#old man logan imagines
greenbloodvulcan · 1 year
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Logan runs into a certain passenger more than once. She gets under his skin.
A/N: I change POV’s based on vibes only so sorry if this is hard to read :( 
Word count: 3,427
It wouldn’t have changed a damn thing for him, had it just been that once. He’d have forgotten about her the very next day; his appreciation of both her silence and her relative sobriety level would have been no more than a fleeting observation. It would have continued on just the same. Dry heat, dust, drink, and a deep nothingness that blankets every second of every day. His life was never going to be fucking sunshine and rainbows; his DNA made damn sure of that. He bears it all for Charles- the monotony. The obnoxious passengers who reeked of drink more than he did; who slurred professions of love and insisted that, no, they did not need him to pull over, they hadn’t even had that much. He wasn’t sure who he found worse- the drunks or the socially inept who talked his ear off like he looked like someone who gave a shit. 
So it’s a relief when she slides into the backseat with mostly clear eyes and a small smile, meeting his gaze in the rearview. The smell of alcohol is faint, and though he’s parked outside a strip of bars at 11 at night, he notices the scrubs and the bag she tosses in beside her. He confirms her name and she nods with a soft “yes”. He waits until he hears the click of the seatbelt before pulling away from the curb, nothing but the radio and the hum of the engine surrounding them. She doesn’t tap away at her phone incessantly, feeling the need to feign busyness to fill the silence that is to be expected between two complete strangers. She just leans her head on the window, the bright lights of the nighttime landscape flashing across her face. He doesn’t say anything and she doesn’t ask him about his day or talk about how the weather is finally cooling down or something else equally as meaningless. He keeps his eyes on the road the rest of the drive, the same highway signs and landmarks he’s memorized fading in his periphery. 
It takes maybe 15 minutes to pull off the road into a small apartment complex. It’s dead silent at this hour, and she directs him to the left and points at a set of stairs beneath one of the light posts that actually works. “Right here is fine. Thank you-” she pauses and looks down at her phone, “Logan. I appreciate it.” He grumbles out a “sure” but her smile only widens before she pushes the door open and slides out. “Have a good night.” He nods at her and waits until she disappears up the landing and he hears a door close. It’s late, and he plans to drive another hour or two to avoid Caliban’s very personal questions and the concern in his voice for Charles that has Logan thinking back to a mansion filled with limp bodies and broken screams. He keeps driving. 
She sees him again two weeks later, by pure chance. The car she can’t afford to fix means it was bound to happen sooner or later. She’d gotten by the last month with bus rides at god forsaken hours of the morning and rideshares when she’d had her fill of sticky plastic seats, the smell of urine, and people who didn’t see anything wrong with having conversations on speaker in public. She can spare the few bucks most of the time- twice a week, sometimes three. Tonight is one of those nights. She didn’t think much of it when she ordered the ride, only putting the name to the face when she opens the door and sees the man with tired eyes, a rumpled shirt, and a rugged handsomeness she admonishes herself for noticing. “Oh hey. Again,” she greets, pulling her backpack onto her lap and hugging it to her chest. He raises his eyebrows at her and turns around in this seat again with a grunted hey. 
It’s much the same as the last time and the silence that settles is so blissful she’s surprised she doesn’t fall asleep. As she’s leaving she feels possessed to tell the man- Logan, that she hopes she gets him next time too. She doesn’t expect anything other than a one word response but he turns to look at her and a disbelieving chuckle escapes him. He runs a hand through his hair and eyes her with a scrutiny she’s not used to. They’re not quite green and not quite brown and it’s stupid to think because she doesn’t know him but she wonders what they’d look like without all that hurt. “And why is that?” he questions gruffly.  Ignoring the flush that she’s certain has risen to her face she speaks truthfully, “The quiet. It’s nice. Don’t get too much of that most days,” she replies, motioning to her scrub clad body. She sees his eyes focus on the badge clipped to her collar and he nods, “I fucking believe it.” He nods at her as he unlocks the door. “See you later,” she calls. “Maybe,” he replies. 
“What, are you requesting me or something?” he asks incredulously. That earns him a laugh- a light and airy sound that he would have found strange, because it wasn’t that funny, but he’s picked her up outside a bar, and her eyes are glazed over and the smell is so much stronger than the first time. She must notice his weariness, because she’s leaning back in her seat with her hands up in surrender. “I’ll be good I promise,” she smiles at him then, and it’s so genuine he allows himself to believe her.  He tells her that she better not throw up with a grumble and she’s nodding, “Yes, Mr. Logan.” He sends her a look and pulls the car out of park. She keeps her promise the first 5 minutes. It’s so quiet and the road so familiar, he almost forgets about the stranger in his backseat. But then she’s breaking the silence, and her voice is no longer cheery and playful; she’s nearly whispering and her voice is cracking as she makes her inquiry, “Can I tell you something?” 
He wants to be rude and tell her he’s not a fucking psychiatrist and he’s honestly the last person anyone should want to have a heart to heart with but he doesn’t. She’s been perfectly nice to him and even if he had a habit of being an asshole more often than not nowadays, he knew she didn’t deserve it. He doesn’t meet her eyes in the rearview. “Go ahead, kid.”
“We lost someone today. And I just- I couldn’t stand the thought of just going home and being alone with it, you know? And it wasn’t the first and it won’t be the last and maybe I should just be used to it by now but, I just can’t. And next year, I won’t be under someone, it’ll be my responsibility and only mine and I-” she’s crying now and he hears her trying hard to stifle the tears. “Anyway, that’s why I drank so fucking much. Sorry. God, I’m-” she falters and quiets lamely. 
His knuckles are turning white against the steering wheel and he’s thinking of a streak of white hair, and blue skin that’s turning a sickly gray and the woman he couldn’t have at the foot of the stairs and he knows that no amount of liquor can make you forget. “You don’t,” he says. “You don’t get used to it. Just get better at hiding it.”
She’s wiping at her eyes and she’s leaning forward now, her chin resting on the slope of the passenger seat. “I’ll just always feel responsible. Like I didn’t do enough.” 
He’s pulled into her lot when he finally turns and meets her eyes. “Yeah, I know.”
She’s too fucking embarrassed to risk seeing him again for several weeks. She knows very well how irrational she’s being, and she knows he must have dealt with far worse but she’s never been one to share the details of her life with near strangers. So she braves the bus and the noise and the smell and the headaches that plague her as a result. 
The next time she sees him, it isn’t in his car. She’s leaving the hospital, and like many third year residents, had survived on nothing but a granola bar and coffee. Her feet are aching and she briefly considers just going home but she’s got the appetite of a hungover undergrad so she stops in at the nearby diner. She’s greeted by the smell of pancake batter and bacon grease and for that she ignores the sticky table and water spotted silverware. She’s about to look around for a waitress when she sees him two booths away, staring very intensely at the coffee mug before him. His eyes suddenly meet hers and she raises her hand in a hesitant wave before looking away and flagging down the waitress. She’s a customer–an acquaintance really, so she’s surprised when she hears the shuffling of footsteps and he drops into the seat across from her. She meets his eyes and leans forward slightly, “I’m not following you I promise,” she tells him and that earns her a gruff laugh, “I’d hope you’d have better things to do. Doctor.” 
He’s different from every time before. Looser. His white collared shirt is unbuttoned and rolled at the sleeves, suit jacket abandoned. She notices for the first time just how imposing he is, all hard muscle and tan skin and eyes that seem to burn right through her. But they’re the slightest bit unfocused, and then his demeanor makes sense. “Yeah, just a thing or two,” she tells him with a smile. He surprises her again by asking if her day was better than the last time he saw her. She skips over more apologies, since he clearly isn’t bothered and she nods at him thoughtfully. “Yeah, actually. Thanks. It’s hard, you know. The ER. It’s people at their most vulnerable and someone’s life is literally in your hands and yes, it’s fast and it’s exhausting but, I love it. I really do,” she finishes, unable to help herself from smiling at the admission. Her plate is delivered then, and it takes everything in her to not inhale the pancake stack. Rather, she stabs at the eggs first and looks expectantly at the man before her, “What about you?”  
“Oh yeah, always wanted to be a driver. Nothing like it,” he answers. She rolls her eyes at his tone, “You’re just full of surprises tonight aren’t you. Who would’ve thought you were capable of making a joke.” 
He brings the mug to his lips, downing the remainder of the black coffee and leaning back into the red vinyl. He shrugs, “Shit happened and a move across the country made sense.” He’s looking down at the table, fingers tapping against the sticky laminate and she doesn’t miss the scars between his knuckles. They’re fresh, the skin still puckered and pink and it only adds to the mystery of the man before her. The one so dead set on hiding. She nods, but they both know she doesn’t buy it. “I’ll get it out of you, one day,” she replies, “I’m not known for quitting.” 
He huffs out a laugh, “It’s your mistake,” he responds, but those hazel eyes meet hers with a look she can’t quite place. She responds in kind, mimicking his shrug before cutting up the pancake stack before her. They sit in silence for a while and he looks incredibly amused at the enthusiasm with which she eats. She slouches down in her seat with a sigh when she finishes, “Wow I really fucking needed that.” 
He nods at her, “Gotta take care of yourself kid.” She raises her eyebrow at him indicating she could say the same thing about him and he shrugs again, “Yeah, fine. You win.” He gestures towards the window, “Going to head out.”
She smiles at him lightly, “You’ll likely see me again really soon,” she admits. “Car’s still busted.”
It’s when he stands up to go that she notices. He tries to keep his arm by his side, but it comes up to his torso just as he grits his teeth and winces. He brings his hand up to signal that he’s fine and she can stay seated but she’s standing in front of him and giving him a look that says that she knows better. “Hey, what’s wrong?” 
He shakes his head and makes to move past her, “Nothing it’s fine.” She looks down at his shirt and then back up at him with a fierceness in her eyes, “The blood seeping through your shirt would suggest otherwise, Logan.” He’s about to open his mouth to protest but she grabs his calloused hand and pushes against his chest with her free hand,  keeping him in place. “You’re going to let me help because I won’t be able to sleep tonight if I don’t. I don’t care what happened, just let me.” He closes his eyes and lets out a sigh knowing it’s a losing battle. The woman who barely cleared his shoulders wasn’t going to let it go. 
She leans down and slings her bag over her shoulder and motions toward the bathroom. There’s barely enough space in the dingy men’s room and it smells strongly of cheap air freshener and bleach. She pushes the toilet lid down with her foot and motions for him to sit before digging out the first aid kit from her bag and handing it to him while she scrubs her hands with several pumps of soap. “Of course you have one of these.”
She gives him a pointed look, “Never know when the mysterious chauffeur with a secret past is going to be bleeding out in the 24/7 diner.”
He’s taken his shirt off and suddenly she’s crouched between his knees, her brows furrowed. There’s a wound along his abdomen, maybe four inches long. The stitches he’d clearly done himself had split. But it’s not just that. His torso is a mirage of scars, both old and new–shiny pink strips that stand out from the rest of his tanned surface, the jagged edges pulling at his taught skin. Then she sees the rounded indentations and she’s been in the ER enough to know that they’re bullet holes and she pushes down the worry that is suddenly taking root in her chest. She can feel his eyes studying her, waiting for a reaction–for an explanation. She doesn’t give him one. 
