#original stuff and kink prompts
johannestevans · 2 years
currently very much in the mood to do short requests and stuff, so if you have any, hmu
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pondhue · 5 months
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Don’t worry anon I’m fucked up too
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Growing Boys - New Prompt Fill
Let me tell y'all how much I want like Fat!Coach Dean. Like, maybe he's the football coach or just the gym teacher, and man is he huge. I think it'd just be fun. Very "hey you're not running yet" as he sits at 450. But his team loves him, and knows that he isn't serious.
This prompt was initially given and filled on the Supernatural WG Discord server!
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babyjakes · 6 months
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〈 disclaimer: this blog posts content not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. minors are strictly prohibited from viewing, sharing, or interacting with this blog. for more information on this blog's commitment to protecting minors, read our full statement here. 〉
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event | kinkmas 2023
prompt | monster fucking
pairing | steve rogers x fairy!reader
warnings | me knowing nothing about fairies. reader is in "fairy heat"? bruce captured reader (potentially inhumane conditions for fairy-keeping?) soft sweet steve. size kink LOL. th-thumb riding? fingering. p-pinky fucking? stretching. multiple orgasms. squirting. praise and encouragement that makes me feral. pity kink? is that a thing? if it is, i think i have it.
word count | 1,225
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an | i've never written monster fucking (or really anything super fantasy-oriented) so please be kind!! wasn't expecting to get sooo into this, but like there's just something about reader being literally so tiny that steve's pinky stuffs her to the brim that's making me all 🥲🫠😩
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what if bruce was off working in some top-secret remote location and brought you back with him: a sweet little fairy he'd captured while working out in the field, just as you were entering your fairy heat 🫠
maybe you're just about 7 inches tall, with the body/proportions of a grown young woman. he's been conducting research on your species for quite some time, so he's able to determine basics like your age, your likely place of origin, etc. he's thrilled to have caught you at the start of your heat
what's your fairy heat? i made that part up simple, it's the span of several days that occur around the same time every month when your body's at its prime and looking to breed. you become insatiably horny, almost to the point of it being debilitating, and all you can focus on during your excruciating waking moments is fucking yourself on anything of appropriate size in sight
you're kept in some sort of incubator in his lab, a glass box that's a few feet by a few feet wide and deep. the bottom of the enclosure is made of a soft cushiony material, making any spot a good spot to lay down and rest. miniature food and water bowls are set out for you, and a bright lamp hanging from the ceiling of the box shines 12 hours a day. it's a pretty miserable existence, your makeshift habitat nothing close to the wide open flower fields and prairies you're used to, but it allows the scientist to observe you closely without any distractions or interfering variables. and since you're in heat, you aren't too worried about where you are or who's taken you. all you can do is writhe around on the soft floor of the incubator in desperate, horny agony
maybe one day bruce is out of the lab, but he told steve he could come check out his new findings and maybe keep you company if you'd let him. when he enters the room and sees you lying there, squirming and struggling weakly, of course the supersoldier's heart is instantly hurting for you 🥺
he approaches the incubator slowly, not wanting to startle you. but pretty quickly he realizes that you're paying him no mind; you're too preoccupied with your discomfort. he takes his time observing you, standing right in front of the glass box as his huge frame towers over you. bruce told him a little about your condition and the science behind it. it made him blush, but he accepted it like he would learning about any other species and their unique reproductive habits
"poor thing," he hums to himself as he watches your tiny body wriggle in distress. he's stunned by how pretty you are. you have the most delicate little face, and your translucent wings with their iridescent shimmer look like something straight out of a fairytale movie. you're completely naked- bruce removed your scraps of moss carpeting and leaf clothing when he found you. but it's not strange or offputting in the slightest to steve. he just thinks you're beautiful, such a stunning little creature that seems too precious for this world 💕
he notices the plugged openings in the glass wall that allow bruce to reach in and work inside the enclosure. carefully removing the rubber inserts, he reaches a large hand in, wanting to offer you some comfort if you'll take it. you're so tiny that you could nearly crawl right into the palm of his hand and curl up if you wanted to
but snuggles are the last thing you're looking for in this moment. when you see his huge hand lying there, palm up just a short distance away from you, you weakly crawl over, wings drooping in exhaustion. you couldn't fly at the moment if you tried
steve is a little surprised as you hoist yourself up onto his thumb, your tiny legs dangling on either side of it. it only takes him a moment to realize what you're doing- his cheeks turn bright red as you begin rolling your hips desperately, a faint feeling of wetness forming on the pad of his finger as you leak your glistening juices all over him
"oh doll-" his voice is dripping with pity and concern. he doesn't try to stop you, just watches as you so needily try to relieve yourself. as strange as the situation is, he can't help but find your primal actions endearing, in a way
he continues watching sympathetically as you grind your tiny little pussy down against his large digit. his heart swells at the way you place your hands down in front of you, trying to keep yourself upright as you rock at a steady pace. just a few moments later, he sees your little body spasming and realizes you've reached orgasm by merely riding along on his finger. "oh my," he hums thoughtfully, watching as your precious little toes curl in delight
your face is much happier after your climax. steve watches curiously to see what you'll do next, staying silent as you climb off of his thumb and move to the other end of his splayed-out fingers. as you lie yourself down on your back and spread your legs out on either side of his pinky, he's again blushing deeply. "o-oh, hey little one-"
he watches as you begin pushing down to press the tip of his smallest finger up against your leaking hole. seeing how much you struggle to maneuver against him, steve takes even more pity on you. "here, doll. let me help," he decides, bringing his other arm through the unused hole in the glass. he moves it over to lift your back up gently, supporting you in a sitting position as he carefully begins easing his smallest digit up into you, smiling affectionately as you let out a soft sigh of relief
"there you go. that's it," he's murmuring encouragingly as he carefully fucks you with his pinky. your little pussy is so tight around him, he's surprised he's able to fit. but you're taking him so well, and there's something so sweet about the way you look as you sit here in his hands, letting him stretch you out over the smallest finger he has 💕
"good, just like that" "such a pretty little thing you are" "that feel good, doll?" "just keep taking it, sweetheart" "so good for me, keep going" he's not sure if you can understand his words, but there's something he finds satisfying about talking to you this way
he can somehow feel your second orgasm approaching, your walls growing a bit tighter around him as he works up his pace a little more to carry you over the edge. "there," he's humming proudly, smiling as you manage to squirt out forcefully against him. your come ✨literally sparkles✨ as it coats his finger
as you're floating down from your high, he strokes your hair with his thumb as you lean up against the rest of his hand that's behind you. your eyes are droopy, your body no longer writhing in discomfort. as questionable as his actions might've been, it's clear he's taken care of much of your discomfort- at least for now
whyyy was this hot 🫠🫠 maybe i need to write fantasy shit more often lol
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becsabillion4 · 16 days
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false god (we still worship)
pairing: carmen berzatto x f!reader
summary: Carmen has a bad shift, but you’re more than willing to turn his night around and show him exactly how good he is.
word count: 3,362
tags: SMUT, rough sex, unprotected sex, oral sex, creampie, semi-public sex, window sex, lingerie, praise kink, vulnerable Carmy, 18+ only
note: this is explicit 18+ only and yet again NOT an advert for safe sex. with that said, it’s fucking hot ;) and thank you to the wonderful person who submitted the prompt that inspired this, based around Carmy having a tough day and reader taking care of him (even though I’ve failed at tumblr and can’t find the original message). enjoy!!
Yo. Awful shift. Glad you weren’t here to see it.
fuckkk what happened?
Newbies think they know better than Tina because they went to CIA. You can imagine how Carmy took that.
was it kyle? he’s been like that since he started.
I know that’s not all. kyle doesn’t warrant a text warning
Carm got food sent back.
thanks for the heads up
Good luck, cya tomorrow.
It’s late, the kind of late where even the drunks winding through the streets have stopped their singing, the kind where it’s already too late to go to bed and get an ounce of good sleep. It’s the kind of late where you would have known it was a bad night even if Sydney hadn’t texted you first, because you know how hard Carmy cleans when he’s upset, and exactly how long that takes.
You sit up in bed abruptly, pushing your hair out of your face and considering your options. You have maybe ten minutes if Sydney texted you as soon as Carmy left, ten minutes to decide how you want to handle this kind of bad day. You feel a surge of frustration that you weren’t on shift tonight. As the Front of House Manager, you could have soothed the moronic, greedy, power-tripping customer who wanted to pull one over on the best chef in Chicago by sending back his perfect food-
Actually, maybe it was for the best you weren’t on shift tonight, or you might no longer have a job.
You smile when you think about how Richie will have handled it though. His courteous, collected energy even as he probably said something like, “Oh, you’d like to send this back? Wow, I’ve never heard a, uh - what do you call ‘em - oh, complaint before. Are you sure you know what this dish is?”
The smile fades when you think about Carmy’s reaction. You push yourself out of bed, decided by the image of his frustration, the anger he uses to hide his sadness. There’s been a few particularly bad shifts since you and Carmy moved in together - and Richie labelled himself as “matchmaker to the stars” for hiring you - and you know that if left to his own devices, Carmy will happily stay up all night stewing.
But you’re here now, and you’re determined not to let him. So you set your plan in motion.
By the time you hear his keys clink in the lock, you’re settled by the sofa, bare skin slightly chilled by the evening air coming in from the cracked window. You glance up as Carmy walks in, catch his eye, and he stops dead, hand still on the lock.
Bluer-than-blue eyes flicker across the scene you’re presenting for him - your best lingerie, your patient kneel, steady eyes - and he straightens from his tired stoop.
“Hey,” he murmurs, eyes still tracing how the lace drapes across your skin in the low light.
“Hi,” you smile. “Join me?”
Without looking away from you, Carmy shuts the door, drops his stuff in a careless pile. “Syd texted?”
“I couldn’t sleep. And I wanted to surprise you.”
Carmy’s eyes drift away from you for a second, glancing around the room, like he does when he’s thinking something through. You can almost hear his brain clicking through the gears. Turning the kitchen off, turning something else on.
“It was bad, sweetheart,” he says. “Fuckin’ shitty.”
“It’s over.” You raise a hand to him, tilt your head towards the sofa. “Get over here and let me do filthy things to you to make up for it.”
He laughs at that, toes off his shoes and takes the few steps to the sofa. He doesn’t sink into the cushions like you expected though, but kneels in front of you. You reach out, run a hand over the side of his face, feel the days-old stubble rasping under your touch. Bringing your other hand up, you cup his face, thumbs tracing over the bags under his eyes like you can smooth them out with that simple touch. You can feel his exhaustion in the way he leans forward into the feeling, and it breaks something in you.
When you kiss him, you intend for it to be careful and slow. Bring him out of his shell, remind him that things outside The Bear exist. But the moment your mouths press together, the moment you nip the edge of his bottom lip, the drained and defeated Carmy is gone.
He surges forward, almost sending you tipping over backwards, arms wrapping around your waist. One hand slides to your lower back, stretching to cover as much of your skin as he can possibly grasp. Pulling you forward, Carmy bows his head to suck a bruise into your throat and you know for damn sure it’ll be visible tomorrow. A glaring mark, a “fuck you” to the rest of the world painted on your skin.
Your hands are far from idle either, and as one pulls at his T-shirt, rucking it up to explore the muscles beneath, you run a finger from the other over the arch of his ear. Carmy shudders in a broad, full-body motion and his hips stutter, jerk forward into you. You both moan at the contact and you want to chase it, feel him pressed between your thighs, but clearly Carmy has other ideas.
He reaches under your arms and pulls you up to stand with him, letting his hands continue their journey down your sides to reach your waist. All you have time to do is gasp as he hoists you off your feet, and he’s already walking towards your floor-length window as you desperately try to wrap your legs around his waist. He doesn’t give you much chance to breathe, the hand not holding you up pushing deep into your hair and curling strands around his fingers so he can pull your head back, press more kisses to the hollow of your throat.
For a dizzying moment, you can see the lights of Chicago upside down, but you manage to pull your head up just before your back hits the cold glass. You hiss at the chill against your bared skin and Carmy runs a hot palm around to your back in apology even as his tongue continues its insistent sweeps against your own.
You barely register the soft clink of his belt, the push and rustle of fabric between you until his cock is pressed close, the only thing keeping it from filling you your own stupid lacy underwear.
With a frustrated groan, Carmy gently lowers you until your feet sink into the carpet, but he still gives you no room to move, pressing you into the misted-up glass as if he can’t tear his body from yours.
“Carmy,” you pant, unsure what you’re asking, but you know he understands when he grabs your upper arm, spins you around to face the view. The glass is warmer now, but still cold enough that the press of your barely-concealed nipples to its surface makes you moan as you hear Carmy kneel, feel him sliding your panties down your legs.
He doesn’t even let them reach your ankles before he’s up again, kissing his way along your spine as he goes, and finally, finally, the head of his cock nestles in where it needs to be.
Its hot and heavy presence has you pushing your hips back, wanting to feel the glorious slide of him, lose yourself in the moment he splits you, and all you can see, eyes half-slitted in pleasure, are the glittering lights of the city below. You live pretty high up and the lights are low enough that none of the busy pedestrians below should see, but all it would really take is a glance up and an observant eye. To see your breasts pressed against the glass, Carmy’s possessive hands gripping your hips as he finally drives into you. Even from this distance, you imagine the pleasure on your own face and your walls flutter around Carmy until he growls, pulls your hands from where they were flat against the window into a bind behind you.
