#obviously no one can magically get over it right after losing a loved one but Soma knows how and what to tell them to give them closure
yeonban · 1 year
An admirable but very sad tidbit about Soma is that he remembers EVERY Date bushi (from his band and from his alliance) who's died after he became captain. If you asked him to, he could enumerate each and every one of their names, which division they worked in and what was the dod + way they died
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etheries1015 · 4 months
We all always do General Lilia with Human Reader but NEVER
General Lilia and Fae Reader
What you gon do? Spit out another angst right in my face? Come fight me coward
My first thought to this was to raise an eyebrow and inquire: "How could that possibly be angsty? Fae Lilia falling in love with Fae reader, they could live their lives out the way they want, and have ample time to bask in one another company! Doesn't this sound like the perfect win-win scenario?"
But then it hit me like a truck.
General Lilia X Fae! Reader - The fae with a dream
General warnings: Gender-neutral reader, angst w/ no comfort. Not proofread. slightly rushed ending..? let me know if you have suggestions and I can update and edit accordingly.
TW: Morbid descriptions of Death, emetophobia. Please make me aware if I missed anything and I shall update this section.
General Lilia was used to seeing death all around him. Humans and fae alike fallen into the fire of war losing their lives for...what? Power over one another? A battle of whose race is superior? Seemingly meaningless in the end, for why should the fae fight to prove their worth to live equally in a world where humans simply feared their magic and mystery? That's what made Fae beautiful, after all. And if the humans could just come to understand that their magic isn't all that heinous, perhaps they could find peace with their existence.
That was what you had said, at least.
"All this fighting is just so...pointless," You sighed to the general in your shared camp, "If all they fear is our magic, don't you think we should have some sort of civil conversation to-"
"(y/n)." Lilia sternly said, a scowl on his lips telling you all you really need to know with his displeasure of the topic, "Humans will never understand us. They fear us, and that's all the reason they need to kill our people. Do not try and speak words of peace when they obviously have no interest in hearing us out." You bit your lip to hold back the words of disagreement, something so like you. Always a peace maker, not wanting confrontation, especially not with him.
But he also knew better than anyone just how reckless you can get to obtain that peace, every day that passes by he wishes you spoke to him first before jumping into the noble idea that ultimately took your life.
He noticed the way you fought became sloppy, he could tell you were holding back your magical abilities in some sick and twisted mercy for the humans. He admired how strongly you dreamed of a world where the two races could live in peace, but he was disappointed in how naive and stupid you were to hold back during a battle for your life and the lives of your comrades. The general made certain to make you aware your actions had consequences, breaking your heart in the process.
The long-haired male looked down at you in distaste, blood red eyes squinting in authority and lips tilted in a disgusted frown as he grabbed you by the back of your hair and roughly pushed you into the tent. You let out a feeble cry mix of shock and pain, tears pouring down your mud-stained cheeks as the rough force of his push left you plummeting to the ground.
"Your actions as of late have been incredibly foolish and put the entire army at risk, (y/n)," He growled, "What were you thinking? Sneaking off with a human?! Do not think I have not noticed this past month what you have been up to," His voice raised in fury, a low growl the back of his throat, "Why can't you understand that they don't-"
"They do care!" You cried out, "Lilia, please! T-they just need-"
"They need to back down from the war and stop slaughtering our people. If they cannot do that, then I need you to fight by my side, as my subordinate. Do not forget who your leader is here. I am your general, and you abide by my orders. If you continue to deliberately go against what we stand for, I have no choice but to remove you from this battle and banish you to scullery work. Humans do not care about peace, they do not want peace, and they have no intention of doing so. What in your right mind makes you think you could change that outcome? You are nothing but an easy target for them to potentially squeeze information out of. Nothing less, nothing more. Do you understand?"
Lilias heart broke at the sight of you remaining on the ground, slowly sitting up and nodding with the light in your eyes fading. He felt a knife twist in the pit of his stomach and thought back to a conversation he had with Baul the previous night.
"You give (y/n) far too much leeway! I'm sure you've noticed, but the past month they have been participating in sneaking away to talk to some...humans.
"I'm aware, Baul. I've been following them and listening in on their conversations from afar." Lilia grunted, prodding away at the fire. His companion scoffed at this revelation, raising angry eyebrows and pointing an accusing finger towards the General.
"You were aware of this?! Why have you not stopped it sooner? Are you agreeing with their silly fantasy of changing the hearts of humans and making peace with those...things?" His voice raised in agitation. Lilia avoided his gaze, for he knew Baul had a point.
"I understand your concerns, however, They truly have the intention of changing their hearts, and if anyone could, I want to believe in (y/n). They are very persuasive, and perhaps this war..."
"Will never end until the humans surrender. Lilia, You are allowing your feelings for (y/n) to severely cloud your judgment! We both know that stupid fae is too trusting for their own good. This could compromise our position, and I don't trust them to keep their mouth shut."
"I have it handled-"
"Do you?" Baul interrupted, standing up, "Because it seems to me you are failing your duty as the general of the fae army right now. Failing our queen, failing Meleanor. Have you forgotten which side you are on? How many of our people died by their hands? And you wish to believe a singular fae with silly dreams could possibly persuade them to put this war to an end?" Lilia kept his mouth shut, staring at the fire before him, hunched over as his partner walked past him.
"The general I follow does not show mercy for humans, nor allows his heart to be swayed by such drivel. I sincerely hope you take care of this issue before I handle it myself."
Lilia had told himself it was better this way, to straighten you out with harsh words in hopes to dissuade you from becoming overzealous and taking advantage of his obvious favoritism towards you. He had to draw a line; you were an important part of his army and to him. He couldn't risk losing you, someone who has stayed by his side from day one.
Sighing with frustration for himself and the situation, Lilia walked up to your silently crying figure and bent down, pressing his forehead against yours attempting to pull your gaze towards his own.
"I can't lose you," He whispered, eyes peering into yours wide with concern, "Please, please understand where I am coming from. You are the only family I know. Think of Levan, and Meleanor. Think of the Valley. Think of our home, our people, and...our future together," His voice trembled slightly, coming out almost in a begging tone. You bit your lip and swallowed a sob, taking a shaky breath in and reaching your hands up to cup his cheeks.
"I'm sorry," you whispered back, a moment of silence reigning.
He knew something was wrong the second you said that. You apologized, not as if you were guilty for your actions, but as if you were saying...goodbye. He could feel it deeply in the pit of his stomach that if he let go in this moment, if he allowed you to leave, he would never see you again. in a final desperate attempt he breathed in sharply before in a boost of confidence roughly pressing his lips against your own, ignoring the yelp of surprise escaping your mouth. You soon found yourself kissing him back with equal force, the sob that you held back coming to the surface as you cried into the kiss and salty tears pouring down your eyes and mixing with the passion. Lilia pulled away and pressed his forehead against yours once more, interlocking his fingers with yours. You continued to cry.
"We're going to make it out of this war together, right?" His voice cracked, "We-we're...we're going to live the rest of our lives together and happy in the valley with Levan and Meleanor, and we're going to meet Malleus together, right?" When you didn't reply and simply dug your head into the crook of his shoulder, the general held you tightly with his rough embrace and simply allowed silence to overcome. There wasn't anything left to say.
It was inevitable for him to let you go and return to his duties. He was general, after all, which meant plenty of meetings and strategy planning had to be done, as well as updates to the queen. You had said your goodbyes, stars had completely painted the sky and the sun fully set to rest. While returning to the camp, Lilia had a strong uneasy feeling as the events that transpired prior to his departure left his heart in a state of unrest and beating frantically, as if trying to tell the General something.
That unsettling feeling was confirmed when you were nowhere to be found, and you hadn't been seen for the past few hours when he had left. Angered at the lack of information and of the unknown variables, Lilia barked orders for everyone to disperse and try and find where you might have wandered off to. Many disagreed with this; stating that fae wandering off was not uncommon, that you were able to protect yourself, that perhaps in the morning they would search. Baul, in respect of Lilia, had been the only one to agree although reluctantly to involve himself in the search of where you had gone.
Light touched the forest before you were found.
I could go into gruesome detail, but I shall spare the details. All you need to understand is how it stood; a truly disgusting and unruly sight. The way you were placed was almost as if they were being taunted, and mocked. You were almost used as a morbid warning from the humans, it was a disgusting and disrespectful way to die. Baul and Lilia stared in absolute horror at your lifeless body, jaw ajar and heart racing faster than it ever had before. He thought about how mere hours ago his lips were upon yours, you were safe in his tight grasp, nodding in understanding as he listed off the ways in which you would live your long life together, making it past this horrible war.
Even the General could not hold back the urge to vomit, doubling over in pain and anguish as his throat burned and eyes blurry with tears. Baul had to look away, tears pricking the side of his eyes and biting his bottom lip to prevent himself from sharing the same fate Lilia had. You were gone, and there was nothing else to do but scream.
The second to worst part of this was returning to the camp, without you following him as you normally would. The generals eyes were truly dark and empty this time, heading directly to his tent. The same tent he had chastised you in, hoping to avoid this exact situation. He kept repeating in his head the ways in which the two of you would have lived together. He was supposed to propose to you after the war ended, he was supposed to build a home for the two of you to share your lives together, you were supposed to stay by his side and experience new places together, you were supposed to die together. There was nothing to explain just how badly his heart yearned for you in the many years you had known each other, the way you accepted him while most fae turned him away, you were a part of his circle of most trusted people in his life. And now you were gone, and he could not stop seeing flashes of your smiling face soon replaced with your lifeless display. A truly revolting truth of war, a war he was determined to end.
He then noticed on his bed, a letter. With shaking hands and blurry vision, Lilia weakly picked up the paper with penmanship clear as day to be identified as yours, and read it carefully.
Lilia Vanrouge,
I presume if you are reading this letter at this time, it means I failed to return from my mission. I'm sorry. I understand this is the part where you tell me "I told you so" and chastise me for being naive, and maybe so. Nonetheless, I have to do this. I plan on meeting with knight of dawn, the human I spoke to said he would be able to get me an audience and plead our case.
"that fucking idiot..." Lilia muttered, tears dripping onto the letter.
I know you are probably thinking to yourself; "that stupid idiot." And I suppose you wouldn't be wrong, even I know the high possibility of not returning. But I like to believe the good in humans, and believe that their fear could be placed at ease if we simply...talked. I understand not everything can be solved that way, but how are we to know the outcome if we do not try? You have your way of fighting, and I have mine. With my words. I love you, Lilia Vanrouge. I truly do. I wish we could spend the rest of our lives together, but I cannot see that happening if this war does not resolve with a peaceful ending. I implore you to find love in your heart for all- and love others the way you loved me. Give them your blessing, for I know you have a lot of good in your heart and room for growth. As the years pass, remember my sacrifice was for the pursuit of peace for our people, and you continue on that mindset. I believe in you and trust in you, Lilia, you will go on to do amazing things.
your love,
You soon became the foundation of what he believed in and continued to live on doing. After the war had ended, losing his dearest friends and beloved, Lilia stood strong in his resolve to make your sacrifice worth something. From hatching Malleus, to even becoming a father and giving the blessing to a baby human. Something you would have surely smiled at him for. With every milestone you were there with him; guiding him, parenting with him, and placing those very values you trusted into everything he had done. He had come far and liked to believe it was your words that strongly influenced him. You were right, your choice of fighting was with your words rather than your magical abilities, and it worked wonders.
Thus, there he was... Lilia Vanrouge, vice housewarden to Diasomnia of Night Raven College, watching as his three underlings sat at a table in the cafeteria enjoying a meal with a mix of races. He felt a surge of proudness and pride fill his heart with sentimental joy, sitting in the shadows re-reading that same hundred of years old note from someone he cared for deeply.
I believe in you and trust in you, Lilia.
A voice interrupted his thoughts, the short-haired fae folding the letter and tucking it safely back inside his pocket. A familiar figure walked towards him with excitement and a comforting twinkle in their eyes.
"Lilia~!" The curious human called out, The red eyed fae smiling in return and flashing a toothy grin.
"Ah, why if it isn't our precious prefect from Ramshackle. To what do I owe the pleasure?" He chuckled, floating upside down.
"I'm doing this project-" You said, holding up a notebook, "And I have to interview a few students about who impacts their lives the most. Can I interview you?" Lilia raised an eyebrow and floated down to meet your gaze, a gentle smile planted on his lips.
You were always a curious soul to him, and in many ways, he found solace in the way you spoke so cheerfully and hopefully that he had almost deluded himself into believing perhaps the fae he had once known had come back as the thing they held credence in the most; a human. That you had come back to give him a second chance to have confidence in you, come back to see what the world has accomplished in your absence, to give him peace of mind that the world has truly progressed and you were there to witness it flourish. Perhaps it was the shared name or the same sparkling eyes, but he couldn't help but have a soft spot for this human who had come into his life.
"I'd be delighted to assist you! Now, where to begin...? Ah! I know,"
"There once was a fae with a heart as noble and pure as gold, with a beautiful dream for peace across all nations..."
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peoplesgraves · 1 year
I have yandere thoughts yet again
Imagine being a Model and you literally can’t get away from obsession.
Tumblr media
Yandere Fans cover their walls in pictures of you. They rip out every magazine page your included on and papermache them above the ceiling so you can look down on them every day. If you have shoot with other models they’ll use those too but with cut/scratch the other people out or even crop their face over the other person. If you ever did a meet and greet it would be absolutely packed and would likely get shut down because everyone’s fighting over who’s your biggest fan and who loves you the most. Those who do manage to meet you end up lovesick,sobbing messes so the pictures usually turn out bad. But the fans don’t mind as long as you look good in them.
Yandere Models all want to be pictured with you and they’ll do anything to make it happen. From blackmailing other models to drop out or bribing whoever’s casting, nothing is too dirty or too illegal if it means getting to spend all that time with you. Models will starve themselves and do all matter of dangerous treatments or plastic surgery just to have a leg up and hopefully be chosen to pose alongside you. It doesn’t matter how much it hurts or how much they lose, it’s all worth it to have all the tabloid gossiping about the two of you after the latest editorial you were pictured in together.
Yandere Photographers who only care about you. Who call you their muse and only ever take perfect pictures. They’ll take awful pictures of other models who they feel are a threat to your career until they’ve been all blackballed from the industry. If you have shoots with other people then there’s a super noticeable difference in quality over the way you look and the way other people look. The photographer obviously plays favorites but no ones going to say anything. It’s what his muse deserves.
