#she freaked out and attacked him before calling some friends and they ended up. killing the guy
oh boy okay so keep in mind that i could totally be lying to you. remember that the internet does not always tell the truth. you cannot use this as evidence in court. i could be lying to you for fun.
that being said—
roughly uh, last year i think? yeah late last year, fall-ish, i had to put a pause on this long-fic i was writing because i had a friend text me that he needed help with something. (this friend in mention also lives several states away from me since he moved away a year ago.)
this is the only time that the one stupid meme about “i need a favor” is Real Life, because he asks me about hiding a fucking body. (once again, we live thousands of miles from one another.)
so it turned out that he’d helped a friend kill her ex (in self-defence) and ran over the body but now they need to figure out what to do with it. i had no useful help to provide because, as you can imagine, i was freaking the fuck out.
i was fairly certain he was joking around with me, but even he wouldn’t fuck around with me to that extent. no, this was an actual real life event.
(he (and his friend) ended up dumping the body in the pond/lake nearby.)
i did not return to ao3 for a bit due to several other unrelated reasons, but the reason i took a break in the first place was due to that.
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grimoireofhayley · 10 months
Of Friends and Horror
Stu Macher x Fem!Reader x Billy Loomis
WARNINGS: Graphic content, Smut (MINORS DNI), Language, Talks of SA, Cheating, Obsessiveness, Gore, 18+ Content, Stalking, Possessiveness, Dirty talk, Religion talk, Suppressed Mental Health problems (I.e., reader has some issues that she isn't aware of)
Word Count: 0.6k
Tag List: @ev3ningrain @nerdytif @fanfic-enjoyer123 @darkenwolfie @juda-the-simp @colsons-baker
A/n: I am so sorry for the delayed update, it’s been a busy couple of days. I also apologize for this chapters shortness, the next one will be longer, I promise! It’s getting to the better parts now haha. I’m also a mother of twin boys, so updating may very this week, until they go to their dads on the weekend; I’ll do my best to upload as much chapters as I can tonight, so you’re not left starving for more 😜😜
All chapter links! 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
OF&H Masterlist
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Chapter 7
“Ghost Face?” Dewey mumbles to himself, “You know, it’s funny that you say that…” Dewey chuckles, not meaning any harm by it, he just finds it odd. 
“What is it?” Tantum suddenly blurts, standing right next to you, and you nod your head, wanting Dewey to continue his explanation. 
“Sidney got a call around the same time you did…” He strokes his mustache in a thinking manner, trying to piece his words together. 
‘So, there’s two of them?’ You thought.
“She did?” You asked, “So, there must be two of them then, but why is it ‘funny’ I should say that?” You reiterated Dewey’s words, paraphrasing them.
“You got a heart in a box, whereas she is in the back of an ambulance right now as we speak because ‘Ghost Face’ tried to kill her…” He shakes his head, a small huff escaping his lips. “We had a sketch artist do her thing; asking questions about the appearance, y’know, the usual stuff and she drew this…” He holds up the mask, “To the T.” He lets out a chortle, “It’s ironic. She almost got killed, but you, you have an admirer… It’s twisted, that’s why it’s funny to me.” He closes his eyes for a second before blinking them open. 
You were rendered speechless, not sure how to feel about the entirety of the situation.
“Is Sidney okay?” Tatum catechized, placing a hand over her chest, her breathing picking up speed as she felt her blood pressure rising, she was on the brink of a panic attack. 
You look at her, gripping her shoulder. “I’m sure she’s fine, right Dewey?” You glance up at the deputy in front of you.
“Oh, yeah, she’s fine. She’s stable, just a few cuts here and there, she's just freaked out is all.” He reassures his sister.
“Oh, thank God.” Tatum gasps, hunching over as she places her hands on her knees, trying to elevate her panicked breaths. 
“Um, speaking of freaked out, (Y/n), please don’t be alarmed..” He murmurs, rubbing the back of his head, debating whether he should tell you or not, but in the end, he opens his mouth… 
You narrowed your eyes, your pupils dilating from a mixture of concern and aggravation, “What is it?” 
“Billy… He, he-uh, was caught at the crime scene at Sidney’s and is being held in custody.” His face reddens as he averts his gaze elsewhere. 
Dewey knew how close you and Billy are, but to tell you that your best friend has been arrested for the time being scared him. He didn’t know how you’d react, but from what he knows already, your emotions can be ‘explosive’ when it comes to people you care about. 
“He’s what?!” You screeched, fuming, storming out of the house, grabbing your bag that was by the front door and slung it over your shoulder.
“Take me to him.” You demanded, looking up at Sheriff Burke, who was midst in a conversation with another Officer.
“Hold on, take you to who?” He asked, stepping away from his coworker, his eyebrows cocked at your tone.
“To Billy.” You bit your bottom lip, placing your hand on your hip. 
“I can’t do that, he’s in questioning.” Sheriff Burke shakes head, not wanting to do this right now.
“You have to take me in for questioning, too. Do you not?” You looked at him, feet glued to the ground.
“Yes, I do--”
“Good, so let’s go.” You smiled, tapping your foot, shoving past Burke. 
The Sheriff sighed, ascending his arm, directing you to his vehicle. “Off we go then…” 
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devilsrecreation · 13 days
Thinking about my Outlands spinoff idea again and the black monsters (or “two-leggers” as everyone likes to call them) are EASILY the biggest threat to the Outlanders since they represent poaching and other illegal activities involving wildlife. So I thought I’d make a list of times the Outlanders (feat Makuu) had run-ins with them
Disaimer: TW for mentioned animal death and implied darker themes
- Chungu, Cheezi, Goioi, Tamka, and Nduli being kidnapped one by one to be sold to zoos. I’m not gonna go into TOO much detail about their time as prisoners since I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable, but let’s just say it’s not fun
- I will say that Cheezi goes absolutely APESHIT the minute one of their captors messes with Nduli. The rest are mad enough but Cheezi goes feral
- Jasiri, Janja, Reirei, Kiburi, and Sumu battling the same poachers who took their friends (and winning, courtesy of Sumu stinging them so everyone could get away)
- I know I said Sumu’s mom, Nge, was dead by that time, but I wanna give Sumu more of a happy ending. Instead, she’s miraculously alive as a wild caught pet used for scare. The most they did is clip her stinger off so she won’t kill anyone. It’s okay though cuz not only does Sumu help her escape, but he promises to hunt some food for her like a good son :)
- Njano and Hodari getting kidnapped to be a part of The Reptile Pet Trade
- As stated before, Makuu, Kiburi, Kenge, Shupavu, and Kinyonga distract/attack the poachers while Hodari and Njano make a run for it
- Hodari also helps other animals escape in the process :)
- While being trapped, Njano begins to suffer from zoonosis (it fortunately wears off the minute the cage is open but it still freaks Hodari out)
- Remember how I said that Kenge and Hodari teamed up to save Makuu and Kiburi once? I like to think the poachers are to blame for that. They don’t fight the monsters this time (as helping their croc friends is more important), but I like to think one of them makes eye contact with Kenge and Kenge manages to scare them off
- Kujivunia dies at the hands of the poachers. She knew they were bad news so she told Makuu (who was probably a teen at the time) to get Pua, but when they came back, it was too late
- Kiburi and Ucheshi end up fighting back to back to fend them off as part of their Trail to Udugu
- I have a feeling they would be the antagonists in “Kifamilia Means Family”. They’d see Chungu all alone and try to capture him in order to be given to a shitty zoo.
- I like to think Chungu would be oblivious at first, but throughout the story, he learns the dangers of the two-leggers and actively tries to avoid them while on his quest
- Bonus if, like Kion with the Season 3 villains, Chungu is the reason the poachers became a threat in the first place since he inadvertently leads them to the Outlands
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a-998h · 1 month
I wonder how the Battle Tendency crew would react to a friendly Himbo! Pillar Man! male reader who was the only survivor and last of his kind? No one, not even reader, knows how he survived. But, he somehow did. He's usually happy all the time and sometimes jokes about his trauma but he can get serious if needed. He wants revenge against Kars for killing his family.
Reader after telling his tragic backstory: Isn't that crazy? 😄
Caesar, straight up flabbergasted and mortified: Wha- I- How the hell are you even alive?
Reader: I have no idea! 😃
Lisa Lisa: Have you heard of someone called Kars?
Reader: Kars? *face goes dark while he poses dramatically in true Pillar Man fashion* I have not heard that cursed name in years.....
I love this idea. Himbo reader is best reader.
Joseph and Speedwagon were still trying to cope with everything that just happened, beating Sanvento, the pillar men's connection to the stone masks, and the death of Von Stroheim. They returned to New York and reunited with Erina, before heading to Italy.
He befriends Ceaser, meets his mentor Lisa Lisa, and begins hamon training. Things are going great, but of course life has to throw a massive wrench in the way in the form of a another pillar man.
