#school age boys are definitely interesting individuals
pumpkinhrat · 7 months
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Teacher Jon Sims The archivist's salary barely pays the bills so Jon gets a temporary job as a primary school teacher.
Aka I'm putting Jon through my life experiences
[Image ID: A digital comic strip. First drawing: Jonathan Sims stands in front of a board and asks "Okay, any questions?" Second drawing: a bunch of kids sitting in a classroom. A boy in the front row has his hand raised up and says "Do you play Fortnite?" Third drawing: Jon with a stunned expression on his face. He quietly says "no." In the background there is Jean Paul Sartre's quote saying "Hell is other people." End ID]
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dreamermonica · 1 year
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—includes isagi yoichi, bachira meguru, itoshi rin, itoshi sae, michael kaiser (sorry if this asshole's part is freakishly longer than the other boys' parts. favoritism exists in this blog, unfortunately.)
—fem pronouns are used, swearing cause it's me, major crack, fluff, messy attempt at humor, teenage pining and such, god help me t.t
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ISAGI YOICHI is definitely childhood friend material. sworn friends ever since diapers, promises of being together till the very end, marriage proposals at the tender age of 6—all that type of cheesy stuff that would get you squealing and have your little feet kicking in the air out of giddiness. but as time goes on with him being set on football and you doing your own thing, the promise gradually gets left behind in your heads, slowly getting buried underneath all the pressure of being an adolescent. the once childish promise only resurfaces during an unexpected reunion—with both of you having achieved your dream careers. will your puppy love rise once more from the depths of your memories and perhaps turn into something...more serious? hah. what are you talking about? this old friend of yours should take you out for a proper dinner first, atleast.
BACHIRA MEGURU with the ugly duckling trope. no friends, seen as an outcast, too eccentric for his other classmates to comprehend—and there's you—the popular and extroverted individual loved and befriended by many others. you as the campus crush, who found an interest in the lonely bowl cut boy. though your curiosity is piqued at first, you were quite reluctant in actually befriending him. with rumors of him being a weirdo—most people often shy'd away from the idea of letting him inside their radars. but you aren't going to let that stop you from—wait, he's actually super sweet? and kind too? surprisingly a huge sweetheart? what kind of plot twist is this?! though the monster he speaks of kind of scares you, you're still terribly attracted like a fly to a light by his strong will to become the best striker in the foreign dimension of soccer. in the end he's just doing what he loves, a good-hearted boy who simply got misunderstood for his obsession with football—oh? why is your heart suddenly picking up its pace?
ITOSHI RIN with...*drum rolls*...quiet kid at the back of your class. 😐 not that surprising is it. anyways, this emo kid is obsessed with soccer, yet still able to keep up with his studies just fine. though he's mostly neutral with everybody, you sometimes fear the he might be plotting all your deaths with that unconventional stare of his that looks like he's constantly displeased. but you eventually come to a conclusion that that isn't the case. you both take the same bus home everyday, and you can confidently confirm that he really just looks like that. the stare only softens when he brings out his phone and starts playing granny or something. not to be a creepy stalker or anything—your field of view just always inconveniently contains him and the contents on his phone! he appears to have a knack for the genre of horror. games, movies, even tutorials. (this lil' cheat—) but of course, for this headcannon to work my way imma have to embarrass you in front of him for chemistry and relationship development purposes :p. so once upon a time, where you're tired as hell after some shit going down in school, you fail to remember your usual spot and slump down onto an open seat beside itoshi rin—who was on his phone paying you zero mind whatsoever, playing a horror game that you recognized to be some popular roblox game. you don't know if it's the tiredness that took over you, or the sole fact that seeing rin play so goddamn horrible on the game got on your nerves up to the point you couldn't hold in your thoughts anymore and outright told him what you'd come to regret in just a few moments—“what the hell, dude. you're terrible. you're supposed to get the key and then—” about to reach for the phone out of sheer frustration, you suddenly pause, realizing what you've just done. oh no. your eyes flicker to his expression and holy crap. rin itoshi is giving you the biggest, bombastic, judgemental, dehumanizing side eye you've ever seen in your life. actually, scratch that—he's full on staring at you like you've just directed 57 slurs at him. you feel like you've shrunk into a mere insect with how intense his stare is, mentally slowly melting into a puddle of shame as you stand up and profusely bow while spewing out pitiful apologies. after a few moments, you hear him heave a deep sigh, you slowly crane your neck up to look at him expectantly—only to find him and his absurdly gorgeous face challengingly raising a brow at you, “then what do you suppose i should do, miss i'm-so-good-at-the-game? please continue.” rin roblox kid confirmed.
ITOSHI SAE as the regular who has caught your eye trope. i really wanted to use childhood friends on this guy with the amount of angst it'd produce but isagi already got the trope so...'eye candy regular at the local coffee shop you work part-time at' trope it is. a bit specific but yeah you get what i mean :). it's hard not to notice this man whenever he comes in with that unfortunately charming blank face of his—so charming that in fact some girls from other nearby schools actually gather to seat themselves and wait for his appearance, shoot their shot with the guy and get immediately shut down with just one cold sweep of his indifferent stare. being pretty sure does have its downsides. you can still feel the shivers from when he full-on glared at a girl who was getting a bit too persistent. you've never really interacted with him aside from taking his regular order, but there's still the underlying fear that he'd cuss you out and embarrass you in front of teenage girls should you get his order wrong so now you have a note plastered onto the wall that always has his regular order tip up to the notch—with a highlighted nickname, “duckbutt james” since you never caught his name. but oh fuck, he sees it one uneventful day and raises a brow at you, nonchalantly and coolly saying that his name is “itoshi sae”. god. is this the part where you roll over and die in shame? why did you even think it was a good idea to put the note in point-blank range?! it's the same as basically shoving it in his face! you think you might pass out—but then suddenly—he smiles. he smiles. what. but it immediately disappears as fast as it came so now you're questioning if you're hallucinating or not. he takes his usual order and heads out once more, but as your head clears itself from the multiple stages of grief you experienced in one singular moment—you think of his name in wonder, finding it terribly familiar. itoshi sae. itoshi sae. itoshi...SAE?! WAIT—
MICHAEL KAISER is definitely enemies to lovers material, change my mind. a football hotshot who has to begrudgingly graduate first before officially signing a contract with the famous german world-wide football team—bastard münchen. at this point in life, he's basically already successful, so he literally just ignores and passes up all opportunities to actually study anything that isn't related to football. he's not a troublemaker perse, but you're convinced the entire faculty staff hates him due to the amount of unnecessary work his laziness spews out, but they would still have to pass him regardless of his lax attitude towards his studies due to the sole fact that the entirety of germany has their eyes on this genius of a prodigy. it was relatively obvious that failing him and delaying his awaited pro-debut would do no good for the name of the school, so he's now spared from the chains of corrupted education. despite being in the same class as him, kaiser was someone you've barely talked to—you both only interacted a grand total of two times. one was regarding a class project, and the other was that time you walked in on him getting confessed to for the what, thousandth time? needless to say, you're both barely acquainted, so being friends was out of the question. besides, it's not like you want to befriend him anyway (y/n moment)—you were both complete opposites. you were a study freak, and he was an infamous prodigy who had a passion for kicking a ball—he's the emperor who lived in a completely different world from your mundane life as a mere commoner in his story.
*rubs hands together* now it's time to get even more delusional, folks. it's just supposed to be a normal day but oh nooo, you're now both forced to fully acknowledge each other's presence after a teacher falsely accuses both of you and sends you to detention—highly biased should you add. it's one of those low teachers that act passive aggressively with his early success. it's bound to get people jealous, but shouldn't you be proud as a teacher? whatever. all that you know is that you're now both stuck in detention and you're blaming him now. you know very well you're both completely innocent so for what exactly are you blaming him? absolutely nothing. you're just bored and michael kaiser was your only source of entertainment in this bland and empty classroom. jabs are thrown around from across the room as you are unable to initiate conversation without you throwing an insult everytime he attempts to flirt with you. you asked him to be quiet? babe, he's going to do the exact opposite. you asked him to shut the fuck up? he'll say the typical 'make me'. your sanity is all but squeezed out of your entire being by the time your detention is over, finally being dismissed for the day until he stops you from actually leaving the room by holding your shoulder in place and asks for your number with a playful wink. you want to slap him, maybe kick his shins, roundhouse him in the face and run away but with the knowledge that you'll both still be meeting in your class the next day is a bitter reminder that you should atleast try to remain civil with this young and growing superstar if you want to survive the school year. albeit begrudgingly—you punch down your numbers into his phone (you put a random number in at first but he quickly confirms it to be false when your phone doesn't receive the message he sent just in-case. tsk.) and immediately leave the premises after he cracks a joke about seeing him tomorrow night for dinner.
unbeknownst to you, he was the one who put the anonymous tip in the school's online forum that falsely landed both of you in detention—all just to get some alone time with you and grab your number without attracting too much unnecessary attention because oh my lord he's genuinely interested in someone who isn't a part of his football kingdom?? wowowowowow
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sae reawakened my duckbutt (sasuke) phase ong (also reader doesn't know what the world-class midfielder sae looks like, only his name so that's why she was shocked)
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elenauaurs · 3 months
bird boy
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Name: Diaval Corvo
daiavaru koruvo (JP)
Grade/Class: Junior/Class D (No. 6)
Age: 167
Height: 173
Dominant hand: Left
Homeland: Briar Valley
Club: Board game
Best Subject: Flying/History of Magic
Hobbies: Read ancient writings
Pet Peeves: DOGS
Favorite food: Wagyu beef
Least favorite food: Rotten food
Likes: Malleus, food, big ruins
Dislike: Hunters, swim, thunder
Birthday: November 3rd
Talent: Draw maps
Diaval is a reserved and introverted individual, but also very careful and a kind person by nature.
With subjects that arouse his curiosity or interest, he can prove to be a talkative person and easy to talk to.
Diaval also has a great ability to command people in diverse situations (as a strategist) and is also a good diplomat. Due to being great observer, he can easily create useful strategies for difficult situations. However, upon realizing that the situation is out of control, Diaval may act more desperate, nervous AND TOTALLY RESTLESS, especially in cases where he knows from the beginning that everything will go wrong, which makes him a bit of a chatterbox until the situation is resolved.
Despite being a kind person, he also acts sarcastic as hell in situations where he wants to irritate someone or when he is irritated, and can also reveal a somewhat sadistic side, mocking and enjoying the pain of someone he doesn't like.
Overall, Diaval takes on a more parental/caregiving attitude towards those he cares about(even with humans, with whom he has more difficulty befriending with), being a big worrier if something dangerous happens.
Diaval is based on Diablo from sleeping Beauty and a bit of... Diaval... from maleficent
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Diaval is a raven/crow fae
Diaval is Malleus' closest servant, which is why he is known as "Malleus' wings" in Briar Valley. He has known Malleus since he was a child
For some reason, Diaval has maps of the entire NRC
Diaval is a person very well informed about what happens at school, he loves... gossip... and investigating the latest topics
For this reason (mentioned in the previous topic), he has a love-hate relationship with Azul, especially because in book 3 he prevented a large number of diasomnia students from being caught in contracts.
He definitely doesn't like participating in swimming lessons. According to him, his wings are too heavy to swim properly.
Diaval definitely doesn't like going near the Savanaclaw dorm, but why? Simple, there are a good number of beastmen with canine characteristics (like Jack) in Savanaclaw, and well... He doesn't like dogs very much…
At some point in his life, Diaval helped babysit Silver. The first thing little Silver called Diaval was "pretty little bird"
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Diaval has short, very dark blue (almost black) hair, with a long fringe on the left that covers his eyepatch. His eyes are pink, he has a mole below his eye and on his neck (and other non-visible places on his body), he wears black earrings in both ears.
His dorm uniform are a little modified. He has a neck stole made of feathers and wears a 'scarf' around his neck instead of a tie, his black coat hangs below his shoulders, he has a gold claw ring on his fingers and some part of the back of his outfit is open to his wings.
. . .
