#requests open :)
bunnis-monsters · 2 days
bunny lamb hybrid snuggling up to reader, head resting against her tummy, complimenting it, saying they're glad reader's tummy is so big, its like a pillow. So warm too, they're very cold (windy day).
He just needs comfort sometimes. It’s scary, being a prey species in the hybrid world. He’s often picked on, singled out and bullied for being weak and small.
But you’re different! You play with his fluffy ears and give him forehead kisses, letting him snuggle into you and bury his face in your chubby belly.
You’re so warm and soft, always defending him and making sure you’re a safe place for him to go to… of course he’d fall in love.
Your plump thighs and soft arms made cuddles all the better! Being with you was like being surrounded by a plush and warm cloud… he never wanted to leave.
During a particularly cold and windy day, he stared at you, his eyes a little hazy with tiredness. He shivered slightly, his warm cardigan not doing the trick.
He put his hand on your thigh, looking up at you with his pleading doe eyes. You smiled, laying down, and he instantly dove into your arms, his little fluffy tail wagging furiously.
The outside world was harsh and cold, but here, in your soft and chubby arms, he was safe and warm. No one could hurt him here…
“I love you…” he murmured into your neck, his pink nose twitching as his cheeks turned red. He was surprised when you cupped his cheeks and pulled him into a soft kiss.
“I love you too…”
Snuggles that day were a little warmer than usual… probably because of how much he was blushing… and how happy he was to be all yours~
SFW TAGLIST: @sunset-214 @strawberrypoundtown @avalordream @icommitwarcrimes @chubbumblebee @im-eating-rn @anglingforlevels @kinshenewa @pasteldaze @j3llyphisching
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anam2s · 3 days
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Hercules beetle doodle!
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moonydustx · 2 days
giving them a hickey headcanon (Law,Zoro,Luffy and Mihawk)
Hi Hi! All good? I'll start with a small warning: I know it should have been hc but I think I got mixed up in the format (each story actually came out differently). And each one looked a little NSFW, but I swear there's nothing explicit or very detailed. I hope you enjoy!
Some came out with more dialogue, others with much less. Yeah, I really got lost in the format.
requests here | rules and guides | masterlist
warnings: Luffy isn't so innocent in this one. Pre-established relationship. Amor is the equivalent of love in Portuguese-BR.
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Not that Luffy was innocent, but he had never paid attention to the fact that hickeys existed and how carnal they could be. And regarding your relationship, things used to be lighter and calmer between the two of you.
The first time he saw it wasn't in you. He was walking around the Sunny's deck and saw Zoro sleeping, as usual. He approached slowly and saw the stain on his neck.
"Who did you fight with that hurt you like that?"
"Don't bother me Luffy." Zoro grumbled, pushing the captain away with his hand.
"Did Zoro get hurt?" Usopp leaned into Luffy's side, as did Chopper. "That's not a bruise."
"It's a bruise, but it's light." Chopper concluded.
"You idiots, have you never seen a hickey in your life?" Nami grumbled.
"I already knew! The great captain Usopp already won one..."
"A hickey?" Luffy asked himself more than the others.
The matter remained forgotten in his mind, until you appeared in front of him later that day. The sun was already setting when you found him sitting on top of the Sunny's bow. With little effort and using his help and elasticity, you soon found yourself sitting between your boyfriend's legs, both of you facing the sea in front of you.
"Amor?" his voice pulled you out of the comfortable silence between you.
"Yes Lu?"
"Can you give me a hickey?" he asked, forcing you to turn over your shoulder and face him. "I don't think you've ever given me a hickey."
“That’s not exactly how it works, but…” you let the words trail off in the air.
Your lips placed a small kiss on his cheek, then on his jaw and finally, a chaste kiss just below his ear. At the same point, you placed another wet kiss and finally gave a strong hickey. As soon as the pressure on your lips was released, you placed another quick kiss.
"Well, you're made of rubber, I don't think you'll get marked." You explained and snuggled back against his chest.
"But it felt good." you felt his hand fix your hair and create a space for him on the back of your neck.
Soon after, one of his hands slid down your thigh while his lips repeated almost the same path you had taken and unlike him, you were sure it would be at least painful to the touch, let alone marked.
"Did you like it?" he asked, still leaning against your shoulder.
"Yes." your slightly shaky voice said more than he could ask. It was supposed to be a simple hickey, but Luffy knew how to mess with you.
"Can I have another one?"
"Later, when everyone is asleep."
That meant that in some hidden corner of the ship, you took part of the night to explore each other. It also meant that the next morning, you had hickeys all over your body.
warnings: pre-established relationship, jealous Law in this one.
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He truly believes in that thesis that a strong hickey in the wrong place can be the cause of death, so he will always use small bites, the kind that only serve to make every part of your body shiver - and generate some other reactions too. Except when someone makes him jealous.
Don't misunderstand, Law is a reserved guy, not very interested in public displays of affection, but when you are alone, he is a clingy and extremely affectionate person - after time and time of you trying to win him over to transform the relationship into something more.
He had already shared the fighting field with Kid, victory with Kid, he would never share you, but the pirate seemed insistent on discussing things with you and your laughter echoed anything Kid said. Law already saw red at that moment.
After that, you ended the night in the arms of a version of Law that wasn't so common: jealous, unstoppable and delicious. You were just supposed to take some time and talk in his room. You ended up with all the things from the table on the floor, your panties lost - and probably torn, a trail of hickeys going down to your breasts.
"Trafalgar D. Law..." your voice came out like a scolding as you looked at yourself in the mirror already in his room. "What is that?"
"Just a few marks." he hugged you from behind, kissing one of the purple spots. "Sorry babe, I think I got carried away."
"Don't apologize, other than that, your jealous version brings good results."
"I hope that doesn't mean you're going to let that idiot bother you." he grumbled, placing another kiss on one of the hickeys. "Stay here, I'll get some ointment to ease this."