Your stony body was quite the shock for Suzi Q to find, she ran and reported it to Lisa Lisa. You were stared at, everyone worried. If you awakened, you could kill them all. But, something compelled them to drag you to a shaded area where you awakened. They were on guard, but you didn't attack, instead you freaked out and raised your hands in surrender.
"I come in peace humans!" You exclaim.
They don't believe you, they think you're going to attack the second they turn their backs. Lisa Lisa activities her hamon, and you smile?
"Wait, members of the hamon yribe survived?!" You ask in shock, not angry but happy, like an excited puppy.
The group looks confused and have you explain yourself.
Caesar, straight up flabbergasted and mortified: Wha- I- How the hell are you even alive?
Reader: I have no idea!
Lisa Lisa: Have you heard of someone called Kars?
Reader: Kars? *face goes dark while he poses dramatically in true Pillar Man fashion* I have not heard that cursed name in years.....
They ask you to explain.
" Kars attacked, me and my people, we fought against him. I ended up being stabbed after he slaughtered them, I had attacked with more vigor but I still got injured. I remained entombed for centuries until I met you all, Isn't that crazy?" You explained.
"Final question, are you with us, or against us?" Joseph asks.
"With you all the way, friends!" You declare.
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Lisa Lisa
Pleasantly surprised by you friendly demeanor
Glad you're not planning to kill them
She feels kind of bad for you
You both bond over losing loved ones
When she sees you act dumb... she is so confused
You are an ancient powerful being that could kill them all, but you stand out in the rain not moving
She doesn't know who's more ditzy, you or Suzi Q
She finds some of you antics funny
Catches you traning at night, is proud of you for trying to get better
Has a list of things you can do and touch in her house... it's a small list
Doesn't laugh at you or mocks you
Thinks your heart makes up for you lack of brain power
Tries to act as a therapist for you and your trauma
Is kind of like a mom to you
Lisa Lisa: Reader when did you eat today?
Reader: *bright smile* Last week!
Lisa Lisa: *facepalms* Dear, let's get you breakfast.
Reader: ok 😁
^ these kind of interactions are daily
She ruffles your hair and laughs with you
She gets a little nervous when you start ripping into Kars
Wonders where the soft kind Pillar Man she loves went
Teaches you how to act in the world
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Joseph Joestar
You're his new best friend
You two are a Josuke and Okuyasu type duo
He enjoys your friendliness
Thankful you were not planning to kill them
Is a little worried about you
When you joke about your trauma... he doesn't laugh
Wants to help you
Asks you about your family to make you feel better
Is willing to spar with you in the middle of the night... sometimes
Teaches you how to adapt to the modern world
Teaches you a few things he knows
Feels bad that you lost everything to Kars
Whenever you do something dumb, he questions how you survived centuries
Calls you "Love" and "Handsome" but you don't understand the flirting
Is annoyed with how dense you are
"You're as dense as the rock you were trapped in!" Becomes a common phrase he uses with you
You two are peas in a pod
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Ceaser Zeppeli
He doesn't trust you
You're something that could kill them all, so he doesn't trust you at all
It's only after he sees how dumb you that he starts to let his guard down, only a little
Your "coping skills" makes him a bit worried
Tries to keep his distance but your friendly nature draws him in
Once he trusts you, he tries to be the older brother to you
Also teaches you things about the world
Is horrified by your story, and the way you joke about it
It takes him a bit to realize your jokes are your "coping skills"
He is proud of your warrior spirit
Wishes he could spar without one of you getting hurt
"Sei un idiota!" This something he commonly says to you whenever you've done something dumb
He calls you "second Joseph"
Tries to help you cope in a proper way
Is now a friend of yours
Feels your hate for Kars and wants to help you get revenge
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roguejukebox · 7 months
okay but like
who wants to hear my zosan/lusopp inuyasha au?
read more undercut
Sanji and Usopp are from the modern age, in university instead of high school. Friends since middle school (dead mom club and all that), and so Sanji sometimes hangs out with Usopp at the temple shrine Usopp was raised in after Banchina's death, when Sanji's family becomes too much to deal with.
Usopp wandered a little farther ahead of Sanji, to aim his slingslot randomly at some plants, when he suddenly falls through the ground. Sanji waits around for Usopp to pop back up and complain like usual, only this time he doesn't. Panicked, Sanji rushes forwards to the covered well Usopp was standing on previously, only the wooden cover had rotted out and broke when Usopp stood on it. The well is very dark and very deep.
Sanji is debating heading down for his friend verses running back to the temple for more help when something tugs him into the well also.
On the otherside, Sanji doesn't find Usopp. He does find a demon in the form of Wanze and his ramen kenpo abilities. After getting stuck to the noodles and tossed around, he decided to make a run for it, eventually making his way to the tree that Zoro is stuck in, held in place by Wado Ichimonji.
He doesnt stop to think, just yanking the sword out (if it food, I can deal with it, Sanji thinks, he just needs the right tools).
He elects to ignore the flash of light behind him, instead focusing on chopping up the incoming ramen (and for once glad that he was made to spar against his brothers using swords instead of his preferred capoeira kick boxing fusion). Zoro rushes in, two sword style, and finishes the demon, before relieving Sanji of his precious sword.
They argue a bit, Zoro says he needs to head into town and begins to walk off. Sanji notices the smoke from some fires and yanks Zoro in the opposite direction. Zoro killed the monster, Sanji will show him to town to settle any debt owed due to that.
Meanwhile, Usopp had not run into any demons upon first entering, though he did wander away from the well, seeing something in the trees. After walking a bit, he starts to hear not so great singing. He follows it to a tree and freaks out when he sees a man tied to it using his own arms and legs. Luffy hears Usopp freak out, and begs him to release him from the tree. He's so hungry, please?
And Sanji had instilled in Usopp his No Man Goes Hungry morals. Usopp makes Luffy vow to not eat him if his does help untangle the limbs. Luffy, of couse, agrees with a serious face. Usopp is still convinced he will get bitten once the other is free, but helps anyway. As Usopp unwinds the other, Luffy explains why he got tied to a tree, how he needs to find his friend Zoro, and that he will be King of the Demons one day. Usopp freezes at that, but it too late, Luffy is free enough to finish unwinding himself.
Luffy drags Usopp against his will to the nearest place that smells like it has food, conveniently meeting up with their companions along the way before they enter the village. Usopp and Sanji dispair to each other when it seems that the village does not contain any modern amenities. The villagers agree to host them in a barn overnight if they agree to some manual labour in the morning.
Except, in the middle of the night, some more demons attack. These are more zombie like in appearance, and all three of our protagonists plus an an Usopp that doesnt want to fight but doesnt want to be left behind either, go to help the village. All the zombies are congregating towards the shrine, where a priestess Nami is stationed. She is whacking the demons off as best she can, and Sanji rushes off to help her once he sees that. They thin the hoard, but at the end, Nami gets nabbed by a bat like zombie. None of them can help except–Sanji calls out to Usopp, kicking to him a red marble that must have been dropped in the scuffle.
Usopp aims and fires it at the bat creature, only it turned to try and deflect the object with its claws. It smashed the supposed marble, causing a bigger explosion as the shards flung itself to the far corners of the world. Nami screamed as she was dropped, only to be caught by Zoro, as the bat creature flew away.
Nami proceeded to beat the shit out of Sanji and Usopp, a few smacks aimed at Luffy and Zorro for good measure, as she explained that what was destroyed was a map that would lead to the previous Demon King's treasure, one of a kind type maps.
Usopp frees himself from her wrath, as he picks s piece of shard up from the pebbles in the road and says it should be too hard to piece them together again cause they shine so bright.
Apparently, no one else can see the shine and Usopp feels like its going to be a long day.
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avionvadion · 4 months
Ignore me, just some very self indulgent OC x Lucifer doodles I did in my notebook while watching Dan and Phil play Poppy Playtime’s Chapter 3.
Basically, Eleanora ends up in Hell by complete freaking accident when a demon tries to reverse engineer a pentagram summoning circle, is attacked by said demon, but saved last second by Charlie and Vaggie as they saw a strange and very suspicious light (think a huge beam from the sky) and went to check it out.
Note: Lucifer is standing on his tiptoes.
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Might start pre-Angel joining the hotel???
Charlie doesn’t know how to send El back to Earth, but makes a deal with her to protect her/give her shelter and use magic to keep her lungs working (since human medicine isn’t exactly available) if she helps out at the hotel with being a “righteous example” of how the Sinners should try and behave to redeem themselves, since she’s an awkward and very nice human being who doesn’t do drugs, lol. She’s also kind of the greeter???
Thinks Lucifer is Charlie’s brother at first because damn, but eventually ends up working with him to try and strengthen his and Charlie’s father/daughter bond.
