#old man logan fanfiction
greenbloodvulcan · 1 year
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Logan runs into a certain passenger more than once. She gets under his skin.
A/N: I change POV’s based on vibes only so sorry if this is hard to read :( 
Word count: 3,427
It wouldn’t have changed a damn thing for him, had it just been that once. He’d have forgotten about her the very next day; his appreciation of both her silence and her relative sobriety level would have been no more than a fleeting observation. It would have continued on just the same. Dry heat, dust, drink, and a deep nothingness that blankets every second of every day. His life was never going to be fucking sunshine and rainbows; his DNA made damn sure of that. He bears it all for Charles- the monotony. The obnoxious passengers who reeked of drink more than he did; who slurred professions of love and insisted that, no, they did not need him to pull over, they hadn’t even had that much. He wasn’t sure who he found worse- the drunks or the socially inept who talked his ear off like he looked like someone who gave a shit. 
So it’s a relief when she slides into the backseat with mostly clear eyes and a small smile, meeting his gaze in the rearview. The smell of alcohol is faint, and though he’s parked outside a strip of bars at 11 at night, he notices the scrubs and the bag she tosses in beside her. He confirms her name and she nods with a soft “yes”. He waits until he hears the click of the seatbelt before pulling away from the curb, nothing but the radio and the hum of the engine surrounding them. She doesn’t tap away at her phone incessantly, feeling the need to feign busyness to fill the silence that is to be expected between two complete strangers. She just leans her head on the window, the bright lights of the nighttime landscape flashing across her face. He doesn’t say anything and she doesn’t ask him about his day or talk about how the weather is finally cooling down or something else equally as meaningless. He keeps his eyes on the road the rest of the drive, the same highway signs and landmarks he’s memorized fading in his periphery. 
It takes maybe 15 minutes to pull off the road into a small apartment complex. It’s dead silent at this hour, and she directs him to the left and points at a set of stairs beneath one of the light posts that actually works. “Right here is fine. Thank you-” she pauses and looks down at her phone, “Logan. I appreciate it.” He grumbles out a “sure” but her smile only widens before she pushes the door open and slides out. “Have a good night.” He nods at her and waits until she disappears up the landing and he hears a door close. It’s late, and he plans to drive another hour or two to avoid Caliban’s very personal questions and the concern in his voice for Charles that has Logan thinking back to a mansion filled with limp bodies and broken screams. He keeps driving. 
She sees him again two weeks later, by pure chance. The car she can’t afford to fix means it was bound to happen sooner or later. She’d gotten by the last month with bus rides at god forsaken hours of the morning and rideshares when she’d had her fill of sticky plastic seats, the smell of urine, and people who didn’t see anything wrong with having conversations on speaker in public. She can spare the few bucks most of the time- twice a week, sometimes three. Tonight is one of those nights. She didn’t think much of it when she ordered the ride, only putting the name to the face when she opens the door and sees the man with tired eyes, a rumpled shirt, and a rugged handsomeness she admonishes herself for noticing. “Oh hey. Again,” she greets, pulling her backpack onto her lap and hugging it to her chest. He raises his eyebrows at her and turns around in this seat again with a grunted hey. 
It’s much the same as the last time and the silence that settles is so blissful she’s surprised she doesn’t fall asleep. As she’s leaving she feels possessed to tell the man- Logan, that she hopes she gets him next time too. She doesn’t expect anything other than a one word response but he turns to look at her and a disbelieving chuckle escapes him. He runs a hand through his hair and eyes her with a scrutiny she’s not used to. They’re not quite green and not quite brown and it’s stupid to think because she doesn’t know him but she wonders what they’d look like without all that hurt. “And why is that?” he questions gruffly.  Ignoring the flush that she’s certain has risen to her face she speaks truthfully, “The quiet. It’s nice. Don’t get too much of that most days,” she replies, motioning to her scrub clad body. She sees his eyes focus on the badge clipped to her collar and he nods, “I fucking believe it.” He nods at her as he unlocks the door. “See you later,” she calls. “Maybe,” he replies. 
“What, are you requesting me or something?” he asks incredulously. That earns him a laugh- a light and airy sound that he would have found strange, because it wasn’t that funny, but he’s picked her up outside a bar, and her eyes are glazed over and the smell is so much stronger than the first time. She must notice his weariness, because she’s leaning back in her seat with her hands up in surrender. “I’ll be good I promise,” she smiles at him then, and it’s so genuine he allows himself to believe her.  He tells her that she better not throw up with a grumble and she’s nodding, “Yes, Mr. Logan.” He sends her a look and pulls the car out of park. She keeps her promise the first 5 minutes. It’s so quiet and the road so familiar, he almost forgets about the stranger in his backseat. But then she’s breaking the silence, and her voice is no longer cheery and playful; she’s nearly whispering and her voice is cracking as she makes her inquiry, “Can I tell you something?” 
He wants to be rude and tell her he’s not a fucking psychiatrist and he’s honestly the last person anyone should want to have a heart to heart with but he doesn’t. She’s been perfectly nice to him and even if he had a habit of being an asshole more often than not nowadays, he knew she didn’t deserve it. He doesn’t meet her eyes in the rearview. “Go ahead, kid.”
“We lost someone today. And I just- I couldn’t stand the thought of just going home and being alone with it, you know? And it wasn’t the first and it won’t be the last and maybe I should just be used to it by now but, I just can’t. And next year, I won’t be under someone, it’ll be my responsibility and only mine and I-” she’s crying now and he hears her trying hard to stifle the tears. “Anyway, that’s why I drank so fucking much. Sorry. God, I’m-” she falters and quiets lamely. 
His knuckles are turning white against the steering wheel and he’s thinking of a streak of white hair, and blue skin that’s turning a sickly gray and the woman he couldn’t have at the foot of the stairs and he knows that no amount of liquor can make you forget. “You don’t,” he says. “You don’t get used to it. Just get better at hiding it.”
She’s wiping at her eyes and she’s leaning forward now, her chin resting on the slope of the passenger seat. “I’ll just always feel responsible. Like I didn’t do enough.” 
He’s pulled into her lot when he finally turns and meets her eyes. “Yeah, I know.”
She’s too fucking embarrassed to risk seeing him again for several weeks. She knows very well how irrational she’s being, and she knows he must have dealt with far worse but she’s never been one to share the details of her life with near strangers. So she braves the bus and the noise and the smell and the headaches that plague her as a result. 
The next time she sees him, it isn’t in his car. She’s leaving the hospital, and like many third year residents, had survived on nothing but a granola bar and coffee. Her feet are aching and she briefly considers just going home but she’s got the appetite of a hungover undergrad so she stops in at the nearby diner. She’s greeted by the smell of pancake batter and bacon grease and for that she ignores the sticky table and water spotted silverware. She’s about to look around for a waitress when she sees him two booths away, staring very intensely at the coffee mug before him. His eyes suddenly meet hers and she raises her hand in a hesitant wave before looking away and flagging down the waitress. She’s a customer–an acquaintance really, so she’s surprised when she hears the shuffling of footsteps and he drops into the seat across from her. She meets his eyes and leans forward slightly, “I’m not following you I promise,” she tells him and that earns her a gruff laugh, “I’d hope you’d have better things to do. Doctor.” 
