#return of dadzawa!
tealkitty81 · 2 months
Dadzawa Headcanon for Student Athlete!
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Okay, so imagine you're a student at UA who also does sports after school, be that ice skating, soccer, baseball, swimming, etc.
As soon as you were dismissed from class, you'd book it over to practice, all of your gear stored in your backpack. You'd work hard and return back to the dorms between 7:00 and 8:00, your classmates asking where you'd gone.
You often used the excuse that you visited your parents, or went to hang out with some other friends. It was ironic since you had no friends outside of UA, and your parents lived overseas for their jobs.
Mr. Aizawa notices one day that you're looking more worn out than usual. It just so happened to be the morning right after a very late competition, not that you'd ever tell him that. When he asks, you just tell him you'll get more sleep that night and arrive refreshed for class tomorrow, which thankfully, you do.
He shrugs it off at first, but when he notices this happening every week or so, he's suspicious, especially when you're always tired on the same day of the week.
One day, Mr. Aizawa decides to investigate. After he dismisses the class, he waits a few minutes before following you in his car.
At first, he's confused to see you running in the opposite direction of the dorms, still in your school uniform. Before he can scold you, he sees you arrive at your coach's specified practice location.
Mr. Aizawa parks his car and waits for a little until practice starts. He remains a fair distance away and watches you with awe, though it wasn't shown on his face. He began to wonder why you'd kept this talent such a secret.
After practice ends and you leave, Mr. Aizawa approaches the coach and asks for the competition schedule. It's safe to say you were surprised to see your entire high school class cheering you on at the next event.
From that point forward, Mr. Aizawa makes sure he's always there to pick you up from practice. He also makes sure there's at least four of your classmates at every competition, if not, more.
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
Poly Bakusquad (romantic) x male reader
With a cat quirk. The chaos they would cause. He’s a cuddly person in general and will just climb on people, and maybe the squad gets jealous easily? Thanks.
I made him Mina's cousin. Hope you don't mind. I just don't write for female characters. Hope you enjoy!
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When the students heard Mina's cousin is joining 1-A they didn't think anything about it. Until they saw a Pink haired male with cat ears and a tail. Not only that, but his red eyes were familiar. While the guy was adorable to many. Apparently he was already dating.
They were informed quickly of that as the first thing the male did upon eating the classroom was-"Suki!" The feline immediately ran to the bakusquad and curled into Bakugo's side. Everyone expect him to push the male away but he didn't. Instead he pulled the male closer and kissed his head. Which made the other males in the bakusquad whine.
"Hey! (Name) why not come to us for cuddles?!" Kaminari whined and trying pulling him away. Only to get an explosion to the face. (Name) had squealed and smacked Bakugos chest. "Suki! No! What have we talking about using your quirk to his face!"
(Name) quickly scrambled to the floor checking on the poor male. "Denki? Denki love can you hear me? Hana! I think Suki knocked Denki out again." Hana? The students watched Sero walk to the duo on the floor. "Well he knows better to mess with Katsuki when he's cuddling you."
The student were extremely confused. They watched Kirishima walk up to Bakugo. "Kat man. You gotta stop doing that. Your gonna make (Name) cry again. Then Mina is gonna kill us. You know how protective she is dude!" The bakusquad males shivered and looked in the females direction and were met with narrowed eye.
Honestly Bakugo might've forgotten about that...(Name) whimpered and his ears drooped. "Was it my fault? I was just cold and Suki's quirk makes his hands really warm..." Mina glared at the males and made a "I'm watching you" hand signal at them. She crouched down pet (Name)'s head. Scratching at his favorite spot.
"No (Name) its not your fault. Your boyfriends are just easily jealous. Especially Bakugo. Okay? I'll help you take Kaminari to the nurses office." (Name) purred slightly and nodded. "Okay Ash!" He stood up gave the males(who quickly hid from Mina's glare) a quick kiss. "Alright I'll be back boys. Please behave. Eiji your in charge!"
Bakugo yelled out wanting to know why he wasn't in charge and (Name) replied "Well Eiji's quirk is better against yours so if I'm not here he can best handle you when your angry." That confused the students even more. What could he do?
When the duo tried to leave the door opened revealing their Sensei. "Oh! Morning Papa!" PAPA?! Everyone but the bakusquads mouth dropped. "P-Papa? Wait so that means-" Aizawa smiled softly and rubbed (Name)'s head. "Morning kit. What's going on?"
(Name) huffed and showed him the unconscious Kaminari on his back. "Denki got jealous that I was cuddling Suki again. I got cold so I thought I'd cuddle with Suki bevause-" Aizawa sighed heavily. "Bakugo's quirk makes his hands warm. Yes I know."
(Name) nodded. "So when Denki tried pulling me away it upset Suki." Aizawa didn't need to know the rest. "Bakugo used his quirk on Denki knocking him out." When he got a nod in return he sighed even louder. He pinched the bridge of his nose and waved the pink haired dou off. "Alright but to the nurses office then straight back."
The dou nodded and quickly left while Aizawa turned to the class, glaring at the trio of male who looked like they wanted to be anywhere but there. "Don't think I didn't see his tail. Why do you always upset him. Especially so early in the morning."