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Hello! If u don't mind i would like to req Tom Riddle x m!reader where reader is an exchange student and surprise surprise he's a parselmouth! So let's say, speaking with animals r common on where he live, n obviously Tom was intrigued
U can do anything w this prompt, sfw, nswf, whatever! I js need to feed my TR brainrot
omg yes!! this is a brilliant idea!!! thank you for requesting, I love this prompt so much
the TR brainrot is so real😔
I made the reader confident, because I felt like they would be interesting to someone as narcissistic as Tom, and he'd probably feel more curious about the new boy who seems so oddly comfortable in what should be this new, unfamiliar environment.
hope you enjoy!
tags: x male reader, kinda ooc Tom? (not really though, this is how I imagine he would act around others at Hogwarts, seeing as he was supposed to be charming and perfect, you know?), suggestive thoughts (Tom has pretty interesting thoughts about reader 😏), cocky!reader, use of y/n, not beta-read
word count: 1564
Fresh Face - TR x male!Slytherin!reader
The Great Hall buzzed with chatter, friends catching up after the holidays, first-years being welcomed to their new houses, excitement and general anticipation for the new year. Tom sat, surrounded by his friends, making idle small talk with a pleasant smile painted on his face.
Suddenly, McGonagall stood at the podium, gesturing for silence. A respectful hush fell over the Hall as people broke off their conversations to tune in.
Some keen individuals began to notice that the Sorting Hat was still out. Other even more observant students noticed the figure stood off the side of McGonagall. Some particularly enterprising students made the connection between these two observations, and concluded that this figure was a new student, about to be sorted.
But that still left the question: why was he separated from the first years?
Only one specific student, Tom, noticed that the figure was a young boy, around his age, who stood with confidence and a calmness that was odd for someone clearly in an unfamiliar environment. Tom also noticed that the boy was dressed in brand new school robes, unmarked but pressed and proper, high quality and perfectly tailored, highlighting the boy’s long legs and muscular chest and strong thighs and-.
Tom moved on.
He noticed more. He noticed movement.
Yes, right there, on the boy’s shoulders, around his neck (and what a lovely neck it was, Tom wanted to know what it would look like bruised and with his hands wrapped around it-). A dark, sleek thing, winding about the boy, a small, narrow head, a flicking tongue...
A snake?
Tom watched, in curiosity, as the snake shifted, pressing its face close to the boy's ear, hissing something Tom couldn’t hear, too far away. He watched, in shock, as the boy chuckled, slanting a gaze towards the snake and rolling his eyes (Godric, what Tom wouldn’t give to see those gorgeous eyes roll for another reason-).
Bloody hell, what was with him today, these cursed thoughts were getting out of hand.
Tom watched, intrigued and definitely not obsessively so, as the boy (a parseltongue?), turned back to the podium, attention back on Professor McGonagall, who had finished her speech.
Tom was ashamed to realise he had heard absolutely none of it, and he could only watch as McGonogall turned to the mysterious boy, calling him up.
“Y/n Y/l/n, if you could please come up.” McGonagall called out.
Well, at least he knew his name.
Tom watched as the boy strode up the stage, nodding politely at Professor McGonagall, a small gesture of respect and deference that detracted nothing from his confidence. The snake was still on the boy's shoulders, mostly hidden by the boy’s robes.
The boy, Y/n, sat down on the chair, elegant and comfortable, waiting as McGonagall placed the hat on his head. Y/n’s eyes slipped shut for a moment, a small smirk spread across his face as he opened them again, a loud declaration of “Slytherin!” ringing out across the Great Hall from the old hat.
Tom found that a small, barely noticeable twitch had occurred on his own lips, tugging them slightly upward in a mirror of Y/n’s smirk. Tom quickly reigned in his features, unfortunately not before Mattheo, his younger brother, noticed it, a teasing smirk spreading across his face, an expression promising misery later.
Suddenly, gasps rang out across the Great Hall, and Tom watched in awe as the boy gracefully stood from the seat, each movement powerful and controlled. That wasn’t what the mindless fools about him were gasping at, however. They were gaping at the beautiful, gorgeous snake on Y/n’s shoulders, uncurling from where it was looped about his neck, baring its head and hissing out at the crowd.
“Look at these idiots.”
Tom raised a brow at the snake’s rather offensive comment.
Y/n chuckled, a hand lifting to stroke at the snake’s head, a languid smirk on his face as he walked off the stage, joining the Slytherin table amidst hesitant cheers and staggered applause.
“I know, Nyx, I know. But it’s rather funny isn’t it?”
Tom could barely hold back the smirk as he heard your response.
“I suppose...”
Tom grunted in surprise, glaring at Mattheo, who had elbowed him in the ribs, and at Theo and Enzo, who were snickering behind their hands and avoiding his gaze by collapsing into each other.
“What’s got you gawking, Tommy?” Mattheo asked, a cocky smirk on his face as he avoided Tom’s retaliation.
“None of your business.”
“Aww come on, don’t be like that Tommy. I’m your little brother, it’s practically my duty to make it my business.”
Tom scowled, swatting at Mattheo’s head and slapping him, hard.
Mattheo whined, rubbing his head and glaring at Tom.
“You’re mean. And your boy is staring at you.”
Tom was embarrassed at how quickly he turned his head, the tips of his ear flushing slightly and a scowl fixing on his face as Mattheo cackled with Theo and Enzo, laughing at him.
All thoughts of revenge and fratricide were chased out of his mind as he looked at you, your (beautiful, merlin) eyes already staring at him, meeting in a thrilling clash of wills.
The snake, Nyx, flicks its tongue, looking at Tom assessingly.
A shame you were seated so far, Tom had no means of speaking with you right now. Whatever, he was a Prefect, and in your new house. He’d find time.
You smiled passively before turning away, paying attention to the young boy engaging you in conversation.
Tom, too, turned back to his brother and friends, scowl returning as he watched them falling over each other and howling with laughter.
You were reading peacefully in the common room, catching up on topics covered at Hogwarts your old school hadn’t covered, when you felt a presence approaching you, and the cold nose of Nyx, your pet snake, pressing against your neck. You look up, seeing Tom Riddle, Slytherin’s perfect prince, heading towards you.
You slid a bookmark into your textbook, marking the page before closing it and setting it aside. As Tom approaches you, he smiles pleasantly, eyes calculating as he greets you.
“Y/l/n, right? Nice to meet you, I’m Tom Riddle, the Slytherin prefect.” He extends a hand, elegant, pale, and slender. You take it, shaking it in yours and noting how cool it was to the touch in contrast to your own warmth.
“Yes, nice to meet you, Riddle.”
Nyx raises her head, peering at Tom.
“Hello, speaker.” she hisses, and you turn to the snake, brows lifting in surprise. You had been warned that Hogwarts had no speakers.
“Hello, I am Tom Riddle, what is your name?” Tom speaks back, calm and collected.
“Nyx. You seem more intelligent than the buffoons around us.”
You laugh, fond amusement at your snake’s discontent with the lack of intellect surrounding you.
“Sorry about her, she’s crabby about the move.” You hiss, speaking to Tom as you pet Nyx’s smooth scales.
“I was told there were no speakers at Hogwarts. That it was considered... Dark arts.” you speak, tone questioning as you raise a brow at Tom, your eyes appraising.
He just smirks, his eyes equally calculating. “It is considered Dark, yes. And no-one but my closest friends and trusted know of me. You are quite bold to have revealed your... talents, so readily to the whole school, Y/l/n.”
Tom was intrigued, fascinated, curious even. (obsessed~ sings a voice in the back of Tom’s head that sound suspiciously like Mattheo)
“They can’t do anything about me, and I refused to leave Nyx lonely and unattended.” you shrug, smiling at Tom.
“You’re a stubborn one, aren’t you?” Tom raises his brow, smirking at you.
You smirk at him as you pick up your book, standing and walking past him to your dorm room.
“I’ll see you around, Riddle.” You call out over your shoulder.
Tom chuckles to himself as you walk away (and salazar, that ass-), before turning away to return to his dorm for the night.
The minute he walked into the dorm, he was greeted by jeering and snickering from all fronts, Mattheo, Lorenzo, Theodore, the assholes three.
He ignored the hollering of the three idiots, and strode into the en suite bathroom, showering and getting ready for bed.
When he stepped out of the bathroom, it was to be met with Mattheo and Theo looping arms around his shoulders and walking him over to their bed, one either side, and Lorenzo sprawled on his bed, laughing his head off as the Theo-duo menaces traded matching smirks and launched into a merciless interrogation and endless teasing.
After substantial ribbing and general bullying from all three fronts, and Mattheo being dramatic and snuggling with Theo and Lorenzo cooing over him in a bed together after Tom hexed him, Tom settled into his own bed, his eyes slipping shut as he systematically went through the memories of his day, filing them away as was demanded.
Eventually, he fell into his memories of you.
Y/n Y/l/n.
Parseltongue, exchange student, smart, snarky, confident. (hot, gorgeous, delicious-)
Curiouser and curiouser.
Tom smirked to himself as he crafted a new room in his mind, one just for you.
He fell asleep with one thought in his mind.
This was going to be interesting.
Word Count: 1564
I might do a continuation of this eventually, it's a great idea! thank you so much for the request @prettorett I hope you enjoy this!
tag: @helendeath this is the fic haha
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redwolfxx · 4 months
get him back!
jonggun x reader
inspired by "get him back!" - Olivia Rodrigo
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tw: none
"I met a guy in the summer and I left him in the spring"
I guess I never really did know him. Sure, we dated for a little over three years, but it wasn't like we were going to stay together in the long run.
Sure, I loved him, but it was just a fling.
It wasn't anything serious.
---- "He argued with me about everything He had an ego and a temper and a wandering eye"
Shit, I mean it was an open relationship.
He could date whoever he wanted, fuck whoever he wanted, you know, free souls.
Sure, I wasn't allowed to even be in the same room as another guy, but that's just how it is. It was a healthy relationship.
I mean yes, we did fight often but doesn't everyone?
'how often did often mean?'
it was just small things.
'and what's this call on...on july 17th, the transcript says an individual, you, called crying, scared?
a vase was accidentally knocked over.
'sure...and the hole in the wall?'
what are you getting at?
'did he ever hurt you?'
can we move on?
---- "But he was so much fun and he had such weird friends And he would take us out to parties and the night would never end Another song, another club, another bar, another dance"
But we had fun.
We partied all night long. Sure, I had school the next day, but it was fun.
'did he go to the same school?'
i think he dropped out. like i said, we barely knew each other.
'you dated for over three years.'
We were young.
Back when we could drink all night and still function the next day. He had interesting friends sure.
I remember one guy, he was a blonde. He always had this smile on his face, he was always looking for the next high. He was a good friend.
He would always argue with my boyfriend on occasion. But it was always good fun.
'it says here that they were often seen physically fighting.'
they were teenage boys. of course, they'd fight.
I wonder what happened to him. It's been years.
what for?
'i'm not at liberty to disclose.'
---- "And when he said something wrong, he'd just fly me to France"
He was definitely rich.
'was it his money that-'
no. i loved him.
He wore brands that I would never dream of owning.
'but you eventually would.'
He bought me gifts ever y now and then. But, I wasn't with him for the money.
I did truly love him.
'it says here you missed school for a week, due to...mono...?'
'was it really mono?'
nah, we just needed a reason to fly to paris fashion week.
'he paid?
yeah. i told him i couldn't afford it, but he said not to worry about anything. so i didn't ask. and like that, we were in paris.
I think we were good together.
---- "So I miss him some nights when I'm feeling depressed"
We lasted a while. But, life goes on you know?
We had a good run.
'do you still talk?'
'so no? if you did love him as much as you say, why'd you end things?'
---- "Til I remember every time he made a pass on my friend Do I love him? Do I hate him? I guess it's up and down"
I loved him more than words could express.
But I guess he just didn't feel the same way.
He was always watching my friends.
I actually don't know if I have any memories of him looking only at me when we went out to party.
'so he cheated?'
did i say that?
'it sure sounds like-'
assumptions kill.
---- "I picture all the faces of my disappointed friends Because everyone knew all of the shit that he'd do"
We were on and off.
Sure, he forgot anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, important events, graduation, etc.
But at the end of the day it didn't matter. It was me who he came back to.
'it says here you filed a missing persons report.'
yeah, i guess.
'it says he was gone for a few weeks.'
he forgot to tell me about his work trip overseas.
'he had a job that sent him overseas at the age of eighteen?'
he had to pay the bills somehow.
"I wanna get him back I wanna make him really jealous, wanna make him feel bad
I wanna break his heart Then be the one to stitch it up"
But sometimes, sometimes? I hated him.
God I just wanted to make him feel like I did.