He’s different from every time before. Looser. His white collared shirt is unbuttoned and rolled at the sleeves, suit jacket abandoned. She notices for the first time just how imposing he is, all hard muscle and tan skin and eyes that seem to burn right through her. But they’re the slightest bit unfocused, and then his demeanor makes sense. “Yeah, just a thing or two,” she tells him with a smile. He surprises her again by asking if her day was better than the last time he saw her. She skips over more apologies, since he clearly isn’t bothered and she nods at him thoughtfully. “Yeah, actually. Thanks. It’s hard, you know. The ER. It’s people at their most vulnerable and someone’s life is literally in your hands and yes, it’s fast and it’s exhausting but, I love it. I really do,” she finishes, unable to help herself from smiling at the admission. Her plate is delivered then, and it takes everything in her to not inhale the pancake stack. Rather, she stabs at the eggs first and looks expectantly at the man before her, “What about you?”  
“Oh yeah, always wanted to be a driver. Nothing like it,” he answers. She rolls her eyes at his tone, “You’re just full of surprises tonight aren’t you. Who would’ve thought you were capable of making a joke.” 
He brings the mug to his lips, downing the remainder of the black coffee and leaning back into the red vinyl. He shrugs, “Shit happened and a move across the country made sense.” He’s looking down at the table, fingers tapping against the sticky laminate and she doesn’t miss the scars between his knuckles. They’re fresh, the skin still puckered and pink and it only adds to the mystery of the man before her. The one so dead set on hiding. She nods, but they both know she doesn’t buy it. “I’ll get it out of you, one day,” she replies, “I’m not known for quitting.” 
He huffs out a laugh, “It’s your mistake,” he responds, but those hazel eyes meet hers with a look she can’t quite place. She responds in kind, mimicking his shrug before cutting up the pancake stack before her. They sit in silence for a while and he looks incredibly amused at the enthusiasm with which she eats. She slouches down in her seat with a sigh when she finishes, “Wow I really fucking needed that.” 
He nods at her, “Gotta take care of yourself kid.” She raises her eyebrow at him indicating she could say the same thing about him and he shrugs again, “Yeah, fine. You win.” He gestures towards the window, “Going to head out.”
She smiles at him lightly, “You’ll likely see me again really soon,” she admits. “Car’s still busted.”
It’s when he stands up to go that she notices. He tries to keep his arm by his side, but it comes up to his torso just as he grits his teeth and winces. He brings his hand up to signal that he’s fine and she can stay seated but she’s standing in front of him and giving him a look that says that she knows better. “Hey, what’s wrong?” 
He shakes his head and makes to move past her, “Nothing it’s fine.” She looks down at his shirt and then back up at him with a fierceness in her eyes, “The blood seeping through your shirt would suggest otherwise, Logan.” He’s about to open his mouth to protest but she grabs his calloused hand and pushes against his chest with her free hand,  keeping him in place. “You’re going to let me help because I won’t be able to sleep tonight if I don’t. I don’t care what happened, just let me.” He closes his eyes and lets out a sigh knowing it’s a losing battle. The woman who barely cleared his shoulders wasn’t going to let it go. 
She leans down and slings her bag over her shoulder and motions toward the bathroom. There’s barely enough space in the dingy men’s room and it smells strongly of cheap air freshener and bleach. She pushes the toilet lid down with her foot and motions for him to sit before digging out the first aid kit from her bag and handing it to him while she scrubs her hands with several pumps of soap. “Of course you have one of these.”
She gives him a pointed look, “Never know when the mysterious chauffeur with a secret past is going to be bleeding out in the 24/7 diner.”
He’s taken his shirt off and suddenly she’s crouched between his knees, her brows furrowed. There’s a wound along his abdomen, maybe four inches long. The stitches he’d clearly done himself had split. But it’s not just that. His torso is a mirage of scars, both old and new–shiny pink strips that stand out from the rest of his tanned surface, the jagged edges pulling at his taught skin. Then she sees the rounded indentations and she’s been in the ER enough to know that they’re bullet holes and she pushes down the worry that is suddenly taking root in her chest. She can feel his eyes studying her, waiting for a reaction–for an explanation. She doesn’t give him one. 
He towers above her and is easily twice as wide, and for all his roughness, she can’t help but find him beautiful. She stands to get a stack of paper towels that she presses to his skin as gently as she can. “Sorry,” she murmurs when she feels him tense beneath her fingers. He feels like a furnace. “Hold that a sec.” She’s pulling out gloves, then scissors and tweezers. She pulls his hand away when the towels are soaked through. He closes his eyes as she starts to remove the old thread, and she somehow stays focused on the split skin and not the fact that she’s close enough to hear every change in his breathing and smell traces of cologne and whiskey. 
She doesn’t question him while she works and he’s grateful for it. She gives him a smile when she says, “The stitches weren’t even that bad, so good job.” He tries to relax, but he finds himself tensing at the feel of her fingers on his skin, the intimacy of it, however necessary it was, an almost foreign concept to him as of late. She keeps mumbling apologies anytime he does, like she’s the reason he’s got a knife wound. A few years ago, he might have said something crass about her position between his legs but now? Right now, he can’t fathom why she cares so much to begin with.
He lets his eyes fall to her face as she concentrates on threading the hooked needle. Some of her dark hair has escaped the knot at the nape of her neck and her tongue pokes out from between her lips as she works, her brows furrowed in concentration. She holds the suture in one hand while the other grabs hold of a small brown bottle. She meets his eyes apologetically. “This is going to sting.” He only nods as she pours it over the wound, clenching his teeth as he inhales. “Ok, this is going to feel worse but I’ll be as quick as I can,” she assures him. 
The dim yellow light from the flickering fixture above them has her squinting as she leans forward and braces her forearms above his knees. “I’ll be fine,” he tells her when she glances up at him with another apology. He closes his eyes as he feels the tugging on his skin, his fingers digging into the flesh of his thighs. A few moments pass before she leans back and reaches for the dressing. “All done,” she announces, pressing the bandage down and removing her gloves. 
He stands and moves to re-button his shirt but she reaches down and pushes his bloody hands away. “Let me.” There’s barely three inches between them and he’s suddenly very aware of the heat from her skin and the way her nimble fingers seem to take longer than necessary working the buttons through. Then, her palms linger on his chest when she’s done and all he can smell is her perfume and all he can hear is his pulse between his ears. She’s peering up at him with those deep, dark eyes and she looks so innocent and kind and young–everything he is not. 
But she’s more than that; she’s fucking brilliant and dedicated and she spends her days pulling people from the brink of death so he doesn’t get why she’s looking at him that way. Why she’d seen all that she had in the last 20 minutes and still wants anything to do with him at all. He’s vague and defensive and she can’t have much of an idea of who he is at all and yet she’s still there, looking at him like that. 
