demaparbat-hp · 10 months
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"I've done my waiting. Three years of it. Next to you."
Bingo! Well, not yet. This is my first artwork for @hms-harmony-discord 's exciting Milestones Bingo event. The prompt was First Kiss, in this case, HHr's first kiss in my Ravendor AU. Who knows what prompts will be coming next...
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hollowdeath · 4 months
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life of a hogwarts student
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alliezarin · 9 months
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I’ve made a new lore comic! This time featuring @nari-chanxd’s mc, Zinc Dolion!
In my hc, Alice and Sebastian date briefly by the end of 5th year, but break up before going back to Hogwarts. They eventually decide to continue as friends, but they start seeing other people through the years, so conflicts emerge between them👀
One of this people is Zinc Dolion (a mean, cocky, arrogant Gryffindor who hates Sebastian), on Alice’s seventh year. Alice and Zinc’s relationship isn’t romantic, she doesn’t even like him as a person but can’t help to feel attracted to his rizz. Their encounters are mainly physical, on Zinc’s part to make Sebastian mad, and on Alice’s part to release the tension she feels when seeing Seb with other girls.
Neither Alice’s or Zinc’s heart gets broken because they don’t share feelings for each other, although someone does end up with a heartbreak out of this situationship: Sebastian.
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bagerfluff · 8 months
Ravenclaw: Quick your bleeding out! What's your type
Hufflepuff: Cunning, ambitious, clever, resourceful
Ravenclaw: No, your blood type!
Hufflepuff: *looking down* Red
Slytherin: Quick your bleeding out! What's your type
Gryffindor: Clever, wise, creative, wity
Slytherin: No, your blood type!
Gryffindor: *looking down* Red
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hollowwrites · 11 months
House Pride (and Shame)
There should have been more times they mention your house like Sebastian does
Hot Take: All Gryffindors are Himbos…no further questions
Can you spot the houses I hate the most? (And who I ship my MCs with)
Hufflepuff MC
Garreth: Think you could smuggle me into the Kitchens
MC: Just tickle the Pear
Garreth: Excuse me?
MC: (Laughs) Portrait by the barrels, tickle the pear.
Garreth: Wonderful, I wonder if there’s potions ingredients in there.
MC:There isn’t
Garreth: You’ve already been in?
MC: Where do you think I get my midnight snacks from?
Garreth: When I asked you to break into HoneyDukes I didn’t think I’d created a Monster! What happened to Hufflepuffs sense of Justice?
MC: It was destroyed when I discovered Pumpkin Pasties
Slytherin MC
MC: I’ve heard people say you wish you weren’t a Slytherin. Is that just because of your family?
Ominis: Yes. Being a Slytherin and a Gaunt almost guarantees people will have an opinion of me.
MC: An incorrect one
Ominis: Exactly. But…I’m coming around to the idea
MC: Of?
Ominis: Being in Slytherin
MC: Why?
Ominis: You…You’ve helped me realise what I already knew. Not all Slytherins are obsessed with the Dark Arts and Blood Status
MC: Yes! Some of us are Slytherin just because we’re miserable
Ominis: (Laughs) We’re definitely in the right house
Gryffindor MC
Poppy: There you are, Let’s go
MC: Where are we going?
Poppy: There’s a unicorn den that’s quickly being overwhelmed by the encroaching spiders in the Forbidden Forest. I thought we could go and quell there numbers give the Unicorns a fighting chance
MC: I don’t know. It is the Forbidden Forest
Poppy: …You’re there all the time
MC: Yes but…spiders
Poppy: Seriously? What happened to that Gryffindor bravery
MC: FINE, Let’s go!
Poppy: Thank you!
Ravenclaw MC
Imelda: I might need your help setting up the next course, I’m thinking somewhere near Manor Cape?