There is nothing kind and gentle about this moment, no give in Carmy’s body as he fucks into you, and you revel in it. Let him take his pain and translate it into pleasure through your body. Let him take and take and take until he has nothing left to give, and let the world see him doing it. Let them see what’s his.
These thoughts alone have you teetering, desperate for a few more strokes, but the surprise of Carmy reaching around to draw lazy circles over your clit as he snarls, “Fucking look at you, look how good you take me,” has you seizing up instantly. You can faintly hear your own surprised cry through the buzzing in your ears, and Carmy’s gasps as he feels you pulsate around him, but you only fully come back to yourself when you press your forehead against the blessedly cool glass.
The strength of your orgasm is enough that your legs are visibly shaking now, and without a word, Carmy bends to scoop up your lower half and pulls you in, cradling you across his front. You close your eyes for a moment, trying to calm your breathing as you push your face into his chest, but before you can even begin to get your head straight, you feel soft sheets on your back as he lowers you to the bed.
He sinks down beside you, and all his desperation from a moment ago is gone as his body finally relaxes. He’s still hard and straining towards you, but the light has dimmed in his eyes, so when you reach for him, it’s to run a hand across his cheek, to bring his eyes to yours. When you move towards him, it’s to curl your legs with his, to press your forehead against his and settle his breathing with your own.
People think Carmy is so used to taking shit that it doesn’t hurt him anymore, but you know. You know how each word drives so deep that he doesn’t know how to take good anymore, how he invites the anger and the aggression of a kitchen into his soul because the alternative is realising that all the shit he’s been through is too awful, too devastating to reconcile. To keep feeling it, so he has no time to wonder what his life would be without it.
You see the weakness and the fear and the vulnerability, and you know how he absorbs the feeling and translates it into his work, how he uses it to fuel him, how he turns the criticism and the insults and the hatred into being better, being perfect, doing a good job.
“You are so wonderful, Carmy,” you murmur, and when he tries to look away, you hold his head still. “Tell me what happened.”
“Nothing. Shit, not really anything.” You’re silent, and he sighs as he caves under the pressure of your gaze. “Back when I was in New York, you remember that chef I told you about?”
You nod, because you know you can’t say anything remotely okay about that particular chef.
“He had this thing, about pasta. Thought he was some kind of expert because he spent, like, three months with Massimo Bottura. We had to boil water from cold every time, for every single batch of pasta we served, and there was this exact amount of salt we had to add. It wasn’t like a teaspoon, it was seven point three grams for every hundred of pasta. And he could fucking tell if you were off, he barely had to taste it. One time I saw him smell somebody’s pasta and tell them they were off by point two.” Carmy’s voice is shaking, and you move your thumb along his cheekbone slowly, calmly, giving him something to root himself to. Remind him he’s not there.
“And I was thinking about it while I was cooking the bucatini, and it’s like he was in the room again, saying the same shit he always did. Watching over my shoulder as I added the salt, and it made me so mad,” Carmy mutters, breaths coming in pants now. “And I didn’t even think, I just added like way too much salt. Enough to fuckin’ ruin it, ‘cos I just wanted to see him choke on it. And then I sent it out.”
You don’t take your eyes from his face as you curl one hand down to straighten the fingers of his, to stop the nails he’s digging deep into his palm from cutting into his skin.
“And of course it got sent back, and Richie apologised and comped their bill, and they didn’t care. But, like, I just sabotaged my own restaurant. My own reputation, becuase I can’t stop fuckin’ thinking about salting pasta,” Carmy finishes in a rush, and he finally meets your eyes.
“Carmy, you’re working in a kitchen every day. It’s no surprise you remember other kitchens you’ve been in, and the kind of behaviour you’ve had to endure. But it’s not that kitchen anymore. This is your kitchen we’re talking about, your space. When you look over your shoulder, he’s not there anymore. Syd is, and she’s got your back. We’re not some pristine, sterile team with no heart. Richie’s there.” You feel a surge of emotion so strong for the brilliant, vulnerable man in front of you that you push your face into his shoulder, hard enough that he has to steady himself from falling back onto the bed. His other hand comes up to card loosely through your hair, and you suppress a soft noise of comfort to finish with, “I’m there.”
“I know, baby,” he responds, pulling you closer until you’re practically curled into his lap. “And I think it’ll get easier, it’s already easier. I just don’t think I’ll ever entirely stop sabotaging myself. I’m not like the food I make, I’m not composed and-and, perfect. I’m not, uh, not always good at stuff.”
“Okay, but you’re good plenty of the time,” you whisper, looking up at him. You smile as he glances down, catches your eye. “I could go on for days about the stuff you’re good at.”
“Oh yeah?” Carmy murmurs, pressing a kiss to your forehead, down and round the edge of your face to the shell of your ear. You shiver instinctively, press into the feeling.
“You’re good at that. Good at getting me out of control,” and your voice is already shaking.
“You’re not out of control, babe. I’ve got you. You’re mine,” Carmy is muttering inbetween kisses as he rolls you onto your back, pins your arms to your sides with his legs and begins to fully slide off your lingerie, slowly, carefully. His hands are, as always, steady. You remember all the times you’ve watched him roll a cigarette, piece together edible art as flames lick at his chef’s whites, and you can’t remember a time you’ve seen them shake.
From the eye of the storm he’s creating in you, you watch as he slides down the bed, skimming his lips across your trembling thighs until he sits back, and moves his hands to your knees.
You can almost feel the pleasure it gives him as, at the lightest touch from him, you part your legs, let him see what he does to you. What he has done. When he growls, you realise he can see remnants of your earlier escapade against the window at your entrance, his come marking you.
When Carmy dips his finger inside you, your hips jerk towards him, but he holds them down with one hand. His finger delves deep for a moment, and then leaves you suddenly, but before you can protest, he brings his hand to your face, offers you the digit. You’re entranced by the silent command in his eyes, and with no hesitation, you open your mouth and let Carmy’s come-covered finger slide inside, press deep towards the back of your throat. When you swallow, the bitterness makes you moan, envision being on your knees for Carmy, his fingers twined so deep into your hair it hurts, feeling his white-hot heat at the back of your throat.
It breaks whatever tension was stretched taut between you, and Carmy wraps his arms around your legs, pulls your body towards him and lowers his face between your thighs. For a moment, he teases you, nibbling at the juncture where your leg curves into your hip, skimming his teeth across the bone, but you know he’s secretly just as impatient as you are, and when he takes his first tender lick across your clit, he moans even louder than you do.
Giving head is an art for Carmy, and feels like a privilege to you. You’ve seen him enjoy food in the kitchen, give somebody that blown-away glance that they’ve worked their whole lives to see, but he never takes more than one bite.
But this, with you, as you watch him devour you whole...It’s the only meal you’ve ever watched him finish.
Tongue swirling delicately across your center, breaking for hungry kisses to your thighs as his hands grasp at any inch of you he can reach, you can’t help the words that spill from you, “yes, yes, Carmy, you’re so good, you make me feel so good, my good boy, please-“, but you can’t continue as he slides two fingers deep inside your aching pussy, so deep you don’t ever want him to move.
At this point in the erotic novels you read during your lunch break (which, if Fak were to find them, would spell the end of your career), the heroine says something about how it feels like hours pass with her lover between her legs. But this is real life, and all Carmy has to do is mutter, “Finish for me baby, finish for me,” for you to come embarrassingly quickly.
You’re practically incoherent on the comedown, and all you can summon the strength to do is pull him into you, press kisses to his forehead and mumble over and over how fucking amazing he makes you feel.
“If you lose everything else, Carmy, if you ever think there isn’t a thing in this world you’re any good at, just know that you are a god at giving head,” you pant eventually, and when he pushes his face into your neck, you can feel his smile there.
For a moment more, you just enjoy the press of his body against yours, revel in the sweat and slick between you. It dawns on you slowly just how slick it feels, and you gasp as you realise-
“Carmy, did you-?”
Carmy laughs into your skin, tracing one hand across your chest idly until you shiver. “Yeah. You, uh, you were moaning and telling me how good I was and…it was hot.”
You laugh with him breathlessly, still kind of in awe at how well you fit after all this time, how at home you feel with him. “Well, I hope that made your bad day a little better.”
Carmy is silent for a second before he murmurs, “You have no idea what you do for me,” and you can see the shine of his eyes in the glitter of the city lights filtering through your window. “There can never be a bad day if I end it right here, in this bed, in your arms.”
You would reply, but he’s kissing you into silence before you can, and you wonder for a moment if any words will ever need to be said between you and Carmy again, or whether you can communicate all the fear, all the anger, all the love, just with kisses and touch and his lips against yours. But eventually, as you slip into sleep with his body twined around yours, you decide that tongues were made for more than just talking.
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jagdkommandos · 9 months
NSFW alphabet template (König Edition)
I made this account to try and get into writing more so i thought a prompt template might be a fun way to start it off….various headcanons of König because I spend too much time thinking about him🥰 maybe some brief mentions of harder kinks but nothing graphic/detailed or illegal dw
Original Template here!
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Always concerned with your wellbeing when you finish, he’ll immediately get you water and hold you. Afterwards he’ll get your clothes if you ask, or let you lay in the bed and rest as he makes dinner. Loves to do things after, and will make snacks so you can stay in bed and watch movies or spend time together.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
For his partner’s body, their legs/hips. He’ll cover them with kisses and bite marks, manhandling them any chance he gets (only with your enthusiastic consent, of course)
For himself, his arms. He loves being able to hold you so strongly, and carry you around in them. He also loves watching you grab his biceps during missionary, they make a great holding bar so you don’t slide away from his force.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
cums A LOT. With little experience, and not making masturbation a habit, when he does go at it he goes hard. Not only does he have a huge load, but he’s gonna want to come multiple times. He loves seeing it on or in you.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
ties into wild card a bit further down, but he’s definitely into some more degrading stuff. He really loves that he’s basically guaranteed to be bigger than his partner, because he loves feeling like he has control, but he goes to great lengths to hide it because he feels bad about it. In theory, he’d love to call you names or be rough during sex, but the one time he tries he probably feels so terrible he stops, even if you like it.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s definitely had a couple partners in his life, but he hasn’t been sleeping around. He knows the basics, but if you wanted to try something spicier, he might need some direction.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
On top, facing you with your legs on his shoulders. dunno what you’d call that, but it definitely gives the perfect view of your reaction and the best angle for kissing and biting.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He’s too self conscious to act silly or weird during sex, and will try to act reserved, but he’ll match whatever mood you’ve set once he’s more comfortable.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Relatively well trimmed, I don’t think he’d be totally bald or have any designs but he likes to keep the hair short and out of the way.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Super romantic, the first few times you had sex in a relationship he would definitely always initiate it with a date first. Even when it became too regular for that to be convenient, he’d still approach you in a very loving way.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He doesn’t do it a lot, his anxiety gets in the way when he’s left alone for too long and he gets paranoid about someone catching him. He’ll do it if he gets worked up enough, though.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
any sort of marking. He would probably never admit it, but anything like branding, biting, any sort of symbol of unification.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
A good old bedroom, preferably one set up beforehand to be suited for a few hours of intimacy (think big bed, lots of pillows, flowers on the table, toys in the bedstand, waterbottles on hand for when you take breaks. He’s a sucker for cheesy romantic settings.)
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Any buildup of sexual tension drives him mad if he wants you. Interrupted before he has to go to work? he’ll spend the whole day with you in the back of his mind. Edging him or teasing him? He’ll get so frustrated he wants to throw you on the bed and have his way. He’s also totally into restraining his partner, because he loves watching them try to resist the pleasure he gives them. Anything that shows him you’re overly eager for him will drive him crazy.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything public. This dude def even locks the bedroom door when you go at it. He doesn’t want to be caught in an awkward position, and he doesn’t want to put you in one, either. He’d be too busy watching his surroundings to enjoy himself.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He loves receiving, but he’s a fan of giving too. He’d never demand it from you, but if you initiate head he’ll lose his mind. He’s pretty good at giving, and he’d offer to pretty often, but he loves being able to watch your face as he receives.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He starts out slow and romantic, trying to be gentle, but has a hard time containing himself and always ends up increasing his pace after a while.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
not a fan, He doesn’t feel like it provides equal satisfaction to both parties. He much prefers multiple short rounds in a row, or one long session. Quickies feel too impersonal and almost disrespectful because he doesn’t just bang to get off.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He likes the idea of risks, but only in controlled environment. He wouldn’t be able to do anything genuinely public or rank-risking, but he’d probably be into roleplaying it.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He doesn’t last long before nutting, but he regains energy fast (you can’t tell me this massive specops dude doesnt have record breaking recovery time) and is ready to go for multiple rounds
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He wouldn’t use anything like a fleshlight, but he’d keep a small collection of various toys of your choosing for him to use during sex.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Bigger on being teased than teasing. Egging him on when you can’t have sex will basically ensure a wild time when he gets you alone. He won’t be able to stop thinking about it the whole time. Once he’s comfortable though, he’s definitely more eager to tease you back or start it, because he actually enjoys the dynamic.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Tries to be quiet, fails miserably. He’ll start out with heavy breathing, but it’ll descend into a series of swearing, german words, and loud grunting. He also LOVES to hear you make noise, otherwise he worries he’s doing it wrong.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Into some more extreme things, but he’d never tell anyone that. Knifeplay, blindfolding, branding, biting, etc. but only, ONLY if you are the one who initiates it, and you’ll probably have to practically beg him, because otherwise he will always feel bad about it, even if you agree and he asks first.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
dude is RIPPED. He has largely athletic related hobbies, and an active job in the military, so he stays in top shape. He’s got pretty clear skin because he’s got good hygiene, and all his body hair is either trimmed or removed because he doesn’t like how it looks or feels under all his gear. He’s got a decent amount of scars from work, mostly along his chest and arms but also some on his lower body and maybe a couple on his face. Also definitely packing, because he is 6’10 and because I say so. It’s gotta be like 13 inches long.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He has a high sex drive, but the average person would never know because he has it under great control. Unless you initiate, he’s never gonna harass or beg because he’s horny, but he will take care of himself once he’s alone. Live with him as his girlfriend though, and you’ll never have a free moment.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
sex wakes him up. You’ll wake up hours after sex and find him still busying himself with various tasks and hobbies, cleaning the house, etc. as if it reinvigorated him. Sometimes he’ll even ask for it if he knows he has a lot to do in a night, because it motivates him and acts as a stress reliever.
