#ronald evans
buntsukim · 2 months
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my bisexual babies (they both deny💔)
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shedoesntloveme · 3 months
hello, welcome to the pinned post. there is 2 mods to this blog!
writing this pinned is me, Cade, he/they. and the 2nd mod is Kay, she/they. we are minors so no weird crap.
abt the character n rp- the character is NOT THE PFP/HEADER. his name is 'Ronald Evans' and he is the protagonist of Dead Signal by Reflect Studios.
sorry for any mistakes and such, were just getting started. thats about it!
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pixoplanet · 1 year
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It's December 7th, 📸 Blue Marble Day. On this day in 1972, on their way from the Earth to the Moon, one of the Apollo 17 crew members shot an image of Earth that has turned out to be one of the most reproduced images in history. NASA credited the image to the entire crew – Gene Cernan, Ronald Evans, and Harrison Schmitt – but evidence suggests that Schmitt snapped the photo. 
The astronauts had the Sun behind them, so the image shows the Earth almost fully illuminated. To the astronauts, the Earth had the appearance and size of a glass marble – hence the name. The Blue Marble shows the Earth from the Mediterranean Sea to Antarctica. Almost the entire coastline of Africa is clearly visible, as well as the Arabian Peninsula and Madagascar. The Asian mainland is on the horizon. The Tamil Nadu cyclone can be seen in the bottom left of the image. This storm had brought flooding and high winds to the Indian state of Tamil Nadu two days earlier. 
The Blue Marble wasn't the first clear image taken of an illuminated face of the Earth – similar satellite images had already been created as early as 1967. The Apollo 17 image, however, was released during a surge of environmental activism during the 1970s and became a symbol of the environmental movement – a depiction of Earth's frailty, vulnerability, and isolation amidst the vast expanse of space. 
The idea for the photo was conceived by Stewart Brand, editor of the Whole Earth Catalog, during an LSD trip. His psychedelic hallucination of the curvature of the Earth convinced him that a picture of the entire planet would change how mankind related to it, and he successfully lobbied NASA to do it. We are all forever grateful, Mr. Brand and Mr. Schmitt. ☮️ Peace… Jamiese of Pixoplanet
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c4r4-w4rd · 24 days
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mori221c · 7 months
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Harry and Draco's Halloween adventure!!🖤✨🦇
With the help of a gobbler demon and a smart angel, they set out to find the evil bat of Slytherin. One after one they meet mysterious allies on their journey. Who- or "what"- is the man under the red riding hood? Is the outlaw who claims himself to be Harry's Godfather trustworthy? And when they finally stand before the legendary vampire, what astounding truth will be revealed?
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Ron: That’s one of my biggest fears.
Ron: If I ever, like, wake up as a donut…
Harry: You would eat yourself.
Ron: I wouldn’t even question it.
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wierdshenanigans · 7 months
Our fandom gets distracted so much how did we go from Harry Potter and Hermione and Ron to fucking BartyxEvan shit. I'm not mad I'm just asking.
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sunflowerim · 6 months
I don't wanna say goodbye, 'cause this one means forever
Journal entries of our resident drama queen, Sirius Black. 12 birthdays. 12 entries. And a great deal of friendship, pining, love and heartbreak.
Wolfstar-Marauders hc. Word Count: 5155.
November 3rd, 1971
Dear Diary,
I am Sirius Orion Black and today is my birthday
I, Sirius Orion Black, turn 12 today.
This diary was a present from Andy for starting at Hogwarts but all these months I didn't know what to write here. Today, I asked James what he would do if he had a journal, and he said he would write about all his exciting days in Hogwarts so that it would be stored forever in pages.
I think today was pretty exciting, so I am going to start this journal, finally.
This birthday was quite different from the ones I've had before
My parents forgot to wish me. Or they just chose not to. Probably because I'm the first Black to have ended up in Gryffindor instead of Slytherin. It should have made any regular kid sad but I'm somewhat relieved.
I was not woken up by Kreacher loudly cleaning my room in the morning (because apparently, my room must be squeaky clean on birthdays even though no one really comes up here except to reprimand me for something), but instead by James jumping on my bed to wish me. It startled me a bit but the change was welcome.
I was not greeted in the morning by my mother or father who, at some point in the past few years had started saying that this day was an annoying reminder (well, they never really said it but actions speak louder than words), but instead with a freshly baked pie which James's mom had sent because he'd mentioned to her in his previous letter that it was his "best friend's birthday". I liked that too.
People in the hallways wished me and it made me very happy; unlike when people at home wished me lectured me about my noble birth and it made me want to hide in my room.
I did receive cards from Andy and Uncle Alphard AND received some more cards from a few friends. (Remus is excellent with cards by the way)
I had no idea birthdays could be this fun.
I really hope I can stay in Hogwarts for a long time.
P.S. Reggie did not wish me either and I wonder what’s up with him. I was expecting a letter from him. But then again, my birthdays have never been a big deal in the family (what with my rebellious streak and all) so I suppose that’s okay.
