#peacock juleka
imtallerthanyou · 1 year
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My gift for @queenpichu !!
I present to you a villain au julerose!! This was super fun to work on, hope you like it , have a great Christmas!!
Thankyou @mlsecretsanta for organizing this!! It was my first time participating and i loved it!
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kari-go · 1 month
We saw feline club, how about bird club? Thunderbird!Ivan, Phoenix!Rose, Owl!Luka and Peacock!Juleka, yes kitty section are now birds.
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Luka looks fine af, the others are alright
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celestiall0tus · 10 months
Let's here about the powers of the pretty bitches (the peacocks) and Gabriel (but only after you've had enough time to relax and regain your energy).
I appreciate ya, but I can't help not talk about these lovelies and Gabriel. So, let's dive into the Peacock of Beauty
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We start with the first being Nathalie Sancoeur as Mayura. So, in Miraculous AU her powers are easily overlooked as insignificant unless used properly. Her lesser power is beauty manipulation, allowing her to twist and alter the beauty of a creature or object. A sort of perception manipulation of you will. Her second power is mesmerization where she immobilizes her foes with her stunning beauty, leaving them vulnerable.
Activation Phrases
Transformation: "Duusu, Spread my Feathers"
Lesser Power: Beauty
Greater Power: Mesmerize
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Now we have Gabriel in Salvation. His power is limited to the mesmerization that Mayura possesses. Since he'll never become an avatar in the story, that's all he'll ever have.
Activation Phrases
Transformation: "Duusu, Spread my Feathers"
Power: Mesmerize
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Juleka Couffaine as Ghoul on Separate Worlds. These powers will function very much like Absolution's power system with a passive and main power. For Ghoul, her passive is absolute beauty, meaning she will be regarded as the most beautiful creature alive, putting even Aphrodite to shame. Her main power will be mesmerization.
Activation Phrases
Transformation: "Duusu, Spread my Feathers"
Power: None/Innate
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Ah, what are the odds. Emilie Graham De Vanily getting the peacock in All That Remained when Amelie gets it in Paradise? Beautiful. Anyway, going with a theme made obvious now, Emilie will be called Hera. Her power is mesmerization.
Activation Phrases:
Transformation: "Duusu, Spread my Feathers"
Power: Dazzle
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Ah, Amelie has her chance with peacock in Paradise as Erinona. Unlike the previous peacocks that have been relegated to mesmerization, Erinona is capable of beauty manipulation that allows her to create, shape, and manipulate the beauty in everything. This includes things on a physical, mental, conceptual, and natural.
Activation Phrases:
Transformation: "Duusu, Spread my Feathers"
Power: Glamor
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You know, you'd think I'd have made Adrien the peacock sooner, but here we are at long last in Court of Miracles. Adrien is amongst the few highborn in this AU with a generous selection of powers. These include:
Absolute Beauty - They are the most beautiful thing to ever exist
Beauty Inducement - They can make modifications to any person or object to make them more aesthetically pleasing
Shapeshifting - A power that can be used to alter themselves completely to be more what a person desires, though they also use this to take the form of the gender they associate with at the time
Siren Song - Able to lure in people with a beautiful, supernatural song
Mesmerizing Presence - Very similar to the default peacock power that others have had.
Activation phrases: None/Innate
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Ondine takes center stage in Siren's Song as Siren. Unlike the other peacocks on this list, with the exception of Court of Miracles!Adrien, her power is that of mesmerization through song. Like the old Greek sirens (that were more akin to birds) luring away sailors to their deaths, Siren can do just that. Entrance people with her enrapturing songs.
Activation Phrases
Transformation: "Duusu, Spread my Feathers"
Power: Mesmerize
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Hey, Little Songbird
Chapter 31 - AO3
“End Days? What, could Hawkmoth not think of a better name?” Felix scoffed, dodging a blast of orange light from Rossi’s hand. “And what are you wearing? It looks like its from the sixties. Is that what was fashionable back in Hawky’s youth or was that dress your idea, Liar Rossi?”
“Stay still!” She screeched, her voice like nails on a chalkboard, sharp enough to shatter glass.
“I’ve never listened to you before, Rossi, what makes you think I’ll listen to you now!?” Felix baited with a laugh, smoothly darting around her desperate lunge. “Honestly, did you lose some braincells upon transformation?”
“You’re going to pay, Felix,” she snarled. “Once you and everyone in this damned class is under my control, no one will be able to stop me! Not you, not Dupain-Cheng, not even that pathetic Ladybug and her pet cat!”
Felix yawned. “Oh, a mind-control akuma. How original. That’s not been done a million times or anything.” As relaxed as he tried to appear, he was sweating internally. Chat Noir typically did poorly against mind-control akumas… At least Ladybug wasn’t here for him to sacrifice himself for.
“You’ll regret mocking me once you’re enslaved under my power!” She smiled sickly, her hand glowing with violet light. Felix tensed, ready to dodge. “But don’t worry. You’ll love serving me; everyone does.”
Instead of shooting at him, Rossi attacked the dreadlocked girl. The girl’s body was engulfed by the light, bubbling and growing to epic proportions. The light died down, leaving Horrificator in its place.
Rossi crowed with laughter. “That’s what I’m talking about! Who would have thought pathetic little Mylene could have been such an hideous monster inside?” She smiled cruelly at Felix. “So, my monster, attack that—”
Before she could finish her order, Horrificator glomped Rossi, hugging the akuma tight against its slimy body and… purring. Rossi screeched in disgust, desperately trying to break free, but it appeared as though superior strength was not one of the powers Hawkmoth gifted her. Felix and his classmates bolted for the door.
“No!” Rossi howled, her voice echoing down the hall as they raced away. “After them! Catch them!”
Horrificator roared. Felix glanced behind him; the monster was close behind even as they reached the entry hall of the school. A gooey mass sped towards them and Felix braced himself for impact when—
A hero kicked him out of the way.
Felix fell over the second-floor railing, landing back first on the floor. Head ringing, body aching, Felix quickly tried to right himself as a high-pitched, whiny voice sent a bolt of pain through his head. “Oh, ew!! I had hoped I’d never have to see your slimy gross face ever again! Why do bad things always happen to me!?”
