#pansy x astoria
picklesonjupiter · 3 months
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wc: 200 | on ao3 | for @sapphicmicrofics | prompt: teeth
Tears in her eyes, blurring her vision, Pansy ran to save her life. She couldn’t look back. Not for anything. She could no longer hear Astoria’s screams, but they were etched into her being. Those abominations took another person she loved away from her. Pansy tripped on rubble, dropping to her knees and scraping them. She looked back and saw a hideous zombie with rotting flesh dragging it’s feet to reach her. She couldn’t let it kill her or sink it’s teeth into her flesh.  She scrambled for a weapon to bludgeon the zombie, but all she found was a spoon. What good would that do her? She sobbed. Was this where she died? She had survived for the past seven years and after leaving the compound, she would die here alone. She closed her eyes, expecting to die or be turned into walking, rotting flesh at any moment. Then she heard the reverberating sound of a gunshot. She opened her eyes to the sight of the zombie’s brain exploding and a familiar, burly woman holstering her weapon. “Milli? Is that you?” Pansy’s lip trembled.
“Hello, Pans. It seems the Fates brought me this way for a reason.” She said.
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HP Sapphic Microfics 2023
"I still can't believe she ditched you like that. I love Astoria, but she was so wrong. You're much better than Draco, in every way." - Pansy Parkinson/Daphne Greengrass
wc: 120 | ao3 | hp sapphic microfics (@sapphicmicrofics): day 15, champagne | fandom: harry potter | rating: general | tags: femslash, pining, unrequited love, heartbreak, rejection, jealousy, angst, hurt/comfort, pov daphne greengrass, minor astoria greengrass/draco malfoy
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herwold · 2 years
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Pansy Parkinson - moodboard
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les-scripta · 1 year
(Pansy/Astoria, 268 words, @sapphicmicrofics)
“Who was it?” The steel in Pansy’s voice was at odds with the gentle way her hands bracketed the younger girl’s face, thumbs wiping away a couple tears that had escaped watery brown eyes.
“I’m fine,” Astoria murmured, reaching up to wrap her hands around the eighth year’s wrists. After a second of enjoying the simple contact, she pulled Pansy’s hands down before stepping closer and burying her face in Pansy’s neck. The older girl's arms automatically moved to wrap around Astoria’s waist, bringing their bodies even closer together. Warm in Pansy’s arms, surrounded by the scent of her floral yet spicy perfume, Astoria really was fine. “Everyone’s too scared of you to try anything serious.”
“You went to the common room for two minutes and came back here crying,” Pansy scoffed. “Someone obviously said something. If you don’t tell me, I’ll go out there and hex every person in this bloody house to cover my bases.”
Astoria grinned against Pansy’s neck despite herself. “How very Gryffindor of you. Maybe you should have been a lion instead of a snake.”
“You shut your adorable mouth,” Pansy grumbled, pulling away from their embrace briefly to shoot Astoria an admonishing look.
Astoria just smiled back at her, unrepentant, earlier troubles fleeing her mind completely. “Why don’t you give my adorable mouth something else to do, then?”
Pansy rolled her eyes but obliged her girlfriend. She supposed cheering Astoria up took precedence over seeking revenge. And if making out was the best way to cheer Astoria up, who was she to argue? She’d figure out who to hex tomorrow. Probably Draco.
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frenchdrarry · 2 years
Ok, j’ai une proposition d’UA :
Astoria est très sportive, il n’est donc pas rare de la voir en gros jogging et brassière, ses longs cheveux bruns attachés en une queue-de-cheval résolue. Son sport préféré est la boxe, où elle pratique juste à côté d’un conservatoire de danse.
Et maintenant vous avez une Pansy qui fait de la danse classique depuis son plus jeune âge et qui sort d’une répétition, chaussons à la main, et qui tombe sur une Astoria transpirante, gants de boxe négligemment jetés dans son sac où elle cherche sa bouteille d’eau.
Pansy est légèrement plus débraillée qu’à l’ordinaire, même si elle a réussi à redonner vie à son carré déformé par les mouvements et que son justaucorps est bien caché derrière sa chemise propre tandis qu’Astoria ne ressemble plus à grand chose avec ses cheveux collés par la transpiration, sa queue-de-cheval qui a perdu de la vigueur et son essoufflement encore perceptible.
Leurs regards se croisent et leurs souffles s’arrêtent : la femme qui leur fait face est la plus belle femme qu’elles n’ont jamais vues. Astoria sourit, Pansy ouvre la bouche, la referme, remet une mèche noire derrière son oreille alors que ça ne sert à rien, serre ses chaussons et se dirige d’un pas de conquérante vers Astoria, qui est soudainement subjuguée par la grâce des pas de sa future femme.
Des mois plus tard, le public du conservatoire contient une boxeuse intéressée. Celui des compétions de boxe ? Une danseuse qui n’est là que pour des rounds bien précis…Mais Astoria pratique également le tir à l’arc, le football et le cyclisme, et plus encore, elle suit régulièrement le sport à la télévision. Donc si vous entendez un homme blond râler à propos de sa meilleure amie qui lui fait part de résultats sportifs des équipes nationales dont il n’a que faire, sachez que vous avez entendu un homme souffrant qui se prendra un retour de karma en finissant lui-même par sortir avec un sportif…Et que cet homme se fanera également le sport à la télévision.
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dogwaterpoopyboy · 4 months
oh my gawwwwd
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obsessedwithceleste · 4 months
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soft! Mattheo Riddle x reader
Summary: You just wanted your boyfriend to buy you flowers. He got a bit confused along the way.
word count: 1.2k
©️ obsessedwithceleste. all works posted here belong to me and should not be reposted or copied in any way or form.
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You’d never been the type of girl who particularly enjoyed flashy, grand gestures. In fact, the mere thought of all eyes on you as a boy professed his undying love for you made you want to toss yourself off of the astronomy tower. And yet, here you were, watching as Lorenzo Berkshire presented your best friend, Daphne Greengrass, with yet another huge bouquet of gorgeous flowers and wishing your own boyfriend would do the same.
You let out a soft sigh, glancing at your boyfriend whose arm was wrapped securely around your shoulders as the two of you lounged on the sofa in the library. Matteo wasn’t a bad boyfriend by any means. Really, you loved the way he showered you in attention, always eager to please. However, he wasn’t exactly up to speed when it came to romantic gestures. Normally you didn’t mind, but every girl wanted to be treated like a princess sometimes you supposed.
“Oh Enz, these are beautiful!” Daphne gushed, giving her boyfriend a peck on the lips as he smiled adoringly down at her.
“Anything for you love,” the boy replies easily, taking the seat next to her, and pulling her in so that she was leaning into him.
“Geez, get a bloody room would you?” Theodore complains as the two cozy up together.
You roll your eyes at your friend. “Shut it Theo, I think it’s sweet.” You then turn to your own boyfriend. “You know Matteo, Enz gets Daphne flowers every week. I wish you did that.”
Matteo’s eyebrows shoot up and he gives you a confused look.
“Really?” He asks.
You nod earnestly. “I think it’d be nice.”
Matteo gives you another concerned glance before shrugging his shoulders.
“Alright, love.” He says, giving your shoulder a soft squeeze.
You smile warmly at the boy, resting your head on his shoulder before continuing your reading for ancient runes.
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“I’m proud of you for finally sticking up for yourself, y/n.” Daphne says, placing her bag down as she takes a seat next to you in the Great Hall.
“Oh? What chapter did we miss?” Pansy asks from across the table where she and Astoria sat.
You furrow your eyebrows, also confused as to where Daph was going with this.
“In the library this afternoon, y/n finally got on Matt’s case about how he never does anything romantic for her. I mean, you’ve been together for what? Almost a year? And I don’t think I’ve ever seen him bring you flowers. Not once!” Daphne says, filling her plate.
“Oh. I mean, I really don’t mind all that much to be honest. You and Enzo just always look so sweet, I thought it’d be nice for a change. I don’t really expect him to do it every week like Enzo does,” you reply.
“See, but it’s the principle of it all isn’t it? Of course I like the fact that Draco is constantly buying me random gifts, but I would be fine without them. It’s that he’s thinking of me, and taking a bit of time to go out of his way to show me that, yeah?” Astoria says.
You tilt your head, considering your friend’s words.
“I suppose I never thought of it like that,” you tell her.
“Well you should. The bloody bullshit we put up with dating those boys, buying us nice things is really the least they can do,” she replies.
You let out a snort, laughing at your friend’s candidness.
As if to illustrate her point, the rowdy laughter of the boys could be heard from the entrance as they made their way over to your table. You frown as Matteo takes his usual place beside you, seeing a fresh cut on his cheekbone.
“Matteo Bartholomew Riddle.” You sigh, reaching up to touch his face.
“Bartholomew? Bloody hell mate, I’d have to avada myself with a middle name like that,” Draco laughs, plopping down next to Astoria.
He doesn’t even flinch as your finger tips make contact with the cut, only sighing as he glares at Draco before looking down at you with his large puppy dog eyes.
“Fuck off Lucius. And you know that isn’t even my middle name, love,” he says, reaching across the table to steal a roll from Theo’s plate.
“Well you won’t tell me your real one, so I’ll continue making up ridiculous ones until then. Now what on earth did you get up to now, and how many days of detention did you get?”
