#okay there he is! thanks for letting me use your imagination as a canvas that was fun!
michameinmicha · 9 months
Im so full of love for justus jonas i hope you all know i think about him a lot! I have zero energy to write or draw anything but i hope you are aware hes rotating in my brain like a little ballerina in a kids jewellry box every day and if i could make some art i would okay!!!
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Imagine Shanks finding out you're a painter
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You: *humming along to some music as you apply a fresh coat of paint to the wall of the galley*
Benn and Lucky Roux: *walk in*
Benn: Hey Kid.
You: Hey
Lucky Roux: Did you make sure to use the mold resistant paint?
You: Yes Roux.
Benn: And you applied the sealant before the paint?
You: *nods your head* And the primer, I got this man, thanks for checking in on me.
Benn: Alright then, I'm just gonna open this here winder to get some fresh air in here, so you don't get high off the paint fumes.
You: aww, but that's the best part.
Lucky Roux: *snorts* Let me know when you're done, so I can start dinner. Also, when you are done, you might want to put up a barrier, so none of the others accidentally lean on it.
You: I enjoy seeing them covered in paint. So I think they're gonna be in for a surprise, or at least the boss will be. Because I bet you a thousand berry that he's definitely gonna lean in the paint.
Lucky Roux: I'll take that bet.
Benn: I ain't, because he'll definitely gonna do it.
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The next morning
Shanks: *Still annoyed that he got paint in his hair the night before* is this shit finally dry?
Benn: yeah, the kid didn't paint in straight lines though.
Shanks: what! But they're usually so meticulous about doing tasks perfectly.
Benn: it was on purpose too, take a close look.
Shanks: *leans in and glides his fingers across a floral design in the brush strokes* do you think they like painting?
Benn: I believe so, that, or they inhaled too much paint fumes and decided to have fun with it.
Shanks: both are possible... Didn't they repaint the hallway, and bathrooms?
Benn: yeah? They painted patterns there too.
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Weeks later
Shanks: Hey (y/n) I got you something! *Presents you with a colorful variety of house paints, and a bunch of supplies*
You: ... Wow, that's a lot of paint, are you wanting me to repaint every room on the ship?
Shanks: no silly, for you to have fun with. We noticed the patterns you painted in the galley and thought you might like more colors.
You: but where would I paint?
Shanks: where ever you'd like.
You: *Kisses him on the cheek, scoops up the supplies, and runs to your room*, Thank you!
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Two days later in the galley
You: I finished my room is it okay if I paint this wall now?
Shanks: Go for it.
Benn: *watches you run off* they painted their whole room you know.
Shanks: I saw, I was impressed they managed to paint such steady line work with the ship moving so much.
Benn: I think the little maze design the pained on their door frame was my favorite. Do you think they take requests?
Shanks: I dunno.
You: *pushes the box of supplies onto one of the tables*
Benn: is it okay if I asked you to paint something?
You: sure!
Yassop: Wait, you take requests! I want the pillar in my room painted.
The crew: *crowd around you listing off the things they want painted*
Shanks: Guys, let em breathe for fuck's sake! Make a list so they can start painting.
Lucky Roux: I ain't writing down my request because it's simple, don't paint any more realistic bug on the damn walls. I nearly shit myself when I saw the cockroach you painted in the bathroom, that was not a fun surprise at three in the morning.
You: only termite holes, got it.
Lucky Roux: (y/n) no! No termite holes.
You: fine fine, although the fact that the paint on that cockroach didn't even get to dry before one of y'all smacked it, is hilarious.
Shanks: no more realistic bugs, dear, in fact avoid painting realistic critters all together please.
You: ugh fine.
Shanks: I have a project I'd like you to paint, but I'll need to get you a canvas for it. *Winks at you and wiggles his eyebrows*
Benn: Gross.... if he's getting a nude I want one too.
Shanks: You want my nudes too?
Benn: I want a nude of myself, ding-dong.
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tragedy-of-commons · 2 months
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aventurine x gn!reader | wc: ~1k
He needs to go before he decides that he needs to stay.
tags/warnings: cute domesticity, but since it's aven it has to be a little angsty, skin drawing/inking, mentioned topaz
notes: standalone but i'm thinking of expanding on this universe in the future :3c sdfsdfsdf not happy with how it turned out but fuck it
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The ballpoint tip of your pen glides over his hand, leaving another trail of red in its wake.
Aventurine watches with rapt attention. The intricate patterns of swirling ink that you insist on marking him with definitely make it harder to color-match an outfit - but he indulges the habit anyway. Perhaps it’s the artificially sweet aroma that’s typical of such cheap writing utensils; he’s now accustomed to the smell of chemically-grown raspberries while you use him as your canvas.
It’s tolerable, seeing you poke out your tongue in concentration while doodling with no rhyme or reason. Some strokes are thick and jagged, wrapping around the myriad of thinner ones to create a picture he can’t discern. 
(However, when you usually finish, you beam in satisfaction. He doesn’t peg you as the abstract type, but he wonders what you see that he can’t.)
His phone vibrates twice in his free hand. The new messages that grace the screen are of no surprise:
Topaz The booking’s confirmed. I handled it and was able to score us better rooms ✨
Topaz Cruor V is too cold to skimp out on the suites with thermal heaters. Now if you could just be on time for once, that’d make my job a LOT easier.
You hum, sage. “Time to go?”
Aventurine makes a show of examining your handiwork after you pull away from him. “Unfortunately, the IPC’s gains take precedence. Although, I could argue that dedicating my time to the arts is much more valuable in the long run.”
“Hah,” you snap the cap back onto the pen. “If you argue much longer, you could make somebody mad. Don’t let my silly doodles keep you, okay?”
There’s a sad smile on your face, and though it doesn’t deter him from leaving right now, he knows that he’ll count each star separating you from him while he sleeps alone on business. He’ll do so with his gloves off, fingers tracing over the faded curves and dips of red - theorizing how many rainstorms it would take to wash you from his person completely.
He finds himself hoping that he’ll never reach a consensus. Aventurine really hasn’t gotten any better at fooling the wide-eyed child clawing at his insides. 
“Yes. That Topaz is probably wishing unspeakable curses upon me right about now,” he lilts, the beginning of the end on the horizon. “See me off?”
“Don’t make it sound so grim,” you complain, “I’m just gonna miss you. You’ll be back on the 24th, right?”
You say it so casually. If he had any less restraint (or any more courage), he would let out a breathy laugh and then chase it with a kiss to your lips. In the past, honey-trapping had come natural to him when he was on assignment; wrapping an arm around the ambassador of an indebted planet, using the bells and whistles of his disposition to make friends with the right people.
You’re not any of that. You’re not any of that, and he knows. It would be pathetic if you knew how much sway you hold over him - how much sway that this pantomime of a relationship holds over him.
Though the scales are forever tipped in his favor, Aventurine finds that it’s woefully unfair. You appear as nonplussed as him; wordlessly letting him into your home at any hour, always cooking for two, and always decorating his skin with that accursed red pen. 
If that makes you cruel, he cannot begin to imagine what it makes him.
“Keen memory,” he brings himself to stand, “Wonder what changed.”
“My memory is fine, thank you very much.”
He cocks an eyebrow.
You flip him off. “Forgetting a few deadlines isn’t substantial evidence!”
Aventurine chuckles, ambling over to the table by the door. On it rests his gloves, which he pulls over his hands. If the ink stains the fabric inside, no one will be able to tell. “Then I’ll make sure to amass a comprehensive portfolio of ‘evidence’ while I’m gone.”
He’s already dressed and presentable for this assignment. In truth, he could have spared Topaz the headache of his tardiness, but what’s the job of Director without a little challenge? He’s sure it will count towards her experience and character, and you get to scribble on him without the constraint of time.
You pad over, embracing him tentatively. Aventurine dithers between pulling you closer and pushing you away, before he settles on doing nothing. His heart isn’t racing, but it feels too small and too big and too full of you. 
“That better be a promise,” you murmur.
(He smells raspberries. He can’t decide if it’s therapeutic or noxious.)
If he were a more selfless person, maybe he’d tell you that promises never go over well for him - that you shouldn’t bother with any of this. After all, ruling a gambler’s heart only serves to turn you into a bargaining chip.
But Aventurine basks in your warmth anyway, letting his shoulders droop. “If you’re so hung up about it, then why not?” 
His phone buzzes somewhere again, and he’s cold as you pull away. “Perfect. Good luck on your.. uh, thing! Tell Numby I said hi.”
“What is it with you and that animal?” he heaves a martyred (fond) sigh. 
You huff. “Warp trotters are cool, Aven!”
“Not when they mercilessly chew up your clothes.” 
Your demands for more information fall on deaf ears, because it really has become time to go. Interastral travel is bothersome, but not so much anymore - meaning that if he’s not at least an hour early, he’s inconceivably behind schedule. His own reasoning tastes acrid.
That note of something has been with Aventurine ever since he woke by your side, searching your sleeping expression aimlessly. He’d chased the feeling with coffee in one of your stupid mugs, a conversation about your too-bright dreams, and letting you scrawl all over him when he desperately needs to go.
He’s ferried past the door, another farewell echoing behind him before he starts walking. The idle images that plague his mind are of stained gloves, the interior of your bedroom, and the calendar in your kitchen with the date of his return circled in red.
You wave to him from the window as he turns the corner. 
He wagers he'll be back on the 24th. 
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taglist: @hanyi-writes, @karagatan02, @aphrodict, @nomazee
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agi-ppangx · 11 months
💭rivals to lovers (100 followers special)
chan | minho | changbin | hyunjin | jisung | felix | seungmin | jeongin
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"i thought you wouldn't come to my exhibit," you heard hyunjin as he approached you. you didn't look at him, too stared into one of his paintings. you attended yet another of hyunjin's exhibitions in your local art gallery in the span of six months. he was thriving, it was almost as if the inspiration hadn't left him for once. you felt bittersweet about it. on the one hand you were truly amazed by his artworks. hyunjin's attention to detail always made you speechless and as an artist yourself, you examined his works and tried to incorporate the same details into your paintings. on the other hand however, you were jealous, so incredibly jealous - you wished your paintings were better, you wished for more exhibits, you wanted to amaze people as much as he did or even more. and even though you were appreciated by local art critics and media, you'd always felt as if your art was lacking something. that's why you and hyunjin were waging a silent battle among yourselves for the favour of critics and art lovers. after all, you also used to have exhibitions in this gallery in the past. 
"it's always nice to know what i'm up against," you murmured, studying the canvas in front of you. "i always assumed you didn't like my art," he then said, taking one step closer to you and pointing at the painting. "i've never said i didn't like it," "then what do you think about it?" you took a moment to gather your thoughts. "it intrigues me, i appreciate it. you always know when to stop, it's like there are so many untold feelings and emotions within you, waiting to be set free," you answered his question. it was genuine - you've always thought hyunjin's art was exceptional. "you should write poetry, yn" he giggled under his nose. you missed the slight blush that appeared on his cheeks. "is it your attempt to make fun of my art?" "no, i'm just saying that you're really good with words," "and i'm even better with a brush," you replied confidently, finally turning to him and looking him in the eyes. you examined his look - he was grinning and you noticed his hair was way longer than the last time you saw each other. you wondered if they were as soft as you imagined. "how've you been lately?" hyunjin's voice helped you to come back to reality. "i've been quite good, thanks for asking," you replied simply, not wanting to get into details. he smiled, but something in it felt off. "that's great. did you paint anything? i haven't seen your works in a while," hyunjin then asked, it seemed as if he wanted to get into details. you shrugged your shoulders and once again turned to face the painting. you haven't seen your works in a while too. "i'm taking things slow for now," you mumbled, not wanting to admit to him how unmotivated you'd been in the last couple of months. hyunjin hummed at your words, a faint "mhm" left his mouth. you expected him to leave you for now, but instead you heard him speak after a while. "hey, why don't we go to dinner together?" you froze in your spot. a dinner with hyunjin? "my treat," he added, you could quite literally hear him smirk. you looked at him, but not as confidently as before. you studied his expression, his soft smile and friendly gaze made you oddly calm. after a moment you cleared your throat and spoke. "okay, let's go."
hyunjin drove you to one of the restaurants downtown. it wasn't anything extremely fancy, but it looked like a nice place. you sat across from each other, hyunjin's piercing gaze never leaving you. it felt weird, to say the least. you'd never really spent time with him outside of the gallery. quite frankly, hyunjin intimidated you. he was well known for many people in the city, mostly for his artwork, but also for his personal charm, which seemed to do the work. you always observed him from afar, too scared to get close to him. what you didn't know is that from the first time you met, hyunjin couldn't stop thinking about you and he would always make sure to approach you when he noticed you in a crowd. "now tell me, how've you really been lately?" hyunjin broke the silence between you two. you raised your eyebrows and scoffed. was he really curious or did he only want you to admit that you were struggling? "i told you i'm doing just fine," you mumbled in response. "oh, come on, you really think i'm gonna believe you? when was the last time you painted something then?" he proceeded to ask, sounding defeated. it made you dumbfounded, you'd never heard this tone from him before. "if you invited me here just to make fun of me then save it for yourself," you scoffed, but the tears were already weiling in your eyes. you looked down, too embarrassed to meet his gaze. hyunjin exhaled shakily, shocked by your words. he never wanted to make fun of you. sure, he was happy his paintings were appreciated by people and this whole rivalry thing was fun when you actually tried to make a better exhibit than him. and since you hadn't had any in months, he started to get worried for real. "you just seem… very off lately. as if your body is present but you aren't. and it hurts me to see such a talented person lose their spark," hyunjin whispered. "why do you even care?" you scoffed, wiping a single tear that fell down your cheek. god, that was humiliating. yet your heart was beating faster and your cheeks were getting hotter at the thought that hyunjin may genuinely care for you. he was staring at you, his smile long forgotten. you exhaled loudly. "it feels as if everything i do is pointless. i don't know why i feel this way, but it can't seem to stop. and when i sit in front of clean canvas i'm scared i'll ruin them," you uttered, more tears spilling from your eyes. hyunjin didn't waste any time, he gave you a few napkins from a dispenser and then took your hand in his. it startled you, but you didn't back off. "you've never ruined any canvas, yn. i heard people talk about your art, i read articles about it. art can be scary - but you can use your fear as your weapon and create something extraordinary with that. it's just so heartbreaking to see you like this. yn, please don't give up" you looked him in the eyes, completely astonished by his words, and squeezed his hand. "damn, hwang, you're so sappy," you giggled, wiping the last tears from your rosy cheeks. hyunjin laughed at that, feeling relieved. "hey, um… there's also something i wanted to talk to you about," he muttered suddenly, getting shy. 
two months later you were standing in front of a painting in your local art gallery. two people sitting across each other, both of them in front of canvas. in the bottom left corner was your signature. it was your exhibit. 
someone approached you and even though you didn't take your eyes off the painting, you knew exactly who was standing by your side. "i thought you wouldn't come to my exhibit," you recalled hyunjin's words and he softly laughed at that. "oh, i'm just looking for my rival's weaknesses.” you stole a glance at him, taking his hand in yours. “we both know that you’re my only weakness, hwang.”
