gee-arid · 1 year
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haha! youve been tricked! There are three heros today!
Max with the snake (his name is the only one i actually planned: Orobouros), Markov with the rooster, and Luka with the bull!
The roosters power has also been changed, not very unique but i like the idea of rejuvination, being a small robot though his energy is still only enough power for one use. And while he cant *see* the kwamis, if he can become akumatised, you best believe he can be a hero!
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fabseg-reader · 28 days
Miraculous fanart: Mayura VS The Miraculous Team
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I've finally completed the fresco (and I've added Red Moon).
I began the 5th April morning. Finished the 7th april (11:20 a.m., french hour).
From left to right: Vesperia, Chrysalis, Mayura, Hawkmoth, Rooster Bold, Caprikid, Miss Hound, Pigella, Purple Tigress, Polymouse, Minotaurox, Cat Noir, Ladybug, Bunnyx, Rena Rouge, Carapace, Pegasus (ft. Markov), Queen Bee, Argos (ft. Red Moon), Ryuko, King Monkey, Viperion
The description:
We can see Mayura pushing Hawkmoth into a table. The despaired Supervillain yells "Traitoress !" and "Help me !". He begs his assistant by saying "I surrender.". Ladybug, Cat Noir and the entire Miraculous have mixed reactions. They are all afraid, worried, uncomfortable about seeing what is happening with Mayura and Hawkmoth.
All but not Chrysalis and Queen Bee.
Chrysalis watches the situation with gratification. 😈
Chlo... Queen Bee slowly expresses her anger against Mayura. The rich blonde girl wanted to become THE superheroin of Paris who arrested Hawkmoth for endure her popularity but Mayura is killing her goal. So she has wants to use the Venom for paralysing the Peacock woman. 🤬
Markov analyzes the stats, competences, skills and strentgh of the Peacock villainess: "Your chances of victory in this match against Mayura are estimated to: 0%. 😨💀"
Red Moon the sentimonster feels fear and panic. 🔴
What the Miraculous team members are commonly afraid of is that Mayura is comes to destroy/fight them.
Evolution (from initial sketch to full digital art):
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Bonus (blue white red flag version 🇨🇵 🔵⚪🔴):
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mymiraclebox · 8 months
What would be your hero lineup? (canon & yours)
I have so many different her lineups for so many AUs... (also Fox!Nino for the win!), so I'll do the major hero lineup that I have for this AU. :)
Ladybug - Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Ladybug, Guardian)
Black Cat - Adrien Agreste (Chat Noir, Co-Guardian)
Dragon - Kagami Tsurugi (formerly: Ryuko, currently: Seiryu)
Cobra - Luka Couffaine (Viperion)
Rabbit - Alix Kubdel (Bunnyx)
Bee - Chloe Bourgeois (formerly: Queen Bee, currently: Honeybee)
Fox - Alya Césaire (Rena Rouge)
Horse - Max Kanté (Pegasus)
Monkey - Lê Chiến Kim (Roi Singe)
Mouse - Markov (Computer Mouse)
Ox - Sabrina Raincomprix (Anoa)
Rooster - Nathaniel Kurtzberg (Red Quill)
Turtle - Wang Fu (Jade Turtle), Nino Lahiffe (Carapace)
Wolf - Anthony Walker (Timber, OC)
Platypus - Rosalyn Walker (Guardian, OC)
Kangaroo - Anthony Walker (Joseph, Guardian, OC)
Swan - Liam Roberts (Tundra Swan, OC)
Thunderbird - Aeon Hill (Ampere)
Bear - Honaw (Grizzly, Guardian)
Eagle - Jessica Keynes (Eagle, Co-Guardian)
Bison - Olympia Hill (Victoria) 
Deer - Zoe Lee (Melodie)
Falcon - Claude Copiar (Eye of Ra)
Goose - Barbara Keynes (Emperor)
Owl - Allan Gavroche (Masked Owl)
*Honaw is my name for the monk/Guardian that appeared at the end of the New York Special. Allan and Claude are based on some of the Quantic Kids.
Jaguar - Zeltzin Lopez Yectli (Ocelotl, Guardian, OC)
Panda - Spoilers.
Raven - Spoilers.
Unicorn - Spoilers. :)
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teamoon7 · 4 months
Os meninos de penetra: Kim, Nathaniel, Marc, Max e Ivan
Vou começar por esse aqui porque sinto que é o que eu tenho menos coisa pra falar dos personagens (perdão pela demora de resposta inclusivekkkk)
Marc : Gosto dele mas tem pouquíssimo tempo de tela, a ponto de sequer fazer sentido ele ter ganhado um miraculous (apesar de que, opinião impopular, tirando o cabelo eu gosto do traje do rooster bold). Ele tem um único episódio de foco basicamente, algumas outras cenas aqui e ali e é isso. Definitivamente precisava e merecia mais tempo de tela
Nathaniel : acho honestamente um pouco superestimado pela fandom... Por mais que ele seja legalzinho tb, também teve poucos destaques grandes. E um desses destaques foi ele sendo um puta babaca com o Marc, rasgando o CADERNO dele, e ficando tudo bem no final como se ele não tivesse feito nada demais- ele meio que só sai IMPUNE do que fez mesmo que a culpa sequer tenha sido do Marc (e, na real, por mais que a Marinette tenha causado o mal entendido, também não é muito culpa dela, e ESPECIALMENTE não é culpa dela a reação completamente desproporcional do Nathaniel). E, obviamente, um suposto "trauma" (que o fandom inventou do nada que ele teve pra justificar isso) não é desculpa pra ser um cuzão num mal entendido né. Enfim, gosto de marcaniel mas acho bem paia que isso aí passou batido, me faz não gostar tanto quanto eu gostava no passado. E também me irrita a forma como ele gostava romanticamente da Marinette mas simplesmente parece não se importar tanto com ela em outras situações? A menina foi a crush dele por um bom tempo, mas daí quando é pra decidir entre acreditar na Lila ou nele, ele escolhe a LILA que ele tem muito menos intimidade? Não faz sentido nenhum, e pra mim fica só parecendo que gostam de jogar esses mil personagens diferentes pra gostar da Marinette pra mostrar "o quão incrível ela é", mas ao mesmo tempo eles não se dão o trabalho de se manterem fiéis à ideia de que ela tem várias pessoas que gostam dela, já que na primeira oportunidade eles se viram contra ela quando o roteiro pede. (Honestamente, também não teria problema com um zilhão de pessoas gostando da Marinette caso isso fosse tratado como um alívio cômico)
Max : Ele é legalzinho, mas nada que chame muita atenção. Gosto muito do design dele como pegasus, mas meio que não me importo muito com a existência do pegasus? Apesar de que sinto que dava facilmente pra deixar o personagem dele mais interessante. As duas coisas que mais me incomodam "nele" são:
1- O Markov (não é exatamente nele, mas enfim). Eu só não gosto das implicações muito pouco pensadas sobre uma IA mais "básica" conseguir ser akumatizada... Especialmente com a série futuro que a Aeon não passa pela máscara quântica (por mais que seja no especial, de qualquer forma ele foi canonizado e ela apareceu na própria série). Porque o Markov nunca citou nada da identidade dos heróis? Pq ele não vê? (A desculpa de "ele não é tão avançado" é muito fraca já que "avanço" não de da por um único fator e, logicamente, existe um fator específico da Aeon que possibilitou que ela burlasse esse sistema) Meio que todas as IAs em geral implicam em um sistema tecnológico viável que consiga burlar magia, que é algo que seria do interesse da tsurugi por exemplo. Enfim, esse não é sobre o Max mas sim sobre as implicações do Markov existir como um ser sentiente kkkk não gosto
2-A forma como ele cai EXTREMAMENTE FÁCIL na lábia da Lila, mesmo sendo o cara mais inteligente da turma. E isso sequer é justificável por "ele pode ser inteligente com fatos mas não é com sociabilidade", porque VÁRIAS coisas que a Lila fala são coisas que ele facilmente saberia que são informações mentirosas (tipo a cena do guardanapo). Então forçarem que o cara mais inteligente da sala acredita nas mentiras mais toscas possíveis é bem irritante.
Mas são só esses 2 fatores que me incomodam (e só 1 envolve ele diretamente), de resto acho legalzinho, mas definitivamente poderiam deixar ele mais interessante.
Ivan : Só não tenho muito interesse no geral e nem acho tão interessante... Também é mais um que tem pouquíssimo tempo de tela e isso honestamente não colabora. Não me importo muito também com os protestos que ele faz com a Milene porque de qualquer forma ele acaba ficando meio apagado :/
Kim : claramente até hoje os roteiristas não decidiram o que querem fazer com ele... No começo, ele era um babaca, meio jock, que parecia fazer parte do grupo dos bullies da turma. Depois, ele fica puto com a Chloe (especialmente dps de "cupido negro") e até comemora quando ela sai de Paris. Depois ele vai lá e, não só volta a gostar da Chloe, como diz que ela é linda e incrível na FRENTE DA NAMORADA????
Além de que uma hora falam que ele tem medo de aranhas, na outra vão lá e fazem ele CRIAR UM TRAUMA QUE ENVOLVE ARANHAS pra Marinette. Não falo isso só sobre aranhas, mas sim sobre a concepção de "piada" pro Kim. Ele só fazia piadas ruins quando ele era intencionalmente babaca no início da série. Depois ele parou e, depois, parece que do nada decidiram dar pra ele uma nova personalidade que consiste em ser fixado com piadas ácidas?
E, provavelmente o mais irritante, parece que não decidem se ele é inocente ou não. No começo ele realmente só era babaca sem noção, mas agora parece que forçam o MÁXIMO pra ele ser inocente sem más intenções e que não tem noção de que prejudica os outros com suas piadas. Forçam TANTO que ele "não sabe o que tá fazendo" que começa a até dar raiva. Parece que... Infantilizam ele muito? Especialmente comparando com o começo da série. E, obviamente, ele não seria um personagem que a Marinette aceitaria dar um miraculous, considerando o passado dele com ela. Então nem faz sentido ele ter continuado como herói, se fosse pra considerar o roteiro. (Honestamente, "zombaria" foi um episódio terrível pra TODOS os personagens que estiveram nele, e eu digo todos MESMO. Da pra arranjar até críticas sobre a >socqueline< por causa desse EP.)