I have this goofy scene in my head where she’s talking to him on the phone (maybe Charlie gave them each other’s numbers in case of emergency since she’s currently the only human in Hell??? I dunno) and she suggests inviting Charlie over for tea and he’s just freaking PANICKING and she’s using a soft and sweet voice to calm him and asks if he’d prefer to write a letter to Charlie asking her to come over for tea, and if he’d like her (El) to deliver said letter.
Luci just fucking kidnaps El because he doesn’t know what to write without it sounding lame or desperate or silly, and she kinda guides him through it? And at the end he’s like, “No! NO! I can deliver it!”
But he panics again so when they go back to the hotel El is awkwardly helping Luci even more awkwardly give Charlie the letter (and maybe a magic duck that spews rainbows and glitter as a gift) and so Charlie goes to have teatime and Lucifer is ecstatic and he kinda just keeps going to El for advice before the two just. Become close friends.
(Dude just starts calling her for literally anything and everything because she just listens and calms him when he starts panicking, and then kidnaps her frequently for tea so he’s not having tea parties alone with his hundreds of magic ducks that he made and so they can discuss ideas)
Lucifer doesn’t realize he’s smitten until Angel catches the two hugging (El was saying she’s glad he and Charlie are a lot closer now and Luci was super happy and thanking her for her help) and Angel makes a very Angel comment. El bickers with Angel because oh gods don’t get her killed by insinuating that, Angel, that’s the king of fucking Hell he would never, and Lucifer is like “Oh shit I do have feelings, didn’t realize I was still capable of that after the divorce” and chaos ensues.
Eventually it’s discovered that El should be able to leave if the demon who summoned her is dead (he is, he died during the recent extermination around the time Angel was recruited) and if her deal with Charlie is broken. Charlie nullifies the deal, but El is still there.
They realize she’s unknowingly entered a contract with Lucifer, buuuuut… plot twist; he’s not about to let her go.
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cure-typhoon · 10 months
what happens in the runaway au-????
im quite invested now-
Okey so i think its time i talk about what happened after this post :3 Heads up, long post! CW: Violence, Blood and Death (i will also put in the tags)
After the encounter in the cabin, they tried to talk to Karkat about what happened but because he is so disorientated they decide is better to take him to a hospital, he REALLy doesn't want to go, and says he just needs a bath and ''HE'LL BE FINE''
So they come to some sort of compromise and decide they'll talk about it again after he relaxs a little and eats something. So they go to Tavros's place, as it was the closest
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After some food, they're able to finally talk more calmly. They try again but Karkat still doesn't remember anything, he doesn't know why he attacked them and he can't even remember it happened even thought it was like an hour ago.
From the past year since he has been missing to the moment he attacked them is completely erased from his mind, he doesn't understand what's happening and is a very stressful situation for everyone involved. The only thing he remembers is right before he went missing, with him having to stop his car back home because ''THE CAR SUDDENLY STOPPED'' and him having to check it out, with the last thing he remembered was a bright light, and thats it.
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Because of that, they tried again to go to a hospital, but Karkat is really against it and they dont understand why, he doesn't want to go out AT ALL and is very scared and even though he can't understand why, his body is basically screaming him ''NO'' to the idea of going to a very populated area with other people. But he is obviously not fine, he has been missing for a year, can't remember anything of it, is malnourished and was covered in animal blood when they found him.
They start to argue until someone knocks on the door, Tavros goes to answers it and is a group of paramedics who came here because ''Of a call they got'', Tavros is confused and asks to the group ''Who called in for an ambulance?'' causing confusion because it looks like no one did
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''Can we come in?'' they ask, Tavros is unsure and tells them they got the wrong house, ''We're sure we got the right address'' while they try to keep the door open. Equius steps in and tell them to leave
That's when a chaos insues, the ''paramedics'' get into a full fight with Equius, it's obvious that theyre trained in combat because they're able to defeat Equius, even thought he is pretty strong. He gets injured badly and is left on the floor bleeding after he got stabbed
The group starts to freak out because they dont understand whats going on, but the pair of ''Paramedics'' tell them they need to calm down and if ''theyre friend'' (Karkat) goes with them, but obviously that wasn't going to happen.
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It didn't end well for them.
Karkat, or rather the alien who is possessing him, proceeded to fight, murder and the eat the souls of both of them, only for their bodies to become dust and disappear in the wind
After that, he walked out the door and tried to leave, only to be stopped by Kanaya who tried to reasure things will be fine, even if she doesn't know what is going on or the fact she just saw her childhood friend murder and turn to dust two people. The alien told her that its better for them to leave both of them alone as things will only get more dangerous the more time passes and that he can take care of himself and Karkat on his own.
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She is somehow able to convince him to help and after that it starts the runaway part of the whole story, as Kanaya is adamant to help Karkat with this whole thing, while the group thinks she is going to get killed. Only to join her later.
At the end they have to escape from the people who are trying to capture Karkat and as he goes through his metamorphosis and are basically constantly on the roadway while they look for ways to help him and try to find out what the fuck happened while he was missing, as the Alien is not the most cooperative person
Its gets more complicated than that but i am already making things long lol, hope you enjoy
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rere-the-writer · 2 years
Hi! I just wanted to say, I love love love your stories. Like another one of your followers had said, I had found your page and I'm obsessed. Just like them I'm sneaking off to go read your stories or anything that you share.
I was wondering if you could pretty please keep writing poly stories about the Mikaelson's. I would love to see some smut of all of the characters with their little lover. I really loved how in one of the stories Damon and Elena had helped her to marry her lovers. Perhaps if she was their friend who had recently found out she was a werewolf or something?
Anyways, I just wanted to say I love your work, truly works of art and please keep sharing!
Oh thank you and of course I will, time for fluffy angst
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Protective Damon, Reader being a soft bean, Elena playing cupid
A/N: I will do a part two for the smut as I got carried away with the plot
You sat shaking as you called Damon staring at the very very dead hybrid that you had killed and you were freaking out. Tears fell down your face scared as Stefan had gone off the deep end and Klaus was running around, you knew this was bad and it also didn't help you recently learned you were a wolf.
"Hey hey calm down it's just me." Damon said seeing you jump when he touched your bare shoulder, Damon quickly took off his jacket placing over you.
"I....I...I turned....and he came out of...nowhere. Damon I'm sorry....I."
"Hey hey, shhh it is okay. Take deep breaths." Damon tells you hearing how panicked you were as he kneeled down taking your hands rubbing them. Normally everyone thought Damon was an ass but with you, he was the softest thing out there, always watching out for you, like an older brother you never had.
"You okay?"
"I'm...scared Damon."
"Hey listen, I'll take the fall for this okay? Klaus won't know." Damon says standing up lifting you taking you back to the Salvatore home. Of course when Klaus learned his hybrid was killed, he was angry even more when Damon took the credit for it.
"Brother, I don't think it was Damon who killed your hybrid."
"What are you talking about 'Lijah?" Klaus said glaring as Elijah stood up from the body looking at Klaus.
"Niklaus, this is signs of a wolf. Freshly turned by the looks of it." Elijah says as Klaus looked at the body seeing how torn it was. To Klaus it seemed to him that whoever this wolf was, they were young and had killed the hybrid out of act of survival.
"This young wolf needs someone to teach them." Klaus says as Elijah noted how soft Klaus sounded before agreeing.
You were working at a small café when you frozed seeing Elijah and Klaus take a seat at a table and you felt your anxiety spike. You shook walking over forcing a smile as Elijah and Klaus looked you over finding you cute knowing you were the wolf they were looking for.
"What can I get you?"
"A black coffee and tea." Elijah says noticing your shaking hands and racing heart as you weren't like the other wolves he ran into.
"Alright, I'll go get that for you." You say quickly heading to put the order in as Elijah and Klaus looked at one another surprised with how docile you were. After your shift you hurried out as Elijah and Klaus followed after you, scaring you even more when Damon appeared hiding you behind him.
"Back off, the wolf is off limits." Damon said glaring feeling you shaking on the verge of an anxiety attack. Since you had killed the hybrid you had been on edge and scared of Klaus learning what you did and wanting to kill you.
"Damon, we know she was the one that killed the hybrid." Elijah said as you gripped Damon's jacket tightly. Damon growled eyes narrowing and you felt tears prick at the corner of your eyes.
"If you think I'll let you harm her."
"The little wolf has nothing to worry about. She needs an Alpha to look after her."
"Yeah. No. Y/N isn't going anywhere near you." Damon growled as Elijah stepped forward seeing how protective the young vampire was of you
"Damon, we mean no harm."
"Yeah right. I am not letting you guys near her." Damon said picking you up getting you away from the two Originals. You were shaking by the time Damon got you back to the Salvatore home and the vampire spent time calming you.
"Damon...please don't let them take me."
"Never sweetheart. I'll protect you." Damon tells you kissing your forehead rubbing your back holding you close as you relaxed against him.
The next few days you had not just Elijah and Klaus following you around but Rebekah and Kol too which made you nervous. Of course Damon noticed and grew very protective of you as he didn't trust the Mikaelsons and it didn't help Elena pointed out how they seemed to really like you but Damon was having none of that.
