#obsessive namjoon
namchyoon · 17 days
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close enough, welcome back kim army
1K notes · View notes
btsiu · 28 days
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Come back to me Like you used to Be what you be I will roll you to the moon
543 notes · View notes
joonsbees · 1 month
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349 notes · View notes
btsstaysgold · 2 months
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I need everyone to look at this Jimin and scream with me!!!
159 notes · View notes
jung-koook · 2 years
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proof collector’s edition - scan (cr.)
1K notes · View notes
bisexualnamjoonie · 9 months
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cyphernet's 12 days of Namjoon
favourite lyrics
cr. videos: 0613data, JK cr. lyrics and lyrics translations: doolsetbangtan (english translation in alt. description)
185 notes · View notes
fairyofsilence · 2 years
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Pairings: Yandere!Namjoon x Reader, Yandere!Jungkook x Reader
Word count: 6.7 K
This is part of the obsession series, you can find my main masterlist here.
Warnings (for this chapter): +18, stalking, anxiety, cursing, mentions of blackmailing, toxic relationships, mentions of murder, mentions of sex work, trauma bonding, childhood trauma is discussed, innapropiate therapist/patient relationship (your therapist should never discuss their private life with you), emotional cheating, recording of sexual acts without the persons knowladge, explicit sexual scenes; short sex scene, choking, mentions of aftercare, Jungkook is a voyeur.
I don't agree nor condone any of the actions made by any of the characters throughout the story, I also do not belive that any of the members of BTS would act this way or have this type of behaviour, this story it's fiction and it's written with the sole purpose of entertainment, please proceed with caution.
Summary:Your husband adores you and he would do anything for you, but little do you know, so will the man who's watching you from the shadows.
Taglist (for this series): @minshookie29, @multifandombishthatlovekth, @kimlineownsme, @marslena, @apriljoon, @investedreader, @darkuni63, @gotnothing-todo, @silversparkles11, @ksooed, @pineapplestemkth​ (If you like to be added, just comment under this post or send me an ask requesting to be added❤)
A/N: Hello, I know I’ve been gone since practically forever, and I’m really sorry about that, but I had a terrible writer’s block during the summer, I will just stare at my screen and hope for the words to come out of my head, but finally, I somehow managed to finish this chapter, I’m posting this while being half asleep so please ignore any mistakes, I’ll be editing this over the weekend and working on chapter 3, so please look foward for that, any type of feedback it’s appriciated by me btw, so don’t be shy hehe, I hope you have a good day and thank you for reading!❤
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If you were to ask her about her job, Haneul would say that she wouldn’t consider it to be difficult at all.
It was perfect for someone like her, she was fresh out of college, it paid her enough to make ends meet every month and her boss was so incredibly kind and sweet to her, in the past year the both of you had grown closer than she would’ve expected, you were quick to put so much trust on her, you’ll always tell her how much you appreciated her work and praise her for how efficient she was, maybe that’s why Haneul always feels so bad when she must go behind your back and report to your husband of your daily activities at work.
She never meant to betray your trust like this, and she was almost a hundred percent sure that what she was doing its illegal, but when Kim Namjoon himself showed up to her apartment, bringing two suitcases filled with cash and promising to pay for her student debt, while also helping her move to a better side of town, she couldn’t help but to agree, this happened after her first week of working for you, she didn’t thought she’ll be staying for long, but then what started as an agreement became a reason to blackmail her, when she tried to break off their deal, he just dismissed her by telling her that if she tries to break off their arrangement he will leave her with even a worst debt than she was previously on, and that was all it took for Haneul to tuck her tail between her legs and keep on showing up to work, shame and guilt eating her up every day as you continue to see her as a good and hardworking girl only for her to turn around and do the most unethical things behind your back, but it was her life over yours, that’s how Haneul tries to console herself whenever she feels the guilt start to eat her up once more, you could start over, your husband can afford to buy you a new life if you wanted to, but Haneul? She had nothing, this job was all she had, and she’ll be damned if she ends up losing it, so with a heavy conscience and she picks up her phone and types out the message she desperately wishes she didn’t have to send, but nevertheless, she ends up doing it, and receives an answer far too quick for her own liking.
“From: Haneul
First person scheduled for today cancelled, new patient just went in, I will send his file after Mrs. Kim is done for the day. Sent at 11:26 A.M”
“From: KNJ
To: Haneul
Keep a close look on him like we talked about, you know I hate it when she has male patients, I also want the footage from the security cameras from that session. Sent at 11:27 A.M”
Haneul often wonders what you could’ve done in your past life to deserve such a crazy man like your husband, but she always ends up without an answer, because she doesn’t think you could’ve done something so bad that would make you end up with a man like this, Haneul doesn’t think anyone deserves to end up with a man like Kim Namjoon as their husband.
“From: Haneul
Yes sir, I’ll be keeping you updated. Sent at 11:28 A.M”
His last message sent shivers down her spine, if there was something that Kim Namjoon had done ever since they met, it was knowing exactly how to make her fear him.
“From: KNJ
To: Haneul
You better. Sent at 11:29 A.M”
Haneul gulps as she puts her phone down, turning the security cameras back on as she takes a couple of deep breaths to calm down.
Your husband has become the reason for her nightmares and yet you live blissfully unaware of his sick nature, as she types into her document, Haneul wonders if she’ll ever tell you about how much control over your life your husband actually has, but she also remembers that as long as she depends on you, there’s nothing she can do other than silently watch you living a lie next to the man who has trapped you into a false reality, she often wonders how would you react if the perfect world Namjoon has created for you suddenly crumbles, Haneul shakes her head and starts typing once more.
She doesn’t even want to think about the things your husband would do if that day ever comes.
Unironically enough, the answer to her question was currently inside your office.
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Drumming his fingers along his thighs, Jungkook feels a drop of cold sweat forming on the right side of his forehead, dripping all the way to his jaw, he licks his lips as he silently watches you work just like he has done so many times in the past, but this time is different, instead of facing his large monitor in the shivering cold and darkness of his own room, Jungkook is looking directly at your face, paying very close attention at any minuscule action you made in the past couple of minutes, controlling himself to not open his mouth and drool at the mere sight of you, that wouldn’t make the good first impression he has planned for years now, there cannot be anything that can mess up his only opportunity to get close to you.
Jungkook has been waiting for this moment for so long he can’t believe it’s finally happening, he has already lost count of the number of times he had to stop himself from reaching out to touch you, to hold you closer to him, to finally have you all to himself, he’s been struggling to remind himself that you were not ready for that yet, but hopefully, that will change soon. You were exactly like he had expected you to be, for Jungkook, watching you was always a pleasing experience, he has learned your quirks and cute expressions from how long he has been watching you, but god, your mannerisms looked even more cute up close rather than on a far distance or from a pixeled screen, years of having to blend into the crowd for him to only get a small glimpse of you, and now he was getting a front row seat on what he would consider the most entertaining show of all time: Watching you live inside the perfect bubble your husband has created for you. You have no idea how much Jungkook is going to enjoy bursting that bubble for you.
Unaware of everything that’s going through his mind, you peered at Jungkook over your glasses, only to find that he was already looking at you, mischief written all over his face, and when you moved your eyes onto him he smiled a little wider, his cute nose scrunched and your heart beat a little too fast for your liking, you decided to return your attention to his chart, which seemed fairly empty, only his most basic medical information was shown and that made you come to the conclusion that this might be the first time he has gone to therapy, closing the metal folder, you put his chart in your lap and give him a reassuring smile, setting the timer on our smart watch to get your first session finally started.
“We’re officially starting our first session as it now Jungkook” You intervene your hands and tilt your head to the side while maintaining eye contact.
“First, I would like to remind you that everything you say in this and if you decide, our next sessions, are extremely confidential and I cannot speak about anything that we discuss in this room, the only time I am allowed to inform about our sessions to anyone else is if I, as your therapist consider that you could harm yourself or that you could put other people in danger, if you have shown up today is because you have read the email I sent you prior to this session, correct?” You reach to your small table next to the individual couch you’re currently sitting, grabbing a small notepad and a pen laying right beside you, Jungkook nods as you open the notepad and begin by writing his name beside today’s date.
