freeze them and eat them for months to come. Nino and Alya had similar offerings behind them.
Nino and Alya also had strained looks on their faces.
The cake tasting had gone over an hour later than it was supposed to, and there was no possible way out. Nino checked his smartwatch a thousand times, but every attempt he made at opening his mouth found his plate refilled.
“I just love weddings,” Marinette’s father proclaimed, tears in the corners of his eyes.
Marinette couldn’t miss the soft mumble of her mother trying to calm him, “someday, Tom.” She did her best to eat then, if only to soothe the two of them.
Her parents didn’t know what had happened between her and Adrien, only that one day he was there and the next day he jetted out of Paris. It was better that it stayed that way, god forbid they found out. She didn’t want to be there the moment that her father realized; she didn’t think she could stand to have him look at her afterwards.
He always wanted the world to be good to her, and she didn’t have the heart to tell him that it hadn’t been. That she’d faced monsters he couldn’t imagine and had skirted the line between life and death as a hero of Paris. That was one secret he would never know.
“I really do have to go, Mister Dupain,” Nino tried for the hundredth time as her dad placed four more slices on his plate. “There’s this thing and I… I mean, I can’t leave my dude waiting.”
“You could invite them here,” Tom said, serving Alya a slice of spiced rum cake. The young woman teetered between blissful and concerned. “Like I always say, the more the merrier.”
“Yeah, that’s like, a completely valid statement in some cases but…” Nino trailed off, flinching. Her dad frowned. “I mean, it’s not you! Definitely not you guys, you’re amazing—Marinette is amazing!” He quickly added. “It’s just one of those things…”
“We’re not hip anymore, or they don’t like cake?” Tom pushed. “Because I have croissants, croquettes, even a quiche or two! If they’re gluten intolerant, I have a whole spread!”
“No, no! He loves your stuff!” Nino immediately flinched the moment he said it.
The gears began to turn in her father’s head at the same time Marinette nearly choked on her slice of cake. “Adrien!” His face lit up with familiarity, making the obvious guess since the blond’s return was the talk of Paris. “It’s been so long since we’ve seen him, honey!” He immediately turned to her mother, and Marinette could see him quickly begin to recall the young man’s order.
“Three years,” Marinette finally butted in, supplementing the information her father would no doubt demand to know. “It’s been three years.”
“He must have gotten so skinny,” her father said with an edge of concern, “Sabine, we should make a box!” Her mother was already ahead of him.
Alya butted in, swallowing the remainder of her cake in one bite. “I mean, he’s still a model, maybe he shouldn’t come. I mean, the temptation, the…” She looked to Marinette to supplement, all the woman could do was vigorously nod her head, “carbs.” Alya winced.
“Nonsense, everyone knows those diets aren’t healthy,” Sabine began.
“He’s really into them,” Alya insisted.
“Well,” Sabine continued, fully dedicated to the idea of helping such a poor, starving model, “we’ll fix that. Call him up.”
“—I’m sure Marinette wants to see him,” Sabine finished.
Oh, how utterly wrong she was. “Call him,” Marinette said, trying to make the strange way that she pulled back her lips look more like a smile than a wince of pain, “what’s the worst that could happen?”
The worst that could happen was that he could show up. And he did.
And suddenly, there he was. Adrien. Standing in her parents’ shop door, a familiar blue scarf around his neck tied almost as tightly as her father’s arms were wrapped around him. Laughing, smiling, acting like nothing had happened and like he hadn’t been gone for three years.
Until he saw her.
“You sit next to Marinette, Adrien,” Sabine insisted, “we don’t want to break up the lovebirds.”
She swore she saw him swallow.
He looked different in real life compared to his Instagram posts, she was pleased to see. They’d erased the small bags underneath his eyes, the creasing beginning to form between his brows, and that persistent memory of a smile that hung on his lips even when he was meaning to look stoic and thoughtful. She was a little thankful for it, because that meant that the man she sometimes looked at in the middle of the night, that she spent far too much time on, was fake. She wasn’t crying over the real Adrien Agreste while he was lounging on a beach somewhere with flawless skin and a perfect smile.
“It’s been a long time, Marinette,” he said as he settled beside her, his voice soft and almost inaudible. She couldn’t place the tone of it.
“Whose fault is that,” her response was sarcastic and the smile she put on for her parents’ sake was fake. She’d rather he sat in a dumpster outside.
He winced.
“So,” Tom carried on, loading up a plate for Adrien to the point that Marinette was almost afraid of it cracking, “New York, Berlin, Rome, Moscow, and Sydney! You’re really well-traveled now, Adrien, I’m a little jealous! I’m afraid to say that I didn’t pin you for a globetrotter, but maybe I was a little wrong in that! You’ve done some really impressive things these past years.”
“Yeah,” he said, accepting the plate from Tom with a gracious nod, “I’ve really gone out there, but I’m happy to be home. I always tell everyone that my heart is in Paris. I was sad to leave it.”
“So, you’ll be staying around then?” Sabine perked up.
“For a few months, maybe if I’m lucky a few years,” he said. “It really depends on how things go.” Looking down at his plate, Adrien said, “I sort of left a lot of things up in the air when I left Paris.”
If there was a word for the look Marinette shot him out of the corner of her eye, it was poisonous.
It was Tom’s turn to speak again, he continued his interrogation of Adrien as Sabine shot her daughter a questioning look, and Alya gave Marinette a warning kick from her seat a few inches away. “So, what’s on the checklist while you’re here? Any sights you have to see, things you have to do, friends you have to check in with?”
All anger melted away, dissolving into the utterly terrifying sea of embarrassment. Alya’s eyes widened in mock horror as the color left Marinette’s face, the way he said friends let there be no mistake, her father was going to try to wingman for her.
“I think most of his friends are gone by now—” Marinette quickly interrupted.
“Well, I have my father’s house to sell, I’d like to check in with a few victims of akumatization, and—” he paused at her statement, his eyes quickly looking over to her and catching her gaze for a split second. “I had some friends I wanted to check in,” he said, his tongue wetting his lips in an awkward show of unease.
“Had,” Marinette emphasized, drawing the line.
“Had,” Adrien repeated, a flicker of curiosity in his eyes. He sat up a little straighter, looking back to the Dupain-Chengs. “It’s been a long time.” Indeed, it had been.
Somehow they made it through all the cakes, her parents sending each home with an additional box of their favorites so that they could be absolutely sure of their selections. Alya and Nino went home together, and there was an option for Marinette to stay at her parents, but one look at her mother’s eyes roaming over her like a crime scene and Marinette knew she wouldn’t take it.
She always liked the walk home anyway, and her parents wanted to speak to Adrien a little longer. So, giving the slightest of waves, she walked out.
She only realized what an awful choice that was minutes later, when she heard the pounding of pavement behind her and a familiar voice calling her name. “Hey, Marinette, wait up!” Adrien.
Maybe if she pretended not to hear it, he would go away.
He did not go away.
“I should have just stayed home, I should have just slept in my childhood bed,” Marinette mumbled, cursing the fact that she didn’t live near a tourist destination where she could easily vanish into the crowds. No, instead she was walking down a quiet, empty street; one where it was impossible to ignore him.
“Hey,” he said when he finally caught up to her, and she clenched her eyes shut as tightly as possible as if that would somehow make him go away.
Hey, that was what he had to say? Three years and she gets a hey? “Hey,” she said back, her voice dripping with unenthusiasm. What on earth did he think he was doing?
She opened her eyes to see his hand at the back of his neck, a sheepish expression on his face. “I, uh, just wanted to say hi.” Right.
“Of course,” she said awkwardly, “that’s all you want to say, right. Thank you,” she paused. “Hi,” she reiterated, echoing the statement back at him. As if they hadn’t just spent four hours trying cakes together, as if he hadn’t sat right beside her in her parents’ shop, as if she wasn’t freaking Ladybug and he Chat Noir.
They were on hi terms now. What even were hi terms?
He quickened his pace to keep up with her. “Listen, uh,” he tried again, “I want this to work out.”
He caught the look on her face.
“The wedding,” he quickly clarified. “Their wedding, not ours. Because, you know, there won’t be an our wedding, there will be a… their wedding. And that’s uh…,” he was trying not to ramble, she could tell. “Yeah.”
