#ravenclaw wlw
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Moodboard of Ravenclaw!Hermione x Slytherin!Ginny.
Requested by: anon.
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sitorarts · 11 months
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„At the lake, their love finds its place,
A testament to love's radiant grace“
My first Pandalily drawing!! So excited to share this one.
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Hearts over brooms
pansy parkinson x reader
reader is Ravenclaw and female (she/her pronouns)
warning : very mild profanity (maybe not, my memory fails me, darling)
pure fluff
the library
word count ;; 2.6k
The new Ravenclaw Chaser has caught Pansy's eye
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"Who's that?"
Pansy pointed at the blue dot hovering over the Quidditch pitch, lost in a sea of similarly coloured teammates. It was windy, which made her eyes well up, and the person was too far away to make out her features. But Pansy had studied the Ravenclaw Quidditch team before and recognised them easily — except for that girl.
Not that she was a big Quidditch fan, actually. Draco was, though, and she liked to help him out with intel. Besides, Ravenclaw was excellent; probably better than Slytherin, if she had to be honest. They'd previously won against the two other houses and this was the match that determined their ultimate fate.
It was strange that they'd change up a member in the midst of winning the Quidditch Finals. It was a bad strategy. One of them had to be sick — but she knew everything! How come she hadn't heard of that?
"Who?" Daphne, leaning against Pansy's shoulder to get a better view, squinted her eyes at the Ravenclaw team. They still hovered over the air, waiting for the game to start. "I can't see who you're pointing at, Pans."
She pursed her lips, pointing with more vigour. "That one. In the middle. Next to Sarah Talbott."
Daphne blinked, slightly confused. Sarah Talbott was the Keeper, and taller than anyone on that team. The one Pansy was supposedly pointing at, not so much. It was really hard to see from such a distance.
"I think it's the new Chaser," Daphne said after some thought. "Their best one yet, if you trust the rumours. Can't remember the name, though. Something like... Jone... John…"
"Johnson?" Pansy said in a breath.
Daphne's face instantly lit up as she clapped her hands together. "Yes, that's right, it was Johnson! Y.n Johnson."
Pansy felt like she could melt through the seat. No way! You were the Chaser, and she didn't even know?
"Wait," she said, the nervousness in her tone not going unseen by Daphne, "Do you really mean Y.n Johnson as in the most beautiful girl of our class? The one who sits next to me in Transfiguration?"
Daphne, with all of her candid energy, sweetly laughed. "Well, I wouldn't call her the most beautiful girl of our class, but yes, it's her."
She immediately coughed in embarrassment. "I mean, that's just how the Ravenclaws call her," Pansy said, "You know how they are when one of them doesn't look like an absolute nerd."
"Uh-huh. Sure, Pans. Whatever you say."
"Oh, shut up." And her cheeks rivalled an Australian forest fire. "Why didn't she tell me?"
Daphne shrugged. "Maybe because you're mean? Y.n is no angel, but she looks like one next to you. Now come on, the game's starting."
Pansy couldn't believe her ears. She knew she was mean, but to the point that you, the one she secretly liked, wouldn't tell her such big news like getting on the Quidditch team? Impossible.
Her thoughts, however offended, were blown away by a cold breeze and Madame Hooch's sharp whistle that threw all players into immediate movement. Instinctively, her eyes fell onto your form.
Being a Chaser was probably the hardest position out of all Quidditch could offer. It meant going at very high speeds, being unpredictable, and enduring hard clashes with members of the opposing team. And Pansy knew how Slytherin played — like absolute jerks.
Yet, despite the many setbacks present during the match, such as the strong wind or occasional rogue bludger, you soared through the skies effortlessly. From afar, your form seemed to make one with your broom, escaping through the most narrow of openings, cleverly avoiding the Slytherin Chasers hot on your tail.
The Quaffle remained mostly in your hands as you steadily advanced towards the hoops. Pansy bit her lip in apprehension; was that Montague catching up? Her breath hitched when he swung into you, and the Quaffle almost fell out of your hands; however, a quick swerve to the side and you were back on track.
And then, you scored.
Cheers erupted from the Ravenclaw seats as the announcer attributed 1O points to your team. Pansy had to hold back with all her willpower not to stand up and applaud as well.
The game went on. The rumours were undeniable in her eyes; you really were the best Ravenclaw Chaser. It seemed that you made one with air, faster than anyone else, the most accurate scorer too.