MC: Mmmm coastal locations and mountain areas can be quite difficult. The wind makes it more perilous
Imelda: Yes. That’s the point
MC: No one is going to run the courses if you make them too difficult or dangerous
Imelda: Merlin, you think you know everything Just because you’re a Ravenclaw
MC: and you’re being stubborn just because you’re a Slytherin
Imelda: …
MC: …
Imelda: …I’m putting a course in Manor Cape
MC: Its just going to me and you running it!
Imelda: FINE! I’ll see you there!!
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roytaiyo · 3 months
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Hi there!! Long time no see, but I'm back with commissions!!! My TAT is 1 to 2 days, the sketch is a full body, or 2 half body for $15usd. Payments via paypal and upfront
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ravenclawh0re18 · 8 months
Ravenclaw: Is anyone going to tell me what's going on in here?! Hufflepuff: It's kind of complicated, but Gryff- Ravenclaw: Got it. Forget I asked.
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hiddenhufflepuffs · 2 months
How the Houses Party
Okay, so we all know the basic characteristics of each household, but if we're thinking realistically, this is what I imagine each Hogwarts house would party like in modern day.
frat party vibes
keg stand, beer pong (the basic party games)
mostly alcohol, the hidden drugs here and there
everyone basically blacked out
strobe lights/disco/lights off
hype DJ who plays the basic house party stuff like rap/pop/hip hop/2000s/etc
party starts at 10pm, ends at 4am or until they decide to end it and kick everyone out type vibes
psychedelic/rave vibes/low light settings
a crap ton of drugs (mostly the basic kind); secret smoke rooms (there's a reason they're called Puffs...)
just walking around you're walking in light smoke, but theres strobe lights and floating lights to make it look majestical
there would be a potion used in the air to make sure everyone is having a good time and just feeling happy
there would be some sultry music where the inner sl*t side of the Puffs would be to come out
for the traditional Hufflepuffs, there would be a more calmer side of the party (probable a room or the top floor of the common room) where they can just chill and vibe with the energy
the Dj would be playing some rave type songs/some sultry music/rap/hype music
party starts around 10pm and just keeps going until everyone either leaves or passes out
definite sultry/sexy/seductive vibes
it would be the in between of Gryffindor's and Hufflepuff's parties, where theres the regular amount of alcohol and drugs
lights low (practically off) but with a green hue around the whole party
they'd start kicking out people they don't like
they'd be roofing people for fun or putting potions in people's drinks to mess with them
the occasional strobe lights
loud music playing some 2000s/rap/sexy music
starts at 9 or 10pm and doesnt end till 2-3am, then just decide to end it and start to kick everyone out
chill houseparty vibes
HARDCORE drugs and the usual amount of alcohol
music isn't too loud but it's loud enough to where you have to get close to someone to hear them
won't tolerate any rowdy drunks
basic party games (some of the childish ones too like 7 Minutes in Heaven, etc.) like beer pong, spin the bottle, etc
Starts at 9pm and kicks everyone out around 2am
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sitorarts · 10 months
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„At the lake, their love finds its place,
A testament to love's radiant grace“
My first Pandalily drawing!! So excited to share this one.
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sunniandhonibee · 1 year
Hufflepuff: "He's so babygirl."
Slytherin: "I will literally never understand what that means, it sounds so stupi-"
Hufflepuff: "You're so babygirl."
Slytherin: "oh nO-"
Ravenclaw: "It's spreading."
Gryffindor: "Hey Ravennn~ did I tell you how babygi-"
Slytherin and Ravenclaw: *f e a r*
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rosemarilee · 11 months
The marauders chant at Gryffindor’s games: “truth be told we miss you, truth be told we’re LIONS!”
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poisonlove · 1 year
—ROTA; Jenna Ortega
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Jenna ortega x reader
Mención de beso entre chicas, engaño, Hermione granger es la mala de el cuento
Las lágrimas se deslizaban por mis mejillas, la respiración era irregular y el pecho dolía. Caminaba sin rumbo por los pasillos de Hogwarts, la vista estaba nublada por las lágrimas y los sollozos resonantes salían de mis labios. Sólo quería salir de ese maldito lugar.