Oh, God. Please no. He’d just been saved by Chloe Bourgeois.
Standing on the stairs above him in her Queen Bee attire, Chloe sneered down Horrificator, hip popped and arms crossed, looking for all the world to see like a bratty rich girl in cosplay. But no, somehow this girl was an actual hero for reasons Felix could never understand. Was he hallucinating? He didn’t think he hit his head—his ribs throbbed in agreement—but that was the only explanation he would accept for being saved by Chloe of all people.
Horrificator charged down the steps, but a blur of black and a flash of silver batted the massive creature back down the hall it’d come from. Chat Noir stood in front of Chloe, staring down at Felix with worry etched onto his face. “Are you okay, Felix?”
“Peachy,” he groaned. The goth girl—the jock had fled when Chloe arrived—helped him into a sitting position. He took stock of his body; ribs hurt, maybe cracked? But his legs and arms felt functional at least.
“What’s the deal with Big, Ugly, and Smelly?” Queen Bee complained. “I thought we were here to take care of Rossi, not some small fry.”
“Rossi can brainwash people by transforming them into their previous akuma forms,” Felix said. “Not sure how that works on people who don’t have an akuma form, but I suppose we’ll find out eventually.”
“Ugh!” Queen Bee groaned. “Could this day not get any worse?”
“As and you will receive~!” Rossi called out, appearing from down the hall with Horrificator cowering behind her. The goth girl helped Felix to his feet. He whispered a thank you to her, getting a nod in response… he really had to learn her name after this. Maybe Marinette would tell him, so he wouldn’t have to ask? “Aw, what’s this? A temp hero, just for me? You shouldn’t have!”
Chat Noir faced Rossi, scowl on her face. “Lila Rossi, you are under arrest for voluntarily working with Hawkmoth. Surrender your akuma or don’t; either way, any supposed diplomatic immunity won’t protect you from collaborating with a terrorist.”
A butterfly mask lit up over her face. “What? You… How could you know that, you mangy cat?”
Felix cleared his voice, sending all attention to him. “Maybe you shouldn’t grab butterflies in the middle of a school hallway? Anyone could be around, you know? And in this day and age, everyone has a smartphone on them, so videos can easily find their way to the heroes.”
The mask shattered as Rossi glowered at him. “You.”
He smiled up at her. “Me.”
She fired a blast of purple light at him and the goth girl, but a mass of brown body slammed them out of the way. Felix’s scream died in his throat as the monkey man—whatever his name was—scooped them both over his shoulder, jostling his ribs, sending pain lancing down his spine. He needed a hospital. Damn, his mother and Marinette were going to kill him.
“Sorry I’m late, guys!” The monkey man called up to Chat Noir and Queen Bee. “Ladybug is still passing out the other Miraculous, so she won’t be here for a while yet!”
Another flash of the butterfly mask, of Gabriel talking to Rossi he assumed, and Rossi nodded. “Horrificator, get them!” She pointed at the heroes present before running off.
Felix slapped the monkey man’s shoulder. “She’s going off to look for Ladybug, you dunce!” He shouted over the fight.
“You literally just told an akuma that Ladybug had multiple Miraculous on her, and didn’t expect her to try and steal them!? Go stop her before she figures out you lied!” he hissed at the buffoon.
“I can’t leave them to fight alone!” he protested.
“They have dealt with that akuma before!”
The monkey man tried to protest again, but hissed in pain. The goth girl dug her sharp nails deeper into his neck. “You are not messing this up for Ladybug,” she said, voice low and threatening. “Fix your problem, before I fix you.”
The monkey man agreed, tears budding in his eyes before the goth girl let go, and set them down. Felix hissed in pain, his ribs throbbing again. The temporary hero ran after Rossi, leaving him and the goth girl as alone as they could be with a massive battle happening on the stairs above them. “Thank you.”
She eyed him from underneath her bangs. “Do you still have a job to do?” She certainly didn’t beat around the bush.
“I do. Will you be safe if I leave you here?”
“I’ve been in akuma attacks before. I know how to run.”
“Then I’ll leave you to it.”
Stumbling a bit at first, Felix sprinted towards the back of the school, the direction Rossi ran towards. He had to keep her attention on him. But how could he do that if she was now focused on stealing Miraculous—
“That girl was suuuper intimidating, right?”
Felix instinctively slapped Duusu. The kwami soared across the hall, hitting the opposite wall with a faint squeak. “Have you been here the entire time!?”
“Maybe!” Popping up like pain or physics didn’t affect it—and for all Felix knew, that was the truth—Duusu immediately got in his face again. “But you gotta admit it, I certainly appear whenever I’m needed! And what an entrance too!”
“I don’t need you,” he said, picking up the pace.
Duusu flew along side him. “You dooooooooo. At least, you do if you want Rossi’s attention away from Ladybug. And back.” A poke. “On.” Poke. “You!” Poke.
He stopped, eyeing the little creature. It vibrated with excitement. “You want me to wear your Miraculous.”
“You’re already wearing my Miraculous,” it corrected. “I want you to be a hero.”
“I’m not a hero.” The reply was instinctive.
“You don’t have a choice. Not unless you want your uncle Gabby to be arrested properly. Just think of how angry he’ll be when he sees you dressed in my indigo and pink. He’ll be livid.” It chuckled evilly.
The idea was… attractive. Felix lived for pissing off his uncle. But still… “I’m not a hero. I’m not selfless, or compassionate, or courageous. Shouldn’t you be encouraging me not to use you for selfish reasons?”
“I’m the kwami of emotion,” it said, shrugging. “That means all emotion, you know? Just because you humans have labeled some emotions as good and others as bad… doesn’t mean they are. And Felix? You are so filled with emotion. There’s so much passion and malice and sorrow and anxiety in you, and all of it makes you perfect.”
“What would I gain by lying? I haven’t met someone so fitting of my Miraculous since my Emilie; I’d be honored for you to be my next true holder.”
Felix looked down at the Miraculous pinned to his hoodie. It was like he was seeing it for the first time. The five, dull gold feathers that made up the body of the brooch distorted his reflection, and the five teardrop garnets sparkled in the florescent light. Such a little thing, with so much power. He didn’t know what to say.
