#school toxic
ryoalouette · 2 months
You know what I think is underutilized?
Of which Danny's Space Obsession is not only NASA things. It also includes FREAKING HOROSCOPES.
and you know what else that's obsessed with stars?
AT LEAST A GOOD THIRD OF PANDORA'S PEOPLE WOULD HAVE OBSESSION WITH STARS- while the history of the symbols is unknown apparently they seem to appear first in GREEK MANUSCRIPT IN LATE MIDDLE AGES.
I kinda headcannon that Star would also have a phase (or maybe she'll have it forever, who even knows) of which she's also obsessed with zodiacs considering her name. You know. Hint hint.
Star should have a freaking friendship with Danny regarding HOROSCOPES. She'll be one of the A-listers who can talk with that Specific Nerd that Dash likes to target because of STARS~ ☆
She's very much excused for hanging around Fenturd at times because she's Paulina's bestie, thank you very much. The GOSSIP she can get using HOROSCOPES is amazing, and sometimes she can warn her fellow A-listers from Danny's Horoscope ramblings because SAGITTARIUS GO HOME EARLY! YOU NEED THIS GOING HOME EARLY- (Dash/Kwan/etc does do what Star says and finds that they definitely is very much useful for their future/safety)
And you know, while I usually don't go to stereotypes, I'd also think that Sam would Commit to the Bit with her Gothness that she'd research Magic. And guess what would connect with dem STARS or HOROSCOPES? That's right, MAGIC.
Let Sam have Danny to consult about something something stars something in Supernatural thing (very much helped with HIS OWN COMMUNITY OF STAR LOVERS IN ANCIENT GREEK IN GHOST ZONE) and Star to translate some jargons Danny said that she doesn't understand-
Coz communication, baby~ ☆
And ofc; either Star or Sam OR BOTH would have some form of blog regarding their Star Talks-
-and have the actual magicians that actually use stars for their magic potions/rituals/etc to wonder just how the hell these high schoolers have access to knowledge that's only found in ancient tomes.
I legit dunno much about DC magic but. I like to think that sometimes stars have roles to their magic bullshittery ok?
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bubblegump-1-nk · 2 months
It Hurts Me
pairing: Theodore Nott x female!reader
summary: In which you’re dating Adrian Pucey but your relationship is anything but healthy. Theo wishes you could see what’s right in front of you - songs: It Hurts Me by Elvis Presley and He Could Never Love You by Henry Morris and Playyar
Warnings: toxic and abusive relationships
- I’m sosososo sorry it has taken me so long to post. I’ve just been pretty lazy recently but I’m back(kinda)!! Also, implied Gryffindor reader but I don’t think I ever specified what house she’s in.
Theo was sitting at the Slytherin table for dinner. His friends chatting around him as he ate his mashed potatoes.
“It was completely unfair!” Complained Enzo, explaining how the red card call against him in the most recent quidditch match was uncalled for.
“Enzo, you grabbed Rais by the neck and threw him off his broom. It was completely fair.” Says Daphne, causing Enzo to roll his eyes and focus on his plate of food.
“Look,” says Pansy, elbowing Daphne lightly to get her attention. “They’ve been fighting again.” She says.
Theo follows their gaze, and sees you entering the Great Hall. Your eyes are bloodshot red and puffy. Mascara running slightly beneath your eyes. Theo clenches his fists at the sight of you. He can’t believe your still with that git Adrian Pucey.
“What do you think it was about this time?” Theo asks, still looking at you as you make your way over to the Gryffindor table.
“I heard them in the hallway earlier. Something about her school uniform.” Says Draco in between bites of food.
“What?! He’s angry about her goddamn school uniform?” Theo proclaims, astonished at how idiotic your stupid boyfriend is.
“Yeah, it’s too tight or something.” Draco explains.
Theo’s about to say something else, when Adrian walks into the dining hall.
His hair is messy, and his face is stoic yet his eyes are still furious. Every time Theo sees him he wonders how a girl as sweet and perfect as you could be in a relationship with a git like him.
