#okay back to wedding central
bridgeportbritt · 4 months
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Beautiful Liar
I interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to remind you of the dilemma our poor girl Ella finds herself in (and to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day lol).
I know it's been forever but last we saw of this story, Ella told Luka she loves him, but her and Eric shared a secret kiss! Can't forget that Eric is also talking to someone else now. Where will these crazy kids end up???
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warnersister · 2 months
Personal Space (two Bradshaws like it now)
Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x Reader
Summary: A sequel in which you love your personal space. Unfortunately, Bradley also loves your personal space. Even more so now you’ve had a baby, apparently.
Can be read as a part 2, but doesn’t have to be. Read Personal Space here
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You really didn’t know when it all happened, when you and Bradley became a thing. At first he was just an annoying crew member you couldn’t shake off your tail. Then he was your wingman. Then you got accidentally placed into marriage accommodation and the two of you played it off so you could get better housing. Then you actually bought a house. And then somewhere along the way you got married.
“Where shall we have the wedding?” Bradley asked and you raised a brow “register office” you shrug “what you don’t want a wedding?” He asks, hand on his chest as he feigns offence. “You do?” You ask and he nods vigorously. You huff. “Fine” “so shall we do it on the beach?” He asks “okay” you just go along with it, hardly even entertaining the idea at all.
“So? What do you think?” Nat asks as she makes you pivot in a white gown “I think I look like a roll of toilet paper” you said, crossing your arms “maybe it’s just not the dress for you?” She reasons and you shake your head “just not really into the whole idea of this wedding. I kinda thought we’d just sign papers and get on with it” you said “well you picked Bradshaw, he’s a drama queen at the best of times” she says and you him in agreement; your consultant leading you back to the fitting rooms “let’s try another”.
You’d left with a sleeved dress; hating the idea of having a low cut dress, and begging Nat to just let you leave. Sure, you loved the dress - but you loved the idea of getting out of that suffocating shop more.
“Hey honey” Bradley had said, hearing you walk into the house and set your keys on the kitchen counter. “Hi” you reply shortly, moving to fill your cup with water from the sink. “How was your day?” He asked, moving to rest his head on your shoulder and holding you from behind. “Good. Bought a wedding dress” you say simply “you did what?!”
Then on your wedding day, you’d stared at yourself in the mirror far too long. “You look gorgeous” Penny whispers, squeezing your shoulders comfortingly “I look like a fucking pin up doll” you huff, not necessarily believing yourself - just not used to being such a central perspective of attention. “Wow” your dad says, walking into the room “you look gorgeous” he whispers “is there an echo in here?” You mumble, but smile at him “thank you” you say, wiping the tears from under his eyes. “C’mon, Bradley’s nearly about to come get you himself”
You showed up to the beach-front wedding right on time, completely dead against the idea of being in any way, shape, or form late. Your father gave you away, Bradley in floods of tears at the end of the isle by the time you’d gotten there. “You look incredible” he whispers, lips quivering as he stares at you “shut up you’re going to make me cry.” You grumble, but smile. “It’s okay to cry.” He says, as the ceremony begins. “You may now kiss your bride” and Bradley dipped you and kissed you sweetly, drowning out the cheers of those around you. “I love you, Bradshaw.” You say, smally, “I love you more, sweetheart” he says and kisses your forehead “you’re crying” he points out “shut up”
And then you looked at the two lines on the pregnancy test two years later. You hummed “okay” and looked at yourself in the mirror, knowing nothing else other than the fact that you had to tell Bradley right that second. You marched downstairs, where he was sat playing with some keys on the piano you’d bought him last Christmas, stopping next to him. “Hey baby, y’alright?” He asked, and you just held out the stick to him. “What’s this?” He asks, taking it from you and looking over it once. “You serious?” He asked, looking at you; smile growing from ear to ear “you’re pregnant?” He almost whispers “unless the other four lied.” you say and he jumps up and pulls you into his arms, kissing all over your face until you shouted at him to stop.
He knelt down and looked at your stomach, kissing it gently then moving to put his ear against it “uh huh” he hummed “Bradley what are you-” “shush I’m talking to em” he says and you stand, unimpressed, but let him nonetheless. “Oh yeah baby, I’m excited to meet you too” he coos “yeah, yeah, I’m your dad” and you audibly giggle. He looks up at you, eyes wide “you done?” You ask and he nods “yeah little one was done talking” he smiles, and hugs you close again. “I need to get the baby clothes out of the attic” he mumbles, kissing your temple “the what?” You ask “I bought them when we started renting the house!” He says, dragging you excitedly up the stairs “but we own the house, Brad” you him “no, no, the one we had during the mission!” He says and you gasp internally, realising how long the two of you had been together without even noticing it.
“Hey dad” you say, as you and Bradley head into the hangar he and you owned “hey honey, hey Brad” your dad greets, wiping the oil from his hands to come over and talk to the two of you. He kissed your forehead and hugged you, then your husband before walking back over to the aircraft he was working on. “Thought you needed a new picture for your pinboard” you hum “oh? I just added the wedding photo!” He says, excitedly, showing you the filled gap. “Okay, guess you don’t want the sonogram of your grandchild.” You say, turning to head out before Bradley hurriedly grabbed you and turned you back into the situation, pulling the strip of photos from his breast pocket. Your dad stood with his jaw wide open “you’re-” he breathes “you’re really pregnant?” He asks as his eyes well with tears “well I wouldn’t lie-” you say but he just pulls you into a big bear hug, pinning Baby Bradshaw’s picture onto his board.
You head to go look at the part of the engine your dad couldn’t quite fix while Bradley held back with Maverick. He turns to him and shakes his hand “your dad would’ve been so proud.” He says, smiling at Bradley “I know you are.” Rooster smiles, wordlessly being pulled into a hug with his father-in-law.
Then one evening you were sat up in bed, Bradley sound asleep beside you as you look down at the barely visible bump. Bradley had sort of a sixth sense, somehow knowing you weren’t asleep beside him. “Hey, baby what’s up?” He croaks, immediately moving to sit up with you when he sees his senses were correct. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do, Bradley.” You say, staring ahead at the wall “what do you mean?” He asks, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. “I mean I’m a fighter pilot, I was raised by a single father, I never had that maternal instinct, what am I doing?” You whisper, and when Bradley managed to finally pull your face towards him you were crying “oh sweetheart” he hums, pulling you into him gently “you’re gonna be the best momma ever, and the fact that you worry proves that. I love you, okay?” He comforts “I know. I love you too.”
You were stubborn the whole pregnancy. You thought it was ridiculous that people just stopped when they were pregnant, and Bradley was trailing you trying anything to get you to just relax. “Hen, please!” He begs as you head out for your morning run “I’m three months pregnant, Bradley. I’m not incompetent.” You snap, as he begrudgingly pulls on his running shoes and follows you out the door. He pulled you back anytime you went quicker than a 10 minute mile “Bradley, if you slow me down one more time I’m going to pull your arm out of your socket” you snap and he holds his hands up “message received.”
Then one day, at around the sixth month mark you walked into the house and slammed the door so hard it rattled. “What’s up?” Bradley asked, as you practically threw your stuff on the floor. “They’re putting me on the desk.” You grumble, anger evident in your eyes while his soften “oh baby we knew that was gonna happen” he soothes, rubbing your arm reassuringly “no! No we didn’t! I was perfectly fine hiding the bump, but no!” You huff “I’m Bradley Bradshaw and all of California has to know my wife’s pregnant!” You imitate him but he just smirks “oh I’m so sorry that everyone needs to know you’re taken and carrying my baby” he says, smugly. “Don’t you smile at me Bradley-” you wag an accusatory finger at him, but he heaves you over his shoulder, and towards the stairs “c’mon, let’s help you blow off some steam” he reasons “y’know it’s possible to get pregnant while pregnant, right?” You ask and he cheers “woohoo! Two for one deal, sounds great!” He says and you can’t help but smile.
Then came your maternity leave, Bradley picked you up in his bronco. You were quick to head outside, and he kinda hated how well you hid the bump. “I’m done.” You huff, settling into the seat beside him “if that bitch from accounting asks me one more time if I want her herbal teas I’m going to knock her teeth out” you complain and Bradley chuckles “well, just me, you and Baby Bradshaw now” he says and you hum in agreement.
But when you approached your street, you rolled straight past your house and straight to the Hard Deck ‘congratulations on your baby’ banners plastered all over “welcome to our baby shower!” Bradley grins as you pull up “is this really necessary? They aren’t even here yet.” You tell him and he shrugs “thought it might take your mind off maternity leave” you smile at him “thanks, Brad”
And at one point in the evening, you sat Natasha and Bob down separately. “Hey Phoenix, can we borrow you?” Brad asked, pulling her away from her conversation “yeah of course guys!” You took a seat at a table and Bradley forced you to elevate your feet against your will. “What’s up?” She asks “how’d you like to be godmother to little Bradshaw?” Her eyes lit up when Bradley asked and she leant over the table to hug the two of you “oh I’d love too!” She announces, excitedly.
Then you head over to Bob, but Phoenix holds Rooster back “they have a special connection, let her do this”. You sit on the stool next to Bob and he offers you some peanuts which you refuse, and you stay sat in silence for a minute. “Bob can I ask you something?” You ask, as he pulls your calves up to rest in his lap “of course, hen” he says, brushing some crumbs off his top “what’s up?” “Well, the job we’re in isn’t an old job” you say and he laughs and agrees “it’s also dangerous” you say, and again - he nods. “So if anything happens to me and Brad, can you be there for little Bradshaw?” His eyes widen and start to swell with tears “will you be our godfather?” You ask and he nods, moving to miss your cheek “of course I will, hen. I’d be honoured.”
Bradley and you had started putting together your hospital bag at the 8 month mark. You were both premature so had a bit of superstition, especially with only being a few weeks off of the 40 mark. You’d placed the bag by the front door, along with a baby carrier in the middle seat of his Bronco.
It was week 38 when you were both putting together the crib beside your bed, two spare bedrooms and still you only wanted your baby beside you. “Okay all done, baby” your husband said “okay. My water broke three minutes ago” you say as calmly as he had, he nods, then whips his head back round “your water broke?” He asks and looks down, and indeed, your water had broken “oh my god your water broke?!” He announced, picking you up bridal style and carrying you out to the bronco, picking the hospital bag up on the way. “Ready to have a baby?” He asks, giddily. “Am I supposed to be?” You ask and he shakes his head with a smile “no”
You were dead silent during birth and it scared the shit out of Bradley. “Do you want an epidural, honey? They’ve offered-” “no.” “Can I get you more ice?” “No.” And he tried everything, even when it was time to push. You held his hand and your mouth was zipped shut. “Is she supposed to be this quiet?” He asked the doctor who just looked at him nonchalantly “it’s normal, all mothers react differently to birth” he said. “I’m a fighter pilot Bradley. I’ve had worse.” You grit. “Breathe baby” he tells you “I think you need to.” You say “stop being dramatic” you say as you push again “honey-” “either shut up or get out.” You tell him and he glues his mouth shut, at least until the baby comes.
Bradley cuts the chord and they hand you your baby, and your eyes widen as you stare at the baby on your chest “welcome to the world Nick Bradshaw” you coo at the baby and Bradley raised his brows “Nick?” He asks, voice cracking “what? Got a problem with that? You and your stupid dick” you grumble and Bradley laughs and shakes his head, kissing your forehead.
“Hey mom, shall we take baby so you can get some rest?” The nurse asked, leaning to take Nick from your arms “excuse me?” You asked, pulling your baby closer. “So you can sleep?” She suggests “I’ve carried him for nine months and now he’s here you’re taking him away?” You ask “well, some mothers like to sleep” “I can sleep when I’m dead.” You deadpan, and she realised that Nick wouldn’t have been pried from your hands even if you were dead, so she left you all alone.
“Taking you away from mommy? Who does she think she is?” You whisper to baby Nick. “Welcome back to the world, Bradshaw.” You say and Bradley can only smile and hold the two of you close.
You’re going to be just fine in this mommy role.
Part 2-ish? I know it was really well liked and I enjoyed writing it so hope you enjoy this one too!
-> @rosiahills22 here’s another one!
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patrollingboston · 3 months
Dial Tone // Soap x Reader angst
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I dial the new number for Johnny, every week there’s somewhere new to contact him, its hard to keep track.
The dial tone rung through my ears as I waited for his voice to sound at the other end of the phone.
“John it’s me.”
“You alright love? How are the kids?”
He sounded exhausted; I could tell he was trying his best to hide it but to no avail.
“Yeah, we are all fine, just had some tea.”
I glanced around the room to see our two daughters playing peacefully with their dolls house. I sat on the sofa, my legs curled up and fluffy bottoms on to keep myself warm in the Scottish winter. It was snowing outside; I miss pelting snowballs at him I thought to myself.
“Any word on when you are back?”
I asked biting my lip, I know it wouldn’t be anytime soon. I married John knowing his career meant a lot to him, and I would never do anything to try and talk him out of it however it was increasingly difficult raising a family whilst the only contact you get with him is through a burner phone wherever he’s deployed. I don’t even know what continent he’s in half the time and it’s terrifying.
“Not yet… We are in central London as of right now, hopefully this is the end of it and I can come home for a while, I miss you and the girls.”
A large sigh sounded through the phone. I pinched my brow and glanced at the clock haphazardly placed on the living room wall by John a few years back. A fuzzy feeling grew at the laughable memories of how proud he was for his handywork.
“I really miss you too. The girls keep asking about you. I just tell them you will be home soon. I hope its true.”
I twiddled a lock in my hair anxiously, I hated these phone calls. It was nice to hear his voice and know he was okay, but I didn’t want him through a phone, I just wanted him.
I heard a few shouts in the background of the call before John replied something unintelligible.
“Shit- look F/N I’ve got to go, we have a lead on the guy, something about a train tunnel. I’ll speak to you as soon as I can, give my love to the girls. I love you.”
“Oh okay I love you too Joh-“
I was cut off by the beeping at the end of the phone. I placed it on the arm of the sofa before leaning my head back and closing my eyes listening to the sound of our kids talking happily.
After I put the kids to bed, I wrapped myself up into my thick duvet, Johns side of the bed still painfully empty. I roll over, glancing at the framed photo of the two of us on our wedding day. Our smiles were wide and bright, he held me in his arms as we walked out the church with our friends and family beside us throwing petals.
I smiled reminiscing before closing my eyes to get a good night’s sleep unaware he wouldn’t be coming home again.  
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call-me-strega · 5 months
Ghost Selkie AU Tidbit: Abuela Soliña
I’m still playing with my Ghost Selkie Au, tossing it around like a cat toy trying to decide if and how to write it and one figure that I’ve kinda developed a backstory for is Abuela Soliña. Now said backstory may never see the light of day in the the main story so I thought this’d be a fun tidbit to throw out while I’m still considering the main story overall.
Okay so my inspo for Abuela Soliña, or Señora Mariana Soliña, actually came from a couple of different sources. I took some of the general headcanon from the DCU; Crime Alley has a large population of people of color, specifically Hispanic in the area Jason lived; that Jason has Hispanic heritage; that some of the older women in the alley occasionally feed street kids; and took them to create a person that would be a maternal figure for Jason bc I’m all for giving him Good Adult Influences.
She functions a bit as a plot device taking up the role of Jason’s magical mentor and helps move the story along. However, I wanted to give her more depth so I based her off an actual figure in Spanish history. Once I had decided a witch was the best magical figure to live in Gotham and guide Jason I actually did a bit of research on famous Brujas in folklore and came across María Soliña/Soliño a famous witch from Galicia who inspired the women of her village to fend off Ottoman raiders and survived the Spanish Inquisition without being burned at the stake. She was the main inspiration and namesake of Abuela Mariana Soliña. She did have children, though not much is known about them, so I wanted it to be implied that Mariana was a descendant of María. I wanna say I’m placing her around age 50 when she first met Jason and 65-ish(?) when he returned to Gotham.
Anyways, like I said I didn’t want her to remain a plot device and actually have depth so I kinda started building a backstory for her. Her grandparents or parents were likely immigrants who moved to Gotham from Galicia, Spain back when the city was younger. Back then the different magical communities were a bit more segregated. Vampires stayed clans with vamp doctors and leaders, gargoyles in their own community, fae in their courts, etc., but she did let that stop her. She was always deeply involved in the inter-magical community and was a central figure due to her interest in learning other supernatural cultures of the city.
She eventually grew up to be a full-fledged bruja who sold her magical remedies, charms, potions, etc to any supernatural being willing to pay her. This actually helped her amass a large amount of wealth quickly, especially when her charms, totems, and remedies caught the eyes of superstitious crime bosses across the city. She always insisted to cover her face with a shawl to protect her anonymity and had several mob bosses sign magical contracts agreeing to protect her and her rights to do business thus making her virtually untouchable in the Alley.
I wanted her to be a very strong influence on Jason. She is very strong, sassy, confident, clever, and street smart and taught Jason some of those traits. She actually meets Jason through Catherine. Mariana had many close friends with children though she herself never married. Catherine was actually the daughter of one of her close friends and Mariana was like an aunt to her. When her friend died and Catherine was left on the streets Mariana did what she could but her fear and unreadiness for motherhood held her back.
Catherine was taken in by her uncle’s family and the two were estranged for a time. In that time she falls into addiction due to her uncles on involvement in drug running as well as bad peer influences. She reunites with her Tía Mariana when she marries Willis and reaches out to invite her to the wedding. Even though they are no longer very close, after Catherine becomes pregnant Mariana offers to help out when she can. She lives in a different (read: magical) part of the Alley so she only sees Jason occasionally but makes a point to feed him, and when he discovers her secret, to teach him some basics of the supernatural world to help him get by.
After Catherine’s death Abuela Soliña is distraught. She offers Jason a hot meal and some money she had set aside (Catherine’s old college fund she never got a chance to use) but hesitated to offer a place in her home so soon after the loss. Jason sees her grief and hesitation, mistakenly assuming it’s unwillingness to deal with him full time and runs off. She tries to invite him back a couple of times but he mistakes it as one off events and remains a street kid until Bruce adopts him.
