#oc: spencer knight
oswaldpettyeyeart · 2 months
i'm opening sketch commissions to pay my rent and pay for my laptop. if you wanna help/make me draw something (optionally) cursed you now have a chance!
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dm me on discord @eron.psd OR on !this! account. my main is shadowbanned, so you can't message me there!
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devil-doll13 · 1 year
Sword and Sorcery
(Part 1)
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Tw: Violence, Mentions of Death, Harassment
(Abigail belongs to me, Clay belongs to @rottent33th <3)
Me and t33th were shipping these two from the medieval au that was going about a while ago! (Check out the moodboard here). I decided to write a bit for them since the idea was giving me massive brainrot lol
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Clay set down his mug with a sigh, looking around the village tavern. It was a quaint little place, and cozy. A fire from the hearth provided warmth and gentle light, comforting the patrons. They spoke and laughed quietly after a long day’s work, nursing their own drinks. In the corner a bard strummed at his lute, recounting the story of Erik the Red. It had gathered a small crowd of eager listeners who huddled by the fire. Clay himself would have normally been more keen to sit down and enjoy the tale, but there were more pressing matters on his mind right now.
There had been of late a dragon terrorising the kingdom, and the creature had taken the lives of many men sent before him. The king had appointed Clay the sole member of a dragon-slaying party in hopes that he would be able to fell the beast. It was almost certainly because of his reputation in battle; a total twenty-seven of the foul serpents had died by his hand. If only he could make it twenty-eight, but as luck would have it he had run out of clues on where the dragon’s lair would be. Now Clay worried it would emerge again and cause more tragic loss of life.
“Need a refill?” Came a gruff voice behind the counter. He looked up to see the bartender, a hefty and ruddy-faced man, drying out a tankard with a towel.
“Ah…” Clay then realised how tightly knit his brows were, his thoughts darkening his features. “Uh, no thanks. I can’t be staying long.” He took another swig of his mead.
“Got someplace to be?” The bartender asked, an amused twinkle in his eye. Clay thought for a moment. It might be a worthwhile idea to ask this man, for as much as he likely passed around village gossip.
“I’m… Looking for something.” Clay lowered his voice, leaning in. “Something… magical.”
That was not a lie. Dragons were powerful magic users. It was what made them so dangerous to humans. Although what he himself was more interested in was a magical object that could help him find this one, however taboo that might be. He honestly felt he was out of options.
The man’s face fell as he placed down the mug, eyes darting around the room.
“Magical?” He whispered. “You mean… The Witch?” Clay blinked, confused for a moment. He’d never heard of such a woman. But he nodded, wondering if this could be just as useful. “Yes, the Witch… Can you tell me where she lives?”
“I…” The bartender hesitated for a moment. Clay watched as he grew pale, clearly unsettled about something. He wondered for a moment if he’d pushed things too far. Reaching into his satchel, he produced a few gold coins and placed them onto the counter. A bribe. The king had given him plentiful funds for any sort of obstacle he should run into, so it was no question of money.
The man seemed to understand this, licking his lips as he pocketed the gold. “Aye, I believe I can…” he took a deep breath before continuing. “You’ve heard of Witches’ valley?” Clay nodded. It was quite close by, a desolate stretch of land darkened by constant thunderstorms. “South of there, lies Webwood… That be where she lives.”
He shook his head, “It has long been haunted by restless and vengeful spirits. There were many killed there in a battle long ago, you see. We dare not enter for the fear of them, and for fear of her.” Clay frowned as the man seemed to shiver in fear at the thought of this woman, and for a moment felt slightly guilty for asking. At the same time, he did wonder how much fear was warranted. Had there been a history of this Witch cursing the locals?
“Ser, that’s as much as I am willing to say, no amount of gold would be worth the risk of her curses.” Clay nodded in understanding. “That’s fine. Thankyou for your time.”
Finishing off the rest of his beer, he got up and brushed off his crimson dyed cloak. He wore it for a reason; his deeds had made him a famous man, but he had no desire to draw a crowd. Especially not today, I’m not in the mood, He thought.
He’d been halfway out the door when he heard a girl squeal behind him. He immediately turned his head back, and what he saw enraged him. Some drunkard who’d been sitting in a corner had grabbed a hold of a maid’s arm and was slurring out obscene things. The poor girl looked petrified.
Within a single stride Clay had him by the back of the neck, grabbing him by the scruff like a dog. When he saw Clay towering above him, he suddenly looked very sober. From under the hood he made out long locks of fiery hair and a freckled face, darkened with rage. He immediately recognised him.
Clay’s steel gauntlets cut sharply into the man’s wrist, almost hard enough to draw blood. “Let go of her arm, now, or I’ll break yours” He hissed into his ear, blood boiling. The man let out a pained noise and relented, dropping the maid’s wrist. She quickly shuffled away.
“Hey!” Bellowed the bartender from the other end of the tavern, having finally decided to act. “I’ll have none of that, Pete, get out!” Clay shoved him away, lip curling in disgust as he watched Pete cower. He muttered something under his breath and then stumbled drunkenly out of the tavern.
The girl looked up at him in fright, “I thank you, ser!” She squeaked out, and hastily bowed her head. He frowned as he watched her scurry away to the kitchen. He hasn’t meant to scare her too. But as he looked down at himself, he knew it couldn’t be helped. He did try not to show as much outward brutality to innocents, but even his stature was enough to frighten.
With a sigh he made his way out the door himself, looking around to see the drunkard had quickly made himself scarce. Then he saw the familiar white face of Chevy, his trusty mare. She was still tethered to the post outside the tavern where he’d left her.
Walking over to untie her, he felt some sense of relief being by her side again. “Hey, girl.” He cooed softly. Chevy snorted in response, nuzzling his hand. He produced an apple from his pack, and she munched on it happily. He did dote on her, the old girl. Although he had been offered many young stallions to replace her, he wanted no other.
As he watched her enjoying her snack he thought about what he had to do next. Southward lay Witches’ valley where he could see it from the hill. Dark thunder clouds rolled across that expanse of the sky, making it unmistakable. He decided to seek out the Witch, to see if the rumours were true. If she was to help him on his quest he would gladly leave her be. If she be wicked, he would slay her.
“It’s going to be a long journey ahead…” He pulled himself up onto the saddle, patting her neck fondly. A soft caw caught his attention, and Clay looked up to see a raven perched up in the naked branches of a tree. It stared down at him with black beady eyes, then took flight. He watched it ascend and soar over Witches’ valley, as if to be his guide.
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(Taglist: @slaasherslut)
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sweatervest-obsessed · 7 months
Spencer request: The team meets at a bar after they returning from a case and Spencer comes in looking dramatically different (like a nice new haircut and casual outfit and glasses) and the team / OC lose their minds
It wasn’t fair.
Like, sure. Life isn’t fair, and you can’t always be the winner, but this felt personal.
Spencer Reid had agreed to go out with you all one your last night of vacation, causing Penelope to get you all to to commit to coming by signing death threats.
You didn’t even have to answer her text, knowing that the second Spencer said yes to anything, you would be there.
So that’s how you managed to find yourself packed into a booth with Garcia, Hotch, Rossi, JJ, and Emily.
“I just don’t know why Morgan volunteered to drive Spencer. It sounds like a recipe for genocide.” JJ whispered in your ear, causing you to almost spit out the sip of your drink you had just taken.
Hotch eyed the two of you suspiciously before returning to his conversation with Garcia.
But that’s when you looked up, and the world stopped.
Spencer had gotten a hair cut.
And he looked fucking delicious. At least that’s what you said to yourself as your entire body froze on the spot.
He was dressed in a short sleeve button up, with the top button undone, and just these perfect pants that fit him like a glove: truly they were a gift for you at this point since all they did was make you ogle him more.
And of course, he was in his black converse, the pair you had bought him for his birthday last year. You knew because you had gotten the heel embroidered with chess pieces, A king on one heel, and a knight on the other.
But that wasn’t even the best part. The best part was that Doctor Spencer Reid was wearing his glasses.
Maybe you should’ve chickened out and not come because all you could do now was all but chug the rest of your drink, trying to not stare at him.
But you weren’t the only one.
“Damn Spence. Didn’t know you knew how to dress like that.” Jj gave him a little wolf whistle which caused his cheeks to burn red, and Morgan to clap his back and slide into the booth next to Hotch.
“T-Thanks, it was, uh. It was Morgan.” He couldn’t help but fidget with his glasses, not fully used to them. Or that was his excuse. Maybe it was because he was nervous around you. Or maybe it was because you were refusing to look at him.
“Can I…”
You looked over at him, biting the inside of your cheek. “No—I mean.” You rolled your eyes and elbowed JJ’s thigh under the table as she laughed at you. “You don’t have a drink yet, and I need a refill.”
Spencer nodded and licked his lips. “Ye-yeah a drink.”
You smiled at him quickly, trying to calm the butterflies in your stomach as the two of you walked towards the bar.
“Y-You, you look really good.” Spencer whispered to you, as you flagged down the bartender, causing you to smile as you ordered yourself and Spencer your respective drinks.
“I’m surprised y/n hasn’t burst into flames yet.” Rossi snickered, clinking his glass in a cheers with Emily.
“Give ‘em two minutes tops.” She held out her hand in faux competition.
“Oh you’re on.”
While they all placed their bets, they failed to notice the way you and Spencer moved closer and closer to one another at the bar, not making any inference of turning back to the table, even though you both had been sipping on your new drinks for a while, lost in each other’s company.