As soon as he returned, he carefully applied the medicine to each point you pointed out, but with a cynical smile on his lips. He knew the hickeys wouldn't go away fast enough until his next date that day with Kid.
warnings: pre-established relationship, some broader mentions of NSFW content, but nothing explicit. Two uncontrollable drunks.
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He liked to see the effect he had on you, whether it was the slurred speech when he pinned you against the wall, trying not to get lost between the way he looked at you and the proximity of the two of you, or you getting up with the wobbly legs of his bed and spending the next few hours grumbling about being sore - and you always whispered to him that that wasn't a complaint or when he saw you wearing scarves on hot days, or some accessory that disguised the mark on your skin.
Despite this, he didn't like it or used to leave marks on purpose. Even though he enjoyed seeing his love for you embedded in your skin, he knew that hickeys would only attract more questions about what that was, who did that and lots of jokes about the two of you.
However, on the nights lost between shots of sake, hidden in a dark corner and with the two of you numb from the alcohol in your blood, Zoro didn't worry about it. Or with almost nothing.
"Zo, control yourself, this is going to be marked." you lost it in a moan when you felt him capture your skin between his lips.
"Don't tell me you don't like it." he whispered, his lips running down your neck and leaving another mark. "You're mine, aren't you? Let me make that clear to everyone."
The next morning, in addition to the hangover that took over you, you could see the hickeys on your skin. However, this time, you could see the same hickeys in Zoro's.
warnings: brief mentions of NSFW here, this time F!Reader is the "jealous" one in the relationship. In my hc, Mihawk continues to speak Spanish/being Latino.
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He could see your sullen face from meters away and couldn't contain a brief laugh. He knew you hated it when he had to be away to take care of his responsibilities as a shichibukai, but it was a necessary. Knowing it was just a small tantrum from you, he approached slowly, stopping at the edge of the bed and looking at you.
"Still mad that I have to go?"
"Of course! You barely stayed home for two weeks before you had to leave again. They really can't pick another guy?" you grumbled, seeing him shake his head. "I'm sorry I seem frustrated about this."
"Please don't apologize for this." he asked, seeing you drop your sullen expression and crawl over the bed, to where he was standing. "However, it seems my dear wife has some plan."
"Is that pretty girl going to be there?" you asked referring to Boa Hancock and he nodded. "I know there's nothing to be jealous of, but lately you've been spending more time with her than with me."
"And you're right not to be jealous." As soon as you knelt in front of him, your arms hung on his shoulder, sliding through the lined fabric of his white shirt. "No other woman interests me other than you, cariña."
"I know, like I said, I'm just letting my frustrations get louder." your lips began to distribute kisses along his jaw, going down to the back of his neck with white skin. Almost automatically, you sucked, seeing a small hickey appear. "I'm sorry." You pulled away, a cynical smile on your lips.
"If you plan to leave me marked with your love..."
Mihawk began to slowly unbutton his shirt, knowing how much it would excite you. Your hands soon helped him finish the job and your nails slid down his defined abdomen, stopping near the waistband of his pants.
"Make a mess, leave your hickeys on me and I will use them as a reminder of the incredible woman waiting for me at home." He bent down, finding the sensitive spot on your neck and placing a kiss. Soon, his mouth stopped immediately next to your ear, whispering in an almost tasteful way. "And when I come back, it will be my turn to mark you."
a/n: that's it, now my mind will be stuck on Mihawk walking around with his clothes open and hitting everyone's vision with scratches and hickeys.
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blairespandora · 2 days
hiiii can i request smth whumpy??? daryl saying “don’t you touch her” not being able to do anything abt reader being held at knife point. maybe she gets a stab or cut on her side.
A/N: Hii angel <33 tysm for your request!! lmk how you like this! 💕
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Daryl and Y/n were walking towards Alexandria when suddenly a group of 4 men ambush them, holding Daryl down and grabbing Y/N at knife point;
He was instantly filled with anger and panic with how fast this had gone downhill. His body strained against the people who held him down and he struggled against them trying to reach you.
“Get yer’ damn hands off ‘er! Touch ‘er and I will rip ya’ to pieces, dumbass!”
One of the men that managed to hold you hostage put a knife right under your chin and glared over at Daryl with a sinister smile upon his face.
“Now now…you don’t get to give orders here. If you want this pretty thing to stay alive, you’ll get on your knees… and be a compliant little bitch”.
Daryl stared at the man with murderous rage in his eyes, his breathing became heavy, but he slowly dropped down to his knees. You could see that the man was very satisfied with his current power over the situation, and he was enjoying it.
You were trying to silently communicate with Daryl but the pressure of the cold blade against your chin was making it hard to focus and stay calm.
One of the men who was holding him down leaned down with a mocking tone in his voice and whispered to Daryl,
“Your little lady is a pretty one. Think we should keep her with us.”
Daryl’s face darkened greatly when he said that and let out a snarl. He was starting to get fed up with how smug these guys were. “Fuck YOU” he said through gritted teeth, keeping eye contact with you at all times.
The man holding the knife against your chin chuckled as he slowly began to slide it up your face and press the tip against your cheek. A soft red mark started to form as the tip broke the skin and you let out a small gasp
“If you keep talking like that, I might just have to carve her face up a bit…hmm?”
Daryl clenched his hands tightly into fists and bit his cheek to hold himself back from lashing out against the man. His teeth grinded against each other while he just glared up at the men holding him down,
“If you lay a hand on her I will kill you I swear…”
The men all laughed at that threat and the one holding the knife against you leaned down closer to your ear and spoke in a sinister tone
“I’m gonna like keeping you with me…”
His hand slowly wrapped around your neck and softly squeezed.
Daryl’s rage began to reach its boiling point at the sight of his hand around your neck. He began to struggle against the men and was slowly gaining momentum. His strength overpowered the men holding him down and his hands reached up and grabbed one of their throats.
