#but i also think he’d make a killer pasta salad
freak60000 · 1 year
idk if we can say apex mobile images confirm anything but i KNEW the legends had a holiday potluck. IIIIII knew it . infodump —vvv
#i know what type of shit they’d all bring too. FOR SURE !!#mirage i think obv brings some kind of pork (pork chop. or whatever .#but i also think he’d make a killer pasta salad#and ummm pathfinder duh. leviathan stew. What else. maybe she bakes smt sweet as well#lifeline i think would make tamales & bacalao w octane and they’d bring those#she’d also bake cookies and maybe a little cake#wattson and gibraltar prepare the turkey together (disaster but gibraltar keeps it together)#wattsy also bring latkas and applesauce#fuse was originally making the turkey but he fucked it up bad and set everything on fire so gibbs and watts took over#newcastle gets bangalore to make sticky toffee pudding with him (family recipe that she never liked)#caustic brings mash potatoes. not much but he’s caustic . so (they still taste good)#hound bringing a very well done and decorated rack of some creature meat (it’s definitely delicious though#wraith bakes a pie with wattson a few days before holidays probably#rampart also brings a pie or maybe mathri……….ouuugh mathri…..(wants some)#loba makes creme de papaya and a christmas cake with valkyrie and horizon also helps#seer makes stuffing and catalyst also makes stuffing and they are both really good so they don’t get mad about it#i feel like maggie could make a good nut roast.. if they even let her in the kitchen#vantage and her make a nut roast. why not#and vantage’s mom always prepared yuca around the holidays so she HAS to bring it. or else#pathfinder also decorates for the potluck btw. gibraltar and wattson help also#crypto ash and revenant don’t bring anything . crypto because he doesn’t like to cook and ash and revenant because they suck. ❤️#sorry i needed to share my truth#apex legends
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A Good Deal
lets not talk about what day it was bogizens... 👀 this is part of the hallmark june weddings event we did in the bog!  
it’s also on ao3 here!
Warnings: insecure eskel, stressed triss, honestly its pretty fluffy., could be classified as mild emotional whump.
Triss was frantic when Eskel trudged up the stairs to the back door in the kitchen. He paused for a moment, leaning against the railing where he could just see her through the window in the door, box braids falling out of her loose bun, some sort of sauce smudged on her forehead, her arm muscles standing out and furiously beating the ever-loving shit out of whatever was in her bowl. Fuck, he thought she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. A little scary too, but that was his type.
“Afternoon, Gorgeous,” he called through the screen door, waiting for her to unlock it.
Instead of her normal ‘Afternoon, Handsome,’ he got a snappy, “If any bit of your clothing has been at the fire station, take it off out there. I just got the floors clean, and I don’t have time to do them again before the wedding.”
“If you wanted a striptease you could have just asked,” he chuckled, pulling his shirt over his head and kicking his boots off. All of him had just come from the station.
“Eskel, please,” her voice was about an octave higher than when he liked to hear those words normally, and the tightness at the end of her words made him worried.
“I’m clean, ish, can I come in?”
When she let him in she only gave him a quick peck before it was back to what Eskel could now see were egg whites.
“What’s wrong?”
That was apparently the wrong question. Triss dropped the bowl back onto the counter and braced herself against it, hanging her head. Her shoulders looked so tense Eskel thought the muscles might snap, “Fucking everything. Yen’s parents are getting in tomorrow and I only have the middle floor flipped because Annalee called in sick and Taylor is nowhere to be found, and I have to get this breakfast prepped because I have to make sure there’s food for the girls to eat while they get ready. Then I still have to call Jaskier and see when he’s bringing the cake and décor over and I have to run into the store to get the food for the next three days while they’re here and one of Yen’s aunt’s is allergic to everything under the fucking sun! Oh! And I also need to tell Jask to do everything last minute as far as the cake goes because I don’t have the fridge space and-and there’s still a goddamned molehill in the backyard where they’re having the ceremony and-“
Eskel wrapped his arms around her from behind, placing one hand over her sternum and one over her stomach, and held her tight while he whispered, “It’s gonna be okay. We’ll figure it out. Just take a minute to breathe for me?”
She took a shuddering deep breath and let it out as she rested her head back against his chest, brushing a stray braid out of her eyes, “…and I have a headache…”
“That,” Eskel mumbled, pausing to press a kiss to her forehead, “we can fix quickly.” He pulled them over to her medicine cabinet and handed her some ibuprofen and a large glass of water, also insisting she sit and eat something.
After a minute or two of Triss picking at some leftover pasta salad she groaned and shoved it away, “ and my mother called.”
“How’re Sheila and the dogs?”
“Fucking unbearable,” she grumbled, pitching her voice up and scrunching her nose to imitate her mother’s nasally voice, “ When are you settling down? I was so excited when you said wedding! Haven’t you hired an inn manager yet? Why do you still clean rooms? Did you read that diet book I sent you?”
Pushing her pasta back towards her after the last question, Eskel did his best to remain casual and calm, “I thought she hated me?”
“She hates all of my partners on principle, but you’ve made the top spot for ‘least hated’,” Triss shot him a little smirk as she aggressively stabbed some more pasta, “I told her I’m quite settled and we’re happy for now and to get her nose out of other people’s business- yes I see the irony .”
Eskel forced a bit of a laugh and tried not to bite his lip. He’d been thinking about this since Yen and Renfri’s engagement party. The way Triss looked at him while the couple gushed about how they were so excited to spend the rest of their lives together (and torment some relatives with making it official) had settled in the back of his mind and refused to leave. Every day, he flip-flopped on whether there was a little hope there or if she just thought it was sweet. And every day he berated himself for not bringing it up, but he had never even entertained the idea of marriage. Hell, his main relationship had been a friends-with-benefits arrangement with Geralt, and the few before that had been rocky at best. He wasn’t cut out to be a husband. Certainly not to someone so kind and gentle and fiercely loyal and sharp as Triss. What did he have to offer? A dangerous job and nasty burn scars for their wedding photos?
She must have sensed his hesitation and pushed her pasta over to him, “Eat. I need to keep cooking… and clean the top floor.”
He hooked an arm around her waist as she walked around the little kitchen island they sat at, pulling her close and stealing the keys out of her pocket, “I’ll go get groceries after I clean the top floor. Is the laundry started?”
“You’re too good to me, Teddy Bear,” she sighed, placing a kiss on his forehead.
“Not good enough.”
She frowned, resting her palm over his jaw and searching his eyes, “We’ll come back to that when the inn is ready.”
As he stood, he stole a quick kiss and darted up the stairs, “You’re taking a nap when the inn is ready!”
It had all come together in the end. Triss even got some impressed looks and glowing reviews from Yennefer’s family when they arrived. The periwinkle went beautifully with the gardenia Triss had woven through the lattice around the backyard and Eskel had managed to make the moles disappear and patch the grass so even she couldn’t tell where they’d been.