* * *
November 3rd, 1972
Hello journal, it's me again.
It's not that the past 365 days were not exciting; they were. I just forgot to write about them. Also, I doubt if I would have been able to fit an entire year's worth of adventures in a single journal. Yes, we indeed had THAT much fun.
I am a year older today and once again glad that no one from my family has been able to ruin this day for me this year either. Somehow they just decided not to acknowledge that I was ever born. Maybe they would if I was more like Narcissa or Bella. But who'd want to be like them? Gross. I'd much rather celebrate the day with people who truly care about me.
One thing that did upset me a little was Reggie's behaviour. He started Hogwarts this year and was sorted into Slytherin like the rest of our "noble" family, but it's like he doesn't even recognise me anymore. I know that my being sorted into Gryffindor was a matter of disgrace to the family but I don't understand what that's got to do with Reggie. We're supposed to be brothers, but whenever I look at him these days, he looks like a miniature version of our birth giver. I wonder who brainwashed him like that.
Actually I don't have to wonder. I know it was our mother.
Anyway, Lily once said that I should be more grateful for things I have rather than complain about things that displease me, so here:
I'm grateful that James and Remus are in my life.
I'm grateful for all the things they did to make my birthday special.
I'm grateful that I'm not lonely anymore.
Most importantly, I’m grateful to the Sorting Hat for putting me in Gryffindor. I would have missed out on everything if not for this.
And I'm not just saying these because Lily asked me to but because I really mean it. I'd be nowhere without James and Remus.
That's it for this year.
I will try not to ditch this journal until my next birthday.
Sirius Black, aged 13, signing off.
* * *
November 3rd, 1973
I am now 14, and I've just had the best birthday ever.
It was a stroke of luck that my birthday fell on Hogsmeade weekend. I couldn't have asked for anything better. Also because 3rd years are allowed to stay in the common room till late, I had the golden opportunity of attending two celebrations this week: the Gryffindor Halloween party and my birthday. Yes indeed, James and Remus pulled all the strings to throw me a birthday party after our already amazing day out in Hogsmeade. I have no idea how they managed to put together so much but it meant a lot to me.
James gifted me a two-way mirror so we could communicate during detentions. That's the best idea he's ever had! And Moony, a.k.a, Remus (Moony is his nickname now; reasons: non-disclosable) gave me an enlarged disc containing muggle music (apparently it's called vinyl, and we need a vinyl player to listen to it). Frank says he'll find a vinyl player for the common room so everyone can listen to muggle music in general, but I have decided that I will be the first one to listen to this particular vinyl, alone. I don't think I wanna share Moony's gift with everyone right away.
I love the presents and I love my friends.
P.S. I have resigned myself to the fact that my journal entries are indeed gonna be annual and not as regular as I had initially promised and I think it's better that way. I'll be able to keep using this diary for a long long time. Until I'm withered and old and will need to use magic to write instead of my tired hands.
P.P.S. James, Moony, and I go by the name 'Marauders' now and we've made quite a name for ourselves in Hogwarts. Not something my parents would be happy about and that's exactly what makes it so much better for me.
As for Reggie, he never tries to talk to me in school and keeps his distance at family dinners, like I am an object of disgust to him. It's gonna take some getting used to, but I suppose I'll manage as long as I have James and Moony.
* * *
November 3rd, 1974
I, Sirius Black, 15, have a major crush on Moony. I know this is my birthday journal and I shouldn't be pining away here, but I cannot talk to anyone about it and will combust if I hold it in any longer. Hence, the journal.
James got lucky. He can talk about his hopeless crush on Lily all the time without any restraints and he doesn't care if she rejects him a hundred times. I can't say the same for myself. Not to be dramatic but I'd be pretty devastated if Moony ever turned me away the way Lily does James. Some girls have asked me out this year and I did go to Hogsmeade with one of them last month, but I cannot seem to get Moony out of my mind.
Not to brag but a lot of girls asked me out for the Yule Ball too but I had zero desire to be bored so I went in with Moony. In hindsight, it might not have been the best idea because going to a 'Ball Dance' and trying to dance around with Moony had me panicking throughout. Why am I such a mess when it comes to him?
Over the year, Moony has randomly brought in more muggle music for me and I have loved every single one of them. I don't know how he knows just what I'd like. He just gets it.
Frank found a vinyl player for the common room, but the seller also had another slightly broken player which he was ready to give up for free, so of course I took it and fixed it, and placed it right next to my bed. Now I can listen to music anytime I want. But mostly I'm not alone because there's Moony who loves music just as much and he often joins me and tells me all about these muggle singers I'm constantly in awe of.
For this birthday he built me a tiny shelf for my vinyl records, the keyword being 'built'. Sometimes he amazes me like that, by doing things himself that could otherwise be done quicker with magic and I love the effort he puts in for other people (even though he tries really hard to come off as this guy who doesn't give two shits about anyone, he's secretly a softie).
