#please end my misery
crayolascribblz · 10 months
glam fronnie is so upsetting because wdym your boyfriend goes missing and you can't visit his attraction out of grief but he's LITERALLY hidden in that attraction unable to move or anything all he can do is listen to people from a vent connecting to the backroom he's in
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cokowiii · 1 year
It’s shitty and I’m at work but enjoy low quality dooble video lol
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special-wolf · 2 years
omega bakugou
katiesstufs-deactivated20210801 asked:
|| ..You have given me a terribly unhealthy addiction to Omega Baku but I am not complaining! Anyway I was wondering if you could write omega baku x alpha fem reader where the reader has never been in his nest before but Baku wants to go shopping for new blankets but some other alphas and betas try to scent him so his alpha saves him and they go homes and it's just super long comfort bc he felt used by the other betas/alphas. ANYWAY this was longer than I intended but here you go! || 
Of course I can ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) who can resist omega Bakugou after all? His alpha sure can't ( ° ʖ °)
Omega Bakugou
[Female Reader]
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"Oi, shitty alpha." The gruff tone of her omega made her look over instantly, used to the insult hurled at her as it was his twisted way of showing his affection.
"Yeah, what's up, Katsuki? Need something?"
"You forgetting our plans?" He huffed, but his body language expressed himself differently. His crossed arms were more relaxed, and his gaze was constantly averted away from her and to the side which was obviously strange. No matter what, Bakugou kept eye contact with everyone unless he was being scolded. "Tch, should've known." Her eyebrow raised ever so slightly at his attitude, getting up from her spot on the common room sofa and made her way towards him as he began to walk off.
"What plan, Katsuki?" She walked besides him as he kept walking away from the group, "nothing came up on my calendar, are you sure you actually mentioned it to me?"
"... No." He grumbled, shoving his hands into his pockets with a pout. "I wanted you to just trust me and follow me."
She let out a soft sigh, wrapping her arm around his own and pulling his hand out of his pocket. She gently grabbed his hand, rubbing his skin soothingly with her thumb as she smiled at him. "Y'know, if you wanted to do something with me, and you didn't want the rest to know, you could've just texted me."
"Shut up!" He barked, angrily holding her hand back as he stomped to his dorm room. The soft laughter of his alpha made him calm slightly.
"What do you wanna do?" His rage dissipated completely as he glanced at her, "is it to do with your nest? Is what why you're taking me to your room?"
"Sorta...? I need new stuff is all, and I need to grab some shit before heading out with you."
"Oh? So you don't need me to scent stuff yet?"
"You will have to later, my nest is fucking empty." He complained, her eyebrow raising at his choice of words.
"Didn't you make me scent stuff just a couple days ago?"
"... Yeah, but I need more. Stop asking so many questions! Just trust me! Shitty alpha." He growled, his pout back on his face as he let go of his alpha's hand. His own hand twitched slightly at the lack of warmth, but he resisted the temptation of his whiney omega instincts to go into his room, shielding his alpha's view of his large nest as he closed the door behind him. His inner omega has been playing up a lot, constantly begging and pleading for him to give in and just stay with his alpha. It was honestly starting to piss him off. What was he missing? He's gotten everything he could've needed to soothe his omega self. But nothing worked? He let his eyes adjust to the darkness as he leaned against the door before grabbing a few essential things from his beside cabinet.
The main things he needed was his wallet, his phone and the DIY alpha repellent that his own alpha made for him. The scent from the spray bottle hit his nose, making his whole body relax as he hesitantly sprayed his wrist with her scent. His alpha sacrificed some of her sweet scent into the small, pocket-sized spray bottle just for him. He hated that he had to demand for her to scent him every time he left the school, hating standing there as she rubs against him with her scent glands. So, she made him his own scent sprayer.
He stared at the bottle before putting it into his jean pocket with his phone and wallet; he turned on his heels and left his room again to see his alpha waiting nearby with her back against the wall. "C'mon, I'm ready."
"You have an idea on where you wanna go?"
"You think I wouldn't? Of course I do." He scoffed, taking her hand and walking with her to the common room of the dormitory to ignore the class. He swapped his shoes, as did his alpha, and the two set off to the shop Bakugou had his mind set on. "You go look for something you like, got it? This isn't just for me." He grumbled, letting go of his alpha's hand and looking around instantly. "Shoo, shoo."
