#or would it be another year of dancing around a bunch of bullshit if it didnt show up on imaging and tests again
tinyspringtrap · 1 year
ough im getting symptoms and problems again why me man why can't I just live my life
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#sassy says#this is awful my intestines feel like garbage#there's just this constant dull discomfort and occasional pain#and sometimes a little nausea pops in to say hello recently#i miss having a functional digestive system fucking hell#every time i get some stupid ass intestinal symptoms I have to once again grapple with the fear#that my luck is shit and i have landed that one in a million chance of my digestive tract redeveloping the blockage i had as a kid#im not strong enough to do that again man. im just not.#why cant i just have a functional digestive system fuck my LIFE dude#im not even sure how that would go if i got it again either... like would they be able to be more preemptive about it?#or would it be another year of dancing around a bunch of bullshit if it didnt show up on imaging and tests again#would they have to cut out even MORE of my intestine?#would they have to cut in a different place to get to it on account of the scar tissue thats already there??#god i hope its just my intestines acting up a little or some minor issue that can be easily treated#if not then... they'd better be willing to yeet my uterus if they gotta go in again im tired of this stupid thing#it causes me nothing but pain and i am tired of it#however the doctor i talked to about removing it brought up an actual valid point that wasnt just 'but BABIES????????????'#and that point was that the scar tissue from my surgery as a kid#due to the placement of it#could cause problems during such a procedure that might not be optimal#which i never thought about before but she is right and i can accept that reasoning!! because it is an actual genuine concern!!#and not just 'but what if you want to pop out children????'#so yeah if they gotta go in again anyways at any point they best be yeeting this bitch but hopefully it doesnt come to that#because recovering from intestinal surgery sucks for one#and also because i am NOT keen on having another tube down the back of my nose and throat. that was so fucking miserable my god.#personal shit#personal bullshit#i ranted more than i meant to if you actually read the tags have a cookie and an apology#i just need to vent it out sometimes u can ignore it if u want
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joequiinn · 25 days
The Dos & Don'ts of Fake Dating | E.M. x reader | pt. 8
[chap seven] | [all chapters here]
summary: You propose a crazy idea to the resident freak of Hawkins, Eddie Munson. But maybe he was even crazier for agreeing to it…
notes & tropes: fem reader, slow burn, faking dating, opposites attract, bratty rich bitch reader, super minor revenge plot, not-quite-enemies-to-lovers
a/n: I am NOT in control of myself when I write, this chapter took on a mind of it's own. I didn't plan for it to go this way, but boy do I love the drama that unfolded anyway. I hope you all suffer just as much as I did lmao~~
wc: 4.9k
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Chapter Eight
Instead of your usual midmorning trek to fourth period with Eddie, the two of you - and the rest of the student body - were making your way to the gymnasium for another redundant pep assembly come Monday morning.
Even before you became disenchanted with the superficiality of the popular crowd, you detested assemblies. You actually preferred being in class over being crammed into the gym with a bunch of sweaty teenagers all halfheartedly cheering for the next upcoming sports game or student council election. Even when you were considered an It Girl, even when you were dating Duncan, you still found the whole school spirit thing to be total bullshit. You never cared for the false excitement and encouragement; it was a waste of your time.
This particular pep assembly was thrown together to officially announce the homecoming theme for this year. Why that task required a whole hour of time was beyond you. If past years were anything to go by, then the actual announcements would be wrapped up within fifteen minutes and the remaining time would be wasted on cheerleading routines and jazz band performances.
After ditching the student council some three weeks ago, you cared even less about all this shit than you did before - what interest did you have in celebrating the reveal of some stupid theme inspired by pop music or cheesy dance movies? You’d already decided you sure as shit wouldn’t be attending the school dance, so why was it obligatory for the entire school to attend this assembly in the first place? The heavy-handed force upon students to participate in school activities was something you had never understood, even when you yourself were a part of those groups that lived and breathed school spirit.
As you entered the gymnasium, you stole a glance at Eddie, who appeared just as disinterested as you as his eyes darted around to take in the awaiting student council and their eager smiles. His arm was resting lazily over your shoulder, which you were finally becoming accustomed to, to the point that you would nearly forget it was there sometimes. Hell, you were almost beginning to enjoy having Eddie’s arm there, not that you’d tell him that or even spend a minute wondering why that was.
“I still think we have time to run out of here before anyone notices.” You suggest, drawing a fake look of reprimand from Eddie; he grinned at both your blatant detachment and at your eagerness to skip school for the second time within a week.
“And miss out on everyone acting so impressed by whatever dumb idea they have now? Not a chance.” He teased while guiding you towards the far end of the bleachers. As a pouty scowl crossed your face, Eddie helped you up the steps to take seats just a few rows from the front.
While you impatiently waited for this damn assembly to finally start, Eddie’s friends slowly filtered into the gymnasium as well, each approaching you two with the same apprehension they’d had when they first met you. These guys were still clearly intimidated by you, and you still hadn’t taken the time to open up to them. As Jeff awkwardly shuffled onto the bench in front of you, your knees brushed against his back thanks to just how cramped the bleachers already were; you pulled back from the contact, twisting your body as best you could so that your knees could rest against the side of Eddie’s thigh instead. You didn’t catch the way he smirked to himself about it, content to see that you were shying away from contact with him less and less than you had before.
As the last of the stragglers entered, a trio of freshmen walked towards your group, clearly going for the last few seats in front of you; just as you were nearly prepared to tell them to buzz off and sit elsewhere, Eddie cherrily greeted them with clear recognition. You looked between the boys’ faces with critical puzzlement before turning to Eddie expectantly.
“Don’t tell me you’re friends with freshmen.” You said as if it was a dirty word. Upon seeing the way your brow curved with judgment, Eddie gave you a look of warning, as if silently asking you to please not scare these kids; when you glanced at their faces again, you figured it was too late for that.
The boys awkwardly squeezed into the bleachers, looking back over their shoulders so they could converse with the rest of the losers club that you were now a pseudo-member of. One of the boys accidentally met your watchful gaze, causing him to trip over his words as he quickly wrenched his eyes away. You couldn’t help the slight upturn of your lips - you knew you were always intimidating, but you still found amusement in how people reacted to you.
Your eyes narrowed in realization as you continued to stare at the boy, who clearly was trying to engage in conversation as if he couldn’t tell you were watching him, “You’re Nancy’s brother, aren’t you?”
The whole group looked at you, the freshman in particular seeming wary to speak to you considering your straightforward and cold aura, “You know Nancy?”
You tilted your head at the way he asked the question, which seemed to make him a little more nervous, so you taunted, “Why do you sound so surprised?”
As the Wheeler kid looked as if he were searching for the right response, Eddie gave you a little nudge, to which you gave him a faux look of innocence. The two of you stared at each other for a moment longer before Eddie returned his attention to the younger boys he was clearly attempting to befriend.
“Don’t let her scare you,” he started in a lighthearted tone, similar to the one he’d used with Gareth the week prior. He leaned down towards the group conspiratorially with a funny grin, feigning a dramatic whisper, “fear only makes her stronger.”
The group laughed a little, Eddie seeming to put them at ease; you jabbed your elbow into his ribcage as he straightened back up, sharing an amused look with you. At the same time, the cheerleaders started on some generic, peppy routine out on the basketball court, drawing the crowd’s attention as they shook their pom-poms and called out school chants. As you assessed the cheerleading squad with dispassion, you unconsciously relaxed into Eddie’s side just a little; over your shoulder, Eddie grinned to himself.
Once the cheerleaders wrapped up their set and students began to clap eagerly, the class president, Duncan - the vice president - and a couple more members of the council took to the court. You couldn’t help but sneer as you watched Duncan smile widely, clapping the class president on the shoulder as the crowd began to quiet down. The president - a good friend of Duncan’s named Trent - made a show of hushing everyone, as if whatever he had to say was of the most dire significance.
As you watched them, you found yourself wondering how you had the patience to put up with all of this in the past. Did you ever actually enjoy the false comradery, the sense of importance, the trivial joys of a school dance? Or were you just blindly going along with all of it in order to continue fitting in, to continue maintaining those flimsy friendships?
“Good morning Hawkins High!” Trent started into the microphone in his hand, rousing the crowd for another few moments as Duncan spoke into the second mic.
“We can’t thank you enough for your excitement so far!” You rolled your eyes with pursed lips, sharing a judgmental look with Eddie that caused you both to smile, “Now, I know everyone’s been eagerly awaiting this year’s homecoming, but we’ve got some more exciting news to go over before we announce the theme.”
Eddie tipped his head so that he could talk in your ear, ensuring that you could hear him clearly over Trent and Duncan’s speech, “This was the guy you dated for half a year?’
His taunting led to another jab of your elbow, causing him to cough out in surprise while pulling back to give you an exaggerated wounded look. He leaned back in to continue.
“He’s so… vapid.”
You mirrored Eddie, turning your own head so you could speak in his ear, “Honestly, I think I tuned out at least 80% of his bullshit.”
You could feel his small laugh against your ear, “That’s generous of you.”
“My patience hadn’t entirely run out at that point.” You responded while trying to eye Eddie in your periphery, feeling his hair tickle your cheek, “I guess I was good at pretending.”
“You still are, princess.” Eddie pulled back just enough to meet your gaze, as if to emphasize his point. You were still pretending, after all, just in a different way than before. In the midst of this conversation, how could you have momentarily forgotten that this whole thing with Eddie was a sham?
Righting yourself quickly, you smirked, hoping that Eddie hadn’t detected that singular moment of hesitation and confusion that you suppressed, “Well, you’re much more fun to pretend with.”
You turned your attention to the student council for a brief second as Trent was finally rambling on about the homecoming theme for the year - Footloose, of all things. You could still feel Eddie’s eyes trained on you, and in that moment you weren’t exactly fond of him staring; it caused you to squirm a little in your seat as you feigned total ignorance of his watchful gaze studying you.
“So I am fun?” Eddie teased, drawing your attention back to him, “Careful there, princess, you’re starting to reveal that you aren’t so bad under that icy exterior.”
Despite the roll of your eyes, you grinned at Eddie’s remark, playfully nudging him.
Out on the basketball court, Duncan took over from Trent, and you caught him saying it was time to announce the nominations for homecoming king and queen; the only reason you even spared him another glance was because he listed himself and Amelia, of all people, as the first couple on the docket. Since when were they a couple? That felt like an intentional jab at you, but on the other hand, you figured they didn’t care enough to insult you in this way. Right?
Returning your attention to Eddie, you raised a playful brow, ignoring Duncan’s voice as he droned on, “Don’t start telling people I’m nice, Munson, you’ll ruin my reputation.”
He dipped his head with a devilish, scheming look, “Isn’t that my job? To ruin your reputation?”
As you opened your mouth to give him some smart reply, you suddenly heard yours and Eddie’s names leaving Duncan’s mouth, a confused hush falling over the crowd as only a scatter of people halfheartedly clapped. Your stomach dropped as your eyes widened in realization, Eddie’s expression a mirror of yours. You both slowly looked towards Duncan, meeting his eyes from across the gym; he stared back with a histrionic, false smile, obviously playing innocent for the crowd. But you knew him well enough to recognize the mean, challenging glint in his eyes.
Your eyes slowly scanned the cluster of students on the gym floor - Amelia was now standing with Duncan (and giving you a blatantly supercilious look), Jason Carver stood with his long-time girlfriend Chrissy Cunningham, and star student Todd Stephens was arm-in-arm with Veronica Schneider. You could feel your heart beating rapidly in your chest as realization set in, prompting a look of frustration and dread to befall your face.
Duncan brought the microphone back up to his lips, putting on an all too innocent voice as he held your eyes, “Well, are you two lovebirds going to join us? Come on, don’t leave everyone hanging.”
Duncan put you and Eddie on the ballot for homecoming king and queen.
Anxiety twisted at your gut as you grew hot with anger, your harsh eyes unblinking as you stared Duncan down; and he just looked back with that stupid grin of his. You were never one to feel self-conscious, to feel embarrassed, but in that moment, you recognized just how quickly you’d fallen from grace. Humiliation was not a feeling you’d known before, but in this moment you suddenly felt as if you were drowning in.
And you knew that’s exactly what Duncan wanted.
God, you wanted to give him a piece of your fucking mind. You wanted to march right up to him, jab him in the chest with your manicured finger, and make him wish he hadn’t dared challenge you in front of the entire school. And yet, you were frozen in place, trapped in this imbalanced staring contest with Duncan as he continued to play at innocence.
Beside you, you felt Eddie tense up, his arm having fallen from your shoulder at some point, perhaps in total disbelief. But you couldn’t bring yourself to even look at him, to try to gauge what exactly was going through his head - you were too busy staring at Duncan as if your eyes could possibly cause him harm. Your hands formed into fists of rage, your jaw clenching as you were about ready to just to your feet and decimate Duncan with your words.
But as he’d proven himself to be good at time and time again, Eddie beat you to the punch, raising a hand to his mouth in order to project his words, “You know we’d beat all of you!”
You whipped your gaze to Eddie abruptly, surprise causing some of the tension in your face to mellow out. From this close, you could see the apprehension in Eddie’s eyes, the worry hidden there, but to the rest of the school you were certain he looked as if he was entirely too relaxed and composed about this whole confrontation.
Eddie briefly glanced at you, but quickly returned his gaze to Duncan challenging, “The rest of you wouldn’t stand a chance against us!”
A wave of laughter passed through the crowd of students, but you weren't certain if they were laughing with Eddie or at him. Duncan shared a look with the rest of the homecoming court, smiling mockingly at each of them before returning his attention to the two of you; you wondered if he was truly as confident as he looked.
“You think so?” Duncan called back with contempt, daring Eddie to continue. Without realizing what you were doing, you pressed your hand atop Eddie’s knee as if it were a warning, silently asking him not to egg Duncan on. Despite your impulsive desire to jump to your feet and attack Duncan yourself, you couldn’t picture any possible way for this whole melodrama to turn in your favor.
“I’d bet on it!” Eddie challenged again, managing a rather convincing bold smile. Your chest twisted again, your cheeks growing warm with both rage and edginess.
Duncan made a cocky face, finally looking away from you and Eddie to address the crowd as if this was all just a part of the show, as if you and Eddie had played your part and he was now done with you, “Well, we’ll leave it up to all of you! Voting begins today, so come find the student council during lunch hours to place your votes!”
The crowd seemed to lull back into ease as Duncan and Trent continued onto the next phase of information, acting like the past few minutes hadn’t put even the slightest of dents in the assembly festivities. As excitement began to build back up in the crowd, you sat in a daze, still trying to process this entire fucking thing.
Your hand still rested atop Eddie’s knee, and you must have unconsciously squeezed your fingers a little too roughly into his skin, because you heard Eddie hiss beside you. He grabbed your wrist to remove your hand, drawing your eyes to his; you stared at each other with blatant confusion and upset, and it was muddling your brain, making it impossible to think straight.
“Hey--” Eddie started, but you abruptly wrenched your wrist out of his hand and shot to your feet, shoving past all of Eddie’s friends as you stumbled the most straight path accessible down the bleachers. Although the student council continued to speak exuberantly to the crowd, you could feel the intense stares of so many of your peers following you as you quickly stormed out of a set of double doors.
You marched away from the gymnasium with a vexed shine in your eyes, your face red hot with frustration. You couldn’t believe what Duncan just pulled on you, still couldn’t quite come to terms with how shitty that whole thing was - was the entire student council in on this, too? Did they all share a collective laugh when Duncan suggested this disrespectful prank? Had Janet even attempted to say anything in defense of you?
God, you nearly shouted with rage. You thought walking away from your tormentor would help you calm down, but in some stroke of cruelty being alone with your thoughts only made them worse. The fact that someone you once considered a friend - someone you once dated - would make a joke of you in front of everyone was easily one of the more painful things you had to endure.
With an exacerbated sigh, you stopped your incessant marching, considering this whole fucking situation with gritted teeth - in some twisted way, you had gotten what you wanted. After all, it was you who wanted to become some kind of social pariah, you who wanted to be cast out by everyone you thought you knew.
It sure as shit wasn’t supposed to happen like this though. It’s not as if you were exactly thinking ahead when you decided to become completely detached from everyone, but you had never considered that you’d be treated callously. No, like a fool you had hoped that all the popular kids would simply ignore you and pretend that you had never even existed, moving on with their lives as if they’d never even met you. Evidently, your former friends were far more cruel than you’d given them credit for.
Trying to pull yourself together, you leaned against the nearest wall, massaging your temple with your fingertips while breathing deeply. You were the ice princess, the chick who always got away with being cold and bitchy and rude, but you realized in this moment that your reign was most certainly over. Despite your penchant for opinionated crassness, you had never truly been the type to flare with anger as you had today; but of course it would be Duncan to cause this surge of outrage within you.
And you were stupid enough to let him see just how upset you’d gotten.
You knew you had to get it together, to shove down all this distress and instead put on your usual brave face for the world to see. Next time you saw Duncan, you had to read as calm, cold, and only mildly annoyed - you couldn’t hold onto all this wild-eyed agitation.
As you closed your eyes and rested your head back against the wall, you heard someone approaching, prompting you to sigh through your nose as if that would calm you down. You glanced in the direction of the first steps, your gaze falling on Eddie. Of course, it was Eddie - did you really think it could’ve been anyone else?
His entire being practically radiated concern, his eyes shining with unease, his fist clenched around the strap to your book bag that you abandoned when you ran out. As if approaching a skittish animal, Eddie came to lean against the wall with you, the pair of you standing together in contemplative, frustrated silence.
You could feel your upset rising again, unaccustomed to having a companion at your side in moments of anger. You always loathed the idea of being comforted, of having someone there telling you to relax, telling you that everything would be okay. And perhaps you were simply assuming, but you hoped Eddie wouldn’t try to calm you down - you needed to just let yourself be pissed for a while.
“I can’t believe he fucking did that.” You finally said, voice laced with malice. You shook your head in disbelief, staring at the opposite wall, “He’s even shittier than I thought.”
Eddie hummed in agreement, but said nothing, as if he didn’t know the right words to offer you right now. Good, you’d rather he didn’t say anything right now.
Another beat of silence fell between you two. You watched the wall clock with laser focus as you tried to compose yourself, following the second hand as it ticked rhythmically - you had about ten minutes to get your shit together before everyone filtered out of the gym. You couldn’t let any of them see how pathetic you felt.
After one more tense minute, you felt Eddie’s fingers reach for your own, brushing against your knuckles as if hesitant to grab your hand, unsure of what kind of response he’d get. You flinched away while looking down between you, meeting Eddie’s eyes a moment later; he was clearly trying not to show any kind of hurt at your small rejection.
He pressed his lips together as he briefly considered his words, “Come on, I need a cigarette.”
His fingers skimmed past yours again as if to gauge your reaction; you neither pulled away nor reached for him, so with a look of acceptance on his face, Eddie pushed himself off the wall. A mean part of you wanted to shoot Eddie a nasty look as you began to follow him - in your own selfish way, you found yourself wanting to put some of the blame on him, wanting to act like he was part of the problem. But you refrained from reacting poorly, allowing Eddie to guide you out the doors and around the side of the gym, en route to the football field.
Following just a couple steps behind Eddie, the two of you finally reached the bleachers, ducking under them to hide out from any potential prying eyes. As you rested against one of the posts, Eddie dug out a cigarette and lighter, putting a bit of distance between the two of you as he walked deeper under the bleachers. You crossed your arms tightly in front of you while biting the inside of your cheek with annoyance; you watched closely as Eddie inhaled a deep breath of smoke, his eyes looking anywhere but you.
Unintentionally, Eddie’s lack of eye contact fueled your own upset, and suddenly you found yourself annoyed that he couldn’t even seem to look at you. Instead, he stared off in thought, slowly blowing smoke out between his lips. Wordlessly, he held the cigarette out towards you; any other time, you would have taken it from him without a second thought, but this time, you gave Eddie the cold shoulder, turning your attention away.
He dropped his arm limply back at his side, and you could feel his eyes on you for a moment. With a heavy sigh, Eddie brought the cigarette back to his lips; you wondered if the sigh was thanks to you or this entire situation.
“Don’t let him get to you.” His tone seemed a little unsure, scratchy thanks to the smoke coating his throat. You met eyes, Eddie’s stare conveying his own frustrations while yours was mean. To add fuel to the fire, you twisted your face into a snarky look.
“I think it’s a little late for that, Munson.” You said in a clipped tone as you raised your chin defiantly, catching the brief flash of upset that crossed Eddie’s face at your attitude; clearly, he hadn’t expected you to turn it on him all of a sudden. Admittedly, you hadn’t expected it either, but it leapt out of you without any control.
Eddie took a defensive step towards you, his gaze firm as he took another drag from the cigarette; he seemed at conflict with himself as he responded in as level a tone as he could, “Then get it together and don’t take it out on me.”
As you stared back at him with your characteristic coldness, you could feel all your emotional walls building back up - just as you feared, Eddie was trying to get you to relax, and you were too upset to care if you retaliated with an attitude. Right now, you wanted to be mean just for the sake of it, to push him so he’d stop trying to comfort you. You didn’t need him to pretend to care - this was a fake relationship, you reminded yourself, but that didn’t mean Eddie also had to fake niceties when shit got hard.
Eddie gave you a look of warning, as if somehow he could read your mind, as if he could tell that you were trying to block him out. And you nearly made a face as if to mock his concern, but you managed to refrain, pressing your lips firmly together.
“I already made myself look stupid in front of the entire fucking school, I can’t act like that didn’t happen.” You whined, abruptly spinning on your heel to begin pacing once again, that stupid habit of yours that did nothing to calm you down, “I’m a fucking joke.”
You couldn’t stand the look that crossed Eddie’s face, although you weren’t sure what exactly it meant - there was something akin to pity in his eyes that you didn’t like, “You’re not.”
His response was simple yet stern, and you threw him another snide look a moment before he turned his gaze away yet again. Were you beginning to piss him off? To upset him? That cynical part of you hoped so.
Eddie breathed deeply for another couple of moments as he collected his thoughts, his voice a touch smaller than it was a moment ago, “This is high school, princess - you can’t take everything so seriously.”
Frustration started to well in your chest as you glared at his profile, at his dumb little frown, the way he fussed with the cigarette between his fingers, the slight slump of his shoulders, “Well, I do. All I wanted was for them to forget about me, but instead they’ve decided to make me some kind of a target for their immature bullshit!”
“Welcome to the club!” Eddie rounded on you, abruptly matching your antagonistic tone; his eyes were dark, if not a little wild, and you were nearly taken aback, but instead your glare only deepened. You’d never seen Eddie look angry before, and the rational side of you that was buried extra deep right now decided that you never wanted that anger to be directed at you again.
Edd took a moment to think, laughing without even a trace of humor before he inhaled another deep breath of smoke, his eyes narrowing a little as he continued, “What the hell did you expect? Did you really think you could start hanging around a freak like me and get off scot-free? I know you’re not that naive, so don’t act like you didn’t see it coming.”
You gaped at Eddie’s bluntness, completely unprepared for this show of temper. For only a split second, you could feel yourself getting overwhelmed, but just like every other feeling you had, you shoved that down with a scowl. You two stared harshly at one another, the moment stretching out uncomfortably between you. Eventually, you shook your head with a scoff, turning your back to Eddie.
“Of all the things I could’ve done, I can’t believe I thought coming to you for help was the best option.” You started, speaking coldly through your teeth, “I was stupid to ask you for shit, and you were stupider for agreeing to it.”
The silence that fell over you was thick enough to cut with a knife, the static tension in the air nearly painful. If you weren’t so upset, you may have considered how dramatic and mean you were being, you may have considered that you didn’t have to treat Eddie as if he was the problem; but you were too angry to care.
