#one friend went as the doctor (doctor who) and the other went as a plague doctor
thescarvedinsect · 7 months
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Cosplayed as Ed for Halloween this year and went trick-or-treating with a couple of friends!
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nerdpoe · 8 months
The Disappearance of Timothy Drake-Wayne, and how Watcher Mystery Files solved it in one episode.
Wrote it for a warm up, freaked out because I didn't know how to end it, copped out, wrote Omegaverse instead, finished another story, circled back to this one.
Anyways this was inspired by this post right here from @thebeeswantarson
it looks like this go reblog it
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Alright here we go.
When the nosebleeds had started, Tim hadn’t really thought anything of it.
He’d waved away concerned friends and family, shoved tissues (and tampons, on one memorable occasion) up his nose, and gone about his day.
Then the migraines. Oh, the migraines.
After the increased migraines, increased stomach issues, and a few fainting spells that had even Bruce cornering him and demanding he see a doctor, Tim had acquiesced.
And the result after many CATscans and MRIs?
Nothing. No tumors, no signs of disease, normal bloodwork-nothing physical was wrong.
Nothing magical, either. He’d gone to some JLD members to ensure that.
After consulting with his small team of doctors, they finally managed to pinpoint what was driving his body to rebel against itself.
Fucking stress.
Like some sort of swooning Victorian maiden, but with all the swooning and none of the cocaine.
Tim had written email to his friends and family, sent them off, and proceeded to completely detach from the world around him in his most well-kept secret bunker.
Tim knew himself, and if he maintained contact with anyone then he’d inevitably go back to working on cases and undoing the de-stressing he was attempting.
He hadn’t been sure if it would work, or if the stress of not being able to connect to the others or work on cases would make things worse, but it had. Unorthodox, yes, but it worked! He’d relaxed and caught up on sleep!
But fully rested, and also more than a little bored, he knew it was time to get back into the swing of things.
Mournfully, Tim bid his state-of-the-art bunker goodbye and started going through the multiple airlocks to get outside.
The absolute second he stepped out, though, the air rippled and Kon was immediately there.
Kon looked…disheveled.
His hair was a wreck, he only had one sleeve of his jacket on, and…were those tear tracks?
Why was Kon crying?
Fuck, had the zombie apocalypse started while he’d been away?
Tim held out his hands in a calming motion, not breaking eye contact.
“It’ll be okay Kon; we can figure out what the cure is for the Zombie Plague.” Tim didn’t actually know if he could figure it out, but he didn’t want Kon to freak out anymore than he already was.
Tim’s hands were pushed aside in favor of being swept into an all-consuming hug, and-yup. Kon absolutely was crying into his shoulder.
Tim was officially concerned.
“Is Bart okay? Is Cassie okay? Kon, who’s hurt, what happened-“
“You, Rob. You’re okay. Shut up, I’m having a moment.”
Tim was even more confused, but that was alright; his brain started working without him.
Kon was crying, and emphasizing that Tim was okay. Kon had not realized that Tim was fine, ergo Kon had not received the email Tim had sent out.
Then Tim’s brain went Tim Big Brain.
Normally, a misconception like that would have been cleared up right away by someone else with correct information. But it hadn’t been cleared up at all, and Kon was never quiet about trying to save someone.
Thus, no one had known any different to what Kon had believed. No one had known to correct the misconception that he had found himself immersed in.
Therefore, the emails had not been sent out.
The…emails had not been sent out.
Oh fuck him the emails had not been sent out and he went on his merry way to an unlisted bunker with soundproofing for six fucking months.
“You were supposed to receive an email,” Tim muttered, horrified, as his arms wrapped around Kon as well.
Kon snorted wetly.
“Well I didn’t, and neither did anyone else.”
“Yeah, I kinda get that now. I’m in…so much trouble.”
Kon nodded into Tim’s shoulder, smearing snot and tears into his shirt. Tim didn’t even complain.
He was too busy realizing just how badly he was in for it.
Bruce could feel the conversation he was trying to have begin to turn into another fight.
Dick was insisting that Ra’s Al Ghul had to be the one who had taken Tim, and had roped Damian in on it.
The problem was that there was no real concrete evidence that Ra’s had taken Tim, and Bruce refused to let them move in without intel on, at the very minimum, where Tim could have been taken.
Dick, naturally, was not happy with that answer.
Bruce, of course, refused to lose any more of his children. Especially if it was something he could have easily prevented.
“Father, if Grandfather has Drake it is only a matter of time before irreparable damage is done. We must move quickly.”
Bruce shook his head, standing more firmly in front of his oldest and youngest.
Dick looked ready to explode.
“Get out of the way, Bruce. I’m getting Tim.” Dick’s stance was tense, and his words moreso.
Bruce had no doubt this would devolve into a physical confrontation if he did not ed-escalate.
He opened his mouth to do just that when, with a shrill beeping sound, Oracle chimed in.
“Uh, guys? I think I just found Tim.”
Bruce felt something inside of himself relax, and didn’t bother to stop Dick and Damian as they charged past him to crowd the Batcomputer.
“Oracle, report; where is he?” Was he safe? Did he need help?
“About that…”
“Babs please!” Dick begged, knuckles white from where he gripped the console.
“He’s currently outrunning the paparazzi and a literal mob of Gothamites with phones.”
Bruce…had no idea how to respond to that.
Neither did Dick, apparently.
“They’re all livestreaming, so like; tracking him isn’t an issue,” Oracle supplied, like that made things make more sense.
The screen blinked, and four separate video feeds from random Gothamites showed Tim running from them at different angles.
“…Agent A, I believe it’d be best for you to pick him up.”
All eyes were on Tim; it would be weird if Batman swooped down to retrieve him.
When Tim had Kon drop him off, he had been expecting maybe a second look or two when he stepped out of that alley.
What Kon may have neglected to mention, however, was that the disappearance of Timothy Drake-Wayne was all anyone had been talking about for four months. There were a lot of theories, but the most prevalent happened to be the most gruesome.
Popular theory one; Bruce Wayne murdered Timothy Drake-Wayne in cold blood after Timothy made a decision with Wayne Enterprises that infuriated the man.
Popular theory two; Timothy Drake-Wayne was being held for ransom, and Bruce Wayne was refusing to pay it. Effectively, it was the same as theory one but with more steps.
Popular theory three; Timothy Drake-Wayne had been captured by Gotham’s underbelly and sold into human trafficking.
And the fourth most popular theory; Timothy Drake-Wayne was abducted by aliens.
So when Tim stepped out of that alley, it wasn’t to an occasional second glance.
It was to excited whispers and impromptu livestreaming.
Naturally, Tim bolted.
He’d outrun one mob, only to run into another one. His face was all over the internet, he knew, and there was no way Barbara hadn’t caught on.
He hadn’t been paying attention to where he was going, really, and made the worst mistake he could have made at that particular point in time.
He ran in front of Wayne Enterprises.
There were two guys, presumably talking about his disappearance. One was average height, the other was tall, and both were clearly not from Gotham.
He heard tiny snatches of their conversation as he got closer, pinned the California accents, and shoved past them with a half shouted apology.
“Well would’ja lookit that, Ryan; looks like it just solved itself!”
Tim let them fall into the background and used his new bearings to beeline for Crime Alley.
After all, only idiots would follow someone into Crime Alley.
Unfortunately, after twenty minutes Tim was forced to admit that the general populace of Gotham probably wasn’t on the scale of normal he had been depending on.
They had indeed followed him all the way into Crime Alley.
So he tried to lose them even harder.
He shoved between muggers and their victims, blew through obvious drug deals, and jumped over the tables hosting poker games so intense that the players were fingering their weapons.
Still, the crowd followed him.
Tim took three quick turns, prepared to take a fourth, and was snatched out of the street and into an old building.
The hold was meant for restraint, and Tim couldn’t break out of it without making a lot of noise, which he really didn’t want to do.
Plus, he recognized the arms latched around him and keeping him in place.
“Thanks Hood,” Tim whisper-panted.
The arms got tighter.
“Kid, do you have any idea how many ops I blew searching for you?”
Oh no.
“Was absolutely convinced trafficker filth had gotten their hands on my kid brother,” Hood continued quietly, the mechanical rasp making his words deceptively collected, “So I went ahead and destroyed some of my only leads on the off chance that I’d find him.”
Tim felt himself start to break out in a cold sweat.
“So…you need help picking up your old trails?”
“’Help’ feels wrong. I’m owed it, Timmers.”
‘Timothy Drake-Wayne Returns from the Dead!’
Tim thought that the newspapers were, quite possibly exaggerating just a little.
Just like his family was overreacting.
He was to wear at least four trackers at all times, he had to check in four times a day, he had to help Red Hood with picking back up the case load he’d all but set on fire in search of Tim, and he had to take Damian wherever their youngest wanted to go.
Apparently, the Little Demon had been so concerned that Ra’s Al Ghul had Tim that he’d started having nightmares.
And Tim wasn’t gonna lie, he felt beyond shitty for that. Well, that and everything else.
He’d also been forced to tell Bruce the location of every single one of his bunkers.
He’d sulk but…Tim also kind of felt like the worlds biggest asshole.
He’d just…remember to actually hit send, not save, next time.
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red-riding-wood · 3 months
PSA - Community Predator
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Over a series of months, myself and other Tumblr users -- fic writers, gif makers, fans of created content -- have been victimised by @mrkdvidal1989, who has extensively lied about who he is, preyed on multiple women and denied involvement -- therefore ruining friendships, reputations and feelings, and promised me life-saving medical treatment that he never followed through on.
More information including mine and their stories under the cut.
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The reason I am going public with this is twofold:
A) To protect others from being hurt. He is known to reach out to many tumblr users, especially young women in the Cillian Murphy fandom -- but he may have a wider reach beyond this circle. B) Since his "disappearance" three weeks ago and the unravelling of his lies, this man has ruined my life and the only hope I had of obtaining treatment for a condition that has been plaguing me for four years.
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Killian Vidal is the name he has chosen to give us, and has claimed to be both a officer commander and general in the mobility troop in the SAS (the general rank does not even exist), has beaten cancer a while ago (but said to another mutual that his "time was running out" and he is currently struggling with it), and a plethora of other life experiences and general knowledge about him that varies in consistency when talking to different people and is questionable in its validity. He has also shared pictures of "himself" that when reverse image searched, belong to different people.
I got to know Kill when he reblogged one of my fanfics (as the story seems to start with a lot of his victims) and he reached out via DMs. We quickly became close friends who called nearly every day on Discord and when I told him about my health issues, he immediately offered to pay for my medical treatment wherever I could find willing doctors.
I was hesitant to believe this at first since all of this seemed too good to be true (and was). He claimed to be very wealthy, enough to afford private jets like it was nothing and to rent me an apartment in the UK in the same building as him. Over time, I grew to trust him because he felt like such a genuine person and friend, which was made all the more believable by the fact that he has such a huge following on Tumblr and was, at the time, part of a vast social network of fans and friends (one of which he even claimed to know IRL -- who will remain anonymous unless they decide to speak out). I decided to ignore the little red flags because I was so desperate to receive this treatment that for me would be life-saving.