Eskel watched Triss dart around the property, even after her job was done, making sure everyone was comfortable and everything ran smoothly for the girls and as much as he tried to push it down, he was just reminded of how she deserved so much more. More than a scarred, overweight firefighter with a killer therapy bill and a studio apartment that looked more like a hotel room than a home.
As he was watching the different couples swooping around the tiny courtyard dance floor, hands materialized on his shoulders, immediately digging in right where he held tension.
“Now it’s really over,” Triss whispered in his ear.
“Oh? Will you take that nap now?” Eskel shot her a grin over his shoulder as he covered one of her hands with his.
She smiled at him as if he’d said something adorably cute and inaccurate, “I’ll take a dance ?”
Standing up and spinning Triss once before pulling her close to his side, Eskel sighed, “I guess I’ll have to settle for that then.”
Giggling a tad bit deliriously, they made their way onto the dance floor and snuck into a space between the other couples. Eskel did his best to relax and stay in the moment. He took deep breaths and mentally listed little observations about his surroundings, most of which revolved around Triss, and he even tried to distract himself by making some rather suggestive advances, but no matter what he tried, he was still thinking about what she deserved and how it was everything he wasn’t.
Triss rested her hand on his cheek and gave him her trademarked wide-eyed worried look, “Are you alright? Is your knee acting up?”
“M’fine,” he lied, “Just the champagne.”
He should have known she’d call him on it, even in the middle of a wedding she wouldn’t let him get away with anything. Just another reason he wasn’t good enough for her.
Glancing around nervously, Eskel whispered in her ear, “Can we do this later?”
“Absolutely not. You’ve been acting strange for weeks now and it’s making me crazy,” Triss tapped on the point of his chin firmly, calling his attention back to her as they swayed and stepped in a small circle like everyone else.
“Been making me crazy too…” he mumbled, only receiving a furious glare that urged him to continue, “You’re… Triss you’re perfect. I love you more than anything and anyone I’ve ever loved before…”
Tears welled in her eyes as Triss brought them to a standstill, gripping his arms for dear life, “But?”
Eskel couldn’t help tucking her long thin braids behind her ear and caressing her cheek, “But I don’t know why you’re with me. Every time this wedding gets brought up I think about how you deserve someone so much more… whole than I am. Someone who can give you what you want and who doesn’t have a horribly dangerous job and doesn’t look like the Pillsbury doughboy…”
“First off,” Triss started, almost growling as she dragged him off the dance floor and in through the back door to the kitchen, “I thought you were breaking up with me so please lead with what you’re nervous about next time,” Eskel followed, absolutely dumbfounded as he was sat down on a stool like he was in trouble with the principal, “Second, I find your extra weight sexy as hell- no arguments! That is my opinion and it is final . Third- and this one is important- you are the most thoughtful, caring, kind, and gentle person I have ever had the absolute pleasure to share a room with, let alone sleep with. I decided you’re what I wanted a long time ago. No one else has ever told me to take a nap before” she giggled, pausing to hold his face between her hands, “You don’t need to be anything other than you for me to be happy.”
She wiped a tear from his cheek with her knuckles, a fond smile playing on her lips as she drew him in, hugging him tightly so his head rested on her shoulder. His arms wrapped around her waist and squeezed like he was scared she might disappear if he didn’t hold her tight enough.
“Thank you,” He whispered.
“You’re welcome,” Triss whispered back, trailing her nails over his scalp and through his soft hair, “Anytime you need a reminder you tell me. Deal?”
Eskel sniffed and pulled himself back together, leaning back to give Triss a quick kiss, “Deal.”
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eddiesasspbrak · 4 years
When I’m With You Ch. 7
Eddie can’t stand the barista at his favorite coffee shop. Richie has fallen in love with the man he sees twice a week. Stan is dating someone but won’t let his friends meet them. Ben is in love with Beverly, but is so afraid of scaring her away he’s not moving forward. Chaotic friends navigating college together. 
Ch. 1
Ch. 8
Read on AO3
3k+ words
When Saturday rolled around, Eddie could no longer put off going to the grocery store. He rarely ate at home thanks to the money coming in from his mom. Where she got it, he didn’t care as long as it kept him fed and she wasn’t putting herself in danger. Still, he needed to keep some food in his house for when eating healthier actually mattered to him or he had the rare urge to cook. He dragged himself to the shower, still groggy from napping the day before and then hardly sleeping through the night again. Once clean and dressed, a winter hat pulled down over his still drying hair, he was ready to make the trek in the cold to the small grocery store a few blocks away.
He was about to step into the hall, checking for his keys, phone and wallet, when he hesitated. There were voices out in the hall and the realization that it could be Richie was horrifying. He hadn’t seen him yet since he’d bailed from the laser tag place on Thursday. He’d spent the last two nights thinking about him and his face and his lips and hating himself because of it. He wasn’t sure what he was thinking either. He hadn’t sent a single text or dumb meme since the kiss happened, and he’d been sending those constantly since he’d gotten Eddie’s number.
Looking out through the peephole, he couldn’t see anyone. Richie’s apartment was too far away to see, even if he pressed his cheek to the door and looked as far to the left as he could. Very carefully, he opened his door just enough to poke his head out and look. Sure enough, down the hall he saw Richie outside his door, phone pressed between his ear and shoulder and arms full of bags. He’d dropped his keys and was trying to pick them up without dropping anything else. Eddie watched, hoping he wouldn’t turn his head that way and see him spying on him. And he definitely wasn’t looking at his butt as he bent down to get his keys.
“I already told you that I would meet you tonight, why do you keep asking?” He was saying into the phone, sounding frustrated.
Eddie obviously couldn’t hear what the other person was saying, but he didn’t figure it would be any of their friends based on his tone of voice. He’d never seen him angry. Sure, he’d gotten into some kind of argument with Bill the other day, but he’d just seemed slightly annoyed, not angry.
“Can’t we just talk about this later when I see you?” He sighed, trying to fit his key into the lock without dropping his bags. He finally succeeded and disappeared into the apartment, pulling his keys from the door and shutting it behind him.
Eddie waited for another minute to make sure he wasn’t heading back out before rushing to lock his door and practically sprinting to the stairwell. He didn’t want to risk waiting for the elevator and having Richie come back out into the hall. Stairs weren’t so bad either. When going down at least. Hopefully he could take the elevator when he got back with groceries. It was still cold out, but the snow had started to melt a bit on the sidewalks, splashing up onto his shoes and pants leg with each step. He walked faster than he intended to, leaving him slightly winded by the time he got to the grocery store. He just wanted to put as much distance between him and the building as possible as quickly as he could.
Grabbing a hand basket, he ventured into the aisles to grab a few things to tide him over for at least a week. One day he’d remember to make a shopping list to make sure he didn’t forget anything he actually needed. Today was not that day. Weaving his way through the aisles, he grabbed soymilk, eggs, a loaf of bread, some lunch meat and cheese, a mix of greens for salad and some cucumber and tomato. He was perusing the jars of tomato sauce when his phone began to ring. It was Bev’s name on the screen along with a picture of the two of them with their faces squished together.