Matteo frowns, jutting out his bottom lip at you.
“What makes you so sure I got a detention?”
You raise an unimpressed eyebrow at the boy.
“Three days. With McGonagall.”
You roll your eyes, shaking your head and turn back to face Astoria whose face practically read ‘you see what I mean?’
“Man got into a scuffle with some Hufflepuff. Swear those yellow bastards look unassuming but they’re demons,” Theo says filling you and the other girls in.
Matteo glares at his friend.
“Snitch,” he mumbles, stuffing the roll into his mouth.
“Like she wasn’t going to find out anyway,” Theo replies, brushing him off.
Once again rolling your eyes at your boyfriend, you focus on finishing your meal, listening to the idle chatter of your friends as Matteo’s hand finds yours under the table.
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By the following week, you had all but forgotten your request for your boyfriend to bring you flowers. When you saw Matteo enter the Great Hall with a large bouquet of assorted flowers however, a smile grew across your face. Then, your smile wavered slightly, growing into confusion as Matteo made his way to the other side of the table, tapping Daphne on the shoulder.
Daphne and Enzo look back at Matteo with utter confusion as your boyfriend thrusts the flowers towards your friend.
“Uh. Here.” He says awkwardly as the two stare up at him with bewilderment.
You blink once. Then twice before Daphne breaks the silence.
“Matteo, respectfully, what the fuck?” She asks.
“Look, I don’t know either. I’m just as confused as you are,” Matteo says, shrugging his shoulders helplessly.
You look incredulously between your boyfriend, the flowers, and finally Daphne before realization hits you and your head drops into your hand. This bloody idiot.
“Matteo. Love. When I said, Enzo brings Daphne flowers every week, you should too, I meant for me. As in, you should bring your girlfriend flowers too,” you say with exasperation. Lord help you.
Matteo’s mouth forms an ‘o’ before he smiles sheepishly at you, rounding the table and now thrusting the flowers towards you.
“For you, my lady,” he says proudly.
You let out a laugh, accepting the flowers as your boyfriend takes his seat next to you.
“Matt you are so lucky y/n puts up with your shit,” Daphne sighs, shaking her head fondly at the two of you.
“But also, ever try giving my girl flowers again and I’ll curse your bed. I know where you sleep.” Enzo adds.
“Yeah, yeah, I ain’t scared of you Berkshire you big softie.”
“I’ll Avada you.”
“I’d write you letters in Azkaban.” Daphne says sweetly as the boys continue to throw threats each other’s way.
You shake your head at your friend’s antics, smiling softly as your fingers grazed the soft petals of the flowers your boyfriend had finally presented you with.
“Thank you Matteo,” you say, briefly interrupting the boy’s loud chattering to place a kiss on your boyfriend’s cheek.
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I know this is so short, but I’ve been wanting to write this scene for the longest time, and couldn’t find a way to fit it into a longer fic 🫠
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everdreamofme · 2 months
shower shenanigans
platonic ! slytherins x reader
just a silly little story that came to mind, based off of an episode of Friends lol
Theodore Nott was currently on his way up to the girls' dorm. The girls in question were some of his best friends: Pansy Parkinson, Astoria Greengrass, and Y/N Y/L/N, along with Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Mattheo Riddle, and Lorenzo Berkshire, of course.
During his latest charms lesson, he had been absolutely whiffed, far too high to be able to take notes, of course, and was counting on stealing Astoria's to be able to complete his assignment.
Huffing when he discovered none of the girls were to be found in the dorm, he made his way to Astoria's side to begin his search, only to be interrupted by the bathroom door swinging open. Pansy had just finished showering and was currently drying off the last of her hair with a towel wrapped around her waist when she caught sight of Theo standing in her room. Both letting out a surprised scream, Pansy tried to cover her exposed upper half with a blanket that sat on the edge of Y/N's bed.
'I'm sorry! I'm sor-'
'That is it!' She hissed at the boy. 'You just barge in here all of the time; you don't knock-'
'I'm sorry, Pans!'
'You don't have any respect for anybody's privacy-'
'Pansy, wait-' 'No, you wait! This is ridiculous-'
'Can I just say one thing?!'
'Oh- what?! What?!'
'That's a relatively open weave, and I can still see your... nippluar area.' Pansy groaned in frustration as she spun to grab her wand, pointing it at the boy standing before her as she still held the blanket over her chest.
'Get out before I avada your ass, Nott!' Theo fled from the dorm, charms notes long forgotten, as he silently thanked Salazar for blessing him this fine Friday afternoon.
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Pansy sat fuming on the couch in the Slytherin common room that evening, silently glaring daggers at Theo, who sat across from her, while Enzo, Draco, and Astoria looked at each other in confusion. As the rest of the gang filtered in and joined them around the fire, the conversation died out, and Theo spoke.
'Anyone up for a firewhiskey then?' Before anyone had the time to comprehend what he had asked, Pansy had crossed her arms and hissed out a sharp 'No.'
'Alright, have I missed something here?' Y/N asked, her eyes darting between the other occupants of the group, looking for answers. Enzo snickered in response, while Theo just sighed.
'No, she's still upset because I saw her boobies..' At this, Mattheo barked a laugh as Y/N gasped, Astoria's eyes widening too. Theo's response had Blaise furrowing his eyebrows.
'W-what? What were you doing seeing her boobies?' He asked.
'It was an accident! It's not as though I was peeping through the keyhole of the girls dorm!' Astoria pulled a face at the thought of this.
'Can we just change the subject, please?' Pansy huffed, throwing her head back onto the couch.
'You know, I don't know why you're so embarrassed! They were very nice!' Theo interjected, causing Pansy to scoff at him.
'Nice? They were nice? I mean, that's it? Mittens are nice!'
'Alright, they were-'
'Okay, how about we direct the conversation away from Pansy's boobs?' Draco clapped.
'I'll get the firewhiskey!' Mattheo grinned, shooting up from his seat and returning shortly with a few bottles of firewhiskey.
The evening continued as a regular Friday would, laughing and joking with each other, telling stories of what had happened throughout the week when they hadn't seen each other—you know, the usual stuff.
The conversation soon turned to quidditch; Y/N and Astoria shared a look, knowing what was about to come. The rest of the group were so into quidditch, and of course they supported the boys whenever they had a match, but honestly, they could not care less about the sport. Even Pansy was an avid supporter, hence her current rant about the Hufflepuff seeker as she paced around the room.
'And I mean, why does he have to be so arrogant about it? Like, why-' Pansy looked over to Theo, only to notice his eyes glued to her chest as she spoke. Her eyes narrowed at the boy. 'Why can't you stop staring at my breasts?'
Theo blinked as his eyes darted up to hers, only to see she was already glaring at him. 'What?'
'Ugh, did you not get a good enough look before?!' She moaned. Blaise interjected, waving a hand between them.
'Alright, alright. We're all adults here; there's only one way to resolve this.' Theo looked almost bored with Blaise as he tried to find a solution, Pansy merely quirked a brow as she crossed her arms. 'Since you saw her boobies, I think you're going to have to show her your pee-pee.'
At this, the rest of the gang sat forward, intrigued. Enzo nodded along as though it were the most sane thing he had ever heard, while Astoria almost spat out her drink from laughter.
Theo grimaced. 'You know, I don't see that happening.'
'Come on, Theo, he's right! Tit for tat,' Y/N's input had Draco snorting as Mattheo's eyes darted between Theo and Pansy. Pansy grinned, looking down at the boy who still occupied the couch.
'Well, I am not showing you my tat.' Theo rolled his eyes as he took a swig of his firewhiskey and started up another conversation with Enzo.
Pansy would get him back; she was sure of it.
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The next afternoon, the girls patiently waited for the boys to meet them in the common room. They had planned to head into Hogsmeade for some shopping and lunch, but they had to wait for the boys to shower first after their morning quidditch practice. Only Draco had emerged from the dorms so far, and he was happily chatting with Astoria as Y/N read a book on the armchair. 
Pansy caught Blaise's eye as he made his way down the stairs, finally ready. 'Honestly, what is taking you all so long?' She had asked, causing him to laugh.
'It's Enzo! He takes showers so long, I'm surprised there is any water left in Scotland! Theo's only just getting a turn,' Pansy's brow lifted in intrigue.
'How long has Theo been in the shower, would you say, Blaise?'
'About five minutes?'
It was exactly the answer Pansy wanted. Smirking, she stood from her place on the couch and winked at Y/N.
'Fasten your seatbelts, kids; it's pee-pee time.'
Opening the door to the boy's dorm, she greeted Enzo as he stood in front of the mirror, fixing his hair.
'Hey Pans,' He responded distractedly. It wasn't uncommon to see any of the girls in the boys dorm or vice versa, so he didn't think much of it as she crossed his room to the bathroom door.
'Payback time,' She muttered to herself as she quietly opened the door. Seeing the shower curtain pulled across and a tall shadow behind it, she grinned again. Rapidly pulling back the curtain, her 'Ha!' quickly turned into a scream as the figure in the shower jumped.
'What the fuck?'
'Oh my God!' She screeched as she ran out of the bathroom and slammed the door behind her.