“Yeah,” she parroted back.
“I just want to get through this,” he started quickly, and his eyes immediately widened as he realized what he said and how it could be misunderstood. He tried to open his mouth again, but she stopped him before he could get more words out.
“We will,” she said.
“Right, because we’re…” A team? He’d ended that. “Good at working together,” he said, and even Marinette had to flinch at how lame it sounded.
“Yeah, I’m sure we are,” Marinette replied, letting her eyes drift down to the sidewalk. She didn’t want it to last too much longer, she didn’t want him to see that she still lived in the same place. She didn’t want him to have another part of her life.
She couldn’t afford for him to.
And yet there he was, and she could tell that he wanted it. That he wanted another part of her life, that he wanted—god, what did he want? To ruin her again? To make the fact that it wasn’t going to happen completely clear?
“I missed you,” he said suddenly, his voice low and almost croaking.
“Go home, Adrien.”
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Eleena’s WIPs and future fics:
Locked Out-universe fics:
Unbecoming of a Blight
Edric and Emira ask their upset little sister to build a pillow fort to distract her from her friendship-breakup with Willow.
They have a lot of fun, until they don’t.
Based on the event mentioned in tiredandjaded’s fic ‘Everything About You’.
Not started yet, but will definitely be written. Thinking about getting a commission for it, too.
Luz is leaving the Isles tomorrow, and as the confession Amity has sworn herself to get over with before her crush leaves draws near, she turns into a nervous wreck. Out of options, she turns to the only person she knows that has experience with asking people out—her older sister Emira.
Oh, she is so going to regret this.
Sweet Disposition-Verse (Skarscha centric fic universe Piece of Cake takes place in):
Up In Smoke
To celebrate moving in together, Boscha and Skara decide spend the rest of their first evening cooking. There’s just a minor issue. Skara can’t cook to save her life.
WIP, will be written for the Skarscha zine I’m involved in.
Recipe for Disaster
Because her daughter got in trouble at school, Boscha is called into the principal’s office. Her past comes back to bite her when the other child’s parent turns out to be no other than the girl she bullied back in school.
Us and the Moon
Lumity first kiss fic I wrote for the @begaydowitchcraftzine that’s going live on June 17th!
Comfort Zone
Utterly tired of Boscha’s and Skara’s mean girl nonsense, Amity decides to switch tables in the school lunch room.
Also written for the @begaydowitchcraftzine!
Amity’s Day Off
Blight sibs focused sickfic I wrote for the @tohfamilyzine
Secret Admirer
After a long day at school, tired student council president Skara Harper finds a bunch of cookies with a secret admirer note addressed to her. Over the next few weeks, the amount of baked goods and cheesy notes found in her locker keeps growing… now whoever could be leaving them?
Skarscha, probably a two-shot at least, currently a WIP, haven’t decided the final length yet.
Where did I go wrong?
Not 100% sure if I’ll finish this, but I really want to make a friendship breakup fic from Willow’s perspective, because I’ve seen a bunch from Amity’s and none from hers. Started, but just barely.
Sleepless Nights
Amity messed up. Really, really badly.
Distracted by her newfound friendships and her crush, she’s totally forgotten about the important upcoming exam!
Panicking about not having done nearly enough studying mere hours before the exam and completely exhausted from lack of sleep, Amity finds comfort in her brother.
Relatively new concept, barely started.
Untitled Skarscha Grom Fic
Skara was sure she’d spend this year’s Grom night alone, surrounded by couples to make her even more upset about her recent breakup… but, well, Boscha can’t exactly leave her best friend to mope like some loser about a stupid boy, can she?
Not written yet, but is pretty planned out!
One Step Too Far
When Skara plays an ill-spirited prank on Willow that causes her to get injured, Gus and Luz decide it’s time to finally get back at their friend’s bully.
There’s also a lot of Willow and Amity bonding in this, but I’m too lazy to figure out how to put that in the summary atm, lol
WIP, about halfway done? Maybe? This is gonna be a long one.
Dead Battery
Since Luz is no longer able to charge her phone due to the portal being destroyed, the battery dies.
It’s fine.
It’s fine.
Luz misses her mom.
WIP, trying to finish this and post it the day before the first episode of the second season airs.
Grom Queen Amity (not the final title)
Amity is too stubborn to let Luz replace her as Grom Queen, and is forced to face all of her worst fears, rather than just her fear of being rejected. When one of her fears manifests as the twins making her look like a fool, it puts their years of “harmless” teasing into a painful new perspective.
This version of Grom will still have plenty lumity, never fear, haha
But you may have seen a pattern in my fics here and that pattern is I really like writing the Blight sibs and their complicated relationship with each other, lol
Haven’t started this one yet, but I’ve been wanting to do this for a while!
Only one of the fics on this list (except the secret admirer one that I forgot to add, oops) that won’t be a oneshot, I’m thinking probably two or three chapters, we’ll see.
All my current Works In Progress (aside from Locked Out), as well as a couple fics I’ve planned but not started yet!
Yes that is a lot, I’m pretty much physically incapable to not work on seven things at a time at this point…
The Lumity zine fics will have a sneak peek posted soon! I already posted one for the family zine fic!
Also I have a couple more fics for both Locked Out and Sweet Disposition-verse planned, but they’re not included due to spoilers and in order to make this list look slightly less overwhelming for myself 😂😭
What concept(s) are you most interested in?
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hercleverboy · 4 years
spencer reid x reader 
summary ↠ the reader is in love with spencer. he’s not in love her.
category ↠ angst
warnings/includes ↠ none
word count ↠ 3.4K
“I loved you as Icarus loved the sun- too close, too much.” — David Jones
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It was a cold evening in late September when Y/N told Spencer Reid how she felt. How over the time they’d been friends since she joined the BAU, she’d fallen harder and harder for him, with every smile and every laugh, she loved Spencer just that little bit more. 
The team knew, of course. They were profilers for goodness sake. In  fact, the only member of the team who seemed oblivious to her affections was the man who was the subject of them. With a final push from her best friend Garcia, Y/N had finally decided that night would be the night she told him, confessed that she wanted him and only him for the rest of her days. She hyped herself up, boosted her confidence, told herself that he probably liked her too, right? She was excited to be with him, to live all the dreams she’d had of their life together. Soon, it wasn’t going to just be a crush, they’d be together. 
but nothing’s ever that simple, is it?
It was foolish of her, she supposed. To think for even a second that he would want her like she wanted him. She knew the moment the words left her lips and were met with complete silence that he didn’t feel that way. She could see it in the way his face dropped, how mouth opening and closing as he searched for something to say. 
“I’m in love with you, Spencer.”
say something, anything, don’t make me feel stupid, but please say something- 
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” 
oh god no, oh god, he doesn’t feel the same, you idiot, how could he? you’re you, you’re his- 
“I don’t feel that way about you. You’re my best friend, and I love you, just not in that way.”
you’re his best friend. 
Y/N felt her heart break.
“Oh. Okay.”
That was all she could manage. Her head raced and her chest burned, it burned her like a raging fire within her about to explode- 
“I’m so sorry Y/N.  I didn’t know you felt that way. I’m sorry if I ever said anything that made you think otherwise I-” 
“No, god no Spence. This is my fault. I um- I’m sorry I made you uncomfortable.”
just apologise Y/N, you’re sorry. you’ve ruined everything. 
“Y/N I don’t want things to change between us.” There were tears in his eyes and she wondered why he was the one crying. 
“They won’t, I promise. I’m just gonna need some time, okay?” She asked, moving away from him, putting some space between them seemed like a good idea. 
“Time? What? Please, I don’t want to lose you.” He spluttered, and Y/N wanted to shout but she wouldn’t, she couldn’t, not at him. It wasn’t his fault. 
“You’re not losing me. I swear it. But I need a few days, maybe even weeks to figure things out. Then I’ll be back and better than ever. Okay?” She didn’t even believe the words as they left her lips. Perhaps if she said them enough she’d start to believe them. 
He nodded.
She wiped her tears and gave him a smile, one that she hoped convinced him she was okay, like her throat wasn’t screaming at her, like her heart didn’t feel like it was burning, like she didn’t feel like she was going to throw up. 