From behind you, Eddie huffed out a deep, disappointed sigh; you heard the toe of his shoe twist on the gravel as he put out the cigarette he’d clung to like a lifeline. Your posture grew even more taut, arms crossing more aggressively and jaw clenching so hard that you were grinding your teeth.
Eddie began to take slow steps towards you, walking around so that you were forced to face each other again; he hovered mere inches from you, ensuring that you could see his upset with total clarity. His gaze was perturbed and severe, mouth twisted into a frown, shoulders rigid with indignation. He silently held out your long forgotten book bag, barely giving you time to reach for it before he carelessly dropped it into your hand; your grip was virtually nonexistent, and the bag hit the ground with a sad thud.
It was so clear that Eddie wanted to say something, but he held back his words, a calculating and thoughtful look on his face. You stared rigidly at one another, your expression cold and cruel, his hurt and despondent, the both of you waiting for the other to act first.
Finally, Eddie shook his head smally as he looked down at the ground, walking away from you without another word or glance back.
taglist (if you'd like to be added, pls let me know): @a-queen-blr @avalon-wolf @costellation-hunter @daisy-munson
@daisyridleyss @damon-loves-pie @damp4eddie @delilaaahhh @eddiernunson
@em0220 @frogtape @fromasgardandback @fckyeahlames @kthomps914
@lotrefcp @love-anonymous-writer @marrowfrog00 @mewchiili @miaajaade
@munsonssweets @no-bueno-writer @rach5ive @sav12321 @sheneedsrocknroll92
@steeldaisies @stormgrl19
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igotanidea · 6 months
Backyard : Jason Todd x stripper!reader
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The plan was simple.
Get inside the strip club, gather some intel on the newest and yet already one of the most influential crime lord in Gotham and get the f out.
The last part got a bit more complicated, when Jason figured out that on this particular day, in this particular club a bachelor’s party was taking place.
Shit was not enough of a word to describe the situation he found himself in.
Should have gone dressed in his Red Hood gear instead of civilian mode.
Should have never let Dick accompany him.
Two hot guys in the club full of horny men and girl strippers trying to lead a mission.
One dying inside, the other going with the flow.
What could possibly go wrong, right?
Well while Dick was having the time of his life, Jason actually tried to focus on the task and uncovering the identity of the guy who was recently raging terror on Gotham. Tried being the key word here. Instead of pursuing the wild game he found himself being a prey rather than a hunter. A bunch of unknown girls tried to grope him, seduce him, damn, even give him a lap dance, all that making Jason’s hair stand on his head as he struggled to reach the back door and break free.
What was a torture to him, seemed to be a lot of fun to his adopted brother though.
And what was even worse, was the fact that Dick, with his charming smile and  ladies-swooning attitude, would probably end up knowing more than him and it made Jason grit his teeth and clench his fists.
“You look like you need  a smoke.”
“What I need is five minute alone”
“Well I’m sorry to break it to you pea brain, but this-” the girl, who judged by the outfit was another stripper, waved her hand around the backyard of the club “-is as close to alone as you can get here.”
As if the couple making out against a wall, going way to close to public sex, a homeless man sleeping next to the dumpster and a few shabby wild cats, tearing with their teeth something that was definitely not suitable for eating, even by animals, could be described with that word.
Jason sighed half in frustration, half in relief.
“Mhm. Yeah, close enough.” the girl agreed as her eyes landed on the man who was now drilling the woman against the wall, apparently causing her enough pleasure to let out a breathless moans.
“You’re enjoying exhibitionism?” Jason raised an eyebrow at girl’s unamused gaze.
“I’m learning new techniques.” She spit out.
“Don’t make me say it again, pea brain.”
“What? If you believed it, you truly deserve the nickname. I’m a stripper not a prostitute.”
“Is she one?” Jason pointed towards the other woman and reached to his pocket in search of a lighter and cigarettes “Fuck!’
“Nah, she’s just faking for the hell of it. Touch starved one, if you ask my opinion. Would settle for what she can get at a club like this. ”
“Do you have a fag?” Jason couldn’t care less about the answer, more focused on getting his own high and calming nerves, that was something he needed at the moment.
“I’m not sharing with a stranger.” She chuckled “seems way too intimate to me.”
“So what, you only give the guy a pipe on a third date?”
“No one got that far.”
“So you’re a stripper with a high standards?” Jason smirked
“Well. As the movies show, there are only three reason of why a girl is a stripper.”
“Don’t tell me you are a sucker for Pretty woman or another bullshit like this.”
“Nah. I’m just a working girl who has to raise a three year old illegitimate child and has no real qualifications for other job.” She send him an innocent feigned smile and tossed a pack of cigarettes his way.
“Three year old kid huh?” he caught it mid-air and lighted one up immediately exhaling deeply, when the familiar scent and flavour of nicotine filled his lungs “How old are you?”
“Rude.” She leaned on the railing “And you only proving my point.”
“Which is?”
“Pea brain.”
“Made you believe I believed that bullshit story, didn’t I?” another  cloud of smoke flew into the air, quickly joined by the other once the girl started to enjoy her own cigarette.
“Congratulations. A guy from a good house just tricked a stripper in the club. Great job, buddy.”
“What makes you think I am a guy from a good house? Maybe I’m a pervert who –“ he stopped for  a second as the sound of woman and man coming chimed into the sentence “maybe I’m a guy like this?”
The unnamed girl only smiled and shook her head causing her hair to flow around her face.
“If you were a guy like that you would just stay inside letting Candy or Chastity give you a lap dance.”
“Are those real names?”
“Pea brain.”
“Right. Sorry.” Jason chuckled involuntarily, much to his own disbelief. “What’s yours then?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.”
“Pretty much why I asked.”
“Pretty much why you run away from the inside and found yourself here.”
“How do you even get clients? You’re insufferable.”
“And I got big mouth. Comes in handy sometimes.”
Before he could stop himself he chuckled again.
Jason Peter Todd, Red Hood, adopted son of Bruce Wayne was smoking outside the strip club, with a working girl, having more fun than he ever had in his entire life.
“It’s not comedy central, stop laughing.”
“You could be a stand upper for sure.”
“Well – if you think about it, I am kind of a stand upper…”
This time Jason fully laughed and the girl couldn’t help a tiny smile on her own face.
“Jerk.” She threw his direction biting on the inside of her cheek, focusing on the cigarette rather than on the guy next to her.
“Bitch.” Jason’s reaction was immediate and completely instinctive.
Any other girl would probably take that as an offence but she was familiar with the fandom and popculture classic.
“What demon are you after, Winchester?”
“Too many of my own to go looking for more.” He sighed
“Yeah tell me about it.” She did the same and for a moment they just stood in undisturbed silence. Even the cats seemed to sense something was going on and went completely quiet.
“What’s your name?” Jason finally asked “for real, not the stripper one and not the fake one you’re probably thinking about giving me.”
“You first.”
“Oh no. I’m a gentleman. Ladies comes first.”
“Stop it!” she laughed at another TV series reference
“Tell me your name.”
“Yy/n” she said finally “Happy now?”
“Splendid. You owe me  a cigarette, now you know what girl to give it back to.”
“Sounds like you’re asking me on a second date.”
Before she got a chance to come up with some quick respond, another working girl came out the club clearly searching for y/n, giving her just one warning look before her eyes travelled to Jason and then back to y/n.
“Fine!” Y/N rolled her eyes in frustration “god damn it, there’s something like a break for fuck’s sake! What the hell is happening now? I swear one day I will burn this hell hole -” the rest of the sentence died behind the door along with the walking away girl.
Jason was finally left alone.
Truly alone.
But it felt oddly dissatisfying to smoke by himself in the dingy backyard, that suddenly became grey and empty.
A girl who seemed to have all the answers.
Infuriating and keeping a man on his toes since the first minute from the meeting.
And who called him pea brain.
Jason smirked to himself, while still smoking the borrowed cigarette in the empty backyard of the strip club.
Letting himself forget the mission for a moment.
don't worry people we'll get "there" ...
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hyunnieshannie · 10 months
Youtiful Series: CHANGBIN
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🖤: Changbin x Reader | Youtiful Series 🖊️: 1,270 🚨: ANGST- SO MUCH ANGST - Fluffy af tho
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You and Changbin had been together for YEARS. You both started out as friends, close friends, best friends. It had taken the two of you quite a while to figure out that you both had romantic feelings for one another but once you did you didn't hesitate to start dating. You had shown up in vlogs with your face blurred out as he walked around town with you and a few other friends. Fans and the media were already painfully suspicious that Changbin was in a relationship but they never had enough evidence of who it was.
You two had been really good about keeping your relationship hidden from fans. You always hung out in groups or went to dinners with multiple members to try and keep the media off your backs. When acquaintances would ask about your relationship you would just tell them that you were good friends and leave it at that. You didn’t know who you could trust with this information so you kept the circle small. His group knew of course, his family, your family, and your closest bestest friend. Everyone else knew you had a boyfriend but didn’t know who he was and you like it that way. 
You two had gotten quite comfortable together. You found a comfortable rhythm together. Maybe too comfortable. You two had become more lenient on trying to cover up your relationship. You still only traveled in groups together, never just the two of you, but perhaps you started to drift closer to Changbin, gravitating towards him and ignoring the other friends you were with. You’re not really sure how it happened.
You were sitting in the dance practice room waiting for the rest of the boys to show up. You had been lounging with Felix, Jisung, and Jeongin playing games on your phones waiting for everyone else to trickle in. All of a sudden there was a bunch of shouting happening outside the dance studio. The four of you immediately dropped your phones and stared at each other wide eyed. It wasn't usual to hear yelling at the company building, it actually never happened. Ever. You quickly got off the couch and made your way to the door to see what was happening, the three boys following closely behind you. As you got closer to the door, you recognized the voice that was doing most of the screaming. You quickly swung the door open.
“Binnie!” You yelled from the door, staring sternly at your boyfriend. He looked pissed, Chan and Minho were trying to calm him down while Hyunjin and Seungmin were standing there with worried expressions on their faces. 
“Bin, relax man, let’s just talk about this calmly.” Chan tried to say in the calmest voice possible. Changbin wrestled his arms out of Chan and Minho’s hold, looking at the two of them as if they had just kicked him in the heart.
“Relax? Relax?! You want me to relax when-” Changbin started yelling in the hallway.
“SEO CHANGBIN!” You yelled and all eyes were immediately on you. Even some of the managers and other staff that were around the surrounding hallways looked your way. “Do you really need to air out your dirty laundry in a hallway where anyone can hear you?! Get your asses in here and have a discussion like adults, hmm??” Minho smirked at you and crossed his arms over his chest proud as hell that you took control of the situation. Little did he know that Changbin was giving you the nastiest death glare. 
All of the boys filed into the practice room and closed the door. No one said a word though, Changbin was still seething but wasn't saying a thing about what was agitating him so much. 
“Jesus christ, just fucking tell her Bin-hyung or I’m going to.” Seungmin groaned from his spot on the floor next to you. You quickly looked between Seungmin and Changbin, noticing the stiffer position that Changbin was now sitting in.
“Tell me what.”
“It’s nothing.” Changbin said through gritted teeth.
“Bullshit. Don’t fucking lie to me. What is going on?” You knew when Changbin was lying, and he did it very very rarely, so what in god's name made him lie to you now?
Changbin still didn’t move or say anything. Minho rolled his eyes and opened his phone and handed it to you before propping himself up against the counter behind you. You took the phone with a confused look on your face. You look at the phone and begin to scroll through the media and you felt your world beginning to crumble around you. As you continued to scroll through the messages your heart began to sink deeper into your stomach. 
Who is this nobody? 
She’s not even pretty, he could do so much better
Get this slut away from our Changbinnie
She doesn’t deserve to be with him
What does he even see in her?
She's probably just using him for his fame
Gold Digger much?
The phone was abruptly ripped from your hands, you looked up to see Changbin gripping the phone harshly, his arms flexing as he did so. He gave Minho a stern look and threw his phone at him. You could see his jaw tightening and his fists clenching. You heard someone mutter your name. It was Felix who looked at you with sad eyes and signed to wipe your eyes. You touched your cheeks and they were wet. When did you start crying?
“Don’t show her that shit.” Changbin looked down at you and you could see the anger boil back up in his chest. “I’m gonna kill someone.” He said through gritted teeth. He went to move towards the door, going where you had no idea.
“Changbin, where are you going?” You ask quietly.
“To get some fucking answers. How dare they talk about you like that? How dare they say those horrible things about you? They have no idea who you are! What you mean to me! What you mean to us! They don’t know jack shit and they’re still saying all of these horrible things, sending you horrible messages. I’m gonna find whoever posted that photo of us and kill them. Fucking ruining our relationship, ruining you, making you cry? Fuck, I’m gonna kill them.” Changbin started ranting, his voice increasing in volume as he continued. You stood up slowly and approached him. His breathing was hard, you could tell he was getting overwhelmed. You slowly and gently placed your hand on top of his chest, looking him directly in the eyes.
“Binnie, breathe.” You whisper calmly, the tears now completely gone. He starts to mirror your breathing, taking deep breaths in and out, but his heartbeat is still going crazy. “I don’t care what these people have to say about me. We can figure out who posted the pictures if you’d like, but no killing anyone.” You say and you get a soft chuckle from him. “We’ll figure this out, all of us ok?” He places his hand over yours on his chest. You can tell he’s still angry, it was usually pretty hard for him to calm down when he was angry, but you always knew how to diffuse him to try and bring him back to a level head. “Ok?”
“Yeah.. ok. Love you.” He says quietly, squeezing your hand.
“To be honest you two weren’t very subtle…” Seungmin confesses from his place on the ground.
“I’m gonna kill him.” Changbin chuckles as he races towards the younger and tackles him to the ground.
Yeah, you two were gonna be alright.
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@chanlixiiee @amalieworldidk @jaebaebaegot7 @maeleelee @iadorethemskz @maenijw @hangin-out-with-the-street-rats @jinniespuppy @painstakingly-juno @lethallyprotected @elizalabs3 @jisungsbff01 @seungminslittlepup @lieghscloud @foxinnie8 @scarletbedlam @kpoppin-to-the-beat @stay-berry @bbymatz @kurxxmi Thank you for being on our permanent tag list <3
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𝐿.𝒲. || 𝒮𝒶𝓃𝓉𝒶 𝒯𝑒𝓁𝓁 𝑀𝑒
it has been SO LONG but I couldn’t let Christmas pass without feeding you people. so here. have some soft-ish Larissa. You’re welcome, Merry Christmas to all that celebrate. 🎄🥰
Warnings: none
Word Count: 3.4K
@president-teddy @holly-fire @consciouschunkofmoss @mxbeezkneez @fxoehy @inlovewithbilliedean @sythaerin @winters-witch-bitch @takemercyonme @when-i-miss-you @jojalie @ahoy-gays @marvelgeek09 @pachipachitot @smthaboutyou
enjoy xx
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Santa, tell me if you’re really there, don’t make me fall in love again if she won’t be here next year.
The first time you spent Christmas at Nevermore wasn’t anything too eventful. It might have been, if it weren’t for the fact that you were stuck watching students clinging to each other’s arms, couples laughing and smiling as the snow fell around them. Meanwhile, you stayed in the background, refusing to let yourself open up enough to even BEGIN to form a relationship with anyone. Did you not want to get your heart broken, or was it something else?
Feeling Christmas all around, and I’m tryin’ to play it cool
The whole school had been decked out with Christmas decorations; garlands on the fireplaces, wreaths hung on dorm-room doors, and lights twinkling in almost every window. You walked slowly through the snow, wrapped in a fluffy coat and gloves, the hood pulled up over your head to try and warm your chill-reddened ears. The atmosphere was wonderful, snow falling lightly around you, and when you walked inside, the coziness was nearly enough to warm you up all on its own. Yet you could feel a certain unease in your bones that refused to go away no matter how long you stood in front of the fireplace.
Let It Snow is blasting now, but I won’t get in the mood
Enid had dragged you back to Ophelia Hall the next time you saw her to hang out, and you saw her girlfriend as well, still decked in black and pigtails ever-present. She acknowledged you with a nod of her head but nothing more. As Enid grabbed your hands and grinned at you, chattering about the cold and whatever she’d been up to that week, you heard a familiar tune start playing out of her wireless speaker. “I love this song!” she squealed, turning the volume up as ‘Let It Snow’ blasted through the large device. Still, as much as you enjoyed the time with them, you couldn’t quite bring yourself to be as happy as Enid was, denying her offer to dance when the next song came on with a polite smile and instead choosing to sit by Wednesday to ask softly how her novel was going. Her responses were curt and cold, but you didn’t take it personally; she talked like that to everyone except Enid.
I’m avoiding every mistletoe until I know it’s true love
It was no secret that the students of Nevermore were a sneaky bunch. Very few hadn’t pulled a prank or two on the faculty–or each other–and that was a normal occurrence. So why were you thinking that maybe you would get through a single holiday without getting messed with. It was another day of arguing with your boss, Principal Weems, as per usual. The two of you were walking side by side, ironically enough, bickering loudly and animatedly as neither of you refused to give in even though both had work to do. And so you’d resolved to argue as you kept walking, something about your friendship with Wednesday. Larissa didn’t like her, that much was obvious. You supposed she had a good reason for her dislike of Wednesday–unlike her uncalled-for dislike of you–after all the shit she’d pulled since her enrollment. But you didn’t agree with her taking that anger out on others, not even on you. “That’s bullshit, Larissa! She’s just a kid, you can’t–” The silver-haired woman cut you off with a raise of her hand and snapped, “I can and shall do whatever I want, Miss L/N.” You scoffed, rolling your eyes and taking a firm step down as you spun on your heel to face her in the doorway you’d just arrived at.
“Why do you hate her so much?! I’m not saying she’s perfect, but I don’t think you should be considering expulsion!” You snapped back, glaring at the (much) taller woman in front of you, also stopped and now with her hands on her hips and an unimpressed glare on her face. With a tut she stated “Might I remind you that this is the third time Miss Addams has done something like this? Not only could she have hurt herself, but she could have endangered her classmates, as well!” With this statement she too stepped forward, poking you rudely in the sternum with a perfectly manicured nail and getting much too close for your poor hammering heart. She was so close that you could practically feel the heat radiating from her body, though you were probably imagining it.
However, it was only when you made to take your leave, finally getting sick of this pointless argument, did you realize that you couldn’t move. It was as if you were tethered to the floor by some unseen force, looking up to Larissa to see if she was experiencing the same effect. It was obvious that she was by the way her wide eyes glanced wildly around the area, looking for any sign of escape. It was then that she looked up (though she didn’t need to look very far given that she was only about six inches below the top of the door frame) and made eye contact with what, at the moment, was the most repulsive object she’d ever seen.
And apparently, not JUST mistletoe, but cursed mistletoe. It was the only explanation, at least in this place, and since the woman just kept staring you also eventually looked up and saw the small plant hanging there, bright red berries practically taunting you from above. You released a shaky sigh and lowered your gaze slightly to Larissa’s, already glaring down at you as if it was your fault the two of you had ended up in this position. In return, you gave her a scandalized look and exclaimed, “Oi! Don’t give me that look, I’m as shocked as you are!” The Principal groaned under her breath, cursed quietly, and finally let out a heavy sigh before muttering, “Can I please go one day without being the victim of some childish joke?” You knew she was stalling; neither of you were stupid, or ignorant enough, to believe that this was some sort of fluke or odd chance. There was one way you were getting out of this and it was not favorable to either of you. “In light of recent events, I’d say the answer is no…” you muttered, crossing your arms and refusing to meet Larissa’s eyes.
The principal didn’t look away, staring at you even as you continued burning holes into the lacquered floorboards beneath your feet. Every few seconds you tried to step away again, just hoping that somehow, by sheer force of will, you could break the curse and escape this torment. Alas, you couldn’t move an inch and finally, Larissa scoffed and hissed something under her breath. Now, you were quite a bit shorter than this woman, obviously. Just to look her in the eye, you had to strain your neck upwards and you weren’t even that short. She was just fucking huge. Given this height difference, it’s not like it could be a quick one-and-done thing because Larissa would have to make a big deal with getting down to your height. So with no choice but to (in her mind) embarrass herself–the woman silently thanked the gods no one else was around to see this unfortunate series of events–she bent at the waist, tipped your chin up with her right hand, and pressed her lips to yours. It barely lasted a moment, over faster than you could even blink, before she stood up straight again with an expectant air about her.
But nothing happened. You tried to move away, but that force still kept your feet planted in place. Horrorstruck, Larissa’s gaze snapped down to your equally alarmed one as you breathed “Oh gods…” The older woman snapped “What? What is going on, y/n?!” It was not often that Larissa used your first name, insistent that she must maintain professionalism by continuing to use your surname. It was only when she was worried, tired, or upset that she pulled out the first name, so you scrambled to reply; “I think I know what this is. It’s cursed-” “Oh, figure that one out yourself, did you?” “Shut up, Larissa! If you would let me finish, I was going to say that it isn’t going to let us go without…” you groaned, covering your face with your hands as heat crept up your neck and cheeks. Thankfully Larissa got the message and if you’d have looked up you would have seen a gentle flush dust her cheeks as well. “I have things to do today,” she muttered, clearly getting more upset the longer you two stayed there.
With an indignant huff, you thought about all the things you had to do today and how much it would suck to have to do them tomorrow because you refused to grow a pair and kiss Larissa Weems under the goddamn cursed mistletoe. Fingers twitched at your sides for a moment, you ground your teeth together in focus, before finally reaching out, grasping the lapels of Larissa’s blazer, and yanking her down to meet you. To her credit, the only indication of her surprise was an almost imperceptible ‘oh!’ before your lips met. You held her there, squeezing your eyes closed until the pressure began to get painful. Larissa’s own hands hung in the air on either side of you, her muscles straining uncomfortably with the angle at which her body had to bend to reach you. This had to be the most awkward and uncomfortable kiss you’d ever initiated as Larissa still did not move until finally, after what felt like actual millennia , she hesitantly placed her hands on your shoulders, the muscles unconsciously relaxing under her warm touch.
Faintly you could feel the tackiness of her candy red lipstick on your mouth as she–whether knowingly or not–gradually began to respond, both of you allowing yourselves to at least kind of enjoy the sensation. The taller woman’s fingers tentatively lifted to your jaw, grazing the bone almost reverently. Still, the moment Larissa felt the uncomfortable weight lift off her shoulders she didn’t hesitate to jerk away from you. While you took a moment to recover from whatever that was, Larissa took one glance down at you, at your flushed cheeks and out-of-it expression, and with little more than a soft blush, the woman marched away, not looking back once with some sort of subconscious fear that, should she do such a thing, she wouldn’t be able to look away. Oh, how she hated you.
Santa tell me if she really cares
After your less than lucky run-in with mistletoe and a certain Principal, you’d had even more trouble ignoring the woman. She, however, had no problem with this task. Any time you made eye contact, no matter what the situation, she without fail managed to bail, leaving you to stare after her in bemusement. Unless it was the weekly staff meeting, at which time you had no choice but to sit in the same room together for almost an hour. Still, Larissa resolutely avoided your gaze, expertly appearing to pay attention to you when you spoke while also never actually making any sort of eye contact. At least before, she would interact with you long enough to get into an argument with you. Now, you just felt quite…lonely.
It had always been obvious, to you at least. You’d had a crush on Weems since practically day one. That’s why you missed even the constant fights you’d have with the woman, once she seemed to stop caring about your existence entirely. ‘Distance makes the heart grow fonder’ must be true, for the longer you went without any contact, the more you yearned to apologize. To explain. To do anything as long as it meant being able to smell her perfume and see the stupid little smirk she gave when she won an argument.