He still occasionally goes back to the Alley to visit her after that, usually as Robin. The first time he went to let her know he was okay she immediately clocked him as Jason but wished him well with Bruce. When he visits she still feeds him and gives him luck and protection charms to help with crime fighting. (Side Note: on one of his visits Jason finds out the Alfred and Mariana know each other and Have Met Before™️. Neither explains how or why)
When Jason dies Mariana grieves him deeply. When he comes back as a revenant she is both relieved and guilty. She’s happy to have the boy back but a revenant’s existence is not a peaceful one. When he searches her up and comes to see her he looks like he’s survived hell and back and he probably has. He seek out her guidance and help and this time Abuela Soliña is more than willing to pass on her vast wealth of knowledge of the supernatural community and its cultures to Jason.
One of the biggest two regrets Mariana holds with her is not adopting Catherine or Jason when they were at their lowest and she had the chance. That’s why as Jason’s rage cools and he begins looking to return to a (semi-)normal life she offers to adopt him as her grandson for real this time. She has a friend who owes her a favor and can fabricate the paper work to turn Jason Peter Todd into Jason “Pedro” Solina (and his mother posthumously Catherine Soliña-Todd). She offers to officially make him her little witchling and he emotionally accepts.
Mariana is still an active and well-known figure in Gotham’s underworld and supernatural community so having her backing gives Red Hood a lot of pull and credibility. Plus his revenant titles increase his claim to fame in the magical community. Red Hood is well loved and “Pedro” is well accepted with in the community. He’s kind of a public figure, bordering minor celebrity due to his connection to famous Bruja and witch doctor, Mariana Soliña. Not that he is aware of that fact.
Lastly I’m gonna tack on some nicknames Jason receives pertaining to his connection with Señora Soliña:
Soliña’s boy (el chico de Soliña)
Little witchling
Pequeño niño brujo or pequeño brujo (little witch boy)
Young brujo
El neito guapo (the handsome grandson)
Alborotador (troublemaker)
Heredero (heir/inheritor, referring to Mariana’s kowledge, wealth, and position in the community)
(P.S I tried my hand at drawing what I think Abuela Soliña would look like but I’m not super confident in it. I think I’m a better writer than drawer, but if you guys actually wanna see the drawing anyway let me know and I’ll make another post with it)
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chiefdirector · 4 months
Beginning | Tim Bradford | The Rookie
Act One | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 | Chapter 23 | Chapter 24
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Despite being in this room for what felt like a thousand times, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel uneasy. The put in the bottom of her stomach grew and grew until it felt like a black hole of nervousness. It took all of her might to stay still in her seat, trying to look composed. Now was not the time to show weakness.
Seemingly reading her mind, Tim leaned across, taking one of her hands in his, stopping her from fiddling with her wedding band once more. It was a habit she had meant to break a thousand times but she had never seemed to crack it.
The conversation from the night before spun through her mind. She had lost so much to this, something priceless, (Y/N) didn't know if she could lose any more. She had gotten her life back, she fought like hell to get some semblance of peace for the last two years. Her karma had come, and now it could leave her again.
Those two years she spent longing for her life back, for her husband back, she hadn't realised just how much she missed everything else. Angela and her awful jokes, the way Grey always knew what to say to her. She missed her neighbours and the cookies they brought over when they baked too much. She got it all back.
There were things that were lost forever. Her rapport with Captain Anderson, the woman who inspired her more than anything; she never got to say goodbye to her. If she ever saw Bishop again she wouldn't know what to say, (Y/N) didn't even know if Talia was aware that she was alive.
But there were also things she had gained that she never had before. Harper, Nolan, Chen. The three of them had bonded quickly over various topics. Harper knew what it was like to come back from undercover work, how hard the adjustment was. Nolan's empathy and understanding provided comfort she struggled to get anywhere else.
And with Chen, the two talked about Tim; it was nice to know that he was okay when she was gone. He never really opened up about their time apart but Lucy had provided him with support. (Y/N) was forever grateful. But she was also determined; determined to never lose again.
Her thoughts were so consumed with what she had and what she was putting up at stake, she barely noticed that Grey had begun to give out the initial assignments. Lopez and West were going to go over the initial case file, to see if there was anymore influence from Rosalind that could have been missed. Harper and Nolan were going to go to the Central California Women's Correctional Facility to question the Warden about Dyer's communications and habits. She just about caught Grey giving out her own assignment "...and Detective Bradford is going to go see Kade Sullivan. If our theory is correct, and Sullivan is involved somehow, he will want to seek her out. Tim, you go with her as a lookout only."
"What? No!" Tim protested, horrified at the idea of leaving (Y/N) alone with someone who could have potentially caused her so much grief and torment. "I'm going with her."
"Be happy I've put you on surveillance. I can easily have you and Harper switch assignments." Grey rebutted. "You are not to get involved unless Detectie Bradford explicitly asks for it. Is that understood?"
Tim pursed his lips in frustration. He trusted (Y/N) with every fibre of his being but he couldn't stand the idea of this going wrong. The thing is, he didn't trust himself not to get involved if he saw things going downhill. Gritting his teeth, he responded. "Send Harper."
Where there once stood a dingy and rundown house, stood a home that had received thousands of dollars of TLC. Rotting wood had been replaced, foundations rebuilt, dead plants now blossoming. There was no indication that this house had been in disrepair, bordering on inhabitable.
(Y/N) turned her head, eyes settling on the car Harper was in down the street, reassuring herself that she was no longer alone in this game. Her heart rushed at the realisation truly settled in, seeing Sullivan again would fully put her as well as every other officer at the Mid-Wilshire precinct into a battle of survival, one where there could only be one winner.
She knocked three times before taking a step back. She stood tall, hoping that her stance showed confidence and unwavering determination, things she was definitely not feeling right now. Still she took a deep breath, unclenched her jaw and waited.
She did not have to wait for long though, it was less than a minute before the door swung open on, showing her former case worker staring at her, unmoving, unblinking. His jaw was slightly lowered, the only movement he had was a slight twitch in his right hand.
(Y/N) swallowed her nervousness down, "Sullivan, can I come in?"
"You were missing." Sullivan seemingly snapped back to life. He stuck his head out of the house, looking up and down the street for any visible observers before moving to let (Y/N) into the house as he continued to speak. "Come in, come in."
"I'm not here for a social call."
He moved into the kitchen, offering (Y/N) a cup of tea. He pottered around, trying not to seem as shaken as his initial reaction. "You were never the type anyway. But what are you doing here, last I heard was that you had fallen off the grid. No trace, nothing. Did you not think how worried I would be, and what about that husband of yours?"
"He's not important." (Y/N) lied, going over the story her and Harper had agreed for her to tell. She knew that Harper was listening in over her wire but she still hated the way it felt to lie about Tim. "He's moved on. Probably staying with me out of pity; I made my peace with that."
"Then why are you here," Sullivan passed (Y/N) a cup of tea, "I mean, don't get me wrong I'm thrilled that you are okay. I was so worried but you wouldn't be here if you thought that everything was going fine."
She placed the mug down without a sip, her hand slipping over the edge of the counter as she did so. "I recently got Regina Diaz arrested. She's awaiting trial; no way she's getting off easy. I just came by to say I was okay, I'm no longer in danger."
"That's good, I'm glad."
"Me too." (Y/N) looked round the room. There wasn't a single inkling that someone lived here full time, the only mess was from the drinks Sullivan just made, the rest was immaculate. Nothing was out of place, as was what she had seen of the rest of the house. "I best be off. I don't need to keep you only longer. It was good to see you."
Sullivan held his hand out for (Y/N) to shake. "You too. Let me see you out."
(Y/N) looked at the road ahead as Nyla drove back to the station. With the bug (Y/N) planted in the kitchen, the transmission would already be recording, they just had to hope that it would pick up any conversations Sullivan had, enough for a warrant.
As the city passed her by, she could feel Nyla passing a glance at her every so often. Her gaze was heavy, she could feel it pressing down on her. Eventually, (Y/N) had had enough of the silence. "You know you can just say it."
"It isn't true." Nyla softly said, considering each word as she spoke. "What you said before. He didn't stay out of pity. I hope you know that."
"Yeah, I do, but..." (Y/N) shook her head, stopping herself.
Nyla pulled the car over, parking at before turning to look at (Y/N), giving the detective her full attention. "But what?"
"Sometimes I think it would just be easier if he had moved on. I've dragged you all into my mess."
"This isn't your fault. And I can't speak for everyone else, but you didn't drag me into anything." Nyla sighed, she didn't often provide comfort, it wasn't something she excelled at but she could relate. She knew how (Y/N) felt. "Look, I haven't known you as long as some of the others, but you aren't but you aren't a lost cause, and you gotta stop this self-doubt thing you got going on. You're stuck in the past and I get that but you have a family at that station a family willing to fight this with you. Let them, let us help."
(Y/N) closed her eyes, blinking away the small tears that had formed at Nyla's words. Silently, she nodded at the woman, letting her know that she was okay. "Thank you."
"Now, I mean this in the nicest way possible. Get a grip, we have a job to do."
(Y/N) hummed. "Let's go."
Chapter 24 | Chapter 26
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
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beansnsoup · 1 year
Could you maybe do something involving Luna? Like your headcannons and stuff?
Omg I haven't done headcanons in FOREVERRRR
Luna Lovegood headcanons
Includes- platonic headcanons and romantic headcanons
Warnings- gender neutral, house neutral, bullying, idk what else
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Platonic ☆
Nobody has ever seen the one of you not with the other.
You back her up on anything, bullying and etc.
When her things get stolen or hidden, you search high and low even though she tells you, you don't have to do it.
When neither of you have a date to any of the fancy school functions, you always take the other, even if one of you has a date already.
Sleepovers. All the time, her dad treats you as his own.
And because he treats you as his own you get free volumes of the Quibbler.
Sharing clothes is a must, Luna keeps a good amount of thick sweaters and coats, so you always take on from her clothing trunk on your way out.
You two have your own secret friend language. You both use it to cheat on work and talk about someone who's 5 feet away.
She tells you fun facts about certain magical creatures which you are fascinated by everytime.
You both also create cute dances late at night. You performed them at Bill and Fleurs' wedding.
She likes to play with your hair, no matter the length or texture, she will somehow always find the perfect way to style it to your liking.
The two of you go to small antique shops near Hogsmeade when you're allowed to go down. You and Luna split up and buy stuff for each other and always find the perfect things for the other.
Romantic ♡
You're the bigger flirt out of the two. Even if you are shy, she'll let you run it all. She wants your confidence to build.
Every time one of you twirls the other while dancing, the person will be pulled in for a kiss right after, and then it will be right back to dancing.
She isn't huge on PDA, but you've convinced her to let you hold her hand through the halls and in classes, just for some extra comfort.
But once the two of you are alone, it literally becomes cuddle central. She also has some of the best blankets, so you sleep wonderfully every night.
She compliments you every day, whether it be your looks, outfit, hair, or shoes. It doesn't matter. She adores you and will admire anything you do.
Okay so we covered that you would stick up for her, but once your together you take on a whole different level, you've gotten in trouble for how violent you get about it, people are just they aren't as amazing as her.
Also, her dad brings up your futures together all the time. You both find it more funny than embarrassing.
After your antique shop trips, which you've both now turned into dates, you'll both get ice cream and candy for the trip back to school.
You love to smother her in kisses after going to hang out in her dorm.
You're both obsessed with each other and accompany the other all the time, no matter the setting.
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I love doing headcanons
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boozles · 2 months
Day Twelve: Wedding You Wish You Had An Invite To
Okay, so I wanted to play around with this and do two canonical weddings (ie. weddings that were actually on screen) and two that we know would happen in a couple’s future.
My first canonical one would be Sky & Prapai’s wedding in Wedding Plan (and Love in the Air). Like you see in the show, it looked so elegant and classy, and just so perfect for them as a couple. However, I think the afterparty would be poppin’! I like to think they would have prepared a choreographed dance like you see on IG/TikTok, and the party would be so much fun. Rain would be drunk and crying and threatening Prapai that if he ever hurts his best friend his body will never be found, and Phayu would have to carry him back to the hotel room. I just think it would be a fun affair!
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My second canonical wedding that I’d like to attend would be Karan and Achi from Cherry Magic. It looked like a small but beautiful event, and you just know that dance floor would have been packed. Rock and Min would be tearing it up all night, and can you imagine how much fun it would have been to hang out with Pai and fangirl over Karan and Achi? Also, did you see how good that cake looked?!
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My first non-canonical wedding would be Akk and Ayan from The Eclipse (obviously). I think Alk would be a groomzilla and Ayan would just do everything to keep him happy. They’d have Kan and Thua as their best men, with Wat as the photographer. I think it would be a gorgeous beach front affair, with just their friends and family, before having the after event along the beach with a small band and lots of drinks and dancing and laughter. It would be so full of love and just. Ugh. I love these boys so much.
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My second non-canonical pick would be Phaya and Tharn from The Sign. We all know how insane it would be; Tharn would want everything perfect and proper, traditional and romantic. Phaya would literally do everything to make it work, but the after affair would be party central. Yai would be drunk and crying and telling everyone that will listen how much he loves the grooms, whilst Sand pats his head and apologises to everyone. Thongthai would be dying of embarrassment as Khem tries to seduce him on the dance floor, and the grandmas would sit laughing and drinking sherry as they planned a girls only trip for after the wedding.
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starshine-hockey-girl · 7 months
At Last- Never Ever Have I - The Wedding Chapter
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Summary- Well folx, it has all been leading up to this- the wedding chapter.
Length- 14.2K words
Warnings- smut, slight discussions of BDSM/collars and a copious amount of fluff. Seriously, the fluff abounds but there is a bit of angst sprinkled in.
Tags- @pattiemac1, @penstxgal1968, @pensfan5871, @heatherloves87, @fallinallincurls, @cellythefloshie, @newlibrary, @princessphilly, @fallinallincurls, @juuuuuse, @laurenairay
Presidential Suite-December 6th- Fairmont hotel- Pittsburgh, PA
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Penthouse Suite-December 6th- Fairmont Hotel- Pittsburgh, PA
Sidney paced by the window in the Presidential Suite while Evie put on the finishing touches on her make-up. "Explain to me again why I am being banished from the suite tonight," Sidney whined even though he already knew the answer. He walked around the suite that had over the course of the afternoon slowly turned into bride central. Evie's wedding dress hung from a hook near the ceiling. It was carefully shrouded by a sheet with a sign with the phrase “NO PEEKING SIDNEY” written in large letters. Her accessories were carefully laid out on the dining room table.
Evie walked out of the bathroom, holding her shoes in her hand. “Do you want the long or short answer?” she said as she crossed to him, turned around and waited for him to button her sheer, beaded blouse.
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Evie grinned as she leaned back into his body and he wrapped his arms around her waist. “Short answer is because I said so,” she hummed as he continued his kisses. 
“And the long answer?” he whispered into her ear.
She quickly turned around and sighed, “Don’t laugh.” He laughed at the sight of her slight pout, then saw the expression in her eyes  and then nodded solemnly. “We started as a hook-up. It was solely about lust and sexual chemistry," she began. He began to interject a comment about the lust he was currently feeling, but the look in her eyes told him that it would be a bad idea. "I know that we have grown beyond that. I know that we have a love that is strong and true.” She stepped forward and intertwined her fingers with his before she continued, “There is something about it that is so honest and pure about our love." Sidney's face lit up in agreement. "I just want to honor that by doing the traditional thing…." her voice cracked and trailed off, “I know it’s silly because clearly we have fucked….A LOT…. but I don’t know, it just seems like the right thing to do.”
Sidney held up his hand, "Okay, no argument from me." He placed his hand on her cheek. "Whatever you want," he said gently before he kissed her, "For the next day, you get whatever you want because you are the bride. You are MY bride."
ver you want because you are the bride. You are MY bride." 
Evie leaned her cheek into his hand and sighed in contentment. Their tender moment was halted abruptly when the duo of bridesmaids and Mateo loudly entered the room. Taylor bellowed, "Out, Sid, out!" Together Sidney and Evie turned to her. "Save the mush for the wedding," she ordered before she added, "Evie's bachelorette party starts now.  No boys allowed." Sidney turned to Mateo who shrugged his shoulders. "No groom allowed," she corrected, "Out!"
The day before Evie had been informed that she was going to have a bachelorette party with or without her consent. She could either agree to the low key dinner and drinks or be subjected to the phallic themed event Adriana and Mateo were dying to plan. Evie chose the low key dinner and limited the guest list to her “three amigos” posse. Sidney gave Evie a long, smoldering kiss that drew the ire of his sister. "Be safe," he whispered, "I am going to find Nate and Geno. They have a bachelor party planned for me.  Text me when you get back to the suite tonight." Evie took his hand and walked him to the door. 
She pulled him back for a kiss before he left, “Enjoy your bachelor party. Remember our rule.”
“No strippers,” Sidney smiled, “I will try to let Nate down easy on that one. Besides, there is only one woman in the world  I want to see naked.” Sidney tried to mask the need in his voice, but it was evident to anyone with ears. 
“Ewwww, Sid!” Taylor yelled.
Sid looked up and laughed, “So the thought of me getting lap dances is better, Tay?”
Evie started to push him out the door, “Beso, go ahead and quit antagonizing your sister. She is only going to take it out on me.” Sidney snuck another kiss before leaving. “I love you, Beso- be safe,” Evie called as he walked down the hall. Sidney turned and put his hands to heart and grinned. 
Evie turned back to face the smirks on the faces of Adriana, Taylor and Mateo. “What?” she asked as her cheeks flushed. 
“Quit mooning over Gringo Boy and let's get wasted,” Adriana smiled.
“Are you ever going to call him by his name?” Evie asked as she gathered her stuff, “He has a perfectly good name.”
“Only when he is in trouble,” Adriana laughed, “Besides you never call him that either.”
Later at the restaurant, Adriana and Mateo were doubled over in laughter as Evie spoke. During the course of conversation, the subject of Sidney’s competitive nature came up. Their mouths dropped when Evie told them how Sidney had hit her with a wayward puck while playing air hockey against Nate. She then followed up with the detailed description of the secret plan to learn to skate before the outdoor game. Adriana giggled, “Wait, Gringo Boy caught you red-skated on the ice and you tried to deny it?” 
“I would have gotten away with it too if it weren’t for that pesky Guentzel kid,” Evie retorted. 