'What? What's wrong?' Enzo turned to her, panicking. The bathroom door swung open as Mattheo, still soaking wet but now with a towel around his waist, stormed out with a seething look on his face.
'What the fuck is the matter with you?!'
'I thought it was Theo!'
'What - what, what's happened?' Theo ran into the room with his wand out as Pansy whirled on him, pointing an accusatory finger.
'You! You were supposed to be in there, so I could see your thing!' She fumed. Enzo's brows shot up as he stiffled a laugh, Mattheo shot him a death glare before turning back to the scene in front of him.
'Sorry. My-my thing was out there with me,' He lowered his wand and gestured to the hallway behind him, a grin crossing his face as Pansy growled and shouldered past him out the door. As she made her way down the stairs with clenched fists, Y/N looked up from her book.
'That fucking idiot..'
'What's wrong?' Y/N asked again.
'Oh my God,' Astoria gasped. 'You didn't catch Theo, did you?'
Shaking her head, Pansy sat with a huff. It's safe to say the trip to Hogsmeade was filled with clenched jaws and glares from Mattheo to Pansy, and Pansy to Theo, while the rest of the gang laughed at their misfortune.
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Later that evening, Astoria lay on her bed reading a new novel bought for her earlier in the day by Draco when the door to her room suddenly opened and in stalked Mattheo.
'Hey Riddle,' He nodded in response as he made his way over to the girls' bathroom door. Astoria quirked a brow and grinned slightly. 'Whatcha doing?' She already knew the answer.
'Clear the tracks for the payback express. Next stop; Pansy Parkinson.' He grinned, whipping the door open and walking into the steamy room.
'Surpri- holy shit!' His surprise attack was cut short as he pulled the curtain back, only to reveal Y/N in the shower instead of Pansy.
'Mattheo, what the fuck?!' His eyes widened as he turned away from the very naked girl in the shower.
'Shit, sorry - I was trying to catch Pansy out!' Y/N pulled the shower curtain across again and hid behind it.
'Wrong fucking girl!'
'I know, I know—I'm sorry!' 
'Matt?' She asked after a minute of silence.
'Get out!'
'Right, right-' As Mattheo sped out of the room, he grimaced at Astoria, who lay still smirking as she read her book.
That evening, at dinner, Y/N stabbed her food with force as she glared at the boy opposite her. 
'Right, what's happened here then?' Draco asked, his eyes flying between the two.
'Mattheo barged in on me in the shower!' She hissed, causing her friends to burst into laughter as she was now caught in the shower chronicles.
'I told you, it was an accident!'
'You got a lot more than you bargained for!' She gripped her fork tightly in her hand as Mattheo smirked.
'Yeah I did, I got a great view,' He said with a smirk, which quickly disappeared after seeing Y/N's face.
'Look, I'm sorry!' He apologised once more as she sighed and began a conversation with Enzo.
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The next morning, Y/N stomped into the boys dorm, still clad in her pyjamas. Theo groaned from his place in bed.
'Y/N, it is 8 a.m... on a Sunday.'
'Oh hush, you caused this whole thing, Nott.'
Storming over to the bathroom, she flung the door open just as Enzo was stepping out of the shower. She smacked a hand over her mouth as she squeaked. 
'I'm sorry, I'm sorry!' She turned on her heel and slammed the door, Theo's laughter echoed in the room.
'Where is Mattheo?!' She demanded.
'Fuck knows,' He responded, propping himself on his elbows.
'He is on a run, you little menace!' Enzo appeared behind her, a towel around his waist as he crossed his arms. She gave him a sheepish smile.
'Sorry, Enz, I just wanted to get him back!'
'This has gone way too far now,' He said as Mattheo entered the room and took in the scene before him. A cackle left his mouth as he put the pieces together.
'I'll get you back, Riddle.' Y/N jabbed a finger into his chest as she passed him by.
That morning at breakfast, the table ate in silence. Enzo huffed. 'That's it; no more shower shenanigans! We're all terrified to shower now, in case someone comes barging in.'
Pansy rolled her eyes, moving her pancakes with her fork. 'This is all Nott's fault.'
'Well, it is, Theo-'
'No one asked you to get involved, Y/L/N-'
'I had to because Matt-'
'Hey, mine was an accid-'
'Enough!' Blaise's voice boomed across the table, silencing the bickering amongst the group.
'Theodore, apologise to Pansy.' Astoria instructed.
Theo muttered a quiet. 'Sorry Pans.'
'Pansy, apologise to Mattheo.' Blaise told her.
'Sorry, Matt.' She said with a sheepish smile.
'Riddle, apologise to Y/N.' 
Mattheo did as Draco told him. 'I'm sorry, Y/N.' 
'Y/N, apologise to Lorenzo.'
'Sorry, Enz.' She gave his shoulder a small nudge with hers.
'Right, now that's all sorted...' Y/N looked up at the girl beside her with her brow raised. 'Well?'
Draco furrowed his brows as the girl before him stared at his girlfriend. 'Well, what?'
'Aren't you three going to apologise for taking the piss out of us?' Draco, Blaise, and Astoria all shared a glance before murmuring their own apology. 
The group all shared a knowing look before bursting into laughter. They could never be mad at each other for long.
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fanaticbitchhh · 8 months
because i love you.
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theodore nott x reader
kinda toxic theo, reader is quite sensitive ig, house isnt really specified.
and i made a character ai bot of this scenario which sparked the idea of a fic soooo yeah! my character ai tag is: cherry_loves_80s. if you could check that out that would be awesome!
warnings: sexual innuendo?, underage drinking, foul language, a bit of angst lmk if i missed any!
synopsis: you were at a ravenclaw party, enjoying yourself. you and theo had been hooking up for a few months now, despte being best friends, but it was always a 'no strings attached' basis. it wasnt until this fateful and drunk night, you found out how he truly feels.
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you had your favorite dress on, it was tight and short but it accentuated your curves perfectly, and it had a small slit going up your thigh. you had also been drinking a bit more than intended that night, which brought you to where you were now; dancing on a table with astoria greengrass and pansy parkinson.
you never really spoke to astoria, but through this night you knew she would be in your life a lot more. you were having fun, of course you were, chase atlantic playing in the background as you danced the night away like you didnt have class the next day. it was perfect. almost.
you had yet to see theodore nott, the boy you had a crush on since first year. the boy who you had a strict 'no strings attached' arrangement with, where you promised you wouldnt catch feelings but there you were, agreeing to the arrangement knowing the massive crush you had on the guy.
you knew you shouldnt have agreed, it was wrong and you gave yourself false hope. but there was no going back now, every time you try to call the agreement off, you'd come crawling back into his bed the next night. a vicious cycle you had yet to break.
astoria hopped off the table, grabbing the three of you some more firewhiskey. pansy and you had barely registered that she left before she came back with three red solo cups filled with the alcoholic drink and hopped back up on the table. you'd normally be embarrassed to be up there, but you were drunk and excited.
you carried on dancing, even when you spotted theodore nott in the corner of the room watching you intently. you smirked upon seing the curly haired boy, and he motioned you to go to him.
"pans, m' be right back." you shout, slurring your words over the music.
you made your way over to him, a smile gracing your lips as you grew closer. you stumbled a bit, but you managed to get over to him in one piece. as soon as you get to him, he takes your hand and leaves ravenclaw common room without another word.
"theo, where are we goin?" you slur, stumbling and wobbling with every step you took.
"my dorm, you're drunk and you shouldn't be out there when you're like this." he tried to sound annoyed but he couldnt help the concern that dripped from his words either.
you carried on walking for a bit before tripping. luckily, he caught you before you hit the ground and ultimately decided to carry you bridal style.
"m' fine theo." you sigh, lulling your head back as he walked.
"we cant be seen together like this." he mutters, speeding up his pace.
"why?" you asked.
"you know why." his voice was stern and you could feel his heartbeat through his shirt.
"no actually, i dont. so please theo, enlighten me." you say annoyedly. "are you embarrassed about being seen with me or something?" you asked, silently hoping that wasnt the case.
"embarrassed? what? of course not, i just..." he pauses for a bit. "just forget it." he opens the slytherin common room door and heads up to his dorm, you knit tightly in his arms.
you sigh, you were annoyed by his reluctance to tell you what was bothering him. he sets you down on his bed, but not before noticing the creases your dress had, or how your dress rode up your thighs, or how your high-heeled feet were on his bed.
he lets his eyes wander to your thighs, he always loved them, the plush flesh was always there to squeeze when he got too overwhelmed with something.
"you okay theo?" you ask, it was clear to him you were tired, but you cared for him deeply and wanted to know what was troubling him.
"im... fine." he says, his eyes still locked on your thighs. he moves his hand to ghost over the flesh, before placing it on your thigh.
you drew a shaky breath, cheeks flushing red almost immediately at the touch. his breathing had become heavy as his hand travelled further up your thigh before stopping abruptly, the warmth of his hand dissipating from your thigh.
"i cant do this." he sighed in annoyance.
"what?" you sit up, missing his touch.
"i want to... but i cant" his voice was shaky and nervous.
"why cant you?" you ask, turning your head slightly as you grew confused.
"because we both know this'll ruin everything." he says, looking away from you. "you're drunk and if anyone were to find out, my reputation would be ruined."
"is that what you care about? your reputation?" you scoffed.