“Well, I’m going to go but I’ll see you later okay.” She hated how hard she was trying to make it seem like she was fine. Like his rejection hadn’t killed her inside. 
She left swiftly, and only when she was sat in her car did she let it hit her. She sobbed her heart out, wondering what was wrong with her. Why the only guy she wanted, didn’t want her. She pulled herself together long enough to drive home.
When she stepped over the threshold of her apartment she let everything out again, sliding down against her front door as soon as it shut behind her. She brought her knees up to her chest and sobbed into them. 
She’d never felt a pain like this before. 
It hurt so fucking bad. 
After what felt like hours, she took some deep breaths, wiping her cheeks and pulling out her phone and calling Hotch. 
“Hi Hotch, it’s Y/N I’m just calling to ask if I can take some days off.”
“Can I ask why?”
The question made her feel like breaking down all over again. Apart from Spencer, Penelope and Derek, Hotch was surprisingly one of the people in the team she was closest to. He saw her almost like a daughter.
“Y/N? I know I’m your boss, but you’re like family. You can tell me.” His voice was stern as always, but she knew the caring undertone there was behind it. 
And so she did. She let out a heart-wrenching cry, “I told Spencer how I feel. He doesn’t feel the same.” She whimpered out, still trying to hold it together but everything just hurt so badly. “I just need a few days or maybe even weeks to figure out everything. But I promise when I get back I’ll be ready to work, better than ever. I just can’t work alongside him whilst it’s still so fresh.” 
“I completely understand Y/N. Take as much time as you need. You’ll have your place on the team when you’re ready to come back. And as for Spencer, it’s really his loss.” 
“Thank you Hotch. I’ll check in with you in a few days.” She finished, hanging up the call. 
And that was that. 
What followed was 3 weeks of Y/N moping around her apartment.
The first week she was sad. 
She spent it crying into pints of various flavours of ice cream as she watched shitty romantic films on Netflix. She decided she just needed to let herself feel it. She couldn’t push away the pain. She had to let herself feel angry and upset in order to get through her emotions and come out stronger.
Spencer didn’t love her, at least not in the way she wanted him to. She was going to have to deal with that.
Penelope visited, and they’d sit together as Y/N explained her upset and Penelope held her as she cried. Derek visited too, and at first he was angry at Spencer for hurting her, but Y/N assured him it was okay, that she’d get over it. Hotch called every day to check up on her, like the fatherly figure he was, just to double check she was doing okay. Spencer tried to contact her, but she didn’t answer. Not to be petty, but she was trying to forget that she was so very in love with him, and texting him would only make that worse.
The second week, she was angry. 
She tried numerous hobbies to deflect her pain. Anytime she thought of Spencer, she would bake a batch of cookies or a cake, and get Penelope to take them in for the team next time she visited her. 
Many times during the second week, she had wrecked her apartment in her anger. She would go through spouts of pure rage where she threw some things and shattered others. (Honestly she had to fork out a lot of money on new glasses and mugs because she kept throwing them at walls.)
She wasn’t angry at Spencer. Okay, she was a little bit, but not really. It wasn’t his fault. You don’t choose who you fall in love with, after all. She was angry at herself for falling for someone who would obviously never want her. 
how could you have been so stupid?
She was angry that no one seemed to want her. That’s all she wanted, love and affection and she couldn’t seem to get it. No matter how hard she tried.
Finally, with the third week came acceptance.
She was beginning to get over Spencer Reid. It would be a long and hard journey, but she was strong, she could do it. The thought of him rejecting her love still hurt, but it no longer burned her. She could handle being his best friend, she could handle working alongside him.
She was ready to face the world, and him. 
When she stepped through the doors of the bullpen, after nearly a month of absence, she was met with a chorus of happy gasps and cheers.
“There she is! Hey Pretty Girl.” Derek, who’d become like a brother to her was the first to speak as he came up, wrapping his arms around her in a brotherly hug, lifting her off the ground. “You feeling better?” He murmured.
“Yes, I am, Thank you D.” She smiled, using the nickname she’d given him a few weeks after she started. 
“Oh! My turn!” Penelope smiled, hugging Y/N as soon as Derek released her.
“Pen! I saw you like two days ago.” Y/N laughed.
“And that was two days too many, my love.”
She also got hugs from Rossi, JJ and Emily, who had all missed her bright laughter and happy energy around the office and on cases.
“Y/N.” Hotch’s voice made her turn around to face him, and he wore a rare smile on his lips. “Glad to see you’re back. You ready to work?” He asked, bringing her in for a short hug.
“Yes sir.” She said sarcastically with a laugh, before she turned to the last person anxiously waiting to greet her.
“Hey, Spence.” She smiled, and it was genuine. She felt good.
“Hi, Y/N. I missed you.” He had missed her. Terribly. 
“I missed you too. Come here.” She smiled, opening her arms. He seemed surprised she wanted to hug him, but she really did. To prove there was no bad blood between them. To prove she really was moving on, and doing a damn good job of it. When he didn’t move, she threw her arms around him, smiling. And he hugged her back. He felt guilty, of course. Any member of the team could tell you he spent three weeks on edge, the guilt swallowing him whole. When she didn’t answer his texts it only got worse. It took Derek reminding him that she was in love with him, and that he’d really hurt her by rejecting her. That it was going to take her time and that she needed the separation to heal herself and her heart.
When she pulled back, she still had a smile on her lips, and Spencer didn’t need to be a profiler to know it was a real one.
“Let’s catch some bad guys, yeah?” She smirked.
Y/N kept her earlier promise to Spencer. They really were fine. Their relationship hadn’t changed at all. They still ate takeout and watched Doctor Who together on Saturday nights when they weren’t away on a case. They sat opposite to one another on the jet like they used to, Spencer trying to teach Y/N how to play chess but failing, because she wasn’t quite grasping the concept yet but she’d get there with his help. They still played around in the bullpen on boring, rainy paperwork days. Either teasing Derek or seeing how long they could get up to no good before Hotch told them off. (Well, he’d tell them off but you could see the small smile on his lips.)
They laughed and joked just like before and everything was great.
Some days when Y/N got home, she would let herself feel a little upset, but those days were few and far between. 
and then finally, after six hard months, Y/N could confidently say she was over Spencer Reid.
The team had been away for a week on a gruelling case, and on the jet home Rossi decided that the next night, they would have a dinner party at his house, just as a well done to the team for the good work. Hotch agreed it was a good idea, and so the next night, 7pm sharp, everyone began showing up to Rossi’s for a night of dancing, drinking and laughing with their little family.
Y/N arrived a little later, apologising for being late and greeting everyone with hugs.
“My lovely you look absolutely stunning!” Penelope, who had already had one too many fruity cocktails, gasped as she hugged her.
Y/N blushed and thanked her. She was wearing a peach coloured midi dress, that complimented her figure beautifully. She paired that with peach pink heels that matched the dress. It wasn’t much but she did look stunning.
 Or so Spencer thought.
Why did he think that? She was his best friend. But he couldn’t deny she looked absolutely gorgeous.
Little did she know, but over the last two weeks Spencer had started to feel something more for Y/N. He hadn’t really figured it out how or even why yet. 
She moved to greet him last, wrapping her arms around him with a giggle. “Hey Spence.”
“Hey. You look uh- you look beautiful.” He smiled, and she smiled too as she pulled back.
“Oh well Thankyou, Dr. You don’t look too shabby yourself.” She teased, before moving off to speak to Derek.
Spencer found himself watching her as she walked. He noticed how when she laughed, it was the most beautiful sound he’d ever heard. How her smile seemed to brighten the room. How she was so effortlessly beautiful and he didn’t know how he’d never seen her like that before.
What had changed?
Later they were all sat around the dinner table, finishing up the gorgeous main meal rossi had cooked for them. They were all chatting amongst themselves. Derek, Emily and Y/N were deep in conversation on their end of the table with  Spencer sat next to Y/N, not really listening as Derek told them about his most recent sexual encounter.
“Gross, Derek. Don’t you want to find yourself a nice girl?” Y/N asked in a teasing manner.
“Alright Pretty Girl, how about you? You got anyone you want to tell us about?”