How could he think it was okay to dance with those girls wearing almost nothing. I mean it's crazy right?
It hurt.
I cried, and I cried, I got angry, and we fought.
But him?
He was always sooo calm. He never thought he did anything wrong. He was trash.
I kept breaking up with him, telling him I was done with him. Done with his games. Done with the pain.
'but you got back together?'
I wanted him to come crawling back to me. Begging me to be his one and only. I wanted him to feel what I felt when I saw him with other girls.
So I partied at places I knew he would be. I would wear the most revealing outfits I could.
I felt so powerful.
I would attend school, get straight A's. I was an academic star.
'why did you get back together then?'
He always showed up at my door a week or so later. He looked paler than usual. He would come disheveled, smelling like alcohol. He looked tired.
He would ask to talk, and we would.
The next day we would be back together like nothing ever happened.
'how many times did you go through this cycle?'
only a few times.
'how many?'
does it really matter?
---- "Wanna kiss his face With an uppercut"
I used to be a world-class fighter too.
He always did have this attraction to fighters.
I used to be a part of the underground fighting ring. I was probably one of the best, if not the best fighter there.
He wasn't too bad himself.
So every now and then we would spar, we would get each other good.
But at the end of the day, we would help each other. Stitch each other back up, clean the cuts, and wipe the blood. Kiss it better.
Sure, we had our lows, but we also had our highs. And our highs used to be pretty damn good.
But we were teenagers then. And we broke up not long after I left for college.
'and you haven't seen or talked to him since?'
no. it's been ten years. he was an ex. sure, i miss him every now and then. but that's probably the nostalgia talking. who doesn't miss their youth every now and then
'and you don't know where he is either?'
like i said. it was like ten years ago. he was an ex boyfriend. i moved on and he probably did too. now, can i go? my ass is starting to hurt and this cold ass interrogation room isn't doing my skin any favors.
'this investigation isn't over.'
sure sure, you know where to find me. if you miss me that much, just call next time. the whole military wasn't necessary.
'fine. but you can't leave this country, and -'
yeah, i get it. i'm leaving now.
'before you go, can i ask one last thing.'
'why did you change your name when you were yonger?'
i was young. my car's outside, can i go now?
'alright, ms. park, you can go, thanks for your time. and if you do see him, or hear from him at all-'
i'll be sure to call.
unknown number: out front.
me: be there in a sec ♡
unknown number: did they buy the story?
me: do you doubt my acting skills? how dare you even doubt me.
unknown number: sorry mrs. park i didn't mean to offend you. now come out to the car, we have a plane to catch.
me: thanks mr. darcy ♡
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marveloustimestwo · 1 year
Hi cutie pie (: How you think James, Remus and Sirius (poly) would react if their darling's dad is also a yandere? Like, he protects the reader A LOT and he doesn't let her date anyone cause he sees all guys as a menace to his baby, it doesn't matter if they are a good guy like Remus
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Hi, sweet anon! Thanks for sending something in!
Warnings: Yandere themes, yandere dad
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Growing up with an overprotective father, it was instilled in you not to date. Ever. It didn't matter who it was or if they were an absolute saint, you could not date, because your father believed that any girl or boy, but boys especially, would only use you and hurt you.
Hammering these thoughts into your head from a very young age, it would be very likely that anyone showing a smidge of romantic interest in you would send you into a panic.
Even if you didn't inherently believe that they were out to hurt you, the thought of someone trying to date you and you actually accepting is still something that you couldn't deal with. The simple fact that your father would eventually find out and go crazy was enough to put you off the idea.
Because he would find out, one way or another. He has before and it didn't end well.
When James, Sirius, and Remus started obsessing over you, your rejecting them wouldn't deter them at first. To them, it was just a game to win your heart.
It was when you started growing more anxious the longer they did it, and eventually you pulled one of them aside to tell them very firmly to stop pursuing you.
While you may or may not have actually liked them didn't much matter, as your father would kill them if he found out not one, but three boys were interested in you and were trying to date you.
You know it would be even worse if he found out two of them were James Potter and Sirius Black.
While both of them came from rich and prestigious families, no doubt your father would already know how much trouble they both caused at school with their pranks, not to mention how much grief Sirius has given his family.
This would definitely be a difficult situation for these three, specifically James and Sirius.
On one side, Remus is pretty calm and composed when faced with challenges concerning his darling. He's not one to act impulsively or do anything dumb just because he doesn't get his way immediately.
On the other side, James and Sirius are incredibly impulsive and will do vicious and mean things when they don't get their way with you.
This, however, is a unique situation. The obstacle in question is your father, not another student or even a teacher. They can't just bully and jinx your dad into letting them date you, especially not when he's just so overprotective.
Of course, their first instinct would be to try and butter your dad up with Remus. He's the best of them, so to speak. Most of the teachers and students will say that he's a good person and student. He's polite, he gets good grades, he doesn't get into much trouble, and he treats you very nicely.
Plus, they know that, unlike James or Sirius, Remus won't get angry if your dad still refuses to let you date, which is exactly what happens.
At some point, these three will just try to date you in secret, as much as they hate it. What your dad doesn't know won't hurt him.
They'll try to convince you that the amount of paranoia and overprotectiveness coming from your dad is unhealthy (which, while right, is a bit hypocritical coming from them.)
They'll assure you that when the time comes, they'll protect you from whatever punishment your dad has in store.
It's really just you being transferred from one overprotective individual to an overprotective group, though neither is willing to give you up.
When push comes to shove, things will easily get violent.
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yarameijer · 5 months
Hi again 👋,I am here after reading chapter 42 of accidental reverse and it's epic,it was definitely worth the long wait,I am a sucker for tenma&shuu and tenma& shindou friendship,so,I can't wait for the next one, How's recovery going,well I hope. love from Hana
So,one thing that really bothers me about inazuma eleven is that they gloss over relationships that are important.I get this anime mostly focuses on soccer,but still,I thought about and tenma got betrayed 4 times in the series,4 Times,That's insane
First,shuu: I don't like that they completely glossed over this in the movie,I get that they didn't know each other for long,but tenma trusted him and shuu clearly knew they'd be playing against each other,being part of the team that beat raimon up, completely disregarding tenma's reaction,not patting an eye at tenma's best friend being locked in a cage like an animal.no matter how you look at it, that's a betrayal,I know the "fixed things"at the end of the movie,bit, tenma must've been hurt that someone he trusted betrayed him from the very beginning but shuu didn't apologize and I hate that.
Next, taiyou :I talked about this one in my previous post,What Taiyou did even without telling gouenji about anything interesting tenma told him(because that's not canon),what he did is a huge betrayal,Not telling tenma when he knew of his involvement in the revolution,acting cold and rude during their match,lying to his friend's face, completely disregarding his friend's feelings.That's a huge betrayal and I wish they payed attention to it,it was overshadowed by shindou breaking his leg and again tenma must've been hurt.
Next,Fei: this one's self explanatory,He apologized and I guess he betrayed all of raimon,but again,He and tenma were definitely the closest and he was hurt.
Next,The one that hurt him the most, tsurugi:I don't think I have to explain this and my hand's tired.
Not to mention that tge team treated him horribly in the beginning,like,shindou literally beat a junior up and I know he was upset,I know he was angry,but that doesn't excuse it,He's older and he should've taken it easy on a newbie who helped them before.and he never apologized.
Kurama was definitely the worst,He was rude,cold and blamed tenma for literally everything wrong in the club which is ridiculous and he never apologized.
The rest of the team, basically stood by and watched,The only ones on tenma's side from the very beginning are shinsuke and Aoi,which is why I love this trio and I think it should get more love.
So,my point is that everyone treated tenma horribly,no one apologized except for Fei and those betrayals must've hurt.
I want these guys to realize they messed up when they see tenma being hesitant to tell them something or see him more comfortably sharing things with, let's say,earth eleven more than them, specifically Taiyou and shuu.
Could you write a drabble about it.
Sorry,this is so long.I read A.R chapter 42 and came to vent.
Love you ❣️
Oh boy do I have feelings about this.
Through the years of writing stories, as I grew older, I started looking deeper into the characters' mindsets, to try and give them a more realistic and individual representation. This means it isn't always in line with what is shown in the anime, but I don't really mind. Tenma's character is pretty interesting to me because of three reasons: his cheerful attitude, his insecurities, and being allowed to move miles away from home at age eight.
The first two are quite well known in the fandom already and more people have experimented with it, but it's the third one I rarely see. Someone even told me it wasn't a big deal.
Is it really, though? What would such a thing do to a child? What kind of family situation would it be for parents to allow their eight-year-old kid to move several hundred miles away, for years? I get that he wanted to play at Raimon and that they were supporting him - but he started that school at age 12/13, so why would he be sent to Inazuma Town four years before he could even attend Raimon? It doesn't mean Tenma's parents are bad or abusive, but it does imply there's a more complicated situation, one that could actually explain quite a lot of Tenma's insecurities. It's just something that's been keeping my mind occupied lately, and I'm planning to use it in my stories more. 
All in all, I feel like Tenma's character can be quite complicated, without a ridiculously complicated and tragic backstory. It just doesn't fit, y'know? And it's a bit too cliché for me. Putting that aside for now, there's also one more specific characteristic I've given the Tenma in my stories: he has a hard time opening up, which means I'm not sure whether the issues you mentioned are ones he would just talk about. The Tenma I'm writing is much more likely to try to deflect a topic so I don't think I can fully 'finish' this? The issue won't be resolved by the end of the drabble because healing takes time, and I think I might build on this idea in future chapters more. I'll try my best though! And I didn't include Earth Eleven cuz they didn't seem right for this role. Instead Aoi gets some more love XD
So, just a warning, I have an idea for the start of this drabble but beyond that, my mind is blank. I have no idea what I'm about to write so bear with me here, and let's hope it's not too messy.
Tenma has never had a lot of friends.
He told his yearmates, once, when they were hanging out at his house. Kariya and Hikaru had been talking about the team, about how much fun every day was, about how they weren't used to it. Tenma, relaxed and content and safe, agreed.
They'd been surprised, a little disbelieving. They were nice about it! But Kariya's, "For real? Could've fooled me!" had stuck with him, no matter how teasing it had sounded.
It's the truth, though. Before Raimon he'd had Aoi, and one or two people he would sit with during lunch at school, but that was about it.
He loves Inazuma Town, now more than ever - but making the switch from his relatively small seaside hometown to this busy Tokyo district was hard, harder than he'd admitted to anyone but himself. It's not that he didn't want to, but... Aki always got so sad when Tenma was sad and he could see her brightening whenever he said he was happy (and he was!) and okay. He didn't understand it fully back then, but he thinks he's starting to. Aki had been so young.
(Sometimes he's guilty, for putting more weight on her shoulders. For making her look after him when she was barely in her twenties.
Sometimes he's angry at his parents for putting such a burden on her. For ever getting it in their minds to ask their young cousin to be responsible for an eight-year-old child.
Sometimes he's angry at them for allowing him to go in the first place.
Most often, though, he's angry at them for making him want to.)
Tenma was in a new town, living with a relative he barely knew, and painfully shy. His soccer obsession didn't exactly help - everyone likes soccer, of course, how could they not when seeing all those hissatsu? But they don't live and breathe it like he does, like his teammates do. When the kids in his neighborhood found out that soccer was all he ever focused on, they lost interest in him pretty quickly.
(Most of them, at least, and the ones who didn’t - well, their interest wasn’t exactly a good thing.)
Aoi was an exception. But, Tenma has long since realized, Aoi is absolutely crazy in her own, hidden way (she'd have to be, to put up with their team's shenanigans).
Tenma isn't very experienced in the friends department, as surprising as many people seem to find it. He's never really cared, to be honest. He'd had Aoi and Aki and Sasuke and he found out early on that a lot of people just don't care. Fighting that never worked out for him, so why bother?
The sudden call has him looking up, brought back to the present.
Shindou has twisted around in his seat. He looks vaguely annoyed. "Finally. What's got you so distracted?"
Tenma blinks. "I'm sorry, senpai," he responds automatically, surprised by his own absentmindedness. He didn't expect to be so caught up in his daydreams with his entire team around him - the noise level in the bus is, as usual with them, high, and the air is filled with a familiar excitement at the prospect of a match, especially after so long.
"It's fine," the strategist sighs, a smile finally pulling at his lips that Tenma would almost call fond. "Just don't zone out all day, alright? We can't afford that when facing Arakumo Academy."