The bakusquads punishment for upset (Name) had been extra cruel training. It was then the student made a rule of their own for the classroom. Don't upset (Name). Or they'd face the wrath of not only an upset Mina, but an angry Dadzawa.
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fancyfeathers · 4 months
The Hydro Knight
(Yandere Childe) (Normalized Yandere AU)
What happens when Childe’s darling goes to the darling of Signora to learn how to defend herself and fight…
going from this post and the credit to the names goes to @busy-dadzawa-fish who I asked if I could use the names they came up with here as placeholder names for the other darlings when writing from different perspectives
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You sat on your sleeping bag, your head facing up at the stars above you. You couldn’t sleep, not tonight, so while everyone slept you sat awake. The days merged together now, every day the same, just trying to survive. You think your birthday was coming up soon but Archons you can’t remember when. Ajax- no, Childe probably remembered, after all he remembered you even after he left for the Fatui. He came back only to ask your parents for your hand, no letters, no word from him, not even from his family, nothing. He was obsessed with the idea of you, the ide of how you were when you were young together.
So that leads you to where you are now, on the run with a few others, a knight and ballerina from Mondstadt, a librarian from Fontaine, a medic from Sumeru, and from your home land of Snezhnaya, a hunter, and who you knew the longest a shopkeeper named Keina. Honestly you felt the most pity for her, she had worked hard for her whole life, building up everything to own a small business that was absolutely torn down by the ninth of the Fatui Harbingers, Pantalone, all because she rejected her proposal. She had worked for everything only to be crushed under his heel. You felt so similarly to her, you were planning on running your family’s business one day, not being a harbinger’s housewife.
You decided to stop trying to sleep so you stood yourself up, walking off to find another clearing in the woods as to not wake the others up. When you first left Snezhnaya and made your first stop on in Mondstadt you had found an old sword that you had fixed up for you. You didn’t really how how to use the sword but you figured that having a weapon was better than not having one at all, plus with you having a vision it would be smart to at least have a weapon to use with it.
“You’re going to hurt yourself swinging your sword like that.” A voice caught you completely off guard and you almost screams, but you were able to whip your head around and you only saw the familiar face of one of your travel partners, Clarus a former Knight of Favonius until he left Mondstadt to accompany you all. He was just wearing his travel clothes and jacket, no armor or anything else, he must have just woken up. You watched as he walked over to you, and nudged your legs to stand farther apart with one of his boots. His hands took you by the arm and guided you on how to stand. “You want to win a fight, you need to know how to stand. If your feet are to close together any Fatui agent could easily kick your legs in and get you to fall to the ground.”
“Don’t mention it, besides I’d rather not see you die in a fight.”
He helped you train that night and other nights following, unsurprisingly he could not sleep either. Clarus was a surprisingly good teacher, with his formal demeanor you would have expected him to be cold and stern, but he was kind just quiet. You learned that he helped train and teach the younger knights. You never asked about his days with Signora, you figured it would bring back bad memories for him even if he said that you could.
Then the news of the death of Signora came to you all. When your heard the news all of you turned to face the knight, reading him for a reaction but he cried. When you asked him why he cried he smiled and said. “I weep for joy, I am finally free.”
If only it stayed like that…
After the news your lessons stopped as Clarus returned to the Knights of Favonius, back to his position as an instructor. Then not even a week later you received news on how he was attacked on the way back to his some in Springvale. He was missing…
Meanwhile at the Zapolyarny Palace the hydro knight was forced down on his knees by Fatui agents in front of the Harbingers and the Tsaritsa herself. His lip was bleeding and he wore more than a few bruises. The Tsaritsa smiled down at the beat up knight, the letter he was going to send to you in hand.
“Ajax, come here.”
At the goddess’ words the red headed harbinger walked over to the Tsaritsa‘s side and she handed him the letter, letting him read it.
“It seems like this knight has taken your fiancé as his newest student…”
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My Fic Recs List (1)
I accidentally deleted my original fic rec post the other day, so I had to make a totally new fic rec post!
*Also, some of these recs are 18+ only so minors keep the tags and warnings in mind and DNI with that content!!!*
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Staring - @katszumi
Promise - @chubbyreaderchan *I actually wrote something that was inspired by this not to long ago that I might post at some point*
More Than Like - @justauthoring
Dad!Bakugo With His Newborn Baby - @angels-fantasy
All of her MHA works - @crimsonredfeathers
Them Using Their Quirks To Get You To Work When You're Running Late - @izvmimi
Aftermath - @flametrashiraarchive
Stay With Me - @flametrashiraarchive
Different Seasons Levi and Sex - @leviismybby
A Favour - @myherokatsuki
Forbidden Lovers - @melzula
Jet x reader - @melzula
For You - @bfbkg
Can't Help Myself - @takami-takami
Teaching Katsuki how to dance bachata - @werediabla
Holding Out (Just For You) - @sipsteainanxiety
A New Beginning - @doumadono
Bakugo Katsuki x Reader - @itgetzweird08
Katsuki Missing You - @jupiku
Bakugo x reader - @emmyrosee
That Pain of Reality - @sydneyyuu
Bakugo x reader feat. Dadzawa - @sorrowfulrosebud
Reader Meeting Kid Shigaraki - @sorrowfulrosebud
Please Save Me - @hitoshiyoshi
Returning Injured - @yoongikapi
Hawks NSFW Alphabet - @takami-takami
Jerk - @justauthoring
Bakugo x reader - @justauthoring
Bakugo x reader - @katszumi
Bakugo x reader - @katszumi
Levi Ackerman x reader - @romantichomicide95
Best Friend!Bakugo x reader - @csmtmra
Nitroglycerine - @alrightberries
Our Sorry Little Hearts - @alrightberries
Good Morning - @keikiri-kitten
The Visitors - @candycandy00
"Toshi" - @rems4you
It's Been A Long Day - @gglitch1dd
Deku Crushing On A Vigilante - @frickingnerd
Jerk (2) - @justauthoring
Temptress - @sonamytrash
Bakugo x reader - @sprytesukii
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 4 months
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anxiety-thyme · 9 months
It's that time again! First Friday Fic Night
For a refresher you can see what this is about here.