Todavía... todavía puedo ver la imagen de sus ojos abrirse por la sorpresa.
Y eso duele mucho.
Con una sonrisa en los labios entré  a  través de el cuadro de la señora gorda, llegando a la sala de Gryffindor. acabo de terminar el entrenamiento de quiddich y había logrado excelentes resultados. Lo único que quería hacer ahora era dormirme en los brazos de mi novia, Hermione.
Solo sonrío para decir su nombre.
Subí rápidamente las escaleras y caminé hacia mi objetivo,  cuando veo nuestra habitación compartida ralenticé y miré confundida la puerta semi-abierta.
"Qué extraño... Hermione nunca deja la puerta abierta"
Instintivamente tomé la varita y con precaución entré, lista para enfrentar al que entró sin permiso. Lentamente cerré la puerta detrás de mí espaldas y caminé hacia nuestra habitación, ruidos extraños que vienen dentro de ella. 
Los sonidos se hicieron cada vez más nítidos y fuertes
"¿Qué demonios es esto?"
Abrí la puerta y el mundo se vino abajo. La temperatura de mi cuerpo bajó vertiginosamente y pude oír claramente el sonido de mi corazón rompiéndose en mil pedazos. Todavía no podía creer lo que estoy viendo.
Hermione stava baciando Ron. la mora aveva le mani dietro la schiena ed emetteva forti gemiti. Weasley ringhiò.
El agarre de mis dedos se desvanece y la varita cae al suelo, atrayendo la atención de los dos amantes. Hermione abre los ojos como platos cuando vio mis ojos y aleja a Ron, cubriéndose rápidamente.
-amor no es lo que parece-
Flashback terminado
Me detuve y me di cuenta de que estaba frente a la sala de Ravenclaw. Inconscientemente llegué a la casa de Jenna Ortega, mi mejor amiga.
Con la manga de la túnica me limpié los ojos y me mordí los labios tratando de contener el hipo, di un paso adelante y me deslicé por la puerta que fue abierta por un estudiante que estaba saliendo en ese momento.  Se podía escuchar las risas en la distancia cerca de los sofás.
Caminé hacia el sonido de la risa y vi en la distancia la cabellera morena de Jenna, la chica estaba riendo. Tan pronto como sus ojos se movieron hacia mi dirección no pude contenerme y estallé a llorar y su sonrisa fue reemplazada por una mirada de preocupación.
Jenna se levanta rápidamente del sofá y camina en mi dirección, dejando a sus amigos incrédulos. Mis manos temblaban y los sollozos salían de mi boca.
Dos brazos se aferran a mi cintura e inmediatamente le devuelvo el abrazo, llorando contra el cuello de Jenna. Después de segundos que parecieron interminables... Jenna rompe el abrazo y coloca suavemente las manos alrededor de mis mejillas, limpiando con los pulgares el resto de mis lágrimas. Ojos color chocolate miraban a los míos con preocupación.
—¿Qué ha pasado? - pregunta tímidamente, tomando mis manos y acariciándolas, intentando tranquilizarme. —her... her... her...- tartamudeo y ella me sonrió, tratando de calmarme. – hermione...-dije y nuevas lágrimas salieron de mis ojos. Jenna trenza nuestros dedos y camina rápido hacia su habitación, buscando privacidad.
Ella era una prefecta por lo que tenía una habitación para ella.
Entramos en su habitación y caminamos hacia su cama, nos sentamos en ella. —¿Qué pasó? ¿Se pelearon?- Una pregunta distraída, jugando con mis manos.
Un nudo se formó en mi garganta y un ligero hipo sale de mis labios, negué con la cabeza, lágrimas calientes se deslizaban por mis mejillas. 
—ella... ella...- tomé un respiro —me engañó...- susurro este último.