"Right," the captain agrees easily.
He expects that to be the end of it because Shindou is turning around in his seat again, leaving Tenma to his thoughts once more - but it isn’t.
"This is the second time you're distracted when we're playing against Arakumo," someone else drawls - Tsurugi, who's seated on the opposite side of the bus aisle, arms crossed and lounging in his chair like a king. "I'm starting to suspect a pattern."
Tenma, for lack of a better reaction, smiles and shrugs. He doesn't know what to say to that, because it's true.
Their last, and first, match against Arakumo wasn't his finest moment, he’ll readily admit.
Thankfully Tsurugi doesn't care much for his lack of reaction, focusing once more on the book he was reading. Tenma watches him for a moment, and then looks out of the window again.
He knows it's bound to get his mind wandering again, and he's not in the mood for another scolding, but there's not much else to do. Shinsuke next to him is playing a game on his phone, Hayami and Hamano in the row in front of him are discussing homework. Everyone else is either caught up in their own conversations or seated too far away to comfortably converse with.
Tenma starts tapping a mindless rhythm on his knee to keep himself in the present. He's restless. Hopefully the match will get him out of his head - he's not even sure why he's so distracted.
(That's a lie.)
He should be fine, right?
Everything's fine.
It all worked out.
School has started again after the summer holidays - of which he spent the first half in space. It still feels unreal to him, despite over a month having passed.
Not much else happened during the holidays. He'd caught a plane to Okinawa and stayed there pretty much until school started again, only returning to Tokyo a day and a half before. It had been nice to be back home, spending most of his time on the beach or exploring the familiar streets or practicing soccer by himself. He’s gotten sufficiently tanned, as well, and it was pretty funny to see Tsurugi’s annoyance at that once he got back.
This is their first match after the break - school's been in for only a week - and beneath the excitement, there's some nervous energy too. Arakumo is one of their most challenging opponents and they all know it.
At least it's only a friendly match instead of anything tournament-related, so the usual pressure of winning (especially when trying to lead a revolution against a deluded tyrant organization) is absent. Maybe, Tenma muses, that's why he's so distracted.
The fact that this is the first time he'll be playing against Taiyou since their argument doesn't exactly help. They've talked about it at length, and they've tentatively been texting and even hung out once over the summer, but there's a sense of discomfort that they're still trying to get past. Tenma, if only in his own mind, can admit he's worried about how any competitive interaction will affect them.
He doesn't want to lose Taiyou's friendship, but…
The brunet sighs and shakes his head. At this rate he's just going to keep on being distracted, and inevitably disappoint his team. He doesn't want to take that risk for their first match after such a long break.
Or, any match, really.
Especially not after-
(He still cannot help but feel a bit jumpy, after all the arguments with Shindou during the Grand Celesta Galaxy, after Tsurugi’s kidnapping, after, after, after.
It had felt like he'd been on thin ice when he first joined the team, but that sensation had slowly but surely faded as he found his place.
Now, after, he hates that he's once more double-checking his every action. Hates that he's lost the sense of security in where he stands that had been near unshakable before the Grand Celesta Galaxy.)
Tenma is, once again, brought back to the present, this time because their bus is slowing to a stop. A glance out of the window tells him all he needs to know, and he hides a grimace.
Seems like they have arrived at Arakumo Academy.
Raimon reaches their destination right on schedule, Shindou is glad to note. They'd left early so they'd have enough time to get ready and go over their strategy before the game starts, as they usually do, but Arakumo is a challenging enough opponent that any extra time is welcome.
They're guided over the campus in the direction of the soccer stadium and Shindou takes in the sights with mild interest. It's been a while since he's visited Arakumo - their previous match had been in one of Fifth Sector's stadiums. The prestigious academy hasn't changed much. It certainly lives up to its reputation, not quite as large as Teikoku's buildings, but nothing to look down on either. It's got a more serious appearance than Raimon, with red-toned walls and roofs with cloud patterns.
However, Raimon is here for a match, not to play tourist, and soon they find themselves in their assigned dressing room to get ready for the match. It's as the team is entering the room, getting ready to change out of their training suits, that a ringtone disrupts the usual chatter.
It's uncommon enough that Shindou finds himself glancing up, involuntarily raising his eyebrows as Tenma scrambles for his phone. He catches the captain's gaze and Tenma shoots him an apologetic look while he answers the call. “Hello?”
Shindou turns away and smiles at Kirino on his other side as he reaches for his bag, but despite his wish to give his captain some privacy, they’re right next to each other. It’s impossible not to overhear the one-sided conversation.
“I apologize, this isn't really the right time,” he hears Tenma say, sounding genuinely sorry and surprisingly formal. “I'm playing a match in-”
The brunet falls silent for several moments after the, assumed, interruption. Shindou unzips the jacket of his training suit and shrugs it off his shoulders. He's already wearing his uniform underneath the track suit, so he won't take long changing.
Next to him, Tenma starts talking again. “I understand, but I,” and falls silent yet again. Shindou frowns.
Something about the way his captain keeps on halting in the middle of his sentences seems a little odd. Shindou finds himself halting his movements, unable to keep himself from looking over at his young friend. It's not on purpose, but he's always believed in the worth of information, and something about the increasing tension in Tenma's voice raises his guard.
‘’Yes, I do understand, but is it really not possible?’’ The brunet in question is clutching his phone, lips pulled into a frown while his other hand holds on tightly to the edge of the bench. Whatever he's being told clearly affects him, and whatever reply he receives has his shoulders drooping visibly as he says, ‘’I know, but it was scheduled months ago…’’
It takes Shindou a second to classify the tone in Tenma's voice - not disappointed, but… resigned?
Whatever this conversation is that Tenma is now being forced to share with the entire team, it doesn't reassure Shindou in the slightest.
And it's clear he's not the only one. Although they're trying to hide it, the strategist notices several of his friends shooting worried glances at their captain, and the usual rambunctious chatter is muted. It’s by accident that Shindou and Tsurugi lock eyes over Tenma’s head, but it’s clear to both - they’re equally confused.
Tenma hasn’t hinted at any issue to either of them, and Shindou doesn’t quite know how to feel about that realization. He doesn’t mean to assume, but… well, as far as he knows, the brunet is an open book.
Especially to him and Tsurugi, or so Shindou had thought.
(Tenma respects him, he knows. It's clear the young brunet values his opinion, but he's also comfortable enough to approach Shindou with his issues and insecurities. To ask for help. To let himself be vulnerable.
Shindou appreciates that, could even say he's honored by the faith the brunet puts in him.
So to find out there's apparently something - a situation that seems to be the norm rather than the exception, based on Tenma's reaction - that has such an impact on the brunet, which he hasn't even hinted at towards Shindou nor Tsurugi…
Well, it throws him off more than he thought it would.)
The captain doesn't seem to have noticed the slowly increasing attention on him, too focused on whatever conversation he's having. One that's clearly not going well. “Are you certain?” he asks, sounding dull, and Shindou grimaces. That sounds very different from the Tenma he's used to, and it feels wrong.
‘’I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to complain.’’
That is…
Shindou has to look away from Tenma then. He can’t stand the sight of him so muted, so wrong, and he gets the feeling he is intruding on something he has no right to know about.
Instead he exchanges a look with Kirino next to him, the defender appearing just as startled as the strategist imagines he himself looks.
‘’Alright. I understand.’’ The words are mumbles but where they would otherwise have gone unheard, now the team has become silent enough for it to be picked up. ‘’Right. Goodbye, then.”
Tenma hangs up and drops his phone carelessly in his bag. Then he sighs softly, staring at the ground for several seconds before getting to his feet with the intent to get changed.
Shindou debates saying something, thoroughly unsettled because he's seen Tenma worried, sad and even angry a few times, but this… this is somehow worse. Clearly upset about something and yet shrugging it off completely at the same time. He's got no idea how to handle this new side of his friend, and he doesn't like it one bit.
He doesn’t seem to be the only one doubting themselves, something hesitant in the air as the team waits - for what, Shindou can’t quite tell. For Tenma to explain? The captain doesn’t even seem to notice their focus on him as he pulls off his suit jacket, but the strategist can’t help but wonder if that’s really the case. Either the brunet is so lost in his own thoughts he doesn’t notice the unusual quiet in the changing room, or he’s pretending.
It’s Tsurugi who breaks first, and Shindou feels a little relieved. Whatever issue Tenma may be facing, his guess is that he'll most easily open up to either Shinsuke, Tsurugi, or Shindou himself. He's never asked for the details but he knows Tenma and Tsurugi share a lot - Tsurugi about his brother and his time as a Seed, and Tenma about his insecurities.
“What was that all about?” the striker mumbles from the brunet’s other side, a quiet offer to talk about it.
Tenma stills in the midst of securing the captain's band around his arm.
He doesn't even look at his best friend and there's a sudden, horrid feeling of dread in the pit of Shindou's stomach that he doesn't know the origin of.
“Nothing to concern yourself with,” Tenma says evenly, and that's it. He goes back to changing like nothing happened. Like his team didn't just watch him act more cautious and restrained than he did while they traveled to the future.
He hadn't even hesitated.
Hadn't even seemed to consider talking to his team - and sure, that might not be considered odd if it were anyone else, but this is Raimon. They are arguably closer than any other team, after everything they've faced together. It's their whole thing, their never ending support of each other and their strong bonds, the reason they've made it this far, and if there's anyone who enforces that stereotype, it's Tenma.
And yet he hadn't even spared Tsurugi a single glance as he'd answered.
Shindou doesn't know what to think.
With the sudden, painful, and most importantly unusual sense of awkwardness in the air, Raimon finishes getting changed. Coach Endou shows up not long after, as bright and enthusiastic as he always is, and at least that manages to lighten the mood a little. He repeats their strategy once more, supported by Haruna refreshing the most important data on the Arakumo team, and the boys listen intently to his advice until he dismisses them with a few minutes to spare.
There's chatter in the changing room again, the excitement at the prospect of a match against a team as challenging as Arakumo resurfacing, and yet Shindou still finds himself watching his captain.
The brunet doesn't join in on any conversations, lips thin and shoulders still a bit tense.
He approaches Aoi.
The girl looks up from where she's preparing towels for the boys for later, her smile fading the moment she catches sight of him in favor of a frown. “Are you okay?” she asks.
Tenma mutely shakes his head, eyes downcast.
Aoi reaches out for him, catching him by the shoulder. She seems worried, but there's something in the way she approaches the brunet that seems to speak of experience.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Tenma, finally, cracks a smile. “Later,” he tells her. “Wanna join Aki-nee and I for dinner?”
The girl immediately brightens, both at the offer and the prospect of supporting her childhood friend. “I'd love to. I'll let my parents know, do I need to text Aki-san for you?”
The whole interaction speaks of familiarity and care. Shindou, objectively, knew they were friends, childhood friends. Knew they live in the same neighborhood, knew they hang out together often.
Knowing is different from seeing.
The way Aoi had immediately seen something was up, the way she'd known exactly how to react. How Tenma talks to her so easily when he'd seemed painfully uncomfortable with the team, had, in fact, approached her himself because he wanted to talk. The easy invitation for dinner, something they're apparently both so used to that they hadn't even considered that either Aoi's parents or Tenma's guardian could have any problem with the sudden change of plans.
There's a trust there. A trust that, until ten minutes ago, Shindou had believed to extend to the rest of the team.
As the two first-years keep talking, Tenma smiling once more, the strategist is suddenly struck with the feeling he just intruded on something private yet again. He turns away sharply.
And catches Tsurugi's gaze once more.
Seems like he wasn't the only one keeping an eye on Raimon's wayward captain - and from the frown pulling at Tsurugi's lips, it's clear the striker recognized the same thing he did.
Tsurugi is far too good at masking his emotions, but for once Shindou can make out the confusion - and dare he say the hurt - in his eyes.
Though neither of them says a word, there's a quiet understanding between them.
For all that Tenma seems to depend on them, in the span of a single phone call it has become painfully clear that there’s a boundary that neither of them had been aware of before.
And Shindou can’t help but wonder why that doesn’t surprise him as much as he thought it would.
Okay, so I tried to include Taiyou like you asked, but he didn’t want to be written. Neither did Raimon really realize they ‘messed up’, as you said, rather it’s a slow suspicion creeping up on them. This is sort of the start of the process in which Raimon realizes, ‘oh, wait, something isn’t exactly right here’.