In the struggle the man who had the knife against your neck ended up dropping it and letting go of you to help the men holding Daryl down. They all managed to finally overpower Daryl again and forced his head down into the dirt. The man holding the knife got back up and glared down at Daryl, his anger showing,
“That was a big mistake redneck…”
The click of the safety going off on the gun could be barely heard as you were quickly able to grab a gun from the guys holding Daryl down and with no hesitation, shot all 4 of them in the head before they could even realise what was going on.
When you stood up and fired the gun Daryl just stared at you in shock as the men’s bodies dropped dead to the ground. His breathing slowed down and he could finally breathe normally again. Before you could completely process what you just did, he leaped up and wrapped you in a tight embrace, his face leaning against the top of your head.
you let out a loud cry, the adrenaline seemed to wear off slightly and realised what you've done "Daryl..." you continued to cry into his shoulder,
He held you tightly against him in a protective embrace, letting you cry on him. He whispered soft reassuring words into your ear as his hand ran softly through your hair.
“T’s okay, you’re okay…they’re all gone now…just you and me…”
When your crying began to die down Daryl gently pulled you back just enough so that he could see your face. His hands gently cupped your face and wiped away the tears from your cheeks, trying his best to soothe you.
“Shh…it’s alright darlin’…just breathe…”
You could feel his hands tense up a bit when he finally noticed the deep gash across your cheek, and you flinched slightly when he gently brushed his thumb against it. The anger was beginning to bubble up again in his chest as he gently wiped away the blood dripping down.
He took a deep breath trying to will himself to stay calm. He gently pushed your hair behind your ears and began gently kissing along the cut to soothe it while whispering quietly to you
“It’s gonna be alright…we’re gonna go back to alexandria and clean this wound up…”
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stephreynaart · 1 day
PRIDE MONTH Request Day!
I haven’t been doing much on here, cause I’ve been so busy. I got exciting things in the works.
SO! Color pallet requests!
Send simple requests to my Ask Box along with a pride flag and I’ll doodle em using the colors
So send your requests my way now, and I’ll get to them on stream. Hope to see you there!
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aristenfromwarsaw · 3 days
❤️Vampire Lord x Dark Justiciar 🖤 Request for: @justme111sthings
If you want a nice portrait of your Tav/Tav with lover or another picture from BG3, I accept requests (for free) - more info here. :)
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gemsbokk · 3 days
If you’re still doing requests for characters + the emotion wheel… Nihlus and awe-struck 👉👈 please and thank you (I think you’re style is so fucking awesome I love it)
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There you go anon, Nihlus awestruck by the presence of an unspecified friend :)
Emotion wheel in case someone wants to make a request!
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bwabysart · 2 days
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Me and kurapika doodles!!
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How would Keegan and ramirez react when they heard that fem! Reader has a crush on them?
a/n: yay! Ramirez time!
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-when he first gets told by the nosy recruits at his barrack he brushes it off, shrugging and getting back to his base work
-but the idea haunts him all night, and all day too, the gears in his mind turning
-a girl as stunning as you? Liking him? As if. Recruits love to lie and get him all worked up don’t they- now why would he ever believe that someone as… god, as utterly lovable as you, would love him? Nah
-does he gets utterly bright red when one of the soldiers he was helping brings up how you like him? Yes.
-he is already day dreaming about the thought, he really is a lovesick puppy sometimes. He had so many ideas on things he could do to ask you out, but nothing seems good enough for you
-the idea though, is something he could think about till the end of time, so much so that whenever he looks at your pretty eyes he can feel a little shiver go up him
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~Falling For Him~ Part 1
Bodyguard Giyu x Singer Reader
Tagging: @kimetsu-chan
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Your boss, Haruto, tosses a newspaper onto the table in front of you before sitting down. The newspaper has the mugshot of yet another crazy fan that has broken into your dressing room and attempted to kidnap you. Haruto lets out a deep and frustrated sigh as he supports his chin upon his hands and stares at you.
“Y/n, this is exactly what I am talking about, this is the third time this month someone has shown up and stirred up trouble! You could’ve gotten seriously hurt!”
You let out a groan as you run a hand through your hair, mirroring the sense of frustration Haruto has.
“I know I know but, I don’t think a personal bodyguard following me around is really necessary! It’s kinda creepy!”
Your reply causes Haruto to grunt in annoyance and take off his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose.
“I know you don’t like the idea of someone following you around like a hound dog but it is necessary to keep you safe! People are dangerous and it’s only a matter of time before someone successfully harms or kidnaps you! Just having security is not enough!”
You feel a knot of unease form in your stomach, Haruto had that same look in his eyes whenever he was set on a decision. You knew from his tone and that look that you had no choice…
“This was the final straw, I am hiring you a bodyguard no matter how much you protest, your safety comes first.”
You slump down in your seat and groan, the knot inside your stomach growing.
Your mutter causes Haruto to roll his eyes as he opens his laptop.
“No need to be so upset, I’ll hire the best bodyguard to ensure your safety. You’ll get used to it eventually so calm down and have an open mind. It won’t be as bad as you make it out to be, trust me.”
Here you are, sitting in your dressing room staring into your mirror with a bored and irritated expression. Haruto is currently interviewing bodyguards in his office and it only irritates you further. Why could he not see that you can handle yourself? Sure there are a large quantity of creeps and perverts out there but it was normal for someone such as a singer to experience. Your makeup crew puts the finishing touches on your hair and makeup and leaves you in your dressing room, alone with your thoughts.
You let out a groan and begin to rub your temples in attempt to get rid of the headache that is beginning to form. You hear a ding and you look over at your phone to see a message from Haruto. You sigh and pick your phone up to read the message which says: “I have found a bodyguard fit for your expectations! Come to my office to meet him.”
“Ugh great…perfect timing, I get to go meet some old guy that will follow me around for the rest of my life, I have a headache, and I have rehearsal later. What a perfect day!”
You mutter in a sarcastic tone before taking a deep breath and forcing a smile. You walk out of your dressing room and head over to Haruto’s office. You knock three times on the door and wait until you hear Haruto’s voice.
“Come in!”