“How long have they been together?” Mattheo asks, more quietly this time.
“About 6 months, I think.” Says Pansy.
Theo pushes his plate away, his appetite gone from thinking too much about you with someone else.
“I’m going to bed.” He says, getting up and leaving before anyone can ask any questions.
“Y/n, I seriously don’t understand why you’re still with him.” Hermione states, as you walk back to the common room.
“It’s complicated Hermione. He’s so good to me sometimes.” You explain.
“Well you should be with someone who’s good to you all the time.” She says, as you enter the common room.
“He’s just jealous sometimes. It’s not like he’s ever laid a hand on me or anything.” You state.
“Right, but it’s only a matter of time before it gets worse.”
“Hermione, please. I understand your looking out for me but please, just stay out of it.” You say, as you walk quickly up to your dorm, leaving Hermione, Harry, and Ron.
“Boyfriend problems again?” Ron asks.
“Like always.” Responds Hermione, plopping down on the couch.
“Hi Theo.” You say happily, as you see him in the hallway on your way out of the bathroom.
“Hi y/n, what class are you in right now?” He asks. Since classes were in session, the hallways were empty except for the two of you.
“History of Magic and I’m bored to insanity.” You say with a giggle, and Theo responds with a chuckle.
“Wanna skip?”
You give him a look, thinking of all the possibilities, but you quickly give in. How could you ever say no to Theodore Nott?
“Take me away.” You say. Theo gives a small surprised look, too quick for you to realize what it meant. In reality, he hadn’t truly expected you to say yes, considering that Adrian had forced you to block contact with just about every boy at Hogwarts. Your slight confusion slips away as Theo grabs your hand, and you giggle as he starts dragging you out of the building.
He takes you to the Black Lake, and he sets his things down by a tree as you try to catch your breath.
“Merlin, y/n, I need to take you on more runs if your panting after that.” He says jokingly.
You slap him lightly on the shoulder as you say, “No, you’re just absurdly tall! One of your steps is like 5 of mine.”
“Sorry, principessa, I guess I didn’t take that into consideration.” He says, laughing slightly at your demeanor.
“Ok, Mr. Cocky, wrap it up.” You say, smiling, as you go sit down by the tree.
Theo and you had been close friends since 2nd year, but you started to lose touch with him, (as well as practically all your guy friends) since you started dating Adrian. You missed moments like these and cherished them the little times you got them.
You began to get out your homework as Theo was walking towards the tree.
“Oh absolutely not.” He states, coming nearer.m
“What?” You ask, confused.
“You are not about to do homework right now. You might as well have stayed in class.” He states, grabbing your textbooks.
“Ok, ok, fine. Just put my books down and then I’ll do whatever you want to do.” You say, getting up for, your sitting position.
“Anything?” He says, a smirk on his lips as he sets your books down.
You playfully roll your eyes, “almost anything.” You clarify.
“Get in the lake with me.” He says.
“But it’s cold!” You protest.
He gives you a look, and as you stare into his eyes you can’t help but say yes to whatever he says.
“Well, let’s go then!” You say as you run towards the water, taking off your clothes.
Theo laughs as he runs behind you, both of your clothes sprawled out on the ground like a trail leading to the water, leaving you both in your underwear.
You get to the dock first, but before you get a moment to readjust yourself, Theo comes running behind you, grabbing you by the waist and taking you with him into the water.
You let out a yelp before plunging into the frigid water.
“Merlin it’s cold.” Theo says, as you two reach the surface again.
“What did you expect idiot. It’s the middle of February.”
“What did you just call me?” Theo says jokingly, grabbing you by the waist again to take you down under.
“No, please! Have mercy!” You says, jokingly before being engulfed in cold water. Your body and Theo’s wrapped tightly together.
You realize that this is the first time in months that you’ve felt truly free. Nothing but happiness in your head, not even a hint of fear. It’s something you haven’t experienced since you’ve been dating Adrian. In this small moment where you’re deep in these black waters, you realize that Theo is the only one who has shown you that since you’ve been with Adrian.