A/N: I hc könig as a huge service top and i cant stop thinking about it so thats what 90% of this is sorry i need him to be my husband rn
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chamomiletealeaf · 7 months
Simon Riley teaching you how to shoot his gun.
warnings: kinda nsfw, suggestive, mentions of weapons, size kink, Simon is a cocky little slut and a bit more playful than he is originally, reader has Laswell's job (I'M SORRY LASWELL I LOVE YOU MY LOVE)
wc: 2,367
a/n: Sorry this prompt was so late. Final papers and stuff have been taking up my time so I haven't had much time to write full fics like this. I wanted to wait until I could really engage in it for y'all. Hope you guys enjoy 🫡 I tried my best and researched what I thought was necessary to be as accurate as possible when it comes to ranks, positions, and responsibilities of certain spots and jobs in the military. I apologize for any inaccuracies.
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You are CIA. You're no stranger to the atrocities of the world, nor are you a stranger on how to deal with them. Your special skills in strategizing missions and intelligence analysis was something you were well known and respected for and did not go unnoticed by Captain John Price, which is how you got recruited as a Communications Analyst and Operation Overseer for Task Force 141.
You loved your job. The men you worked with on the Task Force became more than just coworkers and rather close friends over time.
You worked on base most of the time while the team was out in the field during missions, so with you being their boots on the ground and the birdie in their ears, you're like an omniscient entity, which they saw you as. You needed them and they needed you.
However, it was difficult being apart during missions knowing that if anything happened to you or them, you couldn't do anything to physically help each other in that moment, which is why you all needed to know how to handle personal enemy attacks on your own if needed. Luckily, you were all pretty good at that.
You knew how to shoot a gun, fight, outsmart captors, and take care of the team. You could definitely handle and take care of yourself pretty well. However, you still thought to yourself:
"There's always more to learn, right?"
"Oh c'mon Simon how hard could it be, you forget who I am." You laugh as you go to drink from your glass of iced tea.
You and the Task Force were celebrating your victory on your most recent mission in the common area of the base. The men had most of their gear off leaving their gloves and holsters on and Simon also with his signature skull balaclava and hoodie.
You sat on one of the couches in the common area next to Johnny with his arm sprawled across the back of it behind your neck. Your white button down was tucked into your black dress pants and you had the first few buttons undone, leaving less to the imagination. You also had on your black slightly heeled shoes, which were surprisingly very comfortable.
Simon sat across from you, body turned in your direction. Gaz sat next to him and Price leaned on the couch behind the two with a glass in hand.
"I'm just saying. Such a small thing probably couldn't handle something so big." Simon says and smirks under his balaclava as he looks at you, clearly amused by his innuendo.
You roll your eyes and Johnny laughs.
Simon didn't mean it, and you knew. He saw the way you handled things so efficiently and skillfully, whether it be a knife, a gun, intel, missions, or even himself, It's one of the main things he loved and admired about you, though he would never say it.
"I don't know L.T., you forget when she pinned me in seconds last time we sparred." Johnny says.
"I wouldn't underestimate the gal Lieutenant. You've seen what happens to the men who do." Price says, smirking and taking a swig of his drink.
"Who got you around those guards by hacking into the cameras and telling you where to go hm?" You ask Simon.
"You did lass." Johnny says as he lifts his arm to playfully poke your cheek.
You giggle and push his hand away.
"I'm not doubting her, it's just harder than it looks. Don't think she could do it as easily as she says she can."
"That's literally the definition of doubt L.T." Gaz says.
You scoff with your mouth open, smiling in surprise.
"Wow, ok, I see how it is, Lieutenant." You emphasized the title you called him to tease him, as you were the only one who ever called him Simon. Calling him Lieutenant meant you were either being dead serious, angry with him, or teasing him. And Simon would be lying if he told himself he didn't like it when you called him by his ranked position. He also loved how you were the only one who called him by his name.
"Oooohh fuck yer in trouble now L.T." Johnny said.
As the night went on and got older, you could feel your heart getting lighter as you forgot about the stresses of life for a while.
After a few more hours of harmless banter and laughs between the five of you, the men decided to help you clean the common area up and head back to their quarters.
Simon, however, was the last to leave.
As you placed your glass in the sink with the other dishes and glasses, another glass was placed in the sink by another hand.
"Thanks love." Simon said as he gently placed his glass down in the sink next to yours.
"For what?" you said.
"For getting us to forget for a while. For getting me to relax."
Simon never really was one to speak much about anything really. You weren't sure if it was the bourbon speaking but regardless, you melted at his vulnerability he trusted you with.
"You're welcome Simon." You turn to smile at him, both staring in each others eyes for a few seconds in silence.
"But you know what I didn't forget?" You ask, smirk creeping onto your face.
Simon raises his eyebrows in anticipation awaiting your answer.
"That you think I can't shoot a gun bigger than a pistol."
Simon laughs, throwing his head back causing your eyes to lose contact with his honey-colored ones, the sound causing your heart to drop with the weight of your lust like a star falling out of the sky.
"Ok, well, how 'bout you prove me wrong then?" Simon asks, a mischievous look in his eye.
"Challenge accepted, Lieutenant." You said, walking past him and making your way to the shooting range, expecting him to follow.
This time, it was Simon's heart's turn to drop.
Simon enters the range after you, and you've already got your safety glasses and headphones on, leaning against one of the dividers of the range with your hands on your hips looking at him as if you've been waiting for hours.
"Well Lieutenant, show me what you think I can't do." You say, and Simon doesn't say anything. He stops in the door frame and after a second, he silently goes to choose a weapon. He picks up a big gun, one of his, purposefully picking one that would be difficult for you just to prove that you couldn't do it. He was such a cocky bitch.
He approaches you with the weapon, and you look at it in his hands, stiffening up a bit at the intimidating sight of it, and Simon chuckles.
"This" Simon says, lifting the gun up for you to get a better look, "is an AR-15. It was created for ad-"
"Advantage over the AK-47." You cut him off, smirking in triumph as you once again catch the soldier in front of you off guard and he looks at you with an amused raised eyebrow.
"Ok smartass. Since you know so much, show me how to hold it then." Simon drops the weapon in your hands and crosses his arms, spreading his legs a little, standing in an even more intimidating position. The gun is heavy and big, causing you to stumble due to Simon catching you off guard this time. It's safety was on, as Simon would never put you in any danger, which is why he was so comfortable with teasing you in this setting.
He laughs to himself, thinking how cute you look with such a big weapon.
You look at the gun, then up at Simon, then to the target in the range. You make your way to one of the spaces between the dividers and lift the gun. It's heavier than you thought, but nothing you couldn't handle.
Simon follows behind, standing behind you with his arms still crossed and legs apart.
"Well go on, if it's so easy." Simon teases.
"Oh relax." You playfully snap back at him.
You lift up the weapon, and look through the sight, aiming at the target.
You look through the sight a bit longer, making sure you're lined up, as you feel Simon's presence even closer.
He comes up behind you, pressing his front against your back as he reaches an arm around to turn off the safety. You lift your head from the sight and lower the weapon a little, giving him room to access whatever he was reaching for.
"Safety is still on sweetheart." Simon says, voice dripping with cockiness as he continues to tease you.
"I knew that." You mumble. "Just testing the sight."
"Mhm sure bunny." He says, the nickname making your eyes widen a bit and your cheeks flush red as you look down at the weapon, not daring to look back at him.
You lift the gun back up, and you feel Simon move behind you once again as he kicks your legs apart and places his hands firmly on your hips. You feel him press his front against you once again, making you gasp.
"Here, spread your legs a bit. Left foot slightly in front of your right." He tells you lowly and softly in your ear, and you let him adjust your body, praying he doesn't feel the increasing heat radiating off of you.
He grips your hips and pulls them back against him so you're pressing directly into him.
"There you go, just like that." He says, and your breath hitches at the suggestive words and how he's handling you.
"The recoil can be a lot, so keeping your hips back and one leg slightly in front will keep you stable when you shoot." He says into your ear, hand still tightly gripping your hips, and you bite your lip and nod your head, afraid to make a sound that could possibly give away how nervous and aroused you were in this moment. You could feel him getting hard behind you, and you could feel how big he was, but you resisted grinding back into him.
Simon released his hold on your hips and brought his hands up and around yours. You noted how big his hands were compared to yours, making you blush yet again. He was so close and just so big compared to you, and you yourself weren't even that small.
"Now, lift this up a little more." He says, lifting the weapon up higher in your grasp.
He moves his left hand up yours up under the barrel of the gun a little more, helping you hold it as his right helps you keep your hand in place off the trigger until ready to shoot.
"There we go, atta girl, just like that." He says, and you swear he's gotta be doing this on purpose now. You feel yourself start to grow wetter between your legs as you start to throb, biting your lip even harder now, trying your hardest to not let out a moan at his words.
"Now." he says, as he moves his finger over yours to place it on the trigger.
"Shoot." He says into your headphone-covered ear.
As you press the trigger, the recoil thrusts you back, making you grind back into Simon abruptly, and he lets out a soft groan, and his hands fly back to your hips after you shoot. His noise almost distracting you from your perfect shot on the target, hitting the bullseye.
"Ha!" You yell out in excitement seeing your successful shot.
"Look Simon! bullseye!" You giggle and jump a little with joy, forgetting that your ass is literally pressed up against Simon's cock through his cargos. Your ass rubs against him as you hop and he ruts his hips into you and lets out a sharp moan, squeezing your hips again.
"Good job bunny." He says and smiles, and you remember the position you both are in, and you feel the shyness creep back into you.
You turn your head around to look up at him, still holding the weapon with both hands.
"Told you I could do it." You smirk up at him.
You notice Simon doesn't move from his position and how his hands don't leave their place on your hips. You're not oblivious to what he's doing either, but it's fun to tease him and act like you have no clue.
You go to turn the safety off, and as you do, you lean forward a bit more than needed just to press against him again, and you feel him twitch in his pants this time.
You turn around, and place the gun in his hands that left your hips for a second due to your new position.
"What's the matter Lieutenant, can't handle being wrong?" You tease.
Simon doesn't say anything and he goes to put the gun away. You turn back around to admire your perfect hit, and soon feel that familiar warmth behind you again as Simon presses himself into you again.
"Can't handle you looking so fucking good all the time and just being so perfect at everything." He says.
You laugh. "Was this your plan hm? To get me down here just to have me alone?" You ask.
"Maybe." Simon answers and smiles into your neck, hands going back to your hips again.
"Slut." You say.
Simon then bends you over the shelf of the shooting range booth as much as he can and he grabs your hair.
"Fuck you're such a tease aren't you?" He says.
You moan at the feeling of him manhandling you and pressing his weight into you.
"Only to you." You smile.
"God you're so fuckin small against me. And that fuckin shirt. Was practically eye fucking you all night." Simon continues to grind into your ass.
You let out a little whine at his words, pressing back into him, feeling him get fully hard this time.
"Yeah? show me what you were thinking of then Lieutenant." You say, and you know this was just the beginning of the night for the both of you.
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a/n: There could very possibly be a pt 2 to this. Lmk if y'all would want that 🫣
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soft5ku11 · 11 months
Soft5ku11 D15c0rd Server (+ Masterpost)
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Disclaimer: No extreme sizes, vore, scat & piss (etc), mpreg or kink content depicting minors is allowed. 18+ ONLY.
This is primarily a specially curated art portfolio. Check it out if you want! (The site might be slow to load all the images on the main page so give it a few seconds)
As of September 2023, you can now view uncensored versions of my art on this website! :)
{you are here right now! good job!}
I try to post my art periodically on BS (when i remember I'll dump a month or two of art in one go).
I don't often post on PF because there's nobody there ._.
I only have one fic as of July 2023, but I might post more in the future.
twitter. (booooo)
Deleted all my art from here because TOS changes mean all images and art uploaded will be used to train *l*n m*sk's AI service. Site is also dead throw it in the bin already fr.
I may not do everything left in the suggestion box, but I will see it. The more detail, the better!
This post will update if/when I have new socials or links to other sites to share.
#my art - Original art made by me
#soft5ku11 speaking - Off-topic stuff, you can filter this if you're only here for the art
#soft5ku11 asks - Any inbox asks I reply to
#soft5ku11 headcanons Headcanons posts, usually alongside the asks tag
#soft5ku11 gamedev - Posts about the development of my still-unnamed game concept
#soft5ku11 WIP - Screenshots of unfinished artwork
#soft5ku11 commissions - Commission posts, artworks, and updates
Character tags will be abbreviated to three characters, eg my Guzma tag is "#gzm tag".