It’s worse when she runs her thumb across the raised scar on his cheek and his eyes fall closed immediately and he almost forgets to breathe. His hand comes up to catch her wrist between calloused fingers and he wants to keep her from wasting any more time on him and his brain is screaming at him to just tell her no but he doesn’t. And it’s incredibly stupid because he knows how fucking terribly it always ends. Always. He drops her wrist and she catches his right hand, her thumb passing gently along the scars between his knuckles. It’s intoxicating- the feel of her skin on his and god its been so long. Her head is bowed as she maps out the scar tissue on the back of his hand and she’s so incredibly gentle and seemingly awestruck when her eyes meet his again that he feels his stomach drop because he wishes so badly that she didn’t care. That he didn’t. 
“Thank you,” he murmurs. She smiles at him lightly, and he’s confused by the sadness that seems to overtake her features. “You’re so much more than I ever could have hoped, Logan. Please know that.” He decides then that his name on her lips is his new favorite sound. He almost opens his mouth to protest but he knows it will only upset her so he stays quiet. She drops his hand and then she has both palms on his chest again and soft lips against his cheek and he lets himself savor the proximity and the warmth and the scent of vanilla that surrounds her. He catches her waist before she can step away and her hands slide upwards to meet behind his neck. He bows his head to rest against her forehead and it takes all his restraint to not kiss her until she’s breathless. That soft, sweet smile has returned to her face and her dark eyes are shining. It’s almost enough to make him forget the grimy bathroom they’re standing in. “Let’s get out of here, yeah?” she whispers and he feels his lips pull up at the corners before he can stop it. 
He drives her home in his passenger seat. 
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bananabrain0 · 2 years
I woke up in the middle of the night needing to write. Prelude to Wolverine: The End (2003) by Joe Harris and Enrique Breccia inspired me so much! Read a RoLo grief fanfic here.
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fullmoonandstar · 2 years
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I have watched Logan and now I want to write something for “old” Logan 🥲
My hc for this is that only the USA have gen manipulating stuff in their food. The EU would never approve this xD
Also this is slow burn Reader x Logan
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the-great-knight-gay · 6 months
List of favorite versions of these characters
List of my favorite iterations of different characters:
This is an opinion:
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I just love how nuanced and developed this take on Spidey is. All are great in their own terms but I have personally felt more of a connection to this Spidey more than anyone else, with only Andrew Garfield's coming close because I just love that the whole mannerisms are just so real.
He experiences anger and sadness and so many other negative emotions. He doesn't have to be the happy one all the time because that's unrealistic. It has a more grounded apporach than Tobey Maguire's Spidey but not as much as Andrew Garfield, giving the perfect balance for a quality comic book movie character. It's not too campy but has just the right amount.
The main problem is the fanfiction writers treating him like a five year old when he is not. This is a developed and mature character. How everyone just treats him like a baby is beyond me. His last appearance had him try to murder a man with his bare hands (and a weaponized glider). There was no baby in that scene.
Next up it's Batman.
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This one has so much potential. I don't have as much to discuss but I just feel drawn to it for some reason. The incredibly dark, emotional feel seems to just work for Batman and Robert Pattinson just nails it. The only other one that comes close is Christian Bale who unfortunately puts me off with two things. The design and the voice.
You can't tell me Batman sounds like he gargles with battery acid. Also... hockey pads? Really Nolan?
Next up... Percy Jackson. (Reminder that I am only putting in live action ones as I have not seen the Lightning Thief play but I have been told it's great)
This one is no contest.
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While Logan Lerman was actually a perfect casting for the 16 year old Son of Poseidon, his performance was slightly bogged down by the movie he was in. Logan and the Lotus scene was probably the only thing I would ever like about the movies. Walker on the other hand, while we have only seen him in trailer as of right now, is the perfect Percy. I don't care about his looks because the entire reason PJO was created was to send the message that anyone, whether they have dyslexia or ADHD, can be a hero. The whole part of Percy's design doesn't matter, just as long as he looks like Poseidon. That's the only part that matters. Just like how Annabeth's design doesn't matter as the whole idea of it was that anyone can be smart, despite being discriminated against for their appearance. THIS LITERALLY MEANS IT MAKES MORE SENSE FOR HER TO BE BLACK RATHER THAN BLONDE. STOP BULLYING LEAH YOU RACIST NERDS ON THE INTERNET. NOT THAT I'M HATING ON NERDS THO I AM ONE AND THIS ARGUMENT IS LITERALLY TO DEFEND THE ULTIMATE NERD.
Anyway back to Percy. Walker is Percy Jackson. Anyone seen Secret Headquarters and The Adam Project? It's like seeing Percy come to life. Anyone who says 'Ever had your ass beat by a twelve year old nerd with an inhaler' in that tone is Percy Jackson. His entire mannerism just is the chaotic energy of Percy. Plus, Rick Riordan has said that he has encouraged Walker to embrace anger in the show rather than just be the stereotypical morally superior protagonist. THIS PERCY WILL SHOW EMOTION AND ANGER AND EVERYTHING. THAT IS PERCY. From the start, he has always had a slightly darker streak, from manipulating Procrustes into lying in his literal death bed to manipulating the tears and poison of the misery goddess (No idea where the fandom got the idea of blood bending that's not part of the scene)
Honestly, all I've heard from this kid is just Percy Jackson. He is Percy.
For the final one we have Superman and Lex Luthor.
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This is the best ever Clark Kent I have seen. He shows both the alien side and the human side of Kal-El so well. Henry Cavill was amazing but we never saw really saw Clark enough. More of the Kal-El side. This is probably because of the lack of appearance due to all the weird problems with the DCEU which was disappointing as he was gearing up to take the new favorite spot for me. Welling on the other hand, had so much time, evolving and developing this character that is was just hard not to see Welling when I hear Clark.
Despite the lack of suiting up (Which was fixed by the Season 11 comics and Smallville Tie-ins) he managed to bring the essence of Superman into the show so well. His time as the Red-Blue Blur and The Blur managed to show both his heroic side and his darker side, adding a much more emotionally invested side to the character. Rather than just making him the morally correct character who can do no wrong and assumes the best in everyone like most people think of when they see Superman, Smallville's version shows him as a person making him have flaws, doubts, anger, emotion and so much trails.
His friendship and rivalry with Lex, paired with Tom Welling's amazing chemistry with Michael Rosenbaum, created such amazing on screen banter and added a new layer to his character, giving him a large parallel to one of his greatest enemies.
Both started off wanting to be just good. The main difference was parentage. Clark was lucky to get Jonathan and Martha. He may have had some hiccups with Jor-El but Jor-El at least wanted to give him a good path. Lex had Lionel. Lionel was abusive, via neglect and hate. Lionel was the real reason why Lex had no hope of becoming a hero. This came into play heavily in the earlier seasons of Smallville.
Smallville was always a three act play.
Act 1: Season 1-3
This one focused on fathers and sons
So much of this was about Jonathan and Clark, Lionel and Lex, Henry Small and Lana, Jor-El and Clark, even Gabe and Chloe for a bit.
Act 2: 4-7
This one helped develop the characters through their interactions with each other while building the Krypton sub-plot.
This was how Lana's relationship with Clark and Lex grew and fell.
This was how Chloe grew to be one of Clark's most trusted confidants.
This was about how Clark and Lex's friendship started failing.
All the while, we finally were introduced to actual characters from the comic books other than Lex, Lana, Clark, Pete and Clark's parents.