His voice sounds from inside and you take another deep breath before turning the doorknob. When you walk inside, you see Haturo sitting down in his chair with a man who is relatively tall and has long black hair pulled back into a ponytail. The man looks at you with a stoic expression and to your surprise, he seems rather young. His dark blue eyes meet yours and you can feel your cheeks heat up.
“This is your new bodyguard, Giyu Tomioka, he scored top of his class and is one of the best bodyguards out there!”
Haruto explains with a grin, Giyu stands up and bows to you before you can hear his soothing and calm voice.
“Hello Y/n-San, I am honored to be working for you.”
He looks back up and sits down once more as he places his hands on his knees. You remain quiet for a couple of seconds before clearing your throat and averting your gaze a bit.
“R-right, thank you…”
“Okay then! Y/n, I have already gone over the rules and schedules for your shows, rehearsals, etc so just go about your day and he will protect you.”
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unpopularwriter25 · 3 days
No request in general but can we get some inosuke x reader stuff? He gets no love in the fandom 😭😭
I love Inosuke 😭 So of course!! Thank you for my first request!!
Guardian of the Boar
Summary: When the fierce and independent warrior Inosuke catches a stubborn cold, he finds himself reluctantly cared for by the last person he'd ever expect - you. Despite his protests and insistence that he doesn't need anyone's help, you persist in nursing him back to health, gradually breaking down his walls and allowing him to see vulnerability in a new light.
Warnings: None. Just fluff
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Inosuke's fierce cough echoed through the small cabin he shared with Tanjiro and Zenitsu. Despite his attempts to brush it off as nothing, the pounding headache and the exhaustion that weighed down his limbs betrayed his facade. Inosuke hated feeling weak, especially in front of others. But this time, he couldn't ignore it.
"What's wrong with you, Inosuke?" Tanjiro asked, concern evident in his voice as he handed Inosuke a cup of herbal tea.
Inosuke scowled, pushing the cup away. "I don't need your pity, Tanjiro! I'm fine!"
"You're not fine," Zenitsu chimed in from his corner, clutching his own blanket tightly. "You sound like you swallowed a boar or something!"
Inosuke grunted in response, burying himself deeper into his makeshift bed of blankets. He refused to admit defeat, but the fever burning through his body left him feeling utterly defeated.
Just then, the cabin door creaked open, and you stepped inside, carrying a tray of steaming soup and a determined expression on your face.
"I brought you some soup, Inosuke," you announced, your voice gentle but firm. "You need to eat something to get your strength back."
Inosuke's eyes widened in surprise, then narrowed in defiance. "I don't need some girl taking care of me. I'm a man! I don't need anyone taking care of me!"
You ignored his protests, setting the tray down beside him. "Whether you like it or not, I'm here to help you. Now, sit up and eat."
Inosuke grumbled under his breath but reluctantly obeyed, allowing you to prop him up against the wall. As you spoon-fed him the soup, he couldn't help but notice the genuine concern in your eyes, softened by the flickering candlelight.
"Why are you doing this?" he muttered between spoonfuls, his voice hoarse.
You smiled softly, brushing a stray lock of hair away from his forehead. "Because I care about you, Inosuke. And I don't want to see you suffer."
Inosuke's cheeks flushed slightly at your words, and for the first time, he allowed himself to lean into your touch, relishing the warmth and comfort it offered.
As the night wore on, you stayed by his side, tending to his needs and offering words of encouragement. And with each passing moment, Inosuke found himself letting his guard down, allowing you to see a side of him that few had ever witnessed.
By the time the first rays of dawn broke through the window, Inosuke's fever had broken, and he felt stronger than he had in days. But more importantly, he realized that sometimes, even the strongest warriors needed someone to lean on. And he was grateful that you had been there for him when he needed it most.
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bunnis-monsters · 3 days
hi, out of pure curiosity, do you write for female monsters, or will your monsters only be male?
I’m willing to write female monsters, I’m just not super interested in it! I prefer male monsters but if I have an idea or I get a good requests I’m more than willing to write for a female monster. It will be WLW/sapphic tho because reader insert will always be fem
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anam2s · 1 day
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California quail (callipepla californica) stamp!
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moonydustx · 3 hours
How about Law x Female Reader, where they switch bodies. It could be unexpected or intentional from Law. There's smut, spicy, and reaction from the Heart Pirates. Before the smut scene, both Law and Reader experience their daily life in their new bodies.😊😂
Hi Hi! All good? I saw your requests and I loved them all, I will do my best to deliver them soon. Just a small observation, maybe I'll do them in just one part (or two at most), I hope you don't hate me for it. Well, let's go!
I believe it would be an intentional change, but I made a small adaptation to your suggestion. And, probably part two would be them applying everything they learned about their loved one's body (that is, more smut)
And yes, below the cut we have a huge story
The Change
Law x F!Reader
warnings: pre-established relationship, they exchange a type of bet, mentions of harassment (nothing explicit or detailed). Smut, they talk a lot because they are two idiots understanding how their loved one's body works. mdni
a/n: I loved writing this! Maybe I got a little lost in the smut, I confess that I have a little difficulty with this topic (but I like writing). Spoiler and a reminder because I don't know if it's clear: during the whole smut they are still in each other's bodies.
requests here | rules and guides | masterlist
Comments, reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated.
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"You wouldn't survive a day in a woman's body."
Ikkaku's speech, surrounded by laughter and glasses of drink spread across the table, dictated how drunk you all were, including the captain himself, since that was one of the nights he allowed himself to have one drink or another.
"I'm sorry, how?" Shachi hung on the other side of the table, indignant at his colleague. "You wouldn't survive a day in a man's body."
"How not?" You settled down on the bench, punctuating each topic mentioned. "Cramps, hormones, stress. The list is long, I wanted to see you get through a week like this."
"They definitely couldn't handle it." Ikakku supported you.
"Captain, what do you think?" Penguin asked and all attention turned to Law, who just denied with a brief and almost imperceptible smile. "Don't tell me you're going to take their side."
