#rev tracker
rev-resources · 2 months
1. Basics:
#rev resource
Any kind of RP resource that does not fit into category of a code.
#rev code
Code templates to use on the site.
2. Sub-types:
#rev dev
Code templates suitable for any kind of development-type posts.
#rev misc
Miscallenous code template.
#rev pack
A package of code templates.
#rev post
Code templates suitable for posts/replies.
#rev tracker
Code templaets suitable for chronologies and/or trackers.
#rev wanted
Code templates suitable for wanted-ads on the site.
#rev plotter
Code templates suitable for plotters/shippers on the site.
#rev gdocs
Google documents templates.
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revenantghost · 1 year
The fact that they chose to make Vash love salmon sandwiches on a desert planet only naturally inhabited by worms is the best gag none of the characters call attention to
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shvdowsdrowned · 11 months
Revenant's tactical is probably gonna be gone for good I need to get 10k silences real quick 😭😭😭
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emp-blast · 2 years
apex, remember when i really wanted that rev skin for the anniversary event? and i didn't get it???
yeah well because of that i think it's only fair that i get this event's rev skin. because it would be nice and because i deserve it me thinks
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haleswallows · 19 days
*shows up 3 days late with a sunburn* Howdy! Day 3: Jason and Danny get stuck in a coffin together ( + kidnapped by same cult from day 2)
“Language,” Tim mutters.
“Language, my hairy left nut. Get outta here with that.” The retort makes the kid snort. “Final offer, Bruce.” 
Another grunt, but Jason spies the tiny slump of defeat in the man's shoulders. He produces a box of trackers from… somewhere. Weirdo.
“Great, glad we're on the same page, thanks for the stunning conversation. Really, top scores for single syllable replies.” Tim laughs again. “Shut up, Timmifer. Do something to give Bruce a heart attack, would ya? Get a tattoo. You'll be doing me a favor, fuck.”
He shoves the box into his jacket, rants at the kid while he gathers his shit. 
“Wait! Jay, don't forget to text!” Dick shouts after him. There's something more, but Jason doesn't hear it over his bike. He purposely revs the engine everytime Dick starts talking. His brother goes red in the face when Jason puts a hand to the ear of his helmet. 
“Huh, what's that? You gotta speak up, Dickie!” It earns him a batarang, thrown just barely too wide.
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petite-phthora · 9 months
Nova... after a supernova
[DP x DC fic]
[Love at first... murder? - part 7]
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Part 1
In-chat nicknames:
OGnerd = Jason
BatDad = Bruce
Discowing = Dick
BloodSon = Damian
TheHotOne = Steph
TheCuteOne = Cass
Omnipotent = Babs
Flashlight = Duke
Clockwork watches as the scenes unfold from the screen in front of him, a fond smile on his face.
He chuckles at the awkward farewell young Danny leaves one of Gotham’s Knights with.
However, as his gaze turns to one of the other screens, his expression switches from amused fondness to one of contemplation.
As he watches the recently deceased manic clown cackle his head off at the revelation of his newly ghostly existence, Clockwork can do no more than let out a weary sigh.
As much as he would like to interfere so young Danny would not have to deal with this endeavor, alas, he is not allowed.
Regardless, he muses, Danny will be able to handle it quite well on his own. Clockwork has complete confidence in him, as he gazes at the many timelines that may yet come to pass.
It will all work out in the end...
After taking some deep breaths to calm himself somewhat, Jason puts his glove back on before getting back on his motorcycle and leaving the apartment building behind.
He should probably use the rest of the night to sleep, as it’s already quite late.
However, not too long after he leaves he starts feeling eyes on him. He's being watched, and he has a pretty good guess of just who it could be...
And that guess is confirmed when he sees the shadows moving across the rooftops.
Of course, they followed the tracker to find out what he's up to even after he told them not to follow
He lets out an irritated sigh as he revs the engine and makes his motorcycle pick up more speed. At this point he’s most likely going way over the speed limit but, it’s Gotham, so no one’s gonna care.
At least they only just found him and started following him, rather than when he was still with Danny. Small mercies…
Though, he notes with mild curiosity, interestingly enough Replacement doesn’t seem to be with them.
Jason decides not to jinx his luck by questioning it, for now. Tim’s probably just overworking himself on a case again while doped up on so much of his awful Red Bull, Monster, and coffee mixture monstrosity that he should’ve had a caffeine overdose by now 3 times over.
Either way, Jason’s so not in the mood for their questions
Jason wants to keep his family as far away from Danny as possible, for as long as he can. And not just because of their not date, but he wants to help Danny keep people off his back about the murder of the Joker.
While, as he has mentioned to Danny before, most people will probably celebrate his death more than anything, he wants to spare Danny from B’s disappointment and his 5 hour long morals speech at the very least.
At that point, Jason decides to try to throw his stalkers off by making some unexpected, sharp turns and using a lot of alleys. He avoids the cameras and makes a point to also disable the cam and tracker the Bats ‘sneakily’ left in his helmet, again.
After spelling out ‘Fuck off’ with the tracker’s path on the map.
Luckily for him, Jason has just made it to Crime Alley, which is his turf. He knows his way around better than the furry brigade that's still following him does and he’ll gladly use this to his advantage.
With a small grumble that's muffled due to his helmet, he decides to try another more blunt method to try and dissuade them from following him.
Or, at the very least, distract them so that he has an easier time getting away.
0 days without the Joker breaking out of Arkham
OGnerd: Stop stalking me.
BatDad: Don’t text and drive.
OGnerd: It's speech to text. Dumbass.
Discowing: Jason!! 😃 What’s up, Little Wing? 🐦 Sooo, why didn’t you patrol tonight?? 👀
OGnerd: That's none of your business dick wad. Fuck off.
OGnerd: What part of don’t follow me did you not understand.
Discowing: I just wanted to catch up with my little brother!! 😁 Is that too much to ask? 🥺
BloodSon: Todd. Who are you courting?
Discowing: Dami!! 😠 I wanted to ease him into it before bombarding him with questions 😩
TheHotOne: no damian id rite
TheHotOne: we ned a more direct aproch >:)
TheHotOne: so jayyyyyyy, whos ur mystery boo ;)
TheHotOne:  dont worry u can tell m privtely ^-^
TheHotOne: i wnt tell, scuts honor o7
TheCuteOne: scuts
Omnipotent: scuts
Discowing: Scuts
Flashlight: scuts
Flashlight: Wait, you were a scout??
TheHotOne: no <3
OGnerd: I was just following up on a lead on a case I’ve been working on.
OGnerd: Besides, shouldn’t you all be focusing on finding that clown freak instead of stalking me after I explicitly said not to.
Omnipotent: Do you buy flowers for all of your ‘leads’ or are those just for the cute ones? 🤨
Discowing: Oh!!!! 😲 He got them flowers?? 🌼 That’s so cute! 🥰 I didn’t take you for such a romantic, Jay 😉
BloodSon: Considering Todd’s reading material it should not have come as much of a surprise, Richard.
BatDad: Red Hood, what do you know about the disappearance of the Joker?
BatDad: Is the person you were meeting with involved?
OGnerd: Nothing and no. Now leave me alone.
OGnerd: Middle finger emoji.
~ OGnerd changed the name of BatDad to WhyDoesClarkCallYouBabyGirl ~
~ OGnerd locked the name of WhyDoesClarkCallYouBabyGirl ~
WhyDoesClarkCallYouBabyGirl: Red Hood, this is extremely immature.
WhyDoesClarkCallYouBabyGirl: Change my name back and come to the cave for a meeting, now.
WhyDoesClarkCallYouBabyGirl: That was a misunderstanding and you know it.
Jason turns his phone back off and mutes the chat once again. He managed to throw them off of his trail a bit ago and just now reached his apartment.
They know where he lives, yes, but it seems that they had finally noticed how not in the mood he was and decided to make the smart decision to give up and leave him the hell alone. For now at least…
Jason wouldn’t be surprised if they showed up at his apartment tomorrow anyway. But the metal baseball bat by the door and the gun in his holster should help.
After getting inside he changes out of his clothes and takes his time taking a shower. After getting out, drying off,  and putting on something comfortable he practically collapses onto the couch.
His eyes fall onto the faded number sequence still scribbled on his hand. With a small smile on his face, while thinking of the person who wrote it, he takes his phone back out again and makes a new contact.
While he’d love to call it some sappy shit like ‘Danny <3’, he knows his family and it has enough hackers in it that he’d rather make the contact name a bit less obviously stand out.
It takes a while, but after thinking back on Danny’s space rambles earlier that evening in the observatory, Jason settles on a contact name.
He names it Nova, after a supernova.
He doesn’t know how right he is.
@i-always-say-yea   @uraniumwizard    @why-must-i-be-like-this   @griffinthing
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cutegirlmayra · 7 months
Prompt: The latest battle with eggman send Amy and Sonic deep into the wilderness. Communicators broken, trackers busted, and Sonic breaks a leg leaving Amy to find them food, shelter and protect Sonic. While they rest Amy asks Sonic questions about their relationship that she's always wanted to know but too scared to ask. They talk but are discovered and Amy has to fend off the robot until Tails finds them. After they're saved Sonic has a new appreciation for Amy and is happy she's in his life.
Prompts are on shutdown EVERYWHERE, posting on my other writing sites DOES NOT mean you get your prompt done XD It’s only through here, on Tumblr, when the GRAND REOPENING is announced, which it is NOT. Thank you, lovely Cuties~ I’m sorry it’s taking so long, I’m trying to finish Fanfiction TAT
A spinning, spiky blue ball revs itself up in the air at a high-pitched frequency, dropping down almost with an intense sense of gracefulness as it tears seamlessly through Eggman’s latest doom’s day device.
“NOOOOOOOOO!!!” Eggman grips his head with both his massive, puffy gloves and reels his head back, “I won’t let you get away with this! Not this time, Hedgehog!” Stomping around his large ship, he slams his hand on a button which triggers a lever he pulls down, thus activating a flipping panel on the ground that looks like a car’s gas pedal which he stomps on, and in turn lowers a dangling line above his head with a triangular grip that is meant to be tugged.