I’ve been down this road before, fell in love on Christmas Day
Another bleak and cold December afternoon, and you sat perched on the windowsill in your room, looking outside to the snowy Nevermore campus. It was a day like this, you realized, when you said those three fateful, terrible, damning words to them. These days it was little but a fleeting memory, but you could remember the soar in your chest when you realized your true feelings, the adrenaline rush that came with confessing to them, and the following admittance of mutual emotion. The snow fell around you as you embraced, not caring about the cold or the way your bodies trembled, only caring about the warmth each other’s lips brought the other.
But on New Years Day, I woke up and they weren’t by my side
All of those feelings came crumbling down only weeks later when they told you they were wrong. When they said that they had only wanted to feel like that about you, because truly they loved seeing you happy, but they didn’t love you. It was holding back tears that you smiled and bade them farewell; from your home, your life, your universe. It was the first day of the New Year, and you had planned on celebrating your new life that you had thought was ahead of you. Instead, you lay in a crumpled heap on your apartment floor, sobbing and cold at the lack of their presence. Since that day you refused to let anyone influence you in such a way, refused to allow your heart to get shattered like that all over again. It hurt too much, was too painful to relive. So instead you moved here, to Jericho. Started a new life, a new job, started over. What you hadn’t expected was to fall in love with the Headmistress.
Now I need someone to hold, be my fire in the cold
Another day of loneliness accompanied by a scathing sense of disdain towards anything “nice”. Even more couples had been flaunting themselves around the school, not afraid to show their affection and adoration for all to see. And it didn’t feel fair that the only person you wanted to share those moments with was STILL avoiding you like the plague. Not to mention that even if she wasn’t, she still hated your guts. The chill of midwinter air was felt down to the bone, no matter how many layers you wrapped about your shoulders, or how hot your mug was in your woolen-clad hands. It was blistering and biting in a way that only loneliness could be, in a way only the feeling of another’s embrace could relieve.
But if it’s hard to tell if this is just a fling or if it’s true love
At this point, your mind was completely in tatters. One day Larissa was avoiding you, and now she was stuck to you like a bug to fly paper. Every corner you turned she seemed to be there, trying to strike up a conversation–any conversation for that matter–and it confused and distressed you greatly. Because you were finally starting to take the time away from the woman to get over her, but with her having flung herself back into your life at such a breakneck intensity there wasn’t anything you could do except let it happen, really. It caught you off guard how friendly Larissa was being, to the point where you were the one who had to begin to distance yourself. And once again the silver-haired bipolar flipped like whiplash, noting your sudden apprehension and pulling away all over again. Oh, how you despised her.
I wanna have her beside me on the 25th by the fireplace
Here it was. Christmas day. Well, evening technically. The Christmas party that had been, remarkably, kept quite hush-hush until the day of. It was a blast but the happiness dissolved as soon as you began the long walk to your room. Dazed, slightly out of it, and just a tad bit tipsy, you didn’t realize that you’d ended up in front of what was not your room until you looked up and found a door that was, decidedly, not yours. In fact, it was the very person you’d had on your mind for the past month, and with alcohol raising your confidence, you brought your hand up and knocked on the heavy mahogany wood thrice. A few moments later a melodic voice sounded out an “Enter!” to which you did just that, slipping inside and closing the door behind you.
Larissa hadn’t yet looked up, just muttering “What do you want?” while she languidly twirled her fingers around the stem of a crystal wine glass. She sat in front of a large fireplace, curled up on a settee that looked far too expensive. “Do you want the truth or some sugar-coated lie?” At the sound of your voice, the woman’s head whipped to face you, firelight glancing over her features and shrouding her icy eyes in shadows. That gaze raked over your form before her broad shoulder drooped with a heavy sigh and long fingers gestured you forward. The woman’s body returned to its previous position, angled towards the still blazing flames.
But I don’t want a broken heart, this year I’ve got to be smart
“You never answered my question,” you stated as you sat down beside her, giving yourself enough room to not touch her, but staying close enough as to not remain a stranger. “Do you want the truth, or not?” Larissa huffed out a strained laugh, taking another sip of wine and never once looking toward you. “Personally, I want some peace and quiet, but you can’t even give me that, can you Miss l/n?” she replied, but for once it wasn’t biting. Instead, it held a tone of indifference and, if you squinted, playfulness. God forbid. In response you shrugged and also looked to the fire, twisting your fingers together as you said, “I suppose not, Principal Weems.” The two of you stayed silent for a long while, as you fought the urge to scoot closer to the woman and she considered whether she should offer you some wine.
Eventually, though, you got sick of the silence and sighed before muttering, “Perhaps I should go. It’s gotten late,” and going to stand up with a nod towards the Principal. “Happy Christmas, Larissa.” “Miss l/n.” You did not respond, not in the mood anymore to banter. Only when you were halfway to the door and you heard a sharp “Y/n!” did you freeze in place. When it was followed by a softer, sweeter “Please come back,” you could do nothing more than obey, returning to your spot on the couch–this time closer as Larissa motioned for you to do so. A long arm came to gingerly lay over your shoulders and you, just as timidly, leant your head against the woman’s shoulder, sighing contentedly at the warmth she emanated and the scent of that oh-so-familiar perfume you had missed so badly.
This time when the room fell silent, it wasn’t for long, and it wasn’t tense. Larissa broke it then, murmuring no more than a breathy apology. An apology. From Larissa Weems? To you? You must be dreaming. But no, she really was apologizing, and instead of teasing her for it, you just nodded and repeated the sentiment. It didn’t need to be said, what was being apologized for. It just was in the air. You knew what it was for, without having to speak it into existence. And there, the two of you stayed, for quite some time, just enjoying the peace with no sound except your soft breaths and crackling wood embers in the hearth. When you did finally bid goodnight, well past midnight, Larissa hesitated to let you go at the door. There was a shared look between the two of you that sparked something in her chest, and the woman bent down to place a chaste kiss on your lips. It lasted no more than a moment, but the intention was clear enough. It was loud enough, even with no words spoken. And once you did leave, her door closing silently behind you, the two of you unknowingly both leant against the thing, and but a single thought flitted through your heads.
“Oh, how I love her.”
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kangamommynow · 2 months
April in School
April 1 and I'm in my house freezing. Took the dog for a walk this morning and my fingers were numb. Look, Wisconsin weather, this is bullshit. Basically no winter this year, but we're holding onto the illusion of it too long.
My students wanted to play a prank on their other teacher today. We looked up some ideas at recess and the only one that didn't require a lot of planning ahead was that everyone should switch seats and act like normal. So when we came in from lunch, we all sat at random desks, including me. Julia looked around confused and finally was like, "ok then, what's up?" All the kids laughed. Not a big prank, but enough to thrill a bunch of 11 year olds.
There's two and a half months of school left this year. That's nothing. I feel the pressure, and I'm sure many of the students feel middle school looming ahead. Considering how far behind most of them are (from a general 5th grade standards level), I'm not surprised.
I hate the concept of "being behind". You are where you are. You need what you need. You know what you know. There's just an awful lot they don't know yet. Things they are expected to know for next year and they just... don't. Yet. But unless they actually want to learn it, no amount of dancing around and teaching it is going to help. We try to point out why they should learn it - how it will help them achieve their goals. We try to make it interesting, because it is. We try to teach it in new ways. and they just. don't care. Which sucks because I know they actually will need it later and I really do want them to be invested in growing on their path. Not to be stuck on the only paths left to them.
Example from today: So-and-so has $20. He buys something for x, y, and z. How much does he have left? They figured out that they needed to add x, y, and z. And then they tried to subtract that from $20. Here's the problem. They suck at borrowing, and $20.00 requires borrowing three times. It's confusing. So I encouraged them to think of a different way. Add up from the amount spent to $20, which is how you would deal with it at a cash register anyway. They looked at me like I was insane.
Another example: So-and-so has $22 and spends all of it, the same amount each day, for lunch for the next 5 days. How much does he spend every day? The first response is that you can't divide 22 by 5. Yes you can, when you consider decimals. Then they tried 3, 4, and 5. Once they figured out, with help, that $4 and some cents were required, they got stuck. $4 a day for 5 days makes $20. There's $2 left over. How can you split $2.00 into 5? That stumped them. sigh. Most of them got there by trial and error, but the concept that 200/5 is something they can do in their heads eluded them.
They'll be fine. I hope. They are a good bunch of kids. They're just 11.
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resi4skz · 4 months
Another one bites the dust. :D
Pairing: Chan(idol)xFemMC
Pairing: Han(idol)xFemMC (2nd couple)
Title: New Begninnings
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If it was thing I ever really wanted, it was to see a Stray Kids concert. Although I lived with my roommate/best friend, her and I made it our mission to afford their ticket + plane tickets. We worked our asses off, even worked on holidays for 3 years straight. My boyfriend was against it because he thought that it was a waste of money to just to see a bunch of guys sing and dance.
Our flight was in less than 12 hrs and Daniel, my boyfriend, was lazing around in our living while I packed a last few things for the trip. "Hey, Nora, do you have any eyelash curlers. I think I lost mine."
"Let me take a look," she calls outs from her room.
"Are you seriously going to go to Korea?" Daniel asks.
"Uh, yeah." I replied, rummaging through my makeup bag for an eyelash curler.
"You seriously bought a ticket just to see this lame ass band?"
I paused. I look up and see the back of his head. "What is your problem?"
"My problem?" He gets up and faces me. "My problem is that the fact that my girlfriend is so obsessed with these men that don't even know her!"
"Here's one I..." Nora walks out of her room and stops when she sees us two. "Wasn't using."
"Is that what this is about?"
"Oh it most definitely is, Ava!" He exclaims, throwing his hands in the air. "You could be doing so much more with that money."
"Like what?"
"An education! A real job! Not to see a bunch of gay ass dudes dancing for a few hours."
"Daniel, do you even realize what they mean to me?"
He scoffs, rolling his eyes. "Oh please don't start with that mental shit. I don't wanna hear it."
"Okay." I walk into my room, closing it behind me. This was the last straw. I have told him time and time again that those boys have saved me from a lot of things. I pickup his duffle bag and start throwing his clothes and stuff inside. Even his gifts to me, which I haven't used at all. Once I thoroughly got rid of this things in my room, I zip up the bag and walk out, throwing the bag at him.
"What's this?" He asks, looking down at the bag.
"Your stuff. You're free from me so you can leave." I grab the eyelash curler from Nora, who's grinning from ear to ear. "Thanks."
"Are you serious? Ava, what the fuck?"
"Daniel, I really don't have time for your bullshit. Leave," I explain, pointing to the apartment door. "The door's right there."
He huffs and puffs and storms out before mumbling some curse words at me, slamming the door shut.
"Good riddance."
*30hrs later*
I was unpacking my bag while Nora took a shower. It was a bit cold at this time of year in seoul. Thank god for Nora for telling me to pack warm. We were going to get dinner. I wore a black turtleneck with blue tight jeans, black boots and a long beige coat. i went light on rhe makeup. I hear a whistle from behind me. "Girl, you're gonna make heads turn."
Rolling my eyes, I turn around and gasp. "Nora."
"What?" She blinks at me.
"Talk about making heads turn." I look at her from toe to head and whistle. She was wearing black tight jeans, a dark green sleeveless crop top, a leather jacket to go with the whole look. The girl never gets cold.
She rolls her eyes at me as she wears her black ankle boots. "Ready?"
"Born ready." We head out of our hotel room and head down the elevator. We decided we would explore the city a bit before having dinner at a restaurant. The city at night was another sight to see, although there were people around, we were more than happy to walk around and explore. And our hotel was very close to han river. We had always wanted to visit it. We asked bystanders to take a few pictures of us which turned out great.
All the walking around got us hungry so we opted for fast food. Even korea's fast food was different than ours back home in the states. But nonetheless, it was delicious. With our tummies now full and content, we were walking around and goofing around. "Careful, Nora," I warn as she walks backwards on the sidewalk. "You're gonna fall and blame it on me."
"I won't," she says giggling. She turns around and bumps into someone, hard. And they both go tumbling down.
"Nora!" I shout. I run towards her and bending down. "You okay?!" She turns her head, groaning but nods. "I told you that you'd fall."
"I'm oka-" she gasps at the person underneath her.
"What? Does it hurt? Where?!"
The person under her groans and lifts their-his head. "Aish. What the hell?" He looks up, his brown eyes shining. "Miss, are you alright?"
Holy shit. There's no fucking way. He helps himself and Nora up, as we both just stare at him. Nora stands beside me, wide eyed as me. "Are you sure you're alright?"
"Hyung! There you are. Others just went home so it's just you and me." A very cute brown haired, bubbly person comes running to the other man.
What are the fucking odds of seeing our biases together?
"I'm not dreaming, am I?" Nora asks. "Ava, pinch me." I pinch her arm. "Ow! Okay definitely not dreaming."
I look at the duo in front of me as they converse in korean. My eyes catch the black haired one. I had only seen him on my tv screen. But to see him in the flesh....."Miss?"
I snap out of my thoughts. "Yes?"
"Will you two ladies be alright?"
Holy fuck. Even his Australian accent was hot to hear it in real life. "Yes. We're just heading back to our hotel."
"Oh? May I ask which hotel?"
I glance at Nora then back. "Uh, Lotte Hotel."
"May we walk you ladies back to the hotel if it's not too much trouble?"
I glance at Nora who's looking at me like a deer caught with headlights. "Girl, what do we do? That's Chan and Han!" She whisper-yells.
"Calm down." I turn to him, smiling. "Sure."
He smiles, his dimples popping. Oof. I want to swim in them. "Great. Let me tell my mate and we'll go." He runs back to Han who nods his head after a second. They both run up to us, smiling. "Shall we?"
Even though it was a 15 min walk, I couldn't stop telling Chan that he was amazing in everything he does while the other duo walked behind us, a few steps behind. "Nah, I'm not that good."
"But you are!" I exclaimed. "You sing, rap, write songs, make music and not mention being able to speak more than 1 language. If that's not your definition of good, then you need a new dictionary."
He chuckles. "Is that so?"
"Mmhm," I nod, smiling. "Don't ever underestimate yourself just because you think the rest of the members is okay with it. They want you to be in the spotlight too, they just have a different way of showing it to you." He turns his head, looking at me while walking. "What? Do I have something on my face?"
He gives me a soft smile. "For someone who just met an idol, you're quite chirpy."
"What did you think I was going to be? Screaming at the tip of my lungs or cause so much attention to you and Han that would make you uncomfortable?"
"Well," he nods. "Yeah."
I snort. "I'm not the crazy fans so sorry if I dissapointed you."
"I'm not dissapointed. More like.....surprised."
I blink at him before looking ahead. The hotel peeking around the corner, just a few more minutes. "Well, then you haven't been ona date with me." The minute the words left my mouth, I knew it was over for me. Way to go, Ava, now he's going think you're a weirdo.
"Are you saying I should go on a date with you?"
Fuck. I knew I shouldn't have opened my stupid mouth. I laughed, nervously, peeking behind me to Nora and Han conversing. Well they seemed to be getting along just fine. "Listen, I didn't mean to say that."
"Oh?" He says as we come around the corner. "That's a shame."
"How so?"
"Because I would have loved to take you out on a date."
My heart stops beating, or at least I think it does. Is this real life? "You want to go on a date with me?" He nods in answer. "But you don't even know me."
We come to a stop. Han and Nora still behind which I was kind of glad at the moment. "Is that what dates are for? Getting to know each other?"
"Okay. Fair point," I replied. "But I'm just-"
He takes a step closer and suddenly, the air around us gets warm. "Give me your phone."
Perplexed, I take out my phone, unlock and hand it to him. He taps his thumbs on the screen and hands it back to me. My eyes widen when I saw what he did. I want to take my clothes off and jump in a pool. "Wha-"
"Give me a call. Text. Whichever is better for you."
I stand there, my phone in my hand as Han and Nora come around the corner laughing. "Alright, thank you for walking us to our hotel," she says.
"It was our pleasure," Chan replies, smiling. "Get some sleep, yeah?"
"Yeah, we will." Nora nudges me, snapping me out of my trance.
"Goodnight ladies." Chan smiles and winks at me before turning around to walk with his friend.
That night, I went to sleep with a smile on my face. And dreamt of dimples and the boy who gave me his number.
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Hi, I keep coming back, but I got another song for you!! Life After Salem by Lil Nas X is so Jay to Alex, but you can even squeeze some Tim in there too!!
Okay you know the drill, shitty lyric analysis under the thingy so its all neat and tidy before BAM me spewing a bunch of bullshit about my favorite lil guys. Also this one goes off the rails cos i just finished it with a massive fuck off migraine, so it starts out all detailed then becomes "yes song good good" pretty much lol
You're so right tho, this song is so Jay and Alex.
All of my feelings are gone I left 'em all on the floor Man, who's to blame if you don't love me no more? No, I don't mind, just take whatever you want
Shocker, Alex and Jay singing a duet.
To me the first two lines would be sung by Jay about him hiding his feelings for Alex back in college/uni, pretending he didn't like him or want to be in a relationship with him (beyond just their FWB relationship), pretending he wasn't in love with Alex for years despite knowing that he absolutely was. Probably those lines would be sung by Jay to Alex about their time in College, explaining what he tried to do with his feelings: "I left 'em all on the floor". Those lines would also probably be sung, like, after Alex has said all those nasty things to Jay in the kitchen? Somewhere around then. This is like a song for if they ever actually fucking talked to each other properly lmao.
The next line would be Alex's response, a sort of manipulative way of saying he understands why Jay doesn't trust him anymore, that he understands what he did and why it was cruel. But in that kinda "oh woe is me I'm just the worst" kinda way, yknow? Trying to make Jay go "no, you're not the worst, you're not evil, you just didn't think it's okay!" and give Alex another chance. There'd definitely be a certain level of sincerity as well though, because Alex really does realize that he was pretty damn shitty to Jay. He wants Jay not to love him anymore. He needs Jay not to love him anymore.
Then the last line is kinda both of them, but in different ways, like they'd sing it together but with completely different tones and it'd be so obvious that they're talking about different things. For Jay "No, I don't mind, just take whatever you want" is about how Alex just kinda took and took and took from him throughout their relationship, but it'd also be a kinda, like, good tone? Like Jay's convinced himself that he genuinely doesn't mind how much Alex has taken from him, he kind of likes the fact that he could give Alex that control over him etc? For Alex "No, I don't mind, just take whatever you want" would be a lot more bitter, he feels like Jay is the unreasonable one who just keep's taking, because he's taken Alex's heart (lmao cringe) and Alex was not ready to give it away to him.
Why don't you just take what you want from me? I think you should take what you want and leave Why don't you just take what you want from me? I think you should take what you want and leave
Alex. He wants Jay to have basically everything he's wanted out of their relationship just before he leaves and Alex makes sure that they don't see each other again. Jay gets to kiss Alex, they have sex in a bed, Jay sleeps over, they have breakfast together, etc.
(It is another day now and I have a headache. Thinking is hard, the rest of this is probably gonna be a mess im sorry lol.)
What you want from me? Yeah What you want from me? Yeah
Then just Jay not really knowing why Alex has changed and why he's doing all these nice things for him, so he's just sitting there trying to figure out what Alex wants from him in return for all these nice things. (the answer to that being: alex wants him heartbroken enough to save himself)
Get yourself an Adderall Then throw me up against the wall And kick me when I have to crawl Ooh, I love it when you show no love at all You know I can be your part-time lover Our scars, they'll dance with each other I can be your part-time lover Our scars, they'll dance with each other
Okay, hear me out, this bit's about their dynamic, shocker... even tho it makes it sound a lot more toxic and abusive than it actually was. They were both mostly happy with the dynamic and neither were trying to hurt each other. They just both kinda wanted it to be a romantic relationship when it wasn't, but Alex was scared of that, and Jay wasn't gonna push it for fear of losing what he already had so far. And he'd rather have that than nothing.
"Ooh, I love it when you show no love at all" at first i thought this bit would be Jay, but now that i think about it, it's Alex to me. He liked it when Jay didn't show him any love back in college, because it made it easier to ignore his own feelings for him.
Why don't you just take what you want from me? I think you should take what you want and leave Why don't you just take what you want from me? I think you should take what you want and leave
What you want from me? Yeah What you want from me? Yeah
You're changin' You're changin' every day You played me I let you win again You're changin' You're changin' every day And you're takin' You're takin' everything
They are in fact changing, yup. Probably Jay talking about Alex, Alex changed up their usual dynamic when they got back to his house, then it turned out that all the niceness was just a way to break Jay's heart even worse. He just got his feelings played with, and he didn't really do anything to stop it, because he liked how Alex was treating him too much. Which like, fair.
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dxn0 · 2 years
Joker gets Rejected (why tf did I write this)
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Before Reading: This is solely a crackfic and nothing else so don’t take any of this seriously. My friend is also writing this with me so I’ll link their tumblr at the end. Also, I don’t ship Joker x Female Dancer. Have fun reading this and happy birthday you fucking clown.
Somewhere inside of a manor was a clown performing clown stuff. The clown prepares a few rockets before playing the manor’s games. He can’t wait to bash a bunch of adults around. While focusing on his task, he hears a feminine voice in the background. He turns around to see who this mysterious person is, lo and behold it’s a familiar face. Her black hair was encased under something that looks like a shower cap but for dancing. The outfit she was wearing was of a pink one piece dress that looks like a damn bathing suit. He knew exactly who she was because no one would wear that unless they’re from the circus.
“Natalie, is that you?”
The woman whips around. “Huh? How do you one of my names that I used to hide my identitty cause I’m a bitch?” Side note: I don’t think she’s a bitch but fuck it. Side note from dumbass: I made her a bitch.
“Wait what?” Another woman was talking to her before his confrontation. 
“Oh my god, Natalie I missed you. I’m the Weeping Clown from the circus :D.”
Natalie or I guess Margaretha or Natasha changes the tone of her voice and says,“Ew, you ain’t Weeping Clown. Tf you talking about. He ain’t buff, he a scrawny mf. Didn’t Weeping Clown get abducted by a spider thingy?”
“I was turned into a hunter when I got caught. Please I miss you, Sergie was a whore and messed up my face PLEASE wAHHHHHH.”
“No get away from me you over stuffed, body builder, clown ass bitch. Ain’t I or anyone else would believe this weird ass bullshit that came out of your wide ass mouth.” 
“Oh don’t you come after me! You don’t look like my hoe in those years, again he a scrawny mf and died from a whole ass spider. Like honestly, what a loser.
Everyone else from the Hullabaloo was watching from afar and were asking all of the four wh’s. The what, why, when, and who. Joker was busy tearfully begging Margaretha that it’s him, so he couldn’t see the other hunters of the manor take some photos of him to blackmail. Margaretha continued to deny such a thought and books it. Haha get rejected L loser lmfao fuck clowns hoe ass bitch. anyway my bestie’s tumblr <33: https://mara-dumbass.tumblr.com/
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rylanpratt · 2 years
Dancing With The Stars - Week 5
Who: Rylan Pratt and Nate Jones ( @nate-jones ) Where: Dancing With The Stars Week 5 Live Show About: Rylan and Nate find out about the article spilling that Mel and Rylan’s dad Kennedy are having an affair, and Rylan takes drastic mesures.  Mentioned: @kennedypratt @melinaxabrams
Something really weird was going on, Rylan could sense it in the air and this wasn’t just the usual pre show nerves radiating from the other contestants. Heading into the female make up room to see if they had some lip balm she could use quickly before everything kicked off she found three of the make up artists huddled around their phones talking in hushed voices. Clearly gossiping about something, except when Rylan came into their peripheral vision it all stopped instantly. Sheepish expressions on their faces the one who owned the phone shoved it into her back pocket, attempting to plaster a chill smile onto her face and utterly failing. Frowning slightly Rylan looked around to see the two other contestants who were in there were staring at her like she had a third eye, it made a weird sensation prickle at the back of her neck. 