“Plus… you want to keep Marinette safe, right?” His head snapped up. Duusu grinned smugly down at him. “Every second you’re away, Rossi could change her mind and go after her. If you want to keep her safe, say the magic words: Duusu, spread my feathers!”
Felix licked his lips. “Alright. But we need to find a closet or bathroom or somewhere else private.”
“What? Why?”
“I literally just called Rossi out for transforming in public; there’s no way I’ll make the same mistake as her. It’s bad enough I was even talking to you in a public place.”
“…Fair enough. Let’s goooo!”
Felix already regretted agreeing.
Taglist: @graduatedmelon @novicevoice@dur55@kris-pines04@18-fandoms-unite-08@moonlightstar64@bee-a-garbage-shipper@sol-o-shade@kittyotakunoir666@tinyterror333@allieoftheenemy@marichat00@xgxmxtx@two-faced-biatch@feliciakainzofspades@evil-cricket@emilytopaz@spicybelladonna@chocolateherringtacofan@user00000003@wannajointhecrabcult@happymonster-pants @duquesapincarrasca  @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen  @sxltinette @kittydemon9000 @thetrashypanda423 @unoriginalmessess @toodaloo-kangaroo @troycattribunny
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e-does-stuff · 1 year
not for my au, I just got ✨inspired✨
Say hi to Mille Yeux!
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more peacock!Juleka versions under the cut!
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revengeofreaper32 · 1 year
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zoe-oneesama · 5 months
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All the Miraculous Requests I had from my Patrons in 2023! This isn't even including all the original OCs and akumas I got!
Ko-fi | Patreon
-Marinette in MY favorite outfit from Scarlet Lady (this one's from "Glaciator") -Chat Blanc and Marinette (specially SL Mari) -Marinette and Tikki sharing Hot Chocolate and Floral Cookies -My Akumanette Little Devil kissing Silencer -Kim and Ondine, Kim kissing her on the cheek -Penny and Jagged kissing -Marc and Nathaniel kissing -Rose and Juleka in their Princess Fragrance and Reflekta Scarlet Lady cover outfits -Nino and Adrien hugging -Good Lila with the Butterfly Miraculous -Good Gabriel with the Peacock Miraculous -Young Marianne with the Fox Miraculous -Original version of Evil Nathalie with the Peacock Miraculous -Bustier with the Bee Miraculous -Scarlet Lady version of Vanisher -MY favorite akuma aka Stormy Weather (I was literally asked to do my favorite lol) -Nathaniel in his Scarlet Lady "Reflekta" outfit -Caprikid wishing my Patron a Happy Birthday! -Gabriel horrified by a full glitter suit he's forced to wear -Ladybug in the Hades game style as a Goddess of Creation -Kagami. Just my baby girl Kagami. -Rose dressed in Pastel Goth Fashion -Rose dressed in a pink version of Chie Satonaka's (Persona) outfit because they share a Voice Actor -Juleka. My other baby girl Juleka. -Juleka in her "Style Queen"/"Queen Wasp" outfit from Scarlet Lady -Human Pollen -Human Nooroo
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snitchesnsneeds · 1 month
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Baseball Episode!?
I decided, while I was readying myself for the finale and Chloe's character death, why not write one of the Miraculous ideas buzzing in my head not related to my fic? This one's a baseball episode because I like baseball episodes.
In terms of background plot, the Peacock Miraculous is fixed and Hawkmoth (no, not Shadowmoth, this is my canon,) has whittled down the identities of Ladybug and Chat Noir to being in Mme. Bustier's class. He doesn't immediately think Ladybug and Chat Noir are the only two students unakumatized in class because he knows Miraculouses can be swapped around, and Miraculous wielders can change their appearance. As for the episode prior,
Ms. Bustier's class is playing baseball for whatever reason. Gym class or something.
Hawkmoth, knowing Ladybug and Chat Noir are in the group, decides to strike, but instead of the overdone and constantly-failing akuma method (not to mention no one's having that bad of a day,) he decides to get creative.
Hawkmoth shows up at the baseball field the Miracuclass is at, in full baseball gear as well? The exits are blocked off by a mass of mold created by the peacock Miraculous, and Ladybug and Chat Noir have trouble running and transforming due to said mold having eyes everywhere, including, yes, the toilets.
He's also created a full robotic baseball team with the peacock miraculous, with 7 basic robot players, 1 armored catcher, and 1 pitching machine on wheels. The latter wields a bat by having it duct-taped to its "head," btw.
Hawkmoth merely wants to wager a game of baseball. If the home team wins, Hawkmoth will leave the class alone. No more akumas or amoks targeting them. However, if Hawkmoth wins, and he might, he gets to take all their accessories! Necklaces, Bracelets, Jewelry, Earrings, Rings, etc.
After the initial cries of shock, confusion, and "Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!", the class decides on what to do. Some members see this as a low-cost high-gain game, not to mention they were already playing baseball in the first place.
Marinette and Adrien, being Ladybug and Chat Noir respectively in the first place, realize Hawkmoth's plan and are not for playing, although they have problems explaining why for reasons that don't expose themselves. Same with the classmates that have figured out their identities (Ivan, Nathaniel, Juleka, and Max,) although they fare a bit better in the reasoning department. Also Chloe is on team no for obvious reasons. As is Sabrina.
Lila's with team 'no' at first for the same reasons as Chloe, but changes sides when she figures out Hawkmoth's scheme and comes to the same conclusions as him.
Ultimately, not willing to risk what would happen if they said no, the Miracuclass takes up Hawkmoth's offer. Also they have uniforms now. From the power of baseball or something.
Since a baseball team only needs nine players and Ms. Bustier's class has fifteen people (six too many,) Chloe, Sabrina, Rose, Mylene, Lila, and Marinette form a cheer squad instead with uniforms as well. Very modest uniforms. Like at the lightest no sleeves and yes modesty shorts.