You feel yourself getting pulled up and your head breaks through the surface again.
“Race you to the dock!” Theo calls out, swimming quickly towards the shore.
“Wait! That’s so unfair!” You call out before swimming after him.
The sounds of your laughter mix together, and quickly you forget everything that’s ever pained you - especially Adrian.
Quickly you reach the dock, Theo already climbing onto it.
“Beat you bella.” Theo says, a large smile on his face.
“Yeah, only because you cheated.” You say, rolling your eyes playfully.
“Aw c’mon, just admit that you’re too slow for me.” He chuckling.
“Over my dead body. Now help me up, Nott.”
“Yes ma’am.” He says, reaching down to give you his hand and lifting you up quickly as if you weighed no more that 5 pounds.
“It’s freezing.” You say, walking towards your bags.
“Good thing I have a sweatshirt.” Theo says, handing it to you as reach the tree.
You conduct a quick drying spell on the both of you and you two began redressing, you slip Theo’s sweatshirt over your uniform.
You two sit down, chatting and laughing. You realize how long it’s been since you’ve really talked to Theo, and how much you’ve missed it.
“That’s why.” Theo ends his story, explaining why Mattheo and him put hair dye in Draco’s shampoo. You laugh heavily at the story.
Theo opens his mouth to add something else before he’s quickly cut off by another voice. You feel your body tense up as you recognize it.
“Well what the fuck do we have here?” Adrian calls out as he walks over to you.
You quickly look between Theo and Adrian, your voice leaving you for a second.
“Hi baby. We were just-“
“Drop it y/n. I don’t give a fuck what you were doing. What I want to know is why you’re hanging out with this brown haired bloke.”
After this comment, Theo quickly gets up, standing to his full 6’3 height.
“Theo stop.” You whisper, grabbing his arm and getting up.
“Don’t fucking touch him y/n. I thought I told you to stay the fuck away from him.” Adrian says, his temper rising.
“I-“ Theo begins, but you cut him off.
“You’re right A, I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.” You say, making yourself small and holding your head down.
“What? No-“ Theo starts again, before Adrian cuts him off.
“Let’s get out of here. Now!” He says, as he takes your hand and drags you away, leaving Theo speechless.
“I can’t take it anymore.” Theo says, back in the Slytherin common room. He had stood outside in shock for about 10 minutes before heading inside. He had always known Adrian was a shitty boyfriend, but he had never really seen you two interact. He had told the story to his friends and now they were all sitting around the fire pit discussing.
“I never realized it was that serious.” Said Enzo, looking severely concerned.
“I just don’t understand why she’s still with him. He doesn’t love her. He never has and he never fucking will. He’s a goddamn psycho.” Theo says, rage seeping out of him.
“It’s horrible.” Pansy says.
“It hurts me to see him treat her the way that he does. And the worst part is that I know he’ll never let her go, cause that’s just the kind of git that he is. I just wished she could see that he’s never going to change.” Theo says, full of anger and despair.
“And everyone knows. I mean the whole school is saying how dim witted she is to keep believing his lies.” Daphne says.
“I just wish she could pay attention to the ones who would treat her right.” Theo says, before getting up, saying a quick goodnight, and heading to bed. Although, he didn’t sleep all night, how could he? Knowing that you were still with Adrian and he could probably never have you.
“Can you hurry up? I want to get there before the good stuff runs out.” Calls out Mattheo, trying to gather the group to get to the Ravenclaw party on time.
“Merlin, we’re coming.” Says Pansy, annoyed at Mattheo’s whining.
Theo, Pansy, and Daphne make their way down to the rest of the group, and they start heading to the party soon after.
“You’re disgusting mate.” Theo says, as Mattheo downs a concoction given to him by Draco.
“I’m not weak, that’s what.” Mattheo says, causing Theo to chuckle at his stupidity.
Suddenly, he sees you walk into the Ravenclaw common room. You look beautiful in a black babydoll dress and your hair loosely curled. He stares at you in awe as you make your way around the party….. behind your stupid boyfriend.
“I’ll be right back.” Theo says to his friends, walking away before they can question him.