For four years, I have been plagued by an array of (mostly) undiagnosed digestive issues that have made my life almost unbearable and have on numerous occasions nearly killed me due to malnutrition. I've spent months in hospital, endured years of malpractice and misdiagnoses, undergone heart surgery, and have tried absolutely everything I can to get better. In the winter of 2023, I was told by my doctor that I was refused in the TPN program (a treatment that may have slowed or stopped my weight loss) and that with or without it, I was looking at mortality. Refusing to stop fighting but having exhausted the public health care system in Canada, I went into 2024 not really having much hope of anything anymore.
So, when Kill came along, that changed. He promised -- and I mean, from the bottom of his heart, promised -- that he would help me get treatment, that he would get me out of my abusive home and fly me to the UK, that he would be there for me as my friend, etc. I was beyond grateful, and as my trust with him built, so did my hope.
The travel plans kept getting put off; originally, he would fly me out as soon as the apartment became available, which was the 11th of Feb, 2024. He kept finding excuses to not book the jet. Finally, it seemed as if around the 15th/16th I would be flying. My health had been declining rapidly and the situation was becoming all the more urgent, and he said he was in contact with a pilot and would send the ticket soon and call me.
That was the last I heard from him. The 16th.
Initially thinking he had ended his life (he had discussed thoughts of suicide with me prior to this), I was beside myself with worry not only thinking one of my closest friends was gone but also that my chance at life was. I reached out to his other friends, and I made several calls to the UK authorities and emergency services and ended up requesting a welfare check be made to see if he was even alive.
They reported that no one under the name Killian Vidal was in the records of the building name he gave me -- the same building that I was meant to live in within that week.
After reaching out to my now beloved friend @kittenonpluto (A.K.A., Cas) on Tumblr, I learned that Kill was in fact alive, and had told her that he was in hospital for digestive issues in Indianopolis, United States (though again, no record of his name in their medical system). He still wouldn't talk to me, but told her to tell me that he would reach out when he was out of hospital.
Cas and I compared information he'd told us (her story will be attached to this post) and looked into the mystery more. He constantly dodged confrontation and questions about the fake photos and information he'd sent her, and seemed to use his completely fabricated hospitalisation as an excuse to not fulfil his promises to myself and her, as well as a means to garner sympathy.
It was quite obvious that he didn't know how the American medical system worked, and he even incorporated elements of my actual story and used them in his. When asked about his treatments, he responded with medically false information. He reported digestive issues, reflux, and having both an NG tube and TPN -- both of which I have experience with -- and let me say, I am beyond disgusted and infuriated that my real life trauma was used as a ploy in all this.
How do we know for a fact this is false? I checked the police case for his welfare check again, and they said that they confirmed him being in the UK at the same time he had told Cas he was in hospital in the States.
After a final confrontation from both Cas and myself (and a desperate final plea for the medical aid he promised me), he was never heard from again from either of us or our friend circles.
I'm now having to pick up the pieces he's left me in and to be honest, I have little to no idea of what the hell to do or how to save myself. The fact that he strung me along for a month and built up my hope that I was going to live only to abandon me without even a word is deplorable to me.
And mine isn't the only story. I've heard from four women on Tumblr (who, again, will remain anonymous unless they choose to speak out) who he has been romantic or sexually involved with (and lied about his involvement, made them out to seem insane or toxic, created rifts in our friendships, toyed with their emotions, and made false promises to of relationships, marriage, and finances).
And that's not including the ex-wife who came back to Tumblr to claim that her and Kill had never met nor married. She was promptly silenced by a "lawyer threat" that we have strong reason to believe was a bluff.
At the end of the day, there are so many lies, half-truths, inconsistencies, etc. this man has wrapped himself in and we don't know for the life of us what his motives are, but from the information that we do know is false, he isn't genuine. He toys with people. He hurts them. Myself and the others that have been affected by this want that to stop.
And at any point, he has the ability to make a new account, and take on a new persona, pretend to be someone else. Tumblr is a wonderful place and I have met so many cool people on here, but please be careful about who you interact with and what you share, because aside from making this post, it is beyond my power to stop him from doing what he does. But after what he did to me, I could not remain silent.
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Other Stories
If you have an experience or story with Killian that you would like heard, please reblog it on this thread or make a post. With your consent, I can include a link to it below.
kittenonpluto's story
aurorag98's story
everyoneisawhore's story
your-nanas-house's story
hllywdwhre's story
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Final Note
Lastly, if you have read this far, thank you.
If you want to reach out to me about this issue -- whether it's to anonymously share your experience, ask questions, ask for evidence (of which I can back up these statements with), or anything at all --, please do not hesitate to do so. <3
For those who may be worried about the potential legality of this post, everything that I have stated as fact is fact and it is not my intention to slander or spread false information.
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rintoshis-archived · 3 months
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— 𝓓octor's 𝓸rders. ♡ ft. 𝓩ayne from love and deepspace
SYPNOSIS. Curiousity kills the cat. But, there's someone who's just too irresistible to not explore. You dive head first, but ended up getting played by your own trap. Your curious paws dabbled into restricted areas. Ah, so this is what happens to the cat. Doctor Zayne didn't have any time for this. But... He went overtime. WORD COUNT. 1.1k words PAIRINGS. Zayne x Reader WARNINGS. semi-public sex, office, creampie, fingering(f receiving), handjob, kissing, spitting, semi-clothed, p in v sex, no protection (wrap it before you tap it pls), binding of hands (using hands) lmk if there more! OTHER NOTES. hi :) eenjooyyy
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''Are you done? You've been plaguing me like a virus.'' Zayne complains, setting his cardboard clipboard atop the paperwork scattered across his desk. He takes off his stethoscope and places it somewhere far from the mess. ''No.'' You reply shortly, pulling out the chair from the front side of his table. You heard him sigh, making you want to bug him further.
''You're awfully hyper today. You should go bother someone else.'' He said, pressing the power button to turn on his high-tech computer. A digital screen appeared before his eyes, reports flooding his vision. His left hand massaged his temples, finding a way to ease the sudden twinge of pain.
''I'm not hyper. I'm just... Curious.'' He didn't pay you any more attention, his hands scanning the papers stacked on the right side of his desk. ''About what?'' His eyes didn't meet yours, instead, kept busy with the written words on paper. ''What really happened to Angelo's district? I won't believe anything the news says unless it's from you.''
''What does Angelo have to do with you?'' He muttered with a hint of hesitation. He grabbed a pen from a cup, signing away on the mountain of papers. ''He was a good guy, you know.'' ''Is that why his district got terminated?'' You sat up and finally poked the answer out of him. Your eyebrow raised from his quick response, and you didn't seem to understand it.
''Maybe it was his team's fault.'' He frowned, a quiet reply to you. You can't read Zayne. No matter how long you've been friends for, you'll never truly know what's going on in his head. Your eyes catch his stethoscope, an old sticker you lent him before was still stuck onto it, and you smile. You reached over to grab it, but his hands caught yours.
''What are you doing? I told you to go bother someone else, right? Our appointment was over 46 minutes ago.'' He finally locked eyes with you, his brows still furrowed. You swat his hand away, getting your hands on his stethoscope. Your hands made work to tuck your hair behind your ears and put on the two earpieces.
You stride closer to the busy Doctor, the stethoscope in your hand. ''Say... If you were asked how many hearts you listened to, how many would you say?'' You turn his chair to face you, and your hands cage him in his seat. Your free hand finds the rhythm of his heart on his chest, eager to listen to the music playing in his body.
''About a thousand now.'' He says under his breath, letting you do your experiment on his body. ''I'm not a practice doll.'' A piece of hair falls in front of your eye, but Zayne takes it and tucks it behind your ear. His hand rested on your cheek, and a heartbeat played in your ears as his fingers rubbed shapes on your skin.
''Do you hear it?'' He asked, and you nodded, the calm serenade of his heart made yours sync up to his. ''Of course, I do.'' The hand on your cheek pulled one earpiece out, and he leaned into your ear. ''Do you hear how much it's yearning for you?'' Your hands shook on his chest, but his hand trapped yours, keeping it steady. ''Behave, Doctor.'' He whispers, placing a kiss on the bottom of your ear.
You crawl into his lap, longing to be closer to him, as if your hearts were magnetized to each other. You bury your face into the crook of his neck, your hands still remaining on his chest, raising up and down, matching the tempo of your rigid breathing.
His hand let go of yours, traveling under your shirt, finding your heart like you found his. Your warm skin contrasted to his cold temperature, a small flinch from the small contact. He laid his palm onto your chest, feeling your heart through his hand. ''Are you nervous?'' He asked, and you frowned. ''Stop asking me stupid questions.'' You reply, and he chuckles.
His other hand swiftly unbuttoned your shirt, and while you tried to take off the stethoscope, he stopped you. ''Keep it on.''
Luckily, you didn't wear anything troublesome today. He took off your pants and your shirt, keeping your undergarments on. ''Still inspecting me?'' You mock him, but his hands travel across your body, teasing you back. ''I have to make sure all patients are healthy.'' You cringe at his words, but you smile at his attempt at flirting.
His hand tugged on your panties, setting it aside to gain access to your wet cunt. You nestled your head deeper in the crook of his neck, the air getting warmer by the second.
You let out a whimper when his cold hands massaged your needy clit, rubbing circles on it while you tremble for him. Your hearts are practically touching each other now, your chest against his. ''Zayne...'' Your hand paws at the zipper of his slacks, pulling down his boxers to let his cock spring free. You spit on your hand, putting work into pleasuring him too.
He lets out a small groan, he can feel your clit twitch, while he holds you tighter to his chest, making you feel his heart race for you. He slides two fingers inside you with ease, immediately getting coated with your arousal. You moan at the curl of his fingers, withering by the second.
''Zayne!'' You try to keep your voice down, while his hand continues its assault on your pussy. ''Fucking beautiful.'' Your hole tightens from the crisp sound of Zayne cursing in your ear. His hot breath tickled your ear, inching you closer to cumming on his fingers. Your hands were still on his cock, making sure you two cum together. ''Cum for me.'' He said.
You close your eyes in anticipation, your orgasm creeping closer and closer until you let go. You let out heavy breaths, your body tired from the pleasure waving your body. His hands grabbed your waist, slamming you on his desk. He took the stethoscope from your ears and put it on himself. He rubs his cock on your cunt, teasing your entrance.
''Can I?'' He asks, and you moan in desperation, taking it as consent. He pushes himself in, feeling the tightness and the wet coat of your arousal around his cock. He takes both of your arms and places them above your head, locking them both as makeshift handcuffs. His free hand places the stethoscope on your chest, listening to the fast beat of your heart.
You were a moaning mess, not caring enough to notice the stethoscope on your chest. ''Zayne.. I'm close!'' You warn him, and he whispered in your ear, ''Cum for me, pretty girl. Let me hear you scream for me.'' You whimper loudly, a new wave of overstimulation washing over your senses as you cum on his cock, soon following you.
''Come visit me more often. You know where to find me.'' He says.