“Yes Dr. Kim, I did read the email you sent to me” He also confirms vocally while watching you write his name, the furrow in between your brows making him smile for a moment, so cute, Jungkook thought.
“Perfect, thank you for answering, I hope you don’t mind reminding you that our first sessions might seem a bit slow but I believe it’s best to slowly built up our relationship as patient and therapist, I feel that it’s the best way for not making you feel as if you have to rush into talking about certain topics you’re still not ready to discuss with me, as your therapist I am fully aware how it must not be easy to trust someone so quickly, and I am willing to wait until you feel comfortable enough to talk about certain things” You return to make eye contact as you finish writing down the basics and Jungkook nods along everything you say, giving you a shy smile after your last words.
“That’s very kind of you Dr. Kim” His eyes are starting to look a bit glossy, and the sight of that makes you grip at your pen tightly, there have been countless of patients who have cried on their sessions, especially when it was their first time, why are his tears affecting you so much?
“You don’t have to thank me Jungkook, I’m only here to help you” You shot him a small polite smile and contain the biggest urge to reach out and grab his hand to reassure him, but he notices, the way your hand twitches the same way when you want to reach out for your husband’s hand, and Jungkook couldn’t be more thrilled about it, not believing how much he has affected you in such a short amount of time, this might be easier than what he initially thought. You ignore the sudden urge and continue with the session once more.
“We can start by you telling me the reason why you have decided to see a therapist, you don’t need to go into details if you don’t want, you can answer however you want.”
“I wanted to see a therapist because I think I’m ready to let my past behind me” Jungkook rubs his palms against his thighs and you can tell how nervous he is, you maintain a neutral expression as you write his answer down.
“Not letting your past rule over your present it’s not an easy thing to do, you’ve already done one of the hardest steps in a healing journey, which is accepting that you need to change in order to grow” Jungkook gives you another shy smile and you can’t help but to smile back at him, even though a small voice inside your head tells you that you shouldn’t be doing it but you couldn’t help it, he looks lost, even though you could see that he was physically strong, Jungkook seems to avoid getting the attention on himself, his clothes, his attitude and the way he carried himself told you that much, you don’t know what kind of urge was suddenly overflowing in you but all you knew was that you wanted, no, needed to help him at all cost.
“Can I- Could I start with my upbringing? Is that too much for our first session?” His timid tone it’s heartbreaking, and while it pangs your heart, you maintain a stoic expression and answer his question.
“You can start telling me with what you feel the most comfortable Jungkook, you can trust me on that” Jungkook nods to himself as he plays with his hands, he closes his eyes for a moment and takes a deep breath before looking at you again, you make a motion with your hand to let him know you’re listening.
“My mother, she died when I was very young” His voice suddenly became a little bit more deep, and it send shivers down your spine.
“I’m very sorry to hear that Jungkook” He doesn’t seem to register your words as he focuses on the small table that separates the two of you, the topic seems to be rough on him, giving how deep in thought he seems to be, you try to make him come back to you by asking: “Could you tell me how old you were?” Jungkook’s attention returns to you after your question and the coldness in his previously sweet stare takes you aback for a second.
“I was 6” His answer makes you wish you didn’t ask but you know you must keep going regardless of your compassion towards him.
“Do you remember how it happened?, where you were when you received the news?” You write his previous answer and try to avoid eye contact to not show any emotion to what his next answer might be, but nothing can prepare you for what his next words are.
“I was the one who found her” His voice quivers and you quickly turn your head to look at him only to find him already staring at you, he doesn’t wait for an answer as he keeps talking: “She was murdered, it was client of hers, never knew who he was, she had a lot of clients so I never bother to remember any of their faces” Jungkook cuts eye contact to look over your office window, you couldn’t stop yourself from blurting a question after he was done talking.
“Clients?” You were confused and Jungkook realized his omission made you feel out of context, he quickly filled you into what he was talking about.
“My mother was a prostitute, I’m the son of one of her clients actually” You’re speechless after his confession, you know firsthand the effects of growing up knowing that your mother was a prostitute, and that you were a product of her job, but Jungkook not only had those issues, his mother was also taken from him at such a small age, your self-control seemed to be put to the test today, because you wanted to comfort him, to let him know he wasn’t alone with his pain, but you couldn’t do that without reveling things about yourself, and that was extremely unprofessional, you knew better than to cross those lines, but doing it once wouldn’t hurt, right? You pride yourself for being extremely sufficient with helping your patients to get better, wouldn’t this help Jungkook? It must if you had this immense urge to tell him, you weren’t being unprofessional, in fact, you were doing the right thing, weren’t you?
“You think that this event it’s what’s stopping you from getting better?”
“I don’t think, I know it is” Jungkook chuckles and crosses his arms while leaning back into the sofa, you raise an eyebrow as you put your hands in your stomach.
“How do you view me as a person Jungkook?” Your question seems to take him by surprise, but he responds after a moment.
“Professional, kind, hardworking” You let out a small smile at his short but sweet description of yourself.
“And if I told you that the person you just described when through similar things as you did, would you change your mind?” Jungkook looks at you even more confused than before so you decide to let him know the aspect of your life you’re not fond of speaking about it “Our mothers shared the same profession Jungkook” His pretty doe eyes are wide in shock and even his mouth opens a little bit, you can’t help but to giggle at his reaction and that seems to make him snap out of his brief state of shock.
There’s a small moment of silence before Jungkook speaks out again.
“How do you do it?” Jungkook ask in a hushed tone, if you weren’t playing close attention to him you probably wouldn’t have heard him.
“How do I do what?” You had a faint idea of what he was trying to say, but you wanted him to voice out his thoughts, for Jungkook to acknowledge what his fear is.
“How do you live with the shame of it? I feel like every  time I’m walking down the street, somehow people just know, and I can almost feel them judging me, even when I know that her actions weren’t my fault, I feel like I can’t open up with anyone because they wouldn’t understand and they would judge me because of this, I feel so ashamed all the time and I really don’t know how to make it stop” His confession cut deep into your heart as you felt deep within you each and every single one of his words, the resemblance between the two of you was becoming more prominent each time he revealed something about himself, and you couldn’t help but to project into him, you knew the struggle he was going through, better than anyone else, you could see it in his eyes, the desperation and the frustration on people judging you over something you had absolute no control over, your heart hurts for him and you feel the frustration building up in you, as you watch him patiently waiting for an answer from you, you decided that this was beyond just a professional relationship, he needed from you, Jungkook needed guidance, friendship, he needed everything you were willing to give him, and you intended to give him your all.
You lean forward as you maintain eye contact with him, he mirrors your actions as he plays with his fingers, impatiently waiting for what you are about to say.
“I don’t think that my answer it’s what you are expecting to hear” Hearing the truth sometimes does more damage than it helps, you know it well, Jungkook stops his movement all together and the words coming out of his mouth are not what you expected.
“I don’t want you to respond with something you don’t agree with just because it’s the professional thing to do, Dr. Kim, I want to hear your opinion from your own experience” Jungkook straightens his posture as he speaks and the look on his eyes it’s so intense it makes you cut eye contact and lean back into your chair; you don’t think your answer thoroughly before speaking again.
“The shame never leaves, you only learn how to live with it” You expected for Jungkook to blow up the way most of your patients do whenever they don’t receive the answer they were looking for, but he surprised you once more as he looks at you with hope in his beautiful brown eyes.
“Could you help me learn how to live with it, Dr. Kim?” He asks in a low timid tone, and you give him the brightest smile he’s ever seen on you.
“I would love to Jungkook.”
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After being forced to practically become your shadow, Haneul has become more observant than she’s ever been before, she has come to notice even the smallest changes on you, and the main thing that set alarms going off inside her head was when not only you accompanied the new patient to the front door, but also how you hugged him and kept on having a small conversation until he finally left, her eyes open so wide to the point she thinks they’ll pop out of its sockets, Namjoon was going to kill her, on more than one occasion he has told her to not let you touch any patients, specifically male patients, and with him already being on the edge because of the new patient, there was no doubt that he was going to be furious about this when he sees the security camera footage, Haneul was in deep shit.