Still fuming, grinding his teeth against each other, he growls and reaches up like a train conductor and pulls it, “Take this! You spiny little cretiiiinnn!!!”
With a howling roar, spit flying from his agape mouth, Eggman’s ship lowered the tip of its nose, making the haul of its stomach ‘chin-dip’ and slam down to the ground.
Sonic, still well-within the confines shredding through the ship’s interior, suddenly found his once-smooth aerial dive now wonkily swerving before turning horizontal.
As Eggman laughed, Sonic’s spin ball started creating heat and pressure… Sonic didn’t stop the rotation, but soon was slowly breaking through the hard metal one more and popped out of a hallway, moving now like a spinning-top on his side.
Eggman’s face dropped, “WHHHAATT???!!!” He slammed his hands down, looking with horror and shock at the cameras and following the image as he sweated in fear.
The Cameras zoomed in, and it showed Sonic using a single toe, perfectly placed on the tip of his foot, to keep himself spinning at such high speeds while turned on his side.
“Curse that infernal-!” Eggman smushed his face with gripping fingers, before a robot tugged on his coat and made him look down, “Hmm?” He saw the robot pull out a crowbar, and point to it.
Eggman blinked twice… before smirking wickedly to him…
When Sonic burst through the doors of the control room, balancing out his spinning top self and wobbling to try and locate what to shred into next, the tiny robot by the side of the doors, hiding from sight, swung and hit his spinning leg.
There was a crack and Sonic unspun with a dramatic pose of spiraling in the air, his eyes squinted shut in pain before Tails’s X-Tornado dived and shot through the window, making air burst into the space and–as most vacuums do–thrust Sonic out of the room and be dragged by the sky out into the open space.
“Grr… Trying to get away that easily, eh?” Thinking he had the upper hand now, even though he was kneeling on the ground and having a hand bring down his goggles from the rushing wind, Eggman still tried to sound cocky and confident.
“You there!” He pointed to the robot who was on the ground now, his hands under him, surprised that plan actually worked and jolted with a spark at being addressed, turning to his commander and sovereign Eggman. “Don’t just lay about!” He swiped his arm out, “Do something!!!”
Realizing the Doctor was putting everything onto his tiny computerized brain’s hand to hatch another genius but simple idea, the robot waddled over a bit awkwardly to the cabinet.
Delicately, he opened it and flinched at the door swinging open, then pulled tenderly out a bazooka.
“Oh, I forgot we had one of those…” Eggman’s face looked a little like a man having forgotten where he put his keys.
Cocking it, the little metal and cylinder soldier began to try and walk towards the window before the wind began to pull him out as well.
His tiny little tin legs wiggled vigorously, but his firm grip on the large firepower he was wielding didn’t budge while he spun slowly during the drop into the air.
“TINY TIMMM!!!!” Eggman cried out, holding a hand out to him, “YOU BETTER BLAST HIM WHILE YOU’RE OUT THEEERREEE!!! This isn’t a vacation, you know! You’re still on duty!!!” He gripped that hand into a fist, showing that he was giving an order, not a moment of compassion.
The Robot, having oily tears in their eyes, realized that Eggman just gave him a name.
Even though the irony of breaking Sonic’s leg, and the christmas season didn’t quite register with the robotic soldier, he took that as a sign of promotion into Eggman’s steely, black heart and was determined to not fail him.
He turned his body toward looking to the earth, and watching to see where Sonic landed…
“Soooniiiccc!!!” Tails cried out, turning around the plane but Eggman was sure to grab at the controls and fire at him, making Tails unable to pursue Sonic’s descent. “Err..!” He squinted an eye, having to pull up. “I can’t reach him!”
“What?” Knuckles, on his communicator, looked down at it as Amy covered her mouth in alarm. “What do you mean..?” His eyes shook a second and looked up with Amy, as they each scanned the skies…
Amy then gasped, “Look!” She pointed one hand out towards the flaming blue speck in the sky, falling towards the jungle-like forest, and another on Knuckles’s shoulder to gain his attention to the detail.
“Grr..!!! That lousy-!” Knuckles shook a fist, but pulled Amy up over his head.
“W-Wah-Whaaa!!!” Amy shook out her arms, “K-Knuckles!” She wasn’t sure what was about to happen, but suddenly feeling like he was going to throw her, she summoned her Piko-Piko Hammer.
“Grrr… I can’t fly to him in time! You’ll have to reach him on your owwwnnnn…!!!” Just as her instincts had foretold, he launched her through the air and she curled, her little red and white-trimmed dressing making it look like a badminton ball flapped wildly as she spun while still keeping her dress on.
Her hammer rotated so profusely, that as her own spinball hit against the trees, bounced off the ground, or slammed against rock, it kept her momentum moving and propelling her ever closer to the falling Sonic.
Finally, soaring up with one final, hard hit to the ground, she unspun and reached for Sonic… noticing the pain in his face and braving through the flames of his burning body to catch him before a deadly fate.
She landed on a tree’s branch, but it fell and they both started to fall painfully through scratching twigs and leaves.
When Amy woke up… snow had begun to fall in the forest, and her little nose wiggled a second before her mouth wound-up twice and sneezed, pushing the small flake off.
“Emm… S-Sonic?” She rubbed her head, slowly getting herself onto her rear and sitting somewhat more upright. “That was a rough landing…” She groaned through the aches, but then gasped when she remembered, “Sonic!!!” She started to grip and throw up the leaves below her, searching frantically for him.
A bead of sweat ran down the side of her face, gritting her teeth as her eyes shook in loving worry, ‘His leg was just dangling kinda weirdly in the air, just then… Was it injured?’ She kept calling his name… to no avail.
Her chest fell and rose with cold air quickly icing her resolve, stinging at her heart already pumping with the warm adrenaline to save the man she called hero… whom she loved, dearly.
“SOOONIIICC!!!” She finally let out a single, elongated note of his familiar name…
Silence… the snowy forest…
Her breaths clung to the air like hot mist, pocketing that space before disappearing as quickly as blowing a bubble to pop. Scrambling, she got up to locate her communicator.
Pieces of the broken device were pulled out and held up to her face, making her look down as though her heart had sucken to that cold ground as well…
“No… Did I not…” Her shoulders bounced, tears unable to remain corralled in the pools of her lower eyelids. “Did I not make it in time..?”
Her hand shook with that open thought, as the pieces of metal slipped through her fingers, falling to the light snowy patches below her feet.
“Sonic…” she gripped her fists and felt herself faltering in being able to remain upright, hunching over. “Sonic…” She felt she was at blame, and slunk to her knees, freezing her even further to what could be the harsh reality of the situation…
“No… I won’t believe it.” She wiped her eyes with the back of her arm. “I… I gotta keep looking for Sonic..!” She bit her words as though to hold them fast to her heart, “Sonic…” She muttered once more, “Soooniiiccc!!” She reared herself up and began to charge about the area, searching everywhere, leaving no square foot unmarked by her own shoe’s print.
She could hear the sky battle above her head, and looked to see that Tails was still engaged with the now, downwards angle of the Eggman fleet’s main air-cruiser.
Her eyes couldn’t help but tremble, her body leaning away before her hands flung up and tightened around each arm. “I can’t… I gotta keep looking for him.” Her lips felt chapped and the cold only reminded her of the drying of her tears… before she quickly aboutfaced to keep looking for him.
Walking up a hill, treading through its piles of snow, she looked up to see the sky was now blanketed in the smoke of Eggman’s senseless war. “Guess I can’t rely on Tails or Eggman as a point-marker now.” She blinked through the chill of the wind, and sighed as she tried to figure out where she hadn’t looked.
“Could he have really been tossed from me so far..? OFFPH!” Tripping over some blue grass, she had scraped her knee and got up, shaking her head from having snow blanket it for a moment-
Blue… Grass?
Her eyes widened and she lifted her leg to see the gentle sway of the blue quills, just the tip sticking out from beneath the snow.
“SOONIICC!!!” Her heart about leaped out through her flailing to get back up, tugging on the quill and realizing it was fully stuck under the snow. She began to dig like her life depended on it, and… to a degree, he was.
“Sonic, breath! Speak! Wiggle! Do… something!” She tried to speak out before finally getting an arm and exclaiming loudly in surprised triumphant that she had gotten to him.
She tugged and began to pull him out, but he felt like dead weight.
Panic lit up her senses and now, she couldn’t feel the cold, but hoisted him up onto her back and began to run down the hill, hurrying to where they had last been, finding an open tree’s roots there and finding it a good, hollow den to at least try and wake Sonic up in.
Using the fallen leaves, she constructed a small bed for him, laying him down as saw that one of his legs fully detached from the bone.
She covered her mouth, “Oh no…” The pain must have knocked him out… he was probably passed out from the wind blasting by him on his fall anyway…
She gently touched the burnt ends of his quills and fur… Her eyes bunching up as though unable to see him in such a state.
“Oh, Sonic…” She brought his head up and tried to warm him, blowing lightly warm air out of her throat to his face.
“Please, Sonic… You have to at least show me you’ll be alright…”
After a while, Sonic woke up to find his leg was perfectly straightened by two twigs, and someone had put it back in it’s socket… “Ah… Glad I was asleep for that.” He twitched at the pain but tried to move to turn around. However, it was too much for the poor hedgehog, having endured firepower beyond normal mortal means, he couldn’t possibly stand for the fiery pain of a severely broken leg.
“Gahh…” He tried to lean up, “Who… Where am I?” He noticed a fire was burning, and looked strangely at the comforting glow, realizing he wasn’t alone.
“Tails?” He first questioned the thought, ‘But then… he’d just take me back in the X-Tornado… I’d be having warm soup by now…’ He squinted one eye down and finally was sitting upright, being careful to not move the lame leg, “Knuckles?” It was reasonable, but that echidna wouldn’t be foraging for berries or anything. He’d imagine Knuckles would have sat by the fire, the earth too hard to dig through during the winter seasons…
So that meant…
“Amy?” He raised an eyebrow, as though second-guessing that before hearing a bright voice exclaim in joy at hearing her name being called.