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:D ‧₊˚ ⋅ fusaes 2024 do not copy
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abbyromanoff · 10 months
omg i have one!! can u do like a soft one where wanda is like crushing hard on r but r completely oblivious bc she’s never been w someone romantically? and then wanda has that moment where she just confesses and it’s all dramatic like in the movies???? <33
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PAIRINGS: Wanda Maximoff x reader
WARNINGS: angst, heartbreak, depression, mentions of suicide, coma’s, confessions, happy ending, think that’s all :)
It was a cold night in the middle of Winter, your clock reading 12:46 AM, when you got the news. You never usually got calls, especially not at this time, so you were instantly plagued with worry.
Turns out you were right to fear as the woman on the phone who informed you of her role as a doctor at a nearby hospital was the one informing you of the tragic events. Your best friend Wanda had gotten involved in drunk driving and drove her car into a tree. The engine was burning and all she wanted to do was plummet into the warmth that she found to be death.
But a small part of her was still begging for life, a true life that held more meaning than just survival. You were the only promising thing left in her life, but she knew that was more likely to disappear with her growing feelings for you. She didn’t mean for it to happen, it’s not like she wanted it to either, but you were just different.
You weren’t like any ex or fling she had, you were her person and you had been for years now. She wasn’t going to risk losing you by expressing the deep love and passion she held for you, her best friend.
You rushed to the hospital, not bothering to change into something other than your pajamas, even if you felt goosebumps covering your skin. It was cold, freezing, but your mind couldn’t process that. All you knew was that you felt sick, you needed to make sure she was okay. If she wasn’t, you didn’t know how you’d live with yourself.
“Wanda Maximoff, what room is she?” The receptionist took in your disheveled features and quickly granted you the knowledge of her room number, only to then inform you that you weren’t allowed to see her just yet. You wanted to cry, to yell, but nothing came out. Her calls for your attention went deaf to your ears as you slowly took a seat, resting your head in your hands and nearly ripping your hair follicles out.
Minutes felt like hours, and hours felt like days before you were granted permission to see her. She was still asleep as you begged her silently to awaken, but there was no response. And that continued for days.
Every day you’d leave for work, visit the hospital, and return home to get dressed and shower. You lacked every important aspect of your life, sleep, eating, but most importantly, Wanda. You didn’t care how long you went before you’d pass out or die of pure hunger, you couldn’t do a thing without her. She was your reason to keep going, what else was left if she wasn’t?
Then it became months, four to be exact. Your other friends would urge you to get some rest when noticing your eye bags and the lack of concentration you held at work. But you denied it, assuring them that you were fine and had to go, little did they know you were once again returning to your spot on the hospital chair beside Wanda’s bed.
The doctors were starting to lose hope and so were you, no matter how much you tried to convince yourself that she would be okay. This wasn’t normal for this type of injury, the medical workers estimated that the longest she’d be in this coma was two weeks, and she was way passed that date. But you still refused to leave her side in hopes that it wasn’t all for nothing.
“Ms. Y/L/N, I know this must be hard for you to hear-”
“Hard? Really? That’s it? My best fucking friend has been stuck in that bed unresponsive for months and you’ve done nothing about it!” You yelled in the woman’s face, taking out every ounce of anger you held. It wasn’t necessarily her fault, but it was not like she was doing much to help her, not that there was anything she could do.
“I’m going to need you to calm down, Ma’am.” She calmly asserted, only frustrating you further
“How the fuck do you expect me to calm down when you’re telling me you want to kill her?” You were unreasonable at this point, but love did such cruelty to a person.
“That’s not what we’re saying, Miss. All I’m trying to tell you is that if she does not wake up we’ll have no choice but to pull the plug.” She spoke as if it meant nothing, like the life of one of the best people you knew had no meaning to her.
“She’ll wake up, I know it.” The nurse sighed and nodded with a tight-lipped smile before leaving the room, letting you be alone with the redhead.
“Please, Wanda, please wake up, I need you. I don’t think I can live without you.” You held her hand tightly, hoping for some sort of movement but receiving none. It haunted you through your nightmares and daydreams, there was no escape to the harsh reality. But you weren’t giving up on her, not yet.
Another month passed as your hope continued to fade along with your body. You were barely alive, every day your exhaustion and pity for yourself grew. You didn’t know how you were able to keep your job or your apartment that you never went to. Your boss had recognized your issues and gave you multiple weeks off at different points which you were beyond grateful for. You haven’t slept in your own bed since that night, it was either the one at Wanda’s flat or the uncomfortable seat they gave you here.
You were coming home from work, taking a quick shower, and grabbing a granola bar before quickly driving back to your newfound home. The lady at the desk knew you by name, that’s what happened when you came here daily. It was sad really, how you gave up your entire life because of the tragedy. But you knew you’d choose to ruin yourself for her over and over if you had the choice.
But this time was different, you still held your head low as you waltzed into the room, it was too hard to even look at her state. But when you heard a whisper of your name, your head shot up, and everything held in your hands dropped as you spotted her, she was awake.
“Wanda…” You ran over to her at record speeds, wrapping your arms around her tightly as you cried into her shoulder. You were so scared this was yet another dream that you couldn’t decipher as a nightmare or just another loss of hope.
“You’re awake.” You stated the obvious, the staff leaving the room to let you two be. You were almost jealous that they got to witness the moment she woke up.
“I was asking everyone where you were, I was so scared that you finally left.” The news shattered you and the way she spoke with such uncertainty only worsened it. You pulled back, grasping both of her tear-stained cheeks in your hands and rubbing softly with your thumb, She leaned into the feeling, a small smile quirking at her lips from the act.
“I could never give up on you, Wands, never.” She told you everything, how she was able to hear every word you spoke to her while she was asleep, and how it pained her to know how much trouble she caused you. Looking at your face, you looked horrible. You were still beautiful in her eyes, you always would be, but you looked so unhealthy, so different. She didn’t even know who was staring back at her.
You used to be a ball of joy wherever you went, radiating with happiness that could make anyone smile. But now? Now you looked as if you had been tortured for years, yet you were the torturer.
“I’m sorry-”
“No, no, don’t apologize, alright? You’re gonna be okay.” You quickly cut her off, trying your best to muster out a smile for her sake.
“But are you?” The question caught you off guard. Not once had someone asked if you were truly okay during this period of your life, most already knew the answer. Hell, you hadn’t even bothered to ask yourself that, you were too focused on if she would be okay. You were too worried about her to worry about you, something only pure love could cause. It was crazy how something that was described to be so magical could leave you barely standing.
“I have you, why wouldn’t I be?” She wiped the tears that had forced their way out of you. You tried holding back, but there was no stopping it now.
“Fuck, I’m- I’m sorry.” You challenged yourself to look away and hide, but she eased you back in her direction. There was no shame with her, there never was and that’s what you loved most about her.
“It’s my fault you’ve become so…different.” She acknowledged, blinking away the blur that started to appear in her eyes.
“No, it’s mine. You made a stupid decision but my reaction isn’t your fault.” She nodded, trying to move herself on the bed so you could sit with her. She just wanted to rest, and you would finally be able to do so knowing she would still be there when you woke up.
“I love you, Y/N.” She had repeated the phrase many times, but the both of you could feel the difference this time. There was more sincerity, more meaning to it. It wasn’t what you’d tell your family or closest friends,
“I love you more.” You uttered, staring at her lips as she did the same. You felt your lips brush against her soft ones and sucked a deep breath in, your eyes fluttering shut as you sank into the feeling. When you both pulled away after the difficulty to breathe increased, there were smiles planted on both of your faces.
“Not possible.”
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ask-caine · 1 month
ok ok what’s yours and moons love story. Beginning to end
It's a bit of a crazy story, actually!
We originally met online through TADC, when she messaged all the Caine accounts she could find for a shitpost "wedding" thing. We ended up hitting it off and talking about random things for a while. It started with my random fact about Kentucky marriage laws and how a couple used them to get married by cocaine bear (hence the below picture)
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We ended up learning about a shared interest in plague doctors, as well as discussing several very random topics. Anyways, she invited all the Caines to a discord server, and I ended up being the only one who actually showed up. We would end up talking for hours upon hours day after day there. It was genuinely shocking how much we had in common.
At this point, I had been kinda been picking up on some of the flirtatious undertones behind some of the things she was saying, but I wasn't 100% sure about it yet and was still kinda testing the waters. I'd heard the term love at first sight, and looking back on it, that's pretty much what it felt like. I had been developing a crush on her up to this point, and I kept thinking about her as I was getting ready for bed. I had to keep stopping myself from falling head over heels, reminding myself we barely even knew each other and telling myself "no, she's just being nice. Don't be weird, there's nothing behind this, she's just being friendly."
...As it turned out, she wanted to be a little more than friends... Given my feelings up to this point, I was a little overwhelmed when she told me. I had to take a minute to collect my thoughts, to process everything (hence her jokes about me pulling a Caine and running away). But I liked her, too, and was willing to try a long-distance relationship. So, that's what we did.
It was only a few days after we first got together officially that I told her I loved her. It just felt right. Apparently I caught both of us off-guard with it, since she was sure that she'd be the one who would've said it first. ...We both dived in a little too headfirst from there. From my side of things, it was just so exciting and exhilerating to have this feeling I'd been searching for all my life, and I wanted more of it. We took a step back and both agreed to try and take things at a more reasonable pace from here on out.
We ended up learning a lot about each other. It was like we were the same person, split apart and put in two entirely different situations but turning out the same way anyway. ...This similarity became concerning when we realized we both had the same last name, as well as the fact that we both had Scottish ancestry. But, one family search check later, we confirmed that we are not, in fact, related. Just another insane coincidence that further proves that we were made for each other...
We shared a lot with each other. Our interests, hobbies, ideals, feelings on various topics. Our experiences throughout life, good and bad. The darkest parts of us. Every day, we grew closer. There was no denying that there was something special between us.
That isn't to say everything was perfect. We both still had a lot to learn about ourselves and about each other. There were ups and downs. Things were far from easy. There was a lot of avoidable pain both ways. As time went on, we started to become a little more distant...
Eventually, the stress of life and school and worries and everything going on got to be too much, and she called for us to take a break from the relationship. This hurt, of course... But, taking a break and being done are very different things. I was okay with taking a break, since we would still hang out and such sometimes, just not as romantically.
But, that still wasn't enough. Everything continued to be really stressful, and she felt like she wasn't a net positive in my life and was dragging me down (though the truth was exactly the opposite). So, she decided to fully end the relationship. Which... Really hurt me. Badly.
I kind of fell into a depressive state for a while. I had opened myself up like never before, let myself be more vulnerable than at any point in my life. I had finally found love, the one thing I'd truly wanted all my life, the only thing I've ever needed, and then it was just taken right away. The one thing I feared more than anything else in the world had come to pass.
We would still talk occasionally, but not like before. I already hurt so much, and just talking with her without being able to say the love I still felt was torture for me. So, I distanced myself a bit. I dealt with things on my own. I learned a lot about myself as I came to terms with how things had ended up.
Eventually, I started to feel a little more okay. I knew I could never stop loving her, so I decided to try and turn that love from romantic to platonic and still try to be a friend. Because while I may have lost her, she didn't want me out of her life completely. I could make do as just friends.