A Yandere Stylist who is just a little too cheeky. Always staring obviously at your lips when putting gloss on or making jokes about having to punish you if you smear your makeup one more time. They’re always jovial and smiling but there’s something dark in their eyes that only you get to see. Their touch lingers when they’re tailoring your clothes and their hands go from professional to more like a lover whenever they’re helping you take 100 Bobby pins out of your hair. They’re always by your side always joking and touching and waiting for the second you get lipstick on your teeth or a fly away.
A Yandere Manager whos always on your nerves. Who’s older and has more experience. They always have some excuse for steamrolling over you and just making whatever decision they want for you. They’ll keep you in line with their connections and their influence. In a way you both get what you want. You’re the most loved and sought after model in the industry and they have you too dependent on them to ever try to leave. Stylists and photographers are a dime a dozen but your manager has your entire career in his grasp.
Yandere Paparazzi who are ironically more ethical towards you as yanderes then they would be if they were normal. They don’t take bad pictures or catch anything embarrassing about you, or at least not that they show publicly. They might snap a few pictures at vulnerable moments to keep just for them, they’re the only ones who get to see you like that. While they may do their best to protect your reputation the same can’t be said for anyone else. They’ll slander other models left and right. Wether it’s true or a little editing magic they’re good at swaying the public opinion against anyone they need to. Just let them watch from the sidelines and you’ll never have to worry again.
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inamindfarfaraway · 4 months
I love reimagining Sofia the First episodes where Elena is inside the Amulet of Avalor from her perspective. You’re a sixteen-year-old heir to the throne trapped in a gemstone as a disembodied spirit with murdered parents, living family still in danger, a colonized country in need of liberation and untreated PTSD who nobody around you even knows exist. This has been your life for thirty-nine years by the time you finally find someone who might have the potential to free you. But first, you have to help her grow as a person. And all of these shenanigans keep happening. What was she thinking the whole time?
Sofia: (boasting to her friends about getting to sing the Enchancian anthem)
Elena: Oh my God, shut up. You sound like Esteban, and not in a good way.
Elena, a teenager and older sibling who hasn’t had the chance to tease anyone in roughly four decades: So… you’re expected to sing in front of a huge crowd tomorrow? Would be a shame. If something were to. Happen.
Amber: (deceives and manipulates Sofia and steals her amulet for personal gain)
Elena: You fucking brat! How dare you take advantage of your own sister’s trust after she’s been nothing but kind to you? Don’t you know how lucky you are? I would do anything to be able to just see my little sister again, talk to her, hug her, know that she’s safe and okay, let alone make her happy myself. You have so much, but you’re too spoiled rotten to appreciate it. You mistreat your family? Fine. Let’s see how you like them being threatened by an evil sorceress trying to take over your kingdom! ‘Cause trust me, it isn’t fun. Learn to be selfless or lose everything you’ve ever had! A BITCH FOR A BITCH!
Ivy: (takes the amulet to destroy it, which would kill Elena)
Elena: Shit.
Cedric: (deceives and manipulates Sofia and steals her amulet for personal gain)
Elena, who’s been onto him since day one, but feels completely unthreatened: You could be coveting any source of powerful magic, but no, you want the only one that you already know has a moral compass and will curse you for doing wrong. Genuine question: what are you doing with your life? I’m just gonna give you literal sticky fingers, and I’ll revoke that if you’re nice. You obviously don’t need much help to fail.
Miranda and Roland: (have sweet, bond-affirming moments with their children as good parents)
Elena: Aw, that’s nice. That’s - that’s nice. I’m fine.
Sofia: (is ten)
Elena: I’m so proud of Sofia. I think it’s time to enlist her to release me. Now how can I communicate that? Visions of Shuriki killing my parents and trying to kill me will get her started, right?
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weebsinstash · 11 months
Ok so tmi (on the tmi blog lol) but the first day of my Cycle I had a dream that I had just given birth and I was holding my baby and I was goddamn euphoric even though the logical part of me was like “???? I am 22 and broke i CANNOT have a baby rn” and I woke up crying and called my friends like I WANNA HAVE A BAAAAAABYYYYY I WANT A BAAAAAAABYYYYYYYY so basically. Imagine. Miguel catches you in a moment of weakness. And he NEVER. FUCKING. FORGETS IT.
Oh wow girlie those period hormones grabbed you by the uterus and absolutely REFUSED to let go
NO BUT FOR REAL don't look at me but I've been thinking of a concerning number of ideas where it's like, "Reader suddenly realizes they may want a baby and is actually putting serious thought into it and Miguel finds out (bet your ass Peter B tells him, i can see him as a "well intentioned" platonic guardian/mentor figure who sells you out to Miguel the second he thinks you're doing something risky or he thinks it's for your own good) and Miguel starts making all these plans and preparations behind your back to have a baby with you" and obviously I like the extra juicy option of "he found out you got extremely depressed and tied your tubes or something because you either see no point in you having a kid/think it's too late, OR, Miguel was the only person you were looking at as a potential father and you either decide it wouldn't work out or he does something to hurt you and you lose trust in him" so like, the double whammy combo of him being hit with the news you basically walled off your fertility that he's kinda fantasizing about AND you blame him for it
You see him chokeslam Miles on the train and having all these serious anger and stress issues and you're like "hmmmm don't like that" and basically make the tubal ligation appointment that week (but, you know, he'll either interfere before you can actually get it or even reverse it later on)
Like. Ugh I'm not sure if I should go super into detail bc I feel like I want to put this scene in the YouTwo fic or in a different idea i have thats more centered around motherhood, but, picture he catches you in his monitor room one day after you've lost your home dimension, you're having a little more than just a small identity crisis, and he catches you having Lyla show you the model for your life, or what the algorithm had predicted your life was supposed to be like before your universe just magically poofed away. You're just staring at these holograms with tears running down your face and he occasionally catches you starting to reach out like you want to touch what you see. He comes to stop you because he already knows all too well where this could lead, you can't become tempted to break canon and go somewhere else, but you beg him to let you watch just a little longer
"I was supposed to get MARRIED! I was supposed to have a BABY! I was supposed to have a family!! It's not fair!!"
And he's in total agreement with you because, who even fucking knows why your universe suddenly destabilized and vanished. He sees you as this person who has so much promise and potential who had their destiny and future literally snatched away from them and now you're lost and confused on what you're supposed to do, like really he totally understands why you feel so aimless. But watching these holograms is like torturing yourself, and he goes to stop you when you just keep crying because this is basically sending you into a critical mental health episode
"Someone was supposed to fall in love with me... we were supposed to have a baby... would I have been a good mom? Would I have had a boy or a girl? Cant you at least let me find out what my daughter's name would have been?"
And it's like NOOOO you can't hit him with the daughter card, don't you see what you've DONE!!! Gets him right in the heart. Now he's got this massive soft spot for you, bigger than it already was anyways, and he can tell over time you're just really starting to, grieve the future you were supposed to have, falling into a depression. Peter B is hanging around with Mayday like he usually does as both men can tell you're really staring at his baby today and he offers to teach you how to hold her. you're standing there misty eyed twirling one of her little curls around your finger as her dad starts volunteering information to you, "you know she's about XYZ months old now, they aren't really talking yet at this age but they're really curious about their surroundings and--"
Miguel watches as you start talking about children and suddenly get this really really tortured expression and just say "it's not meant to happen" and or some combination of "it's too late for me" and gives him his baby back a little too quickly in typical "I am clearly leaving the room to go cry" fashion. Meanwhile Peter B is like 38 wondering why you think you're out of time or it's not supposed to happen
Miguel's working one day and Peter is trying to shove his phone in his face, "you know I think this is one of the BEST photos of Mayday I've ever taken, she's looking so cute here, you just GOTTA see it" and Pete just won't let up and Miguel finally looks just to humor him because the man is being unusually annoying and, it's a photo of Mayday, duh, but being held by you, and you're clearly looking down at her with watering eyes and the smallest little smile that says "I'll die for you" and Peter is just all 😏 as Miguel is 'suddenly' interested in the photo. "That's a really good photo of MAYDAY, right? 😏 I figured you would like it, that photo of MAYDAY 😏" and Miguel is just grumbling and grouchy bc he sees what this guy is tryna do, but he's still like ".... send it to me later, I'm trying to work right now"
It's even worse if you're a member of his strike force because you're constantly around him, Peter B, and Jess. Miguel just, idly wondering where you are and deciding to walk around a little bit and eventually finds that you're having some sort of conversation with Peter B and Jess and he can tell you look really weepy as the other woman invites you to feel her baby kicking, like, you could not more obviously be developing baby fever, and you ARE around that age, and ESPECIALLY if you live in Nueva York because it's like, YEAH you're still a Spider and YEAH you help the Society with stuff but. Your home universe is gone, your canon is gone, you're kind of. Free as a bird really? But you're also scared because, if someone was destined to love you, does that mean it technically isn't meant to be to fall for anyone else? You can't exactly hook up with people at the Spider Society because of canon or them already having relationships, and you don't exactly have identifying documents if you wanted to try and adopt
I think it'd really reach a stressful breaking point if you and the strike force go to another universe to fight an anomaly and Miguel catches you staring out into the crowd of people you just saved and he sees what youre looking at instantly and his heart sinks. Another you, another normal you, never bitten by a Spider, is standing there with her husband and her little sputtering baby, and he has to all but drag you away as you cry "it's not fair, it's not fair, why does SHE get a normal life!!"
Sidebar for a moment, I think that's probably also one thing that would be so INFURIATING about the doppelganger stealing your life story because THEY have a home universe and YOU don't. They take your life, they take literally everything you have left, your friends, your sense of community, your literal purpose. I've already decided on YTs motivations but could you imagine you finding out YouTwo actually has a decent life and maybe even a husband and kid of their own and you're just furious because they're basically abandoning their duties back home not only as a Spider but as a parent/spouse to steal what YOU have? You can't kill them because it would break their canon and kill like countless people but Miguel and the others would def let you beat the shit out of your evil double and get some of your anger out. Like. Jesus could you imagine Miguel kicks you out thinking you're the fake and after you're gone, YouTwo breaks canon and that's what exposes them, or theyre exposed when they eventually take a trip back home and get caught. The Society's regret, the guilt, the anger, just marinate me with the drama
But anyways back to Being Sad and Babycrazy, you go missing one day and Miguel has to decide what to do when he finally tracks your bracelet and you're back in THAT dimension again. He has to physically track you down using your bracelet's signal because you refuse to answer his messages and you're, in the home of the other you while she takes a brief nap, in the nursery, holding her baby. Miguel quietly climbs through the window and you're in a rocking chair and you've got her hugged to your chest and your eyes are closed and you sense him and, obviously cry because you know you have to leave. Unlike with the holograms he doesn't give you any leeway on this, putting his foot down that this has to end here, this cant go on, this is already so dangerous. And, you're good for him and understand, leaving the baby back in its crib as you and Miguel warp away. You're heartbroken but ultimately understanding when he has to disable your watch's ability to visit that specific dimension again, and you're obviously extremely depressed for a while, having multiple Spiders coming to check in on you as word spreads around that you aren't doing well
I can just see Reader becoming kind of desperate because the only options for a baby you really have left is to either 1. get a serious relationship, which you're scared of because you have to trust that person and who can you even pick, you're nervous about breaking canon or something, or 2. Get some random person to impregnate you so you can run off with the baby
Miguel gets a call from Peter B that you went to a bar and you're EXTREMELY wasted as you try to pick someone, ANYONE up and like, you have admirers for sure but there's enough decent people around to keep the creeps in line, clearly you are in a vulnerable state of mind right now, and Miguel gets to tote your drunken ass back home as you drunkenly word vomit all your feelings to him because, unfortunately for you, he has your trust, and you need comfort right now, and you even ask him about what being a parent was like for him. You encouragingly tell him he shouldn't give up if he still wants kids, you trying to be genuinely nice and not trying to imply anything, blubbering about how he deserves to still be happy and he's still got time, and here's Miguel who's practically tracking your cycles at this point, TOTALLY not going to use anything you say to him while you're piss-drunk against you
Especially if you add ABO into the mix and you have a Miguel who's either Alpha/Omega and is already babycrazy af and he sees you literally fucking YEARNING for it, like. You've got a 6'9" Alpha basically looking at you, his poor lil Omega crush, with the big yandere goo goo eyes and how you need all this love and support and stability and how you're in need of a proper husband and of course he's all too willing to volunteer himself for the job. Even if he's too awkward to come right out to you and say it, he'll be thinking in his head and planning behind your back ways to take care of you, keep you away from any drugs/alcohol (no more smoking weed with metro boomin Spiderman, you've gotta detox your body to have a baby! Also, different concept but, Miguel basically keeping you in a bubble to control all your meals and recreational activities and all of that so he can make sure you're perfectly healthy for a baby)
Don't let this man catch you slipping up! Throw you to the Spider Society and you'll come back pregnant 😭 he sees you so depressed and wanting a baby and it's like well, if your life needs new meaning, he can help literally make one for you 😏 he's been feeling protective and nurturing of you anyways, so, it's an extra benefit for him to think of getting to have both you AND a little baby of your very own ❤️
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dilemmaontwolegs · 6 months
Already Gone || MV1 {7}
Pairing: Max Verstappen x spy!fem!reader Summary: After the attack in your home, Max is serious about learning to fight. Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, alcohol, sparring, mentions of illegal activities WC: 1.8k
F1 Masterlist || previous chapter || next chapter
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“Are you sure you should be drinking? You might have a concussion,” Max worried as you sipped the gin and tonic Christian had made. 
“Relax, the lady’s earned a drink or two,” Christian said as he sat down with his own. “Nice job.”
You clinked your glass with your bosses before drinking half of the strong beverage in one gulp and sighing happily. “Thank you. Dare I ask where Brett’s taking them?”
Christian chuckled and shook his head. “Best to have deniability.”
Max looked uncomfortable at the conversation as he shifted in his seat beside you, his fingers massaging your shoulder that his arm draped across.
“I know you don’t like it, babe, but this is the reality of the situation,” you said softly as you took his hand and traced the lines that cut across his palm, not that you believed in the life line or the love line crap. “They wanted to break your hands. They weren’t here to have a pretty conversation that magically convinced you to lose your races. They wanted to make sure you could never race again.”
“I’ve increased the security on Checo but they seem to be focusing their energy on you.”
“Of course, Max is the bigger threat,” you stated obviously. “Anyone who can read the standings knows that.” Tilting your head towards the principal you cocked an eyebrow and asked, “You don’t happen to have half a billion hidden in your mattress?”
Christian scoffed as he swirled his drink, clinking the ice against the glass. “I’m not Pablo Escabar, and I don’t think my wife would sleep comfortably on the lumps.”
“That’s a shame, his personal army could’ve been helpful.”
“What do you want half a billion dollars for anyway?”