Y/N looked down as a blush tinted her cheeks.
Emily gasped. “That means yes!”
Derek held his hand out for a fist bump. “My girl! She’s finally got herself a man!” 
That caught Spencer’s attention.
Y/N rolled her eyes and fist bumped him with a small smile. “He’s not my man. At least not yet anyway. His name’s Jasper. We’ve been on a few dates, but I really like him. And I think it could go somewhere.” Emily and Derek cheered for her, and playfully toasted their drinks to her and Jasper.
Spencer, however, felt an odd feeling burn in the pit of his stomach at the mention of this Jasper guy being  ‘her man’. He tried to tell himself it wasn’t jealousy but as the night wore on it became blatantly obvious that that’s exactly what it was.
“You didn’t mention Jasper to me.” Spencer said as they gently swayed together. Everyone had been dancing. Y/N had danced with Derek as well has Hotch, and now danced slowly with her best friend.
“Oh, I’m sorry. It’s just really new and I didn’t want to jinx anything.” She smiled up at him, and his grip tightened on her waist slightly. “I just- I really like this guy. He likes all the same stuff as me, and we get along really well.”
“I don’t want to hear anymore about him, thanks.” Spencer spat coldly, taking Y/N by surprise.
“Woah, what was that?” She asked, pulling back slightly to look at him.
“You’ve been talking about him all night. I was just saying you should give it a rest okay? I don’t care about this Jasper guy.” He snarled, ripping himself away from her and leaving the garden, going inside the house.
Derek looked at her in confusion from across the patio and she shrugged, mouthing that she’d go after him and see what was wrong.
She found him out on a balcony connected to one of the bedrooms.
“Spence?” She asked quietly. “What’s going on with you?”
He looked back at her and scoffed, shaking his head. She frowned. “Come on, you’re my best friend. You can tell me.”
“I don’t want to hear about how some guy has you, when I want you to be mine.” He mumbled, and Y/N struggled to hear him.
“I don’t understand, Spence?” She asked, placing a soothing hand on his shoulder.
He took a deep breath. “I love you.”
She giggled. “Oh, I love you too, Spence. But seriously, what’s up?”
He shook his head again, more determinedly. “No you don’t understand. I’m in love with you, Y/N.”
Her hand dropped from his shoulder. “You’re what?”
“I’m in love with you. I’m sorry, I’m sorry it took me this long to figure it out but I finally did.” He smiled, expecting her to be relieved. Didn’t she love him too?
“Spencer I don’t-“ She tried to figure out what to say. “I don’t feel that way about you anymore.”
“What? You don’t just fall out of love with people that quickly, Y/N!” He was angry, and that made anger rise in Y/N too. What right did he have to be angry?
“I had no choice but to! What was I supposed to do? My best friend who I’d loved for years rejected me. I had to work alongside you Spence, I couldn’t risk losing my job over it. So I dealt with the pain of you breaking my heart.”
Spencer seemed to be understanding now. “Y/N I-“
“No, Spencer! I spent 3 weeks absolutely fucking heartbroken over you. I cried to Penelope and Derek more times than I could count. I got angry and I broke glasses and dishes. I looked myself in the mirror nearly every day and asked myself why I wasn’t good enough for you. But then you know what? I picked myself up. I fixed the heart that you broke, and I am so incredibly proud of myself. So you, Spencer Reid, have no right to stand there and tell me you love me after what I went through six months ago.” She was furious, how dare he? just when her life was getting good, when she’d met a nice guy that she really liked, Spencer had to ruin everything. All her hard work, everything she’d put into fixing herself seemed to start to crack.
“Y/N I’m sorry but I had to tell you how I felt, I can’t live without you knowing I love yo-“
“Shut up!” She yelled. “Don’t say it, please don’t say it.” She cried.
“I love you.” He whispered.
“You’re selfish, Spencer! You know that? You’re the most selfish man I’ve ever met. How could you do this to me?” She asked, exasperated.
He couldn’t seem to find an appropriate answer.
“No, I’m sorry. I can’t do this.” She shook her head and quickly left the balcony, rushing out the room and down the stairs with tears in her eyes as Spencer called after her desperately.
Her teary eyes met Derek’s as she reached the bottom step, and he was immediately at her side, holding her into him as she cried.
“I have to get out of here, Derek. I’ll tell you everything, just, take me home please?” She asked and he nodded. Just as Spencer came down the staircase after her, calling out her name again.
Derek looked between Y/N in his arms, and Spencer who stood at the bottom of the staircase with tears in his own eyes. It didn’t take a profiler to figure out something bad had gone down.
“Y/N please-“ Spencer tried, moving towards her but Derek held his hand out as a signal for him to stop.
“Stay there, Reid. Haven’t you done enough?” He spat, venom in his words.
Spencer was easily one of Derek’s best friends on the team. But he very quickly grew very protective of Y/N, taking a sort of elderly brother role to her. He knew what she’d been through to pick herself up after Spencer, and he’d had to watch as the woman he considered a sister tore herself apart for three weeks. and so god help him If whatever had just happened between them led to her hard work being ruined. He’d rip that kid a new one.
Spencer watched as Derek comforted Y/N, leading her outside to the car. As the doors closed behind them, the team gathered around behind Spencer, asking him what had happened. But all he could do was stare after her helplessly, tears trembling down his own cheeks.
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paintedpeeta · 3 years
Peeta keeping bakery prices as low as possible so that everyone can buy fresh food, Katniss and Peeta sneaking a cookie for every child that comes in, and of course, they always give free bread if they think that someone needs it ❤️
i really think they’d keep prices so low that it just covers the cost of ingredients and the running of the shop and nothing more. they’d probably be pretty taken care of financially as i’m sure there would be some sort of reparations paid to them (as well as the other victors) after the war or who knows, maybe they’d keep their victor’s salary which seemed to be a pretty significant amount from what we know of. and i think katniss would be pretty great with money, she’s sensible and frugal in all the right ways and would make sure they had something tucked away for a rainy day (i personally think she’d like to ensure her children are never faced with poverty, and so squirrelling away and saving for them would be a big part of her maternal love language)
and i just loooooveee how we all totally accept that peeta is extra liberal with freebies in the bakery, because it’s so on brand for him 💀 kids are handed an extra cookie or two along with their mother’s order for the week, an iced cupcake on special occasions like festivals and birthdays. usually offering his services for free when it comes to wedding cakes and other such ceremonial events.
and yes, taking care of those less fortunate always by giving an extra loaf of bread here and there. i can also see him handing in food parcels of sorts to struggling families, dropped on doorsteps to avoid any shame and containing items from the bakery as well as her hunts and other essentials they picked up in town. also delivering baskets of food to people who just need some extra help, like a mother who’d fine it difficult to go into town with a newborn or a local worker who got injured walking to his work in the morning. just little acts of kindness that mean a lot to the people they benefit, and of course katniss would be all about it too.
people like greasy sae and her granddaughter who never have to pay for a thing from the mellark’s, because they outright refuse to take it. peeta would be particularly grateful as she took care of katniss when she returned to 12, and so the old woman finds herself always well stocked with baked goods and fresh meat and handpicked berries.
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blxetsi · 3 years
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modern sasha braus dating headcanons
lowercase intended !
college!sasha braus x gn!reader
had to write something for my queen 😌✨
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- she shares her food with you. I Dont Care She Does
- also since this is a modern au i dont think she would have such an obsession with food as she does in the canonverse (if we can even call it an obsession) i still think she would have a big appetite (and she'd be proud of it tf 😏🙏) but i just dont see her always being hungry as the fandom makes her out to be
- really likes to hold hands with you
- i think itd be really cute if she was studying to become a baker ?? maybe taking a culinary course at the university you two attend ?? maybe you somehow met there or through a friend
- i think she'd still be insecure about her accent (ig if this is au is set in america she'd be from the south 😐🤚) and would speak kind of like a robot to people she didn't know that well
- connie and jean ALWAYS bring out her accent tho,, like with them she can really be herself
- i think when you were starting to get to know her she would be speaking very formally, and youd take it like shes being kinda stand offish or like,, just doesnt wanna talk so youre thinking "okay maybe she doesnt wanna be friends 😁👍" and would back off
- now sasha's upset because you are so cool and unique and she just wants to know so much about you but youve been very distant lately ?? like did she do something wrong ??