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feedback and reblogs highly appreciated🫶🏽
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notroosterbradshaw · 1 year
rooster fam, avert your eyes. here’s some old-school Bucky smut. I didn’t think I’d publish Bucky stuff here, yet here we are again. Hope you enjoy x
18+, smut, fluff. Bucky wasn't much of a talker but when he puts his foot in his fat mouth, he has to make amends somehow.
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He’d heard you – you knew he had. The serum increased his awareness and blah blah blah, everyone knew his story by now and why you’d found yourself hidden behind the wall leading to the kitchen while Bucky intently studied his tablet, putting God knows what together at the bench.
You should have just stayed in your bedroom and messed around online, kept your laziness to yourself. It was safer than the situation you were about to walk into - of that you were sure. You needed another shower but the heat in the apartment would coat you in perspiration the second you towelled off anyway.
He’d heard your breathing and your elevated heart rate, he could probably smell the sweat of flight taking over as you debated whether or not to just miraculously appear and pretend not to have ducked back around the corner when you saw Bucky there.
“I know things are weird between us, but you hiding when you see me makes it a hellova worse, kitten,” he muttered. You let out an inward sigh, shoulders slumping as you turned and walked in, wiping your clammy palms on your sundress.
“Hey Buck,” you said quietly, taking to a stool across from him.
“What’s happening, babydoll?” he asked casually, not looking up from the herbs he was chopping – he was remarkable with a knife, you noted as he sliced and diced without abandon faster than any chef and much more precisely (you tried not to imagine how and when he learned the art form). You’d always found it strangely sexy when he had a knife in his hands and the precision that came with it – on missions and funnily, now in the kitchen. The smell of whatever was cooking was incredible and you hadn’t even seen what he had in the oven or on the stove. At recollection, it wasn’t his night to cook. It was…
“It’s my night to cook, could ask you the same thing.”
“Well, I know you hate cooking for Steve and me, so thought I might cover for you.”
“You don’t have to do that,” you said, a little defensive though maybe a little touched.
He shrugged, looking up, a dark wisp of hair falling into his stony eyes and pushing it away with his flesh wrist. “It’s fine, sweetheart. I enjoy it, relaxes me. Consider yourself off the hook.”
Sure I will, you wanted to reply. Everything was tit for tat in the apartment the three of you shared. Bucky would find a way to get an inadvertent favour out of you at some point when you least expected it. “Well… thanks, I guess,” you said instead, finally raising your eyes. You blinked as you noticed the smirk on his features. “But in the interest of your safety, Buck, why are you not wearing a t-shirt under the apron?”
He was a dream in his beige canvas bib apron – it worked wonders against his fair skin and the silver of his cybernetic arm. His biceps, you were pretty sure, had you salivating. His shoulders were broad under the thin straps rippling as he moved his arms to prep.
You fucking loved Summer. Even if the apartment was a thousand damn degrees and usually hotter with the body heat of yourself and two super soldiers who always ran at boiling point. But if Bucky felt the need to parade around half-naked, you weren’t one to argue. It was a true sight to behold.
“Honestly? Felt liberating to be naked,” he licked his upper lip, squinting at the recipe again before humming to himself in thought.
You peeked over the bench and noticed his bare calves and bare feet and had to scoff a laugh. “For fuck’s sake, Bucky. Are you wearing anything?”
He shook his head. “Nope.”
“What if Steve comes home?”
“I’ll hear him,” he reminded you. “Just like I heard you.”
“And why did you think it would be okay if I saw you like this? You knew I’d come in here to start cooking eventually.”
He stabbed the knife into the wooden chopping back and grinned at you, his eyes locking with yours. “You’re the only one that has seen me in less, sugar. Shouldn’t be that much of a surprise,” he waved his cybernetic hand up and down his torso a little smugly.
You felt the heat rise from your toes to your hair, resting back on your chair and curling in on yourself. “I don’t think we need to bring this up now – ”
He rumbled a laugh low in his belly. “I’m wearing shorts, for fuck’s sake. What kind of deviant do you take me for?” he turned around and wriggled his toned bubble butt in his blue board shorts as you resisted a giggle. They were well hidden due to the length of the apron. “See?”
“Do we really need to go there?” you mumbled as he plucked the knife back up and continued his prep. He didn’t look up but you could see his cheekbones rise into a lurid smile.
“Anytime, anywhere, babydoll. You know that.”
You knew that very well.
You shook your head gently and started to push yourself away. “Righto – well, since it looks like you’ve got it all covered, I’ll leave you to it.”
Bucky hummed his disapproval. “Nuh-uh. You, stay. You’re not getting out of it that easily,” he paused to stop and point the knife at you. “I’m cooking and you’re gonna open this bottle of wine,” he said, handing one that was on the bench to you along with the bottle opener (you noticed it was one from Stark’s private collection). “And then we’re going to sit down to eat and talk. Clear the air,” he announced, opening the bottle still in his hands when you didn’t reach for it.
“We don’t have anything to talk about,” you said as he sighed and poured you both a generous glass of vivid Bordeaux red.
“Drink,” he repeated. “Then we talk.”
“Cheers to you too,” you muttered though credit where credit was due, Bucky had found a good one. He raised himself a glass and toasted you gently.
“Cheers, sweetheart,” he winked before heading to the stove to continue his assault on the kitchen.
“Where is Steve?” you asked, your second glass well and truly going down a treat, loosening you up considerably. You were in your usual seat as Bucky wandered in, now with a shirt and placed a plate before you and one for him at his usual place across from you.
“No idea,” Bucky shrugged.
You weren’t a complete idiot, he knew this. You assumed this is why he’d volunteered dinner and made sure the bottle of wine was on hand. It was discussion time and Bucky knew what you didn’t want to talk about.
You were resisting taking your relationship to the next level. He hadn’t pressured you, but everything had been pointing in that direction and it terrified you.
It was only supposed to be a joyous and mutually beneficial ‘friends with benefits’-type of arrangement. No harm, no foul to either of you until he mumbled that he loved you ‘so fucking much’ a week or so ago as he drifted off to sleep after a strenuous mission and recovery fuckathon upon his return home.
“It’s only us, isn’t it?” you sighed, taking the salad from the middle of the table and loading your plate up before continuing, “You made sure he’s out for the night.”
“Yeah,” he gave a small smile. “He’s at some bar with Sam and Natalia. It’s just us, babydoll,” he confirmed, taking a sip of his wine and watching your reaction through his dark lashes. He had to admit, he loved seeing you squirm. “I asked him to make himself scarce.”
“Of course you did,” you focused on your (argh, perfectly cooked at medium rare, fuck it) steak and piled it into your mouth as gracefully as you could. Bucky watched you, humoured.
“Well, at least you haven’t bolted yet,” he noted jovially.
“Don’t confuse me sitting here without me wanting to do that,” you sniped, ticked off he’d lulled you into a false sense of security.
“Look,” he delicately sliced his steak and took a bite, chewing as he continued, “I know I threw you, I’m real well aware I should have kept my fat fuckin’ trap shut. I just thought I wasn’t comin’ home to you, okay?” his voice suddenly low and eyes were paying very close attention to his food.
You sat up straighter at his confession and he sighed while your eyes widened. “Bucky… what happened?” you put your wine glass down and pushed your plate away with a clang.
He tried to brush the thought away. “It’s not about that – ”
“Buck, it’s exactly like that,” you stood up and walked around the table. He moved his chair back as you lifted the loose skirt of your dress and crawled onto him to straddle across his lap. “What happened?” you begged, lifting his chin for his stony eyes to meet yours, keeping his jaw in your soft palms. “Look at me.”
His cybernetic hand reached for his face and rubbed his eyes, suddenly he looked exhausted. “Was ambushed,” he said quietly. “I’m not telling you the small details – you don’t needa know – ” he held a hand up to your mouth that was open and ready to protest. “By the time Steve got there, I was the last one standing. Don’t worry.”
“Who?” you asked quietly, your warm hands rubbing against his stubbly cheeks before settling on the back of his neck and massaging his smooth, warm skin, twirling soft hair around your fingers to calm him. He moved to rest his forehead on your shoulder and wrapped his arms around your waist, clinging to you for dear life - it was uncommon for Bucky to react this way and it terrified you.
You had to remind yourself all you wanted to do was comfort him. That is what you had agreed to in the very beginning when this mess started. Comfort, familiarity, fun.
Not love.
“They tried the triggers,” he whispered, not looking up, the shame evident in his rough voice. “I know they don’ work any more, but babydoll, I just…” he looked up and inhaled sharply. “I thought I was a goner. I didn’t think I was coming home.”
You kissed his hair, only to imagine his fear as he set the scene for you. The devastation your heart was feeling for him to have to go through that - knowing it was something he’d been through for decades and it constantly repeated for him.
“You’re okay, Buck. I’m right here. I’ll never let anyone hurt you. Not again,” you cooed on repeat, hoping he knew and understood.
He nodded, pulling you closer. You heard a sniff and he tightened his grip again, knowing how intensely he needed you. “I’m sorry about what I said. But I can’t apologise for how I feel, baby,” his voice so low you almost couldn’t hear it. “I love you.”
You nodded. “I know, Buck,” you replied quietly.
“And as much as you deny it,” he said. “I know exactly how you feel too, sweetheart.”
You raked your hands through his long dark hair hoping to relieve some tension in his body and pulled his gaze back to yours.
“You don’t owe me anything. It’s fine.”
“Don’t be like that,” you begged. “Bucky, I do – ”
“I know, I told you,” he said with a small smile, grasping your sides under his strong hands. “You’ll tell me when you’re ready and I promise I won’t be surprised.”
You couldn’t resist the scoff that bubbled to your lips as he brightened considerably, a playful smirk now on his lips. You slid off his thighs and returned to your side of the table, stuffing your mouth with salad, the aura in the room changed for the better. “Times like this make me really not wanna say it,” you huffed.
“Times like this make me really want to bend you over the table and have my way with you,” he retorted as you choked on a piece of cucumber and he took a sip of wine, completely cool and collected. You swallowed hard and had a sip yourself to calm yourself. Resolve set in.
“Then what are you waiting for, big boy?” you challenged as the table lurched and he stood, his predatory stalk around the dinner table as he hitched you from your seat, his breath heavy down your neck as he took you in. “What am I waiting for? I’ve been waiting for you my whole life and now you’re here. You’ll rue the day you asked, princess,” he hitched you over his shoulder and made his way to your room, slamming the door closed with his foot as the walls rattled and he tossed you on the bed, his hungry gaze telling you to you were in strife.
And you couldn’t wait.
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The next morning, the other side of your bed was empty. Cool, Bucky must have been up for a while. You sighed, rubbing your tired eyes. You hadn’t gotten much sleep and your tummy was rumbling after missing most of your dinner the night before for other more extraneous activities.
“Buck?” you called quietly, finding your discarded underwear and throwing his t-shirt from the night before on. You ran your hands through your mussed hair and pushed it off your face before padding quietly back to your room to retrieve your dressing gown in case Steve was home. While he was supportive of whatever it was he thought you and Bucky had, he had announced it was only fair the bedtime behaviours weren’t thrown in his face, to which you and Bucky agreed.
But apparently not this morning.
You burst out laughing as you entered the kitchen. “Are you serious right now?”
“What?” Bucky looked back over his shoulder. “See something you like?”
“Clearly Steve isn’t home yet,” you noted as you approached him and wrapped your arms around his waist from behind, sneaking your cold hands under the apron he wore over the stove and touching his scorching skin. He let out a slight shriek at your cool touch. He never was fond of the cold.
Bucky laughed quietly. “No, Steve didn’t come home. Guess he stayed at the Tower.”
“You told him to stay at the Tower too, didn’t you?” you sighed. Poor Steve. Relegated to the Tower from his own apartment so his roommates could do… well, a lot to each other.
“Yeah,” he snorted.