In terms of positions (because I care deeply about this,) Alix is the pitcher (a great one at that!), Ivan is the catcher, Nino looks over first base, Max looks over second base (he can catch and throw well by calculating the trajectories), Adrien looks over third base, Alya, the girlboss that she is, handles Shortstop, while Kim, Juleka, and Nathaniel are all outfielders. While Kim's highly athletic and a runner and Juleka is frequently at the right spot to catch the ball in midair, Nathaniel is an art kid that wants nothing to do with this and would rather doodle comics.
As for batting, it's as you'd expect. The students that are muscular, sporty, or have spent time as superheroes (mainly Alya and Nino for the latter,) bat better. Ivan's a bit on the slow side and Juleka's a deceptively fast runner, however. It helps that her girlfriend's cheering her on.
Finally, the cheer squad. Chloe, being a talented gymnast and Mean Girl, kills it as a cheerleader, with Rose and Sabrina not being too far behind. Mylene's doing her best, Marinette keeps on tripping over her own feet, and Lila's doing the bare minimum and using faked health conditions as excuses. She also tries to take the other cheerleaders' earrings and rings in case they're Ladybug or Chat Noir, and makes more fake excuses when noticed. At one point Chloe and Lila start fighting. Sabrina tries to break it up.
Hawkmoth's really getting into the sport, by the way. Yelling, telling the enemy team what to do when they mess up, getting mad when his robot baseball players try to cheat, etc. Mostly because some of Gabriel's best times with Emile were at baseball games. He even proposed to her after a game!
Adrien, sweating a bit: "Why does Hawkmoth keep on looking at me? Has he figured out my identity?"
Hawkmoth, looking at Adrien: "My son isn't doing as well as I'd hoped. A pity. Is he not interested?"
Also the bleachers are filled up with some audience members, let in by the Mold. Not a full crowd by any means, but there's people! It helps Nadja is broadcasting the game as well. Marinette's parents are there. The Gorilla is whistling in support of Adrien and has a foam finger. Nathalie isn't there, though. She was never into the sport.
Of course, a bunch of middle schoolers don't fare too well against a team of lifeforms designed to be good at baseball. Alya, using her own form of Ladybug vision (or whatever it's called,) on the cheer squad, determines that Marinette should join the team in place of someone else. Nathaniel seems like the best choice due to being the worst player.
Nathaniel: "NO! I am not becoming a cheerleader! Can't I just sit on the bench or something?"
Alya: "We need six cheerleaders. We can't have a full pyramid with only five!"
Murmur of agreement from the others
Nathaniel: "...Well can't you get someone else to be a cheerleader instead? Why can't it be someone like Jule-Gets hit by a thrown baseball mitt and shoe-OW! Hey!"
Adrien: "Everyone, calm down. I'll be the cheerleader. I've never liked competitive team sports like baseball anyways. I'd rather be my own rival."
Adrien walks over to Marinette and hands her his hat and baseball mitt
Adrien: "Win the game for everyone here, okay?"
Marinette: (Internally) Adrien's counting on me. I can't let him down again! I'll win this game not just to keep my Miraculous, but so I can rebuild Adrien's trust in me!
For the record, I decided in my canon this episode takes a while after Marinette and Adrien got together before having a horribly messy break-up three episodes later, and in general this is meant to be platonic, but if you make art of this and change that dialogue a little for the sake of Adrienette, I won't be cranky.
But yeah. The entire cheer squad welcomes Adrien in with open arms because they're nice girls, Lila, Chloe, and Chloe's girlfriend. Also maybe I'd have Adrien in a skirt but I'll need consultation on that.
As for Marinette, her passion and muscle give the team the nudge and morale to outplay Hawkmoth's team and ultimately win. Taking the pitcher position from Alix, she throws fast, unpredictable balls to strike out the basebots, and she manages to outbat the pitching machine and hit a home run at the ninth inning while three of her teammates are on each of the bases.
Hawkmoth, is a man of his word, thankfully. A pretty good sport, too. He was pretty impressed He dispels his baseball team, skedaddles away, and finally dispels the Mold so Ladybug and Chat Noir can't immediately chase him.
At the ending part, in the Agreste Manor, Gabriel goes over to his son and said he heard all about his game, including what he said about competitive team sports.
"Did you mean all that?"
"Yes, father."
"Would you rather be a cheerleader than be in the basketball team?"
And so Gabriel puts Adrien in the cheer squad instead of playing basketball and the two of them play a game of catch because Gabriel realized he's never done that with his son.
With baseball mitts and a baseball.
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nionom-art · 10 months
with you miraculous Coccinella au, what’s Adrien’s deal? Like is he using the broken peacock or is it a fixed version and does he receive other miraculous from the heroes not knowing he’s on the bad side. also what’s his relationship to the other ml characters like as he’s clearly a more withdrawn Adrien and Marinette and Luka are dating so that changes things?
speaking of which, I see you being mysterious with Luka so wondering what that’s about? O-o
Yes, for a while Adrien is using the broken peacock miraculous. At the start of the series he tries to go to school but gets involved with Alya in chasing down Stone Heart, which Gabriel takes as an indicator that Adrien isn’t ready for school, and pulls him from it.
Essentially what happens is he discovers the miraculous on his own after Gabriel accidentally left the portrait door open one time. He initially tried to use it to help the heroes, but is immediately caught by Gabriel. Gabriel reveals everything to Adrian (including the fact that he’s a sentimonster). Eventually, Adrian agrees to work with Gabriel to bring his mom back, since he believes it’s his fault she’s dead due to creating him with a broken miraculous. Gabriel is hesitant to let Adrian use the miraculous but eventually agrees after Adrian comes up with a plan.
Gabriel agrees to send Adrien to school again so that he can gather intel. While back at school, Lila manipulates and emotionally blackmailes Adrien into dating her. Due to this, Adrien isn’t allowed to hang out with other people often without Lila there. Eventually he breaks things off with Lila after interacting with Luka, Marinette, and Kagami. After that he starts to date Kagami.
Luka gets introduced to Marinette at a Jagged Stone concert through Juleka and Rose, and the hit it off. They get together a little while after Adrien and Lila do, and stay together a while after that.
The later miraculous Adrien (and Kagami) hold are due to Adrien becoming the guardian of the miraculous at the end of season 3.
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Glad you found that AU idea fascinating! Its probably my most well developed conceptually even if the plot structure is a mess XD Also slight correction it should have been Six-Teen Heroes cos pun.