"They invited me to their ball Dam." You tell Damon as he had came over as Elena pulled out the dress from the box. It was gorgeous, a champagne colored dress that was backless sheer off the shoulders sleeves a long flowing skirt.
"You should go. I mean they seem to really take a liking to you."
"No Elena. Stop trying to push her to date them."
"Damon, they have not once try to harm her." Elena said crossing her arms looking at Damon as you swallowed.
"That may be true but what if she doesn't want to." Damon said narrowing his eyes at Elena as you gripped his arm.
"I want to go to be polite but cane you come with me?" You asked as Damon soften nodding at you.
Elijah felt his breathing hitched when he saw you walking in with Damon and the others noticed you too and found you just gorgeous. Rebekah was the one to pick out the dress and the men were glad.
"Great she brought that Salvatore." Kol said sounding annoyed as the other Originals were just as annoyed. There was something about you that was pulling the Originals towards you.
"Damon is protective of the little wolf."
"Is he now?" Rebekah questioned watching you cling to Damon as you never did well in crowds since becoming a wolf. Of course Elena had came with Stefan as the human thought Damon was being too protective of you.
"This a surprise Elena."
"Well Elijah, I just came to make sure that Damon doesn't ruin Y/N's night." Elena says smiling at Elijah who raised an eyebrow before nodding.
"How are you feeling?"
"Nervous, they keep staring at me." You tell Damon making the vampire frowned rubbing your back. Even though you were scared of the Mikaelsons, you were a little attracted to them.
"Don't worry, I'm here."
"May I ask for a dance?" Both you and Damon jumped looking to see Elijah standing there smiling gently with his hand out to you. Damon was about to answer for you but you nodded taking Elijah's hand letting Damon know you would be alright.
"I must say you look exquisite tonight."
"Thank you." You whispered flushing as Elijah pulled you closer while Damon watched his eyes narrowed at Elijah. The affection the Mikaelsons gave you didn't get pass Damon as he was trying hard to protect you while Elena was letting it slip what your favorite things were to the siblings.
"So what is a beautiful, sweet wolf like yourself doing around Damon?"
"He saved me." You answered Elijah as he raised an eyebrow curious about your relationship with Damon.
"Saved you? From what?"
"I don't like talking about it." You say softly trying to shy away but Elijah held you gently.
"Then let's talk about something else like how I desperately want to kiss you." Elijah says as this time you flushed as your heart raced. And for the rest of the night the Mikaelsons flirted with you all while Damon glared and Stefan eased his worry.
"Do you like them back?" Damon asked as you both layed in his bed with you dressed in his shirt cuddling close to Damon. You layed there thinking over his words feeling him tighten his arms around you.
"I think so....there is this pull but it scares me Damon."
"Then I'll help you though it." Damon says well aware that Elena had the Originals down stairs and they heard him. You smiled softly thanking him falling asleep as Damon layed watching you knowing that Elena will keep playing cupid.
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So I have this fanfic idea but I’m not sure if I’m ever gonna write been busy with other projects and fanfics it so I’m gonna just make it an AU for now. Where all the Jostars are vampires. Calling it the Bloody Star AU.
Basically in a timeline where Dio never tested the mask and didn’t know he could make vampires with it, used it on Jonathan to try and kill him… but turned him into a vampire (this happened in dio’s confrantaon for when he was caught poison gorge.) Jonathan with his anger and new monsteious hunger attacks dio (he lived but got badly injured). By the time Jonathan snapped out of it the damage had already been done and the cops saw him as a monster. They shot at Jonathan but bullets don’t really work, Gorge tries to step in but ends up getting shot. He apologized to Jonathan before dying. While Jonathan and Speedwagon were destractive the cops set the manor on fire in an attempt to kill Jonathan. But he managed to survive and save Speedwagon, the two of them go into hiding. (Jonathan eats suicidal people and freaks who want to be eaten, he is not happy about it and is remorseful about it saying sorry everytime). Erina finds him and gives him comfort and help, telling him about how he was still the same kind soul she always known despite the fangs, and that he was not at fault, it was just a lot of unfortunate circumstances, a fate he couldn’t fight even if he wanted too… the best thing to is enjoy the now, and hope that things get better.
Meanwhile Dio meets Zeppeli and learns hamon from him (he is super good at it) and the two of them go to try and find the vampire that was once Dio’s beloved brother.(dio is lying about what actually happened, the cops were there just mentioned how scary Jonathan was (despite not attacking and was more scared of them)) . Word spread about a monster that feeds on the willing, who is often accompanied by a gangster and woman who practiced medicine wich was kinda terrifying back then. Tracking him down the hammon users finally cornered Jonathan in a valley after he saved Poco. Zeppeli did kinda find it off putting how uncharacteristically kind, polite and sweet the vampire is but he shouldn’t let him stop from saving the world from this horror! Then he gets backstabbed by Dio. While Speedwagon and Erina is tending to Zeppeli wounds. Jonathan and Dio fight, during the fight Jonathan acedently revives the knights, witch is a double edged sword, he has no idea how to control zombies or how they work but managed to scare dio off. He managed to befriend Bruford for a while before his soul is laid to rest but Tarkus has more of a bone to pick and ends up going wild, heading to town, Jonathan has to stop him. Ultimately he gains zeppeii as a friend who finished Tarkus, but just to be save he puts Jonathan in hamon infused restrains and locks him in this special cage.
Dio ends up requiring new people on his side to try and end the rieng of the vampire named Jonathan basically create an Anti-Speedwagon foundation/cult of sorts that I don’t have a name for yet and ends up basically becoming another ruler of London. Playing to their fear and sympathy. Getting more and more help. The people are becoming more paranoid and turning on each other in fear of vampires. Doesn’t help that a lot of other hamon users end up joining with Dio. In some ways Dio was a bigger threat as a hamon user then his vampire counterpart. This does not help the fact he is now getting more and more power hungry and just as roughless. This messed up culture takes more after him and prays on the weak for multiple things with ‘protection’ being the biggest reason they should comply. You know that things get messed up when the safest place in London now is Ogre Street.
Zeppeli does his best to reson with people and his colleagues but they are not listening, even though he has the vampire contained and everyone can see him, along with all of the damaged Jonathan has from hamon and is now patiently waiting for them to finish him off (both Erina and Speedwagon are objecting and trying to convince him not to give up) despite all his attempts and reasoning he is badly injured by the hamon mob, he besides to save the creature who didn’t let fear or his rage take over his soul and saved his life. He frees Jonathan from his cage. The entirey of the mob runs away when Zeppeli, Dio made them a bit too fearful of vampires to the point no one thinks they can stop Jonathan who is literally crumbling away due to hamon. Zeppeli tells Jonathan that he was sorry, that he couldn’t believe that the very thing he learned to try and stop the horrors of the stone mask, hamon, the power of life, turned into something so horrible. They need to stop this raging fire before it consumes the world, they need to stop Dio.
The four of them start traveling to the Keep Dio has taken refuge in. Jonathan now knowing he has to fight him begins training, eating those who Actually deserve it like Jack the Ripper and testing the limits of his abilities, often sparing with Zeppeli as well as healing others with his blood. But not raising any more zombies or messing with life in any kinda way. Fun times when Jonathan learns he can shoot eye beams and make his body super cold. While dealing with goons that are a minor annoyance at best, there too scared to actually try and directly attack the Vampire. They get horses, (Jonathan’s horse is named slow dancer) and then they actually get into an fight with a high rank fallower and a few goons on horseback, it’s a race against the sunrise of sorts but Jonathan wins.
They finally raid the keep Jonathan goes to fight Dio while Zeppeli, speedwagon and Erina fight the three hamon users that helped Jonathan in the original part (I can look their names but I don’t want to bother). Thankfully Zeppeli was able to have them see how messed up everything is by showing them the people who were ‘saved’ by their cause. Meanwhile Dio and Jonathan are both at their wits ends, Jonathan throwing everything he knows at Dio, how to counter hamon, and Dio who studded vampires and had extensive hamon training since their last encounter. But ultimately Jonathan wins by using his environment to his advantage and tricks Dio into falling to his death.
After the fact a huge discussion was held on what to do after the fact, everyone is still in fear of the vampire, no one wants to kill Jonathan, he doesn’t deserve it. After a while they come up with a solution. “Dio gave his life to the country, he died trying to fight the vampire, and thankfully he managed to kill it” they spread a zombie’s hamon ashes around to sell the illusion. They destroy the stone mask as well. Meanwhile Erina smuggles Jonathan out of the country to the colonies using a special trunk(aka Dio’s coffin in the original just a bit different so that Erina can pass it as luggage, the secret compartment was always there) until the whole mess is over. The hamon users give Jonathan a special collar that they made him weaker and curbed any vampiric hunger that he couldn’t remove. I mean they’re not gonna just let a vampire roam free, that just seems like a bad idea. On a more happier note Jonathan and Erina become an official thing a few days after the fact. Even though they couldn’t get married, they vowed to be together as long as possible. However a day after they took off Zeppeli finds out that Dio’s corpse has been stolen from his resting place before his memorial.