"I prefer not to express my opinion." he replied, downing some of the drink
"Is that because you're on their side or because you don't want to disagree with them?" Shachi encouraged, watching you stick your tongue out at him. "The captain is too smart to pick a fight."
"He knows what's good for him." you grumbled
"The question you didn't ask is: would you survive in Bepo's place?" Law diverted the topic to the bear, who was distractingly eating.
"No, definitely not." with Bepo hearing your response and pretending to be offended, the matter ended in loud laughter.
The night passed peacefully, other crewmates joined the table and the night that was intended to relax and clear your head became a meeting - fueled by drinks and stupid topics - between all the friends present there.
The sun was about to rise when you decided to return to Polar Tang and before you could follow the corridor that led to the room you shared with Ikkaku, you felt two arms pull you back and your back hit something.
"Hmm, it looks like tonight I'll sleep alone, see you tomorrow." your roommate laughed and waved.
"I feel sorry for the captain, now she's going to make him pay for not taking sides." Shachi teased the two of you, also leaving and leaving the hallway alone.
Amidst not very steady steps and stolen kisses when you were alone, you and Law arrived in his room. It was a rare sight to see the captain let himself get drunk, but you couldn't deny that it was at least funny and interesting.
"Well, since Shachi brought it up…" you pushed Law, who stopped sitting on the bed, supported by his elbows and watching you take off your clothes. "What's your opinion on men being able to handle being women?"
"I really can't think when you're about to get naked in front of me." he responded immediately and saw you let your arms fall, your bra remaining in the same place. "Okay, I got it, I got it." he laughed.
"Depending on your opinion, we'll stop here." Your light tone indicated that it was nothing more than a joke.
"I don't think either of you could bear to live in the other's shoes, but I have to agree that you women took this matter too seriously." he pointed out and saw you cross your arms. "What are you thinking?"
"I have an idea!" you approached him, stopping millimeters from where he was lying. Your hands went to your bra again and took it off, as well as your panties. "You'll have to live in my shoes for a week and I'll have to live in yours."
"What does that mean?" Inert to any thought other than your naked body in front of him, Law gave you space to sit on his lap. "Do you want me to change us?"
"Yes, just like you did with the Straw Hats." you proposed and saw him just watching you quietly. Trying to give him more encouragement, you moved your hips against his body. His hand, which was just resting on your thigh, dug into your flesh. "Please babe."
"How about tomorrow?" Without much effort, he turned you over on the bed and fit himself between your legs. "Now I have more pressing matters to attend to."
What little was left of the night was occupied by your tangled bodies and almost hidden moans - this was a small problem because when alcohol was in your body and his, it became much more difficult to disguise certain things.
The next morning, you woke up much later than usual. The sheet had become a big lump around you and Law still had you trapped in his arms.
"Good morning my love." you whispered, watching him sink into your neck.
"Good morning my heart." he grumbled, not having much courage to face the day.
"It's tomorrow." you pointed out and saw him finally open his eyes, unsure of what that meant. "You promised!"
"It's hard not to promise something with you like that on top of me." despite him saying that, he knew he was in trouble and that you wouldn't let it go. "Just give me time to properly wake up and we'll sort this out." and despite him grumbling, he couldn't contain his smile when he saw you excited.
After taking a shower and resolving what was most urgent, Law entered the room again, also finding you ready to face the day.
"Everything okay, can we switch?" you asked, seeing him close the door behind him.
"First some rules." he pointed out. "First, this stays between us, second, no doing anything I would never do with my body."
"That includes…"
"The list is long, if you have any doubts about what I wouldn't do with my body, please ask me." You nodded immediately. "And you, any rules?"
"To be honest, I can't think of anything very specific right now."
"Right. I'll definitely regret this." he mumbled the last part just to himself, but you laughed excitedly. "Room. Shambles."
The first thing you felt was butterflies in your stomach and a little dizziness. Soon after, an immediate strangeness took over you when you heard your voice speaking to you.
"It's normal to feel strange at first." Law, now in your body, scored. Your eyes, now his, roamed all over your body, which was also now his. "This is strange."
"Do not tell me." you were startled when you heard the thicker timbre of Law's voice, which now belonged to you. "This is fantastic."
You went to the table next to the bed and picked up the small bottle of water, downing it in one go.
"What are you doing?" Law asked, adjusting the clothes he was wearing.
"I really want to know what it's like to pee in this." You pointed to the waistband of your pants. "I think every woman has asked herself that question."
"I already regret it." he murmured and walked over to you, taking a paper from the pocket of the pants you were wearing. "Before we exchanged, I resolved most of the pending issues that needed more attention, here I left some daily tasks that I need to do."
"And you, will you know what I do?"
"Honey, I'm the captain, if I don't know what my crew members do, I don't deserve that title." He pointed out and hugged your waist, resting his head against your chest.
"Are you really doing this to see if it's as good for me as it is for you?" you pointed out and felt him nod against your skin.
"Its confortable." He knew it was one of your favorite ways to hug him, what he didn't admit was that he loved having you there in his arms too.
"I know." You said, gently grabbing his chin and bringing your lips to his.
At first it was strange, kissing the lips that once belonged to you, but now some of Law's actions were starting to make more sense to you, like having to hold back so as not to turn a small peck into a kiss and then into sex. It was supposed to be just a peck, but it only took a few seconds for your hands to get caught in his hair - again, which was once yours - and little by little your body guided his to the bed.
"No babe." Law asked and you immediately walked away. "No sex while we're changing."
"Really?" you let out a sigh, seeing him nod. Before answering, you did a quick mental calculation. Oh man, Law would definitely regret this. "We'll see!"
"We'll see?"
"Yeah, we'll see." you insisted, moving away from him. By your count, you were ovulating and it was the phase of the month in which your libido was at its highest. That would work on him, wouldn't it?
The first day seemed to be the easiest. Each one occupying a role alone, each one following their own small calendar of tasks. When the two of you passed each other, only a brief glance was exchanged.