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transhitman · 2 years
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Very late on this but I did art for the Wirral segment of my fic lmfao. I'm actually really fucking pumped about how these turned out. I rendered them basically from scratch (color picked in some spots though) and it took WAY TOO LONG for what is ostensibly a joke scene. More about the characters under the cut because YES I did actually put thought into what they would play as.
Though I based the fourth portrait on Judit's, the character is actually her husband's. Judit is the GM and hosts the games at her place.
OCTAVIA KVASS -- Harry’s character of course is an OBVIOUS self-insert – a dweogr glamor bard. He actually didn’t know about the horny bard trope and just wanted to play as a musician. Then he found out you could seduce people and pogged harder than anyone has ever pogged. I also made her a woman so I could push my He/They Du Bois agenda in my fic. (I KNOW AND PERCEIVE THE TRUTH.) Harry playing as himself but a hot lady because he thinks it would be funny: "Hmmm I sure hope this doesn't awaken anything in me."
DRAUGUS INFERNITUM -- I called Kim a necromancer in my fic, but he's actually a grave cleric, or whatever the Wirral equivalent is. Draugus is a verrry subtle self-insert, as I think the ability to protect people and prevent death is sort of a wish-fulfillment thing for Kim lol. With no conceptualization skill, Kim doesn’t really like RP (he sucks at it), but he’s very good at resource management and combat (hence why he's a cleric), and probably enjoys writing lore and backstory stuff. (He and Judit bond over nerd shit lol.)
MAX MUSTERMANN -- Jean didn’t give a shit about his character, so everyone just pictures Max as normal Jean with a stupid hat. He’s a rogue, but a more str-based subclass I think, whatever that might be. (Scout? Swashbuckler?) I also think Jean eventually just loses interest in the game and stops playing, and Judit takes Max over as a DMPC. She cares more about him than Jean did and everyone ends up liking the bizzaro Jean she plays more than the real-life Jean lmfao.
JACQUES BUCHER -- I have Many Thoughts about Judit and her husband and what their relationship is like, but I'll summarize it quick. I interpreted her singular line about him as more of a lighthearted jab and less of a genuine complaint, and I think he's like a Spencer Shay type guy. Eccentric artist that can't hold down a job lol. Goofy and incompetent in a charming way, because he's at least trying. And he's also the only person among the players with the creative chops to actually make a real OC and not a self-insert. I made Mr. Minot's character a fairly normal fighter for the sake of party-balance. Although it would be very funny if he was a fucked up eldritch knight or psi warrior type class. Secretly the most insane person at the table. (And NO this is not a case of competent wife/dork ass loser husband. For you see, Judit is also a dork ass loser. (Wirral Fan) (Cop) (Willingly Spends Time With Harry Du Bois))
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fernandoswarcrimes · 1 year
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© 2023 all rights to original content reserved - fernandoswarcrimes Do not modify, plagiarize, or claim my work as your own.
𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓰𝓻𝓪𝓶
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Charles Leclerc bumps into a girl at the Monaco Grand Prix only to find out that it was in fact the princess of Monaco herself, Gracelinde Grimaldi both enchanted to meet eachother but will their love get burned out before it can even start?
Charles Leclerc x Princess of Monaco OC
Status: ongoing
Last updated: 5/4/2023
The Era’s Tour
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A collection of all of our favorite albums and songs wrapped into one.
Various Hockey, Foortball, & F1 drivers
Ghost of You
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What happens when Travis loses sight of things and loses the one person who meant most to him? Especially to the likes of Matthew Tkachuk
Travis Konency x Reader x Matthew Tkachuk
Status: finished
Ego Season
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Cole gets a billet sister who becomes the new star of the all boys team, Trevor doesn’t take kindly to being upshown and drama ensues.
Trevor Zegras x OC
Status: ongoing
End up here - Nolan Patrick
Good Girls - Matthew Tkachuk
Unsaid Emily - Carter Hart
Wherever You Are - Cole Caufield
Long Way Home - Spencer Knight
Lie to Me Ft Julia Michaels - Trevor Zegras
Not in the Same Way - Jack Hughes
Heartbreak Girl - Alex Turcotte
Close as Strangers - Carter Hart
Coming soon
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prpfs · 6 months
Happy Halloween everyone! (a little early or late depending on when this goes out.) My name is Alexx, and I'm looking for (mostly) canon M/M pairings in a variety of fandoms. As far as dead dove/problematic topics go, some things cover the gambit of Incest, Non/Dub con, Omegaverse, Mpreg, and age gap situations. There are probably others (I have a stalker idea that comes to mind) but those cover the broad range of it. I don't really double as a rule, though I have been known to do poly ships and threesome pairings. All RPing will be done over Discord though. Also, I play a variety of trans-masc and non-binary characters/verses, so trans-inclusion is important. Smut will play a large role in any RP we do, so please be aware of that. I like plot too, but there are some times where I just wanna have cute boys do filthy things to each other. ♥♡❦❥♥♡❦❥♥♡❦❥♥♡❦❥♥♡❦❥♥♡❦❥♥♡❦❥♥♡❦❥♥♡❦❥ Here is my full list of characters and fandoms I play in. However, below I'll list a few I'm currently craving. Characters I want to play will be bolded. If there aren't any bolds then I am open to playing any of the listed pairings.
Supernatural - Sam Winchester/Dean Winchester (gotta love Wincest) The Magicians - Eliot Waugh/Quentin Coldwater (I also have an OC i’d love to use in this verse) The Sandman - Dream/Hob (I’d prefer to play Dream but I can play either)
Teen Wolf - Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale, Peter Hale/Derek Hale, (lots more really) - Anything with Slutty Bottom Derek is good in my book. DC Comics / DCU - Bruce Wayne/Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Clark Kent, etc - Really looking for Batfamily plots here. Got a few ideas involving playing Clark Kent as well. (poly plots welcomed)
Stranger Things - Steve Harrington/Billy Hargrove, Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Steve/Billy/Eddie
BBC Merlin - Merlin/Arthur (I would also be open to some Merlin/Arthur/Gwaine or Merlin/Knights action)
Other Characters I am looking for in regard to crossovers/other plots - Lestat De Lioncourt, Spike (Buffy), Elijah Mikaelson, Damon Salvatore, Luke Crain (Haunting of Hill House), Eliot Spencer (Leverage), Oliver Queen (DC), Bucky Barnes (For Steve/Bucky), Eric Northman, Takeshi Kovacs, Neal Caffrey - Feel free to message me or like this post for plotting/connecting purposes.
DM @aiden-phenix-rper-at-law if interested!
Leave a like, and the asker will get back to you!
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aperrywilliams · 11 months
Green Card - Ch3: Newlyweds and Poorly Known (Spencer Reid x Fem!OC)
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Author Masterlist / Series Masterlist
Previous chapter < > Next chapter
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!OC (Ana María González)
Series summary: What reason leads two complete strangers to marry? For Spencer, the chance of his mom being admitted into a new medical trial. For Ana María González is to get the elusive green card.
Chapter summary: Ana and Spencer marry thinking things will be easy from there. They are wrong.
Word Count: 4.5k
CW: One mention of sex (not described). Mention of illegal activities (marriage for convenience).
A/N: Hey there! This is chapter 3. Things start to get messy from here. Sorry (not sorry). Tell me what you think.
The December cold morning found Spencer at the entrance of the courthouse. With a coffee in hand, he waited for Ana to arrive. From time to time, he checked his watch. It was still early, but he was visibly nervous.
Why? Was the fact he was going to marry a stranger? Or the fact it was an illegality? Both? Spencer didn't know, but he kept telling himself he had to do it.
After some minutes, Spencer spotted Ana walking toward him, Sarah by her side. Once they saw him, he waved to them awkwardly.
Sarah agreed to be their witness in their elopement. She wanted to help Ana, and since she insisted on considering Spencer’s offer, it was the least she could do.
The three exchanged sheepish hellos, only to end in uncomfortable silence. Spencer didn't know much to say as his eyes landed on the girl he would marry in the next hour.
It wasn’t how he imagined tying the knot. And boy, he thought about marrying several times in his life.
When he was a child, and his mom read him those classical novels with knights and damsels, Spencer pictured himself rescuing a girl and promising forever love.
Then, in school, he always hoped to find a girl who could understand him, and he would love and commit to life. With years, although Spencer understood reality wasn’t like books, his inner romantic self treasured the hope of finding his forever love. Even in his first year at the BAU, Spencer daydreamed about his chances of marrying JJ someday.
But now, in his late thirties, Spencer Reid has given up. He no longer looked for a person to devote his life to.
In these years, it was enough to get some affection and decent sex. And for him, Maeve has been filling those squares pretty well.
Spencer didn't think anymore he would get more than that in his life.
That's the reason he had contradictory feelings right now. Could he at least indulge in the fantasy for a moment? For the sake of times full of illusions and longing? It wasn’t difficult, to be honest. Ana is an attractive woman, and he noticed it as soon as he started to frequent the coffee shop. On any other day, he would have said it was impossible for a girl like her could lay eyes on him.
‘Who do you want to fool, Spencer Reid? She didn't lay eyes on you; she is doing this for a green card,’ the same Spencer chastised himself.
Ana’s thoughts were in a similar place as Spencer’s.
It's fake. It's fake. It's fake. Ana repeated over and over in her head. But the urge to throw up didn't fade. Why was she so edgy? Maybe because Sarah has been teasing her nonstop since she told her about the elopement. It's nonsense, though. The attractive Pumpkin-pie guy wasn’t marrying her. Well, he was, but not to ‘her,’ instead the chance of getting a spot for his mom in a clinical trial.