The birthday surprise was amazing as usual.
The Marauders' birthday parties have started to cause some real hype in the school. Even people from other houses come in too (not Slytherin though, never Slytherin).
Anyway, for my next birthday, I hope Remus just gifts himself to me. Or maybe I should stop being a little shit and ask him out. But before any of that, I have to be sure of his feelings too. So far he's been constantly giving off the vibe that he absolutely doesn't want to date anyone which means, I have a LOT to work on until my next birthday.
Merlin, it's gonna be one long year.
* * *
November 3rd, 1975
I, Sirius Black, am 16 today, and an animagus. I'm an illegal one so technically I shouldn't even be writing it down here (like I haven't in the past 2 years of attempting to be one) but my charms have gotten stronger and nobody but me has access to this journal. Anyone else who opens the journal is only going to find blank pages.
Moony, my beloved, is a werewolf (Hence the nickname Moony. Get it? The moon? The furry little problem? Yeah). James and I found out about it in our 3rd year and since then we've been trying to learn about animagi and transformation so we could keep him company on full moons and this year we finally pulled it off. My animagus form is a dog. Not that I mind but I'm beginning to think that all the people who have called me a little bitch before, might have been onto something. Except I'm not little. I'm huge and I really really really hope that idiot Snape bumps into me someday while I’m in my dog form. I'm going to scare the living daylights out of him.
James' form is a stag with huge antlers so we're calling him Prongs. We have decided to call me Padfoot, but sometimes Moony just shortens it and calls me Pads, and my insides start to melt. When and how did I become such a sap?
Anyway, I'm an absolute coward who hasn't done anything in the past year except pine from a distance. And the pining wasn't even mutual. It’s so embarrassing. I think Lily is catching up but Moony, that oblivious idiot, never notices. I'm not persistent like James so I'm not hoping for a miracle.
My birthday was cool because duh, I'm a Marauder. Prongs got me a leather jacket. Apparently, it was Lily's idea, but she still doesn't like me enough to get me something herself. But I'm glad she at least gave the suggestion to Prongsie because boy do I look smashing in it.
Moony got me a photo frame with a picture of me, Prongs, and himself and I really had to hold back tears upon seeing the picture. A little backstory: a few months ago, the three of us had got dressed in tuxedos and went to a studio to get our picture taken, as a joke, because we were that bored. In fact, I'd forgotten about the picture until today; the picture that looks more like a family portrait than any picture in the hallway of Grimmauld Place. It looks real and is currently resting on my bedside chest of drawers, right next to the vinyl player. Merlin, I'm really soft for him. Maybe I really shouldn't bother talking about my crush on him and give up on the whole confession stuff. I don't wanna ruin what we have right now.
Signing off.
* * *
November 3rd, 1976
Long story short: a few months ago on Moony's birthday, we almost had a moment I guess. His birthday party had just ended and people were slowly leaving the common room and trailing back to their respective dorms and the two of us were sitting on the couch in front of the fireplace. I was tired and I almost dozed off resting my head on Moony's shoulder (!! internal screaming !!) and I think he was carding his hands through my hair (!! internal screaming intensifies !!). Anyway, a slight tug on my hair woke me up and he was like 'Don't fall asleep here let's go back to the dorm'. I will never understand what possessed me at that moment but I ended up saying, "Let's stay like this for a little while. Please." And the way he looked at me after hearing that, oh Merlin. I cannot describe it in words but it was enough to give me the confidence I'd been needing for months, and I actually pulled him closer by tugging at his shirt and I'm almost sure I'd have kissed him if Prongsie didn't choose that moment to come down looking for us. I love him to death, but at that moment, I really wanted to punch his face. The spell was broken and Moony pulled back and I faked a yawn in an attempt to be nonchalant.
But ever since then, there has been this tension between us. I think I had finally made him stop and think about things and probably recently, he finally came to a conclusion because last night at 12 after Prongs had gone back to sleep in his bed after wishing me, Moony stayed back on my bed and following some awkward small talk, actually kissed me!!
And then guess what he said?
"I hope that's okay."
Well duh, of course it's okay Moons. It's me, and it's you, so it'll always be okay.
I was too stunned to say any of it though, so I just kissed him back to make him understand that I wanted this too. That I had waited ages for this moment.
I am mad blushing as I write this. This is embarrassing.
I will not go into any further details but yeah I'm really happy today.
Another important event that happened in the past few months is that I ran away from home after last Christmas. Yes, it finally happened and I was backed by the Potters. I live with them now and I'll forever be grateful for that. On top of that Uncle Alphard had left me all his money which I could access once I turned 17, so now I'm not financially dependent on anyone (which is very important to me). Again, I shall not go into details regarding why I ran away from home because it's gonna ruin the vibe of this journal. That's something I'd rather not vent about.
Anyway, it's been better since then. The Potters take care of me. Prongs takes care of me. And Moony takes care of me. A lot. Even Lily isn't as rude. I hope things stay this way for a long long time.