“Gotta say though. A bit of a fan of this naked chef caper you’ve got going on right now,” you gave his body an appreciative once over and weren’t overly surprised to find your body going back into overdrive for him.
“Naked as the day I was born, kitten,” he confirmed as your hands travelled from his broad, muscular shoulders and traced down his bulging biceps (one warm, the other cool under your touch) through to his delts, lats and descending to grab a handful of bare ass that was begging to be groped. He chuckled darkly, wriggling his butt again. “My junk is very close to the hot plate, sweetheart. Don’t get too frisky. It won’t be a desired result for either of us!”
You stifled a giggle. “Never,” you replied, kissing rippled scar tissue on his left shoulder blade. A visible shudder shot through him as he melted like butter under your lips.
“That feels fuckin’ amazin’,” he crooned, his usually well-concealed Brooklyn accent seeping through due to his increased desire, head lolling back a little. His loose dark hair shimmied across his shoulders softly.
“So, what’s cooking here, chef?” you held his hips and loosened the straps to the apron. You felt him pause.
“Uh, pancakes, baby. What’s cooking back there?” he replied as you raised the strap of the apron over his head, letting it pool at his bare feet and leaving him completely undressed. He swiftly turned the burners off. You turned him to face you as he took a step closer and thankfully, away from the stove and loosened your dressing down, curious as to what may be hiding underneath. “I see you dressed yourself again. Musn’t ‘ave got my memo,” his tone a little miffed as you giggled into his skin. “Nice shirt though. Have one similar. Looks better on you, I gotta admit,” he smiled, running his tongue across his gleaming teeth. “Think you should lose it.”
You nodded as he lifted the shirt over your head, tossing it somewhere over your shoulder as he hitched you up and sat you on the bench, spreading your knees wide so he could stand between them.
“Fuck, you look good enough to eat,” he licked his full, plump lips predatorily. The heat of his gaze eyes screamed passion, lust and maybe a little danger. Humming, he ran his calloused hands from a tug of your hair to the seam of your undies. He forced your gaze to him as he used his cybernetic hand to push them to the side, eagerly sliding his finger between your warm, slippery folds. 
It embarrassed you that you were always on for him. Your breath hitched at the coolness his touch brought and goose bumps cascaded across your body. 
“This may be the only place in the apartment that I’ve never had my way with you,” he muttered before sinking his teeth into the soft skin of your neck, your scent as well as his cologne on your skin from the day before grounding him.
Resting your forehead on your shoulder, you wrapped your arms around his chest in hopes to keep upright.
“You okay?” he whispered, his tongue tracing the rim of your ear and his thumb drawing patterns on your clit, your reply incoherent. “Should I keep going?” he whispered as he took one of your hands from him and repositioned it around his eagerly awaiting cock.
“You should definitely keep going,” you insisted, your hand with a mind of its own as you swirled the pre-come around the tip of his straining head and put your palm to work, twisting and tugging as his hips started to move off their own volition. 
“We eat here,” he grunted. “You pretty little hand tho...”
You gasped as a current ran through your body. “We’ll just make sure we disinfect,” you shuddered before you could finish the sentence. “Really well,” you finally managed as his fingers sent shockwaves through your system. “God, that feels good,” your head fell back as he smiled wickedly, pleased. “But I want you.”
He took a step closer, released your grasp on him and used his hand to slide his cock in just enough before he used his hands to hold your cheeks, he licked your lip and kissed you wet and wildly, his tongue forceful against yours as he moved within you and thrusting gently. Slow to the hilt, knowing exactly how you liked it. It was perfection how well he could make your body succumb to his whim. 
“Jesus,” you managed against his mouth. “Bucky,” you breathed as your torsos meshed together.
“I know, baby girl,” he promised, his hips picking up a gentle rhythm, slow and turning you inside out. “It feels fuckin’ amazin’ to me too.”
“I feel it,” you told him, dragging his eyes to meet you. “I feel it,” you confided. The way your heart raced when you were around him, the lust, the need... the devotion to keeping him safe and desire to be all he needed. 
You loved Bucky Barnes wildly, madly, terrifyingly so. 
“I know, darlin’, I know you love me. I love you so much too,” he sealed your words with a softer kiss, though it seeped with so much passion. “You don’t have to – ” he groaned, unable to hold it back as his hips started moving again. “You don’t have to say it back.”
You managed to push him back at arm's length, his lustfully dark eyes fluttering open as he looked back at you, a little confused. “I do, Buck.”
He breathed, his hands running from your jaw, down the curve of your neck, between your breasts, tickling your belly lightly and resting on your thighs. “Then say it,” he dared.
“I love you, Buck.”
The grin that spread across his face looked like it may have hurt him, his stony eyes shining and the dimples on his cheeks making a rare appearance. “Well, there ya go,” he teased, moving closer again, his lips moving to yours as he returned your affirmation. “Wasn’t so bad, was it?”
You sighed quietly and he shut you up with a firm thrust, reminding you both where you were and the task at hand. You wrapped your arms around his neck, dragging him close as his mouth left wet kisses against your skin. He grasped your thighs, getting closer as your head fell back in pure ecstasy. “Need you. Make me cum.”
“I’ve got you, baby doll,” he whispered. “Lemme make you feel real fuckin’ good, okay?” he begged as he moved his warm fingers to your centre again.
“Christ,” you muttered, your gaze dropping to where your bodies met, the sexiest sight and allowing your body to tighten as suddenly all you could see was white, your body quaking as you came undone and collapsed backwards on the bench as he caught you with a humoured huff.
All this power he had over you and the three words said aloud made it even better.
“Yes, baby,” he chuckled lowly, his movements starting to get a little erratic, taking absolutely everything you had to offer to him, not much longer before his hips sped up, bringing him to his climax as well and crashing into you like a freight train as he came, harsh and ragged, desperate. “Jesus, fuck,” he panted, pulling your body impossibly closer. “I love you,” he whispered again, taking your face in his hands and kissing you deeply. “I fucking love you so much. I’ll never let anything happen to you.”
“I love you too, Buck,” you said again as he gave you a softer kiss, his phone pinging across the counter. “God, that’s not work, is it?” you asked him. You knew your luck was running out, he’d been home for a few days and knew time was dwindling before he was to assemble.
He sighed. “I dunno, sweetheart,” he gave you a meek grin as he gently pulled out, your thighs crossing quickly to avoid a sticky mess across the counter. He sighed and checked his phone. “Worse.”
“Unless it's aliens or robots back to fuck shit up again, it cannot be worse. So, where are you off to?” you sighed sadly.
“Nowhere,” he chuckled. “Steve complaining about livin’ it up in the Tower while we made house here,” he winked. You gave Bucky a shy smile as he rolled his eyes and replied to Steve before picking up the apron and discarded clothes. “Come on, let’s get you showered, love,” he tugged your hair and gave you another gentle kiss. “Then I’ll make you lunch.”
“Dressed?” you asked, hoping to hide the disappointment in your voice.
“Probably best,” he sighed, taking your hand and leading you to the bathroom to clean up a long night and another leisurely round against the cool shower tiles. “Grumpy old bastard will be home at some point.”
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kopivie · 7 months
as a continuation of this post.
you squeeze your eyes tight and wait for the worst to happen. you can only imagine what sort of pain you were about to be subjected to. your stomach churns as your mind conjures up the sickening sounds of bones crushing and teeth gnashing; of flesh being ripped from the bone and blood being splattered like paint upon a canvas. you wait, and you wait as the gardemek gets closer. you can practically taste the putrid steam that pours from its nostrils. you wait and you wait...
...but death never comes. or at least, not in the way you expect it to.
"at ease."
his voice is gruff, like he's speaking through his teeth. you've never heard him like this before. on any other occasion he's calm, cool, and collected; he normally sounds like he has everything under his control. but right now, after hearing him sound like he's holding himself back, you wonder what expression he's wearing.
you're paralyzed with fear. your entire body is taut and wound tight, almost as though rigor mortis has already set in. but you're not dead, you have to tell yourself. you're not dead. you repeat that phrase over and over like a mantra in your head even as the presence of the three-headed gardemek diminishes. you're not dead. you're not dead, not dead, not dead not dead not--
"you're okay."
your eyes may still be closed, but you know he is here. he is right in front of you. you can feel it. you can feel him. his hands are ghosting over your frame -- your hair, your neck, your shoulders, your cheeks. you can smell him, rich and heady -- intoxicating. hell, you can practically taste him with how close he seems to be.
he calls your name. his voice is still rough, but it is becoming softer as he speaks. perhaps he doesn't want to scare you any more than he already has. "look at me," he begs. he pleads. would he grovel if you asked him to? "please, look at me. open your eyes, my love. you're safe. it's been taken care of."
your neck feels stiff as you shake your head.
you feel his hands finally come to rest on your cheeks. his hands are calloused and cold, yet also warm and grounding. his touch sends a shiver down your spine. your joints creak as you bring your hands up to cover his own.
"that's it," he breathes. "i'm right here. breathe with me. i'm here. nothing will hurt you while i'm here."
your breathing is shallow, but he, wriothesley, is patient. he is always patient when it comes to you. four beats pass, then six, then ten. your breathing is stable and he is still here, grounding you to this plane of existence. finally, finally, you open your eyes.
and there he is. pale grey eyes stare back into your own. maliciously, your mind wanders to the sky above the overworld. you wonder if today is sunny. perhaps the sky is overcast. if it is, you wonder if the clouds are the same color as his eyes.
you used to seek refuge in nature whenever times got tough. but since you won't be returning home for the forseeable future, you let your mind run free. you start to sink as you return his gaze. lower, lower, and lower still. the closest you will ever get to seeing the overworld again is by staring into his overcast eyes. you hope and pray to whatever god exists that you'll get a glimpse of some cumulus cloud reflected through his irises. but when reality inevitably hits you, when the adrenaline starts to bleed from your pores and your body starts to deflate, you realize that the only thing that's reflected in his eyes is you.
he does not dream of the overworld. he does not dream of freedom like you do. he does not wish for a life outside of these walls. he wants for naught but you.
you feel bile sour your tongue. some savior he is. your words of thanks become rotten and disgusting. you swallow it all back and tear your eyes away from him. "i want to lay down." your voice is hoarse. "take me to my room." belatedly, you add a, "please."
he regards you closely. he analyzes you, scans you like the very gardemek that you nearly lost your life to mere moments ago. in times like these, you wonder just how much difference exists between him and the very mechanical beasts he commands.
his hands leave your face and he sighs. you recognize that sigh. defeat. he won't get any gentle treatment from you today either. but you know he won't think much of it. he never does. he will try again tomorrow.
hopefully, you think as you march to your room, he does something about that monster.
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desceros · 7 months
ajkfljskj I saw you were taking requests now and I lowkey just- 👀 I'm having sexy Bayverse Turtles intrusive thoughts. Imma share a Leo one. Ever imagined Bay!Leo sharing his hobbies with reader after she earned his trust and teaching her Japanese calligraphy? Him watching her skin glow in the candlelight, dreaming to use her naked body as a canvas for a Japanese love poem written in kanji? Sexual tension, mixed with slow, agonizing brushstrokes? Cuz I have 😏 -💙
so i got this and immediately i was like 'omg. this would work So Well as a deleted scene of sorts for tea-verse' so that's what it ended up as. kind of sexual tension but it edges more on pining. also, i'm burning now, thank you everyone for playing, we had a great run here on desceros dot com leonardo x reader; T, GN!reader, 1.8k; leo pining like a TREE. officially takes place after the leaf scene in this fic if you want context for some of the subtler touches but tl;dr reader always makes leo his tea. (the fic itself has a female reader but this snippet is GN)
He wonders if you know. 
You’ve caught him staring, before. It makes his shell feel tight, his skin too-hot. Even with mating season coming up, it’s too soon for him to be reacting like this; the burning ache that comes just from the bell of your voice, the alluring sway of your footsteps as you come to his side. And yet he does. Because it’s you. Just because it’s you.
“Okay, I’m excited for this,” you tell him, teeth biting into a smile as you tuck as close as you can without touching. He knows you do it for him, that you stay away because of his wishes, but it’s an agony all the same. The sweet smell of your soap haunts him, even under the burn of the incense that ghosts the room with smoke.
“Yeah?” he asks, pleased when he sees the happy, easy glow of your face. 
“Are you kidding? It’s so pretty,” you say. “Plus I like how the ink smells. It smells really nice with the tea when I bring it in.” 
Pretty, he echoes, trailing his eyes down to your throat, your shoulders, your hands. The way all your angles and curves catch the candlelight and dance in a softness that makes his palms ache with emptiness.
…He wonders if you know how soft you make him.
“Okay. Tell me the names for everything,” you tell him, studying the tools laid out before him, a gentle eagerness brightening your eyes. He smiles, turning his head and gesturing at everything to share its proper name in Japanese, then English. Grinding the ink, he explains the process, looking to you and your fascinated expression and trying to remember to breathe.
“What do you want me to write?” he asks once he’s ready, causing you to look at him and smile.
“What do you want to write?” you ask. 
Reaching out, he picks up the brush between his fingers. He studies the paper before him, blank and infinite, but his mind is somewhere else. 
…It had rained, a few days ago. You’d come into the lair drenched, laughing as Splinter had sent him off to bring you a towel. He’d returned in time to see you lift your shirt, squeezing it out over the storm drain, miles and miles and miles of skin stretching before his eyes. The curve of your spine as you turned to speak to his father, the arch of your hips as you leaned to twist the fabric, the pull of skin over your flesh. Breathless, motionless, frozen, he’d faltered in the doorway, ensorcelled by the image forever, marked, seared into his mind.