But the highlight of the match — for Pansy, at least — came when the Golden Snitch was finally spotted. Strangely enough, she suddenly didn't care to watch Draco move and begin a chase; all she could look at was you.
And you were there to look back at her.
Well, maybe not look at her specifically, but Pansy saw how your eyes darted to the Slytherin stands.
It was another rough round with (literally) bloody Montague that wouldn't stop trailing you around the field. Evidently, he sought some kind of revenge, and you weren't giving him any opportunities for that. Still, he tried his best to get the Quaffle from your hands and send you plummeting to the ground.
In an effort to avoid his painful jabs, you did a half-circle around the field, conveniently passing right in front of Pansy. You locked gazes at that moment, and she swore she saw you smile, sparkles in your eyes. But maybe it was just the wind, or your tears reflecting the lights.
Whatever it was, it seemed to double your motivation, and you increased in speed, scoring a few seconds later. This time, she couldn't help but crack an enormous grin.
Pansy wanted to believe that it was she who had given you just enough strength to win; that it was her words that had made you smile. That it was how she mouthed 'you can do it' that ultimately made you win the round, and as a result, the entire game.
Ravenclaw was ahead by so many points that even when Draco caught the snitch, Slytherin did not win the Quidditch Cup. And instead of booing, Pansy smiled, watching as you stepped forward to receive the prize, how you rose into the air, indulging in that sweet victory.
"I think you're in love," Daphne said. They were back in the common room, around the fireplace. The atmosphere was heavy from the recent loss, and most had retrieved to their dorms, sulking.
Pansy exhaled sharply, taking a sip of her warm tea. "I've said it a thousand times, Daph. I stopped liking Draco in our third year."
Daphne shook her head. "That's not what I meant." She glanced at her friend then at her hands, picking her nails that were as white as fresh snow. "I saw how you were looking at her. Johnson."
"I don't love her." The lie which Pansy truly believed tasted sour on her tongue, and suddenly her heart constricted.
"I think you do," Daphne continued. This time she made sure to stare into Pansy's eyes, watching without judgement the turmoil that slowly began to brew within. "I'm your friend, you know. I realised it a while ago, even if you didn't."
Pansy shook her head, her throat abnormally dry. And that tea only seemed to make it drier. For a moment, she opened and closed her mouth without any words falling out. Then, slowly, she gathered a sentence. "I can't love her, Daph." It was barely a whisper.
"Why not? She's pretty, a Ravenclaw, generally kind to you."
Too kind, Pansy thought bitterly. You always smiled when she came to sit next to you in Transfiguration, you always answered her questions, and together you worked very well. It was partly why McGonagall had chosen to keep those same seats all those years ago, and Pansy was never more grateful.
But, you were kind to everyone. There was no way you liked her back; or else you would've told her you were on the Quidditch team.
Daphne seemed to read through her frown. "You can always try, you know," she said. "And get those feelings out a bit."
"I can't!" Pansy screeched, earning her a few disapproving looks which she dismissed with an equally biting glare. "I can't," she repeated, quieter this time, "We're an impossible couple, Daph. And... I'm scared of what she might say."
Daphne sighed, shaking her head. "She won't say anything, Pans, come on. You know it. So get your act together and go confess."
"Why are you pushing me?"
She rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Because it annoys me to see you infatuated with her when she's clearly waiting for you to make a move!"
Pansy looked at her friend in shock. "You're lying."
"I'm not!" Daphne audibly groaned. "And you better do it tonight before someone else asks her out. I've heard Montague planned something."
This made Pansy spring up and almost choke on her own saliva. "Bloody Montague," she said through gritted teeth, "I knew he was up to something."
"Then go," Daphne said, pushing her towards the door.
Pansy nodded, suddenly overtaken by a wave of burning resolve, and quickly exited the common room. The dungeons were quite cold at night, but thankfully she knew her way around from being a Prefect. She'd also patrolled around Ravenclaw Tower before, which enabled her from getting there much quicker than she initially expected.
Once she'd gone up a very long flight of stairs, out of breath, she watched the eagle guarding the door come to life. Merlin, she thought, I forgot they have such a system. Pansy wasn't good with riddles.
In its deep, hollow voice, the eagle spoke: "I can travel around the world while staying in one room. What am I?"