"obviously thats not all i care about" he sighed, thinking about his words. "...but that's been my reputation my entire life, its a hard thing to throw away."
"and what exactly is this reputation huh?" you ask, growing irritated.
"you... you know, rich, well respected, the popular, quiet kid. my parents worked very hard to give me my reputation. i can't just throw it away for a... drunken mistake." he whispered.
"thats what this is to you? a fucking mistake?" you ask, tears welling in your eyes.
"no, no, absolutely not, that's not what i meant. that's not what i meant, okay?" he sounded frustrated. "you… you're the best thing that's happened to me, the only good thing in this stupid school." he says, his voice filled with panic.
"please stop lying to me." you sigh, tears streaming down your face. "i think i should go.. and i dont think we should hook up anymore.."
"this isn't what you want, you're just drunk." he says as he gently wipes some tears off your face. "please, lets just talk about this in the morning when you're sober."
"you said this was a drunken mistake theo. that im a drunken mistake. i think that sobered me up more than just sleeping on it would." you scoff.
"stop putting words in my mouth! i never called you a drunken mistake, my god. i said this was a mistake in general and i didn't mean it and-" he stopped short, frustrated with himself. "just please let's talk about it in the morning, alright?"
"im not putting words in your mouth theo! thats exactly what you said! you said you cant ruin your reputation your parents built for you over a drunken mistake!" you quote him.
he sighs. "fine, if you want to be like that then maybe we shouldn't hook up…" he looks away before muttering another sentence, you didnt hear but it was something like '…but i need you…'.
"maybe we shouldnt." you sigh before standing up, you tried not to cry but the tears flowed anyway, you knew you needed him more than you cared to ever admit.
he looked down, clearly upset, before speaking up again. "yeah, yeah.. its for the best.. just make sure you get some water and some food before you go to bed, please." he says before allowing you to leave.
you nod, "mkay, i will" you sigh. "g'night theo." you walked out and went to your dorm.
you heard a faint "goodnight y/n" as you left, it caused you to smile but it also reminded you of those nights. the nights after a hook up where you'd talk about anything and everything but solely ignoring your feelings for him because you didnt want to overstep boundaries.
im doing a week time skip because i can 🐍😩😋😻😻💋💃👻
everyone had noticed how angry you had gotten over the past week, they also noticed how miserable, snappy and quiet theo had gotten. they chalked it up to the end of your friendship, but it was more than that. the slytherin gang had noticed your absence, they were quite upset about it frankly, you were always able to make them laugh.
you were stomping into the great hall for breakfast, your ink spilled this morning and set you in a worse mood than usual. a guy, probably in the year below you, had bumped into you by accident and it got you. you lashed out at him, but you didnt know that theo was watching you since you came through the great hall.
"the fuck's your problem!" you yell at the boy, a furious expression taking over your face.
"m' m' so sorry! it was an accident m' sorry y/n!" he squeaked out.
you rolled your eyes and stomped over to astoria and pansy, sitting between the two. you muttered a quick "morning" to them and grumpily ate your breakfast.
theo was still conflicted about the whole situation, replaying what happened in his head with a solemn look on his face. but he was miserable without you, knowing he could never have you the way he truly wanted you. what made it worse was the nightmares and dreams, both of those which involved you in some way.
when theo noticed you'd sat down, he was hesitant to approach you, in fear of ruining your day more than it already was. he looked over at you, observing your actions incase you snapped at someone else. it seemed everyone was stepping on eggshells while talking to you, they were too afraid you'd start to lash out.
people were staring at you, you could hear you name come from the whispers to their friends. you looked just about ready to kill someone. man, if looks could kill, half the school would be dead by now.
theo kept watching you, hoping you'd calm down at some point but he could tell you were still on edge. he eventually decided it was best to just pluck up the courage and talk to you, to make sure you didnt hurt yourself or anyone else.
"hey. can i sit with you for a second?" he asked, just after getting out of his seat and walking over to you.
he was lucky the slytherin gang liked to sit at the edge of the table otherwise he'd embarrass himself by walking the whole way around the table just to ask you that.
you looked up at the boy, then the whole gang saw it. the flash of pain and sadness that washed over your face at the sight of him, it was then they knew something had happened between you two.
"sure." you reply, monotonously. (idk if thats a word but it is now😭😭)
theo sat down next to you at the table, glancing over at all your friends before focusing his attention on you. "y/n, can i ask you a question?"
you looked at him expectantly, awaiting his answer.
"you know how you've become more.. emotional.. this past week? is it.. is it my fault?" he asks, sunding genuinely worried for you.
"maybe? i dont know." you sigh. "i just cant stop being so angry, god knows ive tried.." you say softly to him, your voice cracking as you looked up at him through teary eyes.
theo frowns slightly, realizing you were hurting more than you let on, which made him feel even worse than he already did. he takes your hand in his to comfort you, fully expecting you to shove it away but you dont.
"well, if its any consolation at all, i havent been in the greatest of moods recently." theo was never good with words, you saw he was trying to comfort you the only way he knew how.
"atleast you havent been snapping at poor first years just for existing.." you say, a guilty look washing over your face.
he chuckles slightly. "no but, im still not the way i usually am. i miss.. when i used to be able to make you smile.. among other things" he winked, it was a joke but you couldnt help but frown.
"can we talk about that at some point?" you ask, biting your lip softly.
"about what? me making you smile?" he asks, he was quite clueless at times but you loved him for it.
"no.. about what happened, between us." you sigh.
he sighs, he knew it would come to this eventually. "sure, do you wanna talk now?" he asks.
you nod, taking his hand and pulling him into an empty corridor. once both of you are in the corridor, theo takes a moment to think before speaking.
"y/n, im not embarassed of you, i couldnt ever be embarrassed of you tesoro.. im head over heels for you y/n." he gives you a warm smile before pausing. "but we both know i cant.. y'know."
you sigh, meeting his eyes. "im head over for you too theo.. i just.. wish it were different, i wish you could date without worrying about your reputation. but i get it, i do."
he shakes his head "no, you dont understand. i could care less about the reputation, i only care about how my father would react." he sighs.
"hes been pressuring the family's bloodline for years, and me marrying someone with a bloodline that.. isnt up to his standards is, i suppose, too much for him to bare." he pauses noticing you tearing up.
"please dont cry tesoro, m' sorry this cant be how we both want it to be.. but i.. i care too much about you."
"i care about you too theo, but if you dont think i'd be accepted by your father then im okay with it.." you sigh.
"no, no, the reason i'm so scared is because i know he'd approve… you're smart, from a good family, everything my father's been looking for… which is also why i'm terrified of messing things up." he sighs.
"i just… i don't want to ruin what we have right now even though i desperately want more than this." he sounds extremely conflicted.
you nod. "you could do anything theo, and i'd never leave you.. (fr y/n) a good relationship involves communication and if we have a fight, we need to talk about it maturely, if you'd be willing to try, i will too.." you say, hoping he'd take your offer up.
he seemed to think about it for a bit. "fuck it." he muttered.
"fuck what my father thinks about your bloodline, you're perfect for me tesoro." he smiles softly, it was a new sight, people rarely saw him smile.
"m' willing to try, for you. just promise me one thing." he says.
"mhm?" you hum, you couldnt trust your voice to speak, incase you squeal from pure excitement.
"that if things get rough, or we have problems, or even if it simply doesn't work out for us, that we can still be friends after, okay? i'd be miserable if i didn't at least have you by my side." his voice sounded genuinely vulnerable as he spoke.
"yeah of course, i would too.. i'd start yelling at first years for existing again.." you joke, laughing.
theo chuckles, the comment cheering him up slightly. "i'm going to tell you one more thing, even if my dad doesn't accept us there's one person in my family that does…"
"who?" you tilt your head in confusion.
"it doesnt matter who, what matters is that im willing to fight for us to be together, no matter what my father thinks. because i love you." his voice was a mix of nervousness and confidence, but you could hear the sincerity in there too.
"i... i love you too theo, i always have and always will." you smile, you could feel.your heart just about melting and you knew, right then and there, that he was the right one for you.
he smiles. "now that we've got all of this out of our way, do you want me to carry you back to the dorms? your feet must feel like they're about to fall off." he chuckles.
"all that stomping made my feet hurt so, if you dont mind.." you smile sweetly.
"of course, come here." he stands up and holds his arms out for you. "hop on my back and i'll carry you."
you laughed softly as you jumped on his back, thankfully for his fast reflexes, he caught you. theo walks through the castle with you on his back, he seemed more relaxed now that you guys talked everything through. he was talking but you couldnt focus, not with his scent filling your nose.
you hummed along, burying your head in the back of his neck, he chuckles. he walks you up to your room and your dorm mates look at the pair of you in confusion. they leave, sensing that the two of you wanted to be alone.
he sets you down on the floor softly, a smile thrown your way.
"is it okay if i kiss you?" he asks, taking a step towards you. (consent king 👰)
"yeah." you reply, almost breathlessly as you anticipated this moment.
he smiles before giving you a short but sweet kiss, resting his forehead against yours despite the height difference.
"i love you tesoro." he says sweetly.
"i love you too amoure." you smirk.