It’s that sight that comes to his mind, now, as he closes his eyes. 
He could do it, he thinks. He could ask you to turn, to pull your shirt over your head. It’s so easy to imagine the way your shoulder blades would curve, the dip of your spine, the way you’d shiver when he pressed the brush to your skin. It would tickle, at first, until you got used to it; then you’d sigh, still, and let him spread his soul onto your canvas.
Oh, all the things he wants to write there, where it would sink into your flesh like a brand. All the little ghosts of you that haunt him, memorialized with love in charcoal: the way your teeth catch your lip, the flash of skin at your hemline when you stretch your arms above your head, the wet press of your tongue to your lips when they're dry, the way your eyes flutter shut when you have your first sip of tea, the hum of pleasure you give when it tastes good. 
…He’d make you feel so good.
Leo opens his eyes, feeling the hunger in them, letting them get as far as your mouth before he turns them back to the paper before him. A pointless daydream, a torment of his own making. 
“…Sorry. I was just thinking,” he says, and it’s not a lie, not entirely, but also nothing but. There is nothing just about the way that you consume him.
It’s easy, then, to think of what to write. In long, elegant nine strokes that pull from his shoulder, he glides the brush over the paper. Each inch of ink carries a memory of you, your hands as you pass him a teacup, your care in checking the flavor, your endless drive to perfect the art just for him. 
“…Tea,” you recognize, proving your familiarity with the subject. He smiles; of course you’d recognize it, what with how often the two of you share.
“Tea,” he echoes, waiting until the ink is dry enough to handle before he takes the paper and hands it to you. “Here. For you.” 
“Wh—Really?” you ask, eyes wide. 
“Of course. It’s about time I gave some tea to you, after all,” he says with a smile that makes you laugh. He tucks the sound into his heart, next to all of the others. 
“It’s beautiful, Leo,” you compliment, holding it before you. Your eyes take in every stroke, awe open and genuine, before they meet his own and your smile goes warm like the sun. “Thank you. I’m going to hang it somewhere nice in my apartment.” 
And oh, but you are the sun, he thinks, heart pounding as he watches your fingers trail down the edge of the paper. Reaching out with warmth, lighting everything you touch, smiling as everyone around you basks in your radiant glow. What is life without you, he wonders, chest aching and so full and so empty all at once it hurts. Madness. 
…He wonders if you know. 
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gettinshiggywithit · 1 year
hiii!! can u do chuuya x reader who likes painting? fem reader or gn i dont mind! 🫶🏾
!Chuuya With An S/O Who Likes To Paint!
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Scenario:- hcs of chuuya with an s/o who loves painting!
Pairing:- chuuya x gn!reader
Genre:- fluff
A/N:-HI ANON AND THANK YOU FOE THE REQUEST!ik its late but I hope you like it!pls feel free to lmk your thoughts on it!
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I feel like chuuya definitely appreciates the arts,so if you liked painting he’d totally be supportive!
As a hobby or even if you wanted to do it professionally,he wants you to follow your dream and be happy
I feel like he’d be the perfect reference for like poses and things,if that makes sense????? Like his figure and stature just seem perfect in that way for me!
Wouldn’t mind bein your reference tbh.he loves your art anyway and him bein able to be that much of an integral part in it would probably make him smile internally!
Yall go on lil days out to buy supplies and even he takes a look around the place and falls in just as much love with it as you do(was it because the place elicited so much joy from you that it brightened the entire city???? Maybe~)
If there are lil tools and stuff he wants to know the use of he’ll just ask you straight away.
Eventually you get him to agree to try it!
So that day you pick out an extra canvas or water colour pad and some paints,brushed and the whole shebang for him and you go home with everything gathered in your arms!
I feel like chuuya is definitely a doodler so he starts with that,just doodling on maybe a watercolour pad and painting it in.
Baby steps ofc.
Vent painting sessions!
Like when the both of you cant sleep or are feeling particularly stressed,you’ll go over to your supplies and paint out your feelings!
This is one of the only times he manages to outdo you!
We all know chuuya’s expressive,and he kinda basically wears his heart on his sleeve,in a sense; so naturally, he was great at expressing his emotions.
The colours on his canvas blended perfectly and the aggressive strokes just added to the effect!
He’d effectively depicted his feelings before you, and the result was just as beautiful as he was~
Wine and painting
Like on calmer nights yall just grab ur paints and he pours out glasses of wine for you both(IF YOU ARENT AT THE LEGAL DRINKIN AGE IN YOUR COUNTRY, YOU GET A MOCKTAIL OR NON ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE)
Its a great way to unwind and let loose tbh,maybe you’ll even have some music playing in the background to suit your mood.
Your shared apartment has paintings EVERYWHERE
Like all over the walls,in the toilet , and honestly anywhere it could be displayed tbh!
You make sure to hang his ones up aswell ,and in places where they’ll be completely visible too!
Okay no but like,imagine him in a loose white shirt and his hair in a messy bun???his sleeves rolled up and paint just all over his arms and some on his clothes and face???? And he doesnt even knoe because he’s so concentrated on what he’s doing????
Painting and personalising plain clothes and tee shirts for eachother!
Oh and havin your own specific clothes for painting sometimes? Like these clothes have random paint splotches on em and stuff!
OH IMAGINE like chuuya gets late to come home or hes on long mission and since you miss him a little you wear his shirt and start painting (if you’re bigger than him,then you wear it as like an overshirt or tie it around your waist{honestly anything to make it feel like hes there})
And then he walks in the door and you go up to hug and welcome him
He notices its his shirt and smirks before leaning into kiss you saying, “Missed me that much huh?”
Ooh little paint fights would be ADORABLE like you put a dot of paint on his cheek and he then puts one on you and it goes back and worth until you’re both just a laughing mess on the floor.
Honestly chuuya with a reader who paints has now blessed my mind so thank you anon!
Tagging: @kajiyashikiazeru
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All rights reserved © 2023 gettinshiggywithit . Please do not repost, modify or claim as yours.
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vibratingskull · 29 days
If we are talking about sub!Thrawn
How about one were he lost his virginity to reader at royal imperial and has been reader sub since then.
Maybe with some smut, go with whatever your hearts desire.
Sub!Thrawn is consumming me right now... I just slightly tweaked the timeline, I just cannot imagine him having sex with someone he knows for only three months, I hope it's okay for you.
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Gorgeous art by @sinnuous
Thrawn x F!reader
Tags : Submissive!Thrawn, loss if virginity, aphrodisiac, shibari, penis cage, restraints, face sitting, P in V, creampie, breeding kink
Thrawn being casually Aroace in my fics? Who would have thought ? 😏
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You intently look at the picture and look back at your cord knots. Yeah... Good enough for a new try! You take a step back to observe your masterpiece. Thrawn is sitting naked on a stool, his mighty body wrapped in shibari knots, adorning his vibrant blue skin, making a walking piece of art. 
You cover your mouth with your two hands, refraining from an excited giggle rising in your throat. 
“What is the final result?” Thrawn asks, turning his red gaze to you. 
“It’s... magnificent.” You can only say. 
You hook two fingers in one knot, testing the cords. 
“How is it?” You ask. 
Thrawn breath deeply and rolls his powerful muscles to test the restraints. 
“Tighter please.” He demands. 
You adjust the deep red ropes, so ravishing on his deep blue skin. You pull on the ropes, tightening them. 
“Tighter.” He demands again. 
“Are you sure?” You ask, “We never tried this tight before.” 
“I am curious, please tighten the knots again.” He responds with his deep melodious voice. 
You pull the ropes again, observing how they bite into his flesh. Thrawn greets his teeth and hisses as the shibari compress his muscles like never before. You keep going, knowing that if need be, he will use your safe word to stop everything. But he never does. 
“Now?” You ask, weary of the cords around his thick throat. 
He exhales between his teeth, his head thrown backward in a mix of pain and pleasure. He rolls his shoulders to test his restraints, appreciating the compression of his muscles. 
“Perfect.” He judges, “That is... Perfect.” 
You circle him, observing the final result, how the cords cross and wave and tie around his body. They are quite thin to be discreet and invisible under clothes but they are damn strong, no risk for Thrawn to inadvertently tear one apart. You take his hand to guide him to the big mirror of the suite, to let him observe his new body. 
He remains silent, observing every minute detail, every knot dancing on his flesh. You look at him with a big smile, proud of your work. 
“Do you like it?” You ask. 
“This is... Glorious. You outdid yourself, Ch’acah.” He compliments you, tracing the cords on his arm. 
This is not your first Shibari rodeo but those knots are new for you, but the results are so worth it! You place yourself behind him, raising on your toes, and lick his cheek with a satisfied grin. 
“Satisfied, my sweet?” 
“Yes, ma’am.” He breathes as your hand comes caressing his throat, lazily squeezing it. “Thank you, ma’am.” 
You hum satisfied and peck his cheek. Thrawn fascination for art also appears in the bedroom and making him a breathing piece of art is a must during foreplay for him! He just loves becoming your canvas for your sessions, letting you create patterns on his skin. Sometimes he is the one who finds new figures to tie, like today. He submits to you, letting you experiment with your craft for both of your pleasures. 
“On your knees, big boy.” You whisper in his ear, nibbling his lobe. 
Your high heels resonate in the suite as you walk to fetch your accessories. He obeys and gets on his knees, his red eyes getting foggy with desire and eagerness to submit. His breath gets shorter as you review your different options lying on his desk. You have cuffs, crops, blindfolds, paddles, gags and gags bars, clamps, floggers... A lot of options! 
You both quickly realized  Thrawn absolutely loves to be restrained in some way, with cuffs, ribbons, cords, or tape. His hands, his legs, tied to the bed or behind his back, nailed to the floor, wall or hanging from the ceiling... And then he let you play with his exposed and defenseless body, teasing him, torturing him, toying with him. He relinquished all of his powers to you. 
Trusting you completely. 
You reminisce about the start of your relationship, how you took Eli and Thrawn “under your wing” in the Academy, begrudgingly becoming friends, taming each other. What was your surprise when you learned you followed them both on the Blood Crow, apparently your time together wasn’t over yet. 
You fooled around with some male and female colleagues, having fun while Thrawn and Eli kept to their art and Excel sheets. That’s around this time you learned you liked to take control in the bedroom, seeing others submit at your feet. 
Is was thrilling! Exhilarating! New and fresh!  
How they tried to get back control, and how you fought to keep command. You always came up on top, always finding the trick or the sweet little thing making them submit to your will. 
Some were easy, some were reluctant, but you always found a way... 
You even slept with that bitch Rossi in exchange for her promise to not punish Thrawn after one of his “political miscalculations” of one of his tactical prowess during a mission. She thought you would be a piece of cake, that she would have some free fun and come back on her words to punish Thrawn as it pleased her. 
How wrong she was... 
She did not punish Thrawn after the night you spent together and she stayed pretty much away from your trio until you got your new affectations. 
You never told Thrawn about that. Maybe you were already falling for him at that time... No, in retrospect you definitely had fallen for him! But you didn’t know it back then. So you kept meeting them both, bitching with Eli about Rossi, playing cards with Thrawn, drinking with them both... 
Nice times. 
For your next post, you specifically asked to follow Lieutenant Thrawn wherever he might go, because frankly, things could get so batshit crazy with him that you found it both hilarious and terribly worrying for the health of your two friends. You needed to keep an eye on those two walking catastrophes.  
And the Navy obliged. 
You followed him on the next ship, your relationship growing and flourishing into something new but undiscovered still. You regularly played Shah-Tezh together in your or his cabin, he taught you new strategies and slowly, you were growing on him, unbeknownst to both of you. 
And then. 
Came that mission... 
The one that turned your relationship around. 
It started rather mundane, you were both sent as escort to a diplomat to bordering worlds of the Empire for a political soiree. Let’s just say Thrawn was less than thrilled. 
“Knowing you will be at my side ease my worries, my friend.” He said to you. 
You smiled at him, promising to run to his rescue if he ever ended up in a political conversation with one of the aliens. You had to abide by the dress code and you appeared in an evening gown and Thrawn in a black suit. You discreetly checked him out, the suit was deliciously tight and becoming on him. He looked like a full-course dinner. 
You abstained from any comment, of course, Thrawn wouldn’t have appreciated to get objectified like that. 
Or so you thought... 
You appeared in the ballroom arm-in-arm, the diplomat had ordered you to remain discreet and not be too obvious in your mission, so you watched over them, pretending to be simple guests.  
As the only alien of the Navy and not yet recognized for his true genius, Thrawn was perceived as disposable and was designated as a poison tester for the diplomat. Any dish or drink they wanted to taste, Thrawn had to taste first. In solidarity with your “good friend”, you tasted everything with him. 
Until at some point you tasted the same glass of a certain sparkly champaign and advised the diplomat to not touch it, the taste was... something else. None of your chemical reactive you had detected any deadly poison, so you expected to endure stomach pain for some hours. 
Uncomfortable but manageable. 
How wrong you were... 
Around 10 minutes after you start to feel hot and sweaty all of a sudden with some vertigo to spice things up. You immediately searched for Thrawn to check up on him, finding him taking fresh air on the balcony. He had his usual cool and detached tendencies but he was sweating too and his hand holding down the rail was trembling slightly, very unlike him! 
You seized his arm and pulled him back inside, groped Eli to tell him you headed towards the infirmary. You walked side to side in those long and torturous corridors, the silence only broken up by your increasingly short breaths. You forced open a door with a kick, thinking it was the closed infirmary only to discover it was a bedroom. 