Voting at the bottom to choose next month's topic.
This month is family feels. Found family. The one you chose or who you chooses you. Sometimes on purpose but often unintentionally. As someone who had to cut ties with my family of origin (except my sister who is a gem), this theme is close to my heart.
I don't think that families (found or otherwise) are limited only to long-term, here-for-the-long-haul, relationships. Sometimes someone passes through your life for a brief period of time but manage to plant a home in your heart. It can happen when you need them for a season, or when they need you, and usually it hits you when you least expect it. So my definition of family feels may seem broad so the stories may not hit that spot for you. It's cool, they are all still really worth the read.
I had difficulty narrowing down my list so we may come back to family feels in the future. I also left Dadzawa out. That is a whole genre of its own. In this post we have Attack on Titan, My Hero Academia, Teen Wolf, and Snow White With the Red Hair. We kind of hit them all.
As always, mind the tags!
Attack on Titan
make this moment last forever, by aelandair
"Erwin accompanies Levi to an orphanage."
This one sits at the intersection of creating family and intense yearning. Maybe leans a little farther into the yearning. Oops.
My Hero Academia
Your sun in the night sky, by notified
"In which Bakugou Katsuki learns saving is not always about blowing stuff up, cracking down on villains' plans or, even making use of his quirk in any significant aspect. It can be gruelling, tedious and heartbreaking. And it's funny, because he never really set out to save the brat in the first place.
Or, Bakugou acquires a snarky orange child."
I cannot emphasize enough how much I love this fic. I actually don't know how many times I've read it at this point. This is Bakugou not just saving without blowing things up, but it is also him learning to care for others, understand what giving up a piece of yourself really means, and discovering family. Plus, domestic Bakugou is my religion.
I think this might have been the first BNHA fic that grabbed me. It is top 5 BNHA for me, and I have 268 BNHA fics read and bookmarked. I wish I was joking about that last part.
lullabies for ghosts in the mind, by jarynw02
"He’s well aware of how convenient it might be for Dabi to parade around as an innocent toddler for a while to throw off suspicion. How, if this were still Dabi’s mind, he’d be smart enough to lie and act and cover his trail until he can return to normal and inevitably escape.
But Katsuki can’t stop thinking about how bright his blue eyes are, how they swelled with tears in the alley at the mention of heroes-- the mention of his father, Endeavor, the most impactful hero in the child’s life. Even if this tiny human is Dabi biding his time, those tears were real. Those tears were real and coming from eyes so much like Katsuki’s husband’s eyes, shed for the same man that’d made Shouto cry too many times for Katsuki’s liking.
Dabi turns into a toddler and Katsuki brings him home to Shouto."
I think this was originally going to be a longer fic, but it works really well as just a one shot. As I mentioned above, domestic Bakugou is my thing, and in this he is soft soft soft.
His Littlest Listener, by lilredpandacub
"Present Mic Loves all his jobs. But he especially loves his Friday and Tuesday night Session on his Radio Show where his most favourite caller is sure to ring up late at night just to speak and pose ever more interesting questions. Hizashi really just wants to give the sweet little baby a cuddle."
Baby Izuku being so smart and Presentation Michael is really feeling personally attacked by it.
Teen Wolf
Roots to Tether by, clotpolesonly
"Scott needs someone to look after Beacon Hills while he's away at college. Stiles needs someone to keep an eye on his dad. Liam needs a sparring partner, Mason needs a translator for his ancient books, Malia needs someone to run with.
And Derek? Well, Derek needs this."
Derek gains a family that he didn't know he was looking for and that he didn't know he needs. My biggest Teen Wolf ship is Derek/stability.
Snow White With the Red Hair
The Five Times Obi Knocked (and the one time he didn't), by happybubbles
"He always wondered what it would feel like to have a home. And she always wondered if she would find a place of her own ever again."
I always always want Obi know he has a home and highlighting how Obi uses their knocking on the wall to express that is just lovely.
Fugue in Three, by infinitelystrangemachine_old
"Ryuu, Shirayuki, and Obi have all taken different paths to end up where they are now. An admission on Ryuu's part helps tip the trio into their future."
This is such a beautiful piece. The three of them finding home in one another, settling into a life together and reaching out for the version of the future that they want. It feels like evert line destroys me.
'It hurts. It aches. It tears at her until all she wants to do is shake Obi awake, retreat into the safety of his arms for the first time ever, if only to find a place to bury the tortured unmaking and remaking of her heart.'