Enfim, o Kim é super irritante, e eu preferiria muito mais que tivessem mantido ele como um jock babaca que melhora com o tempo do que ficado nessa insistência de que ele é babaca porque não sabe que tá causando mal pros outros. Um dos personagens secundários mais inconsistentes, provavelmente.
No geral, todos os personagens acima também caem em dois problemas (que toda a miracuclass cai): 1-sempre acreditar na Lila em TUDO, ignorando o ponto da Marinette sempre (mas em alguns personagens isso é bem pior, no Max e no Nathaniel em específico, e no Marc também caso ele tenha feito parte de alguma dessas situações); e
2-sempre criar planos mirabolantes pra Marinette ficar com o Adrien, mesmo que eles sejam desnecessários ou claramente estejam deixando ela (e as vezes até o Adrien) desconfortáveis (tipo em kwamis choice pt 1, se não me engano em proteção, etc etc). Meio que se importam mais em eles ficarem juntos do que com o que eles sentem
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chaos-has-theories · 7 months
For the game: 10, 16, 20?
Oh dear, I'm dreadfully late on this one! (It's this ask game)
10. Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
Well - I have only written the two of them, and both of them for a very small fandom, so there was never a lot of response. But I was very pleased with the fact that people seemed to like The Long Way Home.
16. At what point in the process do you come up with titles?
Ooh, that's a fun one. Usally pretty early, I think - I like finding a name that rings with what I'm trying to say. It's a bit like Poetry, I guess? Which, yes, means that sometimes I overdo it with certain Themes and Motifs my brain cannot let go of. (I have two more unfinished fics in completely different fandoms that have the word "home" in the title.)
Honestly, sometimes it's finding a title that makes me latch onto a fic strongly enough to actually start writing. If it has a solid title, it probably has a solid theme.
(Then again, I do have a bunch of placeholder titles as well. Chaos AU. Miraculous Heap. "Blatant excuse to be back on my bullshit". Etc. But I like to come up with titles, really.)
20. What’s a favorite title for a fic you’ve written?
Aiyo, I do like both of them. I suppose "As you have gained it" is a bit more telling than "The Long Way Home", but admittedly I cheated by pulling that line directly from canon.
Here's a few favorites from unfinished fics, though:
The Silence of a Dragon - Merlin rewrite, meant to specifically mirror "The Dragon's Call"
Whatever remains, however improbable - ML Chloé redemption fic, hinging on the idea that Audrey recognizes Gabriel in the Akuma designs, and Chloé puts two and two together after Miracle Queen.
Professional Dead Girl - ml oneshot from the perspective of a random Parisian (a camerawoman for TVi)
No Place Like Home - TLT AU I meant to write for the Big Resurrection event. After 12 years in the cohort, Gideon returns to the Ninth, and it's... both exactly like it had been, and entirely changed.
Plus I have a whole collection of Miracuclass fics that basically are all title and no content. "Vesperia wins the War" "The Emancipation of Miss Hound" "Bunnyx vs. the Multiverse" "How to Be a Bourgeois" "The Indomitable Adventires of Rooster Bold", etc etc. (My favorite of that collection is actually the Max & Markov one, but I need to fiddle with that title a bit more.)
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graaythekwami · 3 years
Markov gets a Miraculous.
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Third episode of Princess Justice!
On AO3
After yelling their transformation phrases, they were glad that Markov had been able to transform into the most adorable robot puppy EVER and Marc had became a copy of Ladybug, almost exact. He still had black hair and green eyes, and was slightly taller than Marinette. They hoped the differences were minimal and people wouldn’t notice. They also hoped that the Akumanette wouldn’t call attention to it.
Pegase and Markov, now calling himself K-9, checked their weapons, and, as Chat had said, they were able to use them as phones and tracking devices.
“This might take some time, but I think we might be able to use these to track Hawk Moth, especially if his weapon is like ours. We just need to go home to get our computer”
“You can use mine” offered Queen Bee. “It has the latest technology”
“Are you sure? We might end up leaving unusable afterwards”
Queen Bee shrugged. “As if I couldn’t get another one” she said, trying to sound as her haughty self, and somewhat failing it was obvious that she wanted to be as useful as she could to be seen as a hero. Everyone was polite and accepted her explanation without questions.
“Very well, is everyone ready?” everyone nodded. “For Marinette!”
“For Marinette!” Everyone echoed.
“Ready? Voyage!” yelled Pegase, making a portal to the castle. Everyone went through it, except himself and K-9.
“Good luck” He called to the other heroes.
The group was inside the castle in a second. And they were confused for a moment, admiring the interior of the castle. Instead of looking as creepy and hostile as its exterior, the castle looked straight out of the Happily Ever After of a Fairytale. It was bright and warm and welcoming, with golden accents over pristine ivory walls, and pink flags with Marinette’s signature flower design.
Mylene, now calling herself Mousekeeter, was the first to notice the red butterflies. It was the most scared she had ever been, and the butterflies seemed to notice, so she took a deep breath, closed her eyes and remembered about Ivan and their first kiss, about her parents and how much they cared about her, about Marinette and how many times she had helped them, probably just as scared as she was, or more, and how she always was there for them.  
Mousekeeter opened her eyes with new resolve, and the butterflies scattered away.
They didn’t went too far, as “Ladybug” immediately used "her" yo-yo to purify them.
As if on cue, the big doors above each stair opened, with Princess Fragrance coming out of one side, and Reflekta of the other side. They got to the middle point, did a curtsy to each other and walked the rest of the stairs in each other arms. Some music started to play, and when they reached the bottom of the stairs, they danced along, with a group consisting of some reflekta clones and some darkblades dancing with each other too.
Unlike the graceful movements of the akumas, the clones looked stilted and forced, almost painful to watch. The heroes were speechless. The layout of the school had obviously changed, and finding Marinette would be harder now. They all looked at Chat Noir.
“Maybe we should have brought K-9 along to track Marinette” offered Roi Singe.
“No” it was Chat Noir response. “We’ll find a way”
“They think we can’t hear them” said Reflekta loudly.
“My, my, they crash into our party and then they dare to gossip too!”
Without saying anymore, Reflekta and Princess Fragrance jumped out of each other and against the heroes, followed by the reflektas, which were controlled by Princess Fragrance and the Darkblades. They were wondering where the original was when suddenly, Ryuuko reacted and blocked an attack with her sword.
Everything was chaos. The group kept fighting the Reflektas and the Darkblades.
Carapace blocked an attack from Darkblade, which annoyed Ryuuko.
“Hey, watch it!”
“Chat Noir, take everyone and go through the doors!” yelled Carapace ignoring Ryuuko. “I’ll stay here and fight them!”
“Are you nuts? I’m the one with a sword!”
“And I’m the one with a shield!” Carapace threw it against Darkblade, managing to land a hit square in the head. “We need to reach Marinette, not waste our time fighting!”
Ryuuko looked at the boy. She had never seen someone so sure of himself. Other than herself, that is. She sheathed her sword and bowed to Carapace, showing her respects, before running to the others, who were fighting against the clones.
“I can thin the herd a little” said Cocorico, “or at least distract them so you can go to the next room. Carapace is right.” He grabbed his bow and pointed at the roof. “Daybreaker!” he summoned an energy arrow that exploded in the sky, becoming literal sunshine.
The light of Cocorico’s Daybreaker bathed everyone in the room, transforming the Darkblades back into themselves, and blinding the reflektas. The group advanced, until being confronted to the real Reflekta and gal pal.
“You think we will just let you go?” asked Princess Fragrance, pointing her perfume gun to the heroes.  “We won’t let you hurt Princess Justice! She will make everything fair again! A shame you guys will not be able to see that”
Before she could fire her perfume, Bunnix had launched herself to attack her, and managed to knock it out of her. Reflekta fired her beam to Bunnix, but fortunately, Mousekeeter managed to tie her hand with her jump rope and made her misfire.
“I won’t let you do that!”
“You go; we’ll take care of them!”
“Are you sure?”
“It’s what a friend would do!”
The group agreed and let Bunnix and Mousekeeter to fight Reflekta and Princess Fragrance. Cocorico also scurried himself to a forgotten corner to transform and feed Orikko, and later help Carapace against Darkblade, as his light seemed to be effective against him.
They arrived to the middle point of the stairs. “Now what?” asked Queen Bee.
“Second Chance!” yelled Viperion, casting his power. “Both doors lead to the same room. Right one has the Magician of Misfortune with an illusion trap. Left one has Stormy Weather with an Ice trap.”
“An illusion?” asked Rena Rouge while grabbing her flute.
“Ice? Sounds right up my alley” said Ryuuko preparing her sword.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years
Gale Reviews: ML Season 4 Episode 24 Penalteam
(Spoilers below) Two episodes in 24 hours. I was a bit underwhelmed by Qilin. So Lets see what Penalteam brings to the table
-Kim and Marinette are Captains.
-Kim picked Max first then asked Markov who should he pick for the best chance of winning. (That is hilarious)
-Marinette picks alya
-Marinette points out Kim is cheating
-So Mr.Divia (idk how thats spelled.) He is gonna teach them soccer/Futbol
-I think the lesson for today is gonna be teamwork (call it a hunch)
-Alix suggesting Girls against boys. Which Kim points out they would lose again. Which a lot of people would take as the cliche of cartoons making girls better than boys but really... All of the girls except Chloé and Lila are CRAZY STRONG (rose is especially strong). And Aside from Kim and Adrien (and nino somewhat) none of the boys are really athletic. Ivan is big but he is slow.