 “What is going on?” Her voice was full of confused skepticism…clearly unnerved. She was used to people talking about her when she wasn’t there but this was something else. Like they knew something she didn’t, otherwise why would they have looked so weird when she’d appeared? 
 “Nothing! What do you need sweetie.” The make top artist replied brightly, pushing some hair out of her face in an attempt to look relaxed, glancing at one of the others sideways. 
“Bullshit, what is going on?” The model doubled down, spinning around to face the two contestants behind her who’s stare was burning holes in her shoulder blades. “Do I have my skirt tucked into my underwear or something?” Snapping in an annoyed voice, a mix if nerves, too much red bull, and general stress making her less inclined to take any shit. It was then that one of the phones was passed across to her, her eyes landing on a photo of her father with Mel, a TMZ article. She only managed to read a couple of lines in before feeling nausea rise in her throat and anger press against the back of her eyes, hand starting to shake. What the fuck were they playing at. Betrayal, hurt, confusion, anger, upset, shocked, the mix of feelings the woman had bubbling up inside right now caused her to drop the phone onto the floor without caring about if it broke it. It took her maybe ten seconds to reach Nate’s dressing room but it felt like a million years, her breath coming out in snatched gasps, she burst in without knocking.
“Have you seen?” Rylan blurted out instantly, holding onto the door handle so tightly her knuckle was going white with the effort.
Nate was excited; they were in the top 5, and while he refused to read any kind of articles about them, he had a good feeling. Rylan was improving tremendously, he was doing okay, and they were heading towards another success. Maybe they wouldn't end up being first every single time- he knew that was unlikely- but he'd be damned if he didn't try. Just seeing Rylan's smile, knowing that he was helping her succeed was more than rewarding enough. Every single time he was there, he followed the exact same routine; warm up,  get changed, allow the stylists their time with him to get him all ready for the show. His changing room was small- he wasn't expecting miracles, not when he was merely a dancer, and not the star of the show, but Nate didn't complain. He liked things this way, because nothing was overwhelming, everything was fairly simple and easy to understand. He was just finishing buttoning his shirt up when the door to his changing room burst open, and Rylan walked in, looking absolutely terrified. Or maybe there was something more there, a whole bunch of emotions tangled together. "What?" He asked, genuinely confused as he made his way over to Rylan, growing concerned by the moment. "Have I seen what? What's happening? Are you okay?" Worry for her was a natural state of being for Nate, and he wasted no time, gently taking her hand off the door handle. Another moment or two, and it certainly seemed like she would break it due to whatever was going on in her mind.
“They’re fucking!” Rylan blurted out with absolutely no context, not really sure how else she was meant to explain it. The thought of her dad being someone who cheated was almost too much for her to contend with right now, it cut her deep, her experience being cheated on made her furious that he could be the kind of person who would do that. Hand shaking she went over to Nate’s phone stabbing in the TMZ address that held the article about Mel and Kennedy, stomach twisting with disgust when it flashed up on the screen, thrusting it towards Nate. “They weren’t fucking here last week because they were away together. I feel like I’m going to be sick.” She muttered, hand going to her stomach as she swallowed, a pale shade of grey under all the make up she’d had put on her for the show. The thought of catching her father’s eye in the audience was making her want to run from the studio as fast as humanly possible, not doing their dance at all, but that wasn’t an option. Not when Nate had been putting so much effort into teaching her this week, well every week actually, but they were moments away from performing so bailing wasn’t an option. How could they be conducting an affair behind everyones backs but she wasn’t allowed to be openly dating the man she loved? It was hypocrisy at it’s finest and it was disgusting. No wonder Mel had been so dismissive with her over text the other day, she was no doubt far more busy destroying the Pratt family single handedly, that had to be a full time job. Knowing if she had scrolled further down the article she’d have seen private photos of the two of them was horrible, deterring her from reading more than the first two lines when she’d had the webpage in front of her. No one needed to see that kind of thing of their dad. “This is god damn fucking unbelievable.”
"What?" Nate asked, getting more confused at Rylan's explanation than anything else. What was going on? Who was fucking? It had to be someone close to her, given the way she seemed to be reacting, but not a single person came to his mind. Her parents? Someone close to them? Surely, that was absolutely fine? So he watched in confusion as she stormed over to his phone, opening it and pulling something up on the screen. "Oh-" his eyebrows slowly rose as he read the first few sentences of the news article, not daring to scroll any further. Rylan's reaction made sense, and for a moment there, Nate expected her to start throwing things, to start yelling, and that would have been completely understandable. "I'm sure it's just... just a misunderstanding, right? Can't be anything more than that." He tried to reason with her, and not just because they were due to go on the stage soon, and she needed to be calm and collected. No, that bit never mattered. Rylan mattered, her well-being mattered, and Nate was always going to put that first. He didn't want her to unravel, he didn't want her to fall apart completely because with everything happening, it might just be too much for her.  "It's TMZ, right? They're just full of nonsensical rumors, something they've probably made up themselves just because they can."
Rylan wanted to believe Nate so badly, she was desperate to believe that he was correct about TMZ just being full of nonsensical rumors, but things were starting to slot into place in her head which was the most disturbing part. The two of them being ‘out of town’ the same weekend out of nowhere, Kennedy being there when Rylan woke up the morning after she’d tripped balls and argued with Mel, clearly the two of them had even more contact than the woman anticipated. It was more than professional. It was infuriating. Disgusting. Underhand. “Just…scroll down…the make up artists did.” She muttered in a quiet voice, throwing herself into the one char the room had unlike the sofa that was in hers. It really wasn’t fair how the professionals weren’t given as nice stuff as the celebrities but that wasn’t an issue for right now. “He knows about how I was cheated on in two god damn relationships and yet he just goes ahead and does exactly that to mom. It’s fucking horrible.” The knock on the door made head snap around to see a PA pop his head into the room, clearly surprised for a second to see both of them, before regaining his composure. “Oh good, you’re in the same place, that makes my job easier! You’re both on next so we need you to head to the wings now.”
Nate feared for the worst, that all of it was actually true. He really had no say in what Rylan's father was doing, nor what her PR manager was doing, but he sure had a say in how it was making Rylan feel. After everything she had gone through, to know that two of some of the closest people to her were sleeping together, and cheating on her mother, had to be overwhelming. So when she told him to scroll down, he knew he would have to expect the worst; and that was exactly what he got. There was no excuse for it, there was no way to explain it now.  "Maybe... maybe it's photoshop? I mean, that happens." Nate offered weakly, because even he didn't really believe it. Instead, he turned the phone off, moving towards Rylan as she slumped down into the chair. "You've got to listen to their side of the story first. I mean, what if... I don't know... maybe your mom's aware? That happens sometimes?" He tried to give reason to this awful situation, but even that didn't really make sense. Instead, he crouched down next to her, placing his hands on her knees and squeezing them gently. "You've got to give them one chance to explain themselves. After that, throw plates, glasses, anything you want, okay? I'll buy you a whole bunch of plates, if you want." Because, after all, no matter what, he'd be there to support her. When the PA entered the room, Nate was quick to jump away from Rylan, nodding along awkwardly as he finished buttoning his shirt up.  "Right, of course. We'll be there in just a moment, okay?" He smiled at the man, glancing back at Rylan. Could she really manage this right after such shocking news?
“It’s not photoshop, who gives a shit about my dad and her enough to photoshop that kind of stuff.” Rylan’s voice was acrid as she kept her eyes locked on Nate, still pale as hell under all her make up. And there was a lot of make up. Letting out a sarcastic laugh she shook her head, not wanting to lay eyes on either of them let alone listen to their side of the story. She hated them both. Loathed them. “Aware? She’s not fucking aware, there is no way in hell she would stand for this kind of shit. Plus if she was aware then they wouldn’t be sneaking around behind my back telling me how to ‘clean up my image’ while fucking behind everyones backs.” The girl all but spat, blood boiling the more she thought about it, the more she processed what she had actually just found out. She barely even registered his hands on her knees as she shook her head, scowling furiously. They were both dead to her. Looking over at the PA who came in with a dazed look on her face she didn’t react facially , just standing up like a zombie, the heels of her shoes clicking on the floor. She felt dizzy again but this wasn’t the time to throw in the towel, she knew both of them were in the audience right now and her mind was clicking away as to how she could make it known just how she felt about all this without the chance to talk to them. The Rumba. There was something there, they wanted her to put her whole into this competition? They wanted that? Rylan would happily give them exactly what they wanted. Walking over to Nate she grabbed his hand in her own, yanking him towards the door in silence, her jaw set as she grit her teeth. “We have to dance.” She snapped, stalking through the door without letting go of his hand, not caring anymore if anyone saw them.  Clearly Mel and Kennedy didn’t have that concern about themselves so why should she?
"Competition? He's a prominent man, the whole city knows him, maybe it's an attempt to blackmail him." Nate insisted, trying to come up with some kind of decent reason, yet knowing that it was all in vain. Rylan was most likely right, it was something far worse than he was trying to come up with, but seeing her so pale, so angry; it worried him. This was the worst possible time for something like that to come to light, and he couldn't even bring himself to look at the obviously very real photos. "Maybe they didn't want to worry you. Didn't want you to know. But... either way, that's awful. I'm so sorry, darling." He tried to soothe her, but he wouldn't have been upset if she wasn't buying it. This wasn't the kind of news to just accept lightly and walk away from it like it was nothing. He needed another moment or two just to find ways to calm her down, to get her to focus on the upcoming dance, but then Rylan snapped, taking his hand and leading him out of the room. His eyes widened in surprise, yet he didn't dare to move his hand out of hers, knowing that it would upset her even more. "Listen, Rylan, I know it's difficult and probably impossible right now, but don't think about them. Focus on the dance, okay? On just getting through it. It's just a  few minutes and then we're away from the cameras, okay?" He tried to talk to her, to encourage her to pull herself together despite the eyes that were obviously falling onto them. They had mere moments, he was running out of time - "You're on." The PA announced, and they were pushed onto the stage, in front of hundreds of eyes and way too many cameras for his liking right now.
Rylan just scoffed at Nate’s attempt at calming the situation which was probably unfair, but it wasn’t because she didn’t appreciate it, it was just that she saw Kennedy in an entirely different light now. He was a cheater, plain and simple, there was a genuine fear inside her chest about how this might effect her relationship with her dad who was, with the exception of Nate but in a different way, the most important man in her life. The two were on a par in their respective roles, but now … well there was no telling. As she lead him through the warren of hallways behind the stage she ignored the way people turned to look at her, then them, then their hands. She couldn’t give two shits anymore. The last couple of months where they had been sneaking around now seemed like a farce, she was furious. “Oh don’t you worry, I’m super fucking focused on the dance, I’ve literally never been more focused in my life.” Away from the cameras, the irony of that statement as the two of them were pushed out onto the stage, lights hitting them, Rylan’s entire dress sparkling instantly. But she wasn’t focusing on any of that right now. Instead she just gave Nate’s hand a squeeze before letting go of it because they started the dance separate - even though it was The Rumba. What a dance to be doing today of all days. If it wasn’t so stupid it would be hilarious. Eyes scanning to where she knew her support system always sat she looked for Mel and her father, staring them down for a couple of seconds, before the music started and her attention had to go to the steps. To Nate. The dance called for their bodies to be pressed together but Rylan was certainly committing to it, hands running down his chest as she brushed her nose against his jawline, locking his gaze as soon as they were face to face. Making a serious point of turning things up a notch.
"Ry-" He tried to reason once more as she scoffed at him, knowing that it was a completely lost cause. Could he blame her? Her whole life must have been falling apart at the moment, and having to go stand in front of the cameras was the worst-case scenario. Who had even decided to show her that article? Surely, Rylan wasn't just browsing TMZ, because it wasn't the right time nor the right place for it. He had to get the name out of her and talk to that person after the dance was over. Yet, right now, Nate had to focus on the dance, and when Rylan told him that she was doing the same, he wasn't really buying it. "Deep breaths, okay? Just let yourself get lost in the dance." He almost begged, growing more and more worried about her despite having to put a pokerface on as they had to move to the right positions. He still continued to eye her as he moved to stand perfectly straight, waiting for the music to start. It didn't take a genius to figure out where her eyes were shifting to, but he had no way of trying to tell her to focus. To tell her to stop. Instead, the music started, and he moved right into the flow, being a complete natural. It would have been easy to focus on the moves, on making sure that Rylan was doing it just right, but she was already moving differently compared to what they had practiced, the little additions an easy giveaway that something was wrong. Still, Nate remained professional, despite how inviting the dance itself was, keeping his contact with Rylan any moment he could, in hopes that it would somehow calm her down.
Rylan knew the steps, Nate had made sure of that, so luckily that wasn’t an issue right now even if she had a million things going on outside of the dance. Even though she’d glared into the crowed before the music started she was now entirely in the moment with Nate, with her boyfriend. Well it was the dance of love after all so she might as well lean into that. Wasn’t that what people asked her to do? To feel the dance, well she was certainly doing that. As well as feeling all kinda of parts of her dance partner which wasn’t exactly on the program. He’d asked her to get lost in the dance so…well Rylan was getting entirely lost in it. Locking her eyes with his in a heated look, passion overflowing from her expression as the two minute dance started winding to a close. Their last move she had to wrap her entire body around his so he could drag her across the floor her toes just grazing it as they moved. Which was exactly what she did, but as the music drifted into silence she tipped her head backwards just enough to put their lips on the same level, giving him a tiny smile. Burn it to the ground. Those were the words that were being screamed in her head as she closed the gap between them in a heated kiss. Tongue grazing across his bottom lip the whole world going silent around them for a couple of seconds as her eyes flickered closed, heart hammering a million miles an hour against her ribcage as her chest heaved rapidly desperate for her to catch her breath. “I love you…” She whispered as she pulled away a little bit, nuzzling her nose against his gently, hand at the nape of his neck where his hair curled a little in the cutest way. Where her fingers always went when she wanted to calm him, but now it was to calm herself, anchor her in what she knew to be true in a sea of chaos.
She was moving flawlessly, executing each step to perfection, and despite the glances at the beginning, all seemed to be going fine. Still, Nate remained worried, despite working as a true professional and letting everyone else believe that all was fine. Deep down, he never once stopped worrying about Rylan, even if he reciprocated the heated look she gave him whenever their eyes met. It was a bittersweet dance, in a way; he loved Rylan so damn much, yet he had to pretend that the passion they were displaying wasn't real, that it was all made up for the sake of the show. Still, he focused on the dancing, on making the crowd and the judges believe it, and as the dance slowly came to an end, he knew they've made it. Somehow, they've made it. All he had left was to drag her across the floor for one final show, proof that they've gone a long way, and this would be it. So when she smiled at him, he smiled back, hoping that they'd gone through the worst of it... that was until her lips pressed again his, and for a moment, Nate was thrown off. Automatically, he kissed her back, unable to resist her, despite the shock and the awful realization of what was happening. "Ry?" He whispered in shock as they pulled away, both breathless from dancing. "I- I love you too... but-" Nate tried to wrap his mind around what had just happened. But he had to do something about it, play it all off, and another moment later, he pulled her back up to her feet, keeping one hand around her and lifting the other up, to signify the end of the dance, refusing to look at the shocked faces of the crowd.
When he kissed her back she deepened it, there was the sound of a gasp from somewhere off to the side of the stage but she hadn’t even noticed, instead just humming against her boyfriend’s lips. When they finally pulled apart she took a couple of breaths, still smirking, although the shock on his face wasn’t lost on her. It was valid, she’d just made quite the statement, not to mention there would be speculation about what they’d said to each other immediately after the kiss no doubt. Who cares, let the gossip writers talk, let Mel try to tidy up the mess Rylan had caused with the reckless move. All she cared about was that she was no longer willing to hide away her relationship with Nate for the good of other people. She wanted to be able to show how much she loved him because that was what he deserved and she’d selfishly been putting herself before him for too long at this point. “No but, it’s fine.” She whispered as he pulled her back to her feet and she stood back up again, hand moving down across his shoulders before she finally knew they were going o have to face the music. Shit, she’d been selfish again without thinking, because this would no doubt have repercussions on Nate. Fuck. Glancing over to where her father and PR manager sat she didn’t even bother locking eyes with them, instead just slipping her hand into the man’s so they could head over to the judges and face whatever was heading their way. It was out there now so there was no going back, what people didn’t know is that kiss was proof of more than just a fling but a signal of their relationship. Burn it to the ground, well that was one way of describing what she’d just started.
Within seconds, he went from being ecstatic about their dance, to terrified about what happened afterward. He loved Rylan more than he loved anyone else in this world, and he wanted to make sure that she would be okay. Clearly, she wasn't, if she was kissing in front of all these cameras, in front of a huge crowd of people. His nerves were starting to bubble up, yet he was desperate to keep a smile on his face, glancing over at Rylan everyone once in a while. She was unraveling, that had to be it. Surely, she wouldn't do something like that just because? Avoiding making eye contact with anyone else but the girl next to him, he squeezed her hand in return. "It'll be fine." He whispered to her, a small smile of encouragement remaining on his face as they made their way towards the judges. Nate craved so much to be able to show off his relationship with Rylan to the rest of the world, to show just how much he loved her, but he had no idea what was really happening. Was she that angry at her father and her PR manager that she would do something like this to make them pay? Surely, she would've talked to him first if that was the case. They could've warned Lachlan. They could've figured out something that they could've done. Fear began to sink within his bones as he broke his rule and looked over at the judges, squeezing Rylan's hand gently again. The look on their faces didn't say anything good, and as the host started asking them questions, he found himself unable to come up with anything at all.
Nate was smiling at her but she could tell how anxious he was becoming, because she knew him better than she knew anyone. The shame of what she’d done with no consideration for his feelings or opinion ahead of time was getting more intense by the second, even as he told her he’d be fine. Swallowing hard she squeezed his hand back as they made their way over to the host, eyes darting around a little as she took in the shocked faces of the people all around them. Shit. She regretted it but not because of what she thought anyone else might think, simply because it was selfish to do it without talking to Nate ahead of time, checking he was okay with it. Turning to look at him with slight panic in her eyes as the host started to speak she leant over to mutter an apology to him under her breath, body starting to tremble. The panic starting to ripple through her as they were probed more by disapproving judges, overly interested hosts, Rylan just stuttering out answers as best she could so they would be allowed to leave the stage. Taking the blame for what had happened entirely, making sure the host knew Nate had no idea she was going to do it. Saying the dance had just brought it out in her, no they weren’t going to discuss anything going on between them right now, no it wasn’t a manipulation tactic to get votes. Though she could see how it might be looked on as exactly that. Double shit. As they were told they could leave the stage to await their scores she turned to her boyfriend when they were out of sight of the cameras, looking distressed. “Fuck…shit fuck Nate I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. Fuck I’m such a selfish fucking bitch. Shit.” Rylan started to openly panic, hands going to push through her hair frantically.
His mind was in absolute chaos. He wasn't blaming Rylan for any of it, yet as the host kept pestering them with questions and the judges kept giving criticism worse than the one before, he felt dread settle in, too. They were in the top five. The dance they perform was immaculate- or was he just completely biased? Were the judges correct, that they were sloppy? Were they seeing things where he didn't notice them at all? Maybe they were right. He continued to hold Rylan's hand- there was no point in denying it now- even as she said otherwise, letting her talk, instead accepting the criticism from the judges. Was this it for them? It had been a miracle he had been hired into this show in the first place, and maybe this was it for him. Maybe he would never get further than this, and this was the end, Rylan's kiss just becoming a complete coincidence. His mind was unraveling as they walked backstage, away from the cameras, yet he knew he had to pull himself together for Rylan. She was going through so much as it was, he had to make sure that she'd be relaxed. "No, it's okay. Ry, it's okay." He quickly pulled her into his arms, wanting to calm her down, wanting to find ways to make her feel just a little better. "You're not that. You're just... you're just in shock. After that article, I'm surprised you wanted to dance at all. And you did so damn well, don't listen to what those judges said." He spoke, keeping her close to him as his arms wrapped around her waist, placing a few light kisses on the side of her head. There were still so many people around them, yet that no longer mattered, not after everything that happened.
As Nate pulled her into a hug she felt herself entirely dissolve into the panic upset she’d been suppressing since she’d seen the article, then the comments they’d been given in the aftermath of her kissing Nate. She’d seriously messed things up for him potentially and it was all just too much. “Fuck!” She screamed against his chest as she felt tears come into her eyes, face still pressed into Nate’s shoulder as her erratic breathing got the better of her. Chest heaving as she tried to snatch breaths every couple of seconds and failed miserably. This was chaos and she’d effectively just made things a whole lot worse with her stupid decision. “Fuck…I’m so sorry…I’m so sorry I’ve fucked everything up.” If they were voted out because of her selfishness there was a very good chance the woman would never forgive herself because this wasn’t about her it was about Nate’s career. That wasn’t something she had any right to ruin just because her dad and Mel had decided they wanted to fuck up people’s lives for their own selfish gain. Did this make her just as bad as them? Probably. She’d effectively just done the same. Arms holding onto Nate tightly as they wrapped around his waist her hands were shaking nastily, his embrace basically the only thing holding her up at this point. For the second time in a week, at least this time she was hopefully not going to pass out. Maybe. “I shouldn’t have done that it was so selfish, I just…I saw their faces in the crowed and I got so angry. They are out there doing whatever the fuck they want and we…and we…” she tried to take a breath, lifting her head off his chest as the realisation that tears mixing with her make up would spell disaster for his shirt. “We have to hide and pretend because of a stupid god damn idea other people had…and I went along with because I’m spineless and stupid. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
"It's okay, baby. It's okay." Nate tried to calm Rylan down, yet also wanted her to just let it all out. All the emotions after seeing her father like that, betraying her mother, had to be overwhelming, and he would never blame her for acting out in the way that she did. "You have nothing to apologize for." He assured her again and again, moving his hand to her hair, carefully running his fingers through it without trying to destroy the masterpiece that was her hairstyle. "You did what you had to do at the moment, and you know what? I'm happy that you did it. This way.. I mean, this way, we can now be free to go about our relationship, without really hiding it." Nate assured her. He was scared of the results, and the fact that they would most likely be leaving tonight was terrifying to him. They've done so much. Rylan had improved so much, her dance moves were becoming more and more flawless each time. He was getting a fair amount of money for this, too, which was always a good thing, but if he had to choose, he would have picked Rylan and her well-being without even thinking about it for a single moment. She always came first, no matter what. So he held onto her with his one hand while the other continued to move through her hair, his heart breaking at the sight of her teary-eyed face as she pulled away. "Don't you ever apologize for this, okay? You did nothing wrong. I promise. I'm not angry at you, and I'm not disappointed, and you have no reason to apologize. Ry, please." Nate insisted, offering her a small smile despite his stomach twisting out of nerves and the impending doom. "Why don't we go to your dressing room so you can get something to drink? It was a very difficult dance." He wanted her to focus on the little things, rather than on something this huge, in hopes that it would help her.