The pair at see enjoy the nights on the ocean, Erina often falling asleep in Jonathan’s arms, just enjoying their time together. Jonathan has to stay cramped in her room and not speak a peep out of fear of being found out especially after someone ransacked her room, but they made the most out of it. But the day they see the new land on the horizon, several zealots of Dio attacked, they were hiding among the passengers. They were after Erina, because they believed that he had some secret vampire relic to revive the dead, when they couldn’t find anything from their earlier raid, they went into the deep end and were convinced the entire ship were secret vampire worshipers, and started Killing the passengers and ringing the boat to explode. They also were the ones-who stole Dio’s corpse, putting it in a special blast proof glass/crystal coffin that keeps his body from decomposing so that their lord can watch over them fulfill their purpose. Jonathan has to step up however due to the collar he is taking a lot of damage and can’t fight back well but managing to save a few of the passengers, including an infant who he gives to Erina to keep safe. He makes make shift boats. Jonathan, Erina and the baby are the last’s ones to leave, they use the special trunk as a makeshift boat. But before they can leave Jonathan gets snagged by a harpoon like hamon weapon, and gets dragged back. Erina tries to save him but can’t free him, when she can’t she tries to die with him.
“If you die, who will I live for?”
“Live for the baby who lost her parents, live for our child…” Jonathan says while putting his hand over her stomach. “I can already sense the little one’s life… please… Erina…. I’m sorry about putting you though all this…..”
They kiss for one last time before Jonathan is dragged into the depths of the ship. Erina escapes on the trunk turned boat with the baby and joins the other survivors shortly after the boat explodes. After that the fable of “The Vampire and The Sun Cult,” spread all over the colonies and gave the people a good discussion on what makes a monster. Sorrow is felt among Jonathan’s comrades, even little Elisabeth could feel the cold feeling of dread, but at least the nightmare was over finally.
Until George II born with fangs…. Everyone knew that the blood of the vampire was now ingrained with the Joestar bloodline.
Will do part 2 and 3 later this took so long to write.
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bumblebuzzzz · 5 months
have you considered that this song is a song for the forger family (mostly and loid and anya story) from the POV of loid? I have.
I think the beginning of the song, the forger family is hanging out having a Normal Day but something happens and they find out Anya can read minds. Anya explains everything about her powers and even mentioning that bond can see the future as well. loid realizes that "oh wow my kid has known all this time and she has been hiding it. she could be a great spy (<- does not want that, actually) and he kinda kicks himself for that being his first thought "she's gonna be a lot like me, but I don't want to be at all like me"
she is bawlling about this cause shes terrified that shes going to be sent away again (or killed cause mama is an assassin) but yor says "stranger things than death can happen to labrat girls and pretty white dogs [rabbits]" trying to comfort her kid. reassuring her that she's going to be okay and she's staying right with her family. from there, loid tells wise that his daughter reads minds, it takes some convincing but he eventually gets through to them that, no he isn't joking and yes, he is serious. he's seen some shit and after looking into it a bit more that yeah holy shit lab rat girl. this isn't his first Christmas, he knows a mistletoe when he sees it and all that. after that, loid tells her to play along. wise knows what's going on and they want to run a few tests and such. Anya FREAKS the FUCK out but she calms down (a little) after loid starts joking with her. eventually he ends up making the joke "well afterwards will you tell me if I'm still pretty?"
he thinks it's a lousy joke but Anya lights up and starts laughing and laughing. she loves it. it calms her down enough for her to take some tests and wise to get the information they need. but every time they go in, anya comes out looking worse and worse.
then loid begins to realize that they are taking advantage of his kid. he's realized that this isn't "just for the mission" at this point and now he's worried that his daughter is getting hurt. he knows she hates these tests but he's still taking her. and he starts to question why.
he ends up talking to yor about everything, being a spy, where hes been taking anya, and what he thinks wise is doing to their girl.
yor is lowkey pissed. how dare they even lay a hand on anya, and she kinda goes off on him, saying that what wise is doing is wrong. she isn't a tool for some non-existent war and that Anya is the best thing to happen for both of them. they need to look back at what their family has really been like. (look through the pockets of the hand me downs we've layed out) and he needs to start thinking about his life as a father and a husband.
at some point, weather it be when yor called him on his shit or when anya comes out of the testing room in near tears, loid realizes what he's doing is wrong.
and he leaves wise.
and they are nooot happy about it. they keep trying to stalk him and his family and they keep getting into all of their business. and so now loid has explained to Anya what's going on. that these people are "old friends" and they aren't very nice. so he needs her to be on her best behavior and be very very careful. just play along. Anya, who obviously is still scared cause she's like. 5, loid repets that bad joke he made at the start of this whole thing "and afterwards will you tell me if I'm still pretty?" a while has passed and they've gotten somewhat comfortable. they are still being stalked by wise but they haven't made any big moves. and one day, Anya and yor have come home from walking bond, she's recently gotten a bike, but she's scraped her knee. they get it cleaned up and she's taken back home and tucked into bed for the night. and wise makes their move. they attack the forger household, and yor and loid have to start fighting, they both have been in large scale fight before but this one particularly hurts loid. these are the people who he's been working with for years and now he has to fight them?? because they won't just let him be happy?? with his family?? eventually they are outnumbered and they have to take Anya and run. Anya is confused and scared and she doesn't know what's going on. loid figures that, while she is a smart ass kid, she needs something less scary right now.
it's a game of intense tag, he needs to run away from everyone and then they will all win! (just like in the first or second episode) they run and run, all the while loid is kicking himself in the ass, what's wrong with him? how did he let this happen?? wise is still on their tail and eventually they've been surrounded. loid and yor are good but they are just two people. they keep fighting, trying to protect their daughter but. eventually they get taken out. yor was too lethal so she ended up having to be killed. bond was muzzled. and loid was subdued and Anya was taken away. as Anya is being taken away from him, he wants to hold her, tell her things are going to be okay, hell he'd even make that stupid joke again if it could make her laugh, but he's too stricken with grief and regret to word it properly. all he can say is "could you tell me how"
this plays in my mind every time i hear this song and it drives me mad /pos
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atwas-gaming · 6 months
Thoughts on the Final Horizon
I've been trying to put my thoughts on Final Horizon into a cohesive analysis, and... it hasn't happened yet. So just have some terribly disjointed thoughts.
First off, I want to say that I only filled in about a third of the map, so I probably didn't get the full story on anything. But I did beat The End, so I have seen how the story actually ends. And personally, I'm calling this the true ending. For one thing, the boss feels like a proper boss- it's very difficult to figure out on your own, it's easy to mess up, it's not just an out-of-place mini-game that felt like it was shoved in at the last second, and we're not left scratching our heads and wondering why literal Death wasn't so much harder.
Easy and medium modes in the base game left me with the same reaction as Sonic: "Is that it???" Hard mode left me feeling like nothing made sense. Seriously, a destroyer of worlds can't do better than a few dark and light particles and an occasional death laser? I spend most of hard mode in the base game going, "Ugh, I suck at bullet hells, what does this have to do with Sonic, anyway?!?"
The required mini-games were annoying enough, but to make it into a boss fight? Never made sense, and it never felt like a real Sonic boss.
But The End in Final Horizon does. First we fight Supreme. Same old Supreme fight as ever. And he whips out his gun and you're going, "gee, I wish they'd done more with that." But then you get into the final boss, and they did. The gun is how The End is filling Supreme with its power, connecting its siphon to it to fill Supreme with its power. We have to remove the siphon, and then the gun, to be able to destroy Supreme, and that gives us the opportunity to go after the moon.
I am not convinced that the hands that sprout from Supreme's back weren't inspired by TOTK's gloom spawn XP. Especially in the second phase of the fight, when they start glowing and spitting at us.
The perfect parry we learned to use in Master King Koco's trial (along with the punch-stomp technique, amirite?) suddenly becomes important instead of just a nuisance.
If you're like me and you were a little disappointed that Sonic automatically cylooped Knight's sword instead of us getting the chance to cyloop it, we now get the chance to cyloop Supreme's gun.
I have a few nitpicks on the design, largely the fact that those dang trees were in the way most of the time, and also that it was so hard to figure out how to manage the fight (I totally forgot that dodge changes the target, so I spent an hour or two trying to figure out why I couldn't just kill Supreme and then go after the moon). Otherwise, I think it was fairly well-designed, considering that it was a DLC addition.
As for the story aspect, I loved it. It was honestly about time Sonic got a new form, and Cyber Sonic fits him so well. It's clearly more than he can handle, but he "goes all out," because if he doesn't, it's over. He's not just saving his friends, anymore- he has to destroy literal Death, or the universe itself will be destroyed. (Just the universe? From the way this thing is capable of destroying the walls between dimensions, I think Sonic just saved the whole freaking space-time continuum.)