She gulped, realising that this was even harder than she expected. "I— don't know," she breathed out, almost in tears. "I'm going to confess tonight, just let me through."
"Who are you going to confess to?"
The foreign voice startled her for a split second, until she realised that it was a voice she knew quite well. Very well, even. It was yours.
Indeed, you were standing behind her, having appeared almost out of nowhere. She couldn't help but notice how ethereal you looked, in a blue dress she'd never seen before. It suited you better than anything else. You looked irresistible.
"Pansy?" you said, coming closer to look at her, "Are you alright?"
She snapped out of her awe-struck state, realising that she was staring. "Yes," she whispered, clearly embarrassed.
You nodded and bit your lower lip, which Pansy knew you liked to do when you thought. "Montague confessed a few minutes ago," you said.
Her breath caught in her throat. "Did you say yes?" The words were hard to utter, sticky like the fears that could be coming true.
You maintained a straight face, basking in silence, until her distraught expression made you erupt into a fit of giggles. "No, who do you take me for!" And all tension disappeared from Pansy's pretty face.
"I was going to bash you for saying yes, actually," she admitted. Bash myself, more like, she added internally. "Thank Merlin you have taste."
You laughed again, oblivious to how your happy smile made Pansy shiver. Such a bizarre feeling it was, love; she simultaneously felt depressed and alarmingly cheerful just by being by your side.
"Actually," you said once you'd calmed down, "I wanted someone else to confess to me." Again, those sparkles in your eyes; as if the Universe was reflected in your expressive orbs. Pansy could gaze at the stars within for hours.
But she didn't have the heart for that; right now, her heart was being shattered. "Who?" she asked, and even though she tried really hard to maintain an even expression, she couldn't help the slight tugging of her lips downwards.
You noticed her growing scowl, and put a hand on her shoulder. She shivered at the touch, the warmth of your palm radiating through her entire body. Oh, how she wished you could touch her more. How she wished she could touch you back. But you didn't like her that way.
"Guess," you said after a long silence.
She gulped, feeling the imminent end of everything she cherished — your smile, the tiny friendship you shared, you as a whole. "I'm bad at guessing."
You were inching closer by now, placing your second hand on her shoulder, and Pansy would've probably exploded from happiness if it wasn't for the dread of hearing a name that wouldn't be hers. "I'll give you a hint," you whispered.
She wouldn't look at you, and stared instead at your collarbone. She really liked your collarbone. It was pretty, well-shaped and elegant. Pansy always wanted to trace its shape with her fingers.
"It's someone I see a lot in Transfiguration. With nice hair and beautiful eyes and... very nice lips." You blushed upon saying that, glancing down at your feet.
"I don't know," Pansy whispered, and her lower lip quivered from the pain of heartbreak which she was actively awaiting.
"Really?" you asked in disbelief, and she nodded. She couldn't think straight anyway. So, you caved in. "Pansy, it's you."
And the world broke; time came to a screeching halt and everything other than you two stopped moving. "What?"
"It's you," you repeated, until suddenly you weren't so confident any more. Yet, you ploughed through, facing her confused stare with as much integrity as you could muster. "It has always been you, actually. I— well, for one, I think you're cool. You're pretty and your voice is nice and you're so funny. Also you listen to me, you hardly ever interrupt me when I speak and you're always attentive to what I do. I like your personality, you're easy-going when you want to be despite the harsher image you project, and you're very sweet with me."
You bit your lip once the horrible vomit of words you'd spewed at her was finished. Her expression was unreadable, until she suddenly broke into a flimsy smile. One that really made your heart ache from its beauty.
"I wanted to confess, you know," she said. "But I guess you didn't let me."
It felt like the happiest day of your life, the feeling mirrored by your wide grin that made creases appear next to your eyes. "You don't know how happy I am. Can I... kiss you?"
"Please do." And she leaned in.
The kiss you shared was tender and soft; your hands tangled themselves in her hair while hers carefully drew the outline of your collarbone which you found to be quite ticklish. You only broke away once you couldn't contain your giggles.
"Sorry, that tickles," you said, regaining your breath.
Pansy grinned, purposefully doing it again, earning her an adorable squeal. "Oh," you exclaimed, remembering something, "Do you mind entering the common room with me? I have a gift for you."
"A gift?"