He towers above her and is easily twice as wide, and for all his roughness, she can’t help but find him beautiful. She stands to get a stack of paper towels that she presses to his skin as gently as she can. “Sorry,” she murmurs when she feels him tense beneath her fingers. He feels like a furnace. “Hold that a sec.” She’s pulling out gloves, then scissors and tweezers. She pulls his hand away when the towels are soaked through. He closes his eyes as she starts to remove the old thread, and she somehow stays focused on the split skin and not the fact that she’s close enough to hear every change in his breathing and smell traces of cologne and whiskey. 
She doesn’t question him while she works and he’s grateful for it. She gives him a smile when she says, “The stitches weren’t even that bad, so good job.” He tries to relax, but he finds himself tensing at the feel of her fingers on his skin, the intimacy of it, however necessary it was, an almost foreign concept to him as of late. She keeps mumbling apologies anytime he does, like she’s the reason he’s got a knife wound. A few years ago, he might have said something crass about her position between his legs but now? Right now, he can’t fathom why she cares so much to begin with.
He lets his eyes fall to her face as she concentrates on threading the hooked needle. Some of her dark hair has escaped the knot at the nape of her neck and her tongue pokes out from between her lips as she works, her brows furrowed in concentration. She holds the suture in one hand while the other grabs hold of a small brown bottle. She meets his eyes apologetically. “This is going to sting.” He only nods as she pours it over the wound, clenching his teeth as he inhales. “Ok, this is going to feel worse but I’ll be as quick as I can,” she assures him. 
The dim yellow light from the flickering fixture above them has her squinting as she leans forward and braces her forearms above his knees. “I’ll be fine,” he tells her when she glances up at him with another apology. He closes his eyes as he feels the tugging on his skin, his fingers digging into the flesh of his thighs. A few moments pass before she leans back and reaches for the dressing. “All done,” she announces, pressing the bandage down and removing her gloves. 
He stands and moves to re-button his shirt but she reaches down and pushes his bloody hands away. “Let me.” There’s barely three inches between them and he’s suddenly very aware of the heat from her skin and the way her nimble fingers seem to take longer than necessary working the buttons through. Then, her palms linger on his chest when she’s done and all he can smell is her perfume and all he can hear is his pulse between his ears. She’s peering up at him with those deep, dark eyes and she looks so innocent and kind and young–everything he is not. 
But she’s more than that; she’s fucking brilliant and dedicated and she spends her days pulling people from the brink of death so he doesn’t get why she’s looking at him that way. Why she’d seen all that she had in the last 20 minutes and still wants anything to do with him at all. He’s vague and defensive and she can’t have much of an idea of who he is at all and yet she’s still there, looking at him like that. 
It’s worse when she runs her thumb across the raised scar on his cheek and his eyes fall closed immediately and he almost forgets to breathe. His hand comes up to catch her wrist between calloused fingers and he wants to keep her from wasting any more time on him and his brain is screaming at him to just tell her no but he doesn’t. And it’s incredibly stupid because he knows how fucking terribly it always ends. Always. He drops her wrist and she catches his right hand, her thumb passing gently along the scars between his knuckles. It’s intoxicating- the feel of her skin on his and god its been so long. Her head is bowed as she maps out the scar tissue on the back of his hand and she’s so incredibly gentle and seemingly awestruck when her eyes meet his again that he feels his stomach drop because he wishes so badly that she didn’t care. That he didn’t. 
“Thank you,” he murmurs. She smiles at him lightly, and he’s confused by the sadness that seems to overtake her features. “You’re so much more than I ever could have hoped, Logan. Please know that.” He decides then that his name on her lips is his new favorite sound. He almost opens his mouth to protest but he knows it will only upset her so he stays quiet. She drops his hand and then she has both palms on his chest again and soft lips against his cheek and he lets himself savor the proximity and the warmth and the scent of vanilla that surrounds her. He catches her waist before she can step away and her hands slide upwards to meet behind his neck. He bows his head to rest against her forehead and it takes all his restraint to not kiss her until she’s breathless. That soft, sweet smile has returned to her face and her dark eyes are shining. It’s almost enough to make him forget the grimy bathroom they’re standing in. “Let’s get out of here, yeah?” she whispers and he feels his lips pull up at the corners before he can stop it. 
He drives her home in his passenger seat. 
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alicentsargent · 1 year
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"He's a good kid..."
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stewykablooey · 11 months
ok but stewy being canonically bi really makes everything about his relationship with kendall so much funnier like imagine being a beautiful bisexual stallion and your fate is to become best friends with and develop a 30 year crush on logan ‘homophobia’ roy’s prodigal son like. imagine having to do deal with kendall’s ‘no homo but my tongue is down your throat’ repressed bullshit for 30 years whilst also dodging the beam of mixed flavor racism homophobia his father directs at you every time he sees you within 5 feet of said prodigal son but also you feel a strange solidarity with this old man because he at least has also accurately clocked and acknowledges that his prodigal son is queer
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ynbabe · 20 days
Come Through ୨୧ George Russell x Rockstar! Reader
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Is rockstar the right word? idk I just know bro is crazy bts, the white boy with Excel persona is fooling NO ONE Georgie boy. Also, Reader has vibes of the Weekend song, hence the fic name.
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Lando thinks it's all a joke. He hadn't been crying, screaming and manifesting for the past three years only for his celebrity crush to be dating someone else, another driver that too.
"WHO-" He yells as he storms into Max's room, where most of the drivers had collected, they hadn't decided but they all just gravitated towards the blonde with sweet blue eyes who listened to the vent and gave the best hugs, "AFTER ALL WE WENT THROUGH- WHO IS DATING Y/N L/N?"
All eyes were on him, Max lying on his bed, Charles, Carlos and Daniel with him. Lance, Esteban and Pierre were on the sofa, playing FIFA on Max's PS5, George and Alex were sharing the smaller two-seater, Zhou and Yuki were passing a tennis ball to each other and Logan and Oscar were sleeping, cuddling close on the floor surrounded by pillows, but were now woken up by Landos yelling.
"Lando stop screaming," Charles yelled back.
"No," he simply replied and made his way to the bed where he jumped on top of Carlos and Daniel, the older of whom groaned and grumbled something about his back, but Lando didn't care, he pushed his phone in Max's face, blurring his face in Carlos's neck.
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xoxof1 Y/n l/n an infamous British rockstar most famous for her multiple dating scandals and most recently an arrest is rumoured to date a F1 driver.
username girl... knowing her it's like Lewis or someone
username fr like hasn't she 'dated' a dozen older guys not to mention her record with women username girl why are you hating like a man, she's iconic and we all know it
username just lost my wife to a vroom-vroom man no one talk to me
Max began laughing, looking up from the post to the distraught Lando currently getting his hair played with by Carlos.
"Mate, I don't think you're her type," he threw the phone back to the whining boy.
"Yeah? And how would you know? I look exactly like Edward!" He pointed to the bassist of the band you were a part of.
"Kelly loves her music..." he muttered, looking away much to the younger man's amusement.
"HAH!" He shrieked, "SHE'S NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND ANYMORE!!" He laughed to which Carlos pushed his head down, eliciting an 'oomph'.
"I've been told many times," Max muttered to himself and turned to Lando to hear the rest of his rant, though loud and fast, the boy was the best source of entertainment they had.
"Max, look at her band, she's so coooool," he groaned, passing the phone to him again.
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Cupidd THANK YOU LA!! We'll be back with 'young, numb and brunette' after this short break!!
y/nl/n My old man said I had to be in Shangai this weekend 🫡 but trust- I will be back to piss y'all off with Eddie asap
edwrdnotcllen MY WIFE HAS LEFT ME FOR A TWINK HELP y/nl/n shut up Eddie your the twinkiest twink I know username I love that they have had multiple partners in the past yet still always call each other husband and wife username I pity her boyfriend 😭 imagine having to compete with a man who looks like Edward
username SHES GOING TO A RACE????
username nooooo pls my parents
username girl they have never dated, both y/n and Edward have had multiple partners and relationships with men and women in the past. Leave them alone, they're adults username FOUND Y/N'S BFS ALT GUYS!!!
"She's coming to China?" Max asked no one in particular but Lando took it as an invitation to freak out.
"Bro please, please, please let me win this one, I'll owe you forever, bro please," Lando tried his puppy eyes on Max but Max jumped out of bed calling his girlfriend, walking out the room trying his best to convince the older woman to not attend the race.
"I have so much work to do," Lando gasped and followed Max out the room.
The race was one to remember, with Max winning but George a close second and Lando barely a tenth away on the third.
He hadn't been able to find the girl anywhere but at least he got points for the team. He went to the McLaren team party and forgot about the other celebration taking place.
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xoxof1 The unexpected couple have been revealed in a series of leaked pictures of the private f1 party after the driver George Russell had a podium finish for his Shangai race.
username Mr.Russell I was unaware of your rizz, forgive me sir.
landonorris When i catch you george when I catch you
username LANDO??? username he's one of ussssss username bbg you get me 😮‍💨 in ways no man ever has
George woke up with the worst headache he ever had in his life, he was sure he'd never get over this hangover but then he saw y/n next to him, hair tussled wearing the white shirt he was wearing last night.
"Y/n, darling, wake up," he pressed a kiss on her shoulder.
"mmhm," the woman groaned, turning to the blonde next to her and kissing him, the taste of vodka still fresh in her mouth.
She melted into his touch as he deepened the kiss, " Mornin' G," she whispered to him, voice hoarse from the night before.
He smiled in return, placing one last kiss on the corner of her lips. She searched around for her phone, finding it fallen amongst their haphazardly discarded clothes and opened Instagram to thousands of notifications.
She was used to it by now, it was quite fun.
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y/nl/n If I speak... @/georgerussell
edwrdnotcllen @/yn/ln you are so welcome for not squealing as soon as I knew
y/nl/n girl you asked me if you could kiss him after??? edwrdnotcllen And I still am?? username WHAT-
username I just know Lando is fuming rn
username y'all need a third? a dog? a maid?
username it should be me instead of him!!!
username god I see what you've done for others 😭
"Darling, did you post-" George had just begun but his room was rudely broken into, running in he saw a hyper papaya-coloured blur followed by a very hungover Max Verstappen.
Lando gasped looking at the woman next to George, screeching at an inhuman pitch, "HOW'D THIS PIECE OF VANILLA FRAPPUCCINO WOO HER??!?!?" He pointed at Y/n, making the woman laugh.
George offended, scoffed at the boy, "Well if you must know, I met her at Nando's party-" he was cut off once again, this time by the Dutch man.
"That makes sense actually," he said and immediately grabbed Lando by the collar and dragged him out, "Sorry guys!" he yelled after himself.
"I like your friends," Y/n said smirking making the taller man blush and push the woman slightly, before collapsing back into bed, making a silent promise of never trying to out-drink the woman again.
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i-spit-on-your-garage · 5 months
*NSFW shit in here*
This is my accidental first sorta imagine,enjoy I guess
Logan Howlett x reader
*straight up down bad kinda rough smut after paragraph one,afab, I'm just dumping my horny Wolverine thoughts here*
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I don't think we're acknowledging how HEAVY Logan is. Man's is full of metal. There's a scene in X-Men origins: Wolverine where the old farmer has him try out the motorcycle and when he sits that bitch SINKS under his weight. Hugh himself was around 200 pounds (90 kg) during this role, but Wolverine's canon weight is a whopping 300 pounds (136 kg) post adamantium injections.Canonically he's 5'3 (1.60 m) but in the movies he's 6'3(1.90 m).