“They were out there, watching, like nothing was fucking wrong with their stupid…faces…” She muttered through her tears, each inhale a shaky mess of stuttering breaths. Her explosion against his chest just drawing more attention to them but then he was talking about how she had nothing to apologise for and god did she want to believe him. His hand in her hair a small soothing touch that allowed her to look up at him and lock their gazes. Her own eyes with wide, imploring him to be right about this, as she tried to slow her breathing. In for four, out for four. And repeat. She’d thrown his entire career in jeopardy but here he was reassuring her, it was more than she could ever had asked for from a partner that was for sure. “We…we can now…I mean we can just be us right? Even if everything else falls to shit we can still be us.” That was one good thing - they were free to be a couple out in the world now instead of hiding it behind closed doors. Even though they hadn’t been doing anything wrong in the first place by being together, unlike Mel and her father. Nodding her head silently as she tried to wipe away a couple of stray tears from her cheek with the back of her hand she allowed Nate to lead her back towards her dressing room. He might have meant water when he said ‘something to drink’ but she had entirely other ideas in her head. They were going to need something a lot stronger. “Yeah….yeah…I want to get out of this fucking clown dress.” She sniffed, even if the dress she was in was actually a stunning combination of sheer and sequinned cloth that had been crafted by the costume department. Everything felt like it was currently on fire and the girl wanted to be smothered in the comfort of her sweatpants and one of Nate’s hoodies. “I’m so sorry…” She repeated again through her tears as they moved through other dancers, crew, guests of the show, back to where her dressing room door sat waiting for them to hide behind it. Just the two of them.
"I know, baby, I know. They should've gone so much better about this." Nate agreed with a small nod as he continued to hold her, in hopes that it would somehow help her. His own heart was hammering against his chest as he tried to figure out what to do next. There was no proof that they were done with the show. The judges weren't happy, but they still had the crowd's vote, right? Maybe another couple would perform even worse than they did. Miracles happened, and he desperately hoped for one. He wanted to remain in the show, he wanted to keep on going, to win this, but, most of all, he wanted Rylan to be happy. He knew that losing this, right now, would only break her heart further, and he loathed the mere idea of it. Still, all Nate could do right now was focus on the present. Focus on just her and no one else. "Good girl." He praised her lightly as she breathed in and out, never once letting go of her. After all, he needed this just as much as she needed it. "Exactly, we can be us. We can hold hands in the public. I can take you shopping because I just suck at that, and you're absolutely amazing. So, basically, you can buy your own shirts that would be kind of mine." He tried to joke, desperate to get a smile out of her. "Besides, this doesn't mean that we're out. The voting isn't over yet, so.. you never know. Maybe we'll pull through to the next stage, and then we'll make sure to show them just how much we're worth." He assured her, reaching up and gently helping her wipe her tears away, without smudging her makeup too much. He hated so much that she was feeling like this, that she had to go through so much, and there was not much that he could do about it. "I'm pretty sure you would need to stay in it until the end of the show, baby. But once it's over, you can change into whatever makes you feel the best." He assured her as he lead her through the crowds of people, ignoring the sympathetic and shocked looks on everyone's faces, just wanting to bring Rylan to safety. "Ry, I promise you, you have nothing to apologize for. You never have any reason to apologize for anything."
Despite everything his words made her laugh ever so slightly through her tears, the idea of going to buy the shirts with him that she would no doubt end up stealing from him. Only after he’d worn them obviously so they smelt like him, but it was so like him to try and look on the bight side at a time like this. Nate, the boy with a heart of gold, who she could finally tell the world just how much she loved. A silver lining, right? Even if there didn’t seem to be any kind of positives to everything that was happening right now, he was giving her some as if they came to him easily. “You don’t suck at that, you don’t suck at anything.” She sniffed, still holding onto him with one hand as she wiped her cheeks with the other, moving to allow him to do that for her instead. Focusing on her breathing, trying to get the sight of her father’s face she’d seen moments ago out of her mind’s eye, but it was hard. And each time it popped into her head she was filled with anger and disappointment. Cheating was something she loathed and he’d done just that to her mother. Even if Rylan didn’t get on with the woman that wasn’t an excuse, because no one deserved that. “Right…yeah…” He was right of course. She was going to have to stay in her dress until the show was finished but at least in her dressing room they wouldn’t have prying eyes looking at them the whole time, every move they made, which they currently had as they moved through rooms full of people. Turning to stare at them as they walked through the hallways, still hand in hand she wasn’t feeling okay enough to let go of it anytime soon. Once they had shut the door behind themselves so they were alone she took a deep shuddering breath and moved to wrap her arms around Nate. Closing her eyes as she held onto him tightly, needing to be close to him, needing to know he was there. “If I fucked this all up for us…I just…I didn’t think it was fair that we didn’t get to show people how much we love each other when they are out there just doing whatever they want…we’re not even married to other people.” She stumbled over the word married, that familiar nauseous feeling rising in her throat again. This was a living nightmare. “I should have talked to you about it but we didn’t have time and I just…had to…I love you and I don’t think it’s fair that we can’t show that.” Her words were coming out in a stuttered, stumbling mess, still in shock from everything that had gone down in less that fifteen minutes even though it felt like it had been hours.
Rylan was laughing, and  it was a start. He wanted to bring her beautiful smile back onto her face, he wanted to make sure that she would be at least remotely okay. The mess they had just gone through was a terrible one, but Nate wanted to believe that it wasn't the worst, that they still had a shot at somehow making it out. After all the bad luck they've gone through, surely, they could finally manage some good luck? "I am absolutely awful at it, and you don't have a leg to stand on with this argument. You're a million times better at it. And many other things, darling." Nate insisted as he gently wiped her tears away, careful with every single touch. He wanted Rylan to get better, he wanted her to stop overthinking it. What was done was done, and he wasn't going to be angry with her. He wasn't going to upset her further, even if he would have preferred to have been warned about it in advance. Still, their relationship was out, they no longer had to pretend to be just friends, and  when it came to that, he was absolutely relieved. So when they made their way back to her dressing room, he didn't hesitate, letting her hold onto him, holding back onto her just as much. "Rylan, no. Stop." He spoke up sternly, making her look back at him once more. Still, he remained gentle in his touch. "Don't apologize for this, okay? It's fine. Yes, I would've been happy to know that you would do what you did, but I don't regret it. We'll finally get to be happy and be out in the public. We won't have to hide." Nate insisted stubbornly, squeezing her gently as she brought up the affair once more. He couldn't even begin to imagine just how hurt she must have been. "And you're right, it's not fair. It's not fair what they're doing, and you have every right to be upset over all of it. And you have to promise me that you'll talk to them okay?"
“Well I will always come shopping with you now because no one can stop us anymore.” Rylan reassured him, leaning into his hand as he wiped away her tears. The embrace was fraught with emotion when she finally got to fall into his arms in her dressing room, body racked with sobs, trying to catch her breath a little bit but it just felt like everything was falling apart. The one constant she had in her life which was her dad was…well was it all a lie? Not exactly but he certainly wasn’t the same man she’d thought he was an hour ago and that was intensely painful for her. It felt like a stabbing sensation in her chest, making it hard to breath. As his voice turned stern she looked at him properly, nodding her head slowly to signify she understood that he wasn’t going to blame her for what she did. Even if the feeling of guilt was strong inside her - for what she’d done to Nate, throwing him into the eye of a storm he hadn’t deserved. It was selfish. Probably the adjective most apt to describe her a lot of the time, self serving when she became hot headed. “We don’t have to hide it anymore, we can just be with each other properly.” She murmured in reply, moving forward to rest her cheek on his shoulder, taking a shuddering inhale as she closed her eyes, doing everything she could to focus on the positives of this horrible situation. “We’re going to get voted out of the show now…and it’s all my fault. The judges hate us.” It wasn’t outright an apology but it was kind of one without her breaking what she’d just agreed with him which was not to say sorry anymore. Their comments had been incredibly harsh, it didn’t spell anything good for the couple in terms of their standing in the competition. “Talk to them? I don’t even want to fucking look at them. It makes me feel ill.” She whispered.
"Good. I can't wait. Maybe we could even go tomorrow?" Nate asked her, trying to find ways to distract her in one way or another. He smiled gently as she leaned into his touch, and for a moment there, he wanted to stay there, with her, for an eternity. When would they ever catch a break? When would they ever just get to be themselves, get to enjoy their lives as a proper couple? He craved for that time to come eventually, even if Nate feared that it wouldn't happen any time soon. "Exactly. That's the biggest advantage about all of this. I finally get to show the world just how much I love my girl." Nate assured her, a smile reappearing on his face in hopes that it would somehow make her sobs disappear because he absolutely loathed that. He loathed seeing her this broken, and it hurt him to know that this was, lately, a fairly common occurrence.  "You don't know that, Ry. What if we don't get voted out of the show? What if... what if we get voted out because our performance wasn't good enough? The criticism the judges gave was good, they were fair with it." He insisted, even if he doubted it himself. Then again, he doubted his own abilities even more. "Besides, the public is due to vote, too. For all you know, they liked our chemistry." Still, Nate didn't stop with trying to get her to smile; both of them needed something good in their lives. Desperately. "I know, I know it does. But you'll have to approach them. And out of the three of you, you being the adult would mess them up even more."
“Maybe… but you might not want to go out tomorrow…it’ll be a media circus. I’d almost rather just stay in the two of us.” Rylan spoke, pulling a face because she knew the second Nate stepped outside there were going to be cameras swarming him in a way he probably hadn’t ever experienced before. They would need to talk about that more when they got home, but not here in front of everyone. His sweet words made her tears coming faster because she loved him so much, but didn’t want him to think that he’d in any way upset her with that, so Rylan put a smile on her face. A tiny one but it was there, pressing a soft wet kiss to his lips. “I love you so much.” She murmured as she took in his smile, the way it filled his eyes, causing a ripple of warmth through her pained chest. Nate was her everything that much was for sure. Keeping hold of his hand as she pulled away from his chest the girl moved to sit down on the sofa across the room, gently pulling him with her so he would do the same, her feet screaming from the dance on top of the week of training. The heels she wore on the show were lower than any she wore normally in her modelling life but for some reason they ended up hurting her even more, it was like some kind of sick joke. “I guess so, they might like it, but they probably just think I’m an attention seeker or something. I don’t know. Maybe they’re not wrong.” Dropping her head into her hand she let out a small groaning noise, the idea of having to speak to Mel or her father one she didn’t want to think about, mainly because right now she wanted to swing for both of them. “I’m not talking to them tonight, or tomorrow, I just need some time.” Plus she wanted to go back to her apartment with her boyfriend and hide for a bit. Go back to that own little world they created for themselves a while back, slip back into the comfort of it, feel that safety for a while. “Please? Just us?”
"Oh.. yeah, you'll probably right. We'll go next week, okay? I'm sure they won't find us that interesting for long." Nate tried to reason with her. Surely, something different would come up, and they would no longer be interesting to the larger crowds. Rylan would almost be interesting, purely of what she is, but for all he knew, another scandal would happen, and they'd be forgotten. Maybe, as awful as it was, her father's scandal would drown out what theey had done. He was hoping for awful things, but, if Nate was being honest, he just wanted Rylan happy for a moment. "I love you more." he insisted, his smile not going away. It pained him to know that the weak smile on her face was bound to go away really quickly, but Nate was willing to do whatever it took to make sure that she'd start to recover. She needed that, she needed something good in her life. So as she sat on the sofa, and pulled him with her, Nate didn't hesitate, sitting down next to her and pulling her into his lap. "They can think whatever they want, because they're wrong. You're not an attention seeker. You're just... unlucky, with stuff like that." he explained, wrapping his arms around her waist. It was weird, having her so close to him in her changing room, but for once, Nate wasn't worried. "No, take a few days. Maybe a week. But you'll have to talk to them." Nate insisted, leaning in and placing a few gentle kiss onto her neck. He wanted to have her slip into their little nice bubble, one they typically used when they were all by themselves. "It'll be just us until you're ready to talk to them. I promise."
“Next week.” Rylan agreed, no idea how long it would take for this to all blow over but also wanting to start their lives of showing the world how much they meant to each other. Not immediately, well not in the way of walking out in front of the vultures that were gossip magazine photographers, but still. Nate deserved to be shown off to the world and she couldn’t wait to be the one who did it. “Mm…don’t know about that.” She whispered as she let her body curl into his lap, leaning her head against his chest and closing her eyes. Focusing on the sound of his heartbeat to calm her because even if she was conflicted and upset his presence was always enough to help her regulate her emotions to a point. Knowing he was right there, someone who understood her better than anyone else, Nate couldn’t even begin to imagine what he did for her by just being present half the time. “Unlucky…yeah. Except I chose to do that out there, so it’s not unlucky…if anything you’re the one who got unlucky because I thrust that upon you without asking first or just…warning you.” She knew he’d argue back about that but she couldn’t’ stop herself from saying it again because it was the truth. He’d not had a choice in their relationship going public all of a sudden and that wasn’t fair however much he argued that there were more positives in his eyes. Feeling his lips against her neck she nodded, letting out a slow breath from puffed out cheeks, exhausted from all the emotions and shocks of the evening. She wished the two fo them were able to leave right now. “As long as it can be just us for a while, I don’t want to deal with them yet. I want it to just be us, in our apartment, together. Turn our phones off. Just ignore the world for a bit.” Especially if they got knocked out tonight, because no doubt they’d both be miserable because of that as well. “And if we get voted off, when we get voted off, you’re allowed to be angry with me. Okay? You are totally within your right.”
"I know about that. I love you the mostest." Nate insisted stubbornly as he gently rubbed Rylan's back, holding her close. He genuinely just wanted her to be happy, he genuinely just wanted for her to, for once, be at peace. There was too much coming her way, and the recent passing out was a warning sign, the kind that Nate refused to allow to happen once more. It was too much, and he still feared for her well-being, remaining awake at night, just watching her sleep, making sure that she was breathing. He couldn't imagine his life without the girl, and there was absolutely no way that he would willingly see her fall apart. "I would never call myself unlucky. I've got you, don't I? You're here, with me, and here we are, arguing over who loves the other more. I'm the luckiest man in the world." He insisted, placing a few more gentle kisses onto her neck, refusing to even let her argue over it. He was lucky for having her, and he had not a single doubt in his mind about it. "See, I don't think you chose to do it. I think you acted because you were hurt, and it's totally justifiable. I would've done the same." Maybe not, but he wasn't going to blame her. Ever. His hand continued to run up and down her back, tracing circles and just about anything else that came to his mind. "Sounds like a deal. Just the two of us, no phones. We can order food and watch a movie. Be a boring kind of couple." He joked lightly, quick to shake his head at her next request. "No, that's not happening. First of all, we're not getting voted off. And even if we are, I will never be angry with you. Ever." Nate insisted stubbornly, sighing quietly as the door to her dressing room was opened. "They're about to announce the results, we need everyone on the stage." The PA announced, disappearing as quickly as they came in, almost as if avoiding them.
Rylan couldn’t help but laugh softly as he mentioned the two of them arguing over who loved the other more, melting under the touch of his lips on her neck. Sighing a little because it was calming her even further, her hand going to the nape of his neck again. Fingers running through the curls there. Leaning over to press a soft kiss to his lips. “Thank you. For making me smile even now.” Because it was certainly something that wasn’t very easy to do that was for sure. Her world was falling down around her but with Nate in her corner things never felt quite as bad as they might otherwise. “I acted because if they can ignore what is ‘acceptable’ then why the fuck should we have to hide in the shadows and not let anyone know how in love we are?” Resting her head on his shoulder as he rubbed circles on her back, hand still in his hair, closing her eyes. “No phones, just food, a movie, cuddling, being together. I love the sound of that. The more boring the better, don’t you think we’re overdue our share of being a boring couple?” Of course he wasn’t going to agree to what she was saying, because this was Nate, but that didn’t mean Rylan hadn’t felt the need to vocalise it anyway. Just incase he’d decided he did need to get angry or upset at her. She didn’t realise the door had been opened until there was the voice of a PA ringing out in the room, making her sit bolt upright out of habit before remembering what she’d done on stage and that they probably didn’t need to be worried about anyone seeing them together anymore. “Jesus, gave me a fucking scare, why do they always creep up like that?” Her heart was hammering again at the prospect of having to go out and face the cameras once more, it had been easy to calm down when just the two of them were hiding behind her dressing room door but it was over too soon. “Shit…I don’t want to go back out there.” But they had no choice, she knew that, taking a deep breath to steel herself.
"You don't have to thank me  for that. You know how much I love your smile, darling." Nate smiled in return before kissing her back, no matter how gentle they were with each other. It was simply nice to see her just a little more relaxed, just a little bit more at peace, especially when they weren't in the comfort of their apartment. Well, her apartment, really, but at this point, it felt like home to Nate. "You're right, we shouldn't hide. We'll just have to figure something out about Lachlan. It can't be a good situation for him." He felt bad, really, about having to cut off Lachlan's money source like that, but he knew they'd come up with something. Maybe he could donate to the man what he had earned during DWTS, maybe they could come up with something else. "Yeah, you're right. It'd be nice to be a boring couple for once. Go on an actual date for once." He daydreamed, knowing that, finally, it was a possibility. It was simple, but after being together for so long, Nate craved to take Rylan out, he craved to make her feel loved and appreciated. So when she jumped once the PA appeared, he smiled a little, rubbing her back for a few more moments, hoping to reassure her. "It's a skill, isn't it? I mean, it's pretty impressive." Nate tried to joke, no matter how tense he was becoming. Still, he helped her back up to her feet, fixing his messy shirt and her dress as he stood up, too. "We'll be fine. Deep breaths, okay? We'll be fine." He assured her, gently fixing her hair as best as he could, as well. "Besides, now, you can hold my hand. And squeeze it as hard as you need to, okay? Because I'll probably do the same." Nate joked, offering his hand to her once more once both of them were ready, leading her out of the dressing room.
“Oh shit, Lachlan, he’s going to want to rip my throat out. Which is valid.” Rylan muttered, she hadn’t thought about him before the kiss either. Yet another selfish act from a selfish Pratt. It must run in the family. “Although that’s not really for us to worry about, it’s for her to worry about, she’s my PR agent after all and he’s a part of my PR. So. Fuck that noise.” Leaning in she press a kiss to his lips, lingering, slow, wanting to drink in the last few moments of just the two of them before going back out in front of the cameras. “I love you.” She whispered. “I love you and our boring couple future, with dates, and hand holding, and me posting sappy instagram posts about you. So get ready.” It was a weak joke, but she offered him a small smile anyway as she rest her head against his. “Impressive? Or terrifying? I think it’s a bit of both.” Standing back up she reached out to smooth his shirt, wiping a little mascara she’d managed to get onto his cheek off with her thumb, and taking a deep breath as instructed. Nodding. They’d be fine. They could hold hands, now that was something new, and they could do it without pretending it was entirely platonic. “I’m going to squeeze it so hard you’re going to think I’m on track to breaking it.” Rylan replied in a bit of a shaking voice, wrinkling her nose. Fallowing him out of the dressing room as they went to face the music. 

Rylan utterly convinced this wasn't going to end well at all.
"He would never. I'm sure he'd understand if we explain to him exactly what happened." Nate assured her. Maybe he wouldn't, or maybe he would. There was no way in telling that until they actually faced the man, but Nate was set on being there, with Rylan, when it happened. "It'd still be nice if you told him about it yourself. You two are friends, right?" They had to be, they always seemed so friendly. Still, he didn't linger for too long on the topic, instead kissing Rylan back, wanting to enjoy that moment as much as she seemed to want it. "I love you too. So, so much." He added, emphasizing each word with a kiss. "And I can't wait for that boring couple future. It actually sounds exciting." Nate joked lightly, letting her fix him up a little. Neither of them probably looked their best- although, Rylan always looked fantastic- but they tried, and that was all that mattered to him. "I will take that on as a challenge. No way someone like you can break bones." Nate teased her, despite the anxiety beginning to bubble up deep within him. He was nervous, there was no other way to describe it, and he hoped that they actually got to stay at least for one more show. At least long enough so that Rylan wouldn't think that it was all her fault. His incompetence at dancing? Sure, totally plausible. But he didn't want her to feel guilty, he didn't want to upset her more than she already was upset. "Deep breaths, okay? And big smiles. Don't let them think you're affected by any of this." He encouraged her as they made their way onto the stage, only to be met by blinding lights and eyes, far more curious than before. Still, he kept his smile on, no matter how nervous it was as the host went through the usual taunting, adding more drama to the show- as if it needed in the first place- before finally announcing who would be departing tonight.
And... it wasn't them. Nate was expecting to hear their names being called out, but it was another couple, and seeing them hug and talk to the host felt surreal. How was it not them? Did the public really like them enough to have them survive through another round, pushing them onto the Top 4? Squeezing Rylan's hand, he glanced back at her, a genuine smile of relief appearing on his face. They were safe. She was fine, she didn't have to blame herself for this. And that, to Nate, was far more important than advancing to another round.
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tsunderedoctor · 2 years
*pops in* hii! I hope i can still ask for the match up. I... I may have go over the edge with this.. but the last time i ask for match up i had to add some stuff so.. I am really not sure how long or short it should be and I hope i did not somehow messed it up 🥺. I am sorry if I did.
I am INFP. I love helping people and it took me some time to learn that I need to take care of myself too. When i was 14 I was forced to step up and take care of household and several sick family members so now, in adulthood I have hard time with feeling okay when i am sick.
I love music, I used to dance for 14 years but had to stop. Lately I am learning how to sing. I can play soprano recorder too.
I am the shoulder to cry on for my friends, but also the type who you can call when there is a dead body to hide xD. I can and will protect my friends - even tho i am only 153cm lol. Tiny.
I struggle with selflove, depression, insomnia and anxiety but I am learning. I have bunch of scars and its long process of not hating them.
I was told I am the "mum friend" 😅.
I am crazy, usually tomboy, girl, who is shy with new people(and especially around a bunch of people.. social anxiety am i right) but absolutely batshit crazy when you will get to know me. Amd sweet. I like to think that i am kind, nice and sweet. (But does not take a bullshit..sometimes)
Have a lovely day! I hope you slept good.
How are you?
Bye ❤️
(p.s. pls dont push yourself if you wouldnt feel like doing this)
I completely relate to most of this, my love, so I feel it! Just know you are beautifully amazing and I love you and love having you around~!
Shanks is a good noodle and one of your ideal matches based off your personality! He will be great for your moments of self doubt and self hatred as he will remind you how amazing you are! He hates when people ridicule the things he loves, and that includes you! 
He also understands being the “parent” of the crew, while he may appear childish, he has a lot of maturity to him and can be a great resource for people when they want to vent or talk about their feelings, and that means for you too! 
He also is an extrovert, so he doesn’t mind talking for you or being your translator! He can also sense when enough is enough and swish you away from all the craziness!
Sanji is another one of your ideal matches and another extrovert! I think he would be great to help build your confidence as he loves everything about you and if you tell him something makes you uncomfortable, he listens! 
He also knows what it’s like not like yourself and self esteem issues, so he lets you know he loves you and will do his best to be understanding and comfort you! 
He’s also a big brother figure to Chopper and sometimes Luffy, so he can see and admire you for being the mom in the friend group, he will joke he is the dad and gets all blushy after! 
Boa is the best girl and is also the best girl for you!! She understands the self doubt and depression, though she masks hers under arrogance, she has her moments where only you can see her true colors. 
She is loyal to a T and will never give you reason to doubt her which will help with you confidence and self esteem! She wants you to see how beautiful you are and will do anything in her power to show you it!
She might not understand your need to help others, but she does admire you for it! However, she wants you to be careful not to get taken advantage of and will do her best to guard you from any potential danger!!
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laketaj24 · 3 years
Author’s Note: I finally finished something in my drafts after two months. I feel semi accomplished today! Taglist is open, as are requests!!!! Send them… I want them.
Pairing: Colson Baker x Reader
Warning: Smut, public sex, drinking, language
Inspo Song: Why are you here?
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 The eyes searing into you from across the club belonged to Meg Styer; you knew of her well, based on Colson’s Instagram, she was the new arm piece. The well-known model had a reputation of making herself known to the exes, even if that meant starting confrontations when they were not needed. She crossed her long russet brown legs; they shimmered in gold, as did her entire outfit. You felt immediately outdone, thinking of the minimal effort you’d put into the outfit or your makeup today. Tonight's outing was not supposed to be about Colson or this new woman; it was about falling out of this fucking slump you'd found yourself in for the past month.