‘Él quiere ayudar a su mamá, y yo quiero mi residencia. Es una locura, pero no tengo otra alternativa.’ (he wants to help his mom, and I want my green card. It's insane, but I don't have a choice).
Maybe knowing his motives made the whole thing less wrong. Not right, but less wrong.
Ana told Spencer she would have done anything for her mom. And it was utterly true.
Watching Ana and Spencer, it wasn't difficult for Sarah to perceive their anxiety. Poor little kids, she thought.
“We should go in, right?” Sarah suggested, and her words worked to catch Spencer's attention.
“Oh, yes. Yes. We should. It's time,” he confirmed after rechecking his watch.
The three moved into the building and walked down a long, cold hallway to the registry office. After taking a number, the three sat and waited to be called.
"Spencer Reid and Ana Gonzalez," a woman shouted from a doorway. They quickly got up and followed the woman into the office.
An officiant animatedly greeted the couple and their witness. Spencer wondered how a person who always has to perform ceremonies for a thousand people who married for a thousand different reasons could pretend to be happy for all of them. Does she know how many marriages of convenience she officiates every day? Spencer could even estimate the number, and he was sure the officiant knew that too. His thoughts ended when the woman started to recite the law behind the marriage act.
It was happening.
After the whole legal speech, the officiant started with the questions which would seal the deal. His hands started shaking. And without any prompt, Ana held one of his hands, squeezing it gently. Spencer subtly glanced at their laced hands, and a sense of calm washed over him. He didn't know how, but the gesture did the trick.
“Do you, Ana, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?”
“I do,” the girl pronounced, loud and clear, sliding the wedding band on Spencer’s ring finger.
“And do you, Spencer, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?”
Spencer looked at the girl by his side and got lost in the fantasy.
“I do,” he said, smiling at Ana, who returned a smile as he put the band on her ring finger too.
“By the authority vested in me by the State of Columbia, I now pronounce you husband and wife,” the woman concluded. “You may kiss the bride.”
Shit. Neither Ana nor Spencer was expecting that part. Awkwardly they looked at each other, and before things turned odd for the officiant, Ana threw her arms around Spencer’s neck, hiding her head in his chest.
“I love you!” the girl cheered. Then Spencer understood what she was doing, wrapping his arms around her midsection and twirling her around.
“I love you too, honey,” before kissing her cheek, just close enough to her mouth for the others to think they kissed on the lips.
It worked. The officiant congratulated them and announced she would get their licenses after Sarah signed the papers as a witness.
The couple exchanged no more words as they walked out of the building. They had to wait for Sarah and their papers.
After an excruciating silence, Spencer was the first one to speak.
“By the way, you were good in there,” he pointed. Ana blushed a bit.
“Thanks. Uh - I thought holding hands could give more credibility.”
“Agree. And that is very thoughtful of you. With the hug too.”
“I didn't want to overstep?”
They both giggled this time.
“Yeah. I get the irony.”
Ana was about to say something else when Sarah brought their licenses in hand.
“This is your copy, Dr. Reid,” Sarah handed Spencer his license. “And yours, Ms. Reid,” she teased with Ana’s copy. Ana looked at her, not very amused.
“So that’s it?” Ana asked. Spencer nodded.
“That's it. I mean, when you get your green card, and I get the spot for my mom, we can start the divorce papers,” Spencer explained, taking his ring off and tucking it with his license copy in his coat pocket.
Ana nodded in understanding, although she felt a little odd from the raw way he said it. Not that she would entertain the idea this was actually her wedding - although it was - but the truth was this was a ‘business’ agreement for personal purposes for her and Spencer.
“Thank you,” Ana said, a grateful look on her face as she took her ring off and put it in her purse. Spencer nodded.
“And thank you,” he said back. Both kept in the same spot, looking at each other with no other words.
What were they thinking? Everything and nothing in particular. They both knew the situation was odd, but for a reason they didn’t know, it felt okay, and the anxiety from before was no longer there.
“We should be going, Ana. Logan should be asking where we are by now,” Sarah interrupted.
“Yeah. You’re right,” Ana acknowledged, apologetically looking at Spencer.
“Please. I don’t want to hold you both for more time,” Spencer said.
Ana gave a tight lip smile before turning to go with Sarah. Spencer did the same after start walking to the opposite way.
The day after her elopement, Ana went to the Immigration office to submit her marriage license for her residence application. Although it was her day off, she promised Logan to return the hours she didn’t work the day before, so she arrived at the coffee shop at noon.
Things were going on smoothly on her shift until a group of people arrived, and a familiar voice picked Ana’s attention.
“Guys, I can make coffee at home. It’s not necessary-”
“Come on, boy genius; you’re the one who always says the coffee here is the best of DC. We have the right to know,” Garcia chirped as she picked up an empty table at the window.
“Pen is right, Spence. You talk a lot about this place,” JJ seconded. Defeated, Spencer followed his friends and sat beside JJ, in front of Luke and Garcia.
It was his mistake, Spencer knew. The team had paperwork that day, and Spencer offered a movie night. Habitually the team didn’t engage with Reid’s choice of movies, but this time Garcia, JJ, and Luke agreed. The bad thing was they were walking in the neighborhood to Spencer’s, and Penelope remembered how highly he had spoken about his favorite coffee shop.
Spencer could only hope Ana wasn't working that day. Bad luck for him when Ana herself came over to take their order.
“Good afternoon. What can I do for you?” the girl asked the group, trying to sound as normal as possible, ignoring the fact her brand-new husband was sitting at that very table.
Everyone ordered what they wanted to drink and eat except Spencer, who didn't even dare to look up from the menu.
"And what can I bring for you, sir?" Ana asked, looking at Spencer. Seeing how red he was, Luke decided to tease him a bit more.
"It’s doctor. This shy young man here is a doctor, you know?”
"Luke," Spencer muttered, now looking shyly at Ana.
"Oh, I see. I’m sorry. So, what the doctor wants to eat and drink?” Ana corrected, giving a warm smile to the man who only wanted to dig a hole and lie there.
“Just a black coffee, thank you,” was his reply. Ana nodded, excusing herself to go back to the kitchen.
It wasn’t Ana's intention to make Spencer nervous, but it was her job and his fault to bring his friends with him.
Ana asked Collin to bring the order to Spencer’s table. Seeing Collin instead of Ana made Spencer a bit less nervous and put a little more attention to the conversation between Luke, Garcia, and JJ.
“But Will insists on coming when I told him it was just the team,” JJ said while sipping her coffee.
“I’m not that sure. Dave said we could also bring a plus one,” Luke commented.
“Yeah? I didn’t know,” JJ replied.
“Will you bring Lisa?” Garcia asked Luke.
“I’ll ask her, but she’s an unpredictable schedule,” Luke shrugged.
“What about you, Spence? Will you ask Maeve to come?” JJ turned to see Spencer, who frowned at the question.
“Maeve? Why?” he questioned, visibly confused. JJ scoffed.
“Because she is your girlfriend? That’s why,” Garcia pointed out as the obvious thing to say.
“She is not my girlfriend,” Spencer denied, shooking his head.
“You are dating, right?” Luke intervened.
“No. I mean. We hang out, yes.”
“Come on, Spence. It's more than hanging out. You go on dates, text, talk by phone, and fuck like is no tomorrow,” JJ listed. Spencer almost chokes on his coffee.
“JJ!” he chimed.
“And this has been happening since what? A year?” Luke added.
“One year, two months, and three weeks,” Spencer replied, giving his friends the answer they had waited for.
“Sorry, boy-wonder, but Maeve is your girlfriend,” Garcia sentenced.
Not that Spencer hasn't thought about it before. But saying Maeve was his girlfriend seemed excessive. It wasn’t he didn't want to. He'd even brought it up to Maeve a couple of times. But after months in the same routine, it didn't seem to her like things should change. That's why Spencer hasn't insisted on it.
And it wasn't something he wanted to discuss with his friends either. In the same way, it wasn't something he wanted Ana to know about his life. Unfortunately, the girl was cleaning a table just behind theirs while the conversation took place, listening to everything without Spencer noticing.
To say Ana was mad it’s an understatement. Spencer has a girlfriend who could have married him to help him. But instead, he chose her. Ana didn’t want to think Spencer was taking advantage of her, but he preferred to put the charade with her, the poor desperate immigrant, who nobody from his life knew and will not.
Still exasperated, when Ana saw JJ and Garcia go to the bathroom and Luke went to pay the bill directly to the register, she walked straight to the table with the excuse of cleaning it up. As soon Spencer saw her, Ana called out to him, clearly angry.
“You have a girlfriend! I’m married to a guy with a girlfriend!” she whisper-shouted. Spencer’s eyes widened, realizing she had heard them before.
“No. It’s not like that,” he hurried to say.
“Come on. I heard the blondes talking about your girlfriend! You could have asked her to marry you!”
To avoid suspicions from the patrons, Ana collected the cups and plates in a tray.
“She wouldn’t- I mean-” Spencer stuttered, trying to explain himself.
“She wouldn’t have agreed with this madness like I did? Sure, she’s not the desperate one,” Ana mocked, making Spencer huff in distress.
“No! I didn’t ask her because she is not my girlfriend. We - we just are together. Sometimes. I couldn't have trusted her on-”
“Spencer? Are you okay?” JJ asked, suddenly behind them. That made Spencer and Ana jump. Reid turned to see his friend as Ana quickly disappeared into the kitchen with the tray in her hands.