Vi los ojos de Jenna abrirse por sorpresa y un destello de ira se mezcla con sus iris oscuras. Apretó su mandíbula  y sus nudillos se volvieron blancos por el apretón mortal de sus manos. —¿Ella qué?- susurra, totalmente enfadada. -después del entrenamiento volví a la habitación y la encontré con Ron...- dije, sintiendo una punzada en mi pecho.
- ¿Acaso no soy suficiente?- pregunté con tono roto, haciendo que otras lágrimas se deslicen por mis mejillas.
Su mirada  se suaviza.
—No, no, no, eres genial, —Jenna tomó mis mejillas y me hizo mirar sus ojos, sonriéndome —Eres hermosa, Inteligente y jodidamente increíble... cualquiera se sentiría afortunado de tenerte... no es tu culpa que ella no supiera valorarte- sus ojos se cerraron ligeramente después de decir este último, todavía enojada por lo que hizo Granger. la presión de su mandíbula se desvanece y me mira con ternura.
No sé si fue porque estaba vulnerable y herida, una mezcla fatal... pero acerqué mi cara a la suya y uní nuestros labios en un dulce e inesperado beso. Jenna estaba rígida al tacto, totalmente desprevenida. Cuando decidí romper el beso ya que Jenna no lo estaba devolviendo... una mano se posa suavemente contra mi mejilla y me acerca a su cara. Jenna se derrite bajo mis labios y comienza a mover suavemente los suyos, con un ritmo suave y sin prisa.  Mis manos se movieron a lo largo de su cintura, acariciando lentamente la piel expuesta. Jenna sonríe contra mis labios e inconscientemente hice lo mismo. Cuando sentí su lengua golpeando mi labio inferior pidiendo el acceso en mi boca por un beso más profundo, abrí los ojos como platos y me alejé rápidamente de ella.
"¿Qué hice? "
-yo... Dios mío, lo siento- me levanto de la cama, mirando avergonzada a Jenna.
La morena tenía dificultad para respirar, Sus  labios eran hinchados por el beso. El  cabello  lo tenía desordenado y sus ojos tenían un brillo muy diferente de lo habitual. Hizo una sonrisa débil y se levantó de la cama.
-fue un error... lo siento- admito, mirándola a los ojos con culpa. Jenna sacude la cabeza lentamente, tomando mi mano. sus ojos se vuelven brillantes, una lágrima solitaria baja por su mejilla.
-T/N... -susurra, acariciando mi mano, mis ojos miran sus labios.
"No es justo... acabo de romper con Hermione... no quiero herir a Jenna"
"¿ pero por qué me gustó el beso?"
-jenna... fue algo que no comprobé... fue espontáneo... estaba herida... enfadada...- confesé y vi sus ojos llenarse de lágrimas, apretó la mandíbula y rompió el contacto con nuestras manos.
-lo siento...- añado, acercándome.
-T/N... no es necesario pedir disculpas, además me gustó- traga la saliva nerviosamente, cerrando los ojos al tacto de mi mano sobre su mejilla.
—Si te soy sincera... me gustas—confiesa y suspiro. Me agaché y le di un beso en la frente. Di un paso atrás y la miré impasible, confundida y tratando de averiguar qué hacer.
Siempre he tenido un debate conmigo misma sobre Hermione y Jenna. Durante mucho tiempo intenté decirme a mí misma que Jenna era solo una buena amiga y que me sentía confundida... pero sabía que sentía algo por ella.  Me di cuenta de eso en el quinto año cuando la vi con otro chico. En ese momento sentí un fuego ardiendo en mi estómago. Me sentí... asustada... no quería arruinar nuestra amistad, así que intenté enterrar mis sentimientos y tratar de tener una oportunidad con Hermione. Después de todo, sabía que Ortega no me correspondería. Al principio funcionó, estaba feliz porque sentía algo por la chica dorada y me enamoré de ella... pero por dentro sabía que sería difícil olvidar mi primer amor, especialmente porque era mi mejor amiga.
