#paying for the poison they sold me
last-capy-hupping · 2 years
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Thank you so much to @elanna-elrondiel / @ela-draws for this bust-portrait of one of my OC’s Anarcalin, who has played a significant role in two of my fics so far!
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anna-dreamer · 2 years
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Some fanart for @last-capy-hupping​ ‘s astounding fanfic Paying for the Poison They Sold Me, chapter 7. This is by far my favorite moment - the first step towards becoming Fingon the Valiant. Though my inner Fingon doesn’t necessarily coincide with this one, i hands down adore his coming-to-be arc. 
“Astaldo!” Arakáno cried aloud. I am not… His youngest brother interrupted his thoughts by raising a dagger and slashing off one of his own braids. “Arvo…” Findekáno hissed, but another voice interrupted him. “Astaldo!” Turukáno cried. Findekáno’s eyes widened, and his voice failed him as he watched his other brother repeat Arakáno’s gesture. “Astaldo!“ This time, it was Írissë and then Lanwion who shouted. Each of them cut off a piece of their dark hair to toss towards the Arafinwion side. “Astaldo! Astaldo! Astaldo!” His epessë, the one that Finwë had given him for a simple victory at a joust, rang out amongst the crowd. ... I must move ahead and keep caring for truth and justice over my own glory every step of the way, he thought. I must hold our people together and get us across this Ice. I cannot un-slay the slain, but I can keep more of our people from falling to Námo’s doom if I remain steadfast.
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DPXDC prompt: Dead on main. No trick only treat.
~~Сhildhood friends and deals~~
The Justice League has to summon a ghost from another dimension to address the threat. They don’t know what price the Ghost King will take but there’s little time to bargain. Another spirit threatening them has already seized all the computers on their base. John doesn’t know what else to offer. A summoned ghost starts to look bored. Gold, jewelry? A favor from a member of the League? Like the Ruler of All Dead needs it. No one dares to make another offer, and the King is in no hurry to set out his demands. Maybe try to pull off a soul sale scam?
Suddenly, Red Hood breaks into the hall, walks up to Phantom and shakes his shoulder vigorously. Red Hood: You, get Technus out of here right now. I need access to the files and fast. Phantom: That’s rude, dude. Where did you grow up? in the cave? No "hello, no how are you, Danny", really? Red Hood: I’ll pay the usual price. Phantom: Deal.
What is the price? John sees Batman and gets in his way. The usual price, his guy said. Means Jay was already out of the deal alive and well. This hyperprotective bat would only piss off the ruler if he interfered.
The King quickly deals with his subordinate using a thermos and remains to watch working Hood. Red Hood: What do you want? I’m busy. Danny: You and I have a contract~ Red Hood: All right, all right. Jay throws M&Ms right in the face of the ghost. But king doesn’t look angry. He opens the package and starts sorting the candies by color. Phantom quickly eats up all the green ones and passes the red ones to Hood. Jason takes them without any questions.
Strange. John has never seen a summoned creature share its reward with a human. And the son of a bat looks too comfortable with it. Wait, since when do super-powered beings think that candy is a decent wage?John makes one of the most likely deductions using his experience. Constantine: Batsy, how long has your son been sleeping with the King of Ghosts? Batman: He…what?!
Dick *knocking at the door*: Little Wing, you hate ectoplasm and everything what is neon green, so why? He’s dangerous! Jason who turned on the music to not listen to his crazy family: ~He’s poison but tasty~
Dick: NoOOoo
Jason: And now everyone thinks that I sold my virginity to you for a bargain or something, because interdimensional creatures like you aren’t supposed to help for nothing. Like you’re playing favorites. I’m gonna fucking kill John. Danny: Well, I wouldn’t say no to that. Jason: What? Danny: I mean, to k-kill John, yeah. How dare he.. Jason: Omg, you’re still so terrible liar, Fenton.
Danny: Sorry :(
Jason: No. Say it again.
~~~~Twelve years ago~~~~ Maddie wasn’t thrilled to learn that Danny was trying to make friends with Todd’s son. Their neighbor was terrible. And his son was definitely a street rat and probably a juvenile delinquent. Maddie: Danny, honey, there’s got to be a reason this boy is talking to you. Even kids from the crime alley are always looking for a bargain they can make or a fool they can fool. Danny: But Jason is so cool! He knows so much about books and alleys and.. Maddie: But you don’t want to be a fool, do you? Danny: Okay, Mom, I get it.
So, if Danny wants a cool friend, he’s got to offer a bargain.
He didn’t have a lot of pocket money for every month but Jason needed it more anyway. And his lunch that Jack was picking for him was big enough for two and only bitten on Tuesdays. Nice. Jason: Do I understand correctly? You will pay me and give me food, and I, what? Protect you from bullies? Danny: No! I’m not weak, I don’t need to be protected. Just..maybe we could sit together at lunch and walk each other home sometimes? Jason: Nay Danny: But why? You want something else? Jason: Money’s fine but your homemade food is…strange. Danny: I can bring sweets if you want. Jason: Deal. 3 pop tarts for a joint lunch, a party size bag of M&Ms if you waste my time out of school.
Sometimes they share sweets when they hang out but more often Jayson takes them home to save in case his parents have money problems. Sweets have a long shelf life stored and he may not be afraid to poison himself. Over time, candy becomes their currency and a secret language for all occasions. Need help without unnecessary questions? M&Ms. Problems with learning? Skittles. The question is about family? Snickers. There will be a serious conversation? Pop Tarts.
Jason: One snickers and a pack of gum. Danny: Yeah, Jason? What do you want? Jason: My mom wants to meet my friend. Come to lunch on Sunday. Danny: Okay, you managed to pay for my expensive services. Jason:…and you just lost the gum from the deal.
Jason threw a package at Danny: Three pop tarts. We need to talk. Danny: All right? Jason: Why are you avoiding me all week?! Danny: Well, it’s just..you’re Wayne now. Jason. Still Todd. And what about that? Danny: You can hang out with the cooler guys now, I didn’t want to embarrass you. Jason: Bullshit! I’m still the street rat, and you’re trying to avoid our contract. me. And I don’t even need money from you anymore. What the hell? I thought you are my friend. Danny: And I am!
Robin: What’s a schoolboy doing in an alley at night? Danny: Um, I…nothing? Don’t tell my parents, Mr. Robin sir. Robin: It will cost you so many Chunky Bars, you have no idea. Danny:...Jason? Jason: N-no. Danny: Damn yes. What are you doing in green shorts on the street at night?! Jason: Cosplay. Danny: Oh yeah? Then I’m just your hallucination. Don’t hesitate to ghost me. I’m going home, Disgrace In Pixie Boots, bye. Jason: fu%&c$#u
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ladykailitha · 23 days
Paper Hearts Part 3
Thank you for the lovely response to this story, it makes me warm and fuzzy inside.
This chapter is just 2000 words of Wayne and Eddie being sweethearts to Steve.
Part 1 Part 2
Eddie led the way through his trailer to the kitchen past Wayne, who was sitting in his armchair reading the newspaper, a defeated Harrington limping behind.
“What did I tell you about bringing home strays, Ed?” Wayne huffed, a small, gentle smile on his face.
Eddie shook his head, his curls flying. “I’m just watering and feeding this one before I return it back to its owners.”
Harrington blushed and ducked his head. “I got lost.”
Wayne’s eyebrows shot up. He looked over at Eddie who nodded his confirmation.
“This is my Uncle Wayne,” Eddie introduced them. “This is Steve Harrington, Uncle.”
Wayne’s eyebrows stayed raised. Of all the people Eddie could have brought home, he was pretty sure this was the biggest surprise.
“You got your car?” he asked.
“This dumbass was out running around with his head in the fucking clouds,” Eddie scoffed.
Wayne’s glance at Harrington was far more appraising. He looked him up and down, taking in the sweat on his brow, the limping, the slumped shoulders, and vacant expression.
“You do that often, son?” he asked Harrington, folding up his newspaper.
Harrington just shrugged. “I like running to get out of my head.”
Wayne licked his upper lip slowly, calculating. “Uh-huh.” He looked over at his nephew, who had his hands on his lower back and staring at the floor. “There is some leftover beef from Sunday.”
Eddie jumped excitedly. “Yes! That would be perfect.”
He loped over to fridge and pulled out a Tupperware container. He set it on the counter. He got out two plates and a glass. He filled the glass with water and handed it to Harrington.
“Don’t worry, princess,” he huffed. “Our water comes from the same place as yours does.”
Harrington rolled his eyes. “I’m not worried about you poisoning me.”
“You’d be the first,” Wayne said with a chuckle.
Harrington furrowed his brows and looked between them in confusion.
“Surely,” Wayne said in amusement, “you’ve heard about Ed’s reputation going to that school of yours.”
Harrington shook his head. He looked down at his feet. “I mean, I hear rumors and shit, but I really don’t believe that he chased three freshmen with a hunting knife.”
Eddie threw back his head and laughed. “You would pick the one rumor that was actually true.”
Harrington’s head snapped up. “What? Why would you do that?”
Behind him the microwave beeped and Eddie hurried to get their food out. He piled on the food and handed it to him.
“Because they were trying to buy drugs off me,” Eddie muttered as he handed Harrington a fork.
Harrington blinked at him a moment and then nodded. “Is there an age that you do start selling to high school students?” His eyes went wide and looked at Wayne in panic. “I mean, if you were selling drugs. Not that you do or anything.”
Wayne chuckled and shook his head. “I am more than perfectly aware of my nephew’s side business, thank you. I wish he didn’t have to do it, but he hasn’t had a lot of choices in the legal employment racket, not for someone like Ed. But sometimes a couple of grams sold is the difference between not having to chose to pay the water bill or the power bill.”
“Uncle Wayne and I set down ground rules when I started dealing,” Eddie huffed. “One of them was not selling to anyone under the age of sixteen.”
“Yeah, that makes sense.”
Harrington ate his food in silence.
“Do you need to call your parents?” Wayne asked. “Won’t they be worried where you are?”
Harrington shook his head. “They’re going to scream the same amount if I was five hours late or on time. I’d rather just deal with it the once thanks.”
Eddie and Wayne shared a worried glance over his head. Eddie was far too familiar with that nugget of parental discipline, because that’s exactly what Al would do with him.
“You ready to go, Stevie?” Eddie asked as he set their now empty plates in the sink.
“Don’t worry about cleaning up, Ed,” Wayne said. “I’ll take care of it while you take him home.”
Harrington blinked up at Eddie after he used his given name. “Oh, yeah. Of course. Thanks for dinner and the water.”
Wayne nodded. Eddie led the way back out to the van.
“All righty,” he said, pulling his door closed. “You’re gonna have to give me directions, pretty boy.”
Harri–Steve blinked at him for a moment. “I thought everyone had been to my house at one point or another.”
Eddie raised an eyebrow. “Seriously, dude?”
Steve just curled his hands on his lap and then mumbled directions.
Eddie cursed himself in his head. He had gotten the other boy to come out of his shell a little bit while they were talking to Wayne, but now the lid had slammed shut.
Because Steve was right. Even though he only invited the popular kids, his parties always exploded way past the original guest list. But Eddie had avoided it when it was Steve’s place though. Dealing at Hagan’s or any of Steve’s former pals was easy enough, his van fit right in with all the vehicles no problem. But in Loch Nora? Yeah... that was like showing up to a funeral in torn up jeans and smelling strongly like booze.
“Let’s just say my van is a little more conspicuous in Loch Nora,” he said after they had driven in silence for a couple of miles.
Steve’s head snapped up. “Oh. Shit. Yeah. My neighbors might not call the cops on any of my parties but they would absolutely be on the horn if they saw your van parked anywhere on the street.” He picked at his nails. “I keep forgetting shit like that.”
Eddie risked a glance at the other boy, whose shoulders were rounded against being bullied.
“Dude,” he huffed, “the whole fucking school saw what you looked like when you came back after tangling with Billy that kind of damage leaves lasting affects. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”
Steve scoffed. “Asshole fucking cheated. Took a plate to my head and then just started wailing on me. Probably would have killed me too.”
“So what stopped him?”
“Being tranq’ed by his step-sister,” he snorted. “She was visiting a friend of hers. One Billy didn’t approve of because of the color of his skin. Billy threatened to kill the kid, so I hit him. Would have won, too, if he hadn’t fucked me up with the plate.” He took a deep breath. “Anyways, they had some tranquilizers because one of their parents were having trouble sleeping. She grabbed one and jabbed it into his neck.”