It will had to do, your organism refused to go farther without relief. You were now hot and, to your horror, bothered. 
Did you drink an aphrodisiac? You gave a side glance to Thrawn in the hope he would be able to make a sane decision because you were in no state to make any informed choice yourself, only to realize he was in worse shape than you! Laying against the wall, his head thrown backward, his breath was only a painful hiss, his apple bobbing up and down as he gulped with difficulties. He sat down on the bed and opened his collar with a trembling hand, sweat trickling down his temple, breath short and painful.  
“Take your shower first.” He gentlemanly proposed, “I will go after you.” 
“With all due respect sir, you look way worse than me.” You retorted. 
Whatever they put in this glass, Chiss are more sensible to it than humans. 
He held his head in his hand like it was too heavy to stand on his neck, messing his hair up, he breathed through his greeted teeth. He may appeared just a little roughed up, but it was so unlike him to act as such you didn’t even try to guess the real discomfort he was in. 
“Nonsense.” He retorted with a raspy voice, his melodious tessitura even deeper than usual and that stroke you straight to your core you had to press your thighs to silence the longing of your awakening desire, “I am perfectly fine, nothing a fresh shower will not fix.” 
The effect of his voice on you was so powerful you chose to run under the shower without any other words to not be in the same room as him. He always looked good to you, but under the raw effect of the aphrodisiac, he was absolutely ravishing. 
A true apparition. 
You came out of the icy cold shower still as hot and bothered. It had absolutely no effect whatsoever! You felt yourself trembling with such lust and desire you never felt before! So much so that you considered bashing your head in the wall a viable option. 
You gulped and re-entered the bedroom to discover Thrawn laying on the bed, his black jacket nonchalantly thrown on the desk, is white chemise halfway undone, revealing toned pecs to your gaze. 
Oh dear Maker, that will be a trial, is it not? 
He raises back in a sitting position at your arrival, restrained relief painted on his face. 
“Lieutenant commander.I trust the shower was beneficial.”  
“No...” You reveal, “Not at all.” 
He looked at you with a closed expression. 
“That is unfortunate news.” He simply said, “Those effects might last hours, we are in no shape to pursue our mission like that.” He held his chin in his fingers, searching for a solution. 
Like it wasn’t evident enough... 
None of you two wanted to say it but you both knew what was going to happen was inevitable. 
“Listen.” You initiated action, “We are both adults. Let’s get done with it, the sooner we get to it, the sooner it will end.” You came next to him, taking his hand in yours. 
He looked at you intently with a mixed expression of surprise and... shock. 
“I do not think this is a good idea, Lieutenant Commander.”  
“You have another idea?” 
He turned his head away from your gaze, admitting his lack of resources in such a situation. You smiled at him, squeezing his hand gently. 
“Come on, Commandant. A man of your experience surely isn’t afraid of a simple woman?” You joked, laughing in the hope of relaxing the atmosphere, “Your collection of lovers must be impressive, what’s one more to your body count?” 
He sighed, ruffling his hair, his head in his palm, clearly displeased.  
Okay, ouch? 
“Okay, I’m maybe not to your taste but no need to look so disgusted.” You laughed acidic. 
“No, (Y/n), no. You truly are a beautiful woman and any man would be honored to have a chance with you, but...” 
“I...” He started, looking at you with some despair you never saw in his eyes before sighing, “I have never been intimate with anyone before.” 
You remained mute at that news, your eyes wide open and mouth agape. 
A full minute passed looking at each other, you absolutely dumbfounded by that revelation and him awaiting your reaction, hoping you would go easy on him. 
“I do not believe you for a second.” You finally left out 
Him? A virgin? Mister handsome face, smooth voice, and sculpted body? Mister dy humor gentleman? This was not possible. You couldn’t believe nobody never tried to sink their teeth in the meal he could offer! Granted he is not the smoothest in social situations, but still! You saw some real pieces of shit collecting suitors, why not him? 
“That is the truth nonetheless.” He softly insisted, his breathing worsening again. 
“But... How?” You asked flabbergasted. 
He shrugged like your question made no sense at all. 
“It simply never happened. I never pursued such intimacy in my life.” 
“And nobody ever proposed to you? I find it really hard to believe.” 
Was this man for real? 
“You are handsome and carved by the gods! Maybe a little aloof but you care and you have delicate dispositions. A lot of people with way less to offer get asked regularly! And you tell me you had no opportunity ever? Sorry but no, that’s not adding up.” 
He looked at you with rounder and rounder eyes. 
“Nobody ever referred to me in such terms.” He just said, surprised. “I never knew you looked at me in such a way either...” 
You cleared your throat, calculating your error. 
“I just find it hard to believe, that’s all...” You tried to save yourself. 
“I never took someone to bed before and never intended to. At least not in the immediate future.” He corrected himself “I never saw my fellow beings in such light. I never felt this urge before.”  He explained, gulping in his discomfort. 
“Well... I’ll agree with you this is not the most romantic setting for a first time.” You conceded “You want to try and wait?” You proposed. 
You’re not about to force someone to sleep with you, aphrodisiac or not. He seemed to weigh the pros and cons, before straightening his back and rolling his head like he was preparing himself for a trial. 
“We have a mission to accomplish, Lieutenant Commander. If we must go through it to become operative again... This is our duty to act on it.” He said assertively. 
How romantic... 
You spin your seated position to face him fully. 
“Alright. Let’s go.” You agree. 
He looked at you intently, like he was expecting more reluctance or shyness on your part. You looked back in his eyes unashamed.  
You were torn on your end, in some way you were really glad you got a chance with Thrawn, he always was to your taste, both body and mind. On the other side, what kind of fucked up setting was that? 
“I am going to kiss you, Lieutenant Commander.” He announced with a trembling tone. 
His hand tentatively came cupping your cheek. His palm was deliciously warm and his skin soft and smooth. Your mind immediately wandered to the rest of his body, is he as soft everywhere? You mentally shook your head. 
He very slowly approached his lips to yours, stopping only a mere centimeter away. You could feel his jerked breath on your lips and waited for him to close the gap, you wanted to go at his rhythm, letting him set the pace. That was the least you could do for him. 
You reopened your eyes when he still didn’t kiss you yet. What is he waiting for? 
“Thrawn?” You gently called. 
“Yes?” He said, but the hesitation in his tone was apparent. 
“Did you ever kiss someone before?” You asked softly, trying to get him to open up. 
He breathed deeply. 
“Once. And it was a disaster.” 
“Do you want me to show you?” 
“I... Yes, Lieutenant Commander. Your experience in this field is superior to mine.” 
You snorted. 
“Okay, one thing. Drop the ranks. We are friends and we are in this situation together. Call me by my name.” 
He shaked his head. 
“That would be disrespectful of me.” 
“I’m going to be frank with you: the ranks make me uncomfortable right now. Let's use our names, it will make things easier.” 
His lips stretched into a fine line. Clearly, he is not comfortable at all. 
“Very well. I will trust you on that.” He conceded. 
“Nice. Close your eyes, Thrawn. Let me show you how is it done.” You whispered. 
You looked at him breathing through his nose and closing his eyelids. You gently took his gorgeous face in your hands and kissed his lips tenderly. You kept it chaste, just trying to get him to relax a little. 
And he did. He started to respond to the kiss, not trying to take command or anything, simply testing the waters and the limits of this intimate act. You pecked his lips again and pushed your tongue inside to meet his, he let you explore as you wanted, focusing on his breath. Your tongues danced together, hugging each other, gently brushing and teasing each other. 
When you reopened your own eyes you realized you were lying on top of him, both breathless, your hand disheveling his hair and your lips swollen. He opened his eyes slightly, letting only a ray of red light peak as he tried to get back his breath. You smiled comfortingly at him, gently caressing his sharp cheek. 
“Was it better?” You asked. 
“It was a completely different experience.” He admitted, his heart beating fast against yours, “Could we try it again?”  
“Of course.” You chuckled. 
And one thing leading to the other you relieved each other of the pain and discomfort of the aphrodisiac. Thrawn proved himself an inexperienced but eager-to-learn student. You kept things vanilla, only leading the dance for him to find his steps and it was a very pleasurable experience.  
He kept asking if you would like it if he touched you there, if it would increase your pleasure if he tried this movement, willing to experiment. He was cautious of any new act before rapidly getting the gist of it and enjoying himself. You almost thought he would stop you when you lowered himself to give him head but he trusted you and let you guide him in the sea of pleasure he felt for the first time in his life! 
You rarely took care of virgins and tried your best to make it enjoyable for him. You rode him slowly, letting him appreciate the feelings of his cock getting squeezed by a pussy for the first time, he held on to your hips desperately, throwing his head back in the pillow with breathy moans. He let you lead the way without any fuss, obeying your instructions like a good soldier. 
You will humbly admit you lost a little of your control when you bit down his shoulder. You swear it was unintentional, you were simply kissing his neck as you lazily rode him, pressing your two bodies together when your instincts ordered you to bite down that beautiful blue flesh. 
The lecherous gasp that escaped him... You almost lost it all at that moment. 
“Do it again.” He breathed, “Please, (Y/n), bite me again.” He almost begged in his daze, pushing your head down the crook of his muscular neck. 
No need to ask you twice! 
He uncontrollably cummed inside your pussy as your teeth sank back into his skin. He apologized profusely, asking for your forgiveness when you just had difficulties not exploding laughing! Of course, you were on birth control, with a sex life as active as yours it was imperative. You calmed him down with an amused smile, easing his worries. 
You felt way better and Thrawn too! For two minutes top before the effects came back with a vengeance...  
His face turning back in his flustered purple shade he took your hand, trembling, and asked you if you minded staying a little longer to keep him company while he waited for them to go away... 
Wishful thinking... 
You never got to come back to the ballroom, spending the night in each other embrace, having sweet and lazy sex, letting him discover the limits and discovering what he was into together. 
He held you close in your sleep, a faint purr resonating in his throat as he hugged you close. 
You awoke the next morning to Thrawn gently caressing your cheek. 
“How was it?” You asked, “Do you feel better?” 
“It was... An unexpectedly good experience.” He gently smiled at you. “I thank you for teaching me, it was truly enlightening.”  
“I am just a little sad you had to experience like that with me. You should have had the right to discover it with a lover, in better circumstances.” You responded a little demoralized for him. 
It was not in your right to take his first time, he should have had the choice of his partner. 
“In retrospect, I am glad it was you.” He confessed, kissing your knuckles “I trust you with my life, my friend. It was the best scenario possible.” 
You smiled, a bit relieved. 
None of you spoke to Eli about that mission and you tried to keep it cool and relaxed between you two, but none of you could resist looking at the other a little longer, brushing your two hands almost inadvertently, hugging just a little longer than most friends do... 
The tension kept rising until one day Thrawn invited you for your regular Shah-tezh game and you ended up spending it doing something completely different than Shah-tezh, kissing each other on the small bed of his cabin, waving your body on his... 
You shake your head, Thrawn’s melodious voice calling you back to the present moment with him in shibari knots and on his knees for you. 
“Is there a problem?” He asks gently, looking at you with a hint of worry in his gorgeous red eyes. 
You smile brightly and lower yourself to kiss him, holding him by the throat. 
“Nothing is wrong, big boy. I was just thinking back to our first times.” 
He purrs in the kiss, eagerly kissing you back. 
“We were clumsy back then.” He noted a touch of amusement in his voice. 
Indeed you were! They were pretty pathetic and hilarious, to be honest. Your errors were naive but genuine, both experimenting and discovering each other limits and boundaries. 
“Do you remember how you destroyed your first harness with sheer strength?” You wonder. 
“You told me to resist.” 
You burst out laughing at that memory, caressing his handsome face. 
“I wanted you to resist for the roleplay! Not to literally break free of your bonds.”  
This harness was just a piece of crap anyway! You were trying restraints for the first time as Thrawn suggested to test it, in retrospect choosing the first price wasn't a bright idea. 
Witnessing Thrawn breaking free of his leather restraints so unexpectantly you started laughing uncontrollably. Like damn, it was so sexy but that was so off-script it threw you off your rhythm and you ended up rolling on the bed, holding your stomach with Thrawn looking at you confused. 
To be fair he didn’t expect the harness to break down so easily either... 
Now you have way better products, but deep down you know he could break them too with a musculature like his. And you would love that, for sure! 
Ten years later, you are still a couple and going strong despite everything thrown at you! 
You peck his nose. 
“Do you want me to free you, big boy?” 
“Yes ma’am.” He purrs, brushing his nose with yours. “Please.” 
You kneel and take off your necklace holding a small key and open the chastity cage around his cock, relieving the tension in his impressive member. He lets out a sigh of relief and you gently stroke his length up and down, not enough to give him an erection, just enough to get rid of any discomfort after so long. 
“How much time did you last, big boy?” 
During your last session he wanted to keep it on, preventing him from getting an erection. You try to see how far you can push his limits, testing his resilience. 
“5 months, ma’am.” 
Damn! 5 months in this contraption? No masturbation nor penetration, you couldn’t hold on that long in his place. 
Let’s not even talk about your difficulty finding a cage accommodating his length and girth... A real headache! 
But he loves the sexual frustration it gives him, the feeling of relief when he finally gets to enter you after a long period in his cage is like anything else he told you. Every sensation gets enhanced and sublimed, giving him even more pleasure. 