'Take me, he thinks, and his heart, his very own heart, goes still in his chest. Do what you want with me. I’ll lay at your feet if that’s what you want. I’ll crawl on my hands and knees for the rest of my life if it would do you some good.'
It's just so good. I can't. If there is only one fic you read from this list, it should be this one.
Please enjoy, I hope these warm you (even when they hurt a little bit.) Let me know how much you like them on a scale of excel sheets tracking nutrition to cracking adolescent voices.
See you next month <3
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ao3feed-kiribaku · 3 months
Worked to the bone
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/qpWP2Gx by Thefeelshurt Bakugou has never been allowed a break no matter what the national holiday policy says. Even at home, he must continue training never getting a break. He was raised always to work never stopping, which is why he hates breaks though he almost hates returning from them even more as he has no idea what to say about his break when all he did was work. This leads to his current predicament that and the fact maybe never taking a break will finally catch up to him. Words: 3737, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Bakugou plus breaks equal confusion Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, mentioned bakugou mistuki, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Kirishima Eijirou, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Sero Hanta, Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Shuuzenji Chiyo | Recovery Girl Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina & Bakugou Katsuki & Kaminari Denki & Kirishima Eijirou & Sero Hanta, Bakugou Katsuki & Sero Hanta, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Bakugou Katsuki Additional Tags: Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead | Dadzawa, Abusive Bakugou Mitsuki, Bakugou Mitsuki's Bad Parenting, Hurt Bakugou Katsuki, Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, Bakugou Katsuki Needs a Hug, Vomiting, Fluff and Angst, To Be Continued, Bakugou Katsuki-centric read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/qpWP2Gx
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theoisdaydreaming · 2 months
I was checking my notes and came across a few prompts and fics i wrote,,, so I'm posting some of them!
Starting with the oldest one lmao
(shindeku, gender swapped deku, dadzawa, erasermic 💀)
Puppy Love!
Chapter 5 "hi"
"Hey boys! Need a ride?"
The car window opened to greet them with the green eyes and bright blonde hair of his husband.
The older man nodded at shinsou and they both got in the car with the ravenette's husband
"hey" he smiled as they greeted each other with a kiss, wich in return made the younger boy sitting in the back of the car look away uncomfortable.
"i got off work early at the radio station so i came to pick you up" hizashi said as he started to drive away
"where are you going kid?" he motioned to shinso looking at him from the rear-view mirror.
"um, could you drop me at the cafe in gatoaishi street"
"sure" hizashi smiled "your parents work there don't they? At the cat cafe?"
"yeah, my moms own the place"
"oh that's lovely! Me and shouta love that place" his green eyes lit up at the mention of their favorite place.
Shou and him love to spend their few free days at the cozy stablishment.
"we've never seen you there" shouta cracked an eye open with his head resting in the window at his side.
"im usually at the back" the boy shrugged and the adult nodded in understanding.
"oh! you don't mind if we pass for our daughter in the way do you?" hizashi asked "we're picking her up from dance class and then dropping her with a friend " he smiled.
"sure" replied shinso.
Izumi, as it is friday, had decided to go out with her friends after her extracurricular.
Even though they had accorded to not tell everyone about their familiar connection, it wasn't exactly a secret, as it was impossible to hide it from the green haired girl friends when they needed to come and drop her off, it had been a shock to all of them, they were specially, uncomfortable when they decided to have a sleep over at their house only to realize that it was their teachers house and that izumi yamazawa stands for yamada-aizawa.
So, not al lot of people knew, but they weren't trying to hide it either.
Taking a turn they come across the place she's coming out of dance class, waving goodbye to her teacher and other classmates.
The car stops infront of her and shinso goes wide eyed.
"hey pops! Hi dad" she smiles at the as she enters the car only to stop on her tracks at the sight of the unexpected passanger in the other side of the back seat.
She freezes as her forest color eyes widen as big as a deer in the headlight.
"hi" the lavander haired boy breathes, looking like he just saw a ghost.
"hi" responds the girl, her voice raising almost 8 octaves.
"izumi, this is shinso, he's the boy that's been training with your dad" the blonde explains.
"you fought him at the sports festival, you remember, right?" Shouta adds.
"No, yeah, I i remember him.." izumi and shinso exchange looks, eyes still widen in surprise.
Shinso must be surprised that the girl she fought was his teachers daughter all along, it does come as a shocker as there is no resembles between her and her dad.
"shinso, this is our daughter, izumi yamada-aizawa" says Shouta.
"I see.. it's nice to formally meet you" he offers his hand with a smirk as izumi gives him a weak smile as she shakes her hand which only makes him chuckle.
"I guess that makes sense, of course it was aizawa-sensei's daughter to beat me"
"wha- but, you did amazing! It doesn't matter who's daughter I am, you could've totally beat me"
Shinsou blushes at izumi's response.
"I'm just saying.. If hadn't know what your quirk was I would have totally lost" she shrugged.
"well, I mean- That just undermines your analityc skills, even if you hadn't been told what my quirk was before the battles started, you would've still figure it out"
Izumi looks at the lavander eyes staring deep into her, his compliment not going unnoticed, making her cheeks flush in pink.