And it becomes a team effort. First Sage steps up to throw up a shield similar to the dimensional shield that kept The End trapped for milleni- albeit a much smaller one that begins breaking almost immediately; however, the fact that she could do it at all speaks volumes about not only her strength, but her ability to tap into Cyberspace. Then Team Sonic joins in, each of them equal in strength to Sage because of not only their connections to Cyberspace, but also the cyber corruption they've suffered as a result of retrieving the Emeralds.
Sonic develops new attacks and abilities, apparently having gained even greater speed and agility than ever before because of the Cyber Corruption. I don't know if this happens all the time or if I just screwed up somewhere, but it seemed like The End shot out some kind of huge energy ball that ripped both the Emeralds and the rings right out of Sonic- but then he just pulled them all back in, somehow?
I was sitting there through the whole fight going, "Come on, come on, we gotta take out that moon!" And the way they did it was, I think, even better than the normal ending (base game). In the normal ending, Sage throws Sonic into The End, and while it's enough to do some damage, Sonic is just too small. Sage, in Supreme, is large enough and has enough power to completely obliterate The End- something Sonic couldn't have done even if he'd released all the Emeralds' power while he was passing through the moon's center. He would have died for nothing. But Sage dies, instead. And we get a post-credits cutscene of Eggman rebooting Sage from backup copies. This is the normal ending.
That's why I think of Final Horizon as the True Ending- it's the one where no one dies except the bad guy. And its so perfect. Eggman and Sonic just... they just work together like they each know what the other one's going to do (one of the benefits of having been enemies for so long, I guess). There's almost no conversation between them, Eggman's already got the gun attached to the Eggmobile, he doesn't have to tell Sonic that Sonic is going to be the bullet, he just knows to do it.
Once Sonic is safely enclosed deep within the barrel of the gun, he releases the barriers that he himself put up to protect himself from the corruption, becoming a little ball of pure cyber energy. The last time the corruption took him over, he turned into a statue, like stone. This time, he holds onto his mind long enough to remain conscious while he does what he has to do. Nothing is said about his mental condition, he just roars like an animal as he rushes at the shell of Supreme's casing and the moon. I imagine he let his amnesia take over, let his mind be taken over by pure rage and one thought: DESTROY THAT THING.
(Also, I recommend watching Sonic strike the final blow in Japanese. Junichi's screams are just so perfect. Roger's voice acting in Frontiers is amazing, but I'm sorry, Roger is still the worst screamer. Junichi is amazing here.)
And then... maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think I've ever seen Super Sonic look beat up, or unconscious. Perhaps it was the Emeralds that gave Sonic the ability to hold onto himself long enough to fight? At any rate, he unleashed his Cyber power while inside The End, destroying it, and neutralizing the corruption so it didn't affect him anymore.
And then Sage finally gets to hear Eggman call her his daughter. And... the final boss music from the base game finally makes sense. I never understood why it was so tender and lovely, or why it was called "I'm With You." I figured it had something to do with Sage, but I couldn't figure out what. Now that we have lyrics, it makes sense. All she was ever thinking about was her father. Even in the base game, before she realized that she would have to die, she was just looking forward to the day that she would have a family.
BTW, I'm still not a fan of the whole "daddy Eggman" thing, I see his fondness for Sage as purely narcissistic- he built her, and she protects him, and he's proud of her for exceeding his expectations. I don't think he cares about her, he just cares about what she does for him. But even so... it's still touching. And Sonic does have a monologue on Ouranos where he says something like, "Eggman, maybe you'll finally get your act together this time." Perhaps they are leaning in that direction. Hmm... tbh, I wouldn't mind seeing him get a redemption arc, eventually. Doubt it will ever really happen, but I'm a sucker for a redemption story, so I can hope.
Final Thoughts (and some hopes for Frontiers 2)
Anyway, despite some of the shortcomings and a lack of properly setting us up and preparing us for it, I think Final Horizon was good. I can't say that it leaves me feeling like they gave us the ending they had originally intended. For instance, I've heard that Ouranos was originally intended to be set in space or something (just a rumor I heard in one video- apparently there's a lost voice clip of Sage saying something about a mothership). So, I don't feel like we got the full story as it was originally intended.
But, like... this was the biggest and most well-received Sonic game to come out in generations (see what I did there?). And I believe Sega has already said they plan on using a similar format for the next game.
Now, I'm not trying to make a prediction or get anyone's hopes up, but... well...
I mean, Team Sonic's gonna go do their own things, right? Amy and Tails are going off to explore on their own, Knuckles says he wants to go somewhere and not be tied down to Angel Island so much anymore. So, who's gonna go with Sonic on his next adventure?
May I suggest making Team Dark relevant again?
And then, since we've already involved aliens and Ancient alien technology and the Emeralds apparently came from space... and Shadow is part alien... You see where I'm going with this?
It's just my own idea, but hey, I can dream, can't I? They could make a whole 'nother huge game if they went such a route.
Anyway, whatever they decide to do, I'm looking forward to it. Frontiers was a heck of a ride- lol, I've been on this ride almost non-stop for a year now. If Sega does as good with the next game, I definitely want to see it!
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Let's Rewind! Toast watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 27: The Green Medusa Season 1, Episode 28: Treasure of Planet Tyrus
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Ty Lotor for the lore, Planet Medusa was hit with a solar flare that put all of its people into a coma, his plan is to snatch one and let it loose on Arus ofc The sad part about this is that they picked a mother who lost her children, so she's having the worst time
I like the design for the Medusan, just wish it had more flair and no boobs,, is this woman not reptilian why does she have breasts
Ah there's the namesake, when angry the Medusan can grow pretty large, their hair transforms into snakes, and ya guessed it, their laser vision turns enemies to stone she looks a lot more monstrous in this form, a better look imo
Hey a scene from before is reused! We're back on Arus now and the scene of people crowding around lance pidge and hunk for their offer of food from the episode where Sven got got was reused for them calling for orphans since Allura is using part of the castle as an orphanage now A sweet gesture, wish there was more info about it
Back at the castle, an infant apparently chose Keith to be their foster dad oh, I am so making either an AU or a HC from this scene omg
PIDGE LORE he's an orphan! And adopted out of the system recently from what it looks like
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His adoptive parents <3
aw no Pidge,, he still wishes to have his biological mother with him, that's always a hard wish to have, not that I can comment much on it as I'm not adopted
Attack time and the team is already in their lions wow, no launch animation sequence? Amazing
AND NO ANNOUNCEMENT ABOUT THE MEDUSAN? THIS ISN'T THE USUAL EPISODE FORMAT also pidge ejects from green who ends up smashing into the castle flooring below, I thought you were a better pilot than this kid
The Medusan mother grabs him after he lands onto the floor but instead carefully picks him up and places him onto her palm, even her expression is soft! This is why I love this episode, pidge found a mom and yknow what good for him because he keeps getting badass women figures in his life
Allura is freaking out about it and Lance wants to shoot everything at her for grabbing pidge before keith tells him again that she's got pidge in her grasp PIDGE IS JUST ROUTINELY GETTING ADOPTED AT THIS POINT AND WE LOVE THAT HERE
Pidge wakes up in a cave with the Medusan and tries running off but for some reason turns back and then immediately gets brought back by one of her snakes who nuzzle him after picking him back up how cute! I think Pidge knows something is going on especially because she only took him elsewhere instead of killing him
"he's awful little to see from up here" -Hunk such a cute line
PIDGE YOU MADE HER CRY, at least he apologized Lotor finds the two of them and immediately tries to capture them, but she protects pidge from it, and he finally realizes she's protecting him
Pidge likes snakes, sucks for lance who is definitely afraid of snakes after Bokar
Lotor says that he created a monster with too good a heart Created?? mf you KIDNAPPED A MOTHER AFTER FORCFULLY AWAKING HER FROM HER COMA YOU DIDN'T CREATE SHIT
Coran and Nanny immediately think Pidge is dead after the team searches for him again and still doesn't find him which like that's a sane assumption, but I'm also biased against them so how fucking DARE they pretend to care now >:/
Sike, Pidge is alive and he made friends with his new mom, Anga HE'S JUST CHILLING ON HER HAND LIKE IT'S NOTHING, MAN IS LIVING THE LIFE And suddenly Hunk is real hopeful that Anga has a friend lol
Attack hours again, this time with a REAL robeast and Haggar tries to force Anga to attack pidge so he PULLS OUT HIS GUN TO SHOOT AT HAGGAR ICONIC
Anyway Anga is shrunk down to her normal size and Pidge gets back to making sure Haggar knows who the bitch is between the both of them, and it ain't the little boy with a blicky that's for sure
Pidge gets a piggyback ride from Anga but she's super hurt and collapses before they reach the castle so Pidge promises to come back for her after having a memory of his adoptive mother giving him a piggyback right too THIS KID CAN FIT SO MUCH BACKSTORY AND TRAUMA IN HIM OH MY GOD
Voltron formed, robeast defeated, another scene is reused where Lance is kissed by allura and pidge gets kisses from the mice when he asks instead not the best scene to use? i mean nobody did anything except for pidge but all he did was make friends with a woman who died trying to do the right thing for him
/episode end
Episode 28: Treasure of Planet Tyrus
Planet Tyrus is a vacation planet i see, i can't tell if it was taken over and made a vacation planet for the villains to relax at or if it was always like that
So as an amateur archivist for older voltron content, I can definitely see why there were so many people who loved lotor specifically, the douchebag attitude probably doesn't take away from his looks either huh
oh so definitely conquered and it's lotors birthday! I wonder when this aired so I can assign that to him
i'm sorry, Zarkon stole treasure from Arus the week before the events of the episode?? guys what the fuck are you letting happen on arus
the team infiltrates the ship that apparently carrying said treasure, and it's deserted! they find a golden statue of lotor though, so that's pretty wild what the fuck is chitter doing on the ship, did i skip something on accident again
I'm sorry, red lion is able to phase through fucking metal? Lance is straight up hiding in the lotor statue what does this fucking imply because-
lotor sends a squad to go grab the treasure from the ship and keith pretends to be a guard only for the lead of the squad to say "nah youre not treasure so fend for yourselves" absolutely ruthless
the quality of this dub is so low lmao, looks like the team didn't realize that it was keith under the mask when he fell with the key in front of lotor because it was hunks voice first before keith suddenly pipes up and reveals himself
lotor v lance sword fight rematch AND LANCE GETS CAUGHT BY A TRAP DOOR WHAT KEITH TRIED TO CATCH HIM BUT WATCHED HIM FALL very homosexual of them
how many times has allura slapped lotor now? 3 times? she's right to do it every time
oh shit keith lance and pidge are about to be burnt a la witch trials, obvs allura is forced to watch because why would lotor kill her but mouse to save the day because chitter is biting the rope away
LANCE SURVIVES AND HE BLOWS UP BOTH THE CAKE AND THE STATUE he's so great, what a way to stick it to lotor on his birthday
voltron v command ship, obvs they win and apparently are able to get the valuables back allura makes fun of lotor and says he aged 10 years instead of only the 1
/episode end
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rusty-jester · 10 months
OKAY. SO. Here is a quick recap of Yandere High School/Tokyo Soul Trigger warnings: suicide, guns, abuse, substance abuse, child death, teenager death, fantasy racism, mental abuse, homophobia, transphobia, ableism and probably more i cannot remember at this moment.