Amaba a Hermione, pero seguía enamorada de Jenna.
—Jen... solo... ahora no es el momento- la miré y sus ojos brillaban, tenía la mandíbula cerrada tratando de no romperse delante de mí. - ¿Podemos hablar de esto en otro momento?- Propongo y ella asiente lentamente.
Me acerqué a la puerta y abrí la manija, saliendo de su habitación con  en el corazón roto y con muchas dudas.
Acababa de terminar la clase de aritimancia y con el libro bajo mi brazo, caminaba hacia la habitación de Jenna.  Durante dos semanas evité la Ravenclaw, necesitaba espacio y tiempo para pensar. Para ser honesta, la he echado mucho de menos y tengo que decir que estoy lista para abordar el temido tema. En estos últimos días el beso se repetía en bucle en mi mente e incluso en mis sueños aparecían los ojos negros de la morena. Digamos que si no la he visto en persona todo este tiempo Ortega me ha estado acosando psicológicamente.
sonrío inconscientemente
Mi sonrisa fue inmediatamente reemplazada por una mirada de disgusto y tristeza cuando en la distancia vi Granger caminar hacia mi dirección. Para solo ver sus ojos mi corazón se rompe más. Sus ojos avellana estaban llenos de lágrimas.
—t/N... te estaba buscando... tenemos que hablar- aprieta la mandíbula y una lágrima solitaria baja por su mejilla. Extiende la mano y toma la mía, sosteniendo suavemente mis dedos. Como si hubiera tocado el fuego, retiré la mano e hice un paso hacia atrás, negando lentamente con la cabeza.
—no me toques- susurro, con la voz rota. Después de días llorando finalmente había parado, pero cuando vi a Granger, se me hizo un nudo en la garganta. No quería llorar delante de la chica de oro, no quería mostrarme débil. Me tragué la saliva y levanté la barbilla, mirándola con superficialidad.
—por favor... tenemos que hablar- repite, ligeramente herida después de ver en mis ojos dolor y rabia. Apreté el libro y caminé hacia delante, golpeando débilmente su hombro con el mío. — No tenemos nada que discutir.
Antes de que pudiera ir una mano agarra mi muñeca.
– por favor... fue un error... yo te amo...- Hermione lo dijo con un tono tan dulce y herido que casi podía creerlo.
—¿Cuánto tiempo? - Pregunto, apretando la mandíbula. - ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas engañándome?- en este punto estábamos cara a cara, su agarre se tambalea y desvía la mirada. - ¿Cuánto tiempo lleva Hermione? - Pedí totalmente enojada, alzando la voz. -dos meses...- confiesa, acercándose.
Le quité la mano, mirándola con una sonrisa burlona— 6 meses de relación de los cuales 2 con cuernos...- sacudí la cabeza desilusionada y disgustada- adiós Hermione, no me busque más- le dije con frialdad, sus ojos se llenaron de lágrimas.
Se tira hacia mis brazos, impidiéndome caminar. Me pongo rígida al contacto. -Hermione... déjame- ella lloró más fuerte. -no te lo diré de nuevo...- susurré.
Rompe el abrazo y me mira con ojos heridos, trato de no caer en su trampa.
—tenemos que hablar...- susurra de nuevo.
—Por casualidad no lo has entendido, Granger?- interviene alguien. Me volví hacia el sonido de la voz y me encontré con dos ojos negros. Jenna Ortega miraba a Hermione enojada.
-Ocúpate de tus asuntos, Ortega— dijo con veneno Hermione.
–Jenna...- susurré.
Jenna cruza sus ojos con los míos, mirándome entre herida y feliz de verme. me hizo una sonrisa débil.
-Hermione...no quiero que os hagáis daño... así que te pido que te vayas- dije, sintiendo una punzada en mi pecho. Hermione me mira con tristeza por milésimas de segundo. Dio un paso hacia atrás y sacudiendo la cabeza camina por el pasillo lejos de mi vista. Éramos sólo Jenna y yo.