He maneuvers around the people quickly, reaching you in a matter of seconds. He taps you on the shoulder, causing you to turn around and stare up at him.
“Hey.” You squeak out, your eyes switching from looking at his to darting around the room quickly.
Theo’s about to say something before he notices something strange about your face. Your lip has a cut on the upper lip, and hidden away by quickly applied concealer your right eye appears to be an arrange of blues, greens, purples, and yellows.
Theo stares in shock, hoping he’s just being dramatic.
“What’re you-“ Adrian starts, noticing that you weren’t behind him anymore before he quickly sees the pair of you.
“Goddamn it, do you have no one else to bother, Nott?” Adrian says, going to reach for your arm.
Theo quickly decides he’s not going to let him take you away this time.
“You do that to her face?” Theo asks, trying to seem as nonchalant as possible.
Adrian laughs, as he looks to you. “Got to show her her place, y’know?” Adrian says chuckling.
Suddenly, you see Theo’s eyes darken, darken to a point you’ve never seen them get to before. The cup in his hand is crushed by his clenching fists, and his tongue is poking the inside of his cheek as he lets out a low chuckle. Quickly, before you can register what’s happening, Theo sends a punch directly into Adrian’s nose.
“What the fuck?” Adrian says, cupping his nose quickly before blood seeps all over the floor.
Before even Adrian can register what happened, Theo lands another punch, and another, and another.
Soon, Theo’s on top of Adrian, punching him ruthlessly.
Adrian is attempting to fight back but Theo’s too quick and Adrian is slowly losing consciousness. A ring has formed around the pair of them, some people attempting to break them before, 1) realizing it’s no use because Theo has absolutely no intention of stopping any time soon, or 2) the Slytherin boys stop them from grabbing Theo, because they’re enjoying the show. And on top of that, too many people are too scared of Theo to even try to intervene.
You stand back, shock stopping you from doing anything.
“Ok that’s enough.” Draco says, seeing Adrian on the ground in and out of consciousness, bruised and bloody.
“Help me you gits.” Draco calls out to the rest of the Slytherin boys.
They get Theo off of Adrian after a few seconds, and Adrian’s friends quickly pull him off of the ground and take him away.
“You touch her again and I’ll rip your fucking liver out next time, Pucey.” Theo calls out, shaking off his friends who are holding him back.
You continue to stand in your original position, mouth slightly agape as you look at Theo. No one’s ever really protected you like that.
“Theo.” You say as you walk up to him slowly.
Theo just stares at you, a softness in his eyes that wasn’t there seconds ago causes your knees to become shaky.
“I- thank you.” You say, before hugging him.
Theo quickly wraps his arms around you, holding you tightly. You begin to lightly cry into his chest, repeating your thanks over and over.
“Hey, hey, you don’t have to thank me.” Theo says, pulling you away so he can see your face, his large hands wiping away your tears.
“I just, I was so scared, all the time.” You explain.
Theo’s heart melts, and he carefully decides his next few words.
“You won’t ever have to be scared with me. If you’ll let me.” He says tenderly.
You smile, not believing that the Theodore Nott is asking you to be his.
“How could I not let you love me?” You say, before kissing him sweetly.
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noirleo · 11 months
Oooo, can i plz hear all your jealousy HC for the bayverse boys? :3 hope ur week is going well!
oh my god yes
jealous turtles from most to least ◡̈
(all turtles + reader are adults ♡)
1. raph
c’mon, did you expect anyone else?
being a middle child with three brothers, raph grew up sharing everything he had—his food, his clothes, his personal space. so when he finds someone he has feelings for, he makes a point that he’s not going to share with anyone.
his brothers prefer to take more subtle, graceful methods of claiming their s/os when they feel threatened. raphael does not have a subtle bone in his body.
if someone tries to hit on you while he’s there, he will physically put himself in between the two of you, glaring down at his prey target until they take the hint (and probably flexing his crossed arms as he does so. he doesnt do all of that lifting for nothing).