“Pretty brave thing to do,” Eddie conceded. “Sounds like there were two badasses there that night.” Then he shook his head. “So you got the shit beat out of you for defending little sheep and Wheeler still went for Byers? I don’t know, man, sounds like she wouldn’t know a good thing if it bit her in the ass.”
Steve huffed out a breath of laughter before he caught himself. He hid his smile under his fist. “Something like that, yeah.”
They pulled up to his house and Steve let out this strange little pained noise. Like it was relief and disappointment all rolled into one. A sound Eddie was far too familiar with.
“My parents aren’t home.”
Eddie looked over at him in curiosity. “How can you tell?” Because yeah, the front lights were off and the house seemed quiet, Eddie knew these houses were big enough that if there was a light on in the back of the house, it couldn’t be seen from the road.
“The garage is closed,” Steve huffed. “They only close it when they leave. They have to show off to the whole neighborhood the cars they drive.”
Eddie blinked at Steve in confusion. “Aren’t they worried someone will steal their car?”
Steve shook his head. “It’s insured, plus they don’t believe anyone would rob them in their fancy house while they’re home.”
Eddie looked up at the large house, so big it could only really be called a mansion. “Are they stupid or arrogant?”
“Look, Steve,” Eddie said, stopping him briefly. “I need to apologize and every time I see you you distract me. So I’m just going to come out and say it. I’m the one that shoulder checked you the day you hurt your hand.” He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed dramatically.
“You see, you had this far off look my uncle gets sometimes and the best thing to do is make a noise or bump into him. Just something that reminds him that his not where ever his mind is and that’s in the present. But I heard these assholes saying that they got their kicks out of kicking your stuff and stomping on your hand and I realized that it was my fault that happened and I’m really, really sorry.”
Steve stared at him for a moment. “Oh. Hey, it’s not your fault, you were only doing what you thought would help. I wasn’t spacing out or whatever. I was just feeling sorry for myself over a stupid holiday. But apology accepted, I guess.”
Eddie nodded, feeling a little bit better about it.
Steve hopped out of the van and he turned back to Eddie. “Thanks for the ride, Eds.”
He slammed the door behind him and walked up to his big, dark, lonely, still house and Eddie felt a small pang of something like pity for the guy. And wasn’t that a kick in the teeth.
When he got home, Wayne was waiting up for him.
“Did that boy get into any trouble when he got home?” were the first words out of his uncle’s mouth. Not so much as a ‘hello’ or ‘by your leave’.
Eddie shook his head. “They weren’t home. I don’t know if they went out to dinner without him or if they just went on one of their infamous business trips.”
Wayne cocked his head to the side. “What’s so infamous about them?”
“They leave so often,” Eddie murmured, “that Steve is pretty famous for the ‘rich kid, empty house’ trope you see movies these days.”
“He’s got friends he can stay with, doesn’t he?” Wayne pressed.
Again Eddie shook his head. “He blew up his friends group awhile back, called them all assholes and bullies over some chick. Then the chick broke up with him over the eldest Byers boy.”
Wayne patted the spot next to him on the sofa. “Tell me about this Harrington kid. You used to all the time, ranting and raving about something or another that he did and then you just stopped.”
Eddie flopped down on the sofa with a heavy sigh. “Like there wasn’t anything to tell after that, you know. He just faded into the background. Gave up his title of King of Hawkins High and then Friday happened.”
“And you found out he was being bullied,” Wayne finished. “I see. That’s got to be rough to go from being surrounded by people to not having anyone there for him.”
Eddie threw his head back onto the back of the sofa and let out a loud groan. “Like it’s my thing. Picking up the lost and the lonely. But this one comes with a lot more baggage than the others and I’m not afraid for me or the rest of my friends but...” He buried his fingers into his hair and screamed.
Wayne nodded. Eddie befriending Steve could make things worse for him and not better. But inaction might hurt the boy in the long run.
“Maybe do something for him that he doesn’t know it’s you,” he suggested to his nephew. “That way he knows he’s not alone, but your reputation won’t make things worse for him.”
Eddie frowned for a moment and then his eyes went wide. “Oh! I think I know exactly what to do!”
Wayne smiled at him. “I figured you would.”
Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Tag List:
1- @mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
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3- @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @danili666
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7- @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @dragonmama76 @scheodingers-muppet @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt
8- @useless-nb-bisexual @disrespectedgoatman @counting-dollars-counting-stars @tinyplanet95 @swimmingbirdrunningrock
9- @croatoan-like-its-hot @lolawonsstuff @moonshadows-13 @lololol-1234 @dotdot-wierdlife
10- @slv-333 @ravenfrog
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togenabi · 8 months
apothecary diaries
vinsmoke sanji (opla) x fem!reader
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♡—you need peppermint for a salve you're making, but sanji bought all of it, and that's seriously not fair.
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word count♡— 3.7k
genre♡— fluff
content notes♡— opla sanji, afab!reader runs an apothecary and likes to make things, inaccurate chemistry for the sake of the story, mentions of flames in bottles, please do not do that, no use of y/n, not fully proofread
also on♡— ao3
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author's note♡— I love sanji sm he makes me cry. might be first in a series, but we'll see. please enjoy. xoxo, belle.
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The third time a pirate entered your shop, you genuinely considered closing up early today.
You level him with a stare despite the man being twice your size. You cut him off before he can get a word out.
“No, I don't have anything that works against people made of rubber.” Crossing your arms over your chest, you gesture to the rest of your wares. “Now, are you going to get anything else? Or should you be on your way?”
He leaves, disgruntled, but without a fight.
A huff escapes your lips. The nerve of these people.
Ever since that outrageous bounty for that new pirate came along, suddenly every pirate and pirate hunter in the East Blue was gearing up to chase after him. All the poisons that were gathering dust in your storage were cleared out within days of those posters showing up.
It was good berry at first, but they got more aggressive, and started demanding more of everything. More doses than you were comfortable handing out. More dangerous poisons that could kill everyone in the room if the seal loosens by even a crack.
You took up this apothecary business because you wanted to help people. It wasn't exactly your dream to become a poison dealer.
The shop bell rings again. Thankfully, this time it's one of your elderly neighbors and not a pirate seeking poison.
The old lady smiles at you, the sides of her eyes crinkling. “You seem to be quite busy these days, dear.”
“If only they were paying customers like you, Ma'am.” You pick up a box of loose tea from the shelf, already knowing her usual order.
She gasps in concern. “Oh my, did they steal from you?”
“Only my time.” You grimace slightly, remembering how many pirates barged in last week.
“Would you like some honey with this? We have fresh jars from today's shipment.” You offer as you tally her order.
The lady hums in agreement. “Yes, I think some honey would be lovely.”
During slow days like these, you like to tinker with new recipes to sell. On a desk at the very back of the shop, obscured by thick curtains, is your beloved workstation.
You review your notes from the previous day. You'll need to get some peppermint for the healing salve you're developing. Taking a small jar of the experimental paste, you test a small amount on your hand.
Indeed, it needs more peppermint. Maybe you should use extract instead of crushed leaves next time, so that the texture is smoother.
The problem arises when your go-to herb supplier says he's run out of peppermint.
“Please tell me you're kidding.” You groan, looking down at your sadly empty whicker basket.
“M’sorry, lass.” The vendor shrugs, not looking very sorry at all. “You just missed the guy who bought everything. I promise I'll get you your peppermint next week, though.”
Resigned, you sigh, reading through the rest of your shopping list. The salve, at least, can wait a week as it's still a work in progress. The rest of your list, however, are crucial ingredients for your usual bestsellers.
“Fancy looking lad. He asked about spices. Told him to go to the shops down by the river.”
Your stomach drops. Everything else you need are sold by those shops.
Mentally cursing that vendor, you run as fast as your feet can take you. You're not letting some tourist get the better of you when it comes to ingredients.
You reach the river in record time. You'd feel proud if you didn't feel winded. Even so, you scan the road for anyone matching the tourist's description.
There doesn't seem to be anyone remotely fancy around. Triumphant, you go on with your shopping.
You begin to feel better as you cross more things off your list. You've almost forgotten about the peppermint incident, if only you didn't suddenly smell so much of it pass by.
A tall blond man walks by, clearly doing a lot of shopping based on the boxes of supplies he's carrying. The scent of peppermint hits you again. In a paper bag, at the very top of the boxes, you spot bunches of those leaves you've been so desperate for.
You can only clench your jaw in frustration and frown at the back of his head. He purchases a large amount of meat and fish in the next stall, and you gather that he must be some sort of chef. No normal person buys so much meat that the shopkeep offers to deliver everything. But that's what happens to this fancy looking lad. He must not be normal then.
“Yes, my ship's in the docks. You can't miss it, thank you so much for your help.” He smiles. His blue eyes wander the stall, then travel to the next stall over, where you are.
There's a moment of surprise when he finds you already looking at him, but his expression changes instantly into a suave one. It almost makes you want to back away, but you stand your ground when he approaches.
“Aren’t you stunning? I was feeling tired, but your pretty face woke me right up.”
You turn away, pointedly ignoring him. He can't flirt with you while smelling like peppermint. It's just not fair.
“Sorry for the hold up, lass. What's it you need?” The shopkeep you were waiting for shows up just in time. You continue to not pay the blond beside you any attention.
“Cinnamon and salt, please.” You respond. “Pink, if you have any.”
“I'll have the same, good sir.” Fancy pants says. “Though, my salt doesn't need to be pink.”
As the shopkeep rummages through his supplies, the blond continues to speak to you. Why does he keep speaking to you?
“Pink salt is lovely to look at, same as you,” He begins, “But other than the color, there really isn't a difference to normal salt, isn't there?”
He shrugs, his broad shoulder shifting his suit jacket slightly. “You're paying extra for the same result. It's all the same when you cook it.”
“I'm not using it for cooking.” Is your only response.
The shopkeep returns before the stranger can reply. “Here's the salt for you's.” He hands you a bag of pink rock salt, and the stranger a bag of regular salt.
The dread from the peppermint vendor returns when you realize the shopkeep is holding only one bag of cinnamon. He pats it and says, “I could split it so you both get half.”
“I was here first.” You insist desperately. “Sell it to me.”
“...My hands are tied here, lad.” The shopkeep sells you the cinnamon, and it's quickly tucked into your basket when you get your hands on it. The stranger doesn't barter for it. Good.
And with that, you cross out cinnamon and salt from your shopping list. You were able to get everything except the peppermint, which stays neat and legible at the very top of the list.
You crumple the paper and toss it into a nearby bin before making your way back to your shop.
“Are you on your way to get some peppermint?” How did the stranger catch up with you so quickly?
“No.” No matter how much you wish you were.
You try to walk faster, but his pace is steady even with a large box under one arm and several others tied up with twine held in his other hand.
“But it was on your list.” He seems to be very interested in your dealings. Is he always this dedicated when he flirts?
You cross the bridge that arches over the river together. The townsfolk who recognize you and not the man next to you begin to whisper amongst themselves.
It takes everything in you to resist rolling your eyes. After a week of pirates, you suspect your shop will be full of gossiping neighbors soon.
“A certain someone bought all the best peppermint today.” Of course the scent of it wafts over you again as you say so.
“Ah.” Understanding dawns on his face. “I see, I'm sorry if that inconvenienced you.”
It was your turn to shrug. You were about to say that it was okay, but then remember that you wouldn't be able to complete your salve until next week.
You pout before you can help it. “Did you really have to buy all of it?”
He breathes out a laugh. “I normally wouldn't, but my friends tend to have endless appetites. It always pays to have plenty of supplies.”
Even in the middle of the bustling street, a certain group of strangers stand out. They're gathered outside the tavern. You don't know any of them, but you recognize one of them as that infamous new pirate with the exorbitant bounty on his head.
“Speaking of my friends...” The blond trails off, nodding towards that particular group.
You just about stop in your tracks. He's with them? He's a pirate?
Okay. A rich, flirtatious tourist you could deal with. A random pirate crew? You would probably still be fine.
But the crew with the highest bounty in all the East Blue? That's just asking for trouble to happen.
While the stranger is distracted by his friends, you slip into an inconspicuous alleyway. You'd have to go a little further around to reach your shop, but that's alright as long as you avoid those Straw Hat pirates.
Luck seems to not be on your side, though. Because fancy pants shows up to your shop later that evening.
He grins. “You didn't tell me crossing that bridge together meant something. I would have talked about something more romantic than peppermint if I knew.”