The team is: Dragon - Kagami Tiger - Juleka Snake - Luka Horse - Nino Bee - Chloe Fox - Lila
Marinette will eventually get the Mouse, but Mullo divided themselves into several thousand when escaping Scarlet Sovereign (Gabriel) and took awhile to both come back together & pick a user.
There's some noted shifts in some of the powers because of both the changed circumstances & adapted world building/story needs.
Horse can do solo teleports, not just portals. Mouse can duplicate itself or multiply other things. Tiger is more like manufacturing an explosion via chemical reaction. Dragon is mostly the same, but it can channel lesser attacks through the sword. Snake is literal, you only get 1 second chance not infinite, but you also get excellent premonition. Bee can 'subjugate' objects, essentially imbuing them with magic that lets Chloe command & direct them. Turtle can make its wearer vastly more durable rather than just shields & also create a wider variety of protections and traps. Fox is a bit iffy, I keep oscillating on either it being able to tap into people's minds to make mirages, or to super charge illusions and make them real.
Also users can utilize their powers several times (Barring Second Chance) if they do more small scale versions of them. But doing so reduces their overall energy pool, meaning they may not be able to do a full power version.
For example:
Bee can sting five enemies for one minute, or one enemy for five minutes, or command objects more easily than it can bind living foe, ETC.
Horse can single person teleport and depending of mix of distance can do this many times, but long distances or too many & they become unable to open a portal.
Some other factors I like for the AU:
The Kwmai while not malevolent do have their own morals, ideals or goals not totally aligned with Fu's. Though all want to free their family. This informs some of their choices.
Tomoe Tsurugi has the butterfly and is opposed to Gabriel but is not on the Heroes side, if anything she wants to take them over or take their Miraculous. This is also why Kagami is in Paris early.
Lila was picked cos she's good at spinning lies at the drop of a hat & Trixx is amused. But Trixx also primarily uses the truth to manipulate people & is trying to basically trick Lila into genuine heroism.
There's a much stronger focus on trying to reduce civilian causalities in this AU as there is no Miracle Cure available. So the team tends to be divided up into the main fighters & emergency evacuation/defense.
Scarlet Sovereign mostly uses what he calls Charm Constructs at first & later upgrades to "Shikigami". The former involve using a charm to transform a mundane objects into an automaton, while the latter is basically creating a quasi magic 'spirit' to fight for him.
Debating Audrey having the Peacock and doing her own thing with a fixed version, or otherwise being a problem too, but not sure.
One theme I want to explore is how secret identity and powers affects behavior.
Like Chloe as Queen Bee is much more responsible and respectable, but this does not bleed over into her civilian life for awhile. Or how Juleka feels so confident as Tigress she gives up on pursuing Rose as herself & tries to do so as a hero exclusively. Or how Nino is not above utilizing the Horse for more childish or selfish ends, but also sort of questions if power corrupts, ETC.
All of them have identity, self esteem, trauma or behavioral issues is what I am getting at XD
Oh dope!
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kari-go · 1 year
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Panthera Noire, Scarabée Rouge, Renarde Orange, Tortue Verte, Essaime Jaune, Chrysalide Violette, Oiseau Bleu
There are two peacocks because one is with a fixed miraculous (normal skin) and the other is with a very broken miraculous (colored skin, no mask).
Part2, Part 3, Part 4
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celestiall0tus · 10 months
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I just, I love it. I love her. I love them all.
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abocato · 9 months
The current holders of the Mother Box/Chinese Box Miraculous
The Miraculous Mother Box was said to be the Box with the strongest Jewels, so I decided to name its current holders and their respective Miraculouses
Ladybug (Marinette Dupain-Cheng) - The Ladybug Miraculouses
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Chat Noir (Adrien Agreste) - The Black Cat Miraculouses
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Rena Rouge (Alya Césaire) - The Fox Miraculouses
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Carapace (Nino Lahiffe) - The Turtle Miraculouses
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Viperion (Luka Couffaine) - The Snake Miraculouses
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Ryuko (Kagami Tsurugi) - The Dragon Miraculouses
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Pegasus (Max Kanté) - The Horse Miraculouses
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Monkey King (Lê Chiến Kim) - The Monkey Miraculouses
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Pigella (Rose Lavillant) - The Pig Miraculouses
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Vesperia (Zoe Lee) - The Bee Miraculouses
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Polymouse (Mylène Haprèle) - The Mouse Miraculouses
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Purple Tigress (Juleka Couffaine) - The Tiger Miraculouses
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Miss Hound (Sabrina Raincomprix) - The Dog Miraculouses
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Rooster Bold (Marc Anciel) - The Rooster Miraculouses
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Caprikid (Nathaniel Kurtzberg) - The Goat Miraculouses
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Minotaurox (Ivan Bruel) - The Ox Miraculouses
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Bunnyx (Alix Kubdel) - The Rabbit Miraculouses
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Argos (Félix Fathom) - The Peacock Miraculouses
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Chrysalis (Cerise) - The Butterfly Miraculouses
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artzychic27 · 6 months
Blame @msweebyness’s post for this… I call this au Miraculopolis
Marinette: Goddess of Luck and Chance. Her symbols are ladybugs and clovers
Adrien: God of Family and Children. His symbols are domestic cats and carnations
Alya: Goddess of Messaging and Facts. Her symbols are spectacles and pigeons
Nino: God of Protection and Defense. His symbols are shields and turtles
Nathaniel: God of the Fine Arts and Inspiration. His symbols are paintbrushes and peacocks
Alix: Goddess of Time and Memory. Her symbols are clocks and rabbits
Juleka: Goddess of Serenity and Inner Beauty. Her symbols are mirrors and ravens
Rose: Goddess of Romance and Love. Her symbols are roses and doves
Sabrina: Goddess of Loyalty and Companionship. Her symbols are rings and wolves
Chloé: Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity. Her symbols are gold coins and bees
Kim: God of Sportsmanship and Victory. His symbols are palm branches and eagles
Max: God of Statistics and Possibilities. His symbols are abacuses and horses
Ivan: God of Poetry and Ballads. His symbols are quills and mice
Myléne: Goddess of Nature and Grains. Her symbols are cornucopias and bears
Marc: God of Literature and Epic Tales. His symbols are fountain pens and roosters
Aurore: Goddess of the Sun. Her symbols are parasols and lions
Mireille: Goddess of the Moon. Her symbols are wool and sheep
Reshma: Goddess of Craftmentship. Her symbols are a needle and thread and spiders
Ismael: God of Mischief. His symbols are apples and foxes
Lacey: Goddess of Siblinghood. Her symbols are rope and frogs
Jean: God of Theater and Entertainment. His symbols are comedy and tragedy masks, and songbirds
Cosette: Goddess of Masking and Adaption. Her symbols are a makeup pallet and chameleons
Zoé: Goddess of Rebellion. Her symbols are broken handcuffs and a tiger
Simon: God of Technology and Surveillance. His symbols are eye-shaped pendants and hawks
Denise: Goddex of Strength and Health. Their symbols are barbells and bulls
Luka: God of Music and Emotional health. His symbols are lyres and snakes
Kagami: Goddess of Combat. Her symbols are swords and dragons
Ondine: Goddess of the Sea. Her symbols are a trident and orcas
Different nations, different mythologies and deities
They’re all powerful deities, but they still act like teenagers, get crushes, drink a lot of wine, have wild parties up in the heavens, and crash mortal parties whenever they please
Being the goddess of Masking and Adaption, Cosette can shapeshift into any animal she pleases while the others only shapeshift into the animals they’re associated with
Cosette: Random animal exit! *Shapeshift into a shark and starts flopping around on the ground before shifting back and gasping for air* Random… Land animal exit! *Shapeshifts into an ostrich and walks away*
Zoé: Even as an ostrich, they’re still gorgeous.