It starts as a relatively normal series, Sam and Taurtis are two childhood friends who go to the same school together. Sam is more of a social outcast, and frequently gets antagonised by a kid named Dom Around ep 7 or so, their teacher (Gareth) hangs himself in the school classroom. Taurtis gets a girlfriend named Salex. Sam is interested romantically in a girl named Sookie, but she is uninterested as she is a lesbian. A girl named Invader is interested in Sam, but he rejects her advances, she tries to pursue him anyways. Sam and Taurtis get dared by Dom to go to the school after midnight, as it is rumoured the ghost of Gareth still lurks the halls. A fortune teller/general mystic named Ellen tries to warm Sam and Taurtis about general pain and misfortune, but they ignore them. Surprise, the school is haunted. Salex dies in a car accident pretty much the night after. sam ends up crossdressing at some point i think? along with taurtis. they get in trouble w/ the yakuza taurtis also makes toritos, an offbrand of doritos Grian shows up for the beach day, but he soon has to leave to go back to britan. not before he asks a girl named Chan out to prom (knowing full well he wont be there) and setting a girl named Yuki up with Sam, not knowing Taurtis asked her out first. prom doesn’t go well, taurtis ends up dancing more with chan than yuki. and sam says he doesnt like yuki and yuki goes batshit, trying to stab him. halloween night, sam gets threatened by the yakuza into dating Yuki. Grian joins them, dressed as a scarecrow. He pairs up with Ellen as his date. Dom then dares them again to go into the haunted school. it is predictably haunted and they escape safely til’ taurtis makes an offhand comment about yuki and sam stabs him for it. grians bus driver is not there when he goes over, and taurtis volunteers. taurtis crashes and is taken to the hospital and grian is stranded, becoming part of the main cast sam tells grian to put on taurtis’s clothes, at first to make it ‘less awkward’ and then it snowballs. sam starts genuinely believing Grian is taurtis, threatening him into acting more and more like taurtis. eventually cornering him in a shed and forcing him to choke down a bag of toritos, bag and all. taurtis comes back, amnesiac and confused. He decides his name is jerry and tags along with the two, not believing grian they gamble a bit with the yakuza (the yakuza leader is yuki’s dad) and they get in some hot water again, and they need to pay off their debt by collecting other peoples debts it goes (semi) well til’ they head to rowans (their gym teacher) house, he beats taurtis so hard that he gets his memories back. they mess around as yakuza for a while, until’ they are approached by the secret service and are asked to to kill the yakuza members. They are given guns. they should not have been given guns. grian and ellen flirt on and off, they are really one of the good things he has in this series they shoot and kill a good chunk of people they get to the yakuza leader, and the yakuza leader manipulates taurtis into believing the yakuza leader is his dad. This does not stop grian and sam from killing him. grian gets canonically shot in the head. he’s built different so he lives Grian gets convinced by Sam to dress up as the now deceased yakuza leader and to pretend that he’s alive again. Yuki eventually finds out and freaks the fuck out, and kills paul blart (the mall cop). yuki kills a few more people, and it all leads up to the final confrontation on the rooftop. Sam says he’s breaking up with her ad Yuki freaks out even more, calling some yakuza goons to attack the group. Ofc the goons eventually die, and yuki is left alone. She backs up to the edge of the ledge and jumps off, saying that they’ll never take her alive. YHS then ends with Dom, Grian, Taurtis and Sam being put into witness protection. (lmk if you want me to cover its sister series Tokyo soul, and the prequel Yandere. tokyo soul is where the canon glarging is along with the taurtis clones, yandere is the one where its confirmed Grian was left alone in japan when he was six) @milatooo
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ashestogolddust · 2 years
Demon Slayer x Avengers Crossover
Requested by @oyasumimosura
A/N: First request! I hope you like it!
Kamado Y/N, the second Sun Pillar for their generation narrowly avoided another attack from Muzan. She was leading the Demon King away from her cousin's home.
It was suppose to be a normal day. Her visiting her aunt's family, carrying the various gifts she bought for them, food, toys, clothes... Pretty much anything she thought they will like and needed. But the scent of blood caught off-guard, making her ran toward the house her family lives in. Only to see Muzan was feasting on what left of her family. She remember dropping the gifts she was carrying. Her katana was drawn before she even realize it. She caught the Demon King off balanced, before a few tentacles shot out of his back, lashing toward her. Landing a few feet back, she saw a small movement... Nezuko, is still ALIVE. And she know she have to see her baby cousin.
That is how she ends up leading Muzan's away from the house. It was not hard, probably because he was somewhat drawn to her Breathing Technique... He was getting desperate to kill her. Cutting off his tentacles all at once, she dashed forward, Nichirin blade landed on his neck. Fear flashed in his eyes as he force her away from him. Gripping his neck tightly with one hand, a traditional Japanese door appear beneath him and he was gone.
Y/N gasped, holding on to her bleeding side. She actually scared Muzan, the Demon King himself. But...
"Where the hell am I?" She murmured.
In her attempt to lead the demon away, she had blindly ran into the woods. Exhaustion and pain finally caught up with her, causing her to fall to her knees. Blurry black dots appear in her vision.
'I'm sorry Nezuko...'
With her last thought, she loss her consciousness, dropping to the ground.
"-ad! She's dead, dude! We just find a dead body!"
"She's still breathing!"
"Peter, she was a sword with her! How do we know that she's not a-"
"Guys, shut up! She's waking up!"
"MJ, get behind me!"
Eyes fluttering open, the first thing Y/N saw was she is surrounded by 3 teenagers. One female and two male. One of the boys, Peter, she think, was standing in front of his friends. The girl, MJ, looked worried for him and her, which was confusing while the other boy- with slightly huge body proportions, was freaking out.
"Where is this? Where am I??"
Peter looks confuse and turn to his friends while the other boy looks excited.
"Japanese! She's speaking Japanese!!" Upon realizing that they were foreigner with probably no knowledge of her language, she immediately switched her language.
"My apologies... I have not spoken in English for sometimes.." She started again, voice thick with her accent.
"It's fine, miss... Uh, are you okay? That was stupid to asks. You're bleeding from head to toes. Oh God, you're bleeding... Uh, do you want some bandages? Maybe we should have call the ambulance first..."