You sent her a wink. "Why do you think I joined the Quidditch team?" She blinked, not fully understanding what you were getting at. So, you explained. "I won the Quidditch Cup for you, dummy. I wanted to confess to you right after, but you were already gone."
Pansy looked at you with wide eyes, not believing her ears. "You mean... That's why you didn't tell me about it?"
You hummed. "Yeah. You're not mad, are you? That I kept it a secret."
"I couldn't be even if I wanted." And she planted a kiss on your cheek. "Use it as an opportunity to tell everyone you're mine now."
You laughed into her lips as she leaned in for a peck, wallowing in her soft touch. "Oh, I will, Pansy. Now everyone will know that the prettiest girl of our class is dating me."
"And only you," she whispered.
There had never been a wider grin on your face. "And only me."
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kind-hufflepuff · 1 year
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stxrliasfics · 6 months
Inspiration Saturday
thank you @silassstingy for tagging me!! i recently fixed up my moodboard for a fem oc x cho chang fic that i’ve been working on for a year now. i thought i’d share it!!
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(idkkk who to taggg! if anyone wants to participate they can!)
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Femslash February 2023
Helga learns something new with her muggle students and shares it with Rowena. - Helga Hufflepuff/Rowena Ravenclaw
wc: 319 | ao3 | femslash february: day 14 | fluffuary (@fluffbruary): day 14, idea - teach | hp shipuary (@hpshipuary): day 14, Helga Hufflepuff/Rowena Ravenclaw (free day - any ship) | hp saffics femslash bingo (@hpsaffics): fluff, established relationship, inter-house relationship, founders gen | femslash february prompts (@disorientedrabbit): 014, valentine's
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birlwrites · 11 months
my brain says you have enough wips my heart says lily-centric gen megafic in which she kills voldemort with the help of marlene, dorcas, and professor mcgonagall
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fandomzwriterk · 1 year
Oh how I want to pay someone to draw my MC’s and their respective partners… *cough cough* (they’ve been inserted below *cough cough*)
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Gryffindor MC: bottom right (bi & Sebastian’s lover)
Slytherin MC: bottom left (gay & Ominis’ lover)
Hufflepuff MC: top left (pan & Garreth’s lover but did crush on Amit for a little while)
Ravenclaw MC: top right (lesbian & Poppy’s lover)
Any questions? Don’t hesitate to ask!
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jenjen4280 · 2 years
Those Icy Fingers Up and Down My Spine (That Same Old Witchcraft When Your Eyes Meet Mine) by @dreamsaremywords is available to print on demand! It’s one of my favorite Clexa fanfics.
It’s an epic story of the rise of dark witch known as the Ice Queen who seeks to start another wizard world war and the witches and wizards who stand against her (Clexa and crew).
I got my copies earlier this week and the books are massive and nice editions. I’m a print media gal and I’m looking forward to re-reading it (again) but this time I’ll be holding a book in my hands!
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rainbowskittle · 1 year
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Moodboard of punk Ravenclaw girlfriends.
Requested by: anon.
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mayintentaescribir · 3 months
𝐋𝐚𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐬 𝐝𝐞 𝐑𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐰
Aurora tuvo el peor destino para alguien de la familia Black, ser seleccionada en una casa distinta a Slytherin. Aunque no está sola en sus penas, dicha suerte le tocó a su hermano gemelo Sirius. Los reproches de su familia y las diferencias que sostiene con sus compañeras de casa forman una poción explosiva para el desastre. Deberá elegir entre seguir sus sueños o quedarse atrapada en las despiadadas garras de su seno familiar. La historia narra los años escolares de Aurora y las otras cuatro chicas, explorando el mundo mágico a profundidad. Viviendo los típicos dramas de la adolescencia, las amistades con las chicas de Gryffindor y los primeros amores, sus años en Hogwarts dejarán una huella irremplazable en sus memorias. Luego, atravesarán la guerra contra Lord Voldemort, con deslices y victorias.
"𝑃𝑜𝑑𝑟𝑎́𝑛 𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑟 𝑡𝑜𝑑𝑎𝑠 𝑙𝑎𝑠 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑠, 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑜 𝑛𝑜 𝑝𝑜𝑑𝑟𝑎́𝑛 𝑑𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑎 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎".