But, when I started to come back and we started to talk more again, she realized how much she had been missing me while we were apart. She figured out that some of the things she'd been feeling had been more than she'd realized. She learned that she actually was happier when we were together, and that she still really enjoyed being with me.
So, she began to give little hints again, like before. And, again, I picked up on them, but I didn't want to believe them 100% because of how much I'd been hurt last time. I told myself that she was just showing platonic love, the same way I was. Things would never be the same again. They couldn't be. If I was good for her before, she wouldn't have left...
It was actually Randy who got us actually talking again, first on our blogs, and then regarding what we were being sent. This eventually led to us talking just in general, about all sorts of things... Including what had happened between us. It was emotional, but we both came out of it feeling better about things.
That said, it took until this post before I realized she still loved me and that it was okay to love her back, the way I'd been holding in all this time. We had a heartfelt reunion, though we weren't officially dating again just yet. It still took me a while after that to fully accept everything and let down my guard again, after how much I was still hurting from last time...
But I didn't like the feeling of keeping her away. Of having a barrier between us. I desperately craved that deep, personal connection of love with her again. So, I opened my heart up again. And I'm so incredibly grateful that I did.
Soon after that point, Randy showed up and all those shenanigans ensued. But they only managed to get us talking more about things and uniting against it, which actually brought us even closer together. So, I guess if one good thing's come out of that dumpster fire of stress and stupidity, it's that.
Things have been absolutely wonderful since we got back together. We both learned a lot about ourselves in our time apart, and things have been much better between us. The rocky, uncertain road from before the break had smoothed over. And we fell so much deeper in love the second time.
Add in the stress of the past several weeks, with all the Tumblr drama with these blogs and the hiatus and everything (which I'm not getting into because you can see all that for yourself by looking through our blogs), and you're caught up to the present day. Life is still very stressful for us both, but a lot less so than when we first got together. We understand ourselves and each other so much better, which helps us make less mistakes and treat each other more tenderly and personally in the ways that we need most.
As for the future, immediately after finishing school, I plan to find work and save up to visit her in Canada sometime in the summer. After that is a little hazy at the moment, but we'll figure out our lives and put together a plan to find stable jobs and create a good life for ourselves up there.
And that's it, that's our story. From when we met all the way to the present day. You said beginning to end, but I'm afraid there is no end to our love. The story's still being written. Our lives are still being lived. I hope to be able to add to this years into the future, when we're living together and when we start our own family. But it might still take a while to reach that point.
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in1-nutshell · 5 months
I'm gonna try again tfp team prime with a bot Buddy who has a concerning interest in poison. 😅 And now i'm beginning to annoy myself
Hello there! Don't worry about asking again, I'm just not well versed in some things that's all. Still glad you asked though! Since you did not specify which characters you wanted I will be selecting them at random.
Hope you enjoy!
Ratchet, Wheeljack, and Ultra Magnus reaction to Bot Buddy who is fascinated with poison
SFW, Platonic, talks of poison, Cybertronian/ Bot reader
Ratchet has known Buddy for a while. As in before the war started, before their interest in poison.
Buddy used to be a good doctor that helped him from time to time in his makeshift clinic. They were always experimenting with new forms of medicine to treat patients. It could have been medicine for a mesh wound to try to find a cure for the rust plague.
It was during the war that they had found an interest in poison.
Ratchet wouldn't see Buddy again until they crash landed on Earth. To say it was a pleasant surprise was an understatement.
"Ratchet? Ratchet is that you my friend?"--Buddy
"Buddy?! By the Allspark it's great to see you online."--Ratchet
"Likewise my friend. Now tell me, what do you need?"--Buddy
"Any help at this point would be nice, truly. "--Ratchet
"Well it's a good thing I brought my kits! Don't worry this war will be over in no time now!"--Buddy
"You still have the kits?! I thought they were destroyed in your lab back on Kimia."--Ratchet
"Kits? Ratchet what are they talking about?"--Bulkhead
"An explanation would be nice."--Arcee
"Buddy has a gift for medicine... And other things..."--Ratchet
"Oh Ratchet you make it sound like a bad thing. To answer your question, my dear Wrecker, I specialize in poisons and venoms of all sorts! Pretty exciting don't you think?"--Buddy
"... I'm just going to be over there..."--Bulkhead
While Ratchet isn't exactly thrilled with the idea of Buddy handling any type of poison, he has to admit that they do get the job done.
Buddy is often seen in their little corner of the base or near the consoles discussing things with Ratchet.
Wheeljack knew Buddy from the Wrecker's. Like him, Buddy was a former scientist before the war started.
The two of them went together faster than a house on fire. One was never too far from the other, and if they were something was going to explode.
There was a huge explosion the day that the two had gotten separated.
Years later Buddy found a strange signal coming from a planet called Earth. They decided to go and check it out. Who knows if they would find more poisonous things for their kits?
They didn't find any poison yet, but they did find Ultra Magnus, Bulkhead, and Wheeljack.
"Wheeljack! Bulkhead! Ultra Magnus sir!"--Buddy
"Wait how do we know if it's the real Buddy? We don't want another Makeshift problem."--Bulkhead
"True soldier. From what you told me we need to be on high alert in case this is a Decepticon."--Magnus
"It's Buddy I can tell."--Wheeljack
"There is only one bot crazy enough to carry that many kits labeled POISON like it's a collection of rocks."--Wheeljack
After the formal introductions are made, and Buddy gets to know Team Prime, they are once again attached to Wheeljack.
Wheeljack doesn't mind Buddy's fascination with poison. In fact he encourages it. The more Cons they can the better.
Ultra Magnus
Ultra Magnus knew Buddy as a new recruit for the Wrecker's medic.
How in the world they became friends?
Magnus doesn't have the right answer for that. It just happened.
He is well aware of Buddy's poisonous hobbies but he can't say they aren't benefiting from it. There have been multiple times where the Wrecker's would have been killed if not for Buddy's experiments.
Buddy had gotten separated from the Wrecker's during a rather gruesome battle. Magnus pushes his grief deep down so he could focus on leading his group.
Buddy gets reunited with Magnus when they literally crash into the IronWill.
"Identify yourself!"--Magnus
"Magnus? Ultra Magnus! I can tell how good it is to hear your voice my friend!"--Buddy
"Sure is Commander! Might I say it again, it's good to hear your voice."--Buddy
Magnus gives Buddy the introduction to the team. He makes sure that Buddy doesn't feel isolated or left out. He knows how that feels.
It takes more time for the team to get used to the fact that Magnus has a best friend than Buddy playing around with poison.
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they-call-me-emmy · 6 months
The Past Is The Past
Tara Carpenter x Fem!Reader
Summary: Tara was faced with her 3 ghostface, and this time got so seriously injured she was in a coma. When she wakes up, she has no memory of the past 3 years...including you, her girlfriend.
Notes: Imagine this as our gals scream 7...since Jenna apparently quit and left me fucking DYING
Warnings: Uh, injury, violence, blood, our boy ghostyface with knives. Coma and memory loss if thats even a warning. Swearing. Uhm. Shitty 7th grade writing.
This may become a multi-part story. Not sure. If we hit 250 notes maybe I'll make it a series.
Tara plopped down on the small couch, burnt out. She'd just been released from the hospital. She was home. At least, that's where she thinks she is. It didn't look much like the home she remembered.
Sam had taken her home, which was weird to begin with, because she hadn't seen Sam since they were kids.
She had a stab wound in her side. That too was weird. She had hundreds of scars littering her torso and one that seemingly went through her hand. That's a curious scar. She'll have to ask Sam about that one.
She knew she had lost her memory. The doctors had told her. Her last memory was from 2020. She has seen Sam's face. She'd been worried, definitely worried. But she looked almost..relieved? Like something had happened in the past 3 years that they all wanted to forget.
She had friends still. The same ones she'd had for years before. Mindy and Chad. They told her that Wes and Liv had moved away. They didn't mention Amber.
That was weird.
Amber is her best friend.
There's a new girl, too. Her name is Y/N. Tara has no memory of the girl, but weirdly enough, Y/N seemed the most hurt by Tara's memory loss. Maybe it was because they'd met during the lost time, and she was the only person that Tara didn't remember.
Y/N kept her distance from Tara, too. She never made eye-contact with her. Always stayed far away. Never even said her name out loud, always referring to her by nodding in her direction. They'd never had a one-on-one conversation, not in the many weeks she'd come to visit Tara.
Why was this girl, this girl Tara didn't even know, so weird around her?
She's quite pretty too, with her (Your hair color) hair, and those pretty (Color) eyes. She's a sweetheart, from what Tara's seen with her interactions with the others.
Maybe they had history. Bad history. The kind of history that makes people hate each other even after they apologize and make up. Maybe they were close, and she wasn't sure how to begin the relationship again.
Tara wasn't sure. And she wasn't about to ask, either. Everyone was so...touchy with the topic. They wouldn't even allow her to know where Wes and Liv had moved, or even their phone numbers. Amber's name was avoided like some sort of plague. Y/N might be here, solid and alive in front of her, but somehow, that seemed like an even more dangerous zone to travel into.
This whole memory loss thing was giving Tara a headache.
But she just had to know.
Who is Y/N?
Yay or nay my hoes?
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rmorde · 10 months
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To add another layer of tragedy to Geto's "Fall" is just how poorly SaShiSu communicated with each other post-Toji.
Before everything fell apart for them, SaShiSu are in harmony with one another:
Satoru is the impulsive loudmouth assuming anything and everything.
Suguru is the responsible caretaker silently analyzing everything.
Shoko is the unbiased, unflappable, and supportive observer.
They play each other off really well as seen in EP 1* Basketball Scene.
Satoru instigates trouble.
Suguru was ready to rein him in.
Shoko leaves them to hash it out themselves (and presumably heal their beaten asses later).
Their trio just works. They understand each other and react accordingly.
However, Suguru changed post-Toji. He went out of sync and neither Satoru nor Shoko noticed. Their dynamics here backfired.
Satoru is assumptious. As far as he was concerned, Suguru was okay because his image of him as his "equal" never shattered. Satoru assumed that Suguru is still keeping up with him - that they are still the Strongest together. He never noticed that Suguru is faltering because he was blind to it.
Shoko is reactive. She never really takes the initiative with Satoru and Suguru. She always leaves others to their own businesses and only comes in to help during the aftermath or when asked to without judgement. She may have noticed Suguru is struggling but waited for him do or say something about it first.
Suguru is a martyr. Being the "responsible one" meant he cannot be a bother to Satoru and Shoko. He would rather wrestle his own demons alone than show weakness to them because if he did, then what else is he? What would be his role in their relationship? So, he suffered in silence.
Suguru changed but he tried to maintain his old dynamic with his friends. Meanwhile, Satoru was too comfortable to notice the change and Shoko was too patient to adapt to it.
SaShiSu were rendered unable to communicate properly their needs and care for each other until they broke apart.
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This is a problem which, frankly, I think still plagues Shoko and Satoru in the current time.
Shoko remains a steadfast and stalwart friend. She always has Satoru's back even if it was against the higher ups.