Happy 17th indeed.
* * *
November 3rd, 1977
Lily and Prongs started dating this year. I wanna say I saw it coming, but that would be a lie. I think I was almost as surprised as Prongs was.
I'd thought I would be spared from Prongs ranting about Lily once they start going out and at least have the last year at school free of "Lily this"and "Lily that", but I was wrong. If anything, it has increased. But it's okay because hearing him talk about random things while the Wizarding World is slowly heading toward destruction and war is calming at times. It also seems like he's become more responsible over the past year. It suits him.
Moony and I are okay, but I'm worried about him. With the current insurgence of dark power, it feels like only a matter of time before people start coming for him. But one thing's for sure, I'll protect him with everything I have. He probably doesn't need it but the very thought of something happening to him keeps me up at night.
We've all decided to join Dumbledore once school is over to fight death eaters and You-Know-Who. I'd imagined a safe and happy future with my friends and I'm willing to fight anything that stands in its way.
I was not in the mood to celebrate my birthday but because it's my last one in school I didn't protest. We still have fun but it's overshadowed by this constant fear of something happening to the people you love. We live among enemies. We go to classes with people who might potentially join the dark side and it's hard to ignore such thoughts.
I think I would have lost my mind without Moony beside me.
I love Moony and he loves me and we've decided to live together after school is over. I don't want us to stay apart in times like this.
I genuinely feel responsible for the people around me. Maybe I really did grow up after all. We've all grown up. 11-year-old Sirius would be surprised to see 18-year-old Sirius now.
On another note, I finally lost patience with Reggie. I found him torturing younger students because they were "half-bloods" and at that moment I could see our mother in him. Nothing could have prepared me for that image of him. I interfered and overpowered him, which resulted in a burst of insults; everything that our mother would have said in that situation, word for word. Maybe I should have started fighting him from the day he started calling Remus names because of the half-blood bullshit, but Remus always used to stop me. But this time, Remus wasn't around and I was not having it. I would have fought him again if not for Prongs and Lily, who were then doing their rounds as Head Boy and Head Girl. I'm glad they stopped me though, because, despite the anger, I was too hurt and was very close to tears which is the last thing I'd have wanted Reggie to see. I never thought things would turn out like this between us.
* * *
November 3rd, 1978
School is over and I'm currently living with Moony. I feel more at ease somehow now, than when I was at school. I suppose it's because I don't feel helpless anymore. James and I started our Auror training and with every passing day we're becoming stronger. I can fight death eaters and I am capable of protecting other people. Moony couldn't join Auror training because he cannot be involved with the Ministry but he's been carrying out other missions for the Order of the Phoenix, aka the face of the fight against You-Know-Who.
My birth family, as expected, has joined the dark side. The Blacks are supposedly among the biggest supporters of You-Know-Who and I've faced immense backlash because of the name I carry.
Living with Moony is one of the only comforting things in my life right now. We've moved into a small house close to the Potters and after a whole day of meetings and missions, I am so grateful for his warmth next to me.
A lot of my friends from school joined Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix and I see them regularly. We hang out sometimes like we did today for the impromptu birthday celebration Moony put together for me. But it feels like a privilege we can't afford. Not yet. Not when death eaters are running loose and You-Know-Who is gaining power.
* * *
November 3rd, 1979
James and Lily got married at the end of last year!! And of course I was James' best man. Their getting married has given me a new sort of hope that things will be okay. They have to be. So that Moony and I can get married at some point too. And we'll all be happy. After such a shitty childhood, I deserve to be happy.
On top of everything, Lily is pregnant, which means things will have to get better very soon. James Jr. deserves to be born into a peaceful world. I am going to make sure the kid doesn't have to go through what we all did.
Moony and I don't get to spend much time together these days because of our missions and it's hard but it's a price we have to pay to secure the lives of our loved ones. Being an Auror helps me with that. I'm 20 today but I feel much much older.
* * *
November 3rd, 1980
We lost James' parents to dragon pox. They left before little Harry arrived.
Reggie is dead. So are my parents. Reasons unknown. But I'm pretty sure they got into trouble with the Ministry like most other death eaters.
Anyway, that doesn't matter now. What matters is that I have to protect James, Lily, and Harry. I won't let the war orphan him like it did James and me.
The Dark Lord is after Harry. There's apparently a bullshit prophecy that states that Harry will be able to kill him and so that moron is after a literal baby. And guess who relayed that prophecy to the Dark Lord? Fucking Snape. I knew he was bad but how evil do you have to be to do something like that?
James and Lily are to go into hiding and I am to be their secret keeper. Dumbledore said he might change the secret keeper because everyone is going to suspect that I know about it. After all, I'm close to them and if I get captured, they might torture me to get their location out of me. I know I won't give in to torture but we're trying not to take any risks.