𝑃𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑜 𝑁𝑒𝑟𝑢𝑑𝑎
☆ Capítulos nuevos todos los miércoles ☆
Posteado también en Wattpad:
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rewritingcanon · 2 months
victoire weasley headcannons NOW pleaseee
looks almost the exact same as her mum and has her mum’s personality (with a little bit of bill fused into her)
she has the oldest daughter mentality where she always needs to be StressedTM over something. even when she has nothing going on in life she will create an issue to be worried over. when she was younger this was hard for her to emotionally handle but she has gotten better at pretending she is sane over the years
this also led her to do med school. idk healer vic is something so personal for me. idk what exactly she’d be doing but i know it would be in the big buck areas. a dermatologist or a optometrist or a surgeon or something. she’s smart as hell.
very particular about presenting a good image for her family. she was the oldest weasley in the new generation and so she knew she had to present herself in a certain way, and she never thought she minded until she was suddenly 18 and having an identity crisis
furthermore, the rita skeeter incident with her and teddy nearly killed her. shes been through some traumatic shit but that was crossing the line
gets into so many fights with dominique because both of them are polar opposites and are jealous of each other for completely different reasons. dominique wishes she can fit into the mould like victoire so easily does, victoire wishes she could be as free and uncaring as dominique is. both don’t understand each other
HOWEVER victoire and dominique are the ultimate soulmates. it doesn’t matter how much they fight, they’re very close. dominique rants to her and sends her memes victoire can’t understand and victoire will still pay for dom’s meals when theyre out bcuz it doesn’t matter how old dominique is, she is still her little sister. and victoire retains every last piece of dom’s friendship group drama, and stalks them all on social media silently judging the shit out of them
no seriously victoire and dominique are The Siblings like the most important relationship in each others lives i could write essays on my hcs for their dynamic. ask me about headcanons for them specifically and i will go into LOTS of detail
anyways. victoire loves journalling in sparkly ink from wizard smiggle. is the type to write “heart diseases” in glittery pink aesthetic cursive.
she absolutely rocked the 2010s. probably had a minecraft streaming channel with teddy.
i have also made a huge amount of tedoire headcanons here so i will keep this post relatively free of them hehe
every song MARINA ever sings is about victoire tbh
she’s a ravenclaw to me, which made her a little insecure because everyone sort of assumed weasley = gryffindor, so she had to change her brand a little bit and establish herself as a delacour so people would lay off her. it helps that shes as insanely pretty as her mother
sucks ass at quidditch but no one will ever know because she graciously avoided flying at all costs (she can do enough to pass the compulsory flying classes but that is IT)
loves legally blond the movie
cosplays as annabeth chase for every fucking halloween party because she literally only has one costume and refuses to buy more
bisexual but she didnt know until she started dating teddy and liked them just as much when they would metamorph into a girl. then she started connecting all the dots… that one traumatising breakup with that friend who ditched her for their bf…. how all her fav songs are wlw songs… why she likes gina gershon from bound so much…
dressed like gwen stacy in the amazing spiderman movies. long socks. polished black high heels with straps. brown woollen vests and cream coloured shirts with frills. pink lip gloss. ALWAYS in headband season. very fem academia.
very outwardly polite and nice to other people but always retains a sense of distance. she wants to be close to people but she doesn’t know how to build those connections— she’s very scared of being hurt or betrayed so she sticks with people she’s already known before her walls went up.
used to be a little dictator when her, dom, and louis played games around shell cottage. she would make all the rules and be very strict about following it all. dom and louis were useless at games without her, because they couldnt make rules where there were stakes and it wasn’t fun without them. yknow, older sibling shenanigans.
pretended to be supportive but cried for three hours silently in her dorm when both dom and louis and ALL OF HER COUSINS were sorted into NOT ravenclaw
always mained princess peach in mario bros games and would get genuinely pissed when someone took her instead
reads booktok books… sorry… shes a STEM girlie…
secretly has a big appetite towards meat.. definitely not inherited from her dad… definitely not haha (she went vegetarian for nine months to try and stop herself and it literally almost killed her she was hangry all the time)
can speak french fluently and better than her siblings can
has like five beauxbatons penpals excluding the maternal cousins
this isn’t even all of them but i will leave her here for now. i LOVE VICTOIRE so so so much dawg..