vern tried to chat you up, once, when you first met. raph swiftly handled it, and you’re not exactly sure what was said, but vern now makes a point to keep a very conservative amount of space between you and him at all times.
a lot of his jealousy comes from insecurity—he definitely thinks you could do better, find someone you could actually walk around with, show off to your friends and go on vacations with.
so how does he cope? by proving his indispensability to you. when you date raph, you don’t lift a finger. need something from the top cabinet? he’s got it in his hands before you even have to ask. want to see a sold out concert? how convenient, he just managed to find some floor seats for you and your friends
don’t ask how he got them, it’s really best for everyone if you don’t actually know (both legally and ethically speaking).
asking someone else for help (god forbid you ask vern or one of his brothers, especially leo) will probably end up in some icy silent treatment and very short yes/no answers to questions that can only be cured by insistent apologies and lots of kisses
2. mikey
oh, our beloved little mikey
mikey spouts confidence, but much like raphael, he is deeply afraid that you’ll leave him for someone whose complexion is a little less green
while raph’s jealousy is defensive, mikey’s is pleading. he needs a lot of verbal reassurance that you’re his, nobody else’s
even when he’s not feeling jealous or insecure about the relationship, he just likes to hear you say it—and once you do, he’ll believe it wholeheartedly, all doubts and anxieties set aside (for the time being, at least)
when you’re around others (and even when you’re not) mikey is extremely physically affectionate, and probably will mention to anyone who will listen in a very unsubtle manner that the two of you are dating and really, really happy together, thank you very much
if you’re sitting, you’re sitting on his lap (or so close that you might as well be). if you’re standing, you can bet that he’s got an arm slung around your waist or your shoulder—just so everyone in the room is clear who you came with and who you’re leaving with
3. donnie
donnie’s jealousy is quiet. he’s much less outward about his feelings of jealousy than raph or mikey, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there.
when you mention a creepy guy from one of your classes getting a little too close for your comfort, he’ll nod and empathize; little do you know, he’s got the guy’s social security number, address, and name of his childhood pet pulled up on his laptop within seconds.
mysteriously, he doesn’t really show up for class anymore. rumours float around about some pretty shady things hes done being sent to the dean, president, and every RA on campus.
you confront donnie, and he just shrugs innocently. huh, weird, guess it’s a good thing you guys don’t hang out anymore then right? and then he’ll change the subject, but the triumphant gleam in his eye doesn’t go unnoticed
if someone starts to get flirtatious with you while donnie’s around though? all bets are off.
standing at 6’8 and made of pure lean muscle, donnie is fully aware of how intimidating he is, and it radiates off of him.
all it takes is one glare, leering from over your shoulder, and suddenly the person trying to flirt with you has some very important business to handle on the opposite side of the room for the rest of the night.
when you turn around to see donnie standing behind you, one hand on the small of your back, he’s back to his relaxed, smiley self
4. leo
leo is definitely the least jealous of his brothers. he’s confident, bordering on arrogant, and knows what he brings to the table.
i mean, c’mon. the barista who wrote their number on your coffee cup may be cute and share your taste in music, but how many times have they saved new york from an alien invasion? can they do anything to protect you in the event of a foot clan takeover?
didn’t think so.
communicating and trust are monumental to leonardo. right off the bat, he’s very straightforward about his intentions with you, and expects the same level of loyalty from his partner
leo’s trust isn’t easily earned so if he trusts you, then he does so completely and wholeheartedly. if you say that you and someone else are just friends, then he won’t think twice about it
that’s not to say he never gets jealous though. he’s just much more lowkey about it than the others
if you mention offhand being catcalled on your way to the lair one night, you’ll have a private escort for the foreseeable future
hes not big on pda, but you can bet that if he catches someone else’s scent on you, especially another guy, he’ll be extra cuddly when he sees you
he’ll for sure try to play it off though and subtly give you something that smells like him. oh, you seem cold, here’s one of his hoodies that he conveniently had on hand. go ahead and put it on. he’s just looking out for you, no ulterior motives here.
you see right through him, but you’re willing to look the other way for some extra snuggles.