(Feel free to filter these tags if and as you see fit)
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v3nusxsky · 9 months
Hi I was wondering if I could request a pretty detailed lesso smut
Basically it’s dom lesso x sub reader and r is originally very innocent and inexperienced so she’s a very good and obedient sub for lesso but recently r read fanfics abt bratting and found brat taming very attractive so she wanted to try it w lesso
R starts off by not wearing the remote control vibe that lesso told her to wear, sending explicit videos to her in the middle of work and when lesso gets her in a room at the end of the day, r doesn’t assume her usual position of submission and instead touches herself on their bed
Leonora is probably more of a quietly strict dom and manhandles r over her work table and makes r spread her legs and spanks her w a belt, occasionally smacking her cunt (ofc it would be super hot of lesso to make r count and thank her for each stroke)
After that it’s just a lot of cockwarming and and Leo putting r in her place w the vibes of “my sweet slut just needed a good fucking, didn’t she?” HHHHH and yes all that good stuff, would love it to be a longer fic so I can drown my sorrows in lady lesso
P.s would be amazing if u included an authority/ strict dom kink and r is only allowed to call Leo Lady Lesso or mistress
SORRY FOR THE LONG ASS REQUEST I just had a very specific daydream, with that said Tysm for hearing me out and have a lovely day <3
Breaking rules 18+
*Authors note~ Birthday fic:))) never be sorry for a longer prompt request, I absolutely love the detail to it which helps me ensure I don't stray from what you desire unless you want me to go nuts on it. However I will admit some of this I changed slightly due to personal reasons, enjoy the fic*
Trigger warnings~ strict mommy vibe dom leo brat subby r, mistress kink mentions corruption kink and virgin r remote control vibe phone sex? Videos ;) submissive positions. Punishments, spanking (hand and cane) cock warming edging Dacryphilia kink manhandling praise and degrading kinks I think that's it.
Prompt~ see ask^^^
You remember the first time you and Lady Lesso slept together, how she taught you everything you needed to know, how she mollified you until you were no longer the innocent woman you were but now a perfect submissive for her. Every single action was carefully crafted to have you being a good girl for her. You'd never had a taste of punishment so maybe that's why the fan fiction enticed you so much. You'd never considered the outcome of what would happened to you if you broke the rules. But here and now you sat hot and bothered by the idea of that very thing.
You knew what she expected of you, the directions were clear, and normally you'd do exactly as asked but the fic had awoken the bratty beast inside you. You got dressed for your day but forgoing on the remote control vibrator which caused excited chills to run through your body. How could being so bad feel so good? You couldn't help but wonder how much more you'd escape with. What would be the consequences to your actions?
By your lunch period you were ready to do some more rule breaking, the overwhelming thrill you received from disobeying your lover was certainly indescribable, you were so sure that this is your best idea yet. Perhaps that's why you snuck off to your old room and began to touch yourself after setting up the camera. You made sure to be vocal and after the camera capturing exactly how much you were enjoying your mid day fun. With a quick press of a few buttons, Leonora was graced with those video's just a few moments before she was expected to teach curses and death traps. For the life of her she couldn't work out why you were doing this. After all the first time lesso touched you, you were a virgin, and so willing to do whatever she demanded out of you. To submit so easily just to please her. And that was so unusual but not something she couldn't handle.
The final straw for Leonora was when you didn't kneel by the bed as she entered the room, no. Instead you lay there lazily circling your clit and teasing your soaking slit. Back arched and head tilted back in pleasure. It was as if she'd never even entered the room. "What the hell are you doing" she growled snapping you out from your blissed out mindset. "I uh I'm sorry Lady Lesso, I just I wanted to-" you mumbled trying to explain the situation. "I don't care. Up" she cut you off immediately reaching down to grab your arm and drag you where she wanted you. "Leo" you whimpered causing the red heads eyes to darken. "Excuse me?! How dare you address your superior so casually. You're below me and it's about time I reminded you do that fact."
Being forced over the desk in your shared bedroom all exposed while she remains fully clothed only added to the power play here. You had no choice but spread your legs when she kicked them apart. "Mistress please! I'm sorry" you whined unhappily. "Oh no pet, no. You can't act like a little slut and play the innocent card now darling. You will count your punishment and use my titles. Should you fail we will restart."
The first crack sounded across the room causing a sting to run over your ass. "One mistress" you mumbled gasping as three hits of her hands rained down on you. "Fuck two three four lady lesso" your tears now falling. The next hit was something different, the cool feeling of her cane touching your sore globes. The cool sensation only providing a small bit of relief before the pain outweighed the cool feeling. Hit after hit you counted every one bent over her desk. "Lady lesso" you sobbed unhappily. "Shush shush shush little girl, just a couple more okay?" She whispered before yanking you to lay on your back before three quick hits were placed on your aching clit. "Mistress, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" you blabbered hiccuping through your tears. "Shhh I know you are sweet girl, you have to learn this isn't okay darling. Be my sweet little girl, and then mistress can reward her good girl."
You were swiftly guided to lay on the bed, your ass on fire as it rubbed against the sheets. Only to watch Leonora strip to show her favourite strap on. "Now be a pretty whore and let mistress use your pretty holes" she purred before teasing your slit with the bulbous head of her faux enchanted cock. Lesso immediately set a punishing pace as she drilled into your aching cunt, "fuck so pretty when you cry sweet slut" she murmured when she noticed the tears falling slightly, "pretty tears."
Leonora continued to fuck you ruthlessly until she came first. Spurting cum from her faux cock as she painted your insides white. "Mistress" you whined hoping she'd finally let you come, after all the punishment and being used for her pleasure left you hanging on the edge. "Okay darling, this is your chance to be a good girl, I'm gonna fuck you so well darling, you'll forget your own name." Leonora was the one to keep to her promise. You came over and over again, some just on her cock and others with a small little vibe that would sit on your puffy clit.
"Oh my sweet slut just needed a good fucking? Didn't she?" She cooed looking at your pupils being blown wide and eyes glazed over indicating just how deep in your sub space you truly are. "Okay love, I'm going to pull out now" you whined in response. "Okay okay we can stay like this but let's get comfortable beautiful" she murmured shifting to settle you both comfortably for the night as she held you, you both drifted off for the night.
Word count~ 1368
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nicoline1998enilocin · 7 months
Flufftober Day 31 | Spiked candy
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Pairing | Iron Man!Tony Stark x Avenger!Female!Reader
Word count | 2.1K
Summary | You've had a crush on Tony for as long as you can remember, but you didn't know he also has one on you. During his annual Halloween party, he makes a move using a project he's been working on for a long time, and they have precisely the desired effect because you couldn't be happier the morning after. Your dream of being his might finally come true after all.
Warning(s) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Swearing, costume party, use of pet name (Kitten), aphrodisiac candies, mutual pining, friends/coworkers to lovers, smut (Daddy kink, dirty talk, oral - M receiving, light choking, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), squirting, implied aftercare), a boatload of fluff.
Prompt | 31. Dreams do come true | @flufftober Prompt | Tony only buys the good stuff when it comes to Halloween candy. But be careful. There's a reason there are no kids at this party. Some of the candies are a pretty potent aphrodisiac | @jtargaryen18
A/n | This one-shot is written for Jamie's Halloween Challenge 2023. As always, I want to thank @ccbsrmsf1 for enjoying this with me and proofreading it as well! I had an absolute blast writing this one, and I hope you will all enjoy it as much as I did when writing 🖤
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 🧡
Divider is made by @firefly-graphics | GIF credit to the owner This GIF has been found on Pinterest, but I sadly can't find the original pin anymore since I forgot to save it. If you have the link to the original GIF, please let me know so I can credit it accordingly!
Main Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist | Flufftober Masterlist
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Your costume idea may have been basic, but your result is far from that. The tight black dress, thigh-high heels, slicked-back hair, cat ears, and smokey makeup give you a sexy, sultry look you hope will impress one man. Anthony Edward Stark.
The entire day you've spent getting ready, from doing your hair and makeup to having every single hair on your body waxed that doesn't belong there. You're smooth as a baby's butt, and you've never looked better.
Looking this good also means you feel just about as good, and confidence is dripping off every inch of your body as you enter the party. Each year, Tony throws a Halloween party even more extravagant than the last, but you don't look at any of it.
There's only one thought in your mind: ''What will Tony think of my costume?'' it's a good thing you don't have to wait long before you have your answer.
''Fuckin' hell, Kitten, don't you look like a million bucks tonight?'' Tony says, and his hand finds its way to the small of your back as he leans in to whisper these words in your ear.
Heat creeps up your chest and neck, all the way to the tips of your ears because you've had a crush on him since before you had even become an Avenger. But honestly, who wouldn't when they were in the presence of someone as amazing as Iron Man?
However, what you did not know - or were too in love to see - is that he had a crush on you as well. He's been flirting with you ever since laying eyes on you. And tonight, he plans to make it abundantly clear how he feels about you.
''You don't look bad yourself, either,'' you say as you look Tony up and down. He's wearing a tailored pin-striped suit with no shirt, the jacket hanging open to reveal every last ridge of his muscle. Around his neck is a bow tie identical to the one of Jack Skellington, and the white hair and makeup finish off the entire look.
You turn towards him and lay your hand on his abdomen, scratching softly down to the edge of his pants with your Halloween-themed nails. When you hear Tony's breath hitch, you know you've achieved your goal and flashed a mischievous smile up to him.
''Don't tempt me, Kitten,'' he growls lowly, the dark brown of his eyes almost disappearing as his pupils grow wide in arousal.
''I'm sorry, Daddy,'' you say before tapping his chest once and turning around to head to the bar, and you're using the fact that it is busy to your advantage. You're immediately swallowed into the crowd, and before Tony can even reach out to you, you're out of his sight.
''Shit,'' he mutters to himself.
You have found your way to the bar in the meantime, and that's where you find both Bucky and Steve, just like every other party. Bucky's not a socialite, and Steve is nice enough to stay with his best friend.
Bucky whistles as you walk over. ''Someone must have left a cage open because there's a wild animal at this party.''
''Lookin' amazing tonight,'' Steve adds, and it's only then that you realize they're dressed up as one another. Steve is wearing Bucky's tactical gear, complete with a fake metal arm made for him, and Bucky is wearing Steve's Captain America suit, complete with the shield on his back.
''You two look amazing as well,'' you say with a big smile before ordering a cocktail. The two of them are some of your best friends, and they have been rooting for you and Tony since day one.
''Is there any chance you dressed like this for a certain someone?'' Steve inquires, and Bucky looks at you with a quirked brow.
The blush across your cheeks tells them everything you need to know, though they drop it for now, instead pulling you into the conversation they had earlier.
In the meantime, Tony is setting up a little plan that he has been working on for a while. He has made some candy for tonight, but this isn't just regular candy. Oh, no. These contain a potent aphrodisiac.
Now, Tony has to wait until you're feeling snack-ish - which you usually do at these parties - and make your way to the candy table. Luck must be on his side today because it doesn't take long for you to check out the selection.
Your eyes glide past every card by the bowls, and you chuckle at their puns. When you arrive at the last bowl, you suddenly feel a pair of eyes on you, and that's when you turn around.
''Care for a candy, Kitten?'' Tony asks, handing you one from the last bowl he just set up, and you gladly take it, unwrapping it quickly before popping it in your mouth.
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It didn't take long for the effect to find its way into your system, and before it could hit you full force, Tony had already herded you to a nearby conference room.
That's where you find yourself on your knees on the floor, his thick, veiny cock filling your throat, blocking every single noise that even threatens to leave.
''Jesus, look at how good you're taking me, Kitten; I can feel myself in that tight little throat of yours,'' he says as his large fingers wrap around your throat and squeeze the sides to restrict your airflow just enough to have you feeling a little lightheaded.
The groans leaving his chest are out of this world, and they only spur you on to take him entirely. Just a few more inches, and you are taking him, but he doesn't let you get that far.
''Oh, fuck Kitten, I won't last if you do that,'' he says before pulling you off, your tongue still lapping at his tip despite not having him in your mouth anymore.
You're panting uncontrollably, but you're also turned on beyond belief, and you can't wait to feel him inside you, where you need him more than anything.
''Daddy, please! Want you to fuck me until I can't walk,'' you say with an innocent look in your eyes, though your face isn't that innocent anymore.
Makeup has run entirely, your hair is a big mess, and your neck and chest are covered in bruises and lovebites from Tony. How your outfit is still intact is beyond you, but that won't last long.
''Yeah? Is that what my Kitten wants? To be fucked by her Daddy? You've been a good girl for me, haven't you, sucking my soul out through my dick,'' he says as he helps you to bend over the table, your chest and cheek pressed firmly against the wood.
''Y-yeah, 'm Daddy's good girl,'' you say with a whine, and before you know it, your sad excuse of a thong has been ripped from your body, and Tony is shoving himself inside of you in a single thrust.
There's not a single thought in your mind other than ''Daddy!'' and you can't help but want to hold onto something to ground yourself, but most of all, you want to grab Tony.
Anywhere you can, you want to grab him, scratch him, anything to ground yourself. His fast-paced thrusts are sending you over the edge in no time, and your pussy squeezes him like a vice.
With a loud shout of his name, you squirt all over him, and you don't know when his fingers found your clit, but you're delighted that they did.
You're at the point where your brain has turned into complete mush, and you can't think, let alone talk, so all that's leaving your mouth are whines and broken moans.
