#people are welcome to interpret literature however they want
thunderboltfire · 2 months
I have a lot of complicated feelings when it comes to what Neflix has done with the Witcher, but my probably least favourite is the line of argumentation that originated during shitstorms related to the first and second season that I was unlucky to witness.
It boils down to "Netflix's reinterpretation and vision is valid, because the Witcher books are not written to be slavic. The overwhelming Slavic aestetic is CDPR's interpretation, and the setting in the original books is universally European, as there are references to Arthurian mythos and celtic languages" And I'm not sure where this argument originated and whether it's parroting Sapkowski's own words or a common stance of people who haven't considered the underlying themes of the books series. Because while it's true that there are a lot of western european influences in the Witcher, it's still Central/Eastern European to the bone, and at its core, the lack of understanding of this topic is what makes the Netflix series inauthentic in my eyes.
The slavicness of the Witcher goes deeper than the aestetics, mannerisms, vodka and sour cucumbers. Deeper than Zoltan wrapping his sword with leopard pelt, like he was a hussar. Deeper than the Redanian queen Hedvig and her white eagle on the red field.
What Witcher is actually about? It's a story about destiny, sure. It's a sword-and-sorcery style, antiheroic deconstruction of a fairy tale, too, and it's a weird mix of many culture's influences.
But it's also a story about mundane evil and mundane good. If You think about most dark, gritty problems the world of Witcher faces, it's xenophobia and discrimination, insularism and superstition. Deep-seated fear of the unknown, the powerlessness of common people in the face of danger, war, poverty and hunger. It's what makes people spit over their left shoulder when they see a witcher, it's what makes them distrust their neighbor, clinging to anything they deem safe and known. It's their misfortune and pent-up anger that make them seek scapegoats and be mindlessly, mundanely cruel to the ones weaker than themselves.
There are of course evil wizards, complicated conspiracies and crowned heads, yes. But much of the destruction and depravity is rooted in everyday mundane cycle of violence and misery. The worst monsters in the series are not those killed with a silver sword, but with steel. it's hard to explain but it's the same sort of motiveless, mundane evil that still persist in our poorer regions, born out of generations-long poverty and misery. The behaviour of peasants in Witcher, and the distrust towards authority including kings and monarchs didn't come from nowhere.
On the other hand, among those same, desperately poor people, there is always someone who will share their meal with a traveller, who will risk their safety pulling a wounded stranger off the road into safety. Inconditional kindness among inconditional hate. Most of Geralt's friends try to be decent people in the horrible world. This sort of contrasting mentalities in the recently war-ridden world is intimately familiar to Eastern and Cetral Europe.
But it doesn't end here. Nilfgaard is also a uniquely Central/Eastern European threat. It's a combination of the Third Reich in its aestetics and its sense of superiority and the Stalinist USSR with its personality cult, vast territory and huge army, and as such it's instantly recognisable by anybody whose country was unlucky enough to be caught in-between those two forces. Nilfgaard implements total war and looks upon the northerners with contempt, conscripts the conquered people forcibly, denying them the right of their own identity. It may seem familiar and relevant to many opressed people, but it's in its essence the processing of the trauma of the WW2 and subsequent occupation.
My favourite case are the nonhumans, because their treatment is in a sense a reminder of our worst traits and the worst sins in our history - the regional antisemitism and/or xenophobia, violence, local pogroms. But at the very same time, the dilemma of Scoia'Tael, their impossible choice between maintaining their identity, a small semblance of freedom and their survival, them hiding in the forests, even the fact that they are generally deemed bandits, it all touches the very traumatic parts of specifically Polish history, such as January Uprising, Warsaw Uprising, Ghetto Uprising, the underground resistance in WW2 and the subsequent complicated problem of the Cursed Soldiers all at once. They are the 'other' to the general population, but their underlying struggle is also intimately known to us.
The slavic monsters are an aestetic choice, yes, but I think they are also a reflection of our local, private sins. These are our own, insular boogeymen, fears made flesh. They reproduce due to horrors of the war or they are an unprovoked misfortune that descends from nowhere and whose appearance amplifies the local injustices.
I'm not talking about many, many tiny references that exist in the books, these are just the most blatant examples that come to mind. Anyway, the thing is, whether Sapkowski has intended it or not, Witcher is slavic and it's Polish because it contains social commentary. Many aspects of its worldbuilding reflect our traumas and our national sins. It's not exclusively Polish in its influences and philosophical motifs of course, but it's obvious it doesn't exist in a vacuum.
And it seems to me that the inherently Eastern European aspects of Witcher are what was immediately rewritten in the series. It seems to me that the subtler underlying conflicts were reshaped to be centered around servitude, class and gender disparity, and Nilfgaard is more of a fanatic terrorist state than an imposing, totalitarian empire. A lot of complexity seems to be abandoned in lieu of usual high-fantasy wordbuilding. It's especially weird to me because it was completely unnecessary. The Witcher books didn't need to be adjusted to speak about relevant problems - they already did it! The problem of acceptance and discrimination is a very prevalent theme throughout the story! They are many strong female characters too, and they are well written. Honestly I don't know if I should find it insulting towards their viewers that they thought it won't be understood as it was and has to be somehow reshaped to fit the american perpective, because the current problems are very much discussed in there and Sapkowski is not subtle in showing that genocide and discrimination is evil. Heck, anyone who has read the ending knows how tragic it makes the whole story.
It also seems quite disrespectful, because they've basically taken a well-established piece of our domestic literature and popular culture and decided that the social commentary in it is not relevant. It is as if all it referenced was just not important enough and they decided to use it as an opportunity to talk about the problems they consider important. And don't get me wrong, I'm not forcing anyone to write about Central European problems and traumas, I'm just confused that they've taken the piece of art already containing such a perspective on the popular and relevant problem and they just... disregarded it, because it wasn't their exact perspective on said problem.
And I think this homogenisation, maybe even from a certain point of view you could say it's worldview sanitisation is a problem, because it's really ironic, isn't it? To talk about inclusivity in a story which among other problems is about being different, and in the same time to get rid of motifs, themes and references because they are foreign? Because if something presents a different perspective it suddenly is less desirable?
There was a lot of talking about the showrunners travelling to Poland to understand the Witcher's slavic spirit and how to convey it. I don't think they really meant it beyond the most superficial, paper-thin facade.
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wistfulweaverwoman · 1 month
I have been marinating on something for the last day.
For roughly ten years I have been sharing my analysis of different aspects of THG books, but I started writing in depth character analysis before I ever joined the fandom. By nature of analysis they are subjective to comprehension, education, and personal experiences, however, I do my absolute best to keep them as unbiased as possible.
I understand that what I offer may not be what you've interpreted, and that's fine. We can discuss where we're each coming from, and agree to disagree if we don't come to an understanding. There are some things that I've shifted on over the years as I learn more about classic literature and symbolism, and even people pointing out text in a way that I never noticed. My mind continually seems to be blown by these books.
What's completely uncool is to not only tell me that my analysis is wrong, but that Susanne Collins wouldn't want me to interpret what I did, they way I did.
Motherfucking what now?? The two of you bffs? You discuss this over brunch??
So what's my beef? It stems from the kerfuffle from a few days ago where there was a bit of arguing over Katniss and whether she felt sexually aroused when Gale kissed her in 2. I did't know this was hotly debated issue till after. The person was complaining about Gale and so I offered some insight by linking my Gale analysis, (which I've already decided needs to be rewritten because there's things I'd like to add or provide further clarification on).
My analysis is metaphorical, specifically comparing THG to Dante's Comedies and how the series is Katniss's own journey through the seven hells to paradise through spiritual transformation.
They said they agreed with everything except Gale having sexual feelings for Katniss (weird take, but okay). I went on to explain that Gale represents the most base of men, and that that he's meant to provide contrast to the feelings she has for Peeta, which elevate above sexual desire to a more spiritual level. Specifically, the cave kiss, when Katniss first realizes that she does not want to lose the boy with the bread, mirrors the kiss in 2 with Gale, in which she realizes Peeta will never come back or she’ll never return and she’ll go to the Capitol to die, and he’ll die hating her… all while Gale is actively kissing her neck. And because nothing matters anymore she kisses him back:
“Gale’s touch and taste and heat remind me that at least my body’s still alive, and for the moment it’s a welcome feeling. I empty my mind and let the sensations run through my flesh, happy to lose myself.”
They then tell me that Katniss only feels arousal 2-3 times in the book (whereas I believe it's more, but they're feelings that aren't worth mentioning because those feelings aren't important, but there's hints in the narrative of her desire for Peeta, often in bed) and that what she felt while Gale was touching her wasn't arousal. I say let's agree to disagree, and then they @ me TWO more times to continue to tell me I'm wrong and the bit about SC. So they're blocked, which I have never done before, beside porn bots.
PSA for the folks that don't know this because they haven't experienced these yet:
There's a difference between sexual arousal from physical stimulation, being sexually attracted to a person, and being with someone you're in love with.
You can, in fact, be aroused by someone you're not at all attracted to, it's a physical response to stimuli. Even rape victims have felt sexual arousal, which is totally normal, though generally leaves them with a sense of shame and horror. So yes, Katniss was aroused, but not actually attracted to Gale. Again, this provides contrast to what she feels with Peeta!
"I kissed Peeta about a thousand times during those Games and after. But there was only one kiss that made me feel something stir deep inside. Only one that made me want more. But my head wound started bleeding and he made me lie down. This time, there is nothing but us to interrupt us. And after a few attempts, Peeta gives up on talking. The sensation inside me grows warmer and spreads out from my chest, down through my body, out along my arms and legs, to the tips of my being."
When she's referring to how she feels with Gale it's described physically and she uses the word "flesh". What she feels with Peeta is far far more than sexual arousal. She's not saying she's horny. Katniss feels this in her soul: "to the tips of my being".
You don't have to agree with me, but if you're going to come at me with half baked theories at least back it up with textual evidence, and not like throw some bullshit at me. Stop projecting your own shit on these characters and then calling it #cannon!!