It's not going to be Moony either. Dumbledore has sent him on a lot of missions to try and bring other dark creatures to our side and every time Moony comes back from those missions, he seems a little different. I find it hard to communicate with him these days. It might be my paranoia speaking but I am not ready to take any risks. Moreover, after me, Remus is going to be the prime suspect of being the secret keeper. So we can't risk that. I've relayed as much to Dumbledore and we will be choosing someone unsuspecting.
Turning 21 was supposed to be fun but 'fun' is something I can't even imagine anymore when I go to work every morning and round up death eater after death eater or when I find myself staring frozen at the occasional familiar name on the list of casualties.
It seems stupid to write all this down in a journal but my head will explode if I cannot vent about all that goes on in my head, so in a way, I'm glad this journal exists.
* * *
November 3rd, 1995
It's hard to believe that this journal still exists and that it has been 15 years since my last entry. I showed it to Moony yesterday and he said I should try writing again. Might be good to vent. So here goes,
I turned 36 today. But James and Lily aren't here to see me now.
We lost them to the war 14 years ago.
I couldn't save them but I wanted to rescue and take in their son, Harry, my godchild. But I couldn't even do that because I was convicted of murder. They really went ahead and put me on trial for the murder of my best friends and everyone just stood and watched. Funny how easy it was for all of them to forget that James and I were brothers once they looked at the cursed name I carried : Black.
I'm ashamed to admit that I had suspected Remus of being a spy. That I had distrusted him which led to the real spy taking advantage of it. That spy, who of all people had ended up becoming the Secret Keeper for James and Lily and consequently revealed their location to You-Know-Who, who reached them and they sacrificed their lives to protect little Harry…
I don't think I can write at length about the plethora of emotions I have on this subject. It still hurts to think about it.
You-know-who too died that night supposedly but he's back now and we are approaching another war, hopefully to end things for good this time, and I swear on my life, I'll protect the ones I love. I couldn't save James and Lily but I won't let anything happen to Harry. Moony and I will see to that.
I had been shipped off to Azkaban and I stayed there for 12 years until I made my escape 2 years ago. I will not go into details about that either, for the sake of my sanity.
Speaking of people I love, it took some time, but I think Moony and I have been able to navigate through our misunderstandings. I've altered the spell on the journal so Moony can have access to it too if he wants. This journal is possibly the only keepsake we have of our childhood together. I told him that he may read it some years down the line.
About Harry, I don't know where to start. I love that kid to death and I'll never forgive all the people who made his life this miserable. If I had known the kind of life my Godson was forced to lead, I'd have made my escape sooner and rescued him. Both Moony and I had been under the impression that he was taken care of, so he stayed away from Harry's life and I thought about him from a distance. There's only one person I'm blaming for this - Dumbledore. We were stupid for entrusting him with everything.
One day, when the war is over, I hope we can all live in peace. Harry, Moony, and me. But for now, I'm just really worried because Harry always has this tendency to dive head-first into trouble and I'm too scared to lose him. I'll have to give him some serious talk soon.
About James and Lily, it feels like I'm being repeatedly stabbed with a dagger every time I try to talk about them. When we were in school, James used to say that he hoped he'd never have to outlive any of us. That he couldn't handle the thought of being left behind. Who knew his words would come true like that? It's been 14 years but the wounds are as fresh as ever. Some grief, you aren't supposed to move on from.
Anyway, time to wrap it up. Harry and his friends are going to come over in the evening to see me and I'm so thankful for the time I get to spend with him. And Moony.
P.S. Moony if you ever decide to read this, know that I love you. That I have always loved you. That I spent every moment in Azkaban regretting my decisions. I'm sorry that I let my paranoia get the better of me and blindsight me to all that I held dear. I hope you can forgive me.
* * *
November 3rd, 1996
I'm not sure I can do this but I think it would be wrong to not continue this birthday journal.
How could you do this to me? To Harry?
How could you leave us a second time?
The war is still going on but your absence is eating me up from the inside. Every place I go, screams your name. We were all supposed to survive the war, you idiot. You were supposed to continue writing in this journal till you were old and withered. You can't just not keep your word.
Just when I'd finally made peace with your long absence, you came back into my life and made me realise that I never truly had moved on. How can I go through that again? I'm not ready to say goodbye. Not again. Not when you did not spend enough time with me. We've been apart longer than we were together and I hate it.
Harry has been inconsolable and more reckless than ever. Losing you really shook him to the core and I don't know what to tell him when I can't even deal with this myself. I'm losing my mind at the suddenness of it all. All I can do is keep fighting so more people don't have to lose their loved ones. The fight at the Ministry was like fuel to the fire and the war is on the way to reach full scale soon. I don't know if I'll survive this but I do know that I will ensure the safety of as many as I can.
Against my better judgement, I did end up reading your whole journal, and Pads it hurts. It hurts so much. The way I'd give anything to get back our time together in school.
To get back James, Lily, and you.
Come back.
I think it was cruel of you people to leave me alone, to make me arrange and attend all your funerals, to make me go through all this heartbreaking ordeal. To leave me nothing but your gravestones to talk to. There's only so much grief I can hold.