“Hey.” He said, pressing the phone to his ear.
“Good morning, sunshine.” She said with a yawn. “What are you up to?”
“Grocery shopping.”
“On a Saturday? Wow, you’re really a wild one, huh?”
“Hey, it gets crazy here on Saturday morning with all the middle-aged women and their coupons.”
Bev laughed into the phone. “So…have you talked to Ben?”
“Not since Thursday. Why?”
“Oh…no reason. I was just wondering if he told you the good news.”
Eddie’s attention was officially off the jars of pasta sauce. “What good news?”
“It’s nothing really. He made sure I got home safe on Thursday night and then we maybe made out on my couch for a while.”
“For real?” Eddie was smiling.
“Yep! He slept on my couch and the next morning he brought me pain killers and water for my hangover, and we talked about us and…”
“We might be kind of dating now?” He could hear the smile in her voice and the excitement she seemed to be holding back.
“I can’t believe he didn’t tell me after all the times I had to listen to him talk about you.”
“I thought he would have told you by now. We’re going out to dinner tonight and I want you to come.”
“Why? Isn’t it a date?”
“No, it was planned after you left on Thursday. I meant to text you about it yesterday, but I was a little…distracted.”
“Understandable. Yea, I’ll come if it’s really not a date.”
“Awesome! I think we’re going to walk so maybe we can just meet at yours? The diner isn’t far from there.”
“Also, Richie is coming.”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“No. It’s…no, it’s fine.”
“K. See you tonight. Kisses!”
Eddie said his goodbyes and hung up. Well, that was all his friends then. He was the only single one. Aside from Richie. Though, now that he thought about it, he wasn’t sure if Richie actually was single. He’d never talked about having a partner but that didn’t mean he didn’t have one. His mind drifted back to the half of a conversation he heard in the hall. It could have easily been a girlfriend or boyfriend he was talking to. Would he have kissed him if he had a partner? Eddie still didn’t know if it was just a part of the Romeo and Juliet bit or if he’d meant anything by it. Now he had to see him and have dinner with him with the kiss in his thoughts and the conversation he’d accidentally eavesdropped on.
Pushing that from his mind, he grabbed a jar of pasta sauce and a box of spaghetti noodles and headed to the register.
When Ben and Bev arrived at his door, Eddie had been expecting to see Richie with them as well. He felt the anxious nerves dissipate and a feeling of disappointment settle in. He immediately felt stupid because his apartment was closer to the elevator, so they’d probably all go to Richie’s door next. He also felt stupid for being disappointed. He didn’t really want to see him anyway. He already had his things, and when he turned from locking his door, he saw them walking back toward the elevator.
“What about Richie?” He asked, looking down the hall in the opposite direction.
“He said he had something to do so he’s meeting us there.” Bev said, pushing the down button beside the doors.
The feeling of disappointment only grew as they boarded the elevator and rode it down to the first floor. He didn’t even know what he’d say to him when he actually saw him. It was better this way. Avoiding the awkward walk to the diner with him. By the time he arrived they’d be settled in and could avoid the conversation. Walking behind Bev and Ben as they held hands made Eddie feel like a third wheel. Even though they’d assured him it wasn’t a date, at the moment that’s what it felt like and he was the lonely single friend invading their time together. By the time they arrived at the diner, he felt ridiculous. When they walked to the counter, an older woman in an apron approached with a smile.
“Table for two?” She asked, looking at the obvious couple.
“Three actually.” Ben said, looking back at Eddie. “Can we get a booth actually?”
Her smile faltered as she nodded and grabbed three menus from the little slot on the side of the counter. They followed her to the table and Eddie slid into one side by himself while they took the other. The longer he sat there with them, the more he felt like he shouldn’t be there. They’d only been together for roughly two days and they were clearly already in their honeymoon stage. Both had pined over the other for so long, it was like they were ready to go all in already. It was disgusting and beautiful and Eddie hated them. If there were others with them, he would feel less awkward. Or, he thought anyway. When Bill, Mike and Stan walked in and greeted them, Eddie felt relief of a second before realizing he was now stuck with two couples. Their arrival effectively made him the sixth wheel, which until recently, he didn’t even know was possible.
“Hey, sorry we’re late.” Mike said.
“Wait, you invited them?” Eddie asked. “I thought it was just supposed to be four of us.”
“Good to see you too Eddie.” Stan quipped.
“I didn’t mean it that way and you know it.”
“I texted them after I talked to you. Sorry, forgot to mention it.” Bev said.
Eddie stood from his seat and slid in next to Beverly instead so the three could sit together on the other side. This was pathetic and miserable and where the fuck was Richie?
“Where the fuck is Richie?” Eddie asked.
“I don’t know. Let me check.” Bev pulled out her phone and presumably sent him a text.
Their waitress came over and took drink orders, bringing three more menus to them. Eddie kept glancing at Bev’s phone, which she’d set on the table. He listened to the conversations around him, but they were talking about how Ben and Bev had gotten together and just generally being couple-y so he zoned out instead. Ben and Beverly hadn’t let go of the others hand since they’d left the apartment. Stan was actually leaning against Bill very obviously while Mike had his arm draped around the both of them. God, his arms were long. The longer he sat there with no stupid Trashmouth to distract him, the more bitter he became. Fuck couples and their nerve to be cute in front of their single and lonely friends.
It was when Ben tenderly kissed Bev beside him and the other three let out a chorus of “aww” that Eddie had had enough. He knew that Richie still hadn’t texted her back and whatever he was doing must have been more important than saving Eddie from being a sixth wheel. Part of him worried that Richie was avoiding him since the kiss on Thursday and how dare he if he was. It was Eddie that was supposed to be avoiding him. Still, since he’d decided not to grace them with his presence, he thought it best to just go.
“Alright, I’m leaving.” Eddie said, standing and sliding his coat back over his arms.
“What? Why?” Ben asked, looking up at him.
“Why? Richie clearly isn’t going to show, and I don’t want to be the only single person here. It’s weird.”
“It’s not weird. You’re our friend.” Bev said.
“You’re a jealous bitch.” Stan chimed in.
“Go fuck yourself, Stanley.” Eddie said, flipping him off.
“He’s r-right. It would be awkward to be the only single p-p-person hanging out with couples.” Bill said, pushing Stan’s hand down when he returned the gesture.
“Look, I love you guys but I’m just not feeling it tonight, ok?” Eddie said, zipping his coat and tying his scarf around his neck. “Also, I hate you all.” With that he left them, heading out into the cold night air waiting for him.
Hopefully Mike and Bill wouldn’t take him too seriously and if they did, the other three would probably let them know he didn’t mean to offend. Bill already seemed to think that him and Stan going at each other was something to worry about when they’d been like that since high school. They’d be insulting each other one second and cuddled up reading comics the next. It was just the way they interacted, a testament to how close they were. Who else could you insult and flip off and have them know you weren’t serious? Surely he’d understand since he seemed to be the same way with Richie.