-Nino throwing shade at Chloé.
-Nathaniel you a lazy bitch proving my point, I love you.
-Marc you are adorable little bean. boy gushing about Soccer. (I want to protect him
-So the coach is like a sports journalist. Marc would probably know about good writers. also 50 BUCKS SAYS THATS THE BABY DADDY
-Nathaniel making marc come up with an excuse for him. Dude... WHERE HAS NATHANIEL BEEN? I MISSED MY BOY
-Marc is pretty good at soccer (also he went over the top with that pass
-Marc getting some development.
-Sabrina is mad fast but then Chloé pulls the forbidden (listen to me card) And marinette encourages
-Ivan doesnt want to hurt anyone (cause he too stronk) Also i heard that cute nickname Myvan for LIFE
-GASP! Marinette found her self facing the perfect defence against her... ADRIEN.
-And Adrien doesnt know how to play soccer. Considering he litterally showed he can dribble and shoot in Furious Fu... Meh its. funny I will ignore it.
-Yo, That was some clever Play manuver (As a former soccer player i compliment Marinette's amazing Shot on goal.)
-And Lila is there but is on bench. As usual (also she never learned Lila's name) Marinette knows its bulls***
-Marinette's suggestion makes sense and Is a dig at Chloé
-WAIT... Is Chloe waiting to get akumatized?! OMG they really just said f*** all of that previous character development. But also using it to get out of class. Mood
-Oh look a reason for Mega akuma
-Chloé just like "Just do the thing already I know what you want."
-I really like the design of penalteam
-Chloé being next level petty (I am living for it
-Ms Bustier is like "Vengence isnt the answer" but like... isnt it though (jk) and she got red carded
-And Alya is out via slide tackle (which warps her out into a little ball)
-And Alix is out too... So no bunnyx
-Ooo, the more goals means less space
-Plagg hates soccer
-Ladybug is like "Me and Chat noir can kick your butt." But chat noir is fidgiting
-OH THAT WAS CLEVER OF CHLOÉ. Putting it so she cant be un akumatized.
-Chat noir whispering that he sucks at soccer. and Ladybug realizing (s*** we need reinforcements)
-The commenter is great
-Wtf was Luka, kagami and Zoe doing there? I get that marc took Nathaniel's place.
-Looks like they speed running the other miraculous holders
- Sabrina's power is called Fetch. PFFFFF (oh this will be useful in the finale)
-Sabrina is too much of a simp. Honey get a personality
-OHHHH. Marc has the cock Rooster. I was confused. okay neat.
-Wait she found nathaniel?!
-Ivan you sweet bean.
-Okay so the announcer conveniently knows the old heroes.
-So new heroes. Miss Hound, Rooster bold (like booster gold i see you), Caprakid, and Minotaurox.
-Okay so now that I have seen the costumes. Rooster kid and Caprakid look cool
-Now i want a Miraculous Strikers game. GET ON THAT ZAG
-AND VIPERION IS DOWN! First one out.
-So now the field is all of Paris. Neat.
-Seriously giving me mario strikers vibes and I LOVE IT
-And Ryuuko is out.
-Man Ladybug really needs to learn about the lesson of the day
-And Pigella is down. They are getting their asses kicked
-12 to 0 at halftime. Really starting to feel like space jam
-Ladybug giving the team pep talk. She needed Mike's secret stuff
-And the game is tied up
-So minotaurox power is Called resistence. Which makes him immune to other powers. Like a charging bull. I expected it but it is very cool.
-And Penalteam cheated. What a surprise. (shadowmoth did say she could)
-"IM THE VILLAIN!" we get it thomas.
-And she red carded chat noir
-And now the game is on a 5 minute dead line
-Shadow moth is basically watching with popcorn
-And the Lucky charm.
-Oh so Ladybug's plan is really clever.
-And Caprikid can make any object he wants but its not magical. So its the exact opposite of Ladybug's lucky charm. Thats kind of situational AND a reference to evillustrator. AND IT HAS THE COOLEST NAME EVER! Genesis
-And they fooling her
-Sublimation. Basically the power to make a specific outcome occur. Thats a really cool power
-So this plan is really brilliant
-Shadowmoth is trying to calm her down
-Chloe just RAGE QUIT! Amazing
-And thats how ladybug and team wins
-Shadowmoth is salty
-Oh and Lila-Chloe alliance. (welp. My fanfic was already outdated. so this doesnt matter) Risk now makes more sense
Okay so I did feel the hero intros were rushed. But I was very entertained.
I wish they didnt bulk intro the other heroes. It feels like they got robbed. But I did enjoy the akuma and the set up.
The ending was also good.
The lesson of the day was obvious but that was expected. It was a lot more fun
8 out of 10.
If the other heroes were more fleshed out and Ivan and Sabrina were given more personality I feel like this would be higher.
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lost-miraculous · 3 years
Character list
Yes this is a long list.
I did rename some characters and changed some of the families.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng;
Sel Dupain-Cheng: Pet Cat
Tom Dupain: Dad
Meiyin Cheng: Mom
Rolland Dupain: Grandpa
Gina Dupain: Grandma
Wang Cheng: Uncle
Nino Lahiffe;
Durar Lahiffe: Mom
Sab Lahiffe: Dad
Omar Lahiffe: Older brother
Chris Lahiffe: Younger brother
Alya Césaire;
Marlena Césaire: Mom
Otis Césaire: Dad
Chloe Bourgeois;
Amber Bourgeois: Sister
André Bourgeois: Dad
Audrey Bourgeois: Mom
Jean-Patrick Durand: Butler
Adrien Agreste;
Emilie Agreste(Graham de Vanily): Mom
Gabriel Agreste: Dad
Nathalie Sancoeur: Gabriel’s Assistant
Gaston Varon: Adrien’s bodyguard
Amelie Graham de Vanily: Aunt
Felix Graham de Vanily: Cousin
Vincent Conte: Photographer
Mrs. Caline Bustier: Main Teacher
Mr. Dean Damocles: Principal
Ms. Veronika Mendeleiev: Other teacher
Mrs. B, Class;
Ivan Bruel
Kim Lê Chiến
Max Kanté
Markov: Max’s robot
Nathaniel Bustier
Rose Lavillant
Ms. M, Class;
Lila Rossi
Marc Anciel
Ondine Bustier: (Nate’s twin sis)
Aurore Beaureal: Weather Girl
Mireille Caquet: Other Weather Girl
Juleka Couffaine;
Luka Couffaine: Brother
Anarka Couffaine: Mom
Jagged Stone: Dad
Penny Rolling: Jagged’s Assistant
Fang: Pet
Alix Kubdel;
Alim Kubdel: Dad
Jalil Kubdel: Brother
Sabrina Raincomprix;
Roger Raincomprix: Dad
Mylène Haprèle;
Fred Haprèle: Dad
Kagami Tsurugi;
Tomoe Tsurugi: Mom
Fu Wang: Guardian
Plagg: Cat
Wayzz: Turtle
Trixx: Fox
Pollen: Bee
Nooroo: Butterfly/Moth
Duusu: Peacock
Yulong: Dragon
Millie: Mouse
Ember: Tiger
Gaia: Pig
Fluff: Rabbit
Sass: Snake
Chewy: Dog
Taz: Horse
Zia: Rooster
Ziggy: Goat
Xavier Ramier: Bird
Jemond Hubert: Ice Cream man
Clara Nightingale: Music girl
Alec Cataldi: News guy
Armand D'Argencourt: Fencing teacher/Mayor loser
Dax Aza: Paparazzi
Noe Cadieux: Sandboy
Nadja Chamack: Interview lady
Manon Chamack: Child
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Red Beetle & Calico AU (I'm back!): One of the scariest and most difficult enemies RB and Cali will ever face isn't an Akuma from Morphia, but someone from the future that goes by the name Anubis.
Anubis was able to get a hold of some kind of Time Traveling Artifact that allowed her to jump to the story's present time. Time Order (Future Rabbit!Sabrina) follows Anubis into the past to stop her from altering the timeline and runs into the Heroes. Time Order tries to explain the situation to RB & Cali but it was obvious that she was still omitting some details about Anubis. RB and Cali decide that it would be good to call in the other heroes to help fight against this Anubis. Kurama (Fox!Kim), Ryoko, Viperion, Ninja Turtle (Turtle!Adrien), Queen Bee (no identity compromising for Chloe in this!), Dawn-Breaker (Rooster!Markov, who has the Tumb Ring on his antenna) and Wu-Kong (Monkey!Nino) are called in to help.
When they finally confront Anubis, things get a little weird...
Anubis seems oddly fixated on Red Beetle, not in an "I'm going to be the one to kill you" kind of way, the way that seems... Protective, kinda. She literally captures and kidnaps RB in the middle of the battle to "Bring him somewhere safe from That Monster". The other Heroes, even the Akuma-of-the-day and Morphia, are helluva confused by this. Anubis wasn't interested in either taking the Miraculous, defeating the Heroes, or even defeating the Akuma/Morphia... She was just interested in Red Beetle the person... Time for the Heroes to question Time Order about it!
The next thing RB is aware of, Anubis brought him to some kind of safehouse void of sunlight, but there's a nice lamp to keep the place brightened. He struggles and fights back, of course, but what Anubis did to take the Ladybug Miraculous was say, "Stop this nonsense and let me protect you, Max." "How?" was all the teen could get out as Tikki quivered beside him as Anubis put the Ladybug Miraculous in some kind of anti-magic puzzle box. "How I know doesn't matter," Anubis stated as she placed the puzzle box up on a shelf that was way out of Max's reach. She then said, "What matters is that you're safe from That Monster." She then starts to leave when she said, "I'll come back to let you out when That Monster is dead." Max quickly tries to tell Anubis that killing Morphia won't solve anything.
What sent a chill down both Max and Tikki's spine when Anubis said coldly, "Morphia has done some questionable things, but she never stoop low enough to murder anyone." Anubis then leaves, making sure to lock the door behind her.