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weasleyreidstyles · 1 month
Ardent Fascinations Masterlist
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summary: your parents, the well established Greengrasses, were still on a high after your older sister's successful debut into society. now it's your turn to find a suitable husband. their outspoken, smart and ambitious daughter, who wants nothing to do with the snotty ton of high society or the expectations that have been set on you since you could walk and talk.
series status: wip
“it is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife” — Jane Austen, Pride & Prejudice
no use of y/n, but the general nickname is Belle. All characters are aged up to be over the age of 18 – 'Belle' is 21, Theo is 24 (in the first few chapters, she's 18 – per her debut – so Theo would be 21)
pairing(s): theodore nott x fem!reader, daphe greengrass x fem!reader, astoria greengrass x fem!reader, platonic slytherin boys x fem!reader, daphe greengrass x blaise zabini (established relationship)
general warning(s): a lot of angst, some fluff, but mostly angst, big canon divergence, smut warning later, some violence but not lots, regency era language and attitudes (not from any major mcs)
** indicates smut warning
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۵۵ chapter one
chapter summary: you're début into society is well under way; under the ample instruction of your sister, her husband and your overbearing mama, your first ball is filled with plenty of suitors and an unwelcomed stumble into a handsome stranger.
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series taglist:
(striked through users couldn't be tagged for some reason)
@gretag13 @mayamonroem @anti-hero03 @melsunshine @axeofwars @undercover-smutlover @lovesanimals0000 @the-sylver-dragon @gredandforgeweatherby @king4phrodite @randomgurl2326 @benwadsworthsgf @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @girlbooklover555 @bvrely-svrviving @nomugglesallowed @mikalovesicecream
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Light My Love Masterlist
This is the masterlist to my Theo series! This series is a rewrite of the movies, adding in fan created characters like Mattheo Riddle and Enzo Berkshire. Every link will have the summary of the chapter below it so you can see what the chapter is about.
Series Summary - Follow Y/N as she navigated the wizarding world on her own, starting from her first year, all the way through to her seventh. As she falls in love and get her heart broken, how a certain friend is always there to mend her broken heart even though his is slowly getting broken in the process.
Series Warnings - Blood purity, dark wizards, Reader is a descendant of Salazar Slytherin, pining, angst, reader will have some shitty boyfriends, Female Reader, use of Y/N
My full Masterlist
My requests are OPEN! If you would like to request just send one in and I'll write it as soon as I can!
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not my gif
Y/N finally receives her Hogwarts letter, meeting with her friends in Diagon Alley and doing their shopping together. She is counting down the days until she finally gets to see Hogwarts and get herself sorted.
Y/N makes a new friend on the first day of classes. There is a time jump to nearly 2 months later. She receives a letter from her mother after the woman finds out about her failing grade. She finds a certain mirror after receiving said letter.
It's exam season before the Winter break and Y/N receives help from someone unexpected. Spending nearly every night awake studying for the exams, she is quite exhausted. Theo takes note of this and helps her out. After a long night of studying, the Slytherin boys see something rather interesting related to their dear friend Y/N.
It's officially winter break, Theo stays at Hogwarts with Y/N and sticks by her side during a migraine attack. Theo and her godfather help take care of her, Theo spending the whole day with her and pulling an all-nighter together.
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malfoysprinces · 1 year
friends, best friends, friends in love
- draco malfoy -
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Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Slytherin Reader
Summary: Two friends in love, eventually confessing.
Warnings: Jealousy, Hiding Feelings but with a happy ending.
Word Count: 3.5k
Author’s Note: It’s my first time writing, feel free to give feedbacks & request.
Slytherin common room was quiet on this particular night, saved for the sound of the fire crackling in the fireplace. The room was dimly lit, casting a warm, flickering light on the walls.
Y/N was sitting, peacefully by the fire all on her own until she heard his voice.
With a look full of hesitation, she stared right into those grey eyes.
Oh, those grey eyes…
“Hey Draco!”
“What are you doing up this late?”
“Nothing, couldn’t sleep.”
“Come on, go to your dorm, don’t make me take any points from my own house.” Draco said, laughing.
“But I can’t sleep.” Y/N responded.
“My friends are such pain in the ass.”Draco whispered.
Yeah, your friend.
Y/N giggled.
Just when they were headed to stairs which led the way to their dorms, a familiar face appeared.
“Oh, hi Theo.” Y/N said to him.
“Oh for Merlin’s sake, this night is never going to end does it?” Asked Draco, looking tired.
“And goodnight to you too, Draco.” said Theo.
“I’m going to the Astronomy Tower, care to join?” Theo asked to both.
“Why not?” Y/N answered, hoping Draco would come.
“As your prefect I should lead you guys to your dorms, but as your friend I could really use a calming time with you guys.” Answered Draco.
Friend. There was that word again.
“Actually, I remembered that I have Snape’s potions in the morning and I could really use some sleep.” Y/N said without knowing why she wanted to get away from them- oh actually, Draco. Poor Theo had nothing to do with it. In fact he was always nice to Y/N, he was always a gentleman.
“As you wish.” Theo said.
“Are you sure?” Draco asked to Y/N.
“Yeah” Y/N answered, forcing a yawn to make believe she is sleepy.
She headed to girls dorm without looking back.
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When she entered into her dorm room, Pansy and Daphne were already sleeping.
She looked at herself in the mirror, wondering why everytime Draco called her “a friend” her heart was shattered into pieces.
Y/N was distant to Draco lately. She was avoiding him at all costs. Whenever they sit together at a class, she would always ignore him, not in an arrogant way but in an cold way. Draco -being the smartest boy Y/N has ever seen- has started to realize this. He has been sensing that Y/N was drawing herself away from him for some time now.
But Y/N was forgetting something, she was the first person for Draco to come when he was feeling down. She was the first person that Draco writes to every summer. She was practically Draco’s closest but he never addressed her anything other than friend.
To him, “Draco and she was friends, nothing more. They just hang in the same group. Y/N was a friend to Draco as much as she was to Theo or Blaise.” Y/N thought to herself.
Y/N wanted to tell Draco how she felt, how she was longing for his touch without knowing how it feels, how she needs him. But there was too much at stake. She could lose Draco forever, she could lose the bond between them forever. So she decided to keep things to herself and keep her distance from Draco.
With so much going on in her head, Y/N went to her bed and fell asleep quickly.
Next morning wasn’t any different than others. The sun was shining into girls shared dorm.
“Oh! I can’t find my tie!” shouted Pansy in a hurry.
“Just check your desk, I saw it there last night.” said Daphne.
“Found it!” Pansy shouted again.
Y/N was still half asleep when Daphne came to her side and reminded her that if she didn’t want detention from Snape, she should be up in a minute.
She got ready in a hurry, causing her to forget her potions book in her dorm.
Girls entered the Great Hall for breakfast.
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“Well, well, well.. If these aren’t the princesses of Slytherin.” Blaise said in a flirty tone.
“Morning.” said Theo.
And a simple smile from Draco.
Y/N smiled to Draco back and rolled her eyes to Blaise.
“Was he always like that?” Y/N asked. “Because if he was, I should really consider my friend choices.” she said in a laughy tone.
“Oh, if you call that a flirting, you should have seen Draco last night in the Astronomy Tower.” Theo said.
Of course, they weren’t alone. Of course, Theo was going to meet up with a girl last night and Draco wanted some company, as well.
“Shut it already Theo.” said Draco.
“Who is it this time Draco?” asked Pansy.
“Yes, tell us who the lucky lady was.” added Daphne.
Y/N was holding her tears back, not only because of Draco’s new girl but also she couldn’t believe how easily Draco affected her. He goes around flirting with other girls and Y/N ends up the one being hurt. How unfair Y/N thought to herself.
Y/N had seen nothing but pure love between her parents. She was raised the best way possible. Indeed, she was a pure blood, she came from a wealthy family - why else would Draco befriend her?- and she was pretty. She could pull of any guy she wanted. Any guy but him.
She could get any guy wrapped around her finger, any guy but the one with the grey eyes.
However, it was kind of funny how she was oblivious to Draco’s feelings. She meant everything to him, he would take her in a heartbeat if she said yes. His whole world revolving around her. Draco was the one to keep his feelings bottled up, that was for sure. But still, the fact that he cares about Y/N more than any other girl was obvious.
“Y/N?” asked Pansy.
No answer.
“Oh, sorry.” Y/N said.
“But you missed all the fun, Draco couldn’t even remember that girl’s name.” Said Pansy.
And just seconds later, everyone burst into laughter.
“Yeah poor girl must be thinking of Draco right now, but he doesn’t even remember her name.” said Daphne, giggling.
“ For Merlin’s sake! I only flirted with her so Theo could have his time with that girl’s friend.” Draco said in a serious tone staring to Y/N.
“Good boy, aren’t you?” said Y/N in a condescending tone which made Draco angrier.
It was safe to say that Draco stared into Y/N’s soul for a time which felt like an eternity for both.
Only if he knew what Y/N would do to be the one that Draco flirted- even if it is all fake.
“So now it is a staring contest?” asked Blaise laughing.
“No. And I dont even have the time for your - and I mean ALL of you- stupid crushes.” Y/N said.
“What? What crush are you talking about?” asked Draco.
“Shit! I must have left my potions book in my dorm” Y/N said. She was headed for dorm room.
Not long after, Y/N was pulled into an empty classroom.