"It’s lively here.” Eric grinned. Straight edge, Eric.
You cringed inside; if your mother could have created someone on an app, Eric would have been him. Without a doubt, he was handsome, with dark hair, delicate features, and not a tattoo or piercing in sight. The club had been his idea, but parts of you believed he’d gotten the idea from your sister, who knew that there was no way in hell you’d sit at a restaurant and eat. You liked the action; your job called for you to sit in silence and awkward conversations; you didn't want your life to be a damper as well.
“It is,” you looked around, taking everything in, including the abrasive eyes that still remained on you, but it didn’t matter once he entered the room. The black shirt revealed his entire tattoo-riddled chest, even the one of your name he’d gotten a few years back. He looked like he might be up to trying you tonight, so you had to disappear and do so quickly. “We should go to the booth you got.”
“Yeah, sounds like a good idea.”
It wasn’t a good idea; you sat uncomfortably across from the pair watching their every move while trying to suppress the need to end the date abruptly and slap the fuck out of him. Irritating you always was the one thing he did exceedingly well. Meg sat in his lap, draping her arms over his body, throwing her ass on him like she had no shame!  Did he know it was you across the room from him? Did he care? You watched as the waiter brought your third glass of tequila to the table and leaned into Eric, noticing the earthy cologne mixed with the whiskey. He smelled nice, or perhaps you were elusive to the bullshit because being near to him dulled the ache of the scene across from you.
The room to be secluded offered no privacy, so even when you felt alone, you were smothered in the thoughts of what if he saw you kiss or touch this guy- what the fuck was his name again? You uncrossed your legs, clumsily kicking the round glass table in front of you and spilling his drink but thank god not yours.
“I need some air; I’m gonna go get some.” You paused and took your glass. “I’ll be back.” The words scrambled out, and you did too, pushing up from the leather couch and not looking back to see Eric’s reaction to the awkward movements.
Too many people surrounded you, and at the moment, all you truly wanted was to hear nothing and feel nothing, even if it meant you had to get shit-faced. The stairwell didn’t have many people in it; only two women consumed in one another and Colson.
Your heart sunk once you realized it was him, from fear, dread – fucking embarrassment, maybe? He shook his head; you took notice of the three earrings in one ear while the other garnished a seat of crosses that dangled. Colson’s hair was slightly disheveled atop his head; the dark roots peeked out of the platinum blonde tapered cut. He looked great as usual. “I thought you were in for the night?” Colson’s voice carried over the music because he refused not to be heard, especially by you. He looked down at you, nursing the glass of chilled tequila. You’d acquired a taste for it over the years of being with him, Colson drinking tequila like water had rubbed off on you. “This doesn’t look like your place.”
“Did you want something?”
“Why are you here with that broke down,” He paused dramatically, raising his hand as he thought of more insults. “Tom and Jerry looking motherfucker?”
“That’s the best you can do?”
Colson drug his teeth over his lip, “Where you meet him?”
“Where’s that instamodel chick? You know the one with the plastic ass and tits? You leave her in the car just so you can go check on your other hoes, or is she in here with them?”
“Man, stop.”
“I saw her looking at me, don’t tell them about me. I’m not your concern, and I am damn sure not theirs.”
“How’d you catch her looking at you if you weren’t looking at me?” Colson’s cocky smirk sent a rush of anger coursing through your body; even when he lost, he found a sure way to find a confident victory in it.
“Bye, Colson.” Your eyes met his, remembering how blue they were. Even when he was dead drunk, they found a way to still hold onto the Colson you knew was in there somewhere. The sweet one that danced in the rain and stayed in bed with you every free night he could give -- you shook it off. Breaking eye contact with him to look anywhere but the blue crystal stare. You cut down to the ground, admiring your pumps before he turned away from you and left.
The drink was no longer cold, and the tequila didn’t even burn as you chugged down the remnants of the clear liquid. You pinched the bridge of your nose, taking a deep breath, and then leaned against the stairwell.
“Long night?” Eric cleared his throat.
“Already, I’m so sorry. Could we leave here?”
Eric shook his head yes and placed his hand on your shoulder, “Is everything okay?”
“Perfectly, fine. It’s fine.” You swallowed. The hazed state of your mind needed to be cleared, especially before you left with him. “Can I meet you upfront? I’m going to freshen.”
“It’s fine; take your time.”
 You wouldn’t take your time; the quicker you were out of this place, the better. Whenever you were in his element, your mind refused to do the right thing. You moved through the crowded dance floor, carefully avoiding familiar faces. And finally, you were at the restrooms splashing the cool water on your face. You looked yourself over, grateful you hadn’t worn makeup—the trickles of water run down your rich ochre brown skin.  Too many thoughts raced through your mind out there but not in here. It was silence, and your mind was in a stupor. For a second, everything stilled, your heart and breathing were relaxed, and everything was back to normal, that moment as everything else was short-lived.
Colson’s reflection appeared in the mirror before you. “I cannot believe you lied to me?” The door clicked behind him.
“I didn’t lie to you.” The way he casually entered the women’s bathroom to start an argument pissed you off. “And get the fuck outta here.”
“We talked earlier today, and you said you were in for the night.”
“You said you were going out by yourself, and you got a whole entourage. So, same shit, we both just single now.”
“Come here.”
“No, you don’t get to tell me to come here. You don’t get to follow me in the bathroom and talk to me about fucking lying when you-.”
Words ended when his lips met yours, he towered over you, but he didn’t mind the effort it took to get to your lips. He walked you against the wall- steadying your steps to his until he picked you up, and as if your body knew the routine, you wrapped your legs around him. Your lips eagerly kissed him back, tugging on his bottom lip before returning to take more kisses. How were you this hungry for him? You wanted nothing more than him to fuck you, rip this dress and ruin you in this unlocked bathroom. “Y/N.”
“Fuck me.” You pleaded.
He only needed the confirmation to move towards his belt buckle unsheathe his dick. There were two ways you fucked, frantic and as if you would never see one another again and then slow – ironically, they both had the same outcome. Your heartbeat matched his, strumming against your chest, and his matched yours. You loved it. There was no foreplay needed; you wanted to feel every inch of the pain he had to offer. He pushed the black dress up to your thighs, bunching the fabric enough that it revealed your pussy for him. He swiped his tongue over the pads over his fingers and swiped your lips. You were wet for him. You had been the whole night, no matter how much you wanted to deny it. He pushed the long finger into you, curling it to press the soft pad that made you squirm and throw your head back in pleasure.
He moved from the wall to the counters, not giving a fuck if someone walked in or not; he spread your legs wider for him and gripped your curls. Exposed to the world, but all you could see was him. You reveled as he slammed into your hilt deep, muted your sequel with his lips, and paused. “You missed me, didn’t you?” He whispered. “Y/N?”
“Shut up,” Your pussy answered for you, squeezing to pull him deeper as he fucked into you. He wasn’t even deep enough for you; your fingers tug on the black shirt as you thrust to meet him each time. Your skin clapped against his every time, his cock expertly hitting that spot inside of you that made you want to cum right then and there. You held it, panting as it began to build up all over your body. He knew the signals, the way your hands rapt against him, legs quivered, and your pussy throbbed.
“Up.” He said, listening to the door open behind him.
Decency had left when he started fucking you, there was no way in hell you’d stop now, and Colson possessed no fucks when it came to sex. They could watch whoever the fuck it was. He positioned you in front of the mirror, bent over for him. Colson’s heavy hand came down on your ass, and then he pushed into you arching your back before wrapping a hand around your hair and fucking into you wildly.
Your ass bounced back on him, and his moans made you wetter. Your fists clenched as you tried to steady yourself – there was no controlling the orgasm that flowed through you. Your breath quickened, your toes curled, and your eyes snapped closed as his name rolled from your tongue.
“Open them eyes.” He gave an arrogant laugh before leaning over you, pushing himself deeper and flicking his tongue over the lobe of your ear.,
Your eyes opened, and you saw yourself flushed with sweat, mouth open, and him fucking the shit out of you. The scene erotic, beautiful, and shit you wanted it again and again. “Oh shit.” You mumbled.
“You think that fucking clown ass suit gone give you this?” He laughed as he slapped your ass again. “I thought not.” He guided you back on him, taking your hips in his hands, making sure you took every inch. He was greedy himself, watching your breast bounce in the reflection of the mirror, all while hearing you echo throughout the entire bathroom. It was music to his ears. Colson slowed his stroke momentarily, peppering, kissing down your shoulder blade before increased his pace once again, and your body jolted. You ground against him, urging him to cum and the pressure built. He panted against your back for a moment and then kissed your exposed skin. “Don’t go home with him.” He whispered, retrieving your panties from his pocket. Colson lowered himself to his knees and turned you around.
“You can’t tell me that.” You whispered.
“I’m asking.”
“Are you taking her home?”
“I can drop her ass off at her place right now.” He smiled, pointing. “Shit, you can ride shotgun.”
Good memories flooded of his snarky ass sense of humor and late nights. “You’re silly.”
Colson adjusted your dress and then stood in front of you, making sure your hair and lipstick was not smudged everywhere. “Drop Chandler off and come home.”
“Fucking hell mate,” Dom’s voice did not seem shocked. “This other chick is trying to kill me out here. Y/N?”
“Dude, will you get the fuck out of here… like now.”
“Fine. I’m leaving.”
“This was-,” You step away. “Uhm, I don’t know. I’ll call you okay?”
“Tomorrow.” You clarified. “Or the next day, just give me a damn minute to breathe?”
“Bet.” He sighed. “Should I go first… so it won’t seem suspect?”
“You’re a 6’4” guy leaving the women’s restroom, you’re busted.” You chuckled.
 A/N: I through Dom (Yungblud) in there because I kinda love him just as much lol might right him too! Hope you enjoyed! Thank you! Please let me know what you think!
Taglist: @taytayize123 @supernaturalvikingwhore @jae-writes-fanfiction @bigsisbria @placeoffreedom @kyla-queen @missdforever @gottatoxicattitude @bang-kim-bap @msreshel @blowmymbackout @titty-teetee​
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theladyofdeath · 3 years
Heels {Rowaelin}
The prompt: walks in front of their crush in stripper heals and a short skirt because they want their attention
Rowan x Aelin os
Written with @snelbz​
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There was no way this could be a good idea.
Aelin was sitting on her bed, watching as Lysandra flicked through her closet. She had told her that tonight was the night and had recruited her to help her do what she considered nearly impossible.
She was going to get the attention of Rowan Whitethorn.
It wasn’t that he didn’t know she existed, it was quite the opposite. He was one of her friends, having met during orientation week their freshman year, and as their group grew, so did their friendship. But after three and a half years, she had very solidly gotten her stuck as just that: his friend.
“You’re wasting your time,” Aelin crooned, flipping through the timeline on her phone. 
“Bullshit,” Lysandra muttered, flipping through the clothes in her closet. “You need to feel confident, Aelin. Rowan is obsessed with you, and you’re obsessed with him. This whole thing is ridiculous.”
Aelin rolled her eyes, but remained quiet. 
“How about this?” Lysandra asked, pulling out a denim mini skirt and black halter cropped top. As Aelin was about to reply, Lysandra said, “Say nothing. Put it on.”
With a roll of her eyes, yet again, Aelin did as much. Once she had the skirt and top on, she looked in the mirror. 
And she looked hot as hell.
“Shoes?” Aelin asked, despite herself. 
“Oh, I have the perfect heels,” Lysandra said, fleeing from the room. She came back a moment later with a pair of black stilettos that were Aelin’s  size. 
Scoffing, Aelin held them up. “I’m going to break my neck.”
Lysandra snorted and flounced back into the bathroom where she continued to straighten her hair. “You’re exaggerating.”
“Fine,” Aelin amended. “I’m going to break my ankle.” She set the shoes on her bed and joined Lysandra in the bathroom to finish getting ready.
She let Lysandra curl her hair, but drew the line when she offered to do her makeup. They had very different styles when it came to that and while Lysandra looked drop dead gorgeous with her cat-eye liner and ruby red lips, Aelin would never be able to pull it off.
“Where is this party even at?” Lysandra asked, pulling her hair back into a stylish ponytail.
“Lorcan’s.” Aelin was trying to keep her hand steady as she applied the thin line of liquid eyeliner to her upper lid. “I think Elide convinced him to throw it.”
Lysandra snorted, applying her mascara.  “Sounds right. Lorcan isn’t exactly the host-type.”
Aelin grinned, tossing her eyeliner in her makeup bag. “Alright, hurry up. I want to make my entrance.”
With a roll of her eyes, Lysandra took one last look in the mirror and declared herself ready and they were off.
Lorcan’s apartment was just on the edge of campus, so the two girls walked and earned the eager glances of many as they did so.
Aelin took it as a good sign.
“Will Aedion be here tonight?” Lysandra asked, shooting a glance over at Aelin.
She groaned. “Probably.” She still couldn’t believe that her roommate actually had the hots for her cousin. He was practically her brother and the thought of him in any sort of compromising position made her want to gag. “If you hook up with him tonight, please do it at his place. I can’t afford therapy on my barista’s salary.”
“Trust me,” Lysandra said, adjusting her ponytail as they approached the steps to Lorcan’s. “I plan on giving you complete privacy at the apartment tonight. And you better take advantage of it.”
Butterflies grew in the pit of Aelin’s stomach. 
She planned to, hoped to, wanted to…but, she had to catch Rowan’s eye first - something that made her nerves go haywire. 
Lysandra must have caught it, because they stopped outside of Lorcan’s door and Lysandra made Aelin face her. 
“You look gorgeous,” she said, and brushed Aelin’s hair back. “He’d be an idiot not to come after you.”
That was the goal, after all. Aelin was not going to be the one doing the chasing. She wanted Rowan to see her, want her, not be able to take his eyes off of her. She knew he’d be here, the party was at his best friend’s apartment, knew that everyone from their friend group would show up. Yet she was absolutely fucking terrified he’d see her and have zero reaction.
She played it off with a joke though. Scoffing, she tossed her hair over a shoulder. “He’d better. I didn’t book an emergency appointment with my waxer for nothing.”
If Lysandra noticed the fake bravado — which she absolutely did, she and Aelin had become as close as sisters over the past three years — she didn’t call her out on it. Instead, she smirked, smacked Aelin on the ass, and said, “Then let’s go get your man.”
The music could be heard from a block away, and when they opened the front door, the apartment was already packed.
People definitely noticed them come in, though, including Elide who was running towards them, a drink in hand. “It’s about time you two showed up!”
“The host himself isn’t here to greet us?” Aelin mocked, giving Elide a hug.
Elide chuckled as she rolled her eyes. “He’s been out on the balcony for about a half hour, avoiding all human interaction.”
“Sounds about right,” Lysandra replied, rolling her eyes, but then she began looking around the spacious townhouse Lorcan and Elide shared. “You haven’t seen Aedion tonight, have you?”
Elide gave Aelin a knowing glance, but said, “Last I saw, he was playing beer pong with Fenrys. Don’t know who the poor bastards getting their asses handed to them were, but they’re probably still in the kitchen.”
Lysandra gave Aelin a wink. “Good luck.” And then she was gone, lost in the bodies dancing to the music.
Her part in tonight was done, to help Aelin get Rowan’s attention. It was all up to Aelin now, so Lysandra was free to find someone to occupy her own time. Even if the thought of who she’d be with made Aelin want to shudder.
Alone with Aelin, or as close to it as they could be, Elide let out a low whistle as she finally took in Aelin’s outfit. “I have a feeling that outfit isn’t just to impress me.”
“Does that mean you’re not impressed?” Aelin asked, pretending to pout. 
Elide looped her arm through Aelin’s and led her to the bar. “I’m always impressed, but I don’t think you care so much about my opinion, do you?”
Aelin snorted as she began to look around, but Elide saved her the struggle.
“He’s on the patio with Lor,” Elide said, simply. “Don’t worry. I’ll drag his ass back in here soon and Rowan will follow.”
Elide poured them both a shot, which Aelin gladly took and even asked for another. But when Manon and Asterin Blackbeak showed up, she waved Elide off to go greet her friends, and leaned against the bar, debating on a third shot.
She wasn’t trying to get shitty tonight, just a little messy, but her nerves were beginning to grow again.
Just as she decided to say fuck it, and get another shot, and heard a whistle from behind her. She turned and found Dorian Havilliard staring at her legs.
Or maybe he was staring at her ass.
They had messed around her freshman year, when his dorm room was just down the hall from hers, but it had never been anything more than that between them, and they agreed that they were better as friends. It didn’t mean they didn’t have fun though.
She smirked as she tossed the glass back and set it down on the bar top, before turning to him. “See anything you like?”
“I see quite a few things I like,” he said, raising his drink in salute. “Then again, only a fourth of your skin is covered, so there’s a lot to look at.”
Aelin laughed, quietly, and clinked her empty shot glass against his full bottle. “Gotta show off what the gods gave me.”
“As you should,” he agreed with a wink. “Haven’t seen you around in a while.”
“Well, it is school, and I actually study,” Aelin said, turning to refill her shot glass.
Dorian had the audacity to look offended. “Hey, I study, too.”
Aelin laughed as she turned back around. “Reading a bunch of books that have nothing to do with any of your classes doesn’t count as studying, Dor.”
“But they’re so much more interesting,” he replied, chuckling as he thought of the boring curriculum he studied for his pre-law degree.
Aelin rolled her eyes as she tossed back the shot and set it behind the bar. Four shots was enough. She’d be fun, she’d be confident, but she wasn’t tipsy enough to make an ass of herself.
“I assume all of this skin isn’t for me, so who are you trying to impress?” Dorian asked, and then added, with a wink, “Chaol?”
Huffing a laugh, Aelin shook her head. “Absolutely not. That ended in a disaster and I’m not inclined to repeat it.”
The sliding glass door opened and Aelin’s eyes snapped to the door, before she quickly turned away before Lorcan and Rowan stepped inside.
“Oh,” Dorian chuckled, softly. “Whitethorn then.”
It wasn’t a question.
He had moved imperceptibly closer and she knew how it would look to Rowan. For whatever reason, she decided she wanted him to be jealous she was talking to another guy.
Even if she had no idea whether or not he’d even noticed her.
“Is this who I am now?” Dorian asked, quietly, leaning into her ear, fully aware that it looked like he was coming onto her. “Your super hot wingman?”
Aelin snorted, and didn’t bother moving away. “My overly cocky wingman, maybe.”
Dorian huffed a laugh. “I still take it as a compliment.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be flirting up Manon instead of fake flirting with me?” Aelin whispered, quietly. She glanced at Rowan, who was filling up a red solo cup.
“I like to make Manon wait,” Dorian said, running a finger up Aelin’s forearm. “She gets jealous, too, and it makes things so much more exciting in the bedroom.”
“Thanks for the image, Dor,” Aelin said, pushing away the need to roll her eyes and flick him in the nose.
He and Manon weren’t exclusively in a relationship, but everyone knew they hooked up with each other, and only each other. But, again, totally not exclusive.
“Besides,” Dorian mused, his finger skimming Aelin’s arm. “She’s busy doing body shots with Asterin. I’ll enjoy her later.”
Aelin snorted, reaching behind the bar and pulling an ice cold beer from the open cooler. She handed it to him and he opened it for her, flicking the cap in the air as if it were a coin.
He let it fall to the bar top as he leaned in to whisper in her ear one last time. “Pretty sure that’s my cue.”
She followed his gaze across the room, and found Rowan looking at her. Watching her and Dorian both.
“Have fun,” he added, before sauntering off towards the kitchen.
Rowan watched Dorian walk away to the other side of the room where he sat to watch Aedion and Fenrys continue to dominate in beer pong.
When Rowan’s eyes trailed back to Aelin, she was already watching him, a slightly-forced mischievous smile on her lips.
On the inside, she felt like she was going to puke.
He made his way across the room, pausing in front of her and slipped his free hand into his pocket. “Hey.”
“Hey, yourself,” she said, and she wasn’t sure why it sounded so breathless.
“I didn’t see you get here,” he said, taking a sip of his beer.
She did the same, fighting the urge to toss her hair over a shoulder. “You were outside.” She realized that told him she was keeping tabs on him and she quickly added. “I mean, Elide told me Lorcan was outside, so I assumed you had to be with him.”
He smirked. “Right. Well, I was. It’s a little crowded in here.” She nodded, but he went on. “However, seems like you didn’t mind when Havilliard was over here with you. Not too crowded for you, then, huh?” 
Aelin slowly lifted a golden brow. If Rowan wanted to play, she would play. “Not crowded enough for someone to be blocking your view of me with Dorian, apparently.”
A light lit up Rowan’s green eyes as his jaw twitched, suppressing a grin. “I can always count on you to manipulate my words and their meaning, Galathynius.”
Aelin’s grin was wide. “Someone has to keep you in your place, Whitethorn.” 
“And is that you?” He asked, voice low as he took a drink from his cup. “The person that’s going to keep me in my place?”
Aelin’s eyes glittered as she took another drink. It was always easy with Rowan. They could talk for hours, that witty banter, back and forth. But, that’s all that had ever happened between them: simple conversation. 
From the way she caught him watching her legs as she took a drink, though, she thought tonight may just end up as she planned.
A hell of a lot more than simple conversation.
“Want to dance?” She asked.
His eyes slowly slid up her body to meet her gaze. “You know I don’t dance, Ace.”
She took a long, slow drink from her bottle. “Not even with me?”
“Not with anyone,” he said, crossing his arms and resting a hip against the bar.
It was a miracle no one had interrupted them, but the bulk of the drinks had been set up in the kitchen.
“That’s a shame,” Aelin sighed, finishing off her beer and tossing the empty bottle in the trash can. “I would love to dance, but I don’t have anyone to dance with.”
Rowan said, “I’m sure you can find someone, especially with how you’re dressed tonight.”
She raised an eyebrow and looked at him. “And how is that?”
“Don’t get me wrong, you look drop dead fucking sexy,” he replied, without missing a beat. “I just don’t get why.”
“What do you mean?” Aelin asked.
“Why try so hard?” He asked, head cocked to the side. “Who are you trying to impress?”
Cocky bastard. She could see it in his eyes, he knew what he was doing and she hated him for it.
Hated that she loved it, anyway.
“What need would I have to impress anyone?” Aelin asked, chin raised. “I think I’m naturally perfect in every way.”
Rowan chuckled. “Then you should’ve come in your sweatpants and a tank top.”
Aelin rose a brow.
Rowan shrugged. “I think that’s when you’re sexiest.”
With that, with his cup pressed to his lips, he turned and walked away.
Aelin blinked after him, not sure she was sure she heard him right. He made his way through the people and headed back to the door leading out onto the balcony, stopping to say something to Lorcan. He waved him off and then Rowan was slipping back outside, while Aelin just started after him.
She pushed her way through the crowd, which was easier said than done when you weren’t a six-foot-four giant who mildly scared the shit out of everyone by scowling at them, but she eventually made it to the door. Sliding it open, she stepped out into the balmy night air.
“You can’t say shit like that and then just disappear,” Aelin said, finding him exactly how she’d expected to.
Rowan was leaned against the wall, the sole of one booted foot pressed against it as well. A lit cigarette dangled from his fingers. She gave him shit about smoking all the time, but knew he only did it when he drank.
Or when he had something on his mind.
He held the cigarette out to her, but she gave him a look. “You know better than to offer me that.”
Rowan just grinned and put it back between his lips. “You’re missing the party.” 
“What did you mean?” Aelin asked, standing opposite of him, leaning against the railing. 
“When?” he asked, looking up at the sky.