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poofbark · 6 months
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the children yearn for bkdk yuri
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harshstudymotiv · 8 months
Reminder that your grades don't care that you're tired. Your grades don't care that you would rather be slacking off. Your grades don't care that you're feeling lazy.
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motivatemycollegelife · 3 months
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Toxicology is toxic ☠️
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alien-from-planet-zog · 8 months
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This was what happened, right?
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stuckinapril · 6 months
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i literally have the bestest friends ever. like of all time
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theblueprincess590 · 7 months
The More I read Bram Stoker’s Dracula the more convinced I am that Dracula wanted to fuck John Harker. Like the dude made the guys bed for christ sake
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seryotonin · 4 months
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mishoarts · 13 days
a stressed sbg fan is me checking on webtoon sbg page twice per day just to make sure it hasn't been delayed again
Please let me see my children I miss them,..
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Look regardless of if that scene w the green guy and red guy was supposed to be romantic or not dhmis always had a touch of queer-coding in DHMIS 3
Like going by the whole television theory this entire episode could be seen as a criticism on Christian and religious media targeted towards kids and how it becomes more and more corrupt and biased. To the point where it becomes a "cult" as the one shown here. How media silences queer themes and instead pushes the idea of "every man needs a woman! Love (specifically heterosexual love) is important above all else!"
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With that whole theory in mind and viewing this scene in that context, consider when they have this moment.
It's dark. There's no teachers. No electricity specifically, no lights or hypothetical cameras.
They have this genuinely sweet moment of connection only when all that is taken away. As opposed to the previous episodes where they show indifference or active violence and rudeness towards the others.
Because this is two men living with a (presumably) child, they can't show affection on television, or else it'll get shit from people because of gay implications and how a children's show is "hurting and confusing their kids" simply because it had queer themes.
Which is ironic, considering the other things shown in DHMIS. Violence, blantant misinformation, general uneasy and scary imagery. This all flies. But it's the moments that display any sort of even vague queerness and tenderness within men that are shunned and left in the dark, away from public eyes.
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ear-motif · 1 year
i understand will graham completely by the way
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anna-scribbles · 2 months
h-how do you ever finish any of your work? genuine question because you seem to be productive despite your agreste syndrome and I need to learn your ways. but also how do you ever finish any of your work
unclear. last night i stayed up and finished a report worth 25% of my grade at about 5am, arrived on time for my 9am lecture, and spent about half of it zoned out while thinking about seventeen year old emilie agreste. and i was one of the most active participants in the class discussion
#in some ways it IS the move to go to grad school right out of undergrad#because your body can still sort of operate like a college kid#i’m on about 3ish hours of sleep rn and this morning it felt SO over but now i’ve eaten something and we’re so back#i also don’t really do caffeine. except sometimes i’ll go get one of those panera death lemonades#i might be able to snag a short nap before work#but anyway about seventeen year old emilie. i was thinking abt how she was in that movie solitude and adrien said she was seventeen#WAIT. NO. HE SAID SHE WAS SEVENTEEN IN THAT PHOTO ON HIS DESKTOP NOT IN THE MOVIE#well. okay whatever i’m gonna tell you what i was thinking about anyway#OKAY i’m back i just checked the wikipedia page and then i watched the end of gorizilla. to make sure i’m not lying. because i’m normal.#anyway i was thinking about the solitude film and how it’s super rare and old and obscure and whatever. and how apparently#emilie wrote it herself and andre produced it#and i’m thinking about how gabe was discovered by audrey and that’s how he got his start in the fashion industry#so now i’m like?? did gabe and emilie first meet on the set of solitude? because gabe was designing costumes or whatever?#and that’s how audrey found him? have people already thought about this??#also i just checked and it doesn’t say emilie’s last name in the credits and also it’s ‘graham films’ with the twin rings logo m#so i’m assuming she’s still emilie graham de vanily at that point#anyway it comes back to seventeen year old emilie because i started imagining seventeen year old runaway emilie having her new life in pari#after escaping her british nobility life#and the first thing she does is write and star in an original movie. of course.#and she meets this repressed bisexual punk upstart costume designer who is so the opposite of everyone she’s ever known#and he’s immediately so unhealthily obsessed with her. which she appreciates.#and then they proceed to have the most toxic doomed evil relationship of all time#also she gets cheated because once gabe gets money he represses himself SO hard that he is now exactly like all the people emilie grew up w#but at least he’s still obsessed with her#this is what i was thinking about during class today. i don’t know how i get anything done either.#ml#anna rambles#asks
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pretendmynameispoetic · 2 months
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fight me✌️
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misstycloud · 1 year
How about a popular reader x unpopular yandere>
It was lunch break and you sat together with your classmates inside the classroom, eating your food. Today's topic was the new horror movie coming out soon, you'd all seen the trailer and it seemed scary. It was one of those 'robot turns evil and starts murdering people' kind of film, and you were totally up to see it.