“I - yeah. I was just asking-” he tried to think something fast. “Asking the waitress something,” he finished. JJ and Garcia narrowed their eyes.
“We can go,” Luke said, joining the group and saving Spencer from giving further explanations.
“Great. Let’s go then,” Spencer hastened to say, standing from his spot and grabbing his satchel.
If JJ and Garcia still were confused about what they saw or thought they saw, they didn't keep pushing and decided to follow Spencer and Luke out of the coffee shop.
They didn't talk again. Spencer has been whisked away for a case in Los Angeles for six days now. Although he texted Ana, asking her not to be mad at him, she only replied politely by saying it was better not to talk unless they were to start the divorce papers. Spencer understood and respected her request.
Ana was still waiting for a reply to her application, and Spencer wrote Fogarty telling him the news and attaching a copy of his marriage license. It was a matter of time for this to be over.
At least Ana and Spencer thought that.
The day after Spencer returned from Los Angeles, he was doing paperwork at the bullpen when his phone went off.
“Hello?” Spencer answered. On the other side, a feminine voice spoke.
“Hello. Good morning. May I speak with Doctor Spencer Reid, please?”
“Doctor Reid's speaking,” he said, thinking it could be from Fogarty’s office, although he never heard that voice before.
“Doctor Reid. My name is Catherine Jones. I’m with the Immigration Office. I’m calling because we want to visit you and Mrs. Reid at home. My records say you both got married recently.”
Spencer almost fell from his chair. Shit. What were the odds? Did she say records? Were they tracking them?
A million thoughts raced in Spencer’s mind in a matter of seconds. And even if Spencer knew this could happen, it didn't prevent the knot in his stomach.
“Oh, yeah?” he muttered, clearing his throat.
Ms. Jones scheduled the visit for the same day in the afternoon. Spencer didn't dare to argue against it. After hanging up, Spencer quickly dialed Ana’s number.
“Hello?” As soon as she answered, Spencer was quick to speak.
“Ana. We need to talk.”
Ana arrived at Spencer’s apartment just minutes before the scheduled time with the Immigration agents. As Ana knocked, Spencer rushed to open the door.
“I thought you were to come earlier?” He pointed, clearly nervous.
“I’m sorry, I couldn't leave my shift until minutes ago,” she apologized, stepping into the apartment. Spencer closed the door and started pacing.
“We have a lot to talk about. We-we need to agree on what to say. I mean, what are we going to say? What will they ask us?” Spencer was about to fall into a spiral. Ana put a hand over his arm to stop him.
“Spencer, calm down. They only want to see us together. I asked, and the same thing happened to a guy from the coffee shop. He told me they showed up, asked for their papers, and left. That's all,” Ana explained, trying to ease some of Spencer’s tension. Even if she was equally nervous, at least she didn’t show it. Spencer stopped pacing and ran a hand over his hair.
“You sure?”
“Yeah. What else could be?”
“Right. Uh- I guess we need to put our rings on? And it is supposed we live together. There is nothing yours here!” Spencer was about to hyperventilate again when the doorbell rang.
“Hey. Hey! Look at me,” Ana told Spencer, a comforting hand on his cheek. “It will be okay. Put your ring on. I’ll be in the kitchen making coffee, okay?”
Spencer took a deep breath and nodded, sliding the wedding band on his finger; he straightened his shirt and went to open the door.
Ana did not know where such confidence came from. She was a nervous wreck, but someone had to stay calm. Despite never having set foot in Spencer's apartment before, a quick glance gave her an idea. Dark green walls, long curtains, traditional furniture, walls full of certificates and books, many, many books.
It was hard to imagine Spencer was an FBI agent and not a college professor. The only thing that could contribute to the former was the manila folders scattered on the coffee table with the DOJ logo.
Looking behind her, Ana saw the kitchen entrance. There was a little counter with coffee mugs, a kettle, and a coffee machine. Of course, Spencer would have one. The cabinets weren't many, so Ana quickly found what she needed to make coffee.
Spencer opened the door to see a man and a woman, both very correctly dressed, each with a black briefcase in hand.
“Good afternoon, Dr. Reid, I presume. I’m Agent Jones, and this is my partner, Agent Gorski.” Spencer recognized the woman's voice who spoke to him in the morning. Trying not to look too nervous, Spencer cleared his throat before speaking.
“Oh, right. Please, come in.”
Both agents nodded and stepped inside the apartment. Spencer was quickly apologizing.
“I’m sorry, this place is a mess. I - uh - we haven’t had much time to tidy, honestly.”
“It’s not a problem,” Gorski replied in a friendly manner. Jones, instead, didn’t say anything, examining the whole room.
Spencer tried not to look too much into it, but his profiling skills told him enough about Jones and Gorski. His initial conclusion was to try not to mess with Jones.
Spencer invited the pair to sit on the couch, but they chose the chairs in front.
“Ana! We have guests!” Spencer called.
“Coming!” She replied from the kitchen.
“She’s making coffee,” Spencer explained.
“Oh, it wasn’t necessary,” Gorski said.
“No. It wasn’t,” Jones seconded curtly.
When Spencer was about to say something, Ana appeared with a tray containing a French Press, four cups, spoons, sugar, and cream. Leaving everything on the coffee table, she extended her hand to greet both agents.
“Hi. I’m Ana. Ana Reid,” she introduced herself.
Gorski and Jones greeted back, giving their names again. After the courtesies, Spencer and Ana sat on the couch. Both agents opened their briefcases simultaneously, taking a folder and a pen from it.
Gorski explained to the couple about the interview and told them it was protocol to make a follow-up.
Spencer listened and nodded. At the same time, Ana nodded and poured the coffee into the cups, offering it to the guests. Although their previous statement of not being necessary, they accepted the treatment.
Jones was the first one to shoot after sipping her coffee.
“Since when are you in the US?” Ana nodded and quickly replied.
“A year. Once I put a foot in this country, I loved it,” she admitted enthusiastically.
“Any family in the US?” Gorski asked this time.
“None. I mean, now it is me and Spencer,” Ana said, smiling at her husband, who took her hand and kissed it.
“Yeah. We are a family now,” Spencer added, not leaving the grasp of Ana’s hand.
“Are you working in a dining?” Jones kept on.
“I do.”
The interview dynamic continued like that. The questions were mainly directed at Ana and her current life in the US. A few questions were to Spencer and his work life.
“So, you met in the coffee shop just four months ago? That was fast,” Jones commented.
It could be an expected remark, but coming from an Inmigration Agent, it didn't go unnoticed by Ana and Spencer.
“Love doesn't care about time, you know?” Ana responded with a smile plastered on her face as she made eye contact with Spencer.
If Spencer didn't know better, he would have believed Ana's statement with no hesitation. She sounded and looked so convincing there was no way Jones and Gorski could doubt her. Just for good measure, he added to his wife's point.
“Or language barriers,” he said, making Ana chuckle.
“I bet it doesn't. Have been difficult the communication?” Gorski questioned out of curiosity.
“Oh, not at all! Ana is very fluent in English, not like me in Spanish,” Spencer commented as Ana shook her head.
“You’re doing it great with Spanish too, honey,” Ana debated, slapping Spencer's forearm playfully.
“I’m not!”
“Sí, mi amor. No te hagas el modesto. Puedes mostrarle a nuestros invitados que has mejorado mucho en estos meses. Además debo confesar que tu acento es tan sexy.” (You do, my love. Don’t be so humble about it. You can show it to our guests you had improved a lot these past months. Also, I must say your accent sounds so sexy).
The truth is Spencer does understand pretty good Spanish, although he can’t speak much. So it wasn’t fake the blush creeping on his face at Ana’s words. Spencer’s reaction made Gorski laugh. Jones only hummed. Spencer thought it was a good move to finish off with a love statement.
“You know, I used to be skeptical about love at first sight. I have been a scientist since my early youth, but Ana rocked my world when I saw her for the first time. My only thought then was I needed to make her my wife.”
“Oh, baby,” Ana cooed, stroking Spencer’s hand.
“Okay. I think that’s all,” Jones suddenly said while putting her folder and pen in her briefcase. Gorski joined her, both standing from their seats.
Ana and Spencer stood simultaneously, with no clue about what the agents were thinking. They kept reassuringly holding hands.
“Thank you. We’ll be in touch if it is needed,” was the only thing Jones said before turning to walk to the entrance.
“Of course. I'll walk you to the door,” Spencer responded, leaving the grasp of Ana’s hand to lead their guests to the door.
Once Spencer closed the door, he turned to look at Ana. They both shared an expression between confusion and insecurity about what had just happened.
“Well, that was an interesting experience, wasn’t it?” Spencer mentioned as Ana plopped on the couch; she felt like she just run a marathon.
“Yeah, that's one way to put it,” she breathed. “Do you think they believed it?”
“I hope so. You were very convincing,” Spencer pointed, sitting on the couch too, stretching his legs. A similar exhaustion took over him.
“Thanks. You were good too. The thing about love at first sight? Well played,” Ana complimented, wondering if Spencer could genuinely believe something like that. She didn't give it much thought, though; it wasn’t the point right now.
They kept silent, looking at the ceiling for a while, trying to convince themself things went well enough not to hear again from Jones and Gorski.
“Spencer?” Ana turned to look at him.
“Thank you. This wasn’t something I thought would happen, and you didn't have any obligation to do it. Not to mention how mad I was with you about something that isn’t my business. I’m sorry for that. You have your own reasons for not asking your girlfriend to do this,” Ana apologized. Spencer shook his head.