“Euros, actually.” You grabbed your phone off the coffee table and opened the app for the stock exchange, scrolling through the companies of interest you had saved before tossing it on his lap. “They wouldn’t sell the majority of their shares but there is a sizable chunk up for grabs. Certainly enough to get a seat on the chairboard.”
Christian looked at the trading name and chuffed at the thought of being a board member at Scuderia Ferrari before he took a sip of his drink. “Let me see what I can move about.”
“Wait, you’re not serious?” Max baulked at the idea before helping himself to your drink at the look you gave him. “Fuck, you are serious.”
“If you need a shell company I have a few old ones to spare.”
“I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that,” Christian chuckled as he finished his drink and started to head to the door. “I’d get that fixed pronto if I were you.”
You gave him the thumbs up as he left while Max walked him to the gaping hole where the broken door used to be. “See you next week, boss.”
Walking back to your side, Max scratched his short beard and said, “I think we should go to a hotel tonight, liefje.”
A gust of wind blew through the open door and swayed the picture frames on the wall to accentuate his words. “I think you’re right, preferably one with a spa.”
He smiled as he kissed your temple, careful to avoid the swelling on your forehead. “I’m sure I can find something for you.”
Two Months Later “Shit,” Max grunted as the wind was knocked from him. 
“Please don’t hurt my star driver before his final race,” Christian said as he walked into the gym and found Max bent over his knees panting. 
“I haven’t touched him,” you defended yourself while you rubbed Max’s back. “The speedball took him out.”
“If anyone asks, it was Rico Verhoeven.”
You snorted a laugh. “He loves you too much to hurt you. He would probably let you take him down.”
“Probably,” Max groaned as he straightened up and cocked a brow at his boss who held a file in his hand. “What’s that?”
“Just some paperwork for you to sign,” he said to you as he held it out. “Our lovely Director here will be heading to Italy next week for her first board meeting.”
You hadn’t really missed your old line of work but you couldn’t deny there was a certain thrill to stepping into the lion’s den. Max wasn’t too happy about it, but you had convinced him not to worry, or at least accept it. Christian had been able to shift some money around to make the investment feasible and it had been collectively decided that you would be the best person to take the seat.
Now that the seat was filled you would be able to give the go ahead to your contacts and Scuderia Ferrari stocks would rise once again over the winter break, lining Red Bull’s pockets with profits. It was a win-win. 
“What I wouldn’t give to see the faces of those smarmy old bastards when you walk in the boardroom,” Christian mused as you signed the last of the documents. “Benedetto doesn’t know what he started.”
Max had recovered from his winded state and pulled his boxing gloves off to have a drink, taking a seat next to Christian on a weight bench. “You are lucky I am so charming. I should get a bonus for saving the team with my good looks and wonderful personality.”
“Greedy bastard, isn’t the €55 million I am paying you each year enough?” Christian said with a burst of laughter.
“My girlfriend has expensive taste.”
“Hey, I had no problem affording my own lifestyle before I met you,” you pointed out as you stole his drink bottle and pointed to the heavy sandbag. “And I didn’t say you could have a break. Gloves back on, Prince Charming.”
“I’ll leave you love birds to it. Don’t forget dinner tonight,” Christian said as he made his way back to the door. “Oh, and try not to be beaten by a bag, Max. It’s bad for your reputation.”
Max held his gloved hand up and you knew he was trying to pull the finger inside of it. “Very menacing,” you teased as you grabbed your own set of gloves and joined him in the ring. “Shall we dance, pretty boy?”
“Do I get a reward if I take you down?”
You blew a kiss to your boyfriend and raised your hands. “How about you focus on just trying to land a punch?”
“I’m competitive, liefje, I respond best to incentives.”
“Is that right...well, in that case, how about this?” You closed the distance between you and brushed your lips along his jaw until you reached his ear. “You take me down, and you can take me down.”
His athletic stamina that kept him strong for the races showed no sign of weakening as he followed you around the ring, relentlessly trying to take you to the mat. Sweat beaded on your forehead as you ducked and spun out of his reach, and you saw his cheeks flush with the same exertion of his effort. 
Deciding he had pushed himself hard enough for one day, you planted your foot and deflected the throw he made. He overextended past you, leaving his side open for you to wrap yourself around, dragging him to the thin padding on the ground and rolling until you straddled his hips.
“Good work, but it’s time to rest. You have qualifying soon.”
“I’ve already won the championship, plus I could start last on the grid and still get points,” he said with a cocky smile before he stole your signature move. He used your own momentum against you, twisting his hips as he reached across your body. The room spun as you were flipped onto your back and suddenly you were looking up at him. “I just can’t help winning, see.”
“Go on then,” you dared as he hungrily eyed your body pinned beneath his. “Take your reward.”
“We could get caught,” Max groaned as he glanced at the door Christian had left through, knowing it was unlocked. 
“You’re not scared are you?” 
All his blood rushed south of his brain and he found no reason to deny you both. “Fuck it.”
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Dinner was a quiet affair with just the team and their families. The real party would come after the race, but you were quite content as you were when the group broke up at the end of the evening. 
Geri had taken the children off to bed while the mechanics went to a nightclub nearby for a ‘nightcap’. Christian wished them a good evening and a polite suggestion to not stay out too late. It left you, Max and Christian moving to your fully stocked bar in the presidential suite and sinking into the plush seats. 
“What a fucking year it’s been,” Christian laughed as he rubbed his beard. 
You snorted a laugh and kicked your feet up onto Max’s lap. “It’s been exciting though, you have to admit that.”
You smiled as the two recounted their favourite parts of the season while you browsed the NASDAQ Dubai journal you had started reading before dinner.
“It’s a shame George is still sick, he can’t catch a break.”
“You think George being sick is a coincidence?” you commented as you turned the page and chuckled. “Tell me you are not that-“ you fell silent at the look Christian gave you and just shrugged. “It’s quite easy to replicate illnesses with certain substances is all I’m saying…”
“Why go after George?” Max pondered aloud while Christian sat still processing what you had inferred.
Your boss’s eyes lit up with realisation and he grabbed his phone to open the F1 app to confirm his thoughts. “Because if George scores anything above fourth place tomorrow Mercedes will beat Ferrari in the constructors championship. That’s worth a few million euros, at least.”
“Do we do anything with this information?” Max asked as he began to massage your ankle. Though he had almost come to accept the dark underbelly of the sport, he still didn’t like it and it made him nervous.
“We can’t prove it,” you said with a shake of your head as his massage glided up your calf muscle, like a cat that kneaded a spot for self-comfort. “It’s not exactly a bad thing too, Ferrari coming second. It will make for great telly seeing Toto throw a bitch fit.”
Christian nearly spilled his drink with the belly laugh that filled the suite. “I’ll cheers to that,” he toasted as he held his drink forward. “To the end of an exciting season.”
You leaned in with yours and tapped it with his and Max’s. “And to another one next year.” They both cut you a side eye and you bit your lip to suppress the smile. “Or not.”
Click here for the next part.
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robynlilyblack · 2 years
A case of mistaken identity
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James Potter x fem! reader
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Summary: James mistakes y/n, his best friend, for someone else at a halloween party leading secrets to be revealed
Warnings: swearing, post-hogwarts, best friends to lovers, getting together, first kiss, mutual pining, mentions of sex, alcohol, drunkness, hangovers and slight sexual tension, lil angst, mostly fluff, adorable drunk James, wolfstar being beautifully wolfstar
A/n: 3.1k words, thank you for the request! enjoy xx
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Navigation | James Potter Masterlist
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You made your way through the crowd, giggling at some of the costumes. Most people were unrecognisable, yourself included after the use of magic to change your hair colour
“Sorry” you apologise to the third vampire you had ran into in the last few minutes from what you found was not a quick trip to the bathroom but over an hour maze through some ex hufflepuffs mansion
Even after three years the marauders were still invited to everything, and the marauders being the marauders took it as a challenge to go to every party they were invited to. This one being the last in your friend's Halloween crawl. 
“He’s so cute” you smile to yourself as your eyes finally fall on James
You had been to ten parties tonight, most of you just stayed in the same costume despite James pleas. Which meant James had in fact changed his costume nine times between each one, but made sure to wear the same band on his wrist so the rest of you could keep up
“Y/n?” you look to the side, eyes lighting up as you see Remus, dressed as bowie, obviously
He squinted at you, making sure he was right as you had to change to your backup costume after someone spilt punch down you
“Yeah” you nod “Hiya Moony” you grin at him “Having fun?”
He nods too, smiling away now he’s sure you are you “Apart from the fact I’m hiding from my fiance. I’m grand” he chuckles
You giggle “Why on earth are you hiding?” you shake your head in an amused confusion
“Sirius thinks I look hot and can’t keep his hands off me…” he gestures to himself and you nod in agreement, he did look beyond good tonight “...normally I love that but he looks like our ex professor and as much as I adore her there no way I can…” his face scrunches up, shaking his he has to shake the grossness out while you burst out in laughter, holding onto his arm as you lose it “It’s not funny” he’s giggling now too
“MY LOVE” the man of the hour shouts over the crowd, pointing to Remus who smiles at him nervously as he watched Sirius hop down from the table and head over
“I gotta run…you never saw me” he whisper shouts whilst backing into the crowd
You giggle at his retreating figure before turning to Sirius as he approaches “Hi Minnie” you wave
“Oh hello beautiful” his disappointment over Remus’ sudden disappearance fades as he happily pulls you in for a hug, breaking away to kiss both your cheeks “You seen my handsome husband?”
“I pretty sure he went that way pretty” you point in the opposite direction to where Remus actually went
“Thanks” he kisses your nose, causing you to giggle “You gonna go get your husband too?” he winks pointing to James who was telling a bunch of people about one of their best pranks
You feel your cheeks grow warm. Your friends had joked about you and James being a couple for years, only time they stopped was when James and Lily dated the last year of school, but promptly started up again when they broke up a few months after graduation
“He’s not my…” you start but Sirius is already off and left you “...boyfriend” you finish rather solemnly to yourself before heading over to James, it was getting late now and you were crashing at his since Sirius would be staying with Remus…if he ever found him
Walking up you find he’s finished telling his story and has now headed to presumably pour himself another drink, so you gently tap his shoulder to gain his attention before he gets to the table.
He does a double take at you, giving you this weird smile, one that makes your heart ache as it isn’t the normal beaming one you’re used to 
“Hey” he greets although it sounds more like a question
“Hi” you smile back the best you can “I…” your cut off
“Sorry. I really don’t have time” he says a little cold looking away, chin tilting up as he surveys the crowd
You shoulders drop, instantly deflating and feeling beyond stupid for the tears already pricking your eyes. Pouting as you look down
James turns back to you then, head dipping down and presumably sees how upset you are “Hey” he coos, a tentative hand finding your shoulder although he does wobble a fair bit, displaying that although he’s holding himself rather well he’s still incredible drunk “I’m sorry I’m just looking for someone”
Your eyebrows furrow, lifting your head to meet those big brown eyes you loved more than life “Who?” you ask, not masking your sadness
He looks a little sad himself, almost conflicted “Can you keep a secret?” he asks, almost breathing out as he guides himself and you down to sit on the edge of the couch “Whoa…thanks” he chuckles as he almost falls off the couch but luckily you steady him
“I can keep a secret” you nod 
He doesn’t seem to clock the worry on your face nor the utter heartbreak that spreads across your face at what he says next
“I’m looking for this girl. She’s the love of my life, loved her since forever” he starts and all you can do is try your best not to cry
He’s talking about Lily. He has to be. Except he’s too drunk to remember Lily bowed out at party number eight
“She’s so beautiful, and smart, way smarter than me but not in a know it all way…”
He keeps going on and on, heart shattering as you thought your days of these rants ended years ago. You can’t help the tear that falls down your cheek, so you turn your head away to wipe it. You feel silly. Over the last years you and James were the closest you had ever been and you had naively let yourself believe that you finally had a chance, turning down perfectly lovely dates and saving yourself for him, only to find out he never let go of…
Your head darts to him “Yeah?” you put on your best smile, tilting your head
“You’re not surprised?” he raises an eyebrow “Most people think I still love Lily” he shrugs looking away and you just stare at him baffled, if he wasn’t talking about her then who was it? 
“You don’t love Lily?” you ask, eyes wide
He turns back “Think you’ve had just as much as me” he chuckles but then his face falls and he looks at you seriously “Lily was my first love, and in another world she would have been perfect. But Y/n you know…” he starts smiling “She’s the one, the great big beautiful one I always dreamed of” he turns back to you “You remember her from school?” he wonders while it hits you then. 
James loves you! You! The knowledge causing very piece of your heart that was just shattered on the floor to rebuilds itself and you find yourself nodding 
“Yeah I remember”
“She’s wonderful ain’t she?”
“Yeah” you nod again, seeing that shine he always wore as he speaks of you “You okay?” you wonder as his pretty face drops to a frown
“I wish I could tell her. I’ve wanted to so many times it was just never the right one you know?”
“Yeah. I know” you have to agree, same boat and all that, merlin you could have giggled knowing he was suffering the same affliction if you weren’t sure he’d grow poutier 
“Have you seen her? I…” he spaces out for a second and you’d find out later was the all the jelly shots finally kicking in “…I’m gonna be so hungover” he whines, holding his head and almost falling backwards so you have to steady him once more
“You want me to take you home?” you ask him
“No. I can’t leave without y/n and as nice as you are she’s nicer, her hair is nicer…I want her” he babbles a little, kind of like a child describing why one of his toys was better, and you find yourself resisting the urge to kiss him
“Last time I saw her she was with your friends, helping M-Remus hide from Sirius cause he was trying to kiss him” you tell him, having to remind yourself to call your friends by their real names as only marauders and co could use the nicknames
He laughs at that “I can’t blame him, if y/n didn’t look so cute in her costume I’d hit that too” he admits causing you to giggle a little, it was a well known fact everyone was a little into Moony “You think you could go find her for me? Even if she’s staying with them…” he hiccups “...I just need to hear from her that she's okay. Would you be able to find her? Please” he asks you so genuinely, and you have to give it to James for placing his trust in someone who he thinks is a perfect stranger and not his best friend…and you guessed love of his life!
“Course you just wait here” you tell him making sure he isn’t going to keel over while you move around the couch and out of his eye line
Kneeling down you pull out your wand from the strap it was kept in on your thigh under the skirt of your costume. You change your hair back to normal, and also the colour of your shawl so he thinks it’s different, waiting around for a  minute before heading back over
“Hiya Jamie” you greet, big smile on your face “A girl told me you were looking for me?”