“Wait, so Sid knew before you challenged him to the face-off?” Taylor questioned. Evie went on to explain that he knew about the skating lessons, but not about the face-offs. Taylor groaned when Evie explained how she weaseled out of the locker room in the most delicate of terms. “What I want to know is what did you whisper to him before the third face-off? What got him so rattled,” Taylor inquired.When Evie explained that she told him that she wasn’t wearing panties, Taylor groaned. “Oh My God,” she huffed, “Is everything about THAT between you two?” 
“Basically,” Adriana chirped.
Evie grinned, “I can’t help it if I have a good coochie that he likes.”
“Stop it- I am going to be sick,” Taylor screamed before breaking down into giggles. 
The gigglefest continued as they left the restaurant and walked down the street. Evie paused when they walked past the tattoo parlor. She turned around and walked back and eyed the neon sign. “Hey Bridey,” Adriana, “The hotel is this way. You can’t be that drunk.”
“No, I am tipsy, but not drunk,” she called back. The three amigos shared a look as Evie opened the door to the tattoo parlor and walked in. 
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Evie tossed in the large, king sized bed. Although it was the same size as her bed at the house she shared with Sidney, his absence made it feel larger. She finally fell into a deep slumber. 
The sound of the prelude music wafted into the foyer space of the Knox Ballroom. Taylor and Adriana adjusted Evie’s veil before taking their positions for their entrance Evie smiled and took a deep breath. As the doors closed behind the duo, she went to move into position for her entrance, or at least she attempted to move. She tried to lift her right foot and it would not budge. She lifted her dress and saw her pearl encrusted shoes encased in an invisible substance. “Oh no,” she thought to herself as she bent down to release the shoe. “Come on, come on,” she panicked, “Come on shoe.” She looked up at the door that had begun to open. “Come on you fucking shoe,” she said in a huff. 
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“Evelyn Rose,” the calm voice chided, “Is that any way to talk right before you walk down the aisle?” 
Evie’s head popped up to see her father standing before her. He was dressed in a tuxedo, complete with boutonniere to match the wedding party. “Papa?” Evie gasped, “Papa?”
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“Yes baby,” he walked toward her. He bent down and released the shoe from its imaginary captor. He stood up and smiled as he grabbed her hand. 
“What are you doing here?” Evie asked quietly, “Are you really here or is it a…..”
“Dream?” he answered before she could finish her thought.  Evie looked dejected. “I would give anything in the world to be here right now, my darling girl, but it’s a dream,” he replied. “I begged and pleaded to have this moment with you. I pleaded with Them to let me walk you down the aisle one last time.” Evie smiled and offered her arm to him. Suddenly the doors opened and they began the slow walk. She kept her head turned to focus on her father’s face. Pride radiated from it. The rest of the world was an out of focus blur, but each of his features was in sharp focus. At the end of the aisle, they turned to each other. He dramatically lifted her veil and kissed her cheek. His voice trembled as he whispered, “Thank you, Lord. Thank you.” He stood up and clapped his hands together, “Now let’s try it with just you.” 
Evie’s head tilted in confusion, “You aren’t staying?”
“No, Mija,” he sighed, “You have to make this walk alone. I can’t do it with you.”
Together they walked back to the foyer. She took her spot and he adjusted her veil. He stepped back and gazed at her in her mother’s wedding dress. “You’re just as beautiful as she was on our wedding day,” he declared, “You’re going to take his breath away.”
Evie’s head turned to the music that was playing. It was almost time for her cue. Her father turned his head as well. “He’s waiting for you, Mija,” her father said softly, “We don’t have much time.”
“You like him, Papa?” she asked hesitantly, “You approve?”
He stepped toward her, “He is everything that I wanted for you. I don’t have to worry about you anymore.”
“You worried about me? After you left?” she asked. 
“Yes, every day I worried about who would love you and take care of you. I worried about who would bring you peace. Then you met Sidney and all of that worry went away,” he went on to explain, “Now I can rest in peace.”  He gently kissed her cheek and turned to walk away. 
“Please stay Papa. I need you to stay with me,” she pleaded. 
“Bonita Mija, you don’t need me anymore. You have your Beso,” he smiled. 
“I will always need you, Papa. I miss you everyday. I try to pretend that I don’t, but I need you every day,” she cried. 
“I know my Evie,” he pulled her into a hug, “But I am here with you always. I will be with you later when you wake up.”
“Noooooo,” Evie begged, “Please stay, please. ”
“Papa stay!” Evie screamed as she woke up with a start. It took a moment to get her bearings. She was at the hotel and it was the night before her wedding. Instinctively she reached for Sidney, who was not there. She sat up and hugged her knees into her chest. Suddenly, her phone vibrated and she reached over for it.
Sidney: Evie? Are you okay?
Evie cried: No… 
Sidney: Do you need me?
Evie: Yes
Sidney: I am coming to you. 
He hung up before she could properly process the conversation. She had barely made it to the suite entrance when she heard his footsteps pounding on the floor. He was running to get to her. Evie opened the door just as he arrived. He held out his arms and she jumped into them. Her body molded around him like a baby koala bear. Sidney instinctively began to rub her back as she cried into his neck. “Shhhhh,” he soothed, “I’m here, Evie, I’m here.”
“How did you know?” she asked as he carried her into the bedroom. 
“I can’t explain it,” he said as he sat down on the bed with her firmly still attached. “I was asleep, then I felt a nudge. I think I mumbled something and rolled over,” he described, “Then I heard a voice that said ‘Evie needs you.’ I woke up and called you. When you said you needed me, I came running to you.”
Evie’s eyes grew wide and she leaned back to look into Sidney’s eyes, “Really? You are not making that up?” 
He nodded his head, “Why would I make that up?”
Evie put her face into the crook of Sidney’s neck and whispered, “Thank you Papa. Thank you.” A look of confusion spread across Sidney’s face. “Will you stay the rest of night?” she asked quietly. 
“But what about the tradition?” he answered as she crawled beneath the covers. He quickly stripped down to his boxers and then wrapped his body around hers then pulled her tight against his chest. 
“I don’t care about the tradition anymore. I need you tonight just like I do every other night. I won’t sleep with you in the other room,” she blurted out. 
“Whatever you want, my bride, whatever you want,” he kissed her ear as they both fell back asleep.
The following morning Sidney and Evie snuggled in bed and discussed the schedule for the day. They decided to forego the idea of not seeing each other for the rest of the day. The anxiety the separation would cause was not offset by the idea of clinging to an outdated tradition.  After Sidney walked back to his room to get dressed for the day, he sent her a text. 
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Penthouse Suite- That evening after the big announcement
Evie rushed into the suite with Taylor and Adriana hot on her heels. Evie yelled to her “glam squad” who were waiting patiently, “It’s go time. We need to transform me into a bride.” Rachel stepped to assist Evie by unzipping her short white dress. 
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Evie stepped out of it and into her white satin robe. The words “Mrs. Crosby est. 12-7-19” were embroidered on the back. Her first name was written on the front left chest. She walked over to the director’s chair to allow the team to begin their transformation. Taylor and Adriana adjourned to the bathroom to switch out of their party dresses into their bridesmaids dresses. 
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Rachel smiled, “I have something for you before we start.”
Evie looked at her with a confused look, “Okay?”
Rachel smiled and retrieved a beautifully wrapped gift and card. “These were delivered for you after you went downstairs. I can only assume who they are from,” she smiled. “Knowing him, I figured that you need to open them now in case we need to correct any tear stains.”
Evie took the card and gift and felt the tears forming immediately, “Good call.” She turned to Adriana and Taylor, “Card or gift first?” 
“Gift,” they said simultaneously.
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Evie fingered the gold paper and tag that read “Always and Forever” and smiled. Of course, Sidney would have the gift wrapped perfectly. She gingerly unwrapped the paper to reveal a large framed print. 
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Evie examined the frame that held a star print of the night sky from the date they had met at that fateful Penguins team party. Her fingers slid over their names and the words “Our Love was Born” as the tears began to escape. She turned to look at her bridesmaids and held it up to show them. “It’s from the night we met,” she gushed, “It’s the star chart from that night.” Her voice trailed off before she swallowed, “Maybe I should have started with the card instead.” She placed the frame down on the floor as the group collectively wiped their tears. Then she opened the envelope that bore Sidney’s distinctively masculine handwriting. She slid the card out and read.
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Her brows furrowed at the song change. They had spent an entire evening debating and selecting each piece of music for the ceremony and reception. "Who knew that Sidney was so passionate about music?" she questioned as she remembered the intense discussion. Then she remembered how that passion had spilled over into their bedroom that night and felt her cheeks flush. Then she felt the tears threatening to spill over. Evie took the card and fanned her face, “OMG, OMG, OMG….” Then she looked at the glam team in a panic, “I am sorry. Did I ruin it? Did I ruin the make-up?”
Rachel started to scramble, gently dabbing Evie’s tears as they fell. “Evie, don’t worry about it. I used waterproof mascara. It’s not going anywhere. I may have a word or two for your groom about sending mushy notes though. Can I see it?”
Evie handed over the card and the group gathered over Rachel’s shoulder to read. They responded with collective “Awwwww” 
Taylor, the ever practical one, spoke first, “Okay, enough of this mush. We have seven minutes to get downstairs. I can already imagine that Sid’s pacing the floor. He will lose his mind if she is late. Let’s go.”
Quick work was made of Evie’s make-up touch ups as her tiara was placed on her head. Adriana passed out the bouquets as the photographer snapped pictures. Evie went into the bedroom with the glam team to get dressed. When the doors opened and Evie began to walk out, Taylor and Adriana gasped. 
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Evie looked at them nervously as their jaws dropped. 
“It’s perfect, Evita,” Adriana said finally before she started to fan her eyes.
Taylor grinned, “He’s going to die when he sees you- absolutely die.”
Downstairs-true to Taylor’s prediction, Sidney paced behind the curtains that served as a backdrop to the make-shift ceremony altar. Mike and Nate grinned as Sidney checked his watch again. He looked up and asked, “What?”
“Nothing, Sid,” Nate laughed, “Are you worried that she isn’t going to show up? You saw her less than fifteen minutes ago.”
Sidney pressed his lips together. His face bore the same expression he wore during the final moments during a pre-game. His eyes intense and his jaw set tight. He didn’t respond to Nate, but continued his pacing. 
In the suite, Taylor handed Evie her bouquet. “Let’s get this show on the road,” Adriana instructed, “It’s time to get you hitched. The trio left the suite and onto the elevator. The photographer continued to snap candid photos. When Evie started humming “Going to the Chapel” the entire crew burst into giggles. When they stepped out, they were greeted by the squeal of a little girl. 
Evie turned to find the source and her grin grew even wider. “Princess Evie, is that you?” Caroline exclaimed. Evie nodded and stepped towards the munchkin that she met on Valentine’s Day. “Wow,” the adorable brunette said, “You look like a princess bride.”
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Evie crouched down and grabbed Caroline’s hands as the photographer snapped away. “That’s because I AM a princess bride. I am going to marry my prince right now.” 
“Is it your Prince Charming from before?” Caroline asked. 
“Yes, it is,” Evie beamed, “I should go before he thinks I’ve been kidnapped by the Dread Pirate Roberts.” 
Caroline looked confused by the reference. Her mother stepped forward, “We will watch the Princess Bride tonight. You’ll understand then.” Evie gave the girl a hug and continued toward the ballroom. The lobby of the hotel and ballroom halls were crowded with hotel guests. Each of them stopped and stared as Evie walked by. Whispers of “Who’s that?” ran through the crowd, “Is that a celebrity? She looks familiar.” 
Evie was blissfully unaware as she walked with a mission to get to Sidney. However, as she approached the ballroom antespace, her pace slowed. Ahead she saw the doors that had been decorated with Christmas wreaths that matched the floral decor inside. Reality began to sink in. She was moments away from her trip down the aisle and suddenly her heart ached. She thought of her father and her dream from the night before. She blinked slowly as she remembered that she would be making the walk alone and not on the arm of her father. She looked up to heaven and whispered, “Papa, help me. I don’t think I can do it without your help.” 
“Dad?” Taylor’s voice interrupted Evie’s thoughts. Evie looked up to see Troy Crosby standing in front of the double doors. He rocked back and forth on his feet and Evie smiled as she thought about how he resembled Sidney during pre-game anthems. “What are you doing out here?” Taylor asked, “You are supposed to be in your seat.” 
“I need to talk to Evie for just a moment,” he replied. He walked up to his future daughter-in-law and smiled. “Wow, Sid is going to lose it when he sees you. You look gorgeous,” he gushed. Evie blushed as Taylor and Adriana stepped away to give them a bit of privacy. Troy rubbed his hands nervously as Evie looked on. “Ummmm, I just wanted to check on you before it all begins,” he said with hesitation. She smiled as he continued, “I was just thinking about your entrance. Normally your father would walk you down the aisle, but he isn’t here. I just wanted to check that you were okay doing it alone.” 
The conversation that Sidney and he had back in Philadelphia had been pressing on his mind all day. He remembered that he had made light of her distress during the outdoor game and Sidney’s disappointment and frustration. He also remembered his promise to Sidney that he would look out for her in the future. When Evie didn’t immediately respond, he continued, “I know that I am no substitute for your father, but if you need me to walk you down the aisle, it would be my honor.” 
Evie stammered, “You would do that? Walk me down the aisle to Sidney?”
Inside the ballroom, Sidney heard the cue for his group to take their positions. Nate entered first, followed by Mike and then Sidney. Once at his mark, he turned around to face the crowd. His eyes scanned the room to take in the scene. He felt his heart rate increase. Instinctively, he searched for Evie but obviously did not see her. In her absence, his eyes sought his parents. Trina sat in the front row, beautifully dressed in her emerald green chiffon dress. Her smile was wide as she watched her baby boy take his position as groom. Sidney’s eyebrows furrowed as he noticed the empty chair next to his mother. He mouthed to his mother, “Where’s Dad?”
She leaned forward and whispered, “He went to check on Evie.”
Sidney tilted his head in confusion before the empty chairs on the other side of the aisle grabbed his attention. The row was empty with the exception of the two chairs closest to the aisle. In those seats, two signs hung
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“Of course,” he thought to himself, “Of course he went to check on her.”
Out in the ante space, Troy responded to Evie’s question, “I think that it’s what Sidney would want me to do. What do you say?” Evie turned to Taylor who nodded her approval. 
Evie whispered, “I would be so thankful.” Troy stepped to her side and held out his arm. She slid in her hand in the crook of his elbow. 
Suddenly the doors opened and the sounds of Christmas Canon-https://open.spotify.com/track/0O4vuJynWVVdyvoHvZtnk3?si=adef532b356c4c89 floated out of the ballroom. 
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Taylor looked back and then turned to begin her walk down the aisle. The crowd turned to face her. She made eye contact with her brother and they both looked up as the emotions began. She then shared a smile with her mother. When she approached the altar, she took a step to the right to give her brother an unscripted hug. “Just wait until you see her Sid,” she whispered, “It’s everything that you dreamed about.”
"Thanks Tay. You look beautiful," he whispered back before she took her spot. Sidney turned to see Adriana walk down the aisle. She was the picture of poise as she glided down the aisle. Then Sidney’s eyes widened and then the biggest smile spread across his face. Trina and others noticed and turned to see the cause. Evie’s head peeked around the corner as she watched her best friend walk down the aisle. When the congregation began to turn, her hand went to her mouth in surprise. Then she made eye contact with Sidney and all of the breath left her body. She mouthed the words “I love you Beso” and pulled back around the corner. A chorus of laughter went through the crowd as Sidney leaned to catch a glimpse of her as she moved back. 
Mike nudged Sidney, “You have to get it together, Darryl”
Sidney laughed, “Yeah, that’s not going to happen. Did you see her? I am going to lose it. I am going to completely lose it.”
“And absolutely no one will be surprised,” Mike smiled. Sidney rolled his eyes and began his rocking again. 
The double doors to the ballroom closed and the wedding coordinator moved Evie and Troy to their marks. She bent down to fully extend Evie’s train.
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Troy turned to look at her, “Ready?” 
“I’ve been ready since Sidney told me that he wanted to marry me at Christmas last year,” she grinned. 
The song that Sidney selected began and Evie turned to face the door. The coordinator held a finger up to hold them in place. https://open.spotify.com/track/440H25G5ApUQu9YIRnGh6L?si=6848c743f0004a8b Evie smiled when the lyrics began and listened intently. Inside the ballroom, Sidney mouthed the words to himself.
It was you when we first met eyes
It was you in the city lights
It was you when I almost lost control
It was you through the darkest times
It was you that would make me shine
It was you that I hold on tight
It's always been you
So let the doors just open wide
'Cause standing there is my whole life
I've waited long enough to finally say, "I do"
And let the people on both sides
See you there and all arise
See us hand in hand
I swear I always knew
It's always been you
Evie whispered to herself, "It's always been you, Beso- always." The doors opened and Evie got her first full glimpse of the ceremony decor. She inhaled sharply and tried to remember to exhale. It was almost overwhelming until her eyes landed on Sidney. He smiled and she felt her knees buckle slightly. Troy provided support and they began their journey down the aisle.
Now it's you walking down that aisle
Now it's you, I can't help but smile
Now it's you staring back at me
Forever to be
Now it's you I see my whole world
Now it's you never been more sure
Now it's you, it's always been you
So let the doors just open wide
'Cause standing there is my whole life
I've waited long enough to finally say, "I do"
And let the people on both sides
See you there and all arise
See us hand in hand
I swear I always knew
It's always been you
It's always been you, oh
So let the doors just open wide
'Cause standing there is my whole life
I've waited long enough to finally say, "I do"
It's always been you
Sidney's mind raced as he watched her walk. "Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry," he repeated to himself. As if on command, his eyes filled with tears. He forced himself to look at his mother who was dabbing tears and looking back and forth between Sidney and Evie. He looked up and wiped his tears before looking back and making eye contact with Evie. His mind went back to Valentine’s night and the last time he lost it watching her approach. When she flashed a smile, he bent over and pressed his hands to his knees. Then he lifted his head to watch her walk. Mike reached over and patted his back, “Breathe, Darryl, breathe.” Sidney inhaled deeply and stood up straight. 