“Don’t bullshit me, Rowan,” she snapped, and it got his attention. 
Blowing a puff of smoke into the cool night air, he met her gaze and slowly shook his head. He gestured to her outfit, to the heels that were making her feet ache. “What is this?”
“They’re clothes,” she said. “For a party.”
“They’re Lysandra’s,” he replied, simply. 
“I can’t wear my roommate’s clothes?” Aelin scoffed. “What the hell is wrong with you tonight-.”
“Why can’t you just admit that you’re just trying to impress someone?” he interrupted, watching her, that light in his eye fading. “You’ve never been not-confident a day in your life. Whoever it is that you’re trying to impress, he obviously isn’t worth it if it causes you to be someone you’re not.”
Aelin looked down at the cropped halter top, the skirt that hardly reached her thighs, the heels that she was certain would cause blisters. “This is someone I’m not?”
Rowan slowly shook his head. “Last time we went out, you wore that little golden slip dress….” He shook his head, reminiscing on the memory. “That was you. You wore sneakers and you were still barefoot halfway through the night, dancing on the patio. What you’re wearing now - yeah, you look gorgeous - but I can tell you’re not comfortable in it.” 
“If I’m trying to get someone’s attention, maybe my usual isn’t best. Especially if it pushes me out of my comfort zone,” she snapped back, her hands on her hips. “And why is it such a problem if I’m trying to impress someone? Dorian was impressed.”
“Dorian doesn’t drool all over you like a dog in heat,” he replied. “He respects you, regardless of what you’re wearing, how much skin you’re showing off. But if you’re trying to impress some D bag who will only notice you if you’re dressed like that, you might want to reconsider.”
“And what if I was trying to impress you?” She asked, getting in his face, cigarette smoke and whiskey breath be damned. “What if I was trying to get your attention, Rowan?”
His jaw locked and his eyes searched hers, as if he was trying to find the underlying meaning in what she was saying, even if there wasn’t one. 
“Then you’d be wasting your time,” he said, at last.
It felt like a knife had been shoved into Aelin’s ribs with every word that had come out of his mouth. Begging herself not to cry in front of him, she went to take a step away, but Rowan grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to him.
Their chests were nearly touching, and his hand trailed from her wrist, into her hand, interlocking his fingers with hers.
He took the cigarette from his lips and said, “You’d be wasting your time because you impress me every time that I’m around you.”
“You never act like it,” she breathed, shaking her head. “You never do anything, and you’ve never tried to make a move. What the hell else was I supposed to do?”
He flicked the cigarette over the rail and let go of her hand, only to frame her face with both of his. “This.”
And then his lips were on hers, and Aelin didn’t care that she could taste residual smoke or stale beer. She knew she didn’t taste much better. All that mattered was that Rowan was kissing her and his hands were on her face and hers were tangled up in his shirt. His tongue slid against hers and she had to fight to stop the moan that threatened to slip out of her.
He pulled back, resting his forehead against hers. “That,” he said, breathlessly. “That is what you should have done to get my attention.”
Aelin swallowed, harshly. “Do it again.”
Rowan didn’t have to be convinced. His hands slid down her back as he brought his mouth to hers, and he pulled her body uptight against his. They stayed out there for a long time, for hours, uninterrupted. 
At one point, she saw Dorian come by and lock the balcony door, so everyone else would get the hint to stay the hell away.
Wingman of the year.
They stayed on the balcony, kissing and laughing and kissing some more, until the party wound down. Around two, Lorcan let them inside, and Aelin pulled Rowan out of the apartment and across campus to her own. 
True to Lysandra’s word, she was nowhere to be found.
The second Aelin stepped into her apartment, she kicked off her heels and was swept into Rowan’s arms. He carried her into her bedroom, where he stripped her down, out of her roommate’s clothes.
Rowan Whitethorn saw all of her.
She had his full attention. 
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irrelevantwriter · 3 years
White Flag
Pairing: Rio (Good Girls) x Female Reader/You
Rating: Explicit, NSFW
Warnings: Language, public sex, unprotected vaginal sex, mention of bodily fluids, slightly vulnerable Rio, declaration of feelings (sorta?)
Word Count: 4.3K
Summary: Part 5. Two months without seeing or speaking to Rio has left a significant mark and feelings finally decide to show themselves. Kinda.
A/N: I hope everyone had a good holiday or at least a chill Friday. I come bearing gifts with the next part of our favorite toxic saga. More smut for my lovely readers. But first, some plot. We jump right into it and just like our favorite non-couple, we gloss over a lot of bullshit and get right to the filth. But as a Virgo I love communication so I have to make these two stubborn assholes talk about their issues a little. At least in a vague way. Also, Rio has his read receipts on bc he is a petty king. There’s one more part after this and it's all naughty fun from here. I hope you guys like it. Feedback is that good shit. 💗
A/N dos: I’m thinking about making the next part strictly from Rio’s POV. I feel like it’ll give us a peek into what he’s thinking and a new take on the series thus far. I’m excited to explore that so let me know what you guys think!
*Read Part 1 here
*Read Part 2 here
*Read Part 3 here
*Read Part 4 here
*Read Part 6 here
*Give and Take series masterlist
*Masterlist in bio.
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“So you’re just gonna eye fuck the hot stranger at the bar all night?”
Your friend’s teasing cut through the haze, jolting you back to the dimly lit bar. The music boomed around you while people drank and danced, enjoying the Saturday night out in the same way you and your girlfriends were.
“I was not.” You insisted, though the coy smile you wore said otherwise.
The group of women scoffed and rolled their eyes, seeing right through your faux innocence.
“Besides,” You started, taking a sip of your drink as the song changed into a bass heavy melody. “He’s not even my type.”
“Oh, bullshit!” Kara interjected with a raised brow, shaking her head.
You opened your mouth in surprise, but bit back your response when the other women chimed in.
“She’s right.” Evelyn agreed, throwing her dark hair over one shoulder.
“We knew you in high school and college, remember?” Nikki threw in, pursing her lips knowingly in your direction.
“Okay, so?” You said with a poor attempt at nonchalance.
“You were all over guys like that when we were kids. Paul ended up being the black sheep of the bunch.” Kara reminded you with a laugh, Evelyn and Nikki joining in with their own drunken giggles.
“Yeah, we were convinced you’d marry a felon with tattoos and not a real estate broker who wore khakis.” Nikki quipped, causing another round of laughter and snorts.
“Okay, okay...I get it. So I had a type. I think I’ve grown out of it.” You cut in, sounding as if you were trying to convince them as much as yourself.
“Not if the hottie at the bar has anything to say about it.” Evelyn joked with a wink.
You shook your head as you took another sip of your drink, unwilling to let them see you flustered. Or that they were in fact correct. You definitely still had a thing for bad boys...bad men to be more specific.
The evening had been going smoothly so far. It was a rare girl’s night out. An event that happened only once every five years when kids were shuttled off to babysitters or their fathers, and the women were able to enjoy an adult meal with adult beverages. Schedules between four busy women didn’t often align so when they did, you all jumped at the chance to indulge in the nightlife you’d left behind in your younger years.
You’d been the one to suggest the bar. It was a swanky, sophisticated space with an air of youth. The perfect mix for your outing. You’d been here only one other time.
With Rio.
Thinking of the man made heat pool low in your stomach, despite your lingering frustrations. It’d been two months since that shit show of a night at your house. You hadn’t seen or spoken to him since. After that debacle, you blocked his number. As childish as it may have been, you were angry. Still were. And rightfully so. He’d been a complete dick. He’d chosen the most inopportune moment to make adjustments to your arrangement. He’d been careless in his deliverance, harsh even. The entire exchange had you questioning everything. And instead of analyzing the situation and communicating like adults, you’d decided to stop all interactions with him. You’d wanted to send a message. Just as he had with you.
After the argument, you’d been an anxious mess in the days leading up to the next drop. But it was all for nothing because Rio wasn’t there. And neither was the new contact he’d told you about. Instead, Mick was waiting for you and offering up no other information. And it’d been that way for two long months.
In the days since, your mind wandered to Rio often. Your body lingered on his phantom presence constantly. You replayed the conversation you’d had a million times over and each time it made deep fury spill over and mix with the lust still raging like white water rapids through your veins. You missed his touch. Missed his desire for you. Missed the way he made you feel, so supremely sexual and wanton. All things you’d been lacking in your marriage. And now they were suddenly hitting you square in the face and begging you to pay attention. Begging you to not lose the source of your sudden awakening.
You missed the toxicity of your interactions. You were two twisted souls fighting for control over a situation that belonged to neither of you. And in truth, the basis of your relationship with Rio was denial and attraction. It would continue to thrive on that as long as you both refused the obvious.
So maybe, just maybe you’d come to the bar in hopes of seeing him in order to test that theory. It was a slim chance he’d even be here, but you were just buzzed enough that you were willing to roll the dice and find out. Plus, your desire for him felt like an extension of your body at this point. You had to satiate it. Had to feed the raw passion that grew stronger each day without him. It demanded it. And it wasn’t for lack of trying. But your own hand didn’t ignite your body the same way his did, asshole or not.
“I’ll be back.” You called over the music, gesturing to the darkened hallway that predictably led to the bathrooms. Your friends nodded and went back to flirting with the handsome blue-eyed waiter.
You shot a meaningful glance in the direction of the bar. To the “hot stranger”. Whether or not he’d take the hint was on him.
You made it to the single-use bathroom easily. It wasn’t late enough for it to be crowded with the surge of a Saturday night crowd, but the place was still busy. You set your purse down on the sleek surface of the sink counter, admiring the emerald green tiles that paved the walls. The fixtures were brass and gleamed in the light of the vanity bulbs. It was a beautiful space. Carefully crafted for a magazine like Architectural Digest.
Your eyes swept over your reflection in the large mirror that sat over the sink. You made sure not a lash was out of place as you surveyed your appearance. You adjusted the low neckline of your yellow dress, the hue radiating more gold than you’d initially noticed. The silk material felt cool against your heated skin, the slit in the skirt offering some relief. The long sleeves of the garment added a sleekness to the otherwise risqué ensemble. You’d never worn the dress. But tonight seemed as good a time as any to debut it.
The sound of the bathroom door creaking open made you pause, eyes watching in the mirror for who entered. You wondered if it’d be him. Wondered if he ended up following you like you’d hoped.
Your stomach knotted when Rio stepped in, closing the door and locking it with a resounding click. He was stoic. Shrouded in black and looking every bit as menacing as he truly was. A sight for your sore eyes.
You turned to face him, your chest both tightening and expanding at seeing him in the flesh. He made your heart stutter and your spine tingle, yet irritation slowly seeped into your pores, reminding you of the last interaction you’d had with him. It was a clash of sensations and feelings. It was utter chaos. And it's what you’d been missing.
Silence hung in the air as his gaze roamed your figure, appraising you hungrily. You shivered, careful to hide the gesture from his intense stare. You schooled your features and angled your chin up in confidence that you weren’t entirely sure you felt. But you weren’t going to budge. You were going to make him come to you.
He was leaning up against the door, a barely there smirk adorning his lips. His scent began to eclipse the smell of vanilla soap that permeated the air. Your eyes wanted to roll back at the familiarity of it. It was soothing. A comfort to your deprived senses.
“You miss me, mama?”
That deep rasp made your panties soak immediately. It was a question he’d asked you many times in the past, but you’d never felt it as much as you did now. Because yeah, you did fucking miss him.
You stayed silent.
He chucked at your refusal to answer. “Still mad at me?”
Again you said nothing.
He licked his lips, eyeing yours as he did. “I tried calling.”
“I blocked your number.” You finally responded, voice icy and detached.
“Damn, that’s cold.” He said with an amused shake of his head and a laugh, the sound making your nipples harden in traitorous lust.
“Why? Did you need something?” You questioned coolly, crossing your arms over your chest to hide your mounting arousal. Your thighs rubbed together, beginning to slid against each other as your arousal made itself known.
He stepped forward, heading in your direction with intent. You straightened your back, unwilling to let him get the upper hand on you. You knew what was going to happen. Knew where this was headed. So why not use it to your advantage? Why not toy with him for a change? He deserved it. 
You used the added height of your heels and eased yourself onto the countertop, parting your thighs slightly so that your dress fell between them. You leaned back on your hands, the chill of the marble countertop beneath you reminding you so much of that day in your kitchen.
Rio’s steps halted momentarily as he watched you, eyes zeroed in on the juncture between your thighs that was hidden behind the silk. Your pussy practically begged for his attention. Dared him to see your need through the fabric that shielded you.
You were still upset with him. Still displeased with the way he’d chosen to handle the situation and you. But more than anything you wanted him to succumb to you. You wanted to feel that thrill of having him at your mercy. So powerful, yet so fragile in the midst of his bliss. You wanted...no, needed him to wave his white flag first.
“Tell me then,” You began, slowly easing the hem of your dress up as you spoke. “Business or personal?” You questioned, wanting to know if he’d be truthful about why he’d tried to contact you.
He resumed his path towards you with a dangerous lick of his lips, but his gaze never faltered as it took in every new stretch of skin that was revealed. He tried to reach out and touch you, but you raised a heeled foot to his abdomen and stopped him, keeping him at a distance.
“Answer me.” You breathily demanded.
His face registered your words while his eyes took in the stretch of leg that kept him away. You eased the limb back down and waited for him to comply.
He decided to play along.
He continued walking when you didn’t stop him, standing between your legs and trailing his fingertips along the inside of them. His movements shifted your dress up even higher onto your thighs. The sensation would’ve tickled if you weren’t already deliriously turned on.
“Liar.” You accused, already feeling his warmth radiate onto you as he edged closer. His breath mingled with yours, mint and whiskey assaulting your nose.
“So are you.” He retorted, eyes planted firmly on your parted lips. He moved in until you were sure he could do nothing else but touch his mouth to yours. And yet you still weren’t going to meet him.
“So we’re both liars?” You asked, arching a brow up at him.
“Yeah.” He nodded and swallowed, the tattoo splashed across his throat pulling your focus. You fell captive to his spell as you got lost in memories of licking and sucking the inked flesh, remembering the way he tasted on your tongue. The recollection caused your legs to widen and your back to arch into him, pushing your chest against his. God, you wanted him. You wanted him so badly that your pussy clenched around nothing, as if feeling him already deep inside you. It was a silent call to a lover. One he would never hear. But he’d feel it soon enough.
Your clit throbbed against your lace panties, aching to be assaulted by his talented fingers. With him so close you could feel just how badly you needed him inside you. It felt wrong for him not to be. Felt wrong to not have him share a pulse with you when he was this near. You were going to remedy that.
“Well then,” You whispered, leaning forward to hover over his lips. “I don’t want you to fuck me in this bathroom.”
His hands glided up your thighs while his nose skimmed along your cheek. His breath was hot against your ear as he maneuvered himself so that barely a sliver of air was left between you.
“So I won’t.” He lied in return, the words coating you like his cum had done numerous times before.
In an instant your lips were being pulled to his. His hands were suddenly everywhere and all at once, seeking out your flesh in desperation. It pleased you to know just how badly he needed you. How badly he craved you.
He slid you closer to him, letting your lace-covered lower half come into contact with his crotch. Ragged breaths and low hums filtered through the air as your bodies grinded against each other, seeking firm hands. You could feel him pressed against the zipper of his dark pants. He was hard. The notion made you moan into his mouth, scraping your nails over his scalp.
It was just like riding a bike. Except there was an added layer of intensity this time that hadn’t been there before. His touch burned hotter than usual. Your grew cunt wetter with every pass of his tongue along yours. They weren’t new sensations, but they felt different. Indescribable. Perhaps it was the public sex. Perhaps it was the underlying tension. Either way, it was remarkably explosive.
You pulled away from his insistent lips to take in air. He continued on, mouth moving over your neck and across your exposed cleavage. He nipped at the flesh, his lips sensuously soothing the area as he explored. You pushed into him in invitation, widening your legs so that he could press harder into you.
You waited for him to take the next step. Waited for him to escalate the moment into more than just heavy-petting and sloppy kisses. His hands, as if reading your mind, traveled up the skirt of your dress and found the edge of your panties. There was no hesitation or teasing in his movements as he roughly pulled them off, the elastic popping against your skin and making you cry out.
Rio licked at your neck in apology, his own hands now moving to his belt. You shifted closer to the ledge of the counter and followed the trail of heat that led to his pulsing cock. His flesh bumped against you, the feel of him hot and heavy along your soaked slit making you whimper.
Your nails dug into the fabric of his shirt as he pushed forward and sheathed himself inside of you in one hard thrust. You gasped and tightened your legs around him, your right hand in search of something solid. It landed on the mirror behind you, your palm sticking to its cool surface as you braced yourself for the inevitable.
His facial hair scratched at your skin as he buried himself into your neck. He held your hips steady as he retreated and then plunged back into your welcoming walls, stretching you with a burn that made you hiss. Your pussy massaged his length with fervor, seducing him further inside and begging him to claim you once again.
You reached for anything you could to stabilize yourself as he fucked you into the reflective glass at your back. Moans and groans intertwined as your bodies rocked against each other. The soap dispenser fell into the sink with a loud clatter as you accidentally made contact with it. The stack of towels folded neatly near the faucet became disheveled as your ass knocked them out of place with the momentum from Rio’s cock. The entire vanity shook with each intensely thorough thrust of his hips into your womb. It was animalistic. The very epitome of what bathroom  sex in a bar should be.
No words were said. None were needed. Your actions led the conversation.
You squeezed your inner muscles around him, daring him to surrender before you. He twitched, his hips stuttering at the feel of you so tight and wet around him. He growled into your ear, a sure sign that he loved the gesture a little too much.
So you did it again.
“Stop that shit.” He grunted, hips picking up their pace.
“Cum.” You whispered in response, the demand disguised as a request.
“Fuck…” He groaned when you held him to you and clenched around him once more. You trapped him, giving him no choice but to experience your deliberate enticement. His fingers dug into your thighs almost painfully so, forcing you to wince.
He was close.
You reached between your bodies and massaged your clit, feeling your pussy react immediately. Sporadic tremors vibrated your walls and his cock, making both of you moan. Rio’s palm slammed into the mirror at your back as he rutted his hips harder into yours. He was rough and unforgiving, the aggression heightened by your disobedience. It had never quite been like this. There had always been a touch of softness, a soothing placation or word of encouragement. Not tonight. Not as he fucked you so hard you were sure the mirror was going to crack and rain down luminescent crystals of glass over you both.
You showed no mercy as you forced him to submit to you and your body. The precipice was there. It was within reach. You could feel that tightly wound coil ready to unravel. It felt like too much and not enough at the same time. Your mind was a prisoner to your pleasure. You thought of nothing but the sweet release that you knew was waiting for you. And it was. It was waiting for you with open arms as Rio finally came, triggering your own climax as he filled you so deliciously full of himself. His entire body tensed within you as he held you firm and painted your shuttering walls.
The familiar sensation only added to your high as your limbs tensed and loosened with each wave of euphoria that washed over you. You squeezed your eyes shut and catapulted through space as your body struggled to ground itself once again. Rio had gone rigid, letting you ride out your orgasm in peace as you suffocated his cock. His cum was already leaking from your walls before you’d even finished, a trail of him decorating your swollen pussy.
Your eyes fluttered open to see him staring back at you, his lips pulled into a lazy smirk. You mirrored his expression, releasing a breathless chuckle. Your body still hummed in excitement, but this time it was punctuated by the deep satisfaction that radiated from between your thighs.
“You good?” You teased, hands resting on his chest and feeling the rapid beats of his heart beginning to slow.
He laughed, the sound low and tinged with fatigue. “Yeah.”
He licked his lips and took in your disheveled state, gaze catching a glimpse of the lace bra you wore underneath.
“Let me drive you home.” He said suddenly, his arrogance alive and well.
It was on the tip of your tongue to deny him, but you chose not to.
The car ride was silent.
After your impromptu coupling in the bathroom, you’d made up an excuse about not feeling well to your friends and explained you’d already called an Uber. They were hesitant to let you leave alone, but somehow you’d persuaded them to stay and not follow you. You were sure the alcohol they’d consumed had something to do with it.
With hugs and promises of texts that everyone made it home safe at the end of the night, you departed from the bar with Rio in his Mercedes. He’d been driving for about ten minutes, the air not as tense as it’d once been. He seemed content to let the quiet linger, but you weren’t.
“What happened to the new guy?” You asked, glimpsing his face to gauge his reaction. It was dark in the vehicle, but you could still make out his silhouette amongst the various street lights.
He furrowed his brow and pouted his lips, confusion reading easily across his features.
“What new guy?”
“My new contact. The one I was supposed to have.”
“Didn’t work out. Mick has it handled.” He replied simply, gaze still trained on the road in front of him.
“Okay.” You said with a nod, the dryness in your tone letting him know you didn’t quite believe him.
He wordlessly turned onto your street and came to a stop alongside your driveway, putting the SUV in park. He angled his body to face you, trapping you in his stare.
“It was never about you.”
The question must’ve shown on your face because he continued.
“The switch. It wasn’t about you.”
“Wasn’t very convincing.” You deadpanned, scoffing as you played with the zipper of your clutch.
He didn’t react right away. Instead, he watched you. Watched you in that way that let you know his thoughts were as impure as the counterfeit money he produced.
“You look good in that dress.” He complimented, chin jutting out and gesturing to the fabric that adorned your body.
His praise made warmth bloom in your chest. The kind of warmth that was usually accompanied by butterflies in your stomach.
“Thanks.” You replied evenly, not letting him see just what his words did to you. Though you had a feeling he did, despite not bearing witness to it outright.
“Better without it.” He added with a slide of his wicked tongue across his bottom lip, his teeth following. The action was purposeful. Erotic. Blatant. It was all Rio.
You didn’t respond to his flirting. You only sighed, mirroring his position as you resigned yourself to have an honest conversation with the man.
“So,” You started, forcing your fingers to still. “What is it that you want?”
He eyed you for a long moment. Long enough that you started to feel self-conscious.
You nodded, disappointed but not shocked by his reply. The word wasn’t new. Though it was lacking the hollow cockiness that usually accompanied it.
You opened your mouth to respond, but he spoke up before you could.
“In whatever way you’ll let me have you.” He admitted.
The statement caught you off guard. He wasn’t trying to be cute or charming. He wasn’t being placating or condescending. He was being serious, the hardened intensity in his dark orbs softening to a tender resignation that you were sure matched yours.
“What about you? What do you want?” He repeated back to you, eyes narrowing as he waited.
You took a moment to observe him. Your eyes followed the arch of his brows and the sharp jut of his cheekbones. You studied the pout of his lower lip and his Adam's apple as it bobbed with his throat muscles. He was so many things to you. None of which you could put into words. You didn’t think a word had even been invented yet. It didn’t matter. You were both making your own rules. And it seemed, for once, that the both of you were on the same page and playing by the same rules.
“I want you to have me.” You confessed, meeting his gaze.
And there it was. He was resigned to having you in limited capacity. You were resigned to finally letting him have you. Two conclusions coming together at the same moment. You weren’t quite sure what that meant for you both, but it was a start. 
“Goodnight.” You whispered into the darkened cab, a small smile pulling at your lips.
You didn’t wait for him to react. You turned and opened the door, exiting the vehicle. He didn’t try to stop you. You rounded the front of the car, hearing the driver’s side window slide down.
“So I’ll see you next week?” Rio asked out the open window, chin resting in his hand.
“At the drop?”
He nodded.
You shook your head and laughed, though there was no real humor behind it.
“You wanna tell me again it wasn’t about me?” You challenged, a wide grin decorating your face.
He could deny it. He would probably try. But you knew the truth. And that was enough.
For now.
“Night.” He called, an amused upturn of his lips showing in the light of the full moon.