He eyes you for a moment and then that big grin takes over his features, the one you had been waiting for. He knew it was you this time the silly dear
“Hi!” he’s perked up significantly now “Are you okay? Having fun?” He asks, standing up shakily and taking your hands
You nod “Yeah” lacing your fingers properly with his “I am getting a tad tired though. You want to go home?” you wonder
He nods like a bobble head, following you mindlessly through the party to say your goodbyes before eventually getting back to his and Sirius’ apartment. James was half asleep at this point and you were barely able to get him to brush his teeth before he fell face first into his bed. You didn’t do much after that, just take off his glasses which had miraculously not been lost nor destroyed, and also his shoes 
“Goodnight my love” he murmurs, hand lazily reaching out to you and falling onto the covers as he passes out
Your heart was fluttering beyond control “Goodnight Jamie” you whisper, placing a kiss to his temple and adoring the little smile he wears as he hums in his sleep
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James woke to a killer headache, groaning as he found himself flat on his stomach, cheek pressed into the mattress. Blinking he glanced around the room which he vaguely recognised to be his even if his vision was a little fuzzy without his glasses. He scooched up the bed, slowly but surely making his way to the pillow, resting a moment before reaching over to pat around for his glasses, eventually finding them
“What a night” he lets out a groan like sigh as he turns to fall onto his back, slipping on his glasses and finally seeing the world 
He glances at the clock, 10:30am. He smiled at the knowledge, he could get in another hour in…wait. 
He sits up abruptly, ignoring the stinging in his head as he fails to remember how he got home nor when he last saw you
“Fuck…y/n!” he panics, shouting out and clambering out of bed
He half slides along and into Sirius’ room, yelling your name as he does and freaking when he finds it empty. Backing back into the living room he’s about to run to the phone and call Remus in case you went home with him and Sirius when he hears a small clank and turns to the kitchen
“Morning” you giggle at him, clearly finding his theatrics in looking for you hilarious whilst you seem to be mixing something
“Morning” he relaxes instantly, you’re safe, you’re here…and you're wearing his clothes “Sorry love I couldn’t remember a thing and panicked I’d…”
“Abandoned me or something?” you cut him off teasingly
“Never” he chuckles back and you know he means it, he’d never willingly leave you
Walking over to the kitchen, he admires you in his old quidditch jumper, adoring how it wears on you now you’ve charmed it, hanging just below your arse which he will make note to try and not stare at as you turn around so he tries to instead peer into the bowl 
You notice however, turning around to face him and hiding it behind your back
“What you making?” he eyes you
“Something nice” you smirk, and James can’t help but smile at the way your entire being glows this morning, you look so happy 
It completes him
“Can I inquire what that something nice is?”  he leans down a little, matching your grin
“I don’t know” you shrug “It’ll cost you” you look him dead in the eye placing the bowl onto the counter but far enough it’s still out of view
James feels his heart race, you’re looking at him like you know something he doesn’t. It’s a little scary but also thrilling, whatever it is he loves the electric tension in the air
“Oh really?” he steps forward, continuing to match your energy “Name your price my love” he throws you a wink, licking his lips as he watches your cheeks rise and your resolve faluters with shyness before its back
“A kiss” you demand oh so softly, shocking him
His smile doesn’t leave but it softens as his eyes widen in surprise “A kiss?” he confirms, mind trying to figure out if this was some kind of trick question 
Did you really want a kiss, a real life altering kiss? Or was this like a friendly cheek kiss…or worse just a joke and he was too hungover to realise
“Yes” you nod, eyes flicking to his lips then back to eyes “James”
“Kiss me” 
James doesn’t move for a moment, just stares at you, realising you’re completely serious. He lets out a small breathy laugh as he smiles so wide as he cups your cheeks and kisses you with everything he has
He loves the way you smile into the kiss before melting into it. He loves that as he walks you back towards the kitchen table you hop onto it without question and grab his shirt to pull him back in but closer so he stands between your legs. He loves every little hum, noise and every little erratic breath that escapes those perfect lips. He loves that it’s better than anything he could have imagined
“Whoa” he lets out a breathless chuckle when you part, chests heaving as your foreheads rest on one another 
“Think you overpaid just for pancake mix” you giggle and he joins you, hand cupping the back of your head as he presses a kiss to your forehead
“Yeah but I was making up for all those years I could have been doing that before…merlin” ge brushes some hair from your face “I’ve fancied you forever” he confesses, smiling like an absolute madman but he doesn’t care, not when you’re looking at him the way you are now
“Likewise big guy” you peck his nose
“Wait” his eyes blow wide, cupping your cheeks “Seriously?”
“Siriusly” you grin at him nodding in his grip
His heart bursts, both from the confirmation and how cute your cheeks are all squished together, oh and the added sprinkle of the pun that was well over used yet still made him chuckle to this day
“Did…” James lets out a nervous chuckle, feeling his cheek grow warm as the question dawns on him “Did…something happen between us last night?” he asks with a raised eyebrow, eyes falling down to your exposed thighs and more so the boxers you had also charmed and stolen and a downturned grin plays on his lips 
“Eyes up here” you pull him away from his stares, looking bashful yourself under them
“Sorry” he means it, you don’t look upset but he does feel bad his hands finding the outside of your thighs and pressing his thumbs into your skin soothingly
“Nothing happened last night when we got back” you tell him with a soft smile “I helped you to bed and then I crashed in Siri’s room”
“Oh” he breathes out but he isn’t disappointed, no, he’s happy he didn’t drunkenly forget his first anything with you, although it doesn’t explain why you’ve suddenly made a move “How…” he shakes his head, disertanty in his voice and you know him well enough to know what he’s asking
“How much do you remember from last night?” you wonder, hands dropping from his chest to slide up his forearms
His eyes flutter at your movements “Ugh…don’t think I can remember anything after party number…nine?” he eventually gets out  with a shrug “Oh merlin what happened? You said nothing happened when we got back did we before…” he points between yours and his lips, making a kissing motion with them 
You laugh at that “No” you assure him giggling and he nods again relieved 
“So what then?” he moves closer, pinching your thighs impatiently to which you squeal and squirm cutely
In all honesty James didn’t care what force brought this upon him, he just wanted to thank it…which in around an hour after you both had returned to bed but to to sleep he finds he’s inclined to thank his drunken self
“Give me the short version for now?” he asks and you raise an eyebrow “You heard right” he raises an eyebrow, smirking and he hopes you understand his meaning
Which you do, of course you do and he adores the way you turn away and press your lips together, smiling “A case of mistaken identity” you say a little vaguely after a moment, turning back
“Thats all I’m getting?” he pinches you again to which you poke him in the side back causing him to bark a laugh
“You said short version” you defend
“Come on” he pleads but you bring your hand to your lips and pretend to lock them “You aren’t gonna give me anything, are ya?” he eyes you, scrunching his nose up and rubbing it against your own causing you to giggle
“Well” you look in though “Maybe another kiss might loosen my lips” you grin happily at him
“Yes mam” James winks, wasting no time in indulging you
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Thank you for reading ♡
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sarahsartistportfolio · 7 months
More self indulgence Genshin impact. I'm going start backing up my Genshin writing on AO3 because I'm really enjoying this lol and want to make more. Please be kind to me, I'm not a "fanfic writer" I'm just sharing this because I find it fun.
Brief synopsis of what this is: Mine/your first meeting with the Fontaine siblings. I just straight up include my name here so if you're also a Sarah you'll get extra enjoyment from this. Lyney suffering from love at first sight lol. A really cute paragraph of Freminet. In my little sagau fantasy this takes place after the game has ended, so just assume Lumine and Aether are reunited and everything major is resolved. OH! And female reader and no smut here, just Lyney being infatuated with you.❤
Sorry I feel like I'm talking too much, I'm new to this🙇‍♀️
love Love LOVE the idea of sagau Lyney...being being like a little nervous/awkward around you God the same could go for Heizou
But love the idea of cool, suave, a bit aloof Lyney stumbling over his words and cheeks dusting pink as soon as he sees you the new goddess of Tayvet. Just love the picture of Lyney getting all shy and nervous around you cause he's so taken aback by your beauty and kindness.
Ok so like picture this. You've been the goddess of Teyvat for like weeks now. You've already visited most of your favorites from Mondstadt, Liyue, Sumeru. So you're like "Furina I wanna visit Fontaine next" and she's super excited, starts planing out your entire schedule for your days there. And you say "I wanna see one of Lyney's famous magic shows :)" and she's like "Of course of course right after we see the trial of a double homicide we'll do that."
But like you would think its a bit rude to just show up to his show without introducing yourself first. So you send Lyney and his siblings a letter telling them in week you'll be in Fontaine seeing one of their shows and that you're going arrive early so you can introduce yourself before the show starts.
(I just love the mental image of the three siblings huddled around each other as Lyney reads off the letter whose sender is the goddess herself.)
So um next scene right. Lyney is fidgeting with putting his gloves on, his right hand a little shaky and his eyes obviously lost in thought. "Nervous?" his sister's voice startles him from his deep thoughts. "I haven't seen you this nervous before a show in many years. Its because she's going be in the audience isn't it?" Lynette bluntly points out. Lyney swiftly tries to regain his usual demur as he smoothly pulls the glove on his hand. "Of course not, I'm more concerned about Lady Furina. You know what happened the last time she was at one of our shows." And after Lynette drops the topic Lyney is low key wondering if he should double check his props, least he make a fool of himself in front of you.
As the minutes tic by you arrive early as promised. You insist Furina doesn't follow you backstage to greet the siblings with you, she dramatically sighs and tells you not to take too long.
And as your eyes meet the three siblings(as you insisted Freminet be there too) they immediately take a low bow before you. Your eyes bright and smile beaming at seeing them together for the first time.
"Its an honor to have you in attendance this evening ma dame" Lyney gracefully speaks first.
"There's no need to be so formal with me. Please call me Sarah." The smile on your face never leaving for a second as your eyes quickly bounce between Lyney and Lynette before saying "Wow you two really do look alike."
You don't forget about Freminet. Turning to him and patting his head gently. Causing poor little shy Freminet to lose his voice. "Ah I have a small gift for you Freminet." you tell him as you pull out a small gift box for the boy. "Open it." And as his shaky hands do its revealed to be a small doll automata. "You like it?" you smile back at him. But Freminet's heart is racing too quickly for him to process what is happening. He glances down at the doll then back at you and repeats this movement again and again. He can not comprehend how he was just handed a personalized gift from the goddess herself, let alone she just touched his head. His cheeks a bright red, he nods, keeping his gaze to the floor. "I'm glad." you say sweetly as you pat his head once more. Freminet continues to gaze at the doll as if he was just gifted a holy relic.
You greet Lynette with a short hug, arms around her shoulders. She doesn't dare push you away and the faintest pink blush on her cheeks is quite endearing to see. "We have to get together for tea sometime." You tell her. "There's still so many tea flavors in Teyvat I haven't tried yet. Promise me you'll brew me your favorite." And with a shy nod she agrees.
As Lyney sees you embrace his sister he assumes(no hopes) you'll do the same with him. And he's not disappointed when you turn to him and wrap him in a brief hug. His hand hovers close to your waist but decides against touching out of respect. When you pull away, but faces still close he gets a clear image of your eyes and oh wow he can see stars in them. Swirling colors of blues and violets mixing together he finds himself staring a little too long. You giggle. "Photos can't do you justice Lyney you're even more handsome in person." Lyney's eyes sparkle at your unexpected compliment, his heart skipping a beat. "Oh on the contrary mon cheri, I could have never have guessed such a stunning beauty was behind your letter." Lyney smoothly retorts, making you bashfully giggle again. And he wonders how many more times he can pull that reaction from you. Your conversation remains short but full of excitement. Lyney's eyes remain shamelessly transfixed on you.
You give the three one last sweet smile and a little wave goodbye before you turn to return to Furina, who is giving you the saddest puppy eyes saying "That took way too long."
Lynette, with her eyes in a rare soft daze looks at her hands before muttering "...She's nice." Lyney's gaze follows you as you descend the main stage back to an disappointed Furina. His heart racing from just this short interaction with you. If he had any doubts about the divine they were certainty gone by your kind presence. He becomes determined to learn more about you. A slight pink dusts his pale skin and his eyes remain locked on you as he speaks "When Sarah and Furina come backstage after the show we should invite them out to a meal with us."
Lynette's focus is now back on her brother. "What? Why would they do that?"
A mischievous glint shines in Lyney's eyes before he opens up his left palm to reveal a pearl earring.
Ah Lynette shouldn't expect any less of small trickery from her brother. She sighs "That was a bit unnecessary don't you think." And Lyney just laughs proud of himself.
At the end of the show when you and Furina are about to leave the opera house, of course you notice your beloved earring is missing. Furina dramatically gasps "Do you want me to order the staff to turn this whole place upside down for you your Grace?" "No no." You reassure her. "Let's just retrace our steps."
And you're very grateful when Lyney hands the earring back to you claiming to have spotted it on the ground after you walked away. His attention completely on you as soon as you came into view. "Thank you again Lyney, I'll try to see you again later this-"
"Would you like to join us for dinner tonight Sarah?" Lyney confidently asks without missing a beat. "To show our gratitude for attending our show."
Your gaze shifts to Lynette who shows no disagreement to her brother's proposal.
You agree and the four of you(as Furina refuses to leave your side until your head hits the pillow tonight) have a lavish five course meal at one of the most expensive cafes in the city. You try to spread your attention over the three of them equally, even encouraging Lynette to chime in as to not leave her out of the conversation. And as Furina dominates the conversation again you cant help but feel a set of eyes on you. In fact you've been feeling them on you all night. Its Lyney who not so sneakily can't help but be transfixed on you even when you're not the one speaking. Eyes soft and almost coy smile half hidden by him leaning on his hand.
As you mention you plan on spending time with Neuvillette, Lyney is secretly plotting on how to steal you away.
Hmm wonder what happens next...
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hajihiko · 1 year
What did you make of DR3's explanation for how the characters became Despairs?
I dont like it. Here's a re-write i was thinking about
Ok note: this is what would have made the School Life thing more enjoyable TO ME. Not gonna fit for everyone obvi
Ok first of all. Junko loses most of her potential if you take away her being sneaky and manipulative, which we barely even got to see in the games, so I want that in ACTION.
Second of all, this takes time. More than just like a single moment of anime hypnotism. Junko was definitely working her suckers for at least a year. I dont know how that reflects on the timeline and I dont super care
Chisa's class is full of chaos, these are some of the rowdiest students you'll find. They have potential for getting along, but they're also Very Troubled, and Chisa is a kind soul who tries to help them out with various issues. Actual attention paid to these kids being, like, KIDS, but also having some major red flags in their backgrounds that could escalate out of control very fast.