All that to say CAN YOU IMAGINE this beast of a man fucking you from behind? The absolute FORCE he's capable of. Like your ass will hurt afterwards purely from his hips. Your hands are gripping the headboard for dear life(it doesn't help) and his hands are gripping your hips (where they belong) as he absolutely wrecks you. You're in denial if you say this man is quiet in bed, this man is growling, moaning, and/or panting like a damn dog. You're either screaming or letting out silent cries cause he's fucking the air out of you. You'd both be covered in sweat and this man is going feral because you are literally gushing around him and soaking his cock and his hips and he can feel you dripping down his fucking balls (I will never be sorry for what I post, I'm incapable of shame). He's gonna put you in a chokehold with his weight leaning into you as he lowers his chest onto your back, trapping you in beneath him while he obliterates you pussy(I'm projecting so badly rn).
.......how big do we think his dick is?👀
I've never written before,I just felt the overwhelming need to share my horny gremlin ass thoughts about this hot, angry,large hunk of man.
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wordstome · 5 months
What are the dads’ favorite bonding activities with their kids? 🥺
hello friend!!
Price: I like to imagine Price's girls are engaged in all sorts of extracurricular activities from ballet to the school play. I think his favorite bonding activity with them would be taking them out to eat after a recital or a performance. Just his little ladies and some good old greasy spoon diner food: what else could a man want? And you know that when the girls grow up, those nights are going to be some of their fondest childhood memories.
Ghost: Caden is a parallel play kind of kid. He's quietly doing his little crayon drawings next to Simon watching a tv show. I could also see them bonding when Simon takes Caden out to run errands with him, groceries and stuff. Caden gets a bit of socialization, and Simon is there if he gets overwhelmed and needs a bit of comfort. It really brings them together: the kid knows that no matter how distant his dad can be, he can always rely on Simon.
Soap: JOCK ALERT. His favorite bonding activity is taking his kids to the park. Impromptu soccer games, roleplaying on the playground equipment, buying them ice cream on a hot summer day. When Elodie's older, she stops going, preferring to hang out with friends or do her own thing. But I can see wayyyy in the future when she's an adult, she'll have a lot of nostalgia for those days and will love going on walks with her dad.
Gaz: Kyle is a planned activities kind of man, a very take the kids to Disney World and make lifetime memories sorta guy. Every summer the family gets an airbnb by the lake, and every winter they're off at a ski lodge. (Here's to that delicious, delicious dual income household.) Violet and Elliott are always the kids blowing into the first day of class full of stories about all the fun stuff they got up to over the summer.
König: Dress-up. Come on, you knew this was coming. He's so girldad. Ava can't keep her hands out of her dad's luscious locks, and loves making him paper crowns because of his callsign (he definitely speaks German with her at home so she knows what it means). He also buys Ava those big plastic playsets that are a grocery checkout or a little kitchen and roleplays little scenarios with her. Ava's a militant chef, by the way. She would make a great line cook.
Horangi: Concerts with his daughter, Ryujin. Probably a few raves, as well. Ryujin's a punk rock and indie scene kinda gal, but she'll listen to anything, and has a few favorite kpop groups whose concerts she's dragged Hong-jin to. He's a diehard Once (fan of the girl group Twice) himself. They've also definitely gotten a few tattoos/piercings together, which would be an odd thing to do with your dad if Ryujin's dad were not so cool.
Keegan: Same as Johnny, except instead of taking his kids to safe parks and soccer fields, he takes them into the woods. Camping, fishing, teaching them a bunch of useful skills. It's such a "things your divorced dad does with you when he doesn't know what else to do for the weekend you're staying with him" activity, but Jason and Cecelia have never had someone do those things with them before, so they're having a good time. Other than that, laser tag and airsoft is a big one. Keegan was hesitant to get them into stuff like that, but they've always been curious about his military career and things just sort of escalated from there. I saw this tiktok of a cosplayer in a Logan mask captioned "when you're playing airsoft with your 15-year spec ops dad" and it's the cosplayer plastering themselves against a wall in terror: that's Keegan's kids. He's not going to hold back when he plays, and they don't want him to.
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calamity-bean · 1 year
Old news I know but when I think about how absolutely DEVOTED Marcia was to Logan in s1, how ENTIRELY she committed herself to his recovery and all of his interests, never grasping or drawing attention to herself, just calmly and confidently backing him up, and then for Logan to TREAT HER THE WAY THAT HE DID...... oooooooo I feel a lil insane about it. The way this man destroys every relationship he touches! The way he constantly self-sabotages the long term for the sake of short-term pettiness and lust and greed! He had a canny, classy, iron-willed and extremely loyal partner at his back and he NEVER appreciated it, and furthermore I bet that on some level he probably resented Marcia for being so capable and having any degree of influence or power over him, because he can't stand not being the most powerful person in the room.
I hope she's enjoying shopping in Milan forever but she deserved more than that, she deserved to Gone Girl him, hell she deserved the opportunity to pull the plug. Can you imagine Marcia as the glamorous widow in the beautiful black-lace dressing gown telling the cops how DEVASTATED she is that her husband's been mysteriously murdered, who could have DONE such a thing? I can. She'd look fabulous in it. Maybe she can find one in Milan.
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oscarpiastriwdc · 20 days
albums i would play for each driver on the 2024 F1 grid to expand their music taste
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Max Verstappen: Graceland by Paul Simon - As a fan of classic and folk rock, I'd imagine Max has been exposed to Simon and Garfunkel and I think he'd enjoy the sprawling, detailed, careful expanse of Simon's solo masterpiece. Angels in the architecture spinning in infinity, etc etc
Checo Perez: Ramomex by Rebel'd Punk - One of the Mexican bands who pioneered punk music in the country, but Checo probably missed this release because he was too busy karting and moving to europe as a teen. It's never too late to have a proper angry punk phase, though.
Charles Leclerc: Ten Love Songs by Susanne Sundfør - Groundbreaking, life-altering pop music that pushes every boundary. This hits the sad songs craving and I think would interest him as a musician and burgeoning songwriter.
Carlos Sainz: Ultraviolence by Lana Del Rey - daddy issues. I just know he'd vibe out to Brooklyn Baby.
Lando Norris: Destiny by DJ Sabrina the Teenage DJ - I dream of sitting him down and exposing him to actually good, interesting, fun contemporary dj music.
Oscar Piastri: Speaking in Tongues by Talking Heads - He has that certain David Byrne swag and demeanor of someone who'd love the Talking Heads if only given the chance.
Fernando Alonso: 10,000 gecs by 100 gecs - At first the old man would be extremely confused but once he was on board he would be blasting The Most Wanted Person In The United States all day every day.
Lance Stroll: Talon of the Hawk by The Front Bottoms - that post that's like the problem is men are making podcasts instead of forming midwest emo bands. but it's men are becoming f1 drivers instead of forming midwest emo bands. I think some TFB exposure could be the spark of inspiration for a great career pivot.
Lewis Hamilton: Maps by billy woods and Kenny Segal - I fear Lewis might have been too worried about Merc's performance last year to have checked out this fantastic collaboration that was one of 2023's best albums.
George Russell: Contra by Vampire Weekend - I just saw Vampire Weekend live following the release of the new album and at the show there was a guy a few feet ahead of me in the merch line who had the exact same energy as GR. The mix of prep vibes and world music would work into his taste while expanding his listening beyond coldplay.
Yuki Tsunoda: GLOW ON by Turnstile - 100% a selfish pick, I want to mosh with Yuki in the pit of a Turnstile pit.
Daniel Ricciardo: The Panhandlers by The Panhandlers - A country supergroup I return to time and again, wistful and nostalgic, making you yearn for West Texas no matter where in the world you are.
Alex Albon: Pelican West by Haircut 100 - Funky British jazz pop, perfect for dancing and vibing.
Logan Sargeant: Crying, Laughing, Waving, Smiling by Slaughter Beach, Dog - I fear Logie might be too young or too norm core to have had a proper Modern Baseball phase (it's never too late logie! listen to Intersection!) but Ewald's 2023 offering seems like something he missed last year that's perfectly up his alley.
Valtteri Bottas: Merriweather Post Pavillion by Animal Collective - Weird and complex, I think he should throw it on while on a long bike ride and let his mullet fly in the breeze.
Zhou Guanyu: God Save the Animals by Alex G - no you don't understand i need him to listen to Alex G he would love it
Kevin Magnussen: Heaven or Las Vegas by Cocteau Twins - Ethereal music he can feel and let wash over him in a wave to relax and transcend the horrors of driving for Haas.
Nico Hulkenberg: Supernatural by Santana - dad music but make it funky and good
Pierre Gasly: Sex Dreams and Denim Jeans by Uffie - A perfect twist on early 2000s French electronic music, I think it'd remind him of the club while sounding entirely new and make him want to pick up a side dj gig of his own.
Esteban Ocon: Lescop by Lescop - French indie pop-rock! His most recent album is fantastic, but Este should check out Lescop's 2013 debut first.
following a conversation with @liamlawsonlesbian and her definitive book rec list i'm doing something similar for music (she bullied me into posting this sorry). large range in popularity/mainstream-ness of artists depending on the driver and what i think they're already listening to.
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ironstrange1991 · 2 years
Anything Else, Mr Stark?
+18 Smut
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Pairing: TonyStark x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4,3k
Warnings: Age gap, Slight female dominance, Love bites, Dirty Talk, Male and female oral sex, Male and female masturbation, fingering, P in V.
Synopsis: When the reader gets a job in the Stark Industries she doesn't imagine that she would work as assistant to Tony Stark himself. The chemistry between them is instantaneous.
Based in this ask: I’m a big fan of your strange smut and see that your also a big tony fan. Could we get some Tony/reader fluffy smut with a dominate reader pls?
A/N: I dont know about the fluffy part, but I tried to make this very smutty. It was a little bit hard to write Tony, but I hope I made him justice. I really love the guy. Hope you guys like it ;)
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You were always great at getting into trouble, but this time you felt like you had crossed the line and while you were extremely happy to finally get exactly what you wanted, you were also terrified over thinking about what it meant to you and your job and your career.
You've always been the prodigy in high school, you've always gotten top grades in college, and it wasn't all that surprising when you got an internship to work at Stark Industries. It was your line of work, it was your goal and you celebrated a lot when it happened, you just didn't imagine that such a vacancy would be to be Tony Stark's own personal assistant. It was ridiculous, he was old enough to be your father, he was a snob and he was self-centered and all, but you always had a crush on him, the kind you have on celebrities. After all, that's what Tony Stark has always been to the world, a celebrity and of course, a superhero.
You barely knew where to start and when you went through HR you heard all sorts of comments and advice from "He'll flirt with you all the time, but don't get too excited he does it with everyone." to "It will be extremely difficult to replace Miss Pottz, she was his right hand, man."
On the first day of work you barely managed to eat in the morning and put on at least three changes of clothes before deciding what to wear. You wanted to look like a serious person, you wanted to look professional and maybe even a little older, but dressing differently didn't necessarily change your personality. When you arrived, the first person who saw you was his private security, Happy Logan.
"I imagine you already got your badge from HR. You must wear it all the time. It's a company requirement and it doesn't matter that you're not going to work within the company, you must wear it anyway."
You nodded, taking the badge out of your bag and putting it on your shirt and only then did you realize what he said.