“Don’t be sorry. I understand. I didn't mention Maeve before, but because I really think she is not my girlfriend, although I must admit ours is complicated. But I don’t want to bore you with my problems,” Spencer stopped himself before saying too much.
“I get it. I don't like to talk that much about my problems too. But given our current circumstances, maybe you could use someone to vent. I’m a good listener, you know?”
Spencer chuckled, considering Ana’s words. It was weird, but even not knowing her at all, he felt like he could trust her.
“Yeah? Okay, but only if I can get another coffee made by you,” Spencer conceded. Ana laughed before answering.
Previous chapter < > Next chapter
Spencer Reid's Taglist: @dreatine​ @nomajdetective @jayyeahthatsme @rosalinasam2 @averyhotchner @tvandfanfic​ @lovelyxtom @princessmiaelicia @pastelbabygirl19 @reidsbookclub @alexxavicry @gspenc @spencerreidisbae123 @calmspencer @pauline5525mgg @disaster-in-waiting @anamiad00msday @milivanili99 @laylasbunbunny @leahblackk @miaxx03 @missabsey
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matthewkniesys · 1 year
Tumblr media
a/n:so this is a little blurb for the matt boldy x audrey newhook au and it’s based off this: Accidentally stealing Matt's BC hockey sweatshirt and wearing it around campus (since this is a new au this is gonna be before they're dating) hope you like it!! and the fic of how everything starts between them will be out soon 🫶
pairing: matt boldy x oc!audrey newhook
warnings: swearing
the au navigation
It takes Audrey a second to realise the mistake she's made. Almost the minute she walks out of her dorm room the whispers start. She looks over at her best friend, Maya, confused.
"Hey May, do people usually whisper this much when we walk by.?Like I know we're cool and all that but I didn't know we were this popular."
Maya laughs,"I think it might be your hoodie."
Audrey was instantly confused she looked down and saw nothing out of the ordinary. It was her brother, Alex's, Boston College hockey hoodie.
"What are you talking about. I wear this sweater at least twice a week. People can't think I'm dating my brother, that's fucked up."
"Babe, that isn't Newy's hoodie. It's Matt's."
Audrey slowly looks over her shoulder at her sleeve, crossing her fingers that Maya isn't right. But of course she is. There on the sleeve of her red hoodie in white lettering is the name Boldy. Fuck. Audrey heaves a sigh. It's too late now to go back and change and she isn't wearing a shirt underneath so she's just gonna have to deal with it.
She knows exactly how she got into this position. Last night she had been at Matt's place, tutoring him. She was wearing her brother's hoodie when she got there but had taken it off cause she got hot. After tutoring, Matt suggested they should watch a movie. And who was Audrey to say no when the butterflies in her stomach were obviously begging her to say yes. When it was time to leave Audrey ran back to Matt's room to grab the hoodie but it was a little dark so she must have grabbed his hoodie since it looks exactly like Alex's.
"So are you dating Audrey?" Is the first thing Audrey hears when she walks into one of her classes later that day. It was for sure Spence's voice that she heard. She looks around the room and spots Spencer Knight, Matt and her brother huddled around one desk.
She takes a seat but continues to listen to what the boys are saying.
Her brother speaks next. "Dude, if you are dating my sister I'll be pissed. Not because you're together, I'm not gonna be that guy, but because you didn't tell me. If you two were dating I'd be lucky to know my sister is dating such a great guy. Plus then we'd be for real brothers so it's a win win for me."
"I guess I got some bad news for you Newy. I'm not dating your sister. She was at our apartment last night cause she was tutoring me and she must have grabbed my hoodie thinking it was yours. That's it."
After that Audrey kinda tunes out of the conversation. Since starting to tutor Matt she was starting to think she may like him and she was thinking he liked her. He certainly flirted with her enough for her to believe so. But after that conversation, Audrey felt like it was pointless for her to keep entertaining these feelings. She was probably better off to keep things with Matt as they are. As friends.
we all know they aren't just gonna leave it as friends...
au navigation
taglist: @huggy-hischier94 @woodruff-edwards @cobrakaisb @makarhughes @nicohischierz
join my taglist
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hamsamwich23 · 27 days
Hello and welcome, Silly Critters
About me
My name is Sam and/or Mort, I'm 19 years old. I identify as pan + demiromantic-asexual, and my pronouns are he/they/it/xe. I am also polyamorous and have one partner (whom I love very much💛).
My hobbies include writing (mostly fanfiction), playing video games, role play, photography, and more. I am currently working on two AU's, which will be mentioned later. (After my DNI)
My interests include: Hello Puppets, Doki Doki Literature Club, 1nv4d3r Z1m, Adventure Time, The Mandela Catalogue, Hollow Knight, Cult Of The Lamb, Milk inside a bag of milk +Milk outside a bag of milk, Amanda The Adventurer, Welcome Home, Smile For Me, Happy Game, Slime ranchers, Among Us, Minecraft, Fall Guys, GHOST and pals music, Vane Lily music, R.I.P music, Limbo, Inside, Bojack Horseman, Yo Kai Watch (1st and 2nd Games), Nexo Knights, Night In The Woods, Deltarune, Undertale, Undertale Yellow, The Dog Island, The backrooms, Liminal Space, Tomodachi Life, That's Not My Neighbor (Bolded interests are my current special interests and main focuses)
My DMs are always open, and I'm always up for making friends! However I would like to mention that I am neurodivergent, I have AuDHD and struggle with OCD and heavy mental health problems. I simply ask that you be patient with me. As I may misunderstand things at times, as well as go offline or isolate myself at times.
❗Writing Commissions and trades are currently: CLOSED
❗Requests for Unreality Au one shots are OPEN
❗Infected Au fanfiction coming soon... :]
🍉This Blog Stands With The People Of Palestine🍉
I'm aware that people don't Technically have to follow DNI's, but I would still like to state my boundaries. I block freely and often, and will block you if you make me uncomfortable and/or treat people like shit.
I would prefer if you didn't interact with me if you're any of the following or if any of the following applies to you:
Prosh1p/Comsh1p/Prof1c/ECT, shipping discourse blogs, against oc x canon/self shippers, if you engage in lgbtq+ discourse and/or are a lgbtq discourse blog, support the boyfriends webtoon, hardcore DSMP fans, k1nk/f3tish blogs that are not run by people i personally know, support either or both fox_an_draw and/or scatteredkitbrainzzz/kitruckus, hardcore stranger things fans
Please do not talk to me about: Ship discourse, Lgbtq+ discourse, TheWaltenFiles (unless we're mutuals), IZfandom discourse, The Amazing Digital Circus.
You will be blocked immediately if: you are bigoted in any way at all (TERFS/radfems, rad-exclus, abliest, pro-isreal/Zionist, antisemitic/Nazi's, conservative/republican, anti-lgbtq+, sexist, anti-choice, ECT), L0Li/Sh0t4c0n, Pro-harassment/people who tell pr0shippers to hurt themselves/k1ll themselves/to relive their trauma, people who harass others over general shipping, ai "artists", people who support the use of AI to steal from content creators, people who believe "blackwashing" is a thing and/or defend whitewashing, If you support any of the following people: JKRowling*, Viziepop*, proshippersaretheproblem, thelocalvampyre, inky/Spencer/snax/grey(IZ), Dream/DreamWasTaken, mr-saturnnn, Vqler, Fluffyphobias, kittensneeze, izzydrawsforfun, lunasol, refrainbow.
(*Fans of Harry Potter and HH/HB who are critical and don't support the actions of the creators are okay to interact)
This list can and probably will be updated at any time
Socials/Other blogs
My other blogs on Tumblr:
@unreality-au-content-hoard - A blog for my Unreality Au, A crossover/multifandom AU inspired by weirdcore, horror, and Liminal Space themes. (Includes characters from Hello Puppets, Doki Doki Literature Club, Inv4d3r Z1m, Hatsune Miku(/hj), and OCs!! (All content warnings are in the pinned post. Fan content for this au is OKAY with me!!)
@morts-infected-au - A Hello Puppets AU inspired by the MLP infection Aus!! (this blog is still under construction and this Au contains heavy elements of horror and gore)
Discord: hamsamwich23
Instagram: hamsamwich23
Wattpad: judgment23
SquidgeWorld: hamsamwich23
Thank you for reading
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Status: CLOSED
Alright, requests for all of my fandoms are open. Send some in while you can, they will not be open long!
Writing Prompt List #1 *210 prompts (fluff/romance; angst/emotional; Misc/Humor; & Scenario Prompts)
Writing Prompt List #2 *200 prompts (fluff/romance; angst/emotional; Misc/Humor; and Scenario Prompts)
Sensory Prompts #1 *125 prompts (nature ambiance; fluff/relationship; angst/sad; scary/horror; comfort; and Misc.)
Sensory Prompts #2 *around 130 prompts (nature/outside ambiance; relationship/fluff; angst; scary/horror; comfort; and Misc.)
Rules Page *Basic Rules: - I only write 'x reader' inserts; no ships or oc inserts - GN!Reader only - I do not write specific body types, or for other specific physical characteristics, since I try to keep my inserts as neutral as possible - No nsfw; no pregnancy/children, no readers/character fics below 18
You can request for fics/oneshots or headcanons.
You can send in your own plot, and/or 1-3 prompts. Feel free to mix and match from the prompt lists!
Full Fandoms List Below Cut:
9-1-1 (FOX show)
Evan “Buck” Buckley Eddie Diaz Det. Lou Ransone Howard “Chimney” Han
The Boys:
Serge “Frenchie” Hughie Campbell Billy Butcher
Anthony Bridgerton Benedict Bridgerton Simon Basset Colin Bridgerton *maybe others? 
