#due to the placement of it
tinyspringtrap · 1 year
ough im getting symptoms and problems again why me man why can't I just live my life
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#sassy says#this is awful my intestines feel like garbage#there's just this constant dull discomfort and occasional pain#and sometimes a little nausea pops in to say hello recently#i miss having a functional digestive system fucking hell#every time i get some stupid ass intestinal symptoms I have to once again grapple with the fear#that my luck is shit and i have landed that one in a million chance of my digestive tract redeveloping the blockage i had as a kid#im not strong enough to do that again man. im just not.#why cant i just have a functional digestive system fuck my LIFE dude#im not even sure how that would go if i got it again either... like would they be able to be more preemptive about it?#or would it be another year of dancing around a bunch of bullshit if it didnt show up on imaging and tests again#would they have to cut out even MORE of my intestine?#would they have to cut in a different place to get to it on account of the scar tissue thats already there??#god i hope its just my intestines acting up a little or some minor issue that can be easily treated#if not then... they'd better be willing to yeet my uterus if they gotta go in again im tired of this stupid thing#it causes me nothing but pain and i am tired of it#however the doctor i talked to about removing it brought up an actual valid point that wasnt just 'but BABIES????????????'#and that point was that the scar tissue from my surgery as a kid#due to the placement of it#could cause problems during such a procedure that might not be optimal#which i never thought about before but she is right and i can accept that reasoning!! because it is an actual genuine concern!!#and not just 'but what if you want to pop out children????'#so yeah if they gotta go in again anyways at any point they best be yeeting this bitch but hopefully it doesnt come to that#because recovering from intestinal surgery sucks for one#and also because i am NOT keen on having another tube down the back of my nose and throat. that was so fucking miserable my god.#personal shit#personal bullshit#i ranted more than i meant to if you actually read the tags have a cookie and an apology#i just need to vent it out sometimes u can ignore it if u want
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claraoswalds · 4 months
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#i think about this scene every day
THE VAMPIRE DIARIES S03E18 The Murder of One
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silly little au i came up with to pass time at work yesterday. terry is a substitute teacher who goes to the coffeeshop near his current school placement on his break and quickly forms a crush on the single dad who frequents it at the same time. lark is an unemployed man in his late 20s who babysits his nephew in the afternoons and oh yeah, hes also convinced that some random dude wants him dead because why else would a man stare at lark so much. normal just likes cake pops :3
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thatonekimgirl · 1 year
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deadplate-confessions · 5 months
Ok heres a confession i just found out that vincent is taller than rody
Confession #86!
[ submitted by Anonymous! ]
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unhinged-nymph · 8 months
There’s something about this that has me giggling and kicking my feet and I can’t exactly put my finger on it
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gay-artificer · 2 months
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Some of my thoughts on the nightcat trailer but this is more or less what I think is going on... A mass ecological shift is happening with the increasing failing of iterators, and in particular the local collapse of a huge, rot-infected super-organism has spread the rot to a wider environment where it hasn't quite died off without the support of his living system- a process that takes time. Downpour, while I think won't be directly connected to this DLC in terms of story implied that rot cysts eventually shift into the weaker brother long legs, before dying off completely. With pebbles completely infested at time of collapse, a lot of rot has been suddenly dropped into the surrounding ecosystem underneath him along with heavy atmospheric shifts. The entire area is more or less in disarray as things struggle to adapt to the rapid changes, with the Watcher potentially being forced out of the Moon/Pebbles locale in search of more stable environments. Given the role iterators had in shaping the locale weather, I'm imagining maybe longer rain cycles with overcast/nighttime period. Maybe weather events like thunderstorms? Base game Rain World had a big focus on survival in reclaimed urban environment, so it could be cool to explore the other aspect of rapid development- The fallout when it changes the world faster than creatures in it can evolve.
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vyxated · 10 months
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still a long way to go, but I got the main things done set up 😁
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fakemagicjaye · 4 months
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thistleburr · 2 months
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The pelican is going back onto the boat!
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striddums · 1 year
if i see/hear one more person refer to taurus as a “masculine sign” or “the masculine side of venus” i am going to explode into a thousand pieces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE WRONG!!!!!!! LITERALLY OBJECTIVELY INCORRECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT IS AN EARTH SIGN RULED BY VENUS AND THE PLACE OF EXALTATION FOR THE MOON IT IS MOTHER GAIA IT IS LITERALLY THE FIRST FEMININE SIGN OF THE ZODIAC WHEEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your perception of what femininity means has become so warped and rotten due to social conditioning!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to be sturdy and stable and stubborn in your ways and to have a strong desire to care for and pamper yourself and fill your own cup FIRST so you can nourish others RESPONSIBLY & SUFFICIENTLY and to have a practical approach to your nurturing nature and to be blunt with your boundaries and to be STRONG IS SUCH AN INTEGRAL PART OF WHAT IT MEANS TO BE FEMININE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM BEGGING YOU TO REALISE THIS PLEASE
it really truly does have the same connotations to it as when people nowadays call fat women / hairy women “unfeminine” (which is obviously untrue), when this was absolutely not at all how people viewed womanhood in history, and stems from a much more ‘modern’ mindset that’s a direct result of our current social climate. fat + having volume to one’s body used to be seen as a clear indicator of good health and feminine fertility (nourishment => a very taurian trait!) and body hair was literally just so normal (being natural => another trait heavily linked to taurus!!!)