She was shaking by the moment you turned around to return to your office, briefly glancing at her only to stop when you realized just how pale she was, a frown between her brows and a lost look on her eyes told you that something must not be alright, so you carefully approached her until you were in front of her desk.
“Haneul? Is everything okay?” Your clueless question makes Haneul want to rip off her hair.
No, nothing is fucking okay because you can’t just do things like that without me getting my head chopped off, God, why can’t you just listen to your creepy husband for once?
Ignoring her less than friendly thoughts, Haneul takes several deep breaths to compose herself and shots you a sweet smile before answering.
“Everything’s fine Dr. Kim, please don’t worry about it” You seem to believe in her answer as you give her an acknowledging nod before making your way to your office once more.
It’s only after hearing you close the door that Haneul reaches out for her phone, searching with hurry Namjoon’s contact to let him know everything she just saw, she rewrites several times due to her shaky hands.
Haneul might have bad luck, but she considers herself lucky that she won’t be in the receiving end of your husband’s wrath. The mere thought makes the hairs on her arms to rise in fear, shaking her head as if that would take away her thoughts, she continues to write the text that would become the first of many. After working with you for almost a year, Haneul never would’ve thought that a pretty boy would be enough to lure you away from your devoted husband, but then again, you were only human, and she will never judge you for distancing yourself from a man like Namjoon, in fact, Haneul thinks, Jungkook becoming your patient might be for the best, if she only knew about Jungkook’s true intentions, she’ll probably fear him just as much as she fears the man who has left her on read. Haneul gulps as she watches the ‘typing’ text go on and off for a couple of minutes, preparing for the worst, but when she only receives an “Okay” from Namjoon, she realizes that the short cold answer scared her more than a lengthy angry paragraph would.
Haneul knew she shouldn’t had accepted this job so quickly; it seemed far too good to be true. As she stares at her disorganized desk, Haneul wonders how she could had gotten herself stuck in the middle of such a sick relationship when all she expected from this job was to get coffee and take phone calls. Haneul sighs tiredly as she reaches out for her coffee mug.
If only she had listened to her old-fashioned mother who wanted to set her up to become a housewife, she would’ve saved herself the trouble she was currently in. What was previously a thought she dreaded has now become something she longed for.
The only thing that keeps Haneul from going insane it’s pretending that this was just a bad nightmare, that she would wake up and that everything will be alright, but Haneul really doesn’t know how much she can’t play pretend anymore.
Maybe she should book an appointment with you, but judging by your last interaction with a patient, she doesn’t think you’ll stay in business for long, not that your husband would allow it at least.
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Being with Jungkook always left you longing for more.
Quickly after your second session the same week after the first one, you realized one hour a day simply wasn’t going to be enough for you.
It started innocent enough, going to a café and walking together in the park, the place never mattered to you, it was spending time with him that made you happy, although you did try to limit yourself to only spend one hour with him without being inside your office, just two people who’ve been through the same shitty struggles and finding comfort within each other.
But your problem started when you stopped limiting yourself.
You started to tell yourself that one hour simply wasn’t enough, and that it wouldn’t hurt to spend more time with him, so one hour turned into two, then it turned into three, and before you knew it you were cancelling appointments for the sake of spending more time with him, a man who wasn’t your husband, a man who understood and comforted you in a way no one had ever been able to do before, not your best friend, and not even the love of your life, but him. Jungkook has quickly made his way into your heart due to his gentleness, how he carefully listens to everything you have to say, the way he brushes off your tears whenever your emotions get the best of you, the way his hand lingers until it finally reaches over to hold yours, it would be shocking if you didn’t end up growing fond of him after spending so much time with him, and while a small voice inside your head kept on whispering how wrong this was, how you were somehow betraying the trust your adoring husband has put on you, you always chose to ignore it, focusing on what Jungkook needed instead. Your husband will understand, he always does, it’s why you love him so much, he would be understanding when you tell him how sweet Jungkook is, how you guys just hit it off so well that it almost seemed like you’ve had known each other forever.
The problem is, you never mention any of this to Namjoon, in fact, you can’t even remember the last time you had a proper conversation with him, the realization and the guilt hits you like a truck, but you brush it off as you grip your coffee cup a little harder, focusing back to Jungkook’s voice as he tells you about the latest videogame release he was looking forward to, his excitement putting your mind at ease,  Jungkook notices the sad look in your eyes, but he also notices the way it fades after you look at him, and he can’t help but to smile as he relishes on the fact that he’s making you put your husband as a second priority, making you forget who was supposed to be the only man in your life.
He smiles proudly as he looks at you, the adoring look on your eyes tells him that you would be ready for him in no time, all he needs to do now it’s sit back, and watch your marriage crumble right before your eyes without you even noticing it.
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Namjoon notices everything about you.
He notices when you’re about to get sick and takes care of you before it can escalate, he notices that when your period is about to begin you cry onto his chest because you don’t want him to leave the bed, he notices when you’re feeling sad but don’t want to bother him with your feelings, always there for you to hold you into his chest and let the world keep going while you hide into his warm embrace.
But Namjoon hasn’t been able to notice any of this in the past few weeks, all because you spend day and night out with that boy.
He was furious when he saw the camera footage from the first session you had, the two of you just seemed way to invested on each other, but when you came home that day, you were smiling from ear to ear, and when he asked you about how your day went, you simply responded with “One of the best days I’ve had in a while”, and his chest hurt when he realized you weren’t talking about him.
He’s been trying to put a little more trust on you, you seemed to be fond of this kid for some reason and it was cute enough at first, but you got attached way to quickly in his opinion.
He knows that you started to see him outside of work, and that was enough to put him on the edge, but he decided to test you, see how far you’ll go just to spend time with him, and Namjoon took quite a hit once he realized just how invested you seemed to be on this patient of yours.
He felt as if he was dying whenever the private investigator came back to him with a folder full of pictures of the two of you, eating, laughing, and crying together, hugging each other with such an intensity that could even be capture in a photo, Namjoon couldn’t believe that he was watching his wife slip out of his arms so easily, and the worst thing was, he felt like there was nothing he could do other than to watch her pull away from him, the misery of her putting him aside for someone she hasn’t even known for so long.
Everything came crashing down tonight, as he got off from work to come home earlier than usual, wanting to surprise you with the largest bouquet he’s ever given you before, you’ll come back to your senses and the kid would have to back off, everything would return to normal and you were going to be okay, because your marriage is that strong.
But Namjoon was not welcomed by your sweet smile and loving embrace, he was greeted by a cold and empty home, with his wife spending a Friday night out with another man, a day that has been solely dedicated for him, and Namjoon just snaps.
Trashing the bouquet against the wall, he angrily makes his way to his home office and closes the door with a loud bang.
Ever since meeting that boy, you started to get more distracted at work with your other patients, you have not answered any of your friends worried text about your wellbeing with something that wasn’t “I’m busy”, you have barely look at him ever since that stupid kid came into your office, he doesn’t know what he has done to you, but you almost seemed bewitched by him, Namjoon knew you were a caring person, he knew that you always gave your best to all of your patients, but even your friends have realized that this was different, and you not showing up tonight was the final push that made him take the harsh route, he never likes to hurt you, but he would rather for you to suffer now and get over it quickly than for you to get more attached to that boy, he has to end this sudden infuriation of yours, and he must do it now.
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You come home late again tonight.
When you opened the door to your home, you were surprised to find the lights in an extremely low setting, to be fair, it was already past midnight, but whenever you get home late, Namjoon always waits for you in the living room, glasses on with a book in his hand and his comfy clothes on, it’s a cute sight to be welcomed home but now it’s nowhere to be seen, there’s only some flowers spread out in the floor, making a complete mess in the living room, confused and taken aback by this, you leave your purse and coat on the hanger and make your way upstairs to find where your husband might be.