"Tikki... I know I don't normally say this... But I got a really bad feeling about this," was all Max said to the Kwami.
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gee-arid · 4 months
ok, sorry if question is a bit long and if you have answered, please put the link for me to see please. Well... what are the names of the heroes? What was each heroe's first choice? (I mean the ladybug and cat holder). I know that Marinette is with the Fox and Ivan with the turtle, but for some reason I think that if they swap it would combine more (I speak more in symbolism, ivan who cannot lie with the "miraculous of lie"). What is the weapon of each carrier? About the turtle and Ivan, I think a purplish blue would match more (that leatherback turtle). What are the camouflaged forms of each miraculous? Do you have the reason why every person has every miraculous?
A big ask, but thats okay! I'd love to answer! Note that some answers like names and weapons are subject to change, im not great with names and im less familliar with some characters than others so, opinions and other ideas are awesome :)
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Names and weapons, left to right:
Aliase Rouges (red wings), Cartoony sledge hammer
Veilluese (night light), Grappling hook
Bison? Hyland?, Guitar- its electric but doesnt have to be plugged in..
Adora (play on Adore), Frisbee
Ouroboros, Mirror shield (play on the medusa myth)
Tack (to temporarily fasten something together), Big Needle
Captain Stinger (shortened to Sting), Cutlass
Jockey?, Reins? maybe a whip
Alectryon, rooster body (i guess?)
Jack Rabbit (shortened to Jack), Pickaxe
Ridley (a type of turtle), Detatched shields- Bonus purpley-blue version: honestly it works just as well.
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Tora (Japanese for tiger, i think), Sythe
R.A.T (acronym for Rodent Assist Team? idk, funny bit based on pokemons F.E.A.R strat lol, also sounds like a dj name??. also based on his purpose being mostly assisting pedestrians), Glow sticks (almost like a pair of lightsabers, without the deadliness. Basically glowing battons)
Boar, Boomerang (shaped like boar tusks).
Cirrus (a type of cloud, Aroure and Mirelle share the name and the miraculous), Lightning rod/ wind sock
Caprix (Play on Caprine), Chunky roller blades
Gibbon? (a type of monkey), one of those silly stretchy sticky hands
Reasons for each holder are here!
First choices are also listed there, if there isnt an alternative listed, they either had the same idea or no strong preference for a different holder. Regarding swapping holders based on symbolism (i.e. Ivan with the fox, Mari with the turtle) that would be super cool and i may draw them at some point in the future, but wouldn't fit with my au. This is because my bug and cat holders choose them based on preexisting relationships, traits, and talents.
Camouflaged forms are these:
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Struggled with Alyas rabbit miraculous tbh, it doesnt quite fit with my au for it to stay a pocket watch anyway (the Rabbits power being swapped from Burrow in a time sense, to Burrow in a dig way) so i guess its normal activated form would be some kind of keychain? Alyas disguise currently is a tamogachi :)
Nino wears the mouse necklace wrapped around his wrist like a bracelet.
Max's snake bracelet turns into a smart watch.
Markovs claw connects to his existing claws, and mimics what claws he already has.
Mirelle and Aroure have similar chokers with the charm changed. Aroure has the lightning bolt, Mirelle has the rain drop. They have the chokers replicated by comission with Marinette so they can swap the actual miraculous between them when needed.
Sabrinas sunglasses are prescription. They could also be just normal glasses, no black tint, when appropriate.
Marcs ring, where rainbow, is iridescent!
The butterfly and peacock are still unavailable to our heroes.
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fabseg-reader · 29 days
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Day 2 of the working of Mayura Fresco: Digital art version
From left to right: Vesperia, Chrysalis, Mayura, Hawkmoth, Rooster Bold, Caprikid, Miss Hound, Pigella, Purple Tigress, Polymouse, Minotaurox, Cat Noir, Ladybug, Bunnyx, Rena Rouge, Carapace, Pegasus (ft Markov), Queen Bee, Argos, Ryuko, King Monkey, Viperion
Characters completed: 22/22 (23/23 with Markov))
Next day, I work the background (and the Luka's lyre) and it will be definitively completed.
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gale-dragon-writer · 3 years
So... I got this idea for a Miraculous x Chaotic story... 😅
Summary so Far:
Basically, during the final confrontation with Hawkmoth and Mayura (who is now wielding a fixed Peacock Miraculous) with Ladybug, Chat Noir, Honeybee (Bee!Chloe's new hero identity), Arashi (Dragon!Kagami's new hero identity), Roi Siege, Bunnyx, Pegasus, Viperion, Snapper (Turtle!Nino's new hero identity), Tigress (Tiger!Jukela), Pink Truffles (Pig!Rose), Henpeck (Rooster!Sabrina), Black Sheep and White Sheep (Sheep!Marc and Sheep!Nath respectively, and before anyone says anything, in this story I'm making the Sheep's power having to do with Shadows & Lights and needs two holders that need to be in sync with each other to use, plus there are two pieces for this Miraculous so it's possible), Power Ox (Ox!Ivan), and Petite Souris (Mouse!Mylène). Marinette's parents, Miss Bustier, Ms Mendeleiev, Markov, and Gorilla are nearby watching this. Alya is recording a little too close to the action. Ladybug has the remaining Miraculous in her yo-yo.
During the battle, Mayura manages to knock Bunnyx's Miraculous off her (luckily Alix manages to hide before she completely de-transform). Pegasus manages to pick up the Rabbit Miraculous and Unify them to become Cosmic Pegasus. He tries to use the new powers to turn the tide in the good guys' favour, but Hawkmoth and Mayura manage to counter, somewhat... The next thing everyone knows, there was a huge flash of light that engulfs the area. Once the light vanishes, only Gabriel and Nathalie are standing where Hawkmoth and Mayura stood... Everyone else is gone.
In Perim (the Chaotic world)... Tom, Kaz, Sarah, and Payton (the main characters in Chaotic) are camping in the Forest of Life (location in Perim) when they find four strange pieces of jewellery; a small purple broach, a blue peacock feather pin, a fox-tail neckless, and a dog-theme choker. Tom picks the broach, Kaz picks the fox-tail, Sarah picks the pin, and Payton picks the choker.
They think the items are cool, and since no one else was around to claim them, they decide to keep the items as they put the jewellery on. It's not until later when Tom is in Kiru City (Location in Perim that's the main home of the Overworld Tribe), Kaz is in Underworld City (Location in Perim that's the main home of the Underworld Tribe), Payton is in Al' Mipedim (Location in Perim that's the main home of the Royalty of the Mipedian Tribe), and Sarah is in Mt Piller (Location in Perim that's the main home of the Damian Tribe) is where they find Nooroo, Trixx, Barrk, and Duusu respectively and discover what the items they found really were. (I'm going to end that there because I don't know how many of you know about the other characters in Chaotic).
But I'll get into the Hero Identity that they use to help their Favorite Tribes. Tom takes up the Hero Persona of "Assist" (because the Butterfly/Moth Miraculous is supposed to provide "Assistance" to people who want to help). Sarah uses the Hero Persona "Peacock Butterfly" (Damians are insects-like creatures, Sarah's a huge fan of insects, so she's using the name of an existing bug that has the word Peacock in its name to connect the Damians and the Peacock Miraculous together). Payton uses the Hero Persona of "Sound Master" (More pun on his user-handle). And Kaz uses the Hero Persona of "Vallic Fox".
A Week Later... Ladybug, Alya, the Sheeps, and Marinette's Parents suddenly appear in Kiru city. Honeybee, Henpeck, Alix, Pink Truffles, Tigress, and Miss Bustier suddenly appear in Mt Piller. Viperion, Snapper, Power Ox, Petite Souris, Markov, and Gorilla suddenly appear in the Oasis. Chat Noir, Roi Siege, Arashi, and Ms Mendeleiev suddenly appear in Underworld City. All are confused at their new surrounding and wondering where the heck they are!
And somewhat of a joke... When they are asked how they have powers in Chaotic, the Miraculous characters would reply with "What's Chaotic?"
There's also the fact that the Miraculous Characters are trying to return home but Max is missing along with the Horse and Rabbit Miraculous, so they're trying to find him so they can get back home. But they're adjusting to living in Perim, some a little better than others.
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miraculous-rewrite · 3 years
Miraculous Rewrite-End of time: Chat Blanc (a Chat Blanc Overhaul)
By clicking this read more you waive any legal responsibility Miraculous Rewrite has over your emotional wellbeing
When the intro ends, we open right where we left off, but on the other side of Semmix’s Burrow; the four heroes have arrived in the Apocalypse. 
It was exactly as Alix had described it. What was once Paris was simply… gone. They stood in a land that seemed almost foriegn in how little there was, rubble and dust and craters. In the distance one of said craters was filling into a small lake by the overflow of what was once the Seine. The closest thing to a landmark is a crumbled bit of stone and iron approximately where the Eiffel Tower once was. Alix is on alert from moment one, Detransforming just long enough to give Hopps a carrot stick to refuel herself.
“Is… Are we in the right place?” Adrien wonders, voice just barely over a whisper. “This… this can’t be…”
“I told you there was nothing left.” Alix says softly “Everyone who was here when the nightmare began either fled or…” she looked back down at Hopps. “How you feeling, buddy?”
“I feel much more focused than I have in centuries!” Hopps responds. “Finally not being stretched so thin. Alix, are you sure you are ready to face this? There’s a lot to the story they don’t know yet.”
“They have to know what’s coming so they can stop it.” Alix assures Hopps. “You done? Good. Transform me.”
As Semmix returns she falls silent, and the lack of a back and forth emphasizes that this indeed… is silence. “It’s so Quiet…” Ladybug mutters “I can barely hear the wind.”
“There is none.” Ryuuko confirms. “There is nothing where we are. No wind, no rain, as though the world itself has given up on this place.”