"I know right! My little girl is so smart, did you know she has more than 12 notebooks on quirk analysis?" hizashi says excitedly "she has two of them dedicated to just us" he beams proudly with a smile.
"dad!" izumi reddens impossibly more and shinso smiles at the comment of the girl's energetic father, both haven forgotten that they were in the car with both teachers.
"what? It's cute" hizashi shrugs.
Shouta smiles a little when he sees the pout in izumi's face.
The car stops at a small coffee shop, it reads 'Ta-neko', through the windows you can see few people enjoying their coffee and pastries, a a cat sleeping in a counter where a woman is taking orders from customers.
"where here!"
"thanks for the ride, sensei"
"oh, no problem, we were going to drop off izumi with her friends anyways" hizashi smiles then looks at the green-haired girl "where did you say the place was, izumi?"
The two teens in the back share a look between them with startled faces.
"oh um.. A few blocks away actually!" she stutters.
"I can just walk from here, don't worry"
She grabs the handle of the door intending to get out and shinso shuffles to
go with her.
"are you sure? We can just take you there" Shouta glances at her.
"yeah, itsokeybyedadbyepopsloveyou"
"Okey, have fun hanging with the squad!" hizashi waves the two of them as they both get out the car.
While the drive back home Shouta thought about how weird izumi was acting during the whole ride, he wonders how she feels about the boy.
While he knows his daughter is not usually one to dislike people, he can't help but think that she was perhaps intimidated by being in a car with the person she fought in the sports festival.
It was a though match after all, not in the physical sense but in a mental way, even while knowing that shinsou's quirk needs a verbal response in order to activate, some of the things he said for him to get a response from izumi could have been a little harsh. It's not strange she feels a little uncomfortable around him.
Shinso has had a problem with how people persive his quirk as 'villainous', and though he can relate, he has developed a sort of inferiority complex due to this. He has tackled this problem with him in the time they've been training and he has honestly gotten better at not comparing himself and assuming things about other people who have more flashy quirks.
I'm sure they won't have any problems, but looking at how izumi reacted it's best to keep them apart in class. He's gonna have to change sits this Monday.
"so... Hanging out with the squad" the purple-haired boy grins.
"technically, we are" the greenette shrugged.
"just a little later" she smirks.
God, he wished they would've just dropped her at the place and not let her walk to there, because now he doesn't know where she was or who gave izumi a bouquet of flowers that left her singing love song all day....
He opens the door to yet another song blasting in her pink stereo, violating his ear drums, izumi is walking around her room, in her pink flowered nightgown, tossing her head and swaying her hips to the rhythm of the song with phone in hand, no doubt texting her friends.
At his left he can see a vase of water with flowers in it, looking at it it's more clear that it's not a bouquet of flowers but more a mixture of plants with tiny little white and pink flowers likely ripped from someone's garden. It was kind of cute. But he still intended to ask who his daughter was hanging with.
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herofics · 2 years
Hey again. I just got all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed 2 days ago and I'm still in pain, do you think you could do a comfort with a platonic dadzawa teacher checking up on ill student and a platonic best friends kirishima and kaminari (aizawa separately) thankyou
I did some HCs for you and sorry this took a while again, I  haven’t had much motivation for writing lately so this might be a bit meh
~Kirishima Eijirou & Kaminari Denki~
•When you came back from having your wisdom teeth removed you were still a bit loopy, which the guys found very funny
•But when your mouth was still hurting two days later, none of you found it funny anymore
•Like you were taking a lot of painkillers but it just didn’t seem to help
•Kirishima and Kaminari were getting pretty worried, because you were in so much pain it was super hard to eat anything you had to chew
•Kaminari got the great idea that they should make you a smoothie, because that would be easy for you to eat/drink
•But like, these dudes haven’t really made a smoothie before and they kind of suck at using a blender so it’s a damn mess
•When they finally bring you a glass you’re pretty sure there is a some smoothie in their hair, but you’re too in pain to say anything about it
•All three of you chug your smoothies and it’s very nice to get something a bit more filling than water
•You get better pretty soon after that, and the pain is gone, so you can eat and speak normally again
•Kaminari, Kirishima and you always take care of each other when one of you is sick, or not feeling well
•Sometimes it’s you taking care of the two idiots when they both get the flu at the same time, and sometimes it’s them taking care of you or some other variation of taking care of each other
~Aizawa Shouta~
•You had to be absent from school the whole day, since the whole wisdom teeth removal is a bit of a hassle and the sedative takes some time to wear off
•When you returned to the dorms, you took some pain killers and went straight to bed
•You noticed the pain hadn’t lessened in the morning when you woke up, if anything it had gotten worse
•You dragged yourself to class anyway, but it was really hard to talk, because of the pain and swelling so you just didn’t
•Aizawa noticed your quietness and lack of participation in in the group discussions and asked if you were still in pain from the wisdom teeth removal
•When you nodded, he told you to tell him if it got worse/didn’t go away, and he would send you to Recovery Girl
•You did end up going to the nurse’s office and getting treated, because the pain got pretty bad and you got annoyed that you couldn’t really talk or eat
•Aizawa is like perpetually worried about all his students, and while he looks after all of you very well, he doesn’t always feel like he does
•That evening he comes to knock on your dorm room door to ask if you’re feeling better, and when you tell him “yes” he just nods and tells you “good then” and leaves to go back to grading some papers
•Aizawa is usually pretty casual with his worrying, but it’s nice he pays attention
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ao3feed-izuku-midoriya · 10 months
Thirteen Letters
thirteen letters by blue hazee
It was a painfully average day when Midoriya Izuku died. But not really.