"Peter, calm down..." MJ said, gently patting his back while Y/N chuckle before slowly getting up, ignoring their protests and her pain.
"I'm fine, boy. Where is this? And..." She looks down at their clothes and frown at their clothes.
"And is that how foreigner dress nowadays?"
"You called me... Because of Japanese chick you find on the other side of the road while walking home?" Tony asks once more.
"W-well... I'm sorry Mr Stark! I don't know what else to do! Aunt May been helping her with clothes and foods and stuff. But, I think she needs your help the most!"
"And that leads to you calling for us too?" Steve asks, not impressed that the Spiderman called them out of their hiding in Wakanda just because of a random woman he found. Heck, even T'Challa come along with Shuri out of pure concern!
"That's... Look. I think she is like Captain America."
"Old?" Both Tony and Sam retorted, earning a glare from the said man.
"Patriotic?" Clint and Natasha added.
"An asshole?" Rhodes said, causing Pepper to nods in agreement.
"No! Trapped in time... She... She doesn't believe that it's 2022. I asks her what year she think it is. And she said the Taisho Era. She's already freaking out from being so far from Japan! And she used a kitchen knife to cut clean through our TV last time because she thought it was a demon! Also, she was wearing a kimono and carrying a sword with her!! Did I mention that she thought cars was newfound animals?!" Peter hissed.
"Peter?" Peter stopped and all of the Avengers turned around to see a stunning young woman with beautiful h/c and e/c, smiling at them.
A bashful look on her face.
"I- uh... Ned was trying to get me to watch something called Porn...Hub? Am I disturbing something?"
"Oh my God, Ned!!" Peter pushed past the Avengers, pat Y/N arm with a reassuring smile before getting to his friend.
Y/N look at the group of people in front of her with curiosity.
Steve clear his throat and stepped forward. He gives her a small smile.
"Hello, Ma'am. I'm Steve Rogers-"
"Move, gramps." Tony push the blonde away, flashing a flirtatious smirk toward her.
"Tony Stark. I'm sure you heard of me." Her eyes widened and lighten up.
"Oh, Mr Stark! Peter speaks highly of you!"
His smirk falters a bit.
"Ah, then you definitely familiar with my company.."
"I afraid not... I know you sell one of those communicating box... Thingy. I'm sorry, I been here only for 3 days and I still don't know what they are called."
Everyone except for Tony, Thor, Steve, Sam, Natasha, Rhodes and T'Challa looks amused (they were concern more than anything).
Wanda tilted her head to the sight, blinking in suprise.
"She's speaking the true. She truly not from here..."
Y/N blinked at that.
"I was telling the truth the entire time... Look, I just want to get home...I need to check on my family... My commrades might be worried sick about me... I just... I just want to go home... This place. The future, it's too much. And I have a Demon King to slaughter."
They were all quite... Until Shuri broke the silent by asking a question.
"... Did you really think that cars were newfound animals?"
Instantly, a deep red blush bloomed on her face as she looks away, coughing down her embrasment.
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aita-blorbos · 9 months
aita for causing the kidnapping of my friend, the stabbing of my best friend, and the suicide of a woman?
tw for kidnapping, murder/murder attempt, suicide/suicide attempt, and some violence. sorry this might be kinda long
so for context, i (21M) have the ability to possess people in the past. there's more to it but it's not really important rn
me and my best friend, who we'll call G (20/21? M - never really asked but ik he's younger than me), run a small business where we use our abilities to collect information for our clients.
as one of our jobs, i possessed a secretary (late 20s/early 30s, F). she was very overworked and not really treated right (as i learned from firsthand experience), and the experience was very overwhelming for her and me. at some point, her parents texted her and i texted them back saying that i/she missed them, which was apparently not a part of the original timeline. the info we gathered ended up revealing some bad stuff abt her company and she had to quit. i later found out that this caused a whole series of events, where she tried to return to her parents after seeing the text i/she sent and got a car ride from a stranger and ended up the first victim of some serial killings. there's.. more to this that i'll elaborate on in a bit
as a part of another job, i ended up possessing my friend from college S (22F). while in her body i ended up defending my/herself against a creep (which was not a part of the og timeline) and she made the news, which drew attention to her. a day after i possessed her, she went missing. me and my friends got a really weird call from her number, and we thought she had become a victim to the serial murders
i ended up possessing S again in order to try to prevent any possible harm. we found out she was attacked by the serial killer, so while i was possessing her i made a deal with the serial killer. S ended up safe overall but was still kidnapped.
we managed to catch the serial killer and have him confess in front of police, so he did get arrested. but i wanted to know what happened to the secretary, so i convinced G to let me go in the past and try to see what actually happened
it turned out that she actually survived the attack from the serial killer, but due to the stress of everything, she decided to jump off a nearby bridge. i was in my own body this time, and i tried to talk her out of it. i told her life would get better and people cared about her and stuff and also apologized bc it was my fault she was in the whole mess in the first place. she actually looked convinced, but at the last moment, she got possessed by another person and jumped off
freaked out, i returned back to the present, only to find that the same person who possessed her had possessed my friend L (22F) and stabbed G. and the person who possessed L and the secretary also possessed the serial killer and was pissed off bc i apparently didn't keep my end of the deal (which was to become their friend????? what does that even mean????????), so they killed the secretary and attempted to kill G to teach me a lesson. they also tried to make L kill herself, but i took away the weapon before they could.
i feel so bad about the whole thing. none of this would have happened if i hadn't been stupid and irrational. if i hadn't have deviated from the timeline, S wouldn't have been kidnapped and the secretary would probably still be alive. if i didn't get too overconfident, G would probably be uninjured. i legitimately though G was dead, and i can't go through that again. i don't want to hurt anyone, but they keep getting hurt because of me
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angst-king · 3 months
creepypasta HCs
Alright I'm going to go over some Headcanons that I have about creepypastas as well as the stuff with in it. I like a mix of fantasy/unrealism & realism. This may also contain gore/cannibalism, & mental illness and other themes
- The proxies all have their own version of sign or code language when they work together - Toby does have the 'hey masky' as a tic but it came from the many times of hearing the others calling Masky's name so much. Masky knows the difference between his tics and actually getting his attention - the proxies only use each others 'government names' when they are being serious - the mansion is sorta like the well of wonder from Ever After High, it moves around a lot depending on where the creepypasta's main location is - the proxies are given skeleton keys to get to different places - Jeff's cut-in smile wasn't originally as wide or big as people make it out to be. Yes after a while the skin would tare and rip, but the parts that were still closer together scarred. - The mansion is more of a 'meeting ground'/home base there are other places and such that many of the pastas inhabit. - Many of the gaming-type creepypastas like to freak people out through their electrical connections just for shits and giggles. Slowly driving their victims crazy with random changes to things on their laptop or phone - Sally doesn't do her things alone, she usually has another child spirit with her or another adult - Many of the creepypastas who weren't cannibalistic in their main stories did end up having to sort to cannibalism occasionally. Though most don't go very far with what they will eat, flesh, or blood and occasionally liver are the main ones. - Jeff's murderous rampage was a long-term paranoid psychosis episode where he felt like he had to kill those who would harm him, even if the threat to him was minor. A piece of his mind convinced him that people were out to get him and put him in a mental hospital. He had other delusions and paranoid thoughts before he 'went mental' but his parents just forced him to suppress - EJ isn't human (no shit) he has very animalistic tendencies and often struggles to communicate like a human especially if he's hungry. Yes he can stomach normal human food but only specific things like meat (especially raw), drinks, and sandwiches. (lol man will be a happy cannibal over a deli meat sub) - Alot of them often have random screaming fits - Liu often attracts a lot of child spirits like Sally and has since he was a kid, even jeff was used to hearing about Liu interacting with dead children. So when passes by graveyards he often will have a tiny child spirit follow him around. - Sully and Liu are a system, Sully has been around before the big accident with Jeff getting burned. A period before they moved houses Sully had went dormant leaving Liu to deal with things himself and came back after the burning accident. - Sully doesn't attack for no reason and he's not 'evil'....he just doesn't like being told what to do or listening to anyone else. He used trust jeff the most until the burning. So even when Liu for gave Jeff (in my hc I think he forgave him to an extent) Sully didn't trust Jeff not to lose it again - Ben often appears in people's bathtubs or bathroom mirrors to fuck with people. - he will make distorted dial-up computer noises in a person's headset as well - Ben used to do witchcraft secretly and asked for the gods to grant him 2 wishes when he learned he would be the cult sacrifice 1: let him die quickly & 2: let him reside in his favorite game as his promised paradise - Sally often visits her best friend (the one she played with the day her uncle came over) but she tries her best not to scare her away. She will often make Charlie (her teddy bear) appear on her best friend's bed at night as a way to have a 'sleepover'. Her best friend's parents thinks that she's just playing pretend or is having a hard time coping with the loss of Sally. - Sally often stays near Liu or Sully due to knowing how he gets along with child spirits, she likes the way they talk
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