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kind-hufflepuff · 1 year
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quillkiller · 16 days
Tell me some of your quillkiller headcanons 🤲
i would love to!!!!
so i’ve talked about some of my hc’s before (while drunk…..) here and kara my beloved talked about her hc’s pretty recently here and i agree on every single thing (obviously) <3
me and kara can go on and on about them……… and if either of us say anything about them it’s pretty much always safe to say we’ve yelled about it in detal in our texts beforehand ahdhjsjdjf
so i’ll try to talk about other ones!!!!
to me, and honestly the main reason i was so drawn to them, they’re both giant man hating dykes. i love a lot of other wlw ships but most of them are always so deeply involved with their male friendships (marauders or skittles) but neither rita or bella have this/are apart of this. they’re both just manhating dykes and don’t understand why anyone would willingly form relationships with men if they don’t have to
which is interesting when it comes to bella, because she’s the one who eventually has to. she marries rodolphus, and she’s always known that even if she is a lesbian it doesn’t matter. she doesn’t have authority over her own life and she’s never even entertained the idea that she would. not even when andy and sirius leave. she just sees that as betrayal and weakness, and thinks her self sacrifice means strength.
however! bella and rita still sleep together after bellatrix gets married. it doesn’t really change anything. bella didn’t marry for love and she’s highly aware that rodolphus didn’t either. i personally don’t even think they slept together since they didn’t have children. rodolphus is just bellatrix’s husband, and in pureblood families that doesn’t necessarily or even usually involve being in love. bella is a lesbian and rita is the love of her life and letting her go simply because she has a ’husband’ genuinely doesn’t make sense to her (if u want hc’s about rodolphus go to @sugarsnappeases ……. ive been eating them up)
rita is unmarried in canon, which to me also solidifes the theory that she’s a dyke. she’s more free than bella, so she just never marries. wouldn’t even touch a man with a gun to her head
rita’s taller than bella!!! bella is the shortest black sister and i hc rita as quite tall. i’d say she’s atleast a head talled than bellatrix
ive said it before and i’ll say it again: rita is the more morally fucked up one when they first meet. bella is a small minded teenage girl with doormant dark urges. she’s always been a follower. rita is manipulative, morally corrupt sneaky, selfish and a cheat. she’ll do almost anything if it gives her what she wants. she’ll spill peoples secrets, stalk people, blackmail, threaten. bella, being a follower, devotes herself to rita like a dark knight, sees a freedom in rita that she’s endlessly drawn to.
they get together in 6th or 7th year and bellatrix is the one to kiss rita first. rita’s been pining for years but was never going to embarrass herself by showing her cards, making herself vulnerable. they’ve been friends since third year and bella sneaks into the ravenclaw common room almost every night
neither of them actually thinks it’s going to last, both painfully aware of their situations. especially bella’s. but they keep whispering empty promises to each other.
it DOES last. even though bella gets married. they’re still seeing each other, neither of them willing to stop. rita even thinks it’s enough. then bella meets voldemort and everything goes downhill from there because rita might be fucked up, but its always been for selfish reasons. for her own gain. she’s not a follower like bella— and even rita can’t follow down this path of genocide and war. she’s actually shocked to realise she has a limit
rita’s a natural redhead but spells her hair blonde. bella is the only one who knows.
bella loves buying rita things. clothes, jewellry, quills, expensive papers. rita loves recieving gifts.
they make each other laugh a lot. i know it’s a popular hc that they’re just miserable and toxic all the time, but that’s not my truth. yeah they’re both morally fucked up, but they’re happy. they make each other happy and they joke, mess around, play fight, do pranks, send each other notes in class. they’re also just teenage girls to me <3 neither of them are evil when they’re at school
their first time is out on the quidditch pitch behind the bleachers on an especially hot summer night right before summer hols. it’s nervous and gentle, trembling hands undressing each other
they’re attached at the hip at school, except for classes when they have to be apart. you almost never see them apart. to me they’ve never been enemies to loves. they’ve always been unlikely friends to lovers
some of my hc’s!!!!!! thank you for this ask i love talking about my girlies <3
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HP Sapphic Microfics 2023
Every morning, Rolanda Hooch did her flying practice before classes. And every morning, Helena Ravenclaw would watch her. - Rolanda Hooch/Helena Ravenclaw | The Grey Lady
wc: 100 | ao3 | hp sapphic microfics (@sapphicmicrofics): day 8, smile | fandom: harry potter | rating: general | tags: pre-femslash, rare pairings, pre-canon, human/ghost relationship, fluff
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