We saw The Flash, Aquaman, Cyborg, Green Arrow and Black Canary.
We were introduced to Lois Lane of all people which gave everyone my favorite version of the character, rivalled only by My Adventures with Superman and Superman and Lois.
We saw Brainiac, Bizarro and Supergirl.
This truly marked the end of the fathers and sons arc with Jonathan suffering a heart attack and Lex truly becoming the villain after murdering his Father, a fate he had tried so hard to stop in the earlier seasons.
Then we got the final act.
Act 3: Seasons 8-10
This was the act where Clark truly became a hero. He stepped out of the shadows as the Red-Blue Blur. He took on Doomsday. He finally defeated Brainiac. Lois and Clark became a thing. We saw his dark side as he became The Blur, with his trenchcoat and we saw him evolve past his dark side and then finally, he donned the cape.
This was truly the greatest version of Superman.
Now you must be waiting for the Lex one.
Of course it will be Smallville's Lex.
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Michael Rosenbaum was PERFECT.
He will be the only Lex I ever see.
His take on the character was just so emotional and perfect.
His relationship with Clark and his slow descent to madness and evil but just perfect.
That day on the bridge changed his life but it also changed all of ours.
Everyone who saw Smallville knew that Clark and Lex would become enemies and yet it still hurt.
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Let's be honest, this scene broke everyone.
This was when there truly was no return.
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This just cemented what everyone knew would happen.
This was truly the greatest pair in TV history.
They've come a long way from this:
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Knight out.
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touyubesposts · 1 year
What if in space with Markiplier and Sanders Sides combined??
Chaos would ensue. This almost feels like a fanfiction prompt. I’m also going to interpret this as Thomas is apart of the crew and his sides are the different universes, but if this isn’t what you meant you can ask again and I’ll redo it. (Also, thanks to Markiplier lore, this is Canon adjacent!):
Patton would be in Stan’s universe. You, as the player, may never meet him, but to him you’ve known him for all your life. He’s downstairs cleaning up after dinner while stan puts you to bed with a story. Patton and Stan aren’t dating (At least not on paper) they just live together while they sort out marriage issues and this was the best solution they could come up with.
This is my first “hear me out” one, but I feel like Logan would be in camp counselor Mark’s universe. Not as someone that works there, but as someone who monitors the field trips for other students. Bro’s just doing his job.
There's only one place I feel like Roman would fit, and that's with The Sexbang crew? But like, that very specific rendition where they’re all midlevel boys from, like, Skyrim or something? That's the only place that makes sense to me. Jammin and living like royalty.
Another big ‘hear me out,’ but... Janus would be in the noir universe 100% That boy would fit in completely. A universe that's centered around those black-and-white mystery tv shows from the fifties where everything is shrouded in uncertainty? My boy would fit right in.
Virgil is in that emo-boy universe. I’ve completely forgotten what its called. It's the one where mark is crying on the bed listening to his Markiplier tribute video? It's that one. They’re friends.
I’m gonna be 100%, I have no idea where the fuck Remus would go. But hopefully, these ideas will be satisfying (or funny) enough for you: Remus is in the Heehoo universe, they are not friends and both are very territorial. Remus is the bomb in the bomb universe. Remus is in the same universe as Roman. Remus works under chef in that old man Mark universe. Most of what he makes is poisonous for human consumption, luckily most of his customers are aliens.
And that's all I got! Hope you like it, and I’m sorry it took so long to get to ❤️
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scottsummersbingo · 7 months
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For the Sexy Days of Summers Event happening right now we've invited Scott Summers (Cyclops) fans to take part in spreading more love for him out there on the internet by creating fanfiction, fanart, fan works, etc. to celebrate our favorite X-Men leader and the possibility of what if. For the duration of this challenge so far we've received some really incredible submissions with super rare pairings that are new to us. For the month of September we'd like to share some of those and also share some various fandom creations along the way in terms of content. Some might be an old favorite pairing while others might be something in terms of shipping you've never considered before.
Today's spotlight pairing is another pairing that picked up some traction during the last couple of years in the rare pairing world with the possibility of what if between this X-Men and Avengers hook-up.
Below under the cut you can take a look at this pairing and see what fun it could prove to be!
Also if you have a favorite Scott pairing and a fanfic that you've written or that you love, then feel free to drop us a note and let us know so we can showcase it in the future!
Stay tuned for more duo spotlights coming soon!
If this is what we've got, then what we've got is gold by StormXPadme (Rated E) In which Tony and Scott accidentally get married and decide to consummate said marriage while they're at it.
Meet the creator by StormXPadme (Rated E) Running into Tony in his sex shop more or less by accident gives Scott a chance for getting into mood for Pride.
Making the Grade by scottxlogan (Rated M) Scott is overwhelmed with grading papers until Tony decides it's time to deliver him a different kind of distraction.
Lost in Fantasy by scottxlogan (Rated E) Scott Summers has always had a secret fantasy that he wasn't brave enough to share until his new boyfriend encouraged Scott to be honest with what he wanted. In doing so, Scott's boyfriend pulls together a sexy night of fun with a guest sure to turn Scott's world around as the two Avengers are more than ready to show Scott exactly what he needs.
I haven't had a drink this morning (but I'm all lit up like a Christmas tree) by Wolfsheart  (Rated T) Tony's hosting a Christmas/Yule party and has invited the X-Men. He enjoys the company of many of the X-Men, but there is one in particular he wants to get closer to.
Winner Takes All by scottxlogan (Rated M) Scott and Tony's game night together takes a surprising turn as the two find that winning the game is the last thing on their minds in being this close together.
Take a chance with me? by KiAnLake (Rated T) Scott wonders about his life while Tony wants to be more than a friends with benefits.
Against The Odds by scottxlogan (Rated E) Some addictions are harder to get over than others, but when Tony Stark discovers the truth about mutant resurrections in Krakoa starting with the reemergence of Scott Summers, he can’t help, but give in to a curiosity by going to the Hellfire Gala even knowing that it will no doubt take him under. Reunited at the party Tony and Scott are forced to face what still remains between them.
Run With Me by GammaGaze The Avengers and X-Men take a vacation only for Tony and Scott to escape on an impromptu mini-mission.
Beautiful Disaster by scottxlogan (Rated M) Set after the events of the comic X-Men Forever. After Logan's death, Scott is rejected by Jean and blamed for her being unable to share her life with the man she 'truly loved'. Knowing that his marriage is over, Scott goes back home to Alaska to be with his family and start over. Struggling to find a new meaning in his life after he's quit the team, Scott runs into a familiar face. When Tony Stark works his way through town after having reached his breaking point, he's looking for an escape. Ready to shut his world out for a little while, fate lands Tony on Scott's doorstep. Together will they find a way to a new beginning as sparks fly?
Would you like to cross-dress for me? by KiAnLake (Rated E) Scott come to see Tony for their date but he get an interesting box from Pepper
Outside is just a larger cage by GammaGaze Arrested for crimes committed while under the influence of the phoenix force, Scott Summers has been locked up in a mutant-hating prison to defend himself. Billionaire Tony Stark only wants to understand Scott's powers, but he discovers something more.