Thrawn isn’t even that into sex and sexual release in the first place. He just loves to submit, it helps him relax, emptying his well-ordered mind to blindly follow orders without a second thought. Someday he just likes you tying him down in shibari knots and going about his day with the compression of the cords under his clothes for the whole day. 
The simple act of tying the cords around his body and creating art is enough for him, it is intimate enough to his taste, no need to get down and dirty. 
Not to say he neglects your own needs, not at all! He bought you plenty of toys and loves to go down on you, he simply doesn’t feel the urge to go all the way. If you ask him to help to masturbate he will gladly take some time off his busy schedule to indulge you. Sometimes you just want him to observe how you fuck yourself on your toys, he sits down in his favorite chair and doesn’t lose a crumb of the spectacle, complimenting you on your stamina and beautiful expressions as you pleasure yourself, addressing you in your favorite titles. 
Sometimes he will join and finger you like you taught him to do, sometimes he will remain an enthusiastic spectator.  
“It allows me to learn how you prefer to be touched.” He let you one day know when you asked him if he even liked to watch you going at it while he did nothing, imprisoned in his cage, “I experience a facet of sex I do not usually live through, and it is simply a beautiful sight to witness, Ch’acah. I love watching and hearing you giving yourself pleasure.” He reassured you. 
You regularly hold “meetings” together in your suite to propose new ideas and new kinks, sometimes you just want to make a show of the new leather corset you bought. Sometimes you just talk about your last experiences, what you liked and would prefer to do differently, both lying on the bed, looking into each other eyes, caressing hands. 
Vulnerable and sensitive.  
Simply intimate... Close to one another. 
But from time to time he does appreciate going all the way with you. You are the only one in the universe who got to see this part of him and you are thankful for that. 
You stand back up and present him with your shoe. 
“Kiss.” You order, your hands on your hips. 
He leans forward and reverently kisses your shoe, pecking the diamond adorning it before giving it a lick, slowly reaching your ankle, and kissing his way up your leg. You close your eyes, appreciating the sensation of his lips on your flesh. 
He stops at your knee and looks up at you with a puppy look you were shocked he had. He hugs your leg while looking at you already entering subspace with a dazed expression. He can enter it so rapidly, looking at you with such a ravishing expression, his red eyes shining brighter in the dim light. He kisses your knees, looking into your eyes with eyes half-closed, a slight moan escaping his mouth. 
“You are handsome, do you know that?” You asks with a satisfied sigh. 
Of course he knows, you never lose an occasion to tell him. 
“Thank you, ma’am. You are magnificent yourself.” He whispers. 
You caress his hair, brushing his ear with your thumb.  
“You promise to be good?”  
“Yes, anything to please you, Ma’am.” He breathes softly. 
“On the bed, big boy.” 
He stands up instantly and lays on the bed obediently. You let the tip of your fingers dance on his legs, from his foot to his hip, drawing little patterns on his muscles until you take his cock in your hand and gently stroke it. You play with his tip, circling his crown with your thumb. He hisses and whimpers under your touch, all his sensations multiplied by his time in the cage. 
“Will you tie me down?” He gasps, “Please, ma’am?” 
“Not yet, my big boy. Wait a little more.” You promise him. 
You lean forward to kiss his tip already leaking pre-cum. You hop on the bed and throw your leg on the other side of his head, looking down at him, hovering over his face. 
“First I want you to put your mouth to good use, alright?”  
He nods, his hands already coming to grope your hips and inviting you down towards his eager lips. You sit down comfortably on his face and he immediately gets to work, licking your pussy voraciously. 
How he loves that... 
You hold onto the frame of the bed, to not completely suffocate him. Not that he would mind. You can feel his flexible wet tongue trailing your slit conscientiously, licking up and down as he digs his fingers into the flesh of your hips. He makes indecent sounds, getting his fill of your sex. He gently kisses your pussylips and starts focusing on your clit, sucking on it, making it roll between his blue lips.  
A shudder strikes through your entire body, shaking your entire being between his hands. You throw your head backward, mouth open under the pleasure. 
Damn! He’s so good at it! 
You feel your stomach muscles contracting under his care and the fire between your legs spreads through your veins, teasing your nerve endings. 
“Good. Keep going, Ch’acah.” You praise, “AH! Do not stop!” 
“Of course, ma’am.” He docilely answers. 
He resumes his diligent work, playing with your pearl, teasing it with the tip of his tongue. He suddenly gives a long lick with the flat of his tongue from one end of your slit to the other. You can feel your wetness dripping off you, and he opens his mouth wide open to receive it on his tongue, a purr of raw satisfaction emanating from him. He drinks it down greedily, gulping your essence down his throat with glee. 
He forces your hips down further against his face, asphyxiating himself between your thighs. You try to raise your hips to not choke him but he firmly holds you in place against his swollen lips. 
“Do you enjoy my pussy, my sweet?” You investigate with a voice dripping with pleasure. 
“Yes, ma’am, a lot.” He asserts “I absolutely love it.”  
He goes back to licking you without missing a bit, kissing and sucking avidly. Your legs start trembling under the bliss you are feeling coursing through your limbs.  
“Fuck!” You cannot help but curse as he suddenly gives short and quick licks at your clit, darting his tongue, flicking it rapidly. 
You feel your slick and his drool rolling down his jaw and your thighs. Your hands leave the bedframe to seize his head, griping his hair desperately as you ride his tongue and mouth furiously. He keeps drinking your sweet nectar, his purrs growing louder and louder. 
You gasp his name as you cum, squirting in his mouth, a shudder shaking your entire body. Thrawn’s body quivers as you feel his hands squeezing your hips. You inadvertently press his face against your greedy pussy before promptly releasing him. You raise your hips to release the tension on his jaw but his head follows your movement, finishing to licking you clean.  
You sit down on his stomach, sweaty and out of breath, as he licks his lips like he just ate a tasty dinner. His satiated expression sends new shivers down your core. He wipes his lips with a loud purr, looking at you bedazzled. 
You lean forward to capture his lips, tasting yourself on his tongue. He embraces you close in his arms as you lick his lips. 
“Did you have fun, big boy?”  
“Yes, ma’am. Thank you.” He kisses you back. 
You sit back and turn to take care of his big cock when you notice a white, sticky substance soiling his lower stomach and the cords there. You look at it for a second, incredulously. 
“Did you cum?” You ask stunned. 
“Yes, ma’am. I could not control myself, I am sorry.” 
You cannot refrain from snorting. He cummed licking your pussy, like you could ever get mad at him for that! 
You swiftly peck the tip of his nose and leave the bed to head to the desk where all your accessories are waiting for you. You choose a bar gag and cuffs and come back to your lover. 
Thrawn gives you his hands without you having to ask and you tie them together before tying them to the bedframe.  
“Open your mouth, big boy.” You gently place the bar between his teeth and close it behind the back of his head. 
It is just tight enough for him to be able to spit it out and pronounce his safe word if need be. The bar design also allows for better breathing and greater comfort. You mount him again and take his girth in your hand to align it with your entrance. You let yourself sink on it slowly, mouth open in a perfect ‘O’ as his shaft gently pushes past your flesh, invading your secret temple. Once fully seated your pussy is filled to the brim, you feel stuffed like always with him. 
“You are soooo big, Ch’acah.” You praise, contracting your inner muscles to squeeze his cock and tease him. “You always fill me so much!” 
He gasps, already on edge. He loves the compliments, the praises, your adoring tone when you refer to him... You hear him whimpering through the gag and he waves his hips, desperate for friction and delicious sensations. 
“Impatient, are we?” You tease, making sweet circles with your hips to torture him. 
He nods hurriedly, looking at you beseechingly. You can see the muscles of his throat contracting and relaxing repeatedly.  
You place your hands on his large pecs, feeling his heart palpitating against your palm, and start riding him sloppily. His breath gets stuck in his throat and his muscles start rolling under his blue skin. His thick cock easily brushes every sweet spot inside you and you revel in the sensations. 
You can feel his shaft already leaking pre-cum again, mixing with your essence and leaking on his loins. You rise up and down repeatedly, licking his pecs and throat as he mewls and whimpers on his gag. He eagerly meets your pace with his hips, increasing friction and rutting into you.  
Your little pussy is stretched to the max, impaling yourself on his stupidly big cock. It is exactly like his body, long and thick and giving you so much pleasure. You accelerate your pace, sprinting after a new release together. You kiss his bumpy forehead, holding his gorgeous face between your hands, delicately caressing his temples. 
He whines and pleads through the gag, waving his entire body under yours. He drools all over the gag, biting down the bar at the pleasure you give him. 
“Sweet boy.” You whisper into his ear, “You are so good for me, Ch’acah. You are doing so great.”  
You can feel his heart skipping a beat under your hand at the praise. It is quite satisfying to feel. 
“Mmmmmmmmmmmmh... You’re so good at it, my love. You were made for me, don’t you think?” You lick the outer shell of his ear. 
He nods with a long moan, approving your words. 
“Do you want to come inside?” You tease, “Do you want to fill me with your seed? Breed me?” 
He jolts, his entire body contracting under yours, his breath short and heavy. He looks intently at you, fixed only on you, hoping you would let him finish inside. 
He so longs for a little one of himself, a baby he could call his. A baby with you would simply be perfect! He discussed it with you several times already and you have been trying since then. 
“I don’t know if you deserve it.” You bite, looking down at him, “You did come without my authorization after all...” you stop moving altogether. 
Thrawn agitates himself in his restraints, threatening to break them again, scandalized at the idea of getting his right to breed you revoked, even just once. You observe him struggling with great interest and a sadistic smile. 
After all not everything can be fun and game... 
“Careful now...” You boop his nose playfully, “If you don’t behave I’ll pull you out and leave you here.” 
He instantly stops, but he looks at you badly, infuriated, his breath short and quick. You squeeze his cock with your pussy, making him shudder in pure pleasure. 
“You really want it, big guy?” 
He nods again with an animalistic growl raising in his throat. 
“Alright. But only because it is you.” You smirk. “And you better give me your all, mister!” 
And you resume riding at high speed. It is a real workout out but seeing Thrawn crumble between your hands and thighs is such a sight! Your pleasure builds back up rapidly as Thrawn meets your pace with his hips, bullying his length inside you. You lay on his chest and bite down his neck harshly. 
Thrawn cums in a flash, emptying himself inside your greedy pussy. It is so much, you can feel your tender tummy swole up with the quantity he offers you. Thrawn keeps going, feeling that you didn’t cum yet, his tip reaching your cervix with so much ease. You gently kiss him where you bit him, feeling him spurting hot ribbons of seed inside your womb. 
You mewl your pleasure to encourage him before standing back on to ride him properly. With Thrawn eagerness to please you it doesn’t take long at all before you cum too, getting blinded by a white light, your toes curling deliciously. You shout Thrawn’s name, with no regard for who could hear you on the Chimaera before falling on him, exhausted. 
You both remain still, breathless and hearts in a frenzy. You tiredly raise yourself to get rid of his gag and free Thrawn of bounds. He takes a deep breath, lying still. You open the drawer of your bedside table and take out a wipe and you clean his jaw and cheeks of his drool. You kiss his lips and nose tenderly. 
“Are you all right, my love?” You observe his gorgeous face, eyes closed shut and hair disheveled “Do you want something? A glass of water? A bath?” You ask to ease his descent from subspace and orgasm. 
You feel his long arms wrapping around your form, embracing you tight. 
“Just allow me to remain inside for another moment, Ch’acah.” He demands, burying his head in the crook of your neck to inhale your scent. 
“As you wish, Thrawn. Tell me if you need anything.” 
“Hug me tight. That would be a great start.” He proposes kissing your neck gently. 
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@bluechiss @thrawnalani @justanothersadperson93 @al-astakbar @thrawnspetgoose @readinglistfics @elise2174 @debonaire-princess @twilekchiss @pencil-urchin @ineedazeezee @mssbridgerton @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @Cortisolcosplay, @obbicrystaleo, @germie2037
37 notes · View notes
sluttywoozi · 1 year
Omgggg i saw your requests are open… if this interests you at all I wonder what your thoughts would be on reader and Minghao talking through kinks n what they’re into together before trying them? Like a “idk if I’m into doing that to you but I’d love u to do it to me” or whatever u want. I just think you would write it so safely ~ ANYWAY thank you for entertaining requests and congrats on your milestone!
This is such a fun request, thank you for your kind words and for coming to ask for my thoughts 💖💖💖 and thank you to @sluttyminghao for her ideas on Minghao's kinks 😍
Warnings: wax play mention, shibari mention, edging mention, kink negotiation, no actual sex
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"Are you sure we can't just... talk it out?" Minghao asks gently, eyeing the way your trembling fingers straighten the list out on the table between you for the fourth time.
"Yes, I'm sure! You know I'm a very organized person, Minghao," you remind him, like he could forget how much you love your lists. You keep one for outing ideas, one for important dates, one for your meal planning and grocery shopping, why wouldn't you keep one for your kinks too?
And not just yours, but Minghao's too, apparently.
He doesn't mind, loves that you pay so much attention to him, but he does wonder when exactly you started this list and when you decided he deserved to be added in.
You've got one of his so far, the one you discovered naturally, but you'd asked him to sit down with you so you could hammer out the rest. It's not the most romantic thing in the world, but for whatever reason it feels like it is, and Minghao has half a mind to count this as a date.
You haven't been together long, just reaching the four month mark last week, and you've been having sex for a much shorter amount of time. Not long at all really, just since your last duo painting class had him practicing on you instead of a canvas, which would make it about a month and a half.