- she tells connie, jean, marco, and niccolo one night and connie and jean are on the side of "find y/n and demand to know why their behavior has changed" while marco and niccolo are on the side of "respectfully dm y/n and ask why they havent been wanting to see sasha recently"
- sasha goes with the latter of the two and dms you after passing you in the dining hall, you two literally keep glancing at each other, texting while you sit with your respective friend groups
- after everything gets cleared up sasha is immediately inviting you to hang out with her crew, and even getting some of her other friends like eren, mikasa, and ymir and historia to come join too
- if she has all the people shes comfortable with there, itll be less scary talking with her accent !
- You Love It. You Think Its Adorable.
- you guys would definitely have a friends to lovers type relationship
- like friendly hugs turn into slightly longer hugs, and now sasha will constantly ask to sit next to you during movie nights
- loves to rest her head on your lap while she spreads across the couch
- i think you two would have your first kiss in niccolos apartment
- you two were sitting in his kitchen, with sasha munching on the leftover food he made that night for your get together
- his mom had called him so he decided to leave to go to his bedroom to answer it
- and slowly you guys just kind of,,,, leaned in 🙈✨
- it was slow and really romantic, kinda rough with the crumbs that were around sasha's lips but you didn't mind
- niccolo barged in and ruined the moment 😐🤚 good going pal 😁👍
- you two were so shocked that you two tried to leave
- ended up just walking down the road in silence like wtf i thought yall were trying to get away from each other 😭😭😭😭
- sasha ended up staying the night 🤩‼️
- NOT in a sexual way
- but in like a,,,, rue and jules kinda way where jules comes in through the window (but only sasha didnt come in through the window she came in the front door with you) and you two held each other and gave each other smooches for the rest of the night
- sasha woke up late and missed her morning classes 😐🤚 didnt even care and went back to sleep with you
- i think for the most part you get along well with her friend group
- youre definitely closer to connie, jean, niccolo, marco, and historia
- ymir teases you guys a lot and you cant tell if what she says is just jokes (it always is) or if shes completely serious
- eren, mikasa, armin, annie, along with reiner and bertholdt are more of aquantances to you, just because you dont see them as often as you do the others
- she has such a weird relationship with her english professor
- will literally complain how much work he gives his class and then the next day will gush about how great he his bc he gave her a granola bar for her effort in her assignment
- girl pick a script and stick to it 😐🤚
- has a collection of stuffies on her bed. i dont make the rules.
- anytime theres a carnival in town she drags EVERYONE there.
- you all agree to split up into groups so you can all check out what you want, but you always agree to meet up and eat funnel cake together 🥺
- sasha tries to get you to win her new stuffies
- if you cant do it, or just want some for yourself, shes calling connie and niccolo up PLEADING with them to come find you guys,
- then she claims theres been an ACCIDENT and that you two need help
- niccolo is zooming bc he cares abt his besties 😌✨
- connie texts jean and marco to come find you guys too 😭😭😭
- who gets a kick and a lecture for lying courtesy of niccolo ? sasha. but who also gets a bunch of stuffies won for her courtesy of niccolo ? sasha.
- for your anniversary i think she'd want to do something really fun with you
- she'd set up a pillow fort and have a bunch ot string lights and stuff, have all of her favourite stuffies (which are the ones she thinks of you when she sees) in there too.
- she has chips, she baked little pastries and cookies, and she ordered your favourite takeout
- you guys just watch whatever you want on netflix or whatever and its such a nice night
- it becomes a tradition for you guys, but you two always take turns with setup
- one year sasha did all of the planning, baking and whatnot ? okay now its your turn 😁👍
- you guys even started doing themes now 🤩
- if you guys play board games with your friends youre on sasha's side whether you want to be or not.
- shes also the kind of person that says "i can win fair and square !" but then when bertholdt starts kicking her ass in monopoly her script changes real quick 🙄
- now its "y/n,,, give me some of ur money" and "y/n, buy this property for me" like girl,,,, what happened to playing fair 😍⁉️
- will try and do all of those s/o pranks you see on tiktok
- its hard to get a genuine reaction out of you bc you can TELL SHES RECORDING but she tries anyways
- we love a perservering queen 😌✨
- will call you at random times of the day asking if you guys can see each other
- "y/n ??? are you there ??" "sasha its 2am wtf do you want 😐" "do you wanna ride your bike with me down to the park 🥺"
- also is very observant, knows when youre overworking yourself
- will try and pull you away from what youre working on like "lets go get you something to drink, or maybe we can watch an episode of that show you like before you continue working !"
- if youre persistent that you just HAVE to finish it tonight and cant stop and take a break she'll respect that, until you stay at your laptop for over an hour 😐
- just softly pulls you away like "no lovebug, lets get some sleep okay ?"
- is also very protective of you
- overheard someone making fun of you ?? talking shit ??? her besties better hold her back before she gets suspended 😤‼️
- and since connie and jean absolutely ADORE you, you better believe theyre helping their girl sasha out
- those three are the LEADERS of the "protect y/n club"
- it just becomes niccolo and marco trying to dissolve the situation before it gets physical, and then reiner and armin joining when they walk directly into the chaos
- armin tells you what happened and as much as youre thankful that sasha cares about you so much that she'd defend you like that, you lecture her, jean and connie on not making scenes like that again
- sasha's love language is kind of like,, a mixture of quality time and physical touch
- she just really loves spending time with you, but also very much enjoys being in your arms
- she doesnt shy away from it, and is usually the one to initiate those things
- will hold your hand PROUDLY down hallways or on streets
- always hypes you up too, shes very much so your personal hypeman
- "oh lovebug you look SO GOOD rn oh my god" "sasha pls im in my pyjamas" "and you look like a model baby !"
- sasha is very stubborn however, and if you guys ever fight she is NEVER the one to apologize first, or seek you out to talk about it
- even if shes in the wrong she cant bring herself to admit it, she dug herself into such a deep hole with the stance she took that she doesnt want to take the walk of shame in admitting that she wasnt right
- this can cause a lot of problems in your relationship, but after you explain how much it affects you, shes trying to change
- will always work on her stubborn-ness and pride
- and it actually makes her feel a lot better being able to admit defeat, or being wrong
- she really likes being communicative and honest, especially with you
- i think overall your relationship with sasha is very very fun, filled with good memories, good food, good friends, and most importantly, love.
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no bc i really do love her 😐🤚 lemme marry miss braus rq 😏✨
hope u guys enjoyed !! remember requests are open so if you have anything youd like me to write DONT BE SHY ❤️‼️
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sadsilktrader · 3 years
Secret Admirer
I apologize for my extreme tardiness for posting to the Geraskier Holiday Exchange. This was written for @gotfanfiction 
A modern Geraskier AU in which Jaskier is receiving gifts from an admirer.
"I'm telling you Yen, the man doesn't even know I exist. It can't be him," Jaskier paced the living room of his small apartment, small watering can in hand, completely forgotten. His plants looked on forlornly. 
"Hm," she replied, he could hear the scritch-scratch of the emery board while she only half-listened to his prattling. "All I'm saying is that he was there at the pub the night you played and he lives in your building and he can hear you when you practice and those have all been the nights you've got gifts from your secret admirer." 
"Half the building goes to that pub, it could be anyone! Plus, he doesn't even know I exist. " He flopped dramatically onto the couch, spilling water on himself. "Anyway, I'll let you go do whatever important business you have to do. You'll be here before my show on Saturday with Triss, right?" 
"We'll be there. We just have to drop Ciri off at her dad's first. Now promise me you'll at least talk to him next time you see him."
"Maybe." He grumbled. 
"What was that?"
"Fine, fine! I promise!" 
"You better. I'm tired of listening to you wistfully sigh every time we speak."
"You're the worst."
"I love you too Jaskier, bye." 
The phone clicked. 
He'd met Yen online, a friend of a friend of a friend. They played DnD together, starting off as catty enemies and somehow developing into the deep friendship they had now. She was a good person, just a little rough around the edges. Well, very rough around the edges. 