Me acerqué a Ravenclaw, extrañamente nerviosa y con el corazón acelerado. Las palmas de mis manos estaban sudando y mis piernas se tambaleaban ligeramente. Estaba teniendo la misma reacción que una niña con su primer amor. Respiré y miré a Jenna, que me observa con curiosidad.
—jenna yo...- susurré, tomando después la respiración. — Si te soy sincera, siempre he sentido algo por ti. Confieso, mirando impasible a la morena. Jenna hizo una gran sonrisa. —En estas dos semanas he pensado mucho en ti... y también en Hermione... yo... he conseguido no llorar delante de ella, ¿sabes?- ella tomó mis manos, acariciándolas lentamente. - me siento culpable por haberte evitado...- admito y ella sacude la cabeza, dejando mi mano y colocándola en mi mejilla.
—necesitabas espacio...- Me acaricia la mejilla y me apoyo en su tacto. De repente su mirada se hizo más seria, se puso de puntillas, su rostro a la altura del mío. El corazón golpeaba violentamente contra la caja torácica, nerviosa por tal cercanía. La boca de Jenna estaba a centímetros de la mia, aliento caliente golpeando mis labios. Envuelve sus manos alrededor de mi cuello y me mira intensamente a los ojos, buscando alguna reacción negativa mía. sin encontrar ningun rastro de rechazo, acerca mayormente su cara a la mía. labios que se rozan .
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Tragué mi saliva y Jenna cuando lo escucha sonríe.
—no estoy lista para una relación... yo... tengo miedo...- confieso a un soplo de su boca. La mano de Jenna se movía sobre mi mejilla, la otra envolvía con determinación mi cuello. Puse mis manos alrededor de su cintura, facilitando la morena dada la notable diferencia de altura. - Yo cuidaré de ti...- susurra de vuelta, cerrando la distancia entre nuestros labios, besándome tiernamente.
sigo rota... pero tengo fe que podré sanar
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bagerfluff · 8 months
Gryffindor: If Hufflepuff had to pick between shooting me, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin, I'd think they shoot themselves.
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sailorgoon13 · 21 days
Aurora Wilder
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Full Name: Aurora Wilder
Nickname: Rory
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 22 September, 1873
Heritage: English
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Wand: Vine wood, Unicorn hair, 10 3/4", Flexible
Hair Color: Chestnut Brown
Eye Color: Bright blue with a ring of dark blue around her pupil
Skin Tone: Light olive
Height: 5'2"
Body Type: Petite. Slender
Style: Whimsical, Eclectic Earthy
Features: Soft freckles across her nose and cheeks, Expressive eyes, Messy curls, Kind smile, Wildflowers in her hair
Traits: Intelligence, Curiosity, Compassion, Adventurous
Likes: Stargazing, Potions, Exploring, Quiet moments, Creating
Dislikes: Conflict, Injustice, Feeling Powerless, Loud and crowded spaces
Hobbies: Brewing potions, Gardening, Stargazing, Reading, Painting or Sculpting
Fears: Rejection, Not being enough, Loneliness
Family and Friends:
Father: Alexander Wilder
Respected wizard from an old and esteemed pure-blooded wizarding family.
Works as a magical historian, specializing in ancient magical artifacts and lost magical practices
Mother: Elenor Wilder
Known for her grace, intelligence, and strong sense of tradition.
Specializes in potion-making and has a keen interest in magical plants.
Friends: Has more 'acquaintances' than friends
Special Abilities: Can wield an ancient form of magic
Boggart: Victor Rookwood
Patronus: Rabbit
Polyjuice: Soft, earthy hue with subtle flecks of green or brown swirling within. Herbal flavor with hints of chamomile and mint, would be slightly sweet, like honey. Silky texture, airy quality, almost like a mist or a gentle breeze.
Amortentia: Fresh rain, freshly cut herbs like basil and thyme, lavender and jasmine.