You just wait till I see you again.
I remember you saying that 'Dust thou art, to dust returnest' only applied to us 'earthlings' and that you'd just go back to the star you came from. It sounded like a harmless joke in school but now I just hope I can reach you wherever you are, Pads.
I cannot continue any further but I'm somewhat relieved I could add one more entry to this, that this journal could have a closure.
Happy Birthday Pads. I Love You. And goodbye I'll see you soon.
Yours forevermore,
A/N: I won't say that this song inspired the whole fic but towards the end I thought that the grief I wanted to portray with this fic resonated perfectly with how this song makes me feel so I listened to it again and it kinda helped me articulate things better.
And this is the cover I was obsessively listening to while writing the last entry :
P.S. To anyone struggling with grief and loss right now, I hope that you can be okay eventually. And I hope that it can get better someday soon , if not now. Please take care.
My Other Works
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ch1llyic3y · 1 year
Albus Severus is not his name. His name is remus regulus. REMUS REGULUS. A marauders first name. A black middle name. Just like his brother.
He should not be named after the people who wanted his father dead. Severus was willing to give up a baby so a woman who doesn’t love him could live. Like that woman could even remotely be okay after her child died. The fuck is wrong with that racist.
And Albus literally cares about himself. You were emotionally abused for how long? Because of a stupid blood bond. Get tf out of here. And ion wanna hear that remus was a werewolf shit Mary could’ve took him too.
(Also Harry you’d be dead with the rest of the marauders without regulus soooo the least you could do was give him a name sake) (I still love you. But come on man.)
Edit: I also kinda like Marlene Lily. Cause I’ve always thought it’s weird naming your child after your parent when one of your kids is already named after your parents so then your kids are named after a couple… that fucked… so you can be conceived… but Ykw Harry. I love you. You ain’t really know shit about any marauders because someone (albus) got yo parents killed. So Ykw. Do you bae… do you!
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buntsukim · 3 months
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i love these fags
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girlkisser13 · 2 days
harry potter masterlist
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golden era
blaise zabini
cedric diggory
draco malfoy
fleur delacour
fred weasley
george weasley
ginerva "ginny" weasley
harry potter
hermione granger
luna lovegood
neville longbottom
pansy parkinson
ronald "ron" weasley
theodore nott
marauders era
bellatrix black
dorcas meadowes
james potter
lily evans
marlene mckinnon
narcissa black
peter pettigrew
regulus black
remus lupin
severus snape
sirius black
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kitchen-box · 1 year
I want Harry's eyes to be the most closed off eyes you have ever seen. They look dead inside (not that Harry isn't, that's a issue for another day). You look into his eyes and see... Well nothing. Absolutely nothing.
His face, unless he's smiling or frowning or doing an emotion induced face, is the resting bitch face.
No student has a more intimidating without trying face in that whole goddamn school.
But imagine Sirius's and/or Remus's reactions to this. Cuz Lily had the most expressive eyes you'll ever see and James's expressions gave everything away.
I also want to see everyone (and by everyone I mean everyone who isn't Petunia, because while she is a shit person and even a shittier aunt, when Harry learns that he is related to her by blood he will do anything, at least until he realises that she will never accept him, for her to accept him. And what does Harry know Petunia wants, to be as normal as possible, so he starts mimicking her actions and gestures. It doesn't work, in the loving her nephew department, but it does give him an advantage over Vernon and Dudley, who can never read his expression. But Petunia manages to learn how to in the end, because she uses the same tactics) try to read Harry.
Ron would be the most successful.
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moonysfavoritetoast · 3 months
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silvershewolf247 · 11 months
Kyle: Which of the kids is your favorite?
Andy: Kyle, what a horrible thing to say I don't have a favorite.
Nica: It's Devon
Jake: Devon
Lexy: Definitely Devon
Andy: ...
Kyle; Don't feel too bad, Lexy's my favorite
Lexy: *fist pumps* Yes!
Nica: I guess I'll pick Jake
Jake: Thanks for the afterthought, Nica
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chasingmidnights · 1 year
Cage the Devil Series
Title: The Devil Wears a Suit and Tie 
Summary: The Sheriff’s rival takes an interest in you and tries to recruit you. 
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Warnings: this is for 18+ minors DNI; stalking; abduction; alcohol and tobacco consumption; mentions of being hungover; mild cursing; this part is pretty mild compared to the other ones. I believe I have all of the warnings listed and I apologize if I miss anything but you are responsible for what you read. 