He keeps thrusting despite you becoming oversensitive quickly, and it's almost too much, but somehow you manage to hold on long enough for him to cum inside you and collapse on top of you.
''Wow, Kitten, now I know what I've been missing out on all this time, huh? But you know what they say, dreams do come true for those who want it badly enough,'' he chuckles.
He cleans you up, and after that, you two head back to his apartment in the Compound, only a few floors above the party. Tony has carried your bridal style, your head propped against his shoulder while you fell asleep.
''Get some rest, Kitten, we'll talk tomorrow,'' he says with a few kisses on your forehead. He removed your makeup and remaining clothing, instead pulling a pair of his boxer briefs and oversized shirts onto your body.
The combination of the candy and Tony treating you like that in the conference room has left you tired beyond words, and you don't even notice him climbing into the bed with you after removing all of his makeup in the shower.
The following day, you wake up with a big yawn and a stretch. Tony's strong arms are wrapped around you as he pulls you against his chest, and you feel very content in his hold.
''Mornin' Princess,'' Tony says in a deep, gravelly voice that warms your insides. When you're about to turn around, you suddenly feel a soreness between your legs, and that's when you remember what happened last night.
''Good morning, Tony,'' you say as you turn over and look into his deep brown eyes. A small smile appears on your lips, and you place a soft peck on his lips, which he happily reciprocates.
''Thank you for last night,'' you whisper before burying your face into his neck, and he chuckles softly.
''You're welcome, Princess; I'm thrilled we finally ended up here together,'' he says, and you hum contently. You don't want to leave his arms, but once your belly starts rumbling, you know you don't have a choice.
''C'mon, let's get some breakfast, and after, we'll talk, okay?'' he says, and you agree before wiggling out of his grasp after a few more kisses.
Tony pulls on a pair of sweats before you walk to the communal kitchen, where, much to your surprise, no one is.
''How about some pancakes?'' you say, and Tony agrees, so you get the batter ready while Tony sets up the pan to make them. Once you're both ready, he grabs your hand and pulls you towards him, letting you step in front of the stove and standing behind you to bake them.
Even with you standing there, he can prepare them perfectly, and you can't stop yourself from smiling constantly. You don't notice the rest of the Avengers slowly trickling into the kitchen, but they all give each other knowing looks as they see the two of you.
''Morning, you two,'' Bucky says as he walks in, and that's when your head snaps towards him, and you finally see all the other Avengers in the kitchen, looking at the both of you.
A deep red color from the tops of your cheeks down to your chest appears, but all Bucky does is wink, and you give him a huge smile. Tony places a soft kiss on the top of your head before flipping more pancakes.
It doesn't bother Tony in the slightest, and you let yourself melt into his embrace while you wait for the last pancakes to be cooked.
''Let's have our breakfast in my apartment, okay?'' he whispers, and you nod before plopping a few pancakes on your plate with extra syrup and waving to the Avengers before you retreat to his apartment.
As soon as you find yourself on his couch, Tony has sat down next to you, and you're enjoying his delicious pancakes. He decides to break the silence first by addressing what's going on between the two of you.
''So, what do you think, Princess? Was this just a one-time thing, or did you have something else in mind?'' he asks carefully, and your eyes shoot up to his.
''Oh, Tony! This was more than just a one-and-done for me! I can't tell you how long I've loved you. Well, first it was just Iron Man, but when I got to know the man behind the suit, that's when you stole my heart, and to this day, you still have it,'' you say with a shy smile.
You feel a little stupid for saying you've had a crush on him forever, but he doesn't judge. At the very least, it's an ego boost for him, though he doesn't say that.
''It wasn't a 'one-and-done' for me either-'' he says in air quotes, ''I'd love to give us a chance at a relationship because I want to show you how much I love you, Princess. Treat you the way you deserve to be treated,'' he says.
And with those words, it's official. You're in a relationship with the one and only Iron Man, and you couldn't be happier. Dreams do come true for those who believe in them, after all.
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blossomwritesthings · 11 months
𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭
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pairing: minho x curvyfem!reader (afab)
genre: idol!minho. curvy!reader. hurt/comfort. angst. slight fluff. smut - MDNI, 18+ ONLY. reader pov. established relationship.
content & warnings: explicit & strong language. mild thematic elements. this shit's got some angst in it. reader had an abusive and fat-ph0bic ex in the past, and has trauma from that. reader is self conscious about their legs/weight. smut warnings below cut!!
word count: 5.0k
summary: you had thought that your scars from the past were healed, but evidently, your ex from college was still clouding your mind. thankfully, your boyfriend minho is right there to help you heal from the heartbreak.
18+ warnings: unprotected sex (stay safe out there, guys!). minho has a thing for reader in skirts/her thick thighs. fingering. minho eats reader out. DIRTY talk. dom!minho. sub!reader. making out. manhandling. praise kink. nipple/breast play. face riding. slight sub-space. excessive hair pulling. breeding kink is alluded to. pet names (babydoll, babygirl, kitten, etc.). degradation kink (minho calls reader a whore/slut). daddy kink. slighttt dollificaition/corruption kink. multiple orgasms.
a/n: started writing this last week after some of my good stay writing friends sortaa gave me the prompt to do a minho x thick reader. I originally planned for this to be just a short drabble but... here we are lmao. 💀 also, I am a thick girl myself, so I really appreciate writing/reading inserts where I can relate to y/n. anyways, enjoy you guys!! 😖
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ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ sɪᴛᴇs (ᴛʜɪs ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇs ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴs). © ʙʟᴏssᴏᴍᴡʀɪᴛᴇsᴛʜɪɴɢs ⤐ ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ
  The moment Minho opened the door to the studio, and saw you standing there, he completely froze up. And the look on his face, of utter surprise, left you shifting on either of your feet in sudden anxiety. 
 You knew you shouldn’t have come to the company to surprise him during his work day, especially since he and the boys were so busy preparing for their next comeback. 
 And you knew that you shouldn’t have rolled up to the recording studio dressed as you were, in the new outfit that you had bought at the mall the week before. Originally, you had wanted to wear it the next time the two of you went out on a date night together, but with his rapidly growing schedule of duties, you decided that you wouldn’t get such an opportunity for a while. 
 The outfit wasn’t all that scandalous… 
 Sure, the white, lacy tank top was pretty skintight and showed quite a bit of your cleavage, and the pink skirt that was embellished with white satin bows on the sides was quite short. 
 Okay, scratch that, the flowy, baby-pink pleated skirt was really fucking short. 
 Like, borderline porn-star level short. 
 The hemline was cropped so much that it barely covered your ass. 
 But that’s why you wore the long, white lace stockings. To hide some of the expanse of skin that you were exposing. 
 You had never been particularly fond of your legs. Being a curvy girl and all, they had always been rather… chubby for your liking. Sure, your tits were nice and big. But having thick thighs? That would be a hard hell no in your book. 
 Even still, your boyfriend sure did like your legs. He talked about his fondness for them all the time, and showed his love for them in all different ways; whether it was by always seeming to have a hand on your legs, massaging your thighs when you couldn’t fall asleep at night, or giving them lots of sweet kisses while he fucked you deep into the mattress late in the twilight hours of daybreak.
 So that’s why you decided to buy the outfit, to please him. Because even if you didn’t like your legs, you wanted to make Minho happy. And if that meant dressing up like a cute little doll - albeit leather slutty - then you were okay with that.
 There he stood, mouth completely agape, as his eyes roved down the length of you. Going all the way to your cute little white platform heels before shooting back up to your exposed chest. You could see the tips of his ears start to turn red from the sight of you all dressed up for what appeared to be him.
 “Hi, baby.” You mumbled, fingers fiddling with the frilly fabric of your skirt. Your gaze shot down to the floor in embarrassment, as you practically felt his eyes burn two holes into the fabric that barely covered your legs. 
 “Uhm- hi… kitten,” he finally managed to pull himself together, leaning against the doorframe. You caught glimpses of the room behind him. It was bustling with staff and some of his members, as everyone was busy preparing the tracks for their new album. “What are you… doing here so late at night?” 
 Your focus landed on his hand, which was gripping the side of the door. Veins popping from exertion, he was doing his best to hold himself together at that moment. Then you noticed how he tilted to the side a bit, seemingly hiding the sight of you from the rest of everyone who was just behind him in the studio. 
 Shrugging, you offered him a tiny, soft smile. “I don’t know… Just wanted to surprise you, that’s all.” You began, a frown already overtaking your face as the realization dawned on you that you might be a bother to him while he was working. “Sorry, did I come at a bad time? I can-”
 “No- no.” He suddenly blurted out in a frantic voice. Throat bobbing up and down as you watched him physically fight the urge to not lunge right at you. “You’re never a nuisance, baby…” Then he was moving, stepping forward only slightly and reaching out to tuck a few strands of loose hair behind your ear. The feeling of his long digits brushing across your cheek sent shivers down your spine. “It’s just that, I’m super fucking busy right now, and I’d hate for you to sit around here without getting the… proper attention that you deserve.” 
 The 'attention' that he was talking about was not the innocent one. You could tell by the way his eyes sparkled under the faint lights of the studio - brewing with so many tamped wants and desires. You could tell from his jaw, that ticked painfully tight at the mention of you sticking around in such an outfit, for everyone to see. 
 Just then you hauled out the carton of coffees that you had been hiding behind your back, presenting them to your boyfriend with a wide grin plastered on your face. “It’s okay, I understand… I thought you guys could use these while you work. It’ll help bring your spirits up.” Minho stared down at the coffees you had ordered from a nearby coffee shop. 
 For a moment, he just froze there, looking at the Americanos. Then, he was gently taking them from your hands with soft eyes that never failed to make your heart melt. “Thanks, dollface… I’ll be sure to hand these out to the guys.” 
 “Well, I should let you get back to work, I know you have a long night ahead of you…” You started, leaning into him and pressing a chaste kiss against his cheek. “I’m gonna hang out at that cafe just down the road for a little bit, then I’ll head home.” 
 As you began to tug away from him, Minho’s free hand shot out and clutched at your hip. Fingers digging into the skin there desperately, he pressed you close to his form. “Please- don’t go to that cafe tonight.” 
 Staring up at him, you rose an eyebrow in question. “Why not?” You asked, noticing the way his eyes widened a little bit in desperation. His lips pressed together in a firm line, cheeks blooming with a slight flush as he gaped down at you. 
 “I- it’s… it’s too late- not safe for you to stay out alone,” he gave your lips a soft kiss before he was tearing away from you again. You could see the furrow in his brows, and how hard he was fighting himself to have control over all of the urges that coursed through his mind just then. “Don’t want anything to happen to you. So go home and wait for me… I shouldn’t be too long at the studio tonight.” 
 You nodded gradually, flashing him an easy smile. “Okay, if you say so… just don’t work too late, okay?” You reached up, carding a few fingers through his shock of crimson-red hair. “I need you to come home with enough energy tonight.” 
 At that, he smirked wickedly, licking his lips with that perfect, pink tongue of his. “And why’s that, princess?” 
 “I think you know why…” 
 Before he could do - or say - anything else, you were dragging away from him, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. 
 “I’ll see you later then?” Just then you purposefully dropped your keys on the floor. And as you bent down to retrieve them, you made sure your ass was in clear view of Minho. You rose, flashing him the matching white lacy panties that you had on peeking out just from underneath your skirt. “Bye, baby… love you.” You said as you turned around and offered him another tiny smile. 
 The look of utter desire he had on his face at that moment was unmatched by any other expression he had ever had in the past. His eyes widened for what felt the millionth time that night, but you didn’t let him say anything else, as you were already sauntering away, swinging your hips from side to side alluringly. 
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 The night seemed to drag on painfully as you waited at home in your shared apartment for Minho to finish work. And when the sound of his keys at the front door finally rang out throughout the place, you were up in an instant, already in the entryway as he filed through the threshold of your apartment. You had taken off your white stockings soon after arriving home, hating the way the itchiness of the fabric irritated your skin.
 “Welcome home, baby.” You said, giving him a soft smile as he bent down and slipped off his shoes. 
 He stared up at you, gaze turning immediately dark as he once again took in your attire for the night. The shirt had rumpled since you had last seen him at the studio, and the skirt had risen a little bit more up your legs from your lounging on the living room couch. This resulted in you flashing him your white panties.
 You didn’t have any time to think or breathe or even speak, as within the next beat, Minho’s hands were wrapped around your waist, pushing you until your back hit the nearest wall. 
 His face neared your exposed neck, as his lips suckled on your jaw sweetly, teeth biting into your skin hungrily. When he drew back to take a shuttering breath, his mouth was already a little puffy from the violet bruises that he had given you in just the past few seconds. 
 “Fuck- I didn’t know how long I was gonna last at the studio tonight,” he murmured, dipping into you again and running his hot tongue over the length of your clavicle. “Every time I tried to focus on work, I’d lose myself in the thought of you - of you in this slutty little skirt. And fuck- I also came right there in front of everyone as I kept remembering how hot you looked like this.” 
 Minho’s hands were leaving your hips as he spoke the words in a low voice, fingers already finding their way under your skirt. Trailing up, up, up, he finally stopped when his palms came in contact with your asscheeks. 
 “I picked out the outfit just for you… saw it at the mall the other week, and I knew you had to see me in it,” You said, voice cutting off slightly as his nails dug into the flesh of your ass rather harshly. “Thought I’d surprise you at work after the long, hard week that you’ve had.”