"What do you mean I'm not going to work at the company? I applied for an internship here.."
The security guard walked out expecting you to follow him out of the building and opened the car door for you "You're the boss's new assistant, you're going to work at his house."
While you started work taking care of the schedule and events he needed to attend and the documents he needed to sign, you soon realized that being Tony Stark's assistant also included participating in auctions to acquire the paintings he wanted, buy cufflinks and socks and his favorite deodorant. You didn't really care about it, in fact you liked it and it was kind of embarrassing to admit to yourself why.
It took you two weeks to finally meet Tony Stark in person. You had spoken to him by phone and email and many texts, but finally seeing him in front of you was a terrifying experience, but in a good way.
Friday, the AI ​​who ran the house and everything else, told you that he had arrived and wanted you to meet him at the workshop and so you went downstairs, the sound of ACDC blaring from the speakers. You had your tablet in hand ready to jot down anything he said or asked and tried your best to camouflage your nervousness and look as professional as possible.
You found him getting rid of the Iron armor he was wearing, and you were stunned to finally be in Iron Man's presence.
He finished what he was doing and turned around to face you "So you're the famous Y/N I've been talking to all this time."
You felt your face turning red "Me... famous? You're the celebrity Mr Stark"
He nodded still seeming to analyze you from head to toe "You dont need to call me sir, it makes me feel old. By the way, are you sure you're old enough to work? How old are you? 16?"
You blinked slightly offended "I'm 25"
He nodded "25..." He clapped his hands "Anyway, we have a lot to do, the holidays are over, Dad is home and I have at least 5 events to go to, two of them in the same night, I hope you're taking care of my schedule."
You nodded showing him what you had programmed on the tablet, but he interrupted you "No need to show me darling, I trust you. Just tell me what I need to do."
You nodded looking at him, his words taking root in your mind as you watched him take off the shirt he was wearing and put on another one. The man had known you for five minutes and was changing clothes in front of you.
"I've been told I need to let go of control and let people tell me what to do. Let's try this and see if it works better than last time."
You bit your lower lip looking at the tablet screen "You have a meeting with the company's shareholders tomorrow at 9 am. In the afternoon you need to dedicate some time to your project with the Nanotechnology armors, so I booked the restaurant for dinner with the possible new shareholders for 7pm and 9pm you must be at the charity ball for the benefit of..."
He came towards you "Sounds great. There's only one problem" He pointed at you and you were waiting for him to say something serious. "I don't have anyone to go to the gala with." He grimaced, "Yeah, I know, it's a tragedy. Can you imagine what they would say if the great Tony Stark arrived alone?"
You didn't understand what he was getting at or even if he was serious, sometimes it was hard to tell.
"Do you have a dress?"
"Me?" You stuttered "Yeah...yes, but..."
"On second thought, take some free time this afternoon and buy one, you can use the cooperative card, after all you'll be working."
You blinked, realizing what he was suggesting. "You want me to go to the gala with you?"
He nodded. "Can you think of a better way for me to make a good impression than to arrive at it with a 25 year old beauty?"
You looked away. You had already been warned about the flirtations, but it was hard not to react to them.
Happy Logan took you to shopping and you felt a little uncomfortable about the whole situation not just because you were buying a dress to go to the gala with your boss who happened to be the most famous billionaire in the world, but also because your heart was racing and you felt that your little experience with work and romantic relationships would be a hindrance to dealing with Stark's flirtations. After all, even knowing that they were just silly flirtations, you couldn't help but fantasize a lot of things in your head.
The next day passed so quickly that you barely noticed. At night you got ready in your long black dress and your high heels. You left your hair down to hide the bare back of the dress that you now thought was too flashy and put on a minimum of makeup.
You heard the sound of the Audi pulling up in front of your apartment and swallowed the saliva. You got into the car feeling like you might have a heart attack at any moment. He was gorgeous, as always. He wore a gray four-piece suit with a burgundy tie and flashy sunglasses even though it was night and the smell of his perfume was the most wonderful thing in the world. "Miss Y/L/N"
You smile "Mr Stark."
He smiles driving fast through the avenue.
The party passed in a blur for you. Stark passed from table to table greeting other millionaires and billionaires, Elon Musk was at the event. He kept his hands firmly on your waist the entire time and never introduced you as his assistant, it was always by your first name and although you told yourself that this should be something he would do to anyone, it wasn't what it looked like.
Although he offered all the time, you avoided drinking more than a glass of martini feeling too inebriated just by his presence and at the end of the night he dragged you out onto the dance floor and you knew he had had quite a few shots of whiskey. But you couldn't help but wonder what might come next.
"Is everything okay? You're a little too quiet."
He almost whispered in your ear.
"Sorry Mr Stark, I confess I'm a little uncomfortable dancing with you and I've just started this job and people might think that..."
"Let them think! I want them to think about it."
You looked at him in surprise "You don't need to explain yourself, but I do, Mr Stark."
He smiles at you, that smile you only saw on TV, that ironic, exaggerated smile that personally made your legs go soft.
"I think I'm enjoying hearing you call me Mr Stark, sounds dangerously sexy don't you think?"
You swallowed the saliva gently placing your hand on his chest and interrupting the dance "I think... I need to go to the bathroom."
He nodded leading you away from the dance floor. When you walked into the bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror your face felt like it was on fire and it wasn't just your face that was in that state.
You sighed and washed your hands, two women walked past you, staring and whispering. Of course, that could not go unnoticed. You turned your back to the sink taking a deep breath and looked at the time on your phone, it was already past 11pm.
You sighed and walked out of the bathroom to spot Stark talking to a man who looked faintly familiar, but you didn't know where you knew him from. You walked purposefully to him, ready to ask him to leave and the man walked away before you got close.
"It's everything alright?" He asked sipping another shot of whiskey and looking at you as if he could undress you with his eyes.
You nodded "If it's okay, I'd like to leave now. I'm a little tired and I have a headache."
He nodded, downing the rest of the whiskey from the glass in one gulp and held out his arm for you and you walked out the front door together.
"Are you sure you have a headache or did you want to leave the party because I make you uncomfortable?" He said after a good few minutes of akward silence as he drove.
You shook your head "It wasn't what I meant."
He nodded taking the avenue in the opposite direction he should have "Where are you going?"
He smiles "Home.
"Mr Stark..."
He gave you a quick glance and then turned his attention to the front, "Don't tell me I've imagined all this sexual tension between us since the first time we saw each other yesterday morning?"
You were speechless.
"Look, if you want me to take you home I will, but I guarantee it'll be a lot more fun if you go with me."
You didn't even realize you were holding and twisting the fabric of your dress.
"Mr Stark, we can't do this or you'll never take me seriously. This job means a lot to me."
He shook his head "And why wouldn't I take you seriously?"
"Because sleeping with my boss is not the best way to make a good impression. It's actually the worst way and I don't know if it's my fault, I've always had a crush on you, maybe I gave the false impression that ..."
He placed his hand on your thigh, squeezing it and then turned his palm up. "Stop thinking. Just enjoy the moment, okay? Tomorrow we have a bunch of stuff to sort out before my trip to Switzerland."
You sighed. You should ask him to take you back, but you didn't want to waste that opportunity. Sleeping with Tony Stark had been your fantasy for so long and as strange as it seemed you loved the age gap between you, it was what made it all the more exciting. Besides, you couldn't stop thinking about what he'd said the day before about giving up control and doing what people tell him to do. Did that apply to sex too? You bit your lower lip and to show him that you had decided to give in to his request you put your hand in his on your thigh and he intertwined his fingers with yours.
Stark parked in the mansion's underground parking lot and opened the car door for you to get out. You took the elevator up and were greeted by the AI ​​informing Stark that there were 21 calls to voice mail including a very angry message from Captain Rhodes.
"I'll talk to him in the morning" he replied to the AI ​​as he poured himself a shot of whiskey. At first you were surprised by Friday's omnipresence, but now you were used to it and it made your job a lot easier.
You stood in the room, rocking on your own feet, not knowing what to say or what to do, until he came towards you, touching your face and looking at you with those brown eyes that seemed to see into your soul. He ran his hand down your neck to your collarbone and bit his lower lip dramatically. "You're a pretty little thing, you know that?"
You smiled shyly. You wanted that so badly, but now you were completely intimidated by his presence and you weren't like that. You weren't shy, on the contrary. Dammit, maybe you should have drank more after all.
"Don't be shy, why don't you show me what you can do?"
You bit your lower lip and gathering up all your courage you knelt taking your hands to unbuckle his belt. You could see that he was already half ready for you and you were curious to know if the size of his dick matched the size of his ego. You unbuttoned his pants pulling them down and smiled at the sight of his cock under his underwear. You pulled on his boxers and licked your lips.
It was average size, but it was thick, with a fat and pink tip and you weren't disappointed at all. You didn't think twice and put it in your mouth. You sucked only the tip first, your hand jerking him slowly from base to tip, the salty taste of precum on your tongue. He groaned in approval and drained the last of the whiskey from the glass in one gulp.
You took his moan as approval and put the shyness aside, spitting on him and stroking him with both hands now faster smearing him with your saliva leaving him wet and perfect for you. You kept one hand steady at the base, the other stroking him quickly and flicked your tongue at the tip as he moaned louder now and brought his hand up to his head holding his hair.
"Fuck darling, you really know what you're doing. Its so good." He bit his lower lip now hard, suppressing his moans that were getting louder.
You hummed on his cock, spitting on it again and putting it in your mouth going all the way down swallowing it whole until the tip hits the back of your throat. He panted in surprise, he had already gotten a lot of blowjobs, but you were perfect, you made deep throat look so easy and you did it so well and he knew that if he didn't interrupt you he was going to cum in your mouth and he didn't want to cum , not before he could fuck you.
He grabbed your hair pulling your head and taking the dick out of your mouth "That's very good darling but we don't want the fun to end before it starts, do we? That little mouth of yours is too good."
You stood up and he ran his hand over your lips, spit running down your chin, your mascara melting in your eyes, somehow he found it a lot sexier than how it had been before.
You were so beautiful, from the first moment he laid eyes on you he knew he needed to fuck you, the fact that you had a crush on him only made that even more obvious. He pulled you to his lips kissing you passionately, you moaned into his lips and he found it adorable.
He held your hand firmly in his. "Come with me, darling." He took you to his room. You had never entered his room before, it was impressive like everything else in that house. He continued the assault on your lips and down your neck, his goatee scratching your skin and making you shiver. He wasted no time and undressed you quickly, first taking off your dress and then unbuttoning your bra, leaving you only in your underwear. He continued kissing pushing you gently onto the bed.
You lay down on the bed and he came over you taking one breast to his mouth, sucking the nipple, the other firm hand on your other breast squeezing and playing with the other nipple between his fingers. His lips went down to your belly and his hands pulled your panties slowly, he took them off and threw them there on the bed. Your legs drooped to the side and he gave you just one sly look before he lost himself there between your legs. You moaned loudly as he licked all the way from your entrance to your clit. He did it again and stuck a finger inside you.
You moved your hips involuntarily and moaned, "Fuck darling you're so wet for me. I love the taste of your cunt." He stuck a second finger curving on purpose to hit your sweet spot and with the other hand he opened the folds of your clit and flicked his tongue into the bundle of nerves and every fear, every doubt you might have had how disappeared while Stark made you break down into incoherent groans and praise.