The second day, however, was much more complicated. Perhaps due to the more reserved behavior of the two of you, some crewmates were starting to find it strange. It was starting to become almost impossible to hide some things.
"Captain!" Bepo greeted you as soon as you found him, an open map and log sitting on the table. "I needed to clear some doubts with you."
"Of course Bepo, how can I help you?" you walked closer, analyzing the map ahead.
"The log pose finishes recording in one day, and according to this map we found, we might be thrown to this island here." he pointed out. "From what we talked to some locals, it's peaceful."
"Okay and what do you need my help with?" you insisted, analyzing.
"Actually, I just wanted to check with you if we're going out tomorrow?"
"I need to think about it." you lied, in fact you needed to consult the real Law. "Can I give you that answer later?"
"Of course captain!"
"I need to sort out some other things, but if you need to, just call me." you left with a brief wave and smile in Bepo’s direction.
The second act of distrust came from Ikkaku. You and she were supposed to organize the supplies purchased on the island and generally, that was the time you used to chat. This time, however, you seemed quieter than usual. Little did she know that she was side by side with the captain the entire time.
"So, everything is alright in your little paradise?" she tried to start a conversation, seeing Law look as if there was a huge question mark between the two of them. "Your relationship with the captain, you haven't brought any news in a while."
"Everything is alright." he limited himself to saying, not knowing how much the two of you talked about it.
"I imagine so. You know, I think it's really beautiful the way you two take care of each other, even if not in front of us. You seem much happier in the last year that you've been together." She scored and returned to her tasks, still with a small doubt about her behavior.
It was at breakfast on the third day that you ended up slipping and showing off. While Law filled his plate with healthy things and a huge cup of coffee, you grabbed a few pieces of bread and started eating.
"I knew!" Shachi shouted, from across the table. "I knew it all along!"
"Know what?" you asked, trying to maintain the serious posture your boyfriend usually had.
"You two switched places." he stood up, standing behind the two of you. "Bread, we all know Law would kill himself if he ate that." he pointed to his plate. "And coffee, we know you'd rather drink poison."
"I don't believe it, it's true!" Ikkaku approached the dishes, analyzing them. "That's why you didn't want to gossip with me."
"Which is why the captain was in a good mood the other day too." Bepo scored. "I liked this idea of ​​yours."
"Law, what's it like to have boobs?" Penguin asked and almost received a collective elbow from his closest friends.
"How did they do that?" Ikkaku took the lead, only seeing the two of you looking at each other, guilty for having been discovered.
"It's just a scientific experiment, we won't give any more details." Law inveighed and saw everyone look confused.
"It's weird to see her being serious like that, like, I know it's the captain." Shachi tried to keep up and gave up. "You guys are making my head hurt."
"Imagine mine." Law pointed out, making you laugh and attracting everyone's attention.
"I didn't know the captain was capable of that." Penguin teased you as soon as he heard you laugh. "Look, it looks like magic."
"Don't be mean." You asked and stood up. "Now everyone hurry up with this breakfast, it's going to be a busy day and we'll be leaving here in…" you bent down, getting to Law's height. "Babe, the log pose has already registered the next island, when do we leave?" you whispered.
"Tomorrow." he replied, in the same low tone.
"We leave here early tomorrow." you finished, hearing your classmates applaud.
"You don't do that to me." Law, in your body, was indignant, causing even more laughter.
It was lighter now that everyone knew, even if it was against the captain's wishes and led to absurd jokes - and equally absurd questions - but it made your day easier.
That day, you would begin to put your plan into practice. You put on the clothes that you knew would tease you - in fact, would tease Law on your body. Perfume, some buttons open on the shirt, leaving the tattoos showing. Damn, it was hard to stay in your boyfriend's body.
You just didn't expect to see him show up at the meeting point on the island in a short outfit that you only wore in two situations. First, when you were off duty and boarding the Polar Tang and second, when you knew you were going out for a walk and that Law would be your shadow. That situation didn't apply today, but perhaps it would serve as a good lesson.
"What outfit is that?" you asked and saw him move, showing off his clothes.
"Since you guys changed, I thought it would be cool to show him the practicality of women's clothing." Ikkaku winked discreetly at you. Apparently, you and your friend had the same plan.
"I won't deny it, it's fresh." Law just said, the fabric against his body. You stood up and adjusted your shirt and hair, attracting Law's attention. "And you, don't you think it's a little too much."
"No." you replied with a cynical smile. "Good, assigned tasks, we'll meet later."
You hoped everything would work out and you trusted your crewmates too much to know that despite all the jokes, they would help Law just as he would help you. You just didn't expect that when you found yourself again, you would see a Law wrapped in a cape, walking furiously towards you.
"Why didn't you ever tell me that?" He prostrated himself in front of you, watching you laugh.
"Where did you go?" you asked Ikkaku, who was laughing right behind him.
"Only in some sales. Because we need some medicines that we didn't find in the previous purchase, we also need to resort to some not so friendly contacts." she explained.
"You will never, ever go out anywhere like that again." he barked and because it was about being in your body, being smaller than you were in his body, it made the fight cute from your point of view. If it were the other way around, you would be furious. "Better, you don't go out without me by your side."
"Was it that serious?"
"Just some idiots, nothing that was actually dangerous." Ikkaku ignored Law's drama and explained it to you. "He beat some of them up."
"That reminds me that you need to train more, they almost managed to restrain me." Law continued. You just reached out your hand and caressed the top of his head, making him even more irritated.
"Now go tell your little friends how cool it is to be a woman." you pissed him off even more
Night fell quickly and after Law's little drama, you didn't see him around anymore. Except when you went to sleep and found him in the bedroom, trying to reach his shoulder.
"Problems?" you asked, seeing his attentive eyes reach you.
"Just a little soreness in my shoulder after today's fight." he pointed out and you went to him on the bed, sitting immediately behind and taking the role for yourself. "My heart, I'm serious."