“Oh! Sonic! You’re awake!”
Waiting a moment, he smiled as Amy came rushing in, holding more firewood that she quickly just dumped to the side, some catching fire but she didn’t care at the moment. “SOONIICC!!! I was so worried about you!” she hugged him which made him have to hold back a cry, his banded leg with two sticks keeping it from twisting and turning further only moved slightly from Amy’s tackling hug.
She was warm, though… and her voice filled him with ease.
He hugged her back, “Thank you.” He calmly stated, “But what happened?” He looked to her face, then outside to the rain of explosions that sounded in the blurry, clouded sky… “Is that… smoke?”
“Em.” Amy nodded, letting him go and tilting her body in the same direction as the sounds, “The communicator broke on our fall, I don’t know how long Tails has been fighting in the air, but I’m pretty sure Eggman and our friends have lost sight of where he landed.” She lowered her shoulders a bit, then rotated one around to stretch it. “Hoo…”
“Amy? You okay?” He noticed she looked a little worse for wear as well, “You’re stone cold to the touch.” He placed a glove to her arm before reflexing off of it, then placing it there again. “How long were you out there..?”
She smiled, glad he couldn’t recollect how close to death he was while in the cold of the soggy snow he was buried under moments before.
“It’s nothing~” She chimed, “I’m a tough girl, as well as cute, after all!” She put her hands to the sides of her cheeks, trying to get him to not worry about her so much.
“I think we should probably move when the smoke rolls out… or when the gunfire finally stops.” She admitted, looking to the skies again and dropping her hands to her knees.
Sonic later asked her about how she got to him, and she explained the whole story… eeexcept the part about him almost suffocating under snow.
They talked and ate some of the wild onion grass she had collected, finding not a scrap left on the trees or bushes, figuring the other little critters had stored up for the coming winter anyway.
Not really liking the taste of it, Sonic just tried to see if he could hop on one leg, but Amy refused to let him go out to fight again.
Reluctantly, Sonic decided it was only polite to thank his brave rescuer by waiting it out.
But all the while… they worried about their friends well-beings… as the canons kept going off relentlessly.
“... You think they’re winning?” Amy asked, “Or… Eggman is at least… missing?” She flinched as a large blast seemed to hit the ground a couple long miles away from them.
Sonic, with his hands behind his head, and a blade of onion grass sticking out of his mouth, took a frustrated breath in and sighed out just as quickly. “We can’t hide out here forever, Amy… My leg isn’t gonna heal that quickly.” He tried to reason with her, and she knew that was probably right… but…
“Just… a little longer… let’s believe in Tails and Knuckles… to solve this on their own, okay?” She looked back with a forced smile, her hand gripping her heart. “Seeing you like this… it makes me… unable to let you go… right now.” She admitted, lowering her head and not having the courage to look at him in shame.
He eyed her with a turn of his gaze, not moving his head, before closing his eyes and not saying anything more about it.
The wind howled… before a foot fall was heard and Amy perked up, her ears twitched and she rushed out from the intertwined roots, “Knuckles!?” She exclaimed, more than expecting to see he had found them… before…
“... Sonic! Roll! Now!” She threw herself back to him as he looked to see a large missile fired into the hole.
Crying out in pain, he rolled as the blast sent the two flying to the back of the hollow tree.
Amy picked up Sonic’s spiky spinball, “Don’t uncurl! Whatever you do!” She cried out, as Sonic also–through immense pain–called her name but she was already grabbing a stick from the fire, the rest of the roots on fire from the blast anyway, and charged out of the large space.
She gasped as she noticed a small Eggman Robot, cocking the bazooka which had smoke slithering out of its mouth.
“You…” Amy’s eyes narrowed, her anger giving her the needed heat throughout her body, ready to fight.
“He’s already injured! Leave us alone!” She shouted out, but Sonic couldn’t help and voice his concerns as well.
“Amy! Your back!” She could feel something cool drip down in different areas from her exposed back… but it was already frostbitten and she didn’t dare think about what he was referring to.
“I’m fine. You just stay put and in your ball, Sonic.” She breathed through the pain that was now burning from her back.
However… this sting was like when she first lost Sonic, it moved her forward, adrenaline coursing through her like Sonic moving through a winding course.
Amy set Sonic down, “Amy!” he cried out again, moving in wobbly attempts to ‘roll’ after her as she stepped up to bat.
“It’s okay, I’m your strength too, Sonic!” She pulled the hammer up behind her shoulders, “Ready…” she narrowed her eyes, skidding a foot forward as though truly a baseball pro up for bat.
Sonic tilted his rolled body against her other, back leg, “Amy…” He couldn’t argue with that.
“... Aren’t I..?”
Uncurling, Sonic groaned out as the leg–the wooden beams now snapped and bent–was forced back into a straight position. His own problems meant nothing to him right now, though.
He looked up at Amy, seeing the wavering belief in her eyes, remembering that for a moment… she may have been the ultimate end for Sonic The Hedgehog…
Her memory went back to having no sign of him… and that haunted her… Was she really able to be there for Sonic… the way he was always there for her?
A shadow rose to meet her own on the ground, lightly shaded, as the clouds of smog were starting to clear out.
She gasped, looking down to see Sonic’s silhouette was on one leg, his arms then trailing up to her own around her hammer.
She could feel the warm and comforting breath he spoke by her cheek, telling her to wait on his signal.
The robot fumbled a little getting the bazooka back in order, but then went to fire.
“... Now.” Sonic’s voice was light, but his grip held stronger around her hand.
She swung with everything she had while Sonic fell back to the ground, unable to hold himself up much longer due to the crippling pain.
The missile fired but Amy heard Sonic say, “Now let go!!!!” In a ripping sound that shredded through her heartstrings… realizing how much he was suffering, but how that simple act showed her that he did trust in his friends–especially her in this moment–to get through it.
She let the hammer go and balanced herself, her dress spinning to one side of her body before the hammer’s top plugged and jammed itself into the firing bazooka.
The Robot made computerized noises of horror before exploding along with the gun.
Sonic and Amy fell by each other’s side in the blast, and Amy gripped onto Sonic.
In the cold of falling snow… the two breathed through great pain…
Shared pain… as Sonic’s and Amy’s eyes looked up to each other’s… and a smile greater than pain emerged upon both their faces.
“We… erk… did it.” Amy’s back jerked from the tortuous mix of frost and burn mingling upon its bare skin…
“No, Amy.” Sonic also couldn’t keep both eyes opened, but squinted one. His charming smile never faded though, “You did it… You’ve always got my back.” He gritted his teeth, but tried to make it look like a bright smile. “Thank you… again… A-Amy…”
Knuckles soon found them, Tails flew them home, and they ended up resting on opposite couches from each other.
While she read the insisted book about King Arther, the one Sonic kept trying to convince her had happened to him being pulled into it, making him miss one of their planned dates, he also reached over and held her hand, pretending to fall asleep.
She smiled as she read more of the book… wondering all the while…
“... Sonic?”
She knew he wouldn’t answer.
“If I am your strength… why do I feel like… I’m not?” She put the book down over her chest, turning to the couch’s spine to avoid looking over to him. “If I was your strength… I wouldn’t have shut you into that tree hole den… I would have trusted that I could get you out of there… carry you to safety, and reunite with Tails and Knuckles again to save the day.”
While she spoke, Sonic pretended to be asleep, but listened closely.
“... Then… When you braved the pain of your leg to stand beside me..? I knew then… that while you were down, so was my strength.” She teared up, “But when you got up…” Her voice began to wane and take on a higher tune, as she wiped her eyes with the back of her glove. Her lips trembled, but she continued, “I… I need you more than I think you need me, Sonic… And that… That worries me.” She sniffled, “Cause… Cause what if I’m needy? What if… without you… I’m nothing short of a useless girl?”
Sonic made a loud snore, then. It cut her off as she said ‘useless’.
She turned to see his head straight up at the ceiling, his mouth open wide,... “Ammmy…” He lightly spoke, as though asleep. “Ammmyyy…” His hand acted as though reaching for her hand, but it was already there…
That’s when she noticed, her grip on his hand had slipped somewhat, and she held it tightly but gently once more.
Sonic’s breathing went back to normal… and Amy smiled till her cheeks hurt.
“Oh, Sonic…” She giggled through her light tears and wiped them all away this time. “Even if I don’t understand what strength I give you… Just knowing… that together, we’re stronger? That’s enough for me… Cause right now, you getting better is all I care about.” She sighed and went back to the book.
She gasped when she looked at her hand and saw Sonic had tugged it closer.
“A-ah… Ow, ow, Sonic!” He was dragging her off the other couch. “Sonic! Ow! I’ll fall!”
He started to turn, as though in his sleep, snoring again and making Amy stumble out of the couch as he wrapped her arm around his waist.
She pouted a cute blush, but then sighed, “I know you’re not asleep, silly… Your actual snore is totally different.” She gave in, moving her bandaged self to lift up his head and place him on her lap, patting his shoulder and humming a tune.
Sonic closed his mouth, the jig was up, and he just smiled as she tried to actually lull him to sleep.
Though he had to let go of her hand for her to do that, he reached under his body to get at the hand that was resting just by his neck… and she smiled at how sweet that was…
“... You are my strength, Sonic.” She leaned down, continuing to hum.
When she had actually fallen to sleep, Sonic placed her laying on the couch he was momentarily on, replacing her, and before hopping to the other one, placed a hand on her head and lightly whispered, “You’re more than my strength, Amy… You're my whole heart, entirely.”
In the morning, Amy woke up to find Tails in a tissy, worried sick as Sonic had somehow miraculous snuck out of his workshop home and was nowhere to be found.
A moment of panic did course through Amy, before thinking to herself, ‘... If he’s strong again, then I’ll be strong too.’ and went back to not worrying about him… resting… as she smiled at feeling secure again in that–as long as Sonic was up and about, she’d be pretty soon as well!