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Spike Angel
Criminal Minds  (I have only watched seasons 1-11)
Spencer Reid Aaron Hotchner Derek Morgan
Doctor Who
Ten Eleven Twelve
Sherlock Holmes *I have not watched the whole series so I wont write much for in-show plot points
Malcolm Reynolds Simon Tam
Lark Rise to Candleford
Daniel Parish Fisher Bloom Sir Timothy Midwinter Alf Arless Mr Rushton
Eliot Spencer Quinn Alec Hardison
Magnificent Seven Tv Series (1998-2000)
Chris Larabee Ezra Standish Vin Tanner Buck Wilmington
The Mandalorian + TBoBF
Din Djarin Cobb Vanth Boba Fett (prefer platonic)
M*A*S*H (Tv Series)
Hawkeye Pierce BJ Hunnicutt Trapper John
Merlin (BBC)
Merlin Arthur Gwaine Percival Lancelot
Moon Knight
Steven Grant Marc Spector Arthur Harrow
Person of Interest
John Reese Others; platonically is preferred
Prodigal Son 
Malcolm Bright Gil Arroyo 
Shadow and Bone:
Kaz Brekker Matthias Mal Alexander/Kirigan ?
*I have read the Grishaverse books, so I am willing to write around that plot. But the characters will be in character for the show, and the characters will be written as 20+ as their ages are not stated in the show but it feels as though they are aged up in the depiction. 
Sherlock (BBC)
Sherlock Holmes Greg Lestrade Jim Moriarty
Star Trek: Discovery
Christopher Pike Gabriel Lorca (willing to write for an alternate ‘Prime’ version of Lorca) Sarek Spock **I’m in the process of watching Disco and am currently on Season 3. I will be watching Strange New Worlds when I can. **please make sure to specify which Spock you are requesting for (Disco or AOS.)
Star Trek: Enterprise 
Captain Archer Trip Tucker Malcolm Reed 
Star Trek: Voyager 
Chakotay Tom Paris
Stargate Sg-1
Jack O’Niell Daniel Jackson Jonas Quinn Cameron Mitchell 
Stargate Atlantis
John Sheppard Carson Becket Ronon Dex
Supernatural  *Have only watched seasons 1-9
Sam Winchester Dean Winchester Castiel Gabriel Gadreel Balthazar Crowley Lucifer Caine
Teen Wolf 
Derek Hale Peter Hale
Vampire Diaries & The Originals
Elijah Mikaelson Klaus Mikaelson Damon Salvatore Kol Mikaelson Lorenzo “Enzo” St John Finn Mikaelson
**Never watched The Originals’, so I only know the Mikaelsons from TVD.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
- - - - - Franchises/Movies - - - - - 
Original Avengers:
Tony Stark  Steve Rogers Thor Bruce Banner Clint Barton Natasha Romanoff
Bucky Barnes Sam Wilson Helmut Zemo Loki Heimdall Vision Scott Lang Peter Parker (Garfield and/or Hollands; aged up) Dr. Stephen Strange T’Challa Agent Ross Shang-Chi Peter Quill
*** Feel free to ask about other MCU characters; I will write for most (depending on if I like the request as well) ***
Original Timeline Movies:  Logan/Wolverine Scott Summers Kurt Wagner “Nightcrawler” Viktor Creed “Sabertooth”
First Class Timeline: Charles Xavier Eric Lehnsherr Hank McCoy Alex Summers Azazel Peter Maximoff “Quicksilver” Warren Worthington III “Angel”
**Many of the younger characters ages are not obvious in the First Class movies, so everyone will be written/suggested as 20+
The Eternals
Druig Ikaris Kingo
Venom (1 & 2)
Eddie Brock
Deadpool (1 & 2)
Wade/Deadpool  Ajax/Francis Cable Domino
- - -
Star Wars Universe
Episodes I-III
Anakin Skywalker Obi Wan Kenobi
Episodes IV-VI
Luke Skywalker Han Solo
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Han Solo Lando Calrissian Dryden Vos
Episodes VII-IX
Finn Poe Dameron Ben Solo/Kylo
- - -
The Hobbit/Lotr
Thranduil Thorin Kili Fili Bard Legolas Aragorn Eomer Faramir Elrond
- - -
Fantastic Beasts:  ((JK Rowling is a bigot and anything I write regarding the wizarding world is of my own imagination and a continuation of a world I want untainted by her bigotry)) 
Newt Scamander, Percival Graves *So far I have only seen the first movie
**I will possibly write for characters from Harry Potter or Marauders, such as the Weasley twins, Malfoy, Cedric, Remus, Sirius, etc. But if I do, it will be after they leave Hogwarts and are 18+.
- - -
Star Trek AOS
Cpt. Jim Kirk Dr. Leonard McCoy Spock Montgomery “Scotty” Scott Pavel Chekov Hikaru Sulu Khan *please make sure to specify which Spock you are requesting for (Disco or AOS.)
- - -
The Outsiders
Darrel “Darry” Curtis Maybe: Sodapop Curtis Dallas Winston ^^Aged Up
- - -
Pirates of the Caribbean (1-4)
Captain Jack Sparrow Will Turner James Norrington Elizabeth Swann/Turner
- - - 
Magnificent Seven (2016) 
Joshua Faraday Billy Rocks Goodnight Robicheaux Vasquez Red Harvest
- - -
Maleficent I & II
Conall, Borra, Diaval, Maleficent
- - -
The Man from U.N.C.L.E 
Napoleon Solo Illya Kuryakin
- - -
Kingsman: The Secret Service and The Golden Circle
Eggsy Unwin Hamish Mycroft “Merlin” Jack Daniels “Whiskey”
- - -
Jane Austen/Period Movies: 
Pride and Prejudice (1995 & 2005) Characters: Mr. Darcy and Mr Bingley (other characters if requested)
Mansfield Park (1999 & 2007) Character: Edmund Bertram
Sense and Sensibility (1995/2008) Character: Edward Ferrars 
Emma (2009 & 2020) Character: Mr. Knightley
Persuasion (2007) Character: Captain Wentworth
- - - - -
Outside Characters: 
Actors who have multiple characters outside of the listed fandoms that I am willing to write for!
Charlie Hunnam:
Arthur (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword) Raymond Smith (The Gentlemen) William “Ironhead” Miller (Triple Frontier) **Will also write for Ben Miller
Oscar Isaac: 
Santiago “Pope” Garcia (Triple Frontier)
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byronlc · 8 months
multi-muse indie rp blog with canon muses. slow activity. 21+. penned by am. millennial. CET. likes rare fandoms.
rp blogs only: personals please do not interact with my posts!
rules memes open starters muse list under the cut
muse list
all canon muses can be treated as OCs and are adaptable to (almost) any fandom/setting
🚩 marks villainous/dangerous muse
Canon Muses
🚩 Trevor Anderson, 21-27, Hellraiser (2022), fc Drew Starkey
your casual criminal crush
🚩James “Junior” Rennie, 21-28, Under The Dome, fc Alexander Koch (intro)
your sociopathic obsessive boy next door
Dale “Barbie” Barbara, 30-36, Under The Dome, fc Mike Vogel
your brooding anti-hero
Zachary "Zach" Shan-Yung Dempsey, 21-28, 13 Reasons Why, fc Ross Butler
your former jock turned musician that will literally come pick you up
Zach MacLaren, 20-24, The Other Zoey, fc Drew Starkey (intro)
your typical jock that is literally a puppy dog (aka the other Zach)
Luke Riordan, 21-26, Gen V, fc Patrick Schwarzenegger
your golden boy with a dark future
🚩Chase Collins, 30-36, The Covenant, fc Sebastian Stan (also younger version and non-magical version)
your power-hungry warlock with a wicked sense of humor
🚩Carlisle Cullen, 400 and forever 35, Twilight, fc Alexander Skarsgård (headcanon-based portrayal) (intro)
not your teen romance novel's friendly vampire daddy
(🚩)Liam/Angelus/Angel, 270 and forever 23, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, fc Jacob Elordi (headcanon-based portrayal) (sideblog for aesthetics, rp here)
your ever-brooding, moody vampire cursed with a soul
Grayson Ernest Theodor Spencer, 24-28, Silber Trilogy, fc Josh Hutcherson (heavily headcanon-based portrayal)
your permanently tired loser boy, who will do anything for a cup of coffee
Natalie Scatorccio, 18-23, Yellowjackets, fc Sophie Thatcher (very selective)
your i-don't-give-a-shit-but-also-care-too-much queen of misfits
Dylan Massett, 21-29, Bates Motel, fc Max Thieriot
your white knight in a leather jacket
(🚩) Peter Rumancek, 25-29, Hemlock Grove, fc Aaron Taylor-Johnson (post-series, headcanon-based portrayal)
your sexy man-beast who tore his own heart out
🚩Barry, 25-28, Outer Banks, fc Nick Cirillo
your local drug dealer with a good heart
Canon Muses on Hiatus
🚩Rafe Cameron, 19-26, Outer Banks, fc Drew Starkey
your @unhlnged rich boy
JJ Maybank, 18-23, Outer Banks, fc Rudy Pankow
your chaotic, quick-tempered @salt-lifer
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devil-doll13 · 1 year
Sword and Sorcery
(Part 2)
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Tw: Mentions Of Death/Corpses, Giant Spiders/Arachnophobia, slight angst maybe? 2 idiots in love, seriously this is REALLY sappy and they are both a bit stupid lol
(Abigail belongs to me, Clay belongs to @rottent33th <3)
First Part
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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After an arduous trek across the unwelcoming Witches’ valley, Clay finally made it to Webwood. The name was apt; a maze of large silk webs adorned the spindly trees, and he’d more than once cut down a giant spider here. For him that wasn’t much more than a trifling encounter, and yet he still kept his guard up. He was not the sort of man to let pride cloud his judgement.
