#sa mention in tags
useful-boy · 1 year
I think that if you abuse your children every day of their lives and they eventually snap and try to murder you, that's on you tbh and they should be allowed to walk free
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draculora · 1 month
i don’t wanna talk too much about the kendrick vs. drake beef on here bc i’m not black and i don’t have anything to say about it that black rap listeners haven’t already said with way more context but i will say this as a victim of SA after listening to the heart pt. 6 which was just really cheap and gross
kendrick is using his influence to bring MASSIVE AMOUNTS of attention to something that women have been saying about drake for a LONG time but drake never had to address bc it didn’t come from anybody who “mattered” (in drake’s eyes) and also it wasn’t said to him DIRECTLY in a format in which he was expected to respond, and quickly. he was never going to address it!
and i think kendrick doing this falls directly in line with the type of topics he’s always covered in his albums, specifically mr. morale was about breaking the cycle of generational trauma (physical and sexual abuse specifically) and ALSO kendrick has ALWAYS called HIMSELF out in his music for the way he has contributed to these cycles and reflected on WHY and how to change moving forward
i think people are wanting kendrick to be free of any controversy in order to go after drake and my thing is if we keep waiting for the Perfect Person who has Done No Wrong to take drake down, it is never going to happen! it doesn’t surprise me at all that it took another MAN bringing it up for drake to deign to say anything at all, even if the route he took was deny, deny, deny. a black tiktok creator who has been posting about all of this (angelfromthebloc) said “we don’t need the perfect shooter. the shots were fired and what matters is what the bullets said” and that makes a lot of sense to me
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catboymoments · 3 months
Hi all I’ve been wanting to make something with huntlow and re: trauma processing for a while now, they mean a lot to me in terms of how I relate to them and how sweet they r… however I chose not to sugarcoat the dialogue because I feel like topics like these shouldn’t be shied away from and Should be discussed, but because it’s triggering I’m putting where it starts under a readmore so!! Heed the warnings pls
cw for talk about c/sa
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They make me so emotional and soft guah… thank you for supporting me and encouraging me to write about this stuff I love you all
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aq2003 · 1 month
has anyone gotten the idea that odysseus' storyline in hades 2 is a depiction/exploration of trauma over his SA and how he's blaming himself for things that were out of his control? because that's the impression i'm getting from what i've seen. he talks about "goddesses" as his "greatest weakness" and that "he's not one to say no to them"...
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when mel invites him to the bath, he brings up mortals having different standards for intimacy than gods and how it usually has a more romantic/sexual connotation. she then asks if he's uncomfortable and he has a startled reaction and brings up circe and calypso again (but never actually by name)
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(this isn't ship/romance bait btw. odysseus knew mel as a kid and they're stated in-game to have a sibling/uncle-niece relationship)
also he grew apart from penelope after his return, but the game makes a point of showing that his love for penelope and telemachus is what drove him on at all so that element of his character isn't brought into question
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nyaskitten · 1 month
Endlessly insane to me how two men holding hands is too much for a kids show, but Nya getting repeatedly assualted is perfectly fine apparently :///
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blitzwhore · 2 months
I'm certain this has been pointed out before, but...
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“Lust shouldn't be about force.”
“Oh! No! Never. NEVER that.”
When Stolas said he would never do that to Blitz, he really meant it. After all, he knows intimately well what it's like to be forced.
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nightwingsgirlfriend · 2 months
i hate golden child Dick Grayson. everyone ignores how ANGRY this kid actually was. We rarely get accurate dick grayson, all the teen titans shows have been so off on his personality (you cannot tell me they accidentally made the character tim and realised halfway through wrong robin) and the fandom sees him as "oh everyone finds him attractive + he's Bruce's perfect angel and Jason hates him because of that"
no he literally killed the joker.
why do we skim over that he KILLED THE JOKER. He didn't even know Jason; bruce was his father and he not only refused to kill the joker, interfered when someone else tried to but hit jason in the same way after he came back. His SON. But dick felt so strongly about a kid he regretted not getting close to that he killed a man.
and then if you think that was a one off
in that panel where he fully BEATS Bruce's ass in gotham war? served. ate.
people dumb him down way too often like he wasn't the first robin. you cannot out do the doer so they gotta drag him down to bring others up.
not to mention the fanon portrayal ignores the trauma he has from liu, mirage and tarantula. it looks at that and goes "ok! cool but he IS a flirt :3" he isn't allowed to grieve in the comics either because SOMEBODY (devin) won't let him because he "didn't say no"
and give jason his own friends DC please stop giving him handmedowns he deserves more (i do love him and roy i just wish they also maintained the roy dick friendship because it's usually one or the other)
thabk yoau and gooenight
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oh-snapperss · 3 months
i really thought we'd hit rock bottom with how shit wilbur's response was but george has somehow already managed to be worse. can't say i'm shocked though.
support caiti.