"Fuck Mr Stark, you do it so well." You brought your hand to his head grabbing his hair and begging for more friction. You knew he was holding back, still testing the water on you, but you needed more. You sighed getting up and propping yourself up on your elbows. It was really one of those situations where you need to see to believe. The great Tony Stark lost between your legs going down on you.
You pulled his hair and he got the message and came right over you. "How is it possible that you're still wearing all those clothes?" You asked impatiently and he laughed "Why don't you help me get rid of them?" you knelt on the bed hurrying to take off his jacket, you took off his tie and shirt while your lips eagerly trailed down his neck giving open mouth kisses and biting lightly.
He sat up in bed, getting rid of what was left of his clothes and getting deliciously naked for you. You smirked at him "Sit and lean against the headboard." He stared at you in surprise but obeyed, happy to see you take control. You wrapped your legs around his hips kissing his lips passionately, his cock brushing against you
"You said you want to give up control and let people tell you what to do..." You whispered in his ear as your hand was looking for his tie on the bed "Let's see how good you are at following orders Mr Stark." He bit his lower lip, his eyes glistening with excitement. "I'm all yours, miss."
You finally reached the tie "Give me your hands". He obeyed and you tied both of his hands together tightly on the headboard. "No touching." You said in his ear, you bit his earlobe and he groaned "Fuck, darling, you're full of surprises."
You grinned, moving your lips down his neck and pinching one of his nipples
"You've been teasing me all night Mr Stark, now it's my turn."
You kissed him passionately and went back to biting his ear "Now tell me where do you keep the good stuff?"
He smiled satisfied and looked towards the bedside table. "In the bottom drawer."
You got up and opened the drawer to find a box full of sex toys, condoms and lube. "Why am I not surprised, Mr Stark?"
You got the lube and a condom.
He moaned softly as you began caressing it with both hands.
You would take turns between stroking him fast and firmly and just holding the base massaging the balls and rubbing your palm lightly on the tip.
"Fuck, you gonna make me cum like this. Please dont make me cum yet I want to fuck you"
You smile lessening the intensity of your caresses on his cock and caught his lips between your teeth. "Look at you begging not to cum."
You took the condom and opened it quickly and placed it on his dick without difficulty. He was rock hard for you. You put some lube on his cock and spread it with both hands then positioned yourself on top of him lowering slowly "You just got one thing wrong Mr Stark. I'm going to fuck you."
He groaned loudly when he finally penetrated you, stretching you. "Darling, you are so tight. Please move, fuck me."
You clung to him, wrapping your arms around his neck and began to move using the muscles of your thighs to maintain a fast, intense rhythm.
He moaned and you caught his lips on yours kissing him with desire, your tongue entering his mouth and dominating his.
You were enjoying it, the idea of ​​having the almighty Tony Stark tied to the bed and at your mercy to do whatever you wanted with him and you knew it wouldn't last long, you could feel the orgasm building inside you "Fuck, this is so good, Mr Stark." You leaned against his chest increasing your pace, moving your hips with precision, your clit rubbing in his pubic hair. "I am close, so close"
He groaned, getting impatient and struggling against the bonds, but you were too close to stop now. "Oh my god, yes, yes, yes." You moaned louder feeling the orgasm hit you and you surrendered to him throwing your head back, eyes closed, your legs shaking as you continued riding him enjoying every second of your orgasm.
You touched his face and kissed his lips softly and he moaned into your lips "Untie me sweetheart"
You obeyed and he was eager to wrap his arms around your waist and lay you back on the mattress. He lifted one of your legs and leaned on his shoulder and entered you again, going deep. You moaned loudly. He braced one hand on the headboard forcing himself inside you, each thrust hitting your g-spot precisely.
"You're too good Miss Y/L/N. I can get use to be fucked like this by you."
His thrusts were getting stronger and faster and you knew he was close and you decided to provoke him pushing him towards his climax.
"Oh Mr Stark you are so good at following orders. Now cum for me, I want to see the look in your eye when you cum."
He kissed your lips urgently "yeah? I will give it to you then, darling."
His thrusts got even faster, his breathing more labored and he groaned loud giving in to his high, that pussy drunk look in his eyes was priceless.
He let go of the headboard and propped himself up on his elbow so he wouldn't drop his weight on you. He touched your cheek kissing you softly and then rolled over on the bed sighing "I don't know what I was expecting, but you definitely surprised me miss."
You felt your face getting hot as reality hit you again.
You moved to get up but he grabbed your arm "Hey where are you going? Come here." He pulled you into his arms and you could feel your body tense, you actually went to bed with your boss on the second day on the job, technically you had been working for two weeks but that was the second day since you saw him in person and it felt wrong somehow.
"I can see the smoke coming out of your ears, your brain shorting out from thinking too much. Relax sweetheart."
You sighed and he lifted your chin to face him "Did I ever say you're a pretty little thing?"
You smiled "yes, you did."
He nodded. "Fine, now you need to sleep and rest because I'm taking you to Switzerland with me tomorrow."
You widened your eyes "What? No, I have work to do here."
He shook his head, "Darling, I'm your job, you're my assistant, you do what I want, remember? I want you in Switzerland with me."
You nodded biting your lip "Anything else, Mr Stark?"
He smirked "You will find out eventually, Miss y/l/n"
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Leave a comment if you liked it. Interact! I will love to read all of your comments and opinions. It inspires me to keep writing ;)
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shoukiko · 3 months
idk if your requests are still open (sorry if they aren't!! m(_ _)m) but if they are, could i get some headcanons for the ghosts boys? thank yoouuu (* ^ ω ^)
(I didn't know if I should write about Ajax and Elias or not;;;;)
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Call of Duty: Ghosts Headcanons!!!
He's good as his job, always getting shit done.
but oh my god is he a bad influence on you
"Want a shot?" "I'm not 21 yet, Keegan." "I asked if you wanted a shot, not how old you were."
On roadtrips he's never allowed to drive, but he will backseat drive. "You should take this highway instead" "I know a faster way" "If you go down this road you could probably reach it easier"
Snores when he's asleep, I feel like he may have sleep apnea or something like that.
Mumbling in his sleep if he's asleep in a chair
That's another thing, he can fall asleep literally anywhere. Chair? Yes. Under the bed? Yes. Under a table? Yes.
He has sharp canines, I don't make the rules. He uses them to open things
He LOVES your scent, he likes having just one thing of yours just to hold and have near.
I don't think he would call you Kid if he was interested in you, I think he'd stick with your name or "Hun". Unless you're older than him, then he uses generic shit like "Babe"
A man of a few words, he gives short answers, pretty blunt, but in text he will ramble on and on~
He likes writing, he finds that it's easier for him to process his words and gives him time to think.
Good boy, very good and well behaved boy.
Grown man, but good boy
He's actually really mischievous, they took a trip (The team) to Italy while on leave and when visiting the Tower of Pisa he offered to take Keegans photo.
Gesturing for him to lean, pose, scooch back, just so he can get the perfect photo.
Only for him to take it, snickering to himself because he made Keegan pose extremely far from the tower so the photo just looks silly.
Keegan had a good laugh about it, only after he put Logan into a headlock
He does the same to Hesh, always asking for some water, then being like "I didn't ask for this" so Hesh takes it back and when he comes back empty handed Logan is like "Water?"
He's very quiet, way more than Keegan.
He only gives nods or gestures, speaks when he needs to though, like in call outs and such.
He'd call you Love
Whispering sweet nothings into your ear
Can you imagine Cody Callahan doing that? Kill me plz
He's a gamer boy, console only. Xbox..... Don't argue with me (You can have your own I was /j)
Before shaving his head, he had a hairstyle similar to DJ Pauly D. Let's keep it shaved.
He refuses to have a mustache, just straight up refuses. He will shave the minute he sees it coming in.
Beard or Goatees are pushing it, but he shaves anyways (except the sideburns of course)
That man loves veggies, he's the type to just steam a bunch of em and that's his dinner. Literally just that.
He likes stealing food from you, picking from your plate. If you don't like something, you best believe he's there eating it for you
"David, I'm full" "Give it here, babe."
His memory is impeccable
He will always rememebr your favorite things
He's not big on gift giving, but when he does give gifts they're incredibly thoughtful.
Drives a really beat down pickup truck
Calls it his baby girl
Don't judge him >:(
Resting bitch face, eyebrows always furrowed
But then he sees you and his expression softens because he just loves seeing you.
Has the heartiest laugh imaginable, slaps his knee when laughing too
Asks for help putting on his face paint :((((
He just wants a reason to be touched by you
Earbuds in 24/7 when not on a mission.
He needs music to function!!!
He's the type to put on some hardcore music and pretend he's fighting someone, like the people that imagine their own animation edit when listening to a song they like
He sneaks food to Riley sometimes, when they're all eating, he's the one throwing stuff on the floor for him
Unironically uses "COWABUNGA"
He's just a lil.... ya know... right? Just a little (He's gay)
Kinda short, like 5'6-5'8
Wears insoles (hims feet hort)
I know he doesn't have a name, but his name is now Hunter Cameron and his last name is Miller
Has freckles and a chipped front tooth
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That's all I got :3
for now :3
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greenbloodvulcan · 1 year
Same Mistakes (Logan x Reader)
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GIF: @asgardswinter​
Description: Calming him down during the nightmares 
A/N: I’m on my Logan kick and when the obsession is niche enough sometimes you have to write it yourself soooo enjoy.
You always felt it before you heard it. The sudden spastic movements that rocked the bed and had you peering around in the dark half awake and confused. The screams that followed quickly took care of the lethargy and you were scrambling to get out from under the sheets and off the bed. You turned the bedside lamp on and stood at the foot of the bed, your heart falling at the sight of the man you loved; face contorted and covered in a sheen of sweat. You reached out for his leg, shaking him as you called his name, “Logan! You’re ok, it’s me. You're ok.”
It’s always enough to wake him. He sits up quickly, his arm outstretched and raised above his head, the familiar sound of metal breaking skin cutting through the sound of his heavy breaths. His frantic eyes soften when they land on you in the soft yellow light, his arm dropping immediately. He opens his mouth to apologize, but you shoot him a knowing look.
You come around the bed then, lifting yourself up and onto his lap, taking his face in your hands. You hate seeing him like this; hate the defeated look in his eyes and the way you can see the wheels in his mind turning, hating himself for not being able to stop it when you’re inches away from him every night. “Hey,” you whisper, waiting for those hazel eyes to meet yours. “None of that. There is nothing you can do that’s going to turn me away. Nothing.”
“One of these days I’m going to-,” he can’t bring himself to finish the sentence. Your reach for his hand, pulling it into your lap, fingers delicately gliding over the smooth metal. You press a kiss to each of his knuckles before he drops his hand and retracts the claws, both hands coming up your back to pull you into a crushing hug, his chest heaving as he buries his face into your neck. You run your hands through his graying hair, not saying anything just holding him. He pulls away from you after a while, his red rimmed eyes focused on you with an intensity that makes you blush like you haven’t been together for years. “I’ll always choose you,” you tell him firmly, letting your fingers trace the planes of his chest, lingering over the aftermath of bullet holes.
That earns you a chuckle and Logan shakes his head, “Some people can’t help but make the same mistake,” his mouth twists up slightly at the corners and you see the same man you knew all those years ago. “Well then, consider me a fool,” you murmur, rolling off of him and burrowing into his side, doubling down on the previous sentiment. “Every. Single. Time.”