Marc and Nathaniel have been crushing on each other for eons
Rose and Juleka have been girlfriends for centuries now. Juleka is not affected by Rose’s romance-inducing aura, and Rose is not affected by Juleka’s almost ethereal beauty. They just love each other
Adrien has almost this maternal instinct due to being the god of family and children, and as such, he adores mortal infants
A former member of the gods and goddesses of Miraculous is Lila, the goddess of deceit and trickery. Her symbols are jackals and masks. She still has her divine powers, but she’s not allowed back in the skyward abode of the gods and goddesses for a multitude of reasons, and has offended each of the others gods in some way
Also… She was just annoying as hell
*During an outing in the divine garden, long before Lila was banished, Myléne is telling the others about a new tree she had come up with. The others are listening intently when Lila suddenly interrupts*
Nino: Someone, make her stop!
*Nathaniel summons his paintbrush staff and slathers a bit of red paint over Lila’s mouth. It dries in an instant, and her words come out muffled*
Nino: *Sighs* Much butter.
Ismael possesses an object called The Golden Apple of Chaos. Basically, when he throws it, it causes some sort of havoc somewhere
He’s always tempting mortal children to cause a little chaos
Ismael: Just think of it, Manon. You, me. All the chaos. All the discord! ALL THE FREE CHICKEN!
Legend from both Miraculous and Prodigious mythology tells of a monster named Kiku, once a mortal man who wanted to become stronger. One night, he snuck into Kim, Denise, and Kagami’s temples, and stole one of Kim’s medals, one of Denise’s barbels, and one of Kagami’s swords. When they discovered this, the god, goddex, and goddess punished him by turning him into a monstrous bear-like creature. He had impenetrable skin and could tear through entire villages with his claws
One quirk about him is that whenever he gets flustered or excited, a peacock tail will fan out from behind him
A tale from mythology of Miraculous talks about how Nino developed feelings for Alya when she protected him and several mortals from a dangerous monster while they were visiting the mortal realm
Wherever Marinette steps, four-leaf clovers grow
When they arrive in the mortal realm, their entrances are all a sight to behold that you’ll wanna punch yourself if you miss them
According to Miraculous mythology, whenever Rose travels to the mortal realm, she descends from the sky in a flurry of rose petals. And when she lands on the ground, several doves appear at her side, and she emits a pink aura that causes people to momentarily fall in love with the first person they see
When Nathaniel comes to visit the mortal realm, the sky becomes an array of colors as his beautiful, iridescent chariot is drawn by several peacocks.
Reshma descends from the sky, performing aerial tricks using spider web silk. Her feet never touch the ground as a clutter of spiders carry her about, almost making it look like she’s gliding
Lore has it, that centuries ago, Denise nursed a young injured bull they named Aithen back to health, and infused him with some of their divine magic, helping him grow stronger over time until he was able to pull their heavy two ton chariot on his own
And, there is a tale stating that Simon won Denise’s heart after using his wits to vanquish a monster attacking the mortals
According to mythology, Lacey bestows blessings on mortal children and their siblings, helping to strengthen their bonds and know when their siblings are in need
While Lila may be the goddess of deceit and has done some terrible things over the centuries, she still has standards. As such, she refuses to ever interact with Lucien, the god of Onedience and Power, and Emani, the god of Manipulation, who were also ousted from their heavenly abodes
Max’s sacred object is his golden abacus, gifted to him by Kim. Centuries ago, Kim melted several of his prized golden medals to create it for him
During the annual Olympics hosted by the Miraculous, teams from different nations come to compete for glory. The gods and goddesses watch from the stands while disguised as humans or the animals they are associated with. Kim, meanwhile, is in his god form and loudly cheering for the team representing Miraculous
While Nathaniel is one of the kindest gods of Miraculous, but he also has a fiery temper. When provoked, he’ll fly into a rage, and even the other deities know to approach with caution
One way to piss him off is by claiming you’re a better artist than him. He’ll curse you so that any piece of art or art material you touch will turn into dust. *cough* Louis *cough*
Due to being the Prodigious god of not only Theater, but also Entertainment, whenever there’s a party happening in the mortal realm, Jean is known to make a grand appearance. This is usually when he feels as though the party’s reaches its peak. Guests are to be advised that whenever Jean attends a mortal party, it doesn’t stop unless he wants to stop. The longest was a week
Zoé, the Prodigious goddess of Rebellion is also known to frequent parties, usually ones thrown by teenagers who plan and attend it without their parents knowing. From the heavens, she descends using a charriot drawn by two majestic tigers. She describes parties such as that as, “Rebellion in its most premature form!”