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sweatandwoe · 9 months
After reading some Astarion takes, I can say with full certainty, that I would not trust some of you to not slutshame or insult SA victims for having sex
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sourisking · 5 months
Reminder that Harm Against Minors is a tumblr report option that should be used!
[Reminder that harm against minors is a tumblr report option that should be used!]
I’m so serious when I say this but if someone says they want to rape children fucking report them. Instantly. Tumblr will request an email response with links, and I’d suggest using a third party archive source if at all possible.
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catboymoments · 4 months
cw for talk about sa/csa
Reading some of @nerves-nebula’s posts about writing sexual trauma made me wanna attempt at being more blatant regarding stuff my ocs went thru so here’s !! A thing with Kay el being a self proclaimed master of repression. No visuals of it, just talk
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moistrodent · 2 months
long exhaustive rant about WHY I hate the poison scene
In quite a few posts on my blog I mentioned I didn’t like the poison scene, in this post I want to explain why I don’t like it.
My main issue is the person who the boarded the scene, raphielle, who actively ships Valentino x Angel Dust and who SEXUALLY HARASSED A MINOR. They also cosplayed as Angel Dust and uploaded photos of them and a Valentino cosplayer making out.
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Along with creating this comic:
Also a quote in this comic is actually in the show. Straight from the comic, maybe it’s just an insane coincidence who fucking knows /sar.
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*I have not watched the animatic Raph made, but I have heard some things about it and THIS. FUCKING THIS IS THE CONTENT WARNING. THIS IS SO DISTASTEFUL.
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This person story boarded Angel Dust getting raped to a pop song, they have stated they are not an SA survivor. They ship Angel Dust and his rapist. This is grounds to be uncomfortable with the poison scene, but it doesn’t end there!
Vivziepop argued with SA survivors on if the representation of SA in Hazbin Hotel was good, LYING ABOUT RAPH BEING AN SA SURVIVOR.
An official remix of Poison was made for Angel Dust’s birthday, this remix includes voice lines of Valentino. Vivziepop then liked a Valentino x Angel Dust tweet.
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Vivziepop has also shown a clear interest in Valentino/shipping him with others, and liking a bunch of VoxVal tweets.
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Also the original song…
“'Cause I know you're poison You're feedin' me poison Addicted to this feelin', I can't help but swallow Up your poison I made my choice and Every night I'm livin' like there's no tomorrow”
What the fuck is this. During these lines Angel Dust is dancing with Valentino, looking happy. I’ve seen people thinking that these scenes actually showed Valentino and Angel Dust’s honeymoon phase, but CONTEXT! CONTEXT I SAY, CONTEXT! PLEASE READ THE REST OF THE POST CLOSELY!
“Oh but Rowan (hi if anyone is looking at this post, my name is Rowan) you’re just media illiterate and think any representation is fetishised!” Dead wrong actually. I enjoy seeing my trauma represented, it’s a good thing. Once again, CONTEXT.
The Living Tombstone wrote a song in which Angel Dust gets graphically raped, storyboarded by someone with a rape fetish. The MV shows Angel Dust in these eye candy outfits and pretty colour palettes.
~ sincerely, a very annoyed CSA survivor who likes having good representation.
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lostacelonnie · 2 months
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it runs in the family
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moonlightdancer26 · 8 months
Can you give your take on this? Because for the life of me I can’t comprehend why lily started dating James right after the worst memory.
Like yeah you’re upset and rightfully fair too, but I feel like she sorta had a liking for James way before the whole thing with sev, like she must’ve thought he’s amusing or something, and I kinda feel like severus might have seen it too, but of course that’s just my thinking.
Correction: She didn’t actually date James right after SWM, she began dating him in 7th year, which was around 2 years after SWM occurred. I don’t think she could be that cruel to date James right after he did something that awful to Snape lol.