Eddie now had to walk home in the cold all alone and figure out what he was going to do for dinner. Being single when all your friends were dating really sucked. He paused just outside the diner, in front of the building beside it, and pulled out his phone. Fingers already going numb from the cold, he began typing out a message to Richie.
Eddie: Just so we’re clear, you suck for not showing up and leaving me with the couples. I’m bailing. Again, you suck.
He hit send and pocketed his phone, starting up the street toward home. His mind drifted to what could have held Richie up. The café was closed this time of night and wouldn’t be open Sunday, so he wouldn’t be there working. As far as he knew, all his friends were back at the diner. The conversation he’d overheard that morning came back to him then.
“I already told you I’d meet you tonight.” He’d said. So, it was a person he was with. Eddie missed his chance to ask the others if Richie was seeing anyone. For all he knew, he was with a boyfriend or girlfriend not even thinking about Eddie. If he thought about Eddie at all. Realizing he had developed feelings for Richie was the worst thing that had ever happened to him.
“Eddie!” He wasn’t far from the diner yet, walking slowly on icy pavement, when he heard his name being called. Figuring it was one of his friends trying to lure him back, he turned and instead saw Richie, carefully speed walking toward him. When he caught up to him, he stopped briefly to catch his breath, each puff a visible cloud of fog in front of him.
“I’m glad I caught you. I just got your text.” He said, smiling.
“Oh, so you know that you suck then?”
“I know. I’m sorry. I got caught up doing something and I…I’m here now. Want to head back in?”
“No. I already made a scene when I left. I can’t go back.”
“What kind of scene?”
“I told Stan to fuck himself and said I hated them all. I may have called them disgusting too but that might have been in my head.”
Richie’s smile grew as he chuckled softly. “Well, shit, I guess we better run before they come out with pitch forks.”
Despite his best efforts, Eddie smiled. “I’ll push you down and leave you while I make my get away.”
“Cruel, but I’m taller than you. I don’t think you’ll win that one.”
“The taller they are, the harder they fall.”
Richie laughed again, the noise like bells to Eddie’s ears. When did that change? He used to think his laugh was irritating and at his expense. Now he loved it.
“I’d like to see you try.”
“I’m not actually going to push you down in the middle of the street.” Eddie rolled his eyes.
“Right. Because you can’t.”
“I can.”
“Then do it.”
“You really want to be on your ass in the ice and snow, don’t you?”
“I’m not worried about it.”
Eddie felt a flutter go through his chest when he saw Richie’s smirk and realized exactly what they were doing. This was flirting. Stupid, ridiculous flirting but also perfect. They were both smiling, and Eddie wanted to chase that feeling before it slipped away. Pressing his hands against Richie’s chest, he began to push. Richie planted his feet, leaning against Eddie’s hands and lightly grabbing his arms with his large hands.
“That’s cheating.” Eddie grunted with effort.
“You never gave any rules.”
“Fall you giant motherfucker.” Eddie laughed.
Eddie felt giddy and lightheaded, happy for the first time in a long time. He joked with his friends, laughed with them and played around. But this was different. The knowledge that they had kissed just two days before was in their heads as they laughed and bantered. In that moment Eddie didn’t think anything could go wrong…until it did.
“Richie! What the fuck!” The voice cut through their laughter and caused Richie to tense up, looking back over his shoulder.
Eddie stopped pushing, letting his hands drop, only held up by Richie’s gentle hold on his arms. There was a woman walking toward them with purpose. She looked angry as her eyes drifted from Richie to Eddie, sizing him up.
“What are you doing here?” Richie asked, his voice no longer joking.
“You left before we were done talking.” She said, finally reaching them.
“I told you I didn’t have anything left to say to you.”
“I’ve said I was sorry like a thousand times. Can’t you just get over it?”
Eddie suddenly felt like he shouldn’t be hearing this, but Richie was still holding his arms and didn’t seem to want to let go. He wasn’t exactly sure what was going on, but he had a hunch that this girl was his ex.
“You broke up with me months ago for someone else. I got over you and I’ve moved on. I don’t know how many more ways I can explain that to you.”
“I made a mistake and I’m sorry, Richie.”
“Maybe I should…go…” Eddie said, twisting his wrist and trying to gently pry free from his hold.
“No, you stay. She can leave.”
“Why won’t you at least consider it?” She asked, ignoring them both.
“I told you. I’ve moved on.”
“With who?”
Richie dropped one of Eddie’s arms and held the other one up in the air. “Who do you think?” He asked.
She looked Eddie up and down again like she had when she’d first approached. “Him?”
Eddie felt like a switch was just flipped, shutting off his brain as he no longer understood anything. He and Richie were practically holding hands at this point, but he didn’t notice. Didn’t seem to be able to hear anything they were saying. Was this confirmation that Richie felt the same way Eddie did? He found himself looking up as Richie argued with this girl about something. About him maybe. He wasn’t sure. His eyes were on his mouth, remembering the way it felt against his. The warmth of his hand, their fingers now laced, radiated through his whole body.
“Fuck you!” The girl yelled, turning and marching away.
Eddie snapped out of it and turned to watch her go. Richie sighed loudly next to him and let go of his hand to run both his hands over his face, pushing his glasses up to his hairline. Eddie could feel how warm his cheeks were despite the cold and figured he must be blushing, and he hated that. Richie had just had a very public argument with his ex and all Eddie could focus on was that he’d been flirting and held his hand.
“Sorry about that.” Richie said, looking back at Eddie with a forced smile.
“You ok?” Eddie asked.
“Yea, I’m good. She called me because she wanted to get back together but I’m over that. Thanks for not denying it, by the way. If she thinks I’m with someone else she should leave me alone.”
“Oh…yea. No problem.” And Eddie felt stupid again. He spoke quickly, before his face gave him away. “If you hadn’t been holding onto me, I would have booked it out of here the second she showed up.”
Richie chuckled. “If we’re not going back to the others where should we go?”
“I was just going to go home.”
Had he asked before his ex showed up, he would have suggested going somewhere else and eating together. All the thoughts of avoiding him had vanished as soon as she showed up, but they were back again, and all Eddie wanted was to be alone. He couldn’t imagine sitting across from him, remembering kissing him and the feel of his chest beneath his hands. All while knowing he’d just used him to get rid of his ex and didn’t seem to actually like him.
“Oh…well, mind if I walk with you then? We’re going to the same place after all.” Richie said with that same forced smile.
“Sure.” Eddie wanted to say no, but, how could he?
They were silent as they walked. It wasn’t far to their building from there, the walk going a bit slower since the temperatures had dropped, and the previously melted snow had refrozen. They shuffled carefully, trying not to slip on the ice. The last thing Eddie needed now was to embarrass himself in front of Richie. As it was, he had this annoying urge to cry that he was fighting against.