That’s also because I’ve got some more things planned for them. Tenma has issues, but he’s also not the person to acknowledge them, or blame Raimon for their actions - but it still bothers him unconsciously and I’m hoping to build on that. Rather than outright telling Raimon, or even showing there’s a problem, he’d prefer to ignore his own feelings on the matter. He’s just not the type of person to keep grudges or blame others.
And then there's the rest of the team to consider - there's other people who still have opinions on what happened at the start of the year, but simply haven't brought it up while they were dealing with evil organizations and time traveling. Midori, for example, won't stay silent forever, and she's certainly no fan of how Tenma and Shinsuke were treated in the beginning.
Also, that phone call is actually important, but in the AR timeline is also something Tenma only faces during the third-year, AKA two years from this point in time. Very slow-going, basically, which is again why this drabble doesn't really solve anything.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed (despite the long wait, sorry about that)!
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canisvesperus · 9 days
I’ve seen some discussion on this, so allow me to explain something.
Some people do not seem to grasp why artists like me draw so much fashionable Eridan. He’s not fashionable at all, just look at his canon outfit, they say. Well, it is simple. Eridan is one of the few trolls actually experimenting with fashion at a young age in the comic. Look me in the eye and tell me you too weren’t a hot mess trying to dress “fashionable” in middle school. Yet, chances are that if you had that awareness and drive early on, you will also develop a sense of style and grasp on aesthetics earlier in life compared to your peers. This was my experience. I was well known for being very stylish as a kid, but this didn’t happen overnight. Indeed, if you were one of these kids you most definitely started off with some odd or disharmonious clothing combinations that you threw together in an attempt to express yourself aesthetically despite inexperience in that type of self-expression. I can’t speak for everyone else, but I usually draw young adult Eridan. Obviously given some time, his tastes would develop and mature into something derived from those original aesthetic visions, but far more cohesive.
It’s clear he’s trying to assert his individualism and status in his clothing choices, and most of y’all shrug him off as having bad taste while not also foreseeing the intent and vision behind those choices. I see it, and so do other artists. We differ in how we portray this derivation because there are frankly a dozen different directions he could take it depending on the circumstances of the post-canon/fix it scenario. This is why you may see me refer to the Eridan in my depictions as “my Eridan”. I don’t presume to depict something identical to Homestuck proper, nor am I particularly interested in doing so. If you’re the type of person who is married to the events of canon and cannot consider a scenario involving an older Eridan who was allowed to grow and change, this is why we are not seeing eye to eye— and I’m certain this is the root cause of various other discourses as they pertain to portraying the character in post-canon fanworks. That’s fine. That’s your choice. My choice is different.
Eridan consistently demonstrates concern (an excess, really, which backfired for him in the cruelest of ways poor thing) with respect to how he is perceived, hence the consciously thought out image-crafting and classic Eridan façades that his own peers call him out on for being poorly executed, transparent, and otherwise not believable. They were kids. This is normal. Of course he doesn’t have himself figured out yet. It’s a process. Some people in this fandom believe his façade in the most literal and uncritical of ways but this is all a story for another day. Is his drip game shit though, without regards for fan interpretations? If you’re asking me, I don’t think it’s really that bad considering his age. I really don’t think it’s that bad. That kind of scarf with the cape is a bit much to wear around the neck. Maybe he’ll swap the big scarf for something similar in function and category but less top heavy— a cravat, jabot, bandana, or lavallière? If the cape is too overwhelming for the rest of the outfit, a smaller caplet, shawl, or a coat will work. To accommodate some of the alternative neckwear, a shirt with a collar would be preferable. What many people perceive as a turtleneck sweater, need not be entirely sacrificed. Put a sweater vest on that boy. I see lots of complaints about the shoes and pants. More discreet pinstripes and more formal shoes (field boots, paddock boots, oxfords) will work. Of course he can go in the opposite direction, less formal, in that case the cape can go and the long scarf can stay, get some cool sneakers, consider denim bottoms or casual slacks in a single color, accents welcome. However this isn’t the derivation I pursue so I feel less qualified to speculate. He could ditch all of it even. Start new and fresh especially if he were to go through a markedly subversive reclamation of identity and character redemption sort of process. In any case, he can work with it!!! You just have to believe in him.
I believe Eridan had a lot of narrative potential that was wasted, possibly out of disinterest for the character. It’s only predictable that artists like me simply want to devise a world in which these characters had a chance to actually live their lives. I truly do not understand why there has to be so much confusion over this. That‘s all.
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btsyeonu · 6 months
↺ 💌 ࣪ ˖ ∿ author’s note , @ tw : mentions of transphobia, mental health issues, gender dysphoria, mentions of illegally obtaining gender affirming care, mentions of top surgery, mentions of being outed
okay so. yeonu has definitely not had a very nice life as hinted through the trigger warnings ofc, but also i actually wasn’t planning on his trans status being made public until i was reading this fic and i had a moment lol so now i need to revise some bits from the profile chapter, but anyways enjoy!!
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KIM YEONU'S story begins not as the person now adored by the world but as someone once known by a different name and set of pronouns that never quite felt right. Initially introduced to the world as Kim Yoonha, the first child born to parents Kim Taeho and Park Eunju, she charmed everyone with her sweet disposition, her chubby cheeks reminiscent of dumplings making her an instant favorite.
AS YOONHA grew, her interests diverged from the stereotypical expectations for girls her age. While other girls cherished dolls and traditional feminine roles, Yoonha found joy in playing with cars, cranes, and often took on the role of a husband in make-believe scenarios. This distinction stirred reactions among her playmates; while some boys accepted her choices, others demanded conformity to what they considered the “correct” roles. As a result, she found her place among the girls who embraced her unconventional preferences, allowing her to embody the role of a husband without judgment.
AT THIS STAGE, nothing felt overtly out of place. Yoonha recognised her interests didn't align with typical gender expectations but believed in embracing individual differences. Her friendships remained robust, spanning both boys and girls in her kindergarten. Many admired her unconventional qualities, viewing a “tomboyish” girl as cool during that period.
AS YEONU began elementary school, however, a watershed moment unraveled—a realisation that would forever alter the course of his understanding of self. It was a defining juncture, the genesis of an awareness that he was unequivocally not a girl. A curriculum lesson detailing the impending physical changes of puberty in girls struck Yeonu with terror. The thought of breast development, broader hips, and menstruation sent shivers down his spine.
THIS REACTION felt foreign, triggering an overwhelming sensation in his chest. A request to use the restroom led to Yeonu's first panic attack at the tender age of nine. He couldn't fathom undergoing these changes, a sentiment that only intensified as he gazed at his female classmates. The prospect of transitioning into womanhood was anathema to him.
THUS BEGAN YEONU'S quest for knowledge, an ardent pursuit to understand the changes that puberty brought. The deeper he delved into the contrasting trajectories of male puberty, the more profound his yearning grew. He craved a deep voice, strength, and stature—a desire that seemed unattainable. Was there no solution? Did he have to resign himself to this fate? The aversion to being seen as a woman consumed him, perplexing and tormenting his young mind.
THE INTERNAL STRUGGLE consumed him, his once-vibrant spirit waning. His parents, especially Eunju, discerned the gradual shift in their daughter's demeanor—withdrawn, subdued, and haunted by an invisible burden. Attempts to probe met a wall of silence; Yoonha feared revealing the truth, deeming these sentiments a form of psychological ailment. How could she change what nature had dictated? Were these yearnings for boyhood merely irrational?
AT HIS LOWEST, Kim Taeho, the steadfast figure in Yeonu's life, intervened. Always closer to her father, Yoonha sought solace in his comforting embrace, finally revealing the depths of her anguish. Tears flowed freely as Yoonha clung to her father, though in that embrace, she was not his daughter anymore.
HE HAD A SON. Kim Taeho's understanding surpassed Yoonha's expectations. It was he who illuminated the concept of transitioning, imparting a profound truth—“You were always a boy, sweetheart.”
AND IT WAS ALWAYS KIM TAEHO. He employed the male pronouns, renaming Yoonha to Yeonu, walking alongside him steadfastly through the journey of transition, affirming the essence of becoming his true self as a man.
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YEONU'S MOTHER reacted with palpable disapproval upon learning about Taeho and their child's transgender identity. For Yeonu, the stinging ache of his mother's immediate rejection became a shattering heartbreak, a pain he believed to be the deepest cut to his soul. Initially engulfed by a tumultuous struggle, he found strength through Taeho's unwavering support, even in the face of unrelenting hostility from others.
HIS FATHER STOOD as a shield, a pillar of light. Understanding the profound impact of female puberty on Yeonu's mental well-being, he arranged for puberty blockers, defying legal restrictions to shield his son from the changes that caused distress. Taeho's acts, though illegal, were driven solely by his desire to see his son find happiness.
WHEN YEONU EMBARKED on his path at BigHit Entertainment however, Taeho grappled with fear for his son's well-being. Aware of society's treatment of those diverging from societal norms, he strove tirelessly to maintain a constant presence in Yeonu's life, visiting frequently to ensure his son's welfare. However, for the adolescent navigating the complex terrain of transitioning into male puberty, these frequent visits proved stifling. Yeonu found himself caught between the protective gestures of his father and the desire for independence that came with this new chapter in his life.
THE PRESENCE OF Taeho visiting him often felt suffocating for Yeonu. The fear of being perceived as incapable or less “manly” by his peers in the company's environment spiked his anxiety. The prospect of his fellow trainees catching him in conversation with his father stirred an embarrassment that threatened to overshadow his desire to establish his identity independently. This dynamic birthed a subtle divide in their relationship—a time when Yeonu struggled to fend off his father's concerns, yearning to carve his path in music while attempting to distance himself from his father's constant worries.
AFTER A HEARTFELT one to one, Yeonu had been able to embrace his authentic self. The prospect of dwelling in a dorm surrounded by boys didn't daunt him. Having grown up among guys, often engaging with his brother's friends during sleepovers, this new chapter felt natural, fitting, and undeniably right. Yeonu's encounter with Namjoon remains etched vividly in his memory, a poignant moment marking the start of a new journey. The puberty blockers had started to make way for actual testosterone injections, leaving newcomers clueless as to Yeonu’s transgender status.
ALTHOUGH YEONU found comfort and acceptance among his fellow trainees—Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi, he understood the importance of presenting as male in public spaces. The idea of “passing” carried significant weight, shielding him from the prejudgments of strangers. Despite the warm friendship he shared with the boys, he withheld the truth about his identity, a choice he made to navigate the complexities of acceptance and societal biases.
DURING HIS TIME as a trainee, Yeonu reveled in conversations about music, sports, and the casualness of late-night escapades. He cherished these moments of unguarded bonds, feeling at home amidst these men who shared similar interests and experiences. Though he contemplated the prospect of coming out, he found no immediate urgency in doing so, viewing it as a decision he would reserve for a later time. His resolve was firm: should he secure a spot in the final lineup, only then would he choose to reveal his truth to his fellow members.
AND SECURE HE DID. Yeonu, a dedicated hard worker brimming with an unyielding spirit, became part of a group that would later be known as the Bulletproof Boy Scouts, alongside Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jeongguk. Embracing these companions, he fostered a deep bond with each, cherishing shared aspirations.
HOWEVER, DESPITE his deep affection for the group, Yeonu found himself dealing with a difficult truth. The promise he made to reveal his identity slipped further from his grasp as the weight of potential repercussions loomed large. The fear of rejection, the haunting specter of being shunned or even ejected from the group, plagued his thoughts relentlessly. These apprehensions stifled his resolve to come out, compelling him to continue presenting himself as a cis man, even well into their debut.
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IT WAS ACTUALLY quite early on into their debut that Yeonu had gone into surgery. The puberty blockers, although halted his female puberty, had only been able to be administered once he actually started puberty in the first place, leaving behind slight breast development that needed getting rid of. Nobody was made aware of what Yeonu’s surgery was actually for, instead being informed of a vague medical issue that’s been bothering the male for a long time.
THINGS WERE GOING WELL. Apart from being slightly reserved when it came to things like showering and changing completely butt booty naked in front of the others, Yeonu raised zero suspicions. He was quickly building a rapport for himself as a rookie rapper within the idol industry, and BTS as a whole were rising amongst the ranks with a solid promise of young talent.