"What's serious?" before he continued speaking, an involuntary moan escaped his lips as soon as you began massaging the sore spot. "Were you saying something?"
"That is good." he murmured, throwing his head to the side and giving you more space to work. "But back to the subject, I felt scared today. I know I could take those guys down in seconds, but there was something holding me back, I think it was sensations from your own body."
"I know, I've been feeling some things that I know belong more to your body than to myself." You explained, seeing him nod. "This fear, well, it's common. Every time I meet these types of people I feel this fear, but it doesn't stop me from fighting."
"I need to make some changes, you and Ikkaku will never take on this kind of task again, it's disgusting." he punctuated and gasped when he felt your lips press against the base of his neck.
"This is also a feeling that I know belongs more to my body than your mind." You laughed, letting your lips slide under the skin of his back that once belonged to you.
The shoulder massage began to turn into wet kisses under the skin, your hands slid down his side. One, tracing small pieces of exposed skin and the other, attaching it to his hair and leaving the space that your mouth explored clean. Seeing Law move his hips against the fabric of the bed, you couldn't help but laugh.
"Do you want to review the sex rule?" you whispered in his ear, seeing him gasp. "I know what you want."
"Not yet, just a few days left." Even though the tone of voice betrayed him, Law remained firm in his decision.
At least that's what he thought, or what he wanted.
The worst part about switching bodies, in his view, was that he knew what his body liked - and consequently, you knew about yours. The small problem is that the things that Law liked and that he could use your body to provoke were either too intimate and would give away his plans to you or, if done in a more public place, would arouse an almost crazy jealousy in him - regardless of the body he occupied. As for you, you could take advantage of the fact that firstly: Law was starting to feel his hormones raging, secondly: you didn't need much to attract his attention.
With each touch you gave his body, each time he woke up, you allowed your hands to travel to the places you knew he would like. With each small gesture you saw the small thread that held his sanity inside his body slip away.
The proposal ended the next day, so on the last night you made your final move. The wet body, the tattoos on display and a small towel around his waist was enough.
Law approached you and touched your chest, almost testing what he could feel.
"Okay, I give up on the sex rule." He stated, allowing his hands to find the back of your neck and he stood on his toes to give you a brief kiss. "I'm going to explode if you don't fuck me now."
Without giving space for many thoughts to take over you, you took Law's lips immediately. No calm, no delicacy. Fiercely, your tongue invaded his mouth and you could feel his nails grab the back of your neck, wanting more and more.
A growl escaped you as you felt your cock throb just from that kiss. It was too much for you to bear for long, something inside your body made you want to put Law on your knees and watch him taste what you kept there behind the small towel. Reading your thoughts, you felt his soft hands slide down your back, across your abdomen and one of them rested on top of your cock, stroking lightly over the fabric.
"It feels good, doesn't it?" his voice came out a few tones lower when he disconnected from your mouth, a small thread of saliva that connected the two of you broke. "I can bet it almost hurts just from kissing, you can feel it here." He pressed the part of your skin where the path to happiness was drawn. "You can feel it here too." He let one of his hands enter through the gap in the towel and slide down the entire length of your cock.
"Two can play this game." you pointed out, your hand that was gently holding his hair, squeezed tightly. "The interesting thing is that I thought only I had this kind of desire, but now in your body, it's as if I have to control every instinct."
"What do you want?" the smile on his lips indicated that he at least suspected what was going on.
Relaxing your grip on his hair, you once again took Law's lips to yours, Saliva and lust connected the two of you and for a brief moment, you wished you were a third person, just so you could watch what the two of you were doing.
Your mouth slid to the edge of his ear, some hickey marks being traced on your skin.
"Get on your knees for me, now." you whispered firmly and without even hesitating, you saw him fulfill the request. "I bet you're wet just thinking about it, am I wrong?" you saw him deny it as he pulled back the towel and stared at the dick in front of him. "I could make you beg…" your hands found his hair and a moan escaped your lips as his tongue slid down the entire length. "I could make you choke and I bet your pretty pussy clenches at the thought."
"So we can actually feel each other's instincts? Interesting." Law scored before swallowing your entire cock in one go.
At the same time that the sensation seemed to make you ready to combust, the breath and fresh saliva against your cock left you tied to this earth. You had to control yourself not to push further, to not make him feel even more of you.
The sensation was strange to Law, but at the same time, he couldn't deny that it felt good, that it caused a burning sensation in his center, that made him want to slide his fingers between his legs and give him some of the pleasure you felt but that could wait a little longer.
"Like this, babe, please… So good, take it all for me." you asked in a strangled moan, seeing him look up with innocent eyes.
So that was the vision, that was the fun he saw in having you on your knees for him. It was too good, too good until you saw his lips moving away and even with your hand still tied in his hair, Law stood up.
"I don't want to ruin our little test now." He placed a quick kiss on your lips.
"Test? So you're using this to test something?" you began to gently push him onto the bed.
"No, I'm using this for you to pleasure me, but maybe I can use some information."
"You look so hot being a nerd like that." you pointed out, fitting yourself between his legs.
"Remember: technically, you're the one who looks hot." he laughed at his own observation.
While your lips explored his body, each piece of clothing found a new destination in the room. You could worry about that later. Your hand found the soft skin of her breast and while your lips were attached to one of the nipples, the other was trapped between your fingers. You could feel Law move even more against your skin, looking for some kind of friction.
"What's wrong, honey. Is there a problem?" you let go of your breast and asked.
You felt both of his hands reach you and one of them caught in your hair, directing you back to his engorged nipple, while the other guided your hand to his panties.
"Does this little pussy need me that much?" you asked, just letting your tongue glide over her breasts. Two fingers applied pressure exactly where you knew it would provoke him, only an already soaked fabric separating you from his wet pussy. "This is what you want?"
"Don't make me ask, please." Law grunted, moving against your fingers. "Please, love, please."
"It feels like asking someone who didn't want to ask." You slid your mouth along the remaining length of his body until you reached his intimacy.