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dis-astre · 2 years
hi to the new people in the les mis fandom joining bc of joseph quinn, it is lovely to have u all with us and u are more than welcome, however u should know that bbc enjolras (and the whole bbc adaptation) is nowhere close to the original character and everything he represent.
while joseph quinn did a really good job at acting enjolras, the way the writers wrote his character was bad and out of character. obviously, and it's normal, an adaptation will always have its own interpretation of a character, and that's what's make fiction so great. but i think u need to be aware of the fact that it's not a good representation of what enjolras' character is and what his character has been representing for over 150 years (i could go into details and maybe will but it's late and i'm working early tomorrow).
i also wanted to say, as a reminder that, while it's completely fine to simp for enjolras (no one is immune to him, whether he's played by aaron tveit, joseph quinn or anyone else) and find him hot (because he IS hot or because he's played by joseph quinn, again, i get it; i don't find moustachjolras hot but damn that man is find irl), u need to be aware that enjolras is a queer character. it's stated multiple times that he has no interest in women, never has and never will. his character has been an important representation for the queer community, him being compared to a lot of gay historical figures (and i'm not going to start with the enjoltaire); but also for the aromantic and asexual community and trans community. his character is very likely to be aroace; and victor hugo describe him as being very androgynous looking, looking like a young woman. and while i don't want to talk on behalf of the trans community, i've seen a lot of post and fanfictions headcanoning him as trans, and i think it's very important to have that kind of representation in such an important piece of classical literature.
so please, be aware that the y/n fanfic and nswf y/n fanfic with female character x enjolras can be really disturbing, especially for people who have been in the fandom for a long time and are really looking up to his character and kinning him. don't just reduce him to hot-man-u-wanna-do-the-dirty-with when his character carries so much importance and has for decades. and i promise, caring about a character's whole essence and personality doesn't make them any less interesting or hot (quite the contrary actually).
also, let's not forget how we collectively hated on the casting choice when it first came out and i find it a bit odd to suddenly change our mind just bc it's the same actor who plays eddie munson. i personally think we were right to complain, bc it WAS a bad casting choice considering all the physical description of enjolras we had (and yes, in les mis, his physical appearance matters of lot).
we are not trying to gatekeep our fandom. on the contrary, i think it's really pretty fucking cool to have new people finding an interest in a 160yo book ! and for me, u guys are more than welcome to join our sad silly little fandom. but we just want u to be aware of all of this (and maybe some other issues that do not cross my mind rn) and be educated so we can all be drama free.
ok i'm done now, sorry for the long post, welcome again to the fandom, and if u decide to stay be ready for the tears and the pain caused by mr victor hugo ! bye bye, with love, a little french fan
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ahenvs3000w24 · 3 months
03: Privilege
Privilege is a subconscious advantage. Privilege takes many forms in our modern society and is often misused against the lesser. It is the assumption of those who consider themselves to be “privileged” that the level of accessibility to resources and experiences is undifferentiated. When we consider nature interpretation, factors such as socioeconomic factors, cultural background, native language, and lack of knowledge all influence the depth at which the natural world can be related to (Beck et al., 2018). 
Peggy McIntosh’s metaphorical approach to describing privilege is an excellent foundation to this discussion (Hooykaas, 2024). She references an “invisible backpack” as the vessel that carries our assets and knowledge (Hooykaas, 2024). These assets are unearned and often do not surface to our awareness (Hooykaas, 2024). Assets such as economic status, cultural background, language, and education are examples of what the invisible backpack would be composed of (Beck et al., 2018). Each asset directly influences how we perceive, acquire, and relate to the world around us (Beck et al., 2018). 
I am a young, white, university student. I am of the middle-class and am one of two children. My “invisible backpack” has facilitated the rich relationship I have with the natural world from a young age. My economic privilege rendered incredible travel expeditions across the world and exposure to exceptional environmental programs. I attend a recognized Ontario University and am on pace to receive a bachelor’s degree. My cultural background has seamlessly led to opportunities in my professional and personal life, allocating more time for leisure. I recognize that with English as my first language, a greater number of nature interpretation programs and literature are  accessible. Considering the level of privilege I possess; privilege is defined as the accessibility to opportunity unaffected by fear and the lack of sacrifice that enable a richer quality of life.  
Economic privilege is an integral component when considering the accessibility one may have to nature. Individuals who have disposable income may indulge in travel and higher-end nature experiences (Beck et al., 2018). While it can be debated that the natural world is free to all people, the diversity of experiences is accompanied with a price. It is the responsibility of the nature interpreter to create affordable, inclusive experiences that are close to home (Beck et al., 2018). Education and immersive programs are a right, not a privilege and they must be delivered as such.
 Cultural privilege is a sensitive aspect when discussing the accessibility one may have to nature. The participation of different cultures in nature is largely dependent on social constructs and values (Beck et al., 2018). Camping in tents is an activity that wealthy white people participate in however, to urban minorities is their reality (Beck et al., 2018). To address cultural privilege, inclusivity should be the number one priority. Personal invitations to instil that all are welcome and wanted will strengthen the bond between cultures (Beck et al., 2018). 
Language privilege or proficiency is often overlooked in Canada. Canada is a country whose two national languages are English and French. Most programming, advertisements, and professionals are fluent in English and are aware of basic French (Beck et al., 2018). Courses, signage, and maps when entering a provincial park are always in English (Beck et al., 2018). Immigrant families and non-native Canadian citizens are not able to connect with the information on the natural world the same as those who are fluent in English (Beck et al., 2018). Nature interpreters must actively reduce communicative barriers and utilize multimedia approaches.  
Privilege influences how one may perceive, relate, and accept the natural world (Beck et al., 2018). It is the role of the interpreter to develop strategies and programming to address these limitations and postulate solutions to become more inclusive. I recognize the privilege I have and how said privilege has exposed me to several opportunities. I encourage my peers to work alongside me in developing a sustainable, inclusive future for nature interpreters.
Beck, L., Cable, T. T., & Knudson, D. M. (2018). Interpreting cultural and natural heritage: for a better world. Sagamore Venture.
Hooykaas, A. (2024). Unit 3: Risk versus reward in interpretation. University of Guelph. https://courselink.uoguelph.ca/d2l/le/content/858004/viewContent/3640017/View
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Random thoughts and questions on Matty’s quest to perceive himself:
This is not a fully formed reading, or interpretation, or theory. This is just me thinking out loud. I’d welcome any input.
I’ve been thing about, how, Matty often says that he has learned more from art and artists than he has from politicians or leading figures. He says it here for example, but also plenty elsewhere.
I wonder how he reconciles this with his criticism of current internet culture? He often says that artists used to be bohemian outcasts, now everybody wants artists to be liberal academics.
Rightly so! As a liberal academic —well, an ex-liberal academic; I’ve been radicalized by villain of the year— (literally: I’m a PhD candidate in one of the most “woke” and “progressive” English literature departments in the US right now) we fuckin suck. We’re cowards and hypocrites and artists shouldn’t be like us.
HOWEVER, I wish I could ask him if he thinks that artists must necessarily be bohemian outcasts in order to be the kinds of people who teach us more about being in the world when politicians and community leaders fail us. Like do you have to be a weirdo and a kind of edgelord in order to do so?
As he grows up, and starts to get into the “unsexy” stuff like “earnestness” and “responsibility?” “Love” etc. doesn’t all that mundane stuff kind of make him, as an artist, less of a bohemian, and more of a mundane everyday troubled guy like the rest of us? What does that mean for his art? How is he going to continue to make art that “signposts towards utopia” if he becomes increasingly normal? Is there a road from normal everyday life towards that utopia? Is that what art is supposed to illuminate for us?
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twistedtummies2 · 1 month
Gathering of the Greatest Gumshoes - Number 4
Welcome to A Gathering of the Greatest Gumshoes! During this month-long event, I’ve been counting down my Top 31 Favorite Fictional Detectives, from movies, television, literature, video games, and more!
We're nearing the end of this event, my friends.
SLEUTH-OF-THE-DAY’S QUOTE: “The Weed of Crime Bears Bitter Fruit.”
Number 4 is…The Shadow.
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I’ve talked about the Shadow at least a few times in the past (more frequently than that with those closest to me), but for those who are unfamiliar with the character and his world, here’s the basics: the Shadow is a character many consider to be the father of the modern superhero. Several famous “super detectives” take inspiration from the character, either directly or indirectly: most famously, the Shadow was a major inspiration for none other than the Dark Knight himself, Batman. However, his influence can also be seen in characters like the Punisher, Daredevil, various Alan Moore creations (such as Rorschach and V from V for Vendetta), and even freaking Darkwing Duck!
The Shadow was originally created as the narrator/host for a series of crime and horror radio dramas sponsored by a company called Street & Smith. The character became so popular, the company decided to expand on the concept, and began to publish a pulp magazine focused on the character and his adventures. Writer and illusionist expert Walter B. Gibson – working under the pseudonym “Maxwell Grant” – developed the character accordingly. Gibson decided he wanted to create "a hero who had some of the villain's appeal," citing that villains were usually more interesting than typical heroic protagonists. Taking inspiration from his knowledge of stagecraft and the occult, as well as various pieces of classic literature - including Sherlock Holmes, Dracula, Phantom of the Opera, and The Scarlet Pimpernel - Gibson turned the ephemeral narrator figure into a "weird avenger of evil," arguably just as scary as the crooks he fought.
Such was effectively the birth of the Shadow as a fully-formed character. This version got his start in the pulp magazines, most of which were written by Gibson. He was later reimagined for a new radio program, and since then has appeared in a few movies (the most well-known being the 1994 feature starring Alec Baldwin). However, the character – originally created in the 1930s – has survived most prominently via comics. The current company with the rights to the character in comic format is Dynamite Entertainment, but the Shadow has also belonged to DC, Marvel, and Dark Horse at different points in his long career.
The Shadow’s true identity is “wealthy young man-about-town” Lamont Cranston (at least in the radio shows and all the film treatments; the comics and pulps are more complicated). By day, Cranston is a laid-back member of New York City’s elite. However, this demeanor hides a dark side, created by an even darker past: once upon a time, the man who would become the Shadow was a fighter pilot in WWI. His plane crashed in Tibet during a mission, and he was presumed killed in action. Different interpretations of his origins change up what happened next, but one thing is consistent: for the next seven years, he lived in Tibet, and during that time he experienced “all the evil that lurks in the hearts of men.” He eventually met a mystic known as the Tulku, who not only taught him martial-arts, but also gave him the ability to “Cloud Men’s Minds.” With his newfound skills, he returned to New York and became the Shadow: forever bound to an immortal quest to destroy evil.
The Shadow's power to “Cloud Men’s Minds” is less pretentiously described as him having various psychic abilities. He can project illusions, hypnotize people, control their minds, and make himself seem invisible (or, appropriately, like a living shadow), just to name a few examples of his talents. However, while these abilities are certainly useful ones, the Shadow is also skilled in other, more traditional fields: he is a fine marksman, as skilled with his dual-wielding silver-plated pistols as he is with a rifle or machine gun. His learning of the martial arts makes him a skilled melee warrior, and he has at least some knowledge of various sciences (how much varies from version to version) and forensic techniques. The Shadow is also aided by a veritable army of Agents: people he has saved in the past who now do his bidding, acting as his eyes and ears. Probably the most noteworthy are Margot Lane (a glamorous young lady who is his love interest), Harry Vincent (the Shadow’s chief spy, who really only shows up in printed material), and Moe “Shrevvy” Shrevnitz (a cabby who is essentially the Shadow’s chauffeur).