 Minho kneaded either of your asscheeks, mouth hovering over yours as he stared down at you with lust taking over his eyes. You moaned into him at the feeling of him working you up so well- getting you so flustered without even doing that much, to begin with. 
 “You gonna be a good girl for me tonight, princess?” He purred seductively, tongue poking out between his two stunning red lips and tracing the line of yours. “Gonna let me fuck you in this pretty little skirt?” He swallowed down the strangled moans that threatened to leak out of you just then. “Gonna let me ruin it for you?” He suckled on your mouth, tongue pressing past your teeth and tasting you irrevocably. “Gonna let me have my way with you tonight, hmm?” 
 You were already a shaking mess beneath him, limbs going all melty and jello-like as he held you in his grasp. So close, yet not nearly close enough. “Y-Yeah, I’ll be your good girl… I wore this to please you, baby. I know how much you like these kinds of- outfits on me.” 
 Then without another word, Minho was moving. Hoisting you up into his arms and walking you across the apartment’s slick wooden floors. In no time at all, he was gently setting you down on the bed, as he took a seat just beside you. 
 “Come here and sit on daddy’s face, kitten.” 
 His command came out all gravelly and stern. He stared at you with beseeching eyes, cocking his head to the side as he watched your face transform. From one that was full of sensual mirth to downright horror. 
 “W-What?” You found yourself stammering out, a flush already creeping up your neck and pooling in your ears and cheeks. 
 Minho shrugged nonchalantly. Like him asking you to practically suffocate him with your thick thighs wasn’t that big of a deal. “You heard me, babydoll- want you to ride my face.” 
 You felt yourself dissolving onto the bed in embarrassment, the fears from years past already starting to creep into the corners of your mind. You thought you had gotten rid of them long ago, but as it turns out, the words your abusive ex had once told you continued to resonate in the back of your psyche for years afterward. 
 “I… I can’t, Min.” You said, shoulders slumping in defeat. The tears began to cloud at the rims of your eyes, as you started to recall all of the horrible things that your college ex had told you. About how you had ‘almost suffocated him’ with your heavy-set body the one time you tried to ride his face. He had constantly shamed you about your curvy physique. And even still, years later, the terrible things he’d tell you during and after sex continued to vibrate low in your soul. 
 There was a deafening silence that came over the entire room, and you saw the way Minho’s face dawned with recognition as he tried to fit the puzzle pieces together. You had told him about your ex before but had never gone too much into the specifics of everything. Especially when it came to sex. No, that shit was too embarrassing to ever bring to light again. 
 “Why… not?” He asked, tone quiet and wavering as he watched you crumble under the pain of remembrance. In the next breath, he was next to you, clasping your hands in his and trying to shake you out of your dazed stupor. “Baby- baby, listen to me. I’d never force you to do anything,” he began, raising your hands to his mouth and pressing kiss after soft kiss to your knuckles. “If you don’t wanna do something, that’s okay, darling. Just please, don’t cry, yeah?” 
 “But I want to do it!” You cried out, the tears blurring your vision and painting him out to be a red-haired splotch in the forefront of your mind. “It’s just- every time I think about it, I get so paralyzed with fear and I… then I suddenly can’t do it.” 
 Minho leaned into you, pushing a few gentle kisses to your lips. “It’s alright, kitten. There’s no rush for anything. You can take as long as you need.” 
 “I want to make you happy, Min.” You wailed, burying your face in the crook of his neck. One of his hands wrapped around your waist, holding you close to him as your shoulders shook with your sobs. 
 “I know baby, I know… but I’m not happy if you’re not happy.” 
 For a few minutes, you were completely silent. Letting the tears and emotions flow out of you like water. And your boyfriend Minho held you the entire time, offering up words of praise and love as his fingers gently stroked through your hair. 
 “It was… my ex, from college,” you finally found the courage to admit after a long bout of silence. Immediately upon mentioning him, Minho’s hand stopped moving in your hair. You felt him go completely still, as he waited for you to finish. “He… he was a real ass and- and he said some horrible things about my weight sometimes.” 
 “What’d he say, baby?” Minho asked, voice sounding strained as he did his best to hold back his anger for you. At your silence, he continued to rake his hands through your hair. “It’s okay, love- you don’t have to tell me anything if you don’t want to. All in your own time, yeah?” 
 You took in a deep breath, gulping in air as the memories from years past began to overtake you once again. “He said things like… I’d kill him if I sat on his face. Stuff like that,” you began, the shaking in your limbs beginning to come to a stop as you recalled everything. “And I guess… after a while, I just became so afraid that I never wanted to do something like that ever again.” 
 Minho pulled away from you then, grabbing ahold of either of your shoulders and squeezing there so that you stared up at him through your misty vision. “I’m so sorry you had to go through that, baby- I can’t imagine how hard it was for you,” his thumbs gently danced underneath your eyes, wiping away your excess tears. “But I want you to know that I’d never tell you such things - I love you just the way you are, no matter what you look like, I’ll always love and adore you. 
 You nodded slowly, giving him a soft, genuine smile. The first one of the night. “Y-Yeah babe… I know you’d never do such a horrific thing. But like, I just wish I could get over that shit, ya know? Move on from it and all.” 
 “Well… what if I could help you overcome it?” 
 Staring up at him with wide eyes, you bit down hard on your bottom lip in thought, “H-How would you be able to do such a thing?” Your fingers began to fiddle with the short hemline of your skirt. The white satin bows at your sides brushed against your nails, the soft material soothing your racing heart somewhat. “I don’t know if-”
 “You trust me, yeah?” Minho started then, cutting off your nonsensical ramblings that were charged with nervousness. At your nod, he was brushing some of your hair out of your face, offering you a grin that gradually tugged at the corners of his mouth. “Then let me take care of you… let me make it all better, hmm?”
 You gulped over the lump that was forming in your throat. Already, you could feel the wetness surge again between your legs, and you squirmed in his hold. One of your boyfriend’s hands tore away from your waist, traveling up the back of your calf and landing on your exposed knee. 
 He pressed into you, his muscular chest rising and falling against your bosom which was barely covered by your tiny shirt. “Can I take off your panties, darling?” He purred soothingly against the shell of your ear, the sound of his deep, gravelly voice shooting a bout of shivers down the length of your spine. “Can you let me make you feel good tonight, kitten?” 
 “Y-Yes,” you found yourself mumbling quietly, nodding frantically as you felt your heart pound against your ribcage. “P-Please… help me forget about it all, daddy.” 
 Minho peered down at you, a sardonic kind of smirk blooming across his mouth, “That’s my good girl,” his hand moved away from your knee then, traveling up, up, up, and stopping at your inner thigh. “So pliant- such a good listener too,” he continued to praise you, fingers skating over your clothed core as he made his way towards your panties. “Makes me wanna give you everything you ever wanted, hmm…” His fingers danced along the edge of your panties waistband before he was languidly dragging them down your legs, and finally throwing them off to the side. 
 “P-Please, daddy,” you whimpered up at him, the tears brimming in your eyes again, but for entirely different reasons. You were sitting perched in his lap atop your shared bed, giving him a pleading stare and asking - begging - for him to do more, just with your whines alone. “Can you give it to me? Please, I’ve been so good…” 
 “Hmm…” He mused out loud, tapping a lone finger against his chin in thought. You felt his hand come between your legs again, cupping your warmth there. “I don’t know- do you think a good girl shows up to her boyfriend’s workplace dressed like a shameless whore?” His fingers traced around the edges of you, toying with your pussy lips and making you lose your fucking mind from the teasing of it all. 
 You cried out in agonizing bliss, moving against him just a little bit so that there was some friction between your legs. “I-I wanted to please you, daddy… everything was for you.”
 Minho flashed you a slight, playful frown, the light in his eyes burning with desire and fiery passion. “And look at you now… all hot and worked up and soaking wet, but with no respite in sight.” He cooed in that baby voice that he always used on you whenever he was feeling especially commanding in bed. “But you want daddy to play with your pussy- want me to fuck you wide open with my cock, even after everything you’ve done tonight…” He smirked down at you imploringly, like he seriously couldn’t believe you had dared to visit him at the company dressed up as you were. “You’re definitely a big dreamer, I’ll give you that.” 
 Before you could say anything else, Minho was laying back down on the mattress again, propping his head atop a downy pillow. You gaped at him, squirming in your spot beside him as you felt your arousal drip down your legs.
 Minho rose an eyebrow your way then, “Well, what are you waiting for?” He motioned with his head for your to draw closer to him, and you slowly began to make your way to his side. “If you’re good- you might just get daddy’s cock tonight… so don’t act up like a brat, yeah?” 
 The blood rushed through your veins wildly then, as you shifted on the bed and threw a leg around him. Carefully, you positioned yourself over his face. It was quite a rare sight- to have Minho be underneath you, flashing you that wicked smirk and studying you with those lust-filled eyes. 
 “Do whatever you have to do to make yourself feel good, babydoll,” he coached in that whispery voice of his. The one he always used on you whenever he was trying to soothe you through your fifth orgasm of the night. “And if I die from suffocation of your pussy, I’d die a happy fucking man.” 
 His words set you into action and cast a light film of red fiery passion over your mind. In no time at all you were lowering yourself down on his face. 
 The moment you made contact, you were already a moaning mess. With his sharp nose pressing up into your clit, and his lips offering your cunt sweet kisses, your eyes immediately rolled into the back of your head. It felt so fucking good - everything felt so much better than you had imagined. 
 As his tongue dipped into you, lapping at your taste, you frantically ripped off your shirt, stripping yourself of your white lace bralette. At this, Minho stopped for a breath, his eyes hooded and swimming with shadows. 
 “See? You’d never kill me with just your thighs alone,” he mused, his voice rumbling against your cunt and making you yelp out in oversensitivity. One of his hands fell away from your hips, rising up to cup one of your breasts. “More like, you’d kill me with these beautiful fucking tits.” 
 With one hand, you were holding onto his head, threading fingers through his crimson locks as he got back to work between your legs. Meanwhile, your other palm was busy pressing against his, guiding his fingers as they traced across your chest, pinching and toying with your swollen peak there. 
 You ground against his face the whole time, head thrown back in pure bliss as the vilest of sounds fled from your mouth. With his nose buried against your throbbing clit, and his tongue thrusting into you with every other breath, you were quickly approaching your release. 
 “Fuck- you taste so fucking amazing, wish I could eat you every single day.” He mumbled against you. His lips sucked on you like you were the best lollipop he had ever had, the lewd sounds he was making casting across the entire dimly lit bedroom in sensuality. 
 “I-I’m gonna come-” You cried out desperately, chasing your high as you rode his face at a frantic pace. At your confession, Minho’s nails dug into the skin at your hips, fingers relentlessly toying with your breast as he delved with a renewed kind of vigor into your essence. 
 Your orgasm came over you in a blinding flash of whiteness, casting galaxies across your vision as Minho helped you ride out the wave of release. Your entire body melted against him, and just as you were slipping into the headiness of blissful weightlessness, your boyfriend was moving from underneath you. 
 Grabbing onto your hips, he was flipping your positions. And in the next breath, he was towering over you, leaning in and threading a few fingers into your hair. He pulled at the roots there, making you whine out in slight pain. The harshness forced your eyes open, and your gazes locked.
 “Now… I’m gonna fuck you so good, you’ll completely forget about that asshole from your college days,” he growled, his anger about your past abusive ex unbidden. It shined through in the way a dark look cast over his entire face. His lips attached to yours, as he sucked the breath right out of your lungs. 
 “D-Daddy… please, need your dick so fucking much,” you clawed out to him in your blurry vision, still cresting over your previous orgasm. Your hands wound behind his neck, holding his face close to yours as your kiss turned frantic - tongue against tongue, teeth clashing together. You tasted yourself on him, and the dirtiness of it all only made the pool of energy in your core grow deeper. 
 Minho yanked away from your lips, a string of saliva stretching taught between the two of you. With his strong, big hands, he grabbed ahold of either of your legs and pushed them apart. “Open wide for me, kitten… wanna see your tight little pussy as I stretch you open with my cock.” 
 You moaned wildly at his words, watching with shallow breath as he rid himself of his baggy sweatpants and black briefs. When he neared you on the bed again, you felt your heartbeat thump inside your ear. 
 “N-No condom?” You asked, voice coming out raspy from all of the cries and moans that you had been doing that night. 
 Minho stared down at you, as his weight dipped the mattress underneath you. He drew close to your frame that was splayed out of the bed haphazardly, still in your short skirt that had risen your waist exponentially. 
 “Nah- gonna fuck you raw tonight,” he began, just as he reached out to you, hand finding that same spot between your legs. Then he was drawing shapes against your puffy clit, index finger dipping into your entrance. “Gonna bust this tiny pussy wide open with my seed.” 
 You swallowed over the groan that wanted to escape from you then. And then the breath was completely caught in your throat, as Minho guided his cock through your folds. Your entire body shuddered at the feeling of it all, and you stared down between you, anticipating everything. 
 In the next beat, he was ramming into you. As soon as he sunk in, bottoming out, he set a hellish pace. Skin slapping against skin, he thrusted in and out. Already you were beginning to move up the bed, screaming out in mindless bliss. 
 “Holy shit- you’re so fucking hot, babygirl,” Minho purred lowly, as his hands gripped onto your waist, guiding you up and down on his cock with each pound of his hips, “Makes me wanna ruin you so much… you’d like that, yeah? Getting fucked over by my cock- bet it’d make you go all crazy and shit.” 