You've grown a lot closer in the little time that's passed, and he assumes it's what gave you the courage to ask him to do this even though you're clearly nervous out of your mind.
He takes your hand in his, gently prying the pen free and starting to massage your palm as he speaks calmly, "Okay, my love, let's go through the list. You already have edging, so that's a good start for me."
He takes a steadying breath, suddenly thankful for your desire to work on the list because it gives him the opening he needed to broach this topic with you. There are things he's been picturing with you, things he's maybe not ready for yet and things he doubts you're ready for, but it's good to get the ideas out in the open now.
"I would love to try wax play," he says quietly, watching your face for any hint of uncertainty. What he finds is surprise, intrigue, nothing negative. It emboldens him to elaborate more, "It's like another form of artwork, making patterns on your skin with the wax, watching you jump when the heat hits you, watching you settle when it cools and squirm when I peel it off."
You purse your lips as you write it down and he imagines you rubbing your thighs together under the table, though he's unsure if this conversation is turning you on like it is him. It's enough just to talk about these things with you, tell you he wants to do them, and it only feels better to tell you his next item on the list.
"Shibari. It's so... intricate. And the trust you'd be placing in me, to bind you like that, I think it would be intoxicating. Seeing you, all tied up and at my mercy, but with both of us knowing I'd do nothing but take care of you, it would be... perfection," he speaks thoughtfully, tracing the lines of your palm with his fingertips before intertwining his fingers with yours and setting your hands on the table.
You appear pensive as you carefully write the word down letter by letter, "I'm not ready now, but those are definitely things I want to try with you. Let me do some research?"
"Anything you need," he brings your hand up to his mouth to press a gentle kiss to the back, returning your shy smile and shuffling his chair closer to yours.
Thank goodness for lists.
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twilight-lavender · 3 months
"In Tune with Love: You, the Melody of My Heart"
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Wonwoo was momentarily stunned into silence, the weight of his members' knowing gazes heavy upon him. Clearing his throat, he found his voice, albeit softer than usual. "Look, guys," he began, his plea earnest, "let's keep this a secret for a while. I promised Y/n to respect her decision. Please, help me out this time."
The members exchanged glances, an unspoken agreement passing between them. One by one, they nodded, their loyalty unwavering. "We've got your back," DK affirmed, "We'll keep it under wraps until the right time. No need to rush things and cause a mess."
Seeking to lighten the mood, Mingyu leaned back in his seat, a playful smirk dancing on his lips. "Y/n's a cute girl, but tell us, Wonwoo, who made the first move when you guys started dating?"
Wonwoo's cheeks flushed a shade pinker, but he met Mingyu's gaze with a smile. "I guess I'm the one who fell much harder. It's like I've always liked her, but I was blind to my own heart. I'm the lucky one, to have found someone who makes every moment feel like a favorite song on repeat," he confessed, his words a tender melody to the ears of his friends.
DK let out a low whistle, his eyes wide with surprise. "I never knew Wonwoo hyung could be this romantic," he said, a note of admiration in his voice.
Hoshi clapped Wonwoo on the back, his grin infectious. "Our Wonwoo is the best, isn't he? A true poet at heart," he declared, the pride in his voice unmistakable.
Laughter and light-hearted teasing filled the car, a chorus of brotherhood that echoed long into the night.
Wonwoo returned to his apartment, a rare day off on the horizon. He reached for his phone, his fingers tapping out a message to Y/n.
Wonwoo: Hey, how was your day? Are you free tomorrow? Let’s go on a date.
Y/n: Cool! Finally, we’ll have our time.
Wonwoo: Yes! I’ll pick you up at 9 am.
Y/n: Okay! But where are we going?
Wonwoo: It’s a surprise!
Y/n: Now I’m even more excited. The excitement was a tangible thing, a flutter in her chest that kept sleep at bay. She rose from her bed, pacing the room as she contemplated the perfect outfit for the occasion. Her wardrobe doors swung open, revealing rows of clothes, each piece holding memories and possibilities.
In a burst of inspiration, she reached for her phone again, this time to call her best friend Aera. The face that greeted her on the screen was sleepy but soon brightened with excitement.
Y/n: Babes, help me with the dress. What should I wear for our first date?
Aera: Wow, so you finally made it! When did it happen?
Y/n: I’ll tell you the whole story when we meet. Now, help me with this.
One by one, Y/n held up dresses to the camera, each one a contender for the day that would soon dawn. Aera’s discerning eye was invaluable, her suggestions punctuated with laughter and encouragement.
Finally, they settled on the perfect dress, one that struck the delicate balance between comfort and style, a piece that made Y/n’s heart sing.
Y/n: That’s perfect, I love it too. Thank you! What would I do without you?
Aera: Okay, okay, enough buttering! All the best for your date.
Y/n: Yes!
The call ended, and Y/n laid out the chosen dress, her heart still racing with anticipation. She tried to imagine the day ahead, the places Wonwoo might take her, the conversations they would share. It was all too much, too wonderful, and with a smile lingering on her lips, she finally surrendered to sleep, her dreams a canvas for tomorrow’s promises.
Next morning Wonwoo was already outside, his eyes scanning for Y/n. As she stepped out, the morning light caught in her hair, turning it into a halo around her face. She was a vision of loveliness, her outfit chosen with care—a soft pastel dress that swayed with each step, complemented by a pair of comfortable yet stylish shoes, perfect for a day of adventure.
“Sorry I’m a bit late,” Y/n apologized, her cheeks tinged with pink.
“It’s okay! But you look so pretty,” Wonwoo said, his eyes crinkling with a smile that reached his soul. He reached into the back seat and brought out a neatly packed breakfast. “This is for you, have it,” he said, patting her head with the gentlest of smiles.
“Thank you! You’re the sweetest… Now tell me, where are we going?” Y/n asked, her curiosity piqued as she accepted the breakfast.
“Wait until we arrive…” Wonwoo teased, a playful note in his voice.
As they drove, Wonwoo shared that Mingyu, Hoshi, and DK had discovered their secret, but he assured her that he had handled the situation. Y/n felt a wave of relief wash over her.
“Sorry, Wonwoo, but I promise I’ll look for the right time and tell them about us. I just don’t want to make things awkward between us,” Y/n said, her voice earnest.
“I understand,” Wonwoo replied, squeezing her hand reassuringly while expertly steering the car with the other.
“We’re about to reach,” he announced after a while.
“I guess I know where we are going,” Y/n said, a knowing smile on her lips.
They arrived at their destination—an amusement park! Y/n’s eyes lit up with delight.
“How did you know I always wanted to come here with my boyfriend?” she asked, her voice filled with wonder.
“I think watching too much drama helped,” Wonwoo admitted, touching his hair shyly.
“Awww! Let’s go inside,” Y/n beamed, her excitement palpable.
As they entered the gates, Y/n’s eyes darted around the crowd. “What if people recognize you? This can’t be good,” she fretted.
“No one will, chill! Wearing a mask will help,” Wonwoo reassured her, his confidence soothing her nerves.
“But it would be even better if you disguised as a girl, don’t you think? Like in those dramas,” Y/n teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
“Yeah, sure, maybe next time,” Wonwoo laughed, the sound warm and genuine.
They found themselves in a hairband store, surrounded by an array of charming accessories. “Let’s take this couple’s hairband with the cute teddy on it,” Y/n suggested, her voice bubbling with excitement.
“Anything you say,” Wonwoo agreed, his heart full.
Y/n instructed him to lean down, and she placed the hairband on him with the utmost care. “See, you look so cute,” she cooed.
Wonwoo, in turn, helped her wear one. “Uhmmmm, you look even cuter,” he said, his voice soft with affection. The amusement park was alive with the sounds of laughter and the sweet scent of cotton candy in the air. Wonwoo and Y/n found themselves amidst the magic, their hands intertwined as they navigated through the vibrant throngs of people.
They approached the merry-go-round, its lights twinkling like stars in the daylight. Wonwoo helped Y/n onto a painted steed, a gallant knight to her graceful queen. As the music began, a lilting melody, they rode in circles, but to them, it felt like a dance just for two.
Wonwoo: “This feels like a scene from a movie, doesn’t it?”
Y/n: “Yes, a perfect moment frozen in time.”
Their laughter mingled with the carousel’s tune, a perfect harmony to the rhythm of their joy.
After the ride, they wandered, hand in hand, to the ice cream stand. Wonwoo chose chocolate, Y/n butterscotch, and they sat on a nearby bench, sharing bites and stories. The ice cream was sweet, but the looks they shared were sweeter.
Y/n: “I think your chocolate ice cream looks better than mine.”
Wonwoo: “Here, try it,” he said, offering her a spoonful. “Everything tastes better when I’m with you.”
As the day progressed, they captured memories with selfies, their faces close, smiles wide. Each click of the camera was a snapshot of happiness, a keepsake for days to come.
Wonwoo: “We’ll look back at these pictures years from now and remember how perfect today was.”
Y/n: “Let’s make every picture count then,” she said, pulling him close for another photo.
The sun began to dip, casting a golden glow over the park. They found themselves at the top of the Ferris wheel, the world below them a miniature wonderland. The moment was ripe with romance, the kind that fills the pages of novels and the scenes of films.
As the Ferris wheel reached its zenith, Y/n turned to Wonwoo, her eyes reflecting the twinkling lights below. “You know,” she began, a playful seriousness in her tone, “there’s a myth that if you kiss at the top of the Ferris wheel, your love grows stronger and lasts forever.”
Wonwoo looked into her eyes, the soft glow of the sunset bathing them in a gentle light. “Is that so?” he replied, his voice a whisper that only she could hear. “Then I suppose we have to test that myth, don’t we?”
Y/n nodded, her heart beating so fast. As their lips met, the world seemed to stand still, the noise of the amusement park fading into a hushed silence. It was a kiss that spoke of promises and whispered dreams, a seal over their feelings, binding them in the sweetest of spells.
Wonwoo: “If that myth is true, then our love is now unbreakable.”
Y/n: “I think it was already strong, but now… it’s invincible.”
They shared a smile, their connection deepening with the shared secret of the kiss.
The evening had crept upon them, painting the sky in shades of twilight as Wonwoo and Y/n reluctantly decided it was time to leave. The drive home was quiet, a comfortable silence filled with the unspoken wish that the day could stretch on indefinitely.
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They reached Y/n’s home, the car’s engine coming to a gentle halt. Outside, under the soft glow of the streetlights, they stood close, the air around them charged with the day’s shared joy. Y/n: “I wish this day would never end,” she murmured, her voice muffled against his chest.
Wonwoo: “I wish that too,” he replied, his arms tightening around her.
In the comfort of their hug, the world around them seemed to stand still—until a familiar voice cut through the moment like a knife.
Jeonghan: “What’s going on here?” he asked, his tone serious, giving them the deadliest of scares. Y/n and Wonwoo sprang apart, their hearts racing from the surprise. Jeonghan stood there, an eyebrow raised in question, the seriousness of his tone belied by the twinkle of amusement in his eyes.
To be continued.......... !
A/n : i hope you guys will like it ! Do drop your feedback ☺️ It inspires me to write better! Thank you ❤️
Next part update
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epickiya722 · 4 months
Hey, I hope you’re doing well. Ik we fic writers always complain about the lack of discussion surrounding our work so I thought I’d start asking questions to my peers.
Here we go:
I have a few questions about the Jin x Kenjaku fic you wrote:
1- How did you get the idea?
2- Did Jin’s characterisation cause you any problems since we don’t know much about him? How do you usually handle characters we don’t have much information about?
3- Can you detail your writing process a little bit for that one? Did you write it easily? Did it take a few days or more?
My last question is about writing in general. What do you like about writing Mirko?
Thank you in advance 💕
For anyone curious, this is the fic -> Blissfully Clueless
1 - Since I've been more "active" with JJK, I remember doing a reread and getting to chapter 143 and going "Oh, new fic idea" when I read the flashback scene. Wanted to try out an interpretation of how Jin's relationship with Kenjaku could have been like, you know? Simply was just writing it to be writing it! Honestly, I'm surprised I even wrote that fic because I didn't think would! Most of my fics are more comedic, but lately, I've been dipping into trying more styles.
2 - Ooh, so this plays into what I'll say later! It wasn't easy coming up with some kind of characterization for Jin, but at the same it was kind of easy. What made it difficult was that, yeah, we don't know much about Jin like that. Writing the fic, I questioned myself "how can I write this particular character without making feel too OOC, how to make a possible personality fit for this character"? Now what made it easy is that Jin doesn't have a lot to him in canon. Whenever I write characters who have little to nothing to them in canon, I think of them as empty or unfinished canvas. I have room to add colors to them, details that can bring them to life. Instead of a paintbrush, I'm using words. With characters like that, I'm able to let my imagination roam free because there are no limitations. If Jin had a lot more to him in canon, then it feel as if I have to take that and work with that. It's like "Well, he's like this in canon, so I can't mess up". I won't lie, sometimes I feel pressured to write a character aligned with canon personality because I feel like if I step just a little over the line, someone is going to get fussy about it. I mean, I understand that some people tend to write characters completely different just to bash that character in their fics or twist them in ways they see fit because they feel they have some authority over that character even though it's not theirs. But other times, there are those who do it as a creative choice, they're doing it to fit into an idea they have for a story. And it doesn't mean they really think of the character that way.
3 - That fic actually took a good twenty minutes or so! I needed a distraction that day and thus, that fic was born! Like a lot of my fics, I didn't plan that one. The idea came to me and I just wrote. As I wrote, that's when I question how I could possibly frame Jin's character. A challenge it was, but it was a fun one!