What's your gift again? by KiAnLake (Rated E) Scott wants to get one simple thing for his lover's birthday. Why is it so hard to get it? How did he and Tony end up in the hotel room? Tony: All I want to do is blow a candle.
Birthday Surprise by KiAnLake (Rated T) Scott decides to take day-off but Tony decides to follow him. He finds out something new about his boyfriend
Masquerade by KiAnLake (Rated T) Scott become Emma's plus one for Tony Stark's costume party. But instead of being with Emma, he get hit on by the host himself. Should he ignored Tony or go for it?
I hope that my gift cheers you up. by KiAnLake (Rated G) Tony remembers when he was little kid, he got a toy from a little boy with blue eyes.
Must be the Moonlight by scottxlogan (Rated E) Scott and Tony reunite at the Hellfire Gala only to discover that the passion they once found in secret is still alive between them. After they give in to temptation revealing their true desire for one another, Tony is delivered a proposal to win Scott's heart that is almost too good to be true. Will he accept or are they fated for an unhappy ending?
Season ticket on a one way ride by Wolfsheart (Rated E) Scott Summers outbid Tony Stark on a classic sports car; Tony pays him a visit to check out the car. They go for a drive. Things get interesting.
Spinning on that dizzy edge (I kissed his face and kissed his head) by Wolfsheart (Rated E) Scott stayed the weekend at Avengers Tower while his and Tony's "first date weekend" commences. There is mingling with the Avengers that goes better than expected, Tony proves he's good at romance and sweetness and massages, and many topics are discussed in the three days of getting to know one another.
Freedom by scottxlogan (Rated M) In the aftermath of his divorce, Scott Summers decides to step outside of his comfort zone and fall into temptation with an unlikely potential lover. Will his night on the town be the wild, hot fling he's hoping for or will an unsavory reminder of his past drag him back to misery?
Date Night by scottxlogan (Rated T) After skipping out on team bonding for the night, Tony reaches out to Scott in the hopes of enjoying date night only to discover that things don't go entirely as planned. Will a small mishap prove to be a disaster for them or bring them closer than they'd imagined when the night began?
Better Together by scottxlogan (Rated E) Tony Stark and Scott Summers have been taking their time engaging in a series of flirtations leading up to the beginnings of a romance, but will their time together be cut short by an unexpected twist? Will their relationship grow stronger or will fate tear them apart before they can truly begin a new life together?
Blinded By The Light by laetificat (Rated E) Scott Summers visits Tony Stark; they find they have a few things in common.
Mechanical by BlackEyedGirl (Rated E) Tony gets to know his new team-mate a little better.
Playing Hard to Get by st_aurafina (Rated T) Tony Stark is trying to break into superhero society. Scott Summers can't get away fast enough.
This Close to You by st_aurafina (Rated T) Scott and Tony do some training.
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X-Manson Annotated Chapter One
Hello, I've tried these other places. And I've tried it on here. I'm trying to find anyone who has any thoughts on this. X-Manson was a fanfiction written for the X-Men fandom in 2000 by Doctor Benway. I'm trying to uncover all of its secrets so if you can, please help me. This will be the shortest annotation page because this chapter is the shortest, i'll probably break up the next into multiple chunks. If you have any thoughts please message me, comment on, or reblog with your thoughts and I will reblog it in turn.
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The she of this is Kitty Pryde. I don't know how old she's meant to be here. As of this moment, this little slice of the present. She has been on the run for ten years (probably).
The Balding Emaciated Man is #ScottSummers, one of the "Oriental" women is Betsy Braddock and the other, I cannot identify, but I speculate one is probably Jubilee or Karma. One of the other women is confirmed to be Jean Grey.
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(The story Vanderbylt was sold by Xavier is true to comics Xavier. Xavier is directly descended from the Graymalkin family who are dutch in origin. Though, here Xavier's history is a mystery. That's a rhyme, so you know it's fun.
The Roster Stands at seven by Miss Grundy's count:
Charles Xavier
Bobby Drake
Hank McCoy
Scott Summers
Warren WorthingtonIII
Jean Grey
I think she is exaggerating about the nature of her being manipulated psychically by Xavier. Pay attention to the Pate Line.
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Another reference to Tangiers.
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(Erich, the more correct spelling of Erik. He has this name because it was written in 2000 before Magneto was given the name Max Eisenhardt. We see Tangiers again. Why was holocaust survivor Gabrielle Haller in Morocco? Cain Marko is referenced here, which is odd. Any thoughts on that?)
(Warning if you haven't read it yet, there is a description of S.A. This presents a darker version of the conception of David Haller.)
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(I have no idea who Georg is, i googled his name and I was presented with Jörg Haider, former leader of the Freedom Party of Austria.)
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Anti-Zionist Magneto
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Worldbuilding shows how Erich Lehnsherr has changed the world by existing within it.
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starkjoy · 1 year
I'm so disappointed with what we're getting. I'm afraid to admit it, but I seem to hate this season. I don't want to rush, yes, we have 4 more episodes, but every week I'm losing hope. I don't think I'll watch the next episode live. I just don't get what's going on with the characters? With Shiv, Tom and ESPECIALLY Greg. They destroyed his character. Like, who is this man? Why does he act like a fifteen year old boy who sees boobs for the first time. All he does this season is show up for a couple of seconds, say an unfunny, uncomfortable line about sex with women, and then leave. I would accept it if he was gay in the closet and acted like that because he didn't want to be like his father, but instead he became exactly like his father, and when he understands this, he will finally accept himself. But no, this is way too deep a story for stupid dumb Greg, let's say in an interview that he was going to be gay until season 3 and then make him cringe straight. And for what? It is not interesting. It's not even funny. Where is his arch? Logan died and we didn't even see Greg tell Evan about it. His dynamic with Tom is completely gone, there is no depth to their relationship anymore. Unpopular opinion, I don't like 401, I think all the problems started back then. The whole season 3 was about them being Nero and Sporus, but in the s4 first episode the writers call them brothers and now we barely see them (also why does Tom want to hear about Greg's s*x life when he was so angry and jealous when Greg talked about c*mfrey in s3). The only scene of theirs that I liked was the one where Tom cries on the phone. And what happens to Tom? He's been talking about a divorce since the end of season 2, but now all of a sudden they decide they just need to fuck and that's it, all the problems are gone. Why does he say he's with Shiv for money and power when in the first season he was willing to sign a prenup without looking? Why are they joking about love? I understand why Shiv would do that, but Tom? He is romantic. We saw that he wants to love and be loved and that's why he and Shiv are so not suitable for each other. Are they trying to make Tom look as evil as Shiv so it makes sense that they won't get divorced? I don't like their scenes together because I feel like they are trying to convince me that their relationship actually works, but we watched for 3 (!!!) seasons that this is not true. Why Shiv suddenly cares about Tom. And I'm not even talking about pregnancy trope, it makes me sick. As if the scripts for Shiv and Greg were accidentally mixed up, so Greg now only talks to Tom about sex with other people, and Shiv and Tom have strange almost abusive erotic scenes. What happened in the writers' room between seasons 3 and 4? I feel like I'm watching a bad fanfiction of a person who loves tomshiv and hates Tom and Greg. I'm holding onto Nick's "just believe in Greg" as a lifeline because maybe he knew we'd be frustrated at the beginning, but things would change at the end of the season? Or nothing will change, and he lied so that we would not be upset ahead of time. This has been my favorite show for the last couple of years, but now I just wish it had ended after the third season
listen, i wish i could explain any of it lol. at this point, i would accept greg really winning it all and then firing all their asses
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agentianlegend · 6 months
20 Q's for Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag, @summerssixecho! I enjoyed revisiting my work a bit for this one :)
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 
9 (17 over on FFn)
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Primarily Danny Phantom (it’s what got me into writing fanfiction to begin with; in fact, even as an 11-year-old I was writing my own Danny Phantom episodes when it was first coming out), but I also write for DC (either DP crossover or standalone) and Miraculous Ladybug that one time. I have been t e m p t e d to write more ML as well as dabble in a few others, like maybe Ted Lasso or Scooby Doo (couldn’t be more random, I know), but that hasn’t come to be yet. Let's also not forget the DP x The Office au that @tytach and @arken-99 and I were messing around with a while back 😂 I'm still tempted to go somewhere with that. (Tytach did.)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 
5) Intervention at 657 kudos - DP - Danny comes home after curfew one final time, and his dad is waiting for him. We give Jack Fenton credit in this house/fic.