The most interesting point about the Shadow, and where his character’s development shines most intriguingly, is his morality: the Shadow is an objectivist character, who acts as an agent of vengeance against all wrongdoers, no matter the mitigating circumstances. Some would say this is inaccurate, but I would say the Shadow best counts as an anti-hero. He sees the world often in black and white, and obsessively and downright SADISTICALLY faces his opponents. He delights in taunting them with purple prose, laughing as he leads them to destruction, and is often just as frightening as the villains he defeats. Under the surface, there is a soft side to his soul…but if you’re a supervillain, a gangster, or anyone else who might cross his path, start praying.
“For who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow Knows! HA HA HA!”
Tomorrow, the countdown enters the Top 3!
CLUE: “It is the brain, the little grey cells, on which one must rely.”
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blogkarisman · 6 months
Celebrating High Quality of Denny Ja’s Selected Work to 43: He died but alive
Indonesia, October 12, 2022 Welcome to our article, where we celebrate the high quality of the selected work from Denny Ja who celebrates the 43rd birthday. The title of the work that we discussed today is he dies but alive. In this article, we will explore the latest Quality of Denny JA’s works, as well as provide insights about the life and messages contained behind the work.    In his long journey as a writer and intellectual, Denny JA has produced many works that inspire and influence many people in Indonesia. In celebrating the 43rd year of its elected work, we must recognize and appreciate its dedication in producing high -quality work that arouses and provoked our minds.    He died but life was one of Denny JA’s latest works that was able to attract the attention of many people. In this work, Denny Ja explores the theme of life and death in depth and provoked. He invites the reader to reflect on the nature of life and how we should interpret it wisely.    In this essay poem, Denny Ja described a main character who faced the identity crisis after experiencing physical death. However, despite his physical dead, he still lives in spiritual form that is not limited by physical boundaries. In his spiritual journey, this main character discovered a deep wisdom and understanding of the meaning of life.    In this work, Denny Ja not only presents interesting stories, but also offers deep philosophical thinking. He provoked the reader to see life from a different perspective and explore essential questions about the meaning of life. Through a rich and inspiring narration, Denny Ja invites us to reflect on what is really important in life.    In addition, Denny Ja also uses his elected work to criticize social and political problems in Indonesia. He uses his writing as a tool to build public awareness about important issues that affect the community. With a sharp and evocative writing style, Denny Ja is able to create a significant impact on society.    Not only that, Denny Ja is also famous for his dedication in supporting and inspiring the younger generation. He often gives lectures and seminars on literature and culture to students and youth in various universities and communities in Indonesia. Denny Ja wants to ensure that the younger generation understands the importance of literacy and has an interest in reading and writing.    In the 43rd anniversary of Denny Ja’s elected work, we must appreciate its extraordinary contribution to the world of Indonesian literature and intellectuality. His chosen work has inspired many people and gave birth to in -depth discussions about various important issues in society.    Hopefully through Denny Ja’s latest work, we can all get deeper insights about life, the meaning of life, and challenge the challenges faced by our society. Let us celebrate the high quality of the elected work of Denny Ja and continue to support Indonesian writers and intellectuals in building a better society.    Thank you for reading this article. Hopefully Denny Ja’s work continues to inspire and have a positive impact on our lives.
Check more: Celebrating High Quality Work Chosen Denny Ja 43rd: He died but alive
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ouyangzizhensdad · 3 years
American anon again. I do apologize if I came across salty/bitter as that was not my intention. I will admit that I did respond in a somewhat defensive manor and that was not the best take. I truly just wanted to know why there was a sort of animosity towards Westerns especially Americans who consume MDZS/Asian media in general. I understand justifiable reasons such as Americans self inserting, trying to Americanize Asian media, or taking things out of context, but some people I've come across don't want Westerns in the fandom at all and refuse to answer any questions you may have about MDZS simply because they are Westerns.
I never understood gatekeeping literature or media as everyone should be allowed to consume whatever media they want and be able to have civil conversations about it. It helps gain perspective outside of your own bubble and helps you become a more open-minded person. As someone who majors in literature and philosophy I've read works by all sorts of people from different cultures and countries and have had insightful conversations about those works. Many people have been more than welcoming in discussing the literature, but the MDZS fandom seems so opposite of that. It seems to be very "I'm right, you're wrong and your opinion is invalid. This not up for discussion." I personally have read your metas and agree with pretty much all of them, but if I tried to talk to someone else on why Wei Ying isn't oblivious or why I like the incense burner chapters it becomes "You've never read the official version so you're wrong by default" instead of a civil conversation. I understand I will always be an outsider in anything that isn't American and I'm not saying that I shouldn't be, but I don't get blatant disdain for people who consume things from a different culture. Nobody gets to choose their nationality or race so why hate someone for things they can't control when you have similar interests.
I'll be really honest, anon. I think you might be interpreting things people are saying in fandom in extremes that aren't meant that way and in the process ditching a lot of nuance or context--perhaps because you are not feeling this sense of acceptance in this fandom than you might have been expecting or are used to having. For instance, I don't think I've seen a clear-cut: "You've never read the official version so you're wrong by default". However I have seen people explain that not accessing the text through a translation means that it can change the meaning substantially, and that this should make us consider that any analysis based on close-reading the translation might produce interpretations that are not exactly supported in the original text. Moreover, I think a lot of people who might appear to you as "gate-keeping" are in actually just venting or expressing a personal choice to avoid interacting with westerner fans due to too many unpleasant experiences.
I'm not saying it is impossible for people to use concepts like racism and cultural imperialism, etc. in order to avoid any scrutiny or criticism, or use "it's a translation so it could be anything" as a trump card instead of engaging with other arguments. I do think there is a growing number of people especially on the internet who are hiding behind their identities or social justice concepts to avoid having to own up to shitty behaviour or flimsy arguments: we can see this with teenagers on tiktok roleplaying having serious disorders who cry "ableism" and "classism" as soon as people call them out on it. I mean there was a situation not too long ago where, having criticised the crying in the rain scene in woh for relying on clichés and run-of-the-mill techniques instead of truly emotional writing/film-making to incite a reaction in the viewer, I was accused of not being able to understand the depth of meaning in the scene because I was a western who probably knew nothing of east asian media and tropes--and, honestly, I remain unconvinced by this counter-argument to this day. We have to be open to criticisms and to re-examining our behaviours, but that does not mean either that we have to wholesale accept any criticism as valid because it features enough of the right buzzwords.
Nobody gets to choose their race or nationality, but we also do not control the systems of the world we live in, which is amongst others racist and imperalistic and western-centric. We can't just go to a universalising "we are all humans! why does it matter? should we all not come together" sentiments because it does not change the unequal power relations that structure each of our lives daily and affect us asymmetrically. Fandom engagement is not activism and will never be. But fandom is still part of the real world and the people who take part in it are real people with lived experiences, where our words and behaviours have impacts on others, and where the underlying ideologies we have end up coming to the fore.
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evilzoldyck · 4 years
Hell is Other People
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Admiring the heavy rock that was tailored perfectly to match your finger in silent awe you gleamed almost as brightly as the diamond which glittered underneath the moonlight. 
You could hear the murmurs of your guests and the faint music of the orchestra playing in the background from afar as you stood in your private balcony to revere the ring that symbolised an emblem of eternal faith and affection. To be quite honest with yourself you hadn’t seen it coming, just earlier in the day you’re mulling over which dress to wear for the evening party that your partner scrupulously planned for since months, now that he had proposed to you in front of all your highly esteemed company it all made sense.
This was your engagement party. 
Pleading with a resolute ‘yes’ for an answer, the colossal baroque hall erupted into an applause at the sight of the new happily engaged couple. Wiping a few tears of joy and sharing quick loving kisses from your partner he proudly showed you around where his parents eagerly took you in as part of the family. His Mother held you tight as if you were her very own and his Father kissed the back of your hand cordially in response. You’ve never felt so welcomed before, the warmth of having a real family was one that was foreign but comforting for you.
Taking a break from meeting all the guests he had personally invited to witness his ardent declaration of love, you stood alone in the cool breeze to process all the adrenaline in blissfully. To think, engaged during a peaceful warm season, you couldn’t believe you’re going to celebrate your anniversary every year on such a beautiful weather, making a special connotation to the word summer now. 
Suddenly feeling an unwanted presence behind you, your face that was once graced with a contented smile had turned into a sour frown. You knew exactly who would turn the most happiest night of your life upside down, trailing after a bloody carpet and reigning chaos until the dawn rises. 
The harbinger of death itself, Chrollo Lucilfer.
“So he’s finally proposed,” his dark timbre voice reverberated through the quiet night, startling such a tranquil silence. “I’d congratulate you on your engagement, but I can’t say I’m quite pleased.” There were hundreds of guards your partner employed on duty at the whole premise, guarding every entrance and exit making sure to keep trespassers at bay to keep this party perfect. Though with all the security money could by at your disposal, you weren’t completely surprised someone like him could get through easily, he is the head of the spider after all, capable of going in and out wherever he pleases.
“Chrollo,” you acknowdleged him with an air of indifference, turning around to the slightly to see him dressed in a fine black suit and tie, oddly appropriate for the occasion. “Where are the rest of the troupe? Couldn’t imagine you pulling off a heist on your own.” It was true, there were many treasures such as valuable paintings and ornaments all held in a considerable amount of monetary value scattered along the place, and even then, there were hidden assets stored deep underground that even you had just learned about, or perhaps he’s come for the family’s precious heirloom?
“No need to be so tense, it’s just me tonight.” He suddenly appeared before you, holding the hand in which the engagement ring was secured onto. Smiling bitterly at the glistening jewellery, he showed no movement or even an ounce of intention to take it away from you, rather he looked to be quite pensive as he studied it with a forlorn expression. “I don’t necessarily like to intrude, but it seems that I was uninvited by your charming fiancé.” 
Taking your hand away from his cold hands without ever leaving your skeptical eyes off of his lackadaisical form, he reluctantly lets it go. “The feeling still stands.” Glaring at him with a scathing passion. “There is nothing for you to take here, nothing that you have not already seen before. Leave this people alone, they have nothing worthy of you to steal from.”