Placing a few kisses over the fabric, you saw him cover his face, in a frustrated attempt not to beg for more. God, you wish you had time to make him beg and leave him on the edge, just to watch him become a mess, but that would be for another time. Now, you could barely contain your desire to sink there.
The panties accumulated together with other discarded fabrics and you moved his legs apart, contemplating the excitement that dripped down the lips of the pussy that was now under Law's command. You expected him to beg again or at least ask. However, you watched him slide a hand between your legs, pulling his pussy lips apart and giving him a full view.
"Come here, I know you want to…Fuck!" Law barely had time to speak before you sank between his legs.
That was instinct then, you had barely thought about it before you started sucking him. You started fast, voracious, hearing some moans that were now muffled by his hand, but something pulled you back to reality: you knew exactly what he needed and liked.
You moved away a little just to have space for your hand to place there. Two fingers slid down the entire length of his vulva, lightly caressing her clitoris.
"I'm sorry." You asked, placing a kiss on his thigh. "I know this is better." you pointed out, seeing him throw his head back and muffle another moan. "Babygirl, you're barely able to handle this, and if I…" the words died in your mouth as the two fingers slid to the entrance and penetrated him, the hands on Law's mouth weren't enough to contain his loud moan. "It might be a little too much, but you're going to be a good girl and you're going to take it everything, aren't you?" with the movement of your fingers and your request, you saw him nod with a small groan. "Good girl, I can feel you squeezing me."
Without warning, you again let your lips capture the clit in front of you. In sync with the movements of your finger, little by little you can feel Law constricting you even more - his pussy squeezing you tightly, his legs almost strangling you. It didn't take long for you to feel him cum against your lips, hear him moan loudly and hold his hands against your hair, wanting to keep you trapped there.
You continued slowly, until his body was able to come back from the feeling that every orgasm brought to you. You knew what the experience was supposed to be like for him. Climbing back up, you found Law panting, hands still covering his face.
"Still with me?" you asked and saw him nod. "Need a minute?"
"It's always like that?" he asked and this time it was you who nodded. "Is that why you never let me leave early?"
"Kind of yes." You laughed, placing kisses across his face. "Condoms?"
"You never remember." he chuckled, moving his hand away from his face and allowing you to look at him. "First drawer, at the bottom." he pointed out.
Between the time it took for you to get up, put on the condom and finally slide yourself inside Law, it seemed like seconds. Seconds that could easily be replaced by the eternity you wanted to spend there. You sank into his neck, holding back your own moan as you felt the walls of his pussy around you.
Knowing that you needed a little more encouragement - and maybe concentration to not cum right away - Law let his nails lightly scratch your back, while he kissed the patch of skin he could find.
It took a while for you to understand how it worked and letting instinct guide you, it didn't take long for Law's legs to find themselves against your shoulder as you thrust hard into him.
“Fuck love, ” you groaned, letting his legs fall off your shoulder. "I can't hold it in any longer Law." Instead of speaking, Law moved away just a little and placed himself on all fours, leaving his butt stuck in your direction. "So..Like you once told me?"
"Low game, I know how it feels to see you like this." feeling the tip slide and hit your clit a few times, he just adjusted his hips and let you enter him. "Fuck, so deep. I can feel you…Give it all to me, babe."
Without giving yourself the luxury of thinking - and wrongly, without even asking after all, you knew the curiosity and desire that your body had - you moistened one of your fingers and allowed yourself to caress the other hole. The moan that left Law's lips was intense, almost guttural. You circled the small entrance a few times as you thrust. You could feel your dick throb, the pressure increasing even more each time you heard Law moan loudly.
"Please, I'm almost there. Don't stop, please." amidst sighs and throwing his hips against you, Law begged.
A few more thrusts and you felt him press against you. His shaking legs and tight pussy were enough to make you cum - and honestly, it was much more intense than you imagined.
You took off the condom and threw it in the small trash can next to the bed, eager to finally lay down next to Law and hug him. As soon as he did, you saw him snuggle against your chest and call your name softly.
"Everything is fine?"
"Why do I think I can't walk?" he asked, getting a laugh from you and him. "And why do I think everyone listened to me?"
"We were definitely heard, sorry." you asked, placing a few kisses on his head.
"Is the feeling always this strong?" he asked. "I mean, I see you like this every time, but the feeling is much more intense than the sight. And not to mention, we are two perverts in each other's bodies."
"It depends, sometimes it's more, sometimes it's less." You laughed. "And yes, maybe we are both perverts."
You were silent for a few minutes and as you already suspected it was going to happen, Law yawned and his heavy eyes turned to you.
"Tomorrow we will undo the exchange." he pointed out, his voice much softer than before.
"Yeah, tomorrow we'll undo the exchange ourselves." You sighed and turned to him.
"I can't wait to show you some things I learned."
He said and closed his eyes, letting sleep take him at that moment, it was common when you - when you were in your body - became a mess and were exhausted after a few sessions with Law. Apparently, it was no different with him.
Now, it was just a matter of counting the minutes until you were finally able to show each other the new things you had learned.
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errolluck · 2 days
I'm bored, so...
NOTE: The requests won't be extremely detailed since I'm recovering from a hand injury and can't draw for long periods of time. Mostly lineart or plain coloring.
[In my intro post there is a list of the things that I will and will NOT draw, in case you aren't sure about sending a request]
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bwabys-scenarios · 5 months
Keeping you plugged up with his cock was one of his favorite activities. Wanting to keep his cock warm was just the excuse he used, the real reason was his increasing need to breed.
“Shh, princess… you’ve gotta stay seated a little longer… you’ve gotta keep me warm, okay?”
You whined and writhed, your pussy clenching around him only fueling his urge to get you nice and pregnant. “Please… my tummy, it’s too full…”
The two of you had been going at it for hours, and now he was keeping his cock nestled inside you, filling up your womb to the brim.
“Just be a good girl, okay? My little angel…”
You had a feeling you’d be stuffed full of his cum by the end of the night.
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