A/N:  This part is a little shorter than the others but it’ll pick back up in the next part! Lee isn’t featured in this part quite as much but don’t worry, I promise he’ll be in the next one a little more! Just needed a small part to introduce Lee’s rival! Also the gold glitter divider is by @firefly-graphics
Wordcount: 2,304
The half burned cigar glowed red at the tip, the embers crackled as Curt Goynes took another hit off of it. He let the smoke fill his lungs and nostrils as he continued to watch the Tecumseh Bar with his partner in crime, Ronald Russo. Curt blew the smirk from his nose and mouth as he waited for his target, you. You and some friend of yours went into the bar about two hours ago, that’s how long he and Russo had been sitting in this damn car for, if not longer. Curt adjusted in his seat as he thought about how peculiar this whole case was, he was very skeptical. He thought back to how adamant Jones was, there was something more to all of this, he had a gut feeling about it. 
“You sure boss?” Curt flipped through the file and saw various information about you and your family. 
Jones stopped what he was doing and looked up at the two men in front of him, he placed his hands on top of one another. He narrowed his eyes at Curt. “Are you questioning me, Goynes? All you need to know is your next target and not to fucking question me about it. Do I make myself clear?” 
Curt and Ronald side eyed each other, both very incredulous of the whole situation. They nodded their heads in understanding and walked out of the office. 
And that’s how they ended up here, they had been following you all day. Ronald flicked his wrist to look at his watch to check the time, it was past midnight and there had been no signs of you since you entered the bar. Ronald let out a disgruntled sigh which caused Curt to look over at him and he offered him the cigar. Ronald glanced down at the half-smoked cigar before he accepted it and took a long drag. He inhaled the smoke for a moment, letting it burn his lungs before he let it all out through his mouth and nose. He handed the cigar back to his partner as he shook his head. 
“This is all a waste of time if you ask me.” 
Curt took another hit off of the cigar before he looked over at his partner briefly, letting out the smoke from the cigar. “Yeah, I feel the same way but a job’s a job, gotta get it done.” 
A few more hours passed as Curt and Ronald staked out the bar. They were just about to give up when they noticed that you were exiting the bar. Their interest piqued even more when they realized who you were with, none other than the Sheriff himself. The pair looked at each other, this is what they had been waiting for all night. Ronald quickly got his old camera back out and snapped a few pictures. 
“Jones is gonna eat this shit up.” Curt commented as he took one last hit on the cigar. 
“Yeah he is. Come on, let’s get the hell out of here.” Ronald snapped one more picture just as he saw the Sheriff getting into his car with you already in it. 
Curt didn’t need to be told twice as he put down the cigar into the ashtray before he started the car. He pulled out the empty lot they had been parked in and drove off. The next morning, Curt and Ronald walked into their boss’s office with the pictures in hand. Curt stepped back as Ronald threw down the pictures onto Jones’s desk. Jones stopped what he was doing as he looked up at the two men. He didn’t say a word as he started to look through the pictures, an evil grin formed on his lips, pleased at what the two men had brought him. 
“Excellent. I want you to bring her to me, discreetly of course. And alive please.” 
Curt and Ronald side eyed each other before Ronald spoke up, his curiosity getting the better of him. “Boss, what’s this all about?” 
Jones let out a frustrated sigh as he put his pen down before looking back up at his goons. “Let’s just say, there’s some unfinished business between her family and I.” 
Curt and Ronald don’t say anything, they know that this is just business but to them, you seem completely innocent. Well, for the most part anyway. When Jones slammed his hand on his desk, it shocked the pair of them. 
“Grow a pair of fucking balls! God dammit! Don’t make me bring someone else in to do this job!” 
Both men spoke up at the same time. “Right!” “On it boss!” They then scurried out of the office. 
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For you, it had been like any other day. You worked your shift at the diner, surprisingly only slightly hung over. Thankfully Darcy didn’t give you too much trouble for bailing on them, in fact, it was quite the opposite. She was more curious about it than anything, wanting to know every little, sinful detail. You did your best to brush off any of her questions, you were sure Lee wouldn’t want you blabbing to your friends how you sucked him off in the parking lot. However, when Lee and some of his deputies came in for an early dinner, you had a hard time keeping your eyes off of him. Darcy quickly figured it out and you had to pull her off to the side. 
“You can’t say anything!” I whisper-yelled at her as I pointed my index finger at her.
“Alright, fine, I won’t. But don’t tell me you’re gonna let Miss Prim take care of your man.” Darcy whispered back with a raised eyebrow. 
You were about to reply when a customer interrupted. “Miss, some coffee please.” 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, just a second granny.” Darcy snapped back and you had to hold back a laugh with how taken aback the older lady looked. 
“I wouldn’t call him my man-” 
“But you want him to be.” She smirked as she watched you glance over your shoulder to look at Lee. 
“Miss, coffee!” The old lady interrupted again. 
Before either of you could say anything, it was Ari who had interrupted. “Girls, get back to work!” 
You and Darcy quickly got back to work and finally refilled the old lady’s coffee. Throughout your shift, you stole glances over at Lee and you cringed when you noticed Penny trying to flirt with him and the other deputies. You wanted nothing more than to go over there to show he wasn’t available but one night in his car does not make a relationship. Maybe the start of one or maybe that was it, just one night. You sighed as you got back to wiping a table to make it clean for the next customer. You were almost thankful when they left so you no longer had to witness Penny throw herself at Lee and the other deputies. When your shift was over, you couldn’t have been more grateful. Your feet hurt and you were beyond exhausted. You were walking down the block to your car when you started to feel as though you were being followed. 