“You seem to be quite fond of them,” Chrollo commented motionlessly, closing the space even closer. “Perhaps even more than me.” A distasteful tone from him had you nearly shivering in your heels, however you needed to stand your ground you couldn’t let him ruin everything you worked so hard for. 
“I’ve let you had your fun, released you from your ties, gave you time for yourself and now what do you do? Run into the arms of another man.” He trapped you in between his body and the stone carved balustrades. “Don’t tell me I’ve been replaced,” he whispered in bitter disbelief before placating himself quickly and placed a gentle hand upon your cheek. “My dearest friend, do I really stand no chance with you? Didn’t you once held me high in the standing of your heart?”
Your throat went completely dry as he bared his unbridled affections for you. “Once,” you answered truthfully. Years before in Meteor City you both shared the same vision, the same utopian perspective of your future filled with comfort through grim determination. However as time progressed he began to stray further away from what you both shared. You watched his avarice grow beyond expectancy, stepping over bodies to get what he desired without a vestige of remorse or empathy. Time turned him to be such a monster, an unrecognisable stranger who’s oddly keeping you alive by his side. “A long time ago, but now I barely remember the traces of where I held you in such position.”
Chrollo smiled sullenly at your response, as if he was expecting the daggers of your tongue into his heart. “You’re too cruel,” he detached the palm of his hand from your soft skin. 
“I can’t help but ask after all this time.” He placed a hand against the railing, thoroughly interrogating you closely. “Was it fun, making me chase after you? Did you enjoy the idea of me grovelling for your attention, for you to spare me a simple kiss? I’ve circled the world for your heart and yet it never seems to be enough.” 
He kept the bitter quirk on his lips as he continued, “like I’m never enough.”
Gripping onto the hard stone you willed yourself not to let your knees give out. Though he didn’t show it, you could see the raging storm of emotions in his eyes, the pain and betrayal he felt when you left and the sliver of intention to hurt you. You wanted to calm him down, pacify his anger like you did before when you were both younger. However you couldn’t reward his behaviour anymore, you couldn’t be on the same side where history would echo the time in which evil was left untamed
“What is it he has that I couldn’t give you?” He spoke so softly you could feel the sincerity in his words. 
“It’s not something you could give me,” your tone as careful and gentle as ever around the capricious being. Unfortunately that set every fibre of his being on fire. 
“Do you even love him?” 
You took his challenging words as a personal affront to your integrity. “I find it hard to see if that is any of your concern.” 
“He’s nearly twice your age.” Chrollo staunchly dismissed. “I see the way you look at me, you look at me with such anger in your eyes, like I’m the lowest being to walk on earth; a vermin with no moral compass.” The warm night air suddenly turned frigid at the sound of his strained voice that was holding back such malice. “And you’re right, but what differentiates me from you is that at least I don’t lie to myself.” 
“And the worst thing is that you don’t even seem to realise it do you? You willingly use others for your own interests and discard them once you no longer had use of them. No matter how hard you try to convince yourself, you and I both know your true nature. You’re exactly like me- in fact you might even be worse than me, robbing people blind. I do my work in the dark but you do yours in broad daylight,” Chrollo stated. “I’m not the only monster here.”
“Don’t talk to me of hypocrisy when you value those philosophical books so much,” you angrily countered, noting how much time he spent on the ideas and theories discussed in heavy literatures such as the Leviathan. “Never have I met someone so ridiculously obsessed with Western perspectives on rules and regulations and yet completely disregards them in practice.” 
“But isn’t that what’s so appealing about it? Of course I don’t take these words as gospel when there’s so many critiques to each theory. It’s too nuanced and complex to ever rightfully regulate civil society that who could determine what I’m doing is immoral? For Hobbes I’m merely exercising my right of nature as it is ‘the liberty each man hath, to use his own power, as he will for himself, for the preservation of his own nature,’ you remember right?” He quipped, reminding you of the times he shared his esoteric books with you, engaging in meaningful and intellectual thoughts until the candle burned out. 
“I have not consented to the laws of nature and therefore I have yet to surrender my natural rights. Thus the sovereign is illegitimate to me and I’m under no obligation of the state as I have not entered in any form of contract bound by the will and rule of the sovereign. I’m not bound to any laws of this land for I do not conform to the will of others but myself. Plato’s Crito would further support his argument on the laws of consent.”
Scoffing at his misconstrued interpretation you vacantly refuted. “Hobbes also said that if there is reasonable hope in preserving peace to seek and follow it.”
“However I may think it not necessary or the best for my life to be best preserved then I may seek and use all helps and advantages of war.”
“Nevertheless all that is futile for his argument remains that the design of men is the willingness to put restraint upon themselves for a more contented life thereby. We should ultimately consent for the second law of nature requires that we should covenant for peace if others are willing.”
“If others are willing.” He repeated and stressed out the first word. “Do you remember where we lived? No person there would opt for peace, it’s every man for themselves. It is what he hypothetically calls the state of nature, a horrible nasty, brutish and short life, except it’s real. Meteor City is a lawless land and as he states that no contract could be formed in the state of nature. Thus this paradox leaves us in a perpetual natural state of mankind; war.”
“You know there’s more to philosophy than just the Leviathan, Rousseau’s Social Contract and Locke’s Second Treatise of Civil Government has a lot to say on your so called ‘freedom’. There is no advantage to stay in the state of nature, the natural progress of humanity is the establishment of a common political authority for the sake of improving our way of life.”
“Actually Locke and Hobbes states that the state diminishes our sense of freedom but is justified in doing so, by no means did they implied our freedom would be retained, and that, is what I don’t find an improvement.”
“Rousseau would disagree with you, the state is a necessary condition of our freedom for the sovereign is the construction of all through the general will and so is directly exercised by the citizenry. Therefore, this eliminates the tension between political authority and individual freedom.” You sighed, “Chrollo even if you wanted to retain individual autonomy over yourself you’d surely remember Mill’s first sentence on the harm principle, ‘the only freedom which deserves the name is that of pursuing our own good in our own way, so long as we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs, or impede their efforts to attain it.’ In other words, as long as you don’t harm others you can do whatever the fuck you like, but you seem to struggle with that concept of freedom don’t you?”
He suddenly chuckled lightly at your remark. “How are you so quick to mark me wrong as if I had forgotten your favourite book?” You suddenly shifted uncomfortably on your feet as he smirked amusingly at your cornered form. “I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the revered Mary Wollstonecraft, we would often read her passages for hours didn’t we? A Vindication of the Rights of a Woman, well, I guess we’re both hypocrites here.” 
“What was her argument? That women were rendered weak, lacked the use of reason, had no special moral value?” He droned on and looked afar as if he was in deep thought before returning his sharp gaze to yours. “You had a lot to say about the sexist social arrangements in today’s society, you argued that women are deprived of their natural rights to acquire virtue through the use reason. How Wollstonecraft would be so disappointed if she could see you right now, the most passionate proponent of her work devoting her energies in pleasing and making herself attractive to men.”
“Stop it.” You hissed as he jabbed at your pride, mocking your own words of the past to further humiliate your contradicting present.
“What were the words you used to quote to me? ‘Have women so little in ambition as to be satisfied with such a condition? Can they supinely dream life away in the lap of pleasure and render themselves conspicuous by practicing the virtues which signify mankind? Surely she has not an immortal soul who can loiter life away merely employed to adorn her person, that she may amuse the languid hours, and soften the carress of a fellow-creature who is willing to be enlivened by her smiles and tricks, when the serious business of life is over.’ Aren’t you becoming the women she is scathing about?” 
“What’s so wrong with pleasure? Wanting to be taken care of? The want and human need for companionship and love is not one to be jeered at. Might it just even cross your mind that I chose this life instead of ‘building my faculty.’ Those texts described the social conditioning of women back in the eighteen hundreds, women have more options now and are more than capable to choose. Times have changed.” 
“Have they?” Chrollo hummed. “Is the pleasure that you insist on promoting for you, or for him?” He rubbed the silky garment of your dress impassively. “Don’t you wish to be more than a pretty ornament? To have purpose and participate in the natural rights of mankind? ‘Virtue, says reason, must be acquired by rough toils, and useful struggles with worldly cares.’ Sure you are provided with goods and raiment but liberty and virtue are given in exchange. You could build your character by the sense of struggle of living-“
“How can you call that living?!” You exploded abruptly, pausing for a moment to realise that you were shaking all over as you stood in your designer heels before him with glassy eyes. “What we did- to those people, those families, it was never enough for you. I may be what I despised in my youth but I’m better off being an indulgence for others rather than taking account for mass genocide; for what I lack in virtue I make up for my own compassion.”
“How kindly of you,” he nodded absently. “Then perhaps we should test it. Referring back on your comment on Mill’s harm principle, you must know then that the cause of evil not only takes account of a person’s action but also their inaction, and in either case he is justly accountable for the injury.”
“What are you saying?”
“Let’s hypothesise that I would come back on your white wedding day and that I would kill everyone present during the reception, by learning this information, you then would be held responsible for each of their death.” You griped your hand so hard you’re sure that you’ve left specks of bloody crescent moon marks on the palm of your hands. 
“I have no obligation of duty towards you, therefore the harm principle does not apply to me for I am not responsible or related for your actions.” You countered at his allusion to the other-regarding actions where a special role of obligation is placed within the liberty principle.
“No unfortunately you’re not,” he agreed. “But him, would you not protect him at all costs? Surely as your soon to be life long partner you would do whatever it takes to promote his health and well-being. If you would simply come back to me before the day of wedding, denounce your engagement and reinstate your affiliation and loyalty towards the troupe everybody gets their happily ever after.” He finally took a step back. “In failing to meet our obligations to others we are actually harming them.” 
“I’m tired of your philosophical rhapsodies, if you were to kill others or even yourself I would not hold myself accountable so I suggest you’d best return to whatever matters you currently have and leave us alone.” You’ve grown anxious and wary of the dangerous connotation of his words and with the way he was impishly grinning at you suggested that he saw right through your bluff. 
“Its getting late, you should return to your awaiting fiancé before he realises you’ve been gone for too long,” looking back down at the sight of pretty swirls of dresses on the ballroom quietly dwindling down as the night grew longer. “It’s reassuring to see that you haven’t changed at all, I missed our philosophical prattle.” 
“I can hardly say the same, discussing Western philosophers on an engagement party is certainly not in the least enlightening, I suggest you turn to the East for matters such as these.” 
Chrollo gave a half-suppressed laugh and an amused smile, one that was rare and sincere in which held no trace of malice or cruelty. “Before I forget to tell you, you look beautiful.” You didn’t let your hardened expression change when his comment took you by surprise as he slowly backed away from you and into the shadows.