taurus, and every single one of the characteristics connected to the sign/archetype, is feminine >:I
#it used to make me feel so insecure whenever people would imply this because i've struggled with my femininity a lot & i'm a triple taurus#but my struggle with it was definitely caused by my aquarian ascendant... cause i've always FELT very feminine#but constantly worried that i didn't look the part... i used to get bullied very frequently as a kid for being 'unconventional' (aquarius)#which often translated to my physique (being tall & sticking out didn't help) so i had a very unhealthy relationship with my appearance#but i've done a lot of inner work and tended to those wounds for years ;o; and i feel a lot more comfortable in my skin now!!!!#(getting back to a healthy weight definitely helped as well ;w;)#so now whenever i hear people say this stuff i just feel kinda PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!#it's never coming from professional well-educated astrologers either it's always pop culture twitter users and such >:|#''masculine side of venus'' LIBRA!!!! THAT'S LIBRA!!!!!!!!!!! YOU HATE TO HEAR IT YOU REFUSE TO SEE IT BUT IT'S LIBRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#LIBRA IS AN AIR SIGN!!!!!!!!!! AND IT'S EVEN REPRESENTED BY THE SCALES FOR CRYING OUT LOUD IT CANNOT BE ''HYPER FEMININE''#AND YOU KNOW WHO GENERALLY NATURALLY AGREE WITH ME ON THIS?????? TAUREANS /AND/ LIBRANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#IT'S ONLY SHALLOW OUTSIDERS LOOKING IN WHO GENERALLY PREACH THE ''TAURUS = MASC & LIBRA = FEM'' BS#PPL WHO MOST OFTEN HAVE VERY BIASED & TAINTED VIEWS OF THE SIGNS DUE TO THEIR OWN EXPERIENCES WITH SOMEONE OF THAT SUN SIGN#AND WHO ARE ALSO INCAPABLE OF DIFFERENTIATING BETWEEN ''FEMININE + MASCULINE ENERGY'' AND ''GENDER IDENTITY'' (BAD!!! BAD & INCORRECT!!!!!)#WHO'S STEREOTYPICAL VIEW OF FEMININITY EQUALS ''FRAIL & PASSIVE & (SOLELY) RELATIONSHIP-ORIENTED & MARTYRDOM & FRAIL BOUNDARIES''#I'VE HAD ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#personal#rant#astrology is very dear to me i'm sorry for venting so much ;v; please excuse the excessive use of capslock as well#i promise it is not my ''extremely AGGRESSIVE and MASCULINE'' taurus placements' fault......................it's the mercury in aries HAHA#edit: i just realised the moon moved into aquarius literally a few hours ago LMFAOOOO EXPLAINS A LOT#of course i'd be going off with this transit
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solarisgod · 6 months
So today, we were given the opportunity from a supervisor to work with our organization's different program next Monday to Thursday at 9am to 5pm that focuses on making these products and packaging them, as this program job is offered to autistic individuals who can do these tasks usually after they graduate from the program that us cluster have been working in and are qualified to work at a professional setting. Our supervisor told me this team was looking for an intern who could work most days while they're organized, and it's just...
With us at a different work campus to fill in for an absent facilitator until Friday, it just makes me beyond happy and proud to believe that I'm making such a great impact with this organization while I'm being seen as so trustworthy and diligent to get these work opportunities and experiences and connecting with this organization more. We'll be finishing placement on December 14th before entering our final semester of the program, and I really do not want to go. I can't juggle between work and education at all, so I'd have to wait and see if I can apply a job there in spring.
But the fact that we're this farr to the journey that's coming to an end? It's so crazy to vaguely remember our orientation day and first work day, and now we're trusted enough to be given more different responsibilities across different areas for not just them, but ourselves as well, and I'm just forever extremely happy and grateful to get to work here. I've even said it to my supervisor of our original work campus during our mid term meeting with my placement supervisor few weeks ago that I'm really happy to work at this organization that's so welcoming and accepting and supportive.
I've improved so much even before placement when we had to do placement searching and these interviews, and it's insane to me that I wasn't at all anxious with the interviews or reaching out. I was depressed and suicidal across the summer that we wouldn't secure the placement by September because we'd have to wait a whole year to do it and I had already wasted a year because I didn't know we had to do a bridge in summer course in order to enter the bachelor course, but the lack of anxiety in general and having more confidence in my future is just everything to me.
The first year college and high school Astrifer would never ever believe that xyr life could get better over time despite everything, but it has and it will so much more.
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dersitedreamr · 1 year
There’s actually tears in my eyes karkat was combining the most dastardly combination of slurs and insults into one prejudice jam packed sentence and that was how he normally communicated with people
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thetantiger · 1 month
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i just realized chromie in the dawn of the infinite is just.. fucking fighting deios with her fists. like okay. get his ass chromie
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sotogalmo · 2 months
Metal Sonic in this new Evillious Chronicles au I made like. 2 days ago??
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Name is now Meta Solhofer (instead of Meta Salmhofer)
Some facts of the au: Meta is the mother of hänsel(silver) & gretel(elise). Meta is seen as a bear when shadow(Corvina or Dolwethil for his name in this AU) took off with her kids(who were only both half-a-week old). Meta does die like Canon Meta does in EC.
Placements(that won't change) as of now for this AU!
Metal Sonic: Meta Salmhofer
Shadow: Eve Zvezda/Moonlit
Eggman: Seth Twiright
Gerald: Adam Moonlit
Elise: Gretel
Silver(instead of Chris like before): Hänsel
Surge/Nine: Nemesis
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void-rock · 2 months
Being insane means that I just want to redraw my mcd last supper drawing despite it being like,,, a 3 months since making that. I just… I have some notes for past me.
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