He wouldn’t be asleep, he never likes to go to bed without you, he’s definitely not in your bedroom, but when you look over his office door, you see that the lights are on due to the small space between the door and the floor, you then make your way to his office, not bothering to knock as you just open the door, but the sight that greets you makes you shiver.
Namjoon rarely drinks.
He’s never been a big fan of alcohol, you can count with only one hand the rare occasions that you’ve seen him drinking, he often said he didn’t saw the point of getting drunk, so therefor it was only natural that he stayed away from any types of alcohol, so to find him like this, with a drink on his hand while a half empty bottle that had only served as decoration before is on his desk, you can’t help but to feel worried, you quickly made your way to his side and stare down at him as he continues to focus on the drink in his hand.
“Namjoon?” You tried to gain his attention by talking to him and you can’t help but to frown when he ignores you “Honey are you alright?” Namjoon smirks and takes a deep breath before setting his glass next to the bottle on his desk, he turns to look at you and you can’t help but to feel worried as you take a good look on your husbands face for the first time in weeks, and the first thing you notice is how his entire body screams exhaustion, Namjoon looks tired, it hurts to see him like this, you wrap your arms around him whilst sitting on his lap, he quickly welcomes your embrace and buries his face onto your neck, taking a long, deep breath as his hands rub your back, your heart feels heavy once you realized that you haven’t hugged him like this in a while, and it hurts even more when you realize it’s all your fault.
“What’s wrong baby?” You run your fingers through his hair, and he lets a dry chuckle after your question, he pulls his head out of your neck and looks at you for a moment before he speaks.
“How was your day darling?” Normally, you would be thrilled to answer his question, but the tone in which he was asking you this now made you frown, he sounded sarcastic, and Namjoon has never spoken to you like this before.
“What do you mean?” You try to play innocent as you realize that his question has a double meaning, he raises an eyebrow and one of his hands reaches your hip, which he grips on tightly while he maintains eye contact with you, the angry look on his eyes makes you gulp unvoluntary.
“What day is it?” The lack of a term of endearment, and his unexpected question takes you by surprise, what could he possibly mean by that?
You don’t answer right away, but after thinking just for a moment you came to the realization that today is Friday, and you weren’t home to receive your husband at the front door.
Namjoon waits patiently for your answer, and you feel horrible when you realize just how much you’ve been neglecting your husband for the sake of spending time with one of your patients.
“Oh, Namjoon, baby I’m sorry” He’s so mad but he can’t be angry at you for too long, especially not now when you’re looking at him with tears in your eyes, he places a hand on your cheek, and you greedily accept his affection towards you.
“I’m not mad at you love, I’m just confused, and a little hurt if I’m being honest” He’s being anything but honest right now, if you weren’t so invested in that boy he would’ve already killed him with his bare hands “Why are you spending so much time with your patient darling? What’s going on?” His voice cracks and the guilt has finally catch up with you, tears roll down your face as you place one of your hands on the back of his neck.
“I just- I really don’t know” Your tears are enough to make him fold, he brushes off your tears and gives you a small smile before talking.
“You know it’s wrong now, do you?” You feel like a child as you nod “And you know that whatever kind of friendship you have with this patient needs to stop, don’t you love?” It takes you a little bit more time than with his last question, but you end up nodding your head anyway, Namjoon smiles wider after you answer and pats your cheek, which makes you giggle.
“I’m really sorry…” You try to apologize again but he doesn’t let you, interrupting you with several quick pecks that make you laugh, and when he stops you can see that he’s smiling too.
“It’s okay love, besides” Namjoon gives you a wicked smile as his hand makes it’s way to your crotch “You know you can make it up to me in different ways”
You should’ve known you wouldn’t even make it to the bedroom, Namjoon wasn’t exactly patient when it came down to have his way with you, so it really didn’t surprise you that you were currently being fucked in the hallway, a small piece of furniture was the only thing that was keeping you away from falling into the ground, your pants were discarded somewhere in Namjoon’s office, you were both still practically clothed but he was a men on a mission, and his mission was to show you just how much he had missed you this past couple of weeks.
His soft hands grip tightly onto your hips as you claw your nails onto his back, Namjoon hisses and starts thrusting even harder, making you moan even louder, he buries his face into your neck to place sloppy kisses as you reach out to take one of his hands away from your waist and placing it on your neck, Namjoon lets out a deep growl at your actions.
“You couldn’t help yourself, couldn’t you my love?” Namjoon says into your ear “Always have to be a good little whore for me” He presses down onto your neck, and it only takes a couple of more thrust for you to be on the edge of an orgasm.
Namjoon knows your body like the back of his hand, and when your bottom lip starts to quiver and your legs begin to shake, he knows you’re about to come, so he keeps on thrusting hard and fast until you climax, holding onto his shoulders for dear life until he reaches his own, he puts his head on your chest as you’re both panting, taking a moment after such an intense orgasm and you can’t help but to let a small out of breath laugh when you think how ridiculous you must look right now, Namjoon chuckles and leaves several kisses on your chest before reaching out to your neck and then your lips, giving you a sweet peck before his hands reach for the back of your tights and picks you up easily as you giggle.
“Let’s go take a bath, huh?” Namjoon says before placing a kiss on your forehead, you nod as you cuddle into his chest, carrying you in his arms, he makes his way into your bedroom, having a small conversation as he walks, and you’re both blissfully unaware of the small red blinking dot coming from the end of the hallway.
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Jungkook leans back into his chair as he stares into his screen, he has done this countless of times before, the closes way he’s ever had to be somewhat intimate with you, but after these last couple of weeks, Jungkook knows that’s about to change soon, his plan has been successful so far, he only needs a little more time so he can finally have you by his side, so he can finally call you his.
He exits the security camera as he watches you and Namjoon leave the frame, Jungkook looks down at his hand as he smiles and takes a deep breath after such an intense orgasm, he reaches out for a box of tissues he keeps on his desk for this occasions, as he cleans himself up, Jungkook can’t help but to think about how beautiful you looked when you were so lost in pleasure, he wonders if you would let him do the same things you let your husband do.
It's fine if you don’t, Jungkook thinks, he’ll just have so much fun breaking you down until you submit to him that it won’t matter if you let him or not.
He’s going to have you, regardless if you agree or not.
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<previous | next>
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darkphoenix5037 · 1 year
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Welp here is another one. This will be OT7(focus on Namjoon coz he is my bias, but bonds will be formed with others too) with A/B/O dynamics, Vikings influences, with badass but slightly low-esteem oc, stray kids as her platonic family, battle, blood, revenge, game of thrones-esque plot, death and lots of sex.
It will be multi chaptered.
Please share your thoughts and let me know what you think.
P.S. The title means 'to find' in old norse.
SUMMARY- You never really thought that your destiny would take you so far away from home.
It rains the day you lay eyes on your intended.
In the blood-stained field in front of the castle that you call your home stands him, Kim Namjoon, the biggest warlord the world had ever witnessed. His army consisted of thousands even millions, those savages, as the south would like to call them, were more powerful and disciplined than any army you had ever seen. Their troops were roguish in looks, yes, but their skill in battle was no joke.
Kim Namjoon’s skill in battle was no joke. He fought bare-chested with an axe and a sword; you had heard that he could cut down men with a single sweep of his sword. He was a true demon in battle, as most raiders were, but his skills put the best warriors in your homeland’s army to shame. His great heathen army slaughtered your king’s army by thousands every day, other than leaving hundreds of men injured.
You would know as the chief healer, stitching wounds, cauterizing them, applying salve to burns, cuts were fine. Holding the hands of dying soldiers as they hallucinated their mothers, lovers, wives and sisters was not, not even for someone like you who was used to blood, battle and death.
But you pushed on, for the king, for the country, for the people, you worked day and night you pushed on.
These days the workload had been increased as the king had no taken to treat the prisoners of war as well. The injured and the dying of the heathen army were brought to the camps to get medical assistance if possible and the injured ones were returned to their camps and the dead were returned to the opposing army with respect.
You were not thankful for the workload but what could you do, the king commands and the rest follow.