"Okay, damn..." [Name] murmured, walking around the store to find something she liked.
Bakugou let out a soft sigh in relief, awkwardly looking around to figure out where to check first. He'd never been in this shop before, but he remembered hearing his alpha talk about it and how it was one of her favourites because of the things inside... But, he didn't want her to know that, so he now needed to find something to pretend he wanted in the first place. He walked around aimlessly, trying to find something that'll catch his eye and remind him of the alpha he cared so much for.
"Hey," He completely ignored the voice. It probably wasn't for him anyways, so he kept his eyes on the shelving in front of him as he tried to decide which one of the blankets would look good in his nest or look warm enough for his reluctant snuggle sessions with his alpha. "Oi." He narrowed his eyes slightly, getting a little irritated at the tone of the alpha around him but kept his cool. "Fucking omega-!" His eyes widened as his wrist was gripped, his head snapping towards the culprit as he growled lowly.
"Don't touch me." He sneered, doing his best to pull his arm back. Every one of his nerves was screaming at him to run, to whimper and go cry to his alpha but he refused. He didn't want to be that type of omega. But the grip of this alpha made his strength little to nothing compared. "Get the fuck off of me." He spat, pulling his arm again but the alpha refused to let go.
"You need to learn your fucking place, omega. You think you can talk to an alpha like that?" Another growl resonated from Bakugou, his rage building up as he glared intently at the alpha holding his wrist. The wrist being held hostage was the one he sprayed a bit of his alpha's scent on, the wind blowing it towards his nose as his muscles began to relax without his control. He grit his teeth, watching the alpha in front of him obviously pick up the scent.
"Get lost." He attempted again.
"Nah, I don't think I will. You obviously need a better alpha if yours can't even scent you properly. Now, you'll be a good little omega and let me do this, yeah?"
"Do what-?" He tensed as the alpha neared him at an alarming rate, the scent glands on his neck exposing his distressed state at the alpha keeping him in place got closer.
The rotting and sour scent filled up the shop, but the one most sensitive to it was his alpha. Her head tilted back as she sniffed the air, her eyes darting around the shop to figure out where her upset omega was. Her eyes narrowed as she did her best to follow the scent, her ears alert in case Bakugou yells out again.
"Don't you dare!"
To the right. She sped up her pace, trying not to run in the store and get kicked out before she can save her omega. The basket on her arm dropped as she saw the situation Bakugou was in. The usually strong omega was pinned against the shelving of the blankets he was looking at awkwardly, his scented wrist kept as far from him as the alpha rubbing against him was repulsed by it.
A growl echoed in the wind, but it wasn't from the trapped omega this time. "[Name]?" The sound of her voice made her eyes soften, her attention on him as she frowned at the uncomfortable look in his eyes.
"So... This is the alpha, huh?" [Name]'s eyes narrowed at the cocky alpha against her omega.
"Let go of him."
"Or what? I'm sure he likes the fact that a better alpha is looking after him. The poor thing was barely scented."
"Because he hates it." [Name] took a few steps forwards, "and I hate you're putting him through that."
"He'll learn-."
"[Name]..." Bakugou's soft whine made her sigh.
"I know, hun. You'll be okay." The soft smile towards him calmed his nerves, but the swing of his fist caught him by surprise. His alpha wasn't one for much violence, often blabbering about how there's enough violence in the world.
His body relaxed at the gentle touch of her, his posture straightening as she brought him behind her. He watched her bring up her dominant foot and throw it into the side of the alpha's face who was already on the floor. He glanced at his own hands, flexing them slightly as he lost himself in his thoughts. Usually, he wouldn't be in that type of situation; he's never been so vulnerable before. Was this what he was missing? The attention of his alpha?
"Katsuki?" His vermilion irises glanced up at his alpha, but he didn't dare speak. He just gently rested his head against her as she pulled him close, letting himself willingly calm at the feeling of her warm embrace of both her arms and her scent. She could feel him shaking, but she wasn't entirely sure if it was his rage or pure fear at this point. "C'mon... Do you wanna go straight back? We can get things for your nest another day, yeah?"
He clung to her for a little while before hesitantly (and shakily) letting her clothing go. The whole trip he didn't speak, his thoughts getting into every corner of his mind and suffocating him. He just didn't understand.