Of course, word travels fast in a small town. You should have known someone would tell him. And that he would be able to find you easily if he wanted.
“How does the legend go, again?” He asks teasingly. “If two people cross the bridge together on the day they meet... Theirs souls are bound.”
“It's a myth.” You dismiss his charming grin and try to ignore him.
He leans his elbows on the counter that separates you. He's hunched down, but still towers over you somehow.
“It's romantic. And I'm glad it happened to us.” He smiles. “May I at least know the name of the person my soul is now bound to? Mine's Sanji.”
“Well, Sanji. Are you going to buy something?” You ask and avoid giving him your name.
Sanji, surprisingly, nods. He grabs two cans of your special handmade tea and a large jar of honey.
“I'll buy these,” He places the items on the counter. “And give you this.” He holds out several sprigs of peppermint. You blink at him in surprise.
“...Thank you.” You gingerly take it, and carefully set it to the side.
You're silent while you ring up his order. It's when you're taking out a paper bag for him that you finally cave and reveal your name.
The smile that blooms on Sanji's face isn't how you expected it would be. You expected him to look arrogant, to look proud that he was able to sway you like he did other women before.
But he looks at you sweetly, dimples showing and eyes sparkling. You wordlessly hand over the paper bag.
“A pleasure, darling.”
You would have thought that would be the last time you saw Sanji. But, be it luckily or unfortunately, he finds you the next day with the rest of the Straw Hats tagging along.
Only this time, they seem to be on the run.
You hold open the door for the Straw Hats and, one after another, they flood into your shop. Sanji smiles and says something about your hair, but you can't process the words with his friends scattering to hide.
“Sanji, what the fuck?”
“I know, I know, love. I'm sorry we had to reunite like this. We just need to lay low for a bit.” He reassures you, caressing your shoulders as he does.
“I'll make it up to you! I'll cook you a romantic, candlelit dinner.”
You frown at him, unimpressed.
Sanji kisses his teeth and sighs. “I'll give you the rest of the peppermint.”
You perk up instantly. “Deal. You can all hide in my workstation.”
“Hi, I'm Luffy!” Their captain greets you jovially. “That's Zoro,” Luffy points to the swordsman. “Nami,” The woman. “And Usopp.” The one hiding under your counter.
“Of course, you know Sanji already, being soulmates and all.”
You trip on nothing, and Sanji grabs your hand to steady you. You glare. He just smiles.
“Your shop is really cool!” Luffy exclaims, looking at all the trinkets on the shelf.
“Thanks.” You say dryly, pushing the curtain partition aside. You lead them to the back of the shop.
“Make yourselves at home.” You wave a hand towards the couch and some chairs around your desk. They should be fine here as long as they don't need to stay the night.
Through the gaps in the window blinds, flashlights and shadows stream into the room. There seems to be an active search party out for these guys. You suddenly can't believe you agreed to this for peppermint.
Zoro, whose three earrings glint in the light, shifts to scratch at his chest. You spot bandages from the gap in his shirt.
You grab the small jar of salve from your desk and toss it to him. He catches it, but looks from the jar to you and back, confused.
“It's a healing salve I made. It should help soothe your skin.” You explain.
The swordsman still looks unsure, but opens the jar anyway. Zoro sniffs its contents, and tries putting a small amount on his chest.
You beam at him, unable to help feeling proud at how his shoulders visibly relax after using it.
“Thanks.” Zoro says simply.
“No problem.” You nod back, still smiling.
Luffy looks at the jar as if it's a miraculous cure-for-all. “That's amazing.”
“It smells really good, too.” Usopp says, sniffing at the air around Zoro.
“Do you sell that here?” Nami asks.
“I will, once I make more.” You answer. You never realized how uplifting it was to share your work with new people.
Subconsciously, you turn to Sanji. But, why is he frowning? You follow your gaze to find he's looking at the jar in Zoro's hand.
Before you can ask him if anything is wrong, Luffy bursts out excitedly, "You're a doctor! You should join our crew!"
You wince. “No, I'm a chemist.”
“Cool!” Luffy's enthusiasm does not wane. “So you can heal, right?”
You're about to correct him before they assume things out of your pay grade when Usopp claps his hands in realization.
“She's even better than a doctor!” Usopp insists. “She makes the medicine that the doctors give out!”
Just as you were about to interfere with how much they were overestimating your skills, the shop bell rings. You turn to the clock. Shit, you should have locked up twenty minutes ago.
You meet everyone's eyes and they all nod, understanding that they need to be quiet. You switch off the lights in the back room for good measure.
The customer is a pirate you've never seen before. He looks angry, glaring at every possible hiding spot in your shop. Particularly the room you just came from.
You're careful to completely shut the curtain behind you.
“How can I help you, sir?” You put on your best customer service smile. “I was just about to close the shop, but if it's urgent, I'll help you find what you need.”
The pirate grunts. He's not buying what you're selling at all.
“Perhaps some calming tea? You look like a refined gentleman who would enjoy this.” You hold up a can of tea as if that will help you seem less suspicious.
“What's behind the curtain?” He points behind you accusingly.
“My work area, where I make all the fine products you see before you.”
Stomping forward, he seems to have had enough of your stalling. Fine.
Just as he's about to bash his fist down onto your counter, you grab a suspicious looking dark jar. You hold it up threateningly.
“The hell is that?!” The pirate snarls.
“Haven't you heard? I'm the go-to poison dealer in all the East Blue.” You bluff. “A whiff of this, and you'll sink like a rock, my friend.”
He freezes, but glares at you more fiercely. You pretend to twist the lid.
“Y-you'll kill yourself too, then!” He barks back. “Let's see your bullshit poison then.”
“Oh, but that's what makes me so brilliant.” You grin, laying the act on thick. “I'm immune to all the poisons I make.”
Your hand settles ominously on the lid. “Shall we test who survives?”
The pirate scrambles to leave. He's out before you can blink. Without missing a beat, you lock the front door and draw all window blinds down.
You rest your back against the door. Letting out a loud exhale, you almost let yourself slide down to the floor. How long do you have to deal with pirates like that?
Thoughts of yesterday with Sanji at the market fill your thoughts. If only all days could be like that, where the worst of your problems had been a peppermint shortage.
“You guys can come out, now.” You call out to the Straw Hats.
“Uh... Is that really poison?” Usopp asks, staying very far away from the jar.
You laugh, though it comes out airy due to your tiredness. “No, those are just some herbs I left to ferment.”
“How brilliant of you, love.” Sanji is beside you in a few strides. Him and those long legs.
“Was he the one you guys were hiding from?” You ask. The crew members shake their heads.
“No, actually.” Nami says. “We were hiding from a bunch of—”
Your shop explodes.
Sanji is quick to pull you into his arms and shield you from the debris with his own body. For a minute that feels like eternity, you can't hear anything. Your ears are ringing, and dust clouds over all your years of hard work. You sob into Sanji's arms.
“No!” You cry out.
Marines step into the shop, wood planks cracking and glass panels shattering under their feet. There are so many of them. You don't understand. Even if you hid the Straw Hats here, they shouldn't be allowed to destroy private property, right? Right?
“We got a report of illegal poisons in the area.” The leading officer states, his face stoic. “Just our luck that we run into pirates as well.”
You look to the Straw Hats, all of them are positioned to fight, save for Sanji. He's still cradling you protectively.
Taking a shaky deep breath, you lift your hand to rest it on Sanji's arm. He instantly looks down at you, silently asking if you're alright.
You're not yet, and if you're being honest, you'd rather stay in his arms until everything is over. But you nod anyway. Sanji gently lets you go and gets ready to face your new enemies.
“Get them all.”
Chaos breaks, and you run to duck behind a shelf that toppled over. The Straw Hats put up a good fight, but there are just too many Marines. Your eyes find round bottles of herbs scattered around you, and you come up with an idea.
“Guys!” You yell. “Buy me some time!”
“Anything for you, darling.” Sanji winks at you before sending a Marine flying. You gape at his audacity. The rest of them don't even react, but you notice they rotate slightly, surrounding you to keep you from being interrupted.
Grabbing as many of the bottles as you can, you stuff them with shards of wood and more dried leaves. You take rocks from the debris and strike them together.
With a few sparks, the herbs and leaves catch fire. You act fast, throwing the bottles at the Marines.
The bottles shatter, bursting into flames once they hit their mark. The Marines panic and become disoriented, giving the Straw Hats an advantage despite being outnumbered.
Eventually, the Marines run and scatter, leaving only the few bravest of them to fight. The Straw Hats make quick work of them.
When the battle is over, you watch the dust settle over the ruins of your apothecary. It's going to take years to earn enough berry to restore how everything once was. You can't help but feel heartbroken.
Sanji sits down in the rubble next to you, wrapping you in another embrace. You let yourself fall into him.
“We'll help you get everything back. I promise.” He swears, voice slightly muffled into your hair.
“Or, you could come with us! Join our crew!” Nami hits Luffy on the shoulder.
“What? It's true!” Luffy insists. “We need someone like her!”
You pull back from Sanji's embrace to look at him. He doesn't say anything, but something tells you he wishes for you to come with them. The others look at you expectantly as well.
No one speaks to persuade you further. But when you compare this rag-tag team to your ruined apothecary, your answer suddenly feels very clear. If you're to slave away to earn the berry for rebuilding your home, why not spend that time with them?
The back of the shop is less affected, even if the sight is still dreadfully sad. Your notes are thankfully intact, and you're able to find a bag and shove some extra clothes into it. It saddens you that you're so quick to pack up your life, but you'll come back. Someday.
When you return to the others, they're all smiling. Sanji more so, but you should have expected that.
He holds out his hand, and you reach out to take it.
“I change my mind,” You jest. “I'll take that romantic candlelit dinner now.”
Sanji laughs loudly while he guides you to walk over the rubble safely. You catch some of the others laughing too, but they walk a ways ahead you and Sanji.
“Like I said,” He says with his signature grin, “Anything for you, my dear.”
Your mind must be playing tricks on you, because he still smells like peppermint. Now, that's really not fair.
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© togenabi 2023 | see here to be added to my taglist ♡
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rcksmith · 5 days
Sun and Water - Kaz Brekker
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Couple: Kaz Brekker/ Fem!Reader
Warnings: A LOT OF ANGUISH. Lots of mention of post-traumatic disorder. Curse words. Mention of death. Blood. Slave market. Mention of murder. VERY EMOTIONAL. VERY SWEET.
Word count: 4k
A/N: This one was very emotional for me. I cried writing with my playlist on full blast. I hope you love it as much as I do.
💕 English is not my first language, so I so sorry if have a mistake.
Requests are open. Love you ❤️
Ketterdam smelled of trickery, poison, desecration and danger. It was a dark place by birth that housed even darker people. Its soil was stained with blood and despair; of both Grisha and ordinary people. Their hiding places were for tormented souls who had long lost their humanity.
If you walked the wrong streets at night with an arrogant attitude, you would definitely not return alive. But if you turned south, and had a little money in your pocket, your feet would take you close to the huge, shiny, flashy casinos run by Pekka Rollins. You would pass clubs where the smell of beer mixed with cheating, and the laughter of drunks drowned out the screams of convicts across the boat harbor. The colors of these establishments ranged between red, orange and yellow, a vibrant explosion that, in such a funereal place, became infinitely more macabre.
If you were more adventurous, and had a little more money, you would pass by pleasure houses. With pink and purple facades, provocative titles and women perched in the windows, waving at any gentleman who smelled a fair amount of kruger, their chants insinuating and seductive. The silk pieces of these places waved like a Land in Sight flag for the lost and tormented men in that sea of stone that was called Ketterdam.
To less experienced - and novice - eyes, those places were just grotesque pieces that were part of a strange scenario. Just a bad city, without many mysteries or secrets. But Kaz Brekker, whose mother's name was Ketterdam, knew that these establishments were more profane than they first appear. Its sins were part of a long list of money laundering, human and arms trafficking, drug exports, a meeting point for commissioned murders and, deep in the corrupt heart of that city, the headquarters of the black market. He knew that Ketterdam was not just a land of trickery, poison, desecration and danger. It was the place where anyone could have absolutely everything for the right price.
And that's how he found you.
Kaz didn't like to remember that day. But it was engraved on his skin like a tattoo, like a hot iron. A damned, cursed reminder that despite his Herculean efforts to be the monster everyone whispered about, Kaz was still a man of flesh and warm blood. With a heart that writhed.