Troy felt a tug on his arm. Evie pulled him with her as her pace sped up and she raced toward her beloved. 
Evie’s eyes filled with tears as she walked to her love. Sidney shifted his weight from side to side as the tears flowed down his cheeks. Suddenly, Evie felt a hand on her arm and she stopped. Her eyes went to the source and followed the hand to the arm to the shoulder and finally to the face of Geno. She whispered, “Hi Geno, what’s up?” Sidney craned his neck to see the interaction. 
“Give these to Sid. Tell him that I said that I cry too when I marry Anna,” Geno leaned forward and whispered into her ear. Beside him, Anna playfully rolled her eyes. Evie took the package of tissues and continued her walk. Smiles spread across the room as Evie practically sprinted down the aisle. 
Troy and Evie stopped at the end of the aisle and the wedding officiant motioned for the crowd to sit down. Sidney stood motionless, eyes fixed on Evie as she bent down slightly to allow Troy lift her veil over her head. Sidney’s tears flowed and he no longer wiped them away. Evie wore a smile bright enough to light up the strip in Vegas. She mouthed the words, "Beso- I love you." He inhaled deeply and wiped the tears and whispered back, "Love you the most."
Nate laughed, "You can't lose at anything, can you?" The quip was picked up by the microphone and laughter erupted in the room. 
The minister cleared his throat and began the ceremony with authority.
Welcome, all of you. We are gathered here today for one of the happiest occasions in all human life, to celebrate before God the marriage of a man and woman who love each other. Marriage is a most honorable estate, created and Instituted by God, signifying unto us the mystical union, which also exists between Christ and the Church; so too may this marriage be adorned by true and abiding love.
The minister smiled at Evie and Troy. He was thrown for a loop by Troy’s presence. He had been told the bride would walk in alone and called an audible. “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?” he asked boldly. Evie visibly flinched and Sidney’s eyes grew wide. He had specifically discussed skipping this part of the ceremony with the minister in the multiple planning meetings leading up to today. Troy’s eyes darted from the minister to Sidney and finally to Evie. Her jaw clenched almost imperceptibly. 
The brief moment seemed to stretch out for eternity until Troy spoke in response. “Evie gives herself to be married to this man. She is an independent woman who is no one’s possession. However, I speak for her father, Mark, and her mother, Vanessa,” he said with conviction. Evie turned her head at the mention of her parent’s names. Troy continued, “They… they would give anything to be here to support their daughter as she chooses to marry my very lucky son. His mother, Trina, his sister, Taylor,  and I support their marriage as does everyone in this room.” Troy bent down and kissed her cheek, “I meant every word. Now go make my son the happiest man on earth.” 
Evie grinned up at Troy and they shared a moment before she felt Adriana gingerly take her bouquet from her hand. Troy took Evie’s hand and they took a step forward. Sidney stepped toward her as Troy placed Evie’s hand in Sidney’s hand. Their eyes met and Sidney felt the breath leave his body. It was only after Evie whispered, “Beso, you have to breathe or you’ll pass out.” that he remembered to inhale. She handed the package of tissues to Sidney and whispered, “Geno sent these for you. He said it’s okay. He cried at his wedding too.” 
Sidney found Geno in the crowd, held up the tissues and called out, “Thanks Buddy!” “Mon Etoile, you found her dress. I can’t believe that you found her dress,” he gushed.Impulsively, he pulled Evie towards him and kissed her firmly before stepping back. Evie grinned and said, “I think we are supposed to wait, Beso. We aren’t to that part.” 
He stepped forward and placed a hand on each of her cheeks. “One more,” he said teasingly before leaning down to kiss her with passion and determination. “You’re everything I dreamed you would be,” he whispered, “Mon Etoile,  you are a dream come true.” 
Mike Sullivan’s voice boomed from the middle of the room, “Sid- During the game, cellies come after you put the puck in the back of the net. At a wedding, kisses come after the vows, not before.” 
Sidney and Evie turned to face the crowd with a look of surprise on their faces. “Yes, Sully,” Sid grinned before kissing Evie again as the crowd giggled. 
Twenty years into the future, the minister would question the nurses in his well-appointed nursing home, “Did I ever tell you that I married Sidney Crosby? I mean, I didn't marry him, but I performed his wedding ceremony.” The nurses would feign surprise at the story they had heard countless times. “Let me tell you,” he would say wistfully, “In all of the weddings I performed, there were never two people more clearly in love than those two.” He grinned, “No, Sidney and his Evie- they were straight out of a fairy tale.” He would smile and nod before fading back into the memory of this night. 
Sidney and Evie regained their composure as Mateo made his way to the podium after being introduced by the minister. They stood, side by side, watched Mateo as readied himself.
Mateo spoke into the microphone, "Sidney and Evie, I want you to turn around and face your friends and family." Sidney tilted his head and shook it slowly. He had given Mateo free reign in selecting the reading for the ceremony. His only condition being that reading not be "cliche". Now he was beginning to doubt his decision. However, the radiant couple turned to face the crowd. 
Evie gripped Sidney's hand as her gaze swept across the room. She laughed as she noticed the door to the service hallway opened slightly. In the small crack, she saw the smiling faces of her co-workers that were working the wedding. She inhaled deeply. Not just a wedding- HER wedding. She looked at Sidney and corrected herself- THEIR wedding.
Mateo began speaking.
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Evie wiped tears and Sidney kissed the top of her head. He whispered into her hair, "I love you, I love you, I love you. I am going to wear out the words ‘I love you’  today."
As instructed they turned to face each other. Their hands clung together and they grinned like fools. The minister turned to Evie. While the minister spoke, Evie alternated between rocking back and forth on her heels and bouncing up and down.
Evie, will you have this man to be your husband; to live together in the covenant of marriage? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, be faithful to him all the days of your life?
She squeezed Sidney’s hands tightly and shouted, "I WILL!" Her enthusiastic response elicited laughter from the crowd. 
Adriana giggled, "Evita, I think they heard you in Dallas AND Nova Scotia." Evie simply shrugged her shoulders. 
The celebrant turned to Sidney. He immediately answered, "I will." 
"Sidney, I have to ask the question first, then you answer," the minister replied. 
"That's my answer," Sidney shot back before the minister spoke again.
“Indulge me and let me officially ask the question,” the minister smiled. It was Sidney’s turn to shrug his shoulders. Again, laughter spread through the crowd. 
Sidney, will you have this woman to be your wife; to live together in the covenant of marriage? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health;and, forsaking all others, be faithful to her all the days of your life?
Sidney waited for a beat for dramatic effect as crowd laughed at delay, "I will. I will. I will."
The minister grinned at the crowd, “Let’s see if they let me get through this passage before they start reciting their vows on their own.” He read from 1 John 4. 
Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.  This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us. This is how we know that we live in him and he in us: He has given us of his Spirit. And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in them and they in God. And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.
The minister smiled knowingly, "Sidney, let’s see if you have more patience with the vows- please repeat after me." Sidney glanced at his parents before returning his attention to Evie. He inhaled deeply.
I, Sidney Patrick Crosby, take you, Evelyn Rose Montgomery, to be my wife to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, all the days of my life: according to God’s holy ordinance, this is my solemn vow.
His mind was flooded with the memories of their relationship until that moment. The memories of how these vows reflected the actions that they lived every day. He threw his head back as his eyes filled with tears. Honestly, he was relieved that he was able to recite the vows without his voice cracking. He inhaled and exhaled deeply. 
In the audience, Anna playfully nudged Geno who dabbed his eyes. "Zhenya,darling," she whispered in his ear, "What's the matter? Happy for Sid? So happy that you cry?"
He shook his head defiantly, "Too much dust in the air." She smiled, "Of course."
Sidney felt the emotions subside and looked to Evie. Silent tears streamed down her face. His thumbs moved to wipe her tears. All sense of decorum left Sidney’s thoughts and the need to comfort her took over. He leaned forward and kissed her tear stained face which caused her to laugh. "Beso, we aren't to the kissing part yet," she joked as he showered her face with kisses. The minister cleared his throat loudly which caused Sidney to retreat.
"Evie, it's your turn," the minister began. She did not wait for the cues and started loudly.
"I, Evelyn Rose Montgomery," she paused. It dawned on her that it would no longer be her name. She was about to officially become Crosby. She smiled, took a breath and continued, "take you, Sidney Patrick Crosby." Her voice cracked but she pushed on, "to be my husband." Sidney squeezed her hands and willed her to continue. She inhaled deeply and said in rapid fire succession "To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, all the days of my life: according to God’s holy ordinance, this is my solemn vow." She grinned at Sidney who nodded his approval. He mouthed the words, "Good girl," which caused her to blush.
The minister turned to Adriana and held out his hand. She took the platinum band off of her thumb and placed it in the outstretched hand. He then turned to Mike who turned over the diamond ring to the minister. He prayed:
Bless, O Lord, these rings to be a sign of the vows by which this man and this woman have bound themselves to each other; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Evie took the plain platinum band and placed it on Sidney's ring finger. She looked into his eyes and said confidently, "With this ring I thee wed; with my body I thee worship." A sly grin spread across Sidney's face. A mental image of how Evie worshiped him with her body flashed in his imagination.  Evie bit her bottom lip and continued "and with all my worldly goods, I thee endow. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
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Sidney turned to the minister and gently picked up the large diamond ring. Evie’s eyes drifted to the ring, and she exclaimed, “Beso, it’s so big!” Her mind registered what she just said, and her hand went to her mouth to cover her embarrassment. “I meant the ring,” she continued while the giggles surfaced, “The ring is so big.” Sidney shook his head and placed the ring on her left ring finger. 
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“With this ring I thee wed, with my body I thee worship," he paused and grinned. Taylor groaned loudly and Sidney shrugged his shoulders. "And with all my worldly goods, I thee endow. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen" he said confidently as he slid the diamond into place. 
Evie looked from the ring to Sidney’s face and back to the ring. He silently waited for a reaction. She contemplated voicing an objection but silenced herself. The ring was a physical representation of his love for her. It made perfect sense that it was big and bold like his love. It was absolutely perfect and her face beamed. "I love it, Beso," she whispered.
Sidney exhaled a breath that he didn't even realize he was holding in. The emotions were beginning to get the better of him. Evie tilted her head and whispered,"It's almost over Beso. It's almost over." 
They turned to face the minister who began his prayer. 
Let us pray.
Eternal God, creator and preserver of all life, author ofsalvation, and giver of all grace: Look with favor upon theworld you have made, and for which your Son gave his life,and especially upon this man and this woman whom youmake one flesh in Holy Matrimony. Amen. Give them wisdom and devotion in the ordering of theircommon life, that each may be to the other a strength in need, acounselor in perplexity, a comfort in sorrow, and a companionin joy. Amen.
Sidney leaned over and whispered in her ear, “You give me so much joy.” Evie giggled and whispered back, “Beso, pay attention. We are supposed to be praying.”
Grant that their wills may be so knit together in your will,and their spirits in your Spirit, that they may grow in loveand peace with you and one another all the days of their life.Amen.
Sidney leaned over again, “I should have asked for the short wedding ceremony. I don’t think he is ever going to shut up.” Evie elbowed his side and shushed him. 
Give them grace, when they hurt each other, to recognize andacknowledge their fault, and to seek each other's forgivenessand yours. Amen.
Evie squirmed and tried to keep focus. Sidney was right. The ceremony was dragging out. The minister’s voice had begun to take on the “blah, blah, blah, blah” tone of Charlie Brown’s teacher. How much longer was there to go?
Make their life together a sign of Christ's love to this sinfuland broken world, that unity may overcome estrangement,forgiveness heals guilt, and joy conquers despair. Amen.
Sidney rocked back and forth impatiently. From their seats, his teammates recognized his body language. He seemingly appeared calm and peaceful, but he was ready to spring into action. 
Bestow on them, if it is your will, the gift and heritage ofchildren, and the grace to bring them up to know you, to love you,and to serve you. Amen. 
Sidney whispered,“Oh, I am going to put a baby in you. Going to do it tonight.” Both of them giggled and tried to restrain themselves. 
Give them such fulfillment of their mutual affection that theymay reach out in love and concern for others. Amen.
“Fulfillment of mutual affection,” Evie whispered, “You got that? MUTUAL.”
“You haven’t had any complaints so far, Mon Etoile,” Sidney responded.
Grant that all married persons who have witnessed these vows may find their lives strengthened and their loyalties confirmed. Amen.
Troy leaned over and kissed Trina on the cheek. She smiled softly. He whispered, “Always and Forever, babe.” 
Grant that the bonds of our common humanity, by which all your children are united one to another, and the living to the dead, may be so transformed by your grace, that your will may be done on earth as it is in heaven; where, O Father, with your.Son and the Holy Spirit, you live and reign in perfect unity, now and forever. Amen.
Evie looked over at Sidney, “I think he’s done. I think he’s done.” Sidney nodded in affirmation. The minister shook his head, leaned forward and whispered, “Yes, I am almost done. You two are incorrigible. Now turn and hold hands.” 
They suppressed their giggles and followed instructions. Sidney and Evie looked at each other. Pure, unadulterated love and joy radiated from them. Subconsciously their bodies began to shake with anticipation. Sidney laughed as Evie began to bounce up and down. She looked from the minister to Sidney and back again. Her eyes focused on the minister and willed him to say the words. 
Sidney and Evie, you have expressed your love to one another through the commitment and promises you have just made. It is with these in mind that I pronounce you husband and wife. You have kissed a thousand times, maybe more. But today the feeling is new. Today, your kiss is a promise. No longer simply partners and best friends, you have become one and can now seal the agreement with a kiss.
Sidney stepped forward and took Evie into his arms. Her hands went to his face to draw him into her. “I thought he would never shut up,” Sidney grinned as pressed his lips into Evie’s lips. The kiss began as firm yet chaste, yet the excitement and anticipation took over. He pulled her closer into his body, as close as they could get with her crinolines in the way. “We did it, Evie,” he murmured into her mouth, “We did it.” 
The minister tapped Sidney on the shoulder and said, “We’re not done.” Sidney and Evie groaned in unison.
The minister continued- “God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, bless, preserve, and keep you; the Lord mercifully with his favor look upon you, and fill you with all spiritual benediction and grace; that you may faithfully live together in this life, and in the age to come have life everlasting.  Amen. Ladies and gentlemen, it is with  great pleasure and divine honor that I introduce for the first time- Evie and Sidney Crosby. Those whom God has joined together let no one put asunder.” 
Suddenly a loud sound erupted and Sidney paused to look up. “Is that?” he questioned and looked at Evie, She nodded her head yes and they laughed. The Pittsburgh Penguins goal horn and song blared from the speakers. (23) Pittsburgh Penguins 2019 Goal Horn -  YouTube Sidney held Evie with one arm and thrust the other into the air in celebration. “It’s perfect,” he laughed before kissing her again, “It’s absolutely perfect.” From their chairs, Sidney’s teammates chanted their names. 
Adriana kissed Evie on the cheek as she handed Evie her bouquet, “Best wedding ever.” Evie grinned as Sidney grabbed her hand and led back up the aisle. They danced up the aisle, singing along to the song “Party Hard”.
Outside the ballroom, Sidney and Evie stood, unsure what to do next. In the absence of direction, Sidney pulled her into an embrace. The wedding coordinator peeked from around the corner, “The photographer wants to get some photos before Evie changes again. Come this way.” They followed her instructions and spent the next few minutes obediently posing for photos. At the end, their cheeks ached from smiling but they could not stop for some reason.
"Hey Crosbys!" Evie turned with a grin. "You have thirty minutes until your reception starts," the wedding coordinator called out,"Evie, don't make me come chase you down."
Sidney turned to Evie with a question in his eyes. She could see the wheels turning in his brain. "Thirty minutes?" He said with a sly grin.
Evie stepped back, "Yes, I have to change into outfit number three of the night. You know….. the sexy reception dress for booty shaking."
"Evie…." Sidney growled, "How long will it take for you to change?"
"Catch me and find out " she laughed as she hiked up her dress, stepped out of her shoes and began a sprint to the elevator. He stood, stunned, for a moment before he chased after her. Evie paced in the elevator lobby as he caught up with her. They dissolved into giggles as he playfully pushed her into the elevator when the doors opened. “Ohhhhh,is my husband in a hurry?” she laughed as he pressed her against the back wall of the elevator. 
“Say it again,” he growled into her ear as he nibbled her neck.
“Say what again?” she asked as she watched the floor numbers ascend until they arrived at their penthouse suite. 
“What’s my name?” he demanded as hands went down below her ass and drew her into him. 
“Mr. Crosby, you are my husband now,” she teased. 
“Say it again,” he pressed into her. 
“Husband, husband, husband,” she repeated as he bent down and lifted her over his shoulder and carried her to the door. He handed her the room card to unlock the door. When they entered the room, Evie’s glam team looked up in surprise. 
Sidney placed her down and moaned in her ear, “Evie….”
She turned to him,”Beso, give me a minute.”
He began to pace like a caged animal as she directed the team to help remove her dress. Their fingers worked frantically to unzip the dress. Evie stepped out of the dress and turned to her team. “Give us ten minutes,” she requested, “We just need to ummmm, discuss some reception details.” 
“Evie,” Rachel smiled, “We are used to dealing with newlyweds. Text me when you are ready for us to come back.” Evie blushed and nodded. “Try not to be on bottom,” Rachel whispered, “You’ll mess up your hair.” 
Evie laughed, which caught Sidney’s attention, “I’ll try.”
The door had barely shut when Sidney approached her. His hand unbuttoning his pants and letting them drop to the floor. He guided her into the bathroom until she was pressed into the counter. It was only then that he took a look at her white boy shorts. Baby blue thread neatly spelling out “Mrs. Crosby- You may now fuck the bride" across her ass. As he reached for them, she made eye contact in the mirror. “Pull them down- don't tear them, Beso,” she insisted, “I need them for the reception.” 
He nodded and pulled them down her legs. He inhaled her scent as he stood back up. “Mmmm, is my wife ready for me?” he moaned into her shoulder as he spread her legs with his massive thigh.. 
Evie placed her hands on the counter top and looked back over her shoulder. “I have been waiting my whole life to be fucked by my husband,” she growled, “I can’t wait anymore.” It was just the encouragement he needed. 