But she still waits for Satoru to reach out and ask for her first. She is still unable to take the initiative in their interactions. Hence, she felt like Satoru is not truly seeing her support.
Satoru is still an assumptious friend who respects and relies on Shoko's strength - as their resident doctor and his "rock". He likely never thought that Shoko needed his overt appreciation and reassurance of their relationship.
Shoko also trusts him. Satoru draws confidence from that. So he'd most assuredly wouldn't show any vulnerability to worry her even if he wants to. He didn't want to break her trust.
In short, SaShi are two emotionally constipated fools that are still communicating poorly with each other. What a pair of painfully mutually pining friends. They should be locked up somewhere together so they can hash things out between them.
I mean, look at these two. They walk so far apart from each other.
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And yet, they are keeping up with each other's pace.
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Just talk with each each other for real. Please 😭
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arcanavoid · 11 months
About Julian
In my post About Dorian I mentioned how people in the fandom typically reduce the M6 into one or two personality traits. I’ll be talking about Julian today and the fandom's treatment of him!
I'm going to try and keep this factual and not opinionated, nothing like “he should only be like this” and more like “this is what he is in game, but people show him like this” 
It's gonna be a long post so if you don't want to get into the topic, or don't feel like reading something long then go ahead and scroll by! I don't mind! 
And if you want to make this a civilized discussion then i don't mind talking and hearing others points out either!
So let's go!
Julian is a Doctor who went to Parka to learn medicine and got most of his experience on battle fields while he apprenticed under Nazali. He started up his own clinic in Vesuvia and ended up being hired by the palace to work on the red plague cure, eventually treating Lucio himself. 
After the apprentice died he was stricken with grief, eventually he had an affair with Asra but it didn’t exactly last. He soon found a cure in the form of killing Lucio through sickly hallucinations of the hanged man. 
Julian is a smart man, who often blames himself for things that were not his fault, even putting himself at risk with no evidence simply to save others or because he feels guilty. He loves people with his whole being and yet doesn't trust himself to be around them as he thinks he’ll hurt them with again no evidence. 
So tell me why most of the Arcana fandom will portray him as, for lack of a better word, idiotic and whoreish. 
I know Nyx Hydra poked fun at Julian a few times, mentioning that he likes to use leeches or make him kinky, but that is simply not his whole personality.
Yes, he can be flustered easily, and easy to arouse, and a masochist. But he is also lovey dovey, and soft and mushy and loves with his whole heart not just his dick.
And he literally went to school, i know its a big joke that he simply doesn't know what a medical school is but he literally went to one… and even if he didnt and there's no evidence of that he was at least mentored by Nazali who definitely did go to school. 
Now again i'm not saying he can't be horny, oh on the contrary he is horny, for someone he loves, not just a stranger. And by all means he's not the smartest man in the world, he actively struggles to comprehend magic and the Arcana realms but that's because he is smart with science and medicine! 
And yes you can write porn without plot with him, he doesn't have to show off his undying love in every single thing he's in. and yes you can make him marvel and question magic and still show his smarts in reality. He literally tries to use logic in the tower's realm and figures out that the realm is looped by testing out his hypothesis. 
All I'm saying is that a lot of people reduce his character when he really is rich in personality, and hopefully this will help bring some light as to what his character might look like more fleshed out. 
Another point I want to touch, is Julian as a background or side character. I’ve written a fanfic that was focused on my Mc, Asra, my friends Mc, and Julian. But my friends Mc and julian were supporting cast, so Julian wasn’t as fleshed out as Asra, but i didn’t reduce him to only horny or kinda dumb whenever he was “on screen” his traits just didn’t show as much as it would if he was a main character.
So what should we take away from this? 
Well, Julian can be horny and isn't the smartest man in the world, but he is much more than that! He's loving and cares so much about the people close to him, he's smart and doesn’t know much about magic but is willing to try and figure it out with the knowledge he has. He gives his whole self to someone, his heart and body. And he does not need to constantly show these traits in depth especially if he's mostly a side character in someone's story. 
Julian is a lovely character, and I would love to do an analysis of him after I re-do his route, but I think this is good enough for now.
Of course you can all do what you'd like with him, but when it becomes prevalent that the fandom is mostly thinking of him in a reduced state it becomes a little saddening, and it's good to remind ourselves that he's not all horny and unknowing! 
Feel free to give your reasoning for making him more horny, since i’ll be honest i don't think as many people think they’re dumbing him down. If anything I think Lucio might be dumbed down more, but I definitely notice the dumbing down of Julian too.
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noddytheornithopod · 27 days
Some more in-depth Tales of the Empire thoughts/questions
This is really nerdy and nitpicky of me to ask, but... what is Barriss' Inquisitor name? I can't help but wanna know. Then again, we don't know Marrok's name either, and also what the fuck up is with bird man (who until confirmed otherwise I'm treating as the the Sixth Brother being an edgelord dressing as a plague doctor, I will insist the only reason they aren't calling him Sixth Brother is because then the Lucasfilm Story Group would have to admit Tales of the Jedi overwrote published material in significant ways, and then they'd get more angry nerds than they already have to deal with, lol).
I do kind of wish we leaned a bit more into Barriss' established relationships a bit, Luminara Unduli is indirectly mentioned in the last short, and Barriss mentions having a "old friend" who would know more about the Imperials hunting after kids which I HAVE to imagine is Ahsoka... but we don't really explore these. Like, if she DID reconnect with Ahsoka, I kind of wish we got to see that? I do understand why Luminara didn't appear, with Barriss' characterisation I don't think she could've gone through with killing her if they had a test, but still. I don't know if we needed to see her react to her death, but part of me is curious about that anyway. I will say she seemed to sense something when Vader entered the room, though. Did she sense a familiar presence there? Also surprised they didn't even throw in a small nod to how the Grand Inquisitor became what he was because he heard Barriss' speech and that suddenly validated everything he thought already (if you follow the comics anyway). Not even a simple "pleased to see you as a candidate after your rousing speech" line (which was given to... see below). I wouldn't have called this necessary for the story itself, but I always found it annoying that we have to go off on so much of GI's backstory based on paratext instead of actual stories. Also, still don't know his original name even after a decade, RIP.
On a similar note, I'm not really sure how I feel about Lyn Rakish? Specifically, how her relationship was the central one to Barriss' here. I'm not opposed to Barriss knowing more people, it even helps make these characters' lives feel bigger, but I do kind of feel like there's stuff here that would be nice to know. Like, even when Lyn enters her cell, Barriss recognises her, and they way they interact throughout the shorts implies some kind of connection. Especially since...
...her stabbing Barriss was what made her snap out of being an Inquisitor. Okay, I'm not really sure how to feel about this. I love where Barriss ends up, but also... I'm not really sure how I feel about dying? If she's even dead? The scene was clearly mirroring the second short, where Barriss wanted to save that other Jedi, and nothing suggested that she never got to save her (I mean, she's known as "the healer" next short for crying out loud, also hey nice Legends callback), so even if Barriss looks far more dead, there is that part of me still in denial, lol. But thing is, it's kinda like they went "this is actually about Lyn, not Barriss". Sure, Barriss reclaimed her old self and her development was arguably "complete" in that sense, but that doesn't always have to mean death? Meanwhile, we only really get to know Lyn through these shorts, and while I'm very pro-villain redemption, I'm not sure if doing this through three shorts was enough to do it justice. So I'm kinda feeling like being asked to feel for a character finally returning to the light because she maybe killed her sorta protege while barely knowing anything about their actual relationship on a personal level is kinda eh.
That's something I felt in general. Maybe I'm just greedy, but I really wanted MORE of Barriss' story. Like, at least make it clear why Lyn is someone important in her life besides giving her a literal get out of jail card.
With Fortress Inquisitorius, I do think it's interesting they show it being built, but also not really alluding to how the headquarters is apparently on Coruscant, especially with Vader's throne and all. I don't think there's any real contradictions though, the Inquisitorius probably had several bases (I wonder if Stygeon Prime in Rebels was another?), and the main one just became Fortress Inquisitorius when Vader was given reign over the Mustafar System and therefore Nur, where FI is located.
Barriss' line about how she felt like she was lied to and deceived is actually pretty clever, because its placement is almost like an admission she was wrong. She's still clinging to the Inquisitorius by justifying it as "the Jedi failed because of their hubris, they deserved it, we're here to bring peace and order" but her heart was clearly never in it. Despite feeling like the Jedi betrayed their principles, she actually still followed them. In a way, I think it even kind of recontextualises the Temple Bombing, because it feels more like Barriss being panicked and desperate, basically having a breakdown. She did go to the Dark Side, but with the kind of person she is, those emotions aren't natural to her. We see she can certainly still go there, that other former Jedi basically saying "screw you, all for me" certainly evoked betrayal which would evoke those dark emotions, and of course she goes along with the Inquisitorius basically to survive, aka out of fear, and as mentioned justifying it to herself by saying this is justice for how the Jedi "fell" even if she's clearly hypocritical in that regard. We then see in the final short she's reconciled her past with the Jedi, talking fondly of her time as one, and regretting her turning to the Dark Side.
Huh, just noticed the Jedi is referred to with they/them pronouns.
Now for the other stuff
I don't have as much to say about Morgan, but I will say that Bo-Katan receiving the distress call kinda cleared up a contrivance in The Mandalorian for me. I was like "okay sure, even IF Bo-Katan still was in contact with Ahsoka, how would she know exactly where she is at this moment? what if she went off somewhere else?" But then this episode makes it clear Bo received the call, and thus would've figured out what was going on, and then actually tell Ahsoka to go to Corvus.
I hope the Eli Vanto fans are okay, especially since Pellaeon was shown as Thrawn's number 2 in the short. What I will say is - this was just a glimpse of one mission, this isn't retconning Eli out of existence. Thrawn and Eli wouldn't have been together on every single mission.
Morgan was the original person to pitch the TIE Defender? Huh, that is certainly a very random piece of lore. Also, surprised there's still Venator Star Destroyers instead of all Imperial Is at this point.
When Thrawn asks her the real reason she wants the Empire's favour and admits it's revenge, he accepts. He also shows interest in the Nightsisters even here. I do wonder if what made him receptive was he could kind of empathise on some level, if the threat of the Grysk made him open to Morgan's desire to avenge her sisters.
Mountain Clan appears in visual media, cool. Now people know there's even more witches on Dathomir. With the new lore about the Nightsisters, I do wonder if the other clans also have extragalactic origins in Peridea, or if they developed independently and it's specifically the Nightsister sect that was from there. Either way, it seems like the Nightsisters were the biggest and most powerful, apparently Talzin even united many witch clans. Also, I wonder if Morgan and her mother were originally from another clan but moved to the Nightsisters? Because obviously they look pretty different from the standard Nightsisters. Also was interesting to see the architecture resemble what we see in Jedi: Fallen Order, so that was cool.