You were not thankful for the workload but you applauded your king’s nobility nonetheless. Your brother, Christopher Bang was nothing if not noble and kind and humble. Maybe that was why his army were ready to die and kill for him. Maybe it was because he thought of all as equal, be it the duke or the beggar’s son, Alpha, Omega or Beta everyone was equal in the eyes of your Alpha brother.
Maybe that was why you, an Omega, were working in an army camp filled with betas and alphas at all times of the night and day. Maybe that’s why you as an omega, could kill and maim as well as any alpha.
He was strong, your brother, but too kind, too truthful and too righteous for the world that he was in, younger than you but still on the throne for the gods gave him a cock and the second gender of an alpha and you a cunt and the curse of being an omega.
You weren’t brother and sister by blood, you were the orphan the previous king found on a hunting trip, half feral, in the jungle, at the age of seven.  You were brought to the castle, Christopher took one look at your small, slight frame, for he was a giant to you even at the age of five, and decided that you would be his noona. You took his hand and resolved to protect him forever. Nothing much was needed after that.
He deserved better though, you thought. Better than this wretched war and that godforsaken alpha Kim Namjoon who is intent on busting down the doors of your home.
Your name being called out draws you out of your mental reverie.
“Princess, the king calls for you at the front.” Ser Seo Changbin of your brother’s personal guard says.
You finish stitching the heathen soldier’s wound and apply salve and bandage before patting him roughly on the shoulder and getting up.
“What is it?”
“The king calls for you. He did not tell me the reason, your grace.”
You gesture ser Changbin to head the way as you follow him to the wall where your royal brother awaits you. He turns towards you as you come near.
“Leave us.” He commands.
“Is everything alright, my king?”
“Call me Chris, sister, how many do I have to repeat that?” he says.
“When we are alone, my king.”
He sighs, but motions to the battlefield, a far away look in his eyes as he looks down upon the ruin the battle has caused on the once green fields.
“We are not going to be able to defend ourselves for much longer if this goes on, sister, Kim Namjoon gets closer to defeating us every day. We cannot keep going for much longer.” He says. He sounds tired, too tired for someone his age.
“Why don’t you sit on the war council with me sister, we could use your skills?”
“You know why, you might not mind your omega sister, one of common blood at that running around with a sword in her hand, but others do. Alphas do, I would rather die than let anyone of them insult you again after what happened. You know better.” You spoke.
He sighed heavily.
You look at your younger brother, he looks as though the weight of the world sits on his shoulders. It does in some way, you think, this kingdom, as large as it is, it is your world.
His world.
He fights for it today, for its very existence.
Of course, the weight of this responsibility weighs him down. He is fighting, not only for his kingdom, but his world, his home.
“Is it time that we seek a truce with them?” You ask.
“We have no leverage; he knows he can defeat us. He needn’t sue for peace to ask for anything, he can take it, all of it.”
The sun has gone down, you see the enemy camp at a distance, its torches shine bright.
“Then we can only hope to reach stalemate, Chan-ah” You call him by the name your mother called him when she was alive and try to calm him down with your scent.
“I hope so”
He suddenly seizes you by the shoulders and says, “Stay near the battle field tomorrow, sister, I feel that tomorrow might be the day- “he stops, his hands trembling slightly.
“I need you by my side noona, I need you there, the troops need their lioness. I need you, We need you. It could be tomorrow that that godforsaken man would break down the doors of the castle. I don’t care about what happened five years ago on that wretched battlefield. I care about now, about today.”
You looked in the distance. Towards the enemy camp and remembered the amount of injured and dead on your hands, the heavy losses and the weeping mothers, fathers, daughters, sons and wives. You had to be there, if not for your sake then for the sake of your country.
“I will be there Chan-ah. Noona will watch over you. Ask my personal 300 to report.”
He takes you in his arms after that, keeping you in his embrace and you let your forehead rest on his broad chest. He holds you tight enough and breaths your scent in, as if you are the only thing keeping him grounded.
Nothing is said after that, as both of you silently carry the fear of tomorrow in your hearts.
The next day clouds gather in the sky as you don your armour.
You hadn’t stepped in the battle field not since the last war, not after what happened five years ago.
All that you could see was blood, it stained everything in sight.
Your hand, your face, your armour, the field around you.
There was a strange ringing in your ears, you moved forward regardless, your axe cutting down everyone and everything that stood in front of you.
A voice called.
You knew that voice.
It was coming nearer.
The person was in front of you.
You swung the axe, but people were suddenly holding you back, you could not move.
The voice was closer, louder, shouting.
You gasped as if you had just broken the surface of the water in the lake and looked around.
You saw worried and slightly horrified looks. You saw your brother looking at you, scared and unsure.
In your daze, in your state of berserk, you had tried to kill your brother.
You hadn’t stepped in war since. You were afraid to lose control, afraid that you would kill your own men in that state.
Being a berserker was not easy, the warrior lost themselves in that state, all that mattered was killing, not injury, not pain, not fatigue, just death. You had been stabbed in the arm and calf that day but you had not stopped your killing spree regardless. The title of lioness bestowed upon you that day and your fame as a berserker had spread far and wide.
Stories were told about the omega berserker who had lost herself and battle and killed half a million people in a single day, who had won the war in a single day. No one had dared to attack your homeland after that, until now.
So, for the sake of the king, your brother, and your people you don the armour you had abandoned.
You sighed and headed to your horse, and followed your brother to the battlefield.
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taehyungday · 1 year
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𝗉𝖺𝗂𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀… 𝗍𝖺𝖾𝗁𝗒𝗎𝗇𝗀 𝗑 𝖿𝖾𝗆!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
𝗀𝖾𝗇𝗋𝖾… 𝗒𝖺𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝖺𝗎
𝗐𝗈𝗋𝖽 𝖼𝗈𝗎𝗇𝗍… 1588
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It was bitterly cold outside. In my short skirt, I was shivering. There were a lot of people in the bar. Some people were drinking, while others were dancing and making out. It wasn't easy being a waitress. I often wish I could leave my work, but it was my sole source of cash.
"Can you serve in the VIP section, Y/N?" My supervisor had inquired.
I've never been assigned to the VIP section. I was taken aback when he asked me to do it.
"Why?" I inquired.
"Hana is taking the day off today. Please carry out her responsibility of serving VIPs. I'll give you some extra cash." He responded.
"Okay," I said.
There were a lot of wealthy folks in the VIP section. Strippers were giving lap dances to several people. A body crashed with me as I was giving drinks to some boys. As I turned around, I noticed a lovely young lady staring at me with disgust.
"DO YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO WALK?" She screamed. She was quite enraged, and I noticed that a small amount of liquid had fallen on her pricey gown. A outfit I'd never be able to afford.
"Please accept my apologies, Miss." I offered my apologies. She continued to spout swear words.
"Is there a problem, Yoona?" A powerful voice cut through the silence.
When I looked up, I noticed a really attractive stranger standing in front of me. He was talking to the girl named Yoona, but his gaze was fixed on me.
"Baby, this scumbag ruined my outfit." She responded by clinging to him.
"We can go out and get you a new dress." While continuing staring at me, the handsome stranger replied.
"Thank you so much, Tae. I love you so much." Yoona squealed with delight.
But then, too, his focus was solely on me.
"Can you tell me your name?" He inquired of me.
"L/N Y/N," I responded.
Was he expecting me to pay for her ruined dress? I wasn't sure why, but I was getting a horrible vibe from him. I desperately needed to get away from him.
"Come on, Tae, you can do it. Let's take a break and go somewhere else." Yoona remarked.
"Hmm," he answered, his gaze fixed on me.
I said my goodbyes to each of them and went on to serve others.
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I love you.
Since that day, I started receiving some texts from an unknown number. The only thing the person sended me was I love you. I tried to block the number but next day I received the same text from a new number.
I wish I was beside you.
This text, on the other hand, gave me the creeps. That number has been blocked once more. After reading the message, I was terrified. So I dialled Jae's number.
"Hello," Jae replied.
"I'm terrified, Jae." I stated.
"Y/n! What makes you so afraid?" He inquired.