Sidney moaned as he thrust into her, “Fuck…..you feel amazing, Mon Etoile. I missed being inside your pussy. It’s so warm and wet for me.” He began a frantic pace of thrusting while placing open mouth kisses on her back. “Oh God,” he cried out, “My wife- I am fucking my WIFE.” They both raced to the edge of the pleasure. The results of the three week sex ban heightened the intensity but also ensured that the journey to their mutual orgasms would be short. The cacophony of moans, groans and random screams of pleasure created a symphony of love. When they were done, they were both bent over the bathroom counter, panting and out of breath. Sidney gently kissed her back, “Evie, are you okay? I wasn’t too rough was I? I was a little out of control.” 
“Mmmmmm no, it was just right,” she said with a smile, “It’s only fitting that the first fuck as husband and wife be as hot and intense as our first fuck.” 
Sidney retrieved his boxers and pants and brought Evie’s white satin robe to her. “I love the panties by the way,” he smiled as she pulled her boyshorts up over her bottom. 
As she pulled on the robe, he instructed her to close her eyes. “I have a surprise for you,” he joked as he stood behind her and pulled a diamond necklace out of his tuxedo jacket. He wrapped the necklace around her neck and she felt the weight of the stones. “Now open your eyes,” he ordered as he clasped it together. 
Her eyes fluttered open to see the large diamond tennis necklace around her neck. Her fingers immediately went to touch it. “Beso,” she said in shock, “These are cubic zirconia, right? These are not actual diamonds. Beso, right?” He stared into her eyes in the reflection and shook his head no. 
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Evie’s eyes widened as she examined the necklace in the mirror. “Beso,” she whispered, “I am going to have to put you in spoiling time-out soon.”
“This was on the yellow list. I hope that you don’t mind that I got you one without us discussing it first,” he said tentatively.
“Is this…..” she spoke softly, “Is this a collar? A collar to show that I belong to you?” 
Their relationship danced on the edge of the BDSM lifestyle. Beyond their initial conversation, Sidney and Evie had never discussed the more traditional requirements like contracts and collars. In “the lifestyle”, collars were an outward symbol of submission within a relationship. Both of them had placed the concept of a collar in the yellow zone simply because it was an idea that carried a weight of permanence that was inconceivable to discuss, much less place, on the green list at the time. However, if you had pressed either one of them, they would have confessed a desire for a collar but more importantly for a relationship that would warrant a collar. Still, it had not been discussed and Sidney had taken a risk in purchasing such an extravagant example of one. 
“Do you like it? Will you wear it?” he quizzed softly. 
“All the time?” she asked. 
“When we are playing or whenever you want to wear it,” he said. All of the sudden he doubted his gift to her and it began to overwhelm him. “If you don’t want it, you don’t have to wear it at all,” he said suddenly. His hands moved to take it off of her neck. 
“Don’t you dare take it off of me, Mr. Crosby,” she said with authority, “I want to wear it. I want the world to know how much you love your princess. I will wear it with pride.”
“You will?” his eyes met hers in the mirror reflection.
“Of course,” she smiled, “Thank you for my gift, Mr. Crosby. I adore it.”
“Quit calling me, Mr. Crosby or we will never make it downstairs,” he laughed. 
“Can I wear it tonight at the reception?" she asked.
"Of course," he answered.
"Good- now let me get ready," she joked as she pushed him away.
"Yes, my beautiful wife," he kissed her ear. 
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The newlyweds appeared before the coordinator with seconds to spare before their appointed deadline. "Evie," the coordinator commented, "You are right on time." 
"No thanks to my husband," Evie replied. To the casual eye, they appeared calmed and relaxed. However, Evie's cheeks were flushed and she clung to Sidney for support. Her legs were shaky after their unexpected second round which occurred when Sidney saw how the reception dress hugged her curves. 
The cocktail hour was in full swing still but the wedding coordinator escorted them into the ballroom where their reception would be held. The doors opened with a flourish and they both gasped. 
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"Oh, it’s perfect,” Evie gushed as they stepped into the beautifully decorated room. Red floral centerpieces highlighted the tables. Accents of green and gold added to the festive holiday spirit. Sidney and Evie held hands as they walked through and examined the details that she had painstakingly selected. Sidney marveled at the magic that Evie was able to create. It solidified their decision to get married that day instead of waiting until the summer. 
They were then ushered out of the room while their guests moved from the cocktail hour into the reception. They stood together and greeted each guest as they entered the room. The next hour was a blur of hugs and laughter. Each of Sidney’s teammates good naturedly teased him about his emotional response to Evie’s entrance. Kelsey Rust hugged Evie and gushed, “I guess you got your dream holiday wedding after all. I am so happy that it worked out for you.” As their guests ate their dinner, Sidney and Evie made their way throughout the room. They posed for pictures while they laughed and joked. Eventually, the wedding coordinator gave them the signal to make their exit for the wedding party introductions.  
Standing in a side hallway, they stood with their arms wrapped around each, bodies pressed together. They rocked from side to side and allowed the joy of the moment to envelope them while the others watched them in bemused silence. When Sidney saw the signal from the coordinator, he whispered into her ear, “Mon Etoile- my princess…. It’s time to go into our party.” 
She looked into his eyes and smiled, “Can’t wait Beso.”
The music pumped as the wedding emcee announced each person. Nate twirled Taylor around as they entered to the upbeat song. Mike and Adriana followed with Adriana leading him in “Ladies and gentleman, here they come. For the first time as husband and wife, Mr and Mrs. Crosby.” Sidney and Evie entered the room to thunderous applause. They walked the circumference of the dance floor and fist bumped the crowd before taking their spots at the top of the dance floor. The wedding emcee then announced Mike for his best man’s speech.
Mike nervously stepped to the microphone and pulled out a folded piece of paper. He looked at Sidney who smiled and nodded. He knew that Mike was not a public speaker. He had even offered Mike a free pass on giving a speech. “Nate Dogg can do it if you don’t want to speak in front of everyone,” Sidney had offered. The offer was politely and firmly declined by Mike. After everything Sidney had done for him in his life, giving a best man’s speech was a small gift to give in return. He unfolded the paper and began to speak into the microphone. 
“My name is Mike Chiasson and Darryl has been my best friend since kindergarten,” he paused and furrowed his brow, “I’m sorry- Sid has been my best friend since kindergarten. I don’t think I have to tell anyone in this room what an honor it has been to be his friend. I also don’t think I have to tell anyone in this room how much Sid loves the game of hockey. He loves everything about it. He loves to watch it. He loves to talk about it and study it. More importantly, he loves to play it. On school holidays, when everyone else wanted to sleep in, Sidney made the rounds through the neighborhood to get enough guys together to play some street hockey. It’s just been the way it has been the entire time I’ve known him. Now we all know that his love of hockey has been rewarded with untold success, but you would never know it when you meet him. He is humble and kind. There is no superstar attitude. There is no sense of entitlement. Isn’t that right boys?” Mike paused and looked up at the men in the room who had shared the ice and locker rooms with Sidney. He was met with nods of agreement. 
“I remember an interview that Sid gave when he was, I don’t know, maybe fourteen years old. Troy/Trina- correct me if I am wrong. Sid gave the most quintessential Sid quote ever, “I eat, sleep and drink hockey. I mean it’s amazing. It’s my life pretty much.” Evie squeezed Sidney’s hand and rested her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her waist.  “For almost twenty years, that quote was entirely accurate. Sid’s world revolved around hockey. Sure, he made time for his friends and family but there was no mistaking what was Sidney’s priority. It was hockey- plain and simple. But as we all know that changed last year and we all know who was the catalyst for that change- Miss Evie Montgomery.” 
“That’s Mrs. Crosby now,” Sidney shouted out. 
“Yes, we know Sid- she’s Mrs. Crosby,” Mike laughed, ”Everyone take a shot.” Sidney and Evie looked at each other in confusion. Mike laughed, "Oh, you didn't hear about the new drinking game? Take a shot every time Sidney says Mrs. Crosby or my wife."
"I'm pretty sure we're all going to die of alcohol poisoning," Nate yelled from the other side of the dance floor. 
Mike pulled out his phone and pulled up a screenshot of a text. “I’d like to read a text that I received in September of last year.” 
Sidney- Hey, you busy?
Mike- Not really. What’s up buddy?
Sidney- I met a woman.
Mike- Oh? Tell me more
Mike looked up and grinned, “You all know how private Sid is. In twenty five years of friendship, it was the first time that he had initiated a conversation about a girl or woman. You can imagine my surprise when he led off a conversation like that.” 
Sidney- I met her at a team party. She is gorgeous and amazing. I’ve never met anyone like her. I can’t stop thinking about her. 
Mike- You should probably ask her out. 
Sidney- What if she says no?
Mike- What if she says yes?
Sidney- If she says yes, I am pretty sure that I am done. She’s the one. 
Evie looked up at Sidney in surprise. “Wait, was this before the night you came to my apartment after the Taylor thing?” she questioned. Sidney blushed and shrugged his shoulders. 
Mike continued, “Three days later I got another text from him that simply said ‘I asked her out. She said yes. Best date of my life. Introducing her to the team Wednesday night.” Next thing I know, Sid is texting less and less. I ask where he has been and the answer is always….”
“I’m with Evie,” Letang shouted out to complete the sentence. 
Mike gave a knowing nod and continued, “Two months later, he told me that we need to get our bucket list trip scheduled for the summer. When I asked why, he responded ‘I am going to ask Evie to marry me and I can’t travel to Europe with you after I marry her.’ Fast forward to summer and our trip. Have you ever traveled with a lovesick man? Sidney talked so much about Evie that she might as well have been on the trip. I wish she had been so I didn’t have to listen to the constant conversation of ‘Do you think Evie would like this restaurant? I should buy Evie a gift. We have to get back to the hotel. It’s almost time for Evie to call.”
Evie stood on her tiptoes and kissed Sidney’s cheek. “Never again,” she whispered into his ear, “Never again will we be separated that long.” Sidney squeezed her tight and nodded in agreement. 
“The new reality of Sid’s world became apparent at the end of summer. Evie moved to Nova Scotia. Suddenly the man who is always first on the ice and last off of the ice is the last one on and first one off the ice. No more hanging to shoot the breeze after a workout. Nope, he had to get back to the woman - the woman who replaced hockey as number one in Sid’s life. He had to get back to Evie. He might not admit it, but the quote has changed. It’s now, ‘I eat, sleep and drink Evie. She is amazing. She is my life pretty much.” Evie’s eyes welled up with tears. To hear Sidney’s best friend make such a bold claim humbled her. She looked around the room and saw their friends and families looking back with knowing looks. 
“Evie,” Mike smiled, “Thank you. Thank you for showing Sid a world beyond hockey. He was remarkable before you. Now with you by his side, he is going to be unstoppable. I have never seen him more alive than he is with you. You bring out the best in him and that is saying a lot. Thank you. Now Sid- all I have to say is that you are one lucky man. Thank your lucky stars you snagged that one.”
“Every day,” Sidney called back, “I am so lucky she is my wife.” 
“Drink up,” Nate shouted out as the group raised their glasses and toasted Sidney and Evie. 
Then Adriana walked up to the microphone. Evie took one look at her face and braced herself for her speech. She imagined the cutting remarks and jokes that Adriana could make about herself or Sidney. Adriana’s voice was soft when she began speaking. “My name is Adriana and I have known Evie for five years. We met in the first year of grad school and became inseparable ever since. When I met her, she was smart and funny. She had a way about her that made me feel at home and completely safe. I had never met anyone like her.” She paused and inhaled deeply. “Then the unthinkable happened and her parents died.” Evie flinched and Sidney drew her closer into his body. “Evie’s foundation was ripped from underneath and something in her fundamentally changed. She handled herself with such grace and poise, but her magic was gone. She behaved the same and if you had not met her prior then, you would have seen nothing but a beautiful and gracious woman succeeding at life. I knew though, I knew. Her magic was gone and she was going through the motions. She was a shell of who she was before.” 
Sidney’s heart ached at the thought of Evie’s pain. It was a part of herself that she kept tucked away. He caught glimpses every once and a while, but the magnitude of her pain hit him like a ton of bricks. His eyes watered and he lowered his head as Adriana continued, “But that changed last September. She went to a party and came into the office Monday morning with a smile on her face that I hadn’t seen in years. It was a glimmer of the magic she had before. Then they went on their first date and there was more of it. Every day with Sidney has brought more of it back to Evie. She is back to being the woman I first met- the woman who was and will always be my best friend. You did that Sidney. Not only you, but your family that embraced her as one of their own from the beginning.” Sidney glanced over to his parents and Taylor who wiped tears from their eyes. “Gringo Boy,” Adriana smiled at Sidney, “You know that I have given you a hard time at every opportunity. I will continue to give you a hard time at every opportunity. But today I say thank you. Thank you for bringing back the light in Evie with your unwavering love. Thank you for giving her the fairy tale because I can’t think of anyone more deserving of it than you Evie. You are my best friend, my sister from another mister and I love you more than you will ever know.” Everyone began to raise their glass. Adriana continued, “and Gringo Boy if you hurt her, I will make you wish for the day that you took a puck to the face. Believe me, I will make you hurt so much worse. Got me?”
Sidney laughed at first, then saw the serious expression on her face. He nodded solemnly, “Yes ma’am- you have my word.” 
She smiled, “See Gringo Boy, I knew that you were smarter than you looked. Raise a toast to Sidney and Evie- a real life fairy tale.”
The wedding emcee spoke as everyone took their sip of champagne. “Now it’s time for the bride and groom to take to the dance floor,” he said excitedly, “I present to you, for their first dance as husband and wife, Evie and Sidney Crosby.” 
The wedding band began to play and the female singer started to sing, “At last, my love has come along.” Sidney wrapped Evie in his arms and led her around the dance floor. She lifted her head and smiled at him. “We did it, Beso. It’s all a party from here.” 
“Well, one more emotional thing, then we have the party,” he answered. When her eyebrows knitted together in confusion, he added, “I have my dance with my mother.” She nodded in understanding. During the planning stages, Evie had suggested to Sidney that they replace the father-daughter dance with a mother-son dance and he had quickly agreed. They smiled as they glided across the floor, looking every bit the picture of a princess and her prince. They ended the song with a dramatic dip and kiss. Sidney kissed Evie again before going to the microphone. Trina and Troy looked at each other in confusion. He spoke into the microphone, “Now is traditionally the time for the bride to dance with the father of the bride. Evie thought it might be a good idea for me to dance with the first woman I loved since her father isn’t here. So Mom.” Sidney held out his hand to Trina. “Would you do me the honor to dance with your baby boy one more time?” he smiled at his mother as she crossed the dance floor to him. 
The band started playing “Forever Young” by Rod Stewart as Sidney wrapped his arms around his mother. She smiled and looked up into his eyes, “You remembered!” When Sid was a baby, Trina would dance around the living room with him in her arms singing the song to him. His little cherubic face would look up with wonder. She carried on the tradition until he was too big to lift in her arms any more. It became their “thing” to celebrate important life moments. They danced after victorious (and some unvictorious) hockey tournaments. When Pittsburgh won the draft lottery in 2005, they danced again in their living room. Their living room was replaced by Penguin locker rooms for dances to celebrate Sidney’s three Stanley Cup wins. 
“Of course, I remembered,” Sidney smiled back at her. “It’s our celebration song.” He bent down and hugged her tight. “You’ve always been there for me. I wouldn’t be me without you,” he whispered into her ear, “I love you Mom.” 
Trina choked back tears, “I am so proud of you Sid. You found a true gem in Evie. You are going to make her so happy.” 
“She is going to make me so happy. She already does,” he glanced over at Evie who stood watching dabbing tears from her eyes despite the smile on her face. Sidney started to step in her direction when he saw his father and sister crowd gather around her. Trina looked back and smiled before looking into Sidney’s face. Tears threatened to form as Sidney sighed, partly in frustration at the intensity of emotions he had felt all day. The frustration was superseded by the joy of watching his family embrace Evie truly as one of their own. It was official now, but it had been that way since the beginning. “Thank you Mom,” Sidney said softly, “Thank you for loving her as much as you love Tay and me. It means the world to me. She means the world to me.” 
Mateo watched from the other side of the dance floor with Vincent by his side. Finally, he handed his drink to his boyfriend and marched to Evie. “Hey,” he said softly as she greeted him with a hug, “I know I am not your dad, but I feel like someone from your family should dance with you. I know that Abuleo and my dad hurt you, but you are the closest thing I have to a sister.” Evie looked at him, kissed his cheek and allowed him to lead her to the dance floor. Sidney’s eyebrows raised when he saw them begin to dance. A huge smile spread across his face as he saw the joy written all over Evie’s expression. The band transitioned from the slow ballad of “Forever Young” to the disco classic “We Are Family.” The two couples separated and created a small circle to dance. Evie was the first to break the circle to go grab Taylor and Troy to bring them into the circle. Sidney went to go grab Adriana. The action continued through the wedding party and guests until almost everyone was out on the dance floor. The band began to play “Uptown Funk” and the party kicked into the next level.  
The next three hours were a blur to Sidney and Evie. Occasionally, they would get pulled in different directions. Within minutes, Sidney would shout into the crowd, “Where’s MY WIFE?” and hunt her down. Each time he found her, he would exclaim, “Mrs. Crosby- there you are!” Then he would scoop her up and spin her around while she squealed with delight. 
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When it came time to cut the cake, Sidney reacted in horror to the rowdy chants of “smash it, smash it,” as he went to feed Evie. Instead choosing to gently feed her and follow it with a kiss. Evie, on the hand, was slightly more cheeky by dabbing frosting on his nose and licking/kissing it off. 
By the time that the band played “Wobble”, the crowd was liquored up and ready to shake their collective asses. Everyone pulled out their phones to video the usually button-ed up and reserved captain dropping low and wobbling with the crowd. 
When the wedding coordinator approached Sidney and Evie to let them know it was time to start saying their goodbyes before their exit, their friends loudly protested that it was too soon to shut down the party. The coordinator looked to Sidney and Evie who said in unison, “Keep it going. We’re going to leave, but if they want to keep partying, then keep it going.” 
“All right,” she said mentally calculating the additional cost. 