Something about that day in the past wasn't right. It was like a mysterious whisper in the breeze, an omen in the unknown eyes of the wanderers, a mistake in a painting that made his nerves itch. And Kaz Brekker always hated mysteries that he didn't know how to solve.
His cane banging against the thick, crooked stone floor in that even darker part of Ketterdam, the hem of his black coat swinging from side to side in the cold wind. He had 2,000 kruger in his pocket - the Crow Club's only money to pay employees, bribes, drinks and bills. He used and abused Ketterdam to offer everything at the right price, and now he was going to pay his debts to men who provided information, to locals who spiked the beer with water and sold it for a cheaper price, and to women who seduced targets and facilitated robberies. It was the only money he had.
He didn't have to look to the left, there was nothing for him there. He didn't have to wonder why people seemed to crowd closer to the curve of the last street. But, in a way that Brekker could never explain even in confidential whispers to his own soul, he turned that corner.
With his cane tapping on the ground, money in his pocket and responsibilities to fulfill, he approached, against all odds. Step by step, the air grew thicker, the invisible ropes tightened unjustifiably on the pulse of his neck, the ghostly sensation of the icy water approaching like the waves of the dark sea.
Those sensations were getting more confusing with each pump of blood. The physical consequences of his soul being shipwrecked at sea never came lightly, and this was a warning. A warning that Kaz Brekker should have turned around and walked away. While he still could.
The men around were euphoric. The women looked sadistic. And the racket of voices was too loud for him to be able to focus on a single line of conversation. The hands of men and women were raised and clutched money notes tightly, waving in the wind as if it were a flag, their sadistic, depravity-hungry eyes staring forward like predators in hunting season.
Perhaps in a parallel reality, Kaz would have followed every sign Ketterdam gave him to turn his back and leave. There's nothing for you here, Dirty Hands. Ketterdam needed demons and monsters to stay stand, it fed on trauma and anger to perpetuate the ‘everything for the right price’ market. People's chaos and hell were what maintained the local economy. Any possibility of redemption, peace and, worst of all, love, were severely condemned.
Go away, Bastard of the Barrel. Maybe Kaz would have exerted the steely control over his veins more tightly, maybe he would have listened to the city's singing and paid more attention to the sea that swelled its tide, and then there would have been a life in which he wouldn't have widened his eyes at the scene.. Go away.
The sea roared, the waves broke, the putrefying hands of the bodies drowned in the depths of the ocean grabbed his ankles with more ferocity, preventing, restricting, screaming that his place would forever be there with them in the dirt of the sea. But it was already too late. He looked at the reason for all the commotion. The sun fell on that girl's hair and it was as if the rays had also penetrated the deepest waters of that vast oceanic darkness, exorcising all the claws that retreated with infernal screams, letting go of his ankles as if they were burning.
It was like a ship's anchor being pulled up with extreme brutality, splashing water everywhere, pushing the dying pieces into the depths of hell, scaring birds in the air, and finally, finally, bringing his soul out into the warm air.
Kaz Brekker felt his entire body shake as if he had just died and been reincarnated, it was like an explosion in the darkest depths of his chest that made his blood warm again, his heart show that it was beating and his soul breathe.
The scene in front of him shouldn't have caused any commotion in his spirit. Ketterdam was not a good place, and it was home to even less good people. That open-air slave market was nothing new. It was repulsive, disgusting and disgusting, but not new. And it wasn't something Kaz got involved in. Everyone had problems with him, and he didn't play anyone's hero. Never.
Until now.
One of the girls was sitting on that improvised wooden stage, eyes extremely scared and that damn sun shining on her hair that shone like the heat of release that made him breathe for the first time. She was young, small as a rabbit, and her fur didn't belong on those rusty chains on her wrist. You.
That was all an lapse. A powerful lapse not only in his judgment, but in his long-tormented soul. He blinded himself for the first time since Pekka.
The deprivation of air, the burning of the claws sunk to the bottom of the cruel ocean, the ice that shook his bones and the smell of dead flesh swollen with rotten water had finally given him a respite.
A truce so portentous and so overwhelming that, for two blissful, desperate seconds, Kaz fucking Bekker felt fucking normal. He was breathing, for the love of the Saints. He felt the heat of the sun, his muscles were light, his heart was swollen and the corners of the world were as colorful as when he was 8 years old.
He felt Kaz Rietveld.
All because that girl was in his sight. As if her sight was a miracle to his torment. As if she were a curse to Ketterdam. No good feelings have a place here.
But it was already too late. That lapse made Kaz approach as if he no longer controlled his feet. It made his heart beat with blood that wasn't his. It made him take out the only money in his pocket and hold it up high as the biggest proposal. None of that insanity was coming from Brekker. But from Rietveld.
“Her.’’ he said in a voice he didn’t recognize as his own.
Yes, Kaz didn't like to remember that day. Because it was confirmation that the boy he had tried so hard to keep dead and drowned in the sea was as alive as tangil. And that beating heart was his. Fucking hell. That lapse cost a lot; all the money the Crow Club made in that month. Kaz Brekker had countless dangerous people to pay and he had no idea what would do. But what irritated and infuriated Kaz the most was that, when he looked into the eyes of that girl as fragile as a rabbit, he didn't regret it.
Not at all. Not a bit. Even when he had every reason in the world to regret it.
He didn't regret taking you out of those horrible rags you wore and buying you a dress. He didn't regret bringing you to his quarters even when still had no fucking idea what he would do to you now.
What use would such a small, fragile and beautiful girl would have? You looked like a little rabbit. He made a fucking mistake, because now this little rabbit was looking at him with those big eyes full of emotions: fear, innocence, curiosity. Brekker hated it. But his soul was smiling.
''Don't worry. I won’t touch you’’ Kaz said that day. His words dripped with venom, disgust, and self-loathing. He constantly thought that his condition was a sarcastic and cruel joke from the Saints that Inej prayed so much to; doomed to never stand a touch, to always be a broken and pathetic bastard to the point of mortal weakness. This always aroused anger, hatred, and a thirst for revenge against Pekka.
But looking into your big eyes…he felt as if something very valuable had been brutally ripped from him long before Kaz understood what he wanted.
Inej was wrong. The Saints were not merciful. They were as fucking sadistic as the demons of Ketterdam.
The days passed, and Kaz still had no idea what to do with you. Or how to pay his debt to so many people or how to replenish Crow Club drinks. He hid you from the rest of the dregs because he didn't want to and didn't know how to explain the situation. What would he say? Kaz Brekker never did anything without a plan. Everyone knew that. And your presence refuted ALL the certainties and theories that Kaz always had a motive.
Until one day, what he knew would happen happened; fate than those who do not pay powerful people. If he didn't have money, then he had to pay in blood. As it always would be in Ketterdam.
The moon was paler than usual that autumn, sending icy golden rays across the dark city. The breeze smelled of sea air, smoke, sand and blood.
Kaz sat down in his writing chair, gasping as the thud made his broken ribs hurt. His teeth clenched tightly and dropped the broken cane to the floor, his blood on the silver raven combined with the dried blood around his face.
“Oh My God’’ the voice that Rietveld’s soul loved so much sounded, terrified and in panic.
Kaz closed his eyes tightly, cursing under his breath that you had chosen to come in at that exact moment. It had been 2 weeks since you were here, with him, but your presence still made his hate the reactions and sensations he had.
Brekker couldn't have feelings. Ketterdam didn't accept that, it didn't tolerate that. And the proof of this was the bloody state he was in. Sentimentality is a weakness. He repeated to himself. But why then did his soul not regret anything when he saw you? Damn, he'd probably do it all over again.
“Get out of here’’ his voice was hoarser and lower than usual. And, when you did the opposite and took a step forward, Kaz looked at you warningly ‘’Now’’ Brekker could handle a beating, he'd had it his whole life. He could deal with broken ribs, with a bloody face, with a broken cane, with wounded pride. But he can't deal with the feeling that, when you looked at him, what hurt and tortured him more than anything else was the fact that he was robbed of your touch. He couldn't touch. And it never sparked anything but a fire of rage and revenge. Until now.
Kaz Brekker couldn't feel you. Not even if he fell to his knees on the floor and prayed to all the Saints. Not even if he sobbed asking for just one day of mercy. Just one day. Just a memory of how your skin felt beneath his hands. It had been more than a century since Brekker had touched another skin, warm skin. His was always cold, cadaverous, wet even when it was completely dry. And that was never a reason for despair. Until now.
He wanted to touch you more than he wanted to breathe. He wanted to slide his fingers across your cheek more than he wanted to slide his hands across money notes. But the sensation would send him back to the waters of Ketterdam. Back to the sickening feeling of rotten flesh and death surrounding him, making his chest tighten and his vision blacken as that traumatic memory would drag him back into.
The Saints were a fucking sadist. “Please…’’ your voice was broken and completely tearful. Please…
That single word - that single word alone had the power to bring his gaze up to you. Your pleading voice, your eyes filled with pain, not for your own, but for his, the way you whispered as if you was about to crumble.  You looked more scared than the day he took you from the slave market. Kaz fought down the tightening of his chest, his throat closing in. Please. Oh. He wanted to throw caution in the wind. Just once. Only for you. He wanted to put his gloves aside, just once. Just to hold your face. The desire to beg the Saints on one knee came back with more force. ''No" Kaz looked at you, staring into your eyes, as he saw you step closer. He watched the silk green dress flow, the fabric he bought for you, and for some reason it made him ache more. Damn dress.
He kept his eyes locked on that green silk for longer than expected. His body was completely bruised, but his thoughts were just feeling envious of that dress. That dress was on your skin. Feeling something he could never feel. Lucky dress.
Kaz heard your sobs get louder. "I beg you’’ You were about to fall apart “let me help…’’ He didn't know the extensions of his own injuries, but the look in your eyes said they were serious. Perhaps there was more blood than he expected.
Yes. his soul, Rietveld, screamed. Screaming so loud his bones shook. Yes. Touch me, make the cold go away again. Take me out of this ocean one more time. Help me. Touch me! Make the hands of the corpses leave my neck. Touch me. Saints, this is the most unbearable thing in the world. Kaz had no idea how long it had been since he had heard a person sob for him, but your voice broke something in him like nothing else. Kaz could get stabbed and beaten and shot, but this—this was the one thing he couldn't bear. "No'' Yes!
But you seemed in tune with his soul. As it has always been since he first saw you. You seemed to see beyond Brekker facade. Your footsteps reached him like desperate birds, your beautiful eyes growing wider every moment you saw the details of his injuries.
He didn't move from the chair, even when he should have, even when you fell to your knees between his feet, looking at him with so much fear and panic that he felt his heart skip a beat. Damn organ.
Yes. You looked beyond Brekker, You looked at Rietveld. And no one ever looked at Rietveld. “I promise to be quick. Just let me clean up the blood. Let me sterilize the knife cuts.’’ Your voice had so much pain that Kaz thought you were the one who suffered the beating. Which was impossible. Because Kaz Brekker would never let anyone touch you. but he can't touch you either. Yes, his fucking fate.
He wondered if you were so shaken because of guilt. Did you know that the 12 men he owed money got together to beat him? Did you know that he just hadn't paid because he used all the money to buy you? That's why you were so sentimental? Because the guilt. Out of pity. But it was impossible, Kaz never said anything about it. Maybe he was just looking for reasons to justify the magnitude of your concern with something other than feelings of the heart. “Please… I can't- I can't see you like this.” Your voice took him out of his thoughts, realizing that no matter how much he screamed inside, his expression remained as hard as a stone.
“I’m scared that something irreversible could happen.’’ you were honest, exposing your heart because you knew he wouldn’t expose his “Please, the thought of you dying makes me scared.’’ Yes, you were scared…like a cute rabbit. His body was hurting too much to know which stab wound was deeper, which were more superficial and which caused you so much panic.
Kaz swallowed around the lump in his throat, his heart beating wildly in his chest, but for a reason completely different from the wounds and bruising that plagued his body. Kaz wanted to put his guard up and push you away, but the sight of you kneeling before him, your eyes pleading for his consent as you raised your palm up to his battered and bloodied skin, that pleading tone - And that dress. The fucking dress he bought for you - was making him lose.
Kaz looked down at your face. His heart was burning. What am I doing? Your eyes, gazing up at him with tears rolling down your cheeks, you were breaking because of him, for him. And saints — he couldn't…Not when you looked that way. Not when every fiber of his being wanted you. Touch me. Make me come out of the sea. Make me breathe again Kaz closed his eyes, his breath sharp as he braced himself. A moment of hesitation before he finally speaks. "Quick."