"For the past two weeks, I've been receiving texts from an unknown number. All of them say the same thing: "I love you," but the most recent text I received stated that he or she wished to be at my side. I attempted to block the number, but the texts continued to arrive." I responded.
"I believe it would be a prank, y/n. But if you're afraid, you're welcome to come to my place." Jae remarked.
"Okay. I'll spend the night at your place." I responded.
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As I entered the gates of Jae's house, I noticed that the door was unlocked.
I Love You
Was written on wall with red paint. However, I noted that the paint was rich in colour. It appeared to be blood.
"Where have you gone, Jae?" I inquired.
There was no sound in the home. There was no one there. I believe Jae was playing a practical joke on me.
"Come on, Jae, I'm afraid." I screamed.
When I entered his room, I saw something that terrified me to death.
It was Jae's body that had been discovered. The worst part was that whoever mudered him had stuck the knife in his mouth. His body was covered in bruises. His garments were ripped apart, and his fingers were hacked off. I felt a piercing feeling on my neck before I could respond, and then I blacked out.
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I awoke naked and clinging to a king-sized bed with my hands tied. The room in which I was sleeping was the most expensive room I'd ever slept in. Every single thing in the room screamed luxury. Why would someone lock me up in such opulence? I also felt discomfort in my lower body. I was alone. The door opened after a few moments, showing the handsome stranger from the bar.
"You've woken up." He stated.
"What's your name? What brings me here? Is it true that you kidnapped me?" I began to interrogate him.
"Slow down, kitty," He stated.
"Why did you kidnapped me?" I inquired.
"It was love that compelled me to do it." He responded.
"Can you untie me?" I requested him.
"No, kitty, that's not it. You'll run away from me if I do this." He responded.
"Why?" I inquired. I was simply too stunned to say anything to him.
"Kitten, I love you. When I first spotted you in the pub, I knew we were meant to be together just by looking at you." He said this as he approached me.
He slapped me across the face. His hands, I was certain, had left an imprint on my face.
"Kitten, Is that a means for you to communicate with your husband?" He inquired.
"Husband? I'm not even sure what your name is?" I stated.
"Did you forget we got married yesterday, kitten? We even spent our wedding night. My name is Kim Taehyung." He stated.
Taehyung Kim? Gucci was owned by Kim Taehyung. He had a lot of admirers. Who knew he was a psychopath, though.
He slapped me once more. VERY HARD. Right now, I'd look like a shambles.
"YES I killed that son of bitch. What was his name, Jae, right. He had no right to gaze at you. I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN LOOK AT YOU. I adore you to death. You have no idea what you're missing out on. And don't raise your voice because if I can murder Jae, I'm sure I'll be able to kill your parents as well. And I don't think you'll like it if that happens. Right Kitten?" He inquired.
I couldn't say anything because I was too surprised. How could he be so cold-blooded?
"Look at me, kitten." He snatched my chin and forced me to look at him.
"I understand you're short on cash. I'm a multibillionaire. I can provide you with anything you desire. I can even cover your parents' expenses. But the only thing I ask in return is for you to repay me. If you refuse, I will assassinate every single person you care about. Until there's only one of me left. So tell me, do you want to be mine or do you want your family to perish?" He inquired.
That's when I realised my fate had been sealed. I wanted to scream, shout, cry, bawl. B ut I didn't want anyone to suffer as a result of my actions.
"How about the girl who was in the bar with you?" I inquired about him. I was hoping she was his wife or anything along those lines. So I'd be able to leave him, or at least have a reason to leave him.
"Oh, you're referring to Yoona. She was my date, but she insulted you, so I stabbed her in the vaginal area with a knife." He smiled as he replied.
I immediately stiffened up. He has no right to do such a thing to anyone.
"But don't be concerned. I'm not going to let anyone else get in the way of us now. And if anyone gets in the way, I'm going to kill them. And how could I ever hurt the mother of my child?" He stated while stroking my cheek.
"What?" I questioned.
Child? What exactly is he on about?
"Oh! We didn't use Condom last night. So, I'm expecting a child." He said that with a smirk on his face.
I couldn't help but stare at him, disgusted. Is he the one who just raped me?
"You still haven't answered my question, baby. Do you want to be with me or with your loved ones when they die?" He inquired.
I was well aware that he was far more strong than I. I'd never be able to beat him.
"I want to be with you." I answered.
And that was the end of it.
And with that I sealed my fate.
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mooniekive · 9 months
raid your heart | knj
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If for Namjoon’s birthday you want
- gamer Joon
- cocky gamer Joon with a secret soft personality
- enemies to fuck buddies to friends to lovers kind of dynamic
- angst, fluff, and quite a lot of smut
- queer characters
- a character based storyline
- Namjoon just being hot (ngl, reader is hot too 🥵)
- a complete series + a drabble series
This is a fic for you 🤣
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day 111/547 of seokjin’s military service x
this selca was posted on 140715, while they were in LA to film American Hustle Life, with the caption:
Everyone, life is shopping. Everyone, let's all go shopping.
(trans cr: Nika @ bts-trans x)
~bonus pics & vids from their USA trip (incl. free concert) under the cut~
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Hope a lot of you come and watch our performance >~<
(trans cr: Nika @ bts-trans x)
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ARMYs~ 400th day! Thank you so much for being together with Bangtan for such a long long timeㅠㅠ Let’s be together for even longer. I’m watching over you.
(trans cr: Nika @ bts-trans x)
the concert from 140714 is shown on episode 8 of AHL below
8:30 concert starts - We Are Bulletproof Pt. 2 performance
13:20 Regulate performance (song written during AHL)
18:25 bangtan show off the moves they learned during their AHL dance lessons
21:35 minimoni show off their break dance skills
22:59 2seok show off their beatboxing skills
24:40 taegikook show off their R&B and Soul singing
27:22 Like performance
31:38 No More Dream performance (Encore)
icymi yesterday, here's a youtube playlist with all 8 episodes of AHL with english subs.
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raplinenthusiasts · 10 months
shuffle your ‘on repeat’ and post the first 10 songs - thank you Kayla @cordiallyfuturedwight for feeding my need to share all the music I listen 🫶
De Selby (part 2) by Hozier
Alphabet City by The National
STOP (lolla version) by jhope
Rainy Days by V
What if… by j-hope
Space Invader by The National
Butchered Tongue by Hozier
Don’t ever say love me by Colde & RM
Fearless by Seventeen
Abstract (Psychopomp) by Hozier
tagging: @bluemingdream @senor-hoberto @rainbowcoloredpalmtrees @cosmicdreamgrl @sevencoloredstar @wnjunhui @spicyclematis and whoever feels like it 💛
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fairyofsilence · 2 years
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Pairings: Yandere!Namjoon x Reader, Yandere!Jungkook x Reader
Word count: 0.6 K
This is part of the obsession series, you can find my main masterlist here.
Warnings (for this chapter): +18, stalking.
I don't agree nor condone any of the actions made by any of the characters throughout the story, I also do not belive that any of the members of BTS would act this way or have this type of behaviour, this story it's fiction and it's written with the sole purpose of entertainment, please proceed with caution.
Summary:Your husband adores you and he would do anything for you, but little do you know, so will the man who's watching you from the shadows.
Taglist (for this series): @minshookie29, @multifandombishthatlovekth, @kimlineownsme, @marslena, @apriljoon, @investedreader, @darkuni63, @gotnothing-todo, @silversparkles11, @ksooed, @pineapplestemkth​ (If you like to be added, just comment under this post or send me an ask requesting to be added❤)
First of all, I’m apologizing once again, college has been beating my ass nonstop since the semester started and this last week I’ve finally gotten a small “break” where I could just chill and get my mind off of things, I’ve been wanting to post this since yesterday but life decided to not be on my side and everything that could go wrong went wrong, so sorry about that, this is really short and it’s a small gift as an apology for taking so long to post the third chapter, I will not let you go another month without an update, thank you all for reading and for waiting, love you all (If I missed you on the taglist don’t worry, you will be tagged later today and for the next chapter).