Izuku is hit with an appearance-changing quirk that prevents him from spilling his true identity while class 1A believes he is dead, and carries on through this alternate ego while trying to return to his real body. He sees more about what people think of him as not himself.
Words: 1526, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Asui Tsuyu, Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki, Iida Tenya, Uraraka Ochako, Class 1-A, Jirou Kyouka, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, League of Villains
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi, Class 1-A & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Iida Tenya & Midoriya Izuku, Asui Tsuyu & Midoriya Izuku
Additional Tags: Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead | Dadzawa, Parental Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Crack Treated Seriously, Protective Class 1-A, Midoriya Izuku Has One for All Quirk, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Protective Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku is Bad at Feelings, Hurt Midoriya Izuku, Quirk Accident, Bakugou Katsuki is a Good Friend, Protective Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48844753
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barid-bel-medar · 1 year
How about the trope where other characters are made OC just to make their favorite look better in comparison? I know this is done in a majority of “Dadzawa” fics but, I’m talking about for example, Monoma is made to be way worse than canon in order to make Bakugo better in comparison.
It can irritate the shit out of me. Especially if what you're doing is giving a character traits that belong to a character the fic is then bashing. Like this is very much a criticism I have for a lot of Dadzawa traits. I'm going to leave it there, but this is part of why excluding a few fics that have the trope (and in the case of the one it's not even directed at Izuku) I'll hit the return button and go look for different fic.
Yeah the Monoma one also drives me nuts. The thing is, canonically Monoma is actually an excellent friend and on good terms with all of 1-B. Remember, during the first part of the SF all the 1-B kids follow a plan he came up with. When Setsuna's team loses their match during the Joint Simulation Arc he goes to comfort her. Yes there's the neck chop thing Kendo does, but it's also clearly being played for comedy from a meta perspective. Even his shit with 1-A is a very real (one sided) rivalry thing. Hell, his taunting thing also? With how his Quirk works, much like with Shinso's Brainwash, he needs people to slip up. He needs people to be distracted. Only when that's happened can he Copy the Quirk, and hope for the best (ex: attempting to do it with OFA but not being able to since the base is a stockpile which he notes as being something copiable but not usable).
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ao3feed-tododeku · 1 year
Waiting for Something to Earn
waiting for something to earn by themoonisdead
“We're fine,” Dabi reiterates more forcefully. Aizawa notes that he does not use his Quirk. “We'll get out of the street and be out of your hair. No need to concern yourself with us, sir.”
He cannot allow these two to simply return to the Todoroki home. Explaining the existence of an older son he's never before heard of aside, Aizawa does not trust that Endeavor is any better at handling issues with his family than he is at handling civilians. The fact that said son is an infamous Villain intent on dragging Endeavor to Hell attests to that.
“That's not possible. Do you know why you're bleeding? Where are we now?” And because he regularly works with children who use snarky defiance in defense of themselves, Aizawa quickly adds, “Do not say Japan. We're in Fukuoka.”
Todoroki gasps. “Oh, did we escape, Oniichan? I don't remember.”
Aizawa sighs. That language doesn't leave much up to interpretation. Of course Dabi of all Villains has a traumatic backstory. Dammit.
or: age regression fix-it fic! feat. bamf dadzawa
Words: 11566, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Todoroki Shouto, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Background & Cameo Characters
Relationships: Dabi | Todoroki Touya & Todoroki Shouto, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Dabi | Todoroki Touya, background dabihawks, background erasermic, Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Age Regression, Dadzawa, EraserMic Family, no love family sorry, Hero Public Safety Commission Bashing, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor Bashing, neither one is here but their spirits are, Good Sibling Dabi | Todoroki Touya, everyone is trying their best, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff and Humor, Dabi | Todoroki Touya & Takami Keigo | Hawks are Childhood Friends, Body Horror, lots of children's movies, Not Canon Compliant, don't come for me over the ooc bits, im but a humble little instagram farmer cherry picking what i like, that's dramatic it's not that ooc, probably, it's cathartic and soft, Additional Warnings In Author's Note
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46385998
More Dadzawa Stories
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 21 days
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recipro-turbo · 1 year
the blood through your bandages
Rating: T Word Count: 2.1k Notes: Inspired by a thought Cardi had on the BNHA Twitter Refuge Discord. Originally posted to AO3 January 2023.
Tags and content warnings: blood/injury, implied/referenced self-harm, engine tune-up, dadzawa
At his brother's suggestion, Tenya Iida undergoes the painful process of tuning up his engines―the act of ripping out his baby exhaust pipes to allow for new, stronger ones to grow in their place―on his own in the forest. Unfortunately, the aftercare isn't something he can properly tend to when he's loopy with blood loss.
It's a good thing Shota Aizawa catches him just as he's returning to the dorms.