He turned to the street, starting the car as you walked up your driveway. His eyes followed you the whole way, ensuring you made it in safely.
You heard him drive away once you shut and locked the front door, your lungs releasing a long breath. You pulled out your cell phone and went to your blocked caller list. You selected Rio’s number and unblocked the listing, adrenaline releasing into your bloodstream as you did.
Almost immediately your screen lit up with a text.
Same time and place tomorrow?
You bit your lip, feelings akin to teenage infatuation bubbling to the surface. You hastily typed a response.
See you there.
The message was read immediately. 
Rio Tags:
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House Party
Ships: RemRomCeit, (Roceit, Demus, RemRom [kinda??]) REMy x Logan (background)
Characters: Janus Sanders, Remus Sanders, Roman Sanders, Logan Sanders, REMy “Sleep” Sanders
A/N: Uh….. all parties are like 17/18. I think. This was intended nsfw if I had continued writing but nothing happens. I’m serious.
Listen I pulled this from two years ago. It had no notes. Idk what I was thinking when I wrote it. But I wanted to share. Bc it’s 2.5k (in total) but I’m only sharing the first chapter. I have no intent in finishing this, sorry.
Also I say kinda RemRom bc they are in the relationship together but this was back from a time when I wasn’t 100% on the RR train yet. They’re like … Sam and Dean’s relationship (supernatural) where they are unhealthily attached to each other in all forms but physically sexual 🤣🤣. So obviously they must share a boyfriend or they’ll suffer from emotions distress.
Ig I should give a summary.
Summary: Janus gets pulled into going to a school party where he drunkly meets this hot guy. Or… wait it’s two different guys? He has no clue what he got himself into.
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If you see this hi
The bell rang Signaling school was out. Janus collected his chemistry supplies. As he opens his locker to get his backpack to head home the locker beside him was slammed.
“JanJan” Logan exlaimed besides him.
“LoLo” Janus replies back with none of the excitement Logan had.
“Please come to the party tonight. I was told it was gonna be a lot of fun.”
“I...thats not really my scene-“
“Cut your bullshit buttercup” Logan says walking beside Janus toward the exit. “I’ll get a few drinks into you and you’ll loosen up. Plus all the hot babes and dudes will be there”
Janus tolled his eyes.
“Come onnnnn, you cant leave me alone.”
“Fine. Just this once. I’ll be there for an hour and then I’m leaving”
“Yay! Thank you JanJan”
“Yeah whatever”
Janus walked into the house where a bunch of people hung out in the yard, the music was loud blaring in his ears. Inside there were bodies everywhere and drinking adulty things from red solo cups.
“Janus!” Logan appeared in front of him. He was totally wasted. “I’m so glad you’re here”
“Yeah, I made it”
“Oh this is” Logan starts making graby motions for a dude in shades. Who wears shades in a building? “This is REMy. He’s my boy toy tonight”
The guy nodded his head at Janus.
“Hi” Janus greeted back.
“Anyway, have fun Janny. I’m gonna go suck the air out of Emy here” and just as he suddenly appeared, Logan suddenly disappeared into the crowd dragging the shaded kid behind him.
Janus soon found himself into the kitchen. One drink wouldn’t hurt. Why be sober at a party?
“Hey sweet thing” someone said behind him. Janus turned around to be face to face to mustached male.
“Damn I didn’t thing the view could get any better until I saw your pretty little face”
Janus didn’t know how to respond. Instead he kind of smirked. Maybe it was the drinks getting to him but he really liked the young man in front of him.
“H-hi?” Janus Apple a bit softly.
“Ooo are you shy? I like shy men. They’re a bit fun to play with”
Janus giggled. Why did he giggle? No one knows.
“I’m Remus.”
“Do you dance sweet heart?” The man said.
“Yes, I do a little bit of something” he replied.
Janus was lead by his hand to living room where most of the dancing teens and young adults were. He looked into the others eyes as they did weird odd dance moves together. Honestly on any other day, at any other time Janus would be care more about his appearance and what he looked liked to others but this man in front of him made reminded him of what really matters in life. Having fun.
“I really like you” Janus told the other as he took another sip of his drink.
“I like you too sweetheart.”
And like any scene out of any fucking movie Remus got closer to Janus. With the booming of the music, the swaying bodies all around them, the two lips touched. It was a sloppy kiss no doubt, Mainly because only one of them could pass a sober testing it wasn’t Janus.
“Mmmm that was hot”
“Yes it was. Can we do some more?”
“Maybe later, honey. How about we dance”
Janus nods his head in agreement, letting his body movements become loose and flow with the music.
Eventually the two got separated,Janus doesn’t remember how. All he knows was now he was standing alone with an empty drink. He went back to the kitchen to get another. His third one of the day. Maybe it should be pointed out that Janus is a light drinker so right now he was about to get shit faced.
He wakes down the hallway new drink in hand. He bopped his head to the music. Then like watching a horrid carcrash Janus was smashed into and suddenly he was wet.
“Ohhhh shit” someone slurred in front of him. It was the guy from earlier! “Yo bro, I’m so sorry”
“It’s ok rem-“
“It’s most definitely not.” ‘Remus’ declared. He extended his hand to help Janus up. “I must not ruin a handsome face like yours”
A smile found its way into Janus’s and he all but forgot that he was wet.
“Come one let me help you”
They were up stairs in the bathroom connected to a bedroom. Deceit was sitting on the toilet lid as Roman ran hot water in the sink.
“Let’s get you out of those sticky clothes” Roman said as he helped Janus out of his sticky shirt.
He brought the wash cloth to Janus chest.
Janus’s body was a bit under developed, but I mean what did you expect from someone who did nothing. THe cloth zoomed across the body leaving Janus a little bit cold from his wet skin being exposed. He shivered a little bit.
“Hey, did you know that you’re cute?”
“I am not-“
“Yes you are sweet cheeks. You’re adorable.”
Janus looked down into the others face. He still had a handsome face… except there was something…. different? He swears the guy in front of him had a bit of facial hair…. or maybe… maybe he was just making that part up.
“Can I get a name for your sweat face?”
“I already gave you my name”
“Well, why don’t you say it for me again then”
“Janus. That’s also a cute name.” The dude in front of him said. That’s when he squeezed the wet cloth and drops of water fell onto Janus crotch. “Uh oh. Clumsy me. Looks like this is going to have to come off too”
“I don’t mind that” Janus says helping Roman unbottimmn his pants. But before anything could even get started there was another voice in the bathroom.
“Roman you’re a ducking whore and you know it”
“Im a handsome whore”
Janus looked up to see two copies of the same person. Will not exactly copies. One had some facial hair while the other was clean like a babies butt.
“I-“ Janus startes unsure of what to say. “What’s happening?”
Remus, the one with facial hair came into the bathroom and grabbed the wet cloth from Roman.
“Let’s get you rested honey bunny” he says taking Janus’s hand and bringing him into the bedroom. It was red themed, and it had a bunch of movies and plays all in the wall. Janus even if he wasn’t drunk wouldn’t be able to identify anything from off the walls, there was also an asure amount if mirrors.
Janus sat in the bed and took off his pants, and everything after that was kinda a blur.
That is until he woke up the next day with a headache. He looked around, unsure of where exactly he was.
Also… where was his clothes? He was completely nice under the sheets and Janus couldn’t remember why. It’s not like he got hot black out drunk last nights, he kinda still remembers everything.
There was a fuzzy soft carpet to meet his feet when he decided to get all the way up.
He looked around. There was a picture of one of the schools well known actors and soccer players. He was standing by his twin who played cello and was a very good artiest.
Yes, the twins. Everyone talks so much about them at school, how could janus forget about them? Oh very simple, he didn’t give two flying fucks about them or the school, he just wanted his senior year to go by smoothly.
The door opened and in came Roman.
“Oh good you’re awake” he said, he placed Janus freshly cleaned clothes in the bed beside him. “I got theses washed since I got them dirty last night”
“Oh,,, um thanks?”
They touched hands.
“So…” Roman starts. “About last night…”
“Roman we have to go” Remus says entering the room himself. “Oh hey sweetcheeks. Did you sleep well?”
Janus nods his head.
Wait, it’s Friday. They all had school to get to.
“Roman and Remus! Hurry the fuck up!” Someone else called from down the steps.
“Well give you a ride to school sweetheart. Wouldn’t want to be late” Remus says before grabbing romans hand and excited the room.
There was something off about these two.
That is all Janus could think about as he sat in the backseat of a GMC.
The REMy guy from yesterday was driving. Why? Oh because Janus had forgotten that REMy was Remus and Romans older brother who happened to failed 2nd grade.
There was something off about the two though. Janus couldn’t put his finger on it. They pulled up into the parking lot and the twins exited the vehicle in a matter of seconds.
“You” REMy says before Janus could get out of the vehicle. “My brothers like you. And I’m not sure why.”
Janus wasn’t sure why this dude just insulted him, as far as he knows logan and REMy has sex last night. It should be the other way around.
“But they like you. So don’t cheat on them”
“Cheat? We’re not even dating. I
How can I cheat if I’m not even dating one of them?”
REMy smirked. “Sure.”
And then he walked away.
The End … of chapter 1. Except I never completed this. 👍🏾😅
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a ✨drunk and clingy ian✨ one-shot
okay so we all know that saint patrick’s day is a very arbitrary and somewhat meaningless holiday (at least in the u.s. lol)- but we also know that the gallaghers are incredibly fucking irish, so i am using this as an excuse to write some drunk and clingy gallavich fluff (bc i think we all need it!! or at least i do!!!!)
hope y’all enjoy<3
Mickey and Ian came in the door from their final weed security run of a way-too-chilly and grey March afternoon, kicking the slush off of their lace-up boots in a tired but comfortable silence. Mickey had been fantasizing for a good part of the afternoon about his usual afternoon ritual of collapsing onto the couch with a cold beer in his hand, and taking a long lazy nap while shitty game shows played on the TV in the background— but unfortunately, Debbie had other plans. Or so he realized when he turned the corner and his eyes were met with a forest of green and white streamers blanketing the living room, with Debbie determinedly balancing on a kitchen chair to hang them in the doorway.
Mickey did a double-take, shooting a glance at Ian and then back at the festive room again. What the fuck? He quickly racked his brain— there was no way he’d could’ve forgotten Franny’s birthday, that was in the summer—and he was pretty sure that Liam’s birthday was in the winter sometime; so whose the fuck was it? Too many goddamn Gallaghers to keep track of. Finally, Mickey admitted his own defeat.
“Is it someone’s fuckin’ birthday or something?”
Mickey flashed another gaze to Ian in confusion as he said it, hoping that Ian would silently mouth whatever the occasion was to him, or at the very least raise his eyebrows and goad Mickey enough to jog his memory to remember whatever the fuck today was— but Ian just gave an easygoing grin as he took in the room’s decor and let out a laugh.
“Debbie, isn’t this kind of going overboard?”
Debbie looked over her shoulder from where she was now taping a crudely scribbled picture of a shamrock, most likely drawn by Franny, up onto the wall.
“What? If it’s our last Saint Patrick’s Day in the house, the least we can do is go out with a bang,” she answered nonchalantly, and continued fixating on hanging up Franny’s drawing.
Mickey inadvertently let out a scoff and rolled his eyes. Fucking Gallaghers.
“I’m sorry, fucking Saint Patrick’s Day?”
Ian’s lips formed a playful smile and he elbowed Mickey between the ribs. “Yeah, Mick, Saint Patrick’s Day— also known as the unironically most important day of the Gallagher family calendar year. I can’t believe I forgot it was today, with all the work stuff we had going on.”
At first Mickey couldn’t tell if Ian was actually being serious— but in the same second he decided that it didn’t really matter, since Ian’s eyes were bright and shining and there was this weird giddy grin he was sporting from ear to ear, like he was absolutely fucking delighted that it was Saint Patrick’s Day, instead of just a normal goddamn Wednesday. Fucking softie.
And as endearing as that was, Mickey still couldn’t let him off that easily. “There’s no way I’m celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day. It’s a fake holiday for yuppie rich kids to go bar hopping—I’m not getting involved in any of your Gallagher bullshit.”
Ian’s grin just grew, like he knew exactly what Mickey was doing. “Hey, you married into this family. If anything, this is your own fault.”
Mickey just rolled his eyes, then continued to unlace his boots and throw them by the doorway.
“The fuck do you do anyways, aside from getting trashed?”
Ian put a hand on Mickey’s upper back to steady himself as he pulled his own shoes off. “I think getting trashed pretty much sums up the festivities. Today’s practically a holy day of observance for Frank, and I’m assuming Debbie’s also just gonna use today as an excuse to get drunk on a Wednesday.”
“Hell yeah I am!” Debbie called from where she was putting the chair back in the kitchen.
Mickey raised his eyebrows. “I knew Gallaghers were white trash, but I had no idea you were this bad.”
“Oh, come on. You don’t have any Ukranian white trash holidays or whatever?”
Mickey held back a bitter laugh. Yeah, they had “holidays,” in the form of days when Terry was celebratorily drunk enough to leave them the fuck alone for 24 hours, rare occasions when his looming shadow was out of the house and a festive lightness bled in in its place. They sort of celebrated Christmas, which was mostly just associated with too many painful memories of Terry ripping open the presents before he or his brothers had the chance, and too many painful stings associated with him having one too many drinks as they sat quietly inside the sagging house and pretended to be a big happy family for one night a year.
But never anything as gaudy and deliberate and ridiculous as observing a C-list, Irish-American holiday just for the hell of it, just for fun—which yes, was probably fueled by Frank’s alcoholism more than anything else, but also made something swell in Mickey’s insides that he didn’t quite know how to place.
And Mickey didn’t know how to let out that entire internal monologue to Ian while Debbie was standing within earshot. “Nah, man. Milkoviches don’t really do… holidays.”
Ian snaked a hand around Mickey’s back, giving his shoulder a squeeze, a grounding touch. He gets it.
“Well, get ready to have your mind blown, Mr. Gallavich, because we’re about to celebrate this hallowed occasion Gallagher style.”
Mickey rolled his eyes again, but let himself lean into Ian’s touch, lean his weight ever-so-slightly against Ian’s chest that was pressed behind him by the doorway. And, okay— as stupid as this was, maybe there was something sort of warm and solid about tradition, about hand-scribbled shamrocks and streamers on the wall, about having days to celebrate just because you wanted to, just because you could…
Just then Franny came hurdling into the room, wearing a baggy green t-shirt and a face-painted shamrock adorning her cheek.
Ian’s face lit up when she stopped in front of them. “Hey Franny! Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!”
Franny held out two bottles of beer to Ian and Mickey from where she had been hiding them behind her back.
“Mommy said I should give these to you when you came home!”
Mickey smirked, carefully taking the bottles from Franny’s outstretched hands. “Thanks, kiddo.”
And if all celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day took was knocking down a few beers on a weekday afternoon—well, Mickey wasn’t going to complain about that.
Of course, hours later Mickey realized how severely he’d underestimated Debbie’s enthusiasm— after lounging around the house waiting for the stream of Gallaghers to trickle in from their various daily activities, Debbie had rounded everyone up and they migrated to the Alibi as the sun was setting, where they’d met up with Kev and V and Lip and Tami, who (thank fucking god) looked as vaguely confused and fully apathetic about this whole “Saint Patrick’s Day” situation as Mickey did.
Now it was late, and Mickey was leaning against the bartop of the Alibi sipping a thick, foamy glass of Guinness, which was as close to embracing whatever-the-fuck Irish heritage his husband had as he was possibly going to get.
All of the Gallaghers were here, swirling around the room—Debbie had put on some sort of peppy music as Kev poured everyone drinks, and a couple of other Southside neighbors had heard the bass thrumming and joined the ruckus. The room wasn’t too crowded, but it was pleasantly full of bodies and chatter— Kev had bought bunches of shiny, tacky green mardi gras beads for everyone to wear, and the air in the room was festive and bordering on sloppy in a way that felt very different from how Mickey had envisioned this evening would go.
Mickey was pacing himself, because it was a Wednesday for fuck’s sake— but his husband was an entirely different story. Between the beers at home and the various drinks Debbie had been siphoning into his hands all night, Ian was teetering on the drunkest Mickey had seen him in years—which partially made the tiniest spark of trepidation start to creep into Mickey’s bloodstream, a spark that he immediately extinguished. It was one night, the first in a long time— Ian deserved to have some fun.
And he definitely, definitely was having fun— casually dancing with Debbie and Sandy and whoever else would humor him, grinning with red-hot cheeks and bright eyes— from across the room Mickey could tell how warm his skin would be if he pressed a hand against it, how flushed. Mickey wasn’t really in the mood for dancing, or whatever the fuck stumbling around and chatting and making friends Drunk Ian was up to for the evening, and he was perfectly content to nurse his drink at the bar— which is why it surprised him when Ian pulled himself out of the crowd, slightly stumbling over his own feet, and made the way across the room to where Mickey was leaning at the bar, immediately boxing him in and putting his hands square on Mickey’s waist. Mickey almost imperceptibly let in a sharp breath.
Ian looked down at him, all smiles and shiny eyes— when he spoke the scent of sweet, hot liquor danced on Mickey’s face and all he wanted was to be closer, to breathe it in.
“Are you having fun?” Ian’s right hand traced up Mickey’s side, then back down to its hold on his hipbone.
Mickey raised his eyebrows. “You and your leprechaun family don’t mess around, Gallagher.”
Ian smiled a lazy, tipsy smile, and pecked Mickey’s cheek before Mickey could be embarrassed about it.
“D’you wanna dance with me?”
Ian’s hands slid off of his hips and entangled with Mickey’s hands that had been hanging limply at his sides, walking backwards so their fingers were laced together an arm’s distance apart.
Mickey shrugged noncommittally. “I’ll leave showing the Irish pride to you and the rest of the drunken Gallaghers.”
Ian registered Mickey’s words and opened his mouth to reply, just as Debbie pulled Ian over by the arm.
“Stop sulking with Mickey and do more shots with me!”
Jesus Christ. Ian was going to be wrecked when their alarm went off for work in the morning, and Mickey was starting to debate if he was going to need to have a talking-to with Debbie about the appropriate amount of “Saint Patrick’s Day fun” they were allowed to partake in next year— but for now Ian was happy, and he could stomach one night of hardcore festivities.
Mickey stood at the bar for a while, watching Ian and Debbie get progressively more flushed as they bobbed through the crowd— and then, when Debbie had found some other victim in their mid-twenties to get even more shitfaced with, Ian made his way across the room to Mickey again, plopping onto the barstool beside him and heaving his bodyweight onto Mickey’s left side, burying his face in the crook of Mickey’s neck. Mickey wrapped a tentative arm around Ian’s waist, trying to hold him up from slouching off of the barstool.
“M’tired.” Mickey could feel Ian’s hot breath dancing on his collarbone as he slurred out the words, and felt Ian’s eyelids flutter shut against the side of his neck.
Ian was always giving Mickey measured casual touches, wherever they were—but it was so exceedingly rare that Ian fully let himself go like this, let himself be drunk and happy and just crumple into Mickey, without worrying about holding anyone else up. It felt new, but it felt good— Mickey let the solid weight of his husband’s body leaning against his press him down, rooting him into the Alibi’s sticky floors, feeling the clammy skin of Ian’s forehead that was solidly lodged into the side of Mickey’s neck.
He hated to admit it, but in that moment, something in Mickey was also frozen solid— as much as Mickey had grown in the past few years, something about these situations, about PDA or whatever, still made Mickey feel like he was treading water—like he was fighting to stay afloat while everyone’s eyes were on him, and the strong current was only lifted when he and Ian were in the dark safety of their bedroom. If Mickey was drunk at a bar and sloppily leaning onto Ian, there was no doubt in Mickey’s mind that Ian would hold him, would gingerly touch him and caress him and do more to him than just prop him up— but something in Mickey still hesitated and flashed with warning signs in a crowded room full of people.
But Ian was still breathing hot on Mickey’s neck— so Mickey thought about what Ian would do, if it was Mickey who was tipsy and slumped on his shoulder. He tentatively raised his arm from where it was lying limply by his side, and started to run soothing circles onto Ian’s t-shirt, just above his hipbone where Mickey’s hand was holding Ian up by his waist.
Ian hummed in acknowledgement of the touch— and then he pressed a tender kiss to the crook of Mickey’s neck, where his face was buried. Fuck. Mickey just pulled him in closer, gently tugging Ian’s torso in by his belt loop to hold him steady.
Ian hummed again, then started to press kisses up and down Mickey’s neck. “You smell good.”
Mickey’s heart started to beat a little quicker, his blood running hotter than usual—and Ian couldn’t fucking do this now, while the rest of his family was milling around and dancing and wearing fucking mardi gras beads while flaunting their Gallagher pride.
Ian lifted his forehead off of Mickey’s shoulder, and gently bit at the underside of Mickey’s jaw—and Mickey thought he was going to combust right there, on the spot, in a room full of Gallaghers pressed against the bartop at the Alibi by his very drunk husband.
And in an act of excruciatingly inconvenient timing, Lip sidled up to the bar and sat on the barstool on Mickey’s other side, nursing what Mickey assumed (and hoped) was a diet Coke in a beer glass.
“Hey there, Mick. And, uh, Ian.”
Ian looked up from where he was very engrossed in continuing to nuzzle the opposite side of Mickey’s neck, and glared at Lip from across Mickey’s chest.
“Go away, Lip.” Ian collapsed his head back onto Mickey’s shoulder and closed his eyes again, wrapping his arms around Mickey’s neck like a fucking boa constrictor. Mickey snaked an arm up around Ian’s back, holding him steady on the wobbly barstool.
Lip held back a laugh as he sipped his drink, then took a drag of the cigarette he was holding. “Seems like Ian’s done enough drinking to make our ancestors proud.”
Mickey took a sip of his own beer with his free hand. “Debbie made sure of that.”
Lip raised his eyebrows. “Damn. Guess we’d better keep an eye on her, make sure she doesn’t also have the Frank gene.”
Mickey grunted in acknowledgement, then took another sip of his beer, mostly because he didn’t know what else to say. Ian’s head shifted slightly on his shoulder— and Mickey realized he probably needed to haul Ian home ASAP, before he was even more sleepy and incoherent and unable to lug down the street.
Lip noticed Ian’s movement on Mickey’s shoulder and smirked. “I’ve gotta say, I’ve never seen Ian being this clingy before. Even with other guys—no offense, Mick— he usually stayed pretty contained. And you guys aren’t usually too into the PDA department.”
Mickey shrugged, trying not to jostle the heavy weight of where Ian’s head was hanging. Lip was right—he and Ian never really were all over each other, especially not like this, outside of the context of their room, when they were very much always all over each other.
Lip kept studying them, and the corner of his mouth eventually ticked upward. “It’s good. He’s definitely not this… comfortable with anyone else. Including me, which is definitely saying something.”
It felt weird, to get something like what felt like Lip’s full blessing at a raunchy Gallagher party months after he and Ian had gotten married—but that was also exactly what it felt like was happening.
Lip’s eyes suddenly darted across the room, to where Tami was holding up his coat and gesturing to the door. Lip rose from the barstool, stubbed out his cigarette, and put out a hand to clap Mickey on the shoulder as a goodbye.
“Catch up with you later, Mick.” Lip reached out and jokingly tousled Ian’s hair. “Make sure this one doesn’t hate himself too much tomorrow morning.”
Mickey smirked. Ian was practically asleep and drooling on his shoulder, his breathing turned steady—Mickey reached a hand up to card through his hair, then gently shrugged his shoulder to get Ian’s head to rise from where it was jammed on his neck.
Ian raised his head, his eyes bleary and confused at first, then softening around the edges when he met Mickey’s gaze.
“Alright, let’s get you home, carrottop.”
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