Anyways, please enjoy this small drabble<3
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Neither you nor Namjoon could stop giggling while being all over each other on your small sofa at your apartment, it was only a day after his proposal, and you were still over the moon after the magical night you experienced, granted, you could say you were expecting for him to propose, but it doesn’t make the whole thing less exciting, you still can’t quite understand the intensity of Namjoon’s love for you, but there’s something you do know for sure; you’ll spend every day of your life trying to return just the same amount of love he gives you.
 Seeing you getting lost in your thoughts, Namjoon squeezes your thigh trying to get back your attention on him, however, you seem to be in a more playful mode, pretending you don’t notice his actions, letting out a deep sigh, Namjoon smiles and starts tickling you, making you laugh while trying to stop him as he also giggles at your poor attempts to get his hands off of you, he eventually does stop his ministrations when he realizes he might take it too far, Namjoon looks down to look you in the eyes only to find you already looking at him with the sweetest look in your eyes, and it makes him melt right there, he cups your cheek with his right hand and you instantly reach out to grab his hand, delivering several small kisses across his hand, making him laugh.
 “I love you so much” Namjoon says out of the blue and it makes you smile, you grab his face in between your hands before replying:
“I know” He rolls his eyes and gives you a small pinch on your leg, making you yelp and laugh before actually responding to him; “You know I love you too Joonie”.
Namjoon considers himself to be a lucky person, he’s wealthy, he’s smart and he’s good looking, but he doesn’t think no one is lucky enough to get someone like you in his life, you’re a miracle, your love is the only thing that matters to him the most, and he promises to love you until his last breath while cuddling you close to his chest, playing with your hair while the sound of the pouring rain outside lulls you both to sleep, and while you both slept on such a small couch, Namjoon has never slept so good in his whole life.
  Outside, in front of your building, standing completely still on the harsh rain while everyone else around him runs for cover, Jungkook look up to what he knows is the window of your apartment, he came as soon as he find out, refusing to believe you would do such thing to him, but looking at you walking hand in hand with him, not being able to keep your hands off of him made him sick, he always tells himself to calm down, that one day he’ll have you, when the time is right, but every day it gets harder to keep himself in check, he gets on his nerves a little too much, and with his last stunt, Namjoon has gotten on his wrong side, initially he didn’t want to hurt him, only because you seem to care about him so much, but he’s crossed the line now, Jungkook can’t wait until the day he gets his hands on you, and he finally gets rid of him.
“Hey kid, are you coming in or what?” A man in a full suit asks him while holding the door of the building open, Jungkook offers him a smile and with a wave he responds:
“No sir, I was just leaving” Without expecting an answer, Jungkook turns his back on the man and starts walking away, his mind full of thoughts, thoughts about you.
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sweetwolfcupcake · 2 years
The Forest: Survivors
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The Forest: The Beginning
Warning- Slight mature Scene, Eerie Details
“Look what I’ve got.” George had invited her for a study session in the library attic.
“What is this?”
“A casefile that no one wants us to see. And fortunately, there’s a survivor.”
“A survivor of what?”
“Mysterious attack, as weird as it sounds. Moreover, this girl’s account supports some of Dr Backe’s claim. She and her friend had ventured into the woods. And she was the only one to return.”
The story was close to home. It was similar to her own experience, naturally, the case file sparked her interest.
“And what is her statement?”
“Her parents thought that she had gone mad- anyone would have thought that. They institutionalised her but the doctors claim that other than her story and what she believed in, nothing else is bizarre about her.” 
George revealed before flicking the pages. The recorded statement was, in fact, three pages long.
“You have gone through the statement?”
George nodded “Yes, I did. And the story is straight out of some really creepy horror movie. Okay, so this girl- the names have not been revealed. It’s Jane here, but that’s not her real name. So Jane and Ross had gone trekking. In the mountains of a border of some kind.”
“So, not even the mentioned place is real?”
“She’s a surviving witness, the police want to ensure her safety.”
“Yes, right.” (Y/N) nodded, being able to make sense of the anonymity
“Okay, so they went trekking, searching for the right place to set up their tent. Ross had mentioned another place miles away, but he spotted a shortcut on their way. If they crossed a woodland, they would be reaching their destination quicker. They were well-equipped and had trekked through forests before, so it was not an issue.” 
George pointed at the highlighted lines on the pages and read out
 “Here, she states that- ‘There was something off about the woods. Something I had never felt before. It stood out in the middle of outstretched meadows and it stood with sunlight barely filtering through the gigantic trees. Believe me, Sir, I had been in woods far thicker, far dense, with just as much large growths. But that forest. It stood as if it was warning us- it stood stiff, without a moment, without a single sound. There was not a bird chirpring, not a squirrel calling out. It was so dreadfully silent, that everything  within me was against stepping in. I could feel Ross’ nervousness too, but he was a sceptic- exceedingly so.’ ”
George paused, leaning against his chair.
“And I assume they went in anyway.” George shrugged at her words
“Yes, like in every horror movie, there is one all too brave and sheerly stupid one. In this story, it was Ross- and he paid the price.”
“That’s sad. They had probably thought that they were going to have a good time.” (Y/N) sighed at the horrific tragedy.
“The horror has not even begun.”
(Y/N) frowned at his words, but let him continue.
“You see, according to her, despite all the instinctive warnings, she entered the forest, her friend was insistent.”
“And they went in.” she stated the obvious.
George nodded grimly and continued-
“They went in, it began to rain. The weather was turning worse, so they sought shelter. They found themselves in a den. The next morning, they set off again, trying to search their way back.”
(Y/N) frowned at his words “Did they not know the way?”
“Appaerntly the compass had stopped working, the map was not detailed enough. In fact, the forest’s details were not even present on the map. The forest seemed and felt untouched in every way possible. You know, eerily so.”
(Y/N) felt cold all over.
“Why isn’t the compass working?” Michael hissed
“So then—”
“George.” she interrupted him, feeling increasingly restless.
“Can we…I think we should continue this later? I am in a hurry today.”
“Yeah sure, I don’t mind. I will ust have a closer look into it meanwhile.” he smiled and nodded.
“Okay then, see you tomorrow.”
“Bye then.”
“Yeah, bye, reach home safe.” he waved her away as she collected her things and walked out of the place.
As (Y/N) trudged toward her apartment, she was greeted by the sight of Namjoon once more. He was in a tracksuit, yet his impressive form was not hidden. His wide shoulder and muscled arms complemented his spectacular height. And while he blew puffs of clouds with each huff while he jogged. His long limbs strode swiftly with power.
He was an exceptionally handsome man, and when she realised that she had been staring at his fast approaching figure for too long, she could not help but blush in embarassment. Namjoon was a handsome man after all. 
He seemed to have slowed down as he neared her, but then quickly picked up the pace and jogged by. It was getting dark, the streetlights did help but not so much, naturally, he must have not noticed. Nodding at the thought, (Y/N) walked inside her apartment building, the image of his jogging form still afresh and just as enticing in her mind.
Back in her apartment, Cindy was not home. (Y/N) was frowned at the discovery since she kept track of her roommate’s work schedule.
She is not supposed to have a night shift tonight.
She mused as walked into the kitchen. There was a bowl of chicken pasta kept by the microwave along with a post-it note.
‘I am having a night's stay at my friend’s. Do not worry, have dinner and get to bed on time.’
The note had a smiley on its corner. Typical Cindy.
“Let’s have dinner then.” (Y/N) thought out loud, putting the bowl into the microwave.
“The compass was stuck.”
Her voice was like any five-year-old, yet there was a strange quiver to it. Even though the video (Y/N) could feel how tense she had been as a child while trying to remember what had happened in that forest that day.
The case file George had shown her had urged her to try to watch her therapy recording again.
“The compass was working fine before?’
Dr Meera’s voice remained stable, unlike hers.
The five year-old on the screen only nodded.
 “It was working fine when Michael showed it to me. He told me that he knew how to read a compass- his Dad taught him. But when we were inside the forest, it wouldn’t work. He tried to shake it.”
“Okay then, so the compass was not working. Anything else you remember, child?”