His vision was already clouded enough; thick fog surrounded him and threatened to swallow him whole. Even in places with better visibility, a thin veil of mist blanketed the forest ground, obscuring his armoured feet from view. He’d opted to lead Chevy through the thick of it himself, wary of the uneven terrain. It wouldn’t do to have her take a fall because of it.
A large part of this was the fact that this forest was also a graveyard. Tombstones were littered haphazardly across the woodland floor, corpse stinking graves often infested with spiders and coated in web. Clay had no doubt the forest was haunted; more than once he’d seen some shrouded figure appear beyond, then disappear into the fog. He could understand why the villagers were so terrified by this place, even he was put on edge by these mysterious entities. That and the giant spiders, he reminded himself wryly. A howl sounded from a distance and he tensed, gripping the hilt of his sword. He waited for a few seconds until he’d decided there was to be no ambush, but continued on with a ready hand to fight at a moment’s notice.
…And the wolves. The wolves here were unusually large and aggressive, he found. Really, it was a most unhospitable place. He almost found himself doubting there was really someone living here at all. Who would even want to live here? This Witch, if she exists at all, must be quite confident in her own abilities, he thought. That could either be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on what sort of woman she was.
Even so, he found himself breathing a sigh of relief when he reached a small clearing. The mist dissipating as he got closer, Clay observed a little black cottage billowing smoke from a chimney. Illuminated by the light of the full moon, nearby was a herb garden and a stone well to draw fresh water from. The house itself was itself attached to a gigantic, malformed oak tree, and he felt some awe as he counted the number of crows and ravens perched upon its ancient branches.
The rumours are true, then. A Witch really does live here… He remained cautious in his mind, however. He was fully aware that he was still treading into unknown territory. Clay dismounted his horse with a hand held steadily on the hilt of his sword. He needn’t tell Chevy to stay; the old girl immediately occupied herself with grazing on the woodland grass.
Approaching the hut, he couldn’t help but feel caged in by the sinister gaze of the surrounding birds. It felt like they were watching his every move, ready to strike at the slightest sign of attack. Maybe they are, he thought to himself… Still, not one to be deterred, he made a fist and banged it twice against the wooden door.
“Enter.” A soft, feminine voice came from within. Sounding much younger than he’d admittedly been expecting. Taking a breath, he pushed the door open.
Stepping inside felt like entering another world. Clay couldn’t explain it, but the air felt different inside. Almost like he was entering a place of worship, or some other sacred ground. (He had to duck to get in, too, it was evidently a house built for smaller persons)
It smelled like sage and cinnamon. A large number of candles burned brightly around the room. The walls were lined with various herbs and potions, furnished with shelves containing thick magical tomes and scrolls. The hearth was lit with a roaring fire, radiating warmth. It was strangely inviting. Despite the watchful vigil of the birds outside, he felt no hostile intent directed toward him in here. But what his eyes first sought out was the owner of the voice; a lady sat by the window, overlooking a crystal ball.
Pale in the moonlight, the woman wore a silk black dress. On her feet were little wolfskin boots, and atop her head was a black pointed hat adorned with flowers and feathers. Long black hair fell about her shoulders, a scandalous sight for the women of the civilised world. She looked every bit the little mystic, and little she was indeed. The woman stared back at him with an unreadable expression, and he saw she had the most striking emerald green eyes.
Clay’s breath hitched as they looked at eachother. He had stopped in his tracks in the middle of the room. The woman before him was most certainly the Witch he had come to see, but the bartender hadn’t told him she would be this gorgeous.
“I… I, um… I’ve come to- to…” What had he come here to do? His mind went blank momentarily as he stared into her bewitching eyes. Shyness overtook him, and Clay couldn’t help but stumble over his words, stuttering like a lovestruck squire. “…To request your guidance…”
“Yes, I foresaw your coming here.” She replied, seemingly calm. Her voice was light and airy. It had a pleasant lilt to it, he thought.
Clay cleared his throat nervously, stepping forward to present his case. And to get a closer look at her.
“As of late there has been a dragon terrorising the kingdom… My quest is to slay the wyrm, but the beast hides away in its lair. I would ask for your help in discerning its location.” He recited these words as he had practiced them, somewhat dryly. He watched as she nodded slowly, placing both of her pale hands on the crystal ball before her.
“I will divine it.” Was all she said.
He blinked. That was fast! He didn’t even need to offer her payment, it seemed…
For some time there was silence between them. Clay couldn’t help but feel awkward, standing around with his red face and clammy hands. The room was so low he could almost feel the top of his head touch the ceiling. He rubbed the back of his neck, suddenly unable to be still.
“… I see a snowy peak. Dark clouds gather over the lair of the beast”
Clay squinted to look into the orb, but could see nothing as she had described. He supposed only she had the ability to view it. What a gift. He thought. But then he frowned, remembering all that he had been told about magic before this. How did she acquire such power? He dared not ask, as certainly that would be inappropriate. Though he found himself wanting to ask all sorts of questions…
He suddenly felt mesmerised by her hair. It was really quite long, he realised, even longer than his own.
Clay then felt soft fur brush up against his greaves, and looked down to see an adorable black cat rubbing his ankles. It had the same green eyes as its mistress. He resisted the urge to pet it.
“There is the ruins of an old temple, long buried by the passage of time.”
He straightened back up as he heard her speak again. Damn it, if it wasn’t her distracting him, it was her cat.
“Here wind blows Eastwards, towards the sun.”
She lowered her head, the brim of her hat obscuring her face. He felt disappointed, wanting to see more of her lovely eyes.
“That is all.”
“I see…” He replied. He turned over the new information in his head, trying to retain some of it.
She mentioned a ‘snowy peak,’ was it on a mountain? Clay frowned. He could only think of one place where the land met the sky that far up, but it was not an easy journey there…
It surprised him when she stood up, walking over to stand right next to him. Almost too close. Then he saw that on the hearth was a large black cauldron. She reached out a delicate hand to lift the lid. A pale green mist seeped out, and he wrinkled his nose at the odour. Not the most pleasant smell… Clay watched her pour the brew into a small glass bottle. She extended it toward him, silent.
“Oh…” He realised she wanted him to take it, and he carefully did so.
“This will… Help you.” She murmured, Her voice hushed to a whisper. Her hands fell to her lap.
“T-Thankyou.” He cleared his throat again, trying not to stutter so much. “I’m very grateful for your help…” And he was. It occurred to him she was probably putting just as much trust in this encounter as he had. He was close enough now that one swing of his sword could probably do it.
With this in mind, he added: “I will be sure to remember this, and discourage anyone from coming to harm you.”
The Witch said nothing else, her face still unfortunately hidden by her hat. Clay awkwardly bowed and bid her farewell, leaving before he was tempted to stay any longer. The cottage was feeling warmer by the minute.
The presence of the birds felt less stifling this time as he walked outside, breathing in the fresh air. He felt the embarrassment cling to him, still red in the face.
Chevy greeted him with a whinny, still happily munching on grass. As he clambered up the saddle, the lady’s emerald eyes still gripped his mind.
She was so enigmatic to him. He wanted to ask her more questions. Like What’s your name? And Do you want to meet my horse? Or Are you single? Well, Maybe he wouldn’t have the boldness to ask her that last one just yet. The most pressing issue as of now was of course following her directions to the dragon’s den (If he could remember them), But he knew he had to come back afterwards.
He took one last longing glance at the Witch’s cottage before he set off to play the role of hero once again.
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The moment Clay shut the door behind him, Abigail let out a deep breath. She waited a few moments before discerning he’d left for certain, then removed her hat to reveal her flustered face. Her heart was racing in her chest. She pressed her hands to her hot cheeks, knowing she’d just barely managed to keep her cool in front of him. She hoped he couldn’t see the scarlet blush on her face, the seams of her mysterious persona falling apart. It was the only thing that shielded her from terrifying vulnerability.
What I told him wasn’t too confusing, right? I was just trying my best not to sound nervous… I hope it helps.
She paced back to her seat, free hand fiddling anxiously with her hair.
This was not the first time they had met. Although Clay didn’t know it, she actually had time to develop a crush on him for quite a while before this.
Abigail had been in disguise as a peddler woman at the time, and came across a collapsed bridge on the road. As it happened, the fiery-haired knight rode by just at that moment, and offered to help her cross. She couldn’t say no: Abigail the Witch would have no problem at all, but as Abigail the Peddler Woman she had to keep up appearances.
(Of course that was the only reason she allowed him to help her…!)
He was strikingly handsome, but more than that he was genuinely kind. Despite his rugged appearance, he was truly gentle as he guided her across the river. The knight reminded her to keep herself safe, and that the roads were dangerous for travellers as of late. She hid her blush with her scarf and mumbled out a Thankyou, watching him leave with her heart beating a mile a minute.
It had made such a strong impression on her, she was stricken with infatuation for him since that day. So rarely she had ever felt the touch of a kind hand, and his was so warm. The ache of loneliness plagued her once again, and no amount of magical pet projects could distract her from it.