Cautiously, you glanced over your shoulder and noticed a man a few feet behind you. He was wearing a long, tan trench coat with his hand tucked into his pockets. He was wearing a navy blue Homburg hat on top of his thick, brown hair. He stopped walking and turned his attention towards the store window and began to whistle. You thought his behavior was odd which caused you to walk quicker to your car. Before you could reach your car though, another man appeared out of nowhere and grabbed you. His rough hand covered your mouth before you had a chance to scream. YOu did your best to fight off the two men but they easily overpowered you and dragged you to a waiting car that was in the alley. 
When you finally came to, you were laying on a couch and there was a song softly playing on the radio. You groaned as you sat up and pressed a hand to your forehead. You looked around the room and it looked to be some sort of study or office. 
“....Don’t you know the devil wears a suit and tie…. Saw him driving down the 61 in early July…. White as a cotton field and sharp as a knife…. I heard him howling as he passed me by…. And he said….” 
You were just about to get and explore the room that you were trapped in, when the door suddenly opened. You snapped your head in that direction and saw three men standing in the doorway. One of them, you recognized as the man who had been following you but you had no clue who the other two were. Your instincts were in fight or flight mode and you wanted to run but there was nowhere to run too. You study the other two men as the music continues to play, it’s almost as if you’re standing off with them. 
“....I know you, I know you young man…. I know you by the state of your hands…. You’re a six-string picker…. Just as I, I am…. Let me learn you something…. I know a few turns to make all the girls dance….” 
The other man had dark brown skin and was wearing a charcoal gray suit with a white undershirt and a thick red and gold striped tie. His fedora matched his suit but it had a thick piece of red satin wrapped around the base. He and his partner both had masks on but they only covered the top part of their faces and it was a thin piece of white rubber. They looked quite ridiculous honestly. The masks had holes cut out for the eyes and ears which is how they were being held up. Your attention then turned to the man in front of them. 
“....Don’t you know the devil wears a suit and tie…. I saw him driving down the 61 in early July…. White as a cotton field and sharp as a knife…. I heard him howling as he passed me by….” 
He was tall and a heavily built man with thinning brown hair. He looked well put together as he wore a proper three-piece black suit along with nice black dress shoes. A shiver crawled down your spine as you looked at him, you could tell by just looking into his eyes that he was not a good man. He stood there poised and with his hands neatly placed in front of him. The way he smiled knowingly at you caused goosebumps to form all over. You wanted to know what the hell was going on but you didn’t want to be the first to speak up, the only thing that filled the tense silence was the music. 
“....Oh, foolish, foolish, was I…. Damn my foolish eyes….” 
“Someone turn that shit off,” The man in front barked, he then adjusted his tie as he collected himself as one of your abductors went and shut off the radio. “My apologies, you must be wondering why you’re here.” 
You watched as he walked over to the chair across from you and took a seat. He crossed his legs and stared at you, his eyes held so much intensity that it tied your stomach into knots. You were thankful when he was the first one to look away and snapped at his men, looking at them as he did. 
“You can leave now.” 
Without another word, the two men left the room, closing the door behind them. You watched them leave and turned your attention back to the man sitting across from you when he cleared his throat. His legs were crossed and he rested his arms on top of the arm rests. The two of you continued to stare at each other and the tension was so thick in the room, you could cut it with a knife. 
“I bet you’re wondering why you’re here, hmm?” His deep voice only thickened then tension. 
You scrunched up your face for a moment before you spoke up. “Who the hell are you?” 
“Right, forgive me, where are my manners? I'm Doug Jones.” His grin was devilish as he introduced himself. He spoke up as he leaned forward, folding his hands out in front of him. “Don’t worry darlin’, I know who you are.” 
A shiver runs through your body the way he says your name. You take a deep breath before you speak up. “Whatever it is you want, I’m not interested.” 
You leaned back against the couch and crossed your arms over your chest, your stubbornness showing through. It probably wasn’t wise to be a brat with such a devil of a man like Doug Jones but you weren’t about to cave to whatever his sick desires he wanted. He started to click his tongue in disapproval before he got up from his chair and he walked over to the drink cart. You watched as he poured himself a drink and you declined when he started to offer you one. He took a quick drink from his glass and swallowed some of the amber colored liquid. 
“Hmm, not quite as good as the stuff Bodecker has but it’ll do.” He took another drink before he went to sit back down, he crossed his legs as he did. 
You felt your stomach drop at the mention of Lee’s name. You had an inkling about what this was about and you didn’t like it. 
“Ah, I see you’re a smart one. I can see the gears turning in your eyes. I have a proposition for you and I hope you’re smart enough to make the right decision.”
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