The girl shook her head.
(Y/N) sighed as the video ended. She did remember clearly how the compass was not working inside the forest, it was fine before they had entered the place. But as soon as they had stepped inside, it was still. 
They were children, it took them a while to realise that it was not working. And by the time they did, they were already deep inside. She remembered how she looked back but all she could see was mist and looming shadows of gigantic trees and creepers.
She had always doubted her memory, herself. But Jane and Ross’ case file had opened a new door for her. The girl had described uncannily similar occurrences. There had to be a connection. She could not let George continue because she was afraid. But she realised that she could not afford to be a coward anymore. If she wanted to discover the truth, if she truly wanted to find out what had happened to her friend, she needed to face the truth head-on.
She needed to know more about the case of Jane and Ross. 
“Jane Woods and Ross Walker… Hmm. I have heard about the case.” Professor Murray scratched his chin as he examined the case file.
 (Y/N) and George had decided to take the case to Professor Murray, considering his deep knowledge regarding so many bizarre and unsolved cases. 
At this point, she was far from bothered to keep things subtitles. She needed to know more about the case, and if she would be suspected- let her be suspected to have much more to do with the cases than simple ‘intrigue’.
“Jane Woods, Jane Woods. I see.” he skimmed through the file before looking up to both the seated students.
“I am writing you both an address. I know a person who could help you, people, much better. At a much deeper level.” he scribbled down an address as he spoke and handed it to (Y/N).
“Thank you, Professor.” she thanked him, accepting the note.
“Would this weekend be okay, Professor?” George enquired
“Yes, no problem, I’ll let him know.” he smiled at both of them
“Oh, I need to get going for a lecture. See you tomorrow.”
“Sure. thank you, Sir.” they perked in unison.
“Where were you last night?” (Y/N) could not help but ask as soon as she stepped inside her apartment and found Cindy in the kitchen, probably preparing dinner.
“At a friend’s. You got the note, didn’t you?” Cindy shrugged with a smile.
Yes, she most definitely did. And it was not the first time Cindy was having a sleepover at someone else’s place, it was rare and Cindy would always mention the name. This time, though, there was no name.
“Which friend?” she kept her tone light, trying not to sound nosy. But she could not help but wonder.
Cindy turned to face her with a coy smile “Did you like the dinner?”
“Eh, yes. It was delicious.” the pasta was truly a blessing to tastebuds
“Yeah, Jin made it for you. I was at Jin’s place last night.”
The twinkle in her eyes and the subtle colouring of her cheeks said it all. (Y/N) made an ‘o’ with her lips as realisation dawned upon her.
“You guys had condoms, right? And I hope Namjoon had a good night’s sleep.” 
“Gosh, (Y/N)!” she earned a playful smack on her arm from Cindy, but that only encouraged her to burst out in a fit of giggles.
“It was nothing, just a movie night.”
“Sure, ‘movie night’.” she wiggled her eyebrows at Cindy.
It was never boring with Jin. Besides, he had proved himself to be a true gentleman every time she had met him. He and Cindy shared similar humour and outlook, and (Y/N) enjoyed Jin’s company- she was comfortable with him. There was something about Jin that made her feel at ease, made her feel reassured. 
“Okay, we kissed.” Cindy confessed “Made out.” she added with a sigh, giving in under (Y/N)’s unrelenting and knowing gaze.
“Now we’re speaking. So, planning dates?”
“Tch, I am kind of busy these days. And he has a lot of assignments piled up to mark. So, no, no dates these days ut we can plan grocery shopping together, or morning jogs, whatever suits our schedules.” 
(Y/N) hummed in response before picking up the kettle and filling two cups. 
“Namjoon was asking about you?” it was Cindy’s turn to wiggle her eyebrows.
“Really? Why?” she shrugged and tried to sound nonchalant.
“He is a nice man, isn’t he?” Cindy urged
“Mhm, he is. No doubt on that.” (Y/N) sipped her tea as she spoke.
“What do you think of him?”
“He is nice, I guess?” she knew where the conversation was going.
“So why aren’t you planning a date with him?” Cindy jumped to the point.
“Cindy, just because he’s nice does not mean that I’ll date him.”
“I don’t think he would mind, in fact, I have a feeling that he might just be interested you know?”
“Really?” (Y/N) rolled her eyes as Cindy began her theories.
“He’s always looking out for you, always asking about your likes and dislikes, involving you in conversations. Could a gentleman be any more apparent?”
“I don’t buy that.” (Y/N) narrowed her eyes
Cindy only shrugged “Your wish. But at least don’t deny that you find him hot.”
“I admit that he is a fine man, Cindy, but that’s not enough. He just appears…Too perfect sometimes.”
An unexpected silence dawned between them. 
“And, why do you think so?” Cindy’s voice dropped an octave
(Y/N) sighed but kept sipping her tea. Her mind ran back and forth for proper answers, she had none.
“I don’t know?”
She was there again, but this time outside the spring, pressed to a cold rock. This time though, she stood in front of the man, both of them having bodies bare, yet he could not bring herself to look up. His torso felt robust and his tongue against her cheek- hot. 
There was something molten, carnal yet deeply passionate between the two. She still could not see his face, her vision was focused on the spring a few feet away, yet, her mind was with him, completely with him. She had not been aware of her nakedness until his hand cupped one of her breasts. His grip was soft yet firm, just like his other arm wound around her waist, keeping her stable when her legs turned boneless.
His lips descended to her neck, wetness and heat trailing further down, further, and further until they reached her breast, her eager buds peaked under his coaxing touches. They were hot but also smooth and left a quivering sensation in their wake.
His lips were plush against hers and his naked chest was smooth and cool with the droplets of water cascading down like steams from shower sex.
Finally, she looked up. 
A pair of eyes of heated gaze doused with passion greeted her, the amber eyes had a fiery dragon trapped in them, and they left her breathless.
(Y/N) woke up with pressure on her chest. Nothing. But there was an after-feeling. She was back in her room, with Cindy sound asleep—
She let out a silent gasp on finding her bedside empty. Sitting up, she looked around. The room was engulfed in pitch darkness, except for moonlight filtering in from the half-drawn curtains. The blinds were not set properly, allowing the moonlight in. 
Getting up from her bed, (Y/N) made her way towards the window. The room felt hot and suffocating. Opening the window, she allowed her tired gaze to glide around. 
There was a strange hush that had fallen around. The wind played in gusts of chills but apart from the wind and the full moon setting the sky aglow, there was no other activity.
She glanced at the digital clock by her bedside- it showed two o’clock in the morning. She still had plenty of time to sleep. The dream had left her flustered.
(Y/N) strained her ears to hear Cindy in the kitchen. Nothing. Only silence. Frowning, she walked out of the room to look around for Cindy.
Yet, she failed to notice the pair of amber eyes gliding smoothly along smoothly with her movements from the darkest corner of the room.
“Cindy?” she called out for her roommate who was nowhere to be seen. The kitchen light was switched off, and the study room was locked from the outside.
“What the hell? Cindy?” she looked for her on the balcony, but it was empty too.
Switching on the light in the drawing room, (Y/N) looked around for any note Cindy might have left for her. Nothing, there was nothing.
Concerned, she rushed back to the bedroom and switched on the light. The bathroom was empty, the study table untouched. A chilling gust of wind hit her side, diverting her attention to the still open window. She had left it sightly opened but the wind had left it wide-opened as the curtains danced with the strong wind. 
Shutting the window, she picked up her phone and dialled Cindy’s number. Her phone was unreachable, further intensifying her worries. Cindy would always leave with at least a note if it were an emergency at the hospital. But there was none.
Sighing, (Y/N) sat on the bed. Turning to her roommate’s side, she prayed that it was only a critical emergency and that she was safe and sound. (Y/N) knew that her fears were unfounded, but she could not help herself.
She just could not.
Switching off the lights, she slipped back under the comforter and tried to fall asleep. Hopefully, Cindy would be back by the afternoon.
@angryperfectionpersona @apriljoon @hitsuren @catheriiineeee @dearbambideer
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