When their building came into view, Richie rushed forward a bit to open the main door for Eddie. He mumbled a thanks and thought for a second about taking the stairs so he wouldn’t be trapped in the elevator for him. He hesitated a moment too long and was stuck when Richie pushed the up button and the door slid open. If he took the stairs now, it would be too obvious that he was trying to get away from him. They didn’t live that far up so it was a short ride at least. Eddie pulled his keys out of his pocket as the door slid open again on their floor.
“Thanks again for saving me back there.” Richie said as they reached Eddie’s door.
“Like I said, if you hadn’t been holding my arm, I would have run for it.”
Richie gave a smile, a real one this time. “Well, thanks anyway. I’ll see you later.”
Eddie had his key in the lock, his other hand on the doorknob as he turned to say goodbye. Before he could get the words out, Richie’s lips were on his. It wasn’t the same as the first but was just as effective at taking Eddie’s breath away. Before he could even think of reciprocating, it was over, and Richie was heading down the hall to his own apartment. Eddie pushed the door open and stumbled in, letting it close behind him and leaning his back against it. Every time he thought he had their relationship figured out, something would happen that would throw him off completely. The simplest way to find out what was going on was to ask Richie, but he couldn’t muster up the courage to do it. The only logical thing to do was to wait for Richie to come to him, right?
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catalinda04 · 5 years
Carried Away Chapter 9: Dinner and a Movie
In the cab on the way back to his house, Henry looked very much like the cat that ate the canary. Lucy was about to say something about his smug expression when his phone gave a chirp. He took it out, read the screen and smiled. “My mate Chris is in town, he wants to know if I can meet him for dinner. Would you like to meet him?”
“I suppose, you met Sarah, it's only fair I meet one of your friends. Will he be bringing a female companion along with him?”
“I don’t know, I’ll check,” Henry said, typing away on his phone.
“Because I don’t want to tag along on a boys night. I’ve been a third wheel too many times.”
“He says it’s just him, but he doesn't mind if I bring you.”
“Of course he’s going to say that!” Lucy argued.
“Listen, we’ll go, have 1 drink, you can meet him, he’s a great bloke, and then we, just the 2 of us, can get dinner nearby.”
“How about, I stay at your place, and I’ll make something for dinner, while you go have a drink with your mate, it will give me a chance to catch-up on my emails and texts and blog posts. And I’m exhausted. I’ve been going for almost 3 weeks now non-stop, and I didn’t get much sleep last night.” She gave him an incredulous look. “I think a night in, would be wonderful. I’ll make dinner, we can watch a movie, just the two of us. Just don’t stay out all night and leave me all alone. You’ve opened pandora’s box big boy and I plan on taking full advantage.”
Henry agreed with her plan and sent the plan to Chris before taking Lucy to his local market to get supplies for dinner. She insisted on paying. “You’ve paid for all of my meals since I met you. Let me pay for this dinner.” He grudgingly agreed and took Kal for a walk before leaving to meet Chris.
Lucy set-up her laptop on the coffee table in the living room and got to work slogging through a backlog of emails she had ignored for the last week. Kal curled up next to her, promptly falling asleep. Lucy’s guilt about withholding information from her mother that morning finally overcame her. She called and chatted for a few minutes before dropping the bomb. “Mom, I’m not staying at the hotel I gave you the information for anymore, I’m staying with a….friend. I’ll be here until I leave for Cardiff, like the original itinerary I gave you.”
“A friend? What do you mean a friend? I didn’t know you knew anyone in London. Who is she? Why didn’t you stay with her the whole time?”
“Mom, it’s not a she, it’s a he. His name is Henry.
“How long have you known him? Where did you even meet, did you meet him when you were in Spain?”
I took a deep breath. “Actually mom, I met him a week ago. I was lost and he helped me with directions after his dog tackled me in the street.”
“And now you’re living with him! What do you know about him?”
“I’m not LIVING with him, I’m just staying at his house for the next 3 days until I leave town.”
“What do you know about him! He could be a serial killer or worse!”
“I know enough mom. I’m not going to discuss this with you, I just didn’t feel right lying to you this morning, so I had to clear the air.”
“Lying to me. What did you lie about?”
“It wasn’t a full lie, but the reason I haven’t called or emailed is because I’ve been with Henry.”
“Well can I meet this mystery man, put him on the screen.”
“He went out for a drink with a friend of his. I told him to have fun so I could catch up on emails and phone calls.”
Her mother sighed heavily. “Well at least give me a last name so I can stalk him on Facebook since you’re so tight-lipped about this.”
“He’s not on Facebook, mom”
“Don’t be silly, everyone’s on Facebook. Just give me his last name.”
Lucy sighed in a perfect mirror of her mother, she might have smiled if she hadn’t been so exasperated. “Cavill, Henry Cavill.”
Lucy watched her mother type on her tablet. “Well let’s just see here, I’m not finding anyone other than this actor. Do you have a middle name to try adding to the search.”
“No, mom, that’s...him…” she said trailing off.
“What! You’re dating SUPERMAN!”
“Mom we’re not dating, I don’t know what it is, we haven’t really discussed it, plus I’m leaving in 3 days, which kind of throws a wrench in the works.” Her voice falling with each word.
“Oh honey,” her mother’s voice softened with concern. “Ok, I’m staying out of it, just please be safe, protect yourself, and your heart. You are using protection, aren’t you? ”
“Yes mom, we are.” Lucy rolled her eyes.
“Well, that’s a relief.”
“I’m going to go now, I’ve got a bunch of blog posts to write. I love you, tell dad...well tell dad however much you think he can handle, and tell grandma I’m fine. I’ll call her when I get to Cardiff.”
Lucy spent the next hour updating her blog. Henry was mentioned in her posts, but never with his full name, and none of the pictures she posted had him in them. They hadn’t discussed how public this relationship was, and Lucy was very self-conscious about being in the public eye. She also didn’t want her extended family asking a lot of questions she didn’t know how to answer.
By the time she caught her blog up to the present, and posted pictures to her facebook page, it was about time to start preparing dinner. Lucy loved cooking, but it was hard when she was traveling to prepare her own meals. She just hoped Henry didn’t expect that she’d cook him dinner for the rest of her stay with him.
Henry entered his favorite dimly lit pub and scanned the room looking for Chris. He saw a flash go off at the far end of the bar and saw his friend posing with a pretty brunette. Henry waited a few minutes until the girl had left before approaching him.
“Been waiting long?” Henry asked, settling his hand on his friend’s shoulder.
“Long enough.” The other man replied, standing to envelop Henry in a brotherly hug. Chris Evans pulled away and studied his friend’s face. The handsome brit couldn't stop smiling. Chris searched his memory for a time he’d seen his friend of over 8 years this happy and came up blank. The two men had met in their early 20’s on set for a small movie they both had parts in. They had instantly clicked and had been friends ever since.
“You look happy,” Chris commented as they both took seats at the bar.
“I’ve met someone.”