Also thought it was a cool touch that the Separatists weren't done killing everyone on Dathomir. We only see the initial battle in one location in Massacre from The Clone Wars, but it does help make the genocide feel bigger, even showing that even other non-Nightsister clans weren't entirely safe. IDK if this makes the droid gunships appear earlier than implied to be their creation in TCW Season 5 (then again, chronologically the Dathomir and Onderon arcs are back to back), but also Grievous didn't have a cape in massacre, which is the REAL crime of this short. Hashtag remove his cape!!!!!!!!!!
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cinnamoon-roll2 · 26 days
The Famished Doctor and Their Devoted Ghost
Danny takes on a new murder case for the Roseville Gazette that people presume is his, but he's never taken the organs of his victims. His curiosity gnaws at him, he needs to know who is this new homicidal partner he shares the town with, and who is this new girl that's making him doubt about his future plans.
Chapter 3: So… Wanna be friends…?
Chapter summary: Quick fatigued breaths were what they both shared at that moment, their gazes under their respective masks were focused on each other, what they were going to do at that moment.
Chapter Trigger Warnings: explicit mention of murder, cannibalism and violence, a crow and a ghost fighting, authors voice kink showing, slight mention of SA
Wc: 4,7K
AO3 Link. Previous
Taglist: @mariamyousef702 , @weaponxgames
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Their gazes met for it felt like a thousand seconds, Fanny felt the adrenaline release in her blood system, her mind started racing a hundred miles an hour, God, if she existed, what would she do now, run, fight, or start fangirling over meeting the other famous murder in town.
She watched as Ghostface cocked his head curiously at the position he was in, she gave a quick glance at the prosciutto to verify that he could no longer move anything but his eyes or his breathing. She raised her hands in surrender in the direction of the ghost, before taking a quick jog towards the bathroom of the flat.
Danny didn't understand what a person dressed as a plague doctor was doing in his victim's appartement, he had been watching him for a week and a half, he paused two days of watching him because he was trying to gather more information about Luna, he wanted her to be his brightest star (yes he understood that the moon was a natural satellite, even so, the context was understood), which would make him remembered and feared for the rest of Roseville's history. Curiously he made that little gesture, which he couldn't help making every time he didn't understand something, he tilted his head at the image in front of him, he saw the doctor raise their hands in front of him in a sign that they were not a threat to him.
As he was about to enter to come face to face with this mysterious individual, they began to run away from him towards a room in the flat. As he entered the room he noticed how John was lying on the floor, he approached him and moved him with his boot, he only noticed the terror in the eyes of this robust man, he looked so weak, exposed, so powerless, in a different situation he would have laughed at him for the situation he was in, but now he had to focus on trying to make the other character come out of their hiding place.
Before approaching where they had gone, he wanted to investigate more about whatever the person had done in the place, first he went to the kitchen, he didn't see anything very out of the ordinary, until he saw two black boxes, he knelt down next to those boxes and noticed that one was a cooler and a leather briefcase, When he opened it he saw many medical tools that seemed to be used to extract something or operate on someone, oh who would have thought that his luck had finally changed, he had already found the beloved organ sucker,  a little nickname that had occurred to him with the facts that he had seen the first time he met this individual, now he understood why they both went for John.
Both saw that he was a perfect specimen, in the case of the organ sucker, since he was healthy, they must have been looking for excellent quality content. What he was looking for in that typical high school jock was a challenge, he needed something that would revive his assassin essence, something that would make him feel that adrenaline rush he was addicted to, that would make him feel the satisfaction of seeing all his senses fill with red, and then ruin his reputation after he was dead, revealing how he had no respect for women, how he had more than once taken advantage of the fact that he had to escort the drunken housewives of millionaires back home, the very thought of it caused him a mortal disgust that would make him want to stab him all at once and not even wait for the other killer.
However, now he could no longer see any fun in this scenario, John was totally paralysed, he didn't prove to be a fucking threat to him, now what fun would it be to stab him if he couldn't even seem to speak, let alone cry for help or mercy He sighed at this fact, he was distracted by hearing a loud moan, which caused him to cringe, yes he could have carnal desires, but at this level of letting everyone know that you had someone to satisfy them, that was disturbing the poor lives of others. Keeping that disgust he continued towards John's main room, there he saw a very clever move, it was a small speaker that sounded very loud, what a clever guy. If John struggled with it, he had no way of disguising what was going on, but this cunning little organ sucker was bringing a distraction, God this guy is unbelievable, should he take him out or ask for an alliance? Fuck, he didn't know what to do with this madman, but he seemed like an excellent addition to Roseville. He was about to approach the speaker to see how much playback he had left until he heard a door opening.
Steam was all he could see through his mask, he felt his breathing quicken in that state of panic, he paced in circles in the small space that was the bathroom, he paced and paced in that nervousness. Her brain was screaming between all the divisions inside her, she listened to the thousands and thousands of ideas that were formulating in her head. What will be the damn solution of this matter?
She untied the mask straps to improve her breathing, turned her gaze to the mirror, looked at her light blue eyes full of despair. She looked at the inside of her mask, seeing the bundle of herbs at the end of the spout, inhaled sharply before taking some toilet paper to clean the lenses of the mask. When she was satisfied with the result of her cleaning, she placed it back on her face.
She decided to take a seat on the toilet seat reflecting a little more deeply on what she was going to do with her life at this point, it was time to be positive, positively she was going to get out of that flat without getting hurt, no that was a clear lie, fuck, damn brain think what the hell are you going to do at this point.
She in her reflection managed to hear Ghostface's footsteps outside her hideout, from the direction she assumed he was going to John's room, maybe if she were quick enough, she could run away from that situation, no she couldn't her cruel life hadn't bred a coward, she continued to take deep breaths. She had decided; it was time to face the lion in the room.
The door opened, Ghostface immediately peeked out from the entrance to see what was going on there, both were surprised as the first time to find themselves face to face again, again they were facing each other with the same gesture, the stoic raven mask and the permanent scream tilted in curiosity, or was it confusion, it was uncertain. The tension between the two felt too thick, so thick that either of them could cut it with a knife.
"I seem to have taken the one who appeared to be your next victim, shame on me for getting in your way." She held up her hands in a sign of peace, as she watched Ghostface who was still in that stoic position, who seemed not to move his head and continued to watch from that position. "This is a very strange way of a first impression, I hope that a good relationship will be achieved between us, Mr. Ghostface." She moved her hands, one behind her back, the other to the front waiting for a handshake.
But of course, not everything can go as smoothly as it seems, if her reflexes had not saved her, she would have surely received a nice stab in her right hand, reflexively jumping to her right side, she took a big step to be on the other side of the sofa. At that moment she needed to keep as much distance from the other man as possible. She saw out of the corner of her eye John's motionless body in the middle of the kitchen-living room.
She heard Ghostface's boots approaching her position, purely on impulse, pulled her hand to where she had dropped her cane, held it tightly in her left hand and stepped out. She ran towards the window from where she had entered, in the corner of her eye she saw Ghostface following in her escaping. She placed her staff in her belt, and began to climb quickly to the rooftop, she hoped he would last longer climbing and chasing her.
She finally saw the light at the end of this madness, she looked up at last at that flat floor of the small rooftop of the building, she took a good push to get more distance from the ghost. Being about four meters away from the entrance of the staircase she saw Ghostface peeking out, he was peacefully entering the rooftop with his knife in hand. Fucking hell, she was fucked, really fucked.
It was very curious for Danny to see someone who had done something as cruel as harvesting another human's organs run away from his self. As he climbed up to the rooftop he noticed that the medic was a long way from the entrance, it was amusing for him to see how that person who took organs from others was afraid of someone as simple as him, well that was in his words he considered himself just a stalker who finished off his victims in a very artistic way. The raven had reached the edge of where they stood, the crow had no choice but to raise its hands again in surrender. He playfully cocked his head again, he wanted to challenge them to go against him, he wanted to face the reality of this guy, how strong they were, could they go against him, he wanted to see if the organ sucker was what he was looking for, someone strong to look to for inspiration, an alliance or another body to leave tonight.
Fanny had her mind in desperation, if you wanted a reference she felt like thousands of office workers running around like mad trying to save the most important documents from a giant fire in the building, she still had her hands up she had to show a bit of submission to who she assumed to be a man, she still had her cane in her belt and her two knives in each boot, it was a matter of Ghostface letting his guard down and her acting with speed.
Danny still had his trusty hunter's knife in his hand, still holding his head in the same position, he approached with small steps. He had managed to hear the voice of the raven, yet through their mask it was difficult to identify the gender of whoever was under that suit.
Both criminals just stared at each other, again they were in that trance of looking at each other. This was finally broken when the taller of the two lunged at the other, the doctor was quick to dodge him and drew their baton to hit a painful area for Ghostface.
Danny was smart enough to bend down, avoiding the metal of the tip of the baton that his adversary possessed, he tensed his jaw to try again to stab or even graze the raven. The result was again a dodge and another attempt at a lunge for the baton. They went at it for quite a while until the mismatched eyed one decided to play a little dirty and took the staff to push his opponent to the ground causing them to fall to the ground just enough to stab them perfectly.
Even so, he didn't count on something that the raven was quicker to roll to the other side and avoid his attack, just when she was thinking of getting up from the ground she was pulled towards him by the ankle, that pull made her be dragged towards the assassin, the only thing her instincts thought was to throw a kick towards Ghostface's middle abdomen, if she succeeded it would be an accurate hit right in his diaphragm causing him difficulty breathing, his lungs would have spasms that would take all the air out of them.
However, no matter how hard she tried to hit Ghostface in the abdomen, she only succeeded in getting his hand up to her calf, pulling her body harder. With her upper torso still free, she decided to take her staff with all the force she needed for a good blow and threw it at the dominant hand of the man dressed in black, causing the knife to fly out of the man's hand.
Upon the act, the man was taken by surprise, giving the raven a chance to kick him in the face and speed away from him. However, as she was planning to leave, she felt Ghostface also pull her baton away from her. The man slowly picked himself up, the raven was in a perfect attack position to deliver blows to anyone who came at them with speed. He assumed a similar position, taking note of where his knife and the other person's staff were, they were far away from each other, they had no choice but to return to melee.
Fanny stretched her neck sideways, her fists were placed diagonally, the right one in front of the left one, the situation of her legs was the opposite, her strongest leg was the left one, keeping it in that position she could create a quick strike to any part of her adversary's body.
Danny analysed very curiously the posture of the crow in front of him, this person has experience in some martial art, he took a similar but different posture, he used his own posture, he used his fists at the same distance, he kept his legs at the width of his shoulders.
At that moment Fanny decided to take a few quick steps to proceed with a Muay Thai style kick, which was aimed at a person's half guard, liver, and ribs.
Danny managed to run before the impact but managed to grab the woman's calf to make her lose her balance, what surprised him was to see how she took advantage of the situation to pull him to the floor with her body weight.
Both on the floor struggled for who would take control of everything, the raven had managed to position himself on top of the ghost with the intention of taking his wrists to prevent him from dominating the situation again. While Ghostface sought the same point of power.
Both circled the floor in their quest for dominance, though in the end the medic had won again, taking advantage of the situation to deliver a punch to, where she assumed it would be, the man's nose. Danny felt the sting of the blow, though it had been somewhat muffled by the mask.