Sidney read her mind, “I don’t care about the extra money. Keep the party going until they want to stop.” Then he looked down at Evie, “But I am taking my wife to bed.” 
“Sid,” Geno joked, “I beg you. I can’t take any more shots.”
Sidney looked over and smiled a lopsided smile, “I’m sorry, Geno, what did you say? I was too busy looking at MY WIFE.” Geno playfully punched him and went to the bar. 
The band announced that while the party was continuing, it was time to line up for the bride and groom’s exit. As the crowd exited the ballroom, Sidney took Evie’s hand and led her to the dance floor for one last dance. He pulled into his arms as the song began. 
Taking You Home-Don Henley https://open.spotify.com/track/7AoJXxRBfLVF2Dpx75lcg9?si=fdb2e86a80d9433a
Evie rested her forehead against Sidney’s chest as they swayed slowly. The many shots and drinks were catching up with them and they clung to each other for support. 
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Sidney surveyed the room and sighed, “It was a great party- wasn’t it?”
Evie nodded her head, “The best party ever.”
Sidney looked at her and kissed her forehead, “Was it as good you dreamed it would be?” 
“Better than my dreams,” she smiled up at him.
“Mmmmm,” he half-hummed, “I have one more surprise for you, Mon Etoile.”
“You do?” she grinned, “I have one more for you too.”
“Let’s go see your surprise,” he kissed her gently before leading from the dance floor. 
At the door, she turned around for one last look. “Beso, I’ll remember this night forever.” 
He pulled her hand and said, “Wait, there is more.”
Together they walked through the banquet area to the outdoor patio where their guests had gathered. The wedding coordinator handed Sidney a faux fur wrap that he placed around her bare shoulders. He then led to the edge of the patio and subtly gave the signal. A loud whistle sounded as a firework streaked up into night sky and exploded loudly. Evie's eyes widened and she shrieked with joy. “Beso, what did you do?” She asked. 
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“I wanted the night to end with a bang,” he laughed as the night sky lit up with colorful explosions. Sidney moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her. He spent half of the time watching her face, full of delight. 
She looked back at him, “This is the bang we are ending with?”
“Sorry- the party end with a bang,” he corrected himself.
“Mmmmm, better answer,” she kissed his cheek quickly and returned her attention to the firework display. As the show end approached, the wedding coordinator lined up the guests in anticipation of the sparkler send off. 
Sidney guided Evie to where the wedding party gathered along with his parents. Hugs and goodbyes were exchanged. Adriana playfully poked Sidney in the chest and sloppily asked, “Did you enjoy your surprise, Gringo Boy?
Sidney’s eyebrows shot up, “Surprise? What surprise?”
Adriana shouted at Evie, “You haven't shown him the surprise yet? Why not?”
Evie shot her a look and hissed, “Shhhhhh, not yet.”
Adriana covered her face in embarrassment, “I am sorry, Evita.” She looked over at Sidney who was trying to follow the coded conversation. It was proving to be a difficult task given his current sobriety level. Adriana shouted to him, “Forget I said anything, Gringo Boy. I am drunk as fuck from all the shots.” Sidney was pretty sure that there was something that he needed to investigate but decided to simply smile and nod.
At their signal, Sidney grabbed her hand and led her through the archway of long sparklers and into the awaiting horse drawn carriage. They turned and waved before the horses started walking slowly. The carriage turned at the end of the block and made the short walk to the hotel loading dock. An open door waited for them. Evie took Sidney’s hand and led him through the winding hall to the service elevator. They collapsed against the back wall of the elevator as it made its ascent to the penthouse. When they entered the room, almost all signs of the glam team had been removed from the suite. Her ceremony and engagement party dresses were hung carefully in the closet. Sidney’s gift and card leaned on the bar top.
The only remnant that remained was the large packet of makeup removers that sat on the bathroom counter along with a small clear box to hold the bobby pins from her hair. 
Evie took off her heels and groaned in relief as her bare feet hit the carpet. “Oh God, my feet hurt so bad,” she whined as Sidney unzipped her dress and handed her robe. He grinned as he read the back of her boy shorts again. Evie slowly walked top less through the suite into the bathroom as Sidney hung up her dress. He then undressed slowly, repeating her groans of relief as his shoes came off. He then joined her in the bathroom and observed as her hands searched for the dozens of bobby pins that held her updo in place.
“Here,” he waved her off, “Let me do this. You do the make-up.” She nodded silently and began her assigned task. They worked in quiet contentment. Every once in a while Sidney would bend down and kiss the top of her head or her bare shoulder. “You look beautiful, Mon Etoile, my wife.” She would turn her head to find his face and he would reward her with a soft kiss. 
She laughed as she heard his stomach rumbling. “Hungry?” She yawned. He nodded yes. She thought for a moment and grabbed her phone. Based on the time, the hotel kitchen would have just closed for service. Her face scrunched up. She was sure that they could call and they would oblige her request. She decided on an Ubereats order when there was a loud knock on the door. Sidney looked at her for an answer. When she shrugged her shoulders, he handed her the robe and headed toward the door.
He opened it slowly when Adriana and a team from the hotel entered the room with several carts. Sidney and Evie stood in silent surprise as the carts of food were unloaded onto the table. All of the food from the wedding was laid out, including multiple pieces of cake. Adriana smiled,”I figured you didn't eat much at the party so I had them set food aside for you to eat.”
Evie suddenly burst into tears, “A- thank you. We just realized how hungry we are. This is the best surprise.” 
Adriana pulled her best friend into a tight hug, “Anything for you, Evita. Go wash your face and get ready to eat.”
She turned to face Sidney, “Walk me out?”
He nodded his affirmative answer and they walked out together. He whispered, “Everything set for tomorrow morning?” It was her turn to nod yes. “Great, what time do we need to be down there?” He asked.
“Aim for 10:00 but definitely by 10:30,” she responded. She paused at the door and smiled at him.
“Thank you Adriana,” he said quietly, “We couldn't have done it without you. Can you make sure everyone gets their gratituities tonight or morning? Crap, I guess it is morning. Just make sure they get them.”
He saw Evie reappear from the bathroom, wearing her robe. Adriana made her exit. Evie made a plate, stacked high with food as Sidney poured her a glass of sparkling moscato. She took it from him as he made his plate. Evie then took her plate and made a makeshift picnic on the large king bed. Sidney followed and they sat facing each other. It was quiet other than the soft moans of appreciation as they ate. The food was unpretentious, yet delicious.
Their eating slowed and the yawns began. Evie took the plates and placed them in the other room. When she returned, Sidney had curled into a ball. His eyes fluttered open and shut. Evie took off her robe, revealing the white satin baby doll nightgown. She crawled next to Sidney and backed herself into his embrace.
“I thought the night was going to end with a bang, Beso? she teased.
“Technically, it’s morning,” he quipped as he pulled her into his body. “Thanks for the surprise by the way.”
“Oh that was Adriana's surprise, not mine,” she yawned.
“I want my surprise, wifey,” Sidney nipped at her ear.
“You'll get your surprise in the morning when you bang me, hubby” she wiggled away from him.
“We're officially a boring  old married couple, Evie,” he yawned, “I am too drunk and tired to properly consummate our marriage.”
“Mr. Crosby, we consummated twice before the reception. I think we are good and consummated” she yawned in return. “Besides we have a lifetime now. You belong to me and I belong to you.”
“Absolutely,” he kissed her cheek, “I love you, Mrs. Crosby.”
“Love you most, Mr. Crosby,” she said as she drifted into dreamland.
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archiveoftara · 11 months
I would like a Lockwood and Co request, if you like to do it of course . One stormy night, the reader breaks into Lockwood’s house (I see the reader as being jewelry thief or something close to that but she also works as a waitress we’re all the wealthy people go and there she gets all the inside scoop and secrets of different people) and she never been seen or caught before and she thought nobody was home but Lockwood came home early and they fight and she escapes but she dropped something and Lockwood immediately knows who she is (you can say that they are acquaintances) and he confronts her a few days later (also I see the reader as being kind of like Robin Hood, the whole giving back to the poor). Thank you
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Hii. I'm sorry for being late and I know this is trash. This is total trash. But here we are.
"Have you seen my engagement ring?"
Spoke Charlotte, a petite woman with fair complexion raised her hand, pointing a big chunky diamond ring to her friends.
"David must love you alot." One of her friend said in envy. Looking carefully at her ring 
"Oh, he's the best." Charlotte said with dreamy eyes. "Shit, I'm late. I have to meet David's family, we're going to get my wedding dress. I'll see you guys later" she runs off in a haste.
"Do you know David cheated on her again?" One of her friend chuckled as she left.
"Yes! This time with his assistant. I mean he's only marrying her because she's pretty. Just a trophy wife"
"He's got good money, I heard, and lives in a big house in Central London." The friend whispered to the group.
"Their relationship is so toxic. He cheated on her so many times I can't even keep count." 
"Poor Charlotte. I feel so bad for her." Said another girl in mockery. 
"Another theft in Central London." George reads the paper. "No traces of the theif found."
"George, I don't need this kind of negativity early in the morning." Lockwood yawns. 
"I think we should be more careful. Put more locks in the house." George exclaimed. 
Lockwood ignores him and make himself a cuppa. He doesn't bother as George loves to take unnecessary precautions.
"When is your train George?" Lucy enters the room. 
"Late afternoon." 
"Good. I'll leave with you then." 
Lucy and George both left to visit their family for this weekend. George went to sidcup to meet his grandma and Lucy went to her town to meet Norrie, which leaves Anthony to fend for himself. 
Anthony spent his afternoon in the library. When the clock struck six he abruptly rose up from the couch. 
"Shit, shit, shit, shit. I'm fucking late." He runs to get dressed and leave for his appointment. 
After the Combe Carey Hall case, Lockwood and Co is getting it's well deserved recognition. They recently solved a big case and the agent was supposed to be meeting the client for it's due payment.
Lockwood enters the posh restaurant of Soho and catch his breath. His wrist watch screamed at him "congrats, you saved the day. You're ten minutes early" 
"Reservation for two." He said to the hostess. 
After a moment, he finds himself sitting in a corner of the restaurant, waiting for his client. 
"Thanks for waiting Mr. Lockwood." A gentleman in his 60s said. He was in a business suit and had a warm smile. 
"It's my pleasure sir. Please don't be sorry." Lockwood remarked.
"I can't thank you enough. You and your team did a splendid job. Now I can safely sell the house." He sighed. 
After some conversations and exchange of a handsome cheque, the businessman talks about the recent news. 
"Have you heard about the thefts in your neighborhood, Mr. Lockwood? You can't never be safe these days." With wide eyes he whispered.
"Yeah.." Lockwood lightly nods. 
"Your coffee sir."
"Thank you" Lockwood gave a radiant smile which causes the poor waitress to spill some coffee all over his lap.
"Oh my god. I'm so sorry sir." She immediately takes out her pink handkerchief. 
"It's okay. I'm fine." Lockwood went to the restroom to clean himself up.
The meeting went well but Lockwood found himself standing under the restaurant shade. It was raining heavily and the fellow agent forgot to bring an umbrella in hurry.
He sighed to himself and took a step when he felt a shadow beside him. He glanced up to find the same waitress "who spilled coffee", holding the umbrella for him.
"I'm sorry for what happened back there Lockwood." Her face went deep hue of red.
"As I said before, it's okay y/n." He gave his signature smile. "I hope you're okay?"
She nodded "I am. Take this. You can have it." She handed him the umbrella and fled inside the restaurant. 
It's a stormy sunday night which means the weekend is almost over. George and Lucy still haven't came back and Lockwood was out for a case. 
The person checked the neighborhood before unlocking the door. She drew her mask closer towards her face.
"Empty house, dark night, perfect time for some stealing." 
She made her way upstairs, looking for anything valuable. Something which will get pay her heavy price in the black market.
She notice how the house is quite old and the wooden floor creaked everytime she takes a step.
"Gotta work faster. Got no time to waste" she whispered to herself. 
She snooped around the house for awhile. She takes the stairs having no idea of someone standing at the foot of the staircase.
"Can I offer you a cup of tea while you ransack my house?" 
She froze at her spot. A flashlight pointed at her body. She squint her eyes to look at the owner. 
 "One lump or two?" Lockwood smirked.
She wished the earth would just split open and swallow her up but it was too late. 
She threw a vase at him and ran upstairs. There's no way to escape. She have to think quickly. 
She spin around and threw a punch at Lockwood. He dodged, throwing a kick on her leg. She grunts but doesn't back off so easily. She throws a book at him which hits his head.
 She pushed him before making an escape but Lockwood punched her in the face which caused her mask to falter. He gets a look at her eyes but before he could react she runs away from the building, breaking a window in the process. 
He pants for a good minute before his eyes fall on a familiar hanky.
Few days later, the agent made up his mind to meet someone at Soho. He entered the restaurant searching for those familiar eyes he saw a few nights ago.
"Welcome Mr. Lockwood, what can I get you?" The girl cheerfully asked him.
"I came to return you this." He pulls out a pink hanky. The girl was too stunned to speak (you see what I did there 😏) ,for a moment her eyes widened.
She quickly pulls him to the back alley. 
"What do you want?" She snapped.
"Why are you doing this?" Lockwood glared. 
"None of your concern." She spun on her heels when Lockwood said "I can turn you to the police." 
She squinted "what will you gain from this?" 
"It doesn't matter." Lockwood smirkes. 
She shook her head in disbelief. She suddenly got fire in her eyes. 
"I hate you. I hate people like you. You people think you can buy anything with money. You treat other people like trash and then pretend to be perfect. You guys take advantage of innocent people. You guys are horrible."
"Robbery doesn't make you look any better."  
"At least I don't pretend to be a saint. Hiding behind a shadow, make someone else do the dirty work." 
"You will pay for this."
"I dare you Lockwood. All the best getting me to the police"
The agent stood dumbfounded, looking at the girl retreating the alleyway. 
"Why is she not scared of the police?" 
Lockwood was waiting behind a tree. He was curious about the girl. He decided to follow her and get more evidence against her. After waiting for two hours with a grumbling stomach (as it was near dinner time) she finally got off work.
He saw her taking the dark alley which leads to Thames.
He followed her silently. After few minutes, he see her entering a slum. He was confused. 
"What is she doing here?"
He sees her knocking someone's door. He hides behind a wall.
"Oh my! Y/n How have you been dear?" The grandma pulls her into a hug.
"I'm doing okay. Granny, I got some medicine for Josh. Here" She hands her a brown package. 
"Y/n dear, How can I repay your kindness? I can't even afford to take care of my grandson." She cried.
"Please don't cry granny. Here are some money for his treatment and also for food. You don't worry yourself, I'll take care of him." She mumbled. "I'll see you next week. Bye"
Lockwood was shocked. He followed her everyday. See her knocking at different doors, getting them food, money, medicines, clothes, whatever they are in need. 
Every other day, there would be news of robbery but she never used a single penny on herself. She would spend those money on people in need. The whole scenario gave an idea to Lockwood. He couldn't help but to respect her. He felt extremely guilty for the way he treated her but he didn't know how to apologise to her.
After few weeks of dwelling, Lockwood finally gathered some courage and visits her.
"Now what do you want?" She glares.
"I came to apologise. I'm sorry for judging you before knowing the truth."
She furrow her brows in confusion.
"I know the truth, Y/n. I know how you steal from others just to give it back to the poor. I know your intentions are pure but there are other ways you can help them."
"Excuse me, Why do you care?" She hissed.
"Because I..I want to help you. Not in stealing but giving you a proper job. With better wages. You can't rob people like this, not every rich person is an asshole" 
"But they deserve it" she muttered. 
He sighed. "I know how you feel but two wrongs doesn't make one right. Here's my card. Give it a thought."
She stared at the agent leaving her in the alleyway.
*Two months later*
Ding dong
"This is the third time I'm telling you I'M BUSY FOR GOD'S SAKE."
Lockwood huffs and gets the door. He freeze for a second when his eyes meets those (your eye color) eyes.
The girl awkwardly shifts her weight under his gaze. She clears her throat.
 "Someone said I can ask here for help" she peeks at him. Lockwood grins.
"Welcome to Lockwood and Co"
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pardi-real · 3 months
Honeymoon Knight / Chapter 13 - The Best Memories
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~ The next morning ~
I was thinking of getting ready soon, when I heard someone knocking on the door.
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Knock, knock…
Flure: "My lord, are you awake?"
> "That voice, it's Flure"
Flure: "I've come to assist with your change of clothes."
> "Please come in"
Flure: "Excuse me. Good morning, my lord."
> "Morning, Flure"
Flure: "Today's outfit is prepared here."
Flure handed over the outfit, a beautiful white ensemble. All of the outfits Flure has prepared for me are wonderful, but… today's outfit… is really pretty and has a luxurious feel.
> “This outfit is really pretty”
> “I can feel your passion in this outfit”
Flure: "Fufu, today's outfit is requested by the villa butlers."
> “Requested?"
Flure: "Yes. Although they didn't tell me the details, Mr. Hanamaru asked for a ‘luxurious white outfit', so I chose this one from the prepared outfits!"
> "I see"
Flure: "Setting that aside, shall we get changed?"
~ A little while later ~
Flure: "Tidy up here... Alright... It's complete. Fufu. It suits you very well, my lord."
> “Thank you, Flure”
> "It's so luxurious; I feel a bit nervous"
Knock, knock…
Hanamaru: "My lord, is it okay to come in now?"
Flure: "That voice, Mr. Hanamaru?"
> “Please come in”
> "It's okay now"
Hanamaru: " ’scuse me. Oh, it looks great on you. Fantastic."
> "Thank you"
Flure: "Um, Mr. Hanamaru, what are you going to do with my lord?"
Hanamaru: "Hm~? That's a secret, of course~."
Flure: "It won't hurt to tell me."
Hanamaru: "No can do."
Flure: "Even though I went through the trouble of fulfilling the request..."
Hanamaru: "I do appreciate you preparing the outfit. Nothing less from the guy who's in charge of the outfits in the mansion. Thanks for the fantastic outfit.
How-ev-er. Isn't it about time for you to go back to work~? You hear me. Get out of the room now! Shoo, shoo!”
Flure: "Wait- Mr. Hanamaru! At least tell me what you're going to do!"