“I guessed that when you asked to bring her along. Tell me about her.”
Henry hadn’t intended to tell his friend the whole story, but it all came spilling out; from Kal in the street to the dance in the park, and now her staying with him.
“So she’s a regular woman. What’s she do?”
“She’s a school teacher.”
“That’s hot, man,” Chris replied, while Henry just laughed.
“I can’t put my finger on it, but she’s gotten under my skin. And I want her to stay there. I mean I’ve known her a week, and she’s alone in my house. I’m either crazy or…” and Henry didn’t finish the statement as he realized he might actually be falling in love with his nerdy American teacher. Chris watched the emotions play over his friend’s face.
“You’re thinking the big one, huh? Love?”
“It’s only been a week. Plus she’s leaving in a few days. We have chemistry, but we don’t really have much in common. Our lives are completely different.”
“Who are you trying to convince? Me or you? I don’t know anything other than what you’ve told me, but she sounds great. Give this one a chance, why don’t you. See if this could be something. You deserve to be happy.”
“Ok, enough about me. What are you doing here?” Henry asked, desperate for the spotlight to be off of himself. Chris allowed the conversation to flow toward himself, though he made a mental note to check in on his friend periodically.
Henry unlocked his door feeling happier than he could remember being in quite a while. He liked the idea of having someone waiting for him when he came home; someone other than Kal to talk to at night. He replayed his conversation with Chris over in his head. He was infatuated with Lucy. It couldn’t be love yet, he almost had himself convinced.
Once the door was open he was met with the New Kids on the Block telling him to Hang Tough. His smile widened. After dropping his keys by the door he made his way to the kitchen to see Lucy dancing with a pair of salad tongs in her hand, singing along. She hadn’t noticed him come in, so he leaned his shoulder against the door jamb, crossed his arms, and watched the show. His resolve of his conviction slipped with each goofy dance move she performed. Once the New Kids were done, Whitney Houston starting singing about wanting someone to dance with.
Periodically Lucy threw a piece of food to Kal who was laying on the floor, which explained why the dog hadn’t greeted him at the door. His smile widened. He watched Lucy chop something green with an impressive amount of skill. When she turned to get something out of the refrigerator, she finally saw him and screamed.
“Henry! I didn’t hear you come in. How long have you been watching me?”
“Long enough to know I should hang tough. You’ve got some moves.” He said pulling her close for a kiss. “I missed you.”
“It’s only been 2 hours.” She kissed him and rolled her eyes. “But I missed you too.” She said giving him one more kiss, before pushing him out of the kitchen. “Dinner will be ready in about 10 minutes. Why don’t you open the wine, and tell me about your drink with Chris.”
Henry did as instructed, and opened the bottle of white wine she’d purchased at the market to accompany the light pasta dish.
“Chris told me to tell you hello.”
“Well, hello back, Chris, though I’m sure we’ve never met.”
“No probably not.” Henry laughed “Though I’m sure you know of him. You said you were a Marvel gal.”
“Chris. Not Hemsworth?” Lucy thought out loud while she sauteed bacon on the stove, and checked on the pasta water.
“No, the other Chris,” he laughed.
“Chris Evans‽ Oh my homeroom girls are going to be so upset with me if they find I had a chance to have a drink with him and bailed. You’re friends with Chris Evans! Isn’t that against the rules or something? Marvel, DC?” She teased while adding the pasta to the water, and taking the pan of bacon off the burner and draining it. “This pasta is going to take a few minutes. Let’s pick out a movie to watch. I want to just veg tonight.” She said wrapping her arms around Henry. He turned her in his arms and walked into the living room still wrapped around her.
“What are you in the mood for?” Henry asked opening a hidden cabinet door to reveal his movie collection.
“That’s where it is! I was trying to find your movies, but I couldn’t find them anywhere. Let’s see what do you have.” Lucy rested her hands on his arms which were resting on her clavicles. She scanned the titles. “Ooooh! Man of Steel! I haven’t seen that yet. But no, I don’t want you to see me watch that for the first time. I might embarrass myself. So nothing you’re in.” She turned and lifted her head to kiss the underside of his chin. She ran her fingers over the titles on the shelf. “Oh! I can’t believe you have this movie. I love this movie!” She said sliding a fantasy movie from the shelf.
“You said nothing that I’m in. So that one’s out.”
“You are not in this movie. I’ve seen it probably 20 times.”
“I can assure you, I am in this movie,” he argued.
“What as an extra, maybe one of the lesser pirates?”
“No, I play the character of Humphrey.”
“Humphrey?” Lucy searched her brain for the character in the film. “Oh! Who went ‘all the way to Ipswitch’ to get the ring! Oh, now we have to watch it. I’m going to finish dinner, you pour the wine and pop the movie in.”
Henry just smiled and laughed to himself, but did as instructed. When he returned to the kitchen for the wine he watched Lucy combine ingredients from several bowls to one large bowl, tossing everything constantly. With deft hands, she separated the pasta into two bowls, topped them with grated cheese and the herbs he’d seen her chopping.
She inserted a fork into each bowl and carried them to the living room. Henry had dimmed the lights and lit candles. Kal was curled on the floor by the end of the couch, having lost his spot, next to Henry, to Lucy. Henry started the movie before taking his first bite of pasta.
“This is amazing. You made this? In my kitchen?”
“It’s just a simple carbonara. Really no big deal. Now shhh. I want to watch the movie.” She explained tucking into her own bowl of pasta.
They enjoyed a cozy dinner together, Henry briefly paused the movie to take care of their dishes and Lucy helped him clean the kitchen before returning to the living room to finish the movie. Henry sat on the couch, pulling Lucy down to sit on his lap. She played at pushing his hands away when they started roaming her body, but she couldn’t hold out long. Much of the remaining movie was ignored in favor of exploring hands and some serious snogging.
The following morning, they were awoken early by a pounding on the front door.
“Who could that be? It’s not even 7:00.” Lucy groaned.
“I don’t know, maybe if we ignore it, they’ll go away.” He said nuzzling into her neck. The pounding only increased.
“It’s your door, they won’t be asking for me.” She said pushing him away. “Now go answer the door so I can get back to sleep.” She grumbled.
Henry stalked down the stairs pulling on a t-shirt and cursing whoever happened to be knocking. He opened the door to find his publicist looking annoyed. “Finally! What took you so long?”
“Oh, I don’t know. It’s 7:00 in the morning, I was sleeping like most normal people. Now tell me what you are doing here so I can go back to sleep.”
“Sleeping alone?” He asked pushing past Henry and handing him a celebrity rag. The front cover had a picture of himself and Lucy kissing, he recognized his clothes from the train station the day she went to Oxford without him, with the headline ‘Who is Superman’s new Lois Lane?’
Chapter 8          Chapter 10
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junkpoetic · 3 years
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The next morning, Elliot was a bit ornery about what we should do for the day. He didn’t seem to want to get out of bed and grab breakfast, so I met Juno in Quincy Market at a place called Neptune’s Café. The walls were painted cold blue; however the atmosphere was warm. I left
“Why are you so intrigued by my name?” She asked.