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sugarviv · 6 months
My take on the Paris Special’s alternate universe (pt. 1 of many concepts explained)
Keep in mind that I am not a writer- more an idea person. I don’t imagine anything I come up with will be even close to canon. With that said, let’s start with the Backstory:
The origin story begins not with the universe we see, but instead with a world where everything is normal… Except
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Gabriel allows Colt to use the Peacock Miraculous so that Amile can have a child. Instead of responding is complete disgust however, Colt takes an interest and decides to try and research about the miraculous…
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Somehow, he manages to learn what he needs to, and summons Gimmi to make the ultimate wish… To be given supreme power over anyone and everyone. After all, the price that would take would only serve to keep himself in power
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Things play out as we see they do in that universe at that point: Gabriel steals the Moth and Peacock miraculouses (miraculi?🤔), Colt kills Emile for using the power of the peacock again, mostly due to a proud anger he’s had since the first time she had Adrien, and Gabriel goes into hiding to start the resistance.
The difference now is that Colt knows of Gabriel’s identity… that’s exactly why he decides to give his only son the Cat Miraculous. So he can be forced to watch this universe’s Adrien unknowingly destroy himself (along with knowingly destroying Paris ☝️😌)
Now… here’s a few quick design ideas for other characters.
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Felix and Kagami, both being Sentibeings, work for the Supreme as Morals Officers (not sure how else to call them). They’re both constantly on the clock, patrolling the city, keeping the citizens in line, and overall trying to dissuade any kind of rebellion.
They act in sort of a Good cop/Bad cop routine, and are so overworked and under so much pressure that they have no time to be themselves or even know themselves.
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Although Chloe’s father is still the mayor, Laws work differently under the Supreme’s rule. Andre was made to send Chloe to live elsewhere if he wanted to be given a position of political power, which lead to Chloe living with her friend Sabrina.
Chloe is a typical mean girl, lashing out at others and being petty, but this is all due to insecurity and (pretty trope-y) stuff.. She did grow up with her father though, and through her emotionally (and literally) absent mother, got to grow up with Adrien and even star as a model for many of Gabriel’s more youthful and feminine designs. She considers Adrien to be almost like a brother to her, even though she doesn’t see him much after his mother died.
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I,,, honestly don’t have much for Luka 🧍 He’s mostly just potential right now- Potential to become a part of the resistance AND potential to be used by the Supreme and harness a miraculous. Luka is a good bit more cynical compared to his show counterpart, and struggles with serious abandonment issues after not only his dad abandoning him as a baby, but his twin sister Juleka seemingly vanishing as well (she became a miraculous holder- I’ll design her eventually if y’all want 😊)
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toxinellebug · 6 months
Paris Special HEADCANONS
Marinette only became emo after Chloe posted the video of Kim humiliating her online because there was no Socqulien to stop her.
Marinetter didn’t wear fishnet gloves or a scarf until those black veins started to appear.
Adrien only cut his hair after his father FORCED him to go to school, (because socializing with kids his own age would be good for his mental health) as an act of rebellion.
When the black lines started to appear, Adrien took inspiration from the Baker girl’s emo makeup to hide it.
Marinette ended up in Ms. Mendeliev’s class, NOT Ms. Bustier, which is why she never met Alya or met Adrien personally, but knew he was a spoiled brat because Chloe paraded him around the school as her Adrikins.
Adrien, who resented being sent to school, followed Chloe’s lead and probably bullied Nino, while Chloe made Alya her new fav target.
Marinette never met Luka since she and Juleka never became friends.
The Crush who thinks she’s a pathetic loser that she references is Kim. (In eng dub she says bf, which makes no sense since the special takes place at the begining of S5 after they got the Rabbit back and right after Cat Noir cataclysmed Monarch at the wax museum- and at this time Adrien has not yet fully accepted his feelings for Marinette and Marinette had broken up with Luka in ep 1 of s4 so she doesn’t have a boyfriend, which would be clear in her diary, but she does have a crush who sees her as a very good friend, whereas bad marinette’s last crush would have been Kim)
Adrien probably enjoys fame and modeling. His mother wanted to be a famous movie star after all. Also, he praises the perfection of Adrien Agreste when he is Claw Noir/Griffe Noir, and frowns when Shadybug/Toxinelle insults him. But Cat Noir has said that he is better looking and better dressed than Adrien and doesn’t understand why girls were fighting over him. Enjoying his fame and possibly relishing in signing autographs at school could also reinforce Marinette’s belief that he is self-centered despite not knowing him… Cuz remember, she was surprised that he seemed to know her, which means they aren’t classmates.
Good Gabriel obviously made Adrien go to school since being alone isn’t healthy for a teen, and Gabriel can’t design for his brand, save the world AND homeschool his son all at the same time. Plus, making friends and learning social skills would help Adrien overcome his grief.
The Centralist nature of the world ruled by the Supreme would result in Sabine having more conservative values, which would make her a more harsh disciplinarian who criticizes her daughter frequently.
Good Gabriel could not risk someone else suffering from the peacock, nor having his identity exposed to the Supreme, therefore FELIX was never born because Fathom Colt could not be trusted. (Sure, you could argue that the Supreme willingly lent Colt the peacock in exchange for something and that’s where Gabriel got the idea from but he had nothing to offer so he stole it, but since his wife is Amalie’s twin and suffered from the same infertility issues, it would be too suspicious if Emelie just miraculously got pregnant when it was impossible for her suster to do so without a miraculous.) The Gorilla was sent at Amalie’s insistence since Adrien is the heir of the precious DeVanilly bloodline and thus must be protected!
Gabriel accepted only because it stopped Amalie from insisting that she be allowed to adopt her nephew after her sister’s death.
This would also mean Amalie sees Adrien as the rightful owner of the DeVanilly twin rings and she would not insist on having them back, which means Gabriel could claim to keep them in a safe until Adrien comes of age because he knows Adrien will lose his free will if anyone gets their hands on those rings and good Gabriel respects his son’s autonomy as a person.