It was another lapsus. The biggest mistake he could make. Ketterdam was again screaming in the background in the form of furious winds; that city did not allow pure emotions, redemptions and love.
You were so quick to get up and run to the bathroom, returning with a damp towel and a desperate but relieved look. Your knees dropped to the floor once again between his feet, and your breathing was faster than it had ever been before.
You were going to touch him
It was a mistake. An absurd error. A sin and a profanation of the worst kind.
The tide of the icy ocean within him changed course, beginning to churn its waters and threatening to drown Kaz Brekker once again. The sensation was as if his skin was swelling from the cold waves, like a corpse that had been discarded at sea for centuries. And that wouldn't be far from the truth. Kaz Rietveld was shipwrecked in that ocean along with Jordie. Along with all the other unfortunate people in that damned city.
So why did he also feel Rietveld now more than ever? when you were about to touch him.
Kaz's soul stirred, perhaps in desperation, perhaps begging for release. Maybe for both things. The emotions were so strong that he felt like vomiting the salty sea water stuck in his lungs. Then he focused on one point: the smooth skin of your neck.
You were so nervous and desperate that he could see your vein pulsing, a few errant droplets of sweat running from behind your ear to your slender neck, making their tempting way, mocking Kaz for not being able to follow the same path with his fingers.
Would he be able to fool his demons if he made that journey with his mouth? Could it be that his tongue also carried his traumas?
The wet towel went over one of his cuts, and Kaz swore so loudly that it scared you. His fingers locked for a second in the chair, but your fear of him changing his mind was greater than your fear of his reactions. You pressed the towel again, and again, and moved from one wound to the next. Your movements were in automatic mode to want to take advantage of his permission as much as possible, to help as much as possible in a time limit that you didn't know.
The invisible clock chimed like a premonition.
With one hand, you used your trembling fingers to move a piece of his cut shirt to the side. And your and his skins brushed
Holy Mother of Saints. Kaz grunted, letting his head fall back and pressing his fingers into the wood of the chair's arms even more. He closed his eyes tightly. The avalanche of emotions raised a tisunami in his sea and crashed over him with such brutality that Kaz felt he might die again. And revive.
Your fingers brushed against his skin once again, and this time his chest exploded on a different note; as if the heat of the sun was fighting to rescue him from the bottom of the sea. Making its way through the petrifying waters like a ray of heat. Like a chance. A hope. Or as an illusion.
Kaz Brekker never cried. He came out of that ocean swearing revenge, like a ghost, a monster, the murderer of Rietveld. Vowing to be a knight of the apocalypse. But he was none of those things. Kaz was a man of flesh and blood. With a heart that bled every day, with a soul neglected and so massacred that it bordered on unrecognizability: but not total annihilation.
Kaz Brekker never cried. But Kaz Rietveld did.
Being touched, after so many years without even human contact, made Brekker want to vomit, scream, cut his hands off, drown himself with Jordie, blow Pekker's brains out. But it made Rietveld want to cry, to cry out to the saints for salvation, to beg that he could have just one good thing in life. Please. his soul tore in prayers. Please…let me have this moment…for the love of God, have mercy on me just now. Somehow, he didn't vomit, and his skin on his became more like being caressed by the sun. He squeezed his eyes closed even more and imagined himself on the roof of the Crow Club, beneath the midday sun of the height of summer.
You were the sun. Just it.
Your hands pressed bandages into his deep cuts.
You were the sun. Just it.
Your breathing was heavy and your fingers pushed the rest of his bloody shirt away.
You were the sun. Just it.
Kaz repeated that like a mantra. A prayer. A choir. An exorcism. But his midday sun at the height of summer was beginning to be clouded, the sea on the horizon was beginning to swell, and Jordie's voice was beginning to rise from the dead in the air. The second he couldn't take it anymore, you pulled his hands away. Brekker breathed a sigh of relief. Rietveld screamed in despair.
‘’You’re going to be fine’’ your voice was as shaky as his emotions.
Kaz couldn't open his eyes yet. Not now. Not at this moment and… the absence of touch gave way to the feeling of extremely warm lips touching one of his bandages for a second.
This removed him from his disabilities. Stunned and perplexed, Kaz opened his eyes immediately and tilted his head towards you the same second his your moved away.
If your touches had been the sun, that micro kiss had been the entire fire.
“My mother one day said that kissing the wound makes it heal faster.” Maybe you were holding on tooth and nail to all the things that guaranteed you that Kaz Brekker would survive that moment.
Maybe a kiss heals wounds faster... indeed. Kaz Brekker thought before a curve of a smile painted his lips.
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yourtongzhihazel · 3 months
My dad is an excercise in the futulity of trying to be a member of the petite bourgeoisie.
Ever since he was a boy he was poisoned by american propaganda (movies) which sold him an unrealistic and unreasonable view of life in the states. Then he grew up, got a phd in physics, married my mom, then went to the states.
Wow! Land of hamburger and freedom so cool!!
First job, get mistreated and exploited for being an immigrant. Second job, get mistreated and exploited for being inexperienced. Ok, clearly this "employment" thing isn't working. It is time to become petite bourgeois. (AN: obviously him getting mistreated and exploited isn't his fault. What is, is him not recognizing it as exploitation and seeking to uproot it rather than participate in it)
Set up a small business in some niche market (uh oh) with a large competitor (uh oh x2) while having a really thin capital stream (uh oh x3). Exploit me for everything from cleaning to product manufacturing (???) to business advice (?????) and paying me in "we put a roof over your heads this is the least you can do" (did I mention i was a high schooler at the time? Talk about child labor!). Struggle to survive for 5 years, let alone make money. Get pushed out of the market. "Damn this american market sucks. I should move this operation to China, known dictatorship of the proletariat, for a better market". Move the operation to china, including all your material capital (machines). A year goes by, things are going pretty smoothly! No money is being made but at least you have capital flow and employees and be trying to go public!
Knock knock.
It's the CPC.
"hello!!!!! What a nice business you have here! Very high level technology which we don't have domestic production for!! Look at all your employees too! And you're going public! Congratulations, petite bourgeoisie! You have won a prize! Its unionization and CPC board members and oversight committee. Enjoy and thanks for doing business in the People's Republic of China!"
Now he's seething about having to slash overtime and give mandatory breaks and raise wages.
Honestly i couldn't care less about those complaints.
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liviusofpella · 17 days
some thoughts and theories on abh so far
Both Raphael and Mikael's touch is said to be cold while David's is hot
If anyone has any theories about who the guys' superiors could be, please share because I have no idea.
I'm 1000% certain that the guys don't really live at the agency.
The mansion possessed a most unusual trait: if its residents weren't actively seeking you out, it was nearly impossible to find them yourself."
Moreover, I think MC was going somewhere and mentioned again that the house was empty.
"Our father went missing. I believe he's dead" - this actually makes me think the father they talk about isn't God.
This could be a red herring but the man who approaches MC at the club could be involved in the murder. His glassy eyes ("but he didn't look drunk") are definitely a hint and his hot-tempered personality make him very suspicious. "He looked around quiclkly," his outfit is rather out of place at this club, he's pushy and insistent. I found some info that glassy eyes could mean lifeless eyes and when you look at this dude, it's.......plausible (kinda kidding, kinda idk. He just looks suspicious)
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I believe they all don't truly grasp the concept of emotions. Mikael doesn't really care about the clients + don't understand the concept of grief, David has no empaty for the deceased. Idk about Cas, and Raphael could be the one able to understand emotions (or he's just good at pretending and/or he feels the emotions his interlocutors do)
As for MC - I think the guys had sth to do with her patient going beserk and her ending up at Astrea. It's just a hunch, I don't have any proof, but they obviously need her for something, and I wouldn't be surprised if Mikael already knew she lost her medical licence.
Cheeky if you pay attention - even during the interview in ch 1 he laughs at MC's poor attempt of touching him under a really weak excuse (can't blame her though); "a playful spark flashed in his eyes," "sly smile" so he's not as stuck up as it looks at the first glance lol
Physically: a picture of Renaissance beauty, it is constantly stated he's very graceful and charismatic. MC also says he's very fit and has prominent muscles (which is surprising "for someone in his position); "stately figure"; statue chiseled out of marble".
He's Not a doctor, but yet heals. In ch. 4 he 1000% sucked the poison out of MC body, and I believe so not only because of what he says but also from the way his eyes look. He also says "I've never had a chance to heal mental wounds" which implies he's been healing for a long time.
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Could be far reaching and I formulate this theory mainly because I've been watching too much Supernatural lately, but I believe he's some type of a demon.
He's very confident and he "never loses" as a lawyer, so he's either very very good or able to influence people somehow.
MC obviously didn't end up in Astrea by accident, and she's the MC so she must be somehow special, so it makes me think David constantly calling her a witch isn't without a reason. Ch. 3: "don't admit to anyone in the village that you're a witch, either." Could be just a joke though.
Also the fact he was extremely friendly towards MC is suspicious, almost as if he tried to influence her to stay at all cost.
"It's impossible to get enough of me"
After the murder: "he's like a doctor who has seen death so many times that he hardly feels it anymore"
We learn his father lost his mind because he sold his soul. I've yet to come to any conclusions on this ngl.
I think he takes people's emotions onto himself and makes emotions come to the surface in people. Ch. 3: "Raphael approched the man, and the man's eyes filled with tears."
Felonia emphasising that the guys treat MC differently, kindly and friendly. During the meeting in chapter 3, Mikael is cold and impartial when he talks to Fel
David: "You're so hash, Mikael"
"Only constant effort can attract his attention and make him believe that you deserve another chance" so the question is - who's he?
Felonia: "They're not villains, but they're not exactly heroes either. They have a mission and will go to any lengths necessary to complete it"
Mikael knows about the nightmares MC has and the dream we saw at the beginning of the book is definitely an answer to one of the big mysteries of the book, imo we'll learn what it means at the end of season 1 and it'll be the first supernatural thing we witness (although I'm not entirely sure because of how the last chapter ended)
Mikael: "Everyone's terribly worried about you" - why? They're not that close. They're worried because she's crucial to their plan.
My take is that Raph and Mikael are (arch)angels. Possibly fallen angels or at least angels who fucked up and are being punished. I'm not sure about Raphael, but if Mikael is the Angel Michael then he's the God's commander - his strict, controlled character, the fact he's the director of the agency then it kind of makes sense he;s so harsh to Felonia who seems to have seriously fucked up? He doesn't like disobedience.
Quora (don't judge me lol): "His power is believed to come from his closeness to God and his unwavering commitment to righteousness and the defeat of evil."
"The sword and shield are used today to represent a cutting of cords or energies that no longer serve and protecting us from harm. Michael can help in healing and repairing our energies where trauma, grief, past lives or karmic debts are holding us back from our true potential in this life. He will then work with Archangel Raphael to replace the negative energy, emotions, worries, doubts, physical ailments with positive vibrations. Michael will cleanse your entire being both the physical and spiritual."
@agattthaa mentioned that God is kind only to humans, he's not a good father to angels because he isn't present or forgiving to them; God forgives humans, but when angels make mistakes they fall from grace. Just a food for thought.
I'm curious about others' thoughts and theories. I just wanted to put all this together to sort it in my head as well.
Tagging @raleigh-edward 🫧
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persephonememes · 9 months
These may have been edited for clarity or length or to better apply for roleplaying.