She'd settled down a lot over the last few years when motherhood had fallen into her lap though. He wasn’t certain about all the details, they were close but she was a private person. She shared custody of her adopted daughter, Ciri, with her ex. He'd never had the pleasure of meeting the man but he'd heard enough about him to form his own opinions. Heart in the right place but not exactly open about his feelings. 
Sounded a lot like his own mysterious love. He sighed again, there was no way it was his gorgeous and stoic upstairs neighbor. The man was gorgeous and kind and lovely. He was tall and pale with silky white hair. Not to mention outrageously muscular. Jaskier had seen him in their apartment's gym working out on more than one occasion. It had taken every ounce of his self-control to keep himself from openly ogling him. He'd seen him feeding the feral cat that lived in the parking lot. Helping their elderly neighbors with their groceries. Playing with his daughter on the weekends. The man was too good to be true. Which was why he was absolutely positive he couldn't be the one leaving the gifts at his door. 
The mystery man was perfect but he, Julian Alfred Pancratz, college drop out, jobless, barely squeezing by with the money he made by doing odd jobs in the apartment complex and occasionally performing at the neighborhood pub, was an absolute mess. There was no way someone like the man would give him more than a passing glance. 
He sat up quickly leaving the forgotten, spilled watering can to the side to search for his notebook and pen. At least all the angst and longing seemed to also be a fantastic inspiration. 
He chewed his lip, the leather-bound notebook balanced on his knee. He strummed a few chords on his guitar before setting it back carefully down to scribble something down. 
The sun was fully set now and his balcony light had flicked on giving the small area an ethereal glow. He loved the process of writing and creating outside where he could feel the world around him. There was something about feeling the gentle breeze against him, the sun and moon shining down on him, and the fluttering hummingbirds that visited his feeder that just felt right.  
He stretched and yawned and was contemplating packing up for the night when he heard it. A barely-there, soft knock at his door. Eyes gone wide he all but threw his things down and ran to the door to open it. No one. As always. There was however a small box tied in a ribbon and a note attached. 
A voice so sweet deserves something sweet in return. -love, your admirer 
He undid the ribbon and opened the box. Inside was an assortment of homemade chocolates. He popped one in his mouth and let it slowly melt over his tongue. Dark chocolate, caramel, sea salt. He couldn't help the sappy smile that plastered itself on his face and would stay there the rest of the night. 
It had been a little over a month since the gifts started arriving. Most of the time they were baked goods or sweets of some kind but occasionally it was something different.  A clutch of flowers, a silver bracelet with music notes engraved, once there was even a picture of a particularly beautiful sunrise left for him. He treasured them all. 
He was a hopeless romantic down to the core of his being. He had never met his admirer but he was sure it would be love at first sight.
He was bone tired. He'd spent the day hauling furniture away to the thrift store and painting the walls of one of his elderly neighbors who was soon moving to a rest home. For all the work he was paid thirty dollars and a batch of very good snickerdoodle cookies. He knew it was all the woman could afford to give him and he was grateful for that. Not exactly enough to pay the rent but enough to buy a few groceries at least. 
He stood in the deli section, weighing out the pros and cons of value pack meats when he saw him. The man, his white hair hanging loose around his shoulders, dark jeans, and a leather jacket. His breath hitched and his mouth went dry. 
Gods how can anyone look that attractive just going to the grocery store. 
The man looked up, catching him staring. His eyes the color of amber and honey. He felt like a deer in the headlights caught in his gaze. A few faint scars visible on his face and neck. He couldn't help but wonder if there were more on the rest of the man's body and felt a blush rise to his cheeks. 
"It's leaking." The man said.
"The honey ham your holding, it's leaking."
He stared at the gorgeous being before him for a moment longer before it clicked. 
"Oh fuck," he dropped the squishy package on the ground, ham juices splashing on the both of them. 
"Oh, gods I'm so sorry," he wasn't sure his face could get any redder. 
"It's okay, really. I've had much worse things spilled on me before. You looked pretty lost in thought."
An employee glared at him with a mop and trash can. He smiled awkwardly, wishing he could just disappear. 
"You're the musician, right? I live in the apartment above yours. I can hear you playing from my living room." The way the man said it had him wondering if that was a good thing or not. 
"I'm Julian, well Jaskier to my friends and fans." He mustered up the courage he usually reserved for the stage and gave the man his best smile. 
"Geralt. I'd shake your hand but," He nodded to his arms full of groceries. "You know when you go into the store thinking you only need one thing?" 
"Well, you're in luck," he gestured to his cart, "I just so happen to have the best cart in the store. Not a squeaky wheel in sight." 
"Are you sure?" 
"Absolutely! The life of a musician leads to a very sparse diet. More than enough room for both of us. Plus we're headed to the same place." 
Geralt had an amused smirk on his face that made Jaskier's heart skip a beat. Conversation between them came easy. Geralt was the quieter of the two but his dry wit and cheesy jokes had him laughing harder than he had in ages. Handsome and funny. 
They made their way back to the apartment complex walking slower than was necessary, he noticed. 
"So you have a daughter? I'm not stalking you or anything, I just noticed her around the complex sometimes."
"Ciri," he replied. "My ex and I share custody, its-" he sighed, running his hand through his hair, "it's a bit of a complicated situation actually. But they’re moving closer soon and that should help.”
The elevator stopped at his floor and he stepped off. 
“So, I’ll be seeing you.” he mentally berated himself for not being able to come up with something more clever. The door was closing between them and he suddenly shot his hound out, stopping the door. 
“Actually, and please forgive me if this is too forward, maybe I could give you my number and we could grab a coffee sometime? Or do our grocery shopping together again?”
Geralt chuckled before reaching into his pocket, tapping at the screen a few times, and passed it over. He added his number with the name Jaskier followed by a heart and music note emoji. The moment the elevator door closed he was dancing, groceries in hand, for his forwardness paying off for once. 
It was colder tonight but he still played outside until his fingers were near numbing. His cheeks were flushed red from the cold. After his run-in with the man, he felt like he was walking on clouds. The world was at peace and he was the luckiest man in the world. He’d almost forgotten about his secret admirer completely until the same soft knock came from outside the door. Today was different though. Today he was brave and he had left a note for his admirer to find.
I beg of you to reveal yourself to me. I will be performing at the Royal Oak this Saturday. Please, wear this token so I may recognize you amongst the other patrons. Love, Jaskier
He strained his ears and purposely walked slowly to the door, giving his admirer time to leave the gift and find his note. He swore he heard mumbling of words. He closed his eyes and counted to ten before opening the door. 
His note was gone and in place of it a container he opened to reveal a miniature-sized three-layered cake elaborately decorated with chocolate-covered strawberries. It was, as always, delicious to the point of sin. 
He felt a twinge of guilt. He didn’t want to string along his admirer, especially if things with Geralt turned out well. But he was getting ahead of himself. They had spoken once and here he was already planning their life together. 
The next few days passed quickly. His wish of getting more work around the complex had come true but he was, unfortunately, unable to do any more practice for his upcoming performance. Every day he came back to his apartment with every intention of playing only to wake up from an unintentional five-hour nap on his couch. 
To make matters worse, he hadn’t received a single text from Geralt, and since his sleep schedule was completely messed up he hadn’t caught a single glimpse of him since their last accidental meeting. He thought of swinging by his place to invite him to his show but decided against it. Maybe he needed some space? Maybe he had come off as too clingy? The doubts and second-guesses were mounting.
He arrived at the pub early to set up and get some practicing in before going on stage. Geralt wouldn’t be there but at least, he hoped, his soon-not-to-be secret admirer would be. Inside the note, he’d left a silver brooch of a songbird in flight. It was small but something he would instantly recognize. The glimmer of it from the stage lights would catch his attention. At least that’s what he was hoping. He felt more nervous about this performance than he had in a long while.
“You okay there Jaskier?” The voice came from behind him and he turned to see Triss, her curls down, beautifully framing her face. 
“Oh thank the Gods,” he hugged her tight. 
“Where’s your better half?” he asked looking around the growing pub’s crowd. 
“Outside on the phone. It’s her ex, they don’t argue often but when they do,” she made a face. “Something about him needing her to watch their daughter.”
“Doesn’t he only see her on weekends? What an asshole.”