Among others, she tries to get Chiaki to come out of her shell and interact with the others more. This is hard, because Chiaki is not exactly receptive to it at first, but theres a little bit of unity between all the students anyway and they slowly start becoming friends. Chiaki uses this friendship guidance to befriend a lonely boy who often stares longingly at the school, whom she's noticed by silently sticking to the background when he's around. This will come in handy later.
Until, certain students start hanging out with their junior of 1 year, who always seems to be kind of slinking around and hanging with at least one student a day. Chiaki notices this because a) shes very quiet and mostly goes unnoticed when she's in the background, and b) she only needs half her attention span to play games anyway.
The people Junko hangs around get noticeably worse, though not necessarily more divided; just sort of 10 steps backwards for every 1 step Chisa helped them take. The rude and mean ones stop trying to be kinder, the shy and meek ones retreat even more, etc. Chisa is at a complete loss with this, but Chiaki confides in her that it might be the new student making trouble. Chisa takes over, and encourages Chiaki to keep trying to make friends with the others, which Chiaki does.
(Mahiru gets scared into telling no one what happened / what she suspects happened in Natsumi's murder, and gets rid of the evidence, as advised. The evidence she throws away gets mailed to Fuyuhiko, who is encouraged to avenge his sister. Guess who orchestrated all that?)
Chiaki does not fall into Junko's claws, because she's quiet and unobtrusive and, importantly, less desperate for what Junko can give her than the rest is. Chiaki does, after all, have her teacher who took the reigns and told Chiaki to grab her own oxygen mask first, and her Lonely Boy to confide in, and whenever she starts to lose herself, he gently reminds her to stand firm. That's right, the secret weapon was the friends we made along the way, just like in the ending.
(Hajime is probably just doing things more or less like in the anime, maybe listens to Chiaki's growing worries about her semi-friends, shits getting fucked and the only conceivable way Hajime can help is by agreeing to be a lab rat obviously what else. Biggest downfall is wanting to be there for Chiaki, but not letting her be there for him in return. Because inferiority complex.)
Chisa goes to confront this troubled mystery girl; Junko catches her too and starts working her nasty magic- for example, did you know two of your students were a part of a murder? Aren't you supposed to be guiding them? Do you know what's really happening in this school? Do you wanna see the human experimentation they just started? Did you know your best friend is in love with your crush and you can't confide in either of them anymore actually? Etc.
Chiaki is all alone now. When she finally DOES confront Junko, once the whole class along with the teacher has been sort of indoctrinated and her Lonely Boy has ditched her and she's feeling a bit brave because of it all), Junko kills her horribly in front of everyone as they do nothing. Not because they were hypnotized, but because they choose to. This is what really marks the point of no return for them. Chiaki was a quiet and harmless and mostly very nice girl, and her death was pointless, and they were a part of it, and they got away with it.
Instead of being a practically perfect student council president, Chiaki has more of an NPC theme, falling into the background more but also being honest and nice and willing to work with people. Then later, obviously, she really is an NPC and repeats the process, but this time she manages to save her boy and therefore her class.
(I'm not opposed to Chiaki being JUST an AI and never a part of the class at all, but I havent thought about it as much so idk any good points)
Hajime retains the same themes, but gets to be more of a juxtaposition of Junko, sneaking into everyone's hearts by befriending them and helping them move forward instead of backwards. He wins with the power of friendship and all that jazz.
Everyone else gets way more accountability to take. No hypnotism or brain poking, just digging into the worst parts of themselves and then indulging them entirely (with the help of Ultimate Charismatic Cult Leader Junko). I think the most interesting thing about this whole narrative could be that Anyone is capable of intense cruelty, and Anyone can choose to be a better person moving forward.
anyway in my mind that's what happened differently.
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misc-obeyme · 7 months
do you think solomon felt guilty for taking so long (season 2) to tell mc he was immortal? the hints were there and no one was subtle about it, so it's easy to assume that mc already knew or guessed the truth, but it takes so long for him to say it clearly. feels like a good source of angst, especially since he finally tells them in the reaper's cave
Okay so I had to go back and re-read this part, which is in Lesson 36-3 for anyone who wishes to play through that part again.
But here is the relevant moment:
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He seems so casual about it. In fact, right before this if you choose something like wait how is that possible his response is this:
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Now. I think this could be read two different ways. You could see all this as Solomon being like, obviously this is no big deal. If you take it at face value, he seems rather unbothered by the whole thing and doesn’t seem to mind telling you what happened and that he’s immortal.
However. I do think that Solomon does this thing where he acts really casually about stuff when he actually feels something more deeply, especially when everyone else is there. In this moment, all the demon brothers are present and they already know this fact about him. So maybe he was not trying to hide it, but not bringing it up to MC on purpose. But when they’re all there, he can’t exactly deny it, so he decides to act as though it’s no big deal. He almost glosses over this and directly after they have this short revelation, they get back to the task at hand (finding Beel’s candle).
So while I think there probably isn’t anything deeper to this instance in the actual story, I DO think there’s plenty of room for reader interpretation. (To be clear, I don’t think there was anything deeper to this moment in season two of the OG, but there certainly seems to be more about the Solomon immortality piece in general, especially in Nightbringer. I think it might be very relevant to the NB plot.)
And the fact of the matter is, currently MC is NOT immortal.
This is an issue that’s present for all the characters, but it has a really heavy impact for Solomon specifically, imo. This is because he’s HUMAN. He isn’t naturally immortal, he should have died long ago. And not only that, but he’s going to live on indefinitely. And all his fellow humans live short lives and die, leaving him perpetually alone.
It’s painful. Imagine always losing everyone you’ve ever loved. Always being the one still lingering after they’re all gone. Imagine being careful to never get too close to anyone because you don’t want to suffer through the pain of losing them later. Imagine knowing about the Devildom and the Celestial Realm and magic and sorcerers with such a deep understanding, but never being able to share it with anyone. Those that do join you in the study of magic will never be at your level because they die too soon. The only friends you can count on having for any decent length of time are demons or angels - beings that can’t understand your very existence.
Nobody can tell me that all of this isn’t something that Solomon thinks about. That maybe this is one of the things he tries to forget about by throwing himself into research. That this is one of the things that plagues his racing mind when he’s trying to sleep.
Then imagine along comes another human who might almost be on your level. Someone who has the potential to understand you in a way nobody else ever has. Someone you’re inexplicably drawn to, someone you can’t help but fall in love with, someone who’s still mortal. Someone you’ll inevitably lose like you’ve always lost everyone else before.
Do I think he felt guilty? Yes. The game plays it off as a sort of quirk about him, but the implications are so heavy that I just headcanon my own thoughts about it. And I think that Solomon would try to stay in that place of ignorance for as long as possible. He likely felt bad about obscuring this fact from MC - again, not lying about it or even really going out of his way to hide it, but just… not telling them.
However, I think that he felt a lot worse about what that truth means for him and for MC.
Oh dear I may have gotten carried away. Listen, you asked for angst and I have thoughts about this lol.
Lemme leave you with one last thing, though. I completely forgot he said this:
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LOOOOOL. I dunno about you guys, but I refer to him as an old man all the time. I’m pretty sure we do that collectively as a fandom, so the fact that he straight up said not to do that way back in season two of the OG made me CACKLE. I’m sorry Solomon, but calling you an old man/grandpa/peepaw/etc is too much fun. It’s okay, Lucifer and Simeon get called those things, too lol. It’s a compliment, I swear.
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nelissecrectplace · 1 year
your warrior
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neytiri x gn reader
word count: 818
language: ‘evenge-girl , yawne- beloved
description: ¡Establish relationship! Life as a future leader of clan was no easy feat, especially when the na’vi you called yours was a warrior. Of course the two of you make every moment count, even when patching her up.
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Lazily mixing the herbal paste you allowed your mind to wander. Making herbal remedies all day was tiring. In your opinion, it was the most dreadful tasks of the healers. Sighing with your whole body you continue to grind up the leafs praying that they would magically grind themselves too dust. The boredom was unbearable.
Almost as if Eywa had sensed your misery the flap of the tent was opened. Joyfully whipping your body around you were quick to rise to your feet. You felt your tail wip in excitement as a familiar sent filled your senses.
“Neytiri!” Launching yourself onto the woman you embraced her. Feeling her slender yet toned arm wrap around your frame made your stomach swirl. It did not matter how many times she’s touched you the feeling never seemed to go away.
“Hello yawne.” Hearing her low voice you were quick to pull away, she only spoke like this when something was bothering her. Face warping into worry your eyes scanned her frantically. Eventually finding the source of her discomfort you quickly guided the woman down onto the mat. Anxiously, your body moved at a record speed, gathering all the pastes and herbs you would need.
“You said you would stay away from those tawtute.” Displeasure obviously in your tone you began to pat the blood off her thigh. You had seen enough bullet wounds to know these cuts were from sky people’s weapon. “Yet we can not keep ignoring them. It’s only a matter of time before they become aggressive again.” Stubbornly Neytiri attempted too reason, hoping you would see what she sees. Of course it was no use as your frown only deepened.
Eyes downcast you refused to meet the woman’s gaze as you tended to her wound. Neytiri could only sign at your headstrong personality, knowing it was one of the reasons she admired you so. “I am not out there, I can not stop you.” Rising to your knees you peered down at her. “Just be careful. I can not lose you.”
“I am always careful.” Meeting your eyes with a light smile Neytiri responded. She couldn’t help but admire the way you looked at her with such care in your eyes. It always amused her how you could get worked up over such minor injuries . Not tearing her eyes away from your form for a minute she watched as you moved around the tent. Feeling the burn of her gaze you couldn’t help but feel flustered. There was no doubt your braids were a mess from the days work, that fact only seeming to add to the purple hue on your face.
“I am fine! You cannot pretend to be mad forever.” Feeling her breath fan against your ear your body stiffened. Pretending to be busy with organizing the herbs you avoided her piercing gaze. Not having any of it Neytiri wrapped her tail around your leg. You couldn’t help but shiver at the contact as her tail slowly inched up.
Meeting her teasing gaze it was hard to believe this was the strong warrior the public views. “You are infuriating” Not giving her a secant to respond you crash your lips into hers. Seeming to play right into her hands Neytiri couldn’t help but smile into the kiss. Her hands traveling up to pull on your already messy braids. Placing your hands on her hips you pulled her impossibly closer basking in her heat.
Pulling away Neytiri wore a proud smile as her fangs on full display. A small smile settled on your face despite your attempts to maintain your facade. “You love the way I ‘infuriate’ you yawne.” Pushing the fallen strands of braids behind your ears her yellow eyes scanned your features. “True, my days would be boring without you.” Maintaining a teasing tone you pulled away from the na’vi, putting the medicines up for the night. “You are my ‘evenge after all.”
It was now Neytiri turn to be shy as she avoided your gaze. The purple hue of her ears prominent. “I am not yours yet.” Shyly reminding you of the reality Neytiri spoke low. Her tone almost sorrowful.
“You will be soon, the clan can talk all they want about how ‘weird’ it is that i’m the healer and you’re the warrior.” Bringing Neytiri back into your embrace a small laugh left the woman’s lips. “I can already hear the ‘She’s Mo’ats daughter why is she not the Tsahík’.” Adding onto your point the two of you couldn’t help but giggle at the remarks.
Placing your forehead on hers you stared into her yellow orbs. “I promise to make you mine, so I can always patch you up.” A fanged smile covered Neytiri face at your words. It was now her turn to smash her lips into yours. Her body pushing into you with all the love and passion she harbored.
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a/n- Short little drabble for the one and only mother 🤭. I wish I had more ideas too write about her with :,)
tag: @yeosxxx
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stay278 · 6 months
Where Our Worlds Collide (HHJ)
A/N: arranged marriage, Prince!Hwang Hyunjin x Painter!Fem!Reader, fluff, slight profanity(?), angst (?)
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As you exit the King's study later that day, you look down, utterly humiliated.
The King had once again commented on anything and everything imaginable. You would think that you would get used to it by now, but nope. Each time hurt worse than the last. But you couldn't just give up and leave over a few insults. "Not now, or ever," is what you would tell yourself. You weren't going to let mere words bring you down.
Closing the door to Hyunjin's room, you quickly climb in to the dumbwaiter behind the painting and pulled down the door for it. Taking a deep breath, you begin to pull the strings that lifted the small platform upwards and into the secret library. As you pull down on the rough strings, worn from years of use, you feel each and every worry leave your body, one by one. It was liberating, even if it was temporary. It was the one place where you and Hyunjin could truly be free, even though socially, you were leagues apart. It was the one place where your worlds collided, if you will. As you climbed out of the dumbwaiter, the aroma of fresh tea and books rose to kiss your nose with fond memories. You smiled as you saw your dear lover reading one of you favorite romance novels in the plush loveseat that the two of you would share. In front of him sat the quaint coffee table, tea and strawberry cake resting on it. The room was circular and cozy, every wall lined and adorned with books all the way to the ceiling, from which protruded a small but magical chandelier.
As Hyunjin noticed your presence and looked up from the novel, he smiled so warmly that your heart melted under his gaze. As he walks over, he gently kisses your forehead, raising a hand to rest on the back of you neck to pull you closer to himself. Just as he pulls his lips away from your forehead, you feel them tremble the tiniest bit, a telltale sign that he was playing off his troubles, just so that you could have this moment.
"Hyunjin, stop it."
"You always downplay what you feel when it comes to us talking about...you know, us." You sigh.
He holds your hands in his larger ones and studies them. He looks back at you and sighs. "Darling, I...I know. I'm just, I don't know, scared? Maybe? I wish I had an answer for us, and I-"
"You're doing it again. You don't need an answer for us, Hyunjin. It's not just you, and it's not just me. It's us. We'll figure it out."
"Y/n, I'm going to be straight with you."
You look up at him, awaiting his words with loving eyes.
He speaks up again after taking a breath. "I just...don't want to lose you. You're the one good thing that's happened in my life, and I'm probably going to lose you. Fuck." Hyunjin ran a hand through his hair. You can visibly hear the gears turning in his head. He bites his lip, either to stop his tears, or think properly. Right now, it doesn't matter.
You wrap your arms around him and sigh. "Let's just give it some thought, yeah?"
He nods and looks down. "Yeah."
You both pace around the room running all of the possibilities in your heads. Would you lose each other? Maybe. Would you do anything in your power to prevent that? Obviously. Would it work? Doubtful.
You padded softly over to the loveseat in the corner of the room and sat down, sighing.
After a few minutes, you sniffle in defeat. "I don't know."
Tears had begun to run down your face as you felt an overwhelming weight push down on your entire being.
As you look up at Hyunjin, he has that look on his face. His signature smirk.
You look at him after blinking away more tears, clearly puzzled. "What?"