Fanny quickly got up from where she left Ghostface and went for her cane, she had to get out of this place, she didn't want to keep fighting, she didn't want to get in trouble, maybe she could go from this town to North Carolina, they said the bears helped keeping the bodies from being found by eating them, she could leave this town alone for Ghostface.
"Stop where you are." A deep voice said into the air, sounding before her, that was Ghostface, the voice of the father of death. It sounded synthetic, made through some device she assumed was inside the screaming mask he wore.
She had such a situation in front of her that she could only follow the other guy's order. Danny was in pain as he felt the choppy breaths he took as his nostrils ached from the impact; he had taken a few moments before. He had finally spoken after not saying anything during the long standoff the two of them had had that night.
Sore Danny got up from where he stood, if he had to accept anything it was the raven had good strength and combat experience. He felt some of his joint’s thunder as he stood up, he analysed where they both stood, the raven seemed to have intentions of retreating from the spot, he didn't know whether to be flattered that the organ sucker was terrified of him.
"Well, well, Crow, are you afraid of ol' Ghostface." He said mockingly as he watched the raven still standing stiffly in his place, he now standing fully upright, he played a little with his hands thundering his fingers.
Fanny had her head like a Windows of the moment, stuck and unable to function very well, she felt bad to be stuck between swords, but that deep voice hit that troubled relationship she had with her father, she felt the blush burn the entire strip in the distance between her ears. Fuck me, concentration was what she needed not to be attracted to that maniac. Every word that came out of him mesmerized her, whoever had made the voice synthesizers she was grateful with all her heart.
Danny analysed the raven's body language well; he thought well his words what he was going to say to lighten the situation between the two of them. After some time in his head, he decided to give his opinion on the subject.
" Let's make a little deal little crow, you leave the guy downstairs as good as new, without the shit you put in him, and I'll leave you alone, what do you think?" Ghostface started walking towards where Famine was in her paralysis, she was still in that trance in front of this powerful and dominating being.
"I'm... I'm afraid that the effect of the cocktail of drugs I gave him will take an average of 12 hours to stop being active in the body of the affected person." She said with that nervousness of coming out of being focused on who she had in front of her, her accent was thickening with her stuttering at the start of the sentence. She herself was disgusted to hear that she sounded like someone from Birmingham.
"So, you can talk then, eh, little crow?" Danny mocked at the nervousness the doctor seemed to be displaying, processing a little of the data he had given his person. "I mean you left that idiot paralyzed for almost half a day, and for what?" He questioned as he circled her at least five feet away from her, it was like a predator enclosing its prey in a circle of intimidation.
"It... it facilitates extraction and my work; I don't like the difficulties when it comes to extracting supplies." Fanny explained herself to Ghostface, it was complicated to operate with tensed muscles because of what she had previously done to the victim, she knew that doxacurium chloride was widely used in operations and medical procedures. Besides, in an emergency, she could give them another drug and cause a lethal reaction.
Danny was impressed by the medic's words, so if it was true that they stole the organs of their victims and their medical knowledge was professional, maybe he had a professional in front of him.
"Any other suggestions, Crow, speak now or you won't speak again for a good long while." His patience was slowly wearing thin, this was getting them nowhere, he estimated it was now just a little before 3am, there was almost no time to conclude this.
Fanny heard the anger coming out of him, her mind was still in crisis, so she let it plan as quickly as possible a solution to this conflict.
"An alliance... let's have an alliance, Mr. Ghostface, you can kill the gentleman below, I'll take just a little of his blood, we could inform each other about each other's targets so this event will not happen again." Playing with her hands Fanny speaks in nervousness, which was the only plan she had produced in her mind.
His mismatched eyes did not believe what was coming before them, an alliance was that possible, he had thought it, but it had never occurred to him that it would come true, under his mask he had a very curious facial expression, he was amazed and confused, this organ sucker was a box of surprises.
"Oh, no, no, that good-for-nothing is of no use to me in the fucking condition you left him in, Raven." Ghostface continued to circle the woman as he saw the signs of nervousness in his opponent. "Keep what you already damaged, but next time, I hope you get me a victim just as good as that idiot down there, then you'll have your alliance." He stopped his circling to stand in front of the doctor, cocking his head again to convince him.
Fanny was shocked by the fact that the stupidest plan her head had ever made in a moment of stress, she took a deep breath, she nimbly mulled over all the pros and cons it would take to start collaborating with this being of evil. She sighed softly proceeding to speak.
"Mr. Ghostface, I find it an excellent deal sir, I really do re-express my apologies about this incident." Fanny played a little with her belt, she disliked showing a feeling of weakness at times like these.
Danny was pleased to see the submission that the raven took before his person, it was curious to see how at a few simple words they were already allied.
"Well Raven, gather your stuff, it's time for you to show me if you're worth it." He turned to start going for his knife after it had been ejected from his hands during the fight. He turned to look out of the corner of his eye noticing how the medic took slow steps of hesitation towards where their baton was.
Being the gentleman that he was he decided to let the other go down before him, gradually Famine came down the same staircase they entered. Both went down patiently until they returned to where the future corpse was.
The doctor entering through the window, went to where she had left her briefcase, during the entire process she felt Ghostface's gaze on her back. Her posture was now calmer, she was in her comfort zone, this was what she was dedicated to her could not fail, it had to be perfect, peace, peace that was what she needed.
Her expert hands opened the kit, she extracted her main tools as she sat on her calves next to John's paralyzed body, she saw his terrified look before her, she adjusted her gloves a little, she felt him sweat from the effort he had made during the struggle with Ghostface.
She inhaled deeply to cut John's shirt with the scissors from the kit, she saw the scalpel she had in her dominant hand, she brought it close to the man's neck, a clean cut was what she needed. And that's what she did, she cut the man's jugular vein leaving a container where she began to collect the blood that began to come out of his neck, she heard how the man's breathing began to become difficult, she had to act carefully for what was coming.
She went to the torso, agilely took the scalpel to stick it in the beginning of the sternum and began to lower it to where his hip began, she took out her autopsy scissors to break the man's sternum, took the scalpel and began to cut the connections of the organs she needed for her supplies, took the rest of the vials she brought with her and filled them.
With discretion she turned to see where the other murderer was, he was mesmerized by every movement she made from how she moved her hands on the scalpel, to how she extracted everything from the chest cavity that was edible, to her collection of blood. Turning her focus back to her work she pulled out the thread and her metal needle to proceed to sew up the opening she had made in the man, with her hand she steadily began to penetrate the skin and cell the damage she had done to it. When she managed to finish closing the entire incision in the thorax, she proceeded with the neck incision as she saw a little more than half of the vessel filled with that thick red liquid.
Seeing her work finished she got up from where she was sitting and went for her cooler to put the necessary contents, when she finished, she turned to see Ghostface face to face, waiting for at least a comment on her actions.
"Interesting, you're an excellent surgeon for a bird, Crow." Danny commented observing from his position the retouching the medic had done on the corpse, he was impressed, he needed a picture of this work. "Dear Raven, I hope you don't mind me documenting with a photo your artistic work we have here, do you?" he questioned the other, his only response being a nod.
He pulled out his trusty instant camera, Philly, and proceeded with the captures, he wanted to leave rune on the scene as a small clue that he had also been present at the scene. To Fanny this fact was somewhat strange, why he wished to see and preserve her crime, it would be to later extortion her if things went wrong, but she decided not to comment on it.
"It's time to go, Raven, I hope you are satisfied to know that we now have an alliance, at some point I will give you the details of our meeting points, until the next funeral, dear Raven." Danny being happy with what he had witnessed and documented decided it was time to withdraw from the scene altogether, though he decided to add something before he withdrew completely. "Oh, by the way, a little warning, betray me and you'll end up gutted like a fucking fish, got it. Bye." He modified his tone to emphasize the seriousness of the matter to Famine, made a stabbing gesture with his knife with his hand and proceeded to retreat out the window with that cute "Bye" that elongated the "e" at the end of the expression.
The blue-eyed girl was impressed by what she had experienced that night, she was watching the terrified look of the corpse she had caused, she sighed and went to close his eyelids so he could finally rest after all the stress he suffered that night, she bent down next to the body and lifted it with both of her arms, she took the body and went to John's room to leave him there.
She placed him in a pose where it looked like he was sleeping peacefully, she arranged him and covered him with his sheets, she took out her card leaving it on John's bedside table, she was happy thinking about the recognition that could come out of this.
The downside of tonight was that now she would have to find someone with the same profile as John to make amends for her problem with Ghostface, she would have to balance very well how she used the supplies she extracted from here.
Ha, who would have thought she would now be friends with another serial killer. She had to go to sleep if she wanted to function a bit the next day. She took her items and proceeded to go out the window leaving everything locked, except the door which she had unlocked so it would be easier to find the body.
Now she would love to get to her bed and proceed to go into a comatose state until she had to go to work, unless she gave the excuse that she woke up sick and couldn't go.
Friends, eh, how bad could it be to have a friend.
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akronus-writes · 25 days
Natures wrath
he can't remember what his "real" name was, but he can remember what his mother called him "her little crow" which made sense, he was relatively small compared to the other kids and fond of all forms of nature. Mother was a lovely woman, she always helped him when he didn't really know how to garden or take care of his pet crow, Corvius.
He always spent his time gardening and roaming the woods with Corvius, even as he entered Highschool and the other kids became more obsessed with cars, partying, and sex. which led to some expected bullying.
while he was used to this bullying, he always found some comfort with Corvius, no matter what the bullies tried, until one day they went too far. after he offhandedly compared the lead bully to a pathetic bird, he earned a harsh beating from his peers, their positions as the star players of the schools football team allowing them to get off scott free.
later, Crow would spend his after school time on walking through the woods, Corvius a few metres in front of him. Crow couldn't help but appreciate the way his closest friend flew through the air gracefully, and he couldn't help but envy his friends freedom and power to fly through the air.
suddenly, he was broken out of his stupor by a sickening "Crunch", as a rock hit Corvius and sent the corvid directly into the ground. panicked, Crow ran up to his injured friend, to focused on the bird to notice the group that surrounded him.
Crow felt every single kick and punch, as he struggled to shield his injured friend. and as the teenagers left, he continued to lay there, crying next to the bird, even as the sun fell below the horizon, and a search party came looking for him.
the search party was only slightly successful, finding the dead corpse of a bird which neighbours would later identify as the missing boys pet crow. but never found the actual child.
three weeks later, the star players of the local football team disappeared, one of the boys trucks was found destroyed in the woods, somehow already overgrown by plant life.
the next day the 8 boys were found in the same clearing of Corvius, their feet and legs either horrifically mangled or severed, covered by hundreds upon hundreds of crows which has cut into the boys skin with their claws, which refused too move from on top of the boys until police shot at them.
it took another 5 weeks to get a single one of the boys to talk, and even then police can draw no real conclusions.