 “Mhm-” You groaned in a loud voice, eyes rolling into the back of your skull as his dick pressed into that gooey spot inside of you. His thumb ghosted over your clit, dragging you back across the cliffside of orgasm faster than you had thought. “Want you to ruin me, daddy… fuck me til I’m crying.” 
 As soon as you felt one of his hands travel up your sternum, stopping at one of your breasts, your eyes were shooting open. His fingers toyed with you, pulling and twisting your pert bud. “Oh, don’t worry, kitten,” he said, words trailing off as he pressed you so far into the bed with his rutting alone that you swore you saw the heavens cast over your mind. “I know how much of a cockwhore you are- how much of a slut you are, for dressing up so provocatively at my work- so I’m gonna give it to you nice and good… gonna have you screaming my name, mind all fuzzy and thoughts gone as I pump you full of my cum.” 
 Your eyes locked after that, and the spark that had been lit deep inside of your heart the moment you laid eyes upon Minho burned brighter. Because you knew that no matter what, he’d always love you. 
 And no amount of weight gain, or weight loss, was going to change that. 
 He was always going to be there for you, 
 Helping you survive through all of the pain and memories, 
 Guiding you on the pathway of forgetfulness, 
 Wiping your mind of all the heartbrokenness in just the right way. 
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🌾 taglist: want to be added onto my taglist? well then, comment below on this post/reblog it, and indicate your interest in my taglist and i'll add you... or, you can send me a msg and request to be added!! to be removed from the taglist, please send me a msg and i will promptly take you off of the list.
🌾 tags: @sleepyleeji :: @if-spearb :: @hyunes4ngel :: @drhsthl :: @seosalad :: @toomuchtellyneck :: @endzii23 :: @smally97 :: @ana-marais98 :: @sherryblossom :: @priincehoseok :: @biribarabiribbaem :: @linovely :: @lolqxv :: @linonyang :: @morningstardada :: @taeriffic :: @day6andetcetera :: @hyuka-luvbot :: @linohumina :: @urmomma0324 :: @poisonivy2 :: @nappynapnaps :: @bellamuerte1987 :: @julciaqwerty :: @abbiestearsricochet :: @leeknowsramen :: @maeleelee :: @cb97breathing :: @armystay89 :: @drhsthl :: @skzcollision :: @noellllslut :: @skz-streamer :: @hello-2-u-from-me :: @feellikecinderella :: @/leyknxw a yellow tag means that there was an error in tagging you.
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multiwreckedmess · 8 months
Kinktober Day 14
Prompt: Humiliation Pairing: nonidol!Jeongin (I.N) x olderfem!reader WC: 2k Summary: You’ve had a day. You need a drink. Alone preferably. And yet here comes the boy who has been staring you down all night.
This is a work of fiction, it does not represent Jeongin (I.N) or any Stray Kids member. On top of this it is an 18+ work. For my comfort and boundaries please if you are under age do not interact with this. 
I feel the need especially with “rougher” prompts like this to put the disclaimer - fanfic should NOT ever be used as a guide to relationships or sex. ESPECIALLY SEX. Again, it’s fiction. Stuff gets glossed over for the sake of a good story. Please PLEASE please again, not fact, not a guide, just a fantasy.
TW/CW Preface. Jeongin uses the word “noona” to refer to the reader. I just really couldn’t think of a better word to refer (cutely) to a woman older than you but not “mommy” and part of what this specific version of him gets off on is the power of fucking someone older than him. ANYWAY if that give you the ick, turn back now.
Additional TW/CW below the cut.
TW/CW: fucking in a bathroom, humiliation, degradation, reader nicknames- (noona, ONE instance of “mommy”, whore, dumb slut, slut, disgusting), under negotiated kink, cum in panties, dubcon (they’re drunk, most agree that consent at this point is...well murky AT BEST), ROUGH sex (gagging, underprepped, no aftercare). Age gap *(unspecified, reader is older) 
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 “Oh no no no,” you stopped the young man in his tracks. “You are much too young for me baby boy.”  He hadn’t spoken a single word to you yet, spending most of the night staring at you from the corner of the bar as many other men had all of your life. You didn’t need to know much, his sweet dimpled face told you everything you needed to know. Old enough to drink, sure, but certainly too young for you.  “Aw,” his voice sounds disappointed yet determined as he smiles. “Noona, you haven’t even let me speak, you don’t know why I’m here.”  Coolly taking another sip of your drink, you look at him from the corner of your eye. “I know you’ve been staring at me all night. It’s enough to make assumptions.”  “So you’re like a museum piece? I can look but I can’t touch?” He sticks the tip of his tongue between his teeth as he smiles and winks cheekily.  You let out an exasperated sigh, the line was cheesy but his audacity was admirable. Looking straight ahead you down your drink, if this was what the night was, leave it up to Bacchus, not your brain. “Do you have an elevator pitch or do I have to suffer more bad lines?”  “The elevator pitch, noona, is that younger guys are the trend. You seem like a trendsetter. It seems like a great opportunity for you to increase your portfolio and it just so happens that I have availability for tonight.”  “I regret the elevator pitch, buy me a drink or do you need to call your parents to authorize the charge?”  “No mommy, I’m a big boy in more than one way.” He tries to wink and cringes. “That was bad. I'm sorry, I’ll grab your next drink if you let me.”  Eyes wide with disbelief you weigh your options, send the kid away or see what the night brings. In reality he can’t be THAT much younger than you. You’re both here in a bar, drinking,he has to be at least twenty one years old. Unless he has a fake, the devious little shit. You’ve already spent more time with him than you’d originally intended. Before you’re able to politely wave him off your smartwatch pings and you go delving into the depths of your purse. In the time it takes you to dig the bartender is back and the kid is ordering you and himself another round.  “I thought you said ‘if you let me’ I don’t recall giving you permission.”  “You seemed preoccupied and if i’m being honest, a little stressed. No pressure, you can enjoy it without me, or with me. You must admit I’m at least a little exciting, I might be fun to keep around a bit longer.”  Fighting your smile you nod nonchalantly to the barstool next to you. “The seat’s open.”
 You don’t remember how many drinks you’ve had but it’s enough to be following him to the bathroom. Him -Jeongin, IN, Innie- he had so many names from his friends and family. It was less alcohol than you’d hoped before you’d fallen to his boyish charm. Eager, honest, and way too fucking into you to pass up.  His hand is on your lower back as the two of you walk towards the back, almost as if you’re going to exit through the kitchen instead of heading to one of the three single occupancy bathrooms. Touching the doorknob you hesitate briefly, door creaking under the light pressure.  Jeongin is on you before the door even finishes opening, spinning you around to face him, hands on your hips as he backs you through the door in an impassioned kiss.  “What if someone sees?” You half whisper as he kisses your neck, fumbling with the small zipper of your skirt.  “Then they’ll know we’re fucking,” he states simply, giving up on the skirt and yanking your blouse free. “Do you have a problem with that?”  The heat of embarrassment creeps at the sides of your face and twists in your gut pleasantly. “Isn’t it…they’d know…” your tongue ties, a girlish giggle from a fluttering heart interrupting. Jeongin isn’t helping as he pushes the cups of your bra down, thumbs running over your nipples as he hurries to free your breasts.  “Does that excite you? Someone walking in on you getting fucked by some stranger in a shit bathroom in a shity dive bar?” Jeongin pinches your nipples slightly, your eyes rolling as you bite back a moan.  “It does.”  “What does?” He pinches your nipples again.  “Fucking a stranger in a shitty dive bar.” Your heart jumps, just saying it outloud feels exciting. Hearing his words in your voice feels more real.  “What does fucking a stranger do?” His lips ghost over your neck as he nearly whispers, each consonant buzzing against you. Hand traveling between your thighs, the tips of his fingers rub circles in the cotton fabric of your underwear, right above your clit.  “Turns me on, fuck, Jeongin!” You squeal  The squish of your damp panties is proof enough of his handiwork. “And you thought a kid like me couldn’t have a woman like you.” He laughs, nibbling at the column of your throat. “So wet for me already. Can control everything but that needy cunt of yours. Who got you this worked up?  Pushing the gusset of your panties aside his middle finger plays at your entrance, circling slowly, barely dipping in. “You did,” you gasp, hips canting to try to trick him into slipping further down your channel.
 Gathering some of your essence on his fingers he backs off, playing with the strands clinging between his fingers. “Clean them,” he offers to you, your eyes already glazed over an unfocused as you lean into the tiled wall.  You do it, eagerly. Taking his digits into your mouth and swirling your tongue around them. Sucking him clean and then some.  “So your mouth is good for something,” he coos pressing your mouth open to fuck along the soft pink surface of your tongue. Watching drool pool and spill from the corners of your lips. “You’re so much hotter when you give into me. Just like this. Why don’t you put that smart little mouth around my cock?”
 There’s no discussion, you simply slip to the floor, knees pressing into the cold dirty tile. “Disgusting” you mutter to yourself.  Grasping your chin between his thumb and forefinger, Jeongin tilts your head up,  looming over you. “Just like you. Now open and stick your tongue out like the dumb slut you are.”  Eyes wide you comply. His lips purse as he summons a globule of spit, letting it cling to his lips as it drops slowly down to your mouth. “Keep it open,” he demands, freeing his stiffened member from its confines. Using the tip he pushes his spit along your tongue, watching his length eclipse the velvety pink surface. “Just look at how sweet you can be,” he coos, “from here you aren’t so scary at all are you, noona?”  Doe-eyed you look up at him and shake your head no. Holding your jaw as open as you can for him, relaxing all the way through the back of your throat as he pushes deeper. The stretch at the hinges of your jaw is almost painful as he smiles down at you, the cute dimples suddenly seem sinister when paired with his actions. It sends a shiver all the way down to your core. You’re so pent up you could scream, instead whimpering and squeezing your thighs together for relief. Guilty that it turns you on so much you can barely form thoughts as he fucks into your open mouth, hand cushioning the back of your head from the tile wall.
 Kicking your knees apart, Jeongin slides his shoe under your ass as you hump blindly against his leg. It provides some, albeit humiliating, relief to your throbbing cunt.  “Just what would your colleagues think? Humping my leg like a flithy slut. A professional like you getting broken down by a boy like me.” He finally pushes all the way back, breaching the ring of muscle at the top of your throat as you gag around him. Mucus and spit and tears covering your cheeks and chin, eyes glazed over.  “Doing alright?” Jeongin asks sweetly, hand slowly wiping the mess across your face.  “Fuck me. Please. Please. I need it so badly. I’m so ready for you baby please.”  “Get up.”  You wobble still half drunk on alcohol half drunk on hormones, leaning into the wall for support.  “Grab the sink.”  The white ceramic of the sink is cool against your overheated skin as you hold onto the edge of the basin, waiting. Blurry eyed you watch him through the mirror in front of you, like the killer in a horror movie about to claim his next victim. He looks wild while you look like a wreck, makeup running down your cheeks and hair in knots. He hoists your skirt to your waist, pushing your soaked panties to the side.  “You won’t need any prep right? You’ve taken cock enough right? I’m just a young guy, it’ll be no problem for you with all your experience.”  Your mouth opens to beg him to go slow, instead it feels like your gut is punched through your esophagus as his blunt head bullies its way between your walls. The stretch sudden and brutal. Sliding forward with him, hips bruising against the lip of the sink, your face smushes into the mirror in front of you with a reedy whine.  “Shit, you’re tight noona. Fuck.” He grunts as he rocks closer to you, steadying for a second before he begins in earnest. Fingertips digging into the flesh of your ass he pulls almost all the way back, savoring the feeling of your walls tugging him back in eagerly. The dip of your back arches more dramatically as he thrusts forward, drawing another whine from you.  Pulling you upright and tight to his chest his hand covers your mouth tightly. “Do you want everyone to know I’m ruining you? Or are you just so fucked out you don’t care anymore.”  “Fucked,” you sob, spit coating the palm of his hand. “Good. Fucked.”  He thrusts up again. The combination of slight angle change and the press of the sink against your groin has his tip aimed directly into the soft target of your spot.  It’s overwhelmingly good as he jackhammers into you, hips snapping ruthlessly. Panting your body shifts violently between limp and clenched, unsure of how to handle the overload of pain and pleasure.  “Go ahead slut, cum on my cock. You’re lucky I’m even letting you.” He sneers, lips pressed to the shell of your ear. The tickle of his breath is what sends you over the edge, shaking and gasping as your walls clamp around him. He leans the both of you forward as you vision darkens, body slackening against the mirror. Cheek pressed to your lower back you both pant as he withdraws suddenly, staggering back from you slightly.
 You hardly notice he’s left you like that, only alerted by the click of the door unlocking and closing again. In your post climax sobriety you realize you have no idea if he’d even bothered to wear a condom. Slowly your hand slides over your ass, nearly gagging at the smear of sticky residue stuck to the inside of your underwear. Drifting higher to pull your skirt down, something small like a clothing tag pokes you.
 A business card.  “I got your tab, call me,” scrawled hastily on the back.
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Sorry i’m off my groove I actually wrote this one three fucking times. One veered into A/B/O territory which is so out of my league like i don’t know what i was thinking. Love reading it, no idea how to write it.
Anyway I’m going to make my way againnnnn!
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jaynovz · 3 months
Expanded Info for Black Sails Kink Meme 2024
Hi there!