The sound of the familiar elevator made him glance up, realising he was already on his floor. He stood at his door, glancing at [Name] every so often before opening his door wide. "I..." He whispered, "nest..." He muttered, pulling his alpha into his room with him and closing the door behind so she couldn't leave so easily.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah... Just, don't move anything on purpose, okay?"
"Of course." She rubbed the back of his hand, letting him lead her into the perfect position that he wanted her to sit in. The corner of his room held the best part of his nest, the place where he could sit and read the romance mangas that he'd die than ever admit to anyone else they're his. He forced her to sit down first, making sure she was comfortable before lowering himself down so he was on her lap and cuddling her like a koala.
He let out a low whimper, nuzzling into her neck as he frowned to himself. He knew he needed to get a hold of himself, but he just couldn't. His omega self was adoring this; it was no wonder; the fact she was in his nest made him relax.
"Your nest is so pretty..."
"I wanted it to be perfect before letting you in..." He admitted, "so I was getting you to get things you'd like to add here... So that... You'd feel more at home here like I do."
"Katsuki," she smiled softly to him as she brushed his hair out of his face. "I feel at home with you, okay? This is your nest, you don't have to go out of your way for me." He nodded slowly at that, "but... Thank you... For letting me be here to comfort you."
He hummed, pressing his face back into her neck as he took in her scent happily. He felt content. Both him and his omega instincts were happy with the decision of letting her into his nest. Her arms snaked around him, one resting just on his tailbone as the other played with the strands of hair on the back of his head. The two sat in a comfortable silence, Bakugou letting his heart calm from the scare in the store. "... Scent me."
She smiled at his cute demand, nuzzling her nose into his cheek before lifting his head and rubbing the scent glands in her neck against his showing skin. She kept her hand in his hair, continuing to stroke and play with the strands as she let him take in the scent he so dearly adored.
He wasn't quite sure how long it was when she finally stopped scenting him, and he honestly wanted it to last longer, but he was fine with the amount of her in his nest. He was incredibly lucky to have her; he knew that; however, he couldn't get over the fact he was too stubborn to let this happen earlier.
"Let me know if you need anything to be scented here, okay?"
"... Scent me again." He grumbled, hiding his heating cheeks into the crook of her neck as she chuckled at his antics.
"Of course." He closed his eyes, just letting himself feel the constant contact of her skin on his as fatigue finally washed over him.
"... Stay... With me tonight." He pleaded, his hand crumpling some of her clothes as he kept his eyes closed. The lack of response worried him for a second, but feeling her arms around him tighter gave him the answer he wanted. She wasn't going anywhere tonight, whether he liked it or not.
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schumacherburrow · 9 months
When Ferrari wins for the first time during the season, but the bengals lose at home
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Charles in the sluttiest shade of blue I’ve ever seen
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l0gic1 · 1 year
i stg
Heimtreus shippers are the dumbest mfs ever
Y’all will literally see an abusive relationship and think
‘Omg how cute 🥰!!’
It’d be cute if you would shut the fuck up 🥰 
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inferior-being · 11 months
I'm still mad about 1899
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moka-city · 1 year
Imagining soft lazy mornings (or morning after's) with a gf. Me standing there making breakfast, her walking up behind me and hugging my waist. Resting her head on my shoulder just watching me cook.
Soft forehead kisses and neck nuzzles. Wandering hands with nothing else expected or implied; just enjoying each other's company 🥺
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box-of-crayons · 11 months
Im about to lose my mind!
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hauntedwrighter · 10 months
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i got terrible writing and art block. hopefully, i can get to finishing something, it may be something on my tablet we shall see.
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isathetiefling · 1 year
Do you ever just want to murder Microsoft Word like it's a Criminal Minds episode directed by Matthew Gray Gubler??
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ponponpatapon · 2 years
he's telling you all about his fav lego set
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mildlycoolgay · 11 months
i hate this cold
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kenlikesmusic · 2 years
Just started the neverending cycle of extremely red lips because I keep biting them because they hurt because I keep biting them because they hurt because I keep biting them because they hurt because-
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I never post on here but I’m v bored and hyper focused on FFVII. Anyone interested in roleplaying on discord while I waste away waiting for the next installment of the remake??? ._.
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picklerocket · 5 days
Woke up at 4am to a migraine and tried to sleep it off but ended up projectile vomiting in my living room and now I can't go to sleep because I am scared it will happen again. I hope I am not sick. I have a fever now too and I can't stop sweating :C
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