#i was also asked if i touch grass
pumpkinhrat · 7 months
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Teacher Jon Sims The archivist's salary barely pays the bills so Jon gets a temporary job as a primary school teacher.
Aka I'm putting Jon through my life experiences
[Image ID: A digital comic strip. First drawing: Jonathan Sims stands in front of a board and asks "Okay, any questions?" Second drawing: a bunch of kids sitting in a classroom. A boy in the front row has his hand raised up and says "Do you play Fortnite?" Third drawing: Jon with a stunned expression on his face. He quietly says "no." In the background there is Jean Paul Sartre's quote saying "Hell is other people." End ID]
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pinkyjulien · 2 months
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Valentin Da Silva | 177/??
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foldingfittedsheets · 2 months
hey i get that you probably have your reasons for using 'afab' instead of 'woman' or something similar in your retail/sex shop/mattress store anecdote, but i wanted to point out people cannot tell assigned sex at birth by looking. many trans women also experience sexual harassment like what you describe even when people clock them. so im not sure 'afab' even covers what you were talking about fully.
I’m nonbinary but I appear female, and I’m only ever read as female. The point of using it there is just that what he saw was a tiny female even though that’s not what was there.
I’m not making a statement on how people read genders, but I’m not going to interrupt a funny story with a million disclaimers as to my intentions, I just trust that my readers are smart enough to know he was being sexist because of his interpretation of me.
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stevethehairington · 6 months
really fucking sick and tired of people who really fucking love the eddie book jumping on people who don't like or are even remotely critical of it's posts and like crusading their opinions around from the top of their high horses and shoving it down our throats.
if you like the book, great! that's awesome! love that for you! i am genuinely glad that you were able to find good in it and enjoy it!!
but not everyone did, and not everyone is going to agree with you. so, instead of going on some grand crusade where you find every single post that includes anything even remotely negative or negative adjacent or even neutrally critical and spending ALL this time and effort trying to provide unwanted rebuttals to every single thing, maybe you should just stay in your lane and find people who DO like the book and chat about it with them.
because i can PROMISE YOU, none of us appreciate it when you come onto our posts and start accusing us of "hating on" the author or "being rude" about her and her work and RIDICULOUS shit like that.
being critical of something and pointing out it's flaws is NOT inherently hating on it. i, frankly, do not know where people got that notion, but it's not fucking true so can we fucking quit assuming it is? and, critiquing something is also NOT the same as saying this is shit and it sucks and the author is a piece of garbage. again, where the fuck that came from is beyond me. you can be critical of something and still enjoy it. as soooo many of you love to point out, it's not perfect, why should it be perfect? so D U H. of course that means criticism can and should arise???
also. hot take (by which i mean ice fucking cold because it's NOT a fucking hot take), but going around toting FALSE facts as part of your "defense" does not make you or your argument look good. you, like the author, should maybe do a basic fact check first. 🙃
tldr, if you like the book, that's genuinely great, but stay in your fucking lane and stop seeking out posts from people who didn't like it to start shit in the notes.
#flight of icarus#stranger things#this has happened to me and to so many of my friends and im fucking SICK of it#i didn't even hate the book either!! i thought it was just okay#and yet i STILL get all these book lovers jumping down my throat about things i say about the book#things that - HONESTLY are not even like that scathing!!!!!#like god damn all im asking for is a little BASIC effort from the author and they all think thats me asking for her head on a platter#its NOT#i have no problem with the author#she's whatever to me honestly just a vessel through which the book was given to us#ALSO she is some nebulous blob way outside my orbit. AS IN any critiques i have of her and her work are NOT direct assaults on her???#like i dont fucking KNOW her#im not saying any of this to her face#she is a published writer she should KNOW the risks she is taking when she publishes her writing#not everyone is going to like it! there are going to be people who are critical of it! there are going to be people who hate it!#critiques and pointing out mistakes and wishing for things to have been different is not a fucking direct attack#those things are actually pretty fucking common responses to ANYTHING#and a lot of times theyre actually meant as useful helpful things geared towards improvement and not something to tear someone down with#some people on the internet need to go touch grass and learn how to CRITICALLY THINK again#the world is not as black and white as you think#n e ways. rant over. if you stuck around through all of that kudos to you. i am just. at the end of my rope with this bullshit.
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drenched-in-sunlight · 2 months
Wondering if Messmer was just the only one to help/sympathize with Marika on the shattering of the elden ring. His relation to snakes, fire, etc, could just be that he turned himself into a living weapon taking parts of all of the enemies of the Erd Tree he could find. Momma's boy headcanon tbh.
until the DLC is fully out and confirms otherwise, i'll stubbornly cling to the mommy's boy theory fr fr 😭😭
with Fromsoft's track record of portraying motherhood (*stare at Bloodborne*) i simply refuse to believe they made the Mom™ in Marika and won't expand on her further or won't have a kid that is just...insane over her. prayer circle for that theory to be supported in canon because i have ART to DRAW if true !
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kiose · 6 months
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See, guys? I do know how to draw 👌 (?) I was watching a video with people taking selfies together and my brain said, you know who else should take selfies together? Believe that my life mission is to make Big Mighty Champion Nemona blush as much as she possibly can 💪💪💪
PS: I know the phones can float, but it didn't look as cool with a floating phone 😔 *Bonus drawings under the cut
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A candid Behind the Scenes pic of how the original picture happened hahaha
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Aaaaaand this happened literal seconds after the pic was taken :P
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summerlinenss · 4 months
Yeah I'm sure plenty of loved ones are getting killed in genocides. It's a stupid pirate show, there are people are dying, people's rights are being taken away, good God go touch grass
babe idk why you’re so worked up about me caring about a stupid pirate show when i’ve been passionately advocating for the rights of others and firmly taking actions (real actions not just sending cowardly anons to people on the internet) for palestine.
also i wouldn’t expect you to know this but the ofmd fandom has self-organized fundraising and activism many times in its < 2 years of existence. we were on the front lines during the WGA/SAG-AFTRA strikes and raised money every single week for water and food/food trucks for writers and actors. we’ve had multiple fundraising events for lgbtq+ rights organizations. we raised over $10,000 (with an original goal of $2,500) in 12 hours through a charity auction for palestine legal aid. not for internet points, because we wanted to.
so i mean excuse us for also campaigning to get our show back. terribly sorry if our ability to care about two things at once offends you.