"w-we were driving on the road, yeah some of us where drinking, but johnny (the owner of the truck) wasn't, but suddenly the damned car just... swerved off the road! we were thrown into the woods when the truck crashed, and I can barely r-remember anything but that, that thing. I-it was like a man, but it had giant wings, like a crows, and th-those crows they were under its control! I-it had them tear into our legs and scratch at us, it wanted to torment us"
the boy would refuse to make any further comment, though one would later draw what he claimed too be the attacker. the drawing was that of a man wearing a plague doctors outfit with a hood instead of any hat, covered in vines and other plant life, with a large pair of crow wings behind him.
authorities would later ban entering the woods due to the strange, and unexplainable hostility that the local wildlife showed to anyone who entered.
@f4y3w00d5 @gobodegoblin @good-wizard @monsterfucker-research-wizard
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inutaffy · 8 months
liam and theo have different kinds of loneliness. like liam's kind is at the anticipation of no longer being surrounded by his friends, his comfort. his loneliness is in the fact no one understands what its like. with his IED, being treated like a monster, the disappointment. its ostracization. its not exactly being by himself, it's being himself that makes him lonely. theo's is much more simple, but still relatable to liam. any time a lonely person finds another ... you get it. two lost ships at sea finding survivors. theo before s5 probably didnt have many friends. sure he knew manipulation tactics, how to lie, sneak and probably steal. he knew a lot about werewolves and other supernaturals. he knew a lot in general. probably had a job. maybe went to the gym. knew vague pop culture references. his extent of human interaction. he was mad at the dread doctors in s5 because he wanted a pack. sure it was about power, but think about it. whats a pack about? camaraderie. trust. companionship. people who have to understand you to a level, people who have to respect you. theo was craving that after what the dread doctors put him through. after hell it was . everyone hated him. wanted him dead. were disgusted by him. avoided him like the plague or tried to kill him. so he had no one. he didnt have a fear of being The Monster because everyone already decided he was one. with liam everyone understood (somewhat) that he was good and trying and theo was bad and never going to change. while liam has people and scared of losing him because of being himself, theo has no one. at all.
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shyvioletcat · 1 month
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While we wait for Taylor Swift to break our hearts, thought I might dabble a bit in that myself. We get a bit of insight into Rowan this chapter and I lent into canon a little bit. This is the *ADVICE* prompt thanks to @throneofglassmicrofics.
CW: Off page character death
Rowan liked his new house, it was practical, easy to maintain and the neighbourhood turned out to be nicer than he was expecting. The street was quiet, nothing more than the occasional backyard party disturbed him the nights after work or on the weekends. Unless he fully committed to choosing the true life of a hermit and hid away far off in the mountains, Rowan couldn't escape all human contact. And besides his purposefully casual interactions at work and the obligatory check-ins with his friends and family he was managing to avoid the unnecessary kinds. He’d been informed more than once that this outlook wasn’t healthy, but it was how he managed. Especially today.
Today marked three years to the day the life he had known shattered into pieces. Time had dulled the constant ache, but this date still haunted him. Rowan had moved here once the haze had cleared enough that he had the drive to seek out a new job and a new start. Or he might just have been running away, his personal reasoning usually depended on his mood. 
It had been like any other day, Rowan was making dinner waiting for his wife to get home when the phone had rung. In the middle of stirring the butter chicken that Lyria had specially requested out of the blue, he hadn’t bothered to note who the caller was. His blood ran cold at the first words: this is Doranelle General Hospital. After that he was given the instructions that he needed to get to the hospital as soon as he could. 
The drive went by in a blur, but he’d got there. When he gave his name received a look that was full of sympathy and he knew. Rowan knew right then and there but he forced himself into denial. It was hard to ignore when a doctor rounded the corner next and led Rowan to a private room to tell him the devastating truth.
There was a car accident.
Lyria had died.
She was pregnant.
Rowan had sat there, stunned, devoid of feeling, because of the one little fact that he didn’t know. Lyria was pregnant, she was pregnant and she hadn’t told him. Rowan had left the hospital a broken man and three years later he still hadn’t been able to piece himself back together. 
It was a rare thing for Rowan to take a day off work, but that was for the better. His mood was foul and people didn’t deserve to have that inflicted on them. Each year it got better—no, easier—and he didn’t know if it was a bad thing or a good thing. The shame and guilt of not being there when he should have would plague him forever. 
To keep the demons at bay he chose running. This was his fourth lap around the block, everytime he had approached his front yard he’d told himself one more, he wasn’t ready to go home just yet. So he pushed himself for another, then another, and despite the burning in his lungs and the lagging of his feet he might just go around again. Rowan might just have if his neighbour pulling into her driveway hadn't pulled him up. He slowed down to a jog when he saw the car approaching the driveway so she wouldn’t have to stop for him. 
It had been about a month since their first interaction and they hadn’t had another since. She remained the only niggling irritation Rowan had with living here. This woman had come at him so viciously and he was still feeling the need to defend himself. He had watched her almost drop her baby just to get the bins down to the curb. Anyone with any sense would have accepted the help instead of making a point. 
That irritation rose when she slowed down so much that Rowan basically had to stop on the path. He got it, he really did, but anything and everything got to him today. In the end he used this as an excuse to go home. Maybe he could force some food down and see if he could sleep off the rest of his mood. Rowan walked on the path in front of her lawn and as he took out his earbud he caught sight of her waving him down. Confused, he stopped just watching as his neighbour walked across the grass. 
“Hi,” she said tightly, obviously not pleased about the conversation she had been the one to start. 
Unable to do much else, Rowan matched her energy. “Hi.”
Those unusual eyes narrowed at him, and not wanting to be the focus of her ire he shifted his attention to the baby she was holding. It was a mistake. Looking at her was like a shot to the chest. She had brown eyes and hair, her tiny fist was curled from where it clung to her mother’s shirt. What sent him staggering was that this child’s colouring was so similar to Lyria’s. An ill-timed reminder of what could have been. His neighbour talking gave him something else to focus on. 
“I snapped at you, I’m sorry,” she said. 
The scoff he made was involuntary, as were the words that came out of his mouth next, no chance to temper them against his anger. “It must have been so hard to track me down. It’s been a month. You’ve had plenty of chances to apologise before now.”
The woman all but reared back, at this point Rowan didn’t care about the verbal lashing he was going to get. 
“Take my advice,” she all but hissed, shifting the baby in her arms—shifting her away. “Don’t be a dick when someone’s trying to apologise.” 
That was their conversation done, the still nameless woman stomped across her lawn and into the house, the front door not quite slamming but obviously closed with some force. Rowan was well aware all he had done was add fuel to the fire, and it shouldn’t have bothered him as much as he did. He didn’t have the energy or time for this, the best thing for him to do was ignore his volatile and irksome neighbour. Something that would be more than easy for him to do.
After copious amounts of editing I only went over by 42 words, which is a pretty good effort.
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randomruff · 9 months
Six years... Five Years...
  (Warning: Reader insert and description of mangled and torn body)
She was in bed, covered in her favorite blankets and pelts. Surrounded by pillows, watching the entrance with tired, dull eyes. The pillows had always given her a strange comfort on the mountain...
Like today
A day where she simply felt… numb to it all. She hadn’t left the room much less the bed the entire day, which was strange considering that she used to feel like she suffocating if she was in here for far too long and would do anything in her power to get way as far as possible from the room.
Like she had done many a time before for these last five years…
Five years since they took her from her village, her friends, her home.
her choice in life…
‘No… that’d be a bit false, wouldn’t it?’ she still had many choices, many paths to take. Just not the choice to choose her love.
 Her husbands made sure of it.
A kind, loving yet blurred face appeared at the forefront of her mind, making her heart clench with guilt. It has been six years since she last saw her old master’s son, a compassionate young man with a wonderful dream.
“I want to be a doctor!”
He had declared with kind eyes, the memory of so long ago that now replaced her vision was blurry. Memories from the time before the mountain were quickly becoming less and less vivid.
“Oh? A doctor? What for?”
Petting two monkeys, one a joyful ginger and one a sly black, she was genuinely curious despite asking with a teasing tone as they both tilted their heads at her friend's declaration. She was young then and her only concern was about her garden's crops and flowers..
Zheng smiled brightly; his brown eyes glowing with passion. “To help and heal those who are in need of it.” He replied, kneeling down next to her before grabbing her free hand with a gentle squeeze. His expression softening with affection.
“And to take care of you,” He whispered, placing his forehead on hers. Ignoring the outraged cries of the monkeys before them, he placed another hand on her cheek.
 “You’ve always taken care of me and my family… allow me to do the same for you.” He brought her hand to lips, gently kissing her knuckles with such tender care it made her heart skip a few beats and her face a light crimson.
With a shy nod, she let him hold her for a moment or two. Enjoying the sweet moment of peace with her beloved friend as they simply soaked in each other’s presence and touch.
All the while completely missing the deadly and utterly dangerous glint in her little monkey friends’ eyes.
It was a week after that, her sweet friend went missing… it had taken many sleepless months to find him again but-
It was heartbreaking when they had finally found him, to say the least
She could vividly recall feeling nauseous and scared when she saw the body hanging from the mansion where she worked.…
 She could still vividly see the body mangled and beat beyond recognition, littered with small bite marks and claws as limbs were threating to fall off with how stretched out, they were to the point you could even see bone which were bent in unusual ways that shouldn’t even be possible….
 She could still vividly remember the smell of rotting, burnt flesh that was so potent that she could even taste it…
 She could still vividly remember the feelings of horror, fear, sadness and anger that plagued her for months. Keeping her awake at night, something that her two little monkey friends helped ease. Cuddling and distracting her, however they could, which worked for the most part.
In fact, it worked so well that she didn’t even realize that the bite and claw marks on her dead friend’s body were the same size as her little friend's teeth and claws.
She never did realize the true nature of the monkeys she so utterly adored until it was far too late.
The sound of the bedroom door opening brought her back to the present along with the footsteps of her husbands, which stirred up a strange mix of emotions.. Relief, bitterness…
“Peaches?” Wukong called out, adoration and love in his voice as he looked into the pit of pillows she was in.
6 years ago...
The warm touch of Macaque’s embrace made her look up, seeing said demon smiling down at her with joy and affection as his arms wrapped around her middle. Lifting her up into his lap.
She lost a friend…
“Good evening, my loves,” she said, her tone a bit hesitant with an underlying defeat.
5 years ago…
 She didn’t miss the way her husbands lit up her words.
She lost her home...
Didn’t miss the way Wukong’s eyes glittered with realization.
Lost her choices…
 nor the way Macaque’s hold tightened ever so slightly.
By the ones who look at her like she was the most precious thing in the world…
by the ones who treat her with such care and love…
 the ones who would set the world on fire and make sure the flames would never touch her.
“How was your day?”
For she was in a prison of love…
 A Love that is borderline obsession
I'M FINALLY DONE WITH IT YESSZ!!!! *She dances in celebration*
I have legit been editing this damn thing for FOUR HOURS NOW! Way past my bedtime... So if anything feels off or what not blame my phone and sleep deprived mind.
This is a oneshot inspired by an ask of a lovely Au for the Lmk fandom called Twice as Bad or Bad ending Wukong made by our lovely @Semisolidmind. Who btw has some amazing drawings! (Big fluffy monkey bois!)
As always feedback is greatly appreciated and helpful.
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