“WHA-“ Y/N’s shout was interrupted.
“What is wrong with you?” asked Draco.
“I don’t know what you are talking abo-“ she was interrupted again.
“Oh, cut the bullshit already! You ditch on me and Theo last night and you have been off all morning?” asked Draco.
“I- erm- I am really worried about Snape’s class you know?” she lied.
“So this is what it’s all about.” said Draco. “I thought you were mad at me or something.” he added.
“You have been distant lately. It’s like one minute you are the center of the conversation, and you are gone in the next.” Draco said, worried.
“Told you, I have been struggling with potions.”
That was the best I could come up with? She thought to herself. I must be a disgrace to the house of Slytherin.
“I will help you, okay? Meet me in the library after dinner.” said Draco.
“No- I mean you dont have to.” she said.
“No, I need to fix whats bothering my best friend.” Draco winked.
Your WHAT? Now, we are best friends. If there is something worse than being friends with him existed then it would totally be being best friends with him.
“Come on, we need to get to class.” Added Draco.
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Potions was boring for Y/N. Until Snape assigned the homework. A homework which was needed to be done with partners.
“I will assign your partners this time.” said Snape.
“Miss Granger, you are with Mr Longbottom.”
“Miss Y/L/N, you are with…..
“Mr Malfoy” Y/N prayed.
“Mr. Potter.” Snape said.
The anger in Draco’s eyes was visible, if not, it was felt by every single person in class. However, no one dared to state the obvious.
“Oh shit. Now it is getting interesting.” Blaise said to Theo.
“Yeah, just wait till the class is over and Draco starts whining about it.” said Theo.
As Harry walked closer to Y/N, Draco was already watching them.
Y/N and Harry greeted and started to talk about the project.
Whenever Y/N looked to Draco, he was already watching her.
But this time something was different. Draco’s eyes was not filled with the warmth that Y/N was used to see, instead it was filled with something she couldn’t name.
It was jealousy. So much jealousy that he could explode any minute now.
Slytherin group was already gone when Y/N and Potter realized that the class is over. As a matter of fact, everyone was gone and they were alone in the classroom.
“I must have lost the track of time.” said Y/N to Potter.
“Yeah. Seems we both did.” he agreed.
They rushed to outside.
“If Potter is that interesting, you can always go be his friend.” said Draco to Y/N. He has been standing outside the classroom waiting for Y/N, this whole time.
“What? We were just talking about the project.” said Y/N.
“Yeah? That must be the reason you couldn’t care to join your friends when leaving the class.” Draco said, angrily.
“Oh, possesiveness is a trait of yours, isn’t it?” Y/N asked mocking.
“Potter is my red line. Do. Not. Cross. It.” Draco said in the most serious tone possible, grabbing Y/N’s wrist.
“Too bad, he. İs my. Partner” Y/N said jokingly.
Little did they both knew, they had already crossed the red line in each other’s hearts.
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“So, why do I even need to mix these things?”
“Like what on earth am I going to need these potion for?” Y/N asks, pretending to be oblivious to keep her lie going.
“Just try to memorize the ingredients and you will be okay.” Draco assured.
“Okay.” said knowing everything Draco has been telling her since the minute one.
“By the way, I really don’t understand why you stress over potions. You are the smartest witch I know.” said Draco lifting his eyebrows.
“I don’t know, it is not the class that stresses me, it is the professor. Snape is tense, you know?” Y/N shouted another lie.
“What? He is practically one of your father’s best friends. They’ve known each other since they were what? Like 11?” Draco asked.
“Yeah but still, he was always so intimidating.” Was Y/N’s answer.
“Truth to be told, I am his favourite, but you are not so bad yourself.” He said laughing.
“Well, I know he likes us, he is better to us than others.” Y/N said agrreing.
“See? He’s not so bad after all.” Draco said.
Rest of their study session went on as a chat session. Things was always so easy and calming between Y/N and Draco.
“Merlin, I missed talking to you about anything-“ Draco was interrupted by Y/N “Let’s leave, I have to check Gullygum.” Said Y/N, Anything to avoid this confrontation she thought.
“Gullygum? As your cat?”
“Yeah Draco, how many other Gullygums do you know of?” teased Y/N as she was packing her things.
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The night was calm. As they were headed to Slytherin common room together the only sound which can be heard was their footsteps. As they pass by the torches lining the walls, the flickering light casts shadows that seem to dance across their faces. The sound of Draco’s breathing and the rustle of Y/N’s clothing as they walk creates a gentle white noise, as if the whole world has fallen away and it's just the two of them.
“So.” Draco said breaking the silence.
“Now tell me, why have you been so distant lately. And don’t ever think about lying to me because it is obvious you have no problem with classes.” Draco asked.
“Oh for fucks sake Draco, everything is fine. Friends don’t push each other like that.” Y/N stated, emphasizing the word friends.
“Yeah, friends.” whispered to himself Draco. But Y/N didn’t hear a thing for she was so tired with Draco pushing her to confess.
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As the first beams of sunlight filtered through the small windows of the Slytherin dungeons, the house's green and silver shades appeared to come to life.
“Wake up! Today’s the day!” Daphne shouted to Pansy and Y/N.
“What day?” Y/N asked, half asleep.
“Are you serious? You forgot about it?” Pansy asked her.
“About what?”
“About the PARTY YOU SILLY!” Daphne shouted.
Oh, shoot. It’s today! The party which was organized by Daphne and Pansy, the party they couldn’t stop talking about.
The girls were already headed to Great Hall when Y/N was done dressing up.
As usual, the boys of Slytherin was waiting for their princesses at the table.
Pansy and Daphne wouldn’t stop talking about the party, how they have been planning this for weeks if not months.
In the middle of their conversation, an owl dropped a box to Y/N. The box had a letter.
You deserve the world. We love & miss you.
Mom & Dad.
And the letter made Y/N realize how homesick she was. She loved Hogwarts, she loved her friends and she loved her Draco but something about her parent’s letter made her miss her home. Maybe it was how the words they use reminded Mr and Mrs. Y/L/N’s relationship to their daughter. They had something Y/N admired. One day she dreams of having with Draco.
“Will you open it already?” said Blaise.
“Oh, let me just-“ she was interrupted by Pansy.
“OH. MY. GOD.” shouted Pansy.
“THAT MUST HAVE COST A FORTUNE.” said Daphne in a shock.
“This is so nice.” Said Draco.
“Aww, thank you guys. I must write them back as soon as I can.” Said Y/N heading towards the exit of the Great Hall.
“I envy how your father cares about you. I guess it is different when you are a girl.” Says a familiar voice.
“OH- You scared me.” Said Y/N shaking.
“Just cool darling.” Said Draco.
“I got this memory of us kids in my head. When we both fell of our broomsticks how your father ran towards you and mine just mocked me.” Said Draco.
“Oh, Dray, I’m sure you are remembering wrong.” Y/N said.
“Yeah, maybe.” Draco said.
The rest of the day went on as usual, the classes and stuff. In the evening there was a rush in girls dorm. Y/N had already picked her dress and she was getting ready for the party when she heard a knock on the door.
“Do you think you can help me with my tie- WHOA.. You look..erm- pretty.” Said Draco. “Heavenly” he whispered to himself.
“Oh, thank you. Yes I sure can.” Y/N said leaning towards him.
There was an undeniable tension and chemistry between them. Their lips were just inches apart. Draco’s grey eyes were fixated on Y/N’s eyes. The more they stay this close, the more Y/N’s hand shook. This was the closeness they were both longing for. It was almost like Draco didn’t want to let her go. Almost.
“So, I was thinking that we can go to party together since I am already here.” Said Draco.
“Yeah, yeah let me just grab my purse.” Y/N agreed.
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The Slytherin common room was transformed into a grand party hall, decorated with green and silver banners, glittering streamers, and shining orbs that floated above the dance floor. The room was alive with the sound of music, laughter, and clinking of glasses, as the students of Slytherin danced and chatted, all in their finest clothes. The grand staircase leading to the upper levels of the castle provided the perfect stage for the hosts to make their grand entrance, clad in their finest robes and basking in the admiration of their guests. It was a Slytherin party atmosphere unlike any other, full of luxury, power, and excitement.
Draco instinctively put his hand on Y/N’s back, like he wanted to show everyone who she belonged to. Y/N was shivering for she was longing Draco’s touch for some time now.
Not so long after, a group of Slytherins decided to play the game of spin the bottle. Y/N and Draco were among the group, both secretly hoping the bottle would point to each other.
As the game progressed, the bottle spun round and round, landing on various members of the group. Finally, it was Y/N’s turn. The bottle spun and spun, seeming to take forever to come to a stop. When it finally did, it was pointed towards Cedric Diggory, who grinned eagerly.
Without a second thought, Cedric leaned in for a kiss. Y/N closed her eyes, allowing the kiss to happen.
Draco, who had been watching the entire thing with a scowl, could feel his anger about to boil over. He didn't know why he felt so strongly about Y/N , but he did, and seeing her kiss someone else fueled a fire deep within him.
“My turn.” said Blaise eagerly.
“I am going to call it a night.” said Draco not even glancing a side eye to Y/N.
Guilt was growing inside Y/N’s heart. But she didn’t have any choice. It was all a game after all.