Hyunjin gently walks over to you and kneels so that he's at eye-level with you. He gently kisses one tear away, and wipes the other one with his thumb. As he does this, he's still smirking, though his expression has gotten more heartfelt and...sincere, in a way.
You sniffle before answering him. "Yeah?"
"Run away with me."
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A/N: So. Part 2. Yell at me in the comments, please. I won't apologize because I've done it so much already. Thank you so much to those who've waited patiently for part two! You guys are the best. Love you! I know it's very short and probably not what you were expecting, but that's all I had in mind for this story. But on another note, I might not release again for a while, because I'm thinking of starting a series, but I'm not sure how long it will take. I'm planning to write it out completely before releasing it on a weekly basis, so that I don't completely leave you guys hanging. 😅 Again, thank you so much for your patience.
Requested tags: @soobinniex
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dracoxmalereader · 7 months
Draco x Male Reader Headcanons Pt. 3
Summary: After you and Draco's rocky fifth year, this last part is centered around how your relationship evolves around him being a death eater and all that entails. Including the aftermath because I simply cannot contain myself. <3
The cover looks so much angstier than these are I promise.
Part 1 | Part 2
Word Count: 847
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When Lucius starts dragging Draco down the death eater path he starts distancing himself from you.
He quits quidditch, too.
So there's no real way to know for sure when/where you'll be able to catch him.
I just KNOW this boy was doing everything he could to try and worm his way out of becoming a death eater.
Especially if you're not pureblood.
But, alas, he's made one regardless, tasked with killing Dumbledore.
At that point he'd try and do everything in his power to convince you to become a death eater with him.
He's just so afraid of losing you,
and he wants to keep you safe ❗
Even if you're not pureblood, he vows to find a way to fake it.
Offering to forge documents, vouch for you in trial, swear on his life that you and your family are pureblood to anybody that asks.
He doesn't want you or any of said family to end up being casualties in the war, but he can't stomach breaking up with you or having you not in his life.
You refuse to align yourself with Voldemort, and break up with him yourself to keep you and your family safe instead.
Even then you're still so reassuring,
Because you know he has no choice,
But you can't do what he's asking you to, even if you know it might be easier.
Many "I'll always love you no matter what"s before you part ways.
Probably one of the first times Draco lets himself cry in front of someone.
You go with your family to hide out through the duration of the war.
You keep your eyes all over the news as it's all going down though,
Just like Ron while they were finding the Horcruxes.
24/7 sat by the radio hoping everyone will be okay.
When the war is done and Voldemort is gone,
Draco shows up to your new place that you and your family moved to to get away from Voldemort's reign,
With Narcissa and everything.
Begs for forgiveness.
And how could you not take him back?
Much hugs and affection right there and then,
Right in front of his mom and he doesn't even care.
She wasn't even shocked when Draco told her you two were together,
Because lets be real, you two were so obvious you may as well have plastered it on the front page of the Daily Prophet.
She been knew.
They have your family move into the manor with them,
Narcissa loves having the company.
Makes the place so much more lively.
No Lucius obviously he's rotting in Azkaban as he should
Time skip any amount of time it probably isn't a very hard choice to make,
You both need to get away from magic for a while if you're gonna do any getting over the war.
So you end up getting a place together in the muggle world for a much needed break.
And you guys go visit the manor for holidays to see your folks.
Cue many fish-out-of-water scenario's of Draco adjusting to the very unfamiliar lifestyle of a working-class muggle citizen.
Because I imagine you already know the ropes, especially so if you're not pureblood.
He definitely tries to make grilled cheese in a toaster but doesn't put foil on it and just gets cheese all in your toaster.
Not because he thought it'd be cool, but because he genuinely didn't know how grilled cheeses are supposed to be made.
You talk him into going to all kinds of therapy to deal with his issues after the war,
It takes him a long time to let go of the guilt he feels for all of it,
some of it he never will let go of,
But your guys' quality of life skyrockets regardless.
You're both way happier.
The less impact the war has over him, the more you can see his personality shine through, too.
He starts teasing you again albeit lovingly.
He probably gets lippy with his manager at work and loses at least one job because of it.
Fast forward a bunch of years,
You two are definitely married and have a dog and cat together.
The wedding was full of tears from both sides of the family.
Narcissa cried enough for every Malfoy that didn't attend combined.
"How's it feel to officially be a Malfoy, hm?" he says, fully aware that he cried while planning the wedding because he didn't know whether he wanted to take your last name or for you to take his.
"How's it feel to officially be a L/N?" you say, because you guys hyphenated your last names.
He turns bright red every time he's reminded that he is, in fact, a L/N.
He's just so happy to be sharing a name with you, honestly.
You guys live happily ever after <3
Whether that means eventually becoming homeowners in the muggle world or going back to the wizarding world, getting more pets or acquiring children.
Whatever happens you two are just happy to be doing it together.
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Can you guys tell I want to explode Lucius with my mind? He's like my second least favorite character after Umbridge.
As always lmk if there's typos I missed while proofreading pls <3 I have a silly goofy little wedding planning drabble planned for later today. Unless I fall asleep, then I'll post it tomorrow.
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toubledrouble · 6 months
More quick pjo/hoo headcanons
(most of these are cabin 6) (also, if I accidentally stole your headcanon, definitely let me know so I can either delete it or credit you)
Listen, I'm tired of Athena kids being only the architecture/math kids. Give me Athena kids who excel in humanities. Athena kids who know everything about their latest hyperfixation, that's it. Athena kids who are craftsmen or artists of any sort to the extent where you could mistake them for Hephaestus or Apollo kids
Generally just. Different cabins discussing someone's godly parent, because really, if you take a closer look, many gods have common traits. Like Apollo being the God of logic, music and poetry while Athena is the goddess of wisdom and art/craftsmanship. Plus Hephaestus being a blacksmith - also a craft. Dionysius, Athena, Hermes and Apollo are all associated with theatre. Hades and Hecate are both associated with magic. Is it a Demeter kid, or an Athena kid that really likes botany? You may never know. It's like Frank thinking he was a son of Apollo only to discover he is actually a son of Mars - you can have a tip and there is quite the chance you will be proven wrong.
Also. The deal with Athena kids and chess. Listen, I love you, but as a strategy lover with adhd, I have to tell you that I keep losing because I just can't focus on it. Just. Nope. Not working.
Similar goes for word games - do you think a bunch of dyslexic kids is going to love them? Maybe if it was in Greek, lmao.
I cannot get over this one: Athena kids playing instruments. Obviously, not with such an ease as many Apollo kids, but Athena kids are still pretty decent at it. Also, Athena is after all the creator of the flute. That's right. Musical talent runs in the family xd
I am once again here with my sacred animals headcanon. Gods sending their sacred animals to check on their kids. Kids being able to talk to those animals, or just being surrounded by them. Cabins having them as pets (yes, give me a cabin with a whole damn lion on a gigant dog bed)
All of the art god kids™ team up and try to convince Cheiron to let them see different musicals. So far, they have succeeded only with Hamilton, but that doesn't mean they'll give up.
Tyche, Nike and Hermes kids have bets that get out of hand very often, but they're unstoppable. Also, along with Athena and Ares kids, they take competitions to a next level, none of them willing to lose
Actually, genuenly: I'm cancelling the blond Athena kids thing. I'm moving it over to the Apollo cabin and establishing that if anything like this should work there, it should be with brunettes, because Athena herself is most commonly depicted as a brunette. Case closed.
You know that paint that basically turns everything you paint it with into a chalkboard? Or those gigantic stripes of blackboard that you can stick on your wall, mostly made for little kids to draw on? The Athena cabin has that.
Or you know what? Had. It had to be removed and replaced with whiteboards because the cabin was filled with chalk dust, which covers everything and also isn't very comfortable to breathe in.
The cabin smells like lemon and peppermint, both of which repel spiders
It also has automatic floor heating because everyone knows that the floor is the most comfortable place to study
Oh, and there is a ton of creative projects in various stages of progress
The Athena cabin sends out a messenger (animal or a person) to bring a literal olive branch when they seriously want to settle things - it's both a clever reference and a symbol of Athena. Ares cabin is the only exception because last time, they set it on fire.
You've heard all about the language headcanons, but what about Demeter kids understanding the language of flowers?
Apollo kids are either extremely afraid of snakes (because of Python) or they love them (like Asclepius), no in-between. I'm convinced that at one point, a kid determined to get their siblings to love snakes as well got one and named it William Snakespeare. That is officially the only snake liked by every cabin 7 resident
Apollo kids actually love their godly sibling, Aristaeus - God of shepherds, beekeeping, cheesemaking, stuff related to that, medicinal herbs, olive growing, oil milling and the winds that provide respite from the heat of midsummer, aka the chillest guy I've ever heard of. I'm convinced he visits the camp once in a while and brings them the good stuff. Asclepius probably visits sometimes too, but as the God od medicine, he's a busy guy. He still loves helping his sibling when it comes to his area of expertise.
All Athena kids have a gift directly received from their mother (and most of the time, it's sending a mixed message)
A cool gift concept - a weapon in the style of Jason's, except it turns into a weapon the user needs the most at the moment. It's also great because Athena kids easily adapt to any weapon with little to no training and obviously, this is a very strategic weapon to have. I also think that unlike Riptide, it could be lost very easily - Athena would definitely want to teach her kids a lesson about keeping an eye on their stuff.
You aren't allowed to ask the Athena cabin about their favourite philosophers because it always turns into a fight
Since Athena only needs a mental connection of sort to have children, there are definitely Athena kids with mortal moms or infertile parents
One time, an actual child of Minerva shows up to Camp Jupiter. Needless to say, the Romans aren't taking it well. Children of Athena are probably called to explain the circumstances of their birth, which results in a discussion uncomfortable for both sides
Since Apollo stays basically the same in Roman mythology, it can be kind of hard to tell if his kid is roman or greek. I think many children would be relieved to know that both options exist and they aren't just weird
Have I talked about how different regions worshipped gods a bit differently? Yeah. I want that to be a thing noticeable in demigods. I think I mentioned this in some of my earlier posts.
Poseidon kids instinctively know the international code of signals (a flag code used for communication between ships)
Hera's (goddess of family) and Hestia's (goddess of home) cabins can be used by unclaimed demigods
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couldntbedamned · 1 year
A Sweet Escape (To Better Days)
Pairing: Stephen Strange/Reader, Strange Supreme/Reader, Defender Strange/Reader, Supreme Strange/Reader, Sinister Strange/Reader
Summary: While it at first it weighed heavily on her, the knowledge that five of the most powerful beings in the multiverse were with her instead of protecting all of reality, she couldn’t deny the thrill that also came with that. The universe truly revolved around her. Her loves revolved around her and everything she was, she had, she did was for them in return.
Warnings: Kidnapping, Obsession, Sexual Content, Spanking, Blatant disregard for responsibilities to multiple realities
Note: This isn’t really a prequel to There's Only Butterflies (Take Me Away), so much as it’s a companion piece, I suppose. In my mind they simply go together.
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Stephen was her first.
It wasn’t as if she’d been waiting for Mr. Right, marriage, or anything so sentimental. There had been plenty of opportunities, but sex just hadn’t seemed important. She had her vibrators and her imagination. Men, from what she’d experienced, were simply more trouble than they were worth.
Until Stephen.
Stephen had flown - literally - into her life and everything she’d known had turned upside down.
She’d been captivated by him. He was intelligent, charming, handsome, and just a little bit mean. Which would be a red flag to anyone else but just set tingles afire deep in her belly.
Why he’d settled on her of all people, she didn’t know, but after the first time he’d taken her, moved in her, filled her, she’d decided it didn’t matter.
Sex with Stephen was better than any orgasm she’d wrung from herself with her vibrators. He was unrelenting, demanding her pleasure several times over before he’d take his own. Passing out from sheer pleasure? Yeah, apparently not something that only happened in books.
She lived with him in the Sanctum, days and nights filled with time spent together reading, talking, fucking. He could be fairly useless with words - especially the three words most people held above all. There was something in his eyes that told her he wanted to say the words but couldn’t stop from saying the wrong thing or just saying nothing at all. It never mattered to her; his actions said more than simple words ever could. Why insist on silly little words when he bared his soul to her in every way that truly mattered?
He had to dash off to save the world, obviously, but he always came back to her. They’d inevitably end up fucking for hours, as if to reaffirm that he was still alive.
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Strange found them, fittingly, she thought, on a chilly and storming Halloween evening.
At first, she thought the ritualistic sex had gone terribly wrong. (Or wonderfully right. What? She was horny and, thanks to the magic, unable to get off until Stephen finished his part of the ritual by finishing inside her.)
“The Runes of Rapitu,” Strange had said, circling around them. He didn’t look well, this version of Stephen. His face was leaner, the circles under his eyes purple and pronounced. Even his Cloak appeared almost feral. “A little on the nose for Samhain, isn’t it?”
Unashamed of his naked form, Stephen stood, conjuring his shields. “This isn’t your universe.”
“I have no universe,” Strange replied. His eyes raked over her nude body as it glistened in the candlelight. “I see you have one, though.”
He studied the runes intently, each flaring to greater life under his gaze, the glow red rather than orange. “What is it you’re hoping to bind?”
Shakily, she fingered the torq around her neck. “A new relic.”
“Allow me to assist you,” Strange said suggested. He caught her gaze and oh how she found herself wanting him! “Or I can simply absorb your magic for my own and continue on my miserable existence. It’s your choice,” he said to her. “But the loss of you would be a tragedy.”
Her? Her and not Stephen, the Sorcerer Supreme?
“You’ve already lost her, haven’t you?” Stephen asked, lowering his shields.
“Yes, and it led to losing everything,” Strange answered, never taking his eyes off of her. “Do not take her for granted, we - your reality - cannot withstand her loss.”
At her nod, Stephen parted the runes and Strange stepped into the circle, divesting himself of his robes as he did so. His Cloak went to join their Cloak off to the side.
Between the two of them, there wasn’t a coherent thought in her head until the ritual was complete. All she’d known was the feel of hands on her, two scarred and shaking and the others elegant and sure along with their cocks taking her, worshiping with her as they imbued magic and protection and strength into the torc and paid their homage to Rapitu. She was little more than a blissed-out, satiated mess, dripping of them both and the newly charmed relic buzzing and warm around her neck when all was said and done. Stephen and Strange surrounded her and took their time bringing her back to herself as she was washed and dried and protected. She woke between them and after kissing Stephen, turned to Strange.
Months of bliss followed Strange’s arrival into her and Stephen’s world.
Strange touched her whenever the opportunity presented itself - a hand on her shoulder, the small of her back, no touch was ever too small. He kissed her as if doing so could wipe clean the fact that he’d destroyed. an. entire. universe. in the name of some version of her she’d never known.