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In a lot of ways, Tenya Iida takes after his older brother, Tensei. Most of these were good qualities to have, in Shota’s eyes―responsible, earnest, approachable―but the worst quality they shared was the masochistic lengths they’d go to better themselves.
Shota doesn’t make it a habit to get involved in his students’ personal lives. It isn’t rational to do so, and it only leads to unnecessary attachments. Of course, his concerns about attachment had been thrown out the window long ago for this batch of problem children, so maybe it was inevitable that he’d end up finding Iida limping back to the dorms just after he finished room checks.
He’s ready to go for his capture weapon when he finds Iida’s legs are bandaged. Poorly, at that. That’s Shota’s first indication that something is wrong. The next is how unsteady Iida seems to be on his feet, every step uncertain.
“I apologize for my tardiness, Aizawa-sensei,” Iida says, his usual energy gone. He doesn’t even chop at the air. “I will accept any manner of discipline you deem―”
“Are you all right?”
Iida blinks. “Oh! Yes, sensei, everything’s fine!”
Shota approaches Iida, eyes going to the bandages wrapped around his calves. When he sees the backs, he finds that they’re stained red.
“Are you aware you’re bleeding through your bandages?”
Iida jolts. Clearly, he was not. Shota sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. These kids were going to be the death of him. “Get inside. I’ll take a look at them.”
“Ah, there’s no need to trouble yours―”
“...Yes, sensei.”
Shota follows Iida into the silent dormitory, nudging him towards one of the sofas while he continues to the kitchen. He takes a can of orange juice from the fridge, returns to the common room and wordlessly hands it to Iida, who accepts it with a nod of gratitude.
The first aid kit Iida had been carrying with him sits open on the coffee table, still stocked with more than enough supplies for Shota to tend to his wounds. Starting with the right leg, he begins to unwind the bandages around Iida’s calf, expecting to see training-related injuries.
He does not expect to find six bloody holes where his class representative’s exhaust pipes should be. The skin just inside the ports is red and irritated, broken in places. Though most of the blood remaining on his skin is from wounds that have started to close up, the two holes near the bottom of his calf are sluggishly bleeding.
“Iida,” Shota asks, managing to keep his voice steady, “what happened?”
“I was tuning up my engines,” Iida answers, like it’s the most normal thing in the world. “Tensei told me it’s an Iida family secret. By removing my old exhaust pipes, stronger ones will grow in. It maximizes speed, minimizes fuel consumption, and should allow me to move at top speed for longer periods of time.”
Despite the way he slurs some of his words, Iida speaks with pride―Shota finds it hard not seeing the sweet, cheerful four-year-old he used to babysit when Tensei was called in last-minute for patrol or to respond to an emergency. Tenya’s admiration for his brother had only grown over the years, especially during the months following his involuntary retirement at the hands of the Hero Killer. It was touching and all, but that admiration lead to some incredibly idiotic decisions.
“And you chose to do this on your own in the forest,” Shota says, putting pressure on the ports still bleeding. “Why not approach me? Or Recovery Girl? She would’ve at least healed your wounds.”
Iida pauses, taking a swig of his orange juice. “I suppose some part of me assumed that you would get the wrong idea. That, ah… you might believe it was a form of self-harm.”
Shota knows he could probably make that argument. It wouldn’t be the first time Iida let himself needlessly suffer―the compression sleeve he still wears on his left arm from time to time is proof enough―but his class representative isn’t one to lie. He never has been, even when he was just a little kid.
“Tenya, I won’t say I wouldn’t have had any reservations about this,” Shota says, “but what if something went wrong? Doing this on your own could have caused unnecessary damage to your engines or to your legs. You may have already damaged something.”
Iida tenses up, tightening his grip on the can.
“You’re sixteen. Tensei didn’t tune up his engines until his third year. Why he told you now, I don’t know, but you were not ready―”
“With all due respect, Aizawa-sensei,” Iida says, “I disagree.”
Shota looks up from his work, an eyebrow raised. Iida’s expression is something stern, determined.
“Tensei’s class was not relentlessly targeted by villains. He was not put into a position where obtaining a provisional license and taking on a work study a year ahead of schedule was necessary to ensure his safety. Perhaps I did go about this the wrong way, and maybe it is too soon, but that’s no different than what we’ve already been through. What’s one more item on the agenda fast-tracked to ensure I’m equipped to keep my classmates safe?”
It’s a fair enough point. A rational argument. Shota can appreciate that. That still doesn’t change the fact that Iida has lost enough blood to make him unsteady on his feet. It was a miracle he even made it back to the dorms, even if he was late.
“First thing in the morning, I expect you to go to Recovery Girl,” Shota says, leaving no room for argument. “I can keep your wounds clean and bandaged, but I’m not the person who can tell you if you’ve caused yourself lasting harm.” He pauses for a moment before tacking on, “I also expect a written apology for not being back by lights out by tomorrow evening.”
“Yes, sensei. I apologize for causing such trouble.”
“Save it, problem child.” Despite his choice of words, Shota’s tone is fond, tinged with an affection reserved for someone he considers family. If Iida notices, he doesn’t mention it.
A comfortable silence settles over them as Shota cleans away the mess of blood. If Iida is in any pain, he makes no verbal indication of it. As he works, his mind goes to Tensei.