Rest of the party was a usual Slytherin party. With the shock of Draco leaving the party so early, Y/N decided to call it a night, as well.
Next morning, Y/N wanted to see if Draco is doing okay. So before heading to Great Hall for breakfast she decided to stop by Draco’s dorm.
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As she knocked on the door, a girl she didn't recognize opened the door of Draco's room.
“Hello?” She asked
“Who is it?” Draco shouted.
“Um-I wanted to-um…” Y/N was stunned. For a moment, she thought she can actually heart the breaking noise of her heart.
Draco came to the door and when he saw Y/N standing, he was frozen. It was clear that he spent the night with this girl.
“We can talk later.” Said Y/n, heartbroken, and jealous at the same time.
She was holding her tears back while walking to Great Hall. Not angry but heartbroken.
Just when she sat to breakfast, she felt a familiar voice approaching.
“Hey, Y/N.” said Cedric.
“Hi Cedric.” said Y/N.
“Is not that the guy she kisses last night?” asked Blaise.
Daphne nodded.
“Can I talk to you in private?” Cedric asked.
They were headed to the exit of the Great Hall when Y/N felt Draco’s eyes on her when he was walking by.
“So, what is it that you want to ask?” Y/N said.
“I know this might sound ridicolus but I can’t stop thinking about our kiss last night. I was wondering if you would like yo go on a date with me?” “If you would give us the chance to get to know each other better.” Asked Cedric, hesitation can be seen from all over his face.
With the jealousy and broken heart, Y/N didn’t even think for a moment.
“ Yes Cedric.” she smiled.
“Oh, I’m happy now. I will pick you up after dinner tomorrow, so we can go for a drink at Hogsmeade?”
“Sounds like the perfect date.” nodded Y/N.
It clearly was an impulsive decision. It. Clearly. Was. Cedric didn’t even catch Y/N’s attention for once. Except last night, when she had to kiss him. She didn’t had the choice unlike Draco. Draco had the choice to not drag a girl to his dorm.
“What did he want?” Asked Pansy.
“A date.” Y/N answered.
“ A DATE?” Pansy shouted. “Not a chance” she added.
“Actually, I-“ Y/N was imterrupted.
“ Oh no you didn’t” Pansy said.
“ Sure as hell, I did.” Y/N said walking to class.
The next day went on as quickly. Y/N was getting ready for her date when it crossed her mind that she hadn’t seen Draco over a day. For them, it was a record. They were practically inseperable. Not so long ago, at least.
Y/N was headed to Great Hall to meet Cedric when she looked up and saw Draco, Theo and Pansy was sitting by the fireplace just chatting casually.
“Ready for you date?” Pansy asked which caused Draco to look at Y/N angrily.
“What date?” Theo responded.
“Oh, didn’t you hear, she is going on a date with Diggory,” Pansy answered.
“Lucky man got to steal our girl, didn’t he Draco?” Said theo.
Draco didn’t respond, he just nodded. As far as anyone can see, he was devastated.
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As Y/N got back from her date, it was already pass midnight. The castle was so quiet as she walked to the dungeons of Slytherin. Y/N opened the door to the common room, only to find out Draco sitting where she left him hours ago.
The fireplace crackling sound in the midnight echoes throughout the empty Slytherin common room, adding an eerie quality to the scene. The pops and crackles of the fire seem to reverberate off the walls, creating an almost hypnotic rhythm that feels both calming and unsettling.
Did he waited for her to get back from her date?
As he waits, he stares into the flames, lost in thought. The sound of the fire is the only thing that breaks the silence of the room, and it's as if the fire is the only company he has.
The sound of the fire crackling is also a reminder of the late hour, creating a sense of intimacy and secrecy that seems fitting for the moment.
As Draco waits for you to return, the sound of the fire crackling grows softer and more gentle. It's as if the fire is signaling that something new is about to happen, that a new chapter is about to begin.
“I know I messed up.” said Draco in a rather sad voice.
“I know it should have been me who took you on this date.” he added.
The sound of the fire becomes louder and more chaotic, mirroring the rush of feelings that Y/N is experiencing. It crackles and pops, adding a layer of intensity to the moment. The flames seem to grow brighter, casting an orange glow across the room and making everything feel more dramatic.
Despite the chaos of the fire, Draco's words are clear and heartfelt.
“I know it should have been me who gets to call you his girlfriend.” he finally looked up to Y/N who was in a total shock.
“Draco” she whispered.
“I love you, Y/N Y/L/N.” he whispered. “I have always loved you and only you.”
“And I love you Draco Malfoy.” she added. “I have always waited for you and only you.”
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fieldofdaisiies · 7 months
Halloween Party
ship: Theodore Nott x Reader type: fluff/suggestive word count: 1,8k words warnings: underage (they are 17) smoking, drinking, sneaking out summary: Y/N and Theo attend a Halloween party hosted by the Slytherins and later on decide to sneak away
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Your heart is pounding vividly. Music is sounding all around you, and in your ears.
You stand at the entrance to the Slytherin Common Room, excitement coursing through your veins as you take in the scene before you.
The Halloween party is in full swing, the room in front of you a wicked wonderland full of students dressed up as monsters, spiderwebs decorating every corner, and ghosts adorning the dark emerald walls.
The sconces' soft glow casts eerie shadows across the room. Jack-o'-lanterns flicker all over the room. 
In the centre of the room, is burning brightly, its flames casting a warm, inviting light upon the room. On the table in front of it there is a a lavish spread of Halloween treats like chocolate frogs, liquorice wands, and pumpkin pasties.The scents of these sweet and baked goods mingles with the with the musky aroma of fire whiskey (someone must have snuck it in) and the earthy notes of pumpkin juice.
You look around and spot your friends, all in their Halloween finery. Draco is dressed in an casual attire, not costume though. Pansy is a mysterious witch (more than usual, now dressed up and styled). Enzo, with a wicked grin on his lips, has decided to put on a werewolf costume, his body adorned with realistic fur and fangs.
And then there is Theo. The object of all your desires and your heart. Your boyfriend. And he looks absolutely dashing, with a mischievous smile playing on his lips. He decided to dress up as a vampire, his fangs visible, his hair neatly combed back. He looks stunning, you think and pull your lower lip between your teeth. 
His dark eyes lock onto yours, and a small smile tugs at the corners of his lips. He flicks away his cigarette, of course making sure it is no longer burning and approaches you.
"Baby, you look stunning," Theo says, his voice low and smooth. "I can't wait to…let my teeth sink into your soft skin." He leans in a little, kisses your cheek and then your neck. He draws in a deep inhale, your scent and leans back with a smirk on his lips. 
You blush, feeling a rush of warmth at his compliment. You, just like Pansy dressed up as a witch, still wearing your robes, but the skirt is a little shorter, the blouse unbuttoned, the tie hanging loosly around your neck. 'All the other days you are a good witch, on Halloween you are a sexy witch,' is what Pansy had told you when you had gotten ready. You had laughed at her, but you have to admit you absolutely love the outfit and how it fits you. And how Theo looks at you — like he would truly love to devour you. 
"Well, you Mr Nott, look very dashing yourself." You bounce onto your toes and peck his lips. He tastes like Fire Whiskey — musky and sweet. 
He grins and offers you his arm, and you accept it with a smile. Together, you make your way over to a cozy corner of the room where a small group has gathered. Blaise Zabini is talking about their last Quidditch game (one they obviously won), his smooth, deep voice captivating the the people gathered there. He uses his hands, gesturing, to make his point even more clear. 
"Fuck Gryffindor," Draco chimes in when Blaise finishes, pouring a shot of fire whiskey for himself. His housemates are cheering, and so is Blaise. You watch them with amusement and think to yourself, men…
Draco offers Theo another two glasses, one for your boyfriend, one for you. Theo takes the drinks and hands one to you, his fingers brushing yours. The contact sends a pleasant shiver down your spine and makes warmth erupt in your hands. "A toast to Halloween, and to the most beautiful witch at Hogwarts," he says, raising his glass.
You clink your glass with Theo's, the fiery liquid warming your throat as you take a sip and then lean in to kiss him, this time a little deeper, tasting the whiskey on both your lips. 
When you lean back, the room seems to blur, and you find yourself lost in Theo's eyes. He leans closer, his breath soft against your ear. "Dance with me, Y/N?"
Obviously you say yes and follow him into the middle of the room, next to the table with the lavish goods and soon you are joined by your friends. A bewitched gramophone is playing a beautiful music and you sway together, lost in each other's company, his hands on your hips, yours on his strong shoulders. 
Laughter and happy fills the room as you all dance, big smiles gracing your faces. Everyone swirls everyone around but soon your return to your boyfriend. After a few dances, you and Theo make your way back to your cozy corner, and he pulls you onto his lap, your back perfectly fitting against his chest. You hum in delight, feeling his hard chest press against your back. 
His hands sneak around your waist, over your belly and he pulls you closer, his lips brushing from your collar bone up to your ear. You shiver at the sensation and jerk a little in his lap. "Theo," you whisper, voice tinged with reprimand. 
But your boyfriend does not care. He loves showing everyone that you are his. Normally, he is not so keen on the public display of affection, but it always changes when he drinks something. Then everyone has to see you are his, and only his. 