Logan’s breathing has regulated and you take comfort in the steady rhythm of his heart, the warmth radiating from his skin and the kisses he presses into your hair. “I’m here as long as you’ll have me, kid.”
Check out my other, much longer Logan one shot here
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waystarresourceco · 6 months
It occurs to me as I was recently rewatching Chiantishire that something I didn’t pay attention to the first time around is how Caroline handles discussions of the past, particularly the Logan-Caroline divorce and its aftereffects. Unlike Logan, who basically bulldozes his way through memories to reconstruct a future he can handle, Caroline’s engagement in ‘the past’ seems dependent on who she’s talking to.
Long Caroline-Shiv-Kendall post beneath the cut.
I get the sense from Chiantishire that Shiv wasn’t very aware of the details of the divorce. She didn’t really know how or why Caroline left – just that her mother wasn’t there. And in her absence, Logan’s narrative became Shiv’s truth: Caroline didn’t want her – didn’t even care enough to fight to keep her in her life. So fine. Shiv doesn’t want her either. And in Italy, she let Caroline know that.
And then something interesting happens - Caroline actually engages. She admits that she wasn’t the greatest mother in one breath and brandishes a verbal knife with another. “I may have been a bit of a spotty mother but you’ve been a shitty daughter.” It’s vicious all the way around, but it’s a kind of mutual wounding. It’s a conversation. The past is painful, but it’s open for renegotiation. Because underneath it all, there’s the heart of something still alive between the two of them.
But with Kendall...with Kendall there’s nothing left to engage in because the distance is already too great.
In the cut scene from Pre-Nuptial, we get this gem:
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Here, Kendall tries to forgive Caroline for the same “abandonment” Shiv brings up in Chiantishire, but it’s met with a very different response from Caroline. Instead of an acknowledgement of being a “spotty mother,” Caroline goes on the offensive. She presses him on the double standard he��s applying to her because this is an old hurt, one that has its roots in how Kendall is always Logan’s, even when he’s privy to details that should make him think differently.
There’s an underlying implication in Caroline’s response that suggests Kendall has much more of a picture of what led to the divorce than Shiv does. As the oldest, the heir, and Logan’s sometimes confidant, Kendall would have likely had a front row seat to the breakdown of his parents’ marriage. To the moment Logan banished Caroline from her children’s lives. And while he might not have known everything, to Caroline he was capable of knowing the difference between leaving and being pushed out.
And her son’s blame? It’s not unexpected. Kendall has always been Logan’s. Was stamped with his father’s name from the moment he was born. But that doesn’t make it sting any less when her first born, the one she sees her temperament in, sides with the man forcing her out. And while I think Caroline and Kendall weren’t particularly close before the divorce, I can imagine this being the fracture that was never set. An injury that never quite healed right, unable to support the weight of a relationship from that point forward.
Sure, Caroline will coo when she sees him. But that’s because she loves all of her children – including Kendall. Because no matter what, she really does want to be in their lives. But she won’t engage with him the way she will with Shiv because there’s a world of difference between Shiv, who has the ability to one day understand her, and Kendall, who has already chosen not to. So really, what is there left to say? Kendall’s made it clear; he’s chosen to become his father’s creature, to adopt his narrative and echo his actions – and Caroline can’t stomach suffering his blame. But with Shiv? Maybe some day, if they keep at it, they’ll end up on the same page.
As a general note, these relationships are obviously super complex and have a lot more going on than just musings about the divorce so to save this from getting too long and disorganized, second and third parts on Shiv and Caroline and on Kendall and Caroline already in the works haha. Will go back and link them all together as they’re written and posted. If you made it to the end – thank you for listening to the ramblings of an insane Carolinegirl.
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thatoneluckybee · 5 months
School Bus Graveyard Episode 61 Thoughts
Okay thoughts time cause HU!HG?!?Q>?
The logo was altered!! Not by much but I love the detail that some falling rubble was covering the edges of the logo at the beginning of the episode.
Ben holding/protecting Tyler under the (table? desk?) is everything to me. Ben Clark is a golden retriever in all the best ways. I am dealing with the after effects of the Ben Fever we all got a few weeks ago.
Same goes for Taylor protecting Ashlyn! It’s so cute and Taylor has been coming in CLUTCH lately. I’m so excited for this development with her after Tyler’s injury. I just hope she’s able to target her (rightful) anger at the right people and not at the rest of the group. (Also ASHLYN CRYING BABY NO)
“Wanna Know How I Got These Scars?” Aiden, no, we do not, put your eyes back in please. (Also—I LOVE the shading and dramatic effects on this panel.)
Okay, the parents are DEFINITELY being affected by the rift and Phantom Dimension. Mike was dizzy when the kids all came back!! And I love how responsible both of Ashlyn’s parents (as well as everyone else so far) are being—Immediately jumping in to help when it sounds like someone is in trouble. I just hope this serves as a wake-up call for Aiden’s mom and dad.
We’ve seen Ashlyn scared before but… holy cow I don’t think she’s been pictured as this terrified before. And rightfully so! I want to give her a hug and a chocolate milk. Also, I adore how Logan immediately noticed and rushed to help. He’s really grown in his emotional maturity over the series and I’m loving the payoff.
Yes, honey, you are becoming phantoms. Is this confirmation of the theory? I’ll take it as confirmation of the theory.
…The parallels between the earlier panel of Tyler “waking up” vs Aiden now is…. oh my. And the altered text was DEEPLY disturbing. But I had to try not to laugh at imagining what he sounds like right now. Probably like he’s a 40 year old man who’s smoked a six-pack ev’ry night since way back when.
LILY BABY NooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and Aiden IMMEDIATELY being concerned about Ashlyn is everything. In all honestly the ship concerned me at the beginning but I am ALL ABOARD and ready to set sail now. They both have grown so much and while it would have been iffy at the start it’s becoming a really sweet and wholesome relationship, regardless of whether it stays platonic or divulges into romance.
The flashbacks were INSANE. But also, let’s take a moment seeing these to appreciate HOW MUCH THE ART HAS IMPROVED!!! Supersupersuper proud of Red and her entire team. This was like a short montage of the growth and I love that so much. Also…. could this potentially count as an “oh” moment for Ashlyn?? And the immediate jump afterwards to Aiden’s maybe-dead-maybe-not body was such incredibly timed and perfected formatted whiplash!!!!!
Ashlyn initiating the contact was huge for her. We know she isn’t a fan of touchy-feely stuff or close contact so this is big. I thing there was a “some people are worth being uncomfortable for” comic with the BTW and TBH creature that sums up my thoughts on this? But yeah, I loved this. She’s growing more comfortable AND this was entirely respectful of her boundaries while also allowing her to push past her comfort zone? Amazing.
”So this is what it feels like” uhhhhhhhh I need a seperate ramble post for this cause I don’t want to trigger tag this one and have it filtered but I have… a lot to say. Very relatable and makes me appreciate these characters more. I love how this whole short scene was pulled off though. Definitely a lot of emotions for this one, I had to pause for a moment to process.
“I don’t like how much she’s shaking” MY HEART
Aaaaand THANK YOU RED FOR ANOTHER AMAZING EPISODE!!! I’ve got so many longer thoughts and theories and ideas and rambels and AUGHHHHHHH I can’t fit them all!!!
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smoooothoperator · 9 months
Beautiful Stranger
10: Ready Or Not
Driver! Lando Norris x OC (Lily Barton)
Summer love, strangers to friends to lovers, Greece and Greek mythology references
Words: 2.7k
warnings: Lily's pov, handritten and falshbacks in italics
Official playlist
previous part | next part
a/n: hello guys!! I'm warning you, the next chapter will be the last one of the story! (not including the epilogue, obviously). I hope all of you like this chapter even if for me seems boring, love you all��️
Every type of feedback is very welcomed
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She was broken.
The moment she heard the knocks on her front door she knew he was leaving. Leaving forever.
No matter how much pain he gave her, no matter if he lied to her. She fell in love with the person that shared those days with her. She should forgive him, right? Give him a second chance and let him explain.
But how? How can she do that? Why is it so hard to control her emotions? 
Logan, or Lando, whoever he is, lied to her. It's not funny when someone lies to you. But when that person knows everything about you, all your fears and deepest secrets, the trust is gone so quickly.
And that's what happened to her. She trusted him enough to let him sleep on her bed, to let him take showers in her bathroom, to have a bath with her. Enough trust to give herself to him.
And now she's standing in the middle of her apartment, with cushions and blankets on the floor, balls of paper ripped off of her sketchbook with portraits of him. 
"How could you?" she mumbled, looking at the first draw she ever made of him. Those eyes staring back at her, this time with a mocking gaze. "Why…"
She spent that day in her bedroom, under the blankets trying to find some comfort and emotional support. 
But the pictures on her phone weren't helping at all. All the memories coming back while watching them, those weren't helping at all.
"Oh my God!" she exclaimed excitedly, walking closer to one of the pillars of the ruins. "We are in Delfos!"
She was looking around, like a kid in a candy store, and he took pictures of her. He took pictures of her smile and how her eyes were bright while looking at all those ruins.
"I only see broken things" he joked, making her slap his arm softly.
"Just imagine it" she said, pointing around. "It just gives me shivers thinking about it"
"You are so cute" he chuckled, kissing her temple. "Come on, take a picture with me"
She sighed, locking her phone and leaving it on the other side of the bed. 
She took a deep breath, feeling how the wave of sobs started again. Her brain was punishing her for trusting someone like him, making her remember all the moments she had with him, all the moments she started to fall harder and harder for him.
Logan was a liar and she loved him. 
Lily tried to love before. To fall in love with her fiance, or even like him. That man was good with her, he didn't deserve to be left alone in that church, without a wife and with all their family laughing at him.
"Liliane, would you like to go out for dinner with me?" Adrian asked her, walking inside her apartment. "Come on, get ready"
"Adrian… I really don't want to go outside" she sighed l, closing her book and leaving it on the coffee table. 
"Then I'll make you something and we'll have dinner here" he nodded. "I saw you have a nice wine around, maybe I can make something and we can open it"
She took a deep breath, looking at the man. How can someone like him accept what his parents did? He's 26 years old and she's 23, how can someone accept something like that just to make their parents happy? What type of parents are them? 
"Alright" she nodded. "What are you going to make?"
"Well… I heard that you love Greece" he said. "And casually one of my coworkers' customer is the owner of one of the most famous Greek restaurants in London"
"The Andromeda?" she gasped. "No way, that's one of my favorite restaurants in London!"
"I know, that's why I asked if I could have the recipe of their most famous dish" he said, showing her the screen of his phone.
"That's… that's awesome, Adrian" she smiled softly, visibly touched by the gesture he had with her. 
"So yeah, continue reading whatever you were reading while I cook our dinner" he nodded.
Adrian was a handsome man, someone that has all the girls of the company behind him. But she wasn't jealous. She didn't see him that way, she couldn't see herself being in love with him even if she tried.
She blames the karma for everything that is happening to her. If only she tried to be how her parents wanted her to be, or accept her destiny and marry a man she couldn't love.. if she didn't abandon her family, none of this would be happening.
She was heartbroken, knowing that she was having an inner fight, wanting to get up from her bed and go talk with him or just ignore him until he leaves the next day.
The first half hour was easy. She only had to close her eyes and take deep breaths, ignore the noise of her surroundings and focus on her heartbeat. 