Stephen, already the most jealous man she’d ever known, had assured her he wasn’t envious of Strange. “He’s me,” Stephen said, watching as Strange devoured her pussy like a man starved of water, drawing out quaking release after quaking release until she couldn’t lift her head in her exhaustion. “How could I possibly be jealous of myself?”
The two of them took turns whenever there was a threat to reality or a day that needed saving. They were skilled enough to hide the differences in front of the outside world… but not to her. She could always tell them apart.
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The arrival of another variant, her Defender, came on a bright and sunny day. She was running from an alien invader on a rare trip out of the Sanctum when he appeared like a righteous angel, harnessing the brightness of the sun and saving her life. Who needed the sun when she had her very own Sol ready to slay any demons that might haunt her?
Strange and Stephen were unsure, but her Sol’s devotion to her could not be questioned.
“I was fighting a giant eyeball,” he told them over drinks. “I killed it but there was an interdimensional portal that sucked me through. I don’t know how to get back.” He looked at her, expression soft. “And I don’t know if I even want to.” He’d lost her too, she realized.
“You saved my life,” she said. “As far as I’m concerned, you can stay for as long as you want.”
He couldn’t swap places with the others out in the world since she put her foot down on his hair.
“You’ll break my heart if you cut it,” she pouted playfully. “I like to run my fingers through it.”
He smirked at Stephen and Strange. “I like when you pull it, too.”
He stayed inside the Sanctum with her, keeping her busy whenever Stephen or Strange was away protecting the reality. He was rigid and unyielding in many ways, absolute in his belief that it was his duty to keep her safe and cared for. If he told her to do something, he expected it to be done. And the thing was, his orders were never unreasonable, not really.
The first time he hauled her over his lap, vanished her shorts, and spanked her ass to a cherry red after she’d disobeyed him was… well, it was an experience. And then he’d comforted her, asked how he could help her do the right thing going forward. She hadn’t been angry with him, instead, she’d felt… cherished.
“I will always protect you,” he promised with a tender kiss to her lips that had her near tears all over again. “Even if it’s from yourself.” Then he made love to her, showed her just how good things could be if she stayed good for him, trusted him to take care of her.
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At first, she ignored the cracks in the world that started appearing. If her lovers weren’t worried, why should she be?
They were actually more worried than they ever let her know.
Travelers started to appear, those who didn’t belong with voices insistent about the threat of annihilation, of how sacred timelines were diverging and converging. Her lovers were having visions of universes disintegrating into nothing but blackest chaos even as reality tried to re-forge itself again and again. She herself began to dream of losing everything until she was alone in nothingness, far away from her loves.
They were not meant to live in the same reality; she knew that to be true. But surely, they could stand against the inevitability of the multiverse ensuring its own survival at all costs?
Then parts of the population started to vanish, parts of people themselves started to glitch - there was no other word to describe the horror that was looking at someone only to see them turn slightly and be missing an eye or a mouth, replaced only by a void or whatever passed for normal in another reality.
The universe was about to end, and she knew it was because of her, because they’d never leave her.
She planned to run, to leave them because who was she against the fate of the multiverse?
She never got the chance to run. They’d planned, too.
“We’re so sorry, Cielo,” Defender whispered as he bound her in magic so Stephen and Strange could bind her further, sigils appearing on her skin and the world fading around her. “When you wake up, everything will be as it should be, always.”
“Sleep, my love,” Stephen implored. “Sleep and dream of us.”
“We’ll be here with you the whole time; we’ll never leave you.”
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The universe she was born into was created over the course of billions, perhaps trillions of years.
It only took her lovers a little over three to create her new one.
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She awoke to a world unlike any she’d ever seen or even imagined.
“It’s yours,” Stephen told her. “Everything here is for you.”
“We hope you like it.”
The voice was Stephen’s but new, the cadence unique.
“You’re another Stephen,” she whispered, stunned. He was so similar and so unique among them. She had never seen him clean-shaven, nor a blue Cloak. “How?”
“We’re all Stephen, my Dear,” yet another Stephen said. “That’s how the multiverse works.” His hair was wilder, his goatee grown into a pointed beard. He looked sinister, in a way, though he was undoubtedly, like he said, a Stephen.
“You found a way to stop the incursions?” She asked, looking to her first three. “How? I thought more than one variant couldn’t co-exist in a given reality. The universes have rules!”
Her selfishness had nearly broken her universe, after all.
“That is true,” Strange said. “So, we created a universe where we could make our own rules.”
Something sick settled in her belly. A new universe?
“What about ours?” she asked Stephen. “Are they… what have you done?”
“We’ve repaired the damage we were creating as best we could,” Clean-shaven said. “Some damage was too great in one or two realities, but they’ll have several billion years before they’ll even start to fade.”
“The others are safe now,” Sinister said. “As long as we remain here, they’ll remain safe.”
“And what is here, exactly?”
“A pocket universe,” Defender says. “We exist outside of the multiversal branches and therefore we cannot damage them.”
“And who exactly constitutes ‘we’?” she asked.
“You, and us,” Strange answered, motioning between the five of them. “Just the six of us, together forever.”
She turned and ran, ignoring their calls after her. She pushed open the doors and flung herself out into this new world they’d created, terrified because who did that?
They hadn’t even chased her down, simply let her exhaust herself in this new, remarkably stunning universe they’d created. She’d run through a forest of pure white trees with purple foliage and azure grass and then a field of orange clover that never seemed to end only to find herself at what looked like a safe little cottage. The inside, however, was right where she’d started.
“There’s no running,” the clean-shaven one said when Sinister blocked her exit and Defender embraced her from behind. “Every path will bring you back to us.”
“Don’t lead me to punish you, Cielo. This is our home and you’re safe here.”
“I want to go home,” she insisted. It was part-truth, mostly-lie because how could she ever leave them - even the newest two - but how could she let them abandon their roles?
“You are home,” Strange said. “Your home is here now, with us.”
“This is the only way,” Stephen told her, stepping close and caressing her cheek. “Dearest Love this is the only way.”
She nodded, cautiously.
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She ran a few times after that.
It never mattered. They either caught her, or she ended up back where she started. Either way she found herself over Defender’s lap, sobbing as he punished her for running. Then she’d cry in other ways as they demonstrated just how she was theirs.
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Supreme, as she thought of the clean-shaven one, was as controlling as her Sol is protective. If no one else was around, he would pick out her clothing, her food, anything. He had to be around her all the time, much like Strange but there was a desperation to it that Strange has never had.
“Isn’t this universe supposed to be about me?” She once asked after his suggestion they visit the beach rather than her offered trip into one of the many cities that existed just for her.
“Do you dislike what we do?” He asked her in response. “Have I displeased you?”
The thing was, he hadn’t. He never did. The clothes he chose for her were inevitably perfect, the food the best she’d ever tasted. Even the books he suggested for her were fantastic reads and as she lay with him massaging (unneeded) sunscreen into her back, she could admit that he was perfect for her.
She was always sure to tell him whenever they were in bed, where he again devoted himself to her pleasure, bringing tidal waves of bliss to crash over her again and again. “You’re so perfect for me.” His eyes would close then, peace stealing across his face at her words, as though they were a benediction.
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If ever there was a lost soul in her universe it was her Sinister. The man had spent years searching for any kind of a happy ending, any scenario where he wasn’t miserable and alone and he looked at her as though she were his salvation. When he wasn’t overwhelming her, that was.
“I’ve searched for you,” he told her one afternoon when her other Stephens were away re-enforcing the protective barriers of their pocket universe. “It wasn’t just happiness I searched for, my Love. It was for happiness with you.”
“I suppose you’ve found me,” she said. He was broken and she didn’t know if she could ever fix him. He, like Supreme and Strange, had destroyed entire universes.
“I have,” he said, stepping closer, hands linked behind his back. It was his default position, she’d learned. “I have and I will never let anything take you away.”
“It’s not like I can ever escape.”
He barked out a harsh laugh but stilled her flinch with a blackened finger under her chin. “We’re your prisoners every bit as much as you’re ours.” He always told her the truth, in his own way.
He leaned in, claimed her lips with his, the scratch of his wild goatee rough against her skin.
He terrified her in a multitude of ways, but he kissed her in the very best of ways. Sex always left her bruised and marked and exhausted but she’d never deny she loved it. His touch was strong, this side of too hard, too much, too wild but every time she found herself pushing back in kind, even seeking out the abandon he offered. 
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Time was both too short and infinite for her and her beloveds. Her Stephen, her Strange. Her Sinister, her Supreme, and of course, her dearest Defender.
While it at first it weighed heavily on her, the knowledge that five of the most powerful beings in the multiverse were with her instead of protecting all of reality she couldn’t deny the thrill that also came with that. The universe truly revolved around her. Her loves revolved around her and everything she was, she had, she did was for them in return.
They created a universe, rewrote the very rules of all of existence, simply for her. All so they could be with her, forever.
Yes, there were more versions of them, and those sorry souls (to use the phrasing both Sinister and Strange use) were no doubt protecting their respective realities. Her own monitored the multiverse whenever the mood struck them. They watched from their pocket universe, unseen but one occasionally dipping out to offer the briefest yet most crucial of assists before returning and then seeking her out.
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“You are our most important reality,” her Defender, her Sol told her.
“But at the cost of trillions?” She once asked helplessly.
Could she be so selfish?
“We can’t go back into our realities without risking even greater casualties,” Stephen said as he helped remove her tunic. “Here, in our home, we are safe.”
“And because we are, so are countless other realities,” Supreme added, kissing down her neck.
“By keeping us here with you,” Sinister whispered against her ear, hand gliding down her front to dip into the waistband of the flowy pants she wore. “You are ensuring the continued survival of the multiverse.”
It was hard to argue with that. And hard to think when Strange was kissing her, coaxing her lips open so he could lick inside. And fuck her Defender was kissing up her bare back.
“Is it so terrible?” Strange pulled back to ask. “A life with the men who worship you, knowing that this life is keeping trillions upon trillions of lives safe?”
Sinister’s fingers busied themselves stroking through her wet folds, dipping in, and teasing.
“Oh, I suppose it’s just my burden to bear.”
They’re five men with the power of gods and yet she is the one who is worshipped.
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lanaevyssmoved · 9 months
so i saw this fun post with "otp" questions and i really wanted to answer them for afhiri/gale and instead of asking people to send me asks.. i thought i would answer them all myself in a post :) lots of text under cut!!!!!!
What, specifically, was the catalyst for their physical attraction (if applicable) to the other character? In other words, what in particular had them like “Oh, they’re...hot...”
afhiri likes how confident and charming gale is, they really enjoy (and fall for) the bravado entirely. but it's the magic that afhiri really likes, how controlled it is, how powerful he is (while i'm aware he's nerfed beyond belief, afhiri has never seen stuff like this and it's very cool!), and is completely mesmerised when he casts magic- which is a massive ego boost for the wizard.... oh and he's pretty. obviously
for gale, he likes how afhiri navigates situations. they're very good at talking to people, easy to make friends, can shift into being a manipulative liar when the situation demands it, and then turns to look at him with a wide "i did it!" smile. but when someone needs help, when afhiri knows they can do something to help someone who isn't capable of helping themselves, they'll step in and do the right thing. this is attractive to gale!
Does this change over time? What things do they find “hot” about their partner after they’ve been together for some time, and have had more time to, well, notice and appreciate?
for afhiri it honestly doesn't really change. he just gets more and more powerful as they spend more time together, constantly growing in skill, and it never loses its charm. they just get more fascinated. admittedly afhiri doesn't need to see more to stay interested, but gale likes to provide more because seeing them get even more impressed by him is constantly stroking the ego
the loyalty afhiri showcases, the fact they are entirely, 100%, ride of die, they will do anything for him, if he were to say jump she would say how high. while he's aware of how self destructive this can be and he encourages afhiri to think for herself even in terms of her friends and loved ones, he can't help but be enamoured by this display of devotion and trust, because it's for everyone who shows her even the smallest of kindnesses
By contrast, what was the moment that first made their ~heart~ Soft for the other person? Not necessarily a conscious realization of “I love this person,” but a moment that had them like “Oh...I adore them...”
afhiri was slow on this, which requires some context for her as a character. they are incredibly naive in the ways of the heart, they never had friends growing up, they never experienced a first crush, they never had a doomed teenage relationship. they didn't understand love, romance, sexuality. it wasn't until the events of the game that they started to have these feelings, and needed help understanding them. afhiri's various love affairs (because she doesn't just get involved with gale!) help her understand. so it took afhiri a long time to even understand what 'i love you' is outside of a family dynamic. if you were to ask afhiri, she would say she adored gale from the moment she met him. but since you're asking me, it would be the act 3 boat scene, when she takes his hands in their own, and he looks at her with bright, gentle eyes. that was the moment afhiri realised she would burn the world for him if he asked
gales moment was during act 2, his romance scene. not the confession, but when he had conjured the illusion of his tower at waterdeep, afhiri looked around in wonder. she asked questions about various things, she pet his statues and asked if they had names, she could tell which were his favourite books from the state of them, something that surprised gale greatly. they cared so much, about all the little things, about all the things that make him who he is. they got especially excited about the piano, wanting to learn how to play, wanting to play alongside it for him. she asked desperately if she could perform for him while he read, but he had to encourage her along with a gentle hand in hers to come to the balcony. when they sat together and he looked at her, that was the moment. he was so in love
Does this change over time? What will always reliably make them melt with how much they adore the other character?
with afhiri it's just his gentle kindness. while her attraction comes from his displays of confidence and power and skill, who he is when all that is put aside and there's just gale in his goofy pjs with a soft smile on his face. the way he encourages her, reassures her, the way he makes her feel like a complete person. he's like a guide for her in many ways, a mentor even. while i understand that they do have a natural power imbalance, gale is aware of it too, but never once infantilises her, and reminds her of all the things she does and says that tell the word she is more than a naive, stupid girl who never got to be a person until tragedy struck. that will always make her melt. that he touches her, and is gentle
admittedly it's almost the same. but afhiri is loud, her voice booms and her hands grip so tight her claws dig into him, her sharp teeth shine as she yells to him with furrowed brows how much he is worth. that despite his folly, he is an incredible person who deserves everything. that she will provide everything if he asked. that mystra is stupid bitch who didn't know what she had, and that afhiri knows, afhiri knows what she has and won't ever let him forget that. he is all that's beautiful in this world. afhiri is a lovebomber btw but it never stops, every ounce of mortal love gale has been neglecting in his life poured into him and he's drowning and gasping for air but he doesn't let go. he wants to drown
How do they consciously realize that they like the other character? Does it take them a while?
afhiri kinda needs to be beaten over the head with it. it isn't until gale's silliness in act 2 about near death experiences and how he's horny to get afhiri to go "oh....... so they were right!" because afhiri was already involved with karlach and wyll at this point, and they'd sit up at night holding hands in a circle and they'd tell afhiri "gale likes you. and you like gale." and afhiri would ":)? does he? he is funny. he's my favourite clown." they're just a little silly. and of course they did like gale! he's very pretty
for gale it's quite literally when afhiri hits on him in the act 1 weave scene. afhiri is completely overcome by the intensity of the weave the feeling between them and pictures kissing gale. it just feels right, it just makes sense. that doesn't necessarily mean afhiri was thinking that before, or even after, they were entirely swept away. but that was the moment gale noticed afhiri in that light, and continued to think about it. nonstop
How do they react to the realization that they like the other character? Is it an “oh my god I’m never going to think about this again” thing, or are they pretty comfortable with it?
afhiri is chill. first and foremost. this is a chill clown. the realisation is.. chill, if nothing happens with it? also chill. this is a free spirit who goes with the flow no matter what. karlach and wyll come easy because they are more forward, open characters who make it happen and it flows naturally and easily. gale takes time because gale takes time. afhiri won't make something happen between themselves and another because platonic love is just as good and fulfilling. so, "oh this is nice" and that's about it UNLESS*
gale obsesses. if anything it's a nice distraction from the absolute doom cloud over him, never letting him a moments peace. but thinking about affection? about love? about sex? that's a distraction, and one hell of a distraction. can't do anything about it because everything they have to do is so much more important. i don't think gale would have ever acted on it over the course of the game (except maybe the immediate end) without the acceptance that he is about to die, and needs to do something now or it will never happen. the what if
Do they (or would they) pursue the other character’s affection, and if so, how? Do they tell the other character how they feel? Try to earn their admiration? Woo them with romantic gestures? Flirt with them, skillfully or otherwise?