Rory Wilder's upbringing was a blend of magic, history, and natural wonder. As the only child of Eleanor and Alexander Wilder, she grew up surrounded by the enchanting world of wizardry and the beauty of the natural realm. From a young age, Rory showed a remarkable aptitude for potion-making and Herbology, skills she inherited from her mother, Eleanor, who was a talented witch with a deep knowledge of magical plants and their properties.
Eleanor spent countless hours with Rory in the family's greenhouse, teaching her daughter the art of potion-making and the secrets of herblore. Together, they brewed potions, tended to exotic plants, and explored the magical properties of various botanical specimens. Rory absorbed every lesson with eager enthusiasm, her curiosity and imagination ignited by her mother's guidance.
Meanwhile, Alexander, Rory's father, regaled her with tales of wizarding history and legend. He shared stories of brave witches and wizards who had shaped the course of magical history, inspiring Rory with tales of adventure and heroism. These stories sparked Rory's imagination and instilled in her a deep appreciation for the rich tapestry of wizarding lore.
Despite the magical wonders of her upbringing, Rory often felt isolated and lonely. As an only child, she lacked siblings to share her adventures with, and her quirky and whimsical nature made it difficult for her to connect with her peers. She found solace in the natural world, spending hours wandering through the Forbidden Forest, collecting ingredients for potions, befriending magical creatures, and weaving flower crowns from the wild blooms she found along the way.
Rory's aversion to loud, crowded spaces and her need for solitude sometimes puzzled her classmates. She preferred to spend her free time exploring the hidden nooks and crannies of Hogwarts Castle, seeking out secluded spots where she could immerse herself in the tranquility of nature or simply curl up for a peaceful nap. Her unconventional habits and eccentricities earned her a reputation as the "quirky loner" among her peers, but Rory remained steadfast in her convictions, embracing her individuality with unwavering stubbornness.
Life at Hogwarts opened up a whole new world of possibilities for Rory, far beyond the sheltered confines of her childhood home. The challenges she faced and the adventures she embarked upon were unlike anything she had ever experienced before, pushing her to grow and evolve in ways she never imagined possible. With each passing day, Rory's love for magic, nature, and discovery only deepened, propelling her towards new heights of knowledge and understanding in the captivating world of witchcraft and wizardry.
Best Subject: Potions
Favorite Subject: Astronomy
Favorite Professor: Garelick
Worst Subject: Runes
Least Favorite Subject: Transfiguration
Least Favorite Professor: Sharp
Student Life:
Dedicated and studious Ravenclaw
Her wanderlust leads her on countless adventures throughout Hogwarts and its surrounding grounds.
Her quirky and whimsical nature adds a touch of eccentricity to Hogwarts.
Can often be found atop the Astronomy Tower, gazing up at the stars and pondering the mysteries of the universe.
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chatsukimi · 5 months
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what type of gryffindor are you?
the globetrotter: - adventurous - curious - thrill-seeking - cultured - flamboyant/expressive
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this-isajokerjoke · 3 months
hogwarts houses
i feel like in the fandom, there’s a lot of discord about the houses. slytherin is either the worst or better than everyone, and same goes with gryffindor. hufflepuff is a bunch of morons with hardly any magic, who don’t deserve the time of day, who deserve to be ridiculed. ravenclaws are too smart, too nerdy, and are hardly talked about at all.
that’s dumb. that’s immature. not everything is black and white, and it takes a lot away from the story when it’s viewed in that way. 