But again, memories with his face on it came back.
"Lily!" he giggled, getting out of the water of the sea and running towards her.
"Don't you dare! No! Logan!" she exclaimed, knowing that he was going to hug her with his body wet from the water. "Stop it!"
"Come on, let's cool down a little" he chuckled. "You are too hot. And I'm not saying it because you are hot and sexy. If I out an egg on your thigh I bet it would fry"
"You are exaggerating" she laughed, rolling her eyes.
"Come to the water with me, come on" he asked her, kissing her shoulder. "It's really nice"
"I was tanning, Logan" she sighed, sitting on the towel.
"And you can continue that later" he smiled. "Come on, are you the same Lily that the same day you had your ankle bandaged, needed to be in the water and fell to the floor of the bathroom? Or the one that literally dragged me out of my apartment to take you to the beach?"
"Oh, and you loved doing that" she smiled, pecking his lips. "Didn't you?"
"Of course I did" he chuckled. "And I loved every minute of that and what came next"
She felt tears again, making her close her eyes hard and gasp while opening them again and sit on the bed.
She heard that love comes with pain, but never imagined it could be that painful.
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She doesn't know when she fell asleep, thinking it wasn't possible after what happened, but the knocks on the front door were the reason she woke up.
She heard him. His voice was sad, it didn't sound the same as the previous days. 
Lily wanted to open the door, to ask him to stay and never leave. But it was for the best, for both of them. She wanted to tell him so many things, ask him so many things… but her body wasn't helping at all, staying still on the door of her bedroom.
She saw the paper slipping through the door, making her breath get stuck in her throat and her heartbeat increase. She was battling her own body to walk towards the door, wanting to see him one last time. But her body wasn't cooperating.
Maybe she has to forget him. Maybe it's a sign her own body is sending her. Her brain and heart were having an argument, her angel and demon were fighting on her shoulders.
"Why would you want to go to him? He lied to you! He deserves your hate and your silence" her mind and demon groaned.
"You love him, Lily. And he just said he loves you. Everyone deserves a second chance" her heart and angel argued back.
"No" she frowned, looking at the paper. She wants to pick it up, to read it. Maybe it has the answers she's been searching for.
"He hurt you, Lily" her demon said. "Burn that thing. Rip it off. He doesn't deserve your pardon"
Her body was working. Her legs were taking her to the door, letting her grab the paper. It was like her body was being controlled by cords, she was a ragdoll.
"Please, Aphrodite" she mumbled.
She believes in love. She always wanted to find someone who loves her no matter what. Someone who would give her everything she needed and deserved. 
And he, Logan, gave her everything.
Ignoring the paper, she opened the door hoping to find him there, waiting for her.
But there was no one waiting. 
"Fuck" she mumbled, looking down and closing the door.
The paper remained untouched and ignored for days. All her answers were there, and still, she didn't want to read them. Every time she walked out of her apartment she stepped on that letter. 
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"Kalimera, Lily" Nora smiled weakly at her. "How are you feeling?"
She looked at the woman in front of her, watching her sad smile directed to her. She knows what happened.
"Good" she lied. 
"No, really. I'm good" she nodded. "I’m really good”
“How many times will you repeat that you are good? Are you doing that to convince yourself?” Nora sighed, placing her hand on her shoulder and squeezing it softly. “You don’t have to lie to me, kid”
“I just…” she sighed, feeling how her shoulders got heavier. “He lied to me, Nora… he made me fall in love and believe his lie from the start. You know me. You know that I don’t like lies…”
“Was it really a harmful lie?” the woman asked, grabbing the chair next to her and sitting on it. “You know why he did that?”
“It doesn’t matter. He lied” she mumbled.
“It does matter. He’s famous. You know how that life is, you know how it is being the daughter of someone that has an important name” she said. “You came here to escape, just like him”
“But that’s not a reason to lie! To tell me that he’s a person he’s clearly not”
“You are being selfish here, Liliane” Nora said, making her flinch when she heard her birth name. “You came to this town escaping from your life, making everyone believe that you are someone you are not. Tell me this, kid. Do you keep that ring you came with? Do you still have the money your parents gave you?”
“No. This is my time to talk” the old woman interrupted her. “You came to Parga the same day of your wedding. You came to this town with things from your previous life and locked them in a wardrobe. You know you can’t hide from f¡your past forever, Liliane”
“Stop calling me that name…” she mumbled.
“It’s your name. Can’t you see? You came here and did the same thing he did! You changed your name and made everyone believe your lies” she frowned. “That guy loves you. That guy came here all days asking how to make your favorite dishes, which places he should take you. That guy called to check if there weren’t any paparazzi around because he didn’t wanted to expose you two because he knew that sooner or later someone would find him”
“I didn’t ask him to do any of that!”
“Exactly! He did that because he loved you! He loves you! Did you read the letter? Did you read the emails?”
“W-what emails?” she frowned.
“I gave him your email address”
“Lily, please. I want you to be happy, he made you happy” Nora sighed holding her hands. “Just give him a chance”
Lily sighed, getting up and getting ready to work, trying to get distracted and not look at her phone.
If he sent her emails, why not send her a text? Oh, right… because they never exchanged their numbers.
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Summer finished. And then autumn came. 
She read his letter a month later, having to grab it after receiving a package with his name on it. 
The moment she opened the box, his perfume invaded the apartment, knowing that he sprayed it on the clothes inside of it.
She sighed, grabbing the baby blue hoodie and hugging it. It definitely smells like him.
"Idiot" she whispered, breathing the scent of the material. 
A card caught her attention, making her sigh when she recognized his handwriting.
My amazing Lily,
I hope you like this hoodie. I read that the cold in Greece comes late, but I know that you like to wear hoodies no matter the weather outside. 
I hope next time we meet you wear this hoodie. 
I miss you.
I love you.
She sighed, tracing the handwriting with her fingertips. She remembers how he used to write on her notebooks, trying to copy the words she wrote in Greek.
She imagined how he looked while writing this letter, how he could be biting his lip, how he could shrug his nose.
The day she received the box, she read his letter and emails, making her wonder how he's doing, how is his life without her.
She wanted to answer, write to him and call him. But there was something stopping her. 
What was it? Fear? Maybe… Anger? No. 
Pain. The knife of betrayal was still buried on her chest and everytime she read about him, it slipped deeper and deeper. 
Maybe his life is better without her. Maybe she was only a summer fling for him. Maybe he doesn't need her anymore.
That's what she thought while opening her email app, not finding news about him. 
Maybe… maybe he forgot about her.
He went from writing all weeks to write only once a month. Even if he said that he loves her, she feels alone, not loved anymore.
Maybe she should write to him. Maybe she should ask why he doesn't write to her anymore. 
Maybe, maybe, maybe…
Maybe she deserves this, all the torture and the pain. Because Nora was right: she's a liar too.
What she considered her home was now a torture room, making all the memories of them come back to her. The town she loved was now the stage where ghosts of them danced in synchrony, making her remember that he's no longer with her.
Everytime she walked through that street she could remember the first time he saw him, making her feel goosebumps on the ankle she injured.
Everytime she went to that private beach she could remember all the times they nearly kissed, how he confessed that he was dying to kiss her, searching for orange shells and talking about nothing. Now she looks around trying to find those shells as a way of having him close to her again.
This place holds too many memories of him, of someone that is no longer hers.
Maybe she has to leave and find a new home, a new place, and start from zero. Be herself, Liliane Barton. 
She called him immature. But how wrong was she, when the immature here was herself, living on a lie she created even if she escaped from one. She never wanted to be what her parents asked her to be. She thought that she could be like those women from the tales her babysitter read to her when she was a kid. She thought she could be brave and strong, a fighter everyone could respect.
But to be fair, she's still being a little girl that wants to escape from the real world.
"Mature, you idiot" she groaned looking at herself in the mirror. 
She tried to find somewhere to go. Somewhere to settle down and act like the adult she is. A home, a job… whatever she needed.
"What if he comes back?" Nora asked her with a sad smile, grabbing the keys of the apartment. "What if he's searching you?"
"Will he?" she smiled weakly. "Do you really think he will come? I don't think so… he stopped writing, Nora. Even if I wrote to him once he never replied. I'm the past…"
"Oh, Lily…"
"Liliane" she corrected her. "I learned my lesson. No more lies"
"I'm proud of you, little girl" she smiled, hugging her. "But… I'm sure he will come"
"Then if he does that you know what to do" she whispered, hugging the woman that was like a mother to her one last time, pulling away and grabbing her suitcase.
When she came for the first time to that town, dressed with a summer dress and her hair styled as a bride, she was a scared girl.
But now, dressed with a red hoodie and the name of the eSports team of someone she still loves on it, she feels free.
This time she's free.
@lestappenloverr @racinggirl @roni-midnights @livster8 @kakorrhaphiphobia @starkeyellow @celestialpierre @ophcelia @msliz @lorarri @ironmaiden1313 @imsorare @mycenterfold @im-an-overthinker @soosheee @karmabyfernando @landoyesrizz @sticksdoesart @beatricemiruna @nonameishere @flwr-stella
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romeulusroy · 11 months
Petals (Roy!Sibling x Connor Roy)
Character/s: Connor, Shiv, Roman, Logan, Willa, Marcia
Word Count: 1,315
Requested: hello! is it okay if i request more roy baby sibling and connor? i’d like to see them asking connor to dance at shiv’s wedding (or maybe even at his wedding?)! thank you :) - anon
Requested: your younger roy sibling hcs have been rotting my brain recently and now im imagining 8 year old them making a drawing for connor's birthday that is them holding hands with big hearts and "wish you were my daddy" written in big kid letters (probably with spelling mistakes) and connor just like. sobbing when he reads it. i feel like hed be such a big father role to a significantly younger sibling (i personally imagine them and roman having a around 10 year gap, so thats probably like ~35 years of different between them and connor). and we all know what a shitty dad logan is/was, so i can see younger sibling calling connor after some big fight with logan and crying while begging him to pick them up and let them live with him and it breaks his heart cause logan would never let it happen and he tried but couldnt protect ken and shiv and rome and he just wishes he could at least protect his baby sib but he just cant and it kills him. anyway happy thursday thought haha roy family brainrot - @fromirkwood
Inspired By: Petals on the Moon by Wasia Project
Tag: @locke-writes
A/N: I know the second one wasn't exactly a request, but I couldn't get it out of my head!!! Big Bro Connor is my absolute favorite!! I hope this doesn't rot in your brain too long my love lol. I just couldn't get it out of my head, especially when it was combined with the other request!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜💜
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Time is a thief, at least that’s what he thinks when he looks at you, spinning with your sister on the dance floor. Your smile is so bright, so wide, your cheeks flushed. You drank too much, no doubt it was Roman refilling your glass without your notice. The song picks up speed, picks up in joy, and you break out into laughter, you and Shivy. It’s as if you’re in your own world and only she’s in it. You spin and jump and sing along, your niece and nephew beside you and the bride. He hasn’t seen you this electric, this alive, so much like your old self, in weeks. Connor considered himself lucky to be able to watch, to bear witness. Just moments ago you were a baby, doodling with your thick crayons, mistakenly calling him Dad instead of Logan. Only recently had he learned that's who he was in your phone, Dad, that Logan was simply Logan. Years pass, but so little changes. He still had all your fathers day cards stashed away, hidden before your real father caught what you were doing. Stick figures, one tall, one small, hand in hand surrounded by flowers and butterflies and other bugs. Happy Fathers Day Connor. Your uppercase letters always slanted, crooked, his name spelled with one N instead of two. It wasn’t long until his figure started sprouting gray hair, graying far earlier than anyone else in the family, and yours grew taller every year. Connor feared you might have forgotten about him, that you were getting too old to need your eldest brother like your siblings had, but you proved him wrong after that night. 