“I don’t know, it’s a good name, I like it.”
“You’ve never asked me where I am from.”
“Yes, I did, Winnipeg.” I replied.
“No, I was born there, I am from Jersey, I am actually going there soon.”
“How soon?” I asked accidentally.
“How soon is now?” she smirked.
“I love that song! But aren’t you from where you are born?”
“Not necessarily.” She arranged her thoughts in her head before continuing. “I live in Boston. I am from Jersey. I was born in Winnipeg.”
“Okay, so where you’re from, is where you grew up?”
“I guess it changes. If I were on vacation and a stranger asked me where I am from, I would say Boston, because Jersey is irrelevant to them.”
“So… if you asked me where I am from, I should tell you where I live now, not where I am from?” I teased.
“I haven’t asked where you are from?”
I thought about it. “I don’t believe so.”
“Am I a stranger?” She asked.
“You are not.” I replied.
“Where are you from?”
I laughed. “I don’t know anymore; I am so fucking confused.”
“Places are just places right?” She smiled.
“What’re you going to do in Jersey?”
“I planned a surf weekend with friends. They might come here instead though. It depends on the weather.”
“Surfing in October?” I thought she was kidding.
“Prominent breaks man, the best waves all year. Not to mention the ocean is empty, so all the waves are mine.”
Curiouser. “So, you’re a surfer?”
She slowly inhaled a sip of coffee. “I don’t know, I like to surf. What constitutes being a surfer?” She said coyishly.
“I always assumed the act of surfing?” I replied.
She raised the question. “So… if you kill one person, you’re a murderer?”
“It depends on if it was murder…” I replied.
“If you kill three people and by pure happenstance all of the killings are done the same way to people with the same profile, are you automatically a serial killer?” She was on a roll. There was no stopping her.
“Hmmm, I am not sure. I guess it depends on the connotation.”
“So, if my intent is to become a serial killer when I grow up, the first few kills would be in training? Then once I hit a number, I get my serial killer certificate… however, if I just happen to accidentally kill three similar looking people, the kills are considered null, and I am not a serial killer?”
I tented my hands and stabbed my chin with my fingers lightly. “Yes, I think we’ve nailed it down.”
She laughed. “Yes, I am a surfer.”
“Epic.” I smiled.
I learned a lot more about Juno Rafferty that morning. Eventually Elliot met up with us, and then Madeline did too. It’s funny I have known of Madeline for such a long time, yet I know nothing about her other than her nickname she acquired somewhere in her youth from being known for enjoying a cocaine high. She may have only done it once and I have defined her by it. She seemed to be very successful, she owned her own internet clothing company, and lived in a large flat on Newbury. It goes along with what Juno said about one thing defining you being untrue. Imagine if our youth defined our entire lives? Imagine if we could never climb out of it? I had to laugh though, here I was with Juno, who’s name literally means youth, and here she was defining me. There are some days I like being inside my head, stuck, like we were on the rooftop, today was one of those days.
Elliot was very intrigued by surfing in October. So much so that he was looking for spots nearby. He’d never even surfed but always wanted to at least try it. All the years we’d been coming here, it was always summer, the beaches were overcrowded, and the waves sucked. Juno explained that if you can surf the north Atlantic coast, you can surf anywhere.
We had two days left on trip and things felt a little awkward now knowing Elliot’s fate, and though he was vague when I asked what kind of cancer, it was still very sobering knowledge. Like anyone, I held out hope that maybe a mistake was made somewhere. Maybe they mixed up his chart. Maybe he was just too dehydrated and out of shape on marathon day. I kept putting all these thoughts in a blender and spinning them around my head. Adding to it with every new thought, or glimmer of hope.
After breakfast Juno and Madeline went about their separate ways. Elliot was fixated on his phone searching for surf spots. Whenever he got something in his head, he had to live it out. I loved that about him. He had the confidence to do really anything. If I mentioned skydiving, we would probably be on a plane this afternoon. Instead, we spent the afternoon in a surf shop that Juno recommended called Motion Surf.
Lorelei Zimmerman had the curliest blonde hair. She was named after Marilyn Monroe’s character in the fifties movie “Gentleman Prefer Blondes”. She had never seen the movie, but she liked that the origin of her name derived from Marilyn Monroe. She was in her early thirties, probably the same age as Juno, or close to it. She had a welcoming soul, and she took the time to explain surfing to Elliot and I, two guys amid their forties, who had absolutely zero clue about it. She spent her youth surfing in Australia, it was in her blood, she studied abroad in Boston where she met her now husband Rami and they put their roots down in here. The way she spoke of Australia, I could tell she missed it dearly.
“Catching an unbroken wave is one of the most difficult things to learn as a novice.” She explained that patience and persistence would pay off because the feeling of dropping in on a green wave for the first time is an out of body experience. She reflected on her first green wave as if she had just ridden it into shore. Elliot handed her his credit card and told her to get us everything we’d need to surf and since we were leaving in a few days, he told her to teach us as fast as she could. She laughed and began talking about the four stages of waves and how to approach them.
“The first stage is a lump in the water, and basically impossible to catch. The second stage is the delicate sweet spot and hitting it right is essential. This is where you begin paddling into it. In the third stage is when the wave breaks onto your back. The wave is broken in the last stage and now white water. Positioning is everything when trying to predict when the wave will break.”
Elliot was listening so intently as she spoke. Her accented words were becoming glued to the inside of his mind.
“You want to be about five meters out from where the waves are breaking. Look for the lumps in the horizon that look like stage A waves. Once you pick a wave paddle with it matching the speed of the wave. Matching the speed is difficult because there is no force pulling you forward. Once you have proper paddling strokes and your body is centered on the board, gravity arrives. Keep your head down low over the nose of the board as you’re lifting up on the wave. Gravity becomes your best friend once you’re in position. When you feel confident on the wave, you’ll know when you feel it, that’s when you pop up. Never hesitate to pop up.”
She popped up on a surfboard on the carpet showing us the proper ways.
“Don’t go out too far, it’s such a common mistake new surfers make. See where other surfers are and follow their lead.”
She helped us pick out surfboards, and then even waxed them for us. Elliot’s board had a drawing of a guy on it that looked like he was vomiting a rainbow. It looks much better than it sounds. He said that specific board spoke to him as if it were the chosen one. I just nodded my head and said OKAY. My board had a skull on it with a snake crawling through the mouth and up through the eye of it. It was colored with the most beautiful blues and greens. The first wetsuit Elliot tried on was too tight leaving little to the imagination. It was hilarious watching Lorelei try not to look down at his forty-six-year-old package. He was almost flaunting it, but he kept a straight face.
 Lorelei said she’d be happy to meet up this weekend at Nauset Beach to help us get our feet wet, no pun intended. Her words not mine. We agreed to stay through the weekend, because well, Elliot was now obsessed with wanting to surf… in Boston, in October. It’s also weird how long ago the marathon felt … fucking time.