He felt more at ease with a friendly face by his side and felt even better when Yennifer joined them. He was smarter than to ask her about the phone call and instead chatted about everything and anything to get his mind off his nerves. Time went by more quickly now and soon it was time for him to play. 
The second he stepped on stage his demeanor changed. Gone was any trace of nerves and doubt. The stage was his solace, the place he could bare his soul to the masses, or in this case to the forty-odd people crammed into the pub. 
It was halfway through his third song when he remembered to keep an eye out for his admirer. He scanned the crowd hoping for the familiar glint to catch his eye but there was nothing. He chewed his lip. 
The third song blended into his fourth and fifth. Still nothing. He took a break to grab a drink. He made small talk with Yennifer who raised a delicate brow at him. 
"Alright, spill it. What's got you so distracted?" 
He finished his drink and let his smile fall into a grimace. 
"I left a note. For my admirer. I asked them to come tonight. I left them something to wear so I would recognize them and-" 
"And they did show?" She finished for him. 
"Nope. Wait how did you know?" 
"First off you're terrible at hiding your emotions, and second I was fucking right and you owe me.”
She laughed, shaking her head. “I guess I’m partially to blame, I should have realized it earlier.”
“I- what?” he asked again. 
“Jaskier. Darling. Sweetheart. I was right.” she said the words slowly as one would do to a small dog. 
“Right about what?”
“Your admirer. It’s your neighbor. You never told me but let me guess. Pale, white hair, roguishly handsome, looks like he could snap you in half like a twig?”
“How do you?” He was feeling a little faint now like he was at the edge of realizing something terrible.
“Your neighbor, your admirer, and my ex are all the same person.”
His eyes went wide. It all made sense. All the clues were there but he had just been too dense to put them all together. He’d seen pictures of Yenifer’s daughter but he’d never spent more than a passing glance at Geralt's visiting daughter. 
“Oh fuck.” he sat down, suddenly unsure of his legs beneath him. 
“He called me right before I came in going on about needing to go out for a few hours and if it was alright with me if he left Ciri alone.” she chuckled. “I told him to not be an asshole and spend time with his daughter.”
Jaskier’s head perked up. Geralt had wanted to come. He hadn’t blown him off. 
“I have to go. Fuck, I can’t leave in the middle of a set though.” 
Yennifer waved him off, “I’ll sort things off here, you go to him.”
He kissed the top of her head and gave her a quick, tight hug. “You would tell me if this bothered you right? I mean, he’s your ex and all.” 
“I think you two would do a very good job at evening each other out, now go!” She smacked him on the shoulder and off he went. 
He ran home, or at least halfway home before running out of breath and proceeded to briskly walk the rest of the way. He was still trying to decide what to say when he found himself outside the door, sweating profusely and looking an absolute mess. He knocked on the door before he talked himself out of it. 
“One minute!” A voice from beyond the door answered followed by the sound of an oven door closing and the chain sliding from the door’s lock. 
The door opened. He looked beautiful, even like this, wearing an apron covered in flour cocoa powder. Especially like this maybe. 
“I’m friends with Yennifer and she said it was you but I didn’t believe her and I didn’t realize that your daughter Ciri was also her daughter Cirilla which in retrospect should have clued me in but-” he took a deep breath in. Geralt looked nervous and his rambling wasn’t happening. He started over. 
“You’re my secret admirer?”
The man blushed. “I am. Is that okay?”
“Very, very okay.” He smiled. 
“Would you like to come in? I was just baking. For you.” his blush deepened and Jaskier heart felt like it would burst with affection. 
“I’d like that very much.”
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artificialqueens · 3 years
What Baking Can Do (Rosnali) - Athena2
Summary: Rosé keeps making food for Denali as a way of expressing her crush, not knowing that Denali feels the same way.
A/N: Writing has been slow for me lately, but I'm glad I was able to finish this! It's basically just pure fluff, and I hope you enjoy! Please leave some feedback if you'd like, I really appreciate it! Thank you to Writ for betaing!
Title from the song from Waitress because I'm basic.
Rosé might live in the city now, but in the small southern town where she spent most of her childhood, every woman had an arsenal of pie and casserole recipes to whip out at a moment’s notice for birthdays, funerals, and new neighbors.
Rosé just so happens to have a new neighbor, and as she knocks on the door, a fresh strawberry pie in one hand, she feels the pride her mother must have felt in welcoming someone new, giving them a nice gift.
Even if she’s already friends with the new neighbor she’s welcoming.
“You didn’t have to do this, Rosie,” Denali says as she takes the pie, a huge smile on her face showing her dimples. “I mean, we’re already friends. Hell, I should make you something for telling me about this apartment in the first place.”
It’s true that Rosé had gone right to Denali when she found out the apartment was up for sale, knowing that she and her roommate Kahmora hated the tiny apartment they had, with the shower that always broke and the heat that never went on. She was just helping out a friend. A friend she’s just happened to have a crush on for a year now, since the night Jan introduced them at some club.
“It’s nothing,” Rosé insists. “You know I like to bake.”
“Why complain, Denali?” Kahmora asks. “It’s food that’s actually edible.”
“My food is perfectly edible!” Denali sputters. She bites her lip as Kahmora stares, and nods in admittance to herself. “Look, no one’s ever died from eating my cooking.”
“No one’s ever really enjoyed it, either,” Kahmora mumbles under her breath.
Rosé holds back a smile. Denali’s struggles in the kitchen have been well-known in the time Rosé’s known her, with Rosé’s favorite being the pancakes that Denali somehow burnt and left raw at the same time. She’s always been so busy with skating and work that she never got much practice at cooking, and Rosé pushes away the thought of teaching her, of her hand curling around Denali's as they mix ingredients.
“Keep mumbling, Kahmora. Maybe I’ll eat the whole pie myself.”
“I’ll see you, Denali.” Rosé leaves them to fight over the pie and heads back down the hall, passing apartments full of people she’d welcomed with food at one point. There’s Kylie and her roommates Ra’jah and Scarlet, who loved the peach cobbler Rosé made. Then Brooke and Vanessa, who demolished her chocolate cake, next door to Raja and Manila, who she still makes almond tarts for from time to time. It’s Rosé’s favorite part of making something, really--to have someone love it so much. Rosé thinks of the smile on Denali’s face and knows this won’t be the last time she makes her something.
Rosé’s normally much smoother, more confident. If Denali were anyone else, Rosé would’ve been open about her crush and already asked her out months ago. But there’s something different about Denali, something that makes Rosé hesitant to take such a leap, to confess her feelings, because if it ruins things between them, then she’d lose a friend she really cares about.
Food is safer than feelings, so Rosé ignores everything and busies herself in making dinner, not realizing how much spaghetti she’s making until it’s all piled in the bowl. There’s enough to feed a village, even after she and Jan eat. Rosé stares at the bowl and figures Denali wouldn’t mind some.
Her heart leaps into her throat when Denali opens the door. Her hair is up in a bun and she looks adorable in her tie dye sweatshirt, soft and sweet in a way that makes Rosé’s chest hurt.
“I made way too much food,” Rosé says, handing Denali the bowl. “I didn’t want to waste it, so I figured I’d give you some.”
“Thank you.” Denali flashes her dimples. “Hey, do you want to come in? Kahmora’s out with some friends.”
“Sure.” Rosé follows close behind Denali, moving past boxes she hasn't unpacked yet on their way to the kitchen. The apartment feels like Denali already, with sneakers by the door and video games in the living room.
Denali hums with joy as she eats the first bite, and Rosé grins, her body buzzing with that rush of someone loving what she made. No matter how many times it happens, it will always be special to her.
“How was work?” Rosé asks.
“It was good! My coffee tasted so good this morning, and all my lessons went well, and I saw this adorable dog—not as adorable as you, Donut,” Denali adds to her dog, who’s curled up under the table.
Rosé just laughs as Denali talks, and it’s easy. So easy. Easy being friends like this, just talking and laughing. Watching Denali’s eyes widen and listen to her laugh just makes Rosé like her more, but it also makes her want to hold back on admitting her crush a bit more. Because the more she likes Denali, the more she has to lose if things go wrong.
Denali bursts into laughter as Rosé shares stories of her day, and it’s enough.