Theo leans in closer, his voice a sultry whisper that only you can hear when he says, "Lets sneak out to the Black Lake." 
You bite down on your lip and turn to look at him. His eyes have darkened, yet the promise of what would expect you shines brightly in them.
The idea sends shivers of excitement down your spine. And so you nod. It is exciting and thrilling, sneaking out with him in the middle of the night. It is not like you haven't met at night in either the common room or a broom closet before, but this is different. You are leaving the castle!
Out of the sight of the others, you slip away with Theo, your hand in his. A wave of thrill and ecstasy washes over you as you tiptoe through the hallways, the large corridors of the castle, hoping to go unnoticed. You really hope no painting will give you away, revealing you to the headmaster or some teachers. But you always stay close to the walls and the ground and truly manage to sneak out of the castle. But you stay calm until your far enough that no one inside the castle could spot or hear you. 
The Black Lake already awaits you as the chilly night air greets you. The moonlight casts a silvery path across the ground and leads you towards the lake. 
Theo removes his cloak and spreads it out on the ground for you to sit down. Once seated he immediately pulls you into his arms and kisses you. And when your lips part, his face stays within inches of yours and he looks at you. Just looks at you and it is all he does for a very long moment. 
Until he brings his thumb up and brushes it over your lower lip. "You are so fucking beautiful, Y/N. I am the luckiest man alive." His voice is breathless, a whispered promise to love you until the very last day of your life. 
Your breath mingles with Theo's when you lean in closer, lips nearly on his. "And I am the luckiest woman alive." Your lips curl when his press against them.  
His fingers brush against yours, and then move lower. Without much effort, Theo pulls you onto his lap, your bodies melding. A gasp parts your lips, but he does not let you escape, his hand buried in the hair at the back of your head, moving your head even closer, his tongue simultaneously parting your lips. He groans when you allow him entrance, his other hand sliding down to grab your butt. "The sexiest little witch I have ever seen," he rasps against your lips and kisses you again. 
Time seems to stand still as you lose yourself in the kiss, the world around you fading into the background. Everything turns into insignificance as you give yourself to him, your bodies becoming one near the lake. 
"Theo," you whisper, a hint of mischief in your voice. 
He nips at your lower lip and then lifts his darkened gaze to you. "Hm?"
"Didn't you say something about wanting to sink your teeth into my—"
He does not even let you finish, flipping you over, but of course making sure you land softly on the ground and his coat. His finds his place on top of you, your hips falling open, his hands braced on either side of you, lips and teeth attached to your neck. At first his kisses you, softly, gently, then he graces his teeth over your skin until he starts to bite down softly, nibbling. 
You know only magic will be able to conceal the terrible love bight he is giving you, but it is so worth it. Your back arches a little, pressing against him, against the hard ridge of his hardening length and a moan parts your lips. He groans in approval, both at the sounds leaving you and the feel of your body against his. 
He devours you, worships you. Praises you. Tells you how beautiful you are, over and over again. Your bodies come together under the moonlight, accompanied by the soft sounds of the water of the lake and the some owls howling in the nearby forest. 
Only a long time after, you return to the party, hand in hand, with secret smiles that only the two of you share on your lips. You know your hair is ruffled, cheeks flushed, costumes no longer looking as they did before you snuck out. Your lipstick is smudged and Pansy flashes you a knowing grin when she spots the two of you re-entering the party. 
You only roll your eyes at her, but eventually have to grin. 
"I love you," you tell Theo, kiss his cheek and then let go off his hand to walk over to your friends — Pansy and Astoria. You also want to spend the party with them, or part of it. Since you've started going out with Theo you've been spending less them with them and you miss them. Greatly. So, some time this evening has to be reserved for them. And you know that they are sitting on hot coals, waiting for you to tell them everything. 
Later on your once again joined by the boys and the night continues, filled with laughter, chatter and a few more drinks. 
It is a wonderful night to remember, full of love and happiness. Theo wraps his arm around you once again, bringing you in close. "But I am sure I love you more, my stunning witch." He kisses your cheek and intertwines your hands. 
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cruxxio · 19 days
Slytherin Boys' Height Chart HC
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Ft. Pansy and my OC.
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Mattheo is the shortest among the boys but he's still tall since all of them are above 180.
Blaise is like tall tall, someone stop this boy.
Draco and Enzo have similar height.
Emmy (my OC) is like 151, she somehow has stopped growing since fourth year.
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I like to hc that they wear the uniform (without the robe) differently. Including different shoes.
Mattheo usually rolls his sleeves up but only the right one after he got the dark mark...
Only Draco, Blaise, Enzo and my OC dress rather properly. (Though Pansy and Emmy cut their skirt shorter than regulated)
Mattheo and Theo sometimes don't wear cardigan/sweaters/vest, they also don't bother to tuck the shirt in.
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Delulu rambling ahead
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I JUST, absolutely love their height differences ^q^) Pls I have a thing for height diff since I'm quite short myself so.
ANyways they used to have the same height when they were younger but of course the boys grew so fast. It's cute that she can't even kiss Mattheo without him leaning down or her pulling his tie down (not recommended, he'll get horny after that)
Both used to bully (affectionate) her for being so short but they also adore her because yes she's small but also feisty, she'd literally bite or punch them if they tease her for being short.
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
Theo Nott Headcanons
Grew up with Luna and Blaise
The only people who call him Theodore are Luna, Draco (when he’s yelling at him) and his mother (when she’s yelling at him)
Neville called him Teddy once
totally could’ve been a Ravenclaw
He only wears one ring, and it was a gift from Pandora Lovegood
he has a tattoo on his collarbone and it’s a butterfly that changes colour to match his mood
he tries to start a study group but gives up when people just try to get him to do their work
Him and Astoria Greengrass were Slytherin prefects
He has a peanut allergy
He went through a MASSIVE 1D phase
unlabelled <3
he regularly applies chapstick
He slept with a teddy bear until he was 13 (and still has it in his trunk)
the teachers think he’s really sweet but he’s actually a little shit
really good at ice skating (probably a figure skater in another life)
he pours his milk before his cereal
he has his own corner in the library and if anyone else sits there he hexes them
people who don’t know him are scared of him and don’t talk to him
his best subject is History, and his favourite is Arithmancy
he gives the scary older brother talk to anyone who dates Luna (with Zabini and Malfoy standing behind him with their arms crossed and looking mean)
he’s really good at helping other people with advice but when it comes to himself he has an emotional range of a teaspoon
Quidditch chaser
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breaniebree · 6 months
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Chapter 41 -- The One With the Final Epilogue
Well, this is it!  THE FINAL LAST EPILOGUE AND LAST CHAPTER of my world of Kismet.  It started back in 2018 with some random Marauder snippets that I put aside to write about Sirius and Remus raising Harry which turned from a 25 chapter story idea to 360 chapters of A Second Chance and led me to write a prequel with my original Marauder snippets in The First Time Around.  It ended with Third Times the Charm.
As I always say, I write this story for myself first and this is the final chapter of what I wanted to write and how I wanted to end my world of Kismet.  I’m very excited to share it with you and I hope you’re excited to read it.  I hope those of you who have been reading this story have been enjoying it even half as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it and that you like the ending as much as I do.  And for those of you who don’t, I thank you for reading as long as you have and hope you find a story some day that pleases you more.  There are a lot of amazing writers in the world and I hope someone gives you the ending you want.
As for me I am very proud of my final scene and of this trilogy.  
I would like to firstly thank @thedistantdusk, who even though only was my Beta from chapters 200-360 of ASC and for all of The First Time Around, her patience and guidance were greatly appreciated.  Thank you to SilverStarwolfe who was my first Beta from about chapter 120-190 before life got in the way and she had to stop, her patience and guidance was also greatly appreciated.  Thank you to @seriouslysam8 who was an amazing sounding board and helped me work out the kinks in the final idea of Sirius and Zee and helped me come up with the story titles for The First Time Around and Third Times the Charm.  I really appreciate all of the help she gave me and hope one day she might even read it too.  LOL.  Thank you to @ellieoryan7447 for being such an amazing reader who went out of her way to attempt to make character art all about my characters.  It’s surreal to me that people even want to do that and is more appreciated than I can possibly put into words.  And lastly, thank you to @celtics534 for putting up with my random asks about reading over scenes, giving great writing advice, and not being afraid to tell me when something is crap and how to fix it.  You’re more appreciated than you know.  PS — Sorry for bothering the crap out of you with final reviews of this last chapter LOL.
Thank you to everyone who has been reading from the beginning, to those jumped in somewhere in the middle, and to anyone new who stumbled across this world when the final story was ending.  THANK YOU!
Thank you so much to everyone who has taken the time to follow me in this story-writing journey for the last six years.  It means so much to me.
I have no plans of writing anything else in the near future, as I do very much need a break, but who knows what the future will bring.  These epilogues, while being very much a conclusion, still leave lots of holes for me to jump back in if I ever want to (old and next generation).  It leaves the world of Kismet open to me in the future while still showing you that that there was a happily ever after for these characters (which is very much deserved).
Thank you again for all of the continuous support and love I have received.
Please remember to drop a review — I love to read to them.
Love always, 😘
A 🇨🇦Canadian🇨🇦 girl who loves writing HP fanfiction
~ Breanie aka Bree ~
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