I do think she was at least attracted to James during SWM, JKR herself has even confirmed that Lils somewhat fancied James during that period (“You’re a woman, you know what I mean!” no.. no I don’t, JKR 🤨). Her behaviour with James in SWM was concerning as hell, her best friend was legitimately on the ground after just having been choked with soapsuds and her first reaction was to not even glance at him and automatically start bickering with James and talking about his broomstick and his “stupid hair.” 💀 like Lily ily but.. wtf are you doing??
But to be fair to Lils, when she dated James, she genuinely thought he had changed and became a better person. She wouldn’t have dated him if he was still bullying Snape and other people, she would’ve still been attracted to him like she was in SWM, but she wouldn’t have actually gone out with him. However, my issue with that is the fact that she was willing to go out with him AFTER she saw that he SA’d and bullied her (at the time) best friend for YEARS. Lames shippers like to say “oh but she and Snape weren’t friends anymore!! She didn’t ‘owe him anything!’” but like.. at the time, Snape was her best friend of 7 years, and James (knowing that they were friends) had no issue blatantly torturing him and publicly exposing him and then blackmailed Lily (not Snape, but Lily herself) into going out with him. This isn’t an issue about Snape or them not being friends anymore or whatever, it’s the fact that James—at least at one point of his life—had literally zero issue hurting the person Lily cared about and blackmailing her and threatening to hex her. The fact that he was even capable of SA, choking someone with soapsuds, immobilising them, relentlessly bullying them for years, all while knowing that they were someone Lily cared about, should have sent her running for the HILLS. All of that is putting aside that he also had no problem blackmailing Lily and then threatening to hex her when she wanted to defend her friend (“?? wtf girl? How dare you try to help out your friend after I just SA’d them and blackmailed you?? You better not make me hex you too 😠”).
And to make things worse…… what did James even do to change?? Stop bullying people?? Wow so incredible of him! That’s definitely going to reverse the damage of the people he did all that shit to! We should all applaud him for doing the absolute bare minimum!! I should definitely look past him assaulting my now-ex-best-friend-but-who-was-still-someone-I-cared-about-and-respected-at-one-point-in-my-life for 6 whole years, even though he never actually apologised to my now-ex-best-friend… which… would’ve been the proof that he actually changed… Oh who cares? I’m definitely going to date him anyway!
Like, I don’t even care if I wasn’t friends with that person anymore, the fact that YOU had no problem assaulting that person and making their life miserable for YEARS even though you know how much I care about them and then trying to force me into going out with you would be enough for me to not want to go out with you. Simply knowing that you were capable of doing such atrocious things to ANY human being is horrifying. That isn’t even regarding that he showed no hard evidence of changing, merely stopping the bullying does nothing to heal the victim of what you put them through. Like, if I went out and killed a bunch of people, and I suddenly decide to stop killing people, does that mean I’m not guilty of murder?
So, I don’t hate Lily, but I’m definitely not fond of her character. All her scenes show her being pretty unpleasant and she ended up marrying JAMES of all people, so yeah I’m definitely not going to think very highly of her intelligence level…
Anyway, that’s my take. I’m sorry for how long this got, but your ask really triggered something in me that’s been waiting to rant about this 💀
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junespriince · 6 days
Winged heart au
Wally, open his front door, sees a very out of it Nightwing on his floor: finally decided to sleep like us common folks?
Dick, giggling: no, just high? I think? Are you real? Am I real? Are anyone of us real?
Wally: oh no, not an existential crisis on my floor, that's for me to do wondering if I made the right decision and stuff. Why are you here anyways, ain't you heroes have places to go?
Dick: feel safe here, and a pretty man live here, he so pretty like, really pretty,,,, pretty.
Wally, senses DC bs they put Dick through: okay, let's uh, let's get you to bed so whatever you're on can get through your system... God, leave a family of fast healers now babysitting the to be determined human heros,,,, *picks up Dick far to easily* oh that's not good—
Next day
Dick, wakes up worried, frantic, not in his bed:
Wally, sleeping in the chair beside his bed unfortunately uncomfortable:
Dick, noticed everything still on him, nothing different, tries to leave but boy failed:
Wally, looking at Dick on the floor: finally awake Nightwing and was going to leave after I put your high ass to bed.
Dick: sorry...
Wally: save it, you want breakfast? The answer is yes, you're way too light.
Dick: uh thanks... Did we do anything?
Wally: I picked you off my floor, you passed out on the way to my bed, I tucked you in and watched you so you didn't die. Your family broke my other window, again, and my vase my mother picked out, and now you are awake. French toast or waffles?