You heard your name being called out by Thomas where he sighed in relief and ran towards you in a light jog before taking you into his arms. “So this is where you’ve been? I’ve been looking everywhere for you,” he playfully chastised with a turn on his lips. He led you back inside the bright chandelier lit hall to bid your guests farewell for the night, however, you couldn’t help but glance back from your shoulders to see that Chrollo had disappeared. 
Though his presence was now absent, his words still rang loudly inside your head. His confrontation of your nature, how the spotlight is too blinding for someone like you and how it’s just a matter of time you would run into the dark once more with your back up against the wall and tangled up in his web seem to be conveyed as a confident prediction rather than insults to your moral character.
Chrollo wasn’t here to steal anything, not even you, he wanted you to come to him on your own accord even if he had to force pieces to make you submit to his will. However, his appearance tonight also wasn’t meant for mere formalities, in fact he made his purpose and intention clear when he first spoke of the day you would finally be wed. 
It was a warning.
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perennialphilosophy · 3 years
(I just want to state to begin with that this post is not about terrorists, radicals or extremists. It is only about “martyrdom” as a concept.)
‘Martyrdom’ has existed in all three Abrahamic religions in various forms, with very specific conditions that would dictate the requirements of a death in their respective religions to be considered ‘martyrdom’. But first, we must understand that the word “martyr” did not originally mean to die for one’s faith, but came from the Greek word martur meaning ‘witness’. 
During the persecution of Jewish people by the Romans and Greeks (going back to 160 BC) they faced forced conversion (as well as a lot of other things). To oppose conversion brought with it punishment, torture and death such as the execution of Rabbi Akiva who continued to recite the prayer Shema Israel while his executioners raked his flesh with iron combs. A growing commentary was growing constituting of examples of Jewish persecution and the deaths resulting from this. To be a martyr, at this point in time and in this context, is to be a witness to the truth of your belief and religion even in the face of violence and oppression. The martyr is the person who holds true to their God through adversity and shows spiritual resistance. 
Talmud sages drew a definitive distinction between suicide and death that came as a result of persecution and oppression. In Judaism, Christianity, and Islam man is not the master of his body and so cannot decide when they live or die. Death can only be decided by God. Suicide, then, is strictly prohibited. However, there are some instances (in extreme cases) where suicide is viewed as a legitimate option as is the case for and Saul (Samuel 1, 31:3-6). 
In 1096, in the Rhineland Massacres, more and more Jewish people were killing themselves in the name of their religion, and against their oppressor. This was distinctly viewed as not being an act of suicide or the taking of one’s life but was instead an act of bearing witness to the truth of their own religion and (what was believed to be) the lie of Christianity. (At the time, Islam was viewed as a monotheistic religion by the Jewish people, but Christianity was not. This found its roots in the concept of the holy trinity and communion as well as other practices, all of which led it to be viewed as being pagan in nature.)
Similarly, early Christian ‘martyrs’ died passive deaths at the hands of their captors and not by taking their own lives. It was believed that truly defeating the enemy was not something that happened on the battlefield but within oneself - it is the sustained relationship with your faith in the presence of enemy violence that truly defeated the enemy. This, however, would evolve. 
Quintus Tertullian of Carthage (d. 225) often depicted as the ‘father of Latin Christianity’ explained to a Roman governor that “your cruelty is our glory”. Many in the Roman Empire were ready to sacrifice their lives in battle and many even sought to do so, believing that to die for one’s faith would bring eternal salvation. The concept of being a witness for one’s faith and dying as a result of this was starting to merge and the line blurred for the definition of ‘martyrdom’. ‘Martyrdom’ was becoming such a popular topic that commemorative martyr literature (acta martyrum) became the most popular type of literary genre during the formative period of the Church.
In the same way that we hear on the news that Muslims have shouted “Allahu akbar” before their death (both in death itself and acts of terrorism), it is reported that Jewish people proclaimed “Hear O Israel”, and Christian people proclaimed “I am a Christian”. It was believed that this would act as a second baptism, and welcome them into heaven. 
In Islam, the Arabic word for ‘martyr’ is shahid and appears in the Qur’an primarily in the sense of ‘witness’ including the shahada. The shahada (which comes from the same literary background as shahid) itself is a prayer that Muslims have recited to them at birth to acknowledge that they will be a witness of Allah. The meaning of shahid would later evolve to mean ‘martyr’ (the current definition we use today, this being to die for one's faith) and not just ‘witness’ as a result of what’s believed to be Syriac influence (from the word sahda) and earlier Christian influence of the glory that comes with dying for one’s faith. 
The etymological evolution of the word ‘martyr’ would bring with it many interpretations, from dying at the hands of the oppressor, to dying at one’s own hands in the name of their faith. This continues to be interpreted and read in a number of ways by factions with various agendas. Language evolves, and lives, and grows.
NB. There's a lot to say about how martyrdom has evolved further in Islam and the step between dying in the name of one’s faith due to oppression and dying in the name of one’s faith using aggression, but that is a different thing. I only wanted to focus here on the change in the use of the word martyr and its implications. I might do a separate post on the next step.
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vowled · 3 years
The Ever Lasting curiosity about Sherlock’s sexuality
Honestly, I’m tired. I see so much material everywhere about ships and about what’s canon and what isn’t. I see people fighting about whether Sherlock is top or bottom (where an overwhelming majority thinks he’s a top). But somehow I never see enough material about his Other sides. His other habits like scrapbooking. Why is he Possibly eccentric and ....to an extent ...is he really so eccentric at all?
Firstly, I see it constantly reiterated by Moffat that Sherlock’s decision to not be very sexually active is a Monk’s decision, not an asexual’s one. He isn’t interested in sex because it distracts him, and that means he’s not very produtive, and by this point we know that work is worship for Sherlock.
Now, the question arises, how do we know that he isn’t asexual?
we don’t
Next comes the Johnlock theory and I am not going to lie, I like it . I really do. Some of the arguments I’ve read during my tenure in the fandom are very influencing and impressive and they genuinely make you think. But the truth remains that it isn’t canon (yet).
And if you’re a BBC Sherlock fan then the entire Irene Adler thing is also very frustrating. Being brought up in a homophobic country, the first time I watched the episode, I remember being sure that she was sherlock’s love interest. This was also compounded in my head as the truth because of Robert D.J’s movie, where Irene is explicitly shown as the love interest too. BBC too called her THE WOMAN, and Mycroft later says “She’s the only woman who matters”. And yet, we never see any explicit proof that Sherlock indeed has feelings towards her. What am I supposed to think then???
The more I think about it, the more maddening it gets. Especially with the subtext. I do think that now I can openly admit that the entire show has a lot of gay subtext (feel free to give your opinion about it) and that really is the jewel of any literature. But what do I make of it all?
An anecdote here: I am an 18yo girl who has read too much of gay fanfiction and conspiracies to never question my own sexuality. I thought I’ve had crushes on my girl friends and thought I wouldn’t mind dating one, but oh boy I didn’t like it at all (Well, now I know I’m straight :/ )
The one insight I’ve gained from here is that sometimes it’s tiring to figure out feelings. It’s ever capricious, obscure and frustrating. Think that from Sherlock’s POV and he literally is obsessed with his work to the point he doesn’t eat because it slows him down. He’s a brain with a body. He makes all of his deductions based on rectilinear principles that rule out the possibility of ambiguity and are necessarily singular in their nature. But feelings are the exact opposite of it - any emotion felt can have multiple causes and hence lead to multiple reactions, and the entire chemical nature of it is broad and overrun by multiple definitions. Even when people do feel certain things clearly, they seldom do express them truly. Modern life has made us to be afraid of intimacy and complete truth without diluting it with small lies. Even when people say that they feel a certain way explicitly, we can never tell if they’re speaking the entire thing truly. How could he possibly compute feelings?
Sherlock is a thinking, feeling being. But because thinking and comprehending is his greater joy, because he is obsessed with being intellectually superior to others, he doesn’t like anything he can’t understand, which itself is a common tendency and shows us that he’s only human. He doesn’t like the entire affair about sex not because he’s asexual, but because he doesn’t like the confusion and the lack of complete understanding of it. But this should never be interpreted as though he doesn’t have any feelings.
We do see in many occasions that Sherlock in fact is capable of showing empathy and does in fact try to comfort people. This very character trait of empathy shows that he isn’t in fact a sociopath. In case of Irene Adler(although the canon material clearly states that she was very devoted to her husband and didn’t have a romantic relationship with Sherlock), Sherlock doesn’t reciprocate her feelings. She repeatedly asks him for dinner and texts him, he denies each time. This tells us he isn’t interested in her. Although, in the end, he helps her. He didn’t need to though, but he does because HE DOES CARE. Caring doesn’t need a definitive cause based on romantic feelings. IT ITSELF IS A FEELING.
With Moriarty, there’s this undeniable tension. Both men are obsessed with each other because they know that they are equals. And we must ask :is  this level of understanding any different to intimacy?
And there’s John. Sweet John who is completely devoted to Sherlock. Even in canon it’s pretty clear that the only times he truly is completely caring is when it comes to John. And tbh I don’t want to trip down that rabbit hole right now.
Sherlock does love people, and he’s too intellectual to find out exactly in which way or form does he love them. He simply does. And that makes him the “most humane human being”. He doesn’t love anybody in a sexual way, but why should it mean he doesn’t love anybody? His sexuality is boring. His own forms of love, however are the most beautiful to look at. Can we talk about that?
also if you’ve made it thus far, thank you for reading ! this is my first ever blog and tbh it’s such a rant?! im sorry :( ? i was really going for something and i kept getting disturbed and I lost my train of thought in the process :((( but please fell to comment, consrtuctive criticism is always welcome!
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jonryaweek · 4 years
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Jonrya Week 2020
Sweet & Spicy Summer
What is Jonrya Week?
Attention Jonrya Shippers! In honour of our wonderful ship, the 3rd Jonrya Week of 2020 is around the corner! Winter and Spring’s Jonrya Week were a complete success so now we’ll be celebrating Summer with another celebration. This is a joint collaboration effort by the small but fierce Jonrya fandom.
It will take place on the 21st to 27th September (21/09/20 - 27/09/20). Everyone is welcome to participate, no sign up required! This is just a fun week to spread love for our ship! All content will be welcomed with open arms, whether that be fanfics, art, comics, edits, gifsets, videos, headcanons, meta, playlists, memes, social media parodies, song compilations, or excited inchoherent shipper screeches! If you can please share this so we can let as many shippers as possible know!