“It has.” Semmix responds. “There’s only one living thing around here nowadays-” But before Alix can continue we cut away, cut to flashback.
“But back then, it seemed like just any normal day.” Alix’s voice narrates, and sure enough we flashback to just another normal day with Kim Max and Alix. The three of them are up to some sports related shenanigans, and just as Kim is about to challenge Markov to a race, Ondine shows up to their group vibe and immediately challenges Kim herself. It’s a cute shenanigans scene and Alix is on the sidelines with Max watching the two go crazy as usual. 
“But that’s always how those days start.” There’s a crack of thunder, and suddenly their sunny day dissolves into rain. A torrential downpour. The four assume this is the work of an Akuma and begin to pack up to make their way inside (though Kim and Max seem a little nervous) But just as they do so they’re beset by an ‘akuma’ that has the visage of a wolf. Kim is able to make himself a distraction and Max eventually ditches Alix, Markov, and Ondine as they run.
Unfortunately the three civilians were unable to outrun the akuma but were surreptitiously saved by the quick arrival of Roi Singe and Pegasus. They both looked terrified as they’d gotten them to safety, Pegasus using his teleportation power and Roi Singe physically carrying Alix into the portal with him. 
She’d asked him what was going on, and he’d winked at her, said ‘You can race winner’ and vanished back into the fight.
“Kim was the first to die. I guess they saw a threat in how he used Uproar.”
Then we see a few more heroes make the scene, a rooster with Short blonde hair and superspeed, a ram with long dark hair covering an eye whom was seen blocking an attack by turning to stone, another shorter mouse, a large ox boy lifting a bus over his head, a new dog boy with red hair, and a boar with black hair that clung to the dog like a lifeline before racing forward, shapeshifting into a charging rhino. 
“I didn’t know why a bunch more heroes came in, But you know, it’s pretty obvious now. They weren’t all Akumas that were being fought. It was the Old Order. We had to throw everyone in. In times of war we all must fight and such. But… Well… The Old Order claimed a victory we couldn’t take back.”
There’s a full scale battle going on right now, and just as Ladybug summons Lucky Charm another wielder rams their own Miraculous power into her, cutting her Lucky Charm off. One can see Chat Noir diving to grab Ladybug, but just as he’s within an arm's reach… we cut away. 
“Only two of our own died back then, but the Old Order considered it an uncompromising victory. We couldn’t compensate and our best option was to make the Old Order’s total victory as hard as possible. So we used Voyage to scatter to the four winds. I ended up in Cairo, Max went to New York, Juleka to Los Angeles, Rose went to Shanghai, Mylene to Moscow, Ivan to Rio. The Old Order would want ALL of their Miraculous back, so our best plan was to separate them from their goal.
But the rest of you wanted to stay. To hold the line in Paris and try to… You know… Avenge the fallen.”
We cut now to the emptied Miracle Box, and the Remaining members of Team Miraculous all sitting around it. With all remaining six’s hands in Chat Noir leads a new oath. An oath to bring this to an end. 
“So you did. Stay that is. No one’s entirely sure whether Hawkmoth had grown weaker or if he’d surrendered to Chat Noir at the time, but all we knew was that the Butterfly was back. And one way or another, this war would end. Our Chat Noir didn’t want to double wield with the Butterfly, as that would take away a soldier, so he hung up his tail and took the Butterfly full time.”
The next shot is Adrien in a Butterfly uniform handing the ring to a figure in the shadows. “You’d lost enough in this war, Adrien. You only had a couple who you still trusted outside of us.”
“But you wanted to trust him, he’s family after all.” 
“Chatvalier was a good Cat, don’t get me wrong! He did his best with what he was given, and he was happy to help.” We see this new cat mostly in shadow, not seeing his face or any distinctive features other than tasteful stripes to imply his cat breed as a tabby of some kind as he fights with the others. “But it was a new sort of insult to watch the Old Order use the Ladybug as if it were their own.” The Old Order Ladybug is also seen in shadow, but one could see long dark hair trailing behind her as she and Chatvalier fought.
“I wasn’t there during the fighting. Like I said, I was already in Cairo, but from what I've heard, Things got.. Bad. They almost won on that day, but Adrien you’d thought fast and made Chatvalier an Akuma. He decimated those in the Old Order that were there, and you were right, he did put a stop to the fight in Paris.”
The next image is of course, a white suited cat. White glowing energy in either of his hands, and scleras a glowing purple. It’s Felix. He’s twitching slightly, his hands trembling. And The Old Order’s Ladybug lays at his feet her hair is very notably in the long low pigtails and cowlick style that Briget wears. 
“He put a stop to all of it.” We zoom out and he’s positively surrounded by unmoving bodies, Old Order and Team Miraculous alike. 
“Without the butterfly to pull the akuma out, or the Ladybug to purify it, He’s been carrying on, and everything he touches turns to ash. An unending cataclysm.”
Sure enough we cut to some time Later, Felix as Chat Blanc, unable to detransform or expel the Akuma everything his hands touched crumbling in his grasp. “The Old Order isn’t gone, they weren’t all killed. So the Akuma compels him to keep going, to keep fighting. He’s basically become a walking natural disaster.” Felix rapidly and desperately presses his hands to his own chest, but nothing happens. “And he knows it. But he can’t stop.”
We flash forward back to the present, Alix folds her arms and looks off into the ruined distance. “I can’t stop this from happening, my present will always be my present, but… he wasn’t involved until the war was already underway. He didn’t ask for this. So, do you guys think you can help me put him out of his misery?”
 We cut back to Adrien, Marinette, and Kagami, all reasonably shocked at the story that had been told, Adrien looking particularly horrified. But one by one they nod. 
“Where is his Akuma object?”
“The ring.” 
Adrien sucks in a harsh breath. “No wonder no one’s been able to get it off of him. Anyone who tries would get the business end of a cataclysm.”
“I may be able to evade his grasp if I remain in wind form, however I would need to become solid to remove the ring.” Kagami humms. “Perhaps we could use a proxy of some kind and make sure it would be something that would protect our hands from the cataclysm even if it does crumble?”
“Akumas are basically hardwired to be unable to break their own objects if they’ve already made the full transition, so we probably can’t just ask him to break it himself.” Marinette reasons. “Do you think he’ll fight us if he sees us?”
“I can’t be certain.” Alix shakes her head “He might not put up a fight, he might fight twice as hard. It’s been a year and a half since he’s been Chat Blanc, that’s a long time to wrestle with an Akuma.”
“So he’s super unstable and likely to think we’re a hallucination?” Adrien summarizes, finally shaking off his shock and sliding into Chat mode. 
“Basically.” Semmix shrugs. 
Marinette stretches, also slipping into Ladybug mode as she slides open her yoyo “Does he have his beacon on?”
“His staff was destroyed a bit ago. And he can’t re-transform to remake it.” 
“Well in that case, we’ll simply have to get his attention on our own.” Kagami takes out the sword, but right before the phrase ‘Stormbringer’ passes across her lips the wind returns. And when it returns it HOWLS. 
“Ah… you.” The gentle clack of metal tipped boots hitting the stone accompanies the wind, and sure enough as the gale forces die down a white suited cat stands before the four. Looking not unlike a ghost against the equally pale stone and sky. He looks gaunt, borderline sickly, and when he scans over the lot of them he looks about to cry.
“Are you here to kill me Rabbit?” He cracks a weak smile at that and falls to his knees. The crumbled stones his fingers brush are seen turning to small clouds of dust and ash when he lands. “I’m so tired.”
“Felix-” Chat Noir edges forward first, his dark suit against Felix’s white. “We’re gonna help you.” Felix’s gaze shifts from Semmix to Chat as he approaches and like a switch was flipped the relief is quickly replaced with panic. And malice.
“You-! You did this to me!” He swings his leg out, kicking uselessly at Chat as he draws near. “You and your shit father ruined everything for me!” Chat takes out the staff to try and pin Felix down, but he’s up on his feet again, now looking fully like the force of destruction Semmix had described him as, coming at Chat both paws up, ready and willing to kill.
“Felix, I didn’t do this! I’m from the past and we’re gonna change the future!” Chat of course has to play defense and evade every attack, as Felix charges for him.
“Then change THIS future and just DIE here!” He makes a swipe that very nearly lands before Kagami’s call of ‘Stormbringer’ is let loose and the gust she becomes blows Felix off of Chat. 
“You absolute fucking asshole!” Felix hisses at Chat. “Everything is DEAD because you made me so that no one could stop me! Because ohhh precious Adrien was so sad and didn’t care what he had to do to get his revenge! Well guess what?! YOU DID IT! NOTHING CAN STOP ME! I CAN’T EVEN STOP ME!” He tries to charge again but the wind keeps him from making any headway. 
“Okay, that’s enough!” In the pandemonium, who should have snuck up behind Felix, but Ladybug herself. She puts both hands on Felix’s wrists to ensure he can’t touch anything with his hands properly, before using his weight to spin him around and pin him against the ground. “Felix. Listen. We’re here to help you. We agree that you deserve to rest.”
Felix blinks up at Ladybug blearily, not seeming to comprehend what's in front of him for a moment. 
“Chat, maybe if you activate YOUR cataclysm it’ll cancel his out and you can get his ring off of him.”
“That’s a pretty big ‘If’ Buginette..” But as Chat approaches he does as asked and activates Cataclysm.
“Felix.” Marinette turns back to him “try to stay calm. It’ll all be over soon. We’re gonna fix you right up. It’s gonna be okay.” She’s speaking slowly, calmly, as if she were walking him through a panic attack.
Felix’s eyes widen, realization instead of panic, his hands relax entirely.
“Br… Bridget?”
Ladybug blinks, shocked. “Uhm…Y-..Yeah. Yeah it’s me Felix.” She smiles slightly and Felix looks completely broken up, but he grins back at her. Just as Chat’s hand, alight with dark cataclysm, slides against Felix’s white sparking hand, and takes the ring with it.