Oooh, to choose what I like writing when it comes to Miruko is giving her more depth. Okay, she has a personality in canon, but I just feel like she isn't just this "aggressive, angry rabbit woman" that some of the fandom sees her as. Now, unlike Jin, Miruko does have more backstory and screentime. In Vigilantes (BNHA Spin-off manga, it's great), she even has a whole flashback arc. So I have a little more to work with when it comes to her.
However, she is still just a minor character, so there is still not too much for her in canon. Even so, again, she's a canvas to me.
I actually have a lot of posts analyzing her character just from little information and her dialogue. I don't know how I do it, but I believe it comes from more how much I enjoy Miruko.
When writing her in fics, I don't want her to feel one-dimensional. Some of the fandom already do from canon which sucks. I'm about to sound salty, but it's just crazy to me that some fans will complain about aspects of female characters they find annoying and displeasing, but makes excuses for the male characters and admire them some those same aspects.
Some people will say the female characters barely got personality, but come on. Some of the male characters are bland as hell or has been done a thousand times before. It's not just the female characters, folks.
Anyways! I want readers to see that Miruko is capable of being sad, happy, tired... that she is capable of feeling, too. So I often think back to my posts about her and incorporate them in my fics. Or even vice versa. Sometimes, my fics inspire a post.
Sometimes, it can be a challenge, but not one I'll give up on because it's fun taking a line of dialogue and deciphering what it could mean for Miruko. I get enjoyment from looking at a scene and writing a post about it.
Gets the creativity flowing!
That's all I really can say for now. 💜
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melshome · 1 year
paint splattered teardrops - chapter 5
cw angst, fluff, body shaming, bullying, slowburn??, harassment, abuse characters scaramouche, childe mentioned a lot, other chars mentioned a/n THANK YOU FOR BEING PATIENT!! thaNK YOU sm, omg I love you guys so much ahh you all are my motivation to write these.
forgive me if the writing is a bit off- i haven't written anything since the last time i posted. </3
im also going to change Tuecer calling Kuni, to "Big bro Scara"..
not sure if you two still want to be pinged for this series, let me know if you want me to not ping you anymore!! (let me know if you'd like to be pinged for this series!!!) @local-mr-frog @moonbyunniee
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"Oh, there you are Y/N! Scara, you too?" Childe jogs up to you two.
Kunikuzushi watches as Childe hugs you gently. "If you ever need something, or someone to talk to, Childe is here," he winks at you.
You smile, praying that your eyes aren't red or puffy. "Thank you Childe, you're a good friend."
Kunikuzushi scoffs, walking to the rest of the class. Childe playfully rolls his eyes, and walks with you to the rest of the class, letting you know what they got up to while you were gone. He watches each stroke of the paint brush touch the canvas, staring at the colors blend together.
He glances at her face time to time, staring at her eyelashes, how the sun the shining on her eyes, showing how long her natural eyelashes really are.
Her hand is steady as she paints in the fine spaces, and there is confidence filling her eyes as she continues painting, a small smile rising up.
"Oh, I'll be right back. Toilet," Kunikuzushi says, standing up.
She looks up, and nods her head, "alright."
He closes the art door behind him, and walks to the music room, immediatly knowing where she'd be.
"Ahh, scaramouchie~" Signora jumps down from the table, and hugs Kunikuzushi. He pushes her off, Signora hitting herself on the edge of the table.
She winces, groaning at the pain. "Ow.. What the hell did you do that for?"
Kunikuzushi glares at her, clearly pissed. Signora frowns at him, and stands up straight. He chuckles, remembering how Y/N sobbed on his shoulder.
"You piece of.. how dare you hurt her? How long have you been hurting her? Threatening her just for being friends with Childe and I?" Kunikuzushi takes a step towards her, but she clearly doesn't think he's intimidating, as he's about half a head shorter than her.
Signora smirks, "what? Did I do something to your precious little bun?"
Kunikuzushi scoffs, before grasping the front of Signora's shirt and he pulls her down onto the ground.
Signora screams, holding her arm. "YOU (swear word/s, use ur imagination~)!"
He shakes his head, balling up his right hand into a tight fist, bringing it to her cheek.
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?" The teacher bursts into the scene, with another student, next to her. Y/N is standing there, her face pale like a loose leaf of paper. "Scara.." Childe says, but Kunikuzushi glares at him. Childe closes his mouth, and goes back to cooking.
"Big bro Scara!" Teucer sits himself on the stool, and stares at Kunikuzushi, frowning.
Kunikuzushi tries his best to not glare at Teucer, but he ends up glaring anyways. "Why are you upset? Is it because Big sister Y/N isn't here?"
Sadness fills his face and his glare , before Childe takes Teucer away.
"Time to go do your homework Teucer.." Childe whispers, shooing Teucer away upstairs.
"Is.. Y/N doing okay?" Kunikuzushi manages to ask Childe.
"She said she's doing okay, but I mean, knowing her.." Childe shakes his head, sighing quietly, stirring the soup.
"I'm going to go check in on her soon, giving her this soup for her dinner," Childe says, turning to Kunikuzushi.
"And no, you're not coming, I don't think she wants to see you."
Kunikuzushi gives Childe a dirty look for knowing what he was thinking. You lay on your bed, staring at your starry ceiling, wondering what you should say to Kunikuzushi after the week. He got suspended for a week, he could've done worse, but Childe somehow persuaded the principal for a week.
"Y/N, Childe is here!" Your mum says.
You sit up quickly, wondering what he's doing here. You look down at your bunny pyjamas, and scrabble to get changed into something a bit more nicer, but right as you open your closet, Childe knocks on the door.
"Y/N? Can I come in?"
You sigh quietly, just hoping he doesn't laugh, as you say he can.
He opens the door, and stops when he sees your pyjamas. "What wonderful attire.. you've got on," he smirks, placing down a plastic bag with some sort of container in it.
"Shut up, I wasn't expecting you. You should've called," you gesture him to sit on the office chair.
"So what brings you here, Childe?" you ask, sitting on your bed, hoping he doesn't mention anything that happened.
"I bought some soup for you, it's a cold night tonight. Make sure to eat it and then stay warm in your room," Childe nods his head as he talks.
"Ah.." You try to swallow the ball of worries, all the overthinking thoughts, but they linger.
"Thank you.." you smile, thankful for his small gesture of kindness towards you.
"Scara.. he uh.. he doesn't know what to say to you. He just hopes you don't think bad of you," Childe suddenly blurts out, after a few seconds of silences.
You look up, and sees Childe's pleading eyes. You chuckles, your face turning warm at the thought of Kunikuzushi saying that.
"I don't think bad of Kunikuzushi, I would never. I know what he did was.. bad.. but.."
"He didn't deserve it, Signora did. I wish Signora got some sort of punishment instead.." you try to avoid Childe's eye contact, as he stares at you in shock.
"Me and Scara were expecting.. you to be mad at him.. But this is even better. I'm sure Scara would be glad to hear that.." Childe smiles, standing up.
"But, before I go..." He says, as he stops opening the door.
You tilt your head, confused.
"You should tell Scara all what you told me, he'd be secretly happy to hear those words from you, than from me," Childe closes the door behind him, not letting you speak up.
You open the door and watch as he leaves your house, thanking your parents.
Oh my god... I hate confrontation..
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sebsxphia · 2 years
Hello bestie I am sharing with you my train of thoughts just now
- I think Bob is the kind of person who can solve a rubric’s cube in 5 minutes. It’s like his hidden talent
- okay maybe not hidden talent since while in the plane he’s manipulating all these buttons and switches and stuff
- so he’s just good with his hands/fingers then. He’s precise.
- wonder what else he could do with them…
- how the fuck did we get here with such an innocent start
Take this as you will 😂
bestie!!! share that train of thought more often, because i’m on board
You are definitely correct, he’s a WSO, that takes an awful lot of precision and may I add… quick reactions.
wonder what else? cracks knuckles. lets get into this
I fully believe Bob can eat pussy like a champ, but I also believe he is incredibly skilled with his fingers. I like to imagine the first time he uses his fingers on you, he goes in almost as a blank canvas. Drawing his fingers around every part of you just to find what makes you make those breathy little whines he adores hearing from you so much.
When he finds the best rhythm, the best spot, the best place, he is incredibly precise, remembering exactly how you like to be touched. When he can sense you’re about to come, he’s reactions are quick and he’ll press and run his fingers around the sweetest spot of your pussy that makes you cry out his name, over and over from your throat.
He uses his mouth and his fingers? You’re gripping onto the bedsheets and coming three times, at least.
thank you so much for this train of thought dear anon!! 💌 please feel free to send more, because thinking about how skilled bob is as a wso makes me cry with horny tears 🤠💖
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sspaz1000 · 2 years
Ten Lines
I was tagged by @blackandwhiteandrose @lizzie-bennetdarcy @mammameesh
Rules: pick any 10 of your fics, scroll somewhere to the midpoint, pick a line (or three), and share it! Then tag other people.
Wow, y’all are out there making me step out of my comfort zone and promoting my work!
1) Last posted work in my drabble series:  Wedding
 Later that night, David whispered to Patrick, “Thank you.”
2) My first SC fic: There’s a First Time for Everything
David pulled away slightly, “Would you believe this is the first New Year’s I’ll be sober and not strung out?”
Patrick turned and looked at him with those soft eyes. “Oh, David.” He wrapped his arms around him a little tighter. “What did you do the first couple years here?”
“Got drunk and high with Stevie.”
“Right, her 12 bottles of wine, 1 day thing. So it’s not just for Christmas?”
David nodded. “That is correct.” David moved away, towards his overnight bag.
3)  Second ever fic, The Twelve Days Before Christmas plus 2 bonus days
David pulls the chairs out and they sit talking about their day, agreeing Stevie had the worst of them. None of them want to imagine Roland in weird positions on the roof.
They sit and drink and laugh, reminiscing about the last time they did this.
Patrick smiles, “It was when David called me his boyfriend.”
Stevie looks at David and says, “So, do you still excel as a solo artist like Beyoncé, or has that changed?”
David glares at her. “Both. Definitely both.”
4) My pandemic Holiday fic: All I want for Christmas (is Quarantine to End)
“The numbers guy wouldn’t lie to you. I’ve done some renegotiating on things so we could expand our shipping budget, but I’m pretty sure by the end of the year with the holidays coming up we will see a profit.”
David takes a deep breath and tries not to let the tears fall, but they start coming anyway. Patrick soothes him, “It’s okay. I know why you are afraid.” The store is going to be okay and we will get through this. You are not a failure if anything happens. We are not failures.”
5) My Different first meeting AU: Yukon Strike My Heart Ablaze
And are you sure you didn’t accidentally match with Ray?” David smirks and starts to unpack some more candles.
“Mmm. Do I though? I’m pretty sure you’re having me and Stevie help here a lot. And ew, David, don’t ever joke about matching with Ray.”
“Ugh. Whatever. Grab that box of lotions for me.”
6)  Missing scene fic from Friends and Family: I will help you out, if you let me
Patrick notices a smile across David’s face as he embraces David. He can’t help, but feel David’s strong and sturdy chest against his own. The smell of his woodsy cologne with a hint of vanilla.
Hmm, I’ve never thought about that before.
Patrick leans into all these thoughts crowding his mind when the hug goes for a beat too long, but Patrick did not want to break contact with David’s warm body. The lights flicker.
7)  My Kink fic: You Just Wanna Feel What Can’t be Known
David peers out of the closet, “Patience, Patrick.” He gives Patrick a once over. His face giving away the soft smirk, he reserves for Patrick. The way Patrick looks restrained on the bed. He will never not get used to seeing his husband laid out on their bed for him. To have fun with. David never knew sex could be fun and that you can laugh and its okay.
8) Not a fic but I did like the flyers I came up with in Canva for an Abestos Fest
9)  My first Drabble: Volunteer
“This was not a part of my mood board.” David flips his hands.
10) Another drabble fic: Burst: Happy Edition
“I got the money. Now you can pay me.”
This was so hard especially since apparently now most of my SC fics are drabbles. 
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I had one of the hottest dreams about wooyo last night and I come to share because I honestly can't believe my mind fabricated something so good lmaooo. So in my dream Wooyoung had a lipstick mark kink (??) basically I was wearing this super pretty red lipstick and he was obsessed with me kissing and leaving marks in his entire body and THEN he asked me to paint his lips (this was one of the hottest parts ever, I was gently holding his chin and dragging the lipstick over those gorgeous lips fffffff) and when I was done he did the same thing to me and honestly I've never thought of this in my life but it was so so hot, I can't stop thinking about it 💀💀💀
OMG!!! ANON YOU DECIDED TO KILL ME WITH THIS. Okay lemme tell you, woo seems like the guy who would love to let you leave your marks all over him and i swear if you wear stockings for him... You're done for then love! Please anonnie this is giving butterflies and tingles on my vagina JFBIDHA I LOVE YOUR BRAIN LOVE. I mean just imagine wearing one of those shortest skirts as you straddle his thick thighs and he leans back watching you use him as a canvas. And his hands caress and roam around your body mainly staying on your ass (I mean yes cause woo is a big ass man truly). He would tease your clit slowly making you squirm in his lap as you continue to mark your territory, and if you prefer he would surely whisper the dirtiest and the most horniest sentences into your ear. BFIJRR babe I love you for sharing this- respectively thank you love!! (Lemme know if you'd want me to share my nastiest dream😝)
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