Shota knows that Tensei thinks highly of his little brother. He also knows that having his pro career ended far too soon had probably fucked him up a lot more than he was willing to acknowledge. Tensei wouldn’t knowingly force his own ambitions onto Tenya, but this doesn’t feel like information Ingenium would give to someone who hasn’t even completed his first year in the hero course. This feels like someone trying to live vicariously through someone too blinded by adoration and self-consciousness to see it.
He applies ointment and wraps fresh bandages around Iida’s right calf before moving to the left. The bandages are in a worse state than they were on the other leg, like they’d been wrapped by a preschooler. The bloodstains are larger, darker. Shota grimaces as he begins to unwind the bandages, wondering if he should give Recovery Girl a call after all.
The ports on Iida’s left calf are messier, but Shota is relieved to find that they don’t appear to be in any worse condition than those on the right. All six are still bleeding, but it appears that it’s slowed down to the point where he’s certain Iida isn’t in any real danger. He begins the process of cleaning the wounds, taking great care to not reopen any that appear to have just stopped bleeding.
By the time Iida’s left calf is wrapped in clean bandages and the first aid kit has been packed up, it’s roughly an hour past lights out. Shota gently eases Iida’s legs off of his lap, moving to stand up. “Alright, let’s get you to bed.”
Iida must be exhausted, because he doesn’t try to refuse Shota’s help when he guides him over to the elevator, a steadying hand on his shoulder. He all but collapses onto his bed when they reach Iida’s room, eyes sliding shut the moment his head hits the pillow. 
Shota feels the corners of his mouth quirk up into a fond smile as he pulls the blankets up over Iida. He gently pulls off his glasses, setting them down on his nightstand. Once he’s sure his student is settled, he heads for the door.
“Goodnight, Uncle Sho.” Tenya’s voice comes out soft, so quiet Shota thinks he might have imagined it. 
“Goodnight, Tenya,” Shota says, the door shutting behind him with a quiet click.
The moment Shota is in the privacy of his room in the teachers’ dormitory, he makes a phone call.
It’s late. Normal people might let it go to voicemail, but Tensei Iida answers on the second ring. “Iida speaking,” he says, very clearly still half asleep.
“You’re a goddamned idiot, Tensei.”
There’s a pause. “I’m not going to say you’re wrong, Shota, but do you mind giving a guy some context?”
“Tenya wasn’t back by lights out,” Shota says. “He came back just as I was heading out to track him down, and his calves were a mess.”
“Oh! So we have this tradition―”
“―where you rip out your exhaust pipes and let new ones grow in. I know, the kid explained it to me.” Shota sits down on his bed, kicking off his slippers. “He was bleeding a lot. I don’t even know how he managed to get back to the dormitory in the state he was in.”
“Is he okay?” Tensei asks, suddenly a lot more alert.
“He’s supposed to see the old lady tomorrow morning just in case, but as far as I can tell, Tenya’s fine. He’s sleeping it off now. I’m just hoping his ports look worse than they actually are.”
He hears a sigh on the other end of the line. “That’s good to hear.”
“Why’d you tell him about this, anyway?” Shota pinches the bridge of his nose. “Your parents made you wait until you were a third year before they allowed you to tune up your engines, and you didn’t do it on your own.”
“Hang on, he did what―”
“Tenya went out to the forest to pull his exhaust pipes. He told nobody. Not me, not Recovery Girl, not any of his classmates.”
He hears Tensei curse. “I told him to have someone there in case he passed out―”
“Did you think he would listen?”
“I… yeah, I assumed he would.”
Shota lets out a tired sigh, feeling some of his irritation towards Tensei melt away. “There’s a lot you missed, Tensei. I doubt Tenya has brought it up, since you had your own shit to sort through, but he and his classmates have gone through so much and we’re only part way through second semester.”
Shota knows that his friend has had a rough year. The one time he did manage to visit Tensei while he was in the hospital, he had been a shell of the man he was, trapped in a medicated haze while the doctors tried to save his legs. Nobody had told him about Tenya’s encounter with the Hero Killer until well after the fact, when he was recovered enough to handle the news. Tensei didn’t get to see the extent of his little brother’s grief and rage through the thick fog of painkillers, and with the dorm system in place, he doesn’t get to see how Tenya’s own trauma at Stain’s hand affects his actions even now.
“Tenya is a good kid,” Shota continues. “You’ve taught him so much. Your guidance has made him into a capable leader and has put him on the path to becoming a great hero. But I don’t think you understand just how much he looks up to you―he’s got it in his head that he has failed you, and his way of atoning is pulling shit like prying out his exhaust pipes in the middle of the forest without telling any of his teachers.”
Maybe it’s a lot to drop on someone, but Tensei needs to hear it. Thankfully, Tensei isn’t the type to get defensive―if he were, Ingenium wouldn’t have been known for being a team player.
“Shit… I’ll need to talk to him, then,” Tensei says. “Tomorrow, after he’s had some rest.”
“Please do. Tenya follows orders and takes lessons seriously, but when it comes to his mental health, you might be one of the few people in his life who can get through to him.” Shota absentmindedly rubs at his tired eyes. “I’ve got essays to grade. Have a good rest of your night, Tensei.”
“Yeah, you too, Shota. And thank you for looking after Tenya.”
Shota smiles. “I always look after my family.”
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