Gabriel never met Nathalie. She was a relic hunter, and since Gabriel stole what he needed from the Supreme, he never needed to hire Nathalie to search for magic jewels.
XY is famous and popular, Jagged Stone is either a nobody or his music is strictly underground indie because it is banned for it’s anarchist nature.
Andre never became Mayor, but he still has the Hotel and is a Movie Director. Chloe’s bad attitude still comes from her father’s wealth and Mother’s influence.
Mylene would not be allowed to attend Francios Dupont.
(Let’s face it, it is a Private school and all the kids who go there are either rich, middle class, or have show biz connections. They have an exclusive curriculum, including textbooks no other school uses, and no handicap access. Nino DJ’s as a hobby- do you know how expensive equipment is? For a 14 year old kid to have that as a hobby he needs to come from money. Building an AI robot isn’t cheap either, Max- son of an astronaut. Alya’s dad has at least a Master’s Degree if not a Doctorate in order to be a zookeeper and her mom is a chief in a 5 star hotel which affords her an apartment in one of the most expensive cities in the world, and ALYA, despite having 3 sisters, has her own bedroom with a balcony. Bakers in Paris also earn more than just a decent living, and sewing is not a cheap hobby either for a 13/14 year old who could lose interest because she’s a teenager. Mirelle and Aurora have the networking and connections to get on TV, you really think their parents wouldn’t send them to a highly rated private school? Chloe is repulsed by public transportation, do you think she’d be caught dead in a public school? Do you think the daughter of the Mayor and the Queen of fashion would go to public school? Do you think Gabriel Agreste who has a bodyguard for his supermodel son would allow him to attend public school? Do you think a world famous Fencer who also runs for political office would teach at a public school? Do you think Tsurugi san, who demands perfection and nothing short of the best, would allow Kagami to join a fencing club at a public school? No, Francois Dupont is a private school, and the only reason Mylene is able to attend is because her dad works there as a janitor. That’s why Chloe is always digging at how poor her clothes are.)
Betterfly said mutual aid is a crime in his world, meaning it is Centralist politics, which means Mylene and Ivan would not be able to protest anything legally and Ms. Bustier would not be able to get a job as a teacher with her idealistic liberal values… meaning she is not a teacher, or she is a mean teacher and probably even has a husband rather than a wife.
Post Paris Special, in addition to being homeless fugitives, Adrien will be a mess because the girl he has been yelling at, calling a cockroach, and trying to steal from is also the girl he’s been head over heels in love with but never had the guts to actually TALK to and it turns out she HATES his civilian identity and he has no idea how to talk to her without his mask but wearing the mask he falls into old habits and has to constantly correct himself before calling her cockroach and he constantly berates himself “WHY did I say that?? Stupid, stupid!” Everytime he ends up saying something snarky, rude, or tries to flirt and it just comes out cringe because he REALLY wants her to like him but he is also low key terrified of her hating him, yet just her grabbing his hand turns his brain into mush and have him daydreaming about wedding bells and a hamster.
Meanwhile, Marinette has never had a friend before, and has zero idea how to work as a team, especially with a moron who is as conceited and spoiled as Adrien Agreste, but they are stuck together now, and she DOES want to give it a shot, especially if it means she can change her crappy life and NOT be destroyed by her own powers. But she has no idea why her so called Partner is so bi-polar; one minute he’s acting smug and showing off, the next aloof (trying to play it cool), then he’s trying to crack jokes and get her praise, then he seems like he’s ready to snap and call her shittybug only to become apologetic, nervous/embarressed/awkward, and try to change the subject. Sometimes he acts like her touch burns him, othertimes he acts like he wants to hold her hsnd and follow her like a lost puppy. But most annoying is when he screws up her plans by trying to protect her by becoming a human shield or tackling her out of harms way (and spending way too long on top of her) when he used to be content to let her hit the ground and laugh about it. She doesn’t know if treating her like a damsel in distress is his idea of “team work” but it is annoying because for her plans to work he needs to focus and do the jobs she TELLS him to!
Marinette is still anti-love after her trauma from Kim so she has no romantic interest in anyone and is completely clueless to Adrien’s feelings and gets annoyed because she sees Paw Noir’s pathetic attempts at flirting as him mocking her even though they are supposed to be “good guys” on the same team now.
Gabriel is aware of both their feelings and it gives him a headache because teen romance is the worst and he knows Claw Noir would sooner drop dead from embarrassment than accept love advice from him, and quite frankly, Gabriel is far more worried about these children being put in danger and all the school they are missing and how worried Marinette’s parents must be with their daughter missing. But he knows the Supreme would show these two no mercy so they can’t return to their civilian lives until the Supreme is defeated.
IDK if Gabriel was able to remove Nooru’s muzzle, or if the Supreme started muzzling Kwami’s after the butterfly and peacock was stolen, but if Ladybug and Paw Noir are going to use their miraculous the right way, they will need to feed their kwamis.
Plagg still does not trust Adrien; it’s not the first time his miraculous has fallen into the wrong hands and been misused and the whole thing has left him jaded with a strong dislike of humans (who are only good for making cheese!) so Plagg will hate and be an asshole towards Adrien for a while before the kid can earn his trust and friendship.
Tikki wants to trust but she is nervous and dispirited from all the harm that has been done with her powers. She wants to believe there is still hope for her young holder, but she’s also not ready to open up her heart just yet. Marinette also is not used to showing or receiving affection, but she knows from reading her other self’s diary that Tikki is supposed to be her friend but she has no idea how to open up to the tiny creature that until now has only been her slave.
Gabriel feels great sympathy towards Marinette who has suffered so much abuse, and great guilt towards Adrien who has never learned how to socialize with kids his own age or deal with negative emotions in a healthy way, but he is certain that these two kids are made for each other.
Nino is still terrified of Paw Noir, and is super weirded out that the biggest bully in School after Chloe is now suddenly, awkwardly, trying to talk to him and asking about his favorite movies for dome reason? But they are members of the underground resistance together now and he’s not going to risk ticking this kid off and getting cataclysmed.
Alya is wary because Shadybug has tried to kill her several times these past few months… and now they are suddenly allies? Sure, that’s not weird or suspicious AT ALL.
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