4) Beast Within at 910 kudos - DP x DC/Young Justice - Garfield Logan has just lost his mom and is struggling to get his newly developed shapeshifting powers under control. The team calls in Danny for help.
3) Fire with Fire - 956 kudos - DP x MCU Spider-Man - After the Fentons temporarily relocate to Queens for a contract with Stark Technologies, Danny and Peter find themselves embroiled in a conspiracy bringing malicious wraiths to New York City.
2) A Vigilante, a Different Vigilante’s Sister and a Villain Walk Into a Bar - 1,811 kudos - DP x DC - Jazz Fenton and Jason Todd attempt to date amidst unpredictable rogues needing therapy and nosy family members needing gossip fodder. This getting 2nd place is a surprise since it's my newest fic...
1) Recognized - a whopping 3,561 kudos - DP x DC/YJ - After Danny accidentally gets zeta tube access using Robin’s credentials/DNA, the two boys try to find out what happened years ago while unraveling a web of past and present secrets.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Absolutely ALWAYS, and if it’s taking me a bit to reply, just know that I’m going through it irl and I’ll get to responding to everyone ASAP. I love hearing what you guys think of my work and what in particular you’re reacting to/enjoying, so whether it’s fanboying over scenes together or explaining details you might’ve missed or just don’t quite get, I always take the time to show my gratitude for you taking a moment to share your thoughts. :)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Pretty much none of them, to be honest? I always like to try to end on a hopeful note, if not an outright happy one, because I need hope for my own struggles lol. The only candidate I can think of would be The Theorists, but even that’s not an angsty finish. My older oneshot Taking The World by Thunder might count since Lance Thunder doesn't get a happy ending, but it's pretty much a crack fic so I still wouldn't call it angst lol
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Gosh, this is also a hard one because most of them are sort of open-ended and hopeful. I would probably nominate Night One because I love Wally and Connor’s bonding. It gives me the warm fuzzies. I also think Intervention qualifies since it's a wholesome reveal to the Fenton parents instead of the typical catastrophe (I mean, look at the reveal in Recognized, y'all).
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Only every once in a while, and it’s not really hate but more…closed-minded rejection of the fic’s idea. Like on Recognized I’ll occasionally get something along the lines of “this whole thing is confusing and over-complicated” (literally the point) or “this wouldn’t happen” (you’re reading a fic that literally takes place in a world of ghosts and aliens and people with superpowers). Only a couple times someone’s said “this is stupid” and I’m like, if I don’t like someone’s fic, I just move on and let them be because it’s what they wanted to write. Have these people never heard “you do you”?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
HA. I can barely even write flirting.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Often, usually for DP x DC. The craziest was probably The Theorists because it features almost entirely side characters and their “conspiracy theories” about the main cast. It also wove into the Recognized storyline in the end.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of. Let me know if you find my work anywhere lol I only ever post on my main accounts: agentianlegend on tumblr and AO3 and hiimian over on FFn.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope but I’m open to it
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I’m not big on ships, to be honest. Though I enjoy Jason Todd x Jazz Fenton, and OH in the middle of writing this I remembered other fandoms exist lol. Marichat from ML because they’re both their most relaxed selves. Adrienette is a very close runner-up. 
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I’ve never published it or shared with anyone, but the first modern fic I wrote was a DP x Teen Titans crossover where Jack and Danny move to Jump City after tragedy takes Maddie and Jazz. Danny wants to lay low and not be a hero as he deals with the loss, but Slade has other ideas. I wrote quite a bit for it, but I don’t know if I’ll finish. It was heavily angsty when I was going through some stuff and needed catharsis. I still have it almost entirely outlined, so theoretically I could finish it. But, I don’t know. Inspired by Into the Dark by InkyIris btw (apparently a rewrite and cross-publishing is in progress on AO3!), one of the OG fics that got me involved back in the fandom.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, characterization, and action scene choreography. Or so I’ve been told lol
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing out scenes when I don’t love the scene as it is. The efficiency side of my brain doesn’t want to waste the energy when I know I’m going to pretty much throw it out and rewrite entirely later on. Also, romance.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Danny Phantom, even before I started publishing. (See the aforementioned episodes I wrote when I was 11.)
20. Favourite fic you've written?
If not Recognized, I would probably say Night One. It’s a quiet fic, and I love those intimate moments when these larger-than-life characters have some hurt/comfort and bonding moments.
Well I already mentioned you guys earlier but I'm tagging @tytach and @arken-99 as well as @the-outcast-ed, @tourettesdog and @dp-marvel94!
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spreadyourwingsc · 1 year
Sy and  Soirse. Prologue.
Disclaimer, this is the first story i’ve ever written and published., its not proof written, its not checked, nor researched, this was literally just words that came flying out of my mind. Captain Syverson’s character is not my own, he just lives 24/7 on my mind, Soirse, just came to me watching an Soirse Ronan’s interview, and again, I dont know her, I dont own her, this characters just shares her names, and maybe the hair, but she’s not the person i intend to portray here, i am also, not irish, nor know a lot about of irish culture, all this just came to me while watching these irish actors in a movie that have nothing to do with this, nor Sand Castle. 
Please do not copy it also, if you do youd be stealing, and what does that say about you if youre stealing fan fiction. 
If any of my content is similar to another person, it is not my intention, i havent read every fanfiction that there is in the world but i have read my share, and while ive had some influence on them, its not my intention to copy anybodys work, i admire y’all way too much for that, but the moment somebody points out that this is a copy of somebody elses work or that its similar, i will delete, because that is the last thing that I want. 
with that said please enjoy this little experiment, im going through some hard feelings right now, and i will probably delete it after i overthink a little too much. but i hope this bring a little joy to your day, also if somebody wants to help me better this or help me finish it, it would be greatly appreciate it. 