You hadn’t even wanted to go to the wedding. It was so bad. Whatever was said and done remained a mystery. You wouldn’t tell him, tell anyone, just that it was bad. He’d gone with Willa to pick something out for you, knowing you left the house with nothing. You refused to try it on, to come out of the spare bedroom. It wasn’t until the day before when they were getting ready to leave, accepting that there was no way you were going, did you come out with your outfit packed. You weren’t going to miss Shiv's big day because of him, you declared, and it was settled. He couldn’t contain his excitement, grinning from ear to ear. Letting her down, letting him down, just because of your old man, it seemed like a cruel punishment. You sat beside him in the plane, his hand on your knee, trying to disregard the dread in your chest. They’d all heard about your big blow out, they all wanted to know, going to Connor first instead of you. You were the closest, you told him everything. When he had nothing to say, when all he could offer was a warning, it said something, something more than he was expecting: whatever happened got to you. It genuinely hurt you. They imagined the worst, unsure of what to do. He was at a loss, too. Your father could say and do as he pleased, you’d always been the best at ignoring him, especially when he was in one of his moods, but this time? This time was different. It stung more than all of the other fights you’d had with him, and there were some memorable ones. Never had you yelled back like that, never had you stormed out in a fury, never had you sobbed to your brother like that on the phone. This wasn’t the kind of thing that would go away on its own. It wouldn’t heal with time. 
He could almost forget the crack in your voice as he watched you now. That sad, crying child looked so different from the young adult on the dance floor. Eventually you came over to him, asking him to dance. As if on cue, a slower song came on. This was far different than the last time you danced together. You stood on his shoes, swaying, giggling that high pitched giggle, the one that made his heart melt. You were so little then, so tiny, he was scared to let go. Now you swayed on your own, your arms around him as if you’re scared he’ll flee, your face buried into his chest. Thank you for letting me stay with you. It came out mumbled, muffled, but he understood. Anytime, kiddo. You’re a pleasure to have. Your eyes were big when you looked up at him, as if trying to decipher if he was telling the truth or not. His smile, so reassuring, told you he meant it. I’m sorry about Pops. you shook your head, not wanting to hear his name, not wanting your brother to carry the guilt for him. If he was going to apologize you were going to hear it from him. Not anyone else. Connor spent the entire night putting distance between the two of you, becoming your human shield. Logan, it seemed, had completely forgotten about the whole ordeal, kissing Shiv, saying hello to your brothers, like nothing was amiss. They each shared a glance, all looking to Connor for help, for guidance, just like they had when they were little. He knew what he had to do. How bad was it, kiddo? He asks. Bad. It’s all you can say without upsetting yourself all over again. 
He called you his greatest failure. Spineless. A mistake. You don’t remember how it started, only that you were bleeding out on the floor before him and he refused to put the knife down. A plague to the Roy name, a curse, a bad seed. You never should have been born. A loser. Incompetent. He’s not sure where you came from, but you are certainly not his. You should be smarter, work harder, but instead you are nothing, you are nobody. No one has ever or will ever love you. It hits you so hard, so forcefully, it knocks the wind out of you. He means it, he means every word, but especially that. That’s what kills you, that’s what makes the tears slip down your cheeks. That’s not true, you try to spit back, but he’s not listening and you’re crying, and you’re proving him right. He keeps talking. You can’t hear it, though. You’re gone. You’ve retreated into yourself, so far back he cannot possibly get you. You stand there, unmoving, as he gets in your face. No one has or will ever love you. No one has or will ever love you. It plays on loop, again and again until you cannot breathe. Finally you back away, you run from him, slamming each door behind you. Marcia calls out to you, hearing what went down, but nothing can stop you. Through the busy sidewalks, sobbing uncontrollably, you call him. You can’t repeat what he said, you still can’t. You know that would make him furious, all of them, and it is not their burden to carry. A quiet fear has settled in the back of your mind: what if he’s right? 
If he knew, if Connor knew, he would have killed his father. No one said that to his baby, no one ever dared talk to you that way. But he doesn’t, and he never will. You have vowed to yourself that neither him nor your other siblings will know, for fear that they might agree with him. That they’ll show you he’s right. Instead they watch you carefully, ready to intervene should that be necessary. You hold on to him tight long after the song ends, not wanting to let go, to be alone with Logan's words. Connor doesn’t mind at all. He’s his happiest when his siblings need him, when you need him. He’ll always be there to rescue you. Always. It’s his job, you’re his greatest love. You all are.
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forlornkiller · 11 months
I think this ending was so good for this show because it keeps everybody in a state of motion. We’re able to almost picture or envision what the future is going to be like for them because some cycles are destined to repeat but each character has such different destinies you know? this show is so amazing every scene has so much to unpack…. im only gonna choose a couple moments but I hope they resonate
comparing Kendall and roman……. I think we all knew that roman was abused by Kendall growing up but in previous contexts, it seemed like he had changed…. at least yelling at Logan for his direct abuse but to see Kendall do that to Rome was fucking heartbreaking man . tears in my fucking eyes like he does not. deserve this. nobody fucking deserves this and fuck Logan Roy and every fucking abuser that willingly and even gleefully chooses fucking abuse. kendall seemed resigned to his fate to abuse his brother but it’s just not true man. maybe there was more sorrow than glee in his abuse but only maybe. and either way it’s not fucking right. The acceptance of their nothingness is different yet the same…… so many things are different but the same do u know what I mean ?
Kendall, with protection, but never able to do anything again is a fate i can accept for him. It was really interesting to see how their relationships with other people were again and may I just say. I think it’s quite incredibly clear what Kendall and Stewy had and currently flirt with…… i love that but I hate that for them. As delulu it might be for Stewy to think he can save Kendall, he totally thinks that and who knows . maybe some cool fuck shit happens and Kendall’s able to keep one relationship in his life he cares about. but I guess we won’t see .
Oof going back to Roman’s dig about Rava and her kids…….. i think his relationship with them is so fucked and there isn’t enough time for repentance. He spent so long holding onto a dream that was never real and not even worth having in the end, and knowing that so much of his life was around this one thing. seven years old to now….. maybe some intense psychotherapy and retrospection for years is what he needs. it’s probably the only thing he’s gonna get
,, and in this sense I almost wonder if Connor and Kendall are closer than ever as eldest boys. Connor was never offered the dream, and he never became anything. Kendall is what happens when you offer it and it disappears, making u realize it was never really there in the first place. Might’ve been something, but definitely isn’t now. I also think reducing Connor to nothing is not a fair characterization but he’s not really something either.
Shiv……… i wish there was a way free for her. I’m not the greatest at imagining shiv futures but I somehow see purgatory yet nothing at all. She got the deal, she didn’t get CEO and her reputation got a bit fucked but she’s still married to the CEO. whose baby she’s pregnant with. And who she doesn’t like, i don’t think. Because hurting her has been the way she understands love, i think she’s more into Tom than ever and i think she needs him. He holds a lot of power but in the end he offers love one way, she doesn’t respond that way and they stay together but apart. I can’t tell anymore if it’s real or fake. I think Shiv believes what she said, that once you say all the worst shit to each other you can still be together but part of that is WANTING to be together. If you say all the worst shit and at the end don’t know if you want to come back, then I think you shouldn’t get back together. They just keep making bad decisions. Sometimes relationships are best when both people realize how close they are is not how close they actually want to be or should be. Tom offering his hand in the car…….. she called him a phony and I think I agree. There might’ve been love there.. an opportunity to win love but Shiv doesn’t fight for those things, she takes them as givens. A lot of the tragedy in succession is about timing. Bad things happening right when things were getting good, maybe. The consequences of their actions meet later actions and become perfectly destructive. Okay i got distracted back to shiv and Tom i can’t tell who is trapping who with this baby. I am incredibly sad for this future child and wish that Tom got out now, fuck waystar royco and take his piece of shit and go!!!! but they’re in too deep now.
Switching to tomgreg 🤩 sucking the dick of white supremacy, but maybe making changes internally about how things are done. Tom is better than Logan on most levels I think, and great at his fucking job. Will he be able to counter Logan’s legacy with his own consider his part in advancing Logan’s? Wash his hands free from sins?? i don’t really think so but I think he might want to…….. i always have hope like a dumbass hehe but yea I have been wanting Tom and Gerri team up since the beginning on season 4 and while it’s sad to not see that in action, im glad it’s a definite future. I think she’ll see that Tom can actually be competent. Okay sandwiching Tom and Gerri with Tom and Greg, that sticker shit was fucking cute and I totally thought they were gonna kiss before that. Their fight was so fucking funny LOL i did genuinely enjoy watching that. Fed my tomgreg soul for sure 😌
In regards to mattson (and then I’m going back to Gerri and then I’m gonna SLEEP!!) i think what he wanted with his numbers happened, them getting lost in the deal dazzle? It went through and now everybody’s fucking rich. The thing is idk all the legal business stuff so is this gonna fuck everybody over in a couple weeks to months? No clue but for now Mattson’s kinda on top of the world. I really don’t like him tho hehe i hope he gets smashed to death by a pile of his own blood bricks. I wonder if Tom will actually be his front man, or try to kill him at some point too? The urge to serve is so strong in him…… but do I firmly believe that with a healthy kinky relationship with somebody PERHAPS GREG. he would be able to fulfill that and also rule the world? Absolutely man it’s just abt balance 😌 my belief that the acceptance of bdsm would fix so many things in our society & in succession is unshakable okay don’t question me. ANYWAYS
Gerri….. a queen as always. Roman pining from afar is so sad so tragic reminding himself of her with every drink he drinks and thought he thinks. One of THE biggest regrets and him saying that he’s nothing, that all the sibs are nothing? I think in this moment it’s true. I can feel how that is truth for him. With Gerri’s brief flashes of emotion during the funeral ….. i have hope. Succession aside, i really believe have faith in love and its power to save lives & transcend death. I think what they had bw them was real, and with the scripts as well I don’t think that connection was faked. What makes my heart hurt is that in the past it seemed like Gerri was the only one in the room who cared if he was hurt. She can’t necessarily protect him but she sees him. He doesn’t have that, the three sibs don’t have anybody that really loves & knows them enough to be able to deal with this trauma but I don’t think hope is totally gone. I’m an optimist in the end
God this is fucking long I’m a wordy person but overall? GOD i love this show!!! I really think they ended it at a great spot in this way where things keep going. Nobody’s story ever really ends, it feels like it does and to the person living their story it might but being able to watch their lives? You realize that it doesn’t end. I think Jesse’s commentary on the fear behind ending Succession here is super valid though, because there is a message here that is ultimately anti capitalist. If we were able to really see, at length the way we’ve seen the first cycles, how their cycles continue I think it would really wake a lot of people up to how things operate in this society. The longer this nation goes on, the longer the abuse this nation was founded from goes on. I’m going to end here but wow this show has given me so much to think about when it comes to love, abuse, capitalism, society & American culture as a whole like goddamn. What a show man what a show
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