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theoryandahalf · 3 months
Me when I realize Matt left one last ARG to solve and my only skill is simping:
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But if anyone is curious there's a subreddit and a discord server dedicated to the Where's Matt ARG (discord link in sub) https://www.reddit.com/r/WheresMatpat/
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bonesblubs · 2 years
Can we see the junior group together?
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slow days
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askcursedtales · 1 year
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[ @ask-the-royal-absol ]
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dunmertitty · 13 days
Your knitting analogy sucks ass and it really shows you've never touched yarn in your life, go knit something and pull it out and tell me the labors feel anything like each other, you weak ass bitch that should go touch grass
do you want me to touch a yarn (👉🐑) or touch a grass (👉🌾) i’m confused
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celerydays · 3 months
Hiiii just wanted to say hope you’re doing well!
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Haha, I'm just kidding! I am actually doing a lot better nowadays– thank you so much for sending this message to check in 🥹 I really hope that you're doing well too! 💕
I admit February was really hard for a variety of reasons, but I have my partner to thank for pulling me through because he very heavily advocated for me to just to step back for a bit, get offline, and to give myself a small daily period of rest/distraction by chipping away at our backlog of shows we've been meaning to watch 😂
As a result I've spent the last month effectively sobbing over My Hero Academia lolll 🫣 On top of that, I've been trying to fit in some of my other hobbies like journaling and tarot into my daily routines again~
Mixing in some new fictional blorbos and spreading out my attention to other activities that have been known to ~spark joy~ for me in the past has really helped to alleviate the difficulties that popped up from the last couple of months! 🥰 and as an added bonus, it shuts up my brain for a few blissful hours everyday lmao 💗
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intricatecakes · 3 months
fun tip if you get anon hate you can tap the lil three dots next to the "Answer" button and choose "Block @Anonymous" ❤️
it'll ask if you're sure you want to delete the ask, say yes! you don't need that shit in your life 💕
then if you're feeling curious just check the most recent blog in your Blocker Tumblrs in your settings to see who it is before putting them out of your mind forever 💖
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dracomort · 4 months
Hello! I noticed you recently used the radfem tag on a post. Being a HP author, are you aware of the message this sends considering the source content for this fandom?
I debated whether or not to answer this, as I am well aware of the hornet's nest I'm kicking—particularly on this site. However, I believe the contemporary rhetoric that assumes one's support of 'x' means they must believe 'y' to be reductive, dishonest, and particularly troubling when it comes to silencing the voices of women. It's the very same false equivalence that has led large swathes of the population into claiming that support of Palestine = antisemitism (including, ironically, JK Rowling).
I consider myself a radical feminist and I won't censor that simply because I also happen to like a magical school kid's book series written by a conservative moron. Does this mean I agree with everything every single radical feminist has ever said? No. But I believe that sex-based oppression is alive and well and can be seen most prominently in law-enforcement response to rape and domestic violence, abortion rights in many countries, access to maternity leave, research into women's health, household labour distribution and the commercial objectification of women (be that advertising or pornography).
Does this mean I think sex-based oppression is the only form of oppression? No. Does this mean I associate myself with TERFs? No. Was the radical feminist movement without flaws? Also no. Just as the socialist movement did not adequately address the disadvantages women faced in the 60s and 70s, the second-wave feminist movement failed to address the unique struggles of non-white women and queer women. There is always room to grow from the starting point of a movement created ~60 years ago. Intersectionality is critical. But we have not progressed as far as most would like to pretend (looking at you, America), and the way that women hasten to distance themselves from the 'harsh' type of feminism is partially at fault for this, in my opinion.
Without radical feminism, we would not have had the Women's Liberation Movement. Without radical feminism, we would not have abortion rights, access to credit, equal pay protections, etc. The demonisation of a branch of feminism that was so critical in fighting for the rights that modern women enjoy today is harmful and something I am very suspicious of. I mean, we're at a point where I can't even use the tag radfem without having people in my asks sending messages like this? Really? If there is something that I have reblogged or posted that you disagree with, then I am always open to a good-faith discussion, but I don't respect this style of internet discourse that strikes you down as guilty by association.
(Also, since I know that's what you're getting at — my opinion on TERFs is that they've done a great disservice to radical feminism and have gotten themselves worked up about something that is a non-issue outside of their corner of the internet. My question when people come to me IRL with anti-trans rhetoric is always, "have you ever actually met a trans person?" and the answer is always no...)
While I don't agree with everything said in it, this is an interesting article from Dr Charlotte Proudman which I recommend you read: Being a radical feminist means being a trans ally at the same time.
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stephschoices · 10 months
Did Theo say that in the "You guys need to touch grass" way or the "I need to kill off my competitors" way
I’m thinkingggggggg both 😌☝🏻
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But according to @disenchantedif theo was and always is ready to throw hands uwu
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bucca2 · 4 months
There’s really nothing more embarrassing than having unironic beef with a popular fictional character, but at the very least shut up and keep it to yourself
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