BUT JUST AS QUICKLY AS they were rising, so were the growing number of haters that wished to break them down. It wasn’t long at all before malicious individuals would start digging into the members’ personal lives, scavenging for anything at all to make them look bad or raise eyebrows that would point and laugh and mock. And of course, it was poor old Yeonu that would take the fall for the ill intentions of others.
IT HADN’T ACTUALLY BEEN revealed that Yeonu was transgender. His family had done well to conceal traces of their son’s old identity apart from a few baby photos that would surface of Yeonu wearing dresses and honing slightly long hair. It got people questioning, brewing rumours that he was definitely born a woman while others would say that perhaps he just enjoyed dressing up as a kid and his parents would indulge him, but obviously people like a story. They went with the transgender theory, and soon that was all that anyone would talk about.
THE MEMBERS ALL HAD mixed reactions initially. Namjoon, who often delved into queer culture and history, had simply been a little surprised whilst others were confused, torn or anxious. Yeonu was in the heap of a mental breakdown at the news, shrivelling in on himself as he attempted to come to terms with his current situation.
IT WAS A TERRIFYING experience. He remembers the days in which the media would bombard him with questions, asking him to address the rumours and calling him by female pronouns. He remembers going on variety shows and feeling sorry for his fellow members when the questions would simply just get turned around to him possibly being transgender instead of actually talking about their latest comeback. He dealt with much abuse at this time from a lot of people, and it drained him in every way.
IT HAD EVEN REACHED a point in time in which Yeonu had expressed feelings of leaving the group altogether. From the constant abuse and judgment, topped with his crippling mental health, he was beginning to lose his will—he was losing faith in everything that he fought so hard for.
BUT THIS WAS WHEN the rest of Bangtan really pulled through for their Kim Yeonu. He was one of their own and there was no way in hell that they were simply going to sit by as those around them began treating the boy differently over something he couldn’t control. Of course they couldn’t be harsh to these interviewers and media outlets, but they were firm in their stance that Yeonu was no different to any of them. He was a boy. That was the end of that.
THINGS, ALTHOUGH still troublesome, got easier when the boys rallied up beside him in solidarity. They were the bulletproof shields that kept Yeonu intact for as long as he still stays standing to this day. The media had doubled down on the boys after noticing their unwavering loyalty to each other, attempting to pit them against the ‘black sheep’ of the group and disrupt their harmony.
IT NEVER WORKED. In fact, as the years had gone by, BTS only seemed to grow and rise in popularity as they began doing shows abroad, touring various countries and selling out shows completely. Yeonu stood tall and proud amongst his members and he would even be accepted and admired by overseas audiences, catapulted by some liberal interviewers that showered him in praises over his achievements as a queer artist.
IT HAD SPREAD AN inkling of warmth to hear such comforting words after years of struggle. It just goes to show that perseverance, against all odds, does indeed yield its deserved harvest.
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@anqelws , @vizianary , @kaitieskidmore97 , @sann1e
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quillinhand · 1 year
It's very hard being a snape fan and a marauders fan. I love Severus and I love James, Sirius, Lupin(Peter is Peter and I think it's perfectly acceptable to dislike the little rat) I love how complicated all their characters are. How they not perfect people and they both have done horrible and good things. Part of the blame is on themselves but the school and the adults in their lives certainly didn't. The stupid feud didn't either. I'm of the opinion that you can love both. That James and Severus both did change as people. What's your take on it? Also I find it rather hilarious that Lily and James best friend and person they chose to watch over their son is a lot a like.
It's very hard being a Snape fan and a marauders fan.
I definitely think so. So much of both communities; both the snapedom and the marauders fandom is defined by a hatred of another, and though you do get some people with a middle ground; they are few and far in between. as someone who LOVES the snapedom with all my heart, a part of me wants to say that we totally are open with any opinion towards the marauders, but then again I have seen hate comments on many neutral/pro marauder posts, so that would be completely false. and ofc, the marauder's fandom is very much hostile towards any opinion that doesn't fall into their cookie cutter version of perfect(i must admit I am very much biased on that side of the fandom, so).
Personally, I like to think I fall in the middle. I've liked Snape and the potential of his character for a long time, and I like individual members of the Marauders(Sirius and Remus are my blorbos and I will die on this hill). Peter, I really don't have an opinion other than pity. James, well, I'll get into that later on in the post.
How they not perfect people and they both have done horrible and good things. Part of the blame is on themselves but the school and the adults in their lives certainly didn't.
This, a million times. I think everybody, regardless of who you like, can agree that the prominent characters from Marauder's era were all set up to fail. James grew up around yes men, with parents who spoiled him and friends and teachers who adored him too much to nip his arrogance in the bud. Sirius grew up in an unstable home, withstanding abuse and no helpful assistance for his issues(again, the yes men problem). Remus was literally assaulted at age 5, and cursed to become a bloodthirsty monster once a month, with little to no rights and a very diminished sense of self worth(then feeling like he was beholden to dumbledore/marauders for a place at hogwarts and friendship, thus resulting in his cowardice.) Peter idolized friends who saw him as lesser and then was later fighting in a war he didn't have a hope of winning. Lily was a muggleborn with one significant friendship and little to no social status. Snape was an abused, socially disadvantaged boy who got into all the wrong things in the middle of a war. they've all made so many mistakes and done horrible things, but I think you can pinpoint each and every reason and cause for each thing they did.
The stupid feud didn't either.
and ofc, their hatred of each other just added to the shitshow.
I'm of the opinion that you can love both.
absolutely. same. :)
That James and Severus both did change as people. What's your take on it?
ooh, this is going to be fun. ok so:
let's start with snape. 19-20 year old snape is very different from 31 year old snape, and this snape is much different from 38 year old snape. In his teens and youth, he's very much edgy bad boy/kylo ren, with all of the boxes checked, sad backstory, interest in villainy, and that one person who believed in him. he's not as composed or as ... posh, let's say. he's emotional, very dramatic(this doesn't change) and character wise, he's very much evil/grey.
fast forward to late 20s, early thirties snape, this one actually has a life that isn't angst. he gets a kick out of being an abysmal teacher, he's a certified dick, he was batman in an other life, he's badass with an emphasis on ass. i believe this period in snape's life is the least dramatic. he's just living his life. he had all that redemption shit in his past- but no, wait
because harry potter is in town, and though we don't see it, snape's changing. gone is his 'i don't give a fuck' persona; now he's forced to give one by dumbledore and later, voldemort. he's got antihero shit to do, and he does it. he's the plot device now, the one that's evil but not actually. thats him in book one, in book two he's the comic relief/background character, in book three he's the kinda sorta villain- and this is the game changer book in terms of his character. til now, snape doesn't necessarily like dumbledore, but he trusted him. with dumbledore once again supporting the (remaining) marauders, that trust, however feeble it had been, is now gone. which puts him and dumbledore in a precarious position throughout GOF, and an even worse position when voldemort returns.
see, snape likes to think he's very good at pretending he doesn't care/doesn't show his emotions. and though he's right on a superficial level, it's almost comically easy to read him. basically, the angrier he is- the more emotional he is. and throughout the last three books, he's in this weird balance of being oddly guarded and absolutely furious. behind walls of hostility and mystery was a man who's furious, terrified, sad, resigned, and trying his damn hardest to stay alive. he's back to where and who he was at 21 years old, except he knows what he didn't know then, and this is the pivotal change in his morality. He used to be a guy who realized that the movement he supported was hurting people he cared about, but now he's becoming a person who doesn't want anyone to get hurt, because he's 37 years old and he's fucking exhausted of lying and killing and fighting for a world that truly doesn't give a fuck. 'lately, only those whom I could not save,' is an underrated line for this reason alone; severus snape wasn't a man redeemed on a hilltop pledging his alliance to Dumbledore to fix his wrongs, he was redeemed more than a decade later, fighting in a pointless war and realizing that if he can't fix his wrongs, at least he can fight against the causes of it.
now james, on the other hand is a totally different bean. I'm not saying he isn't a good guy, but I most definitely don't think he changed, and here's why.
see, james potter is and will always be a good guytm. his world is black and white; where the heroes are like him and the villains are less than. and for the most part, this was never directly challenged. but it was indirectly challenged many times, and i'll talk about the ones that affected him the most.
first: the train scene and Sirius. A boy from a dark family who's kinda uncomfortable with the painfully light ideas he's spewing, but still buying it because the alternative is so much worse to him. James adjusts with this one remarkably quickly, he's a quick thinker, and in his eyes, Sirius is good because he agrees with him. it doesn't challenge him significantly, and besides, he likes this boy, so it's fine. who cares if he's a black. he's sirius!
second: Remus and the werewolf thing. Again, much of the same thing happens, and James still takes it in stride, because it's his friend and he would've died rather than turn on his friend. this is the defining and redeeming quality of james potter's character; he's loyal to those whom he deems deserving of it. and sirius, remus, peter have joined that list. James is a good guy, and he thinks remus couldn't possibly be like the other werewolves, because he's remus!
third: Lily. Lily challenges him throughout their years at Hogwarts- about his opinions, about his character, about his actions. but at the end of the day, she falls in line with his opinions(she cuts snape off), she still is attracted to him pre-7th year, which was when he supposedly changed, his actions(even when they were together, she didn't know that he was still getting into fights with snape). at the end of the day, even Lily affirms James.
see the trend here? james potter doesn't change how he thinks. he just makes exceptions/he rejects the challenge. sirius can't be bad, because he's sirius and sirius is his friend. remus can't be bad because he's remus and remus is his friend. and the same logic applied to peter when he was offered as the choice for secret keeper. his opinions can't possibly wrong because- look, he's right!
this is not me saying james potter was a bad person. of course not! some of the best people I know have this mentality. but he started out a bully, and tbh, best case scenario, he became a judgmental person. that is the farthest I think he changed.
again, I don't think he's a bad guy. teenagers are dumb, cruel people. james potter did bad shit as a teenager, but so did Snape, and as much as we point to his abuse as a reason why, being spoiled and encouraged on despite everything is still abuse, just a different kind.
the only reason I don't like James Potter when I do like Snape is because nearly everything I mentioned was reading between the lines and other headcanons. And even then, though he had the potential to be, he wasn't a dynamic character. he doesn't change, despite every opportunity to do so, and his misbeliefs are affirmed again and again.
At the end of the day, James the character exists to push Snape's character forward. And that isn't a very attractive thing to like.
I find it rather hilarious that Lily and James best friend and person they chose to watch over their son is a lot a like.
Sirius and Severus are both two extremes of the same story, and that's something that's incredibly interesting to explore, but this post is too long already, so I'll stop now. Thanks again for the ask!
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kaigarax · 1 year
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Itoshi Rin x Reader
Quote: “Fall in love with the brilliance of another.”
Itoshi Rin had grown up relatively normal. His mother and father had been regular people that worked regular jobs. They loved him and his brother as much as any parents should and tried their best to make sure their boys were growing up in the proper environment.
Rin had gone to a regular school for the majority of his life. He attended classes and tried his best to earn acceptable grades.
Rin attended the church service on special holidays. While his parents had never been very religious they still made the effort on special occasions. According to Rin’s mother, it was a way for him and his brother to get to know other children around their age. Rin’s father had never really cared all too much about ensuring their kids were sociable but went along with their mother’s wants and wishes.
And such was the way of life. A relatively normal thing.
And Rin could have been happy.
He would have been happy to eventually meet a girl, marry her and start a family. Send his kids to a regular school and attend church services on special holidays.
But, alas, Rin’s childhood was only relatively normal. Just not quite. But anyone’s life could only be relatively normal with someone as Itoshi Sae as their brother.
Sae has grown up brilliant and all brilliant people are like stars. Individuals born with a gravitational pull so strong that worlds seem to revolve around them. Individuals are blessed with such warmth that they seem to be the sole meaning of life. Sae was brilliant and because he was the equivalent to a star then what else could Rin do but revolve around his brother?
Many would have thought it unfortunate to be born so ordinary, especially when being born alongside a star but Rin was not one of those people. Or at least back then he had not been one of those people. Rin had been a boy who loved his brother more than anything. A planet whose sole existence was to ensure the brilliance of the star he orbited.
Sae had discarded him through.
He had left him behind to rot.
And like all toys forgotten in the backyard, Rin changed. Every so slightly and bit by bit, Rin had changed until the person he had been was no longer the person he was.