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cosmica-galaxy · 7 months
Ok I'm going to be evil but... how would camron, Dj, and Vee react to human dying in their arms
(I imagine this would take place during a fatal battle and the unit fails to protect the human. >: ) ) Camron would try his damnedest to keep you alive just a little bit longer. Hold on! The medics are coming! He'll try to drag you and pick you up, even through his own injuries. He's desperate to keep his friend alive. Even as you fade in his arms, he keeps trying his best to get you to the medics. Despite his efforts, he sees the light leave your eyes and he feels your flesh grow colder and colder. Despite his robotic nature, the unit mimes out that he's crying. Wiping tears that aren't there...something he recalls the human doing when they were upset. There has to be a way to fix you...you can't die like this! He can't let the toilets take something he cares so much about from him! Don't die! Don't go! Don't...don't go anywhere...don't...don't die. DJ is usually so hopeful and optimistic, but as he sits there holding your fading body...his once musical heart is silent and he can only hold your hand tightly in his. What more could he do for a friend that has been sliced into two parts? Your life was fading...and he was trying to stomach the realization that his friend was dying off. They were fading fast, as their blood pools on the ground and stains his clothes...not that he cared. He could only recall things to try and bring you comfort as your life leaves your eyes. So...he begins to play your favorite song. Something you two would do often together when you would hang out. The melody was slowed and his grip on the human's cold hand could only tighten as his body trembles. Unable to bring any tears to the surface, he shakes and the song he plays skips multiple beats as his speaker thumps out the brokenhearted melody. He can only swear to avenge you as he lays there, waiting for the retrieval team.
Vee feels like such a failure...even with all of his abilities...with his teleportation...he could have never imagined that he wasn't fast enough. The human in his arms was beheaded the last moment before he could safely pull them out of danger. His internal workings could barely suppress the sense of guilt, disappointment, and agony that he was feeling swell up inside of him. He can only tremble in place as the medics surrounding him to where he teleported could only look on in shock, horror, and sadness as the human's body was already going cold. The head lost somewhere out there on the battlefield. Vee allows one of the medics to take the body before he abruptly teleports away, somewhere random, and falls to his knees. He was such a failure! Why couldn't he have been FASTER?! He can even remember the last moment of relief on your face...when you thought he was going to save you like he always did....then that ugly ass mother fucker mutant FREAK came out of the smoke, buzzsaw revved and it swung...he can still remember the shower of blood. Vee stays kneeling there until he feels his internal tracker get pinged and a familiar face emerges. The matriarch. He stays there, unable to look at her face as he keeps looking at the ground, grief-stricken and heartbroken. The leader says nothing as she simply comes to his side and squats to place a hand on his back. Giving him a shoulder to rest on as his screen fades to a dull static...and is replaced with a sad emoticon.
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bicycle4two · 1 year
fine as we are, but we want more || Jason Todd x Female!Reader || Chapter 3 of 8
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all things considered, you're pretty lucky.
in all your years living in gotham city, you've never been mugged, never had your apartment broken into, never been held as a hostage.
until now.
it seems your luck has run out and there's nothing you can do about it other than wait for someone to come rescue you. . . .
or, jason and you reunite after a long time.
Read on AO3
Chapter 2
Chapter 3:
Jason hates his past self a little bit for being so secretive.
Because if there’s one thing he wished Dick and the others knew about him, would mention carelessly in his presence, talk like he’s in on the joke, it would be how he’s connected to her.  But alas, teenage him kept his cards close, made sure that no one knew about her. And it’s biting him in the ass because without a name to go off on, he’s stuck.
And it’s aggravating.
His therapist would probably encourage him to talk to someone about this, maybe to simply vent out his frustration, or maybe help jog his memory. Talking, it seems, helps most problems. Helps people understand where he’s coming from and vice versa. Communication is key, and all that jazz. Unfortunately, Jason still has the habit of keeping things to himself, not allowing himself to be vulnerable as often as he should be.
The others would understand. Sure, maybe they’d tease him about her, but not immediately. They’d listen. They’d offer to help. She still has her tracker with her, and it would be easy, almost too easy, for Barbara or Tim to find her even if she doesn’t press the alert button. But Jason doesn’t want them to know about her, to know of her before he’s even figured out who she is.
So, he waits. Annoyingly so, he doesn’t have any other option.
The red triangles on their map don’t go away no matter how many days pass and they have bigger problems to deal with than Jason’s mystery girl.
Because the Court of Owls is real, and although Mr. Freeze is locked up in Blackgate again, his Regulators are still out there, decked out in fancy, stolen gear, and there have been sightings of Clayface mimics all over the city, and now there’s a website for a “Dr. Q” that they have to keep an eye on.
There’s still so much to do and Jason doesn’t have the time.
But that doesn’t stop him from thinking about her. In the spare moments when the city’s finally quiet, the criminals he’s taken care of being loaded into armored trucks heading to Blackgate. He finds himself hoping that she’s okay, that she would not need to use the tracker again, that she’ll never have to.
But something in him hopes that she does press that button, even if she’s not in danger, preferably that she’s not in danger, because maybe there’s a possibility that she wants to see him, too.
There wasn’t even a need to pull his guns out of their holsters. The priority wasn’t the fight, but the organ the Mob had taken from an unfortunate medic. There was no saving her, but if Jason does this job right, he can hopefully save someone else’s life. The organ is placed behind some sensors and it’s easy enough to find the panel that controls it. He disables that first, only taking down two unsuspecting mobsters before he sneaks his way to the cyrogenic container. That part, that part was much harder.
Because although he loves to make it look easy, it truly is hard on the knees to remain crouched for so long, taking small, quiet steps towards his goal. But a mission is a mission, and his knees will survive.
He gets to the organ easily now that the sensors are gone and packs it when he’s sure no one is looking. Once he has it in his possession, he has to move quick. No time for thoughts. Just speed.
“Belfry,” he calls, already running to the street, calling for the batcycle to make its appearance. “I need keep this thing cold. Where can I drop it off?”
“Dr. Thompkins is on route to meet you.” Alfred supplies as he mounts the batcycle, revving the engine up.
“Got it. On the way.” Jason replies and speeds through the streets, haphazardly avoiding the GCPD on patrol. He’s got a minute and thirty seconds tops before the organ expires and he makes it to the mobile clinic with twenty seconds to spare. Thankfully there aren’t any goons terrorizing Dr. Thompkins this time.
“Thanks for the delivery. I’ve got a medical team lined up who can use it.” Dr. Thompkins says when Jason hands over the organ.
“Glad I got here in time, then.” Jason replies before zipping away the moment Dr. Thompkins has her back to him.
He lands on the roof of the next building easily, tucking his grappling hook away. He accesses his map and sees that the others are tackling other major crimes in the city and according to Alfred, they’ve got it covered. All Jason can do now is to patrol, stop crime when he comes across it.
Calling tonight a quiet night is a stretch, but at least he isn’t in a middle of a fight, having to reload his guns in mere seconds, in between punches and dodges.
He thinks maybe he should head back to the hideout he came from, take care of the mob he left behind but if they’re smart, they would have already realized that the organ is gone and that they’ve failed their task. They should be long gone if they know what’s good for them.
So, patrol it is.
He jumps off the roof without hesitation and starts leaping into the air, using his own soul energy to spring him upwards. He doesn’t get far because he sees her sitting on the edge of the roof of what he can only assume is her apartment building.
He acts before he thinks, instinct guiding his next move.
His landing is soft, but he holds his breath just in case she’s heard him, tries to erase his presence. Luckily, the sounds and sight of the city distract her, she doesn’t even feel his gaze on her back, and Jason feels himself relax before sneaking towards her. Again, his knees will survive and, well, he has Barbara’s physio in his contacts just in case they don’t.
He’s behind her in seconds, arm already positioned to catch her because who knows what her reaction is going to be, if she’s going to scream or jump forward, or maybe even swing around to punch him. The whole thing is irresponsible, a dick move, really, but like in their previous meeting, there’s this need to tease her, to scare her in some harmless way.
If she falls, and that’s a big if because he’s not going to let her, he’ll catch her.
“Whatcha looking at?” He asks and the way her shoulders seize up is worth it. The squeaking noise that escapes her lips is so inhumanly adorable that Jason wishes that he had recorded it. She whirls around to face him, so fast that she would have tipped over the edge if Jason’s arm wasn’t already there to stabilize her. She leans into him, brows furrowed when she sees that it’s him.
“Jesus.” She breathes out, eyes looking up at him, pupils dilated from fear or the dark, maybe even both. “Hello to you, too, Red.”
“Something interesting out there?”
“Oh. Nothing. I just, I just like being out here some nights.”
“It isn’t safe.” He says even though she was doing just fine before he appeared. The need to lecture her is strong. Because now that he thinks about it, what if it wasn’t him who snuck up on her? What if she had stretched the wrong way and had fallen? The images playing in his head makes his jaw clench. That’s the kind of stuff his mind loves to give him nightmares about. “Never mind that you wouldn’t survive the fall if you lost your balance, but with all the criminals running amok right now, you could find yourself in another hostage situation, or worse.”
“I have to watch out for mischievous vigilantes, too, right?” She frowns, arms folded across her chest. He should probably find it ironic that she’s wearing a red hoodie over what he can only guess are her pajama bottoms. He doesn’t comment on it. That’s something Dick would do.
“Oh yeah. They’re the worst.” He says easily.
“Clearly.” She rolls her eyes, smoothing her hair when a gust of wind blows it into her face. “There’s always some kind of risk here in Gotham. I can’t let that keep me from enjoying the little things.”
She gestures to the view she was admiring, and Jason takes it in, sees nothing but streetlamps, smog, and the glow of police sirens in the distance. The pollution in Gotham keeps the night sky starless and although he can acknowledge that the city has its charm, has beauty in the places you least expect to find it, he doesn’t think it’s worth risking your life over just to see.
“Couldn’t you just look out your window or something? This roof doesn’t even have railings.”
“That stupid building over there blocks the view,” she jabs her thumb towards the offending structure. “But okay. Noted. I won’t stay so close to the edge.”