The transformation undoes itself like any Miraculous being removed, and with it goes the white cataclysm energy. Felix is wearing those street clothes we always see him in, his eyes are shadowed without the mask to cover them, cheeks gaunt and once neat hair a complete mess. As the ring breaks in Chat’s Cataclysm Ladybug removes herself from Felix to purify the Akuma. 
He doesn’t make it easy. The second she releases his wrists Felix surges upward and wraps his arms around her shoulders. Marinette has to purify the akuma one handed, but she does it. 
Ryuuko reforms as the Akuma is released and stands beside Semmix, sheathing her sword. “I don’t suppose we can leave immediately..?”
“Have a heart Tsurugi.”
It seems as though Felix has started to cry into Ladybug’s shoulder, shoulders heaving and trembling all over. 
“We should move indoors.” Semmix comments softly, trying to not disturb the moment Felix is having. “When night falls, it’s not going to be pleasant, and it’d be good to give you more information, too.” 
“Indoors?” Chat echoes, gesturing with spread arms. “Where is indoors?” 
Semmix half glares, half rolls her eyes, and makes a ‘follow me’ gesture with her hand, and the three heroes and one heavily traumatized adult follow behind her. Eventually, they reach a trapdoor which Semmix raps her knuckle against in a pattern, one that is repeated back, and she then answers with a different pattern. A series of locks can be heard being undone, before it finally gets pushed open. 
The one who pokes his head out is Max, eyes wide as he takes in Semmix first, and then the ghosts of the past in the form of Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Ryuuko, before nearly shutting the trapdoor when he sees Felix. Semmix shoves her foot into the path of the trapdoor to stop him from doing so, and wrenches it back open again. 
“Chat Blanc has been Neutralized.” Semmix states firmly. “And Felix needs help.”
Max takes a half step back, but eventually does relent and stands aside to let everyone in. “We have some rations we can spare, and I just finished the tune up on the water filtration.”
When we see the inside of the bunker it looks to be just that, a few shoddy bunk beds along one wall, a small water filtration device in the corner, and a small ‘cooking’ alcove with nonperishables and a camping stove top. Juleka and Ivan are sitting at a shoddy table playing cards, and both of their Kwami also have hands they’re playing as well. 
Mylene is at the kitchen alcove cooking something up that maybe doesn’t smell too good as Chat Makes a face as they pass it by, and Alix finally sits everyone on the bunk bed that was marked as hers. A soft moan can be heard from the bonk above hers, a shock of blond hair visible from beneath the blankets denoting the one under the covers as Rose. 
“How’s she doing Mylene?” Alix goes back to Mylene, who grimaces as she continues to mix together her concoction. 
“She’s not getting worse, but she’s certainly not getting any better.” Mylene responds. “The fact that we were able to catch that Old bastard before he killed her was a miracle in and of itself.”
“Any word from Nath?”
“Marc’s still bedridden from losing his leg in that fight near Sydney harbor, so they won’t be coming home until he can travel again.”
“At least since they decided to stick together he survived it.” Alix glumly responds. “Made them a bigger target but Marc definitely would have died if he was alone.”
“So Chat Blanc is taken care of, anyone else give you any trouble?” Max joins in the conversation. 
“Well their Scorpion was still alive, so in a way.” Alix laughs slightly, and a few people respond in kind.
“Is it bad that he feels like a joke nowadays?” Juleka wonders aloud “I mean you could lead that fucker around by his temper and direct him right into a trap and he’d just Walk right in!”
“Yes.” Marinette and Adrien both answer at once. Marinette adds. “It is bad that he’s a joke to all of you. He freaks me out whenever we come across him and you guys haven’t even met him in our time!” 
“How on earth did he become a joke to you lot?” Kagami wonders aloud.
“Mostly through hindsight.” Ivan responds. “He was a tough jackass, yeah, but he basically led himself to his own death, and none of these fuckers have been that easy to get rid of.”
“Like the idea that stormtroopers have terrible aim, despite them being really intimidating in the original movies.” Max explains “they’re more a joke in hindsight than anything else. And So is Tsering Wan.”
“Okay, this should be good.” Mylene pulls the pan off of the element and spoons the mixture into two bowls. “One for the sick, one for the injured, the rest of us can chow on rations.” 
She hands one bowl to Alix, who carried it to Rose. She can barely sit up long enough to take the bowl from Alix before she groans in pain and slides back down to lay down. The other Bowl, the one Mylene has, is handed, somewhat haphazardly to Felix. 
“Oh… Thank you, Mouse.” 
Felix curls a little tighter against Marinette’s side before he starts to slowly eat. 
“Hey, Chat?” Adrien’s head snaps up and over towards Ivan, who’s turned his attention away from the card game; Juleka appearing to smile ever so softly while the Kwami look dismayed. “If you head past the doors, there’s one more person staying here. Just… he’s not allowed out of that room, got it?” 
“Uh… yeah.” 
“Speaking of the Quarantined, who wants to give him his rations?” Alix wonders aloud. 
“Not it”
“Not it”
“I’m guessing Ivan told me he’s there specifically ‘cuz he’s someone I should see, so I can bring the rations?” Adrien offers, and he pointedly ignores the winces on everyone’s faces; all those expressions do is confirm who he thinks might be back there. 
He takes the offered rations from Alix, and makes his way over for the doors, opening them and stepping in quickly and leaning his back against the now closed doors. 
“Hello Father.” 
As expected of someone on lockdown, the little room has what’s needed for isolation, a cot to sleep on, hygiene related utilities, and a small table and chair. 
Much like the others, Gabriel definitely looks like two years of hell have passed, hair longer and disheveled, clothes ripped and faded, his glasses have a noticeable crack in them. When he looks at Adrien he looks dead to the world, expression vacant and tired. 
“So I see they re-created the fox.”
“You think I’m a Mirage?” He walks over to the small table and places the rations down.
“Why else would you be here? They decided to mock me. As if I had anything left to break.”
“When I was five years old, I went into your office and drew on your plans for the fall line, Mother laughed so much you felt like you had to use my scribbles, and that was the first year-” 
“The first year I made a children’s line.” 
“That enough to convince you?” Gabriel stands, slowly, steps uncertain, he approaches Adrien, he reaches out, but his hand stills.
“Perhaps it’s not a mirage, perhaps it's simply my own mind finally snapping.” He pulls his hand back, but before he can properly pull away Adrien sighs and leans forward. Pulling his arms tight around his father’s middle. 
“I’m really here, father.”
We cut away before we can see Gabriel’s response, cutting back to the bunker. Now focused on the Kwami within. Tikki, Plagg, and Longg are being caught up to speed on which Miraculous were taken by the old order, and which kwamis have been discorporealized. 
“Yeah I basically just had to discorporealize myself to save the world, you’re welcome.” Plagg chirps “Finally makes up for the Plague dontcha think?”
“Plagg.” Tikki scolds softly. “Be kind, our friends are going to stay without physical form until our wielders are able to craft new Miraculous for them! And that’s assuming the Old Order doesn’t beat them to it!”
“Well you won’t have to worry about those dreadful old men figuring that out first.” Kaalki assures them “My fabulous little Maximillion is quite the little thief when he sets his mind to it.”
“We were able to track down the tomes of Miraculous while the Old Order were scattered and tore out all the pages on forming new Miraculous.” Orikko chirps “The last surviving tome on creation was in Shanghai you see and after my little Cornflower found that out sending Max for retrieval was a snap!”
The Kwami continue to speak softly to each other on the table, panning out you see Ivan and Juleka have paused their game for their own meals, and so have the others. When a loud thump and small rumble break the group’s general sense of peace.
“What was that?!” Marinette yelps, and one can see Felix protectively trying to push her behind him. 
“That fucker better not have touched him.” Alix growls. “Hopps come on, we might have to go kill that old man.”
“If Adrien is in trouble I’ll check on him as well.” Kagami stands. “Come Longg.” 
“Wait I can come too-!” Marinette is cut off by, of course, Flix gripping her tighter. 
“Please don’t leave, Bridget.” Marinette huffs and she settles back down. 
“Yeah, sorry. Kagami and Alix can handle it.” Felix nods and cuddles into her side further.
We follow Alix and Kagami now of course, Alix leading the way to the room in question and slamming the door open, watch in her hands ready to transform.
Adrien and Gabriel are both sitting on the slightly grubby stone floor, but both unharmed. Adrien has his arms around his father’s shoulders and nervously trying to soothe the hysterical man. The thumping noise had come from the chair being rammed against the wall from this apparently violent breakdown. Gabriel is holding onto Adrien like he could disappear in an instant and with a voice heavy and hitching with emotion is begging Adrien to forgive him for what has been done, more despair filled babbling than actual pleas though as Adrien can’t get a word in edgewise anyway. 
Adrien glances to the door and shoots Alix and Kagami a look, pulling a hand away to wave them both off. He mouths 'I've got it’ and shoots Alix a thumbs up when she steps away and goes to close the door again.
But now we hold on the Agrestes again. Gabriel seems to finally start slowing down, and Adrien huffs, he looks to the side, trying to parse together what to say, and slowly, gently pries his father off of him. 
“Father, Dad, I need you to talk to me, I get that this is a lot, but I need to know what’s happened here. Nobody’s got a full set of information, or if they do they don’t want to tell us.” 
“R-..right. Of course.” Gabriel looks to the side, before huffing, “You’re from the past, aren’t you? God knows if you were simply revived you’d still want nothing to do with me.”
“You found out anyway, so you might as well know, but I was going to retire! I didn’t want to be caught up in their war! Nathalie got drawn in by their words and philosophies but I just wanted Emilie back, But you were so… Angry… when you found it that it didn’t even matter! And that wasn’t your fault! I deserved that! God knows I deserved that...But I let you have the butterfly and I thought that that would fix things!” He’s rambling again. But Adrien’s eyes widen in understanding.
“...You weren’t just the temp Peacock.. Were you?”
“I’m sorry.”