Now, this boy who had been born ordinary was now someone that others watched with envy. He had clawed his way from the position of the brother to a ‘soccer prodigy’ to a soccer prodigy himself. But while Rin had spent a large majority of his life striving to become a prodigy his brother had already become a star. Someone so far beyond this little planet’s reach.
It had been many years since Rin had last seen his brother and he still wasn’t quite sure how he should feel. Rin’s mother had requested for Rin and Sae to travel back home for Christmas and had informed them they would both be attending a show. Your show. An instrumental recital of some sort. Rin wasn’t all too sure.
His mother had befriended your mother at some point and now they were determined to set you up. Whether it was with Sae or himself, Rin wasn’t all too sure. He, truthfully, didn’t care. The only thing on his mind had been his ever apparent and annoying brother.
Meeting you hadn’t been all too exciting.
For a famous piano player you seemed rather… ordinary. You weren’t the prettiest girl that Rin had ever seen and your personality wasn’t all too interesting either. You were polite enough but definitely not Rin’s type. Besides, it was obvious that you had taken a liking to Sae immediately.
Rin watched you from his place beside his mother as you laughed at something Sae said.
Your laugh wasn’t obnoxious but it wasn’t ‘musical’ either. Neither pleasant nor unpleasant. At least your laugh wasn’t fake or forced. Rin was very familiar with the kinds of girls that threw themselves at men with obnoxious and loud laughter. The kinds of girls that pretended to care just enough.
You were at least tolerable.
Why should Rin have cared? You were just a girl who was good enough to get paid playing the piano. Maybe Rin didn’t know all too much about music, but there really couldn’t have been that much difference between you and other people that played the piano, right?
“So, what are your interests outside of soccer?” You asked.
It took Rin’s mother shoving an elbow into his side for him to realise you had been asking him a question.
Rin sighed, “I guess I enjoy drawing.”
You seemed to perk up at his response, “are you any good?”
“No.” Rin shrugged, “not really.
“Rin!” Rin’s mother hissed, “be more sociable.”
The aforementioned male did feel a twinge of guilt ebb away at him but what was he supposed to say in response to your question? It wasn’t like there was really anything else he was good at. He was at best average in school but his life had always revolved around soccer. It was what consumed his mind most of the time and the only thing he wanted to get back to right now. Working out was a close second but that was always to improve his own soccer abilities.
“Don’t worry about him too much.” Sae waves Rin and their mother off, recapturing your attention, “Rin’s never been too good at conversing with other people.”
“No worries.” you smile politely which makes Rin turn away with a scoff on his face.
“What interest do you have outside of the piano, (Y/n)-chan?” Askes Rin’s mother.
“Well, I’ve always been an avid bird watcher.” you answer, “I’ve always found their bright colours and behavioural patterns very intriguing.”
While it wasn’t something Rin expected you to answer, he definitely thought it was lame. What was so interesting about a bunch of squeaking and squabbling rats with wings? They lived such ordinary lives. So unaware of everything happening around them. If there was any animal that Rin would subject himself to hours of watching it would have been dolphins. The smartest creators in the world with more access to their brains than humans.
There was always something to be learned from something smarter than yourself. On the other hand, there was really only so much one could learn from scatterbrained birds.
When Rin tunes back into the conversation his mother is back to asking you questions. You don’t seem annoyed but your gaze is constantly moving around the room and to the window outside. “Have you played any sports, (Y/n)-chan?” Rin’s mother smiles, “I’ve always wanted my boys to try baseball but they’ve just been so adamant towards soccer. You would think they’d die if they tried playing something else.”
You ponder for a moment, looking down at the table for a brief second before answering, “I did play basketball in high school but I was never that well coordinated.”
Now that was something Rin would agree with. From what Rin had observed you definitely didn’t seem like the most athletic person in the world. In fact, you were rather clumsy. You fiddled around with the cutlery but dropped your spoon twice and tripped on your way into the restaurant.
Rin found himself wondering if you messed up a lot when you played the piano. Despite Rin’s limited knowledge on the instrument, he did know that one needed to have finesse and elegance when playing such an item.
Your coordination is what Rin ponders on through the remainder of the meal.
He watches and scrutinizes as you eat. It’s not an uncomfortable look but rather occasional glaces with notes to how you deal with various obstacles. He spends the other potion of his meal waiting for it to be over.
Of course, if Rin had known how boring it would be waiting for you to play he might have eaten a little slower. Now he was stuck in an empty auditorium waiting for the other guests to arrive and fill in their seats.
When it came time to take his seat and watch you perform Rin had made sure to sit as far away from his brother as possible. Sae had chosen to sit near the edge so Rin had taken a seat in the middle. His mother sits in between his brother and himself. When the lights dimmed Rin silently hoped that the show would be entertaining enough for him to not fall asleep mid-show. Instrumental music tended to… make him sleepy.
And Rin could already hear his mother’s scolding.
The room’s much fuller than Rin would have thought. He supposes that means you must be good at what you do. Well, at the very least it means you’re not incompetent.
A shiny black piano stands in the middle of the stage. Rin personally found the piano more eye-catching than your own form. You wore a respectable black dress that suited your form nicely.
First, you walked up to the edge of the stage and bowed. You flashed the audience a nervous smile as if this were your first show before taking a seat at the piano.
The air seemed to still as the room held its breath.
Anticipation seemed to be reaching a point of climax. It was different from the eagerness one feels right before a winning goal is scored in soccer but that was the closest feeling that Rin could relate it to.
When your fingers hit the keys Rin firstly felt warm. Despite the room being filled with cool air, Rin feels an unfamiliar beginning to fill him.
The song you’re playing feels familiar despite Rin being certain he has never heard it before. It’s slow for such a happy song and Rin finds it to be rather uplifting. He can feel your curiosity with each note and his fingers seem to be itching to dance alongside your own. There’s a strange sort of innocence with the first song you’ve decided to play. Not the kind of naivety one would see in children but one where you’ve finally decided to allow yourself to try something you’ve been denied. The mood evoked shifts from curiosity to determination as you near the end of the song.
Rin suddenly feels a realization overcomes him and it sends a slight smile to his face.
You must have written this song alongside the first time you’ve fallen in love.
As the last key fades into an ending the crowd erupts into praise in the form of claps. The pause between your two melodies is quick, leaving only a moment for the crowd to appreciate you before you pull them into another world.
The next song immediately silences the clapping and Rin isn’t sure if he should be mad at you or not. The brief intermission you’ve left between the two songs is not enough. You should have allowed him and the rest of your audience a long moment to bask in the euphoria of your falling in love the first time.
This next song is much more dynamic than the last.
It begins slowly and hesitantly. Almost as if you are scared to tell this tale to this eager audience. You skip around the very best parts as if trying your best to keep something to yourself. But this audience, Rin, is eager to devour everything you have to give. When the melody speeds up Rin is certain he can hear at least three different tones. Three parts played in parallel to one another. It is playful and warm. A memory from a long forgotten dream that can only be recalled in the exact moment that one is living in it. So suddenly there and so quick to be forgotten.
It both begins and ends slowly.
Rin almost feels as though he has lost something when the melody ends.
He supposes he has.
The childlike innocence you have presented to the audience can no longer be grasped. It is no longer there for them to control. It is but a vision of an oasis that they will never again be able to indulge in.
The claps are not as loud when you finish but Rin knows it is not from your lack of playing. This emotion they have been left with is one to be praised but rather something one can only ponder.
Rin isn’t too sure if he enjoys this feeling or not.
Before the next song begins Rin is certain his eyes have met with your own.
The beginning, unlike the other two, is not playful or hesitant. It is commanding and all but demands the attention of everyone there. You have all but demanded Rin’s attention and who is he to deny you such a thing?
In this world of melodies and songs, you are the Sun and he is but a planet meant to orbit you.
Rin feels such a strange sadness begin to well up in him. It is as if all common sense has abandoned him. As if everything he has known has suddenly disappeared and he’s been left in an unfamiliar world. Everything in this new world feels uncertain except for you upon that stage who is so brave and warm. Perhaps warm is the wrong word because you’re now suddenly scalding. It is as if you’re now screaming for the world to throw all it can. All the melancholy and loneliness that has plagued you will now be the materials in which you will carve a throne for yourself. You have commanded the world to worship you and who is he to disagree?
The ending, like the other two songs, is gentle.
You are a gentle person. Even with the world bending to your whim you still choose to sit alongside it as if it has not wronged you and laugh. Your loneliness you accept with open arms. It’s so different from Rin’s own expression. Something so foregin and alien yet the only word Rin can come up to describe it is elegance.
You are elegant.
He wonders how he had missed this before. How has anyone ever missed this before? There is no world in which you are ordinary. Like his brother, Sae, you are a star. Something to be coveted, admired and praised.
You are deserving of all his affection and admiration just as his brother is. You may not be the most attractive person but you are beautiful in every way that matters.
Fall in love with the brilliance of another.
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delightful-to-be-read · 2 months
In Memoriam - Alice Winn
Bought in 2024 so not a backlog book. If I’d read the blurb properly, I doubt I’d have even considered buying it.
pg x of 382 - I’ve got a good feeling about this one.
pg 115 of 382 - This is definitely going to be my second five star of the year ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Aged 13, watching Dead Poets Society in English lessons taught me to see boys boarding schools as the most romantic of settings and twenty years of evidence to the contrary has never completely shaken that. I don’t usually like war history books though.
I loved this one.
The way the horror of WW1 in the trenches is written is so pragmatic and individual, and horrendous. It’s claustrophobic and relentless just to read it. It was a shock when it’s casually mentioned that the captain is eighteen, although I’d known his age from the start of the book.
I’m always much more interested in the ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’ stories of what was happening at home than I am in the ‘Birdsong’ stories of guns and tunnelling. The sheer massiveness of the casualties was brought home to me in a new way, considering multiple kids in a single year group hearing of the deaths of their siblings at once via the school newspaper.
It’s a love story. An unembarrassed, loyal love story. A hopeful, heartbreaking love story.
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httpstes · 2 years
Hey. I really like your posts. I get to know myself more because of you.
I have Aquarius mercury in 2H, moon-square-mercury & mercury-opposite-jupiter.
I wanna know what it means??
Omg this literally made my day thankyou :D
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Aquarius Mercury
Oh boy, if you know anything ab me you js know I love aqua mercuries :) I bring them up in my astrovations all the time bc they deserve it!
Aquarius mercuries sound technical when speaking. They sound smart and they know what they’re talking about. This is because Aquarius mercuries ARE smart, not only do they look/act/sound smart but they simply are, and i find them so attractive because of this. So many of my friends have Aquarius mercuries and they are some of the most intelligent people i know. Some of them are at the top of their classes in specific subjects, others rep the school as prefects or other high positions available for students, others are well rounded, and have amazing work ethic. This shows that Aquarius mercuries push themselves forward into whatever field they’re in. It’s like when you think you’re really good at a specific something, then that random person comes along and proves you wrong, unintentionally showing that they’re better than you, that’s them, that’s an Aquarius mercury.
Aquarius Mercuries don’t mean to boast, but the attention just seems to go towards them anyways, despite the fact that they try avoid as much attention as possible. Now personally I love Aquarius mercuries, y’all have my heart and soul, I always get told that my mercury is not compatible with yours all the time esp online but for some reason irl most of my friends have this placement 😭
So as a 3H cancer mercury to all Aquarius mercuries, I love you all, keep pursuing whatever you desire and you’ll get it :)
Mercury in 2H
I’m lowkey jealous of 2H mercurians. There’s a lot of focus on the individuals voice, money and self worth here. These individuals can make money based on their voice and how they communicate. Literally singing, speeches etc, anything that allows you to use your voice to send a message you can make money out of.
These individuals could have a very calm voice. They have voices that could easily relax you tbh, very sensual and soft.
2H mercurians self worth could be dependant on their communication/socialisation skills, this or their intellect. They like to talk about their work and the money they make, and if you’re a student, these individuals like to talk about future career ideas they have in mind.
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☽ square ☿
Moon square Mercury shows a challenge between the individuals mind and heart. Your heart desires one thing but your mind believes things need to be set in place before you can chase after what you want. This is a conflict of interest.
This goes for all harsh aspects between moon-mercury but there definitely is a struggle to communicate emotions with others. I definitely suggest writing, recording how you feel, even if you don’t show it to anyone. These individuals may bottle up emotions, on the outside they seem calm, however inside everything is getting ready to spill.