"Bro, did you see her face? Now that's what I call scary.'' your friend Taro said in an exited voice.
"Yeah, bet you shat yourself when you saw the trailer." Hana joked and snorted at him, Taro in return gave her a 'really?' look.
"Haha, very funny."
"I agree, I'd love to see the way you'll scream when we actually go watch it. It'll be the best moment of my life." you said, following in Hana's footsteps.
"Oh no, not you too. Bullying is bad, you know. You could get expelled."
"The only one getting expelled here is you, we saw what you did to that Mitsuki girl in 3A. Not to mention that other younger student." another one of your friends reminded him with a smirk gracing his lips. "Mitsuki was not looking good, I'll tell you. You need to stop tormenting these poor people or it'll come back and bite you one day." he mocked.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." in the corner of Taro's eye, he noticed a certain boy enter the classroom and glancing around until he spotted your group. Taro smiled deviously, "well, talking about sad people," he turned to face you, "there is one right there."
Looking in the direction of which your friend pointed in, you realised what he was talking about and sighed at the sight. Sano Yamada, your boyfriend. Actually, you didn't know he he really was your boyfriend. It's not like you loved him or anything. How could you? Not with that plain face, boring fashion and lack of social life. He wasn't exactly a popular one...
Why are you with him, then? Because it's fun. Since no one liked him and he clearly liked you(far more than you would've enjoyed), your friends thought it'd be fun to pull a little prank on him. The joke was simple, ask him to meet you on the roof after school and 'confess' to him before revealing the truth. Your friends thought it'd be hilarious to watch him make a fool out of himself, so you agreed to partake in this.
That's how things were supposed to go. Just be a little mean and then go home like nothing happened, but the world had different plans it seemed. For when the time came for things to go down, Sani got too caught up in joy that he failed to notice you weren't done, you hadn't gotten the chance to spill the beans that it was all fake and you weren't even close to liking him. You wished to fix things so you didn't have to date him, but your friends wouldn't let you. They believed it would be fun if you simply didn't say anything and kept going out with Taro.
So that is how you ended up with an unwanted boyfriend.
"Hello," Sano said as he reached the put-together tables you were seated at. "how's it going?" Is he was trying to adapt to your group of friends and impress them. He sadly didn't succeed.
The others gave him a tight lipped smile and answered shortly with a small 'it's fine'. You could not help but sigh again at his presence, the two of you didn't even share any lessons, did he really have to be there? Understanding you were the reason for his unexpected visit, you still asked, "Sano, what a surprise. What are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be with your own class?"
He didn't pick up on your irritation and replied to your question with a kind smile, "Yeah, but I missed you so much that I thought I could come here instead." Blushingly he turned his gaze to the floor, still somewhat shy in front of you.
"Oh..that's so..sweet." You forced yourself to at least look like you enjoyed his gestures and loving gaze. Taro and the others covered their mouths to hide their snickers, you pretended not to notice. How you wished Hana was the one Sano liked, not you.
"Can I join?'' Sano wondered and pointed at a free chair next to him nobody was using.
"Eh, sure."