Since there has been a sufficient amount of interest for this idea, let me explain a little further how I think this will work and general guidelines–
I’m encouraging as informal and low stress/pressure of an atmosphere as possible here. Back in The Day when LiveJournal Kink Memes were common, it was very typical to see a prompt put up and filled within an hour. It doesn’t have to be polished, it doesn’t have to make logistical sense, it just has to fill the prompt as best as you can, sexily! It’s supposed to be fun. A bunch of fun, raunchy kink and smut to roll around in as a fandom. 🥳 🥳
So yeah, first thing to expect, it’s basically ALL PWP (porn without plot). Not to say that someone can’t write a full plot epic if they like, do whatever you like, but in my experience, a 4am fugue state smut fill written in a sweaty haze is kind of, the spirit of the thing. We’re creating ficlets, snapshots, tasty treats of smut with as little pressure to make it in any way polished as possible. Please think of this as, hmmm, a little fun writing exercise you do before you go back to your Big Serious Work, if that helps. We are letting loose, we are having fun, we are being deliciously, joyously, unrepentantly filthy with it! The tagline for the event is: “Get High, Jerk Off Three Times, and Write Me a Warmup :DD”
A prompt might say, for example– “MaxAnne, s2, would love to see the girls get slippery wet with some period sex, bonus if one or both eats the other out while she’s menstruating.” 
Pretty standard stuff, nothing that off the wall from my perspective, however, some folks might feel shy about asking for it for whatever reasons and so the anonymous format frees ppl up to ask for anything from: “Midshipman James McGraw getting caned in pre-canon by his superiors” to, idk, “full tentacle-y type oviposition porn where someone is being forced to come over and over again while being implanted with eggs by some giant plant beast on Skeleton Island (probably Silver).”
Literally ask for whatever smut you want~~ This is your chance, toss it into the pot! It will be tagged accordingly when posted if it’s filled, so live your truth, chase your bliss, know no shame, no one can see you~~
It is helpful when submitting a prompt to give details that are important to you, and the prompt filler will do their best with it. <3 So, I suggest giving a ship specification up front, maybe a vague timeline (season 1, season 2, etc), and then the kinks you want to see with a short description. Sort of like the MaxAnne period sex I gave an example of above.
Logistics and Structure of Submissions–
I have created a sideblog called @blacksailskmeme through which, once submissions are live (it will be open to accept prompts hopefully in March 2024), you may submit ANON ASK PROMPTS. I will publish them with a number and a link to the collection. If you like one of the prompts, simply post it through the collection with its corresponding number and then that AO3 link to your fill will be reblogged underneath the original ask prompt.
Simple as that! 
Follow the Event Blog, or the tag #2024BSKMemeFills in order to keep tabs on when prompts are filled. 
This makes it very easy for me and yall both, as there is no claiming process to trouble ourselves with. As many fills as are written are allowed for each prompt, simply write whatever speaks to you and I’ll be able to track the fills by the notifs on the collection. :DD
As of now, I’m planning to open prompts in March 2024 and keep the collection and blog running for prompts and fills both up through the end of Summer 2024. To respect the spirit of the event, all fills and prompts MUST be anonymous. Edit for clarification: The entire collection is marked Anonymous, which means any work submitted to it will be posted Anon. There is no option you need to worry about checking to guarantee this. I apologize for the initial confusing language, I have been learning as I go.
It still stands that if, after the event is closed, you want to then de-anon your work, that is your prerogative. However, it will mean you must remove the work from the collection, as the collection itself will forever and always remain anonymous.
–This is an 18 plus event, please, as all of the content will be Explicit. 
–It is also a Black Sails Only Event, please no crossover prompts or fills. However, AU of all types are encouraged with our favorite pirates.
–All ships, all kinks, are welcome for submission, and the fill will then be tagged appropriately. If you have any questions on how to tag something, or just want another pair of eyes to confirm, you can always DM me <3
–Fills must be 500 words minimum of fic. There is no maximum and the fill is allowed to be WIP if you intend to write more chapters later. I would encourage that the content of the prompt be IN the first chapter at least before submission to the collection.
–We’re Gonna Be Nice and Civil!! No ship bashing, no kink shaming, we’re all mature adults here. If you don’t like something, then don’t fill it, don’t reblog it, don’t read it, pretend you do not see it. If you don’t like it, it’s not for you! 
If I haven’t covered everything here, or if you’re unsure about something, feel free to reach out to me either through the event blog or through @jaynovz <3 Also, if you’d like to help me out with the event, hit me up as well.
Thank you!
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lilspacewolfie · 4 months
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Writing Masterlist:
This blog is 18+ as I write explicit material (unmarked fics are SFW gen/teen). Most of my work is on my Ao3.
Requests you can find both on Tumblr and Ao3. If you have a prompt for me, throw it into my ask box! But please read my writing request rules first! Requests: OPEN
Please note I write my own unconnected verses, so *Copia is not Nihil’s son in any of my AUs unless explicitly stated or requested.*
‼️(This masterlist is always being updated please DO NOT reblog!)‼️
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Main Devil!Terzo verse: Follows an AU in which Terzo is Lucifer incarnate, and his relationship development with Copia. (fic references: Basic layout of Copia's apartment.)
⛧ You Will Never Walk Alone (Devil!Terzo x Copia origin) (current WIP 10+ chapters)
Semi-verse Related Oneshots: Some self-indulgent slice of life stuff for my main AU.
⛧ The Devil's Treasure (Ao3 only, 3.9k words, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, soft dom devil!terzo, bathing/washing, praise kink, devil!terzo taking care of copia during a thunderstorm) E/18+
⛧ The Devil's Claim (Ao3 only, 5k words, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, very low-stakes jealousy, angst & fluff, they work it out in the end) E/18+
⛧ The Devil's Whore (Ao3 only, 2.3k words, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, playful flirting, desperation, a touch of voyeurism) E/18+
⛧ The Devil's Heart (Ao3 only, 2.9k words, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, follow on from the devil's whore, praise kink, love-making, tenderness) E/18+
⛧ Reassurences (also on Ao3, 498 words, Devil!Terzo x Copia, SFW from fluffy dialogue prompts, very short and sweet, seriously my teeth hurt, anxiety disorder, heavy on the tenderness, pillow talk)
⛧ Devil On Your Back (also on Ao3, 575 words, Devil!Terzo x Copia, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, sexual content, soft and sweet, love-making, soft dom devil!terzo, body worship, handjobs, praise kink, copia is #stressed, lucifer gives him a hand and his dick) E/18+
⛧The Devil's Kisses (1.1k words, Devil!Terzo x Copia, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, from send me a Ship and a Number and I will Write a Kiss, copia suffers from migraines, a lot of softness here, very soft and sweet, sexual content, playful flirting, teasing, oral, love-making, lots of forehead and temple kisses, truly those are my weakness, grief & loss of a pet at the end, minor death if that bothers you, but it's not described in detail) E/18+
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Devilish Requests: Mainly featuring Devil!Terzo x Copia or Devil!Terzo x Omega.
⛧ Blinded (Ao3 only, 1.2k words, Devil!Terzo x Copia, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, dom devil!terzo, light bondage, edging, blindfolds) E/18+
⛧ Let Me Hear You (Ao3 only, 886 words, Devil!Terzo x Copia, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, soft dom, voice kink, handjobs) E/18+
⛧ After (Ao3 only, 740 words, Devil!Terzo x Copia, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, aftercare, bodyworship, tenderness, subspace, follows on from Blinded, aftermath of smut) M
⛧ Stress Relief (Ao3 only, 997 words, Devil!Terzo x Copia, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, rough oral, breathplay) E/18+
⛧ In The Quiet (Ao3 only, 944 words, Devil!Terzo x Copia, mild NSFW, MDNI, anxiety, tenderness, light angst, pillow talk) M
⛧ Devil In A Dress (Ao3 only, 1.5k words, Devil!Terzo x Omega, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, dom/sub, rough oral, smut inspired by van's art) E/18+
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⛧ A Little Mercy (also on Ao3, 1.4k words, Terzo x Copia, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, sexual content, soft dom terzo, body worship, light-bondage, oral, teasing, blindfolds, edging) E/18+
⛧ Scars and Stretchmarks (1.5k words, Terzo x Copia, mild NSFW, MDNI, from send me a Ship and a Number and I will Write a Kiss, soft dom terzo, very soft and sweet because I can't not make everything a little sweet, mild sexual content, teasing, stretchmarks, insecurities, guilt & grief, copia needs a hug, anxiety disorder, sort of a panic attack if that triggers you) M
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⛧ Failed Date (also on Ao3, 1.6k words, Cardinal Copia x gn!reader, SFW, very little description to keep it as gender-neutral as possible, soft copia, failed date, sweet ending, just all around very soft and fluffy)
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⛧ Papas Caring For Hospitalized Reader (also on Ao3, 2k words, Papas x gn!reader, SFW, bullet-pointed format, mentions of hospitals, needles (only mentioned), mention of general anaesthetic, angst, hurt/comfort, anxiety, lots of sweetness, you're getting pampered, no beta we die like nihil!)
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⛧ Genitive Mortis (Ao3 only, 1.5k words, SFW, stand-alone, female OC fic, contains blood, gore and descriptions of corpses, inspired by the fic Copper and Iron) M
⛧ Midnight Hours (Ao3 only, 2.9k words, Cowboy!Terzo x Cardinal Copia, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, stand-alone, hurt/comfort, oral, body worship, scars & chronic pain, inspired by the fic Copper and Iron) E/18+
🜏 ⛧ 🜏
Unrelated Stuff:
My Art Tag ⛧ My Gifs Tag ⛧ Blog dividers used set 1 & set 2 ⛧ Moving graphics can be found here ⛧
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simpjaes · 6 months
can you please write a fic for possessive sunghoon breeding you? reading that prompt for heeseung with a breeding kink and you specifying the part where, he pulls out half way to jerk off then thrust the cum in, made my head spin because I've never read something more unhinged. I kinda feel like sunghoon would be the type to get creative with ways of breeding their so too 🥴
helllooo! i don't do fic requests and I realize I never specified that on my pinned so I have officially updated it to reflect that.
I do, however, partake in mtls and hardthot drabbles so!
Yeah, there's something about Heeseung pulling out half way and jerking himself off into someone to breed them, specifically like, milking himself dry into his favorite hole before pushing it in as far as it can go, man, yeah....it's such a clear image in my head oops (even tho im p sure i was talking bout jake doing this originally lol)
as for Sunghoon, i think he'd be the type to get off in short, tight thrusts. Where he's as close to you as he can get, like i'm talking his pelvic bone rubbing against your clit consistently if he's got you in missionary. possibly lifting your ass up or adjusting his own body to angle his cock in somehow deeper, just because he knows: the deeper he plants his dick, the deeper his cum is gonna shoot. i'm talking stuffing you full and absolutely emptying everything he has into you, holding you down where you can't squirm, and it's so deep you can feel it spurt out <3
he essentially forces you to cockwarm him when he comes.
like can you imagine feeling nothing but him on and inside of you? Every drip of it filling you impossibly more than he already is? he's def the type to pull out after a drawn out orgasm, bend down, and spreads your pussy open to see it drip :( probably cum stuffs just like Heeseung too, not wanting a single drop wasted despite needing to see his thick white cum threaten to bubble out <3
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mindibindi · 9 months
⭐(Re)Visit a Classic XF Fic [7/7]⭐
So, as part of The X files 30th anniversary celebrations, I took it upon myself to highlight some of the AMAZING authors I first read in this fandom. They were a HUGE part of my experience of watching the show during it's original run. For shippers, the original run was a marathon in faith, frustration and endurance. We were judged, dismissed, ridiculed and gaslit throughout. But in fandom, we found solidarity, and in fanfic, we found solace. (AND we won in the end, so THERE).
As a retired author, I also have a vested interest in pleading the case of older writers. Fanfic archives are libraries, not social media sites. Don't just read whatever comes up most recently in your feed. Search. Discover. Explore. Experiment. Yes, there are some differences in older fanfic culture that are evident in these seven recs. Characters may be understood differently in their original context, narrative style may also differ (more 1st/2nd person address that even addresses the reader directly), there may also be less clear trigger warnings and fewer opportunities for feedback/community. I know we all love AO3 and are grateful for its good works. But don't forget that there are other avenues through which to explore fanfiction.
For this final rec, I want to return to the first author I rec-ed. I urge you to check out her other works. The characters are sometimes a little overwrought or OOC but even when they are, her stuff is tremendously messy, sexy and fun. Here Mulder and Scully are perfectly in character in a rather rauchy scenario. (If you're a babyphile and you don't know the politics at play then ask an auntyphile to fill you in). I will post links below for all the classic authors I have rec-ed, along with a few archives you may want to check out.
Rec #7:
MSR, obligatory stakeout fic
Prompted by current events, Mulder and Scully discuss oral sex
Some knowledge of the Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky scandal required
Rachel Anton (inc lots of Krycek content)
Suzanne Schramm
Narida Law
The search engine is not great but Gossamer IS still up and running:
X-Libris is a current archive that is doing a great job of recovering older works. You can suggest fics to be added to the site or even ask for a long lost fic to be tracked down!!
Smaller archives but also still up and running is Whispers of X and XFSM, both of which are good for different pairings, threesomes and a bit of kink, if that's your jam.
In particular, if you're into BDSM then you may want to check out Kristel St Johns "Aphrodisia" which does a beautiful job of putting Mulder and Scully in a v different, intense kind of physical relationship . The novel is unfinished but definitely still worth a read.
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