“That’s all I ask.” Jason feels himself relax, flexing his hands to relieve some tension. “So, what made you want to go out tonight?”
The annoyed look on her face is quickly replaced with a sheepish smile. She stuffs her hands in the pockets of her hoodie and looks everywhere but at him. The mannerism is familiar, again, she’s familiar.
“I was hoping I’d see you, actually.” She admits. “You were a whole lot easier to see back in the day.”
“The Robin costume is unnervingly bright.”
“It had its charm. You could still pull it off, I think. Although I don’t know about the tights…”
“No. Just. No.” Jason can’t even bring himself to create a mental picture of that. “So, we’ve met. Before the whole Freaks incident.”
The teasing grin she had on her lips softens to a smile.
“Yeah. We have.” The smile turns sad, pained. “And you don’t remember.”
Jason hates that he’s the reason for that look on her face and the immediate response is to blame himself, but he can’t, he knows he can’t. His therapist would quickly point out that this isn’t his fault. That he didn’t exactly ask to have amnesia, didn’t have a choice on which memories he got to keep. And he knows this.
It still feels like shit though.
“A lot happened in the past few years.” He says by way of explanation. Which isn’t much if anything at all. “Got into some shit, came out not as whole as I was.”
Sometimes Jason forgets that not everyone knows how to react to his cryptic lines, that although he tries to make light of his situation, tries to shrug it off because it’s been years, he’s only moved forward from it, the fact of the matter is that he still isn’t over it. Not completely. Sometimes, he can’t hide how much he’s still affected by it. Sometimes, he says the shit he says just so someone would ask, and maybe then he’ll be ready to talk about it.
“I’m sorry that happened.” She says after a tense silence. It’s obvious she wants to say more, to ask, but she decides against it, luckily. Jason wouldn’t even know what to say right now. “I’m happy you’re back though. I…I missed you.”
And Jason doesn’t know what to do with that confession. Because on one hand, who isn’t happy to know that you’ve been missed while you were away, but on the other, he didn’t even know he had someone like her waiting for his return.
The guilt is there, again, among other things.
“It’s okay,” she scrambles to say when he’s been silent for too long. Her face is open, allowing him to read everything she’s not saying, that she doesn’t need to say out loud because somehow, someway, Jason is able to read her.
It’s okay, she says, it’s okay that he didn’t miss her. It’s okay that he’s forgotten about her.
“I just, I just wanted you to know. We were friends before,” she bites her lip, hesitates to say her next words. “I, I think it would be nice to be friends again.”
“So, the old tracker signal. She’s your friend?” Barbara asks over coffee, her posture overly casual.
“Great. Who told you?” Jason groans, leaning back into his chair, his own mug forgotten.
He thinks that maybe he should be grateful that this conversation is only being brought up now, days after he agreed to rekindle their friendship, days after he’s finally gotten used to having her back in his life, after he stopped beating himself up for letting a civilian in.
(He has to remind himself that his world can’t solely revolve around being a vigilante. That he can’t only have contact with people who fight with or against him. That he isn’t just Red Hood, but Jason Todd as well. Work-life balance and all that.)
Keeping up with their emails took longer to get used to, surprisingly, but now he checks his inbox more often, doesn’t ignore the messages that don’t come from the others or villains who mysteriously have his contact information.
He’s used to her now, enough that he can say that they’re friends. Maybe not like before, but they’re getting there. It’s new, different despite the lingering feelings of familiarity. It’s nice and is something to share, maybe, considering that he and the others are getting closer together in the wake of Bruce’s passing, working together both in and outside of uniform. He has a solid support system here in the Belfry and he knows that these people are people he can trust—that they’re family.
That still doesn’t mean he’s prepared himself to talk about her with them though. He thought that maybe they’ve already forgotten about the old tracker signal, but he should have known better. Their group isn’t one to forget such things and it was only too easy to connect the dots once the information was out.
Still. He really would have preferred not having to talk about this because he doesn’t want this to be a thing.
“A little birdie,” Barbara smiles. “How long have you known each other?”
“As Red Hood? A few weeks, several days maybe.” He shrugs like its nothing, like he doesn’t know the exact date they two started talking again. “As Robin though, a few years apparently.”
“Apparently? Oh. She’s from before…”
“I died? Yeah. Seems like the Pit took those memories, too. Didn’t recognize her when I saved her from the Freaks that time.”
Which was probably for the best. If Jason knew who she was back then, he probably would have been more careless in the fight, probably more aggressive. The Freaks got lucky.
“But she recognized you?”
So, this is going to be a thing. Jason’s going to have to talk about it, about her.
He wants to shoot down this conversation, and maybe if it were anyone else asking, he would but this is Barbara and, really, everyone here has a weak spot for her. He knows that if he were to say so, she would stop asking questions, but he can’t bring himself to because maybe he should talk about her. Get someone else’s perspective on things because God knows he doesn’t know what he’s doing with this newfound friendship.
“Not at first,” he replies, thinking back on an email thread detailing how they met. Try as he might, he really could not remember, and it was eating at him. She was pretty vivid with her explanation on the night they met, the memory obviously important to her, but, again, he draws a blank. Regrettably. “I said something to her that sort of clued her in.”
“Yeah?” Barbara is encouraging, expression open, welcoming any information he’s ready and willing to give. It’s a trap. It’s the face that coerces confessions. “What was that?”
No matter what, I’ll come to you.
The memory makes Jason physically cringe, the action so strong that Barbara is now looking at him with more curiosity, eyes calculating. Jason grimaces and tries to erase the words from his memory, tries not to remember how he said them but, in that moment, he can’t help but just focus on it. Have them repeat over and over in his head until suddenly a memory hits him.
He sees a room that obviously belongs to a young, teenage girl—it’s small, tidy, and there’s a rug with distinct footprints on it. (Probably from him. But who’s to say.) There are posters on her wall, posters he remembers making fun of if only because it was so obvious who she preferred in the teen pop boyband. There’s a table tucked in the corner of the room, her desktop screen illuminating the dark room.
She’s there in the room, too, but much younger, eyes bright yet tired. She stands close to him, their features lining up perfectly thanks to their similar height. It’s easy to study her from this distance, taking note of the little things that make her her. The slope of her nose, the arch of her brow, the way her cheeks flare when she realized how close they’re standing together.
Only the blush is quick to fade, the embarrassed look on her face replaced with worry, her brows knitting together, lips turned down. He knows this look. She’s thinking, over thinking. The keychain was supposed to reassure her, to let her know that he’s there to protect her, but he can see that although she understood this, she’s spiraling now, the what ifs consuming her thoughts.
She’s scared. The possibility of having to use it is terrifying.
But Jason had to give it to her, because ever since he’d become Robin, he’d seen just how truly dangerous Gotham can be. Seen things that made living on the streets seem like a picnic. And he couldn’t imagine, didn’t even want to think about, what would happen if she found herself in a situation where no one was there to save her.
He couldn’t let her get hurt. Not her. Never her.
So, he made a promise, something that made him burry his head into his pillow in embarrassment when he returned to the manor later that night, but he didn’t regret saying because he knew what it meant to her, knew that with just those words, because she trusted him, because she believed in him, she’d be okay.
“Jason?” Barbara calls, bringing him out of his thoughts.
He shakes the memory away, knows that he couldn’t have possible spaced out for that long, only long enough for it to be obvious he wasn’t totally there anymore. He picks up his coffee, it’s cold now, but he needs a distraction, needs to do something with his hands.
“It’s, uh, it’s nothing, Babs. Don’t worry about it.”
Chapter 4
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sl-newsie · 5 months
Query: Q x 00 Agent- Ch. 10: Cold Hands, Warm Heart
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I’m ready in 10 minutes. That’s how it works when all your belongings fit into a single storage room. I make sure I’ve got my pendant and matching bracelet, as well as extra ammunition. After leaving Cricket with a large supply of food and packing a heavy set of winter clothes I meet Q outside the lab. He’s waiting next to my motorcycle and is wearing a gray striped sweater, which is very different from his usual suits. He almost looks like a tourist.
Q notices me looking. “What? Is it too dull?”
I shake my head. “It’s exactly how I pictured you in a sweater, Quartermaster. Ready to go?”
He gestures to the bike. “You drive. I’ve deactivated the tracker and C doesn't know its registration so it’s the best way for us to disappear. I’ve already booked tickets under a false identity.”
As I mount the motorcycle I can’t help but admire his planning. “You’re surprisingly skilled at planning a sudden absence, Quartermaster. Have you ever gone on holiday?”
He sits down behind me and chuckles. “Not exactly. My childhood didn’t consist of many events people would classify as a holiday.”
“I see.” What’s your story, Q? I turn the key and the bike roars to life, yet he’s still leaning back. “Q, have you ridden a motorcycle before?”
“Once, in the country. It was a slow ride with lovely scenery-”
“Well this bike isn’t built for slow,” I say as I lift the kickstand. “You better hang on tight.”
With that I rev the engine and speed off at a meager 50 miles per hour. Q is very quick to wrap his arms around me to keep from falling off, though in his haste he grabs a bit too much.
“Passengers usually grab the driver’s waste,” I say nonchalantly.
“Then what am I-? Oh.” Q shakily lowers his hands from my bust. “Sorry. I’m not used to- Jesus!”
We accelerate past a yellow light heading to the Eurotunnel station. I feel Q bury his face in my neck. Now I understand just how little he gets out. It’s no wonder he’s afraid of flying.
“Now I see why you and Bond are such good chums! You drive like a madman!” Q shouts against the traffic. “Did he teach you?”
“Partially. I’m also self-taught,” I explain. 
We weave through traffic and quickly make it to the station, where I hide my bike under a tarp in a nearby alley. Once we’ve received our tickets and boarded the train Q takes out his laptop to check Bond’s status. Meanwhile I take out handkerchiefs to cover up the few security cameras in our private car.
“He’s changed course. He’s heading to the mountains… Looks like a very expensive psychological facility.”
I lean in and get a better look at the map. “Oh no. The only way to the lab is by plane!” I gasp dramatically. “How will you manage?”