Dick, shocked he didn't has his autonomy taken from him: um waffles.
Wally: cool, uh you can use my shower if you like, and I have these *sunglasses* Robin says the adhesive for your mask can get irritating soooo yeah, I'll make those waffles. *Leaves*
Dick: I'm going to marry him.
Barbara, who bugged Dick so she can keep him safe: dude, the bar is in HELL.
Dick: don't care I'm wifeing him up.
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syn4k · 4 months
BREAKING NEWS: The queer-themed superhero Arrow Ace has been out on a justice-fuelled rampage this Valentine's Day Morning, sniping villains from above and appearing randomly to whack people who are being rude to the happily single on the day of love.
This is the first appearance that the Arrow Ace has made since October of last year, and we now go to our field reporter Devon, who has managed to get an interview with the enigmatic hero.
Devon: Thank you Gary! I'm here on the corner of 12th and 7th street in downtown Placeville and next to me is the Arrow Ace, who has graciously agreed to be interviewed. AA: Hello. Devon: Sir, many of our newer viewers want to know who you are and what you do. Do you have an answer for them? AA: Yes. Hi. I'm the Arrow Ace, but you can just call me Ace. I was the sharpest shooter in my archery class in college and later decided to make a pun regarding my identity and thus, the hero personality was born. Devon: So do you have any supernatural abilities or are you just really good with a bow? AA: None whatsoever. I'm just a normal guy 99% of the time. Devon: [short pause to listen through her earpiece] Ah. Yes. A question from the studio. Viewers, Ace is most likely referring to the pun his alias makes when talking about his identity. AA: Yes. I am indeed an aromantic asexual, commonly shortened to aro/ace. Devon: Could you perhaps elaborate on that for those watching who might not know what that means! AA: Of course! A person who is aromantic experiences little, decreased, or no romantic attraction to other people. This may manifest as them not getting crushes, not wanting to participate in dating, or being adverse to romantic activities in general. A person who is asexual experiences little, decreased, or no sexual attraction towards other people. They might not want to participate in sexual activities and may be uncomfortable when the topic is brought up in real life or in media. Devon: I see! Thank you for explaining. Does this have anything to do with your backstory? AA: Yes. I originally took up the mask because as a young man, although I didn't have a word for what I was yet, I was often excluded in school both intentionally and not for not having an interest in dating people. In high school, someone who heard I wasn't interested in sex but also hadn't tried it out yet assaulted me to try and "convince" me otherwise. Ever since, I've been trying my best to be a beacon of light for those going through similar or worse ever since to let them know that there's nothing wrong with them and that you can be happy without those types of relationships. Devon: I see! Is there any reason why you're out and about on Valentine's day specifically? AA: I get asked a lot when seen alone in public if I'm single on this holiday. Most of the time, when I answer with yes, the response is something like "oh you poor soul! May you find love soon!" While the person undoubtedly means well, it still annoys me, so I've decided today to be the guy every aro or ace person wishes they had during that conversation.
[B-roll footage filmed on someone's phone of two person having a conversation. The first person asks "So, got any plans this evening?" The second person uncomfortably replies, "No, not really." The first person responds with "Oh, no! Well, better luck next year. Maybe you'll find someone," promptly cut off mid sentence by the Arrow Ace running up behind them and pwhacking them over the head with a paper towel tube. "You're not less whole or less of a person for not having a romantic or sexual partner," he says to the first person, pointing the tube at them. "That is your business and your business alone. I love you. Have a good day." The two people having the conversation stare after him, perplexed, as he runs off out of view of the camera. The video cuts back to Devon and AA.]
Devon: One last question: how do you know if the person in those discussions is aro or ace? AA: I don't, and I never put them on the spot for it. However, whether you experience attraction to others or not, it's never fun to be judged based on the circumstances you may be in at the moment. Devon: A bit of wisdom for us all. Well, sir, it appears that my time is up, but I appreciate you coming to answer these questions. AA: Of course. And, to all who participate, Happy Valentine's day! The shops always have discounts on chocolate the day after. Go treat yourself if you have the means. You deserve it. Devon: This has been Devon of Lucky 7 News. Back to you, Gary!
Thank you, Devon. I have received reports that a new development is unfolding in southeast Placeville- the Nefarious Anglerfish's cat-fish army is leaping up from the docks to attack unsuspecting couples on their walks. I've been told that the Arrow Ace is on his way to get involved. We'll be right back after these advertisements.
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