Themes for the week! 
Each day has a different theme that can be interpreted however you want. There are two choices but you could use both! At a later date we’ll put up some longer prompts for each theme for anyone looking for some more inspiration.
Mon 21st Sep - Childhood | Heartbreak
Tue 22nd Sep - Role Reversal | Tropes
Wed 23rd Sep - Revelation | Outside POV
Thu 24th Sep - Direwolves | Omegaverse
Fri 25th Sep - Parallels | Literature
Sat 26th Sep - Possessive | Passion
Sun 27th Sep - Colours | Summer
How to Participate? 
When Jonrya week arrives, post whatever content you’ve made and put #jonrya week in the tags, that way everyone can find your work a little easier! :)
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to drop us a message/ask, via this blog or via the jonrya chat called Stick them with the pointy end! We’re more than happy to answer any questions! For more updates, follow @jonryaweek.
Credit goes out to all the lovely Jon and Arya fans! The funniest, sweetest, and most talented people I know! Also credit goes out to @rhaenyra-snow for the lovely ASOIAF Jonrya fancast gifset and @blood-and-lychee for the banners that’s been reused for every celebration! Thank you!
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troybeecham · 3 years
Today the Church remembers St. John Chrysostom (c. AD 349 – 14 September 407), Archbishop of Constantinople, Early Church Father.
Ora pro nobis.
He is known for his preaching and public speaking, his denunciation of abuse of authority by both ecclesiastical and political leaders, the Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom, and his ascetic sensibilities. The epithet Chrysostomos means "golden-mouthed" in Greek and denotes his celebrated eloquence. Chrysostom was among the most prolific authors in the early Christian Church, exceeded only by Augustine of Hippo in the quantity of his surviving writings.
John was born in Antioch in AD 349 to Greek parents from Syria. Different scholars describe his mother Anthusa as a pagan or as a Christian, and his father was a high-ranking military officer. John's father died soon after his birth and he was raised by his mother. He was baptised in AD 368 or 373 and tonsured as a reader (one of the minor orders of the Church).
As a result of his mother's influential connections in the city, John began his education under the pagan teacher Libanius. From Libanius, John acquired the skills for a career in rhetoric, as well as a love of the Greek language and literature.
As he grew older, however, John became more deeply committed to Christianity and went on to study theology under Diodore of Tarsus, founder of the re-constituted School of Antioch. According to the Christian historian Sozomen, Libanius was supposed to have said on his deathbed that John would have been his successor "if the Christians had not taken him from us".
John lived in extreme asceticism and became a hermit in about AD 375; he spent the next two years continually standing, scarcely sleeping, and committing the Bible to memory. As a consequence of these practices, his stomach and kidneys were permanently damaged and poor health forced him to return to Antioch.
John was ordained as a deacon in AD 381 by Saint Meletius of Antioch who was not then in communion with Alexandria and Rome. After the death of Meletius, John separated himself from the followers of Meletius, without joining Paulinus, the rival of Meletius for the bishopric of Antioch. But after the death of Paulinus he was ordained a presbyter (priest) in AD 386 by Evagrius, the successor of Paulinus.He was destined later to bring about reconciliation between Flavian I of Antioch, Alexandria, and Rome, thus bringing those three sees into communion for the first time in nearly seventy years.
In Antioch, over the course of twelve years (386–397), John gained popularity because of the eloquence of his public speaking at the Golden Church, Antioch's cathedral, especially his insightful expositions of Bible passages and moral teaching. The most valuable of his works from this period are his Homilies on various books of the Bible. He emphasised charitable giving and was concerned with the spiritual and temporal needs of the poor. He spoke against abuse of wealth and personal property:
“Do you wish to honour the body of Christ? Do not ignore him when he is naked. Do not pay him homage in the temple clad in silk, only then to neglect him outside where he is cold and ill-clad. He who said: "This is my body" is the same who said: "You saw me hungry and you gave me no food", and "Whatever you did to the least of my brothers you did also to me"... What good is it if the Eucharistic table is overloaded with golden chalices when your brother is dying of hunger? Start by satisfying his hunger and then with what is left you may adorn the altar as well.”
His straightforward understanding of the Scriptures – in contrast to the Alexandrian tendency towards allegorical interpretation – meant that the themes of his talks were practical, explaining the Bible's application to everyday life. Such straightforward preaching helped Chrysostom to garner popular support. He founded a series of hospitals in Constantinople to care for the poor.
One incident that happened during his service in Antioch illustrates the influence of his homilies. When Chrysostom arrived in Antioch, Flavian, the bishop of the city, had to intervene with Emperor Theodosius I on behalf of citizens who had gone on a rampage mutilating statues of the Emperor and his family. During the weeks of Lent in AD 387, John preached more than twenty homilies in which he entreated the people to see the error of their ways. These made a lasting impression on the general population of the city: many pagans converted to Christianity as a result of the homilies. As a result, Theodosius' vengeance was not as severe as it might have been.
In the autumn of AD 397, John was appointed Archbishop of Constantinople, after having been nominated without his knowledge by the eunuch Eutropius. He had to leave Antioch in secret due to fears that the departure of such a popular figure would cause civil unrest. During his time as Archbishop he adamantly refused to host lavish social gatherings, which made him popular with the common people, but unpopular with wealthy citizens and the clergy. His reforms of the clergy were also unpopular. He told visiting regional preachers to return to the churches they were meant to be serving—without any payout.
His time in Constantinople was more tumultuous than his time in Antioch. Theophilus, the Patriarch of Alexandria, wanted to bring Constantinople under his sway and opposed John's appointment to Constantinople. Theophilus had disciplined four Egyptian monks (known as "the Tall Brothers") over their support of Origen's teachings. They fled to John and were welcomed by him. Theophilus therefore accused John of being too partial to the teaching of Origen. He made another enemy in Aelia Eudoxia, wife of Emperor Arcadius, who assumed that John's denunciations of extravagance in feminine dress were aimed at her. Eudoxia, Theophilus and other of his enemies held a synod in AD 403 (the Synod of the Oak) to charge John, in which his connection to Origen was used against him. It resulted in his deposition and banishment. He was called back by Arcadius almost immediately, as the people became "tumultuous" over his departure, even threatening to burn the royal palace. There was an earthquake the night of his arrest, which Eudoxia took for a sign of God's anger, prompting her to ask Arcadius for John's reinstatement.
Peace was short-lived. A silver statue of Eudoxia was erected in the Augustaion, near his cathedral. John denounced the dedication ceremonies as pagan and spoke against the Empress in harsh terms:
"Again Herodias raves; again she is troubled; she dances again; and again desires to receive John's head in a charger", an allusion to the events surrounding the death of John the Baptist. Once again he was banished, this time to the Caucasus in Abkhazia. Around AD 405, John began to lend moral and financial support to Christian monks who were enforcing the emperors' anti-Pagan laws, by destroying temples and shrines in Phoenicia and nearby regions.
The causes of John's exile are not clear, though Jennifer Barry suggests that they have to do with his connections to Arianism. Other historians, including Wendy Mayer and Geoffrey Dunn, have argued that "the surplus of evidence reveals a struggle between Johannite and anti-Johannite camps in Constantinople soon after John's departure and for a few years after his death". Faced with exile, John Chrysostom wrote an appeal for help to three churchmen: Pope Innocent I, Venerius the Bishop of Milan, and the third to Chromatius, the Bishop of Aquileia.
In 1872, church historian William Stephens wrote:
The Patriarch of the Eastern Rome appeals to the great bishops of the West, as the champions of an ecclesiastical discipline which he confesses himself unable to enforce, or to see any prospect of establishing. No jealousy is entertained of the Patriarch of the Old Rome by the Patriarch of the New Rome. The interference of Innocent is courted, a certain primacy is accorded him, but at the same time he is not addressed as a supreme arbitrator; assistance and sympathy are solicited from him as from an elder brother, and two other prelates of Italy are joint recipients with him of the appeal.
Pope Innocent I protested John's banishment from Constantinople to the town of Cucusus in Cappadocia, but to no avail. Innocent sent a delegation to intercede on behalf of John in AD 405. It was led by Gaudentius of Brescia; Gaudentius and his companions, two bishops, encountered many difficulties and never reached their goal of entering Constantinople.
John wrote letters which still held great influence in Constantinople. As a result of this, he was further exiled from Cucusus (where he stayed from 404 to 407) to Pitiunt (Pityus) (in modern Georgia) where his tomb is a shrine for pilgrims. He never reached this destination, as he died at Comana Pontica on AD 14 September 407 during the journey. His last words are said to have been "δόξα τῷ θεῷ πάντων ἕνεκεν" (Glory be to God for all things).
John came to be venerated as a saint soon after his death. Almost immediately after, an anonymous supporter of John (known as pseudo-Martyrius) wrote a funeral oration to reclaim John as a symbol of Christian orthodoxy. But three decades later, some of his adherents in Constantinople remained in schism. Saint Proclus, Patriarch of Constantinople (AD 434–446), hoping to bring about the reconciliation of the Johannites, preached a homily praising his predecessor in the Church of Hagia Sophia. He said, "O John, your life was filled with sorrow, but your death was glorious. Your grave is blessed and reward is great, by the grace and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ O graced one, having conquered the bounds of time and place! Love has conquered space, unforgetting memory has annihilated the limits, and place does not hinder the miracles of the saint."
These homilies helped to mobilize public opinion, and the patriarch received permission from the emperor to return Chrysostom's relics to Constantinople, where they were enshrined in the Church of the Holy Apostles on AD 28 January 438. The Eastern Orthodox Church commemorates him as a "Great Ecumenical Teacher", with Basil the Great and Gregory the Theologian. These three saints, in addition to having their own individual commemorations throughout the year, are commemorated together on 30 January, a feast known as the Synaxis of the Three Hierarchs.