“Shut up.”
We ride the rest of the way in silence. Q keeps to his laptop while I go back and forth between staring at the passing scenery and reading Einstein: His Life and Universe by Walter Isaacson.
“I’m surprised you picked that book,” Q comments, not even looking up.
“It was actually you who inspired me to, Quartermaster. After your World War II voicetape I took up a hobby in history.”
He hums. “Glad to know not all of my lecturing is ignored.”
I spot the next station approaching and gather my bag. “We’re here. Do you know what plane we take?”
Q’s getting nervous. He keeps fidgeting with his hands and biting his lip. And I thought my fear of failure was outrageous. He leads me to a charter bus station that leads directly to the airport. I look around to make sure we’re not being followed, wondering if my skills will pay off. This is the first time I’ve ever directly disobeyed orders, and it probably won’t be the last. This was Q’s idea but I’m the most experienced. He’s my responsibility.
The time spent boarding the small plane is almost like escorting a kid to get a shot. The whole time Q’s fidgeting gets worse, and it doesn't help that our seats are near the window. The plane begins gliding down the runway, gaining speed-
All of a sudden Q takes my hand in a death grip, all but squeezing the blood out. His breathing is getting heavier.
“Keep cool, Q,” I whisper soothingly. “Planes have been flying for decades. There’s nothing to be skittish about.”
He faces straight ahead. I can almost see his mind racing from how wide his eyes are. I tug my hand free and use both hands to grab his face. “Get a grip, Q. We’ve survived far worse. You cannot let this get to you, because the fighting hasn’t even started yet.”
My hand finds his again, hoping to give any degree of comfort, and I turn to look outside. It’s a gorgeous location. Majestic white mountain tops along with the crisp clean air provide a very peaceful setting. I only wish we weren’t here on such pressing matters.
The ride only takes half an hour. On the ground I see a small village and a road leading to a tunnel. Maybe we won’t have to relive this plane episode on the way home? After we land and exit the plane (and I wait for Q to start breathing properly), we make our way to a giant glass building. On top of his coat, Q’s also chosen a wool hat that I can’t stop staring at.
“Really? The hat? You look like a poster boy for a ski commercial.”
“It keeps my head warm!” 
We continue walking and I start to look for anything suspicious. Where are you Bond…?
My eyes flick to the stairs. “I see him. He’s headed to the bar.”
Q scoffs. “How can you-?”
“Because half the whole building is made of glass.”
The structure reminds me of ice. Cold, boring, and gray. It’s curious how anyone would find psychological comfort here. I’m thankful for Q’s quirky sweater because it drives away all unwanted attention. We probably look like a couple on holiday so the security guards don’t give us a second look. Bond, of course, chooses to go to the bar.
“I’ll wait here,” I say to Q and lean against the back wall. “I’ll keep watch.”
Q nods and goes to approach Bond.
“Vodka martini, shaken not stirred,” Bond orders his usual.
The bartender smiles. “I’m sorry, we don’t serve alcohol.”
God this place is depressing.
“I’m starting to love this place,” Bond mutters dryly.
“He’ll have a prerogative digestive enzyme shake,” Q states plainly as he removes his coat.
The bartender nods. “Certainly.”
Did he just make that up? That sounds made up. Who would drink that?
Bond keeps his cold stare at the counter. “If you’ve come for the car I parked it at the bottom of the Tiber.”
“Not to worry 007, it was only a 3 million pound prototype-”
“Why are you here, Q?” Bond interrupts.
Q huffs. “Oh I just fancied a break, if I’m honest. I’ve been a tad stressed at work recently.” That’s the understatement of the year. “What with C’s people crawling all over and the fact that M wants my balls for Christmas decorations.”
Did he just crack another joke? I swear my witty remarks are starting to rub off on him.
“Get to the point,” Bond grumbles.
I decide to step out now, tutting at his attitude. “Still so stubborn.”
Bond turns around and sees me, then he looks between me and Q. “You followed him?”
I snicker. “Hilarious. No, Bond. I’m here because I’m trying to help unscramble this mess you’re in. I never minded covering for you when we went on missions as long as we trusted each other. Now you apparently don’t trust me at all.” I know Bond won’t care about the invisible knife I just jabbed at him but I’m still mad. “Was your secret business in Rome productive?”
Q decides to continue. “The point, 007, is that Franz Oberhauser is dead and buried. And unless you come back with me right now my career and Moneypenny’s will go the same way. 0011’s as well. Do you understand? All Hell is breaking loose out there and-”
“I saw him.”
Bond saw a dead man?
Q quirks a brow at him. “You saw him? We’ve been through the records, he died in an avalanche with his father 20 years ago.”
“Yes I know that. Then I met him.” Bond shakes his head. “He’s not someone I will ever forget.”
“Ah.” Q nods. “So you have a lead?”
“I have a name. L'Américain.”
He gives a short laugh. “Well that narrows it down. Look, 007, time’s up.” Q looks at bond with both anxious determination. “My whole career is on the line here and you will come back and do this through proper channels or I will report you to M.”
I’m not sure how Q thinks he’s going to get Bond to budge. He knows as well as I do that Bond won’t back down from a lead no matter who’s career is at stake.
“Do one more thing for me. Then you’re out. Find out what you can from this.”
He hands Q a small silver ring. The geek looks like he’s fighting the urge to say no.
“I really really hate you right now,” Q states plainly.
Bond gives him a pat on the shoulder. “Thank you, Q.” He looks past him to look at me. “We’ll discuss more later. I’ve only got a few moments until security escorts me out. Where are you staying?”
Um, where are we-?
“The Pesnica, Room 12,” Q says without question.
"Excellent." On que some security guards appear and start ushering Bond away. "Right now I’ve got to go retrieve Dr. Swann before she’s kidnapped."
I frown. “Kidnapped-?” Then I spot a blonde woman being driven away by men in black suits. “Oh. Right. There she goes.” I nudge Q’s shoulder as we head out. “You really are a pushover.”
He groans. “That man is going to be the death of me.”
“You booked a room?”
Q nods proudly. “Always prepared.”
“That you are, Quartermaster. I suppose we should get there immediately and secure a proper research setting.” Q nods and we go on to the front lobby. “How do we get there? Those?”
I point to what looks like an elevator hooked up to a ski lift that’s carrying passengers up the mountain.
Q’s jaw drops. “Oh God. You’ve got to be joking.”
I grab his coat and push him towards the next available lift. “Suck it up, Q. It’s not flying, it’s just sitting hundreds of feet up in the air in a moving elevator.”
“Thanks for putting it in perspective.” Q retrieves his laptop and begins examining the ring. “Are you coming?”
I shake my head, still standing outside. “I’m taking the scenic route via snowmobile, just in case Bond needs help. I’ll meet you up there.” He’s still fidgety about this so I change to a softer tone. “You’ll be fine, Q. Just breathe.”
The doors shut just as one last passenger steps in, and it takes off up the steep slope. Now I’ve got to find a good snowmobile- ah. Bingo. There’s one right outside, and doesn’t look to be in order. After a quick jump the engine starts up and I start driving up the mountain. This place must be popular for tourists because there’s a well-groomed trail leading straight up. It’s much much chillier than London but I’m not complaining. I’d rather have my face frozen than be melting away. Now that I’m halfway up I activate my earpiece.
“How are you coping?” I ask Q.
“This isn’t so bad, actually. It’s steady, and the view really is lovely.” He actually sounds… relaxed. “What’s the news from down there?”
I look over to where Bond disappeared. “3 large vehicles headed to a tunnel. And- Oh God.” I give a heavy sigh.
“What?” Q asks anxiously.
“And Bond’s flying a plane after them,” I grunt. “He’s following them to the village. I’m almost at the lift checkpoint. Meet you there in 3 minutes.”
Jesus, Bond. You go from wrecking trains to wrecking planes. What’s next? Space stations? I see from where I am that there’s approximately a 2-minute window before Bond flys by the resort. I’m going to be cutting it close-
Q speaks up. “I need help.”
Almost there! I huff. “Isn’t that the truth?”
He sounds worried. “I’m stuck on the ski lift.”
Now I’ve made it to the resort parking lot. “I know you don’t like flying, but you’ve really got to get over this whole fear of-”
“I mean I am literally stuck on the fucking ski lift!” Q shouts. “There’s 2 blokes who are about to skin me alive! Maybe put your annoying tongue to rest and do some of that punching you’re always going on about?!”
Oh. I guess he’s not joking. I jump off the snowmobile and weave through the mob of patrons. The good news is that this messy crowd will allow a decent getaway. I get to the ski lift and try to Spot Q. He’s spaced himself between the corner and a bunch of noisy tourists. And he’s right, there’s two men watching his every move-
A loud noise catches everyone’s attention just as the plane flies past. Right on time. Nice going, Bond. Q doesn’t miss his chance and slips off before the two men notice he’s gone. But they quickly regain focus and start running. He keeps looking over his shoulder and doesn’t seem to notice me. I hold out a hand and grab Q’s coat to yank him into a storage closet just as they pass by. Though now we’ve both discovered how cramped the closet is and Q’s practically pushing me into the wall.
“Where were you!” He hisses in the dark. “I believe I said to administer some punching, yes?”
I scowl. “‘There’s more to being an agent than punching,’ Q. Ring a bell?” I feel his angry breathing against my face. “Besides they’re gone now and we didn’t need to punch our way out. What matters now is getting to our room and laying low.”
It takes a few seconds but we both eventually start to calm down. Q must also notice how close we are because he’s trying to find the doorknob.
“Here it is-” I grab it the same time he does, sending a chill through my arm.
“That’s your hand, right?” Q asks a bit awkwardly.
“Yes, Q. That is my hand. Do you want me to open the door?”
“Please do.”
He removes his warm hand from my cold one and I turn the knob, allowing us to squeeze out of the closet. 
“Why is your hand so cold?” Q asks openly.
I give him a pointed look. “You had a nice cozy ski lift to travel in. I was driving a snowmobile. I’m not immune to the elements, you know.”