“You were Hawkmoth…”
“I’m so sorry Adrien.” Gabriel embraces him again, but this time Adrien doesn’t return the hug, eyes distant and borderline uncomprehending.
We cut back to the bunker one last time. Juleka has climbed up onto the top bunk bed to gently take care of Rose, Mylene is reading a paperback book sitting in Ivan’s lap. And Max is fiddling with the water filtrator again. 
“Felix?” Marinette speaks quietly.
“Yes?” He humms against her shoulder.
“You know I’m not really Bridget, right?” he stiffens.
“Please don’t say that.”
“Felix, I have to go back to my own time.”
“No!” He jolts up and grabs Marinette’s shoulders “You can’t leave I just got you back! Is this because of what happened? I’m sorry! I didn’t know that my cousin was on this team! I didn’t know your tutor was on that team! I would have joined you if I’d known!”
“Felix!” He flinches under her tone. “I’m… I’m not breaking up with you.” He relaxes significantly “But I’m from the past, If I can return and shape the future then you’ll never have to turn into Chat Blanc at all! You would never even be Chatvalier!” She shifts her grip to grasp his hands in her own. “Do you trust me, Fe?”
But we don’t get to hear the answer, as another rumble lets out, this time shaking the entire bunker. Bunk beds shake and pieces of the stone roof begin to crumble.
There’s approaching footsteps coming from the inside hall of the bunker, and Kagami slams the door open, already transformed. “Marinette! We have to leave, Now!”
“Kagami?! What’s going on?!” She’s actually able to pry Felix off of her this time as she stands and the others quickly spring into action as well, their respective Kwamis sidling up for them. 
“Alix’s Message to Nath and Marc got intercepted, the Old Order found us!”
 “You guys have to leave NOW.” Juleka backs them up “Go back home and stop this.”
Marinette nods and she and Kagami dart to the door, They both turn to look back into the bunker, Felix is gripping the bed frame, as though not trusting himself to not run after Marinette, the others are in various states of preparing for battle. Even Rose, barely able to sit up, is trying to get out of her bed to transform. 
“...Thank you. All of you.” Marinette nods. “You guys are some of the most trustworthy heroes we could have come up with.” Max shoots her a small smile.
“We miss you sometimes.” he responds. “You’re the one who had faith in us.”
“Marinette! We must leave!” Kagami pulls at her arm.
“We’ll change the past, I promise. This future won’t happen a second time. I swear it.” 
“We know you will. You’ll change the future for the better.” Semmix says in response, and grabs either of their arms, peeling down the corridor and back into the ‘isolation’ area. She pounds on the door. “Adrien! We have to go! Now!”
Sure enough the door slides open and Adrien’s on the other side, Plagg darts against him with a whine about how the future sucks. Adrien looks back into the room, at his father. 
“I’ll fix this.” He says with finality. “I love you.”
Gabriel smiles slightly. “I love you too.”
When they run off, the door is left open. 
“Prep for the jump. I can’t go with you guys or I’ll need to stay back to recharge Hopps, and they need me out here.”
“Are you guys gonna be okay?” Ladybug asks.
“We can stay here and fight!” Ryuuko insists.
“If you stay here we can’t guarantee you’ll live.” Semmix responds. “And if you die here then you’ll never be there to even make THIS future, it’d all turn out even worse. Burrow!” at the end of the hall the burrow opens up. “Go! Hurry!”
“But if you can’t assume we’ll survive how will you guys?!” Chat shouts.
“We won’t.” Semmix responds. “Go! It’s okay. Fix this future and this will have never happened.”
When the heroes hesitate one last time, Semmix pushes them all into the burrow herself, shutting it quickly once Chat’s tail finishes going through. 
Pegasus stands in the threshold of the hallway. “You lied. Even if they DO change things it’ll just create a new timeline. We’ll never see it.” 
“They never would’ve left if they hadn’t thought changing the past changes the future.” She responds. “It’s better that they think they’ll be changing things for us.” 
“You wanted to give them hope.”
“It’s the one thing they need.” 
Pegasus nods, looking at where the Burrow had been, then back to the rest of their team. 
“Then let’s go make our final stand.” 
The blue magic of the burrow trails behind the two as they walk into what’s certainly the mouth of hell. But we cut back now, to Ladybug, Ryuuko, and Chat Noir, the three of them clutching onto each other as the stream of time zips past them.
And on a sunny day, in front of the Louvre, the three heroes stumble back onto the ground. 
And finally, on our final cut, we go to the Dupain-Cheng Patisserie. Where in a flash of light, Hopps emerges from the watch. “I am whole again. Master Fu?” She looks at Fu and says, “We must act quickly. We cannot afford to dawdle.”
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theladysunami · 4 years
Skribblio Word Suggestions Wanted
I’m making some fandom Word Lists for Skribblio! This is what I have so far:
My Hero Academia:
Aizawa, All for One, All Might, Ashido, Asui, Bakugou, Best Jeanist, Cementoss, Class 1A, Dabi, Denki, Ectoplasm, Eijirou, Endeavor, Eraserhead, Eri, Fat Gum, Fuyumi, Gang Orca, Gran Torino, Hagakure, Hatsume, Hawks, Hound Dog, Iida, Ingenium, Inko, Izuku, Jirou, Kaminari, Kamui Woods, Katsuki, Kirishima, Kouda, Lunch Rush, Midnight, Midoriya, Mina, Mineta, Mirio, Miruko, Momo, Natuso, Nedzu, Nejire, Ochako, Ojiro, One for All, Overhaul, Power Loader, Present Mic, Recovery Girl, Sato, Sero, Shigaraki, Shinsou, Shouji, Shouto, Snipe, Tamaki, Tenya, Thirteen, Todoroki, Tokoyami, Tsuyu, Twice, Uraraka, Vlad King, Yaoyorozu, Acid, Alien, Animals, Astronaut, Bear, Bird, Black Hole, Blood, Bomb, Broccoli, Bully, Bunny, Burger, Cake, Cannon, Cape, Cat, Cement, Construction, Cowboy, Crow, Dog, Double, Ear, Electricity, Engine, Eraser, Explosion, Fire, Flame, Food, Freckles, Frog, Frost, Frozen, Ghost, Goggles, Grape Juice, Grapes, Gun, Hand, Headphones, Hell, Hero, Hypnosis, Ice, Invention, Jeans, Killer Whale, Lighting, Microphone, Money, Monkey, Moon, Mouse, Octopus, Rabbit, Rock, Shadow, Sleep, Sleeping Bag, Space, Sparkle, Speed, Storm, Strength, Syringe, Tape, Toad, Tree, Unicorn, Vampire, Wind
Princess Tutu:
Ahiru, Autor, Book Men, Drosselmeyer, Edel, Fakir, Femio, Freya, Karon, Lilie, Mr. Cat, Mytho, Pike, Rue, Uzura, Author, Ballerina, Ballet, Book, Cat, Crow, Dorm, Duck, Fairy, Fairytale, Feather, Gears, Ghost, Heart, Knight, Lamp, Library, Pen, Prince, Princess, Raven, School, Smith, Swan, Sword, Tree, Tutu, Writer
Miraculous Ladybug:
Adrien, Akuma, Alex, Alya, Anasi, Animaestro, Animan, Antibug, Backwarder, Bakerix, Befana, Bourgeois, Bubbler, Bunnyx, Captain Hardrock, Cat Blanc, Catalyst, Chat Noir, Christmaster, Collector, Copycat, Dark Cupid, Dark Owl, Darkblade, Despair Bear, Desperada, Evillustrator, Feast, Felix, Frightningale, Frozer, Gamer, Gigantitan, Glaciator, Gorizilla, Guitar Villain, Heart Hunter, Horrifictor, Ikari Gozen, Ivan, Jagged Stone, Juleka, Kagami, Kung Food, Kwami, Kwamibuster, Lady WiFi, Lila, Luka, Malediktator, Mandeleiev, Marc, Marinette, Markov, Max, Mayura, Miracle Queen, Miraculer, Miraculous Ladybug, Mr. Pigeon, Mylene, Nadja, Nathalie, Nino, Nooru, Oblivio, Oni-Chan, Party Crasher, Pixelator, Plagg, Prime Queen, Princess Fragrance, Puppeteer, Queen Bee, Queen Wasp, Reflekdoll, Reflekta, Rena Rouge, Reverser, Riposte, Robustus, Roger, Rose, Ryuko, Sabine, Sabrina, Sandboy, Santa Claws, Sapotis, Silencer, Simon Says, Startrain, Stoneheart, Stormy Weather, Style Queen, Syren, Tikki, Timebreaker, Timetagger, Tom, Trixx, Troublemaker, Viperion, Volpina, Wang Fu, Wayzz, Weredad, Zombizou, Artist, Bakery, Bangs, Bear, Bee, Bread, Bubble, Bull, Bully, Butler, Butterfly, Cat, Chameleon, China, Christmas, Cop, Cow, Cupid, Disco Ball, DJ, Dog, Dragon, Egypt, Fashion, Fashionista, Fencing, Food, Fox, France, Frozen, Giant, Glacier, Goat, Gold, Golem, Gorilla, Guitar, Horse, Hypnosis, Knight, Ladybug, Magician, Microphone, Mime, Model, Monkey, Monster, Mouse, Owl, Panther, Peacock, Perfume, Pharaoh, Picture, Pig, Pigeon, Pirate, Puppet, Queen, Rabbit, Robot, Rock Star, Rogercop, Roller Skates, Rooster, Sand, Science, Skateboard, Sketchbook, Smart Phone, Snake, Snow Globe, Spider, Spray Paint, Statue, Storm, Superhero, Swimmer, Sword, Teddy Bear, Television, Tiger, Time Travel, Turtle, Umbrella, Video Game, Viper, Werewolf, WiFi, Yo-Yo, Zombie
Acacia Tree, Allium, Andesite, Anvil, Apple, Aqua Affinity, Armor Stand, Armorer, Arrow, Axe, Azure Bluet, Badlands, Baked Potato, Bamboo, Bane of Arthropods, Banner, Barrel, Bat, Beach, Bed, Bee, Beef, Beehive, Beetroot, Beetroot Soup, Bell, Birch Tree, Blast Furnace, Blast Protection, Blaze, Blaze Powder, Blaze Rod, Blue Orchid, Boat, Bone, Bone Meal, Book, Book and Quill, Bookshelf, Boots, Bowl, Bread, Brewing Stand, Bricks, Bucket, Butcher, Cactus, Cake, Carpet, Carrot, Carrot on a Stick, Cartographer, Cartography Table, Cat, Cauldron, Cave Spider, Chainmail, Channeling, Charcoal, Chest, Chestplate, Chicken, Chicken Jockey, Chopping, Chorus Fruit, Clay, Cleric, Clock, Coal, Cobblestone, Cobweb, Cocoa, Cod, Compass, Composter, Conduit, Cookie, Coral, Cornflower, Cow, Creeper, Crossbow, Daisy, Dandelion, Dark Oak, Daylight Detector, Dead Bush, Depth Strider, Desert, Diamond, Diorite, Dirt, Dolphin, Donkey, Door, Drowned, Dye, Efficiency, Egg, Elder Guardian, Emerald, Enchanted Book, Enchanting Table, End Crystal, End Portal, End Rod, Ender Dragon, Ender Pearl, Enderman, Endermite, Evoker, Eye of Ender, Farmer, Feather, Feather Falling, Fern, Fire, Fire Aspect, Fire Protection, Firework, Fisherman, Fishing Rod, Flame, Fletcher, Fletching Table, Flint, Flint and Steel, Flower, Forest, Fortune, Fox, Frost Walker, Ghast, Ghast Tear, Glass, Glass Bottle, Glistering Melon Slice, Glowstone, Glowstone Dust, Gold Ingot, Golden Apple, Granite, Grass, Grindstone, Guardian, Gunpowder, Heart of the Sea, Helmet, Hoe, Honey Bottle, Honeycomb, Hopper, Horse, Horse Armor, Husk, Ice, Ice Spikes, Impaling, Infinity, Ink Sac, Iron Golem, Iron Ingot, Item Frame, Jungle, Jungle Tree, Kelp, Killer Bunny, Knockback, Lapis Lazuli, Lava, Lead, Leather, Leatherworker, Leaves, Lectern, Leggings, Lever, Librarian, Lilac, Lily, Lily Pad, Llama, Log, Loom, Looting, Loyalty, Luck of the Sea, Lure, Magma, Magma Cream, Magma Cube, Map, Mason, Melon, Melon Slice, Mending, Milk Bucket, Minecart, Mooshroom, Mountain, Mule, Multishot, Mushroom, Mushroom Stew, Music Disc, Mutton, Mycelium, Name Tag, Nautilus Shell, Nether, Nether Brick, Nether Quartz, Nether Star, Nether Wart, Nitwit, Oak Tree, Ocelot, Painting, Panda, Paper, Parrot, Phantom, Pickaxe, Piercing, Pig, Pillager, Plains, Poisonous Potato, Polar Bear, Poppy, Porkchop, Potato, Potion, Power, Prismarine, Projectile Protection, Protection, Pufferfish, Pumpkin, Pumpkin Pie, Punch, Quartz, Quick Charge, Rabbit, Rabbit Hide, Rabbit Stew, Rabbit's Foot, Rail, Ravager, Redstone, Respiration, Riptide, River, Rose Bush, Rotten Flesh, Saddle, Salmon, Sand, Sandstone, Sapling, Savanna, Scute, Sea Grass, Sea Pickles, Sharpness, Shears, Sheep, Shepherd, Shield, Shovel, Shulker, Shulker Shell, Sign, Silk Touch, Silverfish, Skeleton, Skeleton Horseman, Slime, Slimeball, Smite, Smithing Table, Smoker, Snow, Snow Golem, Soul Sand, Spawner, Spider, Spider Eye, Spider Jockey, Sponge, Squid, Stairs, Steak, Stick, Stone, Stonecutter, Stray, Strider, String, Sugar, Sugar Cane, Sunflower, Suspicious Stew, Swamp, Sweet Berries, Sword, Taiga, Terracotta, The End, Thorns, TNT, Toolsmith, Torch, Trap Door, Trident, Tropical Fish, Tulip, Turtle, Turtle Shell, Unbreaking, Vex, Villager, Vindicator, Vine, Wandering Trader, Water, Water Bucket, Weaponsmith, Wheat, Wheat Seeds, Witch, Wither, Wither Rose, Wither Skeleton, Wolf, Wool, Zombie, Zombie Horse, Zombie Pigman, Zombie Villager