❛ i pay attention to things that most people ignore ❜
❛ i'm alright with the movies that make jokes about senseless cruelty ❜
❛ i feel for your every little issue ❜
❛ i know just what you mean ❜
❛ i make light of the darkness ❜
❛ i've got sun in my motherfuckin' pocket ❜
❛ you know me ❜
❛ i forgive and i forget ❜
❛ i know my age and i act like it ❜
❛ i've got what you can't resist ❜
❛ i got class and integrity just like a goddamn kennedy ❜
❛ i'm a perfect all-american bitch ❜
❛ i know my place ❜
❛ i don't get angry when i'm pissed ❜
❛ i'm the eternal optimist ❜
❛ i scream inside to deal with it ❜
❛ i'm grateful all the time ❜
❛ i'm sexy and i'm kind ❜
❛ i'm pretty when i cry ❜
❛ haven't heard from you in a couple of months ❜
❛ i'm out right now and i'm all fucked up ❜
❛ i'm sensing some undertone ❜
❛ i'm right here with all my friends ❜
❛ i know we're done ❜
❛ i know we're through ❜
❛ my brain goes 'ah' can't hear my thoughts ❜
❛ i cannot hear my thoughts ❜
❛ i should probably not ❜
❛ seeing you tonight, it's a bad idea, right? ❜
❛ it's a bad idea, right? ❜
❛ fuck it, it's fine ❜
❛ yes, i know that he's my ex. but can't two people reconnect? ❜
❛ i only see him as a friend, the biggest lie i ever said ❜
❛ i just tripped and fell into his bed ❜
❛ now i'm gettin' in the car, wreckin' all my plans ❜
❛ i know i should stop, but i can't ❜
❛ i told my friends i was asleep but i never said where or in whose sheets ❜
❛ i'm sure i've seen much hotter men but i really can't remember when ❜
❛ how's the castle built off people you pretend to care about ❜
❛ i see the parties and the diamonds sometimes when i close my eyes ❜
❛ i loved you truly ❜
❛ you gotta laugh at the stupidity ❜
❛ i've made some real big mistakes but you make the worst one look fine ❜
❛ i've made some real big mistakes ❜
❛ i should've known it was strange you only come out at night ❜
❛ i used to think i was smart but you made me look so naïve ❜
❛ the way you sold me for parts as you sunk your teeth into me ❜
❛ bleeding me dry like a goddamn vampire ❜
❛ every girl i ever talked to told me you were bad news ❜
❛ you're so convincing ❜
❛ how do you lie without flinching? ❜
❛ how do you lie? ❜
❛ what a mesmerizing, paralyzing, fucked up little thrill ❜
❛ i can't figure out just how you do it and god knows i never will ❜
❛ you went for me and not her 'cause girls your age know better ❜
❛ you said it was true love but wouldn't that be hard? ❜
❛ you can't love anyone 'cause that would mean you had a heart ❜
❛ i tried to help you out ❜
❛ i tried to help you out now i know that i can't ❜
❛ how you think's the kind of thing i'll never understand ❜
❛ aren't you the sweetest thing on this side of hell? ❜
❛ did i ever tell you that i'm not doing well? ❜
❛ i linger all the time ❜
❛ i linger all the time watching, hidden in plain sight ❜
❛ i try but it takes over my life ❜
❛ i see you everywhere ❜
❛ the sweetest torture one could bear ❜
❛ i'm losing it lately ❜
❛ i feel your compliments like bullets on skin ❜
❛ aren't you the greatest thing to ever exist? ❜
❛ my stomach's all in knots ❜
❛ you got the one thing that i want ❜
❛ people are people, but it's like you're made of angel dust ❜
❛ it's like you're out to get me ❜
❛ you poison every little thing that i do ❜
❛ i just loathe you lately ❜
❛ i despise my jealous eyes and how hard they fell for you ❜
❛ i despise my rotten mind and how much it worships you ❜
❛ i don't think i get along with anyone ❜
❛ i'm on the outside of the greatest inside joke ❜
❛ i hate all my clothes ❜
❛ it feels like my skin doesn't fit right over my bones ❜
❛ so i guess i should go ❜
❛ the party's done, and i'm no fun ❜
❛ i broke a glass, i tripped and fell ❜
❛ i tripped and fell ❜
❛ i told secrets i shouldn't tell ❜
❛ i stumbled over all my words ❜
❛ i made it weird ❜
❛ i made it worse ❜
❛ each time i step outside it's social suicide ❜
❛ i wanna curl up and die ❜
❛ i laughed at the wrong time ❜
❛ i talked to this hot guy, swore i was his type ❜
❛ everything i do is tragic ❜
❛ the morning after i panic ❜
❛ oh god, what did i say? ❜
❛ when i'm alone, i'm fine ❜
❛ don't let me out at night ❜
❛ i'm shocked i'm still alive ❜
❛ i called you the wrong name twice ❜
❛ i want it, so i got it ❜
❛ another thing i ruined, i used to do for fun ❜
❛ another conversation with nothing good to say ❜
❛ another day pretending i'm older than i am ❜
❛ another perfect moment that doesn't feel like mine ❜
❛ sometimes i feel like i don't wanna be where i am ❜
❛ i push away all the people who know me the best ❜
❛ it's me who's been makin' the bed ❜
❛ i'm so tired of being the girl that i am ❜
❛ every good thing has turned into somethin' i dread ❜
❛ i'm playin' the victim so well in my head ❜
❛ every night, i wake up from this one recurring dream ❜
❛ i read somewhere it's 'cause my life feels so out of control ❜
❛ i tell someone i love them just as a distraction ❜
❛ they tell me that they love me like i'm some tourist attraction ❜
❛ i got the things i wanted, it's just not what i imagined ❜
❛ i'm counting all of the beautiful things i regret ❜
❛ i'm pulling the sheets over my head ❜
❛ you're so good at what you do ❜
❛ you come for me like a savior ❜
❛ i'd put myself through hell for you ❜
❛ i fell for you like water ❜
❛ i couldn't get out if i tried ❜
❛ it was all in my mind ❜
❛ now you got me thinking ❜
❛ love is never logical ❜
❛ all the things you did to me ❜
❛ you lied ❜
❛ i'm sure that girl is really your friend ❜
❛ you said i was too soft ❜
❛ why do I do this? ❜
❛ i know i'm half responsible and that makes me feel horrible ❜
❛ i know i could've stopped it all, god, why didn't i stop it all? ❜
❛ i met a guy in the summer and i left him in the spring ❜
❛ i wanna make him feel bad ❜
❛ i wanna make him really jealous ❜
❛ i really miss him and it makes me real sad ❜
❛ i want sweet revenge ❜
❛ i want him again ❜
❛ i want to get him back ❜
❛ i write him all these letters, then i throw them in the trash ❜
❛ i miss the way he kisses and the way he made me laugh ❜
❛ he said i was the only girl, but that just wasn't the truth ❜
❛ i am my father's daughter, so maybe i could fix him ❜
❛ i wanna key his car ❜
❛ i wanna break his heart ❜
❛ he's not even gonna know what hit him ❜
❛ he's gonna love me and hate me at the same time ❜
❛ i don't know ❜
❛ i told my friends you were the one ❜
❛ i stayed in bed for like a week ❜
❛ when you said space was what you need, i waited by my phone like a goddamn fool ❜
❛ love's fucking embarrassing ❜
❛ how could i be so stupid? ❜
❛ you found a new version of me ❜
❛ what was i even doing? ❜
❛ i give up ❜
❛ i give up everything ❜
❛ i keep coming back for more ❜
❛ i have nightmares each week about that friday ❜
❛ one phone call from you and my entire world was changed ❜
❛ you took everything i loved and crushed it in between your fingers ❜
❛ i doubt you ever think about the damage that you did ❜
❛ i hold on to every detail like my life depends on it ❜
❛ i hear your voice every time that i think i'm not enough ❜
❛ i try to be tough, but i wanna scream ❜
❛ how could anybody do the things you did so easily? ❜
❛ i say i don't care, i say that i'm fine but you know i can't let it go ❜
❛ i've tried for so long ❜
❛ it takes strength to forgive, but i don't feel strong ❜
❛ i try to understand why you would do this all to me ❜
❛ i know in my heart hurt people hurt people ❜
❛ do you think i deserved it all? ❜
❛ you built me up to watch me fall ❜
❛ you have everything and you still want more ❜
❛ even after all this, you're still everything to me ❜
❛ i know you don't care ❜
❛ there's always something missing ❜
❛ when pretty isn't pretty enough what do you do? ❜
❛ i could change up my body and change up my face ❜
❛ i'd always feel the same ❜
❛ you can win the battle but you'll never win the war ❜
❛ fix the things you hated and you'd still feel so insecure ❜
❛ i try to ignore it, but it's everything i see ❜
❛ i don't know why i even try ❜
❛ i bought all the clothes that they told me to buy ❜
❛ i chased some dumb ideal my whole fucking life ❜
❛ none of it matters and none of it ends ❜
❛ you just feel like shit over and over again ❜
❛ when am i gonna stop being wise beyond my years and just start being wise? ❜
❛ when am i gonna stop being a pretty young thing to guys? ❜
❛ when will it stop being cool to be quietly misunderstood? ❜
❛ i'm sorry that i couldn't always be your teenage dream ❜
❛ when does wide-eyed affection and all good intentions start to not be enough? ❜
❛ will i spend all the rest of my years wishing i could go back? ❜
❛ they all say that it gets better ❜
❛ it gets better the more you grow ❜
❛ it gets better, but what if i don't? ❜
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chaifootsteps · 5 months
It's not by much, but I'll grudgingly take huskerdust over stol/tz
with huskerdust the two of them are at least fairly equal power wise. they're both stuck in contracts (probably?) to more powerful people they hate. they've got some things in common if you look for them (or find fanon that does it better and doesn't involve Angel throwing himself at Husk the whole time)
with Stol/tz we have a show where Blitzo was sold to be someone's friend as a child, said 'friend' is ignorant enough he doesn't know that Blitzo was bought for him so he romanticises the whole encounter, and Blitzo is reduced to being a rich person's plaything and stealing from him to survive, but his friend is supposedly the sad victim in this scenario
then he grows up and is coerced by the same 'friend' into being his sexual plaything after stealing from him to survive, but his 'friend' is apparently the victim once again because Blitzo gave him pity sex one time and then dipped.
idk, it just bugs me to see a whole hallucination sequence where Blitzo is chained up and resigned to believing this is the best he can ever have for love in his life, only for the show to turn around and go 'yeah, that's right - that is the best Blitzo can hope for!' wild how Stolas made his bed with messing up his own life but the show won't hold him responsible for any of it, meanwhile Blitzo is condemned by canon to a relationship Striker explicitly points out is unequal and degrading
Agreed. Huskerdust is extremely annoying, but at least no one's actively coercing sex out of anyone. They're just not well written.
Stolitz, on the other hand, is pure poison. Stolitz has people out there arguing that someone offering to pay your rent in exchange for sex is equal exchange and not coercive at all.
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ghost-bxrd · 17 days
So I've seen you post a lot about Dick and Calvin recently, and I wanted to know how you thought Calvin would react, in this Calvin gets adopted by Bruce kind of au, to:
1). Jason's death, in the assumption Calvin can't prevent it (And subsequently what he would do to Joker for it.)
2) Damian's early childhood.
3) Tim's Tim-ness.
4) How Calvin would react to the Batman Robin situation, when he finally learns about it.
I haven't gotten the opportunity to learn much about Calvin, but you have me interested, I'm a sucker for overly traumatized characters, and I am looking for the comics with him!
We can never have enough Calvin Rose content, that boy is so underrated 🥺💚
1. Pfpfpfpf you know for ONCE I wanted to go with “Jason doesn’t die in this Au” but you asked and I shall deliver hehehe.
Look, Calvin adores children. And it’s no different with Jason, whom he basically helped Bruce raise from the moment he came to the manor. (Bruce is a good dad here but emotions are not his forte. Calvin picks up the slack.)
So we’ve got a former Talon basically raising Jason, sharing a lot of his interests, teaching him fun escape techniques and pranking the others…
Only for Jason to die in Ethiopia. Beaten within an inch of his life and then blown up.
Because his birth mother sold him to the Joker.
Look, there’s very few things that make Calvin snap. Canonically it only happens when his loved ones are in danger/threatened, or children are being hurt.
And this one ticks off both boxes.
Calvin doesn’t kill if he can help it. Hasn’t done so since that one time with the Court, and that instance still haunts him in his sleep. But this?
Yeah. He’s not losing any sleep over killing Joker. He’d hunt the clown and put him down like a rabid animal. Cold, clean, and efficient. No drawing it out.
2. As mentioned before, Calvin adores kids. I don’t think they’d meet before Damian comes to the manor though, so no early early childhood shenanigans. But when Damian arrives, all entitled and clearly having been conditioned from a very young age, he gives Bruce a very deadpan “You do know you don’t get a discount for the amount of traumatized kids you take in, right?”
Damian is a stabby little shit that tries to kill Calvin at every turn. Dick thinks it’s hilarious. Damian becomes progressively more angry because Calvin doesn’t break a sweat side stepping each and every attempt. (Talon training pays off)
Calvin just lets Damian “burn off his excess energy” (“You do know he’s a kid and not a puppy, right?”) and uses the time the boy isn’t actively trying to murder him to child proof the manor again. Just to piss Damian off.