O God, you gave your servant John Chrysostom grace eloquently to proclaim your righteousness in the great congregation, and fearlessly to bear reproach for the honor of your Name: Mercifully grant to all bishops and pastors such excellence in preaching, and faithfulness in ministering your Word, that your people may be partakers with them of the glory that shall be revealed; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
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diariesofaplutonian · 4 years
Pluto in the 5th house
Pluto in the 5th house natives are intensely devoted to their pastimes and their talents. Pleasure and fulfillment are their goals and sometimes addictions. They crave excitement, and maybe even danger. Works hard, plays hard. Can be impulsive or indulgent at times. Finds pleasure in being daring. What is most palatable to them is what hasn’t been done or expressed before, or if it has, doing it in a novel, groundbreaking way. Strong individuality at the core. Electrified by desire. Many hobbies. Drawn to art, literature, film, especially film noir, books. Needs to do something fun to feel alive. Likes giving a show or performance, dazzling or surprising people. Understands that sex, like life, like gender, like sexuality, like identity, can be a performance. Relishes in that. May find joy in fashion or trends or theater. Constantly searching for the perfect entertainment—emotionally enriching, fulfilling, pleasurable experiences. Creating and innovating and exploring themselves and the world, discovering their bodies, experimenting with ideas, and navigating their identities gives them purpose and a sense of drive. There is a deep need to self-define who they are. Like Pluto in the 11th or Pluto in aspect to Uranus natives, they have to innovate. Excel. Reimagine creative possibilities. These natives transform themselves and push the boundaries of something through their art or their bodies, through affirming their sexuality and owning their bodies and their uniqueness. Sex is not something to be ashamed of. Showing their bodies is not somebody to be ashamed of.
They are fiercely passionate people, as individuals, as lovers and friends, and they often chase after people who appear as a challenge to them. This excites and thrills them: the notion of going after and getting someone who is supposed to be unattainable for them or untouchable. However, if not careful, they can become entangled with romantic partners who are unsuitable for them. Pleasure often comes with pain, for these people. May have submissive or masochistic or dominant tendencies. May like to seduce rather than being the one seduced. May play hard-to-get. Dating may be fun to them, so much it becomes a game, a cat-and-mouse affair, though, make no mistake, they are not the mousy ones running away. They are the bold and in-your-face, confident ones doing the chase. They almost like something more when they can’t have it. Once they get it, they may get bored, for the fun’s gone—and the thrill of the chase. The key with these natives is to keep the attraction alive. There is a great need for these individuals to be recognized for their talents and their unique abilities. They feel very strongly about the work they create and produce and the energy they provide. Their contribution is always great. They can be as passionate about sex as a Pluto in the 8th person can be with death or a Pluto in the 12th person with the paranormal or mystical or absurd. May have to overcome their attitudes about themselves; self-limiting beliefs can become self-fulfilling prophecies. Obsessions are common and constant. May be obsessed with romantic interests, self-gain, prosperity, love, or their personal hobbies or recreational activities. They are most happy when they’re active and doing something. Invests a lot of effort and time into what they love, as well as makes sacrifices to keep doing what they love. May experience fatal attraction or encumber fatal accidents if they meet the wrong people. They are not necessarily the obsessive one in their relationship; with this placement comes the danger of partners or even random strangers from afar being obsessed with them, studying their movements, tracking them, and yearning to have them, wanting to conquer them or have sex with or harm them. Others tend to find natives with this placement irresistibly attractive, physically or sexually; they may find them drop-dead sexy, say they’d kill for them or die for them or claim they can’t live without them or either they will kill themselves if they can’t have them or if they can’t have them, no one can or will, etc. There’s a danger of these natives being abused or manipulated in intimate relationships, or experiencing dating scares or even intimate partner violence (IPV).
These natives can turn people on without trying. Others may misinterpret their casual actions as inviting or welcoming sexual undertones, and may be very suggestive. Some of these natives are naturally flirtatious, but just because they’re nice or flirty doesn’t mean they’re coming on to you or asking for some sort of sexual favor, or wanting it. These individuals can be taken advantage of sexually or be sexually harassed by people who sometimes don’t even recognize their actions fall under the umbrella of sex harassment. These natives can then feel violated or used or dehumanized. Sure, there are some that like role play in the bedroom and will willingly be your sex toy or plaything, but if so, on their terms only—they will vocalize this and make it clear to you. Don’t assume they are hypersexual beings just because you interpret them as being sexual or unafraid of and willing to embrace their sexuality. Even if they are, that’s their call and it’s not for you to judge. And you need to respect people’s boundaries and privacy and ask for consent. Also, it’s never okay to sexualize someone. That being said, these people may enjoy freaky sex or sexual games. And they might be flattered by others showing/demonstrating interest, even sexual, in them. But remember, they call the shots! Even when they’re choosing to take the backseat and let somebody else run the show, it’s by choice; it’s because they wanted to and only because they wanted to. These natives might alternate between being a top and a bottom, being dominant and submissive, or might have a favorite role. May be involved in a dangerous but thrilling, secret love affair, or may enjoy no-strings attached sexual arrangements and low-key, down-low, covert hookups. Like Pluto in the 8th, they might endure sexual trauma in their lifetime or be seen as a freak in the sheets. Very seductive natives. Their desire may increase when nobody knows who they’re seeing or dating/who they’re sleeping or hooking up with. These natives love to feel desirable. They need or crave partners and friends who make them feel good about themselves and celebrate them; they need to feel celebrated. Sometimes, there is a danger of having stalkers with this placement or needing to take out a restraining order, or several. I have observed this pattern several times within people I know, in fact, one person I know had to take out over 5 restraining orders in 2 years because random men became obsessed with her after seeing her social media posts and began sending creepy notes saying they were going to **** her and DM’ing her uncomfortable messages explicitly stating their intent. Some people with this placement may experience being followed or harassed or catcalled or propositioned, especially by people they don’t know. That is the dark side of Pluto in the 5th. Others I know with this placement have experienced pretty intense, toxic, all-or-nothing, soul-consuming affairs, the whole “when it’s good, it’s good and when it’s bad, it’s bad” shebang. Natives with this placement should really exercise caution and always be vigilant. I have also seen this placement commonly along the charts of sex workers or sex-positive individuals. You see a lot of body positivity among these natives as well. Natives with these placements, however, may be seen in a derogatory light—they may be slut-shamed and considered a “thot,” “skank,” “hussy,” or “harlot” or be considered ultra-femme or hypermasuline. Some might love being considered a sex symbol, but for others, it’s yet another way wherein they are ostracized or penalized for their sexual freedom, values, way of living, or sexual/bodily appetites and energies, and it can be a source of shame and trauma for them. They may be called out or exposed or even “cancelled” due to public outrage about how they choose to live, and can be accused of not being classy or being “low-class.” Their worth and bodies can be insulted, demeaned, and degraded. Their sexuality can be intensely scrutinized or criticized, especially if sex is their speciality.
This tendency can be amplified among natives who possess Pluto conjunct Lilith, as well as the public shaming or backlash. More on Pluto in the 5th house: These natives may be the typical tortured artist. Part of them likes to feel tormented, and other parts of them find peace or intense pleasure/satisfaction in playing that role. Role-playing of any kind tends to be a source of amusement or entertainment for them. They love to feel entertained and they are natural entertainers. They are intensely focused individuals and may shine in investigative work or artistic fields. They are very aware of their own flaws, and thus sympathize easily with others’ struggles and demons. Can get into trouble if they repress their desires. This placement needs to express what pleasures them in order to live happily. Creating something or beginning a project tends to make them feel alive. They feel most powerful when they feel the most beautiful and assured in their abilities. They’re most confident in themselves when they feel confident in their bodies. May not have issues flaunting their bodies because it belongs to them and they don’t see it as something to hide or cover from anyone else’s eyes as others may feel. They ooze confidence and fierceness. Taking ownership of who they are makes them feel strong. I always see this placement linked to gambling and other addictions but I don’t think this placement suffers more than anyone else does, in that regard. That being said, they can run into trouble if they go beyond dabbling in recreational substances or activities and turn it into a habit or vice instead of a mere hobby or distraction. So much of their selves are channeled into what they pay attention to and what they expend their energy in or use, including how they express or don’t express what intrigues and empowers or stifles/inhibits and disempowers them. It’s important for them to stay away from anything that makes them feel disembodied. They are more capable than they could ever dream of, far more than the world will ever know. If they have insecurities, they either nurse it and keep it a secret from the public, or disclose it as a way to get over it/overcome it, take their power back and ensure it can never be used against them. They’re very open about their desires. Very gifted, charming, and persuasive. Charismatic. Tend to be extroverted, people-oriented. They like to tease and please/pleasure (and sometimes toy/play with) people. Unbelievable capacity to self-transform. Many gifts and tricks. Very spontaneous people. Tremendous willpower. The power to act and determine, the power to seize at will. The power to create, the power to manifest. They can often speak what they want into existence, but they must be careful, for the opposite is true and they can easily speak what they most fear into reality.
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ramon-balaguer · 3 years
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As reflect on my recent prayer post from a married friend on the download or closeted homosexual or bisexual if you will… praying against his homosexual temptations and thoughts to be a true husband and father to their children…
I believe more needs to be discussed, revealed and taught on sexual sins. Not just for their benefit but for ours, as The Church to extend love, grace and mercy.
And though this is focused on same sex stuff like lesbians and homosexuals, it really can be applied to ANY sexual sin, even in the heterosexual sphere, so let’s dig in and see what God has to say, that unfortunately so many see as Hate talk or speech:
 What Does the Bible Say about Homosexuality?
Few subjects are more controversial today in the church than this: What does the Bible say about homosexuality?
If one regards the Bible as God-breathed and authoritative, then one must respect whatever the Lord says about every topic.
What we say and think about the LGBT+ (#LHBTTABCDFIGMPPQZ) community should be derived from Scripture, including the ways in which we are to treat one another.
 Bible Verses about Homosexuality
Christians must always start with the Bible in order to hear God’s Word on any subject. His commands are not optional, and he states clearly, “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination” (Leviticus 18:22).
Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).
For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error (Romans 1:26).
 Some Christians suggest that a progressive God would overturn his own commands in a certain social climate, but God does not progress in his thinking; his thoughts and commandments are always right.
We know that God does not change his mind. That he is always the same; and this is foundational to our hope and our faith in his Kingdom purposes.
God was, is, and always will be against sexual sin in all of its forms, which include lust for a person who is not one’s spouse, sexual affairs, and even emotional affairs.
One must not single out someone who identifies as gay or transgender as a “sinner” but instead look inward. Ignoring one’s own sin by way of deflection does not fool God.
 Modern Arguments about Etymology
There is an argument that Scripture does not contain the word “homosexuality” and that God is not opposed to men or women having sex with consenting members of the same sex. The word “zakar” in Hebrew can refer to any male, including human and animal, but also to boys.
But Strong’s concordance indicates that “zakar,” as used in Leviticus 18:22 above, refers to sodomy, a term not reserved for acts of child sexual abuse or rape but also consensual acts between adults.
“Arsenokoitai” is Greek for “men having sex with other men. And there is no real other interpretation that makes the best sense of the evidence both in the early Christian literature and especially in the Old Testament.”