Any suggestions? Try to include something related that is not a name for each character name you suggest. It’s more of a challenge that way. 
Concepts would also be great!!!
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gotmilk5101520 · 4 years
Miraculous Ladybug Rewatch Episode 72 Party Crasher
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The perfect party to KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!
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“One of these days, I'm gonna come over and KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!”
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“Is everything going to plan, Nathalie?”
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“Yes. On route to the airport, sir. You will officially be spending the entire weekend in Tokyo”
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“No one will ever suspect that you stayed home. Until you akumatize someone”
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“Merging them will grant me absolute power to reshape reality, and finally reverse our past mistake” My theory is becoming more true everytime Gabriel talks about it.
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“My butterflies are ready! Ready to be Akumas!”
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“Okay, remember our objective. To penetrate the impenetrable fortress, aka Adrien's pad, aka Area 51“
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“If we Naruto run we should avoid the bullets”
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Accurate picture of Gabriel.
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“Kim, have a swimming lesson”
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“Great! I always have my trunks on me” Well if I learned anything from Startrain.
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“Nino was asked at the last minute to DJ his grandma's birthday party”
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“Ivan suddenly got a toothache and rushed over to the dentist”
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“Nathaniel crashed his computer and lost all the pages of the comic book he and Marc are doing“
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“Max and Markov are helping them fix it”
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“Kim had to go to the pool for a mandatory swim lesson, though I'm not entirely sure why he texted me that” Juleka can see the bullshit.
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“Did I miss something, or is it bad excuses world championship today?” Yeah they know.
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Who needs money when you can get action figures.
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“Is there any game you don’t have?” “I don’t have the Zelda CDI games” “You’re better off without them”
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“All the boys are unavailable with really lame excuses, and trust me, I know a lame excuse when I hear them”
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“I’ve turned into an expert at them since I became... you-know-who” Marinette is Voldemort confirm.
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“I know, I’m gonna call Ivan. He can’t lie to save his life”
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“Don’t pick up! You can’t lie to save your life” Ivan exposed.
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“Adrien’s dad left town for Tokyo’s fashion week. While the cat’s away, the mice will play” More like while the moth’s away, the cat will play. With his turtle, snake, horse, monkey, maybe ox, maybe rooster, and maybe goat friends.
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“But isn’t Marinette... one of my guys?” Adrien considers Marinette to be one of his guys.
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“Woah! These can’t be your awesome old records”
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“They were my mother’s” *Cries in French*
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“Nathaniel and Marc? Going to Adrien’s house? This can only mean one thing” “What Marinette?” “They plan to make out in a closet cause Adrien’s dad is out of town. Or there’s a party at Adrien’s house”
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*Load Music in French*
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“Emilie!” *Screams in French*
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I can’t explain these.
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“Wait I never gave the banana costume back, so how did...?”
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“Hello It's a-me: Mario!”
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“What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be extra careful? You know, keeping the Miraculous hidden so Hawkmoth won't find them?” “Yes that’s true, especially since we are in his house” “Wait what?”
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I can’t explain this either.
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“I like your style!”
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“Look out, sir!”
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“Thank you, young man. Your natural reflexes are quite good”
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“Helping others should always be a natural reflex, like swimming is for fish”
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*Screams in Monkey*
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“I don't feel any negative emotion. There's only...”
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“In my house!”
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“Party Crasher, I am Hawkmoth. So you weren't invited? Well I'm giving you the power to crash that party, and KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!“
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Keep this in mind when watching the NY Special.
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“Uh... no, no, no, no! It's a-me: Mario!”
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*Screams in Adrienette*
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*Screams in French*
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“Don't go in there alone! You'll never pull this off by yourself”
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“Give me my lady back!”
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“Need some back up?”
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“Viperion?” When this episode aired before Desperada and Startrain.
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There’s an akuma and Kim just swims.
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“Awww! A flying monkey plushie!”
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“I'm no plushie! My name's Xuppu, you nitwit!”
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“My name's not nitwit! My name's Kim!”
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You can see the regret in his eyes.
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“I'm wondering if this was the smartest move after all” Me questioning my life choices
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“Xuppu, I Wanna Be Like You!”
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“Now face the most fearsome supervillain ever created!”
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Party Crasher must never returned.
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Fear the banana.
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“The only solution is to be so unpredictable that he can't read our dance steps” “So Fortnite Dance?” “Yes, Fortnite Dance everyone!”
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“Always wanted to do that!”
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“I'm sorry, Wayhem. I swear I had no idea my friends were gonna surprise me”
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“What matters is that you great time, with or without me. And I got to KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM! This is the best day of my life!”
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“Wait. Where are Luka and Wayhem?” “They were right behind us” “Wayhem better not be making out with Luka in a closet. I’m suppose to be the one making out with Luka in a closet!”
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“I'll be leading you in a dance. A dance of doom” “Well we got lost. Where are we anyway?” “No idea” “How did you two get here?!” “Oh hey a corpse. Wait a minute aren't you supposed to be in Tokyo? Then again, should’ve known since there was an akuma” “This just in we found the Agreste’s Basement Corpse!” “Nathalie, help me!”
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New Hero: King Monkey. Identity: Le Chien Kim. Power: Jubilation.
Let’s cringe everyone.
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