Hanamaru: “Sure, sure. I'll tell you all of it when it's done.”
Flure: “Please don't do anything that troubles the lord, alright?”
Hanamaru: "It's alright, it's alright. Trust me, okay?"
Flure: "I-is it really okay?"
Hanamaru: "Yeah, yeah. Bye~"
Hanamaru: "Phew... That should do it."
> "Hanamaru, what are you really up to?"
Hanamaru: "Hm~? That's still a secret. Anyway, sit on that chair. I'll style your hair."
> "Huh? My hair?"
Hanamaru: "Exactly. Come on, have a seat."
~ Some minutes later ~
Hanamaru styled my hair like he's done this a lot before. Not only that, he's pretty good at it.
Hanamaru: "Alright, it's done like this. Hehe. It turned out nicely. Looks great on you. Fantastic, my lord."
> “You're good at styling hair’’
> "You're really skilled at hair styling"
Hanamaru: "Well, it's one of my few special skills. You know, when you have kids going through puberty, they come with all sorts of requests like wanting their hair like this or that."
> "Talking about the kids from the church?"
Hanamaru: "Yeah, that's right. So, I learned it on my own. Now then... My story ends here... It's about time you come to the photo shoot location."
> "Photo shoot location?"
Hanamaru: "Yep. Please follow me, my lord. Watch your step."
[Maroota, Inn's backyard]
I followed Hanamaru and was guided to the inn's backyard. There, Teddy and Yuhan were waiting, and a familiar old-fashioned camera was placed there.
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> “A camera…?”
> "What's going on here?"
Teddy: "We've been expecting you, my lord. That's a very lovely outfit."
Yuhan: "Yes. It suits you very well. Indeed, when we talk about the central land-style wedding, a pure white outfit is a must."
> "Wedding?"
Hanamaru: "My lord. You might have a good guess by now, but… how about taking wedding photos with us?”
> “What!?”
> “C-come again…?”
Hanamaru: "Hey, didn't we talk about this yesterday? If there are memories that we, the villa butlers, don't have, but the others do, then... we just need to create those. 
So, since it's the June Bride season now... Just like how the lord took photos with the other butlers last year… How about taking wedding photos with the lord? 
We even borrowed a camera and made preparations for it~."
Yuhan: “Speaking of which... we borrowed this camera from the photographer brought by the heir candidate couple. A very kind person... after paying the fee, they willingly lent it to us."
Teddy: "Hmm... I was worried they'd say, 'I won't lend it to devil butlers.' We got really lucky!"
Hanamaru: "Come on, my lord. Why are you making such a bewildered face? Let's take wedding photos, shall we?"
> "Uh, are we really going to take them?"
Hanamaru: "Of course. Or do you not want to take them with us butlers from the villa?"
> "It's not that"
Hanamaru: "Then, let's do it. …Give us the best memories with you, too, okay?"
> "Hanamaru..."
Yuhan: "Taking wedding photos with the butlers may feel like crossing a line, but... If you say it's okay, I would like to try it."
> "Yuhan..."
Teddy: "We have no intention to force you. Sorry if it bothers you... But, well... since you took photos with the other butlers, I thought maybe you'd allow us..."
> "Teddy..."
Hanamaru: "What are you gonna do? We're all mentally prepared."
> “...Then, let's do it"
Teddy: "!!
Thank you, my lord! We got the OK, right, Mr. Yuhan?"
Yuhan: "Yes. Thank goodness."
Hanamaru: "Alright, let's take them quickly. Time is limited."
Teddy: "So, as decided in advance... first, it's my turn. Please, my lord."
> "Sure"
~ A while later ~
And so, I finished taking photos with the three of them.
Yuhan: "I look forward to developing them."
Teddy: "Thank you for the lovely photos, my lord!"
> “Likewise"
Hanamaru: "Oh, not yet. The photo session isn't over."
> "Huh?"
Yuhan: "We've taken some wedding photos, though..."
Hanamaru: "Heh-hehhh. Since we came all the way to Maroota... How about putting these on and taking one more?"
Teddy: "These are...?"
> “Could it be…”
> “Speaking of Maroota..."
With that said, Hanamaru took out four familiar accessories.
Yuhan: "Are these... cat ears?"
Hanamaru: "When it comes to Maroota, it seems wearing cat ears is the dress code. You wore them last November, didn't you, my lord?"
> "That's right"
Hanamaru: "So, here you go, my lord..."
Then, Hanamaru gently put cat ears on my head.
Hanamaru: "Hehehe. It suits you well. You're amazing, my lord. You look good in anything."
Teddy: "Then, shall we put them on, too?"
Yuhan: "Yes.”
Yuhan: “Like this?"
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Teddy: "It feels strangely nerve-wracking."
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Hanamaru: "Alright. Finally, let's take a picture with all four of us."
> "A group photo…!"
Hanamaru: "That's what I'd like to do, but... There's no one to release the shutter."
Teddy: "Yes. Someone has to take the picture..."
Yuhan: "If only there was someone around here who could help..."
Trudge… trudge… trudge…
???: "My lord~! Where are you~? My lord~!"
Yuhan: "Oh, dear? This voice is…"
Muu: "Ah! My lord! I finally found you... What's with that appearance? Why are you wearing cat ears?"
> "There's a reason for this..."
Hanamaru: "Muu. You came at just the right time. Can you help us with taking pictures?"
Muu: "Taking pictures? Um, sure."
Yuhan: "Thank you, Muu."
Teddy: "Thanks, Muu."
Muu: "Uh, um... The situation is still not very clear..."
Hanamaru: "I'll explain after we finish taking the photos. Anyway, come on, there's no time."
Muu: "U-understood."
Hanamaru: "Alright, then, my lord in the center."
Teddy: "With your usual wonderful smile, please!"
Hanamaru: "This will be your first photo with the Villa butlers... Let's make it the best one."
> "Yes…!"
Muu: "Okay, I'm taking it~! 3-2-1!"
And so, I… took my first photo with the Villa butlers. After finishing taking the photos… All three of them smiled happily.
Just by taking pictures, they seem so pleased… It made me feel happy, too.
I want to create many memories from now on, with them...
That was the moment I thought so.
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thebroccolination · 1 year
Back in January of 2021, I made a thread on Twitter praising SOTUS S, so I'm gonna post it here for safekeeping (with some inclusions and edits – there's no character limit here yay) because it's still one of my favorite threads.
SOTUS S - One of My Favorite Series in Terms of Writing and Why I Love It as Much as I Do
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One of my favorite aspects of SOTUS S is also something I see it widely critiqued for, so lemme heap some well-deserved praise on my beloved series.
I think Arthit's awkward, uncomfortable, and almost cold behavior is realistic, because That's the Point.
Allow me to explain.
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Okay, so here's the timeline as I understand it:
• SOTUS takes place during Kongphob's first year and Arthit's third • The special scenes at the end of SOTUS S episodes are during Kongphob's first/second year and Arthit's third/fourth year • The main storyline of SOTUS S is set during Kongphob's third year as head hazer and Arthit's post-graduation entry into the working world
The reason I start by outlining that is to highlight a brilliant thing SOTUS S does with two timelines compared to SOTUS, which only has one:
SOTUS S shows us two very different stages of their relationship.
When they were in university together and part of the same world:
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2. After they've been separated into different worlds:
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That difference fuels and contextualizes the central conflict of SOTUS S: Arthit closeting himself and his relationship from his coworkers.
So why does he do that?
Well, Arthit is two years older than Kongphob, and when they start dating, he already has an established level of status at their university. He has a close circle of friends who stand up for him and sacrifice for him, he has the respect of his juniors and seniors, and he also maintains a high academic standing. It tracks that Arthit at this stage of his life is at his most open and confident with his relationship with Kongphob. Everyone knows, and he's fine.
At the end of SOTUS, he happily tells everyone that they're dating. This is immediately after they've publicly exchanged a matching set of bracelets that Arthit bought to replace the SOTUS string.
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When Kongphob's car breaks down, Arthit shuttles Kongphob to his next class on the back of his bike. Kongphob asks if he can hold onto him, Arthit says no, and then he only smirks and shakes his head when Kongphob cheekily holds onto him anyway. (It's what they're into, don't kinkshame them.)
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While talking about an upcoming meteor shower, Arthit's immediate reaction to Kongphob telling him they won't be able to see it in Bangkok is to earnestly suggest they take a trip to see one together.
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And when Kongphob is absolutely delighted, this delights Arthit.
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When Kongphob keeps up his "but I wanna see the meteor shower" bit, Arthit offers to take him to the planetarium.
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At which point, Kongphob just goes in for the move he intended from the start:
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This is why Arthit's reluctant to ever give in: there's no game of chicken Kongphob would ever lose at.
Then Arthit actually gets his own extremely rare Uno Reverse moment:
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I fuckin' love this scene. Look at Kongphob's face. This is, like, the thousandth time he's envisioning their engagement, wedding, and honeymoon simultaneously.
(Did I have to go through that whole scene to prove any kind of point? NOPE. I just really like it. They're idiots. <3)
In another scene that I interpret as shortly following SOTUS and the start of their relationship, Kongphob hurts his foot and Arthit offers to carry him on his back. The way Kongphob looks up at him is like a knife in my heart; and then when Arthit actually follows through and carries him, he's so happy.
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He also surprises Kongphob with a gift on Valentine's Day in the middle of campus in broad daylight. He finished his work early purely to see Kongphob. I think he's genuinely one of the most devoted boyfriends we see in all of Thai BL.
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While they're at university together, Arthit's never closed off about their relationship. Everyone knows they're dating, and Arthit does not mind. (I mean, he was the first to approach Kongphob when Kongphob was visiting their university, after all. He also initiated their first kiss. Grabbed him by the tie, even.)
The thing is, Arthit is also shy. He's pretty well-established as an introvert who intellectually understands the SOTUS system, but he isn't naturally good with people, and it leads to all the issues with the system that we see in SOTUS. In his defense, though, we do find out that it was even worse when he was a first-year, and he is actively trying to do a better job. He's just, y'know, obsessed with 0062 and probably doesn't know anyone else's name. (I kid, but…do I though. Do you, Arthit. Speak up.)
In the main storyline of SOTUS S, though, Arthit is closed off. He does mind. He's afraid. So much more than he ever was before. And why?
Because he's left the world where he was known and respected and loved. That's the world Kongphob still lives in. When Arthit comes back to campus for the string-tying ceremony to support Kongphob, he's in Kongphob's safe space, not his. It isn't where Arthit belongs anymore, and it's clear from his body language that he knows it.
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His new world, his new community, is at work. In sales. As an introvert. It's a department where he doesn't feel comfortable, one he actively wants to transfer out of. In this series, he's not an introvert in a position of power like he was in SOTUS; instead, he's an introvert on the bottom rung of a company. He came from a world where cogs are treasures that represent the heart to a world where cogs are cheap and replaceable because they're a dime a dozen.
This is why SOTUS S is mostly from Arthit's perspective: in SOTUS, Kongphob was the one in a new world figuring out his place there. By taking away Arthit's comfort zone, he's the one who has to confront his flaws and improve.
One of my favorite scenes is in episode one. Arthit is out to dinner with his new coworkers, and he's only given ONE opportunity to talk about his boyfriend naturally. His coworker asks indirectly if he has a significant other, and he's nervous but ready to say yes—and then just as he starts to speak, he's cut off, and the courage visibly drains out of him.
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That's it. He's pressured himself back into the closet.
No one at that table said anything negative about queer people. No one gave him even a hint that they would be prejudiced against him, but he's in a new place and he's already so shy he's made faster friends with Bonus, the office fish. That's the flaw he has to overcome: he overthinks, and then he spirals. (He does it in Our Skyy too, which I love because fears often manifest in different ways, and it can take years to fully overcome them. Arthit does grow and change over time, but he's still inherently shy and anxious, and he's never framed by the narrative as in the wrong for that. He's only ever framed to be wrong for the harmful decisions he makes as a result of his fear.)
We saw him spiral in SOTUS when he admitted to Knot his fears about a potential future relationship with Kongphob. Kongphob absently mentioned his niece to Arthit one time and Arthit sent himself into a tailspin thinking he'd never be enough for Kongphob because they'd never be able to have biological kids so obviously Kongphob would resent him for it so why even start anything when their relationship would inevitably end in a fiery plane crash at the base of a smallish mountain in the Himalayas.
You can almost hear Arthit's mind working during that restaurant scene: he's new in a department he doesn't feel suited to, he's on the bottom rung, he doesn't understand certain office protocols that have already gotten him yelled at by a very senior supervisor, and his senior John is actively taking advantage of his kindness and politeness using the excuse of sharing the same alma mater (the memories of which Arthit loves and cherishes, and where he met the person he loves most). Now, because he didn't speak up when it was natural to, he feels he has to hide his relationship, too. And why not? What if they are bigoted? What if they do think less of him? What if he never gets a place in the production department? What if what if what if.
And that's on top of what Kongphob says to M at the start of the series: that they hardly see each other because of Arthit's job and Kongphob's hazing activities. We see in a shot that's framed through Kongphob's perspective that Arthit seems tired and disheartened even when he's with his friends after work. This is why I love the writing in SOTUS S: it's a Big Fish in a Small Pond Becomes Small Fish in a Big Ocean story. (His company is even called Ocean Electric, which is probably a coincidence but still amuses me. And again, he makes friends with a small fish in a bowl.)
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It's also at its core a story about how an openly queer character loses their confidence when they enter the working world. And boy do I have experience with that, so this series hits a very deep chord for me.
Okay, back to SOTUS S. To Kongphob, specifically.
We're shown that Kongphob doesn't realize how much things between them are changing. He still lives in the safety of their university where he's head hazer, where Arthit was his boyfriend and a senior he and everyone else admired. Through no fault of his own, Kongphob probably can't conceive of Arthit feeling afraid the way he is.
When he shows up at Arthit's office, this is probably no different in his mind to meeting Arthit somewhere on campus after class. And thanks to the post-episode scenes of their past, we see how close they were before Arthit graduated, how much time they spent together. For Arthit to panic and tell him with annoyance, "You should have told me before you came here," it's no wonder Kongphob is taken aback and obviously hurt.
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But because Arthit is still near the start of his character arc, Arthit won't tell him what he's feeling. I'd venture a guess that it's mostly pride. He's two years older than Kongphob, and while Arthit repeatedly makes the choice to use polite Thai pronouns with Kongphob that equalize them more and put them on more even ground with each other, he still feels responsible for him and their relationship. (It isn't made clear in the series, but the SOTUS S novel explains that the biggest part of why he's dismayed when he sees the portrait of Kongphob's family is that, again, he spirals and panics about their relationship potentially hurting Kongphob, who in Arthit's eyes now has much more to lose through bigotry than he does.)
Instead of confiding in Kongphob, Arthit asks for advance warning in the future. Not because he's afraid of being outed—his actual fear—but for practical reasons that don't sound unreasonable (he might be out or meeting with a client), so Kongphob accepts his explanation and doesn't question him.
The scene after this is crucial, because it shows that while Arthit's taken a hit in how he acts publicly, he's still devoted and affectionate privately. They have dinner together, Arthit gives Kongphob head hazer advice, accepts Kongphob's invitation to attend a hazer event and visibly just enjoys goofing off with him. Arthit adores Kongphob, and he shows him in his own way where he's comfortable.
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And of course, Kongphob isn't perfect, either. He has his own communication issues, he oversteps Arthit's boundaries just like he did in SOTUS, and he considers everything thoroughly before he ever brings it up to Arthit. He's gone from an upstart first-year who questioned everything Arthit did, to the one who's holding their relationship together by taking on every obstacle for both of them, which ends in his emotional collapse later. He even refuses to cry in front of Arthit (in ALL THREE iterations of SOTUS).
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That's what makes their relationship feel so authentic to me. They're both at fault by not talking about what's going wrong, and it's relatable and painful because we're shown that they're just trying to protect themselves and each other. In every iteration of SOTUS, Arthit's biggest fear is that their relationship will negatively affect Kongphob, and Kongphob's is…losing Arthit.
The problem has never been that Kongphob and Arthit don't love each other enough.
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The problem is that both of them keep trying to take the lead from each other until their biggest fears bring out their worst flaws: Kongphob pushes, and Arthit runs.
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It's why their resolution at the office party is so perfect, even if it had to give lethal doses of secondhand embarrassment to some members the audience. (Good job, Arthit, no one'll even remember the beach photo now.) This scene addresses both of their fears simultaneously, because they're intertwined: Arthit chooses to prioritize his relationship above all else, and by doing so, he proves to Kongphob that he won't lose him. He doesn't just apologize and say he'll do better: he takes a bat to the emergency glass and says, "There. Now we're public again."
And luckily Kongphob's, y'know. Very into that.
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Arthit reclaims that confidence he had back in university in a scene that parallels the rooftop party in SOTUS, but now it's not just in front of their peers: it's before the world.
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bitchiswild · 1 month
storytime on how you got married because i just remember being at work when all of a sudden the marriage bot appeared and i was like ? 'who' and then BOOM you and lila were now a married couple (also the day my heart broke???)
@kittyl1z ohh Sienna... will your heart break again when I tell this story?😭
I basically gave the gist of how Lila @lilacura and I got married in the first goon central story, but sienna wants the details,so the details she will get. 😌
So it all started when Lila and I were planning my trip to her country cause we both love planning things for fun. We yapped about things we would do, where i would stay, how long i should stay, when i should come over, how she would buy me a plane ticket (sugar mommy fr) etc. THENNNN WE GOT OFF TOPIC AND STARTED talking about our birthdays, THEN we talked about our horoscopes and how she's a fire sign and I'm an air sign, so I told her that we are compatible because fire needs air to live.😎 (HAHAHA)
The she was like "STOPPPP WE'RE SOULMATES🤭" and i was like "YESSSS ATP PROPOSE TO MEEEE🤪" I was kidding during that time... but then Lila was like 🤨"who said u weren't already my wife?" in my mind i was like oh?(EHEHEH) I looked at my finger and replied to her "wheres the ring??? i see none" 🤨🤔
Then lila left to go find me a ring, she was sending me photos, but your gurly was being VERYYY MUCH PICKY WITH HER RINGS🥰 BUTTTTT Lila worked hard trying to find me a ring but none piped my interest so i went to look for it myself and sent her a pic of it and she was like "OH YOU LIKE THIS ONE?" ( yes yes i did) the she told me to wait then a second later SHE SENT THE SAME PHOTO I SENT HER TO ME AND TOLD ME TO ACT LIKE SHE CHOSE IT. so i was like "OMGGGGG ITS SOOO NICEEE YESSSSSS" then i took the ring and brought it to an editing app and edited the ring on My finger and sent it back to lila AND IT FUCKING LOOK LEGIT LMAOOOOO.