Of course she refused to entertain the thought of him returning her feelings. It would be foolish to get her hopes up like that; surely he already had some fair lady he was devoted to? She, the loathsome witch, did not belong in his courtly world. Abigail was reminded of that every time she felt the little scar by her ribcage, a harsh lesson learned. All she could do was admire him from afar, kept at a safe distance emotionally and physically.
So when her darling Edgar had flown to her in a hurry to tell her of his journey here, she’d panicked a little to say the least. How could she have expected this? It seemed almost too coincidental. More than that, she’d been in the middle of concocting a potion (her personal hobby) when he’d told her the news and surely looked in a disarray. Abigail immediately rushed to fix her hair and find her best dress so she could look presentable for him. That, and a large hat to hide her blushing face. How could she not feel flustered under his steely gaze?
She looked to the open window to see Edgar perched there, offering her a sympathetic caw.
“Oh Edgar, what should I do with myself…?” Abigail sighed, feeling now that it would be even more difficult to get over this unrequited crush of hers.
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(Taglist: @slaasherslut, @goldrose-star)
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elvirassecretmistrezz · 5 months
I saw that ask game in your pinned
Js pretend this is all of the numbers except the nsfw ones and the ones you're not comfy answering
0. 5'3
2. 7 in women's (USA size(
3. Nope!! Don't like the smell of it and also I need my lungs 2 be as healthy as possible cuz I'm training 2 b a boxer
4. No but I've tried alcohol on accident and I HATED it.
5. Ibuprofen counts as a drug technically... I only use it 4 cramps tho
6. 15😭
7. Nope, just use the temp ones!!
8.YES!!! I want small little cameos 2 my fave characters!! (Freddy's iconic glove, well. 4 Freddy. A deck of cards maybe 4 theodore? A bass or 'planet pisch' 4 murderface, u get the idea)
9. Yep!!! I have both my ear lobes pierced.
10. I want ANGEL FANGZ!!!!
11. Oof, I don't have any friends at all even😭
12. Single.
15. i HAVE MULTIPLE. Rocky IV, nightmare on elm street, hellraiser, avatar (pandora one), haunted mansion, The dark knight and many more I can't name off the top of my head!! (Mainly slasher/horror ones)
16.(idk if this counts as platonic or whtever), IF U LET ME RANT ABT MY HYPERFIXATIONS/HEADCANONS/FAVE MOVIES/OCS/AND RANDOM STUFF‼️‼️‼️‼️
18.Okay so one time my parents were fighting (not unusual they fight all the time), but it got super heated and my dad started to get physical with my mother. I obv wanted him to stop so I intervened(I was v young at the time), and he punched me instead and gave me a black eye
19. I'm very loud and cringey unintentionally(Its the tism I promise I don't mean 2 b lime that)
22. Plan A: Horror movie director/actor/produce/etc. plan B: Boxer. Plan C: Artist
23. I have a sister that's like 30. Our relationship is alr, sometimes she buys me stuff that I want without me asking her(which is super sweet but she does it too much).
24. Complicated. (Will not elaborate)
25. Driving past/parked next to a cemetery while listening to misfits and mcr while talking abt horror movies and headcanons/ going shopping at Spencer's and or hot topic!
26. When people specifically eat with their mouths open and VERY LOUDLY.
29. To not get cps called on my parents 😭
30. Sometimes it's too quiet, and I hear my own breathing and heart beating and it makes me feel. Funny. (/neg).
32. "We need to talk" "that's so weird" "damn u look like a blobfish" (last one sounds stupid, but it sounds so mean and makes me very uncomfortable and upset when someone tells it to my face😭😭)
33. "You look so pretty!!" "Can you tell me more? I'd like to listen!" "You're artsyle is pretty!"
36. Waaaaay up in the forest. All alone. In my little cabin. Just staying there for eternity. Peaceful sounds of birdys and animals :3
38. An artist
39. That one stranger things "chocolate pudding" ice cream they have at Walmart
40. Someone happy :)
41. Hanging out with William murderface and listening to him ramble abt his interests
42. A pack of cheeze-itz and coke
44. Whoever read all of that is scientifically proven to be awesome :3
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 7 months
only 4.5 halloween month edits left to plan and drawing a complete and total blank so this is one more call for anyone to help me choose ocs to use 😭 (most of the ones that I still need to plan are for halloween costumes so truly any ocs work for that 👀 I just feel all idead out for the moment rip)
Edit: so far I have used the following ocs, but I'm entirely open to repeats and some of them (namely Gilmore Girls & Gossip Girl) are being used in group edits as opposed to each getting a separate project
Spencer Hargrove, Ophelia Wayne, Greer Collier, Cassia Potter, Stacey Byers, Rosabelle Legume, Verona Rosier, Hollis Everdeen, Mercy Correira, Coco Bates, Kyla Keller, Valentina Wolfe, Colette Gerard-Waldorf, Autumn Ambrosia, Paris Rothschild, Kirsty Gilmore, Sophie Dugray, Vicki St James, Avery Stiles, Sage Hall, possibly Jacqueline Grant & Viviana Lozano, Arianne Martin, Nikki Rogers, Colton & Cece Cartwright, Sidney Hopper, Betty Fabray, Laura Hyde, Ilsa Gilmore-Danes, Ivy Knight, Abi Claremont-Diaz, Jo Berry & Camilo Ayers, and I have a plan for a supernatural OC but I’m undecided between Elle, Isla, and Deborah for it
Edit 2: plan done!!
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daysnknights · 1 year
I RISE!!!!
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Hey whats up I’m Knight! But you can also call me Sage or Elysian I’m 22 and I use She/They/He pronouns. This is my self ship/oc x canon blog!
some of my Fictional crushes come from media that is problematic, I am critical of them.
Proshippers DNI
If you would like to forgo seeing adult content, block the 'suggestive' tag. :)
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 Mr. Pink - Reservior Dogs (tbh mid movie) #🎟on a sunny afternoon
Goro Majima - The Yakuza Series
Spencer Reid - Criminal Minds
The Riddler/Edward Nygma/Nashton - DC #you and me on Noah’s ark❔
Matt Murdock - Daredevil
Engineer and Sniper - TF2
Adrian Chase - Peacemaker
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hpsaffics · 1 year
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2017 ~ Longest HP Femslash Fics
F/F tagged works sorted by Word Count on AO3*
As of 2023.2 (1,077 works)
*Only fics with a sapphic main pairing are included (listed by WC)
1. Unicorns by FearlessLadyfun, Ladyfun, TiAdoro914 [Fleur/Hermione, M, 304k]
The Love and friendship forged between Hermione, Narcissa and Gabrielle, brings someone back into Hermione's life that will change it forever. No murder, no Voldemort. Begins five years post-war, celebrating life after the light won, and the true courage it takes to live life, afterward.
2. ANGRY! LESBIAN! SPACE! PRISON! by gyruum [Quinn Fabray/Spencer Hastings, Hermione/Aphasia (Glee), Other ships, E, 274k]
After committing murder, Spencer finds herself imprisoned in...well.  Spoiler: It's kind of gay. *Crossover with Glee, Pretty Little Liars, Battlestar Galactica, Orphan Black, Orange is the New Black, Buffy the Vampire Slayer  
3. Secrets We Keep by 99bottlestogo (darkside213) [OC/OC, T, 219k]
Sequel to Into the Fire. With talks of Voldemort, Harry Potter's supposed insanity, and the ever looming question of what you want to do in the future, Jamie is stressed. The fifth year of Hogwarts is a year of change, that will bring extreme happiness and sorrow.
4. Athena Black and the Escaped Lord by Thewallflowerwithasword [Hermione/OC, M, 187k]
Third year has arrived bringing with it childbirth, strained friendships, personal revelations, advanced magicks and missing prisoners. This is the year that everything changes.
5. In the End... by 99bottlestogo (darkside213) [OC/OC, T, 167k]
Jamie Pendragon has done it. She has survived to the seventh year, but things are not as they should be. Dumbledore is dead, war is on the horizon, the happy life she has managed to obtain is threatened. There are two options, run and hide, or follow her best friend Harry Potter on a quest to save the Wizarding World, only question is, are you brave enough to follow her?
6. Start the Clock by 99bottlestogo (darkside213) [OC/OC, T, 119k]
War is in the air and Jamie Pendragon is not keen to get in the middle of it. After surviving last year's disaster, she is ready for a nice long break to spend focusing on two things: school and Ariana Dumbledore. She is yanked from her blissful peace by none other than reports of Death Eaters, and Harry Potter who will not leave the war alone...
7. Athena Black and the Knight's Squire by Thewallflowerwithasword [Hermione/OC, M, 119k]
Hermione and Athena are trapped between two times. One in desperate search for answers in 1994 and the other in a desperate fight for her life in 1745 Scotland; the second uprising. Will they find what they need or will war be the end of one? There's only one way to find out...
8. A Curse and a Kiss by shy_octopus [Tonks/OC, E, 108k]
Nymphadora Tonks had grown to accept her secret talent. But in her final year at Hogwarts, she discovers her Metamorphmagus talent extends well beyond her hair. She finds love with an American transfer student with his own painful secrets, and is thrust into a quest to save his life.
9. Out and the Open by HenryMercury [trans!Draco/fem!Harry, M, 75k]
The war is over, and Draco finally has the courage to decide who she is. The war is over, and Harry finally has the freedom to decide what she likes.
10. This Magic Works by standardusername [Laura Hollis/Carmilla Karnstein, M, 72k]
If there's one person at Hogwarts that Laura Hollis cannot stand, it's Carmilla Karnstein. So, what happens when they get paired up as study buddies for their final year? *Crossover with Carmilla
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