Ha thanked you and pulled the chair close to the tables and sat down. Giving their last mocking laughs, they stopped after you sent them stink eye. After that conversation continued on like normal. Though he'd been allowed to join you, Sano didn't dare say anything and only sat there quietly. Just like a shadow. Just like it'd always been. There but not there at the same time, unnoticed and ignored. That's how most of sano's life has played out.
"-yesterday me and Taro talked, and we thought it would be cool if we all went to mall tomorrow."
"Need those new clothes, y'know." Taro chimed in and gestured to his body.
"You in?" Hana asked and looked at you.
"Yeah, of course." you said happily, you needed to do a little shopping yourself anyway.
"Cool, we can see if we can find those dresses we didn't buy last time!"
Last time you went to the shopping centre, you discovered two beautiful dresses but sadly weren't able to but them at the time because you two were broke as hell. You were pretty sure you only had like three dollars in your bak account. While you thought you were bad, you didn't even wish to think about Hana's economy.
"Good idea, I really liked it and-"
"-sorry to cut in,'' an anxious voice had interrupted you, "but aren't we going on a date tomorrow?" Sano put his hand over yours and squeezed it, "remember?"
Right. You totally forgot. You werre supposed to go on a date with Sano this weekend, he'd inquired about it nonstop for almost three weeks now and there was only so much you could take before giving in to his demands. You thought it better to simply get it over with so he'll shut up and leave you alone for a while.
"Right, I forgot. Sorry" you apologised in an obvious fake tone.
Sano nodded, signalling he accepted your apology. He didn't see how you scowled at him behind his back when he wasn't looking.
Lunch time had now passed and school was almost over, the weekend fun could soon begin. Which everyone was happy over, perhaps the teacher's more than anyone.
'I shouldn't have drunk so much water.' Sano thought to himself as he wandered through the halls of the building.
Entering the boys bathroom he saw it as empty, and proceeded to open the stall door stall and lock it. But right as he was going to get down to business, he heard the door opening and others coming in. The voices weren't of people he recognise, so he didn't plan to bother with it. However, when the conversation went in a direction related to him, he had no choice but to secretly listen in.
"You know that (Yn) girl from class 3C?"
"Yeah, of course, she's hot as fuck."
"Right, but have you seen that guy who follows her around all the time?" The voice mentioned in a rude way, making it clear he did not mean well.
"I've seen him a couple times. Not the best face, if you get what i mean." The second voice said and laughed.
"Hahaha, he's not a prince charming that's for sure."
They didn't realise the person they were talking ill of were very much within hearing range and listened to every word that came out of their mouths. Sano stood there, completely frozen. Taking in what they said. Was that really how people saw you and him? While he knew he was no social butterfly and you were well liked by many in contrast to himself, he didn't think it was something people actually brought up.
"I don't get why she doesn't leave him. There are surely better guys in school, she's bound to fall for one of them."
"You mean someone like Haruto?"
The other voice exclaimed, "Exactly! Someone like Haruto is a much better fit for her, he's well in her league. "
After that Sano heard some more bustling noises, and then it was silence. He poked his head out to confirm they had indeed left. The boy decided to goo back to class, his reason for leaving now forgotten. He piled over the two students words. Were they right? Did people actually believe someone else was a better choice for you. But that couldn't be true. He was yours and you were his. You belonged together.
That's what you felt too. You must, what would he do if you didn’t? No, you have to love him. Otherwise you wouldn’t have confessed to him so sweetly that day on the roof. He tried convincing himself that he was the love of your life like you were his, something too him it wasn’t like that though.
He wondered if you actually would leave him if someone better showed up. Someone like Haruto. Those two students from earlier weren’t wrong at all, Haruto was great. At many things. He was liked by everyone, he was good at sports, good at being funny and he just had to be good-looking too.
Much more than Sano, which hurt pretty bad. He hated to admit it but you and Haruto would make a better couple. He was jealous. Very jealous. He’d have to prove he was the perfect one for you. Sano couldn’t let anyone come and steal you away!
Sano would show you how good of a boyfriend he can be and your date tomorrow would be a glorious opportunity for that.
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