slytherin is the house of the cunning, the ambitious, where “you’ll make your real friends” (the sorting hats song). none of those things are bad. obviously, they can lead to being immoral or manipulative. i see a lot of fan fictions that play into that, maybe a bit too much, where the bullying is written off as “getting revenge” and spinning a narrative where slytherins are the oppressed, so much more so than muggleborns. a lot of these have the dangerous idea that blood purists are right about muggles and muggleborns, but that’s a separate argument. BUT, slytherins aren’t inherently evil; no one is. being in slytherin doesn’t make them evil. they’re not some sort of overpowered group, they’re all children. maybe they’re harder to read, but i highly doubt most of them can just push away emotions. i don’t think all of them are so cynical. i think they’re careful, they use what’s given to them, maybe they want to learn because knowledge is power. maybe they form connections, but i don’t think it’s them not having any real friends. i think the ambition they have isn’t always just used for their gain, but for the greater good too. they realize that losing a battle doesn’t mean losing the war, that sometimes, you have to surrender for survival.
gryffindor is the house of the “brave at heart” (the sorting hats song), chivalrous, the daring and people with a lot of nerve. that can lead to being brash, bullheaded, not knowing when to stop. but it’s also important to be able to face your fears. i don’t think they’re all dumb, or brash, or rude. i think they’re willing to stand up for people, even if they don’t like them. they might put others first. they aren’t fearless, but they can understand that overcoming fear is very powerful. sometimes, they can’t get over their fears. sometimes, their fears are hard to face, and maybe they don’t always face them. that is not shameful. i think that it’s a work in progress, and that’s brave too. maybe they’re rude sometimes, maybe they’re more of a small picture person. they aren’t exactly always loyal, but they stand up for what they personally believe in, whether it’s actually right or not. they want to protect not only the people they care about, but innocent people as well. 
hufflepuff is the house of the “just and loyal” (the sorting hats song), the patient and the “unafraid of toil” (the sorting hats song). they’re described as hard-working. they believe in fairness, even if it hurts them. they aren’t exactly rule followers, but they have strong moral codes. i don’t think that makes them weak. i don’t think they’re leftovers, or stupid. loyalty can be dangerous, and it might cause them to not question the person they’re loyal to, or to speak up against something that rubs them the wrong way. but i also think they’re fierce protectors of the people they’re loyal to. they have good work ethics, they understand why rules might be put in place. they’re kids, so they’re not going to be without their own biases and prejudices, but they’re going to try to be fair. they might not stand in front of someone they’re loyal to, or pull strings from the sidelines, but they sure as hell will be a shoulder to cry on. 
ravenclaw is the house of the wise, of the people who love to learn, the witty, “those with a ready mind” (the sorting hats song). this could lead to being snobbish, or believing they’re always right. however, i don’t think they always have their nose in a book. learning can be hands on, and i think they probably run a lot of experiments, whether social or scientific, or some sort of magical experiment. i think they’re less likely to buy into something that erases knowledge, not because knowledge is power, but because knowledge is valuable. i don’t think they’re always on top of their studies, i think they get sidetracked with their own interests. i think they stay up too late infodumping about one of their passions. i think some might be good at checking sources, and others not believing that something doesn’t have a bit of truth. they have friends, people who they care about and will stand by, but i think they also need to be able to talk about the things that keep them going, whether it be algebra or art, muggle or magical, addition or rocket science. they can be sarcastic, they have a weird amount of knowledge about obscure subjects. some of it is completely useless, like maybe they’re learning a dead language for no reason other than why not? maybe they’re mature for their age. maybe they’re hopeless at school, but have high emotional intelligence, or street smarts. learning and knowledge isn’t just limited to school or things you can learn through a book. sometimes knowledge is gained through experience, and i don’t think ravenclaws discredit that.
i think with well rounded characters, the world of harry potter is more interesting. i think motivations of each character is important. i think it would be dumb to ignore it, from a story telling perspective. i’m not sure how much this ramble made sense, but i would love to see a fic where these houses lived up to what they could be, where the people in those houses were diverse, who had flaws and tried their best to be the best person they could be, whether they go about it in the right way or not. it makes characters interesting and engaging, relatable, it makes them feel real. i’m so sick of hearing the same takes. give me people who contradict a part of what their house stands for, give me people who take their values too seriously and accidentally make it one of their faults. give me people who have traits of other houses too, because we are all spectrums. 
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