Kevin DeYoung explains that Paul, a scholar and former Pharisee, coined the term. If Paul had been referring to men forcing boys to have sex, then he could have used the word “biazó” for “violent force” to denote a difference between consensual and non-consensual sex. He did not.
 Positive Commands about Sex
Sex is a gift. “Before the fall — before sin — sex was part of the created order. It was good — VERY GOOD,” wrote Paul Carter. “In fact, contrary to cultural ideas about sex propounded during the first century AD, “Christianity taught that sex within a marriage should be free, generous and reciprocal.”
But God never depicted coital relationships between two men or two women in a positive way. When God made Eve, Adam said “this at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman” (Genesis 23).
Marriage is represented frequently in Scripture. We have the examples of Abraham and Sarah, Isaac, and Rebekah, Ruth and Boaz; Mary and Joseph; and several more. None of these couples was perfect, but each is an example of heterosexual marriage.
 Jesus' Relationships
When it comes to how society treats individuals who engage in homosexual relationships, Jesus’ attitude is the benchmark. The gospels illustrate how Jesus wants us to treat a person who has been marginalized by society on the basis of gender by highlighting several encounters Jesus had with women.
He called out their sin but offered something better. He allowed Mary Magdalene to serve him by washing his feet with her hair. The Messiah saved an adulterous woman from stoning. The Samaritan woman depicted in John 4 had been married five times and was with a sixth man.
He sat and talked with her when the rest of her community shunned the woman. Each of these women was guilty, but so were the Pharisees and other members of society who scorned or condemned them, and the men who used them.
Instead of judging these women, Jesus invited them to be part of his mission. The Samaritan woman was one of his first apostles. Mary was among his devoted followers.
Jesus gave these women a new identity so that they could freely choose to follow him, relieved of shame, and make him the focus of their lives. Everyone needs God’s mercy, but 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 is often taken out of context so that the emphasis lands on homosexuality.
This narrow-mindedness overlooks thievery, greed, drunkenness, abuse, and fraud which are also listed. Paul does not exclude anyone, even classifying himself as the chief of sinners. (1 Timothy 1:15)
 Intimacy, Identity, and Culture
You may have heard of the famous South Carolinian Gospel singer, actor and Minister of the Gospel Donald “Donnie” Andrew McClurkin, Jr. I greatly admire him for his many gifts and talent, but especially his complete uncompromised commitment to our God despite his struggle with his sinful fleshly and worldly desires of homosexuality that started with being sexually abused by two uncles and ended being ostracized and blacklisted by Barack Hussein Obama for his opposing views on Same-Sex Marriage… Likewise Sam Allberry, a same-sex pastor from England, confronts the pain of being alone, even by choice, on the grounds of obedience to God. Celibacy is made more difficult by the elevation of marital intimacy to a lofty position above all other forms, including friendship.
Allberry’s fear is that “if someone’s only choice in life seems to be either unbiblical intimacy or no intimacy, they’re going to end up choosing unbiblical intimacy. And if that’s the case, I think the wider church shares responsibility for that.”
As Allberry asserts, people within the LGBT+ (#LHBTTABCDFIGMPPQZ) and the entire #SinSickSocialistLyingLeftistLiberal community are being denied access to this kind of intimacy, so even those who are keen to follow God’s commands and to please Him by their faithful obedience are drawn to other sources for belonging and acceptance.
Jesus never taught his disciples to deny friendship and familial love to anyone. “Whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother” (Matthew 12:50).
He also promoted mutually uplifting, godly friendship. “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). The word friend, philos in the Greek, means “beloved” or “dear.” “I have called you friends,” Jesus said to his disciples (John 15:15).
Not everyone accepts forgiveness through Jesus; but he offers dignity, love, and truth to everyone. When a Gospel-Believing person highlights Sin in a person’s life, the purpose should always be to point that person to Jesus and His Saving grace and mercies.
Admitting and repenting of Sin, turning to Christ for Salvation, restores a person to peace and wholeness with God. Many so-called Christians, however, point fingers and exalt themselves by knocking down anyone whose lifestyle does not line up with their own.
 A Merciful Love
“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you” (Matthew 7:1-2).
A big problem in the church right now is the attitude that because someone identifies as homosexual, lesbian (or gay as they now prefer to be called), transgender, pedophile, etc., that they should not be welcomed into the church.
This is wrong for a few reasons:
1. We are all sinners. To suggest otherwise is to ignore the plank sticking out of one’s eye while examining the speck in someone else’s (Matthew 7:3-5).
2. We are commanded not to judge others. If we treat other people as though they are not as valuable to God as we are, then we risk incurring his judgment on ourselves (Matthew 7:1-2).
3. Jesus hung out with everyone. He ate with sinners. That’s why the Pharisees were so scandalized. He offered the gift of his presence and the offer of salvation without prejudice.
4. Jesus says, “Come to me all you who are weary.” This is not an invitation to particular individuals who qualify on the basis of their behavior or lifestyle but to anyone who is tired (Matthew 11:28).
Given the obstacles and even dangers the LGBQT+ community faces, added to the ordinary strains of life in general, one might imagine they are very weary, indeed.
 What’s Next for the Church
Everyone was made in God’s image, but not all people embrace Christ’s message of Hope, Peace, Love, Holiness, Grace, Mercy, and Justice.
One reason for this is religious arrogance (Not much has changed in over 2,000 years, sadly) — Christians who act as though they are in a position to condemn or pardon.
But if churches shut their doors to those who defy God’s commands about sexual intimacy, the doors would be shut to everyone. The duty and privilege of Christ’s disciples are to offer all who will listen to the message of salvation and the promise of a love greater than anything.
His Love and Justice go together, but all who call on Christ’s name for Salvation are covered by His Blood. Believe it or not, that includes same-sex folks and all the rest… Each of us is a work in progress.
We can teach His inerrant Word but must always do so without judging or persecuting anyone, and with love and kindness.
If churches shut their doors to those who defy God’s commands about sexual intimacy, the doors would be shut to everyone. The smokers and drunkards, the liars and gossipers, the thieves and robbers, the cheaters and beaters…
The duty and privilege of Christ’s disciples are to offer all who will listen to the message of Salvation, Restoration and the promise of a love greater than anything.
 I have way too many friends and family who’ve dibbled and dabbled or live out any of these lifestyles the same way others do with alcohol, marijuana, porn or other addictive drugs… but I Love them all and would support and do anything for them that I’d do for anyone else within the Word of God. :) #REBTD
 My God and Father, how great is Your Love and Mercy… Thank You for Saving me from me and my poor choices in this life. Thank You for Saving my wife, sons and Godsons and so many family and friends from the Devil’s deceptions that lead to addictive behaviors. My Lord, bless and increase their Faith and Hope in You to continually walk with You that they won’t lose the precious Gift of Salvation from when they first Believed. Last but not least, let the lost find You and takeaway any thought or desire to sin and come to You with a repentant heart to give themselves to You. In Jesus’ Saving name, Amen.
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funeralcryptid · 4 years
Greetings, I am Anh. I would like to request a “Come forth” reading. This time, I bring you my lack of navigation - not knowing what I want in life, constant change of viewpoint. I’d like a reading on my passion. Thank you.
Welcome back,
I immediately see dry, hardened soil. The energy around you is very earthy, but not that of nurturing soil; rather that of hard surfaces and unwillingness to bend or be shaped. My vision is stuck on the ground, like I can’t lift my head up and I
start to feel the weight of this on my head. It feels like it will become a boulder at any given moment. I feel very stuck, like I’m between to cruel, immutable walls even though there’s nothing around me but this cursed, dry soil. 
Your path has sucked the life out of you, your will has deflated and fallen to the ground. A ghost of it remains trying to navigate your body through this path as a ship. You keep changing where your eyes are set without even having water to sail through. Melt, let the undying, unmerciful sun burn and melt you until you merge with this earth. Then you will understand the roots of your struggle; or the lack of roots. You’ve been going about your path blind but there’s nothing to back you up, no roots to hold you in place when everything changes. We need to go back to the foundation, because the compass in your heart is going wild. 
The desire to explore, the desire to be, the will... they are all very present yet their call is not being answered. Not by choice, but by lack of trust and experience. What a dilemma you’ve encountered. 
Believe it or not, right now you don’t stand in a bad place in life. You have more than what you imagine, more resources available and the complete capacity to manifest what you desire. You have the power, the strength, the working spirit. You have the power but there’s no way to hone or make use of all this energy and potential. You are being held back by loss and a heavy burden more mental in nature. You’re pinned down, unable to move because you’re not able to discern what you want and need more for a short and long term. When I asked to see your soul, I saw a black tree missing more than half of its body set ablaze in the night. I hear whispers, but I can’t discern what they are telling me. You’re being held back of the opportunity to grow and reach your branches into the sky because of the confusion you’re feeling, and the weakness of your roots. 
So what’s the solution? You shall let go of everything; expectative, desire, ambition and negativity just to go back to the very beginning. Dare to be naïve if you need, but you need to go back to square one, to the very beginning and start settling roots in new ground. Pick a spot, it doesn’t matter where; just do it and be smart about how you let your roots settle in the earth you stand on. Explore the world like you don’t know it, like everything is new to you because chances are you don’t know it as well as you think. This is step one. Surrender to ignorance and defeat but know that it is not in vain.
Next, you need to establish an emotional bond. To open yourself to everything that might come and to welcome love, friendship and others as your equal. Essentially, connecting to other people and peeking into their lives and passions will give you a hint of what is your passion. It’s time for inspiration, because you’re more likely to discover your passion once you commune with other people and allow them to inspire you instead of a process of trial and error. It’s not time to move yet, it’s time for introspection and to let your heart feel something.
However, your passion won’t come to you like fire or sparks. Finding passion will feel more like a realization and not flames in your gut. Your passion will come in the shape of a dark cloud calling you to figure it out. I asked what exactly is your passion but my cards refuse to give me a straight answer. My deck keeps giving me cards related to loss, to anxiety, stagnation and solitude. After meditating on the situation the only way I can interpret all of this is the following:
you’re not someone that requires passion in order to move on. There is not an specific thing that will satisfy you as you want, or provide you with the answers you need. Looking for passion is not the approach you should be taking; rather you should be taking a more rational approach in which you decide for yourself where you want to be and why, even if that means being away from everyone and everything. You’re being presented with the gift of choice. You don’t need something to guide you; you only need yourself and the freedom of will. You give meaning to your own actions instead of having something give meaning to them. 
On a side note horror art might interest you, you might wanna check out horror literature or artworks such as the one of H.R Giger.
This is by far, the hardest reading I’ve ever done so please let me know how you feel about it. 
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