It’s nice, knowing Denali is open to accepting leftovers. Rosé usually makes small recipes for her and Jan, and it’s nice to make whatever she wants, even if it feeds a crowd, and just bring some down the hall instead of giving herself a headache trying to halve fractions of ingredients.
She makes chicken and potatoes and cookies and brownies, extras carefully wrapped up and delivered to Denali, each one letting them have time to talk and just be around each other. They talk about work, about friends, about funny things Donut did that day. And Rosé loves every second of it.
Rosé finds herself making more things than she probably should, but she can’t help it. Cooking started out as a stress reliever for her, when she and Jan were up to their eyes in paperwork trying to open the dance and vocal studio. Jan suggested she make something to relax, and Rosé remembered how much she had loved to be at her mother’s side when she was little, watching her roll out pie crust. She remembered how much she loved creating something out of a pile of ingredients, the soothing repetition of mixing batter, the joy of watching someone eat what she made.
She’s made things all the time since, and part of her knows she’s making more now just so she can give them to Denali. Jan’s always teased her for baking enough to run a bakery when she’s in love, and Rosé doesn’t want to admit how true it is. Because baking is a form of love for her, a way of transforming her love and work into something people can eat. A way of caring for them and loving them at the same time.
Not that Denali knows any of that.
Denali sighs as she shuffles to the elevator after the skating class from hell. She had parents almost fight her because costumes haven’t come in yet, like Denali controls the mail, then yell at her some more for not giving their kid the solo in the group performance.
Rosé slips in the elevator with her, and Denali smiles a bit just seeing her, with her big green eyes and soft red waves. Rosé always makes her happy, since the night they met, and being around her just feels right to Denali. So right that Denali likes to invite her in when she drops off food, just for an excuse to spend more time with her. So right that Denali wishes they could do it all the time, that they could always be close, maybe even close enough to kiss--but no, they’re nothing more than friends. Especially not when Denali is standing here in old sweatpants and smelling like a skating rink locker room. How could Rosé ever like her back anyway? She makes fancy pastries with fancy names and Denali almost set ramen on fire once.
“Rough day?” Rosé asks.
Denali groans as her answer. “If I ever become a parent, please don’t let me be like the ones at the skating rink.”
Rosé snorts. “Tell me about it. I’ve had parents follow me to the parking lot because their kid isn’t famous yet.”
Denali manages a smile. It’s nice to know she isn’t the only one, that someone else understands.
“Is there anything I can do?” Rosé asks.
Denali’s heart flutters at how she’s always so caring, so kind. Just friends, they’re just friends. “I don’t think so. I’ll probably just take a bath and watch TV. Thanks, though.”
“Of course.”
They head to their own apartments, and Denali soaks in the tub until the water runs cold, the stress of the day leaving her.
There’s a knock on her door as she turns on the TV. Denali groans and throws the door open, only to find a plate of chocolate chip cookies on the welcome mat.
Still warm.
Rosé turns down the hall and almost smacks into her neighbor, Kylie, who’s on her way to walk her dog. Gizmo licks happily at Rosé’s ankle, and she would pet him like she normally does, but her hands are full of the pan that might be just a little too big, if Kylie’s staring is any indication.
“What’s that?”
“Mac and cheese I made for Denali.”
Kylie blinks at her. “Hun, are you sure that’s for Denali and not a school cafeteria?”
“Well, I mean, she can freeze it if she wants,” Rosé stammers.
“I hope she’s got a big freezer.” Kylie looks at her thoughtfully. Rosé’s always thought Kylie has some sixth sense, able to figure out your feelings and what you need to hear just from looking at you, and she’s about to be on the receiving end of it. “You should tell her,” Kylie says softly.
Rosé doesn’t bother to ask how she knows. “I don’t—I don’t want to lose her if she doesn’t feel the same way,” Rosé says, eyes on the floor.
“I don’t think you have to worry.” Kylie heads for the stairs, and Rosé stands in the hall like an idiot before taking a breath and going to Denali’s door.
Someday. Maybe someday she’ll tell her.
Denali knocks on Rosé’s apartment, trying to calm her heart. There’s no reason for it to be racing like this, not when she’s knocked on Rosé’s door to bring back her food containers a dozen times. Not when she talks to Rosé almost every day.
Denali isn’t sure if she’s disappointed or relieved when Jan opens the door.
“I just wanted to bring Rosé her plate back,” Denali says.
Jan nods. “I’ll give it to her. You can come in, if you want. There’s some leftover blondies on the counter.”
Denali follows her inside, taking in the apartment with wide eyes like she’s never seen it before. Being in the kitchen feels special, like she’s in Rosé’s sacred space. Denali peeks at the soft pink stand mixer and utensils beside it, at the worn recipe box and well-used cookbooks on the other counter. She thinks of Rosé standing here, carefully measuring out ingredients, flour in her red hair, and her heart tugs painfully. What she would give to be around Rosé in her element like this, at her side while she cooks. “She really likes cooking, huh?”
Jan rolls her eyes. “You have no idea. She loves cooking for people, especially when she really likes them. It’s basically her love language. When she was with her last girlfriend, this place was like a freaking bakery. Not that I’m complaining, because her stuff is amazing. Even if she makes a giant mess of the place.”
“It is,” Denali says, but then she freezes as Jan’s words hit. Especially when she really likes them. Does that mean Rosé likes her? Likes her as more than a friend, if she cooks this much when she really likes someone? If cooking is her love language? It’s normal for Rosé to cook a lot, Jan said so. And Rosé still cooks for other people, has her friend Lagoona over for dinner every week. But Denali thinks of how many carefully-wrapped plates and full containers Rosé has given her the past few months, juicy chicken and thick soups and buttery shortbread cookies, and knows it’s more than anyone else has gotten. Rosé likes her, and the food is her way of showing it.
Denali usually isn’t so oblivious. Then again, she usually isn’t so hesitant around her crushes either. But maybe she was so oblivious and hesitant with Rosé because she didn’t possibly think Rosé could like her back.
But Rosé does. She likes Denali.
And if food is love to Rosé, then Denali has an idea.
Rosé hums as she unlocks her apartment. Jan has a date tonight, so it’s just her, and she’s really in the mood for takeout. Maybe she’ll order from that Chinese place--
Rosé drops her keys when sees someone in the apartment, and she drops her heart when she realizes the person is Denali. Denali, who’s standing in her living room for some reason.
“Um, not that I’m not happy to see you, Denali,” Rosé says, easing her way inside, “But what the hell?”
Denali’s cheeks are flushed and some hair has escaped her ponytail, and her smile is one of the brightest she’s ever seen. “Jan let me in so I could surprise you.”
“Well, I’m definitely surprised.”
“But not surprised enough,” Denali gloats.
“There’s more? Haven’t I had enough near-heart attacks today?”
Denali just smirks and leads her into the kitchen, where Rosé sees the table laid out with candles and a fancy tablecloth and huge platters of food.
“I thought I’d cook for you for a change,” Denali says. “I’m not the greatest, but they’re my mom’s recipes and I had her FaceTime me to help, and I don’t think you’ll get food poisoning or anything—“
“You cooked for me,” Rosé says softly, looking at Denali in awe.
“I did.” Denali bites her lip, and her cheeks flush even more. “Rosé, I--I realized how much cooking means to you. And what you were trying to tell me with your food. I want to tell you that I...I feel the same way. I like you, I’m trying to say, and that’s why I wanted to cook for you.”
Rosé reaches for Denali’s hand, squeezing it gently for proof that this is real. That Denali really does like her too. That Denali took all the love Rosé puts into her cooking and gave it back to her. “I like you so much, Denali. For a while now. I just wasn’t sure if you--”
“Well I wasn’t sure if you would like me,” Denali laughs softly.
Rosé snorts. “We could’ve done this a while ago if we weren’t idiots.”
“But we’re doing it now.” And then Denali is leaning in, her lips meeting Rosé’s like coming home. Denali’s kiss is soft and sweet, just like her, warm and passionate yet still gentle. It’s everything Rosé has dreamt of, and she can’t resist going back in for another.
And another.
“Hey, the food’s gonna get cold,” Denali says, and they laugh all the way to the table.
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