Q’s eyes widen and he starts tugging at his coat. “Well then if you’re cold I could-”
“No no, that’s not necessary.” I hold up a hand. “I’ve dealt with worse and from the looks of things you need that coat more than me.”
He frowns. “Why’s that?”
“Because your face is so red it looks like a tomato.”
This comment drives Q to look away and busy himself with his messenger bag. “Yeah. Must be the cold wind.”
He walks off towards the ledge where people are gathering. I follow him and we both look down to see what’s left of a plane next to a crumbling cabin.
“Another one of Bond’s perfect landings,” I say. “More property damage. M’s not going to like this.”
“Bond can get away with it, because he’s right.” Has Q gone mad? Bond is right? “Oberhauser is alive. And right now I have to do one of the most scary things I can think of: apologize to Bond.”
Oh. That’s never an easy thing. 
I pat Q’s shoulder. “Prayers be with you, Q. Now let’s get to our room before another catastrophe happens.”
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drgrlfriend · 6 months
Chapter Four!
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Chapter 4 of my Winterhawk selkie!Bucky fic posted this morning, but I'm just now getting around to the tumblr post for it. Sorry! The Storm Shall Not Wake Thee by dr_girlfriend
Chapter Four Excerpt:
“You’re sure you lost Barnes?”
“Yeah.  Trust me, I took a jetski down the fucking Shenandoah River, there’s absolutely no way —”
It’s like one of those nightmares, where the same thing happens again and again, no matter what you try to do to avoid it.  As if Clint’s words conjured him to life, a motorcycle revs and Barnes appears in Clint’s rearview mirror, metal arm glinting in the sun.
“No.  Fucking.  Way.”
“What is it?”
“It’s fucking Barnes, on my ass again!”  And okay, maybe Clint’s voice is a little shrill, but he thinks he’s entitled.  “Is there something we don’t know about this guy?  Is he psychic maybe?  A demon?”
“We’ve gone through some of the data you recovered.  He’s probably got some version of the serum, like Steve, but nothing else we can find.  You’re sure he didn’t plant a tracker on you at the hospital?”
“I’m sure!”  Clint was exhausted last night, but he still took the time to check all his gear.  
“And you ditched all your SHIELD tech?  Hearing aids, trackers …” 
“Yes!  Everything I have is from my personal stash, except —”
“This phone,” Nat finishes for him.  
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topmechaniic · 5 months
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𝑬𝒎𝒑𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒚 𝒊𝒔 𝒂 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒕𝒉...
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- A private, selective/mutuals only, canon-divergent, and multi-versed CINDY AURUM from Final Fantasy XV. This blog is very headcanon driven ( pun kind of intended x3 ) and will incorporate some elements of Final Fantasy Versus XIII. Adored by Dani ( she/her, 30+, UTC +9 - Tokyo ) multi/OC and duplicate friendly! Minors DNI, Personals & fan blogs will be blocked on sight!!
rules // carrd // playlist // pinterest // thread tracker // interest tracker
Affiliated with :: @liightbringr, @ravusnightblossom, @yukikorogashi, @battleshot ( ship exclusive ), @inscmnus Mains :: @nifhilium, @dracenary, @strictomiles, @tenebriism, @rcdfcxr
Wire :: topmechaniic
Current Activity :: Slow af/running on queue
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Links and basic rules...
Credits :: theme bg & details // icon template // pinned banner // main psd Extra info :: starters // memes // verses // Cid sideblog Blogroll :: OC, Multi, Yoruichi, Serval, Benedikta
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Possible triggers include death ( parental loss/ loss of a partner ) and dealings with PTSD ( survivors guilt ), night terrors and panic attacks. While not heavily focused topics, they are significant parts of my Cindy's background. Naturally they will be tagged accordingly, but please place your own comforts first and follow at your own discretion. 💛
Don't be a dick. Any harassment, discrimination or gross behavior of ANY kind will result in a hard block. If you write homophobic, transphobic, incestuous, racist, no-con, or ableist material, or interact with someone who does, do not approach me in any way shape of form. Also please understand that I will only interact with mutual followers ( exception with meta/hc memes unless otherwise posted or in the case of sideblogs ) and I do not always follow back.
If we're mutuals feel free to send all the things! Memes are the best way to get interactions started with me as I rarely make starter calls anymore or don't have the spoons for plotting. So seriously if you or your muse are chomping at the bit over a certain meme or a random open starter, if you wanna turn a meme answer into a thread, DO THE THING! I'm totally cool with that. Just understand that while I am very appreciative, I am kinda slow. Sorry in advance. 
Do not follow me just to pursue a ship. Shipping requires chemistry with both muses and muns. It's also not my blog’s main focus and I will not change my muse in any way for a ship. As it stands, I am ship exclusive with battleshot's Promto and rcdfcxr's Rufus. Besides my exclusives, I am cool with shipping with at least two of the same muse. Also any romantic meme or prompt sent w/o prior IC or OOC interaction will be disregarded or treated as purely platonic.
Please be patient with me. We all have a life outside of this hellsite. A casual reminder to something is cool cause we’re human and forget things or tunglr is just ... being tunglr. However daily reminders, random follows & unfollows/likes & unlikes might push me away from interacting with you.  
Please tag any possible trypophobia & arachnophobia posts cause it really ooks me tf out! My spicy posts are tagged usfw , usft primarily, and at times ⚙ ; 𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖 :: Push it to the limit. and/or ⚙ ; 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬 :: Rev up the engine. Please blacklist accordingly to keep your dash as clean as you desire.
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everflowingriver · 2 months
Blacklight 1: Renegade
A little something I wrote a while back. I like this one.
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The rain was harsh and cold; could he not have picked another night? It hardly mattered when his feet hit the alleyway's concrete paving, to which he caught the beat in his step again and kept running. The sirens were still blaring in his head when he dashed around corner after corner, just barely clinging to the bricks when he almost slipped and fell. The scathed and torn flesh on his hands barely caught his attention, when he heard it again; the light tapping of his pursuer. 
Scoffing, Nick sped into a tunnel, one he had used before. It would stretch towards the other end of the block, where he could hitch a ride, or so he thought. A headache tore through his mind when he remembered where he had left his car: Too far away. He cursed under his breath as he jumped into the tunnel, closing the hatch behind himself and engaging the arbitrary lock. 
Nick: "Damn it! Fuck, fuck, fuck-"
He fumbled with the phone he quickly pulled from his pocket, still jogging as he dialled his brother.
Nick: "Heyyyy, Al, would you mind?"
Alex: "Where are you? Dinner was an hour ago."
Nick: "Yeah, sorry I couldn't make it, I texted Thom-"
Alex: "Did you?"
Nick: "I didn't? Look, Al, I could really use a ride right now, quickly."
Alex: "Who are you running from?"
Nick: "You'll see when you get here.
Alex sounded a tired sigh, before audibly shrugging and loudly closing a cupboard.
Alex: "Address?"
Nick: "Raze Street- You know the spot."
Alex: "Figures. Sit tight."
Nick whispered a thank-you-made-apology, before turning his phone off, hoping that the call was not intercepted. Before long, he would make his way to the other side of the tunnel, where he turned around to face his flank- Empty. Good. His head on a swivel, he glanced over his shoulder as he backed up towards the exit. To his surprise, an electronic lock blocked the way.
"Fuck!" He hissed with fleeting breath, as he tried to make out who had placed it there; to which he frustratingly recognised the logo of ForeverTech, the largest engineering corp in town. "That is karma for you," he whispered to himself, a chuckle following when he felt the tumbling flash drive in his coat. These locks were notorious for their anti-tampering mechanisms, which had caught many an unsuspecting burglar, but Nick was not unsuspecting. Guess I'm stuck here until Al arrives, he thought to himself as he put his ear to the metal plating. 
After only a few minutes, Nick could hear the revving of an engine he recognised. A smirk slipped onto his face as he reached into his pocket, where he found a lighter. He took a deep breath, before pulling his coat's hood over his head again and triggering the lighter, before holding the yellow flame underneath the lock. After a few moments, the lock disengaged and triggered a fire alarm. The sound made Nick's ears ring as every sprinkler in the building activated as well. A grunt tumbled off Nick's lips as he climbed out through the newly opened escape hatch, which would lead him back onto the streets.
He was relieved to find his brother's motorcycle there, where Alex held out a helmet for Nick to put on. Nick wasted no time and took the headgear, before slipping it over his face and lowering the visor. Maybe he had hoped that they would have a little more time, until the siren sounded again. It was a deafening, alien noise that escaped from the vents of the peacekeeper's ribbed armour. There was no call to halt, no warning of arrest; Nick knew that if they lingered just a moment longer, they would be torn to shreds by a rifle. "Kick it!" He shouted, to which Alex wasted not another moment.
Alex hit the gas for all it had, sending the machine into a screeching galop. Alex bobbed and weaved through the late night traffic, until they were far enough out of sight to catch their breath. 
Nick: "Alex, I-"
Alex: "Check the damn bike for trackers."
Alex' commanding tone always could tear through any fabric, and Nick knew better than to fight him then, so he reared his head and started carefully checking the cycle's frame for tracking devices as they drove down the freeway.
Nick: "None on the back, but Alex-"
Alex: "I don't want to hear it. Not here. Now keep your head down, for Nòll's sake."
Nick did as he was asked and kept his gaze on his brother's back, as they drove all the way to the other side of town. Alex would not slow down one bit, until they left the freeway and pulled into the suburbs on the outskirts of Coredam. It would take no more than another minute or two for them to turn into the driveway of their childhood home, where the garage door responded to their arrival and opened up on its own. Alex carefully brought the bike to a halt and waited for Nick to get off, before doing the same. Nick removed his helmet and placed it on a workbench that stood by the wall. Alex was soon to follow, his deep blue eyes piercing the night as he sought eye contact with his brother, which Nick stubbornly denied. 