Logan Syverson is from Alpine texas, born and raised to Betty and Joseph Syverson, only boy, had a fairly normal childhood, father was military man, honorary discharge when Sy was a teenager. Sy was star of football team at Smalltown Alpine High, was an all around boy, polite, strong, educated, his mom doted on him and made sure he was a true gentleman, he’d spend his summer working with his dad at his workshop, Sy wanted to follow his dad footsteps in the military once he graduated against his mothers wish. But she was not going to stop him and was proud of him nonetheless., 
His dad was his typical Texan rancher, doted on Sy’s mother, they were high school sweethearts, and like being in the military and missed Sy’s birth and was not home he decided one son would be enough and once he was discharged he was glad he could be there to help Sys mother, even though sometimes she felt he missed his war filled days. 
While Sy was growing up he had his fair share of ladies, and how could he not. He was a sight to look at, when preadolescent hormones started to kick in, and the models on the magazines were more interesting than the toy cars, there was no going back for him. Sy loved his ladies like the next man, of course, with the respect they all deserved, for that reason he never found himself in a steady relationship.
That is until Saoirse (Sorche) came in. 
With very strong Irish background both her grandparents on her father side, had migrated to the states while not even being married, and started a new life, that’s how then Saoirse's dad  Conner Walsh was brought to this world, grew up in another small town in the US , adopting the American life and ways, and eventually meeting Saorise’s mother in New York, a city girl by all means, who got swept away by this irish-american redneck.
When they were about to have their 5th baby, Conner, decided he’s had enough of the busy city life and decided moving his big family of 7 to country side, considering a small town upbringings, not wanting his kids to get lost in the hustle of the city, at least until they would be old enough to decide if they rather it, or not.
Soirse Walsh was born on a hot summer day at Marfa, texas local hospital, a screaming scrappy baby with blonde reddish hair and the brown eyes, she was soon to be a storm to be reckoned with. Being the youngest of 5 children, and the only girl of a boys clan. While she was growing up, her mother was happy to finally have a female company around the house, her dad was ecstatic to have a little princess to spoil and dote alongside his wife. But the brothers were having none of that, while they loved and swore to protect her dearly, the teasing and bullying was always present, not to create trauma, but to create character. 
So when she’s stepped on Smalltown Alpine smalltown high, the school of the town over since her town was small it didn’t even have a highschool, her brothers long gone graduated all gone too soon to face their own choices in lives, one became a parent too early, but honored his father roots and became a family man, the other preferred to move to the hustle city , and other straight up joined military forces, while all different they all had in common that they all succeeded in whatever their craft were, making their parents proud and making her lovely mother hang up pictures in her wall of every accomplishment, everyone in Marfa, knew about the Walsh’s boys and how great they were at life. Which left out little Saoirse with a bar really high to climb. 
At 13 started in the new school, Saoirse still didn’t know what she wanted out of life,  she knew she liked swimming, and even considered the Olympics from time to time, doing well in her competitions, but she also was on the rougher side, she loved to hang around in the fields, and had a big interesting In bugs, and all the things not considered “girly”. When she was the only one kid left at the house her father made sure she knew how to take care of herself and even though they were six of them, never be dependent of a man, so she learned how to change a tire, how to ride a motorbike, and how to change the oil of her car. Her biggest proud moment was how she learned how to drive shift. All thanks to her dad and the brothers.
Thanks for reading!
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delvalentine · 1 year
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Man. October 23rd will be my 10 year anniversary writing fanfiction. I had a couple (terrible & prime cringe) fics from when I first started out in 2010 as a wee NINE year old... but '13 is when I really started to enjoy creative writing and put out work that I actually still look back upon fondly.
I still remember my very first fanfiction on Quotev (when it was Quizzaz)... a Big TIme Rush Logan x OC/SI written with colour coding to differentiate dialogue.
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hello-there26 · 2 years
So i made an ai generate logince fanfiction and it came up with this:
Roman and Logan were making out when Patton and Virgil came across them. 
They were easy to spot.
The other two were a little harder.
They were invisible to the human eye.
Roman had to turn around and have Logan turn around so he could see them.
Patton's image was less well - defined because of the high ground, but Virgil's face was still clear enough for Roman to see.
"I'm getting over it," Virgil said.
"I'm trying to get over it.
I do do."
"I know I can be emotional, Patton."
"You just go and spoil it."
"You're upset."
"You don't need to be upset about it."
"I'm upset about it and you're making it worse."
"I'm not."
"Yes you are.
You're being an ass**le."
"You just want to do this."
"Because of Logan."
"Logan is an option."
"You're being a**hole."
Don't talk to me."
He walked to his Harley and waited until he saw them pulling away.
"You're an ass**le," Roman said.
Logan winced.
"I've had a lot of practice."
Patton spoke up.
"You're going to get us killed."
Roman glanced at his younger brother.
"He hasn't let anything happen to us yet, so it's not like we should get his spleen."
Patton wasn't moved.
"He's an expert, Roman.
If he says to leave him behind-"
"Virgil and I are getting killed if we leave him behind."
Patton ground his teeth.
Logan will stay."
Roman met Logan's eyes and watched as his younger brother seemed to reach some understanding.
"I can get back."
"We'll see about that."
Patton scowled.
"You think this is easy for me?
No, I'm pissed off at having my head shoved in this damn department's ass.
This whole P.I. craze is nuts, and it was left to you to clean up the mess.
If you have to lie to people in order to be this department's man, then do it.
But I don't need this headache, and I sure as hell don't need the wrath of that psychotic ex of yours."
Roman loved his brother, but Patton was the most emotional person he knew.
"I don't lie."
"I know you don't."
Patton nodded.
"You could at one point.
A long time ago, but not anymore.
So quit the fear, man.
Just go with it."
"I don't."
Patton ignored him.
"Just go home and get over it.
I'll see you on Saturday."
Logan finally spoke.
"We'll be in touch.
Remember, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do."
Roman nodded.
"I know.
I just wanted you to know I'm on board with this."
"I got that."
Patton clapped him on the back.
"Get out of here, big guy.
I'm not going to need you for any more favors."
Roman waved and walked up to the dirt road.
He glanced up the highway, but there was no sign of Virgil's bike.
"He didn't see us," Logan said.
"It's my fault," Roman said.
"He wouldn't have even seen us if it wasn't for me.
He'd have gone on his merry way."
"You don't get to blame yourself for the actions of others."
"I'm a PI, Logan.
It's what I do.
I got involved in this case because that woman saw the pictures I'd done for the old lady.
And the more I looked into it, the more convinced I was that she was a victim.
If this guy can hurt a woman that badly, what would he do to some innocent woman?"
"Virgil's a good man.
He wouldn't be the first one this bastard has taken down."
"He wouldn't be the first," Roman repeated.
He didn't want to believe it, but there was no reason not to.
He'd seen the same look in his brother's eyes before.
"I'm gonna go home and get my stuff."
Roman pulled out his wallet.
"Would you do me a favor?"
"Call in the rent.
I can't put in for two weeks."
"I'll get it on Saturday."
He paused.
"How's your family?"
Logan smiled.
"Still crazy."
"Is this the only place you live?
Because it's like the land of the damned."
"Yeah, but it's home.
My dad came out here before the Vietnam war and never left.