*afhiri wouldn't unless it naturally came up, if the moment was correct and it just.... happened. much like the weave scene, if the weave didn't dissipate they probably would have tried to kiss gale. they don't change their behaviour with gale consciously, but the others do notice it, paying more attention to him, talking to him first, looking at him for affirmation and reassurance, using him as a moral compass more than she used to, asking him questions over and over an over abundance of curiousity in him, however this can also be attributed to hearing about his condition and relationship with mystra and feeling empathy for him and wanting him to feel wanted
while gale is a gesture man, and would absolutely seek to woo, he doesn't because of the distraction of all that's going on, until as mentioned before, he believes he is going to die. however he absolutely does flirt with afhiri by using a needless amount of magic when she's watching. casting spells just to impress her, upcasting for no reason beyond watching her eyes widen and that toothy grin appear in wonder, an expression he grows addicted to
What do they think about romantic love? Do they have baggage surrounding it? Do they idealize it? Is it an object of longing and wanting, or were they really not thinking about it until they started falling for the other character? What are their expectations like?
i keep lowkey answering stuff before i get to the question huh!
afhiri doesn't think about it at all, it isn't on their mind, and they have no concept of romantic love at all prior to experiencing it for the first time and being told why it's different. it is something they need explained
gale... hhahahah dkjsfdskfhsdkf do i even NEED TO. gale doesn't long for romantic love, but he certainly misses being loved. and it's worth afhiri that he feels true, mortal romantic love for the first time in his life, because i like to think before mystra he only had teen romance, childhood crushes, and then all was mystra, who gave him a love based on power and religious devotion, he worshipped and she gave him tastes of power beyond comprehension. it's with afhiri that he learns what romantic love really is. i think it's safe to say he didn't expect it to feel as good or taste as sweet as it does
What do they think about commitment? Is a long-term partnership the goal? Are they thinking about building a life with their partner, or are they focused on the present?
haha :) ok we're talking about my post-game 3 years later fic for a second bare with me and do not cancel me for enjoying toxic dynamics for a second ok. also this lowkey rewrites canon i know :) i dont care anyway
afhiri and gale are so long term they never want their relationship to end. ever. afhiri is going to outlive gale, and while this is something they are comfortably aware of to start, the more they love, the more they go through, it becomes daunting, especially for gale. he doesn't want afhiri to live without him, to experience life on her own again, to be without someone who will guide and teach her, who will be there to protect her from herself. gale tells them all of this, he holds their hands tight, stares right into their eyes with such intensely it feels like the sun. and afhiri who hadn't had these thoughts at all is suddenly overcome with grief, because gale is sad. they cannot truly comprehend this future, but they can see how much it means to gale. and that's all it takes. gale brings up immortality, talks her into it, which isn't hard because afhiri would say yes to anything gale says. and on his pursuit for immortality, comes divinity, comes ascension. what better way to live together, forever
What scares them about entering a relationship?
afhiri has absolutely zero fear whatsoever. what is there to fear? happiness? huh. don't get it!!!!!!!
i don't think gale fears entering a relationship so much as he fears everything around him, the tadpoles, the orb, the dead three, the elder brain like, there's so much going on and he thinks he's going to die, when he doesn't he still knows he could, same for afhiri, but that fear shouldn't stop anyone from being happy and in love
What fears, past traumas, etc. would be hardest for them to talk about with their partner?
afhiri got nothing. there is no trauma in this clown. there is no fear. there is nothing terrible and bad. one could say their childhood was traumatic in general and another character could be deeply changed by it, afhiri isn't traumatised. this is just a sweet clown who's ready to adore you. i can imagine afhiri like infodumps/loredumps about their own life in an autadhd tangent in the middle of a discussion . where did that come from. anyway and gales like ??? that sounds like a really tough childhood and afhiris like ?????????????? anyway
its actually so easy for gale to open up about the biggest things that have ever happened in his life, which is so funny because he says he's not told another living soul this stuff other than tara, but that goes to show how much he's neglecting his friendships and bonds because it takes you being generally nice and good for him to be like "ok time to trust them with everything!" i don't even think the depths of his relationship with mystra, like Actual Details would be hard to tell either. and afhiri is so open and honest i think it would be encouraging
How much independence do they prefer in a relationship—do they want to share their lives as much as possible with their partner, or do they prefer to mostly do their own thing and let their partner do their own thing?
afhiri is very independent which may be surprising. when gale proposes at the end of the game, afhiri says no, but does go to waterdeep with him because it sounds fun. even when there, afhiri is very slow to officially move in, spending a lot of time there but not quite settling in and making it her own in any way. afhiri also still travels a lot, and disappears for weeks at a time, very rarely months, because adventuring is fun!
this encourages gale to be the same way, going on his own little adventures. seeking hidden artefacts, tomes and magics he reads about, getting tara to sniff out hints of new adventures he could have. sometimes they go together, but more often than not they go on their own, then reunite back at waterdeep with tales to tell.
in my post-game 3 years later fic, afhiri actually proposes to gale, and is still not quite moved in. having never had independence in her life before the events of the game, it is hard to let go of. and gale would never force her to
but also they do miss each other when they're apart.. so its good for their relationship, when they come back together its fresh and exciting and theyre overflowing with love to share
What is their go-to for making a partner feel loved?
gale does acts of clownery for afhiri. dump jokes, crass comments, potty humour, putting on the clown outfit afhiri got for him and doing a little bit where no one could ever possibly walk in on them, afhiri sitting on the groud cross legged clapping away for him like he's a clown at a kids birthday party. literally just lowering himself to her level of comedy and buffoonery dfgl;dkgd
afhiri realises pretty quickly that gale responds best to being validated, having his wants accepted, being encouraged to seek his desires. having his ambitions affirmed and being told that wanting more isn't a bad thing and she will help him get more. that wanting to use his magic to show her beauty is a good thing and he shouldn't have to change. that everything that makes him who he is.. is good. there is nothing wrong with a wizard who uses his skills and his talents, and ever seeks more. if afhiri didn't like these things, why would she have fallen for him in the first place!!!!
What makes them feel loved? Would they build up the courage to ask for it?
since i'm answering for two characters the first part doesn't really make sense so i will only answer the second......
afhiri has no inhibition, if afhiri wants affection they would straight up bluntly ask for it
for gale...... i think he would learn that afhiri responds positively to being asked for love and would get comfortable doing it. it wouldn't come so naturally but seeing afhiri do it to him, gives him the confidence to do it to them, and their eager willingness to provide helps massively
Are they okay with public displays of affection? Do they like them?
i wouldn't say either of them are PDA people
afhiri doesn't act differently with any of their partners when they're adventuring/in public, they're always affection to even their friends so it doesn't feel any different for anyone. they're not going to hold hands, hug, say i love you, in front of anyone, nothing like that. just general attentiveness and soft words when they feel right
i think gale would find it immensely inappropriate to do anything PDA in public, and this is because of my own personal headcanons of his upbringing
When would they say “I love you?” Do they say it first? Do they say it often, or is it reserved for special moments?
gale says it first and they both say it very often, and it multiple ways. it is a well used phrase but it never loses it spark
If sex is something that would be part of a relationship for them, do both or either of them have prior experiences? If not, how do they feel about it?
afhiri's only experience is with karlach prior to gale dlfkgjdfgd i think it's pretty obvious afhiri had no sexual experience based on what i've said prior. and gale had a teen romance, and then mystra, so it's been quite a while for him. two inexperienced at bodily sex dummies
What does sex mean for them? Socially, religiously, what attitudes are they bringing with them? Do they want sexual experiences to occur within a certain “level” of relationship, or does that not really matter so much to them?
now headcanon time, gale is transmasc. gale doesn't have a penis, and has had top surgery. gale uses magic to create a penis when he wants to. afhiri is transfem nonbinary, and has a t-dick. gale also helps afhiri in dick related ways too. WOOHOO *EDIT: AFHIRI IS ALSO INTERSEX
sex for them is extremely trans in experience. the magic sex scene actually encouraged this headcanon for gale in me immensely, the lack of penis in the scene, the desire to experience non-bodily sex and show afhiri what it is like, i think they have more sex this way than bodily.
nothing about their sex life fits into a comfortable 'norm' for people. a lot of body worship is involved, a lot of affirmations, a lot of focusing on trans features and devoting to them. the love of the spirit and the love of the trans experience and the trans body. the love of what magic could do for trans people.
sex for them is acceptance in the purest of forms
in terms of of 'level', afhiri's level is probably 'friend' which is just about anyone whose nice to them so. yeah, but i think gale reserves such a thing as a declaration of love
How comfortable are they talking about, and openly communicating during, sex?
yes for both of them! neither of them are coy individuals and both are comfortable. afhiri might make a crass, immature joke though... when talking about sex and having sex
What would their partner do that would really turn them on, perhaps unintentionally?
uh feel like i made it clear with afhiri that Magic Do Be Doing This.
and gale.. well he kind of tells us in canon that you killing people is hot as hell so. make of that what you will
They accidentally hurt or upset their partner. What happened? How do they respond? What do they do to make their partner feel better?
afhiri upsets gale with her sheer stupidity all the time if i'm honest. he is very patient but they do be doing completely illogical things that are reckless and dangerous, they put themselves in harms way sometimes as a joke with no real understanding of the danger or the risk, afhiri gets scolded a lot and apologies extremely quickly. they don't mean to do things that upset gale, they just..... act. they don't think. there is no plan they just DO and then the consequences of their actions hit like a brick (gale is yelling and crossing his arms)
gale upsets afhiri with his lack of self worth. whenever gale talks in a way that sounds like he doesn't believe he deserves good and that he is good, this upsets afhiri immensely, to the point of tears sometimes. from the moment they met afhiri thought he was the most incredible and amazing person, and this person doesn't think highly of themselves? that's awful. beyond awful. gale pats their head and apologies for talking about himself poorly and it pretty much fixes everything immediately
They have an argument with their partner—what is it about? Do things stay respectful, or is there some shouting and accusing going on?
these two don't fight, they just don't. they don't have arguments, they talk things out. afhiri isn't someone who screams and yells and argues, they helped raise 5 of their 6 siblings, they know how to calmly talk things out and communicate. and without retaliation, gale quickly calms down from angry and frustrated to calmly talking with afhiri too. you cannot get a rise out of this clown
They have to apologize to their partner. Is this difficult for them? How do they approach it?
neither of them find accepting fault and needing to apologise difficult. afhiri is poor at wording apologies and giving detailed apologies, making point of what they did wrong, how they'll change, that stuff, but afhiri is very good at giving sincere "i'm sorry" apologies. gale is extremely good at those like 5 paragraph apologies with a whole ass graph and shit like this man is writing up an entirely new lifeplan around not making this mistake again kind of thing....... but again i don't really see them ever experiencing a situation where this would occur and need to happen. especially when they forgive each other so quickly and easily
How do they feel about the prospect of parenthood? Do they plan on it? How would they react if they suddenly found out they were going to be a parent?
they adopt shovel :)
(afhiri adopted shovel and gale was forced to be father)
What compromises are they making in their relationship?
gale is compromising having a normal, domestic life with someone who loves to read and is intelligent and studies magic and would join in with his experiments and his research.. he's compromising an equal.
afhiri isn't making any compromises, but genuinely recognises gale is. she's not sad about this or thinking gale might want someone else because afhiri would tell him to find another person to have that with and she would be cool with it, this baby can fit so many people in the polycule! but gale has never once implied he wants this and is just happy with her. it's enough, it works
What completely petty topic (music taste, favorite food) do they find themselves completely at odds with their partner about?
afhiri eats utter shit trash and has all her life, gale has a delicate palette of exquisite tastes. afhiri can't eat his food because it's too difficult and weird and gale would never even try eating what afhiri eats. the compromise is he makes two meals and she steals pieces of his to slowly build up her palette :)
How do their friends react to finding out they’re a couple? Do they have lots of mutual friends? Did their friends know, perhaps before they themselves did?
lmao the Squad is very "FINALLY!!!", and tara and gale's mother are very "FINALLY HE'S NOT DYING ALONE!!!!!" everyone is happy
and i did kind of already state that their friends did, in fact, know before they did fsdgfsdfs
Under what circumstances would they feel jealous?
afhiri might feel a speck of jealousy over gales good childhood and upbringing and love he's experienced but. it wouldn't last long and it would be like a twinge of jealousy. nothing important
gale would feel jealous over afhiri's affections for others and the easiness with which it comes, but it would go away with affirmations and reassurance from afhiri
Under what circumstances would they feel protective?
such a funny question like every situation they're in over the course of game? this is a couple who focus on protecting one another over themselves in the heat of combat! (stupid)
Would they get a pet? What kind? Who brings up the idea, and who takes a little longer to convince?
they literally have scratch :) and gale uses magic to make scratch immortal :) it wasn't either of their ideas they both thought of it :)
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