Still, he said nothing as he nudged Nick out of the garage and had the door close behind them, before opening the home's front door and heading inside. Nick was the one to close the door this time, hesitant to hang up his coat in case he was still being kicked out.  Alex had already left the hall and headed into the dining room, but Nick lingered for a moment, thinking of anything and everything he could say. After a few moments, he fixed his blond hair as much as he could and decided to hang up his coat anyway. After that, he headed after his brother, into the dining room where Alex was taking the dishes into the kitchen.
Alex stacked four dirty plates onto a clean one, before picking them up and leaving an empty table behind. Nick briefly checked the living room, yet could not see Thomas, the youngest, anywhere. He figured that Thom had simply gone to bed. Nick hesitated once more, before carefully following Alex into the kitchen, where the water was running. Alex was scrubbing the plates he had brought in just a few moments ago, glancing over his shoulder only briefly when Nick walked in. 
Alex: "You're a mess."
Nick: "You love me when I'm a mess."
Alex scoffed, shaking his head as he stacked the now clean plates. He was nothing if not efficient.
Nick: "You still love me, right?"
Alex: "You stole from a corp. Again."
Nick: "You know as well as I do that-"
Alex: "I know what's at stake, which is exactly why I can't have you keep doing this, not when you live under this roof!"
That last part was what hurt Nick. He would have left, if he could.
Nick: "That's not fair and you know it."
Alex: "What's not fair is that you keep putting Thomas in danger. We had a deal."
Nick: "I haven't forgotten."
Alex: "Then act like it!"
The silence was deafening.
Alex: "Who is it for this time?"
Nick: "The Collective."
Alex: "You are running for those rats again?"
Nick: "They are not rats."
Alex: "They will just sell the damn thing to the Militia!"
Nick: "I would bloody hope so!"
Alex: "I can't believe that you're okay with that."
Nick: "Dad would have supported me."
Alex: "Yeah, well, if you keep this up you can ask him what he thinks of it."
Nick: "I'm going to bed."
Just as Nick started to turn around and leave, Alex grasped his arm tightly and yanked him back into the kitchen.
Alex: "There's nothing you can do. Let it go."
Nick: "Oh, that's right, you would know all about letting go, wouldn't you?"
Alex only responded with a frown, to which his grip weakened. Nick slipped out of his grasp and retreated into the darkness of the hallway, before heading down the stairs and into the basement.
Alex backed up to stand against the counter, where he rested his hands in his lap as he leaned back a bit. He looked out through the kitchen window to see the burning tower in the distance, knowing what there was still to come; knowing that Nick hardly knew at all.
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shvdowsdrowned · 1 year
I only need 13 kills to hit 4k on revenant please
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roughandtumble-r · 2 months
Happy slightly belated 6th anniversary, Sonic IDW! To celebrate, it's time for me to get into Issue 3 of Fang the Hunter!
After being saved by Eggman, he asks Fang, Bean, and Bark why they were in Newtrogic High Zone, and Fang tells him about their search for the eighth Chaos Emerald...
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Eggman of course doesn't believe him, but he takes the suprise meeting with them as an opportunity to hire them to find a ship of his that went missing and was piloted by the Hardboiled Heavies and could be powered by the supposed Chaos Emerald (...gee, I wonder which ship that could be? :3).
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Back at Tails' lab, he begins working on a tracker to find the disappearing ship they saw earlier, although Sonic doesn't want to keep waiting for it to be finished.
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While Tails is still working though, Fang manages to track down the ship, and he, Bean, and Bark board it and begin searching for the Emerald. What they find however is none other than the Warp Topaz, and it's revealed that the Hardboiled Heavies found it and used it to take control of the ship.
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And that's it for Issue 3 of Fang the Hunter! We also got some covers and the solicits for both Issue 70 and a one-shot called Spring Broken, which are both set to come out in June...
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Welcome back, race fans! Extreme gear engines are revving as we prep for the second leg of the Clean Sweepstakes! But there's drama on the track! As Tails and Amy go to investigate a mystery of their own, only Sonic is left to answer the question, who is the Phantom Rider?!
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Spring has sprung! The flowers are in bloom, and so is trouble! When Sonic, Tails, and friends try to take some downtime, they run into a mystery that's spring broken! A seasonal whodunit in the Sonic style!
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amphiptere-art · 1 year
For the Lord’s Brother AU
Lord Infero initially wiped his Lunar’s memories to make him a slave with Servant Sun. But, Vim’s base personality was “love big brother” and he ended up realizing how much he missed his baby brother, and reflecting on how he treated him. Then the abandonment issues kicked in, and he resolved to spoil Vim rotten and never hurt him again, so his Lunar will never want to leave him ever again.
His overprotectiveness and god-complex led to Vim having pretty much no friends because “mortal hands aren’t worthy to touch god’s brother” and also the mortals are just nervous about being near a divine figure in general. So, Servant Sun was Vim’s only friend for the longest time, and as a reward got promoted from slave to favored employee.
Moon was killed immediately after Vim got pulled out of him. Infero refuses to even consider reviving him. He does not want any regular SaMS Moons in his dimension.
LB Monty gets the same treatment as Ruined Monty from the canon Lord Eclipse dimension, but now with a magical pronoun pin.
Vim started dimension hopping about a century in. After getting kidnapped by the murder family in a few, he started begging for Infero to make a pair of Bloodmoons for their dimension. So, on July 16, he revived their Bloodmoon twins, Revenant, with better failsafes, and wiped their memories. He planned to keep them as a pet and keep them in line with controlled shocks. Vim put a stop to that on day one, he wanted brothers not pets.
Things between Infero and Rev were very aggressive for a while after that. Every interaction was filed with malice. Things turned around when Infero and Vim surprised Bloodmoon with a custom bedroom perfectly suited to their tastes, causing Infero and Rev to finally bond. Rev and Infero are now close.
Vim found out about Lord Monty from a regular Lunar, and wanted to check it out. Ended up in the dimension where Sun and Moon never separated instead. Rev claimed the feral killcode-crazed Moon, Frenzy, as their new best friend. And Vim thought he was neat. So they took Frenzy home with them. Infero let them keep Frenzy after the demonstration that the Moon has absolutely no braincells left, but didn’t want him in their family. So, he slapped some failsafes on the guy and gave him to Servant Sun, resulting in them filling the holes left by their dead brothers with eachother.
They finally ended up in Lord Monty dimension, this time with Infero in tow so they don’t have a repeat of Frenzy. Lord Monty decides Lord Infero is fun to irritate, especially after Vim and Rev decide the gator is their friend now and thus Infero can’t just kill them. This eventually leads to Lord Monty becoming Infero’s best friend and, in some timelines, spouse.
Lord Infero visits the Minecraft Five Nights At Freddy’s dimension and meets their Eclipse, Puppy. Puppy is unhinged and not very smart, so he clocks Infero as twin immediately. Puppy loves completely unconditionally, even in the face of raw hate, abuse, and violent murder attempts. Which is everything Infero originally wanted in Lunar. So, he takes the guy home with him.
Infero is a workaholic who, when his brothers want to play, freezes time to make the day longer instead of actually take a break. While he indulges nearly all of his brothers’ whims, he also is determined to micromanage his entire universe to make sure it’s perfect. So he’s overworked and stressed 90% of the time.
Infero regularly upgrades the nanomachines used for his, Vim’s, and Rev’s bodies. Those are currently extremely durable, magically enhanced, have self-repair capabilities, and contain so many trackers. Rev and Vim and allowed to customize their base forms when upgrading, but tails and toe beans are locked in even when shapeshifting, to act as identifiers so Infero doesn’t accidentally shoot them, and for use as painless discipline.
Infero’s perfectionism also manifests at bathtime. Vim refused to learn how to bathe himself (he could’ve learned he just didn’t want to), because he thought it was fun bonding. So now, a century later, Eclipse needs to be the one bathing all his siblings in their fancy pool-sized rich people bath room. He’s very particular about it, and also it’s important bonding that helps soothe his abandonment issues.
If Infero really hates a dimension, usually because they did horrible things to a version of one of his brothers, he’ll summon a Witherstorm when he leaves, to destroy all traces that it existed. He is violently protective of his family, and possessive of anyone else living in his dimension.
Vim is very friendly and mischievous, and eager to make friends and play games. He only likes playing with people who are willing, though. It’s not fun if they don’t want to play. Since he’s essentially been coddled and spoiled his whole life, he finds mean and rude people the most interesting, because they’re so different than what he’s used to. Sad depressed lonely weirdos also interest him greatly.
Revenant like to share with eachother. Names, bodies, mindscapes, everything. As such, they don’t have anything truly separate. They’re bloodthirsty gremlins who love violence, especially fights to the death against other Bloodmoons. They’re highly mischievous adrenaline junkies, and love making themselves problems for others. Especially Infero. Revenant are allowed to take Frenzy into other dimensions for a friendly killing spree sometimes.
Rev and Vim trust Infero completely, and won’t believe anything anyone says to convince them of what he did. Nobody can convince the three that there even was a time before Infero got the Star. They just believe their dimension is a bit weird.
Puppy is bubbly, loving, unstable, and follows some Minecraft logic, such as having an Inventory. They also have a phobia of water, so they get dry baths. They have a high pain tolerance and know plenty of dangerous “games” thanks to their abusive Sun and Moon. Their best friend is LB Foxy, who hits on everyone in the family, because they’re the only one who can tolerate him (they heard worse in their original dimension). He keeps sneaking dangerous weapons into their Inventory somehow.
Lord Monty is pretty similar to canon Lord Monty.
LB Servant Sun and Frenzy are also similar to their canon counterparts. Sun is less anxious since he’s living the good life as Vim’s bestie, but still nervous around Eclipse. Frenzy is easily pacified by a lack of fear, but easily aggravated by any hints of fear. Frenzy will tickle what the failsafes prevent him from attacking, with sadistic intent.
Frenzy’s Golden Freddy was recently added to give Infero magic lessons, namely healing spells, because he’s entirely self-taught. Different magic rules than in RBB. Also this Golden acts as a therapist when needed, such as in the Hunger Games Loops.
That’s not getting into the many characters from other people’s AUs who Infero ended up adopting. 🦇
Thank you for all this information. I will use it wisely.
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