So he and Mom made it their home."
Roman supposed he could understand.
It was a beautiful, peaceful place.
"So how's your private investigation business going?"
I don't think I could pull off running a restaurant."
"When you're not doing detective work, what else do you do?"
"I'm a tattoo artist.
I own a place called Death Tattoo in New Orleans."
Roman had been there once on a work visit.
"How long are you in town?"
"As long as this case takes.
I've got to be careful."
"How's your sister?"
She's the best.
Cassy, though, is less than thrilled with what's happening to her brother.
She and Chad get into these fights.
Cassy is very protective of him, and I know she's worried about losing him."
"The rest of your family is okay?"
"They're great.
Mom is the best.
She really loves being part of the family.”
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layniapetrovnaaa · 3 years
Logan Howlett Fic-Recs :)
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I found this in my drafts and thought I should post it lol
“Laura saw you two making-out...” - Old Man Logan x Reader
By: @ellana-ravenwood
#6. Getting caught making out with Logan .
I don't mind
By: @siren-and-faies-writing
Imagine Logan being a regular at the bar you work at
Reluctantly here
By: @moonlit-imagines
“We are definitely the coolest people here.” with Logan Howlett?”
By: @astxrwar
And maybe it’s the time, or the stress of the conversation, or the barely perceptible hum of pre-storm tension that’s been ever-present whenever the two of you are in the same room since that day in the diner, but suddenly, something is making you very aware of the older man in a way that you weren’t before. It’s something in the air. Something in the air has changed, gotten thicker or stronger or more pressing, but somehow you can feel it, and you get the feeling that somehow—somehow—Logan can, too.
Nowhere fast
By: @astxrwar
Took the basic premise [of Logan] and turned it into a fix-it fic slash road trip romance
By: xfandomwritingsx
You meet Logan in his favorite bar.
Christmas Prompt: Holiday Meal
In Loving Memory (Series)
By: ourdreamsrealized
After surviving an accident, Logan wakes with no recollection of his time with the X-Men. He has forgotten most of the people he came to love, and the woman who came to love him back.
Family Outing
By: @lune-hime
“It isn’t often we see four generations out to eat here. It’s so darling.”
Better watch your cholesterol, Logan.
Blast From The Past
By: @lune-hime
Logan runs into an unexpected surprise on his journey back in his days of future past.
There is more, but I can't think of all of them. I'll add more as I remember!
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I don’t mind
Pairing: Wolverine/Logan x Reader
Type: Request
Words: 934
Disclaimer: Wrote this with old man Logan in mind, so if you ain’t into that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Notes: Requested by @too-many-baes ! Thank you for the request 🙏🏻 I’ve never wrote for Logan before but I had fun and hopefully I didn’t do too bad 👀
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Logan let out a long sigh as he claimed a seat at the counter. It’d been a long day, and he needed nothing more than a moment of relaxation. Which to him, meant a cold beer and a cigar. He placed one between his lips before going for his lighter, and after a few moments of searching he cursed to himself.
“Fuck me.” He grumbled. Of course he left it behind, just his luck. As the mutant was about to place the wrap back into it’s box, the small flicker of a flame caught his eye, inches away, followed by a voice.
“When and where?” It asked cheekily as his eyes slowly worked their way to the source, along with raised brows. There you held the match out for him, a sly smile played your lips as he let out a soft grunt...or perhaps a laugh?
His hand went up to cup the flame. And after successfully lighting the cigar, he raised it in the air, a means of saying thanks. “So you just carry those around on you?” He questioned after taking a puff, choosing to disregard your inquiry.
“No.” you replied innocently through a hushed laugh “but I know that the fuel from a lighter can affect the taste of a cigar, so.” Your shoulders shrugged and his eyes followed as you worked the taps behind the counter. “Oh?” He huffed, raising an inquisitive brow “and what else do you know?”
“Well...” You chirped matter-of-factly “I also know that a certain someone comes in almost every night and likes their pilsner fresh in a dimpled mug. This ones on the house, you look like you need it.” Your once sweet smile faded into that of a complacent grin as said drink was placed before the older man.
“So you’ve been watching me?” He questioned, both brows raised ever so slightly in astonishment before lifting the glass and taking a quaff. “Can you blame me?” You shot back, scanning his features before locking with hazel orbs “...It’s hard not to.” The last bit was mostly to yourself, but he definitely heard it.
The awkward clearing of his throat broke the eye contact “So, you’re sweet enough to memorize peoples drinks and make’em free? How often you do that? Bound to be bad for business.” He asked sternly, intending to cut the childish game you two had been playing up until this point.
But you had other plans. “Only for the ones I like....so once.” You stated, sealing it with a wink as a laugh escaped your lips.
His constant dismissal of your advances wasn’t hard to miss but you could tell he wasn’t completely against them either, and even played along a little. It’s just Logan couldn’t wrap his head around why you would want to flirt with him. Surely there was someone more deserving. Someone....younger?
He was lost in thought, occasionally taking a swig of his still fresh drink as his brain tried to work it out. Your voice was the only thing that caught his attention “So” you started, curiosity getting the best of you “What’s your story?” This had been the goal at first, you were genuinely interested and wanted to learn more about him.
Logan let out a puff of air, his head shaking side to side “I would need a lot more beer to barely even begin that.” His shut off nature only fueled you “That could be arranged. How about I join you on the other side of this counter sometime and you can tell me all about it over another drink?” His eyes fixed on you for a moment, as if he was waiting for you to crack and finally tell him that this was all a joke and send him on his way.
But the genuine look in your eyes made it clear that wasn’t going to happen “Listen sweetheart, the flirting was cute and all but I’m too old for this shit. Too old for you, and I’m sure you’d much rather spend your time with someone younger.” Logan felt confident in his words and downed the last of his beer victoriously.
It was true, he was on the older side, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t like a bit of salt and pepper. Older men were more experienced and mature, and when compared to people your age the choice was clear.
“I don’t mind” was all that came out of your mouth, that innocent smile finding its way back to your lips. It was starting to get to him, that damned smile. You worked it so perfectly, and he began to hate that it was growing on him, that you were growing on him.
“I’m getting the feeling you won’t take no for an answer but unfortunately I’m all out of time” He said while checking the watch on his wrist and removing himself from the seat beneath him.
“So do we have a deal?” You asked eagerly, eyeing the man as he walked towards the door.
“Maybe” Logan replied with a dismissive wave of his hand, the smoke from his cigar now fading with the cool autumn breeze. It was only when he went for his keys that he noticed the folded napkin that snuck it’s way into his coat pocket. Carefully unraveling the folds he chuckled at the messy ink which contained a number and simply read “I’m free Tuesday nights -Y/N ;)”
It looked like Logan had no choice, and was actually eager to share a drink with you....though he’d never admit it.
- Siren
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downthewishingwell · 2 years
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Inspired by ‘The Howlett Family’ series by @layniapetrovnaaa
Images found on Pinterest
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I have an old man Logan one shot brewing in my mind
And I just found a bunch of prompts that make me hurt for old man Logan because I could only see the story I’ve been thinking about for the last week. I hope to get something up soon, but I have a busy day of job searching tomorrow. Maybe people will be into it?
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