THEN THE NEXT DAY, THAT WAS WHEN WE ADOPTED KEER @keervah AND JADE @jade-jini AND LILA TOLD ME WE HAVE 2 KIDS AND I TOLD HER THAT WE DIDNT EVEN GET MARRIED YET AND WE ALREADY HAVE KIDS😭😭 but then Lila was like "I proposed yesturday🙄" and i was like "but theres no wedding🙄" ( like we didnt even sign papers😯) of course that made lila be like "WOW OKAY OUR ENGAGEMENT MEANS NOTHING TO YOU" i was shook🧍‍♀️ ( LIKE DID I NAWT SAY YESS???? I AGREEED, OUR ENGAGEMENT MADE ME GIGGLE AND KICK MY FEET, BUT WE JS NEVER SIGNED PAPERS?!) THEN SHE WAS LIKE YOU DIDNT EVEN GET ME A RING ( but little did she know i had a ring ready for her 😎 in my camera roll) So i sent it to her and of course SHE LOVEDDD ITTTTTT WHAT CAN I SAYYYYYYYYYYYY
It was perfect it was so her too then YOU SIENNA GOT BROUGHT UP CAUSE WE WERE TALKING ABOUT THE FANFIC ABOUT ME, LILA, AND SIENNA (the love triangle ff) ( guys would you be down for a fanfic like that?) ( IM KIDDING PLSS) and how in the fanfic lila would be the one to win in the end and i was TEASING I SAID "WHAT IF I LIKE SIENNA TOO" then lila got sad 😔 ( my bad bb) and was like "but we are the ones getting married." (rememberrr i said yesss to her proposallll i wouldnt js do it with any oneeee :p) but i apologized :3
Then the next day we added a marriage bot to the server :3 Thats when lila and i made our marriage official surrounded by people we love and care about watching me click the yes button😭🎉
In the end I’m happy and I hope lila is happy too😰(CONFIRM NOW!!) we are silly, we cry together, be sleepy together, send each other TikTok’s and chat all the time we are two peas in a pod (soulmates even 💅🏼) and I wouldn’t change a thing :33
Our marriage anniversary is on March 1, 2024 💍🎉
but thats practically it for the story its a mess but thats just how i roll😎
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Hii! I was the one who messaged you about the general dating hcs for robin :)
Dating Robin Headcanons
Hi! Sorry about the askbox thing lol. Glad to see someone's interested in my blog this early on though! Here it is! :D
Not proofread (it's late and I'm tired).
Slight abduction TW (mention of his abduction), some swearing, Robin fighting (so violence TW?).
First of all, he's so sweet around you. Like not the kind of sweet that buys you bouquets of roses and stuff; the kind of sweet that just softens up around you compared to everyone else. He's a tough boy - a nice boy, but a tough boy - and he isn't one for being a softie around others. Again, he's not like Vance or anything (God no), but it's only really his family, Finney, and you that he's nice around.
Robin likes to just get lost in looking at you. Your eyes, your smile, your hair... Especially wrinkles. Laugh lines, the way your nose scrunches up when you giggle, the marks on your forehead when you pout at him and furrow your eyebrows comically low. He just loves all of your 'imperfections' so much.
Speaking of laughing, he loves to crack jokes. Whatever your sense of humor, he caters his jokes to it in an attempt to her your voice. He loves your laugh no matter what it sounds like. In fact, the less stereotypically attractive it is the better. When I tell you Robin loves things outside of the norm, I mean Robin loves things outside of the norm.
Anyways, back to more dating-central stuff. Let me just say he is smooth. He wraps an arm around your shoulder or waist depending on your height. He picks up on what pet names make you flustered and uses them all the time (to be honest he probably made a game out of that). It's like he's made it his life mission to let everyone know you're together.
You've basically scored yourself a guard dog, by the way. Moose is trying to cause shit between you and him? Robin's kicking his butt (and punching his face). The last thing this boy wants is to see you hurt. But he's only really good at fighting. Don't ask him to sort out a friendship drama between you and the local Regina George. Unless you want him to glare at her, but that will probably only make things worse.
Despite being so smooth, he actually prefers to keep things private. He mostly just does PDA so people will back off. Because in his eyes, who wouldn't want you? When you're alone is when he likes to cuddle and hug. Trust me, he is not a cuddle bug out in public. He's nice to you so he won't push you away, but it makes him feel so awkward. It's mostly because he's not the one initiating it.
If you're dating Robin then you're best friends with Finney, no doubt. Robin will practically force you two to be together. He jokes that it's because you have to get to know the best man to your wedding, but there's a hint of seriousness to that. Robin may only be a teenager, but he's got big dreams ahead of him.
He probably buys you a bandana like his. Please wear it. It doesn't have to be on your head like his; it can be around your neck or wrist. Just please show him you appreciate the gift. You don't even know how much thought he put into this one piece of cloth.
Robin probably dreams about you two sneaking out of your houses and going on random walks and adventures during the night. He probably dreams about having unrealistically fun and comical travels through town. And the dreams probably end with him dropping you off at home with a kiss.
Actually, this boy just really wants to kiss you. Not in a creepy way, but in a 'this is what couples do, right?' kind of way. He wants to do it because it's a big milestone in his life and he wants it to be with you, not with someone he won't even care about. He gets lost staring at your lips sometimes, just imagining what it would be like. It's pretty obvious what he's thinking, too.
Okay, Finney is absolutely teasing Robin over your relationship. He's tired of Gwen teasing him over his crush on Donna and is taking it out on his friend. He's constantly nudging Robin in the arm or going 'hmm okay...' whenever Robin tries to defend himself. It's hilarious.
He loves to buy you sweets and other junk foods whenever he can. If we want to throw some angst in there we could say it was you he was buying lollies/candy for when he was abducted. But seriously, he loves you spoil you in this stuff. Partly because he gets to share and it's cheap, but y'know.
You're always invited to dinners with his family. They usually have takeout, but when you're around they either cook up something good or get pizza (takeout but advanced). Robin's mother is so smitten with your relationship, and always tries to get you to eat more so she can watch you interact.
Though, you did have to earn your place in the family. Romancing Robin was probably the hardest part, but you've still got to prove yourself to his mother and uncle. His uncle is easier; he trusts Robin's decision and trusts you to not be a jerk. His mother is harder; after losing her husband she vowed to protect Robin with her life and is not about to let some potential heart-breaker near her son.
But all you've really gotta do it just be nice and respectful around them. Maybe compliment his mother's cooking or his uncle's new hat. Simple things like that really work.
All-in-all, this boy loves you so much, and he wants people to know it. He's smooth, but not as much of a romantic (though if you begged him to, he would take you on a cheesy date). He's got a good family that care about him and if you prove yourself will come to care about you too. Just be good to him, alright?
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karizard-ao3 · 2 months
My reactions to Evangelion, episode 15: Lies and Silence
Before I begin, I was thinking about it this morning and I'm wondering if NERV is indeed trying to bring on the apocalypse (and to create an Eden for fetus Adam to live in) and the Angels are in fact the good guys trying to stop them. There's a lot of talk about saving humanity but it kind of seems to me like the second impact was due to humans killing an Angel, who then exploded? It makes me wonder what kind of research they were doing on that Arctic base (Antarctic?) Idk, but to me it seems like humanity as a whole has not been in danger from the Angels: it's just NERV. But I'm also kind of hung up on the Instrumentality part of the Human Instrumentality project. Instrumental for what?
Anyway, I'll keep wondering on it, but I'm going to start the episode.
"Every project is interlinked"
is the first time we're hearing about the Marduk institute?
Oh, okay. So it sounds like the Human Instrumentality project is about trying to find kids to pilot the Evangelions. That makes sense. They are the instruments in piloting the Evas. So perhaps Adam has been genetically engineered to be the perfect pilot.
Asuka! Oh my gosh! Girl who cried wolf!
Shinji has been preoccupied with Rei since that thing happened in Unit 0, maybe?
Asking Rei for advice on how to talk to his own dad. Poor kid
He's comparing Rei to a mother. IS SHE A CLONE OF HIS MOTHER. Also, he's so awkward.
Or maybe she's a robot with his mother's personality inside. Oooooooh.
When Asuka asked to borrow Misato's lavender perfume my first thought was of Love Spell.
Oh, he's going to see his mother tomorrow! She's alive and also apparently negligent.
I'm chuckling because my first thought on seeing Kaji was, "You couldn't even shave for your friend's wedding?" and then Misato got on him for the same thing lol.
Nope, his mom is actually dead.
That's a very stark cemetery.
So he can't remember her face, there are no photographs that exist, the grave is just a facade... So mysterious.
"I see." What an ass.
I didn't know Shinji played an instrument! And so beautifully!
Shinji is so sweet and positive. I just love him so much.
Ritsuko's comment on transistasis and homeostasis has me thinking about the potential that NERV is trying to force human evolution. Perhaps they want to create a symbiotic relationship with the Evas? I don't know about that... Trying to evolve them to be compatible with technology? Space travel? Is the planet doomed?
Kaji is such a smooth talker.
Yeah, kiss her. That'll shut her up.
Asuka, Jesus Christ. Mocking Shinji about his dead mom to bully him into kissing you. Girl, please.
I'm wheezing! He turned fuschia!
Is it because he couldn't breathe? Omg
Asuka... Sweetheart... You're just repeating his warning back to him.
I wonder if Asuka realizing Misato and Kaji have a thing is going to interfere with her ability to complete her next mission.
There's the central dogma! Rei's in a tube hooked up to what looks like a metal brain.
Okay, so I'm thinking about how when Shinji was in Unit 0 he was like, "Oh, it's Rei. Wait, that's not-" and then creepy Rei looked up at him and jumped towards him and that is when Unit 0 flipped out and started trying to get to the real Rei. So I am thinking there are perhaps multiple people inside Rei (this is also influenced by the fact that when I was looking up to see if ep. 14 was a recap episode I saw it mentioned that Rei is schizophrenic. However, I'm not sure I believe she's actually schizophrenic. I kind of think she is actually harboring another person and that it's Shinji's mother.)
I had kind of wondered if there was an Angel inside the facility. I had initally assumed there would be one kept top secretly but they kept saying how they needed to catch one for research so I was like, "Oh, maybe not, but that's weird that they wouldn't have on after all this time." Especially with everything they seem to know about them. I figured it had to be they either created them or were studying them.
In Closing
I'm so excited! Mysteries are starting to come to light!
Okay, let me see if I can organize my current theories:
Rei might be an imprint Shinji's mother - possibly she's an android, possibly just a person with an especially impressionable brain. But I think that there's Rei the girl and then also the additional personality/ies if this is the case.
NERV is going to perhaps force human evolution using genetic engineering. Or, they might be planning an apocalypse. The Angels may be trying to stop this from happening. I really have no idea.
I just considered that given the ages of the children and the timeline of the second impact, is it possible that children who were in-utero/ conceived around or after that time have some kind of Angel influence within their DNA? Like some kind of radiation? Could this be why only kids can operate the Evas? Are Angels neccessary for the next phase of whatever NERV has planned?
I feel like there's more but I want to hurry up and get to the next episode, so bye.
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arrowverse-next-gen · 3 months
I'll Never Let You Go
It's the third time. The third time Wes and Jon tried to say 'i do', and things turned into a disaster again.
The first time was Lex Luthor dropping the bomb (figuratively) on Superman and Jon that he had cloned Clark, and was hiding the kid below a kryptonite bomb (literally), for fun. That of course put the wedding off. And to be honest, Wes was glad that time. Everything felt too showy. Star City's mayor and IT Goddess' foster son set to marry into Metropolis reporting dynasty.
The second time they almost got hitched, they got all the way to the alter before a time worm ate half of Central City... He's blaming that one on Barry Allen.
And now here they are. It was supposed to be a small gathering just friends and family. But of course nothing can go right for them.
He's sitting in the bunker as Q finishes up the sutures on his right shoulder. He's telling him how to apply the balm to take care of it, and Wes should listen, otherwise he'll be left with one hell of a scar. But he can't seem to focus on anything.
Not when the image of Adrian was burned into his mind, kryptonite arrow knocked in place aiming for Jon and Lanie. His family.
The man had destroyed the city, killed his mother, and tried time and again to hurt the only people who had been willing to take him in, and now he threatened the family Wes had built for himself.
Without thinking he stepped in the way, taking the arrow straight into his shoulder. Lanie screamed, Jon reached for him but was pulled back by the other supers. It took Clark, Mon-El, Kara, and Allie to hold him still. And Wes broke watching. The one thing that could keep them apart his father used against them. And it felt like darkness across his heart.
"That's all of it," Q said as he pressed the bandage in place. "But I still want you to come in to the clinic next week for a follow up."
"Thanks doc," he quipped, trying to press a smile to his face. It's how he dealt with things when Adrian came into it. But Q's gaze told him he wasn't quite done.
"As someone with a psychotic father figure," he started but Wes cut him off.
"Don't okay," he sighed. "We can trauma bond later, but right now I can't okay?"
"That's fair."
He needed to talk to Jon, apologize for all that happened. Wes needed him to know that if this was too much, if he needed time to process Adrian being back, they could postpone again. As much as that thought broke his heart.
As if he sensed Wes' thoughts, Jon came over to them, the nervousness radiating off him in waves
"All good?" He asked, and while the question was directed at Quincy, Wes could tell Jon was talking mostly to him.
"Clear of kryptonite," Q replied. "Ronnie and HD took it off site to analyze the composite and see if we can figure out how zombie Chase got a hold of it."
"Zombie Chase?" Wes raised a brow.
Q shrugged. "Seemed shorter than recently resurrected evil dad." He looked between the two of them. " I'm gonna go go see if anyone else needs patched up."
Wes wished he hadn't left so abruptly, wanting to find a way to ease into the conversation he desperately didn't want to have with Jon. It's like he could feel the ground beneath him start to crumble. He wanted to reach out, to hold on to the life he'd been trying to build, even for just a second longer.
"I'm sorry--" "I wanna talk..."
Their words mixed and tangled together and Wes felt like his heart would crack.
"Wait?" Jon looked at him perplexed. "Why are you apologizing?"
"Because my father shot at you with the only thing on this planet that could kill you."
Jon shook his head leaning in until their foreheads pressed together. Wes breathed in the scent of hay and the aftershave Jon had been wearing since they met all those years ago. Before Wes knew he'd fall so hard for the Smallville farm boy that he felt the earth would implode on itself if anyone tried to hurt him.
"You stepped in the way," it sounded accusatory.
"He was gonna kill you."
"And he *almost* killed you," Jon pleaded. His lips dusting a kiss on Wes' cheek .
"I had to protect you and Lanie," he replied. "You two are everything to me."
The longest of silences passed before Jon spoke. "Marry me."
Wes shifted to meet Jon's eyes. His love looked as if nothing could shake his resolve.
"Kinda been tryna do that for a few months now, if you hadn't noticed?"
He shook his dark locks. "Not a month from now when we rebook a venue. Not after we pick beef or chicken or new flowers. Now. Right here, right now. Everyone I need to be there is right here. So I don't want to wait. I wanna be with you forever Wes, so let's get married."
So in the end they weren't wearing pristine tuxes, and Lanie's hair wasn't in a braid crown atop her head. They didn't have speeches or rehearsed vows, but what they did have was even more special.
They had Oliver do the ceremony and shared a hostess cupcake that Lanie insisted on the biggest bite of. And they laughed when the cream filling covered the bridge of her nose.
It wasn't grand or spectacular. But in the end, it turns out, they didn't need all those things. Not when the end result was the three of them finally being the family they had always longed for.
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itsmaybitheway · 3 months
Anything you're willing to share about the All the Fics Lead Back to You or the Twitter Fail AU please!!
Okay okay!!! Honestly I don’t think I can shut up about “All The Fics Lead Back To You” it’s like my baby jsjsjsjs. I put so much work on it, like even I can’t believe it. There are book references, movie references, the fic snippets in it kind of follow the canon since this will create an entire new timeline…
But this weeks chapter (Chapter 7) will be the Royal Wedding, James’s reaction (or lack there of, can’t say anything 😌🤐) Alex’s turmoil and part of the big reveal!!!!
Chapter 8 is the longest chapter yet (Chapter 10 the only longer one I think) and it’s the aftermath of the reveal
Chapter 9 and 10 shall be a surprise for now but it’s all fluff and smut central (almost jsjsjdj)
And I am writing a surprise Chapter 11 (which will be published at the same time as Chapter 10)
Here’s a little snippet from this weeks Chapter!!!
By the fifth day, the only thing Alex knows is it hurts. It hurts him all over- his mind, his heart, his body. It’s almost as if he’s incomplete, an integral connection severed, an essential part of him severed. Not having James in his life feels as agonizing as missing a limb, the ghost feeling of emptiness. And the worst thing is, even in his pain, all the ever wants is to talk to James about everything, have him wrap his words around Alex like a blanket and be the balm to his scars, turn the misery into a dull ache just by listening.
The first six chapters of “All The Fics Lead Back To You” is here.
Oh and the Twitter AU is almost pure crack jssjjdjdjd I’ll take any chance to go full May Unhinged™️ and this was ample opportunity!!! I shared a snippet here but lemme share some more 🥰
“When I came home, I went straight to bed seeing as you were already sleeping in your room. While I was on Twitter a peculiar video, for some reason popped up on my ‘For You’ tab. It piqued my interest, in an indecent manner. And certain problems that needed to be dealt with arose as a direct result.” Impossibly, Henry’s cheeks turn even redder.
A laughter erupts from Alex’s chest, realization dawning on him. “Holly hell, H. That was the most ‘I-have-a-degree-in-Eng-Lit’ way of saying you got hard watching porn.”
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