We kept it pretty low key later that night. We went to an Italian restaurant called Giacomo’s on the north end and ordered the works. It was our favorite spot to eat whenever we came into town. Italian food tastes worlds better in October than it does in June. Maybe we’ve been doing it wrong the entire time. Elliot ordered as if it were his last meal. King prawns, calamari, manicotti, some sort of pasta with scallops too. He ate every god damn bite and then washed it down with a five-hundred-dollar bottle of Amarone. I was full just watching him eat as I snacked on bruschetta drizzled in the freshest olive oil. I also had the caprese salad with pesto along with a seafood linguini. Everything tasted so damn good I almost wished it was our last meal.
“You really think we can pull off surfing?” I said tossing my napkin onto my plate.
“We’re going to god damn try.” He said still chewing whatever it was he was chewing.
“Always an adventure.” I said feeling a bit sentimental.
“Still can’t believe I couldn’t finish the marathon…”
“But you did…”
“In a way.” He said modestly. “I wasn’t going to tell you by the way.”
“Tell me what?”
“That I am dying.”
“Oh, sorry.”
“I haven’t even told Louise.”
“Are you kidding?” I almost choked on a cherry tomato.
The waitress interrupted and Elliot ordered us an entire key lime pie for dessert, and I must be honest, I didn’t think I could fit another calorie in my body. When they put it in front of us it was still smoking from the freezer and God dammit when I sunk my teeth into that tangy ice cold vanilla and key lime pie all down to that glazed graham cracker crust I saw my life flash before me in a montage both bittersweet and beautiful from the time Elliot and I were kids in the street playing baseball and drinking lemonade, all the way up to the rooftop last night with Juno Rafferty and attempting to feel up every single one of the shiver bumps on her tight cold skin. All the good, the bad, and the ugly, in that same fucking blender that I call my mind that just spins constantly like a cyclone vomiting rainbows among other things less attractive.
After dinner we walked out into the rainy night and up and down the streets in the north end. We bought cigars and smoked them on a sidewalk outside of an all-night café before catching a cab back to the hotel and calling it a night.
“Today was a good day.” Elliot said before we parted ways for the night.
0 notes
suit-lady · 6 years
Dating Jacob Batalon Headcanons
Alternatively, headcanons about dating the arguably best member of the holy trinity because he managed to make a dynamic duo even better.
This is an ask I’ve had for a hot minute (I’m so sorry). I love Jacob and honestly he deserves so much more love than he gets so here we fuckin go buckle up.
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̶c̶o̶u̶l̶d̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶c̶h̶o̶o̶s̶e̶ ̶j̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶s̶o̶r̶r̶y̶
»  So you meet him at one of these posh-ass parties right? »  And you’re like starstruck by him and all of his friends (*cough* Zendaya) »  But like for whatever reason the squad takes a liking to you »  You’re really intrigued by Jacob, but you think that it’s mostly platonic or w/e »  But you start hanging out with them all the fukin time because they all adore you »  And you and Jacob bond over music one time because you controlled the AUX before y’all went bowling             »  (Tom won by like fifteen points and you were kind of shitty but Jacob was shitty too and you two spent the whole ass time making fun of each other) »  But anyways you and Jacob started by just sitting in your car at your place (he was dropping you off), just going through y’all’s playlists and shit »  And it gets late enough that you invite him inside because why the fuck are you still in the car you’ve been sitting there for two hours now »  And before y’all know it it’s like quarter til three and you really don’t feel like sleeping any time soon and you’re thinking that you could honestly spend all your time with Jacob if life would allow »  And then all of a sudden you two are kissing and you’re so happy that you could literally burst             » Jacob spent the night for cuddles dw
»  He’s a blanket hog you fucking know he is             » “(Y/N) it’s cold as fuck in here do you know how warm it is in Hawaii?” »  But you guys are really badass at making food together             » Like, the typical couple absolute fail? It happens once. Once. And that’s cos y’all forgot that you were baking cookies and got distracted making out. Never again.             » “Oh, come on, (Y/N), just one kiss?” “No! You remember the Cookie Disaster? I had to throw out my favorite cookie sheet. No.” »  But like you two are always the ones to host because you guys make killer main dishes »  Z and Tom and Haz and Laura will bring shit like pasta salad and fruit and ice cream and champagne and all that stuff... While you guys absolutely destroy the competition with some new elaborate thing that you’ve literally made one (1) time before but are pros. »  They all wanna know your secrets, but you guys just tell them that you’re a great team. »  And you are.             » For Christmas, Tom and Haz get you matching football jerseys that say “True Love” on the front “Batalon 17″ on the back and you guys wear them constantly (gross) »  And like you guys aren’t super huge for PDA, but Jacob is almost always touching you. Arm around your waist, holding your hand, stuff like that. »  And paps love you guys because you always do the craziest poses when you notice them taking pictures of you             » Like the typical figure skater “jump in his arms and he fully extends”... shit like that. the media loves it »  And they also love asking Jacob about you because he gets all blushy and can’t quit talking about how lucky he is »  He buys you flowers all the gd time, and they’re always sunflowers because he calls you his sunshine »  And like he definitely doesn’t have to try, but he makes an effort to make you laugh constantly »  Like, gym membership? Nah, your abs are from your boyfriend making you laugh your ass off day in and day out »  And you get to come to every last event and you always look absolutely stunning and Jacob shows you off like you put the fuckin stars in the sky in your own gd image okay »  He’s so proud to have you and he showers you in so much love »  And like honestly you guys are so attached that it sometimes feels like the trio is four... but Haz and Tom don’t mind because you’re just as goofy as Jacob and you fit right in »  Plus their “Sexual” videos can be more ridiculous because now they always have someone to film them »  Okay and honestly you know that trope of like “yeah we’re lovers but we’re also best friends”? »  I feel like being in love with Jacob would literally be the embodiment of that »  Because he would give the biggest fuck about you and be your best support system with no fukin contest »  And you’d be there to support him right back »  And y’all would be like the strongest couple ever like look in the dictionary under “golden couple” and it’s a picture of you and Jacob because FUCK »  He’d be the best and sweetest boyfriend ever even if he was extremely good at convincing you to stay in bed all day every single Sunday »  And you two would just bring out the best in each other and like you guys would be able to withstand anything just because of how much you cared about each other not just as lovers but on a platonic level »  And the media would always ask Tom abt you trying to start shit like the media does like, “Yo isn’t it weird that (Y/N) is around constantly?” »  And Tom would just be like, “Nah, of course not. Jacob has honestly never been happier, and they’re both so perfect for each other... And it makes me happy seeing him like this. I’ve never seen two people more in love.” »  I vote that Tom would cry at your wedding. Probably more than your moms.
»  I’m so in my feels abt Jacob rn but this is really long I’m gonna stop I love Jacob I’m crying
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