Having the kid try to poison him at dinner that day is so worth it.
Damian reluctantly warms up to Calvin over the next few weeks when the former Talon proves annoyingly helpful at setting up his room and helping him with training. (Although Damian turns his nose up every time Calvin obviously handles him with kiddie gloves. But the man point blank refuses to do anything else.)
3. Calvin spends a week around Tim and all his alarm bells for “neglected child” are going off like autotune in his brain.
Considering it’s still very close to Jason’s death tho it would take him some time to truly warm up to Tim.
Tim wishes Calvin remained as distant as he was the first year or so (no he doesn’t) because now Calvin has strictly limited his daily caffeine intake, is forcing him to eat at least three healthy meals a day, and actually set a bed time for him.
Tim is outraged (flustered) about being treated like a kid (like the kid he is).
4. Depending on who’s Robin when he finds out the reactions would vary greatly, but he still wouldn’t be happy that Bruce is taking kids out onto the streets at night to fight criminals either way. It remind him too much of the Court for comfort, grooming children into the percent assassin.
After a while though he’d realize that Bruce would love nothing more than for his Robin(s) to hang up the mantle and just live their lives to the fullest, and that they’re simply too stubborn and determined to fight crime with Batman to stay at home. With our without permission.
It helps that Bruce is clearly distressed and close to benching Robin whenever Dick/Jason comes back from patrol with a bruise. Never mind an actual injury.
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rmoonstoner · 1 year
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Poisoned Empanadas
Moon Knight (Jake Lockley) x Spider!fem!reader
Spider-Man 2099 (Miguel O'Hara) x Spider!fem!reader
Violence, strong language, mentions of death, mentions of depression, sexual themes, warnings may change.
You move out of the old house at your friend's request. It's a very short chapter.
Chapter 2 - Empanadas de Santa Rita - Chihuahua City, Mexico
A Mexican pastry served in honor of St. Rita every year on May 22. Typically they are sweet and savory at the same time, containing meats, raisins, pecans, butter, garlic and assorted spices, peas, potatoes, and sherry.
A few months had gone by, with absolutely no word from Jake. You weren't surprised one bit, and had already gone through the process of selling most of your things. It was the big stuff, like your living room furniture, the bedroom set, any tools you had, and other such things too big for a studio apartment that you had your eye on. You even got rid of the car for a nice fat stack of cash. It was fitting that you had sold the car to Hawkeye. He was happy, and claimed that he was going to give it to his wife.
Today you were dropping off a huge bag of clothing to a local shelter. Anything that Gwen or America didn't want, ended up here. You made the old lady's day as she went through the nice and gently used items, all of which Jake had bought for you. After the drop off, you made your way back home the easy way, by web slinging home. By the time you got back, you found Peter standing at your front door.
"Hey! Sorry, I was out dropping off some clothes. You didn't mention that you were coming by." You greeted Peter with a wave and gave him a hug.
"It's alright. I was just on my way to the Sanctum, and I wanted to know if you wanted to accompany me?" He asked with grin.
"Really? You sure you want me to come along? You did mention the doctor hates unexpected guests…" You replied. Peter could see your hesitancy and he held both hands up.
"It's totally okay with Doctor Strange. I asked first, and besides, you're friends with his daughter, so…"
"Does he know-"
"Uh…" Peter looked away sheepishly as he rubbed his neck and laughed.
"Peter! Just because he's an Avenger and the king of the wizards, you can't be telling people my secret identity!"
"I am sorry! He saw you on the roof the last few times, and he wanted to know why I hadn't introduced you to him. Then America let it slip she's your friend, and, so… He kind of figured it out. He's a genius, and has that eidetic memory."
"Oh fantastic, a real Sherlock Holmes type, eh?" You retorted, and he laughed.
"Yeah, so I am sorry…"
"It's fine. Like you said, he probably already knew. I'm not mad."
"Oh good! So, do you need to do anything before we go?"
"I just need to put the washing on the next load of donations, then grab some water."
Once at the Sanctum, Peter introduced you to Wong. The man seemed grumpy at first, but after hearing who you were, he changed his tune rather quickly. He made you a tea while Peter left to find the doctor, and the two of you chatted about how Peter basically lived here at the Sanctum since his Aunt and Tony Stark had passed away. He asked about what you did for a living, and you shrugged. You didn't have a paying job, and you lived in your ex boyfriend's house, which you were getting ready to move out of.
Wong seemed impressed that you were taking charge and moving on with your life, which told you that Peter had been blabbing his mouth again. You would have normally been upset by this, but Peter had told you all about who Wong was, what he did, and who he worked with. He was like the other king of the wizards, and Peter claimed he was way nicer than Strange. You found that hard to believe, because both of the wizards had a reputation for being formal hard asses.
Peter ended up coming back with Doctor Strange, and the lad was just talking up a storm as the doctor nodded along while sipping from a steaming mug. The way they looked was adorable, like a son telling their dad all about their day after school, but it was Peter talking about his patrols, while the older man listened intently.
"-And then she flashed him with the lights, kicked the guy in the balls, and he fell off of the roof. I've never seen Sandman go down that fast before! She managed to get him, before he could turn into sand!"
"Oh wow, Peter. That's most impressive." The doctor winced a bit, but he was impressed all the same.
"I take it that this her?" He asked as he motioned towards you. You gave a polite smile and waved.
"Yeah, that's her! You should see her and Gwen work as a team! It's so fun! She's the one making all the weird lights at night." Peter said as he made the same hand motions you did for the lights. You laughed and looked over at the older man who was chuckling softly at Peter's energy.
"Ah, I see. Well, in that case, it's lovely to meet you, young lady. My name is Stephen, but you already knew that, didn't you?"
"Uh, yes, sir, er, uh, doctor."
"Stephen is fine. Any friends of Peter's or America's are welcome to use my first name. Unless, of course, I don't like them." He laughed and held his hand out to you. You took it gently, remembering that Peter had told you the man had delicate hands that had once been crushed.
"Okay, Stephen, it is nice to meet you too. I always wanted to see what America's and Peter's adopted dad was like."
"Oh, well, I-" Stephen seemed flustered when you said adopted dad.
"Oh, he's a good dad. Very supportive of my Spider-Man gig." Peter said as he patted Stephen's shoulder. The man beamed at the praise and kept drinking his tea. You didn't understand why he was known for being snobby, stoic, and rude.
"That's good. Peter talks about you all the time. Says you've saved the world a lot, and kept the spooky magic things at bay." You remarked, and Stephen burst out laughing.
"I suppose that's what I do. It's a new way of saying it though. Oh, I have to talk to ask Wong something. Be right back." Stephen smiled and then excused himself to go talk with Wong for a bit.
They did not come right back.
It was three hours before they did, and by then, America had come home, said hi, then left again for her studies at the Kamar-Taj. You had spent the time playing chess, and had won three to two. When Stephen and Wong came walking in, they looked frustrated. It turned out there had been one of those cosmic fluctuations, and Stephen was telling Peter and you to keep an eye out for anything weirder than normal. 
You left soon after, and went back home to grab a nap before patrol later.
Three weeks later…
Peter and Gwen had convinced you to move out of the house Jake owned. You didn't make it easy for them either. You felt reluctant to leave that house. It had bad memories, but it also held so many good ones with Jake.
You gave the excuse that you couldn't afford to move. The house and utilities were paid for, and you didn't have a paying job to get something new. Peter shut you up so fast by having Stephen and Wong literally coming out at that exact moment and time to offer you a room next to America's and Peter's. You groaned when that happened, because who the hell says no to the Sorcerer Supreme, which was basically your friend's dad?
That gave you a free place to live, free utilities, and free food. That also offered you access to being transported anywhere in the world if you ever wished it, not that you really wanted to unless the others needed you to. You had lost the will to travel after what happened with your ex, but it was nice that the option was there. Living there would gain you security, because there were at least three sorcerers at the Sanctum at any given time, not including Doctor Strange or Wong who were fully aware of your relationship problems.
They even said they could keep Jake from coming in if you gave them some of his hair. That was easy to do, and you did it, mostly because Peter and Gwen said they'd try to kick his ass if he showed up unannounced. You weren't sure if they meant the wizards, or themselves.
Plus your friends were there…
How could you refuse?
Series Master List
None for now. Again, sorry for the short chapter.
@theaussiedragon @autismsupermusicalassassin @readingfan
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iwozlegit · 2 months
|| 🍍• Song lyrics from Hazbin Hotel Season 1 that I think we NEED to be paying more attention to because ‘potential foreshadowing reasons’:
• Husk in ‘Loser, Baby’:
“I sold my soul to save my power!”
• Charlie in ‘Finale’:
“So long as I’ve got ALL OF YOU WITH ME!”
(Following line(s) “It starts with you. You know it’s true. Fulfil your destiny.”)
• Alastor in ‘Finale’:
“I’m hungry for freedom like never before. The constraints of my deal surely have a backdoor. Once I figure out my to unclip my wings. Guess who will be pulling all strings!”
• Vox and Valentino in “Stayed Gone”:
“That fucker’s back!”
“Yeah I thought he was gone for good, too…”
“…you still pissed he almost beat you that time?”
• Alastor in “Stayed Gone”:
“And here’s the sugar on the cream. He asked me to join his team!”
• Angel Dust in “Poison”:
“Wish I had something to live for tomorrow.”
• Alastor in “Ready for This”:
“She’s filled with potential that I could guide.”
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txttletale · 10 months
I just read and really enjoyed your banana effortpost—it was a super great explanation of why something is actually bad from the basic facts up.
I did have one question I was curious to get your perspective on. You say "a banana is disappearing from honduras, and yet somehow an american company is paying a second american company for it", which is true, but you then later say that "if there's a socialist revolution in the countries where bananas are grown, then the availability of bananas in the usa is going to drop", which I don't totally follow.
It seems to me that a socialist revolution (or the unionization of banana farmers, or etc.) in honduras could lead to a state of affairs where the gains from international trade are actually given to the people who grow bananas instead of usamerican multinational corportations without a decrease in availability in the usa.
Obviously in the real world political upheaval would disrupt international trade for a time period but after the changeover I don't see why it wouldn't settle into a similar equilibrium where bananas were sold at market prices in the usa and that money went to the workers in honduras.
because if the land that is currently being used to grow bananas for export was being allocated by honduran people in order to serve their needs -- instead of by companies who want to make the biggest profit per hectare possible -- less of it would be used to grow bananas for export! some of it would likely be used to grow food that hondurans will actually get to eat, and even if all that land remained dedicated to cash-cropping (with the profits now in the hands of the workers who grow the bananas), it would still be smart to diversify that cash-cropping to protect the honduran economy from being mercy to monopsonists.
the land that is used to grow bananas for export would probably also stop growing unsustainable soil-draining disease-vulnerable monocultures and stop mass-spraying pesticides that poison banana farmers and stop forcing workers to work twelve hours a day. so although a socialist revolution in honduras wouldn't mean that no honduran bananas were ever sold internationally, i think it would invariably mean less were.
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fullstcp · 3 months
"GUTS" by Olivia Rodrigo Sentence Starters
"I pay attention to things that most people ignore."
"I am built like a mother and a total machine."
"I feel for your every little issue."
"I know just what you mean."
"I make light of the darkness."
"I've got sun in my motherfucking pocket, best believe."
"I forgive and I forget."
"I know my age and I act like it."
"Got what you can't resist."
"I got class and integrity just like a goddamn Kennedy, I swear."
"I'm a perfect all-American bitch."
"I know my place."
"I know my place and this is it."
"I don't get angry when I'm pissed."
"I'm the eternal optimist."
"I'm grateful all the fucking time."
"I'm sexy and I'm kind."
"I'm pretty when I cry."
"Haven't heard from you in a couple of months."
"I'm out right now and I'm all fucked up."
"You're calling my phone, you're all alone, and I'm sensing some undertones."
"I know we're done, I know we're through."
"But, God, when I look at you."
"I can't hear my thoughts."
"I should probably not."
"Seeing you tonight, it's a bad idea right?"
"I know that he's/she's/they're my ex, but can't two people reconnect."
"I only see him/her/them as a friend."
"Biggest lie I ever said."
"I just tripped and fell into his/her/their bed."
"I know I should stop, but I can't."
"I told my friends I was asleep, but I never said where or in whose sheets."
"Hate to give the satisfaction asking how you're doing now."