Along with your Aquarius mercury as well, there is a tendency to rationalise your emotions. You could try to make sense of everything and make yourself believe that your possibly blowing things out of proportion. However even the smallest of things deserve to be heard.
☿ opposite ♃
These individuals struggle to have faith in their mental abilities. They may have struggled at a young age to be confident in their communication skills or in general may still not be confident in speaking.
Mercury opposite Jupiter natives may also struggle to come to terms with a strong belief system. They could search out for different religions and spiritual beliefs or ideas to help explain the word around them. This or they may reject/struggle to understand different spiritual concepts about the afterlife or a higher knowing.
Mercury opposite Jupiter natives could have also experienced possible religious trauma in terms of others beliefs being pressured onto them as kids. I know a couple people with this placement and they’ve told me about their experiences growing up in religious households. Some had parents who shoved strict ideology down their throats and it affected their view on the world and the purpose of religion.
This placement in general can bring doubtful thinking about one’s intellectual/communication abilities as well as philosophical and religious concepts.
Thank you for reading, likes and reblogs are always appreciated 🫶🫂
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abybweisse · 1 year
The think I don't like about rciel mastermind theory is that it just ....doesn't make sense. I'm not saying rciel is a good person or not but he was a child and also it's very predictable and a boring storyline,I think there is much more behind the fire of that day, but I do think maybe he knew somethings maybe he had over heard things because of his expression is some panels. But overall the idea of a 10 year old planing and bringing down his own family is just a bit funny to me😂
RCMT nonsense?
Yeah, it really doesn't make much sense. Of course, there are different versions of the theory, but they usually include some type of secret deal being made between real Ciel and the queen or her servants, and -- to me -- it also makes no sense for a ten year old to be making deals like that, especially managing to keep all of it secret from his family. How would Vincent know something's up and plan for his own demise but not know his own child was involved? How would Tanaka not know way in advance? And let's not forget that the twins were mostly raised by Rachel and Aunt An until the attack. These kids were doted on, not neglected or left alone to their own devices. If anything, our earl is the one who seems to have any alone time. Regardless of why the queen and/or her servants would target the Phantomhives, why on Earth would they involve the ten year old heir of their target and actually entrust him with any of this knowledge?
Ambition is one of the major motives mentioned by individuals who support some version of this theory, but this is a child who clearly acts like a child, despite whatever evil streak he possesses. I see no reason for the queen to be interested in including real Ciel in any plans she might have to make him the next watchdog sooner than later, plus he was obviously not ready for the responsibility yet. I should think if he approached any of her staff about wanting to become watchdog sooner, they'd laugh it off. There's also no evidence yet that real Ciel has ever met the queen herself. And if he hoped to avoid becoming watchdog altogether, this definitely isn't the way to go about it. He'd be better off running away or flat-out refusing to take the post.
Another motive mentioned in versions of the theory is to get rid of their parents so that real Ciel can make his brother stay with him forever. For one thing, I cannot envision any way for that to not backfire, even if the whole thing had gone exactly as planned. One can argue that he's ten and just doesn't see that clearly, but I'd just say "Yeah, he's ten... and if he can't see that plans like that won't achieve his goal, he's also not likely to be able to even plan stuff like that, let alone try to carry it out". There's also the fact that we've seen Rachel show real Ciel how he can still be close to his brother and help him out. Rachel even suggests that our earl would be largely dependent upon the help of his older brother, the one who will be titled and will hold the key to the family coffers. So, all real Ciel would need to do is enjoy the remaining time with his family and, when he's earl, make it so that his brother spends as much time with him as possible... even if it means holding funding over his head to keep him around. Both boys likely would have been sent to Weston, too, since some other students there are second (and possibly third) sons. At such a young age (when they turn 13 and go to Weston), he wouldn't be ready to go off on his own to London, or whatever, so our earl would be happy to attend school with his older brother... and learn whatever he could that might help him later set up and run his toy business.
And when people talk about the fire, like who might have started it, I have to remind them that our earl doesn't even know about the fire until he returns to the manor and sees the burnt ruins for himself. Chances are, that fire wasn't started at all until after the boys were crated up and carted off.
The whole idea of RCTM strikes me as poorly thought out in every aspect. Less funny, more sad.
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gothamscormorant · 2 years
this is how i imagine tim drake…
(a lot of this is also canon/inspired by canon)
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click here for the other boys
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- absolutely obsessed with star wars.
- has forced everyone to individually binge the series with him at least once.
- but also uk love island and australian bellow deck is definitely his guilty pleasure.
- call me patriotic but i refuse to believe he watches the american versions of reality shows.
- overworks himself on such little sleep that his body giving up and him fainting is a scarily regular occurrence.
- insane martial artist -which people (like most things he can do/does) completely overlook or just don’t care about. this is also canon btw.
- like he can easily knock anyone to the ground in a second, yet because of his small build and mmmm relatively unhealthy state, it goes unnoticed and sometimes unused.
- people always overlook him because of his innocent seeming personality, but he’s so cruel sometimes.
- like he punched jason out cold once for picking up his stuff and holding it over his head, put itching powder in dick’s boxers and bed for hiding the cases he was working on, roofied damian’s nightly hot chocolate so he’d miss family movie night because dami was pissing him off… true slytherin.
- but just like a lot of the things he does, it goes unnoticed/un-delt-with most of the time so he gets away with it. middle child tings.
- not to mention he literally stalked batman and would run around solving murders and dropping off the evidence to gordon before even being a robin.
- he was on the CIA’s watch list for crying out loud!
- doesn’t break the unassuming facade often, but when he goes off the deep end, he goes, and doesn’t stop until he’s satisfied -or stopped.
- scarily persuasive -some would say manipulative, i would say ambitious. i mean he did wiggle his way into the position of robin with sheer willpower.
- i think one of the reasons i love tim so much and are so fascinated by him is because of his capacity to be a villain so easily if he wanted.
- like if he decided one day to turn on everyone… in an instant he has control of a multimillion dollar company, can easily gain control the police, has dirt on every single person, and access to anything he decides he wants: and yet he chooses to do good.
- he could have the world on their knees and yet people still decide to fuck with him because of their naivety.
- villain tim would be terrifying.
- his childhood and a normal loving and attentive family setting was stolen from him. he was always made out to be “mature for his age” and “quiet and sensible” when in reality he was just neglected and bored.
- being a gifted child always comes with its downfalls. like being so unstimulated by his schooling and classmates that he acts out a little bit out of boredom and a craving for attention from his parents; not to mention the social rejection because he’s too “mature” for his peers antics.
- he’d be super socially unaware for his age group. being an only child surrounded by adults (yet forever alone and isolated) would’ve prevented him from ever connecting with fellow kids and their interests.
- so now he likes doing a lot of random “childish” things like skating down the halls in the manor, having a gamer chair as his office chair, playing his nintendo switch in his wayne ent office when he’s bored, having bento box lunches filled with sugary cereal and roll ups, having a mini fridge in his office exclusively filled with yakults, strawberry milk and coffee milk boxes, being fully versed in gen z lingo (which he uses correctly don’t worry) that he uses to talk to people he works with and interacts with at galas etc etc.
- likes to leave little notes in library books for the next people to find; often mildly threatening like “i know what you did”.
- definitely has minor nearsightedness (though he hardly ever wears his glasses, even if he looks really good wearing them).
- when he’s not drinking coffee, he’s chewing gum or mints to counteract the coffee.
- ambidextrous, but favours his left hand meaning his already inconceivably messy quick-notes are also smudged by his hand.
- hands are always cold and numb (leading everyone to believe he probably has rayynaud's syndrome).
- he gets really nervous and tries to avoid people being able to touch his hands, like when they’re handing something to him, or makes sure handshakes are firm and quick -but still respectful- etc (but he loves hand holding, he just worries no one would want to 🥺).
- really good at taking in information and his surroundings quickly.
- often points things out to people that would otherwise go unnoticed like “your eyes look really pretty today” or “your freckles have darkened from the sun” or “they ordered two sugars with their coffee… they always order three” etc.
- he doesn’t constantly say the things he’s thinking, but they come out a lot more when he’s loosing his filter from fatigue.
- he’s always apologising profusely for pointing out things bc he thinks they will think he’s weird or become uncomfortable.
- tim is allergic to almost all nuts except for almonds (wog runs through my veins, i refuse to believe he can’t eat almonds).
- he’s not like epipen allergic, all he needs it some cetirizine.
- bc of this “relatively low risk” (as he would say), if he accidentally eats a nut he’ll usually just not tell anyone while his throat is closing over and his mouth feels like it’s been attacked by mosquitoes.
- he’ll just silently slip away to buy some cetirizine or get some from his pocket/bag.
- this sweet old lady at a charity bake sale once offered tim to try a free slice of her rocky road and it had walnuts in it (btw you guys are monsters if you make the nutty rocky road).
- and he was too anxious to refuse so he took it and finished the whole thing in front of her.
- it took him about 20 minutes and to the point where he was crying and his lips looked like they had fillers that he whispered to bruce he was having a reaction.
- bruce was hysterical.
- he always carries cetirizine on him now just incase tim does that again.
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“Inside the castle is also the smallest piece of work made by the set decorating department: Chip’s bedroom — in the kitchen cupboard. Chambre de Chip is a little boy’s bedroom, with the linens arranged to create stairs up to his bed, a miniature armory made of thimbles and toothpicks fashioned after the Beast’s armory (because the Beast is his secret hero) and a stolen tassel from Belle’s bedroom (because he has a crush on her).”
I have some headcanons/thoughts about this quote from the Beauty and the Beast (2017) Official Collector’s Edition magazine that I’d like to share!!!
Firstly, Adam has an armory !!! This is cool. I think it’s 100% decorative and he probably just collected the most interesting and expensive pieces in order to show off, sending his people to auctions just to find the most collectible collectors items. Just to have. Just because he can. I do think he fenced in school (and enjoyed it) so I could definitely see him appreciating swords and such.
But furthermore, Adam being Chip’s hero… I have so many thoughts about this. Because obviously prologue Adam (which is the only Adam that Chip has known so far) is a HORRIBLE person to look up to. But the thing is, Chip probably saw him in such limited capacities that he really had no idea how awful he was.
When they were young, Adam was just sad and quiet and read books. Chip probably just looked up to him because he was the closest to him in age (I headcanon that they’re about 10-11 years apart). And when Adam got older, especially after his father died, Adam stopped engaging with Mrs. Potts as much, (as well as the rest of the staff, of course) and would go to Versailles frequently too. But when he was around, I could see him being sort of neutral toward Chip.
I do think Adam resented Chip sometimes, seeing as he still had both his parents alive, and how they both adored him, but I don’t think he ever scared him or anything. I think Chip was honestly intrigued by him. He saw Adam as a dazzling and interesting young man that he had been lucky enough to grow up observing. Chip saw all the “friends” that Adam seemed to have, how people always laughed around him, how he would travel so much. To chip, Adam had THE coolest life. And since Adam and Chip never really had a conversation, Chip never saw the harsher side of him.
Which makes it sort of interesting how in the prologue, we see Chip has clearly run where he wasn’t supposed to, and Mrs. Potts runs after him, and they come into the ballroom right as the enchantress is cursing everyone. So it makes me think that Chip probably ALWAYS wanted to go to Prince Adam’s parties, but for several obvious reasons, Mrs. Potts never let him. But, because Chip is a beloved little stinker, he would occasionally escape their chambers and make a break for it, just to get a peak at the cool party!!!! and that’s what happened that night!
All this to say, it makes for very sweet thoughts for after the curse is lifted, when Adam is kinder and warmer and actually acknowledges Chip. I absolutely think Adam apologized to Chip individually, for ever frightening him, and for putting him through this at all. And Chip, being the sweetheart that he is, would forgive Adam, and continue looking up to him. And this time it actually means something to Adam, leading to a very sweet and special bond between them. (Mrs. Potts’ two boys!!! Her son and her surrogate son… <3)
And as a bit of a cute ending side note also from the quote, Chip having a crush on Belle is very very very cute. He thinks she’s so pretty and cool, and he’s RIGHT. And the fact that he weaseled his way into her room and nicked one of the tassels from her bed??? to keep it with him????? what a little hopeless romantic this boy is!! We simply have to stan. I’m so glad he gets to grow up looking up to both Adam and Belle. They really become heroes in his eyes, and I think they dote on him quite a bit, as he deserves!!!
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