"How's the castle built off people you pretend to care about?"
"Six months of torture you sold as some forbidden paradise."
"I loved you truly."
"You gotta laugh at the stupidity."
"I've made some real big mistakes, but you make the worst one look fine."
"I should've known it was strange."
"I used to think I was smart, but you made me look so naive."
"Everyone I ever talked to told me you were bad, bad news."
"You called them crazy, God, I hate the way I called 'em crazy too."
"You're so convincing."
"How do you lie without flinching?"
"What a mesmerizing, paralyzing, fucked up little thrill."
"Can't figure out just how you do it and God knows I never will."
"You said it was true love."
"You can't love anyone cause that would mean you had a heart."
"I tried to help you out, now I know that I can't."
"How you think's the kind of thing I'll never understand."
"Aren't you the sweetest thing on this side of hell?"
"Did I ever tell you that I'm not doing well?"
"I see you everywhere."
"The sweetest torture one could bear."
"I feel your compliments like bullets on skin."
"Well, aren't you the greatest thing to ever exist?"
"It's like you're made of angel dust."
"It's like you're out to get me."
"You poison every little thing that I do."
"I just loathe you lately."
"I despise my jealous eyes and how hard they fell for you."
"I despise my rotten mind and how much it worships you."
"I don't think I get along with anyone."
"I'm on the outside of the greatest inside joke."
"I hate all my clothes."
"Feels like my skin doesn't fit right over my bones."
"So I guess I should go."
"The party's done, and I'm no fun, I know."
"I told secrets I shouldn't tell."
"I stumbled over all my words."
"I made it weird, I made it worse."
"I laughed at the wrong time."
"Everything I do is tragic."
"Oh, God, what did I say?"
"Thought your mom was your wife."
"Want it, so I got it."
"Another thing I ruined I used to do for fun."
"I thought it, so I said it."
"I took it cause I can."
"Another day pretending I'm older than I am."
"Another perfect moment that doesn't feel like mine."
"Another thing I forced to be a sign."
"Sometimes I feel like I don't wanna be where I am."
"Every good thing has turned into something I dread."
"I'm playing the victim so well in my head."
"It's me who's been making the bed."
"I tell someone I love them just as a distraction."
"They tell me that they love me like I'm some tourist attraction."
"They're changing my machinery, and I just let it happen."
"I got the things I wanted, it's just not what I imagined."
"God, you're so good at what you do."
"I'd put myself through hell for you."
"I couldn't get out if I tried."
"You convinced me it was all in my mind."
"Love is never logical."
"Why do I do this?"
"I look so stupid."
"I know I'm half responsible."
"I know I could've stopped it all."
"Why didn't I stop it all?"
"I met a guy/girl in the summer, and I left him/her/them in the spring."
"He/she/they argued with me about everything."
"He/she/they had an ego and a temper and a wandering eye."
"I miss him/her/them some nights when I'm feeling depressed."
"Do I love him/her/them?"
"Do I hate him/her/them?"
"I wanna get him/her/them back."
"I wanna make him/her/them really jealous, wanna make him/her/them feel bad."
"I want sweet revenge."
"I want him/her/them again."
"Everyone knew all of the shit that he'd/she'd/they'd do."
"I wanna key his/her/their car."
"I wanna break his/her/their heart then be the one to stitch it up."
"I told my friends you were the one."
"I stayed in bed for, like, a week when you said space was what you need."
"Waited by my phone like a goddamn fool."
"Now it don't mean a thing."
"God, love's fucking embarrassing."
"And I consoled you while you cried over your ex-girlfriend's/ex-boyfriend's new guy/girl."
"My God, how could I be so stupid?"
"You found a new version of me and I damn near started World War III."
"Jesus, what was I even doing?"
"I give up everything."
"I placed my bets, and it's not worth anything."
"I'm planning out my wedding with someone I'm never marrying."
"I'm giving up."
"But I keep coming back for more."
"One phone call from you and my entire world was changed."
"Took everything that I loved and crushed it between your fingers."
"I doubt you ever think about the damage that you did."
"I hold onto every detail like my life depends on it."
"My undying love, now, I hold it like a grudge."
"I hear your voice every time I that I think I'm not enough."
"And I try to be tough, but I wanna scream."
"How could anybody do the things you did so easily?"
"And I say I don't care, I say I'm fine."
"But you know I can't let it go."
"It takes strength to forgive, but I don't feel strong."
"I'm so tough when I'm alone, and I make you feel so guilty."
"I fantasize about a time you're a little fucking sorry."
"I try to understand why you would do all this to me."
"You must be insecure, you must be so unhappy."
"We both drew blood, but, man, those cuts were never equal."
"Do you think I deserved it all?"
"You built me up to watch me fall."
"You have everything, and you still want more."
"I try to be mean."
"Even after all this, you're still everything to me."
"And I know you don't care, I guess that that's fine."
"It takes strength to forgive, but I'm not quite sure I'm there yet."
"There's always something missing."
"There's always something in the mirror that I think looks wrong."
"When pretty isn't pretty enough, what do you do?"
"You can win the battle, but you'll never win the war."
"You fix the things you hated, and you'd still feel so insecure."
"I try to ignore it, but it's everything I see."
"It's in my phone, it's in my head, it's in the boys/girls I bring to bed."
"It's all around, it's all the time, I don't know why I even try."
"I chased some dumb ideal my whole fucking life."
"None of it matters, and none of it ends."
"You just feel like shit over and over again."
"It'll never change."
"When am I gonna stop being wise beyond my years and just start being wise?"
"When am I gonna stop being a pretty young thing to guys?"
"When am I gonna stop being great for my age and just start being good?"
"When will it stop being cool to be quietly understood?"
"Happy birthday to me."
"Got your whole life ahead of you."
"I fear that they already got the best parts of me."
"And when does wide-eyed affection and all good intentions start to not be enough?"
"When will everyone have every reason to call all my bluffs?"
"When are all my excuses of learning my lessons gonna start to feel sad?"
"Will I spend all the rest of my years wishing I could go back?"
"They all say that it gets better, but what if I don't?"
"If I told you how much I think about her/him/them, you'd think I was in love."
"And I know you loved her/him/them, and I know I'm butthurt. But I can't help it."
"I'm so obsessed with your ex."
"I'm staring at her/him/them like I wanna get hurt."
"The life of every fucking party."
"And I know you love me, and I know it's crazy."
"Every time you call my name, I think you mistake me for her/him/them."
"Perfect, easy, so good to me."
"Why's there a pit in my stomach in the shape of you?"
"Maybe I'm just overwhelmed."
"Maybe I'm confused."
"Barely sleep when you sleep next to me."
"I keep thinking I'll find a cure."
"I say that I'm fine."
"I've never felt so happy and so sure."
"It cuts right through to the heart."
"He/she/they know(s) me too well so I got no excuse."
"I can't lie to him/her/them the say way that I lie to you."
"Once you let the thought in, then it's already done."
"I'll lay in your arms and pretend that it's love."
"I'm not half as decent as you."
"I'd rather be tied to someone, even if they're wrong."
"I'm not as alright as I claim."
"What if I never find anything better?"
"So we'll stay together?"
"How could I ever trade something that's good for what's right?"
"I lay in your arms and pretend it's enough."
"I hadn't felt that hopeful since the day that you left."
"Everybody told me it would happen in time."
"I always believed that it was some comforting lie."
"I was half myself without you and now I feel so complete."
"I can't even remember what made me lose all that sleep."
"I cried a million rivers for you, but that's over now."
"You're just a stranger I know everything about."
"I hope you're happy, babe, you know I really do."
"God knows that I am the girl/guy I am because of you."
"You know I'll always think of you."
"I'll love you 'til the end of time."
"You're the best thing that I'll ever keep so far out of my life."
"I loved you mad, but it doesn't matter anymore."
"If I'm not enough for you, you're not enough for me."
"I fought a million battles, but you can't get to me now."
"You say I'm cruel beyond my years."
"I have captors I call friends."
"I got panic rooms inside my head."
"I get down with crooked men/women."
"I got wrapped up in the game again."
"You woke up in an empty bed."
"I can't say I'm a perfect ten."
"Don't say that I've been acting different."
"I'm nothing if not consistent."
"You knew everything you'd be getting."
"I told you right from the beginning."
"Now you're on my case."
"You never dreamed I'd be so cold."
"Then, with venom on your tongue you ask me who I have become."
"I'm a candle in the wind."
"I'll turn you out, I'll turn you in."
"He/she/they say(s) I'm pretty wearing his/her/their clothes."
"He's/she's/they're like a poem I wish I wrote."
"It's just not fair of him/her/them to make me feel this much."
"I'd go anywhere he/she/they go(es)."
"If he/she/they keep(s) this shit up, I might just be in love."
"I'm so boring and I'm so rude."
"Can't have a conversation if it's not all about you."
"I really love my bed, but, man, it's hard to sleep when he's/she's/they're with me."
"I apologize if it's just a little too much."
"I don't wanna assume this stuff."
"But ain't it wrong?"
"I think I'm in love."
"Oh God, I'm gonna marry him/her/them if he/she/they keep(s) this shit up."
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fabledresources · 9 months
𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐆𝐔𝐓𝐒 ; part 1 of 4 total prompt collections pulled from olivia rodrigo's latest album, guts. some lyrics might have been tweaked just a bit so they flow better, but otherwise remain unchanged. feel free to adjust however necessary!
i am light as a feather, i'm as stiff as a board.
i pay attention to things that most people ignore.
i'm alright with the movies that make jokes about senseless cruelty.
i am built like a mother and a total machine.
i feel for your every little issue.
i know just what you mean.
i make light of the darkness.
i've got sun in my motherfuckin' pocket, best believe.
i forgive, and i forget.
i know my age, and i act like it.
got what you can't resist.
i am light as a feather, i'm as fresh as the air.
coca-cola bottles that i only use to curl my hair.
i got class and integrity just like a goddamn kennedy.
i'm a perfect all-american bitch.
i know my place.
i know my place, and this is it.
i don't get angry when i'm pissed.
i'm the eternal optimist.
i scream inside to deal with it.
i'm grateful all the time
i'm sexy, and i'm kind.
i'm pretty when i cry.
haven't heard from you in a couple of months.
i'm out right now and i'm all fucked up.
you're callin' my phone and you're all alone.
and i'm sensing some undertone.
i'm right here with all my friends.
you're sending me your new address.
i know we're done, i know we're through.
god, when i look at you…
can't hear my thoughts.
i should probably not.
seeing you tonight… it's a bad idea, right?
fuck it, it's fine.
yes, i know that he's my ex, but can't two people reconnect?
i only see him as a friend.
the biggest lie i ever said.
i only see him as a friend, i just tripped and fell into his bed.
i'm gettin' in the car, wreckin' all my plans.
i know i should stop... but i can't.
i told my friends i was asleep.
i never said where or in whose sheets.
i'm sure i've seen much hotter men, but i really can't remember when.
hate to give the satisfaction of asking how you're doing now.
how's the castle built off people you pretend to care about?
look at you, cool guy, you got it.
i see the parties and the diamonds sometimes when i close my eyes.
six months of torture you sold as some forbidden paradise.
i loved you truly.
you gotta laugh at the stupidity.
i've made some real big mistakes.
i've made some real big mistakes, but you make the worst one look fine
i should've known it was strange.
you only come out at night.
i used to think i was smart.
you made me look so naive.
you sold me for parts.
you sunk your teeth into me.
bleedin' me dry like a goddamn vampire.
every girl i ever talked to told me you were bad, bad news
you called them crazy, god, i hate the way i called them crazy too.
you're so convincing.
how do you lie without flinching?
how do you lie?
what a mesmerizing, paralyzing, fucked up little thrill.
can't figure out just how you do it, and god knows i never will.
girls your age know better
you said it was true love.
you can't love anyone, 'cause that would mean you had a heart.
i tried to help you out, now i know that i can't.
how you think's the kind of thing i'll never understand.
aren't you the sweetest thing on this side of hell?
did i ever tell you that i’m not doing well?
like perfume that you wear, i linger all the time.
it takes over my life, i see you everywhere.
the sweetest torture one could bear.
i'm losin’ it lately.
i feel your compliments likе bullets on skin.
well, aren't you the greatest thing to ever exist?
it's like you're out to get me.
you poison every little thing that i do.
i just loathe you lately.
i despise my jealous eyes and how hard they fell for you.
i despise my rotten mind and how much it worships you.
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